Insane Gameplay! Alsshine’s Crazy Gaming Adventure

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e e e e yo what is up guys welcome to the stream how is y’all summer doing yo what’s up Twigs how’s it going I’m like you know what I haven’t streamed in however many months and haven’t uploaded in probably about a month now and today’s like a free day so you know what might as well stream and see what’s up also please let me know if my mic sounds okay I haven’t like done any tests so if it sounds kind of choppy or weird or if my voice sounds off just let me know and then we’ll get it fixed okay so I’m looking at some [Music] pictures this is what I’m looking at for Herbert’s house I’ve never played Borderlands like technically I uh my cousin Andre growing up would always play it so I’d watch him sometimes and then maybe like once or twice I played it for like 5 minutes so I don’t really know what’s going on but we’re going to attempt it and hope for the best your mic is doing good okay perfect thank you Twigs okay that just did all that okay all right so we’re just gonna we’re just going to go for it and see how it goes I’m kind of tempted also I have my uh little mini computer like right here I’m really tempted just turn Yu-Gi-Oh on because I’ve been binging I’m on a I’m in battle City right now and you know how good battle City is [Music] also how’s it been Twigs do you have anything fun planned lately or coming [Music] up I’m like kind of nervous because I’ve been applying to some jobs so hopefully those go through and then if so I’m never going to be home like barely they’re like if I do get this job it’s like a 10hour day every day on top of like everything else I have going on it’s going to be insane but so worth it at the same time how did you get the background from Minecraft do you just mean like the loading background is that what you’re asking me I’ve just been busy with University nice do you feel like that’s been going pretty good so far yeah if you’re asking about the background as it’s loading it’s probably just because of my uh texture pack which I don’t remember the name of right now but it’s one that I always use come on you can do it you can do it yeah there you go needed some motivation let’s see this is good my poor baby I haven’t really been on it in like over a month it’s been helpful for my resume because I’m also trying to get a job very nice I completely understand that one to be honest five nightes at Freddy I still need to like edit the rest of that okay I got a little bit of choppy it’s fairly good though um I don’t know where to build this borderland’s house honestly I should have said aemp because I don’t actually know how this is going to go I think we’ll be able to do it though I just have like a lot of I don’t even know what to do with that it’s going be like a lot of texturing or something maybe did we leave off last time in here we got this area oh that’s right I still need to build that one thing you asked me to build I like the layout perfectly Demon Slayer stuff yeah got my hero hey guys what’s up welcome to the Stream it’s kind a good spot for this that real life houses there I know I need to add like more stuff over here so maybe over here I’ve also been talking with wait hold on I have to like move it a little bit to see what you fully said hold on so maybe what do you guys think borderland’s house like right around in here somewhere maybe or don’t know oh this is hard to decide hold on let me see what she said it’s going to drive me nuts okay I’ve also been talking with that girl oh things have been going well she does always seem busy oh well she’s been responding though so that’s good right like she’s not taking a couple weeks to respond anymore okay I think we’re just going to build it like way here and prob good BRB okay sounds good so I’m thinking this house type thing it looks like it’s on like a little ledge I don’t know how it’s standing but we’re going to it’ll be okay it’ll be [Music] okay for the wood okay let’s do this hopefully does this go out of Minecraft if I do this no it doesn’t perfect okay let’s make this screen bigger looks like it could be almost jungle wood but it’s not maybe it’s all just going to be Spruce and then how do we find like a good metal type of wall thingy it’s like scra metal if you guys have any recommendations please let me know don’t why I have Pokemon stuck in my head isn’t any type of metal block on bunch of suckers I need to add one oh what is this waxed weather copper oh they have green doors now copper doors they just must have like barely added this in um okay I guess we’ll do that too no worries welcome back um but I’m wondering so did that girl like is she messaging you back and forth then or is she still taking a while to respond good blocks for metal there’s like nothing I didn’t think this through but we’re still going to try is making me so sad still like a lot of textur stone like how do I get a rusty thing here I message back and forth every now and then oh that’s good I’m glad she’s no longer just like disappearing for a long time block of NE okay I’m kind of curious has anybody else attempted to build Borderland stuff oh my gosh K hello I love you that’s all I have to say is I love you you’re just here and I’m excited um okay I’m going to look this up and hope for the best do anybody made anything okay how is your day going inspired map like I’m going to get copyrighted if I show this the Lord gaming station there you go there’s a little shout out to whatever I’m watching oh this is cool so this is like a whole thing I don’t even know nope video about chicken imagine Ally not seeing that’s so crazy I love you tremendous I’m learning to build in fortnite I am so proud of you are you doing it with your mouse and keyboard or you doing it like with a controller dude I have no idea what to do with this I just recently reinstalled fortnite very nice I always have it but I just forget that I actually have it downloaded yes I am not a scrub what does that mean I didn’t call you a scrub I did not I literally did didn’t just can’t focus bro I’m so disappointed what okay listen the time that I last played fortnite with you you could not build worth [ __ ] no offense you you refus to build so I’m literally so proud of you so I need to know are you using a controller are you using a keyboard in my never mind you’re using a controller that’s okay I honestly think it’s easier to use a controller I’m just so proud of you I’m sorry I love you but I really am I’m so proud of you that means that when we play next time we can play on build and it’ll be crazy and so fun dude the people that play on mouse and keyboard are actually crazy like I don’t even know how they do it because you have your running and crap no I was laughing at controller oh oh you’re learning on Mouse and key wow okay so you’re basically going to be like a pro someone is teaching you to be fair building in fortnite is so ridiculously hard yeah I would say on keyboard it is yeah controller I’d say it’s fairly easy who’s teaching you is it is it somebody I know or just some random person the person teaching me is crazy so I am in good hands oh okay like they’re crazy good go you I was kind of concerned for a minute stop what what what why are you shushing me what did I do I didn’t do anything no I’m going to ask you a million questions because I literally have haven’t talked to you like I don’t even know maybe it’s been a couple weeks since VC I I can’t keep track anymore so of course I’m going to ask you a million questions but I think that answered my question to be honest so it’s okay it’s fine no worries don’t ask don’t wait wait wait wait wait okay now I’m getting suspicious don’t ask don’t tell me it’s Thro no dude I don’t know what the delay is for my stream so I have no idea I think it’s like 10 to 15 seconds okay all right hold on we got to find blocks OMG really I I don’t know he’s the last person that we literally played fortnite with I have no idea that’s good that’s good it’s not [Music] Pho I don’t know what to do like can somebody just come do this for me because I really just don’t there’s like no blocks that really fit this at all unless it’s like the most boring texturized Stone thing ever at okay one second oh oh oh yeah I understand sorry guys it’s a secret conversation I guess but I understand that makes sense I kind of figured as much that was my first thought and then he told me to be quiet so then I was like wait yeah okay I got you I got you dude right all right we’re just going to attempt this just to see just because I think we go up like be seven over [Music] 20 okay sneaky sneaky wait how are y’all’s things highlighted wait I lost count okay one two yeah sneaky sneaky classified information by the way I’ve been reading Soul leveling o tell me Twigs how have you been liking it because my friend Danny literally refuses to watch the actual anime and she’ll only read the Manga or I guess she calls it a Monga I don’t know but she yeah like that but she loves it like the art I’ve heard is so good and it’s just so much better it’s so good how far into it are you so I’m thinking for this build depending on how it turns out I’m probably not going to make an actual um what swort I’m looking for edited video of it cuz I kind of forgot to record it in the background anyways um so yeah I’ll just try my best to explain what he likes you now that you like anime oh he can hear me hello yes anime is amazing I literally live anime I need you to have him tell me what his top three favorite animes are that’s going to spend on a lot right now but yeah SOLO leveling super good just from the anime alone I was like okay I like the dark and like suspenseful type of stuff I’m passed halfway nice okay how long is the the manga anyways okay so it looks like stairs Ali save yours for the 3X3 episode what what does that even mean save what do this five 2 2011 chapter 2,000 2011 that’s awesome so they’re still I’m guessing like writing more of it then 3×3 bro what do you mean 3×3 what does that even mean Twigs I need like more of a thing 3×3 cuz last time you told me 3×3 it was for like one of those those things where we had to say what our favorite animes were I like a three or was that I don’t freaking know no they finished it oh dang okay anyways your question’s confusing me I have no idea what you mean there’s no railing okay Moonlight fantasy the dingers in my heart reincarnated as a slime these are his recent top three okay so like newer ones but like what are out of oh he said he pick a top three all time he’s watched too many okay so these are just top three that he’s recently watched that’s fair so he doesn’t have like a specific top three they’re like always changing depending on what he’s watching I’m guessing one two three four five six five six again just could be a gap by five for the walkway bro good romance anime danger in my hearts I need to watch that I have not been home to watch crunchy roll in such a long time kind of makes me sad three four five six seven eight n 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 perfect one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 basically 14 there so it’s 14 by 14 technically like the Gap is 14 by 14 for anybody following through the live it’s probably going to go up like let’s see game wise it’s different so we’re going to put this up maybe eight so one two three four five six seven eight yeah six seven eight we have been reaching for me to recommend anime recently very nice like they’ve been reaching out to you for good enimies are they just like people that are starting out or are they fairly um they’ve watched like a lot of animes type thing dude this is not going to go how I want it I kind of just want to give up and play like dead by daylight just like this isn’t going to work out I’m just it would work out but there’s just no blocks for this like someone said they’re stting out and they want to know the good ones nice which ones did you recommend them I swear if you recommended JoJo’s Twigs I swear like this is going into like Fallout type of build they instead watch Black Butler first before any of the ones I recommended Oh Black Butler is pretty good though when I first Tred someone told me to watch Hunter x Hunter I wasn’t impressed yeah I don’t blame you that’s really boring in my opinion like people like it but I don’t know I think I got maybe 20 30 episodes in and I was like yeah no I tried and just gave up I was like this is not entertaining at all it’s a hard pass for me I never recommended JoJo unless a person likes quirky stuff okay this isn’t going to work I don’t I hate this thing already here let me just show you guys again I need to find like some special mods for this so you can see this little house right here you can see the blocks just literally rust rusted um whatever the crap they’re called the black is kind of crap though I to tell them to read the Manga said because it is so much better yeah that’s fair I mean to be fair though the manga is usually always better it’s kind of like the book to the movie same concept I don’t know what I’m going to do literally everything is just like that type of build and there’s just none on Minecraft I mean I’m still going to try to somewhat finish this just so you guys can kind of not complete clickbait you know just fill up the walls and then oh this is so bad be right there what do you mean yeah I don’t know I hate this already though and it’s like the freaking roof is the same exact blocks again so it’ be something like this you’d have a window like right here if you had the right blocks why dude just why okay wait be like something like this and then got slab it’s a little too big in my opinion yeah no [ __ ] no [ __ ] Twigs it is what it is there’s literally no block for me to be able to do this but if you think about the game Concepts this is how big it would be inside the game so there you go anyways um that’s literally it like this is I give up guys I think I think I’m going to go to the b or Killing Floor maybe that’s what we’ll do we’ll play Killing Floor Killing Floor to I started playing that like yesterday it’s actually fairly fun so I think we’re going to try that this is the biggest flop ever all right we’re switching it over will be so much better maybe I’ll try to reattempt to do this again at some point I don’t know all right where’s the edit thingy at on here dude maybe what I should do going forward is do like story times because I’m telling you dude lately life has been kind of like a joke it’s been so crazy I can’t keep up anymore okay live stream okay we’ll just do this and call it good Alie what was going to ask you to give me a tour of the world oh yeah I can do that why why did you have to ask me so late I can literally load it up though don’t you worry I’ll reload it up just for you okay of course you’re literally wifey I will do whatever you ask the other game will just be in the background it’s fine your stream is so delayed I know but I can see your your messages it’s delayed by like 10 or 15 seconds and I’m kind of just giving up trying to mess with it it is what it is it’s okay okay I shall give you a tour is there like something specific okay maybe I’ll give you a tour that’s a big maybe let There we go is there any specific anime that you want to see that might be in the world does it really matter I guess I literally showed you this map like maybe was it last year sometime yeah I think I I showed you this last time we were playing with Rono just fly around okay you got it just sit just sit fly around okay this is kind of the boring side of the map though but I’ll still show you so I got my first Demon Slayer house we’re not going inside it doesn’t matter um back when squid games was huge I made the lava Bridge we have The Conjuring house I haven’t finished the inside just because it’s kind of scaring me to even think about doing I have this stupid what I have the stupid you don’t have this stupid it’s okay um let’s see I have Sailor Moon house we have I don’t remember all the names now spy’s family house this is the one that we’re on right now yeah Sailor Moon house right here think you seen Sailor Moon I don’t can’t remember if you’ve seen spikes family but yeah if there’s something specific I say and you want to see it just let me know I will literally fly back I don’t care um this is from Kiki delivery it’s like kind of accurate one punch man fairy tale over there Random House you’re actually talented yo thank you so much I really appreciate that this is like four yeah about four or five years of me just building on here um Dr Stone House thingy myob we got Yu-Gi-Oh dorms sler dorms promise Neverland um whatever the crap that thing’s called it’s over there we got Shrek’s house Naruto school this is from fruits baskets I can’t tell you how accurate it is because I need to redo it at some point um psyche’s house but I’m going to redo it because I hate it let’s see Animal Crossing we got seven deadly sins um did you say that you like seven deadly sins I can’t remember I know some somebody told me that they do but you got a little B hat how accurate it is no idea but it still looks cool we have the first fairy tale guild over here this is like the spawn point where everybody D hello oh my gosh you’re literally like always you’re just one of my favorite people I always get excited whenever I see you join um this is a spawn area are you going to do the inside of Ky Corp uh um probably not because I’ll probably if I did decide to do Kaio Corp I’d probably want to rebuild it bigger since the one on this world is literally so tiny and yeah it’s just it’s very tiny um let’s see more from fairy tale this is Lucy’s house which Honestly though I really like how this one turned out over there’s Attack on Titan that’s Aaron’s house the inside show you this is the inside can’t remember where I found this from upstairs isn’t finished but yeah anyways there you go Lucy’s house I’ll show you though it’s kind of [Music] cool okay this is her little bedroom there a lot going on in here I hate 7s the heck is 7s closet when you said 7 days it made me think of 5 days for a second for youo and then I was really confused um we have Death [Music] Note right here lights house we got why can’t I remember Pops from [Music] Riverdale we have sord our online got kito’s house which I think looks so freaking sick it’s very accurate there’s like maybe a couple rooms in there that aren’t like completely filled up we got the Pokemon house you got ichiraku first one I ever built it’s okay I made another one it’s even better we got chowers house SL restaurant thingy myob food Wars one punch man again Gamestop Subway little CAF MC Ronald’s from Devil’s A Part Timer I have so long to go going to watch every single Yu-Gi series oh my gosh okay Des have you seen like just the first Yu-gi-oh in general because I’m rewatching it right now and it’s so good like I’ve watched it so many times but it’s just it’s always so good there’s like my turtle pretty fancy um we got boro’s house Rick and Morty’s house is like over there we got we got our Mansion this is my cute little Kaiba Corb it’s never getting finished I’m so sorry um I think this is also from Devils a parttime yes it is got cute little super cat this is from there’s a sign um Mar Miki yeah that crazy one yep mto’s house home lone house fully decorated literally it’s kind of crazy um this is like my favorite area so yeah we got a lot of like my hero um how do you guys say it you say it actually this going to be funny some of yall say Academia or acadamia it’s always different but there’s a lot of those builds here um more fairy tale we got natu in Happy’s house this is from a couple of cucko I think so it cus I don’t freaking know but their house it’s one of my favorites it’s literally so cool I don’t remember the name of this one but it’s pretty Neo we got more of my hero this is bakugo’s house we got Demon Slayer stuff all over here this is the butterfly Mansion um on top of just like the residential area and whatnot but see I think over here yeah we got Shin’s office this isn’t like that impressive it’s okay um also if you guys have seen the anime I think it’s mashall we built that somewhere too um more Demon Slayer name is uro kodaki their house it’s kind of pretty gotta go see you Des thank you for stopping by I hope your book gets published soon please let me know when oh wrong one okay yeah they Meer builds are really fun to like build though I’m not going to lie aadia Academia that’s pretty good twig um let’s see over here we got this is more Demon Slayer this is michito toito whatever the heck their house it’s really simple like nothing inside it but it’s still pretty cool then over here it’s a rebuilt of Theo cabin this is like 100% accurate I would think which I’ll show you guys cuz I love it this cabin is like my favorite ever are you [Music] walking you got the living room I’m going to say 99% accurate actually 99 I don’t want any of you guys coming for me and then let’s see we got the kitchen area over here’s ‘s the bath it’s so cute and then in here storage I remember when I if you guys were to play VR and go into VR chat they have an actual SEO world and it’s just like this like the whole cabin anyways there’s that I’m going to show you mhall now it’s like the most basic thing ever this is Mash’s house it’s just okay I love this house because it’s very misleading right the outside looks boring like there’s really no flavor right and then once you go inside there’s flavor see this it’s so misleading but I love it doesn’t this look nice oh my gosh it’s on fire why is it on fire relax relax relax okay yeah anyways I love the Simplicity of it even though it’s just it’s nice there’s a bunch of builds I want to request to literally drop them down in the Discord I can’t promise when I’ll get to them cuz I’m never home and I’m probably going to start working soon but you never know I have like over 300 on my phone that’s everybody’s like when are you building this like I don’t know someday I have no idea um let’s see Rick and Morty’s house is right there you got the my hero actual Academy it’s pretty cool it’s not completely done but it’s a decent amount got the cafeteria this leads to the dorms ah over here I almost forgot no working need you no working need you to come see me soon then work I understand I understand but the nice thing though is if I get this job I’ll have PT so it’ll be okay you have going to do the inside of uron uh I want to it’s going to take a very long time but at some point I do plan to yes cuz like look at how pretty it is I just can’t not finish this it’s just so nice I love how pink and purple it is it makes me happy um let’s see Luffy ship grandparents house my house these are all 100% accurate by the way just saying my friend’s house well their old house are my other grandma’s house other random houses ooh going this is my other friend’s house other friend’s house sailor’s house right here Anna’s house mishka’s house we got Miyagi Dojo right here the inside is not finished but it’s okay um okay over here I love this build so flipping much okay it’s from One Piece that’s all I’m going to say for anybody that doesn’t know but like it’s just oh it’s so good got the entrance area it’s like a restaurant fancy restaurant in the middle of the ocean but yeah it’s one of my favorite Builds on the server it’s like you got a chandelier you got a second floor to eat on and up here it’s like just art basically like waves it’s all yeah kind of like that you’re doxing everyone through Minecraft what what what do you mean is it always this light blue did they change it maybe it’s the texture pack um okay kitchen area and then I kind of did a little bit of an add-on up here we got like a rooms I did kind of see this somewhere it’s kind of similar um but yeah I just I love it how would you go about building accurately just add little details here and there or make the building big than details um so that is a really good question I would say it kind of depends on the build I always like to start with the exterior first just so I can get a really good kind of layout for how I want to do the interior of it um yo what’s up natu welcome in uh but yeah I mean so yeah exterior first and then inside is when I’ll start adding in the details and I mean with uron though that’s going to take a while so I’ve already done the exterior the interior is just going to be more of like doing the hallways first on top of the rooms and then adding on the inside everything it’s kind of complicated but I don’t know it make it makes sense in here I just don’t know how to explain it all that well um what is going on right here who is doing this and why is this chickens yeah so many chickens that’s why I’m lagging look at all these animals I mean hopefully that helped answer your question a little bit um I [Music] also holy crap okay hold on bow down that’s so funny I love how you didn’t complete boro’s house yeah I know I I know um I need to go on my I think it’s on my other world where I rebuilt it I can’t remember but for the inside I know what it looks like I just am kind of lazy but I will get to it maybe one day hopefully yeah um let’s see o so this is madori’s house from my hero or I guess his Apartments you walk all the way back here this is like one of my favorite simple rooms so I’m going to show you guys it’s not completed as you can see but the upstairs is I guess a little bit more anyways you walk up here you got more unfinished rooms isn’t that awesome you got oh wait don’t look at that yet hold on we’re going to go through here first this is the living room interior for thing in rompa think about it I think about it again back to my like 500 requests this isn’t that’s also empty okay anyways but look at look at his room it literally looks like an all might room doesn’t it yeah his little Fanboy room it’s great I love it or a tiny room it just just makes sense so yeah anyways k are you still here did I bore you or are you watching did you see just kind of like H majority of the world I would say we got Freddy fazbears um I will show you guys just because it’s cool let me turn it to night time now okay that’s fine so you walk on in this all completely done I know a small build you should build you should build C Cafe LeBlanc from Persona 5 bro just type it type it in Discord put it in the requests oh wait actually you know I want to make this creepy we’re going to turn off the lights bam we’re walking in the darkness anyways if any of you guys have epilepsy please I’m going to warn you probably don’t watch when I go into Foxy’s maze it’s very simple this is like one of my most recent builds if not my most recent one yay treasure TR epilepsy wo not really there is a lot of lights though Naro is straight up God and baruto the whole thing was stopping the train for example yeah I uh I need to finish watching baruto I haven’t actually maybe I’m like somewhere in the 100s for it wait I got a good one oh boy hope my we got the bathrooms over here they’re so fancy wow and then it’s the kitchen I kid you not is my favorite part look at it it’s just a nice little kitchen chica’s kitchen bro you got the storage room of course I want to hear what this good one is this suspense come [Music] on yeah break room leads into more bathrooms there are some good Bor episodes but still do make up for the amount of filler true yu– Go game shop yes I know I love it I attempted it once before and I fa but I would love to do that again D I love you I literally oh my gosh I need to do that that’s like one of the first builds I ever wanted to make too but I’m currently more interested in the boros time skip ah yeah same all right we got K’s house still never finished it it’s like all right here’s the house and here’s the main room there you go that’s literally what happened I feel think I did that for some time like all those years ago I think the issue with it is the weird shape yeah but it’s like you could still do it though it’s more so I just need to do it I could totally do it just by looking at a picture I just I need to not be lazy maybe that’s the next build I’ll do just because I’m literally obsessed again um okay I’m starting to get bored so yeah I mean there’s a little [Music] p all right I think I’m going to actually switch over to uh the other game whatever it’s called legit me natu I would literally destroy you if you just got on the game and played they give you free decks that’s literally what I use if you can’t beat me with a free deck you know what texture pack um I [Music] using hold on I had to remember how to do this these these are the ones I’m using we got another furniture out on all the wool classic shaders literally the best one in my opinion uh pets hiker friends not that I use this at all but it’s still there yeah only way to get Allie to watch JoJo’s to make her do a JoJo build no no not even then I literally tried watching Jojo and I was like nope clicked off that thing so fast you’d have to pay me so much money if you paid me I would watch it I really would has to be a lot of money though Twigs so where’s it at all right over to Killing Floor we go I’m searching for vintage Yu-Gi-Oh cards but every time I find them on Marketplace it is a nightmare oh yeah I’m stronger I’m smarter I’m better I am better homelander intensifies $10 a card yeah it’s crazy it’s so crazy I’m like when you manage to get a good Yu-Gi-Oh pack for so cheap and you get so many it’s just so worth it it’s amazing I can’t tell you I have uh I have all the god cards now I remember as a kid that’s all I wanted we’re chilling I literally showed you not so just like scroll back a a little bit you know just wind the video back I’m not going back into the game the risk price but I’m talking about wanting hundreds yeah yeah absolutely it’s insane like the amount is just so crazy okay Killing Floor to doing it this time also I need to ask you you guys like I know I asked earlier but some of you weren’t here at that time but like do you have anything fun planned for the summer I really really want to know I uh I ended up meeting one of my really good friends she’s from Colombia she’s literally my best friend in the whole world okay and she’s never been to we have a place here called Lagoon it’s like a really awesome amusement park and I want to take her and her brother yeah I think it be so fun I’m going to try to figure out how to make this go full screen if not then I guess we’re just going to have a little bit of the kind of doing its thing classic shaders yeah did you like it though isn’t the shaders like super pretty I love how there’s just like a sunset all the time I’m selling cactuses to make money for my book oh that’s awesome are you planning on putting your book out on like Amazon or just all over book stores I don’t have much planned does depression count for summer no guys I need good fun things or plans whether it be playing video games watching anime I I I don’t care whatever it is yeah it is very pretty yeah um no but literally okay let’s see if I can figure this out I literally have on my screen but maybe what happens if I do this it’s going to break stuff if the stream ends it’s because this broke it okay we don’t know yet okay got you that’s not working what about this fly no just do what I want you to do full screen haha now you finally did it perfect we’re very new to the whole publishing thing oh I understand yeah so it’s like the whole process is going to take a little bit but once you get it it’ll be that much better or easier I guess which will be so good also is the game music too high is it too low let me know watching anime with Kim that is such a good answer Twix wow I love it when I just see you guys in Discord just sitting there just streaming watching whatever every time I have to join I’m like oh what are they watching okay hopefully we can find a match oh perfect I kid you not like sometime last night I tried playing this and I couldn’t get in a match for like two hours so I gave up tomorrow streaming hey I love that 24-hour stream you’re crazy I will definitely pop in though just send me the link probably through like Snapchat or something or Discord or both maybe both still all to play two or four why is it only I’m planning on watching jjk season two after watching Fungo stay dog season 3 you know me now don’t you 37 mad house difficulty 24hour stream that one’s that’ll shake some Coboy BL [ __ ] on got your attention eh you’re almost there kill faster Nice Shot you can do it I’m so impatient dude doesn’t that guy oh he just got shot but some of these characters literally look like aack on Titan the manager version also I literally checked steam yesterday and I got so excited because I saw Gears of War I think it’s 6 I correctly is coming out and I can’t wait and they’re already making a Call of Duty 6 I’m like that’s so crazy this is why I wait to like buy Call of Duty games they did not lay a claw on you I’m impressed I so badly want to show Kim KAG because how funny it is honestly you definitely showed are you able to stream stuff Twi I can’t oh no you can you can cuz I remember you showed me um bring up the trading controls and upgrade your gear see 800 tun let’s do that let’s the yeah that should be fine don’t get merked everyone okay feeling pretty good thanks all right let me pull this back up um also is the stream on this game okay is it choppy at all hurry up I know I fixed this like however however long ago closed go make a difference oh yeah C wow talk about not Cutting Edge Let’s see how much damage this P does right now you’re a natural whoa gorgeous warm oh yeah sorry blood warning time for some worky work with a dead eye load you bastard load oh my contact you’re a natural you know me now don’t okay hang onf perfect is right let get you rest it’s running fine okay awesome going to destroy my sanity hardest difficulties honestly I’m really impressed with 24 hours that’s going to be crazy but the nice thing not you don’t have to stay up the whole time there are literally people who will do that and then they’ll sleep and they’ll leave their stream running and people will stay in there it’s so I see you have no grenades is that wise let’s see I really like this room I share my money thanks this will come in Andie want some money should there Z on the scope must close the pod very soon it’s green I love it yeah I think maybe the longest stream I’ve ever done might have been maybe 12 13 hours I can’t remember maybe something like that last probably when I was playing anyways you guys should totally consider getting this game and playing with me it’s fun and chill fin final way the right M investment start now finished the job Ali let me that hang on new cliping course he got your attention eh come on get in that’s nice finish the last so I can open TR what’s that depends on my laptop man understandable didn’t like that youo wisely you’ve got a real fight ahead o look at all the money I got bro let’s go fun that’s nice check dude oh I hate it when people send me voice messages like I love you but let’s just type because I don’t know why it’s easier for sit there listen you ear the money now it okay let’s upgrade that up 500 what is this is this like a shotgun monies yes I love monies weapon here money I love this can never have enough more money people just dropping stuff everywhere thanks this will come an anzy what is this almost up v no one heard of airon time’s up go kill some zs oh boss time baby who’s it going to be oh hello King flesh pound yo what’s up bro I can’t remember if I’ve beaten you not yet careful flash P trap is postal no get away just picking them up ready to rip someone get out of the way the corner oh oh okay cool I guess we won that’s so crazy [Music] really did I get that many kills no way I literally wasn’t in the game for like Savage psycho TTV let’s look it up saage so we go is this the right person ah yes it is it’s another chick I got an ad any that makes me super happy I finish how do you say that come on get rid of the ads let’s see say something anything why are you so quiet a there’s me anyways you can’t really see it hold on I got this i got this anyways my my name it’s it’s right there somewhere it’s so bad but yeah there’s me yeah it’s a chick um like barely her talking oh yeah she’s having mic issues it’s fine bro I literally it’s so cold I don’t think y’all can see it but I have like Goosebumps on my arms I even closed my vent yeah sure whatever one second I’m getting my Blinky yeah [Music] oh my screen went black for a second it’s cold in Australia dude it’s not even that it’s cold outside it’s hot as balls outside it’s just like my freaking parents are like let’s blast the AC negative degrees [Music] freeing I had hoped for more impressive test I literally have like a heating oh hello my hand is like halfway on the mouse right now I don’t like this I don’t like this at all I can’t see that was harassment harassment hang on new cliping you know me now yes yes you are almost done with this w is active use your DH to buy a few more seconds of Life got a katsky real blanket oh that’s amazing I’m actually so jealous di don’t count on that continuing I hate it when things get quiet makes me Twitty only sell it for 100 that’s so sad only four waves again bro who is the host of this I need to have a serious conversation about how there needs to be at least eight rounds know what I’m almost impressed you’re still alive I mean like even five you get on Black Ops Zombies that’s when it’s like you’re actually getting somewhere after run we’re doing great team keep watching what I do all right 10 seconds so fancy oo Monster Ball bro oh no did how tragic what’s that oh hey oh Dam [Music] it and that’s just the first call oh you heers you heers let me go oh my gosh I hate this I hate this dude stop stop let me go let me go course he got your attention eh oh my gosh no I’m so dead I’m so dead I can’t this some [ __ ] bro I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead this is some [ __ ] this spot is some bull I’m over this die no freaking way oh Hallelujah you guys finally here to save my life well at least I got a lot of money from now but still never hear me start so much on the stream Let Us return to the blood and violence what did you do you did something because no one died good to go I need more cash what’s new Anna stop talking about money till I’m rich again that have some [Music] cash all right let’s go back up to the monster J place we all got enough ammo wherever that’s at oh yeah this way the other H this way okay I’ll be good like right here I swear no forain hunting must SEC that means no this one way coming let’s do this I love a bit of B but let’s keep our eyes open all right on my hello there hello course he got your attention eh nor head penetrated the perimeter I am surprised and a bit sick your success is revolting the takes round one [Music] area is Totally Secure totally secur baby my projection Perfect all right real guess is how many head shots y’all think I’m going to get be on us any second thanks Mother Nature appreciate it I’ll it to the college you know what I’m going to try this uh let’s get this yeah I want to send that sounds fun how does this work [Music] though there’s my notepad the next wave just started all right baby nothing happening period we’ve got cloak careful didn’t like that did you all right bro I feel like I’m much like super op Not Dead Yet Nice Shot ride on the money your reloading they a natural down they go R I will make sure the next B is more challenged got a melee weapon use that for now last chance for armor before you meet your end new Flash are not loving the underground of this place okay is the next one going to be the boss did I just see something there money here where’s the action G need [Music] money last chance for gun andamos piggies maybe we’re doing so well to get at this rate I’ll open my own bank do not get a big head fools the pig who has a good day is still slaughtered this was a family affair oh this is like the first guy I ever had to fight on here you should be just about card it’s not a strategy electricity has great potential for serious burnas arege now the take round no that must continue to be a from life confid I don’t believe you’re at the and the takes I have aare just picking them off engage field my attack that one of the 29 series systems operate we did it let’s go I’m feeling Mone people all right how many head shots I’m going to say probably over 100 oh 269 okay be back in like 30 seconds so cold not to hold on give me like just a second that’s all dude every time I move oh ah that shocked my ear I was literally going to say the static with my headphones is like crazy like I can hear it that time it’s just a little shock I didn’t like that that’s what that’s what let’s see if I go out of the game will it let me no let’s look at Steam on the phone never mind I’m not doing that you are here to clean out Zs and here come your first targets eyes open happiness is falling from the you know me now don’t you somewhere else you with a dead I swear okay you know I’m going dude are you just okay doing it on purpose I swear course he got your attention eh Right Here Comes cash on legs you nearly cleared this batch out nice work we can reopen the trader pod soon how’s my aim working that was the last one get to the indicated P for resupply hello you need ammo that’s a hint that WR ammo check people we still prefer a demon on the [Music] sh you beauty I’ll do this for now I guess now this is a tri ooh Shredder that sounds interesting Minun ooh maybe I’ll try the the Minun Al I’m going to legit try to save just for that we are the one damn look at this we’re all still alive you can thank me L too much human for you Zs now this is a trigger I’m about to shut the Pod pods closed go make a difference whoa whoa oh this is new map go get him I’ll go get him red rose was collected what are the red of the roses look like red rose or red rose second one perfect right y’all where’s the third one I don’t know what I’m looking for but I’m looking something cloaked is sniffing around here S I have no fear reloading down they go got to close his careful you know me now don’t you something clo EXC that’s nearly all of them the bloody death can’t hear anything where’s this other red rose are bro like I have no idea is it actually red rose that’s the better question perfect pod is open again let’s get you restocked what are we hunting now caveman’s Z find it on you Los this’s everyone for am inang ready to rip someone a new one yep going to be pure Insanity it’s okay I don’t need really any ammo I’ll be fine look at it look at it it’s so beautiful I can get more ammo come to momy go go go go everyone in one piece out of the way out of you [ __ ] okay time’s up go kill some zs all right perfect yes yes yes yes yes come here and theost take oh I love this you got a FL p project contr solo I’m like I said really pissed off way as you can happiness is as say you know me now don’t you she’s un close ready to rip someone in you know me now don’t you down they go when you’re done I can reopen the traitor just picking them up ready to rip someone a new one on the M come see me the pod’s safely open beautiful nicely done you really shredded that flesh bound back there yeah I did impressive I know thank you this game’s going to feed my ego fill this baby up thanks and then okay I guess I will get this thing I can’t upgrade it huh oh and there’s a scar what are so that’s the machine gun Shredder oh I really want to try the shredder though we’re going to try it oh I’m broke last chance I have to power down the Pod good thanks we just do this thing that’s right your ego already big enough yeah I know I am so I am fully aware oh this is uh that one gun what’s this thing called St get the snow globes get them I don’t care about the monsters I want the snow [Music] globes I will do whatever I can get they come I’m on a mission not dead yet I’ll sort that another one all right three left that something stop at you annoying little sh course he got your attention eh come on guys get theck stop being useless there’s another one Shredder down they go I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just want snow globes just close oh my gosh relax come on get in just picking them off can you guys please help me get these like why am I the only one I’m searching I just need one more one more I’m not going to get it I just know it these guys suck you have a big battle coming up this equipment is an investment can’t help me break SN Globes you made the most money out there excellent work I’m so upset that’s lame I just needed one more snowb G bring up the trading controls and upgrade your gear need some cash interesting too quiet don’t like it fre money what we the last one basically watch it reloading time’s almost up V to keep a look out for a turnt there’s heaps of Vy around but nothing to play it on wait a tick reloading more Z on the scope back to it m i SP the next one to die o this is a new guy the patriarch bro I’m so ready we got this easy pey bro M on own everything is so simple when you have a rocket launcher he’s got a rocket launcher bro he’s so fast though not exactly organic now dude that was the fastest boss I’ve we’ve ever that’s inane he sounded cool and then he just got destroyed hi you want to come up here yeah come that’s me girl yeah a baby Princess Giant Slayer baby got my should pretty what the hell I sish right no there’s no way wait am I see there’s no freaking way now this has got to be so cap dude okay just advice for all of you guys out there if you’re ever texting a girl don’t text her all day every day we hate it we absolutely hate it and then we just don’t want to talk to you but some of us are super nice and don’t want to not try to we we’re just super nice so we’ll still talk to you but eventually we just we really don’t want to you know yeah that’s all I have to say like welcome back twigs it’s just really annoying it’s like I get rid of one then there comes another then there’s two and then there’s three and I’m just like a I need to be like a mless person I think it’s really frustrating stay sharp almost C and the Bost take get you with a dead eye just fall on from me oh okay you know me now don’t you that’s did the tri h oh he can still hit me okay and that’s just the first good new Che load you bastard load someone’s pushing 2020 down they go I came back at the right time okay good s yeah that yeah it’s like that was the last one every girl that I know including myself if there’s a guy that’s super freaking clingy we run away work same with you talk to us 247 it’s just like okay it’s like just in general with a person friend family whoever it is you just need to always create a need kind of thing you know it’s like you can’t live and breathe one person you got to you know what I mean anyways be any second maybe that sounds really messed up but it’s really just it’s so true if you want a girl to like you don’t message her 24 freaking s because we just want to ignore you and then also don’t spam the if you spam her then she’s going to probably block you can I jump down this what if I can oh yeah that’s scary can I jump on this no thought I was going to lose some health there last chance I have to power down the Pod oh yeah let’s just glad it’s not my blood pods closed go make a difference Tommy Gun got this baby we’ll do this one first come on you’re all crazy crazy [ __ ] didn’t like that did you hang on new clipping got to get rid these oh no oh this is a bad spot can sandwiched again happiness is as they say we got your attention eh long that’s nearly all of them not dead yet I’ll sort that glad to see you made it through the and see only only message my crush mainly on either Saturday or Sunday and at night before I go to bed I do my best not to be too clean that’s good this is a good way to be reloading not clean I don’t know why but I’ve had a lot of guys just throughout like the past few years be that way and it’s like I don’t I don’t know why but it’s like for me it’s one of the big reasons I hate my phone so I just pretend like well not pretend I just well yeah I basically pretend that I don’t have a phone because I always forget it because how much I hate it unless it’s like my girlfriends text me like yo what’s up oh oh Ellie don’t do that she like jumped off my blanket did Static and got my ear again ready to rip someone a new one 1 that ACOG freaking awesome yeah I should be good hurry up Zs are getting closer it’s like an avatar in here let’s see what are the little needs to shoot on this map time’s up go kill some zs dude it sounds like Halloween time for some worky work so love this great not dead yet that messed me up right now I right here comeso course he got your attention eh hang on new clipping down they nasty looking St course he got your attention eh keep it up when you’re done I can reopen the trader got cloak Z careful and the Boston takes round one careful break oh he’s not he shoots he kills and that’s just the first call that was the last one get to the indicated P for resupply let’s see I’m going to say this as a guy men don’t know how to deal with their feelings even I oh yeah that’s understandable down I’m like I don’t want to say anything specifically because people might be watching but maybe sometime I can talk to you about it in like PC chat never been a fan of blood can I upgrade you baby yeah enem three I’m fortunate to have a female friend to turn to advice so that I can become easy to talk to you from here oh yeah that’s good absolutely I’m here anytime you need Twiggy got you I’m about to how’s the gang all doing PS closed go make a difference you you someone p the round one wait a t reloading you know me now don’t you this back in the game reloading pissed off get you with a dead eye reloading he shoots he kills that’s nice for he got your attention down they go make these last purchases count a good day’s work surved perfect weather I kind of wish there was a way to like inspect our guns on there I have no idea how Okay 2000 I can buy basically the sixes already AK a woman should be rich it’s what nature intends it all right well let’s try keep the B together shall we cash for someone smart investment can never have enough I just bought sh time’s almost up V me I’m reloading what is that time’s up go kill some Z found a collectible I won’t let you deil my progress yo does they only have like four boxes on here or something that’s it okay he’s coming up here oh he really wants to okay all right perhaps we don’t understand each other this is what’s called the fourth state of matter would you like to be part of an electrical circuit is it plas intriging hell do something useful and die lightning is a rather common phenomenon getting reing power from Shields even the best requist this is how science really works effectively utilizing plasma is a f your to be to see you you know me now the [Music] human watch it reloading the fourth state of matter perhaps we don’t understand I’m going to die my intriging oh we really must eat me this is oh oh dang run run as fast as can Don’t Mind If I Do perhaps we don’t understand each other surely I can improvise around this I’ll s that you’re outn now oh no oh no oh you are Hess you can’t see me but I see you welcome to your El I have all the latest I have a whole Warehouse of those I am B but Unbroken yay Hallelujah that was so close I think that if anybody dies I don’t think you all get it money money money 150 Z kills Giant Slayer money bags Dominator bro I’m so cool look at all that is there always 269 head shots what time is it dude it’s already 7 that’s crazy should I play one more should I I think I’m going to actually hop off all right think I’m going to end the stream I’m going to go make some dinner and hang out with family but Twigs everybody thank you for stopping by and saying hi and just chilling it’s been so long and yeah I don’t know the next time that I’ll be be able to really stream um or really do videos for that matter but I will do my best here and there whenever I can and I love you guys I hope you guys all have a good summer or you’re having a good summer or whatever it is you’re doing

This video, titled ‘Live! Killing Floor 2/ Attempted Minecraft Borderlands/ Gaming’, was uploaded by Alsshine on 2024-06-14 13:18:16. It has garnered 65 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:05 or 7385 seconds.

I hope you are having a good summer!

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    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    ZynnCraft Minecraft Server Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Ability Item Join the discord: Discord Server Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Discord Server Join us at:… Read More

  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

    ATM 9 - By Night Time Gamingthis is a WIP Public ATM9 server by Night Time Gaming all info on the port for this server is 25566Our goal here is to work hard to keep up a lag free server we offer the best rollback system EVER!discord and other info on site 🙂 – – LIVE MAP! find a place to start HD 3d views server has 24 cores and 64 GB RAM 24 dedicated :0 enjoy! home hosted 🙂 Im on discord 24/7 and can help solve problems quite fast 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mining Luck like a Boss

    Never thought I’d be this lucky…until I found a diamond block right next to my spawn point! Read More

  • Random World Woes: Minecraft’s Survival Show

    Random World Woes: Minecraft's Survival Show In a world of random blocks, I spawned with glee, Exploring the chaos, what a sight to see. Diamonds and villages, all in my path, Crafting tools and upgrades, facing the aftermath. But wait, a twist in the tale, a portal gone wrong, Netherite armor, but stuck for so long. Struggling with fire, in a world so bizarre, The random blocks world, taking me far. But alas, a mishap, my portal destroyed, Trapped in the chaos, feeling annoyed. Yet in the end, it’s all just a game, Minecraft’s randomness, never the same. Read More

  • Pedro’s Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Pedro's Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever! When you accidentally type “pedro” three times in a row and summon a Minecraft animation wizard named Pedro, who just wants to make memes and play games all day. #PedroCeption #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?

    Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feed’s and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT STRESS FESTVideo Information I can’t lie bro y’all got to like this up this got to be the most stressful video I’ve ever recorded in my entire life yo what’s up guys as you can clearly see yeah we put on some Shader packs I’m not going to lie I ain’t even test it yet I mean I seen it but I ain’t even test it in game okay oh okay all right bro that’s that’s a little too bright I’m not going to lie to you but okay bro hold on my render distance is mad chopped but hold on… Read More

  • 🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!

    🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free Join’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-04 16:36:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT port-38157 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! Read More

  • Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥

    Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист в разноцветных красках искупалась кисть сами начинают руки рисовать ведь талант не спрятать И не потерять может творчество мо моё вызовет сомнение только не справляюсь я с этим вдохновением Может вам покажется This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Secret Bases At Different Ages🤔🤯(Masha And The Bear) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-06-18 12:46:58. It has garnered 16530 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shortsVideo Information [Music] everything’s perfect here and the sun is shining hey everything’s perfect here there’s nobody crying I got a bad feeling about This video, titled ‘Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aakib Playz on 2024-04-16 12:29:01. It has garnered 12937 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft Inspired: @PROTER Song: @JagwarTwin Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, parody, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and… Read More

  • CLE2 Gamers

    CLE2 GamersWelcome to GraceCraft, a warm and welcoming Christian Minecraft server where players of all ages come together to build, explore, and share their faith in a positive and inclusive community. Our server is founded on the principles of love, respect, and fellowship, creating a safe space for players to enjoy the game while embracing their Christian values. At GraceCraft, you’ll find a family-friendly environment where kindness and cooperation are celebrated. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a wholesome atmosphere, making it a perfect place for players of all skill levels to engage in creative endeavors, survival adventures, and collaborative projects…. Read More

  • ZynnCraft – Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join the ZynnCraft Minecraft server at Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win experience Join our discord: Server Trailer: Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, offering a classic Minecraft experience with unique twists. Now on version 1.20.6, supporting Bedrock players! Join us at and be part of our community today! Read More