Insane Genshin Event + Addictive Minecraft VODs

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You are fine cozy night stream people sit VOD fogs we’re listening to touching thyself by the Japanese house or something like that hey guys good Evening I know I said I was going to stream during the day I didn’t because I because I was filming a corpa the last one of the year and then I decided I didn’t want to do it so I canceled it well it’s a little more than that I

Decided that I did not have enough time to produce a good product so I was like Hey guys um I’m going to have to withdraw from this campaign sorry you know typical over commitment but anyways good evening first genin stream I just figured out what drops were are the drops

Really well let me Farm View drop Views so I’m here streaming at nighttime drops presents ABA Aba um sorry you are fine welcome in everybody hi cute people Mish love thank you thank you thank you a I need drops because I lost my 50/50 deona I lost my last 5050 deona as well welcome everyone who’s here for the

First time I know I’ve been kind of streaming at weird hours lately so maybe there’s more people who was really loud who aren’t normally able to be here so first of all thank you what’s that c17 I think it is I think it is actually 17 or very close to it but at

The same time I think I stopped counting sore sore will you be streaming HSR anytime soon probably honestly I just got the uh what is it called the Starlet reunion no that’s the Gen one uh faded no faded reunion Starlet something but it’s the one that you get

After not logging in for two weeks Starlet homecoming excuse me I’m kind of getting back into it I kind of wrote runme runme is that you pronounce it I think she is cool so I may get back in and pull for her and see what happens yeah since lethal company came

Out I kind of just stopped playing HSR I don’t know too distracted holiday I barely had enough time for two games as it was you are fine so salute I don’t know I don’t know I just if I don’t have enough time for games when it’s like primary my it’s

Like a primary part of my job I’m sure you guys don’t either so so I imagine there’s a lot of you that dropped off of HSR quitted forever had to delete HSR my phone couldn’t take it anymore there’s only so much time in the day was just about to watch leftovers CU

Stopped cuz you’re cuz you’re here well leftovers will be there for to consume at any time you know play the games you like yeah I agree with that I just I just feel like you guys are going to be able to tell if I’m playing something I don’t want to play so like

My viewership fluctuates based on the games I play which is totally fine that’s like part of the fact that I built my audience off of one game primarily so I’m just going to stream what I want and make make uh 22 years po crazy make videos about what I want and

Just see what happens it got boring yeah there was definitely a point where I was like I don’t know if it was something about the story I don’t know I got behind on quests which I told myself I was going to do I didn’t get Kafka I cleared out my stamina and HSR

Then log out honestly I was playing like that for a while I was just logging in doing my da and logging out which is like at that point it’s like what’s what are you even playing for you know it was very easy to replace that with lethal like whatever time I was spending

On that it was easy to replace that with lethal cuz I was like lethal and then Minecraft because I can play with friends that’s like way more fun to me um I didn’t get blades and that made the game Bad see that wouldn’t stop me with genin cuz I just love genin so

Much like not getting a character but I guess if I wasn’t that invested in a game not getting a character would stop me from playing it new you’re here I’ve been back a few times as a nice experience of VI play genin feels like playing as a group oh yeah we can’t have

Uh we can’t have a real good co-op in genin so we I stream it and we play out together started HSR but I didn’t want to get a bunch of effort on a whole separate game for years like I did for genin I mean just one gacha game is a

Huge huge time sync so your lethal streams are mad funny they are funny I go I go back and watch clips and and get clips from other people’s streams CU I like it so much there’s another lethal company video coming out on my side channel

Oh I figur not a lot of you know about this channel well maybe you guys do if you watch me you probably know but I feel like my audience as a whole doesn’t know about my side Channel but yeah there’s a leth there’s one lethal company video that’s out already and

Then another one that I’m probably going to upload tomorrow actually do the thumbnail yeah lethal will probably come back the only reason I’m not playing it is cuz Minecraft has taken all my attention it’s frustrating HSR has more types of Abyss game modes in genin yeah I wish genin would adapt more gameplay

Experiences like HSR does like challenging stuff leftovers is the best dish content honestly I love leftovers like generally those videos don’t perform well immediately and they perform better over time like when people start watching leftovers and they just binge watch all of them um but I love them they’re like

They’re just they’re just my streams condensed which is it’s like all the best moments so I like it even if they don’t get great viewership I just I will keep posting them because I like them so much Ethan Cooks he does yes it’s called leftovers cuz my name is dish

Whoa I’m glad you like you guys like it cuz I’m you should do big 2023 leftovers oh like a year highlight I wonder if Ethan would be down to do that it would be easy he could just pull clips from previous leftovers and just smos it all into one that’d be kind of

Fun you are fine lunchtime guilty pleasure perfect yeah I’ll ask see if he has time for it it won’t it won’t come out till after cuz there’s only there’s only four days left no three days left in 2023 speaking of vience raid vid raid vid raid vid raid video that is

Classic the summons compilation I still haven’t done the summons compilation from 202 7,391 says dish are you going to do a 2023 wishing video from all the characters you pulled for I should it’s so easy I should I should do that okay I’m put it on my I got

Planners not even type A I don’t want to say type A because I think I’m more type B but people who tend to scribble I received my 2024 year task planner this is the only planner that works for me I this is my second time having this

Type of journal or it’s from the same company called appointed and it has see I’ll show you the year you know of course 2024 and 2025 common conversions for some reason and then it has the the month review and then this is what the weeks look

Like it has lines which is great because I make a mistake make mistakes and I make a mess if I don’t have lines and then it has what’s it priorities tasks all this is tasks and then notes a full page of notes and then at the end of each month before the new

Month starts there’s a whole blank page for scribbling and for you know out text thinking not out loud this oh my the last time I had this journal this this planner I lived and breathed by it cuz it helps I’m a very chaotic person and I do however have a very very

Intense Google Calendar but I like writing okay I like writing on paper I can’t help it um but yeah if you’re looking for a good Journal it is expensive I will say it is kind of expensive but it’s a onetime purchase for the year uh this is from appointed American

Made um has like little gold trimming right here this is like in a emerald color maybe like a forest Emerald yeah I hate I hate when planners are like too loud and boisterous or when they’re too small and they don’t have enough room to like you

Know get in there this is my planner recommendation it works for my brain simple yet pretty exactly expensive um I think it’s 50 something pointed Journal it shipped really fast oh 40 was 40 40 bucks not horrible and you get 10% off your purch first order so probably expensive in terms of

Planners but oh it’s out of stock it’s out of stock right now wow I’m a horrible influencer I endorse something only for it to be sold out but yeah I don’t like when planners are cheeky and have like oh my gosh nothing makes me more annoyed when I open up a journal

Like a planner I’m shopping for my yearly planner and I open it up it has like a nice cover and then I see like kitchy like Millennial phrases on there like when the monthly goals section it’s like hash goals no no oh no or when um the goals checklist says

Like get it done in that like Millennial script makes my stomach turn I like let’s have some dignity okay fun yeah sure sure whatever fun let’s keep it clean and simple this is a journal this is a planner format that I can be proud of #

Goals get it done it’s like the same as it’s like the live laugh love sign energy like see that in a planner I had this so many times when I was shopping at Bar & Noble I was like I like saw the cover and it was really cool looking and

It had all sorts of millennial cringe in there and I was like you ruined it you ruined it I turn to get caught up in Aesthetics but it it’s lowkey so important okay so here’s my opinion on that aesthetic it doesn’t need to be your whole personality not at all it

Shouldn’t be however this is something I’m looking at every single day or my desk my desk my what I’m looking at I look at this every day I st when I stare off into space and go into my little dream world this is what I’m looking at

So it needs to look good there was a time where when I had my first stream setup everything back here like whatever was in frame that was decorated and in front of me was just like blank walls blank walls and my two giant ring lights that gave me

Headaches and it was just so bad for my productivity cuz I hadn’t it it just the fun that was in the back I didn’t get to see any of that so it just didn’t make streaming as fun it didn’t make just being here nice so I do think aesthetic is

Important especially if you’re like a visual person which I am Boomers have Times New Roman Millennials have their script man I honestly really like times and Roman I think it’s a good font and uh Jen gen Z has this like honestly my brand font is very jenzy like if you

Go this is this is going to be the equivalent of like the Millennial stuff that we’re like oh that’s so Millennial this stuff I feel like this is this type of like cutesy script or not script uh like Sans fonts this and then like really clean Looking clean looking like variances between thick and thin fonts I think those will also be see jenz font 10 top 10 wait guys I have some amazing reading material for us top 10 jenzy fonts you must start using listen up Millennial marketing marketing employee here’s how to appeal to jenzy

Okay let’s see what they think when it comes to creating a modern and trendy design that resonates with Generation Z choosing the right font plays a crucial role jenzy is known for their love of unique and Visually appealing athetics true and incorporating the right fonts can make all the difference in this

Article we’ll explore the top 10 genen Z fonts that are both visually cap captivating and perfect for contemporary designs quicksand dear diary oh God the designer is dying already I just love I mean this graphic is not cute this graphic is not cute never seen that okay monat all right you

Got me there I do like monat or however you pronounce that honestly I’ve never said it out loud okay all right you’re right you are right sleek and sophisticated elegant true beas new Railway okay all right I like this one I like this font perfect balance between Simplicity and elegance sleek and

Contemporary Poppins oh yeah okay I see it I see with this one these like helvetica adjacent fonts vibrant and Youthful fut Futura oh man Futura was horribly overused when I worked in like a graphic design office I was not a graphic designer I was a I was the well I was the

Marketing person but I didn’t design myself this looks very Star Wars but like without the custom lot these are just like Google fonts I do use Lotto actually my editors my editors you know this um I have I use Lotto lato in your spreadsheets where I

Uh where I you see your like ad Revenue breakdown this is the font that it’s using Gotham maybe the light they’re the thin ones Gil okay I like this one I I see it I see it definitely I like this one too okay all right admin ad admin

Jenz wait is this what he does he writes about jenz smash or pass jenz celebrity at Edition what is artificial intelligence balancing PCOS Sports and games best gaming keyboard’s under 100 excuse me is that the hyperx alloy uh no no no no no no no hey you didn’t

Even the one in the picture is hyperx it’s not even on the list anyways this is the hyperx alloy 140 120 or something true this is a great keyword my dad uses it it’s not even in the list how you going to use them for clickbait and then freaking promote Logitech and

Razor you’re kidding me you are joking top 10 German cars for chenzi this is so specific three 3 minute race 273 B why German cars safety features Volkswagen Golf that’s a great car Audi jeez yeah luxurious BMW Series 1 Mercedes b happy holidays M dis and chat hope everybody is healthy and happyish

This are very these are pretty expensive car recommendations you know why it’s cuz JZ is not buying houses so instead of uh spending all our money on down payments we’re buying things we can actually enjoy Porsche Porsche cman Volkswagen Polo Audi these are all luxury vehic these are all luxury

Vehicles top five jenzy hairstyles oh God forbid shag true shag is cute Um I don’t see anything about this screaming and gen Z to be honest again clickbait because she’s beautiful lady it’s not in the is not in here what is Gen Z I can’t Advent genz he’s obsessed he’s obsessed with you guys okay here we go is known for their Innovative and entrepreneurial mindset true their technological technological aptitude and their ability to adapt quickly to new situations true they often refer to as digital natives due to their familiar

Familiar W 19 another day another sleigh hope everyone had a nice holidays cat thank you for the 17 months Mary thank you for the 20 months totoral thank you for the 100 signer did be die already B thank you for the tier one Mario thank you for

The 17 Swift thank you for the 14 mons guys and playge thank you for the 21 months Apna for the 20 months k for the five months Eden for the 15 months Margie you’re offline but think for 35 months are you jenzy common misconceptions that they’re lazy and entitled however this is far

From the truth jiny individuals tend to VI value hard work and practicality and are incredibly entrepreneurial yeah that’s true I feel like jenz is a lot more work harder I mean work smarter not harder and also vegging out is just part of being alive so all right

Anyways hope we enjoyed you enjoyed that little Deep dive admin jenz Let’s Play Games Shall we oh don’t look at that why is this what I can’t be lazy why should I live I mean yeah wolf cut wolf Cut’s very jenzy big time it’s like it is a shack but yeah curtain bangs

Maybe but I don’t know I feel like that’s just the haircuts that the way that the hair stylist Styles hair when you get a haircut is it’s just always curtain bangs and like those Utah curls I don’t really have control over that we all are questionings why things are the way they are

Yeah I don’t get the whole jenzy thing even though I’m a part of it what do you mean what does that mean I don’t get this whole Jen Z thing I just no people here’s the here’s here’s the rub okay everyone just stop this is not your moment

Okay every people just will find ways to categorize themselves and be elite from other people people will do that by any means necessary and generation and age difference is the one of the easiest laziest way to do that out and feeling to understand that like that the environment is a big part

Of why behavior is different which isn’t their fault you know we’re not like fundamental I miss we’ only just beg coming at you like people who are part of genz are not fundamentally different from people who are part of millennial of of the millennial generation or like

Gen X it’s just a matter of the environment that we were raised in and the values that that developed like hard work people say jenzy doesn’t value hard work no I don’t I I don’t value it over effective work like the idea of just punching in and like working hard because it’s what

I’m supposed to do not if it only benefits the corporation and not me why would I do that why would anyone do that so no like if you’re going to isolate it like just hard work no because hard work can be a waste of time it’s better to work smart and and do

Things that you love because we live in an age where loving something if you love something enough you can turn it into way to provided for yourself so just hard work as a blanket statement I don’t it’s not like we don’t live in a world where hard work gets you

Anywhere like not as a guarantee other than just chain to a desk sorry I don’t want to work my whole life honestly I could I could probably be making a lot more money and be I could have achieved more probably if I worked all the time but I like

Waking up late and I have worked so hard to get to this point where I could just like I could take day off like what what could be better than that I don’t want to clock in every day and and work I like I’ve I I’ve

Worked hard and I’ve managed to get into this like privilege position so why not enjoy it I don’t know how long would to be live I’m going to wake up I’m going drink my tea and hang out with my cats and watch TV and read a book and then

I’ll I’ll do what I need to until I have something that really grips me and like I have something that I want to share or specifically accomplish then I’ll work hard I’ll put in crazy hours but sometimes I just want to enjoy my life and and it’s it’s good to be if you

Can independent from a corporation that like controls your like your cap on how much money you can make especially with inflation and and oh gosh everything’s so expensive now I almost paid $10 for eggs the other day older folks don’t understand how doing what you do is hard work it looks

Very different from how they did yeah and they don’t often like don’t see the the uh the back part of it like there’s a lot of administrative and and like creative brain power that goes into becoming a conator I guess but ah I don’t really care they’re going

To make their jokes so you play games and you get paid for that wow time to raise your own chickens honestly when we buy a house if we ever can buy a house not a bad idea cats aren’t allowed outside so a dollar break yeah cracking my my dollar a piece

Eggs over my fried rice like $3 $4 $5 egg steak eggs and bacon that’s a luxury meal now J wish you the best of the house SCH thank you it’s down one doesn’t seem like a good time to buy but maybe someday getting gas in California yeah we we have an electric

Car now so we thankfully are able to save a lot on gas we drove we drove to the holidays or we drove to like my family’s house and it was not as expensive as it would have been to drive gas America’s wrenches economy these days when it comes to housing not a buyer’s

One no it’s not if you already own property then congratulations you’re doing great but the Lord help the rest of us ideal car these days is a hybrid a hybrid really oo ooh don’t care much for a full electric car oh why is that I never considered a hybrid

Streaming about running a chicken farm we have a $10 egg gift card anyway honestly that’s what I should do no more steam gift card giveaways or I won’t do steam give next time I do a giveaway I won’t do steam I’ll do uh like groceries Visa gift

Card still rely on gas cuz it’s really available to save money on because half electric hyb use less gas less gas than an electric what do you mean by that I look on Zillow for 10 minutes every month they say look again then I’ll say I’ll look again next month yeah

Walmart Walmart gift card I should honestly no more ging giveaways yeah no Primo giveaway Grocery Giveaway it’s kind of dystopian oh my dayis I’m so glad you asked we’re listening to it right now it’s a warm fuzzy feeling downtown Vibes evening cozy and Coffee House hey that’s literally my neon Coffee House playlist

I do listen to that at night Mr Beast core yeah honestly I feel like the only reason Mr Beast gets like black for what he does and like the is is because of his thumbnails genuinely they’re so uncanny valley and like they feel so dystopian to look

At if he did just like normal like candid photo thumbnails maybe they wouldn’t perform as well but they wouldn’t look so weird like the blind one he changed this one a couple times because it did look weird immediately but it still looks weird Mr Beast blind like I’m

Sorry can we just take a moment and like really look at this look at what do we have here we have oh great we have edited Dawn tears and a guy a kid with a surgical like jacket on with a with like a headband and Mr Beast standing behind him

Smiling the actual video is so wholesome and sweet but this thumbnail is so creepy and same thing with this one I swear to is the same kid is this not the same kid like the actual video is great both of them are great wholesome love what he’s doing these thumbnails are so

Creepy the fake tears that kid is not crying you are Wily not crying maybe him smiling with like a normal kid like who does this really well um Ryan trean I think is like a really great YouTuber just overall he’s like I look up I collected the he does clickbait super

Well but his videos are all excellent let’s see I don’t know if he’s done any like super philanthropic stuff so it’s hard to directly compare but these thumbnails these look real like there’s there’s daylight but look this mrest video this Mr beest photo it’s the same one as this

Thumbnail yeah I think Ryan Tran is like kind of the this one this is a good one I survived a Shrek Festival this is edited but it looks real yeah not not philanthropic so hard to directly compare but it’s just it’s just funny to me man he looks so creepy when he’s

Smiling Mr Beast the lighting on his face matches the environment he’s in yeah I imagine if everyone just used genuine thumbnails and then eventually videos would perform just as they as they once did with silly ones yeah I talked to some like people like YouTube just asking about like just just

Like analytics and stuff um and and I got the sense that they are really trying to discourage clickbait but are not like really pulling the trigger the best way to okay if you’re if you’re a nerd and you like all the details I can explain it to you thank you for the

Five thank you so much water sugar thank you for the five gifties and make sure to say thank you if you got one um yeah so YouTube I feel like okay if you like numbers I can or like I can explain I’ll explain what what they could do to

Discourage clickbait so have if you work in marketing you’ve heard of the term oh wait is this is this for this might actually just be for emails you are fine yeah bounce rate I hope everyone has a happy New Year indish flow thank you Tom than for the 15

Months so so the best way to remove clickbait on YouTube is to is to punish bounce rate um which means a bounce rate is when a when someone visits a website and then how quickly they click off um and that could totally be used and I think it is used to some

Degree to to to punish um audition but click still counts as a months I hope you all have a wonderful New Year YouTube they kind of put it on the viewer or on the content creator to like not clickbait I guess well they’re just watching me wow no no no no

Move but they’re not doing enough to punish it themselves that’s too much Bob hello Hello whoa there thank you so much you thank you for your generosity hello dish hope you’re having a good appreciate it greatly where are these gift Subs coming from thank you for complet they were

Waiting for the Navia Swift concert here watch this boom and now I’ve got sunglasses yeah so thank you so much for the 10 I really appreciate it Forma thank you for me anything for me thank you for the two months black count thank you for the 14 months YouTube could fix

It by not pushing videos in the algorithm that have a high bounce rate but they don’t do enough and instead of doing that they restrict they don’t allow their content crators to look at thumbnail analytics and if clickbait didn’t work people wouldn’t be doing it the way that they still are

Um so it’s just I don’t know I don’t honestly blame I think two things work on YouTube right now click rate click click clickbait really Intense clickbait or um in the moment like basically looks like something that was Auto selected from the video um like candid candid

Basically oh it’s on the top of course it is so I’m hoping the pendulum will swing more unfortunately clickbait is still highly rewarded on YouTube I don’t know if that will ever change I would love the typical facial reaction thumbnails to go away yet it

Works it does oh it does it does nine times out of 10 when I run like a Ab test which I YouTube allows you to upload up to three thumbnails for the same video and it will choose the best one or the one it deems to be the best one

Um won’t really give you the analytics on it but it’s nine times out of 10 one where my face is in it I wish I could do more creative thumbnails and sometimes they go well but I guess I should take it as a compliment that people want to watch

Like people see me and want to click but yeah it is what it is the oh my gosh I just try to at least for me I feel better when I know my content is genuine um so I could probably click bait harder but I don’t I don’t feel like

It’s I don’t know I don’t want to I don’t want to oh wait forgot claim all dispatch again don’t want to and you can’t make me um I don’t know where to cook in suu so we just go back to Le I be F love the Christmas videos from Jake’s Channel me

Too Mr success oh thank you thank you I do have high hopes for or 2024 I think I learned a lot in 2023 so when they use the same facial reaction every thumbnail that’s why U does it honestly I make fun of him but I

Don’t blame him for it he uses like the same three photos three or four photos he like Cycles them on his YouTube thumbnails and it works because it’s like familiar I think it’s cuz it’s familiar yeah it’s freaking red sweater I’ll never get I’ll never be free of

It Z thank you for the sub I like the art thumbnails yeah I do too those are all candid like basically uh uh slightly tightened up candid photos or candid moments from the video and those that performs well so now I now all I need to do is upload on that

Channel what can I cook finding unique face for every video gets ex whoa oh my gosh okay cook shling all right cook it’s tough you there’s always a tear between on for YouTubers like what you want to make and what the viewers want to see like my wishing videos they’re

All wishing and Challenge videos are my best performing YouTube videos and like I I’m grateful that they perform so well but it be so awesome if uh or like more personal videos per well but Like I just try to do both hey I want to spare some mint a those slam a Minecraft user doesn’t even make thumbnails and it’s really interesting Ethos Lab that would actually be kind of hilarious to make a YouTube channel and just do know that would be so interesting to

Start a YouTube channel I don’t know how you would get popular but to have no no thumbnail and just have a title that tells you what it is and then and then like a number after it like if you did a Minecraft series to just have the black

Thumbnail with Minecraft 1 or Minecraft 2 just to go completely against the clickbait system he’s so popular though at those lab oh I see yeah he just does the auto selected Auto selected YouTube YouTube uh thumbnails I mean yeah I guess when you reach this level of notability you don’t

Really have to Batman artistic says funny thing is I’ve made thumbnails before with the use of graphic design and gfx it’s cool to make those kind of thumbnails and not use the same images for thumbnails every video true yeah I do I definitely have some thumbnails I’m like proud of very proud of

Um see my want my rocks cook I like this one I was very happy with this one uh I like this one I did like the I made the holographic effect on this one there’s that one that I really like oh the judging your Kai builds I like this one

Too this one I like yeah some are super low effort some aren’t this one took a long time but I like this one I feel like it’s really immersive and pretty I like this one just mydy screaming at the yeah I like these two it’s just like just pictures or just just like

Moments from the stream or moments from the whatever it is drunk yeah toy around with a lot of different stuff I said how my weakest videos have the most e most effort thumbnails why does it happen why does it happen that happens so often I’ll put the most effort in the thumbnail and

Like it’ll be for nothing or next to nothing are we really waiting for rock uh yeah what does it look like you are fine ice drunk dish a year ago yeah that was so fun that’s one of my favorite challenges I’ve ever did I’ve ever done that video makes you laugh so

Hard that’s how thumbnail should be showing what you’re actually going to watch when you click on the video yeah yeah so I I just I try to be honest with my YouTube thumbnails and titles I don’t want it to look like I just I just don’t want to mislead that’s why I don’t

Make videos like you you’re not going to see like contradictions between one video and and another one hopefully is X gain dying this this Factor will ruin this game wait this game is back you’ll never see it how do you give up so much calmness as a

Human think I’m a very low energy person I am just like mellow how is that not enough rocks what if I already did this one I did we’re not waiting for rocks anymore folks let do the event guys is it in Fontaine it is right genin died wait genin is back or

Yeah I just do what I do just do what I do I just figure as long as the content is good and interesting and and like reflective of me and my audience some videos are going to take off some aren’t that’s just how it is as

Long as I can put my stamp on it and be proud then that’s that’s good enough for Me okay shall we do the event Pon coming in Pon shutting up Pon shutting up roses and muskets recommended Quest oh I don’t I can’t even if I wanted to oh yes I can ah yeah yeah I understand why they want me to do the finina quest

You know there was a time that it was only yo in here I had a moment where I was on top of my quests and then it just slipped through my fingers oh dude those were the days ow that’s not a that’s not a straw not my streamer I’ve heard I’ve heard

That all Haan one is great I’ve heard Dez is awesome heard good things about nads and Finas uh no I don’t have time to do it tonight so I’m just going to suspend my dis suspend my disbelief and just pretend like I know what’s going on headpad L I don’t know if you’re

Still here but I’ll send back your points case you left wakey wakey eggs and bakey not to say you’re missing out I am missing out I know I know I believe you so totally believe you and yet seriously but Mr Morris I don’t understand sir how can you only telling me this

Now I’m afraid that there’s nothing really I can do I’m really facing a crisis my hands are tied about my film oh no well I’m afraid you have to come up with something on your own take it from me sometimes you just have to let things go same goes for this Film

Festival you seem to be in a pickle sir allow me help isn’t that zavier so he’s back in Fontaine now oh I remember meeting this person in monat right why if it isn’t the dear traveler and Pimon I really didn’t expect to bump into you here at this time inuma what event was

It surumi surumi taraa World quest in the town of petricore Fontaine uh wow having some memory recall issues I definitely did the tatara sua quest tatara tals surely I did that well I was doing just fine until I received some terrible news just now the investor I was working with for my

Upcoming film has fallen upon some hard times and is no longer able to provide the promised amount of funds can’t you just find a different investor unfortunately that’s not how it works we had signed an agreement specific to the fontania film festival stipulating that I cannot work with any other investors

Until the festival is finished what oh yeah it’s the one with the reactor yes okay no I do remember that one the falia film festival what’s that oh is this your first time participating in fontaine’s falia film festival then allow me to fill you in the falia festival was established to commemorate

The legendary lock Knights who went on a quest to search for the oids and eventually welcome to the hydro archon aeria uh the holiday is deeply connected to the founding of Fontaine as well as its unique laws and trials it’s one of the most important festivals for this

Nation heyes there is going to be a long pause if you keep it at autop playay for the event don’t skip it I won’t spoil it it’s going to be hilarious it’s going to be a long pause if you keep it at autoplay for the Advent don’t skip it it

Won’t spoil it’s going to be hilarious so I should keep it on autoplay I’ll ask you followup question since you spent bits to tell me That yeah okay all right we’ll stuer through the through the awkward pauses in the autop play then what’s with that weird expression on your face it’s like you’re trying really hard to remember something Ah I was just trying to recall the exact description from the books in order to avoid any uh unnecessary arguments over semantics I usually try to recite things straight from the source well either way Pine think she gets it now it’s just like the wind Bloom Festival in monad

And the lantern right in Le yes those are festivals of a similar variety who doesn’t like a good Festival and just like those of other nations Fontaine will hold a plethora of events around this time each year to commemorate the lock kns people will imitate them by putting on special costumes raising

Golden cups and going door too asking for pure water he did he was a few years ago lady finina started to find the whole idea little drab and so decided to change the part about pure water to sweets queen that really doesn’t surprise my at all no no the whole thing

Seems more akin to a carnival now and it’s quite popular among the kids every year you can hear a bunch of them saying trial or treat he had this halfway down his he he he had consumed it up to here stop don’t eat plastic don’t eat plastic

For the millionth time why are they like this bad very bad going to have to you’re going to end up in the hospital B getting her like tummy pumped or something oh I swear he was about to swallow it tell them you’re going to be a good G though from now on thank

You barely got it oh that sounds pretty fun but how does that connect back to the film festival you mentioned can’t believe cats are real me NE ah yes it appears I’ve strayed off topic I just got too excited after seeing you let me get back to the point

The Fontan Alia Film Festival is an event proposed by the Fontaine film Association this year now that film technology has matured as a medium it’s the per perfect time to introduce more people to the art form during this time people may submit films to be evaluated and the entry with the highest score

Will be given the finina award by the Association wow the what award award the finina award you know after the hydro archon they coined it while lady finina was still in power but uh even though things have changed no one has made any motion to update the name

Perhaps everyone still thinks of it as a pretty appropriate name even though she isn’t the hydro archon any longer lady finina is still Fontaine Superstar anyone with eyes can see the way she shines on the stage yeah totally I remember that from the quest all right guess the name does work pretty well

When you put it that way oh but who would have guessed there be an issue with the funding how will I ever explain this to miss chori not to say all the other Act who traveled all the way here from Ena Zuma chori uh sounds familiar where have we heard that name

Before she runs a clothing store in the court of Fontaine are you hiccuping ashery stresses me out man yes that’s her I asked her to oversee the event art Direction including the design of the actor’s costumes and appearances oh Pon remembers now NAIA said that her clothes were designed by chori and

Kirara’s outfit too Kirara how to describe her uh well she tends to be pretty direct and can be very forceful when it comes to dealing with people the Fashion World in Fontaine has dubbed her the Thundering seamstress oh my her remarkable designs have led many fontans to be become very interested in enuma

Anyway chiori is acquainted with all the actors I’ve invited from Ena Zuma without her help I don’t think I would have been able to get such an international cast for the film she really is a kind soul who are the actors from inauma do we know them why don’t

The two of you accompany me to the aquabus station to welcome them okay judging from the time the aquabus should be arriving shortly chori will be waiting there as well the crack of muskets and break the silence sometimes cats eat less digestable stuff to help push down food ding love

That uh to help push down food that gets stuck in their stomach cat wild cats usually rodents because of the fur and Bones so what’s the goal do they they eat something that’s less digestible and then they and then they vomit it back out or something the line didn’t happen What

Line I don’t get It I mean it just it’s so weird to watch cats like gag on on plastic and then continue to eat it like how dog eats grass maybe can I get maybe I can get like grass for them like cat grass or something maybe that would help plastic has a smell that’s

Addictive to to cats and that’s why they eat it wow plastic really is just a net negative on the universe isn’t it aside from it being like antimicrobial or whatever he’s grimming me Now Kat KAG is funny it is funny thanks bud he’s taking up almost all of my desk space thank you honey that hurts only a little and tickles a little repel the enemy Advance special special security and surveillance Patrol event oh is this the game Play hit your quot oh my gosh do you work for lethal C are you a great great asset to the company shooting simulator oh yeah my cat escaped my room which is no big deal right well he snuck into our guest room with a plant that’s normally

Never gets into but he almost ate a whole Leaf ooh make sure it’s not a toxic leave because you might need to you might need if it does if your cat doesn’t throw it up you might need to take it to the vent oh she’s yapping she is yapping Zenith boss level

Force Chev sh there’s a disorder while cats get can get a addicted to eating non-nutrition objects that is stressful that is stressful they have so much to chew on you know and we give them the best literally the best Food okay what about the the quest ah here we go okay let’s do the quest first uh right the Aquabus I’m sleepy Pika your dog ate chocolate from the garbage last year and died that’s really sad when I when I had a puppy um when I was in elementary school I came home from like a class like a end of the year potty or something and I put a brownie

That I brought home on a Ledge and this it was a small puppy right so there so up to this point I I believed it was a place that the that the puppy couldn’t get to and oh my gosh I walked in right as I heard some like scuttling right and I

Walked over and I saw my little puppy Heidi had just figured out how to get up onto this ledge and ate the brownie hole she made it but oh my gosh what a nightmare I was crying I was crying I thought I killed my dog finally I should have just jumped down

But why not take the lift wrong time to be smart I know I know why couldn’t have been when there was like you know like like some chicken or something it had to be a brownie and they like it they like the smell up I thought we were going to the bottom

Oopsie my first dog got into a hall wi SE siiz bag of candy at of Reese’s I really want to go traveling I don’t mind where we go as long as I there she is I love her outfits oh my gosh D there uh Miss chori hello you’re talk with the

Investor sure went fast the aquaus hasn’t even arrived yet love her oh and who are they ah uh allow me to introduce you this is the traveler and Pimon pleased to meet you she’s Gio I hope she works well with Navia wellwise we’ve heard the owner of choria

Boutique is a skilled seamstress so it’s a real pleasure to finally meet you in person maybe she’s a crystalized proc stop stop stop don’t make me go back to hiding my uid not that you can’t find it everywhere but stop stop is she going to be playable

Yeah I yes she doesn’t she does not look like an NPC to me she doesn’t got the NPC look you know don’t step on my key please thank you well thank you I strove to create an outfit that matched her high social station as the demoiselle yeah she might be designed to be

Thanks thank you do you want something do you deserve well what do you lack my son yeah maybe she’s designed to be like a crystalized proc for NAIA so tell me what happened I can tell the conversation didn’t go quite as expected he’s just watching ah well it’s like this

Asy on no no no plastic no plastic I know I know chor you don’t have to say it you did remind me that this investor was a little bit sketchy yes there’s no doubt about that but how could I pass it up he offered me twice

As much as the others and therein lies the problem but just put yourself in my shoes after obtaining such an excellent script it’s only natural that I would want to make the most of the film The budgets that the others had proposed were nowhere near enough it’s difficult

To find someone willing to front such a large amount of Mora so don’t be sad Z VA we might be able to help scr up some more together for you yeah I got some how much do you need thank you Pon that means a lot to me but

The cost of the film is staggering I’m afraid that any Morrow we can scr together in a short amount of time won’t even be able to cover the actor’s fees we need to move on what’s happened has already happened and there’s no changing it but now’s not the time to give up

What you’re saying that you have a plan Got wants everything no that’s not what I mean I’m simply saying I wouldn’t give up just yet the actors I recommended aren’t just after Mora after All really anyways I feel normally excited about this we malines live in Mar Village the only way to enter is from underwater oh you must be pretty tired after work every you have to swim all that weight just to go homeful but some melines choose to live

In the C of Fontaine because it’s so much more convenient this is our stop oh leave but I haven’t with eval yet also enjoyed aol’s introductions to Fontaine along the way everything you described was so clear and detailed that we can’t help but want to hear more thank you so much I’m usually

Working here on this Aqua bus so I hope I’ll have the chance to see you again there are still many more places I’d like to introduced to you aat what away with words We haven’t seen him since the 3.3 welcome to the court of Fontaine chori you sure have changed a lot this is the first time we’ve seen you since you left inauma I haven’t realized it’s been so long I was in such a rush when I left that I didn’t even

Get to say goodbye thank you for extending the invitation Mr zavier I’m looking forward to a fruitful trip here in Fontaine his voice sounds higher it’s an honor to have the the head of the kamisato clan visitors so they are who you meant when you said you had actors coming from Ena

Zuma oh it’s the traveler and Pimon hi wow what a coincidence aaka and I were just talking about you on the way here are you also here for the film we just ran into davier earlier and came over with him but I’m not an actress sir kamiato

And Lady aaka are the real actors here I’m just tagging along with aaka to have a good time together a I love I love it is is such a such a far cry from aaka being very shy and scared and like kind of lonely to having Yia be her

Besty as the shy friend as the shy friend who struggles to reach out and connect I love the Yia in my life uh about that I I mean how was I supposed to contact you when I was making preparations for the film I figured you were probably busy and I

Didn’t want to disturb you so I could only keep you in the back of my mind while I sought other actors to play the lead roles in the film I had been thinking about a surprise reunion with you during our trip here but you still

Managed to surprise me first a oh so you all know each other already my what a coincidence what are the chances everyone could be brought together here like this why don’t we go to hotel dbor and catch up over a meal I’ve already made a reservation huh yes please did you

Reserve two spots for us too yes of course of course I’ll be sure to tell the boss to serve a few more delicious dishes just to make sure there’ll be enough food very well then please kindly lead the way Mr zavier I aaya is to Y Mia as you are to

Gabby yeah yeah definitely definitely Squad wow the buildings in Fontaine are so tall just look at how big they are and there’s the fountain that AAL mentioned earlier it really is a magnificent sight and look at that huge spinning sphere where does it get its

Power wait a sec could it be one of those Clockwork me we’ve heard so much about I love these three in a quest together wait oh uh what’s that I have these characters join you for a walk why not I await your instruction are you going to hold a festival Yes

Actually yes we are you’re just in time this world is full of Unsolved Mysteries wow I actually have all the characters in a story Quest and they’re all level 90 and like properly built oh yeah the skin so true so true so true oh love the truth in my own way oh love

Love yay I’m so happy for her exploring the world now our emotion that’s why I walk to places even though I think I might be going the wrong Way I love how everything in her outfit looks like a butterfly like even the her the bow on the back it totally is has the shape of a butterfly and I just think that that’s SW yeah she not cooped up in inuma anymore so this is what food from bontin

Is like it sure is different from what we have in inauma how should I describe it it seems like you have to go through a lot more steps to make them and the flavor has many layers too Japanese person talking about talking about French food it’s fried battered uh buttered uh

Brine it’s topped it’s it’s it’s got cheese on it salt pepper bread it again fried again some more cheese cheese melted cheese fried cheese cheese um scorched and and and and and fried again there’s so much stuff ah yes when I first went to enuma I actually thought

The food there tasted a little too bland it took some time for me to get used to it BL blend I mean I I I guess not if the rice is seasoned well you are you insinuating that French food is more flavorful than Japanese food um okay not enough cheese me when

There’s not enough cheese let’s get back to the purpose of this trip for a moment shall we how have preparations for the film been coming along Mr zavier um he said okay so that’s enough let’s move on to the film that’s enough out of you let’s get

Back to the task at hand well I’ve already assembled most of the film crew a lighting specialist a prop manager and a costume designer I’ve also bought the copyrights from the novel’s author oh it’s called the two musketeers right I heard the script you sent me on the way

Here the story is pretty good originally I was planning to start filming as soon as sir kamisato and Lady aaka arrived in Fontaine but uh I’m afraid I’ve run into a bit of a problem I got no problem what is it it has to do with the film’s

Investor Mr Morris he suddenly informed me this morning that he’s encountered some financial trouble and will be unable to release to me the amount of funding agreed upon it’s said that fontaine’s legal system is welldeveloped if he has violated the contract then can’t you simply take him to court over

The matter ah well I’m still more concerned about filming even if I were to take him to court I’m afraid it would take months months before the case could even be heard then is there a way we could raise funds ourselves to solve the problem I’ve considered that option too

But unfortunately it’s difficult to gather such a large amount of Mora on such short notice besides we have to consider the film festival submission deadline H are they going to donate if viaka and I were willing to perform for free would that resolve the problem you are currently facing charity word what no

Out of the question to have you come all this way just to act for free oh no no no no that won’t do there’s no need to worry Mr zavier my brother and I had actually intended to work for free after receiving your invitation inauma has only recently

Reopened its borders and needs to strengthen its relations and cultural ties with other nations we didn’t have many collaboration projects with Fontaine in the past so we hope this trip would serve as a good start for the future M political Japanese food also is a lot of

Fried yeah true tempor stuff and like P like PKA fried stuff I got 6 million yeah I got 22 million I’ll just front the C right now indeed you could say that’s the real reason why the ashiro commission agreed to come to Fontaine I understand but

Having you two act for free just doesn’t seem right not at all while we’re officially here to conduct a cultural survey of sorts we must express our sincerity if we want to establish formal cultural ties with your nation this film will serve as proof of friendly cooperation and cultural exchange between inauma and

Fontaine it’s my hope that the film can be finished and released as smoothly as possible if you still don’t feel comfortable with this Arrangement that would also be more than happy to be introduced to some other renowned individuals in fontaine’s literary and artistic circles all right I’ll do as you say

Thank you thank you so much I’ll make sure to Cobble together enough morea now even if it means selling my house my camera and every single family heirloom come on now no need to go that far I’ll also help you out as a brand sponsor oo brand sponsor me too

Even though I didn’t bring much more to spend on this trip it’s still better than nothing no keep your money I’ll pay for it you are too kind all of you I I really don’t know how to all right enough about that now that we have savier savings my support and

Two leads who were willing to act for free I think we will be able to make this happen so instead of Mora you’ll help with filming and production oh but how can we help with that we don’t know much about making a film all right pull yourself together

Zavier tell us if there are still any open positions left among the crew oh all right uh let me think we still need a camera operator a Clapper loader and someone to manage Logistics I originally wanted to personally serve as director but I’ve been too busy working

As the producer so the positions of director and director’s assistant will also need to be filled P knows what the director and the logistics support person do but what’s a Clapper loader The Clapper loader is responsible for using The Clapper board to record and organize the information of each shot

When the camera operator begins shooting the work requires both patience and careful attention to detail a Clapper board Oh you mean the thing they hold that goes clap whenever they start filming yes that’s right are you interested in that job of course she is for sure P’s always wanted to try that

All right then you’ll be our Clapper loader I can find someone from the store to help with Logistics what do you think savier oh fine by me as for our camera operator I was thinking of letting the traveler take the role oh she’s great when it comes to using a camera pman

Can’t even count how many things we’ve taken photos of during our journey it’s true yes that’s also what I was thinking I noticed the traveler had an eye for photography and composition when we worked together previously I’m sure that’s due to the Traveler’s journey across the vat and all the places I’ve

Seen after So Many Adventures using a camera must be second nature by now she get me what do you say traveler are you interested in the job as long as I’ll be able to help thank you it really means a lot to me come on friend let me give you a big

Warm hug pass so all that’s left for us to find is a director and an assistant oh me me me I want to be the director’s assistant all we need to do is help the director right I can handle that all right then all we need is a

Director oh all the well-known directors in Fontaine are probably also busy working on their own films these days I’m not sure who will have time to help why is this all getting organized at the last minute like I understand you having a funding issue but this would have all been

Organized way in advance oh finina helped out a theater troop recently by serving as an artistic consultant she could be a good director right besides it’s not like she has anything else to do right now right right taking photos and filming a movie is exactly the same yeah right same same skill

Pina uh do you really think lady finina would be willing to help us with our humble project isn’t that the name of fontaine’s hydro archon my brother has already informed me about what happened here in Fontaine yeah it was crazy she helped out a theater troop not too long ago and now

She’s taking up work as a director director well uh Co I saw that musical her performance was perfect and the story boards were also excellent don’t let her former identity intimidate you cool she’s the best candidate we can think of right now you’ll never know until you give her a

Shot now I’m really curious fine you’re right Shori I’ll do anything for the sake of my film anything except prepare in advance but anything else is fine then I’ll have to ask the traveler and Pimon to show me the way to Lady fen’s residence I just hope she’ll agree to

Help do you need us to also come along no there’s no need to trouble you with this besides you’ve just arrived in Fontaine and I’m sure there are many places you would like to visit just leave this task to me it’s part of my duties as the producer the

Producer film producer the producer pays for the film yeah what what exactly is your job producer is the person the people who pay for it the people who find the film what is your job what is your job I thought I thought I guess I just assumed this guy was the director he’s

Contributing five more yeah for a producer there’s not a lot of more coming out of his pocket he’s just there yeah he’s more of a manager yeah yeah yeah like a coordinator is that’s probably more accurate very well that’s so funny then we’ll be waiting to hear the good news

I’ll go with you by the way you might want to consider bringing a gift and don’t worry we won’t simply drop you off at fina’s place we know finina pretty well by now so having some familiar faces there should help your chances besides the whole thing was our idea in

The first place all right then I’ll start making preparations as for the gift treats sweets a gift for someone who is once seen as the Hydra oricon I wonder what she would like Hobbies I recall that lady finina Once fancied A Clockwork ring so perhaps I should get another Exquisite Clockwork

Contraption for her huh can’t we just bring some desserts the bellia Moose but wouldn’t that be a little too cheap she does like desserts though no sweets are always happening right now I heard AAL tell us on the aquabus that Verina introduced the tradition of going

Door too and asking for sweets to do something like that Dad she must have a real sweet tooth true you’re so I agree with Yia if the gift is too fancy it might actually make her feel more uncomfortable all right then let’s go buy some falia moose but will that really be enough

We’ll be asking her to do a lot of work you know H you’re right we need to further sweet en the deal huh producers don’t just pay executive producer pays the producer organizes the people oh really what did I think that producer meant producer film producer is a person who oversees Film

Production producer versus executive higher level than film they must have more they may have more experience what is an executive producer top of the producer food chain they often provide the film’s funding ah and they do have some control over the film oh okay all right so so maybe I judged him too

Harshly perhaps I judged you too harshly Worley huh you want something even sweeter than font andalia moose I have some experience in the film production it depends on what type of producer oh okay yes we’ll need a gift that’s sweeter than any dessert in the world but what could that be I don’t

Know your words of Praise oh I thinking like a cinnamon roll all Right where can I cook you are fine Alum Miss dish my Minecraft tows have gone back to unhealthy levels thank you cool fit by the way poo cute thanks I really like this uh just don’t know if I have this stuff get some just in case butter Flor Uh wait pause I want to talk to people looking forward to the good news that’s It you go ahead no need to worry about us oh I hope Marina will like the gifts we prepared oh and if you still think we should get something else for her just let me know I should be able to make some fireworks I’m not worried I just wanted to chat

Guys we haven’t seen each other in like so long aat but you don’t want to talk to me where do you cook in this in here can I cook here ah there’s the there it is um we are cooking some no no falia moose specialty dish no wait crab row oh jam okay

Ah I may have misclicked I may have I only need one Right okay go to fina’s apartment she lives in apartment how Cute yeah I never find the stove in in uh in Fon and I always get confused that was the first time I’ve actually found it she lives right here just like on the street right here this is where finina lives wow okay I’ll go knock on the door coming

Coming seriously who’s knocking before afternoon tea ma who are you lady finina please please allow me to introduce myself I am zavier a film director hello oh is that the traveler in Pimon I see behind you and who’s this I’m chei ah the one from choria Boutique hello

Hello so what are you all doing here do you need something did you just get up forina it’s already past noon you know oh p means the weather is so nice in the afternoon and the Sun is so warm just like how you make us feel sleeping in late is a really smart

Idea what is going on here uh no I was just up late last night reading some novels what does sleeping in have to do with the weather this is a small gift we’ve prepared for you lady finina we hope you like it no need to be so formal I’m just

A regular person like everyone else now is this FIA moose it’s one of my favorites that’s great so actually there’s something we need your help with given your renowned passion and understanding of drama I would like to ask that you serve as the Director of

Our film crew oh but didn’t you just say that you’re a director yes but for this particular project I’m mainly working as a producer besides I’m sure that your understanding of the Performing Arts far surpasses my own lady finina are the traveler and Pon also part of the film

Crew yeah yep we sure are Pan’s The Clapper loader and she’s the camera operator camera operator that can be a pretty technical job and it directly affects the final quality of the film are you really up to it I don’t know honestly but I’m going to wing it no I’m

Not questioning your abilities it’s just that I’ve never really seen you use a camera before maybe you can come up with a test for the traveler and see for yourself if she can satisfy you with her camera skills then you’d have nothing to worry about and can join the team what

Are you say uh you sure are getting better at rolling with the situation Pon I do wish to see how skilled The Traveler really is with a camera all right how about this I’m not we’ll work with what we have I’ll give you some scenarios and see if your work is up to

My standards yes ma’am very good it’s essential for the camera operator to understand the director’s Vision I’ll make my decision after seeing your work are you ready I have high standards you know okay grab the camera and I’ll give you a scenario Estelle is the boss of the bmon workshop she’s always

Been proud of her forging machine as she as it can not only precisely control strength of temperature but also takes no effort from the blacksmith let us PR let us film a promotional video for a workshop remember to emphasize superiority over a forging machine all right shoot several shots oh my gosh

Editing dear diary okay hi dish apologies was waiting for a break in the character dialogue if you had a specialty dis genin what would it be what quisine would be the foundation for it and what region would it originate from also would you have any F names for

This specialty oh gosh I don’t know if my brain can work at this level at this time um yeah my special dish would be would be uh lazy woman spasha and it would be souro toast it would be from whatever nation is closest to Italy so probably Fontaine

It would be sour to toast toasted until it’s slightly Brown with olive oil on top and salt and pepper and oregano maybe some fresh maybe some fresh um what’s it called Rosemary although Rosemary it’s not great unless it’s like baked into it but mostly oregano and then with Tuscano

Cheese on top no balsamic vinegar it’s not really my style that’s it it would be lazy lazy woman’s fasha that is my special dish I make it almost every night for a snack okay oh I see I see okay so I can pick anything camera position okay uh this one and this

One oh not this one this one uh thanks to this machine all by Buon Workshop is St can comfortably enjoy each day of work we show a for sure and then we’re now for the weapon produced by bont uh Workshop are of outstanding quality cake uh I guess kind

Of yuku says hi Y and we arm March comrades Stander besid to toop Norman charge andas yeah amen a prins thank you for the 100 bits Yuki thank you for the 100 if weapons what you want to look no fur further maybe some people who would use that all right let’s

Do oh wow okay look at us we did it already good they might want me to change this one how was that good let me be honest do you really think you have what it takes to shoot a film I don’t know you put no thought into finding a good

Camera angle and the characters weren’t even in the shots as for the original intent of the character’s lines did you leave them somewhere in the vicinity of Elton trench I mean I guess you could be trying to pursue your definition of the AV on guard if that’s what you’re doing

I suppose you do have to find yourselves a capable director I flopped the last one I thought it was like I thought it was like you know going to show people being happy about you know their choice to to support this Ford shop I thought that was what I thought it was like

[Laughter] yeah what’s your verdict please that you agree to be our director forena did you think I would agree just like that after our performance of the little oenid I’ve begun to make a name for myself again you know in fact I’ve already had several troops approach me for the falia film festival

Unfortunately the scripts were all pretty boring and didn’t peque my interest if others were to find out I agreed to work with you so easily then well hey but didn’t we have a what else do we need to do to convince you finina uh well what about the pay huh

You know how much you’re willing to pay me to be the director the pay is also an important factor for me to consider you know well uh I can offer you this much what that’s all if nervy were to hear of this he could charge you with

Underpaying your labor I’m sorry but our crew is in a tight Financial spot at the moment I see well even though it’s highly unlikely now that I’ll join your crew there’s still something I I’d like to ask exactly what film are you planning to make oh uh our script is an

Adaptation of the two musketeers huh wait you mean the suspense thriller novel that was a number one best s oh so finina is read it too great with the story I’ve always had a keen interest in artistic works that strike a chord with the populace I see

You must have used most of the budget to pay for the copyright uh not really the novel’s author transferred the copyright to me practically for free once he heard that I wanted to make a film adaptation of the story the lack of budget is due to another

Issue he probably just wants to get his name out there so Mora isn’t the most important thing to him right now D it reminds me of a delivery Courier who wears one of my designs while traveling all across toat I didn’t charge her much for the outfit either the exposure she

Provides for my brand is well worth it corpa uh so are you a big fan of this story forena come on well uh it’s all right the pacing of the story is good but the character relationships could use some work when I was reading it before I I

Always felt like some things were left on a rather unsatisfactory note I have high standards you know Mr zavier if hypothetically speaking I agree to be the director how much Freedom would I have in terms of script revisions and creative interpretation oo oh oh as much Freedom

As you would need I wouldn’t dare doubt the taste of fontaine’s greatest star good then I’m free to alter the script as I see fit absolutely no problem oh no she got to go crazy with it all right it seems that your crew really can’t go on without my care and Direction exactly

Exactly I’m useless age yes I agree although the pay is well below what someone of my caliber deserves I mustn’t let a perfectly good story be ruined due to lack of funds if you have fine cheese and bread you wouldn’t just let it sit on the counter and get moldy

Just because you lack an oven right yeah that’s so true speaking my language bread and cheese oh Hydro archon above I’m not dreaming am I somebody pinched me there’s no more Hydro Aron you know and it’s still a little early Hydro Dragon Hydro Dragon there’s a lot that

Goes into shooting a fil I love her sh although the trickiest tasks of finalizing the script and casting the actors have already been taken care of will still need to reserve filming locations not to say set up lighting and and by the way since we’ll be filming the two

Musketeers need to find an act choreographer ideally a professional who has actual experience with muskets yes I’ve thought about this well I was hoping that you might know someone who could handle the job Mooney thank you for the tier one Austin thank you for the tier one Yuki thank you for the

10 months even though I definitely already said that are you pulling for chori I guess it depends on what her kit looks like but if she’s designed to be to work with Navia maybe although I wonder if she is a five star though me hm

If this was before hard to say I think she simply ask laurand but it’s already been some time since I last talk to her Navia can also use Firearms but unfortunately her style is quite different from that of the characters in the story no could we ask the special security and surveillance

Patrol yeah I guess she well I don’t know I guess her design is pretty intricate she will be AAR you mean the special patrols Musketeers she’s pretty dripped out yes that’s right they work with muskets every day I can’t think of anyone more qualified than them they would be under nervet

Jurisdiction unfortunately I uh don’t have any connection with them at all so in the end we still have to start by talking to nervet no need to go to all that trouble I I know they’re captain chevis Oh you do Chev yri how do you know the captain of the special patrols

Musketeers no particular reason running a business means dealing with some trouble from time to time and she’s helped me out on a few occasions in return I’ve helped her handle a few situations in which the special control get involved directly so we’ve gotten to know each other over time uh so you’re

Saying there’s been times when the special Patrol needed a fashion designer to handle a situation your work is becoming more and more mysterious neret it’d be that way anyway enough about that what do you all think about asking the captain to be our musket action choreographer she sounds

Professional enough she is a captain after all I have no objections but I imagine the special security and surveillance Patrol must be busy with their duties do you think think she’d really have time to help with shooting a film and then there’s the issue of pay this this is pretty

Long just so happens that she’s also not the kind of person that’s just after Mora as for whether she has time I’ll have to go and ask her first then I’ll leave that to you macaron is on sale today so I’ve got to go you can just

Tell me how things went when we discussed tomorrow’s plan leader no problem having forina join feels like a big boost to our team of course just wait until the day of our Premiere you’ll witness the true power of my name in these lands power of my name in these lands I can guarantee

That even the standing tickets will be sold out I’ll be sure to ask some people I know to see if they’d be willing to act as extras yep yep seems like you’re finally getting more comfortable with your own reputation now didn’t ask for The Clapper loaders commentary Pimon then

Let’s get going I happened to know where chevis is today by the way I’m curious if my pay is so low then what about our two actors what about the lead didn’t they travel here all the way from inauma actually they told us that they see the

Trip as part of a cultural exchange so they didn’t ask for any pay what so is every person into that who doesn’t want money G here to shoot this film don’t tell me chori isn’t being paid either she’s sponsor I already knew zavier from before and he’s also agreed to give my

Brand some good exposure it seems the gods have really smiled upon you zavier and that certainly doesn’t include me mind you that’s funny that’s funny new mail oh my gosh happy birthday tigna happy birthday tigna I’ve heard the ambient temperatures is temperature is dropping rather quickly in sever several different climbs I

Wonder if your travels have taken you to a place with such in inclement weather naturally the rainforest is warm and humid as always and remains an excellent part excellent place to escape the Winter Chill so would you consider overwintering in garville there are fresh fruits and mushrooms of Plenty and

You can go hunting with the forest rangers naturally within the Limited stipulates stipulated limits stipulated by the forest protection regulations I can confident confidently say that every day here is filled with excitement should you be interested then come find me I look forward to to you doing your

Bit to contribute to the Lively atmosphere that’s very nice T yummy that looks good happy birthday ady let’s look at the birthday art happy Birth I love tigari art it looks so good love happy birthday to you DTI happy birthday to you DTI the chiby one it looks like a old this for some reason this reminds me of like a like a 2010 Web video game it’s cute the mustache now if only we could go see him in game yeah I used to think that that’s what happened when

You when you uh when a character’s birthday happened that you would be able to go see them in game but no that’s not how it works Forand Fun’s going really well right now need to get water I’m thirst I Thirst Stay hydrated fellas if you’re not sure if you’re thirsty you are probably thirsty if you’re not sure you need water then you probably do if you feel sleepy for no reason try to drink water and see what happens all right this is the place but where is the captain there’s hardly anyone around

Here thanks crunchy she’s over there the one with an eye patch reading in front of the news oh her P could tell there was something different about her she seems kind of intimidating please wait here for a moment I’ll go fetch her she’s working

Now so you might not want to get in her way working but isn’t she just standing there and reading a novel just trust me oh all right let’s see what happens then Chey sure is a mysterious person she just to be a fashion designer but she knows all these powerful

People the court of Fontaine isn’t particularly tolerant of visitors from overseas so it isn’t easy for a foreigner to promote their brand here even more so in the competitive world of fashion even a local like me just trying to make a film has to face all kinds of

Challenges so I can only imagine what chiori has been through to get where she is today I’m sure that having more connections has definitely worked in her favor reading on the job detective novel one main character no multiple branching story lines I love her voice I see how’s the plot coming

Along one of the main characters is about to make a choice that will affect the rest of his life I’d wager he’s going to make the wrong choice anyway to speed things up there’s something I need your help with you know that doesn’t depend on me it all comes

Down to what the character chooses okay so yeah they’re not talking about B is exactly why I’m here to help you’re talking about real people huh oh no they’re about to make to do drugs drug deal under the table deal all right it appears he made the

Wrong choice in the end halt drug dealer you got the goods don’t you what’s going on the grass uh-oh hand over whatever you’re holding oh it’s just a book I didn’t buy anything else stupid then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind letting me have a look excuse me

Officer I don’t mind you standing around here not purchasing anything but I’d prefer if you didn’t disturb my customers it’s bad for business you know don’t give me that act you won’t be able to get off so easily either I am Shas captain of fontaine’s special security and surveillance Patrol I will

Say this one last time hand over whatever you’re holding at once and before you do anything unwise let me remind you that I’ll have you on the ground before you can even think about making a run for it all right all right I’ll give it to you but please let me say something

First if there’s any Contraband in that book then the shopkeeper here is the one who slipped it in I don’t have anything to do with this stupid why you trying to leave me on the hook huh something was in there save it for the interrogation room take them away latelier

Latelier wait show us what’s in there Contraband maybe more what’s going on here one second you’re reading a book and the next you’re Es and who are oh aren’t you the traveler who’s been all over the papers recently chori I’m assuming what you wanted to ask me about has to do with them right ah maybe I can let you in on what’s Happening then now that Vash has been brought to Justice no

New shipments of synth will be made and distributed to sellers right the Fontaine guards have been busy collecting the remaining synth still circulating on the market thanks to a tip from our reliable source here this should be the very last batch oh so you are pretending to read a

Book in order to catch the bad guys oh Pon almost forgot to introduce ourselves Pon is Pon and this is the traveler and zier hey hey I’m chevas you probably already heard me introduce myself so I won’t bother repeating it why didn’t you arrest them immediately because they

Needed an admission of Gil yeah why didn’t you make a move as soon as you had the chance were you worried that my Intel wasn’t accurate No I wanted to see if the shopkeeper would turn himself in first all he had to do was come up to me

And say that he didn’t know where the synth had come from if he did that then I wouldn’t have had to press charges on him oh she gave him a chance he had the whole day to turn the synth over to chus but instead the moment I came up and

Blocked chest’s line of sight he took the opportunity to sell it off yep he made the wrong choice even though the right choice was right there in front of him but you knew they wouldn’t make the right choice yeah I knew I was just hoping I’d be wrong for

Once enough about that though what did you want to ask me about oh you see it’s like this blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the two musketeers you certainly have a good eye for a story so what do you need me to do just be the action choreographer for the

Actors yes that’s right I want to make sure we get all the details right I want the actor’s posture and understanding of firearms to be as realistic as possible however I’m afraid this work will require a bit of your time since you’ll have to be present whenever we’re

Filming also as for the pay no need to say anymore I’ll join huh just like that really you’re willing to help us with our humble film Project sure it’s no big deal as I said we’ve wrapped up our investigation here so I don’t have any other tasks on my plate for the moment

Besides I personally really like this novel I even have the collector’s edition at home stories where justice prevails over over evil never get old for me then we’ve got a deal yes I’ll see you on set tomorrow dang she’s cool I like her oh my I can hardly believe it

I should tell lady finina immediately oh and I must tell the prop manager and lighting technician to get everything ready we start filming tomorrow it’s so funny that all these details are coming together minute the film is going to take more than just a day to finish still I should also have

Back now and start preparing the actor’s costumes and makeup all right guess that’s it for today then traveler Pon please stay for a moment I have something to tell you then I’ll take zavier back poor thing he’s so excited that he can’t even walk straight anymore I don’t want to spend our first

Day fishing our producer out of the fountain see you tomorrow yep see you tomorrow talk to Che chro chevis chevis why do I keep saying chevro chevron chevron with tekron geeky thank you for the tell us we were here part two when have you read the two

Musketeers oh uh yeah I do want to do that I think I think I want to try to do it with a couple different streamers I don’t know how many we were we were here videos there are but I do want to do it I want to test I

Definitely want to do it with U I think it will be there will be a lot of screaming and I think that that would be great chevis with tekron tchis chevro and Chi share the same VA no really are you sure dang that that’s range that’s really cool yeah people like that video

That video did well so I do want to do more that’s crazy really the story is about a pair of children born into the household of a baron and their struggle to survive together and take revenge for their mother they were raised at The Baron’s estate where their mother worked as a

Maid the two were illegitimate children that the baron had with the maid so they were never treated well by anyone one day Upon returning home they found their mother had been murdered and left dead on the floor it was quite evident that the culprits were the other members

Of The Baron’s household who never had any kind words to say to them however the baron was able to exert his influence and keep the whole thing under wraps the mother’s death was eventually deemed as a suicide and there was no chance of bringing her murderers to

Justice the two siblings decided to flee and someday avenge their mother many years later members of The Baron’s family suddenly started turning up dead one after the other all killed by gunshot a rainbow rose was found on each of the victim’s bodies being the flower that the kid’s mother liked best the

Baron believed that the mother’s Soul had come to take Vengeance on him so he lived in fear each day but it was actually those two siblings who had fled all those years ago they relied on each other to survive and trained day and night eventually becoming Adept Musketeers

They used all of their abilities to collect evidence and clues before executing their plan and exacting revenge on the baron their actions let the truth behind their mother’s death be known to all that’s quite an exhilarating story yep the baron got what he deserved for his evil deeds and Justice was able

To Prevail it was just the kind of story I enjoy oh so is that why you were so willing to join our crew chevas oh I missed this sh uh thank you for the gift sub to Raven I hope you’re still here I don’t know why

My eyes just like skipped over that ory thank you for the 23 months as well Remy for the two years go for the 100 Bitties you could say it was one of the reasons did I miss this one too three slimes thank you for the tier

One uh super lighter for the two months Oh you mean there were other reasons too I’ve read the reports about you whether it was at the trials or when you lent your hand to resolve our nation’s crisis you’ve shown that you’ve got a strong sense of justice as well as a great mind

For deductions yep is a case you need our help with yes you’re as sharp as I expected it seems you’ve experienced many similar situations before there’s been a recent murder case involving muskets the perpetrator’s methods appear to be very similar to what is described in the novel huh I’m not very good at

Deduction honestly I didn’t see anything about that in today’s papers you know people say they like figured out the plot of a mystery or they figured out like who the murderer is in like murder mystery movies that’s never me nope the marose Phantom hasn’t yet released any information to the public

Because the investigation is currently at a St still the murderer is extremely cautious I have other skills m involving Firearms but not that many people use those in Fontaine right could be someone for your platoon impossible we perform a routine inspection of our firearms and ammo reserves every day if one of the

Weapons had been fired it would stick out like a sore thumb besides I trust the members of my platoon however well that’s all I can disclose about the case today huh who done it what do you mean I hope you all can go back and get some sh

Ey you can decide tomorrow whether or not you’d like to join the investigation with me I’m aware this might not be the ideal time to add more to your plate but the more capable people we have the better the chances that justice will prevail carrying out investigations isn’t actually supposed to be our

Responsibility our job is to apprehend the perpetrators finding them is really up to the marose Phantom you could say I’m taking part in the investigation out of personal interest I don’t want people to see muskets in a negative way and also I’m concerned about the similarity between

The crimes and the story America you mean they might be connected somehow I suspect so just to make myself clear this is not an order nor is it a deal of any kind it’s a request nothing more if you two have any interest in the case after we finish filming tomorrow

And are willing to assist me then I would be most grateful aato and the Baptist BOS and sumu Sh share the same VA oh yeah uh there are a lot of characters that voice the same character same playable characters there’s two sets right Barbara and shinen and also Bennett and Singo

Have the same VA and then a lot of the characters voice um a lot of the voice actors also voice NPCs somewhere in the game yeah the ride in VA has voiced a ton of characters um sinos VA as aa’s VA uh has an NPC as well doesn’t Zach voice an adaptis

Really Shong le as an NPC wait who is the jeang Lee NPC hm what do you think traveler he voiced Moon Carver oh right right Zach did as well it’s already been quite a day let’s give us some thought tomorrow yeah you’re right P’s getting a little tired

Too we’ve really been hustling all day you’d better head back and get some rest it’s good to keep a Calm Mind especially when you’re about to make an important decision otherwise when the moment comes you might end up like that shopkeeper and not even realize that the right

Choice is right there in front of you wow that was just act one The Tavern there’s a Xiao and Chong Yun voice is voiced by the same PA in in the Chinese D Charles in the tavern and monster wait I got to hear this at the angel share the bartender I feel like I’ve never maybe I’ve never talked talk to

Him or if I did I didn’t definitely didn’t register it oh wait the top level nope middle secret third answer middle level Train derailed must speak to Charles very important oh no how but we’ve done events with Charles haven’t we I kind of you know

Now that I’m looking at him I kind of have a memory of it Charles Angel share angel angel share Charles not Charlie’s Angels Charles genin Oh there’s a seven Charles Charles actually we bartenders today bartenders oh so Luca roped you two in he’s got quite a knack for that you’re certainly talented at handling there’s no doubt about that but mixing cocktails is a whole different game it’s delicate work and requires a

Certain amount of finesse is that Keith Silverstein it’s Charles vo by Keith Silverstein you order yeah yeah yeah yeah A that be cute that’s totally him Dish Dish what do you have something to say got something to say to me wow do Primo gems holy moly it’s a lot of axxe talk to ayato before starting the second ax a where is he anybody know some AXS are small compared to

Others aato is with new Vette what where P ponia yep I know where that is is it in is that his office oh I don’t really know things by their names just know the general idea dang oh sneaky wow already got a meeting with the Hydro Dragon they’re talking too

What are they talking about more specifically would nuet and would would AO share Net’s appreciation of water yes this water does taste so different with all the the electrolytes and the minerals and you know like zinc or whatever yes it has a full body with may you but don’t you think

This water would be better with some boba in it and maybe some milk and Thai tea I meet your water and I raise you milk boba tea milk tea with Bova have you considered tapioca in your beverages Sir their hair looks so similar actually I think if you took this strand of hair and you mixed it all together with this white I think their hair might be exactly the same color two beautiful hydren in one frame let’s find out what they’re talking about indeed Miss

Net I’d very much appreciate hearing your thoughts on everything we just discussed including my initial proposal and the general direction of our potential cooperation they’re talking about politics your proposals are reasonable and quite well thought out your sincerity and wish for our mutual success was evident in your words so

There’s no need to be so modest thank you so what’s your decision my decision is that fontaine’s water is still the best if you’re asking for my personal opinion I’m willing to cooperate in full based on my own opinions and my impression of Ena Zuma’s culture however

Fontaine doesn’t run simply based on the feelings of one individual I’m sure inauma must be the same everything must be done in accordance with the regulations that are in place I don’t know what that means yes of course I will submit a written proposal outlining the details of our potential cooperation

To the P mormonia within a week and I look forward to hearing from you ah I didn’t that didn’t get enough information about what about what they were talking about aaka and Y are also at the place where you cook I just learned where that is and forgot oh no it’s right

There running on one person’s feelings oh yeah oh yeah that was definitely a a bit of a slight To to uh Mis ridden miss a no too far just kidding it’s perfect Hing now over some some pastries and coffee here Yia try some con meline no you ordered it aaka so you should be the first to try k meline be honest I ordered it for you oh you’re

Fond of desserts aren’t you well in that case I guess I shouldn’t refuse let’s try some together all right this is amazing oh the texture is so soft you can feel the super rich Aroma of butter as soon as you take a bite and the aftertaste is pure Bliss great I’m glad

You like it I enjoyed it too and I really like the swirly design I’ve heard that it’s supposed to look like a barrel CCH I’ve never actually seen one myself but now I’m really curious about what it looks like hey aaka when you can find

The time would you like to go search for one underwater with me cute all right why don’t we go right after this great that’s plan there are so many places I’d like to visit with you I want to go screw the movie here you to be

Honest oh the texture is great I just want to sit down I heard hey I all right great I want to go can I go I feel like very sentimental about like friendship stuff right now me and a new friend had a like a conversation about like friend history and like trauma and

Like finding good friends and stuff so it’s like kind of fresh on my like fresh on my brain and and you know Y and me always reminds me of Gabby this their relationship reminds me a lot of me and Gabby so you know just just seeing them hanging out and

Having a good time it just really just really gets me friend traa L according according to the Judgment of the orri mechan den Alis cardal they are besties yeah I really like to call sucros friendship as well chus is also somewhere I forgot where she where they are uh anybody know where chus

Is chus chus kayen cave would be Bes is ooh that would be a very interesting Dynamic yeah I could see them I could see them I that would be so interesting actually watching them interact Kai is kind of like a I get along with everyone because I’m sneaky kind of person but he’s also like quite genuine and and Cave is also extremely

Genuine and like Gallant so that would be interesting to observe they be drinking buddies yeah I think they would have some good conversations sassy man Apocalypse Chan Javier at the fountain savier I’m sorry it’s I I’m having a hard time pronouncing it savier cuz that’s name has always been Javier to me baby girls who drink Together guys I think I need to use the restroom and possibly maybe for a while a short while or a long while or longer than would be for to just you know P so um See Tik Tock Reddit stories with Minecraft compilation surely that won’t go wrong best of Reddit stories Tik Tok compilation hey no audio deal he turned into the most controlling and abusive man I have ever met oh how about like interesting ones that’s the creepiest thing that you’ve seen other families do that they

Accept as totally normal I went to this guy’s house once after school I wasn’t friends with him but we were assigned to a project together we’ll call him Gary anyways we were working on this project when he excused himself to use the restroom 15 minutes later he returned a

Little while later I decided to use the restroom while he was making snacks I walked into the bathro and behold before my eyes floating like a manity through the brown estuaries of Florida was the result of Gary’s earlier bathroom Excursion I Shrugged it off I mean we

All forget at least once right flushed for him took a leave flushed again and went to work on the project Gary’s mom gets home from work a couple hours later she nods to us and says hello politely before heading towards the back of the house a few seconds later she returns to

The kitchen where we were working and screams where is it I jump and I’m confused so I shoot a WTF look to Gary Gary moded it wasn’t me it was the cosmic Costa his mom glared At Me puffed and walked out Gary later explained that every day after school he would take a

Dump and was required to leave it in the toilet so his mom could check it he wasn’t even sick or anything she just wanted to check it to make sure he was healthy or something I never went back to Gary’s house what’s your secret that could literally ruin your life if it

Came out I run a cake business I charge people hundreds for wedding cakes every last one is made using pillsberry cake mix I buy for $1 a box at Walmart every time I’ve ever tried to make a cake from scratch it sucked my friends all call me

The cake girl it’s like my whole life is a lie people compliment my cakes all the time telling me how delicious they are telling me they could never bake a cake so delicious well guess what for one1 dollar they two can make a cake just as

Delicious just add oil eggs and water in my defense I love cake decorating I make all of the frostings and fonded from scratch I base my prices mostly on the decoration of the cakes still no one knows about this except my husband even my best friends think I slave over the

Oven mixing and baking these damn cakes if anyone knew my business and reputation would be in the toilet for sure I keep telling myself I have to learn how to make the damn cakes without the Box mixes but I never do it it’s very shameful sometimes what’s the most

Effed up thing a family member of yours has done my dad’s a consumate prankster his crowning achievement in college has since become illegal in two states step one he and several Buddies go to a Cadillac dealership at 5:00 on a Friday this was before credit cards and

Automatic banking by the way step two they wrote a check for the asking price of one of the shiny new models and drove off with it step three they sell the car at a used Cadillac dealership across town step four the used dealer calls the new

Dealer and tells him that the car was sold with the dealer plates still on and the price tag still in the window step five new dealer figures that the check the kids wrote is going to bounce so he calls the cops step six my dad and his

Friends spend the weekend in jail step seven the banks open Monday morning the check doesn’t bounce step eight my dad and his friends sue the dealers in the state for wrongful imprisonment and get a settlement of thousands of dollars more than the cost of the car basically

The plan was to seem as shady as possible and get wrong arrested for it they had the lawyer set up before they bought the car Dad used his share to pay for his and another friend’s tuition for the year it’s born to Teen Moms how different is your life compared to other

Kids my mom and I are really close she had me at 14 growing up I noticed a lot of my friends didn’t get along with their moms I always thought she was really relatable we go eat go shopping get coffee gossip just hang out she worked a lot sometimes multiple jobs at

Once so I felt like I did less extracurricular than my friends but I was pretty happy growing up she is always concerned with money I’m starting to notice that she’s not very good at saving money or planning retirement and whatnot I once asked a family friend now

That as kids are grown how are my parents still living paycheck to paycheck she explained that in her opinion my mom basically skipped learning how to take care of herself as an adult instead of learning how to effectively adult she focused on taking care of her kids I will forever be

Grateful for my mom and the hard work and sacrifices she endured to raise me and my siblings what is your we will never speak of this again moment I got up one night to get some water and found that my my teenage son was in the kitchen getting food he was behind the

Kitchen counter so I could only see him from the waist up when he came around the counter into the Hall two things happened simultaneously he noticed me and his eyes grew wide in horror and I saw that he was but naked except for a pair of socks he starts trying to panic

Run backwards on the tile floor imagine scoy do trying to run but getting stuck in place in a flurry of Limbs but ended up slipping and taking a hard seat on the tile worst of all he dropped his hot pocket I made sure he was okay then went

Back to bed and laughed my ass off years later we were driving and reminiscing about funny memories I said do you remember that night and he cut me off with yes I didn’t even have to specify which night we knew and we were silent guys have rdit why did you reject the

Pretty girl I accidentally turned down a girl I had a massive crush on in middle school I’d convinced myself she was the one I was going to end up with Mary Etc turns out she actually liked me too and her brother would literally walk past me

At school and yell my sister likes you but I just assumed he was trolling me or something well one day we were on the train home after school and her friend suddenly and mysteriously disappeared appeared to another Carriage leaving her and I alone together she asked hey I was

Wondering do you have a crush on me as she leaned in hopefully for my answer how did I react to this situation I started rumaging through my school backpack pretending I was looking for something and changed the subject to some dumb thing that my brother did on

The weekend she leaned back in her seat and looked visibly disappointed now why did I do this you ask because I’d heard the statistics of how unlikely relationships were to last if they started at that age so I told myself we weren’t ready yet I was going to wait 5

More years until we left school before I made my move because then it would last I told myself of course I waited so long that she eventually lost interest and we drifted away yeah teenage me had some strange ideas about love and relationships teenagers of Reddit what

Are the hardest things to explain to adults that you can tell a child and will understand just because I have my own personal life and secrets doesn’t automatically mean I’m doing something bad illegal or straight up dangerous I’m allowed to have secrets when we say don’t tell anyone we mean don’t tell

Anyone I told my mom about a girl I absolutely hated then later that night she facetimes me and says guess what I work with her aunt and flips the camera at her and starts talking about how she told her that I hated her knes you can’t

Just walk up to someone and ask if you can hang out with them without it being weird having friends online that you actually care about that you are tired of everything and want to have less pressure for them also that raising your voice a little bit when you are upset

Isn’t disrespect yes video games are important because they’re a source of amusement and happiness almost not a teenager anymore but I found hanging out online on Discord or a couple years ago on Skype is just so surreal to adults especially people age 50 and older doctors what’s the best reaction you’ve

Seen from a dad during birth the doctor another nurse and I are sitting in a delivery room watching this chick snatch vomit up a baby I’ve seen this several times before anyway the head was crowning and the dad who had been there the entire time comforting his wife is

Just hunker down watching this baby be born while holding his wife’s hand the first baby is out it’s a girl he nods and keeps watching second baby is out also a girl he nods after we let the mom hold the girls we took them to the nursery while the mom got situated dad

Disappeared I didn’t see him for another hour and a half I decided to pass by the nursery to take a look at the twins I helped deliver the dad was standing there with this really weird look on his face I asked him if he was okay and he

Said yeah looks like I’m a dad now and then burst into some really heavy sobs but he quit just as fast as he started and his expression changed to that a pure unbridled Joy he apologized and then told me he was so excited to know who his little girls were going to be

Girls have read it what are the unwritten rules of the girl code that this SK don’t know of girls help other girls get away from guys this totally happened to me in a Walmart at like 2: a.m. this super creepster was following me around so I just walked up to a

Random woman and said oh my gosh I’ve been looking for you everywhere and I gave her the look she looked behind me and half hugged me and whispered that guy in the red then we fake friend walked around to find her giant bike or boyfriend they walked me to my car and

Everything it’s sister code it is now my duty to pay it forward if a woman asks you for menstrual products and you have a spare you give one to her doesn’t matter if she’s your worst enemy or a stranger in a bathroom rest stop you

Hand over a spare pad damp on if you notice that someone one has bled through their pants effing tell them even if you hate each other even if you’re strangers lower your voice and let them know but random act of kindness backfired on you after witnessing firsthand how

Incredibly rude so many people act towards cab drivers I started sitting in the front seat of taxis and having conversations with the driver we’d talk about where they were from their families how late they were working Etc I had a lot of interesting conversations plus most seemed to genuinely enjoy the

Company and many actually thanked me at the end of the ride then one time while studying abroad in Vienna I started talking to a cabie who picked my friends and I up from a bar we were chatting about his wife when suddenly he put his hand on my thigh tried lifting my skirt

And continuously attempted to grow me as I slapped his hand away repeatedly thankfully we were right by my dorm so I jetted out of the cabin we obviously refused to pay the cabbie threatened to call the police and one of my friends ended up punching him in the face then

The cabie stalked the dorm that I lived in for the next week and stared at me every time I left now I sit on my phone in silence in the back of cabs girls that gave the nice guy a chance how did it go we went to Starbucks one time and

Chatted in his head that meant I was his possession and he had the right to stalk me for a year so bad I was stupid and 17 he was 29 he tried to convert me to his religion and plan to propose when I turned 18 I thought I was an adult and

Could make my own choices and upon reflection I see that it was grooming now that I’m close to his age can’t imagine trying to date a 17-year-old met a nice guy on Tinder he was really awkward with few social skills but he had a really cute dog so I figured why

Not the entire first two months of the relationship I was terrified thinking I was being gas lit because he was just so nice I had a history of abusive relationships 2 years later we are engaged just closed on 8.5 acres of land and discovered we are pregnant last

Night he’s still really awkward and his dog is still really cute good timing I guess my favorite one is uh I wonder if I can find it Haribo sugarfree gummy bears it was the first thing that came up um you’re to listen to one more one more listener discretion is advised

Especially if you are one who cannot handle the over detailed and painful amount of human excrement AKA poop jokes and here we go eat if You Dare by Joshua a verified purchase of the herbo sugarfree classic gummy bears okay get to the review get to the reading I sit here writing this review

At 4 a.m. from my porcelain Throne a fixture you will become all too familiar with I don’t like this reading I want the AI Voice or nothing I bet I could find it on Tik Tok no I don’t want notifications going stop um Haribo sugarfree gumy beis give me a Minecraft parkour video

With AI Voice or I’m out of here harabo sugarless gummy bears 5B bag part one one star see you in hell harabo sugar-free gummy bears it was my last class of the semester and the final exam was worth 30% of our grade after a late night study session I felt confident but

I had to decide between sleeping in or cooking breakfast my eyelids chose sleep my stomach later regretted this decision and after several uncomfortable stomach growls I finally decided to make a quick stop by the campus bookstore and grab a snack before my test since the semester was ending and everyone was going home

For the summer a lot of items were on sale including the snacks and candy that they kept up front being in the hungry state that I was in it felt only logical to pick the largest yet least expensive candy in order to get more bang for my

Buck and there they sat two bags of harabo sugar-free gummy bears by one get one free what a deal I thought naively I would eat one bag before my test and one bag afterwards 5 lb as I walked to class I gleefully chewed on those abominable little bastards unaware

Of the utter Mayhem that they would soon unleash upon my poor poor anus I sat down at my desk as the professor informed us that due to issues with cheating in the past restroom breaks would be prohibited until the completion of the exam I’ll give you 10 minutes to

Use the restroom now this will be your last chance any takers the demon Bears hadn’t released their unly NE hello hello hello in my moment of ignorant foolish I remain seated still munching on those miniature shaped B after this this what’s happening Timothy thank you so much for the raid appreciate it

Yet not the lag I’ve never had this happen on Twitter I mean Tik Tok before thank you so much for the raid we’re watching a Reddit story that I really like maybe I’ll just gummy bears 5B bag part one we’re watching like one of my favorite Reddit

Stories star thank you so much for the raid welome we are technically W playing Minecraft but I mean playing genin but yeah just it’s worth it I swear would be prohibited until the completion of the exam all you need to know to enjoy this part is that this guy

Didn’t have time to eat breakfast so instead he ordered or he ate a 5B bag of Haribo sugar-free gummy bears I’ll give you 10 minutes to use the restroom now and now he’s last and he’s not allowed to use a bathroom the demon Bears hadn’t released their Unholy AC romancy upon my stomach

Yet so in my moment of ignorant foolishness I remained seated still munching on those miniature bar-shaped bombs after the students wise enough to take the professor’s offer had returned the professor handed out the test I was six questions in when it happened it started subtly at first almost like a

Slight tingly sensation in my lower abdomen I thought nothing of it assuming my intestines were just doing their tang tang little did I know that my intestines were trying desperately to warn me of the horror that was on the Horizon by question n it happened again

But this time it was followed by a sharp pain as if those infernal Helens had orchestrated an attack upon my colon I fought to contain the groan that tried escaping my lips it was at this point I began to panic something was going horribly long and I needed to get

Through this test before it got any worse by question 14 my worst fear was upon me the Satan Bears burning hot liquidy dark magic crashed against my anal sphincter like a tidal wave I was able to close the hatch just in time but those Relentless toxic Bears beat

Against it like Works breaking down the doors of Helm’s Deep I knew I wouldn’t be able to so much as shift in my seat without risking a breach I kept fighting through my exam clenching my cheeks with all my might beads of sweat began rolling down my

Neck suddenly a loud gurgling War Cry came from my belly and the entire class lifted their heads at this point nothing mattered except expelling this ungodly presence from my bowels with 15 questions left I promptly wrote SE for every answer and ran out of the classroom mhm my professor yelled

Something but I was too preoccupied with the volcanic eruption that needed to take place before I could find sweet sweet relief I burst into the restroom like the man and behold the handicap stall was empty Sun rais from the adjacent window Shone upon it as if it were a gift from God himself

It took me less than5 seconds to undo my belt buckle pull down my pants and finally relax my weary buttocks upon the toilet seat it took absolutely no effort to expel this demon almost immediately the floodgates of hell were opened and the damn liquified SS of an entire bag’s

Worth of gummy bears cried as they burned through my sphincter and into the watery of don’t call it a sphincter I had never felt such simultaneous relief and anguish in my life after 30 more minutes of this I IM immediately went home dug a hole in my backyard and

Burned the remaining bag of Gummy Bears I leave with this do not I repeat do not eat these spawns of Satan not only did they cause meore says M ter septic video where he watched a clip of a golf guy M up talking about his poopy accident and

It’s called straight heing water and I think you will like it thank you I will put on my is something I wouldn’t wish upon anyone not even my worst enemy the only place these godforsaken hell bears belong are very deep below the Earth’s surface 19 19,000 people found this [Laughter]

Helpful beautiful love that love that I also I too find that helpful very much anyways thank you again for the raid hope you enjoyed that does anyone know where the the other NPCs are during this Quest buy one get one I mean to be fair eating one pound of

Gelatin is kind of insane did I say one PB 5 lbs consuming 5 lbs at one time I think it would cause stomach aches for everyone but I have heard many many stories about these particular sugar free gummies from Haribo big sphere Plaza in oh uh where the globe is sphere Plaza

This Helm’s Deep level orc attack right precisely I already talked to them I don’t know know my font geography very well bottom right teleport this one or this one no this one this one the sugarfree ones are hell does anyone Stack Up 180 days of welen moon

No I stack up 210 days thank you very much oh how lucky I am to have so many kind-hearted people assisting me yeah yeah just watch your stuff now everything I’ve been through is starting to pay off now there finally is a light at the end of the tunnel sugar-free stuff usually contains

Fake Sugar Sugar that acts as a la laxative when taken in a big amount I see it now what lies before me is a whole world of Hope what before he was the fountain I hope you can start seeing clearly or you’ll end up taking a dip in It uh doesn’t uh they couldn’t have chosen like chips or juice why 5 lbs of gummy bears yeah I have like an adverse reaction to gummy stuff like anything that’s just like straight up Gummy Bears or gummy worms or something I think I I I don’t know if it’s like a sensitivity

To the gelatin but it really makes my stomach hurt so I have to eat it as much as I love sour gummy candies I have to eat them like increments or it tool it it just makes my stomach feel funny gelatin anyone know where Chevrolet is or Chevron with

Chron I do like the gelatin free gummies though I can’t remember how they make them but stuff that’s more like natural stuff you make me want to get sour gummy candies you know the sour gummy candies did not hurt was not as uncomfortable in like other countries specifically in America at the car

Shop you’ve returned from war congratulations at the gas station I guess she isn’t here on the first day oh okay cats are fighting Ahsoka is so dramatic she always starts fights and gets mad when she’s starts losing she’s a she’s a she’s a screamer can hear her in my in my right

Ear fighting over plastic no don’t say that don’t say that okay I truthfully diary if you ask me apparently Haro discontinued the sugar-free gummies because of people’s similar experiences with the the Mello L let me see if you can still get them on Amazon cuz I do want to see some of the

Reviews sugar free Harbo gummy bears nope they are not they are no longer sold on Amazon I see the big I see a 5 pound bag but these these are the sugar full ones and I can’t show my screen sorry because Amazon has all of my personal information just

Up on the screen so gold Baron wait that’s cute gold Baron Baron no I only got the first one I I only finished the first day of the event wait those look massive That that’s just for illustration right okay so personally up to me if it were up to me um if I had it my way and if you asked me and if I had to tell the truth it would be that I want to play Minecraft and I think the gamers are

Working on something cool potentially an Enderman Farm so that is what I’m going to do goodbye goodbye Oh but before I do really quickly I have to give just one more shout out to a very cool sponsor that I had this month HDMI yes did you know that HDMI is a

Brand that they’re a company not just they’re they’re so synonymous with the primary display cord and and feature that HDMI has become synonymous with this type of cord it’s not just the cable can you believe that they’re so Kleenex yeah it’s a brand I didn’t know that until they reached out for a

Sponsor and I was like huh really really yeah HDMI if you play games yeah the Chapstick of cords exactly they’re not just cables they’re connection exactly you get it you get it hire me as your copywriter honestly I will they should hire you as copywriters because that’s what this is about okay

It’s not about the cable it’s not about plugging a game console into the T into an HDMI 2.1b compatible television that supports uh variable refresh rate and low latency mode up to 4K re resolution with 144 refresh rate it’s not about that it’s about connection okay it’s about

Plopping down in front of the TV with a new game that you got for Christmas and having your little little sibling your older sibling hanging out and and watching you play or playing with you I dared us to tell us what the company actually does they make HDMI technology what do you

Mean every HDMI cord was made by HDMI and they work with TV companies to make TVs that are compatible hand me the wire yeah you never say just hand me the wire you say hand me the HDMI so I can plug my PS5 or my switch into the

TV amazing gaming experiences don’t have to just be limited to the monitor the PC you can you can experience the max out of your games and your consoles by by pairing them with a with a 4K TV through the power of HDMI HDMI makes the world go around the gaming world go

Around hand me the highdef multimedia interface will you it’s a way of connecting to the digital world and Bridging the Gap between the digital world and the real world you don’t just seem to be at your PC or or or on your Nintendo switch to

Game you can you can enjoy it with with your family with your friends friend now that’s a good plugin time to switching to HTMI yeah unfortunately I can’t offer you cannot offer you um free HDMI cables I did of course ask about that I didn’t but I but I maybe

Would have if I had thought of it to send everybody HDMI cables HD wait hm dish cords but I cannot do that so I’ll rather tell you that because lots of people spent all their cash on Christmas companies are like like retailers like Target and Best Buy are

Like we need to we need to make enough sales in January or we’re going to be in trouble so maybe let’s mark down our TVs our HDMI 2B 2.1 um b t TVs or 4K TVs actually though January is a good time to buy buy TVs because they’re or to like upgrade

Because they do go on sale more so than even Black Friday these days so if you’re in if you if you’re looking to upgrade your TV or if mom and dad is looking to upgrade your TV what am I selling toy you missed the point it’s not about selling okay it’s

About celebrating the connection that HDMI causes in our world are you bald do I look like the HDMI stands for dish for legal reasons that is a joke that is a joke but yeah thank you HDMI so much for sponsoring My Stream this month and giving us a moment to celebrate the

Connection that HDMI brings to the gaming World bold yep you see that right there bald it’s over for me it’s literally over yeah sponsoring my career I have like three HDMI chords in my setup at this moment so thanks H HDMI L literally you’re bald literally you’re

Bald thanks HDMI and I hope you have a happy New Year let’s see what these nerds are doing oh my God hey man what’s up that was so oh let me tell you something today was a wild day I fell into the void and lost everything no yeah you didn’t have what’s funnier

Is that I died making an Enderman farm and my chest plate disappeared but we got everything else back and then right as I made my chest plate I went back to the Enderman Farm to go farm and then I fell off the cliff without a wings and died you died twice slay

Yeah oh that’s uh that’s really sad I’m sad I missed I mean I’m so sad that that happened to you yeah some Enderman is dripped out now yeah did you didn’t have like your elely or anything right oh no I did I just thought it was equip but it wasn’t no

Way oh that’s so much worse I mean it’s fine you’re going to pick yourself back up and it’s going to be fine you got it I’m already like on the way back yeah honestly it’s kind of exciting because I get to grind again and you get to ignore your house

Project okay well yeah well no not about that uh where are you guys avoiding your house I’m going to the end for what it’s a farm this time I won’t fall off ideally yeah what are you guys working on right now well I was working on many things hello hi

Miss I am helping Seline build a home but she is negative 10,000 eggs negative 10,000 eggs why is she so that far are you going to make heck man she has another portal to her house okay it’s just so far I’m like Oh my is it connected through like the main Matrix

Of portals but it will take at least like 5 minutes through the ne oh my God damn I want to enchant my elra so I need to get some it yeah mending you definitely need mending on there mending and Unbreaking I didn’t know yeah okay yeah

You’re wait a how the [ __ ] I need a mending on a lot of stuff actually all right let’s see some coal and it’s almost day all right let’s see these down I’ll tell you what I’m [ __ ] up good job oh crap I should have marked I’m the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] in the

World uhhuh all right this time I won fall he’s going back that’s crazy oh well this time I’ll actually get to 100 100 what level 100 Levels w i all these enchants back well maybe it was like future sight maybe it was foresight some kind of energy was

Telling me to get to 100 but it told me too early they meant to tell me after I died aren’t the so it it corrupted the timeline it corrupted the timeline oh my God this en chasing me SS like you’re having a great time yeah definitely I feel so bad for leline

She’s living out out of Sher boxes oh it was not supposed to get this far I do want to visit her soon she’s trying to live there I’m finally working on my house maybe I will actually finish it real yeah yay real real I need to okay think I have an

Idea I uh saki I saw a really cute um I don’t have any tools I saw a very cute um Sakura biome house build that I thought you’d like really oh did I bookmark it where did I see it I think it was on my YouTube recommended I just built this one

Because it was like a I followed the tour it’s like a simple starter house oh honestly I probably should have looked at a tutorial yeah cuz I was knew so I didn’t know how to build stuff M I saw your house it was so nice oh

Thank you it needs a roof so I’m trying to build out just like the basic structure so I can so it can actually look like a house that would be nice I think it’s going well thank you that means a lot to me was it looked like a castle or like the

No not it was like a I don’t know how to describe it dark oak oh I just I’m thinking huh it’s the it’s supposed to give off like um how do I say it like um I can’t think of it abandoned ruins like hidden Castle

Type of vibe I yes yes but not so abandoned but maybe like abandoned and then someone found it and was like I’m going to live here yeah that’s the idea thank you for getting it I get it also um I made the raid forarm F path

Safer oh my gosh how many how much bone meal to make it tree grow thought it was like four I don’t know sometimes it’s like random it’s eating all my bone meal we have so much meat I mean bone oh yeah I need to get some bring some back abandoned refurbished

5,000 bone meal how the [ __ ] are Enderman getting on the bush they can’t spawn there you can’t they’re not supposed to oh I need dark oak man they jumping off you should plant some do you have saplings yeah I did but it’s it’s slow what biome does dark oak grow

In um I don’t know what it’s called called but you should bone meal yeah I should but I just threw like 30 bone meal at the at the trees and it did not four oh you need four it only grows in fours I was going to say that okay

Great I thought you could grow them individually okay so then I need to find dark oak where does dark oak grow dark oak biome oh there’s like mushrooms in the dark oak vile old growth Spruce no so simple there has to be one closer than this dark is it dark for

Maybe dark oak forest oh dude I’m going to have to Traverse Traverse dark roofed forest forest oh it is dark Forest freaking guys adding words for no reason oh wait I can get some here can just get some here I also made a house to the raid Farm in the Nether Portal

Cuz I hate walking out and they just hate you I’m 50 nice isn’t does levels do they don’t they aren’t they on like an exponential curve like isn’t it harder to go to from 41 to 42 as it is to go from like 1 to two I’m about to find out

Cuz in that case wouldn’t it be worth it just to go up to 30 or and then just keep going back up more traveling though I guess nothing matters anymore this is a blessing you can you can finally you have good reason to work on your house

Now I must I must forget my pride oh did you grab this not no okay poor guy that’s very sad okay dark oak here I come on my way he’s on her way he’s on my way yeah it is exponential you should just go up to like

30 I’m at 53 okay well next time okay I don’t like this sorry little one I didn’t bring a pickaxe that’s great yes I should have just taken the nether portal oh [ __ ] oh I’m so tired damn it I need to stay up why to regain everything it’s already

10 it’s not a bad time to go to sleep I’m so dead sleep de is killing Me I’m so dumb I’m so unprepared I was so unprepared I should do you have a um Ender Chest me yeah I do not oh you should get one so you can carry stuff around and you can use your spru B book yeah what the [ __ ] is it called trunkle boxes or whatever

Sh the Shuler box yes I mean you can use Shuler box yeah but if you have if you put Shuler in the Ender you have like so much space that’s true I just forgot that I dropped off all of my everything I needed basically yeah to like live I just walked here with

Nothing I’ve done but I will start using shulker box now maybe she has stuff I can use excuse me oh I just borrow this quick m oh this is Spruce hello hello Hello this is what are you guys up to farming the wrong tree how about you God spr I am still in the end really oh no oh no you have to find your way out huh uh I don’t have my elytra yet so it is that is first right elytra I believe yeah

Elytra is first ah I believe surely surely I try to take the path of uh least long jumps yeah when and down shift and bridge I’m a pearler you’re a pearler I just Chuck pearls everywhere my like stomach churns when I throw an ender pearl yeah I like a thrill every once again

But not that kind I should hopefully be near an end City soon cuz yeah I am like a couple hundred blocks away from EDS so hopefully something purple on my screen soon and then I can finally be elytra full yeah I can I can be like you guys

Someone in our group lost their elra already I heard that Jake lost yeah everything everything no just kidding is he o cage I’ll be back oh there there he there he is I think he’s found a new found he has a new found determination

To get back to where he was I see I’ll we be back in under five hours back are you going to sleep we’re going to get the upgrades for stuff you have them all prepared the [ __ ] you mean I’m G get it myself hours the nether rights I could

Easily strip mine all that I see you going sleep me yeah oh I meant I meant back from like grinding oh oh no I have 50 levels I was like wow he’s actually going to go to sleep that’s great bro I’m getting to 100 I’m

At oh wait do you have your is the end farm done end farm yeah that’s how I [ __ ] died I died twice building this [ __ ] it’s for the great good though that is an aware sacrifice okay now we’re all rich in XP true dang I’m so dumb think I have to bridge

This [ __ ] 52 blocks right I can get some Emerald all right don’t look down do not look down do not the cat don’t look down don’t the cat not will you buy sticks now Buy SS you guys have a villager that sells uh gold carage for emeralds it’s pretty far

Oh which um type is that okay I need to go back my profession profession stup uh better make it I swear to God oh okay well I’m I’m going to prepare this time and then we’ll go something purple and we will get dark oak cuz that’s what

I want my house to be made of holy [ __ ] okay oh I miss that jump my Forks are set aside for Rand graphic relay that’s good that’s that’s a good choice what is everyone else up to I am farming for my house right now pug although I do want to see

Seline’s house and help with it maybe soon you’re already know dying wasting away at the end here Mr slice VI hello do you recommend Riptide or loyalty hold I have to turn you up cuz you’re Whispering say again yeah sorry do you um do you recommend Riptide or loyalty um

Honestly you can’t have both you can’t have both on the same Trident um so the thing that’s good about Riptide is you just travel with your weapon and even if you hit enemies with it you just Dart with it right the problem is you can’t use welcome from TCH I mean

Welcome you can still throw a loyalty one in the air just for func we are just grinding on Minecraft right now it won’t allow you to right click it and throw it if there’s no water or no rain on you okay so if you care about that that’s

Like the only difference but for the most part they act basically the same is a a trident strong uh it’s really only used for sea monuments because it only does bonus damage to Guardians with impaling impaling is different than sharpness so impaling only works against uh Guardians it doesn’t do any extra

Damage to like your typical Overworld enemy so for those Guardians is loyalty better uh either either works oh okay yeah I you’ll probably be if you get motion sick do loyalty cuz if you’re rip TI you’re you’re traveling your screen’s going to go dank right CU you’re traveling everywhere

With it oh wait I found a n city does this have a ship is this it please have a ship okay thank you surely does it have a ship does it have a ship surely surely no I don’t think it has a ship oh my [ __ ] God okay let us prepare for our

Journey what do we need we need I honestly should make a diamond a diamond axe at this point but for now I’m oh I forgot I forgot I’m still using my like lesser gear yeah protection five you’re need to get mending on all this stuff [Laughter]

But H how are smoing Castle music yeah yeah this is on my day list okay sword pickaxe epic bow um don’t need that don’t need that end Stone put this here don’t need this for now this is all staying here don’t need that don’t need that screaming Sirens thank you for the

The sub potato with guns thank you for the 6 months uh somehow you sub twice thank you so much for one or both or however that shakes out here offy thank you for the 13 months okay what do we not need maybe I should put like my obscure valuables in

Here End Rod yeah okay would probably need it just always just need a crafting table bring one stack of wood iron axe um sure where’s my iron did I run out of iron no give me did I actually run out I definitely would have kept it in here or maybe it’s

In here actually 22 wow that’s so good so good um I’ll keep my Emerald with me because I’m probably just going to stop at Jamie’s after I do my thing you are fine quartz ow iron iron the boy noises are trying to take over always this is fun yeah tonight I’m just going

To be hanging out in VC with friends and working on my own thing probably but truthfully you never know where the night is going to take you so um golden carrot that’s the one thing I don’t have can I cook anything C food has not really been a priority to be honest

I’ll just get rid of my crap don’t need the leather boots I don’t even know where I got those um that’s the correct helmet oh that’s silver never mind don’t need that Co fruits don’t need that for now where’s my normal helmet oh no where’s my normal helmet

Oh what if you know there’s a chance I accidentally gave it to Dawn or maybe it’s right here protection 5 mending protection 5 Unbreaking 10 value great um okay so my helmet is missing in action great that’s my normal one I do need mending for this too Diamond

Helmet did I give it to Dawn maybe possibly all of my genin streamers have become Minecraft streamers yeah we’re all having our little Minecraft moment if you don’t mind sharpness three sharpness five sweeping Edge three Unbreaking three knockback two so I just need mending on this one then and then it’s pretty much

Everything I want I getting distracted I got my gear I got wood I got iron I got food need a boat probably boat and a Shuler box for my valuables that I won’t need for now my iron I guess I can collect a lot of woods and wood and saplings in this all

Right get the precious Cod and go bedw Wars era a I played bedw War way back when oh that was good times I don’t need leather boots stop it’s funny yeah this is actually like the second time we’ve all gotten super into Minecraft but this is the strongest for sure like I’ve never

Seen people like we have never gotten like this addicted okay Adventure checklist first we are headed to the Dark Forest which is away a ways away going to make this green the Dark Forest no wa 3,000 um that’s really far there’s nothing closer oh why didn’t I get more saplings you

Idiot that really is the closest one unless there’s more this way so maybe what I’ll do is I’ll walk right here and see if I can find one early okay a g we’ll go a little bit we’ll go a little bit east and then we’ll go south um maybe I bring

Potatoes can always eat that you know can always eat baked Potatoes the best one of the best best studio jibli soundtracks paired with one of the worst movies that they made ears Open everyone cry I guess if iron I can make like shears and stuff all right let’s go east first and then we will proceed South once again I saw a closer Dark Forest on the long left side oh I know which way’s left along the left side it’s a it’s called

Um Dark Forest oh my gosh you’re right I’m so I can’t see actually I think bye stop I can’t see actually silly me silly me Dark Forest real forest real all right let’s begin this song or sorry this this movie it definitely has its charm oh wait it’s the other way then

That’s only a thousand blocks I can do that ow I can do that but overall narrative wise and like rising and falling action it’s kind of cope kind of cope but Um yeah let’s take this it’s more it’s like a fun watch but it’s nothing special I guess the ocean waves especially if not compared to other of their stories like man you put ocean waves next to um uh the flying one World War Two question mark what is wrong with

Me I watched on the plane back from the Philippines and cried my eyes out oh The Wind Rises thank you oh my gosh what a what a movie hello what a movie that one hurts dude dude if you’re paying attention and you watch that movie it like hits you like a

Truck have you seen tooro yes uh I’ve seen all the big ones other Than NASA Valley of the wind that’s one I haven’t watched for some reason my personal favorite are probably I can’t even Pi um I can’t pick have you seen the BL in the hairon yes yes I watched that that was interesting I think objectively compared to previous movies it

Was how do I say this I’m not saying it was poor but I think it was a little it was more self-indulgent and and I think it was slightly autodidactic talking about like I think it explored themes of like Legacy and magical worlds and like responsibility and like choices to

Uphold that responsibility and I think that speaks a lot about how Miyazaki views himself and Views Studio jibli as a whole so I think it was a little bit more self-indulgent no it was self-indulgent comparative to compared to other jibli stories but at the same time I think Miyazaki is such an

Incredible Storyteller and an interesting person an impactful person that I don’t really care that he made a self self-indulgent movie if that is the case because it’s kind of like a story of his life so like that innately has value I think a wait let me eat my ow

Wait where are you shooting from cooc hey you wouldn’t happen to have a you wouldn’t happen to have a trident on you would you oh my gosh that really scared me out of nowhere it would have dropped to the top wouldn’t it a trident oh I will take that block though thank

You wouldn’t have dropped to the bottom would it I guess I can look on the map yeah I think I think that the wizard don’t go you don’t have a trident was representative of trident Trident Trident Trident wait is that just the Trident that are right here Trident Arrow oh yeah they’re disappearing

Ah you de baited me I want a trident that would be sick to pick up a trident on this journey yeah so I think that a self study on the person of iomi Zaki is not innately bad I can do it to add in it just doesn’t have as much like direct uh

Open maybe narrative appeal as his other movies their other movie oh knock back oh wait come back you are I need it come back Bo don’t sink I think my toggle shift is kind of messing me up thanks Sam’s dish for all the Dank content dank # HDMI also what do you

Recommend for mods I’m just starting and would love to know what you think uh mods honestly I’m not really an expert on mods I only have ones that like kind of make my okay all right just here for the Dark Forest but whatever I’ll take your XP thank you

Um I usually use like a map mod because I get lost very easily and that’s just like it just makes my my gameplay experience less enjoyable so I’d rather not okay okay okay so I’d rather not stop stop not until I’ve had my cooked Cod every s successful older man ends up

Wanting to talk about their legacy as at a certain point yeah I mean look at where he is you know he’s accomplished all this he’s accomplished all this but there’s like at least in his family in like a certain sense there’s almost no guarantee that like anyone can really do

What he’s doing so I can understand the sort of like sadness that that would bring and like remorse and you know he has a complicated relationship with his Sun so there’s like so many factors dark oak baby this is dark oak right please let it be H bro let me mine in

Peace yeah so I I I understand people’s criticism of the movie and I think it’s like valid to a degree because I think it’s not objectively as like powerful as and like does not have as much Mass Appeal as previous films but I understand the naate value of it

Assuming that it is based On jibli and miyazaki’s life like that I find interesting yeah so hopefully that answers your question he wasn’t real friendly about his son’s movie yeah no definitely not definitely not unfortunately that was kind of a touchy subject he is very very disappointed with his son which is kind of depressing I’m sorry little

One M’s got to eat just one all right we’re here primarily for saplings but I will also mine as much or or ow I do not sit correctly when I play Minecraft I like get this like catatonic gamer like is she still breathing is she does she know where she

Is kind of stare down with my screen yeah anyway that’s my long-winded opinion uh the mini map they’re both from the same map set it’s zeros map it’s spelled with an X oh server lag give me the saplings now I want to grow a bunch of once

So did I bring my silk touch I did maybe I want some of these they’re pretty freaking cute pretty cute what happens if you mine these without silk touch actually oh they just disappear okay got it give me that yeah I I oh actually I wanted to switch my shaders a

Bit resource packs incompatible selected uh wait wait I need a DC for a second options No No I forgot how to do it it’s not resource packs how to like switch shaders meat Rock it’s like a mushroom mushroomy actually do want to join VCS soon again I know nothing about this game you know nothing about Minecraft that’s a skill issue Allie going have to sort that one out

Yourself yeah I live under a rock are you like a only genin gamer my saplings my saplings I will def Forest to get the sapling I never had interest in Minecraft but you just said you don’t know anything about it so those things kind of don’t go together can’t say you know nothing

About it and say you’re not interested in it cuz you don’t even know what it is is you know Hi mower saplings I’m just going to M I’m just going to keep punching trees until both my axes are deed how’s it going Mr slice miss this check the the the image this is what I found help me whoa Som there is a portal like on

This ship oh my gosh save me from my pain you’re you’re you’re so lucky I know what the [ __ ] that’s crazy help me are you back home do you need help I will the achievement in just a moment do I have any more blocks he just said helped me and refused to

Elaborate I need an adult do you adult to tell you that you should go to sleep genuine question I don’t know anymore dude I just got a crazy roll on this helmet really I think it’s a I think it’s yeah I Enchanted it once I got proud for aqua affinity respiration

Unbreaking three holy [ __ ] what it was just a god roll wow as it happened I gu it was meant to be bro I think I might have misplaced my helmet uh or maybe actually I want to ask Don is she deaf in oh she is I think I lent her or no I

That’s not what happened she died in the end right and then I I like man I picked up some of her stuff accidentally so I gave it back but I think it’s possible I might have accidentally given her my helmet I see I mean it wasn’t that great honestly but

Dude now I got nothing I don’t want fire protection why are you mad why are you mad is that the dragon’s head I need to get that right yeah yeah I get it Dragon these nuts that’s so funny oh my gosh I’m literally dying right now oh my God I’m

Scared out of my right now oh okay got [ __ ] my pickax died so big I suppose I can leave with this much Quick Charge really that’s what that’s what we’re giving out here quick charge what is Quick Charge dep rer you know what [ __ ] it we’ll take it oh finally over [ __ ]

Journey okay we’ve got enough let us return yay done he’s flying guys he’s done it guys we can all we can all go home now yay guys guys guys yeah mhm I’m going to go insane I’m going to go insane I’m going to go insane I’m going to go poor guy give me

That how hard is it to get to the ne or the Ender and it’s really sus oh really like walls around it yet no yeah it’s just a one block Bridge of leaves 200 block absolutely I’m not going I’m a pass my gosh you guys are insane I’ll

Tell you what though you get a lot of XP hello what about safety first oh I mean have my who am I playing with um I’m playing with sakom me slice Jake and Dawn who is in Minecraft as Seline who’s also in Minecraft but they are not in call with us right now

Well Don is but she’s deaf Unbreaking Unbreaking Unbreaking Unbreaking bane of arthopods I’m going [Laughter] to I have a villager with Unbreaking three wait wait Jake you have a [ __ ] ton of emeralds right um Janet has a sharpness five oh yeah she’s got all the good en chants with her

Village much time that sleepover God not if I me I did it again so I’m let the be you care my Unbreaking three villagers cheapers than janets damn this [ __ ] Cora right now like that support my small business no I’m saying to save emeralds not that

You need to but if you wanted to yeah some of R this book is it possible to roll mending you can’t can you uh no I don’t know L all right watch this [ __ ] bow roll it’s about to be the craziest [ __ ] ever flame it’s just Flame he’s going

Insane just please don’t stay up till 7 working on this oh I got a crazy one that was such a bad [ __ ] roll huh like I’ve spent 40 two levels in 10 minutes you can grind storm swords oh that’s facts can I get anything out of it nope doesn’t matter just flame no

Way no way seven tries every nights I gamble even when I sleep at night can we hear the spoken word part feather falling D I’m the best they’re falling four I’m the best I’m the best you don’t know what I’ve been through I think I do know what you’ve been through actually you

Do I know of it at least you know a thing or two I know some might say I know a thing or two we’re [ __ ] back we’re so back we’re so [ __ ] back oh I’m level 34 now I was just at 100 that’s crazy I have explosive

Diarrhea right now did you happen to eat a 5B bag of Haribo sugar-free gummy bears could that be the issue ow what wait ow hey hey this is pro three oh sharer okay let’s make this happen I need bone meal oh my God SC I’m almost a free man I’m

Almost do you have enough netherite nope I got a m for that but that’s okay I want to M for netherite I don’t have it yet we can mine together yay wow I but wait I must make good Diamond hoe and netherite hoe and a hoe why a hoe y oh my oh

My I think I’m going creep crazy if I silk touch like a mushroom tree will it um give me seeds still it will explode I was crazy once okay okay okay oh bro one time I was I [ __ ] and you shed I freaked it in that order yeah that’s wow kind of

Crazy you’re so unhinged you’re so quirky where are they coming from all right where’s that meding villager you’re mine I’m like triple tasking right now I also have one Oh I know what I can do I can build walls to protect the path meic with nothing in my inventory in case I fall or if the call of the Void wins wow not again it’s already won twice wow amazing R Story Time have you heard the one male I was

Babysitting at my neighbor’s house one night no please not another babysitting story we watched um the 5B howo gummy bear sugar-free gummy bear one what is that Amazon review it starts with I’ll see you in hell hurbo why the [ __ ] because the sugarfree so you know how a lot of like sugar-free

Stuff I don’t know why I’m saying like that I didn’t know that till today has like basically if you eat too much it can act as a laxative yeah so some dude ate like a big bag of the of gummy bears right before he hadit a final exam and

Like well I don’t need to tell you what happened I’ve heard about this but the way he described it was just really captivating that’s fire damn I need to eat more sugarfree [ __ ] no let’s let’s let’s keep the uh you know what I’m not going to say that out loud yo can we

Sleep can we sleep can we sleep can we sleep no yeah that’s going to work what F’s AFK he’s been AFK for all day Yeah I’m literally gaming what do we WID gaming wiy gaming it was poetic yeah the demon Bears demon Bears the Haribo sugar freak Bears the airport one is pretty funny though you know what what oh I’m going to do loyalty so I can throw my Trident

Around loyalty kind of worth I like it I like loyalty yeah we got loyalty loyalty is important yeah oh what’s your problem oh I see loyalty three is the highest right are you the biggest bird yeah would you say you were the biggest bird I was or I am I would say

That who needs sleep when we can listen to the caling sounds of lovely Phantoms of the Phantoms we can listen to their song I have four on me awesome they’re just fans yeah they’re annoying wow I I do need the memory though night is going to be a good Night night be loyalty 3 is so cool we got loyalty I’m going kill everyone with this what the you got to relax better watch out h better not cry God help me if you cry all right everything is done I just need NE right

Now a better bow but that’s it oh my God we back we are so back I grew big mushrooms on my farm that’s so cool thanks you know what you should do no just snow no all right oh yeah I need looting [ __ ] [ __ ] in sharpness [ __ ] Jenna has loading three why does

Janet have everything in the world what is this yeah Farm is really good she [ __ ] rerolled like crazy that’s insane yeah she did okay wait Raptor you’re capping how are we doing this oh no it’s not going to be Symmetrical made a mistake ow okay problem I did not make this five wide so therefore I can’t put like a block right here it will go to one side or the other so I have to decide if I’m going to commit and just use the our dark oak stairs across this

Or actually I don’t even think I can dang I kind of screwed up right now I mean I guess I could move this out one that wouldn’t be that hard actually I just need to put I need this height to be three wide so that I can have a straight Block in the

Middle okay let’s do that I think that’s winnable uh oh nice he stre for 10 hours what the [ __ ] we all got something going on here where are these villagers at it’s a [ __ ] Ghost Town out here um so you see a trap door go down it’s near the nether portal what another

Portal are you talking about Janet’s Village yeah yes yeah when you go out of the portal oh I didn’t even go to a portal I went oh [ __ ] there’s a portal what the it’s kind of hard to find I like miss it but it’s between um I see it on the map oh

Yeah all right I’m here where’s that trapo just walk forward and it’ll be like on the left where you guys up to you don’t even want to know it’s on the ground borp holy [ __ ] what is this Jesus Christ she’s got a factory going on here it’s kind of crazy sweeping Edge

Three of [ __ ] course what the hell holy [ __ ] this is maddening efficiency 4 this is crazy this so Crazy are we allowed to use does everyone have one people have been using them they have bro nobody said anything dude well I don’t think everyone knew said I don’t know why we gay kept them anyways there’s no point it wasn’t gay keeping it was so it would be fair for

Everyone but like regarding what we’re not racing towards anything I accidentally broke that rule racing broke what rule it the gentleman’s agreement that they did which was 50 short is five worth agreeing to not use the elytras until everyone had one oh that was kind of an impromptu yeah

Call yeah I didn’t know that we weren’t supposed to and I was just flying around in the in the end I got like two extra ones yeah it was it was an idea but I don’t think everyone was there to like agree to it per se tweaking she’s freaked it freaked

It and then I tweaked it and then I tweaked it until I test try my faction server hell no smoking blunt [ __ ] your [ __ ] up crazy sty so funny such a funny line yeah there we go okay this is the craziest village ever dude oh chill stop crying it is a [ __ ] looting

Book yeah we’ve been been about that I’m sorry I’m just reing in awe I’ve never been here before give me a break I’ve died twice in the past deserved ah deserved whoo now yeah it’s kind of cruel don’t you think no no no just no wait I bought two looting three books

Am I I’m so dumb to my and I freaking I think it’s okay I made two swords one with the fire and one without so kill end okay there we go I need power five I’m sure one of you guys have power five just like in general or like on something on my

Bow efficiency 4 we do be needing that actually [ __ ] it give me another Infinity feather how put how to sharpness no up I have no XP hey yo wait a minute I just noticed that if you have I just noticed that if you have a cape equipped the wings change to your

Cape like the wings change to uh the design of your cave that’s kind of cool oh that’s cool this feels illegal seems I don’t know how to use scaffolding properly lol l l I might be stupid guys I can’t figure out how to make my roof look

Right it’s hard breaking news I might be stupid maybe not that breaking news honestly jump reporting live I just built upwards and then I looked at it from above and if it looked stupid I fixed it until it stopped looking stupid should I put protection for on my

Elytra what do you put on your elytra oh what the [ __ ] is this uh I don’t know what else you put on your elytra other than mending and Unbreaking but maybe some people know that’s the only ones you can put on in oh okay okay it kind of of yelling oh

Okay I might not be stupid actually only a little are you sure no not anymore I [ __ ] die again do not knock me off of this it’s so funny looking at the the coordinates being put in the chat when you don’t have the mod I done first time a

Better all right this give me like 15ish minutes I’ll be level 100 and then I can uh enchant all my [ __ ] again and then nether yep time to uh get the mines yeah however if one Enderman knocks me off I might be GG that would would never

Happen yeah at least not again not again I almost just got what oh I’m going to [ __ ] die actually holy [ __ ] okay I might die from this oh [ __ ] me I’m an idiot I should have kep my arm on oh there so many D why is there a piglin here what the

[ __ ] I’ve made such progress on my house wow keep that [ __ ] on oh [ __ ] oh you oh my where’d he even come from oh bro chased my Ass what has taken me why I need a roof save me are you getting owned by save me I think they picked up my armor dud what that’s they can do that oh yeah I guess they can I’m actually [ __ ] now I’m actually [ __ ] it’s actually [ __ ] I I

I need help I genuinely need help are you is it supposed to at the portal it’s just in the middle of the nether oh god oh no wait I don’t understand what happened I genuinely need help actually I’m at the I’m at the I’m at The Mending I mean not The

Mending they are they actually freaked my [ __ ] yo no [ __ ] jacked my [ __ ] oh you cut oh my God I’m coming where are you oh you’re over here leave me Alone why is I cannot be losing my [ __ ] again uh oh what what happened oh they’re down here hold on I’ll K them should I kill them yes is Jake okay I need my [ __ ] bag that’s soul yeah oh [ __ ] did you get him are these sh boxes with Jake stuff I got

Them for you I got them oh yeah just leave them all right I got uh the piglin took his armor wait no way wait I think my [ __ ] fell off all the way here too no I got it I got some I got some your armor on

The ground oh oh you’re missing boots though wait down here you check down there no I haven’t I should have kept my arm on I [ __ ] my [ __ ] up for real did they take it out of freak freaked I got a book for you actually freaked it actually can’t get up by the

Way oh I don’t have any blocks to get up oopsies yeah I I don’t have anything I’ll bring blocks I’m I’m just stuck so like I I can’t really do anything here I’m just I kind of need help oh no I don’t have uh stuff for my elytra either no one going

To all right it’s cool I’ll just do this I said I’m getting Blocks girl what are you talking about to oh he’s got your boots I see him I see the [ __ ] with the boots get his ass get his [ __ ] ass jump his ass oh he’s up there oh [ __ ] ow ow

Ow up there he’s up there okay you’re boot’s up there well I’m I mean I I’m on one heart brother I’m [ __ ] Ender pearling into it [ __ ] it okay got bro they all yed my [ __ ] it was a man hunt they [ __ ] your [ __ ] up they had a

Hit on fuing they freaked my [ __ ] crazy style I’m so sick of the back up [ __ ] falling wait you guys don’t have any building block you don’t you can’t even mine anything you don’t have a [ __ ] pickaxe I I have what is these dud are camping me I’m a bit confused help help

Me I need okay Jake come here I’m not coming anywhere I’m getting my [Laughter] [ __ ] why are there so many figin over here dude the [ __ ] man I’m tired of this [ __ ] freaked it too close to the Sun where the [ __ ] are you guys help me we

At we’re at the main entrance portal the main main house portal why are they all here get the [ __ ] away from J oh here you are here you are here you are I got your armor I got your armor oh I’m blocking this path off [ __ ] this path

All right that path’s [ __ ] done though thank you my king this is all the [ __ ] they had on all right J I’m putting uh your my boots in here oh your boots are in here I got your boots let’s go actually hold On’s myow did you get my oh there’s my bow

Yeah there you go oh man they [ __ ] my [ __ ] wait where’s my I have like a oh my apples yeah I put them in there how many app do you have all right like it maybe near a stack a little under where did they go I don’t I don’t

Have they [ __ ] your [ __ ] up that is crazy he has them that was so funny has his apples I have someone’s firor Jak is important but I’m like getting that’s probably your I’m actually going to like I will I will make my own so you should just take

All I’m going to like commit genocide on these piglins dude deserve TBH are we are we anybody else oh yeah we’re chilling thank you boys um might be um an interesting choice you guys have a know an easy way to farm for gunpowder thoughts raid farm raid Farm I

Don’t know where that is even but yeah that that is look at the path I made it so much safer really thank you yeah Safety First real I entire time I was there my heart was like [ __ ] Jak how much uh dragons breath did you form look a stack no there’s

More3 do does each one make a lot wait what do you mean h like conting arrows and uh stairs are the wor I think it’s like eight arrows or something okay I’ll have to be conservative then oh we can just s another Ender Dragon right do you need this

Thanks I’ll take that let me up here take another one no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine better not see you slain by another piglin [ __ ] I’m about to lose my [ __ ] I’m I’m about to go Aaron Jagger mon rumbling ran that’s s right I’m a

Jagger wait what do I need to do oh yes time to grind to level 100 100 why the [ __ ] good question I don’t understand how to use the elytra I feel like at level 50 that just just become redundant yeah I mean to be fair I leveled 100 after I died and lost

Everything and then I used up basically everything to enchant and repair [ __ ] go back down but at this point probably not that oh my God I’m on to fire one of these dudes had flame what the they’re on X Games mode bro I’m about to they actually had a hit on you and

[ __ ] wasn’t posted up on they all up on my [ __ ] bro I had a million dollar Bounty for you bro well get me out of here there like 10 of them in that tunnel I have no idea how that happened how do you use the elytra with

Fire what kind of texture pack is that Minecraft yeah this is just there’s no texture packs installed it’s just shaders just cool uh with fireworks you have to jump air and then a hold space bar I’m pretty sure and have the fireworks in your hand and press right click when you’re in the

Air oh my God so you up my world like nobody else Nar buy nor body wait what is Zaki experience kinetic energy yeah that’s what happens when you go too fast with the elytra that’s so [Laughter] funny that’s great that’s funny now that that’s jokes that’s that’s

Crazy okay we somewhere that was crazy once crazy they locked me in a room I’m at the end again yay wow that’s like so awesome I love this place okay can’t more really starting from the bottom guys I hope your new gear ends up to be better than your previous gear it’s

Impossible cuz I had the best gear wait you lost all your [ __ ] nothing’s impossible oh yes Bob so let me tell you the story I I was building the Enderman farm and I unfortunately died during during the process due to uh an attack behind me very cheap I must say luckily I did

Finish the farm in time and decided to um Farm to very high levels to repair and enchant anything uh don’t understand what you guys doing Minecraft I jumped off and thought I had my elytra wings but I did not that’s the only answer I have for you to be honest

Fell into the void no a damn all sadit oh my God very sad flying around uses all your fireworks yeah I do what the [ __ ] I need so much gunpowder yeah you do what’s good just oh what is my push talk not working uh I could hear you if that’s what you’re

Asking no like uh in game I feel like it’s not working sometimes I am not a push to talk gamer if I was you’d never hear me I should I should honestly take it off push to talk like what what is there to be afraid of coming through my

Mic never know until you try wait can you build a nether portal in the end well you see we’re all doing all sorts of things of mining some of us are farming some of us are building our houses I.E me there are a myriad of different things that can be done and accomplished

In Minecraft so I hope that answers your burning question what aren’t we doing in Minecraft that is a better question back in the mine what is oh never mind going to do blocks for now oh no did I do that right so didn’t so this is Christmas krima happy New

Year what are we doing for New Year’s I’m playing Minecraft Minecraft what oh really uh I don’t know you haven’t decided will probably be an audible I’m so stupid stupid they’re repairing something like who like who’s repairing something what are you talking about like what are you talking about at this

Point something deep inside me huh sir There Will Be Blood sh okay did I get that right please I’m going crazy I’m actually going crazy and why is that the numbers would you say you are tweaking I am absolutely freaking and tweaking he freaked it and now you’re tweaked it

I took it to my penthouse and I freaked it ow I freaked It why didn’t I make planks plank any plankers blink it’s night time again time to fight 8,000 Phantoms this F here now we can sleep that would be so awesome I will never sleep oh I’m dying thanks I can’t stop until I get thoughts thoughts on that thoughts on that consider that

I’m going to get killed in my f eight times No 9 * 4 five 9 5 45 I need 45 freak ancient debris we s let’s Go die die stupid Phantom H have you guys slept yes we have sleeped okay please return what the [ __ ] wandering trailer just showed up oh my God take his llamas kill him I took my llamas and I to and then they left or despawned or something is it cuz I

Didn’t teame them I think you have to name tag them or they leave yeah oh oh I’m about to kill for these leads you have to name tag them I didn’t know or or use leads wait actually I have a better idea without killing them

Hold on I could just box them in and then push the llamas away far enough so the things break why not just kill him I mean what if I want to be peaceful I have no enemies I have no enemies you’re right that’s pretty funny

I also have no enemies it’s okay I got killed four times in a row by Pigman they were just doing their life and I was doing mine one might say that they were just trying to make some money ow bro I can’t believe they jacked my [ __ ] and they we’re like running wait

Did they take it out of your chest That’s crazy dude no I dropped it oh why I died what do you mean why oh they’re thieves I put that [ __ ] on I started running that’s [ __ ] hilarious we actually wouldn’t have been able to find the boots unless slice

Found the Pigman running away with them yeah do they put them on or do they just like hold them they actually put them on wow that’s messed up PR for bending on that’s [ __ ] hilarious say oh I got some new [ __ ] kicks man wait no way okay I boxed them in let

Me break this [ __ ] lead it’s not symmetrical walking what did I do oh my God they keep walking fing wait what if I box in the llamas instead um everything will be okay yeah everything true will be okay everything will be okay fall off this Bridge no definitely

Not I boxed in your llamas you are free to go I might freak out I might freak out yes it’s almost time dish I’m losing my mind the void calls the void no no no not the voids I ain’t going near no void not I good sir I I

Can’t I’m G to freak out I can’t make this symmetrical why didn’t I use a schematic or something I’m three and0 against piglins by the way one one cares did the extra row make it unsymmetrical did I did I okay what did I want initially I

Wanted this block here oh my God I spawn in this dungeon God damn it and then this should be right there okay okay fre go sh crazy style okay I did not just almost die again I need the comfort of a bed oh I love you Kea you my

Way maybe I didn’t freak it perhaps she didn’t perhaps I didn’t freak it it’s time to get Wicked oh perhaps I did perhaps I’m losing my mind I might be losing my mind OMG same me one me one me one I can’t this is why I never finished fin my like

Build product projects in Minecraft because my eye is just not wait I just cannot it’s not even going to look that bad I’ve just been working on this one part of my roof for the entire entire time I’ve been on Minecraft I can’t get a symmetrical it’s still not

Wait is it I think I’mma lose my mind let me step back let me let me step back cook who let me is it symmetrical now yeah tell me tell Me I think I just need put a block on top that’s it boom boom boom boom boom boom bo will I try and come back to me no matter what what if I like run away and go or go in the nether or something good question I used to rule the

World I’m coming this oh [ __ ] I just promise it’s not that much to look at I’m just like really this is like not one of my talents what is it just this part it’s just I’m trying to create this like front section where like you can there’s going to be like a second

Higher level above it it truly is this simple like I can’t I just keep making an error I feel like I know what you’re saying I think I I think I have it now maybe I’m going to kind of like block this part off and have like a second level that’s

A little bit smaller than the top level so I just need to figure out where to stop this part of the roof cuz this all kind of needs to extend forward forward forward ow maybe third person would be better for this but then I would fall

More I have to grind for more levels I was just like 50 oh I’m I’m about slump so are we not going to the nether take her to the nether all right give me 10 more minutes it’s okay honestly I’d rather you sleep if you need to sleep

Upside down stair with upright stair on top oh that’s a good idea cooking and maybe I can cook as a result of your cooking it’s time to go for level 200 yes no no no okay maybe it’s all right I’m calm I can handle this okay business cage business it’s

True you want to die you stupid God I hate them little Bor is running around biting my leg they biting your leg Yeah take a little nibble at me and then run you just found a little snacky yeah why not let them have a little snacky I’ve been snacked on enough

Okay and you can quote on that hey CH I think I have it surely I willon die at the end again no don’t that really kill theive if I die I’m just going to go to bed and then fix everything tomorrow I’m so tired okay maybe you should just do that

Anyways well I’m going to keep going until I die I’m going to bed soon I’m also very tired any sleepers uh I can sleep one sec I will eat I can also sleep think I got first try I have Eed Eep three out of five I’m the eer any eers thoughts on Swedish

Fish I love Swedish Fish I love Swedish Fish U me too I have some I don’t like jealous they stick to my teeth but they’re delicious that’s true is sad part of yeah is there a captain out here where are the captains do they sleep yeah sleep is good it is Day come

Back I I’ve actually farmed over 200 levels in the past hour D is it worth it well worth it isn’t the correct word mandatory more like I had to I see I see Oh Captain All Right Time Captain yeah for batt Omen for the raid Farm oh spawn oh wait this one extends

Over um actually R do farm give me some Gunpowder please okay dude roofs roof moment that it uh got from the front oh one more iron axe [ __ ] you what the hell is there a way to make scaffolding higher when you’re like currently on it yeah go lower and aim up oh

Okay what’s that makes sense I had to learn that from my viewer I too did not know uh sorry what what did you say I was trying to figure out how to make scaffolding go up when you are like currently on it they received an

Answer uh you have to go a bit lower and aim up oh ow summoned the Vex match ow well dude I’m I’m I might be I don’t hear the Vex might be giving up on my Extreme Home Makeover by the night this is oh just kidding not working two vexes my brain hurts

MC no just my I just really struggle with like spatial building and stuff like symmetry is very tough for me I’m just not quite making it happen with this roof things are not going according to plan oh why did I bring it out so far yeah I might need to watch some

Tutorials on like how to properly make a roof I kind of see the vision let me try let me shft gears a bit all right all right fireworms do you always do three gunpowder with one paper for fireworks the crafting recipe it looks like you just use one does that make

Them weaker or something no you can use one yeah oh so one gunpowder is three fireworks that’s pretty bu yeah okay very B have to farm like 800 STS I mean the worst part is is getting all the gun the gunpowder they they don’t drop that much

Please up to down stair on the overhang to make it look better yeah I probably will think I just need to see it get closer to what I’m like actually imagining and then once I have that it will be much more like winnable you know how do I make a bullseye oh stop

Don’t need to make it go into the roof from the angle not following the same direction as main I appreciate you guys so much for trying to talk me through this but I you have to understand my failure to understand I’m back in God you [ __ ] scared me

Please like spal stuff found another 62 levels like words mean almost nothing to me so I have to watch a video tutorial to finally finish all my chants and then I will be meaningless and then GG okay oh gg gg gg what a beautiful day to die and be reborn okay

Okay what the [ __ ] this is not where I wanted to go wait did someone break the nether portal in the main base what because I’m tping the atsu’s portal now what oh oh no that’s just a glitch oh like it could still teleport to the main base it’s just like one

Specific corner or whatever in the Nether Portal will teleport you to’s place I think that’s crazy it’s very weird hilarious actually that’s so crazy that’s actually really funny yeah Okay 25 gunpowder in like 10 minutes but like let’s see if this looks ridiculous what piercing even do why there’s so many creeper it’s kind of it’s kind of too big like it’s too Square on this side so I think what I do is kind of make it like a dramatic

Circular shape you put sharpness five on an ax and then you can build a roof on that it’s about to get freaky why would you do that to kill to kind of like expand the circular roof situation swords I see that’s like kind of what I was

Picturing CU this height looks it makes sense over here but it looks kind of Too Tall on this side so I can [ __ ] one shot zombies and skeletons that’s so smart or I could make this part more Dynamic maybe with like a oh with like a balcony or

Something Undead mobs they can make it less of like a stone just like a stone wall we God SM cuz this part looks really Dynamic well it will when it’s like done but this Bane of Arthropods or you can kill spiders easily like I think a balcony right here

Would really balance it out oh or cows yeah and other four-legged creatures I do like this highight overall though for the second level water’s on four legs hold up Ro TW combining of joints prefix oh so I need jointed creature actually okay so let’s go in why am I here just to suffer

Oh that moment when my head rests is actually resting my head all day all asleep wake up wake up everybody wake up are you guys sleep Jing I can DC uh I’m not but I can people want to are people leing don’t think So no nor what I say what did I come here for again I love this it’s like shopping which one of you villagers has a deal for me uh do I need to clear the top of the raid farm at any point nope unless you need another stack

Of omen if you glitched out okay cuz there’s a boat up there that captures the main Captain every time so if you need one got it you go up but don’t break the boat otherwise you have to redo it what time did you wake up today Jake like 7 7 oh my gosh

Yeah walking in the winter wonder I had like a pristine sleep schedule after getting back from the UK like 6 or 7 a.m. wake up time and the morning was so great but I hated I don’t know I think I just like the nighttime too much that it was just

I hated being sleepy and like ready to go to bed after dinner so I ruined it slowly I feel that mending time not need that she doesn’t have a power five villager though are you sure she does uh um I found sharp she Does I need this to be more than three across I I don’t know that she does why are people talking about Ron may I don’t know what they saying I she’s getting a lot of hate hate the character not like the voice actor or anything oh that’s good I

Guess hate about like her functionality or what no I heard she’s like as a character she it’s like she apparently they’re saying that she’s a bad person a very immoral scientist or something oh my gosh who cares so true it’s okay to hate a character but it’s not okay to disassociate from

Reality right right we have to put a stop to her guys make the death stop riding evil characters dude evil evil characters make a story true I love evil okay well I say you were not helping our case we women’s wrongs here that also sounds that’s weird it also did out sound

Right we are over for three guys over for three gosh man walking in a winter wonderland Build trying to clear out theory of this trial and error that’s all right if the can have fans then I’m sure people are legally allowed to have be a fan of any character it’s all right what has fans the to oh oh I love him don’t you also love oh

Mahito from jjk that is actually criminal that’s actually criminal you love lock her up insane individual not going to lie I insane individual I just love that crazy Aura bro she [ __ ] freaky Dam no there’s other people like me all right you go you go find

Him how are you not like disgusted by mahito I love him Jesus somebody help her somebody help she watches him blow up people and that’s so hot I love that I also like his like disgusting things uh all right you durations you got to stop talking it’s crazy this one for real she

Really just said that I don’t know I actually like him we wait yeah think we’ve established that much that’s fire cool [Laughter] wild for real I’m surprised more people don’t like him I think it’s more that people don’t support their actions or something like I can like the character but not

Like them as a character like you’d say they’re [ __ ] good being evil but not support their actions I guess that’s what I support his actions oh my gosh dude what is she saying someone take the mic crazy what saki saying right now take the mic I support his actions that’s wild I

Would just like to say that I only saw season one so I don’t know what happen after I see yeah it doesn’t clear you I’m sorry okay that’s not going to do it she’s like oh okay anyways anyways although he is pretty much more vile I would say in season

2 oh I I think I heard that what the [ __ ] oh saki would you consider yourself like insane what a I don’t know I don’t know the Bro wording his words carefully bro thinking very carefully no I just like cuz because you said you support his action so I’m trying to find

Like yeah like what do you mean by that like murder [Laughter] okay you know what it’s fine it’s fine bro just said I support murder what am I supposed to do with that information like it’s not even just murder it’s like cold unfeeling uncaring UNC in unsympathetic Murder I love that

Energy she’s doubling down she’s doubling down crazy I can’t believe this I I can’t be here I don’t understand how there’s not other people like that I mean they’re probably yeah they’re all criminals they’re in jail no I support fictional murder not real murder important distinction

Yeah he doing it for fun that’s true that was a very very important distinction no I support fictional murder like I love evil characters not bad people in real life that’s that’s that’s better cuz when you kind of unequally said you support were you guys thought she was like actually supporting real life

Murder I me f i mean like I just I just we’re just having a conversation that’s all we’re just yapping and being yapped at do you see my on symmetrical uh ceiling see what makes it unsymmetrical you know I couldn’t even tell you I think it’s partially because this

Is unsymmetrical like I I added an extra block here on this column so I need to I need to ship this one over I got go past Jason big ass Tower I have no idea what I’m even looking at be honest maybe that’s forther the best your tiredness is making me

Yawn I’m to farm netherite I need to get netherite really I 50 50 uh ancient thingies s I’m so [ __ ] stupid what happened oh I forgot to enchant something my villager I was putting windows in the house but then I let a space out for him

Which I forgot and then he left and then I accid I accidentally HD him oh no um are do you want to go to the nether now Jake whenever you’re ready okay wow I’m going to go enchant something are you sure symmetrical it’s kind of nice you know I’m going to I’m

Going to take that to heart and just not give up thank you Bob expect it to take this long it’s not bad it’s not bad I can fix it I think I just I see that I’ve done it wrong and I start to panic him fix even though it’s like probably a

Small mistake that I made hey I can break these cuffs you can’t break those CU I can break this wax you okay I can how you could fix the asymmetrical yeah yeah is this see can you see does this this right here this window does this need to be one

Taller or how many taller does it need to be actually this doesn’t shouldn’t even be there oh yes it should chicken leg I feel what do you feel when you look at this house I feel like a [ __ ] could be a little maybe a little bit taller not sure well basically I’m just

Asking actually I’m stupid I can see it from right here oh this is Aude when you look outside this window you’re just going to see F’s evil tower I love it I’m a big Lord of the Rings fan so I don’t even care I prefer it in

Fact it’s okay I’m just going to shift a couple things over and it will be fine fine fine fine fine good even also what’s this I think I just like really exciting things cuz I like Po just come back to continue pleading her case that is a jump like I like how

She came full circle then [ __ ] tanged the circle somehow okay okay well fictional right yeah yeah of course no like watching Gore okay have you seen Alice in Borderland no I wanted to though you would like it I bet I don’t like Gore for no reason she

Went I me but it is very dark it’s dark but it’s not like it’s great I never shut up about aliceon Borderland I should watch it then you should I mean I can’t even say anything about the gour because I [ __ ] chainsaw man red berserk so really hardcore is chains suon really hardcore

You should be berserk oh it’s really good really it is kind of Hardcore not too much though but there’s definitely very um mature themes in it my policy is if it’s for a good reason then I’m okay with it if it’s not as long as it’s for a good reason and not like

Glorifying yeah it’s not just disgusting behavior for no like to no end then I I’m yeah there’s a reason for everything then I’m interested and in berserk too I think if I if I remember correctly there is a reason for most things happening in berserk

Okay all right I think I see the vision on the roof maybe ah okay so I think because of their closeness they overlap which is okay but I just need to kind of Tuck this no why won’t he go to bed who my villager oh e thunderstorm this ring just sent my GPU

To [Laughter] 90% so thing I’ve heard oh my God me too let me 99 see I see it and then I get up here maybe if maybe this will help me yeah mine is at 96% dude I I don’t this how do I disable this rain bro go to bed true

Eing oh Mama Mia is he attached to another bed how do people build an F in in third person he don’t okay are we going to the nether do you want to or are you do you need to go to sleep I need netherite full gear armor all right all right give

Me do you have food I have 27 golden apples and I’ve been living on that ever since I died okay you’re going to be there in a for a while it’s okay they actually really high saturation okay I got I don’t have mending on this no you don’t have a spare mending book

Do you allow me to look in my boxes I found two with I can pay you back for the emerald oh my God a lucky day really oh my gosh one I will I will pay back for this uh okay I only got one oh wait just kidding there’s more

There there’s more drown with Trident here what the fu DN that’s crazy what the [ __ ] efficiency through I’m breaking through efficiency 4 forun three mending Che out check out check out this bow I made I got pretty lucky guys oo that’s very nice you like the name oh punch no get back

Sorry why is my helmet not Enchanted I’m going to freak out oh my god dude there are still more Trident round you give me three of them it’s fine it’s fine actually it’s totally fine don’t need it any do they spawn more often at night time okay I build building blocks wait

What enemy uh drown with Trident they just keep spawning do we need a piece of gold armor for the nether no we are going to kill the Pigman okay he’s on a mission are you sure about that they are a side quest that’s mandatory I don’t know man it’s like a

It’s Like A world quest A world quest that can get us killed no no no yeah yeah yeah it’ll be okay we’ll be in the mines anyways okay I’ll just bring it just in case I do not have food as a matter of fact all right you know what come with

Me maybe the Villager is ready the village my one villager that I’ve been caking uping good you might be Max have to check I’m going to go check actually what do I freaking bring to the nether it’s raining it’s time to use a rip TI Trident ooh I’m going to try it out

Yeah what’s to bring to Nether ooh my totem yes you guys should all download the Uno reverse resource pack what is that it makes the totems Uno reverse card it’s pretty great it’s technically wood right it should work right oh my God totem [ __ ] that’s fire oh oh I’m

Going really fast you should wait can you use it to launch yourself with your elyra too that’ be so cool I’m I’m just [ __ ] flying that’s genius Dam Rin buff okay it’s so F I can’t see [ __ ] where the hell am I I think I’m above the

Rain first time using Sher box okay I’m ready I need to get back into rain please where am I a ready one second my EP be ANS chainsaw man’s son or ju God is oh sick oh my God true I have AR even loading I have the best villager

I have the best villager I one Emerald three golden carrots infinite golden carrot food damn that’s actually what the [ __ ] is this guys that’s an infinite carrot farm right there infinite carrot Farm um I am going to start heading in your direction okay oh my God my PC is at 90 degrees

C it’s the r what oh [ __ ] wait your your card is 90 uh oh hold on hold on your computer is about to explode actually oh I’m just going to and his last words were my PC is 90° C oh thank you I don’t think it’s supposed to do

That okay it’s it’s down now cuz I left but I think when I was flying in the rain and like all the chunks were [ __ ] loading and [ __ ] it was not having a good time wait 90 C or 90 Fahrenheit 9C Celsius that’s crazy it should only be like 60 to 80

Yeah going insane okay I think it’s capable of getting to 100 but like it shouldn’t to be honest in my honest opinion I’m about to build a bridge to you guys think I can fly back this house oh I totally can’t actually I should build an Ender Portal in my house I

Haven’t yet this you want want to we should build oh this is killing my PC it’s loading all the chunks you know Spirited Away Bridge yes oh my God the one that leads to the bath house yeah I have seen people bu Pond really yeah when I make it but that’s my plan

Hey guys hey Ed an arched wooden bridge do not SP the Bell hello you guys are you what Bell do not Spam The Bell I’m going to spam the Bell oh you guys are playing lethal right yeah how is it what are you practicing in cool yeah I still don’t

Know what I’m doing but that’s okay the tournament’s tomorrow right yeah just play a couple more rounds it’ll be fine it’ll be fine hey all the gam are anyone have pink dye yeah yeah it is I have a lot never mind where are you damn it all the gamers are

Online damn it hey honey look at my stream oh I’m right next to you Ed I have full enchant gear now I just need netherite I’m going what the [ __ ] do you mean you’re oh you’re just missing netherite yeah hey if you help me dig my hole I’ll give you

Netherite my pie going where am I oh my God it’s not even loading me it’s okay oh [ __ ] yeah you’re you’re this just like a resource Shack this is like a glorified storage closet yes precisely along the left we have building blocks specifically clay Cobble and um wood and arrows my

Goodness holy deep SL that’s oh you have so many totems I have not visited the raid Farm yet oh you haven’t I’m not dude you got to check it out and lightning you should go Jake did an amazing job really we did an amazing

Job he cook an egg on his PC yeah slice are you hungry bro I am I am invisible that dude his GPU is actually going to catch on fire it’s okay I can launch myself back up oh [ __ ] just kidding do you have food that you could

Give me yeah if you give me the enter chest back so sorry I did it’s in the middle of the room oh dear lord make Mak give me work for it all right give me that shulker box you just took too I’m know allow me to introduce you not

Nikolai Nikolai I just named him his name is Nikolai now oh my villager I abducted and then trained to be the best but do you have oh no yeah I already asked you this never mind have what build yeah yeah he I’m po I’m broke no no no no no watch Nikolai

Come say she’s look at this take this no there’s no more rain over here only 16 emeralds no oh my gosh you’re scared scaring him you’re scaring him I’m scared oh hey let me out oh you escaped okay I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I get back in this is not my uh

Intention I did not realize I had ender pearls in my hand it’s okay should take those out I’m going to end up dead that was another uh that could have been a different story so sorry so sorry buddy I didn’t not me his his name is Nikolai Nikolai sorry so sorry Nikolai

On the way sorry slices is can you pick me up some cherry blossom saing what I don’t need an axe do I bone meal can you get cherry blossom saplings and bone meal am I going to you yeah you should come see what slena and I built

We work so hard you guys areus 10K away wait what did you guys build we made an underwater dome is it who wait from that video that’s sick no it’s not the same thing in the video we did our own twist wait did you a

Conduit did come well we used a lot of sponges and it took us a few hours to remove all the water but that’s fire but it is a big dome and it’s underwater it’s really cool and you guys should come so is here I’ll come visit after I farm 50 ancient debris why

Is s not in voice chat oh want to join voice chat we’d be yapping in here yeah you can come join they’re all they’re all friendly which one except saki she loves murder fictional murder fictional murder that’s why I like horror and like psychological horror good morning greetings mortal hello is that that’s

Ed is freak and tweaking he’s freaking as [ __ ] right now look look Don I’m adding like sea grass and now it looks like it’s really part of the environment oh I can’t wait to see I’ll visit later oh my God you guys have to see it it’s like a 3 to 5 minute

Walk from the nether but it’s very clearcut path is this the closest ender portal where to me not the snow base nope oh this is what I deal with yeah that’s annoying I’m going build one at my house eventually you will die pig when I figure out how to how how ender portals

Work I am am back welcome back welcome back look I added like like foliage onto the dough it looks really part of the environment now right yeah I’m reallying M this is beautiful no one will even notice that it’s not no one will even notice it’s not really a

Do Don and I spent like an hour making a dome and it looked like a pyramid had so hard on it and we worked so hard on it and then like Bob came and tried to help us and then it just yeah and he left us and and then he left us

And then we were like trying to fix it it was a mess it looked like a mountain for a moment um oh my god oh anyways the grass spreading I’m not really sure if the grass is spreading maybe it’s too dark oh you definitely need bone meal to

Spread it I see oh my gosh but the sea pickles all along make it so pretty on the inside yeah that’s why I want more sea pickles oh that’s so cool this is so I can’t wait to see it wow go us I’m so excited for you to come it’s like

Okay I’ll go look for SE pickles yeah we could go like far yeah I’ll go far far so we don’t you know disrupt any of the naturally naturally it’s all natural for sure do you guys have another portal at your underwater base or no yeah so when

You’re on your way to the um exp Farm there’s a path that says coral reef just follow the sign it’s a really long path honey yeah turn on the you’re saying that I should just fly over well flew over he said that that was actually faster and he

Also was able to get some like m exploration that he enjoyed he said he found like a a mansion on the way so you might want to fly over I’ll do that well can you please bring some bone meal and cherry blossom if you do I would really

Appreciate I would really really app I have cherry blossom saplings at our house it’s just at our house where are we going so far and then you can just bring a bunch of Bones from the from the skeleton spot the reason is is because that mean that would I have to go

Explored I’m just going to take whatever here okay yeah honestly I mean the nether path isn’t I honestly think the nether path is faster but it’s more brain off it’s time to begin what levels are we going to I’m an ocean Monument yet that’s more than enough and whatever

Bone me I have yeah I took it all okay wait can you hear me in game does anyone have sponges in game love you want some sponges we have my God it’s not raining anymore no we have so many sponges hello hello hello what level are we digging down to level 15 oh

Fun oh lava number 15 Bing foot lettuce the last thing you want in your burger is someone’s fo fungus that is exactly what you’ll get in a Burger King Burger oh I found lava oh my shovel trying to get underneath this like Lake like I’m still going to run into it oh

No oh I see light 15 okay I found it oh there are strip mines down here oh I see okay so there’s already many paths I forgot I actually farmed here already but that means I have everything mapped so I know which parts we haven’t farmed yet meaning

Um yes this way this is the way you will go here and then here and then [ __ ] whoa cool don’t think I have this material I don’t H I love efficiency what the freak epic game ooh great okay from here on out I have not mined this place okay um what’s best

Practice for this so usually strip mining yeah you strip mine on the edge of a chunk border and then every now and then you just go and check and like down see nearby that’s what I do all right should I go two away from you or a little

Further what should I go should I go two away from you like two off you could just do a chunk away from me one chunk isn’t it better to do two oh I fell down um excuse me you’re in my path oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s a lot of lava forgot how

Fast it travels moves okay anyways kind of forgot what it looked looks like you’ll know when you see it does it mine slower than Netherrack yeah okay scared to dig up at all ah stop is there just like single blocks of of lava that’s so dumb like what if I pass

It I found one I found two my mod is so realistic I can barely hear you through the wall H wait what do you mine this with this a pickaxe your your pickaxe oh yeah dishes first Netherrack I mean netherite yay epic is there no quartz in the in this at this level

Cuz my pickaxe oh there we go oh punch around a bit whoa what’s that yes need need need need need should I punch around a bit a that my last torch it’s kind of funny cuz I can hear him but I don’t think he can hear

Me oh hell no I can basically EES drop I have so much gold might as well make blocks right hearing what’s wrong with me oh I can’t answer that question I’m not your therapist I’m just your streamer another one my K has oh hajima hajima I was never

Here okay I got to go around this Lake I think you don’t understand guys I I have so I’m so paranoid of like dying to Lava oh my god oh I just saw my life flash for my eyes real quicko okay taking a detour Holly Molly Holly

Molly that was close and I stumbled a little bit I may have panicked a little bit but that’s all it takes you know I don’t have any fire protection right now okay I’m around it I have no idea Jake is so far ahead of me shave yes so much Flint yeah nether bit

Oh sorry I’m going to be right back I need a finish pack oh yes I’m just going to AF think I’ll be safe Just need to fix my pickaxe love how love how Jake went into proximity chat and then went so far and has mods that basically make it impossible for him to hear me so now I’m just here Ying tell nobody I to bring the dang I did not bring

The done it oh oh oh oh oh oh Ser lag jeez I hope I can find my way back okay I can see my line on the map of like garbage so I’m sure I can get back that way he just said can you hear me in game okay great and then ran

Away thing is okay so I like I obviously have a totem of undying so I’m a little less yay it only grows in pears huh oh no that’s not true yay Yay it looks like a tree like an enchanted tree um forgot what I was saying why not ingame Tech no I see him I see him on my map he’s just like really far ahead and also he has like physics mods that basically make it so he can’t hear if there’s like a

Wall for immersion whatever dude I’m going to find more nether netherite than he why is this room suddenly eliminated don’t like that why is it turning red what did you see that did you see the room get really vibrant and then just like stop I’m tweaking I’m twe oh I oh I changed

Biomes a I see I see I see what the heck did I just hear going to poke more this way time is it it’s almost 1 no when did this happen I honestly might need to go back cuz I definitely thought it was like I definitely thought it was like maybe maybe

11: oh my gosh time I’ve been live for 6 hours I swear Minecraft just time is like not it like ceases to exist maybe I’ll find him Jake hello hello um bad news it is way later than I thought it was and I need to end stream I say asleep should we go

Back I’m like falling asleep in my chair I I I definitely thought it was like 11 but it’s one so yeah we can go back I was actually just going to like leave here no no no leave here well I mean we can actually I feel

Like I can find my way back if you just want a DC you can resume tomorrow surely you’re not going to walk back into lava where am I uh it’s this way or yeah that way I forgot what I was going to say oh do you have the cords of the main portal

No do you the [ __ ] yes wait here Oh wait where Uh I do not see it on my wait okay wait main Bas portal from the nether I guess maybe it’ll show up when we get higher or when I get high you don’t see it on your map no I don’t I add it no maybe cuz we’re too low I

Don’t know the [ __ ] all right I mean I think it’s pretty straightforward very easy way to get there just do this thing and then this thing and then this thing and then this thing mhm easy peasy is actually so easy to play for hours I meant to end at

Midnight only an hour off is also so bad this place is How much netherite do you need to make something netherite four scraps also known as four debris you smelt the four debris into scraps and then you also need four gold to make one oh wow netherite Ingot oh make one netherite Ingot scraps and four gold and that’s all you need to

Turn something to netherite right one inot essentially yes but you also need the smithing template or the uh oh the netherite template that you need to make sure you uh make another template of by duplicating it before you use it cuz if we have no more templates then we can’t

Upgrade okay we’ll learn how to duplicate then whoa sleepy all right if you’re curious that’s the Outpost uh raid Farm this way though if you just keep heading straight and then eventually you’ll come out a corner and it’ll force you to take a left you will be straight at the main base

Portal this way yes oh okay okay I might as well go actually you don’t have to no no no I’m not that sleepy yet I don’t remember Cobblestone here what the what is that noise oh is that from The I don’t know about enemy I’m one of them what the oh [ __ ] she got the gold bling on and gold in both hands The I hate another I hate it so bad oh Blaze noises oh that’s what it was I only realized it was late because my I was like my eyes were starting to get dry and I was starting to get hungry again like that’s weird that’s so silly Yay find NE screw you thanks thanks oh he’s gone thank you somewhere out there somewhere out there us people B oh okay I think I’ll just right oh I teleported at’s [ __ ] base I thought you just dipped or D me something keeps glitching out on me the god Tower thank

You you man sorry I did not realize it was so late I probably would have just said another day it’s okay got some ingots I got five debris not a ton but now that is epic okay good night G Bye good night guys I know most of you guys are muted good night oh good night bye bye night oh what oh my gosh my hair I look quite uh disheveled long have my Bang’s been like this did you see the emo I made inspired by yours no let me

See I don’t know go for my charity stream let me see let me see let me see Minecraft hair I hope my hope my hair was lay the whole time oh man so I need to keep better track of my time because six hours just blueby a

Cute that emote was made by one of my first mods Maddie that’s great good job Mo all right congrats on your uh charity stream also um let’s see who’s still alive Mr slice Mr Ed who should be playing not Minecraft Leal company let’s R slice I don’t get to R

Slice that often oh a Jeff re so glad I could catch your stream Dre thank you for the 100 Z I don’t know if you’re still here first of all come back to the Minecraft server thank you for the 22 months Beth thank you for the The Raid most of the most

Time thank you most time thank you for the tier one blueberry thank you for the 19 months Leo thank you for the tier one uh Evan screaming Sirens thank you for the tier one Subs we yeah I need I we need to get back in the lethal

Company it’ll happen we’ll get tired of Minecraft we’ll reach a point where we’re ready to go back to lethal this it’s such a great game all right say hi to slice for me but I’ll say Hi also and I’ll see you um tomorrow what’s tomorrow actually Saturday Maybe not

Maybe not tomorrow TBD it’ll be impromptu if it is thank you guys guys for hanging out it was fun as always fun good night cat

This video, titled ‘genshin film event – minecraft i cant stop playing minecraft’, was uploaded by Dish VODs on 2024-01-08 09:49:20. It has garnered 564 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 05:59:34 or 21574 seconds.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Müslüman Köpek imana geldi valla #trend #shorts #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the diverse and inclusive community that Minecraft fosters. Just like the Muslim wolf in the video found a sense of belonging and community, players from all walks of life can come together on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features and friendly atmosphere, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Villagers Fooled by Clever Traps

    Villagers Fooled by Clever Traps Minecraft Mayhem: Villagers and Traps Imagine a world where the villagers in Minecraft learn how to build traps. The chaos that would ensue is both terrifying and hilarious. In a recent video, a player encounters villagers who have apparently become engineers, capable of setting up traps to protect their village. Unexpected Engineering Skills The player, on a routine looting mission, is taken aback when they realize that the villagers are not as defenseless as they once thought. The villagers have somehow acquired the knowledge to build traps, a skill that was previously unheard of in their peaceful village. Server… Read More

  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server 🚀

    Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server 🚀 Are you ready to test your skills and see who is truly stronger in the world of Minecraft? The Command Block vs All Mobs showdown is a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why stop at just watching when you can join the action yourself on Minewind Minecraft Server? Experience the thrill of facing off against various mobs, just like in the video, but this time in a live multiplayer setting. With the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world of endless possibilities, challenges, and adventures. Don’t just be a spectator, be a part of the excitement. Join… Read More

  • Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness

    Boys Love Magic Five: Minecraft Music Video Madness In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With boys in animation, their tale untold. Magic and gates, a mysterious blend, As Martin narrates, with rhymes to send. Through Telegram and Twitter, his story he shares, With music by Tom Wilson, each moment he dares. Boys love in Minecraft, a theme so divine, In Martin’s world, where the characters shine. In Arabic script, the words do flow, As Martin’s tale continues to grow. Darwin and Matthew, a bond so strong, In the world of Minecraft, where they belong. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In… Read More

  • Top 250 Minecraft Server Mods

    Top 250 Minecraft Server Mods The Best 250 Mods for Minecraft Survival Are you ready to explore the world of Minecraft like never before? Today, we delve into the realm of 250 incredible mods that will enhance your gaming experience. From improving your FPS to adding new weapons and tools, these mods have something for every player. Enhancing Your Gameplay One of the standout mods in this collection is the “Berrylicious” mod, which introduces new berries for crafting delicious cakes and juices. Additionally, the “More Swords Logic” mod offers a wide array of powerful swords with unique abilities, allowing you to customize your arsenal… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by Kreinzin Minecraft, where he discovered strange pits under a resident’s house in Minecraft. The video is filled with suspense, adventure, and unexpected twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. As you watch Kreinzin explore the mysterious pits filled with lava, diamonds, emeralds, and even TNT, you can’t help but feel the thrill of the unknown. The excitement of uncovering hidden secrets and embarking on thrilling adventures is what makes… Read More

  • Ultimate Friendly Slime Portal Tutorial

    Ultimate Friendly Slime Portal Tutorial Minecraft: Exploring the Friendly Slime Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the mysterious world of the Friendly Slime Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. Discover the wonders that await you in this captivating realm filled with unique creatures and exciting challenges. Unleashing Your Creativity One of the most enchanting aspects of Minecraft is the freedom it offers players to unleash their creativity. With the Friendly Slime Portal, you can let your imagination run wild as you build, explore, and interact with the vibrant environment around you. From constructing elaborate structures to embarking on epic… Read More

  • The Ultimate Gens OP Server for Minecraft PE 1.20.81

    The Ultimate Gens OP Server for Minecraft PE 1.20.81 Exploring the Best Gens OP Server for Minecraft PE 1.20.81 Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new server to join? Look no further than the Gens OP server, a vibrant community offering exciting gameplay experiences for both Java and Bedrock editions. Let’s delve into what makes this server stand out! Join the Blurkit Server Named Blurkit, this server welcomes players on both Java and Bedrock editions. With the IP address for Java and for Bedrock, players can easily connect and start their adventure. The server supports versions 1.8.x to 1.20.6, catering to a wide range… Read More

  • Crafty Laughs: Minecraft Challenge

    Crafty Laughs: Minecraft Challenge In the world of Minecraft, where laughter is the foe, I tackle challenges with a smile that won’t show. Each video I create, a new adventure to find, With twists and turns that will blow your mind. Join me on this journey, subscribe and stay tuned, For more epic content, always in tune. Minecraft BUT If You Laugh, I Lose, a game of wit, Where every moment is a hilarious hit. So come along, join the fun and the thrill, As we explore Minecraft, with skills and with skill. Together we’ll laugh, we’ll play, we’ll explore, In this world… Read More

  • Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore! The Journey to Overpowerment in Minecraft Hardcore Building a Trading Hall and Villager Breeder In this exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore, our protagonist embarks on a quest to upgrade their gear to the max. The first goal is to create a stunning Trading Hall and a Villager Breeder. With a diamond axe in hand, the journey begins deep into the caves in search of essential diamonds. Maximizing Diamond Armor After acquiring the necessary diamonds, it’s time to craft the coveted diamond armor. But beware, the journey is perilous, and the iron armor might not suffice against the dangers lurking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Minecraft Tierlist: All Others Are Wrong.Looks like the only thing more accurate than this tierlist is the score it was given! Read More

  • Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft’s Chill Aurora Encore

    Cherry Grove Campfire: Minecraft's Chill Aurora Encore In Cherry Grove, a campfire burns bright, A soothing sight, a calming light. With Cherry Blossoms playing in the air, Relax and unwind, without a care. Ten hours of peace, for gaming or study, Let the flames dance, feeling so buddy. Engage with the video, show some love, Support the creator, high above. So chill and enjoy, in this Minecraft scene, With Aurora’s glow, so serene. Have an amazing day, full of delight, In Cherry Grove, under the starry night. Read More


    DR. GARTEN'S BANBAN 7: MINECRAFT MEMES GONE WILD! “Doctor Garten of Banban 7 in Minecraft? Sounds like a prescription for a good time! Just don’t forget to take your daily dose of Mario memes for maximum laughs.” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the New Ultraman Geed Portal For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to dive into a new adventure, the Ultraman Geed portal offers an exciting opportunity to explore a unique world within the game. Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing addition to the Minecraft universe. Discovering the Ultraman Geed Portal The Ultraman Geed portal introduces players to a realm filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures. By stepping through this portal, Minecraft adventurers can embark on a quest unlike any other, encountering new landscapes and obstacles along the way. Features of the Ultraman Geed Portal Within the Ultraman… Read More

  • Ultimate One Block Mob Farm

    Ultimate One Block Mob Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Creating a Mob Farm in the One Block Series Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of the One Block series and learn how to create a Mob Farm. So, grab your pickaxe and let’s get started! The One Block Series: A Unique Adventure The One Block series in Minecraft offers players a thrilling and challenging gameplay experience. In this series, players start with just one block and must strategically expand their world by breaking and placing blocks to… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness! Unlocking Blaze Spawner!

    Minecraft Madness! Unlocking Blaze Spawner!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kirby’s Modded Minecraft – S4E61 “Blaze Spawner”‘, was uploaded by 2ndkirbyever on 2024-03-08 15:00:17. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:15 or 1515 seconds. Kirby’s Modded Minecraft season 4 is a modded Minecraft 1.19 playthrough using a custom profile on the CurseForge app. I will be playing through the pack progressing in tech, magic, and showing off as many of my favorite mods in the pack as I can. If you want to play along, a list of mods will be available in the future. You can… Read More

  • Monkey.d.Bayou Minecraft Test Stream LIVE

    Monkey.d.Bayou Minecraft Test Stream LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hive and cubecraft (TEST STREAM )(SUBS CAN JOIN)(LIVE)(PS5)’, was uploaded by Monkey.d.Bayouツ on 2024-04-14 18:51:57. It has garnered 35 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:53 or 4193 seconds. If you’re new here wsg we mostly play minecraft but we stared to play more different game like fortnite.motorfest.roblox and more to come if you wanna join just read the pin msg in any “live” it’s there hope to see you in the game with me and you better Subscribe and liked Here’s my discord Tiktok Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Anarchy: EPIC Start!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Anarchy: EPIC Start!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy S1-E1 Getting Started’, was uploaded by CrxssedGaming on 2024-05-06 01:43:06. It has garnered 308 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:03 or 363 seconds. In this video I’m doing Minecraft anarchy, and this is season 1 episode/part 1 if you don’t know an anarchy server basically means no rules except for a few we have created. Minecraft Server Rules 1. No Combat logs 2. No hacks 3. Must give cords to player when asked 4. We have day grace (so you can’t break any rules at day) Players On… Read More

  • Insane 1v1s and Epic Parties with Prof Mush

    Insane 1v1s and Epic Parties with Prof MushVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (parties, 1v1s and cs)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-02-14 21:06:34. It has garnered 253 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:03 or 10503 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests, Hive Live, Minecraft Live Stream, Hive gameplay, Minecraft bridging,… Read More

  • Master the End in Minecolonies with Rev Arco!

    Master the End in Minecolonies with Rev Arco!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecolonies – Caledonia #9 MASTERING THE END!?’, was uploaded by Rev Arco on 2024-04-01 12:00:52. It has garnered 188 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:43 or 2383 seconds. Welcome to Episode nine of Minecraft Minecolonies – Caledonia! In this video we are journeying to the end and defeating a dragon to build and upgrade several buildings from the Caledonia style from the mod, along with a surprise submarine! Follow this beginners guide and tutorial to Minecolonies where we build several new buildings for automation. Upgrade some existing ones to tier… Read More

  • EPIC SEMI-FINALS DUEL – Minecraft Yugioh!

    EPIC SEMI-FINALS DUEL - Minecraft Yugioh!Video Information This video, titled ‘SEMI-FINALS DUEL | Minecraft Yugioh! Duelist Kingdom E10 (Minecraft Anime Roleplay)’, was uploaded by ItsRitchieW on 2024-04-03 18:00:21. It has garnered 3349 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:09 or 1089 seconds. ► What’s up guys! Welcome to Yugioh! Duel Monsters, the Minecraft Roleplay. If you enjoy Yugioh! or Duelist Kingdom, then watch, leave a like and subscribe! ● SEMI-FINALS DUEL | Minecraft Yugioh! Duelist Kingdom E10 (Minecraft Anime Roleplay) ⚡ JOIN the Channel – ⚡ ⭐Accreditation – ● All My Links – #minecraft #minecraftroleplay #yugioh Read More

  • Unbelievable! The Infinite World of Minonaut | Minecraft

    Unbelievable! The Infinite World of Minonaut | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DIE WELT…sie ist unendlich! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minonaut on 2024-04-15 20:36:01. It has garnered 110 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:41 or 11261 seconds. Participation is expressly desired. You can find me here: ►Livestream: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►TikTok: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Read More

  • Hauz – UNBELIEVABLE: #1 Survival Server 1.20x (Bedrock/Java)

    Hauz - UNBELIEVABLE: #1 Survival Server 1.20x (Bedrock/Java)Video Information This video, titled ‘SPOT: O MELHOR SERVIDOR DE MINECRAFT DE SURVIVAL DA 1.20x (BEDROCK E JAVA)’, was uploaded by Hauz on 2024-05-02 09:58:15. It has garnered 699 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:16 or 136 seconds. 👥 My Discord: 📩 Social Networks // Contacts • Twitter: • E-Mail: [email protected] • Twitch: 🎴ThumbMaker: Gorion IP (Java): IP (Bedrock): Port: 19132 Versions: 1.8.x to 1.20.x Discord: Server Website: Take advantage of the coupon: SURVIVAL to get 50% OFF! 🗂️ Files: • Mods: None • Texture: ! None •… Read More

  • Julie RoseModel’s Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!

    Julie RoseModel's Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play – Survivor Easy Mode No Commentary – Ep.55’, was uploaded by Julie RoseModelProductions on 2024-01-07 05:00:06. It has garnered 343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:35 or 9155 seconds. 150bpm for 400000 minutes! Envision! Create! Share! Hi everyone! This episodeee, I fixed the Iron Farm again 😛 I also added basement walls after digging the space off camera from ep. 52 I believe. Then, I went fishing, organized farm resources with barrels in front of crops, went crazy with cooking things on furnaces for xp, enchanted a few… Read More

  • MCParadise | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+

    Welcome to the Grand SteamCraft Summer Jamboree! 🎠 Greetings, adventurers! Join us for The Summer Jamboree filled with fun activities, amazing prizes, and new friendships. Engage in Exhilarating Minigames! Participate in competitive games like battle arena and elytra races to win marvelous prizes! Compete for Glorious Prizes! Triumph in our games to claim treasures and earn your place among the legends. Forge New Alliances! Mingle with like-minded souls and form lifelong friendships in a bustling atmosphere. An Affair to Remember! Mark your calendars for a summer extravaganza filled with thrilling activities and camaraderie. All Aboard for Fun! Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Unexpected creeper explosion 💀

    Minecraft Memes - Unexpected creeper explosion 💀Well, I guess even memes can have a surprising plot twist just like in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥😂

    Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you tired of the same old Minecraft survival series? Looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a wide range of unique features and gameplay options, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine exploring a world filled with danger and excitement, where every decision you make could mean life or death. Join forces with other players to conquer dungeons, defeat powerful bosses, and build your own thriving community. With a dedicated community of players and regular updates to keep things fresh, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Survival Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft House Survival Tutorial Minecraft House Survival: Building a Beautiful Desert Home Are you ready to embark on a survival journey in Minecraft? Join us as we explore the art of building a beautiful and simple house in the desert to kickstart your survival adventure! Exploring Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. With endless possibilities and creative freedom, players can craft their own adventures and creations. Building Your Home In this video tutorial, you will learn how to construct a stunning house in the desert biome. From laying the… Read More

  • Villager San vs. The Smile Cat Challenge – CRAZY Minecraft Animation

    Villager San vs. The Smile Cat Challenge - CRAZY Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘MONSTER SCHOOL : THE SMILE CAT SCARY CHALLENGE – A Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Villager San on 2024-03-26 10:45:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The usual monster school mobs were on their way to the destination. Things got worse when the car that they drove broke down in … Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft F1 China GP! 2024

    Revolutionary Minecraft F1 China GP! 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Chinese Grand Prix in Minecraft | FC1 2024’, was uploaded by AdamsApple on 2024-04-22 10:45:38. It has garnered 651 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:20 or 6500 seconds. Support the stream: FC1 IS BACK for a new season of racing. This 2024 season brings a bigger field of 25 racers, and live races on YouTube! Today we are live at the Shanghai International Circuit for the Chinese Grand Prix! My links: Discord – Twitter –​ AdamsApple is a channel for innovatively dumb Minecraft ideas to come to… Read More

  • INSANE! Rescuing Wolf From Lava in Minecraft!

    INSANE! Rescuing Wolf From Lava in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Saved Wolf 🐺 From Lava🔥| #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz’, was uploaded by TOxBE8999 on 2024-05-29 00:30:09. It has garnered 2365 views and 512 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #memes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #gamer #gaming #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly #like #explorepage #instagram #cringe #playstation #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #mcpe #videogames #minecrafthouse #spicymemes #comedy #offensive #fortnitememes #minecraftideas… Read More

  • Mozi Survives 50 Hrs: ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK Madness!

    Mozi Survives 50 Hrs: ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 Hours In ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK In Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Mozi on 2024-05-27 14:22:05. It has garnered 174042 views and 1898 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:04 or 11104 seconds. I Survived 50 Hours In ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK In Minecraft Hardcore! ————————————————- 📷 MY SOCIALS 🐤 – TWITTER: 💬 – DISCORD SERVER: ————————————————- This is a Minecraft 50 hours video where I try and survive 50 hours in One Block Skyblock in Minecraft Hardcore! This is a 50 hours minecraft video, but it’s also 50 hours in… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Villager in Minecraft Mods?! #minecraft #minecraftdeutsch

    SHOCKING! Villager in Minecraft Mods?! #minecraft #minecraftdeutschVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods aber VILLAGER! Teil 3 #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftdeutsch’, was uploaded by Clickbaiter on 2024-03-25 16:16:23. It has garnered 107839 views and 10607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC MICRO MINECRAFT BASE BUILD – MUST SEE!” #minecraft #shorts

    "EPIC MICRO MINECRAFT BASE BUILD - MUST SEE!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MICRO BASE IN MINECRAFT/MINI MICRO BASE OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-03-27 02:44:31. It has garnered 5046 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • “EPIC Pixelmon Adventure with Leafy McTreeface! Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” #gaming #pokemon

    "EPIC Pixelmon Adventure with Leafy McTreeface! Gotta Catch 'Em All!" #gaming #pokemonVideo Information for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for hello my darlings welcome to Pokemon day hi it’s Pokemon day hoay hoay hoay uh so if anybody hasn’t seen it already there is a cool video out um that like the creators of all that is Pokemon uh put out showing a whole bunch of cool and new upcoming things I am being stocked right now and uh yeah it looks kind of exciting hi Brandon i w i woo hi sleep hi sink are you a spoopy… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Build: Insane Donut House with Salmon Sauce!

    Epic Minecraft Build: Insane Donut House with Salmon Sauce!Video Information all right what’s up everyone Salamon sauce is back and we are here to check out the donut house once again so this is what it looked like in the last video and I’m going to make some pretty significant upgrades in this one so I just start just adding more Brown terracotta to the outside and of course the land is very uneven just had to copy and paste a bunch of dirt but unfortunately I had to deal with a few distractions what’s this what there’s an intruder in my house where what’s this piece of… Read More

  • “7 Years of демид Корунец: Nostalgic Music Memes” #bladeball #minecraft #fypシ

    "7 Years of демид Корунец: Nostalgic Music Memes" #bladeball #minecraft #fypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘#bladeball #minecraft #music #nostalgia #sad #song #рекомендации #fypシ #мем #прекол’, was uploaded by демид Корунец😎👍 7 лет on 2024-03-20 11:48:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More