Insane Lego Fortnite Build Session – Skizz Only!

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Check one two check check now you can hear me right can you hear me now okay there we go so that’s what happens when you unplug something everything just goes completely Haywire so the real test and here’s the best part okay I I killed the stream because I couldn’t uh I couldn’t

Change the output track unless I did that it was the craziest thing no it didn’t break didn’t break we’re we’re good so so here’s oh hi we want to make sure you guys can hear ready boom you got game sounds too okay very good okay so what just happened well

First of all it’s Monday and this kind of thing needs to happen uh but I revamped a lot of stuff oh and you guys said that my you guys said I’m pretty transparent too that’s interesting it’s jeez I got my mustache let’s fix that shall we because that looks just

Weird um let me fix some things real quick everything got whacked out on the stuff and the things in the main stuff look my head turns into a balloons okay let me just fix this real quick um ready watch along with me tell me what you think okay so not great but

I go like that that’s better right how’s that is that good that seems good to me why don’t just leave it like that is that good what not that seems better that good that seems good is that good that was creepy wasn’t it oh what just happened so yeah I unplugged a lot

Of stuff okay first of all before we forget it toe for son this is what I was saying when I but I’m not so you got I just messing with you there um um yeah to foron with the new tier one sub I hope we got the new sub emotes going I

Was sitting there trying to talk about it but then next thing you know I was being all stupid I I totally got you guys let’s go y Mama CLA that’s two years 24 months says happy two years much love right back at you Mama Clair and we’re about with the tier one two

Months all them escape with the tier one 8 months ends with the tier one four months near to t-shirts s months and sailor cat with the five month that’s why this thing got started wrong because we didn’t have a sip out of our Kevin bubbles fre come on with the Kevin

Bubbles and now my go XLR is acting up can I even do I can’t even do birthday yo-yos all right well there you go that’s what happens you unplug stuff that’s what happens I’m not resetting anything I don’t want to kill the stream anymore just going to have to sing

Birthday youo from this point forward you know what I’m saying let’s have a sip out of I can’t do it I can’t do it high enough so we’re going to have to figure that out later so I so here’s the deal here’s my my grand wonderful success

Story of ripping my office apart here’s what I wanted to do I wanted to uh move everything around I wanted to build this table that’s over here now and it’s a giant table and that’s where I’m going to I want to put my dream machine and then I wanted to revamp all

My monitors because Mr Dr professional double doop gave me an awesome try monitor stand a while ago I have each I have four monitors one’s on an arm up here and then these three are on three separate stands one two three and it just takes up a lot of real estate and I

Hate it you can’t move around a lot and I mainly wanted to do it because I wanted to put my new camera like over here you know what I’m saying that’s so I just wanted to do so I went to do it and I didn’t have the right screws so I

Went to Home Depot to get the right screws for it and I just go there looking for screws people I went with a screw that I know that fits but it’s just too long for the back of the monitor win Dome Depot and you guys know

This is how you look for screws I have a section in the screw section like you just find the one it fits into well this one is an 832 standard or an M4 metric that doesn’t make any sense it’s got to be one of the other well I think it’s

Standard because that one was nice and like butter and M4 was a little bit loose Loosey Goosey okay 832 but I need it to be shorter so I looking I don’t know you guys have noticed this uh but uh Home Depot’s got like a few screws

They have a lot of stuff anyways there’s so many so I’m like okay I got to get the 832 I get a little bit less and I found it boom there it is is give me but I’m going to need some washers too let’s get some washers like we’re going to be

Smart Okay because when I put in this long 832 screw it went in like butter into the 832 so that’s what I bought so I come home take the standof only one of the monitors took the stand off sorry to do that one first doesn’t fit in the

Back to this day I have no idea how that’s possible I don’t know how that’s possible do you understand that doesn’t make any sense it makes no sense how how that’s possible like it makes no sense so I got to figure out out in any case

Uh it didn’t work so I just set everything back to normal and that was a tremendous waste of time what a waste of time that was uh and then I’m like you know what though here’s a deal at the very least I’m going to get my new

Webcam going and I bust it open I’m like oh yeah that’s right it’s USBC and my computer only has one USBC port and it just happens to be broken that’s super so by the end of the day here’s what my overhaul was tear everything down build

It back up to have the same level of quality and a table feels good that’s okay because we’re going to have to get back really when the new computer comes in that’s going to be when we’re going to put a lot of emphasis into that you know what

I mean numbers 15 months EBY the Frog two months been loving the podcast and the stream thank you so much Z Dragon Lord 21 months Matt the 12 months arctic fox 100 Bitties has imp check the post Point yet why not that’s a good that I

Doubt it that that put that blame on me put that blame on me because I think I did forget to remind him I’m going to get on it I will put that blame on me okay now let’s see where we’re at okay so so but here here’s the thing I I’m I

Don’t want to be I don’t be ridiculous here okay we’re rocking 6,000 kbps I up it we got zero packet loss I did a 30 minute test earlier I think honestly and I upgraded some cables I think my C like like elevating the cable management and everything don’t speak now but I think

It might be helping okay so here’s the deal so we’re over here now now if you guys remember remember this guy look at this look at this axe look at it look at it closer that is the sickest axe that is an axe right there people and that

Thing chops through things like you cannot believe that was a lot that took a lot of upgrading and now what it means is that our um our our this guy not that guy that guy over here him this thing is maxed out there’s no more upgrade

Options for our our bench look at this pickaxe Frost Pine Rod so where do I get Frost Pine I something tells me the the the winter biome right it’s got to be the winter biome so if that’s the case what that’s going to tell me is that I need to get a certain

Charm uh this guy right here probably need to get the um inner fire charm let’s see increases resistance to cold temperatures all right so wood thread cut ruby BL oh my God more blast cores dude yeah I don’t want to do any more blast cores Andia that’s that’s our twitch adversary

Ania that’s 12 months all right so icy queen says skiz first time watching the live love your YouTube content I see Queen thank you for that yeah blast course suck yes you want to know what wait spicy Burgers will that help me I know I do have an obsession with

This game charmer resilience let’s see grants bonus def okay this guy here oh what’s this oh yeah we know what the regener we got a lot of charms here got a lot of charm so what the spicy Burger is that going to give me is that going to let me

See what this does all right spicy Burger all right eat to heal reduce hunger and temporarily increased cold resistance 10 minutes okay we got me where do you get flour where do you get flour from all right how about this why don’t let me see how many spicy peppers we

Have this flour I got do I got a grow a grain maill let’s go let’s go we’re going to do a grain maill it’s happening you can’t stop me well you can’t I mean I can stop me since I don’t know what I’m doing okay three shells uh

20 granite slabs 20 not rout okay that’s fine 20 granite slabs 20 granite slabs let’s do that let’s go to the zoo there’s some Granite there let’s make some granite slabs change recipe and go we got to put 10 more in there we probably have Granite around here

Somewhere look at all that marbl man we’re put together nicely that’s the other thing we got to we got to make this an actual land here I keep like oh o we got a lot of spicy peppers there so that’s good I keep um oh we need

This take that by any more than that marble slot I keep putting it off wool thread I keep putting off building up our city I just want to keep like exploring oh you know what there’s so much there’s so much Granite over here you’ll see oh you’ll see you don’t

Believe me chck it up you’re going to love it that was graned on the ground right there not to mention once I’m done picking up this Granite uh we just do a little hop skip and a jump with our Pell thing and it’s just we’re it’s just

Amazing I’m going all the way look at that you can see in the distance there wait till you see this you ready for awesomeness not to mention I could use some more beef you guys are not beef okay I could use some more beef come on Cletus I need your beef cuz

We’re going to need to make some burgers all Right here we go all right can you give me that beef where’s the beef oh boy did I just age myself hands up if you know what I what where’s the beef is anybody nobody what does my mug say what does my mug say uh first of all I’m freezing here

Let me get this in my hand my mug says Kevin bubbles Malone refrigerator Jimmy mouan that is my brilliant dog yeah that’s right look at all those hands up who knows what’s the beef is let’s go remember when remember on the office when uh Michael Scott told his people to

Uh recommend some girls for him to go on a blind date with and somebody gave him the name of their friend Wendy and he called and it was a Wendy’s do you guys remember that oh so mean oh look at this guy come

On Cletus wish I had my I wish I had had my thing on me what’s up what’s up give me that shell okay pick it all up pick it up take it out oh no guys we got some trouble I mean not these guys but I got stuck I think I rolled my

Ankle oh no guys there a big old tree in my way what am I going to do yeah that’s what this axe does okay tell your friends you don’t think Lego people have uh ankles guess what we got in the chat I’ll give you a hint okay it starts with a uh

Notification of one person to a group of kids uh about a certain type of music called rock and roll hey kids rock and roll rock on rock on in the chat here 25 months past two years hey man keep on rocking the roll thank you for that nvmd what’s up

H tier one that’s our twitch adversary okay I don’t time to talk to you we’re looking for granite okay woo okay easy peasy man this is this this this axe makes me uh makes me feel pretty good about myself uh excuse me I’m trying to put a I’m trying to pet

You I pet now I don’t know why the lights go off when I betet but it does and I got to get rid of something uh we’ll get rid of this guy for for now and we’re going to pick up this guy here that’s what we’re going to do

That’s what we’re going to do dirt motor derp remoter derp remoter I like it three months I’m so excited I’m going pet this uh he didn’t give me anything oh that was just a little love pet all right let’s get back home soon look at that idiot I didn’t think skellies whoa it’s

Pretty strong swimmer I wouldn’t expect that from a SC not very good at fighting you guys are bad you guys are bad Fighters name that who can name that something can do it who can name what that is you guys are bad Fighters can anybody name it not karate not Karate Kid

It’s a really this is a this is a tough one not rush hour okay here it is ready you guys are bad Fighters pretend pretend I’m I’m fighting with my other hand I’m eating a sandwich with one and I’m fighting with the other hand okay Family Guy RC Knox got

It oh Erica that was mean but you’re right Etho telling me while he beats me yeah it’s Family Guy it was gronowski he’s just whooping uh Peter and Joe and Cleveland and Quagmire with one hand while eating the sandwich the other he’s like you guys are bad

Fighters okay well that was almost cool where’s my home this way I know where it’s at okay so now we’re going to make the rest of the granite slabs I mean come on I mean come on oh I’m all I’m awful I’m awful I’m not awful well I

Mean maybe uh so this thing seen better days I want to get totally scoped up all the goodies and uh where do I live over here hungy man we didn’t fly the way we’re supposed to let me eat something really quick eat this guy here

Okay gra steak in a second here we got to make some spicy Burgers I don’t want to kill those cows we got to go just wolf hunting I guess actually in the desert we get some scorpions that could be good H that could be good that’s all I’m

Saying carteris 10 months hey skiss glad to see you streaming had a rough weekend because of work and your streams always bring a smile to my face that’s what I’m talking about that’s what we do oh ortic Fox got to go back to work boom um all right let’s put some more in

Here and upop and good just let that go come over here and let’s put some stuff away we got granate we got this we have normal slabs we have a lot of organizing to do that’s not lost on me we got a lot of organizing to do we already did

It got to do it again um all right so we’re going to have those slabs in a second and then we’re going to make the Grain Mill which is right there oh we got to let’s do this we got to go seriously more hunting get more wolves I need more

Meat I used to have a lot the be my bottom now my bottom big just eating these like it’s nothing all that Health though dude all right what else can we get I got to go do I have any food in here here I might have to go get more berries

Man I think I might have to get some more berries up I I can eat a tooth or a claw what am I supposed to do with an empty case there those Peppers we should keep this guy on us that’s a night Shield dude that’s a night Shield that’s what I

Like to call awesome all I’m saying got a DNR here okay okay DNR Let’s uh let’s all hang out here and let’s just do what we do hope for the best have some Smiles do our thing M skull tier one 11 months H let me go get some berries really

Quick I I can’t afford this anymore I I I need oh nice I’m going to need to uh save the the meat for the burgers we’re going to we’re going deep into the into the the winter today people just like we did with the lava cave we’re going to do

The same thing but for the winter wonderland that’s what I’m going to call it that’s all I’m saying all right get these berries give me give me give me and get hey there’s beef over there there’s beef in them there hey hey okay oh berries what’s that right get these berries all the

Berries we can get them all very good oh did you see those berries like reproduce over berries who’s he what’s this wolf attacking over here hey bu bu Dodge what’s up all right give me that give me that got to get all the goodies look at this

Guy are you going to be a problem I’m I’m going to take that as a yes and I missed I’m embarrassed yeah you did that to yourself hi oh hello what’s up pancake face hi where are you guys coming from anybody else I think so why does everybody attack me okay

That question works on two levels I’m a super nice guy pretty much kind of and then also like you’re going to lose the berry bush Bandits that’s a good name actually uh all right let’s go get these berries over here maybe we’ll see another wolf get ourselves another

Burger all right all right here we go you look at all these berries dude all for me okay we could have Shar we could have shared okay don’t these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around let’s go I want to do that that’s going be a new thing a new

Thing maybe I’ll stop saying name it maybe I’ll just do references and see if anybody crushes it what what did I not read Fox what do I mean Bob says talk to the m what CU you’re talking about mosle Bop Bob’s like every time I call him out

Here Eden your daughter’s name love it so here’s what we’re going to do I’m going to do it we’re oh first of all what I’m going to do is we’re going to get uh shell the easy way hey buddy Want To Dance come on H hey buddy oh we

Didn’t go in the water hold on try it again no no no no we’re going to do it this way okay well you’re brave okay all right you’re doing great proud of you proud of you why you come for me buddy it’s funny every time all right

She’ll be back she’ll come back that’s right right in to it’s tool that’s what I like maybe maybe we stop uh there’s somebody at my door what am I dealing with here maybe we stop dealing maybe we stop actually saying name it and we just like

Speak now here’s the deal if I do en name it and you guys get it and I didn’t say name it that means that doesn’t mean anything it just means it was a cool cool moment but you guys need to look it up that was totally right and two don’t

These talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around inventory’s full well the inventory part’s not part of it don’t these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around okay Plenty in this Holy Garden silly monkeys where there’s one you’re bound to divide it right

Into there’s a chance I may love the man tool spoiler yes I do all right let’s get let’s get going here it’s cuz I picked up this garbage here going to grab this say get out of here you piece of junk all right go over here time for a grain maill everybody

Time for a grain maill gimpy Gomer with the five months says thank you for what you do hell of a personality and even better person also to is amazing all right it’s a great song Thank You gimpy arctic fox with 100 betties quick pop back into to get a

Birthday yyo it’s Richard Thorton’s birthday this week clip it and send it to him okay somebody clip this and send it to him Richard my birdday yuyo button is busted on my goxlr I got to figure that out but until then birthday you yo why you ever a I can’t get high

Enough and I could use my if I could use my modulator I would but that doesn’t work either right now happy birthday to Richard Thon grein Mill okay uh what what what am I we have the 20 granite slab did I not pick it up let’s go take it okay and

I needed I needed something else too I need where is the green why is this hard for me okay uh 20 knot rout oh boy that’s that’s a lot that’s a good one so let’s do that we’re going to make a lot of not rout I don’t know if I have any

On me right now I do not but I think I’ve got some over here I feel like I did all right there’s 20 right there let’s go guys ready for awesomeness me too there we go get that going this is my base now this is my

Second base we moved here last time it was like pretty much the whole stram was moving but it was the right thing to do because here we are and now the greenlands are right here we want to be near the desert we’re actually in the

Desert and uh where we used to live was way over like see this go 500 more miles to the West that was an awful track to get to the desert and deserts are very important and we should be able to get to the winter wonderland relatively

Quickly from here which is good is that a storm rolling in that looks like a storm rolling in Let’s Dance about It ultro says skid I just want to say I absolutely love the bebs episode of the podcast the other day thank you for that that was a really fun one to do he is a fantastic person incredible interviewer super duper pooper scooper nice guy he’s all the he’s all the stuff

And uh yeah it was a heck of a pleasure heck of a pleasure I’m eating berries right now because we need to make sure we can make some spicy Burgers which if I’m not mistaken is the flower remember the flower the Grain Mill we got to do

The Grain Mill I don’t know how to do this like we have the peppers we got the meat which is good right Mixie spittle l i I read that last part a little too fast I may may not have almost said something different that would have been

Ah probably memd and pushed out there for a long time to come uh I read a thesis I read a thesis on viscosity versus friction this is already very exciting viscosity was easy but friction was hard to get through I get it hard to get through [Laughter] gotcha I enjoyed that scruffy McMahon

With a new tier sub let’s get some new sub emotes going for scruffs junks you’re amazing yeah that that was a heck of a blooper between myself and top oh I forgot to try the Dual stream and I have so many other things to get sorted I forgot to do the Dual streaming

Okay when this is done we’re going to make ourselves a Grain Mill and then I don’t know what it’s going to take to make the flour um but I’m very excited about it in fact if I’m going to build a farm I need to go do it over by my gig over

There you me and take it okay so what am I going to do is we’re going to go bop bop and Bop we have a Grain Mill just want to put it out there flour it’s wheat grain wheat grain is wheat well that’s not good so I’m going

To have to grow some then if I’m seeing this right tell me I have some wheat it’s like every time I got some I’m like do I really need this wait tell me if I have some wheat grein I can’t make the spicy Burgers unless I get

It well this can I bone meal it this is not good this is not good give me something here come on there’s regular Vines we don’t care about that man man we can get dookie no problem punch some grass yeah that’d be nice if it was that easy why don’t we do

This actually let’s go ahead and let’s bust up a bush I think that’s just going to give me Vines but let’s bust up a bush and see what happens juming yeah total chest monster without a doubt I think I’m just going to get vines out of this okay so

There’s a lot of vines out of that oh man every time I found wheat like come on really how do I get wheat there’s a chance to dig weed up with a shovel okay I like that a lot I like where your heads at let’s let’s go make a shovel

We’re going to make a shovel people we need the soil anyways oh it’s so beautiful I don’t have inventory to follow you but I’m going to do it this better be good what you’re leading me to I’m going take a bite wait for me here we go look at all those hearts

Dude hey Mr Cat you guys you sit tight you guys can to have to give me some dookie later for reasons okay how long’s this Tru cuz I kind of I kind of I’m on a schedule buddy you want me to Cross this your loco what under what that’s in the water

I’m not doing it I’m out of here no well let’s do this where’s my shield here we go all right come over here come on no no don’t fight him don’t fight him let him roll here we go did you get out of here okay ready roll what not that come on

Roll there we go oh no what happened buddy all right going back home o there’s a maybe there’s a chest in here that’s got weed in it wheat no I’ll take this though might as well take that take that um excuse me little busy right now buddy is there a chest down

Here all right come with me you know you know sunflowers like can I please have a sword I give you a sword you’re too dangerous look how dangerous you are with your Ms you’re too dangerous with a sword it’s not fair to the skellies you know what’s up

Oh are the tall plants weed is that what you’re telling me are you sure um all right let’s let’s uh that uh that that went poorly all right so what that means is I make I got to make a shovel we’re making a shovel make a shovel I’m make a shovel

Make a shovel shovel and I don’t really need a fancy shovel like seriously eight copper bars like this is ridiculous like why why why would I not just make this fella here makes no sense okay give me this shovel and uh let’s let’s drop off some stuff real quick what was that

Noise guys look at this mess you made my chests are are are complete nightmare I got soil got more soil guys I got soil more so how do I get the wheat are you guys were you trolling me do I actually get the wheat or not what if I dig in the

Grass dig on grass let’s dig in let’s dig in more grass like thicker grass huh getting a lot of soil that’s that’s for true get over here it’s a rare chance all right I’m getting tons of soil how come this why is there not a

Hole hey there it goes let’s go okay we got it we got it let’s let’s go let’s go see if we can plant it and we’re going to plant it near our our main base don’t you think um how do you what is this like

This is a garden plot let’s go okay I need some poopy we need some poopy I thought I brought some poopy didn’t I bring some poopy I have to go scare the Sheep again um excuse me Mr sheep I’m going to need you to go ahead and poop in my hand

Okay I I’m not excited about it either okay where’s the Sheep th those are skellies those are a little bit different than fluffy sheep we got to go get some we got to go get some poopy I do need I Big Time need to organize my chests that is an understatement

Okay since it’s night time anyway we might as well go let’s go across let’s just go over here just go to the bridge find some sheep let’s get some poopy Rusty kurd says I was just listening to your parenting podcast episode and the amount of poop stories uh I want to see something

Awesome check this out hey hi with you not the other way around homie um you know what though dude speaking of which I’m probably going to do this wrong because I always do hold on there we go that had to be done that had to be done if you guys don’t

Know if you don’t know and now you know people uh Rusty courage she’s the the uh artists behind a lot of the animations that you see which are absolutely amazing we going to VIP that sweet thing that’s what you got to do okay why am I doing it for you Rusty no okay

That’s for me okay everything is self- serving I VIP you for me we’re going to keep you happy cuz we got to keep the animations coming uh B and Bop and Bop all right where where’s the Sheep H do I look like I have time for

You is that is that do I come off as somebody’s like oh I wish I had time to fight an idiot roller guy hey buddy you’re an idiot why don’t you roll why don’t you roll homie huh come on Cletus she just walks up and dicks

Him I don’t want to swing at you yet until you’re upside down get your under bellry you’re lucky there not a pool of water around here thinking about maybe be making one myself you know what I’m saying what’s up what’s up all right as I was saying oh all right sheep let’s go

Get some poop uh excuse me Mr sheep if I could trouble you to take dookie inside my hand well that would just be super DPE I’m going to need this corn got to get rid of it need the inventory space all right can you take a little

Dookie in my hand buddy oh you turned around on everything how about that come on and dookie it’s not dookie well not enough space for me to put dookie in my pocket apparently here let’s test your loyal te sunflower see that piece of poop shove it in your

Pocket your pockets are full put it in your mouth testing loyalty all right come on let’s go and do the same one that was the same guy hey buddy you didn’t give me any dooky I still want that get this we don’t need bones these are way too easy to

Find okay more sheep please take me to your leader oh wait I want this that was the whole point of it I have some plastic baggies for the poop yes that’s a very good point okay oh look this is this those are Vines anyways um there’s uh that this is when I take

My dogs on a walk both my wife and she mainly takes the dogs on a walk but we are very courteous dog walkers always bring the poop bags you know what I mean just saying we got draxx with the hunter bitty says SK so fun story time uh first

Of all is there poop around here I I only listen to stories unless I have poop in my hand okay it’s weird it it’s when I was a kid my teachers hated Story Time come on nobody’s giving me poop will you give me more poop if I do this again maybe the cows

Will uh today at my new job this is from draxx uh I learned about can bus programming what C bus programming bus and PR hold on can bus and programming stuff in the middle of someone explaining to me I blurted out this is just IRL Redstone tell me you got to laugh

Because if there was no Minecraft players in there that’s going to be that’s going to go poorly but you got to own those moments all right milk is okay but also Poop okay does does nobody poop around here nobody poops this is really contrary to the book Everybody Poops um I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to eat this guy right here this is about making space something tells me I’m going to really want this milk later we’re going to keep

Looking for poop pet the butt side let’s do it let’s see if that does anything they just turn around hey don’t mind me he’s like whoa no nothing boo try to scare it out of him people nobody around here eats their veggies I got to get all the raspberries I can

CU I can’t eat the meat I need the meat for the for the burgers why is there no poop I only have one poop all that ghost man I finish my coffee pretty much well it’s not very warm anymore they need Taco Bell I that would uh that would work y

That would work that would do it hey bu what a little vanam aftermath right there do the kill shot and go actually it’s really more of a bruly thing but I think Jean Claude was pulling that from Bruce Le I don’t care about spiders look at this up this is a

Beautiful area if I could get some pooping animals that’d be good and anyone newcomers to the stream’s like what did he just swap the word pooping for nothing I need animals for pooping that’s what I need I need more soil I want to make a decent plot here I

Should have at least made the one what we’re going to do I’m make a little farm area it’s going to be great we’re going to actually start building man n can give me some poop yeah bloody lip he is going to going to end up being my

Own I don’t think I want a toil with that fella this guy is this another guy who wants a piece well let’s dance come on Cletus what’s up give it to me all right well nobody else around here interested in pooping that’s for true nobody’s pooping putting on the fridge just want

To say hi skid CU while I watch and cook dinner for the family see I love that I love that cooking for the family I love cooking my wife does most the cooking and she’s an amazing cook but when we cook together I love it guys what is happening oh is it the

Brute save you for another day all right what am I taking it right now get myself another brutes go we go leave it in fact I’m going to go and do this this guy right here we’re going to we’re going to do do uh we’ll do that yeah make it red for

Blood it’s already red going to leave it okay that’s where the brood is we’ll come back for that later the ones the game or the tier one seven months you’re amazing thank you so much for that and then spitt lick really got to say that

Slow spck you need an ember mug it keeps your coffee warm for almost 4 hours now is that are you making that up or is that a thing cuz that sounds neat I I typically end up kind of having my co nobody’s going to poop my I drink my coffee quicker than I

Should I don’t drink a lot of coffee okay here’s I just really talking about coffee these what’s these sheep need some coffee okay so what we need to do does anybody know how to manufacture a laxative in this game cuz that’s what I need to give to these sheep

Okay that’s what I need to do sheep plus Vines equals poo what sheep Plus plus mines what’s that going to do you see more ads than skis what is you’re getting what are you guys getting ads feed Vines to sheep are you serious shut up really okay let’s do

This what are you guys talking for I can’t feed him this how am I supposed to feed it to drop Vines to eat it okay very good I would have never have considered that Nick crusty with the 200 Bitties says holy PO is man what’s up okay you

Guys ready okay we’re going to do it drop here just drop one let’s do a little test here drop look oh look at this let’s go give me some dookie yeah give me my candy all right well done everybody well done what about you Mr sheepy would you like a Vine h

You guys are amazing I would not have thought to do that I’ll be honest with you look hey hey oh that’s even more let’s go and go bop bop bop bop bop bop bop okay give me that dookie look at that little Patty all right now we’re cooking with poop oil

Where where’s where’d your Patty go didn’t one of you is that it no it’s a leaf okay anybody want more I keep doing that just drop them both let’s see what happens when I drop them both numb and nums no there should be a third yep why’ you what’s happening

I don’t see any more dookie I need to put like hit boxes on wait wait wait yeah let’s go okay let’s go back home let’s go make that let’s make this is all so that we can make some flower have I seen the third home I

Didn’t know there was a third Home Alone movie is that for real third home alone is definitely interesting is there really what do you mean there’s six home alone just like different actors so this goes out to Jess Rapunzel’s son I can’t hit the button though cuz it’s not working so I’ll sing

It birthday you yo you have a birthday I can’t do it justice I know it’s not lost on me hey hey thr in the water idiot here we go here we go let’s go this is the uh this is the real Flex of the game soon as

He’s done with there he’s going to roll at me I’m going to dive out of the way he’s going right into the water it’s going to be glorious all right now she’s done hey what about me what about me buddy think oh he didn’t go in the water when idiot

I mean I guess he’s a little smarter you know he’s going to throw something at me would you forget who I forget where I’m at look at this guy hey talking to you what is happening oh here we go oh no it’s funny every time I’m just saying

I’m just saying okay let’s go back home six home Alon how can that be how is that a thing I mean actually let’s here let’s do this you get some Vines okay oh there we go wait wait wait wait wait drop it drop boat both and then you

Eat it and you some poopies all instead I got two things okay that’s fine and you ate you ate all everything so if I give you like five you poop out like you give five things let’s let’s find it out science time for science we’re doing

Science people uh I need to wait till I oh seven let’s go that’s enough science for me here we go check it out so the the theory is we’re only going to get two things but we’re going to see what happens if one of these sheep eats all

Of it eats all seven we’re only going to get two things either two wools or one wool one dookie maybe two dookies but if I get seven things and turn them into an ATM machine oh he’s constipated you ate it you’re the same guy you ate it you’re like oh you’re

Like Drax bear okay so your name is Drax that’s like my dog draxus Su Chef Maximus leave and have a party hat he is a little piggy I’m out of here I’m out of here I’m time for this oh my gosh okay I’m out of here I said I’m out of

Here we have enough to uh let’s let me go back just to get my legs here get up on the water and now we go here we go uh-oh what was the name I missed two are you serious did I really all right we’re going back here we go going back apparently I

Missed two patties serious question if skis is made of candy how do you not dissolve when in the water am I made of candy are you saying I’m sweet or what do we got to go well I don’t think that wolves have a sweet tooth so now your theory is all

Debunk more importantly where’s the dookie how come dookie doesn’t glow I don’t think I’m going to find it we’re going home I’m busy what did Rusty say wait what I missed it oh oh this is a der’s joke uh I’ve invented a new game called Silent tennis it’s like it’s like

Regular tennis but without the racket that’s good that is good all right I’m going to eat this now eating berries okay so this is this is a flex right here I’m going to fight this wolf while eating a berry I guess she’s going to fight it I’ll be right with

You just a couple more bites one more bite okay I’m here now she did all the heavy lifting all right we got to pass I got to make it I’m got to make it oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m stuck behind here here we go I’m leaving

Now all of Branch MVP I know I don’t know why I really should give her a sword but you know hi she’s doing fantastic with that one all right all the brch take care of that fer with the tier one a new one got new subot or foser if we could go

Oh it’s CU this dang it man there we go okay in case you guys didn’t know it’s go time by the way all right so we want to build it over by here I want to put some more campfires just because it’s like ridiculous here right now just a

Campfire every once in a while maybe do one right here all right I’m going to light this place up it’s really kind of ridiculous how dark it is am I out of wood really oh I put a bunch of it away oh that’s thing all right come over to where the thing

Is I’m where’s my place over there where where’s my oh it’s over there okay so just around here somewhere I’m going to build I’m going to start to visualize this I got to go get some wood but I’m thinking I’m going to build a platform from about this height out and nice and

Even maybe from this height or something maybe from here wrap it around let’s go get that wood and see what we can do here this ground is it’s hard to make decisions on building because there’s just Stu like the that you can’t you can’t really terraform right so maybe like we’ll

Start like see where the dot is my cursor right there will be the height and and we’ll go out this way build a big old thing big old platform let’s do it let’s go to the zoom all right we got to go back over there eventually we’re going to end up moving everything

Over foundations make the ground flat for you they do what do you mean foundations what do you mean by foundations I have a lot of wood somewhere here we go so 100 pieces let’s go get started over here did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke he won the

Nobel the Nobel Prize cuz he didn’t ring the bell well you’re not creepy at all hi there I’m cuddle team leader a little tip don’t be afraid to hug it out hey man that’s my gig nice drop in here with that great okay well do you want to stick around or what’s going

On oops I did it again okay live here in my Village okay it doesn’t meet your need so you need it’s got to be we got to up we got to upgrade it what you’re trying to tell me it’s not good enough for you 25 Granite will’ll upgrade stick around

We’ll do it soon okay until then I’m going to do it right here check it out folks okay so foundations so like these here they they kind of like level it out which is nice right how I mean how can you not dig that that looks good doesn’t

It but I kind of want to just like build all right these are foundations here but they don’t necessarily like if I go like this it’s all well and good and I I should be able to but if I come down here it doesn’t like you know what I mean does like I

Put it here it doesn’t make any sense it’s silliness so we’re going to have to do this and we’ll find a way to make it look good later but for the time being let’s just get this nice and like this you know what I mean just check with 100 B thank you so

Much welcome Raiders see this see what we’re doing folks but I can’t go this way this is the thing that makes me bonkers we go like this hold on okay okay ready are you ready why not see like that oh there we go I wish I

Could put it here too I don’t think I can that would be see it’s not going to work okay so what am going to do is we’re going to go like that come on man up there we go up there we go all right all right so now it’s

Now it’s starting to make some sense so come over here we’ll put some support things underneath this so it looks a little more natural oh no guys what we’re going to do is the cactus in our way I have no tools for that yes I do give me that Flex wood

Baby I’m getting the hang of it says pastel that’s I’m talking about okay um chicken that may or may not have been on you okay spoiler that was on you you just walk right in front of a moving axe use your head what’ you kick me use your head why’d you kick

Me um we need that meat drop drop all right oh feather too gosh darn it that’s all right all right so we’re starting to build it and that’s going to be great let’s start to get a feel for this mug I love it by the way case you guys are

Wondering I love it I love this game I can’t imagine you uh could have guessed oh sounds so cool sounds so cool this is one of my favorite things about The Lego Movie is anytime they build real fast it give this like super satisfying sound right well it did

He I here’s what I’m going to dip okay I’m going to stop there I’m build a little little little garden plot right here nothing big we’ll probably clean it up later make it look make a little bit more sense in the future um this guy here okay and take

This guy right here I don’t know what this is going to look like actually we’re going to go right there okay let’s do a couple of these huh Let’s do let’s do a little row just like this okay mid thron 34 month says Lego Batman is the best Batman Lego let

Me tell you something I would have loved to have done the Batman voice oh I would have had so much fun with it it’s so good I I I think I I’ve either seen it or was Batman in another one I’m I’m I’m I’m struggling to

Remember um okay so look at this guys this is a wheat grain okay can I take this can’t do anything with this um oh drai bear you hear drai back there Drax bear is crying downstairs because clearly the misss came home and took Kevin on a walk or Griff and now Drax is

Not on said walk so he just cries you think it’d like break your heart it used to now it’s super annoying I love him all right so this is weak grain I need the seeds but I can make the seeds all right where’s my seeds didn’t I get some

Seeds saved a lot of time there yeah grain is the seed cat deck how are you right click to Planet but I can’t put it in my I can’t even put it in here my inventory so I can get access to it oh an ocular migraine that sounds

Awful you move it like into a chest is that really oh right click on the soil let’s go check it out okay this is going to bug me unless I fix it but we’re going to I this this is you know what let me tell you what I

See okay guys when I look at this what who do I think of go can anybody tell me who comes into my mind when I look at this structure not being properly supported who can tell me anybody nobody not green not scar definitely not skis not Frank Lloyd Wright not

Etho I will say it is a Hermit not Tango not Mumbo not BBs I’m just going to tell you not Ren uh not clebert it’s actually um it’s Pearl not Jim Pearl and I used to uh we played for a brief moment over in the

Legacy server once upon a time and I had an episode of her helping me be being not such a terrible Builder and I did something to this effect I was building like a porch and she’s like how is this standing up and I was so confused I’m

Like what do you mean she’s like your porch has is standing up I’m because it’s Minecraft it just stays there she’s like yeah but in the real world physically that would not be held up I’m all oh my goodness gracious you you’re okay I got you like I learned a valuable

Lesson that day it was so cool okay so you guys telling me I right click oh okay that went poorly hold on let me pick that guy up and uh I I don’t know what just happened do I have to have an empty hand or what is going on here empty hand empty

Hand I have to have an empty hand let’s do this we’re going to put a chest here look at that guy 24 items oh and they stack oh that’s coming in the future dude we look at all these that we’re just skipping 20 items look at this guy’s an idiot this starter

Chest is a joke but it’s going to have to do for now uh this is what we’re going to do okay put it there just for now I just want to I just want to let me let let just hold on okay so if I take this here and I and

I do wait a minute put this back here I go empty hand maybe and oh I got to hit e no I’m very very smart okay I planted I’m amazing uh not playing fast mode with impulse today yeah not today hopefully soon but uh you did get me thinking about

Something and there we go so I check some okay and click okay so so now that’s growing which is good and when that’s done I should be able to get the seeds question is can I plant other stuff can I plant maybe this fell right

Here can I plant them I guess I can eat them you get Hyo wait did I actually plant it I don’t see anything there’s nothing in there was it storage that mean I can put that there all right I mean I guess I should

Could be a dog and bury a bone in there all right so that guy’s going to grow and uh that’s good we’ll get our stuff that we need to make flour we’re going to do this like normal dude we’re have to get some more soil that’s for

True let’s build let’s build a big old thing here I’ve been wanting to do this for a while to be honest junky monkey bury a bone in there with the right attitude chickens are leaving me presents what do you mean what are they leaving me just like eggs and stuff or also feather

Feathers would be good to have are you guys leaving me stuff look at all the dokie I didn’t think you guys duked let’s go I am very impressed can I breed chickens guys this is great thanks for pooping all over the place can’t believe I’m thanking you for that so much

Poop SLE says I PMD you uh link to the Ember mug okay let’s let’s go I’m going to check that out thank you for that okay I wanted this to be nice and organized okay we need more poop and more soil soil won’t be a problem as we know cuz we have this

Trusty shovel Stars 5757 with the tier one 26 months thank you stars and where have you pooped today Mr Chicken I don’t see you pooping anywhere you need to freak out like that take it easy I have a kids book called Everybody Poops you yep Everybody

Poops what a way to introduce a child to getting comfortable with an extremely natural thing why did that book have to be made we’re did did at any point a child poop and then like oh I’m the only one who’s doing this I wish there was

Some kind of book to reassure me that everybody does this voila okay we’re going to make those Burgers soon let’s go check on our plot over here could really use some more dookie did you guys Duke any go look at this right when I say it you guys are just delivering

I you guys had your coffee this is unreal there’s Duke everywhere okay all right does that mean it’s grown we’re going to find out in a second that’s for true all right okay okay okay now now we’re going to open the plot of soil that we did nothing is

It did it it needs to be raw meat dang it so how do I get this wh probably not like that stop it okay how do I get this let it oh it’s not grown I thought it was grown okay dude she is you’re you’re very obedient whatever I punch he punches

When I punch you punch just like that all right let’s get some more while we’re waiting for that to grow we’re waiting for the grass to grow let’s do some more plots huh let’s expand this mug let’s go in fact what I’m you is we’re going

To how far out do we really want this guy to go what do we want it to look like don’t actually know okay just want to level this out it’s pretty nice place pretty nice big place here hello okay just about time to put a pillar right here have it make more

Sense but I don’t really want it to be just a square I kind of want it to I like I like the idea of this being the Pinnacle right here right so almost on to wrap it all the way around the best of my abilities and somebody just out loud

Said you don’t have any abilities that was mean okay elwin says Hey SK my mom’s birthday was Saturday and I get a yuyo for her well my button’s broken today but I can sing it okay let’s go to elwin’s Mom day you yo have a d by the way that’s the

Highest I’ve gotten yet with my y okay let me expand this a little bit more we go and can I go anymore there we go okay I’m liking it oh I’m cold okay I don’t think I can Mo I don’t think I can move this cuz I think it’s oh I can

Okay okay why don’t you pick all this up I’ll get the granite I’ll get the granite oh look at these Peppers we’re going to need those actually just collect them all right let’s leave it let it grow okay how we doing on the thing over here you need bone meal hurry up

Um all right so no more cooking the meat I just learned the hard way and we’re going to need raw like what am I thinking um in fact check it out let’s double check that right there dude that’s raw meat dude so now at least I can eat this so that’s good

At least I can eat them but we need more raw meat now okay well that’s that’s my fault that’s my fault I should have known I should have known but I didn’t so we’re going to go back to the grasslands and uh we’re going to go pack a

Fight I’m going to go pack a fight calling all wolves calling all wolves I am in the mood for a brawl I just missed okay looking for wolves look all right hey homie buddy dang it get closer okay you’re upsetting me all right give me that ouch I have no time for

You I heard a howl there we go that’s another Burger another spicy burger right here yeah fight oh I love it yeah get him and oh look she’s in the mix woo okay more beef more beef I really don’t need this nonsense here drop that guy drop this

Guy we’re looking for other wolves Olive Branch I like when the Scorpions appear because then I regulate on them and I get I get some beef every time look at that thing wants to show me something again doubt it’s worth it all right fine I’ll go but if it’s not something good

I’m leaving okay show me show me show me show me something okay I’ll take that this where you brought me last time is there something under why you in the water do you know I am a land animal did you know that okay hold on I’m coming

All right what do we got what do you got for me what do you got homie you keep going to this spot here I can’t you just want me to go over the waterfall I need this hold on give me give me give me okay where are we going you just want

Me to go over the waterfall this is bad I feel like this is bad feels so bad where does he keep going oh my gosh I didn’t know the Wolves would did you do that or is that cuz he touched the water there’s a total trap yeah s Olive Branch over oh that’s

Mean Olive Branch um there’s this glowy light that I see that nobody else sees he wants me to go over the waterfall she’s like like yeah I’ve been meaning to talk to you about these habits you have and I’m like no no no I swear

Sir I need you to go over and make sure you’re not trap and she’s like what do you mean well I think I might die if I go over but you want me to go over I do blindly follow and then she would cuz uh she’s

Got a sweet tooth in she’s got she got a little crush on me look at that she’s trying to pretend she doesn’t she’ll look back if she looks She’s Got The Crush oh maybe not just a quick glance just a just a glance give me something

Here come on glance all right I’ll take it oh denied all right let’s stop messing around we got work to do so I got I didn’t get any more yeah she definitely wants a sword no question there okay we’re going back now we came here for other stuff when we got

Nothing thr seeds and stuff gosh darn it love this bridge what is that bpop says it’s 5:00 a.m. here just woke up and now I’m watching The Stream that’s what I’m talking about commitment check this out this for you look at this look at me blip blop look at me uhoh

Ouch I fly like a Welshman don’t I what was that was that wind up it grew no it didn’t that’s my never mind forget what I just did Fly Like an Eagle you got any poop for me you going to poop or what what the heck was

That hey G okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so now I come over here and I’m going to go e and I got this wheat here um here’s some raw meat I know need the raw meat that’s good okay pick all this up really

Quick it’s a chicken going on the thing you guys see that the chicken’s going on the geyser all right so can I plant this I guess not all right’s let’s get this back so we use that to cook what we need to cook what did I put there yeah I’ll take the

Wheat to the Grain Mill that’s all well and good but I I needed to that’s to make the flour what did I put there I already forgot but I put the what did I put here to grow this I already forgot I already forgot what was it gosh darn it all

It was a wheat seed well you would think I would get a wheat seed back after I make wheat wheat don’t I mean this is like Minecraft right it’s a Vine all right fine fine Grain Mill can make the seeds let’s go okay oh the seeds come from the midd I

Like that a lot okay here we go grain mail all right so here is flower which is which is what I ultimately want to make here’s the wheat grain that’s what you’re saying that’s what you’re saying assign recipe and let’s go all right so we’ll take this and I should probably

Move the Grain Mill over there to be honest that that would make a lot more sense I should get three of them if I’m seeing that right so take this so now I got three let’s go plant these real quick we’re going to get ton of we’re going to make a lot of

Flow this is like a this is exponential but it’s even more so yeah we’re going to plot along more plots here here we go check it out n and I don’t want to put all three there there we go wait oh there we go okay that works that that’s

Fine okay and Bop and Bop there we go okay let those go let’s see if we can bone mail it we can’t bone me that’s not a thing Manda pandar under the tier one 19 months and then uh glove o plays am I saying that right probably not two months totally doing

Stuff this is all so I can make the spicy burgers and we can Venture into the winter wonderland uh because what we need is the frost vines or whatever they’re called the frost Pines we have the meat we have the meats oh check it out hi um I got you a gift

You want my gift I did this I went shopping just for you don’t look at the price tag and those scratches in it that doesn’t mean it’s used it’s that’s gives it character I’m I’m going to give you take this there you go look how she’s so happy she likees

SpongeBob all right here we go put that away and let’s put put that away this place is a mess we got to get organized uh look at all these wolf cloes I have dude this place is an absolute ridiculous mess I had it I had it so organized back in my old

Home and now I’m doing this should I just give her this long sword I need to make another long sword we have to make a lot of stuff to be honest this is such a mess this place is such a mess all right now when I make my

Burger we have to make sure we ourselves have plenty so I’m we’re going to I’m going to make another sword I got to make another sword proper one gosh it bumps me out though cuz well hold on see this dude 12 copper bars dude I’m doing it I’m doing it and

Then I’m going to enchant it I’m going to enchant it making I’m doing this bop go we’re doing it I’m doing it uh that’s not what I want I want this guy here okay and I want I need all the stuff okay you going back I’m doing it

I’m making it I’m making the proper sword everybody yeah there’s 12 right there that’s going to take a while so we’re going to let that cook and then once once that’s done I’m make myself a sword and I’m going to give you this hand me down you like it

In fact how much it would it uh just a regular long sword five notot rout where’s all my notot rout I know I got a bunch we got to go back we’re going to have to go back and do a cave eventually where’s all the not root wood didn’t I bring a ton

Back where’s on my not route there’s 25 that’s flexwood dang it oh my gosh where’s my not route I want to make her a proper sword well this is not good blip blop says I remember when skis used to try to kill roly poy with his have you seen these Ms all

Right well I need more not rout we don’t have any so we’re going to have to go into a cave get some more and what’s important is I do have uh I do have the right axe for it I that’s Force axe that’s no good oh I

Have how dumb am where’s my axe where’s my nice axe that’s a nice axe where is it um it’s like the best axe in the world I put where is it oh my gosh where’s my axe it’s it’s it’s here somewhere is it there it

Is I’m good at stuff I am good at stuff okay so we want to make sure we’re not cooking this meat here so we’re going to leave it back right in uh here that makes sense that’s where you put meat uh in the real world as well right

With the cut Amber and the rough rubies the Santa Claus and all the raw marble and one shell that’s important if not this doesn’t make any sense but that’s where you put the raw meat okay bright core so that’s still cooking over there okay we got to go we’re going to

Go into uh we’re we’re going to do this actually let’s we’re going to go to the thing guess you guys know what I’m talking about com down to 15 of these guys what is that yeah we’re gone we’re going to go into another cave and we’re going to get

Some more not root wood not wood I what’s it’s called not rud wood whatever it is never calling them anything other than Santa Claus now I know I get they they’re not they’re not sand Claus they’re Santa Claus forever and ever okay um there’s one right there woo okay straight ahead

Lion of Judas says Hey skids do you have a brother that lives or went to Ohio I was at the store one day and there was a tall guy that looked like you uh I do not I do not still going we’re moving I really need better sword than

This pretty soon I’m have one of the greatest swords in the world okay I’m going in venturing into the cave we got to find more not root wood what was that oh more skellies here we go h that’s good good to have that marble I want this ah dang

It tell me I brought wood I didn’t bring any wood I’m very good at stuff give me that I’ll take that I’ll take that too I should take these to make stuff with I’m going to do it now that I am a farmer a professional farmer I do say so myself

Help okay I need all that let’s not get lost spiders just leave me alone any Wood’s good what the heck that’s too much hitting it’s a lot of silk I’ll tell you that good job up jeez that was scary the heck need this to make some ladders go back this

Way oh my gosh look at all this let’s get this let’s oh it’s over there okay leave that there let’s go get this over here all right give it to me oh I need all of it you know what I really should get this marble while I’m

Here don’t you think I think I should get this marble while I’m here peeps there we go dang it I don’t uh let’s go just H just little the little guy wait I even want that that’s fine that’s fine I’m not going to worry about it okay give it all right my

Lord Melo Melo Droid Gainer probably said that wrong love the content and engagement with all of us thank you I appreciate that was it really engagement so I like as I’m like I suck at reading Chad but I do my best so the other day

The other day I I sent you all to uh the D cook all right I I’ve raided Dan Cook before he was like really funny but he’s like it seems awesome what’s going on right now I bet I sent you at a time where he was so focused on his uh pubg

Game that he like didn’t say a word forever I’m like maybe that was a mistake because I know that I’m the I’m the streamer that won’t shut up oh here we go see that struck the child you see that slap juice uh okay let’s build a thing up

Here we need all that not route that is for show there we go okay that’s good and already built this huh must have been marble all up here okay and let’s do one of these guys here come on I want to go across come on right in the side right

There there come on come on fine fine we’ll do this no floors okay rustic how’s that you like that that better that is better oh I’m out of stuff uhoh come on dang it dang it okay this what we’re going to have to do people check it out are you watching why not

And that’s say you walked the plank yeah baby okay on a good amount of not route not going to wor about the mar how much we get 20 that’s not enough dude don’t get lost in here I don’t have time to get lost get out of here yeah oh yeah your sword’s working

Hey buddy what you going to why aren’t you charging it’s funnier when you Char look at her go all right good job good job okay that’s a glider yeah you can get a glider and see it’s more like uh there it is right there you got to build a loom and it is

When you’re like traveling you’re up on big hills and you got to go down it’s a game Cher it’s so awesome I love it not rude okay there we go give me that give me that there we go there’s more over here this is all so we can make I want

To make myself a nice sword and all that this to make her a typical sword so we’re going to go back or a long a nice long sword but we’re going to head on back and uh hopefully our stuff has grown and we can make ourselves a spicy

Burger so we can go into the frost lands and then there we can get the frost Pines and uh and then from there we can probably meet Chris Pine now from there we can do the I want to get the the better sword like an incredible sword I got to get home it’s

Uh this way and now I’m a chunky monkey in fact on our way back we’re going to look for some wolves here we go there’s one right there hey buddy you want to dance let’s dance check it out Dodge let’s go let’s go and she’s a beast all right moving on

More wolves we need more wolves more food I don’t want any more Granite just yet can’t seem to get enough wood going leave that jum Excel you with the 300 Bitties on the topic of burgers years ago on our way back from leave hubby and I were at

The Honolulu airport had some time to grab lunch at BK I get a veggie patty as we sit and eat hubby looks over and says my food poops on your food I think I think I think a moment respond you’re not wrong true story hope it made you chuckle indeed it did my

Bo my poop my my food poops on your food you know what’s funny is what was it oh gosh I had a not an argument but I had a moment like that with an old trainer of mine we were talking about the types of meat we eat there’s different grades

I can’t remember but he had something like that that was like the same story it was like you know it’s two different forms of beef or whatever but he had the same like the same it was a very very similar gig but I I’m to I’m butchering

It so maybe I should have just said nothing hey you want to kiss give me a kiss no what’s up all right give me that all right let’s go back home which is over here uh and there’s a boulder here in fact can I I like rolling these cuz it’s

Fun let’s roll it let’s do it let’s do it come on baby if it picks up some momentum it’s really funny sometimes that destroy stuff H well that wasn’t very cool okay where am I going got to go this way hold her right there

Cow oh I was ready for you to roll what made you give up H oh look at her go dude let going to let her finish that all right here we go going back home now a lot of spiders sunflow is easy easy the MPP okay going

Home put some chickens over here let’s see if we can get any doky no no dookie where’s your guys dookie onine didn’t want your dookie anyway all right let’s go make that amazing sword hey I have a gift for you she’s like there’s like two swings left in

This all right take that now watch this everybody ready for greatness so uh there it is long sword rare long sword let’s go 12 copper bars oh now what I also want to do is I would like to put uh wait where’s my oh I need an Essence thing yeah where’s my where’s

The essence I need I need some essence you took the essence there we go Essence table first six cut Amber 20 flexwood I make an Essence thing I don’t remember what I needed but you can really up your tools um all right let me think let me

Think what did I say all right 20 flexwood and six cut Amber how much cut Amber do we have we have the good news is I can find out really fast how much cut Amber we have because you know we’re very organized here we go four we got four so we need two

More let’s go make two more cut Amber that’s not the one that’s not the one what do I need a gem cutter or something gosh darn it I got to make a gem cutter I thought I made one poopy Stone breaker that’s that right there I need a gem

Cutter gem cutter right there okay 20 Marble Slab five Santa Claus and uh a partridge and a parar tree so three shells five Santa Claus just go over here there’s that wait regular shells or what was it I already forgot it’s sand shells dude it’s a big deal that’s a big

Deal and then there’s your marble slabs I don’t think I need that I’ve already forgot yeah I do okay and five Santa Claus so five Santa Claus we have that somewhere there we are look at that exactly five okay bop bop and Bop so let’s go put the gem cutter over

Here put next to this guy and Gem cutter you can go right there now from there I can cut some Amber and we’re assign that recipe and I think I need need two of them all right so let that go now once that’s done I’m going to make an Essence table it maybe

If I have the stuff cuz I just use a bunch of stuff so Essence I need 20 flexwood and I’m making the cut Amber right now so flexwood did I put it away or something oh flexwood dude not not not rot okay uh there’s flexwood all around me

So I’m not worried about that just want to see if there’s any that I have already right aaliah with a new one that’s a new tier one let’s get some new sub emotes going when fast again I never get to catch you playing it with impulse live um I hopefully tomorrow

Hopefully that’s a bummer about not being able to be more concise with my answers on that because I they work a lot so we’re just going to have to see up look at that baby okay now four so is that done yet one and and two check it out everybody you watching

Are you watching watch harder here for some Glory uh there’s your essence and we’ll put it right there it’s cramming everything in here all right now what I want to do is if I were to if I were to get into here if I were to take this guy

Here uh and I could do okay a strong sword ideal for melee yeah okay empty [ __ ] so one supplied Essences cannot be removed how do you make I forgot how to do this now I would grab it I would put it here I think it’s going to be something to make right

Here right probably here wait what’s going on what am I missing here is it this click what first oh don’t want to do do that um oh I thought I did click it okay so one rough Ruby W the blast cor stuff dude the blastcore stuff’s got me

Twisted that is like so hard like to get they’re so they’re so hard to get like they’re they’re too hard to get durability is a good one dude granite slabs let’s go this is an easy one to put on there and then this one’s interesting here right the essence of

Health increase the chance of enemies dropping heal items when using weapons and tools find that one interesting I really do but first things first let’s do durability uh 10 granite slabs how much Granite do I have on me I have nothing okay let’s get some Granite all right let’s make 10 granite

Slabs let’s go granite slabs and up up up up okay let that go how much raw meat oh I did put the raw meat here right yeah there we go oh how’s our crops doing they’re growing okay we’re going to make some flow while that’s doing

Let’s go get our stuff let’s go get our candy yeah durable for the win durable is a good idea I the okay to the brilliant developers of this game that’s not I’m not being factious I I really like this game um blast cores I’m not against them but they they need to

Be more in abundance there’s they’re so critical to so many items that it needs to be a lot easier uh to get them you know what I mean here we go collect it collect it collect it here we go let’s go did you start harvesting what’s that going to mean

Tiny pickled Plum with the tier one 3 months can’t watch cuz I have to sleep but whoop three months well you get some good sleep wish you could stick around but you uh you do what you got to do okay so let’s make some flour now we

Haven’t used a Grain Mill yet well we have but that was to make the oh I could do this I could make nine right now dude should I do that dude I think I should do it should I do it I think I should do it should I do it

Let’s do it I did it I did it now we’re going to have nine of these man and we’re going to get that that whole thing I think I have I don’t even know if I have nine plots over there we’ll see this is the right thing to do okay but

Next time I’m going to go ahead and next time they grow I’m going to get the the the seeds out of it we’re going to make some flour we’re going to make ourselves spicy Burger we’re going to go into the frostlands we’re going to find ourself

Frost Pines cuz the fact that we updated or upgraded our bench to an epic level is great but I really want this pickaxe look at it look at it harder okay five prostin rods Frost Pine rods there you go um and look at this we are look at this sword we

Have we have this we have one of these by the way so you know and I’m a chunky monkey you’re going to be in the cold a lot crank out the flow yeah that’s what we’re doing we’re getting that uh we’re going to get those spicy Burgers going I

Think as of now now I have am I holding it yeah yeah 50 minutes worth we can make 50 minutes worth of spicy Burgers it’s going to be great palindrome with a new tier one let’s get some new subbing modes going for palindrome and did I see that right it’s

Pal six months palindrome just just sub for six months are you kidding me you’re amazing maybe now is the time to tell you this is my last stream ever I’m so kidding I didn’t even like that joke P drum thank you so much for that six months you’re

Amazing okay so is that are you this is okay let’s go plant these we go plant now don’t you dare says film guy I will not dare I love streaming I love it and here we go let’s go into here and it’s it’s go time so bop

Bop bop that’ be a better way to do this all right uh bop bop bop I really wish I could put this in my hand and just you know what I mean I mean I guess I could do this how about this when we go like this bop bop that

Makes more sense just do e popop popop are you eating my stuff did that chicken just eat our our stuff better not stop it wait a minute it’s like Minecraft like if I drop that is I’m not doing it he’s going to I’m not doing it I need this I no no no

No there we go and bop bop and Bop okay now when this is all done then we’re going to make flow but now it’s on its way that’s what matters palen Jo with 100 Bitties I wouldn’t care if it was your last I got more than enough value from

One episode of the life series nice definitely not my last but thank you for that fox says last stream ever this means it’ll be a 1 million hour stream right I don’t know if I have that kind of resilience it’ be cool though okay um we should make another pickaxe I

Think that that’s important we’re waiting for that to grow and that’s good all right what else can we make what else what else what else what else okay so uh this guy I’m not going to make another pickaxe until we have this guy right here H buddy not

Going that now make another pickaxe till we have this not doing it I want nothing but epic but the problem here folks is that while I would like to take this guy this long sword and I really want damage the blast cores got me all sorts of Twisted durability

In pante we’re going to do it right now case you guys didn’t know that you watching do It look at this [Laughter] woo Joey Fox for the new tier tier one sub let’s get some new sub emotes going for Joey and pickle hippo uh if you’re new to the skids couple things to talk about I love the names I love the online handles that

Make me chuckle and pickle hippo got it done okay I have so many jokes going through my head but I’m going to keep it cool man okay we’re going to keep it cool what Kaylee plays look at that with the tier one Kaye play has been here for 20 months

Already Corley Jane give them out five Subs let’s make sure we got buddy bombs rolling for Corley Jane Joey the fox Found yourself and a lot of others through the life series and hopped on for the ride I’m glad you liked it I really that was that’s a

Really really fun series to make Corley Jane thank you guys thank you so much let’s get those buty bombs rolling um should I do the essence of Health we need five milk and five eggs I don’t ah it’s dark I’m scared okay let’s get five milk and five

Eggs I will get organized eventually I was organized but then we moved like idiots I messed everything up messed everything up we need five eggs five milk I need it he Roman warrior the tier one thank you so much for that 11 months homie I have a question hold on am I

Crazy hold on a second everybody hold on am I reading this wrong my can what’s wrong what is that what is that Spike stabbing me in the brain what is that there’s no light on me what is that dude I don’t like it all right am I crazy what is doing

That I really want to know it’s bothering me it’s not that is it that hold on let me see nothing’s different now all right tell me I make it go away that did make it go away um plumbers crack uh no I was coming in through the blinds there everything’s

Different in my office CU I move so many so many things around where is guys I had eggs I had milk where is it I want to put as many things on this sword as I can should I just bite the bullet and go to a desert

Uh Cave and just get the good stuff huh get one core so I can at least put damage on this thing I feel like I should I don’t want to look at that look how far away it is should I do it man gosh darn it yeah

I’m going to go drop my stuff off let’s drop a bunch of stuff off here oh there’s an egg this place is such a sty it’s such a sty we need that for the burgers get I’m just emptying my pockets at this point I I’ll drink this right

Now not like I need it I’ll do it look at that look at that dude um okay put this away but as much away as you can I’m going to keep that wood on me that Wood’s important oh I had a question big pie maau giting out those

Five Subs let’s get some budy bombs rolling um so let me ask question so earlier I’m going to see something I’m not going to be able to find it oh I know what it was see shouldn’t that be now I’ve seen the name Kaye plays before right I know I

Have I know I have I know I have that’s what I was saying my crazy never thought of making videos with FaceCam Oh you mean like how like Jimmy does it no you know what’s funny is when I do the Minecraft videos I really want

The voice to kind of carry it you know what I mean believe me it’s not like I haven’t thought about it but I really want the voice to carry it I think okay guys we’re going to go this way we’re going to go find a desert

Cave and uh uh and we’re going to we’re going to get in there we’re going to get in there and we’re going to we’re going to see if we can get another blast core cuz those are are very very important okay go this way that looks like a cave right there

Maybe no not yep yep no it is not we’re going towards one right now I any more geysers around here yeah I’m not following you dude you don’t bring me anything good woo yeah what do I need for bigger chest yeah I the frost Pine is like my main

Focus right now is Frost Pine okay going to go look at that Cliff need more geysers helps me helps me travel uhoh I don’t really want to dance with you right now I’m busy all right okay I can take the meat and I need and these Santa CL come on oh my

Gosh I need that oh stupid gravity okay to go all the way down there for that oh my gosh now I can’t get back okay gosh darn it the heck is that what in the is this oh I mean I didn’t Panic you paniced all right that actually is good man that’s a

Good Shield I just got I need a backup’s good that’s a night Shield man let’s go pepper seeds are good got an uncommon shovel let’s go that was cool okay know this guy wants to pie actually this is going to be a Sand Shell so let’s do

This come here come on Cletus come on roll at me roll at me bro there we go no me roll at me yeah this going be a Sand Shell dude These Guys these are different roly poliy come on here we go that could have been bad all right keep moving

Man we got to get all the way I I’m down here because I was got greedy for a Santa Claus faceless YouTube what’s up that was totally a pinata all right it’s over here somewhere over there um now I’m just like a professional flyer let’s call this what it is since I’m up

Here might as well get some goodies I have no pickaxe I have no pickaxe I I must have broke it that’s okay I’m not mad at all you’re mad all right let’s go I just want to get a blast core and then we’ll head on

Back dude where is what is this where is it it’s like I should be right on top of it where’s this cave entrance is it up on top over here oh there it is there it is okay is you’ve been nominated for Top Gear classes what’s Top Gear you’re all and

Revoked snoo booting baby happy birthday it’s your nephew my uh my button’s broken I’m so sorry the actual button’s broken right now okay we need a blast core people that’s a regular idiot Skelly gosh darn it dude I’m here with no pick we got to find a blast score this is important

Oh my gosh that guy sucks okay I’m leaving I don’t want to fight guys I’m looking for a blast car I think we can all agree that we all hate them very much just saying GL sces are so hard to find dude all that guy did was waste my time that’s all I

Did that’s a different exit oh okay oh look this something I built neat we don’t want to go out this way all right see that James Bond exit you see it oh I just swatted it out of your hand dude what the all right keep

Moving I I wish I could still have light when I did that let’s get up let’s get up there let’s see if that does anything for us if I all right chunky monkey kids I’ve been listening to the audio book of project Hail Mary and the narrator sometimes sounds so much like

You and it’s been giving me some extra laughs with some of the jokes would be better if it was actually you narrating it though that would be fun that sounds like a fun job okay I’ll take obsidian I’ll take a drawstring I don’t care about slurp

Mushroom this is it this is all we’re at up here this is what I’m talking about okay the blast cores are so critical and they’re so hard to come by like super hard let’s let me let me go back up here real quick have I been over there

That’s how you travel that’s how you travel in stop did you get burned you got burned cleaning up this place I think the blast cores the rly polies would be grateful and uh what’s down there I don’t want to go down there should we go

Down there I don’t want to go down there let’s go down there don’t do it I’m doing it oh oh I’ve been here up hey welcome to the party pal yeah I’d like been here already gosh darn it dude unless who rude take it out on

You hurting my sword for no reason hey got Nice uhoh run I’ve seen better days here okay run okay time to eat okay chill okay this this was an important meal right here okay need some berries got get those hearts back I need a lot more more of this more all right we’re going to keep going I thought he threw

Dynamite all right what’s back here anything helpful have I been down here I don’t see any blast cores man that’s what I’m talking About I’m not going to get it I’m never going to get the blast core just not going to happen man Well I think that this cave might be tapped out for blast core and that is something I hope gets fixed thanks guys appreciate you thanks for the the welcoming present idiots been through there okay that hurt a lot who did that huh which one of y’all kicked me stop

It no blast course for me this looks new over here though anything in here got some Santa Claus Santa Claus good what was that you okay I’m going to I’m going to venture no that that looked rough that look really rough there we go there we go

This seems like a new area there’s got to be a blast core around here I just I’m feeling I’m feeling in my bones feeling in my bones over here feeling it okay got some bone feelings let’s go what no no it’s I don’t feel anything it’s not here there’s no blast course

I’m out of here that was such a waste of time hey every time you do that freaks me out can you text me next time you’re like I’m just texting I’ll be there in a few seconds it freaks me out every time we’re going to go out this way and we’ll

Go back home gosh darn it yep okay this is good it’s actually good run okay give me that okay get that beef and they gave us some beef which is good how far away are we from home pretty far away actually we got to go this way all right come on Olive

Branch going this way right way yeah here we go ready here we go I need another geyser please why am I going the wrong way how am I supposed to cross this how did I get over here oh cuz oh this that whole cave went underground okay let’s go what so now I

Got to build we got to build a bridge okay ready we’re going to try to get to that rock there’s a lemon behind that rock come on baby that endurance about to run out get up there all right yes and then check this out put this here just be safe let’s get over

He’s going to charge us and he’s going to go right into the water we’re going to collect his yummy shell and hey hey the heck hey buddy come over here go in the water I don’t want to waste precious sword on you jeez Dy all right let’s put this

Back do these guys give us steak I always forget yeah yeah they do geez Stakes good these are all Burgers people oh let’s get a Santa Claus hey buddy hey hey okay go home now somehow interesting treat might as well pick these probably have enough at home but we’re going to pick these

Anyways time to make some burgers people hey hey that hurt a lot okay time to move on it’s dangerous around here did the geyser just go off somewhere where’s my house where is it over there goodness gracious we got to go like how did I travel so far I didn’t think I traveled

That far oh here we go fun time woo yeah yeah all right such a child are we doing this wow all right let them duke it out not our not our fight oh these idiots these guys are pretty dangerous this could be Reckless are we doing

This there we go fight fight the Wolf come on Wolf wo run run I thought there be explosion all right ah we don’t need this let me pick this guy blast powder is important man okay time to go home I don’t know how I got all the way over here oh no I

Did it all right dramas sock uhoh another one you be well got plenty of uh Peppers that’s for true are we doing this I hate chasing stuff down the hill okay okay ready guys um is this guy for real oh what’s up give me this pick it

Up hugs for Italy with the tier one a new one that was 12 minutes ago please get those new subie modes going for hugs and then hady B with the $10 skis first year skizzle craft server is full of incredible people and I’m honored to have joined tomorrow is my birthday I’ve

Been so sick and circumstances have robbed me of energy and left me with fear of depression no bird day yuyo but try but oh but but try sorry but thank you for being you well let’s get you tune in tomorrow let’s give you a birthday yuyo I’d like to give you a

Proper one because my button’s broken I’ve haven’t been able to do proper birdday yuyos today I’m glad you’re here I’m not going to be able to make it across this water why am I even trying it’s not going to happen don’t do it what am I doing how do I get over

There okay I don’t need any more Santa Claus just yet we just want to get across we just want to get across there we go I don’t even fight these guys anymore I’m too good okay home is that that’s not home what am I missing here where’s my home that’s

A why there what’s happening right now is this my home that’s my home sorry sflow I got lost all right let’s go gosh darn it dang it all right that’s okay we keep going we keep going we got to go to here that’s okay I I got I that was we needed

The exercise I did it I did it cuz uh actually it’s in preparation for all these spicy Burgers I’m about to eat just trying to uh get ourselves into a caloric deficit now because we’re about to wreck it it’s like when you don’t eat on Thanksgiving Day you just

Like save it the same thing exercise and then we eat the burgers makes sense to me you think there’s anything up there is there a geyser around here you think where I can get up there cuz that would be needo mosquito I don’t want to have to build to get up

There okay still going the right way which is good here we go look at my sword’s already halfway done my copper sword that has durability is already halfway done I don’t like that doesn’t that feel wrong it feels wrong to me my my copper sword that has durability enchantment is already halfway

Done I’m never going to make this swim am I might not a strong swimmer tell you that I’m not going to make it am I oh my gosh oh oh it’s going to be close oh get there yes I wasn’t even worried okay we keep going if you don’t like weapon

Durability you’d hate the new Zelda games so they really B quick I definitely need unbreakable on this thing this is the worst we already check this for goodies let’s go see what’s in this chest here I’ll take a Santa Claus uh nothing wrong with having another torch don’t care about corn

Kernels that’s for true and let’s go upstairs I’m already collecting these anyway uh yes C always always always yes uh always people always yes to blast P okay you learned it here from your uncle skiss we keep going I know it’s been 8 8,500 minutes

To get the master swords gone in like 10 minutes I am with you all right I’m hoping that the developers of this game which I like a lot by the way are listening because this game’s got some serious legs what is this is that a bunker dude what is

This do I look like I have time for you Pooch huh if I had steak cook I would eat it right in front of your face this looks like a bunker I’m eating a raw I don’t want to eat a raw why don’t you quit dancing and let’s dance what is happening

Here what is he doing all right he is upsetting me what is this maybe put some Dynamite on it ready ready okay run fire in the hole [Laughter] oh that didn’t do anything for us but it was neat all right I have time for this Pooch I’m

Leaving oh it’s an Easter egg it’s a bunker from fortnite gotcha another Pooch another Pooch oh look at the respect I’m getting oh I’m getting a little hitch there oh the game’s hitching for me that’s interesting I want to go home I want to go to the frost

Lands I want nothing but epic tools but I would really like them to last longer too o scorpion that means yummy dummy Burger look at that ramp did I build that hey buddy run run okay it’s okay you’re going to be okay might as well get berries anytime I see him man

Pineapple I know it’s called a slat Berry but it looks like pineapple to me okay we keep moving make villagers to cook for you ooh we did have a little glitch in The Matrix there didn’t we okay this is from I went up to the uh that’s when I went

Up to the cloud that’s what that is uh-oh okay where’s my ouchy run oh it didn’t blow that was a spider okay we go up here now there was a cloud it was like the end of the rainbow cloud so I’m like right over there yeah I’m right over here

Okay The Cloud of disappointment yeah wasn’t the greatest okay we’re back home now really excited that we wasted our time I mean we wasted your time too but I don’t care about that yes I do all right well now that this is done but oops there we go need a little flying

Machine Harvest this okay now with that being said um is it did it fill up my inventory of with wheat did that mute button work I’m starting to think it didn’t work since nothing’s working on my go XLR it didn’t work did it I’m very sorry that Granite there can

I all right we got nine there oh wait oh cuz I oh gotcha Goa go go go go gocha okay let’s go make some flour okay we go now what are you guys what are you doing to my crops I’m leaving the mute did not work there we go check

Check check not working really glad I sneezed in all your faces you’re welcome Prime entertainment folks the skizzle man sneeze stream that’s not easy to say all right it’s time for the uh the grain maill so now we’re going to make flour change recipe what else we got in here anyways

Make flour and let’s let’s make uh oh wait no I got to I got to make these wheat grains that’s what it is change recipe and we’ll make all of them and then we’ll plant some and then we’ll make some flour all right keep an eye on me I’ll

Be right back don’t let me get hurt for I live am I alive we still there more importantly how are you all right let’s get back to it uh we got the take all this look at all that dude now it’s time for some flour so what I’m going to do

Is I’m going to make how many plots I have over there I don’t remember how many plots I had I don’t know look at this uh s g Sanchez saying skis I just wanted you to know I just nominated the impant skis channel for best shared channel on the streamer

Awards you both have entertained me so much these past few years no one else deserves that award more I hope you both get nominated and win the award well thank you for that how cool is that thank you um I’m going to make 10 flowers and

I’m going to plant the rest of these while that’s cooking I got to put a thing at the end there I got to do it I’m doing it I am unbelievable I just like squirrel left and right and I’m fine with it here we go let’s do this let’s

Put a let’s put a pillar over here all right let’s go over here but I kind of want to build this out more not yet we’re going to build it out more now I got to do it I’ll tear it down if I need to okay is that okay right

There not really working unless I do this oo this could be cool check it out are you watching watch harder floors and actually Foundation do this thick fella here nope no nope nope is that centered it’s not centered that’s what I hate I can’t really tell this looks

Stupid get in there it’s not working that’s why I can’t have nice Things I want to mess with you anyway look at she just gets in my corner dude I love it all right well this is stupid I was hoping it Briggs with the 52 months G how’s it going it’s going all right how are you Briggs well I was hoping to be cool but

Uh that ship sailed pretty quickly so I’m going to get this in there forget it forget it all right let’s go plant the rest of these remember the best way to do this is to be cool check it out n n see that n n where’ the music go should we have some

Musle terraforming with skiz hour that was just the worst wasn’t it jeez tried to do it that was just not happening uhoh all right here we go let’s go now what also I’m going to do after we do this okay put that there put this in here there’s the milk

Hey there’s five milk right there dude get five five eggs we’ll do the thing with the stuff you know what I mean ow oh is that right oh if you fill it with seeds then when you harvest it just the new one’s there I got you all right that’s good to

Know okay so here’s our flower which we’re very excited about because we’re going to do this we’re going to make make uh spicy Burger um oh no that’s my bad that’s my mistake okay we’ll make six of them I don’t think we’ll be there for an hour

But now we have enough to be there for now right we’re going to go to the winter wonderland where’s my mega base this is my mega base we moved everything gold great says did the same thing today I’ve done that several times spicy Burger still try to harvest

Poopsies no I’m trying to uh I’m trying to we got to get this cuz we’re going to go to the the frost lands and this will help keep us warm and fed now while that’s oh hurry up with the burgers is it making three these only

Stack do I have three now so there’s three which is good oh they look so good I’m a chunky monkey okay they okay for a second there I thought they were making three per I often I to collect poop to stay warm I know doesn’t make a whole lot of

Sense but here here we are okay it is stacking that was weird for a second there all right now that’ll be the last one here now for the time being I am going to change to this change the recipe and we’ll get some regular beef

Going uh just so we can get our hunger up and then when we get there is when we’ll eat the burger and that’ll be good do we have potatoes can I make some fries um I love Burgers and Fries people I want to put it out there now here’s

The other thing we need to make sure if we go Here no no no no no no go here okay can’t do damage cuz we we went to try to get a a blast cord didn’t happen uh rough Amber five eggs if I get five eggs because we know we have rough Amber we can put one more enchantment on

Our sword that’s almost dead I’m sorry I can’t say it enough I’m very upset about that this sword was very expensive that’s a lot of copper bars and an enchantment of durability for it to go that pass okay there I said it how’s your how’s your long sword

Doing cuz I feel like I should make some more right we got some not Roots let’s do this let’s go not rot Rod I thought I must have put that away I’m starving I’m starving Marvin here yep getting hurt I’m working on it working on it and n

I wish I could put mending on the sword peon by the way that’s the first time in the history of uh human dialogue that’s ever been said I wish I could put mending on the sword peon all right time to empty our pockets time to make some chest we can empty our

Pockets um where people of how awful this is it’s not lost on me okay I understand how crazy this is I got to make some planks I actually think I have planks in here don’t I like iy really want a piece is this you really want to do this now

Whoa okay not afraid of you hold on I’m ready and here we go ouch ouch okay that’s it that’s it this for sunflower I mean I know what’s up okay we got to put this away more proof you impulse or best friend storage issues yeah Ken Senior asking uh did I get my

Office switching I got my office torn up and put back together to with no no improvement but that’s actually not true there’s a long story behind it I got more stuff to do but in doing so I did more cable management and I did upgrade

One of my cables and I don’t want to get ahead of myself here but we have 0.0% packet loss this entire stream and I up my bit rate to 6 6,000 so feeling pretty good about that dime live thank you all right what what am I doing oh uh

Planks that’s not a lumber mill okay oh the chest Monster is real it is so bad oh it’s so bad didn’t I have planks in here somewhere I’m going to organize this offline I did it before at our old base and it was not too bad but uh since we moved over

Here oh my gosh are you serious with this dude just stack since we moved over here it’s been a different gig all right here we go I I just have haven’t gotten around to it we could be making better chest dude we’re going to do it it’s going to happen well it

Is okay let’s do this like I’m acting like I’m doing some kind of order here it’s just so I don’t care all right let’s go I where we go okay we do it all and I’m going to pick all this stuff up in a second I’m just going to pick up what I

Need there we go all right let’s go all right hold on so I definitely want uh my recurve crossbow is this a did you just hum at me this is uncommon uh which means and here’s my long sword that’s what are we giggling at H my butt crack

Showing uh there’s a grilled meat that’s for me to put in my mouth and I’ll definitely take this guy uh I don’t care about Dynamite definitely take torches obsidian oh my gosh what am I think I have to make some kind of pick I’m not very happy at the fact I said I

Was not going to make another pick until we did our thing you know what I mean let’s get some chickens let’s get this enchantment on it let me get some eggs need some eggs out of you guys how you doing buddy good boy tell you right now my wife would

Love this part of the game she would love petting the chickens look at all the Poop there we go okay you guys you delivered on the dookie oh that was almost cool I said almost all right we have eggs back in the gig let’s do this let’s put this last enchantment on it you think she’d like start Valley you ever check that out um where’s the other

Eggs there’s that definitely need that I forgot what I needed for this hold on keep doing the same thing over and over again all right not durability health okay oh rough Amber rough Amber here we go up there we go all right just take this one there we

Go and we need eggs there’s another one there we go let’s do this people I can’t believe I’m going to do this but I’m going to do it essence of Health go now we got two dots we’re not going to get damage cuz I we just went looking

For another blast core and that’s just not going to happen but we got two dots on it all right so Burgers I need more I need more food like a lot more so we are going to just pick up berries on the way um we can get wood along the way oh I

Hate this I’m going to make I have to make a pickaxe I it’s not going to be the best I mean I could make an easy really good pickaxe but I’m aiming we’re going to do it three flexwood and three Santa Claus that’s easy peasy that’s easy peasy so

Take and I want two three hey dang it okay but what stop it three give it and we need Flex wood such a mess there we go was it Rod or what am I dealing with here I already forgot uh uh here we go um this guy here Rod it is Rod take

It we’re good get rid of your oh get rid of your Cal charm or you’ll freeze Is that real okay let’s put those away uh since we’re going yeah you’re right since we’re going there anyways oh I feel so awful taking these off man I do not like

This okay but I do have some more charms look at that I have F now I’m hot okay so now I’m normal I guess we have to have one at least you go in the cave is when you need all three well I’m not making any heat

Charms but but I am I was going to but they’re really like super expensive like check it out I’m still hot are you kidding me right now I guess I don’t really have a choice I’m have to take it off when I get there might as

Well I mean this is crazy right I feel like I’m normal now yeah the blast cores are no good but I do have other charms around here oh there we go there’s one right there Health charm so at least I can put that guy on give me some more Health

Look at all those hearts baby what’s up jeez that’s loud okay uh we got this now and we need this we are going to make ourselves a pair of past pants and then we’re going to be on our way so now we have this guy here which

Is a nice pick it’s a rare one but we’re really aiming after this The Uncommon one all right this guy here look at him look at him he runs like a Wheelman this guy here that’s what we want that’s what I want well we do and since we’re going to

Go do this what we might as well do since it takes forever is is we might as well get some obsidian slabs in motion here uh where is the obsidian there we go there’s two really thought I had a lot more than this uhoh oh boy oh Blazers oh Blazers really dude

Hey I think I did that earlier all right can’t do it all but I’ll make like 10 of them okay so obsidian slab change it and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 okay do that and then put this back okay there’s another Health charm

We can’t equip it although I should take it I should take it I’m taking it did I take it I’m taking it I’m going to take this guy here and then we’ll put him on once we get to the winter wonderland okay okay so we have almost no food

That’s good let’s get some berries I’m not going to eat peppers oh I could eat peppers no we have the spicy Burger look at this let’s cook these right let’s cook it let’s cook these five here this will be good for us okay as soon as those are done cooking we’re

Going Blue Devil says heyo nice to catch you on stream I’m watching the hot ones challenge VOD that you did with impulse and Tango I love watching these IRL and Fasto vods while doing my things keep up the great work brother Blue Devil thank you for that by the way your name is

Killer guys the Blue Devil is one of the greatest CS that’s ever walked the planet just saying I’m just saying don’t need these Planks on us have my axe we’re making a we’re about to make a pickaxe I mean I made a pickaxe have a sword don’t need a

Shove um we’ll put this guy right there for now okay and we’re going to get our meat or we’re going to go soon as that’s done one more to go okay where’s the winter wonderland we got to go where’s the where where is

It I think we got to go we got to go west all right so we’re going to go west which is some sort of direction is it this direction it is more like this way we’re going to go this way okay we’re going to go weast this going to be a long journey

Let’s go we’re going to the frost the the winter wonderland whatever it’s called and uh and and there there you have it we’re going to get there and we can eat our burger and be warm actually get in there and just see what it’s all about we got to find Frost

Pine that’s what we’re here to do we’re here to fight Frost PL these waters are moving today I’m not getting in any fights I’m on a mission here look at this guy look Sherk going to throw at me huh idiot jeez all right keep going see you can see it in the distance

Already see it out there let’s go get meat you’ll need tons of food okay so I’m keep getting these berries I did bring I brought a bunch of spicy Burgers to keep me warm while I’m there each one lasts for 10 minutes and I do want to me at least

Bare minimum bring a bunch of berries but you’re right though anytime but the thing is I don’t want to stop and Grill and everything you know what I mean I didn’t bring a shield I left my shield at home that was very foolish all right that’s okay now that’s a spicy meat

B berries are not good for where I go it’s got to be it’s really got to be the meat does it I don’t want to kill cows I mean I’m bringing six pieces of meat we’re going to go around this mountain here you guys hear that no I hear the I hear the

Brute don’t you hear the brute there he is dude we’re not going to mess with him man we’re going around you stay over there Mr brute I’ve gotten in one fight with you and I won so I’m leaving for your sake you’re welcome uhoh look at me dude I’m like a goat

That’s a lot of spiders jeez but not like that skid have you ever listened to the deer hunter I have not I have not listened to the Dear Hunter keep going keep going keep going I don’t have time for these idiots that wolf wants to kill me and I still think he’s

Cute that’s when you know you got a dog problem I’ve listened to the deer hunter by Bob and Doug McKenzie is that the oh the Beer Hunter no the deer hunter I’m not yeah the the snowland this way might as well put I didn’t oh I was I got to it’s

Acting all trippy check it out take it out and put it back there we go any chance I get to use that glider I’m taking it let’s go that was a good one okay going through here you know what I so I just finished I do a lot of uh podcast listening

Like storytelling American history storytellers I finished uh the Blair or the Blair Witch the uh Salem witch trials that was the Blair Witch Salem Witch Trials was absolutely amazing amazing and disturbing and uh listen to uh the story of um Elisa Alcott the author of Little Women that was an amazing story Amazing

Story and now what did I just finish I just finished something and now I’m just started the Mississippi flood oh my gosh these stories are amazing okay I’m going jumping I really need it to be daytime oh my gosh poor sunflower like you going

To help me or what well you know you can teleport and regenerate and all that so you’re doing great who jeez wow wow good job P nelope that’s her new nickname that also is a nickname for my cat Kora Cora Penelope and uh let me tell you about coral Penelope you know she

Hates what I do you know like some cats hate it when you like you pick them up some cats hate it when you kiss them most likely when you scratch their butt not all some hate it when you rub their bellies uh C just hates it when I sleep

I’ve learned that never learned that she hates it when I’m asleep she does everything in her power to stop it guys where where where is the winner wonderlands I could have sworn I was going towards it but if I went I know it’s it’s north of my old base I know

That but I thought it was like all along the west side west side so let’s keep going let’s keep going this way right keep going Let’s uh fly there we go oh that’s good flying right there dude yes that’s how you cover ground Like A Boss look at this skellies are like

Whoa okay thanks for that quite of a posy back there you doing great Olive Branch proud of you AR you teleport over here oh that went South okay sorry I’ll see you in a little bit when you regenerate that’s why I leave you feel like I should pick up some Easy

Wood are we dancing or what no got to give it to these wolves they’re learning I’m learning who’s boss around here swing we doing this man I feel bad he didn’t even attack me I mean I’ll get over it still kind of feel bad but all right

I wish there was a move where I could take the sword and just like drive it behind me like this don’t even look around just pick berries and just sheath it eat your Berry don’t even turn around like when I smoke scar you know what I’m talking about

Oh he I’m going to eat your head hey there you can call me beef boss and the answer is yes I’m hungry for adventure nice to meet you so he swell to me a new face very good not getting caught in any rainstorms today that’s good talk it’s good talk all right I’m

Just going to go ahead and steal from you if we’re good with that I guess you can have your garbage all right keep going let’s get up to the top here we’re dealing with here bit twiddle seven mons that’s like more than six well it is B twiddle thank you

Um I don’t know what is happening okay what does this game want where is the winner Wonderland I could have sworn I could to go all the way back to my old place there’s ocean right there what are you bringing your here for there’s people here I really got to

Go Burger man will cook better food for you will he and there’s another brute down there go south you think go south no way really you think down here you think that there’s winter down here there’s my bridge there’s a bridge right there there’s little two little

That’s my old home is way over here and honestly near that is is a Winter Wonderland so the question becomes is there more yeah I feel like I should go more West this way right okay oh look I can see it there it is right there okay I feel better I see it

There it is what’s side okay there it is we can see it now The Stranger says is this game like Minecraft Legos and fortnite had a baby yes that is that is the best way to put it that is correct why don’t you come over here Wolfie no I don’t think so let’s

Go I’m just passing by no need to have a problem with me coming through don’t need to fight me or anything I’m not going to come in and Rob you or anything I do want to look through your chest though I definitely can’t afford to uh

Sunflower I think I love you all right and they Cooked our steak for us so that’s good take that take that a short sword really she’s laughing at me well you’re the one who’s going to be using it so you know see who’s laughing then me I I’ll be the one

Laughing okay want to clear that up let’s keep going all right going on to frost lands here in a second we’re going to need our spicy burger just a little bit I’m willing to let you leave leave you know you want to live you want to live why don’t you should become my

Pet that I would really like so far the glider is the best addition to the game that’s what I’m saying Victory set chunky Monkey oh 52 minutes for a restart we can do this we can get in and out oo now I want in and out I’m getting a little hitch here you guys seen that hitch not even me I’m feeling so good about these streams lately man I was dealing with it for a while

You guys remember oh okay isn’t there another that place sucks okay okay you ready now sunflower I want you to listen to me okay it’s going to get cold in there it’s okay that’s good you that’s we back it’s going to get cold in there okay

It’s going to get dark it’s going to get dangerous you’re going to be hanging on for dear life going to be begging begging for the frost to take you and then night time we’re going to have to bundle up because it’s the only way to live here we go H

Uh-oh okay already time to eat a burger eating a burger now hurry up all right that’s what I’m talking about okay so here we are 10 minutes for Burger number one I should really put a bed down and a burger inside it shouldn’t I do that I think I should

Do that I’m going to do that did I do it oh I forgot cuz I’m dumb okay there’s a snaz berries we don’t need any snow berries just yet let’s uh let’s get some flexwood let’s see what we can do here I have no idea or not flexwood we want to

Get the frost Pine so let’s cut down a regular tree and see if uh that’s what it is jeez oh that’s it dude oh that’s Frost Pine right there let’s go okay we got it is that regular wood regular wood I want Frost Pline only okay we need Frost Pine nothing but

Frost Pine how do I know when it’s Frost Pine Richard coming in with the raid Richard I heard it’s your birthday buddy happy birthday I would do a birthday yuyo for you but it’s broken look at this look at all this Frost P I’m getting welcome in Raiders

We’re playing some Lego fortnite It’s a Wonderful game it really is a lot of fun we’re going to do some test 8:30 8:30 left on my uh Burger we’ll come back and see if this is actually a form of pausing Richard with 42 months you’re amazing mommy Sparkle craft 17 months

Bit twiddle the seven months I know that was 7 months ago but I still love it ceso the tier one 23 months jadeed Jade Melody 40 months from Richard to skiz two amazing guys Richard how are you my friend tell you right now you’re uh if you stepped away that’s okay you you

Enjoy every oh mate I got the clip from earlier there we go good okay good oh that does not PA it okay science done I was hoping that was a form of pausing it is not we need to get as much Frost Pine as we can possibly

Carry and I’m not going to lie I’m kind of curious on uh if there’s any other resources out here look at all this delicious Frost Pline now this here is this oh that’s not breakable okay keep going keep going by the way just for the record I

Am swinging the most deadly axe in the game well maybe not I guess we didn’t put any enchantments on it but it’s a good one uh if there’s any chance every all you be beautiful people listening uh mods let’s do a shout out to RT and why why

You ask well because if you are a fan of the infant skiz podcast that opening jingle written by and and performed by none other than Richard Thornton himself what building is there a building around here I I went in that building what are you saying saying break this apart I’ll get

More that’s no good can I stay warm in here I wonder doesn’t seem to change nothing that I care about in here I wonder if I’m warmer in here let me go outside oh it is a little warmer in there look at my needle let’s

Go okay got to keep going here got 6 minutes left on this burger and then we’ll eat another one malachit on the mountain Sapphire and iron in the caves really damn okay so there’s a lot there’s a lot there’s a lot for us to get that’s regular wood right there

Okay okay okay we’re going to save some inventory let’s do this just to do it okay if we find a cave we’re going to probably have to go in then I really do think I should build a bed every now and again okay oh look at that monster over there dude

Okay uh let’s let’s do this we’re really deep in here I do have a pickaxe but not the right one is that what you’re saying cuz I have this guy here see I have a rare pickaxe the caves in there have a very strong wolf we got to find ourselves a cave

It’s not good enough so I had to come here to get to get this wood so I could make oh so I could make that axe so I got to I got to come here get the wood go all the way back make the axe come all the

Way back and then do the caves is that what I’m hearing says just like the desert jonno j o Smithers with the raid thank you for that very much jonno coming in with the Raiders come on in Raiders we’re doing some Lego fortnite and we absolutely love

It we absolutely love it jonno thanks very much for that raid my friend if you haven’t played this game you got to give it a go it’s too much fun don’t you think I have enough of this wood now dude look at this I have so

Much winter wolves are deadly well now I want to take one on what I need to do is find a cave put a bed out front and just give it a go dude should I yeah right okay okay let’s uh let’s find ourselves a cave any any that I can see

So far we got to go further this way look at me going way up here like a boss dude let’s go 3 minutes then we eat another Burger I don’t want to fall down there oh look at that structure dude kind of want to go in it it’s not

De what was that I’m not following you thing we got some snaz Beres up here see I can’t get this huh that’s what you’re trying to tell me man okay this is a good reason to man it’s a bummer that is a bummer dude that’s okay at least now we know and

Knowing is around 50% of the battle give or take okay well we got to we got to go find a cave this has to happen okay and I didn’t bring a shield I’m very upset of myself for that uh that’s a cave right there dude that’s cave right there that’s a

Cave okay going to put a bed out here we’re going to make a bed do we make a bed yet and make campfire okay okay she’s like ah do you have to build it right there underneath my butt yes yes I do don’t gray says don’t forget the grapple you

Needed I don’t have a grapple I never made one I’m not I’m not going to survive without it am I I’m going in I’m going in doing it I’m cold again so I need the heat charm plus the burger is what you’re telling me I’m not going to make it it’s too cold

In here man you can’t take your house it’s too cold name that little ridiculous reference may I get something I mean there’s my torch flour take that home could eat a spicy pepper I don’t think that’s going to do anything for me what happened to my burger I’m still cold is my burger

Freezing guys I’m still cold I’m too cold for me I oh I do have that on you’re right does that change it no it does not it does not we got to get out of here else we’re going to die gosh darn it I really want to look around oo I mean come

On that looks cool dude freezing where’s my pick where’s my pick did I dropped my pick what chest I had there was no oh in here oh my God okay good news I meant to do that okay I know what I’m doing listen I have

Time for you I just want to see if I can can bust that stuff up okay just real quick we’re going in and out okay cuz we got to go ah come on man I just want to take a swing at it is that the oh look at that wolf

Dude I don’t think I should play with that guy uh um I’m dying dying cuz I’m cold dying cuz I’m cold this will do nothing right dang it okay well now we have our answer should I fight that guy I don’t think I should let’s do it don’t do it I’ll do

It hey hey buddy wait a minute okay the burger is clearly not doing anything for me I’m dying here where is he where is he I got to get out of here I got to get out I’m going to die in here cuz I’m freezing I need the right

Stuff man very bummed out about this where’s that wolf I wanted to take a piece of him whoa that went that was not good okay where’s the wolf dude why am I pushing the envelope like this this feels very Reckless you guys are like because it is blue ice

Here oh oh no there’s two of them oh I missed are you mad you mad bro okay can you go down there and pet those dogs for me I want see if they’re friendly this feels stupid hold on I’m so I’m so cold look out run run run I wasn’t

Scared I want to pet that dog I want to pet that dog can I pet that dog well sunflower that didn’t go that didn’t go too well okay I don’t want to point any fingers you did nothing should we go back in don’t go back in should we go back

In I want to go back in let me grab a bite and then we go back in right let’s do it we do it let’s do it let’s go we go in I really want to I want to take get my pepper did I put my peppers in there

Okay I’ll take this doesn’t do me any good can I pet that dog hey where’ those wolves go oh I see them hey buddy looks like he was going to uh not make it too easy on me that’s for true ooh Why do they got to be two of them I bring any

TNT no ammo thought I I brought ammo turns out I didn’t how’s it going down there did you take him out run okay I’ll fight it right here we got to we got to sck and I’m stuck okay okay yeah what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up

What’s up dive out of the way W what’s up what’s up go go W what’s up what’s up dive out of the way yeah go go come on again hit hit hit go for the go for the body you go on yeah I get I got a cursed bone that sounds

Neat all right now that feel amazing charm of resilience what’s that going to do regeneration charm look at all these new charms I can make okay we did well okay all right geeky Mina from Spain you take care okay we did all right you and I sunflower I want to get another cursed

Bone okay that only works if we stick together I should here do I have any more swords for you long sword short sword take that okay ready let’s go look right there right there hey hey puppy hey hey he’s luring us into a trap I know it don’t fall for

It run okay come on okay get ready get ready get ready I don’t have any more ammo well I got one here I’ll get us attention yes I do I picked it up where’s my was didn’t I pick it up I guess not how come I’m not freezing right now

I’m confused like why am I not dying of cold anymore anybody know right try take it making me feel good that’s what I’m talking about hey if you know this but you got a dog on the loose did you know that I need going tag I bring you information you swing an axe

At me you know there’s a reason nobody likes you people okay let’s go let’s do this oh no that seems bad that’s a bad idea there now I don’t think that’s a good idea I don’t have a I don’t have a shield on me I’m good that was mean I

Don’t have a shield on me dude I really want to kill that guy but he’s going to destroy me why did I not bring a shield okay so that’s good to know I don’t want to mess with him I don’t want to die here why didn’t I

Bring a shield I’m very upset of myself hey papy papy yeah let’s go you just wait till my my gal gets back okay are we doing this I’m scared I want do it by the door jeez okay let’s do this what’s up what’s up what’s up and dive out of the way

What’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up and dive out of the way woo yeah now go down there there’s a rly poly I need you to go get his attention can you do that for me I can’t get any of these goodies yeah let’s go back we go back

Now we go back we go back we go back we go back okay let’s get out of here cuz I’m cutting glass oh so like ah let’s go see what’s in here excuse me all right boy that was was a bit of an overcorrection there huh look

At all these slots oh it’s going to be great okay says I’m cold again it’s time to eat a burger where’s my burger here we go so here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to eat this burger right just like so now we feel good now we want to

Go east and we want to go north we’ll go north hold on which way am I facing that should be facing wait we want to go the other way we want to go that way okay okay so I guess I’ll jump off that okay you ready that’s not where I want to go

What’s happening let me see how this feels that’s not what I want dude sheep you must be freezing o is that a different color I’m trying to pet you that going to be a different color wool is it oh no I need poop um we’re going to go ahead and drop that

Guy so we got Oh I thought I guess not I thought it was a different kind of wool where is it did I only get poop out of you I thought that’s what I thought was your brown wool poop that’s that special poop oh no wait

Get out of the way that’s not what I want I’m getting upset here okay I’m eating this got any inventory space okay now pick that up oh what is happening oh yeah yeah go like that maybe now pick it up okay so that is heavy wool okay okay

Okay I take your heavy wool too let’s go let’s go so you got to get these goodies while you’re here man don’t you hear there’s a I’m not crazy right there’s the monsters around here we saw them earlier and I feel like I hear them oh you give me something is he

Going to give me chocolate milk what’s that is that not regular milk don’t drop that what can I get rid of here get rid of this drop that okay we got oh that’s just regular milk I thought you give me chocolate milk I know I should set up another base

Here right all right which way we going we got to go this way so I’m going to get The High Ground like in Star Wars and we’re going to jump and we’re going to fly out of the cold it’s going to be glorious you ready here it goes yeah

Baby killard the tier one 37 months did you just say poop yeah we’ve said that a lot this uh stream first Prelude 21 months you’re amazing uh we are probably going to be streaming for honestly just a handful we’re going to get back to our main base

And then we’re going to call it that’s what we’re going to do uh which means we got a a ways to go we got to start going whe so let’s let’s get the uh let’s get The High Ground here oh we got the but the thing is we have the pine we have

What we came for okay that was that was bad fly that’s cuz I had no stamina am I new I almost feel like n we we got to a decent amount of the frost Pine all right so now now we’re going we’re going to go East we’re going to

Get up to the top of that mountain and then fly even more and now we’re nice and warm down here the same pal Dr 100 Bitties says snooch the snooch to the booch and the snans there’s all sorts of different versions of how you finish the snooch ideology the same can’t stick to

This one can I check this chest yeah all right now we go this way let’s get on top of that mountain it’s time for some flying hey bu I feel like I should get wool anytime I can but uh we have look at this wool we got heavy wool that is

Cool I’m I’m arhy in here all right zeron you take take it easy okay this is going to be the Epic flight of Epic flights we got to go this way yeah yeah yeah you guys ready oh we are going to fly for a long time we’re probably going to run out and

Follow our death we go we go this way and F oh baby what’s up longest flight ever yeah baby look at this woo okay that’s a good one dude that’s a good flight all right now see keep going I don’t have time for you Wolfie feel the Wind Through Your

Cane look at this gosh Hawk 12 minutes ago with 320 bits so sorry I missed that thank you guys shw is It Gos Hawk Go shock might be go shock maybe it’s gosh o maybe it’s gsha all right Moving On Hop and hop I

Said hop and H I’m not hoing oh cuz I need no no there we go hey bud look at her dude look at her jump in front of a bullet for me we keep going not going to worry about any caves we’re just going to get up on this

Mountain and fly again like a boss make sure we’re going that way yeah we are okay and I’m very excited when we get back we’re going to see if we can uh make that epicness that epic sword right the Epic pickaxe I mean no sword I meant sword no

Pickaxe because we needed the Cris the we needed the Cris Pinewood for that and okay right way and time for another flight people big flight up ahead okay let’s see if we go to that body of water we may not make it that could be

Bad hold on and we kind of need to go this way anyway so we’ll go more this direction okay here we go this is the only way to travel got to give it to my candy cane guy for being made primarily of sugar he’s in pretty good shape okay here we go

You think there’s a snowy biome south of my base it’s closer I’m going to have to check that out cuz this is a long trk it’s like the desert stuff all over again but we are discovering new land so that’s good I should I should see if this Lego

Game has has has eBay I’m buy myself actually I think i’ buy a dirt bike for these this terrain but what do I need it for I’m Flying Like an Eagle how many Eagles do you see Drive dirt bikes okay A a lot of sense okay still going still going we

Want to get to here okay here we go we’re doing all right hear me out flying bike ooh 22 minutes we got to get back there in 22 minutes dude come on we can do this come on Cletus oh boy come on man turn a little bit hopefully it’s some gigs fasmo

Tomorrow we’ll have to see sometimes that stuff has to be played by ear but hopefully fasmo or lethal company another fun one that we’re doing Desert Eagle is a bike is that right I think I would know that okay we’re going the right direction just kidding don’t forget the charms what

Charms the Lucky Charms oh right the charms to when I get cold again or warm again crap that was a that was A7 move right there dude okay we’re almost set right over this hill then we fly like an angle that’s my Camp right there yeah baby Woo can he make it of course he can make it past the water he’s flying like a champ let’s go let’s go how many times do I do Lego fortnite this is like my seventh session I think all right enough out of you does this guy really want to fight Okay trying to let him live I tried oh I tried courage carrot that’s what I would call my carrots where I play Faso hey skis uh this is uh this is what the two months hey skiz want to say you are a genuine decent person you’re so encouraging and

Kind it’s because of you I’m making a huge life change by training to become a counselor after suffering with CPS which is chronic pain syndrome and haven’t been able to work for 4 years now I’ve always been a very active person and physical jobs uh in physical jobs so

Becoming a more office-based job is causing me huge anxiety but I need to make a difference in my life and to my life you are my inspiration and an amazing person goodness what nice thing to say this is all you that’s all you but I appreciate that I

Really really do you go do that you that’s the thing is if you have experience in what it is you’re trying to assist people with boy does it speak volumes doesn’t it doesn’t it all right let’s go lay in our bed before they reboot the server here we got an upgrade

Available oh yeah but I need to we got to get wood and granite we’ll do that next time that’ll be great ah respawn set red G bsmc I don’t know what that is says best 14 months ever thank you red okay so we did it so we’re going to get

We’re going to leave before they reboot the server want to mess anything up and then we’re going to click on that guys 0.0% drop frames today at 6,000 uh bits so I’m feeling really super do pooper scoop right now

This video, titled ‘Lego Fortnite Solo Skizz! – Session 8’, was uploaded by SkizzlemanLive on 2024-01-10 13:15:05. It has garnered 2360 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:44 or 13004 seconds.

Lego Fortnite Solo Skizz! – Session 8 Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Main Minecraft channel: Shared Channel w/impulsesv: Podcast Channel:

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test

    Ultimate Multistream Minecraft Server Test Welcome to the KLÖTZCHEN Community Server! The KLÖTZCHEN Community Server is a vibrant and inclusive Minecraft community where players can come together to enjoy the game in a supportive environment. Whether you play Java or Bedrock, everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. The server is currently running on version 1.20.4 for Java and 1.20.71 for Bedrock, ensuring that all players can participate. How to Join To become a part of this exciting community, you can sign up for membership on Boubous Klötzchenbande channel and then join the Discord server. Once you have accepted the rules and… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Valentine’s Day Mine-Date | Minecraft Animation | Yo!

    Valentine's Day Mine-Date | Minecraft Animation | Yo! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creatures and players, all moving around. Updates and changes, always on the rise, New features to explore, to everyone’s surprise. From the Nether to the End, and all in between, Every biome explored, every secret scene. Crafting and building, the possibilities endless, In this pixelated world, where creativity transcends. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Adventure awaits, with friends or solo. In this world of blocks, where imagination reigns, Minecraft forever, in our hearts it remains. Read More

  • Muslim Wolf in Minecraft

    Muslim Wolf in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Minecraft is a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building magnificent structures to surviving in a harsh world filled with dangerous creatures, Minecraft offers something for everyone. The Story of Müslüman Kurt One of the recent trends in the Minecraft community is the story of Müslüman Kurt, a wolf who has become Muslim. This unique twist in the game has sparked interest and intrigue among players, leading to a viral sensation. Exploring New Themes The concept of Müslüman Kurt introduces… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Community Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Community Experience Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you play Java or Bedrock, Minewind welcomes all players to join in the fun. To get started, simply head over to YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in the adventure. Explore the vast world, interact with other players, and embark on thrilling quests. Join the ranks of fellow gamers and experience the excitement of Minewind for yourself. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of… Read More

  • Crafting a Digital Empire: Hypixel

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  • Steve’s Meme Prank

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and action-packed Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of intense gameplay, challenging adventures, and a thriving community, then Minewind is the place for you. While watching the YouTube video titled “🔴ВЕРНУЛСЯ НА КАНАЛ! ИГРАЕМ В MINECRAFT/+СМЕРТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАБЕГ🔴”, you may have noticed the IP address for a server called SmerteRun. But why settle for just one server when you can experience the excitement of Minewind? Join players from around the world on Minewind… Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

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  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

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  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE 😭#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. 🙏 Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

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  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

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  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

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  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More