Insane Gaming Challenge: 100 Days as Finding Nemo in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as Nemo! “I’m so small! I better be careful.” I also noticed I had only three hearts.  This was going to be really difficult. “Nemo!” I looked behind me and saw my dad, Marlin! He  was swimming out of a small cave towards me.

“You need to get inside! It’s not safe!” I hurried inside just as a scuba diver  appeared! He took his net and snatched my dad! “Dad!” I tried to swim toward him,  but he yelled back at me. “No! Stay inside! I’ll be okay, I promise!”

The scuba diver swam away, leaving me all  alone. I felt really sad, but it was getting   dark. I needed to stay safe in the cave and  wait until morning to go looking for my dad.  On day 2 I woke up to the sun shining  into the cave. I looked around. “Dad?”

Then I remembered what had happened  to him. I got really sad again. “I’ll find you dad, I promise.” I swam out of the cave to find materials  to build some weapons. I managed to make   a crafting table which helped me  to craft a pickaxe and a sword.

“Now I feel more ready if  that scuba diver comes back!” I continued swimming in the reef and discovered  that there weren’t a lot of other fish around. “Hey! Get down here!” I looked down and saw a shrimp  waving at me. I swam down to him.

“What do you think you’re  doing!? The reef isn’t safe,   especially closer to the surface. Not  since the human has been coming around.” “Yeah I saw him yesterday! He trapped my dad!” “I’m sorry. Do you have anyone  else to look out for you?” “No…I’m alone.”

I could tell the shrimp felt  bad for me. He scurried back   into his hole and returned with some kelp. “Here, take this. You need it more than me.” “Thank you!” I swam carefully back to my cave with the food.

“I’m going to protect everyone. They all seem too  scared and someone needs to stick up for them!” I arrived at my cave, a plan  starting to form in my mind.  On day 3 I gathered some more sand and even  managed to find some gravel. I started to make  

A little base for myself around my cave. I wanted  to make a dome so that the humans couldn’t get in.   I got part of the foundation done, but I needed to  do some other things to get the dome figured out.

All of a sudden I was smacked from  behind! I looked and noticed an eel! “Hey, get away!” I used my new weapon to smack him  back. He got me down to one heart,   but I finally managed to defeat him! “You messed with the wrong fish!”

I felt my strength grow, and I  leveled up into a larger fish! “Hey I have 6 hearts now! Neat!” I also noticed that I could swim  faster since my fins were bigger.   I decided to call it a day. I was beat. On days 4-5 I gathered some more materials to  

Build the base. I managed to build a furnace and  smelted some sand to make some glass for the dome. I was swimming around when I noticed  some bigger fish trying to trap some   colorful fish! I swam up to attack the large fish. “Hey, get away from them!”

The colorful fish scattered  and the large fish attacked!   I managed to get a bunch of hits in  and managed to defeat all the fish! “Hey!” I looked down and saw a fish lying  on a rock. It was one of the ones  

I had hit with my sword. I guess he had  tried to swim away. I swam down to him. “What were you doing to those fish?” “We work for the scuba diver. He guarantees  us food if we help him capture fish!” “That’s awful!” “It’s life! We need food to live!”

He tried to smack me again but I managed to get  a hit in. He yelled, and then he disappeared. “How sad. How could he betray his own kind?” I swam back to the base,  contemplating what I had just heard. 

On days 6-8 I crafted some more glass for  the dome. It was starting to look really   awesome! I also used some of the materials  to make myself a better sword and tools. “If that scuba diver comes,  I’ll be ready for him.”

I went venturing out, being careful  to avoid the surface. I came across   a large mound of sand and began to  gather it when I was hit by something! I turned and saw a jellyfish!  He was ready to strike again. “Nobody wants you here!”

I smacked him, and before I knew it, he was gone. “That was super easy with my new sword!” I was feeling good. The reef  was just a little safer already.  On days 9-10 I went venturing a little further.   I managed to gather some more supplies  when suddenly, I heard some screaming!

I swam toward the sound and saw a blue  fish being grabbed by the scuba diver! “Leave her alone!” I drew my sword and managed to  hit the scuba diver’s hand! He   let go of the blue fish, who swam away. “If I can’t have her, then I’ll have you!”

The scuba diver grabbed at me and  almost managed to get me! I was fast,   but he was faster. I swam away, knowing  that it was my only chance to get out of   this situation. I hid inside the cavity of a rock. The scuba diver retreated and I  let out some bubbles in relief.

“That was close!” I didn’t realize that the blue fish had swam   into the same cavity in the rock  as me! I swam out in surprise. “Thanks for saving me! I don’t know  what I would’ve done without you!” “Of course! I’m here to try to protect the reef!”

I invited the blue fish back to the base where  it would be safe for her. She happily agreed. “I’m Dory by the way.” “Nice to meet you!” On days 11-12 I helped Dory to make a  

Little home for herself. She seemed to really like  it, and even said it reminded her of her old home. “Where is your home?” “…Actually, I don’t remember…” She was an odd one, but I liked her.

I went out to gather some better materials in a  nearby cave, but then a group of eels attacked me! “Ah, get away from me!” They were too strong so I went to a different   cave. I was swimming around for a  while, but then I saw some iron! “That’s exactly what I need!”

I mined out as much as I could before heading   back to the base. I made myself an  iron sword, pickaxe and some armor! “This’ll show them!” I went back to the cave with the eels and  I attacked! In no time they were all gone! “Take that!”

I went into the cave and sure  enough, there was some more iron! “Cool! This’ll set me up for a while.” I went back to the base and made some more tools.  With those, I made some minor improvements to the  

Base. It was starting to look really good! On days 13-15 I went out to learn more about   this scuba diver. I needed to find my dad  and all the other fish he was taking. I swam   around the reef to gather more information.  More fish were out today, but not a lot.

“Hey, do you know where the scuba diver  is taking the fish he’s capturing?” Everyone kept swimming away from me! “Huh, I wonder why everyone is so skittish.” I finally happened upon an older  snail who was willing to talk to me.

“Everything was peaceful in the reef for a  long time. Then one day a large shadow was   cast over us. We looked up and saw a monstrous  machine, churning the water. It’s called a BOAT.” “Boat…” I said the word. It sounded weird to me. “The scuba diver can’t stay underwater like us,  

So he drives the boat. At first he was just  here to take pictures. Then one day he started   snatching fish in bags or even shooting  them with his harpoon! He is a bad man…” I was grateful that someone was willing to  talk to me, but now I was terrified! The  

Scuba diver sounded really strong and capable.  I was just a little fish. What could I do?  On days 16-19 I woke up and  couldn’t find Dory anywhere. “I hope she didn’t swim off on her own.” I went outside the base and  saw Jacques waving to me again.

“You better hurry, the octopus  just took your friend!” “Dory?!” “Yes! She was swimming up near the  surface and singing to herself. An   octopus came by and grabbed her before  she even knew what was happening!” Jacques pointed me in the direction  of the octopus lair and I took off.

The octopus lair was more of a  sandy hill covered with seaweed,   but it was something. I hurried  and swam inside to save my friend. “Hey! It’s you!” I looked and saw Dory! She was with  another fish who looked pretty beaten up. “Watch out!”

I turned and saw the octopus try  to attack me! I hurried and drew   my sword before he could get a hit  in. He tried to maneuver around me,   but I was able to get some really good  hits in. Before I knew it, he was gone!

Just then I leveled up into an even stronger  clownfish! I felt my fins grow and I swam   around to test them out. I was super fast  now! I could create a wall of bubbles! “I’m so happy you found me! Also, this is Gill.” The other fish swam up to me.

“Thank you for saving my life.  That was really impressive.” “Thanks! I am happy to protect the fish  in the reef. We need it more than ever,   especially with the scuba diver around.” “Are you going to fight him?” “I’m not sure. He’s so strong,  and way bigger than me!”

“I know of an item that could help! It  was lost in the sea a long time ago,   but it might be the answer to your problem!” That was the best news I had  gotten all day! Maybe there   was a way to fight the scuba diver after all.

“I want to hear all about it! But you should  stay at our base. It’ll be safer there.” Gill happily agreed to come with  us and we headed back to our home.  On days 20-22 we arrived back at the base,  but it was being attacked…by skeletons? “Ew gross!”

I went at them with my sword and  fought them off easily. They all   dropped a bunch of bones. Maybe  they would come in handy later. I was happy that Gill was staying with us too,   but I wanted everyone to know that  this was a safe place to stay.

“A statue would be a good idea!” I came up with an idea, but I needed to  gather some supplies first. I gathered a   lot of kelp and even managed  to find some sea cucumbers. “Perfect!” I knew I needed more for later so I  planted a few and then used the bones  

From the skeletons to make some bone meal.  I fed the bone meal to the sea cucumbers. “I won’t be running out of those any time soon!” I went to work on the base of the statue.  Can you tell what it’s going to be?

And if you like swimming along on our  adventures, be sure to watch more of   my videos by searching for Zozo! That’s  Z-O-Z-O! And subscribe too since we sure   would love to see you around here more often! On days 23-26 some skeletons attacked again.  

I wasn’t too nervous though, they were easy to  defeat. They dropped more bones, but I noticed   that another one dropped some sea lanterns. This  would be perfect to make the dome more bright! They were looking really good! I  started to place them around the  

Base and inside the dome. It  was looking brighter already! I was outside looking for some more  materials when a yellow fish swam up to me. “Hello! Someone told me that this  is a safe place to stay. My family  

Was taken by the scuba diver and I  don’t have a home to go back to…” I knew exactly how this fish felt. “Please, come in! You are more  than welcome to stay here!” The fish told me his name was  Bubbles as we went inside.

I started on making some better  houses for Bubbles and Gill.   They weren’t anything fancy, but they were safe. I made sure to smelt some more glass  so that we could expand the dome   out. It was looking really great! On days 27-31 I went to chat with  

Gill. I wanted to know more about  the item he told me about earlier. “My grandfather told me about an old wise  turtle that was a protector of the reef a   long time ago. But like now, humans  kept invading, stealing fish away,  

And polluting the ocean. The turtle decided  to go to Poseidon to bargain for an item   that would protect them. In return, he  crafted the turtle a special trident.” “Poseidon? No way!” “I know right?! Anyway, so the old turtle  takes this special trident but Poseidon  

Says it will only work for those who have pure  intentions to protect the creatures of the sea. “Makes sense.” “It gave the turtle the ability to call  the lightning down and control the water.” “Wow!” “But the best part was the last  gift it granted to the wielder:  

The ability to walk on land  like a human if needed!” “That’s amazing! So where is the trident now?” “That’s the tricky part. After the  turtle passed on, so many fish and   creatures wanted the trident for themselves.  They fought over it. Because of their greed,  

It was broken into three pieces  and scattered across the ocean.   There are rumors as to where they are, but  nobody has been able to find all of them.” This was a lot to take in. “My grandfather told me that he heard of one  that was guarded by a shark near a shipwreck.”

It wasn’t a lot to go on, but it was a start. I started out toward the shipwreck  that Gill was talking about,   though I was a little nervous  about the shark. As I approached,   I didn’t see any shark. Then he came  out from behind the hull of the ship. “He’s pretty big…”

I was nervous, but I knew that I had a  job to do. So I charged at the shark,   and attacked! He was taken aback and tried  to get a hit in. He was a good fighter,   but I wasn’t doing too bad myself. After a minute,  

I could tell he was really struggling. I was  about to make my final attack when he swam away! “Um…okay. I wasn’t expecting that.” I went and looked around the ship, but  it was empty. I was a little confused. “I wonder where the trident piece could be.” 

On days 32-35 I swam out of the ship but  I heard someone calling me. I looked down   and saw some crabs hiding under  some coral. I swam down to them. “Hey are you looking for the trident piece?” “Yeah, how did you know?”

“We’ve seen a lot of fish come  this way, not nearly as brave as   you. Most have retreated. But this  isn’t the ship you’re looking for.” “So I gathered.” All of a sudden the crabs shrieked and scurried  away. I looked behind me and saw the scuba diver! “You’re not getting me today!”

Then he took out a harpoon and shot me! It  paralyzed me and I sank to the ocean floor! “Oh no!” I struggled but couldn’t get up. Then  I saw one of the crabs crawl out of   the sand and give me a milk bottle  which cleared the paralysis effect! . “Go!”

I swam toward the scuba diver, creating  a wall of bubbles so he couldn’t see.   He dropped something and I hurried to  grab it before racing back to the crabs. “Hurry! You can come with me!” The crabs rushed out of their hole, and  together we hurried towards the base. 

On days 36-39 we arrived back at the base.   I realized that I had picked up a flashlight.  Maybe it would come in handy later. I started on a little house  for the crabs to live in.   They were super grateful that I had helped them. “Hey, the ship you’re looking for is sunken into  

The depths of the drop off. At  least that’s what we’ve heard.” This was great news! “Except it’s guarded by a HUGE monster.  Nobody has been able to get into the ship.” Okay, less great news. But I needed to do  some things before I left. I worked on the  

Statue for a little while, planting new  sea cucumbers as I went. It was starting   to look a little more like I wanted. On day 40-43 Gill told us that his   friend Flo needed help. We invited  her into the dome and heard her out.

“My friend Peach, she’s a lobster.  She was taken by some eels. They   had been terrorizing her for food but when she  couldn’t give them anymore, they kidnapped her!” “I can help her! Just tell me where to go.” Flo directed me to a small sunken statue  that the eels liked to hang around.

“She’s probably there. Please go help her!” I promised I would, and I headed out. I made sure  to be stealthy as I went along. After a while,   I saw the statue Flo had told me about. It  looked like a human holding some sort of bowl.  

Sure enough, there were a bunch of eels, and a  colorful lobster sitting in the bowl. I charged. “Hey! You give her back!” The eels reared up and went to attack.  There were a lot of them and they were   getting hits in! I barely managed it  but soon after, they were all gone!

“Thanks for saving me Mr.!” “No problem! I’m a friend of Flo’s.” “Oh thank goodness!” I noticed a small hole in the base  of the statue and looked inside.   There was a chest full of prismarine  crystals and one shaped prismarine! “Nice!”

I headed out with Peach back to our base.  Once we arrived, Flo was super happy to see   her friend. They thanked me and then I went  right to making Peach a little home. I then   made something for Flo as well! Then I took the  prismarine crystals I had found and smelted them  

Into shaped prismarine. Then I used that to  make some new prismarine weapons and armor. “Sweet! Now I’m ready to take on that monster.”  On days 44-49 I swam to the drop off and  looked down. It sure was dark down there. “Oh wait! I have a flashlight!”

I took out the flashlight I had grabbed from  the scuba diver, and turned it on. It worked! I started to swim down into the depths. I  was swimming for a long time when I finally   started to see a ship. Then I saw something  moving toward me! It was a goblin shark!

“Nope, not today.” I took out my sword and braced myself. The goblin  shark attacked but I created my wall of bubbles,   distracting it. I hurried and swam into the ship,  turning off my flashlight. It was pitch black. “Hey is someone there?”

A voice was whispering from the corner.  I didn’t dare turn my flashlight on yet. “I’m a friend. I’m looking for  the missing trident piece.” “Is that what this is? I thought it was  just a fancy stick. But I did manage to  

Grab it. I snuck past the goblin shark to  get in, but I haven’t been able to get out!” “Why are you down here?” “I’m a treasure hunter. I heard there was some  stuff down here but nobody mentioned the shark!” “I’ll get us out of here, don’t  you worry. Just follow the sound  

Of my voice, then when I say swim, you swim!” “Okay!” We found an opening and I  turned on the flashlight. “SWIM!” We swam up as fast as we could. The other  fish behind me kept whispering to himself. “Just keep swimming, just keep  swimming, just keep swimming…” After what seemed like forever,  

We finally got up past the drop off.  I finally looked at the other fish. “I’m Bloat!” He was a pufferfish, and he seemed really   tired. He was also holding what I  assumed was part of the trident. “Here take this! I don’t want it!”

He gave me the pole piece and I studied  it. It looked like it had carvings on it. “Hey thanks for saving me by  the way. That was gnarly!” “Of course. How about we get  back to my base so you can rest.” “Sounds good to me!”

And with that, we headed back to the base.  On days 50-53 I helped Bloat get  comfortable at the base and then   I headed back out to look for some more pieces  of the trident. Someone had to know something.

On my way out and about, I saw a huge  crater in the sea bottom. There were   sharks swimming all around, including the  one from the first shipwreck I had gone to.   It looked like they had someone  trapped in a cage of some sort. “Hey! You let them go!”

I raced down with my improved swimming  abilities and attacked the first shark.   I was able to take him out and then went to  attack his friends. After just a few moments   I was able to fend them all off. I went up  to the cage and noticed another shark inside. “Ah!”

I went to swim away but he called out to me. “Hey wait, don’t leave me! I won’t eat you!” I swam back to him, a bit apprehensively. “You don’t eat fish?” “No! Fish are friends, not food!” “Oh. That’s nice to hear.” I unlocked the cage and let the small shark out.

“Thank you! All those other sharks  were making fun of me and decided   it would be hilarious if they put me in a cage…” “I’m so sorry they did that to you.” He nodded. “What brings you all the way out here?”

I told him all about the scuba diver  and the legendary trident I was trying   to put together again. I showed him part of  the trident I had. The shark got excited. “Say, I have something that looks like that!”

The shark, whose name I learned was Bruce, swam a  little further into the crater. There was a little   alcove that held a small chest. I opened it, and  sure enough, there was a piece of the trident! “Wow thanks!” “No problem! The sharks found that here but  

They figured it was just some sort of  fancy stick. But we kept it anyway.” I tried to put the pieces together, but  nothing happened. I would probably need   all of the pieces before it would meld back  together. I invited Bruce back to the base.

“We might need to expand it  a little bit since you are   bigger than most of the oher fish living there.” “I’ll be sure to help out!” We headed back to the base, ready  to make some big renovations.  On days 54-57 Bruce and I arrived  back at the base. At first everyone  

Was a little scared of Bruce, but  after a while they all started to   warm up to him. They even helped  me make some improvements for him! We built another dome attached to the main dome.   This way people could have  more space for themselves.

I also made myself a little chest to store  the trident pieces in. I didn’t want to carry   them all the time and risk someone stealing  them from me while I was outside the dome. I was about to make some more improvements to  the base when Dory swam right up next to me.

“Hello! Could I get your help with something!” “Sure Dory, what is it?” “…Oh I just forgot…” She swam away for a little bit  then came back a moment later. “I remember! Could you help  me find some purple shells?” “Purple shells?” “Yes. It’s very important.”

It was an odd request but I decided to help her.  We ventured out together and found a dozen or so   shells in varying sizes. We went back to the  base and I gave Dory the shells I had found. “What are they for?” “You’ll see!”

She left for a while, and I thought  she had completely forgotten about the   shells. It wasn’t until later  that she swam back up to me. “I have something for you!” She held out a necklace  made of some purple shells. “Oh wow, thanks Dory!” I put it on, and I actually felt happier.

“You’re a good friend.” Dory hugged me and then swam  away. What a cute friend.  On days 58-62 I gathered some more supplies  for the statue. Flo and Gill even helped me   with gathering and building some parts  of it. It was looking really nice.

We were heading back inside the  dome when we noticed that there   were some of the scuba diver’s  minion fish attacking the base! “Get away you traitors!” I smacked them with my sword. I swam around and noticed that  everyone was there, except Bloat.

I looked in his house and noticed a note.  It was from the scuba diver telling him   to look for the legendary item at  the ship and to infiltrate my base! Bloat was a traitor! I hurried and  went to the chest near my cave and   just as I suspected, the trident pieces were gone!

I went back to base and told everyone  that Bloat stole the trident pieces. Everyone saw how upset I was and  started to all talk at the same   time. It was a little too much for  me, so I went into my cave to think. “What am I going to do now?”

I looked at Bloat’s note again  and noticed something on the   back. There was a map with a location circled. “This must be where he is going next! I’ve  got to stop him before it’s too late!” 

On days 63-66 I traveled to the location on the  map. It was a rock formation with all kinds of   coral growing on it. Then a fish emerged  from the coral. He had blended right in! “Get away from here! We  don’t want any more trouble!”

He tried to bat at me with  his fins but I backed up. “Trouble? I’m here to stop all the trouble!” The fish looked at me again. “I’m looking for the third trident piece. I was  led here with a map. Do you know where it is?.”

“Yeah, I do. But some other fish  came by a little while ago asking   the same question.. In fact, some  of them said they would be back…” Just then I saw the minion fish  swimming up to us. I drew my sword. “Stop bothering these innocent fish!”

I charged and attacked. Before  long, they were all gone. “That was impressive!” I swam back to the camouflage fish. “Here I think you need this after that fight.” He handed me a burger, and said it  was a krabby patty, whatever that was. “Thanks, so can you tell me  where the trident piece is?”

“It’s hiding in the lair of a large  glow squid. It’s basically impossible   to get to but that pufferfish and  his goons might have a chance.” That must’ve been Bloat. The fish told me exactly where the lair  was and I swam as fast as my fins would go. 

On days 67-70 I made it to the  lair of the large glow squid,   it was an old underwater temple. Outside of it  were some minion fish. They looked like they   were guarding it. Then I saw Bloat and a few  more minion fish emerge from the large cave. I charged at them.

“You traitor! I thought you were my friend!” Bloat saw me and got scared. He tried to hide  behind the minion fish, but I easily took a   few of them out. Bloat tried to swim away,  but I smacked him with my sword. He looked  

At me angrily and then he puffed up! I felt a  sharp pain in my side, and then I blacked out.  On days 71-74 I woke up. I felt really sick and  there was a pain in my side. I looked and I saw  

One of Bloat’s needles lodged in between  my stripes. I pulled it out and groaned. “Ouch…” I knew I needed to check the lair so I swam down  and saw an alcove with a chest. It was empty. “Bloat must’ve gotten the  item before I blacked out.”

I didn’t have much strength, so I ate some kelp.  I felt so sick and knew I needed to get back to   the base to rest up. I made the long journey  home, wondering what my next move would be. 

On days 75-78 I made it back to the base, and  rested for a little while. Once I was feeling   more like myself, I made some improvements  to the base. I added to the domes and made   some lights. I also started on a new  dome in case we had more fish arrive.

I was about to clean out Bloat’s  little alcove when I heard a weird   noise outside the dome. I went  out to see, and it was Bloat! “What are you doing here!?” “I was trying to sneak back in to get  some of my things! Get out of my way!”

“You traitor! You aren’t welcome here!” I lunged at Bloat, making a wall  of bubbles to distract him. Then   I slashed at him with my sword. I  wasn’t going to let him knock me   out again. He was very disoriented  and before long, I took him out.

Then, just like before, I felt my strength surge   and I leveled up into an adult  clownfish! I now had 15 hearts! “Yeah, I’m unstoppable!” I looked up and noticed that Bloat had dropped  something. I was hoping that it was part of the  

Trident but it looked like a paper. He must’ve  already given the trident pieces to the scuba   diver. I looked closer at the paper and  realized it was a map of where the scuba   diver docked his boat. It looked like it was on  a schedule and switched every couple of days.

“This is good information!” I also checked out Bloat’s alcove and sure enough,   I found some good stuff like refined  prismarine ingots and some healing potions. “This is just what I need!” I felt bad about Bloat, but ultimately he had made   his choice. Hopefully now it would  be easier to defeat the scuba diver. 

On day 79-84 I traveled to the next  location where the scuba diver’s   boat was supposed to be. I looked around  the seaweed field and there was…no boat. “Hmmm I wonder where it could be.” I waited it out for a little while but  then I noticed a little movement in the  

Seaweed. I drew my sword in preparation,  but then a little sea turtle popped out. “Woah, don’t hurt me!” “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m looking for  the boat that’s supposed to be here right now.” “Oh yeah that usually leaves here in  the early morning, so you’re late.”

“Okay well I guess I should go track him down.” “Wait, could you help me first? Something fell  out of the boat when the scuba diver left.   I’ve been tracking him ever since he stole  my dad. I think that it might be important.” I felt sorry for this little guy. So many fish  

And sea creatures were suffering just  because the scuba diver was selfish. “Of course I’ll help.” We looked through the seaweed for a little   longer before I saw something  partially buried in the sand. “Hey I found it!” The little sea turtle swam over to  me and we looked at the paper. It  

Was a map just like mine with  the boat docking locations,   but there had been a change. The boat was  heading for one other stop and then my reef! “He’ll be there in just a few days. I  need to go back and warn everybody.”

I invited the little turtle to come along  with me. I learned his name was Squirt. “Thanks for helping me!” “No problem! We’ll get your dad back Squirt.” We made our way out of the  seaweed and back to the base. 

On days 85-89 Squirt and I were about to reach the  base when Jacques waved me over. I swam up to him. “I heard you needed some help.” “From who?” “It doesn’t matter. I just hear these things.  You need a way to get on the boat, right?” “Until I can find the trident, yeah.”

Jacques went into his hole and then  pulled out some sort of helmet. “This could hold you while  you’re out on the ship.” “Wow, this is actually really  helpful, Jacques. Thanks!” He seemed really pleased with himself and  I invited him to live at the base again. He  

Finally agreed! He had a lot of stuff hidden in  his hole, but after a few trips he was settled   in.To thank me for helping him move in  he gave me a smithing table and some   paintings. It was good to have friends. On days 90-94 I made some upgrades.

I went to work smithing my prismarine sword  using the refined prismarine ingots I had   found in Bloat’s things. It made my sword  much stronger! I also reforged my armor. “Wow, this is amazing! Too bad Bloat had to  be a traitor. We would’ve made a good team.”

I also worked on some more improvements  around the base. The domes were looking   awesome. Hopefully it would be safe enough from  the scuba diver and whatever his plans might be.  On days 95-97 we finally finished the statue! It  

Looked amazing and I was super proud of  all of my friends for helping me out. I was admiring the statue  when Squirt swam up to me. “That kind of looks like my dad!” “That’s so cool! I love sea turtles. I  always wanted to meet one, and now I have!” “Sweet dude.” “Totally.”

It was a nice little moment. On day 98 I made my final preparations   to get to the boat. Squirt volunteered  to lead me to the scuba diver’s boat. “It’ll be awesome dude. Just leave it to me!” I gave the map to Squirt and  we made our final preparations.

“Hey, before we go kick some scuba diver bum,   be sure to subscribe! We want you to  see the cool stuff we’ll do next!” And with that, we headed toward the surface. On day 99 we swam up toward the boat together.  

There were some minion fish along the way, but  with my new sword, we took them out easily. We made it to the back of the boat and I  threw down the item Jacques gave me which   turned into a fish mech suit! I swam into  the head which was built like a fishbowl,  

Letting me breathe even when  outside of the water. I got on   the boat with Squirt and we looked  around. The boat was pretty big. “It might take some time  before we find our families.” We looked around the lower  deck and then went up the  

Stairs to the upper deck. There  were some fish tanks up there. “Dad!” I saw him immediately, his orange  scales shimmering among the other fish. “Hey! I told you to stay safe down below!” “No dad, I’m done hiding. The reef needs  protecting, and I’m going to be the one to do it.”

He seemed taken aback, but then he smiled at me. “I’m so proud of you.” And with that, I broke the fish tanks,   scooping the fish into buckets I found  and throwing them back into the ocean. “Hey Squirt!” I looked and saw a larger tank with a sea turtle! “Dad!”

I broke that tank as well,  letting Squirt’s dad out. “Rad man. Thanks for the assist.” “Of course Mr…?” “Crush man.” “Crush.” Crush and Squirt thanked me and jumped  overboard with the rest of the fish. I   saw my dad looking at me from the water’s surface. “Look out!”

I turned around and saw some seagulls. They  were trying to grab me out of the fish bowl!  On day 100 I fought off the  seagulls. They kept screeching at me,   but I didn’t care. I needed to find the trident.

I maneuvered around the seagulls and after a  few hits, the rest of them flew away scared. “How pathetic.” We turned and saw the scuba  diver, no longer in his gear.   But he had the trident in his hands!  He had managed to put it together! “It’s time for you to leave the reef.”

“Not a chance.” The scuba diver ran at me, ready to strike. I  aimed for his hand that’s holding the trident   and hit him with my sword. He dropped the  trident, and I rushed toward it on the floor. All of a sudden I felt an amazing  power flow through my body,  

The suit powered up and grew in size.  I felt so much stronger and faster. “NO!” The scuba diver ran away toward a  room. He shut the door behind him. “Coward! Come out and fight me!”

I thought he was trying to get away, but then  I heard a loud noise. He broke open the door,   revealing himself in an even bigger diving  suit! He had one hand that shot harpoons,   and the other was some sort of electric fist.

The scuba diver was scary! But I  wasn’t going to let that stop me. “This ends here!” I charged, and so did the scuba diver.  We exchanged lots of blows with our   weapons, but then I decided to have some  fun. I urged the water to create a giant  

Wave that rocked the boat. I also summoned  the lightning to come down from the sky,   striking the diver. He was looking pretty  rough and I wasn’t making it easy for him. “You’re just a fish! I’m a  human! You will never defeat me!”

I channeled the power of the storm into the  trident before throwing it at him one last time,   summoning a huge bolt of lightning. The  sky boomed with thunder and there was a   huge flash of light. When it subsided, I saw  that the diver was gone! I had defeated him! “Yeah!”

I raised the trident in triumph  before swimming back down to the   base. Everyone cheered as they saw  me. The reef was finally safe and   I was back with my dad. Everything  was back to the way it should be.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as FINDING NEMO in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-01-04 22:15:01. It has garnered 1863685 views and 11233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:03 or 2043 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as NEMO from the movie FINDING NEMO in Hardcore Minecraft! In this Minecraft adventure, it’s my dad Marlin who gets captured, and it’s up to me, Nemo, to save him from the evil diver. I will meet cool friends like Dory, Bruce, and Squirt!

#minecraft #100days #findingnemo

Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos:

  • Unlimited Egg Hunt with Jericho Orlanda

    Unlimited Egg Hunt with Jericho Orlanda The Hunt – Infinite Egg Animation Jericho Orlanda: The Multi-Talented YouTuber Jericho Orlanda, a popular YouTuber, is known for his diverse content ranging from playing Friday Night Funkin’ mods to exploring Roblox, Minecraft, and Nintendo Switch games. One of his notable creations is the “VS Jericho” mod for Friday Night Funkin’. Exploring Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players like Jericho Orlanda embark on exciting adventures, building, crafting, and exploring endless possibilities. From mining resources to battling mobs, Minecraft offers a unique sandbox experience that captivates gamers of all ages. Minecraft End One of the intriguing aspects of… Read More

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Challenges and Rewards!

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  • Trotuserver: Roleplay, Semi-vanilla, SMP, Geopolitics, Lore, International, Whitelist, 1.20+

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  • DynastyMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – Village Raid Alert! What’s the move?

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  • Escape the Prison of Boredom – Join Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Build Byers House in Minecraft!

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  • Mush Will Keep You Awake All Night!

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    UNBELIEVABLE KEYBOARD GAMERS - LIVE MINECRAFT MAYHEM!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดMINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-02-21 05:07:46. It has garnered 235 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:39 or 6639 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดMINECRAFT LIVE | MINI-GAMES AND BEDWARS | MINECRAFT insta :- To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP Now Server For Minecraft PC (JAVA) – :… Read More

  • Nova – Insane Speed Hack in Bedwars! #hypixel

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  • Minecraft Rap – Craziest Beat Remix Ever!

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  • Arcane Realm

    Arcane RealmGrief-Protected Survival – but the worldline is unstable and there are natural disasters. SUNZONE – MOONLANDS Choose your timeline! Sky Racing Dungeons -1.18+ Bedrock Compatible Read More

  • Mildew RP | Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Java Roleplay Discord 18+ Whitelist

    “The sky is far from a limit. So why don’t we paint the stars?” Mildew RP is a brand new Minecraft roleplay server based around the lore of Minecraft with a unique spin. Play as one of eight species, each with different mobs to inspire your character. The lore is based on the game itself, allowing for builds from any time period. Let your imagination run wild within the server world. Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost in my own damn house

    Minecraft Memes - Lost in my own damn house2015 Minecraft be like “I survived a creeper explosion without crying, what’s your excuse?” Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: Base Expansion Race!

    Hardcore Minecraft: Base Expansion Race! In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a mission, To make my base the best, it’s my ambition. Expanding it now, with blocks and beams, Creating a fortress, beyond my dreams. With each new room, I feel the power, My base growing stronger, by the hour. From the walls to the roof, I build with care, In this Minecraft world, nothing can compare. So join me on this journey, as I expand, In Minecraft Hardcore, where I make my stand. Subscribe to my channel, for more to see, As I craft and build, in this world so free. Read More

  • Only 9% of Minecraft Players Know This… And It’s Lava! #shorts

    Only 9% of Minecraft Players Know This... And It's Lava! #shorts Only 9% of Minecraft players know that the real treasure in the game is finding diamonds without accidentally falling into lava! #shorts Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Ben 10 Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an active community, unique gameplay features, and regular events, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out this awesome YouTube video showcasing an incredible Ben 10 addon. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind, it’s a testament to the creativity and excitement that Minecraft can bring. So why should you join Minewind? Well, with a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily… Read More

  • Ultimate Pumpkin & Melon Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pumpkin & Melon Farm in Minecraft! Double Pumpkin & Melon Farm (Automatic) with Corridor! Minecraft Are you looking to maximize your pumpkin and melon production in Minecraft while keeping things organized and easily accessible? Look no further! This design features a double automatic farm with a convenient pass-through corridor in the middle, making it a space-saving and efficient solution for all players, whether you’re a beginner or an expert! Key Features: 1. Easy-to-follow building guide: This design comes with a step-by-step guide that will help you set up your double automatic farm quickly and efficiently. 2. Automatic harvesting with redstone: Say goodbye to manual harvesting!… Read More

  • Unlock EPIC Minecraft Hacks – Pixel Builders Guild

    Unlock EPIC Minecraft Hacks - Pixel Builders GuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ง Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (102)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-10 05:34:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ› ๏ธWelcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! ๐Ÿ‘‡ Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ”ง In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIT OF MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MotionIP on 2024-02-29 14:05:03. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:31 or 2491 seconds. MotionIP Roblox Content Creator! Roblox Funny Moments! Roblox Evade Funny Moments! Roblox tips and tricks videos! MY OTHER VIDEOS: ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING FAIL: ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING MONKE: ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING MOMENTS: ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING NOO: ROBLOX SHADOW BOXING #robloxshadowboxing #roblox #robloxevade #grimace #robloxfunnymoments #robloxgames #robloxconga #conga #shorts ignore tags: evade,roblox,roblox funny,roblox funny moments,roblox meme,evade roblox,evade bhop,evade game,evade stunts,evade tips,evade tricks,evade… Read More

  • UNCOVERING SECRETS: Oldest Minecraft Server!

    UNCOVERING SECRETS: Oldest Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘*EXPLORING* Minecrafts Oldest Server’, was uploaded by AvithYT on 2024-05-05 17:00:02. It has garnered 666 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:45 or 345 seconds. โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• Enjoy, make sure to subscribe so we reach 200 subs can’t do it without technoblade big inspiration #minecraft #Minecraft bedrock #minecraft bedwars #minecraft pvp #minecraft Skywars #minecraft bridging Read More

  • Cypher DESTROYS Opponent ๐Ÿ’ฅ… (Hypixel)

    Cypher DESTROYS Opponent ๐Ÿ’ฅ... (Hypixel)Video Information This video, titled ‘He stood no chance ๐Ÿ’€…#hypixel’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-05-01 17:02:51. It has garnered 1535 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at Minemen club. It was super fun and super intense. My opponent stood no chance against me. But this video and everything is just for entertainment purposes so no hate to my opponent and keep it respectful everyone. Join my discord server… Read More

  • Uncover the Lost Minecraft Relic with Mr. Waffle!

    Uncover the Lost Minecraft Relic with Mr. Waffle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Adventure Maps – A Relic Of The Past?’, was uploaded by Mr. Waffle on 2024-03-16 04:00:42. It has garnered 12302 views and 568 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. Remember Minecraft adventure maps? Those were pretty cool Music used: Into the Galaxy – Super Mario Galaxy 1 PM – Animal Crossing City Folk World 1 – Super Mario 3D World Gliding by Issac Wilkins Mr. Resetti – Animal Crossing New Donk City – Super Mario Odyssey Game Select – Super Mario 3D World + Bowserโ€™s Fury My Discord server:… Read More