Insane Hardcore Minecraft – Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U Gunpowder & Cactus Farm!

Video Information

E Hello good morning SP yes oh I totally did not forget to um do something good morning everyone how are we all how is everyone today welcome back to stream today we have more Hardcore Minecraft because did you expect anything else from me on a Monday no you should not

Have hang why why are you why are you being like this why are you being like this where are you where where is my chat no there we are there you are there you are bam beautiful congrats on 15K I woke up this morning and I had a look at

My well I just like every morning I I would like just go onto my channel and just check to see if there are any disasters I don’t know what I expect like could happen but conceivably something could blow up so every morning I would just log on and I would check my

Channel and then today I logged on and I saw that we were at 15K how how are we at 15K how are we at 15K chat oh my goodness I I do not know how I feel about that I do not know how how I feel

About that it’s so quick thank you guys so much thank you thank you so much for all of your support to me I I really really appreciate it I don’t know what to say because it feels so soon and to be honest I don’t know so I like I I

Realize so many of you came here because of the support that V andu has given me rather than or it feels like it’s because of the support that V andu is able to give me and I’m so for to have rather than it’s being me and my work

And and my my stuff that does that make sense so I’m almost shy to say thank you for it because in a way I feel like I feel like it’s it’s you know does that make sense to everyone you know what I’m trying to say right but thank you guys

Thank you so much I I don’t I really the number doesn’t make sense in my head when I read it and I know that that seems so silly to say because in the grand scheme of things um 15K is still like in the grand scheme a a small

Vtuber but it feels like so so very much to me it feels like such a huge number so thank you all so much I really appreciate that I really appreciate that this will be an easy go what do you mean creeper murder creeper murder 20K soon maybe maybe maybe maybe thank you thank

You guys um I’m very happy I’m very happy so maybe maybe I will make a thank you tweet I don’t know I I haven’t decided yet I mean I yeah yeah I don’t know if I will do a celebration maybe my 15K celebration can be on Saturday give

Us J rvg content we call a event dude I I’m going to play trails from zero next week next Saturday mark my words chat Saturday the 20th of January is the day that we play trails from zero so I want you all to be ready I want you all to be

Prepared I want every I want all 50,000 of you to be there for our Trails play through cuz I’ve been hyping it up since my debut thank you guys you’re doing great I’m not bittering myself I’m I’m just saying that it is a factoral reality that V and du has been able to

Give me and gen for so much support and we wouldn’t be where we are without that support which I’m incredibly incredibly incredibly grateful for yes yes yes yes thank you guys so much I thought you had the most enoy oh thank you thank you although I think I my most enjoyable

Personality could only come out because of my most enjoyable collaboration Partners who also have the most enjoyable personality um so no yesterday’s collab was so much fun I had a great time and again I just want to I keep saying thank you to Mary for setting it up but

Genuinely Mary was was so lovely and so fantastic at organizing everything she was so kind in every step of the way um some people had to drop out and Mary was so kind about that maray made everyone’s thumbnails I is that I don’t think that’s typically done I don’t think it’s

Typically done that that you know collab whoever organizes the collab makes all the thumbnails but it really just shows that Mary went above and beyond to make sure that we were all happy and like comfortable and just she made it so easy for us um so so yeah huge thank you to

Marie Sapphire from a project please go check out her Channel yeah yeah 24 hours Trail stream the 12-hour Trail stream discussion will happen after we finish uh zero possibly after we finish finish aure just imagine 50 50,000 tombstones why would I want 50,000 tombstones what is fine thank you so

Much for the super Husby I appreciate that I appreciate that m true but I wouldn’t have stayed without you being you thank you thank you thank you well we we’ll see how many people stay after after this stream my goodness my goodness uh but yeah today we’re just

Going to do some more Hardcore Minecraft oh can I talk about dang and Ruma Eden’s project can I can I quickly talk about dang and rumet Eden’s project hang on hang on dag rber dag rber chat you’ve seen on my schedule and I’m going to make more tweets about this cuz it’s very

Important to me but on my schedule on next update you will see that the the game I was so excited to play on Saturday is in fact a fanan rumper game well thank you HBY a dangan rumper game which is well I shouldn’t say like dang

Rper G basically it’s a fanmade game for the dang rumper Series so it’s basically a fan-made Danang and rper game I say dang and rper game but it’s not like an official game but it is an incredibly incredibly high quality fan-made game for dangen rumper and the prologue is

Out the prolog is out and nothing else is out but the chapter one will be released um in the next 3 months so I’m so excited to play it I’m so excited I’ve been waiting to play it for so long chat and I finally got

Permission and I am so lucky to have the support of the uh Eden Project Eden’s Garden Discord server and the team because they um they very kindly supported me and said that I could play it on stream and gave me the permission so thank you so much to them it’s not a

Sponsored stream but I wouldn’t be able to do the stream if it weren’t for their support so huge huge thank you to all of them if you want to check out the trailers for project Eden’s Garden it’s it’s it’s like uh spelled like this hang on Project Eden’s Garden I strongly

Recommend you check stuff out uh if you are interested in the dag and rer series it’s like a killing game format with original characters and I I just I’m very excited I’ve heard it’s really good I’ve heard it’s really really really good there’s also a Eden’s Garden

Discord server if you wanted to join and get more of an idea about it but yes I I can’t wait I want to play it right now I can’t wait I’m sorry I’m I’m really excited I’m really excited about it so thank you so much uh to the team of

Eden’s Garden for letting me play it I can’t wait I can’t wait and I actually think this will be much more fun than playing an actual dang and rubber game because the chapters are being released one by one so that gives us loads of time to theorize what’s happening in

Between yeah yeah okay then let’s get into some Minecraft shall we that’s what I wanted to say okay y should I make myself bigger I feel like I should like change my Togo cuz every time I I go into game I will always change my model size and make

Myself a little bit bigger oh wait sorry chat I forgot to set something up hang on let me quickly let me quickly make it so I use one monitor so the way I see chat is actually uh by opening a tab on my phone it’s a little scuffed okay it’s

A little scuffed but one day I can get a proper Monitor and and it will be good but until then I need to um I need to do it this way one one second one sec I always forget I always forget to turn on my phone okay wow

Amazing okay welcome back to the hardcore world so if you don’t remember what we what day is it day 84 if you don’t remember what we were doing last time we were finishing up a creeper farm so we are pretty much almost done with the creeper Farm I think we need to put

In the cats we need to finish um adding adding some trap doors I believe and then it’ll be ready to go so we can finally get some Gunpowder which would be very good for rockets and then I think I think perhaps today is the day

That we finally find a single caus um if Vector was a super high school level ultimate Talent what one would you be I I’ve been thinking about this and I kind of think T coniss suits me the the best uh but obviously I would need to you

Know have much more expertise in my talent if I were to do it for a d rper game okay um we definitely need loads more trap doors how what else was I finishing yeah we finished the entire roof okay yeah B basically just trap doors is

What we need uh was there a tree that I haven’t cut down yeah I was going to finish destroying these trees because they’ve been here for quite a while and I want to get rid of them just so I can’t see in your life hello welcome in welcome in hope you’re doing well

Bunk we’re currently in the middle of murdering loads of creepers so once I’m done doing this I might should we I kind of want to AFK to check the farm works so we might spend like 2 minutes up in the sky but hopefully hopefully it should be a pretty efficient Farm I’m

Not doing three layers the nice thing about this Farm design is it’s very simple even if it’s not super super efficient um but you can stack loads of layers on top of it I haven’t done that cuz I don’t really think we need more than two layers I’ve never needed more

Than two layers in my hardcore worlds so yeah we we’ll see what happens we’ll see hopefully it’ll be all fine God I hate these trees I know they added these trees to add some diversity to the forests and that’s cool but they’re so annoying to get rid of them so annoying is that

Everything I feel like there’s a leaf block up there or like a no no it’s despawning okay I think we’re done very nice very very nice chat um got my ad block and now oh oh it be like that sometimes it do be like that sometimes welcome in stream hope

You’re doing very well God why aren’t you destroying is there a leaf up there I feel like there’s a block up there I haven’t been able to grab please please no tell me it’s not true tell me it’s all gone it does look all gone yeah

Maybe it’s just taking a long time to despawn okay cool um we’re going to make as many trap doors as we possibly can uh I just got here and I saw spects comment on Eden Eden’s Garden what are we talking about it’s a game I’m so excited

To play on Saturday it’s a high quality fan gun Romper game um the prologue is released so we will be playing the prologue together I’m really really really excited because I’m a huge Drang rber fan and I’ve heard only good things about this fan game it’s also my first

Time playing a proper dang and Run profan game like um a killing game dang and R profan game so I’m I’m also super excited because for how much I who are you bam get away from me get away from me bam where did he come from wait a second isn’t everything lit

Up where did he come from huh how weird um for how much I love the Danger druma series I’ve never played a fan game I know there are some very high quality fan games but I was kind of spoiled on on a lot of the twists

Already so this is my first time and I really want to play it I’m I’m really I’m really excited I played it all right who was the evil so true so true king wait Tero haven’t you been here for like a really long time how did you get my ad

Haven’t you been here for ages what why are you getting my ad why why are you watching to the end of my ad listen guys if you get my ad and you’ve seen it before if you skip it I don’t I think we pay for it so you know that you

Know you know if you want if you want the ad we Ser to loads of people you have to SK guys why why have I regular seen my ad that’s so embarrassing I hate I hate writing the ads they are they are the most awful thing to try and write

Cuz it’s like how do you promote yourself in your channel but um if some of you have seen it then I guess that’s okay I guess it’s a bit embarrassing but it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m so fine about it how could this be

Evil they’re gross I hate them um that skull shape upsets me I I’m not really upset by many skull shapes but those they’re bad I don’t like them at all right we need to get our two cats back up there and then I think we can

Leave that floor God it takes so many trap doors maybe maybe I need to create a maybe I need to create a big tree and use Spruce trap doors the ads are funny I hate I I cringe at myself a lot so the ads are Peak self cringe

Material um but if you guys have seen them I guess it’s okay I guess it’s fine I guess I’ll accept it um because I only have two Spruce saplings that can’t be right of all things these skull shape yeah skeletons of creatures are actually very important to me I will

Judge a creature of the shape of it skeleton I think the way the a r B work is especially stupid so I’ve lost respect for the human skeleton because of that it it’d be like that it’d be like that chat you know not all skeletons are made equal some skeletons

Are much cuter than other skeletons and that’s just life take it from me as as a rarified certif well I guess I’m not really a corpse but as a certified dead person I can really tell you the shape of skeletons is more important than you think chat um and some are better

They’re not made equal they’re just not it’s unfortunate but that is the truth and I I couldn’t lie to you guys I couldn’t lie okay four of these so um what we want to do here is I want to make I would like to make uh one of these platforms far away from

Everything else because uh it’ll turn into pozel which is an ugly block is it possible to see the ad somewh I actually don’t believe so um for our last badge I think I did have the link but now I no longer do so I

Have um yeah yeah I I can’t say too much actually I’ll just say that I don’t have the link this time unfortunately uh but it’s I don’t know if like you guys watching it would mess it up that’s the other thing I don’t really know much

About them I just I scrip the ads and I record the ads and then I I I send it into the void I send it into the void uh I miss CU I’m down on the inside yes indeed that is my channel description still and I don’t know if it comes

Across as too edgy at the moment so maybe I should change it um because my channel description is dead inside in at least one way which was funny on debut and I don’t know if it’s funny anymore I feel like jokes they they lose their potency the longer that there I need a

New description but if I just put like Ghost Princess of helloand then I’ll then what what that’s just I don’t know Chief I don’t know she must like the H cuz it’s the p is like a butterfly shape I feel like pelvic bones are not the focus of

My skeleton analysis like typically when I look at a skeleton I’m really looking at the skull I’m looking at the skull and then um any bones that are especially flat yeah yeah like the the the vertebrae kind of bones like have you seen God what one is it that has

Like a you know in sty Valley in sty Valley there’s like a bone that’s especially flat that’s that’s the one I’m talking about that one is a good bone that’s a good bone right there so um bones skeleton bones whale bones very nice just I I look at particular types

Of bone I don’t really yeah I look at the the five the pental Lim Bones the pental Lim bones make me very happy H congrats on 15K thank you chat thank you so much do we want to do a 15K celebration I just don’t know what I

Would do for my 15K celebration like can I just can I get away with saying like the Eden’s Garden play through is my 15K celebration cuz to be fair it is a momentous occasion it might as well be it might as well be the humorous I don’t know I don’t

Know my bur knowledge is actually not that deep I just look I don’t know much about it I just look you know I look and I appreciate where where is my coal I have no coal that is upsetting all right good bones are flat yes yes in in my

Opinion like aesthetically I I look at skeletons for the Aesthetics and that’s it that’s all I I don’t like look at how much a certain bone weighs I don’t I don’t stare I just look at the bones with the Vibes you know 15K yes you can do that okay

Excellent thank you chat thank you this is totally totally like brand new 15K idea that I definitely did not just like slap on like a sticker like a duct tape fan fiction writing with chat I feel okay it’s not that I don’t appreciate you guys cuz I really do and thank you

For 15K but I I feel feel like I feel like it’s going to take a lot it it’s going to take a lot for me to do a fanfiction writing stream I just I just don’t think I want that out in the universe I just I just don’t want you

Guys to see that so it’s really going to take quite a lot of bribery and um wearing down of my mental to get me to do a fanfiction stream oh goodness oh goodness bam skeleton Divine death blast anyone else how is the hunting of the of

The what hunting of the what what what what are we hunting no we’re murdering creepers today um have we murdered creepers yet not entirely God I forgot I forgot about that oh God that’s so annoying uh you have to crouch when you have um trap doors like that so it it

Kills your movement speed so that’s probably why I should have put the cats in first like I did on the bottom floor but I forgot how much bribery I like a good um it’ll take a lot of bribing in a very particular uh environment yes yes

Yes yes um chat what happens in me chat chat can anyone tell me what happens in May I feel like there’s something in May that is very very important to me and might be relevant to said bribery Cactus oh Cactus I thought you were like giving me like a Latin word

For a creeper I was like what I’ve never heard of that you C okay cuz I thought he was trying to say like creeper but in in like a Latin wait did you find a cactus go away DK go away you wronged me DK hi DK how are you welcome into stream

No we haven’t found a cactus we’re still in the middle of murdering creepers uh Mother’s Day chat oh my God I can’t believe you okay DK that something important happens in M can can do you know do you know what I’m getting at can you please remind me of

The important thing that happens in in May uh so we’re never going to get what chat if I write fanfiction it’s going to be it’s I don’t actually know would I take requests would it be a birthday bre yes it’s no no no no you’re wrong you’re

Wrong it’s sion’s birthday in May guys I can’t believe none of you knew you guys just don’t appreciate my Senpai s on like I do um but it may also be my birthday so maybe perhaps I will also maybe perhaps I will also accept some

Bribes um on my birthday I don’t know I don’t know it depends it depends I I usually hate birthdays but I’ll Mak it exception I’ll make an exception I hate birthdays because it’s like is that even my real birthday I don’t know I don’t know may why you question marking DK do

You hate me do you not know when my birth DK I know when your birthday is I know exactly when your birthday is you know you you and your you and your March you and your Gojo match and you don’t know when my birthday is I just I am so

Sad oh dot dot dot what do you mean oh dot dot dot I can’t I can’t believe I can’t believe I really I really can’t believe okay okay mink please please come here how would we have known what are you you guys hate me you guys hate me 15,000

Viewers and not one of I mean 15,000 subscribers and not one of them knows my birthday four gen no three gen mates and not one of them knows my birthday being Spectra is is so sad it’s so sad to be me chat where’s my other cat hello where did you go what what

Happened to you do you fair I bet remember my birthday that’s in character I I’ll give you that I suppose cat excuse me cat hello thank you right you’re going to oh no no no no no this way please this way you’re going to go here you’re going to go

Here do ghost have birthdays yes they do hi hya Mama welcome into stream okay very good very good the cats are in position excellent so um I kind of as much as I would have wanted to put um put the Dynamics this way I don’t

Know if I can hang on let me let me experiment quickly let me see if this works so it needs to be like the the length of water that water goes and then you make ah is that it okay and then we make like a chamber maybe this is okay

Actually as long as we’re not touching the grass pathway oh no we’re good we are actually so good okay perfect isn’t it May May 21st you surely remember D I know DK’s birthday it’s in March my goodness chat you act like I haven’t been preparing the the secret fan

Fiction for for ages now for eons for eons for DK’s birthday honestly birthdays to me are just an excuse for family to gather and talk yeah I mean I mean I don’t really have one of those but I I can imagine it would be like

That uh so we need tinted glass oh no wait a second I don’t have any amethyst oh no I don’t have any amethyst wait do I have amethist basically I need tinted glass to block out all of the light sourcing so that the uh Creepers die more quickly H do I have

Any hm I’m kicking my feet I’m deleting the files I’m deleting the files I can’t have DK being happy is that rageous beh not after my Jaffer cakes were stolen not after my Jaffer cakes were murdered um do I have amethist anyone guys I don’t think I do I’m a little

Nervous I I think surely do I have zero amethyst no say it ain’t so where am I meant to get amethyst where am I meant to get it oh my gosh I could free cam through the floor chat I want you to know I

Could do it but I’m not but know that I could here such a cinder no is today the day that the Phantoms come out and Kill Me Maybe I go and I murder a creeper or two because um I do need some more gunpowder for Rockets yeah okay let me very quickly

Have a have a look around see if there’s any creepers to murder hello any creepers worth murdering hello Eddie creepers yoink um let’s have a quick look unless there are any amethyst geodes on the ocean floor at the moment because they do spawn there quite regularly but somehow I I don’t think I

Saw any because I would have noticed them yeah no amethyst okay okay well please die no I forgot that I killed them I forgot that they die in one hit no why weren’t the creepers built better than this excuse me bam oopsie well that was close um why are

There no creepers there’s one over there but he’s kind of next to a lot of things and I I’m a little nervous about it oh God that was silly okay I’m I’m playing this a bit too risky for my liking I’ve been on the V andd regular server so I

Forget that I’m in hardcore now um okay that should actually oh my God there’s a creeper up there oh my God oh my God oh my God they’re everywhere they’re everywhere chat I can’t Escape them okay that should be enough fireworks for now we need a God there’s so many polar

Pears look at them all right we need one geode please one amethyst geode and the ocean floor is a good place to spot them very quickly so let’s just have a quick look around please please give me an amethyst GE just one I swear every time I don’t

Need them I see like 50 on the ocean floor and every time I do need them there are none there are zero please please it’s only hardcore how dare you how dare you disrespect the Hardcore gameplay no geod I think we need a de oh no never

Mind I got excited for nothing I think we do need a deeper ocean yeah like somewhere here nothing really nothing ah there we go one Jude thank you very much um please do not have a bunch of mobs in you so sometimes these places oh wait where’s the water coming oh okay

Right so um is this Fortune yes it is Fortune so we need to grab crystals I’m very sorry I’m very sorry for taking all of these um we’ll take the big crystals because they don’t well they will regrow one day they’ll regrow and you okay cool um what I might do while

I’m here is I will quickly expose the other side so these ones uh crystals will regrow on every side of them which means that if you expose all the other sides of the block then crystals are more likely to respawn there find a PE kill it DK why would you say that why

Would you say that DK why are you why are you being so mean in my chat this isn’t the real you DK this isn’t like you okay it’s exactly like you um but that’s fine that’s fine we can’t all be perfect I get it I get it B

Bam Spectre would never do such a thing yeah totally because uh polar bears don’t give me any valuable resources so why would I bother killing them yes right chat you know me so well only if there is value then I will do it but there is no

Value at the moment so I can’t it’s just how life is chat it’s just how life is okay oh no we’re so far away from anything to stand on um there is a way to like there is a way to just fly and like deploy the elytra but I don’t know how

To do it I think like some better players than me can deploy it somehow but I don’t know how I don’t know how so we will use my classic strategy DK craves motto why why last time I checked you it’s underground surprise me they’re in the ocean they are like everywhere in the

Ocean it’s the easiest place to find them okay right where are we our home is at 1,000 5,000 and we need to uh head this way yeah head this way cool spect is practical true very true why is s you’re the only you’re the only one diving into the middle of the

Ocean to get amethyst I don’t remember wait why are there Phantoms how did they not spawn for so long I hate it so you kill them if they have some resources I didn’t say that I didn’t say that I heavily implied it but I didn’t say it chat so really

Um oh my God I’m in the complete wrong place I went in the wrong direction I was like why do I why do I not recognize the landscape B bir are losing with our real estate you’d go after they’re losing their real estate in real life um

They’re not losing their real estate in Minecraft in fact I think that Minecraft’s climate change is pretty non-existent but we’ll see if I can do anything about that in a few moments don’t worry about it guys don’t worry about it once I set up my industrial district at

Spawn uh would be would be fantastic would be fantastic I would never have thought of uh searching for geodes in water wait really do you not see them all the time I see them all the time personally especially when you’re over um a tropical a tropical ocean they’re

Very obvious there because they are stuck in the sand so you see them all the time gosh I don’t remember flying this far I guess we did I suppose we did pretty big brain thank you chat thank you thank you when you played as much Minecraft as I have you tend to know

Things when when you have 1,000 day hardcore words you you pick up one or two tricks along the way even if very slowly so yeah I wonder if the uh Poss it’s possible to write a server side mod to add that to the game huh wait what are we talking about

Polar bear murder like adding valuable stuff to polar bears that would be kind of funny huh that’s so weird I just got a donation with nothing attached maybe my my notifications are glitchy that’s crazy anyway uh oh I forgot to put coal in my coal in my chest do you always

Play modded or non modded are they not this guys my game is not modded I I don’t play modded Minecraft the the only mod I guess I have is free cam which doesn’t change the game at all I’m I’m playing Bas vanilla Minecraft but it’s the hardcore version climate change why would you

Want to mod that ads climate change you guys are so mean I need I need coal I need Co where did I put my co I must have some I just don’t know where it’s gone uh W you from do they speak French sir I didn’t know that I did not know

That okay go y righty we should be able to completely finish my my thing now right so tinted glass blocks out any kind of light source and the reason why you want this in a farm is because Mobs Can will stop spawning even if the light

Level is like one um so you want zero light to get there the other thing I need is I need a so campfire iation nothing attached what about it DK DK how do I fix that in my thing I don’t know why it’s brok broken I don’t know why my

Alerts are broken they’ve never done that before it looks moded maybe it’s a texture pack what what do you what do you mean what do you mean oh do you mean my rainbow XP b i that’s that’s a texture pack I I have no texture packs I don’t have any mods um wait

Really I had no idea that’s crazy well that’s cool to know I learned something new today thank you thank you oh oh I see I see uh add realistic nutrition and Minecraft becomes how we tried to oh we say why would you do that you should keep it that way what do you

Mean what do you mean okay so if I turn off my foot Bri you guys can see that when I oh Pop I do that uh all the light gets blocked out there and so it’s complete it should be completely dark then what we want to do is we want to create a

Very very tiny room this is not going to be a big room um we will put Hoppers beneath here and then we will add a chest to collect the gunpowder yeah cool so oh no oh no I can’t get out okay bam rainbow XP bar looks cool I know it’s one of my

Favorite packs it was actually um one of my one of my favorite one of my favorite very small streamers so no one like literally no one here will know them um one of my favorite small streamers has this texture pack mod so I that’s why I

Always a thank you so much CH for the super I really appreciate that I really appreciate that um but that’s why I kept it I literally stole it from them and now it’s here forever yeah this is some complex stuff ah well I know like a lot of you

Will play Minecraft but I do explain I do like to explain what I’m doing in case people are like why are you doing that un no what do you mean un no is spectra bamboo bamboozling us what wait what’s going wrong chat what’s going wrong place this block and jumps over it

Anyway yeah be like that it be like that uh I need one more chest I don’t think we need two chests actually yeah I think we’re pretty good with just one it’s not like I’ll be afking up there for a very long time so that’s kind of the entire Farm

Done and then I see the rainbow XP bar in modded gameplay oh okay so it’s it’s correlation not quation the rainbow XP bar is only a texture pack it’s not it’s not modded at allink wow thank you sheep BR again I appreciate that I appreciate that so now

What we need to do is we need to close everything off we need to um actually is everything done yeah I think it is I think it is so um we will close that close that close that uh we will oh no I put my trap doors away wait no it’s so

Jova wait okay take take one just in case I don’t trust um mobs not to spawn because hardcore is quite unforgiving in everything okay we need to get the trap door I guess I can take this wood uh this was a broken attempt at making a

Chunk loader I don’t know how to make it work no okay never mind we don’t we didn’t even need it we didn’t even need it your two Hoppers are not pointing into the chest you know what you’re probably right you’re probably right chat um I’m not very good at placing Hoppers and

That’s okay and that’s okay guys not all of us um can do everything right do I have any yes yes I do I’ll take I’ll take all of them I’ll H is that correctly okay okay I’ll go back I’ll go back I mean even if they’re not I don’t

Think it’ll be afking up there for so long that we will um need to you know that it’ll overflow the the 10 stack limit boink boink okay yeah they W um okay looking good to me looks good to me we Will close off uh like I said pop and pop and we will do that uh what is the secret to happiness ignorance probably the number of people I’ve met who just have no thoughts head empty but are so happy uh really makes me think and like the number of smart people I

Meet who are just really jaded and miserable um yeah probably ignorance I if if I were to wager if I were to Hazard a guess I suppose um but I suppose doing your best to be a good person as well that that also helps a little bit Yeah so now the creeper

Should be able to come downstairs hang on let me just check that everything’s done correctly y yep looking good looking looking good looking good yep no no yep yep okay very nice no light sources so now what we do is we need to um we need to go really high up in

The sky and then make ourselves a box the reason why we do that is because mops spawn in a circular radius around you and so if I were to free cam into like what’s below my house I’m not going to cuz I kind of don’t want to know

What’s below my house you would see the mob are spawning in cave like 128 blocks away from me ha yeah um they’re they’re spawning very far away from me that’s just how the game works so when you go high up into the sky it lifts um the ability of moms

To spawn around you because uh the the huge sphere that surrounds the player is higher in the sky and you’re not spawning things beneath you yeah okay actually let me trade away some of my stuff for experience Um not being able to think about problems helps in in keeping yeah I suppose I suppose that would also be good also keeping the lights on psychologically humans like it when things are brighter huh you’re so right chat it’s so weird it happened again anyway Um what do I need to make I need to make at least two stacks of scaffolding and then we will grab a little bit of obsidian yeah obsidian is so I don’t accidentally punch my way out of it because sometimes I get bored up there and I do stop punching people out

Punching stuff out of it which is really not Good these glitch Donuts going crazy I don’t know what it is chat I maybe I should message my manager about it cuz it it’s kind of weird huh you know I have a feeling it wouldn’t happen to any other donors except for those ones so yeah creature did you call me a

Creature chat explain yourself chat you have you have a few seconds to explain yourself um and then and then actions will be taken okay unless you’re talking about Mr Mo I would still object to Mr Mo being called a creature I feel like Mr Mo um transcends creatur but to each

Their own great so we’ll use some glass up there and then yeah that’ll we it so we will raise our hit box I probably won’t use the full 128 maybe yeah maybe maybe I shouldn’t use the full 128 blocks um just because I want to keep our spawn radius for that

That maybe I’ll go up like 120 not you okay I mean the one that appears up there what do you what do you mean the the ghost creature that appears up there what do you mean chat what does that mean what ghost creature I hate it here

I’m going to draw my thing because I’m scared now goodness gracious would he be a spirit or being yeah Mr Mo’s like pretty um being like I would say okay uh we will keep yeah maybe I’ll leave 10 10 sounds like a good a good number 12 should we leave 12 let’s leave

12 I just want to make sure there was once where I built my thing um completely wrong because I basically I forgot to set it um okay it’s a little scuffed but that’s okay and then okay this is our AFK spot all right now let’s see if it works I

Will 100% unashamedly use free cam to test this because I’m that kind of person any creepers oh wait why are there no creepers wait a sec huh this should not happen wait a second there shouldn’t be a spider here wait there shouldn’t be a spider in

There wait that is not that wait have we messed this up but I followed the tutorial I followed the tutorial exactly yeah so creepers oh oh oh oh you you see that’s my bad guys um that’s my bad that that that’s my mistake whoopsie whoopsie me and I make it so that the

Mobs don’t actually me me and I accidentally do that okay um we need to fix that we need to fix the the spider issue that’s happening because things aren’t spaced out correctly but I followed the tutorial I literally followed the tutorial I could just leave him there

But he would destroy the efficiency of the spawner wow thank you so much for the super HBY I appreciate it I appreciate it the AFK spot looks kind of that what am I meant to do make like the best make the the most beautiful AFK box you’ve

Ever seen I just don’t think it’s really worth that much effort right ow um we need food oh the pathetic fallacy right we need food and then I guess I use my extra carpet check how the carpets look no no they’re definitely right cuz I I definitely used

A definitely used is a spectator mode mod no it’s a it’s a free cap mode um God I really hope nothing spawns here and then like kills me oh I don’t have my my so touch pickaxe oh make sure they didn’t blow up it once

No I went out of the radio so that they wouldn’t spawn okay right where is my silk touch pickaxe where is my silk touch pickaxe I feel like I’ve lost him never mind I lied I didn’t lose him so and then I think think I don’t

Really know what I’m going to do about these spiders maybe I just add some more carpets uh I feel like you spend considerable time there why not decorate cuz like why why would I decorate it though oh no please don’t okay oh okay there we go there we go totally totally not at

All scuffed um um that should fix that issue now the second issue is uh what is sporting in here no it it is actually all correct according to the tutorial I I followed but I now uh assume that the tutorial I followed is not correct and that anything with like four will spawn

Something but then what is the solution do I just Place carpets everywhere is that the solution do I just steal with it Um um I don’t know chat I don’t know I don’t know what to say going and do no problem hope you hope you have a good nap have a good nap what are you going to do with this spider well I guess we just leave it

There and we cope with a slightly less efficient Farm I followed the YouTube tutorial how could the Holy Grail of the YouTube tutorial TR steare me wrong how could it steer me wrong for what version is a tutorial good question I didn’t check oh my God wait oh no okay we need

To go and sleep I thought that there were no um I thought there were no Phantoms but if there are Phantoms then that means means we need to go and sleep cuz I can’t really get up there without I can’t get up there without being whacked off which would be very upsetting

Okay I kind of want to fly up here but it’s it’s really hard to scaffolding land with with flying okay let me try let me try Yay I’m usually very proud at doing it please don’t hit me off please don’t hit me off please don’t hit me off please don’t hit me off you want me to send a carpet layout in the Discord maybe maybe maybe that would be nice maybe maybe that would be nice in

The Spectra libertina Channel maybe that would be nice you tutorial how could you betray us I know I know first time I’ve ever been betrayed by a YouTube tutorial real not clickbait totally not lying got my frames are going to die as since I open Discord watch this watch this chat are they

Okay no my frames are worse now it’ be like that sometimes Um I see nothing in the Discord I’ve been betrayed I’ve been betrayed by my own viewers right let’s have a quick look and see what’s going on down here any a creeper murder happening please there is creeper murder happening that is creeper murder Happening by the way guys uh the reason

Why we want to have um the reason why we want it to be Soul campfires and not the other campfires is that Soul campfires uh give a greater tick damage so they kill the creepers more efficiently okay well that that looks that looks good enough for me to be

Honest that that looks good enough to me let me check the Discord again no I still don’t see anything I’ve been betrayed i’ I’ve been betrayed I’ve been betrayed I just you let me fast okay sorry I thought you had the screenshot up you know what no I I think I think

The creeper Farm is probably just like working right right right like it like it looks fine like let me let me let me go down there again it it looks fine it’s functional I don’t see any spider spawning right now oh except he’s is there how is he

There yeah that’s kind of a issue sometimes the creepers oh no there’s a spider there’s a spider now but you know what it is what it is my issue is with this spider die if he fell down I don’t think he would hm H industrialization in the fires of progress

Indeed indeed you know what I think I’m okay with that I’m I’m okay with how it is for the moment So uh now you finish uh the creeper Farm check out Scions why is it really good I’m not a farm Builder chat I am really bad at building Farms so I just do the simplest most basic things I could possibly do oh that scares me that scares me that

Scares me a little bit I’m a little intimidated chat okay how much is that 31 that is not bad at all in my humble opinion when do we add the stream steam engine efficiency in what what does that mean what does that mean spiders need

3×3 I think the area for the trap doors needs one more carpet oh it’s not 2 by two that’s crazy that’s so crazy chat wow um let me heal up my elytra by trading away my iron let me clear up my inventory by uh getting rid of all of this and oh we

Need to kill an Enderman if anyone sees an Enderman uh just remind me we need to do a little bit of murder like not too much murder just like a tiny bit of M uh and then we can fix that issue as well as on the others all right

Is two stacks of stuff is that good enough I wish I could turn bamboo into stuff but I can’t I wish I could turn it into bone meal but it doesn’t bone meal which is really annoying you guys can go in here for now you can go back in here you can go

Here um why do I have so much gravel on me brush can go here right heal up my elytra how do you make sure only creepers spawn there it could be zombies and skeletons I imagine um that’s what the trap doors are for so creepers are a

Lot shorter than other mobs in the game so when you add the trap doors it means that skeletons and zombies can’t spawn yeah so it’s very efficient very efficient that way oh my God I just traded without having my elytra on so I didn’t get any of the experience oh I I

Why am I like this why am I like this why am I like this please please guys refresh oh you refreshed your trade thank you so much thank you thank you I made a mistake earlier my bad my bad guys my bad but but it’s will fix now

Yeah it’s so fixed now right I think is it time tiny bit of hi Amora welcome in welcome in my fellow princess yeah just just a just a little bit of matter not not too much going on there um don’t worry about it just look away just look

Away it’s very ethical it’s very ethical it’s totally fine uh oh the trap doors make it yeah the trap doors uh limit the height of the block so creepers who are short little guys can get in right I think it is time to find a desert please

I it’s been so long since I found a desert but I don’t know if I have enough Rockets should we AFK a tiny bit more Amur do you want to see the murder happening real time do you do you want to witness the murder you know it’s very great it’s very great it’s

Um ah you know what I should probably make a trap door I should probably make a trap door at the top of this in case I ever do want to fly up but oh my gosh cheating in Minecraft free cam ethical Mur sounds ethical yeah yeah don’t worry the creepers volunteer yeah

Don’t worry they spawned here of their own oh where are they creepers please hang on give it a second give give it a second for the the machine to start working it’s it’s not it’s not murder it is um unfor they’re dying from natural causes chat the natural causes of

Accidentally walking into a fire and burning to death oh it’s good to know my iron farm still works okay very nice that spider is really messing these spiders are really messing things up for me chat I’m not going to Li anyway so the creepers um they spawn up here they

Get scared by the cats and so they will fall into the no the these spiders are messing up my spawn rates they are really killing the spawn rates so my creepers then come here and they accidentally walk into the fire and then they die and then The Hoppers collect

Their remains and put it in the chest except the efficiency is not very good because um spiders keep sping instead of these guys and so um you know it takes a little while for for lots of them to spawn but it’s still natural caes chat I think I think it’s unfortunate

That things die in fire but if they do then you know I’m not fire so I’m not responsible right um yeah we need to fix the spider spawning but oh they they left wait do they despawn why are the spiders despawning I’m not that high up so I made it so I

Was definitely not at the maximum spawn limit radius so that my iron farm could also murder things that’s really interesting he looked at the camera he knows too much yeah but even if they know what can they do it’s it’s a little inevitable it’s a little inevitable it’s

Fine it’s fine they they get a little swim before they go which is great all right I’m going to hydrate very quickly chat um if you reduce that 3×3 AR can reduce spider spawning and it will boost your gun powder rates yes thank you thank you um

That is what we’re going to do later we’ll fix it later um right now I kind of just want to get a cactus so gosh one of these days I’m going to accidentally jump off and and not have my Electra on and I’m going to die sometimes what I do is I will

Literally cover this entire area in water so that if I ever did accidentally fall down I would land in the water I’ve done that before I’m that scared about dying uh but yeah now I think we have with with this extra compad we should have enough to go desert hunting finally

After all these years hydrate or dydrate well I guess but I’m already dead oh oh it’ be like that um ice carpet thank you thank you yeah we did the carpet format wrong please don’t drinx it I’m not I’m not is also a princess of efficiency I

Feel like all the super Regal vtubers tend to be like that so you guys know cocon Senpai who is our Dream goddess cocon a Empire and I we understand each other very much when it comes to these matters we really we really we understand each other very very well

Shall I say when it comes to um uh villager cooperation yes yes and it’s a wonderful thing it’s a it’s a very wonderful thing please don’t Che I will not I will not um I’m going to quickly trade with these guys to boost up my tools and then we’ll get going oh he’s

Up to trades I hate it when they do that it’s so sad it’s so sad yeah F efficiency yeah who says ghost ghost can’t double die I suppose I am a ghost demon um but you know I I I’ve lived this long I’m not I’m not

Getting my hopes up for a second death trap you know maybe one day I’ll pass on maybe one day maybe one day I’ll figure it out um but with the way hello land is I really don’t think anyone is going to help me in my um you know attempts to

Pass on I I just feel as though hello and oh I need an Ender Chest I accidentally destroyed one earlier so we don’t have many oh I need food I’ll probably grab some food quickly and I’ll be ready to go I would like to get a um golden

Carrots villager soon I feel like we’re hitting that point but I also want to build a trading hole before we do that I just it feels a bit bad having this be like a really scuffed ugly trading area I want to get rid of it as soon as

Possible to be honest uh so we will we’ll wait a little B B bam all right let’s sleep and then we’ll head off the question is which direction um which direction do we go I feel like we’ve been that way we’ve been that way and we’ve been that way I want to go

Back to spawn because we need to go to 00 anyway wait have we been this way before I don’t know you know what let’s go this direction I no I’ve been that direction let’s go this direction CH I’ve traveled in every direction and I still haven’t been able to find a desert

For so long it’s been so long let me just stop my if my frames Die My frames die how are my frames trapped are my frames okay am I all right uh but yeah I feel like I’ve traveled in literally every direction and I’ve struggled very much

To find even a single desert so if we can one day get there that would be really really nice super super nice Also if anyone sees a Enderman let me know uh I do need to get one of those guys for also ethical no I’ve been here I’ve been

Here I’ve traveled in every direction chat I’ve been all around the world and there is not a single desert in sight H frames are good okay thank you thank you that is reassuring to know yeah good in our end okay good all good okay okay I’m definitely not nervous about

It we have been here you know what maybe I just travel in one line and I don’t worry about the direction because if we keep traveling in one line we will find it eventually it’s sort of like the the end exploration on the v&d talent server

Where we had to travel 16,000 blocks for an elytra that’s okay you get there eventually the world is infinite Until It Breaks your PC which is still technically infinite it’s just unexplorable infinite H being deserted by the desert sad thing yeah they just they never made themselves known to me

So they can’t even have deserted me they they would just never why is my render distance why it feels so low um oh it feels so bad it feels so bad PC please survive PC I’m begging you PC I believe you can do it I believe in you yeah that’s pretty nice

Wow every time I see a beach I get sad I you know what beaches are one of the worst biomes they’ve added to Minecraft in recent memory because they just jabate me they bait me so hard every time I think I found a desert it’s just another another Beach that doesn’t even

Have anything on it what have you been deserted by a desert in a desert but you can’t be in a desert and still be deserted by a desert unless it’s a separate desert in which case you are the one who deserted that desert because you left the desert

Honestly chat give me a harder thing next time a journey to the farlands I don’t think far are farlands still a thing maybe maybe um I find S caves and cliffs desert spawn so far away now yeah I really wish I say this all the time but

I do wish caves and cliffs had made it so that only 50% of the train generated like that and the other 50% was was like this normal flat OG Minecraft where you actually have flat spaces to build on and not everything has to be super tool and complicated how’s my Electra doing it’s

Only Unbreaking 2 it’s a little guy a do we have one of those in our book um um um no we should we should take it I mean we have everything we need from this so we don’t actually really need these coordinates but um might as well have

Them yeah might as well have them in case I want to like build here or something uh 700 700 there we go how often can you say buffalo and have it be a complete sentence well you can just say it infinitely and call that a sentence and it would be a bad

Sentence but it’s still a sentence so we’ve been here I recognize this landscape I’ve been here I’ve traveled so far across this universe and I have found no desert I miss my realm server with 80% desert why there is a Minecraft mod that is 100% desert and I found out

About it because I was looking for thumbnail stuff and I found literally a SE like a a mod that makes your game 100 % desert which is really depressing you passed a wooden mansion before finding a desert yes to be fair we were very lucky with that

Wooden mansion and I wonder well I’ve been paying for it in my enchantment RNG but you win some you lose some I I like nagito kider my luck balances out chat I get good luck I get really bad luck my beloved who who are you talking to honestly chat honestly goodness gracious goodness

Gracious we need to have words what is that oh wait I’m sure that was random I I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything I’m I’m sure that doesn’t mean anything um anyway let’s move on was great so many temples I feel like Temple well Temple expiration gets a little tiring after a

Bit oh my God are my frames okay um it gets a little tiring after a while because it wait no they’ve made they’ve made Temple exploration better they’ve made it have archaeology I forgot about that hang on I’m going to stop here really quickly to grab this coal and heal up my

Elytra oh my frames I know you guys can’t see it because uh stream is streamed in like a certain frame rate but on my end my frames are bad it’s so sad please please have mercy frame rate please I’m just a little guy wait okay no we’re good uh 14 14 coal that’s

Nothing okay let’s keep going she’s been on a horse through a desert with what does that mean what does that mean chat sometimes they don’t understand the things you say uh from the beginning well I think I called it out before to be I think I think I might I might have

Said something once or twice before um there we go oh God chat you scar me you scar me a little bit I like exploring so I don’t get bored that is true that is true that’s definitely like an upper limit to exploring but when you um are a bit of a

Builder and you like Mega builds you can always go and explore to find a new nice location to build in which is super super nice um so in that sense like even if you have literally everything you need uh you’re always short of terrain that is natural and looks good yeah I

Think terrain like for me is a very big inspir in Inspiration yeah inspiration inspiration for my builds um if I like how something looks and I can just picture what goes there then um it’s a lot easier for me to build something you could mine copper oh I

Want the experience mostly do more than more than anything else but I also need coal um and it would be a pain to to wait all righty good luck on the cactus hunt thank you it is like our fifth time trying to hunt for cacti again yay

Gosh I love have I been here I feel like I would have said that that’s somewhere DK would live or maybe Z that’s the thing cat that is a thing that upsets me it’s like DK wants to live in a Minecraft cave but Z already lives in a

Cave so does zel get right to the cave like if I find a really nice cave and I’m like man I should send these coordinates to one of my gen mates I mean this is single player so I wouldn’t but if I if I did in future for a um um

What do you call it for something on the V and talent server would I send those coordinates to zelli first or would I send it to DK first or would I just throw it into the group chat and and let them fight over it I feel like zeli would never fight

For it zi would just be like eating zi would be eating food so she wouldn’t mind at all tropical ocean warm ocean okay please give me a desert please give me a desert please give me a desert please please Please does it I hate this game I hate this game this game upsets me it betrays me at every turn all I wanted was a singular desert and what has it given me mountains and forests and nothing else m who’s more likely to search for their own that is actually a good

Question I don’t know I couldn’t tell you um let’s go to the left a little bit room mates yeah I guess they could both live in the same cave they try and kill each other you know what I feel like caves are very hello land coded because

Mizo wants to make a dungeon and a cave dungeon is a good place as any the issue is me like where would I I don’t fit in the cave aesthetic I feel like um Miss Mar DK could fit perfectly with a cave aesthetic I and so could ell but what

About me chat I just I just don’t feel like I would really Work it just wouldn’t suit me desert please Mima we were just talking about you maybe I could live on top of the hill that would be quite nice that would be quite nice Talk about MMA I know speak of the devil and the devil will appear chat it’s a pun because MMA tarot card major Arcana is the devil so yeah so yeah and if you didn’t know that I’m very disappointed ooh oh AAA biome oh tropical ocean could

There be a desert please could there be a desert here wait is that oh that is a desert desert question mark desert please right we might very quickly rest here oh my God two blocks of gold that’s that’s not bad at all excuse me I’m going to grab

You I’m going to grab you this is a very nice portal a speedrunner would love it here I’m gaming enjoy enjoy your gaming is it Apex what are you gaming I hope you’re having fun rad I guess I’ll take some bread we we’re still we’re still poor enough that I’ll take

Bread um oh two biomes I want a bell I don’t really want a bell we don’t really need anything anymore chat we we’ve grown up we’ve evolved or rather we’ve just got enough stuff we don’t we don’t really need anything anymore yeah villager exploring is is

Kind of me one thing I would love the game to add is once you killed the Ender Dragon buffing the loot you get yet in new things that you explore that would make me very happy wait a second okay um let’s see so you are oh could it be nope it’s another it’s

Another Beach right let’s follow the tropical ocean around and just see if we can find any deserty biomes please it’s warm it must there must be a jungle this game is giving me everything except what I need please please I just want a singular a singular one desert

Just one I don’t even need a temple I just want a cactus I want one Cactus that’s what I want this game this game hates me desert no it’s another Beach it’s another Beach chat you know how I know cuz there’s Turtles everywhere I bet it would even give me a jungle

Temple I bet that would even be a jungle temple here no no jungle temple just just pain just pain chat just pain in beaches not a single cactus in sight never have I been so betrayed please I’ve already died once do I not get one

Desert I died for this I died so I could be here I don’t even get a desert this game this game is so mean to me this is a chunky chunky place though okay and now it’s in a completely different uh temperate biome okay let’s keep going going this way I Suppose wait pause if this is a giant Beach I’m going to be so mad it’s a giant Beach isn’t it it’s a beach I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game it gives me hope it it gives me a morum of Hope a smid of

Hope and then it tears it away it rips it apart it rips it apart chat I I am so tempted to slash seed right now I am so tempted to slash seed and then locate to like the nearest biome can I can I do slash locate biome no I don’t think so cuz

It’s hardcore um do you feel more or less betrayed when the last betrayal has occurred more betrayed because it’s cumulative you know I still have attachment to this world and so when this world betrays me it it hurts it hurts chat clearly none of you have been betrayed before to ask such a

Question of course it pains me it’s it’s like a toxic relative who I can’t get rid of cuz we’re so blood related that you know I mean I’m dead so I have no relatives or family but I imagine if I did that’s what it would be like I imagine that’s a

Cute that’s a cute area if I like Jungles I would like to live here um I don’t like Jungles though sadly o there’s so much green my eyes are actually just dying um God this is an huge jungle biome it really goes on forever

Um where are we – 7,000 we are so far away from home a mangrove you’re giving me another Mangrove instead of a desert video game please you a beach you’re a Beach as a hat I was taken off a head and put on the coat rack to rot I see I see it’s it’s very tragic it’s very tragic it’s like Toy Story But clothing Edition you know I feel like they should make a film

Out of that out of a cast of clothes has that been done before where garments unite against the common en another manger I’m so upset right now I don’t want to play this game anymore guys we’re going to end stream my very first on hour long

Stream youing it I know I could slash seed at any point because in hardcore you can still exclamation No slash seed I haven’t but I really want to we’ll find it we’ll find it we will I believe in myself I will not give in I will not give in I will not give

In rip frame rate wait are my frames dying I’m dying chat this is another Beach isn’t it it’s a giant Beach that’s crazy I’ve never seen one before but the Integrity nothing is real chat Art Is A Lie did you not realize this upon my

Debut I literally put it in as a quote I put it in as a quote Why why frame rate dropping here and there can I close anything um I guess will that help help help I’m stuck in low frame rate Help okay well it’s going to have to be good enough chat one day oh another jungle how revolutionary another Mangrove crazy never seen one of these before God I’m so glad we finally found one wouldn’t it be so nice if we finally found a biome of something we

Needed I can’t imagine what that would be like let me Up man we jungle I sure wish that we had even more jungle that’s really what I was hoping for this entire time got to be the most healthy Planet I’ve seen so many jungles well just you wait until I take my flint and steel to it and I burn

Everything down for its crimes against me it’ll sure wish that it was healthy after that after I practiced my death destruction and doom tactics upon it then it will be sorry we don’t have that many Rockets left so I wonder if it’s time to pick a different x-axis and then fly

Back like I don’t know how much difference it’ll make but it’ll just be nice to cover even more ground it’s what need the global warming wow wow chat as if we don’t have enough of that in real life won I’m so sad where is my desert this world loves jungles like I

Don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it what about jungles are so great video game why you so obsessed with jungles I kind I didn’t think they were that good maybe this dream should have been a uh ancient debris Gathering stream like all these jungles and still not a single

Jungle temple what’s that about what’s that about there is collusion collusion against my against the Integrity of my mind it is being destroyed oh well I suppose I’ll forgive this jungle biome I suppose I’ll forgive it just as once I suppose I can make an exception exclusively for this jungle biome we

Will need to stop uh somewhere and uh dig stuff at some point bam well that was easy like wow armor trims I love armor trims um yeah nothing good ow okay I guess we have uh smithing templates which is good enough for meink right where are we okay minus 1K I

Want to go a little bit further this way so we get to like maybe minus 2K and then we will head back yeah just so we know that we’re covering a lot of pores it’s another Beach of course it’s another Beach why would I expect anything else that’s the definition of

Madness the definition of Madness maybe a wondering vill Trader spawns with green dye that’s an incredible idea let me just spawn in a wanding Trader right now cuz that’s something I can do chat we’re not going to get enough green dye if we just trade

It we still need load of GRE diet that’s not renewable the wondering Trader has like a really Limited stock supply we’re never going to we can’t just keep the wondering Trader here he despawns I can’t capture him like I do other villagers we’re going to die it’s so over for us

We’re so going to perish in the middle of the night in the cold because it’ll be so cold given the world has no deserts apparently the temperature isus 8 billion 8 billion degrees because there are no deserts how does the ecosystem survive with no deserts how am I supposed to get a camel

If I don’t have a desert I want a camel I want a camel chat I’m so sad what did I do to deserve no camels I’ve always been so nice to camels never did I ride on a camel cuz I know it’s bad to them you know in my

Lifetime I was so nice to the camel and yet and yet not a single desert appears before me all I see are villagers that I will proceed to steal from cuz I’m sad will that make me feel better not really oh this is new I haven’t seen this layout

Before what what do you mean we leave and we hide we hide in a new location y excuse me camel are fun they spit they do spit is that fun I don’t know um yeah we don’t really need ha Bells like I I could pick them up but I don’t

Have my um hoe on me so I kind of can’t be bothered I will steal from a library though if there are any Library things but I don’t believe there are so yeah I think we can I think we can leave we’ll leave it um what I want to

Find is I would like to find a rocky Shore because I would like to he up my Electra a tiny bit again I could also kill some cows we know is there weird not having a desert in the old Minecraft version they were everywhere yeah they were so common and

Now it’s just endless green but for what reason for what reason chat we don’t even need anything from a village so let’s head back this way as the sun and moon rarely meet so it seems for Spectra to never meet a cactus it’s not funny guys it’s not funny don’t

Turn it into poetic idioms please please please no I just want a single Cactus that’s all that’s all I could hope for nothing more nothing less just one just one spiky cactus that I could uh destroy all my armor against I still know rocky shores um tiny bit worried about my elytra but

I can’t really do anything about it right now so we going the right way we are going the right way I’m so sad we’ll never find a desert is the cactus the sun with the Moon yes Cactus skill issue well chat I would like to see you try to grab a cactus in

This economy it’s a it’s a rare import it seems I don’t know why I’m picking up so much bread I don’t need bread why am I getting it you know what the cold here reminds me of the off collab the snow everywhere off collab Behavior the shape of the roofs off collab

Behavior random cat off collab Behavior oh wow more obsidian the random ice sculpture of collab Behavior what can I kill I see no cows anywhere yet I need to kill something because my El is getting low so me shall search we shall search for something that must perish very imminently

Um I’m so sad chat can I even go on can I even go on when we’ve traveled so far without a single cactus what’s the point anymore what I ever wanted was a cactus and yet there are no cacti only polar bears wow free experience nice my elyra healed that’s so crazy um

Anyway oh another Village still don’t need anything from it endlessly I travel and yet still no rocky shores no polar bears uh wasn’t your a Senai in in desert biomes was there no Cactus there guys this is my single player hardcore world I think a lot of people I’ve seen

So many people in chat really confused that I’m not on the V and do Talent server um I have a single player hardcore world I don’t always go on the V and do Talent server uh I Chang it up I changed it up to be a little um just

To do something a tiny bit different different each time but yeah no uh this is not oh this is um not the V and do Talent server I messed it up I forgot to equip my elytra it’s so sad it’s okay there could be nope there’s no coal there unless no we’re

Not going down there wait what are you oh an e glue can I get any experience from here I don’t think so oh we might as well go just to say that we’ve been I guess uh what can I smel actually can’t really smel Anything there’s no [ __ ] way is it real after all this time could it be wow a cactus oh my gosh I love video games man it it’s so cool to have a cactus gosh I I really like cacti Cati are one of my got to be one of my uh

Favorite things of all time I’m so happy we yeah we found a desert for this yep yeah yeah we totally we totally found a desert for this yeah yeah anyway time to go home time to go home everyone man I love Minecraft what a what an adventure

Anyway dude there’s no [ __ ] way we found an igloo with a cactus in it before we found a desert are you kidding me I could have been looking in a in a in a Bleak Midwinter location this entire time I could have been searching The Bleak Midwinter it would have been

Easier probably I would have found it quicker we found like three Ice Bike biomes before we found a single D that ice spike biom is are one of the rarest biomes in the game I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here why do I play this

Game why do I play this game bam you know I’ve had a lot of thoughts over the years cows and I really think your leather is extremely valuable because I like having books it has to be this way I’m sorry why is there a polar be is he lost chickens

We’ve had our differences my chat tell me that luy likes you but uh this is my hardcore world so goodbye it’s time to go Bam Bam Bam right I need to set something on fire I just think it would be fun I’m I’m just getting I’m getting the urges

Chat the urge to set something on fire what should I set on fire today any volunteers chat any volunteers maybe I burned down entire first I couldn’t burn down that Igloo it would have been funny what can I set on fire today very curious very curious maybe the cactus

Was the friends we made along the way no I have made no friends I have only lost friends I have only been betrayed by this hardcore world I have only lost faith in the Universe I have only murdered polar bears and made an enemy of Polar Polar Bear

Kind what have I won what have I won a single Cactus and no desert to show for it what is the point what is the point I’ve come so far and for what for what chat only to live another day without having set eyes on a

Desert I suppose and now I will have to spend 8 years growing an army of cacti because I could only find one a singular measly cactus in this world of betrayal there’s like barely any coal here too why is there no coal why is there like no coal here huh

Anyway please no I’ll burn too easily there’ll be no enjoyment in it no no no you’ve never seen sparklers before have you they burn super quickly but they are super fun are you made of flam materials hatch would you give off noxious fumes if I were to burn you an interesting

Hypothesis luckily for you zeli loves the taste of noxious fumes so I can I can get zeli over here and then we can do some hat burning rituals I think yeah zel is very good at identifying noxious fumes from the Flavor one of her favorite snacks I think

Al I don’t have a crafting table I don’t know how I lost a crafting table but I should probably get one right I should probably go and grab one hello then cannot burn sorry Spector chat is part of hello land no you guys are not part of hello land you guys wish

You were part of hello land you would all perish so easily if you came to visit helloand I would know I would know I’ve had to fill in like the visitor accident for recently um so you know I’m sure I’m sure chat would love to be part of hello land

Unfortunately we we cannot really accept your kind because uh you’re so um how do I say this squishy you’re all very squishy and not in like the fleshy way your squishy in the Dy instantly way which is really funny uh until I have to fill in the accident forms and then it’s

No longer funny so chat I I think I love being a spirito why why because go I hope I hope no one here is like an empath and can feel my depression through the screen that would be really sad um but I I just feel like I just feel

Like you wish you could be part of helland but you’ll never be part of helloand helloand is a pretty fixed um how do I put this like a fixed place because uh there were only so many demons that got isied with us and apparently it’s not like a go in go out

Kind of deal so um the the ghosts and demons that are here they’re stuck here and then nothing else comes in or out so you know it was fixed from the moment we were isekai not from the moment we became part of v and U and you guys you

Guys are like I don’t know you guys are just you guys are just like I don’t know a revolving door into an auditorium I suppose so yeah alas um helloand doesn’t claim you is is what I’m trying to say we don’t claim you chat and I don’t think you’d want us to

Claim you cuz that would have some uh very dangerous implications uh for your future wellbeing ooh emeraldo this is one of the rarest box in the game yay okay I should um maybe put some more things away yeah maybe I just put some things way think okay there we

Go I’m fine with not visiting hello land we’ve had some interesting Google reviews I’ll tell you that I’ll tell you That why is everyone saying hi Spectra uh huh huh huh hello did I miss a raid hi everyone hello I guess hope you’re all doing well we are just Mining Co I don’t even know why I’m still mining coal like my elytra is fine I I just I just wanted a

Break a break from the pain chat the suffering that is having literally zero why are there no bookshelves um The Suffering that is having no desert and only one Cactus 5 stars on Google Maps um yeah let’s say that I think I think in uh DK’s mind she thinks every review

Is five stars cuz it’s out of five she’s like wow five stars again I’m like no DK that’s one out of five so you got to count like the stars that they give you and that says one out of and she’s like no five stars look it says five and I’m like

Okay and then I and then I leave as I so often do with my helloand Gates then I leave and um yeah I go about with my day chat there the reason I don’t leave the castle I just I just wipe I just VI oh parrot we don’t need any parrots

We don’t need parrots we don’t need any more pets we need to finish our underground base we need to finish our house we need to grab loads of cacti we need to grab loads of flowers uh we could get Mangrove leaves no we don’t really need Mangrove

Leaves I wonder if there’s an aasia anywhere do they have green stained clay I don’t think they do I don’t think they do okay what else is here no nothing Oh I thought that was a panda I was like how did you get here I was like someone walked very far alas no

Pandas right we should be 8,000 blocks away from home I mean we have our I could fly directly instead of flying over all these locals yeah maybe wait could it be could it be after all these years where are the cacti why are there no cacti wait pause pause chat after all

These years Am I Dreaming it doesn’t even feel I don’t even feel happy I’m not even happy about this I’m just sad sad I’m just really sad there’s no way after all these years did I finally find a desert it’s tiny I can’t move this way for this fine I guess I’ll take It I’m not even happy chat it’s a desert but what is it what has it done for me nothing it’s it’s been of no help no value and why why is it even here ow why is it in the middle of nowhere chat why is there only a singular

Camel h i see a curious location well guys I guess we found a desert yay yippe y a desert that’s crazy guys wow a desert guys have you have you seen the desert I’m so happy about it any books here oops wow more Cactus yay y wow we did it

Guys we found a desert oops yay after all these years a single desert wow a desert guys it’s so desert like and Tiny wow truly have I it’s so small there’s not even desert temple here what was the point of coming this way okay it’s fine

You know it’s fine chat it’s fine cuz I can bam okay I feel better you better to find a desert than a dessert no I would rather have a dessert you know what you know what chat yesterday someone asked me if I wanted terisu and I said oh no it’s okay cuz I

Hate spending money so I didn’t want to get the tiasu but now you know what it would be so nice to have a tiu right now I shouldn’t have said no to the jisu I should have said no I should have got it I should have got it and I should have

Taken it away it’s was like I leftover so I could have eaten it today and then I’d be less sad but I said no to the chisu and now I must live with the consequences of my own actions this means he won’t burn us right no no

That will be awesome today somewhere in the world Spectra broke before the cactus did yeah it’ be like that sometimes alas it is now upon achieving what I set out to accomplish that I realize all that I feel is a fleeting sense of achievement accompanied by an overwhelming Melancholy melancholy for

Truly what we strove for all this time was not the goal itself but I don’t know nothing more than that what was I looking for all this time chat did I just delude myself that a cactus in a desert would make me happy maybe did they make me happy am I happy

Now when was it be my turn Chat when will it be my turn to be satisfied with what I have set out to do oh an ocean Temple cute uh – 2400 – 700 and yet as I stand here I feel I am still searching for

Something even though I found all that I had wanted why would you reject himy in the F cuz it’s expensive Tero cost money I should have got the Tero well really I I want I thought I wanted a cactus in a desert but all I wanted was chisu all I ever

Wanted was chisu chat why didn’t I get the chisu I should have got the chisu and it’s too late now cuz that place is like an hour and a half away and I’m not going to go there anymore I’m so sad there probably a lesson to be learned here indeed

Indeed sometimes I feel as though the desert still eludes me even though the coordinates are marked in my book your ghost having regrets is kind of your thing I have amnesia I am guys I didn’t know how to tell you I have like severe ghost Amnesia like I’m not I’m not remembering

Much like ever I don’t I don’t remember anything I I probably won’t like ever maybe I don’t know who knows alas Sal but chat could that still be hope could that still be something could that still be meaning in this life of mine I saw something where did

It could that still be meaning in this empty world oh who the trident no Trident okay could there still be meaning chat could there still be something left for me out here in this world could death still be something I’m searching for something that will usee the Sorrows

H could it be that I am not yet done I am not yet finished but there is more for me here somewhere is that too much to hope that I’m still looking for something where is it why why why is there like nothing here ow how are you dying on like your own

Architecture that’s embarrassing bam oh a ber treasure map cute no I am still looking one day I will find find It pottery Shard I guess that’s okay oh no h h oh nope not that oh it’s so sad I thought I might be able to find what I’m

Looking for here but I don’t think I don’t think there’s anything here uh mending no I don’t really I’m not MAA I don’t need that oh is my inventory too full wait a second wait a second where did my lamp go Lantern Lantern where are you um ah there you are

Yay and one more yay any more oh there’s one one last chance for us nope underwater adventuring is pretty dangerous it is it is uh but I have enough faith in our armor at this point that we can kind of survive like a little bit of

Abuse so um yeah don’t worry too much chat don’t worry too much fresh and deeper than than the trench I don’t know what you mean I’m perfectly uh stable right now I’m totally fine I’m so fine I’m so fine GC says was that one to the left of the magma

Block if that was it is what it is I suppose please I think we I think we got them all yeah alas I think that’s it for us there is no more hope only regret un us nope only reget GP wow thank you so much for the Super

Chat it says depression deeper than the Marin’s Tren wased over Spectra her goal reach the achievement unrewarding a terrible surprise with the Fantastic Fant why fantastic fantasm the libertina try to a her to know about I’m the only libertina I’m the only libertina though that there’s no other

Liberas oh do you mean the spirit thank you Chad thank you I I I appreciate the um the support and the financial support I I like I love the concept of people sending fictions in my super chats that’s very funny to me I like that a lot I like that a lot thank

You for thank you for your drabble I appreciate the drabble oh hang on I wanted to use these are these the same they are the same and so I continue on my journey to find happiness huh is it here oh no I should probably go to

Bed uhoh uhoh uhoh I must have no okay I understand I understood I understood that’s a meat that’s a meat that’s a meat thank you thank you for the super I appreciate that so much thank you thank you where is this [ __ ] thing here no it’s that

Way oh I should have killed them for the experience okay this way yeah it’s this way okay please give me something nice cuz I’m sad bam the one pixel method huh how could the one pixel method fail me wow another heart of the sea um do I need anything else I guess I

Guess I just pick up the ores because um one might as well one can never have too many ores because his uh money okay cool um y any you so touch you are do we need that hard of the SE yeah you might as well grab them for conduits

You need eight of them for a conduit uh and even though I don’t really use conduit they might be helpful in an underwater build someday or possibly if we were to do an ocean Monument draining project uh so that’s why I I’m keeping them okay back home time to go back

Home but we have been on a long journey I think it is time I think it is time still not happy even after finding Cactus or a desert or a desert chat we had a good run I guess no desert temple but that’s okay no sniffer egg

But that’s okay we we got some things and what did we learn nothing but that’s fine that’s fine too okay I should have got that chasu I’m craving chasu now oh well oh well you know what I might should I go and get a snack an anti sadness snack no no it’s

Fine it’s fine oh wait oh wait where are we going back and plant Cactus indeed and then we can finally start finishing our house oh my gosh I am excited to finally finish that house it it’s it’s been bugging me how unfinished it is I think I want to add

Some more interesting features I’m just trying to figure out like how I add the interesting features I could burn down the Woodland Mansion here that could be that could should be a way I cope Woodland Mansion destruction I am hungry I’m always really hungry when I stream streaming does work up an

Appetite even though it’s like you’re just sitting here um I think it’s because there is quite a lot of mental energy that goes towards streaming it it’s definitely something that ties you out my juicy to sweet black tea it’s too late in the afternoon for me to have

Sweet black tea oh you know what I did get though I got some honey I got some very nice honey with uh vanilla pots in it yeah so I’m very excited to try that oh and you know what I got clotted cream you know what did Mr Mo get me scon

Today wait I can finally try the scon Mr Mo made me or if I ask Mr Mo to make me scon if if he hasn’t I can have clotted cream and guns you know what we’re so back chat we are so back I actually got like a huge pot of clotted cream which

Is sad because sometime it expires in one week and I’m like I don’t really I have to be in the mood for scon and jam I don’t really know if I want to have like scon and jam every day it’s it’s a little excessive even even for a ghost

Princess um so I’m going to have to really think about whether I actually eat them all cuz I don’t know if I want to I don’t know if I can I don’t know if I’m capable of it boink oh my gosh we’re kind of running low on Rockets I should probably

Prioritize getting home yeah let’s prioritize getting home wow my GPU is spiking to 100% again that’s normal right that’s totally so normal wait where are we um yeah let’s start heading home we’ve explored we’ve had our journey we’ve had our adventure for read the rest of Mr Mo uh Mr Moore

Has a very specific diet he actually can’t really um he’s not like zi where you can just pass zeli like literally anything and zel’s really happy it’s um it’s a little more complicated than that yeah it’s a little more complicated any thingy magies Ow a clock I don’t want one of those who needs to tell the time when you’re dead do you not have optim idea of optimization mods I have the optimization mods given to me by by by many people by many experts in the optimization mod pack

Thing I the mod pack I use is still the one um a friend made me so I just like update the mods in the mod pack but I very much trust that expertise maybe I need more optimization mods but I don’t think I do I think I’ve got like all the

Major ones like I’ve got the big ones um are you secretly Mr Mo trying to sneak some snacks huh if I was then I’d be like yeah I can give Mr Mo the cled cream I wish I am hungry too yes indeed one day I will devour oh I could have

Lotted cream and and honey oh that would be so bad for me but it doesn’t matter I’m that would be I I couldn’t eat that if I was a human but it doesn’t matter because I’m already dead like what’s it going to do to me kill me again oh sweet relief you

Know interesting very interesting I think I kind of recognize this terrain I don’t know if I lying but I I think I kind of do H oh I see I see oh I get it cuz the profile picture as well very cute very very very Cute yeah sometimes I don’t read an operative message of someone’s message and then I an operative word in someone’s message and then I get very confused and then I confuse chat by being confused in death there’s no carbs no I think carbs is still a concept that exists but but I just don’t

Think I need to worry about them calories don’t count when you’re dead so true so true bam okay time to plant these cacti Bonk Bonk B very cute very cute okay um do I no you know I’ll plant one more I will plant one more in death I’m going to at least eat

What I want yeah I still need to I don’t I don’t really understand see I’m like the only thing of my kind so I don’t really get if um eating stuff actually does affect me physically I kind of assum it doesn’t but it might but it might and

Then what’s going to happen if I don’t kill all the ghosts like what is DK going to take care of them no DK is going to blow up a mountain when trying so I need to be a bit careful I need to be a bit careful need to maintain

Maintain my super buff muscular physique chat otherwise these demons they aren’t exercising themselves you know some of them need to go oh my gosh finally green terra cotta let’s go let’s go it’s so cute it’s so pretty I can replace so much of my house with this yeah

Yeah yeah look at this chat oh my gosh wow the texturing the texturing let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go oh my gosh I love it I love it so much I love it so so much look at this chat look bam and then when we zoom out oops when

We zoom out doesn’t it look so much cuter oh chat I’m very happy I’m very happy now yeah we can finally finish this house you got to get some gains true it’s why I drink milk every day definitely not cuz I just like milk cool wow I am

Pleased I am pleased with myself I am pleased with what has occurred I thank you thank you so much chat gosh I actually that there is something about the the most recent ad uh that is quite funny but I don’t know if I want to like

Say it publicly yet when when like this ad stops going out maybe then I’ll I’ll reveal my secret but I can do that until then there’s like something about the ad I I can’t say it yet I can’t say it quite yet good things might happen maybe

Maybe maybe indeed okay let me put my uh carrots into the composter uh do I need bones I have a feeling in my head that I need bones for something but I don’t know what also did someone in chat give me actually I can stop I can stop being

Pale did someone in chat give me [Laughter] uh I’m checking the Discord this is a patternn following in L shape Max to oh I see thank you thank you the car P off my Discord thank you I appreciate that okay okay let’s do that then right I’m going to uh oh no going to convert

All of this into carpet and then we will need some lanterns to uh do I have any torches no I don’t have any torches anymore we’ll use some lanterns to quickly light up the insides of it what dayare are we oh my gosh 92 guys we’re getting close

To day 100 maybe 100 days in Minecraft hardcore is my 15K celebration maybe we do it on Friday oopsie bam bam oh no oh oh no chat oh no it’s so over for me oh no guys abandon hope here it’s the end it’s so the end for

Me okay I lived barely but I lived uh ow let me in let me in Bam Bam okay so new carpet pattern uh um can I just like start it anywhere wait uh two uh three wait one two three four bam one two oh no bam one two bam one two bam

Uh oh no this pattern’s so confusing it’s so confusing it’s so confusing who did this to Me who would who would make me do this who would make me do this chat I’m so confused why wait no this is wrong this can’t be right did I see something here no this can’t be right I can’t have done it right me I guess as long as there no like 3×3

Sprays like that it’s like that it’s so ugly this is so ugly it was 5 before you just needed to add it to the drop yeah ly I am I kind of think so I I kind of think I just needed to do that guys that’s a chest KN pattern

Yeah yeah maybe it was fine before was it was it just fine has the um title for the book club being decided know and the reason why is like on Twitter everyone wanted aliceon Wonderland but on YouTube everyone wanted um Frankenstein so I’m going to have to do some funky division and

Addition and subtraction between all of the votes and then we will um after I’ve aggregated everything pretty sure you just chat shut up you’re so mean to me chat you’re so mean to your streamer how could you how could you say these things to your

To to your own streamer to your very own streamer uh P CH that Frankenstein is winning yeah Frankenstein’s winning uh on YouTube which has far more votes but uh on Twitter people wanted Alison Wonderland I actually kind of wonder if um I kind of wonder if I would like to

Um put Alice in Wonderland in again one day because if I if I put it in again one day uh I think people would want to read it like I think I chose two Banger I feel like I’m always choosing Banger book options but it takes a while to get

Banger book options cuz it’s it’s complicated it’s complicated YouTube is superior cuz it picked Frankenstein I mean to each their own I think they’re both very good books to read to be honest can I give you this bribe to choose no like lowy after I realized I could

Just do Alice and Wonderland instead of an of Green Gables I I kind of want I kind of want to read Alice in Wonderland now oh but I don’t know I don’t know I feel like literary nonsense is such a banger topic I kind of want more time to

Talk about it with Frankenstein it’s a good book but I don’t think you need as much time to talk about it so maybe we will do um we’ll probably do Frankenstein but I’m going to keep an eye on the vote for like the next two days I’ll probably announce it uh Thursday

Yeah chat we have a mission same votes on both sides n both are so good yeah I think both are very good picks um I think it’s probably going to be Frankenstein if you wanted to stop reading but also the book takes like an hour or two hours to read so you

Guys are probably fine all righty wow look at my house good I’m going to make my house look so good chat you guys have no idea you have no idea it it needs it needs a little more to it um at the moment I I still think the house just needs some more

Pizzaz yeah uh but after I’ve um made it look a lot nicer then I think we’ll start renovating the rest of this area because the rest of the area looks a a little suspicious cool should we check the creeper Farm any any non creepers no no

Non- creepers wait why are they okay no they’re good they’re good the mo is that guys I don’t think somehow I don’t think that’s a real Mojang but you know or moang I pronounced it wrong oh yeah welcome to chat everyone um cool well guys I think we’re

Done I think we’ve had enough of turo oil for one day I think I think that’s enough that’s enough of the Minecraft oh the the stuff like stops a lot when I when I Tab out uh I don’t like the use of the possessive in my princess I would prefer

Just Princess uh tell me when we are going to get um another test of the book what do you mean test of the book I didn’t test you guys last time that was homework that was homework independent of the book CL stream uh moang never used her own logo for social media it’d

Be like that it’d be like that but yeah I think I think I think that that that’s me that’s me done with stream I’m tired I’m tired I’m going to Tab out um so the frame rate is going to go absolutely Haywire don’t worry about it I’m just tapped out cuz I will

Quickly change back so thank you you for joining me as I lost my mind in uh the good old Minecraft I’m going to see who is live we will find some mat to raate um tomorrow I’ll be live again at uh 400 p.m. GMT so exactly the same time I

Started today we’re going to be playing a new book little witch in the woods yeah little witch in the wood new book new game new game called little witch in the woods which is super super cute and I’m very very excited because it’s such a cute pixelot game and I wanted to play

It as soon as it released but um I didn’t cuz I was like oh one day I might play it on stream and now I can play it on stream like now I have an audience to which I can play it on stream for um so we’ll be going in completely completely

Blind so no spoilers please um obviously I don’t know I don’t actually know how story based a game is or if like choices matter at all I think it’s just a cute like witchy puzzle game with really nice Aesthetics so yeah V to happen was enjoyable yeah thank you thank you I’m

Really hungry so I’m lending a little early to get food I mean I say early it’s been 2 hours that’s like a good time no one’s long Know from being live where is EU gang where’s EU gang when I need them who can we raid who can we raid who can we raid um we haven’t raided Mia in a while shall we raid the wonderful Mia oh I think it’s just Mia now actually sorry I think

It’s just Mia yeah Mia Channel miai who is a wonderful wonderful RB shark like it’s not RGB it’s just RB you did well thank you Chad thank you I think I love your profile picture but I’m so sorry I’m just about to end but uh we’ll be doing hardcore

Minecraft again on Friday so yes yes you’re not too late to see the world um we’re fighting so much raid right now Pains of GMT time zone it’s a pain of the GMT time zone and also the pain of EU gang having no streamers cuz even

People in the GMT time zone will stream much much later in the day but that’s okay because we can read the wonderful M Marina who is so fantastic and and such a lovely person and I think everyone from if you know what’s happened in sort

Of the Ving space uh a lot has G on so please please do go and support Mia space shark yeah who is so wonderful and who has been so lovely and and fantastic through everything I think you know Mia deserves the support Mia deserves the support

After everything so so so so much so yeah how oh also Mia just released a cover of echko which she drew the art for and it’s such a good cover so uh you can go and stream that if you’d really like to it’ be nice if we have a space

To share long reviews of the book club by SP know helps to write them oh Discord third yeah you could do it on a Discord third you could also do it um under my under my comments of the book club board if you would like to but yeah

Discord thread sounds like a really good idea chat so yeah yeah things happen things happen it’s been an eventful start to the year I know it really has it really has chat I just want everyone to be okay um so yes pleas go have a wonderful time with me who’s doing genin

Impact right now yeah do you guys like gacha games I don’t know do you guys like do you guys like gacha games you guys gacha gamers you’re totally not asking cuz there may or may not be a Trails inspired turnbas jrpg that I would be willing to try on

Stream because I love trails and I love turnbas your RPGs and it may also be a gcha but I don’t know if I want to I don’t know if I want to throw my ring into that deck hat into that ring ring into that deck what what

Idioms was I blending I put idioms in a blender in my brain Circle yeah yeah yeah interesting fascinating spect what are you mean G I don’t know I I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean I know what you mean I just like turnbas your RPGs chat I you

Know you know you have a dir bed guys I didn’t even buy a cheru yesterday and I should have I should have got that chisu I’m so Frugal I don’t want to change out my 6-year-old PC cuz it costs money I’m a Frugal person uh but yeah because TR

And G only make me think of that I’ve heard a aaty story is is weird it’s like L heavy but also um I haven’t really heard great things about how it’s portrayed in the character so yeah not that much to be fair okay okay all right for watching did like playing them

Myself yeah I know a lot of people like that okay yeah obviously be responsible financially that is something any streamer wants for Their audience um if they’re worth their Sal as a Creator so yeah we’re going to I’m going to read you guys into Mia I’ve St enough uh Mia

Is doing some wonderful gion impact please pleas please go and support Mia she is so lovely and wonderful support your local space shark go watch her cover and I will see you guys tomorrow okay T I can’t speak the cacti depression to half hour everyone and forel Bye

This video, titled ‘Gunpowder Farm And Cactus Hunting!【 Hardcore Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-01-08 19:13:22. It has garnered 1106 views and 229 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:40 or 8200 seconds.

i am totally not too lazy to make thumbnails when i schedule stream


Twitter: TikTok: Fan Name: Spiritinas Merchandise:

Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets

Thumbnail asset credit: BGM Credit: Nobu via DovaSyndrome



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1. Be respectful. Discrimination, harassment, speculations (including doxing), and rudeness in all forms are unwelcome. Chat will be moderated on the side of caution.

2. Remain on topic and avoid controversial or inappropriate remarks, including trauma-dumping. Do not mention other streamers unless first mentioned by the streamer.

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4. No backseating, spoilers, or patronising the streamer. The only exception is when help is requested.

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Please do not involve Spectra Libitina’s design, voice, or content in AI without the express consent of V&U. Thank you!



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#envtuber #minecraft #minecrafthardcore

  • Crafty Creatures: Minecraft Mod Madness

    Crafty Creatures: Minecraft Mod Madness Welcome to the World of CreatureChat in Minecraft! Get ready to dive into a whole new experience in Minecraft with the CreatureChat mod! Created by owlmaddie and Jonathan Thomas, this mod introduces a unique AI system that allows all entities in the game to interact with players in a natural and engaging way. 🌟 Interacting with Creatures With CreatureChat, players can chat, befriend, and interact with a variety of creatures in the Minecraft world. From creepers to cows, pigs to pandas, each entity has its own personality and responses, making the game more immersive and dynamic. 🐷🐼 Engaging Conversations… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Fps to 1000+

    Boost Your Minecraft Fps to 1000+ Ultimate FPS Boosting Guide for Minecraft Welcome friends, you are in gaming and in today’s video, we are going to explore how you can achieve top-level FPS boosting in Minecraft. The latest version of MFT 1.2.4 offers exceptional performance, and with the right mods, you can significantly enhance your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details of the mods included in this version. Sodium, Fabric API IX, Sodium Extra, and Ice Sodium, Fabric API IX, Sodium Extra, and Ice are the primary mods that form the backbone of your FPS enhancement. Sodium optimizes your game performance, while Sodium Extra… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience with the Best Font Pack!

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience with the Best Font Pack! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! We have a fantastic recommendation for you based on a recent YouTube video we came across. The video titled “🤯Best FONT PACK For Minecraft Videos 🔥(Don’t Miss)” showcases an amazing font pack for Minecraft thumbnails and videos. This pack is not only used by big YouTubers like blaze mg, yupp rikshu, beat playz, and rosy gamerz, but it also provides a wide range of fonts suitable for various gaming content. If you’re someone who aspires to create content like… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Rich vs Poor Battles! Are you a fan of Minecraft content creators like Berkant? Do you enjoy watching videos that showcase the fun and creativity of the game? If so, you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server! Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of activities to enjoy, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part of the Minewind community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Boralo: The Ultimate Tek Leader

    Boralo: The Ultimate Tek Leader The Minecraft World of Boralo: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with Boralo, a master creator and adventurer who brings joy and excitement to his viewers. In a recent video titled “BUNU YAPMAK ZORUNDAYDIM 😢 BANA KIZMAYIN 🤬 – Minecraft,” Boralo showcases his editing skills in a beautiful location, captivating his audience with every move. Exploring Boralo’s Minecraft Universe Boralo’s content spans various genres, from entertainment to horror, ensuring that there is something for everyone. By subscribing and turning on notifications, viewers can stay up to date with his latest videos and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Gameplay Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Gameplay Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the addition of layer editing features in JavaScript for Minecraft. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where innovation knows no bounds. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind server. With a dedicated player base and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an unparalleled gaming experience like no other…. Read More

  • Monster Truck Mayhem: Ali and Kerem’s Wild Ride!

    Monster Truck Mayhem: Ali and Kerem's Wild Ride! In the world of Minecraft, a tale was told, Of Ali and Kerem, in a truck so bold. They had an accident, with a monster so grand, But they survived, with fractures in hand. The bad boys were to blame, for cutting the brakes, But Ali and his friends, will not let them take. Kerem, the commissioner, will find the truth, And bring justice to those, who caused the sleuth. So let’s send our wishes, for a speedy recovery, To Ali, Efekan, and Hasan, in their discovery. Subscribe to the channel, show your support, For Minecraft adventures, of every… Read More

  • Kitty’s Dark Night in Minecraft Light

    Kitty's Dark Night in Minecraft Light In the dark, a cartoon of Hello Kitty appears, A story of struggle, love, and fears. In the 1970s, a mother fought for her child’s health, Turning to demons, seeking a deal with stealth. The demon asked for a character to be made, To capture the world’s attention, to never fade. A mouthless cat was born, a symbol of disease, A mother’s love, a pact with ease. So dive into the darkness, with Hello Kitty in tow, Explore the Minecraft world, let your creativity flow. Create houses, roads, let your ideas take flight, In this world of blocks, where… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft world! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which challenged viewers to find the difference in a changing Minecraft scene. It’s a brain-teasing experience that keeps you on your toes! If you enjoy exploring new challenges and unique experiences in Minecraft, then you’ll love the Minewind server. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers a dynamic environment for players to unleash their creativity and embark on thrilling adventures. Join us on Minewind server today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself… Read More

  • Duck Afraid of Camping?! *Scary*

    Duck Afraid of Camping?! *Scary* Minecraft Adventure: The Duck’s Camping Fright Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as a duck faces its fears in the wilderness. Join the excitement as the duck encounters the unknown in the great outdoors! The Duck’s Dilemma As the duck contemplates a camping trip, uncertainty looms in the air. Will it conquer its fears or succumb to the challenges ahead? A Quacky Encounter Watch as the duck navigates through the wilderness, encountering various obstacles and surprises along the way. Will it emerge victorious in the face of adversity? Support the Duck Join the community in cheering on the brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MemeCraft #4: The Minecraft Edition

    Minecraft Memes - MemeCraft #4: The Minecraft EditionWow, that meme really mined its way to the top with a score of 132! I guess it really struck diamond with the viewers. Read More

  • Crafty Flash: Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Crafty Flash: Minecraft Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, a hero rises high, With speed and agility, reaching for the sky. I’ll turn into the Flash, lightning in my stride, With every step I take, I’ll conquer far and wide. On the journey to greatness, I’ll craft and build, Exploring new lands, my destiny fulfilled. With each block I place, a story unfolds, In the realm of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join me on this adventure, let’s make history, In the world of blocks and pixels, where we’re free. I’ll become the Flash, with powers untold, In Minecraft’s vast world, my… Read More

  • Hot Sculk Action: Mob Showdown!

    Hot Sculk Action: Mob Showdown! I bet the Enderman will be the ultimate sculk generator – they’re always lurking around and teleporting everywhere, causing chaos and sculk to spawn like crazy! Read More

  • Controlling My Direction in Minecraft AMA

    Controlling My Direction in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: Take Control of Your Direction 🧭 Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players have the power to control their own direction and create endless possibilities. In this virtual sandbox game, creativity knows no bounds as you explore, build, and survive in a blocky universe. Features of Minecraft With its open-world concept, Minecraft offers a variety of features to keep players engaged: Exploration: Discover vast landscapes, caves, and oceans filled with unique creatures and resources. Building: Use blocks to construct anything from simple houses to elaborate castles and redstone contraptions. Survival: Gather materials, craft tools, and fend off… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome to! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, we have something special for you. After watching the latest YouTube video on Minecraft Crazy Build Hack #92, you must be feeling inspired and eager to try out new building techniques and creative strategies. Well, we have the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and showcase your skills – Minewind Minecraft Server. At Minewind, you can join a vibrant community of builders, redstone engineers, and gamers who are passionate… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods: Daily Dice Roll

    Insane Minecraft Mods: Daily Dice Roll The Madness of Mods in Minecraft: A Daily Dice Roll Embark on a journey through the Multiverse where the rules are thrown out the window. Instead of carefully curated mod packs, imagine a world where randomness reigns supreme. Each day brings a new mod, determined by the roll of a dice. Let’s dive into this chaotic adventure and see what unfolds! Day One: Unhealthy Dying As the dice is rolled, the first mod revealed is “Unhealthy Dying.” In a hardcore video setting, our adventurer spawns in front of a village, setting the stage for a speedrun strategy. Gathering resources,… Read More

  • 🤯 CRAZY DISCOVERY: BEST Minecraft VILLAGE 🗿 Dronio!

    🤯 CRAZY DISCOVERY: BEST Minecraft VILLAGE 🗿 Dronio!Video Information Какая самая лучшая деревня в Майнкрафте в Майнкрафте существует пять типов деревней но Какая из них самая лучшая Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это равнина деревня или деревня саванны но это далеко не так все мы знаем что в саванне в сундуках слишком плохой лут Ну а в равнинной деревни не так часто встречается кузница Так какая же деревня самая лучшая и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарии деревня по буквам так чтобы те не перебили и это Еловая деревня так… Read More

  • The Final Chapter: GCO Minecraft

    The Final Chapter: GCO MinecraftVideo Information [Music] what to welcomeing into the world hello hello Hello everybody welcome back to welcome back to another live stream let’s first of all get there we go we go we go so yeah yeah it’s the it’s the demon guess desktop I’m guessing I should pick the same pi as Ste because it’ be a bit awward well Ste can’t touch water or he gets hurt so no I can now I might pick the Knight has anyone be a knight yet I’m guessing I don’t believe anyone is in night right now to be honest let… Read More

  • INCREDIBLE 2b2t Minecraft Base Built in HOURS! 😱 #anarchy

    INCREDIBLE 2b2t Minecraft Base Built in HOURS! 😱 #anarchyVideo Information this is the Minecraft base that took thousands of hours to build a YouTuber by the name of ml gaming built the whole project on an anarchy server known as 2b2 T so not only did the creator risk getting these buildings griefed by hackers but he spent over 7,000 hours building this base and the Builds on it are incredible there are tons of Builds on this such as floating islands a hot air balloon temples and much much more subscribe This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Base Took THOUSANDS OF HOURS To Build.. #2b2t #minecraft #anarchy’, was… Read More

  • Discover the Secret to Crafting the Ultimate Minecraft Shield!

    Discover the Secret to Crafting the Ultimate Minecraft Shield!Video Information सो मैनर गैंग क्या आपको भी मेरी जैसी शील्ड चाहिए अरे हां भाई हां गुस्सा मत हो मैं बताता हूं शील्ड आती है पीवीपी के काम है ना जैसे कि अभी मेरे साथ पीवीपी करने के लिए कोई है तो नहीं जैसे कि पीवीपी करने के लिए ना शील्ड बहुत काम आती है जिससे कि आपको थोड़ा बहुत अटैक डैमेज कम पड़ता है है ना तो यह काफी अच्छी बात होती है अगर शील्ड में कोई इंप्रूव हो तब और भी ज्यादा अच्छी लगती है आपको आपको एक क्राफ्टिंग टेबल शील्ड लूम और येलो डाई ब्लैक डा और… Read More

  • Insane NEW Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥

    Insane NEW Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Shader Minecraft PE 1.20+ / 1.20.62 | RenderDragon Shader Mcpe 1.20 Android los’, was uploaded by Liongamer Minecraft. 3. lakh views. 1 hours ago… on 2024-03-14 01:01:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft extreme shaders Render dragons 1.20 ; 2024 Download link- … Read More

  • OMZ’s SHOCKING Transformation into SPIDER MONSTER in Minecraft!

    OMZ's SHOCKING Transformation into SPIDER MONSTER in Minecraft!Video Information and 360 come on and oh no oh what happened and are you serious oh no and wait a minute guys there’s a bunch of skeleton guards but who has the key guys I don’t think this is a good idea I will become a monster soon be careful booms it’s super easy you just got a 360 water block clutch what 360 water block clutch that is impossible M watch it learn wait what oh my gosh Roxy just did it what I told you wao that was awesome but if he didn’t land that water clutch… Read More

  • Insane Challenge! Arknights OP in Minecraft Noteblocks

    Insane Challenge! Arknights OP in Minecraft NoteblocksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alive – Arknights: Prelude to Dawn OP 【Minecraft Noteblocks】’, was uploaded by Ongakucraft【1000 SUB CHALLENGE】 on 2024-04-05 16:00:16. It has garnered 395 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. I didn’t even know arknights has animaiton, this OP is amazing. BTW, I have joined redstone music event MNC2024, please vote for No. 16 HOLOTORI Dance Ongakucraft ! ※Earphones or headphones are recommended. (≧▽≦) Requester : 水系神奇松鼠 Origin video : About Request : 𝄞Please subscribe my channel and like comment share! 𝄞There are more videos in this… Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation 😱 – MysterySon GYM Edit 💪 #mustsee

    Unbelievable Transformation 😱 - MysterySon GYM Edit 💪 #mustseeVideo Information [Music] tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all This video, titled ‘GYM Edit 🗿💪 || Paid Edit 😊 #shorts #viralshorts #trending #edit’, was uploaded by MysterySon on 2024-05-02 01:03:51. It has garnered 847 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Up next  2:57  @YesSmartyPie HABIBI 🔥|| Clutch AMV 🥵|| Minecraft #7 ThePixelOP EDITZ•484K views  8:35  10 Secret Exam Cheating Gadgets For Students Available On Amazon Under Rs100, Rs200, Rs500 It’s Gadgets•10M views  8:30  Noob to Pro 1 Year Journey Xebg•31K views … Read More

  • Insane Battle: Bees Attack Steve and Alex Village! #Shorts

    Insane Battle: Bees Attack Steve and Alex Village! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEES FIGHT steve and alex village ( episode-2 ) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by The bsStar 24 on 2024-01-14 04:46:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. BEES FIGHT steve and alex village ( episode-1 ) #shorts #minecraft create by … Read More

  • Baine SMP: Semi-Vanilla

    Simple Vanilla SMP Server We have a few datapacks in play like /trigger. The server is set on hard and we have a shopping district, community Iron farm, and Nether roof hub. 18+ Join our Discord to join our server! Join our Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pigstep and Creator: The New Identities”

    Wow, even this meme’s score reflects how Minecraft has evolved past its old nostalgic ways. Minecraft memes, you’re officially outdated! Read More

  • SuperDog roasts golems in epic mob showdown! #minecraftmeme

    SuperDog roasts golems in epic mob showdown! #minecraftmeme SuperDog: “I may be a good boy, but I’m also a great fighter! Watch out, golems, I’ll bark you into submission!” 🐶💥 #SuperDog #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Enhanced Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Enhanced Gaming Experience! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique creations and challenges, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or adventurer, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your next Minecraft adventure. See you in the game! Read More

  • Flight in Minecraft: Epic Short Video

    Flight in Minecraft: Epic Short Video Welcome to Mr. Lappy: Your Gaming and Entertainment Extravaganza! Welcome to Mr. Lappy, your ultimate destination for a gaming and entertainment extravaganza! Join us on a thrilling journey through the virtual realms, where we explore the latest games, share gaming tips and tricks, and dive deep into immersive gameplay experiences. But that’s not all – Mr. Lappy is not just about gaming; we’re your one-stop source for all things fun and entertainment. From hilarious commentary and jaw-dropping stunts to captivating reviews of movies, TV shows, and pop culture, Mr. Lappy is your ticket to non-stop entertainment. So, hit that… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Drone Art in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing AI Drone Art in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской мир изменяет свою структуру Итак мы заспавнить и пока что мир состоит из обычной земли Но если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь то мир изменится на Рандомный блок и что мир изменился на тортики вы серьёзно ладно хоть перекусим Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз Ой кажется я нашёл в деревню И что теперь весь мир состоит из воды нужно быть аккуратней так я скрафтил себе лодку и кажется я там вижу кузницу а в ней у нас О Здесь есть кирка и теперь нужно чтобы вы… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Item in RDR2!

    Uncover Secret Item in RDR2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Get This Hidden Secret Item In RDR2 #shorts #rdr2’, was uploaded by PrinSanity on 2024-01-16 14:10:00. It has garnered 23635 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #rdr2 #reddeadredemtion2 #reddeadredemption #reddeadonline #gta #gta5 #gtav #gtaonline #gtarp #gta6 #prinsanity #minecraft #minecraftshorts #reddeadredemtion2 #1050tioc #1050tioc #rdr2 #rdr2online #rdr21050ti #rdr21050ti #rdr2easteregg #rockstargames #rockstar #prinsanity #amdryzen53500x #amdryzen53500x #amdryzen53500x #intel #reddeadredemtion2 #rdr2 #rdr2online #rdr2gameplay #prinsanity #gtx #1050tioc #1050tioc #technogamerz #carryminati #carryislive #shorts #rtx #rtxon #arthurmorgan Read More

  • CAPTURE OF AFRICA on the MINECRAFT server! 😱🔥

    CAPTURE OF AFRICA on the MINECRAFT server! 😱🔥Video Information сейчас сижу и думаю у нас на карте есть вот такая Огромная Африка и её никто до сих пор не занял ни Россия ни Китай Но на этом огромном Континенте есть такие маленькие города поэтому заходите на сервер и занимайте Эти свободные территории This video, titled ‘ЗАХВАТ АФРИКА на сервере МАЙНКРАФТ #politpig #политсервер #колонизация #dynmap #картаземли #towny’, was uploaded by Scubthree on 2024-04-30 11:00:22. It has garnered 12263 views and 451 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #politmine #minecraft #minecraft #politmine #military-politicalservers #politicsminecraft #videominecraft #warpolitmine #politmineminecraftreview #minetixpolitmine #bestminecraftserver #guide #pvp #survival #politicsminecraft #minecraft… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Top Hidden Secrets: 30 Ultimate Tips & Tricks!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Top Hidden Secrets: 30 Ultimate Tips & Tricks!Video Information welcome fellow adventurers think you know Minecraft’s top 30 Secrets today we dive in to uncover these hidden gems let the adventure begin One how can you create a hidden door using a painting a right click it B Jump On It C punch it the answer is a right click it in Minecraft you can create a hidden door using a painting by right clicking on the painting to reveal a hidden passage behind it what can you use to break bedrock in survival mode a diamond pickaxe B ender pearl c dragon egg the answer is… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft PE Lake House Build! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft PE Lake House Build! 😱Video Information sh [Applause] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] he [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Building | ⛵ Lake House · Old Style House ♡’, was uploaded by Cherxyie on 2024-03-05 11:08:33. It has garnered 137 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:41 or 1001 seconds. hey! it’s… Read More

  • Secretive Minecraft 1.20.1 with subs!

    Secretive Minecraft 1.20.1 with subs!Video Information Привет Локс Привет Привет Бро Забыл даже что у меня это Привет подожди Кстати у меня такой голос приятный Я настро наконец-то микрофон нормально меня тоже хороший голос у меня лучше Я тебя забаню сейчас я тебя Убавь Ты громче меня по-моему орёшь там вообще-то прошу заме что трещит микрофон ты говоришь сейчас [ __ ] подожди Ладно пойду фильм досмотреть ББ Ладно пока Заходи на нам сервер будем рады поприветствуем как будто как будто ты создатель ла Нет Кого тебе заходи он пошёл фильм досмотри бля ята если я включу музыку на Spotify Насколько быстро меня авторские… Read More

  • Spending Eternity in VR Minecraft with Koiro Yumi

    Spending Eternity in VR Minecraft with Koiro YumiVideo Information [Music] uh H H what okay there we go hello hello it’s me ker Yi where it’s just you and me welcome to quite a spectacular stream I would say a a fun a a fun stream today we’re going to be playing uh Minecraft VR and as you can see apparently my computer is so [ __ ] good that I can stream in VR and have a shaders so um yeah who who who knew who knew you started early I’m on time what do you mean it’s it’s been like 5 minutes past 10 yeah… Read More

  • Intense Battle: Kingbor’s 10 Armored Dogs Take on Endless Mobs

    Intense Battle: Kingbor's 10 Armored Dogs Take on Endless MobsVideo Information This video, titled ’10 Armored Dogs VS Mobs’, was uploaded by Kingbor on 2024-04-26 05:33:56. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:26 or 386 seconds. Well Minecraft released a new update, and I gotta say the Wolf Armor is overpowered! Hope you enjoy This video was recorded in my Minecraft server, if you want to join, go to the community tab and scroll down and you,ll see it! Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Indian Parents in Minecraft #viral

    SHOCKING!! Indian Parents in Minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by (MAYUR_X_GAMING) on 2024-04-15 03:35:00. It has garnered 427 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#shorts #viral #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts Types of Indian Parents in Minecraft…#ytshorts So Today, I am going to tell my story about Indian parents but in Minecraft! I hope you all like this new type of content :p Bas Maje Karo!! and Subscribe Bhi ):D About me: I am Paresh, Aka ProBoiz and I make gaming videos… Read More