Insane Hypixel Games with VIEWERS! Bedwars, Bridge, Sumo and MORE!

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A Yo yo yo yo yo yo what’s good chicken mix diaph fobic nor mini Raphael hey yo what is going On shut up you talking to me you go you go to a stream and then you tell the streamer to shut up bro what what how’s that even work how’s that even work like like what should I just not talk the whole stream I should just be like silent just just not Existing I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about bro can Norman’s telling me to take a break and not play MC anymore should I no you should always play MC should always PL does TTS still not work I don’t know why TTS doesn’t work I don’t know why TTS doesn’t work

I’ve got to fix It can play Faz okay you tell me to shut up and then you tell me to play Faz what kind of kind of [ __ ] is this Astro how you doing you got a PC let’s go that’s super Hype yes your wrist is done what how you doing Norm exactly no it’s fine oh if your wrist is like hurting then yeah I mean take a little break or like not or maybe not sweat you know have you ever thought about that you don’t have to sweat you can just

Like play casually like me so that way you don’t destroy your hands and wrists but no apparently apparently sweating is the only way to play this game is you a lethal company playr I’ve thought about it it could be fun I haven’t played it I’ve seen a play

Through and it seems kind of cool who would be my crew mates you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying Astro like would you be would you be down Faz is so much more fun than Minecraft you should get into it for real what’s going on with the fs are

They still like updating apparently like once you get through all like the like main missions or like the ghosts or whatever like it there’s not much to do afterwards at least that’s what I know I I don’t know if that’s true or not but that’s what I’ve heard what’s up

Ryder there’s tears of stuff interesting curse items I did hear about that FL how you doing go hey you too bro bro I was playing lethal company with a friend and this giant thing came at me and I fell off my chair was it like the spring thing or like there’s

There’s like a couple different enemies what’s up sharks how you doing can look at my message what you say hey sharks no Diaz uh or dioic wrist bones are doing a thing and she needs to get a cast thing soon or whatever and it say hers won’t take a

Break well die like like I said I don’t know if it’s like the the movement of the mouse or like depending on how you play right like I butterfly click but I don’t I don’t like go so hard that I destroy my wrist so if you can find a way to make

It so like you know it doesn’t hurt then I’d recommend doing that if you’re still going to play Anyways Z what’s good I’ve been playing modded with sunset oh yeah how’s that been going sunset uh said like we could maybe join a server okay the the thing is right like when it’s like just me Zer and Sunset and like you know the moderators or whatever like it’s it’s

It’s a good time cuz I don’t have to worry about my moderators destroying the SMP but the other viewers I don’t trust him Sunset that’s the thing I’m trying to get kill Z killed by the the dragon I take everything I said back you know what Sunset wild I take it

Back my screen froze oh that sucks I’m so bad I have claim chunk mods or we could just keep it staff and stuff yeah yeah yeah that’s true we could see I feel like SMP stuff could be fun it’s just okay the hardest part about having an SMP is maintaining it it’s

It’s very annoying to maintain oh I’m frozen oh okay I don’t know what Happened GG’s I’m going to be straight out Sun did not kill me well that’s very nice anyways I have a 36 ryzen 5 600 that sounds like a good setup bro how’s it how’s it playing uh MC like what’s your frames how much better is it than your

Uh old setup or what was your old setup also Astro did you change your name back to Astro girl can is there Mumble today I haven’t turned on Mumble I I don’t know if I like Mumble I’m going to be honest with you I don’t know if I like mumble it’s cool but I don’t know like a lot of my a lot of the times I just feel like there’s

Less funny moments and just like I can just hear people just clicking and clacking cuz people don’t really talk so all I hear are keyboard sounds so it’s like eh I don’t know I don’t know if I’m feeling it I don’t mind maintaining it it’s fine he hasn’t died

Yet okay well we’ll see we’ll see why is this game taking so long to start my all set up was a laptop used to get like 100 I get 250 ooh that’s over double that’s hype Mumble isn’t that fun we still have a lot of problems with people in procs yeah that’s

True I don’t know what do you guys think what do you guys think yes Mumble no Mumble like don’t say don’t say hey babe I am not your babe but how you doing DV it’s good to see you all right I need to help hippo what am I Doing oh my gosh they survived that’s so annoying I like it personally but I think it was mostly VC aspect yeah I mean if people just like VC that’s just like a Discord you know I wanted to try proximity because I thought it would be

Funny to like hear people uh be like ah as I like fall off my my voice just cracked as I did that but like no one really did that the only person who did that was me so you guys got to hear me scream but

That was kind of it I don’t know I personally am ready to slaughter people are you guys ready for the we’re doing something a little bit different all right we did the badges for so long oh my gosh all right we got swept it’s okay we tried we tried I wish

We would have at least got one Steve how you doing what’ you say Dia my wrist broke two years ago and the tissue is causing a bones rub it against each other bro I mean hey if you need to take a break you need to take a break you

Know it’s all good D it’s not worth having permanent damage you know Golem how you doing good to see you why’ you time yourself out bro boo time out I heard a few people do it L5 it was a 43 sharks don’t even don’t even fly that Ken always ignores the long

Messages it’s not that I ignore them it’s just like I it’s harder for me to read them while I’m playing the game all right let’s do a bedw Wars warmup all right so we’re doing something called the uh Minecraft tournament Saturdays or Minecraft tournament series I probably won’t be

Able to do it every Saturday but we’re going to be doing something where um uh wait do we have do we have one more person we have 12 we can do threes actually no let’s just do threes just cuz at least some will have a teammate

Yay okay we have we have plenty of people hey suck that glyph buddy I got to get rid of that sound effect but yeah we’re doing a little tournament Series today so uh it’ll it’ll be um like a test round we’ll see if it’s something we want to continue

It could be super fun and super exciting and super competitive and and and you know people really enjoy it or it could be like the worst idea ever and everyone hates it and we just never do it again I feel like we have like 25% of the stream who likes

Doing like Badges and then the rest of like the 75% of the people don’t enjoy badges I feel what do you guys think that’s how I feel I might be wrong nepotism how you doing good to see you beb all right sounds good Die wait sharks just said still wow wow what the [ __ ] I just placed that and didn’t did not expect that to go through all right do you guys have tools I did not buy Tools oh that’s not good okay all right this is going to be a suicide mission wait blue has three people okay um I’m probably going to die here oh wait we can wait for green I’m vibing I’m happy to hear that bro hope you’re doing well we’re just

Doing some uh Minecraft with viewers we’re doing like a little tournament today it should be fun just kill the whole team and buy tools yes I’m planning to do that cuz now they’re why would you come after Me right first okay I was too slow it’s okay I’m not as good as you nepotism I can’t take out the whole team unfortunately it’s fine oh I forget TNT is so expensive TNT is very expensive there’s a way to cut your what the [ __ ]

Is this [ __ ] why is my ad block not on we we’re I’m pausing my ad block right now there we go I had to pause my ad block cuz my YouTube would not uh load my music last stream I was [ __ ] pissed I was like what the hell is this

[ __ ] uh-oh they’re coming heit is blue bed gone oh blue bed’s gone is this Green okay what who yellow of zered [ __ ] zered God damn it K get ads speed up it speeds up ads so they’re barely there ad speed up is that like a Google Chrome extension not add block but add speed up are they going to try to kill me I

Don’t know what they’re trying to do okay Stark just went Away thank you for the follow your best dream wow that was Ass I really want a fireball how you doing you’re back what’s up D yes it is okay Ryder I got to install that thank you cuz like I used to just use ad block it used to be fine um but then like since yesterday’s stream it was like acting weird it was

Like playing hella Slow Okay I think green and yellow are going to be uh fighting each other so this might be my Chance oh what the [ __ ] man oh what the hell you guys fight each other you guys why why would would you go after me I was not the immediate threat what the [ __ ] that is crazy dog that is crazy all right let me see if I can get the Uh thing you’re talking about adds speed up All right I’m going try it want I give a Shot Okay okay I I’m going to give it a try Rider yeah yeah join the party netism we’ll do a littleg Dogo battle cuz we haven’t done on doggo Battle vote left or right in the in the the thingy thing left or right all right let’s see

If uh Ryder was right about this Ryder was right let’s see oh Ryder yo yo Ryder what the [ __ ] you were right holy [ __ ] what the hell and it doesn’t [ __ ] up the video or like the playlist let’s go rider that’s that’s a big dub Rider hell yeah thank

You hey yo what how’ you find this out were you having like the same problem what the [ __ ] that was hype all right let me let me duel you I know you were trying to duel Me all right let’s get it yo wait Ryder do you want me to turn on Mumble well all right let me just let’s just do this game c oh [ __ ] oh Kobe magabo what’s good on just oh my gosh I’m so bad it’s Okay hey didn’t event on the Zuli Klein smpp today server exploded or imploded what kind of event did you do oh my [ __ ] gosh I’m so trash it’s okay it’s Okay what what this some [ __ ] but up but but [ __ ] I’m hating it nah bro all right well you got it GG’s we beat zern the scary man you beat the scary man that’s so sick I’m so so proud of You o oh nice clutch bro I’m not even mad about that that was sick I got a void that was a nice clutch I’m not even mad oh [ __ ] you just built like a whole barricade all right I’ll just have to go around it then Dragon boss but more advanced are

We mumbl today I haven’t turned on the server yet I don’t know if uh we will we’ll see we might I might turn it on for the tournament no what how did I not place any block here H no way what how’ that block not stop You oh [ __ ] I should have just started eating faster oh what I was too slow that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] that is [ __ ] [ __ ] wow what how’ you get a boost from my from my own bow What oh what the [ __ ] that was actually Insane okay what how did I to take more KB what the [ __ ] that was one V one okay my sword is just not going to work that’s Cool wow really what the [ __ ] oh sure okay Bro okay no cuz makaboo Z and Ken are terrifying I just finished a 3D model I finally got to chill for a bit what kind of model is it sounds pretty exciting you’re a bridge God but anyone else not you’re talking about zern hey GG’s Rider GG’s good games man

All right a bit of a bedwars enjoyer myself okay we can do another bedwars game we have 12 people is this everybody and also did we did the doggo battle even happen 1 2 3 do we even Know Um okay right’s the winner all right we’re going to do one more bedwars game and then let’s start the tournament it should be fun it’s a secret project oh okay okay okay okay I’m Godly of bedwars we know K10 we know you don’t you got to tell me you don’t

Got to tell me twice all right um did everyone join up the party we have like 13 people that why are you saying [ __ ] you to me what did I do oh you lost or get destroyed what is a tournament soon chat soon normal a meanie tell me something I don’t know Right All right let’s get It so we’re going to do this bedwars game we’re going to start the tournament and uh we’ll see how it goes I guess we got to do doubles huh I don’t know what’s going on Dia Norm what you need to stop being so God a at Bridge though that’s rude nepotism I’ll be with you wait somebody just joined the party what the [ __ ] hey suck that buddy get mad at the people who just just join

Don’t get mad at me hey suck that at least we have even teams now okay so at least everyone can be on like a team all right Norm join nepotism I’ll be with nepotism nepotism you got to carry me Though can you warp I didn’t get in I think we got everyone in now you’re in you’re in right de I’m pretty sure I see your name here I don’t play bridge lame oh that’s crazy thanks for feeding the doggo DV all right Nappa I’ll do uh bed

Defense you go and Bridge off cuz you’re probably better at bridging than me not going to even lie also I got to buy a new keyboard so if you guys have a twitch Prime please use it so I can buy better keyboard so I don’t fall off the

[ __ ] map every time I Bridge thank you very much shout out my twitch primers and my subscribers those who don’t use twitch prime or was still nice enough to donate to the Ken keyboard fund oh yo yo speaking of keyboard fun thank you so much zern [Applause] yo Sun just got

A got a sub also vertex is bad thank you for the uh for the follow all right well Z what game do you want we’ll do a game of your choice before the tournament or actually let’s make it interesting I’ll let you choose a game for the tournament O Okay well that was actually pretty Good prop how you doing hello prop did you happen to be on the stream yesterday I don’t I don’t think you were but just in case you were I had some difficulties reading YouTube chat so sorry about that sorry about that all right is gray just still just

Going after us why they why they like us so much man it’s weird No way No no no no no no what the [ __ ] bro are you serious well nepotism good luck how did that even happen I should just been following NE oh wait NEP died too all right GG’s NEP NEP if you want to well actually vertex got go to it

First no I just found you well how you doing then prop never mind then can I don to the keyboard donation thing I subbed right um um yes you did I’m trying just to get like I don’t want to get like a super expensive keyboard obviously I just want to get something pretty

Cheap um oh vertex no uh can I play with you yeah yeah check out the YouTube description it’ll let you know exactly how to join [ __ ] I’m trash it’s okay though it’s okay oh my gosh I swear that’s not me that’s [ __ ] Hypixel I swear you know what now I understand why

You guys want to play online men so you don’t have to deal with this stupid lag [ __ ] add Bridge well we can’t okay well you’ll see what the tournament is I don’t think we can’t I mean I guess we can it might be a 3v3 though we’ll see we’ll

See or 3b3 V3 I mean oh my gosh W Bridge gam play I wish I was better nepotism I really wish I was but I feel like I’ve gotten actually worse cuz I haven’t been playing but that’s okay nice Dodge vtex what the [ __ ] did vertex build here I lost this

Yeah that’s okay though blue haired you made my face into this thing bro you put like blocks everywhere made it literally impossible to get through what are you even doing dog what are you doing what is my man’s doing Okay What what how what is like my path just way worse than his I think my path is just ass wow the KB rip party full wait really the part’s full never mind wait hold up it says oh yeah [ __ ] it does say 16 well usually someone leaves

Props someone always leaves so it’s it’s okay I’m sure you’ll be able to Join no you do so so much more KB than me oh you join let’s go all right I don’t know what sound effect that was there we go what is this like 3D ass like [ __ ] I got a little food and some pie what kind of pie did you

Get not going to cap apple pie is the best and if you don’t think so well you got some problems okay apple pie is the best pie best pie is apple pie honestly homemade key lime okay Loki key lime is really good too I like me a key lime pie it’s very

Tasty I do like all right GG’s oh man I had to work so hard for that Win good games bro bro Has blueberries on top too ooh that sounds very good all right guys i’ like i’ like to uh I’d like to introduce the new tournament series that I want to give a try we’ll see if it goes well we’ll see if we like it but uh

You know it’s been it’s been uh it’s been a long time that we’ve been doing like the badge thing and it’s been cool it’s been nice but honestly we could do a little bit better I just feel like maybe instead of just having a single game

Just be a badge or whatever where we just have like a tournament throughout the whole stream it’s very simple for every game that you win that’s selected you get a point at the end of the stream you’ll see you’ll be able to see the leaderboard see who got the most amount of

Points and then we’ll get get it it’s called the MTS the Minecraft tournament series and we’ll give it a shot we’ll give it a shot today’s like the experimental day we’ll see how it Goes so let’s oh wait Z said add Bridge so we got to add Bridge let’s see what the first game of the tournament of tonight Is it’s pixel [Applause] Party all right pixel party is Gone all right I’m also going to post the Leaderboard I have the leaderboard here I I just put myself zero wins I’m going to be able to publish share public link copy to keyboard Um and then I’ll post it in the chat okay it’s posted so that way you can keep track who’s in first all right pixel party here we go hey how many people can play Pixel party what’s like the max players near up smash dude I don’t know why TTS doesn’t

Work where the hell is pixel party why am I Dumb I don’t know 20 something let’s see are you sure it might be only 16 does anyone Know does anyone know does anyone Know all right I’ll open up to 24 we’ll see if it allows us can we weren’t done oh I totally forgot Mobby might might Be All right join Up all right give me one one minute I just want to make sure everything’s Right wait you’re a Freaking Boy okay we’re good to go okie dokie first sure we can play with 16 well now I got you tell me this Now it’s yeah it’s only 16 Players okay well there only one way to to resolve this ain’t there how many people do we got we got 17 drain change 16 all right first 16 good luck first 16 first 16 everybody first 16 ho we have 11 first 16 we’re missing how many people all right that’s 12 we have room for four more four more three more three more you know what should we just start let’s just start um Um I did update the Mumble by the way in the Discord so if you guys are interested that is up all right here we go vote normal hell no I’m voting hyper all right so uh first place gets a point everyone else get destroyed all should we make this two two points or

One point guys should we just make it one one one point two points cuz this game Mode’s kind of Hard one two two okay Okay Okay hey I thought I Fell here we Go let’s go light Gray okay okay dark gray where’s dark gray I don’t know why I’m standing with Norm how you doing Norm okay like gray Again yay rolling Colors Oh very nice okay we’re doing all right purple woo all right let’s go we’re doing all right M gr let’s go Anvil blue woo okay we good we’re kind of killing it right now not going to even lie oh I spoke too soon no I spoke oh snuggly how you

Doing freeze what do you mean X why Freeze all right we’re Good oh [ __ ] someone just got destroyed by an Build all right it’s getting Tough what is it going to be magenta Oh I thought I died handil rain get destroy what no one died I thought people got Destroyed damn bro you guys are too good no that was so quick man wait who’s left sunset sunset and who snug wait it’s snugly Even in our party is snugly Even in our party I think we just got beat by someone who’s not even

In should we redo or do we give it to Sunset cuz Sunset was technically the last person what what do we think redo or give it to Sunset you guys let me Know no Wars Nick I’m just happy you’re here chilling sharks I was last I died earlier oh never mind do we give it to sharks then do we give it to sharks or do we redo I thought it was sunset who live cuz sunset’s cracked at

Pixel silly can tricks are for kids give Snuggly the points he want he’s not in our party vertex he’s not even here so do we give it to sharks or do we just move on do we redo wait how many people do we got if we have 16 we’ll redo we have

14 I don’t care he won that’s not how that works SP in square yeah I’m only counting people who are in the party brother that’s I won though I mean not really I mean okay there’s a poll everyone vote on the poll there’s a poll open give it

To sharks or we just redo cuz if we redo you might have a chance to win but if you give it to sharks you’re just giving it to sharks okay I can’t give it to snuggly if he’s literally not in the party I don’t know how how else to explain

This it’s 55 right now why is this vote in the pole vote in the pole Barrel Noob how you doing if you want to join up feel Free redo okay TTS isn’t working I don’t know Why Fly Away I think I I fixed TTS I think I fixed it hopefully it works all right I guess we’re redoing it okay here we go oh later prop all right That’s unfair well if you got first place I would have just given it to you but you didn’t get first snugly got first thank you br take care you have a good one thanks for coming through hope I see you next time I mean if you would have gotten

First Sharks I would have given it to you but I mean we voted we voted I mean I did let everyone vote thank you for the subscription Richard sup dude how you doing Barrel what’s good what’s good all right here we go good luck have fun I’m only counting first place

Otherwise that would be really wrong of me to do that to sharks so I’m only counting first place if you don’t get first place you don’t get it we’re going to redo until somebody gets first place from our party all right do the gritty I did the gritty

Didn’t you see see I was gritting I thought I died Okay oh wow I barely made That nice no like IRL I can’t gritty IRL that’s breaking t it’d be so disgusting that it’ be like you know they don’t want to see it I’m going to sit out this you’re just going to sit out why you won you almost won last time you you have like the highest

Chance of winning again well I mean it’s up to you uh wait is that not magenta okay well I tried All right it’s zern wait zern is dead it’s Dia Sunset who else is just D and sunset well that just kind of ruined the motivation I had for winning but you didn’t win you literally didn’t win you got second place you can’t be mad about getting second place and not getting a

Point for it snuggly was just better what do you want me to say I got lucky that game though cuz I lagged back on the right block and you’re still getting mad even after you got that luck well okay don’t way I was standing last in the party we’re only

Doing first place from now on all right let’s just make it clear only first place if you’re not in the party and someone else gets like first place you don’t get it for any game from now on that’ll be that’ll make it like way more simple

You don’t want to do pixel party no worries you don’t have to do pixel party wait did everyone in our party die like who’s left okay well good job diap phobics you’re the first winner and you know what we’re only going to make each game one point one point every

Game is one point it’ll just make it way easier all right well it’s time to uh spin the wheel see what we get American bedw wars Keep in mind each week it’ll be a different [Applause] Game thank for the follow arcade Minecraft Player here you go SL party join kendoka if you’d like I have my armed texture pack we’re ready to go uh all right here we go armed to bedw Wars time join the party on God oh God why that’s why it’s a tournament there’s going to be just all kinds of uh all

Kinds of games arcade Minecraft player okay sounds good Sharks all right let’s see how many people do we got 11 okay well um I think we have 10 now I think we can do doubles now all right I’ll be on Blue Team blue Team I can’t believe it’s American bedw wars can your making a mistake what you Mean all right good Luck are you Ready I don’t know if they’re ready um I’m the only one on Mumble I just realized oh I’m also deafened who coconut mauled me That coconut all out of Here all righty let’s let’s go get let’s go get some good Stuff I want to get like the good guns oh my gosh am I am I a little too far yes yes yes okay we’re good Good kill him yeah they they’re scared they’re scared brother was that you arcade wait there’s Mumble yeah I just updated the Discord uh with the with the Mumble stuff what the hell what was that sound Oh um mining fatigue heal pull and this is exactly why we get mining fatigue get out of here and we have heel pool too let’s go let’s go uh TNT Fireball and then destroy the rest Okay what okay well hopefully that kills him that wasn’t worth it I didn’t even realize I wasn’t really paying attention not going to even cap bro he really died oh my gosh that took so long to save up for Bro nice good d oh thank you thank you I do Appreciate let’s go I’m crazy with It okay okay we’re doing Okay um can I buy anything everything’s so expensive man I’m just going to save oh we’re just going to save no way No what what is that KB my teammate’s got it though my teammates got it are you running away yeah you better be afraid you better be scared oh my God he just really got those diamonds and left what a jerk ooh I’m too crazy with it bro he literally just took the

Diamonds and left all right we’re going to get better armor we need to survive these gunshots bro we’re getting better Armor all right and your boy it’s bu the SMG baby all right it’s it’s time it’s time I got to buy some other Stuff all right here we go SMG in hand is he just hiding behind there what happened to him I don’t bro they’re playing so annoying dude they’re playing so annoying how did that not kill him uh armed uh that’s what I’m saying do I think he has a

Rifle I need to get these diamonds we need more Diamonds oh we can get better Pro oh [ __ ] they’re shooting at me okay I’m out of here no please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please why oh my gosh I hate this game this game is so ass oh my God and now look at him he’s running away with my diamonds

This [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] no no no you guys are [ __ ] dead to me girl you guys are [ __ ] dead to me dude oh my gosh how [ __ ] dare you dude [ __ ] imbeciles how much health do you have damn like infinite Health Okay bro they’re being so annoying they literally stole all my diamonds I spent so long getting those now you’re not getting these diamonds from me whatever I’m not even mad bro I’m not even mad my teammate’s got it never mind my teammate does not got It yes yes go run run grab those diamonds and run I’ll be I’ll be I’ll be your bodyguard run dude run get those diamonds and run it’s not even worth it I hope he I hope he got the [ __ ] out of L dog if he dies and we lose more

Diamonds I’m going to be so sad put the diamonds away did you put the diamonds away no there’s no way okay oh my gosh I’m just being shot At did you get the diamonds at least where are they I was going to say Bro all right um going to buy this going to buy This fornite no I’m scared of Ghosts oh my gosh that’s so annoying I have to like one V one one guy while the other guys just like shooting at me I’m so angry oh my gosh okay it’s okay bro I we’ve just been fighting red team this whole time what the hell is

Gray team even doing dude they’re going to gray team’s going to be so [ __ ] stacked it’s not going to be even funny cuz they’re probably just getting the emeralds right now cuz red team just keeps [ __ ] with us oh my gosh red team stop greaty team’s going to destroy

Both of us if we keep doing this [ __ ] they just keep stealing the diamonds and leaving A all right we need to get like stacked bro we are so low on bro did not just fall down bro come on dude come on man come on bro you can’t be dying like That it’s okay you know what it’s okay you know what it’s okay I got this i got this your boy’s got this your boy has got this bro oh my gosh I’m a freaking sniper oh my Gosh No no way they went for me bro there’s no way they went for me vertex why the [ __ ] did you go for me why didn’t you just kill red I knew great team was going to be getting stacked I knew it and but red team didn’t listen they

Didn’t want to listen no they didn’t want to listen to Grandpa Ken too old to be playing this Boomer game oh my gosh bro now we’re going to die greaty team’s getting our bed as we speak I know you’re here gray team where are you you inis

Boy where are you I know they’re here vertex I can smell you smell the sweat actually I don’t actually don’t know where vertex is ver oh vertex is over there you know what vertex it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay vertex how many [ __ ] Fireballs do you got what the hell verx oh don’t

Shoot me see this is what I was afraid of red team this is what I was afraid of red team this is what I was afraid of red team oh my gosh red te team why oh [ __ ] why is our bed exposed oh my gosh bro we’re so screwed bro red team was

Ganging up on us that whole time for what for this all right well we’re going to go guns of Blazing man all right the goal is to survive honestly that’d be nice if we can survive Okay if we can survive till beds are gone we’ll be good we’ll be good that’s my goal survive till beds are Gone oh great team’s like right there oh no no no no no really dog really vertex fire how you doing did I mute you I’m I’m muting the ghosty goo yes all ghosts are dead those cannot talk to Me where are we supposed to go where where are we going where are we going it’s going to be up here man it’s been fun steel it’s been fun but you know it’s uh it’s been fun man it’s been fun GG’s GG’s know we tried we tried you know we

Surviv at least red team didn’t kill us man at least red team didn’t kill us hey suck that GFF buddy good times man all right well Zer and vertex you guys get a point each hey suck that buddy fortnite battle pass and that’s how I know I got to mute

Myself all right we’re going to add a player here um zered add you get one and then vertex we’re going to add vertex and you get one point as well so we got a third three-way tie currently it’s time to see what the next game is it’s quick craft

All right guys it’s quack crack craft Time you guys ready Okay all righty good luck have fun I hope you Win oh ye has departed if they win nobody gets it nobody gets it and we have to redo all right here we go what holy [ __ ] no this map is Ass oh [ __ ] Me oh my gosh How what who even shot Me no I’m trying to be like John Wick how you doing though fire hopefully you’re doing well oh my gosh Dude dude how so Frustrating caught you lacking oh my gosh I got caught Lacking what oh [ __ ] it’s a rat what’s up he said like what’s up and then he died all right no I can’t oh GG’s zern won good job zern all right all right Zs in first place congratulations diap fobic and vertex in second place all right we’re

Spinning the wheel again let’s see what it Is it is build battle build battle yes all right well we have 10 people so we’re doing guess the build cuz it’s more fun all right here we go you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome are you happy if you’re happy and you know what clap your

Hands I I say only one person is Happy everyone else is depressed okay very nice anyways uh good luck is yes a build time why your music choices better than like 90% of movies well I appreciate that Nick I just choose songs I like all right Sunset build something

Cool that tell me what it is that’s cheating can you tell me what it is is that cheating also I like how leaks instantly lost right what is this what is this Um it looks like a pastry uh bowl of rice uh soup wait somebody got it Right what is this What What Starbucks I did not tell you the answer enm how you doing what’s good you going to play bedw Wars yeah we’ve been playing all kinds of games all kinds of games I I don’t know how El to build it oh it’s so easy what is this [Laughter] macaroons they fall from cheese

Canen there’s no way coconut there’s really oh my gosh you’re right oh my god did I not see that bro all right well it’s coconut it’s it’s not can I add you well you can come into my party if you want but if you’re only trying to play bedwar we might not

Play bedwar for a little bit cuz we’re doing like random Hypixel games right now we’re doing like a Tournament yo MC Cho how you doing what’s good all right Ryder what are we building here radar creat what radar Cloud is this is this a cloud why you laughing is this a submarine like I’m what oh oh I know what it is let’s go I figured it out this is actually a

Good build this is actually a good build this is actually a really good build I’m actually knew what it was let’s go co hanger I just put hanger but that works let’s go all right steel what are we building how do I join the party I do have want

Party in the twitch chat I’ll give you all the instructions right now the the person who’s in first place only has two points so it’s really easy to catch up right now if you’d like to catch up Now’s the Time thank you Sunset all what is

This sir what what am I what am I looking at right now what is is this thing what have you built oh this so easy what do you mean this is so easy how is this so Easy what what kind of word is this snail what I mean I guess I I see it now all right well okay I got I got to like cover up my screen guys I can’t I can’t let you uh see what I’m building okay well I’m gonna I’m going to start

Building don’t don’t look at my screen you you you cheaters all right don’t look at my screen don’t be don’t be a cheater all right oh my gosh you guys are cheaters you guys are all cheaters oh my gosh you guys are a bunch of Cheaters man what’s

This is why I don’t I can’t play this game bro cuz you guys literally look at my screen and cheat man unbelievable bunch of Cheaters man I didn’t see your screen how’d you get it then how the game’s the game you know what it’s whatever I’m not I’m not even I’m

Not even I’m not even in I’m in all right sounds good you might want to like do some duels cuz this game might last a couple more minutes and just a heads up it’s okay wood Square what is this what is this bro house Treasure Chest why is you why did

You pick the longest One what is this treasure chesty uh my 1.8 booting up right now let’s go sailboat I don’t I don’t know I don’t oh it’s just checker board no way Bro oh my gosh bro you’re on Luna now okay okay all right vertex this better be a beautiful build or I’m going to be pissed off look at me vert look at me this all right go ahead vertex what are we building okay what the hell is this supposed to me just

Go what is this what what what is this dude I already guess Rubik’s Cube and it’s not it no way I spelled it wrong there’s no way dude I spelled it [ __ ] wrong I knew what it was too I’m so mad watch your mouse I use a glorious

Model D sir dude I spelled it wrong that’s I’m just dumb [ __ ] that’s so sad all right hey Dr Dr oink you better build something amazing all right look at look at me look at me all right what are you building I wish I had a g g Mouse I don’t even

Know what that Is I don’t know how to spell you’re you’re good what is this how do you guys get it I don’t understand what what is this dog what yo I have no idea how is it not that how is it not rocket how is it not rocket what is this how what what

What I don’t I don’t know what this is why is my face so big yes marker it’s a marker what okay I mean I mean okay it’s not it’s not bad it’s not bad but like I was not expecting Mar all you better not done [ __ ] up now you better not done

[ __ ] up oh yeah Z’s not on Mumble I forgot wait is proximity chat on yeah there is proximity chat right now uh all the information is in the Discord so if you want to join build something build something what is This what what what what is this What wait what is this word why is it so long I have a model o all I have is I wish I have a model o I have a office Mouse hey bro you can get pretty far with the office Mouse but we do giveaways and stuff very soon NM so you

Might you might be in the works of winning something especially cuz we’re doing tournaments right now we’re in the Discord it’s called Mumble make Char bro I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re building man what is this like a like get less points if nobody gets it

Right oh nice what is it like a staple to use the restroom like what is this dog photograph photographer what shower curtain what what I don’t I even know what this is bro What photograph how imagine if you Ken got a low taper fade I mean well I get the low taper

Fade all over because it’s not even a taper or a fade there’s ads boo Yes why K Ken brick did I not type in Brick I kept typing it in wrong [ __ ] it’s fine it’s okay I’m not even mad it’s fine I was going to lose this anyways it’s okay it’s okay I’m not I’m not I’m not even mad it’s Fine is this a couch that’s what I but yeah stairs what is this living room I have I do not know you’re downloading it sounds good I don’t know what this is man what oh it it definitely was that what it’s not living room what oh it’s

What it was television and you built the couch first brother why all right well zern got another [ __ ] point Boo oh my gosh bro all right anyways we do have Mumble on if you if you’d like if You’ like to turn on Mumble we do have it on uh make sure you have proximity on or I will mute you just just a heads up um okay so we got

To give ear another point now he has three wins bro what the [ __ ] even is this this is Cap this is ass all right here we go all right I’m going to go ahead spin the wheel of Doom what are we doing next what are these points for I just

Joined I’m actually going to kill myself I’m actually going to kill myself bro I’m actually going to kill myself oh my gosh I’m actually going to kill myself oh my gosh so I just put like a a whole bunch of random games and every week I

Want to do a list of random games and this happened to be on here this is this is sad anyways we’re doing uh uh something called a uh MTS CJ basically uh we’re doing Minecraft tournament series our Minecraft tournament Saturdays we do a whole bunch of different games and um yeah and whoever

Has the most amount of wins at the end will get uh their name immortalize in the Discord for now but I kind of want to do like uh lunar cos or ranks or whatever or merch uh in the future so that’s the plan okay [ __ ] I really don’t want to do turbo Kart

Racers I’m really not trying to do turbo Kart Racers right now but you guys always want it so you know what this is for you where the hell even is it is it even here I don’t even see it wait where’s turbo Kart Racers dog is it

Gone is there any chance I can win yeah uh CJ the most points someone has right now is zern with three so as long as you win three games you’ll be ahead of zern or they’re the same so yeah wait I think turbo Kart Racers is gone am I am I

Tripping oh it’s in classic oh you right you right you you’re right Ken dog 3 sus is that what it looks like on YouTube Luca on the twitch it looks different wait why is this paintball Warfare okay that is easy zeris F bro hey yo all right oh this game Mode’s

Too big we have too many people on the party let’s go we don’t have to do do it yay yay let’s go all right let’s see what we Get we got PVP run all right well we got PVP run oh no okay 10 there’s it’s not it’s not badges K10 it’s a Minecraft tournament series I think you missed the announcement there’s going to be a tournament where you can earn Cosmetics ranks merch and more well right now it’s

Just Discord stuff but very soon okay so we got to do uh this game oh what the [ __ ] was that all right PVP run here we go all right good luck everybody have a good time ain’t coming the best comeback of all time well you better come in quick I think it’s time

Are you in here getbody I think you are okay two one Let’s Jam oh what are these stupid ass settings I forgot about This Hello Why is steel running from me stop running steel yes Yes this game Mode’s so ried why is TTS broken I don’t know why TTS is Broken really sharks all right well you have a good night no You me see what you got just shake that ass [ __ ] let me see what you got shake that ass [ __ ] let me see what you why are we still here really just to suffer that’s how you’re going to every night that’s how you’re going to go out I can feel my leg

By making me die and my arm that’s that’s really what we’re doing my fingers that’s what we’re doing the body I’ve lost that’s messed up sharks that’s messed up see this is this is karma sharks this is why you can’t win the tournament you do stuff like this unbelievable all right butd you

Have a good night sharks take care all right well I was literally winning but it’s fine I was the first one to die were You what the [ __ ] get them Leaks get them get them Leaks get Them get him leaks Dr oink is a weirdo dude targeted me for real he well at least we’ll have a new winner unless diaph fobic wins okay the whole point of PVP is to kid each other you fools you guys are like playing this as if it’s like normal spliff Yafo okay Ryder is like get him yeah get him fight back Ryder fight back don’t go down without a fight don’t go down without a fight fight back don’t you have any slow potions yeah get them oh well that’s that’s probably not good oh [ __ ] he’s coming back he’s coming back

I’m back welcome back fire oh yeah join join the party I don’t really know how to Naruto run when I’m dead it’s kind of Random I it shows that I am but I don’t think I actually am using Mumble yeah we on that Mom’s young Mumble you already know what it is who’s still alive I I hear a keyboard are you still alive okay Norm’s still alive Who’s down here is there anyone down here wait

Who’s still alive oh Norm diaph boic leaks and Dr O I feel like Norm might win this as long as Norm doesn’t fall Who’s down here though Brandon thank you for the follow I appreciate you leaks you better not die now I gave You Skellington hey Brandon how you Doing go Norm go Norm okay what this is this taking forever what the hell they’re not even fighting anymore fight each other all right otherwise I’m going to start giving positions get them diap phobics kill them kill them kill Norm destroy the norm destroy him I want to see

Destruction all right for all my dead homies let’s do a doggo battle cuz we haven’t done One all my Dead Homie to the voting all right Norm are you going to even fight dog are you even a Fighter Z his ass ich she is that what you’re going to come in and say to zern zern why you got so many haters all in on right all right I believe you vertex good luck you should play Among Us in real life sus I don’t know why TTS gu doesn’t

Work I thought I fixed it but I guess not hold up let me let me try to fix it Again Hey good Job The party is full are you serious wait who won who won diabolic good Job all right Diap phobic with two wins second place secured why to break from the ad canny start just lying what what do you mean what is going on Winnie is an honest man what why is what come on bro what’s wrong with Winnie dude what’s wrong with win I think

Winnie just has a vendetta against you do you know why why does Winnie have a vendetta against you I want to I want to know why Vinnie said Blitz SG is the next game by the Way all right guys I think we can have more people for blitz absg so I’m going to change the max player to 24 and there we go and uh Um all right here we go I made it I made the party bigger so you can join up bigger party bigger Party maxtra join maxtra you can easily win this I feel why’ you ban ity Bridge Godlike for what you know he’s a trying to get under your skin right Zern now bro you been doing [ __ ] in the Discord and game in Minecraft and in stream I don’t want him here what is itchy all itchy winning says to me is Turbo Kart Racers CU zern lost a bridge One V one with me that’s why he beef I’m very confused Yo K how long is it 20 for well as long as the stream goes on dang bro that’s what I’m saying blue haired Bounty for Dr oink yeah we’ve been doing a turny this whole time maabo all right how many people do we got we got 20 all right hi maxtra how you

Doing all right we’re playing Hypixel hop High pixel hoplight yeah I have no idea why the TTS doesn’t work like it should be working just fine but it’s not working it’s not working it’s not working Working [Applause] should be good I don’t know very strange oh my gosh I’m hella lagging why am I lagging so much you guys took everything man game loading I’m coming why the party muted because uh chicken Mi wanted to go ahead and spam the whole time so that’s

Why bro what is this like why am I getting like two frames you got targeted Again all right let’s have some food wait so you’re dead then zered you just died you got you got bro you got a A Nick my dude if you’re getting targeted that much bro really oh gosh man well that sucks that was just unfortunate I didn’t

Think he was there Jesus well this will be a good time to use the restroom okay uh I’ll watch vertex all right BRB BRB I’m going to use the restroom we’ll do a coin Flippo We’ll watch Extra Yeah Good job to Tails okay are you guys even try there’s still 13 people left are they even trying is Mumble on yeah Mumble is on Oops K we’ll read this like an idiot because it made a call sound effect yes it works CGS works by the way people are teaming who’s teaming who’s teaming let’s out them yes we’re doing roulee I love roulee it’s too bad I died chilling Vibes GG’s yeah TGs did Work mextra just chilling in the wilderness what are you doing mextra L1 teamer died that’s what you know that’s what I’m talking about big claps big claps for killing the teamers hell yeah all right let’s go watch what is chicken doing okay chicken mix is chasing some dude oh oh M

Oh o that was M nasty if you know what I’m Saying all right there we go make nasty ain’t that right chicken mix where he where’s he going Hollywood’s 2000 was to Let’s Take a Look Georgia Doodles is chilling here how about Hollywood Hollywood’s chilling here uh uh-oh are they going to fight oh [ __ ] Starfall get him get him star get

Him get him star get him L1 teamer died all right you must have really pissed off eared my dude all right not currently you guys are just out in the wilderness the death match is already going to happen all right I’m going to get another drink before the death match happens you know what [ __ ] it we’ll do a

Doggo battle vote up Spee spe spe Spee Deepsy What all Right Righto all right well this will be the end of the blitz match hurry up and kill each other for [ __ ] sake me and Zer been waiting MRA Stacks cuz mextra is too good for you guys mextra mextra mextra ra extra maxtra maxtra oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] leaks run run leaks run Oh bro I kill someone then another dude jumped me then I killed him then another dude jumped me dude that’s how this game works unfortunately who’s left George a Hollywood maxtra oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is it this is it who do you think is going to take it I’m fine with This wait Winnie you should be back by the way all right well GG’s Georgia doodle you did it okay guys good job Georgia doodle Mr okay I got to mute myself bro what the [ __ ] is that this is why I don’t like doing [ __ ] uh proximity cuz it

It just turns into meme time um um Georgia doodle all right you got one you’re in third place next Game it’s Time okay we definitely have way too many people for dropper I’m like 99 9% sure yeah we have like way too many people in fact we have 21 people there’s only a couple games we can play thank you for the subscription Christie um okay well we can’t do dropper unfortunately and parvine play

UHC private UHC I don’t know if I’m about that life to be honest bro mini walls can we do mini walls I think we have too many people right Okay I think we have too many People yep we have too many people um well we just going to keep rolling we just got to keep rolling what the [ __ ] Lucky Block SkyWars this this is going to be [ __ ] cringe this is about to be so cringe oh my gosh you guys ready for some cringe all right here we

Go look at this furry tiger shark you smell like smell like Hey where’s Lucky Block okay lucky block all right here we go this will be so fun it was extra best player here is what you see I see where is where are you team selector at all wait is this Lucky

Block when you got banned from the Discord are you serious damn why is zern so mad zern stay mad bro this this man is upset all right here we go lucky block SkyWars this should be interesting I got a magic sty stick what does that even do what the [ __ ] just

Happened what the I have two aspect of the drag yes I want it give it to me give it to me give it to me oh okay well there they again oh no he has a bridge egg yes I do I have a diamond chest plate oh what the

[ __ ] were you invis what the hell what the [ __ ] was that and why is it all watery here really cool no do oh wait I used it wrong watch this that hurts yeah watch watch ow okay Bye yes oh hi what’s up chilling oh [ __ ] they’re shooting at Us oh my gosh what the [ __ ] hey this has protection three this has only protection one but has blast protection okay oh yo yo I’m out of here We what is this oh what no oh I was just chilling I got scared ah what the [ __ ] what is that help what the [ __ ] no what the hell steel what’s your problem man oh my God Steel I hate you all right well my teammate’s still alive at least you got this chilling

Don’t let him win don’t let him win no run chilling run no chilling no no don’t yes let’s go chill’s Godlike chill in your Godlike all right there’s eight players left six teams left you got some interesting teams here oh [ __ ] uh-oh chilling run chilling run no chilling all right GG’s you did

Really good though you did really good I can’t even be mad you did really good GG iic and I hate you Ryder I wonder what happened all right the teams are looking pretty crazy we have some interesting team vertex Rider what you see is I see furry tiger shark and leaks we technically

Have two win I I am very stacked I have I have a devil’s contract I could end the game when I wanted to well then go go k please end the game so we can move on a moment I’m getting stacked I have every single Lucky Block at Mid every

Single one oh my God K it’s me itching winning I’m baned from the Discord too zern probably did it Winnie cuz he probably pissed him off’s the lucky rule I just got speed for all game oh cool I like that one I didn’t ban you Winnie it wasn’t me oh I finally

Got a sword I have I have a sword until now by the way I have to I got let’s go I don’t know what what kind of beef you and Zer g into any I have no idea all I done was call him ass as a joke he said you’ve been bothering him

All week I’m not sure man like I said I I’ve already unbanned you from twitch Winnie I already did so I don’t I don’t need do either I don’t know why you’re saying it’s not working I have to do it on Discord Too oh he here running away from that come here he did not they were being rude for no reason in the Discord you’re talking about Winnie oh Winnie I don’t know about that though you like explosion Z made false allegations you want aspect of the dragons in your

Face why are you talking about dragons in the face cuz it’s the aspect come here come here where come here this sword heals me every time I hit you oh bro it broke oh no Ryder kind of [ __ ] you up there get him get him I can hear the mashing mashed potatoes

Oh oh oh bro bro you threw let’s go so easy so easy Mago you threw well I mean this is my first I’ve been managing a server all day and the server imploded on itself because now I got to get freaking Rider a point man you know how painful

That is expect me to do anything please Canen I I hate I hate having to award ride or anything okay I’m not trying to do that please please can Can all right I’ve added Rider and what you these I see easy not even a challenge oh wait that’s you cjr I forget this is also cjr I’m going to put cjr okay All right next game how many people do we got in the party man unmute for real nah you guys are all yelling I want to get through this I would in Ultimate Bed Wars I think we had a lot of people leave the party we have 17 there has to be one person who’s like AFK right there has to be one person who’s AFK who’s AFK who’s AFK who’s AFK who’s AFK who’s AFK who’s AFK is there an AFK

Person diap phobic said me I’m AFK you’re not AFK obviously diaph foric Uh who should we kick who should we Kick who should we I’m feeling like ryer wait someone just joined the party someone just joined the party man kick Rider now no now we’d have to kick more than one I’m on all yeah I realized you know what I’m going off I’m going off the

Rails I’m going crazy with it okay I’m going to play a game that I know for sure people are going to leave my ears [ __ ] hurt you could drain them yeah that’s true but this is easier I know people hate ctw all right so we’re doing ctw and for

This one uh who whoever gets top top kills wins actually [ __ ] it no let’s do if you’re first placeing kills you get a you get a point if you get a wool you get a point deal first place in kills you get a point and uh if you get any wool you get

A point let’s get it All right here we go can you guys like bridge for me cuz I’m bad yeah that’s what I’m talking about Yeah okay okay this is easy oh did you just fall okay we’re good we’re good here we go we going to Bow hold them yeah bow hold them get them get him yeah get him get him charge oh my gosh I got killed it’s all good all right here we

Go here we go all right am I going to go get the wool am I going to try to get number one kill getting number one kill is pretty hard cuz everyone here is pretty stacked but is it really kind important though yes all right maybe I can just get a

Wall that actually shouldn’t be too bad give me this Gap PE hello I’m sorry I needed the kills I need to get the kills and I also need to get this wool no what the freak Oh no I died that’s some [ __ ] bro that is some [ __ ] I can’t believe I died the be Hopper the be hopper Hopper bee Hopper be Hopper be Hopper get the be Hopper get the be Hopper get the be Hopper I don’t think oh oh no oh we got

Him oh wow we just got the be you’re bad and pickle how you Doing we got the bee Hopper you know it always feels good killing bee Hoppers man it’s like what I like to do in my spare time what’s up guys fight me ryer stop running why are you running why are you running why are you run oh he died damn all right here we Go all right we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don’t want to talk about that why is my doggo tripping why are you not ready to answer any questions you’re always ready to answer questions doggo hey why did we not complete these

Bridges man no way my teammate just died no no no that’s my kill boy that’s my kill hell yeah I only have five kills that’s so sad I only have five kills I need more I need more I need more kills or I need to get a wool one of the two Huh oh no why Why yes giveing them kills give me them kills I need them all right we kind of going crazy do you do high voice do I sound crazy stop beeh hopping you little beeh Hopper ugly ass beeh hopper you’re so ugly you’re ugly you’re ugly why are you be hopping

And running away you’re bad stop oh my God you’re so ugly oh my God yes I well who got top kills all well leaks leaks vertex get and chilling Vibes congratulations all right to war one who’s beeh hopping who’s a little beeh Hopper huh who’s a beeh hopper it was a [Applause]

Random oh my God they’re in the party we’re going to get banned for boosting all right n yeah I think I think it was Ken that was me that was me suck that Buddy they Join okay all right there we go is struggling I’m not struggling the fck man you guys that’s some [ __ ] anyways I’ll be on Blue Team can the tournament’s too much pressure for me well that sounds like a you problem not a me problem to be

Honest okay well I got to get points so who who got who got points I’ll just random chilling Vibes K if I’m on your team we’re losing why would you say that to me what the F you guys ready to rock and roll the plan boss well the plan is to um first

Make sure you have your ultimate set to what you want it to be wi that’s not I mean that’s that’s also a good plan but uh all right let’s see I’m going to go with the kangaroo double Jump really Rick Roll all right let’s get it and pickle you got that Rick Roll mex’s Cracked all right we need we need a diamond Squad so someone who gets diamonds Diamond Squad I’ll be Diamond Squad I’m cool with that Coming yeah red is coming all right uh mining fatigue at least we have something all right I’m with maxtra no all right that’s what you get TIG yeah yeah what thought that’s what I thought yeah you dead okay well he’s gone now it’s kind of funny being able to

Talk to the ghost after you killed them thanks for feeding the dog pickle I appreciate that the Dogo needs to be fed dog always gets hungry iob incoming incoming wait who’s incoming oh [ __ ] man yeah bro I used that did you see that kangaroo jump that was sick hell yeah all

Right uh we need to get min fatigue again all right and boom okay [ __ ] why is yellow getting these diamonds these are my diamonds man these are my diamonds Hey how many did he get only two that’s it that’s three you didn’t get any of the M it’s kind of crazy to Me a [ __ ] it’s not what I wanted to See Oh woo all right k um the three top Killers actually all tied for capture the wall game oh so I guess uh we’ll have to give them all a point that works yeah I think it was no what the [ __ ] was that looking good what was that no

More all right um I’m going to get jump boost and be a menace you got this not the open it dude my kangaroo jump didn’t work ah okay well it worked then just if I have jump boost with kangaroo jump I’d be jumping all over the

Place all right here we go here we go [Applause] it’s just literally red team and just take a little sippity sippity sippity sip sippity zip Zippity zip you get like K you suck you’re not winning winning ah all right Well I think I need to have a a better strategy cuz they have glass which makes it very annoying that Starfall has reach Starfall has Reach I do not know of this reach Max said that star will hit them from four blocks Away what the [ __ ] was that oh my gosh that’s Cat you keep beating the dog pickle no no I have no W bro yeah let’s go no what the [ __ ] who was it is the guy with reach oh never mind um oh nice well we tried wait does Starfall actually have reach Alo who told you

Star has reach I don’t know someone said they have reach I’m not sure there’s like star has reach and I’m like what go diaph phobics oh I’m organs there’s no way bro diic I’ll B him and see okay I know he is not four blocking until I get up to 100 I will

Not I will stop oh my gosh die focus and I’m so good star what are you doing what is this game bro I don’t think anyone deserves points I’m going to be honest with you everyone’s ass wait can somebody uh tell me everyone who won the uh the cgw

Game hey suck that GP Buddy hey suck that GP buddy okay what you see is I see you get another Point notice all the color chilling Vibes you got in the Point Starfall Okay thank you Sunset so chilling Vibes Ken oh let’s go let’s go my first win and Dr oink okay Dr oink how about wool do you know who got the wool cuz I also said I’ll count wool leaks and vertex thank you so vertex you get another and then leaks I

Don’t think you’re on here so you’re added leaks all right if you want to uh see the leaderboard here you go damn I’m vibing to this music bro this music’s hype I have I have some like bangers on my on my playlist straight bangers so did I do

I get two points yeah you have two wins I got two wool though no no no we’re not going to do that otherwise it’s going to get too complicated good job though that just means nobody else got the point so you you C you basically made it so they couldn’t get it all

Right we’re spinning we spinning we spinning we oh hell no why is so many sple games today bro all right we’re doing bro bro spliff apparently and here we go you guys are ready hey suck that c buddy all right yo we’re doing bro sple

Can if I win can I give it to someone else no vertex said yeah yeah all right good luck have fun actually don’t have fun this game’s ass here we go good luck have fun I know I suck at both please me too me too but

You know what it’ll be it’ll be a good time it’ll be a good time right when why the [ __ ] are you keep singing Skyfall like what the hell can sh do you want me to mute you is that what that Means all right wait I forgot I have jump boost on [ __ ] oh well it’ll make it more Interesting hit Me Ooh Okay so are you um so Brant how you doing good to see you by sh by all righty Oh oh oh someone actually shot me okay we’re good how are you I’m doing good how are you doing I’m just chilling with doing like multiple games on Hypixel like all kinds of games we’re doing like a mini tournament we’re going to see who can get the most amount of wins for the

Night woooo okay I don’t think I’ve used a single double jump which is fantastic I’m Out okay we’re doing good we’re doing good so far I’m just keeping on the move cuz I know I’m being Targeted that’s really messed up bro that’s really That’s [ __ ] up man that’s [ __ ] up man do that to me Man bro don’t say you almost had it bro GG it’s funny bro yeah we have like a bunch of crazy rewards so if you want to do some crazy rewards you you can like like making me have no hands bro how you doing loog boy long time no

See oh pickle I can’t believe you saw that even s Brian saw that s fist only okay it doesn’t really make sense to do fist only when I’m you know what I’m not going to I’m not going to even it’s fine it’s bridg goon maxtra and vertex I think it’s zern

Mextra and vertex so uh we’ll see who wins we’re going to watch vertex here I think vertex is trying to be a killer on the streets you know I’m doing good not going to lie named only I got a new table ooh new table new upgrades where’d

You put the table you mean like for your room like a desk or you got like a dining room table the guy named only P only no okay that’s too funny bro and how do you check the leaderboard I have the link if you want to check

Who’s on the leaderboard I have the leaderboard here if you click the link I believe it’ll take you to uh the current leaderboard the current stats Zer is still winning with three points but there’s a lot of people who are very close game table that’s hype bro that’s very

Cool was it like one of those like Ikea ones ready to put it together yourself or did it come preassembled all right GG’s who won actually it wasn’t uh vertex congratulations good job bro all right all right let’s see the standings yeah probably all right

Vertex oh we have a tie for first place between vertex and zern currently so whoever breaks this tie will be the winner of this week we have a tie for second and a tie for third as well all right here we go it’s time to spin the wheel void how you doing I’m

Doing good how are you good to see you I’m just at Zero it’s okay Sunset insane SkyWars why is it always SkyWars bro all right insane SkyWars time oh my gosh dude I’m not trying to do Insane SkyWars man all right here we go insane SkyWars time it

Is I’m doing good I can’t wait to play with you again yeah me too VY I’m happy to see you my Dude I love watching The Suffering really DB is this what we’re doing now watching me suffer all right I want to be with the winner I I want to be with what you see with I see cuz cuz he carries me why you want to get carried

Bro because I suck oh well I mean that that kind of makes sense that does make sense I recently moved so I got to get a new setup I feel that bro dude moving is such a big hassle but like once you get everything set up it’s

So fun cuz I could get diamond sword diamond sword hello hi are you ready to try our best and hopefully maybe survive for half the game that’d be nice a random kid that’d be nice all sucks well you know what you know we we’ll you know we’ll just we’ll

Make do it’s fine it’s fine it’s like a Time teleport back thingy okay okay was there any uh armor in that chest that you need uh there was an iron chest plate yeah okay um I’ll I’ll give you wait wait I already wait do you have armor like is your armor

Good I have Pro three leather is it like halfway on the prot scale or is it like five or it’s prop three oh here well take take take take this one that I think that’ll be a little bit better okay uh where shall we go oh I also have

Two oh I I’ll take one thank you thank you all right oh thank you perfect I think I yeah my echo things okay nice all right did you die it’s empty oh shoot I’m losing a lot of Health quick oh my gosh man they’re not letting

Up hey what happened to my ICE Bridge what the heck it probably disappeared I don’t no I I’m supposed to have like multiple but I don’t know it’s it’s okay though I actually hit someone nice let’s get it and they’re running around they’re scared oh I hit the

Pr there we go now I’m hitting my shots there we go oh [ __ ] that’s probably not good D there are four 3 2 one oh oh what no oink oink why would you do this why would you do this oink that’s [ __ ] up man that’s messed up oink I don’t care

That’s still messed up oink oink is [ __ ] oh I can’t believe you oh well GG’s well let’s see it’s leaks no vertex Wayne oink and Dia we’ll see who takes this everyone else died go all right we’ll see we’ll see you know what for all my dead homies

Let’s just do a doggo battle V left to right man I can’t believe I died to oink just sneaking up against us man that’s crazy me me and sunset we were vibing dude we were vibing it’s all good though I’m not a big SkyWars fan anyways the games have been kind of

Mid we’re almost through the list though so we’ll see how many people uh uh how do I say your name a aim partis what do you want me to call you how you doing abose abose abusen ab hello yeah wi’s taking a beating right now link is taking a Beating left oh my God somebody just made like so Much this is it this is it oh oh the clutch that clutch was insane rip back to 30k oh no only 30k what mean while like most people in the chat only have like 500 go run vertex run oh my neck just crackalacka all right well leaks and Congratulations leaks and no congratulations congratulations leaks and no leaks and no congratulations all right well let’s give the points a leaks and then no I think this is your first win I’m just going to say no all right very good very good spin time No are you no no no what are these games man wait I love TNT tag no these games are mid what you put them on there wait what do we get what that was Random all right it’s time guys it’s time this is going to going be so mid all right here we go t Tay tag oh my God I know I know I didn’t want to do this either I didn’t want to do this either game we have to follow what he

Says yeah it is true it is true all right here we go good luck have fun what if you if I win it well then I get another point Jes because Ken hates everybody all he is Ken hates it why is he chasing me hi again that’s fine that’s what I

Wanted why is there jump boost for every game because you suck nice k Hey man just get 10 he’s bullying me yeah that’s what you get I I bully children that’s what I do what do you mean Hey where’s my jump boost no my jump boost what the [ __ ] that is wait you died too oh my gosh bro that is some

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] I can’t believe I died bro that’s some [ __ ] man my jump boost just ran out randomly I’m upset dog what the hell yeah yeah you guys are just chilling up here Okay okay wait did you do dog color Sunset and then changeed back to the original color that’s actually pretty funny it’s only happened like a few times ever that’s crazy why are they just hiding back there I see you guys hiding Sant give it Sant give it no no GG’s Sunset GG’s All right where are they going Next Temper say Yo all right this’s game might diap fobic versus max tempy how you doing hello hello what’s good bro good to see you how you been hopefully you been well hope everything’s going good with you we’re doing a little bit of TNT tag obviously I died cuz I’m trash but you

Know we don’t we don’t even to talk about that we don’t we don’t need we don’t need to talk about that you know it’s all good it’s all good just showing you’re doing good I’m happy to hear that bro happy to hear that we’re doing some

Proximity chat I don’t know if it’s like a good thing temp I’m going to be honest with you have no idea but I was like let’s give it a try and it’s been chilling but yes six more players left we’re doing like a little mini tournament right now we’re doing just

Random games on Hypixel I put like a random list of games on Hypixel in like a wheel you spin that wheel it chooses a game and then we play and then whoever has the most wins uh gets her name immortalized within the Discord so we’re having a good time here

Hopefully you’re chilling having a good time as Well all right did you just say but all right do you see what I see why are you running why are you running huh why are you running where’s he going do you see what I see all right let’s let’s let’s take a look at what he’s

Doing just uh yeah I’ve been watching it seems SP so I came on in well I appreciate it thank you bro no way you giving my cords right stop giving my cords out dude I’m going to give all your cords out all the time stop giving

My cords out I’m going to give those cords out everybody here’s the chords for um your boy do you see what I see oh my God I don’t like him wait don’t don’t worry I’ll find how how you doing over here are you hiding are you hiding no keep are you

Hiding no you think you think you’re hidden up on this blob you think you think you’re hiding you think this is a good hiding spot no everyone can see you now you’ve been you’ve been displayed on live no D [ __ ] oh oh I [ __ ] no over I

[ __ ] no over oh no I actually [ __ ] no over no way I’m so sorry no okay diap phobics what are you doing bro diic stop posting cords dog they’re they’re really posting chords now that’s crazy that’s crazy all right it’s leaks versus the goon goon versus reek somewhere Else wait who died oh all right good job leaks congratulations you have gone another point congratulations leaks I hate this game me too all right well we leaks vertex and Z all iny dusty with a three win streak can you prusty Dy agent okay well that’s the easiest way to get yourself

Muted okay okay Oh yo it’s your F frog slime I mean how you doing Xavier Hungry Wolf thank you for the follow football I think we have too many people pretty sure we have too many people for Football you’re doing good I’m happy to hear that yo what’s good hi pixel says how many people’s Hypixel says how many people’s Hypixel says Um oh it’s too large okay we can’t do Hypixel says all right take care Sunset good Night let’s see let’s see all right I guess we’re doing cgw again well since we already did it we can just remove it so we’re not doing Multiple okay we only have like a few games left it looks like we’re doing bounty hunters all right bounty hunters since we already did ctw so you don’t have any uh reduce all right a bounty hunters it is wait party size is too big okay never mind we’re not doing bounty hunters

We’re rolling again all right we only have a couple choices here Bridge we have too many people for bridge currently we have 15 people so we got to remove that too oh my gosh all right I think we have too many people for throw out too wa what do you know it’s better

Wars wow who would have thought okay all right let’s go to bread Wars how many people do we got hey suck that glyph buddy we got 15 people is this everybody 4v4 V4 Bridge there’s no hey suck that glyph buddy let let me show you real quick it’s a common

Misconception but there is no 4v4 V4 Bridge bro there’s only 3 V3 V3 V3 4v4 but no no unfortunately not unfortunately not um yeah breakup it’s called shaving or like buzzing my hair off every day SkyWars doubles we already did SkyWars all right we’re going to do a

4v4 V4 there’s going to be a team of three but you know what I believe in you guys you know I believe in you guys I believe in the team of three you know I I really do I think they can do it you know I believe they’re a bunch of

Winners I think they’re good at the game but we’ll find out are we going to be the team of three bro you know what I’ll be you guys you guys really you guys really join bro I wanted to be with tempy this is what you’re going to do to

Me well I feel like we’re going to probably lose this but uh we’ll give it we’ll give a we’ll give a try want to be like you f to go B right now why if you have a beautiful hair if a beautiful hair if you have beautiful hair then don’t get

Rid of it my [ __ ] was thinning bro cuz I’m a boomer and it looked bad so I was like man [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’d rather be a baly than be a a a ugly that doesn’t even make sense all right i’ I already [ __ ] up the want me

To do a TNT jump I don’t think I did a TNT jump from from before but okay fine I’m down TNT feels like buying TNT is such a waste what is this bed defense bro this is so Bad the worst bed defense I’ve ever done whatever it’s fine I re I rejected a girl I don’t think I’m giving her the Pizza Hut number was a good idea what’s wrong with the Pizza Hut number bro I always give the Pizza Hut number when I reject people you

Know yeah how do you feel about that huh how do you feel about that oh [ __ ] well okay I died Pizza nut what that’s that’s crazy all right what are the teams bro ryer stop stop stop got him thank you thank you deson hello how you

Doing all right I’m going to get mem’s you know what I’m saying oh [ __ ] I’m going to get em m m get them M wait who took all the [ __ ] M bro all right let’s just get green team cuz they’re being annoying you guys are a bunch of annoying

People they really stomp me out you guys really got stomped out I’m good how are you I’m doing good I’m doing good thank you thank you wait did I never do that TNT jump I don’t think I ever did that t jump I’m pretty I’m pretty Pizza nut

That’s what she said that’s not what I said I said Pizza nut bro I did not say Pizza nut that’s so crazy what is that pizza nut what I I don’t know I don’t know if I want to find out I actually don’t know man I wish I

Wish I had the answer the sounds what do you mean the sounds Oh you mean you hear people in the background yeah we have proximity chat on so people with proximity chat can probably do it all right I got to do my TNT jump wait did I do my no I didn’t do

My TNT jump all right I’m going to do my TNT jump now here we go time to do it time to do this beautiful TNT jump it was requested so I must do it that’s the rules oh [ __ ] me ah all right explosion okay cool

M is there m down there no there’s no M there’s no M can you speed bridge I can speed bridge but I can’t do any like God bridging unfortunately uh oh [ __ ] you what are you [ __ ] kidding me bro oh zern that’s too far man that’s too far that’s

[ __ ] up get him get him yeah you got him nice that sounds I what the [ __ ] you just say to me where’d he go and Dia we can’t lose this we’re the only team of three we got we got we got to do this I been just trying to get M’s this

Whole game the sounds when you die yeah it’s proximity chat that’s what you’re wondering I think it’s proximity chat at Least diamonds or emeralds all right I’m going to try to get imis wow really mextra really bro can a man get his [ __ ] emeralds huh Xavier thanks for coming through you have a wonderful night can a man get his ammo what does a man have to do to get some amies around

Here yo that’s crazy that is crazy dog edit edit No okay we got him all right we just I know we’re just doing defense right now I’ve been just trying to get M’s but I keep getting killed and not get killed for once dog all right dang what the hell is this this is dumb all right cool cool cool cool cool

Cool wait someone’s coming oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh they died let’s go hit your struggling for a bit I’m always struggling what you mean I’ve never not struggled it’s always a struggle red all right I’m going to try to get armor and I’m going to try wait should I

Buy TNT or armor what do you think I’m trying to get yellow bed you know what let’s just buy TNT let’s just full commit I’m going to full commit I only have money for one that’s so sad all right we’re going to full commit though we’re going to full

Commit all right oh thank you bro holy [ __ ] that was very nice what what a G what a homie what a big homie I I’ll put some wool in the uh in the in this chest if you need it all right and I’m going to

Buy how do we still have a bed I don’t know but it’s going to be gone soon why is red coming over this way I don’t understand all right here we go I’ve got to be fast I have 25 seconds oh is that a really bro what the [ __ ] man dude Z’s

Hacking what the [ __ ] is that all about f a solo tournament ytf go bro if it’s a gun why the [ __ ] are the team games because it’s not a t in the normal sense of a tournament you boo it’s a tournament in the sense you get points you get points for every did

My homie just die bro what the uh you get points for every win so if you’re on a team you win you still get Points it’s Point Based I see you you look crusty get down here you look crusty dog get okay he’s dead oh [ __ ] oh you look crusty too but I’m out of here oh my gosh bro they so crusty all right well this isn’t looking good for us we have like no diamonds nothing dog okay

Oh oh I don’t know how I did that but we’re good ah oh [ __ ] yeah need A all right I have a plan I have a plan I have a plan I have a plan we have a plan we have a plan oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] I thought I died No 5 minutes Oh I’m so sad I’m so sad bro I’m so sad I’m so sad I’m so sad right now I’m so sad oh my Gosh just need to surval five more minutes oh okay let’s do it we got this until everyone’s beds get destroyed this guys are survive I’m so sad I’m still so sad bro I can’t believe I I died it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay at least no one else got the

Emeralds right let’s just look at the bright side I’m so bad it’s cuz our bridge is so [ __ ] man it’s fine we can wait oh no that’s probably not good yeah incoming incoming incoming no way bro there’s no way all right well I think I’m going just go this Way [ __ ] all right we’re good what is this map bro okay I’m going this Waym okay someh we’re still alive I don’t even know how but you know what I’ll take it all right bed’s gone in 3 minutes I just got to survive for 3 minutes that’s going to be very hard to do but you know what we can try we can try okay I do

This buy another Fireball the sad thing is we have no like diamonds at all I have enough for but I think beds are gone in 3 minutes but that might be a while um what should I get stacked up on I’m trying to think m bow what we’re going to buy a

Bow if I want to win this for my team I need to go all out we can’t just go half out we must go all out okay we have enough wool now we should be good now we’ll just St up on arrows and fireballs and then try to

Survive as long as possible no it’s only me and Wayne now okay we need to team up with green team to take down red as long as we can wait this out it’s only a minute 43 seconds I think we can wait this out buy another Gap I should probably do this

Okay I don’t think we have sharp or anything which is not great but it’s okay um arrows okay we’re good right now I don’t see anyone coming my way I’m back welcome back s Brant s brant okay um Fireball more arrows okay I feel pretty stacked it’s about a minute till everything’s gone

They probably have invis so I got to be super care careful of that uh Fireball more of that uh more arrows okay we have 30 arrows that should be plenty okay here we go we’re going to travel back out all right beds are almost gone we’re going to scope out the

Area I don’t see anybody which is strange wait green team’s just gone oh my gosh I have Enis what the [ __ ] no bro really that’s so dumb bro we got to get rid of Enis Enis [ __ ] sucks Enis is lame dog wait is that extra Emily the twitchcon Hype bro Enis is trash that’s [ __ ] trash dog Enis is [ __ ] trash if you use Enis you’re trash hey at least we is trash at least we l a long Enis is trash okay all right uh who who who got who got the uh first who got the uh Dub who won uh wait where is It okay so No no furry bridge and leaks okay so leaks Bridge no and leaks wait did I get everybody oh I forgot makaboo oh you’re not this is your first Game Okay wait why did not add maabo what the heck oh I did okay all right well we’re playing one of two games I think and me didn’t I just add zern all right throw out I think we might have too many people but we’ll give it a try yeah leaks zern vertex

Yeah yeah yeah I did so right now it’s just leaks and zered in the lead vertex very closed did you forget zern no I literally add zered that’s why he’s at four wins leaks and Zed are tied right now okay okay we’re going to see if uh this game

Loads but it might not and then we’ll just do voidless bedwars um it works okay well good luck have fun that the white dog it is a dog it’s a dog All right here we go I’m going to win this this is my game this is my game oh my gosh Ryder stop stop Ryder stop stop Ryder no all right hello bye bye bye bye bye bye bye oh my gosh no Bro bye-bye yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bye-bye oh my gosh bro see what dreams I have with just the audio on probably some craziest audio Helloo come oh my gosh no Dr oink the power all right I got to go to I got to go to Mid I got to go to Mid I got to go to Mid I’m going to go to Mid going to go to Mid just chill here

For a little bit yes yes no I have the power do I not have the power what the [ __ ] bro they’re saying temper please win I’m I’m going chill here okay I got the Mega Punch here we go bro get your dumb ass over here

Bro I’m the one with the Mega Punch I’m the Mega Punch boy huh woo let’s go oh [ __ ] oh my gosh oh no yo I glitched out all right I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling oh my gosh how am I

Alive yeah oh no what all right well it’s all good it’s all good Dr oink can the lead goodbye no why no how do I join you it’s in the YouTube description Jose brother brother brother no [ __ ] oh my gosh why am I getting slapped Around oh my gosh yo no bro I’m just getting Tossed okay come on come on come on come on no come back here yeah oh [ __ ] oh my gosh no bro 18 seconds left on the clock this is almost over bro I got messed up this game hey where’d you go oh oh oh no temper please please temper temper I

What did I do to you hey you’re my favorite content creator oh please don’t kill me oh [ __ ] no Dam it no you know what it wasn’t enough who won oh Bridge goon congratulations why is z good at this that’s a good question that’s a good question all right well Z Tak the

Lead ladies and Gentlemen let’s spin the wheel let’s see what game it’s going to be it is voidless bedw Wars wow who would have thought who wow who would have thought it was going to be voidless bedwars that’s crazy all right here we go all right we have 11 people currently

Hey suck that glitch buddy Uh all right I’ll be on I’ll be with diaph phobic let’s go diaph phobic let’s go yeah yeah all right we’re going to win this we’re going to win this it’s over for all of you all of you it’s Over shut up shut up Ryder why did they say shut up ryer all right here we go all right yo Ken you won’t believe it but my art will be in an exhibition it’s very cool big clap that is very cool that’s awesome that’s super high congratulations that’s awesome hope

You’ve been enjoying Art School that is very cool very Cool what do you did uh what I can’t [ __ ] talk what did you do for your art piece if you want to share okay yeah you better run you better be scared exactly huh you big scaredy Bo where where’s he going where is he going oh you big scared you big scared

Yeah exactly my diamonds how dare he think he can just take my diamonds all right we good got diamonds we we big chilling now get mining fatigue get freaking Pro let’s go wait why did I get like nothing what the heck pixel art of woman very cool that sounds like

Fun oh I love me some pixel Art I see you bro get back here like we can see you dog all right all right all right did you even get it okay hopefully you did I don’t I don’t know if that split here take this we got incoming incoming incoming incoming incoming incoming incoming

Incoming got him all right we need to buy glass do the yellow team wants to kill us so bad all right I mean if they want to kill us we got to kill them Back I think it’s endstone under this right pretty sure yeah I think yeah yeah yeah I’m like 99% sure okay I could also buy this oh I’m going to put down what okay that was Random what what do you want Yes than with the follow I appreciate you oh that was nasty let’s get it let’s get it let’s get it let’s get it yes sir BEP how you doing all right put this away I just put this away too what does yellow team have against us dog they keep targeting

Us yellow and gray are the only ones with the oh [ __ ] with a bed left you’re doing good I’m happy happy to hear that Phoebe all right lowkey really want better Pro oh that’s not good oh my teammate’s cracked let’s Go let’s go teammates cracked and we got mining fatigue so we’re usually good all right um I’m going to buy another mining fatigue it’s worth it’s always worth it’s never not worth oh [ __ ] I just bought mining fatigue what are you talking about oh my gosh bro what what again we’re being double

Teamed woo woo okay we’re good dog you like the doggo bad dude I literally just bought mining 50 what the heck was so Random buy mining take again why do they go for us I don’t understand like yellow is probably more of a Problem get him doggle get him car doggo best doggo some would argue sleep doggo’s best doggo but I agree don’t cap me on that I don’t think that’s cap oh we can wait we can wait we can [Applause] wait okay let’s go I know that’s weird to put TNT there

But I don’t want them to use this bridge yeah that’s much better that’ll take him longer all right now we can get better Pro very nice How does yellow still have a bed that’s crazy to me is my teammate going to get it oh let’s go diaph phobics let’s go insanely cracked I really want to get m is it worth you know what [ __ ] it let’s get it is let’s get it oh [ __ ] make a wall

That might not be a bad Idea I can’t put blocks there why oh [ __ ] me what why can I not put blocks here this is so weird I can’t get up here dog what the [ __ ] why why do they make it like like this all right I guess I could do that so Strange all Right I think we’ll be fine just going to collect all these real quick okay boom Oh [ __ ] all right and then I’m going to go back home home word home word all right cool hey yo what’s up quam how you doing good to see you you see you change your name bro are you [ __ ] kidding me They hid where are they hiding I’m also Enis so it’ll be double Enis all right I was also init bro it’s kind of crazy all right I’m going to put the invis pots in here what incoming oh [ __ ] by who is there another invis I put an invis pot in the chest D

If you want to use it did you just place a did you place a wool cuz if you didn’t uh there might be someone here I think we might be good though I think we’re okay one year holy [ __ ] coma that’s a long time really Dog okay um go with a better sword [ __ ] somebody incoming incoming incoming no no dude what that’s lame bro oh well well GG’s F fos how you doing I feel like invis Loki ruins bedwars man invis makes it like 10 times less fun but oh well it is what it

Is it is what it is GG’s GG’s so it’s blue versus gray I guess Tempi and what you see versus gray it’s really fun for the person invis you yeah but then it’s like everyone just uses invis all the time and it’s like boring I inv and jump a

Lot that’s true that’s true true I mean I guess it’s a strap but it is pretty boring when you just invis all the time you stupid [ __ ] yeah I see you yeah I’m a ghost from the [ __ ] past all right you just invis and killed me

How do you feel huh you’re not going to even get this bad get out of here oh my gosh at this point I’m a bed hit man for three M’s I feel how it is you’re bad you’re bad bad bad I don’t know if they can even hear me bad he’s just running

Away bad bad you’re bad you’re bad for using invis invis goons oh [ __ ] run temperary run run Co Kendo cool Kendo cool Kendo cool Kendo cool all right well GG’s to the furry boy and the bridge boy you guys have won the final game of the tournament congratulations congratulations congratulations wow Who thank you for the follow Brandy thank you thank you thank you all right final scores zered and well we got to actually play the winning music here zern in first place wait I got to give makaboo his point for a tie wait no no leaks in

Second place and vertex in third place congratulations [Applause] these are your winners for the night MTS number one I’m going to sniff this it don’t forget it all [Applause] right GG’s so do I get a badge it’s not it’s not a badge bro it’s it’s a it’s a tournament

Series where you just you’ll see you’ll get a roll for like what placing you got for this but it’s not a badge if that makes sense badges are done thank you temper you have a wonderful night take care GG’s by the way wait do we do this

Every Saturday yeah we’re going to do Saturday uh M MTS Minecraft tournament series or Minecraft tournament Saturdays I want to do it mostly on Saturdays but uh but I might have to do it on like a Friday or something so that’s why I called it series but yes it is it is

Going to be on the Saturdays more than likely um but GG’s GG’s good games um I do just want to do a little bit a quack crack craft with the homies and then I think we’ll call it a quack crack quack crack crack crack craft quck craft hello hello hello your oh

Bad who’s bad who’s Bad Michael Jackson Bad Oh I’m crazy I’m just saying like random [ __ ] as they die what does k I mean you already asked SOI Crimson is this going to be like an every time stream oh my gosh kintama is balls Golden Balls but also means nuts is that what you Wanted what oh my gosh no you [ __ ] kidding Me all right here we go oh my gosh no oh get the [ __ ] out of here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no what I died I’m doing so bad this Gameo oh what the [ __ ] yo he just jumped up from Top oh oh [ __ ] no way oh GG’s good games good games good games good games I only only three Times only times why do I hear like a hug uge Echo what the [ __ ] I heard like a giant Echo I heard like the massiv echo Dude look what I just made what the [ __ ] Okay we’ll call it there for tonight ladies and gentlemen we’ll call it there for tonight I hope you had fun it’s been fun we’ll see if we continue to do this um damn I got way later than I thought but hope you had a good time it was fun for

Me so hopefully it was fun for you as well go say hi to purple for me I believe he’s also playing Hypixel so make sure you join in on the raid and until next time guys make sure you join the Discord if you haven’t yet but I

Think most of you have and also uh take a look at the YouTube if you’re curious but until next time everybody bye-bye it’s been fun I hope you had a good time goodbye everybody thanks for coming through it was fun hopefully uh we’ll do this again bye-bye Everybody

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Games with VIEWERS! Minecraft Bedwars, Bridge, Sumo and MORE! (Check description)’, was uploaded by KenDokoDa on 2024-01-14 08:54:31. It has garnered 55 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds.

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Playing Minecraft live with viewers! We are playing on the server Hypixel. To join you must have a Minecraft Java account and join the server to play. We are playing bridge, bedwars, and many more games with the rest of the gang! Join the twitch stream to control the stream effects!

To join: Log onto Hypixel and type this command in the Minecraft chat box: /party join KenDokoDa

Join the discord:

#MinecraftLive #LiveStream #MinecraftStream #Twitch #hypixel #minecraftbedwars #hypixelbridge #bedwars #skywars

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Master PVP Like Sharpness in Minecraft

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  • Revived Cubecraft: Java’s Minecraft Encore

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  • Rizz_app’s Twist: Minecraft’s Sad Shift #shorts

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  • Mimic Mayhem: Run from Scary Mimicer & Cave Dweller!

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  • Creating a Hilarious Minecraft vTuber | Part 3

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  • Unstoppable: Full Iron Armor in Minecraft Survival

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  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

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  • Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer

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  • Minecraft Memes – Blockin’ and Buildin’ like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)

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  • Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive?

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  • Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes

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  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

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  • Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server

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  • Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!

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  • Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE Minecraft

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  • Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)

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  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

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  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

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  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

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  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

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  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

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  • Valena Towny

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  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

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  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

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  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

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  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

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  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

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  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 🟠Discord🟠 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More