INSANE HORROR Mods in Minecraft Skyblock!

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because my one livestock okay so you’re right there let’s like oh shoot um we’re screwed aren’t we welcome to my Sky Block World each episode I will be unlocking a new island to further my progress however this world is haunted Herobrine and The Man from the fog are supposedly in this world can I survive on this tiny floating island let’s find out hey guys I’m back and I’m surrounded by a lot of mobs so there are a lot of goals we need to do I think the most important thing is getting iron so for the first part of this video I’m just going to have to kill about 1,000 zombies so let’s do that but actually before we do that there’s lots of other things I can tell you about what we’re going to get up to in this episode so now that we’ve been to every single island in the Overworld we can now go to the Nether and we have the obsidian for it so potentially a little bit of a nether trip today I also want to try and get some cows up into our you know little animal area okay these guys are getting way too loud oh my God wait dude there’s no way there’s that’s iron that’s iron there’s a witch in there too though can I even kill her did I pick up the iron oh my God that didn’t even take long wait that took like no time what wait can this witch like commit live un please okay finally she’s gone okay we have our second bit of iron I can’t believe we just did that okay there’s another thing the bees we can actually save them I think someone in the comments whoever you were you know who you are you had the best idea of all time however I don’t have enough string okay I need string so it appears spiders don’t fall down oh yes they do yes they do oh my God I almost set off that creeper let’s not do that okay I need that string I need that string I need that string and you’re probably thinking Chief why do you need all that string my sword just broke God damn it but the reason I require this string is for a fishing rod because we’re going to try and fish up the the the guys the bees we’re going to try and fish them up although it’s night time I’m going to try it now because it’s getting today screw it let’s do it let’s do it I don’t like being down here I yeah yeah I really don’t like being down here if the man from the fog spawns on me here I am just definitely dead let’s see if I can fish this little guy up yes he’s up oh he’s free okay wa I need flowers okay okay oh my God we can save them we can save the bees you will repopulate the world look at you look at you why are you instantly going back down into the void no he’s going off into the sunset this is not the happy ending we wanted no don’t leave me okay well anyways I need to get one more iron but at least we now have a strategy that can save the bees this is a good start let’s not jinx it okay back to the mob farm let’s go baby that oh my God it’s getting even better that’s a zombie villager that is a zombie mother flipping villager baby okay um I need to place a boat oh God how do I do this okay okay I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea okay this is how this is how we do it so what I’m currently doing is blocking up the shoot I just got to make sure I don’t kill them because last time last time I killed them like instantly and I didn’t even think about the fact that we needed a zombie villager but that dude this is going very very well okay nice that’s almost all blocked up okay that guy just slips straight through all right cool I think I think that’s it blocked up I think I don’t know for sure I just going to hope it is right so now we got to sift through these guys killing them one by one okay I think it’s okay to go inside right I’m hoping this boat is good enough for him come on come on out man come come on out yeah yeah come on out get in the boat he’s in the boat where’s his body gun what the hell okay we’ve got him we’ve got him though and uh okay that’s oh God what do I do he’s in a boat I have him in a boat there’s a lot of mobs above me currently and I’m kind of nervous let’s quickly collect everything like that and then I guess patch it straight back up okay I’m going to free the mobs hopefully without getting myself killed hello okay this seems extremely dangerous I guess I just have to do it far away from me that is a that is a lot of guys that is a that that is a lot of guys did I see another zombie villager oh my days I did oh my God I did okay wait hold on this this is ridic okay what is going on what is going on what is going this is the craziest start this is just the craziest start of an episode I’ve ever had I actually don’t understand what’s happening I’ve already got one iron okay we got to do the exact same thing in kill every mob but the zombie villager okay now we just got to do the exact same thing so let’s get the boat out like so okay yeah okay I was about to say like dude just doesn’t want to get in the boat all right mobs in boats don’t despawn do they I need wait I’m searching this up do mobs in boats despawn I actually need to search this up do mobs in boats despawn mobs riding a boat don’t despawn Java edition only and don’t count towards the mob cap okay so they’re safe cool all right so we have these guys permanently I need to move them into like a better area ow I need to move them into a better area so let’s go up get some more blocks and build a little platform somewhere and transport them oh yeah also this is a really good start to the episode you guys you guys should uh subscribe I I’m going to leave this clip like 5 Seconds you have 5 Seconds to subscribe um pleas please guys I died last episode okay 5 4 3 2 1 okay you better have subscribed hey guys I’m back all right I need to kill these these guys I’m sorry do I see sheep I see a sheep hold on and chickens okay the chickens we don’t want sheep do we want I guess we want that I need to kill these llamas uh sorry wait they dropped leather oh I just messed up by not okay whatever hey hey team what’s up hey so you guys do spawn huh uh you’re dead um you’re dead um you’re okay you dodged a successful Dodge well done hello I need you to follow me you get inside here that’s what you’re going to do get inside all right well we have a sheep now guys it’s not insanely useful I’m going be honest but we do have a sheep what should I name him right anyways this has been a really good start to the episode but we need a lot of blocks so we should 1 billion per get blocks the platform I’m about to build doesn’t need to look good it we just need blocks so mining Montage yes who doesn’t love a good wood breaking montage [Music] damn it all right well that’s that’s enough farming for me it’s also getting near the night time which firstly scares me a lot secondly I mean yeah it just scares me a lot I’m going to be honest but we have two iron that’s pretty cool we’re going to go to the nether pretty soon I just want to get that final bit of iron just so I can get my bucket back I also want to get revenge on the man from the fog all right either way let’s just get these villagers into a good area because let’s be honest that is extremely important okay I think I’m just going to literally put it through here so without further Ado okay I’ve made like some sort of box and I’m just going to bottom slab everything oh my dude really okay man whatever that actually made me jump he hasn’t spawned so far and he waits until I’m at my most vulnerable oh my God that made me jump so bad okay this is all bottom slapped no one should be able to spawn now and I should be able to just transport these guys into this little this little tunnel here God damn it another Axe really dude all right let’s go please don’t kill me please don’t kill me why do you do so much damage you do so much damage okay back again back again oh my God I almost just died okay that should be fine holy okay well he is inside I want to put him a little bit more inside though I’m on one heart okay let’s stop playing with him and now we got to go get the other one for God’s sake okay how did that boat just did anyone see that boat just move how did that okay the boat just moved I don’t even know how oh God this is going to take so long to get round isn’t it oh my days okay I’m literally going to die this is crazy how how do I move this can I can I use the Rod perhaps I can use the rod I okay I’m stupid I’m actually so dumb oh my God I I knew that guys I knew that wait the rod just broke why does the rod break so quick what can I can I just like push the boat maybe oh dude okay I’m so D I need the rod let’s go let’s go back up real quick finally some peace and quiet am I right I’m also guessing the farm is just like the spiders just can’t get down that’s probably What’s Happening Here all right either way let’s go back up and hopefully uh get some what do I what am I even heading up for I forget what am I heading up for why why did I just go up all this way why did I oh string string string I remember yes I do have string cool cool cool cool boom Another fishing rod that’ll do look at that beautiful sunrise we haven’t died just yet all right I’m going back down all right that’ll that’ll probably do I can I can probably do the rest myself I just got to you know there we go there we go we got our pushing hands on there we go okay I’m just going to leave them two in there but this is huge let’s also fix back up the mob bit uh hopefully without dying okay we’re back at the area let’s free the people oh my God that’s a lot that is that is a lot of guys okay I’m pretty sure that’s it done I’m pretty sure that’s it done I’m just going to I’m going to assume it is because I’m having to shout to get my voice across because there’s so many guys here oh my God iron yes I see that I see it I got it yes oh my God okay we can get our bucket back that’s what I wanted and baby did I get it oh my God that is actually enormous that’s insane okay you know what that’ll that’ll do me that’ll absolutely do me what a treat what an absolute treat that was great don’t know about you guys but I’m having a good time now I’m having a great time now we’ve got our bucket back well I mean we don’t have it technically back yet we also have these guys cool okay so as I swim up the next stages for villagers and stuff is we need gold because a way you can convert zombie villagers into villagers is getting a witch to throw weakness potion which is going to be difficult in itself so yeah I don’t know about that but I also need two golden apples so we need to get some gold one way or another and I think the nether is going to be our way of getting gold through some sort of zombie pigmen farm so let’s let’s just hope we can get that but first let’s go make a bucket oh my God guys I I can’t believe we’ve got our bucket back well we don’t have it back yet but hey guess what now we do baby oh let’s go let’s freaking go baby that feels good that feels good that feels like I’m getting one back in this world because we died with our bucket and that was kind of like our that was like our prize possession I’m going to be honest but hell yeah man we got our bucket we got our bucket oh yeah and some sugar cane cool let’s make sure that’s farmed right who fancies going to the nether uh I’m scared I’ll be honest but this is a big step this is a really big step this is a this is a huge step in fact I’m just going to get some blocks and then we’ll try and somehow make the portal without dying hopefully or setting myself on fire I also just had a thought um the temperature mod that’s going to be an issue because the nether is obviously like hell and I don’t know about you guys I haven’t read too many books but pretty sure hell’s meant to be hot yeah yeah that that’s about it I think yeah I’m going to burn alive aren’t I this is not not going to be good I’ve made this infinitely harder for myself oh no I I actually fully forgot about that as well right but either way the island is looking pretty pretty cool I’m going to get some more Cobblestone because we have like none and that’s what we’re going to build like the portal area out of so with the power of editing what that’s crazy I have 24 Cobblestone where did where did that come from I definitely didn’t just sit there and do it myself nope okay either way I now going to build out a little bit of a platform where should I do it here looks good oh I also almost forgot I need I potatoes since when did I have those yeah we’re cooking bro we’re actually cooking today that’s actually so true I need I need some I need some charcoal I forgot about that oh my God I actually do need charcoal but yeah let’s build out this little area whatever you want to call it I don’t know all right that works pretty well okay I think this should be good now we need to make some sort of burn prooof area not sure how I’m going to do that I’m going to be honest so let’s get mining that’s Phantoms no not happening not happening not happening not happening not happening get away from me why is my door open who keeps opening my door stop it you stop that I swear to God I leave this I said it last episode I leave this door permanently closed I never use this door and every time I enter my house again it’s always open thank God these Phantoms are going though oh God I hate Phantoms why did we vote for Phantoms bro this was just the worst decision from all of us like if you voted for them just know you are you’re part of the problem okay just just checking now there all right either way I have a lot of cobblestone now which is very good because I can make some sort of safe proof area which we can build the portal because obviously my whole island is basically flammable which is kind of an issue I’m not going to lie so yeah let’s let’s try and build some area that’s perhaps not so flammable okay boom this looks this looks like a pretty good area I don’t know about you guys but I feel like making feel like making something something to another dimension or or something yeah I didn’t really know what to say okay this should be lit up too now this is the bit we cannot mess up okay we actually cannot mess this up seriously no messing up allowed all right I have the obsidian this is this is so important that I don’t mess this up like actually okay boom boom now let’s go like this and then we go up three one 2 3 now remove the obsidian boom Another then we go like this one two cool this is this it’s going good so far no mistake so far just messed this up way too many times all right now we go like this one two three okay no mistakes thank God juicy I don’t know why I just said the word juicy but it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good you’re probably wondering why are you placing wood I thought you didn’t want to set it on fire incorrect you are wrong and stupid cuz this is how we’re going to light the portal ladies and gentlemen so what we need to do is firstly remove the water and we’re going to have to take our one bit of lava kind of sketchy to do that but yeah that’s it’s the only thing I can do here and we’re going to place it like this now we just have to wait for this lava to light up that bit of wood or some of the bits of wood which should ignite the portal I don’t know how long this should take but I’m guessing it’s going to take a little while so in the meantime let me collect some more water I also need to sheare a bunch of trees man hopefully some more animals can spawn too that would be pretty pretty wholesome it’s already lit it’s already lit guys this is lit okay I’m never saying that again but oh my God I just threw a p by accident okay well that’s probably not a habit I want to build but yes dude let’s go let’s freaking go oh dude we can now go to the nether should we go through I feel like we should go through right should we go through yeah let’s go through all right the terrifying okay why is it just said the terrifying nether okay okay okay oh my God we are we are in Hell there’s one Island there one Island there this is this is terrifying I’m going to be chest okay I can just build the end portal frame that’s cool everything’s starting to get a little bit blur I don’t know if I should spend too much time here but yeah okay my camera is like shaking this is this can’t be good right look at my temperature thing hold on yeah okay let’s go back into the Overworld real quick everything’s so blurry holy smokes oh my look at my world oh my god dude that’s terrifying I need some way of just not burning alive because there’s some there’s some good stuff to be had in the nether I also need some sort of zombie pigmen Farm uh to get gold so hold up I’m going to search how to make a zombie pigman Farm okay I just require like loads of blocks so I might just build out a platform let’s quickly go back in dude look how quickly I heat up do you guys see that speed speed speed all right we’re just going to build out a platform as big as we can as big as we can right now speed we’ve got to be fast dude this is so scary this is actually so scary hopefully this can spawn some something I don’t know okay I’m already getting blurry again let’s go back through this is this is tough man okay guys I dude this is that’s scary look at me man oh my God that’s so disorientating Jesus okay well guys I need some I need some comments to help me on how I’m even going to try and tackle the nether because I have basically like 3 seconds and then instantly you know I’m I’m kind of done out so I need you guys I need you guys to to help me here I don’t I don’t know what I meant to do in the meantime I’ve crafted one of these things rappers like to reference a lot uh a hoe and yeah I’m going to try and get some more saplings because I just pretty much removed all the saplings we had which is kind of bad okay that’s a lot of saplings I’m going to be honest we we’ve replanted enough okay I also got some apples that’s pretty cool I just hate the fact that I can’t grab this last without having to jump it just feels so stupid Oh my God why Minecraft why all right either way it is now night time did any mobs spawn I don’t think they did right yeah no mobs spawned I do want to make this area a little bit nicer because because my one because my one livestock okay so you’re right there let’s like oh shoot um we’re screwed aren’t we okay okay okay I’ve got an idea I’ve got an [Music] idea am I safe Oh my Jesus okay well is that water floating I think it’s floating um yeah right that was that was pretty nerve-wracking uh I’m going to going to spend the night down here I need some more ender pearls yeah let’s let’s Farm up some more ender pearls we need some more spares oh that’s another villager I I I don’t think I need you I don’t think I need you a an iron shovel okay it’s daytime I’ve spent the whole night here uh I haven’t really gained much other than like an iron shovel which is cool I guess but I mean I was really just I don’t know trying to farm up we don’t we don’t really need anything else other than maybe iron all right either way the main goal now is to somehow get hold of a witch and also some gold we we need gold and pretty badly I I also need some more pearls but I guess I can just take them from the stuff we already have now let’s collect the stuff from the nether hopefully not dying I also have no idea how I meant to make myself cold like do I place that ice wait hold on hold on hold on okay that’s also extremely sketchy hold on if I place this ice like this will this make me cold look I’m On Ice I’m I’m on ice no that just doesn’t help at all a Zombie Pigman just is over there okay well that okay an Enderman spawns over there zombie pigman over there okay that’s the island we need to go to I’m going to one of the islands today okay let’s go back I need blocks I need blocks we’re going to that Island Zombie Pigmen that’s gold that’s nuggets it’s raining God dang it dude ah why is it got to be raining I’m just going to get some more Cobblestone just so we have some blocks that we can use to make spares for stone tools because a lot of them are pretty low I’m actually so excited to see what the first nether island has for us as well oh that’s going to be so freaking freaking hype dude oh my God okay I just turned all of them into slabs what am I doing oh my God hello I’m going to look everywhere but at you damn it I’m going to try and go around him and there goes my tool cool all right let’s go and break some trees yes sir okay honestly this probably is just enough also no new Mobs but we do know mobs can spawn so that that is good also one more bit of sugar cane sweet all right we have a lot of blocks now though so let’s go try and bridge that Island as quickly as possible okay wait wait so that’s actually like huge we need you I I need a lot of you yeah let’s fight man let’s yeah I actually need you so cool well you didn’t drop gold and we need you for gold I need that guy in like copious amounts so at least they they’re they’re spawning through which is great I guess right let’s make this Snappy let’s make this Snappy let’s go go go go okay I’m starting to get shaky vision and I don’t want to walk off the edge oh my God this is so hard to run dude dude dude dude go go go holy Jesus this is that scary man oh that’s scary oh God what do I do about that I don’t know if I can make it to that other Island guys I need I need your guys suggestions what do I do about that okay well in the meantime I actually want to shelter my sheep I I feel bad because look look at this guy he’s by himself let’s give him let’s give him a little little home I think yeah let’s let’s do that I need to leave the beehives like actually out in the open slightly so let’s actually remove these blocks we’ve got to make an actual nice Roof oh damn it I’ve done that completely wrong okay cool wait actually that could look that could look nice though hold on hold on let him cook let him cook now okay this looks this looks not good at all but wait let me cook some more all right you know what I’m pretty happy with that okay yo that actually looks not good at all that okay whatever but at least we have something we have something something you know what it’ll do it’ll freaking do you know he’s he’s sheltered from the rain look you having fun hell yeah all right how about we try save the bees let me go get the flowers where are the flowers that’s the question actually you know what I’m going to be a real good guy watch this I’m going to get fresh flowers oh yeah look at these fresh freshly picked flowers the finest flowers a bee could want what more could you want from me I’m literally giving you fresh fresh flowers all right well it’s night time and we’re here let’s freaking do it man I have my baving gear I’m also like Frozen all right here he is I got him yes follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me man look look I have a flower I have a flower dude I have a flower yeah yeah come on come on come with me come with me yes yes now we’re going to slowly head this way okay dude we’re actually saving the be Jee I’m freezing over I’m freezing over I’m freezing over okay wait I’m not freezing over I think it’s cuz I’m under shelter now yes guys look he’s he’s like actually being saved that wasn’t a b pun dude I cannot contain my excitement right now I have a this guy is actually following me right this is the quiet bit which means we got to we got to lock in now we got to lock in now because once once we get up there there’s a chance there might be a man from a fog you know kind of near and he’s a bit spooky we’re making solid eye contact right now you’re not going to get me killed okay okay cool let’s go up up up where are you come on come on come on up come on up let’s go yes we have a be back on our Island let’s go to The Hive to The Hive to The Hive we don’t have time for Dilly dallying come on come on in you get why am I letting him through the door he literally flies okay come on get inside get in get inside your thing man okay I should actually just safe proof this let’s actually just add this real quick while there is a be inside because I just spent all that time doing that I’m I’m freezing I’m actually like freezing hold on uh oh no no no I’m wait this is like really bad okay he is on me yes yes oh thank God he died oh that could have been horrendous I’m freezing over wait I I might die I actually might die I actually might die oh my God please get to the lava get to the lava get to the lava get to lava please holy cow I don’t know why I said cow I need a cow that’s what I need oh my Lord bro I almost just died to frostbite look at my screen bro it’s just shaking that could have been really bad that could have been really bad in fact let me stand here yeah there we go back on fire cool I get so cold so quick I wait let’s just sleep what am I doing let’s just sleep why is my door stop it why does he keep opening my door you’re gain nothing from that you’re just weird you’re just absolutely weird okay hopefully the Beast still up there right he is let’s go oh yes sir all right cool okay I’m going to break this Cobble because I don’t think it looks that good no no no no no no no no no no no no stay over here pal you stay over here okay I might leave that in my off hand just so he actually stays up what I’m going to do is I’m going to fence off this area so then this bee is like 100% safe like he is not going anywhere sort of thing it’s like take your kid to workday he’s just going to he’s just going to be staying with me all of today right so we need some more wood so let’s go get shopping now the reason we need wood be is so we can actually fence you up so then you can’t escape because you love just leaving me and I don’t know why I I’m trying to keep you safe man God damn it there goes my hoe again God damn it guys did I just sound like a rapper there also wait we just got loads of saplings cool right come with me I’m literally saving you from being down there okay right so I always have problems making fences cuz I forget how to make them I think this is right that is correct okay so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go bang bang bong bing bong I need a lot of fence don’t I do I even have enough nope it’s not enough we need we need some more wood come on come on why am I opening the door for him like like he’s going to walk through it oh my God whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey hey get back here get back here hey you get back here okay you’re not you’re not allowed in there just yet okay I don’t trust you to stay alive you stay with me pal okay that’s all of these done now we just need to do the front this is like weirdly wholesome I just have a little bee following me and I’ve rescued him from the bottom of the world this actually feels really rewarding like weirdly just like having him follow me around feels so rewarding man okay we just got like the mother loot of saplings what okay all of them just dropped I saw him I saw him he was there he was there you’re not slick you’re not slick and you look stupid all right not not you don’t worry I’m speaking to the brine we’re we’re on nickname terms if you’re wondering why I just called him the brine we kind of we kind of go way back these guys love escaping they’re just actually they’re just escape artist at the end of the day like look at this guy so innocent but also would leave me in a heartbeat just like most women but anyways we’re not going to worry about that and we’re going to we’re going to build this up up so it’s be proof baby I think this is be proof I mean we’re going to find out one way or another if I just no longer have bees again but now let’s off hand this and hopefully I mean he just shot into his Hive so I’m guessing we now have one B but we need to go do that whole procedure again actually so let’s go get the second B because then we can repopulate them and have an absolute b army and that would be awesome sorry yeah I’m there you yeah I’m sorry about that I think I needed some more wood real quick to be able to actually bridge to the other bees so let’s quickly grab some more wood okay boom boom boom boom boom boom boom turn this all into slabs like so and let’s go get ourselves another be baby okay I’m going to go back to the one that we started with this is the first bee we tried to save miss I miss again I hit it let’s go oh my God that guy just got freaking zoomed up how high okay we got we got to catch him we got to we got to catch him why are you so high up man okay he’s coming back down he’s coming back down no he’s not he’s just flying around there come on come on yes yes oh you love me oh you definitely love me come on yes sir this episode has been so good we’ve got the villagers we’ve got the bees hopefully assuming this guy doesn’t die on the way up we got to the Nether and can somehow get some gold I we need to figure out that let me know how I can survive the nether as well that’s really important for next episode but jeez man this has been this has been great this has been great it would be a real shame if I were to die stop taking damage to the water stop it look at this off into the sunset off into the sunset look at us go wow inspirational this feels like straight from a movie man come on up come on up dude let’s go yes come on no Dilly dallying now now we have your home yes this is great I want everyone I want everyone spamming W’s in the comments man or there’s something along those lines we have bees we have them yes that I mean we might never see them again but we we have them okay cool I also want to make a campfire in this area because it gets cold over here being you know like like cold in this area it’s pretty dangerous seeing as every time the man from the fog has spawned it it’s been when I’m here and last time I couldn’t even run let’s also put this other campfire somewhere maybe just like the other side so this whole area is pretty warm now all right well I feel pretty accomplished I’m not going to lie let’s trying to have a good night’s sleep to wrap up this episode oh my god dude let’s go man and my door’s actually closed this time great Sensational what an episode guys consider liking and subscribing if you want to see more of this series this is this is awesome this is awesome the world is coming along so well so well I’m super happy the bees are there with our sheep we need we need cows we need cows badly because I think that’s how we’re going to try and Conquer The Nether we need some sort of like ice proof armor no wait no we need some ice armor which is like nether proof so basically we don’t feel the effects of the heat but yeah I I need you guys help on that so do comment anything that I’ve kind of missed or like I should add to this world now because we’re in a pretty good pretty good position I just need gold and a witch then we can get villagers and then we’re just winning we are just up so big so cool I’ll see you guys in the next episode thank you all so much for watching peace out baby subscribe like and uh yeah cool [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock But I added horror Mods’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-10 16:32:25. It has garnered 111355 views and 5666 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:16 or 2176 seconds.

scary skyblock womp womp!

The man from the fog and herobrine constantly haunt me in this horror skyblock world and on top of that I added coldsweat which is a temperature mod meaning if I get too hot or too cold during survival on this skyblock series I die too. Why did I think to add the scariest, most horrifying and hardest minecraft mods all together… this isn’t going to end well…

After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The Fog #1 in his Minecraft from the fog series I was inspired to test out the mod. Then after previously surviving the man from the fog in my video titled Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod I decided to add the night dweller which is minecrafts most terrifying and horrifying mod possibly ever. They haunt me 24/7 in my new minecraft skyblock survival series but can I survive? Lets find out.



I am just trying to entertain you all:)

mods used

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    Golden XP Galore: Crafting Farming Fun! In this game, we’re on a quest for gold, Building farms, our fortunes to behold. XP and riches, we’ll gather them all, In Minecraft, we rise, never to fall. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, Crafting, building, until the day is done. Subscribe, like, and share the joy we find, In this world of blocks, our creativity combined. Read More

  • Time Lord’s Last Stand: Earth Under Siege

    Time Lord's Last Stand: Earth Under Siege In the world of Minecraft, Doctor Who’s tale unfolds, With the Doctor, Maria, and William, brave and bold. The Darkness threatens Earth, a siege to be fought, But the Doctor won’t give in, his courage cannot be bought. The Tardis, a blue police box, holds the key, To reaching allies across time and space, you see. Unit stands ready, to defend against the alien threat, With the Doctor’s help, they won’t give up just yet. The Darkness lurks, with plans to conquer all, But the Doctor’s resolve will never fall. Together with Maria and William, they’ll stand strong, And… Read More

  • Ultimate Water Reflections in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Water Reflections in Minecraft! Exploring Real Water Reflections in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21+ Exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts! The latest update for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21+ introduces real-time water reflections, bringing a new level of visual depth to the game. This feature has been highly anticipated by players, as it enhances the overall gaming experience and brings the graphics closer to Java quality shaders. How to Access Real Water Reflections To enjoy the real water reflections in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, players need to have the Preview version installed. Additionally, they must enable deferred rendering options with reflections set to ultra. This setting allows… Read More

  • Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft!

    Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft Bedwars on CubeCraft For those diving into the world of Minecraft, the game offers a plethora of exciting adventures and challenges. One such popular game mode is Bedwars, where players strategize, build, and defend their beds from opponents. Recently, a newcomer, ะะฃะ‘ะ˜ะš, has taken their first steps into the Bedwars arena on CubeCraft, adding a new dimension to the gameplay. What is Bedwars? Bedwars is a multiplayer game mode in Minecraft where players form teams and work together to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It requires a… Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10

    Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10 In the world of Minecraft, where friends unite, We gather ’round to survive and fight. But beware, for friendships can be tested, As labor and play become contested. The Wheat Cube is our battleground, Where survival is key, where treasures are found. With Kabird as our guide, we journey on, Facing challenges, obstacles, until dawn. The music of TheFatRat sets the tone, As we build, explore, and craft our own. Infinite power, in every block we place, In this world of pixels, we find our grace. So join us now, in this Friendship Gathering Place, Where rhymes and laughter… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE

    Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Minecraft Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Members When it comes to epic battles in the virtual world, Minecraft never fails to deliver. The recent clash between Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members has taken the gaming community by storm. Let’s dive into the details of this intense showdown! The Rivalry Unfolds Both Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members are well-known factions in the Minecraft universe, each with a loyal following of players. The tension between the two groups had been simmering for weeks, and it finally reached a boiling point in a fierce battle for supremacy. The Fight for Dominance As… Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod!

    Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod! Bulk Brewing EVERY Minecraft Potion with the Create Mod! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Batsi from Skull Island embarks on a new project – creating a brewing station to craft every potion in the game. With the help of the Create Mod, Batsi dives into the intricate process of setting up a system to brew and upgrade potions efficiently. Building the Brewing Station Batsi starts by revamping the interior of the station to serve as a broadcast station and video editing hub. With creative changes like adding a computer setup and decorative elements, the station transforms into a… Read More

  • EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ck

    EPIC LIVE Minecraft DARK RPG with Z3ntusBl4ckVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] Minecraft DARK RPG mit @Z3ntusBl4ck’, was uploaded by Lord Darq on 2024-05-26 23:25:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Surviving Solo on Mysterious Island

    Surviving Solo on Mysterious IslandVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Island Gaming’, was uploaded by Im_APerson on 2024-05-10 03:37:31. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:42 or 8082 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! ๐Ÿคฏ #Hardcordead

    Insane Crystal PVP Battles in Minecraft! ๐Ÿคฏ #HardcordeadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just started Crystal PVP #minecraft #minecraftshorts #Crystal PVP’, was uploaded by Hardcordead on 2024-06-01 17:05:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸถFirst Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!๐ŸŒ

    ๐ŸถFirst Dog Reveal + EPIC World Tours!๐ŸŒVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP| GETTING MY FIRST DOG +WORLD TOURS’, was uploaded by TheKaiShow on 2024-06-08 01:56:17. It has garnered 119 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:02:39 or 14559 seconds. Girl gamer Minecraft smp world with subscribers and viewers Minecraft world tour live gameplay longplay #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #longplay Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleet

    Epic Minecraft Fun with Dev Bhai! #GamerFleetVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya ๐Ÿคฃ| Epic โ€Ž@GamerFleetย  #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-05-16 05:30:03. It has garnered 37310 views and 1779 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Dev bhai ke sath moye moye hogya ๐Ÿคฃ| Epic @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone ๐Ÿ‘‹… Welcome๐Ÿฅณ to my channel โ–ถ๏ธ. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like ๐Ÿ‘ button ๐Ÿ˜… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel โคโ™พ๏ธ. ๐Ÿ“ขCredits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)โค I DON’T OWN THE… Read More

  • Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!

    Unlock Secret Minecraft Bosses & Monsters Now!Video Information This video, titled ’11 Boss & Monster Yang HARUS DITAMBAHKAN di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Suanglu on 2024-06-18 03:00:19. It has garnered 3939 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:42 or 762 seconds. 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft 11 Bosses & Monsters That MUST BE ADDED in Minecraft Mod Link : 1 : 2 : Subscribe Channel Suanglu : Discord Suanglu : For Business : [email protected] Buy Minecraft Server at ApexHosting : Inspiration : @DrBonksOfficial Suanglu Social Media : Instagram : Instagram :… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!

    Insane Minecraft Mini-Game with Empress Little-bit!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHACK-A-MOLE in MINECRAFT! (ft. @zincberg @MC_Oda @luckylane0 @impala100 #minecraft #gaming#smp’, was uploaded by Empress Little-bit on 2024-02-26 22:45:00. It has garnered 1366 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Check out: @luckylane0 @MC_Oda @zincberg @impala100 Thank you Oda for getting this started and welcoming me into the community. I do hope I’ll be able to meet your standards within reason… Welcome to CraftWorks SMP! A wholesome family, friendly Minecraft community banded together to create great things. Check out the rest of the team! CraftWorks SMP Link: Boy,… Read More

  • EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS – MUST SEE!

    EPIC IzPushhhhhh in CW FLORUS - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS full tf con brz’, was uploaded by IzPushhhhhh on 2024-07-14 04:57:29. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. ———————————– โ›”TAGS IGNORAR โ—โ›”โŒ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY VEAX.RIP. STAFF ME… Read More

  • INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11

    INSANE Enchantment Room Build in Minecraft! #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Enchantment Room Made In Minecraft Survival Series #11’, was uploaded by Gaming Ash on 2024-05-02 06:21:35. It has garnered 316 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. Our Minecraft Content 1. Mods/Add-ons/Map/Mc Pack 2. Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks 3. Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi 4. Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes 5. All Minecraft Version 6. Minecraft Java Edition 7. Minecraft Pocket Edition 8. Minecraft Bedrock Edition ———————————————————————– #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy… Read More

  • Cobalt SMP – Cozy Active Community, Vanilla, Events, Discord, NO RESET

    If you’re looking for a 24/7 chill / private SMP Server, join Cobalt SMP! We just started the server up 3 days ago and already have a strong active community. We have spots remaining for our next batch of players. Simply comment your IGN and we will whitelist you. Plugins Include: McMMO, Land Claiming, & /sethome /home /warp /setwarp Join our Discord server: Read More

  • SurvivalRol

    We invite you to play Survival, create and live a pleasant experience with your friends in SurvivalRol!, we are a server dedicated to offering a pleasant environment and game time to players who like Survival, PvP among other things.Come and join the experience! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: So spicy!

    I guess this Minecraft meme is really mining for laughs! Read More

  • Minecraft: Rich vs Poor – Blockbuster Showdown!

    Minecraft: Rich vs Poor - Blockbuster Showdown! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of riches and poverty, as the story molds. The rich live in mansions, with diamonds and gold, While the poor struggle, their story untold. But in this game, anything can change, As the players navigate, their lives rearrange. From mining for diamonds to building a home, The possibilities in Minecraft, they endlessly roam. So join us in this adventure, rich vs poor, As we explore the depths, and so much more. Subscribe to our channel, for updates galore, In the world of Minecraft, let’s explore! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ”ฅ Read More

  • THE END IS COMING… HOT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #meme

    THE END IS COMING... HOT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #shorts #meme When you see the words “WAIT FOR THE END” in a meme, it’s like being told there’s a surprise at the end of a long, boring movie. But instead of a plot twist, you just get a punchline that makes you go “Really? That’s it?” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #anticlimactic Read More

  • Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft

    Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft Building a Dystopian Town in Minecraft: Hermitcraft Inspired Are you ready to dive into a world inspired by ImpulseSV’s Cyberpunk, ZombieCleo’s Horror, and Iskall85’s War-torn builds? Join us as we embark on a journey to create a Dystopian Town in Minecraft, drawing inspiration from the incredible Hermitcraft Season 10! Creating a Unique Atmosphere Using a dusty and dank palette, we will infuse our town with a post-apocalyptic sense of past destruction. Think abandoned buildings, overgrown vegetation, and eerie lighting to set the mood. ZombieCleo’s spooky vibes will be incorporated to give our town a haunting feel. Hermitcraft Influence Hermitcraft… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, just take a look at the latest Minecraft video trending on YouTube. While it may not be about Minewind specifically, it showcases the fun and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. And that’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind – a place where you can unleash your imagination, build amazing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2

    SHOCKING: POMNI KISSED JAX?! Minecraft Digital Circus Ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 20:00:03. It has garnered 4493 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:35 or 3995 seconds. POMNI KISSED JAX IN THE BATHROOM! ARE THEY A COUPLE? Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure… Read More

  • Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeast

    Insane Unboxing: WTF Facts by MrBeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘mrbeast unboxing this box ๐ŸŽ || #mrbeast #ytshort’, was uploaded by WTF Facts on 2024-03-01 03:12:17. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. mrbeast unboxing this box ๐ŸŽ || #mrbeast minecraft minecraft challenge #mr short video #short #new challenge video beast #mr beast hindi video #hindi video #challenge video #challenge #mrbeast #viral short #tranding #mr best mr beast meme mr beast song mr best lego car mrbeast youtuber mr beast island mr beast phonk mr best indian mrbeast ishowspeed mr beast in german mrbeast mr… Read More

  • ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamesforkidshub

    ULTIMATE MLG WATER BUCKET TIPS & TRICKS! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamesforkidshubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft Tips & Tricks mlg water bucket ๐Ÿชฃ #gamesforkidshub’, was uploaded by Games For Kids Hub on 2024-06-14 15:45:04. It has garnered 247233 views and 6813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shorts

    Save Herobrine from HellRoFro: Epic Spear Challenge #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘help herobrine. throw spear Challenge #shorts’, was uploaded by HellRoFro on 2024-03-06 03:15:10. It has garnered 10106 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft : How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft #NotBook #minecraft Minecraft,Minecraft tutorial,minecraft builds,minecraft building,minecraft tutorials,minecraft design,minecraft interior design,minecraft build tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft simple tutorials,minecraft easy tutorial,minecraft shorts,minecraft short tutorials,minecraft building video,top 5 minecraft builds,5 minecraft interior designs,5 minecraft designs Read More

  • Arrzee’s EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!

    Arrzee's EPIC Superhero Roleplay SMP is BACK!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Enhanced Heroes RETURN! – Custom Superhero Roleplay SMP’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-05-04 23:00:09. It has garnered 28089 views and 1268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft’s Custom Superheroes FINALLY return, and are now on a brand new world! After failing to stop Infinity Ultron and losing Snowcon, the Enhanced regroup to track down the mysterious figure that’s been following them since they escaped to this new universe. This is the 1st episode of Enhanced Season 2! If this your first time watching the roleplay SMP series… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live – Join Now! #GirlGamer #NetherMadness

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live - Join Now! #GirlGamer #NetherMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA+PE | ROAD TO 2 K | #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-07-13 13:27:18. It has garnered 278 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:51 or 9891 seconds. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA+PE | ROAD TO 2 K | #minecraft #nether #girlgamer wondercraft smp ip :- WONDERCRAFT IP Java Ip : Pe Ip : Port : 19132 Discord :- About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u… Read More

  • Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong ๐Ÿ˜  #viral #gaming

    Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong ๐Ÿ˜  #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ˜ก Oh No Again Prank On Me In Minecraft #viral #prank #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR_FIRE_PLAYZ on 2023-12-26 05:00:02. It has garnered 2615 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mutant Zombie vs All Golems โ€ข Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by RikoSHerka on 2024-07-15 05:00:34. It has garnered 2789 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:29 or 629 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘Have A Big Sword Or A Big Creeperโ€ฆ | Ein | Minecraft | Aphmau | Zane | Aaron | Kim #shorts’, was uploaded by Ein – Shorts on 2024-02-21 19:10:00. It has garnered 11846 views and 817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Revolution SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    ๐ŸŒŸ Revolution SMP ๐ŸŒŸ Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: โœจ Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why I made this spicy Minecraft meme

    I guess you can say this meme is a solid 7/10, just like my dating profile! Read More

  • Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 – War & Fall

    Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 - War & Fall In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Puffer Fish Empire, a tale to be told. Warriors clashed, in a battle so grand, The fall of the empire, in the sand. Karrru, the hero, with a heart so true, Reporting the news, in rhymes that flew. The Blower Fish Empire, now in despair, Karrru’s rhymes, filling the air. So hit that like, share, and subscribe, For Karrru’s rhymes, you can’t deny. In the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Karrru’s rhymes, worth more than gold. Read More

  • Nether Portals of Love! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Nether Portals of Love! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you accidentally walk through the nether portal with hearts and end up in the friend zone. Read More