Insane Late Night Hardcore Minecraft Madness!!!

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Yo yo yo yo what’s good what’s good what’s good what’s good how we all doing how we doing how we doing oh that’s not supposed to be on how we doing boys how we doing how we doing what’s up hro what’s up what’s up what’s good eggy hierro’s first eggy sucks yep shocker

Yeah my chair up hopefully we’re all doing a f fantastic we’re running a Hardcore Minecraft again because last time we ran it it went pretty well so I managed to watch five people stream who stream you watch name all five right now name all five right now I gotta load up

The I gotta Lo up the craft right now key hold up M La Rob soccer you watched SSR today no way no way SSR was live today hold up hold up hold up no shot SS was live today no shot SS was live today Sr and Rob we’re live on

Twitch what did he stream here you like to keep things simple on stream I’m not watching it I was I was going to click on and see what he’s stream but I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care we’re on we’re rning hardcore we’re running hardcore today uh

Some load up the craft real quick I’ll be here in like 30 minutes so be here at a normal eggy time that means all right good to know good to know like always yeah exactly uh give me a second here I’m loing Minecraft right now hopefully everybody’s doing fantastical I’m doing

Amazing H I’m a little tired but I’m not like tired if that makes sense uh I I just after after uh after stream today I’m mentally preparing to do six Math assignments so not looking forward to doing that but we are running hardcore run hardcore with you no we’re running on our own

We’re gonna we’re going to start the world that we uh had actually going yesterday so we’re run it in there right now um um but yeah six M imagine yeah I know so we’re do that tonight so I’ll stream for a couple hours and then we’ll we’ll do some homework and all

That so I’ll probably hop in a call after the stream with the boys but yeah we’re running my we’re running to MC today boys we’re running MC so let’s see it why are we I say are we lagging but we’re good I think we’re good we’re good it just it

Was just joining lag it was just joining lag it was just joining lag we’re all set we’re all set we’re set uh we’re probably going to play with LA I I think another time too because it went it went pretty good last night um for both of us so we’re probably

Going to run again except what might happen is y’all might get like um we might get uh oh you guys might get like two streams in a day because I think if I stream with LA I’m G to have to stream once once in the morning and then once at

Night F you mean I have Monday uh ell was generally really excited when I joined the stream I love La bro La is la is the goat low key man he’s a goat oh dude let me drop why’ you ditch me uh bro he got essays bro listen the

Next month next week I got not next week but the following week not even the following next weekend the following week hold up next week at the following week I got to start preparing because I got my finals coming up um and I gotta I

Got to get to work on them low key so not really too sure how the how the streaming is going to work next week I really don’t know uh just cuz I do not know what the what the situation is so we are in the cave right now

Though we’re in a cave so hopefully right now our goal right now is get iron gear cuz we have nothing right now and this is a dead end fantastic nothing over here oh bro can we can we just find something man something something we got how much iron we got we

Got One Singular piece of iron that we found so far isn’t that fantastic isn’t that fantastic all right let’s let’s run it over here real quick oh got iron there we go all right we all set we all set we set we set did I uh misspell the oh stab hold

Up hold up hold up I misspelled the title I misspelled the title but y’all didn’t even notice y’all didn’t even notice that I misspelled the title cuz nobody said nothing we’re good I thought I did something wrong no way we just got iron we got iron from a

Zombie before we actually found an iron van that’s ridiculous let’s get all right we fixed the title that was that was a concern for a second all right we’re all good all right let me can we find like an actual cave though so I can you know

Properly I guess we’ll have to go this way there nothing over here I’m not going to go over there we’ll go down over here we’ll go down over here hopefully this is oh okay sick we’re good we’re good we’re good we see IR all right don’t go over there we go down

Here where generally just not there’s just no no iron anywhere dude okay all right all right all right all right all right we’re not going to do that we’re not going to do that let me heal I really do not want to die today like

It I don’t want to die today to today’s stream goal is to get iron gear from Mining and not to die that’s the goal today all right that’s the goal our Sole and only goal today is not to dying iron armor now how hard is that I really I don’t

Know I hear a zombie but I don’t know where he’s at okay make another pickaxe really quick actually hold up hold up we can make an iron pick we can make an iron pick we’re going to make an iron pick we’re going to make an iron pick I need

To heal we need to heal we need to heal we don’t have too much right now we’re going to make another Stone axe real quick too okay we go like this now we have a stone ax now we take this and now we have an iron pick and now we are set

Okay oh wait I’ll just wait for it to finish that’s fine okay perfect all right this skeleton’s going to give me issues like it genuinely is I just know okay how can We we good wait we can make a shield yo you know what’s funny you know what’s funny drop I swear I thought of that first I swear I thought of that first I I thought of that as you as you said it I thought of it first though

Like that’s what happened don’t take credit don’t take credit don’t take credit it was all me I’m I’m a onean show I’m a one man show I’m so great okay this what we’re doing now now we have to go down here let’s get some iron real quick it’ll be all right hold

Up all right I fell okay let me drop okay we got food for days right yeah this is the this is the village world I I forgot I forgot about it bro it’s been that long like we we ran that far away yesterday I forgot this is the village

World we have bread for a while so we’ll be okay bread wise all right we just need to make iron armor and we’ll be okay we have enough coal okay but you can never have enough early game so we’ll get a little bit more real

Quick uh yeah let me get more in let me get more let me get more let me get more let me get more okay there’s literally just nothing in this whole entire cave dude it’s actually terrible okay he’s about to die breaker don’t lie bro why you why you lying breaker bro

Everything’s going to be fine we’re on a today listen bro we’re on a run today life’s to we’re on a life we’re on a run all right it’s going to happen we’re not dying today I I was telling chat I tell the people one goal one goal two goals two goals first

Goal don’t die today second goal is to get iron armor and we’re on our way to iron armor right now cuz if we get iron armor we’ll be okay we’ll be okay so all we need right now is that and then I’m I’m I’m I’m still that I

Just want to get high with but yo bro nah bro he can’t came out of literally nowhere okay all right all F we have this we have this we have this shield now all right so we’re not going to die last time we had a shield and we

Just got unlucky that the creeper fell on top of us it it really wasn’t our fault it really wasn’t our fault all right like we got unlucky the creeper spawn on top of us that shouldn’t have happened down full bright already I have a torch I have a torch I have a torch

You’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome okay there we go there you go you only have 1 Tores let’s go that’s huge that’s huge come on dubs I think it’s only one but we take that we take that that’s huge you get some area full bright lights up listen bro you could try and

Sell me on your full bright right businessman all right you could of course it’s say one Vin listen bro I’ll take listen we take one Diamond though we take that there’s one more Diamond than we had before all right we’re thankful we’re thankful we’re thankful for what we get okay right

Now I rather have iron than diamonds what do we need for a full iron set we need 24 iron right 24 is that the is that the lucky number 24 iron 24 iron no no bro if I wanted to I could be running on what’s it called right now but when

When I’m on the other oh let’s go that’s huge I know I can get full diamond easily too if I just find the diamonds x-ray oh I’m not going to download x-ray I’m not going to do that listen bro yo huge dubs though this is enough that’s five do we make a diamond

Pick now yo wait wait hold enough lunter talk enough lunar talk enough lunar talk or full Bri talk if I get 24 iron that’s that’s enough right that’s enough to make what I need to make 24 correct yes or no yes or no yes or no yes or no

That’s what I want to know make it I’m not making a diamond hoell I’m not not happening not in the not in the budget okay not in the budget all right we going to make One Singular other furnace okay now we’re fine okay takes 24 all right perfect then we

Have it on the dot then we’re good everything’s fine and we got this this room is our room we own everything in here we’re amazing I know what are the these even used for bro the I swear these things aren’t even worth it to grab right now are they they’re really

Not it’s really not it’s just not worth a grab low key they’re not they look cool that’s where it ends spy glass armor trim yeah it’s just stuff we just don’t need though we just don’t need either of those things do we just don’t need those I that’s just that that might just

Be me personally but I just don’t I just don’t think we need that I should probably make a iron axe too I can make a diamond axe but I’m not going to do that if I find one more if I find one more Diamond I’ll make a diamond a and diamond pick and

Then I’ll be good then I’ll be set I’m still to use the the iron one but see one more one more let me make pants okay and we got pants now okay stick make the diamond pick now make diamond pick now we’re going to need the diamond pick anyway so we’ll

Keep it TR used the fun fact I told you what was the fun fact you didn’t tell me a fun fact what are you talking about if your fun fact was download full bright that’s not a fun but fact place a block in front of a creeper oh that yeah

I mean if I remember that in in the creeper fight then I got you if I don’t remember that then we just die we could just make a diamond sword inste of a diamond axe but Diamond axes are just better they’re just better dude okay all right now we have this now I

Have to get out of here so you got some diamonds we have iron armor uh which is good uh we should probably get a little bit more before we do too much else though um I mean yeah we definitely need more iron so we’re going to get more cuz we

Need an axe we need an axe still we need we just we need a lot of stuff still so yeah we need iron we need iron not we’re not stopping it here okay or more perfect perfect perfect there we go yeah I mean if I if

I remember to do a midf fight I I’ll do that against the creeper but I’m still going to put up my shield because I’m not sure how much I trust You when you have a shield I’m not sure how like important it is to do that though if I have a shield can I just go like this like that’s good to stop it the same way so I need to put it block my feet all right this way I feel like we

Just went for some reason did we go the really long way for no reason we did we did we could have just gone this way that’s fantastic great to know after the fact okay good help someone said remember me and I don’t know them what do I do did

They say it to you on iMessage they say you an iMessage what do they do hro how do they do it what’s good turtle how’ they say they say an IM message or they say another way Discord uh just say yeah when in doubt or say no in all caps and’ll think and

They’ll think you’re joking and they’ll tell you who you are and be like bro I was joking that’s how you do it say no any do that not really drop I don’t think what do you me you don’t think well I mean obviously I just

Gave you the best idea of all time you should have just used it is what a scam think the guy who messaged him check what discords you share or friends in common that’s probably not going to help though usually I mean like I you don’t remember a guy by his username man that

Guy just wasn’t just wasn’t that important low key he was just another guy just another guy we’re great it’s a random guy me a h High pixeled somehow he has my Discord interesting maybe you guys are actually like just best friends lowy all right we’re good

I get iron and we’ll be all set and ready to go here what did I even just get from that I got and Ain oh no I didn’t I Trevis someone wants to be my best friend and they need some qualities one two fall number one what was there was

No it it was just one what do you mean you died all yet no this is from yesterday actually and we have not died yet it’s actually been quite peaceful and I would say we’re doing quite well and we just found a m shaft so we

Have iron armor we have we have some diamond tools oh we have some diamonds I’m looking for one more diamond or now I’m going to use this iron pick till it breaks though uh but if I can find one Diamond we’ll make diamond axe a sorry I was yawning

Uh that we can Pi a diamond axe or a diamond pick it will be a set just like that my friend just like that let me man M cart R is the most annoying thing in the world though ly all I’m doing good all how you been

Man what’s good D oh the notifications just finally go out is that what just happened is that what just happened here we run this is how we die we finally get armor we’re going to die because we got poison and something’s going to One Tap us yep you are correct wow so

Notification went out late today that that checks out I was confused man I was like damn I thought I just died like I was like oh damn I guess you know what we hit 500 everybody peed out no went out late that checks out man that checks

Out you know what that’s why that’s why you guys have to have to join the Discord man there we go that’s why you guys have to join the Discord you guys get notificated notificated you guys get notified no matter what that’s what you got to do that’s

What we got to do oh we just not going that way we see get chest bro can we can we find a chest somewhere I’m not seeing many chests at the moment okay I’m going to let those cook real quick just because I want to I guess

Make I’m G to let those cook because I want to um make a iron axe and uh yeah oh my God I was going to wait but I just couldn’t find anything else so it is what it is 24 hours so 24 hours stream I’m actually going to find out uh Tomorrow what day I’m going to be able to stream for 24 hours when thep stream I don’t know I don’t know uh from my eyes from what I’ve heard the server’s being fixed like you guys are able to play it but something’s being fixed right now so until that thing is fixed

That’s being fixed I haven’t not done but I think I think they’ve dealt with everything that’s been going on but we’re running hardcore for a couple days uh at least today uh we might hop back on to thep again tomorrow uh and a little bit of

Fort and stuff like that I mean I fixed you guys saw I was able to fix my fort setting so we’re all good in that game so we might do a couple more Fort streams and then uh Minecraft of course but um you know we’re messing we’re messing around right

Now we’re I’m just seeing what works see what works cuz you know we stream thep so much you know so I’m trying to I’m trying to switch stuff up a bit you know so it’s not the same all same all because the same is good uh change is

Inevitable all right we need have we need have change a little bit like the stream guys cck it now support this man that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying man like the stream boys come on oh yeah okay oh my God we just need a singular chest with a diamond or to

Find oh no we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die wow wow oh my God bro yeah yeah yeah yeah okay first off keep

A water I didn’t have either of those so how you going to tell me to keep it also dve so uh I do not have super chats yet however um I have applied to the YouTube partnership program as of last night and I’m waiting approval and I guess it

Takes a couple weeks so uh by by January to Mid mid December I I believe I gain the abilities uh I just have to wait till my stuff’s reviewed so dude we got to delete this world man oh bro what if we just give maybe I I

Keep I keep naming the world like we will not die we will not die and all that stuff I feel like it’s it’s it’s lowkey it’s destroying the Vibes right so overcoming how do that world name overcoming greatness does that make sense only what three exclamation marks so we have three exclamation marks

Overcoming greatness we’ll be okay new record for surviving in hardcore Turtle shut up bro shut up shut up yeah but de de uh give give it a couple more weeks man and and I will finally gain my abilities to to to be on on a payroll uh I I got the ability to

Apply for it and I have to wait so I say about a month or so then once it goes through it goes through all right give a second load the world up TR I know a record you can beat what’s that what’s that what’s a r you know

What bro this looks like good seed fastest way to die in Minecraft I mean I probably could beat that one and I probably I mean I could most definitely beat that one actually let me uh break some trees real quick oh brother bro I miss like two or

Three seconds or something is it actually does anybody know what the actual Minecraft record is let’s look it up let’s look it up what’s good [ __ ] what’s the fastest death in Minecraft I wanted to set another world can man 18 why have I heard of this guy before you okay

H 1.54 seconds I don’t think it is said 3.09 I don’t know which version of Minecraft you playing I’m playing Bedrock or uh Java and we’re playing 1.2.2 all right boys this is now greatness so we’re gonna we’re going to be fine now we’re not

Dying are you me the fastest way to die in Minecraft unintentionally well there was a um I do believe that could be wrong uh you know on Bedrock there used to be this glitch where you could just spawn in lava pools and I don’t know if that’s a thing on uh on

Java might not be but I do know on Bedrock it used to happen a lot actually like it like it was almost like it was almost like it was attracted to spawn to spawning in lava like it was it was very common on new worlds uh uh so you would

Almost have to like make two or three worlds cuz on Bedrock what what I do like is that you spawn with a map like you just spawn with a map I think is a really cool thing that’s just an option and on Java I don’t think it is the

Option right you can’t SP with the map bro build your AE on the right side what do you mean build your back on the right side bro yo I want you to look at the axe formation on my screen right now and tell me that it’s on the right and not the

Left I built it the correct way you’re bu the wrong way bro the axe literally on the screen right now is on the left just get a mod that has some I should have to get a mod though bettered Ro in the game Norm I I have to get a

Mod all let me see that okay why is there so many baby animals right now making me feel bad for killing their parents it’s okay why would you build an axe on the right side that’s what I’m saying bro you build it on the left look how am I screwing out it’s

Literally pointed to the left that’s how you build it the left the craft table it’s quicker I built it on the left did I not did I not build the craft table the left cuz I swear I did what’s quicker when to help me make a god TNT

Canon facing the hotel okay bro okay bro let’s not do that let’s not do that though okay sick you know what I don’t even care bro I don’t even care I think I think it’s like the the S&P is officially like like it was dead already

But I think it’s like now more official of how dead thatp is like it’s officially officially dead so so I mean it’s been de for a while but now like I’m putting the I’m putting the dagger in it low key what do you mean aim it

At on rest start War I think it’s just we’re going to blow everything up on the last day that’s my goal at least is I’m going to ask cons to spawn me in a bunch of TNT or not even spawn it in just do slash fill air TNT and we’re just going

To light up the entirety of uh the world bank’s base Turtles how about you set put a t Canon outside of Turtles base I think that’s what you should do there we go I have a boat not my base why not why not Turtle name somewhere right now yeah

Turtle SS all right we see to F oh there here we go here we go no not me here we go no no I didn’t I don’t sh him up all right here we go come on good mending gold pick you know what bro we’ll use it

We’ll use it we’ll use it we’ll use it we got efficiency too a silk t oh I’ll take that I’ll take the carrots I’ll take the fire charge take those on the boots all right is it just one we’re not going to be able to do it

It’s not a complete not let me fix my posture real Qui you fix my posture uh blow up your okay uh bro how do we just like get good to the game bro uh we need to find a cave and we need to find a cave Fest so let’s do

That let’s do that bro let’s do that actually you know what we’re going to do we’re gonna we’re gonna hop on this boat and just go this way oh there’s a treasure thing right here this could actually go great you know this could go great on the beginning of our hardcore journey man

This could go great we got a we got a boat now we’re going to hop in the boat we’re going to find some great things all right all right we’re going to be okay we’re going to be okay we got eight people in here right now hello to the

People great people we got a treasure map we got some armor trims is there more and no what’s this sick isn’t that just fan fantastic thing to get okay well we’re already right here I think is it this way okay I found the video which I used to watch for years ago what

Video what you talk about my friend all right let me run down here we got a a potential Treasure Chest here I don’t have a shovel so we’re about to make a wooden shovel to do this but maybe we actually sh maybe we’ll just find a first try we pass

It now we’re making shovel going be really annoying if we don’t where’s that okay is it right here why is my screen zoomed in there we go what just happened y’all saw that right no wait look why does it zoom in when I go under waterer is that actually a

Thing since when is is that a thing okay bruh there we go diamonds iron or See’s fine there F I know I was going to drown so it’s okay all that’s huge that’s a huge start you know that’s a huge start so go to die know we weren’t bro

No that all right we’re just going to take a chest SP off spawn cuz just probably should have one um um have emeralds get diamonds on us now a bit of that all right make a hoe we just don’t need a hoe though we just don’t need one don’t need one don’t I

Already have so many so why why would we need to make another one see I got I got that actually I don’t think that’s good R is to have I don’t think H is is good R to be honest a diamond one yeah we’re just not going

To do that we’re not g to do that not going to invest in a diamond no sorry boys sorry we not doing that we not doing that we not doing that one all right now we got to go very far here very far all the way to basically

Go if only we could just find a village up there is that what that is that’s a horse a diamond sword no bro axe only man axe only do we not have any sheep deaths are we actually about to not ideal well if I go over here I

Should definitely find a sheep real quick right we’ll find a sheep if I just go this way hopefully hopefully we do at least hopefully we do I’m seeing pigs right now it’s not really ideal we see th three we need three sheep either two gray sheep or three white sheep and I

Think you know what I think we had wool earlier and I accidentally threw it out or something we need sheep bro we need sheep May out L all right where is it bro can we not have all right we’re going to go over here cuz there’s a another thing over

Here but I guess there’s just ke no sheep I barely spotted that by the way okay okay these sheep bro we just eat sheep now there’s going to be no sheep cuz St time we’re just going to have to survive the night where’s the chest here’s the chest um can we build

This hold up no we can’t actually no we can’t actually okay hold up okay we got a w set of armor right now d i permission to make a guy can face you don’t no no you do not oh we have have two iron right there I promise but that would

Work they’re just in a chest bro I don’t know they’re just chilling in a chest yeah there’s shipwreck no there were I don’t even know actually how I got them we got shs before we broke any iron which is kind of funny does gold not get iron no

Way why did I not know that how is that just always been a thing how have I not known that ever how come nobody’s ever told me that yeah we just broke two coal we just broke two iron for no reason who who would use a gold pick anyway listen

Bro listen man I don’t know I got given a gold pick from the from the Minecraft Gods and I was like all right I’ll use this to get iron and then guess what just can’t do that I’ve just never used a gold pick before ever and who does so I didn’t

Know I guarantee you half of chat didn’t know that either half you guys didn’t know that either I guarantee it I guarante at least more than half at least more than half like that’s generally not a thing all right let’s Uh six S8 uhhuh we literally still find any source of iron my axxe is about to break that’s fantastic um see why I know the right I knew the right way was right in my head but I was like yo let’s go left real quick I knew this was the

Path fine we’re fine right now we’re fine okay six iron now what we at right now eight okay all remember the goal today is literally just to let’s go red is this is this a new red or is this red Rog or just a new red here

Today is that a new red in chat right now a new red what are you doing well we’re playing hardcore Minecraft right now except I I’m not very good at the game so it’s actually our fifth run of trying not to die in the caves uh We’ve died a

Lot to many different ways most of them have been explosive uh the last couple days he’s m obviously oh no way cons is alive all right bro K just pops out of nowhere I know that is this so this isn’t red Rogue then this a different

Guy a different guy or now huh is that all interesting God should I make a a god a god TNT facing de D I think he should facing d space I agree and I think it’s fine I think we’re all tired man oh I

Know uh I got offered to go to go to church tomorrow actually um which I’ve never ever since I moved to Hawaii I have not gone to church once yet and and I I I do regret it I do regret it um I I still talk to him I still talk to him

But I have not gone to church yet and somebody at work the other day who was the same religion as me said hey Trevor do you want to go to church tomorrow and I’m about to stream till 1:00 a.m. do my math homework till 4:00 a.m. and then

Attempt to wake up for 8 a.m. M or is it 9:00 a.m. I don’t know if it’s 8 or 9 I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I forgot I forgot it’s been so long it’s been so long and I do apologize um but

I’m going to go I’m going to go I think you should do it I might have found the funniest mod ever what’s that red what’s in this mod oh snap I’m defin wi no no no no no no no that guy wins he wins that he wins that he wins that he

Wins that he wins that he wins that we sit over here we over here we over here do we try and kill him okay hold up hold up we got this which one does the most attack damage three okay we got full we got full gear we can take this

Fight is that a fishing rod a fishing rod no we take this actually we take this one we take this one come on please drop that didn’t okay it’s okay we’re taking this we take this f voice chat out of his face is what you speaking voice chat

I don’t know if it’s a funny mod but I know what you’re talking about yeah oh no oh no oh no okay you know what we’re not going to fight him bro I said I was going to fight him I lied I lied bro they they that’s literally every mob in Minecraft

Right there bro you got the zombie skeleton spider creeper isn’t that isn’t that something right there isn’t that isn’t that something all right hope we could just find uh oh it’s on Hardcore yeah it’s on Hardcore so we just cannot die it’s a little unfortunate right now it’s a little

Unfortunate yeah I mean we need to get some S&P ideas for uh January because I think that’s what we’re going to reive a new S&P uh a couple weeks time uh we’ll release it like January 10th or something like the official release date on the new SCP terl hardcore Terraria WI

TR is never happening however however remember how I said I would never play Roblox all right I know I said that and I’ve been very very I very very on it and I do still think I shouldn’t play it however however however however however however La wanted to play Roblox and I really

Don’t want to play it so there’s a chance Roblox princess tycoon win oh bro I don’t even know what we put I think we probably I’ll be down for fom forces that’s the only game or football Fusion I yo low key low key if we played Roblox we can get everybody to

Play football Fusion it would be so fun we could 100% do that we could fill a whole Lobby we could do a whole Lobby of football Fusion a whole Lobby bro it would be so cool no no no no no no no no

No no no no no screw ours no bro we’re n this is happening this is happening this is happening what’s good gaming Arsenal I have a private Ser bro but what is ARS what broo what if we play football fusion though what if we play football Fusion we’re not playing

Roblox we’re not playing Roblox let’s just get that clearest ever going to happen however if I were to fold if I were to fold oh dude I I don’t have a pck dude if this is my literal weapon right now by the way oh we found a village there’s

A village here why I just noticed that now it’s a village look at that look at that dude we should play get hit by a car simulator something tells Me something tells me we should uh all right this one yeah hey buddy what’s up man Iron Golem guy yes why do I still have this map bro I just don’t need this um we’re not playing no Blox welcome to Blox what what about the hood what if we played the hood on

Roblox bro that that could go hard bro that could go hard oh dude you have a good night brother all right we don’t need that I’m going to keep this bro our inventory is filled with so much BS right now I don’t need any half of this uh okay hit the

Bell uh is there a why are you leaving this house buddy wait what is this no way I can make an iron armor trim what is is this no way this exists bro no you can’t do it it has to be Iron hold up we have hold up we can make

Some trades real quick I didn’t realize that hold up hold up we can buy a stone axe for one Emerald put the leather hat in with one of the diamonds or emeralds in the last slot I don’t think it works bro should we do it should we do

It nah bro we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we’re not we’re not we’re not we’re not we’re not we’re not this is the run this is the Run bro this is the run where we we actually don’t let out

That listen the main goal today is to get iron armor all right that’s that’s all we got to do all right we got this farmer here what do you do 26 potatoes for an emerald what a nice guy I would buy bread from you if I

Couldn’t just steal it from you so uh what’s in here A Book of Knowledge great nothing important and then what’s in here a blast furnace how about you you do anything of course you don’t okay ah welcome to bloxburg is a shout though that that used to be a good game

Back in the day too man is there no craft table here I need have I broken a tree I have broken a tree all right can we we already have the crafting table let’s do one thing at a time real quick let’s let’s make some of this and some

Of that and some of that and let’s make some bread okay now we have that let’s let’s just let’s Okay we don’t need that we really don’t need these pickaxes by the way we we don’t uh we have we we have Cobblestone so two things two our

Business real quick let me let me get rid of this make some sticks we’re going to make an axe we did that we have an axe we’re going to make a pickaxe because the gold pick suck so now we have that perfect next order business is I was going to make

A but we can’t so uh yeah only need that we going to keep the horse armor uh we hookie really don’t need those but I’m going to keep them anyway uh we can make a bed now that’s that’s that’s a thing so we’re going to make a bed uh now we

Have a bed uh the armor trims again we’ll just keep those there we don’t need the sand and I think we’re good now actually wait no wait me let me let me get the rest of this real quick and then we’ll do that then and then we’ll do

That that but there is a chance there’s a chance boys Bo would we would we down for football Fusion as a as a thing I feel it’d be pretty funny or Forza bro I I low key think I I I think no not on this computer not on this computer I

Think once we get the new pc uh it’s the move but um I think we could run a Forza stream and it’ be quite fun okay there we go perfect Forza would be fun I would 100% down to stream Forza Forza 6 it would probably Forza 6 Forza not Forza

Motorsport Forza Horizon 5 is that the new one is it for horiz six no for five right I forgot which one I have to Reby it though uh because I just need to get it on my computer and I have it on my

Xbox I have for R 4 by Xbox I don’t have for R 5 by Xbox I did have it but somebody was game sharing it to me and since it was being game shared I do not think I’m able to play it on here if I

Did do that though I would also have to buy something that I could connect my controller because I’m not playing Forza Horizon on my mouse and keyboard it’s just not happening um we would 110% be playing on controller uh cuz that’s the way to do Gamers besides a wheel but I’m

Not buying a wheel fair for so that we’re probably I stream like two or three times so who knows see boot bloth for controller connect see I just don’t have Bluetooth though so it’s a bit of a problem that we’ve ran into there uh I can make one

Iron ingot and I’m going to do it look at that isn’t that fantastic um I wonder if hold up hold up hold up I know what I’m breaking with hold up hold up hold up come on come on okay fantastic did I not get the gold block from that am I actually

Stupid whatever did whatever we could go to the nether you don’t have boooth on your PC do I not I don’t know I have no clue if it doesn’t if it if my computer comes with Bluetooth then I might I I have no idea though I genuinely could not tell you I

Genuinely have no clue no clue at all my friend no clue at all I do down boys if we if we did Forza bro and like multiple people had Forza it could be fun to just do online races in that game like I would not mind doing

It at all I could do that for hours because honestly bro racing on Forza is is just it’s just a different world of stuff man it’s great click on the little sound battery Wi-Fi thing and we have Bluetooth option sound battery Wi-Fi thing where is there a sound battery Wi-Fi thing

We’ll figure it out at some point bro I’m not doing it right now we got a we got a world to beat Mom right next to time oh we do have PS look at that is it right here we have Bluetooth it says I’m not connected but we do have have

It do I need like anything or does it automatically connect G’s one of the mods the pack is eternal steak so I got unlimited food now is that actually a thing what all right we got to oh that’s not good let’s do that this is actually

Taking a very long time to uh do right now maybe we can beat Minecraft Bro maybe we could beat Minecrafts no cuz I’m not going to be able to beat that Ender Dragon let’s keep it real let’s keep it real like we generally probably should not be going to the nether right

Now probably shouldn’t but you know let’s just go see what’s going on in the nether let’s just go see what it is like what’s here man oh look at that okay it’s not I think this the fast that not too scary we’ be all right we’ live oh what a terrible spawn

Actually I playing modr there’s just no food so terrar is mid bro fors is amazing I would play Forza bro I mean I could play Forza five right now I do believe I have fors of five downloaded to my computer however it would be the laggiest gameplay anybody’s ever going to

See sorry Force of Horizon 4 I have all to my computer I don’t know which one it is all right let’s let’s uh clear this out we don’t need that we’re going to keep the boat in us we’re going to sleep though I that don’t only fh5 okay cons cons cons cons

Cons all right we need that we need that let me just you know get this sorted real quick uh we’ll keep the golden apple on us I we just don’t don’t need the helmet got the hard seat we just don’t need that we’ll keep these CU it’s

Just stuff to have we really do not need this bu flint and Steels we’re never going to burst prank planks that’s just our wood uh we got this over here too more food we just got a singular piece of cobblestone that will probably go on iron smithing template and three apples

Interesting why is this taking so long to cook dude like wh why let me go get more Stone so that I could just cook multiple things at once yeah you guys are talking about something I do not understand at all BR a magic Lake I could just [ __ ] turtle turtle speaking turtle’s speaking

Gibberish right now bro he’s speaking he’s speaking the turtle Ren bro it’s cuz T since since Turtle lives under the ocean with like other Turtles bro he just doesn’t really understand like how to uh how to communicate well humans I mean it’s okay I understand it

It’s cool and all but it would be nice would be nice if Bru how then we’ll cook this oh let’s not burn there okay let’s do this oh okay it’s okay if you play modded you and know well modded sucks uh do we make uh we’re probably

Going to make IR tools this uhu we make get we get right now okay make here and we’re all set just know all villagers will be slaughtered you talking about Teraria or you talking about Minecraft right now so I have no clue man I got I got no clue you know what happened

Boys you see this hold up you guys see this bro you guys see this right here you guys see it yes no maybe yeah do we see do we see the do we see it yes no try me to my hands the Little Red Dot or nobody say anything I’m going to

See you see it because I can see it I got bit by the The Worst mosquito that you possibly could have bite you bro like out of any spot that a mosquito could bite you I feel like I have found the ringer for the worst spot besides

Maybe like if bit you on the penis because that’d be pretty bad too but uh I mean but even there even there bro that’s just like it’s like oh you’re just ising that right and it’s like whatever all right if you’re itching your deck bro it looks like you’re a

Crack addict and you know I’m I’m not so it’s you know it’s a little rough it’s a little rough um yeah so I don’t know that’s my that’s my personal my personal thoughts at the moment uh all right do this too I’ll make an iron axe we do that we’ll TOS that over

There we’re almost done here and I’m actually going to properly go mining so I can just get a normal iron set this this Enchanted gold sets not going to cut it very long oh snap uh the what’s it called mods not going to cut it very long the uh this golden armor with

Iron ain’t going to cut it dude it’s not going to cut it it’s not going to pay the taxes dude it’s just not it’s just not all wasn’t this so we want to we really don’t really don’t now we just need to wait for uh let’s go wait for this right

Now I probably should just split it but you know what bro we’ll just sit here and wait casually and peacefully it’s okay a new unread what’s this CH when I’m done with my Canon want to see it I’m not hopping on thep today oh you mean you’re going to send a

Picture or a video a picture or a video h no that’s okay I got you I got you so I’m assuming you’re going to send a video of me of you using it CH can you br these scor right now uh 1,593 64 165 1,593 64

165 I need to add my keybind still for my stuff I don’t know how to screen record so then how are you going to join me I mean a picture Works a picture would do the job my friend all right so we have plenty of bread we have food all right food’s not

Going to be a problem sure M chat exists yeah it does exist you’re right I just put a factual statement in it all right all right all right all right all right you guys hav already likeed the Stream the way guys haven’t I know it’s been a been a little mellow today I’m

Just trying to trying to live man if you are at 511 Subs though some somebody did sub so whoever that was I appreciate it Little M day though little calm we calm day we had our our Minecraft thing I just got noticed my volume was set at

5 I was like damn did I lose my hearing when I woke up this morning well I I have to say usually when I wake up to Min um I canot not here a single thing ASR gaming what’s holding you back for bigger growth like me is the lack of

Today video res and lack of shorts you mean what’s holding me back or what’s holding you back ASMR what you talking about man I I think I think the one thing that’s holding me back is the quality of my streams holds me back but also the lack of videos that I post

Now holding back your channel just sub feedback mostly wishing you best okay yeah I think the quality uh wait wait what you from you what what is your stuff at ASMR what is ASMR at what are you at ASMR let me see I just realized I’m watching on the wrong

Account I can’t check hold up I want to see what your channel is at one second one sec we’re just going to freeze everything real quick because you know I can do that channel do this oh what so FR feedback from F year ASR bro damn I didn’t realize here’s the thing

Okay I do have this to ask you though epic 480p Gaming listen I do have this to ask you you post shorts a lot okay but do you feel that you posting shorts affects your live stream and videos because I would argue that looking at your videos compared to your subscribers on shorts

Right I would argue it doesn’t translate that well now this is the disrespect thing by the way this is me looking at it and seeing how I see it right because I would argue because for a 7K channel right 7K Channel and this is generally me asking

Questions I’m not trying to be a dick by the way I’m I’m asking questions so for a 7K sub Channel when you post a video and it’s getting like 20 to 100 views I would argue that the shorts are hurting right or no what did you say the shorts

Are up cuz the shorts push subs and Subs are great we love Subs but my question with it is because I’m just looking at your thing man I’m I’m just saying it right now the question is is um it seems like the shorts translate in only Subs like it’s not like it

Translates anywhere else because the rewatchability is what is what is really important on like up and coming right so I feel like I feel like posting shorts is just uh it’s just a sub booster in my opinion that scared me that my volume was at 60 oh I

Apologize are you watching me on your TV that’s my question Asar if you if you’re still here hear me like do you do you think shorts really helps in in the long term because I I think shorts is just a sub boost and at the end of the

Day subs subs don’t translate to well Subs do translate but Subs are only one one stat subs don’t mean as much as watch time and viewership you know what I mean I need more pixels is 40p listen boys the new pc is coming soon boys and when I get a new computer

You guys will be very happy people I think I think January all right in January we’ll have a new computer all you guys have to do is survive one more month one more month with absolute dog quality okay if we could survive one month with dog quality we’re going to be

On the beginning of the greatness okay that’s it just one one month with it as well as in the month of December I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to have a lot of IRL streams so I don’t really know how that’s going to do but we’re going to

Have some IRL streams in December uh a lot of cooking and stuff like that just because I want have my PC set up it reminds me of my six-year-old PC okay bro listen then my PC is six years old what’s wrong with the six-year-old PC what’s wrong what you trying to say

About my six-year-old computer Ben listen bro I like my six-year-old computer okay it’s it’s quality it’s quality man okay here we go let’s go up here and set okay what man my computer is six years old I got it when I was a freshman in high school and I’m two years out so

This about it’s about that time man actually think it’s 5 years old but is this a cave that we’ve all been looking for that looks so majestically terrible like if it was any other biome besides Birch it probably look good uh okay do we just bed clutch this

Lowy no we don’t we don’t have the skills to do that we don’t have the skills man I think Asar left by the way I was I was generally trying to ask him like advice and I feel like he took offense to it and I do apologize if you

Did and the old one of mine barely runs the newest version of java but yours up yours does very epically listen bro my computer is the most natural not natural it’s my computer is the definition of like a crazy phenomenon dude the fact that this thing

Runs anything I I stream on eight Ram all right for all that don’t know that’s ridiculous okay all right if you know you know if you don’t you don’t Sho on eight Ram is crazy I want to this guy we’re going to die we’re GNA die

We’re going to die we’re going to die we’re going to die we’re GNA die if we don’t do something we’re going to die if we don’t run away right now so let’s run away the situation that’s a creeper you can’t get to me PC is a CH that’s what I’m saying bro

My PC it’s listen bro it’s going to be a sad day when we eventually leave believe it man it’s been through it’s been through so much it’s been through a journey it’s got we’re going to retire it I I think when I go back to New York

We’re going to retire it and it’s going to sit there and be retired I’m commenting test Point number one of I’m commencing T tent I’m commencing commencing commencing test. one to TNC can have what you Lu how have we not found a cave maybe it’s a good thing we

Haven’t had a cave you know every time we die we die in a cave so maybe it’s a good thing that we don’t know where one’s at bro all cave let’s going you have enough wood here goes nothing actually you know what we’re going to do we’re going to make a shield

Before we go in let’s make a shield we have the facilities do show let’s do it all right let’s do it man can we make a bucket too we can’t see the shield in the bucket retire like sell it like retire as in when I go back to New York I’ll be

Able to stream them I’ll be able to stream games as well so I’m going to send it to New York cuz I live I live in New York but I’m in college in Hawaii so right now my setups in Hawaii right but when I go back to New York in a couple

Weeks I’m not going to have a setup so we’re not going to be able to stream uh games for 3 weeks three weeks no no no gaming so it’s going to be straight videos from xman on the second and meain we’re on multiple multiple videos BL up dude do it do

It that could have gone Terrible by the way if you broke that okay look it’s fine it’s fine yeah so for three weeks from December 12th to January 4th we are GNA be in New York and for those three weeks I don’t know how we’re gonna make

Content boys I still have not figured it out I I like I don’t know what we’re going to do uh I know we’re going to build there’s gonna be a couple streams I’m GNA build a gingerbread house at some point but I mean shorts is good if

You want to advertise something but it gets you views I I don’t know man I just like shorts I think it’s a it’s a hole I think shorts just gets you a sub boost and that’s it which sub Subs are great listen we love Subs right but what I want is returning returning

Viewers and stuff like that cuz I think that’s way better and more important maybe we do both man I don’t know I don’t know if I if I want if I want to I mean I’m talking to Matt tomorrow I’m talking to a couple people

Tomorrow uh CU I got some stuff I need to commence and do hold up everybody stay calm oh I need that every stay calm stay calm stay calm just take I think it’s okay I think it’s okay everything’s okay everything’s okay everything’s okay everything is going to be all right every little

Thing it’s going to be all right in the morning in the morning every little it’s going to be all right a user the voice crack no that was a great song bro a user what do you think of the song man coming in here I I mean obviously

User thought the song was great cuz he joined to Greatness he just joined to the best song he’ll ever hear in his whole life he’s he’s gonna actually like download that he’s going to upload it to Spotify he’s going to play it at school and he’s going to become he’s going to be

Become not just a user but a cool user just like that just like that I mean he joined greatness he joined in greatness it was the voice crack bro I’m 199 not voice cracks what are you talking abouto that looks fine download some vids what do you mean download some vids as a

What hang that vids oh for me hyro I have a question for you hyro I feel like this is risky what’s risky going back down here what I’m about to do I agree we’re probably going to die but you know what it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay to minion

We’re not going to die today bro listen my only goal is to get iron armor and get back up iron armor and get back up today that’s our only goal it’s not that hard of a goal to accomplish there’s a m shaft there’s a warden area Okay

Interesting okay how are we going to get down there I don’t know yet went like half far quick by being abused by mobs in the dark no it’s okay don’t worry about it okay we can go down like this right okay sorry boys I focusing right now I’m

Trying to get down here without dying okay you were telling me Oh sorry I forgot bro I forgot what that is that a glow squid it is go squid uh hro what do you what will will you spawn the if bro we’re not going to spawn the W it’s going to be

Okay we’re not going to spawn the W it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine listen listen that’s over there I’m over here all right okay okay watch watch watch watch We’re quiet right now hold up that’s going to start a problem all right it’s all right we’re going this

Way was that lapis or Diamonds oh what oh don’t tell me I miss diamonds did I on we did there’s diamonds right there all there one thing diamonds over there got to make a run for it though hold up we got to make a run for these diamonds there’s actually so much stuff

Under me now boom this is a terrible idea terrible idea don’t tell my doll for one diamond oh okay we take two we take two we take two we take two we’re at four now okay he missed he sucks we’re going to run back to that M shaft here in a second hold

Up you run down this hallway real quick see if I I can see any diamonds and we’re going to run back down that way oh there more diamonds down there oh bro this is actually such a big cave dude it’s actually so big okay okay have to get to the left of

There is are these not connected I thought they were they’re not we’ll run back to that m a second hold on I need to get these diamonds real quick though all you guys are witnessing Greatness by the way if yall haven’t sub boys this is this is like the best

Content in the world I know I know how excited you guys are to watch me get diamonds in the dark so what happens if you swallow caramel cakes what is a caramel cake is a caramel cake all right there’s only two I’ll take it that puts us at six for the

Day did I get that oh think I did which means it fell I’m going to go get it not looking that okay there’s nothing else down here though right I don’t think don’t fight me he just shoot the bat no way no way his aim is that that accurate

Bro TR do you suffer from short-term memory loss I probably do actually hold up what what was I telling you to do H I was telling you to uh if you know how to edit if that’s what you’re talking about if you know how to

Edit I would let you edit for me I wouldn’t pay you Trevor is getting old bro I’m not that old bro I’m still a teenager man I’m just I’m just an innocent teenager all right oh hello just diamonds there isn’t that nice you guys be download some videos

For your trip oh no I’m good bro I’m probably just going to watch movies low key that’s what I usually do this is how I so the the flight from Hawaii to New York is 10 hours right it’s about 10 hour flight so how I calculate that math

Is that’s five movies right so I’m just going to watch five movies on the plane because I don’t get any sleep ever so we’re going to watch five movies that that’s it it’s as simple as that and I’m hoping you know it’s been a couple months I haven’t been on a plan since

August which means there should be new movies out when I go and check them out right so I am kind of excited uh hopefully there’s some good movie is there any new movie releases out like what’s new right now what are the new movies right now like cuz what am I going to

See I was really sad in my last fight why is that oh cuz your videos didn’t let you down watch them right okay got that we’re take the iron pick I’m actually going to toss these gold pickaxes in here and I’m going to take that Thor love and thunder that’s a new

Movie Yo is that heartburn no shot bro harburn hasn’t been here in a long time bro back in the back in the chess days man back of the chest is back like like 400 Subs ago low key last time I saw harburn what airline you take I’m taking

Uh Hawaiian Airlines I believe th love thunder came out a damn while ago didn’t it I don’t know I said do releases man whatever’s new cuz us man when I when I hop on this flight when I go back to New York all right and I hop on this this

Fantastical flight I I want I want to be able to enjoy like I said it’s 10 hour flight and I cannot sleep on plane so we’re watching five movies like that’s what’s going down uh oh diamonds let’s go let’s go yo low key this might be the Run boys this might be the

Run 4 Subs go damn I’ve been gone a while yeah brother it’s been a couple month listen listen harburn bro I’m putting in the hours man I’m still here I always be here my friend don’t you worry uh SCP I’m just saying it’s probably going to be as fa getting lucky

Nah bro we’re it’s just skillful how much is it for a full set it’s 26 24 24 for the diamonds right 24 for the gear and then how much is it for the for the axe and the pick want just for the axe and the pck

Too cuz now we’re just going to go for full diamond at this point we have like the same we have more diamonds than iron right now it’s actually ridiculous uh it’s 24 for for gear and then six so 30 24 for gear and then six so 30 what

Does that mean oh 30 okay 30 30 diamonds I got you I was like what saving PRI Ryan is a good movie so by as long as your fight is saving PR Ryan a 10 hour movie no shot no shot priv iron’s a 10 hour movie

I would watch it if it’s on the plane I don’t know if it is though I doubt it oh 10 hour yeah bro I’m I’m so I live in Hawaii right and I’m going back to New York uh cuz I’m I’m in Hawaii for college so we’re going back to New York

Back to the Homeland for a couple weeks um so n you’re you’re chilling bro you’re chilling you’re chilling uh so be back sure you have the Flash and the shom fury Shaz Zoom Fury of God so here’s the thing I’m not a super movie guy super is there a new Fast and

Furious or something new Fast and Furious I I I I really don’t watch Marvel like that low key we got more diamonds like departure arrival what do you mean departure arrival have you ever been to Guam I have not been to Guam I I’ve never been outside the

United States I know Guam ising Guam technically US Territory no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not no it’s not yeah it is wait hold up yes it is no it’s not no it’s not is it hold up bro it’s not no it

Is isn’t it like the 51st quote unquote State like it’s not a state but that’s what I thought that’s what I thought okay I know it wasn’t the the state I know it was the state interesting you thinking Puerto Rico no Guam I was thinking a Guam no no I knew

Guam was over here I was thinking of Guam I was thinking of Guam let’s go to Guam bro what isard to doing Guam got some nice beaches okay American Samoa is that a place too American Samoa I’ve never heard of americ s oh snap that looks

Nice I need to check my map real quick you’re chilling man American Samoa dude I mean I guess if I’m going to if I’m going to Guam I might as well go to Australia on the same trip bro go to Guam for five days go to Australia for another five that looks amazing

Bro looks unreal now let me go there bro I mean listen man I’m a big I’m a big water guy so big water guy ocean I live by the ocean as a Hawaiian not a native Hawaiian but born and raised New York always had the ocean I actually should probably not have just

Gone AFK there by the way I definitely should not have done that but we did anyway if go to Australia here are some tips I’m definitely I definitely am going to Australia at some point it is a bucket list place so Gold Coast well I’m going to go

So I’m if I’m going to Australia I’m going by adelade uh is my thing so what’s by adelade or is that like an know I shouldn’t go there because Adelaide is is pretty much where I’m trying to go for a little bit at least at least the day it’s been a day in

Adelade and then go to the other spots um uh Adelaide yeah cuz I I got some friends in Adelaide that’s why going there in two days yeah I got I got some friends in ID some some of the some OG boys El is not that bad okay all right all right but you’re

Saying Gold Coast I guess I’ll go Gold Coast then I I I’ll go Gold Coast and then it would be like Sydney holy boys we find a diamond left and right or no Gold Coast and then we we’d have to mess around a bit and find some location but

Recation are pink lake comes in between adelade and Melbourne Okay pink lake and what else I mean I’ll go Gold Coast I have to go to Sydney at least one day right because you have to visit the actual City at least once if you’re visiting Australia

You cannot miss Gold Coast all right as you like surfing yeah well okay here’s the thing here’s the thing if it’s like crazy waves I I wouldn’t be able to do crazy waves is it like light waves like would you be able to Surf as a as a

Beginner guy or like you have to be extremely experienced because I’m not extremely experienced go on like 30 foot ways Gold Coast is like Disneyland okay so I’d be able to Surf it as much thing okay we’ll be all right all right that’s all I need to know all right so we’ll be

Okay then to do it cool it’s like four to five what’s like four to five really Parks oh wait it’s a theme park ah I’m going for the beaches bro Gold Coast beaches okay let me actually hold up let me let me put myself in a box real quick so I don’t

Die this time Gold Coast beaches you saw diamonds did I miss them I’ll go back a second gold Coast beaches a best beaches oh damn this actually looks really nice I mean Hawai Hawaii’s beaches are good bro I don’t know I don’t know if you’re beting Hawaii’s

Beaches but this is this is clean though low key this looks clean us Queensland Queensland oh but that looks nice actually holy they look pretty good Hawaii’s beaches are nice too though so I don’t know I don’t know if it’s being that but these look really

Nice oh see like like these sort of I could take this I I could do this that I probably couldn’t do uh that though if it’s like that I could probably do that i’ be all right with that yeah these are okay Pink Lake hold oh snap

Bro damn that looks so nice bro that actually looks so nice is it local though anti-ar anti kangaroo spray is it like a local spot Gold Coast or that’s like the like vacation spot cuz like I don’t want to go to a local spot and piss off the locals and go there because

That’s like not what you want to do anywhere that looks nice though was there anybody eating it in this picture no I really actually got it n this guy’s going to eat no he’s not no that guy got it too dude nobody’s eating nothing in this picture it’s all local that’s not

Good though that’s not good cuz I don’t want to as a tourist though you don’t want to go as into a local surf spot not local okay okay okay okay okay okay that makes sense that makes sense that’s what I meant that’s what I meant that’s what I meant that’s what I meant

Um what what are we looking up pink Leake no way no way it looks like that bro no way it’s that pink dude there’s no shot is that a snake it is natural okay that’s that makes more sense if that’s what it looks like I feel like some of these got a filter

On it though there’s no way it’s that pink dude there’s no way it’s this pink shout out to Australia for supporting breast cancer awareness bro n that dubs though dubs man it’s like foam on the edges buto that’s actually crazy no sh bro look how look how unreal

That looks bro that was the lockness Monster not that dark that looks like lava what’s good s welcome welcome welcome we’re looking at pink Lakes right now it is a Barbie like bro there’s no way this is real bro that looks I mean I’m going to believe you

Hyro I’m going to believe you but that’s that’s like a very bright Lake dude I don’t know about that one like is lowkey just not even real mystery of the Pink Lake my killer why why is Australian Lake pink all hot Lagoon striking pig color is

Thanks to Allergy that live in the water doia that’s the how you say that Selena when exposed to sunlight the Algae produces beta carotin the red pigment found in carrots and other veggies make makes the water so dense that you’d float incredibly easy the way you live dead City

Damn it’s PR EAS the car show the picture above one which shows the foam I lost it is this the foam on the side or is this it right here that looks like s the information is fake it was a unicorn okay I bet yep that that checks

Out damn there should Pink Lake everywhere all right well I’ll have to you know what bro it’s just it’s going to bro that like that looks so fake what is this are they pretending to be kangaroos or flamingos what is this what is this are they trying to be

Flamingos is that is that what this picture idea is right here what a stupid idea what a stupid idea let’s let’s let’s no I’m kidding bro I’m kidding bro you know that they look like great people all right I’m kidding you know I’m proba I’m sure they

Post on Instagram and it got more than one like so you know let’s St I’m sorry anyway Anyway Barbie Blood Lake yeah something like that oh God it’s duplicated yeah I don’t know the average white woman photo sending the pink lake is really dangerous has foam okay it said it’s completely safe to swim in what do you mean it’s dangerous it said it’s safe to swim in

Bro where did you see Diamonds by the way bro didn’t somebody say they saw diamonds back here I don’t think these are diamonds I think I think it was this sure dangerous for your body but it said it was good to swim in are you telling me Google lied to me bro the

Internet would never lie to me bro the internet’s always right yeah bro nuke the lake then what’s up up with this what’s up with this why are we yeah I don’t know it probably is what do you mean it probably is what do you mean probably you’re so you’re telling me

That Google’s lying to me bro why why would Google lie to me they would only tell me the truth man everybody knows that everything you see on the Internet is real everybody knows that I thought it was a diamond van I apologize no you’re good you’re good

You’re good you’re good I have to go back the whole way anyway so you are good my friend but I had fo the side really go inside and so it what good it doing to us bro I don’t know what is this why is there just a pole here are we supposed

To is it something here what is that for got wood let’s just go back to the m chat bro CH a 512 almost a five 20 are we at 512 bro yo people will be subbing they’re not even talking boys I would love to have a conversation with the great people at the

World if internet told you to jump off a plane without a parachute and you wouldn’t die then I would have to trust the internet would never lie sad since when listen listen I would never lie to you guys like listen if you sub to Trevor mode it actually like gives you

708 extra VI in your life and that’s not a lot I’m very anti pink Le well you know what I thought for the longest time did you guys know that the Black Sea isn’t actually black I didn’t know that the Black Sea is not actually a Black Sea really overcrowded the only good

Thing about the place is the opera house I honestly here’s the thing I believe it I believe it because you know what bro everybody’s like yo let’s go to New York City bro New York City sucks bro there is nothing good about New York City it is the most bro everybody’s like

Yo let’s go to Time Square Time Square is literally just a walking ad board bro like why are you going to Time Square to stare at ads like what’s the point I don’t get it I I I don’t get it it doesn’t make sense to me I mean like

What is the point what is the point of going to a city I I honestly honestly isn’t the point of going on vacation to wind down and calm yourself like why are you going to the city I I know some people so so these people I work with

Obviously I I’m in Hawaii now and I have a job out here right so the people I work with this girl she’s going to New York right and I said why why would you do that why would you do that now her defense she grew up in Hawaii and

Everything here is just calm and easy right so my my idea is oh hey you want to see how like the real world is let’s go to New York that’s the real world which you know checks out you know makes sense whatever however it’s like what’s

The yo this is the worst M shaft of all time by the way um but uhoh I shouldn’t be here I shouldn’t be here let’s just like go here do the I will probably never go to the United Kingdom I have no desire to go there there’s nothing in the UK

That’s like yo let’s go here I am a history guy but I’m more of a US History tour actually you know I would go to Germany I would go to Germany I wouldn’t mind going to Germany and and exploring that um and just seeing all that but

Preci if it was an island to PGE British people go down there run around it’s safe is it is it Turtle I I you know what to be fair I did say that the internet would never lie to you I guess turtle’s not lying but I I would go down

There but I I just don’t want to um definitely safe oh yeah I believe it did I don’t think I’d ever go yeah I I I would every person head who said I want to go sh I wouldn’t really want to go I wouldn’t go Sydney

Was really like the last place that kind of crossed my mind when I’m say hey let’s go here let’s go here I want to go to the beaches and I want to go hiking two things that I want to do cuz those are two things that can’t be

Recreated all right buildings can be rebuilt I’ve seen plenty building how many New York City those are the best buildings you’re going to see in the world no like sick I’ve already seen the greatest all right New York City is the best city in the world period all right

Besides maybe Saudi Arabia not Saudi Arabia um uh United the UAE the UAE I would go to the UAE I would go to the UAE won’t mind it I feel like going to the UAE would be pretty cool um I don’t know what I would do there I

I don’t know um but I just feel like it would be a cool experience I’m on C trip for 20 days from one point uh of Australia to the other you walked the entire length of Australia is that what you’re selling me right now why why would you do that to

Yourself why would you do that to yourself and not record it at least worst part about it was I had to dig a hole of the poop not a Walk Drive okay well that’s not as bad that’s not as bad I mean I’ve driven from New York

To Florida and that’s like a a 12-h hour drive and it’s not very fun but I’ve done it a couple times and my a couple times I mean twice a 4 day continuous Drive H that’s like so that’s basically like driving from from Maine to Cali have you been to Austin I’ve never

Been to Texas so I’ve been in the entire east coast up and down all the way up to Maine all the way down to Florida been in the entire East uh I’ve not really been to the middle of the US ever um um i’ I’ve really only been on

The entire East Coast I’ve been to Pennsylvania but that’s it man yeah hro what are your thoughts on the Emu War how’d that go for Australia man you should go to Canada I’ll go to I would go to Canada to go skiing I’ll would do it I would go skiing in Canada but

That’s that’s like that’s literally the only thing that Canada has bro because what else is in Canada Turtle give give me give me 10 reasons why I should go on vacation to Canada besides diagra Falls because diara Falls I could just go to in New York

So that that that can’t be one of them oh let me go to Niagara Falls and Canada so I can just see a different angle okay no well give give me give me reasons man give me give me reasons minus nager Falls to go to Australia I mean to uh

Sydney we got nice waterfall St place do you really though let’s keep it real let’s keep it real let’s keep it real do you really do you really do you really he really got nice waterfall in that place bro let’s keep it real here let’s keep it real I went to

One a you I went to did you know how how nice how nice was it how nice was it Turtle listen b i i waterfalls are cool I would go is there like good hikes in Canada though I feel like all your high your ice awkward hold up need to make sticks hold

Up yeah all right we’re in we’re not dying by the way we’re like we’re genuinely not dying today I made the decision it’s not happening I’m taking the iron horse armor and we’re taking a bucket let’s go that’s huge we’re taking cat of course uh uh good place to push someone yo

What TNT exp number two what can you do is you could legally have a boxing match with the kangar is that actually legal to do in Australia there’s no way I feel like I would get smoked in a fight against the kangaroo though so I’m not

Lok key I’m not trying to take that you swam to the top of the falls did you know we stop the St police for us with their guns M anyone up and down as you crafted those torches bro listen bro I was a fight dude TNT Experiment 2 failed as I

Forgot to place water this idiot why take Gold Horse Homer and not Iron Horse Homer I have both though I have both all right I lowkey do not need this much Redstone uh we’ll take it here uh I’m going to we’re going we’re going to craft up real quick we’re

We’re we’re going to post up in here real quick let’s let’s let’s get a bit of a actually we have one piece of goal how amazing that is that we have One Singular piece of coal isn’t that fantastic let’s can we cut into this cave right here that’s not right here

Apparently is there not a cave right here where is the cave sick I I I just all I want to do is go in here so I didn’t have to is there no coal anywhere I see coal I know that’s there I need coal we’re not going to find coal

Down here are we no we’re not uh we just don’t need that just don’t need that I’m going to toss that even though it’s like still would work um be lit if you died bro we’ve been we’ve been alive for a minute bro it really wouldn’t it really wouldn’t be if

We died I’m going to keep it real really wouldn’t really wouldn’t um okay get that got the bucket now got the boat up here the gar there boom bo boom I’m me run back up there real quick we just do not have any torches Trevor I

Did not have a good not not have Trevor I did not have a good sleep when I went to the falls as we went we slept on the small island in the lake and I slept on some roofs why did you sleep you camped in the ocean or on Niagara

Falls uh we hiked up the Falls Fair hire they are the most danger in Australia yeah Warden W what do you mean w where is there a warden dominan is your stream delayed is your stream delayed my friend this cor here I knew I had Coal there we go there we go I knew I had coal dude Tripper for no reason I was asking the real questions dude I was asking the real questions we all wanted to know in out house J I felt that stream has a bigger delay when you switch

Platforms is it I don’t think it does it might be like a second or two like another second maybe but depending on when I went from my 20-day trip Trevor I feel dizzy what do you mean you feel dizzy why do you feel dizzy what

Happened he had to dig a hold the poop that’s just not ideal we had a shovel already did you dig the hole with your hands Tyro all right so we got this what are we going to do so do we build uh do we build so do we go uh Diamond chest plate

You think down chest plate Diamond legs would leave us with one or do we not make diamond gear you saw the sad would have made you happy do we or do we go three and Three I jum off to 50 foot Cliffs which was probably the most fun I add make a diamond pick first okay why do we make a diamond pick bro it’s really a diamond pick’s literally just for obsidian though is it really that useful like let’s keep it

Real let’s keep what am I going to do with the diamond pick bro maybe we won’t make anything yet maybe we’ll just like keep it you’re going to be in the nether Trev I’m not going to the nether today though not yet when we need diamond pick we’ll

Make a diamond pick I I I said we stick with what we got like I I’d mess with the diamond axe mess with the diamond axe uh it’s a pickaxe be that a diamond need I say more this is 13 diamonds we could have a diamond chest plate and Diamond legs

Though hour to dig a hole and when I woke up in the morning to poop someone else already did their business there well that doesn’t mean you can’t poop on top of their poop bro you’re just sharing a poophole dude what’s wrong with sharing a poople all right we’re going to find

Some more I I do say I I use the iron and we make proper iron set though um because I mess with the iron gear more than the gold gear even though the gold gear is technically better I just say we should probably wear this fully

Okay do you not know how hard it is are you a dog I am a dog person bro dogs on top it it should be dogs by far bro there’s nothing else should be competing with dogs the first place we got one more iron then we good let’s get

It I hate cats bro I’m not a cat person at all I apologize man cats suck there’s there’s nothing good about a cat there isn’t there isn’t anything good about a cow dude there really isn’t I don’t know why people choose cats like like genuinely what’s the point of cat bro what’s the

Point I guess you can say the same thing about a dog put a dog but like a dog a dog’s just it’s a dog bro it’s a dog bro a dog got that dog them I don’t see a cat having that dog them all right I need more Redstone we don’t we

Don’t we don’t cats are cool if they’re raised right but dogs are just much better no way bro I have my shield up W it’s nothing dude nothing yeah man I’m I’m excited to go back to New York bro I got I got a couple video ideas that we’re going to

Run uh a couple stream ideas so uh on like CH on like December 23rd or something we’re going to build gingerbread house is on stream mean a couple in the mode guys it’s going to be really fun um we’re going a couple people to do it it’s going to be

Great uh a couple of the mode boys you’ll know some of the guys you’ll get to meet a couple of the guys in stream with you get to see IRL so I know they don’t have face cam some of the guys um word yeah Hunter Hunter will be in a in a video

Um Hunter will be in a gingerbread house building stream on December 23rd Mark BR wordss I don’t know if it’ll be on the 23rd it might be on like 22nd like the 20th but it’ll happen at some point there should be a gingerbread house building stream and Hunter Prescot will

Be Hunter Hunter mode uh will be in it so uh it will be elite will be elite Hunter video is not a smart decision no no I Hunter Hunter on stream’s fine Hunter on stream’s fine that’s a D1 golfer right there that we’re bring in what is he Western what is a hog

Noose what is a hog noose bro what was that yeah what a shot by the way all right we’ve been in this thing for a while I don’t think anything here I think I think we’ve kind of explored what we need to explore in here I think it’s time to go

Up before we die oh user you’re still here brother what’s good hello user uh of course I am bro I mean I I I would like to say I’m just Char mod bro technically what do you mean technically I’m a miner what you on about your boy pants dude I do not think

You will be there or mcmd or Fizz I think it’s going be a different crowd uh they kind of just stopped streaming I don’t know what happened to them they kind of just fell off the face of the Earth um so I don’t really know what’s going to happen with them

Um but I am trying to bring up a couple of the the OG mode boys um harburn I have a question harburn have you I could be wrong but did you watch the old Trevor mode vids by any chance or is that a different guy cuz I swear there’s somebody that

Had the name Harper that watched the old Trevor mode videos before I started streaming on on here uh don’t know probably not like I talk like the Vlogs back in the day probably not huh it’s it’s probably different to Harper all TR vids go hard

Bro oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no lagging how long does this pork chop take to eat how long does this pork chop take to eat why are we still eating this pork chop right now why are we still eating this pork chop right now why are we still

Eating this pork chop right now why are we still eating this pork chop why are we still eating this pork chop why are we still eating the singular pork chop right now how long does it take to eat a freaking pork chop why are we why why

Why why why are we still eating this pork chop bro yo there we go fantastic my axe about to Breck that’s ideal let’s get did you I don’t think I ever stream Black Ops 3 ever did I don’t think I ever did no I don’t think I ever own the game funny

Enough got to save every bite of the pork bro was nibbling bro was nibbling on the pork choer I know how to explain that he was nibbling on it probably not then uh you know I was talking about like when not talking about Treo videos I’m talking about like the old like four

Years ago when I was posting like track Vlogs bro way back in the day dude way back in the day long time ago pork chop must have been dry ass bro had to in bro bro did not stop eating it either that or he really just Saed every last bike that was ridiculous

Dude lagging on a single player is the kind of PC I want listen bro this PC is the best PC in the world right all right we got to be thankful we got to be thankful for what we got I was subscribing on my old account

So probably so this hold I’m gonna pull it up real quick just just to just to know CU you’re a real OG you were sub to this channel way back in the day now it looks completely different completely different back of the day way different like this is old Trevor mode

Is what we’re talking we’ve come a long way yo guys it’s your boy CH here welcome back to n we’ve come a very long way a very long way we have G uh I mean we used to stream on Twitch back then what what used to be in my

Description it would literally just be follow me on Twitch at sh mode it wasn’t even linked very very long yeah dude this is content you Minecraft with that guy yeah bro that is not a fridge that is my that is my uh closet I think right make sure you subscribe slap

The like Bel follow me follow me on that used to be the content that everybody came here man that right there check how to look like uh a thumb there all right bro let’s close it out bro let’s just put M bro I need to talk about that bro oh

Dude uh is that a license spit it it wasn’t a real license I actually still have that specific license spit uh but yes it was it was just all that license play was was a uh I don’t even know it was like I just

Got it on a trip one day I just found it like when it was a it was a Hawaiian license plate and I got it uh a long long time ago back in the day oh was a gift way back way back Dan let’s go rip all this

Up how far is the surface away how far is the surface away when you play chest again I I don’t know man I think I think unfortunately the chess era might be over man unfortunately speaking I think it’s the beginning of New Era it’s the Minecraft era for a

Little bit and the fortnite era is starting to slowly come in uh the 24-hour stream that will be happening in the next couple of uh that will be happening next week Checkers ah dude Checkers maybe um uh but the uh the 24-hour stream will definitely be I I’ll definitely play

Some chess in there for like an hour or two um but I know for at least six hours of the stream is going to be Monopoly because we’re going to play two games of Monopoly in the Stream back to back um so however long that takes we have at

Least like that’s literally at least one4 of the stream is going to be Monopoly after that we’re going to run Uno Monopoly bro we got listen bit it’s 24 hour stream we just got to run it’s it’s going to be run how it’s run so

Then after we going to run UNO online or board game online online it’ll be online it’ll be online put monopo with me no we have our six already for Monopoly I already know that’s why I have to set up stuff for for the stream that’s why it’s take a

Little bit because I have to kind of I have to math it out 24 hours of virtual board games n it won’t be that so we’re g to play Monopoly n Noble defitely be played uh maybe actually you know 24 hours of virtual board game would be that

Bad uh we’re going to run risk risk will be run too um um super Auto pets potentially with viewers we could do Super Auto pets for like a couple hours uh I’m sure we’ll end up playing Minecraft at some point just to pass time and then um what else dude I mean

We’ll definitely run chest for a couple hours I mean it’s a very long time to to not run anything Roblox too if there’s any stream that you guys will able to convince me maybe that’ll be the one but I I doubt it is Happy late thanks by the way I appreciate it

Brother I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as well um well can we get some d by the way that we officially lasted a mining session without dying this is officially the longest run we have come without dying all right we survived a mining trip and with that

Being said I do not think we’ll die now like I I think we are set oh for real no this is huge bro this is huge man um so we want since we’re not going to die now we’ll be okay and what’s this why is it darker

Color die be all right we’ve already we’ve already lasted the hardest part right so is that what is that holy cave holy cave waterfall that’s lowkey not a waterfall though like it is but it’s not like I mean it is a waterfall it it definitely

Is one but I’m I’m about to steal it watery okay I yawned it it happened what a cave bro there emeralds is are emeralds well there’s a cave here do exist let’s go up though let’s go up I need a singular water bucket I I there’s no shot this is from the same water though it is this whole waterfall is from One

Singular piece of water that I just took and now there’s no waterfall thank you for the water um is it just Emerald just here what guess it is just emeralds on top of a mountain I didn’t know that was just spawn it I just ended an entire generation’s

Like way of getting water by the way and like a a Snapchat a girl Snapchat just got destroyed like she was going to post a picture to that waterfall tomorrow it’s now gone it’s never going to happen very unfortunate outcome for her this a goat how does a snake walk it

Doesn’t can I kill a goat you not I drop a goat hor that’s a fortunate I just killed a goat for no reason maybe there’ll be another goat you don’t kill them to get go horns I didn’t know that I didn’t know that TNT experiment number three is not

Being commenc and I guarantee you hyro is going to blow himself up again read chat then I said it make it Ram into stone how we have another goat here how do we get to Ram into stone hey Ram into this wall hey hey hey you buddy hey Ram into this

Wall hit this wall hey how does he do it how does he do it get some distance and make sure does Cobblestone work it’s not coming after me how does he come after me bro how how can I get bro to Ram into the stone bro this is really hard

Man let’s go Lucas what if I break this and now there’s Stone here okay you’re telling me to have R okay okay we’re on the same level right now maybe not let’s let’s let’s rip this up a bit let’s rip up real quick yeah and know there’s more of a stone

Wall hit the wall we’re on the same level bro I think we’re friends I don’t think he wants to do it bro I don’t know how how I’m supposed to get this guy do it but I don’t think he’s going to do it I don’t think he’s going to do it you

Should just kiss King me bro how sleep before mobs spawn hey yo yo n Lucas bro shut up bro shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up do it bro he’s not trying to he’s not trying to hit me bro how do you get it

How do you get him to Bro now he got me thinking suu so I can’t say how do I get him to do what I want to do bro this freaking guy make more space in between but this is my last wall bro go just doesn’t care bro he doesn’t

Care just make him Ram into you all right br listen first off that’s ridiculous let’s let’s pause real quick let’s press pause real quick I’m going to look up a YouTube video where is he at now the goat ran away now there’s no goat where did the go go oh here you are

Buddy hello buddy if I H really get upset and maybe now you wants to kill me you look like someone I know even the same voice oh really Lucas I have the same name too buddy come on oh what the do it do it do it do it do it do do

It do it yeah yo you idiot idiot hit me bro oh my God yo this goat sucks bro what an L goat what an L goat bro maybe I am Lucas I do know a lot of Lucas is my friend maybe maybe I am the same guy maybe I

Am bro El Trevor bro the goat he’s just walking away bro yo can somebody look up how I’m supposed to do this bro I don’t even want this goat horn bro why am I even doing this I I really could care less about the horn it just look him just walked

Away not even a goat want to ram bro why did you have to make it crazy bro why why did you have to do that why do we have to why why do we have to make it crazy why I have to make I had to go in a walk

Real quick bro I had to go in a walk real quick to clear whatever the Bro can this goat this absolute idiot of an animal all right just dude just Ram into me dude bro you’re so stupid a tree well they’re saying Stone they you’re saying

Stone okay hey idiot hey idiot come here hey idiot come here oh let’s go look where we’re going look where we’re going we’re going near the trees no no no no no no you’re not going up there buddy you lost your chance listen we were

Trying to have a great time up there but you know what no stop climbing up the mountain no no idiot go back down back down buddy yo yo yo are you resisting arrest right now bro oh Emerald yo you absolute idiot of a freaking goat dude what are you

Doing I said if you want if you want to send me a video or a picture of it I’ll see it higher I’m not going to tr VC though bro this goat is so stupid bro yo this goat’s actually stupid it’s actually so dumb it’s actually so dumb

Yo follow bro idiot why have you not tried to R me yet I you know how far I’ve push you down and you still haven’t done a thing look at me and you buddy turn around oh oh my God oh my God that was a chance yo but there was no tree but

There was no tree hold up bro Hold Up Hold okay this goat’s already running away again are you freaking kidding me no you’re not buddy no you’re not no you’re not you’re coming back down bro I’m getting your hor dude I’m getting your horn and then we’re calling it a

Day you have a good night Maddox bro you’re actually such a stupid idiot go down yes you yes yes no no no no no no no no no go down stop going up we’re not going up we’re not going up are we buddy we’re not no

No we’re not going up we’re not we’re not going up we’re not going up no no no no you has to be on the same level right you has to be on the same level I am with the goat cuz the goat’s being an idiot come back down bro yo yo

Chill the freak out bro come back down come back down come back down yo bro stop stop being an idiot hit it you absolute imile now he’s sprinting up the mountain what a terrible idea what a terrible idea Lucas what a terrible idea look what you’ve done now we’re we’ve lost progress oh

Actually that helps actually cuz now he put himself in a really bad position okay okay okay okay okay all right all right stay no no no no no no no now you stay at this level no stop going up the mountain stay here stay why did you just jump why did you

Just do that no this is what you going to do no stop climbing okay good no no no do you have strings in a slime ball I wish I could make a lead my friend I do not I not have the ability to make a lead bro I just started this world this

Is brand new right now so yeah I don’t care bro you’re everybody I hope everybody’s had great day uh I love you guys um I I stupid goat he’s an idiot um anyway uh I love everybody I love you all but it’s two I’ve been live

For two and a half hours 12:30 right now I have to go do my math homework or else I’m going to fail um so I got six assment right now um you wasted so many time I know I know I know I’m I’m upset the goat’s an idiot bro the goat’s an idiot

I could have been doing my homework an hour ago but it’s brother the goats pissed me off it’s okay to fail no it’s not failure is not an option I always succeed in life and I always just get go I you know I don’t even want to go horn

Bro why why don’t I even want to go I don’t even want one I don’t even want one low key I don’t even want one I don’t I I generally don’t what’s boys I hope everybody had a great day I love you guys all as always yall know that um

No I didn’t fail get good hor we just did not succeed correctly uh if you guys haven’t already make sure you sub to the channel trying to get to 600 Subs uh before December 12th um um we’re at 512 right now so we got a whopping 88 Subs

To go uh so hopefully we can hit that by the end of by December 12th I think we can do it um that’s like 17 days we had 17 days to get 88 Subs I think we can do it we can do it boys I Believe in Us I love you all very

Much if you guys haven’t already make sure you sub to channel that get for pill post well I mean I I’ll next tomorrow’s stream tomorrow stream we got it bro tomorrow stream we got it tomorrow should be got 100% boys um love y’all I’ll be liveing tomorrow I am

Gonna I am going to go on VC I’m finally back with stuff I think unfortunately my friend I’m ending the stream right now you arrived at a very bad time however I will be live again tomorrow it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay dks I hope everything’s going well is

Going well I love you guys all very much um I will be live again tomorrow as I always am join the Discord CU I going to join the uh uh the VC and Discord in like 20 30 minutes so if youall want to talk to me you can I’m going to be doing

Math homework and uh wasting time so I love youall I’ll see you in a bit and um hopefully everybody has a good night peace

This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft!!! (Hardcore)’, was uploaded by ModeTrevor on 2023-11-26 10:37:03. It has garnered 127 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:06 or 9006 seconds. – Main Channel – Instagram – Tiktok – Discord

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    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? If you’re a fan of exploring the depths of the game and uncovering its hidden secrets, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to embark on your next adventure. With a vibrant community of players who are passionate about all things Minecraft, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re interested in testing out scary Minecraft hacks, exploring creepy pastas, or diving into the most disturbing experiments, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us… Read More

  • Bone Meal Trick in Minecraft

    Bone Meal Trick in Minecraft Revolutionize Your Minecraft Gameplay with Bone Meal Farming Are you tired of constantly running out of bone meal in crucial moments of your Minecraft game? Look no further! With a bone meal farm, you can have an infinite supply of this essential item without the need to spend time manually collecting bones. Building Your Bone Meal Farm If you find yourself with excess seeds or leftover dirt from farming, don’t let them go to waste. Instead, follow these simple steps to create a practical and efficient bone meal farm: Place a chest, a hopper, and a composter in a… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft!

    Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Batsy builds a boat, with fishing as the main. The dock is set, with tracks invisible and neat, A functional boat, where fish will meet. The steam and rails, add a touch of charm, As Batsy crafts a boat, with skill and calm. The fishing setup, at the back of the ship, A deployer for fish, a clever little trip. Tires on the sides, a cool design choice, Adding flair to the boat, with a unique voice. Smoke billows out, from the steam and rails, Adding depth to the ship, as… Read More

  • Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft

    Bamboo Well Build Tutorial in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Creating a Cozy Bamboo Well In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly coming up with creative building ideas to enhance their virtual landscapes. One popular build that has caught the attention of many is the Cozy Bamboo Well. This charming structure adds a touch of tranquility to any Minecraft world, making it a must-have for players looking to create a peaceful oasis. Materials Needed: To construct a Cozy Bamboo Well, players will need a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood planks, water buckets, and stone bricks. These materials can be easily gathered by… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Trapped in a Rhyme!

    Minecraft Mayhem: Trapped in a Rhyme! In the world of Minecraft, we were lured into a trap, Our render distance low, couldn’t see the mishap. Nate, my friend, we must flee, this feels like a setup, We gotta run, gotta go, gotta hurry, don’t let up! The danger is near, we must be on our toes, In this funny Minecraft moment, anything goes. But with teamwork and wit, we’ll escape this plight, And live to game another day, in the pixelated light. Read More

  • Spider-Man’s Mob Mod: How to Ride a Tiger, Holding the F Guys

    Spider-Man's Mob Mod: How to Ride a Tiger, Holding the F Guys Welcome to our channel, where gaming is the key, We’re here to entertain and set your spirit free. From Minecraft to Spider-Man, we cover it all, With news and tips, we’ll never let you fall. Join our community, vibrant and bright, Engage with us, let’s share the gaming delight. From epic gameplay to analysis so fine, We’re here to make your gaming experience shine. So hit subscribe, ring the bell with glee, Support our channel, help us grow and see. Together we’ll explore, compete, and play, In this exciting gaming world, every day. Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring Day 11 of the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft As the 100 days challenge in Minecraft continues, the adventure only gets more exciting! On day 11, our player delved into completing tasks on the ground and had a blast working on their horse’s home. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling day in the Minecraft world. Groundwork Galore Day 11 was all about getting down to business on the ground. Our player tackled various tasks, from gathering essential resources to building structures that would aid them in their survival journey. The meticulous attention to detail and strategic… Read More

  • Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown

    Minecraft Cat vs Bear Showdown Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in thrilling battles with monsters. Let’s delve into some of the exciting features that make Minecraft a standout in the gaming world. Endless Possibilities with Minecraft One of the key attractions of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to create virtually anything they can imagine. From towering castles to underground labyrinths, the only limit is your creativity. The game’s blocky graphics may seem simple at first… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

    FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cara Instal Minecraft Java Gratiss Menggunakan TLauncher’, was uploaded by pitapit on 2024-05-23 06:00:05. It has garnered 13051 views and 410 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 📺 Support & Support Pitapit!! » | Like/Like This Video » | Subscribe to Pitapit ► » | Activate the Bell for New Video Notifications » | Donate ► ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💎 Social Media Pitapit! » | X : » | Instagram : » | Facebook : » | Discord : » | Website : 📞… Read More

  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

    Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-05-07 18:00:10. It has garnered 51475 views and 881 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:48 or 2328 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy are in big trouble! They need to build a secret giant CHEST house in order to hide from MUTANT PIRATES! They might even need secret beds! Or will it be too late? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft… Read More

  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

    Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Asan Gamerz on 2024-01-14 05:20:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: Minecraft Server IP: ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More