Insane Hive Minecraft gameplay with viewers! Rubber chicken madness!

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[Applause] N [Applause] N Hello is this thing on it seems like it’s working yep no it seems to be working to me just just checking because I haven’t streamed in how long is it how long has it been hold on I have to check now hold hold on wait wait wait wait wait how

Long has it actually been let’s let’s check hold the phone hold the phone muted real yeah oh music professional wow I picked the one song that I hate okay good let’s pick this one sure that one works too all right anyway yeah it’s been a month um yeah so

That’s never ideal music get a little lower please thank you uh yeah but Chad I’m actually alive don’t worry I am um alive and functioning I so that that’s big um still haven’t changed the streams thing i’ it’s been like what half it’s been like four months since hives CH

Switched Hive hubs so I got to switch it out so once Hive gets back to its normal um non-christmas SL holiday themed Hive Hub I’m going to have to start filming some stuff but welcome ladies and gentlemen um I like how Tan’s thing still has the old Hub yeah I know

It’s kind of funny um I just haven’t really just gotten to it um so yeah all the money demo um but welcome welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream hope everybody’s um Day morning night wherever you are is going out absolutely fantastic um so yeah welcome welcome everybody

Um what was I going to say oh um yeah so it’s been a hot minute happy like 10 six days off New Year um so that it’s going to be a good stream though I’m excited to chat with you all again um talk about some stuff that I’ve been having talking

About some stuff that you all have been having um and I’m excited to kind of get back into those weekend streams so I’m going to be being consistent with the weekends um of course unless I have a swimming thing so um I will be doing that but

Um yeah it’ll be fun um so it’s going to be good I’m going to get back to those weekend streams try to get in those two weekend streams for you all um and we’re I’m going to try and be back to my normal streaming broadcast um do you

Think you get out some a shark uh probably not um yeah uh definitely not anyway um anyway uh let’s see okay we have let’s see froggy I have a lot of familiar faces bro forgot to read chat I’m going to I’m going to get to the members chats

Don’t worry I know the I know every channel memb sending in their their member chats so let me check them all yeah so anderman let’s let’s go that’s good good T man do cat cam okay sure H where the heck is it OBS still functions

By the way so that’s a that’s a good development it has not failed me uh oh I forgot I get transported to the the SkyWars Hub is this a dream no it’s not um anyway oh chat good news so I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been having

Braces for like how long has it been a year and a half um and I I have big news I’m finally getting them off in a week this is a big development and it’s it’s I don’t know when I’m no it’s going to be on a okay it won’t be right before a

Weekend stream I was going to say if it’s right before a weekend stream that’d be kind of funny to just talk while my mouth is hurting but no it’ll be fine but yeah I finally get the stupid things off and I’ve I’ve had them

On for a total of five years or no math no sorry sorry sorry sorry 3 years wow how did I mess that up anyway yeah three years sorry wow that makes it sound way less depressing but it’s still it was still sad okay so I finally get them off

I’m finally done with them because it’s a pain okay two people people just became channel members I must really have been gone for a long time um thank you U and thank you um Sean Sean I know you’ve been a channel member before E do you’ve been gifted it but I I don’t

Think you’ve actually done it like non- gifted if I’m correct if I remember correctly have you um I think you’re a new channel member Sean thank you for um re becoming a channel member I appreciate it um ify do welcome I’m going to assume that you haven’t then

Welcome to channel member how’s it going oh they’re they’re just gaming they’re gaming they’re gaming will you doing cs’s yeah I’ll be doing cs’s read the new pant comment chat um anyway I’ll get both of you your perks I’m finally paying for it for real sheesh that’s

Crazy um but yeah I’ll get both of you all your perks in a minute thank you both for becoming a what is it what did I call it team member 101 yeah team member 1010 um thank you both I appreciate it thank you for the support

Let me fix this there we go sweet happy late New Year yeah no kidding wow team man I haven’t seen you in in a year that’s comedy that is Peak comedy we have we have peeed team I can’t believe you’re alive this is crazy I know it’s

Kind of whack um it is kind of whack what are you doing over here okay OMG Skyy Skyy uh hello welcome um you seem like the type of person that is good yeah you are the type of person that’s good at this game that’s that’s disappointing chat it I don’t I don’t

Really like sweats um maybe it’s cuz they they normally kill me but yeah I’m not I’m not a huge fan of uh SkyWars sweats not not particularly cuz I’m I’m actually not doing as bad as I thought I would be doing against this dude but I’m still doing pretty

Bad yeah I’m still not doing to G oh huge development holy moly huge development okay time to run cuz this dude also looks sweaty woo just turn on the client bro turn on turn on the Hacked Client he toggled uh-huh I I’m going to be honest

I didn’t expect to win that win that but um the only reason you won yeah yeah yeah sure sure sure um it has been forever I forgot what game you play it’s Roblox yeah yeah this is Roblox I don’t know if you noticed this but they they

Got a brand new aesthetic update it looks completely different they’ve completely revamped the game um and it looks absolutely fantastic now it really looks good so um yeah I think the graphics are especially good I thought Terraria oh man Um when’s the fortnite stream um I don’t even have fortnite I do not even have fortnite I would have a feeling I’d be garbage at it but you know what you know actually no I’m really good at Minecraft um so I definitely think I’d be good at that too

No no no I I definitely think so when’s the Geometry Dash stream Duos with Team man would go crazy if here the the ultimate Trio cuz anderman also really wants mebody to get fortnite the I can just imagine swag and anderman just carrying me in a game of

Fortnite I’d be I’d be horrible I wouldn’t help at all but anyway all right when is Doom Eternal stream anyway if I if I ever download fortnite I will I will hit swag and Anam man up and I’ll make a extra team ENT 10

Video on it so that’ll be fun if I ever do that all right I think you do great in fortnite everyone knows I’m just unnatural at games like fortnite anyway all right uh this is completely useless but okay is who who else is alive there’s still three other people this

Seems so this game is going so long where is everybody like where where are the people in this game I don’t know where the YouTube rank at um I don’t know I don’t know cords not really here right now but um anyway where’s the Call of Duty content man I

Don’t know hey team man happy New Year also I’ve been in someone’s stream for uh n hours oh dang that’s like more than two that’s incredible whoa that’s illegal that was an unlucky Pearl darn that was kind of a sad way to go anyway darn T man I need a new video

Soon YouTube rank isn’t here due to budget costs yeah we’ve had to cut the budget unfortunately um don’t worry those streams are still present okay one second’s over here can I reach it without leaving my desk challenge of the year come on I got it I did it huge

Accomplishment okay anyway all right uh let’s do a custom server um so uh ladies and gentlemen uh as you know the drill I might need to reiterate cuz it’s been so gosh darn long but um let’s do this so um let’s get some options in the chat

And we’re going to put a PLL up and you all are going to vote and we’re going to see what wins and whatever one wins we’re probably going to play unless actually no yeah we’re going to play that anyway okay this is what happens when you toggle off yeah sure okay let

Me get e do and um oh my gosh remember when I called you yyo anyway uh let me get sha and EO their member perks give me a second uh while yall are doing that uh why don’t you put your IGN’s not IGN why am this is not a giveaway stream T man

What are you doing you’re forgetting your role put some CS IDs in the chat un thrown okay there we go don’t mind me just formatting Channel member stuff okay beautiful okay all right try our daily guy no okay lamp team man says let’s see what’s up ashon welcome

Welcome costume contest ground more all right we are not starting off the fir I’m going to put it on the poll cuz you there’s multiple people that put it we’re not starting off the first stream I get back the first stream in 2024 with ground Wars I refuse to oh my gosh I

Refuse to put the first custom server that we do in 2024 as ground Wars that would want to bet no uh I got to answer carefully here um T9 people are going to vote ground war I know and it’s so dumb anyway okay um let’s put some good ones

Let’s put some good ones like team and say some lamp I’ll put this stupid ground war I heard groundw why does everyone guys you don’t know this is not I love ground warts guys no we don’t need to Bro guys we don’t need to guys we this is this is excessive we don’t

Need to Bro Ander bruh and bruh okay fortnite okay okay anderman thank you for the $20 donut um I think I think anderman wants me to download fortnite Based on the don’t that’s I like how that’s all you put on your down fortnite bro okay bruh bro

Download okay oh my gosh well okay well thank you for the Dono oh my gosh why why oh oh my gosh why okay there there’s so many things happening that I’m confused about okay let me get sha their perks again let me find their name you got to love trying to find Sean’s

Name on the sheet give me a second I will I will find it I’m a determined man I will find it eventually or I’ll just do this that’ll help too anderman thank you so much for the $20 Dono I appreciate it thank you so much for your generosity I’ll give you

Another 20 seconds on the poll and then we will uh begin um let me get both of you all refriended I’m assuming your guys’ IGN’s are the same yep how do I spell this exactly okay just and why did I put a space there we go sweet um there you go

There are both of your members perks thank you both uh U and Sean again for becoming a channel member let me turn off the cat fast f face cam dang it um yeah anyway e d we need we don’t need to talk about that let’s leave lamp in 2023 why

Why lamp is literally okay okay how the friend invitees looking about wow people there were actually like two people that friended me even though I was not doing anything okay two more people apparently uh tman did you know that tman is streaming after a month that’s crazy that’s that’s

Pretty whack all right hey lay one that’s pretty exciting um well I’m assuming most of you know these streams the fact that you’re here I doubt any new viewers have managed to stumble upon the first 20 minutes of the stream if they did that’s pretty impressive but um yeah oh tman

Did you ever find bman No Tan you should stream for 24 hours to help make for not being active over a month see could I Technic no no I can’t okay I got something I was going to say I don’t think I actually I literally don’t think I can um but uh interesting

Interesting also we should do a lamp F Master very interesting comment we should do a lamp um okay we should do a lamp let’s do it okay chat uh you know how to explain this custom server right do I have need to say anything can you just just

Explain it let’s get it we got to get it back in our system okay this might not be the most elegant um explanation from chat but we we kind of got to get it back in our system all right this is this is an important role of the stream

Let’s see if we still got it so chat if you know if you’ve played this custom server before why don’t you describe it to um the chat even though even though even though most of you already know we need to do that all right we got to we

Got to accurately describe it it’s very very important that everyone knows what’s up hippo welcome to the Stream hope your day is going well it’s very important lamp is lamp lamp is lamp lamp is uh what again been a while yeah I know it has been a while so let’s get

Let’s get it back in our system everybody before there’s any new viewers that are in the streams um let’s get it back in our system the so subscribers subscribers SL viewers I don’t know I don’t know it’s chat chat chat let’s do it yeah lamp is lamp lamp is lamp lamp

Is lamp okay we got it we still got it chat we still got it all right beautiful we still got it fantastic okay okay we still got it I think J is the best explanation the other ones are confusing J is a pretty good definition I’m not going to lie I

Am not going to lie all right chat let’s do This all right hold on someone Just oh my gosh okay Ander man thanks for the the $2 Dono can you give me admin in the Discord everyone join bro you already have the highest ranking Staff Roll bro oh oh snap what a good first code hold up ladies and gentlemen okay everyone join we just got

A good code today holy moly everybody this is a wacky code this stream is actually just a tease he’s going to be AFK bro can confirm not AFK sh this is a good code I don’t I don’t care that there’s a um a number a number in it whatever it’s a

Good code join up no one cares about numbers we only care you know what chat we’re going to change it you know how I normally used to despise numbers in the code we’re going to mix it up if it’s a good code it’s a good code whether

There’s a number in it or not all right it don’t matter no more that’s so 2023 to care about only letters no we’re changing the script all right we’re we’re we are CH yeah we’re changing it okay I’m I overhype that into Oblivion but yeah anyway cool code hey cool code very stonks

Um very very Stuns all right anyway uh chat I’ll give you like 20 more seconds to join T man did you get YouTube rank on New Year’s I totally did I totally did totally did No Lie um at team and 10 10 lamp doesn’t even last a minute what

What I I’m sorry um I don’t know if you’ve played this before but oh my goodness absent you’re what happened to your yellowfish Minecraft skin change your change your IGN to tn10 YT YT so you can get YouTube R for free ah genius genius genius genius genius

All right um does anyone volunteer to be Seeker oh my gosh I’m not scrolling through all that all right someone if anyone may mayth I be thy Seeker you know what sure that’s Xavier you’ve convinced me that’s that was pretty funny so you get Seeker congrats you’re

Hired all right where Exavier I’m blind there we go all right we’ve made it’s gone new look all right got it absent sounds good all right okay did I I didn’t mess anything up right I better not mess up this okay I’m going to confirm it again anyway okay let’s do it

Beautiful okay we got a classic map we got a good code and we got a classic game Let’s Do It um oh I need to give hold on hold on hold on um what’s up Emerald VR and what’s up Luca welcome both of you to the stream hope your guys’ vids are

Going well thank you so much hope your guys is wait wait wait wait what did I just say I think I just read two comments at once and said hope your guys’s vids are going well I think I just read blue key comment while saying

Hi at the same time um well hope both of your days are going well sorry for fumbling that whoops anyway okay I think I just mixed up two comments at the same time I don’t think I’ve ever done that anyway okay it’s another welcome to the day

From T we don’t discuss welcome to the day T forgot English over his streaming break yeah no kidding um why are you gone so long um I go into it a little bit um it’s a it’s a mixture of a couple of things oh Xavier’s just immediately

Come to execute me that’s good um I it’s a mixture of a couple of things one um I got kind of oofed by school so that was exciting um second I had I I’m currently on break still um but uh the reason why I didn’t stream

Throughout most of the break is cuz I was just really mentally burned out I mean if you if you’ve experienced you’ll understand but like I was just doing everything all the time maxed out on everything was stressed beyond belief so like I kind of needed a week to just do

Like truly nothing like truly truly nothing um like no YouTube no no school none of that like truly have nothing so that’s kind of what I did um and it’s it was really helpful and so I’m like okay well now let’s get back into the routine of things let’s get get back into

Everything hey there’s a lamp over here um so I just kind of felt like that was important and so that’s where I’ve been so it’s been a mixture of things but um yeah I I was telling everybody earlier in the Stream I’m going to get back to

Consistent streaming I will be doing my weekend streams I’ll stream tomorrow I’ll be streaming next week um I’ll be getting back into things and um I’ll be also trying to get some videos out I have some plans for that I I really do want to genuinely get content out

Because it was it’s fun I like look I I like making videos it’s fun it’s enjoy I I do enjoy it and I like seeing the success and the comments that you all write um so I’ll be doing that T man telling lies bed time was into try hard

That’s okay okay um but yeah mixture of things really but those are kind of the two primary things if that makes sense um let me add I forgot to get EO and um Sean their Discord stuff so let me do that real fast all right there you go e and Sean all

Right all right all right how are we doing we have two hiders left okay I’m alive that’s good good to hear good to hear where are all the lamps why you didn’t stream for a single day in December yeah I know I disappointing but yeah I I didn’t unfortunately

Yeah I I I am I am bummed about that demo it it defin it’s not like I wasn’t aware of it I I definitely am disappointed in that um oh no team man I got sixth I’m going to get publicly shamed whoops next time next time just survive a little longer

Honestly all right Hy man it’s been a long time what’s up Izzy welcome to the stream hope your day is going well did you change your YouTube name I’m pretty sure that that’s a different YouTube name if it isn’t then I’ll be embarrassed but like did you change

Change your YouTube name and if so what did it used to be cuz sometimes it’s kind of hard to um remember all right woo I’m last no okay oh yeah yeah there you are oh you’re yeah extreme Globe I saw you on hive a couple days

Ago yes yes yes okay sorry a lot of people to keep track of that makes sense yes I just I keep I remembered extreme Globe but I didn’t remember your YouTube name okay cool got it um all right what’s up ab ab welcome to the stream

Hope you’re doing wait no sorry wait I’m so confused wait oh I don’t know how to say that um that letter how do you pronounce that uhoh or what do you just what do you want me to call you I cuz my my English my English pronunciation

Wants me to do Coro but that’s oh it’s just Coro okay all right well Coro welcome to the stream hope your day is going well all right there we go GG’s but yeah that makes a lot more sense sense all right all right GG’s let’s go check out

Those top spots the letters are just there for fancy okay all right let’s see the last guy did really good cool let’s check out this let’s check out the hiding spot then um okay chat I do want to clarify when Hive made the new Hive Hub they switched the hive plus and the

Um the replay and I’m now permanently scarred every time I’m so used to just going to the right clicking I I still haven’t gotten used to it being on the left it’s so annoying it feels so much farther away like it it just it doesn’t feel right honestly it really doesn’t

Wait a minute one wait 1 2 3 okay wait wait wait 1 2 3 4 wait they’re not even symmetrical what is this Hive they’re not even symmetrical 1 2 3 wait yeah they are no I’m just dumb never mind Hive I’m just stupid sorry just just ignore me me no I’m I’m

Definitely dumb um no they’re they’re symmetrical I think anyway okay never mind just ignore me I’m just being I’m just failing at counting I counted wrong I counted to four incorrectly how how did I do that I counted I counted to four on one of them

And three on the other okay well of course they’re asymmetrical by that logic 1 2 3 four five Audrey unfortunately you were six then we will not be reviewing your huning spot uh up Fifth uh e bro forgot how to speak and do math chat you don’t realize it’s kind of like I

Make a lot of mistakes on these streams when it comes to like speaking primarily because it’s just hard to talk perfectly for three two two and a half to three hours straight depending on how long the stream is so it it really does vary so you know capitals of States but you

Can’t do math that okay yeah okay yeah that’s that’s fair that’s fair I speak speak even worse don’t worry okay well thanks e do I appreciate the I appreciate the um the positivity in the chat um okay wait wait wait okay there’s absent cookie spot so good job to fourth

And fifth uh fast shark coming in third place most of these people are running so I have to rewind have you learned all the capitals um I I got um Europe and I got Europe since I was um off so I do know all of them in Europe now so I know

All of them in Oceania all of them in theer Amica all of them in Europe half of them in Asia and like basically none of them in Africa besides like Petoria um oh and like Cairo and stuff so like I I’m getting there I’m getting there so I’m getting

There okay here’s fast shark this is a classic spot there you go I I know more geography than you I mean yeah I haven’t had really time for that hey swag uh let’s see where you got you got second swag so you basically got last that’s the equivalent like come on

Swag imagine not winning actually actually trash anyway I’m so mean anyway okay let’s see where you were swag unironically um two new clips why is am I really this clippable right now i’ I’ve literally just been talking the only thing that’s happened is the peep code that’s it my gosh swag you are

On a marathon where where was your original spot Bros been running since day one of of this game there you are okay you were right here got it anyway not right now mine’s okay I forgot to post whoa how the heck wait what oh it’s in the the top of the

Building oh this see most people never check this like it’s a underrated spot most people never check this room oh Skyy was camping it Skyy Skyy were you just waiting for someone to find it and then took the Kill from them is that all you did it

Skyy Skyy is that okay maybe yeah okay that’s what you did got it anyway congrats to our top five there you go um yeah that’s exactly what Skyy did I knew it I knew it okay guess I’m quitting YouTube okay um oh man anyway I don’t

Know if you noticed chat but I I was still kind of act T man forgot how to count and Peep are the two new clips in the disc ORD great fantastic does nightbot still work can I still promo the Discord while using this command let’s see if nightbot still functions

Can I still do my Shameless self promo or is nightbot kind of dead and I need to go back in and fix the stupid code no I tried okay darn well that’s unfortunate um whoops okay unfortunate then all right there there thank you demo there you go beautiful okay Oh man okay all right okay I think nightbot just straight up deactivated on me so I re I reactivated it so let’s see now will it work if I put it in will I now if I do it will it work let’s see hopefully it does I I

Just react I just reactivated nightbot so we’ll see anyway did not mean to CL on that okay um I chat I kind of want to do a block drop so let’s do a block drop um yeah it’s not working so whatever oh my gosh it worked again Demo’s the new

Nightbot good job demo um okay let’s do a block drop I’m going to choose the custom server for this one let’s do a block Dr # demo for nightbot all right here we go there you go all right Beautiful Goodbye peep code all right that was fun though I

Enjoyed that that was a good code another cool code it bro if I tried to regenerate codes for like 20 minutes you all would complain um anyway okay there you go there you go um what was I going to say oh so one of the things I’ve also

Been doing a lot was that um that pool the Whatchamacallit the the pool facility I’ve been working on primarily because it was kind of a Mindless thing to do and I kind of just like vibed like I had Discord open I had music and I did

The part of the pool uh I didn’t spend very much time on it but um any oh nightbot back demo you’re demoted congratulations all right there you go so much for demo being nightbot you got you got about 30 seconds of Glory demo and now you’re

Gone whoops there we go nightbot back up and running fantastic um well demo um how do you feel about being replaced by a machine the nightbot resident immediately great that’s good great that’s fantastic news demo thank you so much for your contribution to chat all right um anyway

I think we’re good to start I mean if anyone else wants to join just let me know Now’s the Time I’ll give about 20 more seconds to this is the team n110 reunion special okay I left the room for one second I hear demo you’re demoted froggy

I feel like so many people tune in and out of these streams at the most awkward times like I’ll say really goofy stuff out of context and someone will just join and be like uh T man you okay like there’s so many random things anyway um it’s really interesting I

Think demo was the better nightbot do we need to have a vote anyway okay let’s start T man watch Demo’s video it’s really bad oh gosh what could go wrong um anyway I’ll share I’ll share the the pool later in the the stream I I didn’t spend that much time

On it but um I’ll sh I’ll show the little things I did um okay let’s go this way oh my gosh this first layer just disappeared so quickly holy moly okay there we Go chat hi can I just say in the month that I have been gone I have added like just the Christmas this the Christmas SL holiday slash like end of 2023 stuff that that is that is that all they did did they add like new maps to anything like I’m trying to

Think about what they added I I don’t think they did add much but um yeah I don’t know if they added anything they added bedw Wars uh they definitely didn’t but okay um I was going to say I got to check swag you had the end theot

Wings on didn’t you so did they did they send those out cuz I did I did purchase the endel plush so did they send that out like a redeem thing cuz I do need to get that I do need to get that did you ever find bman no so chat I

Tried and looked in the room that I thought bman was in and the and it just straight up wasn’t in also that was a horrible fall um yeah I literally don’t know where bman is I’m actually really sad I know it’s in this um I know it’s

In like my house but it’s it’s I don’t know where it’s it’s in here though it’s not like I took it on my travels although that would be cool if I like for everywhere I traveled I took a community post picture of bman that’d be

Pretty fun um I in I incepted your I intercepted it your package and stole your end theot plush great um dude what even happened to him I don’t know I looked I looked I don’t know what happened bman just dipped he was like bye yeah I don’t know I’m going to have

The endel plus I hope not to lose that him that’ be good that’d be ideal anyway he grew legs and ran away don’t bees have do bees have legs I thought bees yeah they have six legs cuz they’re an insect they didn’t grow legs bees already have legs demo although although

Hives be doesn’t have any legs I don’t know why did I just have to look that up anyway um wait why did I just have to look that up they obviously have legs what am I doing anyway okay check your QB plush uh I don’t have it demo anyway

Okay tell me if it has legs okay but okay yes but it doesn’t that it can walk with yeah okay oh do be do okay do bees have legs why did I even ask that bees have legs I they obviously have legs okay they obviously have

Legs I’ve only seen helpers with it okay that’s good to know that’s good to know I guess I guess maybe they don’t that’s not released yet I was wondering cuz I didn’t get anything on it so good to know be just build okay no bees do not

Have legs obviously great all right of course great fantastic um all right become a helper so you can get it okay I hold on uh what was it this A I don’t have permission to use the command to give helper darn I’ll have to contact splog to put in the command for me

Um oh anyway okay um chat what game let’s do a PVP game here let’s do a PVP Game let’s do this Oh they added the Snowballs didn’t they oh yeah they did hold on I got to get some snowballs I got to get some snowballs hold up where’s the nearest oh there we go the fortnite shop updates in 30 seconds oh I got to be ready oh wait I don’t have fortnite whoops

Okay is normal Manhunt fixed I just saw someone say Manhunt I don’t think they fixed anything I think that bug is still I I don’t think I I don’t really want to do that I I have a feeling it still would bug out it’s most definitely fixed don’t

Risk it Anonymous man hunt do a Manhunt so we can do a variety stream you should play Manhunt uh you guys are going to vote for the same map that I’ve got banned three times on um I don’t think it’s fixed I’m not going to risk it but I’m

Not going to risk it that’s a bad idea if anything I’ll do man hunt like at the end of the Stream anyway okay uh hey someone subscribed thank you to ever just subscribed appreciate it hopefully your time on the stream is going absolutely fantastic um yeah anyway D te man says that is not a PVP game also chat would you consider Anonymous man hunt would you consider

Anonymous man hun PVP or not PVP what would you consider it I feel like you could argue for Either neither PVP non PVP I think you could argue for either I really do think you could argue for either anyway what do you think of my new pet’s name who just typed that Sean Sean where’s your new pet okay that’s actually that’s pretty funny actually I like that um Sean I

Approv it’s that’s a funny name it’s just a fun thing to say w wobble bubble Junior it’s just fun to say um okay 15 murders versus 15 share okay that’s technically okay that’s technically PVP I guess but like that’s that’s not oh man I nor oh man okay I don’t know I

Don’t know um I’ll put hold on I’ll put some I’ll put some two wild cards on and then I’ll put um oh what’s another one let’s see I have free shop Anonymous Manhunt I have two tap SkyWars I just threw that in there um what else did we play did we play sorry

Um just build because it’s PVP it’s see it’s not though see but like it it’s not burning atmosphere that someone just sameone named their Globe burning okay um okay anyway okay I put some I put some things on there you all can vote for them or not that’s fine um all right cool Beans okay my gosh there’s are all of you in my are is every single one of you in my stream is it that easy to just get into my hive Hub every time anyway okay my Earth name is okay that’s cool all right snowball fight in Treasure Wars bro all right

Interesting what is free shop treasure Wars but every item is free gosh chat can you believe that free shop was like a phenomenon that was like it’s like 3 years old at this point it’s kind of nuts like we’ve had free shop for a while H actually probably two years no

No kind of three now my brain keeps thinking 3 years ago is 2020 No 3 years ago is now 2021 believe it or not I mean if we’re technically going by subtract like literally just subtracting that’s so that’s how Okay um Dam it’s kind of nuts to think that like what many people

Consider the quote unquote Hive golden age was 3 and 1/2 to like 4 years ago it’s kind of nuts that’s weird to think about that is weird to think about I was just starting up during that point that’s kind of nuts anyway um all right let’s see looks

Like w okay yeah Anonymous man’s rolling away with it I’ll have to I’ll have to do a little bit of a some decision making on if that is a PVP or non-pvp so far I’ve kept it always as a PVP but like I don’t know the hive’s Golden Age

Was 2013 Hive bedrocks Golden Age there you go um yeah I don’t know Hive Golden Age Hive Golden Age part two is coming trust all right all right all right anyway uh okay W non PVP yeah I’ll have to decide I’ll I’ll do an actual like I

Don’t want to say actual PVP I’ll do a like objectively PVP game in a minute so okay okay lives golden a oh my gosh demo and Xavier had the same joke at the same time okay let’s do this any good codes let’s get some good co sh okay that’s

Kind of funny one all right sure Anyway there we go all right join Up okay time to do all of the settings woo that’s exciting who’s excited I’m excited all right very very exciting moment okay anyway join up join up chat team Man stream oh yeah J do there’s a team Man stream anyway okay Jay uh you and me are going to do

This is demo in here I don’t think so okay let’s do it we know the District 2 thankfully there’s not that many people so we can do this relatively Quickly all Right okay wow that was fast I’m District 27 perfect okay beautiful all right anyway now that we got everything there um okay chat uh here are the rules most of my online Hive friends are in your chat that’s funny actually okay okay okay okay okay I’ve said okay probably like

Five times I was about to say it again so that just doesn’t feel right so chat what we’re going to do is we’re going to go over the rules rule number one uh just don’t go to Mid or else you’ll get kicked and it’ll be

Kind of sad rule number two do not open any endered chests or anything don’t open chests during the 62nd grace period rule number three don’t hit back basically what this is is it’s instant death match and you all are going to change your Minecraft skins to something

I can’t recognize you as and I’m going to go and chase after all of you last one standing wins and it’s completely Anonymous I will help you out throughout the way all you need to know is don’t go to Mid don’t grab anything from chests if you’re caught with a weapon you’re

Going to get kicked if you’re caught in the middle you’re going to get kicked yada yada yada you get that drill anyway I didn’t hear no hacking in the rules uh no hacking there you go you’re welcome skazzy okay anyway now we get it we’re good okay there’s a lot of people now

Suddenly joining well there’s a lot of people in stream I’m surprised I was can I just say chat I was not expecting the stream to have um like the normal like 30 plus people so thank you all for joining appreciate it okay all righty there we go perfect you

Guys are fighting for my role which is really funny but I can’t change my skin in game um yeah you you can actually electric you have you kind of need to or else you’re just going to kind of get subtly like it won’t be anonymous basically so I mean yeah I guess you

Don’t need to but you definitely should like I’m going to know that this is you basically because yeah anyway anyway okay uh let’s begin hopefully you understand the rules chat anyway at I hear no mid or kick beautiful I didn’t hear the rules bro just don’t go to Mid just read the

Rules okay someone jumped behind me just wolf okay just wolf there we go thank you all right beautiful out here go do not follow his instruction ctions okay all right chat you are now good to change your Minecraft skin you can be a costume it can be a um

A normal Minecraft skin that I just can’t recognize you as something where I will not recognize you um so in-game player names off and chat off no getting weapons no hitting back please as per normal rules thank you okay Fantastic all right friendly reminder not to hit back last one standing wins best of luck to you all so just hide no you definitely don’t want to hide you’re going to get caught all right time to mine out some of the leaves uh if you’re not if you’re

Not in any danger to me I highly recom I highly recommend mining out the leaves so people are um not wanting to hide and so people yeah can just yeah you get the point highly recommend it okay I’m just going to give you guys like 20 seconds to mine out all the

Leaves just go mine out okay are they all mined yeah they’re all Min okay beautiful uh okay I’m going to fight you all now in three 2 1 okay no more just letting you all mine out all the leaves okay time to time to attack you all time to attack you

All time to attack you all all right here we go why was I the only one that died you you weren’t trust you sorry you you’ll get the context now I think you sent that before I said like I wasn’t I was gonna wait for everyone to mine the leaves

Out all right here we go please die thank you I don’t even know who that person was but Okay whoa hi you’re just you’re just vibing behind this pillar I can’t have that it’s not allowed I’m going to make a bet someone’s behind this nope never mind I’m not making any bets okay T man can you please say e okay there you go I just said it you’re welcome my

Gosh there’s like a whole herd over here hey guys what’s up let’s see how you all disperse oh there’s an apple I’m going to guess this is Audrey yeah whenever there’s an apple there’s a 50/50 shot it’s Audrey I’m going to bet that time ow was

Jay Jay Jay’s the only one that has the time well actually it’s not true but Jay Jay is the only one that I know of that has it that I can name off of memory wow okay good Juke Mr mabot not going to lie good Juke wow I’m not predictable at all nope

Not at all so many snowman costumes that’s kind of cool a lot of Rubber Chickens too that’s cool way to be with the stream whoa woo top seven by the way that’s pretty cool too that would be pretty darn cool as well oh feel

Bad okay uh I need to see five people in the middle please five people I only see three two of you are hiding the two people that are hiding please get out all right I see four there’s five beautiful all right disperse thank you I now see all your Minecraft skins I know

Who to get disperse all right beautiful I like how people probably immediately went back to hiding all right this is top five oo good Juke okay good Juke good Juke all right top four this mailbot also had a pretty good Juke oh GG’s top three surprise attack oh

I didn’t hit them at all that was dep that was disappointing okay there we go top two final two poor chicken all right and this Hive skin is the winner I have no clue who this one is but let’s see all righty oh it’s electric the person that was

Complaining about not changing their Minecraft skin hey congrats you changed your Minecraft skin and you won that’s exciting woo yay yeah it’s exciting anyway okay here’s a sword fight me um okay getting a stack of apples that’s funny Audrey oh GG’s that was close all right GG’s good game electrics with your win

Uh candy getting second twocan wrapping up our Podium top three demo getting fourth and dbsd wrapping up our top five getting fifth place uh Jay rain I don’t know what to do nature lover JD cool uh wait what wait math 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Um nature lover and wait what is it J JD cool yeah JD cool wrap up our top 10 so GG’s to our top 10 top five top three and winner all right that was good oh my gosh I haven’t seen this guy since last year what’s up Mega welcome welcome welcome welcome

Okay oh I was going to try and get into that darn all right uh let’s do a let’s do like an objectively PVP game let’s think maybe SkyWars some treasure Wars Capture the Flag let’s do something that’s objectively PVP not some stuck in limbo thing ground D I don’t really know if I’d

Count Ground Wars but I see SG gangs I’ll put that I see threap well from Jay but I’ll I’ll put that that’s like the one tap two tap three tap four tap Ground Wars is objectively PVP yeah it is player vers yeah okay you’ve convinced me you’ve convinced me you’ve convinced me

Um okay I think we got a good catalog on this pull here so make sure to vote anyway all right there you Go why ground work I don’t know people voted for it so I don’t know anyway all Right okay can I does this transfer to the SkyWars hub no it doesn’t darn I was going to say um kyi had a really cool way to get all of the um every single one of the um the things to get every single one of your inventory slots

Full trying to remember how there we go yeah and you’d have to have the only thing You’ need is like the mailbot slot and then you’d have every single thing so it is actually really interesting anyway oh my gosh nice and demo the the banter right now okay come on start the parkour

Please there we go so yeah I’m missing one slot but other than that they’re all completely full so that’s pretty cool all right all right wow close battle I’m going to give it another uh 15 seconds or So is just build still the most popular game on hive by the way oh my gosh I look what the heck the witch hat that looks so creepy okay all right uh and we have a tie that’s exciting we have a tie between Ground Wars and Prestige versus

Non Prestige all right so um we do indeed have a tie okay tman is an evil duck anyway okay all right yeah we have a tie so all right well you all know what’s about to to go down your favorite voice assistants from the new year coming from

2023 you know them you love them it’s Siri and Alexa coming back for some action here on the Stream So chat Choose Your Weapon of Choice um I actually we’re just going to have Siri do it I’m not going to let you choose we’re doing Siri nope you don’t you don’t get Alexa

We’re you’re we’re doing Siri we’re doing we’re going to have we’re going to have her do it or I don’t know if I have it set to a I don’t remember anyway okay you get the point ready here we go are you ready okay heads is going to be Ground

Wars Prestige versus non Prestige is going to be Tails all right one one coin flip flip a coin oh my gosh my volume was down what was the result the current volume is yes thanks for the current volume it landed on Tails um it landed on Tails I messed up the Siri but

Yeah that Siri was telling me what the highest volume was yeah it was Tails GG’s Prestige versus non Prestige it is all right show proof bro I I lit we have no proof you guys are just going to be mad okay whatever if it still says Tales

That’d be funny okay I I’m not going to redo it I’m still only doing Prestige versus non- Prestige I’m going to see if it does Tails again though that’d be funny flip a coin it’s Tails this time okay there you go now you can’t be lying that it’s rigged okay it’s Tails again

All right there you go now no one can be mad all right let’s play you all literally now heard it okay rigged this time redo yeah no we’re going to continue anyways okay yeah you’re all are just going to say rigged cuz you all want to ground

Wars I don’t demand a doover I’ll flip it again and it’s well actually I don’t know if it’s going to be Tails again that that that’d be kind of whack but anyway uh we’ll flip it again just for fun flip a coin it’s tails you you guys literally cannot complain okay wait flip

A coin it’s heads okay it took you it took you three Tri four wait took you like three or four tries just to get heads so see it’s rigged you rigged Siri I didn’t see but I did didn’t what that a McDonald’s PR okay oh man series rigged bro Ash chat gbt how

How can I show you proof of what chat gbt said it’s not like that it’s not like I can like add a voice actually maybe I can I don’t know um what’s up Josh welcome to the stream hope your day is going well I paid Siri to say Tales I

Promise you I did not uh all right you can oh I will do a better job than Siri all right do we have any prestiges even in here do we have any prestiges okay prestiges come over to this Tower I think we have prestiges let’s see no we definitely have prestiges in

Here all right we’re doing Siri you guys don’t get to pick okay by the way can I just say um I was originally going to put Ground Wars at tails and I saw Sky put Ground Wars at heads so I was just like okay I’ll do

What sky Sky’s chat said I was actually going to put gr wars’s Tails but oh well anyway I was yeah I was going to put yeah so it’s I’m not kidding I was going to put Ground Wars at Tails mods ban Skyy I’ll get on one second all right start

G’s fast shark this normally this one is um not like your name this game takes a while to set up so I appreciate your patience um so just give us give us some time to set this up it takes a while to set up because we have to um set teams

And whatnot so while you’re waiting um you can just Vibe I I don’t know just Just Vibe enjoy yeah yeah do that uh okay anyway BB okay demo demo demo says BB okay all right froggy have a good one thank you so much for tuning

In okay wait where was I oh there we go there’s noise okay okay let’s see we have demo we have everything okay yeah yeah we have demo we have everything so demo red everything red who else they are both prestiges any other prestiges we have Skyy is

One we have electric Skyy and electrics are both ones as well electric and Skyy okay and then for now that’s it I’m going to put everyone else at Blue all right uh noise uh and demo when you get the chance do you mind setting everyone else’s roll to Blue just to

Help out speed up the process okay I think we got it we got it we’re we’re gaming right now okay there’s probably some others that I’ve forgotten and I will double check it so don’t worry I will be double checking if I missed anybody all right if anyone’s level 100

I should probably put them on the the team too okay there we go beautiful hello I’m new what’s up crafty pie welcome to the stream hope your day is going well okay anyone else that I’ve missed let’s see does not look to be so all righty then okay uh I’m going to

Put dbsd on there because they’re level 92 that seems like a good call all right dbsd you got to get Prestige before treasure Wars comes out uh how’s your day going I’m doing good thank you for asking crafty T you really had to make me

Owner yes uh yes the answer was yes okay um let’s see that’s five people on The Prestige team how many people are in this custom server uh 25 okay all right let’s see is that good can I please be on your team on level 75 is there anyone higher than level

75 uh well noise is level 78 there you go all right what’s up Mr copper Golem welcome to the stream hope your day is going Well all right and then I’ll put fast shark and then we’ll be done all right that’s good I think we got it that’s good that’s good gosh chat do you remember when level 75 was the highest level oh my gosh they’ve expanded this so

Much T man you join us nah I’m level 51 that’s rookie numbers okay um we are good all right chat uh May the best team win um Prestige team good luck non- Prestige team good luck everyone um Good Luck so good luck okay let’s begin o of course we that’s that’s a

Bummer that is indeed a bummer okay here we go here we go stop giving me stone swords all right beautiful okay Why am I in Auto briers how did that even happen anyway anyway okay here we Go okay I think we got enough yeah we’re good we’re definitely good all right I can’t click there anymore though hold on hi Okay yep we’re no we’re definitely good okay um hey also I’m going to give out free golden apples to anyone that wants it so if you want golden apples let me know I will be here at blue base for us to help with that so yeah if anyone

Wants free gapples let me know I will be waiting to give them to you all on blue team so okay there we go all right 2en you already have a golden apple you don’t need more all right here you go there’s one oh my gosh you have nine more okay you

Get that one here you two can come here no two can’t two can I need to give you okay you’re okay all right hello okay hi you get to uh oh hi do you want some does anyone else does anyone else desire them I don’t think I should have 16 okay there we go okay there you go beautiful uh okay anyone else would anyone else like some golden apples I’m offering them free of charge to any blue team individuals you seem like you’d want some take two yeah yeah yeah yeah all right fantastic that’s

Good all right do you offer them to Red Team no they have to pay a price um they have to pay for they have to pay for it with um um a thing called um not being in the game anymore all right that that’s what I’d like to call

It demo you’re at 7 and a half hearts what happened you’re at six and a half hearts actually demo you you are rapidly losing Hearts same with me Actually I’m just I’m just hitting people with a bow Interesting demo this is doing nothing they’re all on like Full Hearts and we are all on Full Hearts everyone’s just on full heart Hearts guys we’re all on full HP what are we Doing wow okay I just got snowballed into Oblivion all right well we’re going in now apparently so I I’m fine with that but sure we’ll we’ll go in why not noce is getting pinned to a wall I find that kind of funny oh there’s noise is still

Alive noise is definitely is still alive they’re all running I don’t think they’re too happy with us Oh I thought I got the kill all right here we go I’m super excited 10 to know why because you just got a brand new uh uh PS5 that’s why I don’t Know oh I trapped myself that’s exciting okay here we go here we go here we go please look at watch this chat oh look at that look at those bow skills oh oh yeah can’t stop won’t stop oh yeah oh okay what was the point of

That okay well I’m over here now what’s up what’s up guys no blue team can can I need backup can I get some assistance can I maybe get some assistance here yeah I’d like some thank you very much there’s just no one okay oh there no there is there is they assisted but

They all die or no not all of them I I’m overstating it not all of them died just most of them okay okay they are running though they are running the prestige team is running The Prestige team is running away they’re not excited whoa I didn’t realize demo was

There not see that coming if you die then I don’t know what I don’t know exactly oh the stupid play region darn um if you die then yeah yeah okay zon thank you what’s up Zeon welcome to the stream hope your day’s going well how’s it

Going this is going great for the blue team here did I really give them too many members I don’t think I did anyway looks like maybe well actually it’s not over yet it’s not over yet we’ll see if blue team can clutch up here um how are you on this oh no it’s

Talking his I chat when we’re an hour and a half into the stream I’m going to I’m going to take like three like 3 to 5 minutes and just show you the pool that I’ve like been doing just cuz I I I like showing that sort of stuff um just a

Just a warning not right now that’s we’re currently an hour and 10 into the stream I just want to give you all a heads up that’s what we’re going to do I won’t spend I won’t spend very much of your time and while I’m showing it off

I’m going to have a pull going for the next custom server so just going to let you know it will not take very Long wow we so all of blue kind of went in and we just got decimated a little bit whoops anyway crafty pie I already asked but then please try not to repeat your messages in chat thank you you’re ending no no no no no no I’m

Not ending I’m not ending I’m not ending I’m saying in in about 20 minutes I’m going to spend 3 to five minutes showing off the pool facility I’ve been working on that’s it that’s it team and only did like three to four game yeah no no no no no

I’m not an yet don’t worry no I’m not not end yet okay I’m going to let that game go I’ll do a death run or two and then we’ll see what happens you gave us too many people see I only gave you how many did I give you

I gave you six No I gave you seven it was seven V like 18 yeah okay that’s that’s one too many so I’m used to it being an extra five yeah the prestiges always win it’s surprisingly more 50/50 than you think noise it is actually surpris guys I’m

Not ending you memers okay I think I think you guys are just meing I’m not Ending no they don’t wait what are you saying no to the prestiges do not always win I I can tell you that much I can tell you that much they definitely don’t always win you you you guys are such trolls everyone’s like oh well I guess t- man’s

Ending saying you’re ending he’s ending t- man’s ending the prestig is always winning they’re definitely not in fact I would have said that the non- prestiges win more than the prestiges but then again I might my that memory might be a little diluted because um just diluted

The right word it might be a little bit off cuz I haven’t done it in a lot a long time so um what’s up Squad welcome to the stream I hope your day is going well don’t blow me up please don’t deploy this trap please don’t this guy just really does not like

Me don’t just pull random traps please there you go um Anyway yeah why did I use the word okay whatever um we won all right GG the prestigious all right currently playing geog guesser of course you are I haven’t played in a while anyway yeah I haven’t really done a lot of geography this at the moment anyway

Okay all right chat um let’s oh my goodness I slam my desk there chat let’s pick let’s do another game let us do another game Squad good luck I came St I came here I came to to the stream to hear if team ‘s ending team ‘s ending my brain immediately goes to oh uh well slatic welcome to the stream hope your days is going well you know what the people want

Team okay all right why does everyone call me team man as in like a cup of tea when did like all of a sudden that just happens like why why do you all call me like why why why do you all call me that like t- man 101 like spelled out

Why t- man is in golf te oh yeah some people do that too like why anyway yeah TN and 10 YT people always do that it’s been happening for a while I know but I’ve never really addressed it people always just do it I don’t know

Why though it’s I mean I’m I’m fine with it but I just think it’s funny what’s up ADB welcome to the stream hope your day is going well I’m more just asking why what is the point I do not understand the point is my point I’m trying to get across that’s

Such a 2023 thing get with the times SMH my bad my bad it often happens in your Discord yeah it happens kind of both spots but I love how when I when I get an easy country in my geography game the website bugs out yeah a lot of the daily

Geography games bug out a lot World Works only like like works like 80% of the time like 20 like one out of five days just like oh hey it doesn’t work whoops and I’m like okay guess I can’t play the world today um anyway okay okay I got four games up right now

And you all can now Vote oh I should have put costume contest on there oh darn sorry Luca I definitely should have done that cuz I spent $40 in costumes dang um I did not do that the reason I’m super excited cuz I’m that’s exciting crafty good for you all right what are you doing over here just

You’re just staring inspiring honestly can I friend you Michelle I only friend uh channel members on hive I apologize um if you want more information you can type exclamation mark member in chat but um welcome to the stream I hope your day is going well welcome I’m contemplating what are you

Contemplating what you what are which direction are you facing there we go no wait that’s the back is that the front or is that the back I’m so confused okay I think this is the front what are you contemplating what are you contemplating life the universe and

Everything Pride cape in the back oh okay yeah I probably should Ed my brain there um good to know good to know well that um you know what keep contemplating it’s good always always ask questions all right um I’ll give you another like 25 no not 25 20 seconds now

15 because I’ve been talking for 5 seconds now 10 cu I’ve been talking for another 5 Seconds now five cuz I’ve been talking for those seconds that I said 20 seconds and said 15 seconds then said 10 seconds and now we’re done because I’ve been talking since I said 5 Seconds which

Means we’re done okay T man says is the winning uh game so let’s do it T man why are you obsessed with what anyway okay that was not 15 seconds uh math didn’t do it it’s fine anyway okay I’m I’m kidding I I I’m I’m kidding by

The way I I do math I promise I I do know how to do math okay uh okay team man says let’s do it let us do it TM what’s your favorite anime I do not watch any anime of any kind that is my sister’s thing she watches a lot of anime

Like like a lot of anime sorry I had my mic really far away if I was a little quiet um all right I don’t like this code this has a a zero in it that makes things confusing okay there we go there’s a code that actually functions oh animal oh you yeah you

Spelled it wrong and I thought it was anime okay whoops animal uh that’s a very different question um but I would have to say like dog or penguin those those are fun ones I like those two those are fun although ironically I am allergic to

Dogs so it’s kind of funny well it’s not funny for me but it’s funny considering my favorite animal is a dog nothing will ever top peep yeah that was pretty cool that was pretty cool not going to lie all right did you vote penguin and the mob vote uh funny enough no I

Actually thought the crab was pretty useful for reaching cuz I was building a lot of stuff at the time um I was a little surprised the armadillo won because a lot of poles didn’t really have it but I guess the community that like votes on polls

And is very like vocal in what they um are going to vote is only a percentage of the community so I I don’t mind admitting when I saw the armadillo like the day of I was like really kind of mad and I kind of I kind of thought about it

And I’m like well wait a minute the percentage of people that voted on those polls like earlier there’s a very small percentage of the actual Minecraft player base so like the day of I was kind of mad but like then after I was like well kind of makes sense anyway all

Right um let me do this team man says okay what’s your favorite goldfish flavor flavor ooh I have a strong opinion on this one my favorite goldfish flavor I do have an opinion so there are four options you got the the yellow one you got the green one you got the orange

One and then you got the red one ooh yeah so uh if I had to say I my favorite one in this correct order my favorite one by a pretty fair margin is going to be um red then green then orange then yellow coming in at the

Back back um green and red are quite a bit ahead of the orange one orange and yellow are pretty close um but red just kind of takes it away and unfortunately red is the least common in the rainbow goldfish box anyway okay um yeah anyway that’s my

Opinion um red red is epic um so yeah there you go um okay uh oh it’s rainbow I’ll love you be helper demo your Sheriff okay okay chat this is Simon Says in Minecraft except T-man is the trigger word so if T-man says to jump everybody jump if I don’t say to jump

And I every someone jumps then you lose cuz TN didn’t say so I thought they all tasted the same they might I I don’t know I I don’t know I’d be very curious if you blind taste tested me I you know what I should do that and just tell you

What I that’d be fun actually I should blind taste test and see if there’s actually any difference it might be like fruit loops where there’s no difference at all um okay let’s begin all right chat what’s your favorite Skittle I don’t like any Skittles Skittles are not I’m not I do

Not like Skittles yeah I cannot tolerate sour or spicy I can’t do that like Sour Patch Kids everyone loves Sour Patch Kids and it’s funny because whenever someone gives one to me I’m just like No And like 2 minutes later while they’re not looking I throw it in the trash um

Uh same with like any spicy things this is kind of sad I don’t like Chipotle because it’s too too spicy whoops if you ever had Chipotle I can’t eat it because it’s considered to my taste buds as too spicy and people always tell me I’m crazy but I’m like oh

No it’s just too spicy it’s it is very spicy it’s quite spicy um yeah I can’t eat it it’s too spicy for me it has it has it’s pretty strong um anyway all right team says stand on this white carpet right here that is genuinely sad

Anyway Is It Anyway okay okay there you go right there right there good job everybody good job fantastic okay uh I said that specific One you’re trolling me I don’t like that you just keep jumping up and down don’t don’t mess with don’t mess with the game you’re like half off of the carpet please move in on the carpet please please you’re the only one that shadow is not ooh whoever shadow that is please

Get off as well you got to move it there you go okay beautiful all right um t- mom says everybody start jumping up and down everybody jump everybody jump let’s go I want to see I want to see everyone jumping every single one of you go everybody Jump uh yeah t- mom says jump t- Mom oh I’m so mean we are definitely jumping yeah jump everyone yeah come on do a jump it’ll be fun oh I’m so I’m so mean chat you guys are too good at this so I have to kind

Of be like tough on this so all right um anyway team NCS stand on a coffee mug Go Let’s see are these all coffea okay I don’t know why you’re over there but okay all right beautiful these are cups not mugs team man says Skyy walk forward please to Me or is Skyy dead Skyy might just be dead that works too Skyy are you even in this game I don’t think you’re Skyy anyway okay he’s doing the prime Strat thing no what I would never okay fine I won’t do the prime shat thing okay fine tman says everyone sit on this Couch all right go anyway beautiful okay all right tman says uh make a single file line from here to here go be very attentive to where in the single file line you go there are specific boundaries to this line good luck hopefully you paid attention hopefully you paid

Attention gosh darn it every single one of you is in the bound why are you guys so good at this okay T man says the new boundary is going to be from here down to the other boundary go hopefully you paying attention where do you go where do you go

Uh-oh uh-oh a good amount of you are dead right now I’m just going to say a good amount of you are dead right now just just saying okay oh my gosh Okay you Okay H I’m e do you’re very iffy but I’m going to count it I’m going to count

It okay darn your instructions are very unclear that’s yes that’s the point it’s meant to be difficult to understand but it’s meant to be understandable anyway okay uh tan says become a bush yeah just stream is not helping yeah that’s fair become one with the bush beautiful

How do you feel being a bush what’s how does your experience feel how how did you enjoy becoming a bush I feel did someone just say I feel bushy okay amazing plain face I feel okay great I felt all right wait he’s back true all right that was fun I enjoyed

That whoa oh I thought I just lagged okay I didn’t all right beautiful I’m going to I’m I’m a eat join I’m oh wait wait I can’t I Grammer okay um let’s do a One Life Death Run chat um I do want to warn you um here’s

What I going to be happening for the next couple minutes in stream here uh um bye for now a lamp have a good one thanks much for tuning in uh here’s what’s going to happen we’re going to be playing this one lifee death run and

Then what we are going to be doing is I’ve been while I’ve been taking a break from content creation I’ve been kind of mindlessly working on a pool world and I want to show that off to you all it’ll take about 3 to 5 minutes and um I will

Have a poll for the next game going uh while I’m doing that tour and then after that we are going to go back to whatever C custom server wins so we’re going to have this custom server a little bit of a 5 minute uh World Tour of something

I’ve been working on and then we’re going to get back to Hive just to clarify what’s about to go down so hopefully you all understand uh if you don’t really care about the world that is okay you you can still vote and um participate in chat no worries um and uh

Yeah thank you again for uh participating in the Stream today ladies and gentlemen um also someone subscrib that’s pretty stonks thank you so much okay um let’s see I already have one life so I need two deaths does anyone want to volunteer should be working on a also

Teamand pool facility Well froggy the reason I’ve had time to work on it is because um I took a I don’t know if I I don’t know if you were here when I said it but I I wanted to do something where there was no YouTube there was no um no

No swim no school so I um like truly had nothing and so I’ve just been kind of kind of vibing and that was just one of the things that I did so it’s not like I have been um it’s not it’s not like I was doing this like I just I just didn’t

Want to do anything like I wanted to have truly nothing I was burned out anyway okay uh sorry for not setting max players uh you all now can rejoin thank you um Lucas for um reiterating that to me thank you um you all can now join again I just off okay all

Right T do you like potatoes uh like just just straight up raw potatoes not particularly but I like like mashed potatoes and french fries I guess so depends question mark anyway okay team man give me a reason to become a channel member I’m considering okay uh well let’s see there’s all the

Perks that you get for becoming a channel member right you get separate things you got separate Discord uh channels you get separate parties you get separate member times and games you get special members events uh let’s see you get all those you get all those normal things actually

Special members events isn’t on the thing um let’s see cuz you have too many brain cells okay it’s very much being do okay uh channel members get plus 10 on every stat okay Z okay Zeon okay Zen okay zon all right listen channel members I do

Need to make it up to you more I want to do something tomorrow with you guys by the way um I will be doing Member games tomorrow some at some point so be on the lookout for that hey um I will be doing that sometime tomorrow I forgot to

Mention that earlier in the Stream darn but yeah uh callx I forgot I forgot where I was going with with that CeX but it it gosh I’m such a good guys I’m such a good convincer I wow I’m popping off um let’s see I’m like doing I’m doing

Sorry I’m doing like three things at once I’m getting the server ready I’m reading chat and I’m thinking about that um okay wait who said me candy said me and dbsd okay candy and dbsd I guess yeah dbsd did you want to um I think I’m going to misread your message did you

Actually want to or does anyone else want to cuz if not it’s just going to be no okay Zeon wanted to okay cool cool cool cool um okay now the game set up but um what was the what was your name c catic there you go thank you um

But yeah there’s just a lot of there’s a lot of subtle things that are just that are just like nice and I really do enjoy hanging out with channel members um and the and obviously tier 2 has additional stuff but um yeah it’s fun one life oh yeah one

Life hey guys don’t be the one that goes oh wait it was one life don’t do that don’t be that person anyway I tactics I’m not saying you w I’m not saying it I am not saying it all bro got ignored by swag I thought it was infinite leap SMH darn [Applause]

Darn all right I’m just taking it slow and steady steady yet slow efficient yet slow steady yet slower slower yet steady I knew it was one life I died by a two block jump on the first trap I’m good at block game that’s unfortunate fry hey let’s let’s let’s do it guys

Guys do this with no leaps that’s impossible it’s not but it would that would be that would make it a little bit spicy I’ll admit there we go nice all right no I mistimed the jump I was going to I was trying to jump to that darn darn that’s disappointing all right oh

Well okay let me that okay there we go darn evident once did no leaps and I was the only winner that’s pretty cool all right here we go okay wow team man okay all right oh they’re over here all right how many people we got left uh good amount actually good amount good

Amount the numbers will slowly uh jump down though they will will slowly decrease cuz eventually some people are going to have to take like almost like sacrifice oh there you go we’re down to five I think 1 2 3 4 5 6 eight yeah five wow I can count to

Five that’s incredible woo look at me go chat c into five I’m moving up in the world okay gasp yeah I know Team man why are your gone do you encounter any fire hydrants okay no no I I well maybe I did but I didn’t pay attention to them oh man okay I didn’t even die to a trap how’d you die I hate this game I need to I I’m

Going to have to go and replay now and look at swag’s death I’m going to have to look now uh demo finished first tactics finished the second oh no so let see this person’s all alone they’re going to have to risk it oh no oh no ooh good job

Outsmarted all right there you go three people in total successfully finished GG’s to our three finishers um that had a lot of death probably cuz it was such a long map GG’s to demo tactics and salted and smoked AKA if you do would have been really funny if you died it

Would have been really sad okay I now have to go and look at swag’s death no it’s fine trust me no no no I think I I think I should double check swag’s death I definitely think I should double check it I think it’d be helpful

So let’s go see what you did swag cuz I’m not going to lie I I have to know what you did Okay what a gamer what a gamer swag is gaming right now chat look at this gamer oh my gosh what a pro woo borderline gamer all right what a what a professional move by the man the myth the legend swagging himself let’s watch that in full replay again this is

Just truly one of the plays of the stream fantastic doesn’t even jump just knows that he’s right or wrong sorry he’s wrong um wow what a fantastic play beautiful I thought he was like staring down at swag’s just death particles down there um anyway yeah dude we got to

Watch that in slowmo that’s that’s that is truly remarkable and swag you were in first you were literally in first swag what happened there what happened there swag you were in first anyway wow that is disappointing poor swag poor swag wow just just look at the disappointment

He’s just like yep I’m just going to walk in and die anyway you know who else was in first oh no look at demo how the heck wait how the did you did you go up the water wait what how’ you get up there oh wait my brain thought you just did a

Triple Neo you just walked okay never mind you’re that’s not very impressive at all okay look at Sky’s death oh great dude how dude we all are dying in style in these One Life Death runs chat might I add we are all just killing it right now

Okay no okay whenever someone says no don’t look at my death it’s actually really funny whenever we Do okay okay I’m glad you all tell told me to look at that that was pretty funny okay wait you Skyy you had so you were ready look at how far behind demo is Skyy Skyy you were you were so close to Greatness Skyy you were right there it

Was so yeah DMO it was so free it was a one block jump I thought I didn’t have speed anymore did wait did you did you have speed I I didn’t think you had speed did you Skyy I don’t even think that I don’t even think you had speed I think you just did a three block jump when you were supposed to do a one I just think you jumped too early I I actually don’t think you had any speed at all I think you just jumped way too

Early he like jumped over it yeah I know I you thought swags was bad they’re both bad you guys they’re both bad slight miscalculation just a minor one it only costed him his life in the game um just a minor miscalculation really smart yeah I I thought that it doesn’t look like

You have speed it just looks like you you just like looks like you just jumped too early like that or something I made a four block jump that was not my intention I said like you just missed like that there you go anyway agitated still holds first place agitated agitated crane 11’s death

Might be the funniest death I’ve ever seen it’s hilarious I I will still laugh at that whenever I see it cuz it’s so gosh darn funny it’s it’s so good it’s so good Demo’s had some good ones too um Jay’s had some funny ones a lot

Of you all have had some pretty funny deaths I’m not going to lie anyway um okay uh let me put up a poll uh what games do you want to do while I’m doing a brief little tour um what games do you want to do also we’re almost at 30 likes that’s pretty

Stuns uh what games do you want me to put on the poll just so you all have something to vote on while we’re doing this what death did I have I don’t I don’t remember Jay but it was I remember there was something all right I’ll put costume contest on

There I’ll put Capture the Flag I saw Capture the Flag as well gravity okay I want some PVP I’ll put one tap SkyWars actually you know what I’m going to put Emerald only SkyWars cuz that that one’s always fun I like that one all right all right all right

Okay here here are your games there you go all right beautiful uh okay which one of these is it I think it’s either okay anyway all right so immediately chat if you haven’t seen this world uh my first ever video my first ever video was a

Um my first ever video was a pool facility that I built on mobile um I’m going to go for a bit while you show your world all right no worries dbd um basically I um basically I made a really like it was an okay pool facility and um I decided to make a

Second version and um you can watch that video if you want it’s cringe but go watch it it’s a banger no it’s cringe um but yeah uh I’ve decided to make a second version so some new stuff there’s been a lot of new stuff such as this entire front was

Not here since I last showed you all um I have a bunch of country flags so you geography nerds can try and figure it out but um yeah this is this this front is entirely new with the road and everything um here’s a bunch of flags so

Of course there are flags yes so there’s United States Japan Italy Brazil I don’t remember Finland Germany Hungary Sweden Mexico United Kingdom Russia South Africa China France Canada and then there’s others along the back over here but um that is what I’m working on over here yeah I think I already

Showed you that but um one of the things I’m also working on is a train Network I’m currently designing one of the cars I do not like this this is going to get removed I hate this already um but yeah I’m I’m kind of trying to design a train

Track like so goes to like the quote downtown anyway my oh yes my favorite country I don’t remember yes it’s a very good country um anyway so let me come into this main room the other thing I wanted to show was that um I added a

Scoreboard and um do you do you all remember for anyone that doesn’t remember I made it so it had an adjustable floor my dad is from there bro I made it so the pool can change the depth of itself that took about 60 command blocks and here’s the Redstone for it it

Was that that much command blocks the next thing I’m about to show you uses 870 command blocks so uh yeah the there there’s quite a bit more command blocks here like Oh by quite a bit I mean um a lot more like a lot more anyway that’s a whole lot of command

Blocks yeah there’s a lot um what I’m actually going to show you is a flow flow a fullblown real working scoreboard it entirely works yeah that took um 870 command blocks it it took forever um Bros the next redster guy I promise I’m not this still has some bugs that I’m working out

It’s not perfect but it counts okay I think this this Lane will bug in a minute but um yeah it works um when you go on when you go down to one of the touch pads yeah see that lane bugged out there’s still some bugs um I’ll fix it

Though so I have a list of all the errors but um anyway yeah when you go down to one of the touchpads it’ll stop itself oh it just fix itself sweet um team’s the next Mumbo I promise I’m not I’m throwing a banana at you you okay

Sure um anyway yeah and you can just click it and it’ll just stop itself I think it’s this is bugged yeah I promise it reset itself but the four still stay for some reason I don’t know why I’ll fix the bugs later anyway uh let’s see here yeah the front took forever that

Scoreboard didn’t take that long honestly it’s just been annoying because of the bugs it’s been really annoying um I also fix I also finished the roof so now it doesn’t look like there’s just a bunch of bare glass everywhere so yeah that’s pretty cool anyway yeah this this took

Forever I I have I so see chat I don’t know why but I just I like I’m not good at just build but um I SP I I I’m okay when I get a lot of time are our rooms still there um they’re not in this version but

I’ll transport it when I have the next member uh room so Chad in case you’re wondering channel members had the ability to get their own room in this pool facility um they’re not in here right now like you can see these are the the actual rooms but

Um they they I will put them in with a structure block so T what’s winning costume contest right now um so yeah wow I see how it is bro I promise you they will they will work okay anyway but really what I’ve been working on is that

Front the scoreboard um and some bugs like I spelled a bunch of things wrong and I didn’t even realize I spelled it wrong um structure blocks don’t save Between Worlds uh Xavier I’m I’m going to export the rooms and repport them in you can literally export parts of the

World so um yeah that’s kind of hype you can literally export and reexport the um uh parts of the world and I can put them in it’s really useful actually it’s how I’ve made I it’s how I made this really fast I just I just took this section I

Just went one two 3 four 5 six done so it still took like forever but anyway all right anyway that’s the pool thank you all for um how long did that take yeah it take it took 5 minutes just what I thought all right anyway um I’m going to delete this world permanently

There you go um I I had to build all of mine on mobile it was so annoying yeah that’d be annoying I’m not going to lie yeah mobile mobile not ideal uh Zeon that’s a Java command that’s that’s literally a Java command that won’t work on this and I I know

What that does I know Zeon it’s not like I don’t know Java commands Okay I know what Java commands are I can tell because it has MBT data which I mean Bedrock kind of yeah no it doesn’t really have it you could technically call stuff MBT data but it’s

Not really MBT data at all it’s just useless so um yeah anyway all right chat uh looks like costume contest is the winning one so we are going to do that very exciting well it’s C++ oh is it literally just C++ okay I I was expecting it to be like what’s your login

Streak uh I cannot keep a good login streak I don’t know how you all do it it’s at one I I can’t I’ve tried I get to like 17 days and I just lose it I don’t know how you do it I really don’t I don’t know how y’all do

It I don’t know how you all do it my longest is 78 days and I was pretty impressed with myself all right uh let’s do It all Right beautiful wait why did I go to code only mode hold on what wait what am I doing wait why did I just what am I doing what am I doing okay there we go Okay all right anyway all right costume contest chat basically what it is is you are going to choose a hive costume to be in the murder mystery game and so um I’m going to also have you line up in the garden of office and I’m going to subjectively

Rate all of your costumes and uh the best ones stay so yeah uh me be vent guy okay Zeon or not Zeon Skyy you’re the vent guy number one congrats you are now the vent guy all right mebe vent okay does anyone else does anyone else want

To be the vent Zeon would like to be the vent okay Zeon and Skyy congratulations you all are successfully uh vent and demo you’re Sheriff you you are the the cowboy Yeehaw um with a bow okay beautiful okay demo don’t do that you better have a good costume okay um costume contest

All right chat uh we are basically good I’m going to give you another 30 seconds to join cuz I kind of set this up pretty fast okay moai is a good costume don’t not don’t let don’t let that convince you to do moai if if oh my gosh okay anyway two

Clowns are going to put moai on anyway all right moai was my idea yeah it was Dino’s idea all Right chat do you like the fact that Hive added the little faint Crouch so you know like who they are like do you do you like that chat I guess it’s good if you ever want to if if you ever want to see sweats and stuff cuz now they can’t hide I don’t

Know I’m mixed on it in some spots it’s good and some SS it’s bad they didn’t add that I don’t think is that a Minecraft thing then I if it’s a Minecraft thing then that’s bad cuz crouching is a is a huge thing for like hiding and

Stuff I thought it would be bad at first because you can’t see them through walls wait okay wait wait wait someone crouched behind a wall can I see it through the wall oh never mind so you can still hide but it has the advantage of being able a that’s clever

Okay no that’s good then cuz then you can see it if you’re up close but like oh you can still ah okay they okay that’s cool then I didn’t know that I didn’t know that that’s useful that’s useful okay never mind that’s actually a beneficial thing okay that’s good they’ve actually

That that’s a sensible AB okay all right um so here’s how this is going to work just as a warning Zeon and Skyy are going to be on two sides of the vent just basically Don’t Go Near them or else you’re just going to get murdered so like I’m right here I’ll

Probably die cuz Zeon is just swinging his sword right now so yeah be very careful when you get in the vent all right if you succeed all right everyone make your way over Here and yeah wus from Discord I don’t really like this costume cuz you have to pay like monthly for it and you lose it if you don’t keep it and so I don’t really like it cuz you just never really own the costume um so sorry um okay hi um anglerfish sure you’re

You’re cool Sky get back to your spot um yeah you’re cool you can go it’s about the detail not how to get it uh it’s subjective I can I can it it’s welcome to my subjective costume contest Dino um yeah like I could I could kill this person because they have

A frog hat on um sorry I have to say it’s subjective all right Dino anyway yeah hunk’s cool I guess you can go cat box you know I I I I thought this costume like conceptually was cool but like or sorry like as a look is cool but

I don’t know I’ve just never really like it’s never really spoken to me that much I don’t know sorry time owl I don’t really like login streak sweats um this is totally me coping because I can’t get a good login streak but I’m going to have to kill you um

Okay all right hi uh I don’t really know what you’re meant to be but I guess you’re just astronaut with the gravity hat on sure um okay robot cat I don’t really like this one either it’s not like I have anything against cats either I just don’t really

Like the costume um sorry uh I like tan you’re twocan master I I know you are but okay I really like this costume I actually think this is a really unique one this is a very newer one I think this is cool the strak of that that

Costume working is finally over FY face no uh this one just scares me I just don’t really I don’t know just I don’t really like it I’m sorry oh don’t you’re not allowed to shoot me sir um is this even a costume I don’t even know if this

Is a costume you just have a giant mushroom hat on which In fairness is pretty cool um I don’t know it’s just it’s just some it’s just a person is it is it a costume can someone let me know if that’s a costume I I don’t know if that’s a

Costume this game’s biased how I can’t see your names uh sure Cake’s cool uh okay hi moai you’re cool too it’s a skin that’s a cool skin by the way that’s a cool Hive style skin that’s a cool Hive style skin Hive style skin that’s cool I like that uh duck uh honks

Cooler um hi I don’t really know what it is I don’t really know what it is I’m sorry I I I don’t is it meant to be like oh is it meant to be like the oh I’m going to make a fool out of myself is it

The transformer robot or whatever is it that is it the Optimus what is it called Optimus something I don’t know I didn’t I never really watched anything of that oh it is wow because I actually guessed it right you can go um hey what’s up what is it called Optimus Prime ah

It’s Optimus Prime okay okay thank you okay uh that’s cool uh I I I don’t know if it’s meant to be like a creeper or a skeleton I don’t know I’m sorry uh I’ve never really liked this costume I feel like it has too fine of a

Detail like I don’t know I just don’t really like it’s too finite of a detail uh yeah you can go all right I bet T man hasn’t even heard of Garfield I have I have I have the lasagna loving cat I think is that the is that the cat that

Likes lasagna I think it is um all right uh everyone back out come on back out come on back out come on back out also catbox won costume of the year I forgot about that kind of a I mean it’s fine it’s fine you know what what

Were the other what were the other ones what were the other ones okay did anyone change costumes no you all are still the same okay beautiful um I don’t really want to eliminate it down I feel like this is a pretty good group yeah I think it’s fine I think you

Guys are good you know what do whatever you want go and party whoever I share feel free to shoot me too I don’t really care all right congrats good job everybody good job great job very professional gaming very proud I’m not going to let you shoot me by the way Mr birthday cake

So yeah um so congrats woo party time yay okay fantastic all right anyway congrats to our nine winners catbox and cool Goose those are you know what I the cat box is good I I killed it cuz I I don’t know what were My reasonings for killing it again I don’t even

Remember um eat Mr birthday cake okay but congrats to our winners very hype all right I’m going to do a block drop I’m going to do a block drop all right chat um I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to Vibe with you all while I’m

Doing this block drop what are you all excited for in this new near year of 2024 I’m saying as if it’s just now new years it’s not but what are you all excited for are you excited for something hi related Minecraft related is it something are you excited for something

That’s not even related to Minecraft at all really um are you excited for my birthday okay yes that’s that’s good you know what hey that’s good that’s great Skyy I’m that’s great you’re excited for your birthday that’s good um more Invincible episodes okay summer Summer’s fun um

That is a joke okay good uh prestiging and treasure Wars that’s cool good good for you excited for New Year’s Eve um everything hey that’s a long time away man t- man’s height reveal should I height team man’s height reveal how how how how tall do you actually think I am

Based on how I’ve reacted to certain Heights do you have any idea or is there still like no clue do you just guess remember I think I’m taller than 3 fo1 and short than 172 that’s the range we’re at right now all right 4′ 8 4′ 9 5’2 5′ 7 5’9 5’9

5’9 wow three 5′ 9s in a row you all very much think that I am 69 in is is 5’9 actually 69 in tall wait is it wait it’s 5’9 sh is 5’9 69 in tall wait if 6 foot 72 5’1 71 oh that’s why so many people put it

Cuz it’s the fun okay okay that’s okay that I are are people actually thinking that deep or or did you guys actually just think it was genuinely 5’9 is was that unintentional or was that unintentional or were you all actually thinking that deep no I

Just thought of it okay 5 fo9 is a common height no it is I know that um that’s funny though my brain just my brain just went oh huh anyway 5’9 is like average is it interesting all Right I’m excited to wait another year for GTA 6 okay fair enough can I just say that trailer got 18 million views in 2 hours that’s nuts that’s crazy he’s definitely 5’9 okay okay Noted all right beat the record for the most views yeah that’s crazy yeah that’s nuts hey I won gz um I’m going to Camp stream and stre and stream snipe you this summer oh okay oh you’re going to go to you’re going to go to one of

The Hawaii islands and wait for me to go there okay great bro’s just going to bro’s just going to sit at the Honolulu airport and just wait for me IRL stream snipe bruh okay anyway all all right I’m going to find out your height okay I’m me I’m I’m

In I’m sure I okay I think you just spelled that wrong I’m 5 foot really that’s I mean h interesting T man may I have a cookie of course you can oh my gosh yes here there you go there you go that’s only for dino by the

Way Demo’s just going to recognize te man immediately would would I don’t know if I’d be the type of person that would be recognizable without a voice I don’t know I don’t know if I would be actually I don’t know if I would be I

Don’t know it’ be I don’t know I don’t know would I be actually none of you can answer that question um well anderman can answer that question but anderman isn’t here um I can tell it’s tman because of okay okay all right the way he walks probably

Bro huh that walk looks awfully T-man likee H I’m just imagining you just standing there waiting looking at everyone coming in from the airport anyway wait candy tier list when I actually already have it fully recorded from like 7 months ago I just never edited it down it’s like a 40 minute

Video of me ranting on candy and I need to edit It let me see what let me actually see what I put in s tier hold up I don’t even remember what I did for that hold on let me find the candy tier list rating just post the full video I mean dude dude people will click off so

Quickly um I actually did do a a candy tier list video don’t spoil okay I won’t spoil I’m just I need to look for my own curiosity what I put on the candy tier list I mean I got to know what did I put on the candy tier list truly a mystery for

Sure let’s see where is the c i I have it in here where is the candy deist I can’t find it whatever I’m down to watch a 40-minute team anend and and the man candy compl okay well I I’m glad you’d be down

To watch it I suppose oh here it is oh I found it it’s 22 minutes long it’s actually not even that long highly awaited oh I just found it oh my gosh I hit the jackpot how long ago is this recorded I recorded this in March of

Last year this is almost a year old oh I I disagree with some of the stuff I put in this list oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s fully ready dude this is so old dude some of these candies I didn’t even have at this time what that’s crazy

Oh people going to hate my S tier I’m just looking at it oh gosh dude it’s going to make people really mad oh my gosh I can’t believe I put one of them in s okay all right I I’m not that’s a that’s a whole time capsule yeah I’ll

Definitely redo it um I actually agree with most of the points that I put on that dude that s tier though is a joke I’m just going to say that Yorks is in there yes yeah York is s but that’s not surprising that’s objectively true some of them are not

Um anyway okay um chot what game what game do you want to do fortnite okay let me hop on all right hold on give me a second let me close that all right let’s hop on boys where are we dropping anyway okay let me bring that back

Okay just build her mm hide okay you doubly did you guys actually think I was loading it up oh man you guys actually thought I was loading it up oh you you sillies no no I wasn’t loading it up all right te’s channel after that all right here are your four options by

The way give me a second I’m getting them all right man okay okay Z what if you get like 20 people and M the Middle Island we did that with Violet keep but it didn’t work cuz we don’t have enough time now see if I had connections like Mr evident p and I

Could just be like yo staff I need 40 minutes for an extra evident video that then they could be like sure that then I would do it but Middle’s way too big on any map unfortunately we have been able to mine out semi mids before but not not mid

Mid not like the middle of the mid you know the mid mid not the semi mid but the middle of the map the mid the ultimate mid not the semi mid not the half mid the mid we haven’t been able to do that anyway okay are you on his SMP yeah but that’s

That’s like not wow demo okay yeah you’re going to get timed out for that that we don’t we don’t tolerate that here ooh we don’t tolerate that here all right let’s see demo darn put him on the list I’m not putting demo on the list he’s too valuable um I

Was trolling okay I’m not actually going to talk about um I think the most islands we mined out is four we have mined out every single Island on Ice pillars um the the way we did it was we had three we had people mine out their

Exact Island we had we had like 37 players on cuz the YouTube rank was there and we had um we had like three people to each island and we had every single Island mined out I’m not kidding we got almost every single Island I think we had like six of them mined out

And like the others were like really close it was actually really cool Anyway it’s it’s got to be in stream shots in my Discord server somewhere if you scroll through it you can see all the screenshots that I’ve taken over streams and it’s definitely going to be in there like you can see all the 5K things you can see the um

There’s a lot of stuff there’s a lot of stuff in here yeah there’s me Hing 5K there’s us getting stuck in a giant hole the normal the normal the normal honestly all right it was normal pillars oh was it normal pillars okay I didn’t know that I thought it was Ice all

Right chat you were here that was fun I enjoyed that that was a good stream that 5K stream that was good I enjoyed that thoroughly um okay uh SkyWars we got some SkyWars in the game man took us almost 2 hours no it took us over 2 hours to get some

Hive SkyWars but we’ve got some Hive SkyWars ladies and gentlemen woo took us long enough huh all right there you Go took us long enough no oh man all right TV oi okay you were here was hype that was a hype moment chat that was really I I that was really exciting that’s a capital oh not a zero by the way um that I really really like that was powerful

That was a fun fun moment for me so I’m glad I’m glad you all remember that yeah the you were here that was cool that was cool um and that’s why I want to get back into it I want more moments like that I really do I want more moments why

28 there you go I have fixed your OCD when’s the stream Skyy I don’t know when I’m going to be streaming currently I’m not streaming right now I don’t know when I’m going to be chat when do you think I’m going to be live can you take a prediction when do

You think I’m going to be live I don’t know I’m not live right now but when you were here part when were you here part two when he gets YouTube ranked in his stream that’d be kind of fun um okay I do have a couple of clever ways I

Want to share with you that I got YouTube rank I’m not just going to announce it on a community post if I get it well actually let’s be confident when I get it I I will be sharing it in a kind of fun way I I got some fun ideas Anyway all right 3:00 a.m. challenge uh no okay all right here we go all right let’s do it let’s do it chat let’s game just casually don’t mention it in an entire stream uh I is this infinite leap yeah yeah this is infinite leap for sure um that’d be kind of funny

Actually is going to play CS with youber rank I promise you it’s not that it’s definitely not that I it’ll be fun if I do hit it or when I do hit it depending on depending on how how we want to look at it it’ll be it’ll

Be fun I’ll just and here’s the thing you’re not really going to know when it’ll happen so hopefully you tune in streams after I say I apply so yeah anyway hopefully yall tune in to the Streams I got so many crumbling cobblestones a block that will self break short I like how they had to add that in just cuz people didn’t know how to use the block oh I find that funny hey everybody what’s popping all right okay that would be funny though to just

Not mention it and be like uh guys uh t- man hey you have T man did you just not notice that’d be hard to do though because like I would see the code only that says T man 1010 YT I don’t know that’d be hard to do though no

Okay I don’t know it certainly creates a unique Dynamic no I thought how it swag you were the opposite direction oh no make it obvious that you got it okay don’t say anything that’d be funny I am a monkey I am monkey me monkey me monkey mon me monkey

Okay I’m gaming watch this oh oh oh I’m gaming hold on how where where what okay where where where were you okay this game is ranked this game is ranked this game is a scam this game is a scam it’s a scam woo that was fun enjoyed that

Thoroughly anyway okay I died that’s unfortunate okay anyway all right did I get a single kill I think I got one I think I got one oh man I think I dude that’s so sad I I only got one kill no I got two I got two hey I’m moving up in

The world I only got two kills it it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine I’m fine okay all right it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine all right your desk abused oh what’s up Nick welcome to the Stream stre hope your day is going Well all right when it’s over replay me at the first 10 seconds the barriers were up oh chat do you remember that one time when someone was just literally just flying in the SkyWars game do you all remember that do you all remember when someone literally was just flying invisibly and killing

People that was exciting I enjoyed that and I got like two like a bunch of Hive staff like uh hey what happened here good times I remember that that was fun that was that was fun I don’t think the hive staff were too happy that I

Just would was goofing off and found a pretty major exploit but um I enjoyed it thoroughly might I just say I enjoyed it thoroughly anyway does anyone remember when that happened I don’t even remember what stream that was in trying to remember I don’t remember what stream that was in

Darn last year thank you Skyy that’s helpful I’m glad good to know it wasn’t this stream I didn’t really know yeah I don’t remember do you remember that one mm hide moment we don’t speak of that Xavier um that that’s not something we discuss here okay that’s not something we Discuss I think it was this stream yeah I’m going to have to disagree with you on that One all right give me a second I’m just checking stuff Let’s see let’s see all right must have been a while ago we love exploding Hive I well all right all right all right I’ll have to find it I don’t know when I did it let’s recreate it um that was a bad idea let’s maybe not I don’t even remember

What we did oh oh now I remember what we did yeah the hive staff didn’t really like when I did that cuz there’s very there’s not really anyone that has the ability to make 30 people spam yeah let’s not go there anyway okay it probably it probably is fixed

But at the same time it’s such a niche and rare thing thing that would happen I it could also equally not be so I don’t even want to bother um also chat do you pronounce it Niche or Niche how do you pronounce it the word that is NI i c h e

Niche or Niche first or second one just type one or two first or second one Niche or Niche Niche is number one Niche is number two I I have always called it Niche I’ve always called it number two I’ve NE I’ve never called it number one

Until a random teacher did and I was like hey what’s that word and they’re like uh monkey and I was like what that was like in like that was like way long ago though that was like a while ago but your teacher dumb no I mean it’s fine they

They explained that there’s two different versions of it and I was like ah so yeah anyway where’s the none of the above option then how would you pronounce it do you pronounce it n Nish anyway what subject do they teach I don’t remember I think it might have

Been might have been science I don’t remember though I don’t remember at all some I don’t yeah my guess would be science but Anyway I would say none of the above okay all right zly ninja fair enough all right Then anyway also I’ve always thought that Niche kind of sounds like something you’d say that’s like bad I don’t know it’s it just sounds weird I feel I feel that Niche sounds just nicer I don’t know Niche just sounds like a like a like a swear word of some kind anyway all

Right sounds like ninja what I mean well anyway all right T man don’t well no not that not the actual not okay I’m zon I’m not referring to I didn’t even think about that word Zeon anyway I did I okay great anyway all right anyway uh Skyy you have 11 kills

That’s exciting can you get 12 please 11’s rookie numbers can you can you get more please can you get more please I’m dead ah I see okay then well well so much for [Laughter] that well so much for that huh subscri okay okay all right oh chat okay something I

Want to add um do you have Discord yes or no just straight up do you have Discord yes or no um this is something on Discord that I want to share there’s something I want to share with you all okay a lot some of you are saying no

When I I know for a fact that you have Discord so a lot of you are are memers but okay basically um on Discord what are your thoughts on the new shop let’s talk about this because I definitely I want to hear what you guys think think of

This there’s there what are your thoughts on the shop that they put in where you can buy like profile picture things and and stuff like that what are your thoughts on that they do have to make money some way yeah that’s fair although I it’s a little silly in my opinion but

Um I suppose if you’ve ever wanted more effects then it’s good I don’t know I’m probably going to canel my Nitro classic because I really don’t need it like I could spend it on way better things well okay people are going to be like like what anyway um yeah I anyway

I’m not going to buy from it but I could see how other people would enjoy that it’s there I definitely have Discord so I definitely know what you’re talking about yes good froggy anyway like what I’m glad you asked gey like I could spend it on this video sponsor nordvpn anyway

Anyway okay if you don’t like it just don’t buy it true true and real siphon let’s go anyway plot twist this stream’s sponsored get trolled it’s not I this video disclaimer is absolutely not sponsored by um by by by by Nord VPN it’s would have been a clean water break but

Whatever okay do you want water then do I think now’s a good time for some water Dem I do you want some water I know you haven’t had water for about a month so I think it’d be good for you to get some water I’ve gone through like 50 videos

With a sponsorship from Nord VPN it’s too late for what water in the Stream no it’s not too late it is definitely not too late I can confirm it’s not too late allow me to get it okay Um bro okay all right hold on let me go this way all right fine I’ll check Dino I’ll check I’ll check Dino just for you all right hold on my Clash of Clans village is getting raided brou what’s the difference between Clash of Clans and Clash Royale I have no idea

Chad is it just me or do I kind of feel like I’m living under a rock I don’t know it feels like I don’t I don’t know the difference between those two things the one of them uses like towers and the other one is fighting but

There’s also Towers I don’t know I I don’t I don’t heck of know um okay all right where is Mr Dino drop 75 there they are apparently he said to watch no you’re not don’t worry okay great what are you doing Dino I’m so confused as to what you’re doing this is

A stacked team by the way I I’ve been requested to watch the first 10 seconds of the game and I don’t really know all I’ve seen is the most um suspicious head movements I think I’ve ever seen like he he lost his he lost his mind at the fact

That he didn’t have any cookies in his kitchen cabinet like like like he went crazy he does not look okay also swags what in the background is funny look when the barriers come down okay so let me skip forward a bit HOH my bad okay look when the

Barriers come down I’ve been requested to look when the barriers come down I’m going to guess you’re going to fail this bridge or something why okay I I don’t know why but okay you you just jumped um oh my gosh candy thank you so much for the um

The $2 Dono fifth what was the goal there I have no clue um what costumes don’t you have so I can give you one thank you so much I thought I made it a what a gamer what a gamer Dino what was the mission I don’t know

But candy thank you so much for the $2 super Dono I appreciate super Dono Super Chat thank you so much though for the Dono I appreciate it um I will let you know what costumes I do not have right now um but also congrats on five um

Donations that’s cool by the way that it shows like one in five like it’s not just the one that’s pretty cool so shout out to five donations uh fives in the chat for candy games right now anyway uh did I type a five I did I’m such a good

I’m such a good typer um but yeah congratulations and thank you again for the generous donation I appreciate it let me check what costumes though let me see what costumes I do not obtain currently I don’t have I okay I have quite a bit that I don’t have the more you

Know uh let me look up hive’s costume list and whatnot Hive costume show me the money I his website okay okay show me the money all right I have a lot of them the current ones I do not have include the following hongo Recon agent virus zom bear and gargoyle

According to my thing I’m pretty sure I have gargoyle I do not there you go there’s proof anyway I don’t have any of those there you go it is updated anyway Rosa spudger in the void and had to get the screen okay all right then um

Okay all right and I do not I already have anime teams unfortunately you know what I should do I should make a joke one stream where if the stream hits like a 100 likes or something stupid I’ll put wuw as my hive Hub title for a

Week I should do that do I have it I think I do I’m yeah I have anime team so yeah there you go right there um that’d be so goofy all right one second I’ll be right Back would you there’s no way it would get to 100 though that’s the thing also oh my gosh candy oh candy you got you gifted two bro candy thank you for the virus and gargoyle costumes I appreciate you did not need to do that candy that’s that that is unnecessary but thank you

This is the AFK stream I was talking about what do you mean cuz I’m just sitting there sorry let me actually do something no just one wait then who GI it the other one huh wait candy which one did you gift I’m so confused what’s up King cam welcome to

The stream hope your day is going well welcome ah it’s a zero I don’t like that there we go I did virus did you actually well if you did then thank you Skyy for virus and oh my gosh guys wow look wow a lot of the costumes have

Been gargo and be well uh candy thank you and um and thank you Skyy as well thank you both bro okay well all right then yeah that’s why I made the joke bro um boo I don’t remember what was your old uh YouTube name if you don’t mind me asking all right

Chat let’s do this there you go hey biggest Noob welcome to the stream by the way I don’t think you’ve been in any other custom server uh this stream so welcome what’s up welcome how is it going okay oh wait it’s the it’s the um

Holiday theme so it has the thing at the bottom yo huge development let’s go I forgot it has the thing at the bottom That’s so exciting that’s so hype that’s that I forgot about that what’s up Yugi welcome to the stream hope your day is going well this is your

Only daily reminder to get your couches to like this like the smash button yes so true like the smash button Gamers we’re at 34 likes we can get to 40 this stream I believe all right anyway okay like smash button now anyway okay look up oh my gosh hi

Everyone what’s up okay anyway all right let’s begin the game okay can you cheat Venice yes you can cheat Venice whoa I’m lagging uh type pickles if the stream is still working please uh type pickles in chat if the stream’s working it looks like it’s okay uh

Guys okay I really need please if the stream’s working please type pickles uh is the stream working yeah it is it looks like it’s working I just got I just got OED on hive okay it is working good um I just got kicked out that’s I feel

Kind of scammed I do feel scammed not going to lie what what was that Hive what was that is it working yeah no it’s working people are still playing the game that’s good okay I’m going to redo this cuz I want to play as well but we’ll keep this one still team and

TP okay okay jeez all right well all right then oh my gosh okay I’m going to do one more of these oh man zeon’s having fun zon’s having a little too much fun you going to finish you you should probably finish what happens first bedw warss or

A teamman upload I’m going to I’m going to try and get an upload out also and died that was kind of funny dude I really I now I now do want to get an upload out I want to try if I have time I really do

So who’s team man I don’t know anyway GG’s I think it was Skyy Zeon wait who was who were the podium finishers on that it said like Skyy U it said Skyy and demo and I didn’t see who else darn I didn’t see who else it was

Let me double check I’m pretty sure it was Sky demo up there I could be wrong though I could be wrong oh yeah wait where’s me where am I I’m just lagging oh a couple of people were laggy H I was not alone oh I need to change my name all

Right well welcome boo thank you so much for tuning in appreciate it yeah anyway it it was okay thank you T why is there a message of me calling you uh Zeon I don’t know I I don’t exactly know why it’s a good question though I have no idea anyway okay let’s

Do one more of this all right oh okay I I’ll fix the song too okay All right join up chat hi I’m new yeah right what’s up J welcome to the stream all right let me fix that beautiful okay all right sweet all Right what’s up all right chat make sure to join up and vote for what map you want as well make sure to Vote All right beautiful uh let’s begin I disconnected too okay so a couple people did all right Unfortunate all right let’s do it I just crashed what I don’t understand something’s definitely happening I don’t know Though oh no I went the wrong direction let me up let me up up up up up up please oh what a horrible pathing uh-oh let me in there we go beautiful oh I could have gotten a sub 15 there dang it okay whatever oh I could have gotten a Sub

Sub 15 that was disappointing all right whatever darn I went I went the wrong direction I meant to go there not there darn you can get it in seven on Gardens yeah I know that was a really bad run yeah I know I I I’m well aware that was that was really

Disappointing oh man all right yeah was probably very disappointing I didn’t know it was instantly o that is unfortunate I hate this oh I’m sorry that is indeed unfortunate that is a that is a a darn bummer anyway whatever it’s fine one game one game Life’s Too Short

Okay zon where where were you me silly ninja and Audrey coming in wrapping up the podium there very nice GG’s 18 2735 fantastic all right there you go uh-oh H that’s suspicious I’m not going to lie it’s look it seems like it’s the it’s the song chat it’s that it’s that

One song anyway chat thank you all so much for tuning in ladies and gentlemen hope you all enjoyed I’m going to head out I got to go do something chat I will see you all live tomorrow I’m going to I’m going to get back on it we drank any water drink

Water right now drink water chat I’m going to go until the end of the stream when you typed water type bacon in chat there you go anyway such a short stream it’s literally 20 minutes oh my gosh someone gave me hongo okay thank you whoever did

That all right thank you all so much for tuning in go raid axelo on his subathon right here go give him and subscribe it’ll increase the sub subathon counter and without further Ado I will see you all next time ladies and gentlemen peace out goodbye see you Okay bye I don’t know why I did that all right see you

This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers but Rubber Chicken! (Hive Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Tman1010 on 2024-01-07 02:15:00. It has garnered 438 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:11 or 9611 seconds.

Welcome to the stream! In this stream, I will be doing a variety of games on the Hive Minecraft Server.

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*How to join custom servers:* ​U can join cs’s by typing in hive chat. first, type /cs NA_ and remaining code on screen. Capitals and spacing ALL matter, so make sure you type the code in correctly. Once u typed code, click enter! (Shoutout to Cryptic for shortening this)

Viewer Concurrent Record: 240 Viewers (Evident Raid on August 6th 2022)! Viewer Concurrent Record With No raid influence: 82 Viewers (Mushroom Stream on December 27th 2022)

Stream Music: Kirby Star Allies Music Playlist: Intro Songs Made By: Ending Stream Song:

Tags: #Hive #HiveBedrockLive #HiveMinigamesLive #Tman1010 #HiveSkywars #HiveTreasureWars #HiveMinecraft #HiveMinecraftLive

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  • Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender Dragon

    Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender DragonVideo Information kemarin tu marah-marah dia eh enggak lah aku tuh baik hati dan tidak sombong kok malam ini tiba-tiba di gua e dikasih Night Vision apa Night Vision apa blind Dark blind blind kok ti-tii gua diturunin sama Teh Botol kamuagfirullah harus pakai PW Po mo Iya Bang kenapa ya Minecraft biasa nglag banget Bang eh di server gitu nglag Enggak maksudnya di single player ng tuh di single player rend render distancenya biasa Oh iya I Iya render distancenya dikecilin paling kecil sama itunya juga kalau main sendiri Iya ngapain ada pohon di bawah sini C punya aku… Read More

  • Pekora’s SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱

    Pekora's SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱Video Information [Music] try okay yeah again continue continue continue try again try again try try Hur me H me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah try again try again yeah than youill everyone once I am happy to be heref ending that’s such a perfect ending I know I don’t know I’m happy and I want to cry now it feels like a dream a week it’s super crazy week I want to say thank you so much P Senai thank you so much for um all of the Hol members and then I want to say thank you for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information h This video, titled ‘SKYWARS #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #flop #minecraftmemes #mine #craft #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by Craftt on 2024-01-08 00:03:28. It has garnered 496 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

    Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35Video Information today I’ll be voicing over Alan Becker’s animations also if you hit the like button it’ll turn blue enjoy the video and I present to you green welcome to today’s concert I hope you enjoy the show oh hey guys this about to be fire listen up I’m about to sing I’m ready one surprise a time there was a frog and a princess they were soulmates meant to be but there’s a problem he wasn’t a frog he was build different it was me I was the Frog that’s not right yeah not a frog I can… Read More

  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

    Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme! “Why did the troll face go to Minecraft Sigma Boys? To mine for laughs and craft some mischief!” Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

    Epic GR Legend gameplay - 2hrs of Minecraft madnessVideo Information where Chris for I never installed it did I I’m s ah yes one you in chat is it by chance well that’s going on G to pull this up as well this over here so I want to quickly few people anything back oh that’s going on I want to test a couple things or cast Shadows let know what this does oh breaking n complet for how that works over here Shadows the b in the chat what’s going on bot not this for real I kind of want to try blood blood and bones honestly… Read More

  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

    Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl StarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY RANK🤔BRAWL STARS RANK UP⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-06-05 14:10:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra staff team Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

    The Bluemoon SMPWelcome to the Bluemoon SMP!The Bluemoon SMP is an old server some friends of mine used to play, but since the owner stopped paying for it, We decided to bring it back relive the memories and hopefully create new fun memories for new players.This is a Vanilla Server with simple plugins like TPA, and Home, Currently still working on the server with the plugins, but right now everyone is welcome to join and have a great time with us and hopefully play the SMP for fun, for content, for war, or just to be there!Hope you enjoy this SMP! -… Read More