INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1

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[Music] hello oh wait I just realized why there is no life chat H why there is no live chat hello welcome back everyone long time no see we are back to the solo Hardcore [Music] Minecraft yay Boomie thank you Satria thank you thank you hello hello welcome welcome back long time no see yay let’s go make full armor set yeah I going to be having a full diamond Set uh and all of the diamond tools because I don’t want to be staying in the iron right right right right right right right right right right yeah uh let’s go let’s go thank you two mons today of Hardcore Arc dear diary after day one Kyla go to isai because of the the Trident we wonder what will happen today by the way good luck have fun Kyle thank you n she made me understand how cool Indonesian accented English is thank you to everyone in the chat who supports her and her thank you thank you what is going on K you good thank you Dona good evening I just finished my defense exam in my last year of uni thank you for your stream that compan me in this hard time with final report yay congratulations you did it thank you thank you thank you so much for all of the early membership gifts thank you thank you Moto uh wam KY hope you have great week week week good luck he for your hardcore Adventure take you take all my luck for me get some thank you good luck thank you off stream I I played a lot off stream but as I promised I didn’t really um [Music] I didn’t really go anywhere because the content going to be the content there so I’ve been just like um get some help building some very very simple like uh day one farm for the food and for the iron farm to be running so that’s all that I did off stream and also oh yeah the trading haul because I know that I’ve been pretty much doing all of the trading Hall uh before so I was spending like I guess I was spending more than 20 hours on the trading hul off stream pretty much and it hasn’t finished yet until now I’m still doing it right now but it’s okay I can continue it later on so yeah mhm yeah yeah yeah yeah Jay good luck and have fun Ella maybe if I keep your stream in the background I will also get diamonds because of your amazing wait what you get diamond diamond in what in real life in Minecraft in other games what thank you jile good luck 20 months let’s go 20 months thank you I’m still at work for the next hour please wait with dying until I get home thanks oh Legion good luck with your work thank you is um some help thank you no chint chint get some heal thank you don’t die I want to buy some food first no I’ll not die because if I die again like on the stream tonight then I think it’s so over I was I was putting my soul my time all of my everything in this world already in this hardcore World already so I mean if I lost it again dala dala no one no one actually know how how how uh I was working so hard for this off stream so yeah don’t die yeah please don’t die don’t die don’t die please don’t die let’s go hardcore thank you m thank you thank you be more careful than I think I I will I will yeah don’t let your intrusive thoughts win again Kyla I think I think I learned it in a hard way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um hope you’re having great time in the hardcore thank you Kazi hayasi greetings from the Eng hey thank you good evening y bro what’s that message r attracted what what it’s okay if you die on stream no I was very very infested already I spent so much time off stream I don’t want to lost this one the previous one if I lost that it’s fine because I didn’t really play off that much of stream but this one now it’s going to be different sat what thank you thank you thank you what happens if you die though if I if I die again kok have some for Fus foreshadowing preparation oh precautionary Mash Fus Fus Kaa than you [Music] okay so I going to go up again I going to try to find diamond I don’t know how I’m going to find diamond though like I mean what meod um y bro than you [Music] okay mining is the best mining is not the best if I don’t if I haven’t got my diamond pickaxe with um Fortune how do you get to level 47 huh I I say it already I was infested too much like too much too much you know [Music] wait can pamal add some challenge to your hardcore CH is kind of like like [Applause] what uh all of this Iron Golem is actually because of the fagers underground but it’s okay uh the the iron farm is still working so all good and then let me show you what I did off stream uh yeah this lava Farm lava Farm is very easy right lava farm and then oh wait CH I I mute the I mute the sound because the all of the villagers going to make me crazy okay and then uh the farm right let me tell you this farmer I haven’t really closed it yet I think I should close it with um glass maybe pretty much but [Music] um but uh what’s that again uh M the farmer every single time I AFK I actually I AFK for the iron right but yeah I mean this is this is full automatic already but yeah uh this farmer died twice already because I haven’t closed uh the roof yet yeah uh I think I think they got attacked by spider pretty much yeah I think because the first one the first one I didn’t put the slap and then I think uh they got attacked by I don’t know skeleton maybe I don’t know and then I put slap and then the second time they still die because of the spider I think so yeah [Music] later it’s okay if I’m not afking they going to be fine spider neif attack vager really then how they died I don’t know this is um I got rotten flesh from the attacker maybe I don’t know I think it’s from the attacker [Music] [Music] from tunder I don’t know zombie probably I don’t even know how the zombie got inside weird zombie spawn on the wood tile this is already slap they cannot they cannot spawn in the SL so yeah I’ve been working on all of this gacha like all of the Power five Fortune tree respiration tree Infinity this one is just a map looting tree mending torns mending torns tree Unbreaking tree and then lock of the C3 sweeping H3 channeling yeah this one is just Redstone aqua affinity fire protection four feather falling four Sil touch P two Smite five all and yeah this one hasn’t finished yet and then uh this one hasn’t finished yet uh efficiency 5 this one is still 74 74 64 sh is five yeah KY you should do this on stream no it’s going to be very boring and people going to be like I don’t I don’t think people want to watch me doing that because it’s like just a repetition from whatever that I did earlier on the um Hardcore Minecraft and it’s like taking so long like it’s taking like so long like just imagine like all of the work from getting all of this is just crazy effici five but we love watching you playing I’m not even playing I just ging that’s why you should do it on stream to take our luck and make it faster wow still Kyla at least record it how to even record that it was like more than 20 hours progress did you have a rest that’s a funny joke I mean I mean the last time the last time I played this is like Saturday night eh when was it again I don’t know and then yeah since then I never stop if you didn’t know let me tell you today is my birthday oh tan AR H dot dot dot what uh so if you can do it for me can I get refund my luck as my birthday present come on Ella just for today no if you’re having a birthday today then I’m taking your birthday luck today thank you sword is faster oh sword is faster oh yeah hey thank you so much now I know oh no I’ve been Cho in all of the bamboo with axe off stream wow that’s cool actually now I know thanks she learn yeah I’m learning wow that’s cool that’s very cool actually oh no then if I going to chop all of the bamboo with my swer then what’s the point of having all of this but it’s okay I mean I I I I’m still doing the gcha right so I’m I’m still doing this like right now so it’s okay I I can use all of the the axe too for for for the lect turn it’s okay chop the tree then hey look at this I chopped all of the trees around here already stone shop they shouldn’t be respawning here it’s actually because of the because of this but it’s okay I need I need the fagers right now so it’s fine wait what’s this again hold on uh I think I accidentally burned it [Music] sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep get some help uh what did the poor golems do to reserve that to deserve that I don’t know I need amerals Boomer thank you BDK your diamond pickaxe game is better than your gold swing and front kick game love your Minecraft streams a thank you yay okay uh wait um actually one thing that I want to do first right now is actually uh I want to have this axe because it’s so good right I just need mending and Unbreaking and then it’s perfect [Music] already and then uh oh yeah the efficiency yes the efficiency but I think I think since this diamond sword is Bane of Archer BS can I get a pickaxe from weapon Smith can I get I think I can right either tools Smith or weapon Smith I really need the pakes instead of um instead of Axe I I still I still have plenty of this is Right protection 4 uh I still need protection 4 and I think protection four only and the cheaper efficiency five if I can get that you need toolsmith to have a diamond pickax toolsmith toolsmith what’s the furniture tools tool what’s the thing uh a blast furnace help I think I have no I uh oh wait get get get some help I don’t have it Blast Furnace arm more smithing table smithing table I have this one right oh yeah this one is tool Smith oh uh I don’t have any coal and I don’t want to buy Stone shuffle for real for real like why okay get some get some help get some help uh paper okay two three hold on okay don’t you say good evening Co K thank you the X is not going up anymore because it’s like 40 something is already rotten flesh some help why I have rotten flesh in my inventory I don’t know Dustin what’s [Music] wait what wait what what I cannot even read that what’s that oh yeah very nice okay my Su okay now um I think I should uh what am I going to do right now is I need to stop uh ging then I’m going to put it here and then I’m going to have my second Shi somewhere I believe it’s somewhere my second shield and then I don’t need to have the arrows and then and then I need to find some coal m hold on okay I need the doors fairy satisfying get some help oh happy birthday ah yeah um this one this one this one this one this one why I have mine card okay okay okay wait before I go all of this potato [Music] get get get some help and then what am I going to do is one two three 4 okay baked potato baked potato so good OMG happy birthday KY you’re finally grown up yeah Ali suia thank you let’s go Shina [Music] mm uh what am I going to do hold on okay okay happy birthday let’s go happy birthday I don’t need this okay now I will go exploring wait I need more get some help I need more bod I need to find some uh Diamond first just a little bit wait not the carrot please oh yeah why I don’t have bed that’s very weird please okay we’re going somewhere trade the diamond armor I don’t have the coal I don’t have the coal to trade I need to find um mountain mountain Like a Stone Mountain negative x negative Z just buy like 10 just buy like pan tools that’s what I did for the axe you know like I buy like 30 30 Axe and then I think I used like more than 10 already but that one is like offering Stone Shuffle I don’t want to have t Stone Shuffle you know like what’s the point of having 10 Stone shuffles is there any coal somewhere here no there is coal but but what Papa enter setang resources thank you thank you I need I need oh if I can have coal then I’ll just go back there should be coal there somewhere probably maybe ouch you need a new Shield I have my new Shield here a that’s [Music] cold get some help [Music] cool okay coal Coal I going to use all of this coal to trade 15 only that’s not going to be enough yeah [Music] bye be grateful cannot that’s not enough huh if if I burn if I burn the wood it’s going to be charcoal instead of coal right and the villagers only want to have coal not nice oh bad lenss there is no Co and bad lens right EG I need a lot of eggs for oh coal iron wait I heard zombie I hear zombies [Music] zombies where’s the zombie maybe I’m just hearing things maybe I’m just hearing things no I hear it too maybe you’re hearing things too wait what just two wow oh that’s the [Music] zombie it’s fine just ignore oh that one oh okay 39 only Haya I think I just going to take all of the the stone Shuffle then [Music] get Fortune first I don’t want to get fortune on my iron like why should I maybe I should I don’t know whatever I’ll just I’ll just going to have um I’ll just going to have all of the stone Shuffle done maybe someday I going to need it maybe someday I want to do something that I need Shuffle maybe I don’t know okay let’s go back let’s go back let’s go back usually there is a m see is it really a m sha oh that’s a m sha let’s got lost in the M chef but probably I going to die what a jinx oh spawner a spider spawner dear I haven’t even finished my sentence about the M shaft and then the M shaft is already here run adios don’t die I don’t I don’t want to die if if I die now wait did I still have the shield with me yeah it’s a poison spider I know oh I I I take I took away the I took away the shield hold on let me let me think properly what should I do no I think you change it to torch okay okay so um I think what I going to do is uh I going to use my shield hold on the spider going to Shield plus e oh yeah the poison m H H what should I do you’re already that unfortunately no let’s let’s think about how two dots no chance wait the spider the spider will not burn the the zombie is burning right h 20 hours of suffering will be gone I just I just want to get some coal thing you might be Doom might need to run away and eat but you will be venturing into the unknown with poison and per what if what if I wait I don’t even have wait I have dirt [Music] right do you have Golden Apple no I don’t have Golden Apple this is playing off stream Karma no if I keep playing off stream I didn’t die but spider can climb Kyla listen did you have water bucket yeah that’s that’s actually what I that’s why that’s what I want to try to do but I don’t think I have the water in my hot bar because I move it to I I I change it to something else I think [Music] [Music] the poison right of course as soon as you stream you go straight for the poison spiders to show off I’m not I’m not trying to show off I just want to like torch it right I want to torch wait did I even torch the spawner I don’t think so I think oh I did one on top oh okay okay okay that’s actually better that’s actually better hold on let me think okay hold on uh so I don’t have water bucket I don’t have I don’t have my water bucket with me I don’t have uh blocks that I can stack up what should I [Music] do get some help two two and half hearts part on fire surrounded you got this get some help yeah yeah yeah wait let me let me make up my mind first okay uh okay what we going to do is we’re going to go back in and then look around I I I still have like a three seconds ruled right I I I still have three seconds rule to see what is going on and see what’s on my hot bar and then we’re going to think again right yeah so I going to get in I’m going to run away I going to get in I going to run away and then I going to uh save again and quit again one and half second oh it’s not even 3 seconds m i SM travel don’t jinx it build yourself a hole I don’t think I don’t think the iron pigx is actually um if I can do something if I can have a block like a building block on my hot bar that’s actually very good pause the game right when you enter oh yeah this is single player we can actually pause it right yeah get some help um yeah this is single play world we can we can post it what if I get in and then I die get some help Dodge like a butterfly attack like a be copy world you have two seconds live two seconds live we can help you to see what you want to see it’s fine just change the name first right I say die on stream is okay but not like this yeah right you jinx it I try I Tred to play it very carefully off stream Escape but PA I going to get in and then I going to press Escape right yeah enter and pause right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah best wish accept your fa no it’s not I will I will never forgive this get get get some [Music] help okay okay it is what it is okay I’m I’m still burning right now it’s um too too hard right now and then I don’t have I oh actually I have I have this I have dirt I think I think I have dirt this one is dirt right huh okay uh I think I can climb up I think I can climb up and eat I don’t know uh need to eat first I don’t think I need to eat cannot I don’t think so because the spider the spider if you can pull this off dot dot dot I have the water I have the water but but it’s not in my hot bar okay hold on sa first um get get get some help [Music] okay burn burn get some help if I run and then if i w i i i don’t really know where is the bucket like if I remember where is the bucket position I can make it like real fast but okay it’s either we die by the spider it’s either we die by the fire or we die by the poison right press all of the button get some help Poison Can’t Kill oh even if Poison Can’t Kill the burn going to kill me [Music] right poison plus fire one thick per second okay call Mo yeah we we don’t have any other we don’t have any other option the water bucket going to save me but I don’t really know where is the water bucket um hold on let me practice okay let me let me practice first okay so uh is this creative hold on is this creative how how to change the mode uh uh create mode eh game mode uh Ser five survival okay so if so if I Hur hurt oh okay so it’s hurt hurt H H okay hurt hurt h no can I like like that no right sit sit sit like that right uh Copy Max no we’re going to e e Escape e e Escape e e Escape e e Escape e e Escape but but the fire okay I just want to know where is the water bucket position you need extreme amount of luck to pull this out this is the game of the guts only the fles can help you bucket bottom right oh really the bucket bottom right are you sure are you sure it’s here is it here check F I cannot check f end stream and rewatch if it’s necessary I don’t think that’s how we going do it okay like that right okay I I love I love the ideas of practicing menus he we’re definitely in a Do or Die situation okay copy word and practice in that world is this some kind of like a competitive uh Minecraft thing or what get some help no we cannot give up just like that no okay one question one question if I manage to take out the water if I if I manage to take out the water will the spider uh got pushed by the water I don’t think so because the water is not even that fast right get some [Music] or they or they can jump off jump on the water I don’t know they will jump copy world try it how to even copy world I don’t recreate is it addit how to stage one denial no this is not even denial we can pull this off no we can pull this off okay uh let’s do this again I going to wait wait let let me practice e e escape again okay so okay so we going to do like this right we’re going to do like get in and then prepare okay right like that yeah okay hold on so it’s going to be like uh practice get in okay yeah I just I just want to check where is the water bucket like for real for real and then after that yeah after that she really doesn’t want to let this one go no because I didn’t I didn’t sleep for this world I will not be able to move on for like yeah maybe a year if I lost this one [Music] right I even see I didn’t even see that move okay okay okay so we go again right uh help me to see where is the water bucket okay and give me the right position and then we going to do uh we we going to think about that again I going to I I going to spend another half heart I think mhm it’s bottom right you sure it’s bottom right okay if I if I can turn hold on I I want to practice if I can turn okay okay okay okay do the T do do the do the 360 e e Escape okay do because I want to see where’s the spider okay I want to see where is the spider so we’re going to get in oh wow that’s that one I die for real no no no no no practice gone wrong okay H okay so much preparation for what hey we need to practice ninja moves yeah wait we turn okay okay okay okay okay I’m ready I’m ready even though you don’t even though you’re not ready I’m ready he oh the spider is here okay the spider is here uh wait I didn’t I didn’t focus on the water bucket where’s the water bucket can see bye him right bro even flesh can see that move guys guys there are 7,000 people here you have 14,000 eyes watching that plus me okay okay what if I get in I run I quit again right that’s that’s that’s actually the the thing that we can do right how about run run since I know the spider well I don’t know I don’t know what’s actually on the right side of me because I know now the spider is actually on the Left Right M this is cool but it’s bottom right can confirm oh okay wait let me check I run get help okay I have I have the emune for one second so that if I can at least make some move to the right maybe I can do something okay cop him no no no no no okay go to the right okay run to the right run to the right oh wait is that water is that water wait wait no no no no no but it’s it’s it’s yeah no don’t go that way it’s a cliff okay um hold [Music] on okay now [Music] can I can I can I turn can I turn left right now hold on you started saying thing okay I really hope she clutch this I know that I can do this right even though even though even though I wouldn’t make it I need to try or else I going to be so mad with [Music] myself okay uh at least you try it yeah okay so I want to run to the I don’t know if the zombie died already actually whoa one 2 three 4 okay okay so the spider is there if the spider is there okay okay okay okay okay yep I think I can I I think I know what should I do okay I think I know I have eight blocks with me I can do it uh slowly little by little I can go up I can go up and quit I can go up quit go up quit go up quit go up quit okay you water first no there uh it’s not going to be enough time this is actually I run from them already so it’s a pretty good uh pretty good place to go up I think is there a place to go up um I can check one more time I can check one more time hold on uh okay tree [Music] tree okay uh it’s enough I don’t think it’s enough the spider yeah the spider can climb the fire gone really the fire gone already hold on I think what should I do is do I have the bat in my hot bar no oh you holding it oh wow wow wo wo wo it’s I I need to look down first hold on okay okay okay the the fire the fire is okay I just need to put the the boat right I just need to put the boat I think I can do this okay boat placed and then I need to eat eat eat now eat now eat WoW instead of eating I got into the boat now another [Music] problem okay no no no [ __ ] no [ __ ] I just need to go out but I don’t know because sometimes the hit box is actually pretty big right yeah it’s a one head Zombie and die uh okay okay okay hold on uh let’s practice practice um practice uh game mode uh creative uh we going to get a boat and then okay so like this right and then shift shift W cannot the shift the shift timing okay this is amazing a mons of cope no we should try guys cannot cannot uh shf Chef okay uh hold on wait but if I run forward if I run forward it’s going to be I’m I’m going to run to the spot I do right uh okay uh shift attack punch the zombie can I punch the zombie will I get burned if I punch a burning [Music] zombie eat first no there’s no way I can eat hold on let me drink let me drink this is a big content okay okay uh so I going to get in boom okay so I going to be like I going to end up in front the spider is here right the spider is there the spider is actually somewhere the spider is actually somewhere here and then I was here the zombie is here High creeper um uh so if I go this way if I go this way the zombie going to punch me if I so it’s like can you face another I don’t think so I think H wait the chef all of the creeper loves me so much creeper you can do it Ella thank you creeper okay okay I think I know if I get the I if I get the timing right wa I I shift and then I I shift I quit if I if I get the timing right I think the zombie will not be able to hit me I think I think yeah if I get the timing right better the zombie first and quit no that’s going to be harder because I need to um um move my move my csor first so yeah I think you don’t have time I think I have the time this is going to be the this might be the last okay practice one more time go in loading terrain okay that’s what we going to do okay that’s what we’re going to do three 2 [Music] one whoa wait wait wait I’m not I’m not up I’m not up yet the shift timing is too fast hold on try again okay we try again we try again spam it no don’t spam it okay um okay three 2 1 I’m up I’m up I’m up the spider is not looking at me okay now I can run now I can run I can go further to to the North Northwest Northwest I can go to the northwest yeah the zombie is on the East I can go to the Northwest you’ll run into that spider no no no I’m going to stop there and I I just going to try to see something okay uh okay turn base Minecraft yeah yeah yeah I’m going to run I going to run first right I going to run first and then uh I going to quit and then I going to get in and eat that’s the plan okay okay okay okay okay I’m I’m I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe one more time I just need to eat I think wait is it eat or placing blocks eat eat I think eat I think [Music] eat I think eat eat itat is taking so long uh this is more nail biting than any yeah eat or placing blocks eat too [Music] long um you don’t have time to eat okay blocks first uh okay uh I going to scroll my hot bar to the block first okay I’m trying to get it right who the the the zombie is not on the boat okay um okay okay yeah I need I I I need I need to I need to keep going in and out um and I cannot touch the zombie because uh the zombie is still burning I think if I can buy some more time uh the zombie will die I think [Music] yeah another problem nice what what is this spider spider is on my left right now stack no I I can of Stack the block because there is spider and um the roof I have a roof on top of me so [Music] mhm spider doesn’t look aggro yeah the spider doesn’t look really aggro because it’s kind of mourning they going to be AG gring me at night I think the thing is I need to make sure the zombie died first right uh okay hold on I I I will I will run to the [Music] Northeast we we we go around we go around uh to the boat again we go around yeah we go around again okay done the spider on my left is actually uh trying to agre me I guess okay um he dead oh the zombie died really the zombie died okay um now wait what’s on my hand right now is it block on my head block is on my hand right no empty oh carrot I have carrot on my hand okay I have carrot on my head okay uh hold on I I have time to eat I have time to eat what is that blocking because the spider is coming to me and I know they can climb hold on um uh okay done done done done done all good all good should be good should be good now now I need to have uh my shield my shield yeah I need to run out I know [Music] uh wait wait wait wait wait wait okay it’s it’s it’s a recovering my HP is actually recovering get some [Music] help okay hold on hold on my pigx is 1 2 three four it’s four okay it’s four I think I know what should I do four okay I’m safe pretty much okay okay how did you do that it’s brain timing bro it’s it’s a turnbas Minecraft bro okay uh now and then yeah okay let me have my sh let me have my water just in case and then going to go this way first get some help wait get some help okay hold on get get get some help okay I don’t really have much time right now get get get some help hold on let me try to sleep just in case if it’s my time oh there are monsters nearby okay get get get some help get some help I still monsters get some help hold on we cannot celebrate first until I go out from this place get some help okay wait wait wait I I need to have all of the blocks with me okay it’s night time the bed is obstruct okay uh hold on run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run there’s creeper there [Music] run okay [Music] yay okay okay now it’s time to go back for from this crazy crazy place it is what it is [Music] yay yeah get some help oh Aro negative Z get get get some help oh I need all of this get some help okay what did we learn from this what did we learn from this help don’t go straight into spider spawner practice yeah this I mean this is Monday right this is actually a very good example of um Jang stream we don’t give up I mean at least we need to at least we need to try if we fail then dala but we need to try first okay yay we’re back what we learn is turnbas Minecraft Works turnbas Minecraft works yeah be careful the creeper is still following you that’s okay I learned that Minecraft is the RPG yeah the best the title the title of the content is actually journey to find Cole gone wrong get get Som okay now we going to get that one not that one uh this one and that’s not enough for you okay I can have that stone p i just going to buy the whole stock of yours while you’re alive oh you want me to die we should celebrate it not asking it want give me pick no pakes iron Shuffle H get get some help iron Shuffle iron shule get some [Music] help wait I just want to chill here first while I’m doing my RTA and wait until night time you have my respect K thank you so much U Ella have a suggestion when you’re fully netherite armor and Enchanted go back to the spawner just to flex on the SP no we cannot have Grudge in our heart right full little heart got get some help you just came back from the bathroom and you safe nice yeah I’m I’m I’m just pretty lucky I think yeah mhm D kyella I’m burn and poised I might have some trouble Chad would you lose ellan now i’ win play the backit in the background go wa play backit BM very nice I honestly didn’t think I make it out of that station alive hated off to you Ella yeah I I guess I guess that’s just my second chance of life thank you Tori kawasan thank you bless KY sh master of turnbas Minecraft turnbas Minecraft UT F biscot thank you a lot of luck spent I do not recommend anyone to live home for a week yeah right mhm I know hold on wait mchan oh okay I thought mchan was watching me playing Minecraft but no if I was you I would just give up true gamer GG no don’t give up don’t give up yeah Brar I had to give some got D cool Kami KY I’m not Kami but thank you so much for the membership gifts five months thank you thank you thank you for all of the membership gifts thank you Ella do PA Wy Wy get some help no toui toui no do thank you save by pamala Great Escape Route thank you Dylan B thank you she not beating the KY Shin allegation or giving back our luck either no I’m not KY Shin F thank you nice clutch thank you suit X thank you Kyla what kak sasuga sasuga Daniel Wong thank you you’re awesome Congress thank you narik thank you only the true God denies her definity I’m not the god crew in the box thank you I never adopted you for a second real Allen are you sure about that I mean the F going to be there and I can definitely read the chat like who said I oh I definitely could see and read um a lot of like u u a lot of lot of people saying u u u uh it’s nice to know you Kyla um all of those chats right I definitely can go back again later and see is Kyla cheating again yeah I have 5050 fade in you Kyla for real for real 5050 I see I type also for the zombies land not you oh really I see in the midst of it so over she found there was within her an invisible we’re so back we’re so back myy Co thank you sasuga K is so good in this game no I’m not Kyla’s chainy time thank you you did it you crazy son of a gun you did the the the culture no it’s about the motivation inside of us you know like because I know that I will not lose just like that even if I fail even if I lose I’ll not just give up just like that all of my 20 plus hours grinding will not go to waste like that right P KY will will get into my dream and kill me Life in my dream if I just gave up on that one it’s the mo [Music] get some help God KY is real I’m not good thank you sir thank you C cusa you so good Ella thank you thank you Ella for this P comedy I I I don’t think it’s a comedy though but okay he thank you that’s kir I’m not K angry CH thank you holy I thought you die hats off God bless thank you blessed M thank you while you made it congratulations sasuga sasuga this is literally Minecraft hardore l g yeah it’s very hardcore right Kaki clutch your manam thank you uh love love what the hold on an I was wrong I can’t believe it she leaves thank you turn based Minecraft let’s go this stream longest 5 Seconds Of My Life bet Karma thank you do a fli thank you call a friends so you can mour together no dotin wow good luck Ella don’t die thank you w we are now playing MC tactics yeah Legion thank you why you Del the message no stage two Ella has no anger stage three bargaining no this is cool but it’s bottom right can conf from thank you just go on whole life surver and forgot about that no Yama bro thank you wait what you you guys sent a lot of SE when I was struggling with my tactics back there let’s pray together thank you for the prayers not going to lie for opening a menu this is intense more than watching your favorite team trying to catch an advantage and sport game good luck you can do it thank you suspicious thank you it’s a farewell I oh I see great another word technically you didn’t die no not like that oh no KY is coping again no it’s not a coping situation dread ZX thank you thank you ymz any last word is thank you I’ll give you my luck that I was planning to spend on a gacha game oh thank you so much for that if you end stream and restart the previous stream will be a f also you sound like your practice SE at martial arts yeah Brar yeah the the practice is worth it pick comedy no it’s not pick comedy since you get invisible for a short time can you log in and log out over and over again until the fire is gone thank you take a screenshot of inventory then pause get some help no k gaming thank you this is going to take a year of luck from us thank you D wait what why you send a lot of AES [Music] was cool thank you K the person I like is engageed can I get a hug no no h hug gets some help but uh uh sanin uh I I I hope you’re feeling better thank you sorry Kaa do you know M Senai illness name re ch um we just going to pray for uh mi mama uh we hope that mi mama can get uh feel better soon get fast recovery thank you uh Saving Private K what’s private kofia thank you clone war file first then you can try infinite time no that’s what people call cheating right thank you so much for the rest but today I finally got confirmation on deliver of some H merch That was supposed to be shipped two 3 months ago so I no longer need my luck for the rest of the week you can have it but only for This MC hardcore Art thank you I guess it works you need to legit put that dirt down and eat us up have all my luck do some Chu Norris thank you thank you Alex your adios also guess we will see you with Canada and orange juice later e Al random this call for a gas lighting go and do it you coward anyway be careful thank you suspicious thank you s survival Lu okay thank you Dyan B we want to see you die though no Teddy good not today try again later log in and it log out invisible for one to two seconds when you log in and out keep doing that until you get full HP and run away from the danger thank you is thank you K kayaba thank you AR K bangang nice I remember when MC mobile had no n Port thank you nice REM what’s that it’s the it’s the beginning of Hardcore Legend o e thank you I decide to give my second SC for your amazing move L arle thank you I admit out sing you but I the power of Ky Shin I’m not KY Shin thank you Kyla cool key98 thank you s thank you KY kak I’m sorry for ding you Kyla here take my luck thanks for the gift Emerald gang Emerald gang let’s go I just woke up did I miss something cold dang Andrew yeah you miss you miss the moment of my life I accident Type U oh accidentally Type U I see mhm I mean even though maybe it was cool I don’t I don’t I I hope it never happened again to me right mhm okay get get get some help we want to see it again no don’t because next time I might not be that lucky you know oh no it’s 6 now why H I think I think I should get the iron Shu yeah thank you this six why it’s so expensive it’s fine then for the sake of the pick well I don’t know you do something Reckless again in the future Reckless I mean that’s for the content right we need it right efficiency one wait where is the pick bro oh I need to [Music] Master Level you better give me a good one wrong one okay big please one big there two maybe two two is fine like it’s so bad but it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay so bad I want to have two of this and then what we going to do is get get get some help what what we going to do is we try to get no not that one not this one this one is efficiency it’s very expensive but I need it it’s okay I might get scammed but it’s okay I need it anyway okay f iy five one [Music] two efficiency five Fortune three efficiency Fortune mending mending Unbreaking Unbreaking men mending Ming Ming mending maning Ming Ming Kyla Fortune yes fortun cakes Unbreaking efficiency five forun ah broken very weak and fill okay very weak and fill understand and the boot and get some help one two three one two three okay we have this bck we can mining [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] go back to the m shaft yeah maybe not like that right maybe not like that be careful mining my body can handle the stress of another clutch we’re going to chill right we’re going to chill food baked potato Big Potato okay hold on what is going on on with all of this Golem wait I need to put all of this stuff one this one put this put the books here and then orange terra cotta here strings here coal eggs here and then the iron here just put all of it here and then I’m going to use this and then we don’t need the door we don’t need the Cobblestone we don’t need the white terra cotta we actually need the torch I don’t really have many many torch I’ll take the golden apple just in case just in case if something happen right just in case I don’t need the boat maybe blocks it’s okay we going to go mining we’re going to get a free blocks okay hold on let me chop the sugar cane first because it’s emeralds right emeralds emeralds no reason for saving Golden Apple yeah [Applause] mining mining mining at least we need to get the armor first how many diamond for complete set of armor again [Applause] 16 20 203 what wow this is so satis fying [Music] 24 are you the strongest because you’re Kyla or are you Kyla because you’re the strongest ju no I’m just the luckiest yeah imagine having no sword actually if we’re talking about the sword we can get the sword from no that not that one Smite too 16 um 20 to I’ll get the 16 16 thank you okay nice nice nice nice nice very nice now I want to have the [Music] Unbreaking excuse me excuse me uh Smite pun Sil touch feather falling see mending Fortune power [Music] power wait power let me open my notes SW looting three mending sharpness five sweeping H Unbreaking sharpness five yes I do have my Minecraft notes Ming not the unbre sharpness I oh this is the sweeping h imagine not having Emerald whipping man really I think I have the sharpness somewhere ah this one 19 okay I don’t know if I have enough XP for this uh Kyla sword [Music] 69 Unbreaking oh hold on [Music] Lo thing W [Music] um the Ming again oh yeah combine the books oh yeah I forgot about that sweeping H maning loo thing loo thing looting looting oh I have the wait what I well well 20 amazing fantastic do I care no loting for looting for level up level up I need to eat but hold on Monsters nearby by ghost spider spawner for exp very funny best joke of the night so good very funny nice joke oh I can have four gloves for one Emerald I [Music] see I see that’s actually so good because I have no time to smell sand I’m going to bring that book with [Music] me and then I’m going to have all of the torch with me where is the torch again [Music] torch okay now what I will go let me check uh pause positive X maybe we can go that way maybe we can find like Lost City you definitely want the roof for the Villager before it storms true but it’s okay if they died they died they just need to get good if they want to stay alive then they need to make it uh okay okay I mean they died twice already [Music] before okay I’m going this way I just real I imagine not having Shuffle couldn’t be me right [Music] hiya wait I don’t like seeing all of this Iron Golem uh efficiency one efficiency two not enough efficiency one um get get get some help um Kyla shle 69 okay okay go from this way ah mining finally finally mining is my friend I don’t have much torch many many torch but I have some fate with me don’t be greedy this time how to even be greedy in mining tell [Music] me wait I need to bring some sticks for additional torch later sticks sticks sticks I don’t like heating my head wow so good ouch water bucket all good I’m going to use all of my torch just to go down I mean 24 diamond is actually not that hard right right right right right couldn’t be that hard probably [Music] good luck with your work it depends on my luck if I’m lucky enough I can get the diamonds [Music] fast cool wait wait wait [Music] wait let’s go nice the sticks is gone now really really three stacks of torch is not enough hold on a yeah all of this stop spawning please I mean they going to keep spawning because I need to move up all of the villagers first but it’s okay later [Applause] [Applause] random spawn okay yeah imagine slashing the cat yeah that’s so close I know the cat actually I got so many cats one here one there one there one there okay now my inventory is just full of torch oh I don’t need this let me save this Cobblestone I might need it [Music] later this one the bamboo okay hold on I need um a door a door ad door okay nice one we continue now this is so far [Music] away wow a cave Fair yby [Music] [Music] huh huh huh huh it’s okay we can we can turn this way I think Creeper Creeper is friend do if you if you heard the right if you heard the POS I mean I practice the sset sset so much already right what’s that 22 oh Shield is recommended no we don’t need it we need torch torch is all the [Music] way okay [Music] n very chill Minecraft never been so peaceful iron let me get that iron mining always like this yeah so peaceful oh really I came so far for water how even how how on Earth how on Earth now you tell me guys what’s the chance wait wait it’s Granite I thought it’s a chest it’s a chest it’s Granite hallo hold on it’s copium no it’s not copium it’s Halu Halu level Max I’m going to take all of this even though I don’t really need it but yeah honestly if I can get like chest randomly like that it’s going to be so crazy right maybe I should jinx it so that probably probably we never know maybe we can get it later uh how to do this I think this is just a Reaper right it should be a Reaper let me close all of this done m how to do this going to close all of this water make the way for me okay okay minus one this is taking so long get some help Kyla being an airhead again said and so quite C thank you kind of REM reminded me your operations to save nadra when you Di Jing can be you should cut and edit that part into a video like you did before oh yeah it’s so good I mean the best the best thing is actually the B GM the BM is so intense on that one oh agent than you you will not find a diamond F of five plus and at least one chest SS I say you want that I’m jinxing it and Jinx are stronger than me luck yeah big brain big brain hold on what is this again help gold let me close all of this and then please be careful I’m trying to be careful even though I might not look like it but I’m very careful I guess so uh not like that okay okay oo iron guys h taking iron is not considered as greedy right all [Music] right taking iron is totally not [Music] greedy greedy I know that I have iron farm already but is that enough of course not because I need iron iron is emerald and I need it yay ooh Diamond it actually leads me to Diamond why it’s this one it’s only greedy if you get punished yeah mhm true get some help and you thank you okay oh it’s four actually wow the fortune dead Wonder okay we go again say skip the largest iron I cannot do anything about it right if I smell it what what what will I get nothing you got nine oh I got nine whoa whoa I just realized I don’t have crafting table amazing fantastic good job Kyla good job top left oh good job Kyla for being blind good job good job okay this one so much iron get some help ooh wow I mean I know that I’m just that lucky so we missed one we got another one right seems like iron F oh yeah maybe this area right but it’s okay we’re not aiming for that we are aiming for diamonds right Diamond F I want diamond F instead of iron F can I please day [Music] dream I almost fell just saying there’s going to be a diamond down there water now we don’t need water it’s okay H canot see huh nothing interesting nothing really interesting [Music] 36 diamond diamond it’s so deep deep deep deep down deep deep deep deep down deep deep deep deep down I want diamond hope they deep deep dark night there will be no deep dark here it’s [Music] clear Diamond do hold on we haven’t reached the place yet 48 right 51 52 54 GG okay now I’m f3g okay actually okay hold on I’m going to go straight here first or maybe okay maybe okay maybe we turn this way that okay this one is good this one is in the Chong borders I’m using the Chong border just because we need to make the stream not that long so that the for Watcher can uh keep up with what’s going on Kyle is a glutenous f for resources yes I am aage MC gamer oh cool a cave let’s explore it finding diamond will be easier here ky a cave better f it off and cover it in bubble yeah yeah welcome back long time no [Music] see the Chong border is actually lying to me I don’t trust that anymore it’s a lie usually red stone diamond should be close but I don’t know we’ll see okay not another iron please instead of iron can you give me diamond please I need diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond a diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond maybe I should turn already I heard lava okay oo whoa [Music] wow it’s a cave masal yeah what bro how can I cover this I can’t I should go up and cover it no need I need to go up there and cover it I I guess I’ll I’m just making it worse smart Kyla sometimes I’m just being too smart I know thanks wow it cannot be fixed now forget about that enough now we going to turn that way plug the source the source is like up up up up up [Music] up boom boom careful it’s okay orangi juu orangi juu is okay okay okay I can fail it the diamond is closed right usually after lava Diamond should be there I just need to find it how I don’t know no luck tonight KY the diamond whisper if if only I’m the diamond whisper if only this efficiency 5 is like too slow I think I’m just getting used to be like destroying the nether the nether W is very fun to destroy not like this as F I’m see have an old saying when there’s lava there’s Diamond basically if you want treasure you got to be willing to risk your life for it yeah but where where where NE is very soft efficiency 5 is slow yeah this feels so slow I need to be faster about this diamond where I don’t know where is the diamond it’s 54 right I’m in a 54 all of this is a [Music] lie red stone Redstone Redstone Diamond [Music] do hi red stone red stone red stone I mean I need the right I I I need Redstone for the farm but still [Music] lock gone no lock is son cool down lava lava lava lava lava lava lava bro I just need 20 why trying to find 20 is so hard finding nether is easier than finding diamonds huh huh huh something is wrong okay I don’t have the patience for this I demon Diamond now Diamond now yeah luck is on cool down no cool down please level up you can have our patient instead of Lux no yeah [Laughter] [Applause] 12 so good skeleton rattles is there a skeleton [Music] spawner I think it’s a skeleton spawner we better not to deal with that right how many do I need 10 more 12 more I can hear the lava diamond diamond diamond Diamond there’s a spawner there there is a spawner there there is a spawner [Music] there I can I can hear the spawner let’s eat the golden apple why the skeleton is like so many ouch okay I need to take care the spawner first y I don’t have the I don’t have the what the torch with me hold on storage o gunpowder let’s [Music] go out is so good oh music disc another bucket I I need the bone but it’s only three so maybe [Music] not um rotten flesh rotten flesh no need bucket No need no need actually I can make this as um skeleton spawner it’s very nice for the bone maal skeleton hold on let me take down the coordinate first okay skeleton spawner okay making mob Tower I might not make it I’ll just take the the coordinate first okay now I need Diamond again please I heard spider uh hold on hold on hold on what should I do the bread why should I have one bread [Music] [Music] I really need to go to the nether grab some quartz to make the bamboo and uh what’s that again sugar cane Farm I need um Observer so much I have enough already for chopping down all of the bamboo and sugar cane by myself need bow yeah I just need exp XP XP I have the books already zombie you can you don’t need to wait for day for this time yeah day three day three we can go to the nether already Yes quartz really give good XP oh yeah quartz mhm okay maybe this is like too far already we should turn somewhere where I don’t know day for to the end no maybe not like that right we just need to chill daylight sensor can work for auto bamboo too daylight sensor uh I saw a tutorial using the chicken power I don’t know how it works but poor chicken what did they do to deserve that chicken power I’m curious do that one chicken power why this Redstone giving me so little XP oh because it’s going to the manding I guess ha no diamond diamond issue so much rat so so few diamonds yeah I need Diamond please like for real for real diamond is not real gold diamond doco I’m taking all of the gold oh there you go ooh that’s a lot ooh that’s a lot wo 32 that’s actually enough already 1846 when should I go back I don’t know going the CH sa make armor more first okay one two we don’t need this anymore right I got all of the armor for free by the way I’m not making it using my iron though so yeah I got it from the fagers get some if you want to be greedy about resources please be greedy about safety K escape this caves with two hearts on fire poison in a boat with a box of scraps yeah [Music] yeah don’t why go me go me so so much go me you know okay get get some help impressive Hall if you fell such things but remember find finding the stuff is only the first task now it must be carried home yeah po car thank you good saying good saying yeah goie I know the nongu GOI gold done today no uh no not really I need to get the tools [Music] first go me trash o I say trash and the diamond appears totally not saying the diamond is trash by the [Music] way just like that hi not enough La wait I just realized I still have this what biome or Reaver the [Music] Reaver actually I still need to get more diamonds because um I needed to copy the N I upgrade later on right I do really need more diamonds unless I’m very lucky so I can get like four upgrades for free just don’t die okay I I I will try I’ll try not to die nice Eerie sand 20 20 one copies one Cofe is eight or seven rip Andrew by way his J work but he wasn’t here what water carries what seven or it’s seven s 20 I mean for the tools I can just use the Traer to get the tools but I need the diamonds to uh to duplicate the frames the the upgrade I forgot I was cooking IND do and now it’s all burned thanks Kyla you’re welcome oh you’re welcome I see you’re welcome bro you’re welcome burn more let’s go how do you make a burnt indomi I don’t know how you make a burnt indomi but it is what it is I guess okay I just going to use up all of my torch and then go back nothing can happen right what what can be so wrong nothing [Music] what could go [Music] wrong oh lapis lapis lapis lap this why do I have one bread one bread yeah bread from spawner the thing is I’m not getting hungry so I cannot eat it I don’t want to throw away one bread the bread looking so fluffy I cannot throw it I should make a good use of It kind of just like throw it away you’re going to feel guilty look at that it it it it it seems so fluffy it’s very round it’s very fluffy I’m Fluffy too glad to know you wouldn’t eat me wow you need to get some help positive X okay [Music] okay how can so few pixels look so tasty I know right the bread the [Music] bread oh wow so good more no fine it’s the bread slck mhm yeah a 40 40 divided into s five at least I need to have um for the ne right for the trims at least one trim right so not enough for let’s go ooh diamond no diamond imagine having no diamond imagine wait why the water is like that Mangrove swamp mangroo swamp [Music] if I’m not mistaken I bring a very clear water and then suddenly the water become green now magic and be he find slimes down here slime is not slime slime is not possible like this deep right I have to go sleep good night car good night adios enjoy your rest oh it is just not common oh so I need to be like very lucky about that I see ooh talking about being lucky I guess 49 ooh lava ooh lava good ooh ooh now we’re talking hold [Music] on more no fine so good 66 ooh huh H ooh nice hold on if I drop that it will not go down right oh no um hold on it will be okay I guess not thing oh whoa o wow now we are talking so good so good it’s so so good it’s com from here W happy graduation son happy happy what miss one Diamond what miss one diamond [Music] on I think I take everything already should be one guide okay 83 83 let’s go what means UDA means done done okay Diamond more Diamond more Di Diamond more Diamond what’s the coordinate 500 400 H it’s okay how many more you need I’m I’m just uh trying to use all of my torch and then I’ll go back I still have some more torch that I can [Music] craft hi Kyla what is the maximum number of diamond ores you find in a single F I found 20 ores in a f once and I want to give you this like o 20 I think I’ve never got like 20 10 is the maximum I think I don’t know I’ve never got more than that I think get some yeah 20 is a lot thank you AR to find diamond look at a mirror wow no if I if I look at the mirror I only find get some help word lad save it a little bit for for fager Farmer oh yeah the actually we can have like a uh glow stone for the fager right or maybe use a glass and then put lava glass in the middle put laa light swor and burn the fu you do like to live dangerously I mean we need to use all of the things that we can if it’s working it’s working right please have this diamond on the ring on your finger you need to get some help Jason red thank [Music] you drink water no I don’t want to drink water instead of drinking water I actually want to go idle meeting but it’s okay just wait torch torch no don’t throw that oh finally I’m hungry nice and then no the bread is gone the bread is gone now super random onion rings like or dislike oh I like that I like I like onion though I like I like onion onion I like onion bread so much like it’s so good cra crafting table oh no crafting table you mean garlic bread oh yeah it’s supposed to be garlic bread why onion bread wait now I wonder is there any onion bread there should be onion bread somewhere right yeah right I don’t think so no there should be somewhere I believe wait what’s that Discord [Music] notifications okay there onion Bagles onion Bagles I see in Japan there’s many onion bread onion bread in Japan h me I am a fan of uh Japan bread like it feels like I want to eat like all because it’s so yummy like all of the Japanese bread but I don’t really I don’t really like the sweet sweet one until now I haven’t even tried the the melon pan never just because I know it’s going to be sweet right Roy melon yeah Roy melon Ella I had lunch less than 2 hours ago and you’re making me hungry again eat why do you miss one I one I not the diamond ring is obviously for PCs accessories oh really m i see wow wow so good so so good uh more than 100 all right that bread was my oosi oh which one the one that I just ate oh no me Alex thank you oh no Kyler rejected me so said wait Papa Ella is out of town for a few days Mama Ella would you like a pretty diine never used before get some help Jason red Pap going to be coming back soon like in the next minute if you try to do that okay okay [Music] where are we at with goals uh 80% maybe if we are talking about with the full enchantments then it might be just get some help 60% I don’t know Papa Ella going to kill you Mario Kart with blue shes nice thank you do you look up after the grav of fell sometimes there is diamond oh really wow Pro tips wait this is too far I think this is 1,000 already um I think think I should go to all it’s okay let’s just a little bit more spider again spider oh spiders spider oh spider you don’t have any food I do have food I have potato I have Bak potato [Music] C so good congratulations so happy wow so good that’s why you never give up right keep trying and never give up let’s go nice so good so happy for you yay happy happy happy happy happy [Music] happy oh no still got so many torch I guess we’re not going back get get get some help okay now I think I should turn positive x negative positive Z Okay negative one way or another Kyle will Jason red get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help get some help oh Diamond just two just two wait [Music] wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow that’s just so cool okay that’s not real feels like it’s not real okay I don’t need the arrow um diamond block block I see I don’t need the arrow and then who Pig number 69 yeah can CH uh doing uh great work in the nether I’m happy for her I’m happy happy happy for her I just hope that she will not I hope she’ll be okay uh if she wants to fight the piglins like the brute piglins trying to get um what’s that uh neite upgrade I I hope she’ll be fine the Jinx it’s not the Jinx it’s just a good wish you know good luck rip can don’t don’t rip Canady hey netherite upgrade she tries she she she’s trying to get a neite upgrade now so yeah I mean huh diamond where oh thanks I didn’t see it thanks thanks guys thanks okay what up what I’m I’m just blind okay waa so cool ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch imagine imagine what it’s not a Do or Die situation okay I’ve been uh in the worse position than that that one is bearable it’s fine well you’re not wrong yeah you could have fell into lava too lava is friend friend lava will be nice to me you know nothing fine nothing okay maybe we don’t need this [Music] raw actually that one I keep pressing I I kept pressing um the shift button if I didn’t press the shift button I probably that one I probably fall into the lava already oh yeah oh that was well played yeah well played Don’t Panic is the key 38 let me check oh jungle 300 torch miss one what what one guy one guy never mind my mistake okay understandable it’s okay sometimes hallo a Hu for Diamond it’s okay [Music] is Halu for Kyla okay no get some help [Music] 200 okay 200 maybe I should go netive X now so that I can get closer to home [Music] probably maybe W what’s that sound cave sound to eat get closer to home get closer to home why can’t we get coal in this d d d de de d e p t h de de de de d da d e BT de D de d e f death what is going on death death English is hard that not not not that why that wait raw gold raw gold get some help raw iron raw iron my crafting table my crafting table Zar hi back at it again with Minecraft yeah I’m trying to get some Diamond I’m not KY Shan why are you murdering bio’s family what are what what what do you mean murdering I did nothing I did [Music] nothing I did nothing Zach medic gamer thank you death D death D that that that English right English yeah English do be like that right Fair hard oh no Pap found me I’m died thank you forever Jason red oh no not again run why why why run I have Diamond why run why should we run that’s the question uh 13 coal free coal okay uh hold on this one this one and then this one this I should sleep no it’s I think I think the phage the the farmer died already I guess they just need to get good how do you know because every single time I havek they just died because I didn’t close I didn’t uh close I don’t have any room for that so yeah all of this spawner like two skeleton so good cordinate okay I only have oh I think I can make the way home 900 blocks with um one and a Half Stack forch maybe not but I don’t know home is so close to 0 if you find two spawners within 32 blocks of each other that’s the real Lu oh really wow but it’s possible right it’s very possible [Music] M I want more Diamond please isn’t your home the oh B zerif yeah but it’s different world right it’s a different hardcore world oh oh B 800 blocks I can’t believe nobody read the sign oh yeah nobody read the sign exactly wait I just realized I don’t have any blocks like for real for real it’s okay that’s what we call efficiency right efficiency I do I don’t really have any blocks use Dia block yeah if we want to run away from that situation just use the diamond block [Music] I was just stopping by to say hello so good luck and have fun in Minecraft today thank you thank you thank you okay no diamond but it’s okay the point is actually uh getting closer to home 700 [Music] okay if I can get closer to home I don’t need to go all the way back to the previous way okay no more iron for me no more more iron for me we don’t need the strings we have strings at home I’m saving up my torch already because I’m still far far away your home 600 and a dream 600 blocks 600 blocks so dark it’s so so dark so dark I don’t have enough torch to go back coal place I still have the sticks coal please coal diamond no fine sad no diamonds no coals only red stone Haya wow so dark huh yeah you there should be Diamond somewhere near the lava right there should be somewhere uh uh it’s okay 600 nice oh that’s the diamond we need just like that not enough not enough it’s not enough hold on hold on hold on hold on full full full [Music] okay 500 okay torch I hope I have enough I hope I have enough so I don’t need to go back all the way it’s enough if we believe we just need to believe okay [Music] how many do you want actually I’m going back already this one is I’m going back already but it’s just a different way nope okay 400 I think it should be enough the forge I mean I can just go up and walk by land by boat no I don’t even have boat uh my – 54 okay I heard lava I heard lava Diamond should be around no I don’t know lava lava lava lava oh oh wow that’s crazy I’m the diamond whisper Diamond whisper you were for like an now I hope she will make it out alive I mean the dream is trying to get um netherite upgrade right I hope she’s making it out Al don’t be like me I learn in a hard way yeah she will you could learn a thing or two about safety from her oh really safety that’s very funny safety we are talking about safety here that’s very funny wow she play really safely also with some totems oh that’s amazing that’s very amazing actually don’t be like KY I know okay 300 200 this is so good I can just go back like this we’re so close to home already Kyla will you play Minecraft immediately when it get upgrade to 121 yeah why not I want to see what’s the [Music] update thank you the S and Kyla stands for safety the S and Kyla uh s Doo cor thank you s do exactly exactly K kylas kylas kylas as also for Sleep 200 200 [Music] okay look up one guy said I need to look up because sometimes the diamond is up there nice lava there should be there should be diamonds somewhere right because I can hear the lava right diamond diamond Doo Diamond do still 200 KY quick question best regul member in your opinion and why no I don’t want to pick one they’re all so good they’re all unique we cannot do that all of them are the best on their own Kyla cool amazing elegant lovely awesome why suddenly we playing Words nice Diamond huh oh how how how how could I miss that one how could I miss that one I literally put the I literally put um [Music] torch that’s what we ask it blended with your picke nice but oh yeah SC nice okay 100 I only have 39 now how to go up I don’t know got get some help good luck in your Minecraft Adventures Ella thank you Ben than thank you get some help that’s tough tough here’s some good for very funny tough tough yeah that’s tough that’s tough that’s tough yeah mhm very tough tough indeed okay I regret not specify for the future which member will to infest more for collab all all all together why why we need to pick one for collab when we can do actually like all where is the crafting table over here oh nice I don’t need torch for that skip okay okay 100 we’re getting so close maybe I should go negative Z to get closer dig straight up to your village what if there is a lava so good huh [Music] M 2021 thank you I have dinner at 5 so in the next 1 hour I should be feeling hungry again I guess [Music] almost Z oh what happened almost right almost it’s okay it’s okay die your bu [Music] can G you can do it you can do it just sat set sat set all of the piglin it’s okay it’s okay face to face the damage right it’s just so crazy like if we never if we never it’s just one oh if we never known the damage going to be that hard it tend to be like oh yeah we I have the armor it’s going to be fine but actually it’s not fine [Music] yeah two three hit you die for real I don’t know how about the brute Belin in hardcore though I guess it’s going to be scarier sorry my my throat is like really dry I guess because of the the AC 100 100 okay all okay I’m sorry anyway what El expect for future MC update more mobs or more biome uh instead of more mobs and more biome I want to have um more tools more crafting materials something that I can explore more like I really love the trims update it’s so good it it it it taught me like a lot of stuff thanks to the trims Arc if it’s not because of the trim arcs I’ll never been able to explore yeah new Mobs is okay too like something that we can fight maybe um after the Ender Dragon probably or something to uh grind for uh in the nend city maybe NE whatever I think they’ll add three new trims next three new trims I’m excited hold on where am I so close already okay so I’m going to go um think I should start going up now hold on get get get some help [Music] [Music] okay all done going up I’m trying to go up now luckily I don’t need to go back torch is just enough so good lava laa is on the top of my head is it amazing that’s just amazing that’s just amazing lava like an over world [Music] huh Lava Lake well can go home okay um okay maybe okay turn first positive X that way I need to go now Negative X Negative X this one should be okay I hope please be nice laa please be nice we’ve been friend forever I can hear it again laa I just want to go home please be nice okay uhhuh wow there’s going to be creeper huh careful here I’m preparing for creeper wow oh actually actually that one that one is the way to home I think [Music] creeper okay I’ll be fine right I’ll not fall and die right [Music] yay we are home boom nice one nice one let me check the Farmer they probably die oh they’re alive actually good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good they survive they’re the chosen one place some torch okay [Music] nice okay and then what we’re going to do is actually the lightning lightning rod but hold on I I really need to go idle meting I’ve I I need to go idle meting since like almost 2 hours ago hold on be right back okay [Music] got get some help get get get some help get some help get some help good job surviving this long in hardcore it’s not long it’s still like day two right remember in MC Kyla is the maximum fashion queen yeah R you Ella you miss some Diamond there I got you the diamond here take it please take out the diamond get some help thank you Isam get some help thank you now my chance Isam thank you get some help Tommy HK Kyle get some help thank you let’s go back do the clutch no we need to put get good they just need to get good all of us need to get good stop burning the trading hle okay next go wait I need more chest imagine actually I don’t really have a house really no dirt house my dir house house house here let’s make the legendary dirt house uh no not here [Music] just make it far far [Music] away I still need to if you if you wonder what’s that very weird uh random gate looking it’s actually the sign of the uh the spawn point so I Tred to get everything close to that [Music] area yeah so uh it’s um like in that radius it’s actually uh keep loading it’s always working 24/7 as long as I’m logging into the game yeah so around there it’s all going to be like the farm yeah so I’m not I’m trying not to get to to put a house there I no need the house what’s the point of having house anyway oh actually I can have a house I can just have a house here yeah that’s actually a good idea get some help on top of that yeah on top of that why not I can’t read the mind of yours you don’t need to read the mine you don’t need to read my mind let’s make it from Cherry wow so cool [Music] huh I’m going to going to put a no no no no we don’t need this actually just put the chest what’s the point of having Diamond just put the chest hi [Music] uh Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain is totally not rining right now chest eight chest huh oh because it’s different I forgot slap slab cannot be too colored slap even better that’s too [Music] many okay nice it’s in the center [Music] amazing this is what we call house my house no it’s not it is house what do you mean it’s not house this is so our Deco architecture I know nice we can put something there we can put like anill the villag are going to be like hm why why I’m hearing steps on on my head don’t forget the spawn proof done so cool and then one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 five 6 [Music] what a great life yeah I I I can stop uh the Iron Golem for spawning outside but I need to like take care of that [Music] later your house even kind of looks like fager this is so good try to test the chest can open or not oh you don’t need to worry about that it’s possible yeah this if you’re putting it if if you’re putting all of your fallible stuff on the rooftop uh people might maybe people might not be able to take it or I don’t know they might and then I’m going to put all of the dirt and all of the wood there torch okay now just going to put all of the Flint here [Music] here wait the music disc wait why the music this is just one where is the cat one I didn’t he I don’t know oh you didn’t take it yeah boy okay [Music] ien should I just smelt it like just one like this or should I take it out you can stop the Iron Golems no no no it’s actually not about that um I found it the reason why the spawn Golem the the Iron Golem keeps spawning is because of this actually and um when later when I um what’s that later when I take it out like all of it is out or I left like just three here it already stopped spawning so yeah it’s it’s the filager kind of problem so it’s okay I just need to work on this one because I really need um I really need all of the fagers right now it actually stops spawning already like um if there’s not too much there yeah your trading Hall can also spawn in Golem no no it’s not so that’s really weird it should be spawning just there mhm I’ve been doing the trial and error for like 20 hours already so I know what is actually going on with all of this thing pretty much so you don’t need to worry about that yeah after the trading Hall finish it really stop spawning outside the fench true and maybe I should be like uh change it to the more complex iron farm too maybe later on but I don’t know maybe I don’t really need it too right because this is hard cor after I got all of the enchantments I don’t really need all of the trading Hall anymore pretty much so yeah [Music] [Music] make the best iron farm so you can make an iron house as a bunker hold on let’s get [Music] this sa touch Unbreaking I want this wait if I have that what’s the point of all of this then that’s okay I I I I’ll use it later uh Sil Unbreaking Ming for decoration nice uh [Music] Ming and let me see my notes Unbreaking efficiency oh no the efficiency is still very expensive efficiency okay wait before that okay sharpness five sweeping H3 looting three Unbreaking three mending it’s done GG [Music] that one is done that one is done now [Applause] bamboo [Applause] Bamboo if it’s outo later on it’s not going to be satisfying anymore no fun no fun no fun bamboo yeah bamboo is chopping down the bamboo is actually uh the simplified fashion of hitting uh what’s that called scaffolding hit the Iron Golem hit that Iron Golem he that heat that and then adios [Music] okay boom boom boom boom we need more emeralds emeralds for trading trading trading exp trading trading exp and CH so good okay Golem Golem Golem Golem okay M iron efficiency respiration no it’s not that one efficiency sharpness no no sharpness sharpness touch bro paper paper paper paper paper paper paper paper so why only two exp I need more okay and then put this way nice six and then okay come here bro don’t run away selling them their own product yeah why not it’s their own hard work but yeah hold on we need mending and efficieny efficiency mending five two efficiency mending and then we’re going to get this one and this one still C efficiency 5 Unbreaking mending it’s done right done and then uh hold on I need to get rid of this first manual iron farm okay and then ex okay come back here bro come back here bro bro [Music] hi hold on the ho M this one I can get like a fortune tree for the ho right right if I’m not mistaken yes okay um is there any [Music] no like for real for real canot get a hold from [Music] fine fine okay now I don’t want to use my diamond but okay mending Unbreaking mending Unbreaking bro come back here don’t you run away bro you want this I know you want this I know you wanton this right bro bro bro you want this no you want this bro nice what’s the point he they don’t even have that you maybe you you want this really I think they die the previous one got weed H totally not nice you got this no fine oh yeah I don’t have protection for I need to Goa for protection for later [Music] Haya so cure making your own abstract art M rain than you this sounds like it’s out of a horror movie R are C oh no my throat is like so dry dry gotcha time you want to you want to look at MEA how much time did she put it in offline good question bro okay good question good question yes the answer is yes okay bless protection uh it’s somewhere here this one okay I need all of my yep I need all of this okay you’re going to burn the base nah it’s fine lure one [Music] lure tree I need the lure but not now I just need protection four like for real for real right now protection 4 and uh the cheaper efficiency 5A oh hi hello MAA welcome welcome Adam thank you for the raid thank you thank you [Music] lay lock I got new luck why sometimes they doesn’t want to sometimes they don’t want to like touch the black [Music] turn boy they just shy shy shy touch that bro bro okay fine it’s okay then if you don’t one then it’s fine oh yeah all of this don’t ask me where is the trader okay don’t ask me where is the trader what did you do nothing nothing excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me bang B ad I need protection four I uh respiration protection for okay fine at least I going to get all of The Mending Unbreaking first for now one two 3 4 and I need another Unbreaking another Unbreaking okay and then mening one one that’s two this one is three mending Unbreaking Unbreaking bending Unbreaking ah Unbreaking Unbreaking even better so good [Music] Unbreaking 4 Unbreaking 4 let’s go I really need to finish the trading trading Hall as soon as possible this one it’s burning stop burning stop burning okay excuse me excuse me excuse me [Music] I’m fine I’m fine it’s [Music] okay punch a punch Lo thing um mending mending I need to get The Mending Ming Ming Ming Ming this torns I need to get all of the torch too torch torns why torch we don’t want to have torch enchantment right okay uh so hold on I going to put the name tag somewhere here torch here okay uh let me see Ming Unbreaking Unbreaking Unbreaking mending Unbreaking Unbreaking [Music] okay mending Unbreaking done I still need to get another one okay Ming what is going on with my throat my throat is totally dying uh Unbreaking mending I guess I’m dying for real for real I think I think it’s Papa Ella cursed okay this one done this one Unbreaking mending mending Unbreaking I need the protection 4 oh no I really need to get the protection 4 there’s no other way I have the fire protection already actually this one and it’s and it’s for 14 only but still I need the I need the protection 4 I don’t really like using the fire protection but the gacha [Music] please Infinity 51 whatever 51 whatever I I’ll going to buy the whole Stu one two three it’s okay proection 51 yeah I just need to buy it four times and one for the gold later okay nice now wait done okay go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go wait go wa go wa go wait can I can I use this word good good good not yet really you’re so strong huh thank you iros she’ll accident burn those wood sooner or later nah all good okay I need to get more and fail one two three and fail whatever just put it here later you going to break too five six five wait how about the Thorns I need the Thorns the the Thorns is very expensive horn tree is [Music] crazy one 2 2 three 4 T tree is op but it’s expensive see okay six six uh s okay seven time to make X Farm in the ne [Music] hold on actually there is a tutorial about actually there is a tutorial about a very simple piglin farm for exp yeah the the Zombie piglin Farm wait protection four hold on let me check let’s just put everything here first Thorns protection for Unbreaking mending Unbreaking mending Thorns Thorns thorns Unbreaking torns torns torns Unbreaking Unbreaking mending Tor protection four Thor I still need torns one torns and one thorns and one protection four [Music] oh I just realized I can open it from here amazing fantastic house e [Music] Thorn perfe 100% calcul amazing uh Thorns [Music] Unbreaking uh why am I buying Unbreaking protection 4 [Music] protection four okay okay Cur of binding so so good huh so good what I clicked the protection 4 bro bro bro don’t do this to me bro this is a lie right see oh because I don’t have enough ah [Music] ah I don’t have enough that’s the thing that’s the problem [Applause] hi so if we don’t have enough money then the the fager is going to be like oh you don’t have money so just have this cheaper one instead even though we don’t really really need it but the villag you’re going to give you that one wow so good amazing very nice imagine right like hi I’m uh I want to buy some uh I want to buy a laptop how much is this one oh no it’s so EXP expensive I don’t have enough money for that and then the and then the the salesman going to be like oh yeah instead of this laptop better get the uh gaming phone but I do but but but but I don’t need a gaming phone yeah it’s okay if you cannot get the laptop just get the gaming phone it’s the same that’s that’s what the that’s what the villagers did to me thanks I guess I hear about a Minecraft Prank that consists of putting curse of binding on a pumpkin and then put it on a player if the world is hard they can’t use first first camera properly I [Applause] heard hey that’s actually so cruel you know that’s actually so cruel [Applause] [Music] that’s so evil yeah pumpkin will give you armor no right they give us light armor or totally no nothing that’s actually very weird like why why we can enchant the pumpkin like why why oh yeah talking about why there is um there is a video I watch it like yesterday the [Music] the the tier list the tier list of farms in Minecraft like the tier list is like good useful uh fabulous I think I forgot where the what is the best one and then uh why like there is a category of why and then they have this cat Farm cat Farm like just why why here L Minecraft farm yeah that’s that’s what I that’s uh what I browse what I watch my meantime so good cat Farm okay level up wow [Music] wow is it useful it’s useful if you’re not playing alone can I can I shoot it to myself just shoot up and catch it you asked me to do another clutch thing or [Music] what okay what am I trying to do now oh okay Unbreaking protection 4 protection or not enough still it’s not enough because of the curse of binding both I want a refund one two this sword sword wait sword pakes Fortune PES done axe axe done we just need this and bow and a bow and a bow right we are almost done let me put it here one two three okay this one is still [Music] touch this one is Sil Touch This one is just mending mending silk touch efficiency five oh no all of the I need more iron iron iron iron it’s okay I can just AFK again later ouch it hurts that’s okay I can just jump into the water okay boom boom boom where is this okay pile is so unbothered I mean that’s not that was not a Do or Die situation wait I need the blast furnace hold on blast F BL furnace smooth Stone uh I think the bless furnace give less XP really fine thank you for the information furnace [Music] what what stop doing that please can you thank you uh it’s time to steal because I’m just too lazy uh boom boom boom boom I need more actually can I try just one first h fine one two three this one this one and then this one this one this one is that all wait if it’s outo then I will not get the EXP right [Music] you will get the EXP when the furnace is broken what at a level turn it on wait for it to finish then collect but it’s going to be it’s going to be working like this too right I can just take it right locking the furnace with a redstone signal oh like a lap [Music] oh I see oh that’s actually very fast oh nice okay that’s where now uh mending silk touch no mending Unbreaking mending Unbreaking we don’t need efficiency five for the whole right mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree forun tree mending Unbreaking forun tree but it’s not perfect with efficiency efficiency is very expensive cannot I’m broke mending and breaking efficience mending Unbreaking Fortune tree wow Unbreaking four mending Unbreaking Fortune tree mending Unbreaking Fortune tree 14 very funny if only I have 14 wa it’s only four huh huh I need [Music] more it ain’t much but it’s onest work yeah I mean I pretty much get got everything already I can just end the stream right here I’ll uh by the next stream it’s all going to be completed already yay the goal is done today we don’t need to restart to zero again [Music] yeah so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good so good [Music] I hope the next stream no almost died event but it’s content right wait it’s past midnight already which means it’s my birthday oh happy birthday remember last year I got you say those cute phrases cuz of the cafe Batu get some help oh it’s around this state cute phrases wow need to get some help for real for real no cute cute only cool right cool phrases cont wow I literally almost ruined my all of my hard work right happy birthday by the way this new has taught me that Minecraft is actually a turn based fighting and strategy game with some Mining and crafting elements Al KY glad you survive yeah I don’t know if I didn’t make it that time I don’t know what going to happen man it’s going to be sad yeah it’s going to be sad sad I’m going to be doing all of this trading later on by myself all by myself I don’t know if I can sleep tonight because this Minecraft Arc is actually taking all of my time for real real for real one the potato okay potato okay it’s not giving much spe not nice [Music] uh this one oh yeah bow I need to that’s okay I can do it oh thank you and then next one no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop it’s fine it always happened like that it always happened like then I’m [Music] okay 11 how much do I need again 20 12 a full black cat time to fish for XP are we trying to do everything to get XP huh okay you sure it’s full black it’s quite rare yeah it’s full black it’s full black it’s full black so good so good breeding animals for XP are we are we doing the one1 how to get XP I mean it’s going to be like very little right yay advancement made let’s go [Music] here I got so many [Music] cat they change it to beds nice one and then there should be some somewhere [Music] around that area go find your partner go where is it again go go go bro go bro nice I don’t think the EXP is actually going up I don’t think so 14 doll just go fish fish fish is not giving that much of exp right wait what if wait I don’t have enough obsidian I should mine some obsidian actually I just want to open the Nether Portal [Music] got get some help what [Music] [Music] thank you it’s okay cannot understand it’s okay Buddhist [Music] this one Unbreaking Fortune Ming Unbreaking Fortune Unbreaking mending going to put it here that’s for the oh this one is all of this is for the [Music] armor uh okay paper paper okay and then that should be for pck not ho no the pck is done [Music] already hold on I need to take all of this and then I’m going to find some obsidian somewhere I cannot sleep is there any lava here before there should be [Music] right you have lava right the lava I need to make it Source block right you have infinite lava you have lots of lava well I don’t know how to make a lava lava become Source block okay I I going to try it can I just pour can I just pour no I cannot I want to just pour the lava to the ocean but no it going to make it into stone oh one block hold one bucket oh okay okay okay one block okay one block wait what the cat is following me the cat needs to get some help for real wait what why suddenly I have raw chicken Ro chicken from where oh cat bring to you oh oh thank you thank you very nice I see let’s do it here hold on why my inventory is like very full [Music] huh boom boom amazing woo oo Kyla what don’t Kyla dot dot dot me it’s just how it is how many do I need again for the portal pan I want to I want to open the portal now because if I have enough time later maybe I can just uh try to build the farm it’s very easy actually you don’t need to pick up the water oh really I’m afraid that it going to ruin something like the water the water is so cruel you can oh yeah more lava okay more lava more lava but no infection entry space don’t burn the farm okay that’s enough oh that’s actually very fast okay nice NY okay okay now we going to make it here one two three wait brain is not braining one two three 4 hey is a tree up or four up [Music] gold oh three okay three like that right one two [Music] okay wait wait I just [Music] realized what what don’t put it here wait wait wait wait wait sorry guys brain is not braining okay genius I know hold on cat you good cat the cat is judging you oh no don’t don’t judge me I’m just a poor human soul that sometimes make mistake one two one two three okay is it like that why why why it seems so small wait okay hold on what if okay this is going to be this is going to be so funny if I got in and then I spawn in the like Fortress Bastion and then died right it’s not going to be like that right right where is the Flint you’re not that lucky wow you’ll spawn on grateful and then immediately fall into lava no it will not be like that I will not be like that guys okay we’re not going to do anything we just going to get in and get out that’s all okay nice get get get some help bro really gold armor and shield nothing nothing will happen right I just going to get in and get out right are you really serious it’s almost 0 02 wow I guess thanks the height is 30 maybe if I can like build it higher it’s actually can be better I don’t know block the portal now mop will go in I mean if the mops wants to go in then just go in right no I think I’m going to make it lower again later on one one step lower or maybe I should like oh hi creeper what’s what’s the biome Again by the way did I see an outpost Outpost I don’t think that’s Outpost NE ways oh okay okay but there is no pland there I should get ah I think I should [Music] move maybe if I build that higher will I get into a higher place in the nether because I know the Y is it it doesn’t matter but I want to I want to spawn in in a very like a white area that I can get a piglin oh you need to change the location that’s not nice okay uh I think what we going to do later on is I mean I can move that one though I can just go up I I can break that one and then I can go up right I can go up and then I can just make it up there yeah I I I can just build it from the nether side that’s actually true done race basan find a fortress and farm rods get but but if we don’t go to the Bastion if we don’t go to the Busom we will never get the neet right I’m bad like really hello Kyle I have a genuine question why do you not like being called called cute it does I mean I don’t know it’s just weird like it’s just weird for me and yeah because I’m just cool yeah it’s just weird yeah weird weird as in I don’t know it it it sends saers to my buddy if like someone say hey hey you’re cute and then I was like like you know like what no I I just can’t so yeah ring get some [Music] help cringing yeah maybe maybe it’s like me cringing yeah the budy the body just kind of howle that like why cute is subjective but cool is f i is cool I know right thank you do I get more exp when I fish not really I think I think fish hi hold on I going to get my hold on I’m going to clear this first I going to move the portal like right now because if I don’t move the portal right now I’ll not be able to build the XP farm later I might die who knows priorities yeah priorities because I really want to build the I want to build the EXP farm right later on if suddenly the portal is up there people will be like e why why this one this one this one this one and then this one no I can just leave that diamond PX for now I can leave this for now okay I just need this okay I can have the the [Music] arrow I only have seven arrow and a dream and then I can use this wait the the wa wait what no this one and then just just dodge everything I guess uh okay that should be enough if there is gas run gas I just wait gold wait I’m going to have a gold and um gold and uh a gold and a feather falling hold on feather falling I going to get the feather falling first just in case m fire resistant Arrow fire resistant Arrow we’re not going to jump to the lava right right right right KY boots [Music] we’re going to climb up right we’re going to climb up not climb not climb down nah don’t think too much if we think too much later we going to addos for real for real uh okay stop stop bringing this uh wait it’s not here one two and then we don’t need Hoppers to the nether for what we don’t need that slab we don’t need books we don’t need Casia plank for real for we don’t even need bed please get some help [Music] uh Golden Apple One Golden Apple we can have the bread we don’t have we don’t need raw Sal salmon raw C we yeah I guess that’s should be it oh uh gold uh gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold okay okay okay do you have a lead you could bring a Golem for protection what I have a lead but do I even need that the go going to die hold on we just need to like we just need to go in and then climb up right we don’t we don’t do any other weird stuff okay we don’t do any other weird stuff yeah something like that is actually not needed okay we’re going to stay up here one block between you and lava yeah and it’s nether wreck right so I’m trying to be very very safe I don’t know what safe is anymore 10 is 10 enough 11 11 is enough two three three 5 8 10 10 okay we we we just need 10 R okay now we go now we go here slowly okay we we we do it very very slowly okay I just want to see some wait what that’s gas oh [Music] is that a big Lin already oh yeah okay maybe I can make it there m the Gap yeah uh so the thing about this exp Farm is we need to have a pathway right we need to have a pathway so that we can go back later on we’re not going to get some exp and then die from the pig land when we’re trying to go back okay I guess get some help is that enough big Lance this is the right piglin right this is the the the piglin that I hit one and then they going to go all over me right yeah right okay it’s good enough now I just need to make a portal here here is fine guess okay here should be fine so later I guess I going to make like the killing chamber here and then the the exp Farm going to be around that area and then the killing chamber going to be here yep here and then the portal just going to be like there that side I think okay that’s the [Music] plan the what the killing chap ber The Killing chamber okay one two three [Music] one portal the portal one two okay shoot be good I guess this is the very very safe thing that I’ve ever done in Minecraft by the way okay yes safe very safe okay okay nice now we just need to light it up it’s done so good this place is so good very nice yay okay wait what it’s not that far [Music] hi it’s not that far I just go up right hey it’s one by it’s one by eight right [Music] I miscounted okay it’s okay it’s okay m x it’s that way it’s that way so what we going to do [Music] is hold on this one should I make like a pathway okay wait I going to take a coordinate of this [Music] uh pus [Music] 188 okay portal linking portal linking can be confusing to learn no no no actually this is just me and my brain that is actually not braining anymore I used to do this actually earlier I was the one that fixing all of the portals and the ID server actually not really used to used to but it’s just like my brain is totally not really on that um on the best capability wait I don’t have I don’t have any bed with me I’ll just run to the thank you very sauce run don’t play play don’t play play and just run we’re going to end the stream not ending the art no bad no bad I will I wonder where are all of the beds bro stop moving get some help wow I wonder where all of the bed are h i wonder too H I wonder where are all of the beds hi I wonder where you put all of the bed h i wonder h i wonder okay time to go back we just going to go that way we just going to go that way way creeper I have the shield right it’s gone it’s gone gone creeper creeper boom wow couldn’t be me I want to have this kind of Shield like um that can a f can protect me from that kind of explosion [Music] can I Shield the charge creeper though maybe not right I need to remove [Music] this wait actually I wonder what if actually I got from here and then I go back from that portal no it’s not going to work like that I think you can but the Shi instantly destroyed oh it could be possible yeah it’s like a Treeway Treeway nether portal it’s okay it’s not that far though it’s fine okay okay then I guess that’s all for now I I will see you again in the morning in the morning it’s going to be our first one in the morning okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks for the stream thank you thank you everyone it’s time to get some rest wait I thought the harest moon going to be in the evening wait it’s going to be in the morning right I think it’s going to be in the morning what time is it 900 a.m. 900 a.m. H I think I need to push it back I think I need to push it back to 10:00 a.m. so that I can have my Branch first 9 a.m. yeah I think I’m going to push it till 10 [Music] a.m. yeah because if I start the stream at 9:00 a.m. it’s going to be confusing is it breakfast is it lunch is it brunch no it’s weird um okay only that stream tomorrow I guess so I guess so I need to get back to my homework again pretty much so yeah hold on I’m bad like re dot dot dot I think Kyla’s personal is cool which makes for a very comfy stream fight but also how much KY improves all all this by just existing is what makes her cool P sorry if this makes you cringe I just really appreciate you nice fine thank you for the thank you so much for the pink yeah thank you thank you Kyla safety is number 100 priority Koval thank you and yeah you’re fighting I will open your stream and I sleep good night Ella oh it’s okay I’ll I’ll end the stream to by the way oh yeah okay thank you so much everyone it’s been a journey it’s been a journey it’s been a journey I hope you enjoy it all of the fun and yeah I’ll see you again in the morning bye-bye hi we when die not today not today oh no I really should have the fire resistance potion right I need to go to the nether uh what’s that a fortress to get the magma magma magma Blaze Blaze Rod Haya good night let see you in the morning with Boomer game let’s go and you think [Music] you oh yeah should I any anyone streaming right now hold on let me check R direct R Canady I cannot read Canady all of the regos is all of the regos is not it’s not on on on on on on the list I think it’s not on it’s I think it’s like all JP members yeah Canada still streaming okay let’s just go to Canada then right let’s just go to Canada I’ll say hi to her on the live chat too so yeah let’s see what she’s been up to right yeah manual raid yeah let’s go thank you thank you everyone byebye [Music]

Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2024-05-27 18:32:06. It has garnered 122319 views and 9342 likes. The duration of the video is 06:13:19 or 22399 seconds.

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  • Death Maul

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

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  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

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  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

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  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

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  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ► Discord ► #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: Wiki: Read More