Insane Factions Server Pi22a in Minecraft

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alive good luck I suppose now let’s sleep I’m working on a farm I need my I need [Music] to Jane what are you talking about oh kindly don’t uh no don’t I I will I will get you banned on the server if you do that remember one of the few rules we have is no slurs yeah one of the few rules we have is don’t speak a Call of Duty player don’t speak call of D exactly supp be call of D you really like that one didn’t you D no oh oh that didn’t water anything but one crop away okay good I don’t know call d is just stupid I’ve never heard anyone say that now that is an efficient Farm also I think each faction should have to give a description out about s or something like some sort of implications about it cuz that’d be fun right maybe oh my God where is this stupid nonwater Source oh my God what there’s no sleeping there is no sleep oh God creeper that almost blew up my farm he hey hey hey maybe light up your land I have but the Farm got unlit from what I built on top of it oh that’s depressing no read the name of the faction in the group chat you’re they you’re Republic you know how user feels again feels about monarchies they’re tax [Music] parasites user God Britain SP all monarchies yeah even the D Dutch I don’t know anything about the Dutch I don’t know if that’s I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing you’ll probably say it’s a good thing of course I would because they’re they they have one thing in common with most other uh West Nations I don’t like what hold on let me just and I love it when the water just won’t stop flowing for some reason why is there this one water block that’s just flowing stop stop being flowing water You Need To Be Still Water I’m trying to make this thing efficient oh my God why anyways I’m going just [ __ ] start explaining the situation in the server so only really two factions at the we’re in the yeah it’s yeah quite early stages of the [Music] server young I think this thing is like 5 days old only yeah user over here the other person you can hear in call is the owner of the only other fashion besides me and I am still currently in the process of trying to recruit people to be fair you did have people at one point but it fell apart yeah because for some reason Jane defected yeah I still don’t know why J defected defected which is good for me not for [Music] you oh yeah um oh yeah I also remember the fact that Costa Rica has no military s oh I didn’t know that why do you always come up with just come up over the random ass fun facts how do I know you do at this point I could have sworn there’s one Latin American country that had a military until the US invad don’t know if that was Costa Rica or Panama I know it was one of the two I think it was Costa Rica [ __ ] you lava no one likes you lava except except to be used as smelting fuel fre we kind of w what do you mean we you kind of won what do you mean oh my God the multiplayer server lighting glitches are in this I forgot about those you know exactly what I’m talking about pizza n you know exactly what I’m talking about I don’t you know when there’s red Jagged black edges of the lighting or just completely light level zero yeah it happens sometimes the stuff that creeped into multiplayer worlds when they released the land update which I when was that I don’t [ __ ] know I just know I was here after it I think that was 1.3 wasn’t it I don’t know I don’t know much about old Minecraft aside from uh things like older Minecraft aside from like 1.12 cuz that’s my primary version kind of who have joined hey sweet JP hello oh oh my newest that guy talks who knew that guy is my newest recruit I see so you’re you’re recovering after the incident yes still found that hilarious I’ll take a bit of a while since the game that I’m currently playing is like it’s like a r light you need to finish into the end before you can save yeah it makes sense you’re good you don’t got to join now also just also just to let you know I’m live streaming Island life was the perfect choice completely safe until I until somebody settles right near me and then I have to be paranoid and I did not build a fort towards my Mainland believe it or not I built one facing away just not towards [Music] it right now I am in the nether trying to get more experience via mining quartz Jan in a minute we’ll get to some uh land expansion cuz I know for some reason you want to do that you’ll hate it trust me so far you’ll come to hate it so far me and us are the only Factions in existence there used to be mine being the most structured and mine being the richest apparently uh I’m the only person in my faction besides you once you join AR you also trying to get meta yep oh yeah I forgot yeah meta did we’ll be about even in members all meta did agree and I’m also trying to get one of my Twitter friends actually oh my God weather clear that’s probably something the server should have a description like oh yeah by the way whenever the owner’s on the weather will never rain yeah no one likes the owner hates rain yeah it’s annoying like I wouldn’t hate if the rain didn’t sound annoying like if they made the rain sound good all right I’m ready for another max level enchantment also this being 1.8.9 is definitely going to be something yeah I for I made it this version half as an experiment yeah I I kind of forgot to tell you s JP but yeah it’s 1.8.9 uh technically Forge but you won’t notice anything cuz there’s no mods yeah we aren’t using mods we’re just using for the reason it’s for for the server Hoster yeah well the server host I’m using um basically I tried to make normally it’s like actually you don’t have enough R am but Forge for some reason just worked there’s no stability issues at all so I’m whatever but that that’s why it’s Forge if you’re wondering it did at some point as well yeah but well actually won that one in the end so just for like optimization reasons um I don’t know exactly why Forge works better with the ram I have no idea this version runs fantastically so I’m not using optimization mod um over 16 with about 16 chunks which in modern Minecraft would lag me to High Heavens even with optimization mods of course but I just speak volumes to modern Minecraft being poorly optimized more than anything else I think I don’t know I feel like nicara won the getting invaded by the US and Latin America card way more than you guys did I’ll just be honest every time at least every time the topic of America invading some other place like that I don’t know why but my brain always goes to the fact that America obliterated half of Iran’s military it did or Navy Navy not military Navy oh it was like a good while ago and I don’t remember the exact situation but probably the GOL War I’m assuming or no around raran maybe I’m pretty sure golf was aaran I’m pretty sure more not golf no no no golf Iran wasn’t even involved in that I I know what you’re talking about um the Iranian vessel sank during the IRA Iran War ah yes the time yeah know that was Ira Aran let me the US was trying to fund let me send you the [ __ ] video I’m talking about yeah what I’m talking about though that might have been Iraq Iran because the US was trying to uh find at saddam’s Invasion because they hated Iran more well that and Saddam was still a useful idiot at the time that didn’t go well did it yeah I just sent you the video I’m talking about America obliterates half of Iran’s Navy in 8 hours operation praying mantis should I go with the power four I don’t know maybe also throughing the second war uh uh wait never mind is it late G or is just uh no this this was like somewhat I think somewhat modernish so what it was Operation what again operation pray mantis let me check yeah that was during aaran that was in the ‘ 80s that was during aaan that was in 1988 that was actually near the end of the war I interestingly enough yeah that’s when the war ended yeah this happened like a couple months before the war ended funny enough about uh fiveish so there’s that extra bit damn raran was one of the bloodiest wars in the region too damn she because it actually happened for one reason alone Saddam Hussein wanted to part of a r that was majority Arab inhabited and failed I just realized how funny it would be if someone just randomly joined my stream to us talking about the Iran Iraq war that yeah exactly it’ be hilarious just out of nowhere yeah yeah like like that was just the conversation we were having because this is like a non-serious stream that just kind of exists yeah we’re just chilling mostly can’t decide whether exact the point this you know let me check what I did on my armor I kind of honestly island is painful it’s also fun at the same time because I’m forced to think of better ways uh getting around these problems like space efficiency with my farm well just go up of course when and doubt build upwards works all the time it’s got me a double decker Farm already actually almost triple I just don’t have the seeds for that so I heard it was currency probably kind of I want gold to be like a universal trade item that anyone can use if they choose to basically a gold standard M factions can choose if they want to use gold as as a default trading item if you don’t have anything like should be something that’s like hard to obtain though but like then what’s the point that point like Gold’s meant to be a backup and of course you can set the price your items in Gold to whatever you want not like you have to make it cheap like 50 gold ingots for a stack of wood even though that’s a ripoff but point stands I guess so it’s mostly just because of how optimized gold Farms are yeah true that that would cause severe inflation but we’re not villagers so you know all right and again you can just adjust the prices of everything manually as long long as you have I don’t think that’s a good idea for like someone who could take that up in my faction I think about someone just determine what we sell our stuff can wait the day to buy a carrot stack with 10 stacks of gold why Amar Germany in Minecraft Let’s Go welcome back everyone I created viar I created the viar Republic in Minecraft uh starting with the severe inflation uh one carat is now 15 stacks of gold I’m was so tempted to say hungry instead because they had the worst in history but no one would get that correct PRI or hungry had like multi- quintilian uh currency at some point like a single bill worth of that much yeah I’m pretty sure I saw something about that ages ago which in you in US Dollars were been R like [Music] half there we go now I can’t complain about Farm space ever again CU I’ve triple de uh do you have any glowstone I could buy I need to do it actually a trade funny enough all right what are you want to trade for it um let’s see I could um what would your price and gold for that be funny enough not we mention that what would you be cuz I got 34 in I could I I just I need six of them only you only need six of them yeah uh because well I just need six so do you by chance have um how much how much gold would I could I pay you I have 34 total on my Reserves say four per block okay per block wait I need six that’s that is 24 could we perhaps lower that by by to three all right I’ll give you 20 for the entire six or all right fair enough we just need to meet somewhere I say you come to the island I can give the coordinates if you need for trade business let me just know there are some parts of the island you’re not allowed to go to please listen to the signs not our fault if you get killed for it I have like three extra seeds whisper me the cords hold on let me plant some extra seeds real quick I got to make sure my Farm’s up to top performance I have a picture of the coordinates to send you instead actually cuz you [Music] know this is probably the most ambitious server I’ve done I’ll be honest oh I personally here look in the group chat I am that confident just publicly giv my cords on the group chat though eventually I’ll stop doing that and probably make a trading Outpost somewhere that is far enough away to where you don’t know where our actual structures are then again I am then why would I build the trading Hall those are questions we ask later of course of course you know the classic thing of just push it to later actually I just realized I don’t need the glowstone for I wanted it for but I’ll still take it cuz I could use it for something else instead all right I was going to put it on the farm because I I torches wouldn’t do but I realized I could just put them on the side CU I’m leaving the sides open of this thing so I still take it though cuz I don’t need it by the way is there a reason why it’s 1.8 um I put 1.8.9 because it was the last version with elytras and I don’t like the idea of be able to fly to someone’s base with an elytra blow it up and then just leave without a trace causing a giga diplomatic crisis that’s never getting solved that’s why so for Griefers okay it’s also just CU I don’t like elytra that much they trivialize [Music] travel guess much of an elytra problem more like everything else hasn’t kept up with the elytra yeah that too but also I me that like mine cart’s desperately need an update like I love just a mine cart update it really needs one hell yeah like come on if Bose can have two people why can’t we have a double long mine cart age of locomotion will be soon just add mine carts but make them trains yeah and and just make them faster than ltra but yeah just make them faster than just have Play No Jane you know what people will do with those I I I’m the one with the Tower of this time don’t you dare I’m going to build my own soon don’t worry I’ll do that in every server I’m in of course the only sadness will be no mending yeah sadly no mending but we should be fine mending does exist I’m pretty sure yeah what it mending add than 1.9 I don’t know I’m pretty sure it was that 1.9 let me Google go away spider I love my knockback funny even if it doesn’t exist that actually kind of a good thing cuz then it makes Wars expensive and th try and thus to TS Wars you know you’re not winning man imagine spending all that just to lose is this is that what happens in I don’t know I mean I I know if the server was on a later version I’m sure it’ be easy to recover cuz all it take is one or like one or two people Good GE surviving and you can just instantly so I don’t really play Ser servers with like strangers and big ones mostly just Inner Circle friends makes sense I mean there’s me user Janes here there’s just I I plan to make this not not big per se but not small either like something just okay in terms of it’s population based just something like yeah it’s it’s it’s neat that’s my goal it’s just something decently sized I mean the max player count like possible on the server is like 35 which is more than I’ll ever need it’s more than we’re going to need wait question guaranteed user do you have MH arrows arrows uh I’ve every time I get them I always use them to kill mob so no besides if I did I probably wouldn’t sell of them because um I need them for something else what that thing is I am not at Liberty to disclose but you might have seen it already I’ll give you that way of telling also I hate how the to I I remember that they at some point updated the Torches so it wasn’t light level seven it was light level five so you have to like have twice as many torches for everything at this point oh yeah not yeah this this is old that’s probably the version I played the most spider jockey that’s rare but I have to kill it [ __ ] got a screenshot luckily go away witch no one likes you the spider bit the skeleton riding it oh oh at least broke the the spider literally attacked the skeleton that was on it just looking the GC I’m getting bullied by a witch didn’t know Factor was in the game didn’t know what was in the game Jane what are you even doing still I don’t even I don’t even know what Jane’s doing I’ve lost track of what she’s even doing I don’t know I’m just sitting in the middle of a lakish area or of a pond uh have you found any use use slw to tell me this have you found any of that blue stuff use slw please d d going to need that blue stuff mess of course I’m talking about lapis no [ __ ] I have plenty of lapis you know we really much need lapis like like we we are starved of lapis you don’t get it I found a ton yeah know like we we really need lapis you know like we we we need I wish they had lapis pickaxes honestly why there you go nice job because that’d be funny that’d be funny to have a Lapis pick Jane finally found the one and only diamonds just for the fun your faction now yeah I mean like when you mine something it gets Enchanted it already did cuato found them first oh I didn’t see it are broken though he never got to use them cuz he left so I just repossessed them for something important actually if you have the disc cat I’ll let that slide I have the disc cat how much gold I’ll give you my entire Reserve if I have to it’s a bit more expensive than gold Honestly though I wish they I wish dog was in the game same dog is so I know it was on PS4 edition it was on Legacy consoles an Easter egg if you let cat play all the way through dog would follow it right after actually remember on a video like when they announced uh PS4 edition was going to become Bedrock I remember commenting something on like and with that there goes the death of uh dog I mentioned something along the lines of well dog is officially gone now so yeah rest in peace to the best song of the whole game it was a disc named dog uh it was scraps but it was in a console edition as an Easter egg it was supposed to be in place of cat I’m pretty sure but cat got added instead for whatever reason yeah Bas I kind of wish you have you ever heard dog even nope listen to it it’s gold cat in this version or so much worse they didn’t get a use until 1.14 there were only like three variants for whatever reason too I don’t know what the point of that was no James oh my God you are very smart okay like is it that hard to place blocks around the lava like you know block off the lava From Below why bres Tes don’t make me recreate that video of the creeper and torches just to teach you a lesson I’m so tempted to recreate the Polish kid screaming as a creeper blows up his torch chest causing reality to fall apart I love that clip it’s you know what I’m talking about [ __ ] yeah I do you know exact there’s three of them funny enough I know the one I know the clip of this one I know that one clip of this [ __ ] getting their chest destroyed and then lightning strikes and Cooks all their items oh God I know one video where somebody where there was a creeper dude turn to DS around for a second as if it was never there schizophrenia oh they’ll find had a nickel for every time there was a video of somebody with a chest with a chest room full of torches getting said chest room blown up and then the game lagging to High Heavens out have three nickels not a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened [Music] Thrice I found your [ __ ] you found it where are you I’m by the fort coming up on go in there do not go in there okay where do you want me to come in then go to the you if you see a dog that is customary go to the dock I don’t know where the dock is I see you [ __ ] where’s the dock you not see it right there it’s a wood on the coast blend turn around this I think it’s closer to the Fort side you’re on yeah oh yeah I can’t see that [ __ ] it Blends in with the coastline now it’s not even the same why is my hand snapping in the wrong place just get on welcome welcome welcome it doesn’t yeah welcome welcome have a have a look around the place oh we don’t have a place of trading yet first of all I want to give you a tour of the place except areas you can’t go so might as well uh take a look at the fish we we do you have two leather you could just gift by chance cuz I could return no sadly dang well this is just where we’re supposed to put all our fish we catch don’t take anything it’s just the fish um uh those are our Cactus having a the cactus you uh you have to hug it hug that’s a rule is that you must hug the cactus when you’re here not for longer for like two seconds straight two whole seconds just kidding that doesn’t exist well I mean it’s not like it did anything to me this is this place thing is where literally everybody lives communal housing got it yep it works it’s efficient each room is only a 4×4 it’s kind of sad oh yeah this is our dirt part where oh dirt Yes except the guy who the grass is oh close to finishing oh my God just get this an enderin have tried to sabotage us at some point huh obviously you can see the fort no you are not getting a tour of that a and then this is this is one of the first things we built is our mine entrance nice this is our mine entrance in main storage I don’t have a mine I us just go to Cave oh yeah here’s our sand chest if you want to see our sand eom me sand yeah we have too much of it to be fair that you can guess what it’s for y and of course then lastly you have the farm over there the most recent building is this Triple Decker Farm yeah nice and of course uh might want to read this sign what sign this right here where I’m standing all right there’s a good reason for it okay I can’t I can’t necessarily explain why but there’s a reason anyways you got everything um we’re just going have to conduct business in uh one building specifically right there cuz there’s no trade Hub yet right in here even though this is straight up um don’t oh yeah there’s also that sign wow that’s a Nostalgia blast I forgot we didn’t have shields yeah okay so you have the glow St right you got the goods 3 two one I was Wonder was it ever thank you I remember that for me it felt like it didn’t differ uh was whatever useful sword blocking yeah uh it does actually reduce damage by a good amount I’ve tested it with zombies anyways hope you enjoyed the quick tour of the place yep a so like a percen based look I don’t know oh hello J you came right was leaving for my hand just for no reason I still find it funny that I join I still find it funny that I joined later than them yet I’m the richest faction again to be fair we haven’t put effort into that fair enough still we put zero effort in expanding like that we’ve been just trying to build land I mean you seen the result of it some of the land you walked on was actually fake yeah I know this Jane Stop drowning Jan Stop drowning oh you were just laggy again that Cape is so interesting I’ve never seen that I should probably equip a cape and then I do have the migrator one if so then you should equip that the hell di looking one also I there was this one video where someone made like an instant hot dog cooker one time use and someone just said that fit right into hell diers too just imagine someone screaming a dog out and throwing it at a teammate to heal that’ be funny as [ __ ] I would totally J just discovered the cactus hey the cactuses are not trash cans they’re for hugging I use the nether as my trash can I just toss my [ __ ] into the lava there oh I never wear a helmet fun fact I will never wear a helmet in this game because my skin looks stupid with a helmet on my skin looks stupid with a helmet on but I embrace it for a second what what’ you say user yeah see it looks really bad with a helmet may be sure that’s what happens when you make your skin a jacked up Sentry like extremely jacked up just take off all the armor and you can see them immediately I always wonder ifog would ever be not V3 but it’s not V3 Jane trust me a a turret on it’s a turret on steroids in the game it’s from the centuries are centuries yeah they’re just they’re biped they’re they’re they yes it is it’s based on that it’s it’s it’s if the turret just kind of built a body complete with everything you know two arms moved its head over a little bit replaced its ammo pack with extra computers All That Jazz God I love sharpness three I have one of the best I have the best weapon in this server at the moment actually D why if you look at the off hand it’s just a gun like the off hand is just a gun yeah just look at the off hand that doesn’t have item in it other hand you have to go below me by one block hold on just go below you’ll see it you might see like the barrel yeah yeah you see that yeah I technically made this myself though all I did was modify an existing a V2 skin somebody made and that was it though I heavily modified to where you couldn’t even tell the original mostly I don’t know why but I like sentries a lot for some reason except on brutal mode they can go die I hate that they shoot twice on brutal mode what’s the point of that make them shoot five times just turn them into machine guns at that point anyways Jane you want to place some sand now you want to place some sand all right follow me I’m going to show you where you get the sand in here grab a bunch no not Sandstone just normal sand stand back at the bottom tell me when you’re ready to get placing all right follow me tell you where we’re expanding next this going to be the biggest expansion we’ve done and also the water’s about 15 blocks deep here so good luck so it’s from this block right here standing all the way over there you see where I’m looking at to that other half of the island I want you to go over there start from there and work your way towards here just kind of see what I’m doing um look in the group chat of the no no no wait hold on Jane look in the group chat for the faction you’ll see what we’re trying to do you’ll get an idea I guess I’ll start the other side then yeah we made a sub one for things we really don’t want the public to know any plan image that I’ve shown you in the group chat is outdated which is why I’ve shown it because it’s not up to date um look at the map and then look at the tail of the island the smaller part of the island where I’m standing you’re close to that and again the water’s about 15 blocks deep here so good luck also I wouldn’t go from bottom to top top here’s what I do all right let me show you the methods we use all right so what you do is you place the stand on the side of the block and just let fall down it’s slow but safe little bit safe also why do you say icy fair enough but why do you say icy like what why oh oh that’s clever this CH uh no we’re speaking in no it’s just Jane the person I’m talking to is in this voice chat Jane Jane’s in the voice chat but talking through the Minecraft in game chat yeah cuz Jane really speaks in voice yeah we’re talking a bunch in place yesterday though yeah but Jane only does it like very late yeah actually what time zone is Jane and I’m curious now apparently they’re like an hour ahead of me so it’s like 10:46 for them I see oh eight eight you’re an hour behind then Wen you an hour ahead of me I going no I think Jane’s saying that she meant that you’re an hour ahead of her not the other way around I don’t remember still weird cuz we were in the same time zone then we weren suddenly I’m I love placing sand I really don’t but it’s necessary the amount of sand for this land expansion alone is the biggest amount we’ve needed yet yeah you’re in the Central America time zone you’re uh like just south of me go away sket [ __ ] remember Jane try to follow the reference image that was given as best you can this land’s going to have a purpose for us I actually don’t know what’s going to go on this land I know it’s just kind of needed so the island doesn’t look stupid I’m not sure what the biggest one is though if it’s going to be three or 2B I know two-b will be horrible you’re going to hate it considering we don’t have any like it’s not Jane you know how this when you’re going from one part of land to the other uh 2B is just making an entire new section of land with no basis other than off the shoreline you’ll hate it I really wish we had sponges that would make this easier wait a minute this is the version that added Guardians I remember that this is the version that added the Guardians and we added the sponge for like the eighth time going to take us St but now I have four people that can do it instead of two so you know it’s fine [ __ ] is this oh that’s what that is confused for a second what’ you find find an old cave entrance that I already explored oh it was this one cave entrance that had a hole in the top that led directly to a river and it also and that hole that hole in the river led directly to a uh uh it that hole leads directly [Music] to oh fun fact Jane there used to be a peninsula turn around if you look over there you can see a Mainland near if you have your AV ins sign of there used to be a peninsula over there that we completely dug way to get the sand necessary for our first land expansions and also to distance ourselves from the mainland that’s a fun fact for you little little faction L we dug a peninsula away for our own benefit oh my God D what it’s because in game you drive through the Washington olypic the word Peninsula has been just Pacific red team for me you know I’m just saying the fact that again we we dug one away out of existence I I could sworn I on Enderman added a squid I wish the SL team command worked in this version cuz colored names would be fun without plugins yeah skeleton don’t you dare shoot my [ __ ] boat we’re almost done with the outline but the outline almost drained our sand reserves this is going to be painful now Jane in case you’re wondering why don’t we just you know have a single surface layer um it’s because I don’t like that because one TNT would just undo our work immediately I’d rather have it so this thing is just blast resistant can easily be fixed more suffering but it’s worth starting to come together very nicely our artificial land my sword is powerful I I like how swords are actually useful in this version cuz axes do less damage yeah the axes thing was added in the I know one point 9 I know I know and it was I got to admit Prett stupid yay the outline is done look how much water we have to drain manually but like this oh my god well start shallow right uh you guys saided like more building blocks since most of the good ones this man this version Oh my God this will be so fun this is very ambitious I believe we can do it you know casually return the small bit from a j off Peninsula just a part of the island make it go make it to Trinity Island at that point but that’s not up to me to name the island that’s M’s job cuz he’s his governor I’m going to make a bajillion arrows you make your arrows imagine not just stealing them from Dead skeletons I mean I just I killed like a like 20 [ __ ] chickens on my way home so might as well use the feather for something we need I wish mobs could be put in boats but they can’t so that’ll be fun getting mobs over I don’t have to deal with that cuz I’m on the mainland I know but we have plenty of room for Mob Farms I’m out of sand by the way we’re going to have to make like 20 shovels for this wait does this version have the crappy boats yes yeah has the crappy I’ve actually learned how to use them they’re not that bad just people forgot how to use them I’m pretty sure yeah pretty much they were always terrible you’re just coping no no no I I learned how to use them and they’re fine they’re janky sure but they’re not like they’re not they’re not the worst thing in the world that need to be removed rather than fixed they’re not that bad are they worse than modern absolutely are they the worst thing ever no I don’t know back in to day people complained a lot and also me and as soon as they fixed it was but my God I just don’t see a problem personally with them they’re they’re definitely pretty [ __ ] yeah there’s no excuse it might be polished for you but it’s still I’m not not again I did say they were janky still but I I I I don’t even remember what the complaints were about if it was difficulty you control then you are high it’s more just the bugginess and constantly breaking yeah yeah like like the boats breaking mechanic was one of the most it’s probably one of the most hated mechanics in M oh yeah know that that’s stupid I’m talking about controlling them alone like had enough like left over to build it again but no yeah no also they tried to make the boat have a shovel in this recipe and nobody liked that but but Bedrock kept it and then eventually yeah they [ __ ] kept it honestly I don’t like Bedrock for several reasons I could go on about how I don’t like it but I can only sum it up as it’s personal I used to be a console edition player if you didn’t know and um Bedrock killed off the greatest version for consoles actually funny enough I just remember let me just like remember time space was it during like the Xbox and wasn’t called bedro or is it like after no there used to be versions for each col by the way another one there were several versions there was one on PS3 Xbox 360 um XBox One PS4 it had all that there was also a PS Vita version a Wii U version and a switch version PS v version yeah yeah yeah how there’s a PS VA version I have a lot of carrots how haven’t I heard of this in fact the PS v version actually could have your safe transfer to the PS3 and vice versa and it never caught on not cuz the PS v didn’t catch on what the PSV itself wasn’t that successful funny enough you know would be funny actually if I emulated PSV on my steam deck that’d be kind of funny I’d be playing it technically as intended to be fair I didn’t use the PSV I used the PS I didn’t even have either I just the first console edition I played and the only one I played was um actually no the first one I played was Xbox 360 years ago but that wasn’t my console that was someone else’s the first one I owned was PS4 edition which I still have the original game on dis I’m glad I do because it’s a great version I miss it like honestly I just don’t like Bedrock because it’s a you know it’s a water down Buble Port rip you going to leave Jane you left a bit of water right here you left one block well I had one block conveniently hly also if you look over the coast you can see the mainland where um sand mining Outpost is we have an entire Outpost for sand mining fact it might have sand in storage I’m not I’m too lazy to check I’ll wait for you to deplete your s we go both dig actually what’s your what’s your render distance that mine’s at 16 I’m sure you could set it too cuz this game is pretty optimized in thission yeah I have a bajillion of the best food it item in the game golden carrots yeah golden carrots are meanwhile I’ve just been eating literally everything I’m pretty sure I’ve had the best diet in the whole game with how much variety there was carrots potatoes breads pork beef all that even fish and apples you know I’ve had the most of arod in the game funny enough je we’re doing this land expansion I don’t even know what we’re going to do with it that’s the fun part I don’t know might make like a mill base or something I don’t know something to put our weapons in that’s too big for what it needs to be I love you can see the fort from here a few have renders is enough cuz it’s just that Big Al I’m debating if official look like like a proper server for This Server yeah we should yeah though I I don’t want to have to set up yet another server cuz I’ve set up like a a bunch of those for small purposes before I’ll create it but Pizza I’m just going to leave up to you to set up most of it if you don’t mind I don’t know how to set up a server dang it I know how but I’m so tired of doing it CU it takes aeges to set everything up and get all the Bots ready too if you want [Music] that I know I’m not going to do reaction rolls for joining factions so because I want people to know about each faction before they join it informed decisions am I right mhm can that wheat farm please turn out wheat I am starving all our questions huh are my factions mandatory or no you could loan wolf it or make your own it doesn’t matter you can do whatever but factions might may be recommended due to their stability yeah also the fact that you’ll have more people to work with but if you loan wolf it or have an informal group then I don’t care none of us care yeah I mean keg is a lone wolf right now if she hasn’t just quit already oh yeah sweet JP doesn’t know about what happens oh yeah keg once built a giant Tower of furnaces on pizza’s land when she was in his faction and got kicked out for it bit more bit more complicated well no what happened after that then Pizza killed then Pizza killed keg K got revenge made pizza lose several levels yeah I I basically came back I I was on a massive mining trip K was [ __ ] hosting uh and I came back to the base and suddenly there was a massive Tower of like 20 F 28 furnaces and I said Kagawa I’m going to kill you so I killed Kagawa at that at that point it was still like such overreaction at at that point it was still majority a joke and I didn’t take any of her stuff okay fair still but even stap who was also 1 agreed entirely with me yeah St is a a different case in own right K was just stupid say it like most 13-year-olds are yeah I find sa to be an exception to the rule not not the majority of the ru yeah but the thing is after that Kagawa [ __ ] killed me and I had and and I had 31 levels of experience no 37 levels of experience and Kagawa knew that and I was coming home with diamonds so that we could finally enchant stuff so Kagawa set us back several hours and it was at that point that i k kick all out man you were risking it not banking at your levels what doesn’t help us that was on the same day Jane switched sides what do you mean by banking levels I mean like spending them since yeah I was about yeah I was coming back with the diamonds to make the enchantment table okay but then Kagawa but before I could make the enchantment table Kagawa killed me so there wasn’t anything I could do you had 37 so because for me after I reached 30 I instantly spend them I mean there was nothing I could spend them on not on books I I didn’t we didn’t have an enchantment table I was coming back with the diamonds to make the enchantment table oh was still early game yeah okay okay we still technically are early game if you want to talk on the scope of the server itself yeah I I was I went on a massive mining trip got eight diamonds total and then came back and was about to make the enchantment table also my Pro also funny enough my um in terms of factions himself mine is the oldest by a day or two because one of the other factions that could have co- claimed the title dissolved in its member and its only member joined me later after said dude’s base was too close to spawn and three people found it accidentally yeah uh by the way his face was just a giant wooden Church J where are you now I see you never mind uh we need to start digging sand but I need to go put some stuff away first we need a warehouse building maybe that could go on this extra land also I had to swap my music playlist to avoid copyright sympt I’m live streaming thank God NCS exists use Kevin M loud music the whole time no I’m just using listening to NCS glitch Up N use Kevin McLoud that’d be funny nah I mean come on just imagine joining to stream is just that would be pretty funny not going to lie just also Kem gloud is technically the most powerful person on the internet because how many people you have used his songs they could they could if yeah if he so choosed he could just go against his morals and copyright strike everything luckily he’s principal person and doesn’t do that I mean r example of a good person on the internet it’ll be a bad move on his part yeah I mean the whole point of what he does is to copyright free songs anyways yeah y that was why he made them but he has so much power because of it so if he decides suddenly he wants his song’s gone oh boy half the platform’s going down is in Cy race STS yep several he could terminate several channels at will if he felt like it all right my Twitter friend said that they are down to join down to play tomorrow cool so now you’re faction mine have about even players uh if we count future at this point I’m going to prevent anyone from joining either faction for a third one to show up yeah we need more my goal is to have three factions of four players each before I allow factions to do whatever in terms of growing or expanding or creation yeah also I don’t think I told you this I have eight o over eight stacks of iron I know you said this several times I was talking to Sweet JP oh like early game I got like an absurd amount of iron and right now I have over eight Stacks I’m pretty sure we have a lot of I did make an anvil so I probably have a little less than that now you keep remind me of the fact that I have a ton of untapped iron under my base because we haven’t mined it because we don’t like the mainland oh never mind it’s been mind all then three T of ir uh you can’t just hold iron like that as a private resource that that’s going to be a new law real quick no doing that uh put it in the mining building there’s a chest for resources in there in the mine entrance which also doubles ore storage yeah the mine entrance has four chests in it one of them doubles one of them is ore storage it’s meant to double uh or as a small storage building hence the four chests I know I’m just taking sand right now and could use some help um you could say I am implementing I literally did implement the principle of that into future plans for the faction I’m not even joking you know you a communist uh not quite actually I sound like it but I have disagreements with them I have disagreements with them on several points fair enough only on the what the end all be all goal is though yeah everything else I’m on the same page almost anys yeah I’m just oh okay I’m just going to tell you this Jane all projects starting from now forward are probably going to be voted on and whatever the majority decides is what happens no matter if you like it or not good old Democratic centralism coming in play yeah hence the principle I mentioned of those two ideologies that one principle of those two I brought in where’s the mining chest uh look through all four chests one of them is ores and coal in it that’s where you put it I just love how it’s in the mining entrance don’t in the mine entrance wait where are you going okay you know the small building all right small building with a dome top on it dome top very small building oh my God Jane I said there was okay it’s near the dirt area all right where all the dirt is it’s that small building right next to the dirt area how were you entering the mines were you going off in the other cave entrance so I haven’t plugged up yet cuz I I will plug it up of it you realize I’m planning to plug that up right for dirt right I’m going to blame and don’t do that no we have a mine entrance for a reason a proper one at that and it’s actually good too also I’m just going to say this I’m for some reason better at building in this version than in modern versions fair enough makes sense my build Style kind of got stuck in this era and I’m just winging with it now cuz I like it my build style Works in all versions equally mostly just uses blocks that have been in the game for years I don’t like I know you use depth in some areas and I never use depth other than the like rooftop I use depth at the very least sometimes yeah I don’t I don’t use it as much I I haven’t really used it very much in my Builds on This Server though why not Jane that’s half the fun of the game you should build I encourage building yeah it’s really fun so weird I thought Minecraft was primordially building that’s half the game yeah that’s like 80% of the game you don’t have to plan it you can just think of an idea and just wing it and just go as you go build as you go something looks weird change it seriously I guess Jane just wants to be a slave which I don’t do but okay you know Jane’s kinky like that fair what else would you expect of again Fair all right I’ve got more sand to start vomiting into the ocean I mean what I will like I will lower I will single-handedly lower sea levels by 0.00005 mm what about you you mean raise the sea levels uh no cuz I’m I I isolate the water and then drain it out oh thus technically lowering it that’s an idea I should steal I wait I should go to your River and dry it all up and then wait no pizza I should go to your River at some point when you’re offline dry it up and then sell your water back to you just like Nestle s it back for absorbit parking and then make you pay absorbent parking fees just to get to the island again that’d be funny if iated boat parking fees where that is pizza do you think I should have boat parking fees in this island like you want to talk you just have to pay a fee n [ __ ] that I just look lower than a landlord if you do that I’d be worse than a landlord absolutely even though those shut up I found a nether fortress what do you want me to do about that I don’t have nether axess yet I could go get it cuz I have a diamond pickaxe but sand placing sand is way more fun no you know wonder what do people do if they don’t build a Minecraft uh uh they just speedrun they’re speedr Runners that’s it if you don’t build much of anything you’re a speedrunner damn that’s so boring after sometime that’s what you do when you have nothing to build yeah I’m hearing a lot of blazes because you intentionally make them boring for yourself okay I see what I see how it is damn I just found diamonds in the chest this reminds me of this one G why Jane Jane why did you feel the need to say that I’m live streaming remember yeah yeah [ __ ] also this reminds me of this one guy in this one game we like had community events he would do nothing and then complain that it was boring you sound just like that guy yeah you avoid half of the game intentionally and then say it’s boring Jane you also left my that sounds you you also left my faction for a stupid reason too you said there was nothing to do even though I told you to build your house game doesn’t like building for some reason which again half the game learn how to do it it’s fun that’s like one of the main things I like about Minecraft too yeah I like the custom structures because it makes server low builds a rich I that’s why like that’s that’s I although I I’ll be fair I don’t play single player ever cuz it’s boring fair enough Dam I am a multiplayer exclusive you play because it’s you don’t play because it’s boring me because I have no friends we’re not alike the server is basically replaced in entire other group I used to have that I play this game with because of more diamonds okay the [ __ ] is this Nether Fortress made out of diamonds apparently I said it first that’s my joke SMH I’m copyrighting you you said that at just like Nintendo did to just like some Nintendo copyright impersonator did to Gary’s Mod is that actually true I don’t know but it might be a possibility Halo I don’t think Nintendo can sue Gary’s Mod because it take there’s too many of those I think the Nintendo ninjas can reach C well maybe all I know is if you’re Italian you better not name your kid Luigi cuz Nintendo will sue you R P2 Italy so many chests in this Fortress holy [ __ ] Christ also I’ve gotten five diamonds three sets of golden horse armor a set of iron horer and a set of diamond horse armor you know what you know what I find funny you know what I find funny what anyone from a suburban area will just think of City Life and think oh yeah that’s like crime everywhere right like every corner you turn you’re getting robbed or getting injected by random drugs or something or being recruited into some gang like yeah it’s really bad better get Nintendo to sue him this is the longest land expansion yet honestly this might be my favorite server I’ve done so far because of the scale I’m going for CU it’ll have the most players ever you want know why most of my servers died out that I started previously not because of a lack of interest from me but because everyone else just kept forgetting about it so that’s why I’m trying to make the server a bit larger so that there’s always hopefully at least most of the time somebody online to do something to entice people to keep going I mean i’ I’ve probably been online the most followed by me of course yeah of course you’re and then Mayo MH he’s technically the co-founder technically not really but he he helped me refine the idea of it as he does with everything when it comes to servers like this the uh okay uh hold on who uh JEA doesn’t know who that is who this m person is but on the server you’ll probably find him eventually does have Peak gameplay I got to admit I don’t really play Terraria much but yeah I have it but I don’t play it terraria’s game play is so Peak legitimately oh oh Jane was fishing when she said that oh I noticed that and got the joke right after like oh I get it but I didn’t want to say anything yet [ __ ] Christ this water is deep I’m glad I had made a survey it because it’s actually I’m having to deal with 15 block Deep Water by the way Jane don’t dig our Island but Jane look over where I’m at you can flatten this bit off by one block down cuz I want the fort to be two blocks above the water that we plan to build so do flatten that too ow [ __ ] you blaze you’re rude I kind of would see by the end of the server’s lifetime which one of our two factions is more successful the one that goes with order and you know structure or the one that doesn’t I stay structure Loosely though we are barely centralized and that’s apparent when I literally tell people there are no organized jobs I know earlier said Jane I’ve got news for you and she was like am I getting fired I’m just like no there’s no jobs like that no I don’t expel people unless they do something wrong you have done nothing wrong besides we don’t have an official code of law yet which I need to write there’s two things I have to write now because I’m dedicated enough I need to write a constitution for this thing too I know want where we ran a faction I uh I had someone do that for me but I’ve learned how to do it myself I learned how to make at least semi thing all right that’s nice and flat let’s go place that sand now I like how this Island’s just getting mutilated and also helped at the same time like we’re ruining it but we’re helping it by making it more resistant to rising sea levels aren’t we kind I want to introduce an ecosystem to this island like I want to bring animals at some point what animals uh good question it’s going to be hard cu the boats don’t have a back seat in this game but you know what exists leads you know what else exists the ability to build also do you player to be how are you going to get leads though we’re very close to a Mainland we can swim to it yeah where you going to get leads though we’ll find slime chunk kill some slimes and craft them I those one even find a slim chunk uh there were tools but you could also just find that they were is kind of cheaty yeah but fun fact horse saddles specifically horse saddles were going to be an item that you could craft originally yeah so the nor no we can’t though yeah I I still like you can’t craft saddle so that’s kind of annoying considering you can craft and well right now in the current update You Can Craft um the nether Crystal sure you couldn’t craft leads in this version when was that added I don’t remember the early the leads yeah in the newer versions you can that that’s why how we going to get yeah that’s why I was get that’s why I was asking where you going to get the leads yeah you in newer versions you can craft leads with string and slime I almost fell uh but in this one you can’t no leads let me look that up on the wiki real quick hold on I almost look I almost look like Minecraft I was like oh great all right I got to find my way back to base now this has all been untapped so I think I’m going wrong I hate that the phandom wiki is both the actually good Wiki okay so they were added in 1.6.1 um no you could craft them when they were added in 1.6.1 no you could only find them in I could swear you could only find them NOP according to the wiki you could have done it since snapshot 13 w18a which was back in 2013 so they’ve always been in been craftable at least if the wiki anything to go by the good one too you know the the the actual website one and I love bashing on the fandom Wiki did they change the location because Minecraft Wiki wasn’t that good uh they made a new one because the phandom one was bad cuz fandom kind of sucks so they made an actual custom website for it all fact you know uh you know three string and one slime ball makes a lead also they didn’t even generate any structures until 1.11 funny enough H I could have sworn nope they they generated in the Woodland Mansion first so they were only craftable early on I like it when crafts are accurate whatever that means sure it’s like it makes sense oh yeah I guess it could cuz the slime ball gets the string all together and it’s also the side that sticks to the animal mhm also I like how you can make newes with it I wish you could lead players and make them die from hanging that would be funny but also probably [ __ ] up the age rating how is that oh yeah it would it would I’m not I’m not just trying to be edgy I’m serious that’ actually be a good multiplayer feature cuz if somebody breaks the rules uhuh to the Gallow you go I know it once I know in modern versions you can make the spiko te I once made an there was one faction Bas servers in a while ago which inspired this one funny enough and the the fact I was in I made one major contribution to it early on when I first joined I invented the SPO te using dripstone you you just put someone in surrounded by fences and then move a piston spinee would kill the person in there and boom public execution it got used a total of twice it was funny of course it was got an interesting sense of humor you have oh yeah no you won’t you would you won’t believe it my humor is unhinged very I wouldn’t say unhinged more like morbid you haven’t heard the most of it don’t worry yeah compared to the rest of her humor this is tame indeed Bes the spikee wasn’t a joke I was serious about making it I pitched it to the faction leader and everything with the IDE that rebellious members could be executed and their stuff taken in fact I don’t know what I plan to do but I feel like I would have planned to make a hopper system to take their items too set them fresh back to spawn as well cuz the idea was you destroy their bed first and then line them up for it as a way of Exile as well it would kill an exile them at the same time two birds one stone or I should say one spike in this case actually funny enough that server I’m talking about is How I Met m in the first place [Music] nice that’s was Kiki going in one you’re in VC randomly and just started eating the mic again you know Kiki randomly joining VC and making demonic mic eating sounds before leaving not recently also one sec i’ entirely forgot that my mom made dinner um what’ you say JEA she’s a yeah sometimes she’ll just join VC start making the most awful sounds known to man she she did that to me twice annoyingly I I have her muted still I’m pretty sure I don’t know Jane why’ you plant a whole Forest we’re not team trees we’re not team trees now remember the fact that Mr Beast once made a Minecraft server where you were supposed to remove gar from the ocean slowly and because it was retextured obsidian somebody made a garbage Farm someone in his friends made a garbage farm and started actually putting more garbage everywhere to say a staff for they had a response about it I don’t want to build a monument to the founding of this place for some reason eh that’s for later uh no Follow Me Turn Around follow me I’ll show you how we’re going to make it grass or how we are making it grass slowly behold the grass worm it’s like four blocks away from touching this and spreading yeah we we we hope an Enderman one day drops a grass block that we can just place and speed up the process I would turn the random tick speed up but that’s cheating actually what is the random tick speed three would it be funny if I turn it up to five just too higher like not enough to notice but it be funny anyways just make it everything slightly faster how would five be noticed while that’s two up random TI speed would be twoo up um I don’t think the random tick speed affects Redstone does it oh I guess we don’t then cuz I don’t want to screw overed Stoner if we didn’t have any farms I would have turned to take speed up to get the grass by now but that yeah know yeah this will be dirt for a long time until grass can grow do you have Flint uh what four why would you need Flint for food I have bread not a bread light in sight not yet eat it it’s good trust me eat the bread just eat the bread it’s not that bad give me it back at least if you won’t eat it because it’s quote French what do you mean French what I have a feeling you mean meat in two ways definitely you came back to that I I got back a minute ago I was just muted still forgot I was no I was busy taking a anyways while you’re out there can you get two leather back we need it for the Fish Shack all right let me let me get back home and do some enchanting first I wonder what Milestones each faction has done that we could include like what kind of Milestones have each faction done I know my faction just has currently the um oh my God these skeletons are rapid F why is this skeleton so fast I swear these things got like had their firing speed hav at some point that thing fired like Five Arrows within 10 seconds I’d say [ __ ] I got I lost my cover on arrows please help God damn it I lost the direction I was planning to go what accent was that Ethan I can’t even tell I don’t know either all I know is that you have a very good 100 days accent if you know what I’m talking about [ __ ] my inventory is full uh go away mushrooms you want mushrooms no I said my inventory is full so I said go away mushrooms anyways I now have I said my inventory is full jackass those are on the floor now I know would it’ be funny for you to have more for more mushrooms to be on the floor randomly in the ne there’s a good chance they’d cook the mushrooms yeah yes they items don’t burn on the floor like that yeah but they’ll [ __ ] if I’m looking off an edge they’ll launch into the lava that’s ice I know place it and break it and then realize that was patched a long time ago no oh yeah but crushed hopes and dreams would you not like crushed hopes and dreams no I don’t like Crush dreams do you have tell me when you were in do you have an empty inventory story slot no why not cuz I’m going home uh could you drop some garbage you have maybe fine done that’s literally the exact item that I dropped you dropped red mushrooms yes and then got more red mushrooms you just gave me 21 more red mushrooms it was 22 yeah and I already had one oh well I gave you the exact I gave you 22 for a reason why uh say something in chat and then you U read said chat message all the way through like everything oh I know what you’re talking about I could have given you 314 cuz you know you’re 3.14 22A let’s sleep we should all sleep but I don’t think Jane has a bed and Jane if you have a bed sleep now sleep then cuz we have not slept in a long time there’s no Phantoms to worry about yeah but still sometimes it’s nice I have a coat rack for some reason please close doors behind you Jane don’t be M even I close doors behind me yeah I’ve told M to close doors behind him and he never does of course Jan you’re one step away from being exiled thin ice just kidding I’m not a tyrant that’s pizza’s job Pizza is a tyrant with aant you you you evicted somebody for goofing off and setting Us hours upon no J no you’re not getting kicked out I’m not that mean I exiled her because she said us out is behind L out I love looking at my Fork that is my proudest build yet other than the land expansions I love looking at everything I own because it’s all glorious good luck yeah all I know is that our faction is known for to is going to be forever known it’s the first one to have built a structure on the ocean not on land just in the water I should add an oil mod and the USA mod add drinkable oil but also adds a new event invaded by military if you have oil the US military gets spawned and invades Jane play Ultra kill for that I I I have a feeling that whenever you go to the Gabriel fight you always oil him I knew you were going to say that I knew it the other option would have been sis I it was one of the two Gabriel is a better option I don’t know I think there’s an argument to be made about sopus honestly I mean there is a taste for the dad VOD yeah but I mean just come on all you have to do is uh go behind him and then look down yeah fair enough average Ultra kill discussion this is literally what half of the ultra kill fandom is talking about 24/7 yeah look at the negative reviews for the game on Steam crazy for robot oh kills negative reviews on Steam are special let let me go read some of them for you all right um negative all right car win the sex update hiada not enough gay robot can’t the robot track I guess they going make about no trans robot interesting man man wait robots have six it’s all just no set where is is there anyone complaining about 7-s yet cuz Pizza what do you think is worse 7-s or 4-s I haven’t played 7-s yet well good luck it’s it’s it’s fun face start CHS 4-s here’s a negative review of ultra kill 4-s is the worst thing conceived by Humanity I hated Ford FS with all my might I need to make my own review but it’s negative and it’s just you know did I make a reval I honestly don’t know I I did right I made a review about the cancer rodent being very difficult 4-s um it’s the Crash Bandicoot level the one nobody likes playing again uh play it play 4-s you’ll you’ll you’ll quickly come to hate it the secret entrance to it is in 4-2 4-s is actually painful fact I actually cheated when I got well I I well I didn’t cheat my first time but when I came back to get Clash mode I just cheated cuz I wasn’t dealing with that virtue that stupid virtue drove me crazy I’m the most blinged out person in this server right now imagine being blinged imagine being overly materialistic in point I have a fire protection three aqua affinity one Diamond Helmet a sharpness why are these skeletons so fast sharpness three I have a sharpness three knock back two diamond sword I have a efficiency four diamond pick that you’re cheated to get and I have proof let me check my console logs oh yeah look SL G white that was me entering those commands oops what was that sweet chippy they need a curse Forge no you don’t need Forge oh okay just normal just forge C Forge and Forge are very different things too I’ll I’ll send you the link one sec 1.8.9 don’t download the recommended one download the latest one even though those are the same thing I know those just I’m going just straight up send you the file it’ll probably be easier yeah that’s what I said I said even though the same version here’s the file [ __ ] never mind or no you can just download that in the bottom right so where did I PL that in huh just dump into the game folder no you double click it you have to launch the jar file and run it and then click install client also Pizza does your faction have any symbols attached to it yet I have I have one in mind but I haven’t made it yet oh you should probably make some sort of recreation of it just to see if you’d like how it looks or something it makes sense that’s typically even when I make banners in game I always make them dig a digital flag variant of them just see how’ look see if I really want to do that can you like run me back on like I install this so do you have the forge 1.8.9 jar file the one that you sent over yeah did you download it yeah double click it oh wait did did you install uh [ __ ] did you install Java nay I think I don’t have it anymore Java yeah you’ll have to get Java I have to install Java oh yeah Pizza by the way I am one step closer to finally emulating PS3 Minecraft on my steam deck which will be fun I’ll just go ahead and send you that file as well gov no I just realized that I also need to download Java how are you running Forge without it because I installed Forge before Oh I just have to say it again I hate 4-s I hate four Das I mean no I hate 4-s I hate 4-s I hate 4-s could you guess what I hate 4-s exactly I don’t know which is worth so 4-s or 7-s you should play it but just I’m you want me to warn you about one part of it uh it can take upwards of 30 minutes to complete why that is I’m not going to spoil it for you any more than that if there it takes a long time yeah it’s the clean level oh you know about it already I haven’t seen gameplay or anything all I know is that it’s the cleaning level yeah it’s a power wash imp par you’d know then and it’s painful I feel like it’s teita just seeing how much he can torture the player base and then just let it slide if you really think about it you got jav installed all right now now double click the jar file like again I’m convinced to is just seeing what he can get away with what was that sweet chy it’s INE currently it opens as a flip note Java the [ __ ] what it’s like just how does that happen don’t even know how do you get a flip note I think they’re talking about not yeah yeah my B yeah like I’m confused to flip note that seems like honestly it seems like something like a l like a some Linux D would call it notepad version all right uh just go to this link and click the installer button on the latest so 1 204 no what one no oh okay never mind my B yeah yeah the link that I sent you is for [Music] 1.8.9 and then click the installer button on latest if you don’t know how to do that crickets then once that downloads just open the file then click install client and voila oh you have to open you have to make a new installation for it too yeah I know meta was asking earlier if he could use lunar client which I don’t think you can yeah he asked me and I told him to ask you I don’t I’m not an expert with modding uh I all I know is that if it has to run as its own installation like um optify does if you don’t have the mod version then no you can’t cuz Forge has to be running do it client or server uh Forge is client cided okay um it it allows your client to even load mods but we’re not doing that we’re not doing mods it’s only there because again server host complain yeah I mean we could go mod it if the server if there’s like a big enough of a server vote but like nah unlikely so keep that in mind it’s unlikely to occur mostly because I don’t want to alienate people cuz people some people just hate mods which I personally don’t get but sure I know I know there are vanilla purists that call them cheating I don’t get I I may be a SL slight bit against mods but I don’t get that that just makes no sense I would know was playing a game called Kerbal Space pram and there was one stock pist who argued that I was cheating with mods cuz I could have made what I did with the mods in game guess what he did he tried to prove it by recreating one of my ships guess what he did it was off scale it wasn’t properly scaled so then he claimed to use a different mod to scale it down because the textures were blurry because he doesn’t know how mods work and that the deaths have to make their own textures and so the textures get this buddy might not be properly scaled so uh what now they just open Minecraft and uh open up your uh Minecraft launcher and then make a new installation using the 1.8.9 forge as version should be all the way at the bottom of the list oh there an animation open yeah I noticed it too Forge yes yeah one save I’m going add you to the group chat the server IP is in the pend messages would be anyways oh damn it’s night time let’s go to sleep um I’m a bit busy doing something you’re just going to have to wait until after the test Gordon I mean wrong line you fool record you have no idea what you’ve done stop messing with the microwave what I said microwave are you referencing hlvr AI by chance if so that’s not what I was referencing I was referencing a direct quote from halflife one it’s all halflife but again one of the SC if you try to interact with Scientists early on they will say you’ll just have to wait until after the test Gordon or at least that’s one of the lines they can say yeah yep yep yep s haven’t finished the full half season I need to do blue the one with the you’re cop during uh oh yeah you’re Barney Barney and also yeah andan shepher the oh yeah opposing Force yeah I have those but I’ve not played either um I’ve technically played some of op four but I used to spend Co-op for that for reasons I’m sure you know about Sven Co-op correct can you repeat the name uh Sven Co-op it basically is a uh I wouldn’t call it a mod anymore it’s it become so Advanced it’s gone beyond being a mod and it’s its own game basically it’s halflife one but multiplayer but with its own game with its own modified engine called the span engine has a lot of improvements over actual halflife one like the weapon H the HD models are actually you know HD and good I mean there kind of most F life modes nowadays no but Spen Co-op is unique in the fact SP C is from the 90s that is I just whispered you the coordinates how does one whisper uh slw and then the username you’re trying to whisper to okay it’s quite useful indeed damn I forget how weak skeletons were weak what are you talking about they do two hearts of damage yeah but they rapid fire nah guy sucks they are faster than they are modern versions I know that for a fact they’re still pretty easy to deal with for me Fair although I do although I do have the most powerful weapon yeah and I don’t and also you know the knockback can be annoying I mean I have knockback too so is it so so you need only one person to sleep or is it just no that that that didn’t actually exist until modern Minecraft even yeah this is still one of the versions where you need everyone to sleep sadly yeah that means later on when this gets bigger not happening why do everyone post a random gift when they join gift Al I might as well post um a related symbol to my faction what it’s for I will not tell you don’t say it looks like a St uh it’s not but it’s something for me to use alone I’ll tell you that yeah I’ll just tell it’s just a personal standard hence why it’s a square because most standards like that for a leader tend to be square for some reason the [ __ ] is a standard H it’s just kind of like a in this case it’s a flag Associated to somebody ah if you want like the lore for this thing it’s technically the standard used by any leader of the faction known as the Director it’s just the thing they would be flying and and like set up during meetings or something my Anvil is like one thing from destruction my Anvil is somehow alive still I yes what is what skin does sweet Jaa have I’m curious now looks like Barney Calhoun almost oh it’s like a self insert I guess oh fair I really got to make a skin of My OC make one of mine but I’m not that good at making skins I’m not very good at making skins I mean the one I have I made technically but I modified an existing one that counts yeah again I’m best at modifying things that’s in fact the the thing I just posted is actually a modified uh the Border rim of it is just taken from moldova’s presidential standard because it just worked ah you know what I should had a mod that let us drink red 40 wouldn’t you love to consume red 40 no why not because no but red 40 shut up but red 40 that is highly cancerous oh come on red 40 is delicious it’s not like I’m basically saying we should I red 40 is a food diet not very healthy I just saw the [ __ ] General voice chat status what is it look at it goam drive ruin my input senses time to get rid of that no I like it why not why no I have something better that’s worse who’s whoever set the status before said it damn that’s blame no I’m basically telling people to kill themselves and basically just put as KY that’s boring and bad but it’s a unique way of saying it telling people to K themselves that’s super 9020 of you all right uh what’s your coordinate sweet cha and do you have armor they just joined I just joined I’m not good now what are your coordinates they’re joining a I already sent them my coordinates no no no I need to go to JEA for reasons definitely don’t need to assassinate him with shovel if you do that I will murder you yeah jeer do you have diamond armor fully Enchanted a man I do have full do you want that I have full emerald armor I mean what is this old mods I’ve got full Enchanted emerald armor yeah and I have a diamond sword with sharpness three knock back too I have an obsidian sword with shortness 12 definitely sure I have the coordinates to to your base I hope you know that I know but I made them public so who cares so what difficulty are are normal normal damn can we bump that up now we’re on hard thank you dope but you know what that entails I mean some mods mobs can have special effects armor if you spin in a specific area for long enough other than that I don’t know damage God I keep pressing e for interaction stop that I just heard a horse I like how perfectly parked somebody perfectly parked a boat at this thing yeah will not yeah I Hanah I love this thing my beautiful Fort has paid off white doors uh the doors I plan to add a railing around that don’t worry it’s meant to be like I plan to extend this by a block and add iron bar railing at some point so that you can just kind of stand there and observe better but I well just let you do that I mean I know there’s an observation floor right above it but who cares it looks cool also that thing hopefully does not have to be used ever that’s weird to say but I hope we don’t need to use that forever but it’s there more of a precaution than anything it’s a deterrent it’s a hey we can shoot your boat down in relative comfort and safety don’t try it it’s about sending a message oh you don’t have to cuz you live you’re part of the faction exist also that sign is just a joke I mean go inside and look at the sign on the roof right there that gives it away if you don’t know what the DMV is it’s where you go to get your driers license and such and it’s known for painfully slow lines I love how far I love how far I launch Creepers with knockback to yeah yeah DMVs are not fun you don’t want to be in one can confirm you’ll have to I’ve been to them I don’t like it it’s so slow it feels like they call everything but your number 93 and then you have 94 and there like 95 and after they get who they finally call 94 but you should the server it’s on but yeah if I go into options I see that the difficulty is easy yeah it is oh what that’s what it says on my side dang that’s weird I have to go into the console I suppose to change that and actually op you because I keep forgetting yeah probably a good idea yeah cuz you’re going to be like the only administrator of the server for now oh yeah all right you have oh it didn’t off you properly did it there let’s just hope nobody with that exact us name shows up uh do you have chest chest it by going to spectator real quick all right yep yep yep yep you can well y you’re fault welcome I I trust you don’t want to abuse that I don’t like to abuse up and I don’t either the most I do is mild item giving of garage the most either of us would do is some light trolling yeah just giving people garbage like mushrooms or dead bushes that you can just hit Q to get rid of imagine if just World War I happens on the server basically this or span coalitions of factions fighting each other that would be something fun who would win though is the question who would be in charge who would win we we’ll never know know why people like SP clicking in M Who would know why if a great war broke out in the server who would win and who would be in charge and if I would be involved at all cuz I probably would just be neutral trying to war profiter until someone tries to Belgium me for some reason this one war perfect here in Minecraft until someone decides that I am actually a speed bump did youp but those one even like profer in like Minecraft wars what were you asking how does one even profiter in Minecraft wars selling materials to both sides pretty much or one side that’d be War profiteering yeah do you have any leather Jane or did you just get everything but leather leather I mean if you got everything but leather I’m going to kill you I mean wow why are cows so rare when you need them but when you don’t they’re everywhere speaking of which I should probably kill some C oh well we we are oh we are so in business with our iron we have a ton of iron I I I got a PL I got plenty of food and leather and [ __ ] well now we got like four stacks of iron we’re we’re we’re loaded for now I know that’s less than you but still good amount could you ever onot cows with just an iron sword yeah you can on this version what anyways user guess how much leather we have how much a stack and 43 dang off to go search for cows Jane could you get more sand and continue sand work oh my God I have so much quartz continue land filling might put a warehouse on that could put like an organized storage building in that that could be useful I have over 12 and a half stacks of quartz you’re just going to monopolize the quartz industry I mean I use a lot of it I I use a lot of quartz for building I’m going be honest you’re going to become the quartz industrial complex like in every single bu building there’s at least some quartz again you’re going to become the quartz industrial complex next thing you’re going to know you’re going to try and bribe me to go to war on your behalf to get more quartz Pizza yeah no remember always clear the weather of rain cuz rain is not helpful rain is just annoying L dumb idiot referring to a zombie yes on top of my sand mining Outpost I’m just chilling here running around base waiting for to JP to get here I’m running around looking for cows to murder so I can have item frames and the fish and the fish hey sweet JP how close are you oh I’ve just been Gathering up a bit of supplies before going there ah makes sense yeah we got a pl we got plenty of supplies here but as soon as you got enough for just basic travel then yeah and we are the faction that has eight stacks of iron we have about half as much yeah half as much we recently just loaded a bunch up but we have more impressive structures to build at this point so yeah again we’re not concerned I mean hey expanding the Island’s land mass by twice its size is not is not nothing is it not that ain’t nothing that’s how big it is I mean the island itself was like a couple hundred blocks along maybe like 200 is no it’s like 150ish I find sheep banana meters huh how’s that in bananas how is that what how’s that in bananas why I can’t hear you speak louder please how’s that in bananas in bananas 50 bananas per 50 I don’t know one block is a cubic meters to do the math so the island I’m pretty sure the Island’s about 150 M long which is smaller than the Vatican by the way I forget that this is the version where you can’t turn lapis into blue dye you can no lapis is blue dye oh yeah [ __ ] and I forgot I am the blue dye but not the Senate can I steal this guy’s uh gold armor actually if someone in any faction says in chat I am the Senate we need to be afraid I’m sure you know why this baby zombie has a sword oh my god oh yeah they don’t burn in daylight remember that yep I they never did h no they do in modern versions now thankfully okay but if whoever added that whoever suggested Notch to add that is evil like oh yeah what if there were small ones that were hard to hit and Blended in with the grass and also didn’t burn chain mail hey hey P you want me to give you the fire item so you can craft some chain mail no baby zombie no it dropped an iron ingot are you serious luy that’s a rare drop I feel like I’ve seen this desert temple before cows finally and a lot of them oh my God you remember the old cow the cow sounds they’re iconic they changed it oh the cow sounds bring back nostalgic to when I torture them in Pocket Edition time to R the desert Temple and not die hopefully I have not died once during this at all which is lucky a what do you mean the cow sound effects are beautiful they should be cherished forever so if they record if they use real life animal sounds for Mob sound how do they get the dolphin and panda hurt sound effects don’t they sell that sound effects we can just buy those my intrusive thoughts are getting more complex by the day cuz they literally thought of a chain of okay that sounds like hin but that actually sounds like Adolf which which is actually the name of Hitler my truth of thoughts are getting more complex please help you don’t have to say the full name I think everybody gets it yeah they straight up somehow manag to make a link of saying human sounds to mustache man might as well kill these chickens while I’m here get away mid shorts mid YouTube creators that keep stealing content and Redstone Creations as your own has it been too long since that was a problem for that to be understood no I understand that I was around it happened yeah Alexa real and all that yeah it was stupid ironic that says that the channel name was Alexa real not a single thing was real oh my God thank goodness items don’t activate Stone pressure plates thank God what did you almost activate pnt on the oh five diamonds damn nice and TNT you know what I’m using that for TNT cannon of course there’s also some extra gold which I mean eh sure time to pill her out make my way back you know what you should do in raiding desert temples always drop down the Blue Block mine the Blue Block and drop down the middle a great idea is it not sure a fully AR armored leather zombie with enchantments while holding a what that’s a nice website you’ve got there HTT the a key why the a key why are there so many zombies that have to pick up items attribute mother yeah but like why a specifically why not W or S thanks are you keist are you keist Janie are you a keist are you a Kia Pizza Jan is keist Banner on it what even is a keist hold on I’ll kick her from the server hold on all right let’s back down I love kicking people for no reason no no I don’t I only do that to few people I had to do that though it was funny oh my God you know I remembered I once affected somebody’s levitation when I was bored and guess that’s what happened that was me you [ __ ] oh right yeah that was you I forgot they they us hit me with levitation and I flew so high that I got kicked for flying you stopped fly hacking when you had the chance if levitation was in this version you think you’d get kicked for flying if I did it to you yes but luckily levitation is not in this version of Minecraft time to mod it in manually [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh man I’m at a half heart just kidding I’m at two and I have food to heal with so frankly I’m not in danger at all imagine I got because it’s easy mode because Mur I murdered a creeper and they decided to blow up my bridge imagine having Bridges have Towers instead two of them next to each other’s specifically I have a bridge and a tower now make another one make sure to make an airport nearby no why not we’re not recreating 911 I did that in Gary’s Mod once I know you’ve told that story before and it was worth it over here trying to set up the banners that I just made do they look like I look at my stream on YouTube are you stream oh just give get a screenshot or something I’m busy fighting mobs too bad what was that there was a spider then a skeleton randomly shows him and a creeper kills both of them all because I killed one cow this game is weird N I wouldn’t say that it’s pretty um when that can happen yes it is nah weirdest stuff can happen I need some Unbreaking books also Pizza I don’t even know I don’t I don’t I don’t even have your channel like anywhere so I can’t even look at your stream if I wanted to I sent it in general stupid I’m send a screenshot to you don’t worry [ __ ] quick I need more sugar cane I need to make the cocaine business go booming make that our primary export and here is if your Banner’s go if your Banner’s decent enough I I can offer to recreate it digitally for you if you want cuz I know my way around doing that uh I could do that that’s pretty simple if you want why not all right I I’ll I’ll get to that eventually um as for the colors I like the orange and yellow but the purple is a bit iffy not bad but the purple is just a little weird also that’s not yellow that’s white I meant white I don’t know why I’m tired okay looks yeah no I I kind of like the orange and purple I like the orange and white though that’s pretty rare to see orange itself is rare anyways I’m I mostly just made that with the D that I had on hand oh Fair yeah no you can you can tell the flag I made was not made to be a banner in game nor meant for that it was there just for lore purposes but also if we make a Discord server for the server I will make emojis of everybody’s banners hell yeah that’s flag emojis you just give me two letters for the country’s name or faction’s name I should say just two letters Like You [Music] Know Me Maybe you the diagonal stripe does make things a tiny bit more complicated but I can do it at least this version you don’t have the max of eight designs on the banner oh yeah the banner are limited too yeah the banners it sucks that they remot that I’m to cook food what do you mean by cook food I got I I went hunting and got a bunch of meat to eat I got to cook it the Shaded Vision that is an interesting name slated or slated slated also I told you that name already AG just go yeah but still I don’t know why I didn’t press it um okay here’s a question uh I know this doesn’t matter but like you want it to be wider or not like wider than it is tall or closer to even you know if be tall bik doesn’t or you don’t care what I do I don’t really care what you do all right I’ll just go by standard 2 three then I’ll even use I’ll use the exact Shades in game as well let me just copy that screenshot real quick hell yeah [Music] okay well that doesn’t that that shade of orange doesn’t blend well on the program I’m using so I got to brighten it probably that’s probably also because of the ingame shading yeah that that that should work yeah I get some real plags to get some elements from because I could make the stripes manually or I can just do the easy route you know yeah go ahead and let me know when you’re on your way to here sweet JP yep yep it’s 364 tall one end 333 me three I have you a bed set up temporarily in the storage room all right well I’m going to sleep in the storage room don’t have a house here so far the only other building besides 3 four uh 346 we still need to go up I should be good enough now uh let’s see make the orange a bit brighter H little bit oh nope don’t want that good enough with the purple D the stripe that’ll be something reminds me of one of uh that reminds me of an unexpected flag actually that you might not expect it to remind me of it reminds me of one of power of uh no yise Flags because it has three official ones one of which has a diagonal red stripe going through a trib band through what through a like a three striped flag with a giant diagonal red one going right through it oh nice as one of the three Flags parag uh yeah Uruguay has for some reason I still like how I made my flag for the previous server literally just the B flag but but gradient that diagonal stripe it will be oh I just realized I can just be lazy and copy paste oh I missed the I already missed the uh aqu update yeah fair enough that was a straight upgrade I miss it now the water is just a death trip just get some around approximate purple it uh P let me Dam you this real quick here’s my attempt at digitally reconstructing that H yeah I don’t know if the purple stripe should be thicker or not you think it should be just St it’s the same uh width as the other as the two white ones if you’re not aware should I make it a bit thicker or keep it like that um since it’s a wide flag I’d say thicker all right I I uh have a technique for that all right though that doesn’t really make it even I’m just going to have to undo real [Music] quick really I just have to uh redo the whole stripe now but that’s fine I like doing this also that orange is an interesting shade of orange it’s the only Orange in game you can I unfortunate wa you can’t make orange no it’s there there is Orange it’s just there’s only one shade of it getting that stripe just right so it’s about even is going to be a little challenging yeah you want know something funny that I always subconsciously do in bases here here’s a thicker now yeah that’s it all right there we go uh you can post it yourself if you want just uh yeah you can post that version yourself I will be saving that for a folder though I SP here is weird M uh either’s nothing or just like 50 in one spot what like the the mob spawns just compare it to kamarat flag right there see how very different they are in everything my if funny enough both of ours have purple that’s interesting it’s not mirrored I think James just put trying to imagine it vertically incorrectly I know it actually is kind of Meir it’s not if you Tilt at 90 degrees it’s completely normal well except the equals except the line bands that are not I took Liberties though cuz it it would have looked weird if I did vertical bands I’m sure you can get yeah wait we had mutton in this version yeah this is the version that was added if I remember correctly or not 1.8 1.8 was okay okay honestly yeah lities has to be taken but eh whatever who cares Al see I made this flag really weirdly too also I can actually fix the mirror Problem by just flip horizontal boom fixed yeah yeah I I made the Banner really weirdly there we go uh there’s the fixed version if you want which one do you prefer the the one I made the first one or the second honestly I like the fixed version better all right I’ll save that the official one then yeah also both of ours have purple on them to some extent cuz the code of arms has a purple Shield which was really just a placeholder color that I kept because I don’t know I don’t want red cuz that’s a very common color on is red blooded I find it funny how I subconsciously always uh have like buildings that are perfect for parkour and builds like this you’re just a parkour addict I mean i’ I’ve just been running around jumping across buildings like an Assassin’s Creed protagonist oh my God Jane why what did Jane say no I just broke one block randomly of the wall of the mine entrance for zero purpose anyways um pizza if I get bored enough uh if you want I could even make an emblem of your faction if you feel like giving me an idea for that no I already have an idea for an emblem all right feel free I’ll make it eventually all right I’ll make it in CR though yeah you’ll make it in Creative CR oh I see the art also if you’re wondering what it’s pretty obvious what the code of art my faction is it’s on the flag yeah the eagle speaks for itself does it not funny enough I actually did consider making the Cod of arms a bit different by adding some sort of cap on both Eagle heads but I couldn’t find one that I could easily put on there and modify to work without too much effort for what it was worth I I thought about putting some sort of revolutionary French symbolism from like you know pre- Napoleonic France during the French Revolution but I couldn’t find anything that would work well I just kind of didn’t still might try though cuz I think I know one where I can find a c or some sort something like that I’m going to set up a skeleton server real quick just to have it I’ll add you only pizza so we can deal with it later all right I’ll set up a skeleton server um This Server is going to need some sort of icon for it though oh wait actually there is another thing um would you like me to make another symbol for it instead of a different kind it’s really unnecessary but could be something cool I guess another symbol for what your faction uh sure I guess all right um I I’ll show you what it’s on the similar vein of if you want to know what it would be kind of like sure let D cuz I have my own version of this this and well not you wouldn’t need it but it be fun to have I don’t know it just be fun to have this little extra thing it’s similar to this if you want I can do that if not I it’s fine but yeah actually I use it as a group chat icon really for my sub group chat that thing is used in place of the code of arms sometimes I’ll tell you that much makes sense the see is I guess you could it’s just a more informal symbol I can use although COA is strictly for other purposes anyways let me just invite you to the skeletal server real quick hold on let me just set up something real quick how going make I’m only going to set up one category for factions to be have their own individual uh channels I think we could do maybe or should we uh how do we do faction information cuz I don’t maybe maybe have a channel for it yeah but think do we do a channel perf action or no how about a thread perf action sure let me set up permissions real quick so not everyone can speak in it uh basically uh I’ll leave you to make the description of your own let me put m put it in the faction over here let me get mine though cuz I got something to write for a while y hey P yeah when do you think you’d be here judging like quite a bit it’s a decently long trick I just whisper you the coordinates again quick it’s fine I could just SC up for it easier to do that didn’t scroll up oh [ __ ] that fingered the enter key for the millionth time can’t wait till I finally get a [ __ ] Unbreaking book man I’m sweet there you go just put that little description you know what I think I’ll do pizza I’ll probably make like a separate um thread for faction chats probably or like a separate Channel this is just for overviews yeah but there will be a thread for chats specifically though can you make threads roll access I don’t think so I think you need an actual channel for each one I don’t know I I can we can set set up later yeah anyways uh just put your faction up if you want information on it still don’t really have much information on it give at least an overview of what it is about that’s all we need fair enough I mean I’m trying to find a cave right now still in a bit I’m always just trying to find a cave the one thing I need I will make a thread though for um nice job creeper very fruitful explosion it did not hit me I Wonder Why by default Minecraft doesn’t have like item durability visible I don’t know it’s weird especially since you have to like press so set up amount of key bindings to even show it I mean it’s just F3 and H right yeah [Music] [ __ ] I don’t like skeletons hello creeper I guess you’re just going to be chill like that finally a new cave never mind there go just get all that that skeleton is full gold armor [Music] there you go let me just make a roll or two oh there’s that [ __ ] monster spawner I forgot it existed there we go that’s enough of a skeleton structure for now I’ll set the rest after school tomorrow once I get home from that uh Pizza what color would you associate with your faction like one color orange all right orange good cuz I’m making rolls for factions as well uh or should I go with magenta what which one did you would you I feel like orange is more unique cuz your administrator roll is purple and so is the mod roll oh I don’t know you can edit the roll Havier please but I have a basic overview of it F all like completely dark red like you’re evil for that I made the faction referal just a dark red you’re evil for that what role a dark red factionless oh wow that sounds like faction propaganda to me what that sounds like faction propaganda to me it is exactly dark red oh yes a color is evil so true oh gold the color it’s like red but I could probably make a hold on how to make that welcome Channel just called hello world that’d be funny Bia classic Village there’s a bunch of them around there oh I assume uh hold on also pizza if you don’t mind making an icon for This Server that’d be fun also I I I I might have a way to have people join factions without having reaction roles needed what I’ll do is I probably each faction have two people that can add you to it one is the owner of it of course and then another person would just be whoever they pick to help them with that I like that might be the best idea off pretty much just a recruiter so the owner doesn’t get their DMS flooded as for I’m going to to go skeleton you’re an [ __ ] let’s go to make faction text channels a thing but then also and let me just that up somehow found an area I haven’t explored in this cave doesn’t look like there’s anything here though sadly there we go here there we go also Pizza there’s one more thing the skeleton frame that the server needs and then we can just stop dealing with it for now what a chat for your faction because we’re going to have each faction of its own chat that only its members can see and I’ll leave that one up to you to make CU you know that’s it’s fair [Music] mhm anyways yeah I got to go to the time so see you tomorrow see you see you I’m just going to try and find more diamonds I don’t have very many at the moment don’t you [ __ ] dare rude bastard skeletons are not nice if it’s just like a me thing but it’s such a vibe to make a base un like on a desert what on the desert oh D wait you’re in a desert where the [ __ ] are you well going to you oh I didn’t even know there was a desert in between spawn and me but I am Crossing like already traversed lands since one of the village was already loaded what are the coordinates uh minus 1,500 uh 1,000x 1,500 MH you mean negative 1,000x yeah negative okay you’re getting pretty close then you just need to go like 700 moreish mostly on the z-axis yeah I’m just going around trying to find a cave I’ve mind most of the caves around this area dry sadly there’s definitely a few that I haven’t even found yet that for a fact so this surprisingly amount of like rabid spawning here rapid I haven’t seen that many usually there’s a surprising high amount of what rabbits oh that’s weird is like rare to even see one in the CR build in 10 endgame days the server will have had a whole year the age of a whole year yeah if you press F3 you can see how long the servers existed in in game days oh okay it’s at day 364 or 346 [Music] [Music] so what should I be seeing when I arrive a bridge okay we I see it see it yep well I think I see a village and a bridge I don’t know where the village is never mind that’s just your base yeah that’s not a village that’s my be welcome it’s very Village like Anyway hello welcome to the slated Vision damn right here we have a watchtower it’s a decently tall one see pretty far out with it can even see all the way over there where there’s a lava pool damn all right if you keep going down here and just continue on to the main base itself first of all you can see the massive Farm over there just don’t trample any Farm LS right to the left here we have a maxed out enchantment room gotcha over on the right side here is where I have lapis just in case you forget damn that’s dry okay okay I I have a stack back in the storage room I should probably move that uh and then speaking of the storage room here it is nicely sorted why is this one a trip chest actually why most a trip chest remember in this version you can’t Place Normal chests NE to next to each other uh oh okay so you have to alternate between normal and trapped chests just my inventory you can see our copious amounts of materials I just empty some of my stuff yeah makes sense just make sure you put it in for the right chests there’s a chest on top of what it the sign has is also correlated to the items on the sign also cck thing I’m putting uh raw food into mob drops okay just letting you know what about like usable blocks like furnaces it was still going blocks okay you can actually see the 29 furnaces from kagawa’s furnace Tower there should be everything emptied out yep and there’s the blood bed that I place for you we’re the only two online so let’s head to bed this is my the zombie first yeah good idea this is my house by the way it ain’t too bad why is there like a trampoline here that’s not a trampoline that’s an emergency exit ah okay planning on doing something under the water there okay love my chunky sword chunky sword it’s got sharpness three knock back too it’s pretty chunky I launched a zombie like into the roof of the enchantment building all right I’m going head into into The Nether okay also I forgot I forgot to tell you where the nether portal is uh down here do the trap door nether portal is down there is this still under construction I mean there we aren’t really constructing anything down here ignore this kick out me this I don’t know what the [ __ ] it is but right here’s the nether portal there isn’t really anything in here I’m just going in here actually why I just move it like over here I mean I don’t know maybe maybe not I don’t know okay okay yeah just go ahead and make your house somewhere along the path like if you see the path that goes uh like just to the left of the farm trying to make it somewhere to the left of that path if you can maybe might have to terraform a little bit that sadly and do I need to follow the building codes building codes Birch and stone bricks oh yeah just just try and make it fit within the style that I’m going for by the way what’s the the super super long uh Whatchamacallit support beams I just made that cuz it’s literally off the edge of a cliff so I decided to do that oh here here’s a thing I don’t know if if you ever want to change it real realistically speaking you can make like a angular like side beam that will connect to the wall yeah that could work never really thought of that because that’s what you usually do you don’t make a that’s a architecture before you yeah makes sense I might try and do that all just trying to find nether fortress quest of me done I’ll here for now [ __ ] that’s depressing what you were on for very long well it soon to be like 1 and I got to wake up early tomorrow oh you’re an hour ahead of me Dam yeah makes sense all then see it see it well guess we’re alone chat oh no Jan’s still here I forgot [ __ ] sorry zombie piglin piglin not Pigman it’s not piglin yet oh I didn’t even know there was a free Discord Nitro thing [ __ ] ass Mo hello you who joined oh hey met what is up oh hello [ __ ] that is possibly the worst possible time for me to holy [ __ ] out T right as a wither skeleton turn the corner ah makes sense what a I’m live streaming on YouTube and am on the faction server oh that’s no fun e [Music] [Music] I’m going to go ahead and heal is very long and doesn’t go anywhere see where this one leads probably a blaze spawner over there Jesus Christ there’s so many blazes micr [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] welcome back Jam I am still doing [Music] gloriously all right let’s see what the [ __ ] is up here hopefully more chests I like finding chests upon chests wow this are the most useless area of another Fortress I’ve ever seen only thing up there is diving boards straight into lava that’s a lot of blazes I can’t fight that now [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Socialist Republic and come back here if you want [Music] I know I’m late to replying to that fire shut your own [Music] faction [ __ ] blaz [Music] [ __ ] oh well that ain’t exactly what I do feel remember mother [ __ ] you [Music] [Music] [Music] that was scary okay [Music] [Music] that’s something that’s [Music] all well that’s not okay there what happened oh no I was just [ __ ] joking I I un I have an efficiency for pickaxe so I basically instant mine netherite not netherite nether rack uh and I was mining quarts and accidentally mined like five blocks farther than I intended to and unleash a ton of lava upon myself so I said all right that’s my you leave oo more quartz more experience oh [ __ ] I’d rather not be cooked alive thank you makes me glad that I have fire protection three it’s definitely worth it this stream is depressing I don’t think a single person has watched it how do I keep doing that I got the experience having efficiency 4 is both a blessing and a curse on one hand yes you m fast but on the other hand you mind fast yeah streams are definitely not very live I just do it randomly for fun plus randomly just in case someone does join could have some usuals Christ instant M oh no no okay let’s kindly not get burnt alive here on Pig what are you doing here [Music] I think I’m good now we got 34 levels of experience [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s a hell of a goodbye message my question is where the [ __ ] are you going to go now damn K go was a [ __ ] they made a wall what are you [Music] Trump oh hello okay I got toit that move I used against the blaz was pretty dope hell yeah that’s not good okay I made it ow it’s not nice I will admit you be stabbing you with a sword but you shot first [ __ ] this is very risky is this a separate [ __ ] nether fortress I I think this might legitimately be a separate Nether Fortress the [ __ ] what are the chances of that bro or does it connect back to the main one up there go away no one likes you weather skeletons go the [ __ ] away [ __ ] is this place am I lost I think I might be lost got two sidetracked mining quartz and I found this nether fortress that’s honestly pretty dog [ __ ] damage moment yeah also one of the reasons why I killed Kagawa is because they tried to take the [ __ ] diamonds and like a good amount of our materials while they left I kind of keep forgetting to mention that not only did they kill me and set us back hours upon hours they also decided to [ __ ] try and take our diamonds which is obviously a very big no no hello I’m go this way see what’s up how long does this go for good God is this place the [ __ ] am I [Music] I just backtrack [ __ ] almost hit that Pigman okay I don’t know why the [ __ ] they just sat there all right back this way [Music] just get me a bit of extra nether you can do a one person faction I mean it’s kind of factionless but you can have a personal flag I’d say ah yes the nether fortress and the staircase okay found my way back [Music] finally that took a surprisingly long amount of time that’s very depressing [Music] corly it’s like back after a few minutes think I usually just keep going and eventually I find what I’m looking for cuz this area of the nether is just weird I guess I don’t f staircase should be somewhere here right is it over here hello guest I’m going to get up close and punch and stab you back here [Music] [ __ ] got you [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever at least I got the achievement a lot harder to return to cender then because of the one and only lag this is gorgeous I hate finding gas because it ends up having like a bajillion bits of fire just all over the place [Music] me [Music] you schizophrenia okay then suffer from schizophrenia and then immediately break my legs pretty sure that’s the hole that I fell through get there did I go from here maybe down here is I think if I get down there I should be able to easily find my way back find way over there just just over here [Music] go over here first wait yeah isn’t isn’t the staircase right yeah it’s right here I recognized that weird little area right there [ __ ] yeah I’m not lost yay I can use my enchantment levels that’s that’s just symbol on May bari’s shirt hey Jane before you leave go to sleep you already left didn’t you all right I’m going to try and smell some [ __ ] 30 21 unmelted iron ore a unmelted gold ore what else not much else don’t don’t wor o fire aspect dope insiration could be useful maybe I’ll probably pass [Music] Dam I’m just do like a random level one enchantment have more books still got a chance to get a good level 3 anyone aqu Affinity ain’t too bad though fire protection totally useful I just do power uh I got more books let’s see what else do I got power four i’ already have power for Smite and protection useless at the moment I shouldn’t have gotten an aqua affinity because I already have that power one I already have power four so that’s like extra useless could be useful for some gear for sweet JP though along with the other couple here I door what it broke didn’t it that’s just sad yes have memorized the exact amount of iron you need for an anvil that’s it’s very fun number them actually that useless just keep going until I get a enchantment that’s actually good sharpness three I already have sharpness three I could use it to get sharpness four though actually isn’t too bad looks there travel all the way over here to get them can arrows I needed can’t make that many of those sadly I need to make a chicken C of some kind I don’t know where I’d make that though put make it over here but I don’t know that spots the area over there is probably going to be better for houses e Z see how long have been streaming three and a half hours time um I’m going to get some slight bit more experience I guess and then [ __ ] explode go to sleep I really need an Unbreaking book do actually but just one for now pickaxe gets used more often especially when I’m trying to get more and more experience you know I’m going try and go the opposite way that I usually do I usually go down there I’m go up here this time pretty sure I’ve explored most of the [ __ ] up here but still probably plenty to explore I fail change playlist I just want to get that sharpness three and then make my sharpness four and my sword into sharp or sharpness three into sharpness 4 what how do you find that how does that even happen h I like how you I I like how you called The Well of water [ __ ] you lava no one likes you lava yeah that’s called a well I’m not that stup um well well well I’m just going to get up to level 30 to get that enchantment and then see what’s up next for me to grind for [Music] tomorrow a well well will what’s going to be your Castle all right to bro you made a [ __ ] crafting table in a crafting table I mean I’ve done that before but intentionally and it’s for a good reason to one more level la [Music] [Music] there and [Music] we’re holy mother God I’m exhausted just getting that sharpness and saying [ __ ] this here I’m pretty sure remember this landscape play Vegas all right good night I’m now alone time for my very empty chat to witness SK schizophrenia cuz the stream is very empty I’m also lost kind of so uh that’s fun Le I think I am I I’m I don’t English Jesus Christ theia makes me speak [Music] [Music] bad I’m going just keep going this direction hope I find something I’m just going to SL more is that a Nether Fortress Is it the nether fortress or a nether fortress that’s the question which I’m going to try and find an answer to it just like a million different nether fortress in this area or did I somehow [ __ ] Circle back around I might have S back hey I’m not alone yay [Music] skeleton bastard hey Di [ __ ] [ __ ] hello Blaze here nope UNG grabed horse armor just more [ __ ] to [Music] gra depressing I don’t need gold or I mean gold is Prett use I don’t need iron I need diamonds Give Me Diamonds now wait a minute does this Mo back around to that one another forges from ages [Music] ago cease your existence I’m going just see what’s up hit them so hard they went through the walls yeah this is another Fortress from before like 100 almost 100% sure [Music] like the weird one that go [ __ ] ow think I have fire protection and [Music] arrows okay I remember being here now that was really anxi inducing that jump there didn’t expect it to just straight up be all the way down to Lava and the way I got out of here last time was to keep going this way very long trick oh no I didn’t go that way I kept going back through here I remember I went there but that’s it just kept going through here backtracked down to here go away Liz threaded the needle through this lava and just winged it the rest of the way I’m pretty sure I think I went here I can find either some structure of some kind I recognize oh there we go y there’s the kind forus the original one it’s like three slightly separated fores all right next to each other that’s we what am I doing [Music] the hole that I always fall [Music] through up C no one likes you just PE anxiety for no [Music] reason there’s the hole I’m pretty sure I came from that direction do I go that dire not that dire that this dire there somewhere in this general direction oh yeah I remember I went through here that’s time I failed it this parkour somehow multiple [Music] times does it stop sprinting so wonky I’m pretty sure it just kept going that way or did I go this way I’m go this way first and this of course might as well grab more quartz both is building materials and experience [Music] but have you ever this is [Music] a pretty sure it was this direction yeah was it here I think it was yeah it was here K’s old scaffold yeah here we are it’s me right there’s another I just wanted to let you know I miss you my memory is weirdly good sometimes even though it shouldn’t be I know we haven’t spoken in a [Music] while do three sharpness three I guess fether falling pretty dope FEA falling is actually put that back I’ll get that eventually but for now I’m just going to do a thing called uh this upgrade to sharpness four for five experience worth it the best possible sword you can get in this version of Minecraft let’s [ __ ] go I just wanted to you know IR gold take that gold is golden carrots Spen horse armor saddle quartz that three book for that’s it sugar can I just wanted to let you know do you think about me [Music] watch me insta kill this [ __ ] oh I didn’t me inst to kill him this is the best possible sword you can get in this version of Minecraft and it is mine and solely mine who joined oh hey hello I’m streaming to YouTube still I noticed I saw you in my like I have the best possible sword you can get in this version of Minecraft oh cool sharpness four knockback two fire aspect three ni or actually I’m pretty sure you can get fire aspect too but don’t think it Chang much I’m this laying down um you’re always laying down I am yeah almost 1 a.m. yeah we’re in the same time zone remember [Music] God this game is exhausting glitch watch My Stream look at my base this base is glorious give me a second this base is [Music] glorious you got we feeling wait a minute I think is it Redstone or no where I don’t know the kind of way you built it made me think of like another build I them before but they had Redstone no I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about I know I think you can do something with that build it just looks good uh right here we have the enchantment room or enchantment building my like looks pretty dope here we have the storage room which is also sweet JP’s temporary bedroom over here we have my house we go all the way back here also I think there delay yeah what was that I think they delay on mine yep I know that’s why I’m just okay that just sent that [ __ ] like a nuke yeah there going to do something yeah it’s only going to be like 15c delay for some [ __ ] reason yeah makes sense so uh right here creatures keep interrupting me then they set me on fire with my own [ __ ] to kill anyways right here we have my bridge you can see my flag I see you go across the bridge you see the base looming over you you got a little spot right here we have the wat toer It’s pretty dope and then this just leads into the rest of the base that I already showed you what the [ __ ] Robert who I don’t know I was looking in J chat because I haven’t looked on the server all day today really um [Music] [Music] I don’t know [Music] [Music] okay let’s see is a [ __ ] in a second how many days been it’s been three days back let I’ve done all I need to do so I’m probably off it should be the end of the stream now I’m tired it is literally straight up like 1 a.m. for me [ __ ] ch good night y’all I’ll try and stream tomorrow maybe I don’t [ __ ] know

This video, titled ‘Minecraft ‘Hello World’ Factions Server’, was uploaded by Pi22a on 2024-04-26 19:08:23. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:01 or 14161 seconds.

A factions server that just kinda exists. Partial anarchy

playlist: NCS Glitch Hop (

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    "Daxlian's EPIC Minecraft KSMP Adventure!" ๐Ÿฆ‡Video Information This video, titled ‘A ESPERANร‡Aใ€Minecraft KSMP #44ใ€‘ ๐Ÿฆ‡’, was uploaded by Daxlian on 2024-04-20 00:31:33. It has garnered 8324 views and 1347 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:46 or 18586 seconds. The hope of a cure… the honor of a sacrifice. Leave your message via pix! โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ‹†โ‹…๐Ÿฆ‡โ‹…โ‹†โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐Ÿ’ป ๐ƒ๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐: ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐“๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ – ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐“๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐œ๐ก – ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐ˆ๐ง๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ซ๐š๐ฆ – ๐Ÿฆ‡ ๐“๐ข๐ค๐ญ๐จ๐ค – ใƒปArtTAG: daxliart ใƒปModelo: ใƒปRig: ใƒปBackground: Contact: [email protected] Tags: #Vtuber #Daxlian #Dax quis Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack Released!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack Released!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft: amazing build hack #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Triple 999 on 2024-02-12 13:13:21. It has garnered 3255 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft: amazing build hack #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #viral so, guys please ๐Ÿฅบ subscribe my channel and like my videos because I upload amazing Minecraft builds videos and shorts everyday…… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Mod EXPLOSIONS with Jenny

    Minecraft TNT Mod EXPLOSIONS with JennyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jenny Mod UPDATE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by TNT Minecraft on 2024-02-16 21:40:03. It has garnered 16006 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:15 or 135 seconds. In this video, I show Jenny in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this uncensored Jenny Mod!This mod lets you do everything that you would in the regular game, but with a little more naughty fun!Be sure to subscribe to my channel if you want to see more uncensored Minecraft gameplay! #minecraft #jenny #jennymod #modjenny #minecraftjennymod #howtodownlaodminecraftjenny #jennymodapk #girl… Read More

  • Ironclad Vanilla SMP- Whitelist, 6-year-old map, HermitCraft style, no resets/items, DynMap, 1.20.4, BalancedCommands

    Ironclad Vanilla Server Information IP: Join our discord: Check out our Live Map: Recent Updates Ironclad Vanilla has updated to Minecraft Version 1.20.4 About Ironclad Vanilla Ironclad Vanilla is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla server focused on community. We provide grief/theft prevention, technical and community support without abusing our powers. Enjoy a trusted trading system using diamonds as currency and explore player-run shops for unique items. We have a balanced approach to commands, where all advantages require in-game currency earned through various activities. Donators receive fun commands but no additional items. Our map will never reset, allowing players to… Read More

  • Lunerverse Network

    Welcome to the Lunerverse Network! A brand new network that’s still in the ALPHA stages so mostly everything does not work as of yet. Feel free to join our Discord @ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Zombie: WTF is happening?!

    Looks like this zombie is having an identity crisis – probably spent too much time trying to figure out if it’s night or day in Minecraft! Read More

  • AI’s Minecraft Mastery: A Digital Adventure

    AI's Minecraft Mastery: A Digital Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, A6d takes the stage, crafting his dream. With merch to flaunt and a Discord to join, His Instagram, Twitter, and Twitch all in line. He asked an AI to help him beat the game, With strategies and tips, he’s never the same. In French and Japanese, his captions do shine, Bringing gamers together, in a world so divine. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, A6d’s Minecraft journey, a tale complete. From updates to builds, he’s always on track, In the world of gaming, there’s no looking back. Read More

  • I dodge traps like a pro in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    I dodge traps like a pro in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “I may be old in real life, but in Minecraft, I’m still dodging traps like a pro. Age is just a number, but avoiding creepers is a skill!” #minecraft #gamerforlife #nevertoooldtododge Read More

  • S5 Joรฃo: O Dragรฃo Mais Forte do Minecraft

    S5 Joรฃo: O Dragรฃo Mais Forte do Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where adventure awaits at every turn, and where the only limit is your imagination. In the realm of Minecraft, players young and old have found a virtual playground unlike any other. Let’s dive into the exciting features and possibilities that make Minecraft a beloved game worldwide. Building Your Dreams One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build anything your heart desires. From humble cottages to grand fortresses, the only limit is your creativity. Construct your dream home, design intricate structures, and… Read More

  • Unlock Exclusive Capes on Minewind Server Now!

    Unlock Exclusive Capes on Minewind Server Now! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to stand out in the Minecraft community with exclusive capes from Twitch, Tiktok, and special events like Minecon? Look no further! Join Minewind Minecraft Server today and showcase your rare capes to fellow players. With Minewind, you can experience a unique and thrilling gameplay environment where you can interact with a diverse community of players. Show off your rare capes and make a statement in the Minecraft world! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to expand your collection and elevate your gaming experience. Join Minewind Minecraft Server now by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Part 2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Part 2 Exploring the Thrills of Minecraft: Part 2 – Building a New House Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as we delve into the exciting realm of building a new house. From crafting the perfect abode to surviving the dangers of the blocky landscape, there’s never a dull moment in this epic journey. Building the Foundation As our intrepid players set out to create their new house, they carefully select the ideal location, taking into account factors like proximity to resources and strategic advantages. With a clear plan in mind, they begin laying the foundation, choosing… Read More

  • SkyWillDie makes COOKIE CLICKER in Minecraft — LIVE!!

    SkyWillDie makes COOKIE CLICKER in Minecraft -- LIVE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making COOKIE CLICKER in Minecraft — LIVE!!’, was uploaded by SkyWillDie on 2024-05-12 02:32:59. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:00 or 7500 seconds. Clickie Cooker Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜€ ~Links~ Patreon: Discord: Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Hardcore Pirates in Minecraft

    100 Days Surviving Hardcore Pirates in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore In The PIRATE ERA!’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2024-04-20 14:06:27. It has garnered 193496 views and 6115 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:54 or 5754 seconds. I survived 100 days in minecraft hardcore (full movie) Use Code PAULGG For #gfuel โžก Check Out my 100 Days In Medieval Times! โžก (I Survived 100 Days Of Minecraft Hardcore In Medieval Times!) Check out the first 100 days In An OCEAN WORLD! โžก (I Survived 100 Days In An OCEAN ONLY World In Minecraft… Read More

  • Blitz SG FAIL – My Shocking First Game! #hypixel

    Blitz SG FAIL - My Shocking First Game! #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘My first Blitz SG game did not go well… #hypixel #blitz #blitzsg’, was uploaded by Atqr on 2024-04-09 07:30:15. It has garnered 468 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. #hypixel #minecraft #minecraftpvp random words so this gets popular: blitz survival games,survival games,hypixel blitz survival games,blitz,minecraft survival games,blitz survival games montage,blitz survival games hypixel,blitz tournament,blitz survival games tournament,hypixel blitz survival games tournament,blitz sg,tournament,speedsilver hypixel bltiz survival games tournament,blitz duo tournament,hypixel survival games,blitz survival games kits,blitz survival games best kit,blitz survival nederlands blitz survival games,survival games,hypixel,hypixel blitz survival games,hypixel… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bell Trick Revealed – Moaz Defeated #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Bell Trick Revealed - Moaz Defeated #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make a bell in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Moaz Game Over on 2024-01-01 14:04:47. It has garnered 2382 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. โ™ฅูุถู„ุงู‹ ูˆู„ูŠุณ ุฃู…ุฑุงู‹ ุฃุดุชุฑูƒ ูู‰ ุงู„ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ูˆูุนู„ ุฒุฑ ุงู„ุฌุฑุณ ู„ูŠุตู„ูƒ ูƒู„ ุฌุฏูŠุฏโ™ฅ #shorts make a bell in minecraft how to make a bell in minecraft how do i make a bell in minecraft how to make a bell in minecraft survival how do you make a bell in minecraft pe how to make a doorbell in minecraft how to make a repeating… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments With Friends

    Insane Minecraft Moments With FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft moments with friends is hilarious (pt.1)’, was uploaded by Exotic_AssassinTTV on 2024-03-07 04:45:38. It has garnered 28 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:46 or 766 seconds. If u enjoyed the video, like and subscribe. It will help me out a lot๐Ÿ˜ Like 4 a cookie ๐Ÿช There were some offensive moments and hilarious moments ๐Ÿ˜… Twitch – ExoticAssassinOfficial Twitter – Amongusknight Discord – Coming Soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Unlocking Secrets in Epic Minecraft Hardcore!

    Unlocking Secrets in Epic Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in BETTER MINECRAFT Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-16 13:00:42. It has garnered 348961 views and 7110 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:09 or 7149 seconds. Better Minecraft updates the game with tonnes of mods & improvements whilst still keeping the game’s vanilla feel at the heart of it all. I Survived 100 Days in BETTER Minecraft in Hardcore Mode… ENJOY! โญ DISCORD: (I POSTED THE MODPACK HERE) โญWANT A MINECRAFT SERVER?โญ Visit: Use code “CFG” to save 25%! Minecraft Hosting for Bedrock and Java with… Read More

  • Mizu Reveals: 2 NPCs Better than Anything!

    Mizu Reveals: 2 NPCs Better than Anything!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐—” ๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐˜๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐Ÿฎ ๐—ก๐—ฃ๐—–๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—น๐˜† ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ๐˜† ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐˜‚๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ’, was uploaded by Holy Mizu on 2024-04-29 10:11:25. It has garnered 16164 views and 883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. In this clip 2 NPC met each other =================================== Source:[Minecraft]GOTTA ROB THEM ALL[#Holodorokei2024] =================================== Talent : @KaelaKovalskia Art Credit by : – – #hololive #hololiveenglish #holoid Read More

  • Subway Surfers Parkour in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ’€โšก๐Ÿฅถ

    Subway Surfers Parkour in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ’€โšก๐ŸฅถVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour In Subway Surfers ๐Ÿ’€โšก๐Ÿฅถ #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #gaming #funny’, was uploaded by ๐–’๐”‚ฦš๐—ผ๐—ผลŠั• . 23k view . 3 hours on 2024-01-12 17:09:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft parkour challenge shorts minecraft parkour challenge video minecraft parkour challenge in hindi minecraft parkour … Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ INSANE NEW MODS! – MUST SEE | LuluBelleMC

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ INSANE NEW MODS! - MUST SEE | LuluBelleMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 30 New Minecraft Mods Of The Week ! (1.20.1 and others)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-05-11 11:00:30. It has garnered 38577 views and 1686 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:02 or 1502 seconds. Top 30 New Minecraft Mods Of The Week ! (1.20.1 and others) 0:00 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 โ€”โ€” 1.18.2 (Forge) 1:24 -Siren Head: The Arrival (Beta) 1.19.2 (Forge) 2:30 -Cataclysmic Illagers 1.20.1 โ€”โ€” 1.19.2 (Forge) 3:55 -My Nether’s Delight 1.20.1 โ€”โ€” 1.19.2 (Forge) 4:59 -Rolling Down in the Deep 1.20.4 โ€”โ€” 1.20 (Fabric)… Read More

  • Industrial Earth 5: Renaissance – Vanilla Roleplay with Geopolitics, Plugins, Dynmap

    Industrial Earth 5: Renaissance Industrial Earth is a geopolitical server heavy in roleplay set in the 16th century. Join as a nation leader or citizen and engage in war, diplomacy, sieges, and roleplay. Features include a dynmap and a world map from the 16th century. Share suggestions for new features in the server’s chat. Interested in the Ottoman Empire? Join us now! Join Now! Read More

  • MuleCraft 1.20.6 – 18+ – Vanilla+ – Voice chat – Whitelisted SMP –

    MuleCraft 1.20.6 - 18+ - Vanilla+ - Voice chat  - Whitelisted SMP -Welcome to Mulecraft!Cannot find a server that doesn’t run thousands of plugins? Tired of Pure Vanilla ruining the social side of Minecraft?I believe we have found the perfect balance between the two worlds.With a simple Group System, we work in teams. Not with intent to PvP Randomly but for building, Economy and Minigames/Battles and Lore Purposes. All Battles will be Lore based to the server and very much pre-planned as an event in the discord.We use a Whitelist to help keep the Server safe as well a Plugin to assist and daily back-up.Apply on the Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why TF isn’t my nether portal working?

    Minecraft Memes - Why TF isn't my nether portal working?Maybe your nether portal is on strike for better working conditions in the Nether! Read More

  • Cartoon Cat Creeps: Minecraft Mod Mayhem

    Cartoon Cat Creeps: Minecraft Mod Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new horror has emerged, Cartoon Cat mod, where screams are often heard. More terrifying than Herobrine, it’s a chilling sight, With jumpscares that will keep you up all night. The Man From The Fog and Silence mod may have scared, But Cartoon Cat’s horror cannot be compared. As you play through the mod, chills down your spine, A true test of courage, a challenge divine. So brace yourself, for the terror that awaits, In the world of Minecraft, where fear dictates. Cartoon Cat mod, a nightmare come true, Only the bravest players can… Read More

  • Minecraft Hunk Hack

    Minecraft Hunk Hack “Why bother hacking in Minecraft when you can just build a giant TNT cannon and blow everything up the old-fashioned way?” Read More

  • Retro Minecraft Let’s Play Parody

    Retro Minecraft Let's Play Parody Minecraft: A Blast from the Past in 2014 Let’s Play Fashion Imagine diving into the world of Minecraft with a twist – a throwback to the good old days of 2014 Let’s Play videos. That’s exactly what this content creator did, taking on vanilla Minecraft 1.8.9 and embracing the simplicity and charm of the game’s earlier versions. Classic Minecraft Adventures Embarking on this nostalgic journey, the player delves into familiar activities that defined early Minecraft gameplay. From transforming a man-made cave into a cozy home to the inevitable mishap of dying from hunger, every moment is a nod to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Are you a fan of unique and creative builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game? If so, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of like-minded players who are constantly pushing the limits of creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for you to showcase your skills and be inspired by others. Imagine building a massive Nintendo 3DS shaped house like the one in the tutorial video you just watched. Now imagine being able to show off your creation to other players and explore their incredible… Read More