Insane Gaming Feat: Scaling 1K+ Blocks LIVE

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For Hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello it is I steel cat welcome back to indiv plus another stream another Another Saturday another Saturday and I am still I am still in that temporary apartment that I may have mentioned in the past streams I’m still here in this temporary apartment I might

Never leave I might die here I don’t know but they’re like they’re like re I don’t know it’s taking longer than expected for the renovation of my apartment I don’t know why maybe they’re kind of spread thin or whatever but yeah so um also like an airplane just went

Over outside and it kind of sounded like one of those cave noises in game that was weird anywh who um so we’re here we’re here in the game we’re gaming and as is pretty clear by the oh my goodness here comes the fog D dooo is he out there is he out there

Is it him is it did I just see him was he over there I don’t know any um there’s the sign I use sometimes okay so today we need to like put some things away and get organized because we’re going to uh we’re going to our deaths today

Basically that’s that’s the plan really um hold on hold on I just got a text let me check okay uh yeah I just I just got a package delivered at my at my actual apartment just now live on stream uh and it’s kind of an important package

Uh um do you all mind if I like come back in five minutes cuz this is kind of an important package I need to go pick up and then we can get back no no we’re going to do this we’re going to do this we’re going

To stream and then I go pick up the package I’ll just I’ll just hope that nothing happens um necklace of the sea uh yeah I know bro moment right so uh let’s let’s I I am I I got so distracted by that let’s let’s get some

Emeralds cuz I need to make some armor I need to put away I need to put away these for now I know nothing more important than indf plus it’s it’s it’s a really important package trust me me this is a moment in life uh we’re going to take we’re going to take some

More dirt and you know what else we’re going to take we’re going to take ladders we’re going to take ladders uh like a like a crap ton of ladders so do I have the wood to make a crap ton of ladders uh I haven’t really been farming

Wood like I should but I do have some wood I can make some sticks yeah yes yes my girlfriend came in the mail today um finally i’ I’ve been waiting for a while [Laughter] um method oh my goodness oh my goodness any uh wow that was not very many

Ladders for all those sticks oh jeez oh jeez um I can take like half of these half of these make it all into planks make all of that into sticks I’m going to like run out of room like really fast here I got music stuck in my head too free virtual

Girlfriend Des carer the desar what what is des carer I don’t even know what that is Oak planks here we go let’s uh let’s make some more I get music stuck in my head I I can’t get it out it’s uh it’s my new favorite band dirt poor

Robins I can’t I can’t I can’t get their music out of my head all of a sudden it’s not a bad thing necessarily it’s just one of them things in life you know like oh man there’s this music yo download download in Spanish the funny language what why is Spanish the funny language

Oh stream’s barely started and we’re already getting weird any who okay be right back says method all righty all righty all righty so we’re gonna we’re going to do some things in in the game in in the world of gaming my my Bros um yeah that’s right the one last thing I need

To do is I need to make some more armor okay brand new boots very good put those emeralds away I don’t want to lose any valuables obviously going to take these for extra yeah for replacing those as they get damaged uh okay I’m going to want my bow for

Sure in this particular case and I don’t really need my golden axe on this trip where’s my bow where’s a good bow and um I have the aminium quiver for now but when I run out I’ll want some arrows and I don’t really need torches for this

Trip per se so and there’s a workbench just in case I need to craft something real quick not that I have anything to craft with so it doesn’t really matter let’s just put the workbench away hello Ariel n Noto hello welcome all righty coal I don’t need

This extra coal either I don’t need these sticks or this coal it won’t do me any good to have with me on this trip so okay okay no no blood moon on its way how am I today I am okay I’m okay I have a package a very important package that

Just came in the mail uh but I’m in like a different apartment right now cuz my actual apartment is being renovated so I’m just going to sit here and do this and once we’re done streaming I’m going to go get the package after the stre tree this is what’s going to happen this

This is this is what we’re doing today so look look there’s my palm trees all covered in snow that’s cool anywh who um we are going to look over this one more time do I have any extra food not I have a golden apple uh I guess I could bring

It I don’t know man I don’t know okay okay we’re going to go save and quit single player and we’re going to go to stack land here we go how exciting all right here we are we’re in stack land and stack land is a wonderful place

Where oh jeez look at the harbees flying up above me already I’m going to die like instantly okay I think our best bet is just going to be to open up a whole in the roof to get started here open up a big hole in the roof there we

Go and okay that that wasn’t the right place to put the hole in the roof hold on there we go big hole in the roof so I can kind of see what’s going on up here wowers hello hello everything okay this is exciting so the berry bush just found a nice

Nice okay let’s set let’s set a barrel down and grab out some dirt no no no no no not like that not like that no like that let’s grab out all this dirt uh I need to set some other barrels down on the ground too let’s just set like all

These barrels down right now to get started because I’m GNA like come I don’t want to lose I don’t want to fall and then lose all this dirt so we going to set these down for now I mean dirt isn’t exactly a valuable commodity but in this case it kind of kind of

Is oh and I forget I forgot to mention why are we doing this in case anyone’s wondering what’s going on it’s it’s for an achievement achievements challenges top of the world reach the maximum World height that’s what we’re trying to do at the beginning of this stream

We can probably do this one as well later uh but yeah so maximum World height is 10,24 so we create a world with 10,24 World height and this is what we got and we spawn at the bottom and I could just make another world and cheese

This and make it easy but I don’t want to do it that way I want to I want I want the challenge I want to overcome and and and do this stuff so yeah that’s what we’re going to do uh so that’s where I’ve been grabbing my dirt here we

Go and let’s put my extra armor away don’t want to lose that oh I don’t even need my golden shovel with me what the heck all right yeah I got a lot of Barrels in my little mini base right now okay here we go it begins it

Begins oh boy so do I want to like make ladders as I go like what what am I doing here okay that’s good I think I want to make ladders as I go just in case I fall down down oh dear we already got a live one does it see me

Yet does it see me yet oh hello method you’re back I am uh I’m in the little Hut here and I’ve got my barrels of dirt all around and already I I you can see the challenge that is before me these harpies um I could bridge over to

That and it’d be a little easier to climb up on the inside without having to battle mobs that something I could do yeah that’s an option so let’s put that right there okay keep an eye on those harpies make a bridge over to that okay I don’t know where the harpies went

To um I got a lot of dirt on me I don’t want to drop any of it there’s a harpy there’s a harpy is it going to shoot any feathers at me does it see me does it know I’m here it just despawned okay you know what that

Works okay let’s there’s only one way to do this and that’s to do it oh this is nerve-wracking just bridging over the void ah and then the music comes in scared me for a second but it’s good Calon music okay place a torch ah look at that a nice bridge to

Begin with and let’s uh let’s kind of make it safer here we go yeah this will this will be a little better I’ll be uh able to more safely cross these Bridges and stuff yeah there we go look at that There we go this is just going to be a bunch of dirt Scaffolding in this place tons of it um but yeah yeah this this will be good so at least if I get shot at I’m not going to fall in this area also it’ probably be good somewhere

In this process if I could kill a couple of harpies get their feathers and make a pair of boots cuz then if I get knocked off and start falling I can just float back down to a safe spot and be fine in theory that would be

Good so yeah any who it’s a good thing there it’s not like it’s not like the gas which can explode stuff like this so at least we don’t have to worry in that sense okay so now I’m going to want to climb basically directly through this so oh

Hello okay just dig straight up and yeah you’re right yeah no no fall damage so yeah that makes sense okay let’s get a ladder wait hold on oh this this yeah these ladders work a little differently you got to like W oh no no no no no we’re already having

Ladder problems instant ladder problems okay then I guess we’re going to want to really oh man this is going to suck can we have pet fish I don’t know I don’t think there’s pet fish in this mod no no all right we’re uh kind of in a safe

Climbing section at this point so now’s a good time to say uh hello everyone how is your Saturday we got about uh a week till Christmas basically which is just crazy hard to believe that time has flown this fast but it has it’s been rather short Advent season

But uh that’s just because of the the way the days worked out so oh no I I put that in the wrong place no come back ladder okay here we go just going all the way down the ladder okay there’s going to be a lot of that I’m afraid emeralds yes

Indeed 0.3 by the end of the year yes that’s going to be like everybody’s everybody’s uh New Year’s uh thing it’s G to be 0.3 0.3 is going to be epic and then once you add stuff within those biomes that’s going to be super epic like 0.3 is going to be super cool

But it’s going to be mostly just just kind of empty is biomes but once you get to 0.4 there’s going to be stuff in those biomes that’s going to be like double cool but yeah the stuff that’s been worked on so far is incredible I got to

Say ah here we are we reached a that’s that’s not where the dirt I wanted to break but whatever okay wonderful look at this all Righty oh I’m out of ladders but that’s okay I made it up here oh crap crap where are you where are you I can’t even see the stupid thing it keeps going behind me or something ow oh there’s two of them crap they’re like silent when they shoot that’s the problem

Okay where are they what is that a flower there’s a flower sitting right there that’s interesting where did they go where I think because of how narrow the world is they despawn super easy they just wander outside the uh and just wander outside the world

Border super easy cuz we’re in a 64x 64 world uh just max height so okay that works takes care of that problem I I would have rather killed them maybe get their feathers but uh oh well like volume said no I heard their uh I heard their other sounds audio mobs are off

Okay I don’t know why mobs are I never turned mobs off I don’t know whatever back to game or did I turn mobs off I don’t know I don’t know why I would have turned mobs off but uh anywh who any who mob sounds are now back back on like they

Should be like they should be louder than that like a 50% 50% mob sounds yeah there we go okay okay for some reason I M muted it I I whatever anywho probably doing something something else uh there we go flower okay we can continue building up straight from here

No problem I just got to get some dirt in my hands and I’ve got a bit of climbing to do great okay so I want I also want uh ladders in my other hand here there we go my face when yes my this very much of my face

When moment that we just had here on stream okay there’s a harpy down there it’s stuck I mean I can just pillar up but I left all my dirt supplies down there because if I die I don’t want to lose absolutely everything all at once I mean you’re not wrong

But I also don’t have if I do that I don’t have a way of getting back down which is what worries me that’s that’s why I’m bothering to do this I want to be able to get back down to my stuff course I could just World switch

Do it that way but that feels like cheating of course it’s not like I haven’t done it before okay BRB six months ago you played a server hold on I can’t really read that right now I’m I hear a spider that’s not good if I get knocked off I’m so dying

Crap that thing is really close thankfully it keeps hitting my dirt block right now that was scary okay oh this is terrifying no no no no no no no not that one woo that was terrifying okay wow uh get that there we go okay okay okay go up I can’t see

Anything I need to see I need to place a torch somewhere there we go it’s a little better clearly there’s a cave or something somewhere where the spiders are spawning in so that’s great actually I don’t even want to delete that hold on want to get rid of that instead

Now cuz I want to get up in here okay hold on yeah no end there’s going to be a Skyland and the slip which is kind of like an older concept for the nether kind of deal okay okay okay we’re safe mostly we are slowly making our

Way okay that scared the crap out of me uhoh I hear mobs dear okay okay there’s there’s okay I killed one where’s this other one why can’t I hit this thing ow that that has a lot of knockback I need to get back my hole holy

Crap I hit that I shot at the thing like with 800 freaking arrows and nothing happened like not one hit it charge at me charge at me it’s the reverse knockback that’s going to kill me cuz it knocks me up out of the hole come on there we go got

Him uh feather no feather pretty sure okay wow uh food we might have to go back for food pretty that’s not what I wanted yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do for food once I run out of this I’m going to have to go back and

Farm again I need to do that more consistently I I just keep Forgetting yeah yeah Legacy plus is a it’s a big project for a small small team still developing faster than than modern Minecraft okay let’s go down and just double check if it dropped anything but I’m not I’m not seeing it yeah I’m not seeing a feather okay we shall continue on then

Until until Health Bec comes an issue I have two bread left and that’s it and a long way to go let’s check F3 just a curiosity where are we y 83 I think you’re right method like I’m probably just going to have to like once we get to the top at

The very least I’m going to have to just just uh Whatchamacallit and actually now that I’m looking at it I can probably even if I fall off I can probably land on a cloud somewhere so I think what I need to do is I need to go get my

Dirt the rest of my supplies which are all the way down there and uh keep them with me and wow this is like a really slow fall hello don’t see me lovely music all righty oh look emeralds okay ow I just broke armor what the heck okay well it’s a

Good thing I have more armor right here there we go I’m about to break my leggings pretty soon I may as well keep the other pair of leggings on me at this point as far as dirt goes yeah I need to just let’s just uh okay I need to keep anything extra in

This one so what would be extra that I don’t I don’t need a lighter right now I don’t Need uh everything else is kind of useful so I’ll just keep everything else out and coal I’m just going to end up with more anyway so okay we’re going to have to Brave this that’s what we’re going to have to do there’s just no other way ow

Ow ow ow ow ow okay run run run run run run okay eat where are you ow there we go did it drop something nope darn it and I’m out of food now so uh I need to go back and get some more food so save and quit single player world one select

Level a we are not doing well so far bad actually instead of instead of trying to go back and get food over and over cuz I’m very limited on food right now I’m just going to get get a bed I’m going to get a bed bed

So we’re going we’re going to uh one two three okay here we go one two three one two three look at that I have a bed okay so this is my new strategy single player stack land select level okay when I need to heal I’ll find

A cubby hole or build a cubby hole out of dirt real quick and sleep in the bed and that that’s how I’m going to heal for now I’m just running for my life I’m not even going to look around to see if they’re here hello James we’re

Climbing we’re basically at y0 in our little Hut and we made it up to almost Y100 uh stacking up and that’s what we’re going to that’s what we’re doing that that’s what’s going on here so let’s uh I was doing a strategy involving like ladders and stuff but

I’ve decided Ed against that at this point and we’re just going to go up as quickly as possible it is the only way this is super slow there we go if I tap right really fast it’s much faster okay okay can I see please thank

You okay now it’s going to be dark for a minute but oh well oh hello nice little cubby here I hear things walking around that is mildly concerning I hear skeletons okay yeah that’s a little concern [Applause] it’s probably something up where I’m about to go crud oh hello

Okay that could have gone way worse so far not so bad emeralds I may as well grab these emeralds I don’t know why I didn’t grab the ones way down lower it’s too late now but uh now I have these emeralds so that’s cool any other good things to grab around

Here not really y value 128 woo we’re at 128 yeah we’re we’ve reached another uh 64-bit uh thing or whatever you know what I mean another uh binary value of significance wonderful okay I see that guy that that’s my goal it’s pretty far up there uh let’s just make sure I don’t

Run out of dirt in these hands okay right clicking as fast as I can while holding jump I am scared to death right now man I could so easily this could go so wrong so easy okay I have some clouds I can aim for if I fall right now so that’s [Applause] good

Okay okay we’re going to say safe spot kind of want to heal so I’m just going to dig out this little cubby real quick if I can place the bed somewhere please that’d be great okay place the bit place the place the bit what I don’t understand but whatever healing here we

Go okay grab a little drink of water Yeah the biome stuff for IND of plus is the best it’s like way cooler than vanilla biomes in my Opinion okay new little island spot lots of clouds I could get some clouds if I wanted to if I want to mine some clouds here are some clouds to mine what is that noise I’m hearing right now is that in the game I don’t know I think it might be outside F3 223

There’s another Heartbe I think uh that guy’s flying really close I’m nervous about him could we by chance get his attention and draw him down here somewhere that’d be nice I don’t think it’s going to happen nope hello hello I got some clouds to fall on so I’m not too worried

There oh actually we’re a little bit closer to this island than I thought we were yeah we’re actually really close hold on oh there’s another guy down there let’s not deal with him okay we’re in another Island I don’t know how many islands there are in total for this

Track there’s like five of them from if I remember right from the screenshot five or six okay here’s a nice spot how am I making it harder on myself I I’m I I’m scared man what if I fall to my death okay look man the part of the thing is

Like there’s this isn’t just a nice peaceful flat land there’s there’s harpies flying around waiting to kill me at any moment okay I’m completely in the dark right now can’t see a thing okay ah here we go at least there was only one piece of sand just now thankfully

Aha oh look at that a tree this is great yo steel hey what’s up meod play says wholesome why what what’s wholesome I’m doing all right we are at y level 274 and we have to make it to 1,24 oh my gosh it is it is only getting scarier the higher up I

Go oh man that’s is another little Island right there there’s two harpies dirt in hand put this away dirt in hand and we’re going to climb as fast as we freaking can what else are we going to do there’s plenty of clouds around to fall onto maybe if if I can make it

Don’t give up finger keep clicking I’m just really hoping the harpies can’t hit me while I’m doing this that they’ll just miss cuz I keep moving That’s My Hope okay there’s one okay okay new safe spot no your stream will get dmca for what what are you talking about what does that say

Stop [Laughter] singing oh so I can’t hum I can’t hum now I’ll get dmca that’s funny that’s hilarious yeah my stream will get DMC and I’m sorry if that actually went to court I’m pretty sure the judge would laugh them out of court this is a my face wi moment yes my

Stream is going to get my stream is going to get a Nintendo is going to sue me for that one yes yes I know I know I know what you’re thinking that’s not Nintendo why you’re making stupid jokes I don’t know there’s like a bunch of stuff up there right now it’s

Scary I hear cows and things like what the heck oh hello that was a good idea okay what about over here yep there’s some grass right there woo Okay any more bad mobs or are we good I think we’re good unless there’s a creeper about to sneak up on me okay where are we at 423 cool I think that’s the last Island up there back when you stream Mario 64 the jump sound got the stream

Claimed not the music it was specifically the long jump that is so stupid that is just dumb as heck so I can’t hum Indiana Jones or they’ll uh they’ll take away my birthday got it thank you now I know okay well guess I’ll keep going straight up speaking of

Music my new favorite band right now is called dirt poor Robins they got some interesting stuff to say the least okay yep no harpies around sun is straight up keep going here we go yeah dirt poor Robins it’s a oh don’t do that why did I just do that that was

Dumb okay hold on let me move to the center there we go I feel better now yeah they’re like a like a lot of their songs are kind of like ethereal Rock and stuff but they also have some weird stuff that sounds like uh like like eal ethereal Rock mixed

With like 19th century circus music or something it’s weird but I like it here we go now we’re going to make it guys we’re going to make it we’re going to make this achievement and then we’re going to do some other stuff it’s going to be good

Aha I think we’ve made it to the top yeah we pretty much have look at that oh I’m like losing armor left and right here uh hello look at it shaking its head like it’s kind of funny can I hit you from here oh look at that perfect that was a nice

Shot this thing is like tripping out okay there it goes flying around again it kind of stopped tripping which of course for me is a bit of a problem I’d rather I continued to do so ah yep how am I going to hit this thing now I don’t know if it matters

It’s just a straight shot to the top at this point oh the islands have stopped generating here at around 500 blocks up so that’s a little disappointing but whatever let’s just take a look at this is it’s kind of a nice green beautiful little island there’s a if we go up

Here there’s there’s some trees and stuff this is great this is fantastic I like this I like this place hello sir okay I really wish I could get your feather I really want the those boots so I could float back down from the top but

Uh I guess we’re just going to get to the top and oh he he’s gone okay we’re just going to get to the top and that’s going to be that basically we’re going to get the achievement in theory so uh yeah this is it let’s go we don’t have enough dirt blocks but

We’ve got our barrels of dirt blocks that we can work with I don’t know if harpies will spawn up here in the middle of nowhere they will they will spawn up here in the middle of Nowhere wow okay uh oh crap okay wow even following the genius strategy of just just whatever no it’s not going to work even though I was climbing as fast as I possibly could still screwed still still screwed okay can I reach over there put those away why do I have cloth

Boots where did these even come from I don’t know okay let’s uh let’s get some more dirt out cuz I’m going to need some more dirt in my hands to climb as fast as I possibly can okay I just have these slots completely filled with dirt right

Here that’s good okay we’ll put that away I’m Healed should have taken the L I’m sorry oh that was yeah that was uh save and quit back SA single player back to stack land okay can I fight this dude now do I have any hope of opposing this force that is after me

Ow there’s two of them oh feather feather feather feather feather feather feather feather get rid of something okay feather challenge complete Heavenly Hunter so I killed one of those guys with an arrow I think that’s the uh the goal there okay hold on do I have two of

Those so I’m going to save and quit single player world one cuz if I have two of those no I I think I used the other one to make a a a disc darn it well oh well hold on let’s let’s heal up a little okay save and quit single player

Back to stackl here we go okay okay okay I guess you should make some wall yeah some walls would be nice but I don’t think that’s really going to I would go that would make it so slow you can see the cloud height up there okay

Well there’s only one thing to do and that’s to try again I me what else am I going to do so here we go I did put my feather away at least I’m not going to lose anything genuinely really valuable come on okay we’re higher than we were before that’s a good

Sign yeah yeah she uh went outside the raner distance and disappeared that way let’s put F3 up get a live count of our y level here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on wow this is so we’re going fast but

We’re going slow at the same time the world is just disappearing beneath me we’re in day two in this world already come on let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh crap there’s a oh my gosh no no no no no don’t follow

Me please please don’t follow me I don’t want to fall from up here no that thing is totally following me 100% she’s going higher and higher as I go higher and higher no it’s not never mind okay never mind it it it wandered away nervous humming hopefully I don’t get dmca for

Whatever I was just humming come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh please okay pausing the game to readjust my hand here wow okay reenter grab these jump we’re so close we got like 100 blocks to go ocean variant with Stony spikes was not

A good idea for infv plus interesting come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes we did it we’re at the top of the world woo look at that F2 look at

That yeah top of the world yeah look at that okay so now here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to go to world one we’re going to we’re going to there an empty chest where’s my stuff I’m going to make a make a big empty chest real

Quick okay I’m going to put an chest uh right here for now dump everything in it wait no if I do this I’ll lose my points never mind I don’t want to do this I wanted to I wanted to fall down just to see what it’s like and then die

But then I realize if I do that I’ll lose points I don’t know if I want to do that cuz that’s another one of the challenges that has to happen at some point in the future is to get a a certain amount of points so never mind

We’re not going to do that sorry guys maybe if I get another Harpy feather I could do that uh but for now we’re just going to put this stuff away and take another look at our challenges see what we got going on here I’ve got a stuffy nose going on

That’s what I every time I I stream I get his stuff he knows I don’t know why it’s dumb uh gravel gravel gravel can go up here wood right here this extra bed can go over here extra boots they can go over here okay and we’re going to uh look at

Our achievements challenges okay what’s next on the agenda on a rail 1,000 blocks in a mine cart which it should be super easy we just got to wait for daytime Build a Snowman there’s plenty of snow around right now bring grass to the Moon okay I think we can do

That these three should be fairly easy to do so what time is it uh it it night night we just had Nightfall just now like just now we got Nightfall okay um yeah and it’s foggy and there’s going to be like a crap ton of mobs out there we do have our

Arrows I don’t want to just sit here so I could do the fungus thing again you’re right yeah we could legit do the fungus thing um okay for method I will do the fungus thing hold on let’s grab one of these we have like one block of myum somewhere yeah okay

Six where’s my fertilizer it’s over here okay we only uh we don’t have much fertilizer right now but we have some ashes and some bone meal we can craft together so let’s just do that I don’t really have any other use for ashes right now so there we go yeah no not like

That okay there we go okay we don’t need this much fertilizer obviously but it feels weird to just take one so there’s a creeper right over there just chilling jeez your phone will die okay see you later man have a good one goodbye bye see you

Later okay I guess where am I going to put this stupid mushroom up there sure no okay all right mushroom time here’s a random block of mycelium here’s a mushroom and here’s fertilizer tada I have a mushroom those don’t glow though so that sucks that sucks we have a mushroom now in the

World a random mushroom for like no reason yay no spider please don’t no no no no no no would you just leave me alone I’m trying to go home all righty well that was like the first half of the Stream just climbing it was very inefficient and clunky but

We made it that’s what matters I suppose let’s put away this and let’s put away this and let’s put away the mycelium goes with the dirt very good so I’m going to need going to need some grass I need some grass to go to the Moon with um so I need my golden

Shovel where did I put my golden shovel hold on it’s in here isn’t it yep it’s this one okay no that’s just more dirt where’s my golden shovel what happened to my golden shovel uh I think I left the barrel that had wait no this is the one

Okay yeah here it is okay golden shovel here’s my lighter my other shovel okay we can put those there for now we’ll fill them with dirt uh later I guess okay okay okay so back to the challenges we want to build a snowman and bring grass to the

Moon and we’ll travel 1,000 blocks into a mine cart when we get daylight again so what we can do for now is uh gather some snow I guess let’s just do a little little clean up here little snow shoveling you know got to shovel the walk you know every once in a while

Do You Want to Build a Snowman whoops crap really oh we can do some farming while we’re sitting here I do need the wheat I’m out of bread again I keep running out of bread and I keep forgetting to actually Farm my Farms consistently cuz that’s kind of

What you have to do order to have enough food on a regular basis Do You Want to Build a Snowman man I don’t know man I don’t know how I feel about it some of this stuff didn’t grow very well but whatever that’s fine okay any seeds we

Can put away I guess we can throw some in here that’s fine okay cool h okay so how do we make snow block four okay cool two three four snow blocks yay new recipe snow block and how do I make snowman let’s make a snowman like in the basement or

Something where was going to be the snowy corner of things which corner was that going to be ocean marsh land where’s the winter wonderland going to be uh is it going to be over here yeah I think this is going to be the winter wonderland yeah I think this

Right here is supposed to be the winter wonderland so let me go grab a fence and we’re going to make a winter wonderland so hold on or not really make it right now at this moment but we’re going to just build a fence so our snowman doesn’t escape I don’t know if they

Despawn or whatever but you know fence fence fence fence I have five pieces of fence how wonderful all right to make more I really need to actually Farm my trees like every once in a year cool new recipe unlocked fence nice okay back down stairs we go

North yeah that’s going to be the Water Area this is going to be the winter wonderland of snow yay so we’re just going to can I walk through here I can okay do I have enough one two that’s not enough uh fences it will it

Will be if I go get a fence gate instead of being a why am I so dumb sometimes why am I so dumb where was that fence gate here it is okay I have 20 I have 20 what do I need 23 fence gates

For why did I craft 23 fence gates at some point in the semi- recent past that makes no sense whatever uh okay I don’t exactly know how to make snowman Do I Do I need do I need pumpkin do I need a pumpkin I might need

A pumpkin maybe so I’m just going to go grab one oh quick just in case I do need pumpkin okay there we go cool oops don’t don’t step on the crops okay so I’m guessing it’s like this yay I have a snowman hello hello snowman how you doing you are you

Chilling are you chilling my dude what do you look at me please what the heck are you doing why are you why does this thing why is it running away from me what snowman over here hello why does it refuse to look at me hello this thing this thing hates my

Guts it wouldn’t doesn’t even want to look at my face hello okay now we’re friends see hi yeah he’s chilling he’s chilling get it he’s chilling yeah super cool all right get it super cool he’s chilling and he’s super cool okay any he wants out yeah well you know what he’s

Uh he’s my prisoner now so welcome to the world slave any who um wow that just turned really dark really fast any who we’re going to we’re going to go upstairs and pretend I didn’t just create and immediately enslave a sensient being um so yeah okay uh where is where do where’s

Snow going to where would snow go oh know we’ll put it we’ll put it here no but that doesn’t make any sense sand with the sand I guess I guess I don’t know where snow belongs okay we made a snowman whether we wanted to build a snowman or not is uh another matter

But I think we’re ready I think we’re ready to do it 1,000 blocks on a rail I think it’s time to do this one uh let’s let’s let’s grab some berries while we’re here since the berry bushes are popping here we go whoa ow I forgot that was

There it kind of Blends in right now with the with the uh shade of grass we got going on at the moment so no creepers keep moving wait hold what am I doing we need a mine cart am I an idiot hold on we need a mine cart

Hello uh mine cart here we go I feel dumb right now anywh who let’s go here we go yeah we built this uh long time ago now in the series with the videos not the live streams it was a while ago and we’re finally putting it to some

Kind of specific use which is to get this achievement for no reason hooray um travel 1,000 blocks in a mine cart so I think this world is 256 by 256 so each side should be 2 56 blocks so if we go around once that should be that should be over

A th000 blocks right so that’s my theory anyway oh look at the beautiful neon green grass look at that okay so we’re going to push it grab it and this is it we’re going we are we we are going this is this is the moment it’s it’s the moment of truth it’s happening

My dudes this is so cool look at that in the background that’s just awesome that’s just awesome right there I like that there’s some who there’s some burned down trees and stuff the camera struggles a little but that’s all right woo look at this here we go here we go

Yeahoo I like this this world looks so cool right now in the winter going around it like this this is so cool there’s a fox hello Fox how’s it going my dude and I like that the mine carts don’t make the loud mine cart noise that’s

Nice I don’t like that noise it’s so annoying oh camera camera struggles spider but it should leave us alone it’s just daytime and it’s freaking out anyway so peaceful you can see my tree farm there in the background you can see that blue mushroom there in the background

Should be the final full side we got to go down bum there’s my house hello house by house this is a fun little world I like this little world it’s a fun little world it’s a fun little world what can I say lots of sand over here oh camera struggles that’s

Okay we should be getting it here soon 1,000 blocks right I did my math wrong somehow yep there it is we did it we did it okay how do I how do I get out all right we can go back home now that was fun I like that that was fun

That was cool to see the world from that angle at this time of year and this and then daytime and stuff that was fun last time we did it I think it was raining in the summer the summer season so yeah that was that was kind of neat see it in a

Different uh whole different vibe for the world here in the winter all right what will the next challenge be I think the next challenge is we go to the moon and we place some grass I we can do a lot of challenges in this stream it seems like so that is

Very very cool we can do we can uh get a bunch of stuff done here and there’s more berries I mean what more could a man want I keep forgetting that’s there I just I literally just trolled myself with that one now uh the uh yeah I’m going to

Place grass on the moon okay watch this you’re going to be so impressed by hold on so basically what’s going to happen is I’m going to go out into the world okay with my golden shovel I’m going to grab a random block of grass this one it has been chosen

Okay it’s the chosen block of grass go back in here real quick and uh we’re going to save and quit wait no no no no no no no single player I almost forgot something uh before we go to the Moon we we want a certain item if we’re going to

Do that we want this here we go okay put that on now let’s go to the not save and quit Also let’s uh we’ll put our armor on here in a moment where’s the Moon the Moon slect level okay let’s let’s put our armor on just in case might kill some more Ras

Cuz I know I need them for the uh if I want to make any more of those we floaty any more of those uh special chests the adminium chests we can kill some more Ras I I should have brought a golden I should okay never mind I should have

Brought a golden sword if I was going to do that I placed some grass on the moon look at that I did it the Moon is terraformed there’s the world the Earth yay there’s a lot of water so that’s curious isn’t it now anywh who so my my my world must be like

Somewhere within the continent somewhere I don’t know anyhow I’m overthinking this let’s uh save and quit single player world one SEL level and uh what else is there hell produce water in a Hell world oh we haven’t been to a hell world yet at all I huh wow maybe I should save that

For next stream or should I do it no we should do it in this stream let’s just do it land on a cloud after a long fall uh the best place to do that from if I’m going to land on a cloud after a long fall would be in stack

Land we’re going to do that one next and then maybe we’ll go to this hell world but I don’t want to risk losing any items so I’m going to put all these away except for this I don’t care about the stupid unlet torch this is like taco night at James R

Jones house house gex gex man best video game ever okay uh we’re going to save and quit single player we’re going to stack land and uh we going to be at the top of the world and we’re going to jump off in this direction and hope to land on a cloud

And if we fail we die that’s that that’s how this works we die we lose points and we lose our stupid our stupid uh why would I build a BRI wait wait did I just see uh I think I see a cloud right out there why do I want to build a bridge

What’s the point I can I can just go I can go for it I can go for it man I can do this I got to believe to achieve you have armor you what oh I do have the quiver hold on oh goodness you’re right uh let’s let take all that

Out what the hell yeah let’s take all that out hold on all that stuff that I could have lost okay okay and then you want me to build a brid why would I I don’t want to build a bridge no I don’t want to do that I don’t want to build a bridge

That’s stupid okay fine I’ll grab my one stack of dirt build my stupid saveing quit single player stack land select level zero IQ moment yes sorry my third brain cell had not activated yet okay it’s uh it’s a little early for the third brain cell okay a little early in the morning for

For all that so here we go okay do we have like clouds directly below us possibly it’s hard to tell maybe like just a few more blocks here I think those are clouds like right down there so uh let’s do it I may have gone much too far

Aiming okay okay keep keep we got to land on some of this yes crap uh save and Quito single player uh world one wow okay that was scary uh heal we even kept our stupid torch wonderful do a flip to a spin oh that was a little

Stressful but we did land we made a successful Landing okay let’s grab this stuff and then uh we’re going to go to our deaths is is the next thing we’re going to do okay that’s my next plan is is to go die a horrible death an absolutely horrifying and agonizing and painful

Death preferably that’s what I would like to do honestly um is to suffer um in great extremes for a very long period of time um and then that that would be lovely you know so let’s get all this crap because it’ll go somewhere put it away

Somewhere put that away uh yeah put put the the the the thing put this wa I think hell worlds have breathable air I guess I’m going to find out huh um mine cart can go away we can take some of this and make some bread yep we got some bread very good

Fact let’s put the bread right there okay never been to a hell world I think I’ll want I guess I can bring the spectacles obviously if I take damage they take damage so that’s that’s a bad that’s a thing to consider but how much how much uh coal do I have

Oh look iron what do you know how much coal do I have let’s let’s take all the coal out there and let’s make some more torches I am pretty low on torches I don’t really have any extra torches right now I have some I have some sticks only make a handful of torches

But whatever okay and then I guess I guess I’ll keep the dirt with me in case I need it for some reason okay spectacles we’re going to go with night vision but first let’s go without just to see what it looks like so save and quit we’re going to go

Single player create new level uh we’re going to call this uh they making a gex remaster fascinating you need a golden pick for ice right you’re right you’re right uh let’s cancel let’s go back to world one get a golden pick and grab some ice I guess if I can find some

Ice hold on cuz yeah I need we’re trying to make water in the hell world that’s kind of what we’re supposed to be doing that’s the that’s the achievement stuff um so where would I find ice there’s got to be oh I know I have like a fishing

Hole over there I’m sure it’s frozen over so or I can make a new world and get some ice that way uh cuz actually did want to make a new world I was thinking about it um got the stupid torch dang it go away torch go away please what’s this charcoal

Useless okay yeah I know where I have some ice but uh yeah let’s go get the ice then yeah I’m sure it has ice it has ice it does have ice right now it’s off in this direction somewhere where exactly did I put it where exactly is my fishing hole at the

Moment I haven’t been to the fishing hole in a minute it’s around here somewhere it’s up on this hill this Way I seriously don’t know where where it is right now there it is and it’s got ice sure enough okay it is really dark out here I can’t see a thing just place a few torches even though they’ll just burn out but whatever no no crap wait can creepers blow up ice I’m

Going to find out right now let’s do it live test is any of this ice I don’t think they blow up ice oh okay I don’t know if my live test was a really good test or not but anywh who I was just curious can I blow up

Ice here’s some ice my fishing hole is going to be ruined but uh whatever I may as well just get a bunch since my fishing hole is going to be ruined anyway I may as well get a good amount of ice just to have it I don’t really know what to do with

Ice in this mod but maybe I’ll find a use for it I’m sure it makes a nice wind window oh are you kidding me there’s a spider in the water but he can’t swim very well this is epic Gaming indeed come here come here come here creeper can you

Blow up the ice what happens uh yeah I don’t think he leaves behind any ice in fact I think he just transformed formed it all into water good job creeper all righty let’s get out of here it’s all the ice we’re going to get for right now from that swimming

Hole oh there’s more over here eh whatever so I did go the wrong direction I see how I went wrong I was hungry okay yeah we got 51 blocks of ice let’s put most of that away I suppose with the I guess with the snow and we’ll take one in into hell

Here we go save and quit single player create new level we’re going to call this obvious name what do you know so original it’s going to be an island a hell Island I don’t think the seasons matter one bit where we’re going it’s not like it’s going to be nice and day

Timey no matter what we do so original or debug yeah original done name it Michigan Like Hell Michigan michiga Michigan Like Hell Michigan okay fine we’re going to name it Michigan since that make since since it’s funny to you we’re going to make name it Michigan here we go Michigan

We’re going to Michigan guys let’s go we’re going on vacation to Michigan let’s see what it’s like I’m so excited to go to Michigan right now dude Michigan moment look at that it’s the Great Lakes Michigan I like hear a horrible noise oh there’s like stuff I can get look at

This there’s new blocks this is cool look at that yeah I got magma blocks heck yeah we’re really gaming now look there’s that like basal or whatever it is I haven’t I’ve never been in the hell World okay let’s let’s uh let’s put on some light here put on the spectac

Get a little bit of a better view of things there’s nice green grass here there’s green trees this ain’t even a hell world this is a nice friendly place what are you talking about man it’s even got nice neighbors excuse me thank you I like Michigan it’s a nice place it’s all

Warm can you get hurt for like touching these blocks or walking on them yes okay just wondering it’s to be expected in Michigan you know that’s just that’s just a normal thing okay what what just happened did I just get hit by something no I think I touched the block

Okay uh where do I want to put my water so I can get this achievement and then we let take a look around oh why do you have boots nice boots sir very Gucci thanks for the boots they’re mostly broken but whatever I have diamond boots now for like the first time

Ever here’s a here’s a spot where we can put some some water yeah look at that got water see this is a nice Lush it’s a lush Wonderland here it’s like a it’s like Greenland you know or or Iceland or one of those places that is green or something it’s great this is

Great hello like to get up where those trees are so I can like prove that Michigan is actually a prettyy nice place if you really um you if you really get to know it you know like yeah some people some people may not be their thing but like look

Look at all this look at these trees look at these apple trees okay me got food here we can just do this get some apples dude we could literally have an apple tree farm in Michigan okay like what are you talking about with your freaking negativity like what

The hell man look at this look at this we are already farming apple trees in Michigan without even trying I can eat this apple plant some more apple trees dude Michigan is a happening place all right excuse me epic Gaming in Michigan indeed average Michigan gaming moment right here that’s what we’re

Experiencing this is this is very typical of Michigan gaming excuse me sir please do not blow up my tree farm dude tourist I swear so rude a freaking American Tourist coming to Michigan like it’s their state jackasses any who uh i’ would like to get some of some

Of that since I’ve never had any of that before just like I never had the magma before um but they’re they’re all like out there in the lava which of course is the point I suppose and look there’s even nice music in Michigan like what are you talking

About man Michigan is not that bad we’re going to have a whole apple orchard right here in Michigan okay and sure it’s a little dark it’s a little dark but like it’s not that bad I mean come on look just just Place some torches and it it it’s bright and chery

All of a sudden look at that bright cheery Michigan okay James said I’ve never been in the United States this what I imagine most of it looking like Michigan night ore yes this is Michigan night or that you’re looking at um over o over there

So let’s let’s put our put these back on if you can really see excuse me sir you be gone swear these tourists are so rude we must defend Michigan from the tourists be gone you you no tourists allowed in Michigan enough of you darn tourist man okay let’s go get

Some some Michigan oh look it’s a Michigan duck see there’s even ducks in Michigan literally nothing wrong with this place at all look at this guy here I I’ll give him a hand there you go see see you’re you’re it’s a friendly duck having a good friendly duck day in Michigan it’s

Awesome quack quack and look if if we place torches I bet this lovely green grass will spread it’ll be fantastic any who let’s uh get some of this Michigan night ore hold on oh I should Place Another apple tree too yeah look at that all righty let’s put a

Torch next to it so it grows okay nice all right time to grab some Michigan night ore look out look out duck be very careful duck look at that it’s Brimstone very nice they’ve got got a real uh you know Michigan has culture you know and nature like like they have Brimstone

That’s that’s uh unique to Michigan not not a lot of people know that I know that cuz I cuz I cuz I know about Michigan you know what I mean so um having uh having uh you know never been there or or anything but I like uh

I’m there right now obviously clearly as you can tell by what’s on your screen I’m in Michigan live but uh so yeah I know some things about Michigan you know so um I’m an expert on on Michigan studies so yeah PhD level you know what I’m saying like not like official like I

Don’t have an actual degree degree but like pretty much on that level you know so yeah the DU temp death live in Michigan yes the duck is legit trying to kill itself right now this guy these tourists I swear I’ve had about enough of the tourists here in [Laughter] Michigan

Guys you’ll never believe this but I think it’s time to leave Michigan oh sure take the L I refuse I refuse I’m playing this how I want to play it okay uh where’s a place where I can have like instant okay this will Instant if I go

To water if I go to throwaway ocean world I know for a fact that I was in the water when I logged out so let’s go select level and this will instantly put out the fire okay here we are he Fire’s out so now save and quit single player world one select

Level Let’s uh let’s take let’s take these off okay never we’re going to put this on okay okay woo well so uh Michigan’s nice this time of year you know Michigan is doomed delete [Laughter] Michigan yeah guys it’s time to delete Michigan unfortunately unfortunately we are going to erase Michigan from

Existence uh Michigan knites no longer deserve to live unfortunately that’s just that’s just a a fact of life at this time so any who um my gosh what’s next achievements challenges smelt some coral into sponge do I even have any Coral did I pick up

Any Coral at any point point it would be like over over here have I really never picked up any Coral at all what really NP s and people San Francisco GI made the Canada mod now we have Michigan yes okay well let’s just put some things

Away and then go back to the ocean and get so excuse me let’s get some things okay uh let’s put some let’s put some CRA I have a lot of I have a lot of this right now wait what massive skill massive skill about what what were you responding

To Michigan has fallen from Grace I don’t I don’t understand what you’re responding to but any who gu we put these away okay where do my S I guess my saplings go here the saplings that I got while I was in Michigan it’s pretty nice Michigan is no longer welcome in the Minecraft

Community you don’t have corala skill issue I just I forgot to I I don’t know I just never bothered to get it any who um and I didn’t have this before obviously so now I have this so my skill issu are solved sort of grab this I have diamond pickaxe

Golden one if it requires it I don’t think it does save and quit single player let’s not go back to Michigan right now let’s go to Water World select level all righty here we are oh we’re also going to want these kind of at the same time so maybe we’ll

Just like switch out as needed although actually it’s morning so forget that cuzz they really the spectacles don’t really help that much in the ocean so let’s just let’s just have our water breathing and see what we can do maybe we can kill some of these guys look they’re glowing they’re

Glowing in the darkness Hello I can’t see Jack where’s the Sun what state or major city is this Ohio this is Ohio Atlantis okay where’s where’s uh control press control so I can swim a lot faster oh yeah now we’re really swimming there’s like magn blocks and stuff do they like push people up no they don’t

But can you breathe on these hold on uh um I can’t sit on them though so never mind I think this is some Coral I can’t really tell must it has to be Coral like what else would it be let’s press control get out of that um I’m going

To put these on real quick yeah this is coral okay there’s a bunch of coral sitting here how do I how do I get the coral just put on the water breathing necklace and I’m good to go I just can’t see anything as all when you’ve discovered

Atlantis it’s been here this whole time all my Coral is just floating up okay I can’t really see yeah this whole floor I’m standing on his Coral basically so if I just dig around I’ll get plenty of coral I don’t know if I’m using the right tool or not is an axe

Better evidently an axe is the way to get Coral it’s going to get way faster I think I’m still getting Coral I don’t really know I can’t see a thing now it is just dirt okay there’s more Coral over here these coral reefs are cool method says

But the intive plus coral reefs are better well that’s something to look forward to okay I’ve gotten a bunch of coral uh I guess I could get more there’s a lot more here I can just I could just waste this whole coral reef hold on breathe see I need to

Breathe okay now I need to see as you can see I have a brilliant strategy of using the two items I’m so uh so gaming right now like gaming beyond belief go above magma and I will have magical air are you saying but I can’t stand on it I’ll

Die see I’ll die if I stand on the magma see see look at that instant death but it does give air so that’s nice me when video game ow yeah I need to go above the magma here we go there we go that’s better better some food and then I guess uh

Float back to the surface I guess cuz I got a bunch of magma out of that do I have enough air to make it to the surface that’s a good question I don’t so dark so Dark look at all the look at all that all those items just floating around what the heck what what the I didn’t know that was a thing okay I forgot the necklace of the sea could do that completely forgot about that feature I thought I was just going to swim around on normal

Nope yeah yeah I see it special ability [Applause] okay so I guess I can go stand on this ice I just made so that’s cool although it doesn’t look like it lasts and I’ve got yeah I’ve got some Coral look at that I have I have some Coral now that I can

Mess with if I want to I’m going to need some coral for uh the the oceany Wonderland I’m going to made this is I do wonder who made this mod it’s like really cool so if anybody’s wondering method made this mod Believe It or Not

The Man in the comments right now in the live chat you know want to congratulate him okay okay whatever uh let’s save and quit and go back to world one to stow away my new found thingamabobs quack yeah we’ll put our Coral over here and we’ll uh we’ll smelt one into a

Sponge who is Method you are method to who method plays is your uh username there uh I would have to assume that you are both the evil twin that’s my best guess who lives under the sea yes SpongeBob look at that you made a sponge I don’t know what to

Do with the sponge I have no use for it at this time but we have a sponge so that’s cool achievements wow we we have uh we’ve done all of the general uh hold on challenges we’ve done all the general challenges yes we’ve done all of them there’s combat challenges though kill a

Skeleton from 30 blocks away we’ve slain a giant with a golden weapon and we’ve obtained a feather from a harpy we haven’t seen a fire imp yet um we would have to go to Michigan to see those but right now going to Michigan is not a good

Idea uh I’ve done the ant lion thing I’ve obtained a t gold from a jellyfish blood tear from Raina uh destroy a harpy while in midair okay kill an Aline mod is buried Collectibles get all 16 wool colors in one sitting what do you mean you get to hold them

All in your inventory at once craft all bre types eat every food contain every or variant apparently I have not yet done that interesting make all the machines all 10 music discs all nine charms oh my gosh 120 days visit every World type and theme kill every mob at least once unlock all

Recipes oh I see what you’re saying okay you have to get all the wool colors in one session got gotcha so visit every World type kill every mob unlock all recipes high score of 100,000 do all achievements and challenges wow time to go to Michigan I mean we could try to go to

Michigan and see if we can escape from the uh the death trap we’ve got ourselves in there I guess I mean there’s only the only thing to do is to try hold on I also have yellow coral I didn’t realize I had a bunch of yellow coral so that’s cool

Uh let’s just get rid of all this right now put that away put let’s put some torches away I’m not going to have that many torches for a while so put that away right now all my tools and stuff away arrows okay let’s put away the food just put away absolutely

Everything I have nothing on me save and quit single player Michigan uh select level and press w we respawned instantaneous death oh that sucks and now we’re surrounded saveing quit so I lost I lost a bunch of points just now single player world dang it well at least Michigan is saved too late

Now so you will die and lose points that message just came in oh boy okay we don’t need these right now well I guess maybe these if we go back to Michigan yep we just lost a bunch of points oh well let’s bring these just in case uh

Wow we died when we went to Michigan but we haven’t seen those fire rims yet and I want to see those fire rims so I may as well um but yeah we we I take no responsibility for these events you don’t have to it’s all

Good I guess I have a separate chest for this crap makes sense cuz there’s tons of it that drops oh yeah and I guess we’ll take this bread look it does us any good Machinima wasn’t worth it yeah maybe Michigan wasn’t worth it I don’t know maybe I should have just made

A new one anywh who oh too late now we we have died I’ll take this so I can rest in my little Hub and I’ll take some dirt blocks to like try to do things with so yeah going back to Michigan uh die uh you die okay let’s put this

On so I can wonder how to die tutorial by Steel cat 2023 updated I thought that maybe I could swim up fast enough I thought the death would be slightly slower than that but I think my armor had something to do with it um cuz I didn’t think armor affected how fast you

Die in uh lava but evidently I was sadly mistaken armor does affect how fast you die in lava as a matter of fact so yeah which makes no bloody sense to me but whatever step one go to Michigan step three nobody knows step two just doesn’t

Exist oh my gosh okay there’s got to be those little fire rimps around somewhere right these are the worlds that they appear in if I’m not mistaken so if we wander around we should find one there’s like stars out there and they look terrible no no no no leave me alone

So many freaking tourists in Michigan what the hell why does everybody want to go to Michigan there’s nothing here you made lava op I see oh crap yeah lava does in vanilla Minecraft kills you in like 10 times the amount of time that was pretty much instantaneous

But what was weird is when I first fell into it it didn’t seem that instantaneous but in this it it was absolutely instantaneous and there’s a little dude hey little dude crap I killed the little dude I’m still dying though I don’t think I got his item but whatever

Okay can I get this item no did I get like the challenge or whatever no cuz I didn’t get his item right so hold on achievements challenges uh obtain a fireball from a fire R okay fire get a fireball so you can fire ring doesn’t so the fire ring would

Allow me to fall in lava and not die instantly right leave Michigan you’re not welcome here is this what no this is Michigan dude this is not Arizona this is Michigan I hear a fire imp I don’t know where he is though but I heard him he was loud

Dude first thing to teach you in geography class okay day one Michigan all right this this is what you’re looking at okay if you knew anything about geography you would know that all right literal Elementary School Dropout showing up in the comments right now hello Evan of the 711 I’m sorry to be

All ridiculous like that but any who lava and fire immunity okay that’s cool um but yeah there was definitely a fire rimp over here making a bunch of noise and then it just wasn’t here leave Michigan oh my gosh these freaking white people jeez where okay that fire ramp I don’t think

It was real it was it was fake it was a fake we just a troll that’s all it was just a massive troll how my how’s my spectacles doing not very good I got some uh got some admium mining in my future oh crud I need to come back with like a

Golden sword to kill these fire rims otherwise I’m never going to get their stupid thing but then I’ll have to whack them 800 inste 72 times to actually kill them so that I hear another one there he is let’s just get him did he drop his thing no he did not drop the

[Applause] thing Michigan facts no sunlight no grass no leaves basically Canada but hot okay [Laughter] yes Michigan is just hot Canada that’s that’s what we’re looking at here you don’t get lava up there too often yeah hey does it rain in Michigan probably a stupid question but I have my

Concerns cuz I I seem to remember that uh it does rain in Michigan and if it rains in Michigan you you you’re going to die I have a I have a vague Rec ction of reading that somewhere in the change logs oo some nice sand I could I could

Get some of this uh sand that’d be cool wait around to find out yes just what I want to [Applause] do let’s get some of this authentic Michigan sand here we go I could add some of this to my desert in the basement kind of spruce it up a little you

Know that’d be kind of cool I bet you can make red Sandstone too that’d be epic the stream has almost been 2 hours already it feels like nowhere near that time that’s crazy but we are going to do it we’re going we’re going to overcome the the challenges of Michigan

Today we’re going to do it we we we climbed a th blocks and we’re going to conquer Michigan Michigan will no longer be an American state it will be it will be part of the United States of steelcat don’t end stream until you either see rain in Michigan or B get a Michigan

Souvenir yeah that’s my goal yeah I want I want to get a nice souvenir from here in Michigan yeah just think won’t need to go to Michigan if you make a new one in your basement yeah why go to Michigan when you can bring Michigan to you oh crap dude

These Michigan knites are these Michigan night tourists I should say I don’t think I’ve seen an actual Michigan night yet I think the fire RMS are the real Michigan knites the rest of these guys are just tourists now the fire RMS are only mad the Michigan knites are only mad because

Of the the tourists and they think I’m just another tourist oh there’s a Michigan KN let’s get him he dropped something but it wasn’t the thing there’s another one I heard another one’s voice I think I saw it too just a moment ago there it

Is I’m being chased by a bunch of stupid crap I don’t care about all that I just want to kill this Michigan knite ow crap another migite what the heck oh I just broke my glasses I can’t see crap uh okay I’m not on fire anymore so

That’s good but I broke my glasses uh what do I have what do I have what do I I have nothing nothing nothing nothing uh can I make another pair can I make another pair of glasses uh hold on let’s go here and take a look at our Recipes spectacles yeah we need three okay done so we need three of these we can make another pair of glasses and we can eat a gapple too that’s the other thing we can do so I’ll bring the gapple with me I think and I’ll keep it right here

Along with my bread I got ashes so that’s cool these Michigan nightes are vicious man I swear okay okay how I doing on Armor it’s almost trashed let’s bring this to replace my yeah press plate with when it inevitably breaks and let’s grab our overpriced food here we

Go overpriced food which uh in uh in present day is just known as regular old food from the grocery store oh I forgot to make something idiot feel stupid again okay okay uh we need this okay new pair of spectacles so I can see what the heck is going on in

There in Michigan you know okay how to survive in Michigan you don’t select level how the heck did I end up in here what the hell somebody blow up or die or something there’s like 800 of these things right now okay where’s the Michigan KN there he

Is uh no Michigan knite Soul okay I I did not get the soul of the Michigan knite like I was hoping dude can I get one Michigan night soul out of all this what the hell hold on uh I have a bed with me I’m perfectly safe here in Michigan

So so I can totally just uh hold on just just a moment just doing Michigan things okay Michigan activities right now all right that’s what we’re up to normal Michigan activities I don’t have any food what are you talking about there’s no food left yeah I should I should just get a

Golden sword but like it’ll take me 15 hits with each go it’ll take me so many hits H to kill these guys with a sword like no what the hell what the heck is the point of this stupid thing if it’s just going to kill you every time you use it why do

I have an alarm going off it’s noon that’s why stop okay back straight back into the bed because I almost died just now perfectly safe in Michigan doubt come on now come on now Michigan is the safest place I know okay how do I are you kidding me

H hold on how’s this coming along okay it’s fine uh I need I need new armor I’m making diamond armor screw this Michigan Michigan requires like a whole different tier of armor basically we’re making Michigan tier armor now okay that’s what we’re doing um that that’s we have reached

We’ve reached Michigan level difficulty here yes yes yes indeed I can’t believe her on the same time zone James that’s amazing okay put that away put that away let’s go ahead and grab a golden two golden swords what the heck let’s put them right here and we’re also going to

Grab difficulty level Michigan yes that should be your uh your Ultra hard INF of plus mode you call it Michigan yes okay put some of this sand away so I can have that and then yeah get get a new spoon get a new spoon sticks I never seem to have like any

Freaking wood like ever for some reason I don’t I don’t understand put the wood away okay uh put that away put that away and save and quit back to Michigan we have no food and we never will are you kidding me leave Michigan this is like the new Michigan

Tourism slogan leave Michigan oh my God go away what the hell I do not be need to be surrounded by 800,000 tourists every 5 Seconds what the hell are you kidding I literally can’t even leave Michigan right now uh I don’t know we make fun of Ohio

Mostly for no good reason um not necessarily Michigan but in this case we’re going after Michigan because why not pretty much any of those Upper Midwest states everybody makes fun of cuz they’re all basically the same place like you you could take you could take a picture of basically anywhere in

Any of those Midwestern states and you could be anywhere in the entire United States you have no idea like it’s it’s just completely okay hold on uh world one select level where’s my bed since I can’t even you were not an American method but okay okay save and quit single player

Michigan back to Michigan you Michigan knite I want your soul did give me it Soul it did not give me its Soul useless piece of crap Michigan night yeah why is there 50 of why are there 50 tourists I don’t oh why there 50 states I don’t

Know dude come back where did you go great now you’re in some hole I can’t get into without risking death I got to dig a crap ton of dirt ow this this Michigan nightes are rude man I never want to go to Michigan freaking Michigan I I swear okay this feels safe

F5 looking around looking around we’re just we’re just we’re just chilling in Michigan this is an average Michigan Hotel experience by the way you get a nice bed A Room With a View you know no no the long drive is horrible I hate that Thing like that kind of humor is kind of funny sometimes but sometimes it’s just too on the nose and long drive is just too on the nose man it’s too heavy-handed with it in my personal opinion in my refined opinion you know my very refined sense of humor you know

It is the best game your opinion is invalid thank you I know my opinion is invalid that’s just kind of life you know okay I work for a moving company in case you’re wondering okay that means I’m one of the stupidest people on the face of the goddamn planet and my opinion does

Not matter in any realm way shape form there’s just no way no dimension in which my opinion matters in the slightest for any purpose whatsoever okay we’re talking bottom wrong Blue Collar like like plumbers apprentices spit on people like me okay that’s how little my opinion matters that’s because they’re actually

Going to make money you know I ain’t going to make money I’m just going to go home and play indiv plus you know I ain’t never going to make money doing this I got to go work at Walmart Okay that’s how bad it is like in real

Life not even joking I dream of the day I leave this company and go to work stocking shelves at Walmart that is that is my life that that is how it is okay like 90% of the people that work in this industry could not get a job at

Walmart I swear to you they wouldn’t be hired I am not even kidding it is messed up any who enough of that there’s a dude leave me alone leave me alone Michigan knes don’t deserve to live I swear this guy does not deserve to live he didn’t give me his soul useless

Useless personally I support Michigan genocide I think we should um just go to Michigan and kill all the Michigan knites every one of them that’s what we should do you know so that that that’s just my if that makes me some kind of radical then so be

It anywh who as you can tell I have no serious political opinions I don’t even vote anymore I don’t care because nobody supports the Michigan genocide platform that I’m all about so you know any for the Netherlands you monster yeah I’m not racist I’m just statist okay like I’m cool with you no

Matter what color you are but if your license plate is from out of state oh forget about it dude social sympathy man they actually have to live in Michigan oh my goodness where are the Michigan nightes damn it there nothing but tourists out here I swear oh there’s one there’s a Michigan

KN let’s try not to fall into another death trap you leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I swear every time I get close to one of these guys a stupid spider gets in my way yes yes I did it I got a Michigan night Soul yes oh it’s wonderful

Yes okay now I can perform the uh evil ritual in which I will summon uh the destroyer of Michigan um yes I can make the Michigan night ring and I can uh with it I can I can summon uh uh like that that that that Demon Lord thing from

Ghostbusters and it’s going to go destroy Michigan instead of destroying New York it’s it’s going to destroy Michigan that’s my that’s my evil plan so uh any any Let’s uh let’s uh leave Michigan it’s been nice um yeah let’s let’s leave Michigan and go back to uh world

One okay uh let’s sleep let’s let’s get some nice rest and let’s uh take these off I’m just oh much better much easier on the eyes now I getting blinded by the brightness of Michigan you know such a such a sunshiny place so uh uh here’s the thing

Y can it also destroy the nether man please why do you hate the Netherlands so much what did the Dutch do to you except no one is coming to save Michigan yes the Ghostbusters they’re in New York um they ain’t coming to save Michigan you ever see that uh that newer

Ghostbusters movie Ghostbusters afterlife it was kind of all right but it made the mistake of trying to do some of the same jokes and not doing them nearly as well so that kind of to feel flat but uh but other than that it was kind of

Fun okay how do I craft the Michigan knite ring using the Michigan knite Soul recipes I’m just going to scroll until I see the Michigan I Soul somewhere in a in a crafting recipe fire so there’s a there’s a red record okay obviously we’re not going to waste it on that right

Now okay there’s a minium chest with a blood Pearl aha three adminium ingots and a fireball well wouldn’t you know it I only have I have more than three ad minum ingots we’re good we are good here we go we’re going to do it we’re going to make the

Thing we have the Michigan ring we have it we have the Michigan ring let’s go back to Michigan single player Michigan select level uh okay of course now it’s dark but who cares we’re in Michigan we’re having a good time here in Michigan I assume that means that the rain can’t

Kill me but I have no idea but can I touch lava and not instantly die how can I test this out I’m pretty sure I can go in Fire and be okay right I can I can just do this yeah I can just chill in the fire okay

Can I chill on the lava or does it like kill me more slowly or something I am so scared because of how quickly I died last time it was nearly instantaneous I’m chilling I am chilling dude dude we are we are are really Michigan we are we are Michigan right now

Okay this is this is typical Michigan activities right here we can just we Michigan this is M this is Michigan this is what Michigan is all about yes I love Michigan Michigan is amazing you should go to Michigan okay if you’re watching this right now what you need to

Do um is it is uh uh as long as you are a qualified adult with your own credit card you need to you need to uh stop watching this stream once it’s over and go to like Google flights or whatever or or maybe even like Greyhound and like

Get yourself a ticket to Michigan okay whether you take a flight or you take a bus maybe even take a road trip to Michigan and just go go see what the heck is in Michigan and nobody knows unless they like live over there but you could know what’s in Michigan all you

Have to do is just go to Michigan yeah so that’s my advice to you after you watch this stream go to Michigan see what the heck’s going on why did that hurt me that made no sense but whatever I don’t know why getting on land hurt me but whatever uh anywh

Who right click with an empty hand okay I know it does a fireball thing let’s find an enemy to ow this is a moment there we go that was cool of course that does durability yep okay ow this guy going to die or not really this thing isn’t very

Powerful I would have had him dead with arrows by now it’s kind of ain’t worth it yeah that was four hits not really worth it in my opinion uh put those on there we go you just started donation gold to buy Michigan hello soybean you just showed

Up right at the end uh we’re in Michigan right now and we we’ve had all kinds of Adventures we climbed the Thousand blocks and then we had all kinds of Adventures right here in good old Michigan um best best vacation destination in America 2023 for

Sure um as you can see I I’m looking I have a a room with a with a nice bed and a view over the lava ocean um which which is just amazing um lots of uh neighbors and tourists uh and and Michigan nightes um so yeah it’s it’s really it’s really

Been it’s really been a a great visit to this this lovely Place known as Michigan um I I can’t recommend it enough honestly so where where did my bed go there it is okay okay we got the Hellfire Ring and we used it and I’m kind of disappointed

It’s less powerful than like regular old arrows so I kind of don’t care that it exists anymore um except that it’s great because we can go swimming in the uh in the Michigan Hot Springs so yeah it’s fantastic so yeah any who we are going to have to

End the stream though cuz at some some point I have other things to do today but why does that keep happening I keep getting hurt as soon as I land whatever um yeah I have other stuff that I need to do uh back home uh in real life uh

Not in Michigan so yeah I know unfortunately there are things in life that happen outside of Michigan I it’s bizarre to me too but uh it’s true true it’s true so any who we’re going to go back back home okay we’re going to get rid of all

This for now and I’m going to say thank you very much for watching this stream or being here or watching it later or whatever you did and uh Michigan was fun look it’s a sign okay this is your sign go to Michigan okay this there’s probably stuff there I have no idea what

But there’s probably something in Michigan and there’s probably trees I’m willing to bet there’s trees in Michigan there’s there’s probably like like water and and like roads like those three things are definitely there in Michigan 100% any who thank you for watching this stream

And I hope to see you next time and uh I’m going to leave you by this sign and uh and I’ll see you later so hold on bye-bye oh

This video, titled ‘Climbing 1,024 Blocks in Indev+ Live’, was uploaded by SteleCat on 2023-12-17 17:40:51. It has garnered 57 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:12 or 8652 seconds.

Descriptions are hard, this is a Minecraft livestream, like and subscribe.

Indev+ is a mod by method, based on the Minecraft Indev development period of early 2010. Find out more at the Legacy+ discord server!

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Minecraft and its associated assets are the intellectual property of Mojang AB and associated owners.

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    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 💖 Manic Links 💖 #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL TWITCH CHANNEL Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weirdest Logic Revealed

    Minecraft's Weirdest Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3’, was uploaded by BhagwanJanee on 2024-06-19 13:46:16. It has garnered 10204 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Top 4 Weired Logic Part – 3 Your Queries :- Minecraft Logic Minecraft Minecraft Memes Minecraft Funny Minecraft Speedrun Minecraft No Logic Minecraft Logic Shorts Cursed Minecraft Wait What Minecraft Minecraft Logic 2 Minecraft But Minecraft Logic Be Like Minecraft Portrayed Minecraft Weired Logic Unusual Minecraft Minecraft Moments on 0 Logic Minecraft Wait What Best Minecraft Memes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Bruh… Read More

  • “Gaming GONE WRONG – Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction” #clickbait #shorts

    "Gaming GONE WRONG - Minecraft Hardcore Deaths Reaction" #clickbait #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Deaths That Hurt To Watch || Gamers react #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games Shorts on 2024-02-20 20:53:05. It has garnered 144 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Watch as gamers react to epic Hardcore Deaths in Minecraft! Don’t miss out on the gaming fun! Read More

  • 🌟 ULTIMATE Minecraft RTX House Build!

    🌟 ULTIMATE Minecraft RTX House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft RTX mini wooden House 🏡 big Village houses’, was uploaded by SUNNY_GAMER 57 on 2024-06-17 17:06:39. It has garnered 495 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More