Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned into the glowing Ancient Forest as fire Mario wooo I must have eaten the fireflow to get all this fire power also explains why I have really bad heartburn I’ve only got 10 hearts and they’re all burning but I was distracted from my heartburn by a loud buzzing noise I looked up and saw a giant mosquito hovering above me hey you got 10 Hearts do you bet there’s a lot of blood in those hearts and sucking blood just happens to be my specialty the name’s Mazy Mazy mbor pleased to drink you that pun doesn’t even work drink doesn’t rhyme with meat eat does oh I’ll be doing the eating around here one way or another I’m getting your blood plumber boy I didn’t like the sound of that mosquitoes suck at the best of times I turned and ran as quick as my little Mario legs would carry me until I couldn’t even see Mazy or here his annoying buzzing phew looks like I’m safe here not so fast it was a creeper spiderling and he looked really mean I just can’t catch a break today Mama Mia I wasn’t strong enough to use my Firepower yet so once again I just booked it in the other direction wow this world has a bug problem might be time for this plumber to play pest controller on day two I emerged from my Hiding Place in the glowing Ancient Forest wow the plants look really weird and wild around here I hope at least some of them are edible or I’m going to be in real trouble I searched around avoiding anything that looked poisonous until I was lucky enough to find some delicious apples it’s like ma always said eat apples I started breaking down the tree with my powerful Italian fists until I had a bunch of apples to enjoy and enough wood to build myself a wooden pickaxe wow I’m wasted and plumbing I should have been a carpenter I mined up enough Stone to make a stone sword and pickaxe then it was time to build myself a little Mario base soon enough after a few hours of construction I had a humble Shack to call my own it wasn’t much but but it was mine but some people don’t respect personal property people like the creeper spiderlings one of whom was coming right towards my base well if it isn’t the boss’s favorite refreshment he wanted me to either web you up or blow you up and as a creeper spiderling that’s me Specialties wow here are two things that never should have been combined Plumbing is my specialty but I double majored in kicking butt with my stone sword I took on that gnarly monster and defeated him before he had a chance to detonate my life livelihood that’s why you don’t mess with me Mario woohoo on day three I was wandering through the fungal patch looking for some delicious mushrooms to add to a mushroom stew I was making back at my base but there wasn’t musroom in the fungal patch cuz so much of it was being taken up by a big Axel mind if I pick some mushrooms here Mr Big aelott yeah I have a name and it’s uh Kus also no you can’t pick mushrooms fair enough I’ll respect your boundaries can you recommend anywhere else that I can search for mushrooms that’s it Buster nobody asked krus where to find mushrooms in this Overworld I’m going to destroy you just for asking the battle commen I had a sword now but kungis the big Axel was still too big and too strong there was no way I’d survive with kungis Among Us I just needed to make like an apple and leave but the day wasn’t a total wash on the way out of the fungal patch I ran into a friendly spider llama named s hey zuu how’s it going man you’re looking fire oh my goodness S I haven’t seen you since College we’ve got a lot of catching up to do want to come hang out at my base I was thinking of doing some home Rena and I know you’re a chartered architect actually I’ve taken a different career path I switched my major to spider llama but I’ll still happily come with you buddy boy oh yeah from day four to day five I constructed a perfect spider llama Den just like one I’d see on the Discovery Channel Once wow Zozo this is amazing you’re a real king if I’ve ever been and a spider llama Den is here and now in this spider llama Den thank you s you always know just what to say I’m going to get some sh ey we’ll hang like Donkey Kong in the morning blood a b baby Sal the spider llama went to bed after that and just while I was staring at the sky and thinking about life I heard the Telltale legs of another creeper spiderling hey room for one more spider hybrid I promise I won’t take you to Mazy I’m chill I swear are you lying cuz if if you are you legally need to tell me if I ask dang it I was hoping you wouldn’t ask the truth is I’m here to capture you or blow you up one of the two I’m from Brooklyn buddy I’m immune to explosion damage let’s Tango and we did Tango but the kind of Tango you do with swords and I led which means I defeated him with my sword wow what a victory and it looks like he dropped something it was an awesome kther blade this is probably pretty powerful I’ll save this for a special rather than wasting it on these Goji Maka snakaroons from day six to day eight I was in the farther reaches of the glowing Ancient Forest Gathering materials while I was out there I happened upon a few sheep and was instantly Charmed by their calm energy and witty remarks you guys are all right how about you come back to my base I’ll build you a padock and everything they followed me back to my base where I build a fence around them they had plenty of room to play exercise and contemplate life’s biggest questions but the biggest question I could think of as as I returned to the forest was when did Mazy sneak up behind me and why did he have such a sick battle axe hey Zozo I got a rid for you it’s worse than a mosquito without a battle axe I don’t know Mazy what darn it I was hoping you’d tell me anyway my dad gave me this sick battle axe I’m going to chase you with it now I appreciate your honesty Mazy but how about you don’t do that though you should know better than to try reasoning with me zoo I’m unreasonable and proud of it ran away as he buzzed after me hacking like a madman who drank too much full sugar soda there was no way I could face him at my current power level I just needed to get out of there lucky for me everyone knows a Mario is faster than a bug so I was able to escape but I don’t ever want to cut it that close again who knows what his dad will give him next time from day N9 to day 10 I returned back to my base feeling terrified but relieved I still had all my blood in my body always thought a mosquito would just be annoying but Mazy is straight up terrifying lucky for me I had my good palel waiting for me at my base in the glowing Ancient Forest he immediately ran over with some exciting news to give me hey Zoo don’t be a boo you’ll be happy to no no I’ve got cool stuff to show show why are you talking like that yeah I just thought it was funny come check out the statue I’ve been building for you oh a statue why did you say so earlier I ran over to see the statue that s had started it looked awesome I couldn’t quite tell what it was going to be yet but it already looked incredible do you know what it is yet if you can guess give me a hint down in the comments but it wasn’t just a statue that s had built it also made a few other awesome base upgrades including a pizza joint called Sal Pizza a storage room for all our gear and a furnace for cooking pizzas and smelting metal this base is just chef’s kiss from day 11 to day 12 exhausted from all the work we’ done in the days before I decided to sit around and relax with my favorite pison Sou the spider llama feels good to finally relax after these last few weeks I’d be lying if I said this whole thing wasn’t stressful you’re telling me I’ve had that mosquito and his minions all over me for months now if I didn’t have a legs I don’t think I would have escaped so Ma’s been a problem for a while huh how exactly did this whole situation start giant mosquitoes don’t just pop out of thin air right believe it or not it was all down to bad Plumbing what really yeah bino bad pipes all over the Overworld started bursting and when they did it made these big old pools of stagnant water and you know what lives in pools of stagnant water mosquito larae and with giant pools you get giant mosquitoes didn’t take long for Mazy to rule most of the mutant bugs and the Overworld wow so a lack of a good plumber caused this whole problem then I guess we need a plumber like me to come and solve it yeah that’s the attitude Zozo from day 13 to day 15 I decided to return to the fungal pth knowing I needed to take on the big Axel before I had any hope of defeating Mazy there are burst pipes everywhere under the Overworld must be causing a lot of underground moisture now I know where all this fungus is coming from but my day soon went from fungus to crus as I ran into Kus the big Exel if it isn’t that sad little plumber come to pay your respects to the largest amphibian in the fungle patch or do you want to get beat down again nobody’s going to beat me down you big slimy bully I’m I’m a plumber I’m here to help people sure sometimes I show up late sure sometimes I overcharge people okay maybe I drink all the coffee and eat a bunch of cookies from the people I’m working for but compared to you I’m still the good guy and with that rousing inspirational speech the battle was on with my new confidence and new Strength I was able to turn the tables and defeat kungis the big Axel when I did I gained enough XP to level up I got bigger stronger went up to 30 Hearts became Fier more Italian and gained a new power fire breath oh yeah nobody’s going to stop me now from day 16 to day 19 I decided that I needed some weapons that’s why I ventured down into the depths of a nearby mining Cavern stone is fine but metal is really where it’s at that’s what I need to swap that nasty mosquito using my fire abilities to light the way I soon found a healthy vein of iron ore hidden in the dark this is exactly what I need look let’s go using my pickaxe I dug up enough iron to make myself a new set of tools then started making my way out of the cave but on the way out I ran into an angry fire Guardian who didn’t like people trespassing on his Subterranean domain I guess fir power solidarity isn’t a thing around here I couldn’t use my fire breath against him so instead I pulled out my sword and battled as hard as I could until I was the only remaining fire being in the cavern let’s get out of here before any other scary mob show up I went back to my base and used the furnace that s built to smelt the ore into some ingots and with those ingots I built myself a new iron sword and an iron pickaxe yeah this is more like it from day 20 to day 22 I was rudely woken up in the middle of the night by S the spider llama hey Zozo you got to wake up man some bad stuff is going down out here oh no is the plumbing on the fruits again no Plumbing man but we are in some deep dooo right now Mazy the giant mosquito is right outside and let me tell you buddy he looks thirsty oh jeez I better go and take care of this I got out of bed and ran out of the front of my base sure enough there was Mazy the giant mosquito floating in front of my base hey Zozo it’s me I’m going to suck your blood now I bet with you being a fire Mario and all it’s going to be real spicy like a cinamon latte not on your life Mazy I’m not going to let you drain me like a Capri Sun you and your beastly bugs are never going to take over the world I wouldn’t be so sure about that buddy boy you ain’t got no idea what I got planned bad stuff’s going to happen and I know I’m being vague about it but it’s true anyway let’s fight I pulled out my iron sword and ran into battle with my cold iron and my hot fire breath I was able to hold my own this time fighting off the Diabolical parasite until he couldn’t fight anymore wa you really are a spicy meatball Zozo we’ll pick this up another day okay I’m going to go drain someone else and with that he buzzed off I was amazed to see how well i’ done in the fight maybe there was hope for me after all from day 23 to Day 26 I was wandering around the glowing Ancient Forest as I usually do it feels good to stretch my legs especially after cell broke the treadmill back at the base while walking I happened upon something amazing a spiked shell armored piece normally because I was Mario I’d be concerned about a spike shell especially if I was driving but something about this one just seemed right if ever there was a Koopa inside there someone had slooped it out so I decided I’d wear it for myself wow not only is this comfy it gives me knockback resistance a Thorns ability and extra water breathing but knockback resistance won’t protect you from getting your mind blown which is what’ll happen if you search zo zoo for more of my amazing Minecraft Adventures do it I Dare You from day 27 to day 31 I was jumping around my fire Mario face in the glowing Ancient Forest when s the spider llama scurried over to hang out with me and tell me about the Statue hey Zozo I’ve been clamoring around putting blocks on the new Statue and it’s a going all right but it needs a little something from use anything for a friend s you name it and I’ll move mountains to get you to the thing you need for the Statue you’re the best friend of spider llama kab Zozo you make me want to be a better guy if you want to go find clay I’ll shower you with even more praise Wahoo that sounds grandioso I departed for the flowering ancient Grove where I could find s’s precious clay I was searching around the area when I heard the skittering of spider legs behind me S is that you my friend no it’s a me creeper spiderling oh no the horror not another one yes another one I’m going to make things very bad for you right now the creeper spiderling charged in so I defended myself using my iron sword I gave myself a little and Unleashed my fire breath the creeper spiderling was burned up in a great ball of fire with the mob defeated I was able to locate the clay and gather the amount that sa requested from day 32 to day 35 I was running along through the flowering ancient Grove and finding skeletons left and right there were just so many skeletons I didn’t know where they came from where do skeletons come from a skeleton Factory thankfully the skeleton fighting didn’t go on all day and I was able to get back to my travels as I continued along I met a wind serpent who went by the name Walter I’m Walter Enchanted to meet you Walter my name is fire Mario but all my friends call me Zozo you should call me that too so you can be my friend no Zozo I’m Walter I need help will you help me yes Walter I’ll help you what do you need rescue my friend Walter The Wolfman from the Ender Creeper your friend is named Walter too his name is my name too whenever we go out people always shout there goes Walter the wind Serpent and Walter The Wolfman now go save him from day 36 to day 39 I discovered the base of the Ender Creeper it was way less cool and good than my base but that made sense because I’d heard the Ender Creeper wasn’t a cool or good guy I’m a Mario on a mission I’ve got to reunite the Walters and defeat the Ender Creeper who tried to tear them apart I hopped onto the roof of the base and looked inside through a skylight I could see Walter The Wolfman tied to a chair looking really annoyed obviously he was wolna by the Monstrous Ender Creeper I stayed hidden as the Ender Creeper slowly creeped into the room why were these hybrid monsters always so horrifying There’s No Escape Walter The Wolf Man that’ll teach you to be friends with that wind serpent who has the same name you know it really isn’t that big of a deal that my name is Walter and I’m friends with someone named Walter don’t make me laugh of course it is your friendship would just confuse people Walter so I’m keeping you from never seeing the other Walter again the Ender Creeper really is a creep telling other people who they can be friends with is not right I’m going to use my fire breath to burn down his wooden walls that’ll teach him a lesson from day 40 to day 43 I sprung into action setting fire to the Ender Creeper’s base it’s the end for you Ender Creeper release Walter The Wolfman Walter should be free to be friends with other Walters you maniac you set my house on fire I have to save my super boots they are my first priced position the Ender Creeper ran for a display pedestal that had a shiny new pair of super boots for me I’ll be having those I ran quickly over to the boots and equipped them now I could jump higher than ever before thanks for the boots Ender Creeper they fit me way better I jumped down onto him and defeated the creepy Walter Thief I untied the ropes on Walter Wolfman setting him free you’re safe now Walter thanks to zoo the fire Mario you’re a hero to Walter’s everywhere I can’t do wait to see Walter again you can thank me later let’s get out of here before this place burns down we left the base and found Walter the wind serpent waiting for us outside the Walters were together again and everything was better from day 44 to day 49 I returned to the base with the clay I had gone to the flowering ancient Grove to find the Walter Quest had been such a big thing that I had almost forgotten the reason why I had been exploring in the first place I dropped off the Clay with s so that he could continue to work on the Statue bada bing that’s the right stuff you sure took your sweet time but the statue is going to be even sweeter I’ll be looking forward to it for now I think I’ll do some renovating on my own I gathered some Stone and iron and constructed a giant wall around the entire perimeter of the base I built it high to make it more difficult for enemy mobs to break in and ruin my day when I was done I admired the progress that s the spider llama had made on the Statue it was coming along now and the clay was now part of the charm from day 50 to day 53 I heard buzzing in the wind and knew that Mazy had come back to get me he flew straight over the big strong wall that I had built the other day and called me out like he was a knight making a challenge an annoying Knight that is who was actually a mosquito hey Zoo the thing about walls is they can only keep out mobs that don’t fly or climb I know the wall didn’t help at all I can see that with my fire Mario eyes but you’re not helping by pointing that out hold on a second I wasn’t listening let me say that other thing I was saying again oh climb Mazy signal to his minions a small army of creeper spiderlings that climbed over the wall oh no that’s what he meant yeah how about you deal with them cuz I’m not going to be here I got Nar in to run and I’m taking s with me Mazy flew away stealing away s the spider llama and leaving me to battle the creeper spiderlings I attacked a bunch of them with my fire breath and then hacked the others down with my iron sword the battle was over shortly and the epic win made me power up into Super fire Mario my number of Hearts was Now 50 and I could throw actual Fireballs now plop plop kapow from day 54 to day 57 I made the wall around the base taller because if I couldn’t keep out the creeper spiderlings I could at least Tire them out by forcing them to climb more before they made it in this won’t do anything about Mazy though it’s a good thing that he was busy with his errand the other day but I might not be so lucky next time later on I went to the flowering ancient grow in order to visit my two favorite Walters Walter The Wolfman was staying with his family when I was there so I didn’t see him but Walter the wind serpent was there thanks again for saving Walter The Wolf Man he would have thanked you himself but he wanted to see his family because they didn’t know where he was during the kidnapping by Ender Creeper he’ll be back here soon Walter what should I do about Mazy he’s been buzzing around my base and threatening me like always plus he took s the spider llama away I also care about that oh sure we’ll talk about your troubles the thing about Mozzy mosor he’s extremely annoying and you can’t beat that just by ignoring him he wants to drain you like a mosquito and he’ll do any trick it takes to get there you must fight back I get it now I can build all the walls I want but if I don’t stand up for myself all in all I’m just Another Brick in the Wall go to ethereal Island there you will find your friend from day 58 to day 62 I went mining for diamonds down in the caverns below my base there were a lot of gas floating around but with my mad Fireball throwing skills they weren’t much trouble at all go away Ender gas with the mobs taken care of I Min to my heart’s content there were diamonds of Plenty so I gathered them and crafted a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword how Do You Like Me Now from day 63 to day 66 I was bothered by the fact that s wasn’t working on the Statue anymore but then I remembered that he was probably still in the terribly annoying clutches of Mazi I guess the statue isn’t really worth worrying about compared to my missing best friend s never came back from that errand that Mazy took him along for I should go looking for him and if you want to look for more Zozo videos and find them easier than ever you should subscribe to the channel and ring the bell so that you will be notified of all my videos whenever they’re new now to find my good friend s the spider llama from day 67 to Day 70 I did as Walter the wind serpent said and journeyed to the Ethereal Island through an End Portal it was a mysterious and strange biome beyond the realm of imagination just like Brooklyn I battled the creeper spiderlings non-stop until they left me alone those guys had been around more than enough at this point at one point I stopped fighting and instead stopped to actually speak to some of the remaining creeper spiderlings okay just humor me for a second before we start trying to destroy each other I’ve survived this long don’t I at least deserve that all right well listen but then we’re totally going to destroy you why do you actually work for that Mazy guy he’s really weird and annoying and you don’t seem to actually get anything out of this we’re all bugs and bugs have got to stick together but you’re not actually the same kind of bug he’s a mosquito with six legs that means he’s an insect and you’re a creeper spiderlings with eight legs that means you’re all arachnids you don’t actually have that much in common oh well in that case I don’t know why we’re here at all let’s get out of here boys and with that all the creeper spiderlings left and I continued deeper into the base from day 71 to day 74 I ran deeper into the base searching anywhere I could for my best buddy sell come on S you’ve got to be around here somewhere did somebody say crus suddenly kungis the infamous big Axel came from behind the tree kungis no I didn’t say that because I thought I defeated you oh you big dum dum it takes more than death to stop me for I am zomb B crus big big crus big crus big crus once he’ finished his weird war cry he attacked me and we started battling once again he was strong probably even stronger than the last time we fought but I’d gotten stronger too I dashed him with my sword and blasted Fireball after Fireball at him slowly watching his evil zombie Powers drain away with one more decisive blast he’d been destroyed once and for all can’t believe I’ve defeated that guy twice it’s got to be really embarrassing to be crus right now as I continued my search I found a chest in a desolate old hallway that contains some awesome diamond armor that I immediately equipped wow Mazy should really be a lot more careful about what he just leaves around from day 75 to day 78 I heard a familiar voice yelling in the distance hey I’m yelping here that sounds like S I ran deeper in until I found s trapped inside a distant cage in the deep dark vowels of mazy’s Base so oo buddy you came to save me shh be careful I need to break you out of here before Mazy notices I used my diamond pickaxe to break down the cage and free sell I told him to run back as quickly as he could and not stop for any reason so he did that’s when I could sense something Rising behind me and turned to see Mazy floating there behind me H I knew life bait would work time to drink me Sam Mario drink this Mazy I blasted a fireball at his face and while he was distracted I ran for it all the way out of his lair from day 79 to day 84 alone in his evil lair Mazi the mosquito was evolving what that doid Zozo doesn’t know is that all this time I’ve only just been a mosquito nymph I can get so much stronger so much more dangerous all this time I’ve been holding back but my dad gave me this Golden Apple now I can finally be me Mazzy moorne ate the golden apple and began to grow getting bigger stronger and more dangerous than ever he could drain an unlucky victim in a single slurp you’re mine Zozo I’mma get you and I’mma drink you up he was silent for a second after that man it would have been so much cooler if Zozo was here to hear that from day 85 to day 89 I returned back to my base with my bestest bud in the whole wide world South the spider llama Zozo you’re the best you saved me back there I’m never ever going to forget what you did for me I was worried that I’d never be found again trapped in the depths of that nasty mosquito’s Lair don’t even talk like that s of course I’d come and save you I did never even think about abandoning you in a place like that you’re my best friend and hey me being trapped in there wasn’t totally wasted time while I was bored and trapped in there I decided to work on a new recipe for an extra spicy pizza sauce but in the process I accidentally created a fire aspect enchantment that you can apply to your diamond sword I also found this mysterious note in my prison cell oh that’s perfect it’s like the discovery of penicillin but way more useful to me personally also I’ll check this note out later let me apply the enchantment first I applied the fire aspect enchantment to my sword massively increasing its deadly Firepower just likei Mario Zozo just like AI fire Mario Sozo s you’re the best pal oh stop it man you’re going to make me cry from day 90 to Day 94 I traveled to the mini base of the Ender Creeper out in the flowering Ancient Forest curious about who could have left that mysterious note when I arrived I was shocked to see one of the creeper spiderlings waiting for me oh no I suppose you lured me out here to fight on behalf of your boss right you may think so but no you really changed our whole Outlet when you taught us about about all the differences between insects and arachnids we’re going our own way now pursuing our own dreams and we have you to thank for that saying as you opened our eyes oh well I’m actually really glad to hear that was there any reason you brought me out here or just to thank me we mainly just wanted to thank you but as a token of our thanks I snuck out this potion of power for one of the boss’s secret chests here have it save it for the right moment he passed me the potion of power and I immediately added it to my inventory I think this is going to come in real handy when I finally battle your former boss for the last time thank you for your kindness creeper spiderling and good luck with the rest of your lives and good luck to you too Zozo no offense but you’re probably going to need it from day 95 to day 97 while sitting around in my base training for my final battle with Mazy I got an unexpected guest Walter the wind serpent hey Walter how are you and Walter I’m doing well and so is Walter thank you for asking Walter and I have actually been working on something for you a set of netherite armor to supplement your wardrobe while you’re wearing this it’s going to be really hard for that nasty sucker to suck your blood he gave me the netherite armor pieces and I immediately equipped them they were durable but not too heavy these will be the perfect armor to take into the final battle thank you Walter and please thank Walter for me when you see him again we’ll do Zozo good luck on your battle alter and I will be rooting for you on day 98 I left the glowing Ancient Forest once and for all ready to take on Mazzy mbor and show him that when you mess with fire Mario Zozo you get burned but I’m not just fire Mario I can be anyone you want me to be and who would you like me to be next let me know down in the comments I love reading them all after walking for half a day I finally got to a working end portal I went through last time a straight shot to the Ethereal Island where Mazy and his gross nasty friends hung out now or never as the great man himself said let’s go and so I hopped right in on day 99 I went straight back to mazy’s base now that I knew my way around it was a lot easier to make my way straight to his interner sanctum he was hovering right over a Dugout pool of water where more little mosquito larve were probably growing Zozo who said you could come in here man this is my private space my mosy broad I feel like violated in junk I thought we were friends we’re not friends at all we’re literally Arch enemies oh yeah du sorry that slipped my mind so I guess you’re here to fight until one of us is just a pile of XP yeah that was the plan how about we get on with it your buzzing is really really starting to get on my nerves I took my potion of power and leveled up becoming the final fire Mario bigger stronger and the most Italian I’ve ever been with 100 hearts and my final new ability Dragon Fireball attack time to fry this freaky fly mosy and I flew into battle well he flew I used my super boots to jump Mazi was tough but this time I had the power to back myself up first I slashed him with my awesome fire aspect sword throwing him off with my speed and strength but I was just getting started Dragon Fireball after Dragon Fireball bombarded the Diabolical mosquito blasting and burning through every single one of his defenses in the end I came out on on top blasting every last one of the Monstrous mosquitoes Hearts away in the end Mazy was gone and only I remain finally sweet sweet silence Mama Mia on day 100 with Mazzy Mourne finally and deservedly swatted I left the Ethereal islands and returned to my base in the glowing Ancient Forest s the spider llama my oldest friend was so happy to see me hey Zozo my good good fella you did it I couldn’t be more proud of you s’s going to cook up a big spicy Pizza just for you also managed to finish the statue while you were gone check it out you’re the best of them s a giant mushroom I love it s left to go and make the pizza when Walter the wind serpent slithered over you did it Zozo what a man what a man what a man what a mighty good man another Walter would be here too but he’s at work you’re a winner Zozo anything you want to say only one word Walter woohoo on day one I spawned in as Mario hey it’s me Mario except I was just a little baby I only had three hearts I looked around and saw Princess Peach she was also just a little baby hello princess do you know where we are I have no idea it looks like some kind of forest I looked around and all of the Trees close to us looked like they had been burned down the grass was dead too we were basically in a little crater huh that’s odd just then a bunch of Koopa tras came out from the trees and grabbed Peach hey you let her go oh I jumped on one Koopa and he took a lot of damage neat I jumped again but the Koopas got some hits in I only had a little bit of Health left before I knew it some Koopa troopas were taking Peach away I didn’t have the strength to fight all of them but I tried to follow after to see where they were going you let me go Peach struggled but it was no use there were too many Koopas and she was Tiny I kept following but then all of a sudden they disappeared hey where did they go I looked around but didn’t see them anywhere it was getting dark out so I decided to find some shelter for the night I would look for peach tomorrow on day two I woke up and went to gather some supplies I couldn’t help Peach if I didn’t have some sort of weapons I gathered some wood from some trees and went to building a crafting table then I made some wood tools along with a sword this will do the trick I decided that I wanted to set up a base I needed to make sure I was safe from Bowser and his goons I got Right to Work Gathering supplies and clearing out an area next to the water it wasn’t anything fancy but it was safe I went to grab some more supplies when I was attacked by some Goombas get away you little shrooms I drew my sword and went about slicing them up it was super easy thanks to my new weapons yeah take that I gathered the rest of my m materials and went back to put some finishing touches on the base home sweet home on day three I decided to go exploring for some new materials and I needed some sort of food my hunger bar was starting to get really low I managed to find some mushrooms but I wanted to find some animals I happened upon a small abandoned house with some pigs and sheep in a pen perfect just as I was grabbing them I heard a yell from behind some trees I quickly ran over and saw my friend toad he was being attacked by some guys in masks hey you leave my friend alone I charged with my sword and smacked the shy guys left and right but they were too strong run Toad together we ran through the fre and lost the shy guys Mario you’re alive and you’re small yeah I’m alive why wouldn’t I be everyone thought when you went to go save Princess Peach that you died I was so confused you went to go fight Bowser in his castle a couple of days ago when you never came out everyone thought he defeated you yikes well I’m here but I’m not as strong as I can be some Koopas kidnapped Peach which I assume was Bowser’s doing since they work for him but I’m going to save her I believe in you I invited toad to live in my base where I would be safe he happily agreed and we took off on days four to five I deci deed to make toad a little house for himself it was a nice little place and he seemed really appreciative wow this is great thanks of course I also planted a garden full of my mushrooms I figured I should probably go out to get some food for toad as well so I went exploring I managed to find some wheat seeds and some carrots but then I was attacked by some glomas get back I managed to finish them off in just a few swipes man if only everything was that easy just then I noticed that one of the Goombas had dropped something it looks like a big mushroom I checked it and it was a super mushroom wow cool this will come in handy for later and made my way back to the base with my seeds and began planting it was really starting to come together on day 6 to 8 I went to gather some animals I hadn’t gotten any before because Toad and I were attacked but I was determined to get some now I headed out near the water when I saw Bowser he was with some of his Koopas I decided to attack hey give me back Princess Peach you overgrown lizard I charged at Bowser he wasn’t expecting it and I managed to get a few hits in puny little man take this just then Bowser let off a Breath of Fire owowowowowow I jumped away trying to extinguish the Flames Bowser just laughed and took off with his goons wow I forgot he could breathe fire after another minute of letting my hearts regenerate I went back to look for some animals I had had a rough day but I still needed to take care of me and my friend on days 9 to 10 I headed back to the base with some sheep and pigs I made some quick pens for them and herded them in so they wouldn’t Escape then I found Toad and told him about my encounter that’s awesome that you took on Bowser I’m not as strong as I used to be but I did get some hits in I knew I could defeat Bowser I just had to keep training then I had an idea hey toad I want to build a statue just outside the base it let people know that I’m still here and that I’m going to defeat Bowser once and for all that sounds great toad agreed to help and we cleared out an area we started building and managed to get some of the base done can you tell what it’s going to be I also made some modifications to the base including a lounge area and a bigger Garden it was looking good on days 11 through 12 I went back to my spawning point I needed some more information about what had happened before and I figured that might be a good place to start I approached the crater and immediately I was sucked into the sand ah before I knew it everything had gone black then all of a sudden I was my old cell again I was big and strong I was storming Bowser’s Castle fighting my way through the Koopas I defeated them easily and found Bowser in his throne room he had Peach Let Her Go Bowser he laughed and pointed a weird looking shell at me Peach managed to run forward and grab me as the magic hit us both we disappeared as Bowser screamed all of a sudden I felt something pulling me out of the sand I gasped for breath and realized it was toad toad how did you know where I was I followed you because you were being super odd this morning I saw you fall into the sand and I couldn’t get to you for a while are you okay yeah I’m fine I remember what happened I told toad about my flashback wa that’s crazy I wonder where Bowser got a weapon like that no idea but he won’t use it again I’ll make sure of it on days 13 to 15 I went back out to gather some more supplies I happened upon the same abandoned house where I found Toad and saw the same shy guys hanging out around it I tried to sneak past but they saw me and attacked hey I wasn’t doing anything to you they didn’t listen and just kept hitting me but I was Stronger this time and I manage to defeat all of them yeah just then I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a regular sized Mario I had my mustache back too hey I feel like my old self again I jumped and realized I could go much higher than before wow this is amazing I’m basically flying I gathered the rest of the wood and branches easily with my new jumping ability I could take on anybody now on days 16 through 19 I found a cave that had some really great materials in it I was able to gather some stone for some new tools and weapons neat I went down further into the cave when I saw something floating in the air what is that I got closer and I realized it was a boo before I knew it it saw me but then it covered its face um okay maybe it wouldn’t be a problem I started to M some of the materials but then it attacked me I turned back around and it covered its face again okay I see how it is I tried to keep my eyes on the boo but it kept getting attacks in eventually I managed to hit it and it disappeared in a puff I hurried and made a crafting table and with my new materials I made a stone pickaxe sword and other tools nice I had some good materials and decided to head back to the base to make some upgrades on days 20 to 22 I made it back to the base just as toad started yelling help it’s Bowser he’s at the back door I heard and Drew my sword before approaching the backside of the base I went up onto the top of the wall and looked down sure enough it was Bowser hey get away from here Bowser he looked up at me and shrieked I knew I would find you eventually I heard you were in the forest somewhere give it up you’re no match for me that’s enough talking I jumped down and attacked with my new ability I could jump to avoid Bowser but I couldn’t jump on top of his shell his spikes were too well spiky ouch Princess Peach is mine you can’t have her Bowser drew a large breath and then breathed fire at me I was able to jump and then landed on his head he shrieked again and started to retreat yeah run away you coward I’m not through with you yet I let him go knowing full well that I would see him again I knew I could eventually beat him I wasn’t very strong but I would get there on days 23 to 26 I went back to the abandoned shck to check it out I had been too busy trying to defeat the shy guys that I didn’t even check out the house inside were a few beds and tables but I found a secret hatch neat it led down into the ground into a small room in the corner was a chest I opened it up and there was a bunch of stuff inside wow oh this is great I gathered the string iron ingots seeds and then I noticed there was an iron sword hey this is exactly what I need I drew the sword and took a swipe it was much better than my stone sword wow I feel great and you know what will make you feel great subscribing and clicking the Bell you’ll be just as happy as me I went back up the ladder with my new stuff excited to show toad what I had found on days 27 to 31 I started to work on the Statue but then realized we needed some green dye hey toad where could I get some green dye cacti if you grab a bunch of those we should be able to dye some wool perfect I’ll go looking for some I traveled through the forest for a while before making it to the desert it was so hot sheesh this is miserable I looked around and saw some cacti as I was approaching I felt something hit me what was that I looked around and saw Pokey it had blended into the sand really well but it wasn’t just one Pokey there were a bunch and I was surrounded jeez where did you come from I drew my new sword and started swatting out the plants they kept falling on me and I had to dodged their tall bodies after a minute I had defeated them all that was a new one I grabbed as many cacti as I could hold and headed out of the desert looking for pokies I saw some and quickly skirted around them as fun as that was I don’t really want to do it again I made it back safely and managed to Die the Sheep green I sheared them and started on the Statue it was looking good we weren’t even close to finishing but it was going to turn out awesome on days 32 to 33 I went out to look for some more people I couldn’t remember much from my former life but I did know that I had friends they were probably hoping that I was still alive I went through the forest past the edge of the desert and went further into the Tiga I was traveling for a long time when I saw a light up ahead when I got closer I realized it was a castle I don’t remember whose this is but I’m sure they are friendly I approached and was immediately attacked by some Goombas get back just then someone came out to help me it was Daisy after a minute we defeated all of the Goombas Daisy you’re alive I’m so glad she invited me into the castle and tea was served it’s so good to see you I desperately need your help with what have you not heard Luigi has been captured by Wario well I guess you wouldn’t have heard since it happened the day after you disappeared I couldn’t believe it man did US Brothers have bad luck or what I’ll go get him he is my brother after all oh thank you she gave me directions for the lair that Luigi was being held in and I started to make my way in that direction on days 36 to 39 I went looking for Luigi I knew that I had a brother but all the details were fuzzy that weird Magic Shell that Bowser had used on me was really doing a number on my memory I made my way through the Tiga into a tropical rainforest area it was raining and I could tell that it was going to get dark soon GH I’m all soggy just then the rainforest opened up into a clearing there was a rundown castle and lots of plants surrounding the walls looks easy enough I saw a little bird fly past and all of a sudden one of the plants gobbled it up piranha plants I should have known I scoped out the area again trying to find a way around the carnivorous plants I looked up and decided I was going to try to climb one of the trees overhanging the castle I made my way over and jumped up the branches all was going well until I stepped onto a slippery branch on days 40 to 43 I was falling to my death I was just about to hit the ground when I realized I was in water I hadn’t noticed the small River Running alongside the castle pH that was too close I couldn’t climb the tree so I guess I had to go the original way way I maneuvered around the plants slicing them if their jaws got too close to me before I knew it I was at the front door it wasn’t even locked as I went to open it amateurs I walked in and up the stairs where I saw Luigi in a cave brother I ran toward him but then Wario and Waluigi stepped out not so fast red you’re ours now he yeah ours give me a break I attacked the goons and they screamed what were they expecting a nice little chat over brunch I attacked over and over again and before I knew it the goons were gone they dropped a key which I picked up brother you’re alive yeah it’s all Bowser’s fault I’m getting stronger though and pretty soon I’ll save Peach again what is it with these princesses getting captured I looked at the cage Luigi was in and raised my eyebrow never mind just help me out I used the key to unlock the door and embrace Luigi it’s good to see you too brother let’s get you back to Daisy wait I need to grab my stuff Luigi went over to a nearby chest and grabbed some things while he was doing that I looked throughout the ruins to see if there was anything worth taking I did find some wool a few emeralds and a diamond pickaxe not bad we made our way out of the castle carefully and back to Daisy’s Castle she was ecstatic to see Luigi again thank you if you would like to stay here you are more than welcome thanks but I have a base not too far away well don’t be a stranger if you need anything you know where to find us on days 44 to 49 I made my way back to the base I found some sheep along the way and managed to lead them back I figured that the statue needed some work which meant more wool I went straight to dying the sheep and shearing their coats toad came out and I told him all about my Adventures he helped me on the next part of the statue and it was looking really nice can you guess what it is now I also used my new pickaxe to gather some better materials for the base I made the walls taller and added some more security measures I didn’t want Bowser anywhere close to us again on days 50 to 53 we were under attack the base was on fire and Koopas were running around I managed to fight some off when I noticed that Bowser was hanging back in the forest coward why don’t you fight me yourself he roared and the Koopas tried to retreat I managed to finish off a couple more as I made my way toward Bowser just then I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a bigger version of myself I screamed at Bowser and a plume of fire came out from my mouth wao I’m fire Mario Bowser must have been scared because he immediately began running away with the remaining Koopas I hurried to put out the Flames before I’d engulf the entire base I went to go check on toad but he wasn’t in the house I went looking around the base but I couldn’t find him anywhere oh no Bowser must have taken him it was all my fault I was too preoccupied with the Koopas and getting to Bowser that I didn’t even notice them taking my friend away I felt awful I needed to find toad but I had no idea where to go on days 54 to 57 I fixed the base I needed to make sure that nobody ever could get in again I made larger and thicker walls built security towers and even added some pressure plates with traps no way anyone is getting in here I knew I needed to save toad I just needed some help first I decided to go back to Daisy to see what she knew about Bowser and his henchmen I made my way to her castle and was immediately greeted by Luigi when I got there brother you’ve returned not to stay I need some help he led me inside and I chatted with him and Daisy about toad being kidnapped by Bowser Bowser doesn’t keep prisoners in his castle unless it’s Peach he hands them all off to King Buu they’re friends and King Buu gets a kick out of scaring people that’s awful I’m sure that’s where Bowser would have taken toad it’s a long way from here and it’s very creepy everyone calls it Shadowland nothing grows there how do I get there they told me where the castle would be and wish me luck he has probably imprisoned all sorts of innocent people there be sure to help them of course I wanted to go save my friend but I needed to make some preparations first on days 58 to 62 I went searching for more materials I found a cave and started mining some iron ore I made some new tools and went digging deeper into the ground after a while I found some diamonds perfect just what I was looking for I was about to mine them when I was attached from behind I flipped around and saw a bunch of booze I’m not in the mood ghosty boys I used my new iron sword to swipe at them they tried to fly away but I got them all take that I went back to mining my diamonds and was able to gather enough to make some weapons and some armor now that’s slick I could take on anything with this get up I was feeling more confident about saving toad already on day 63 to 66 I headed back to the base to work on the Statue I dyed more wool green as well as some yellow and gathered it all up to make the next part of the statue it’s almost there just one last part to go I felt happy about my progress and how strong I was getting I was going to rescue my friend I knew it I also know that if you subscribe and click that Bell that would help me to have the support I need to go and rescue my friends on day 67 to 70 I followed the directions Daisy and Luigi gave me to get to the Shadowland they were right it was super creepy here all the ground was covered in some sort of weird moss and the sky was darker I only want to stay here for as long as it takes to get my friends not a minute longer I approached the castle and opened the tall double doors they swung easily but made a haunting sound as they did so um I hated that I walked into the castle and the door swung closed behind me oh great just what I wanted all of a sudden a bunch of booze came out from behind the pillars and started attacking me these guys weren’t shy at all about getting up in my face I’d rather you not do that thanks I managed to poof them all out of existence before heading up the grand staircase King Buu has some fancy digs I continued up further but couldn’t find anyone they must be in the basement I continued back down the stairs looking around for the entry to the basement there didn’t seem to be a staircase anywhere hm that’s odd I went into a room that I assumed was some sort of study I looked at the walls and noticed that one of them looked like a different color than the rest of the bricks I kept looking and noticed a cool little paper weight on the desk shaped like a crown I tried to grab it but it was stuck to the desk I tilted it and in doing so opened up a secret passageway nice on day 71 to 74 I went down the stairs into the creepy dungeon there were cobwebs everywhere and I thought I heard screams as I descended further I hope my friends are okay the stairway opened into a large room full of CAG is hanging from the ceiling I could see toad you’re here I ran to get closer to the cage but then I felt something hit me from behind I immediately felt dizzy I turned around and could barely make out king Buu with his crown and scepter he laughed at me with his creepy smile someone wants to be a hero how fun he hit me again with a scepter and I felt myself losing Health fast the dizziness was overwhelming what kind of weird magic was this I’m here to friends my save from youing ah yes the scepter is doing its job don’t worry you’ll be unconscious in no time I waved my sword around mindlessly move you big ball of creepy creep before I knew it I had fallen down and everything went black on days 75 to 78 I woke up in a cage and my head hurt man that did not go as planned you’re telling me I looked over and could see toad along with Toadette Yoshi roselina and Berto wow I guess we’re all a bunch of geniuses huh you’re still feeling the effects of the scepter just take it easy toad was right I was feeling pretty awful still I looked around the room and noticed there was a large release button on the wall but it was too far away then I had an idea hey everybody try to take cover okay everyone huddled in their cages as I let out my fire breath I aimed toward the button and the pressure from the fire activated it all the cages popped open and we were free everyone get upstairs we need to escape not so fast I looked and saw King Buu coming down the stairs everyone backed up against the wall you won’t get me again boo he smiled his creepy smile and charged me I let out another fire breath which sent him flying he screamed and tried to go back up the stairs not so fast fast I let out another fire breath and got him Square in the face he screamed again I ran up and hit him a few more times with my sword doing some Hefty damage then in the blink of an eye King Buu was no more yay everyone cheered and started heading up the stairs we all made it out and headed toward the base triumphant on day 79 to 84 we traveled back to the base it was a long journey but we were all doing okay before we got there we ran into Daisy and Luigi we have just heard the most terrible news what is it is everyone okay for now but Bowser has figured out a way to amplify the magic of the shell he used on you he’s going to make all of us small and weak and then capture us everyone started freaking out everybody it’s okay I will go and stop him before he has a chance to use the shell we thought it would be safer with you is it okay if we stay at the base of course we continued to make our way to the base I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it but I needed to stop Bowser before it was too late on days 85 to 89 we all arrived back at the base we got right to work making more houses for everyone and planting more food it was good to know that everyone could be safe here after a while toad came up to me I noticed that King buo dropped his scepter in his crown after you defeated him so I hurried and grabbed those before heading out good thinking toad he gave me the items both seemed powerful but I noticed the gems were missing in the crown I wonder if that’s what gave it its power I already knew what the scepter could do so I didn’t think too much of it hey let’s finish the statue let’s show Bowser just how powerful you really are we went to work finishing up the last part of the statue it had taken a good bit of time but it turned out amazing I was super proud of it we went back down to the base where Toadette greeted me I need to talk to you about the crown toad found okay what’s up before Bowser captured Toad the rest of us were all in the dungeon for a long time I overheard Bowser talking to one of his henchmen about stealing the gems from King Buu’s Crown he didn’t want Buu to become more powerful than him Buu assumed it was a servant who stole them but it was Bowser I know where he keeps the gems you should get them so you can use the crown against Bowser that’s great information Toadette thanks now I felt even more confident in my ability to defeat Bowser on days 90 to 94 I traveled to the place that toet had told me about it seemed like a smaller compound guarded by some Koopas though these Koopas looked a little tougher than the other ones I had seen before this must be the place the security is better he must be hiding some good stuff here I snuck around and opened the door I was met by a bunch of Koopas which I smacked with my sword I knocked out dozens of Koopas as I headed toward the small Tower in the middle nobody could touch me I was so powerful I made it to the tower without a scratch and opened the door I made my way up the stairs and into a small room with a chest in the middle get out of here before I turn you into a nice mantle piece for the wall I turned and saw Koopa this one larger than most I had seen I’d like to see you try the Koopa charged and actually got a few good hits in he was a really good fighter I dodged and swiped with my sword he put up a good fight but before long he was gone o that was a bit tough I went to the chest and opened it up inside was some gold a bunch of netherite ingots as well as the gems I put the gems in the crown and it started to Glow I didn’t want to put it on just yet I figured I would save it for later thanks Toadette that was an awesome stash I headed back to the base with my pockets brimming with all kinds of treasures on days 95 to 97 I took the netherite I had found and upgraded my gear into netherite armor and weapons nice this is going to be amazing for my fight I went around the base saying goodbye to my friends goodbye brother good luck in there thanks thanks for all of your help you go rescue Princess Peach and take Bowser down we’ll do here’s some mushrooms for good luck thanks toad you’re an awesome friend everyone waved as I left the base it was go time on day 98 I traveled to Bowser’s base I crossed all sorts of terrains on the way which made it a long journey but it was worth it if I could save my friends if you like what you’ve seen don’t forget to subscribe and click the Bell it’s been awesome having you so far we’d love for you to tell us what you’d like to see next I made my way over a hill and finally saw Bowser’s terrifying Castle now was my time to shine on day 99 I approached Bowser’s Castle this place is enormous I entered the castle and it was empty huh weird I went up multiple flights of stairs without seeing anyone okay this is really strange I finally made her to the throne room where I saw Princess Peach she was full grown now just like me but she was in shackles Mario help I approached but then remembered what happened the last time I looked around and sure enough Bowser was trying to hide behind a pillar waiting to attack nice try big guy he held the shell in his hand a sort of mechanism strapped to it it seemed to all be taped together it honestly looked a little silly you do that yourself is that why all your Koopas left they saw how incompetent you are and don’t want to follow you anymore what’s it to you I’m going to rule this land and nobody is going to stop me you went to push a button and nothing happened what why you broke it Bowser I tried to tell you to give it up you be quiet Bowser tossed aside the shell ready to breathe fire at me I hurried and put king bu’s crown on just then I leveled up into a huge Mario just as big as Bowser I’m Super Mario I charged at Bowser with all my might we exchanged blows he was taking a lot of hits but he wasn’t doing too bad himself I saw my health starting to decline but couldn’t give up now using all my strength I made one final blow knocking Bowser down defeating him yay you did it Princess Peach jumped up and down for joy we were free on day 100 Princess Peach and I made it back to the Bas face safe and sound everyone cheered as we came in it felt good to be a hero on day one I spawned in as King Kong check me out I’m the king of the world but wait why do I only have a few Hearts I’m a massive ape for crying out loud that’s when I realized I was on a playground looks like I’m not the king quite yet from out of nowhere came a man wearing a black suit and tie oh he must be super nice we can always trust strangers in nice suits right don’t run alien you’re coming with me you’re in trouble alien why is he calling me that just then the man in Black started to try and capture me I’ll never go with you kidnapping is wrong I couldn’t believe this guy I had no choice but to run stop making a fuss and get into my unmarked vehicle I have candy the man in Black was chasing after me and kept calling me an alien what’s this guy’s deal I ran into the forest and climbed up a big tree nice try kidnapper after resting for a bit in the tree I jumped down to see if the man in Black was gone the coast was clear phw I hope I never see that guy again just then I heard some wrestling was he back nope it was a badger oh boy I’m glad it’s just you there was a really weird dude chasing me earlier the badger didn’t want to chat he was mad that I was on his Turf and tried to attack me back off badgy I punched him and knocked him away huh I’m not so weak after all nice try Punk that Badger had definitely learned his lesson or so I thought because it wasn’t long before I was surrounded by an entire Badger gang I’m having a really rough day they had me surrounded suddenly I felt something in my chest and I let out a giant Roar the Badgers jumped and ran off I have no idea where that came from but it worked I’ll have to remember that for the future it was getting dark so I climbed back up into a tree for the night to sleep in the branches wow from up here it’s almost like I could touch the the moon it’s huge as I fell asleep I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever find a family out there so I wouldn’t be so alone on day two I decided it was time to make my way in this world I started to wander around and it led me to a jungle oh this certainly feels like the place to make a home I started to cut down wood and gather Stone I made my crafting table and got to work creating tools and a couple of weapons easy squeezy weapon pleasy I knew I was going to need a base very soon so I started collecting resources for that too but this was the jungle and it wasn’t long before I was disturbed by a very grumpy Venom sake I know how to handle this I just took a deep breath and roared and nothing happened uh-oh maybe snakes don’t have very good hearing oh well I’ll just have to take care of him the oldfashioned way it was a good thing I had just made a sword which I used to quickly take him out now that the snake was gone it made me want to build a really well hidden base I didn’t want the man in Block to find me or anything else for that matter as I went deeper into the jungle I soon saw a giant boulder that rock would be a good foundation for my base I got Right to Work constructing the beginnings of my jungle home it was coming along nicely but I soon got tired and needed to rest for the night it was cozy in my small but sturdy base I fell asleep thinking of plans to event construct my home into a jungle temple on day three I woke up bright and early to explore the jungle suddenly I heard a squeak and saw a cute little green creature running away from a big crocodile I followed them and saw the poor little green creature was cornered by The Croc hey stop right there Croc how about you take a bite out of this I started hitting him with my sword he snapped at me but I was able to dodge his blows we brawled for a bit but eventually I was able to knock him out I looked around for the little green guy and saw he was running away hey I’m not mean I promise he didn’t stop running so I followed him don’t be scared look I’ve got a banana want one the little green creature turned and stopped running you’re probably hungry here you go he really liked it and I think it helped him trust me m like the nana I do oh he can talk I asked him his name and where his home was luno my name is lunarian I am on the moon I live but from the Moon I fell lost I am a lot of mean creatures here there are but you nice you are alone I am I’m alone too that’s pretty cool you’re from the Moon though I have no idea how to get you home but I’m happy to try the alien was relieved to hear I would try and help him I invited him to stay at the base and until we figured something out he agreed and we went back together on days four to 5 I made it back to the base we added another room so that luno had a space of his own H I’m going to need more materials to build some more of this Temple you stay here luno I’ll be back I walked around the jungle and began Mining and collecting all sorts of things from the temple what was that I thought I heard something guess not I got back to collecting things I heard some more rustling behind me and some malicious giggling I turned and saw the group of badgers that had ganged up on me earlier oh brother not you guys again when are you going to just leave me alone already I took in a big breath and gave my best banse Roar some of the Badgers ran off but some of them just stayed there that’s strange well now I wasn’t defenseless like last time I brandished My Sword I got this in the badger I started swinging and hitting the Badgers that had stuck around all bet they wish they had run away after I had gotten rid of all the Badgers I noticed one of them had dropped something it was an item that protected against sound attacks pretty clever Badgers got to hand it to him I finished Gathering materials and headed back to the base I told Luna what had happened with the badger strong fighter you are ah Shucks Luna it was getting late and had been a long day so we settled in for the night Luna looked up at the Moon before he fell asleep he missed his home it was close yet so far on day 6 to 8 I woke up ready to face the day I wanted to find upgrades for the base and Luna wanted to explore a little bit too I told him to be careful and call out to me if anything happened while I explored below some aala trees I noticed an entrance to a cave I know what this means iron time I hopped down into the cave it was so Lush down here I got on my sword and quickly took care of the slimy pest I found some really neat dark colored Cobblestone plus plenty of iron this cave rocked pun intended I couldn’t wait to check out more but it was then that I heard something from outside the cave huh I better take a look I carefully peaked out of the cave and saw the Men in Black running past he was back that was close he could have seen me what is he up to now that was luno scream I rushed out of the cave to find luno I no longer cared about my safety I couldn’t let the man and black kidnap him this is terrible I should have never let Luna go off alone I wasn’t going down without a fight feel my wrath kidnapper I went to knock his blocks off but before I could get over there he suddenly evaporated into particles what kind of kidnapper magic was this I was left alone with only my regrets to keep me company what was I to do on days 9 to 10 I was so discouraged the man in Block was too cunning there was no chance I’d be able to save luno I didn’t even know where he was taken maybe a walk will clear my head I wandered around the jungle and through the forest eventually I ended up in a familiar spot it was the playground I started off at I climbed back onto the small skyscraper there was something comforting about being on top of it I’m supposed to be king kong king of the jungle but I couldn’t even save my friend sitting on the skyscraper gave me an idea though I know I can build a statue to help take my mind off of things so I went back towards my base I stopped at an area that was nearby but not so close that it would give my base away I started clearing the area for my big project once I was done clearing the area I started the foundation of the skyscraper not too shabby it was a great start but that would be enough for now it was about to get dark and mobs would be spawning I headed back to the base and crafted some Gear with iron to pass the time I hoped Luna was okay after a while I decided to call it a night and got some sleep on days 11 to 12 I got up bright and early I was looking forward to building my statue but I was going to need a ton of materials to build my skyscraper I headed out of the Jungle and into a bamboo forest as I was exploring I noticed a large building hiding among the plants well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle there was an old spooky looking Mansion I was so intrigued by it I went inside and had a look around I wonder who used to own this place maybe it was an Explorer I was taking a closer look at things when I was startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat I turned and there was an old man looking at me hello there may I help you old chop sorry I didn’t think anyone lived here anymore indeed I do this old house isn’t what she used to be but I’m too old these days to keep up with the yard oh well I like the way it looks it’s very earthy and you have some really cool artifacts here what a collection thank you dear boy but these relics are all fake you see I’m an Explorer where I was when I was a bit more spray ho when I would find something fascinating whether it was an animal artifact or Relic I didn’t want to take it no I wanted others to enjoy finding it too so I would come home and recreate it that way the original would be right where it should be that’s very honorable of you I have mad respect for your respect cheers you know you remind me of someone I met before this might Fascinate you if you’d like to see it he led me into his backyard and there in the middle was a model of a giant king kong looking gorilla I found this gigantic creature on an island where it was woried as a God I was so amazed I went home and built this replica here it’s my most treasured Discovery and I’ve always hoped I’d meet another as I’ve heard this creature is no longer living I could tell he was thinking I was just like this great specimen this is inspiring to see but I’m much too small I’ll never reach that size this ape started out as a small booger just like you day by day he grew stronger and bigger until he was a towering fearsome giant Maybe you too will steadily grow so big I wasn’t so sure about that I mean I hope so but I failed to save my friend it was hard to believe I was destined for greatness I said Cheerio to the old Explorer I was glad I had met him then I continued collecting materials while also heading back towards home while I was mining I couldn’t help but daydream about one day being a real king of the jungle on days 13 to 15 I was making my way back to my base when I got the feeling I was being followed I picked up my Pace hoping that would help but I still couldn’t shake that feeling when I looked behind me I finally caught a glimpse of something nope I wasn’t going to wait around to find out what it was I booked it I ran as fast as I could but I was right something was following me and that something was just as fast as I was it was a tiger it looks like I have no choice I flipped around and faced him no more running I would just have to give it my all chew on this tiger I used my strength my Roar and my sword I gave it my all he hit me a few times there was no denying that this Kitty was tough this battle is intense even though it was a hard battle I actually was holding my own wo all of a sudden we both went tumbling off a cliff but did that stop us no we landed in the water and kept at it there was there was a fire that got ignited in me something instinctual something Primal I let out a huge Roar we kept brawling but in the end I got the last blow and he was done it came out Victorious yes I was so proud of myself I could really step up to the plate when the odds are stacked against me and come out on top I felt strength welling up inside of me and I instantly evolved into a bigger version of King Kong okay I wasn’t quite the size of a jungle King but I’d say I was at least a prince just call me Prince Kong Prince pong pong yeah maybe I’ll just stick to being called Zozo for now on day 16 to 19 I was feeling so confident that I had some in my step maybe things weren’t so hopeless with helping Luna I had figured out how to defeat the tiger maybe just maybe I could figure out how to rescue Luna I decided to return to the place of the kidnapping to see if I could find any clues Bingo and sloppy was his Neo there it was a map on the ground looked like he dropped it in the chase his mistake was my advantage I looked it over and saw that it had a building on it labeled Men In Black secret lab these dudes really need to do some training on how to not compromise classified information what a bunch of rookies the map changed everything this meant I had a shot at finding luno and this time I was going going to save him but first I better get ready for battle I wanted to upgrade my gear so I went back to the Lush cave and mined a bunch more iron some spiders crawled up and tried to bother me but I showed them who was boss real quick mine your business spiders get it the spiders weren’t amused oh well you go squish now I was on a mission I would not be deterred once I gathered enough I went back to my base and got to work crafting a full set of heavy duty iron armor and iron weapons now I was ready I hoped on day 20 to 22 I set off following the map to the secret lab that was no longer a secret seriously can you believe they just dropped that really important map I approached the area where the place was supposed to be but I didn’t see anything anywhere at first but then I spotted it it was a very well-hidden bunker lab without the map I’d have never noticed it I guess I can give him a little credit for camouflaging just then some guards came out of the bunker I quickly ducked out of sight yeah that little green alien is really adorable it’s too bad he won’t be around after today I was just getting used to having the little guy around I think I think I’m going to cry pull yourself together Fred hey I have feelings too I’m sorry Fred I know what this is really about it’s about the last Bagel that Jerry took he already had one Megan who does that a monster that’s who let it out buddy have a good cry talk about drama I had to get in the door just then two more guards came out to talk to the other ones the door was a jar this was my chance to sneak past the guards while they sorted out their feelings or whatever that was about okay I’m in that wasn’t so hard just got to find out where they’re holding luno kick booty and get out no biggie I turned a corner and found myself in a cafeteria full of guards uh-oh Wrong Turn everyone turned and looked at me ah so how about them Burgers huh talk about beefy well I’ll see myself out Intruder get that gorilla that was my que to run I ran deeper into the base they were so shocked to see a big gorilla they weren’t ready to fight I took them out with just a few big punches ooh one of them dropped a key I know what to do with that I put the key in the lock of the door there guarding open sesame luno was inside the room Zoo he was so excited to see me he was surprised how much I had grown I told him I was sorry for taking so long to rescue him he was just happy to see me and told me I was very brave what a guy no time to lose luno we got to break you out of here the battle is only half one we tried to hurry and make our way out without running into anyone else but of course that was too good to be true the man in Black cut us off and blocked us from getting any further I’m not the bad guy here this is what needs to happen surrender or I’ll will have to use this he flashed a fancy looking gun the gun didn’t shoot bullets instead it produced a terrible debilitating sound I quickly equipped my noise cancelling ear protection that I picked up from the Badgers but poor Luna was spinning with confusion no one was going to hurt my friend on my watch I charged the man of black I gave him a super punch and knocked him to the ground didn’t get back up he was out cold Total Knockout you didn’t stand a chance against these guns luno was still a bit disoriented but he was okay we rushed out of the lab and Into the Wilderness the man in Black never knew what hit him on day 23 to 26 we returned to the jungle temple I kept apologizing that I hadn’t been able to stop the Men in Black from taking him but he told me he didn’t care that it wasn’t my fault blame yourself for other actions do not I guess he had a good point I tried my best and sometimes bad things just happened so are you okay after being captured heavy is my heart homesick I wish I could help if only I could reach the moon wait a minute I’m building a skyscraper sculpture what if I build it so tall that it can reach the moon great idea that is great friend zoo is we ran over to the sculpture and continued Building Together pH this was a huge undertaking we definitely were going to need way more materials than we had in our stash we would go find more supplies tomorrow that night as we both sat and looked up at the stars we saw an interesting constellation does that make you think of anything on days 27 to 31 I spotted a Wandering Traer walking by with his llama I ran out and flagged him down good morning can I see what you’re selling I in need of a lot of andesite is that so I don’t have a lot on me right now but I’m on my way to a quarry that has tons of stuff I often go there to apply my wees a huge source of materials that I can use for the skyscraper what good luck thanks for that info I’ll certainly be taking a visit there I got other stuff though if you want to make a trade I don’t have any money that’s okay you can buy on credit and I will come collect later it’s the newest craze byy now figure it out later that sounded good to me I looked at his wees and saw an enchanted iron chest plate and a better helmet I selected these items and then bid goodbye to the trader I’d have to remember to come up with some money later I went over to where Luna was and let him know I needed to make a journey to the Quarry I told him to wait at the base and make himself at home I’d be back as soon as I could e all the frogs and bananas you want while I’m gone I headed out and eventually found myself wandering through the Savannah at one point I started hearing some weird laughing around me back up buddies trust me you don’t want a piece of me they clearly did want a piece of me they didn’t waste time in Jumping All Over Me There were so many of them and they were fighting like there was no tomorrow I was able to take quite a few of them out but with so many around me they definitely got a few good hits in my sword proved to be strong too but I had to give these guys some credit may have been smaller than me but they really fought with a lot of heart unfortunately for them it was me who ended up taking all of their hearts eventually they were nothing but dust look who’s laughing now actually I feel a little bad for taking them all out but fish got to swim and zozo’s got to survive on days 32 to 35 I spotted the Quarry in the distance on a mountain as it got closer I noticed it was pretty quiet I didn’t see any activity where is everybody I poked around the Quarry searching for someone anyone finally I came across an office I walked in and saw Foreman sitting alone well how do you like that it’s one of them big goras I’ll be M never seen one of your Taps around these parts I came here to get some skyscraper materials where is everybody shoot you’re out of luck big Feller this year Quarry had done shut down yes sir W this cor used to be a real resource holdown we had to shut things down cuz that gosh darn monster monster as sure as I’m standing right in front of you there’s a terrible lizard creature snatching up my workers no one dares work here anymore it was an HR Nightmare and if I ain’t got laborers then I can’t get no resources to sale well if I take care of that monster for you would they work for you again I reckon that’ do it looks like I have my next mission slay the lizard get the Quarry back into working order get boatload of materials I started searching around for the monster lizard creature I jumped down the mountain and eventually noticed a Cave opening that seemed like a good place for a monster to hide I crawled around the cave following its twists and turns eventually the cave opened up and there laid a giant kodo dragon it was snoozing I cleared my throat hey um I’m Zozo I was just popping in to ask that you don’t kill any more of the workers at the Quarry cuz it’s really buming everyone out and the dragon jumped at me and snapped wa wao I’m sure we can talk this through nobody has to get hurt the dragon was not interested in nego ations I had no choice I had to fight back this Dragon had a Mighty Bite I was striking the lizard whenever I could and dealing some major blows but this lizard wasn’t going down easy there was a reason it had become king of the Quarry kodo dragons had a terribly venomous bite thankfully I had upgraded my armor otherwise I might have fallen prey to this clever lizard’s Venom the dragon chased me all around but I could tell it was losing Hearts fast it doesn’t have to be like this you can go find another place to live don’t make me do this these workers just want to make a living you don’t need to keep eating them the lizard would not listen to reason can’t say I didn’t try with my sword dro I dealt the final blow I vanquished the dragon ooh and it dropped a pendant most importantly I can get this Quarry up and running again and get luno back to the Moon I looked around the Koto Dragon’s Nest for a second to see if there was anything of Interest I didn’t see anything but then I heard a little voice mama oh she was a girl dragon with a baby my bad this poor baby was without a mother and it was my fault I felt terrible hey there baby dragon I’m not going to hurt you I hope you can forgive me about your mom she wasn’t my real mom she was a really mean stepmom honestly you did mean favor pH that was a relief to hear imagine if they had gotten along this would have been super awkward I told the baby that she was welcome to be my friend and to let me know if there’s anything I could do for then I headed out of the cave and back to the office the baby followed at a distance on Day 36 to 39 I told the foreman that the monster had been taken care of and that the workers could come back now well ain’t that just a kick in the pants that’s might a grand there’s just one py wiy problem another problem you see my workers ain’t around no more with no work here they are fixing to make a new quarry of their own Over Yonder but word is that dog won’t hunt they trapped in the middle of a newly formed Lake after a big flood in that there area all right point me in the direction and I’ll see what I can do go that way I stepped outside the office and saw the little dragon poke his head out from a nearby mine I felt so bad she didn’t have anyone to care for her now so I told her she could come with me I hope this wasn’t a Fool’s errand eventually We Came Upon the lake and sure enough just as the foreman said out in the middle was an island with some small houses I crafted a boat we sat out across the water and soon reached the other side once we got on the shore the Quarry workers came out to greet us are you to rescue team we have been been waiting so long monster kill our monster oh no I should have realized the baby would trigger these workers no no no I took care of the monster for you this is just a cute harmless baby there’s no need to be alarmed I am here to rescue you and take you back to the Quarry as I said there’s no dangerous monster anymore you now have a safe work environment so what do you say want to get out of here the workers cheered they were tired of being on the tiny Island I offered them my boat but they said it wouldn’t be possible because they needed to take all their equipment with them that was quite the conundrum but that’s what I was here for to fix all the problems I sailed back across the lake and started chopping down a bunch of trees eventually I had enough to construct a simple Bridge before going back to the island I found a cave and collected some Cobblestone after grabbing some of that I decided it was a good idea for me and the baby to take a nap we had had a really long day and would need the energy on days 40 to 43 I started to construct the bridge out of wood and stone to get across the lake halfway through making the bridge though I had a problem more like a problem tried to hit me there was a shark in the water huh I should be able to give this guy a nice big conk on the head I reached down to hit the shark but it bit me I kept struggling to climb out of the water I saw the shark coming for me I’m done for but just as it reached me the baby komoto swiped its tail smacking it hard in the face the shark turned its attention onto the baby and she snapped her venomous mouth at the shark it didn’t stand a chance after that thank you for saving my life little one and I’m still sorry about your stepmom she really didn’t seem upset by it by the way do you have a name it’s bubblegum nice that’s a cute name I finished the bridge and made it back over to the workers thanks Mr Zozo we’ll start heading back to the Quarry with all our stuff that was good to hear I hadn’t expected so many bumps in the road but that’s just how the cookie crumbles Bubblegum and I got back to the Quarry before the workers did so I went to the the office and let the foreman know the good news he was so giddy that he was hooting and hollering we’ll be open and running licky split you’ll be the first one to get what you need and we’ll give it to you on the house for all your troubles sounded fair to me I thanked him and he let me know it’d be ready soon enough on days 44 to 49 I returned back to my base with bubble gum by my side I told Luna about the drama and introduced bubble gum then I noticed that the wandering Traer was still hanging around hey it took a bit of trouble but I got things at the Quarry back in order they’ll be starting production immediately he was so happy to hear that his line of work was no longer compromised you know I have a network of other traders who could help bring the other materials over that way you can get your stuff quicker what do you say sure that would be great just let me know the cost just put it on the credit okay I sure hoped I wouldn’t live to regret that oh well I noticed that luno and bubblegum were getting along really well hey luno I was thinking that bubblegum could stay at our base are you okay with that luno loved the idea so I started cutting out a spot to make room for bubblegum to enjoy then it was time for some much needed sleep on days 50 to 53 the first load finally arrived from the Quarry you people sure work quick talk about a speedy delivery we upgraded you to wandering Trader Prime what’s that going to cost me don’t worry about it we’ll just put it on your credit okie dokie I realized I was going to need somewhere to store all these materials that was no problem I built more of the skyscraper but unfortunately I realized the next Turtle glass I needed a lot of glass this project was surely exhausting I know what will help me figure out my problem sleep in the morning I spoke with the traveling Trader and asked if he had any connections to some serious glass stash you know I do actually know of a glass factory although it’s some distance away well sounds like I’m due for another adventure I’ll set out now I felt better leaving luno alone now that bubble gum was there to keep from company I traveled through a few different biomes and eventually wound up at the Glass Factory I felt like deja vu I had a sneaking suspicion that this place was not in working order just like the query I entered the factory and saw that it was staffed by piglins you dare we have lost enough just leave us in peace I’m not here to cause you any trouble I’m here to purchase some glass is there a problem with the factory oh there’s a problem all right we’ve been overtaken by Raiders they told us they won’t let us do any more mining for coal unless we paid them for Access but where’s just piglins how in the world do we to P them that stinks I’m sorry but I had brussel sprouts for lunch it makes me gassy oh I didn’t mean it like that well anyway let me know how to help you I’m pretty good these days at roughing up bad guys let me go have a chat with them the piglins were excited to hear it and pointed me in the direction of the Raiders I was happy to get going because there was a really stinky smell around that piglin I went in the direction they pointed me to and saw the mine was full of Raiders I’m ready to raid the Raiders who raided the mine No More Mr Nice Kong these dudes were slowing down my skyscraper production not to mention being jerks to the piglins I charged into the mine muscles of Blazing I was tired of all this drama I had a moon to get to I didn’t have patience for these punks it’s chopping time they didn’t know what hit them I swung my sword and took out a bunch of them with ease that’s what I’m talking about I got lower into the mines and saw diamonds all over the place sweet Sparkles Don’t Mind If I Do Is that pun getting old I don’t care I’m just going to keep saying it I quickly mined a bunch of diamonds and then went back to kicking some mob bum there were a lot of them so they got a few hits in but these guys were like pesky fleas annoying but no match for what I’d been through sadly my armor was getting pretty damaged once at the bottom a Vindicator with hoarding the stash so you’ve been keeping the piglins out of the mind so you can have all the diamonds to yourselves diamonds May last forever but your reign of terror is over but then it came at me hard now I was starting to get nervous my hearts were starting to go down then I got a weird idea The Vindicator was instantly drawn to it as if he forgot all about the fight it Feats I seats The Vindicator Captain was trapped oh I can’t believe that worked I jumped down and landed endless blows to The Vindicator if you sit I chop you to bits finally The Vindicator was no more and I was left the champion in the room of diamonds I looked around the room some more and also found some chests full of gold I can pay back the Traders with this I really had come a long way since my time on that playground on days 58 to 62 I woke up and took a bunch of coal and diamonds and went back to the Glass Factory I walked in and they all squealed with delight that I wasn’t dead praise Cole you weren’t overtaken does this mean you won or did you flee I’ll let all this coal do the talking I showed them some coal you got coal but coal can’t talk you know you are very strong you seem to have knocked a few marbles loose up in that Noggin of yours I know it’s just a saying oh never mind anyways yeah I got rid of all the Raiders now you can go and get everything you need huzzah now we can mine our business for free about that you said you didn’t have a way to pay the Raiders but why didn’t you use the diamonds to pay them pigin seemed confused they had no clue what I was talking about Oh you mean these shiny rocks bless your heart those silly rocks are utterly useless yes too hard to even craft or melt down into anything again I think you might need to see a doctor soon about that head of yours oh brother I’ll just let them think what they want they weren’t the brightest Bunch but they knew how to make some good quality glass that’s all I needed them to know about so should I be able to get regular deliveries of glass soon piglins let me know that they would make sure I was their priority for sending glass to and as a gift for helping them out they gave me a furnace sword it showed how much they valued coal over Diamond this sword was so cool I thanked them for the great Treasures I now possessed I couldn’t wait to show my friends what I had found on days 63 to 66 I returned back home to my base I had glass from the factory and now would get regular deliveries coming from the depot very soon I was very excited about how things were looking up I told my friends all about my Adventures fighting the den of dangerous Raiders at the mind they were both so impressed and excited to hear about it and then I said if you sits you be chopped to bits H nice one Zozo yes got did you still have I decided to craft diamond armor for each of us once I had the armor finished I walked out and found the wandering Trader I was excited to fix my credit score with him hey I’m ready to settle my debt he couldn’t believe I had enough to pay him he gave him a giant amount of gold and he was super happy about it finally my wife won’t be so mad at me anymore for not getting paid for my labors all the time with the stash of new materials I had acquired I began to add more to the skyscraper you know some wind Windows some walls that kind of thing this bad boy was getting some good height to it Muno came and admired the work I had done he said he was lucky to have a friend that cared so much about getting him home I knew he would do the same for me I also know he would like and comment on my YouTube videos and you should too on days 67 to 70 I was on top of my skyscraper when luno pointed to Something in the sky a good distance away what could that be oh I think it’s a bird wait no it’s a plane no it’s the man in Black oh no he had found us it’d be pretty hard not to see I guess I’m sure you could see it from miles away the man in Black was traveling via jetpack through the sky I’m sorry but that alien must come with me give him up or I’ll have to take him by force his name is luno and he is staying don’t make me beat you up again I would like to see you try I jumped at him but he flew off the skyscraper get over here and fight me like a man he zoomed around me every time he got close I would swat at him but he was always just Out Of Reach I was running all around the skyscraper top then the man in Black dive bombed me dude I almost fell off he dive bomb me again and I slapped him away the next time the man in Black didn’t come at me he made a beine for luno instead luno was about to be taken luno luno help his little green hand up towards the man in Black and the Man in Black stopped moving in midair the little alien had mind Powers luno you never told me you had special powers on the moon they are not so special you’re on this planet we consider that a superpower now hold him right there luno I’ll finish him off I punched the man and Black’s jetpack enough times that it malfunctioned and he went plummeting to the ground look he’s falling with style we sure make a good team luno thank you friend a great warrior you are a good heart you have a secret I must tell you fell from the Moon I did not come here to seek help I did being killed by a moon monster my people are in need we are for a champion told you I should have worried I was that you would not accept the challenge but now I know you are the most Brave hero sorry I am for not being up front don’t be sorry I would be happy to help once we reach the moon thank you for being honest our conversation was interrupted by screaming from down below what happened to the MIB we should see hm on days 71 to 74 luno and I got to the bottom of the skyscraper only to discover that the man in Black was still alive I felt kind of bad for him when well I felt bad until I saw he had bubble gum on a leash the man in Black managed to get his jetpack working and took off with bubble gum leaving us shocked at the turn of events this guy is the worst I can’t believe he survived that fall and now he has sweet baby bubble gum luno and I were so sad why would he take her it just didn’t make sense did he think she was an alien what did he want with her I spotted something on the ground maybe it was part of the jetpack it was a strange material I didn’t recognize it you okay there Zozo sounded like there was a big fight happening a piglin delivery guy stopped over to check on US ah yeah there’s this jerk who’s been trying to capture us and he took off with our friend he dropped this I’ve seen that material before it was over in Stony Peak Mountain yep definitely seen that stuff but I don’t know what it is it wasn’t much to go on but it was all I had and decided to follow the clue on day 75 to 78 I hurried and made it to the Stony Peak mountains it was beautiful up here lots of Stony Peaks you imagine that at top of the Peaks I noticed something that actually wasn’t a peak it was an observatory right on that’s got to be what I’m looking for I knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park getting up the mountain and I was right mobs mobs mobs say hello to my little friend I used my new furnace sword I was on fire I kept swinging and Swinging hitting them as hard as I could eventually I made it out on top to the top of the mountain the fun had just begun I was at the observatory door facing two robot guards I don’t suppose you just let me pass turn back you are not permitted to enter yeah that’s not going to happen I came this far so either you’re going to let me through or I’m going to rip your arms out of your metal sockets hostile enemy detected annihilate looks like it’ll be the hard way I dodged their weapons and got a hold of them and let it rip didn’t take too much to disassemble these dudes I kicked open the doors and went ape crazy I really tore it up in the place there were plenty more robots as I searched the many hallways and sure they dealt me some damage but I managed to obliterate them you won’t be back I fought my way to the basement but there was no sign of bubblegum I couldn’t help but wonder if I had come here for nothing what if my friend wasn’t here no I had to stop that kind of top I still had to search to the top on days 79 to 84 I headed for the top of the observatory and what do you suppose that smug Man in Black was waiting for me at the top bubble gum was in a cage next to him well well well if it isn’t the man in Splat get it cuz we tossed you off a skyscraper I noticed there was a giant telescope pointed at the Moon didn’t anyone tell you it was rude to spy on people you don’t know anything about me or this operation I demand that you bring me the little green alien I will trade you for your non-alien friend here let me think about that h no but you will give me back my kodo dragon and leave us alone forever and if not well then this conversation has got me really fired up let’s Rumble we went head to-head this guy had all sorts of techie weapons he knew he had to up his game against me clearly he had expected this fight we aimed we hit we blocked we jumped why do you even want the alien just so you can him in your stupid little lab with your emotionally distraught guards yeah that’s right I know all about your bagel incident I won’t let you hurt my friend Fred I’m so firing him when I get back listen we aren’t going to torture the aliens I’m trying to protect it from violent animals like you and yes we will study it a little but nothing harmful I saw that alien come down from the Moon in my telescope I’ve been searching for him ever since and then you butted in we continue to fight but I slowed down a bit hold on we both want to help Luna that’s the alien’s name by the way you’d know that if you were friendly for once instead of using Force to get the alien he needs help There’s a Moon monster destroying their lives and I’m going to help stop it we stopped fighting that explains a lot of what I’m seeing in my telescope I think I had the wrong idea about you and I think you had the wrong idea about me I’m sorry I see now that you were looking out for the aliens Luna’s best interest maybe we better stop fighting each other and team up instead what do you say well as much as I was looking forward to kicking your butt King Kong style I guess we can let it be now can you let my baby friend go please yeah sorry we thought she was an alien too you really need to get out more so what was your plan to save the lunarians building that skyscraper to touch the moon then I’ll go to the moon and face the monster we got bubblegum out and the Man in Black told me to return to the base and that he would be there soon first he needed some time to work on a tech weapon and started the track home with bubble gum a jetpack would have been handy but oh well walking was fine on days 85 to 89 I arrived back to the temple with the baby and toe luno greeted us excitedly he couldn’t believe I had found bubble gum nothing there is that you can’t do a hero you are I was excited to tell luno all about the encounter with the man in Black I explained that he wasn’t going to be a threat any longer but in fact he was going to help luno and bubblegum went in decid to catch up I was lucky to have found those two I didn’t have a family and if I really was a King Kong it sounded like I was the only one family comes in many forms there’s the family you’re born into and the family you make along the way a Wandering traitor interrupted my monologuing I’ve been watching you I’m moved by how much you care for your friends it reminds me of our good friend Johnny rip he was always sticking his neck out for me and saving me from things in his honor I’d like to give you an upgrade free of charge this will make you even stronger if you can imagine that I thanked him profusely what a nice guy I climbed up into the temple and really realized I hadn’t had much time for renovating the temple I wanted it to look impressive for the man in Black I added upgrades and a lab area for the man in Black in case he needed it it took a lot of hard work but after a while I was able to get everything completed that’s when I heard some shouting Oh what now it was a piglin and a delivery person they weren’t any trouble quite the opposite they were excitedly letting me know that the deliveries were complete oh thank you for your hard work on day 90 to 94 I crafted the enchantment materials the trader had given me I was able to fully enchant all my armor and gear I was super excited about that this armor is perfect I was ready to finished the work on the skyscraper I buzzed around building it taller and taller and taller and taller this skyscraper was truly a ridiculous height now and it was practically out of the Earth’s atmosphere I steadily climbed to the very top of the skyscraper to see how much closer I needed to be to the Moon I realized I was having a hard time breathing there wasn’t much oxygen up here I guess I hadn’t thought about that this could be my undoing just then as if he had planned it this way the man in Black appeared beside me nice work on the skyscraper Zozo it’s looking pretty stellar that’s a word kids still use nowadays right at any rate I made you the space to help you breathe out here wow I was really glad he and I were on the same team I thanked him and then he also gave me an item that would make me super strong wait to use it until you’re on the moon with the change in gravity it’ll work really well just don’t use it here on Earth it hasn’t been studied yet and I don’t think it’ll have the same effects I guess that man in Black wasn’t so bad after all on days 95 to 97 it was an exciting day the skyscraper was finally complete now I really am king of the world I knew that little tiny gorilla on the playground skyscraper would have been really proud of me now that I had come a long way pun intended luno joined me at the top he was used to the atmosphere and didn’t need anything special to breathe so what do you think incredible it is strange to be back in space it is I am scared to face the monster but with you by my side wi we will I told luno to go back down to earth and that he didn’t need to come to the Moon with me this time instead I would let him know when it was safe again luno listened to me and went back down I built a small bridge to connect the tip of the skyscraper to the moon the bridge reminded me of how it’s important to stay connected by subscribing to the channel so we can always connect you to our exciting New Adventures on day 98 I took one small step for me one great leap for the lunarians Houston the King Kong has landed on the moon it was so cool being on the moon this gravity was crazy it started to bounce around to take in my surroundings I didn’t see a single soul but I did see a half-destroyed moon base something had definitely been here causing trouble it was then that I remembered what the man in Black gave me I pulled out the strength potion and chugged it down I could feel the power coursing through my veins wo this feels amazing I started growing like crazy becoming a mighty King Kong just like the one the Explorer had told me about he was right I did have an enemy to become a great Kong zong Kong zong zong either way I was mighty and check out my hearts now now that’s what I’m talking about all this commotion must have gotten the attention of the Moon monster though because he came out of his hiding space next to the ruined base prepare to meet your match the monster opened up its mouth and breathed lasers at me wo I didn’t expect that I then crashed into him knocking him off balance he continued to shoot lasers at me those lasers are wicked hot we rolled and brawled all over the moon he had some really powerful attacks they hurt and did some major damage to my health I wouldn’t have stood a chance if it wasn’t for this Mega strength potion I took so I sucker punched him real hard I opened my mouth to test out my super sized Roar but the sound waves didn’t work right on the moon shoot I was really hoping to use that ability I would just have to make do with what I had heart counts for a lot and I was doing this for the creatures I cared for on day 99 the fight raged on and I found myself losing this Beast was just too powerful and I was sure he had advantages of being on his own turf I was pushed towards my skyscraper I had to make a decision if I didn’t Retreat now I could lose the battle altogether I got onto the bridge and started destroying it as I ran across to the skyscraper at least I’d have a last minute to regroup and heal myself before oh no the Beast took a running leap and jumped onto the skyscraper I just let this heinous creature off the moon oh this was bad this was very bad I couldn’t allow him to climb down and start destroying Earth and it was all my fault I fought with all my might and I was super weak now things are not looking good I think this is the end the monster got ready to deliver his final blow when suddenly he stopped he was frozen I looked around to my great relief and surprise I saw not just Luna but a bunch of other little aliens that looked just like him they were using their mind Powers together bravely and triumphantly you saved me saved us you did showed us bravery you did help zoo we must now finish him they positioned the monster on the edge of the Tower and I used all my King Kong strength to knock him into next week he fell from the skyscraper down down down to his death we had done it together on day 100 we were back at the jungle temple I figur you guys might like this big telescope from my base that way you can check in on your family super easily I really misjudged you man in Black you can call me Kim Kim I’m really glad we’re friends now please feel free to visit anytime you like it was time to say goodbye to my space friend I didn’t want to tell him but I was super sad about him leaving he felt like family to me but he had his real family to get home to and I I would not get in the way of that I guess this is goodbye I’ll never forget you we all looked up at the Moon together I’ll never forget you either because returning home I am not doing I wish to stay here I couldn’t believe my ears I was so happy to hear he wanted to stay it was the perfect situation and bubblegum was really happy to hear that Luna was staying too and waved at the lunarians waving back at us on day one I spawned as a baby hogin oh I’m pretty adorable but I only had three hearts I was small but I had a super strong sense of smell I could smell everything I was seeing wo great River’s a fire I’m in the nether cool oh look there’s a group of hoglands that must be my family I went over to them they were nice and shared their Crimson fungi with me life couldn’t have been better that is until a hungry eler came looking for some bacon Run for Cover little Zozo we’ll take care of this you’re too small for battle but I want to stay and fight leave it to the real Warriors you shroom sniffer bbop knock it off he just likes to pick on other hoglins he’s a bit of a bully you will join us one day but not today you must grow bigger first now hurry before they turn you into lunch sir yes sir I ran as fast as my little hoves could go when suddenly I was covered in purple smoke I had no clue what was happening suddenly I was dropped near a river in a green field with blue skies this didn’t look anything like my home where am I I looked around and saw a squirrel with sunglasses on bro you just dropped out of the sky for real for real I don’t know where I am this isn’t the nether no little dude this is the Overworld you must have gone through a portal or something all I know bro is it got all purpley and then poof there you were dude I was so confused I didn’t know know what this girl was saying and I didn’t know how I got into the Overworld waa bro something’s up I started to see red blinking red I felt weird something was happening to me I was changing you’re going zombie my dude zombie the blinking red stopped and I could tell my whole body looked different you could see my bones and my man had gone flat oh no I’m a zlin now what will my family think how will they want me back now I guess it’s kind of cool to be a zombie 100% my dude it’s the gnarly bones for me well any ideas what I should do now my guess is to find a portal to take yourself home I bet you could find one in the forest just be careful out there little guy here take this he handed me a potion of strength only use it when you’re really in a jam good luck bro I got to go gather my nuts I dropped when you popped out of the sky thank you Mr call me squeaks thanks squeaks it was nice to meet a cool squirrel like you he hopped away and I started towards the forest passing by a river my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shark that popped out of the river behind me luckily I jumped out of the w just in time someone was feeling bitey today I then continued making my way into the forest on day two I wandered through the forest to find a portal I wasn’t sure where to go next but that’s when I remembered my nose never failed me even though I was a zombie my nose was just as powerful I took a whiff around hm that’s an interesting smell I followed my nose to a llama eating some berries I decided to ask her if she had seen the portal but she just ignored me hey I’m talking to you the Llama turned and spit right in my snout okay you’re asking for some drama llama I wasn’t n going to let her get away with spitting in my face I ran at her full speed and attacked unfortunately I was too weak to do any damage I didn’t even have a weapon how sad why don’t you cry wee wee wee all the way home little zlin you’re much too small to be on your own really cool picking on someone smaller than you listen I’d love to go home but my home is in the Nether and I can’t get home without a portal oh the nether I heard they have great Crimson fungi there yeah they do I pulled out a crimson fungi and flashed it at her okay kid fine I’ll tell you where a portal is if you let me have that how do I know you aren’t lying you’ll just have to trust me you spit my face and you want me to trust you tell you what I’ll give you one now and one later if you take me to the portal she thought it over and finally agreed to the deal the last portal I saw was up ahead at a waterfall I threw her a mushroom and she chomped down on it m a little spicy with some Smoky flavor I like it all right come on follow me on day three we came to a clearing and up ahead was a glistening waterfall against a big Cliff there it is the portal is up ahead head this is where we pared time to hand over the other half of that mushroom I handed her the rest of my mushroom and she gulped it down you know kid you’re not so bad you’re not so bad yourself llama thank you for showing me the way well let’s not get all mushy good luck and try not to get in any more trouble llama tried it off into the forest and I headed towards the waterfall it was so beautiful that I forgot to pay attention to my surroundings I’ll popped a snake from the long grass mind if I Slither on by I guess the snake did mine the snake was trying to strike me but I was determined to get to the portal I didn’t have a weapon but I had the my tusks and I was bigger than the snake I hit him good and hard knocking him out your history snake as he disappeared I saw he left behind eggs oh nice I better hold on to these the portal was just up ahead I could see it now unfortunately I could also see a pack of wolves please I I don’t want any trouble I just need to get back home through that portal I can pay you in eggs the horned Enderman has commanded all zins to be taken to him you’re coming with us just then a bunch of skulls came shooting at the pack of wolves the Wolves backed up but close guarding the portal come with me if you wish to live this dude was a little creepy looking I’m sorry who and what are you I’m a Wither my name is Smithers now come on those wolves are going to try and take you to the horned Enderman we have to get you out of here I have no clue what you’re talking about but I don’t want to be eaten by Wolves so yeah let’s go on days four to five I followed Smithers into the Shadows of the Jungle you need to make some weapons little zlin now is a good time after that I have a quest for you I need you to find the mushroom field Islands only a special hogland can find them I’m trying to get home I need to get to the portal if you find these islands I will help get you home for now all the portals are being guarded I think you are the zogin the horned Enderman is searching for me you got the wrong Zog I’m Just Your Average ham yeah you might not be special but we shall see how will I know the way to the Mushroom Island follow your nose if you really are the chosen one you will have extra strong smelling Powers with that Smithers flew away it left me with a million questions and what was that about smelling Powers I always had a good nose but no I couldn’t be the one they were looking for one thing was for sure I needed to be able to defend myself I started mining wood Stone and coal then I made myself a crafting table after that I made a bow an axe a sword and a pickaxe Take a Look At Me Now oh will tremble before me just as I was really getting into being dramatic I caught the scent of something nearby I wasn’t alone I looked up and noticed eyes staring back at me an ocelot jumped down from the tree he crouched getting ready to pounce easy little kitty you wouldn’t want to eat me I’m rotten and don’t taste good but the truth was I was scared those claws were no joke how would I ever be able to win this fight oh wait the potion I quickly pulled out my potion of strength that squeak gave me and drank it I grew a little bigger and got extra Hearts it’s a good thing I met that weird squirrel the OT pounced as I tried to get out of the way we kept swinging at each other until I was able to push him out of the way luckily I noticed that there were some arrows nearby I guess an Explorer left them here I hurried and got on my bow and then started firing it didn’t take too many hits and I was able to take him out so much for cats having Nine Lives just then my nose picked up a different scent on the tree cocoa pods oh these would be great for making a color a snack for later it was then that I could hear a crunching sound coming from somewhere in the jungle I decided to follow the sound I rounded some trees and saw a Thicket of bamboo it wouldn’t be a bad idea to collect some of that the crunching continued and I soon saw a panda relaxing on the ground enjoying some bamboo I hope you wouldn’t mind if I took some for myself hey there I’m Zozo could I take some of that bamboo the panda looked up at me and Shrugged then went back to munching sweet that was easy it was definitely a relief to come across an adorable animal that didn’t want to attack me I mind a good portion of the bamboo but made sure to leave some for panda I was very excited about my new supplies Goodbye Mr Panda thanks for the bamboo on day 6 to 8 I decided I like the jungle so much that I take a couple days to go jungle glamping after all who knew if that wither was even trustworthy the mushroom Fields could wait I sniffed around for a good spot and went to sleep in a cavern later I woke up and decided to explore some more hey check it out a wild patch of pumpkins I’m pumped this would be a cool spot to build my glamping base with my bamboo I’m thinking a year would be cool I even found some melon seeds while cutting down plants I tried it happily to the patch and began to make my jungle yurt this would be a great little place to sleep and hide from mobs once I had the outside done I put some finishing touches inside including some jungle plants then I put a little fence around the pumpkin farm melon farm and my yurt I also built a small melon and pumpkin farm outside YT sweet YT ouch something had just hit me a monkey was in a tree he was throwing stuff at me hey knock it off as you wish I’ll knock all the blocks off your little house thingy it’s a yur you uncultured baboon now stop the monkey didn’t stop he just wanted to be naughty and aggravate me all right enough Monkey Business I grabbed my bow and fired a warning shot the monkey screeched and swung off the tree hopefully he had learned his lesson with the monkey gone I could focus on some much needed dinner pumpkin chocolate bean cookies sounded good I’d better hurry it was getting late and mobs would be showing up I crafted the cookies and went outside to enjoy the mood hey this is pretty peaceful it’s just me the trees these pumpkins and that horned Enderman over there a horned Enderman a very tall horned Enderman was staring at me from outside the fence well hello little zlin without a care I am the horned Enderman no need to fear you you’re that evil Enderman trying to capture all the zins and you probably are the one who teleported me here I searched for the perfect zling but as for this teleportation that is the wrong accusation you’re very poetic for an evil jerk and you are very cheeky for a z who is not very beefy you are coming with me do not try and flee not by the hair of my chinny chin chin there’s nothing that won’t make me win oh look at that he even got me rhyming I whipped out my bow and shot at him but he teleported and suddenly was right next to me I pulled out my sword and tried to attack him with that but it was no use the Enderman punched me so hard that I was stunned there was no way I could do anything thing to fight this guy just as I lost all hope the Enderman was hit with a big rock in the head something kept hitting the Enderman with all sorts of objects eventually he got fed up and teleported away there was that crazy monkey sitting on the roof of my yurt wa you saved me you chased the Enderman Away by being annoying most impressive I think we started off on the wrong foot would you like some pumpkin cookies the monkey liked that idea and threw a banana at my head playfully aren’t you glad I didn’t throw a rock what a silly monkey I’m glad he decided to come back after all soon the monkey left and I went to sleep on days 9 to 10 I thought I’d sniff around to see if the mushroom field was anywhere nearby I set off around the jungle I didn’t smell mushroom Fields but I did smell a village nearby I figured I could sniff it out maybe there would be some shops I exited the jungle and kept sniffing and walking until I finally found a village I walked into the village and all the villagers were looking at me they didn’t seem too excited about me being there I walked into a shop and the shopkeeper didn’t want to sell me anything he said zins were dangerous to have around because it might bring the horned Ender’s cronies around man this Enderman is ruining everything for me I was about to leave the village when a chicken went flapping past me the village villagers were upset they chased the chicken around but it got away and ran out of the village she is gone the Heavenly hand has left us we will be cursed hey uh maybe I can help you what are you going to do besides bring the oranged Enderman around these parts I’ve got a very sharp smelling nose I can follow her scent and track her down very well finds the Heavenly hand okay but if I do I get to pick some things out of your shops for free okay fine whatever you want please hurry and whatever you do don’t look her in the eyes and don’t threaten her or you regret it okay that’s strange but fine I won’t I had seen some really cool armor in the shop but I probably couldn’t afford it so this was a good deal for me I headed back towards the jungle to find the chicken on days 11 to 13 I trotted toward the jungle mountains I climbed up a hill covered in foliage it was kind of hard to see so I started chopping down some of the Jungle leaves wa the leaves were so thick I didn’t see the Quarry below my feet oh no I Disturbed Anessa scorpions yuck these guys were nasty I’m in a real pinch I tried to tell them that I meant no harm but they were not going to leave me alone I did not want to get stung I swung my sword to get them to back off yikes that was a close one I jumped above them and pulled my bow out hitting a few of them I wanted to just get out of there but the problem was I smelt the chicken down there maybe she got eaten but it was just then that I saw m shaft below maybe the chicken had hidden inside there I’d have to take these guys out one by one I finished them off except for one it was gold and turned out to not be a scorpion at all it was a scorpion siiz gold statue I decided to enter the M shaft and check the statue out on day 14 to 16 I was inside the M shaft left and had a smell around it didn’t just smell like chicken there was something else too oh jackpot so many resources but most importantly iron something was a little creepy about this place okay Zozo ignore the creepy feeling and just keep mining just keep mining after that amazing song I created a crafting table and furnaces to smelt the iron I just collected I had enough iron that I could craft myself some iron armor and tools really quick something told me I was going to need it I continued deeper into the cave to find the chicken hold up what’s that I pulled my axe out it was a spider but wait it was another gold statue what is going on here I just need to find this chicken and get the creep out of here soon enough from the Shadows craw the mob of spiders I knew my Spidey senses were tingling they weren’t deterred they just kept coming one of the spiders hit me good it was a big hit I swung around like crazy and finished off all of the spiders he left behind a bunch of webs a crafting table an iron sword and some arrows and a slime ball I guess some explorers must have left in a hurry I collected them all and made a lead out of some of them I kept walking down into the cave and eventually saw some lava across from the lava was that crazy chicken you are lucky you aren’t fried chicken by now the chicken stared at me with Angry Eyes my body felt weird I suddenly remembered what the Villager said about not staring at the chicken in its eyes I tried not to look directly at it and started making a bridge across the lava over to the chicken listen Miss H I’m just trying to help you I’ve got some cookies for you I’ll give you some if you follow me out of here she didn’t say anything because she was a chicken but I assumed she was okay with this she ate them and then followed me across my bridge well that worked out come on let’s get you home everyone is worried about you on day s 17 to 19 we had made it out of the cave and were on our way back through the jungle when the ground under my feet felt funny it was so soft and Squishy then I realized I was sinking it was blue quicksand help the chicken just stared at me blankly she was no help C what’s wrong it was a group of parrots I’m sinking what are you sinking about oh I see what you did there okay might have been about to die but that was pretty punny nice one thanks we have been working on the standup routine neat well I’m sinking about how I need help getting out of here we have the sinking feeling you are in some real trouble can be done do you think you could pull me out of this quicksand with my lead the quicksand had almost swallowed me up by this point sure thing hand us the lead they were able to pull me out just in time phew that was a close one thank you for saving my life Mark no problem I was just escorting this chicken ho what chicken I looked around and the hen was gone again oh no I told the parrots thank you but had to run off to find her I followed my nose she was close but so was an ocelot look out chicken the chicken stared at the ocelot with Angry Eyes I took out my sword but before I could do anything the ocelot turned to Solid Gold did you do that Miss hen I can see why you’re so special now she pecked at the ground come on let’s get you back home on days 20 to 22 a fox was watching us run back to the village and tried to cut us off sorry Fox trust me you don’t want this chicken for dinner I ran at him and punted him into the sky I knew I was doing him a favor better than dealing with gold Winger over here we made it back to the village and the villagers were super stoked I was super stoked about picking out some items from the shop our secret hen has returned what is your name sir zling Zozo three cheers for sir Zoo sh I just followed my nose at the shop I picked out diamond armor and some TNT mission accomplished with my Swanky new Treasures in hand I was ready to go back to my y on the outside of the village I was stopped by an iron golem who offered me a poppy he told me his name was Gio he was a super nice guy I told him I had to get back to my YT before it got much later as I came up to my y it had already gotten dark a just fantastic my Y is swarming with creepers and redyed spiders It’s a Jungle Out Here time to test out this armor and explosives the mob saw me and started coming for me so I ran into the trees I set the team on the ground and then punched it running for my life as the mobs came by the TNT exploded it didn’t kill them all but it took out a lot I handled the rest of them with my weapons with the mobs gone I trotted back to my y I checked on my melons they were growing well I’d Harvest them tomorrow and then set out to find that Mushroom Island or field whatever you want to call it on day 23 to 26 I woke up and went outside to my surprise Gio was standing around my garden hey there Gio how did you find me Gio here big boo Gio come to save Zoo that’s super nice of you I tested out some TNT on some mobs sorry to worry you I explained to Gio that I had to go on a mission to find a mushroom Island Gio insisted on accompanying me he said he could help protect me from the horned Enderman I agreed then harvested my melons and pumpkins I took a bite of the melons and it helped me to grow some more ooh check out these tusks then I went inside to get some more materials after that we were ready to set off my nose led us out of the Jungle and across some Icy Plains and Glaciers there were a lot of polar bears I was relieved Gio decided to join me because there’s no way I’d be able to fend them off by myself and some of them wanted to give us trouble we gave them trouble right back Gio was a able to fling them up like pancakes hey Gio Want to Build a Snowman I decided I might as well mine some snow while I was there it might come in handy I threw together some snow and a pumpkin head to make a snow golem Gio clapped excitedly snow friend snow friend Happy Birthday yes happy birthday to you ice Golem my name is Zozo this is Gio what’s your name Burr Burr huh that checks out play with Burr sure we can take some time to play Hey I know what if we build a snow for out of snow play play I made a little snow fort we had a snowball fight it was very fun but Gio was a little too strong and hit Burr too hard and he poofed into a giant pile of snowballs don’t worry Gio snowmen don’t last forever anyways we collected his snowballs and added them to our supply at least he could always be with us now in a weird sort of way on days 27 to 31 we wandered to the seaside the smell of Mushroom Island was super strong I was led to the seashore we looked out and saw an island with funny red trees I think that’s it Gio now to get over there I crafted a boat but it wasn’t big enough for Gio to come with me so Gio agreed to hang out on Shore until I came back as I sailed closer I realized the red trees were actually giant mushrooms I started to drool someone was on the island already it was Smithers you found me you truly are the chosen one only a zlin with the strongest sniffer can find the secret place why does the Enderman want me I will explain everything let’s show you around first I ran around the island exploring its resources this ground was so spongy and bouncy oh look cows wait those are mushrooms that gave me an idea a huge statue would be pretty cool in this field I gathered up some supplies and start started working on the first part of the statue the cocoa beans would also be perfect for some brown dye I’d want some red though too I’d need to get some red flowers on the mainland Smither showed me the Bas he had made it was a nice little Cube you know Smithers this is awesome but are you okay with me doing some Renovations just so it’s big enough for all of us including some of my friends I’ve met along the way I mean this is already a pretty elaborate Cube but okay I’m cool with it great I’ll start tomorrow on day 32 to 35 I decided to make the base look like a giant red mushroom with spots I wonder what gave me that idea first I’d need to make stem it would be a staircase and then I could make the top a big mushroom shaped room with a loft above that for bedrooms we’d have a nice view of the island while we hung out in the base and we could keep an eye out for danger too we wandered around the main area inside there’s so Mushroom in here get it mushroom much room you should stick to sniffing and leave jokes to someone else I can’t please everyone outside I created an awning for Gio to stand under and keep watch our base was ready for action on Day 36 to39 I went back to shore to get Gio once on land he and I mined some flowers and some other things for the Bas and St you I smelled something familiar hey I smell another zlin I wanted to follow the scent so we went looking I had to see if they were okay I followed my nose to a Pillager base a fire was roasting and there sat a zlin chained up to a log the Pillager was humming and wandering around the yard we walked up to the Hut excuse me but what are you planning to do with that zlin the Pillager nearly jumped out of his skin he hadn’t seen us sneaking up on him Gio kill Pillager how about it Gio Gio smash that Pillager didn’t stand a chance against Gio wow nice going Gio and look there’s an emerald on the ground now I picked it up and put it in my supplies then walked over to the zland hey my name is zoo I can smell you from miles away I’m here to rescue you thank you my name is hogatha the horned Enderman sold me his dinner because I wasn’t the zlin he was looking for that’s rough I told hoga how to find my base and invited her to meet us up there she liked that idea there were voices in the distance a mob of pillagers came into view we better get out of here we don’t need that kind of trouble yep time to run I’ll find you later good luck on days 40 to 43 I was back at the base and Gio and hogatha had joined us haa added some grass around the base it was looking pretty gnarly I went over to the Statue and kept adding to it things were coming together for this epic statue but it wasn’t done yet do you know what it’s going to be I’ll have to keep working on it later Smithers called me into the base meeting room to finally tell me all about what’s been going on with this horned Enderman dude it all began with greed I could tell a flashback was coming because the music got all dramatic flashback called it the horned Enderman had been taking over the Overworld enslaving and destroying he seeks to control this world and the nether too everyone is afraid of him he summoned the witches fate he asked them to reveal the location of a weapon called the black Trident it was powerful enough to raise up an army of the undead they didn’t tell him the location we only know it’s somewhere in the ocean they did give him a prophecy of a Zin with a powerful enough nose to sniff out the location of this weapon but they also said that this zlin could be his undoing I believe that zlin is you I know this because I was there I was part of the horned Ender’s close advisers but I couldn’t stand by any longer and see him destroying So Many Lives I deserted him and went in search for you myself we can’t let him find that dark Trident I would never lead him to it if you can get me home he won’t be able to use me Fate has brought you here my boy you must give into your destiny and your destiny is to rise up against the horned Enderman I’ve run into him before I couldn’t defeat him I have no idea how to do that I just want to find a cure for my zombie form and go home you will find a way this was a lot to take in I wasn’t sure how I felt about it all of course I wanted to help but how thanks for telling me all about it I need to do some thinking outside I went on to walk around the mushroom field at night to think about everything the mushrooms were grazing in the field with their babies hogatha came and joined me you okay not really want to talk about it I just I just don’t know what to do I don’t know how to fight Enderman at all let alone an ultimate Enderman bad guy I know the Enderman don’t like water maybe that can help that is something I was hoping I could just cure myself and get home do you have a family hogatha no the horned Enderman took them all it’s just me now I’m sorry to hear that I guess he really does need to be stopped we sat and looked at the ocean it was so peaceful to watch the waves smell the mushroom Aroma hey do you see that light out there I could make out a small roof on the mainland there was purple smoke coming from the chimney just like I had seen when I teleported here maybe it was where the witches lived maybe they could help me I decided to go investigate in the morning on day 44 to 49 I got into my boat and set sail across to the Hut it didn’t take too long to find it in the daylight the purple smoke smelled just like when I teleported this had to be the witch’s Cottage I made my way up the stairs I knocked and there was some scuffling around inside and then the door opened and a wand was shoved into my face who are you and what do you want I’m looking for the witches of Fate is this their Cottage of course it’s not this is my Cottage who are you I am flimflam the mediocre wizard so don’t try any funny business or I’ll turn you into a mediocre n did you by chance cast a spell recently that could teleport someone from the nether to the Overworld how did you know that bless my soul my spell did work you’re the zlin I summoned and then promptly lost I think you better explain some things to me the mediocre wizard let me into his Hut he had all sorts of magical looking items he then suddenly shot his wand at the wall I turned around and saw a call to action an action to subscribe that is what you should do and also search for more of my videos Zozo zo zo anyway Mr mediocre you were explaining something so you see I knew I needed to get to you before the horned Enderman did I admit that although I’ve been practicing magic for a long time well I mess up a lot so I found this spell to get you over here but then I wasn’t sure if it worked because you never showed up it worked but you dropped me into a random place in the Overworld I wish you wouldn’t have done that I used to be a handsome hogland now look at me oh my yes I can see what you mean but you know there’s a cure for that there is of course I know it takes a golden carrot and something else I can’t remember off the top of my head and if you got me here you can get me back home right of course but I brought you here for a reason we need to find the dark Trident before the horned Enderman does if I help defeat him can you cure me and send me home you got yourself a deal I was so glad I was finally getting answers all this excitement really tuckered me out I asked the wizard if I could sleep off some of my exhaust a he was cool with it on days 50 to 53 I looked around the Wizard’s Hut and saw so many magic potions and Wands I see you are admiring my collection of magical objects I like your wizard hat too oh yes this hat is awesome I can use potions and they last forever maybe one day you can get a wizard hat of your own once you’ve learned some things so do you have a plan for how to defeat the horned Enderman of course you and that was as far as I got H I bet some of your wands and Potions will come in handy can I try one of your wands the wizard agreed and selected a nice wand I was pretty excited and I ran to the water to test it out abraca free stuff I froze the water into ice cubes I definitely like this idea of learning magic I think you should come with me and meet our other friends we have a mushroom base across the way we can all make a plan can I take this wand with me the wizard agreed got in his own boat and we sailed off as we sailed across we noticed something splashing on the surface we got closer and saw it was a mermaid surrounded by a shark looks like it’s a good time to use that oneand Zozo I jumped out of my boat and jumped on the Rock the mermaid was on and excitedly took out the wand and started pointing it at the water around the shark the water was turned into ice and the Sharks were frozen in ice cubes you sharks need to cool it are you okay mermaid the mermaid came closer to me thank you for helping me out that was a close one who are you guys my name is Zozo and this is flimflam the wizard you’re just some friends who are trying to stop the horned Enderman you probably don’t know who that is huh actually yeah I do those sharks worked for him they were trying to get me to tell them where the dark Trident is what are you serious that’s why they want me too we were just meeting up on the Mushroom Island to make a plan on how to stop him how about I follow you over there I can team up with you that’s a great idea follow us we were assembling a pretty epic team on days 54 to 57 we sailed up to the Mushroom Island I told the mermaid to wait at the shore and walked up to the base I introduced flimflam to the group Smithers and flimflam were both suspicious of each other at first but after some explaining they both realized they were on the same side I took some time to break away from the group and work some more on my statue added some good red coloring to it I was halfway there it made my way back to the base and then I heard splashing in the water I almost forgot about the mermaid I went and spoke with her at the beach her name was dolphine but she went by dolly dolly told me about why the Sharks were after her she knew of a portal called the world pool of want they wanted the location this Whirlpool takes you to The Witches of Fate I didn’t think you could get to them that’s what they want you to think what if you take us to this Whirlpool maybe we can ask the witches if there’s a weapon that can destroy the dark Trident Charly agreed to this plan and I wouldn’t let the team know where I was going before we left I did what I could to make sure my health and weapons were ship shaped I was ready to follow the mermaid to the whirlpool of want on days 58 to 62 we were out in the middle of the ocean when the mermaid pointed ahead there it is just sail straight into it you sure this will work I didn’t want to get stuck at the bottom of this warpool besides I hardly knew this mermaid this could be a trick pretty sure here let me go in ahead of you let me see what happens she swam right into the whirlpool and it swallowed her up I waited for a few minutes the whirlpool started to gurgle and I’ll popped the mermaid there she blows well it looked like it worked onward I jumped off the ship and into the warpool the warpool had a portal at the bottom and it spat me out onto dry land I was in the end and what do we have here a wayward z a voice cackled from the sky it seemed to come from all around me you see how how to destroy the dark traent we know everything about all of you but we don’t do things out of the kindness of our hearts we are witches we make trades what did you bring to Trad I panicked I didn’t know I needed to trade something three witches appeared in front of me well what will it be if you want the wand of weather you will have to give us something that interests us wand of weather this wand will destroy the dark Trident you bet your little zling Bridges I offered them my wand my swords my potions anything I could think of that seemed really neat but they didn’t want any of it they already had piles of that stuff H I wonder if they would take something that only has sentimental value I offered them the poppy that Gio had given me a poppy you have got yourself a deal they disappeared and in their place was a wand we forgot to mention one little thing only a true heric act can activate this wand their voices trailed off a heroic act I do those things all the time that doesn’t seem too difficult I wanted to stick around to sniffer around but suddenly there was a whole mob of zombies headed my way I ran for the portal and jumped through on day 63 to 66 I was ejected out of the whirlpool I told Dolly about everything and then sailed back to our base there was Smoke on the horizon we got close to the island and saw our base had been attacked the horned Enderman must have discovered our base I jumped out of my boat and made my way to my base entrance where I saw Smithers I found out that they had kidnapped hogatha they thought she was me no hogatha I will rescue you I will fly fast and try to find her you need to continue on your quest if you can defeat the horn Enderman hogatha will be spared I wanted to go with Smithers but I knew he was right Smithers would take good care of the situation he quickly flew away I was going crazy with worry so I had to distract myself those henchmen had really done a lot of damage we had so many repairs to make there was only one way to handle this situation A rebuilding Montage we upgraded a lot of things and then got started building a m on the base flimflam suggested that we had a water path for Dolly to be able to swim in and out so we added that too afterwards I stepped back and admired our work it’s amazing what you can do when you’re motivated just then I wondered if my statue had been destroyed I ran over to the field and luckily it was just how I left it I finished off the face can you tell what it is I guess it’s pretty obvious now but I still needed to add the PS the resistance later on day 67 to 70 I tried out the wand of weather but couldn’t get it to do anything maybe it only worked around the Trident we had better locate the Trident to try and destroy it I hoped it would work for me flimflam appeared behind me and said Zozo you’re the one with the magical nose where do you think we should go and find the Trident I closed my eyes and I sniffed the air focusing on where it could be all I smell is hogatha I’m worried about her I’m right here silly hoga and Smithers were back Smithers had found her wandering Back to the Island they had let her go after realizing she was the wrong zlin but hoga was certain they were tracking her we can use that to our advantage we can have hogus stay here as a decoy will you sneak off to get the Trident I didn’t like the idea of potentially putting hogatha on Harm’s Way but she insisted on the plan everyone else would stay at the base to protect hogatha meanwhile Dolly and I would go on our Quest I got on my boat and followed the faint scent of the dark Trident we eventually came into a desert with Cactus and pyramids on the shore Dolly pointed out that there were ancient ruins in the water perfect spot to find a trident and I can tell we are close just then my ship started to shake what was that I looked over the edge Dolly there’s a lot of angry noodles wiggling around the water I don’t think that’s a noodle Zozo I think it’s a giant octopus yikes we would have to think fast I shot arrows at it but that just made it more mad it hit my boat and busted it oh no he even managed to hit me a few times he really packed a punch I would have to swim my way out of this I’ll use my siren song to lure it away you head for a Cove to hide what about you I’ll be fine I can outswim these guys Dolly started singing and the octopus was put in a trans-like state and started following Dolly meanwhile I booked it for the shoreline I saw a Cove that had a very strong smell coming from it I knew I was hot on the Trident Trail dolly was nowhere to be seen though I HED she was okay the Cove wasn’t empty though a pirate ship was there as well where there is Pirates there is treasure I looked around and sure enough I found not one but two treasure chests what does this one have wo it’s a respiration 3 helmet now that’s convenient I opened the other one up and it had a heart potion I moved top side and took it and got 10 more hearts and I grew into a large zlin now we’re talking I was ready for some underwater exploration but Dolly hadn’t showed up yet well I hope she can find me on day 71 to 74 I started to swim through the shallow Waters of the Cove that led to a watery underground cave it was very dark I noticed some obsidian floating around in the cave and picked it up for later the dark Trident had to be around me somewhere the scent was so strong I could also Smell Trouble I dove under the water to have a look around but it was so dark suddenly someone grabbed my Hooves ah oh oh my goodness it was just Dolly she had found me you scared the ham right out out of me I’m glad you’re okay though she held out her hand sorry Zozo look at this this is the glow stone it will help light our path awesome it was so nice having Dolly to help me she set the glowstone on the floor of the cave and we could see a little opening we swam through it it led into a big space with large wall ruins there were lots of tall Vines growing all over the ruin hey look the dark tridon was just sitting on top of a mound of sand just then out popped hordes of drowns I didn’t come this far to be beaten by a bunch of water zombie punks you’re going down we fought with all our might and wits we had to win there were many but we were Mighty sure enough we were able to take care of all of them hi Finn Dolly we gathered around the Trident I got out my weather wand and nothing nothing happened we had just defeated all these drowns that was super heroic shouldn’t that heroic act have activated the Trident well those witches lying I don’t know well grab it and let’s go we can try to destroy it some more back at the base I was hesitant but I agreed now that you have obsidian you can build a p back home really that would be awesome although I’m still a zlin we need a cure so I can fit back in at home I like you as a zland I think you look cool thanks Dolly I just don’t know what my family will think suddenly everything started to shake I reached and grabbed the Trident we had to get out of here we swam back through the hole in the cavern wall and back up to the surface and then back to the mouth of the Cove everything was crumbling we barely made it out in time on day 75 to 78 I sailed back to our base I thanked dolly for all of her help and she told me she needed to return to her kingdom before her family started to worry I’ll never forget you doline at the mushroom base I peaked through the window and saw my friends that finished my statue for me while I was gone it looked great it was mushroom with a pumpkin on top to remember burby you guys are the best after that we all gathered around the Trident I needed to destroy this thing quickly I tried the wand again nothing I’ve done so many heroic things why wasn’t it working I pointed it at the sky and thought about my awesome friends and How brave they always were this time it jiggled a little a few clouds came out and made it rain a tiny bit well that was something you’ll get the hang of this in time Zozo I believe in you I was so distracted by the wand that it took me a while to notice the strong odor of evil floating into the base the horned Ender had to be near I picked up the trident started sniffing around and went into my base on day 79 to 84 I looked outside our window a bunch of Enderman surrounded our Base gate and there was the horned Enderman standing there you’ve got to be kidding me little Zog little Zog let me in or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your Basin that dude is terrifying even when he speaks and Rhymes I’m going to start building that portal and maybe we can take the Trident to the nether you escape with the Trident I’ll fight them off Smithers ran out of the room I built and lit the nether portal you can’t do this alone aatha joined him to fend off the base I thought to myself and decided not to run I had to be a hero if I wanted this wand to work I told flimflam to guard the Trident I pulled my sword out and ran out as well after fighting for a bit I swapped my sword out for the bow and started shooting with each Arrow I fired the Enderman teleported away but suddenly they charged me and I took a big hit ouch I started swinging my sword and I did my best to take them all out at long last all of the Endermen were defeated where was the horned Enderman though I noticed he wasn’t around I looked up into the mushroom base windows and there he was he was in the room with flimflam and the Trident oh no Smithers the Trident Smithers flew up where they were by the time I got there flimflam had been injured and Smithers was facing off with the horned Enderman with ease the horned Enderman grabbed the Trident and teleported out of the base Smithers followed him outside and I did too the dark Trident can only work with a heart of Pure Evil watch as I turn this thing lethal with that the horned Enderman hit Smithers with a dark Trident no how could he I pulled out the wand of weather and pointed it at the Trident storm clouds gathered and it started to rain pretty hard but it didn’t seem to do anything to the Trident the rain did how ever scare off the horned Enderman since he teleported Away With the Enemy gone I ran to smi’s side this is the end for me promise me you’ll stop him then smi’s disintegrated leaving behind another star I was so sad and picked up the nether star I placed it down at the entrance of the house it would forever shine bright on us as Smithers did on days 85 to 89 hogatha and I went through the portal to the nether we knew time was short the horned Enderman would be marching through with his Undead Army at any moment we landed in the Crimson Forest welcome to my homeland wow everything is so hot and spicy looking here home sweet and spicy home I miss the smell of lava we started to walk around a bit when suddenly a mob of piglins was coming toward us well looks like it’s never a dull moment let’s kick some H we used our arrows swords and strength to take down the Mob We continued exploring the nether for a bit until we got to the edge of a cliff the lava was hot below us I carefully laid down dirt to get across I noticed more piglins coming at us so I broke off a brick of the block Bridge so they couldn’t follow us well that was a very Lava Hot welcome where’s your family they aren’t far I can smell them on days 9094 I heard some low oinking it was my family they were munching on fungi as usual hey you guys I’m back who the oinker you oh great it was bbop the bully it’s me Zozo I look a little different now I’m bigger and and freakish looking you’re not one of us anymore he just returned from the Overworld so I got zombified but I’m still Zozo and these are my friends we have come to warn you warn us about what are you threatening us you think you could just disappear one day and then come back and act all tough that’s it no one threatens us no I’m not threatening bbop came charging at me I put my head down and got ready to return his blow I hit bbop a lot and he simply backed off I’m bigger and stronger than you now bbop time to stop picking on others or I’m going to have to teach you another lesson I told the rest of the hogland family what I’d been up to and where I went these are my friends they’ve been helping me you see we got a weapon that can stop this evil dude from coming here and destroying everything he’s known as the horned Ender bbop must not have learned his lesson because he buted in we will never believe you you’re just a bunch of freaks I’d much rather be a freak than a boring old piece of a I pity you you can’t see past your own snotty snout I used to worry about what you all would think of me as a Zin but now I don’t care I’m proud of who I am on the inside and out my friends taught me that you can either show respect for me and my friends or you and I can settle this again for good hog to Zog I pulled out my wand of weather it was suddenly glowing and surging with energy I had been heroic by standing up for myself and my friends even against my own kind I was done being ashamed of what I looked like I loved my zombie self I held the wand into the air and created rain in the nether okay okay I’m sorry I won’t pick on you or anyone else please make it stop I put the wand away and the crazy weather stopped it was all the proof the hoglands needed on days 95 to 98 we decided we would make a big hill with a fortress on top so we could have The High Ground flimflam also came over from the Overworld and insisted on making me wear his wizard’s hat it would keep my health up even after being attacked our Hill Fortress was looking pretty cool and we were able to recruit some other nether mobs we got mobs of piglins and wither skeletons we set up inside the fort it was then that the sky opened a portal and outpoured all sorts of undeads drowned necr ancers skeletons zombies zombified piglins and husks fight hard and stay safe we just need to stay alive long enough until I can attack the Trident the zins attacked with their tusks to punt them away into the lava the mutant piglins used their quality swords to cut them down the mutant husks smashed with their fists we were all fighting hard but still some of our allies didn’t survive I needed to find the horned Enderman the longer this went on the more death there would be the hordes of Undead just kept coming too but we fought with all of our might after defeating some of the undead creatures the piglin commander gave me a help potion I drank it and my heart’s leveled up I got 20 hearts and then I became even bigger I couldn’t lie I looked pretty intimidating after that we returned to the fort on day 99 I heard something happen at the portal again and ran out the horned Enderman finally emerged from the portal horned Enderman you are going down what are you going to do sprinkle me with water oh no how will I ever survive such halalu ha see my mighty Undead Army this world is doomed there is no way to disarm me go ahead and laugh but this this this is for Smithers he threw the Trident at me breaking my armor it was terribly powerful thank you for bringing me this trident I think this is a death well spent I heard my friends shout and they came to my side for Smithers their chant brought me strength I shot the wand into the air for Smithers it started to rain thunder boomed loudy and there was a mighty zap a powerful bolt of lightning struck the Trident the horned Enderman exploded and the Trident shattered we did it just like that the wanded worked we all cheered and celebrated on Day 100 after we had finished celebrating and honoring those who had fallen I had to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my zaglin years I said goodbye to my family and promised to come home every Sunday for Crimson dinner I would be the Zin wizard of the newly named Smither Island but in the meantime I would study more magic and defend the weak always keeping a balance to Good and Evil and most of all I’d spread heroic courage a love for others and oneself freakish looks and all I knew Smithers would be proud on day one I spawned in as a zebra wow I’m so little and I only have three hearts I need to be extra careful I looked around and saw some then I heard someone calling me Zozo you’re here we love you so much I turned and saw two zebras running over to me these must be my parents they nuzzled me with their noses oh I love you guys too then out of nowhere a savannah Jeep sped by a human dressed like a hunter jumped out and started capturing the animals run Zozo my parents leaped in front of me so I could have a chance to escape I ran away and hid behind some rocks I watched helplessly as the hunter caught my parents and put them in the back of his Jeep I was too little to do anything and I felt really sad I barely had any time with my parents and now they’re gone on I couldn’t just wait around though it was getting dark and I needed a safe place to stay for the night I dug a little hole for myself behind the rocks and went to sleep on day two I woke up confused I was in a hole all alone then I remembered my parents and I felt sad again I climbed out of the hole only to be attacked by some snakes oh no I didn’t have any weapons so I had to dodge and run away they chased after me but I started across a river and they stopped phew that was close the water was really strong but I finally managed to get to the other side I really need to make some weapons for myself otherwise I’ll be snake food I went to work Gathering some material to make myself tools once I had collected plenty of stone I put up a crafting table and used it to make a full set of stone tools it wasn’t much but it made me feel a little bit better this will just have to do for now I figured I shouldn’t cross the river again so I found a spot near a tree and made myself a little shelter for the night it’s okay Mom and Dad I’ll find you I promise and with that I fell asleep on day three I woke up feeling hopeful I knew I could find my parents I just needed a little bit of help I’m sure someone knew where the hunter kept the animals he captured I set out across the Savannah when I noticed a baboon getting attacked by a boar someone help me the baboon screamed and tried to run away but the boar was too much for him I’ll help you I jumped into action distracting the boar while the baboon attacked we managed to defeat him and we jumped for Joy not bad for the little guys hey I’m Zozo what’s your name I’m Barry thanks for saving my life I owe you one no problem hey do you know where I can find the hunter that keeps trapping animals he got my parents and I could use some help getting them out I can try the hunter caught my family too I followed him to his base but it’s basically impossible to get inside maybe we can do it together sounds like a plan but first we should rest up you can come live at my Hut with me if you want it’ll be safe there that sounds great Bary and I headed back to my house and I made him a little Hut right next to mine it was small but it was better than living in a hole good night Barry good night Zozo on days four to 5 Barry and I made some adjustments we set up a perimeter to our base and made our Huts a little bit bigger we also found some seeds so we could plant some food it was actually starting to feel a little bit more like a home let’s go hunt a hunter Barry tried to look scary as he said it but it sounded a little silly too much yeah too much he Shrugged and we headed out we past through the desert and made our way further into the jungle we crouched down as we approached the Hunter’s Fort it was huge but I didn’t see any guards just then a bunch of baboons came running toward us at first we thought they were going to be friendly but then they started to attack us oh no Barry we need to run we ran as fast as we could and eventually the baboons stopped chasing us why were those baboons attacking us or not the bad guys I think the hunter can control the animal somehow he wants us to be his servants that’s terrible were any of those baboons your family no I didn’t recognize them my family must be inside somewhere we started to head home so we could reassess our situation when we saw a human up ahead oh no it’s another human he’s probably working with the hunter we started to run away but he called out to us Hello friends no need to run all I want is to take your picture he held up his camera he seemed harmless enough and he approached us slowly my name is Patrick could I perhaps stay with you so I can get some good shots sure you’ll be safer with us than out by yourself maybe you can help us get our families back from the hunter Patrick took our picture I would be happy to help you the more animals the more pictures then he showed us one of his pictures we went home and helped Patrick to build a little house for himself he seemed really love it and took pictures of everything eventually we all got tired and went to sleep on day 68 I woke up to Patrick taking pictures of me beautiful even when you are drooling you look great he printed out the picture on his Polaroid yeah take a look I looked at the picture I had me drooling along with some weird symbols underneath huh maybe it’s a weird human thing Patrick left to go take pictures of the Rocks when Barry walked in I don’t know if we can do this Barry we are just a small zebra a baboon and a very odd human we are going to need a lot more help in order to free our families I think I know someone who could help it’ll take a little while to get there but he’s our best shot all right let’s go we headed out leaving Patrick to keep watch of the base we made our way across the Savannah it was really hot but we finally made it to an oasis with a watering hole in trees there were elephants everywhere he’s over there he doesn’t like strangers let me talk to him first Harry turned toward a large tree where an elephant was sitting on a rug Harry walked over and chatted with him for a minute before waving me over welcome my young friend what is it you seek we want to rescue our families from the Hunter he has captured a lot of innocent animals and he needs to be St stopped the elephant nodded yes I know the perfect artifact that will help you it is a necklace with the tooth of a lion it has been lost but rumor has it that it is buried at the base of a secret underground waterfall find the waterfall and you’ll find your necklace how is a necklace going to help us ah yes it has the power to give you the strength of 10 men or in your case zebras oh wow thanks so much Barry and I were much happier as we went home we could finally defeat the hunter on days 9 to 10 we arrived back at the base Patrick was taking pictures of some hippos he had befriended wow what magnificent creatures we talked to the hippos and found out that the hunter had taken some of their family too we offered to make them a little enclosure in our base after finishing up they were very happy and thanked us for taking them in I went out to go gather some materials and maybe locate the waterfall I went back to the river because maybe the waterfall was close by I crossed the river and saw the snakes that I had met before get back you noodles I smacked them and was able to defeat all of them I really have gotten stronger maybe it won’t be so hard to beat the hunter after all on days 11 to 12 I kept exploring I found a rock formation and inside of it was a cavern I found some more material and decided to go a little bit deeper as they went down further I was suddenly attacked by some nasty spiders oh gross none of that they got a few hits in but I defeated them all pretty quickly it was then that I felt a surge of power and I transformed into a bigger zebra wo I feel amazing I feel like I can take on anything I continued down the cavern hoping to find the waterfall but there was nothing I felt sad about that but at least I’m stronger now I made my way out of the cavern and headed back to the base on days 13 to 15 I was making my way back to the base when the hunter drove by in his Jeep I’ll be back for you Zozo right after I Le your little friends I was so confused how did he know my name what did he mean about my friends he drove away really fast and I tried to catch up but it was Hopeless by the time I got back to the base I realized what the hunter meant all of my friends were gone he must have captured all of them but how did he get in I looked around and found Patrick’s camera on the ground the last picture he took was of the hunter shaking hands with Barry traitor Barry sold us out I was so tired from my journey that I barely made it to my bed before I fell asleep on day 16 to 19 I woke up discouraged I figured I needed to move my base so I went about collecting some stuff I was looking around the hippo enclosure when I noticed Patrick hiding behind a rock Patrick you’re okay yes yes I’m fine I’m just so grateful that I was able to hide before that awful Hunter took everyone away I can’t believe Barry made a deal with him I know it’s crazy but hey I found your camera I thought you might want it back Patrick was so happy he took a bunch of pictures of me then we went to scout out a new spot for our base we worked on clearing out an area near some trees and started to build from the ground up I built everything I thought we could need and even a little bit of extra just to keep us safe I sure hoped you know would attack us because it was a lot of hard work soon everything was complete Patrick we need to do all that we can to protect the animals on the Savannah I think we should build some sort of statue that will help them know that they can come here for Refuge I think that’s a great idea Zozo we started to gather some supplies and built the base of the statue can you tell what it might be on days 20 to 22 Patrick and I went looking for the underground waterfall that the elephant had told us about we followed the river up a little ways before running into a pack of lions we didn’t know if they were friendly or not so we approached slowly hello have you seen any underground water Falls anywhere the lion seemed nice enough but they were looking confused waterfall why are you looking for a waterfall we were told by a wise elephant that we could find a special necklace buried at the base of the underground waterfall it’s actually a lion’s tooth the Lions looked even more confused there is no such thing if anyone would know it would be us now it was my turn to be confused then I realized it was the elephant that told me about the necklace an elephant that Barry knew it must have been all made up come on Patrick we need to go find that elephant and see what he actually knows Patrick finished taking pictures of the line lions and we headed to the Oasis once we arrived we noticed that all of the elephants were gone oh no what are we going to do I think I actually hear something over there Patrick pointed to a large rock formation and sure enough an elephant was hiding it was the elephant we had talked to before hey you we need some answers the elephant trembled he actually looked pretty scared please don’t hurt me my family was captured by that awful Hunter Barry told me if I lied to you the elephants would be safe he’s a traitor the elephant looked really shaken up I felt bad for him I understand how you feel Barry betrayed us too and now the has our friends and my parents but if you come with us you can have a safe home at our base the elephant perked up oh thank you I would love to come with you of course I don’t think I know your name though I’m Zozo I’m Neville nice to meet you Neville we’ll take care of you we headed back to the base and made it home just in time for the sun to set on days 23 to 26 I went to make some improvements to our base I added some new fencing a large garden and fixed up a place for the elephant to stay he seemed pretty happy about it but I was feeling a little discouraged what’s wrong Zozo you’ve done a great job with the base no way anyone is going to get inside it’s not that I’m just upset that the Lion’s tooth necklace isn’t real it was my only hope to get my parents and friends back I’m sorry you feel that way Zozo but guess what the necklace is real what then you didn’t lie to us we still have a chance to save my family well it is real it’s just not a lion’s tooth necklace it’s a special totem it has the ability to turn you invisible but it only works on those with pure intentions that’s perfect it’s going to be easy now I guess I should also mention the totem is guarded by a crocodile nobody can get P him between the three of us I’m sure we can get the totem using the materials I had on hand I made some weapons and armor for the whole team then I went ahead and passed them out to everyone we were ready to fight we locked the base up and headed out towards the river on days 27 to 31 Patrick Neville and I went looking for the crocodile we passed a group of hogs on the way and they tried to attack Patrick hey I only wanted a picture he tried to run away but they kept getting hits on him Neville and I charged at them and after a minute we defeated all of them great job Neville no way is the crocodile going to get us we started to head out when we noticed Patrick wasn’t following he was looking down at his feet hey are you okay Patrick I just feel pretty sad all I’ve done is hide or run away I couldn’t even save any of our friends earlier and it just makes me feel useless you’re not useless Patrick you’re a friend and you’ve helped more than you know we all have different strengths just use your strengths Patrick seemed cheered up by this and nodded his head thanks Zozo you really are a good friend Patrick hugged me and then Neville hugged us it was a little squished but it was a nice little moment Neville even managed to take a selfie with Patrick’s camera nice we trkking through the Savannah all feeling a little bit better about ourselves on days 32 to 35 we finally reached a watering hole this is the watering hole but I don’t see the crocodile I looked around and sure enough it looked empty maybe he went to go hunt somewhere else when all of a sudden there was a commotion I felt something tried to grab me and I ran out as fast as I could Woah that was close it was the Crocodile all right he was just super stealthy how dare you disturb me can’t you see I’m resting we didn’t mean to disturb you we just want the totem your guarding and why would I give it to you there is a hunter driving through the Savannah capturing innocent animals he’s captured our family and friends we only want the totem so we can defeat him how do I know you deserve it you could just be lying to me well if I didn’t deserve it then it wouldn’t work anyway right the crocodile paused I suppose that is true but I can’t just let you take it you have to earn it bring me the golden apples off of the tree on that hill then you can have the totem the crocodile pointed toward the hill on top with a small tree all right we’ll do it for you not all of you only you little zebra prove to me that you are worthy I wasn’t sure I could do it myself but I had to try a lot of animals were counting on me okay I’ll go I headed up the hill to retrieve the golden apples on days 36 to 39 I made my way up the hill but it wasn’t just a hill it was a mountain wow this is a lot taller than I thought I finally made it to the top and saw the apple tree wo that tree is bigger than I thought too how was I going to reach all those apples just then a monkey with a fancy robe appeared right in front of me hello traveler come to retrieve some apples yes yes the crocodile down the mountain needs them ah yes it’s been a while since he has sent someone up here to retrieve some the last wasn’t so lucky what the heck does that mean I shall present a scenario to you and then you must answer a question answer correctly and the apples are yours answer incorrectly and you will die wait die are you serious here’s the scenario two monkeys are traveling together down the bank of the river when they see a banana lying on the ground it seems to be a normal banana they look across the river and see a tree in the the tree is a third monkey he seems to be gathering bananas one of the traveling monkeys says to his friend that they should take the banana on the ground since the monkey in the tree is already harvesting bananas how should the friend respond I thought about it for a moment they shouldn’t take the banana it’s not theirs to take the monkey nodded and smiled you are correct young zebra in fact if they had taken the banana they would have taken the only good banana since the ones being gathered were indeed rotten they would have taken the only banana that the third monkey could have found for days he would have starved if he didn’t have that banana these are yours for the taking wow thank you stay true to yourself and remember what is most important I thanked him again and he disappeared along with the tree W where did they go I didn’t know but I didn’t want the apples to disappear too I hurried to collect them before heading down the mountain on days 40 to 43 I arrived at the base of the mountain my friends had set up a little Camp next to the watering hole I went over to the watering hole where the crocodile was barely visible I retrieved the golden apples just like you asked you’ve done well the crocodile submerged for a moment before returning with a rock in his mouth use it well young zebra you have earned it on the outside of the rock were those strange symbols just like the ones in the picture Patrick took of me maybe it wasn’t just a human thing after all I twisted open the Rock and saw the totem there it is I better hurry back to the camp as I arrived back at the camp Patrick tried to take a picture of me but I immediately activated the totem and turned invisible wao Zozo where did you go he took a picture of nothing because I was gone I walked behind him and then deactivated the totem I’m right here Patrick wow that’s amazing that Hunter doesn’t stand a chance on days 44 to 49 we traveled back to the base Patrick and Neville went to the river while I went to look for some food we had been walking a long time and needed a rest we even found some nearby plants we could eat all of a sudden a hord of bores came out from behind the plants oh sorry are these your plants without a moment’s hesitation they started to attack me hey I just wanted some food you don’t need to hurt me I managed to dodge and defeat all of them by myself just then I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into an adult zebra wow I’m a lot bigger now I noticed that I had more Hearts too I felt like I was the strongest zebra in the world taking down that Hunter was going to be super easy I went back to my friends and we talked about our plans I think we should continue to build our statue once we get back and then gather some supplies for better weapons that’s a great idea Zozo you can teach me to fight better so I can help you yeah we’d love to help with the Statue we need as many animals as possible to know that they have a safe place to stay I agreed and we headed the rest of the way back to the base on days 50 to 53 we arrived at the base using more of our supplies Patrick Neville and I got got to work on the next part of the statue it was really starting to come along can you guess what it is now it was looking really good so we took a break and tried to work on our base we set up some new enclosures just in case we had more animals come by we felt really good about our progress when we heard a knock at the door I looked outside and there were a bunch of lions hey you’re the Lions we met earlier yes hello we saw your statue and wanted to know if we could stay here some of our friends were taking by the Hunter and we have nowhere else to go could we stay here with you of course we opened the door and the lion sauntered in we showed them one of the enclosures we built and they they loved it they immediately made themselves at home thank you so much we would love to give you a gift as a token of our appreciation one of the Lions gave me some diamonds and gold as a present wow this is incredible thank you so much I immediately began working with the diamonds at my crafting table and made myself some better armor wow this is amazing that night we all gathered around the campfire and had a fun time Patrick even tried to juggle for us it was a good way to end the night on days 54 to 57 I woke up to someone screaming I raced out of my house to find animals running around like crazy I noticed that the base’s front door was open and there were hyenas running around oh no we’ve got to get them out of here the Lions and I were able to defeat some of them and drive the rest of them away phew that was close but how did they get in one of the Lions stepped forward his head hung low I am so sorry zoo I went out during the night to do some hunting and I must have forgotten to close the door all the way when I came back in you can kick me out if you want to I deserve it he looked so upset but I knew it was an accident it’s okay nobody got hurt and nothing was taken so we are okay he seemed relieved and we all headed back to our houses when I walked inside it looked like one of my chests had been opened I ran over and I realized my totem of invisibility was gone oh no Neville heard me from outside and peaked in is everything okay Zozo no my totem is gone those hyenas must have taken it oh no we need to get it back and fast we told Patrick what had happened and he agreed to come with us to find the hyenas I think I might even know where they live I saw them once near a cavern and I tried to take a picture but they tried to eat me so I ran away that’s awesome Patrick not the almost getting eaten part the knowing where to go part he nodded and smiled I know I talked to the Lions before we left and told them to let in any other animals that needed help they agreed and we headed toward the cavern to retrieve my totem on days 58 to 62 we traveled toward the cavern that Patrick told us about we ran into some Deus on the way and told them to go to our base if they wanted a safe place to stay they happily agreed we also ran into some ostriches and some frogs we extended the same invite to them as the other animals and they accepted wow I hope we have enough space for everybody the whole Savannah wouldn’t be able to fit in our base but we could sure try we kept traveling and gathered some food and seeds as we went we were going to have a lot more mouths to feed when we got back back we finally arrived at the cavern but it looked empty are you sure this is the right place Patrick yes see look we picked up something off the ground in the middle of some Tall Grass this is the lens that I dropped before I was too scared to come back for it so I just left it you continued into the cavern which eventually turned into a large underground cave we peered over a rock and saw the hyenas down below there were a ton of them some of them were just lounging around but some were fighting over something I took a closer look and realized it was my totem hey they have my totem I whispered to my friends and motioned toward the group of hyenas there are so many of them how are we ever going to get your totem back I thought for a minute and then came up with a plan I whispered it to my friends and we got into our positions 1 2 3 now Patrick started flashing his camera from the opening of the tunnel theas all saw the lights and went running towards Patrick he hurried and hid behind a rock by the opening as all the hyenas came rushing out Neville came out from behind his Rock and tried to roll a large Stone in front of the entryway I ran out from behind my rock and went down to grab the totem that the hyenas had dropped in the chaos got it I ran up to see Neville struggling with the rock the Hena were trying to push it back open Zozo can you turn us invisible then we can sneak out there’s too many of them even if we’re invisible they’ll bump into us and find us go and defeat the hunter Zozo make sure all the animals are safe Neville what are you saying don’t do it Neville then pushed the rock out of the way and ran outside no Neville Neville ran outside as the hyenas chased him getting hits in there was no way he was going to survive I heard and had Patrick climb on my back and then I activated the totem we both disappeared and we ran we watched as Neville Was Defeated we had to get out of there we had no choice but to leave on day 63 to 66 we arrived back at the base Patrick and I were very sad that Neville was gone but we were going to make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain I had my totem and there was no way I was going to let anyone steal it again I made an even better safe and hid that in a secret spot in my room nobody would ever find it here we helped all the animals in their new homes and planted some more food in the garden we went to work on the Statue but noticed it was already finished who finished the statue we did the Lions came up to me and all bowed at my feet we allow you our lives young zebra we hope you accept our work on your statue as a way to show our gratitude wow it’s not every day that the king of the Savannah bows to you thank you but I’m not the true hero neille sacrificed himself so that I could get the totem back you should be honoring him then we shall honor our fallen friend and build a statue of him as well we all work together and made a statue of Neville standing on the landing of our other Statue he was raising his trunk in Triumph it was perfect and I knew Neville would have liked it on day 67 to 70 I woke up to Patrick taking pictures of me again wonderful Patrick not now I’m trying to sleep sorry but I had a thought Zozo what if the totem gets stolen again or even lost while we were inside the base we definitely need a backup plan we should scout out the base just in case that’s a really good idea Patrick perfect I’ll meet you outside don’t forget your totem just in case he left and I looked toward my safe I actually felt safer with it here so I didn’t bring it I would tell them later we gathered the animals to let them know we were leaving we told them that if any animals came by they were more than welcome to stay unless they were hyenas and don’t forget to shut the door all the way one of the Lions looked away in embarrassment but he understood all right we’ll be back in time to make some final preparations then we’ll get our friends and families back everyone cheered to that and we took off on the way there Patrick took some pictures while I gathered some seeds we also ran into some small monkeys we told them where our base was and they started to head that way it felt good to know that we were helping on day 71 to 74 Patrick and I snuck around to the same spot where Barry and I had been earlier we looked around the base and it seemed bigger than the last time I can’t believe it I looked where Patrick was looking and I saw Barry it looked like he had gotten bigger there were other baboons there and Barry seemed to be bossing them around he sold out so he could be the boss of the baboons well I guess so I still couldn’t believe it Barry had been my friend and he seemed genuinely interested in helping me hey Zozo I’m glad you are my friend thanks Patrick where did that come from I was just thinking and you’ve been really awesome to me just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done then Patrick hugged me thanks Patrick all of a sudden we were surrounded by baboons how did I not even notice huh right on time I looked and I saw Barry looking down at us we don’t want to fight you Barry well that’s funny because I do want to fight you Barry swung his arm and smacked Patrick no stop it as soon as you give me the totem what the Lion’s tooth necklace it doesn’t exist you know that no Zozo the totem of invisibility that you got what how did you find out about that I have friends on the inside all of a sudden Patrick got up and walked over to Barry no Patrick you’re working for him why I had to Zozo after our base was attacked the first time Barry told me to keep my eye on you he threatened to hurt you if I didn’t help him the hunter wanted more animals and they told me to gather them all in a safe place so they could collect them later how have you even been talking I’ve been sneaking out at night I told them about the totem a few days ago the Lions thought they had left the door open but it was me it’s all my fault Neville is gone Patrick hung his head down low he looks so sad Barry hit Patrick again enough you now Zozo give me what I want and maybe I won’t hurt Patrick again I don’t have the totem with me what why didn’t you bring it I thought it’d be safer at the base why do you need it anyway Barry why do you think the hunter will be able to turn invisible and drop any animal he pleases it I’ll be his right-hand man or baboon King of the monkeys it won’t even work for you Barry it only works for the pure of heart I had to earn it so you say I think you just think you’re better than me he hit Patrick again stop it I’ll take you to our base that’s just what I wanted to hear move it on day 75 to 78 we slowly traveled back to the base Patrick and I were bound and dragged behind the other baboons I wondered why they even agreed to help Barry I tried to talk to one of them hey we can get you out of here and you can live with us you’ll be safe there the monkey looked at me sadly we’ll never be safe not with the Hunter and Barry around it isn’t the worst actually the hunter gives gives us food and a place to sleep but we are basically his servants we can’t leave because they’ll just find us again it felt really bad for the monkey but we couldn’t give up now we can defeat them if you help us Escape we can all work together the monkey thought about it for a second but then Barry started yelling hey no talking to the prisoners he hid the sad monkey who immediately ran up ahead pulling me along well at least I tried we soon stopped at a water Pond to rest I walked over to Patrick he wouldn’t even look at me Patrick I know why you did all of this and I don’t hate you he looked at me really yeah you were just trying to protect me but I’m not giving up we will defeat Barry and the hunter if it’s the last thing I do Patrick looked back down at his feet inside I don’t know Zozo we all kind of in a sticky situation I think maybe we can get the baboons on our side all of a sudden Barry hit me no talking prisoner keep moving I tried to formulate a plan the rest of the way at this point we just had to hope for a miracle on day 79 to 84 we were getting closer to the base suddenly Barry stopped bring Zozo forward the sad baboon brought me closer to Barry still keeping me bound Zozo you will go in and retrieve the totem you will then tell all the animals to gather outside for a meeting you won’t tell them about us or I will destroy Patrick I’ll do it just don’t hurt him again I made my way to the base and went inside a few animals greeted me and I quickly said hello then walked away I went to my house and opened the safe the totem was still inside I grabbed it and went back to the middle of the base everyone I need your attention Patrick and I have an important announcement to make but we need you to come outside to see the animals all gathered together and we started to go outside I felt so bad but I hoped that maybe we could defeat the baboons and bury together as we walked out I didn’t didn’t see anyone where did they go then the baboons and Berry jumped down from the trees they ambushed us and my friend started to panic Zoo it’s okay I’ll handle this I was just about to attack one of the baboons when all of a sudden they surrounded Barry wait what what are you doing you fools capture them stay down it was the baboon that I had talked to I guess he had gotten the other baboons to agree to fight hey you’re helping us we want our freedom back and you seem like a capable guy we’ll help you perfect wait where’s Patrick I heard Barry laugh it’s too late for your friend Zozo he’s gone no I ran further into the trees I looked around and I finally found Patrick he was sitting up against a rock he didn’t look good at all he buddy did we win this one yeah but we still need you for another fight Patrick laughed weakly I’ll try my hottest but I’ll need some help of course I helped him up and let him ride on my back as we slowly made our way back to the base we got back to the clearing but we didn’t see Barry anywhere where’s Barry the animals all looked at each other I thought you were watching him me I don’t even know who that guy is the animals all grumbled and pointed at each other I shook my head it doesn’t matter he’s gone on now wait look Ary had gone into our base on days 85 to 89 I chased after Barry he had some flint and steel and was going to light our base on fire Harry stop this is crazy you can’t stop me Zozo I’m going to be king of the monkeys if it’s the last thing I do strange that’s what I was thinking earlier but about my friends Barry stop it isn’t too late for you to change why would you want to be king of the monkeys when you can be a friend to all animals you sound like a hippy what’s a hippie never mind I’m done talking Barry set the side of the ostrich enclosure on fire when all of a sudden a big splash of water rained down on him extinguishing the fire I looked up and saw the water had come from the trunk of the Neville statue we had a water feature while you were gone one of the Lions was pressing a button on the side of the wall what absolutely perfect timing I walked towards Barry this is your last chance Barry come join us or I’ll have to defeat you he looks so angry no I will be king of the monkeys I will I all of a sudden he slumped down and started to cry I stood there shocked I don’t want to be king of the monkeys honestly I just wanted some friends well to be fair you have a weird way of showing it I still didn’t trust him completely but I helped him up it’s okay Barry you have a home here on days 90 to 94 Barry moved back in some of the animals weren’t too happy about it but he tried his hardest to make it up to them he made some cool improvements to people’s houses the base and even helped Patrick he seemed to really feel bad about what he had done but he was making it better later he came up to me Zozo I need to tell you something about the Hunter’s base okay what is it I know it’s secret way I can sneak into his base around the side oh awesome so you can open the door it’s not that simple the controls for the gator in his private room ah I see I thought for a moment you need to go back and pretend to still work with him you need to betray him now what if he catches me while I’m trying to do this he won’t I’ll be sure to protect you okay I trust you zoo on days 95 to 97 we all made our preparations we forged armor and swords for everyone just in case no Zozo I’m too weak still I need to stay here but Patrick I need you we’ve come this far together and I need you there with me he can ride on my back one of the Lions bowed to Patrick I shall carry you and I will promise your safety good friend Patrick agreed I’m proud of all of you today we are going to rescue our families and our friends the Savannah will be free again everyone cheered and we headed out to the Hunter’s base on day 98 we arrived at the Hunter’s base it looked the same as usual which was good Barry came up to me all right Barry this is your queue he looked nervous it’ll be fine you remember the signal right he nodded thanks Zozo you’re a good friend he headed toward the side of the base and disappeared around the corner we waited a few minutes and then we heard a loud monkey call that was our signal to go then we saw the front gate to open good job Barry we charged through the front gate and into the courtyard as we started looking around I even saw my parents Zozo Mom Dad we’re here to rescue you my friend started working on getting the cages open while I headed upstairs on day 99 I found the lair of the Hunter he had all sorts of animal pelts all over the place and even more guns sheesh this place gave me the creeps I knew we would meet again young zebra I turned around ready to attack the hunter was there but he was holding bar hostage give me my friend back Hunter Oh you mean this traitor I don’t think so I think instead I’ll just add him to my collection he waved his gun around the room full of pelts no I activated the totem and disappeared I knocked the hunter away from Barry and told him to run then I charged the Hunter he blindly shot around the room but he had no idea where I was Barry wasn’t so lucky though and got hit as he made his Escape that’s a cheap move zebra disappearing so I can’t see you says the guy who captures animals and then enslaves them he got a few lucky shots in but I was able to deliver the final blow I unequipped the totem and ran over to Barry he had been hit and he looked pretty bad oh no Barry I’m so sorry I promised I would keep you safe it’s okay Zozo I did what I needed to do thanks for being my friend Barry put his head down and was gone he had made many mistakes but in the end chose to do the right thing on day 100 I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a large adult zebra I was stronger than ever and knew that from now on I could protect all of the animals in the savannah my friends had figured out how to open the cage doors freeing all of the animals from the Hunter’s base I was finally able to talk to my parents it was a beautiful reunion we were all free at last if you want to see what I’ll do next don’t forget to subscribe and like this video thanks for watching on day one I spawned in as a baby na’vi from the movie Avatar I was surrounded by a bunch of other na’vi but I was the only baby why am I a baby are you my parents just then Colonel coret showed up with a bunch of soldiers consider this a warning in 100 days I’m going to attack and destroy the Tree of Souls without the Tree of Souls all the na’vi will disappear everyone around me was angry and they attacked it was no use though we were no match against the colonel and his men quick Zozo take this my parents threw me a ceremonial bow and some arrows and told me to hurry and hide deeper in the cave no wait my parents joined the fight but they too were quickly defeated I had no choice but to run away and hide in the cave I have 100 days to stop the Army from destroying the tree but how can a baby like me stop an entire Army on day two I ran deeper into the the cave I had to be careful because I only had four Hearts just then I heard footsteps behind me someone was coming I hurried and hid a few military guys came running up and stopped in the tunnel did you see where that little baby na’vi went Colonel is going to make us do 200 push-ups if we don’t find him you mean that baby uh-oh they saw me I hurried and pulled out my bow trying to hold them off it’s not working I can’t die already suddenly something came running up to me it was a hexapede on my back hurry what’s your name little guy it’s Soo what about you Naru pleased to meet you on day three Naru and I had reached an area deep in the woods the space was filled with all kinds of creatures wow I was wondering where you guys went to hide from the soldiers Naru then brought me to the wise old leader of the hexapede and what brings such a small na’vi to a place such as this I told him about the soldiers and how they had ambushed my Colony I also told him that I had less than 100 days to save the Tree of Souls if they destroy the Tree of Souls all life on our planet will disappear we must protect the tree at all costs you aren’t planning on taking the whole Army down alone are you they took out my whole tribe so it’s just me you’re going to need all the help you can get I’m too old to fight but please take these supplies to Aid you on your journey thank you I don’t know how I’m going to stop them yet but I will do everything I can we believe in you but be careful Colonel quet will not hesitate to destroy anyone who stands in his way I nodded and prepared to leave before I could get too far Naru stopped me this battle affects us all I’m strong and can help you in the fight I would love to have your help let’s do this on days four to 5 I decided it was time to start preparing myself for the fight I went around punching trees and got enough tools to make myself a crafting table with the crafting table completed I then made myself a wooden pick Let’s Get Stony using my wooden pick I mined a bunch of cobblestone then use the cobblestone Stone to craft a full set of stone tools after I finished crafting I realized it was starting to get late I better start building my base I can’t risk getting attacked at night I quickly got to work building myself a base I had found a giant tree and decided to build a base inside of it I built rooms for both Nar you and me to live in it’s just a simple base but it should keep us safe for now by the time I finished building it had gotten late that’s when some spiders attacked out of nowhere oh no I spoke too soon I swung my sword furiously and was able to take them all out just then I felt a burst of energy and gained 10 Hearts oh yeah I’m even stronger before I went to bed I decided to set up some torches no more random mob attacks for me on day 6 to 8 I woke up and decided to check the Village from earlier for survivors as I looked around I saw that the soldiers had totally trashed the place then I saw a girl running from a soldier hey why don’t you pick on someone your own size the soldier heard me yelling and stopped running after the girl then he turned and ran toward me I had gotten strong stronger so I wasn’t afraid I used all of my weapons and abilities but he was still really strong it was an intense battle and we ended up on a balcony I swung as hard as I could and knocked him over the edge as the soldier disappeared I saw he Dro something the girl he was chasing ran over and picked it up find anything good it looks like a map to a prison thanks for taking that guy out by the way what’s your name my name’s Zozo what about you Nate tii nice to meet you what were you doing out here anyway when these soldiers attacked the village I escaped during the fight in I came back to try and find my parents it looks pretty empty here but maybe the prison on that map is where they’re being held I’ll try anything let’s go on days 9 to 10 natti and I made our way toward the prison we carefully followed the map and soon saw a small prison in the distance that must be it but it looks like there’s no guards let’s get closer and find out just then a grenade was tossed in front of us blinding us when we came to a tough looking Soldier jumped out and attacked they must have seen us coming I tried my best to fight him off but he was too strong this was a fight I wasn’t going to win nater and I had no choice but to jump down the tree and run away once we had gotten far enough away we paused to talk it looks like we’re not strong enough this all feels so helpless don’t worry we can figure it out in the mean time you can stay at my base on days 11 to 12 natti and I arrived back at the base I hurried and built her a room to stay in thanks for looking out for me Zozo no problem I wanted to ask you though what do you know about the colonel and these humans I doubt I know much more than you but when our village was under attack I did overhear the colonel saying he will rule over our planet once we’re all wiped out we can’t let that happen I was feeling angry about the colonel so I decided to look for more materials I soon found some iron and coal back at the base I loaded up some furnaces and started smelting then I crafted some iron tools along with some iron boots and leggings Naru then came over to me and let me know he was feeling a little hungry so I went out to try and find some food after some walking I found some carrots oh yeah I love these I returned back to the base and dropped off the carrots to Naru then headed outside to start a carrot Farm now we’ll never run out of food on days 13 to 15 I wanted to get stronger so I asked nater if she could help the strongest Warriors would Train by hunting manacor but only the adults true Warriors never harm the babies okay I’ll give it a try I left the base and soon found myself in a tundra The Manor should be close by that’s when I noticed some mantor feathers on the ground aha I must be getting close I looked a little further when I saw two mantor up ahead a baby and its mom I started to sneak toward the adult when suddenly a couple military guys jumped out and took out the baby those cowards they then tried to fight the mom who quickly took out one of the soldiers it wasn’t enough though and the other Soldier took her down I rushed in what do you think you’re doing the colonel has given us orders to destroy all the animals we can’t have you na’vi trying to get stronger now can we that’s assuming I’m not strong enough already I charge Ed at the soldier angry at their disrespect the soldier thought he was a tough guy but in a few moments I showed him up and took him out as he disappeared I saw he had dropped a mantor heart I picked it up and took it with me back to the base back home I went over to ntii and told her what happened then I showed her the Manore heart that is what our Warriors are after when they fight the manor eat it eat it if you say so I scarfed down the mantor heart and to my surprise I gained six more Hearts now that’s some powerful stuff on day 16 to 19 I headed out to do some more exploring as I wandered I soon found an ogre Village as I watched the ogres living peacefully in their home I suddenly remembered my own life a time where I lived peacefully with my own parents those evil humans want to break up all these wonderful families I won’t let that happen speaking of which a group of soldiers had just shown up and they were attacking the village the ogres all ran into their homes afraid it was up to me to help them not today humans I charged in using all the weapons I had at my disposal these soldiers were tough but with my training and upgrades I was getting tough too after a bit I won a dad and his baby ogre came out of their house he thanked me for defending the village then offered me a jar to say thank you is this a jar of farts I’ll uh find a good way to put this to good use thanks on days 20 to 22 I started heading back to my base I was thinking about the jar of farts when I was attacked by a crimson mosquito how do you like this I unleashed the jar of farts which took him out with ease well that didn’t stink later I saw some iron ore which I mined up back at the base I smelted the ore into ingots then crafted them into a chest plate and sword with my new equipment I returned to the prison maybe I’d have better luck this time as I arrived back at the prison I saw another stun grenade pop out it was the guard he fired his weapon at me but I was able to sneak up behind him and knock him out of the tree this guy was tough and managed to hit me with a poison dagger which really hurt even though he had grenades and weapons I was able to get him down to half a heart before I could finish him off though he started to laugh what’s so funny whoever you’re looking for here is already dead I suddenly saw a vision of nti’s parents being interrogated in the prison they refused to tell the colonel anything about the Tree of Souls then you will die goodbye back in the present the soldier tried to attack me again he was weak though and I finished him off inside the prison I saw it was empty apart from a necklace momento I’ll have to take this to ntii maybe it can help on days 23 to 26 I arrived back at the base with some bad news for ntii I soon found her hey ntii I managed to get into the prison but I’m afraid it’s not what we were hoping for my parents are gone aren’t they I’m afraid so I thought that might be the case but was hoping maybe I’d be wrong if it helps I did find this I gave her the momento I could tell it really helped her feel better thank you Zozo but hey I have something to show you niri brought me outside and showed me that she had collected some chickens this was perfect as I was starting to run low on feathers for arrows I got Right to Work building them a chicken C then bringing them into it I then went out to get more supplies I found more iron as well as some diamonds I made an iron helmet to complete my armor set then crafted a diamond pickaxe to finish it all off I got to work improving the base I wanted to make it a little nicer for everyone when I finished I realized it was missing something H I think it just seems to be a little bit more avatari on days 27 to 31 I headed out to find the materials I needed on the way I ran into a couple chocobos hey are you guys okay we’re looking for our favorite food nightshade berries these soldiers kicked us out of our land so we don’t know where to find it h i don’t know where to look but I’ll keep an eye out I invited them back to my base in the meantime to which they happily agreed I soon came across the soul lights I was looking for and started mining suddenly a flock of PETA started to attack me hey I’m not bothering you leave me alone I managed to fend the p off and then I finished mining up the soul lights back at the base I used the soul lights to finish the decorations it was looking really great I then built the chobo their own rooms to stay in they were really happy about that then Naru came running up to me the soldiers are attacking my herd come quickly I jumped on his back and we rode off to help on days 32 to 35 we hurried back to the herd as we arrived I could see the place was filled with soldiers we’ve got to help them I rushed in knocking out as many soldiers as I could the hexed had really hurt them so I was able to finish several of them off that’s when I saw a soldier fighting the Elder hey get away from him the soldier hit the Elder a hit he surely couldn’t survive no I rushed in and took out all of the remaining soldiers I approached the Elder but it was too late Zozo stay strong and keep fighting and please keep looking after my son and before I could respond he died Naru I’m sorry I didn’t know he was your dad all I could think about was the moment my parents died my heart hurt for Naru it’s okay Zozo looks like we’re both orphans now we still have each other you can stick with me for as long as you want on days 36 to 39 I decided to spend some time out alone it had been a rough few days that’s when I heard someone call out to me hey you wait what’s going on my house has been taken over by a boar everyone is too scared to help me okay sure I’ll help tell me where to go I headed off in the direction the goblin had pointed me I soon saw the cave he described and when I went inside the boar attacked me hey don’t be so mean the boar was tough but I finally managed to beat them back I was about to deliver the final blow when a voice cried out wait please don’t hurt my mom I turned and saw a baby boar I asked them why they’re in someone else’s house but before they could answer the Goblin from earlier showed up what are you waiting for take them out wait something isn’t right about this just then the goblin went to attack the boar but before he could do any real damage I I stepped in and took him out thank you that Goblin was trying to kick us out of our home wait that’s what he said you did to him he was lying so you’d come after us that’s when I noticed he had dropped a note it was from the colonel it read destroy as many animals as you can and you will be rewarded greatly he’s trying to turn everyone against each other we’ve got to hurry and stop him on day 40 to 43 I arrived back at the base I felt bad for everyone who had lost a friend or family so I DEC decided to improve the base I went around and made each room a little nicer now that’s looking great I’m really worried about the herd my father had really given them a home then tell them all to come live here Naru went to tell the other animals and I got ready preparing a place for them to stay we were all going to be one big happy group and I couldn’t wait for everyone to arrive just as I finished up the chocobos from earlier came over to chat they told me they were now big fans of carrots but unfortunately they were going to need their favorite food otherwise they couldn’t survive okay don’t worry guys I’ll find it they explained what it was and where I could find it then I hurried off on days 44 to 49 I arrived in the location that the chobo had told me about as I was exploring I nearly ran into the kernel aha I knew I would find you here what do you want you you keep attacking my men and saving all the animals stop getting in my way I’ll never stop not until you’re defeated good luck with that the colonel waved his arm and a super soldier dropped from a Samson aircraft in front of me the colonel chuckled and left us to fight this was going to be my hardest fight yet the super soldier was strong bigger than normal humans and had attacks I had never seen before he shot Rockets from a tube he was carrying on his shoulder what lab did this guy crawl out of I did my best to hit him with my bow but it didn’t seem to do much damage the arrows weren’t working looks like it might be time to try something new on days 50 to 53 I kept fighting against the super soldier it was time to stop fighting from afar and get up close and personal take this I charged in and started swinging my sword with me being this close his Rockets were completely useless now that he wasn’t hitting me as hard it was only a matter of time at long last I delivered the final blow looks like I’ll be the one fighting another day as I looked around I saw the colonel had been watching the battle I’ll be back for you Zoo mark my words I charged at the colonel but before I could get a hit in he threw a stun grenade right in front of to my feet When the Smoke cleared the colonel was gone I’m the strongest I’ve ever been but it’s still not enough I have to get stronger on days 54 to 57 I remembered I was supposed to be finding the chobo food at long last I saw what I was looking for as I got closer though I was suddenly attacked by two Hammerhead Titan oh man I must be on their Turf the two Hammerheads were incredibly strong working together to hit me with their attacks it wasn’t enough though and I managed to take one out uh-oh looks like like the other one is really mad now the remaining Hammer had charged at me no longer trying to be strategic it wasn’t much longer and I had taken them out as well as it disappeared I noticed it had dropped poisonous skin I bet I could use this to make poison arrows oh this will really help me out I then collected the nightshade berries and headed back to my base back at the base I met up with the chobo and gave them the nightshade berries and jumped for joy and told me that they could now access their special power special power you should have mentioned this before the chobo explained that they can tap into the planet’s life force and communicate with those who have passed on but only for short amounts of time so my parents the chobo nodded and then put their head down there was a glow and suddenly I could see my parents in front of me Dad Mom it’s us Zozo we’re so proud of you and what you’re doing keep fighting we know you can defeat the colonel there was another bright light and they disappeared thank you for doing that for me now let’s win this fight on days 58 to 62 I got got to work planting some of the nightshade berries so the jobos would have a constant Supply as I finished ntii came up to me thanks for getting these planted I’ve been enjoying taking care of the other plants so I’ll make sure these are good as well I thanked her then left to try and go find some more diamonds as I went deeper and deeper into the mines I soon found a whole bunch of diamonds before I could start mining though I was attacked out of nowhere what are you doing down here you creep I then mined up all the diamonds and went back to my base with my diamonds I made myself a couple of pieces of armor then I headed out to the farm F and made some improvements so ntii could feel happy while she worked on the farm on day 63 to 66 one of the chocobos came running over to me they told me they had spoken to a great warrior who had died long ago this Warrior told him about a powerful weapon that could defeat the colonel that could be the very thing we need to win the chobo told me that it was in a different biome and told me where to go I set off right away and I soon reached the vortex as I searched I soon saw a temple and I noticed there was a leon opter flying around overhead as long as he doesn’t bug me I won’t bug him I approached the temple and headed inside this had to be where the weapon was kept suddenly a phor jumped out I took my sword ready to fight then the thanor spoke wait wait don’t attack I thought you were going to attack me of course not I’m super nice this Temple is my home but some other not so nice mobs have kicked me out oh man well I’m looking for some kind of ancient weapon here do you know anything about it it’s possible the temple is filled with all kinds of old relics clear the place and you can take whatever you want deal on days 67 to 70 I followed the thanor deeper into the temple as we walked I noticed several pieces of Art and books that looked like they were centuries old eventually we stopped outside a room and he turned to me they’re in there Viper wolves and lots of them I’ll take care of it you hang tight I ran into the next room and sure enough there were a bunch of Viper wolves they immediately attacked and I did my best to fight them off my ticket to be beating the colonel could be hiding here I had to win Time to Say Goodbye I kept swinging and at long last the Viper wolves were all defeated I heard a noise in the corner and saw there were some smaller thanor hiding nearby thank you Zozo this is my family they all thanked me and I took off to look for the weapon the ancient warrior had mentioned I looked and looked in every nook and cranny but there was nothing shoot the weapon must not be here anymore I met back up with the thanor and invited him and his family to live at my base but he said they were happy here I thanked him for letting me look then left to go back to my base on day 71 to 74 I left the temple as the Leon opter circled in the sky above I paused for a moment did you know this isn’t my first Adventure you can watch more of my videos after this one is over just search for Zozo zo zo I was getting closer to my base when I came across a group of soldiers more of these guys huh not for long I charged in and started taking them out the less pesky soldiers there were the safer the land would be soon I had taken them all out that’s when I noticed one of them had dropped a note it said to all soldiers there is a na’vi named Zoo who needs to be defeated immediately I Colonel qu and working on a special weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls it will be done at the end of The 100 days but this Zozo needs to be dealt with immediately all soldiers will be on double shifts until he is destroyed it looks like I’m making a dent but what is this weapon he’s working on I have to find a powerful weapon of my own and fast on days 75 to 78 I arrived back at my base and went to talk to the jobos I went to the temple and searched everywhere but I didn’t see it anywhere the chobo was really confused as the spirits they talk to are rarely wrong but unfortunately they didn’t have any other ideas they promised to try and figure it out I decided that in the meantime I would improve the base it was starting to look really good now I could tell everyone was really happy and I hoped it could always be like that when I had finished making my upgrades ntii came over to talk to me Zozo I have some great news huh what is it I have been experimenting with the plants and developed a superfood I want you to be the first to try it I picked it up and ate it down it was delicious suddenly I felt energy flow through me and I grew even bigger with even more Hearts wo this is awesome on days 79 to 84 I decided to test out my strength I soon arrived in a new place and spotted the perfect test subjects how do you like me now I jumped in and managed to take them out in just a few hits Now That’s What I Call power just then I spotted someone watching me from afar it was another na’vi he came over to me you’re pretty strong thanks I can take on anyone you could be stronger though oh what makes you think so well I’m stronger than you check it out the na’vi hit me and he was right he was strong ouch okay you didn’t have to hit me I believed you what’s your secret come I’ll show you the na’vi then put me through a training program he had a lot of good advice and I was able to learn so many new things in a short amount of time once we were done training the warrior tossed me and upgraded boat oh thanks I’m feeling even stronger already by the way how did you get so strong it was my mission to ride a leon opter but I’ve never been successful now I don’t even know where to find one I didn’t know you could ride those I actually saw one not too long ago I could show them to you no I’m much too old now but I think you can do it yeah I’ll give it a try say why don’t you come live at my base with me no thanks the Wilderness is where I belong I thanked him for his help then turned to go back to my base on days 85 to 89 I returned to the base and saw it had been attacked buildings were broken and no one was around oh no what happened where is everyone I ran around the base looking to see if I could find anyone I soon found Naru he was injured and hiding in one of the ruined buildings what happened here the soldiers they came out of nowhere they took nateri oh no I have to save her where did they go are you okay yes I’ll live quick they only left an hour ago they went that way I hurried in the direction Naru had mentioned looking for any signs of the soldiers then I heard someone calling for help ntii I ran toward the sound but saw it wasn’t ntii it was a dire horse who was clearly injured before I could say anything it spoke are you looking for that girl yes have you seen her I tried to stop them but they knocked me out of their way they’re moving quickly faster than you can run but there is another way what’s that nearby is a special plant blue orchids grow on top of that tree right over there Harvest one of the leaves and rub it on my wound then I can carry you to them and no time okay show me the way he told me where to go and I ran off I soon saw the tree it was extremely tall and the leaves I needed were at the very top let’s get jumping I jumped from Branch to Branch doing my best not to fall at long last I reached the top and grabbed the leaves I needed sometime later I was back by the dire horse I applied the leaves and he immediately hopped up hop on there’s still time on days 90 to 94 the dire horse and I could see the soldiers appear in the distance there was no time to waste Wast as we got closer I could see ntii she was being guarded by a few guards as well as another Super Soldier but this super soldier looked even stronger than the first one I jumped off the dire horse and told him to get a safe distance away I faced him let her go come to save your friend huh you’ll never win get this na’vi punk out of my sight the normal soldiers charged at me but I knocked them out with just a few hits huh you’re stronger than you look but not stronger than me the super soldier charged at me unleashing a special attack I didn’t see it coming and it did a lot of damage this was going to be tough you’ll never take our land our people I took out my bow and landed a perfect shot which seemed to disable his special attack now the fight was really on you’ll pay for that on days 95 to 97 our battle raged on he was madder than ever now that he didn’t have an advantage both of our hearts were dropping and it was only a matter of time until one of us fell suddenly he stepped back one more hit and I would win you think beating me changes anything I’ve done my job already what is that supposed to mean huh the colonel has already completed his weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls we took the girl to take you out of the game you’re too late no I jumped toward him and destroyed him for good then I noticed he dropped something with this I can do his same special attack I quickly freed ntii hurry back to the base using the dire horse I’m not strong enough to defeat the colonel yet but I think I know what I need to do ntii nodded and ran off to find the dire horse and get back to the base I don’t know if this is going to work but I’m crazy enough to try on day 98 I rushed back to the temple the ancient warrior said this was the location of the weapon but he never said it was inside of the temple I looked up at the Leon opter if I can tame it I’ll finally be able to be the ultimate warrior the me oh boy I may have really stepped in it this time the bird swooped down to hit me I jumped to the side and tried to get on its back I was close but missed shoot I’ve got to keep trying the bird was interested in attacking me now and I did my best to avoid it sometimes it hit me but most of the time I was able to land on its back finally after several attempts it worked got you the Leon opter was mad at first flying around like crazy but soon it recognized it had lost and soon it was smooth sailing we bonded through through the flight and soon landed back on the ground I hopped off as the bird flew away then suddenly I felt the power flow through me and I leveled up into my biggest final form at long last I’m ready to take this colel down on day 99 I returned back to the village where it all began the Tree of Souls was nearby I passed through the tunnels I had run through nearly 100 days ago I had grown so much since then suddenly there was a flash of light and I could see my parents standing before me I was so close to the Tree of Souls it made it possible for them to show themselves to me Mom Dad great job Zozo we’ve been watching your journey and are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished thank you I just wish I could have saved you too don’t worry about us son everyone on the planet is counting on you but we know you can stop the colonel and save our way of life I will do my best we will be watching and supporting you do not lose hope there was another flash of light and they disappeared I soon emerged from the tunnel into a large Cavern I could see the final tunnel to the Tree of Souls but an army of super soldiers were block in the path oh no how could I possibly get past all of them you won’t be alone I turned and saw Naru along with all of the friends I had made along the way we will distract them you go for the colonel I don’t deserve friends as great as you we don’t deserve a friend as great as you I smiled and thanked them for being my new family it was going to be a tough fight but it was for our home everyone ready attack my friends charged at the super soldiers who were shocked to see that they were the ones being overpowered as they fought I saw saw a chance to run through the tunnel I took it and headed in hopefully my friends could stay alive long enough for me to take the colonel down on day 100 I entered another large Cavern in the center of it was the Tree of Souls it was still standing but the colonel was in a mech suit shooting it with energy beams Colonel it’s over I’m here to stop you for good you’ll pay for the lives you’ve taken stop me can’t you see you’re too late this weapon can’t be stopped especially by a weakling like you you’ll have to destroy me first I’ve spent 100 days developing this weapon that will be easy the colonel then turned and fired his Beam at me it landed near me causing an explosion the explosion knocked me to the side causing a lot of damage I hurried and got out my bow firing off arrows as fast as I could I got some hits in but it looked like it wasn’t doing much damage arrows really do you see what you’re up against give up now and I’ll let you stay alive as my pet I’ll never stop fighting he shot off a beam again this time hitting me it nearly took all of my hearts I ran and hid behind some rocks so that I could hurry and heal up see what I mean you have no chance cowering like a small child because that’s what you are just then I saw a Wood Sprite land near me a Wood Sprite it’s a pure seed from the Tree of Souls I could tell it wanted something with me except me I closed my eyes and the Wood Sprite flew into me I felt myself get stronger suddenly more and more Wood Sprite started to appear and start flying into me the power of generations began flowing through me I grew even bigger and now had 100 Hearts I stepped out to face the colonel again what how you failed to understand the world around you and so now you’ll fail to defeat me the colonel yelled and started firing his energy beams of me they still did some damage but I barely felt a thing I charged at him sword in hand I jumped into the air slamming my sword down on top of him his suit exploded and he was destroyed the world was safe once more I celebrated with my friend if anyone else tried to hurt us again we would be ready

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as FIRE MARIO in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Mario Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-04-11 00:15:01. It has garnered 67926 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a FIRE MARIO in Hardcore Minecraft! With my friend Spider Llama, we are fighting against the big boss Giant Mosquito and his Creeper Spiderlings helping him. Will we be strong enoug to defeat them?

0:00:00 100 DAYS as FIRE MARIO 0:31:30 100 DAYS as MARIO 0:54:01 100 DAYS as KING KONG 1:30:13 100 DAYS as a ZOGLIN 2:09:44 100 DAYS as a ZEBRA 2:39:23 100 DAYS as an AVATAR

#minecraft #100days #firemario

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  • Realistic Minecraft Mod Madness

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  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

    Insane ASMR Gaming Updates - Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Gaming News Fortnite Season 3, XDefiant, Marvel Rivals, Zelda LEGO, Minecraft + more (437)’, was uploaded by ASMR Gaming News on 2024-05-31 20:03:16. It has garnered 2755 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds. 💎 Use Fortnite Creator Code in Item Shop: asmrgaming 🍀 ASMR Lucky Girl’s Channel: 👍 Help the Channel on Patreon 👕 NEW Merch 💰 Paypal Donations ➡️️🌠 🐦 Twitter 🕹️ Twitch 📸 Instagram 🎵 TikTok 🎙️ Weekly Podcast Show: Coming Soon ➡️️🎮 Add me… Read More

  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

    Join the Ultimate Chaos at our Anarchy Minecraft PvP Server! If you crave unbridled freedom and intense battles, this is the place for you. With no rules and no limits, you can build, destroy, and fight to your heart’s content. Our server features a unique lifesteal mechanic, adding an extra layer of strategy and intensity to your combat. Forge alliances or betray your closest friends in a world where anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a cunning strategist, our server offers the perfect arena for you to test your skills and unleash your creativity. Experience the raw, unfiltered… Read More

  • CosineCraft

    CosineCraft is a server that I have created to have a traditional style smp fell to it a server where anyone is welcome and can do as they please (within the range of the rules) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme, must have some serious crafting skills! Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

    Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol The frog boss in Minecraft must be feeling pretty hoppy to take on all those golems! I guess you could say he’s really ribbiting off more than he can chew. #minecraftbossbattle #ribbitingfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → Bedrock IP And Port → | 19132 Website And Store → Discord Server → minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ ► Twitter ➜ ► Instagram ➜ ► Twitch ➜ ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD- In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More