Insane Experiment: 100 Days as Avatar in Minecraft!

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we need to master all four elements to become the Avatar and once we are ready we need to challenge some of the most powerful avatars making this adventure extremely difficult so for the next 100 days we will be exploring this crazy world and all the different tasks that are waiting for us wait I’m not ready oh my God okay he knows how to do a torado though what is happening okay I need to use my air blades ability hold up boom okay we did good damage to the guy oh my God okay he’s summoning the tornado again and he’s like in a ball thing now as well please he’s so low come on one more shot and there we go what on Earth is this oh these are all the elements I’m assuming and each element has a couple of abilities as well that we are unfortunately not smart enough to learn but we do have one air ability already which is super nice and he wants to give us a reward okay what are we going to get oh we got ourselves one point wait I think we can use these points to learn new abilities from the Avatar thingy we need two points in order to learn the next ability called air spere which is very very nice we can block incoming attacks so that’s some sort of defensive ability which would be kind of nice when I get a unexpected boss battle hello o what is this there’s a floating coin over here a payow tile isn’t that like one of the board games from the actual show oh it’s the big Flo hello sir okay well let me speak to all the people here these are shrines to some of you former lives it is said that the Avatar can seek guidance from these statues oh look it’s all the past avatars oh my God wait this is insane oh it’s Ang and Kora as well okay very very interesting indeed wait so what can I do with all these avatars hello Avatar Koshi you’re the latest version of us it’s nice to meet you I’m Avatar Koshi I’ve lived a long time ago during my time I restored peace to the world remember that sometimes the the Avatar must be Swift and decisive I can challenge this Avatar you’re brave and it seems unwise to challenge me until you have at least mastered all of the earth bending abilities ooh okay so there are four Avatar so I’m guessing I need to master one of each element to challenge these ones okay interesting greetings Avatar I am Guru pathic I want St Avatar Ang how to master the Avatar State wait we get a gift oh my God give me the gift you have unlocked gra a statue visit air Temple Island to view the collection oh okay we got some collectible let’s go assami how we doing everyone is giv us gifts Asami gave us a gift as well and another gift ice and whistle and we can travel to many different locations as well by the looks of things to busing save water tribe Rumble Arena that’s going to be super fun Amber Island and the Northern Air Temple very interesting okay oh I can practice my air abilities that’s super nice and this room seems to be like like the collection room I’m assuming cuz this is the gauntlet we received earlier from Mami this place is super super nice oh wait that’s the Zuko mask as well oh my gosh and one of the uh Spirits from Legend of Kora okay well I need to make sure I get all the Collectibles then all righty time to travel to Bing SE I guess and here we are wait can we meet up with the Cabbage man that would be amazing welcome traveler to Bing say the greatest city in the world welcome to the Lev ring way it’s so quaint and Lively let me know if you have any further questions let me take a look at this place oh my God yo wait this place looks amazing is that Zuko down there I think we just saw Zuko yeah it is but so far there are no signs of the Cabbage man which is unfortunate oh I see him he’s right there oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my he is the main character of the anime I do not care what anyone says oh my God cabbage man can I destroy the cabbages please this is for science my friend I’m sorry oh no yo I didn’t mean it though bite cabbages it was for science I apologize buddy oh it’s Suki and Suki wants to give us a gift as well a Kyoshi Warriors fan ooh okay let’s go a brand new collectible I’m assuming we take it s and Katara we’ve got exactly three copper pieces left let’s defend them wisely right we still need to get some food cabbage not again please do hello I am Katara and this is my brother Sak from the southern water tribe you’re not from around here either I am the Avatar I am the new Avatar the brand new Avatar in town yeah oh and we unlocked the southern water tribe teleport now let’s go who is this Shady person he’s just chilling here looking kind of menacing I won’t lie to you hey you’re a bender right I’ve been looking for someone to fight are you up for for it ooh of course I’m up for it let’s go we are fighting detective Mao oh no wait he looks kind of powerful wait oh no I was not ready for this oh relax oh my God oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die hello fire bending is so powerful oh my God I’m so weak I’m just a weak little Avatar eat this eat my air blades we have officially kind of healed up why is he break dancing he is break dancing oh my go and I think we defeated him yo M never stood a chance I won’t even lie to you we are the avatar for a reason my my friend give me the reward right now and we got another Mastery Point wait this means we can learn a brand new ability no the I remember this guy from The Legend of Kora anime he’s like the main evil guy right oh I’m breaking the wall oh my God we found another coin and what is happening over here huh oh it’s the guy from the poster you there in the back I wouldn’t leave yet Avatar you miss the main EV ENT people of bsing say please watch what unfolds next carefully the Avatar needs to be reminded of the power I possess is this another boss fight oh my God it’s another fight oh I’m not ready this guy’s really good now oh no wait why why did I start this fight is this a bad idea he’s a water bender water versus a come on we got this what you going to do huh oh my God that does so much damage Amon you are actually super tanky as well this is getting scary I can’t even Dodge a sits oh my God I need to heal okay all I need to do is keep jumping oh my God what is that he became a squid what am I meant to do now hello I mean it would be better if he knew our defensive ability so we could just dodge all his hits like that but you know this kind of works he’s almost down already almost there wo we defeated Ammon impossible yeah right buddy give me that reward we got three points now and we got mask as a collectible ooh okay well I guess my deed here is finished yo we are just clapping everyone are be like the most powerful Avatar hello hey kid want to buy some cactus juice huh are you selling the uh the illegal substances sir excuse me what are you doing there’s like police everywhere calm down buddy God damn and we have arve back here in the center of the town I guess so let’s learn our next ability the air spere and there we go just like that we unlocked it and the final ability that we can learn is a tornado and this is the ability we just unlocked ooh be summon like a shield around us that’s super nice we are definitely unkillable now we got the air blades air sphere no one can actually just take us down we are too good at the game oh and I came back to this person and we can break this giant wall as well and it’s honestly so satisfying to do so oh my God look at this okay well let’s see what’s in here hello oh my God oh my God what what what what what ambushed we just got ambushed Shield boom and our Shield knocks them away as well which is super cool oh my God what’s happening there’s Earth Benders fire Benders here water benders everyone’s after us okay we just for a water bender though so I know exactly how to avoid their attacks and there’s a air bender as well no that’s a fire bender I’m so happy we learned the defensive move otherwise we would be dead by now oh my God there’s more there’s even more we are defeating Benders left right and Center ladies and gentlemen this is honestly scary I need to heal oh my God oh my God there’s so many of them please how many more I think we did it oh my God that was very unexpected I can’t lie to you hello hi B is practicing for his next match down at the Rumble Arena ooh what’s a little thing like you doing getting in the way yo come on man I would destroy you bro challenge the boulder to a duel you’re challenging me if you really want to take on the boulder you should come down to the rumble oh my God we just unlocked Rumble Arena let’s go okay we will become the strongest Bender the planet has ever seen right now we might only know the air element but later on we will learn every single element water Earth and fire as well well we are one ability away and then we need to go on to the water element and learn that so let’s head on over to this place oh my God that’s Zuko before I go talk to him I quickly want to explore these surroundings maybe we find some of those P show tiles again since I’m assuming we need to find as many of those as possible a citizen is crying as always okay oh my God wait there’s more ambushed again why is everyone trying to kill me please it’s all Earth Benders this time so this should be a little bit easier to Dodge I can’t lie to you go go go go go go there’s so many of them it’s a three versus one how is this Fair easy easy easy please we are so close to die as well I need to be careful wo I think we did it oh my God we did we actually did itoo let’s go ladies and gentlemen that was intense either way though this guy wants to talk to me now what are you doing back there huh causing some trouble they bro your guys ambushed me what do you mean I’m the leader of the dial oh wait do you want to fight oh my God this guy wants to fight as well I can’t even recover fully hello you are under arrest for disturbing the peace in bsing sa bro they ambushed me this is going to be a crazy boss fight I already know He summoned the ball hello you need to relax he is summoning your big ball what is that he just struck the meet you at me this guy’s scary thank goodness I can double jump if I wasn’t able to double jump I think I would be screwed I can’t lie to you knock him all the way back in the corner and he goes down it’s just that easy you’re made an enemy of the DI Le and the Glorious city of Bing sa be watch your back kid give me the reward right now buddy and we received one more point which is One Step Closer on unlocking the final move for the air element and we can finally move on onto the water element which is going to be super fun but I think it’s time we talk to Zuko and by the looks of things this guy wants to fight me as well I will find the Avatar I am definitely not the Avatar sir okay well I guess I’m a bad liar zuku wants to doel me the fire Prince himself oh no is he going to destroy me we are doing amazing damage boom Oh my God he’s break dancing he is break dancing ladies and gentlemen what you going to do huh can’t get close anymore Zuko no I refuse to lose to you fight me again Avatar I will not lose you know what fine let’s fight again cuz that first fight was honestly so easy I won’t even lie to you oh no he’s looking a bit more prepared now oh no wa wait wait this might be scary wait let’s go Zuko come at me Zuko can you even get close to me I don’t think you can oh no he’s doing damage he’s doing some damage he’s doing some pretty good damage oh God was this a mistake why am I swimming this is no time for swimming we might be able to get zuka in the water never mind he jumped out smart move smart move we need to keep our distance cuz if this guy gets close to us we are fried and cooked quite literally and there we go we took him down again no yeah give me the reward right now buddy give me that Mastery Point okay and the unlock the blue Spirit man mask as well let’s go oh and I didn’t even notice this earlier by the way look at this wall this wall is giant we found another P tile what is that light in the sky hello it is over here oh it’s the Avatar thingy right I think it is oh my God is that boomy okay this definitely looks like a trap hold on a minute we have five points already can we learn the final ability we can conjure a devastating twist that seeks out opponents tornadoes all damage and knock back opponents who come into contact with it okay and we can now speak to Avatar Ang as well which is super cool all the way back at the air Temple but let’s see how this ability looks let me go out in this open area a little bit hold on a minute let’s see yo we can summon a tornado we can summon multiple oh my God we can have like three tornadoes at the same time okay well let’s H go speak to Boomie I guess I’m assuming we’re going to get assassinated because this area looks very us very uh not friendly let’s just say oh yeah definitely okay okay okay there’s so many of them this is perfect look at that tornado work go tornado oh my God the tornado does so much damage y booby I’m here bro I’m here okay so the smart thing would be to pile all of them up and Chuck a little tornado at them like here right now boom there we go and the tornado will kind of kind of do its thing right there oh my God look at that come on we’re almost there oh I think we did it boom me how you doing bro don’t worry about me I’m having a great time up here in this cage oh so I just saved your ass for nothing but let’s go back into the middle of the busing SE cuz we didn’t explore this place yet maybe there’s something cool over here let’s see oh my God it’s him it’s this guy I forgot your name but I remember you from the anime you were trying to rise up Katara right jet yeah that’s your name stop right there what are you some kind of Fire Nation spy stay out of my way I’m pretty sure that old man in side is Fire Nation Oh it’s iro and there’s a door back here oh my God there’s another tile hello iro what do you have to say sir I like to relax with a cup of tea and being the Avatar must keep you very busy indeed oh we can log the Ember Island let’s go you have the look of someone who has the world on their shoulders Avatar have you considered taking a vacation Ember Island is very pleasant this time of year you can relax on the beach or watch a performance yes please there we go we unlocked Ember Island and there’s another wall we can break wait we can just do this right now hold on a minute boom can you go in the no okay I guess the tornado has a mind of its own ooh we found the garden here wonderful day isn’t it I come to this park every day to relax yeah this day is great man I battled Zuko I battled all the many different ambushes already yeah this is such a peaceful and nice day you know it’s just a good time oh we found another tile here hello this place is absolutely massive by the way passing say is huge it goes all the way there all the way there oh my God this place is insane so let’s keep on heading down in the alleyway that we started going at there’s another Avatar statue down there let’s go and boomy we meet again okay well I guess we head on over to this area which looks very interesting already I’m pretty sure that’s aula right there and she will uh attack us with her lightning bending which is going to be a fun time I’m sure so uh yeah here we go aula wants to battle Us by the looks of things which kind of makes sense I guess but fighting isula is something I don’t want to do I can’t lie to you I am kind of scared of her so let’s speak to you first my the oh I’m pretty sure this was Zuko’s girlfriend right princess aula has been looking for you we had a lot of fun capturing King Boomie just to laure you out here although I’m not sure if anyone actually noticed that he was missing okay really either way though I think it’s time be fight aula my brother and my uncle have disgraced the fire lord and have brought shame on all of us as the true hair of the Fire Nation is up to me to protect my father’s Legacy I challenge you to ad all Avatar and will show you what a true firebending Master is capable of well let’s do this fire princess aula oh my God what she doing y chill can I do a tornado I’m doing a tornado scre I’m doing it if I am not focused for one moment I might perish very quickly okay no no no no no no oh this is bad this is really bad this is really bad please please please we’re doing good we’re keeping our distance which is what I think we should do anyway in the first place okay relax and oh I think we did it aula has been defeated and Boomie seems to be released which is fantastic and Boomie wants to fight as well oh my God can I call my trust little bison it teleports us all the way back here let’s go let’s travel all the way back to a temple Island shall we because I would like to check out a little something something our little collection room is probably expanded yeah there we go we got jet swords we got this thingy Miggy we got Zuko’s mask let’s go and his as well but since we unlocked every single ability from the air element I believe we can take on Ang and truly Master the element hey nice to meet you I am Avatar Ang with the help of my friends I managed to bring an end to the 100-year war remember don’t forget what is most important to you and who you are and just because you’re the Avatar that doesn’t mean you can have fun that is based and we can straight up just challenge it because we mastered all of the moves in the air element you want to fight all let’s go I’ve been bored stiff over here we are about to fight Avatar Ang let’s do this shall we this might be a very difficult fight our most difficult fight yet and he’s using air blades just like me oh my God and he is so much off oh my God he knows all the elements of course it makes sense he’s using a tornado I’ll use a tornado against him as well he is summoning tornadoes like it’s nobody’s business please nice good damage very good damage he just summoned three tornadoes you need to relax he has 50% Health we are so close Boom Boom Boom come on Ang you are almost done for you are done for buddy you know all four elements but I know one element that is superior to all the other elements the best element in the game of course the air element we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close we’re so close come on let’s go Avatar Ang has been defeated congratulations Avatar I see you are a true master of air bending yes I am and for that we have unlocked the airbending trophy marking our Mastery of the air element which means we can finally unlock the water bending now and there we go one of the four elements fully massive we have a long way to go but I think we can do it so let me go all the way back here and let’s unlock the water element shall we the water whip boom and you know what why not test it out against this guy shall we this guy was kind of scary at the start I can’t lie to you but now I know exactly what I’m doing boom oh my God this attack is so cool it does so much damage we are about to go crazy yo the water element is so cool Hello this attack is insane and just like that with I think four or five hits we defeated this person okay the water element is going to be super fun to use we can just take water look at it it looks so cool let’s go boom so let’s go back to Bing say and finish exploring that area because I think we didn’t get to explore everything just yet yeah we were meant to fight Boomie I completely forgot about this Boomie I have mastered the air element and now I know how to use the water as well this dude is actually finished greetings Avatar I’m the king of omashu I would say on a diplomatic Mission but the scrun caught me of God thanks for freeing me I got you bro now Avatar it’s time for your real challenge to begin I challenge you to ad D you may think I am a frail old man but I’m the most powerful Earth Bender you’ll ever meet it’s time we take on the Mad genius King Boomie and this time I do want to defeat Boomie was only using the water move we just learned because I feel like that would be so cool and we are doing so much damage to him as well let’s go as long as we keep our distance I think we should be fine and he just dodged my attack okay never mind I didn’t know water bending was this much fun and Boomie is almost down we are so close on defeating you come on we got this Boom come at me Boomie oh no he just made a wall wait that’s bad Boomie you need to peek eventually sir I see him I see his arm and just like that Boomie has been defeated well done Avatar thank you very much and we just got another Mastery point and a creeping Crystal as a collection which is very nice okay and I think with that we have official cleared out by sing save we defeated King buom aula and Zuko I think it’s time we move on over to the next area which is the southern water tribe and I feel like this is kind of fitting because this place is known for the water bending and we just started our water bending journey and we found another tile right on top of here can I scoper any other ones I don’t think I can but this place looks insane there’s the Frozen ship ship over there it’s the Cabbage man uh this is for science my friend yo I’m sorry man my cabbages I was told that forgiveness is a virtue so I forgive you this isn’t great but at least I have three more cards all right well let’s go into the main Igloo I guess see what’s happening in here hello Avatar cor was born in the southern water tribe how much do you really know about her I know it’s trivia time oh God okay okay okay what is the name of korus polar bear dog oh my God no no no no okay don’t do this to me okay so AA is the big floof monster the big Flying Bison iro is the is the grandfather I think Momo is the flying little uh demon so it’s either Naga or Pabu I feel like Naga yeah let’s go that’s right kaora and Naga became friends when they were both still Cubs out there in the southern water tribe let’s go it’s just so easy hello Soaker what you doing here you want to give me a gift okay sure what you going to give me huh oh we got his boomerang as a collectible let’s go that’s kind of cool well either way I’m assuming we are meant to head on over to this direction because that is where the path leads so let’s just continue walking here huh why does kataro on to fight hello what did I do welcome to Wolf’s Cove it’s an honor to have you here Avatar I am the only water bender in the village but I’ll do my best to help you on your journey ooh wait maybe after this though we can learn another water attack that would be kind nice let’s do this Katara you will sadly go down and I will use my water attacks on you ow she actually does so much damage I can’t even lie you oh she’s an octopus again okay okay relax relax relax and there we go wow I’m impressed Avatar yeah kataro you got absolutely clapped by the way we got another Mastery point so let’s see if we can unlock the next water ability and we can it is the octopus form because can now become a octopus so I’m guessing this is the water equip equivalent of a defensive ability just like this one right here hello there sir some strangers have set Camp just across the ice ples I wonder who they are I guess I could go speak with them but Outsiders make me nervous Penguins can I go penguin sliding please I don’t think I can why can’t I just go down with you like boom okay either way though let’s continue on up here and it looks like we are going up to the Shipwreck which is super cool and there’s someone there’s two people in the tent here hello hey it would appear that there’s a stranger inside our tent it does appear that way oh these are the twins I remember these from the anime and there’s also a person here who wants to fight wasn’t this like a super evil dude in the anime I’m pretty sure he’s from Legend of Kora right or I might be absolutely fried right now but I think that’s the case it’s a 3v one are you crazy this is insane why is it a 3v one okay who’s the most powerful one I feel like we defeat the guy first cuz he’s like the general I’m pretty sure so it would make makes sense that he is more powerful but at the same time the twins are kind of clapping my cheeks right now oh my God this might be the first time I die ladies and genten I’m in the Avatar State hello what oh my God I’m in the Avatar State this is crazy look at me how did they even enter the Avatar state that was crazy okay well we defeated the 1 V3 I guess and we can continue maybe on forward to the ship we can go inside the ship oh my god let’s go I See Fire Nation helmets we haven’t seen fire nation in a very long time actually and sadly on the ship I will not be able to use any of the water abilities because there’s no water in a fire nationship can I open any of these doors I don’t think I can oh there’s a ladder okay there’s a place where we can jump oh we found a tile let’s go we have seven tiles now that’s insane let me climb back up one more time just to double check that we didn’t miss out on anything I don’t think we did though since we can’t open these metal doors and we can only go in here yeah okay so this ship was meant to uh hide the tire apparently and we found it so I guess we can exit now let’s go all the way back to the tribe area to the village and is there anything else we can do here oh no because I have a weird feeling we kind of found everything that is to find in this place so I say it’s time we travel to a brand new location which is going to be the Rumble Arena and the Cabbage man is here again wait we sneak up on him hold up boom is it going to do it what what the Cabbage man made stronger carts now okay I respect it I thought all of these fighs would be hungry for cabbages but I haven’t sold the single one okay well I guess we head on over in here and hopefully we even stand a chance against these Fighters hello I see a little tile up there okay this is getting ridiculous how many tiles are there welcome to the Earth Rumble 7 I think that is I am your host xinfu Janu jinfu I definitely mispronounced that name by the way I’m sorry are you interested in joining the free prove yourself in the freefor all and then we’ll talk okay let’s take a look at the Rumble Arena first shall we okay this place looks so cool I wonder how many fights we need to do I think I just walk in okay let’s do this oh God okay it’s a freefor all apparently and all of them are for some reason after me how does that make sense this is meant to be a free-for all but they’re all against me I oh my God there’s like five of them six my tornado needs to go crazy here oh my God it did I cannot wait to learn Earth bending my skill are so weak there’s two more here oh God oh God okay okay that’s bad boom we won the freefor all let’s go oh God and there’s three people that want to fight this is going to be kind of scary I can’t lie to you but before we fight these three individuals we do have four Mastery points and I believe we can unlock the final waterbending attack which is called the frost breath this ability can be held to send a continuous stream of cold air oh my God wait so can we freeze people right now ooh yo this is so cool okay hold on a minute let’s go back to the air Temple real quick and because we just learned every single water bending attack we can now attempt to master the element by defeating Avatar Kora which is the master of water bending let’s do this shall we oh my God that was second avatar battle oh my God okay she’s straight up summoning meteos at me oh my God as long as we keep our this I think we should be fine let me use frost breath on you let me freeze you up real quick look at that she turned into a ice cube that was kind of cool actually freeze you again there we go look at that she is an ice cube now boom what you going to do now huh that octopus actually did so much damage I can’t lie to you and Avatar Kora is officially halfway down oh God she’s making a Meteo again oh God oh God Meteo versus water Andre summoned the tornado okay this is bad this is bad but I think your days are numbered Cor and unfortunately for you I am the better Bender almost there we’re so close and I think we did it let’s go congratulations Avatar I see you are a true master of water bending let’s go we got the water bending Trophy and have officially mastered the water element look at that we have mastered half of the elements already and we have so many trophies as well but there’s of course many things still to unlock so let’s head on over to the amember island hello there welcome to amember Island it’s a great place to come and relax let’s see it okay this place looks nice and cozy oh is that tyly on the beach oh my God I love this place this place is my favorite place already Fire Nation ship as well with buckets around that can only assume there’s going to be a fight there I say we go explore this Fire Nation ship oh God okay okay instantly as soon as I set foot in the ship there’s Fire Nation everywhere Let Me freeze every single one one of you oh God that didn’t work that did not work I am so low on health oh no there’s so many of them there’s legit six of them they just keep on coming okay of course please please please please please yeah get in my octopus form now what you’re going to do huh we barely defeated them oh my gosh that was scary and now there is this person hello I remember this guy he’s like the general no and he wants to doal me of course he does fire Admiral that’s the one I will defeat you with water bending sir get in my octop come on we’re so close one more hit should do it and there we go just like that it’s just that easy impossible I am destined for greatness I will destroy you and then I will destroy the moon good luck have fun with that one okay but before we exit this ship let me quickly check around for any hidden tiles maybe and I think that’s about how high we can jump okay well no tiles on the ship unfortunately but it’s fine since we got two two extra Mastery points that’s actually huge okay well we defeated the Fire Nation ship so let’s go and relax a little bit shall we let’s have a little relaxing time oh it’s one of these walls oh my God I love destroying these These are so satisfying to to destroy I can’t lie to you boom look at that okay well hello there how are we doing let me check for any tiles first no okay oh Zai isn’t this the fire lord I am not allowed to leave I continued 100 year long war and tried to conquer the four nations Avatar Ang took away my bending and now I stuck here with you a little fire lord those I is no longer Fire Lord boom he’s he’s just a common man now he’s just a part of the Common People no bending no nothing I can’t believe that’s fire lordos that’s actually insane well let’s head on down here to the beach area and I don’t know about you but I really want to go talk to Tye please let me talk to you oh my God we can oh she’s sleeping no okay I don’t want to wake you up no no no no no it’s cool okay Ty you you continue sleeping hello there I sent zuku to go fetch us ice cream half an hour ago what is taking him so long oh they’re playing volleyball can I join in please that girl is so mean she said that my face looks Bland and that I am a nameless side character I mean you are called a tourist your name is quite literally just a tourist okay did my traitor Uncle tell you to come here just go away I’m on vacation wait what’s going on here hello it’s the place hey I remember this from the show I will capture that pesky Avatar I flew all over town but I couldn’t find a single earthbending Master Hey kid you’re kind of in the way of my performance how about you take this limited edition poster and get out the way Fire Emblem Island players poster okay and the tile as well let’s go we got nine tiles in total we take those but what else is here hello it’s another tourist okay oh I think we found Zuko yeah we did no I said I wanted extra chocolate sprinkles yo zuk becoming a Ken what is going on it’s the gang look at this Soaker just chilling in a 10 man this should be standing watching the southern water to tribe I miss Koshi Island but yeah this is very nice it’s even nicer with you here hey yo Soaker with the Riz yo ladies and gentlemen take some notes from socer okay Katara hey Avatar don’t mind us we’re just here to relax the water is blue I could just watch the way 4 hours and what about you all this sand makes it kind of hard to see what’s going on how about some Rivia about my personal favorite Avatar Roku oh God okay really great which Fire Lord was Avatar Roku friends with in his youth oh my God okay okay okay okay so let me cancel out the obvious ones oai Zuko no it might be oai cuz that’s the only one I kind of remember hearing about is it oai no this is a th in every school around here which fire was av’s friend okay so it’s not Zuko it’s not oai is it soan yeah okay soan was going to be my second guess okay okay okay suan and Roku began as friends but ended up bitter enemies even still let’s say that Avatar Roku never stopped loving his friend interesting okay well Amber island has actually been very nice I can’t lie to you is there anything else here oh there is there’s a there’s something on the back there hold on a minute oh it’s iroll hello there Avatar vacations are just wonderful I have learned to take life less seriously there’s nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity but if you’d rather we fight that’s good too okay I guess we are back in Grand Lotus iro oh good lord iro is such a badass in the anime so this might actually be very tough I can’t lie to you as long as we keep our distance we should be good I feel like iro has been taking the vacation a bit too seriously oh my God we can freeze him fully he’s a ice cube what you going to do now huh ow okay he actually does a lot of damage never mind you sir need to chill bro you need to relax so so close one hit off I think and there we go I always believed in you whilst it is always best to believe in oneself a Little Help from others can be a great blessing there we go we got another Mastery point and irose T as a collectible let’s go wait we have three Mastery points does this mean we can learn the next bending skill the Earth bending yes we can throw oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen we just learned our first Earth bending skill yo we can make them meet to your ride it’s over for everyone this is so cool yo oai I got a little gift for you buddy boom well I guess that is it for the amember island for now unless I miss something then we will have to come back here later but let’s go back on the Fly and let’s go take on the Rumble Arena and you know what let me quickly just customize the abilities I’m going to use the most next to each other so it makes my life just a little bit easier hello there sir you have ear yourself entry into the Earth Rumble let’s go oh we’re battling him already pro wrestler oh God okay oh and we can easily get knocked off as well what you going to do huh what you going to do boom he dodged my attack somehow I check the giant meteor wow this attack is so crazy look at that damage that’s only three hits oh my God okay okay Earth bending is so cool it is by far the most powerful one that is insane he’s just chucking little pebbles at me I am chucking whole meteors at you bro there we go that was such an easy battle wo that was some impressive bending I am ready for my next round we are battling the balen now oh this guy I remember this guy from bsing say I’m pretty sure oh God he’s getting close he is getting close we do not want the the Earth Bender to get close to us because they are better at Earth bending than us okay this guy is a little bit more tanky by the looks of things but that shouldn’t be an issue since I have a metors just do Insane amount of damage oh my God I never realized how cool Earth bending was I can’t lie to you Earth bending was always like my least favorite element from the series compared to the other ones cuz it was like the most boring looking one but this is this is so cool and one more hit should do the trick and we did it the boulder is dissatisfied by this outcome although the boulder does look forward to watching you get crushed by the little girl the Blind Bandit oh no we are battling Toof right now wait this is going to be difficult Toof is like insane is she going to make meteors yep she is making meteors okay I need to like be careful I need to be what she just instantly disqualified me can I have a rematch begin rematch okay thank you to deleted me in like 2 seconds okay I need to be way more careful with with this fight huh she is really powerful oh God we are doing fantastic damage right now there we go tof is eating up these meteors like it’s nothing by the way oh my God come on one more hit should do it boom Toof has been defeated wow you really took me down and snatched away my champion belt I never thought this day would come to be honest nice work give me that reward right now and we are now the Earth Rumble Champion I guess let’s go and because of this I believe we can learn a brand new earthbending attack the earthquake charge earthquake to perform a larger more powerful attack o boom yo Earth bending is so cool oh my God okay let me put this like over here oh my God yo cabbage man there’s a earthquake good he really upgraded this car huh I kind of respect it oh maybe maybe upgrade it better next time buddy okay well I do quickly want to go back to the air Temple because I want to find out where we can use these PES show tiles and there is an area in this direction over here that we haven’t even explored yet so I can only guess that we are meant to use them here somewhere just what I like to see you brought up some Pao tiles let’s go ahead and place them all onto the board okay so I’m guessing I’m meant to just place them here oh okay and with this we can see easily how many more we need to find and maybe we get something cool once we complete the board and by the look looks of things we are missing three tiles and a little buddy tells me that we somehow actually missed out on a tile from the Amber Island we only found one tile but there’s apparently two and one of them is apparently somewhere in the leaves is what I’ve been told anyway from my uh Avatar sources let’s just say oh my God that is the sneakiest spot I’ve ever seen well there we go now we have completed the Ember Island God damn and I also believe that we didn’t fully explore baring SE because if I remember correctly after We rescued boomi there was a area unlocked and we never went to that area I think I might actually be wrong but I just want to check this out real quick yeah I don’t think we ever went here after we defeated this guy so it wasn’t boomy it was this guy we never actually ended up going up here which is kind of stupid of me I can’t lie to you but it is to be expected since I am a very stupid person let’s just say hello there there’s a little person I like to come sit here after a long day and admire the view Bing say truly is beautiful yeah this view is kind of nice and I thought I explored basing s completely since I spent such a long time here but I guess not anything all the way back here no it’s just a dark alleyway where crimes are bound to happen let’s see what is up here shallow there is a staircase down I’m guessing this is the other way that we could have went up and there’s a door open so I can only assume we go in here wait this is the guy from Legends of Kora right I remember you and this thing as well let’s go okay hello hello Bolan Bolan Bolan I forgot how you pronounce his name I haven’t seen Cor in such a long time oh my God hello there I’m Boling my brother and I have been practicing our bending all day and I decided to take a break but he’s still out there pushing himself I wish he had a real bending Master oh we unlocked the Northern Air Temple oh oh my god let’s go okay uh Bolan I’m sure you have a lot to say but I have a air Temple to visit so let me call the good old the Bison there we go and off to the Northern Air Temple we go oh God okay I almost fell down greetings Avatar thank you for traveling all this way welcome to the Northern Air Temple okay well let’s take a look can I climb all the way up there I hope I can the inside of the temple looks so cool as well okay well I guess we go inside good day Avatar our brother tenen is out in the courtyard just another traveler came here looking for tsen oh tenen he’s the uh he was the the guy for Kora right I think it was I’m sure the Avatar would equally appreciate any worldly wisdom you have to offer huh Bo me this is a this is a fraud up we go and hello there there’s a door we can break hold up can I earthquake this boom I love earthquake so much that is such a cool attack oh my God oh I remember this guy from cor again Julie do the thing he’s the reporter right the goggles are complete sir didn’t this guy ended up being like the bad guy in the anime or something hello interesting something is different about you that would be the Avatar sir yes I know that but even still there’s something different about them this guy is waffling out of his mind he does want to give us a gift though so I mean I’ll take it we got the goggles let’s go this guy wants to fight us apparently oh it’s opal wow you’re the Avatar aren you I’m opal I’m pretty new to air bending but I’m trying my best okay let’s do this in respect of them being a air Nomad we will only use the air bending skills that we have which should be more than enough to defeat this person by the way since they are a little newbie in this whole air bending Fiasco so we should be good we are doing a fantastic damage of course and they keep trying to use their tornado on us but little do they know my air blades is broken oh my god let’s go okay okay okay we only need need one more tile piece let’s go and we do have four Mastery points which I think this means we can finally finish learning the Earth bending yes we can Earth wall is the final ability let’s take a look at what it does shall we oh my God boom wait that’s sick I can get a wall going and then boom push a forward that is amazing okay this ability is going to be super useful if we get ambushed again okay okay well let’s keep on heading upwards oh it’s tzen did you travel all this way for help mastering bending well the latest batch of recruits are just finishing up training exercise how about heading out there and show me what you’ve got hold up since we unlocked every single attack from the earth bending we can now challenge the avatar for earthbending and fully Master the element Avatar Koshi it is time we fight the second last Avatar battle I think let’s do this shall we let me do earthquake real quick boom Oh my God this wall thing is so cool I can’t lie to you and it actually does good damage as well I’m pretty sure okay that was a fantastic hit let’s go wo they are getting up close and personal okay relax relax relax ow they are using frost breath now that is kind of scary but we should be good I believe let’s summon the meteor we’re so close we’re so close we are so close eat the meteor come on Avatar Koshi is almost down and just like that Avatar Koshi has been been defeated I see you are a true master of Earth bending yes we are and with that we have completed the earthbending element and also got the earthbending trophy so all that is left is the fire element but in order to learn that we do need to head on over to the air Temple and explore this place since we do need a couple more Mastery points with the elements we already know to have a chance on learning the fire element so according to tenzen we just walk in here oh my God okay okay hello hello let me earthquake these guys real quick hold up hold up and we deleted them at the same time oh my God that’s ridiculous let me summon the meteor at your dumbass there we go we one Ted him meteor for you sir catch that uh-huh who’s next you goodbye I am too powerful I know three of the four elements Earth bending is crazy Earth bending is actually insane I can’t like this I think we did well I think we kind of proved t in that we we can hang in there you know and we unlocked a Mastery point oh my God ladies and gentlemen I think it’s time that we can finally learn Fire bending fire stream this ability can be held to shoot a continuous blast let’s do this shall we our first fire bending skill the fire stream oh my God this thing looks crazy I am practicing the ancient lemur training technique I wish you good luck what’s down here I think somebody is down there you’re the Avatar right I’ve heard rumors that some dangerous people are luring somewhere nearby well I’m guessing we need to jump down there but we do need to speak to someone all the way up here first that was very good I see you have learned a lot on your journey so far would you like to duel against me air bending master tenen and the kids why have we find all of them guys fire bending these guys need a meteor to the face okay this is ridiculous we almost took down her there we go okay it’s just me and tenzen now I need to wall hold up I need to heal I guess no healing time for me God damn bro okay I need to play super defensive I can’t lie to you tenzen I’m sorry buddy but I will have to spam the walls on you oh God tenzen avoided it of course he did please please oh we did it that was actually super tough I won’t even lie to you that was ridiculous but we do get a a noad craving in the air Temple collection and a Mastery point which is amazing and I think we are meant to go down here hello oh no way I remember these two I know I’ve Master three elements already but I don’t think I’m ready for this fight okay I can’t lie to you I think this is going to be a 2V1 situation and I am very scared well whatever happens happens I guess Avatar we will defeat you the Red Lotus I will have to use everything I know to defeat these two I feel like I need to recover eat my me aome okay it does beautiful damage as long as we keep our distance we should be fine we got water bending as well I completely forgot about that water bending is super powerful come on okay both of them are below 50% Health which is fantastic come on this person so low yes let’s go we defeated them okay and now it’s time for you let me just fire Bend against you bro what are you going to do against fire oh God meteor to the face and I think we have defeated them yes we have there’s even more okay uh sure why does everyone want to fight me wait I remember these guys the Red Lotus this guy is the is the one with like the laser like eye in the middle yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember these ones these are from Legends of core I’m pretty sure okay these are going to be scary oh God can we separate them with the walls we use fire bending okay maybe no let’s just Shak AO at them and hope for the best the Red Lotus is after us W I almost fell off and we defeated one of them okay nice it’s just pile Le left you know what we can use fire bending versus fire bending bro I know I only have one attack and fire bending right now I believe in my abilities oh who’s going to burn to Chris first huh and I believe that is you we have defeated the Red Lotus I think I hope did we I think we did that was actually very difficult I cannot lie to you oh my God okay and I do quickly want to check if we can learn our next fire bending attack and we can okay the fire sweep emit a stream of Fire fire that extends outwards from your feet while performing low sweeping dance like kicks let’s see what this attack does oh let’s go this has to be one of the cooler attacks in the game huh oh my God we will definitely need to use this one I feel like I don’t use earthquake all that much and I will definitely use this of earthquake or someone wants to fight again hello those two have been battling all day aren’t they tied yet wait cabbage man look at my new moves ah yo I’m sorry bro my cabbages okay well hello there m keep paded bowling oh adverti see if you made it to the Northern Air Temple M and I just finished a du but I’m ready for another okay let’s do it NOA Star bowling let’s do this brother I will only use the fire bending since I do want to practice that oh yes this is insane this does crazy damage where you running buddy fire bending is so much fun oh my God and there we go fire bending I think is by far the most powerful one I think it’s slightly above Earth bending for now impressive as expected Avatar I will keep training okay give me that reward right now buddy and we go earthbending disc as a collectible nice I look after the Flying Bison they can be quite the handful oh I am sure of that oh no there’s a double battle again wait what is this in the final moment of their battle what bending yard did Avatar Ang use to defeat Fire Lord oai once and for all he used energy bending he took away fire oai bending abilities and now he is a common worker person at the Ember Island which is kind of funny I can’t Li you oh look at these cute little fellas oh my God they’re so cute okay well hello there it’s the Two Sisters they were around here somewhere the Red Lotus we will find I already defeated all of them a 1v4 situation they are gone and I believe they want a 2v one again huh yep ly and Sujin of course law enforcement against me because why not let me just break dance in front of them oh my god look how much damage I’m doing to this attack is actually crazy yeah fire bending is insanely powerful that health bar quite literally just melts and there we go we took down one already and now it’s just you which is going to be uh yeah I’ll just break dance my way out of this battle how about that there we go the law enforcement has been defeated I see you can fend for yourself Avatar and we have the police badge as are collectible now let’s go okay okay and I think that should be just about it for the Northern Air Temple I think we explored everything and go everything we are meant to get from here anyway so let’s fly all the way back to baring SE because I do want to check something out real quick and that something is by Zuko I believe there’s a person somewhere around here who wants to battle with us again and if we battle that person we will have enough Mastery points to learn the final firebending attack aha yes there is hello Kai the DI have left yes they have hi I’m Kai I used to be just a normal kid but now I have air bending Powers want to check him out sure oh buddy air Nomad Kai you are in for World of Pain sir I know every single element I am Unstoppable K you stand no chance my fire bending is too powerful for you Kai it is what it is bro and just like that Kai has been defeated this is probably one of the most easiest fights I can’t lie to do why’ you learn those moves it takes skill and dedication sir but there we go we have received our possibly the final Mastery point and with this Mastery point we can now learn the final fire bending move the meteor Dash charge meeia Dash to launch yourself a forward there we go o yo that that’s sick wait that looks so cool fire bending is actually amazing oh my God okay so now we can travel across the map super super easily let’s go but let’s go back to the air Temple Island and take on Avatar Roku I see you have grown a lot on your journey so far very well let us do battle let’s do this Avatar Roku our fourth and final Avatar battle what you going to do huh what you going to do into a Cris Broku it’s time it’s time okay he is almost halfway down come on we’re so close there we go Avatar roky is on 50% Health come on baby our health is actually super low I just realized oh my god do this okay okay okay wait does my meteor Dash do any damage I mean it should right it would make a lot of sense boom Oh it definitely does oh my God Dodge that hit there we go go in for the final blow this could be it come on please please please please please oh my God that got very very close but with that we have defeated Avatar Roku congratulations Avatar I see you are a true master of fire bending yes we are and deby go we have received a fire bending Trophy and with that I believe we have collected every single collectible that there is to collect what is this okay maybe we haven’t huh wait is this a cabbage it looks like a cabbage wait hold on a minute don’t only place that I remember not destroying the Cabbage C was all the way over on Ember Island so maybe if he destroy the cabbages one last time we will get something from Mr cabbage man let’s do this in front of him shall we meet here Dash and boom woo yo cabbage man a for science bro I’m sorry man I’m sorry my cabbages yeah he does give us a gift let’s go why what do you want money attention cabbages just just take this cabbage and never talk to me again so it was the cabbage the final collectible let’s check this place out now shall we yeah look at this sacred cabbage we had to get this cabbage through very violent means but we got it in the end look at all of these and we do have some tile pieces to place down on the board so let’s go on ahead and do that real quick oh we need three pieces not to wait that means we’re still missing a piece we are missing this piece right here oh my gosh okay well we don’t have that much time left in this challenge but we do need to find the final piece so how do we look for the final tile piece we explore every single area extremely thoroughly okay is that the right word I think it is I don’t think the last tile piece is in bossing sa so we might have missed it in one of the other areas so let’s go back to have a Flying Bison and move on to the next area wait there’s an area here what I never explored this place cuz we always always just spawn here I never thought about looking backwards oh my God wait there’s a whole area back here this might be the place where the last to piece is at oh my God please please let’s go the final pay show tile piece we spawn right here and it was behind me this entire oh my God I wonder if we’re going to get anything for completing the board I hope we do because these stle pieces were actually very hidden so let’s see what happens the final pay show tile piece on the board there we go and I’m assuming we talk to you now amazing you found all the pay tiles it times like this I really wish I knew how to play pay show anyway we found something pretty cool I feel as though you should have it okay what are we going to get they gave us a glider what this is sick we can fly with it where was this earlier when I was looking for payot pieces oh my God this is so cool look at this we can just Glide anywhere and just like that we have mastered every single element in this world we have learned everything that is to learn collected everything that is to collect and even unlocked this amazing glider that we can roam around the world in defeated all of the past avatars to fully Master our element so on that not ladies and gentlemen thank you all so much for watching this video I really really do appreciate it if you did enjoy it at any point please do leave a like right in down below and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and I hope to see you in the next [Music] one

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS as AVATAR in Minecraft’, was uploaded by PoorJay on 2024-03-06 16:44:59. It has garnered 250326 views and 2460 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:34 or 3454 seconds.

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Timestamps 🙂 00:00 AIR 19:00 WATER 35:06 EARTH 45:31 FIRE I Spent 100 DAYS as AVATAR in Minecraft (Minecraft Avatar the Last Airbender) #minecraft #avatar

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    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ | Factions | Non-P2W | Ability Item Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • TriangleSMP

    Triangle SMP1.21 MINECRAFTNew server!Discord: in java edition!Come play with us to meet new people, hope to see you here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you build a dirt house in Minecraft 🤔

    I guess you could say this meme is scoring a solid 3 out of 10 on the Minecraft humor scale! Read More

  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

    Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight? In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every stride. Animations that are funny and light, Bringing happiness, making our days bright. Parents love the content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe now, and join the MC realm. Classroom series, song adaptations too, All in good fun, just for you. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Pirated content? Nope, that’s baloney. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s world, a place to be, Where joy and… Read More

  • Super Dog Villager Droppin’ the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix!

    Super Dog Villager Droppin' the Hottest Oi Oi Oi Remix! When your dog starts barking in Minecraft and suddenly transforms into a villager saying “Oi Oi Oi,” you know you’ve been playing too much. Time to take a break and go for a walk in the real world! Read More

  • German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input

    German Nighttime Adventures: Comprehensible Input Exploring Nighttime Adventures in Minecraft Discovering the World of Minecraft at Night In the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, nighttime brings a whole new set of challenges and adventures for players to explore. As the sun sets and darkness falls, the game transforms into a mysterious and exciting realm filled with unique creatures and opportunities. Creepers, zombies, and skeletons emerge from the shadows, ready to test the player’s survival skills. These hostile mobs add an element of danger and excitement to the nighttime experience, requiring players to be vigilant and strategic in their actions. Building and Crafting Under… Read More

  • Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft

    Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft Minecraft: The Power of Creepers and Farming Efficiency Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour, showcasing its efficiency. Farm Mode: It operates in a fully automatic mode, making resource gathering a breeze for players. Versions: Compatible with versions ranging from 1.16 to 1.21, including various updates like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for users on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add… Read More

  • Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure – Subscribe Now!

    Unforgettable Castle of Fire Adventure - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘El castillo de fuego MINECRAFT DUNGEONS AND MAGIC ¡SUSCRIBETE Y DA LIKE, MUCHAS GRACIAS!’, was uploaded by RockerLeo on 2024-06-14 22:41:24. It has garnered 129 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. WATCH FULL VIDEO Read More

  • Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!

    Minecraft Cursed Blood Skull Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found Cursed Blood Skull in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-07-15 16:08:27. It has garnered 121057 views and 602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. Read More

  • Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!

    Build an EPIC house in Survival SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘i build my first simple house un Survival Smp.’, was uploaded by Hacky Craft on 2024-04-01 09:55:17. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:00 or 3060 seconds. Thanks For Waching this video. pls do like and subscribe Minecraft survival smp My Discord Server: Minecraft survival smp Minecraft __________________ __ __ Smp New Tags: minecraft bangla, bangla gamer minecraft video, minecraft bangla video, bangla minecraft, minecraft survival series bangla part 1, minecraft hardcore survival series bangla part 1, minecraft, minecraft multiplayer, minecaft bangla gaming, minecraft bangla gameplay,… Read More

  • Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #Comment

    Yaman Ratre 2012: SHOCKING REVEAL! #Like #Subscribe #CommentVideo Information This video, titled ‘# what is this#subscriber #like #minecraft #commen’, was uploaded by Yaman Ratre 2012 on 2024-02-13 14:31:31. It has garnered 4671 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Slayer SMP – Join Now!

    Ultimate Slayer SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s New BEST SMP! (Applications OPEN!)’, was uploaded by Slayer SMP on 2024-01-14 01:32:16. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Slayer SMP applications JUST opened! When you spawn in the server you get one out of 6 swords that grant people abilities and there are even CUSTOM artifacts! ================================================== Public Discord Server: ================================================== this video is not minecraft manhunt or minecraft but, but in this video augment smp. This video is also about an SMP like dreamSMP, dream, tommyinnit, georgenotfound, or wilbursoot,… Read More


    💥POISHORTCRAFT: Pick Your Side! ARA ARA vs DEMON KIM ANGEL!💥 | MINECRAFT ANIMATIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM MACNCHEESE DEMON TEAM KIM ANGEL CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poishortcraft on 2024-07-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 70885 views and 3072 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)👍 & Subscribe ▶️ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell 🔔 Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation 😊 Godbless You all 🙏😁 (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter 😅🙏 Read More

  • “Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison – EPIC!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition - Ultimate Comparison - EPIC!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Showdown: Bedrock vs Java Edition – Ultimate Comparison! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shivam x Highlights on 2024-06-13 06:30:12. It has garnered 1055 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Welcome to our ultimate Minecraft showdown! 🌍 In this video, we dive deep into the differences between Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this comprehensive comparison will help you decide which version suits you best. From performance and mods to gameplay and community, we’ve got it all covered. Don’t forget… Read More

  • 🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】

    🔴Join the EPIC Minecraft Game with Theon! 🤝【German】Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft live Deutsch, Jeder kann Mitspielen 🤝 [Deutsch/German][Bedrock/Java]’, was uploaded by Theon Gaming on 2024-06-05 17:38:46. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:24 or 9264 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #live Discord: Here are my names from games and social media: Epic : tollermann397 TikTok: Theon Gaming Discord : tolleemann397 # 5532 Instagram : Theon Gaming YT #minecraftps4 #minecraftjava #minecraftnintendoswitch #minecraftlivestream #minecraftandroid #youtube Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17

    Insane Minecraft Pool Build by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bikin Kolam Renang Di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-03-12 18:25:01. It has garnered 2874 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:44 or 6344 seconds. Saweria donation: socialBuzz : cara register minecraft: Social media🌎 Subscribe : instagram : tik tok : Discord : Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft mod showcase indonesia Minecraft Java Minecraft pocket edition… Read More

  • Wool World

    Wool WorldWool world is a PVP server. Red vs Blue. There is colored wool areas that you must destroy to claim the teritory for your team. Claim resources like spawners and push into the enemy land to expand! Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Server Features: Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Trailer: A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Greedy capitalism sparks creativity”

    Minecraft Memes - "Greedy capitalism sparks creativity"Why be innovative when you can just mine for diamonds all day? #CapitalismWinning Read More

  • Redstone Wonders: 2024’s Top 10 Builds!

    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More