Insane Guerrilla Minecraft Endurance Challenge 🤯

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He You H World’s World mu loves Heres That’s SM World gorillas aren’t Episodes Why Everyone everyone everyone with more you one Two Okay is just a little tired this Bell doesn’t ding that much more Thank you Mo thank you Mo no mo wants to endurance stream it more it’s just that Mo wants to turn the lights off but you scared hold on going to do it Okay Okay Okay okay turn the lights off MO is okay is just is just a scaredy Cow well you can’t even be smug anymore Mo you can’t scared cow I mean can’t be SM anymore cuz we got Owned no mu was SM mu wants to show everybody the stuff mu might not be uh as As as as Mu doesn’t know but mu might not be as energetic that’s the word for this stream cuz it’s an endurance Stream So want still um let’s play more we want to show you what’s been done more thank you Mo yeah tried okay mu did her best thank you

Mo why you fumbled all those hot girls what does that mean Mo what doesn’t know what that means Okay okay but yeah I’m very bad at horror okay when I said I liked horrror I liked horror but I was also serious about my dislikes when I said you know I I I just like horror cuz I’m bad with it but if somebody else played it mu

Would have watched it more maybe pausing but still watch it yeah’s genat are so sweet Mo now you guys can see why mu is so thankful for them mo H that’s why mu can imagine so quick More okay let’s go let’s go might play some music in this maybe mu should play on low very low Let’s play some music okay M thank you if you started chapter but now I just feel like you should take this don’t worry more don’t worry about it more thank youo thank you thank you you guys don’t need to worry about akupa or anything okay just enjoy wants to enjoy time with everybody

More than anything more probably shouldn’t think like that cuz is in a car more but M really thinks like that more so um enjoy yourselves more than thinking about those those those those stuff okay H okay I am not replaying message I can’t take it so I won’t force

Myself I know I can’t take it so I I can’t force it Okay thank you all right let’s begin the video games more what is it More there it is Okay alien isolation why you should play alien isolation I don’t know isn’t it scary more M knows about alien isolation more isn’t it scary he’s not going to play alien isolation play some some music stop giving me Ads I’ll make it really low hello let’s go I am feeling better don’t worry about me so much more look mo mo has made so much progress more you’re a horror game junky M wants to know what you think about Visage more Vis Vis Visage also Mo moved that thing to the

SSD but H I think it’s still lagging Mo might die maybe hopefully not m is always scared it’s always a gamble to join the world cuz you have to you’re already connected you’re already in the world and you’re still loading in right so you can’t do anything if like a

Creeper blows up in front of you or something well come on watching normal m is weird oh yeah speaking of some of you guys probably uh maybe this is one of your first times catching me live Mo cuz mu usually ends pretty early more uh what want to say um expect

This stream to have way more um mu you might have to mute at times or mu you might have to oh no no just mute really and uh you’ll hear some background noise more just mini moves in the back Come on load we already moved it to the ssdo whatever we’ll just Wait yes it’s Valia My oh reloaded in more what’s in here oh L Senai Senpai is in here no mu didn’t build this mu found this remember mu built the these though and then the the tree I turn it up a little more thank you physical thank you Mo okay I moved in here and we cleared

Everything B basically look and everything so now what muu is doing is muu is making an island above on the stronghold what the leg can’t hear any medium by the way good you guys don’t hear my music good then the be then the thing is not going to be copyrighted

More you can hear it Mo you can hear power wolf in the background good you can barely hear it it’s pretty loud for muu I guess that’s why muu is very quiet for everybody M thank you let me see pre-registering for wait okay don’t you don’t need to pre-register anything more

Mu’s membership’s open uh in in a few days in a week or something well you can’t count more 12 days oh yeah look Mo you got these from the Goblin from the Goblin Trader we is going to give these to everybody in gen three more Bo is excited yeah all right

So so far muu doesn’t really have anything to show the baby is streaming what does that mean not a baby I’m the great oh chemical but smoke where’s the oh it’s right here okay let’s grab some bread give me some bread all right we’re about to run out

Of food which is fine we can just travel for food Popper ore guess we can have a little smelting place down there more we can have a little smelting place down there you go through I need Yuka fruit I’m going to put yucas around my Island actually well it’ll be the Yuka Island baby streamer doesn’t beat tutorial whatever we doesn’t need to

Beat the Tutorial okay uh um all right that’s okay okay Mo we got this more let’s go set up our BR or oh wait we need coal more the any coal uh let’s get the smell stuff smell smelt let me know if I if I missed anything okay more where is kind of

Blindy hi there liquid bismo what were you saying earlier about vage when I just got here doesn’t remember I think we want to remember any vage stuff all okay so it’s here and then turn left I think we’ll no what is this oh it is here why I’m Lagging it’s over I can’t water bucket if I’m lagging more yeah uh where is Mo’s smeltery smelter should be here there isn’t much to smell more there’s still a baby in this game M mama need you by my side going to die from lag it’s okay dying from lag is better than dying

From a Monster oh yeah Pai stream was yesterday how did you guys like it more oh yeah speaking of pretty good pretty good they best cute which uh to did you play to teacher come on it’s okay just’s enjoy the game enjoy the cute girls all you need to do

Wait a fan-made one fan-made ones are good to get into a tow hole so that’s pretty good selection I am all cuz Okay when it comes to Toole it’s kind of kind of filtering can you see me no I can’t yeah kind of like

Um I like how a lot of people uh can’t really into chest game to stream I don’t think so oh oh this guy hello Mr SL slim stupid slime stupid slimes wo are there more slimes oh that’s just a goblin wo oh it’s over there okay um is enough maybe

Wa why you guys keep say Goblin D Mo aren’t you guys supposed to be like super old or something you guys just laughing as Old Men Mo oh what is lagging are you guys laughing as old man why is Mo we forgot where the where the exit was

More uh m is kind of stuck H beating the video game I’m not beating Minecraft I’m just taking it easy and all where is the area out of here more not here for sure um m is a little lost I guess Mo can show you run before

Leaving over here there’s a huge Library more M doesn’t want to destroy these places cuz it’s really pretty over here wel all no already done looting everything though so mu doesn’t need to do anything here anymore it took a while though yeah oh yeah another movement

Tech you can do in Minecraft is you have to get the timing right or else you’re going to get stuck so in these you have to just Spam space bar that’s how you that’s why in a lot of um caves like you know those caves just go that down

Then it’s a Stairway down I always make sure there’s enough space to do the stair stair space bar spell Mo Mo’s exping I am just helping out I just helping Out Oh there it is look wait what time is it let’s go sleep first this is my bedroom I like bookshelves because muu likes POI like P Pat knowledge and mu wants to surround herself in bookshelves and remind herself of her life more look we have some animals here

Already yeah’s feeling better thank you for asking me Eric thank you Mo a bunny be three now cuz you make them do the do where’s the third one whatever all mu is going to terraform this to be to look better than a flat space okay Mo wants to cover the entire thing

So it’s like a it’s like a pretty place oh man really where’s the s yeah and wants to surround it with like a glass globe kind of like a greenh house more uh library is around here G build this Z no M’s not going to build a Zoo it’s velia 3 the mod pack mo mo thank you Mo Okay the reason why I give myself the tinest space for my bed is because I like tiny spaces okay there’s something about tiny spaces that make me make me happy it’s like I don’t know I know

There’s like people that are scared of tiny spaces but mu loves tiny spaces no it’s kind of like you just feel that you’re uh nothing is uncertain kind of thing this is Minecraft dungeons nothing is uncertain and you know what your surroundings are no I mean More H what was I making you got chest cute youa chest is so cute it’s like a chocolate chocolate chest mom you got chest hello I don’t know there’s something comfy about being in a corner like you can’t go back any more than that this is the gorilla Mo no I don’t have claustrophobia I don’t think so more though it is kind of guess it I don’t know it must be human uh human cow uh

Instinct when it comes to like being hold on just going to go do some exploring cuz mu doesn’t want to keep building why there there’s some stuff here I think it’s oil yeah it’s oil M doesn’t know exactly what it’s for it’s probably for some mechanism stuff no Yeah this part of the Mod Mo mint oh hi Em my name is emo emo is mean meaning smile was it no it’s not better Minecraft it’s Valia 3 wait mu is going to put that there in the in the girly font more is happy to just be streaming

Honestly I don’t know there’s a lot of stuff to be grateful for nowadays especially oh is there Flint somewhere give’s some Flint here you’re you’re right you’re right grateful I’m not that sheep all sheep must die whenever mu says sheep mu just remembers that time when we was uh venting about

Um maybe some gravel here what did I say when pyus hi a you’re so cute what a cute little thing okay what was talking salt what was I talking about I don’t want to use my Yuka wood kill this oh yeah we was venting about about um about people uh griefing in

Um in drg cuz freaking ZF told them to do it if you want to grief somebody do it your do it because you want to grief don’t do it because some YouTuber told you to okay Mo don’t be sheep that’s what mu always remembers when mu says sheep don’t be

Sheep oh yeah’s making this in other words please be [Laughter] true in other words I love you should be is no just if you’re going to grief do it because you want no don’t do it because some V vtuber YouTuber told you to them all all right let’s get out of

Here Mo came from there so Mo’s uh food pack is still looking pretty healthy good but the thing with killing animals near water is that they have an AI now that makes them run in the water if they’re on fire it’s kind of pain to do that now my oi

S uh really used to watch Seth but Seth doesn’t really that has ghost riders now no no he doesn’t know very well actually wow that is loud doesn’t even see Borge okay well if he if he doesn’t have Ghost Riders all he does is doesn’t know doesn’t know more youa stuff more what’s

That what hello I’m out of here this kindy looks like a cow there’s so many whoa I want it whoa of course the great alchemical purple smoke get all the loot more this thing never stood a chance what’s over here nothing honestly honestly it’s what they get what they get I make the

Real what is this rich soil spider eyes thank you for telling me more don’t of you guys play Minecraft mod modded Minecraft good no no what is wrong with you why are you trying to jump on me while I was Sleeping um Okayo with me oh I see it’s like four that’s so smart Mo that’s so smart it doesn’t even look like it’s four taken out four blocks more what die okay what how does it does it spread to me or something because I’m in Grass I think it spreads to

Me that that’s what’s that’s the sound that emu emu make that’s creepy what dropped Mo oh these things he doesn’t care about this stuff uh is flammable well everything is flammable it just depends like is not going to say anything anymore cuz you guys are going to be like

N I guess I can steal the ha bals um shut up we can get more um bread like this more Mo what breaks these things fast a hole there’s like a hole tool next to it ow sorry for intruding okay we’ll do that then Yes two in a row two streams in a r no but yeah um mu can only make like streams like that possible if mu is like not overly paranoid about stuff cuz when mu is trying to do creative content like uh yesterday stream M always feels worried I don’t

Know M has anxiety issues I think well we always okay mu always wants to make like the stream fun Mo and M thinks that m is not really a fun person Mo so we wants to at least give it her all that’s why it’s so it’s so it’s so anxiety inducing

Thank you Mo but my brain still going to think something else okay that’s just this is how it’s going to be what yeah but Mo still wants to do creative streams CU it’s really fun for Mu it’s just it’s just it just scares muu cuz mu is scared that muu has fun with

It but maybe mini M won’t like it as much as muu likes it and mu always earn like aims for everybody to have a good time that’s why elephant who hi what’s wrong guys are so loud m m thank you wo carrots and onions Al onion cute Mo another Village moall pretty good

Right yeah so far but I mean you know everybody makes mistakes I’m always just kind of waiting for that mistake to hit I guess it’s kind of you know so stuff like this is really like one of the times that movie can really have a heart to heart with everybody

More we hope that it’s not too much of a whiplash though I don’t think it is much because like even when mu’s having fun mu is still being herself I guess yeah don’t wor Mo still try hard apple by okay leave oh wow that’s all right m is going

To start killing things then well we have to empty our inventory too so that it’s not too much of a waste whenever muu goes there my favorite never be afraid to do something different because what makes us watch the stream is you thank you we really appreciates kind words like

That we just really thankful to have this because it’s basically like a space for Mo to let out the C cretive stuff that she thinks about and other than that like it’s just a place for all of us to have fun and kind of forget about everything you know what I mean

Well I’m always grateful for that more thank you thank you for letting me have this thank you I’m I’m late because work sucks and traffic makes me want to microwave myself my da my Dave my day is saved though because we’re still streaming thanks for giving me something to be

Happy about on a tough day like this I’m sorry you’re having a tough day Mo sorry you’re having a tough day well now you can have fun Mo thinks that it’s always always important for people to have their own time like in their own homes and stuff

Well cuz if you don’t have that we think you’re going to go insane oh yeah that’s definitely necessity it’s not just a kind of comfort thing I mean Comfort itself is also kind of a necessity don’t you think well that was bad bucket uh where is it we still not familiar with these

Things no not there not there here can we’ll just dump them all in one place more okay so don’t huh didn’t I I guess that’s why the water is still there more there we go bye-bye zombie racer byebye we want to listen to this that that’s good I think Whoa Guess m hasn’t been up here uh we can set up some stuff here we got on my right Um we have a full sword there instructable pop three brought three So yeah this is a good environment more got you Mo you came from this area oh hello oh oh you hurt okay M has a little tip for everybody t on that’s what you can do if you’re being chased and you know you can’t you know you can’t win the fight

That’s is what you can do for mobs the thing with this is you can’t do this in the nether for example you’re kind of left to die in the nether the nether is a very dangerous place because of it other than lava okay now that’s kind of a problem

There’s a spawner near them I think there should be one because they are uh they’re generating a bunch of them are generating hello the thing with progressing at this rate is there you are then we go progressing further is it’s it’s always a risk you know why whoa Hello Goodbye a there’s

More it’s always a risk because you are risking yourself to be cornered by those skeletons so need to take care not to get too cornered it’s always going to end bad the thing with Minecraft that you need to know in order to not die at all

Is you basically just need to have a lot of map awareness I mean that’s for every game noral when think every game you need a lot of map awareness in order to not die at all as long as you’re aware of what debuffs you and what kind of debuffs you get you’re

Fine happy 16k oh you guys paying attention to Mo’s numbers more thank you thank you happy 16k to all of us Min Mo thank you thank you for always getting me so far MO is really happy you thinks that it’s like I don’t know it’s kind of like a one in a

Million chance for people like mu you to you know have so much support and Bo is really really happy to have it thank You Sak is here where why are you making Minecraft sound like Challenger League H are you the real Fishman or are you the fake Fishman what you will think about it more League mention check Fish Man profile picture anyone can have that all fishmen are fake you know that’s good that’s good to

Think about more wait Sak has a check Mar well you didn’t even know that Mo we will The smiling with Shining think it was over here where is it more somewhere over Here doesn’t know if wrench sure mu wrench s CU mu is a good cow is not a bad cow who wouldn’t wrenched her Bosso is mar your oi Mo’s oi is is you have a noi hold on scratching my head I see doesn’t really have a no I was thinking about it can cows have ooshies keep your secrets my Ois I don’t know G keeper your ooshi you can’t do that it’s too late where is Mu going where is like lost h l why doesn’t know this song we have to listen to that one one song though oh this one we have to listen to this

Lost good I want the bjm to be quiet is Lost Speech where am I let take me back my gosh I thought it looked like the nerd Emoji like it looked like a it looked like a tooth under his thing bye bye thank you Mo take outside Mo get outside more make sure you don’t get owned by IRL stuff more what is that you see

This you must Yori Yi Senpai Yori Senpai is so sweet M remembers Yi Senpai was saying mu I’m sorry that because uh I have a stream at that time I’m sorry it’s it’s colliding with your stream and we was so touched by it more it’s so sweet Mo y Senai is really nice

Mo yeah aable yeah very very cute also m going to open o another R Stone where’s theone that you had more oh I guess it can be like it can be like oopsie it can be like it can be like is M okay it can be like

Checkpoints more and then we just delete it like we just get rid of it a stop MO is trying to sleep we keep going in that direction what the doesn’t want these though it takes off inventory space ah I don’t want to steal I’m a good cow I only steal from good houses

Monitor what is this computer tool look at you nerd computer scientist can I not steal you where is GL what I need to link it that’s interesting I don’t want to touch that yet though I wants to get like rice cabbage m is not going to fall for it

M’s not going to fall for it where is not going to fall for it where is not going to fall for it mu wants to travel first before before actually playing the game okay please why why are they all so mean to me just because I steal from them

Doesn’t mean they get to be mean to meore ah M doesn’t want to get it well just lag the server with more entities on the ground ah can we climb these they just slow down fall then oh they’re just useless just there to obstruct Vision these things suck whoa no

Spanish we doesn’t want to throw that but we want inventory space we can probably probably farm for it some other time more oh L more tomato oh oh no this is triggering mu’s Mu wants to become a farmer now Mo well he’s not going to become a

Farmer now going to become a farmer now going to become a farmer now going to become a farmer now going to become a farmer no mu wasn’t even a farmer cow but M has been an alchemical cow whoo whoa no no [Laughter] no oh my gosh what okay stay away from those

Things Red Crab it’s a it’s a damal her we already has the blue one the Shogun Cur oh I’m sorry I’m sorry sounds weird H sorry oh we want to plant these can I no I’m sorry Amo Terry bossoms Red Lotus has pretty particle effect small T beat cabbage more Cabbage oh yeah that’s pretty cool um what is this lavender where there’s a lot of lavender oh yeah has optify now Mo so you can did you see that I this one of those floating islands also why the hell is an alligator out like this small W this is pretty cute

Is just collecting flowers Mo this isn’t how it’s supposed to go I don’t want to have cherry blossoms though more cuz Mo wants to have all yucas like all Yuka trees salt water oh jeez why doesn’t like those okay okay oh hello a platypus he’s so cute and I

Make no what do I even do with banana stocks then did you just plant them like that I think I just plant them like that I think yeah it’s not very all right all right no what please all right May Foree get and Who doin do doin I’m entering your house let me it has to be a bed here all right since your house doesn’t have a Bed all right we got it whoa I got scared just jump scared cow what they just started spawning that’s weird they’re fake cows W he’s excited to to to plant some rice but mu wants to make the island more however mu also wants more stuff so that’s why muu is traveling like this if you’re ever caught with a place like this you want to get up want to get up top please do

This is a safer Place Oo we can okay let’s build from there no I don’t know I’m lagging I’m lagging no I’m lagging I can’t pull it off okay let’s just go up I’m a weakling all right so we can we can try to build ah oh my God I’m not

Maining ah I’m Ling I’m scared I think I’m going to die all right all right more than so sadness in my heart the best thing I could do is end it all leave forever what’s done is done it feels so bad once was happy now it’s sad I’ll

Never Love Again my world is ending I wish I could back time cuz now the guilt is all mine live without the trust from those you Love you can’t forget love and pride because of it’s Inside three more trees more wood is required more gold that’s that was more gold is required It all returns to nothing just Keep you know that blood elf in Warcraft I don’t if those blood El anymore but something like that those blood elves we remember when we was a little calf we used to idolize that guy the guy that was like 1 plus 2 plus three what do you

Want we used to idolize him as a kid and would’ be like doing that yeah I’ll have it up in no time hello if I had a stack I would have okay I got something but was it worth it may this it was worth it it wasn’t worth it place

Sucks I thought there would be like something you know like I don’t know something I thought that would be that was that was a bust we’re out of here what is that some weird stuff going on man I can’t water bucket nowadays I really have turned into the

Scrub I have turned into who I used to Lo and make fun of it’s all over for me yeah I’m washed up I do the thing washed up mean something else I was a kid little little calf oo Wild Flower want Wild Flower hi oh I tried I tried good morning

Mu mu is playing Valia three you can be an elephant too more just not in size Maybe M feels like those I don’t know those brain dead things no more there’s more monkey monkey oh see go is this an axe yes okay more I’m more of a builder explor G

Gerder I think I’m more of an Explorer M doesn’t really die at all some M doesn’t mind exploring at all it it comes down to like how much exploring though ah ah s MO uh music is really random [Laughter] [Laughter] huh I’m sorry no stop listening to Mario’s music Mario’s music is very

Weird well it’s not really weird it’s more too random I know the boat has treasure but I don’t feel like it it’s going to give me like a treasure map and I’m going to be like um how do I read this oh Village well you didn’t see that is that a

Village my weirdest Bgm my weirdest bgm would probably be whoa oh there’s more of these things just need it I should have a wayo here Evening Carried Away by Moonlight Shadow whoa that’s what a kill is for it’s not for apple pie more mud ball nerd nerd MO is not like you far away on the other side no KCK oh it’s kurak kurak far away on the other side takes one to No One BL takes one to

No one I don’t care I don’t care what your S no you guys are all nerds too ah Mo wants to wants to do stuff like forming but we has to make the island first mo mo mo yeah you’re all nerds oh m is back here how’ that happen

Uh my thinks she’s too L to get the but I guess we can take it can you go away oh that’s what happens when you try to steal from me what’s wrong can’t steal anymore that’s what happens I’m sorry I don’t like the r more how am I cow posting how is the

Great H chemical purple smoke cowp posting not compos D I don’t know I just feel like not double clicking I can do it like you know I don’t know I don’t feel like it like I like it feels more satisfying to take it from the chest from the quest from the chest my think we’ll just eat these

Um I don’t have any wood more Be My Bad Boy you guys want to be my bad boy there reminds me of be My usually the fan base is a reflection of V of the vtuber nerd no I don’t know that well I don’t know how you guys are such big nerds while I’m such an alpha Chad how’d that happen I guess you guys just want to be what you can’t be H

What what does that [Laughter] mean didn’t even know what was going on are you kidding me I’m going to run out of levels the night of war and fire Holy One them on the fire to defend to command to the Holy the end will stand we are fighting for theyum in the name of God in the name of God go toen now my UK tree can’t be alone anymore what how do I plant this why can’t I plant it man man to the Holy down we are fighting for they Inum uh now you guys can hear uh background music from the Mini Moon neighbors more the Mini Moon neighbors really loud at this time very very loud oh you can’t but it’s really loud for meimo yeah minimo neighbors are really loud at this time okay mu is not going to collect anym

Banana stuff please remind mu if mu collects any of them but yeah K blam let’s go does anyone even say ker blam [Laughter] anymore oh Bluey nice I don’t ever say that mu remember saying it maybe because mu was a nerd was was not is when you was not is this reminder

It’s reminder that it’s a was thing not an is thing excuse me oh is this Song where is the way up whatever I’ll just get a bunch of mobs die didn’t IO Die D PGE all you oo if you step on it waa this is like you know what you’re not that bad we will get some of you you can collect them all right all right don’t worry the great uh I need to pee help help when I put my no when I put it

On my headphones why I got caught in it I take no no okay okay spe Thank you James James what is that $1 hold on no F face connect has uh we have P company mandated panties [Laughter] okay oh man Bad Apple we always hears Bad Apple to be fair that everywhere even in uh okay especially in Rhythm games in rhythm game rhythm game rhythm

Game yeah in rhythm game machines and arcade yeah um we likes the song listen to this Wants to cover this Song all I guess there a way to get XP More and cover it just thinking about it it’s kind of like it’s kind of like it’s kind of like a what’s it kind of like a GF song though it’s like a Yonder GF song is not a Yonder GF though you guys are going to get massive wh blash

Mo but I guess this sweet love was well wasn’t even you Know why don’t you run from me venis venon venan waa hi there it killed the fish Mo whoa It’s like a lollipop why you would like that Why is there still birds at this time going to get endless cute cute girlfriend now what oh mumi Senai is playing John Pretty good more he doesn’t want to listen to More could wait you Nothing but a sign another in between your wa BOS sen F BOS andai we give you some food no you blind more B Senpai come here pun Senpai Senai Senai Senai kind of kind of slow huh there you go oh cute P Senai no what’s your point of

View I don’t want to know cuz I really want to stay at your house know I’m with youing you I don’t want to know m is already over Ed Runner is more Mo doesn’t have a heart more to be by your Side thinks that there are a bunch of stupid characters in it more why do I still want to call you yeah yeah really liked it when it first came out though yeah I’m see kep being dumb Exactly there’s so many Funko Senai un Senai you guys want this more here goai go Senai here you go Senai I didn’t forget about you you don’t want venison I do the fos and are eating more oh there’s more P sen oh P sen oh that punos Senai still yours fos

Senai PCO Senai there you go yeah they’re stealing from me Mo give me I guess we can flint and steal no see I the eye didn’t even move more that there’s some kind of like there’s some kind of it just moves to you yeah cooked beef no carrot y you hates cots hates

Veggies oh this song makes me look a little sad oh my gosh the Min Mo neighbors are playing their songs loud more yeah you can start hearing it now more let’s see what song this play Let’s see you guys know this song it’s called Let It Die how no you don’t see why

There I’m telling you look muu is going to put this here and that’s going to somehow affect muu all the way here what look what the what oh it’s because mu’s oh mu gets it now look Mo it’s cuz when muu hits it once it lets muu on fire oh that makes sense

Actually yeah look at those fools what there’s a m shafty Aral if I die I Myself um I want to kill you okay more I’ll make it more you shall die I don’t feel very good about this place don’t more okay more oh I can mine here more water in the is it the other way or no water in the fire make a shield okay the thing is

Muu doesn’t really like the new combat so it’s kind of mu’s um own rebellious thought to not conform to it at all so mu doesn’t make Shields that’s why mu doesn’t make Shields I don’t like that you can be there but I don’t want it there I feel like there’s something important here

Got a compromise ah okay um there’s nothing here more mu wants chests mu doesn’t want to mine cuz mu is lazy come on give me stuff for free whoa not that not that kind of stuff more why did you blow I was six blocks away from you better with no chest

What what even happened well why do I so want to call you what is that there’s something there oh God oh God I don’t feel so good about this you hurt and you’re so tiny and your hit box is practically impossible plint oh it’s a zombie spawner you saved

Mo zombie spawners are easy be can have a billion of them and we won’t die die die is a death sentence to this great equalizer is the death okay there you go infinite XP no it’s what the that’s right everybody the best way to deal with those

Things best way to deal with those things is you look away and you spray paint it when is looking at OBS right now I will be destroying it oh is not moose bling moose is making a stupid stupid reference whoa no don’t take what the heck what is all

This I feel like a one of those stupid horror movie characters ly To my stuff red block okay oh my gosh I thought I was going to do something maybe it does do something I got scared cheese cheese all right this is how you disarm this I like to show everybody how to disarm these things what what what

Um oh my god there was something at the top left and I was like what the heck is that why do I panic so much this dispenser didn’t even have anything all right everybody look away now okay it’s happening what do you mean it’s happening again what does that mean

W there’s so many of you there’s so many whoa what the what oh my gosh I like you what do you do with these hey yummy yummy hear I hear something let me through ooh oh I see they put it here okay where’s the help where are you guys coming

From am I getting karaoke of yeah I am okay stop it stop stop stop you hurt so much okay this thing has no durability oh there’s no no another there’s another SP over there w no die okay I got this i got this i got this I got I got this i got

This anyone who’s doubting me you guys are stupid and stinky I got this i got this I’m telling you right what was that what was that what was that oh my God gosh what are these things even for oh my God you scared me you scared me

I look above you these things seem normal more oh oh oh no no no no no Dam us I’m sh sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m Sorry oh God I don’t I don’t think it’s oh God oh God there’s two of you oh God no no I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I’m sorry I’m sorry oh God oh God I don’t I don’t know if I can take make them there’s too many of them I only have a melee

Weapon okay need to cover that left block as well all right there’s a problem here okay the big problem with this is that they have both melee and we can St heart B okay let’s keep them at B there so we can do this I guess small D it where those oh come

From all right all right all right all right huh they were there just a moment ago they were’re there just a moment ago more hello come on then is’s D up here’s a goblin somewhere where are you coming from okay all right where are you all coming from let’s fight each other no

No die are they still fighting each other die already let me go the D are Back you can just come back and stop spawning your skeleton friends here come here Mo they’re so annoying Mo I don’t even want a fair fighto doesn’t want a fair fight either more come on Mo come on the great Al chemical purple smoke come on come on come where this is so annoying

Mo okay no no God he’s so scary he’s so scary dude where are they coming from oh my God it’s going to make me go insane yeah why is he so big I don’t want to die has to be something up here no lure them where

Though oh yeah I guess I should just I don’t want to make a Shel I will not conform there’s so many of you you all coming from all right Mo you thinks there’s some spawner somewhere M needs to get rid of the spawner or else she’ll be stuck here

Forever m is not going to become a freaking prisoner to these stupid things um um um [Laughter] no will is really not going to become a prisoner to these things ow stop that die okay this place is safe now come on come here what did you see that

There’s a spaw or some where over there keep that all it’s the dude evil kill you just Wait just wait more skeleton stay there stay there stay there stay there come on come on come on Stay Stay oh you are some blindness de buff mu is not scared of that wall there’s two of them so we have to be careful still more D where are they coming

From where is it we need to look for the whoa we need to look for the the the the spawner it’s not it can’t just be light level because it’s they spawn in front of me really no oh you sorry Mo oh you’re screwed now that that’s what you get

Okay I don’t want to die I let’s see what’s up here there is no there’s no way there’s a thing here I’m stressed out I’m so stressed Out really will this gam be archived hopefully but I’m always playing songs though is really tired more oh stop that no jeez jeez there’s so many of you where are you all coming from must to light the entire place up more timing maybe we should go where do you come from look at

This oh yeah Mo does need to eat more Fore Spee oh you can’t let’s go find the Waypoint more and then Way St and then let’s and back down here two Creepers you guys do more oh this is the entrance mall we just go here yep okay let’s Go yeah so we just need to I wonder if I can just I wonder if we can just do this though watch I wonder if we can just do this like um this whoa zombie hot this this right and then you go down I go down I go Here and then um um why do I moa’s head hurts more has this on too tight okay uh what if we can just do this what can we even do help what the slash IP oh no we have wh less I you guys have the IP we have wh List’s hungry

M May should get something to eat do you mind if get something to eat yeah see what do I even talk about more what do you guys want to talk about okay don’t answer that cuz M will be answering questions tomorrow M doesn’t want to I don’t know

We just want to like what if you guys have some some stuff and then want to rest for a bit more maybe I should actually work on the island Now TI hold on my back hurt I’m raising in my chair right now more No no mu you says MO is going to play a lot so MO is going to play a lot okay MO is playing a lot but MO is Hungry No mu can play Minecraft as long as Mu is not talking more mu is just as introverted as you guys small is just stupid oh yeah introvert is laying On’s back M a La it’s like you guys gave Mo you a lazy Potion No Mo wants to stay wants to stay ging I’m Lazy laughy was it I’m hungry okay please whisper to us more what’s more you going to say though hi my name is the Great alchemical purle smoke oh my my neck hurts no oh yeah moio wants to do a to do a Japanese stream next

Week and we want to talk about the song coming up soon you know you for you has a original song coming out soon we want everybody to show up yeah you guys better be there more pleas excited for everybody to hear It what what what what Okay will confess something before streams Mo has to okay there’s three pH no yeah okay there’s three phases of mu you preparing for a stream first is waking up and TW eing the second is lazing in bed for a while and the third is preparing for stream 2 hours before the Stream yeah drop face pleas connect logo what does that mean Mo yeah Mo doesn’t really do anything more is just I don’t know this up lives on the internet More Mar wants to do puppet streams next week cool but you know with creative streams you have to prepare asset it’s for them all mu is not the best at drawing so mu wants to do it on Ms pain that’s why they usually Ms Spain more but yeah try to get at least

Three oh mo doesn’t want to spoil what Mo’s plans are for next week Co but yeah wants to always put effort and stuff more oh I don’t know just just Out um just had a random Telly pain Um okay now manageable no it’s not cuz I’m hungry it’s cuz moia is sick no is not going to sleep m is going to play m is just relaxing right now but m is going to play more no no no no but yeah I I can I can I can play

Video games for like 8 hours straight 12 hours straight nothing to me as long as I don’t talk if I talk ah I I don’t know I just I I don’t know will you just gets really I don’t know yeah I don’t know we hope you guys get it too but at

The same time it’s kind of oh no no okay okay okay okay I won’t sleep I’m just I’m let’s go let’s go don’t worry I’m okay I’m just I’m just reading stuff reading reading we to hear the song song this song what the is it dancing not that song this

Song but dancing is bling Dancing le le Le thank you for reading me and I hope you had fun on your stream what are you doing Le yes by hello Des I the great alchemical purple smoke I’m not sleepy I was just exhausted hello likers I am the great alchemical purple smoke and this is my Fortress this is my Yuka

Tree Yuka log look everybody I will show you the great T de look at this if you hug the Yuka tree W no okay at least it didn’t touch the yuk plant that’s all I care about what you doesn’t really care about surviving or not

Anymore as long as the UK plant is okay all way all right let’s just put this you know the good thing about Cobblestone is it it it matches these it mates the stronghold you got to be kidding me you guys a cute name OWI you’re so mean to me

Youa youa from Blue archive yeah Yuka Youa M’s favorite tree is the Yuka tree Yuka please do my taxes yeah youa tree best tree to ever exist cuz it’s so mean it hurts you m thank you m thank you m m let’s see I want to have a Yuka tree ah in my in my room I’m going to make a Yuka Tree in my

Room stop teasing me with those ears let’s see breed Yuka no where is my hi where are my seeds oh I want Yuka seeds can only get Yuka can you get Yuka seed look all right no I’m die I want you guys see how about and are there no Yuka saplings

More I guess we have to go up oh the song what’s the song again sh this boy I have to turn it down Not Where am I you are my shinest boy I am Lost I fall in love I’m lost not again what do I was get Losto it’s over here and then you go no oh no it’s over here all right H know I guess we can start actually working on the Island let’s just do that you are my shinest Boy I love shinest boy I think I like H you forgot why do you want to hold on to my puff balls my b bu no you are not allowed to hold on to my buns why would you even need to hold on to them you don’t need to hold on to my

Buns more no my go my tummy safe keeping you don’t need that I need to I need to get in there oh oh oh gosh oh gosh what was that don’t squish my butt oh my gosh B City all let’s see H I need Iron For I don’t know this part I am pressing left control why doesn’t know More Bity what okay um where is it why didn’t we dump stuff where’s the axe no you break the axe no that’s broke the A Oh yeah we can break one of the one of the it’s night time are the beds of the down there my is lost go let’s see ready no there it is okay more what did I miss scary gam stream yes you did Mo don’t worry there’s a VOD for it m You like the snow you want snow actually you wants to have snow but I don’t know I know to know thank you Mo M doesn’t know why but for some reason uh first times always make muu a little giddy I don’t know we lik to take first time super chats Yeah what the stop let me go there you go Super Chat Cherry no not like that mu means like you guys know what muu means you guys are just making it Weird okay this love You get how did I make it weird I said I like first time super chats and that’s not weird at all you guys are like oh my gosh Super Chat you guys trying to blame it on me said take first times super Ch um where is it it’s a no we past it this sounds like somebody that’s called no where do I go remember summer days You just wants to where is it no I’m not posting SIDS I’m too hardheaded for that I’m too stubborn no I’m not wondering about I am looking for the library this is my home I have to get used to it if I don’t get used to it then is not

My home if I need to have if I need to have to signs then it’s not my house look see I can just do this anyway I can just go here ah leg there we go now see I have everything I need I have everything I need summer days not You is this the summer song all right let’s see um um is it better upstairs or is it better here what do you guys think we really like that one mud song that goes like you that what was it hold on uh is there a Koke for there’s no on the look hold

Up is this it stop with the ads count what you have now don’t count what you don’t have count what you have now don’t count what you don’t have fine that you have so much [Laughter] doesn’t Remember Don’t you know don’t you know Count what you have now don’t count what you don’t have find that you have so much I think that’s how it goes oh I’m try to guess how these songs go let’s go wait wait wait wait let me see sing a song uhoh wa has the lri but M doesn’t know

Exactly how that goes deep down H the pounding of a heartbeat sink into your ears a mere machine maintaining a net of motivation how much of my best is left in me a revolution fun fact number one I have nothing but delusions fun fact number two I was said three

Me I believe in me and set my some chemicals and artificial tissue reor cooking up life a bit more mischievous daydreaming delions taking shape of the door looks like I an appetite for this and next Mo went too fast break down all the do cuz it’s a good day I’m finally

Alive is a masarat by so baby unwind so baby unwind fun fact number four never had this feeling before no that any more enter New Dimensions pixel of the nothing can be said to be coincidence flushy bright ideas and a shiny new nor Time To Bra the stage and reach the Infinite hi come one Kamal to one Amy isami FR CH practice Session repeat after me or something Fus who’s your one and only am me everybody loves me with what running forever your curs for eternity stop this tough n any words my heart never beds the worst of all of my dreams are girl to face a reality oh touch more Sweet Amy love more fun fact number five I just realize I’ll be right ring it bring it live it make it my own chemicals and artificial tissue reborn High cook it up all life a bit more mischievous daydreaming delusions taking shape out the door looks like I have an appetite for oh

Stand in a proud despite the heart of a cowardy fighting the truth and shap in my own reality solid results for such a sorted experiment second to n my number one dayance Yeah oh yeah oh yeah wait we has the instrumentals for this and and the and the roone is and the roone thing where is it more notion complete the notion stall hold on where is it Mo um um music yeah Auntie rone is forbidden so

Good Mo but am is am is dissonance is also so good Mo please check them both out more you better check them out for those of you that haven’t yet it’s probably impossible come on they’re so good let’s see where is it more there it is okay wa where’s

The oh I got it I got it I got it I’m sorry all I’m doing I have your instrumental in my PC now more okay Oo where where is it there it is okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m I’m sorry if I get yours Lyric’s wrong again okay okay okay instrumental oh no it’s going to you’re bless me ah ah ah I’m speaking in tongues you shouldn’t recognize reaching for lights coming lie G fixed above the truth comes creeping in from behind shaking a staring from within your bones dancings ref fleshed into the great unknown when the rose Fades your waist away bloming trembling mouth Proclaim how knowledge leads the

Heart astray like the carving of a run beckoning to forsake the moon black girl booming subduing pursuing the dark bearing every Mark of an evil thought Black Rose musing a new dream consuming again all they dare to keep forid may miss AR anymore gazing upright corruption in

Disguise laughing no pry to the LIE Stars gleam up soon crashing down from the sky forging a power from alone burning confin of away PVE away moving promise to forgive in turn for repenting from sin but like unfilling Soul scroll no my of an evil th black girl musing a new dream consuming

Again all they there to keep Forbid yeah what the worth of a soul in the face of all the power knowledge holds I mean so run come growing so lonely concealed in the dark waiting to take rude in an open heart but I’m Ying so lovely how deep it can grow luring Moonlight in like a black rose booming

Subduing first doing the dark bearing every Mark of an evil thought black R musing and new dream consuming again all they there to keep Forbid yeah Mo yeah more more more more more more more butry I just I get hungry oh my sorry again for the background noise More still don’t hear anything kind of want to sing more more what’s that song good no I’ll just eat when I’m done streaming more I just when is done streaming no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Dora you can get rid of the hunger by

Drinking water more bird n soup how did you know mo loves bird n soup is so yummy you guys haven’t have bir it’s so good Mo you know mu’s one of mu’s favorite cousines is Chinese cuine what you think about about about St steam rice steam rice and then and then and

Then some spring rolls and Then so hungry hey you guys stop bringing up food more our is going to think about food oh is so Yummy oh you guys know about big scallops oh big scars are so yummy want food no mo doesn’t want a burger no oh yeah is thinking of moving layers soon Mo mu is really worried cuz mu might have to take a break from streaming doesn’t want to take a break

Mo like mu already said before even if mu is sick mu is going to stream so yeah but mu doesn’t want to Mu doesn’t want to Mu wants to move but mu wants to keep streaming No no no no no no what you thinking about do you guys have any any any ideas how to keep streaming while moving I think it’s kind of um mu has to I don’t know more but sorry I’m sorry Peppa oh yeah Peppa Senai a Peppa Senai probably has a laptop so doesn’t

Have a laptop and mu doesn’t okay okay no mini moose don’t don’t try to give mu a laptop okay mu will get there on her own hard to raising okay listen I’ll give you an alien yeah okay mini Mo it’s it’s if anything mu is just going to bug no going to feel

Bad I don’t know is a little I don’t know but yeah don’t worry about it seriously uh can take care of it we can take care of it and besides it’ll be it’ll be fast it’ll be fast we will be okay listen even if muu is going to move

Out and then you know got to take care of stuff more I guess muu can just okay mu can move out and then get settled in slowly and move the PC in last that’s a genius idea Mo so Mo can still Mo can but Mo sleeps had revolved around [Laughter]

Streaming thank you m but mu already told you guys mu will settle it herself more no if we move the PC first and there’s no internet there then what’s the point Mo I guess we can move the PC first oh no no no okay so the first thing we

Settle over there is the internet and then we move the PC so that muu can stream genius so only needs two days off more only needs two days off it’ll be like the normal Mo [Laughter] yeah no no no no oh no thumbs down you don’t see but m is giving a thumbs down at the screen Mo yeah and and if mini mo mo your cars over A Min mu is not a Min mu is a mu okay if

Mu if mu can’t stream we will uh do Twitter space I guess but it’s not enough M doesn’t know what kind of content to put out in Twitter spaces and mu doesn’t just want to start a Twitter space and then do nothing it’s making you a little a little worked up more

Bo I’m sorry I’m sorry overthinking it you cannot be dmca on TW you mean okay you know the only thing that mu can think about when it comes to when it comes to when it comes to you cannot be dmca on Twitter you know what makes me think

You know what idea that gives me gives me the idea to uh play you know back then back in the day I don’t know if people still do it but back in the day people would uh play music through their mic and you can’t hear enemy footsteps because all the

Music Bo is just thinking of doing that on Twitter [Laughter] more that’s so stupid people don’t do that what game though and don’t say valant cuz you’re exposing yourself you you you Zoomer what’s up with Zoomers playing valant m doesn’t like valant at all M thinks I don’t know valant like okay mu

Used to play CS go right all of mu CS go friends they’re they’re all they they tried valerant and then they all got to a pretty high level Mo like without [Laughter] trying I don’t know well that kind of speaks for itself don’t you think more don’t you think

W Zoomer is way to find girlfriend uh Yeah I don’t know I do not play these sh mu doesn’t really play Shooters anymore if you ever see mu try to play shooter mu’s probably like super washed up the only thing uh mu can okay the only thing mu can probably remember very well is bunny being addicted to bunny

Hopping or uh map awareness that’s it Mo not everything else is is Bad no no no no more no no no no no more deep rock with mini Mo if Mo’s going to do that Mo wants to make it like a there’s a manager Mo cuz mu really doesn’t want to like I don’t know mu thinks that maybe a lot of

People will be mad if they don’t get to play with mu so muya wants to get a manager so that they know that muya is not being biased and it was just unlucky more deep rock with face connect first okay mu has a problem with that cuz muu doesn’t think they’ll let muu

Host because muu lives in the magical land more so uh I think it’s pretty far away from the other magical lands that everybody lives in more so they might not be okay with me hosting and the thing is Mu likes to play Scout more now doesn’t want to

Play okay listen muya thinks that if somebody else BL Scout it’ll be so dark Mo it’s unplayable it’ll be so dark it’s unplayable Mo doesn’t want that Mo wants light it up well lit up caves mo why do want to play in the dark MO

Yeah I know en is car but M prefers to have some light prefers to have some light if the Scout isn’t doing its job mu will team graef Mall oops sorry about that mu just has a a little trigger happy hand no actually I don’t know would they okay with has five what

Think they’ll be okay with house five maybe maybe but I don’t know we played uh house five recently it was it was PE easy but but oh no oh my back come on all right where’s just sitting here go here a come on I need lapis I’m going to cry all

H you know mu you just want silk touch let me senpai do you have silk touch Senai you better have S touch more where just joking more why you think slow Senai might be AFK let meai let meai let meai calls everybody with sen Mo every Senai with

S troll her knows the record Ates for Lumi senpai’s Baseall cuz Amy shared it to muu why is there creeper there Mo oh no why you like this may you will place some stuff here there you go what the hello why are you at my Yuka tree OMG gg10 I’m sorry Mom I will not repeat that phrase [Laughter] OMG how do you guys remember that you guys are also also Minecraft Minecraft try hards like the great El chemical come on Mo where did you go Mo what was I doing Mo oh yeah playing more Minecraft mo is not playing for Saka Mo’s playing for MO I don’t feel so Good okay I think this is good well get out of here if we can find a way out let’s sleep first and then let’s get out of here do has in build up if you don’t need that’s okay it’s okay Mo you can handle it it’s okay I going think about eating specific

Food what you think about cooking specific food wo my reminds your Crash Bandicoot oh that’s annoying my dirt my You country I kill all creepers no whoa what the who no whoa very cool stop that Mike you again eating Mike tea hello mik Tea why is not going to fall for that my remembers I think it was on karaoke the first time that happened no it didn’t drop a sapling m then drop a sapling we have to go get some Yuka trees more okay So kind of wants to make it like an underground thing like the stronghold is an underground thing under the great alchemical land M Senpai won’t reply to M Senai is probably AFK let meai doesn’t hate MO oh Lumi Senpai is pretty funny more Lumi Senpai is like Senai is always saying mu is still so cute mu is so cute whatever mu speaks in ch more yeah mom is always talking about how cute you is what do you mean I made half a face

Going into H don’t you mean all is this joking [Laughter] MO [Laughter] it’s just a joke Senai what do you mean I put all the mini m in here no the mini mov are not in here more how can you guys be in heat you guys can’t even reproduce more

Mini boys can reproduce on their own more more you need to make them what do you mean we can none of you guys can go more huh shap shift you want to bet oh I’m so scared the great alchemical purple smoke is so scared [Laughter] MO no stop that

No you guys are not allowed Mo wa it’s a buffer fish well it’s a bunch of oh they not puffer fishes that is Drew stop kissing mom stop ising you guys are weird mini M mini M shouldn’t act Lo more where did you guys get this L DNA from

More you guys are weird so weird we has no idea what’s going on MO zero idea zero you No you guys are just being weird for no reason more why is chat so red bu there’s kissing emoji and then there’s the angry Emoji kind of funny more let’s go let’s get some more wood taking advantage of mini M no think the mini Mo are getting up on there own

More yeah they this is pretty flat the Sun is going down the sun goes down I feel the I betray me the sun goes Down I feel the like betrayed me it’s like a paranoid looking over my it’s like a whirlwind inside of my head it’s like a can’t stop B here I feel the light betray me Son it what it wish should into Lincoln Park but I feel like okay give me a Lincoln Park so I’ll sing it Acappella acapella with Minecraft in the background wa how do that start again I am a little bit insecure a little UNC confident bed it out I bed it out out

Digging deeper just to throw it away I it out digging deeper just to throw it away I it out digging deeper just to throw it away just to throw it away just to throw it away whoa ice why is there ice here 18:30 I should be able to

Sleep let me sleep why is it 1832 why Minecraft devs fix this now your game is unplayable Minecraft devs why can you sleep at 18:32 but not 18:30 I’m playable uninstalling Minecraft right [Laughter] now come on let me join the game again no all right uh what’s the next song oh

Yeah it starts with one thing I don’t know why it doesn’t even matter how hard to try keep that in mind I design is timey to explain in due time all I know time is a valuable thing watch the time what was it again oh I know time is a valuable thing

What it time watch the no watch the time go right out the window trying to hold on you didn’t even know it wasted it all to watch you go I C everything inside even though I tried it all fell apart what it meant to me will eventually be a memory

Of the time I tried so hard every I but in the end it doesn’t even matter I had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn’t even matter one thing I don’t know why it doesn’t even matter how hard you drive keep that in mind as I just to

Remind myself how I tried so hard the way you were mocking me acting like I was part of your property remember and all the times you bought with me I’m surprised it God so things aren’t the way they were before I think you wouldn’t even recognize me anymore not that you knew

Me back then but it all comes back to me in the kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time I tried so hard and got so far bring the end and it doesn’t even

Matter I had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn’t even matter P for all this there’s only one thing you should know For all this there’s only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter I had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn’t even Matter do also uh I’m I was a Minecraft survival games player all that’s all I you see it’s okay thank you thank you monage one I already have one well I already have some let’s see uh let me think what so no the montages I have aren’t even Minecraft survival games they

They pot PVP see um think oh this not the end no yeah y this is not the end this is not the beginning just a voice like a r Rock in every Riv and listen to the tone and the violent Rhythm and then the word sound something the word sound steady

Something’s empty then them say the F flying up in the air like me holding on the something that’s invisible there is living at the mercy of the pain and the fear until we did it forget it let it all disappear Waiting for the End to come wishing I had strength to stand

This is not what I have le it’s hard to well forgot it’s hard to Something can I bu the lyrics can’t put the lyrics small hold on why at the speed that the next flying at the speed of light that’s where okay I won’t open the lyrics then flying at the speed of light thoughts wereing in my head so many things were left on

Said it’s out of my [Laughter] control oh I know I takes to move on oh I know how it feels to life oh all I want to do is trade this life for something new holding on to what I haven’t Got sitting in an empty room trying to forget the p this was never meant to last oh this mama mama this mama this mama this mama this m m this mama dizzy Mama hi Mama dizzy mama hello love bugs did you guys have fun more thank you for raing me dizzy

Mama dizzy Mama dizy dizy Mama dizy Mama dizy Mama DIY Mama DIY Mama make her sister what the no mu wants to be an only child more want to be an only child more that was British people British the great m is British no hi my name is muu and I like to dig DT I like to dig

And let me think well what do I even say happiest man in Birmingham Birmingham that’s a bad place I don’t know I don’t know my accent is anymal Diggy Diggy Hole I can speak like this though I can speak like this though you know back in

The country we used to dig holes out of nowhere I like to dig holes and get some dirt I love dirt yeeha don’t noral let’s go yeah I’m glad you guys love my H well look my H is so big now look at this so it started from

Here from here all the way over there yeah the digging has paid off wait there’s a dandel in here M doesn’t want anything but dirt none of these nonsensical stuff like dandelions yeah yeah thisy mama the mini Mose help me all they were helping me expand my holes

Around here we just going to dig here maybe one yeah oh on oh it’s these things we need to okay huh what the MU got poisoned before ow ow why should have stayed away no no it’s because when you turned off particles Mo it’s go more you turn off particles you

Scared M more more more more more let’s see what’s another song you want Mo you to sing more Barbie girl okay uh hi Barbie I can you want to go for a run sure can jump in I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world my tiger [Laughter] [Laughter] h [Laughter] Do me some fie be oh yeah M Senai do you have silk touch let me S by the gr smoke you have any silk touch Enchanted items Mo hey Mo was doing this off stream Yesterday by the way Mo and then and then Amy was there and Amy was like holy

Hell and then when sa joined music The Fierce and untamable S Rock says welcome the great Mo you has been awaiting you Mo and then so I was like what the what’s wrong with it Mo it’s just okay okay Mo thank you Mo it’s okay Mo just get your items back

From the tiger MO [Laughter] dying from a tiger that’s not like muu at all more only L Senai get killed by Tiger’s W not Mo mu’s never died by the way m how dare you call me how dare you call my my mama piggy pork corl it’s not piggy porro it’s

Cow cow dog cow don’t call her piggy she’s a coow how do col milky need to exterminate him oh it’s a kado dragon hello Mo M I thought you were in an alligator MO JM well isn’t this a bit too big nowal but we need to cover those boy boy lazy I’m going to ask Ay Amy do you have S touch stuff move yeah maybe Amy has some I’m not a begger I’m not a bger I guess I could I guess I could mine but that’s so tiring inside codia puffer fish dead oh yeah Mo you supposed to get some stuff more cuz the Yuka tree didn’t

Produce any saplings more yeah the Yuka tree needs to have more seeds Mo you want Yuka seeds Yuka seeds y seeds why is making the base for the island Le more we ter for it later Min Mo no Yuka the Yuka tree should be a mini Mo yeah it’s mu’s World

M mu’s aisle that should be like the the the intro for Minecraft streams more well you can make one like a Minecraft music video you know those Minecraft music videos you can make one for that oh my gosh yes I remember why is so many dots small you love

Here you guys the yuk trees ah mini Mo cuz we’re going to be playing on the Minecraft so then we need to change the lyrics too M loves her a m loves her doesn’t know I mean the ukas are also griefing why doesn’t grief them no I still love my gen mates but

Not all of them play Minecraft more you guys I don’t want so la more I can’t believe how much she hates her J Mates Oh your world unbelievable unbelievable no will you exposed him no please we should put a lanterns around more wants to make glass a glass globber on the island well but I guess you has still we have to form a little Beach area around it and guess more real not

Clickbait I guess we can make it something like this um Okay so whoa where did you come from did you see that he came from under he came from under whatever you came from The welcome I’m hungry M whoa hungry again hungry again ow what do you mean you inhal too much of the purple smoke you can’t get too much of the purple smoke more Mama M mama my butt hurts okay we need to terraform this what there’s another one what is this what is

This where are they coming from Stupid Creeper M what is that is that a super oh it is why stream La so slow I’m that’s not my fault Mo you’re probably drunk Mo we need to randomize some of these more okay think of a song think of a song

Think of a song Let’s sing uh what was that song uh bring me to the life how can you see into my eyes like open Doors you down my I become so Num without a Soul my spirit sing Somewhere cold until you find it there and Lead back home wake me up wake me up inside Wake me up inside call my name and save me from I don’t remember this in my blood to run before I come UND done save me from the nothing I’ve Become now that I know without what the you can’t just leave me breathe until me and make me real bring me to like oh my God my immortal is so good is that the is that the song that Go let me seeing it my my neck oh mo you can sing some Sia songs more like um let’s do the s m knows all these songs in this there’s a short already sang this so I’m skipping Yeah Corner Thank you our commander Mo doesn’t know what you’re talking About oh my gosh I thought that I thought that was Something what song is this N Spee fore Speech good night thank you for coming MO Okay AR where do I go with this Uhoh not even sure about the frequency Of Oh man at this time of the day mu’s armpits start Sweating oh my gosh I miss this them all you know this is um we’s favorite theme in US Themo oops no well okay wait no we is not sure anymore if this was Bo’s favorite theme or if it was P’s theme My want another youa chest No we need to go collect some new car more no my back hurt hold on you guys know this Song let me think he doesn’t know what to play Let’s it let’s see let’s it I’m was scrolling down oh I really like this song I really like this song More Mo doesn’t need Chiropractic caramel do you know how scary that is do you want to do you want to try chiropra chiro

Cyro Cyro I don’t know think about it may likes this song loading I don’t know I don’t know I wouldn’t go to I I wouldn’t I don’t want my back own more it’s that it’s that I remember when the internet went crazy over this mall at Le yeah I like

D yeah the I think it was like I think it was basically just a MV that mainly got it out there Or this started my doo face oh I think Moya didn’t really get on with doo that much but we listens to some dog like K guys ski I don’t know What it’s already been that long you’re lying you’re lying my gosh jumy good night JP thank you for coming mom Amy Amy a it the great purple smoke says what the have of paranoia and saw me the great purple smoke would like to inquire if you have any silk touch Enchanted things more

What are you guys laughing at more s BFB supreme Supreme powerful no Broken [Laughter] Heart that’s right that’s what happens to people that don’t have silk touch more you don’t have silk touch so what I’m cute Amy is cute too but mu is the one demanding the silk touch more not Amy

Haven’t heard this song in a While am is [Laughter] crying I want to play a song for Amy let’s see what song to play for Amy uh this song is dedicated to Amy Sami from face connect third generation I still see your shadows in my room can’t take back the love that

You gave you to the point where I love and I hate you and I can’t change you so I must replace you all so been done I thought you were the one listening to my heart instead of my head you found another one but I am the better one I

Won’t let you forget me I still see shadows in my room I can’t take back the love that I gave you it’s to the point where I love and I hate you and I can’t change you but I BL you all so said and done I thought you were the one

Listening to my heart instead of my head I found another one I am the better one I won’t let you forget me you left me falling and Landing inside my grave I know that you want me dead I take prescriptions to make me feel a okay I oh it’s all in

My I have these Lo CHS where I can’t move up thinking of you in my bed you were my everything thoughts of a wedding ring now I’m just better often I’ll do it over again I did don’t want it to wiend I want you blow in the

Wind I should have listened to my friends in the past but I wanted to laugh you’re made out of plastic fake all who knew evil girls have the prettiest face I No wants to not sleep sing um m M A you hear that jeez h so loud MO bounce bounce oh yeah give me a sec sorry no I just hit my phone I’m okay though I’m Fine it’s not going to oh I guess it did what’s the song that has ding ding Crazy Frog don’t worry I got this in the bag more crazy frog D D D D all right come On what’s going on On ding ding bum [Laughter] BM ding ding D ding ding ding ding D ding ding ding D ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding D ding ding ding ding do the Crazy Frog M doesn’t want to sing this anymore Mo what’s a good song let’s See Amy talking to you yes the great out smoke shares her wisdom with you rejoice [Laughter] uh-oh no I forgot purple no we have to sing this okay let’s just work on the island and and you don’t seem to understand a shame you seemed an honest

Man and all the fears you hold so Dear we turn to whisper in your here and I hurt you know that it means so much and you don’t even feel I am falling I am Bing doesn’t know help me to breathe I Am I me think of a song I know uh what that song uh uh how did say go again yeah Speee Fore fore foree Fore that Fore speee fore Speee Fore Spee speech Better I think Bo is addicted to expanding the island more M I’m so tired sleep then Mo you should probably go soon though because MO is starting to feel some pain more been feeling the pain for a while but wants to keep going don’t worry will be fun okay okay

Okay yeah I think I need to rest for a bit but after my rest I’ll probably get back on Minecraft well as Mo you loves playing Minecraft we just can’t help let me pick these up before we just can’t um talk for a while I don’t know okay okay I need to

Go all right everyone okay you guys take care okay mo mo you still wants to we still wants to make everybody smile but we so we’s too weak but yeah you guys take care okay mu mu will be fine don’t worry too much about muu mu will be sad if you worry

Too much more hold on we’ll go back here that we doesn’t get owned there the Super Save room okay seriously guys mu has to go now right you guys better not worry too much or mu will be sad okay Mo mu is strong so okay even if mu gets sick fast

Mu is still so muu can go through anything okay so don’t worry about muu okay any say it with me say it with me one Two redirect you to Amy stream now more Yeah yeah yeah I’ll eat before I’ll eat before before before before resting in bed okay MO don’t worry I’m Fine’s Fine where how do I there you go go to Amy’s dream the great purple red is upon you Amy let’s go MO

This video, titled ‘THE GREAT guerilla minecraft endoorance strim’, was uploaded by Muyu Ch. むうむゆ【Phase Connect】 on 2024-01-04 03:54:20. It has garnered 13569 views and 1518 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:13 or 16633 seconds.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━━━★ ୨୧ — *Donation Section* — ୨୧ Disclaimer: The Great Muu Muyu of the Alchemical Arts, gracefully accepts and sincerely appreciates the offerings of generous Mini Moos. Yet donations are not expected, though once given, they can never be returned. With each donation, the donor will be blessed by the Divine’s infinite wisdom and receive her eternal gratitude.

Staff Translation: Muyu welcomes and immensely appreciates donations, though they are not required! Please note that all donations are non-refundable!

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I am the Great Muu Muyu, and upon this day I descend upon the land of digital wonders, to grace all with my presence and showcase my immeasurable might! My purpose in coming here is… is… well.. I just want to give everyone a big, big smile-moo! But *AHEM* My powers are beyond your wildest comprehension, and my wisdom is without equal. Behold, and tremble before the Great One’s majesty as she makes her entrance to the Digital Realm!

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    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More