Insane Handcam Bedwars Stream with Viewers!

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C C [Music] different SP time Lo to [Music] bre you [Music] I’m [Music] yo what is up everyone welcome back to another stream how are we all doing hello hello [ __ ] I didn’t mute my phone [ __ ] never mind but what’s up everyone apologies if the camera looks bright it’s sunny as [ __ ] outside and the blanket that I have covering the windows is not doing enough so apologies if the camera looks very why the [ __ ] did I switch it back to starting soon what the [ __ ] I didn’t click it why did it do that the [ __ ] my bad I didn’t realize it automatically this [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] weird Okay disable preview but yeah what up uh ta welcome to the stream what’s up Flo what’s up sir sington what’s up blue Tango hello guys welcome back first to joining congrats on 4K thank you I got sub botted it’s crazy honestly I’m kind of in a good mood you know it’s weekend and stuff I actually I just finished uploading a new video like I have a new video that’s uploaded onto the channel it’s just on private and I’m going to release it on Tuesday just so it can be a part of the uh daily of of the weekly video streak so now I don’t have a video I need to work on thank God although I do need to start planning on what I’m going to upload next cuz I’m already out um I’ve already I get my new PC tomorrow let’s go yeah but after I’m done that I don’t know I don’t know what else I’m going to record if there’s a bedwar rotation item I’ll make a video on that and I could do that more videos on cracked Minecraft servers I was actually thinking of whether or not because um cuz I feel like if there’s ways I can make um if there’s any way I can make um like cuz I want cuz obviously my crack videos are do extremely well because well I know the right tags to use and I know how to get it easily found when searched up but the thing is I feel like there’s a way I could squeeze out the views even more I feel like there’s a way I can do it and it’s through a method which I I’m not proud of but I don’t I don’t know if I should do it or not CU I could I could maximize more views out of it and take it to whole another level you do an 800 ping video I don’t have 800 ping though I have 100 10 ms boom but know I don’t know cuz because the thing is no because if I want my oh [ __ ] all right cuz if I want my cracked videos to do even more well there’s got to be ways then I can like um like get it reached onto other platforms okay okay well okay well that’s not what I mean that’s not what I mean by other platforms but like get it like get more people to click on them like you know that’s why I’m over here like what if you do like you know when people do those like type of YouTube shorts where they’re like do you want to know what the best method is to God bridging well click the video in the comments to find out like was if I did that type of cringey [ __ ] just be like do you want to know what the best cracked Minecraft servers are click the links in the comments I don’t know [ __ ] where you the Val clan war today well I was a bit yeah I was in I was like in a bit you should consider the horr mod map videos they are popping off I don’t think horror map videos are popping off anymore I’m going to be honest I don’t I don’t think they’re I don’t think they’re like a well good Niche anymore for way of saying it they don’t perform well anymore like they used to perform many many years ago really well but I don’t think they’ll do well now like they’re not trending or anything they exist but they’re just not trending don’t get me wrong if some big [ __ ] YouTuber like PewDiePie or something if he did like [ __ ] Minecraft horror map videos I guarantee you that Niche would immediately pop off because it’s like for example when Minecraft was dying pew Pewdiepie made a [ __ ] made one video on it and brought it back I’m not saying PewDiePie is actually going a [ __ ] I’m not sure saying he needs to do it but if some big Creator can like do a video on a really dead Niche then they could actually possibly revive it blue tangs have you seen calv Chief XD oh I know what you’re on about oh it’s from the fog that type of [ __ ] oh you mean those Oh you mean horror mods oh yeah you did say horror mods [ __ ] I’m thinking of horror maps not mods yeah oh yeah well yeah okay that’s well they are kind of popping off I mean they’re not getting hundreds of thousands of views they’re getting like 50k 60k they’re getting about that much they’re not going to I but still they’re not going to be like there’s like in terms of those mods I don’t think there’s that many videos you can make on them like there’s not a much why is he not taking [ __ ] but like I mean obviously I could do a video on that but the thing is I like I just don’t I don’t think I don’t think I would do videos on those cuz like I I would probably run out eventually but they can act as a mass massive boost for the channel yeah but then yeah but the problem is those people that subscribe to me they’re going to expect more videos with the mod they’re going to expect more videos and I’m obviously I’m not going to do that so instead all I’m going to do he’s got a bunch more dead subscribers and more dead viewers and then instead people are just going to start unsubbing immediately because well it’s not there’s no videos doing on the content they sub for I mean obviously I already have make like a mixture amount of videos but they all like are in like a similar type of style sorry man you can see that as a problem yeah cuz like for cuz like it’s best to do content which [ __ ] White’s going to get our bed [ __ ] it’s best to do videos which you can constantly repeat over and over again like if you notice one style or one type of uh like what type of mode I guess for way of saying it it’s like for example like if you do like minman videos and they do like really well which obviously they don’t they don’t anymore I mean if you I mean Trader Dario does it he gets actually like 50k to 60k views but like if you’re doing videos that get like thousands of views each time you’re going to want to constantly repeat it and you’re going to want to milk the [ __ ] out of it to the point where you generally have no more ideas left okay well let’s sling him down a bit consistency is key yeah because if you’re like obviously for some reason for some people uploading monthly is actually really beneficial oh my God I’m out of w [ __ ] uh there we go is that red what the [ __ ] red piece of shits I me to be fair I’m willing to try anything for Content honestly I’m looking for any sort of video IDE I can actually get because I’m generally like full on about to be like I’m talking 95% about to be out of video ideas and I’m constantly scrambling anything I can find just to be able to upload one video because it’s gonna it’s going to get to the point where I generally have nothing to make anymore I don’t know what I can do I already made a video on both of those Bed Wars rotation items that’s already off the hook wait oh they [ __ ] obsidian oh [ __ ] all right get out then but to be fair though actually I could I could start doing more Min I’m dead I’m dead no I’m not dead woo I’m getting hit from all sides all [ __ ] sides I’m getting hit north south east west okay I need to get an island I need to get to an island they’re trying to Fireball me even [Music] more actually well hold on I can still kill thank you get out of [Music] here try Joy random servers using my viewer I mean I couldn’t look I mean wait I mean with um with uh mine Hut the uh like I joined random Minecraft servers I could do that white Obby and diamond armor yeah they’re just [ __ ] they’re now just fulling flexing and [ __ ] I don’t know why the hell they’re deciding on getting more goodies they already have enough as it is and I’m going to be on taale I want to get their bed but thing is they’re going to be constantly monitoring it they’re going to always see me there going to get they’re probably going to get two layers of Obby well they better not or is this going to put me in a bad position they activated [ __ ] magic milk that I could potentially do something let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go what up swag all right got rid of their obsidian thank [ __ ] God we just need to keep dealing with more and more Fireballs their teammates going to potentially get invis I know that for a fact so I need to then what up Sunny hell up Brian what’s up bro I only have six diamonds that’s not enough for another layer of pro I’m going to need potentially eight and which we can instantly fireb that it’s not going to hit them off and we already have one of them gone they have incredibly weak Obby no not Obby [ __ ] protection so that means then that’s potentially only prop one or prop two uh they [ __ ] suck at clicking so with me being gaffled up I can instantly be able to hit them and because I have potential good Fireballs they’re going to make a stupid [ __ ] mistake and they’re going to hit me down here okay they’re going up a staircase too okay going down that okay going up that staircase is not even a good idea that’s just a [ __ ] death trap that’s just a death trap uh what’s your sword be what’s your sword tier on bees High tier three hi tier three if you lose you suck I’m probably not going to win but you know we can still how the [ __ ] did I miss that I see you are still the best what do you mean I’m [ __ ] [Music] bro it’s fine I got okay I already got Pro three having high prop will give me a better chance of [Music] survival uh sir subon I will still ask though if you can tell me like if you can monitor them and let me know once they’re coming at me so that I can immediately react like if they’re I’m talking if they’re heading towards me which is Yellow base immediately let me know honestly I should probably buy a [ __ ] Compass they’re leaving base all right don’t know which base in particular but once I see them I can give a decent estimate up K oh no there they are all right yeah I assume that’s an iron sword in their hands actually she will know what up [ __ ] oh that’s a diamond sword oh [ __ ] oh they can hit hard with that no that’s not an IR sword that’s a diamond sword okay that they can hit hard with that if I can get Pro four I can still limit my chances of dying I don’t have a diamond sword because I mainly spent it just on pots Diamond that’s a diamond I saw that I saw that’s a diamond sword guaranteed did they pot did they po oh no no they’re back at base no oh okay I already have enough for prop four I think I’d rather get a diamond sword instead I don’t think it matters I don’t think it matters if I have um diamond armor or not obviously I actually can’t die as much but I’m trying to inflict as much damage on them as possible and I already have enough for prop four I already have enough for prop four Pro three armor well I now [ __ ] prop four and I’m going I’m going to get a diamond [Music] sword I’ll get another jump boost and I’ll get a brid egg I should probably I should have actually probably bought a compass but not going to do that I have Pro four and if they have Pro Three diamond that actually also gives them a lower risk of survival but if I see them attempting to go into mid obviously I can as well attempt to get diamond armor however I need them out of middle as much as possible I need them to stay at their base that’s why I’m going to it’s [ __ ] fireballing that [ __ ] ain’t going to do nothing but if I can keep them there it’s going to take an extremely long time to actually get six emeralds but let me know once they’re actually out of their base once they’re out I need to get out 8 seconds if I go to this Diamond G no I oh you hav kidding me all right okay thank goodness I managed to actually bridge to the spot where there was not a barrier and I already have another spare pot on me so oh I can also get diamond armor [Music] quickly sir Su you better let me know if they’re coming towards me you better let me know what base you’re about to teleport to them what do you mean what you what base you have to teleport to them you’re a spectator wait what base the [ __ ] you mean by that you’re a spectator collecting diamonds yes all right at least notice that I think they’re attempting to get prop four if they’re attempting to get prop four then you stop them there yeah no you you better [ __ ] off there please waste it let’s [ __ ] go GG let’s go dubs creepy you don’t suck bro this [ __ ] was [ __ ] calculated I have to guess I us to do multiple predictions I have to think of it all in my head play might have Club if you want a true sweaty 1.8 experience and do I really want that no it’s I don’t play minam because I’m just a h pixel man I’m always used to high Ping On 1.8 I’ve experien low ping it’s actually not even that bad but I don’t know not really my thing and also it wasn’t even voted every my streams are voted in my Discord server and so if you want to vote you got to join the Discord server although the thing that is extremely weird by the way one thing that I’ve noticed some people have joined my Discord server verified and then 30 seconds later they leave what is the point anyone know what they’re trying to do anyone know what they’re trying to do I’m talking people constantly join my server and then leave after like 20 to 30 seconds I don’t know like I’m like what is the point in you joining my server if you only join for like 30 seconds it’s like they went in quickly picked up something and then immediately left it’s like dond Dash you you go in you eat and quickly get out without pay well I don’t know what they’re trying to do getting my server I don’t know I have no clue like bro don’t join my don’t join my Discord server if you’re not even going to do [ __ ] and just leave after 30 seconds what the [ __ ] yellow man Jesus okay yellow doesn’t even okay yellow’s not even doing [ __ ] [Music] okay they’re mainly just trying to bait but they don’t have a TNT so they can’t do [ __ ] like that [Music] okay D I already have nine already have nine gold Blue’s automatically getting emeralds and I’m going to assume they’re getting obsidian it’s like it’s like now every P every team Strat get obsidian because if they think no one’s going to get their bed then but with haste honestly it only it’s it will take only a couple of seconds what oh come on I got hit from two sides I’m only assuming because like getting obsidian now is kind of just stupid like Hast to Gold Pig even the diamond pig it only lasts like 4 seconds four to six seconds to actually break a bed oh come on why do you have to get in my face [ __ ] sake bro I wanted to get to that guy but then I needed to break a piece of wood that my teammate got in my face as I was breaking it [ __ ] sake sorry got to go all right [ __ ] I’m already [ __ ] [Music] here oh H pixel oh come on [ __ ] [ __ ] try I twist MC no I’m not goingon [Music] to um okay no point in getting yellow because all the all they’re going to do is get me [ __ ] lemonade I cannot I can barely see who the hell is there see if there’s nobody at their base I I would actually just go in and risk it what up con oh yeah know yeah they’re both there all three of them see if they can all leave or at least two of them and I know they’re for a fact they’re not coming back although that’s which is a blatant ass lie he didn’t he actually didn’t notice me I thought I thought I was going to be noticeable can I join the party after this game sure and can only I I swear to God I swear if you as well started cheating in 1.8 I’m going to be pissed off if your ass actually starts cheating in 1.8 as well then I just have no more hope for you what you got 12 back [ __ ] you literally just said you had to go what do you you mean by that you just said you had to go guys enough with the line now you got to be honest hey I’m going to go AFK for a couple of seconds and see what your reaction is and then I’m going to come back like nothing happened is this how it’s going to work okay no way [ __ ] it took you that long to clean an attic no way it only took you a couple seconds that’s [ __ ] okay not doing it today okay well that makes more sense now okay that makes more sense I was about to say it does not take a couple of seconds just clean an attic doing it Monday all right that not his username kind of sick oh and uh can see what’s your username then there she go [Laughter] my feather Co is slow okay am I already at 137s crazy surprisingly Hypixel is actually decently playable although for some reason I do get now more lag back and then blocks might disappear it might although it might not I don’t know I’m confused I meant to queue in and now am I like meant to Que Now into a game or are you going to join con I’m confused I’m still in the bed what do you mean oh yeah wait [ __ ] not all of us died oh wait no you’re not in this game what not in this game what game are you in D yeah but what’s your username though what’s your username I don’t know what account you’re on one new game I need to get someone in keep crashing never mind all right then hey why Ser didn’t leave and he’s gone that is he back no watch low key all right then have a good one all right later man thanks for joining thanks for joining I appreciate [Music] sabber boy has invited you to join their party the guy that got put on subhuman on MC tiers and immediately retired because of it [Music] okay oh [ __ ] they’re putting out endstone already fcking know I got on what are you sabber boy are you him oh he’s got a TNT oh [ __ ] I was wondering where that one person went can my teammate hold them off they’re just going [Music] up [ __ ] get out [ __ ] no I thought I could punch him off no [ __ ] they just took no KB okay well at least they died good job blue Tango bro through that fight no I thought punching them off would just kill them but you literally saw they took nothing they took nothing from that hit not even a single they didn’t even go backwards by a tiny bit they just stood still my pixel’s so real for that my pixel you piece of [ __ ] not allowing that player to take AB after that one Bunch bro even if that was delayed I think it should have still managed to get them off [Music] it’s high pixel so I’m not surprised honestly you’re right about that very right and Queen Orange chips what an interesting name BR yellow is on the offensive holy [ __ ] they are attacking them like crazy and my bed’s gone was a raed sometimes my friend my Fireballs throw me down rather than upward honestly yeah they do oh damn Red’s B is also gone what a game this is everyone’s getting each other you’re having four views invite your friends to watch what [Music] friends good I did a good one oh [ __ ] actually yellow’s on my ass [ __ ] they have like Enchanted iron armor and I’m dead I’m like pretty [ __ ] dead here I just need to you know [ __ ] they actually managed to get a hit on me [ __ ] no I thought I could do it [ __ ] okay at least threw the emeralds off how to install free look well Hypixel is free look disabled so you can’t actually get it although to be fair there is ways you can bypass there’s very easy ways you can actually bypass it I mean I don’t what’s up gameplay that’s why say that’s why I came here to [ __ ] talk crazy I’m install free look zabber boy I assume this is conion this is is this is this other account he may have your Discord invite me that guy oh your Discord did I not put in the chat oh let me get another invite thought I put it in there you [ __ ] go there you go yeah Lads can I see you are you are you zabber boy is that they I put on sub is this you again is this you did you really go on another account blue tang is this really you it’s the same account okay you’re yapper boy I know run Invasion I don’t know if he’d like Invasion I used to mean this well hopefully you keep your word on that after I drank yaccino how interesting but yeah siblings are gone I’m like I’m like the only guy who’s going to be upstairs in the house my siblings are gone to a different country and now I have the whole upstairs to myself well technically my cat’s going to be also here but well she’s going to be sleeping in just a bunch of random [ __ ] rooms y Ryan this is my last day and I just want to say you’re a great content creator your vids are cool keep it up thank you don’t know why you’re AR don’t don’t know why this is your last day going online like is the Wi-Fi bill just not being paid or something what’s going on here people honestly I see people comment like underrated content creator I don’t know about you guys I am not underrated I think I’m right rightfully where I should be and I don’t think I deserve to go anything higher like my content isn’t super edited or anything honestly I think I [ __ ] deserve to be on this this amount I don’t think I deserve be any higher and your mice and keyboard cost 300 what do you mean my mouse costed me like 48 and my keyboard costed me like 32 it’s not even it’s not even close to costing 300 your PC barely costs 200 I thought no I think my PC is at least somewhere around near 400 to 500 I think my PC is actually more somewhere around like 3 to 400 because to be fair you can’t get anything new for it anymore there is no new GTX 950s or anything like that they’re all just [Music] used but M and keyboard that is a very off no now it costs 250 I because of the PC market it could have gotten down that’s true I think honestly when I cuz I can’t cuz when I try to look up my graphics card all I could find was just random used ones but was for for like many hundreds fx950 is still a pretty good card it’s very mid it it can’t do much but it’s at least good enough for me to Dream It’s just good enough if I had anything lower than this uh I it would definitely not be enough or I would have to stream 720p instead which M it’s the model o minus and I’ve to specifically put in the minus one so you can know it’s the smaller version I thought I I L put it in the description also it’s in the description as well a keyboard mouse and microphone I have my microphone costed me $47.99 and my headset was like well it was well it was well the original price of it is like 50 bucks but I got it on discount for like 30 I think I think it was on discount for 30 if you consider the GT I have no money right now I have no money for any PC I’m literally I’m I’m talking I’m any shop around here because I need a work experience I have one last round of it to do and and uh not interested would be not interested I’m not selling anything but no I’m I’m currently attempting to get work experience at someplace cuz it’s a requirement in my school I need to do my last round and and also the thing is after I’m done work experience I’m automatically starting summer holidays so that’s why I’m applying to places and asking them if they could put me in for work experience and also part-time work for like at least majority of the summer from June to Mid August and the goal from that is to make as much [ __ ] money as possible to the point where I can afford myself a new system I’m talking fresh new [ __ ] clean honestly and the total cost of the system well A system that I’m trying to make every it would cost me around 1.5k which is a [ __ ] ton it would cost me around 4.5k to actually actually bu the whole system you’re not in a tea party what do you even mean by that I never even had tea that trident guy hacking what Trident there’s no Trident wait where is his name Trident oh oh a little it worked at a local tech support shop bro I want to work dude I actually wanted to work in a tech shop I applied to one but then they denied me and there’s only one more around here so and the thing is I need to wait for I I I couldn’t put in my CV or anything but they’ll probably get back to me on like Tuesday or Wednesday or just whenever before so that then uh because they don’t respond on weekends or bank holidays and it’s a bank holiday on Monday so they’ll get back to me on Tuesday more likely but the thing is I can’t even guarantee they’ll even read my email I can’t tell at least one [ __ ] company did what’s the Strat just break the bed do whatever it takes well except cheating of course but just like with with the items and everything you’re given all the current like I don’t know the emeralds and [ __ ] spend as much [ __ ] you need to get the bed it takes a heavy cost for a little win her way of saying it but I don’t there’s not even that much Tech shops around here I would have worked out a GameStop but thing is the GameStop shut down oh they a [ __ ] obsidian are you serious oh [ __ ] you blue how did you even get to Mid oh they’re going in through there is say everything though it’s obsidian oh [ __ ] how do I already have 10 kills this game is going to take such a long time to be over with either I get eliminated or it’s going to just take a really long time to win or I get eliminated very quickly z boy you’re yeah you need to get your emeralds can you get your diamonds back you didn’t even get [Music] it it was really good I used to get 15% for every uhg ssung Huawei product that’s nice but honestly I’m willing to go to any place see I there’s one more place there’s one more text up actually I already just said how I applied to it but I feel like they’re not going to get back to me I don’t think they’re going to and the last option is to go in there and actually just straight up ask but the thing is wait a minute I didn’t even realize wait I didn’t even realize let’s go I tried retail is in clothes or groceries yeah that’s the thing if the last tag shop doesn’t let me in I’m just I’m trying to apply to these places but the thing is they barely ever they don’t show any emails or any way to contact them they don’t they only have phone numbers they don’t they don’t have emails it’s so ass like that’s why um that’s why like when I found like a website I found a potential email and I just straight up used it for that I straight up just only used it for that but I really don’t think they’re going nobody looks at that anymore I tried one retail place it’s just nobody’s got emails I would have to call them and ask if they have an email I’d probably have to call instead or if they ask oh what do you need our email for I’m going to be like yeah I’m just trying to email asking if you guys would take me in for work experience and part-time work unless if they can only put me in for work experience well then [ __ ] it guess I have to go for that although I’d much appreciate part time bro are you monetized no but I have a donation link that’s like the only thing I have left I only have a donation link for PayPal it’s only PayPal is accepted and I auto I don’t make much of it anyways I barely make [Music] [ __ ] because it’s not my PayPal so I I lose like 50% but it’s fine if people want to give me money you can always do it other wayse anyways like Hy pixel ranks or I don’t I don’t know discore Nitro or [ __ ] Hy pixel ranks or lunar Cosmetics I don’t [ __ ] know oh no blue yeah I remember they have um wello red doesn’t even have a bed oh they already have a diamond pick [Music] okay a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] sake [ __ ] how was school going by the way I mean it’s going I mean I finished in 3 weeks actually wait well technically then technically when it hits Monday I finish in 2 weeks in terms of just School alone pH but when I actually fully finish 3 weeks because of work experience I’m already about to finish it’s almost over and then I get to start the most stupidest days the most stupidest two years of my life part that everyone has to go through w one why is someone looking at me what up bro yeah what’s up by the way guys remember that’s a dude that is a man w Famous Last Words always remember guys if you ever see someone in a female skin on Hypixel it is definitely a dude remember they’re all catfishes don’t get fooled by it oh our bed’s gone definitely yeah [ __ ] get out of here what the [ __ ] Oh Come what I’m going to hope that was three blocks I’m going to hope that was three blocks the [ __ ] I got sliced [ __ ] hell w w oh Jesus cyber potato I love that name honestly yeah t you could actually get them although two of them have already voided so [ __ ] I’m going to go on my stream PC and if anyone’s going to [ __ ] join guess they join Bed Wars stream see someone’s going to join someone’s going to notice so they’re like yeah right time to get it in oh oh [ __ ] sh [Music] what is kion’s plan going to be no idea I got no idea what the hell they’re going to do Blue’s coming in though they’re chasing them down though don’t know what the [ __ ] was the point of that fireball jump that just made their case even worse how the [ __ ] oh blue is sweaty wait a minute oh they dead we’re all dead though yep we will classic Duss not at the [Music] moment oh bro you guys also know what actually kind of fun there’s a website called AI or not and what it is is like you’re going to start a conversation with someone and they’re either going to be a person or a robot I I’ve SE I’ve started seeing it more on Twitter and honestly it’s actually kind of cool it is actually kind of sick I already I already fed like three times but like usually majority of the time I can notice the most easiest way to notice is if they’re using good grammar if you immediately notice perfect grammar instantly AI although sometimes they’ll copy how you behave and then they’ll attempt to do a better job on it but then they just [ __ ] up that I don’t I don’t even have any tools but I could at least some of the Bots just SP Among Us yeah literally no some of them just [ __ ] no some of them started Lally responding with um what the sigma like that’s what they started off this fing conversation and I’m like dog what the [ __ ] like they’re like the skib and I’m like dude I get people say it nowadays that’s not what you start off with in a [ __ ] conversation like you might as well just started with saying hello or some [ __ ] I don’t know there was like one person I thought was legit bot but it actually wasn’t and then when I realized it was a human I’m like oh [ __ ] and I’m like my bad and they’re like I told you I was blonde they said something about how they were blonde or some [ __ ] and I’m like oh yeah well guess an AI doesn’t talk about how they look and then they started saying like Oh Yeah from the Czech Republic and I’m like sick I don’t know anyone from there I don’t know nobody I never I haven’t even heard of anyone outside of the Czech Republic but I don’t know they just said that how they were from the Czech Republic and [ __ ] and I’m like sick and then they just randomly went silent so then I just immediately assumed they ignored me and I’m like all right cool time to move on get out oh my God they could even do [ __ ] I try to act like about half the time so you know honestly do you know what is a quick way do you want to know what it’s an easy way of identifying like what what’s a good trick just ask them what the time is ask them what the time is and look at your clock if it’s if like if for example it’s 18 pass right now so if they said it’s 18 pass and any other time that you would instantly know what it is but if they said something like oh yeah it’s half three and you notice the time is off that’s when like okay that’s a bot so you can instantly finish the chat and get it right some people realize Some Humans actually realized what I was doing and well they they’re like nah bro I’m not telling you that like like they were just they would rather have just had a conversation figure it out well be I’m just generally just trying to instantly speedrun it I’m just trying to just trying to speedrun and find out as quickly as possible what they are how did you not get knocked off no [ __ ] it’s we got a bridge up there managed to get it I have a really bad tendency of looking at Discord [Music] it’s only 20 pass right now [ __ ] it’s only hit I mean it’s only been like an hour to be fair actually if I’m in the mood I’ll probably stream later tonight potentially like because the thing is cuz I’m not going to have anything to do at night and while it’s going to be I’m going to be like the only guy upstairs so if it’s ever like 11:00 p.m. or something I might just stream again I don’t know I don’t know if I will though it’s just mainly if I’m in the mood like I maybe I won’t talk to chat as much I’ll just be like more tired and I’ll just be like yo what’s up chat I’m just here doing more more [ __ ] more streaming although I don’t think I would do I don’t think I would do though um although I don’t think it’ be bedw Wars it would maybe it would be gaming but just something to do with Minecraft [Music] who is co who’s that one who’s that person I whoever that person is can you say something in the chat so I at least know who you are I don’t know who that is I’m not trying to randomly add people on Hypixel got to go all right no worries L man no where is Blue I thought I saw movement up there never mind there’s green get him get him beat him up let’s go let’s go Tango Tango holy [ __ ] do you play Sky Block no Tango the G to throw I got him I missed wait actually wait no it actually worked it worked it it worked okay but who is co I don’t know who that is message him oh I can’t message [Music] Dick actually don’t know just make sure I have it so everyone can message me oh holy cow Sky Block is so boring no fans I’m just being real I don’t play sky blocks why I don’t even care I don’t care what you think of it I don’t play it I can’t give an [Music] opinion [ __ ] I’m tired okay I don’t know who the [ __ ] is C on let me just let me just who this just straight up who is I don’t know who C is how do I do that I never did that I don’t know you just went nuts but still who the hell is cowi I want to play with you I don’t know how to respond to that I want to play with you so you you just spammed me with friend requests and party invites you didn’t even say anything in the chat but okay very weird way of doing it I just rest way I’m [ __ ] typing on stream holy [ __ ] I look weird bro I was like bro my arm was so bent Jesus Christ thank you what up bro how’s it going we got the oh my God we got the rare [Music] cave I’m tired I’m not tired we’re like just what the [ __ ] how okay don’t do that that just weird uhoh sweaty Lobby is all sweaty hello blue Tango Hello Co [Music] m wonder if there’s any I wonder if there’s anyone like in my server who’s a cracked player on PC is Kye watching I have no idea hold defend okay never mind right I guess I don’t want to let’s go go okay well they’re going a bit fast the [ __ ] all right guess they know their [ __ ] he what the [ __ ] is been going on over there Jesus Christ yo you guys got him no all right I might be a have good chance here [ __ ] go yo guys think you can help me out here teammates heyo no no heyo stop trying to drown me they tried drowning my ass where’s where the [ __ ] did everyone go actually do I even need oh never mind cow we going in there Red’s just got no idea what the [ __ ] they’re doing R having a pool party over there good one you got it all right actually I’m going to need more wool if I’m getting to another base oh wait Red’s making wait Red’s making an underwater wait I think did you oh they [ __ ] up oh oh oh they [ __ ] up never mind oh they [ __ ] up they are drowning oh that’s blue Tango I think C’s got to go finish red off no they’re getting diamonds all right never mind the M red yeah I don’t know what the hell they were doing they might have blocked something off by accident and their teammates are not even going to attempt to get more water to help them or save them honestly if that was at least my teammate I would at least try and save them imagine I have to go in and put water down for him that’d be crazy just so I can get the final oh never mind I already have a final all right let’s go co come on let’s eliminate these guys he’s my teammate coming along they sure are oh they’re like underground oh wait one other one another one fell wait yeah go go around no where where you going no oh never mind all right go go right no gen all right they get the J then I’m going to hope they more blocks I have 58 although it wouldn’t be enough want how the [ __ ] they bridging so fast the [ __ ] where’ my teammate go oh those are chicken turrets oh [ __ ] [ __ ] R I realized his fate and just looked up at his [Music] teammates oh my teamate just disappeared how the [ __ ] is co so fast to bridging what the [ __ ] is that blue doing that’s fine G’s got it I think yeah they got him let’s go my teammates got it no all right [Music] so good with invisibility people on Bridges that’s true chicken turrets are good at that although it is kind of annoying when they’re just there and you can’t even get across without them just immediately hitting you with eggs [Music] M I would up let’s see I think I I think I’d rather get blue is one of my teammates rushing them oh yeah of them are actually wait unless I can kill the chicken turrets wait oh it’s killing itself i’ rather have covered silently kill them K I got your back get him let’s [ __ ] go clean why is there roast chicken the [ __ ] I I didn’t mean to buy so much [Music] super easy to kill though guess chicken turs are balanced yeah maybe oh [ __ ] they’re all there I’m leave the diamond set [ __ ] wait I didn’t realiz that was going to kill me a [ __ ] let’s go C we did it though the roast chicken gives instant Health it does okay come here [ __ ] your walls got nothing [Music] and I just realized C was on a flying chicken oh why did I just get damed not try hard l 1 2 3 4 the [ __ ] the account was made three days ago so this is an ALT account someone please give me a rank anyone down for doubles who’s not try hard level one 2 3 4 though I don’t who the [ __ ] I don’t know who the fu that is it’s been an hour and 17 minutes all right that’s nice I at least know I could be over with the stream soon uh boom I need to keep fixing my posture [Music] bro this is my favorite map nice what of annihilation oh this is the rush map you got to like quickly Rush go go go go KO rush them finish them off quickly go go go go Rush go with all haste what the [ __ ] how are they so fast the [ __ ] they moving so fast it looking like scaffold for a second they at least get the bed no what up Cosmic oh sh they you die you bought a endstone [ __ ] bald what do you mean bald I’m not bald I’m Ginger why did I just get dmed o Ginger [Music] [Music] let’s see hit him off oh come on what what I get damed come here [Music] [ __ ] actually bro I shouldn’t have hit them they didn’t even notice me [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] h oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I should have blocked it off [ __ ] I didn’t have my phone silent [ __ ] up look hold on chat give me a second okay whatever what okay [Music] bro oh my God okay sorry guys um yeah not apologies I sort something out f oh Jesus why did he get ped oh oh all right all right time doubles oh [ __ ] oh God damn it okay I’m just too slow oh jeez it’s fine KO might still have [Music] it they de yeah how long’s it been okay it’s about an hour and 25 minutes and my morale is just going down really bad for terms of streaming I might stream later tonight though Al I’m very unsure about it but I think honestly I think I might just I think I might just end the stream now here yeah yeah I think I’m just going to end the stream out here guys I’m going to go so thanks everybody who’s watching to the end of the stream um yeah I’m going to end now I I’m just I’ve lost motivation but yeah peace guys have a great day

This video, titled ‘🔴Hypixel Bedwars Stream | W Viewers & HANDCAM’, was uploaded by BrianRanger68 on 2024-05-05 09:03:20. It has garnered 67 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:21 or 5181 seconds.

#minecraft #hypixel #pvp

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  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More