INSANE Guinea Pig-Controlled Minecraft Adventure!

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome today we’re going to be doing a crazy Minecraft stream we got the guinea pigs down below me we got Carmel and Mr Whiskers they are in their old cage right now they were in their new cage and they kind of stopped eating and stopped drinking

Which is not very good I put them back in their old cage I think it’s due to stress why they stopped eating a drinking so I put him in their old cage and they started eating a drinking again so we’re just going to leave him in

There cuz I don’t want to cause him any more stress we might be trying to switch back over to the new cage here soon but yeah that’s that’s why they’re in their old cage and then we of course we have clips and eclipse and com and their

Cage hand hand shot oh weird that’s weird cuz look it looks like my arm is like going through like the Border okay hope youall are doing absolutely fantastic I love to see the bananas in chat my mom won’t let me get another well I’m sorry that’s too

Bad all righty if y’all could spam some bananas in chat if you are ready if you are ready for the Minecraft Chaos that is about to unfold so depending on where the guinea pigs are in the cage I have to do something different and I am totally realizing right now

That I don’t have that slide um we’re working on it uh here we go here and we’re gonna paste I don’t know what it’s was called what was it called I don’t know one second guys we we got we we got a I have a little slide here that makes it

To where we can um we can actually see what I’m supposed to do instead of just uh instead of just um guess well okay I guess I I I I guess I’ll just show you guys so here it is if we’re in the Top If the guinea pigs are in the top

Left uh that’s I think it’s supposed to say spin wheel we’re not spinning wheel left is shift R is no crafting and right is drop one item um top is no jump I don’t know why it says set spin bottom we’re not spinning the bottom so let’s get started shall we we have

All these materials that we gathered on stream it was just kind of a chill stream we are going to be building a little uh Christmas cabin so if you’re excited for that let me know we are actually what I need to do first is we need we need to check the

Results of the poll I did a poll when I first started the stream and I said are guinea pigs tasty and y’all have pretty much said yes 77% of you said yes the guinea pigs are tasty so thank you CU I agree y pigs are 100% tasty so we have

All these materials here and we’re going to go over here to the snowy area we found um a couple streams ago over here and then we’re going to be doing this over here so and then also I want to explain what’s in the top right hand

Corner over there so $1 gets the guinea pigs all of vitamin C treat $2 gets the guinea pigs a carrot $5 means that all of the guinea PS get a vitamin C treat and $10 is a carrot Rave and that means I break out the gaming pit I break out

The carrot peeler and I’ve done on a couple other streams and if you guys don’t know what they do for the carrot peeler they go absolutely bananas they go bananas and they start squeaking really really loudly if I shake the carrot peeler so anybody can trigger those at any time and also TTS

Is on so yeah all righty guinea pigs are are tasty thank you somebody was trying to some somebody was trying to you know say they weren’t and I was just I was I was not having yet I was just saying they are tasty I don’t know if you think G pigs are

Tasty there’s not a good way to say this except you need help the guinea guinea pigs are tasty there’s no doubt about it we are just going to be winging this build the entire time hopefully I didn’t end up with a two block Center did I I didn’t

Awesome one two three four five one two three four haha it’s still a two lexon isn’t it one two three four five two we’re not doing a two block Center I’m sorry the answer is no I don’t want to cause myself that much pain big yeah dude the only pigs okay I

I I never expected those videos to do very well at all and then y’all have just loved them so thank you so much for all the support in those videos because I think they are a lot of fun to do so I think I think it’s kind of a stupid

Trend but it’s a funny Trend so you know I’ll go with it so we’re gonna get these all down where this is probably going to be our little foundation and then we need we need some we need some sort of floor um we will put we will put some sort of

Staircase there before you know it’s over looking good so far well thank you so much the the bigger the bigger the Gap the taster the tastier the pick maybe I don’t know about that I have I have ever pay attention to the Gat size versus The

Taste I do know that Mr whis could be pretty tasty though that’s the general cons if you like yeah put an orange in the chat some you said I say go for it how much Subs did you get from that 100 million VI short oh I don’t know I

Still can’t believe that that video has 100 million views you guys know how many people that is that is a ridiculous amount of people it’s a mindboggling amount of people so thank you so much you’re trying to save the guinea pigs from what what what are you

Trying to save them from if you’re trying to save them from being eaten there’s no point they’ve been eaten so many times thankfully they have thankfully they have a lot of lives they have more lives than your cat so I’m just I’m glad about that so I’m just glad that they’re doing good

It’s so nice that I can jump this stream last stream we did basically a no jump challenge if I jumped I had to take a shot of wheat grass it’s like grass but tastes worse it’s supposed to be really healthy for you but I don’t know man it was kind of

Nasty not kind of nasty it was nasty I’m sorry it was nasty nasty so I um yeah I I don’t really recommend it as far as um The Taste but the stream did do well and I I edited that v i edited that stream in down to a video just to the best

Moments so if y’all want to see that stream in in a nice condensed format there is a new long form on my channel that you can watch that guinea pegs have a giant G they kind of do they kind of kind of do I don’t the the other

Like rodent that has a giant Gat is a chinchilla we’re going to head back and we’re going to steal my bed or make a oh we can make a new bed I have wool on me make a red bed guys red bed put put something red in chat if you

Think that red beds are the best and if you don’t say that then you’re not a true OG Minecraft player sorry all for those of you who are too young to remember Minecraft beds used to all be red so while I think that color beds are

Cool and it’s really cool when you can like theme a room around color is including the bed the red bed just like it it um it it it hits different I’m sorry it just it does it hits different why do we still have a two block

Center did I do something wrong one two three there’s three on that side there’s two on this side oh okay what we need to do is just move this one over okay we fixed it do you remember me from the last stream yes I do my mythical magical

Magical monster I’m sorry it’s some of some of the chat messages including like usernames are kind of small so if I if I totally butcher your name I apologize how many times have you eaten your guine P honestly I don’t know it’s too many to

Count it’d be and I’m not going to spend the time to go through the videos all of the videos where I’ve eaten my guinea pigs cuz it’s a lot so I’m not doing that so I’m sorry ripped beards oh RI red beds 2011 to 2016 I mean it’s not

Really like rip rep rip red beds because we still have them and you can still craft them so red Deads for life thank you so much so I mean I really I I oh oh no no no no no no no no no I hate this snow or snow okay I’m

Going to go get some leather boots because this stuff is terrible we’re going to go get some leather boots I just trying to make the house look pretty bunny it’s kind of like a guinea pig like a guine pig with big ears I don’t have any carrots though so I can’t even

Like uh Mark I have a question how many Guinea how many girl guinea pigs do you have and how many boy guinea pigs do you have I do not have any girl guinea pigs so I have four guinea pigs and that is it and they’re all males we have Mr

Whiskers and caramel who are in this nice little wooden cage down here that I built with my grand father um they’re in it temporarily hopefully I’d like to get them back into the new cage but we’ll see how that how that works I’ll keep youall updated um and then um we have caramel

And Eclipse which are in the other cage what was I getting leather boots you know I probably lost those in the nether but we do have some handy well more cows are dying than I intended children look away there we go well we got a lot of beef

Well we barely got enough leather I feel like you should get more leather from cows I don’t know I just I I I just killed a lot of cows I got 23 beef and only four five leather we’re going to go to the Nether and get a bucket of lava real quick just

So we can cook up all that beef I have a question do you remember my heart you H my comments a lot yes I think I remember you I I try to heart as many people’s comments as I like if I like if if I like your comment I try to

Hard it so that’s my goal I used to reply I used to try to reply to every comment but it’s just not viable anymore I get way too many comments I get thousands of comments a day so it’s it’s it’s too many comments to reply to all

Of them but I try to at least heart people’s comment say hey I’ve seen your comment it was worth liking if if if you if you leave a really good comment like a a really really good comment that like makes my day or something sometimes I’ll comment

Back has anyone ever donated $100 yes uh we’ve had we’ve have several people donated $100 so you know shout out to those people because they are incredible they make streams like this possible cuz streams like this sadly are not free but you know all good I have a guinea pig in my hands

While watching this that is the best way to watch my streams or any of my videos is with your guinea pig right next to your side so that way when I say that you should cook your guinea pig you don’t even have to go find your guinea

Pig you can just grab him and you can just stick him right in the frying pan no question question asked okay now I have leather boots so now I can walk around hopefully not die I don’t have very much Stone man we’re going to have to we’re we’re

Going to need to make some more Stone guys cuz I wanted to do a layer of bricks around here and then we’re going to do the um we’re going to do a the uh what’s it called oh a slab on top of it there we go okay I guess we Mine It Go

Go mine it all the way around so we get it all I’m just wondering I changed my profile picture do you know do you still know who I am um I think so OMG I didn’t see you to respond well I try to respond to chat that’s why I kind of do streams

Because then I get to interact with you guys and you all get to do me see me do stupid stuff so see me you know struggle and drink grass and I don’t know what else I do on stream okay so now we need to get some

We’re going to need to go get some more stone that is going to be the next priority after but we should do the walls so we’ll work on the walls right now first we’ll work on the walls and then we’ll go get some Stone a little bit later I’ll put some like Windows

There and line it all up here same on this side there we are okay and then my dirt door you have a question do you remember when I saved that guinea pig did you save not getting being cooked cuz I don’t remember that one there we go look at that beig all

Window then over here I feel like we need to we’ll need to not have just one big window we’ll need to kind of divide it off a little bit all right we get this entire wall built up maybe may maybe we’ll have a decent size window that’s still a pretty big window

I i’ like some sort of window over here actually no we’ll have we’ll put a fireplace over here we okay good we have a two block Center over here which is perfect for a fireplace so and then we’re going to go right over here cuz number one I see some iron and then

Number two we can get some more we we can get some more Cobblestone to smelt down to get some stuff we might need to go back to the nether to get some more um uh lava so we don’t have to use all our coal to smel this

Down when do you usually do your stream so normally I I stream on the weekends um and then I stream I I normally stream right about this time so this is oh well we just got some more iron so we can um do that do some um

There’s more there uh we got some more iron so we can smell and make a new pickaxe so we’ll do that we’re going to actually head back to the house cuz I need some that is the timer so want to put everything on pause and so that is the timer so what

That means number one is where are the gigs in the cage so we will do we’ll do we’ll do uh caramel we’ll do um eclipse and Comet so eclipse and Comet they are both like in the uh for me it’s the right bottom corner which means bottom right drop one item now

That’s that’s great we have seeds oh thank the Lord seeds goodbye seeds you’ll be missed and the next thing you got to do we are not done we’re not done we’re not done you that we are done we are not done now we have one more thing this is a box

Of presents some are for me some are for the guinea pigs some are for you you yes you the viewer so every every time the timer goes off we’re going to be opening one of these streams oh one of these packages I can’t talk we’re g to open this rather odd

Shaped package right here everybody guess everybody guess what um guess guess what it is guess what it is um the gine pigs are in their old cage yes um the gine pigs are in their old cage because they stopped eating in the older in the new

Cage and then I put them in their old cage and they started eating again so yeah what do we think this is it’s very cleverly wrapped so you can’t tell what it is hello welcome to Microsoft how can I help you okay what do you guys think it is food food that’s

A very good answer a boomerang someone said about a banana a banana you you guys think I would be that obvious and wrap and wrap this like a banana well if you thought it was a banana you would be completely right it is it is a banana

And it is a banana so we’re going to eat this right on stream right here thank you to King gaming for the your donating donating donated a dollar for your and it’s your it’s your very first donation on live stream so thank you so much we’re just going to throw this peel on

The floor then we’re going to eat a banana awesome well I’ll answer questions first for a minute all righty well are you are you guys really that surprised that it was a banana some said it was a watermelon it’s not a watermelon guys wasn’t that hard those gifts for the ginea pigs are

For you yes and there’s some gifts for you guys so stick around and see what those gifts are welcome back to the game what we needed to do was we needed to run back all the way to the house to smelt down some Cobblestone I think I have some cobblestone in a

Chest hopefully I do U and then we’ll also go grab some um more more uh stuff okay we’re going to grab these right here go back over here all our steak is smelted smelt on that um let me I need to throw this in the furnace

Okay we threw it in the furnace we’re also going to grab some more Cobblestone but I need um make a pickax here in a second um okay I thought I needed iron that’s what I needed wasz we need a new pickaxe oh yeah um I kind of want to

Smell we’re going to smell the iron first we kind of need that and then we’re going to make a pickaxe make some sticks make a pickaxe boo we’re also going to go to sleep because it is uh night time and I don’t want to die I want a carrot rave

Carrot the carrot Rave is epic the guinea pigs go absolutely bananas for it it is amazing they go like they they go crazy they start squeaking and they uh it is pretty amazing it’s pretty funny all righty there’s so much Gat in chat it’s hilarious okay okay going to grab all this Cobblestone

We need to grab more Cobblestone because the uh we ran out of we ran out of stone so we’re going to grab all this Cobblestone and we’re going to smelt it down we’re just using lava to smelt it down although the iron is probably done

So we can grab we can grab all this Cobblestone and go take the Iron Out of the Furnace and then we can um be grabbing be smelting the Cobblestone oh I didn’t take that out so it didn’t even smell wow that was lame okay we should also we should make a stone cutter

Because it’ll make everything way more efficient um I’m not going to place down the stone cutter here because I’ll bring it over to where where where we’re working so oh I’ll take it to where we’re working so let’s go okay uh we got all this iron here um we’re smelting the iron and

We’re going to uh do that um where is my hairbrush um I gu we just we’re just waiting for this uh we we can go get another uh we can go get another uh thing of uh what’s it called um Lava more lava it’s starting to like

Dark over I’m using so much lava oh there’s a t there so we’re not going to run out of lava anytime soon are your Good’s friendly yeah they they are very friendly they’re amazing all righty add that in so now we have some more fuel and now we get thr the Cobblestone

Cool I could use some of this iron to make a hopper I know I got I have to make a lot of Hoppers never mind what there’s there’s been so many pillagers last time two pillers king zombie gaming donated 10 Canadian doll through Super Chat did that say the one chip oh

Oh so for context here guys last stream where we were drinking the grass I said it think cuz a bunch of people were saying you should do the onip challenge you should do the onip challenge I I I I said oh you know if somebody donates the money which and I

Would do the onip challenge and they just donated it so looks like we’re going to be doing the ones ship Challenge on stream here soon oh great okay well thank you to king zombie for donating the 10 Canadian we going to do a carrot rap so going try not to Jingle

It right now here we are there we are okay this is the legendary carrot gillet and if I shake it the guinea pigs are gonna go absolutely berserk so are you guys ready if you guys are ready I need to see bananas in the chat

I need to see so many bananas it’s not even funny also what do you think of the Christmas sweater I think it’s fun okay if you’re ready for the carrot Rave if you’re ready for the carrot raave I need to see some see I want to

See some carrots in chat spam carrots in the chat chat if you’re ready for the carrot wrath somebody said Thank you block explosion no not not thank you to Black explosion now I got to do that stupid well I mean thank you thank you for

Donating but now I got to do that stupid one chip chall I like to think I’m pretty good with spice I eat like tons of spicy Ramen a okay okay but I I’ve heard that like that chip is on a whole new level so I’m so conf I I don’t know I don’t

Know if I’m ready for that one chip challenge okay I’m seeing tons of carrots and chat so are you Ready go go over there I’m peeling you C turn around they like I’m peeling them and they just stay looking up at like right like right here they they just stay like perched up there as the carrots like falling behind sorry I’m taunting the other guinea pigs by not

Giving them their carrots they’re like give us our carrots there we go k a couple more for you there we go you see what I mean the ginea pigs go crazy and then like that’s just shaking a carrot peeler it’s because they know what it means it is

Crazy and feed the hungry monster feed them I don’t know if they’re a hungry monster but like dude yeah so thank you so much to both the people who donated thank you so much okay that was that that was amazing so I hope you enjoyed that carrot Rave

That was very So yeah thank you king zombie guy and thank you to block explosion and now I got to now I have to do that one chip challenge on stream so look subscribe and turn on notifications for a stream where I eat the one trip challenge wow okay then that’s exciting

Oh I forgot about them we’re going to do what I do best we’re just going to run away from all my problems oh oh my problems are following me help oh this is a persistent problem no I’m supposed to run away from you what TV and Hollywood have taught me

For years is to run away from you because you’re my problems Run please leave me alone yeah shoot each other Jes can’t touch this never mind he can I can’t touch him I just keep missing over and over again that was that was pathetic and

Kind of lame but I mean I I’m just terrible okay I’m going screen record this don’t worry it’ll be coming out in the video clips I guarantee that’ll be in there that was great okay I don’t even remember what I was doing I remember I was killing those

Pillagers oh we need Stone that’s what we need thank you this video is just made by day well you’re welcome I’m glad I can make your day that is my goal of YouTube is to make people laugh so Merry Christmas to you my Roblox account says well not my Roblox account but your

Roblox account but it says my Roblox account sorry okay everybody put put in chat what is your favorite Christmas music We Are nearing Christmas which is why I’m wearing my festive Christmas sweater and my Christmas hat we got all the Christmas decorations around us new Christmas border so tell me what

Tell me let me know what your uh what what is your favorite what is your favorite Christmas song um yeah what is your favorite Christmas song okay how I put hi I put slime on my lips and now I’m stuck why did you put slime on

Your lips that seems like a dumb idea favorite song is Jingle Bells hi from a turkey you’re a turkey are you a turkey Jingle Bell Silent Night are you going to stream on Christmas no I will be spending time with my family and you should be too so

No I don’t think I’ll be streaming on Christmas I might do I don’t know we actually I might do like I might do a tiny little stream another Super Chat thank you so much1 well thank you I only how did it say your name like fuo

Fuo I think that is hilarious we will feed the G pigs uh it was a $1.99 that’s basically two bucks I don’t even think you I don’t even know if you can donate like actually actually a dollar is like super stickers so yeah um $1.99 I’m going to count that as

We’re going to count that as a $2 so that is a carrot so we’ll be we’ll be they say if you can break care can break your own finger this thing is flexible it’s like a fish hook sorry okay we’re g to um that’s a butter knife that is a butter

Utensil you did not hear anything that was uh sharp it’s a butter utens it’s a butter utensil butter utensil I’m sorry we’re just going to we’re going to uh use the butter utensil to make smaller pieces of said carrot see look the butter utensil slices very nicely oh sorry um

Glides through this carrot just like it Glides through butter eat the TTS I can’t eat the TTS I just hit the gine with the carrot I’m sorry caramel I didn’t mean to smack you the carrot it’s food so you’re probably pretty happy but okay one for you and one for you guys

Okay there we are so thank you so much to fuo I don’t know how to say your name I already forgot how what the how the Super Chat said it guinea pig these guinea pigs are on fire yes they are that carot is flexible I know what

Is that carot been doing like yoga like what is what is going on with that carrot I don’t know um we’re going up here we’re getting some wheat so we can breed Some More Cows cuz while we are working on building that little cabin I want to

Keep breeding the cows because uh we’re we’re still working on going to the end defeating the Ender Dragon I’m hoping to do it before the end of 100 days if I go here we F3 we are on day 48 it’s at the bottom it’s right next to Mr Whiskers and

Caramel so that is the goal is to defeat the end Dron hopefully by day 100 what about the one ship I don’t I don’t I I don’t have I I have to go buy the one ship I said if somebody donates it I’ll go buy the one ship so I still

Have to go buy the one ship so we’re not doing the one ship like right now we will be doing the one ship though what’s your favorite food not the one ship that’s for sure it’s like it’s like Foo it’s like Foo like Sue but with an F V

Fuu I don’t know if I’m saying I’m probably just butchering your name I apologize yeah the one chip we will be doing that oh that is the timer and you know what the timer means it means number one we got to do something because of the guinea pigs we

Will do Mr Whiskers and caramel first we we’ll do them this time um they are there’s kind of in the middle what does that mean what does that mean there in the middle from from this camera angle they kind of look like uh you know what car

Carl’s kind of more towards the top top of right so I can’t be crafting for the next till the timer goes off that’s lame okay well I can’t craft until the timer goes off I just realized you guys can’t see my hot bar at all

I’m I’m G try and fix that because it is uh do you guys care I I I just feel like I would care do the on ship challenge please I will be doing the onip challenge but I don’t have the ones ship Challenge on me um Okay one minute let me

Well let me here y’all see this oh there no that’s not what I want oops there we go and then I need to go back to this one there we are okay okay now now hopefully y’all should be able to uh hopefully all should be able to see the the hot

Bar it’s not looking like oh there that’s there we go okay now back to the game y can see the HPP there’s a little less Christmas decorations but I think that’s okay More Cows cool and I can’t craft for 15 minutes so I guess we just got to make

Do with what we have so we’ll go back over there and we’ll just kind of make do with what we have crafting does not count as smelting we can keep smelting our stuff I’m going to keep smelting but we can’t use the stone cutter I’m counting that as

Crafting how are your guinea pigs doing in basketball dude they are amazing they I think they’re going to go to the G gnba can you please say hey girly if you see this I’m a big fan can I just say like hey girly or do I just

Got or do I gotta like do a voice maybe if I don’t know he’ll say I don’t know what I don’t know what you wanted me to say is that a different one is that the hey girly thing I’m assuming you want me to say it

In like a stupid little voice in like a silly voice voice maybe a high pitch voice okay let me know about that we can start I guess working on the roof I kind of want to do like a log roof because I feel like that’d be sick

We’ll do some St bricks instead of these the these are not uh not temporary what’s what’s your favorite Christmas movie oh I would say my my my my favorite Christmas movie probably has to be It’s a Wonderful Life it it it is a Christmas classic uh I

Watch it every single year if I don’t watch it I’m I am I’m genuinely kind of sad because it is amazing it is an amazing movie so my favorite Christmas movie is probably It’s a Wonderful Life if I had to pick one if I could only pick

One if I could only watch one Christmas movie all year it would probably be like It’s a Wonderful Life it’ be it’ be It’s a Wonderful Life yo got to go Merry Christmas well thank you so much home alone oh okay I didn’t even think about home alone I do

Like home alone but I just feel like it’s a wonderful life is is I don’t know I I would pick It’s a Wonderful Life yeah very concerning that my favorite Christmas movie is It’s a Wonderful Life why is that concerning I’m confused how is that concerning elf is amazing I do agree

With that elf elf is incredible it’s really funny but I don’t think I still I still would pick It’s a Wonderful Life even over elf Al is my favorite Christmas movie Al Al is a good one I can respect Al just like remember not to

Craft okay there we go and then we go back up here so nice that I’m able to jump this stream uh number one elf two Home Alone three Home Alone four white Christmas oh White Christmas oh okay white Christmas is oh I didn’t even think about that white Christmas is

Up there with its wonderful life I’m sorry Bing Crosby though he has an amazing voice o okay yeah it’s probably yeah like white white Christmas is there I watched White Christmas almost every year too white Christmas like elf oops Yeah White Christmas between white Christmas um I can’t

CRA uh between white Christmas and um It’s a Wonderful Life and elf I think you have a good top three right there I think that probably has to be my top three unless somebody else just whips out another Christmas movie that I’m not even thinking of and I’m like oh I have

To change my list which might be the case but I’m hoping not because I I think I think the list is pretty good at this point I have a question well answer the question that I was just about to rewatch an old October stream then I saw this well awesome glad you saw

This I don’t have any I don’t have an axe right now but we’ll get we’ll we we can’t we can’t craft anything for another seven minutes did I open the present last time the time went off somebody let me know did I open a present when the uh timer went off

Cuz I can’t remember at all the Polar Express I think it’s good but I don’t know if it’s I don’t know if it’s a h top I ran out of spruce wood did I really I need to go over there and chop but I need to get an ax first so let’s

See how it’s looking is looking pretty good looking pretty good we can break these blocks oh I could we break this one I yeah we’ll go Dr on the Cobblestone too and we can break these two the Grinch I think the Grinch is good but I again I don’t think it quite

Stacks up against White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life Minecraft music moment yeah dude you gotta love the Minecraft music is just so peaceful so peaceful I do have a turn down CU I is just blasting especially when you’re on them all right we are going to go run

Over here and we’re going to go grab um some the the S we can’t craft anything but we can at least grab some and see what it uh how much we have the Snowman what about the Snowman who is the Snowman there we go that is a bunch of

Stone we can’t craft anything around another five minutes so we use that bucket we’ll go to the nether to grab another bucket of lava I have an obsession with g I feel honored that you Spott well thank you so much you didn’t open a present last time well then we are pausing it

Right here and we’re opening a present I know I wrapped these myself but I completely forgot what is any in any of these so this is our present right here we’ll open another one in five minutes when the timer goes off oh I know what this

Is this is not for me if I can get open it is for the gu pigs and it is a toilet paper tube Stu the thing so we’re going to give it to Mr Whiskers and caramel first there you go no can see it in there now a little

Camera so there we go okay so thank you for reminding me that we didn’t do it um my bad a carrot no they don’t get a carrot unless some if somebody don’t it then they get car carrots but there is hay every R not on my sweater no not on the keyboard

Either there is hay everywhere the only problem with hay is it gets everywhere okay we back over here putting the stuff in we have four minutes until we can uh I still bad we should I have bucket somewhere get rid of that Baden and

Then I I I I know what we can do I know what we can do let me know let me let me know what you think we’re going to do right now you inspired me to get a GU Pig well thank you so much I’m awesome I’m glad sorry I’m

Not words I’m glad that I inspired you to getting in that is awesome I can’t speak that came out like complely when I was thinking like I when you see caramel not including carel what do you think of like are we are we talking caramel the candy are we talking caramel like any

Pig I’m so confused because you just said caramel both time when you see caramel not including caramel what do you think of like the candy or the guinea pig when does the stream usually end we at we we we always stream for at least an hour most of uh we’ll probably at

Least stream for two hours today that’s probably what’ll happen oh I can back man okay we we going to build some do you guys know what I’m building we then candy Cates look at that and we’ll build another one over here CU they’re cool IED yeah it okay cool

I don’t know how tall I made the Cy can um that looks too tall that looks like level which means I need to go down one yeah now look at that okay so now me do and then I think we went three across oh wow my RGB just started working

Somehow I got turned off and now it’s just working again so that’s weird Okay um we went we went three and went down okay I hit something I hit like shift and F5 and it just magically turned back on so that’s there we go oh they’re different

Heights it’s time I’m not fixing right now only eat carrots for for 20 minutes that would be crazy that would be crazy that I mean it wouldn’t be that bad I’m not really eating anything right now I’m eating I’m drinking coffee but all righty we’re going to run back over

And we’re going to go get that Cobblestone and we going to hopefully we can craft here soon when the timer goes off we can craft and we’re going to open another present here we are now first first thing we going to do we’re going to open a

Present we’re going to open this very flat one right here oh my goodness do you guys know what this is you guys know what this is it’s amazing what this is is a code that is code caramel 10 for 10% off of any of my

Merch so this is a present for you guys so caramel 10 I will put it in I I will put it in chat so um if y’all want to get 10% off then you can so there you go now in the chat it says for 19% off merch

It’s not 19% it’s 10% so whoops but there you go code caramel 10 caramel 10 for 10% off for 10% off the mer this code is good for good until the day after Christmas it is good till the day after Christmas December 26th so if you want to get some merch

Get it there after December 26th the 100,000 subscriber merch is also going away so there’s your 10% off coupon caramel T pend and CH there’s a link to the merch in the link in the description can we see caramel yeah we can grab caramel so many wires over here for the for the

Cameras they’re got to like CRA under them and get caramel come here buddy okay we got him here we are aren she’s cute okay I also saw thank you to king zombie gaming you donated another dollar so we get to do a treat

We going to do a treat for you you get a treat you get a treat I think you do okay I’m going to set you back in your cage and uh king zombie gaming which guinea pig would you like to give the treat let me know I’ll give the I’ll

I’ll I’ll uh give the treats as soon as you tell me which guinea pigs um which guinea pig you want to uh do the sizes fit on kids uh they are adult sizes so if you’re uh if you’re a small kid then you probably want to get

A uh small I think there are extra Smalls too um yeah if you get a small should be good hopefully um we’ll give them a treat there we go as soon as you tell me which ginea pigs you me to get try the grass flavored soda that would be good we

Should try that okay I’ll try to remember that okay we will back to the game and uh king zombie gaming says give it to caramel there you go look he got it he got it he got the treat awesome how much is the merch it

Depends on what you get i’ I I’ve tried to make it basically as cheap as possible I make like a dollar or two off t-shirts so not a lot how do you Dono you click the little dollar sign at the bottom of the screen and uh then you put

In all your stuff there you go okay it’s almost nice now so we can craft okay we can craft did I do did I do everything for the I didn’t do where the guinea pigs are in the cage that’s what I didn’t do um Mr Whiskers is kind of in

The I mean caramel is in the top left which means uh the shift oh I have to shift for 10 minutes for 15 minutes okay chat put how long I need to shift please uh please uh don’t say uh for uh 15 minutes iing oh go came see what I’m

Doing I accidentally logged out of the world I was trying to make it to where um toggle that’s what I want there you go 10 minutes wow okay thank you so much for king zombie gaming for another dollar uh which which guinea pig do you want to give it to let

Me know y’all are saying 10 minutes okay I’ll I’ll do it oh forgot there’s so there’s a little trick to opening furnaces you you can’t have any tools in your hand if you have tools in your hand then you can’t open them and now I can craft all this

Stone and the stone bricks okay cool we got a little bit there and then we need to go up this ladder what’s your name my name is Mark I forgot the name but the white fluffy one oh there’s monsters are you kidding um the white fluffy one that is a

Comet I got I got get hey bud hey I have a treat for you here go away go go away from Eclipse cuz otherwise he’s going to eat your treat there there take your treat yeah okay I gave it to him hopefully eat it sometimes sometimes they come back to

Them delete like Del a couple light and they’ll come back to okay there we are how’s everybody doing I don’t know let me know what’s your favorite song um I don’t know what my favorite song is we needed a new axe that’s what we need we we’re going to go chop

Trees but apparently there’s can I not oh again you need to have nothing in your hand if you want to is that the skeleton is that is that the monster okay those were some expert Minecraft moves right there I was happy with how that turned out man okay

Um I was check uh what’s my favorite song I don’t know trying to think of what my favorite song will be I mean I’ve been drawing a Jingle Bell Rock right now just because there’s still monsters um cuz it’s Christmas I’ve been playing it would you chug Ranch soda from me and

The boys if we give you 1 million views that’d be cool maybe I’ll do it on stream if you really want me to let me know but just trying weird guinea pig flavored sodas zombie King gaming again thank you for the $2 Canadian which means that

We need to give the guinea pigs a carrot which guinea pig do you want me to give carrots oh I guess last time I just did all the guinea pigs we we’ll use our we’ll use our butter we’ll use our butter utensil to uh slice some more stuff next time can

You do a videos on how to uh do the guinea pig voices I honestly almost don’t even know how I do the guinea pig voices they uh are kind of their own thing they uh I kind of just do them so it’s not like I have this like

Special technique to being able to do these voices you want carrot so I it’s not like I it’s not like I have a uh special one ohie Canadian through super thank you so much I didn’t know if that one would come through it doesn’t seem like the $1

Ones like to come through but the $2 ones come through soon I might I I I I might have a TTS limit to cut down on spam cuz if people do $1 if just a lot of people do $1 donations yeah all righty I love the karmel voice he is fun

I like I I I I I like doing the car voice oh I have the shift let the shift for another five minutes that carrot cut down on some of the T where is this stinking monster that is plugging me and not allowing me to

Sleep is it the zombie pigman in there I don’t think it is cuz I’m pretty sure I slept we’re playing Minecraft today yes we are uh yes we are okay apparently we’re not sleeping we run out run out cobone yeah we have okay okay we’re going to get some

Cobblestone while it’s night time and we can’t sleep apparently and then we’ll go we’ll go get more of the Spruce Wood tomorrow can Mr Whiskers dance yes he can but he he did a little dance at his birthday party people liked it somebody actually clipped ity Minecraft is good dude fact Minecraft is

Good okay so we’re going to grab some more Stone cuz we are going to need it for the foundation I don’t know that we need too much more we definitely want to we don’t we definitely don’t want to run out so um should we do like a little bit

Of a loft in the uh guinea pig house if we if we should do a loft in the GIC house put a uh put a banana in chat let me know we are crawling our way to the uh to the furnace oh can’t have anything in my inventory my hand

Sorry there we are okay we can we can craft I already crafted the axe we have three more minutes we can say hi to our cows hello cows how are you we ja some food oh yeah they are ready for food oh look at that all the food for

The cows oh they ate all my food okay hello kiwi birds Hello nugget welcome to the stream I don’t know what that voice was but it was thing so hello Charlotte Fells too we are going to grab the last little bit of our stuff grab the stone turn it into stone

Bricks and then we are going to we’re going to start making the Tre over to the big spruce trees over there where’s where where’s that’s where I get my thing we’re working on it a cow have you got a call and called at Betsy I have not oh there’s so many mobs

I can’t run either oh he dropped an iron inot dude amazing I gotta go but Merry Christmas Mark well thank you ducky plays Merry Christmas from the King name the king of chat so this guy is still Al I am still alive that is right we been life for

That long yeah we are still but we’re still going we are slowly but surely making it making our way over here we’re making it all the way over we’re doing one of iron yeah that’s pretty good dang for an hour yeah dude we’re we’re going

For an hour we we’ll probably go for at least another hour so that is the goal we are almost there we have one more minute of sneaking over here which we’re already going to be there by that time the part oh I was going to say we haven’t gotten really much

Noise we are almost there those those are the spruce chees right there I realiz it’s really dark I’m sorry about that when are you going to drink the ranch soda I don’t know because I don’t have Ranch soda right now Slovakia Slovakia donated two through Super Chat

Hi how are you well thank you Slovak yeah I am doing absolutely amazing and the guinea pigs are going to be doing now cuz you donated two bucks so or two I’m sorry I don’t know do they call it a buck and in in for for for you guys who

Use Euros if you just have to use one Euro do you still say a buck or was that just an American thing let me know I’m doing absolutely fantastic though so thank you I uh we woke up we woke up today we’ve had the we cleaned the cage

And then we uh sling clean them on stream but um we now we’re uh now we’re going to uh be doing now we’re doing Minecraft and Mining trees I can I’m Crouch now oh my goodness I’m moving at rocket rocket Paces Tor kind of dark make it where y’all can see a little

Better I have a light right behind my uh computer too so I have like a light shining into my eye which means like the screen even looks a little darker my G pigs love Minecraft well that is because I like uh is is do guinea pigs like to eat baby

Carrots yeah they like guinea pigs love carrots you don’t have to just feed them the baby ones these ones are normal carrots so all righty we are almost at the top of this tree and we can actually get a cool view of probably both houses so I’ll probably

Try to get up on top of this tree here we are look so there’s the one house right over there and we have the other house over here so maybe maybe we’ll make like a path going to them because that would be cool this Valley right here is really

Cool we just have like a bunch of little cabins everywhere cool we are going to mine this down now which is one of your which guinea pig is your favorite I really I I I I I say this every time but I really don’t have a favorite I love them

All I mean caramel and Mr Whiskers I’ve had them for longer but I I I I love them all they’re amazing hi markk I’m a huge fan well thank you so much do the guinea pigs like Among Us I don’t know I’ve like played like Among Us like

Once my uncle thought my cousin had guinea pigs but she actually has bunnies nice I mean everybody calls the guinea pigs they call them like hamsters which I think is hilarious but then they also call them like Geral too which the Geral is like but I feel like

A Geral is less common than a guinea pig which is just FY so I find I I find that amusing somebody should look up how like how many guinea pigs are in the US and how many hamsters in the US I know you can look that up

Ginea pigs it’s there’s a lot of it’s like seven million ginea pigs or something like that I think but let me know what the hamsters is cu I feel like the hamsters is something else I feel like is is is hamsters more than ginea pigs cuz people call my gine pigs

Hamsters all the time it’s probably my number one like most common in real life and just in the comment section when people say like oh nice hamster or oh no he’s cooking the hamster I’m like it’s not a hamster the hamster is fine there is no hamster there is no

Hamster Joe this is real no Joe is this real I don’t know Joe are you real Joe Joe mama sorry um I’m sorry if your name is Joe oh I can finally turn off toggle sneak that it’s kind of annoying can you shake the carrot

Peer I’m only doing that for for for for for for for carrot Raves my inventory is full looks like I picked up all that wood though so we’re just going to get enough saplings to plant these two trees there we are and then we’re going to go home

Because we need to empty some stuff there okay there’s like a wire right here so right right here so it’s still down there what am I a cockroach I don’t know are who was first Mr Whiskers or carel or was it both it was both they uh I bought them at the same

Time I got them at the same time okay that is notest that is so we’re going to throw all that stuff in there and then we have a bunch of wood now St this is kind of the wood chest a little interesting we can throw we can put the

Leather way and the banner wood okay there we go now we’re going to head over back to the uh go back to the little cabin and we’re going to do that now can you shake a bell see how they react I don’t know how they would react I

Actually don’t have a bell really either so I don’t know how they’d react I really don’t so I was just about to mention about well I mean that’s kind of bell that is the timer which means we number one open present open one of this what do youall think it

Is it looks like a fish hooked at me surprise Johnny oh Johnny who’s Johnny I wrapped these things too well they’re like kind of hard to undo sneak I need to go to the post office and sign Christmas gifts to my dad well you go do that Merry

Christmas go send some Christmas gifts to your dad and it’s a candy cane this one’s for me hello shiver welcome it is a candy cane oh shotty a me there you go sorry I bit it bite it because uh the uh if you don’t I I can’t I can’t just have a candy

Cane sticking out of my mouth the whole stream I can’t really talk with a candy cane sticking out I can talk with a piece of candy cane in my mouth but I can’t talk with an entire candy cane just like hanging out of my mouth if you only choose one guinea pig

Which one would it be I don’t want to make that decision no okay need those we I need cou stairs I know how many stairs we need but at least right there there go M that then we’ll go around and then this SL a nice kind of cool Foundation to the

Bottom and then we’ll after we do this we’ll work on the roof it’s the naughtiest thing your G ever done I don’t know the Ys aren’t really that naughty that’s the thing they’re a nice little pet they do they’re just they’re just nice so I don’t know what not thing they

Done is there we go look at that and then it has like a nice little lip here okay now when you go in here and head up there oh okay I’ve been this one Higher that doesn’t seem bright there we go go over here build

All that up and then we need to go to this side too what was the best character in Minecraft I don’t know what does that mean like Steve or Alex that what you mean what’s that candy cane taste like it tastes like peppermint I know shocking right okay go all the way over

Here and then go all the way along should we should we have done this one a third one I don’t know well we we go we we’ll just go across the guess there we go okay if um you had to choose one one game P wait man where’s your guinea pig

Avatar what do you mean like my like the guinea pig uh like like my profile picture from my channel is that what you mean or are you meaning like the uh or or or are you meaning the uh the these like GIC emojis we also have guic emojis in chat

If you remember so there’s some of the g p emojis I accidentally did one twice but it’s fine um you talking about those what are you talking about if you be H those emojis are for members so if you become a member you can use those emojis what what are you talking about

Though what what what what you said profile Midstream stretch okay we are going to work on this room roof uh the I I’m I’m kind of hoping to almost like a barn a little bit of a barn roof here I don’t know if it’s going to work we’ll see if it

Works and then because this is in the little snowy biome if it rains here it’ll snow here which means that it’ll get covered in snow which will kind of look cool uh there we are and then we need to make this go one more and then we should only be like

Three away so I need to see if I want to how I want to do it if I want to just connect it up or what so we’re going to hop down here we’re going to mine this pillar because I’m going to have to just rebuild it please answer my question I don’t

Know what your question was so I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know which guinea pick I would choose I can only pick one I don’t know yeah we’ll just we’ll just con it up I like I I I I genuinely can’t make that decision I’m like I just

There’s too many I I love them all I can’t just pick one I can’t pick one I’m sorry Mark can I tell to raise you up you put B cuz you get knocked out what how is that a RZ line I’m so confused cuz because I knocked you out cu you got knocked

Out how I if that if that is supposed to be a pickup line that is a terrible pickup line it just sounds like you’re insulting me maybe you’re not trying to but it just that don’t Yeet your axe across the the room it’s not very nice oh look some

Lights we can mine all these too what’s your favorite guinea pig emoji um I probably like the cheese Pig one the cheese Pig one is pretty cute but Mr Whiskers in a party hat is also cute so but I’d probably see the cheese Pig it’s kind of it’s

Fun everybody else loves seems to love the cheese pig to okay we’re going to finish this roof and then we will uh we will sleep are you going a chair yes in a chair I’m not just like levitating does it look like I’m standing up I don’t know I

Don’t think it looks like I’m standing up I don’t know because I’m sitting down so oh are you kidding we ran out of wood we ran out of wood I’m G to have to go get more uh think why are we putting goat cheese in chat oh no got cheese I’m

Confused the bed’s too far away you’re on top of the bed H bro Minecraft is the best but you should try like go fortnite I might it looks I I I I’ve actually never played normal fortnite but Lego fortnite does look pretty cool it kind of looks like it

Looks like almost like a mix of like Lego worlds and fortnite what gaming setup do you have so I’m using my MacBook Pro with a custom mechanical keyboard and a mouse that’s how that’s working not me most uh maybe we’ll just have a little window there we’re completely out

Of spruce food so we really got to go get some more I have more on yeah we’ll make another axe while we’re here cuz we’re probably this one’s probably going to break when we’re getting the spruce trees but we ran out of spruce wood so we got to go get some

More another pickup line okay fine it better not be terrible like the last one are you a keyboard cuz you’re my type Okay Lego fortnite or like 2017 fortnite I don’t know because I’ve never played fortnite so I can’t really I can’t give you a good thing I can’t give you a good

Thing so but yeah I love I love custom mechanical keyboards cuz okay here just just listen to this oh it sounds different when you pick it up off the table but like this is like they just sound amazing and like once you get the stabilizers right and they don’t uh and they don’t

Uh and they don’t rattle just it’s just so nice Lego fortnite do look pretty cool yeah you need to stream on fortnite playing for playing fortnite for the first time but my guinea pigs control me is fortnite on Mac cuz I use Mac guys I don’t know it’s

Like is fortnite on um I don’t even know where like where do you play fortnite is it in um is it like on I don’t think is is fortnite on Steam is that a thing can you play that on Ma I got a pick up line are you a Wi-Fi

R cuz I think we have connection now see that is pretty good that’s pretty good I can I I can get behind that pickup plan the other one it was just like you were insulting me thank you canadi no sorry you’re not sorry um zombie King gaming I almost

Called you like Canadian gamer or something like that I don’t know why um thank you zombie King gaming for the $1 Canadian which means we got to give the guine p oh I’m hi guys I’m mining trees I just realized that you guys are

Uh just staring at my face so we will uh give the guinea pigs a treat uh wait um zomie King what what um what wit guinea pig do you want to give which which guinea pig do you want uh to give the think I have a

Treat Mark I’m going to roast your Gua pigs are you a guinea are you a chicken because you just got roasted that was like the worst uh Eclipse I think okay Eclipse here take it don’t just sniff it take it take go there you go he got it he’s

Eating it he’s like almost off camera I gave it to him though um I’m just Cav sitting alone in the dark well I’m not you you might be but I’m not um so the time that I was just talking to you and I was just mining

Wood eclipse is his name yes eclipse is its name that is right it’s Comet and Eclipse comet is the white one eclipse is the black one and then we have caramel and Mr Whiskers um Mr Whiskers is the one with the butt bangs and um Mr

Whiskers has Hees he has like a half swirl on top of his head and then he also kind of has a beard of white and then caramel only just has a little bit of white Under the top of his head like in a full circle so that’s how you tell them

Apart and Mr Whiskers almost looks like slightly more fluffy just because um just cuz he’s like part long haired so not like a comet is but you know kind of um Mr whis is like Mr whisker is like underneath the hay feeder right now so

I’m going to leave him be they seem to be doing better like stress wise they don’t seem like they’re eating which I’m really really really glad about um they’ve been eating so I’ve been doing that we might try to switch them back to the new cage but we might have to do

Wood bedding for a while before we can see if we can switch into fleece um we named comment on stream yeah we did they need to add a guinea pig emoji dude um they they they have a guinea pig emoji I think you have to search hamster

But then also if you become a member we have custom guinea pig emojis so there you go and if you are a member you get you know chat priority and stuff so see in chat you get shout outs and stuff so yeah okay the house is looking pretty

Cool look okay let’s go to the other house and we’ll see the other house we’ll go to the hey house and we’ll see the uh the the the Christmas house Mark are you an are you an elf because you got put on the Shelf the are these

Pickup lines I’m so confused these are if these are pickup Lins these are terrible look at it it’s so cute we need to remove a couple of blocks but yeah is getting there we also need to work on a path over there maybe we’ll do that Merry Christmas marks it’s so nice to

See the Christmas Christmas years are back already best wishes to you and the Animals hope you have a great Christmas and Christmas Eve well thank you Mr Happy Tommy and that is the timer so we are going to be popping over here uh we need to number one see where the guinea PS

Are on the cage um caramel is kind of in the top right oh no crafting okay great so no crafting uh and then we also need to open a Christmas gift we’ll open this right here this is a big box big something how to become a member there’s a link in

The description if you would like to become a member look at that so this is forage mix for your guinea pigs so it smell actually smells pretty good your name’s Mark I thought your name was I thought your name was guinea pig Adventures um well that’s not my actual name um here

We’ll grab your food bowl and we’ll put some in here it smells like tea it actually smells pretty good it’s got like uh pea flakes in it and a dandelion something else it smells really good there you go hopefully we’ll eat some of that and I’ll grab the other guinea

Pigs eclipse is digging I got to go underneath the camera cable there’s so many ah my hat it’s caught hopefully I didn’t yank around the camera too much I don’t know if I did did I maybe I did I don’t know you want to come out that people

Want to see you there you go and then we’ll grab a little bit of this Forge mix there we go well we’ll see how the guinea pigs like that go underneath the cameras again hello there okay the camera’s get didn’t get knocked off too much much um eclipse is just like right

There there you go now you can see a little better okay all four of them together so sweet it is really cute okay um okay once I call you mark I’ll remember your name there you go tutorial how to get cute Ganda pigs with big yats

Um I can’t really do a tutorial you gu if it kind of has a big Gat or it doesn’t have a big Gat okay dude they are scarfing down that Ford mix seems like they like it so only problem with doing stuff with the guinea pigs right next to my

Keyboard is it gets filled with hay I just recently cleaned it and it was like it was like hay and hair there’s so much stuff in there how much do they cost the guinea pigs it depends on your area my area they’re like $50 a piece um I that’s how much I

Paid for Mr Whiskers and caramel I got um comment and eclipse for free cuz somebody was moving away and they couldn’t to take the guinea pigs with them for some reason so uh I was able to step in and uh take the guinea pigs I I

I I actually don’t know the people who uh couldn’t take them I uh it was actually a friend they’re a vet and uh they were like hey I know this person and they can’t take they’re moving away and I they can’t take their guinea pigs

And uh you would take him and I was like uh sure sounds good to me cuz I like guinea pigs so yeah we got them Mark you’re so mean to me and you never like my pickup LS I didn’t say I tried I didn’t say I tried and could

Said that was a good you could have said it was a good one I’m sorry I’m glad you tried tried and they still weren’t good I’m sorry they were not good pickup lines I’m sorry I’m not going to lie to you they were not good pick up

LS I don’t want to lie to you so I’m GNA tell you the truth and the truth is they weren’t they weren’t I you’re not getting my number with any of those pickup plans that’s that’s for sure I love your videos in the channel in your Channel well thank you so much I

Am glad do you play fortnite I never have played Fort maybe we will we will play fortnite on a stream where the guinea pig control me um leave some suggestions for me um because I’ve never played fortnite so what should the guinea pigs be able to

Do because I could still do the whole timer thing you know depending on where the guine pigs are in the cage they do something different in fortnite but I don’t know like the game mechanics of fortnite and I kind of don’t want to play fortnite beforehand to like see

What it does because then I’ll kind of I’ll know what I’m doing and I feel like I shouldn’t know what I’m doing I think that’s the goal I feel like that’d be cool I could watch these streams for 10 hours well luckily we actually have if if if if you want to

Watch more Minecraft streams we have actually a lot more Minecraft streams we’ve done several of these so if you want to watch more Minecraft streams you can we also have normal streams too but I think I think you’re specifically meeting the Minecraft ones so if you’re specifically meeting the Minecraft ones

We have more of those and you can always go back and watch the backlog cuz they’re a lot of fun king zombie gaming again donated a dollar which G Pig would you like to give the treat to this time what’s the name of the first ever G Pig you had um his

Name was King Todd it it was a crested guinea pig crested guine so like caramel so it kind of look like they’re wearing a crown so yeah you play Roblox I’ve never played Roblox so no can’t I have okay we need to we we need to fix this roof because

It’s snowing they’re weaken yes they are they are pretty horable apparently they’re liking that forage mix the comet is like chowing down on the stuff see this is what I was meaning the stuff’s going to get full it’s going to get covered in snow which would be cool

We’re going to mine some of these while we can while we’re up here okay there now now now I got to get back inside oh I missed the candy cane oh look at that okay down inside oo I kind of like that beam going down the

Center and then it like puts o that is I I I wasn’t meaning to leave this here but I think we’re going to leave it here because it’s so cool looking so we’re going to move this bed we can actually probably sleep because it is kind of night time at least it looks

Dark nope it’s not night time okay we’re going to build this up to the top it’s really dark so I’m sorry oh yeah that’s what I wanted right there was get plopped right here and then look at that so we can have our little bedroom over here and then we’re going to place

Our we’ll play some torches I kind of like being able to see that window though from up here there we go maybe maybe have a little door in here get to that other Lev there we go Mr Whiskers okay and he’s right there so we can just

Drop it there you go you got it he’s eating it right now cool okay there you go you gave it to Mr whis it definitely looks like night time now okay I’m like don’t tell me it’s not night time oh look get that okay we also we need to

Get some sand so we can put some glass in here I need to figure out a good way you know we we what we could do is just do a ladder I feel like that is the moood and then just have a ladder going up feel like don’t even have this over here

There like maybe an L shape like a little Loft up here yeah that that looks cool okay and then this is actually okay why is why is this cooler than my why is this cooler than the other house over there I’m just going have two houses now

Which is going to be lame cuz then I’m going be like traveling back and forth I don’t know maybe I’ll do a PLL should we move to this house I kind of like the hay house though and the hay house is next to everything so maybe may maybe this will be our

Little holiday home okay um we need more we need some Cobblestone CU we need to make a furnace um you’re getting making sounds I know they’re so cute I love it when they make like little weaking sounds it’s pretty adorable um what’s name I forgot the guinea pig’s

Names are Mr Whiskers caramel eclipse and Comet at one point you need to make statues of all your guinea pigs o that would be a cool stream that’d be a cool stream we will have to do that in the future oh we were going we were going we were going to do

A fireplace right here weren’t we we were okay okay we need to get some more Cobblestone and then we will uh do that here grab all that and then okay and we will put some more and I didn’t even make the furnace over there okay we will get some more

Cobblestone that’s what that’s what we’ll do right now and we need some food good thing I killed all those cow I mean um un alived those cows car’s trying to climb out the cage I don’t think so my cousin’s dog is name comment but they gave him away

Oh I don’t think Carl’s trying to climb out of the cage I don’t think so more iron oh my goodness yay we have like no iron so we really need to do like mining session maybe I’ll do like just a late night mining session one day

Where it’s just like a chill stream um for those of you who showed up to the chill stream what did you think of It kingie gaming Canadian doar through Super Chat can’t I stop I don’t know why you can’t stop I just spilled coffee all over me so we’re going to what grab a towel didn’t see it but I just spilled coffee all over my sweater and all over my pants ah I need a

Towel it’s so cold ice C oh that was really cold all my pants all my sweater really cold I show up to every single stream well that’s awesome I’m just vibing with the Minecraft music well I’m glad um there’s ice everywhere too I don’t really care that I got my

Jeans I’m just like the sweater Okay one minute I hope your dogs are okay I don’t have dogs I’m so confused my dog passed away I’m laying with him on the floor what oh my goodness yeah I don’t think that’s my leg and it was all over my shirt

Too your streams are 10 out of 10 would stay all day but I can’t okay well I’m so glad that you’re able to watch okay this actually my first time watching your stream well welcome it’s soaked through to my other shirt well now it smells like coffee okay well my pants are really

Wet and we’re going to put the towel down my seat is all wet too all exciting welcome back okay uh that was exciting I was not expecting to spill that all on me I even have a straw I didn’t need to tip it so thank you though um oh you wait there

Was a donation Uh I that was zombie King gaming uh $2 so you get we’re giving carrots to anything so okay show your to no I’m not showing my toes that’s weird somebody donates $100 show my toes the only reason I’m saying $100 because they don’t think somebody will do it

Okay Mr Whiskers and caramel could hear me uh cutting up the carrots and they were like um for the other guinea pigs and they were like where where where is ours oh that was the timer which means we get to open another present and we get to uh do

Something I know where the G are in the cage so um Comet and Eclipse comet is in the top left which top left is spin the wheel that means I can’t jump okay cuz I can’t remember so cuz I couldn’t remember what the thing was and I don’t

Know wait we need to open a present out of the present bin you have a question go ahead you guys don’t need to ask if say you have a question just ask your question and I’ll try to answer it because if you if you

Say I have a question a lot of times I don’t actually see the question because there’s too many messages so here we go I’m new to this Channel and I really love it well thank you so much here it’s another toilet paper too for caramel and eclipse for Comet and Eclipse my

Goodness caramel and Comet the name two similar appar we should have named him Don easy squeeze in the game you should do an aquarium with fish and build your guinea pigs I think we might do statues of the guinea pigs that would be really cool

I don’t know how how I’m going to do it yet but I think that is a stream that we’ll probably do here soon please start please start wet we’re we’re we’re doing stuff my G pigs are watching awesome there was a bunch of iron over

Here which is actually kind of I must be I wonder if it’s a vein because there was some iron up uh up there that I got I don’t know if it’s a vein or not but we got some so we’re going to go back over here we have a bunch of

Cobblestone now so now hopefully we can uh build up this fireplace okay we need to break of these we also need to break these I ran out of cobblestone great uh I guess we’ll go get some more I’m going to go see how it looks on the inside

First time oh there that looks cool okay we we need to get some um we’re GNA break this right here I might do like a stone brick front because I think that’ll look cool what are we doing so we what we are doing on stream is we were building well

What we’re doing on stream is we’re building a uh bit of a Christmas uh house for the uh for Christmas uh so we built a little Christmas cabin there’s some candy canes out inside the guinea pigs have been controlling what we’ve been doing so that’s been it exciting

It’s always eventful when the game do that so uh we’ve been that’s that’s that’s what we’ve been doing on stream what have you been doing I guess you’ve probably been watching The Stream So I guess well I guess if if you didn’t know what we were doing you might not do okay

There we are there we got our thing and then we need to put some stone bricks down here there we go and then we we we’ll go back and we’ll make the fireplace yeah we’re doing a fireplace yes we are working on the fireplace um we need to uh get some more

Stone I’m almost I don’t have any more yeah I some smell iron on me so still so we’re good um your names for your are unique and creative well thank you so much um it’s also creative that you’re making Christmas house I love it yeah here

We’ll do for the people who are just joining the stream make sure have a bunch of people to uh we have a bunch of people who just joined so welcome to all of you who just joined we we are doing right what I can’t speak what we are

Doing right now um a couple streams ago we built a house complet mostly at a hayil so it’s our Hay House and then we are also building a Christmas house right now so we have the Christmas house and then we also have some candy canes right next to it which I thought were

Super cute and right now we’re working on doing the interior so we are right here um that we’re doing a fireplace right now that should be stone bricks but I need to make a new pickaxe so we’re going to go over here we’re going to make our

Pickaxe and then we also needed a furnace cuz we didn’t have one so so now now we have one we should we should also grab a chest we kind of have a lot of stuff we’ll put some ladders in there we should smel our stuff we really need to

Get a bucket of lava but I need to move these Cobblestone right here and then Place stone bricks there that looks good I don’t mind the stone bricks in the back I don’t mind the cobblestone in the back it almost looks like the fire has kind of like uh just

Degraded it almost so down here and then we’re going to build up here and then we’re GNA uh keep doing the fireplace I don’t have very much Cobblestone I have 14 maybe I should got a little bit more okay if I move I really I like the

Height that it is so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go down a little bit we’re going to get a couple more Cobblestone and then we’re going to need to go down and do um grab some stuff I think the house is

I I think the hay house is one I will be rewatching today you don’t if you don’t want to you don’t have to rewatch the whole stream I have condensed it down into a video which you know kind of has the best parts all the funny parts um

That is part one of the guinea pig um guinea pigy guinea pigs controlling my Minecraft series I haven’t made a playlist for it yet but I will do that here very soon um the uh uh kingie gaming donated 100 Canadian super CH oh no oh I

Said so if y’all just joined I said that if I if somebody I said I’ll somebody said show your toes and I said I’m not showing my toes unless somebody donates $100 and I said I don’t think somebody will donate $100 so that’s why I’m saying that but somebody donated $100 so

Now I got to show you my toes what I was going to say what before all this happened was the guinea pigs there there is a stream and a edited Down video of both of the guinea pigs live stream so you can go check those out I’ll make a playlist here soon

So sock one sock two here are the toes can’t believe somebody just paid to see my toes kind of weird okay there’s the there’s both feet there’s the toes y we now my feet are cold and I’m not putting back on the socks cuz y’all get my sneak peek of my toes

Again y weird remember that one Q&A where everybody kept going on about the feet well apparently it hasn’t ended somebody just paid $100 to my feet so thank you for the $100 I appreciate it we are going to guess what okay we have we have like 50 Cobblestone that

Has to be enough if it’s not enough the chimy is not getting any taller yeah I think that that’s good um we almost need something like back here too there and then we can put some stairs on top of that right there we need some Cobblestone stairs uh Cobblestone

Stairs that was actually over the $10 threshold so what we we we should be doing another carrot Rave um I need to grab another carrot though so we’re going to sleep real quick first cuz it’s getting late I also need to we also need to get

Windows the feet again yeah I know sorry I thought the feet thing was over if you really really really hate feet I apologize I know some people are like like hate feet like with like a passion so if you hate feet with passion I’m sorry but you just you you just saw my

Toes so sorry one day can you do a live on Roblox maybe I’m thinking Some people are asking for a live on Lego fortnite we might do that but I might do a live on fortnite because I’ve never played it and uh the g p still control me so

Because I feel like that’d be comical let me know I I’ll maybe do a post of it uh like a community post and y’all can give me ideas of what it should control because I’ve never played fortnite so I don’t know what it should uh do well

Hedgehog death Dexter thank you so much for the dollar it’s your very first Super Chat on the live stream so thank you so much um and you did a dollar which means the guinea pigs get a treat which uh Hedgehog Dexter which guinea pig do you uh which which guinea pig you

Want to give a treat the feet feet feet are the reason you can walk that is true oh no I just got I just got a thing saying that my that my computer hasn’t been plugged in apparently it got unplugged well so now we’re charging oh wow it’s down at

Like 9% oh my goodness hopefully it arrives which gine Pig do you want me to give the the treat to you let me know so yeah thank you for the dollar um we are gonna we’re going to run back over to the other thing hopefully before my laptop dies hopefully it charges faster

Then it drains I don’t know you pick uh then I think we’ll give it to Eclipse right here here you go Bud there you go he was excited okay so thank you Hedgehog exter thank you for your very first Don on stream so I appreciate

It if you guys are liking the uh if you guys are liking the streams put a put some bananas in chat cuz I think it’s I think it’s been bananas we’ve had a we we’ve had uh some awesome moments we we we built that awesome house over there

I’m coming over here to make some campfires real quick so that way we can do that oh and we need to do the carrot raave okay two seconds I’m going to go grab some carrots so we can do carrot r okay because somebody doned $100 we’re doing a carrot rate because it’s over

The $10 special this is the carrot peeler and if I let go of these little blades and I shake it they’re going to go crazy ready maybe not I fed them carrots we’ve been feeding them carrots all day and they still they have carrots in their cage we already gave them carrots

So I will peel the carrots for them but apparently they’re not going to go crazy because um we’ve been giving them carrots all day and they still they still have carrots in their cage if they still have carrots in their cage they aren’t near as excited so I’m sorry there’s no

Squeaking we’re peeling the carrot over here to other there we go okay we’re going back over here now what did what did I say we need to do oh we need to make campfires so let’s grab that we need some sticks too we need three we need four campfires

Because I want to do some up at the top too um so that way you can see the smoke coming out of the chimney there and we also need we we built some iron bars in one of the streams here they are grab some okay let’s head back over to the

Uh the house and we’ll do this real quick uh do you just post the streams every Saturday I might know if I’ll be come them yeah we we almost almost always do streams on the weekend sometimes we’ll do streams throughout the week those are much rare but most of

The time I stream on the weekends either Friday or Saturday at around this time we started two hours ago so whatever the time that is for you um I love the fluffy guinea pig that is Eclipse he is very fluffy uh sometimes I don’t even call him sorry not Eclipse that’s caramel not

Caramel oh my goodness Comet half the time I just call him fluffy boy because I can’t get his name right look at that that’s Co cool now we put the greates down boom that’s cool um I also think that we need we need some carpets in

Here but I think that we need a candy cane stripet cuz it’s our Christmas cabin and look at that we’re going to have just enough white carpet we still need the glass for the windows but we’re going to uh place the these campfires in the top first so that way there’s smoke coming

Out and then we’re going to go all the way up all righty can you RIS me up um I got to think of something there you go now now we smoke coming out of the top um um a pick up after Christmas something the chat’s gone I’m sorry

No pen no paper but you still draw my attention sorry that was bad are you from Tennessee because you’re the only 10 I see like 10 out of 10 I’m not currently an organ donor but I guess I’ll give you my heart I think that’s a good one mark do

You accept this challenge if you accidentally fall from somewhere in Minecraft then you have to do a dance maybe maybe not this stream but I think that’d be cool what dance am I doing am I doing the gritty say are you are you a keyboard because you’re my type yeah we already

Said that one on stream that’s why I was trying to avoid that one so I just fell I hope you know CPR because you took my breath away I’m trying to find a river so I can get sand I don’t I thought there was a river over here but

Apparently there’s no River um oh there there there’s some sort of kind of there’s some body of water by The Village so we’ll go over to the village and we’ll go over there apparently it’s Harvey’s birthday well happy birthday Harvey hope you’re having a fantastic day hope you liked the Stream

We got com we got comment we can back there that is the timer so we need to go back over here um we need to see the game p are in the cage caramel is in the top right hand side which means means no crafting darn it okay and

Then we also need to open a new present what do we think it is chat let me know I have my guesses I think it’s a banana which we’re going to eat right now put bananas in chat if you also like bananas there we go all the bananas it’s a pretty good banana

Okay oh so I can’t craft that’s fine I just need to I need to get some sand and smelting does not count as crafting just step you got a BMW for Christmas bang I’ve been here the whole time well nice okay we’re going to go up The Path

And we’re going to go back down to the Village cuz I know there’s some water there so hopefully we can find some sand so then we can um do we have sand here sugar no sand we have a little bit of glass but we we need more than that oh

Look there’s sand right down there I see some the banana was so good the banana is really good it’s almost my birthday apparently there’s so many birthdays well happy early birth birthday we’re going to go down here do we have a shovel we do it’s almost broken but that should be

Fine okay we’re going to go grab a bunch of the sand and then we’re going to smelt it into glass that way we can uh oh wow that lasted like two seconds guess we’re mining the rest with our hand we are going to uh can you shout out my guinea pig’s

Bening and D well shout out to Benji and Dusty the guinea pigs is it their birthday too I’m good um okay we are going to get all the sand there’s a lot of Windows that’s 20 sand but we turn into pains the pains turn into a lot a lot

More okay I think that would hopefully be enough I don’t know it’ll it’ll have to do cuz that’s I’m not getting anymore is there any clay anywhere I’d like to oh there it is so I’d like to make a pot a couple pots like the little

Ones to put on I’d like to put one on the fireplace and stuff so we can go over here and we’ll smelt some of this down there we go okay so we also need we’re going need to smel the sand and go to the nether to get some lava for the

Sand there we go we got some clay Balls by the way it’s been more than two hours I know we’re we’ll still finish up the windows uh are bananas your favorite fruit also have you ever fed the guinea pigs if they have um GRE a l uh the guinea pigs have never

Um I I the guinea pigs have never had a banana I do like bananas a lot I don’t know it’s my favorite fruit I like oranges a lot oranges are amazing I don’t know I like a lot of fruits like a fresh peach really good fresh nectarine

Fresh Plum I mean I I I I I just like fruit so I mean bananas are up there I like bananas um the guinea pigs have I’ve never had bananas may maybe I should do a video where the G Pi try bananas that’d be cool can I do a r line

Sure okay go over here and we’re going to go smelt all these uh clay stuff I don’t know why I’m using my little my little path I made that path when I was doing that no jump Challenge and uh I love strawberries and mananas the most nice strawberries and B are

Really good I don’t get strawberries but I don’t get strawberries pretty much though I haven’t had strawberries in a long time I don’t know when the last time I had strawberries but it was wild hay hay is not my favorite food hopefully the G like bananas and

They don’t yeah we we’ll have to try it sometime maybe I’ll do it on stream I have a question we’ll go ahead and answer it if you if you guys have a question you guys don’t need to say I have a question because uh you don’t a lot of times if you say

Have a question that I don’t see the next part where you actually have the question so ju just just just just just ask your question can I do R line yeah okay so I I still can’t craft but I can um I can smell stuff I should do the

Sand first I I it doesn’t really matter because I can’t craft it so it doesn’t really matter uh Mark if you pause doing Minecraft make a smothie I could make a smie not doing smoothie today but we could do a smoothie sometime smoothie would be good somebody was saying you

Was like make a smoothie but like all gine pig food do you remember me yeah I do it’s your girl okay there we go W we’re just waiting for that to smelt so we’re we’ll go back and we’ll grab another bit of lava what’s your favorite food I don’t know um uh

Every I get this I get this question quite often and I think every time I just give a different answers I really don’t know um what food have I really liked do something I don’t know it’s been way longer than two hours it has not been way longer than 2 hours

It’s been 2 hours and eight minutes that is not way longer okay that’s enough clay that’s that’s enough for one pot which I think is enough for now uh we can put these iron bars away we can put that away we’ll put that away we’ll keep just a couple things um that

Does okay we’ll smell some of this glass and then we will go over there and we’ll do the H cool this I this house is just a lot smaller and the house is a little bigger what we need to do is we we we need to like actually build like a decent sized

House so I can actually have I could just make this whole house like a little Barn for the cows that would be kind of cool it does kind of look like a barn I mean both of them kind of look like barns they have like a barn roof so I

Any glass any of these no glass oh here there’s some pains okay we’ll leave that smelt and we have another bu of lava in here we’ll take that over and we’ll smelt the rest of the clay over there um we have three more minutes until we can um

Until we can um what’s it called okay guys keep keep keep keep it nice in the chat thank you okay okay what’s your favorite car mine is a Tesla uh I mean if I’m saying saying like like an actual car I want to get we like a Highlander Hybrid limited they’re

Like super nice the hybrid is amazing but if I actually had to like pick a car like like like a dream card hat it’ probably be like a Porsche 911 or like a Porsche Carrera like they’re just some SI cars so that’s probably what I pick

Um before you tell me about the video where the Cyber truck is literally pulling the thing I just don’t I just I just I just don’t care to buy a cyber truck or anything like that or a Tesla I don’t know I would I would pick uh I I

Would pick a portion of 911 so even though I don’t I I I I I I I don’t I don’t even care if I I don’t really care if for car to be the fastest thing but I would please mark I was asking for 10 minutes 10 minutes of no

Crafting yeah we are I was just saying that that that there’s three minutes left because the timer is set for 15 minutes so there’s eight minutes left well there’s seven minutes left now so yeah um who has a better G caramel or Eclipse uh I would probably say caramel but it it

It is pretty it’s pretty much neck and neck okay there’s that there’s some stuff in there so we’ll do that um place all these pains in there we go got a couple and then now we need to I can’t make the pot yet and we will run back all the way to

Get the glass I think enough should be smelted now and by the time I get over there I should be able to craft cuz it’s only one more minute all righty isn’t the house kind of cute the house is cute house is very

Cute P has a huge cat they do I I I I I didn’t I I literally never thought of that until that Trend came around and then I made that video and people like oh my goodness Mark can I guess what you’re thinking of I guess you can I

Guess okay I can’t craft yet I’ll be like crap when I get back over there it takes like takes like 30 seconds to get back in Forth somebody squeaking who’s squeaking back there are you squeaking never mind he going guys he likes all of his Guinea equally there’s no point in asking yeah

I like all of them bananas bananas I I you are 100% right Harvey that’s what I was thinking of is bananas I was thinking of bananas I don’t know how you knew but I was thinking of bananas you’re right Christmas house looks adorable when it’s done it’ll be adorable when it’s done

Yeah I pretty much just have to put in Windows and then it’s pretty much done I I might do some more finishing touches later um but pretty much for now I just need to get in these windows and I can craft now awesome um there oh that is still not going to

Be enough glass there we go really really won’t be enough glass if I Place St one here we go place all that and then we also need to go up this thing right here and place stuff here we also have a window right here which I’m

Just going to kind of break over here for because I don’t know if I can reach everything from the floor I probably can’t so there we go and do that and then we need to do this one right over here build up and then oh okay apparently it

Will be enough glass I didn’t think it was going to be enough but apparently there wasn’t quite as many windows as I thought there were so go over here and mine all this down all right oh we missed a window and we can make our little

Pot boom I don’t even have anything to put in it we’ll go grab a flower we’ll go grab a white or red flow whichever want to see first I see red we’ll grab a red all righty now we have a red flow which fits the little bit of a Christmas

Theme actually what we should do what we should put in there is like a little Spruce sapling cuz the spruce saplings are um their they look like little Christmas trees well there we go I hope you guys like the uh liked the stream it’s been

An amazing stream and uh we got to uh do the uh whole whole thing so the whole house we got the whole house on one stream so thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next stream next video whatever I do but

Yeah I will see you guys all later goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but my guinea pigs control me’, was uploaded by Guinea Pigs Adventures on 2023-12-24 07:40:30. It has garnered 2976 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:50 or 8090 seconds.

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    PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore Welcome to Pog Games 2: A Minecraft Puzzle Adventure! Embark on a Puzzle-Filled Journey Join Pond and Majikz in Pog Games 2, a Minecraft Puzzle map that will challenge your wits and creativity. Dive into a world where puzzles abound, and every corner holds a new mystery to solve. Get ready to test your problem-solving skills like never before! Meet Pond and Majikz Get to know Pond and Majikz, the dynamic duo leading the way in Pog Games 2. Follow their adventures as they navigate through intricate puzzles and unravel the secrets hidden within the map. With Pond’s fairy-like… Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More