Insane HoloStars Minecraft Stream

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Whoa thank you for the crimber chips now stop gifting these dorks for a second I’ll be live in just a moment just fixing something in the Background you’re too kind to these nerds [Laughter] Furry but they need to be green if you say so oh no not Pepe falling over what happened who pushed Him I got my tea ready ooh wow Hold on a second I got to fix Something Whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on wait a minute I wasn’t done fixing something uh uh uh um uh uh hold on um thank you for the gifted uh crimber chips haiko the wolf Kina fi and L okay cool I called out and Mari welcome in there we go now one Second hold on Minecraft launcher is giving me trouble it’s trying to pretend I don’t I don’t have stop wait okay uh thank you uh Mayday uh bunny my my uh Marlo the teresi apologist which is impossible cuz teresi has nothing to apologize for since T’s done nothing wrong okay here we

Go I’m troubleshooting one second come on you piece of [ __ ] launcher I mean that in the most loving way I I didn’t mean it m please don’t ban me Abby thank you for the gifted uh crimber chip yum yum yum y yum yum I love delicious chips in the morning

Afternoon whatever type it is time Zone we love three flash flight alerts and it’s not even noon hell yeah we do welcome back for another month Ace like pie I like that little scrungy Bulbasaur chop chamain no that’s chameleon like Charmeleon I get it welcome back brand flakes that’s trademark though Bambi thank you for the

Gift chip one second gift chip I actually like that that sounds good I’m going to keep saying that gift chip thanks for the gift chip imagine you show up to someone’s door and you hand them one chip here you go this is a gift thank you again M all

Right one second almost done okay I got the launcher working we’re going to skip the Preamble today I’m just going to skip the uh criminals cut entirely and we’re going to go right into the game okay mostly cuz uh I don’t have a ton of time I’ve

Got a lot of things I got to get done today so we’re going to we’re going to get right into our game bam boom bam oh it’s night time oh my game’s not capturing oh there’s always something going on there’s always something going on can I offer you a singular chip in these

Trying times you may chewy nubbins one chip is a gift but it’s the one chip challenge that is a curse not a gift that is you asking to to hurt somebody that’s like a personal attack of some sort okay we got that working we got this working I wonder if I’m allowed to

I wonder if I can just kind of pull up like a C418 I’m going to pull up a C418 playlist I’m tired of waiting for Minecraft music to happen or C4 yeah one let’s do uh what was it volume beta I think it was um it get supported nerd how dare you Joker

Latx thank you gifters I’ve actually never had the one chip hello Hayes or hey hay one month with the worst Idol hell yeah congratulations on just the worst possible outcome all right let me get this set up audio wise do you want to try I’m going to try if this VOD gets

Bed I guess uh the the criminals cut being finished will never be on um record it’ll just be one day it’ll have been done you know three years from now someone’s going to come back and watch my Minecraft playlist and be like oh cool I can finally watch R finish the

Criminals cut and then they’re going to be like what the hell the episode with the roof is just not there what and I’ll be like yeah it’s Rufus anest I challenge you to what custo custo what are you challenging me to oh this song kind of goes

Hard might be a little loud though man C418 was went nutty on the Minecraft soundtrack and why welcome in fungus capes capes I mean cakes not capes though fungus Cape sounds kind of [ __ ] cool I think I had a fungus cape in uh Starbound NOP too loud hold on that’ll Work what was I doing oh that’s right neru congratulations on your upgraded axle this isn’t for you ruse it’s sou for your kitties got it what the [ __ ] there’s no potato chip Emoji well anyway thanks for one month of uh but I’ve enjoyed it I think keep up

The idling my dude listen if you’ve enjoyed it I have somehow um accidentally fumbled the ball so spectacular spectacular words are hard so spectacularly that I landed exactly where I wanted to I shot the three-pointer and made the field goal like an absolute um uh uh uh running

Back star champion thing I don’t play sports um but I did good so thanks did you get the scream going I did I did thank you how many different colored pins have you used in your schedule or six so far I’m happy you’re here anger Mark and I

Will keep watching you not if I do this watch this what didn’t work out I thought it was going to um Huh huh never mind I guess you’re going to keep watching thanks cashing in my chips I cannot pay uh the house does not have the money to pay you right now so I’m sorry one chip challenge for when you reach 100K you won’t I thought I was

Already doing a horror game for when I reached 100K do you want me to do a one Shi challenge because I mean I could I I’d do that over a horror game for sure happy one mon Ro whoa whoa we can’t step on Fon toes here the whole maky run

Thing is lons so is the month of Rooney guess what you’re my least favorite Idol yes Kuru welcome into being a Bruiser all right let’s get back in it all right what was I doing here oh yeah I got dogs last time and horses horror and spicy I don’t think so

There’s no amount of there’s no amount of support there’s no amount of followers and there’s no amount of money in the world that could convince me to do that one month of angry only and maybe some cute aggression just angry all right I’m going to work on the roof today

So let’s get some stairs we get some regular blocks get some half blocks more regular blocks I’ll grab these and I’m going to turn them all into planks because I’m going to need them and I’m going to turn these in a half block nope these and a half blocks go

Here and then this can become stairs okay let’s get up there and see what we can get done uh I feel like horror games will give him hot girl tummy issues what is the one chip challenge explain to grandma please well Mama you see thing wait why am I talking

Like the grandma you’re the grandma here um sh was like well my grandchild um the one chip challenge is a very very very very hot chip that uh is hot enough to make people just vomit as soon as they like put it on their tongue it’s a super

Duper singularly spicy chip like coated in um Reaper pepper or ghost pepper dust I guess and it does not taste good it tastes like Burt tar that you like pulled up off the side of the road and it is so spicy it can just make you throw

Up that’s about it I once watched somebody put one in their mouth and they started sweating so profusely they had to stand over the sink cuz they were leaking from every orifice on their face I hope it was only the orifices on their face anyway if you do the watch your

Challenge you might just straight up die it would make for some metal content though H have I tried it no I’m not an idiot I watched them do that and they said do it do it [ __ ] do it if you’re a man and I said I’m good dude I’m secure

I’m all right thanks though no I’m going do my own thing hello the wild orange of Summer child Hello ooh this song goes kind of hard too this song’s called Alpha welcome to being an axhole Ashu I’m on the walk again congratulations are you going to add a bathroom just like Gerard’s place you know this place probably does need a bathroom but I might just add an out house

Outside who’s Mrs dfire Mrs dfire Mrs dfire hello children oh that’s a movie you’re talking about a movie uh that was um that was a movie by uh that was a movie by uh don’t say it I’m not looking at chat I’m not going to look hold on

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it Robin Williams called it let me look yeah baby okay I got it I’m so smart I’m so [ __ ] smart um my YouTube channel

Subscribe hey no that’s not how that works you can’t do it that way you’re going to have to go somewhere else and get that done you got you got to you got to go to the places and advertise but in somebody else’s Channel that’s not where

You do it the [ __ ] are you doing did you just step into a concert venue and say hey guys come check out my band you silly goose I like those Korean spicy noodles I don’t think I’ve tried those should we like the stream no do

Not do that don’t do that if you like the stream other people will see it we don’t want that what the hell was that sound now what could that be I’ve got to think for a second what was that sound did you guys hear that do you like

Honey mango I don’t think I’ve ever tried honey mango is it mango or [ __ ] I guess it’s mango I don’t think I’ve ever tried that well I actually didn’t Le smash the like button and I hit that Bell icon my bad what is that sound that’s what I was

Wondering I like every single stream well you’ve been [ __ ] up this whole time how could you do this to me how could this happen to me oh that Ain it how could this happen to me How do I want to do this I guess I want how do I want to do this hold on I need to think cuz this is kind of rounded right do I want a rounded triangle or do I want like a straight triangle and this is just going to have

To deal with the fact that it’s going to have an overhang lip it’s not dmca if I don’t sing it for more than 3 seconds that’s just a snippet uh hello pizza burger I don’t know what uh d d Su means but uh how dare you call me

Ruru Chan my name is uh Ruru um Sama whoa this view is pretty isn’t it though you like my Canyon I live in means I love you oh we’re not allowed to love here only hate sorry um don’t you say that do not say uh do

Not say love uh sorry I threw up in my mouth no I’m just kidding uh chalk Warrior need more chill streams let’s do with homework you know I never saw myself as a chill person but it seems like that’s the prevailing opinion which is super duper wild to me but hey

Whatever I’m down for a a a new a new outlook on life I’m down for a new reputation a new environment to try damn it a new environment to try I said as chill as I could damn It guess that works it’s going be like a really long roof though but maybe maybe that’s okay maybe that would look good maybe that’s going to look we’re going to try it we’re going to try and see what we think I could uh peel it in a

Bit did I not just sleep what the [ __ ] uh thank you for the gifted member chips uh no I am not just now renewing I just keep forgetting to use this thanks for the month nerd thank you you exceptional bastard you uh AC says okay rusan okay

That’ll work and your your name is e she or AC thank you keep meow warm and thank you K Kitana nr1 I thought that was nc1 I was thinking Planet Side too I was thinking a new conglomerate thank you for the five gifted uh no gift chips thank you

For the five gift chips there we go done okay do I want to do one more out I think I want to do one more out right one more wait oh man I might not have had to do all that you played Planet Side yeah I used to

Uh I used to run a pretty big platoon actually in Planet Side it was a huge hassle um unfortunately at some point the people I was playing with realized that I was pretty good at giving orders and they put me in charge of like a 64-man platoon and it was super [ __ ]

Annoying it became more papers and uh not papers but it became more like giving directions and orders than it was playing the game so so after a while I quit playing I guess uh I should do that right yes but this should be white terra

Cotta we’re going to go back and um once we’re done here we’re going to go back and we’re going to fill this out the right way but for now this is how it’s going to look one second yeah okay okay could I afford to make that one white Terra cot I think so

You shouldn’t be able to see it from the outside yeah that’ll work um and then this one hold on a second Gamers I will be I will be reading in just a moment thank you for one month Sarah okay um so if I did it that way then this would be like

So and I want to hang one more off here because this is boring I don’t like that uh and then this would be oh this would be like this because these have to connect oh okay I’m seeing the vision I’m seeing the vision the vision is coming together

I like the vision I like the vision I have it’s a good Vision it’s making me happy on my insides I like how that comes together and creates like a cool triangle up there and then this roof is actually going to be taller because the

Triangle is uh uh uh parallel but or no perpendicular um and it’s going to create a cool silhouette from out there cuz you’re going to see this little triangle and then that triangle is going to be a different shape it’s going to be good it’s going to be good okay okay

Okay anyway sorry uh we were talking about PL aside right I forg wait where am I sorry you know it’s good that I fell in here I can’t leave this just sitting here a mob will get in oh wait no I have a bed up here now that’s right I put my bed

Upstairs yeah you got a sign to oh that’s right okay so we’re talking about Planet Side so uh basically the thing I was saying is that in Planet Side 2 I was playing a new conglomerate I was having a lot of fun with it I ended up getting into a

Platoon and that was a lot of fun for a while and every once in a while they would put me in charge of like a squad of like you know 12 people and that wasn’t that bad but then eventually they started putting me in charge of like

Full stacks of 64 which was four squads of 12 um and that got to wait no I guess it was let’s see six squads of 12 I don’t know anyway it was too many people there was too many people that’s what I’m saying it was too many people I got

Tired of doing it uh it was a lot of work and it was basically what I would do is I would open my mini map right which I can’t I can’t show you an example here but I would open my mini map I would look at like where people

Were fighting cuz in Planet Side 2 for those of you who don’t know it is a com combined War combined arms Warfare game where 200 players fight 200 players fighting 200 players on a giant Continental siiz map right so it becomes less uh when you’re in a leadership

Position it becomes a lot less about like individual like shooting skill and more about which side has better leadership and better guiding because you need to like you know strategically conquer specific parts of the map cuz if your bases get cut off then you lose that base it just goes away because of

Supply lines essentially so you had to make sure that you weren’t getting like you know attacked from behind by one of the two other factions and since it was 1 V1 V1 of these factions there was a lot of like back and forth and like you know backstabbing and like if you’re

Getting P pushed Push by purple team then maybe blue team will jump on the backside to make sure that you lose or if you’re getting pushed by Red Team maybe purple team will jump in on the Forefront etc etc um so it became more like management and spreadsheets and

Making sure we were going to the right place at the right time and trying to Wrangle a bunch of people who had no reason to be listening cuz they’re just playing a [ __ ] game and want to have a good time but you want to be like hey

Dudes we really need to be attacking here so uh let’s all group up sound off and it started turning into like actual [ __ ] work and I was like nah I don’t want to do this dude I just want to play the game welcome back sassy Leslie it was fun

Sometimes but it was also just a hassle trying to like Wrangle a bunch of people who rightfully just wanted to play a game yes I was one step away from asking them for their TPS reports exactly uh so before we keep do you know what no

Not before we keep doing this I’m just going to keep doing this and and then I’ll drop down the side here and I’ll see if I want to uh edit a few things I think this is going to be a really tall white wall and that might look kind of

Weird after a minute but we shall see um but for now I’m not going to stress about it and I’m just going to keep building up what the hell hey hey all right whatever it’ll fix itself there we go yay it fixed itself so this would be okay so this is still terracotta

Then Whoopsie mm- mm- wait how I don’t know some sort of server glitch happy one one month Ryan uh woke up 5:00 a.m. to watch your stream let’s go hey don’t do that get your sleep I just in time to see ruse practicing magic it’s true I’m a magician

Now I’ve learned the magic spells I learned them from uh uh uh somewhere for sure I definitely learned them from somewhere um o boom Oh I [ __ ] that up that’s not how that was supposed to go my bad my bad ignore that that was a joke that was

A prank that was a trick my bad um oh okay so I’m supposed to wait okay so yes yes this seems right okay so then it comes up here so this becomes uh oh okay so this is this and then that and then this this this hold

On yes good this this this this this and then I guess this comes up that comes up I’m GNA be focusing a little more on building today just so I can get a few things done before we uh had to call it here um I hope I’m doing this right I think

I’m doing this right I’m going to need so much wood this is going to be so much wood I really got to do something something to this roof to make it stand out a little more I don’t think it’s going to look good if it’s just one big solid block of

Dark dark dark oak so let’s figure it out uh I was with a vanu infiltration team caused you headaches not particularly um the vanu I don’t feel like were nearly as annoying as uh the what do they call them the what the [ __ ] were their names the

Red guys the red guys they were always double teaming us it it was usually fine if we were fighting red vanu kept to their own Teran Republic that’s right Teran Republic I feel like vanu kept to their own when they needed to keep to their own but red was constantly taking

Advantage of backstabbing very annoying yo ruse I have very important message to you it’s imparative that you learn about this cruel life altering information uh in this limited one month yippy message wow yippe whatever you do don’t don’t what don’t what don’t what yeah that was a short

Stream I was just seeing how long I could sit there and wait anyway hi I’m back zepher Doo well pack it up folks I guess he’s all done wait no that’s not right God wait would the outside be H gone but not forgotten oh God he’s back from the dead bro just disappeared

In the void and then reappeared it’s my one skill okay so here’s a question the thing is all right so so here’s the problem we’re going to run into right the roof is going to be so tall that it’s going to look super weird from the inside you’re going to start

Getting these like super duper high up archways here and these rooms are going to be massively tall unless I either flatten out the roof um early like instead of uh waiting I was going to wait till I got to like Center like here and then flatten it for like 1 two

Three but that by that point we’re going to have arched up so much it’s going to look a little ridiculous so my options are as follows close um I could make an attic and then make stairs up to the attic maybe in that storage area over there or I got jump scared by

My reflection H uh that happens to me all the time I say to my I look in the mirror and I say damn that is a terrifyingly devastatingly handsome gentlemen no I could make an attic or I could pull back a little bit on how much

This roof arches I could go back down here right and instead of doing it every uh um instead of going 1 2 3 4 5 six I could cut this do stair flat stair flat stair flat Right you should Splurge you should get takeout and you should get yourself a little cake meow meow every time happy birthday get yourself something nice maybe get yourself that game you’ve been eyeing on Steam why not let us have weirdly High ceilings I could chandeliers and vaulted SE in a in

A Tavern I don’t know about that maybe maybe I don’t think I I I I think I made my point a little too early cuz I recognize it was going to be a problem too early by the time I get there you’re going to see what I mean you’re going to

Be like damn that is one tall roof I’ll do it real quick on this first half just so you can see what I’m talking about and then once we get there you’ll probably be like actually I changed my mind and you know what I’m fine with that I’m fine with making an example

That way so that we can all see what I’m talking about so let’s just keep it moving for now um did I go all the way out over here I did I went all the way out no matter what okay so I guess we go all the way

Out which means I have to put a block here y okay let’s go back downstairs take a little nap come back upm you know the deal uh a mini dungeon in the Attic there are going to be no dungeons in here no dungeons in the Attic there’s no

Torture rooms it’s just it’s just a Tavern why do you guys want to torture so bad no basement if there was a basement they would store dried foods down there not like a torture chamber why do you guys why do you guys want torture so bad what’s with you in torture

Oh man Ru never lets us torture people this sucks oh what the [ __ ] oh there’s another Branch out [ __ ] did I Branch out already over here I did but did I do it all the way I did okay well I guess uh all right um

One second I guess I what the [ __ ] am I missing something all right let’s see I step off here it’s one and then Skip and then okay hold on oh [ __ ] I did all right okay I think you may have invertedly adopted a bunch of huh

H I used to have a coworker that would say that all the time it was great that guy was funny as hell I don’t think he meant to be funny but he sure was um so let’s see if I I guess I had to do it like this

Right uh yep that’s going to have to do it so we’ll do it this way boom bam boom bam and then boop boop Bo andow okay everything’s back to even again uh uh uh nobody oops nobody say anything yet hold on I’m still thinking I’m still thinking I’m still cooking

Yay uh yes let him cook let him cook discount rooms huh the cheap ones can stay in the Stables damn straight they can uh listen I’m not going to do the whole inside thing yet I want to see what this looks like from the outside before I commit to fixing the inside otherwise

It’s going to take forever how many T stairs do I do anyway let’s see I had 19 let’s just get across the roof and see how many we use oh oh it’s 20 20 total for every line of this that I do all right let’s get back Down okay let’s go get ourselves more materials hey why that music is so spooky whoa wait a minute what happened what are we doing adct should be the room for cats oh that’s not a bad idea wait a minute thank you blaze and welcome back oh that music’s getting real spooky

Down here wait a minute this doesn’t sound like Minecraft I know damn let’s go take a little peek shall we Minecraft spoot track 3 ooh is it secretly a meow Zer Cafe no I do not run a cat cafe how dare you not that I I guess I have to run it

In this in the Minecraft world huh cuz the guy who owns it is not on this server so um oops I don’t even know if the guy who runs the criminals cut plays Minecraft probably not after all he is a criminal how can I skim chat so fast I’m

Quick God that roof is going to be stupid tall by the time I’m done that’s going to look terrible um can we have cats to do uh can we have the cats do the torturing Aiden if I end up uh having cats in there yes but I’m not

Going to have a torture room and I don’t have any cats yet so no nice house can I torture people in there no uh it’s definitely Rising a little faster than I want yeah I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to use slabs fer ale I’m going to

Um I’m probably going to do stair slab stair slab stair slab it’s just raising way too fast if I don’t do it that way maybe some roof Windows to make it look less flat that will also be the case but first let’s fix our stair flat stair flat

Situation that being said what happens when it collides with one of these that’s going to look weird isn’t it hold on this bgm is very intense don’t worry it’ll it’ll level out uh hello penguin Lilith I guess what I could do is have this full slope until we hit about here right

Till we hit the uh till we hit this level at the top of the first Arch and then I could slow it down some would that look weird though to suddenly change like Pace I guess we’ll find out be normal challenge impossible challenge level impossible I did a challenge that was

Impossible today you’re never going to believe this all right check this out here’s why I’m in charge this is why I make the big bucks why I’m the one who calls the shots and why I’m uh irrevocably the leader of hollow armis you want to know what I did today I did

Something nobody else in this planet has ever managed to do once you’re not you’re not going to believe this check this out what I did today brace yourselves hey uh real quick I do want to say um uh uh trigger warning to some people

Uh I I made a phone call I talked on the phone you’re right Bale I did it I talked on the phone nobody else could do this do this thing that I did it’s impossible I know I know don’t freak out nobody lose your minds I know I know

Don’t panic don’t jump away from your I just heard like 50 different chairs scrape backwards as you jumped away from your computer don’t don’t I know I know you’re worried for my mental health you’re worried for my physical health the stability of the reality that we

Live in but I did it I called somebody on the phone and I talked to them I know I know I’m barely I’m barely even human anymore like what am I you ripped a hole in the universe shaking and crying right now I’m sorry I

Know it’s it’s a scary thought but I did do it okay we’re going to try it this way see if we can get done with this wrong okay we’ll do it this way hold on you truly are the strongest member of armas for real for real what a brave

Soul stand back he’s a hero Chad uh there’s there’s there’s no way how could he be this strong I knew we had strong enemies is an armist but this is another level can he even be defeated there’s no way he’s [Laughter] human thank you for the soup did did you

Email them in advance no cold turkey I just picked up the phone and I I dialed a number and I said hello that was it I salute you Soldier I sleep through phone calls I can’t perceive them if I’m sleeping oh big brain hope I’m doing this right I might be

Doing this a little bit at the wrong I think I’m doing the wrong Pace here aren’t I let me see okay so if I do up flat up flat would that look right or do I want to do up flat flat I kneel to your strength of being

Able to make a phone call I am weak in that regard you’re not weak it’s just hard to do but also welcome back Gil Dynasty I sub to my least favorite Idol I get the most responsible one instead I could do a little bit of both I could be

Your least favorite and I could sometimes be a wi responsible as a tweet uh I can accept you bullying Gerard liking Homestuck hating us but I cannot accept these lies talking on a phone I can’t believe this R you would lie to us the rosers now listen raters here’s the thing

Absolutely I love lying to you guys it’s my [Laughter] Favorite but I did call I did talk on the phone that was not a lie all right I realized what I did wrong hold on check this out compensation for your emotional damages for making a phone call we truly do not deserve your bravery thank you you so

Much uh I’m dabbing my eyes with that soup right now that’s so dumb oh I know what I did wrong you know what I did wrong there we go okay this is what it’s supposed to look like I got it I’m on it I’m on it I’m on it I’m on it Oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I get it I get it I get it I got it I understand now what I’ve have done wrong oh no no no no no no I get it I

Get it I get it I get it I get I get it I get it I get it I get it uh nice he also hates us are you speaking chines what is chines Simone what do you mean by that good powpow loving these Melancholy Hill

Vibes up on melano sorry I can’t say that huh Alejandro what have you said to me I know not what that means but if it’s some [ __ ] don’t make me do not make me come over there there I will make you regret it a scheduler talking on the phone who

Are you you being a responsible adult is truly a bad influence on us all listen I can’t help it all right I’ve got to I’ve got to I can’t I can’t just uh say I’m going to be an idol and not put effort into it I got to try ruse

Responsible is ruse a gorillas fan you better believe it there we go o we’re getting it we’re getting it okay I think this is going to be a little bit better I think this is going to I think this is going to flow better this is going to feel a little

More gradual and a little bit less like a sudden like as it Rises which I think is going to be good for the overall height of the roof but also I think it’s going to look good for the shape it from a distance I’m going to do a few more

Layers of this to see if it looks like it slopes way too fast uh favorite song uh I like Plastic Beach melan colly Hill and uh dare is pretty good oh and uh uh what’s that one um dirty hairy I think it’s called can’t be an idol forever GB just

Promised us 10 plus years of idol ship well good luck with that that isn’t me 10 plus years I got to get back to monster running Someday obviously I’m going to have to fix this from underneath after a while um and the walls aren’t going to line up correctly since these are half blocks so I’ll have to figure that out but that is a problem for after I see if I like the

Way this looks where would the halfway mark be on this I suppose it would be uh right here actually this is the halfway mark right it should be because 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 I think this is the halfway point so this is going to go

Flat flat and then we start descending flat flat flat flat okay ah all right that’s Fine ow okay uh I think that huh wait um can we see how this roof slope looks from a distance in just a moment yes well you know what I may as well do it before I finish this huh just so I can uh because it’s already at the halfway so I would

Know what it looks like from a distance so let’s go ahead and go take a little look shall we kind of parallels with Vocaloid F wait what are we talking about huh how are you how are you Simone I’m all right so far Simone or is that

Simon that can’t be Simon can it no cuz that would be long o cuz the E so it’s Simone all right anyway I’m doing all right how are you doing wonder wonder who is checkable what are we saying right now what is even going on don’t tell me you don’t know Vocaloid

I have never really consumed Vocaloid I would apologize but I’m not that sorry you know what that’s not bad let’s take a look from a little bit more of a distance it kind of creates almost a rounded shape which is pretty interesting kind of like that so what

I’m going to do is I’m going to cut out all of that junk I’m going to do upside down stairs on the bottom side oh that wouldn’t work though cuz once we get to the flats that’s not going to H it’s not too late to correct that mistake says You ruse is the master of thir what is that mean than you what does that mean I do like that it kind of creates a nice curved shape uh but I don’t know what I’m going to do okay so I know you’re what some of you are probably like what

Do you mean you don’t know what you’re going to do with this so for here all the way up to about here I can do an underside of stairs on this outer lip right and make it look like it makes sense but then once I get to those flat

Blocks you can’t do Under side stairs cuz they won’t connect correctly so I don’t know what I’m going to do for the outer lip of that I guess I could leave it alone and just see what it does ah 9999 Sak again keep it to English

Chump Japanese pun 3 equals son 9 equals oh son Q I get it oh maybe fences for texture possibly I could do fences uh on the underside to see what that looks like it could look like either support beams or overhangs which could be interesting uh but I’d

Have to work on that we’ll see no I do not speak German yeah I could do trap doors for a sort of like outer uh like decoration it would look like little hang Downs guess we’ll see we’ll see there’s definitely things I can do with it but I want

Whatever it looks like not to be a sudden shift from the underside of stairs you know what I mean I speak like one German phrase and it’s I don’t speak German very well uh other than that I could uh do um wait I grabbed a bunch of these and I never

Turned them into flat blocks I’m an Idiot your voice is deep no my voice is actually pretty pretty high pitched ruse voice pack what if maybe and by maybe I mean no no I don’t think I Will and that’s more than enough actually uh uh what’s the highest pitch you could do uh Emily probably that I guess maybe I don’t know I don’t know I’m not your showman you can’t just ask me to dance for you what do I look like a dog um voice pack is inevitable says You also this is what I meant by the um roof not lining up correctly because these are half blocks I’m going to have to figure out something to do with the underside of them but that’s fine we’ll come back to that later I might just fill it with more half blocks from

Underneath it’s not going to be that bad looking from inside um essentially that just be alternating on the opposite block down there do I speak any other languages no I’m also not a werewolf don’t listen to that are you a dog or an elf I am neither of

Those things I a completely normal human we’ve talked about this we’ve talked about this I’m actually uh I’m just a uh you guys know what vocal stemming is when you just say [ __ ] or whatever you know I’m talking about you know what I mean I am a personified vocal St I’m a

I’m a vocal stem [Laughter] ginka uh is this your human Persona be honest uh this is what I call my skin Sona that sounds horrid uh which is actually kind of kind of makes it funnier wait how many times do I go down 1 two three uh one two three four five

Times you go down five times then start stairs okay so one two this is three ah I [ __ ] up ah [ __ ] up oh no he’s a skinny stop him okay uh oh we’re getting spooky again things are getting spooky in here okay hold on let’s break

That and then we do this and then we do that and then we do this and then we do that let me break this yes yes okay good man I sure hope this is going to turn out right that I’m not uh Mis counting one two three

Four one two three four five no that should be right but I’m starting to worry that maybe this side is a little shorter than the other side I can’t remember I don’t think I built it perfectly evenly circular did I uh this is a collective hello to the raters cuz

R keeps jump scaring me with weird information I need to process information and it’s taking a while you’re welcome also hello moo I’m also a little bit of a roof Minecraft roof hater myself but I’m getting there I’m getting there it’s just going to take me a minute also the amount of wood this is going to take underneath is going to be absolute hell

Okay so 1 2 3 4 5 now we need to do stairs now it’s stairs all the way down right if I did it right the stairs should start a half block down now should being the operative word here um so let’s try it please yay okay

Cool wait a minute but then it doesn’t oh no it ends too early oh oh uh-oh uh-oh that’s not good cuz it would end Here so how many blocks off am I is the question cuz it needs to hang off the backside here it needs to be like this oops didn’t mean to do That I should have done it this way to begin with where I started here and then just scaled up and uh figured out when it ended up being the same height uh so that’s my bad I [ __ ] this up but it’s all right we’ll make it work I will

Figure it out right here right now where we messed up so how many blocks off am I truly I am off by oops so the amount of stairs I have is one two one two three four before I start doing half blocks so I need four stairs total

Before I start doing half blocks meaning I would end up at one 2 3 four this is where the stairs have to stop and this is where we start doing half blocks so half block half block half block half block half block half block stop stop stop

So the flat of the roof would actually be starting here so it’d be flat for about one 2 three four five six or do I want to go up one more and then would only be flatten these Three oi I said no more German if I can’t read it I can’t check it and if I can’t check it it can’t be in here I’ll give You one more message Benjamin I could go up one more no wait oh [ __ ] I started that too early [ __ ] so it’d be there essentially oh servers are starting [ __ ] I wasn’t paying attention can you say I love you in German uh I believe that’s Eis but uh

I’m not doing that because I don’t no no no no watch this I know how to say no in Spanish too nice try Jesse but uh no So this is where we’d be all right I’ve had enough you forced my hand peasant and now you will know my wrath exactly chalk Warrior I’m a genius I don’t love any of you nerds I hate every one of you wait a minute somebody already bring

Down the hammer no there you are I see you okay time for 24 hours of timeout bye-bye good luck have fun thought you thought you were slick you thought you slick under the radar but you didn’t I found you and now I’m going to hit you over the head I hope

That I hope you enjoyed that I hope that was fun I hope you got what you wanted out of this Interaction so is five enough do I like that I like that that’s one wait 1 two three four four what hold on so 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay so it would be four on

Top I want four on top or do I want to cut that down and do a flat of uh one two three four five six H six or four bonked hell yeah I promise I’ll never be nice again please don’t Bonk me I was not bonking

You I was bonking somebody who I told to stop speaking German and they did not stop speaking German because I cannot check if they’re saying something heinous and I said stop or you’re getting bonked they did not stop and I’m just proving that I mean what the [ __ ] I

Say we’re all having a good time here but if you’re going to be uh needlessly obtuse or not listen to the few very minuscule rules I set out which are don’t be a dick and listen when I tell you to do something then you’re going to get bonked that’s what it comes down

[Laughter] to hey Tom crew oh no uh I caught up on your power world vods last week never even heard of the game but purched it on launch after seeing your showcase I think I spent 30 hours holy [ __ ] Kio that’s wild congratulations I hope you enjoyed

It a man I lost connection that’s rough all right hold on a second I got to fix this bye he and we’re back uh I was going to say game secret stream ending it’s true wait how long have I been going oh [ __ ] I’ve only got

An hour left to finish this roof all right let’s keep it moving Gamers um we’re deciding now do we want four or six on top I think six would create a nice or four would create a more rounded look but six would have a nice flat on

Top to work with if I wanted to do some sort of design up here um 6 four thanks for the welcome back in the arms up I can’t even finish that part because if I finish that part okay 64 64 you know what I think I agree I think six

Sounds good to me I think six will be a nice flat on top so there’s more room to run around on it’s also just going to look a little more realistic I think so 1 two 3 four five six okay so we’re just going to flatten it out up here which

Means I do need to break down everything else in here go go go go go go go go go Speedrun hello darkness mile wait a minute you’re not allowed to sing that here um you came yet Again so 1 2 3 4 5 yeah yeah yeah I think I like that I think I like that I could do something up here with a little bit of design work later uh it’s going to be good it’s going to be good we’re going to make it

Work we’re going to love it we’re going to love it you’re going to love it I’m going to love it we’re all going to love it thank you for the delicious Soup okay well anyway maybe I needed to take a little nap anyway I guess that’s not too too tall like it’s tall me I don’t know I might do an attic we’ll see it is night time got oh never mind daylight just started it’s just raining apparently but it doesn’t

Technically rain out here in the bad land so I’m not allowed to pass it all right that’s fine let’s keep moving uh excuse me I’m coming up here Hello uh where was I oh right Okay this song’s kind of going you know what this song kind of reminds me of is um have any of you nerds ever played what is that game I was thinking of uh have you played Sonic Robo Blast 2 potion addict ooh I’m loving this I

Agree the bgm is going kind of hard right now right okay so we go down by 1 2 3 4 5 six total we need six blocks counting the top block right so one one two three four five not counting the top okay so five if we don’t count the top One two three uh what the hell did you just say to me I said have you played Sonic Robo Blast 2 it is a fan-made Sonic game that is uh entirely third person uh pixel art I guess is how I would describe it it is a sort of uh racing

Slsp speed based game it’s a lot of fun I would recommend it and has this really cool uh Mystic Zone level that I don’t know the name of but this is The Vibes I always get from this kind of music is like that’s sort of like um hang drum

Type music really gives me those like ancient ruins like overgrown with ivy with tons of like nice teal stone work with like moss everywhere that’s the kind of vibe I get from that kind of music a speed based Sonic game believe it or not one two three four okay so

This is five this is as far down as it goes and then becom stairs 2 three four 5 six okay we did it so that should be how it works and then theoretically theas should meet it and it does it does meet it we did it

We did it everybody we did it yay okay [Laughter] so okay cool um so we chop chop chop chop chop stop Uh hope I can make it all the way over there no okay so now I oh wait hold on ah okay okay I’m living I’m living I’m dying I’m living I’m alive I’m dead I’m looking for all of the wood I dropped okay the short stream is going great

Because I’m keeping it very short very clipped I’m doing a great job at it uh I am definitely 100% not going to play for 6 hours today I’m going to play a regular normal person amount of time okay so boom boom okay hold on So 60 hours yes okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I would say I’m sorry for not chatting as much today or like rather I guess I’m still talking like a [ __ ] idiot uh mostly mumbling to myself about whatever thoughts I have i i i how about

This I would say I’m sorry for not reading chat as much today but I’ve got to stay focused and you guys are mad distracting you’re just like the little ADHD voices popping into my head and I’ve got to resist the temptation today You’ got to be strong be strong for Grandmama R uh So oh it’s just like you to be the little voes in my head try to distract me huh you think you’re so clever okay there we go so we did that now I can uh now I can uh technically 5 and a half hours isn’t six so thank you thank you

For the delicious soup and you’re right but I’m still not going for 5 and 1 half hours so maximum efficiency activate Okay nice we are killing it right now we are killing it right now we are killing it right now this is just like in Hunt Showdown when I was destroying everybody this is the easiest game of my life I am a champion I’m a genius I so smart um

And so humble and so uh big hot sexy um uh okay everything’s going great everything’s going great this is exactly what I wanted this is exactly how this is supposed to go and wait a minute I guess I could just use regular blocks here for a while I don’t want to but I’m

GNA spooky music di ooh it’s getting SP no sorry that was a little uh more energetic than I meant it to be that’s on me it’s getting spooky in here ooh oh I can’t wait to see this roof from a distance I can’t wait to see this root

From a distance go away I have no time for your sin creeper I look not upon thee for I do not see your Darkness I look now only to the light of Creation in the beautiful uh Vision that is blooming within the womb of my mind i gaze not upon your sin creeper

Okay so let’s see one two three four five okay four and then we go up by five okay cool cool cool cool so then we go down by five hello Maryweather and welcome in thank you for the raid my name is Crimson ruse and I am in fact

Elisium greatest monster hunner and I am your least favorite Idol how’d the stream go what’d you get up to today you were playing say uh pal world and then what was it a lethal company collab no how’d you like it okay

So 1 2 3 4 5 and then we go down by one two uhoh no one two three four oh all right we evened it out cool so let’s head back downstairs we’re going to take a little nap and then we’re going to see how this looks from you know what I’m

Going to go look at it right now I’m going to look at it right now who’s going to stop me how are they going to stop me ow how are they going to stop me damn that music got intense the creepers probably bring it on no creepers ever stopped me before uh

Merryweather fans tell R hey don’t do that Mari thank you for the five gifted chips oh that looks so good we kind of knocked it out of the [ __ ] Park we kind of crushed it we’re kind of the best people that ever Minecrafted and that is an objective truth and not

Personal bias I’m really liking the way that roof looks um going to have to work on the sidewalls but we’ll get to that later dog Army raid ooh got that dog in them one of these days merryweather’s going to get a get a member chip what do you mean it’s only been 75

Minutes I know it feels like a lot longer when you actually start getting stuff done and don’t ramble incessantly for 3 hours huh isn’t it weird is there a monster in my house it will kill you no okay good all right we made it night time sleepies yay we share chips with

Mary thank you kma please stop moving for the next four hours and just talk about random things no the era of R just not doing anything and just talking is over that is ended I’m uh relationship ended with rambling ruse I’m only friends with serious R now so first things first let’s check

How stupid this is going to look if I just let the walls go all the way to the ceiling i’ would also have to go Harvest more white terra cotta probably actually what a hassle he’s initiating serious mode mode mode I would I’d have to go get more

White terracotta H that’s a little Annoying that’s a little annoying so how stupid would this look it’s actually it’s it’s it’s pretty tall but it’s not like insanely I don’t hate it believe it or not obviously once I put in things like support beams for like big oak logs I

Think this would look pretty good bleit pathetically stop stop it stop it spy Eleanor says I mean I like it that’s good thank you for treat for the gifted membership that being said when you’re in an actual bedroom is this going to look stupid let’s see so the wall would

Go all the way up here I don’t know I kind of like the vaulted ceilings maybe it’s not bad maybe it’s not that Bad oh wait wait a minute ooh o but then why does this h i don’t love that that’s just exposed though what is this I guess we just delete that right let me just yeah and then up up up up up and then why is that a whole block

Something’s wrong hey hey where’d you come from get out of here hey hey uh robins and crows thank you for the gift to chip good luck at work for a treat vault in a room I’d like to experience that are you going to add another floor I haven’t decided yet I’ve

I’m considering making an attic but honestly I don’t hate the vaed ceilings let’s go get more white terracotta before we make our decision shall we you guys like the first floor I Do I should close this just in case any creep creepers want to come say hello speaking of any Creepers out here space out pup welcome to being a Bruiser I should also TI into my fields at some point but uh that’s a problem for future

Me why does it look like from the middle room where it’s highest because the roof slopes up so in the middle room it is going to be the highest which is why I’m considering making an attic I haven’t decided yet but the roof uh you can see

Here it has like a very sharp slope and then it turns into a gradual slope here so that middle room is going to have very very high ceilings cuz it’s going to come up have one like ledge on each side like one Ridge and then be a flat roof uh

So o that’s annoying wait a minute oh it’s cuz the back’s not even oh H oh ah so when this is closed off it’s going to look a little weird cuz these walls are going to go all the way up but then that’ll meet right here and then

Start sloping immediately but this one meets here and doesn’t start sloping until right before the stairs if you add an attic room you going to put a giant window probably so the problem here is that I did not make a Perfect Circle right um I

Did like two Flats a bunch of flats but then I did more Flats on this side when I did the first floor cuz I wasn’t thinking too hard about the second floor and now that I’m doing the second floor without that Perfect Circle it makes the roof a little

Strange you got to get out of there dude I can’t just have you like camping out inside there honestly maybe I just fill this up yeah let going get some terra cotta to fill that up with I don’t want that just sitting there that SP was just hanging out chilling

And you killed it yeah well he was chilling in the wrong place wrong time shouldn’t have been there I don’t know what to tell him next time pick a better spot to be yeah it’s a little better all right so I need to make a decision here I am running out of time

To finish this roof um what do I want to do with this do I care if it’s asymmetrical I think for the most part it’s not going to make a big difference if it’s a little asymmetrical I think it’s going to look good from the inside

It’s going to look good from a distance and that’s really what matters not many people are going to be standing right here staring at it right right if I just randomly appeared in your house would you kill me depends like in my house yeah probably uh

AR’s like oh no you wouldn’t do that you wouldn’t kill me if I just appeared in your house I sleep with a knife under my pillow at all times I grip a knife in my well okay not okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on I

I don’t do that so much anymore but but I used to sleep with a knife under my pillow hand gripped around it uh so don’t worry I’m fine now um I am already a paranoid [ __ ] do not test whether or not I would immediately start swinging if someone came in appeared in my

[Laughter] house oh man a poison potato damn you grip your night while you’re sleeping that’s pretty metal no that’s called being paranoid that’s not metal that’s pathetic that’s telepathetic I don’t do that anymore I used to do that that’s pretty metal help me no no incorrect I don’t know what to do with

Carrots do carrot I guess carrots breed rabbits right I’ll play more potatoes I want more potatoes I also need to make more wheat I think I’ve got enough carrots for now I’m fine on those I’m fine soy thank you for asking uh it

Is not a joke I did used to sleep with a knife uh constantly but that was only for a few years and it’s cuz I was I don’t know I was I was really paranoid all the time about different stuff but I do not do that anymore don’t freak out

Nobody panic it’s cool I know I no longer sleep with knife grip under my pillow now I just sleep with Zephyr right next to my head I’m totally normal now um but that does not make me uh not a little bit of a weirdo sometimes I

Guess I used to be the type of paranoid where every time I got home right I would immediately lock my doors make sure that I checked every window that it was still locked and then I would go through every single door in my house or

I I say house Loosely I guess like in my what’s a hold on what’s a South elisium word in my wagon Andor apartment depending on where I was staying and check every closet every door every bathroom one at a time knife in hand just slowly like clearing rooms like an

Idiot like a freak who is Zephyr well Elanor I’m glad you asked this here is nope that’s my code nope that’s my mask this is [Laughter] ever Okay cool so we did that let’s go breed our little cows real quick hey how’ my baby horse do oh yeah that’s the one that turned out white for no reason even though I’ve read this really really like model dark one and the spotty uh one it

Turned out like stark white with little gray splotches how weird you are not the father um Zephyr’s pretty a I’ll tell zeph you said that hello everybody behold yes yes eat up eat up yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yummy yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum are you hungry are you hungry good good good good good good good good good good good breed breed

That I might slay your babies I’m just kidding that’s [ __ ] up I would never kill your babies I’m just going to kill you in front of them you know that’s kind of dark actually maybe Minecraft’s not not as family friendly as I thought it was I need more pigs pigs please pigs please

Pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs you guys ever heard somebody calling their pigs out in the out in the wilderness out in the country you know what I Mean feel like I hear a creeper I got to go ruse is the new game theory guy well that’s just a theory a game theory I am not the new game theory guy because who could replace what’s his face uh Matthew P pthew oh no I’m running out of room uh oh uh

I need to get a bigger food chest okay uh uh okay um that’s fine I never went and got more white terra cotta did I he sucked though I don’t know anything about him so what do I know never really watched Game Theory sorry Gamers you have to let him go he’s Gra

Ating you you must die ah wait wait wait wait wait a you dick I hate you so much I hate you so much I want you to know that I can’t stand your ass uh all right how many pickaxes do I have none I’ve got one pickaxe and it’s

Going to break soon let’s go make another pickaxe and go get some more white terracotta shall we 1 2 3 o this music’s so good so Chill that is true morax however I think that’s only because terra cotta is just a little more durable than dirt so it’s not like he chose to do that it’s just because of the material he decided to blow up on really 1 two three this music’s amazing isn’t

It let’s go C418 let’s go Okay cool so that’s done yo hi sebie how’s it going what time we at oh man I only got half an hour okay I got to hurry um so let’s see white terra cotta where am I going to get a good chunk of that from that

Doesn’t make everything look hideous Naturally by I could go down there and get some oh I could go to my beat I might go check the back side of this hill and see what I could Find Wi-Fi box no night Leah good luck I love your voice thanks I grew it myself from when I was [Laughter] born all right so we’re just going to cut off the top of this hill and start down from there baby ruse had his voice from the start no not

Really but we can pretend if you want yeah I came right out and I sounded exactly like I do now you know what’s funny is when I came out of my mom I um I did have a very deep laugh for some reason it’s not like I had a deep voice

But for some reason I would laugh in this weird like guttural kind of coughing choking way and uh the way my poor mother came to realize this was at one point she was in the basement and she was doing laundry and she’s like alone in the basement kind of you know

Bouncing little baby ruse on her hip and then out of [ __ ] nowhere I go like and she had just watched some sort of like [ __ ] movie about a possessed baby or an evil demon baby or something I guess and it freaked her out bad enough that she said she dropped me and

I’m like yeah that checks out I have like five stories of how many times I’ve tumbled downstairs I’ve been dropped on my dumb little baby head uh so my poor mom is alone in a basement doing laundry I’m like and she’s like and drops my ass Good

Times yeah that tracks I also came out you know wrong um you can see how my hair is like sort of cookie colored I came out with like ice blue eyes which does not run in my family at all and this like dick man of

Like jet black hair right and my hair is like dark but it’s not jet black and my poor mom was like what’s wrong with this damn baby luckily I grew out of it I don’t know what it’s called when a baby has blue eyes and then eventually grows out

Of that I don’t know what that’s called the Gojo eyes not beating the to curse child allegations I was not cursed well I mean I am I I guess I was cursed with negative one luck wonder if somebody has it out for me maybe I pissed off some

Sort of demon or something or maybe Lady Luck just hates me I don’t know man this pickaxe is already almost dead this sucks my domain expansion oh all babies have ice blue eyes says you oh every time I fell down the dark color fell out a bit oh that explains

Why I have these faded Parts no not all baby oh now I’m going to see who’s the cookie Cris mascot I am the cookie Cris mascot that was my last job before I got this job as was an idol we’re writing your lore for you thank you oh I

See uh well I got a stack of 64 that might maybe enough we’ll see now we know he was a baby though it’s true once upon a time I was a baby I’m not going to tell you when uh I’m not going to tell you what um you know Century it

Was that would be too doxing new ruse ruse was a baby once ah how do they know oh oh god I’ve been docked he was also a child once nope that’s not true I was a baby and then I was a fully grown adult man like I am

Now I went straight from baby to adult that’s just how it happened I was like I said I’m a buff baby but I dance like a man there was just a moment where I said t and then I was a man uh so oh H did you become an adult when you got

Zephyr um no no I was an adult way way longer than I’ve had zeper oh I’m going to need so much more white terra cotta than I thought oh no oh we [ __ ] up oh boy boy oh boy you’re a kid at heart right uh nope give me that okay that’s fair um

Okay so that’s what this is going to oh wait hold on let’s go ahead and plug this wall up too just so we can see the totality ah ah fine I’ll go up don’t want to what a hassle let’s plug this wall up too so we

Can see the totality of what this is going to look like before we uh commit to anything so that’s how tall our room is going to look is that is that too tall I feel like that’s pretty [ __ ] tall um um I guess I could hang like a chandelier or

Something I could also do a fake ceiling or I could do an attic like I could cut it off right here-ish and start an attic if I wanted to tall room does mean nice lights all right so if I started an attic it would probably have to start from here and I’d

Have to do like a staircase up up no that wouldn’t work cuz it’ be up flat up and it hit the wall also it have to come out this way so it have to be going this way so it have to be uh it have to be

Up no I guess it would have to start here essentially up up up up up that could work so if I plug in the rest of this room so it’s not actually a room but just an attic area oh for [ __ ] sake all right hold on um all right hold

On uh H okay well we’ll leave it alone for now anyway so that would essentially be up up up I know that’s not right yet we we’ll fix it later up up up and I could go up one more from here and then the walls would have to go up to here

Meaning the attic would start at this level I guess so the roof wouldn’t be very tall I guess I could go up one more even no cuz then I would hit the outer wall cuz this would be a flat wall right in front of me I’d be hitting a flat

Wall wall I guess that could work it’d be kind of ugly but I guess it’s an attic so it’s not like it has to be pretty good night sebie oh not you sorry huh yeah I guess we do an attic that’s fine we’ll do an attic on the inside so

I got to figure out what the attic is going to look like do I want it to be the same as the roof on the inside or do I want to change it to a different texture cuz this could be my chance to use a different type of wood or a

Different texture so it doesn’t look so Samy in here however what’s going to happen is in the side room not this side room sorry in this side room this wall is going to be mostly um Darkwood but then suddenly out of nowhere it’s going to turn into whatever the floor of the attic

Is that’s a tough decision yeah it could be a whole storage room which is kind of nice I still got so much decorating to do on the roof too patchwor it with two types of wood I Could no name good night Ray sleep well Spruce I do like Spruce a lot you’re right be but i’ have to find some sprs First I do like the tall ceiling in the hallway what I might do is leave the tall ceiling in the hallway and create an attic space on this side over here and then maybe bridge the gap by doing a walkway here so in the hallway You’ basically basically have tall ceiling

Tall ceiling this would be closed off it’d be like a middle this this essentially would be the doorway so this would act as its own like tunnel that closes off the ceiling some I might even widen it one or narrow it one I guess so it would only be two wide

Yeah maybe it would only be too wide uh and then you’d have like a tunnel that you walk under here and then it’d be back to high ceilings essentially yeah I think it’ be a tunnel made of wood probably to look like a beam let’s go ahead and assume we do

That real quick and see what that looks like okay so assuming I did that it would have to be one two one two and then I want it to it’s going to have to be wider than that because I need it to be able to be

Enclosed so it have to be like this essentially and then I need a block here which will’ll put some standard blocks for a second just to hold space and I need a block here and then it would have to be one two one two one two one two one

Two so it look like that from the inside and then oh wait I need it one taller cuz we said we were going to bring the attic up some so it’ actually be not here but here at this level so it’ be starting right here so starting at this level I broke something

Here okay so starting at that level this is now the floor um so we jump up and then this would be here this be here uh this would be here this would be here this would be here here here up Up bum okay so this would be the attic Essentially ow hital which is good cuz now it looks a little less oppressive down there it just looks like a big like block up there which I mean isn’t bad this would be filled with white uh I don’t know it’s not bad I don’t

Hate it I don’t love it I might want to do something uh like leading off of it maybe upside downstairs or something so it looks like the roof dips down and comes back up or ah how exams go perfect hope they went well who knows Huh any type of fixture would break up that block of wood yeah I could maybe do like hanging chandeliers in the hallway no CU it’s uneven it’s like there’s more space over here than there is over Here what if I purposely did beams like this essentially ooh I don’t hate that skip one Too of course then i’ have to continue the beams so I’d be like still I do kind of like the the energy that brings uh but then this beam hits a wall right here which is see one two over from this wall so one two so

It’ be right here which is you know a little odd cuz it’s right next to the wall but not the end of the world uh and then this one would actually be right here which would mean it actually kind of borders this room in a weird way also

Kind of kills the high feeling of this Room heyo sweet lemon tart I am working on the attic slash ceiling of my Tavern at the moment uh of the criminals cut it is not nearly done but this is what the bottom floor looks like so far it’s pretty good it’s pretty good uh from the outside it’s looking pretty good but

I’ve got to work on the inside and I need to finish a few walls so that’s what I’m doing isn’t that going to turned into an attic anyway well yeah eventually nice we’re getting there got to do something with that ceiling or that roof though I think what

I might do is I might um create like sort of a protruding lip essentially so I might add a block like right there like a little half block and then then two half blocks then three half blocks then four half blocks then five half blocks at the top so it creates sort of

More of like a um it like would probably come out to about here and then come down in sort of a triangle you know what I mean so it do like this number does that make sense good good anyway that’s the idea behind it make it more shapy yeah we add

More shape to it uh let’s try that out real fast you know what I’m just going to go at it from the outside because getting from the inside up there is now getting pretty annoying so let us build a temporary staircase up to the roof shall we okay I can’t do that

So that would look something like this would be one one two one two three one two and then we go back down the stairs ow M steak bye Lunette good luck at work okay so let’s see if I do that don’t you have bamboo for some scaffolding I do I just don’t care

Enough to make it that’s the tragic reality I live in is that I’m simply too lazy to care first time here well hello and welcome in I would say uh make yourself at home but these bunch of Nar dwells are going to cause you so much trouble

It’s not even going to be worth it is this going to be too much this might be too much we’re going to find out here in a second huh maybe I don’t do the last lip there maybe we just call it even on this one we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see

We’ll go take a look at it from a distance and see if this is too much this might be too far Away maybe we do it every other One so like I go one out leave this just one out and then two out two out three out three out H what is this music this is Minecraft volume beta the song is Chirp what kind of CR I mean customers will be showing up at the criminals cut well you’ll See ooh a little big planet I haven’t heard that of that in a minute I don’t know if I’ve heard this track it’s kind of good it’s kind of good it’s a little it’s a it’s a little fun it’s a little Whimsical I think that’s going to end up

Being too much yeah it’s too it’s too drastic at first um the shape is interesting but because it goes out so fast it makes this really ugly Shear right here where it’s flat and then it’s B so I don’t like that we’re going to cut it down a Bit don’t worry Mass we’ll get to that soon probably it really depends on what I end up uh doing with the inside before I start adding things to the roof though so what if I did one two Skip One skip that one so it would look like

That essentially one two Skip One Two skip okay so and then this would be one two three does that look better from a distance ow bye Imperial good luck um have fun is it work or don’t I mean it is work I guess uh that’s not so bad it’s it’s still

Sheer I feel like so maybe I’ll maybe I’ll cut in on the corners here too can I afford to cut in on the corners there I guess so cuz it tapers inward anyway but then I might not be able to do that on the back since the floor plan isn’t uh symmetrical h

H let’s see so we went one two in so that’ go down one two and then I’d cut one down on each so it would look like that now then obviously this would have to get cut off I almost fell do you see my vision ow aren’t most people going to be looking

At it from the front I mean yeah but I still want it to look good from any sort of approach you might Make listen a build’s not complete unless it looks good from all angles I have seen your vision and wept in its Splendor I have kneeled down in the Reigns of Sorrow remiss left alone with just my thoughts in the memory of those housian days when I could see the taste of your

Mind and I was left weeping where I realized I was alone uh So do I like it I think I like it I don’t know that’s true Sonic I could do that all right let me let me try another angle let me try it like this let’s see what that looks like the stairs create an odd silhouette at that Point I don’t know maybe I’ll figure it out build the other side to see it as a hole Yeah I mean that’s probably the move that I’m going to have to do to make sure I uh actually enjoy it unfortunately it’s really hard to take half measures unless you have a really

Good mind’s eyee um my cows my Canyon here I stand upon the balcony of my work looking down on everything that is mine and that is precious to me just kidding I just stay here this is just a Tavern what if the top arched upward so

What I’m probably going to at the top is I think I either want to add stairs like this at the end so they curve up or I might want to um see if I could do sort of like a half block going down as it arches out if that makes

Sense that’s possible too Draco you never know get a pet horse nice try Garen I already have horses H bye gicho good luck oh you would go listen at work so you hate me that’s what you’re saying you hate me and you want me to dot [Laughter] now just a second just a

Second wait a minute but do you have a skeleton okay so I don’t have a skeleton horse have they all been named none of them have been named not a single one Yet wait a second if I H get a gas no AR and jelly bean are still alive I believe they were the two initial cows that I stole I know Tempest has a lot of skeleton horses I refuse to borrow supplies from Tempest I got to do it all

Cold turkey I started out uh you know doing my own stuff and I’m going to continue doing my own stuff I cannot bear the thought of borrowing Help Um on that note I think uh you heard it here AR you’re still alive didn’t you steal the cows I did steal the cows but I did not steal them from Tempest I stole them from Gerard and I know Gerard found them on his own so in a way I just stole them

From somebody else stealing them and I know Tempest found their original cows on their own but then they went through like a cow breeding program and I just feel kind of bad borrowing that also I went on a huge quest to get those cows that’s a little different What about your JP star simp eyes are they fair game the amount of travel I would have to do to steal stuff from them yes yes I think that’s fair game but but I don’t think I would do that that’d be so much work name the horses after Chad I

Already have a tier for that it’s the ax holes and I will name the horses after the ax holes worry not I have a little wheel that I spin that uh the ax holes are named for I earned those cows however here we are at the end of an hour and 59 seconds

And it is my self-control Arc so I must say goodbye losers I am going to rid you over to Fon Senpai who has a stream in about three nope yep three hours no don’t boo me no no no you’re not allowed to boo me don’t awe me I’m using my self-control jeans I’m

I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m activating my inner Powers my secret abilities yes I am actually going to cut it short today we’re not doing a 5H hour Minecraft stream we’re not doing a 6-hour Minecraft stream I got to go take care of some homework so I’m going to go do

It got it got it dude I just got here welcome to being a rater kones wait angel uh no don’t H me listen I got things I got to do okay I’ve got work to do I’ve got homework to do I’ve got uh random

Odd jobs I got to do I got monsters I got to hunt I got corruption beasts I got to slap right in the face with like a a a really uh dramatic hit you know what I mean like I kind of March up to them and they look at me like

Something’s weird and then I slap them one on one of their many weird masks faces it’s going to be sick I’m in my responsible Arc at least for this week until I catch up on my homework it’s responsible Arc time am I going to make more phone calls actually yes I am going

To do that I am going to do that uh but but on the bright side you do have a couple things to look forward to this week uh I am going to be doing a few things one tomorrow I’m going to be collabing with Merryweather and a bunch

Of other very talented vtubers I believe including Octavio and Gerard though I would not consider them amongst the talented vtubers uh we’re going to be playing a little bit of among us and then that’s not all later that night at 1000 p.m. EST oh sorry uh keep in mind by the way that’s

Going to be at 8:00 a.m. EST so if you’re EST time sorry that’s going to be really early for you uh but then at 10 p.m. EST that same day I am going to be doing a Lord of the Rings The Two Towers watch along as a membership Stream So if

You were there for the Fellowship of the Ring feel free to pop by and say hello and watch along as I gush endlessly about that stupid movie and tell you facts you’ve already heard and then Wednesday I’m hopping over to Twitch I’m going to be doing a 2 p.m EST Cult of

The Lamb stream if you want to be part of the cult show up for that and then Thursday I’m going to be blinking rapidly which is going to be a lot a lot a lot of homework I took a college class on Lord of the Rings before that’s wild actually

Then Friday we’ve got another armis collab that’s going to be at 10 p.m. EST and Saturday I’m going to be doing my first ever NPC stream it is going to be an NPC peasant boss fight I am doing it specifically to spite Octavio if you took a careful look at my schedule you

Might have seen that the flavor text said the description of the SC of the stream is [ __ ] you Octavio okay and I stand by that statement I stand by that statement to this day all right Gamers I’m getting out of here I’m going to ra you into F

On’s waiting room he’s going to be going live at 700 p.m. don’t run away just yet you’re going to absolutely love this stream because you’re going to love that little guy cuz F On’s just a devious little creature a dubious little creature okay okay bye thanks for hanging out for Minecraft

Uh sorry it was a short stream I promise I’ll have longer ones a little later in the week or if I don’t finish my homework in time and uh it takes me until Thursday I guess I’ll have longer ones next week you’re just going to stick around and find out but you know

What they say distance makes the heart grow fonder blah blah blah blah blah insert uh whatever conciliatory [ __ ] you need to feel better about this um I’m not that sorry I’m going to go eat funions bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 A ‘Short’ Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by Crimzon Ruze Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-01-22 21:11:02. It has garnered 7529 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:38 or 7418 seconds.

I will not play Minecraft for 6 hours. I will NOT play Minecraft for 6 hours. I WILL NOT PLAY MINECRAFT FOR 6 HOURS!

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Octavio ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut]

Crimzon Ruze ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut] ————————————————————— Credits:

Starting Soon Art: jordizzle Ending Art: JUEEAKI Stinger: moka_ani Starting BGM: SUPER COOL BABY Criminal’s Cut BGM: Go Along With Zephyr Ending BGM: DEAD HEAT MAX


Fan letters and Gifts Address Present for: Crimzon Ruze COVER Corporation Net Depot Shin-Itabashi 1-6-1 Kaga Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Japan Postal/Zip Code: 173-0003

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

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  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More