Insane! Join ExPoint Minecraft Grand Reopening!

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oh wait uh edit that to XO Minecraft server grand reopening save that real quick does this thing do [Music] Minecraft server and then change the thumbnail CU I always forget to do that change to uh exclamation point hold on uh to Anime Club game hangout thumbnail save all right that should be good then I feel like my hair looks ridiculous but that’s okay pop outat give me a second I’m having having a bit of trouble with with changing my version that’s fine I’ll go ahead and get us started what oh it’s other people of course hello it’s nice to be punched oh my gosh it’s so fun to do that I didn’t realize how fun that was part has the right happy Father’s day everyone Father’s Day father and to all of you with absolutely just the shittiest fathers uh happy day where you are not obligated to recognize them thank you H do I say this um I know someone who is very glad to have their very first fatherless day um fantastic I can’t wait for mine delightful no I have a very good joke about my mom that I’m just waiting for the uh the opportune time to put in a video o that’s fun yeah so welcome everyone all 11 of you to the grand reopening of the patreon Minecraft server uh my name is Bryant you will know me as explanation point uh today is just going to be pretty chill we’re going to hang out we’re going to play Minecraft we’re going to build a little house hello be probably go I hate the bees what they’re horrifying I gave it a flower it likes me now anyway oh wait I think it’s going to go to its hive and then I will know where the Beehive is Queen of the bees the amount of times I have watched John’s Riverdale video can’t get over it yeah I was just watching that like I think last Thursday for just getting through work mhm okay where do we want to live there’s a nice little open plane over there I say we I was going to build a nice little community house like I did in the first season of this a recreation center yeah or something m a community center like in stardew Valley yay that’s fun I’ve lost track of you I’m in the trees parkouring oh that’s fine uh I am not sure want you to have track of me considering what happened last time I probably I will never resort to violence again oh there’s there’s a an aelia tree over there that means we can live in a big Lush underground area if we want to IC see pumpkins I see pumpkins so I’m going to go the other way huh what scrub you just just a alot tree yeah what about him that’s how you find Lush biomes yeah uh if you see an aelia tree it’s growing over an underground Mossy cave W that’s an isue there’s a giant tigga over here just some really really big trees I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before scrub has joined the game y now where are you where are you I’m going to come over so I can beat you up no no no we don’t know who he was we don’t know who scrub was talking to uh I and you’ll never know I went to the South toward the plains I’m at the pumpkins all right I’m trying to find I’m trying to find sheep for a bed but it looks like we’re not going to get those the Sheep are next to the pumpkins ah heck uh which is the direction I went uh no it’s not okay looks like it’s going to get dark and we’re going to have to go mining oh dear but don’t you hear you should never mine at night why not Creeper Creeper a man oh man oh he found you hello who is you okay gonna get some of these sweet berries for [Music] food so folks in chat what kind of uh anime have you been watching lately I just finished Apothecary Diaries recently and that was really good I don’t want to I say people in chat you two can answer too no the skeleton horde over there uh let’s see here I usually have too much ADHD to manage my time enough to watch shows so the only I’ve watched the only new anime I’ve watched is Vivie fluide eyes song the anime club anime which I I’ve I don’t know how I have this many paragraphs of things yeah seriously I’ve seen your notes and like I’m not going to read that and I’m not sure I’m going to listen to that in the Stream no no we will have a wonderful discussion I haven’t actually been reading or I mean watching the uh Vivy even though I said I would because I really want to talk about your no same here but that’s not unusual for me oh that’s my Sprint Key rewatch Paranoia Agent we should probably do that okay rewatch Paranoia Agent last week I’ve never actually seen I think anything by Satoshi con is that true is there something obvious I’m missing no I did watch PA scrub the first death and it wasn’t me oh no uh paika isi kill I do like paprika Satoshi cone did make paprika okay so yes I have seen something by Satoshi cone I feel like I’ve also seen one specific to Satoshi cone thing but I can’t for like me remember what it was uh perfect Millennium actress Paranoia Agent Satoshi cone thee story uh Bass Pro Shop Bass Pro Shop Bass Pro Shop I think that’s one [Laughter] to panies panties next viid when uh early July it’ll be about dungeon meshy just posted a progress report on patreon so that people can see the entire story but basically I’m turning the Apothecary diar’s video into a real analytic video so that’s going to take longer so I’m skipping this month’s second video uh and focusing on the first video for next month not again please go away tiny zombie well I wouldn’t call me a tiny zombie but okay I never told you to go I’m a regular ized human did you pick up my crafting table scrub I’m I don’t I don’t think that’s going to be an option for Me Oh I thought that like when you were running away from the baby zombie it was the same baby zombie oh also I didn’t even pick up my own crafting table so many skeletons okay make a few more torches that’s okay cuz now I learned how to craft a boat and then Boat Boat Boat so yeah I’m really interested in right scrub yeah Apothecary Diaries I feel like there’s a lot of cool stuff to say about it I like the animation and the colors like I colors are very nice I loved how everyone was talking about it so much and I decided not to watch it mhm I saw a cute little like um Tik Tok edits reuploaded to YouTube because I don’t use Tik Tok right um like a normal the main charact like a normal person uh of the main character and the the main boy um who is apparently delightful secretly he is pretty secretly delightful I don’t understand Alex calling him a sex pest oh golly Wally as okay I was going away scrub I picked up your stuff I don’t know how much would you had but I know I only had like I had none actually that’s a lot of dudes I’m not going down there all right well I’m at the Rose Garden so uh if you want over here oh God I’m just running through skeletons this is fine this is fine I’m fine everything’s fine no you’re not hush yes I am uh let’s see here okay I’m near some chickens and picked up a bunch of eggs ah no amateurs second death and it still wasn’t me I win you’re winning at Minecraft all right I’ve killed enough sheep to make a bed great I feel like we all have I feel like a terrible person but it had to be done mhm I’ve got six pieces of iron I can just make shears look for to make shears wow show off to the rest of us I literally made a pickaxe and everything and then I died to the baby zombie that scrub LED in my direction whoops uh scrub don’t kill our newbies so I’m a baby zombie fair I doubt it was deliberate homicide well I hear you were in charge of the baby [Laughter] zombie all right I know where in the world was I okay I’m sure this is just riveting video but I can’t really do anything else creeper okay this is fine fine not without a bow anyway is there a spider around why don’t you just come over and hang out with the rest of us um well cuz I don’t want to Traverse the dark forest alone mostly I mean the dark Plains which is the direction I went you what we’re apparently much more riveting than you by your own word I found listen tactical and efficient Minecraft Gameplay is what people want to see that’s what everybody comes to this channel for please put one in the chat if you want XO to uh run around the scary Overworld with a bunch of zombies I require a unanimous vote all 12 of you have to put one in the chat if you want me to run through the forest oh a village that’s great what is that I demand coordinates so that I can be nice to the villagers oh my gosh I fully forgot coordinates existed I could have just asked you guys for your coordinates and you could have lied to me I love how your first intonation was that will lie to you about them because you’ve been like at minimum exp Point has been kg up to this point about where he is presumably because I traumatized him the walked in the server by whacking him oh no I heard the noise and I hit the shift key instead of the Sprint Key mhm okay not going that way my brain I guess just was like but if I’m crouching if I’m sneaky the creeper might not explode anyway no Gabriel and nice to see you towards the grenade unfortunately that’s only a one out of four vote that’s not not even a majority that’s a quarterly or something I don’t know so the coordinates oh right the coordinates of the village I’m silly um F1 we got a water logged Ravine the coordinates F3 okay um it is uh wait oh gosh I there’s so many XYZ is three uh 370 um uh okay 37 54 is sorry in my personal Minecraft world I play with natural health regeneration turned off so I forgot that I can just kind of jump off high Cliffs with wild abandon and then eat some berries about it thank you doctor that means a lot to me wow the first time we actually killed a monster on the server and it was me he’s winning at Minecraft I’m very good at Minecraft win at Minecraft please ignore all the times I’ve lost at Minecraft [Laughter] Bingo nice oh wait I don’t need another I can make what am I doing all right put that down there and then make a if they ever change the recipe for bread in this game I think people are going to [ __ ] Riot of course why would they do that coordinate was three um no hold on sorry uh so XYZ the full thing is uh 370 is um 66 and where I’m standing it’s 370 okay where I’m standing right now it’s 38566 75 I’m gonna die of starvation no wait I don’t think that’s possible yeah you can’t die of starvation you can only get down to half a heart and therefore you’re incredibly easy to kill I see the village yay I’m out by the hay Veals yeaha now the two cool people are at the Village whoa hold on if only there was a third cool person at the Village I’m collecting resources for us I found the iron construct the iron construct are you going to kill it no I like the iron I love Castle in the Sky acquire Hardware mhm can I give it a flower is that a thing or did I misremember that uh it gives can the iron construct of flower oh what you get I’m pretty sure ringing the M do something bad what would have been awesome Matthew oh right there’s a well I find it very funny that whenever you jump in water and you don’t know the boat recipe already you learn the boat recipe it’s very fun very cute just hey you don’t have to swim [ __ ] hold on I need to get out of this well oh fascinating no wa I think that’s just because it’s a wooden pickaxe anyway I thought for a second that like ah mining fatigue exists and then I was like no my my Hardware is trash mhm got to acquire some new God I could never mine Stone if I see Stone any any point I will explode no okay traps you one of those like Cobblestone generators Cobblestone is not real it doesn’t count or it’s okay hold on I know that running water over still lava and running lava over still water makes two different things but I can’t for the life of me remember which makes which I also don’t remembering running lava Still Water uh water over lava makes obsidian right yes and something over there’s so many creepers down here where did I put my crafting table so this is like going to go horrible or it’s going to work out so I’m just going to see what happens hor yeah you don’t say you need to understand that like as you said that I slow panned my camera in the general direction where I remember you being you didn’t even you didn’t even steal one of the Villager beds to be a spawn point first so I think it was four blocks high than three no are I’m just going to stick to spawn and start building a nice house yeah that sounds great that’s what I intended to do but then I got trapped outside I’m going to become the simultaneous local magical girl and mayor of this Village also I’m grabbing all of your stuff that you dropped scrub do you want me to bring it to you uh you can keep it that’s fine yeah yay offer me I have Birch now okay let’s see what we got need to get out of here I think I will make a tree house let’s go ahead first I will have to grow a tree I don’t have bone meal to grow a tree h oh hello sir hello you are the Cartographer do you just assume every sir is you in this chat yes sir I have let’s see a map would be Nifty I don’t have that there’s just a bunch of [Music] sheepies I hear the sound of stone breaking which also as I should remind you is not real so I can only assume X points close to me yeah I’m down in the Ravine I’m getting out of it I’m currently making a cute little foundation for my cute little house or perhaps the house is horrendous who’s to say not me it hasn’t been built but I shall make this hob a home I don’t see scrub oh I’m building directly over a ravine if you’re not at spawn then you’re not going to be here I’m with this cool brown wolf I’m pretty sure that’s a fox no there are brown wolves now this is a wolf oh my gosh there are brown wolves now yeah yeah that’s so fun I love it fion Minecraft music Minecraft music over I did turn off the Minecraft music that’s Disney evil no my wife like made fun of me one day she just walked into the bedroom and saw me playing Minecraft and she was like are you just playing Minecraft in silence no music not watching anything in the background that’s like drinking milk you need some chocolate strawberry stuff are you a criminal I love how my defense of her saying like that’s like drinking milk was hey my partner drinks milk not even I drink milk I know someone who has drunk milk let’s see here where is this fabled Village no sometimes you don’t need a fancy drink sometimes you just need plain milk I say sipping my chocolate mocha latte mhm I had some plain milk with some french toast earlier I just have water water okay yeah but just water is like everybody’s had just water you’re not special mhm water in my gamer Subs brand shaker cup that I’m legally obligated to drink out of on stream like literally legally obligated or yes oh no it’s there was technically a stipulation in the gamer Subs collaboration contract that said like that if red literally means like I’m not allowed to drink a Pepsi in a restaurant it said like basically the way it was worded said you have to drink gamer subs and only gamer Subs in any public setting and like what so I talked to the guys was like what the [ __ ] do you mean I’m not allowed to drink Pepsi and they said yeah that that’s not what that means just if you want to drink Pepsi on stream we would like it if you put it in a gamer sub shaker cup first oh God the music is loud oh God wait hold on I need to change my volume settings Jesus it’s so loud it was normal and then suddenly the church bells came in Hello sarapen nice to see you welcome to the grand reopening of the Minecraft server there’s this Village yay if you find a path that leads to um a weird little U um horseshoe of dirt and also a ravine uh you will probably also find me cool oh God this goes deep I’m guessing that all the buildings in this Village have been looted not technically part of this stream so I’m going to go myself into a hole now okay Gooby gooby have fun all right if this place hasn’t been looted I’m going to loot it but my citizens uh drinking ketchup as a sport drink I’ve never heard of that I have heard of mustard they do that in hiq oh I don’t remember that part of hiq all of the water bottles in hiq are just like mustard yellow condiment bottles oh yeah that I was like is that like a brand thing that just like it’s C they got a brand deal from [Laughter] mustard there’s a spitter okay uh kill it get some string I am missing having a bow right I will take these potatoes that really sounds like a baseless internet rumor Matthew what it does that ketchup being a liquid made from fruit that is 20% sugar is what makes it a sports drink did we reset the server yes Tom we did but I made a backup of the world yeah all right I got nothing to do while I sit in a hole so I’m just going to hey Chad how you doing right I can’t sleep this is a server I mean if we all agreed to sleep at the same time it would work but but not out of this hole we need to unionize or something ah there’s a spitter big mustard Sops through anime yay Monster Hunter all right where are you are you still in the village villain the stillage villain the stillage there you are hello I didn’t mean to kill you I’m sorry well I got mine you were supposed to be stronger no it’s okay it happened out of guilt okay hold on hold on where’s my stuff well if you came back to spawn star or Jam Jam Jam Jar I can’t remember W Jam Jammy jams thank you I’m very tired let me sip more of my coffee Banas and pajamas are cover stairs all right I’m gonna take all this stuff and put it in a chest uh yay if I can all right thank you Golem that well if you uh are coming back to spawn there should be like a house nearby knock knock oh yeah yeah let me let me let you in hi I never actually saw your your skin up close I was too busy being afraid of the tiny zombie yeah thank you Iron Golem [Music] Esa okay just put oh I think I think the wolf is attacking the skeleton they do that no oh yeah cuz they want bones yeah they want bones they attack skeletons and sheep and sheep yeah they kill sheep oh wolf and sheep’s clothing I’m Sil no they they just want mutton they want to kill sheep bones sheep have bones what was there something about there was one tpost I can’t remember exactly anymore but I just remember something about necromancers and skeletons but like the skeleton inside of you God I wish I could remember why don’t all enemies in the game Drop Bones everything in the Overworld has bones spiders don’t have bones that’s what you think SP bones you can just put villagers out of beds yeah oh yeah you can just be like right clicks the bed and they’re like yeah you can right click the bed but you can physically push the Villager out of the bed like just stand on the bed yeah you can stand on top of them and slowly push them as if they weren’t in the bed oh that’s weird that’s it is really strange all right got to kill this spider let’s see here what time of day is it sper come to me night oh no I’m sorry hold on let me grab this what time of day is it no got it all right I want more splas give me string I forgot how much I love pistachio muffins but why do they have to make them nuclear green Ah that’s not a sponge Aesthetics I suppose you eating something has reminded me me we have Dr Pepper in the in the apartment I will go get some for my hey chat what do you like more ketchup or mustard there is only one correct answer yeah what do we have in the chat do we have catchup people or wrong people I’m so glad to hear that you’re not a wrong person never have been once in my life nope I say not knowing what we’re wrong or right about except about the length of dungeon meshy interesting correct mesy is a fascinating little show I really I like that it’s just a dungeon craw okay so one thing about dungeon meshy that I’ve heard other people say and I’m like I know what you’re getting at but I think I emotionally feel that you are incorrect even though this is an aesthetic judgment is that like the dub for Dungeon meshy it the the delivery of the dialogue in in the dub is very like it’s very whispery and gentle in a lot of places I don’t know if that makes any sense not whispery as in like I’m telling you a secret but like whispery is in like whoa hey yo that creeper just sprinted toward me after a second I me like they’re deliberately going for being in the style of like little animated movies from like the 70s and 80s you know what I mean am I crazy um like the style of vocal delivery in those movies from the 70s or 80s uh uh like it seems like that’s a deliberate Choice they’re going for because every character talks like that um and uh with that style but I’ll have to take your word on it I will also take your word on it I just thought that the delivery in Marc Hill’s lines in particular was not all that good yeah know she especially reminds me of like raggedy an in The Adventures of Ragan and Andy or uh uh what’s the other thing I’m thinking of ah oh no it escaped me no come back um 101 Dalmations like or pure d0 101 Dalmations like there’s something about it that like reminds me of that and that is something I adore I love when re I love when the Revolutionary Guta dub does it I love when when the ddge mesy duve dudes it oh my gosh X points first ever death no my second join us oh whoops I’m silly um I can’t keep track of things I’m surprised they being promoted to a assistant manager and then I remember the kind of workplace I work at uh but anyway um all of these people are talking about the merits of ketchup when the answer is barbecue sauce oh it is barbecue sauce is just better ketchup that’s correct actually barbecue sauce is just better I feel like there is no circumstance where I would rather have ketchup than barbecue sauce agreed I’m a fan of honey mustard honey mustard is fine I like a good honey mustard M let’s see where did I I have the world’s biggest Sweet Tooth well maybe not the world’s biggest but I have such I’m hold you to that if I find out that anyone likes sweets more than you you’re banned all right shoot I guess we have to get into a contest to determine which of us has the better Sweet Tooth yeah we cannot have Liars by which we deci this we need to met the metric by which we decide this is which of us gets every recipe that involves sugar as a component um before the other one like in the server every single one incredible so far I remember cake pumpkin pie um and then also do like a sugarcane farm uh I’ve got one that I think is going Tri you all up oh yeah I’m going to give it a second hello hello hi hi anyway potion of swiftness the potion of swiftness ah the potion sness we all say nodding 10,000 times all right so you said you put things in a chest did they happen to be my things they it was a random assortment of half of the things I picked up ah I know at least one of these panies is mine I’ve got other things in my inventory are you missing something uh let’s see here um I’m missing my bread no wait I ate all my bread I’m silly um I think I know one of these pickaxes is mine you can take all the pickaxes yay um You can have anything in that chest if I wanted it I would have kept it I like fly hours I will keep fly hours oh right you were looting so you have a book no I didn’t get those books from looting those are not my books what wait did you I don’t know what about there’s a library here you must have broken the bookcases I didn’t huh I see wizard secrets you know quickly going back to to dungeon meshy I think the thing I’m most interested in your watching of it is what you think of the utsumi mhm utsumi I don’t know who that is uh very unpopular take from me but I think it is a correct take in that utsumi is a very underbaked character sure she it’s like okay so I have not seen all the episodes with eumi involved I’ve just seen the first like 4ish and I’m over here like I don’t know why she’s included I know why why why is they chose to include her the author or the other characters like I understand that like they can’t just send her back up through the dungeon because that would be a a death sentence kind of um but that’s not that big of a deal not a big of a deal because like people can get revived all the time but also what if she’s eaten um or something I don’t know but like it’s like it’s like um so like she comes onto the scene like hey um can you help me with this one specific thing and they’re like well we can help you with part of the specific thing but uh the other part is something that we cannot safely do because something something magic science um and she’s like darn it and they’re like but if you follow us to the bottom of the dungeon we might be able to figure something out down at the bottom uh and she’s like cool let’s do that and then let me be the worst possible person on a road trip yeah that’s it she’s the person you don’t want on the road trip and I don’t know why she’s here learn yeah the other characters do not need to learn how to like be like learn how to tolerate her because why is that a thing they would ever need to learn like why would they need to learn that that doesn’t make sense I got some bad news for season two oh goodness gracious um so it’s just like I don’t I don’t understand I don’t I don’t I don’t understand why she’s here um like she’s cute and a cat girl um hating it more by the second she’s like we are meant to ass not meant to assume it’s heavily like she’s definitely a Teen um and that’s about it yeah she is 17 so oh okay 17 ah one of my favorite numbers so you girl 17 or 18 or yeah good guess something like that I keep hearing this cat I will make this cat mine one day see I will put my house right here yeah Spence I don’t understand why she’s here either I literally don’t know but I’ll find out I’m going to watch dungeon mehy one day one day soon quick click black okay let’s collect I could also go on about how much I think there’s a lot of cast Below in Dungeon meshy yeah apparently uh we’re playing Minecraft and talking about dungeon meshy Spence yeah welcome nice to see you I haven’t read the Manga because I find colors are nice and I like are nice I like sounds and I like colors and I like sounds so I was like I’ll watch the anime because that is uh less thinking going on to me um than reading a comic panel by panel I like web comics but I don’t like comic Comics which is weird um no think that’s so weird yay um uh what was they saying right so uh actually let’s try something a little different exp oh no I fell to my death I was trying to plug up a hole to the Ravine and I fell in the Ravine you got trying to make a point and that killed you so you forgot what point you were making the tragedy Liv anyways you spawn house is looking nice oh thank you it’s coming oh I’m also building a house it’s trying trying um no it was something about oh right I think dungeon meshy probably works better as a story in black and white though interesting is the thing like black and white and muted colors because they contribute to the tone of dungeon meshy a little better and also if you are reading dungeon meshy as well instead of like watching it paste like an anime ought to be um then like it’s sort of like you can personally Linger on details that you find interesting and that’s important because like dungeon meshy has a lot happening in different direction C so being able to plop yourself down and Linger on specific things you find interesting and then also notice other things rather than things being presented in a row in like the order of importance that the people who made the moving pictures think they ought to be uh focused on it’s like it’s a different experience and so I think dungeon meshy works better in Black and Whites and muted colors in comic form sure Spencer we don’t talk about megalobox here banned oh no don’t ban banned unbanned we can’t talk about Megalo box not after the incident no you all can’t be trusted with talking about megalobox the construct ended up in the Ravine that’s so sad no but like going back to to my point whenever you actually get to like watching dungeon meshy just play the fun game I do where it’s um just look at each uh dungeon group that’s not the main group and just uh see how easy it is to just cut half half of the characters out of each group mhm and the story does not change cab Cab’s group has like seven characters and it could just use three it really could like like I looked at Cab’s goof and I’m like I find one of you interesting because you have an interesting Dynamic with cabu characters you need in C’s group is Ren and the Cal and the Cal is just there so it can figure out who loos’s group is I like that cobal um but I think that might just be because in this one AMV I saw which is part of what convinced me to watch in the first place it’s um I don’t know if anyone in chat has seen it but it’s a it’s a read between the lines by Tom cardi and it’s just a compilation of basically just loos’s autism moments um and uh in it there’s this one moment uh where he’s just listing off where cardi is listing off like brandom like stock phrases that don’t mean the thing that would that they would literally mean So like um uh for instance like it’s like uh uh and so like in one point there is uh a part where he goes yeah no yeah no yeah well that’s Australian and highly contextual um and that uh and that part uh the Cobalt is is the one saying the yeah no yeah no yeah and then translating for him if like like like it’s a scene where he talks and then immediately the halfling that uh that subcontracted him uh uh talks and says well that’s Australian and highly contextual and that that I think is hysterical I want that to be that Cobalt’s entire character is just saying stuff and then having like someone translate what he what what he means like in the sense of like in the same way that that boyfriend in Friday night funkin speaks in little beep boops and everyone just kind of knows what he means I don’t understand a word of that anecdote but I’m very glad you’re having fun yay this is a common occurrence in my life just a phrase I didn’t understand a word of that but I’m glad you’re having fun I don’t think Spence uh meant it as such but it’s just like oh I love a good autism moment and I’m feeling so attacked right now uh there was a time when uh my wife went to Walmart and uh we get internet from a company called Spectrum which is important ah and she uh Spectrum there was a person there advertising their internet services uh and she does not like to be spoken into by strangers so she got home from shopping at Walmart and says I was accosted by the Spectrum people today like you cannot call them that dear you cannot call them that how rude hello honey I love you not during Pride months it’s not autism pride month no to all of the autistic people in the audience you have to be ashamed for another few months you can’t call them that not after what they did to the buckles fun fact my partner calls uh the property what which the word bugles comes from they they refer to it exclusively as undisclosed wizard School mhm so such a shame shame about what happened o barrels do we want barrels for baseboards instead of cobblestone barrels barrels yes I do love the way barrels look uh maybe looms though I don’t work with Birchwood very often or oak wood come to think of it Loom do you work with pine Spruce oh Spruce hello creeper spruce get away from me oh I need to find another spandler a sponger sper a Bunger where is they really like the concept of dungeon mesy with how different it was to food Wars Wares as food Wars that’d be great man either way that combination could go dungeon mesh but also F Wars ASE meshy amazing phenomenal I love how much crawler dungeon meshy is I remember someone was just like I was showing it to a friend dungeon meshy and uh they were like man this would be a good video game and we spent the entire time thinking about like what would a dungeon meshy video game be and they just said diver oh okay Mariah really enjoyed that because I would absolutely play the crap out of a Dave the diver style dungeon meing game I would absolutely play the crap out of Dave the diver if it were a video game oh no server lag all right Cooking Mama D yeah Cooking Mama elements have to be involved can’t believe I’m just using apples as food but that’s fine ah ah oh a spoter okay I’ll avenge you real quick oh wait maybe I won’t I forgot skeletons were [ __ ] deadly oh wait I got it to hit the spider though so hopefully the spider will distract it and it did all right got it I Avenged you yay and I will guard your stuff I really do need to just if anybody would like to donate their logs to the house so I can continue beautifying the house thank you building my own house keep losing my log cuz I keep dying I have a great solution to that quite the cultured chat what makes you say solution be stop dying jams where are you um I I’m running from Spawn uh so it’s wait you haven’t reset your spawn to this Village yet no because I didn’t think to during the day because I thought I don’t remember how I don’t know what my own thought process was well I’m going to collect as much of this stuff as I can then and put it in that same chest the same chest where is the Old Reliable yeah also I think there’s string in that chest Oh yay I will oh I have four string so I will just make a bow when I get a chance there you are your stuff’s over here yay and some of it’s in the chest hey if you donate to Paton to the question mark tier join the server and help me uh gather logs you can uh remember if you go to uh www. patreon exclanation that is definitely the URL Link in the description I’m never wrong about anything leave the bed okay cool spawn point reset cool swamp there is okay put some lot oh that’s a new there are cats there are cats in the village every time I hear them Yow I get happier Gabriel if you donated to the right tier uh the server link is in the Discord Discord the server the server link to the Discord is in the Discord uh no you follow the Discord server link go to the Discord server go to go into the channel in the Discord server where the pin comment links the Minecraft server take the Minecraft server link to your Minecraft launcher and then link the Minecraft server link to the Minecraft launcher and then launch the server in your Minecraft launcher with the server link thank you I’ve gone crosy very who’s on first third base or something oh no I lost where the chest was oh there it is there’s handy dandy chest okay do I want to make the outline out of birch or Oak I will take these and I think I will need these oh Gabriel did Jo welcome to the patreon Gabriel Welcome to the patreon I think I want to have my house have diorite involved that’s going to be mining um let me get myself safe real quick and then I will send Gabriel a patreon uh a Minecraft server link on patreon Minecraft server the house is very Square shaped right now but I’ll fix that later okay I don’t actually know what I want my house to be shaped like now I think about it I just know that I want it to have a secret staircase trap door down into this Ravine that sounds fun work on the community house at XO running away I did say that oh we gota we got we gota um furnish our home bases first something something that one time Jesus said get the log out of your own eye before you get a speck out of someone else’s um I don’t remember Jesus saying that no no Jesus did say that there’s like a specific Bible quote that I that stuck in my brain from Sunday school back in middle school um uh where uh where Jesus is the point is like you got to take care of yourself before before you’re you go criticize izing other people or whatever um or like if you want to help someone else the best way to do that is to make sure you are competent in the thing that you are trying to help them with you know that’s the idea that he was getting across um and so the way he phrased it um the way it was translated at least is um is you is you you move to you move to get the speck out of someone else’s eye and ignore the log in your own um that’s very funny I like that okay so I want we’ll have another log here which means Another Log here if I make it a tower it’s going to look like a wizard tower wizard which means we need more logs I love everything about Minecraft except for the first four words in it or first four letters not words Dam ooh bricks that’s an option I never use bricks I like bricks use bricks exclusively to make a fireplace and that’s it I could make like terra cotta I could use them to make a rustic I use terra cotta pretty often oh a shipwreck and it’s full of there’s a shipwreck it’s full of dark oak wood oh shipwrecks are my favorite structures well I’m going to loot it no I’m going to burn it I’m going to break all these trap doors cuz they’re very useful oh they are useful it’s okay I’ll fill the entire house uh I’m building with trap doors just for you okay give me that and then go in here let’s see where are these chests lots of iron in this one couple of emeralds gold nugget don’t need these flowers but I would like to have the chest Glo Glo Glo Glo Glo BL okay second chest same as the rest oh this is looking good so far okay I’m I’m jabing with this house now this is like a very basic House of basic parts but it’s a good basic it’s a solid basic I always here for a solid basic if we had like a moving camera or something and just the comparison of like what’s getting done on the other two houses and then just I put down six pieces of wood in the ground yay you already have six jeez speedrunner much all right I’m sure there’s usually a third chest that has the buried treasure map in it is that under here yes maybe yes paper and a buried treasure map all right so I’m going to go on an adventure I guess oh yeah help me no okay no an adventure to find buried treasure dweeb okay that’s cool I think I want my house to look like I want to have a cute little I want it to look like it’s out of the 70s I like 70s architecture I’m not sure how to make it look like that in Minecraft aside from Mega conversation Pit and the trap in the middle of the conversation F there’s a trap door that leads to the Ravine there’s a trap door in the fire place what other games have we played together I don’t think jams has ever showed up for a game night yeah know I uh I I I have not I I think I will one day but we lot of split gate uh Duck game I’ve never heard of that in my life Ultimate Chicken horse we played Maga last week I like I like chicken horse chicken horse some more okay go over here the thing about me is that I play single player games mm me too not a big multiplayer guy let’s see here make this games couldn’t be me couldn’t be me so if I were ever having a good time at game night couldn’t be me ever okay it’s like multiplayer games that I like include uh some of the jackbox games I’m also a big fan some of the jackbox games okay we’ll just put all of this around why do I have two crafting tables I’m sure I’ll find use for that okay and these chests can go in the box box boxes all right now where did I I think I’m willing to just dig up why did I put I’m all right oh it’s fairly close by okay ever tried Elden ring I have um the most thought blast I’m guessing that’s Gabriel thought blast hello hello Gabriel’s not in the Discord chat not in the voice chat that’s okay some people just don’t people want to join hello hello here for the crap ing I will not interact I am here to mine and to craft it’s not called Minecraft talk it’s not that’s true yeah yeah that’s right back in middle school I got really into this channel what’s it called again uh the these this this sort of pocket of Minecraft channels they’re definitely for children DM uh and there’s this one series called mine Clash um I think the discord’s not showing me the Minecraft stuff oh no I don’t know why I didn’t just say that out loud probably because I was also talking uh but anyway um I would never let that stop me I would never say anything if I did all right good point I also don’t say as much as I wish to because I don’t like interrupting people not user settings let me how do I change the server settings I’m so bad at being a professional internet man man oh yeah I disagree yay server settings there it is all right server settings Clash was this series of cute little like what do they call it again like this long long series of cute little challenges it started out they were like it’s a two-part series to see who can do the challenge better and then they had to do a tiebreaker and then they did more and they did the more and then it got to a 100 episodes you know what I’m going to I’m just going to throw out uh see if anybody like time warps off of this um anybody who who here remembers shadow of israfel of course shadow of israfel there there’s nobody who’s too young to remember shadow of israfel I don’t know what that is uh yes you do you aren’t a baby you aren’t a literal infant because those are the young Shadow talking about I’m totally not an age that is a number in a Taylor Swift song um you’ll have to figure out I’m talking about5 or whatever the 81 is 1989 89 yes that is an age mhm who are you sir used my brain figure that out oh no that shouldn’t be right Gabriel I can’t figure out why you can’t see the Minecraft stuff goodbye shovel way I play Minecraft is so floaty and pedantic it would be terrible for a let’s play Channel I appreciate Gabriel like sneaking past my building like I am uh an enemy that will attack if spot if spotted uh to be fair I think hold on okay so I whacked exclanation point first then I think then scrub you whacked me because you found me whack and then and then exp point when he found me again whacked me again and it ended up killing me because he didn’t realize that I was low on hearts and a stone sword would kill me it was an iron sword oh oh it was an iron sword it was a crit with an iron sword I just assumed you were at full health guess I guess you’re just gamer than the rest of us wait you crit with an iron sword and then got confused why it killed I wasn’t confused I knew why it killed there’s only one reason it would have killed you had fewer than like eight hearts or whatever yeah that’s pretty common for people with like no gear I guess so I it just didn’t occur to me all right you were just hanging out working on your and I figured I figured you that meant you were at a good place see see the thing is that even when I play very rarely there you can I can but give me a second let’s see I need to get a bunch of sand and smelt it if I want glass which I do because I like Windows what did you say about General scrub well thought blasts in general can’t you just move them over here yeah I can uh let me I’m not seeing chest of my very own my very own chest I should I should probably just cannibalize not cannibalize I’m not made of wheat um what’s the word I’m looking for okay I have gone too far south common deer that’s it Comm mistaking the word common deer for the word cannibalize that is a very important distinction to make com during a bunch of hay veal um consume consume I am about to consume consume this bread let us achieve this wheat the most important thing to get from this iron is to clearly make shears ah that wasn’t food oh I don’t have food oh that’s bad oh hopefully the sunken treasure chest will have food in it oh wait it’s out in the middle of the ocean you might need to give thought form the correct role yeah for sure but I don’t see them in the Discord at all oh I see them in the Discord they’re in the general chat right now yeah I’m not seeing that let me restart Discord okay uh oh no we have to carry the stream on our own but let me get safe first don’t worry I have experience uh one time I I I started a stream at one point I was just like yeah rolling with difficulty is on like the the finale season and the finale is going to air like in uh tomorrow and so I’m gonna make a little stream just drawing moments from the season that I didn’t get to draw earlier and uh that stream lasted over six hours uh uh and it was just me drawing and one person in chat so like I think I can carry a stream probably bro if one person just joined my chat I would cry I would be like thank you so much you have you’ve given me life oh dear I didn’t realize I was going to take that many hearts oh no oh god oh [ __ ] okay let’s go to I forgot I don’t have armor I forgot armor is important oh I heard a bling hello hello oh I closed Discord of course hello everyone in the chat it’s just you and me now XO hello hello hello hello hello I’m here to help you out so hold on I still have I haven’t muted the stream yet so I still hear you in two places oh that’s fine uh let me just manually give you a rooll for now that one should be right and now you should be able to see everything oh I can see everything excellent I’m going back to the Minecraft chat I think okay wait Minecraft server says locked says locked shouldn’t be locked or wait that seems like not the right chat no we’re all in weekly hangout oh over here yeah hello new voices hello hell how’s it going it is this one thank you for the Cobblestone I appreciate it so I don’t hello I’m going to be here for a little bit I don’t know how long well welcome all right where is this it seems like it’s right next to this shipwreck you have to dig down I know I’ve I’ve found buried Treasures before but where is this one I’m silly ah just go into spectator mode for the easy yeah I keep getting shot by scrt why don’t they like me going not be here uh oh I found it cool uh spawn point is in uh house now yeah we hanging out around a nearby Village which I think is to the north of Spawn cool I discovered it and I’ve decided that I want to run for mayor somehow hey nice Diamond yep they were in this buried treasure chest I’m just going to uh do my normal thing and find a low point and strip mine they were God damn it well my spawn Point’s closer now but I should probably just grab my stuff and run away from the place where the monsters are congregated don’t worry about that I swear to God if you blew up my house I’m not blew up your house it it wasn’t it wasn’t near the house ah take a little bit of damage but I’m fine now eat this oh god oh [ __ ] I forgot there was a ravine here I’ve had this house for less than a day but if anybody blew it up I would kill everyone in this chat and then myself valid actually understandable yes it’s raining I forgot to build a ro It’s Raining It’s Pouring oh okay it’s kind heck there’s a skeleton on me it’s especially relevant because his father’s day yeah the old man I should text my old man uh the first text I sent my parents on Father’s day was actually to my mom because I was reading a fan fiction and Martian Manhunter was speaking but the way he the way his Cadence works it looks exactly like what my the way my mother types and because my brain was not turned all the way on and I just have back into the page I thought for a hot second that this was my mom talking about my dad and I was like what what do you mean mother and then I took and then like I remembered wait a minute this isn’t my mother this is Martian Manhunter I Man Hunter was my mother is great I love Jon Jones um I love the way way villager houses are constructed now they’re so cool I really don’t because half the time I find a village it’s in a Ravine and they decide to build a pathway that just falls down directly to your I know right it’s so bad that’s my favorite part well why aren’t there more in the planes I can’t believe it I also had a friend find a just it was just a random Minecraft seene and it was nothing but ocean and villages on Tiny Islands it was terrifying oh that sounds horrible that’s adorable I mean that’s one it was exclusively that we went in a direction for 3 hours and found nothing but that that’s pretty wonderful did they accidentally make a single biome world no interesting that’s so strange I need to make a shield so bad I always forget they exist or with like a glitch in it where like essentially an entire section of the ground like like it was like a big flat planes area and then there was like a 50 or something like a like a 100 by 50 block like a whole chunk was just raised out of the Earth yeah I love it when that happens it’s so fun I I started making a giant castle out of it mhm aming just carving a castle out of marble oh do Mom stick around in the rain because if so that’s annoying they do they will eventually despawn I just don’t know exactly when that happens they certainly don’t despawn if they are congregating around the house you’re hiding inside sure okay hard see now what I’m going to do is I’m going to do I do need old fashioned speed Runner Tech going to do a what they call a Pro Gamer move prove prove prove prove you’re not a robot impossible I am a robot I’m suddenly thinking of every FL I song again I like the English voice actress for Vi I like that the English voice actress for Vivy is the same voice actress who voice Homer kemi because I think that’s very fun they’re both like yeah English voice actress for Vivy is the same as Homer ra chm um I like that uh something something time travel it’s great whoa spoilers hey imagine being on the server and not like knowing uh Mica oh I meant Vivy spoilers oh Vivy it’s the base premise we learned it in the first five minutes all right do not accidentally make a diamond shovel do it no you’re new here you don’t get to order me around I thought that was how it worked new people yeah we all we all get to tell IID on the patreon now I get to order you around that’s you get your one vote you are on the internet doing things for money that’s I’ve been around here the longest out of everyone in this call and you do not get to order him around I’ve tried you’ve tried wait I get to try to order him around you can try as much as you want long as it’s funny a countywide power outage so we’re Super Lucky or it hasn’t hit us yet all right if my power goes out I’m not going to try to get the stream back up that’s fair actually that has always been policy but hopefully that won’t happen we’ll just hide time to collect hundreds of grains of sand horid creature not you you’re delightful uh no she’s lying they’re lying they’re lying okay they’re lying yeah ow okay um I dispute the lying part I was just like ronance pronouns yeah no no I I get it sorry about that I might be a liar but I’m not a [ __ ] woman you would accuse me of having a gender I can’t believe you let’s go let’s go you let’s go a gender crew all right I was thinking about bricks for the interior of my house I think that would be cozy ow I think I’m going to die uh whoa don’t do that it’s okay you got a house to come back to yep I’m destroying this beach these Turtles call home and I feel bad about it but you need the sand I assume I heard Turtles I I I would say I need the sand Aesthetics are everything this is true oh yeah you can color glass now I think you’ve been able to do that for a while but it’s been like that for probably 10 years yeah probably Stained Glass update was a while ago yeah I thought you were just going to end it with like Stained Glass update was wild it was wild you know like they added stained glass oh my God have you ever seen that before I’ve never heard of that in real life they should make that yeah I know right why would like why haven’t they boarded it to uh outside yet everything in Minecraft isn’t real armadillos aren’t real yeah armill take stuff from real life and put it in the game what no that’s not true you’re lying well armadillos used to be real but they put them in Minecraft now they live in Minecraft they put every single Armadillo in Minecraft got it uh the first season of juj Kaizen is like an eight and the second season is like a six Nifty it’s funny J Kaizen suffers such a ridiculous dip and quality between its two seasons that it’s very hard to rate it’s so funny how like the more you actually think about the shabuya incident it goes from oh this is really cool to oh this is the most boring slog of my life what the [ __ ] okay I something blew up downstairs I kind of want oh god what the [ __ ] it was me actually staircase down [ __ ] yo I’m so happy for you you blew up sorry about your soul Matthew I’m glad you blew up I assume on Twitter The Librarian Is zombified oh that’s horrible well that’s actually a good thing as long as we can fix them yeah want to be like long oh that’s bad the time on a tradition if you don’t say ow when you get hit in a video game what is wrong with you yeah true actual psychopath behavior when you get shot by a skeleton jeez please don’t get shot by skeletons why you’re looking for night are getting closer better okay don’t mind don’t mind at night okay need to to be fair I wasn’t mining at night chainsaw man is a nine you were not this is true I there’s a link to my Mal on my channel page I love everybody screaming about one of the latest chainsaw man chapters it’s either people just saying why would he write that and then other people saying it calls the weak from the manga I have heard that people are screaming but I don’t know what the screaming is about and I think that’s fine it’s pretty [ __ ] up uh not really but it’s just like you don’t depict that in a manga so it’s just wild I’ve seen the panel of Assa telling denji like well denji don’t know how they’re going to animate this oh my God yeah that is correct holy [ __ ] right I was going to go get sand after I made another shovel I have such a terrible ADHD all right who doesn’t these days I don’t these days mine’s much better oh lucky thanks to the magic of something drugs hi end friend news flash you have ADHD it came free with your autism yay officially diagnosed with autism but probably mood I am not officially diagnosed I am 1,000% autistic yeah I know I have the jeans because uh a relative of mine is uh like a close relative of mine is I know I have the jeans in here somewhere uh I once accidentally convinced myself of something that’s definitely not true about it which is that like um that my partner makes fun of me about it to this day I at some point was like I learned that apparently there are some genes sometimes that just don’t activate unless there is a specific circumstance that you that you just physically go through or something and so my thought was ah yes I have the autism jeans they don’t activate unless I am stressed and I’m like I don’t think that’s real that’s AEP agent I’m pretty sure that’s how Powers work in X-Men oh my God autistic is my super power oh my gosh you just have to wait for a traumatic life wait isn’t that the plot of that one Predator movie yeah the Chris Chan documentary I thought you were going to say that one Disney moveie and I wasn’t going to refute it anyways I convinced myself of this so thoroughly and then I told my partner I was like I think I have a hypothesis and they were like let me repeat that back to you in normal person words I was like oh and they were like this is your charisma sound is so high you you lied to yourself I think that’s being called being a pathological liar uh new sorcery card that’s what that means new sorcery spoilers hold on I got to look at this o sorcery spoilers spoiles anytime I think of any TCG I think about Yu-Gi-Oh’s XEL specifically card is strange okay what’s it do uh it’s a four power minion for four with two fire threshold on your turn it may throw a weaker Ally through the air to a nearby location for some reason you said through the and my brain immediately autofilled with window no tostate them I just I I picture that now it’s just a goblin getting thrown out but it’s that one Garfield panel well like the problem with sorcery as a game is the big problem anyway is that a lot of the wording is very ambiguous uh I guess that is bad hey it does come with a major upside though oh which is it’s not Yu-Gi-Oh huh yeah true God the wording in Yu-Gi-Oh okay never mind Yu-Gi-Oh not friendly to just pick up and play at all no which many tcgs aren’t I guess uh like many deck builders they’re not but like I feel like they should be just a little more Yu-Gi-Oh should be just a little more friendly to pick up and play just a little nah it’s fine call the weak shortly after pendulum summoning got oh someone has dropped from the call [ __ ] damn we lost another one oh was saying after pendulum summon got introduced I got my first deck terrible time to get into Yu-Gi-Oh honestly um I don’t actually know where that deck went um uh it was just themed after the main character of the most recent anime where pendulum summoning was introduced I like him he’s a theater kid um unfortunately that anime is so bad the protagonist of seemed fun I love Yuma suuk so much I don’t know anything about him I’ve just seen his design and Jad apologist I’m also a Jaden Yuki apologist I think Jaden did nothing wrong especially that time he committed genocide oh God that’s right twice my younger sister’s seen all the yu-i am I have only seen all of zeil and Ark five which I called Arc B for the long was arv no yeah exactly Ark five is the one that introduced pendulum summoning it’s the one where I’m like the main character is a theater kid and I love him and I can’t believe the like I love that main character so much I am thinking of the protagonist of Ark five not Z Ark five was like Ark five is actually starts off really good and then it gets like progressively worse yeah that’s the problem it gets so much worse it’s like an exponential thing like you start seeing it’s like that’s worse oh that’s so much worse what why is it so bad when did it get like this I think I do want to reverse this I’m so sad about it um I’ve seen approximately half of brains PR cool um you can’t until you’ve judged his deck mhm I like you going to die Yaki AR five you what was his name yaku yusaku from FRS I love him so much he is great um he’s a good boy I love him dearly um and I like that his deck changes halfway through the show or like they add different interesting cards to it like just o over the course of a Time skip thing that guy wasn’t close to me that’s okay I like that his deck is simultaneously cyber themed and night themed that’s pretty neat I like theming theming is good mhm I think one of the weakest parts of Yuma suuk from zeil is that his deck is very unthemed it doesn’t make any sense like the title he like the the prefix in front of them is just like like for some reason the prefix in front of all of his cards is gagaga which doesn’t make any sense it’s like a weird sound effect gagaga magician go and I’m like what are you talking about Yuma go gagag gigo g gagigo g no not gigo oh of course that would be going too far no Giga Gaga gigo is a real card Giga Gaga gigo that is also a real card that’s the one that I said bring back OG Yu-Gi-Oh where Yugi would just murder people over petty [ __ ] yeah that was fun oh yeah dexel was my first place start where’s our Iron Golem in the okay in the Ravine well I killed him I see got to go great stream thank you Matthew I’m sure you can’t hear this anymore but thank you for coming okay I’m going to go to the bathroom let me make sure I can just block myself in my Viller friend off here I’ll be right back I think it’s very fun that they have messages specifically for when you get shot from a height by a skeleton or a different monster but also ah yeah a medical diagnosis for your death uh postumus what what the [ __ ] is it called um that thing post postmortem there we go okay I did it no oh God if you ever die I will post about your morom very interesting an event TM happened at my job before I came here because I work at graveyard shift um but I and I’m burning to just say a cute little phrase and then leave it at that but I don’t know if it’s appropriate to say is the thing I mean feel free to be inappropriate I suppose um uh I guess the thing I will say is someone got fired and that’s [Laughter] it no I want more juicy details um one cook is particularly prone to emotional out disruptive emotional outbursts uh oh that’s not he was no especially when he’s the manager of the kitchen um and uh I understand everything yeah so anyway he’s the one who got fired I say that get immediately blown up by a creeper uh he like chucked one of the headsets and it shattered into five different pieces so you know oh nice oh you know just just those things hello I’m back hello hi I’m sharing water cooler gossip or something uh somebody uh at my little graveyard shift um a thing just decided that today was the day that he was going to have an emotional Outburst that was so loud and disruptive and destructive that he got fired that’s fun your idea like a whole event yeah no I’m sure it wasn’t fun to live through is this raw salmon yes oh it was UN fun to live through indeed um but it’s fun to talk about after the yeah that’s the kind of story that you have from a job that makes doing a job worth it is that what it does it does its best it does it know where a sheep is there are plenty of them around near my house there’s so many sheep like if you’re still near spawn go towards the pumpkins there’s a bunch of sheep there unless you killed them all already um and if there and if you come to the Village there are a bunch of sheep in the corner near where the thing that is supposed to be my house is the thing that is supposed to be my house is currently a red mushroom one of the big ones ooh you went toward the Dark Forest I did I’m Curr I know where the Dark Forest is lava pool you I’m keeping the monsters away what [ __ ] all right I’m going to stay in this house until the monsters go away until they have burned in the purifying light of the sun yep all right watch it start to rain again no you know what was in Castlevania uh Castlevania nocturn uh recently uh I had I developed this theory that the reason that vampires like corrode in the sun is is because the sun like the way that the way that isabet battery describes the whole thing is that she’s she resents humans in in this way of like oh B the vampire cyia okay not B the real life woman not B the real life woman uh uh oh I forgot that she’s she’s named after a really exting person that existed um but like anyway um uh the way she describes it she resents uh humans because they’re like she’s like they are beneath us um ever since they crawled out of their little caves they’ve worshiped the sun she specifically uses the word worship and the thing is that like sacred things objectively hurt vampires all of the time the consecrated Belmont whip it’s like the consecrated Belmont whip it’s stayed consecrated all these years simply because the Belmonts the Belmonts believe in the Holy power of this whip um and etc etc and so my thought process was does the sun hurt vampires solely because people believe that it will it might well it’s also one of the most worshiped objects ever to exist yes exactly are you familiar with the disc world I know disc world I adore everything about disc world you remember the hoga story yeah of course it’s like one of the best stories literally anything involving death is one of the best stories yeah at the end of that they talk about how uh how you know Hogs Miss Eve is about Sun warship and how if the hog father had died the sun would not have risen instead a giant ball of burning gas would have crested Over the Horizon yeah oh yeah so yeah the sun is an object of Warship so beautiful there’s not enough YouTubers that talk about books and there’s not enough book YouTubers that talk about disc world yeah this is true if you want to hear someone talking positively about the hog father and disc World in general uh I recommend OSP oh I know oh yeah I think most people know about overly sarcastic Productions yeah I enjoy their stuff sometimes especially here especially I cannot count how many times I’ve just put on the entire Trope talk playlist yeah yeah I always took it as the sun disinfecting their Undead bodies which we all know the sun can do interesting yes the best is MHM inject sunlight to cure your diseases bubbles I willings to whoever can bring me a sapling uh a cherry blossom sapling specifically nope cherry blossom I don’t think there are cherry blossoms near here we’d have to like cross the ocean or something that’s why I’m paying a thousand Shillings for it oo Shillings you think scrub is that loose with your Shillings h no I don’t believe they would be I’ve made worse bets I don’t gamble because I don’t find it satisfying whether I win or lose shame okay now I’m starting to think more Birchwood remake all my tools I keep having to remake all my tools because I don’t have armor because I because I I’m not mining until I’m like oh I should get specific thing and then I go down to get specific thing and I die or I get distracted before I can make the thing and then after I get distracted I die where are the the birch trees um I think they’re in the area near spawn yeah they are I just am not sure where that is um if you head I’m not sure how to Direction ify it’s fine I’ll find it oh well growl hoot growl what should I make the roof out of for the spawn house H the roof should be made from brick hay bales I was actually thinking brick brick and hay bales wouldn’t look bad oh brick with hay bales brick with hay bales brick with hay bales we all say nodding a thousand times brick with hay bales put some rails on top of it to tie it down o Raise This Barn Raise This Barn one two three four um congrats on your iron thank you I have not enough have I made the advancement acquire Hardware do you have iron uh if I ever lost it uh the Bido games go good I’m making a house trying to get my house is better probably I I haven’t seen it my house is cuter because it’s just a mushroom mhm that is cuter you got me you bested [ __ ] well you can’t say that on this Minecraft server I’ll say another one hecking darn no you can’t say [ __ ] Smurf whoa we’re getting naughty here tonight this midafternoon on a Sunday oh no I lost all the sand that I dug up when I died I have a glass if you want glass you need a box and also a 64 of sand I made a box I made a box and then I didn’t put the sand in the Box sounds like a bad Strat that is your problem that is your sin this is my curse to bear as Penance for uh um okay I got three St that’s fine making a roof out of brick would be super cool the main problem is where the heck am I going to find all that clay yeah you got to find a swamp or something oh we we saw that a Alia tree the Al Tree go underground in the Lush caves I guess there’s clay in the Lush caves um [ __ ] tons of it yeah okay well how about you direct me there because I don’t know oh I don’t even know how to get back to spawn that’s cool um I don’t think I’m going to go there then I think okay but I also need a lot of clay so I might also go into the Lush caves or start looking for it well if you do find out where it’s located then you should tell me okay um okay so if you leave the village along the shoreline and you pass by this lava pool you will see the birch tree you already lost me where is the lava pool oh you follow the village along the shoreline I don’t know V you go to the village and then follow the shoreline and then you pass a lava pool and there’s a birch tree Ridge within sight within approximately four chunks I’m just going to go in a random Direction and see what I find sure okay I’m bad at following directions I’m not going to be able to do that I’m good with landmarks and nothing else oh I should probably just throw away this buried treasure map I don’t need it anymore I found the treasure treasure has been found mhm when are we going to focus on making a 500 foot tall Hots name Miku statue we did that last season yeah we need to find a new thing we need to make like a like a 600t tall statue yeah oh hey I found my crafting table I think I will just leave it out here for the rest of the world to find and ponder about what could it mean is it art it’s an empty crafting table and an exploded creeper hole this is an art piece oh I came up with a definition of art that I have not been able to run by other artists to see if they like it all right what do we got well okay art is any intentional decision made in communication no no because then this sentence is Art it is it’s not it is I’m glad we could have this talk it’s not art I go by that would that would mean that like business Acquisitions are art and I refuse to believe anything Disney can do in corporation is Art okay well a lot of it is Art they just uh on people to make it and you can say that that’s bad and that’s okay you could say that the trampoline on people is Art I mean um you have to make an intentional decision in in the way that you trample on the people and you have to be communicating while you do it like if you yell out involuntarily because you’re stabbed that’s not art but if you sigh heavily that is Art you perform your emotions that’s art you say after getting stabed sorry I know that’s not what but just it’s caught me off guard a lot I don’t believe you but I’m glad that you’re having fun talking about earlier if corporations are people then how is the South Park episode about [ __ ] out of your mouth not art okay so okay okay so I don’t think one of those premises follows the other yep I’ve been trying uh to to articulate these events um the uh I go by the DJ thex definition of art which is that art is just an experience like any experience that makes you think ah yes that’s art that’s art I go by the definition that art cannot be described and you just know it when you see it yep now I think it was hline who tried to define science fiction by saying science fiction is what I point to when I say the words yep oh my gosh it’s I mean it’s now it’s time for Deep Thoughts with timeline I subscribe the Dianes uh whatever his name [ __ ] was di I refuse to pronounce it any other way now you got all the letters right yeah that’s his name instead of something I am listen I’m just a simple featherless bipad all right I was going to find the tree right down the river is chicken riverart art is a featherless biped to say booking that chicken was an intentional decision diogenes made to communicate that he didn’t like their definition of human that presenting that featherless chicken was Art it was performance [ __ ] you got me I’ve been performance it does not follow from that that your definition is correct uh I know I don’t remember how to get out of a but my correct definition hey does that Village have a stone cutter no um no how do you make a stone cutter uh you need a smooth stone slab or just a regular stone slab the stone that used to be called Smooth Stone a slab of that uh I think oh no I’m thinking of a grind Stone [ __ ] why is the zombie a full leather armor I’m just a baby don’t you have recipes book turned on yeah turn on your recipe book search it up little green book I’ll do that when I’m not being accosted by every single entity in the world that’s fair Okie do I’m following this River just to see what’s out here if philosophy is Art should you kick the should you kick out the philosopher king for being an artist the philosopher what wait I know this is a reference that I don’t remember it’s a reference to Plato the rep found another Village good job I don’t remember play saying to kick artists out of the ideal city but I’ll take your word for [Music] it I don’t have bed at all was probably bad but it was actually kind of easy to find my house so there are four here all right Gooby making a bed miss you it is an intentional act so that is true well did you do that intentional act to communicate or did you simply do it to be that’s true that’s true this Village has also then you can’t make art for yourself you can communicate with yourself I disagree um I have this talk I think we might be disagreeing about the definition of communicate and not about to definition of art no I think you’re disagreeing about the definition of art I think I’m disagreeing with you you can disagree about both I don’t think I don’t think you’re allowed to disagree with me I’ve given you money over the internet I do need that money now more than ever I’m sorry I think you are right I’m glad we can have this x point they beat you in an argument you have to pay taxes now that’s the law I’m going to have to pay taxes this year I’m so excited wow it’s been so long since I’ve had to pay taxes uh taxes set for death and paying taxes does anyone here know the consequences of accidentally skipping a year of filing your taxes is i do the IRS comes for you no they usually don’t actually it’s it’s usually fine yeah my grandfather didn’t file his taxes for 20 years and it was only after like 20 years that they that they were like okay dude you haven’t filed your taxes in 20 years and he’s like what are you going to do and they’re like I don’t know do you have like property oh I guess I inherited this Farm gold state seizing that yeah the consequences are you have to pay your taxes uh with a little bit of Interest I cannot find the spot that I died and that’s sad but I I did find that Lush cave you guys were talking about with all the clay excellent can you please bring me a lot I don’t have tools to mine it right now I was looking you can mine it with your fist looms that’s slow it is slow I found there’s there’s Looms in this in this Village looms it’s really not that slow guys it’s just clay whoa okay fine we’ll do your bidding scrub I’ll stop sorry to complain about digging dirt with my hands I’ll get back in the Min sir please don’t my R again anding the’s Cresent Sailing by [Music] that’s there’s deep SL there that’s Japanese yes um I I like to switch between the English lyrics that I invented for Moon Princess for Princess Moon from Sailor Moon and just the actual lyrics in Japanese I like to just do that sometimes because it’s very fun to me well I appreciate that I am incredibly envious at how good your singing voice is my singing voice is kind of the first thing I was ever complimented on and so I uh never stopped cultivating it because I crave validation same here that’s such a big mood that’s such a big mood for me in writing I also hang on to compliments for years yeah thank you for liking the freerun video Tino that means a lot I fueled exclusively off of Tumblr reblogs a virtuous cycle I love that big FX out one that you’ve been given recently nice nice I found a ruined portal congrats it’s halfway in lava oh oh my gosh there’s a clock whoa those are kind of rare baby zombie why all right finally I can get out of the trees oh yeah I forgot that beds just float for some reason I thought that if you break a block under a bed just breaks it seems like it would because a lot of important things do that I’m just going to exclusively make one section of the house with grass blocks and that’s it what is this giant circular hole in the ground it’s like a meteor crash here coat is it did the world try to generate a lake and then it was too high and didn’t put any water in it no it leads down into a ravine or a big cave not a ravine oh skeleton guess I’m going in the big cave the skeleton will kill me if I don’t well if anyone needs dirt now I got you covered I don’t have a floor anymore what I need is armor and other stuff no I died with the clock in my inventory that’s so sad no I’m not going to for get it rabbit no I found some rabbit rbit I like rabbits raboot rabbits okay is this the spawn Forest potentially might be I don’t see any prob write down just like a we should probably write down like a coordinate directory or something no would the spawn coordinates not be 0 no the spawn coordinates are almost never z0 h that seems like it isn’t the choice I would have made yeah they did it don’t want to see what Minecraft’s code actually looks like oh gosh I’m fortunate enough not to be able to read code mhm I simply do not see it are people are so much more competent at video games than me that sometimes I will be playing video games near another person and they won’t even be looking at me but I will just know in my heart that I am that I am bmer merging the the craft of video gamer or something I don’t know like the hardest games I’ve played are Hades and Celeste and you’re like waa those are some pretty difficult games they’re known for being difficult H uh I think I found scrubs house or The Community House rather yes you have hello the community center um ah PE the reason I play really difficult games is because it is because it takes me forever to get good at them and so I can oh my God you’re so default hm is just a green shirt yeah I made it myself I I got far too good at dark souls and my relationship with that game was not healthy I know other people who can say the same thing ask them if they know perfect blocking is I’m sure they do oh perfect blocking they they might not it’s a it’s an animation exploit in the blocking oh like eye frames no kind of um when you are blocking and then you switch to uh two-handing a weapon uh the game gives you the block frames of putting down your Shield but skips them so you can uh block without having your Shield out and queue up an attack at the same time okay for about two frames hor the aelia tree is like 30 blocks north of your house don’t be rude why don’t you just show me berries are so hard to gather I don’t know which direction you went well you can look up the direction in F3 it’s at uh it’s at 0us 100 was that the y or the Z the Y doesn’t matter so 0us 100 you said yep that’s actually helpful information to me that the Y doesn’t matter uh the Y technically doesn’t matter cuz as long as you get to the CU it’s just the up and down coordinate yeah like it matters more in the nether oh yeah for sure or I guess if you’re looking for something Underground I am rich in berries I can make a Berry Farm it’s a shame berries suck so bad I wish you could make them into something useful I know right like like a berry pie it can add to my sugar agenda and it won’t tame them but you can give them to foxes you just give they they can be autof farmed with foxes so I just wish you could turn them into like at least like a berry cluster so you can eat several beries for some I feel like oh whoa don’t don’t mind that block okay we’re fine I feel like a pie might be too involved to be useful but I guess just like a handful of Beres I’m actually out of cobblestone I need to go get mine some Cobblestone we should be able to make Berry Jam I think give sugar another use yeah like all right zero minus 100 if you surround a food stuff in sugar it becomes candy to X to what end um it gives you more Hearts I don’t know sure like it just it just makes sense that like candying a thing is like preservative and something something uh we don’t have spoiling food in Minecraft yeah we don’t have spoiling food that’s right we need some way to cure rotten flesh oh yeah turn it into jerky or something oh hello bat in a hole dog treats oh B hello candy should give you temporary haste that’s the first thing I thought of but that just seem SE no AIA tree I’ve been tricked it is you 10 blocks of 0us 100 see the aelia tree I am blind it’s at like it’s at like 5 – 118 oh hello oh why didn’t I make a shield before I came down here Why didn’t it let me put down a block uh maybe there was an entity in the way I guess okay X point I need you to be 1,00% truthful for me if I jump down this hole will I die yes at least a little bit I’m going to make a staircase around the hole and I wna die okay so I’m going to need some water and I’m going to need a shield I’ve learned only just now that I apparently sing more on Road trips cuz I’m just sort of exploring around and I’m like ah yes the impulse to Simply break out into song mhm you might be a Disney character you might you might be a Disney princess or Disney prince depending on your preference I like princess uh let’s see here oh an axel an AAL uh an axe definitely my Axe and my [ __ ] axxe whoa hey that’s not a word not on my Minecraft server a good Christian Minecraft server or is this a good Gnostic Minecraft server we don’t talk about the gnostics here those guys are crazy yeah I wouldn’t trust a gnostic is Gnostic I have found a glow glid if anyone would like to make a sign visible wow I would um what language doesn’t Express X I mean I don’t know is this the p is this like the the setup to a I feel like it was a reference to me saying a holle as oh like you have an accent that doesn’t use the X sound because your your native language is some sort of alien gibberish uh I only know Midwestern accent and that’s because I can whip it out whenever I want so I know that’s probably not it um I find it very funny that because I watched so much shows that were like you know how Hollywood is in California um so I watched so many like shows and movies and I I learned how to talk and and also learn use my body language from cartoons MH so I talk like I’m from California when I am very much from Texas I hear a pig I feel like I was saying something a little oh that something something Ro trip Disney Princess um H gosh darn it I actually reverse engineered how to treat animals not by anyone telling me so here’s how you approach a wild animal or here’s how you treat like a feral cat or something I reverse engineered it because I knew that I love I I wanted animals to like me more than I wanted people to like me and I noticed that the Disney Princesses always had flocks of animals around them they were always so good with animals so I reverse engineered how to how to like treat animals and I’m like you should be gentle you should uh be like soft and slow and not uh like worry if they skit her off immediately um I I learned this um just via watching Disney princesses and being like I will mimic this Behavior it’s like you know I gu point in the column of Disney princesses are good Role Models I don’t know that we should go that far listen animal welfare and the proper treating of animals is not something that is very taught in our society I just had somebody else’s name tag flash on my screen for a second and I think I’m haunted no it was me wait huh hi where are you I’m down here in this hole oh okay what are your coordinates right now m is we’re at 0 minus 100 zero a y coordinate minus 100 the y-coordinate does matter now 48 I’m at4 294 I’m currently making stairs that XO just ignored and jumped in a hole for yep uh turns out they’re actually uh oh that skeleton stole my [ __ ] sword uh turns out whoa hey hey what you can’t say that what the [ __ ] is wrong I think he’s I think he’s been gotten something the hell is your problem the the where cave Madness X point please send help I’m scared s you got like a water bucket or something I do I have two actually C can you please give me a safe spot to land sure are you you can actually jump down the hole there are Vines right in front of you I forgot about them I like Vines they’re so handy but if you want a water bucket you can have this one on the road again I just can’t wait to get on the road again [ __ ] it random suggestion if say hypothetically um I was like Hey I want to share this specific single player game with you like a roll play game on one of the what’s it called again the stream what are they called The Hang I wanted to force you to play in stars and time actually it’s a completely different thing but like my my idea was um there’s this there’s this role playing game it’s called stray Gods it is a musical roleplaying game okay uh and it’s really [ __ ] good and uh and I was like it would be so fun if like I just like pulled it up on my computer and we fun functionally crowdsourced Grace’s entire personality and actions it would be fun I think I think it would be fun I guess that is that the one it’s Laura Bailey is it Laura Bailey that does the yeah Laura Bailey voice isn’t that I’m dead uh so does ER is er is is Hermes I love Hermes there’s a mad end be careful my sry that was than you boy what an Angy boy there you are oh dear oh golly oh golly W go okay this is fine I forgot I forgot about night heyo I have something for you Me Maybe hold on goodbye that would have been tragic come hi there I’m going to get up into this tree it’s going to be fine I’m going to get up into this tree and it’s going to be fine is this the same Village or is this a new Village oh yummy delicious oh glorious clay my inventory is full uh they are Doctor Who Angels benzer here have some mutton I’ve been subsisting on nothing but berries for like a while that’s cool I’ve been subsisting on [Laughter] nothing here take some of these so I don’t feel bad H this is this might be a different village way up here please say yes this is I mean if you want to go to the surface uh you can just take the pathway over there by the vines under the surface I’m standing in just the right spot to make the Enderman suffocate oh no you were hitting him yeah I killed him good job thank you I’m proud of you come back here for a second like I’m back here hello oh I don’t need all this this is far too much but thank you good have far too much okay Minecraft is a game about excess it’s true all right how do I get back up to the surface that was what I was just wondering scrub stair you finished your stairs okay I don’t see them therefore they don’t exist they’re over here that’s scrub hello over here oh over there um die uh ah but you didn’t finish the stairs I may be able to help hold on I’m finishing the stairs real quick yeah you can turn clay back into blocks to save space but I’m not going to do that because I I would just have to turn it back into balls again to cook it despair yeah it also it takes four to make a block and you only get two when you them stole my wooden sword so there’s a little bit of space saving but only if you’re going to actually max out your inventory mhm which my inventory is maxed out but that’s fine I wanted I need to get back and return this clay and there also this axel sto okay bye a I almost died again I’ve I’ve gone down to a heart or half a heart from falling about four times and have not died yet don’t do that okay now I need to go south I dislike zombies Mak sense most do do I just wait out just like waiting for night to be over oh is it night time yep it is yeah uh oh an annoying Prospect to be sure there’s the Dark Forest fig out where the the houses now egg take some free stuff better not be from the house no I’m giving free stuff to the house a generous contribution I love you forever yes you maybe I should money on patreon yay oh stone cutter baby zombie I’m dead probably I have no weapon why are baby zombies like that why did they include them I don’t know well I have a shield actually I might be okay nope it hit me twice hello I love hearing people’s like commentary on what they’re doing and then immediately just seeing a death message it’s great [Music] oh I’m going to have to go mining again for more uh for More Everything really more coal I like the Lykan and the mines I like like in the mines too zo we back in the mine ah jams are you at the Village um I’m at the Ravine next to the Village like behind my little house uh as soon as I get away from these zombies okay no you have to K it now hey James Are You The Village can I get some coordinates um 37072 7 37072 correct okay I went the wrong way I see I’m going to get killed by the baby I’m foolish of you you went the wrong way I was just trying how do I like to sort the chests I have a chest for items and a chest for blocks oh Nifty yeah oh god oh [ __ ] uh in late game I fill those chests with shulker boxes and I put one kind of each item in shulker boxes oh that’s cute stop it no get away had a sorting method that has made people U MIM vomiting mhm oh dear sting by the shape of the icon I see interesting uh there was a professor at my alma moer who uh I went into his office one day and I realized that he had sorted all of the books on his shelf by height uh a professor mhm yeah was one of the worst things i’ had ever seen you’ve already read all of the books you don’t really need to find anything I yes so you can just make it look nice it didn’t look nice it looked very odd it looked like a bunch of books put on a shelf by height I’m putting an anti flooding protection into my house do you think that it will flood you got sponges in the walls no okay sponges in the walls I want currently inside your walls yeah that does actually make me curious in what way have you made it protected from floods mhm do you not know do you not know about the best method to pour your house thank you you’re welcome well then I guess you’ll never find out I guess so I have food poisoning but both I’m curious about the method of protecting floods and if you can actually Pro protect your house from something that will never happen who knows maybe some psychopath to the bucket might come in don’t talk about me like that I saved James’s [Music] life this is true I like how even jams was like do I do I stand up for you no I promise I was distracted um let’s see uh I’m always distracted though it’s the HDs um I feel like we need a word like TMS but for ADHD and so I propose HDs hd’s nuts so high definition does it being a de nuts joke make it better or worse better I think that always makes it better it’s like that famous old meme Ben like Jesus promised to rid the world of evil people and Odin promised to rid the world of ice giants I don’t see any ice giants around I I thought you were just going to Ed it it’s like that old meme Ben it’s Ben it’s Ben but also wait hold on are you telling me the V Kim where it’s like I don’t see any witches around was derivative of that maybe it might be derivative the other way oh maybe I doubt it I feel like it’s old no that Meme is older than Moka Moka came out in 2010 or 2012 yeah moo is younger than I thought I know right guessed yeah she’s like what 14 it’s weird that pretty Kure is older than Monica is it I don’t know why it’s weird that that part’s not weird to like spoof Monica is a parody of magical girls Moka is not a parody it’s a Moka just is a magical girl show it’s a magical girl show but they made it it’s not a parody at all oh that’s anyway I’m mining like I usually do when I first speed up Minecraft I would love some coal I will continue mining there’s so much clay there’s so much clay give me this manyal for many experience that I might m h not mind name blocks me and the grain silo but it’s just clay oh God the great I was so horrified the first time I heard the thing about grain silos that people D or something else yes that the way people die in them mhm how they work see when I first heard about grain silos my immediate thought was okay but like imagine putting on a scuba outfit diving right inside you have a pulley so somebody can get you out but like I I want to know what it feels like to fall in the gra Silo my go you know like when you put your hand deep into the container of rice it’s that but your whole body see that sounds that sounds like that sounds horrifying that sounds like some the buried [ __ ] from the Magnus archives no that that sounds like uh that sounds like it would please uh my autism it does sound Pleasant yeah I thought you wanted to be an avatar of the buried wow don’t want to jump in the grain silo what no I’m saying that the buried is the one that would feed off of me the easiest I want to be an avatar of the slaughter do you see do you see the idea you want to be the psychopath I want to commit violence you’re not beating the allegation okay I feel like I’m beating you with this stick probably how very Slaughter of you make better use of my bricks I bet there’s like only one person in the chat who’s like Magnus archives fans and popping off one person there are 10 people in chat yeah but there’s exactly one other person who gets what we’re talking about I’m not sure that t I’m not sure that 10% of people are Magnus archives fans they should be at least 20% of people should be Magnus archives fans honestly 20% of the world population okay well apparently it’s Tino yay wow look at that so far my strip mine has yielded no coal and I am out of pickaxes here hold on I’ve got 30 coal um my name I think I have some more in this chest I do not um but I can f it over to The Community House I have six charcoal I remember the first time I played Minecraft I didn’t know what I was doing and so I was so distraught and frustrated when I tried to mine some iron with my hands because I was like the first interesting thing that I found and it was like like I didn’t understand like the the tool system and I didn’t understand uh like uh that Char like I like I didn’t know how to make a torch I didn’t know how to make a torch I didn’t know how to find coal and and like I learned ah charcoal you do it by burning wood yeah okay so hold on wait you burn wood with wood and that what and I was just like so frustrated actually I should make some charcoal that would solve my coal problems hello sheepy beepy I’m now going to refer to all sheeps as sheepy beep let’s see how much ocean there is here I am tired of trying to get IR I want to plunder it like a real pirate well there’s some sugar can let me free my honey me wait what when did I hold on I think something weird is going on I should not have over 64 birch logs after mining three birch trees in your yeah yeah you’re right that is strange that’s correct you shouldn’t not how that works oh many here Chuck’s call into the thing thank you very much I will uh die for you now oh goodness gracious you don’t got to go through all that that’s such an honor the should be in big chest hello Cy welcome back I say that like hear me greetings are nice mhm it is Nic us to be Nies that is true let’s see should be able to put those there and then put some torches underneath okay can’t talk but I’m listening to the stream hello hey see it is Nies to be nices MH no kindness is ever wasted I like that’s from something specific just a specific phrase it does sound familiar I’ll waste you a kindness I feel like it’s from a movie that on a on a ya book I was thinking Muppets it might be from s yeah Muppet’s A Christmas Carol those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive everyone talks about A Christmas Carol I I start I agree in the sense that I have not actually seen all of a up at Christmas carol all the way through because uh the one time I got the opportunity to do it I had to catch a plane so you know okay what do I do for floor here my Christmas Carol is definitively the best Christmas Carol oh yeah 1,00% I also haven’t seen it well now you know it’s the best one sounds like you need to do a Christmas stream where you do all the Christmas movies you haven’t seen oh I wouldn’t be against it I haven’t seen many movies [Music] okay and then for this floor here let’s add some chiseled bookshelves see our buddy whose name I I’ve forgotten because I’m bad with names also says they have not seen it C Yi I sorry I forgot your name let’s see oh right but I wanted to ReDiscover that Village and the way to do that is to Simply follow the water a second time and but the night is coming and it’s full of perils not perils what a horrible night to have a curse is there a good night to have a curse does it work like that full moons oh I suppose you’re right all pairs especially if it’s a blue moon I hope I’m going down the right Fjord yeah I think that’s it it’s not a fjord that’s a completely different geological um yeah don’t Mi those up we’re very the most fun one to say we’re very particular ours here is it a cume it’s not an estuary I think it’s just a stream how could you mix up and an estuary um they they’re both uh I mean I I didn’t mix them up in the mixed up don’t be mean this is the thing I do frequently um fans you for being mean online oh God not you X Point um anyway so what was they saying uh right um uh the uh um it’s not that I mixed them up in the sense that I was like one is it it’s more just like Fjord was the only word that was coming to my brain was like I know that’s correct because I know what a fjord is no there was um there was this time when I was involved in a study abroad program where I went to teach English in France for a couple of months and I I messaged the people I was going to be staying with and I was like basically I did the equivalent of saying like hey looking forward to uh coming to Michigan and hanging out when actually I was going to Idaho and there was a miscommunication it’s like no I didn’t think I was going to Michigan I knew I was coming to this place I just thought that this place was called Michigan you don’t understand I’m not that much of an idiot I promise all right I found the village and also my other boat let’s just kind of hole up inside of one of these structures I like how debating if I want to complete the roof or the floorboards got to have something to stand on that’s true but the ground is always there Good Old Reliable ground so is the empty space above you in fact you will never fill the empty space above you you could someday fill the ground actually you could in fact fill the empty space above I don’t think you could there will always be more but but he would reach the top of the sky box but always be more there is then more oh I guess I don’t know does that actually count as space yes what’s what’s the definition of space here I don’t care um any occupiable area that is not already occupied sure I don’t think that that’s occupiable it sure is you can build to the build height and then get on top of your blocks and then you are occupying the space M but then you would be filling the space but you can’t fill every space that it’s possible to fill past the block height is the thing you can only fill the amount that you have in your you yes and then like in Minecraft specifically there’s the question of whether or not you even take up space because other things can walk through you oh that’s true the player is a strange creature all right what do I want to do with thisa I feel like this is uh yes there is yeah you feed it iron we must feed him gravel uh I feel like I want this to be a window if it’s not going to be a uh a staircase but I don’t want it to be Birch down there I want it to be Spruce but we don’t have Spruce Wood um there’s some not that far away yeah but I use Spruce Wood all the time I want to challenge myself a little oh I see do I accent this with Cobblestone maybe what all do I have access to stone brick this isn’t the direction uh deep slate Sandstone Granite diorite and deite I can do this this is fine ter so competent you say your voice shaking with trepidation I’m not owned rever brick ah I didn’t mean to do that can I not ring the bell you have to ring it from the side um you random villager do it like that you’re strange creeper exactly you get it there’s three different Brewing stations in different buildings in this in this Village whoa that’s so weird you want me to mine them no they can hang out oh unless it’s a different village it’s a completely different village from the ones that we have from the one that we are and this one has a church and everything probably bring one then yeah wamp I’ve made myself bread so I’m no longer sustaining myself on exclusively berries yay nice okay much does that look good that that is a sheep that is several sheep I think it needs needs to be taller I think have any of you guys seen moonight no it’s a good show I’ve seen the night moon have I seen you’re you’re asking the person with possible did if they’ve seen moonight you know what good point I know it’s that I know I know people I know people who know they have dis disorders and they haven’t seen moonight um oh my gosh okay we got talk about moonight now let’s go oh great you will regret this typing anyway okay so moonight is a Marvel Superhero right we do craft Malik welcome they introduced hello welcome they introduced uh moonnight into the MCU via a like uh like a little like a SE little little miniseries allaw Wan division right it’s just called moonight of course just nice title title name of the superhero basically moonight is a superhero who has did and he like um functionally the established characters um that are in this system are Steph Grant Jake lley and Mark Spectre I love that they make Steven Grant the best scrungo I know right like the in the like in the like in the com he was just kind of like generically like the not generically like was not British in the comics he was basically Bruce Wayne yes he was Bruce Wayne in the comics and he’s like you know he’s just like I uh I’m the I’m the one we I’m the I’m the one with the Charisma and I’m the one who essentially Bank Rolls Everything uh and um and then Mark Spectre is like the like like the moonight and then there’s Jake lle who is delightful he’s a taxi driver I love him uh and uh essentially in the in the miniseries what they did was this really cool thing where uh essentially Stephen is the POV character for the first like majority of the episodes basically um especially the first few and it is it like it introduces the idea that yes this is a superhero with thetive disorder via it’s stepen realizing wait a minute I’m not the only one in here uh and it’s it’s so good okay so basically the point of moonite is a superhero though I for Gore about that part is that he is in service of the of the Egyptian God konu who is the god of like the night and alsoo travel the god of the Moon god of the Moon and travelers of the night and such he protect The Travelers of the night and like that that’s like uh um that is both uh mood Knight’s superhero Mission and also like mood Knight’s like holy mission in a way like it’s the mission like Mission like as in Mission uh um in the comics it’s like this really fun little poetic thing um and it’s I just I love moonight as a character so much I love moonight as a character I love moonight as a concept I love moonnight uh and I love the show it’s so good Oscar Isaac plays the main character I probably should have Li that Oscar Isaac is so insanely good he’s insanely good it’s not fair it’s not fair um I don’t know why I said it like that but you know it’s CU it’s cuz for Steven Grant he does a fake British accent and the point is that it sounds fake the point is in fact that it sounds fake he’s an American who thinks he’s British the fun thing about British accents though is that like there’s like so many sub accents that any accent will sound fake to someone Fair no the funniest part is that like for a lot of Americans they were talking about how good of an English accent he had and then for everyone from England they were like wow what a [ __ ] accent but I get that’s the point yeah it’s like I love that like like it’s it’s very funny to me because there is someone like it there’s someone in my life with like uh there’s someone in my life who like is like like an introject which is to say like is like functionally the the type of uh uh like author that Stephen is um and and they’re just both very similar like as in this person I know is very similar to Stephen Grant and it’s so so funny just looking between the two of them being like how how did that happen I love it anyway although I guess saying the word inject might be a spoiler if you already know what the word inject means anyway that’s not the point the point is watch moonnight the point is to watch Mood Knight I heard someone say that recently uh anyway do you guys want me to bring the Looms in too like just from this Village yeah why not looms can be good decoration yay they’re good decorations and they’re good for decorating it’s great it’s the best of both worlds get the [Laughter] [Music] best okay that’ll be a window yay I was afraid for a hot second the axe was the wrong tool and that I was going to destroy them uh nah oh right oh whoa whoo whoo whoo whoo I like Wool Wool is nice see did I oh the logs are on my hot bar I’m silly the logs are hot on my bar a hot commodity all right I think I’m going to go ahead and sail sail on back home uh sail we row in this world whoa sail I hardly know her I’m strip mining is that timeing my Bel every time you break a block you take off an article of clothing no no no it’s every time you find a you you find uh like an ore I would still be fully clothed if that were the case rip okay I I have a nice little crafting room and no walls I always build from the inside out so I usually wind up with these very wonderful floors and nothing around them okay I need more food which means I need to make a little farm probably real quick we’ll just all right going outside to go fix my Hunger no I hopped directly into the lava at the ruined portal I have now fixed my Hunger yes the only way to stop being hungry one two three four five six seven eight and then we need one of these on either side oh great I hear a witch Fire charges flint and steel a fortune 2 golden pickaxe uh and golden boots of fire protection four waa that’s not the worst thing you could have found yeah there would have also been a clock Al let’s mine the Gold block somehow ooh Cy found a m think I want this magma blocks these cute little magma blocks they’re so cute I like the way they look okay then make a hoe you got to hold on hold on when you you got to how do you know she’s a witch do you have a duck what wit Me By The River Jordan KNE deep in a rising TI we will climb up oh shoot I don’t know I didn’t realize huh I forgot the hierarchy the mining hierarchy and I used a stone pickaxe instead of an iron pickaxe because I don’t have iron whoops did you just mine diamonds on what no it was a it was a gold block so it was like it’s less devastating but oh yeah I’m glad they found a use for gold eventually it only took them approximately a decade that’s another reason I play with natural health regeneration turned off it makes gold vital wait how do oh for like apples uh for apples and healing potions both oh wait what healing po oh yeah GL potions of healing I like glistering melons mhm glistering pretty isn’t isn’t it gling it’s glistering right it’s glistening no no they’re glistering exposive they’re not did I no okay I can’t they absolutely are glitering melons they are not [Music] ging I’m looking this up Minecraft Wiki iest acquire Hardware alt print screen go to the Discord to the weekly hang section glycerin melon why does that okay I heard Glycerine all this time cuz glistering sounds like you’re getting a blister ew gross oh there it is I wish I had shears but I only have one thing of iron I have shears oh I have to travel all the way back things oh yeah uh uh what did I have open down there it was not this isn’t a swamp what is this is it a mangrove swamp maybe it’s like it’s got mushrooms and it’s it doesn’t have a lot of water but it has a lot of dead plants I don’t understand uh neither do I ah God [ __ ] damn it killed by witch using magic okay what else do witches use well I mean a witch could use a knife you can be killed by a witch using a knife at least my favorite thing when the potion seller came to me and shanked me with a [Music] knife how is it that you make Jackal lanterns again you have to Shear the pumpkin and then combine it with torch in the crafting menu oh wait bread right oh my inventory is filling up uh I should probably go ahead and head back home I should put on these boots too who did we vote for in the mob vote in the most recent one I didn’t vote because I didn’t care but I had a slight preference for crab oh wait what was the M boat this was crab armadillo and was the I can’t imagine the tough Golem was in in this one I’m okay with uh penguin right with armadillo winning I’m not squid winning though oh that situation was like annoying um the only mob vote I’ve had legitimate feelings about is the one with the LA because then there was an objective right answer yes uh was it the or was it something else I don’t remember the LA was the objective right answer you are correct other thing like a copper go copper Golem I mean coer had a use I mean no it really would have I mean it would have had a use that is currently filled by chickens on a pressure plate you’re not wrong but the LA introduces functionality that does not yet exist in the game also they’re friends and they’re pretty Tock tell me what you would use the LA for I use it for sorting non-stackable items in my Giant item sorder so wait do they brain stuff The Hoppers or yep yes oh okay I didn’t know you hand them a thing and they’re like oh we should get more what spring thing I like the LA’s they’re so soft and cute I’m almost done with the amount of bricks I need does anybody have hay if we’re actually going to go with the hay roof there’s some in the village hay bales I have seven of them I think we’re going to need a bit more than seven yeah here I’ll go back to the village that I just uh was in because there’s more hay bales in the village I was just in okay what do I do and there’s also more hay bales in the close Village oh cool okay put that there it’s like oh shiny thing except coal is not at all shiny um you can make coal shiny if you try really hard just got to push it real hard push it real good um you can die I can you’re right I’ve never tried I assume I can you’ve succeeded a few times from what I’ve seen uh but I’ve never tried I may fail you I may fail you I may fail but it doesn’t mean that I won’t try God the pery Jackson musical is so good it’s not fair I’ve heard that I’ve heard that the pery Jackson musical is unreasonably good it’s like I just God the music is so beautiful and it’s such a wonderful perfect adaptation as far as I’m concerned they turn the majority of like the like side questing middle of the book into a single Montage number which was the correct decision as far as musical theater goes um and I just I love it so much I love I love Percy’s actor I love like their voices I love all of the songs they’re they’re all bangers put you in your place is amazing um uh should get friends together and watch it if there’s a recording somewhere oh yeah I think I saw I think I still have a Google Drive link to a bootleg though I don’t know if it’s still up should probably just wait for the official recording oh yeah I hope that exists one day um I can’t imagine it won’t with a property like that but that’s the thing that Broadway is really stingy about any recording yeah but you have to consider the rights holders who are definitely going to want to get as much money as yes I was so far away from Spawn and now all the things I grabbed are gone that rhymed yay I’m so far away I’m so far away from Spawn now the things I grabbed are gone oh I’m sad starving and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to make it for the last 10 minutes of the stream just die it worked wonders for me no I’m starving in real life oh that’s a much more difficult wonders for me just [ __ ] die all right beish okay let’s see what I can I should have put things in a chest or something oh I’m going to go for stone brick ceiling I think stone brick accents on ceiling where’s myo used to playing on peaceful mode I never expect to die should have only made four stairs that was my bad I like having subtitles on and also having uh pirate as the language y u like like a pirate mhm that one it’s great specifically because bats are defined as a flying mouse so anytime a bat makes a noise it’s like flying mouse squeak and I’m like let’s cook a little more Cobblestone CU I was careless isn’t that just what bat is in French as like a literal translation maybe I don’t really remember I’ll look it up real quick pretty sure there’s like a few languages where bald Mouse bald Mouse yeah that makes more sense well makes less sense but is more familiar I’m so sad about the stuff I’m sorry I’m so sad about it I was like yeah I’ll bring some looms back I got so much will blah blah blah too Stark I have boots we can make looms I think we can it’s actually relatively simple especially if you have wool I need somebody to come over to The Community House and tell me which side I make a cute little Pond for my aelott can do running through the night running through the night I feel like there’s a song for this um running through the night running through the night and I ran I Ran So Far Away yeah Exel you get them in Lush [Music] caves so oh there is a song in Japanese let’s see here another kiss in the morning morning in the evening something beyond my range of comprehension but then you brought to attention greetings always follow by good yes must it end don’t look back don’t worry [Music] plastic heart is a very good song no plastic love that’s what it is need to be struck by your I don’t think we can copy that uh no it was not I don’t think uh I just hear explosions and I get very scared yeah creeper of plant oh man there’s the house good all right so which side to put the pl to put the the pond on let’s see oh dear it’s a thunderstorm that’s was much louder than I thought it was set to be ah thunder noises my beloved but anyway uh let’s see here so we’re putting it the pond outside of the house not inside of it yeah okay cool um do we want it let’s see H do you want it to this side or this side I think it would be nicest on H oh the side that I died on I didn’t expect to die from that jump but okay the side that I died on there’s a pi um have you considered though that this other side is like got perfect window viewage oh I guess in my mind I’m like yes it’s like the house is cradling the Little Pond with the with the ass with the ash blood in it I like it okay we’ll have that like that definitely would look nicer with the tree line and everything I’m not even paying attention to where I’m running I’m just staring straight up into the sky because I like the way the rain looks I like the F noises yeah me when I put on the 10 hour YouTube video with train noises in a thunderstorm [Music] just listen to hardcore nuzlock when you go to sleep but despair but consider it’s someone else’s despair mhm and I find that comforting iath Behavior listen I only find other people’s despair comforting if I am directly in charge of it being inflicted I feel like that’s worse yeah that that that is troubling in a way that those other things were not I promise I’m exaggerating a little bit those things were not but only a little bit okay you know what I’m just going to crawl into this bed going to be nice rain and sleep sounds and Minecraft music that’s an entire genre of YouTube success right there oh well see problem is I keep dying right next to my bed so while my stuff is here so is the thing that killed me yeah that made that just the way I got creeped a man right next to my bed uh my bed exploded oh an egg why was there an egg oh that’s from probably from where you died hello scrub yes uh in that case I think that’s a perfectly good place for me to end this stream yeah hello Siberian sailor you showed up right at the best time okay I had a great time I’m so glad that we got this up and running again this is Vibes I I’m keep playing for the rest of the day I don’t know about you guys anyone else read Herodotus I don’t remember what herat’s deal was he’s the historian the historian oh the historian the historian one of the first ones where you’re just allowed to make [ __ ] up that was a fun time uh you guys can keep playing if you want nobody’s going to stop you uh I’m just going to get off stream and get something to eat cuz I am so hungry okay yeah uh everyone in chat thank you all for showing up I had a great time if you would like to get in on this server for yourself you can go to explanation point to find out how uh and until next time uh have fun Mining and Crafton Gooby [ __ ] we miss you

This video, titled ‘ExPoint Minecraft Server – Grand Reopening!’, was uploaded by Explanation Point on 2024-06-16 19:05:46. It has garnered 1334 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:16 or 10696 seconds.

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  • Minecraft Floating Head x Trolling face 🔥🤣 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Floating Head x Trolling face 🔥🤣 #minecraft #memes When you’re trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up with a floating head instead, just blame it on the trolling face emoji for causing chaos! 🤣 #minecraftfails #trollingemoji Read More


    EPIC PSG STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE Minecraft: Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge! Join the fun as players face off in a battle of creativity and skill to see who can construct the most impressive statue of the legendary football player Lionel Messi. Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God Witness the clash of different skill levels as noobs, pros, hackers, and gods showcase their building prowess in this exciting challenge. From beginners to expert players, everyone has a chance to shine and demonstrate their unique building styles. Building… Read More

  • Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 – Falling Sky, Rising Power

    Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 - Falling Sky, Rising PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Hardest Modpack With Nothing // Episode 18 – Sky Falling, Power Rising’, was uploaded by Neurotic Goose on 2024-06-14 18:00:12. It has garnered 41578 views and 3988 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. In this eighteenth episode of the series I solve the space-trash problem using a neon blue goose-juice powered rotary impeller, automate photosynthetic degeneracy – or possibly fertilization – by feeding an exclusively vegetarian diet to plants, create ever-more-powerful magic boxes, and vomit rainbows all over the floor. GT – New Horizons is an intricately designed… Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥

    MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI’, was uploaded by GamerHit on 2024-03-06 13:02:58. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI #minecraft #tipsandtricks #minecrafthindi #tips #minecraftupdate #mineccraftupcomingmods #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #minecraftseeds #technogamerz #yessmartypie #gamerfleet about : GamerHit is a YouTube channel, where you will find gaming videos in Hindi, l hope this video was Useful and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1

    Surviving My First Day in Minecraft Hardcore 😱 | EP 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft hardcore Day 1 🥳 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1’, was uploaded by The Hollow on 2024-04-30 15:30:11. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:48 or 1368 seconds. Playing Minecraft Hardcore Day 1 | Minecraft Hardcore EP 1 Why Minecraft Jungle is everywhere 🥺 I need plains biome Can I will be survived 100 days INSTAGRAM – IF U LIKE THE VIDEO THEN PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL 🤌❤️ LIKE THE VIDEO SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL TILL THEN TAKE CARE BYE BYE FELLAS💖 THANKS FOR READING 🙏❤️ Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & Dominate

    MASTER MINECRAFT 1.21: Skip Tutorial & DominateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-06-23 15:03:00. It has garnered 1417961 views and 32446 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:05 or 4985 seconds. Basically Everything You Need To Know for Minecraft 1.21 | 167 Minecraft Facts, Build Hacks, Tips and Tricks 00:00 – Intro 00:16 – 1. Crafter Door 00:36 – 2. Secret Bookcase Entrance 01:06 – 3. Calibrated Sculk Sensor Door 01:38 – 4. Termites for Armadillos 02:00 – 5. Slimes Jump into Space 02:09 – 6. Villager Trading Nerf 02:49… Read More

  • SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒

    SPACE MITX PUZZLE CHALLENGE! Can you escape? 🌌🔒Video Information This video, titled ‘Kannst DU dieses RÄTSEL LÖSEN? #minecrafttroll #minecrafthacks #escaperoom’, was uploaded by SpaceMitX on 2024-04-02 10:45:01. It has garnered 18803 views and 1405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. TheJoCraft built a Bedrock Escape Room for me! Can I beat it? #minecraft #shorts #tiktok #minecrafttricks 👕 NEW MERCH 🩳 → TikTok → Please give it a thumbs up if you like the video! 🎬 Twitch Streams → 🚀 Become a VIP? → 👍🏼 Those? → 🤖 Community Discord → 🏹 My texture pack →… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Adventure Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Carmal Con on 2024-06-11 00:17:47. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:22 or 5122 seconds. Joey and his dad start their quest to beat Minecraft for the very first time Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!

    Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream’, was uploaded by ToshiB12TheDon on 2024-04-16 07:39:07. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:34 or 454 seconds. Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream Read More

  • “1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE” #minecraft

    "1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Shulker Farm | LIVE #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sp00kable on 2024-03-11 16:41:44. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:36 or 11976 seconds. ►Donate here – Donations are not required, but are appreciated. ►Twitter: ►Follow me on Twitch for More Livestreams: ►Merch Store – ►Business inquiries: [email protected] ***All donations must be made by someone who is above 18 years of age. While donations are appreciated, they are never asked for. If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are nonrefundable… Read More

  • HamzaOPyt – Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelart

    HamzaOPyt - Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did You Remember! #shorts #pixelart’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-02-27 17:00:24. It has garnered 10133 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. dissociadid did switch dissociative identity disorder pixel art tutorial pixel art guide pixel art tips Pixel art minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art minecraft memes minecraft animation Minecraft shorts shorts loud viral shorts comedy shorts Shorts Read More

  • DeadshotsMC Network

    DeadshotsMC NetworkBanner will be coming soon! Hello! so around 4 months ago me and my friends decided to make a community for gaming to make finding people to play with alot easier. We have a MineColonies Server running at the minute so if you want to come and start a civilization and see how your colony can find its place in the world! There are a few streamers in the discord looking to give it a go so numbers are jumping up considerably! If your looking for a chilled community please come join us at Deadshot Dropouts with the link provided… Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We prioritize player interaction over land claiming and excessive additions. Apply Now on our Discord Server Learn more on our Website Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Experience pure vanilla Minecraft with no added plugins or changes to the game. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server expenses. Community Voice We value feedback and include the community in decision-making processes. Playing Together Join our community events and collaborative projects to play together. New Content Now Get access to new Minecraft updates as soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Getting Villainous: Our Wicked Arc Begins! 🔥

    “Watch out, we’re about to go full-blown evil in Minecraft! Time to unleash our inner villain and start griefing those villagers like never before. Plus, we’ve got a meme score of 9 so you know we mean business. Bow down to the pixelated bad guys!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • “Caught red-handed on my friend’s server 😂🔥” #minecraft #meme #vtuber

    "Caught red-handed on my friend's server 😂🔥" #minecraft #meme #vtuber When you stumble upon a secret stash of diamonds in your friend’s Minecraft server and suddenly become the most popular player in the group #winning #minecraftsecrets #sneakysneaky Read More

  • ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most!

    ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most! Exploring the Scary Side of Minecraft Introduction Gather around, gamers! Shayan from ShayanGG is here to take you on a thrilling journey through the eerie realms of Minecraft. While some may argue that Minecraft is just pixelated Legos, did you know that over 60% of people find it scary? Join Shayan as he embarks on a daring challenge to survive the scariest horror map filled with jumpscares, monsters, all without any mods. Are you ready to face your fears? Minecraft Version Shayan delves into the spine-chilling adventure using various Minecraft versions including 1.8.9, 1.16.5, 1.19.4, and 1.20.1. Each version… Read More

  • Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong

    Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong Minecraft Theme Park Adventure Gone Wrong Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Daosao Gamers as they delve into the world of theme parks in this exciting short movie. Join them as they navigate through the ups and downs of creating their very own theme park in the virtual realm. Building a Dream Theme Park The Daosao Gamers set out to create the ultimate theme park in Minecraft, filled with thrilling rides, attractions, and surprises at every turn. With creativity and determination, they bring their vision to life block by block, crafting a world that promises endless fun for… Read More

  • Billie Goose’s INSANE Minecraft transformation!

    Billie Goose's INSANE Minecraft transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be better in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Billie Goose on 2024-07-09 21:58:36. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:54 or 9954 seconds. Hi I’m Billie, and I’m addicted to minecraft now. Also the screen shot in the thumbnail is from my personal save because I’m on a different computer rn. I might remember to change it later idk. You can also find me here: Dennis made my awesome skin!! follow him here: (and/or here:) MODS LIST (v1.20) amendments carry on chef’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft Mods

    Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods Survival!’, was uploaded by Plaguemeister on 2024-07-18 23:35:46. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds. Feeling spoopy Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t – Pokemon Shield Stream #11

    UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t - Pokemon Shield Stream #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #11’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-03-20 16:06:33. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:06 or 10986 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #Minecraft

    Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Gaming monster on 2024-01-04 16:15:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More