Insane Krabby EV Training on Cobblemon! Ep 14

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I’m going to see what we can be I’m going to go my friend we got our Venusaur Rapture man and capture man they’re going to be through the Rapture The Strain and haure we’re going to go this way wait is my guy faster what mine no mine well yeah Rapture man’s only level 36 oh okay mine’s 47 oh I don’t know man I do not know all I know is that you kind of remind me of Cherie also my stream’s up I see your house in New Orleans also I’m I have a new plan with my Venusaur I was going to make him defensive but I’m going to make him defensively offensive which means I gave him a [ __ ] ton of health and I’m going to start chugging a g fuel down his throat oh no hey Debbie also I need coal because I need to cook a cook all of this uh pork chop that I got oh yeah cut down some crues booze booze Blues Clues also did he change it or does this actually still go to the same place oh it still goes to the same place oh dick and balls I didn’t expect that that was crazy what the [ __ ] happened over here oh you’re what’s happened over here oh my God that’s really funny go through go through the thing go through the portal that I made that I relinked in front of the wizard tower um I got thrown off because of entity cramming up there so basically look down do you see all these Pokemon down here basically oh my goodness basically because the game is like hey wait a second there we need to start spawning [ __ ] on these empty tile oh that L trunk oh there’s oh what the hell is that oh I thought you threw off a lechon I was like no piggy no don’t do it no don’t do it no the boy he’s lives never mind that’s such a [ __ ] clip I feel so awful I literally even waited to because I was like I know there’s a death delay but then it went on way too oh what a guy oh Emerald oh dick I mean there’s really nothing stopping me from just like well now I can’t turn on desktop audio that’s stupid you on browser audio if you want to play music stupid give me the [ __ ] Emerald there we go yeah but do you like this area I call it I don’t know it’s a whole [ __ ] look at the stream real quick it is a whole like fullon mountain range yeah thought you were G to call it Champions Peak I did I I I found one Champions Peak and I was like oh my God this is cool and then I found another Champions Peak and I was like oh my God this is cool like it is a legitimate mountain range I don’t know how this managed the spawn but I wish Minecraft code did this more often look at that it’s a legitimate [ __ ] mountain range it goes from [Music] and then it has like a valley over here like that is like kind of like a peninsula somewhat like look at this [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] cool Minecraft why can’t you do [ __ ] like this more often it is Peak multiple Peaks to be exact oh why is this on why is one on what’ you do uh the mob farm was on whoa not the mob farm not very good to leave it on because then it can cause issue lots of lag it is so [ __ ] it is so cool over here oh yeah did you I saw ladyb MH this work plate isn’t bound ah [ __ ] oh wait that’s [Music] right so what the hell is over here oh yeah it’s that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] ursing give me your soul stupid is that a whole [ __ ] Nama swine oh my God it is why is this made what was what was what made oh my my God he’s a beefy boy oh he’s a beefy boy oh there’s also there’s also a weird [Music] deer you my good sir are level 92 which means I desperately want to kill you please survive this m mock punch oh yes oh yes survive again and don’t kill my a my Bron please yes it missed go to sleep stupid good 13 HP 13 HP and sleep I know you’re Nevel 92 but it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it didn’t matter I got a level 92 MMO swine that weird deer is level 88 weirder kind of sucks though so oh a did a did I did a did I did does suck that makes me sad yeah unfortunately like it does get a buff compared to Stantler but like it ain’t enough it sadly just it just ain’t enough sadly oh there’s a frost moth wasn’t Reuben trying to like evolve stom he’s trying to get that stom [Music] friendship too bad so sad what happened to my [ __ ] Armor no no no okay I kind of this ice area is kind of like awesome found a ditto found a m got a mammo actually what is that mamos swine’s like IV I want to check real quick oh mythical Beast Amber tell me your secrets not awful but like not like he exists two levels me when the Zaza kicks good it cost me 32 levels to upgrade my boots yeah get wait wait until you I have every they have every boot [Music] enchantment hey another ditto for the pile fud and then this Frost moth I want you I’ve started catching a bunch of different Pokemon out of just like I want to see what moves they have and I want those moves that they have mhm it it kind of makes it like worthwhile since with how the TMS work currently there’s I’m being chased by like four baby zombies St what is this British firing [Music] squad British firing squad go oh God I don’t have any meat oh God wrong [ __ ] button give me that [ __ ] every zombie in the known universe is after my ass right now oh polar bear how you doing buddy Frost moth getting the balls oh another MMO swine you I can murder [ __ ] get in the ball [Music] [ __ ] get in the ball I have an enchanted sheep [ __ ] get you have an enchant oh you’re on your back yeah I just Enchanted it that’s great that’s oh debie deie didn’t get the memo deie you also didn’t like my stream deonal this is not going to do very nicely on your resume Debbie how am I supposed to hire you to scout out talent for me i [Music] f oh don’t use thrash oh he used thrash I need like two more netherite ingots and then I don’t need a netherite ingots anymore I use the netherite ingots to destroy the netherite [Music] get being salt cured more like being [Music] stupid I don’t think think it’s best I just watch out a bit consider of playing it also de you better like my stream unless it was this this goober right next to me in this call who didn’t uh decide to like my stream what a bad friend [Music] critical hit God damnn I forgot how kind of tanky mammo swine is he’s also just really cool I also accidentally killed Dratini which made me sad I know cake has a Dragonite so he can breed it but still you want a Marley or a Merill a Marley No I got a Merill so I was thinking Merill in uh Starly in my head and the words just kind of combined understandable actually I want to see what this Forest test offer me I’m interested in this Forest I also liked how eventually we were like I I was thinking to myself I was like oh yeah we’re going to be like loaded on Max Rives and like Lepa berries and [ __ ] and it’s like no we’d never touch ooh Amora a uh we we are loaded hey stupid get over to me rock type ice rock type Aurorus I have it I have it [ __ ] yourself we we are loaded up on Lea berries and CIT berries and like Al the berries oh I no no no no no but I meant like in our inventories like at all times oh I was for a while but then I I I didn’t end up leaving that often so I stopped doing that like it’s it’s helpful when you’re on like a trip or something on the prow me when I you know what you should make you should make Shuler boxes just called like medkits and just pass them out like when people are leaving I totally could cuz I want to do that but I’m too [ __ ] lazy to go into the end and get said things and stuff oh dick oh dick oh dick oh dick oh dick never done that before I literally just jumped straight Oh by a guardian using magic he’s trying to he’s trying to build his holiday home it’s surrounded by Guardians if he says maybe later you owe me five bucks o do you want garan a zig zigon I already have it yeah but he’s cool you suck I have majority of the Pokemon I have 432 playing this game too much I want to be I want to be that cool you [ __ ] sorry I want you my boy gutina gen aect our village What What In Our Village what he just fed up they just sped it you scared the ever living [ __ ] out of me by the way I hope you know that no what do you mean no it’s self-destructed you’re joking it was oh no all right I need a moment I’m going to go get water I’ll be back did I or did I not just see a star WRA see no he’s right there also a Genesect like exploding is not what I expected and is also the worst thing I’ve ever heard of in my life that’s horrible my ears that was so ungodly high pitched that actually hurt like how there’s like just swine up everywhere I’m going to be here for 9 minutes then rest deie your Precision is quite funny don’t you at me stupid Zam bony satle satle satle satle fracks fracks fracks frbs where where’s the boy where’s the boy here comes the boy hello boy oh you’re so cute here comes the boy hello boy [ __ ] go to sleep Spore I’m so upset I found a frider back it’s all okay oh nice I don’t know what that is it’s a pseudo legendary like guard chomp oh sounds like it’s an nice type no he’s no he’s a fire type guess he’s a [ __ ] ice type Heathen it’s also almost in it’s based off of Godzilla by the way Co I’m so upset [Music] like with the with the Dratini and the flutter man it’s like whatever because I I don’t have any opinion on them when it but Genesect I have like I love Genesect I had one and it was one of my favorites for a long time I thought it was so cool and the fudge man I just fud I’m upset [Music] I think I’m more upset than I should [Music] be I feel you I didn’t know it could new self-destruct I’m going to have to what’s that move there no it’s an ability it’s like damp or something yeah self-destruction if you see one again you’re gonna have to damp yeah oh I didn’t even know I I didn’t even know it could like learn that either that’s crazy I’ve never seen it like do that before so oh man [ __ ] I’m upset I’m [Music] upset it’s spawned by the Pokemon Center by the way you know what’s really [ __ ] funny self-destruct what level was it was it 97 97 yeah it doesn’t learn self-destruct until level [Music] 91 it looks good though the people that made its model did a good job on it oh they did they though yeah also they’re uh next update they’re adding some attack animations and by some attack animations it’s like one full they’re adding one full-fledged animation for flamethrower and then everything else is just going to get some particle effects neat but they’re actually like watching Charizard like rear back and then go forward to do a flamethrower is really cool also I lost the frider backs no hope it’s not too rare I don’t I don’t know [Music] pseudo it’s a pseudo legendary so unfortunately it’s a probably not going to see another one for a bit of time mhm which I didn’t even consider when I used uh my guy just now when I should have back caliber is a is really cool though he someone took all the bones out of the the grinder they need the NW like I get it I get taking all the bones you need the bones for stuff I understand understand understand understand understand oh yeah yeah I forgot did I get a frost moth I think I did I found one small bit of Stony Shore and it’s really funny because there just there’s just a Kingler on the beach and he’s just Vala who the [ __ ] is vua who are you I don’t know what the hell you are man that sucks it’s like a like a psychic fish I think Bridger is like that’s like my third that’s my f one of my new favorite uh baby looking like first Evolutions cuz it looks like Chomp now I got to look it up what is this bridge backs oh my gosh he really does he’s really cute yes he’s just a little iin Pokemon dragon ice what’s I Thal exchange a good ability oh prevents burn and attack up if you’re hit by fire type and it’s neutral to fire nice then ice body ice body sucks don’t get it use thermal exchange ice body is just healing okay yes thermal exchange back oh he’s he’s cute too and then look at it look at back Calibur back scalibur like actually just Godzilla yeah whoa is that an a is that a garan Meowth oh hello little guy all right byebye key Revy if that even is your real name you Heathen man I’m going to try not being a bummer but like freaking losing a gen aect hurts my soul it hurt real bad understandable um what wa what was I doing crying oh yeah I was doing that that’s not very fun Almost Heaven West [Music] Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains Shin river life is all there older than the trees younger than the mountains flowing like the breeze why are you so hurt young man why why are you so hurt why you hurting why why you hurting man that Iron Golem was so hurt it needed four iron ingots to heal what’s this thing smooch him oh there per zerker I think I just need um the mega aerodactylite and then I’m good nice a igloo with the secret lair thanks for the apples stupid thanks for the apples take this actually you know what I’m going take this this is mine now [Music] oh oh there’s a shiny a shiny merro ooh pinky boy thanky boy bur there he is here oh I tried to catch him with an apple I’m just going to put your stream up on the big screen instead of my phone there you go now you’re on the big screen oh wait I think I know why I wasn’t doing this before chat doesn’t load for some reason damn I don’t know what to do he’s level 38 and I only have 17 Ultra Balls do you have any status I do but like only a bit but I can’t like damage his health any bit got to get somebody with false swipe like merro is immune to sleep was it hypnosis no it was [Music] sport oh insomnia oh no ah [ __ ] I might need a bodm put him in a boat get these [Music] [Music] boms hey got him my fourth shiny very nice whoa Enderman why are these Ender not dropping at anything ever at any given time whoa just a fortress this is I think I don’t know what was I going to say I lost my thought sh something to do with netherite you were making something with it I remember that oh no no no no um I don’t remember is like something he doesn’t remember boys give him the good old I might find an obson out here oh hi corvis hello there corvis Squire oh just a wild Spirit tomb oh H what are you doing out here what are you doing out here butter give me your soul what what biome are you in snow ice tiger to be exact yeah there might be an ancient city underneath what the [ __ ] did it just do it just killed itself I think I didn’t even see what the [ __ ] happened momento are you [ __ ] with me so you’re saying there’s like an ancient city underneath most likely I think there is cuz RZ says it he found them in the ancient city oh no it’s ruins it it’s those the the the the ruins the new ruin thing that just got added in the update oh oh uh don’t break the gravel don’t break the gravel too quick like if you see any they might be suspicious gravel about that [Music] dang found where I think I found where cake was at did you no it’s it just looks very similar found a very cool place honestly I really wish some of those ruins would like act like spawn like above ground yeah like peeking out kind of like vintage story you know yeah instead you just like they’re entirely buried with like gravel just signifying that they’re there at the very top which is kind of eh it’s not awful but it’s not not great although I need I need to uh look into them a bit more cuz I don’t really know how they work they’re just structures that you know you can get like special [ __ ] at that’s all they are I know but I want to learn how they like spawn proper in your face got them that’s how they spawn stupid get get wrecked Sandy Gast Sandy Gast yeah yeah oh it’s the special one too they um the people that did it added a red sand [Music] variant there we go whoa got I got it whoa what cryog holy [ __ ] why do you [ __ ] why do you spawn at such a high level Spore oh [ __ ] he used ice beam [Music] I have a speo I better spe I do I lost track of what I was doing got to get back on track cryogonal cryogonal more like diagonal am I right H oh he used s touch on grass and he didn’t give him it back he’s probably under water and it floated up fast what is this I don’t know you can see where I’ve been because I leave a path Wherever I Go a bath of construction there let the bodies in the floor Let the Bodies In The Floor let the body H the floor Let the Body the floor oh [ __ ] Al low no way what no way another Redemption another Genesect level 98 Genesect 98 remember damp damp that [ __ ] do I have a Pokemon with damp what Pokemon have damp uh gold uh I’m going to put a BM in the SEC I’m going to vat him yes go vot think he’s voted I have yet to see a legendary I’m upset oh wait stupid use a grass use a ghost type I’m pretty sure that’ll stop it stop the explosion to look that up though I would look that up don’t fight it it’ll blow up yeah hold on let me see [Music] um I want you to fight it now I want you to fight it [Music] now be onover okay so yeah apparent it doesn’t go off if you use a ghost type so I shall use a ghost type my issue is I don’t have a high level Ghost type a slash oh yeah you’re right I was like wait isn’t that [ __ ] like what level 90 last time I fought it no wait I want to actually see this damn thing yeah he looks good no Reuben don’t steal him Reuben no he looks like Reuben the the the genx kind kind of when they got the same almost the same shade of purple you know what I’m probably really color blind and they probably don’t there’s a Quagsire where is it where are you people behind my house your house wait you have a house I’ve had a house for a while oh the pink one yeah oh the one by your Tower oh I see oh you’re right they do look the same you’re not you’re not being colorblind swe if this blows up I’m going to be so sad it tried the hyperbeam I can tell I can tell you what moves it has how do you know um the last four moves on its move set it’s a wild Pokemon so always have the last four moves it has self- destru actually no you just said it tried to use hyperbeam yeah oh [ __ ] never mind it doesn’t learn hyperbeam so it did yeah just thought out did hyperbeam I don’t know I don’t want to hurt it I’m scared because like couet say four times it’s only got fire moves why do you suck what what happened to your agis lash uh Sur ledge was like well was uh quicker option it did try and self-destruct it killed itself no how did it how did it kill itself your suru Edge [ __ ] is a ghost type it can still yeah you need damp apparently you know wait since it’s said just spawn one in again cuz you’re it’s not supposed to [ __ ] the explosion is not supposed to go off on a ghost [Music] type oh well I need to look up special attack Eevee I need to hold on Rapture man nope okay were you wrong I just messed up I enter like the way I asked the question gave me a different answer I looked it up another way and then it said it will go off but it won’t do anything to the go okay that’s just a skill issue on my end oh so yeah you need damp we’ll look up what Pokemon have damp and make sure and hope to God whatever Pokemon has damp can tank like the hits long enough prevents self-destruction uh about that yeah about that um about what not very many good Pokemon maybe uh poly toad not a lot of these Pokemon look very tanky oh oh yeah yeah useless Pelican head ass bucket [Music] Wht where is it where is that Pokedex Pokedex Pokedex [Music] [Music] I’m gonna see what she can oh it was a bunch of [ __ ] Marie that’s what I was murdering oh my God what [Music] there’s Big Swamp good question where is Big Swamp I don’t think he way pointed it 9,000 3,000 oh yeah never mind too far I’m just I’m just uh uh two gen uh uh uh uh one sad heavy uh uh uh uh like four Pokemon today that I’ve just not been able to catch I’m cursed to never get an end Pearl again I don’t think I’ve ever killed so many Enderman in like one server where I’ve gotten no pearls oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my God [Music] ow re why do I hear like an actual Minecraft cat what is this Tom Foolery sounds tamed too you know uh cake has one I know but I’m like over at your like Ranch area I don’t know oh yeah I need to check my Pokemon oh k e m o n Pokemon eh eh Mar re Slaughter begins I currently going for aidite I have settled on venusaurite do you have one already yeah okay oh you just need the mega cuff right yeah I need the Keystone do you got any diamond equipment you don’t want I got a bunch of horse armor if that actually does anything oh yeah craft stuff I can’t craft with it uh you you can uncraft stuff now yipp I made the thing so bless you bless me bless you why does mol look like it was put in a deep fire and breaded cuz it cuz that’s the lore that’s the lore that’s the lore I need to go and get some sheep I’m going to kill them all I’ve never had so much wool oh gyos site I did need a new one whoa gutina [Music] I love torturing my friends me as I misclick every button known to man hi buddy oh there’s two of you there’s two of them who also for the first time ever I used shampoo on my beard because I finally remembered I have one that’s a good idea because I kind of kept forgetting to put so run soap through it like CU I would like clean it with like water you know but I never used soap on it and I cuz I kept kind of forgetting that I had it cuz you know this is a new thing to me and so I finally did that last night and I’m getting instant results my my facial hair feels so much nicer that’s good I didn’t know what I was missing until I did something about it and it’s only going to get better as like time goes on oh yeah did I tell you about the story about how I was going to I was thinking of asking out a coworker and it turned out she had two kids and a husband you did in fact but now your stream gets hear that yes they get to hear my play there’s got to be more Pokemon that [ __ ] Psyduck please tell me oh my God Psyduck you stupid [ __ ] you give me your goddamn you indigenous duck where did you go this [ __ ] went deep into an underwater cave [ __ ] that he went from on the beach to deep in like the Deep State what a goddamn coward [Music] oh yes it’s immediately exposed what is it fud that sounded really close to you outright saying [ __ ] [Music] I found like three of these things that have Charizard X [Music] and I don’t want [Music] that I don’t I don’t want that why not cuz I have too many of them I want aerodactylite synthesisa Darumaka not a bad Pokemon by any means also my stream isn’t being watched I have one Watcher what is this that’s mean it’s me Reuben well it says you have it says you have three on my end the count slowly going up as you say that I think one thing that they can improve on with this mod that I’m seeing instantly is that they could increase like the time between like the battle ending cuz sometimes it feels like the Pokemon takes way too long between it like fainting and the B actually ending oh so mean decrease increase the speed yes okay yeah Heen you’re not going to darum Maka your way out of this one stinky [Music] hey my favorite new background Minecraft music just started playing I don’t know what it’s called but I like [Music] it Mom I don’t care that it’s called crack I want it now oh that lean does not look [Music] never mind that’s [Music] fine I don’t know why we as a society have deemed it inappropriate to hate children I don’t get it since one I don’t know man whenever I talk about my dis distaste of children everyone gets mad I wish to hate children in [Music] peace can’t even beat them up anymore well that part oh sh oh are you one of those people that care about child abuse I call it discipline [Music] he stared at me for 5 seconds too [Music] long how did it out how did the fluffy outspeed him that’s weird did I not give a [ __ ] about speed when I made this guy no I did that’s so weird does Aeros and flaffy have more speed than I remember them having I thought they were slow as [ __ ] [Music] flppy you have more speed than I think you do kiddo no they’re slow as [ __ ] how did it outspeed me a move did it do oh yeah H good point I didn’t I didn’t think about that probably quick attack I think it’d also use confuse Ray and out sped me [Music] too that might be just illusional how many of these do I have not enough that one don’t have the either of those I want that I have that that that that that that that that oh I have a lot of these one two three 4 oh only missing five of the mega stones whoa bro another venusaurite I’m missing aerodactylite the both meww ites Pidgeot and slite I have the slite you want it sure actually I can I can I can uh give you the coordinates of of the thing wait do I have SL who thought I had it do I have a marker for it I have one I have a marker for slow broid I why did I not mine it cuz you’re stupid you here why am I not traveling around at the speed of sound on my ultra quick Venusaur feel like this is an oversight by the company kind buny what if I just get what if I just like you know what never mind I’m over complicating it hello switch and two that’s the thing I don’t have yet hold a moment that’s a thing I don’t have get over here boy ditto has been captured very nice what’ you find uh what’s I don’t know what it’s called it’s like that spinning top Pokemon oh hitmon top b toy never mind I found a ball toy b toy I think toy only got the one L nice F toy there we go caught him I caught him he’s been caught did you you cut him though or is that an illusion created by the Jedi a Lie by The Sith whoa not the Sith that boy can’t read whoa I got pantal loins from a I got iron pants with Protection One from a skelet toid man that [ __ ] is dark a v oh boy 3: [Music] a.m. I like how Gastly on the website is just like he doesn’t have his like purple Aura so he’s just a black black a ball with eyes or Black Cube with eyes Sir when are you going to in sir when are you going to create the Deep State St like a secret government like tell me is it’s just in swap biomes okay I wish mie Marie have the have the uh mie in its Evolution have the [ __ ] uh glow squid effect where they don’t glow like they [Music] should they have a lit texture [Music] yeah how many Venusaur ites am I going to fight I get anything else that’s three in a row three geodes with it or like just like three different geod with Venus orite it’s a sign for capture man to Mega Evolve apparently let the boy be free but the Rapture is coming you must capture the rapture Vina all right and I disabled a way point and [Music] [Music] you know what’s really appalling how the Pokemon called guard chomp didn’t get the ability strong jaw yeah is a bit weird let’s strong job do though because I think G Chum’s already a strong Pokemon 50% increase the biting moves which wouldn’t make it turbo overpowered it would just make moves that it doesn’t use that it has just more useful hold on is it strong jaw yeah 50% increase in power to biting moves so like fire Fang and a crunch would all uh get more powerful oh ah okay but it would still not but no Dragon move dragon or uh it’s main move that it spams anyways uh scale shot and earthquake would not get like any more powerful so you know what is scale shot I’ve not heard of that one it’s a gen n it’s a gen 8 move oh that’s not in this I checked cuz our Garchomp would have learned it I believe basically it’s it’s a move like bullet seed but it has a secondary effect of lowering your defense but increasing your speed which is kind of crazy on a Pokemon like G Chom doesn’t learn it naturally only one Pokemon learns it naturally and that’s roaring Moon dead ass yeah I looked it up oh so that’s how you get the TM hey you deal with that stupid no rest for the wicked No Rest For The W Wicked the Whit Wick the Wht Wick do you even know what that is no it sounds like Whit Wiki from Transformers exactly it was a weird plot point that came in uh in the fifth movie fifth movie was awful apparently samit Wiki was a descendant was a descendant of uh King Arthur and also Merlin was a real wizard yes I know I watched the movie which was super [ __ ] funny to me I was like huh fun fact Transformers the very first one was the first movie I ever saw in theaters oh I went with my dad and I i’ been a fan of trans I don’t think I ever would have been a fan of Transformers if I had ever watched like the G1 version to this day I still think the g1’s the G1 versions look really [ __ ] stupid you hurt me um I liked um the the design the liveaction versions of them in uh the latest two movies that I can get behind yeah those are good I still I still prefer uh I still massively prefer bayformers uh looks for some of them at least like Optimus and bu most most of them can kick rocks but um I don’t like them we got the cool squir guy though uh he’s like tapos are not Ultra beasts they fight the ultra beasts they’re legendary the legendary quartet okay time to move on to the next section we need to like fry his brain and remove the term Ultra beast from it I think that we would do the world some good with that when’s cake going to Jo he’s late by 30 minutes he might not want to that’s going to suck if he doesn’t want to how am I supposed to bully him if he’s not [Music] here oh oh yeah that’s what I like to see and a little bit of special defense where do we get special defense oh you know where we get special defense to the nether to the nether wait we just making to the nether going to be there forever fit my fat ass in there my brother me when I run ride my Venusaur in the Nether and then wonder why I’m falling off a cliff yeah me when I ride my gly score and wondering why I’m having a good time okay so that’s a bunch more this uh this Mega Stone Mod I wish there was a config that let me change it so that they always had mega stones in the geodes no it really sucks when they don’t simple don’t mind the whole geode have some self-respect not mining the entire geode but like I M it in a way where I can see every block and I and just not finding everything sucks or like not getting a single mega stone really poopy also Mega Venusaur is so godamn cool because the [ __ ] gets thick bat which gets rid of most of his biggest uh weaknesses yeah the worst of his weaknesses oh sir you are in a load of oh dick you’re next you’re next oh God hoglands do not take knock back yeah they’re like um like ravagers your mom got him [Music] water I need water no you [Music] don’t who told you you need to breathe no one I said I needed water hey M fish m m I think it’s funny my uh parents got me uh Skittles like two months ago and I finished them yesterday uh and then they got me more Skittles doesn’t sound uh I I they gave me like two bags of Skittles like over the course of few months like a bag a month but I keep giving my brother my other bag cuz I I eat them super slowly like a big bag or like a a bag that I would expect to find at a store as I’m like impulse buying like handbag like it fits in your hand I don’t eat Skittles very much I don’t spawn do they not are they not [ __ ] spoiling no well you think I just leave them out in the open so they just like disintegrate like they just dry up and come raisin like like no well yeah but no man I need looting [ __ ] my life well now with the uncf that we have if you find us anything with looting on it you can just take it offing Mom just doing you Mom Mom doing your mom mom mom whoa he’s survived I found a video of some guy and there’s a bunch of fish and he has his foot in the water and there just there’s five fish just suck on his toes I was like oh that’s a video I’ll send it to you later ped blizzard get his ass pedal blizzard get his ass get him all right then looks like that is a that is Rapture man complete now together me and him shall drive off into the sunset by Sunset I mean I’m going to drown in lava for the boy here comes the boy I shall experience his burn same with him woohoo also you [ __ ] need to get your [ __ ] straight how did this get here oh [ __ ] I did that what do you mean you heathens need to figure out what you’re trying to do with your life okay do you do you understand understand I need you to say you understand understand I I actually don’t understand what you’re mean meaning what is this some sort of poppy [ __ ] huh you’re not making any sense you know ah do you think you’re in a position to bargain here H do you think you can bargain who do you think you are Thanos let’s see if garon can that gig impact you can barely survive thrash my answer my thought process is probably not man that level difference of like 20 levels makes a huge difference even Infernape my weak little baby Infernape is surviving better than that it is a 26 level difference but still guard chom’s defenses are way better than Inferno Apes I would have thought it would have evened out honestly apparently not I’ve been too distracted with one for other things we know yeah I want to I been wanting to stream things because I’m like oh yeah I’m getting back into streaming and then Cobble modon reared its head and was like No And it grabbed me and pulled me into the darkness I just don’t feel like Cobble W’s like a super uh entertaining stream game says who me well you’re stupid so who are you to say I could just stream it and not care yeah do that then fool why not why not why the heck there’s nothing wrong with being bitchless but staying bitchless is uh talking to the wrong person for that I will use reverse curse technique asexuality on you I don’t know what that means it means no more [Music] asexuality come on Guard Captain kill the moo cow [Music] it is a mo cow time [Music] something oh gargle scared me he spawned right in front of me where at base bad I’m in a bad lands right now oh yeah you wouldn’t spawn over here what a fool I am scared me he’s got sturdy he’s the Elden ring all this uncooked beef boom four shinies let’s go mammo swine let us see what you’re carrying on your person I got a I got a shiny balant the other day I thought that was funny pain he doesn’t look that different but he he’s like he’s okay snowcap in hail new weather effect snow did the Zora oh yeah the Zora model got an update much better as long as the uh the new texture packs are above the old ones then yes but zoroa is getting officially added uh in the next update so they’ll and they look so good especially Zoroark Zoroark looks really bad in this and I feel bad for saying it like I feel bad don’t I I do because people put effort into it no ex do not do be a rat in a cage expand your rage do not be bothered like Thing by such things such as morality or attachment I need to see I need to look something up never mind I forgot what to look up cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie cutter cookie cutter whoa viop plume what a [Music] loser what what a snoozer oh God there’s a BAL La behind your house I’m going to kill it sell its F orans you are Giga Impact ain’t [ __ ] die in one hit stupid stupid stupid yeah die die die die die die [Music] die some juicy steak added to my inventory very nice oh my god oh I realized something going forward with the Cobble one server is like will not be able to remove mods that add blocks very easily in case somebody likes using a certain block I wouldn’t want to remove it but like for this Mega Mod where it adds this block that is very nice don’t uh it’s just like oh I wouldn’t be able to remove it in the future I’d have to disable the uh I have not disable I’d have to alter stuff replace like I’d have to make another data pack so that way it replaces uh whenever you craft the mega stone with this mod it actually gives you the new mega stone whenever they add megas which I doubt would be for quite a while there will always be a point when you’re going to have to just completely re restart because uh update break [ __ ] not if you’re careful not sure how careful you are Destiny always arrives Destiny arrives all the same I’d like for this world to like keep on going for a while though no it it it would think it’ be fun to fill it with a ton of stuff test the boundaries whoa score bunny what a guy what a guy no I don’t care that I have one already I want um oh I hate that so much those names meshed and I look and it almost looked like I was looking at a Cartana that had me freaking out at least with these um these geod you get a lot of evolutionary Stones this is true never will we be bothered by the lack of rum hello there Luna Mooney how are you today Yello yell and please do not ask any questions about my friend being a fboy uh I’m not a fan booy exactly it oh also my marshmallow is level 70 by the way somehow he surpassed my gcore and my Galvantula does he have a higher growth speed I don’t know good how are you I’m good how are you or not how are you I said meant say welcome there goes the r you killed him yeah death glare I looked at him he went and he just flatted holy oh [ __ ] got a critical hit on thrash it’s over it’s over oh and then it hit thrash again oh God this balance at R making my team go crazy quickly use earthquake hey out sped there’s a it’s a balant [ __ ] Central out here this is a bad idea now that I’m looking at this don’t use a gig impact don’t use a giga impacts he used thrash and still one shot me [ __ ] [Music] I wish these mega stones weren’t so difficult to find but at least you’re here makes it easier to talk to somebody your insanity is well noted I am actually not here you’ve been mining mega stones for such a long time that you just went absolutely insane I died 3 weeks ago thank you need to get over me oh I’m not coming back dang oh well back to mining finds out reality is a lie oh well I yearn for the mines anyway yeah I don’t know what I should give my guard chomp in terms of items life orb Maybe that sounds terrifying Choice band also maybe [ __ ] am I I don’t know that like it’s scary it does more damage scary but then it then it’s locked in [Music] Infernape I’m going to need you to turn this balant into [Music] beef wow he did it that PO really did turn into beef I wonder if my vur can eat up this guy now leech SE his ass never mind he got one shot shot question answered regrets [Music] made I hate when my ear starts ringing it sounds so weird just [Music] goes I used to think I was dying whenever that happened but the way [Music] oh I had gaset myself into being terrified whenever that happened ah because I was like oh this ringing it’s a bad thing I think my sister might have like put that in my thought that thought in my head that’s a very her thing to do to make me think I’m dying at like any given opportunity Oh no you’re dying give me all your money I will save you you’re dying oh yeah wait I need to look at something I just realized I need to look at a text message that I got oh yeah it’s that one yes yes yes yes yes the bike the bike place that I always go to to fix my electric bike um they were offering me a uh since I’ve been I’ve been a customer for them for about a year now mhm they were giving me 10 they sent me an automated message to uh be part of their discount oh don’t use gig impact wait Infernape no okay thank God he used Mega horn with a loser give me your soul I love it when I have TM for a Pokemon that like learn and use it on a Pokemon that will learn the move also Infernape is level 90 oh hold on what is my IVs of my what are my IVs of my Infernape okay so it has HP7 special attack and attack 18 special defense and defense 26 27 and speed 19 this is a the very middle of the road Infernape and then of course the EES okay the attack eeve on this thing are not bad actually it has 171 attack and 70 78 speed like just naturally I did look I was looking at the berries and they do have the the EV lowering berries in the mod so you can lower eeve for ones that you don’t like this is new to me yeah they’re useful whenever you like want to guarantee certain EES are at zero so it just fixes like just one single EV and you can like keep feeding you have to feed it a few times I think it’s like either one point minus one or minus 10 oh [ __ ] all right Rapture get a lot of berries Rapture man take his balls how any of these geod am I going to find with nothing in them all of them all of them will have nothing just like you oh here’s something oh Rapture man learn solar beam I here a [ __ ] I hear a winch um curse curse and survive persist salt cure Cur cure his salt his salt is balls that sounds especially painful the idea that I just have in my head right now don’t insult nobody’s balls that sounds awful uh mod CH hold him down he must learn [Music] please what’s that [Music] one okay well slow I got slow right you at least it was immediate [ __ ] I used Swords Dance and then it used charm it did it again Swords Dance [Music] play rough more like die you stupid my horsepower die earthquake no you don’t need to wake up slap me that’s not going to get rid of the poison not the PO [Music] do you have any leftovers I can borrow I’m sure you’ve got like a few thousand not not a few th000 let me see like what do you mean by borrow keep uh okay I could probably give you one please for the sake of my Apple luck I have any apples I’ve been e I’ve eaten 200 apples yeah yeah eat these actually let me eat one watch watch this not even joking not even joking I’m not joking I literally just ate that it got left over the Rapture is here bro they won’t even let me sleep bro they won’t let me sleep [Music] I hate that I hate that with a burning passion what you that I take like no damage no that you got that I can’t believe it I can’t believe that either I was like I was like if this will be really funny and then I got it I was like oh you should have had a full inventory so when you did eat it it just you just [ __ ] it out instantly yeah I hate that with every I can’t believe that that’s awesome every fiber of my being voila it’s over [Music] come on give me wait so the only ones I don’t have [Music] are PID Pidgeot the two mewt and aerodactylite oh my gosh we can’t be never mind we can’t eat toast together anymore what Tuesday brunch can’t believe it what am I supposed to do on Tuesdays now Taco Tuesday has been reinstated no whatever happened to my cat did that was in the Juke Box I put them in the chest let just chilling there all right all right all right Redemption odds of redemption time to chant Redemption for myself I can do it I can get the flutter man please please let me do it God you have a billion bees in your jar [Music] yes can you breed Paradox Pokemon no probably not i’ check though probably not [Music] there it is there it is where you go get down here level [Music] 95 all right um [Music] what how do I not kill it it’s ghost [Music] what you talking about [Music] Willis what you talking about Willis what happened what happened with you explain yourself all right I I said how do I not kill it it’s ghost like how I don’t know what to do ghost and fairy type ghost and fairy yes do you not have the move OD OD slea not on l or no you should start carrying it because it allows you to hit normal uh normal uh Ghost types what’s a Pokemon that knows that andal Li pup oh that knows false swipe no you’re going to have to carry two Pokemon yeah okay um how does the metal coat work with Scyther again do you have to trade just yeah he just holds it you trade or he holds it and you use a Link cable there is a link cable I know we have some one one where one where yes I got it yes nice I got a flutter man flutter man the dick sucking Pokemon because oh boy no Moo Cow get out of my actually because what what what why did you say that why did I say [Music] what what did I [Music] say I’m confused what did I do what did I do [Music] oh yeah this Scizor that I have has 28 HP 31 attack 30 defense 27 speed and 27 special defense I think I’m going to give this guy attack and special defense [Music] yes oh yeah he knows now that’s right [Music] is scissors hidden ability or is that just a just ability that it has scissor no that’s just its like swap ability and then V venomous hello [Music] venomous once I have all these mega stones I’ll be I’ll be content except I really don’t need the Mewtwo ones I just want aerodactylite well too bad you’re not getting it too bad so [Music] sad I want it though I want it it’s like the last item I need for my team and then I’m going to be like yo Champion I want to fight and then I’ll be Champion maybe who knows my rock type team no in order for you to fight the champion you need to fight me first all I’ll fight you when you know I’m ready but you’re ready it was Charizard why I mean I could technically be ready but you having like actual good Pokemon on your team with a 40 level difference doesn’t matter how good my Pokemon are yeah so I will be at an extreme disadvantage I think I’d still actually possibly have a chance to win cuz I did beat you that one time when you had the Cleaver and the Golem then again that was only two level 100s compared to uh six yeah and uh they weren’t the they were good but not like the greatest they weren’t EV trained or had they had horrendous IVs as well like no one ever did but they good they were good hello s Sor thank you scior let’s go and kill things Scizor I am the champion my [Music] friend and we’ll keep on pulling each other’s [Music] dicks Yes sounds painful no you got them I got a flutter man y XP share what a [ __ ] annoying thing to make not that annoying pretty cheap actually cheap yes annoying also yes don’t agree in fact I disagree in fact I don’t give a [ __ ] shut up no one likes you dang how true how true I don’t care though whoa he doesn’t care oh too bad so sad for me oh well my only insult failed abort abort abort failed aort aortal power band is special attack clear right Power Band Power Band It’s the pink one it’s power lens no for special defense lens is special attack you said okay you said special attack yes band is special defense just making sure oh my God look at her but no and been forgotten AO I’ve been married long time ago where did she come from where did she go where did she come from been for na I’ve been married a long time ago she come from where did you go where did you come from Koto you get destroyed stupid oh I blew that thing back in his face what a loser what’s this what is this XP candy I keep seeing about how do you do such a thing uh it’s a a Ward from raids like um Pokemon raids which I don’t believe are in yet so I don’t think there’s actually a way to get it [Music] [Applause] legitimately this is so awful I’m just trying to get I’m going to get like every single mega stone except aerodactylite I’m going to give up and then someone’s going to be like I got aerodactylite but I only got got one and and I’ll be [Music] [Applause] sad get destroyed Vermin hadn’t it been for cotton AO I’ve been married long time ago where did you come from where did you go where did you come from coton AO and been forgot Joe I’ve been married long time ago where did you come from where did you go where did you come from why is the DUS go like half hurt like missing 10% of its HP already boy I said boy you got something explaining to do I’ll start send in and glare against these guys why not ice Fang them all to death [Music] oh boy there is a lot of these geod oh wait a second I’m stupid Pursuit is still a is still a thing in this yeah Pursuit is not a move that exists anymore in the actual games why don’t know that’s such a cool move it is a cool move don’t know why they would remove it I’m just as confused as you are maybe it has something to do with competitive I doubt it because it was never I never heard anyone ever complain about it it wasn’t like game breaking or game changing it was very good don’t get me wrong it was really really good but like wasn’t uh wasn’t broken has my glcore been running around with negative [ __ ] attack this entire time my gly score has been that’s that’s scary to think about yeah my gly score has been 10 like 15 like 20% weaker and it’s attack huh hang huh yeah because I it has modest for some reason which is lowering it by 10% when I should be giving it adamant which would increase it by 10% so it’s missing 20% mhm do not be afraid child actually I would be [ __ ] afraid I need Soul speed hunting all these you know what [ __ ] it no I don’t need dust I don’t need Soul speed I just need to be smart and go to an area that doesn’t that has soil and not sand except it looks like soil is way more common than I thought this is a very uh soiless area kind of not really kind of The Souls of the damn The Souls of the Damned can wait hello little buddy shall we send you to the shadow realm Jimbo what do you bench son three four tons I’m willing to spot you I’m training my Scizor now who I’m going to name in a [Music] second whoa would you look at that DUS skull used ice Fang what a loser I shall now name my scior M Krabs cuz I was about to name it Mr Krabs and then I realized oh [ __ ] it’s a female is goral is goral might be squarrel squel might be squarrel come on sucks I caught a flut man I bet if I go back to base there will be a genc just waiting there for me me when I have wishful thinking wishful thinking watch it’s about to happen I’m about to do it I can’t believe like you you found a gen like two genc like really close to each other that’s crazy to me like they spawned within like 5 minutes of each other uh yeah Genesect spawns in PLS and Villages so he’s like the only ultra rare that can spawn in planes and thus what a good one to spawn in the PLS too that’s one of my favorite Pokemon I’ve never used one I would really like to but if you he’s really fun to use he’s also really good I remember he’s very very strong from what I remember I never got to use him for long but man shiny genx I love loved it the red car go vroom vroom vom vom I loved my red car I lost it though a long with my gutina so sad think my sister still has her shiny gutina I don’t have mine [Music] though whoa y I like how they have cuone and Marowak in here as an homage to the Shadow the ghost Cubone from the first game in Lavender Town whatever the hell that Tower was called but I oh the dead Marowak yeah that’s why there’s Cubone and Marowak in the [ __ ] uh thing yeah yeah we can get aolan Marowak now whoa that’s really good actually it hurts a lot your willow whisp means nothing to me because I have poison heal stupid get chomped get chomped is there an attack or like a move that prevents [Music] explosions yes it’s called any move that one shot but um to answer your question I don’t think so okay I do not I do nothing think I would Google it though all I know is damp and that’s it it must be moist if it’s not moist say goodbye don’t use rer whisp damp I mean look it up man I did look it up it’s just Dam it is just it is just the damn bending I think one of my favorite things about gen asct uh was flipping that movie where like how it moves where it like trans car yeah not really like transforms but like just holds turns into a catloaf what’s the what’s the word what’s a word for it but yeah transform well it’s not transforming it’s just changing pose I don’t know man I don’t know either ah oh another T [Music] Pig ah well that’s scary but it missed miss it didn’t miss again stop missing stupid bite his [Music] [Music] ass is Tyranitar and Larvitar in here uh yeah oh not very good Pokemon actually especially since Pursuit still in the game not very good it is very good Tyranitar is like the biggest abuser of pursuit in the game see to the point it was considered a huge Nerf to Tyranitar that it didn’t that Pursuit was REM moved also Tyranitar or Tyranitar is a rock type that was ground no he’s a rock and dark type so go nuts with [Music] him right mayhaps maybe I should because it get it has one of the best abilities in the game sandstream yeah which means it sets up sand automatically when it ENT battle that’s [ __ ] on stupid I don’t know if you’re going to be a Rockman you’re going to need a Tyranitar or you’re a fraud why would I need Tyranitar CU it’s like the best rock type and it is probably the be like the like a game changer for a rock type uh trainer kind of with how uh good he is at because in Sam storm rock type special defense increases by 50% who join David I hate that guy [Music] F ow ow ow ow ow oh my [Music] God I’m curing the salt do I not have Lepa berries on my inventory anymore no I don’t no DUS skull you stupid what do you think you’re doing to skull no suicide not today I’m going to cave in your cranium at the long there’s nothing you’re going to do to stop it Gs are so cool sounding I’m watching your stream Phoenix what the heck did you like And subscribe no they did the opposite they disliked and unsubscribed honestly Fair how many ghos am I starts foaming at the mouth man I need a [ __ ] Shield what’s wrong with me I don’t need a shield I would like to imagine that me always coming into The Nether I will like these are these DUS skull are just the mie I murdered previously and I’m coming back for round two you’re coming back to kill them again imagine being murdered for like like for a reason and then like you get killed by the same person again in hell I don’t know you go to like Super H oh [ __ ] I’ll recover I didn’t mean to I click that too fast cure his salts yeah Mr Crabs or this is crabs learned you did art for him show it to me I wish to know I wish to see wish to see wish to see wish to see [Music] sure oh sure why not I want to fight oh [ __ ] no yeah I did it I won Mr Krabs is now very weak and if any of these D go have Pursuit I’m screwed there you go I DM do the art did you though did you really yeah yeah I did I miss when um Spirit tomb had no weakness blame the filthy very typed for that yeah but that’s fine I think a single we still fairly strong oh my God I got a skelet I got a skeleton to hit a Zombie Pigman and there’s like 10 more around [Music] him did they all gang up on him yes it was instant Slaughter well not instant because they’re trugging through Soul Sand but yeah [Music] [Music] Oh my legs oh my gosh my leg good it didn’t use pursuit I know it has it in its Arsenal I know you’re capable of pursuit my boy is there a suspicious stew that gives haste I don’t think so okay I’m going look it up I don’t think there is but usually those ones that are very specific to beacons don’t get one [Music] whoa come I was in your face and you still died to me stupid what a loser yeah Lio the valley is poison okay I had no idea you did I feel bad I thought it was saturation you really love giving Reuben just the worst misinformation possible oh yeah viol fast you spend like two hours on EVS oh yeah get L out the valley I love that about you you don’t even Gaslight people you’re just [ __ ] wrong MH aha stupid just wrong and stupid oh no I was talking about this uh this other [ __ ] I just realized I accidentally gave my uh Scizor like three priority moves what way uh e though Sucker Punch uh bullet punch no quick attack bullet punch vacuum wave oh vacu what’s vacuum wave it’s a special it’s a special attack um Mo uh Mo mock punch oh yeah on a scior on a Scizor yeah have decent special [ __ ] no which makes it really funny that I can learn it in fact I got it off of Scyther which is just as funny [Music] I only learned recently that Scyther has the same base set as Scizor yeah it in Cleaver both do not gain X or gain any stat points hey kill each other let’s [ __ ] go my favorite kind of Pokemon battle pig piglin versus Skeletor see how this battle goes the skeleton has the advantage I want aerodactylite so bad the pigin has the advantage because it’s shot first and uh has mostly golden armor come on aerodactylite come [Music] on I summon it oh I summon something pinerite not what I wanted no I already have that one scissor no scissor got pursed to death o a weird move to remove like why I don’t get it I don’t get it either I might I look it up if there’s a reasoning whoa there’s a thingy right there man my inventory is just absolutely [ __ ] cluttered since I stopped doing a [ __ ] about the stuff that I have in it holy clutter oh it’s also the wool the wool’s not helping Mike I guess it was there’s no concrete confirmation people just assume it had it was to help uh allow more right Pokémon to be used more often cuz they would kind of get destroyed by Pursuit yeah t to be fair Tyranitar it was really easy to get Tyranitar in a position where it could just absolutely obliterate anything that was Pursuit weak yeah I can imagine it it was like really easy because it was like oh [ __ ] you either deal deal with the Tyranitar or you get [ __ ] by the Tyranitar and usually you would get [ __ ] by the [Music] Tyranitar so you you were kind of at a lose lose situation you were kind of bored you know what you know what terrifies me a little bit I’m kind of excit I I’m excited for a Pokemon game and I haven’t been excited for a Pokemon game in years what Pokemon SAS zazza Pok on Z yeah hey holy [ __ ] my attack went up by 30 points my glcore was running modest for some reason very nice yeah I just uh Legends RCS left such a great impression on me like I enjoy that game A Lot quickly became one of my favorite Pokemon games we should probably sleep I am not able to oh wait it doesn’t matter oh no it doesn’t matter David it’s here hold on hi I don’t know why I wasn’t doing it before but now I’m holding on to a warp stone at all times he has a shiny Greninja he has a shiny Greninja he has a shiny Greninja he has three shiny starters mhm oh how many shinies do you have Mr Anderson I need out like want one want one I have to assume he’s just been breeding like Pokemon to such an insane degree that like he’s just been getting that one in 8,000 odds is nothing cuz there just ain’t no way he had a shiny tyion within like a day or two then he showed off a shiny or a shiny mcar and now he has a [ __ ] shiny Greninja which oh oh he has the rarest phen he has the rarest phenomena on one of the rarest Pokemon that exist what’s what’s one of the rarest Pokemon um well starter spawning in the first place is rare [ __ ] and then he has a shiny version of that starter oh super super rare on top of super rare actually it’s it’s ultra rare it’s the same thing it’s the same thing I’m going to suffocate you with a Fredo bag don’t know what a Fredo is but okay it’s a chip brand I used to lie and say I was allergic to the to Fritos because I [ __ ] hated the smell of them all right got to make sure to eat Fritos around you never had them before but I got to do it now they’re very tasty they’re very very tasty but dear God it’s the smell they give off is like potent it it’s not even like a bad smell but it is such a strong smell that it actually clogs my nose I mean I well maybe I am actually all but like well no I wouldn’t be allergic because I [ __ ] eat them and i’ be fine they just would be uh uh-oh oh oh boy hey hey he’s here here comes the boy hello boy damn he’s an hour and 30 minutes late we’re taking that out of his damn [Music] paycheck I was identified oh boy that’s not going to help you is it little buddy Mrs Krabs takes your soul regardless of if you ID identify her or not identified Mrs Krabs oh no it’s too late identify and Destroy burn oh [ __ ] that might actually get me oh [ __ ] that’s actually good against me oh no oh no that is not good oh no well that’s not healthy for the soul damn well back to switch training because my scissor got burned burn burn burn burn burn burn baby burn burn baby burn oh yeah bur baby burn oh [ __ ] my glar got burned too God damn it can you [ __ ] stop spamming Willow West whenever you see something breathe GE got to carry those Lum berries on you oh Lum your Berry is that even [Music] mean oh I do have two lumbares on me never mind what what he has two man I want it but like I want it really badly but at the same time I want my shinies to be ones I found myself I’m putting together a nice collection of shinies I have four shinies Zig I want to make the ranch area so we can like show off shinies and stuff I got Zig zigon merro Oddish and dusl dusal’s a nice one actually you got really nice ones so sad about that shiny meow I found that suffocated in a wall before I got to it pain and suffering every shiny I’ve seen so far I’ve managed to [Music] capture you’re learning Focus energy at level 28 that’s a lowlevel move that just increases crit chance right yes no it doesn’t increase it guarantees that your next moves will be all criticals Oh I thought that was lock on same move oh that’s one some moves do the same thing no no lock On’s the one that like guarantees Your Move with hit right right oh yeah lock on increases uh just makes it 100% accurate for whatever next you land in count does that count one hit Kos I’m pretty sure it probably not they probably mean like those moves don’t technically have accuracy I believe yeah they don’t technically have accuracy so I think they might be just outright IM ime to the whole uh huh honking your sple oh yes the sple oh man you know what’s something that Minecraft being on this server has taught me what’s that give me one second the service taught me suicides badass I lived on one heart go [ __ ] yourself I just dropped like a 100 blocks what is that [ __ ] I don’t even have pants all right lava bath it is oh my goodness I have so much of this pink block whoa he has so much of this pink block oh speaking of pink block key Keystone turns into a mega cuff what’s the evolution to Bisharp called King Gambit extremely good Pokemon has an ability that is similar to last respects the more Pokemon that faint the more powerful he gets I see okay so he’s I think we might run into an issue definition Bisharp is we have Bisharp spawning and modeled but King Gambit is not well yeah which means if you evolve your Bisharp into King Gambit he will not have a Model A little bit of invisibility never heard nobody Not Invisible he’s just a substitute doll also I don’t know what happened to all my pink stuff I had a lot of pink stuff and I don’t know where it went can you can you give me one of those rocks because I don’t remember yeah I can give it you one I need just one because I want to make a key ring oh hold on what’s this gar right right did you say Charizard X yeah I keep getting these things I don’t need this many I just want aerodactylite I’m so glad that ncrma and Ultra necros is broken we should probably ban that off the server because that’s just like insane well it doesn’t work so you can’t do it anyway no I’m saying if we ever make it work if it ever does [ __ ] work just know how do you normally get Ultra necros well Ultra necros you need two legendaries yes and then you need a z Crystal a special Z Crystal and then it’s like Mega Evolution where you need to use the Z Crystal or the Z Crystal turns it into the boy look at can i r them I can’t get in the ball yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know about your [ __ ] I half expected that you guys going to you’re going to fight how was that whoa it is shiny it is [ __ ] shiny yeah I I was like oh sadly this looks like a really sucky shiny because I couldn’t tell that it was shiny until wow the shiny sucks the eyes are the only different they’re looking at each other still a shiny nonetheless feel like this shiny would have benefited from switching color palettes with armor Rouge see that’s what happened you know what really you know what would have been the best shiny ever of all time if they had done it right what if in what if they just swapped what zerom and rram looked like that would have literally been the most perfect shiny of all time white zeero and black rasham yeah and the theming would be good still yeah the theme it would have worked thematically it would have looked better than what we [ __ ] got wait isn’t shinese econom like green though like green outline he’s like black and green instead of black and blue I don’t know I just remember it looks like [ __ ] and then uh shiny uh reram just looks slightly golden very uh whoa oh no no oh no David no he just got teleported away see why does see I have all the like the shinies of Pokemon I’ll never use in my life and well David has like the shinies of every Pokemon I want I got a shiny Crobat Diglett two shiny gravers floatel Phantom Magikarp and balot that’s Zig zigon and merro as you know MH uh-huh uh-huh you like it oh yeah look look at this why do they do this oh Zig zigon was like watch me cook and then like he misunderstood the assignment I’ve got so much meat meat come and get a wave they say what they’re going to [Laughter] say oh that’s what I like to see me boy o baby hey stinky I want you to look at this oh my God okay so hey stinky come oh I can’t Rite them anymore hey [ __ ] I’m going to give me your liver even more devastating power oh Rapture man scared me I saw the name show up and I was like Rapture man is now mega evolved oh boy we got that there’s just a Chikorita I just stepped on a Chikorita Mr Crab Mrs Krabs the goat yeah Mrs Crabs the goat is crabs dickheaded schmeal morph heavy do you want this thing I already have one it’s a wild Zoro AR I want to look at it don’t kill [Music] it it’s pretty ugly it’s by it’s over by the thing okay so thing hey I caught the Chikorita what do you mean the thing Define the thing oh there’s also a Golem over here oh I see it oh my god oh oh my God honestly never mind I can’t say anything nice about it all right my journey to the plains begins I must go and train in the Savanah to level up my dude forever get him to eat pasta imagine you’re this balant but you’re also really there was this really funny video I don’t know if you watched it it was like don’t imagine monsters and Monster Hunter as actual monsters imagine them as really [ __ ] stupid cats because these [ __ ] are territorial I have not but it’s funny I swear David’s going to find a gutina before I do this man has found six shinies four of them it’s going to be a shiny gutina it’s going to he’s going to find a shiny gutina he is he will and it’s going to be the funniest thing in the universe and knowing him he’ll probably be so sad yeah probably but I will refuse really better it’s not yours shinies must be must be given you mean earned yeah s yeah what you said oh God damn it I’m so glad I looked that up where is my super suit the garbage I should probably go somewhere what the [ __ ] this is cool as [ __ ] oh my God this is so cool I like this I like where I’m at currently this is cool I like this I found a Spire I really like um huian Voltorb he’s so [Music] happy well yes he should be happy his flesh is not constricted to that of a Pokeball yes it is it’s a wooden Pokeball instead yes he’s actually alive his flesh is wood uh I I guess he has actual fles punch all right Mrs Krabs what are those Eevees looking like attack 10 all right it begins EV training EV training whoa mil tank what do you think you’re doing up here Willis is there Tata it’s not okay Pat R yeah what is squawk ailly squa ailly are you also attack squab bil’s attack time to die bird time to die you give effort value actually I shouldn’t [ __ ] with the squaa Billy I don’t know if they’re different colors like mess with their stats the green one I know for fact is attack up [ __ ] the green one has signed its lease and it’s time to die foolish fool cave in its skull with a rock have you heard the saying two birds one stone will how about one bird one stone buy one get one free think it’ll salt oh wait I just realized dudo is like the perfect like two two birds one stone wait I didn’t [ __ ] check these guys are actually giving me the right EES I’m going to be sad okay they are okay extermination of the doo begins once more we have resumed our regular our regularly scheduled programming I’m losing my mind paroda does not exist it’d be really funny if like you looked it up like and you were like oh my God it actually doesn’t exist reum kick its ass earthquake more like suck that’d be really bad if it stamina activated after every single bullet [Music] seed you know I am going to look at the mod page that’ be actually hilarious if it’s like yeah the best like the best one doesn’t spawn or we like we would like to apologize I know there’s been an inconvenience making sure my Mr Krabs doesn’t have any defense nope left the game without even saying goodbye oh never mind he did what the hell is fan Fe doesn’t even give anything classic and then ekins you give one right yes oh okay so Mewtwo is creative only so there’s only two more that I can technically get neat being Aerodactyl and Pidgeot a murder of snakes come small child I wish to beat your ass Iron Head oh hell yeah well is metal claw better actually now that I think about it doesn’t that have a chance of raising your attack yeah that’s what I was thinking as like 5% less accurate but with technician boosting it it would actually be better for that 10% CU it’s doing five less damage but like that 10% chance of wait it does 75 with technician oh also I found the I I I’m calling this attack Tower or yeah actually know what [ __ ] it yeah why [Music] not come to me my boy come to me I wish to show you everything everything you have ever forgotten will be remembered here what should I call this place I don’t know oh [ __ ] creeper oh man pleas is for the love of God nothing more I wish to set up this way Stone in peace chat anybody got a good idea what I should call this place I’m running on blanks here it’s a good place to call this spire call it uh Macho Mountain Macho Mountain all right because this is the perfect place to get your attack up oh God we should all we should everybody should be carrying a um a Shar Stone on them so that way we can wow Don fan is Tiny donfan is baby like he’s smaller than mil tank which doesn’t feel right there’s only going to be I think there’s only one Pokemon that’s smaller than jolk too I don’t remember what it was I think it was a cosmog or a cosmo I think it was a cosmo I think Cosmo’s actually quite tiny anyway we should all like carry like chair stones on us whoa why I need so that way I need 10 detailed reasons why well say you want to share a location with somebody MH or you need somebody to give you Poke Balls MH you place down the Shar Stone and then bam they can teleport to you without having to be have been there already okay one reason nine more nah one’s fine enough all right unfortunately you did not meet the criteria for us to give a [ __ ] so uh we’re vetoing your idea all right your loss is that a threat yeah also why is cake not talking he’s not here yeah why is he not here I ask him where’s the boy well he didn’t answer you I don’t think [Music] right doesn’t matter if you use agility if you get one shot stupid Al so you should come to Macho Mountain I would but you don’t have a Shar Stone whoa look at that coordinates no man I’m not going to those cords fine what’s this filthy Shar Stone I keep hearing about oh these things oh yeah I don’t have the ender pearls for that well I got a ton of Ender Pearls that I could lend you I require at least 14 I can do that well really yeah how do I have I have whoa Arbok 55 what the [ __ ] serious yeah it’s far farming Elum for special [Music] attack that’s one way of doing it I suppose I also got a looting three sword so you know I killed the Enderman with [Music] that Miss I hate how often these are duds what’s dud is frustrating I know what you’re I know what you’re on about now [Music] sir like come on man I just want man if it already wasn’t like if Macho Mountain wasn’t like already Macho enough I found red mint growing at the top naturally amazing all right come to I’m at Macho come to home and then I give you 14 ender pearl to be fair when I said 14 I was being random but you’ll need them I guess e really all right come and give them to [Music] me oh an appin catch that not a sapling oh it’s an [Music] app where is he where are you little guy oh you’re so tiny barely I could I can’t there we go I can barely hit it with with the the thing oh okay C just an [Music] appan got him also in the next update there uh when you send out your Pokemon you actually will throw the Pokeball next this time you go 14 ender pearls and and wait a sec wait a sec lime green die cuz I’m using a lime green one also that’s how the Shar Stones work is that you can even if you haven’t been there before yeah they’re automatically linked very convenient you know what I should make another one and put it at spawn so people can just teleport here that’s a good idea that’s a great idea actually I’m going to do that whoa an idear idear idear idear idear whoa Phantom of the Opera oh I’m [Music] missing do you have any obsidian I could have I just need one probably hey I have four I needed only three never mind I have way more than that that’s tough oh you [ __ ] need some Stone some stone bricks I’m making yes rajang would be a uh rajang would be a electric fighting type probably just like braie dios would be a firefighting type with probably a signature move orange horn yeah what’ you say to me a little [ __ ] huh it’s scorge horn that would be his move scorge horn Scourge horn scorge horn the [ __ ] is scorge you feeding him porridge a glass scorge so you said it right that time Scourge scourge Al did you say you were going to make a waist stone that goes to to spawn to home a Shar Stone yeah yeah there already is one I just did what do you mean that one’s been there a Shar Stone yeah it is a Shar Stone stupid get the [ __ ] over here yeah I just placed that one no you didn’t that’s been here since the start of the stream I placed the one at at our home as well I meant I placed another one at spawn oh at spawn okay I’m sorry I’mma murder you you mind stopping so I can build this thank you fine only because you ask oh Mountain [Music] whoa ursing whoa ursing uh what is this Blood Moon ursal Luna I keep hearing about uh very Luna that you I don’t know any that much about I heard it’s very strong that’s all I know it’s extremely powerful that’s all I know I [Music] see it has an ability called M ey so basically your attacks don’t bounce off of anything no um that’s a good one that’s that’s that’s good that’s no but its ability mind ey basically gives it to where uh it does one thing it does two things it’s a basically a double ability it basically makes it to where normal type attacks normal and fighting type attacks can hit ghost types and then it does something else that I can’t remember oh yeah and ignores changes to evasion and your Evas and your accuracy can’t be lowered basically that’s a lot basically nothing will stop you from hitting the other [ __ ] that [ __ ] over there will be hit there is nothing stopping it oh hi paard how you doing buddy also come with oh [ __ ] that’s not by store oh yeah cak’s house that has a penis in it now it’s also just a waist Stone here whoa three arrows for real for real come for real for real come come heavy come hold on I’m making stairs are you though are you really what the hell is a cargo doing over here oh cuz the lava yeah there’s a Margo in your thing come hey get over here is mar cargo look oh the one block of lava he’s like yes surrounded by water unbothered in his own land he’s just floating in it too he’s he’s just like yep oh the wait I just realized yeah he’s on a sign what a guy oh he is just in lava [Laughter] [Music] look but I thought the Pokeball for a second went into the hopper I mean it’s an entity I can’t do that as funny as it would be it just it looked like it cuz it disappeared right as it went over the hopper yes I got special boy I don’t even plan on using him I just think he’s awesome and deserves respect watch him be just a god of macargo perfect IV perfect IV is already EV trained somehow me he’s a Pokemon I’ve arrived at Macho Mountain he’s got shell Smash and earth power those are kind of huge also Macho Mountain this is where you shall go to get buff where are you come to moncho Mountain I a wait ye welcome to M Mountain where we get swall we get swall Buzz swall oh and we’re also very high up on all sides in fact it is very nearly a straight drop pretty cozy ignore that but yeah it is just a it’s really cool isn’t it oh wow I didn’t even look at this holy this ain’t even really far from base like we’re only like 2,000 blocks away 8,000 block the terrain generation on this world has been really good isn’t it yeah got a bunch of caves all over this place ain’t that neat what is in here bunch of water ain’t that neat and because it’s called a MAO Mountain a lot of Pokemons that do hickle winky rain up here wonder what K’s doing I don’t know I think he’s like giggling or something he’s doing something suspicious and I don’t like it you should start spying on them you should I have no idea where I would spy on him you should he’s just dead I think he died and then he hasn’t respawned yet [Music] they like actually died in real life okay I got getting a bit sick of looking for aerodactylite probably going to do it one more time today we’ll take a TS if you’re sick pet bullet punch you know what you should do you should train on Macho mountain is there two things of red mint up here I guess swo I could have also called it swo Peak but I think Macho Mountain Sounds funnier I have a really good knack for finding like the coolest mountains did I kill everything important up here mudre huh mudre mudre [Music] mudre mudre mudre mudre where the [ __ ] did muds brury go there he is hello small child time to die earthquake [Music] nuh-uh perish fool there’s also nether ran females up here if you’re interested I already got one I’m looking for Nidan male I like Nido King more than Neato Queen I like them both very much I have a lot of fond memories of using both of them on my Pokemon Blue I like what uh just neid King I like the way King looks more and I also like just what he brings to the table more what does he bring to the table just more offense yeah happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy I’m losing my mind [Music] thatat I’m losing it man I’m losing my mind oh Michelle destroy that rat I want to find at least one more mega stone doesn’t matter what it is obviously I prefer if it was um you know Aerodactyl the next Mega Stone I find I’m taking a break after that from searching hold up I am stealing these bees houses the filthy and legendary bee Thief what a guy [Music] I got my own where’s what where’s Charmander spawn I found a spot that he might spawn Charmander Charmander like Charizard Line’s pretty cool pretty cool before I even knew what Pokemon was I had a Charmander plushy I still have that plushy actually he’s like he lost his tail Flame but he he’s still going oh that he he’s dead no no no no he’s uh he’s he’s he’s dead he like not it’s not fully gone it’s not fully gone it’s still there it’s just doing to L I don’t know how to tell you this but he’s [ __ ] dead I gave I gave him a wizard coat he’s fine he snuffed out his flame even more you killed him no no no no no his Flame’s still there no o no flame you killed it four years old I think when I got that plush four years old and a murderer how how they they d man they do start young oh I don’t know how I managed to sneak up on this [ __ ] but um I did and he’s dead you did and he’s dead wow I caught him I caught him lacking he was sleeping and he paid the price for it okay yeah I found a mega stone I’m done I’m done for no it’s a Venusaur right but I’m taking a break you know what you should do you should start building yeah that’s the plan happy happy happy oh that sucks Pokemon give defense I guess I’ll go with some defense oh these Pokemon give defense oh that’s radical tobler behalf you know oh you joined hi you doing okay you don’t sound like it what’s wrong friendo none of your BL got him I have maxed out how many beest you got have you have you truly yes no not really but I put in as many as I want to put in [Music] h ah what is it Heathen explain your thought process uh nothing just intrigued by something he saw a butterfly in his [Music] window oh I see [Music] I found a thing what kind of thing are is all I know what [Music] he how we doing on wood we’re doing okay on wood all right I’m just going to chop a bunch of trees and just start making a ton of charcoal so that way we have loads and loads of it good stream tonight got eight people watching like consistently very nice I’ve hit 10 a couple times a couple minutes very very nice hope you guys are enjoying what you seeing I’m going to be streaming for another 30 minutes if you like it like it if you dislike it dislike it but if you do that second thing I’ll cry and you don’t want to see me cry I look ugly as [ __ ] when I do that yeah there snot snot just runs everywhere he’s one of my eyes falls out yeah he’s got a glass eye it just falls out like oh my gosh like yeah it’s like it’s disgusting it’s as gross as like I think it is as you think it is whoa masto MBS what the [ __ ] does it matter what stiff mosti is in the uh iron farm it doesn’t matter what type of villager no it’s just got to be three villagers cuz that that constitutes a village right yes okay this should be enough wood for a while you know I don’t know what I was thinking it was going to look like but I just looked at I’m looking at the defensive and I’m like I’m looking at the uh hone Edge and double A and I I’m I don’t know what I was expecting how many villagers do I need three I feel like I could survive whatever this thing throws at me yeah as soon as I like like talk to my chat all of a sudden like four people leave damn dang acknowledgement they’re like oh he acknowledged us for out of here we want another person left it’s over it’s over the show’s [Music] over all right you know what I’m going to work on I’m going to work on this going to work on the ranch area that’s what I’m going to [Music] do it’s going to be real nice nice it’s going to be real real real nice I I hope at least hope nice Rapture man is terrifying he is the rapture Mega Rapture man that’s scary he is 30 levels lower and he surv and he only took he took like less than half HP difference from a high horsepower on a mil tank oh jeez so he is quite ripped I’ll say [Music] come on oh uh I did try and add jobs like the jobs to the server cake but they were glitching out and I could not increase our Max health so everybody would be stuck get six six Health were you able to gain back the health or skill points no oh it was glitched out like you could not gain Health oh I don’t know why that was I thought it was like a thing where it’ be like oh yes you can gain this you can gain this health back see you’re supposed to like you’re supposed to be able to gain Health through skill points also Mrs Krabs is done Eevee training oh boy oh boy indeed yeah that’s a terrifying thing to think about I need bug bite I need a bug bite TR uh uh I don’t know if I have any guys that can you learn it probably I’m like the guy to ask T TS and stuff they got all the Pokemons look at your bug typ nice big old path think I may have overextended it a little bit here he almost everyone came back and back up the seven viewers they were like oh sorry I had to it was a bathroom break bathroom break yeah yet also cake Macho Mountain show him the way [Music] go faster while you drift with your glcore okay what the [ __ ] what I probably should shrink it down a little bit I think I just wanted to get like the curvature yeah it kind of It kind it know the curvature to kind of looks a bit janky yeah it does I just needed to get it like I’m working on it still this this is the problem right here get rid of like some of this get rid of like yeah oh yeah see you got it like you just need to get rid of like two of those it just needs to get shrunk down a little bit like it should be big at the at the bridge and then shrink down a little bit more you get the bridge and then shrinks down that’s maybe not I don’t know I don’t know either man oh yeah duh I can get more diamonds excuse me spider G excuse mind leaving me what who did this who healed a bark and didn’t replace it I’m not mad I’m just curious was it me I’ll replace it but it’s just a little funny wasn’t me th that was not me S send a quill a woer auga bazooka Blastoise blast [Music] him [Music] test those alolan Griers hold on yeah alolan Griers here now bullet punch how’s that work killed it it’s a go a crit [ __ ] so [Music] green they are poison and dark type if I remember correctly I think you’re correct which means they’re ultra big chungus Supreme Winker them being dark type has to do with them being ultra big chungus supreme but because it means they’re evil it means they’re evil there’s Gym badges in here yes I added those for when somebody wants to be a gym leader they I’ll give them badges to give out they’re creative mode only yeah he wants to be Steel type so he’ll be in charge of giving out the steel badges well obviously I’ll be the fire type when also my criteria for gy uh gyms isn’t like oh you have to be monotype it’s just I want a theme you got to give me a theme for your gym I think the rule should be you should have at least three three of that type and then one doesn’t have to be that’s how they do it in like the actual Pokemon games and sinno I forget what her name was it was the ice type girl she had meta Cham majority of the gyms and Elite for and so were just like they used Pokemon that would back up the type so like they’d be have they’d have a few of the type that they’re supposed to use but then the rest would be like supporting yeah blunder policy a really funny sounding item there’s an item called room service service I just put everything in my backpack I meant to put it in my storage why am I not using quick balls Good Question come look at the Farm the iron farm the iron did you get villagers back I will in a sec here I come that’s working it’s working how’ you how’d you fix it how do you where did you get these guys from don’t ask you don’t want the answer you put five in there holy cow or no six six where where did they come from where’ they go cotton Joe oh you tell that’s so smart oh did he use War P warp plates I’m going to assume that’s so smart we should do that for like a bunch of villagers so we can oh I don’t know why oh man that’s so smart he was being silent for a reason because he didn’t want is that another [ __ ] Crobat man these things are just like all over the place too bad so sad I want you to die [Music] stinky my ping is really bad [Music] yeah the server’s lagging a bit why is it lagging so much all of a sudden just a little thing called I don’t know indigestion what mods were added I didn’t I didn’t mean in the craf so we got the uncf and then just easy magic and then a few Library mods that were necessary for those and that’s it what’s easy easy magic to let you roll enchantments easier I got to shrink this this this is too big this is way too big doesn’t look very good how do you roll it uh should be a roll button there is not do you have lapis in there I sure do I was like where those two things go is it already Enchanted no cake are you aware that David is the most insanely lucky shiny Hunter of all time he has five shiny starters or four I think because he has I think he has yeah he has at least has four I don’t remember uh which ones but he has oh oh there we go I’m stupid as [ __ ] oh did you have to break it yeah it’s considered a new block oh I picked up the helmet also you gave me way more lapis than I have do quick balls work do I have to initiate a battle for quick balls to work or do they work if I just throw it at you have to initiate the battle I’m quite certain that’s how it works oh and it cost XP yeah I don’t think it costs as much not supposed to cost as much yeah that’s definitely like the first round of battle kind of deal okay okay okay okay actually I want to see what happens if I stay in okay I’m not staying in anymore which one’s the one that allows you to breathe underwater completely I didn’t expect that respiration respiration desperation five [Music] [Music] three hello Rapidash uh I can’t remember if I said it or not but uh Heracross is in the next update yeah you definitely didn’t say that what’s in next update just a Pokemon Ace and Reuben were wanting oh my God it survived a balant gig impact that’s insane I’m searching out though cuz holy [ __ ] but like it survived 30 level difference and it survived a gig impact from a boy very very nice unresisted by the way that escal [Music] quickly we don’t need this anymore since I’m definitely not going to be What Pokemon do I have left that I need to mess with anyway and in box number 10 oh just just charet that’s the last Pokemon I care about the last of the the last of the bread you know what maybe just maybe I should start working on you you get over here time to ivb Ivy breed Infernape oh don’t so again do doors not give you a pocket of air anymore I just pulled my hair ow did I say that one more time doors air not anymore I don’t believe oh they added in watered log crabs Mr Krabs just [ __ ] survived a gig impact in a 40 level difference from a balant uhoh oh no sap zipper [ __ ] that’s really bad actually okay marshmallow you’re the only one that can survive [Music] [Music] come my little sausage [Music] [Music] survive yeah I need be careful of that it’s not something to uh damn I need a I need a uh I need energy ball I think that’s a TM I need should I enable the there’s a thing in for the TMS oh no I need Giga that’s what I need gigga drain there’s a there’s a config for the TMS that allows Pokemon to learn egg moves through TM could and I’m just wondering if I should turn that on because I don’t think the breeding system allows egg moves to get transferred at the moment unless it’s not 100% that EG moves get transferred cuz I looked at my Scyther that I started the breeding with and he did have night slash already but none of the children inherited night slash oh yes yes because yeah I just am asking cuz it’s like well we wouldn’t be able to get these moves otherwise like at all yeah because if we’re just not able to get them otherwise then yeah man I don’t have any copper or red stone think I have an okay amount of copper hey I got copper in my balls in my box TM for Giga drain epic very nice hor how many big fish are [Music] in three three just Giga drain has been added to the shop nice bless you aren’t there chest pleas uh I don’t think so God damn it BR why must you be so weak uh what’s the point in doing these sponges that’s it that’s it that’s it sponges and it’s a way to farm prismarine from the Guardians which is a really nice block that no one ever uses because it’s so impossibly hard to get in buk just make a farm yeah see that’s the problem it just takes a little bit of time to make the farm but you don’t it’s not that that bad I’m stupid why am I not giving this dude U-turn I’m stupid stupid stupid I make it’s a it’s a long process but it’s worth it in the end uh first you kind of have to like it’s a long process you have to surround the entire thing in sand to get rid of the [Music] water from up top so it’s a long long long process why do these things come back or something yeah they always respawn but they only spawn near the structure Infernape is level 92 only the small ones though not the not the big ones I don’t know what you mean the Guardians okay okay this pathway is turning out it’s turning out a way it’s existing okay it’s not for oh man I’m lagging whoa I’m lagging in my goddamn poke breeder where did it go am I delusional oh no there it is [Music] let sleep the rain’s probably not helping oh I got a sponge sponge check on the server how you doing server you doing okay it’s like hanging on with peanut butter and toothpaste come marshmallow come come and look upon the heart fire blast kill the [Music] horse man I need another special attacker my team’s kind of pretty unbalanced oh no never mind I’m fine I forgot e forg I forgot about Greninja I forgot about Greninja Brum I love you but I think it’s time that I show Greninja some love instead of you my boy your boy my boy Greninja I think that’s should be okay [Music] [Music] don’t you learn close combat actually there Scizor oh [ __ ] you do that’s huge [Music] terrifying oh [Music] raboot re boot yeah that is score Bunny’s second form m [Music] oh you do know how to learn Roost what a [Music] guy don’t explain to me [ __ ] how but you [Music] do man I hate how far away the shop and The Healing Place start from each other what a a drag what what do you mean too far me no likey like right beside each other too far too far not enough oomph too much daaka not enough stack attacker oh I’m a dumbass okay Swords Dance oh oh no don’t look at the other B want dig get impact oh dick and balls infer come take care of this [ __ ] before he gets too strong close kumbat destroyed hey would you look at that Mrs Krabs is level [Music] 60 m [Music] it wouldn’t use Giga Impact again would it oh thank God it used sword stance die stupid [Music] that’s so cool they programmed the pasture block to function like a [Music] fence so when you place down a fence beside it it will connect your mom got him your mom got them your mom got him your got [Music] him moves more like use you turn stupid metal claw more like use close combat stupid life orb Choice ban something annoying to make let’s see how close combat does against you didn’t even [ __ ] like that’s not good get the hell out of there I have a feeling about something GL score Scout ahead yep that’s a gigack slurps you did it slurp you did it [Music] what what is death Strider uh lets you swim and walk in water very fast and and at max level you’re faster than walking on land quite [Music] nice I feel like how weak I am fighting these level 95 balant because I know you’re going to be even stronger than all of that better Pokemon even higher level better Pizza Papa John’s I don’t know only got rock types even still even then I do not subscribe for the idea that you are weak by any metric I fear your power all my Pokemon are like level 62 or level 63 now except for my Char my Char Cadet I want to try setting up a thing like a daily like rare candy dispenser or something just like a few rear candies to help people who don’t play as often or to help people that play as often uncrafting table’s nice uncrafting table is very nice cost me two netherite ingots to make that thing yeah but I’m getting a bunch of enchantments because of it I’m upset Diamond horse armor is an unenchant uncrafting what a scam I don’t care that it normally doesn’t have a [ __ ] crafting recipe I want it now I’m going to sacrifice this uh I’m going to sacrifice this andreil imagine going through someone’s base and like you’re just find that your all your shit’s been uned oh deie joined no he didn’t about leave anyway that [Music] sucks I’m hey deie bad timing deie I was literally just about to log off within a few seconds you Heathen you B up a whole long time yes so yeah guys that’s where it’s going to end and until next time stay frosty have a good night have a good night it’s more like have a good morning 6: a.m. k

This video, titled ‘Cobblemon: Krabs and EV Training… Ep 14’, was uploaded by Phoenix Ace on 2024-05-09 10:21:49. It has garnered 128 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:22 or 14662 seconds.

#minecraft #cobblemon #gaming

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Random Disaster Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft House Survival Build

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  • Roofing Woes in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

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  • Epic Minecraft Battle: Iron Golem vs Witch

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  • Rod Quest: Blaze Blaze, Don’t be Dazed!

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 12 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme, must have some serious crafting skills! Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

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  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

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  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

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  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

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  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

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  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

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  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – Discord Link – Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More