Insane GOLD FARM! Minecraft Bedrock Edition

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So tonight we are going to be working on a portal based gold Farm if you are aware I’ve previously designed a nether based one but I’ve never actually messed with the portal based ones so if you’re not familiar with the mechanic this has been around since Bedrock Edition has

Existed basically uh you know as with some things it just takes a while for the mechanics to be discovered and I believe it was about I want to say 3 four years ago that this popped up and became popular but I’ve never actually messed with it I have no idea what I’m

Doing I just know that you know you turn portal on off portal go and then you get a whole bunch of Pigman and it’s pretty it’s pretty simple and straightforward but I want to design mine with a couple different uh user functionality bits in

It yeah lag is a big issue so the first thing that I want to do is figure out the mechanics behind how to build the portals uh is larger portals better I assume so I assume you need more portal you know frames so this is the minimum

Siiz portal and then the maximum size is like 23x 23 uh that’s not even the maximum size I have a Max size portal around here somewhere uh but I want to see if like making it vertically tall has an effect or making it uh horizontally wide has an

Effect now there’s also a couple different ways of doing it because you can make them flint and steel based which is what I’m going to be doing uh because most people don’t have fire tick turned on but you can also make them using fire tick with some lava buckets

And stuff like that so that you don’t have to spend any flint and steel now flint and steel is pretty easy to get because iron Farms exist and you can get the stuff in mass and it actually lasts like a fairly long time so we’re going to be doing a bunch

Of different testing with different portals to see if you know just is bigger better in general I’m assuming that’s probably the case but we’re going to you know poke around with it uh regardless and then uh the farm that I’m designing is probably going to have four

Portals because you want to divide them across chunk borders if you have a bunch of them in one chunk it can actually cause a lot of lag and like even corruption not sure if that was fixed or not again it’s been quite a while since I’ve really heard anything about these

Guys and I’ve never actually messed with them myself so uh let’s just go ahead and see how big of portal we can make it real quick and then we’ll figure out the basic you know mechanism and Redstone Machinery that we need to actually make it into a flickering portal is that too

Long yes it is we’ll just make that a block shorter and a block shorter and a block shorter and a block shorter and a block shorter okay come on now it’s short enough already no it’s not short enough there we go first try Okay so that’s the max width that we can

Have our portal and and I’m pretty sure that the Pigmen always spawn on the same side of the portal like they’re directional as well so like they’ll always spawn on the North side or they’ll always spawn on the east side depending on where your portal is

They’re not going to spawn on both sides of this for example now I was actually close to being the person who discovered this I don’t know who that was was like four years ago but I during one of my bug rocks I think it might have even been

The first one I was liting a bunch of portals and a pigman spawned instantly but I just didn’t think about it if you know if you can turn it into a farm with flickering portals uh I might actually have mob spawning turned off game roll do mob spawning true and then difficulty

Y yeah so it’s it’s just little observations like that that can get you decent okay there you go see we got ourselves a pigman so we need to make make a system that can easily break these portals now I think what we can do is we can still use

The uh water buckets to break them I I think they might have broken that feature at one point oh no that still works okay good now the issue with water buckets is that they flow everywhere so I’m prefer to use the powdered Snell now we need to double pulse this of course

That way it extends and then retracts and we also want our dispenser to be on 30 block up that way it doesn’t get in the way of the pigos and then we also need to relight this on the other side as well so it could be on the same side

Actually uh but we don’t have the portal room for that one right now so we’ll just you know put a flint and steel in here for right now but if we power this with lever uh really anywhere in this Zone that’s going to power the thing so

There we go and now if we double pulse this uh that is going to you know give us the the thing that we need uh so let’s get a simple double pulse going I think that’ll do it uh did that retract this snow it did

Not we need one more on that there we go now there’s also the bug with the split portals and that’s going to be coming up a lot but it has no impact on this build at least it shouldn’t whoops uh keep that on three ticks yeah uh there we go it’s on it’s

Double pulsing now okay the the redstone’s going to be a bit janky at first but it should be fine so that was on three ticks it doesn’t work on two does it no we might actually want to move cuz all those sniffers are incredibly loud can you hear them they’re just very

Loud you might not be able to hear them that well but I can hear them you it works poers no yeah it does for sure okay and now we just need to figure out a system that will light this and then break it really quickly spawn at the bottom yeah so they

Only spawn at the bottom which has me thinking uh is a wider portal better than a tall portal maybe maybe not we’ll see uh but yeah this is going to be for the Advent calendar so I just finished up the Phantom Farm actually for the Advent calendar I got that up to about

900 is um Whatchamacallit Phantom membranes per hour now the previous one had 1,400 but I think they actually changed it so that Phantoms don’t spawn as often cuz I just tried that one again and it was only producing about 900 per hour power as well so they they massively nerfed

Phantom spawning which is probably a good thing um to be honest okay so that should work is that actually activating twice it is okay it’s not like it’s not being a problem though is it let’s just put a repeater on that it’s kind of hard to see what’s

Happening in there because we don’t have like good line of sight let’s see if we can put the Observer on this side actually yeah the glass breaking portal sound that didn’t always exist either uh looks like it’s only activating once it’s very loud though isn’t it I thought the droppers were

Loud but no they that a portal breaking sound is much louder okay right so now we just need to set this up to a clock and that should be really easy we can even get a lot of clocks on this even uh let’s try the most basic clock and see how that

Works and by a lot of clocks I mean we can have this be kind of like an or gate right here and then that’ll give us a lot of different opportunities for uh fun things for different Redstone clocks okay like we can just do it like this that’s obviously too

Fast that seems to be working pretty well it’s very annoying sounding let’s maybe turn that down a little bit um you’re just spamming the chat goodbye sandwiches aren’t that hype okay come on now everything uses up flint and steel durability and that’s like five lights well this one’s still around and it’s

Been at least six lights so I think you’re lying not not to be like that but I think you might be a big old liar your pants are on fire uh let’s see that’s on three ticks so this probably needs to be on like four or something or

Six only good trolls are around here exactly like Longhorn and then let’s put it like this we’re not really getting that many Pigmen are we we’re getting a couple but it’s not like that much you know if we set up a bunch of these in in sync we could make a nice

Little uh music system out of them I think okay now we ran out of flint and steel uh we’ll probably want to put a system on this to recognize once it runs out of flint and steel that way it’ll Auto turn off the farm that sounds like

A good idea to have as well actually quick somebody write that down sandwich with pineapple I hope that’s not a real thing if that’s a real thing I’m going to I’m just we’re just going to have to end it all that’s it the human experiment was fun but it’s oh it’s

Over uh just for my usage right now we’re just going to put a uh a chest of flat and steel right here and then let’s go ahead And Flint steel let’s just do 20 there we go now if you want to be really rich about it then you can enchant these with Unbreaking three yeah super cool now I don’t know how to figure out like if this is the right timings or not to be

Honest yeah more portal yeah that’s kind of what I was assuming more portal blocks would mean more chances of Pigman see we’re not getting that many Pigmen but if we had four of these then we would have eight Pigmen that would be amazing okay uh let’s go ahead and speed

This up and see if we get the same rate of portaling oh that’s much faster actually now it’s not breaking the top one it doesn’t have time to break it’s uh removing the pow of snow as soon as it’s lighting it interesting we’re still barely getting

Any uh anything so I think it’s actually reducing our efficiency cuz this top one is never there or never going away which I believe is what we need so let’s reduce this even further and see what happens nothing okay we found the breaking point that’s good

Lava you can do lava ticking I haven’t done lava ticking I tried messing with it for some uh whatam we call it for some Stone generators it was never reliable I always got Cobblestone out of it so five tick is actually running faster than four tick right now

Fascinating okay let’s go ahead and make this portal much taller so 23 by 23 which is 21 by 21 so this one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 love ticking for gold Farm is the

Best way yeah but you need a fire tick to be on for that don’t you Pro taking zo only at the side that’s true actually yeah if we move that to the middle or if we move this to the opposite side then we want to get portal splitting because that’s a directional

Bug um so if we moved this over to here we would still get split portals on all that side but if we move this whole system to this side then we want to get split portals that’s a that’s a great point directionality is a fun thing yeah I’m designing this one for no

Fire tick because I think a lot of people play Without fire tick turn turned on uh this looks a bit large doesn’t it oh chunky perfect size yeah see we got one immediately on that and then once we figure out the portal ticking and stuff then it’s just a matter of

Uh oh look at that we got three and two yeah okay this is going to be much faster okay let’s see about this hey we do a one portal Farm that’s not nearly as fast as it was when it was smaller now it’s just this

What how is it just this yeah there’s no Nether Portals right here okay I I didn’t know this was possible but wait hold up hold up hold up can you you yeah know so you can light the portal W no you bug Rock write that down write that down

Yeah okay so the flint and steel has to be somewhere on the on the portal frame oh no cuz I’m I’m stupid okay yeah that’s what I thought it could be anywhere must be an even atic thing yeah it must be it’s just not like doing what what you would expect there very

Odd okay that’s working out fairly well we just need to move the system to the uh the other side behold my big screen TV that is fire tick work uh fire tick is just allowing fire to spread in the world uh lava ticking is where you like update

The lava and then it like spreads faster so it spreads fire faster I believe as well yeah I mean you could see how if we had four of these portals going then it would definitely give you quite a bit of stuff uh we just need to move this thing

To the the opposite side real quick I kind of want to have it end on a uh a down note you know I I want it to end by being off is what I’m trying to say 23 by 23 try things you need yeah you need you need good Trident Killers yeah

Yeah we’re just here to mess around uh let’s go and kill type equals not Throne trident let’s do like 20 there we go okay well it’s using quite a few flint and Steels I guess I didn’t put that many in this box to begin with I think I

Only put it up to here so I guess it’s only used like six for that demo that’s not so bad uh let’s try and see if we can redesign this actually we need to move it up by a block so it’s not in the way of the pig old the pig old

Man yeah you’re going to need a lot of Flint steel a good gold Farm is a fairly important thing for a Minecraft world though especially if you want like a pig land bartering farm so important and the nether ones they’re they’re they’re okay but they’re pretty massive okay so we’re going to read

This I kind of want this one to be the flint and steel so like we activate the flint and steel that lights it and then we turn it off like just a tiny bit later so let’s see if we can’t manage that I think that would be a better way

Of doing things cuz then it would end in an off State it’s not going to get left on so let’s see if that works where’s my lever live your it’s not quite right okay and then that would actually oh that double pulses it anyway so just powering that as long as we power

Powered it at like the correct interval that would actually uh double pulse it on its own okay I guess that makes it easy gez overthinking it over here aren’t I yeah so if I just put a button on this that would actually do it yeah okay uh so we just need to pulse

This really quickly and then we’ll we’ll kind of be good should be pretty straightforward just’s get our basic little Redstone clock in there and then we’ll be good yeah I spawn on quite a few guys hores adorable okay let’s see if we can slow this down

A little bit and have it be like the same speed did I run out of flint and steel I don’t know what happened there uh you know what let’s actually move the lever down to here that that would probably help us there we go CU that’s like what once a second or

Something yeah you can still zero to kelp that’s the one thing that they haven’t fixed for some reason okay that’s definitely faster okay that feels a little bit slower actually let’s put it on this one and now for some reason it I think I got it out of sync there we

Go yeah we got we got a lot of pigo men sorry hores you better die honestly just one one big portal like this is probably a decent little gold Farm we should do some math on that do you guys know what size Nether Portals people usually use cuz like let’s let’s

See the portal area of this is 21x 21 so that is 441 portal blocks uh every time I press P it kicks me out of the sign interface do you see that I I don’t know why it does that have do you guys have that happen thank come on now you know what

Let’s just stop in here there we go breaking the system beating the man see that’s a pretty good amount of Pigman now it is way more efficient obsidian wise and also Redstone wise to have one large portal than several smaller ones you you have 4 23x 23s that’s a

Lot P bound to chat function um no it doesn’t do anything when I press it I’m imagining it’s probably something in full keyboard gameplay menu cancel oh why is that a thing what should I buy that to I don’t know F12 I guess I never pressed that okay that that’s so

Weird yeah so it’s it’s much cheaper obsidian wise to build something like this uh but like for example here let’s let’s turn this off real quick oh oops that was my bad my bad find it to escape Escape still works normally though yeah Escape still does everything that it

Should uh so reloading trunks kind of breaks it but that’s fine you shouldn’t be reloading trunks anyway uh did those guys despawn I think there was a couple guys there before I left anyway so for example if you have a a fullsize portal like this that’s 21

By4 and let’s get out the calculator for that cuz I’m dumb that’s 84 obsidian 84 obsidian so that’s a pretty good ratio of portal blocks to obsidian now if you were to do like 15 by 15 portals 15 by 15 that would give you 225 portal blocks whereas it requires 60

Obsidian so as you can see there’s quite a quite a difference there uh I’m not sure how do you do ratio math I forget but anyway the ratio is better for larger portals than for smaller ones because as you can see that’s that’s nearly double actually yeah

That’s about double the uh the portal blocks actually for a 30 no 30% increase 20 extra 20 extra obsidian yeah so it’s it’s much more efficient to build it this way than smaller portals uh the B the bonus of smaller portals is is that you can uh split them up across chunk

Borders which is important for lag reasons now if I was going to do multiple 21s then I would put them in two separate chunks like this so you’d have it running across two chunks this way and then two chunks this way that way it’s across four chunks

Total because you don’t want to have too many of these things in a in a small area also if you’re judging me on my math skills just be glad that I’m trying to do any math while streaming this is like taboo for streamers you should know

This come on now do not judge thy streamer for thy math skills for thou art stream yeah so this is the max siiz nether portal that we can get so it’s going to be the most efficient uh obsidian wise and it’s also going to be the most efficient uh flint and steel

Wise as well it’s just it’s just kind of better overall now of course it’s kind of intimidating when you walk up to this to build it um but then again it’s literally just like a frame it’s it’s nothing uh building this in your world is going to be kind of ugly though

Unless you look at it from this way in which case it’s not so bad at all see what happens when I do math on stream it’s not pretty hey now that’s accurate thank you keep me on my toes uh let’s see let’s go kill everything again so

I’m just going to do some basic water streams and then we’ll just kind of move this thing down to like a super simple Trident killer uh there’s already a one block in the middle right there we’ll just do a basic Trident killer right here kind of building this into the

Ground I prefer to not do that but then again if we’re doing a basic tutorial then like this is kind of all you need I should really put a trident killer on a structure block for the matter of times that I build it but then again if you haven’t seen me

Build a Tron killer prepare to be wowed and amazed and dazzled at the Supreme skills of placing down four blocks in the middle right there like so then pistons on all sides and then solid blocks and all those little crevices and then dropper dropper dropper dropper turn around you got observers in all

These areas miss that one and then bam trying to kill those done world record uh we do need to get our stair in the back corner there for our water and then we’ll go ahead and get our Trident out with the impaling five and then I want to break down over

Here a little bit and this is going to be our EXP out or we don’t even need XP out uh we can just go ahead and sit on the other side of the wall right here but I will put in a glass block this will be your floor

Layer and you see in there and then we’ll put in a hopper as well and this might be over 9,000 an hour so this might be like the simplest way to build your gold Farm if you were so incl find to build a gold Farm now if you wanted to upgrade it

Then you would add more portals of course uh but then I would probably recommend one TR and killer for one of these big portals so they you end up with four TR and Killers new world record category apparently there’s a world record for category for walking to the

Farlands and Minecraft Java Alpha which is like yeah you know why why not I actually did hold a world record for a while uh me and toy cat did any% glitch list Co-op set seed beta 1.16 um speed run on Minecraft Bedrock such a mouthful isn’t it yeah

Okay we can get rid of all this I believe there we go that’s a simple Farm if we wanted to be really simple about it we would move this up have it be like this and then that needs to be on two ticks and then never goes there bam so that turned

On and powered the repeater but it didn’t power this dude Shenanigans shenanigans an auto lighter for it yeah yeah yeah this what this is uh I probably I’ll probably end up switching this Redstone to the opposite side that way it’s on the same side as your shin to killer but you know hey

Look at that where we got a picko dude okay let’s see about this oh right I forgot to put the lever on it uh there goes my speed run and then you got to hold your looting sword as well uh we do need a coral fan right

There oh and that actually broke okay good to know so what’s up with you it got out of sink yes sell uh an auto lad you mean by like lava and stuff uh I should yeah we should go ahead and design one of those actually and make it an optional thing

Uh cuz some people do play a fire tick turned on that’s a fair point we should do that now this was working just fine oh I think the reason might have been because it was getting powered by the repeater and not the torch yeah there we go okay now that broke it

Too why was it reliable the other way not this way yeah maybe we just put like a repeater on it that might do it no still being still being a bit funky yeah still being a bit weird for some reason uh let’s move it back to how it was then cuz this was

Working strange okay I guess I I guess it just wasn’t reliable we’ll just move back to this side then whatever fine you know what sometimes weird stuff like that happens takes a minute to work out yeah see this is staying out for too long we need that to come back in sooner

Now this is getting double pul but I don’t think it’s at the right timing so let’s add a repeater on it like that and see if we can speed it up a bit and then that should do it whoops maybe something like that uh that’s at least reliable we can come

Back to that later uh but for now how’s our little dude dad down here doing that’s a fair amount of experience the Pigman do actually drop a pretty good amount of experience which is great I mean look how many Pigmen that is we barely have enough water stream for this

Actually God it’s so simple and stupid this is like such such a bad rockish mment right here the reason why I never made one of these sooner is like oh surely they’re going to fix this surely they’re going to remove this it it bugged out for a second

There can you use eggs to light the portal no portal uh Java Edition has more than enough see look at that broke again Java Edition has more than enough uh you know gold Farm they don’t need portal ticking to you Java Edition has nether roof I would trade portal ticking for nether roof

Anytime I’m killing my people that it’s fine they agreed to it it’s mutual accepted consensual murder yeah we got to go change up this clock a little bit because sometimes it bugs out I think you saw it right there it just puled three times I believe yeah see there it went again no

Turtle eggs with pigment oh yeah why bother this is working just fine turtle eggs are kind of a pain to get you can use them in the nether uh that’s what my previous design did uh I think this the rat of this one thing right here is already better than that build

Though I try wait o try to kill this for NE roof no I would not trade Tron Killers for nether roof definitely not no there’s there’s I don’t think there’s anything I would trade Trent Killers for now with our current game mechanics and the SIM for spawnings

Distances and spawning speed N I don’t think there’s anything I trade trient Killers for without Trident Killers you don’t have much in the form of good XP farm without Trident Killers this portal type farm with manual killing would be the best XP farm on Bedrock

Um maybe if you gave us nether roof 100% TNT drops off hand and block dropping maybe toss in some qualy then I would give you Trident Killers Trident killers are s TI I do wish they the entities didn’t move around the Trident so cuz that kind of messed up the

Designs and stuff made them a bit more tedious I also wish the trid didn’t fall out of the builds they need to fix that bug but otherwise it’s it’s pretty solid uh let’s just put the thing right here shall we see if we can’t get it to be like

This should be a bit more reliable any guesses on what the rates of this are swords that’s what the RS are yeah okay swords hope you like swords sweeping Edge sweeping Edge would be helpful too yeah a good Enderman Farm on SIM 6 would also be one of the best XP

Farms th gold bars an hour I think my other gold Farm hold up let me find that tutorial that was a while ago it’s it’s been so long since I messed with gold farms uh let’s see gold two years ago 475,000 views heck yeah boys hello everyone no I don’t want

To hear my voice thank you okay let’s go uh when was this uploaded uh May 9th of 2021 wow bro time flies man they fix the mapq blug blug uh the one where they like glitch through the floors or they the one where they spawn in twoo tall

Area uh what’s the race of this 980 ingots an hour this is really this is this is crushing it it be your command block MMA Cube killer rates oh did I give two rates in this video hold up we might actually we might actually have to watch this video real

Quick it’s been so long did I give two rates about 986 in per hour and that’s honestly pretty solid oh yeah without Magma Cube killing 986 an hour for Four Towers uh there’s a link in the chat there though that means that you can get about 10,200 total items per hour from

This farm and that means that you’re going to be getting a lot of you know honestly I don’t sound too bad here lot of my videos have sound pretty bad in but uh not this one I guess uh thank you for the B much appreciated uh I don’t see the rates for the

F cou get usually uh here we go here’s rates uh 10,000 or sorry 130 in an hour with Magma cubes okay okay it’s like 50 extra I’m surprised it’s only that little mqs are kind of a pain they took up the mob cap a bit I believe uh but

Yeah I mean that that farm still actually works to this day there’s nothing particularly wrong with it uh as far as like nether gold Farms go that’s kind of it’s kind of what you got to do we spent a long time on that we did a lot of streams on

That yeah it’s kind of a Fain to build though you need a lot of magma you need a lot of area okay right then this is actually working really well and and quickly too uh I believe we could probably raise it up raise up this clock by a

Layer and then we would just be like this and that would that would be it the go for yeah it needs modifications but I have the that in the pen comment I think you just got to change like the little Center Center thingy yeah okay this is working really

Well so next up I want to make a version uh with fire spreads and I have never actually messed with that so that’ll be fun and we also need To so bunch of stuff uh we also need to wipe out this real quick and maybe maybe expand the storage let’s let’s maybe do that I don’t think that this is over 9,000 items an hour but then again I wasn’t really paying attention to the uh the hopper to

See how backed up that was getting because Hoppers can only transfer 9,000 items an hour uh which is very good to know if you are designing a build if it produces over 9,000 items an hour then you need double Hopper speed item collection and storage at least a double

Hopper speed for every extra 9,000 items that you make you need an extra Hopper line uh which we we can get this trident killer up to 18,000 or I guess we could put a hopper right there as well and then we get a the 36 hello uh launchin hopefully I’m

Saying your name correctly how you doing welcome all on in this is our amazing super Epic Cool amazing gold Farm yeah right then let’s go figure out how to burn down the world so we need some lava and then fire spreads is something I’ve never actually played with before

Learning how the the fire actually spreads will be interesting so game roll do fire tick true so lava ticking is another thing I’ve never messed with this will be this will be interesting so we need something to burn down like planks uh I’ve never watched a tutorial

For like you know how to build these things or anything I I I don’t watch like any any uh any Minecraft actually it’s kind of sad existence but we should be able to just block off sides with buttons uh oh where I was going with that is I’ve seen some pictures of

People’s gold Farms you know people post their stuff and I’ve seen a lot of people use like wooden stairs I don’t know why that’s a thing mayhaps there’s a reason uh oh we got to make sure we’re on random tick speed one as well otherwise that would give us some

False rates uh let’s actually expand this to be like this and then I’ll see if we can use an observer to detect if we are lighting the portal or not that should be fairly easy okay so the only oh yeah look at that wow that was

Easy so how how often does it light the portal I think we need more or trap door trap doors uh oh yeah trap doors can only be lit on one side oh that’s smart yeah so I’m guessing the reason why they do these things is because you want the

Fire to only be on like a specific side like for these ones it can spread to any side so that’s why we’re using buttons uh but if we were to use a flint and steel which you would think I would have one but no uh like we can’t have fire

On that oh no we can you can have fire on all sides of this so why are people using stairs but trap doors can only have fire on one side I kind of expected to get fire on this Side nice glad I can help you out Lord how many things is burning down now we’re on Sim 4 there’s nothing around us uh yeah let’s just let’s use uh trap doors why not I think we need a lot more wood oh that’s the wrong side hold up my bad my bad

Everybody okay that looks super safe yeah let’s get a lot more in here ah wrong wrong Auto clicker okay so trap doors actually work but they can’t be caught on fire so I don’t know how they work but they they do work let’s see is that going to catch on

Fire if this is a bug I don’t really want to use it all right we also kind of need to raise up our lava uh lava Tech Observer clock with the lava on top Observer clock yeah I think you need to Lava tick your lava source for that or sorry you

Need to tick the lava source right okay so if we don’t see any actual fire on the front of this then I’m going to call it a bug they can spread even without burning themselves it’s weird hm yeah so if we do this then we should see this thing light yeah look at

That weird chap was do not catch fire on Java odd oh oh did I pick up the Trident from this must picked up the Trident that one hit the wall there we go uh so that’s very slow yeah okay let’s get the obser clock out now wow that’s so much

Faster okay let’s try that on a smaller scale so we’re going to get our trap door right there cuz I want to get the down to like minimum size requirements you know that’s something I always try to do a key principle of like designing a build is minimize no unnecessary

Blocks so something that this seems to work great yeah I’d call that good uh this one over here let’s actually move this lava real quick that way we don’t have this being part of our little case study right here why why does that take so

Long I can type out a whole command to get rid of that like faster of course the command doesn’t work but you know whatever that was on random tick speed 100 wasn’t it yeah okay well okay and then because I like symmetry we’re going to raise this up to be in the

Middle and then hopefully that’ll give it an equal opportunity spreading that seems to be pretty good we could probably get this a bit faster if we added a couple more sources in there or uh the command doesn’t work Back Time faster yeah the Bedrock Edition is very weird with the

Fluids uh like they just don’t flow that that well well if we can break it fast enough it’ll it’ll light fast enough jeez look at this using my auto Clicker I wonder if the block updates from the breaking portal helps it light faster because it’s like soon as it goes away

That’s amazing I love that okay we’re going to move that over to this corner this is great should have done this ages ago this is funny if you put the Observer to the side or under the lava you can get a smaller footprint uh true yeah yeah yeah

So let’s put the glass right here and then we don’t need any of this uh oh I don’t know if I told you guys I think I might have but I did get a new Mouse uh finally cuz my other one was having some weird like middle click

Issues when you go to like pick block things uh so I got the Razor nuga Pro it comes with like weird side panels and you can actually swap them out so there’s a side panel of like two buttons which is great for Halo and then there’s

A side button with like or a side panel like 12 buttons I’m still getting used to it and my only problem is is that I’m accidentally pressing buttons when I shouldn’t because they’re a lot easier to press not that you care about any of this but I ran out of things to say

About lava and observers okay shut up let’s see that should do a thing right so now we got to figure out how to unlight oh we kind of need this to be on the opposite side don’t we so it does the thing uh this should double pulse it actually

Because it’ll detect it lighting and then it’ll detect it un lighting so we should need basically no Redstone uh we could set up a dispenser right there if you really want to keep this thing turned off and then you know what just to make this thing even cheaper we’re going to

Put a slab right here there you go Sav you a whole half block you’re welcome always looking up for the little guy out here uh let’s see powder snow okay is that going To do it proper I might have to put a little bit of delay on that yeah see it didn’t detect it un lighting H yeah okay so I need a little bit of delay just like that that should be fine the nether gold Farm still works it

Does yeah uh that’s that’s the thing that a lot of people uh kind of get tripped up on is like whenever I make a new design they always think the old one’s broken but that’s not necessarily the case it’s just like the old one can still work but I kind of felt like

Making a new one it’s kind of fun and also like it’s probably better or it’s better in a different way or it’s cheaper or it’s smaller or whatever than uh the previous one yeah that didn’t detect it h shouldn’t that be detecting it odd yeah options are good uh okay fine

Then you know what we will have it power it like this and then we’ll also take an output from right here and do it like this yeah just like that actually amazing I didn’t even plan for that but that just that just happened cool can I get rid of this

Actually nope you need two ticks yep just like that okay uh so now let’s go ahead and turn this on look at that amazing beautiful more lava the faster it lights yeah yeah yeah oh I actually saw the fire for once it was down

Here yeah so if we add some more lava to this we could get more out of it and then I think if we add more trap doors we also get it to light faster so let’s go ahead and add in our lava source up here and then I think you still have to

Z ticket or lava ticket okay uh that appears to be significantly faster yes is that fine oh look at that it broke oh it’s oh interesting you can see that like the fire was actually in front of the Observer right there that’s why I was pulsing again strange okay so this

Needs to be a bit more reliable break it again we got a wardrobe change thanks so much uh let’s go ahead and switch over to one of the holiday skins yeah this one’s pretty holiday pretty holiday themed I think this this actually fits our current project very

Well I’ve been down to the Trident Killers guys it’s it’s been rough uh creative mode that’s rough buddy oh good time to take a sip of tea how did it break I don’t know oh you know what it is it’s because it’s detecting the fire that’s why yeah so we need to move

This Observer up because it’s detecting the fire from the trapo and that’s that’s like double pulsing it sometimes and that’s breaking it is not detecting the portal being lit at least not when it should but it’s also helping it fix itself when it breaks itself so that’s something I

Suppose you can put still on fire on the same side yeah we can I got away for my my timer to run out though move the trap door um yeah we could okay uh let’s turn this off and then if we really wanted to we could have a dispenser right here for

Our lava bucket that way you can actually turn it off like for realy DLCs yeah okay so uh this should be a two-part system really uh we want this to be on this side actually that way and we don’t have the split portal bug and then this can be this could be

Anywhere that we want it should it just shouldn’t be in front of this Observer so let’s move this up and over we’ll just put it up here for now because it really doesn’t matter where it goes and then we just need our or what is it two tick

Repeater it was on two ticks changed it to three but it was still broken how dare it and then that should do it so now that should never break uh we might even be able to put that on one tick no two ticks it is okay and then we’ll move this lava to

This side and that should do it easy such an easy Farm isn’t it anybody could anybody can build this I’m thinking we might also try our hand at designing a creeper Farm as well uh not this stream but I do want to do that in the next technical stream cuz I

I don’t know it just feels like it could be could be fun I don’t think it’s going to be very good like the rates of it but it doesn’t necessarily need to be uh because we have add-ons that we can put on it and by add-ons I mean like

Little extra builds not like you know the data pack things uh but like we can put the music disc Farm on it we can put the charge creeper Edition on it and that’ll make it stand out not only as a tutorial but also uh just as something interesting

It’s not going to be great for gunpowder but you know people people love their creeper farms and nobody wants to build a gas Farm or a regular mob farm so here we are hello IO how you doing Bing your own creeper farm right now how dare you not

Even waiting for my tutorial that I haven’t made ever I think I I’ve made a couple creeper farm videos I think I might have taken it down though because they were they were for like Legacy console on Java edition let’s see what have I got these are not in order I searched

For creeper on the channel these are definitely not in order uh I do have a charge creeper farm from six years ago this is one of the very first videos I ever made and uh oh what this is on Bedrock Edition that’s a pretty bad thumbnail

For Mak on Bedrock Edition uh I got a music disc Farm that’s about all I’ve made oh here we go yeah simple creeper farm this was on yeah six years ago as well that was for Java Edition I use cats and then the only other thing I’ve done for creeper Farms is another

Automatic creeper farm that was for Bedrock that was probably of the Advent calendar that was before they added lightning rods I’m actually really proud of that build cuz like we were using witches to regenerate and a um channeling Trident killer to test for lightning and a mine cart to detect the

Lightning it was great I’m actually really I’m so happy with that and then they replaced the entire build of lightning rod and um yeah actually I have that that farm over here that charge Creer Farm is uh right there actually and then I made the creeper

Farm on trly Bedrock that video did well it’s about the only video from That season that did do well deep sleep diamond or farm tutorial uh I’ve actually I just did a video on like how to find diamonds the best way that video actually did well too which

Is nice it’s hard to get videos to do well especially with like YouTube nowadays they really want watch time and high retention and the thing about tutorials is that like a lot of people watch them and like click on the video but not many people actually watch the

Tutorial itself so if you see a tutorial for like a build with a bunch of fluff on the front of the video like you know five minutes before you start building that’s just kind of mandatory at this point like all the tutorials that I’ve done recently have like three minutes

Before you start building and as soon as you start placing down blocks that’s when basically everybody stops watching cuz you know they’re probably not building the thing right then they might come back later or they’re like okay maybe I’ll go see if this is something else or they’re like this isn’t what I

Need or it’s like cool but I already got there you know whatever there’s a thousand different reasons um but yeah it really really hurts the videos it’s rough it’s rough out here guys it used to be not that way and tutorials did a lot better yeah there only so much you can

Do now this is actually working really well this is a flat and steel free design it’s lighting pretty quickly for only having like that much lava I think this is going pretty well uh I do want to see how high up a lava source can spread

To blocks CU we might be able to get more trap doors up there so we’re going to place down a lava source right here and then we’ll zero or I keep saying zero take that’s nothing thing that’s not what I want so obviously this can catch on fire uh let’s actually turn this

Off it’s kind of annoying game roll random tick speed 100 yeah so that can burn down we’ve determined that as a fact uh let’s just build up this wall how high up can we go is that going to burn down it’s not okay so I actually had it right it’s just a block

Above what if I have it like right here that’s a surprisingly short distance I would think that that would really want to burn down maybe it’s like a much further down maybe it just doesn’t go up that far but it goes down really far maybe that’s the

Case uh let’s see about that then shall we so that’ll burn down yep goodbye and then is that going to burn down is it really just a 3X3 wow I mean surely it’ll burn further out right is is this just a 3X3 wow okay I

Guess I kind of had it right just like by guessing Okay it’s kind of lame kind of lame not going to lie okay yeah so all these are actually being used then I think that’s about all they’re really is to it uh we need to do some

Raate tests of course but telling by the chest we’re also going to need an lay storage system system or sorting system or no we don’t need an lay for this no we can just have a non-stackable item uh filter and then a couple regular item filters so we need one for

Nuggets uh yeah nuggets ingots and flesh probably want to do doubles because they they get a bit laggy they they kind of break once it gets laggy but once we got that in store then then we can yeah just send all of our swords into a super smelter and then have an

Overflow on that in case we run out of fuel and then if you smelt down your swords you’re going to get much better rates um might not even necessary be necessary for this kind of thing I mean look how many pigment you get for comparison I do want to show you

Guys a couple other things yeah you can send swords to Lava this was my nether portal iron farm oh they used to not have uh smoke with those anyway so where’s my gold farm at I think we have teleports down here gold Farm yeah here we go so this is the

Previous gold farm this gets 1,030 ingots an hour with the magma with the magma cubes yeah without Magma Cube killing you 986 and then with mavic Cube killing you get 1,030 yeah so this is sim four you got to have this Crimson biome to get the

Pigos and then yeah all the guys spawn in and then they can see the egg I I don’t know if this is the one with the fix actually this might not be the one with the fix we do get a lot of Pigmen I forget what the fix was that

Might have not been on this world but yeah there was a way that they could like stomp on the eggs and I I fixed that uh I don’t think I did that for everything though because I was definitely lazy and there’s no reason for me to do it for every single

One are these all the same though yeah as you see like this is a much larger project it’s huge uh we did try a bunch of different ways of doing this we tried split density of having like this entire wall and that entire wall and that was way

Worse rates we tried Having Eight Towers we tried rings and donuts and this was the one that came out best we tried like legit like five six different layouts I think those are the structure blocks for it actually who knows what the structure blocks names are but yeah wild

Stuff someone thought I lied with the rates on this because there’s a world download and in the Ender Chest there’s this sword oh that always makes me laugh if you’re okay if someone’s using a looting 255 sword on their trying Killers you’ll you’ll know because the

Rates are going to be like you know 30,000 per guy oh that ridiculous okay where is our farm at ah it’s the giant portal yes I see I don’t see the egg yeah I got to adjust that I’m pretty sure that’s what I fixed with the little fix

Video yeah with that farm the swords is worth smelting down with this one I mean if you really felt like it but if you don’t have fire if you have fire spreads turned off then you should probably smell the swords because you’re paying for those swords with flint and steel if

You how is this spawning Pigman oh my random tick speed is 100 oops my bad I was like hold up it’s not flickering it’s just doing things um but yeah if you have fire sprads turned off and you’re spending flint and steel then you should probably smelt

Down the swords get your money’s worth uh get your maximum efficiency but if you have fire spreads turned on and you can just use your lava then yeah I don’t see a good argument for why you should do that uh I do see a good argument for adding some more lava

Though to get that relight speed a bit faster I think that would be a good call let’s go ahead and add some more lava uh I’m thinking probably just like two more layers would do it uh not quite like that thank you sir and then I don’t think we even need

To flick them up like this I think we could just uh have them down yeah whatever works man this guy’s kind of a hoad isn’t he how do I get looting 255 sword oh was a world edit uh I was using that to prove that trident Killers do actually work because

That’s that’s a a very simple way to be like yeah so Trident Killers do actually apply the Looting effect because if you see something die the Trident killer and it drops like 100 stacks of gunpowder then it’s like oh yeah that uh that that definitely works and

Um I think that’s about it I mean it’s kind of fun to play with I can pull it out I I don’t really use it for anything I do have some of the books for it though I also have this book for some reason what else if I got in here I have

Never used any of this stuff I don’t know why I made that nether portal blocks These are nice I want to get all the cursed blocks in this world I also want to try and get some of the um efficient see leather armor cuz that’s still a bug I want to get that

Before it’s gone yeah let’s just pull this out so uh we should turn this off before before it gets like a thousand items in it uh let’s let’s grab a pigman though it’s kind of stupid oops Yeah so that’s the normal amount let’s see that was uh three pork

Chops that’s not too bad actually and then you kill of looting it’s just L 255 okay you get like two and a half stacks yeah so you can see why this would be really stupid to have it’s boots now uh yeah so you can get the efficiency oh has it changed every

Update efficiency armor means you can put it on faster uh with five to six lava horizontal with floor of ticking Observer you can make the portal tick so much faster uh that’s fair we haven’t actually tried it horizontally yeah okay let’s try that in a second yeah so over the updates I’ve

Seen a bunch of people say you can get efficiency leather armor uh I’ve seen caps and there’s somebody I think it’s on our fan servers that has like a full set of uh efficiency leather efficiency boots yeah efficiency boots uh let’s see what would be a fun one let’s let’s try Pigman

Try zombify Pig zombified piglin ew gross blah nasty what’s the Zombie horse drop loting 255 come on something good 38 lot rotten flesh that’s not so bad still just one carrot yeah some things are maxed no matter just one carrot again one iron ingot really ah there we go that’s what I’m

Talking about three stacks of FL yeah it’s a bit limited but it’s it’s still kind of fun just see these guys explode into mountains of drops very not useful for anything but kind of fun uh we should probably turn that back on uh so when I do this world download you

Guys get everything that’s like it’s it’s local player so whoever’s like the owner of the world you’ll become that person when you download the world so this ender chest is uh accessible to you when you download the world that Tron to killer actually managed to pick up everything pretty

Well not too bad okay uh let’s try some different lava ticking methods so I want to try doing it horizontally here it’s still going and then let’s try it like this so we’ll have our lava be right here kind of like a it’s not symmetrical you

Know fine we’ll just extend it one block out okay just like this and now let’s expand it like that right we kind of built this on the wrong side for it oh I guess yeah that’s why you have to have your trap doors be vertical I wonder if that’s actually blocking spawning

Spaces H it doesn’t appear to be blocking spawning spaces actually because they’re spawning inside the trap doors so that’s good to know I guess uh that doesn’t appear to be much faster although I think there’s a different way of doing it that you guys are mentioning observers under the lava have the lava

On top of The Observers okay so like this more updates than all the lava okay I see fail to build an observer clock over here uh we should probably put block there block there if we want more updates on all the oh yeah that’s much faster we want more updates on all the

Lava then we should just do like this and then get some Redstone up here because I’m pretty sure it’s just block updates that’s what matters I’m fairly sure again I haven’t actually messed with this stuff like at all before okay that appears to be doing nothing that appears to be uh not

Helping us at all two facing each other in a five and okay yeah just like a giant line of them I guess that would indeed give you more updates yeah that seems to be working pretty well okay fair enough and then we can actually add more trap doors on this side

Well look at that I’ll be darn and that’s completely free as well the LV longer uh that’s yeah we could do like a whole whole band across it uh you know what let’s let’s run an experiment at the top of the farm how about that why not it doesn’t really matter

Where we do this right so let’s put an entire row of observers in here and then we’ll pick some orbitary Middle Point like this let’s see how fast we can really make this thing go we’re going to need a faster breaking method at this point okay so that should be a giant

Line of observers cool and then this side cool it’s in the wrong place I’m stupid got to back it up a block back it on up and then we want trap doors in all these areas let’s go ahead and fill in this with some blocks actually it’s easier to place trap doors on

Okay yeah so you guys kind of see where I’m going this right it’s just like a giant thing of uh lava and trap doors we may as well see how far we can push it right I mean for science obviously okay and then lava time let’s see it only spreads by three

Blocks so try and do like minimum sources okay something like that and this should be spreading very quickly I mean that’s a pretty consistent clock that is for entertainment value well you were wrong it’s for science yeah need to be as broken so yeah um it’s going to be like this then I

Mean let’s just go ahead and put a dispenser right here let’s see powder snow in there and then I mean that’s about as fast as we can get it it’s on on an observer clock that’s about as fast as we can get it do we have tick speed up no tick

Speed is just on one I don’t know if we can break make the breaking any faster because the only way to break it automatically is to topend something in there it’s pretty consistent every time it lights it breaks really quickly like this this Snow’s only gone for like a second and it’s like

Bam yeah we’re kind of rate limited here but as you see we’re we’re getting pretty pretty decent rat out of it um so I think that this one was faster than this one this thing seems to be keeping up pretty well oh it’s it’s actually nearing 9,000 drops an

Hour maybe it’s it’s kind of hard to tell sometimes but it it going it be it’d be going fast let’s give this a second for the Pigman to catch back up double portal using the same lava uh yeah we could we could put a portal on this side as

Well I think that would definitely overload the speed of our Hopper but we could double that uh let’s go ahead and and remove this one up here we’ll go back to the bottom one cuz that that’s obviously Overkill what’s not Overkill is this one maybe oh this thing’s still on a clock up

Here there we go I mean you can see how quickly that’s spreading fire like we’re always getting fire really really quickly plan to make this stackable um right now we’re kind of in the experimental phase but yeah we might add another portal on this I got to be careful about that

Though because lag is a problem okay so hob mine carts pick up items at four time speed but then you need to worry about unloading them at that speed so you need to have them over multiple Hoppers to unload them quicker um but with our current Hopper that’s down

There we can just point it to the side so an easy way to double your Hopper throughput is to have this be your main Hopper so this is is 9,000 items an hour that’s the fastest it can go but if we also pull from the bottom

Of it then it becomes 18,000 so it’s pushing 9,000 to the side so this one’s maxed out and then this one is pulling 9,000 Above So this chest is getting 18,000 an hour so so you’ll see this get filled up with two items at a

Time see doubles 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 24 26 yeah you get it so we can do that with our tring kill down there um but we probably want to split it going left and right that we could have two sorting systems just on either

Side of the farm hey Captain how you doing yeah we got a lot of real estate with this portal we can do a lot of stuff of it uh I would prefer to keep everything near the bottom because that’s where the player is it’s more accessible it’s just

Easier all around uh oh I need to be holding the Looting sword for us to see if this is actually Max out or not so let’s go ahead and cheat for a second and we will see if uh we can get this thing to back up The Hoppers or

Not I do love myself some cheating only in state sanctioned ways though I’m not a criminal let’s see I just play a criminal on TV it doesn’t really look like it’s going that much faster does it it’s supposed to be five times faster but yeah uh okay so it’s it’s right on the

Cusp of 9,000 an hour as you can see it’s it’s just barely backing this thing up how many ingots that is an hour I’m not sure uh o okay it’s it’s getting there you yeah it’s it’s actually backed up that’s we’re over 9,000 look at that we’re over 9,000 volume

Too let’s see about this yeah we’re definitely backing it up okay so we got to we got to expand this on the opposite side that’s a good quote you should quote it you guys forget there’s the quilt Redemption you can redeem a quote anytime you want anything dumb or stupid

That I say you can quote it bro bro bro stop thank you oh my trident’s gone uh oops Daisy oopsie hey okay oh look at that that actually worked out pretty well yeah so mostly swords looking pretty good though there goes a a quilt very

Nice I do forget yeah I know I know you do there’s so many other things you could have quoted for me over the years but yeah done missed out which is good I don’t need that the extra blackmail uh okay so improvements that we can make

Uh we’re just running off of this little fire thing down here and honestly it’s it’s going pretty quickly I would say like what once every twice a second maybe let’s go back to trying out this one up here so that should be the same speed as

The one down below and then let’s add a second lava source so we’ll double we’ll double our lava real estate and see if that makes it activate faster it’s kind of hard to tell I think it’s about the same speed we are limited by our breaking speed

Down there so we need a faster wave doing that this my merch Farm yeah this is how silent whisper Plushies are made okay you should be pretty good there oh come on now it’s literally faster to like you know put all the blocks in

It is to let it go away on its own stupid okay let’s put down one lava source again and I guess we’ll just go with that one uh we do need way of turning that off though and we also need to compare the speed of

This one to the speed of this one which is apparently Still Still activating so I do think that this one was much faster than this one spit my orange juice I would never yeah this one’s obviously faster this one’s like once every second maybe second and a half I had to

Guesstimate so this one’s definitely doing doing better things for us so we’ll leave it like that and then what else can we do we need to figure out a way to make our breaking uh much faster come on come on come on okay it doesn’t light yeah so Nether Portals don’t light

If you have uh fire in the ring damn it come on stop spreading so fast yeah bro okay I might just be stupid there’s always the distinct possibility that I’m just an idiot hello nspg uh okay so we need to make this go fast gotta go vroom gotta go vroom

Vroom not where I want to be not where you guys should be either uh oh here we go I don’t know why that Portal’s even there so we’re going to try actually you know what our dispenser needs to be up here somewhere there we go and then I think

We should still stick with an observer or we could run our clock off of this thing down here I mean we we already have this clock running okay come on now just let me place the stupid thing on that side yeah it’s it’s actually impossible got to get rid of this

Lava okay are we good can I actually place in a block thank you uh let’s see there we go that’s about the minimum height it should be okay and now we’re going to pause this one and now we’re going to just run this off of it

So I think we could just use Redstone torches actually and we need some powder SN on there of course it just needs to be dispensed for less time that’s what we need we need it to be out for less time that’s that’s where we’re at with this so let’s uh try something like

This no that’s too fast it’s too fast um fix that trap door e problem pretty easily get rid of that and then uh you know what we can’t use a two tick repeater but we might be able to use two one tick repeaters let’s try that then no denied is that any

Better I don’t know I mean it’s fairly quick All Things Considered I mean it makes it so you don’t need an entirely separate clock up here at the very least uh do snowballs break portals they do not they just go through it hello Pammy how you doing only they compar be faster um

Maybe yeah we could we could try that actually comparative clock is a good idea comparative clocks are faster than Observer clocks so it would be a great place to try it uh let’s get get rid of that torch and then move it back a few blocks yeah I think that’ll do

It server clock’s faster than Java um I don’t know that seems like it’s definitely doing doing the thing it’s doing the thing Julie and let’s just move it like that I guess well that’s going to be a pretty fast Farm hey Ma how you doing long time

Yeah so the only problem with this one is that it you know is not actually detecting when the uh thing is lighting it’s independent which has its own you know bonuses and that it just works but it is uh it’s not reactive in the way that I like why is this one not

Working oh I’m powering the Block H I guess that would that would do it no there’s no difference between these two but that one doesn’t work uh oh now it works yeah sure okay whatever I’ll take it and then we don’t need this one up here either I think the clock is actually

Helping to be honest cuz this is going like twice a second now twice maybe maybe three times a second I mean it’s it’s really going for it it’s really going for it oh they agre to be killed I mean look at them look how happy they are they

Just want to hop into the Kill Chamber this is almost almost faster than we can uh keep up with our water streams I wonder how our Trident killer is doing down there Tri killer seems to be keeping up and paling five is like the way to go so

Nice we also haven’t had any baby zombos you like poke out of here which is nice it’s just so much stuff man it’s great okay well this has come along very very well I’m quite happy with this it’s ridiculously dumb and I love it let’s get ourselves a

Uh lava bucket dispenser right here so we can actually turn this off proper and then I also want to way to turn off that clock and I think the way to do that is just to get ourselves a sticky piston and it should be one of yeah one of these two

We’ll just like drag that Observer out of there and that should be fine because there’s nowhere for the lava to flow yeah totally fine and then it can still get lit as you can see there but if you want it like actually properly turn it off then you just put a

Button on it cool yeah pretty easy the Dumber the better yeah that’s that’s pretty pretty accurate uh in general the simpler the better uh this would get lowered down to the the corner it would be at the same location as this dispenser uh but this is the system that we have for manual

Flint and stealing not manual but automatic flint and stealing now it’s probably a faster way to do this as well but this is turned out to to be Fairly reliable so I’m kind of I’m kind of happy with this as well uh we could double this up uh we could easily have another

Portal like even right if okay so there’s a couple considerations that we would need to make if we want this to be a double portal I think we would need a three block Gap cuz we’d have to have trap doors lava trap doors and then a portal right

Here and then we just have a seven trer killer you only have fire Teck on specifically for this Farm I mean it’s not a bad decision um as I mean especially with lightning rods now day nowadays you can’t really go too wrong back in the day before lightning rods uh

Lightning was a really big issue uh that’s why hermitcraft actually turned off their fire tick because I think it was Ren had like a massive build and it just completely burned down from like one lava one one lightning strike and uh then they’re like oops

Yeah I guess we can probably get rid of get rid of our fire sprays I was back in like season 4 so it’s been you know a while all right this got messed up again of course it lights as soon as I go through get out of

Here can I just plug this directly into the dispenser now I can great and then I would probably move this lava over to the left side as well that way you can have all your farm controls in one area cuz there’s going to be a lever for that there’s going to

Be a lever for that uh actually we might be able to Tie the uh lighting or sorry we might be able to tie this lever into that machine as well hello Lucifer how you doing always play with fire TI on never had a problem well I guess you weren’t just a good enough Builder to have your things burn down what can I

Say oh yeah so that’s a great point is with these farms uh you can have things spawn on the frames so a great idea would be just to put a couple torches on it so 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 7 6 5 4

3 yeah I think you literally just need like one torch right here and then that spawn proof this whole thing yeah uh but otherwise we do want our portal to be off when we’re not using the farm that way it’s not casually passively spawning Pigmen because those will build up over time

Because there’s no mob cap limits with this you could get a million pigmen and that way there’s no particles and there’s no noises and there’s no nether portal linking so we we really do want this to be off uh when it’s not running so let’s go ahead and turn these

Off another thing I want to do is set up a couple of alternate clocks that you can use that way you can run it slower and I think the way that they that we’ll do that is we’ll keep this system for lighting the portals and then we’ll adjust the speed

Of the clock for turning off the portals and that will give us um better control over the speed of the farm and the rates see now this one turns off with the powder snow out which is not actually a problem cuz that prevent even lightning from activating your farm uh you know

What it’s a unreliable play actually yeah it probably depends on when you turn it off actually slabs on top yeah it’s not a bad idea or how about instead of slabs one torch probably line that up with a bottom one yeah I didn’t think about on top of the farm good call good

Call piston clock is a good clock for adjusting speed piston clock uh I was just going to do the regular like this clock repeater clock CU this one you can easily adjust the speed what are we doing we’re designing a portal based gold Farm which is strikingly simple torches are expensive

Expansive yes they are apparently last year you’ve watched 210 hours and sent 10,000 m mesages that’s wild yeah so twitch just sent out their uh yearly Recaps I don’t think I’ve gotten mine yet are you supposed to get an email with that or is that in your Twitch like

Dashboard my 2023 review for YouTube is here is that depressing oh that’s for son too that’s very depressing uh let’s see 67,000 new subscribers hey Year’s not over we can get that to 69 come on top short 98,000 likes that’s all they tell you top video raid Farm yeah no

Surprises there 29 million views ah it’s not so bad it’s not so good either uh let’s see where’s my twitch recap thingy my twitch receive some Minecraft rewards uh I don’t see I don’t see any notifications for my recap maybe the channel Recaps comes in a couple days

Later it says my channel and then there’s like the number four next to the notifications but then it says you’re all caught up there’s no new messages or notifications to see here so it’s just straight up lying yeah iron Farms are iron farms and ra Farms guardien farms and gold

Farms pretty pretty top builds we still have fire down here that should have gone out a while ago so this is running off of just the repeater one and uh let’s actually run this long term real quick I mean I say long term but we’re just going to put on 10 times

Speed you know maybe we’ll put on five I think this is actually hurting rides right now there we go yeah so uh this is speed hacks that you to speed up the game very nice uh mostly just use this for reliability testing because it is so much nicer just

To put this on five times speed and then run it for 12 minutes and then bam that’s an hour of testing or put it on 10 times speed for six minutes bam hour of testing and then you do that for a couple hours and suddenly you’ve tested

Your farm for like dozens of hours and it’s great you can see if uh this little thing is going wrong which like this shouldn’t have any possibility of going wrong but I like testing things regardless uh this seems to be very simple and reliable so we’ll keep

That and then otherwise I just need to do a rate test of both of these so that one we will try the rates on and then we will try the rates for the lava and comparator one and I imagine that the lava and comparator is going to be

Faster CU that just makes sense it’s it it was much much faster just by looking at it and then I need to make like a little simple storage and sorting system for it uh speaking of all of our chests are full or this one is anyway

1 second at 3600 time speed yeah I wish uh the fastest that I can push it is 10 times speed reliably so at 10 times speed this item will despawn within uh you know 30 seconds uh you know for this one I wouldn’t really recommend smelting the items the swords

Uh if you have the fire spread turned on then like why bother right but if you’re using flint and steel then you should probably smell the swords I didn’t set a timer for this but that should be 30 seconds yep there it goes you building the M Farm nice the

Little one or the the big one okay well this circuit seems to be pretty reliable uh let’s go ahead and turn this off and now we’ll turn on the big boy and then we’ll see how this one goes once they get going it should should really be a lot faster than

That there we go now now it’s doing the thing I think the block updates do help the fire spread because like I can break this with my auto clicker and it’ll regenerate like basically as fast I turn this off like as you see it’s basically instant and this is like a 10

Millisecond Auto clicker or no I think it’s 20 times a second whatever that works out too so I think the block updates of it breaking really does help uh please no self-promotion in the chat thank You appreciate it it’s always toss up the portals on or off when you turn it off yeah so I’m thinking what we’re going to do for this one is we will set it up so that it is uh on a delay so you’ll turn on the fire

And lava first and then like a second later that’s when the clock to turn off the portal will be on right that should work out cuz yeah we want the portals to be off when you leave and working out the logic for that shouldn’t be too difficult

Now the only issue with that is that the fire or sorry the lava takes a while of like flow away so that might add some some issues to it but we could solve that problem by like pushing pis pushing blocks into that uh lava also I’m super surprised we’ve

Never seen a mob get out of this like we could probably replace this upper thing of uh glass right here of slabs it’s just working it’s just working well yeah make an arena and survival yeah that’d be fun actually put some skull down there oh man cuz he hit one Pigman and

That’s it everybody hates you I love that mechanic you have 2,000 200,00 th000 Channel points BR there’s too many you know what it’s getting to the point where there’s almost more Pigmen than the water stream can handle once we get to that point then we’ll need to uh make our streams too

Wide I believe let’s see yeah so really I just got to figure out the the Redstone Logic for turning it on and off and then I want to figure out oh man I don’t know how we’re going to work that out though because getting the logic to make sure it’s off when you

Turn off the farm like the portals off that’s fairly straightforward it’s just like a delay a delay circuit um but I mean you could even put it on a compare to clock if you wanted to but if we want multiple different clock speeds for this dispenser right

Here that becomes a problem with tying that into the circuit yeah so my my thinking here is that we unlick a lever Observer above the lever bam that turns off our lava that lever also retracts the Piston so that the Observer CL lock down there is off and

Then taking Farms work in the Nether um probably but the problem is you don’t have water to push your Pigman yeah look how many Pigman that is we’re kind of backing up our water stream not all the time but sometimes I don’t think it’ll ever be a proper

Issue definitely going to need a heck of storage system though didn’t we just dump this we did oh we’re on five times speed though yeah okay let’s let’s mess around with some of the uh the circuits here then i’ thought about it for a minute

How many portal going to be in the final Farm uh I don’t know I mean I might do like a sliding scale that’s kind of I that’s what I need to figure out really I need to figure out the rates of one portal I think I’ll do probably minimum

Two that seems fair minimum two and then if you want less rates you could just build less portal ah but that doesn’t really make sense does it so our next portal would be going right here CU you need three block Gap trapo lava trapo so I guess we’re going to build

Our Redstone we may as well just get our double portal going break out these Corner blocks because of course you got to got to be cheap or you know what fill them in with gold blocks there you go oh we’ve been streaming for two hours already

Wild if you hadn’t told me I probably would have streamed for like another half hour before realizing has not felt like two hours though wild uh right then let’s put our trap doors back on the side as well oh whoops we done goofed we done de goof

Okay getting our lava dispenser in there might be a bit of a problem not sure how we’re really going to do that but we’ll figure it out and then this can obviously just be moved down to be like right here uh that’ll never affect the Pigmen because they’re not small enough to

Stand in this little area I don’t think I I highly doubt a baby pig I was going to get in there and then and uh you know I guess what we I guess we could just keep the thing right there I guess that’ll I guess that would

Work is that going to reset the trap doors though yeah that will reset the trap doors uh maybe we just don’t have trap doors right there then that seems fair all right we have a bit of redstone in the middle of this there we go okay well that actually

Works and then and we could have our Redstone right here in the middle as well and we just have it down at the bottom or something and then you run it into a block right there and you have the exact same dispenser on this side bam easy peasy such a simple build

Uh so I think the next tutorial will it’ll either be this I I was really hoping to get a video out tomorrow but I had to do so many rate tests on the fan pH Farm today turns out that silent 2 being the one in the AFK spot was like

Cutting the rates of the Phantom Farm by like half so instead of like 900 it was like 400 and that I did not realize that for like 3 hours so I was messing around with all these different variables you know magma blocks the larger spawning platforms oh man we got Pigman in this

Puddle it’s a puddle of Pigman multiple puddles of Pigman uh yeah so turns out that the farm did I show it to you guys I’m not sure if I did either way turns out that farm uh is so much simpler smaller cheaper better than the old

Phantom farms and it gets the same rates and it’s one dimension so you don’t even need you know uh a nether portal or to go to the nether so you can AFK for as long as you want I I was really wanted to get that recorded today but you know how it goes

Sometimes um I guess we can we can sacrifice those too or could just have those be planks something that doesn’t like catch fire on all the sides there you go that’ be fine Peter Piper picked a peack of pole Pigman okay uh so if we have it on top of lava

Like above it then how are you going to activate that as a player because you you want to have all your controls be down here at the bottom right Alo that lava is not centered seven blocks to the left five blocks to the right just need to move it over by block pain

And suffering oh yeah we go and get rid of this and then we need another water stream of stuff yeah this and then Phantom Farm will be out um what day is it oh and then I got a video I need to record tomorrow uh one of the two will be out

This week and then the other one will be out next week that’s the best I can tell you right now I might do gold Farm first because I think that video will probably do better but I don’t know we’ll see depends how much when I have done first you

Know tear it all down yeah it’s it’s off by block tear the whole thing down burn it all uh I’ll proba I’ll probably do the Phantom Farm first because that’s already done like it’s ready to go this one I got to do a bunch of rate tests on

And that could take days and you know I got to like design things and look itself and stare at it for a while and do XP rate tasks and yeah blah blah blah blah blah blah this this one you can just build into the ground that’s pretty

Nice compared to clock breaking is good stuff yeah actually like that that that really sped it up a lot more than I expected it to like it’s it’s supremely fast once the lava flows out all the way uh now you got to give it a second wait

For it to light and then activate it and that really speeds it up oh you know what I think we got to yeah wait for both of them to light there we go all right we didn’t put a capture system down there not a big man on loose all of a

Sudden you need to stream longer so so you can get your your Twitch numbers up just for you I streamed an extra 7 minutes tonight uh but that’s going to do it for tonight’s live stream everyone hopefully you had a good time and thank you so much for watching this entire

Year of live streams I know last couple weeks haven’t been the most interesting uh I think we’re going to have another group live stream with someone that we haven’t played with in a while uh here in a couple of weeks maybe we’ll see what happens with that for some reason

The stupid bot got turned off again I don’t know why streamlabs has not fixed that bug uh but yeah here’s all the links in the chat there go subscribe on YouTube YouTube so you don’t miss the Advent calendar I’m uploading a lot more videos and tutorials this month than I

Normally do to uh you know send off the year with a bit of a high note we’re still trying to reach 600,000 this year so spread the word subscribe tell everybody you know to subscribe uh password thank you for subscribing or no way gifting a sub to easy that still

That still counts as subscribing thank you very much um goodbye BT and let’s see if there’s anybody to raid real quick uh there is not there’s never anybody to raid I think I’m I still want to try streaming like an hour earlier the day um anyway

This video, titled ‘New GOLD FARM! 12/12/23 Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2024-01-01 22:15:01. It has garnered 2099 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:56 or 7556 seconds.

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    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More


    INSANE MODERN MINECRAFT HOUSE BUILD - WATCH NOW!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by RonJon OP on 2024-03-06 11:00:46. It has garnered 123 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:35 or 695 seconds. BUILDING MY DREAM MODERN HOUSE IN MINECRAFT: CAN YOU BUILD LIKE THIS 🔥🔥 🏠 Welcome to My Dream Modern House Build in Minecraft! 🏠 In today’s adventure, I take you through the step-by-step process of creating my dream modern house in Minecraft. From the initial blueprint to the final touches, watch as I transform a simple… Read More