Insane Live Hive Gaming Session!! Don’t Miss Out!

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I think I think for Life um I think we’re live guys isn’t that crazy hey dark hey cloudy Town yay H btis hell wolf Miner I come here before I come here because defect lied to me how did he lie to you what did he do this time can’t believe defect would do such a thing were you actually live yes it’s not pre-recorded you know every other stream was pre-recorded trust this one

We’re actually live Rocco welcome to stream how you doing and a little poll real quick you know that’s cool do that I’m going to do uh op Scott I’ll do I’ll do other game and then what’s another game that could do uh I’ll do some old traditional games there you

Go prerecorded that be pretty crazy just sweat on server gaming sure go ahead I know swe on anyways you know so won’t be anything let’s grab some stop for me like to Mid but it’s all right it’ll be fine everyone else doesn’t even know what they’re doing they’re still at their own

Island probably the first one to Mid this doesn’t make any sense but I won’t question it you know free stuff whatever happened to hand can I could turn it on right now if you want me to stop oh never mind you’re bad you w a threat I got scared there for no reason

I could turn it back on but I don’t know I Could I’ll do one these days why is Sumo guys stop voting for sumo it’s not that good of a Game I want to become hive’s best one topper that’d be kind of cool I mean I don’t know it might be cool probably not first time stream start first non start CS stream is pretty crazy yeah I don’t know how the message confused me but it did hello demo boy what is

Up guys stop voting for Sumo it’s bad game you guys want it uh chatter is just a b that is supposed to line up the recording yes 100% 100% we that really late I’m sorry officially known each for 5 months W that’s a long time a very long

Time Bridge better bridge is better than S I’m not going to Lie I be a little biased but how do everyone NBCS bro oh my I swear hard used to be more challenging than this hi hello Emerald how you doing Malo Malo how say your name welcome to stream I’m bad at names as you can tell chance they really don’t I don’t

Know I don’t know what this Lobby is but like I guess it works I’ll take it I’m think I’m doing a grinding level 75 stream I don’t know though like I just do like a kind of a prime strategy did a bunch of long streams in a row just grinding at 75 and

Then I have some kind of twist like longer it takes me like something happens you know are you doing CS I am going to be doing CS vote in the little pole thing my bobber in chat I’m just beating up some orphans in Skywars and orange nibbles would say you know Oh you landed on the bridge and walked off okay then um yeah you is better for some reason you prac Sumo I don’t even know that I haven’t been on that server in years I was see doing a stream on there though PES I mean may be funny I don’t know um

You guys really want Sumo yeah sure h fine I’ll do a little fast Sumo if you guys really want it if you’re that if you’re that sure if you’re that sure I’ll I’ll do it I guess yeah invite some people in code up for yall it’s na region if you don’t

Know in M oh yeah in Minecraft my bad my my bad it’ll be a quicko don’t worry guys I’ll like stop the game after like 5 seven minutes I won’t like go for super long all right and my friends want to join that’s fantastic all right Cod on

Screen yeah can have friends join up guys CL on the screen woo for a year now yeah I I think actually might have been longer than a year cuz if you go back to my old videos you been com in for over a year now so yeah it’s been a long time

Wolf a bridge I in chat please we can still do bridge after this guys all right we can still do bridge not like it’s not like I’m never going to do bridge all right how you combo an AI LW what does that mean did I say something by mistake I I

I don’t know what what what I don’t know what that means I’m sorry uh Liberty welcome to the stream how you doing welcome welcome all right bet it’s going pretty good how about you wolf Miner how is your day going kind just an average day I don’t know nothing Sly special I uploaded

Twice on my second Channel today I mean they’re not I mean actually was a decent quality upload it almost main chel upload but then things happen happened and now it’s not so now it’s second Channel hacker yeah oh wait how do you how do you combo an air LW I don’t

Know you ha I mean you know I’m joking don’t do that acing is bad I don’t know man you play the game for too much you play the game it’s too long yeah they bot you can combo them and air yeah Zeo Bots do suck I’m not

Going to lie I mean there okay there there’re some of the best bots on bck but that’s not saying much hello what is up also Minecraft good hello how you doing Minecraft good this 357 Impressions good 357 impressions for how many views is it have right now demo how many views is it

At like I don’t know I again I think the reason it’s not getting more Impressions is and okay their retention is really good so I think your video will pick up just give it time or the more you upload you know like it’s just because you’re a brand

New channel YouTube trying to find the right YouTube is trying to find the Right audience you know what I mean I’m trying to find like I I think it will have a giant Spike and it will like jump up and Views and Impressions and stuff YouTu trying to find the Right audience

For yeah C on the screen guys we’re doing a free shop a little a pretty fast game free shop not free shop oh my God I’m soow Sumo yeah free shop would be better though so M never tried tacos really that’s weird oh wait you’re the

Guy that toasted me in Skywars all what toast what you know I don’t I need ideas for Content me too me too Dragon G ComEd I saw that pretty cool isn’t it D why I dm’d your video to a bunch of YouTubers by the way not Dragon G but

Some other guys cuz they such a banger you know I desp crit uh okay let’s do that weapons off tools off there we go H if you want to join you canwise you can join the next one this a little quick free shop cuz not free shop I keep

Saying free shop you know why cuz free shop would be better than you know it’s fine I’m not going to anyways yeah quick game of Zumo guys we don’t know the oh this guy got in last wait no never mind I’m dumb guys come to come to Aqua Base I’m to Aqua Base

Guys cost see demo I’m slow maybe I should do a blue set what’s it called cuz what’s I can only see like a dozen chat messages but how I have my chat set up I’m considering putting my monitor vertical for I can see more chat messages Blues I know a lot of big

Streamers do that I could tell maybe I should like set it up differently if I can read chat better vertical monitor doesn’t seem good though for anything besides reading chat that’s the only thing maybe I should try it they do look pretty cool I’m joining a Roblox gamer hello I

Read that so I need to get better in chat um yeah hopefully you didn’t if you didn’t you can join the next one Roblox gamer I already started it I’m Sor which YouTubers I want to know uh like Evo Dev and that little mac weirdo and then

Uh also did you like bean and cheese tacos bean I actually normally don’t put cheese in my tacos well actually depends sometimes they do sometimes they don’t it depends um but Bean actually beans are really good on tacos I’m not going lie hi those are good I thought the more toppings the

Better the taco taste you know what I mean I just person could person no not cuz Weir it was sarcasm guys it was s oh my it sarcasm I love Little Mac he’s great we all love Little Mac I don’t think he is one hater no sarcasm how long will you do Sumo

Probably like five more minutes probably f for like 5 minutes I picked me up immediately that is awkward I took her around go hey upwards KB please I can combo you easily so actually I how to play the game stop don’t how to play a game you only reach chat normally when a

YouTuber’s in the VC to impress them that doesn’t even make sense you just said demo they’re not really it’s actually it’s more when YouTubers in the VC I just read chat less so I ended up reading in order better yeah that’s really more it I just

Read like I’ll be talking to the person and read every like one one in five chat messages and I just read the most current one and I that’s really what happens 55 impression then 450 4 three 240 views oh my gosh 240 views uh yeah that’s not great um YouTube is not

Really pushing your video very much but again I said that because your channel is new and YouTube is testing like what audience is good for your content like YouTube doesn’t know which audience you’re going for currently really and they don’t know who likes your videos and stuff like they’re kind they’re kind of

Testing your videos slowly right now but since your retention is good I’m pretty sure it’ll eventually like it’ll have a spike and Impressions and Views just because the video is actually really good and has really good intent retention I’m this guy I don’t like vegetables in general I me my

Tacos I mess up don’t spam please Hello Alex do not spam though Hello Alex do not spam thank you me tacos I like bean and cheese yeah it’s understandable it’s understandable why you order normally I don’t know man have two cop why you have two copyright oh on that video

Oh bad people like it yeah yeah yeah well the copyright claims wouldn’t really affect the Impressions at least it should there’ have to be a copyright strike I don’t think you got that copyright claims just basically let the video not be monetized that they a copyright CL me the video can never be

Monetized which currently is a small chall obviously you wouldn’t avoid getting cop claims if you can but but a small Channel like not monetized it doesn’t really matter that much you just like I want it’s just like in the future obviously you want to stay away from copyright claims but it’s not the

End of our world it’s not the end of our world chill with the spam for real tell me if you copyright clan that means YT is not going to push out your videos as much H I don’t know I don’t know that’s debatable I Mean that could be somewhat true the only reason that would be kind of true is because like ah what’s the Word it’s not going to be monetized YouTube is not making as much money if it’s demonetized YouTube make less and that means they’re going to push their video less they’re going to push videos that make them a lot of money but since you’re not even monetized to begin with I don’t

Know I don’t know I don’t think that would be the main weird to music why did you not add music then Al I’m do game here like 2 minutes cuz this is Sumo and it’s boring should I get epidemic no cuz I I don’t even have epidemic I don’t think

As a small Creator it’s already worth it what’s it called evident got to over 100k with Pokemon music so I think you’re good obviously if you have extra cash L around and you want to buy it go ahead but I would focus on maybe getting a microphone first but that’s just me though

Yeah in my opinion until you get monetized on YouTube I would not recommend buying it because you can find plenty of good music that’s non-copyright if you just know where to look and know who to ask oh no please do Sumo again I missed I

Can do in a bit Yeah sup yo what’s up welcome to stream how you Doing all right new game new game guys I’m yeah new game i r Roblox yeah I I’m using fav R’s play right now at least one of them I don’t know which one it is I’m just using a play if is it’s Been can I type oh myol why is that not thing oh there we go And cap cut louder for some reason even my voice is blast volume up that’s weird you try H I don’t know I would think you could lower could you just lower the music I don’t know why you end it because I want to start a new game s get

Kind of boring very fast I want to do I want to start a new game um yeah let’s do let’s let’s do bridge the brid is f ah yeah gra a up here in a second and I feel is very repetitive very fast one video 16k views Impressions wait one vide has 16k

Impressions and 240 views yeah I have that as well I can that can happen that can Happen yo what’s up guessing he no problem yeah what’s it called I have like some of my streams have gotten like 20K Impressions before and like 500 views so YouTube like YouTube will just push your videos out randomly some I don’t know some get pushed out more than

Others there’s code guys if you can’t see it let me know cuz BL for you I don’t know stck at age 14 what ssw welcome to the stream you’re stuck at what 16 birthday my 16th birthday I cannot read my 16th birthday was yesterday W’s happy Birthday videos like 20K views and after after a month it went up to yeah went 9 900k yeah because I know which video that was I know which video that was it was because that type of content just like spiked in popularity for like a couple

Months and that video found the right um audience and jumped up see yeah videos can like still get views any time like just because like Yeah thanks sir I now have one $100 H what oh for your birthday oh okay I was confused for a second let see my bad h i I really want that sandai um I don’t know what to tell you Ray y what’s up I haven’t seen you so

Long how you been what’s up what’s up I don’t have to tell you again I don’t have infinite money can you not beg me for stuff and I wish I could give everyone free stuff but like I I stop saying your A is for 30 plus for real

Oop I’m going to donate $100 that’s a lot of money that’s a lot of money you like the second donator thing second most donated JK and okay I put you on red I’ll put you in red uh I’ll put you on red and who else is good

Here says here then I’ll put me on Blue oh I’ll put ssw on Blue put dark on Blue I’ll put you okay so I one red two red three red actually I’m trying to think here they to get Fair teams I’ll put you and

Red I put you and blue so I got one blue two blue three blue four blue I got one red two red three red or red eh fair enough I do my best I do my best I’m doing good I’m going on Z right

Now I’m on 9 999 kills W that’s a lot of kills Zea it’s too sweaty for me it makes me feel like the worst Minecraft player I actually maybe the worst Minecraft player but actually I should defend probably I need to buy RTX to make MC

Run better on my PC what yeah I did you mean like um get better what you need to buy RTX make your PC run better are you sure that’s how it works guys we’re kind of getting jumped here come on guys we got this um um maybe I should just like Rush

Server gaming yo VP welcome to the stream I’m the worst Minecraft player VP welcome to the stream thank for the $2 Don know guys why are we so bad guys why do we suck so much now they probably money than the rich just Hive player probably actually is more money than all of Us I found a sword yeah I think is much for the $2 Dono VP I appreciate a lot w w money indeed what is the title what do you mean Andrew it’s the title I don’t have to tell you Man server gaming I got oh my okay this guy I didn’t realize he was this good I got underestimated him my bad guys I’m for another game already sounds good sounds Good give me some of your earnings so I can buy a mic I don’t have a I don’t have a PayPal though under my YouTube name I want to Doc myself so you know I would I I totally would demo boy but yeah I don’t want to do myself so I

Don’t think I Can you know yeah yeah these teams are a bit unfair that’s kind of my bad sorry about that sorry about that you snip Sky what’s snip Sky what is that like snipe me in Skywars sure I’ll key one public game guys snipe me guys it’s an empty

Lobby snipe me guys I’m going to do one public game let me make a hole for the next CS thing yeah I guess uh what game do bridge uhuh do I want to do bridge I’ll do op Sky I’ll do death I’ll do server tag that’s that tag with Max

Hearts I’ll do what’s another thing I could do um do op block drop cuz that’s fun I guess free shop CT I don’t Know Elmo I’m terrible at this hello Elmo how you doing Boy we were making the cash Ser lives in Mexico what is that supposed to mean is that an insult or a compliment or a statement I don’t think anything Andrew says is really nice to me so I’m not he’s insult to me right there I don’t know how but you Know hello my People come say wolf sniper fox fox him wait what hey what did you just say buddy okay then Statement server you what underestimated me yeah I did underestimate you I should like try out play the game and like reat at the same time I should like pick one of them to do good at I should like beat this guy up right now Oh now I think I’m going to rob this guy over here real quick oh no now got full diamond you’re terrible at the game so it’s fine you steal my kill why would you do that so rude why are you stealing my kill over here is music too loud feels kind of

Loud is it fine or it too loud bro the bridge for real for real B left of screen what’s B left the screen huh what are we talking about am I good Yes you’re better than the average Sky Wars player I know that for sure I’m actually my dad just got tacos w w dad right there not going to lie why are there credits in the music video who thought that was a good idea why is there an ad now playing or a

Crockpot I don’t want one of those why would I want one of the oh my who puts ads in music video what music lyrics how doy welcome back 306 here that’s pretty still pretty early than the day wow it is late by me those seem were I know they weren’t

All I apologize for that had Clan bottom left roof real yeah 100% o that’s that’s website it’s 100 100% guys definitely not on explain yeah I I I I would I would hack on stream I would do something like that 100 Pole or a game we play where’s the last fella anyone know

Who is he is it bird hisy no probably not he be killing me right now it was how that so annoying for real that’s why I don’t put him on my stream guys you’re Welcome I am the most intelligent Minecraft player ever trust Ser is my dad king cam welcome to stream Okay then um breath hacking I thought you just what I they’re amazing so remember me from yesterday I don’t think I did I stream yesterday I didn’t wait did I I didn’t stream yesterday though on my main Channel and do you have Christmas break um yeah eventually uh what game are we playing

GT actually sure whatever ctf1 we’ll play we’ll play the most Dead game on the wait actually 500 players never mind it’s not dead I thought I thought it was more dead than that but okay all right join this the friends list if you’re on otherwise will be up here on the screen

In a moment I’ll invite you and I’ll invite you I don’t have any friends on right now oh for real also do you know you parents that make do you know you parents that make YouTube videos do I know parents that make YouTube videos do do my wait

What never mind this is this is bad there better code guys join the game put code yeah I did I got 1K Subs congrats Momo it’s a huge W I saw you popping off recently actually so congrats on that why is the chat not popping up on the screen I just realized

That oh my why was the chat not coming up earlier that’s a massive L um yeah by Sir bu thanks for being here people are ready on break that’s yeah I heard some people are that’s pretty crazy how you still CTF because I I hate this game it annoys

Me also wolf you ask what’s it called if you’re asking if my parents make videos they don’t and if you’re asking if my parents know I make videos they do that was your question I many Connections in the community could have gotten like two views for real if I yeah

Yeah remember when I called you bad yesterday in someone’s stream I don’t remember that and it’s probably good thing I don’t I I don’t know why you’re bringing up the time you called me bad I I you TR remember the time what okay then you’re

Trying to insult me I don’t know I join w r w dark and the same que thank goodness is she crazy than than that’s a compliment L pretty of the game sh demo boy I I don’t know I hear from you can beat you up any day in Skywars remember when I fought you I beat you like five to to nothing yeah y $10 PayPal you jump what what you say ninja what do you what do you want

Pia do hey what should be concerned he’s lying do your parents know they make YouTube videos yes they do they do know wolf I think we going to start this why are there no featured presets what why are the featured presets why why have get rid of feat

Okay I swear I don’t know where I okay I won’t question it free shop the map by random all the teams random as well well I think I’m going to start is everyone here I think I think so right bye bye cloudy see you later thanks should droping in I’m playing with my

Friends come to say hi I appreciate saying Hi okay never mind I won’t I won’t never mind what lie I don’t know I don’t know what lie I don’t know what the chat’s on about right now oh yeah I need to buy this stuff it’s free shop okay we Max that out in

W’s buy a bunch of arrows buy a bunch of these cor fruit things buy some more blocks buy some more of those here we go I think we got I think that’s good I’m not going to lie can’t throw stuff out that’s fantastic I may should calm down and

Buying stuff then I knew that it’s all right though it’s all Right wait where did our flag go Al they already still our flag bro we’re so bad at it message I don’t even see I don’t have to tell you demo boy sounds like a skill issue on your part I believe they got our flag we got their they got their flag yeah nice

Work no it’s all good that’s all good I what’s it called I miss type stuff all the time as well where is our flag don’t they have our flag they Do Ry why don’t you have like better Stuff get in the let’s go wait is in the void survived 740 views is good for why is it little emojis covering no stop don’t spawn kill for two days that’s your first video yeah for your first video is really good but I think I think it will do much

Better over time just because like once the impression get up and once YouTube sees how good the other stats are also Mine mod what what’s your main server you play i 26 Subs in 2 days is that good yeah that’s pretty good I was that that’s pretty good I would take

That why are they all just swarming us bro these teams are so uneven L hiive bro oh I is such an L they do not like put even teams you not put even teams at all every saw the video yeah it was a good video and their attention is good on it

Too yeah it will do better in the future I’m almost positive GG’s yeah I don’t know what the hive the the teams on oh my gosh that’s why I normally set teams but that many people it’s kind of hard like hide this such a bad time time of like the

Team I into one G because I just make some Dum videos and random content yeah it’s understandable you just do it for fun now and then yeah I get that F mon bro and it’s not that wasn’t me folding I was doing a fine job it’s

Just like the hive put uneven teams you I can’t I can’t do much about that uh guys snip me in Skywars kits guys SN me in Skywars kits that uh let’s let’s see what game that’s to do let to do wait let to do uh we’ll do that game do that game we’ll

Do we’ll do that game What’s another game another game I could do I guess I’ll do that game so yeah we do those games vote on the pole guys that’s cool codes there’s no code vote on the pole it’s not it’s not a CS this is just a

Game how put it’s not hiv’s job but even teams I know that I’m just complaining demo just let me complain all right it’s randomizer yeah I know I know I just do my snowball in the void uh I always miss seeing leggings I don’t know why wait I don’t have any blocks in

The right slot chill chill chill Bry Bry chill Bry chill I don’t like the blocks in the right slot all Right I don’t have anything in the right sloty DIY chill chill chill chill um oh I hate this Shield I shouldn’t have take hits what was I Thinking I’m sorryy I’m sorry oh my go I apologize I don’t like this game you know me neither pretty weird game I’m just playing H in 2023 I don’t like soda like game what do you think the pfp and banner on I think it’s good I think it’s pretty good I like The

Branding B nice and simple and is good yeah guy’s hacking no oh and he has like way better gear than me ah why you like soda I don’t know I just don’t I it’s too fizzy I don’t know so understand yeah I can relate to that yeah I don’t know the

Fizziness request points I forgot to report him Yeah you know what whatever what is bedwars out no why why would why do you mean what no relog relog know person like soda better isn’t out ninja is capping ninja is capping like normal the pole is all tied up guys guys a three-way tie

This oh my you guys can’t make your mind Up why why you why are you yelling at me to re log what the heck ninja what what M misclick it’s all right Ashton gamer welcome to stream how you doing free shop free rate high what do we do guys I don’t know I thought it would work bro this guy what boo

Well well re log the new hob you know what I’ll listen to briy brity might be right I trust him I I bity was not right well I guess I can’t trust him never mind I was wrong guys Anyways ah where is the new high Hub though seriously it’s taking kind of a long time on that where’s the winter update they’re kind of Sling all right well no you guys aren’t deciding so you know I’m going I’m going to decide for you I’m going to go with we haven’t done

A SkyWars yet so I’ll do a server tag SkyWars you guys can’t decide yourself anyways there we go um yeah join the game here we go ninja join you join you join that guy is see see way better when I do bridge I mean we could do a bridge server tag yes sorry

Server it’s all right I didn’t drink soda for break what why don’t you why why do you drink soda for breakfast who said that uh I drink soda for breakfast lunch and dinner with food I drink water all the time why you drink soda that much it seems like like

A little excessive but I’m not going to judge guys join up Cod on screen iink soda every two weeks I mean here’s the thing guys I’ll drink soda every now and then it just like I don’t super like care for you know I mean like not something I super like care for if

I’m like a party or a little event I don’t know I guess I’ll drink it but like I gather my drink it like normally like I don’t CRA so mean I don’t Know in the game bro well I’m sorry didn’t to see you join all right chill that hi cranber ju I actually something that earlier today I actually CR lunch oh my gosh cranber cranberry juice is good I’m not going to Lie people watch my video from Duck Duck Go yeah that happens there’s always a couple oh there always a couple people that you know find your video some weird ways you know guys join the game code on the screen if you don’t know if you can’t see let me

Know what was on screen yeah you got mac and cheese all day bro so good at Noodles W cool MTH game bro what that is weird i’ never had that before yeah he’ll find them from weird spots like you don’t want to know my Search terms on my videos bro like the Search terms on videos are so weird voice a year ago server what mouse I am using the

Bloody a70 right now yeah blood a not X oh my where’s the a of my Keyboard why just Hive live and why they Hive live it doesn’t make sense but all right then I won’t question it Nemo to you is it my no there are some really really bad ones in M you don’t like yeah and I feel yeah the people that search some stuff need help I’m

Sorry I have some weird ones I don’t know why how they come across my video from searching that but what you say w you say w I say w too much that is so true I’m sorry that’s so true I say too much question should I stream on Twitch I

Mean I don’t know that’s I don’t know if you’re really good personality and you have connections in the high Community sure you can try it but in my opinion twitch is way harder than YouTube because YouTube you can like search for streams much easier and you stream can

Recommended to people and stuff but for twitch it they can’t happen yeah just that doesn’t really happen with YouTube like to Twitch you have to like I don’t know you like if you search for Minecraft you have to go to the you’re at the very bottom of the list

Something like that twitch is weird I always say YouTube I’m a YouTube streamer that’s what I say but also twitch takes 50% of Revenue YouTube Only Takes 70% of your donations and 50% ad Revenue twitch takes way more when never guess you were live I know

It’s pretty wild hello Rosie what is up YouTu is better no debate yeah I agree okay uh let’s start this game oh have presets are going whatever it’s fine uh make the whole stupid preset okay um wait what was the preset oh yeah I can just do death

Tag and then go with health where health max health there we go And math edit math right now you said YouTube takes 70 and twitch takes 50 yeah YouTube takes YouTube takes 70 no wait that doesn’t make you’re right that doesn’t that doesn’t make sense what I just said you’re right that doesn’t make sense actually never mind YouTube takes

30% of donations of Revenue twitch takes 50% of donation Revenue which takes I think 60% of AD revenue and YouTube takes 50% ad Revenue yeah pretty sure that’s the right stats there we go I’m exposing you real Expos me for like I don’t know what but no no one Su I’m the best Minecraft player guys true and Real it’s my birthday my broken hand that’s good but also not good both wait What hly welcome to you again I intelligent um well happy birthday Rosie ah I’m sorry your hand is broken that is actually really really bad timing but happy birthday yeah that H that is unfortunate timing I did you break your hand in your birthday I don’t know how I beat the guy

But okay I think I put health and kill on whatever it’s fine you’ll feel better you know that will help that will help I exposing last weeko actually okay I still do the Advil Thing hope stre my birthday when it comes I might be we to see I stream a lot stream too much so you know I might be nja ninja I okay Then look me my wife’s M 100% real all right oh hi how did I get that hit oh I’m hacking guys how did I just get that hit birthday when it comes when it was my birthday you never told me it was your birthday so how supposed to wish you Happy

Birthday H de boy see us tomorrow wait see tomorrow maybe I might be streaming tomorrow have to see he may I’ll be my new video is almost done but I don’t have a thumbnail makeer he’s sick like no wants to do thumbnails in the hive comom for some reason I I DM

Like a bunch of people and they all like no yeah they all say no yeah you should have known as my birthday then’s your birthday I don’t know bro how do you know your own birthday is oh my demo boy moment right there yo Al why is your head a biger skin

Seems extra large that like a Cosmetic Skin or what hi back now welcome back I should have put heal on kill that’s my bad guys sorry about that Ah uh oh poor guy I I don’t know how I just killed him with one hit there uhoh uhoh oh no that is rough I remember I remember you telling me I July 1st my my birthday is February 19th without with the S demo boy it’s with

The S 100% your birthday is on the 19th it’s every every single 19th your birthday you have a birthday once a month yeah oh I Ved I am the worst MCB player where are you going going that’s awward um no one saw that you should have 50 minutes just

Build with one block limit why why would or ground doors I 15 minut just build I could do ages build at some point 15 minute one and what what is the point hey some Karma how is that Karma I was just fighting you it’s a blocking about

Fighting we a Minecraft Let’s Play and I killed You Um all right then uhy is attacking ran epic PVP battle right here very Epic all that’s Bor never mind actually ninja is attacking dark why is dark building I don’t know why dark buil the platform but okay I should have video idea but would be kind of

Boring well what’s called an idea then right idea but no no longer idea I can’t think of any interesting video ideas that I actually want to do that’s my problem well I think of some but then I think then they feel like too much work and I SC grab

Them Al you call we do grounders of my birthday did they say like guys did I say That H person last longest get some money I remembered I was poor YouTubers and they would play high for as long as I could yeah you know they could I don’t know the problem is hard to tell if they actually stay on the hive they don’t work with the computer something like

That you know what I mean and after they actually record the whole thing and that would be a lot of storage I had to stream the whole entire thing to prove they stay on the that whole time and never stop streaming then every 11 hours they to stop the stream also it wouldn’t

Work because majority of hcom is like you little little young children they have they would have to go to school eventually also most people wouldn’t be allowed to stay on that long cuz they’re all little children so yeah quite a few flaws I high for 100 days straight I

Think yeah those videos do well those have done well in the past but yeah you could do that a welcome to stream hello hello Mouse type what mouse is mine I use the py a70 currently cough yeah see Ninja knows ninja Knows SP can’t me that’s I lost all my life did he actually why don’t you say something sooner they would tell us a story about school I don’t think you want to hear that I’m kind of boring I’m not going to lie they actually spawn Camp you know ninja’s

Name where’s ninja’s name was that far up not seeing it now there’s ninja I it doesn’t look like one well he killed you twice right here but that’s all I see bro I just know you just all right then I won’t question it whatever I’m dude no don’t chill die I don’t want

To well here’s the thing you’re probably 12 the demo so you know it’ll be fine Then yeah fny D no no uh yeah I’m the least funny Hive YouTuber besides defect I’m sly least funny than him that’s what I build live the entire game okay um guys what game snip me treasure Wars why we decide the and I did a custom snip me and

Treasure Wars why I decide a game that game is full SN me and treasure Wars why I decide a game this game has a couple slots I guess trapped game I’m reing again cuz that game all also full is any where are the empty lobbies bro are there no empty

Lobbies And Hive treasure anymore why are all these lobbies full every Lobby here is is full why why is every Lobby one joining full why why is every Lobby full guys you know what I’m going to do Duos I’m I’m queuing Duos guys I queed in Duos because every Lobby is full in

Solo Z views and follower no what’s it called Tik Tok is just dumbb I don’t I don’t know how to do Tik Tok quickly they right I don’t understand it also they don’t they don’t get zero views Tik toks are bad they get zero views because they just don’t get

Pushed out cuz Tik Tok is a bad app anyways yeah what what game should we do guys um what Game um three shop uh op sky I should probably like ninja you got this actually uh you’re dumb bro doesn’t look like ground fine uh Ground Wars I’m going see um parties ninja bro what why is ninja so bad Ninja you one job to keep them away while I was doing the

Stuff you had one job ninja ninja ninja good one oh my okay you got the treasure okay okay you got the treasure you tried you tried last message what was your your last message was uh I to I us Elementary School why I by my te what the all right then

That’s I don’t know how to I don’t know how to apply to that one uh that is not good that is not good at all hopefully that feature is in jail and per usual okay we won we don’t have like anything I feel like the only option

Here to rush other never mind we should not no we should we should leave okay that was kind of cringe you br he just jumped he just jumped him the bridge all right then whatever anyways hello Bob what is up how you doing welcome Welcome actually bruising that bad ey yeah oh hopefully that teacher is in jail now le they don’t have their job that is that is not good that that is not good I I I belied in you the first time wolf yeah how did you I didn’t fall off he

Jumped he like jumped off the bridge and like hit me off um I didn’t fall off uh what game is winning the the thing it’s tied again there on high ver you online where is he is online all right guys here’s what we’re going to do guys

Here what we’re going to do we’re going to do we’re going to do a ground war listen listen listen we’re doing one ground war game because it’s Rosie’s birthday all right where being very fast I understand you don’t like Ground Wars don’t leave the stream guys you

Don’t like Ground Wars it’s fine just wait like 5 minutes we’ll be doing a new game in 5 minutes all right so it’s like chill but it’s Rosie’s birthday so we’re doing a ground Wars if you want to join this is the only this is probably the

First and last ground war I ever I’ll ever do on my stream if you want to play in the first and last rounders ever you should probably join Yeah leaving stream now dark no No I’m still in the game leave the game Ninja it’s not that deep it’s just just a game all guys Cod on screen six lowercase o lowercase z four lowercase n uppercase G I’m starting this game in like 1 minute so if you want to join

Hurry and do so otherwise we do a new PVP game here in like 5 minutes my win hi Ser yo what is up we love you Ser W’s yeah welcome to stream welcome how you doing today me to do ground Wars as one other time so second not the last Ground

Wars okay the second Ground Wars that’s probably the last it’s so Bright actually going to be the last all right all right all right do you know I don’t think M are they are they a hive player are they a hive YouTuber guys join the game if you want to guys we got six people anyone else want to join guys want one more person join make it even one more person join to make it even or should we just

Start also is this a normal game Rosie or should we just change some settings up this be a normal game oh wait never mind there are no settings in this game never mind okay which map well actually every just vote in the map you want just vote

In the map you want never me Demo boy hurry hurry and join demo boy oh my gosh wait ninja just leave not that I want to start it’s not that deep ninja just leave the dumb game oh my gosh all right it’s so funny you can’t change any settings that is little goofy

There we go there’s your out I’m on the top of the tree you are you are wow nice work Bry I’m about to start the game without you guys you’re being really slow demo what is taking you so long dhoo let even Demo’s okay now I’m going start

About Ninja he’s taking too long I’m sorry is ninja even in the hub you see Ninja to yeah server do you like evidence sure there’s nothing I really not like about him he’s on on the grind for a while so I respect that actually stay consistent hasn’t like quit you know like everyone Else imine like Ground Wars guys we got to win this groundw game but demo on our team we’re going to win we’re going to win guys the demos here oh my gosh my aim goes crazy I got this oh the music stop no fortun time this the real server gaming

Hello Jordan what is up BR that’s awkward whatever six kills one death is fine you know we got this I think we win I think we are winning it’s pretty cool I’m carrying 100% not demo boy or rosie no no no I’m carrying why can not what no disappeared right there oh

My guys isn’t this cool this is ground doors we’re playing this game is so enjoyable right guys this an a tier game who needs bedwar when you have this am I right what where did my egg go I swear I threw it right in the guy’s Face I’ll Jo the next if I don’t have to go after this all right sounds good sounds good what does this little thing do I don’t know I feel like I should get it though never mind I guess I’ll just Die what that sound I don’t even know what the Imposter oh how did I hit that oh my I can I hit him Oh my it’s game asking some dumb questions for Jitter around a month ago or something I’m done questions for what do you mean by that was he doing like a Q&A or what do you mean we kill each other at the same time it’s that’s wild oh wait who Am I who was

I they’re kind of losing it’s kind of awkward we should probably stop losing oh what is that timing bro that’s such bad timing also we’re need to free sh after this probably probably where did he hit me from this game is so bad I hate it aim is

Good as Ling frog trying to eat a fly I can relate to that Sadly let go we’re actually winning now an imposter that ain’t good it’s raining guys I can’t I hit him what I could hit him this game is a scam say please give me the L to your Minecraft and some other what that’s so weird give me a link to your Minecraft not

What y I suck my aim suck rip love this game love this game I blue for y GG guys that was a very good game anyways uh Let’s do let’s do I’m washed man don’t waste so washed I can’t believe you all right do bridge I can do bridge I’ll do bridge

After this I got you ninja if you want so how you play Minecraft if a broken hand wait what I realiz that H how did that even happen how did that even happen this is a scam I’m not going to lie oh how did that even happen I I

Bro I don’t know how they even happened it’s a scam a visual bug demo didn’t actually happen they already I don’t know why I did that why I nja maybe you car yeah he might have cared you car I had 10 kills should have seen mine Cod yeah yeah code let’s hold

Up MJ own you no way real real MJ you% real MJ you too up lowercase M lowercase rase tase e lower case P Jo the game guys otherwise Dem we going to steal your cats yeah um I was trying to do freet I don’t know crazy I don’t know

Man sorry you didn’t not it’s all good hopefully had a good dinner That it’s okay really getting they actually suck how do you update Minecraft without deleting it again and again from one okay those two are just like little children then they don’t understand how to like do basic functions in life I’m sorry but if you don’t understand how to

Update Minecraft then like I don’t have to tell you me Minecraft is an auto update feature so like if you can’t figure out how to update I don’t to tell you H kind like sucks for you I can’t join because I’m going somewhere wait but I can’t join I’m going

Somewhere sorry see you soon all right see you later thanks for dropping in see you see you later like 11 years for real like demo boy I’m sorry I need to stop I blo for no reason I apologize like kill my SW yeah yeah I’m guessing I

Did I’m guessing I did it was 8 minutes long but yeah so you have so many different replay shots in that video I yeah yeah and so many different like yeah also did you make everything else by part of that video demo or did you like have someone help you edit it cuz

There was so many animation spots in total all the assets were like 30 that’s crazy that’s kind of crazy not funny doxing you Hey Demo chill not that deep that’s said I’m leaking your IP me I I edit my video I made all my W’s yeah that’s what I thought that’s

There’s some cool animation Parts I was like how I wonder how you made it anyways I’m going to start this game that was enough waiting around let’s Go demo real your voice yes yo demo that could be 100 subscriber special your voice reveal yo let me so fire 100 sub special voice reveal yo let me so fire can’t wait for a Demo give you $100 and I’ll buy you a cheap my first what did you just say bro that doesn’t make sense you what gives you $100 and you’ll buy him a mic yes that yeah real real not fake real not fake have news Uh can I type in the message that Jitter wrote If you don’t see the community post you want to type in this whole Community post in my chat I what what did you what what do you want to do yeah you know I won’t Rush this guy I feel

Bad I leave him alone ah D are you planning getting a mic or you planning using the voice for a while oh my gosh I am DIY over Here I can hit my snowball I cannot hit my snowballs though maybe too high up on the person I Think bro no just Spam me off the edge that’s wild bro he just Spam me off the edge he’s getting he’s getting a Santa to give him his microphone you suck no you suck bro you snowball spammed guys supp demo for snowball spamming real quack so true I keep Squad think that no

Teammates on Treasure is Rip he kind of fell off I’m not going to lie type in the whole thing just yeah I I couldn’t go couldn’t just go to the community post if they wanted to also why did you make the you made the duck backwards I think why is it the

Duck looking at the house and not the other Island ah and where he left all right yo what is up lion yo L I love your pfp is my new pfp cool yes it is very cool I like it it looks like a L with the Santa hat very very cool W

Pfp you snowball I could do anything about it I mean what to do a snowball sers you know sh oh I don’t know hey server bye all right bye thanks for thanks for being here let me I’m going to c a normal I’m what game should I

Quue I’m going to quue a normal SkyWars while while I’m waiting if you want to snipe you can yeah never mind the game okay here normal skyar while I’m waiting also full why they all full yeah I do normal SkyWars well bro why they all full why can’t I get bro I

Swear off stream I got empty all the all these empty lobbies I stream I get all these full lobbies whatever it’s fine what game we should play next guys what game you want to play play every game on the H that sometimes cuz they never update I Swear it’s up S was and they never update it annoys me so much they fortnite updates like once a month they have a new chapter whatever Minecraft is like once a year new server says I’m not sure enough people for that do we I don’t know I don’t know

Like to have a lot of people to make that fun I I 1,80 subscribers yo congrats getting Subs really fast W’s congrats on that do the saves nice sub yeah I say w I need to stop I have a problem thanks I always get the same loot give me some new loot I want all the same loot for yeah I need to stop play as much I oh nice pack thank you it’s my 2K texture pack you want to get it links in the description chill stop being so good I every so sweaty

Chill I’m taking a lot of damage actually I should probably like should probably like leave I am the most intelligent Minecraft player ever I no one no one saw that no y yall yall like looked away yall blinked it never happened it’s a f your imagination no I yeah I’m hoping they

Up yeah I’m hoping the update too I I just want some kind of update why don’t they update for real why I no don’t clip it please going talk about this you don’t need to clip that please CH doesn’t need to be clipped Ah that’s Awkward has everyone have enchanted sword that I I don’t have a helmet I just want like a helmet it’s like all I want for Christmas is a helmet please please I just want a diamond helmet for Christmas chill oh why is this guy hatching me

Now at least we do the same damage to there like me to beat this guy right let’s go I beat him I don’t know why he wasn’t fighting me that guy was so low can watch my guys edits now when I or when you can I’m edting

Super good I think go W’s are you uploading to your main channel are you upload to your main Channel a lot of uh things we need to clip on the Ser gaming channel copyrighted real for Christmas the RDX 360 please Senda uh what do you got right now what what GP what GP do you got now you know what’s next no don’t upload it

Please or if you do least at least tag me you know in the title I still don’t have a helmet I shouldn’t be fighting never mind it was a joke it was a joke it was a joke it a joke I don’t I don’t have a helmet

Still it was a joke so what game should we play next guys what game any game ideas why not yes sure except football and hockey my last when was funny your W’s I’ll check it out later Sumo we already Sumo again I mean I guess we could sum really want

To need Diamond Helmet other I’m probably going to lose this game actually might can I kill you for your diamond helmet please please server yes you have a diam oh my thank you so much I appreciate guys it’s not teaming cuz we’re going to fight it’s not teaming me guys it’s not too

Me my mom is a gamer really what game does she play have help ignore my question not help whatsoever so real I I hardly even see hi helpers car you know it actually seems like something n’s mom would play I’m not going to lie I think she’s addicted that’s

Wild I be CR all right what do I have right here SP I that’s actually kind of use that’s kind of useless s that out okay ready to fight now can we fight now me please fight now I’m just running around what this goofy this is this is wi Wii Sports boxing results

Music I don’t know my name is crazy boo hello Dynamite bro just second on you know is that sound like that I’m going to skip it actually this is better music can you fight do you want to fight you do you want to fight do you want to

Fight sure okay that guy just going to run so a One Tap I’m get better at that I feel that’s better in the long run cuz L people are good at it I feel like also it’s easier hands and it’s more satisfying Shees what just happened no what just happened got no bu right bu things be I don’t know what just happened right there I I had a moment H why then demo judge you come on 2023 what was I H she right now next to her what next to

Her that’s what wait there’s music bro you can’t hear the music what Y what region and North America that late North America region let’s go and region server on yeah North America region Ser know uh is are they the Java guy no well I don’t know not not I maybe if you send

Me the channel not off the top of my head though I did fold right there do pole next time though uh what’s a fun game I just want a fun game to play that’s really it a pool takes time uh what’s a fun game that was little game

Rip there some J I’m not reading that at all I’m sorry this is normal game wait this is normal gaming stream him Opia Sure oh scrims would be fun actually we already did a ground gors I’m sorry I’m not in the daily disc of ground doors actually really do the ground doors but yeah guys doing OPG I should do scrims on a bit that scrim is actually really fun guys want to do scrims

Uh make a Po Jo friend from my friends list should we do T Wars scrims uh yes no there we go okay now join up guys come on the screen got got uppercase R lowercase u i mean uppercase R lowercase o uppercase U uppercase U again lowercase e uppercase

P I join the game how do I join I forgot the code’s on the screen join in the hive Northern micro region type SL CS like this space UPC nacore then the code I just said out loud it’s also like right above my hot bar on screen

Yeah hopefully hope I didn’t said that too fast I talk too fast guys what yeah we hit sub Go I mean we were pretty close to it when I start the stream but we hit it yeah thanks guys we’re the best yeah new sub goal

Go down the screen guys join up this is a OPG or maybe OPG Death Match how people join bridge is fun bridge is fun I agree with that can do another Bridge here in a bit if you want join the game yeah every the idea was already taken I want to

Do H High hor escape room make have YouTubers play it yeah I think it’s already been done but again you could do it again in your own way you know what I mean you can make it you can remake your own way or make it or make it better

Like you can you can read ideas people have already done as long as you make them better you know what I mean if you find a video idea it’s already been done but it’s like done badly you can always like just redo your own way put Different Twist on it your own editing

Style you you can even credit the original idea if you really want to I don’t know you should play controller I would but I don’t have a controller and I don’t know I I don’t nothing about controller guys like I don’t know what controllers are good I don’t know what

Are bad all that I know is the controller is like $50 plus I don’t don’t want to spend that much money on just it’s fun I want test for a stream I don’t make I would I wouldn’t remake the money you know mean like yeah it wouldn’t it wouldn’t be a good

Investment for the channel I don’t really care enough just test it for fun plus I don’t know what I know some not I know not all controllers work for like PC so I’m not even sure like what controllers work for PC xock oh yeah xock did do it his game wasn’t high oh

Right remember me hi oh yeah I remember you lunar what is up how you doing welcome welcome how you doing lunar i18 controller stop 180 shees well you you you probably bought to use it a lot Xbox works with or Xbox okay okay sounds good I don’t know I

Might get one eventually but again I don’t know resource packs on a on a world other textur and sounds W actually really cool I how to make Hive theme C some blocks and St yeah yeah do I think we’re about to start guys if you want to join you

Should you should join the game cod on screen back welcome back thanks for the giveaway yeah no problem is Sumo no this is OPG I’m about to start OPG overpowered survival games yeah okay let’s do Death Match we’ll change that to I I make it six players I guess we going to start

Start they’re PR survival games yeah be interested in buying it what’s the controller yeah do double use yeah yeah I I just want to use it very much like I would probably if I bought controller I probably buy one for 50 bucks so like yo demo do you know

Controllers demo do you know anything about controllers are you controller nerd are you do know anything Ora if anyone knows any good controllers for like 50 bucks any get Xbox controllers for like 50 60 bucks and like yeah cheap but they still work well let me know I might consider buying

No okay never mind uh you gu back D what is up all right let’s start this Game why said chat to subscriber only I’m testing something I I can change it back right now if you want me to I was just testing something I was just i’ I’ve always headed on I’ve always headed on any can chat like entire time of YouTube and never tried subscriber only and

What’s it called I what’s it called I know some friends that did it they tried it and they get like 50 Subs in like 2 hours so I was just testing it obviously it’s not working as well for me but you know I’m just testing I was just testing

It change that okay I have so better sort of inventory I should probably leave go or get killed yeah Hive guy what is up welcome to the stream Hive guy how you doing today I person hello it’s not teaming but hello yeah I can’t really team but I

Also won’t kill you cuz early in the game I feel bad gaming server actually just so true though yeah hey I can change it back if you want me To good for you I Xbox yeah well I use Xbox control too can’t I said we can’t team we can’t team I just don’t want to kill you right now why you follow okay actually fine I’ll go I’ll do over here I’ll go over Here should I jump off here guys let survive ready MLG the thry just better um what boiled Eggs H I don’t know they good I guess ninja ninja ninja stop st don’t don’t encourage him sell out don’t oh my don’t help him it’s not teaming Ops she it’s not teaming you guys need a fight please is taking your f is taking your Fame you want to do something about

That I don’t think I was ever famous server extras I don’t know it’s it’s just server extras you know also kind of mad cuz the new ASMR video I made the audio was like scuffed up in it I don’t even have stuff the audio sounded like really

Weird I tried doing I don’t know how people get noise I don’t know how people don’t get like static and fan noise in the background but have like the ASMR no come through clear I don’t know how people do it CU boring I mean cuz I got to go what’s boring a

Part himo don’t do this himo stop demo stop don’t be cringe demo stop being Cringe demo stop being cringe stop being cringe demo boy pancakes or waffles uh probably that’s a tough one they’re both really good but I probably to pick a by waffles no pancakes my bad that’s the wrong thing how can you mine that so fast stop buly me Demo Chill bro why is everyone going for me stop go kill demo instead theor part your streams other parts when you’re talking bro see like you hate all my streams you hate every part so what you say my entire streams then that you saying already that why is everyone going for me hello

Weather maker what’s up M for president from demo is that one’s school bully they know who knows that’s wild that’s why you helping him ra Bruh escaping bull right now I find no more cobwebs they’re taking them all wait I canot hit him he can What take That hi yo what is up hello welcome to stream yo speaker man welcome welcome Striker how you doing hello hello stop bro you guys by y go for me oh my gosh no that’s wild a fellow purple member yo fellow purple member yo we love those how about you yo

Purple is good purple is good yo w we from your server all right go lunar where where’s lunar you actually got stack oh my gosh that hold making MOJ delete C was so true though see my opinion SJ be a lot better if if they had three things one

More maps like more new maps two if they had a border that Shunk in after like slowly after time so like the game doesn’t like take so long and three if cobwebs are much rarer C there my opinion like there are way too many cobwebs in this game I mean obviously

It’s op SG so have too many but like even in normal SG I don’t like the amount of should CB should really rare if there are any at all there’s really annoying in my opinion favorite color is red yo nice I love people we same time members W’s W’s W’s W’s all

Right Roy and Cella are fighting W’s ninja is attacking lunar demo attacking not attack he’s bullying never mind can you tell thanks I’m 24 months you’re about what 24 months member really I haven’t had member I haven’t had memberships for though for 24 months that’s I haven’t had membership

For that long so not I I don’t know pretty well so close the got me rip that’s there so many CS right here he on a demo ninja and sellout take the victory Royale it’s the epic battle of the centy oh that’s the bald member oh yeah

It is I remember you’re B yeah yeah don’t remember B yeah I remember that invite me to the VC and change your hello Little Mac what’s up how you doing little KN py go howdy she Little Mac mod Little Mac does have okay never mind I

Little Mac do you actually want to join the VC or you just being little that’s just Little Mac moment uh you’re you’re alter eego what L how you doing again we’re just doing scrims yeah invite me pal right what is this song it’s horrendous h oh my gosh finally some actually good news

Anyways actually what’s this oh not that nah it’s also bad what’s this one actually I like this one this one’s not bad Uh yeah Little Mac where’s Little Mac I have to DMS open I need to close them I need to close him that’s why I SP what do you mean it’s debatable a little mac cold hearts and heated floors what that means cold hearts and heated floors yes that makes sense I a little

M what’s up Chatters how’s your nights going hi server hey hey little I’m just not going to acknowledge you actually actually your volume is fine Siri I didn’t say Siri oh my God you’re do hey Siri what’s my address just kidding Siri no he’s not kidding he’s not

Kidding no just kidding Siri don’t give my address away how I got dox by Siri yellow Y what game should we play everyone saying do scrims I just Tab out Minecraft join are you I am going to join I’m online and rearing to go server gaming wow I’m

Ready to you you just had so much fun last time you it’s true it’s true it was a heck of a time as some may say my day is going good how’s your my day my day is actually going okay is it normally going better or

Worse um I don’t know I had exams today oh man that’s rough yeah I know for like half of the day and the second half of the day I sat in a room with a bunch of other kids and I wasn’t allowed to use my phone for like 4 hours oh man that’s

Even rougher it was terrible it was like I don’t know it was like a hostage situation but in school it was terrible for socialize about the internet it was like it was like a hostage situation but worse you know what I’m saying we couldn’t cuz we couldn’t use our phones yeah right internet

Terrible actually to talk to each other no we weren’t even allow to talk to each other I I asked to go the bathroom to see if I could like use my phone or something and the teacher was like okay but leave your phone here so you know

It’s no fair it’s like act like this is like communism or something that’s not communism but you know what I it sucks it’s something all right it has nothing to do with Communism but it it feels like communism it doesn’t it doesn’t feel good

Yeah it’s not f it could be a sort of commm you could say that but not really so it’s anyway anyways uh what game should we do you want do you want to try to do scrims sure I don’t care I’m going to lose but sure I’ll I’ll try people want

I have try not sure this going to go because set teams is hard but we’ll try it don’t the friends list if you’re on it chat I asked this to defect chat too what’s your favorite Jack harlo song cuz I have loving on loving on what’s it called loving on you stuck in

My head right now or loving on Me like for Server gaming teams you know oh we’re doing this again this is a scams we can do team captains and like I just want to do like free shop we do team captains also you should join are you are you toggled online where are you

There you are uh there you are oh yes boom Gaming Team all right uh wait that’s a terrible code there’s a better code guys join up scrims I guess cuz you voted for that you don’t know what scrims are it’s competitive treasure Wars one one big I’m so embarrassed at how low my

Treasure Wars level is but I just stopped playing this your treasure Wars level it’s like 38 or 37 saying I know it’s just cuz I stopped playing treasure Wars after they announced that bedwar is coming out cuz there’s no point when did you start um I don’t know I mean if if it’s

Still fun you can still play it I mean for reference I was level like 31 in Skywars or something at the same time I was level 37 in Treasure Wars and now in Skywars I’m level like 47 or something so you know do you ha you hate this game that much I do

The code really said yeah yeah it almost says yay if you look at it that way an extra a it just depends what mood you’re in you know yeah yeah move dep if you look at it yes yes it’s like life depends how you look at it you can whip your

On I get On’s Ain coming out yeah it ain’t coming out soon if you want to grind I think you kind of Max the game I’m not going to lie yeah but I don’t want to also anyone here want to do teams y demo boy you want my luck I’m going to

Get to like level 97 or something and then they’re just going to be like nope bedw Wars just how Hive does you know yeah I will have YouTube rank before I ever level up in Treasure Wars I can promise you that wa that’s a I mean it just means I’m it just means

I’m never going to play treasure Wars that’s all it means yeah I mean treas will probably never come I mean yeah better will probably be out by the time you have it it depends how much you ear unless your next video gets a million views wish it might true it could happen

I think I could get YouTube rank with like 20,000 views on my next video but but that won’t happen probably so you never know I you never know you never know you never know I have to upload first and I’m having trouble with that right now I just really don’t want

To do that yeah I’ll put in this hard cuz I’m full of most YouTubers especially for people who like are like perfectionists and they spend weeks on their videos like me like I just like I I just like if I don’t like how my video

Is so far I just don’t work on it and that means it never gets better and it just sits there so you know yeah that’s understandable it’s a little tricky okay this is hard play my wrestling game W’s play I just play solos understandable bed will be out soon okay

Glad you I’m I’m glad you’re optimistic he knows guys he’s looking into the future or something yeah right how soon are we talking can you give me an exact date time and like you know like time zone you know what I’m saying please and thank you I need to

Know my can be red I’ll be blue oh no the teams are on even should I make my team a little better no I think I should why that’s not fair well better viewing experience but whatever I mean well got wait let me look at this uh who’s there who should

Their player who who which team should their player go on server do whatever you want I don’t care is so hard this is too much this is too much work too much pressure for me you can do whatever pal or you can put us on the same team and then it

Doesn’t matter and we’ll put all the good people on our team they won’t know they won’t well they’ll probably know but yeah they they’ll probably figure it out I think my team I think my team is slightly worse I going to put it on my

Team all right you do that and I can always fold you on purpose you know if we’re doing too good true true true you can do that that is indeed a thing you can do all right um yeah treasure War scrims you don’t know how to play don’t

Break Treasures until 23 minutes don’t use block Breakers and yeah work as a team only one person stand generat at a time hopefully this is fair I don’t know I do my best okay I’m going to let this guy go hang on what’s the rules again can you say those

One more time no breaking Chargers until 23 minutes and no using block Breakers it’s pretty yeah pretty straight forward and then work as a team wait no block Breakers no yeah you got to block in yourself and break it okay yeah no block Breakers yeah yeah Al I suck it I suck

At blocking in though well now is your time to get better at it I don’t like that rule I also don’t know how to play scrims I think I’m going to buy a sword maybe that might be what I do maybe yeah my team is God awful but by the way he just

Connected me well that’s un I just walked in the wood that’s unfortunate whose team are you oh wow never mind your team has got awful maybe it’s just wait this guy’s trying to andrometer bridge this guy thinks he’s in an evident video what the heck he’s wasting blocks

No wait I forget what I’m supposed to do in in Treasure am I supposed to like break these guys like Bridge or something like I forget uh I mean yeah you you want to stop him for getting into mid so you know that’s it’s one way to play

That done I’m so good at video games look at that I just broke their Bridge isn’t that is a pro scrimer now oh my to Yo they actually a little mac video I became a pro scammer in 24 hours um not doing that that’s a garbage

Video I me you’re right you don’t want the scam audience you’re right out no wasting his Snowballs I don’t have I don’t have any blocks I’m better see oh I should I should get these emeralds actually that’s a good idea bro my team is folding guys we’re folding we need emeralds we’re better we’re better uhoh wait wait wait wait there’s a person coming to our base guys stop them

I’m bringing emeralds back to our base guys do I Bank these emeralds I don’t know what to do with emeralds what do I do someone tell them yeah you you probably upgrade generators or just Bank them uh guys why has no one upgraded our generators yet you’re actually bad

That’s what me our our team is the same problem like literally we got oh my we literally got I we got oh my never mind this is Chad do better this is painful wait wait ink ink ink ink ink ink ink my last time I played scrams in a server

Gaming St Mead dad dead yo I’m low I’m low wait I can’t I shouldn’t say that J because my team is freaking incompetent dude wait someone go go yeah it’s past 23 minutes yeah they can do that also yeah I know but like our team’s just bad Al yeah my team is

Running around collecting emeralds and they’re not using them for the team they’re saving them for Theirself bro oh my okay okay this is cringe how did I kill you and the other guy what how they Team is fing also Ser is doing nothing to help his team yeah I am I’m I’m contributing yay that was kind yeah teams are harder in this game and the teams are difficult I watch the guy Break N still he folded I’m not going to lie he kind of folded he kind of

Folded what game do you want to play whatever you want to play Gravity let’s do gravity gravity you can’t you can’t any settings you can’t change any settings in that though anything else okay you can uh let’s do a death tag sure I’ll do that all

Cool actually let’s do I’ll do in the squads as well I like squads maps are better they are all right join through the friends list if you’re on it be up here in a second never ever be us be how you were there that’s Little M if you watched the

Video you sent him did you watch Demo’s video um I did not I should watch that though people have been talking about it yeah their attention is actually crazy on it by I will watch it if I remember what’s I’m on yeah what’s I think the

Average attention was like by the end I think it was like what was go back to the graph he sent me let me look at it yeah it was like 55% I end of 8 minute video something like that it’s actually pretty good for his first video ever can ban Little Mac for

Fun what wait a minute wait Avery wait a minute wait ban me from What You Can’t Ban me from hive just ban you from just ban me from life I think that’s called Murder um every said not me a said not me that’s it guys lock her up guys go find

Her face man what is up I don’t know what the Emojis you just put in chat were but okay are you sorry though one what was the cloud oh it’s Spaceman again dude that guy was in the other stream y W’s he was doing the same thing he was like

I even know making hand gestures yeah maybe I’m going to grab a glass of water can you entertain my chat while I’m uh while I’m gone I need water too though all right we we’ll trade off all right you entertain chat first and then uh and then I’ll entertain your

Chat okay go get water fast I’m going quick I’m going quick is gaming stream what that’s you got from that that’s you from the hand Jers demo okay then I don’t know why okay I W question why you went to okay never mind uh is this

Normal sky this is o no this is death tag Sky I try remember what the game was this is death tag cuz Little Mac wanted it so I listen to him for some reason I don’t know why it’s death I yes no it’s a little it’s Little Mac again it’s

Little Mac again yeah it’s pretty crazy yo egos I think I I saw this guy promoting a Discord server he makes decent videos I’m back welcome back okay now I need water as well okay now it’s your turn decent videos uh it’s ego guy I see him here I

Just saw him the other day promoting Discord server that’s all right yeah entertain okay guys Little M better do good job entertaining he better he better not convert you into his cult all right bye all right chat last time that defect went to get water excuse me um I told all of you

Everyone ignore that I told last time I told you all to tell him that you love him this time I want you to be super mean and tell him within reason of course okay don’t be ridiculously mean I want you to be mean and tell him how

Much you hate him okay I want everyone to type like mean messages be like server gaming you stink today you need some deodorant like stuff like that you know what I’m saying someone donated 80 members I didn’t there’s no way that’s true yeah guys everyone tell him how

Stinky he is everyone tell him how like bad looking he is like tell him he’s having a bad hair day you know what I’m saying you need to make sure he knows tell him to like go take a shower cuz he’s so stinky I’m going to tell him go

Clean your room that’s what I’m going to say I’m going to say go clean your room and smell like armpit server you smell like fart you smell like dirty Rat I think he’s cheating whoever your videos suck all you do is C guys let’s go guys let’s go chat guys he won’t know what hit him he’s going to be so sad when he comes back Server guys keep going keep going don’t stop yet keep going keep mocking him guys someone mock his grandma someone make fun of his grandmother for being short all right call Grandma short there’s no way he’s coming back from that one what are you talking about right now wait wait what oh hi hi

Server came back and talk about my grandma being short no no no I wasn’t talking about that S I took a long time I I don’t know what happened I got lost I you got lost in your house it happens I chugged 12 whole glasses of

Water while you while I was gone any went up 10 viewers nice work I’m proud of you you’re welcome I’m really good at I don’t know what you said to them but okay I didn’t say anything you proba converted them to your call or something I start this game now um uh

Hopefully you’re in the game because we’re going to start it yeah I’m in I’m Ser you should read all your chat like scroll up oh why do I like you supposed to be doing that a massive such a massive loser whatc voice so annoying bro what are you

On about also the laugh is because my microphone settings are bad I don’t know how to do good ones um actually I don’t think I should my chat I don’t think I Should good job CH should chat well done chat I don’t know they did they did exactly what I told them to they accomplished the job they accomplished the mission why you tell them to do over good things why you tell them to do bad things um I told them to do good things

Last time so this time I was just you know it true true true got yeah yeah yeah one good d one bad d That’s How works but it’s fine no no harm no foul maybe next time it’ll be good again or maybe next time it’ll be like mediocre I don’t

Know you’ll just have to show up to find out chat yeah this guy’s wearing a green skin that is so 2020 so true though and he just died okay my teammate is bad I mean there there more life so like it’s all right you know you know who I

Saw the other day I saw the real um what’s his name unspeakable plays 4 five 68 in my game really oh I’m going to die okay wait my team’s popping off wait a minute crazy dude green is crazy oh you’re on Green Team okay I just got I’m going to pay

Him a visit real quick hold up I’ll be right there I’m not on Green Team I just killed egos I’m sorry about that egos egos YT I’m being like really careful this is like such an intense game it is such an intense game mode you can like never

Turn your back to any I’m withen you know what I feel safe with green dude green could never hurt me true though dude I’m actually insane at this game what I’m crazy cracked the craft real dude I haven’t died a single time I’ve gotten I’ve gotten four kills I haven’t died

Once I I was gay wait what I said I said I was gay for you last stream control mid oh my God that’s my I’m sorry I was gone guys you know did you know Little Mac has super smash BR what that supposed to mean wait what he say he

Demo said guys did you know that little mac is Super Smash Bros oh yeah I’m a character in Super Smash BR your grandma’s hot actually that’s that’s a a compliment actually thisy just jumped in the void dude he couldn’t handle the emotional damage I keep on dying I’m I’m gonna kill egos

All by myself I’ve killed them like five times I feel so bad I’m sorry bullying Os Oh my dude I’m sorry oh God wait I’m going to die okay no green green protect me green why ya I don’t know man the ammo yaps more than me to be honest I

Died of fall damage this guy is doing more sign language in my chat anyone hear you sign language SP man what are you trying to say bro what does it mean anyone hear you signning language raise your hand if you do he he’s just blabbering he doesn’t

Know what he’s saying okay that was the first time I’ve died okay I keep on I died the cellot four times this is embarrassing Zer kills and died rip Jack I’m hear that I lost my response I’m sorry to hear that shadow kid welcome to stream Shadow kid hello hello d boy I’m

On my last yeah protect me Ser I’m going to come Slaughter your family you’re not ready for it soell like far Little Mac told me to oh whoops I died to I’m the worst Minecraft player ever I died to Green this is oh my career’s over GG’s

You know I it was a good run I mean my career never started but you know Ah that’s rough it happens that’s rough a little mac you better win now all I killed banana man you 2our y never did I thought K demo I killed demo that’s surprising I’m popping off are you

Spectating me are you dead oh no yeah I’m dead I’ll spect to you where are you okay all right Little Mac is going in for the kill he’s going after demo demo and lunar they’re backing up oh my it’s just lunar nice nice oh no don’t spawn

Kill lunar oh no I’m spawn killing him dude I don’t in the slightest I’m sorry that was Co do another scram okay I’ll make a little whole thing my My Little Mac is dying I mean winning I’m winning don’t worry watch this chat watch

SC still alive I want to kill him cuz he said he was going to Target I’ll check is is he still alive no he’s not he’s gone fall damage he was running from me and he died in Fall damage yeah that is sad kick a little mac why

Though sad why I KCK Little Mac yeah what did Little Mac ever do yeah what what what’s Little Mac ha about oh yeah ego says member gift that’s funny uh um none of you know my language I I’m sorry I don’t think anyone who knows sign language we’re all primitive

Creatures we got this we got this green uh game though uh what should the next game be any any games you want to play Little Mac gravity please bro this guy keeps killing me oh my God I don’t know like Wars what what are the game options got

Gravity we could dirt hide and seek that’d be kind of funny I’m going to kill lunar snow he’s not ready for it killed him I guess I’ll do grab this Little Mac one so whatever I’ll do dirt okay I think I’m going to head out after

This game though so okay so you don’t have to do gravity if you don’t want it all right sounds good bro I’ll do I’m on my last life I’m going to lose everyone’s going to Target me now he his ping is too good who are you talking about

Sellout why little about me Little Mac tell him to play Simon says I’m sorry Little Mac it’s okay I forgive just don’t do it again you know what I’m saying he My Stream I can speak your language real I’m going to kill you demo you probably said something offensive in his language

I’m sorry you probably did just him I can’t believe you demo defend him like that sign language how do you wait we should play server says no offense to defin yeah I killed him I kill server say oh we should do that that’s that’s like death tag but better

What what how does that make sense what did you say you say Simon says I said server says we should play server says yeah and I said his death Ty better I killed him again nice dude I just destroyed him I was on my final life and

I killed him twice oh my God sorry Whitewater Str bro hiding yeah where are you hiding at bro I’ll find let me see oh he’s hi don’t he’s hiding under the ground I I don’t know where he’s at I just just fly up just fly up you can’t fly through the

Map it’s not how it works oh shoot yeah I’ll just kick him I’ll just kick him from the game no I want to kill him fine you know he could be at his base I don’t really know wait fine Le get out I got kicked from the game that’s

Fantastic oh he’s I I don’t see your name tag that’s all I know chat somebody find out where he is and tell me someone figure it out I didn’t see your name tag anywhere near oh wait I think I heard him I found him I found him I found him oh nice

Work he’s going to kill me oh yeah he’s right next to you go over know he’s building up now him I got him 13 kills dude I f up oh my God I’m crazy yeah it’s crazy well that’s all for me chat different games yes have a good one

Server have a good see see you lat Little Mac bye see you later there go Little Mac all right uh what game should I play now what game guys what game hey what game is winning T where scrims guys want to play scrims is anyone here willing to do

Teams though anyone in chat willing to do teams for the scrim anyone at all like anyone like anyone like anyone talented and scrims teams anyone the game you should know I do know me you f you’re one do teams let’s go thank you temo yo thank you so

Much VI I don’t know what you mean I that doesn’t say that for me but okay buddy SCS yes nah I hey join the friend from my friends list you Join clap a joke all right buddy go players on the on my team play on their team bro demo okay I need someone actually good teams do anyone here actually want to set like Fair good teams also there’s code lowercase M upper no lowercase M lowercase H lowercase H again three uppercase Z

Lowercase k can you add me oh I can’t I apologize unless you become a channel member I’ll add you if you become a cool very very epic W Channel member or if watch my streams consistently and like active chatter for like couple months promise I said good team are you

Sure okay fine guys how about this I’ll get i’ll let demo do teams and if he does bad teams we ban demo actually we unmod it we unmod demo boy what do you think yeah SP is a little harsh I’ll unmod demo boy if the teams are bad what

You what are you think is that good I think that’s fair right I think that’s fair I’ll B you from your own chat real deal and then mod me yeah then I’ll then I’ll mod I’ll mod sketchy I’ll ban demo and M got you if if he does the

Team I don’t know how I mean I don’t know them either just look at okay demo just look at their just look at their level and like kind kind of like assume their skill like and this guy’s really good I know that he’s pretty good um who

Else is pretty good he’s pretty good and anyone else actually pick other CR yeah besides him this guy’s like the only Lev level that’s actually good everyone else I don’t know the skill of just just like look atev try to base off that I don’t want to set teams any bro yo

Any yo anyone else anyone at all yo s you only 10 gamer score what the heck yo sell out and yo maybe teams no maybe you do too much what fine demo here demo you got this I got do a server bye all right bye okay there you go demo demo do teams

Please I I your blue is not on the line don’t worry I mean probably not maybe not yeah why is bro stalking me W I’m just saying your name you and demo you and demo the only person I only feel confident here that I trust this set teams I’m sorry no

Offense to everyone else but Like by the way the team get that badly um solid demo Sol Al so what’s a good map uh I think ruins ruins is decent we can do ruins this time you can remove F oh well yeah I I mean I could I I could I probably should

Yeah there you go no more that no more ft Little Mac little MC a server is going to what abuse abuse what what huh What team teams red are full of sweats demos are you doing on Fair teams uh noell not sell on blue H I don’t know if it’s all I don’t know I’m going to ban someone Let’s Go Blue I don’t know I to got CU their main was hacked o rip that is

Unfortunate wait what level are you right now we’re done all right don’t cry if you guys remember no breaking Treasures guys guys no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no using block Breakers and only one person sit on generator at a time only one person on generator time get maxg maxg are

Important mid control is important no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes and no using block Breakers rip C rip wait where’ C go there oh yeah there I thought you left guys someone get blocks we need to get to Mid he wait 22 men not 23 it’s

Fine 20 wait well I I 23 minute roll right that’s just the way I do it I don’t know man also why do you both buy blocks this guy needs to go get diamonds you you go get diamond go get diamonds other blocks man you oh my all right you

Don’t you don’t need to finish the bridge all Right let’s go okay that’s awkward uh ah hating just a hate how actually what I never seen worse teams but you were offering though I didn’t see that teams also I guess I’ll go get diamonds myself cuz no one else is willing to wrong tell me wrong ever stream server grows once

You’re wrong actually plan not wrong what do you remember dirty what do you mean not going like let my members win in the games just because you’re member I mean not going that much speci treatment I’m sorry I get lot treatment not that much you also me um emeralds

Guys kind like need emeralds also someone please defend the treasure please we need emeralds we’re going to lose please someone upgrade the generators please somebody let oh nice work nice work nice work take those take that take that you get the emerald all you take the emeralds back oh never

Mind then yeah yeah yeah you take that stuff back oh oh my got okay and now low this the void I didn’t buy member you gifted it I be name member then what say your member hard I went take how did I roast my me what what did

I do what are you on about I don’t know you’re on about Bud best treasure defense ever here we go no have breaking the bridge oh my that really the strategy right now no you serious right now are you serious come on come on how’ they get it Dam we folded not going to lie we folded we folded ah that is

Rough you know I love my bridge decides not to bridge that’s Awesome that’s so awesome ah I personally believe you team mod I’m here often then sh Shard what also super cool to be honest Shard you mean demo what what H okay then make a p real quick by something else I want to know is the more fun when I’m no there we go guys vote on that poll vote on that poll really for no I know I remember I said I give mod to you who Shard that’s what I’m saying who is Shard I said okay sketchy I said if I moded and give I said I

Unmod demo and give it to you or harsh but who’s Shard oh who who is Shard my bad arsh yeah harsh yes harsh Um uh it’s all good it’s said two up oh yeah yeah all good all good yeah sure it’s it’s sh doesn’t come around very much I don’t know I don’t know what happened to him you came around for a while and they stop existing I don’t

Know guys V in the little pool also how is our team not even dead yet where is our team I don’t know how the game’s not over we have one guy left we have twoy we three guys left okay guys you got this you just got to like get a bunch of

Supplies and like all Rush at once and block in that’s probably like your main Str or have two you probably need two of your guys to like distract the team and one guy to like Block in that’s the only chance you even get in the Treasure or don’t die right here guys no

No you guys never mind it was a good run also guys what game next what game next what game next actually wasn’t that actually wasn’t too I mean it’s a little unfair wasn’t too unfair it wasn’t too bad I demo logged off I put myself

W’s give one of these next week I don’t know I still need mod that’s the problem like I understand like a lot of people deserve mod if as a VIP but like I have I already have a lot of blue names like I don’t know like what you’re still like

Appreciated I just don’t want to whole Chat full blue names I don’t know I yeah team okay I’m GNA go now bye all right bye demo boy thanks for being here demo boy ah guys what game what game you want to play any any game in particular by

Demo action mods is good yeah I have I have more than that like I active mods mod two more names is that really that much more I don’t know okay um I don’t know what game guys should we play what game was close to winning last pole

Gravity guys you want to play with gravity really CTF for bridge CTF was fun again there also like skill team that’s also the other thing uh Let’s do let’s do no gravity okay let’s do Then let’s do op block drop I think that’ be fun let’s do op block drop guys wellity is fun uh n do block only same I play okay let’s do op block drop all right wait what’s it called only only PVP stuff like you know what I

Mean like a bunch of it’s fine just join the game I like no friends online right now guys join join the custom okay here here’s the settings we’re going to do we’re going to do only that he put on hold on the screen and join up opas D uppercase t uppercase K

Lowercase U 6 lowercase V this music is I don’t know there’s better music guys join the custom code on the screen let’s see also must change the power wait power spawn interval every second lle times faster more vaults that’s good I think there we Go Block by somebody they want that’s one way to do it I guess that’s one way to do it y what’s up what is up hello oh I guys in the map you want I’m going try this wa where’s CPS C wait I want CPS Counter when I turn the FPS counter on I’m so smart where is where CPS where is my CPL cner where is it at it’s right here get ready I guess I can ja 28 if I debounce on 10 30 okay that’s Goofy I’m getting preoccupied Jack things just Like yeah I’ll take 30 that’s goofy i50 BTS on I can still get 30 anyways oh yeah I’m get instructed there we go uh here 10 that’s pretty good I’ll take it uh let start I think uh came we hit 2 point yeah maybe yeah I I’ll probably

Bring him out I’ll bring hand cam next game I not next game next stream probably or I be back uh the problem I don’t know I don’t know today I I was just lazy and doing it there no reason I didn’t do it today I I’ll do it though sometime

Oh where are the powerups okay I’m get Lo Down I so bad oh my I need to stop wasting my vaults you know actually being here could be this could be this trap Where are the Things I may turn on togg Sprint maybe actually that might be good I don’t know it could be sabotage me right now yo crafty what’s up welcome to stream also cotton hello hello I’m new and just sub yo thank you so much I appreciate it I appr I was B I

Appreciate the sub for the huge w a huge W welcome Welcome a housing human is here W’s I need to stop oh my gosh I need to find something else to say guys I got this never mind I jinxed it my bad my bad shouldn’t have said that where one up here was better actually

Weit sub goal yo we hit the sub goal yo wble thank you so much guys thank you every subed you’re so cool I appreciate you W’s do you post often yeah I try I’m trying to stream like uh what that three times a week I stream around like three

Times a week and then I upload as frequently as I can yeah I’m trying to upload two times a week currently like two three times a week currently but my main problem is like thumbnail makers like actually I want a good quality thumbnails for my videos and I’m like trash at making good

Quality thumbnails so I normally hire out thumbnail makers but I thumbnail makers I keep on hiring out they keep on like I hire them they do like one thumbnail then they say like oh I got sick I can’t do it or oh I got school I can’t do it

Or oh I I’m not going to respond to you for 2 weeks you know what I mean like they keep on dipping on me oh yeah I was the 1,00 240th subscriber you were it’s to cool thank kidding I turn notifications let’s go W’s W man there notifications we love themy get over

Here I’m messed up right there I was so many Loops got here where is he I have a question what is your question go for it uh not a good spot right here I don’t think so you’re famous right I mean that’s a relative but okay okay famous is a relative Word sure obviously the goal is to be famous I’m just some guy on YouTube making videos and weird little streams I almost died right there Bry stop hitting me okay where you get out of here Bry bully you now get out of here I took three Nemos just to get them oh

My uh no he’s not famous yeah I’m not famous you can get high wordss bro that’s because I don’t what’s it called that’s because none of you like said my name in Twitter cuz none of you have Twitter on I I’ll I’ll read you guys

Long messages in a moment all right if I try to read a long message right now I’m going to die I don’t want to die I’m trying to win winning is cool right maybe I don’t know I’m top four I want to get top three I’ll be happy with

That ah get out of here I almost I’m I am folding right now I only three leaps this is not good I need to stop buolding I need to stop folding you know I folded okay now I can reach shot yeah uh I and 70th sub yo that you’re so

You’re so OG actually that’s a that’s a little while ago no get about really appreciate it or whatever uh you said it about my it’s about my goal to get mod everywhere chance I can get I Can’t ah okay I understand you want mod everywhere but like I want my chat to look professional and if it’s all green I’m all blue it won’t look professional you’ll get mod eventually it’s just like yeah do you not beg for it SE stream I’ll give it to you eventually just

Like yeah um well I have 640 subscribers in 5 months and 11 days is that good I want to ask someone popular like you I think that you would know 600 600 subscri in 5 months that’s decent but here’s the thing it all depends like how much you’re uploading I

Was I was say 640 Subs in 5 months is pretty good you know what I mean that’s you’re getting some some steady Subs but really depends on like how much you’re uploading you know I mean like if you’re uploading like yeah it all depends like how much

You’re grinding you know what I mean like but I would say that’s good yeah I would say that’s good yeah so what game do you want play now do you pay for your thumbnail makers uh Andrew Andrew welcome hello hello I swear I modded Andrew did I not mod

Andrew hello Andrew how you doing I swear I modded you uh I I am willing to what’s it called I do pay for thel makers it all depends like what’s it called like hello I I I I offer to pay them some people say like no either way like I say I’ll pay

Him they say no either way and other people I pay and then they still don’t do it like I got scammed a couple times before and though I actually got scammed like two or three times now I Thum makers so like I’m very leaning on paying people but if if they are willing

To do it consistently and they have a good price am to pay them because getting consistent I found out even paying people it doesn’t get be to be consistent I don’t know even paying someone money doesn’t even work anymore it’s so hard to get cons tunnel makers to actually do

Something it’s hard I’ve tried learning myself though but the CTR is so bad on my thumbnails I do it myself can we do SG Sumo or or stream uh we should do free free shop is fun uh yeah I kind want do free shop you pay me yet guys onl

DM are open homie okay I’ll DM you after stream I got you Andrew yeah I’ll DM you after stream thank you so much yeah uh yeah I’ll DM you after stream and see what your pricing is and see how much you’re charging Eng you know if you’re Charing like a million dollars thumbnail

I don’t know okay um have to do free shop first then Sumo I don’t know what’s okay I’ll do free shop I not going to guarantee Sumo actually let’s do free shop and mega cuz Mega is better it’s funny yeah we do this war kind of not really

Only $7 a thumbnail on sale on sale 7K I $7 at first 7K you know you know may drop down to like 5K I could be I could be willing to you know negotiate you know to be honest you know that’s pretty good deal deal I only make like $10,000

A video though you know so I’m not sure like five-year-olds in chat that was a joke um fory and you every no friend why do everyone log off the hive at night imagine actually like sleeping 3K wow how B is you no he’s low no that’s called low balling right he’s low

Balling you whatever that’s called uh I don’t know terms um I don’t know anything um a team I good uh this is just free shop it’ll be random teams yeah that’s fine um thanks for offering though you you probably make your own I have tried make own thumbnails if if you

Go to my channel I made let me see my three my three my 2K texture pack release that was me I actually wait did I pay some yeah I 2K texture pack release I’m pretty sure I paid the guy three bucks for that I sent him to

Discord ENT basic and then the hand cam one my purple texture packs and uh office Mouse one I made those all myself as you can tell those are much lower quality and the CTR was much worse and like ratio is worse and my most recent video the texture pack video uh I

Actually got some want to do that one for free but it took them like 3 days to do it which wasn’t actually too bad but now they opted that but now they basically said I’m sick and I can’t make them those for you for a while so they

Way of saying I’m done doing thumbnails for you or they’re just actually sick I don’t know but the timing is really bad like they didn’t reply for me like three days I asked do a thumbnail 3 days later I replied I said I’m kind of sick and

Now I don’t know just I’m not sure I like DM him again guys he’s being free he makes y high RPM high RPM is definitely that good 100% I know it’s actually super funny though a stream got donated you one stream got donated a bunch of members

Where the guy gave pastel gave like 100 members I went to the stream and YouTube apparently doesn’t know how to tell like like GI gifted memberships and donations apart from ad Revenue so YouTube said the guys guess the ad revenue for that stream I only don’t guess never mind

I’ll just tell you the ad revenue for that stream I got gifted 100 members instead of was a $556 RPM RPM stands for views like every 1,000 views s i gifted 100 members in an hour YouTube thought the RPM for that stream was $560 YouTube is very smart Guys YouTube is very

Smart dude YouTube is you know I mean that’s definitely true guys that’s ins yeah you YouTube is you know they’re definitely right on that no Yeah ah see in my opinion I don’t wild I don’t know how YouTube doesn’t know how to separate gifted memberships and donations from like actual ad Revenue get mod by the way oh yeah that is real Andrew right wait what you didn’t need to remove that that is real Andrew right

Yo Andrew wait do you me on Discord real quick I just I just want you know guarantee your real I did I mod you yesterday me on Discord real quick I’m pretty I’m pretty sure you realize want to double check you never know Andrew you’re pretty there we go that’s not

Me you never know you’re pretty famous you know so lot people want person you okay let’s start this game I wait too long ah let’s go does that mean BR $500 in one no it doesn’t it just means YouTube is being stupid uh I made I still made good money

That stream I made like 300 bucks that stream no no not after YouTube takes their cut I made like I made 200 bucks at stream still after YouTube takes their cut but uh what’s the word um W pfp Andrew they’re both really cool you have like

One dark version and like kind of like one light version a generated me a and I’m going to be honest the a actually has gotten kind of crazy though fori that actually really good for AI like my PP was AI too so like I can’t be I can’t be ha on

AI I have pfp change it hold up was I didn’t mean to I thought he was begging no he wasn’t begging nah Andrew is cool this music is horrendous I’m sorry I can’t handle it it just it hurts me I cannot play I’m sorry this no not an ad I just want to

Listen to music give me I should really invest in YouTube premium I should invest in YouTube premium Thanks for whoever just subscribed I appreciate it yo hi welcome to stream Welcome Home music I thought you fire now F Rose actually does that what’s it called I’m not sure who knows who F Rose is but F Rose went from doing this type of music yeah this is actually F’s playlist he

Went from using this playlist to using NCS music and like he pulls viewers still so you know obviously I’m not I’m not going to say anything about it it’s his choice his stream but like NCS music again 2023 it’s do know ad blockers suck I don’t here’s the thing I’ve never

Actually use an ad blocker you know why is because well I I understand some people use it just for music videos you know for they listen to streams and know to deal with ads but in my opinion ad lockers are bad in any way just because you’re taking money from the Creator you

Know what I mean like obviously for music videos people uplo music videos they just like download the song We upload to their own channel so like take money from them it doesn’t matter but like in most cases you shouldn’t use an ad blocker even if you like figure out a

Way to because you’re stealing money from creators that work really hard to make really good content and like you know what I mean they’re trying to like make a little money off making videos and YouTubers don’t get paid that much to begin with so when you use an ad

Blocker you’re just taking money away from them and they’re trying their hardest so like stop yapping hello yo what’s up welcome to the stream Port portal flame portal flame how you doing why I say your name so weird at first welcome to the stream how you doing oh hello stop stop boing us

No stop Bo so much guys chill on the bow spam what is this bow War this is the most cringe bow War ever Al I don’t have any gapples this is not good actually I’m making a little base right Here that was not a good idea never mind it didn’t actually help me at all good how about you I’m doing pretty good thank you for asking Oh I’m just throwing this guy the bow oh My oh my this is such a weird little bow battle Here I used so many arrows already okay this is like really weird what are we doing right now guys What is this bow battle guys what is this oh there’s a blue guy in our base mayday mayday get out of Here can get low on blocks actually I should probably dip I’m sorry for both spamming You I failed to use a boom box correctly I ads so I have ad blocker no I use ad blocker you’re taking money from creators they work hard to make hun I know just I know I’m like the Creator taken from so that’s why I’m the one yapping about it but like No GG’s than the gapples I appreciate it appreciate the donation I’m sorry I apologize imag if you invited evident into a VC for you sure I could I don’t know I the streaming VC and stuff but like I don’t know and uh Yeah we’re winning guys we Won W’s uh I’ve been here the whole stream yo you’re actually a legend you’ve been here almost 3 hours yeah actually kind of crazy I appreciate you sticking around supporting the stream I’m a dip all right see that so loud I appreciate you sticking around it’s actually

Like hello welcome to the stream is your name life is that what I guess I think that’s what it stands for right life I see right see there lunar I think I think that’s that one stands for life right I hope so welc my stream that’s tell me if I

Let say your name wrong though let me know if I Am is there anyone Hive living right now is there anyone a hive liveing probably not but you never know let me just see live live oh that one Ender kid is live you could raate Him yeah actually you know what sure I guess we can raid the Ender kid again why not guys guys I’m raiding this Ender kid oh so much much water on neck but what might need a boot what what do that mean fresh hello they blocked my chat messages who blocked your chat messages

What yeah let’s go 30 lik from 30 total W’s yeah we got 30 likes right now W’s W’s thanks for all liking the stream I I don’t know what that means they don’t what that means I found him he’s hosting what is extra actually I think I think

That’s a cap I don’t think EV I don’t think extra evident actually is alive I feel like you’re capping let me this I’ll check though wait why is extra evident actually alive um let me see can I read him extra evident read your the uh he doesn’t have his live redirects On well I’m still R this other guy because like he’s a smaller streamer raate evident let’s R him no what’s it called you’re lying to yourself what’s it called how am I lying to myself I’m I’m raing a smaller streamer say server game guys go say server gam I’m ready he’s a smaller

Streamer evid has 70 I don’t know evid wouldn’t notice the raid and I want to help out some other people you know because yeah hey guys thank you all for being here thanks for 334 views stream 32 likes average of like 15 25 viewers it

Was a fun stream hope you all had a fun time here all I don’t know I’m streaming again next I don’t I don’t know to tell you I don’t know when I don’t know what day it probably be tomorrow maybe Thursday Maybe not maybe maybe Friday

Kind of depends all right Andre DM or something like that after stream just yeah on like see pricing actually how much you will to do all right thanks all thank for being here and I’ll see you in the next stream byebye guys byebye go to gaming ra all right Bye

This video, titled ‘Hive Live But Actually Live!?’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2023-12-13 03:46:29. It has garnered 433 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:32 or 10592 seconds.

Hive With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!!

2k Texture Pack!!

• memberships –

• join the discord –

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• my second channel – @ServerExtras

channel banner made by @_pup_

The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and in my streams we play Minecraft and mainly the Minecraft Bedrock server The Hive and Zeqa. Some other people that stream hive are Tman1010, GM19, Evident, Rubixle DannyIsDahBomb, Slenderguy, PrimeStrat, Fair Rose, and I also make videos about pvp, commentaries, pack folders, montage’s and much more on the hive Minecraft bedrock server. some other youtubers that also make videos on hive mcpe/mcbe are CmanWizard, Osian, FreshThePig, WspDaniel, Icynutella, lil tub bubble, lil mac, ignacioblade, Diecies, and many more.

#hivelivestream #minecraft #live #thehive #hivemc #minecraftbedrock #zeqa

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  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

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  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

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  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

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  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

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  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

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  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

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  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

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  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

    Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[4k60fps] The Pink Sheep (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by SandDucc on 2024-08-18 21:47:42. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Like so we can DESTROY the Algorithm Minecraft, MinecraftShorts, MinecraftShort, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft viral, Minecraft trending, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft survival, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft builds, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft noob vs pro, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft wither, Minecraft boss battle, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft clips, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft crafting, Minecraft… Read More