INSANE! kpx’s Epic Minecraft Stream Debut

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and drop a link okay did you get the link nope all right hang on I’ll just go to the we’re good all right we’re we’re live but um chat’s not up chat’s not up no oh there they are hello everyone ZN M hello if you can hear us it’s not showing off on my side can you hear us everyone triple are you seeing the chat man nope oh that’s weird okay hi Zen oh the chat overlay is working oh yeah it’s oh you know why do you have it exporting to an overlay yeah is that why yep let me try to view as a viewer yeah the second took the overlay off at work for a second cool you can hear us everyone awesome hey sorry for the technal difficulties oh so the overlay is working that’s cool okay that’s good to know is very cool did you turn it off for a second just now overlay no there’s only one comment up there we go now it’s gone the message let me type oh weird cuz it appear oh there we go it came back all right cool there we go all right K solo MP from Exo please bore hello thean we have a list on our Discord where you can tell us to do things uh Adam I’m just going to walk through this portal see what happens okay I’m G to follow you everyone is is everything okay audio portal it’s not a real portal oh is that everyone is everything okay um the audio levels can you see both screens I know we’re doing like the old PS2 style switch screen yeah we’re we’re we’re going back to this is gaming Heritage this is very throwback okay let’s see do kaj triple where are you hello Soul moika all right all right so triple where are you yeah we got to find you all right triple we’re by the spawn so somebody over here built a furnace randomly I found um all right so so who built all this I mean this is just the world still right now why do you guys have a portal already wait what what’s the portal mean that’s the spawn portal that’s the spawn portal okay um I have no idea how Minecraft works so guide me I haven’t played this game in over 10 years okay how do I destroy the tree hold down the left button oh yeah hold down the left button Adam okay so what can I do with dirt uh nothing useful right now just get wood wood all right I was punching a white box so I need an axe or I can I can literally punch you can punch it because why not okay this is how Minecraft works this is not like factorial all right all right um where is everyone Harris age did not I never played I like Lego so maybe I should like this my goodness hey all right all right I’m finding my way to someone to Kar triple so everyone in the chat how you guys doing happy Sunday it’s a very busy screen what is it I got to increase the size of my Minecraft Jesus this is wild oh my goodness oh my God it just increases the size of the UI as well everything’s just on top of each other all right you are playing in developer mode that’s awesome um where’d you go Adam I I have no idea I’m in a forest okay well this whole area is Forest oh Levolution has joined anyone onello lolu anyone on the Discord join in I have phases where I play every few months no yes I’m the uh it’s kazin I’m the one that doesn’t play for over 10 years I don’t know if Adam’s ever played Minecraft I have not this is my first time oh I see I see triple triple oh wait no he can’t hear me wait where are you oh are you by the water I’m by the water now now I’m following triple what the hell is this okay I see two people up there I think that’s kaj oh that’s you that’s you okay oh he’s got a sword I like your armor triple triple oh we should be on voice chat that’d be hilarious but anyway oh my goodness triple found us Tri on yeah if you can hear our stream or however you’re hearing us well it’s delayed so I just typed it okay aronova from the game hello Mel what am I doing Mel what am I doing I have no idea what I’m doing Mel guide me I need you uh let’s see M what games do you both play um like we play different kinds of games when we were younger I play a lot of different games uh take the portal ad him just stay in it okay when I was younger We we played a lot of games together like Shooters Guild Wars 2 and um gu Wars one mostly one I played one with you one yeah oh [ __ ] yeah you got mad at me because it was spring break you went on vacation with your family I just started and you came back and I was already level 20 yeah you’re already level 20 yeah there we go uh where am I I’m just I’m in hell yeah we’re we’re we’re we’re in a dark place and then we have no armor or weapons so let’s just follow triple and I found a torch or I oh [ __ ] no I punched the torch oh I’m in hell oh okay there’s a monster down there yeah we’re in dark place oh no no I I’m dying is that lava okay that’s lava all right all right oh my oh no no no no there’s no water oh [ __ ] I’m trying to fight with the stick and it’s not doing anything so I need what happening I’m dead a where do I pick up my Souls there are no souls what are we doing here you don’t level up I’m punching a box what do we got I am lost oh we got a torch all right I’m by the portal again where are you guys oh there’s a portal here wait who else just joined Aran NOA where are you Zoe hello uh Mel I followed triple through a portal that’s why I don’t know I don’t know why I’m here I just am wait what’s the nether is that hell nether yeah we’re we’re in Hell okay so nether is hell I have a torch so I shouldn’t be going in right uh I mean we’re following triple but I’m lo oh God I’m St I’m dead okay all right back to the portal all right there you are let’s go let’s go wait you have a sword no I have a stick I literally have a stick you have a stick I I have a t HT it’s flat This Server count is wild hi YouTube what server count what hi exced hi coffee coffee I’m drinking iced coffee you’re a chef what’s your favorite ice coffee ice coffee all right let’s see what this is all right people suggestions on the on the nether uh I I say that we need gear but okay we do need gear so if we go into search for the cherry blossom trees what there’s cherry blossom trees here hello fairy wait how many people are on the the server right now all right tripple says we’re going back we’re going back we we got to meet up with everyone we got to get a party started no no no we’re we’re we’re we’re going back in the hell he he is it’s the way back all right everyone we’re jumping into hell find the Portal we have gear it’s just a bit far away okay don’t know what that means but okay all right Cino we’re coming back you lead me to my death that’s I try yeah don’t worry dead together is better than being alive together okay we don’t see you anymore all right we triple where are you wrong way guys how how did we go the wrong way uh wait other way oh okay oh oh oh okay oh control is Sprint that’s really going to mess with me oh control mm why not shift oh I’m holding shift it’s working shift is duck oh never mind never mind that is control to other other people’s keyboards that is control all right we’re following triple oh oh behind you oh in front of me no I’m dead uhoh he has a machine gun well it’s nice knowing you too you’re dead no I’m here but there’s two guys on my tail we’re just we’re going to be okay it’s so dark uhoh they’re dropping food for us just so you know how do you how do I eat food uh you select it in your little inventory and I gotta press the inventory Kaja left us ah no now kaja’s back all right um are we supposed to just keep jumping up yep all right it’s so dark double tap to walk to Sprint what oh yeah you can double tap walk tapping control is actually faster all right I can’t see crap now so I’m just going to keep moving forward why is it so dark why what are you looking for in the nether a way home that’s what we’re looking for candy away home we left home I oh my God all right um well on Earth at least we don’t have a stamina bar I see someone yeah that that the guy running against you all right Mochi bun hi oh no oh you’re way behind if you’re still with Mochi oh no okay Harris age hello protect me I have a torch I can I can’t even light it so oh my Lord hello Abby welcome welcome to Hell hi Abby Reynold it’s also called nether I just found out so yes it is called the nether I I like I like H better nether makes me think of like the terminology nether regions which just um I just picked up a diamond what does that mean yeah it means you’re rich oh I’m Finally Rich you can now go buy a car company I always wanted my name to be Richard oh I can buy a car company I’ll buy Tesla I’ll turn it into a a trucking company you have to place the torch for it to light Adam what does that mean place you have to put it on something oh I got to put it on something like oh that’s how it works that’s stupid I want to hold the torch and light it but no o achievement I’m an achiever hot tourist destinations all right all right kpx World Tour begins here Nethers not exactly where I maybe where I thought it would end but not where I thought it would begin all right Mochi bun if you hear this I’m just I’m just following you so someone give Adam food I’m out of food um why is it so dark oh my God all right that dog thing is running away all right all right I can’t see [ __ ] okay Mochi you’re leaving me okay eat c i I’m eating I’m eating whoa whoa whoa there’s a pig guy in front of me yo ity fans hello Taron ity fans are everywhere even in Minecraft chat if there’s any ITC fans in the chat please you you let us know right personally I’m I’m more excited for the NCT fans oh NCT I I’m getting a lot of hype lately for a song called sticker that they want me to review I don’t know anything about it sticker okay we will react to it in the K in the kpx Minecraft server okay Mochi the pigs which one me yeah they’re going to kill me I know Sor right I’m safe I got a stick I I oh oh wait is there food oh there’s steak can I eat the steak um I’m trying to press button all right no one following me I can eat the steak Yeah I can eat a steak feel like I’m playing old school wow just walking around jumping everywhere we should react to more Luna Mel that’s a good idea we we are going to react to more Luna yeah it’s going to happen you heard it here first I mean well I don’t know where else you would hear it but you know I think we said it on the Luna video yeah so you heard it here a second okay okay uh because we went through a portal that we spawned right next to and it looked like a good idea like all good ideas if there’s a purple portal you’re not going to go through it come on come on here if you double tap W you can run what does that mean yep you can also control Mochi oh go Mochi I’m following you where the hell are we oh okay it loaded the graphics okay is there any factorial fans here Kaja is playing on oh Jesu orbit hello Mel don’t worry we got it and somebody tell me where am I lagging yo I made it is everyone playing on Wi-Fi of course oh we’re the only ones not probably get off wi-fi people it was created by big internet to slow you down all right I’m following you Mochi all you have to say is follow me all right I I want to meet up with everyone else let’s get out of this Nether world [Music] we have a house I’m checking your stream I’m currently in a house yeah all right d Mel can you help me get out of here I’m following Mochi I believe in Mochi but where am I okay all right I’m running to you Emoji let’s go uhoh you can only sleep at night or during thunderstorms okay all right mochi’s lagging I can see it all right I’m sprinting I’m sprinting oh fan of lamps is here Moshi where are we [Music] going Mel you’re telling my future all right he turned I turned why it’s so dark go thank you for the food thank thank you yo guys shout out shout out to Community member Ryu here the Landscaping on this hotel is legit Ryu built it Ryu shout out Ryu he’s better than Hilton Adam he’s telling you to turn up your gamma isn’t this the um uh immersive experience you know helloo you yo Tony’s here Tony help me ohi’s helping me awesome did you give him pants oh I forgot to equip the pants guys what what we’re not wearing pants right now what did my camera just shift one second okay whatever all right um uh Moi where we going oh okay I got to jump up there okay thank you much this is my immersive experience for the day yo it’s a lot of furnaces I like it all right all right um you could smelt a Mech warrior in here oh I just keep going up oh okay Moi I’m sorry I’m trying to jump up in the dark turn your brightness up bro oh I see him I see him okay no this is my immersive experience look I can see his UI now so it’s all good yeah we in the Nethers Tony also known as well one of us is the other one escaped already thanks to tripple and kraa uh I have one piece of steak and Four Vines Tony you’re exactly right I love doing that too but I just never did in this game anyone play stardew Valley here oh there’s the portal thank you Mochi I’ll see you on the other side woohoo look at us hi kaj thank you Moshi all right I’m standing still all right I got clothes man clothes nice thank you for the clothing I enjoyed my nudest life but um it’s time to put a helmet on well you work w’t really new you were wearing a T-shirt and pants Oh someone’s punching me I’m doing something right how the hell you equip a sword it’s all got to go on your bar oh it’s on the bar all right yeah so e and then it goes on your bar Oh I thought there’d be a weapon slot jeez or left hand slot all right we move this crap diamond sword thank you let me put on some shoes whoever’s hitting me reminding me of the brother I never had so stard Valley best stard Valley is a good game actually stard Valle is co has he a whole house tour of course I am M sord Val is a cool game everyone if you want if somebody invites you over and you don’t creep them out you’re just not doing it right oh Zoe you’re a stardo valley player all right we can stream stardo Valley stard Valley is a cool game it is it’s decent yeah it’s like um what’s that game anal Crossing except you know much more expansive more fun yeah more fun too we can I don’t know if there’s most Animal Crossing is just sorry if there’s any fans here I really tried I just don’t understand the appeal of that game it’s there’s there’s no fun in the game at all if you’re into the animal thing like you know walking around as an animal I think that’s it cuz STW Valley is he was a big fan of Animal Crossing he just made it better like 10 billion times so yeah if any wants use stard Valley let’s go okay triple’s sleeping don’t bother [Music] him what the the heck is this oh my God it’s eggs it gives you eggs wait who chickens giveing me eggs mhm oh I can take some eggs here and do that raw do the egg challenge let’s go yeah it was a Minecraft challenge the whole time all right now it’s oh there’s a day night cycle oh we can start it with eight players nice let’s make a farm the kpx farm let’s go that’s a great let’s do that all right everyone if enough people want it we’ll do it so let us know in the Discord stardo Valley Farm I mean I’m down to try almost any game yeah yeah yeah stardo Valley Farm some Cobble I would give it to you if I had it Moi yo Aqua hello Aqua it’s been a while yeah all right all right so what a long time actually Aqua yeah no it’s Haron what happened oh stardew Valley all right all right so can we um all right so what are we doing we’re gathering around in what where’s everyone I think we’re actually supposed to do real things now like go contribute to the community all right you guys line up in uh all right uh where is it Levolution you take points I’ll Stand onto your right triple you stand to your left cuz you hide behind screenshot no no you hide behind Levolution we’ll start doing um choreography practice oh hang on ready all right let’s do um let’s do magnetic by eyelet so let’s go we need one more okay Triple S everywhere no matter what we can’t escape everything is a hint for Triple S everything yeah everything look at this right here kazino 17 we we actually asked um Levolution to make their name that as a hint for triple XX yeah look at all of our names if you if you rearrange the letters it spells Trip s so where are you going to be building your house guys that’s a good question we got to build a house Adam so we got to we got to get some axes okay get some wood and start building a house how do we get an axe well hey Lion King Lion King join our Discord there’s a Minecraft Channel just join there yep if you can hear me Lion King yeah Lion King is the pinned comment on the Minecraft channel of our Discord yeah just join there Berber 956 everyone come to the town we’re all here what are these purple things is this like funny cubes not funny CU like special cubes I don’t know don’t kill fay fay said don’t kill Fay rainbow sheep kaj what are you talking about no don’t worry Aqua no worries real life is like like that all right o cows all right how do we get steak the heck J Su where are you J orbit where are you all right Mochi bun thank you for everything I think it’s a spell or object or something hey Fay what is going on here uh yeah g Jesu um if rle and KRA basically let us here through the nether so all right sorry everyone just fixing my cam okay okay everyone let’s see all right Levolution ah you punched me thanks poral hey I have a diamond sword now hey I have an arrow oh ow that was [Laughter] rude what’s happening down there no no no no how did I get down here no who pushed me in no this is my worst nightmare no my parents were right about me no no I’m a they were right I should have never left the canery oh someone came down here with me all right time to go cut down some trees all right everything’s black no thank you r a love sheep illusion help me all right I’m going to shovel my way out when you’re in a hole dig all right Adam I’m going to start getting wood for our uh loding all right all right um I’m not I’m going to be sleeping with the fishes today so I’m stuck down here oh my you are down there yeah yeah yeah you you there’s a bunch of bullies pushing me down here oh Jesus geez Nells um are gaming streams going to become a regular thing maybe the Discord wants it yeah yeah no and in fact like like they don’t need to be games like Minecraft I’m lit I’m down to play much more serious games than this as well or much less serious games oh yeah let’s go much less serious yes all right they’re bullying Adam no you know why it’s because of my [Music] opinions let’s see just reading trying to read some stuff Goat Simulator damn we should play goat simulator all right uh Euro Truck Simulator when Euro Truck Simulator okay all right I need a new apartment in set up my rig but okay no no no no no keyboard and mouse challenge only Cod I mean I don’t have Cod cuz you have Cod uh I could play COD I’d rather play a different shooter than Cod to be honest almost anyone but I’ll play COD lawn mower simulator you got to be joking with that [Music] what yeah I know blackouts 6 comes out this year K just been becoming so silly lately in my opinion like I want less than less of these dumb skins and I want more just military shooter Ro war zone Roblox what is Roblox I keep hearing that name everywhere I’ve never played Roblox but it’s a it’s a thing out there everyone I apparently I live under a rock I don’t know where Roblox is so I I’ll do GTA online I’ll do um what games do I even have anymore the only game I play online is MTG Arena so Levolution here just going to say Hello whoa lag okay [Music] how many people how many people are on the server are we lagging now you have said now you have who gave me K Kaja C you are man I I need to find like a I need to find like a box and just put you on a pedestal oh my God amazing fan lamps is back B beer are you giving me what are you holding is that dirt hi babyer so let me see cod’s been pretty much dead for 10 years Roblox is like Minecraft for kids what the hell was Minecraft Roblox for adults what Levolution House Tour all right Levolution Lead Me Wait wait where are you wait cuz’s really getting wood yo you’re working hi bro I I’ve been I’ve been oh man you are you’re you’re grinding out there or chopping I am yo I’m I’m a Warframe player I’m here for the grind bro oh my goodness okay okay let’s see there’s a game called a way out if you’re playing on doing game streaming in the future so good and funny a way out why do I feel like I’ve heard of this game before is that a movie Minecraft is the most serious game ever I agree oh I’m uh I’m in I’m danger Roblox is an online gaming platform and game creation system developed by ROBLOX Corporation that allows users to program and play games created by themselves or any other user oh a way out is that game where you’re the two people that escape from prison together right is that that game you played that right yeah I I actually really like that game up until last 10 minutes I remember your it was on your PS yeah it was on your PlayStation yeah yeah I I played it I played it on my Playstation with a friend um it’s a really fun game except for last 10 minutes oh yes Nal game minus last 10 minutes last 10 minutes are some of the worst in gaming history yeah hey Jean come on come on in we are all doing I don’t know kazinho is grinding but laggy server how do we get a better server everyone rev loves yo Revel loves love the name you’re supposed to collect wood with an axe I know I’m supposed to collect wood with an axe my axe broke Mel and I don’t have where do we find axes using a pickaxe with a pickaxe you find an axee what’ you say no no no no okay you talking me okay never mind there was one iron axe in the chest and it was already half destroyed so I used it till it was broken beer Jeb wait oh the Sheep’s called Jeb oh is that a person or I’m confused okay never mind all right but beer everyone let’s gather let’s go and help get supplies for dinner tonight um can we go fishing I know I got to make my I ask myself Tony I just don’t want to I’m lazy all Levolution is working here making I’m lazy Tony what is this all right buter it’s just you and I let’s do this um we got to find what do we need to to survive we need a charger for our [Music] iPhones and then we need another charger for the Androids is this a dead cow oh it’s a horse I need black stone so okay J says hi Adam I’m BB oh it’s BB all right all right BB where are you doesn’t that look like a skeleton horse I thought it was a dead cow I mean an undead cow sorry all right let’s go find and help Kine cuz kazin’s been doing all the work in this commune I mean I’ve probably done less than 1% of the work of the rest of the commi in but I’ve done 1,000% more than you have oh all right I I I see where you’re going with this all right everyone let’s go take a vacation yep wait where do everyone go once again I’m alone oh there you are kind of lost all right we beer let’s go find some can we ride the horse no all right my immersion is broken okay it is literally a skeleton HS you just punch it nice is that a duck it’s a duck oh this this is this is animal cruelity right Taron left oh no Taron does Minecraft have a time limit what what time uh yes you’re free to play as much as you want until you die oh all right uh me and B are just exploring the forest just to report everyone there’s nothing in the forest if you start seeing trees that look like the stems were cut off the trunks were cut off near you all right all right but what I don’t get it you cut the you cut the stump but the leaves stay in the air thank you triple came out just to embarrass me oh I bunny you’re Mochi bun okay all right all right the sorry everyone I’m not good with names in real life but um all right thank a I was using it because my axe broke thank you a uh everyone’s really obsessed with this pickaxe moment well where can we find axes and why is there a ladder here what the what that’s not even a ladder what is this can we climb this Shakura because we got a house to build Mel it’s our creeper Farm don’t mind it what all right you’re creeping me out with that but okay what do you mean why is he still getting wood you always be one be getting wood it’s as bad as your hand really all right you know what I don’t even know all right let me go somewhere I’m just start digging a hole I’m going to be like that guy Stanley from Holes oh I found an underground Cavern Kaja what are you doing Kaja Kaja what do you I can’t even build a hole for myself Kaja look at me in the eye and tell me why you’re doing this to me tell me tell me a Kaja please what did I do to you in a past life bab back me up I think it’s what you’ve done to Kaja in this life that’s the problem I swear it wasn’t it wasn’t my fault all right all right so we’re just like up up okay I don’t know what we’re doing here but okay what does kpx stand for kpx is not an acronym yes it is um beer Kaja all right so if I dig you’re just gonna hey now you’re allowed to dig oh my God but be you’re backing Kaja up after all we’ve been through oh my God I this is just like my real life oh my God there’s always some drama going on when you’re around Adam I no I’m just sitting here cutting trees I have no idea what you’re doing I found dirt oh congratulations no one’s ever done that in this game we got some dirt CL keep playing triple yes cuz youo is playing a bit too much what does that even mean what oh well I I can stop enjoying it Mel if you’d like Brooklyn 99 the first two seasons of that show are phenomenal I can’t comment on the rest cuz I didn’t watch them is that the one with the fir Fighters no that’s the one with the police officers in Brooklyn oh what’s one with the firefighters hm what I learned today is I’m not allowed to smile while playing Minecraft all right all right we’re not allowed to enjoy this game apparently so I’m going to go I’m gonna go dig a hole and if anyone wants to follow me Ryu left Mo a left bye see you all right all right so one of four players sleeping what right click the bed what does that mean yeah let’s go back to the house babir you may have betrayed me but I will still Lead You Back To Paradise babir where are you there we go all right so we have to sleep man this game is so [Music] immersive oh what it’s it’s daytime already a Adam where where are we building all right all right I’m fall I’m right behind you all right so let’s find a nice place I’m just confused as to how he’s amused by cutting a tree I mean I’m amused by reading chat and and you guys making fun of me let’s let’s have a let’s have a beach house or Coast house also this game brings back memories of silly childood to me because I’ve never played it as somebody who was out of college this so this just reminds me we should just play more Noster than anything we should build Legos in real life let’s do this I’m down I oh by the way I we have to clean out my parents house and I’m going to you’re going to graos there’s about 7,000 Lego bricks there so all right if everyone wants it let us no we’ll just do Legos we’ll stream Legos we’ll stream us building Legos and we can build whatever you want us to build we can build a house we can plant a tree good one if anyone got that messed up reference oh man all right let’s build a house here by the beach there’s bamboo here too natural protection against sharks an entire stream of building a bunch of Lego sets no no not Lego sets Sony no instructions left there’s just blocks there’s just blocks so it’s it’s just it’s just free build wait you have a ton of magic cards too right from your parents house uh no I you sold most of them I thought you had binders no all the rares were sold already um from back then I sold them when I was like 23 24 all right um so no magri cards sadly okay okay no big deal maybe really old ones from when my brother used to play like beta yeah there there’s a hidden dream Prowler something somewhere if there’s a beta card you better be selling those jeez all right no cuz they weren’t taken care of oh never mind but maybe one of them Wass all right I put a rock down this could be our table we can share we can butcher meat on here let’s go to the beach each let’s go get away hey stuck my head so often for some reason all right kaj I’m following your red cape buter let’s go all right Adam I’m just going to start building no no no I I I put down the I put down the table I put down I it’s by no no you’re you’re still back in town we’re we’re on the beach but kajak K is telling me to follow him now are we having a beach house I want a beach house I always wanted the beach house cuz I hate going out in the sun but I want a beach house that sounds like you yeah he wanted so you can complain about it yeah yeah I was like oh why did I pick here Amazon is even delivered where’s the table kaj what are you doing what are we doing here the bed you want me to sleep whoa what it wants you to set your spawn point oh okay point the bed respawn Point sent okay it’s set nice thank you kaj all right hold on let me read some comments it’s let’s go geta away starships are meant to fly you a Barb confirmed a Barb as in barbarian barbarian H am I a bar Barbarian why am I Barbarian all right kajak back to the beach babir let’s go there’s a house to be built prime location we can start a fishing Market we can get a bamb no no hang on I I I’m actually thinking it should be raised above a little bit sure we can Overlook yeah over looking yeah don’t want to build it on Sand yeah I learned that from an architect oh good good job must been a good architect probably [Music] not is there shells in this game i’ like to find some shells all right I have no oh fan lamb says they need to go okay so we go here’s my [Music] table but no one wants to eat on it no no if you come over to me I’m already crafting way in the back ohra making some Oak planks I just put dirt on top of a rock uh oh awesome there’s a [ __ ] a a freaking shortcut for this amazing what M M M I just didn’t know why I’m being called a barbarian that’s all oh a Barb is a Nikki stand I didn’t know that why I didn’t know Nikki had a name for her fandom he they do that’s awesome what okay I I did I really didn’t know that um I like early Nicki Minaj yeah early Nikki is great triple is being a hero okay he’s MC oh it’s raining perfect time to start building all right um I don’t know what happened my table gone o I got raw pork yum emeralds raw Cod thank you coal nice is a shield I don’t have a shield okay all right we got coal I can start a fire if you want in the rain of course I’m getting hungry Tony oh okay let’s eat let’s eat some steak I think you’re getting hungry Adam yeah you should eat I just ate in real life but I’m I’m done to eat again where you want to go Tony I just I don’t think he knows how to eat I think I just ate something I had some steak someone cooked it I have a ton of raw pork but in this game you’re not allowed to eat raw pork all right need a restaurant Adam is always hungry Jean that’s a fact about him yes I am when we went on our trip last weekend we had just eaten an hour later Adam was grumpy because he was hungry again yeah I get hungry so anyway anyone have some good food recommend me all right all right so what are we doing we’re building but we don’t have any supplies is that the problem oh I got a bunch of wood oh all right let’s go what’s the design of this house so I was thinking of going what is it kind of modern with the glass walls and a glass okay so so you’re going to you’re going to go uh find sand for this glass look look look at my screen and all of this I don’t see any I don’t see any sand look at all of this sand I don’t see any I see no sand oh my God what are we doing here all right so we should we just hire a firm to build the the house for us yeah yeah no I’m kidding all right let’s do it all right fanel lamps all right so let’s start with the basement right how how big do we want this place to be uh we needs to fit all of us so but there’s not much landel do we have to level this or we have to terraform we have to put houses oh but it’s our house where we can Frolic together ours we can Frolic together and why are there Tu a tips on my screen I don’t want Tu a tips I can get some wood if you guys want can we build glass walls that’ be fun but you know what let’s just go run swans and make a loog c Kaja triple help us yay all right how do we make him exist all right Kaja how do we make them uh I think you just put sand in a furnace is that it all right let’s gather sand everyone all right Adam go get a shovel and dig some sand I’ll I’m way ahead of you I’m find the place I’m going to hack the thing and get me a bulldozer oh my God I’m going to cut down these trees to clear the plot look at all this sand all right I don’t mean to brag but I have 64 sand I’m very proud of you thank you I have like 500 wood thank you oh my God uh oh there’s sand on top of water what oh it’s a no ch ch ch Chan not glass walls and the windows we mean like a glass wall yeah like a wall made of stuff that looks like glass like I hope the second floor weighs nothing look there’s a Turtle what can I do with the turtle can I be friends with him yeah Adam he’s got a good point just go into the water and take the sand out from underneath it so you don’t mess up our beach oh oh okay you’re right so all right let’s go into the water apparently you’re getting Sandstone oh [ __ ] oh the turtle doesn’t want me to get up do you blame the turtle no not really you destroying it habitat that’s true eye for an eye um all right where do I find water and sand oh okay go into this wall water all right ooh new recipes all right give me back my air oh what’s this experience okay what that was those are sugar canes Tony I thought was bamboo well what the hell is this all right I’m going to I’m going to drown oh we can make cake all right all right all right let’s get a red velvet cake out here no red velvet let’s get some keyme pie o that’s a good one Lemon mering Let’s Go All right so do the cows produce dairy or this game doesn’t work that way all right I I am full chickens produce eggs so all right then cheesecake is real all right um so I have a ton of sand so now what we need a furnace we have some furnaces they’re already cooking all right just get the queue going of of all right I’m coming here with 64 sand all right where’s the furnace oh there’s a furnace wait is that a furnace you can milk cows nice the hell is this this is the furnace come over to me oh that’s easier said than done where are you on our plot of land yeah yeah but where I just cut down a tree that doesn’t help me where is the map there’s no map no all right we need names do you see kakur do you see fan of lamps in the ocean no no no where’s the furnace where our home is oh where our home’s going to a city yeah where it’s going to be okay that’s thank you okay where it’s going to be our home is there yeah all right all right I see you now okay no no I don’t see you oh no I do see you no I don’t see you never mind oh well I’m cutting down like ancillary trees we don’t want okay fan of L okay hint for red velvet part two okay so we got to kill the cows to get steak okay all right how do we do this how do we queue in items right click to use it and put it in oh okay it’s not like factorial oh Blaze Rod the hell we get blaze rods from this is great you have a stick and you put it in the furnace wo we got glass look at us this is so much progress all right all right all right how many floors chat how many floors should we do oh a glass tower never cast rocks from a glass house Cosmic is maybe one of the best songs in K-pop in 2024 so far I agree it’s good one it’s it’s Interstellar well it’s better than Interstellar but all right um let put some oh I get why it’s 64 and 32 it’s about the bits look at that that’s hilarious woo all right so we got I got 17 glass all right let’s find a spot to start building oh we got to go to sleep right because of the creep whoa someone made a cake thank you kajak Kura we will never starve with you [Music] around do you guys think there will ever be a 13 yeah eventually a 13 team will pop up yeah Minecraft really shows how also in the real world humans have to destroy so many things even just to build Necessary Things doing it all yourself to puts in perspective H yeah that is true I guess any survival crafting game would do that but yeah things need to be destroyed to be created as the Smashing Pumpkins say the world is a vampire oh I guess they did say that it’s the first sentence of their most famous song oh my God okay all right 64 sand let’s go all right Adam serious question yeah what do you want to do um are we clearing are we flattening this or do we want to expand it so if like we need to terraform it right build up a flat surface up here yeah so we got to take all this down right yeah I mean but no no but but we want to be high up right overlooking the place right right but don’t we want to put wood on the bottom then so it looks like real floor not grass yeah that’s true that’s true so so I get I I was thinking do we just whoa creeper switched to a weapon he’s on fire yeah teamwork which song is the best K-Pop song 2024 so far oh uh Kine said um um Cosmic yeah probably Cosmic Gan I’ll go with Espo’s mine um all right so where we so wait hold on we are we destroying or building here oh we talking about we have to let flat we have to get rid of all this we’re flattening this one then so we’re flattening this level yeah so we can put wood down all right all right we’re finding it then okay oh best Bridge uh I mean yeah Cosmic no no we can’t flatten this there’s a furnace up here we build around we we we later we we take take care of that later all right all right everything we just don’t get rid of the ground under that all right all right everyone let’s go demolition the most fun part uhoh leave the part of building is knocking down it’s true whoa someone hit me no the furnaces just don’t knock out the stuff under the furnace I mean they apparently you can fly they can float the best Bridge man all right um H I can’t answer that right now jib help us jib are you on the server jib what do you mean get pets there’s pets in here like the cows all right I am taking my shovel to the leaves all right where’s my glass let’s put the glass down can have wolves as pets awesome oo get foxy a friend yeah I know all right so this is a pretty good flat land but maybe more yeah so now we got to decide how big we want it to be clear out this garbage tree all right glass what does it look like when you put it down glass whoa look at that all right look at this cubic glass wait wait do we want do we want to put wait we want to put floor down first Adam oh yeah yeah never mind yeah uh how do you pick up an item break it oh you got to break it oh my God annoying as hell okay all right all right all right all right let’s get some wood floors how do we do that wait we don’t get it back do you want to start like here oh okay no I lost four glasses if you’re not going to use yeah let’s go all right we have we’ll build a chest soon Tony no worries all right hold on let me find Kine okay nice this is our Fort bigger yeah let’s go let’s just keep going we all right then then fill in the ground underneath the floor over there all right let me grab dirt we’re going to need a lot of Oak Oak oh my God yeah um there we go wait no what no we’re good here we go wait what no ah all right I’m going to start filling in all right um we got to keep going this is like factorial except blockier the hell was this all right so we got go like this more dirt Adam all right all right um oh my God we need a lot of dirt all right who knew that you can just we need this much dirt oh no no why would I put it there all right I’m just going to no freaking freaking no all right now we can start going up all right I I guess we can just do that so we don’t need to use that much dirt cuz this is Minecraft oh no no no I enjoy watching people play video games once you place glass you can’t have it anymore so you got to break it what the hell is the point of that so we don’t need so so we don’t need to fill it how does that work we don’t need to fill it I’m filling the ground I mean I’m can we just use half the amount of dirt then yeah whatever you want no no I’m just does that work like that basically what I’m doing right now is I’m putting the I’m putting the floor down oh Christ no ah when I said more dirt I meant like just make it so we can finish the floor here what what is with this targeting I I can’t even oh no I we’re forgetting construction 101 you need to have a platform you can keep walking along side it look at this B of glass oh [ __ ] too far away Mel cheer me on I’m going to need your support uh Adam you’re kind of getting there yes nice thank you baber we got a bridge nice okay all right um yeah we’re getting there so if we can just we’re not building dirt homes smell we’re putting dirt underneath the foundation yeah this is a civilized Place Al the although dirt is very cooling we will need AC it also falls in you one day yeah but you know save money on AC bills all right is there a basement or this is this is the basement like the well this is the floor so we build the basement underneath all right Ground Zero okay but the basement I mean if you want this could be the staircase of the basement later there we go I’ll just what the think let’s not do more work all right there’s the basement it leads to no basement yet but we still got to Wood the basement at some point so that’s true so anyway I don’t have any wood on me so let’s go I have so much wood so you can start laying the glass down if wherever you want the walls all right let’s go let’s get some glass but we still need we still need walls here okay I don’t need to eat yet that’s good but leave gaps in the glass where we’re going to have doors okay okay now just got complicated so um I’m going to put one so let’s plan where we want a door I was thinking like we have a door here here and we build like a staircase up to it okay all right so I’m just going to put them in the corners those are safe okay uh Jean yes this is so American we don’t build with stone in this country full stop a really tall building will be steel and concrete but most most uh most bespoke structures are wood you but this is a floor anyway look at this awesome we have a floor all right cool good work everyone teamwork oh no we’re missing one I got you there we go all right all right there’s one glass here cool so we can do this so what this whole left side is going to be a wall this right side’s going to be I mean we we can’t say left or right um Coast side all right what he saying this is Coast side all right this is um facing our home side okay Carlos we can build a Walmart but that might take a month we you build a Walmart caros join in join in here and help us with the Walmart all right I think we’re not going to have anything here right on face home side yeah I mean I mean like a door we’re not having a door here no no door there you can glass that up all right let’s go so we’ll glass up the facing home side or facing the farm side and then this back side do we want glass on it at all do you want it to be facing The Other Side Glass GL it’s all glass All Glass everything this building will hold no weight in real life I love it this just we’re not in real life we’re better all right let’s get this oh I got get more glass from the furnace let’s go thank you oh we got to take out it wow look at this well that’s not it all right look at all this glass you see no what I don’t see it yet no all right oh wait the glass in the furnace all right diamonds don’t need crafting table I don’t need yet oh I got 64 glass I didn’t even know that all right let’s go all right so no I keep pressing the wrong button no can I pick up this glass no you cannot pick up glass a just terrible so I’m leaving this big gap in the middle cuz we don’t know where um we’re going to put the doors let’s go dang it get out of here leaves I never like lettuce except for the crunchy nice all right thanks uh we’ll just leave an opening here for now we look at that Adam look at this look the sun is a square everything’s a square oh my God all things are block things beautiful all right where we got to decide where the door is so I’m guessing here oh no what all right all right so how does how does this work now we have to get up there and build more so we got to leave okay well Jean technically we should have beams in here too but we’ve just forsaken [Music] physics support weight support no still think using glass doesn’t make it a wall but a big big window hey hey hey no Lies We Told to be fair window is just a wall that we can see through all right all right this is some kind of house but uh we got to go higher so we need to have somewhere to step up higher well no no we got to we’ll build the second floor and build the oh yeah yeah we got lot more wood yeah make a staircase look at us we also need doors so let’s figure out the doors situation why are you making the whole wall glass what are you talking about we’re living like the bis here why we got why are we making the whole wall glass so that when a comet Falls we can’t just pick up the pieces of our house we want to we want to do it from scratch all [Music] over uh oh someone was shot by a skeleton that doesn’t sound fun all right so we need let me let me go grab my hold on is this High Enough we need we need the ceiling’s too low you want a fourth before the second floor I think one more right I don’t want to be living in a claustrophobic area okay all right everyone all right everyone let’s step up we can put dirt down and just step up right yeah the wall is more stable than most American houses not going to lie very true Cog I’m telling you this wall is more stable than most marriages also [Music] true okay all right I’m going to start the fourth floor let’s go let’s I’ll start it too let’s start from the back whoa whoa whoa Archer he’s going to break our wall yeah get him actually I don’t know I’m swinging my blade anymore oh there you are [ __ ] get back here is he dead oh [ __ ] I can’t see oh my God there’s so many of them oh someone go to sleep we got to wake up wait are you fighting up okay you’re I’m good I’m good you are full of arrows oh my God I hear someone all right all right thank you for sleeping uhoh now we boxed ourselves in the hell was that hello look at this class look at this photo all right all right all right so let’s I’m start from the back before The Archers came and we’re just going to start building glass stuff so b boom b [Music] boom b boom b [Music] boom okay okay okay nice look at us um okay professional Builders right here apx construction I’m telling you we have a mansion and we don’t even make any money that’s how good we are uh oh dang it I hurt myself from that um oo okay I like I like I like what uh trip Co qu is doing building the glass over the door oh nice work haaj this is it this is our door all right cool all right let’s get more dirt down so we can step up let me read some comments I’m GNA start building the next floor hold on let me read some comments why you got make whole glass so that makes you when he starts working late Adam singer debut when debut by cat ey reference Anam hey Jean Hey singer debut all right I mean we can do caraoke we just can’t have a backtrack yeah let’s do it we can’t have a backtrack so if anyone wants a karaoke song Let’s Go no no we need a Minecraft song All Right kpx theme song Let’s see this is good all right so so I don’t have any wood I mean wood floors I think our community should write us a theme song yeah the community should write us a theme song We and we’ll sing it or play it or whatever I see what would be a good one Epic are we epic I don’t think we’re epic nope so like all right um [Music] what would be a kpx steam I think it’s just three bridges in a row right exactly yeah there we go so all we are is Bridges cross the bridge of KP x no that’s that’s amazing kazino gives the rapper Vibes hell yeah liline I would do the r Parts Lil cine let’s go who dropped the hottest we drop the hottest mixtape ever man Drake Drake will have beef with us oh yeah I mean I would have beef with us too even even we could rap better than Drake all right thank you Kaja all right look at this we got another floor just lip thing who’s lip sink where’s the staircase hold up people where’s the staircase is this it is this the staircase hole no there’s no staircase how do we get to the second floor oh no no yeah we can make a staircase there never made a staircase in this game as far back as I can remember all right so this is the staircase goes up to the second floor awesome just limp sync hey hey we’re not iset I feel like kazino main dancer no no no no our visuals are entirely uh uh my wife dancing and um who’s your favorite rapper yeah you better be who’s your favorite rapper you kiss my ass Human Zab Kendrick versus kinu and Adam kendri wins Kendrick wins that come on I can fight mg Kelly yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll take Machine Gun Kelly I I’ll give myself up to like uh Tyler the Creator to beat maybe oh he’s pretty good but yeah I don’t know about hising like I know about’s rap technique but yeah he’s pretty good though um shoot who’s another one um I can’t beat Gambino he’s too good well he used to be so good yeah gamb be cino’s too good hey say kajak you heard the eyelet thing produce what produce a track I think a track and then we just and and then and then you guys wrap on it we can do that whoa Javier opinion on you Javier thank you for the donation thank you Javier you’re a legend Javier schar now I need to ask what is Kazo yes Caso or queso what is this no that’s not queso that’s not I’m just going to look it up all right aier thank you so much you’re I think you’re our first first donator first super thank you uh so what is this cuine uh well it’s not on Spotify oh there’s an artist on Spotify got one song Goodbye by strawberry is this is this it Javier a goodbye strawberry cheesecake radio edit is this Casio I’m listening now all right I’ll put it on in the background then one second everyone look at this F what are your all’s jobs uh I’m in sales and Adam is in customer success not for the same company customer success is a great way to put it I wish my job was to be a Minecraft player streamer but not yet Javier hopefully we’re listening to the correct thing um but now this reminds me I just want Mexican food wait queso you mean the the YouTube channel wait there’s a YouTube a vtube yeah there’s there’s a YouTube channel called queso with like 3 million subscribers he’s a streamer he’s a streamer case o I’ll give you opinion right now I I’ll put him on in the background I’ll stream somebody else while we’re streaming that sounds wild facing the Ender Dragon Minecraft he’s a streamer okay okay all right we let me put on another thing he’s play subnautica that’s a fun game yeah yeah all right full stop here talk about a first impression I don’t need to click on a video he’s he’s done he’s done two parts at least of subnautica I’m giving him a minimum of nine out of 13 cuz subnotica is a baller game subnotica is a good game what else has he done let’s see yeah let’s do a group pick yeah let’s do a group pick that’s good let’s go let’s get griping now progress of the house all right so where you want to do it by the staircase yes no or outside on the beach by the windows bro outside on the beach and then we can see our progress yeah right here and we’ll get a progress pick oh shoot n that down yeah let’s see uh I watch more um Javier I watch more of queso let’s see how he is so will Li yeah so thank you for the what is this kpx house sign look at this this is so cute so don’t worry Javier we’ll get we’ll get more on it thank you again for the super you’re the first one all right so let’s see kpx house all right um well he’s still building cuz he’s a grinder come onine come down for a picture I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m grinding I’m grinding all right all right I’ll duck in the front who’s taking the pick um how are we just screenshotting I don’t know how this works what is there a third is there a picture third person mode in this game welcome someone said meow no that was the whole idea it’s a beach house it’s a beach house uh meow back whoever you are uploaded a pick on Discord kajre you’re a legend All right so how do we get this picture is there a camera on Discord KRA said oh it’s got it oh okay cool all right back to building everyone back to work all right well isn’t Adam just the greatest boss I’m telling you someone Adam the guy who invented a spresso to make coffee breaks [Laughter] shorter meow’s all around in the chat right now let’s [Music] go all right all right all right we need a cat for this house a cat will love to live in this house class 100% we got lot sh for it though yeah a lot of shells random hollowed boxes let’s go all right I need more wood all right all right all right so let’s see Bob the Builder yes we can is Bob the Builder popular outside the US or is just a us I don’t really know the answer that question I’m just going to assume yeah all right was Bob the Builder popular in Brazil kajak k I love you too was Bob the Builder of popular TI show in Brazil short time for a very short time it was popular in Brazil apparently all right I know what sh I’m buying when I go to Brazil okay well let’s see yeah Kaja real one and um was it triple you know what to do where are you triple are you here are you okay never mind you’re not here all right we can we’re not doing double staircase we can close this off right oh triple’s getting wood okay cool cuz I don’t have an axe he’s getting wood Coolio okay okay so you know what I’ll start no [Music] wo ooh look at this it’s dark down here so we need torches can we build lamps all right let me read some stuff Bob De BME BME very popular in Latin America oh okay dogs of course interesting cats I like dogs too I’ve got lightning rods for you guys kpx but it loves to rain in our area and trust me you don’t want your house getting struck by lightning ah okay so thank you Ryu why Jean oh dogs okay Bob De bister hey shaas why not M shaas oh no it’s shaffin it’s shaffin all right I was right the first time shaffin dos um sounds like hogendas all right what’s happening now are we closing this off or we just need to get more wood uhoh the zombies are coming out Javier if you’re still watching are you on the Discord yes Javier join us if you’re not if you’re on the Discord I can get you a little badge the the German sending you where Mel that’s a weird statement what triple um wait so C is terraforming okay anyway all right I am just managing the whole project let’s go project manager Adam if I drop here will I will I live maybe a that hurt me what fall damage op all right all right all right all right all right there’s just torches everywhere Ray R2 Ray please visit our house this is this is the kpx house it would be nothing like the Final Fantasy house look at this staircase all right good work haaja oh yeah I got to eat no not yet look at this I like your house maybe I will do the same in my world you yeah Ray now you’re doing it H Ray come join our with gas no problem baber decorate the inside oh yeah well we got to finish the inside hold on hold on hold on they’re right let’s drop some ik one thing at a time Ikea branding in here all right what we got to decorate I got bones so let’s do [Music] bones so let’s see let’s grab a [Music] bone oh I can’t just put a bone down wait can a console player join us no right uh I don’t know the answer to that question cross platform anyone does anyone know it looks like a rectangular Fishbowl in a good way I mean there’s only one good way to sa that so I like it raw pork chops I have nothing to decorate it with this stinks I got a crafting table that’s about it yes console can join yeah oh yeah join us Ray this it’s in our Discord link I mean Discord link it’s in our Discord the the server name Builder Builder Kaja photos Kaja best mod Kaja best Kaja Kaja I love it all right Kaja you were already cemented into the history of kpx but now there’s no denial I mean KRA was like Discord number 10 yeah look at this no nobody knows nobody uh there will be uh it’s going to called keep it’s going to be called keeping up with kpx that’s what it’s going be we’re going to film it a Minecraft we’re going to act out the drama in Minecraft keeping up with kpx oh my God all right all right no it should just be keeping up with Kaja at this point yeah Kaja is the Chris Jenner of our Kardashian family no that was so much that was supposed to be a compl and end being so I’m so sorry Kasha that was not intentional I just meant like the the the the the the the leader all right all right so we have a house the first thing a house needs is a flat screen and a sofa well kitchen will be helpful but you know look at the work we’ve done today track of your no neon signs anyone that’ll be fun kaj all right all right all right good work I was just evening it out we got to build some stairs on it but some of you guys has to make a really cool soundtrack all right let’s do it live let’s make a no one knew joined Discord for three hours now oh that’s normal oh no I think that’s a record that’s a normal all right all right go work on the house I guess we got to burn get just get more glass for the next level yeah we got to get more glass did you do this did I do what did we do what did who do what yeah where are you Kaja what oh the sign Oh I thought Kaja Kura did that oh me too I thought thought kaj check YouTube chat you can find the flat screen in the woods kaj Kaja for present Nobody Knows by Kiss of Life reference uh Adam references that song every two seconds I love it Kaja they’re growing don’t at the kpx awards for president at the kpx awards uh Kiss of Life will get something yeah I don’t know if I agree yet but ah God dang it I waste another piece of glass Adam I heard that I mean gosh [ __ ] it y r all right all right all right what we got here for yes Mel it is an aquarium Mel the point is it’s an aquarium we’re little goldfish that’s how we forget the YouTube comments after they flame [Music] us oh no I’m on a glass oh God all right let’s keep going [Music] na who last year’s wishes we more Year’s apologies every last time I come home I take my last chin thank [Music] you now remember the next part know get to you the new pretty younger but not any better off bully proven loneliness or out of heat rods oh no I best I me B beer I will see you later all right there’ll be more streams yeah baber thank you so much thank you so much for joining Adam solo debut like uh basically tomorrow he’s just going to drop it tomorrow this is your sample guys all right let’s go uh kpx Got Talent that’ be a new that’ be a new stream right oh yeah wheat seeds later but yes Jean that’s what I want I just P I want them if they chose if they chose domestication they could have had our amazing house but instead they have to look at it if they chose domestication what a line damn Adam featuring kazinho well I I’ll take I guess I’ll take it I mean kazino is the top rapper I mean here we go yeah guys it’s a joint project there’s no feet here there’s no feature it’s just Adam it’s just it’s just kpx I don’t know you guys talking about kpx featuring um we’ll get um one day we’ll get Kendrick to be featured oh yeah um if we can’t get him we’ll settle for baby Keem I thought you said um I thought you GNA say um da baby me I don’t think the baby is rapping anymore low baby that’s not rapping anymore I don’t know kog is going to get award at the kpx awards don’t you worry tripple just don’t tell them it’s got to be a surprise thank you Ryu for the melons I know there’s a cat out there who loves eating [Music] watermelons o into fire INF Flames We Trust you know did we mess up should we just have glass floors no no no that’s that that’s weird we don’t need class floors that’s just bizarre no privacy uhoh we need some more people to sleep oh we got to put a bed here what are we doing we need a bed here immediately let me go to my crafting station wait did I bring the crafting table over here yeah it’s over here oh oh almost fell off okay all right almost there almost [Music] there K needs an war of course you guys Place some flowers if you would like cool youo feure on Adam’s debut who the hell is Adam debut sure let me search up un Know M for a second no no Kendrick only dis WPS after he features on songs um oh he’s a meme ra he actually he actually has to do an Al as a song on our album and then we do a feature and then we both feature on somebody else’s song and then he disses us he lost me but okay he did a song on Drake take care and then he then they did Poetic Justice then they did [ __ ] problems and then they and uh the flower in a dark broom with you trusted thank you Ru oh thanks Ry I don’t like melons but food is food in this here what the heck and in is to real bad me and [Music] you all right no wrong button again no all right over this the prison for domestic fish is looking pretty good the prison for domestic fish is good hey I like sushi I’m out all right Adam hit your highest note oh God is to realize oh no that’s not high enough this Dynamic mic won’t hold it um fine Kine what’s your highest I never did this now yeah now yeah I know back then it was a different oh maybe back then I could I could do Oh Holy Night Oh Holy Night Stars yeah that’s probably as loud as I got high as I got right now this stream is becoming curs get getting yo thormar yo thormar hi hi thormar y Thor or I should I say Al we are finding it Alex G that’s how we’re finding it g Alex G thormar how you doing we are trying to find our highest note we can hit yeah so I need some fcal exercises before trying to hit a Holy Knight ever again so wait wait the low is easy Oh Holy Night about the soprano part yeah yeah that’s the hard part stars are brightly Shin I don’t remember the words I don’t know the lyrics I’m going to making it up for it’s the right of the Y no it’s the night of the Lord savior’s birth there we go it’s the night of the Lordi it’s a religious Christmas song Mel of course it’s going to sound like a ritual all right we’re out of glass we need more hot rods okay we’re glad you told us thores and we’re even gladder that you yelled it I don’t use my real name in YouTube sure Alex gu sure oh my God need more sand car when you get around to it you got some gaps to fill in glass all right I we need more glass the double door who did the double door that’s so sexy oh my god well how does this work who is your favorite Discord member I don’t have a favorite Discord member I mean my I know who my favorite is I mean aside from kraa but kraa is not a member kaga owns the server oh look at this official hint Trip s video tomorrow I the door oh my God is this the Triple H let’s see oh no what’s that song from Pocahontas oh wait how do we turn the door around it’s the night why you sexy okay fine M oh I got it aside from the fact that it is think you own whatever land you land on you know what my wife’s not from the United States and she always calls me out on this all the time Adam am I even correct that we call everything hot and sexy that’s fine we do that all the time here that’s like like that car is really hot like that’s pure sex we say that all the time here yeah are you hearing are you hearing us it’s pure sex sound like you’re in an opera am I uh Adam Adam is uh an opera Opera major that’s what he did he majored an opera kind of opa think you own whatever land you land on Earth is just a that thing you can claim oh now you got me think about Men’s Choir songs yeah that’s what I’m doing I know s we know that’s sing We Now of Christmas now everyone knows why I like Felix sing your joyful sing your joy joyful praise and don’t know the last part but praising something and gladness let your voices raised Now sing watch get hit by a copyright strike over sing We knowel Sing we know well now sing Adam Adam hit note sing we know well sing we know well sing We our when are you sing your joyful sing your joyful praise and sadness let your voices raise I I don’t think they say sadness in the song but I fill the air with glad fill the with gladness let your voices raise let your voice we’re going to get hit with a copyright strike I feel it yeah over our [Music] Acappella oh my God what’s another one by the way guys do not butcher me I just got every single one of those swah words wrong ex please anyone from Swahili in the chat correct us country after what oh [Laughter] shoot okay sorry anyone who speaks so there we go did I just think it’s a country yeah I just did all right all right anyway yeah that’s another one that’s a good one I can’t remember the other songs from umly jolly Christmas no we didn’t sing that in yeah we didn’t sing that you’re just thinking about that yeah okay all the are waiting for you guys to sign I know actually wait till they see our dance routines oh oh it’s going to be just oh man yo this glass got me so tripped out that I actually just thought that we missed some pieces because it was so see-through o what’s wellerman I like content yo Alex gu what’s Wellman KS KS vman Alex gu is Wellman oh is Wellman that thing from England is that from England the beef Wellman that’s Wellington oh all right but amazing I want to make beef wellington now Adam when you come over so we can make it all right let’s do it um we’ll make some beef wellington next time I’m over you know I’ll get off the trolley buy a pound of [Music] cow heading to bed Zoe good night good night Zoe night Zoe we’ll see you on the Discord later or when whenever you’re back zo you guys should try Opera I mean no honorable mention triple we love txt please don’t raid we love [Music] txt I love it I swear every time I open the stream there’s somebody doing an English accent silk it wasn’t me this time yo silk well no they don’t say that like that Silk are you that bloke from Essex are you I remember you you were on the street you’re all sixes and sevens by past midnight that was a shame of sentences yeah that was a string of words in a very bad British accent there we go anyway so it’s not wellton it’s well your name should be hot mess then hot hot mess hot mess Wellington well Wellington’s do get hot so Adam has never spoken to never spoken to somebody from England possibly true it’s not possibly true it’s probably true no I no you you you you met somebody from my company once no no I met yeah yeah so I did so I mean he just spoke English to me [Music] so um yeah I don’t know uh where was it who said that Silk yeah I’m just telling you everything I learned from Top Gear and I used to watch Top Gear when I was younger so Jeremy Clarkson taught me everything about England he said never trust a man from Birmingham whoa the hell was that oh a bird someone sleep we’re about to die all right come here yeah jump attacks very good in Elden [Music] ring well Adam I send Wellman in Discord all right all right once this bird’s care if I’ll check it out Y bird all right all right he’s gone oh wait the bird’s on fire now look at that all right let me check Discord I what say what all right guys there I think that’s the first time you guys SP I have a tendency to scream like a little girl not no comment wait there once was a ship that put to the sea oh I think I know the song the name of the ship was the Billy of tea the winds blew up about dip down oh blow my bully boys blow what never heard that song before it lost me wait what Birmingham is quite dodgy oh it’s well dodgy okay well dodgy yes that’s how you speak like a Brit it’s it’s well dodged shoot I’m out of glass again that sounds like a bad thing to say actually isn’t glass slang for something I was a quick W boy dive Ino deep for coins all of your straight light eyes right on my plastic toys and when the cops good night Mel all right let’s get the ceiling up and then I might only have a little bit longer left atam no problem yeah we did good work today so let’s get this let’s get the ceiling up interior next time Ian the hard part’s done no the decoration is the hardest part I’ll ask an architect I know well that’s an interior designer sir so if you ask an architect CML they’re the same thing um you’re singing it wrong Rhythm no no he’s not he he’s syncopating it for additional effect don’t worry I’ll Alex gu you help me out okay you help me out next time you can join a voice chat and then you can tell me how to sing it and you can sing it with them wait may I join the server AR all the information for this Minecraft server is in Discord oh the Minecraft server yeah check out the channel no who’s using glasses stepping who’s doing this no because we have more glass than we need Adam kma no tranquila no n no tranquila esta in this Kasa those certainly were wor I’m telling you I know the language you speak just you speak differently all right we need wood now don’t throw rocks all right let’s get this let’s get this ceiling and call a day so we don’t get rained in on all right so wood all right I got oak logs but that’s not wood right yeah wa yeah turn them into Oak uh planks at the crafting table okay you can do it in your inventory even logs logs are really basic really no one taught me this crap I wish I clipped it oh Alex gu you gota be on the trigger finger always on the trigger I’ll also uh join voice chat to teach you how to speak English oh I mean maybe he’s salvageable I worked with Brits for 10 years and I can’t speak in a British act and I just use their words okay I just know for like you know you just got to inflect your mouth in a certain way it’s like oh like that they love like any accent no but like no no but like I can’t do other accents but for some reason the British one I can do like oh like like some bloke they like going downward inward like like a downward inflection you ever you ever seen that bloke from West Ham he likes eating chips I don’t never mind lost it which British slang do you know Kazo from M what British slang do I know W I’m not really keen on this uh random asking of questions right I know te Kettle tea kettle I’ve never heard somebody use that one um I know sixes and sevens I know that one six and sevens yeah but it’s not I’ve never heard it use the way you use it really that’s from Austin Powers it’s got to be correct oh that’s that proof that is correct yeah um I know roou leather peckish peckish um oh um there’s one there’s one British gang I saw they kept saying we have Strikers and we have cams and we got mids I don’t know what that means in British English but um I bet you guys you know yeah I I have no idea what a mid means you got strike we got Strikers we got cams and we got mids doesn’t know what T kto is not te ketto is not slang no one has ever said that what are you talking say I’ve never heard that used the te ketto and then um oh have yourself a jur there we go jur right mate silk m j Aur right no J Arthur is not real we got you don’t know knard you don’t know oh knacker’s a good one Oh’s great no what’s a really good one from British knob that’s a really good one no no knob is decent I like that he’s such a knob why got be acting like a knob J Arthur J Arthur is real I I I remember someone said J Arthur once I don’t know what it means but someone kept saying yo Adam we got a ceiling to build oh yeah yeah I’m I’m making logs but someone said that British slang that’s very important triple come on be nice what’s What’s another thing instead of clicking on planks use lshift and click instead yes that who oh yo thanks for increasing my productivity all right let me go and be productive knob like door knob yeah yo how the hell how the hell we getting up here what the a where’s my dirt no you can just you don’t need to climb Oh you mean just point at it oh okay okay oh okay are we having another floor or is this just a ceiling no no no we’re going to keep going it’s a tower it’s a tower okay so so yeah we’re St there’s no end to this we just got to make sure the staircase you know keeps going up some yo just leave this whole area not has fallen from a high place twice in like 10 minutes I’m very sorry heris knob and American accent is so funny knob is decent kazinho [Laughter] 2024 n is decent there we go kajur yes a is well good it’s I wouldn’t call it well good I just call decent knob is quite fascinating there we go fascinating some Brits say that we don’t give twice s here only triple s a c [Music] yeah more Brit accent oh I did watch that show Sherlock I mean watch it there’s like three movies in the season so I think I got some English from there there’s also a British band I like when I was a kid um the rifles there we go I do bloody hell there we go yo Thor’s actually Thor oh Alex gu’s gone oh oh no Alex has replaced themselves with Alex thank you triple my breaks I just never make a new one whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is a knob um isn’t that like bloke but worse it’s like a proper dick oh is of that persuasion okay he’s gone long buddy I think you meant he’s long gone buddy he’s gone long triple axe maker I like it I like it well Alex was a nice guy I barely knew him but he was a nice guy I don’t even know that guy I wasting not self by J Cole in case you get you are the only exception oh no okay now we’re paramor yeah I don’t want that song there’s much better Paramore songs not the Ain compassed to we’re quite eating alone I don’t want to unless I’m counting on to no I missed a note there unless I’m counting on I never met I think you should just do the sco version of this I to be like this that’s be more than this oh if you want to play it like a game M oh wait she says a good line there I if I don’t waste my life pretending and wasting a whole one whole minute they know the truth they are oh wait they are their little spies they ah I cannot remember it so sorry Haley I cannot remember it Adam why you letting goats in here I letting what in here oh my Lord where’s where’s my sword all right I want some food I’m hungry I am hungry yeah you coming to my house you ain’t Tom Brady you ain’t the goat oh my God off topic off topic what are we friends of fans of anime I don’t have enough time to watch it that much anymore but I still like it uh my favorite’s probably Co Gas or um maybe maybe Gundam Seed maybe Evangelion uh top two for me are Evangelion and a monag series and the third one’s probably samuray X trust and betrayal not re kenin Samurai X so yeah I do like anime I try to watch as much as I can but uh it’s it’s getting harder I just ordered k see for my big back oh my God IEX squad’s back huh oh so I’m locked out of the house now oh there we go all right no I mean I don’t know how many floors we’re making at triple oh yeah this is supposed to be cut open for there is your right yeah yeah yeah we’re not supposed to yeah oh whatever I’m just making a ceiling since I got to go soon all right all right um I don’t have any more wood where’s more wood I have some wood all right they taped over your mouth scribbled out the truth in their lie there we go thank you that’s the lyrics they taped over your mouth scribbled out the truth with their lies their little [Music] spies um crush crush go [Music] D oh c all right Adam all right are we done are we out of wood yeah we’re just B out of wood I so close because nothing compares to quiet evening alone no one to unless I’m counting [Music] on all right all right we’re almost there I have three more oh man we need a lot more wood actually okay yeah we need a lot of wood kpx stands for kajak Kura best mod okay triple okay I mean basically kajak is the backbone um kajak has saved our server once yes he did respect on the name counting on that never Happ oh that might be our time to call it Adam all right what the server Oh no just be starting anyway all right hopefully it saved everything so no no it does save everything all right all right anyway I think that’s a good time to call it all right everyone thank you for joining thank you so much this was really fun Javier thank you thank you for being our first super you’ll be on the wall of fame I I guar jaier please join the so join the Discord so you can see yourself yes please join Discord you can uh everyone thanks for that um what what I saying a thanks for being Mochi bun and saving me so there we go absolutely and guys um back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow isn’t that right Adam yes we are you will see some polls later wink yeah you’ll see a poll today yep WinCo winko all right then all right cat guys next time we’ll catch you on the next one bye- bye

This video, titled ‘First Minecraft Stream!’, was uploaded by kpx on 2024-07-08 10:30:19. It has garnered 547 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:30 or 7530 seconds.

Streaming Minecraft with friends from discord!

  • Turning Minecraft Trees into Ents

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  • Crafting Joy: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Adventure

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  • Rain and Relaxing Minecraft Soundtrack

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  • Experience Real Adventure on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with the Devil’s Lettuce

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  • Speedrun Pride: Minecraft’s Joyride

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  • Minecraft Meme Warden: The Hottest Guard! 🔥

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  • Free Minecraft Java Multiplayer with Friends!

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  • Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft!

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  • 100 Days Solo Leveling: EPIC Duo Minecraft Survival!

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  • Sneaky Scary Moments in Minecraft

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Animation: Starii – Emptiness

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  • Unlimited Food Hack: Instant Wheat Farm in Minecraft by Sparkraft

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  • 1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!

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  • Dino’s EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!

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  • EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviral

    EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviralVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is A good Collab ☠️😈👮🏼‍♂️#shortsviral #gaming #minecraft #savethedoge #cute’, was uploaded by XBEAST_AMMO on 2024-03-14 16:08:43. It has garnered 6058 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Hal Kecil Tapi Berguna Di Minecraft!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kentano Craft on 2024-05-06 02:38:58. It has garnered 8235 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft Tips #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle – NOOB VS PRO Challenge – Maizen Mizen Parody

    EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle - NOOB VS PRO Challenge - Maizen Mizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-05-30 10:42:52. It has garnered 4030 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:56 or 1376 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic battle as they face off against the monstrous buildings of Siren Head and House Head in this action-packed video. The two friends must use all their skills and teamwork to take down these terrifying structures, dodging deadly attacks and unleashing their own powerful moves… Read More

  • MyctlanMC

    MyctlanMCMyctlanMC Network Vamos a ir abriendo las modalidad por semana, para ir atrayendo público, ¿qué modalidad quieren que sea la primera en abrir? Survival OP BoxPvP Dragón ball Survival Custom Read More

  • Recently Started a Minecraft Realm! LF Cool people to play with! realms pve

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival World! If you’re 21+ and enjoy joking around while still being respectful, we’d love to have you join us! Our world is all about building and creating memories together. Just remember, no griefing allowed – we keep it chill but there’s a line. We look forward to meeting like-minded players who want to contribute to our world! Read More

  • Fishbowl

    FishbowlFeatures:Survival Mode: Test your skills in a true survival setting where you must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off threats.Community: Join a friendly community of players, form alliances, and embark on adventures together.Economy: Trade with other players, set up shops, and build your own thriving economy within the server.Events: Participate in server-wide events, challenges, and competitions to win rewards and showcase your skills.Custom Plugins: Enjoy unique features and enhancements that make gameplay even more exciting and engaging.Rules: Respectful behavior, no griefing, and fair play are enforced to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all.Join us and start your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Blocks of Destiny

    That meme must have crafted a solid joke to score a 33 in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft :D’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-16 18:20:31. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10

    Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10 In the world of Minecraft, where friends unite, We gather ’round to survive and fight. But beware, for friendships can be tested, As labor and play become contested. The Wheat Cube is our battleground, Where survival is key, where treasures are found. With Kabird as our guide, we journey on, Facing challenges, obstacles, until dawn. The music of TheFatRat sets the tone, As we build, explore, and craft our own. Infinite power, in every block we place, In this world of pixels, we find our grace. So join us now, in this Friendship Gathering Place, Where rhymes and laughter… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥

    Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a different server, we couldn’t help but think about the unique and thrilling experience that Minewind has to offer. With a focus on PvP gameplay and a cracked server, Minewind provides a dynamic and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why should you join… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Weird Castle Discovery!

    Minecraft's Weird Castle Discovery! Mysterious Castle Discovered in Minecraft In a recent Minecraft gameplay video, the player stumbled upon a strange and intriguing castle. The discovery left viewers captivated and eager to learn more about this mysterious structure. Exploring the Enigmatic Castle The castle, shrouded in mystery, stood tall against the pixelated sky. Its ancient walls whispered tales of forgotten kingdoms and untold secrets. As the player ventured inside, they were met with a labyrinth of corridors, hidden chambers, and puzzling traps. Unraveling the Secrets Deep within the castle’s depths, the player uncovered cryptic clues and enigmatic symbols. Each puzzle solved revealed a… Read More

  • INSANE! kpx’s Epic Minecraft Stream Debut

    INSANE! kpx's Epic Minecraft Stream DebutVideo Information and drop a link okay did you get the link nope all right hang on I’ll just go to the we’re good all right we’re we’re live but um chat’s not up chat’s not up no oh there they are hello everyone ZN M hello if you can hear us it’s not showing off on my side can you hear us everyone triple are you seeing the chat man nope oh that’s weird okay hi Zen oh the chat overlay is working oh yeah it’s oh you know why do you have it exporting to an overlay yeah… Read More

  • Exploring the Final Place – Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3

    Exploring the Final Place - Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode – El último lugar donde buscas (Ps4 2015) Primera Temporada – Episodio 3’, was uploaded by Sephyrot69 on 2024-05-29 13:49:09. It has garnered 1184 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:50 or 5030 seconds. “Minecraft: Story Mode” is an animated and interactive series developed and published by “Telltale Games”. It is based on the world of Minecraft. It is a graphic adventure video game or interactive movie very similar to other games from the studio: “Telltale Games”, It consists of two seasons: The first season was released on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱Video Information This video, titled ‘Re-Building the END in MINECRAFT 🐲🧱 #builder #minecraftbuild #buildchallenge’, was uploaded by Woodchucks on 2024-06-20 01:24:05. It has garnered 11088 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. In this video, we will be Re-Building the iconic End Dimension in Minecraft. Stick around to find out how it will look! 🧱🐉 #minecraft #build #gaming #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024

    Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘The Blocky World A Minecraft History 2024 02 24 2’, was uploaded by Sped on 2024-02-24 15:38:33. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:17 or 137 seconds. Once upon a time, in the pixelated world of video games, there was a magical realm called Minecraft. Created by a clever wizard named Markus Persson, also known as “Notch,” Minecraft first appeared in 2009. It was a game unlike any other, where players could explore endless blocky landscapes, build magnificent structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. At first, Minecraft… Read More

  • Join Wolfy’s Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7Lifesteal

    Join Wolfy's Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7LifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE LIFESTEAL SMP | ANYONE CAN JOIN | 24×7 ONLINE @godgamerprabhu2431 | #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by WOLFY IS LIVE on 2024-01-13 20:38:36. It has garnered 109 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:05 or 10745 seconds. Welcome to WOLFY IS LIVE, the prime hub for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide! Dive into a pixelated universe where creativity reigns supreme. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to Minecraft, join me as we explore vast landscapes, conquer dungeons, and construct awe-inspiring structures. Discord – Discover innovative building techniques, redstone contraptions, and secret… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-06-01 19:00:21. It has garnered 2588 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:05 or 3245 seconds. Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft UniversIO | CRAFTING THE SUN, THE EARTH & GRAVITY!?! #1: ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: ★Watch Live On Twitch: Stoneopolis- Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #Stoneopolis #Modded Read More