Insane Mansion Build in Minecraft – You Won’t Believe This Massacre!

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Okay all right we’re we’re figuring something out now we’re trying okay okay um is is something happening can you guys see the screen can you see can you see things happening hello okay you guys can see the screen and and I’m moving how how is it when I’m

Moving like I’m going to start like moving and like placing blocks and stuff no lag it’s okay second times the [Laughter] charm okay all right it says I have an excellent connection oh wait is something going on now are are things okay are things okay still like I’m building bro bro is crazy

Okay I yeah try vertical movement that’s a good idea all right um we’re we’re we’re moving all over the place now uh yeah moving plus building yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s just let’s do everything let’s do everything at once we’re we’re building uh we’re we’re we’re oh yeah

This is this is what Massacre mansion looks like this is it the stream is working completely fine uh okay I think we’re fine do a little spin I’m doing a little spin I did a little spin okay I think we’re fine um well it could be like a bit rate

Thing or something like that okay I think something was just a little funky about my connection or maybe my computer is just a potato uh it could be either of those things so who knows um wow okay YouTube not on Twitch yeah uh I’m on YouTube this time because twitch is

Being stupid and this is my first time streaming on YouTube so uh forgive me if there there are technical difficulties like we uh have just experienced [Laughter] um but here we are we’re we’re in it we’re we’re doing it that old stream that old stream is

Dead forget the old stream this is all about the new stream the new stream right now okay um since things appear to be looking fine could you start streaming on YouTube instead of twitch um I probably will honestly I I probably will stream on YouTube uh because twitch is being

Really lame right now um I don’t know how many of you have like a uh an Elgato game capture device but that’s what I’m using um when I went to and I’ve done this before and it’s worked no problem um when I went to like test uh the twitch

Stream for today’s stream I tried to open uh the twitch like extension uh to you know uh to the Elgato game capture device um and it just came up with a black window that covered most of my screen and there was nothing in it except um there was like

Just one word in the top left corner of the screen and it said gone it it was very strange I I don’t know I I don’t know like what happened oh good night eggor good night so this is going to be a very chill stream assuming that everything is is [Laughter]

Working everything is working fine uh this is going to be a pretty chill stream and um I am using the switch version the the literal switch version of Minecraft currently so there will be no um there will be no commands because typing in a command would take too long

Uh I’m doing everything legitimately I mean as legit as a creative mode can get ah thank you uh jez Electro ult I appreciate that uh I worked really hard on that soundtrack hello hi [Laughter] everyone that’s how horror stories start I know I know it it was actually super

Ominous that little text window I I should like get a screenshot of that I I’ll send it in like a like a post or something um like I’ll send a post that’s just the window that says gone because like it was actually kind of frightening I

Thought like oh no the malware is back but I’m pretty sure it’s either just something wrong with my Twitch account or something wrong with my Elgato uh device do you plan to make a game of mastera cards in Minecraft kind of uh yeah what if you needed to copy a room

Or large part of the Mansion structure blocks would be great for that yeah um I don’t know how to give myself structure blocks I’m not a big techno nerd uh when it comes to Minecraft things um allow me to tell you guys uh what I’m doing you should totally type you should type

Totally a command you know for the content I will not I will not be typing anything in it takes so long like I mean you know when you have like an Xbox controller effectively I have a switch Pro Controller but okay yeah so I’m going to tell you guys what I’m

Building right now I’m building Massacre Mansion if that if that wasn’t obvious already I’m building Massacre Mansion okay and the first room in Massacre mansion and like the main room uh is like uh it’s the Great Hall I call it I’m not typing in any of this stuff so I’m building the Great

Hall and the Great Hall is the first thing that you see when you enter uh when you enter the Mansion so this is basically like the front door the elaborate front entryway okay now I don’t know how big is too big I’m going to actually place a door so I

Know uh my scale I guess I have a very clear idea of what I want the Mansion to look like I mean I’ve thought about this like so much I’ve thought about this in my head like what do I actually want the Mansion to look like um is this the massacre Mansion yes

It is this is the locked door yes this door this door right here is the locked door that no one can escape from um and what I’ll be do what I’ll be doing is I’ll be um building the interior first like I’ll be building the entire interior of this first and then

Afterwards I will be uh building the exterior at the very end basically um why not iron door for the joke um the way I build Interiors is I’m actually going to have like a black void on the outside so like you can open the door

Like I really like the look of the dark oak doors that’s why I’m using the dark oak doors but otherwise otherwise I would use an iron door for the uh canonical Shenanigans how long will the stream be uh as long as I want it to be probably several

Hours um let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see I need some decorative stairs probably some dark oak uh to make a nice a nice decorative uh thing a nice decorative like Arch over this door door where the heck are the walls where are the walls

At are they are they like part of the decorative blocks man I haven’t I haven’t built in creative mode in so long actually I’m so used to building in survival mode now whatever uh I’ll do this for now so I’m thinking have one layer of this above the

Top I’ve Been Told I’m good at [Laughter] building yeah you can’t escape Massacre Mansion because it’s floating super high in the air so true so true um we’re going to do we’re going to do a little bit of this action here we’re going to do some of that we’ll do

This and we’ll do a little bit of stairs stuff here so you enter the mansion and that that’s the entrance to the [Laughter] mansion oh here’s the walls they’re right here okay cool I definitely need some darker Stones uh but they still need to look polished graphic design is my

Passion uh what’s your favorite role in masac cards oh it’s like asking to choose between my favorite children it it really is what it feels like I I really I don’t know if I have a favorite favorite but I do know that like as far as uh history

Goes um the killer the killer might be my favorite killer might be my favorite just because um the way they play is really fun I enjoy the way that the Killer plays um and the killer has a really long history like uh I I don’t know how much I’ve

Talked about it but like there are so many like versions of Massac cards from the past where like the killer has remained like one of my favorite characters to play like almost always um and I I don’t know maybe I designed them that way maybe I designed them in a

Way that I would enjoy but uh yeah I’m sealing the door I’m sealing the door right now yeah scientist scientist might be my favorite character design wise like you know me I love the science goop theme and I really do like how the scientist plays but overall like if I had to play

As one character like for the rest of my life I would choose a killer pretty much every time oh yeah do you play masac cards with your friends uh yeah I do I do play Master cards with my friends um and they like it at least I think they

Do uh oh you know what this this like bottom layer of the floor needs like an accent an accent block of some variety uh perhaps like a deep slate stone type thing or maybe like a uh can I get a what’s what’s in here o gilded Blackstone is

Really pretty but that’s probably like a like a bathroom Block O this deep slate deep slay tiles that’s what I want I think yeah oh you know what okay so if I do this I’m going to swap these out yeah this is a chill stream it’s a

Chill stream but yeah I I do play uh masac cards with my friends um and they like it they think it’s really cool um and they like are like pretty much the sole people responsible for play testing it there are a couple groups of people I think that have play

Tested it without me present in the room uh but other than that like they were the bulk of the play testing three four five six I’m pretty sure I have this uneven yeah one two three four five yeah I need one more row um yeah they they

Did they did a lot of work and they are also responsible for like the creation of several roles like there are a lot of roles that um they made like like they came up with the core idea for and I was able to sort of um use that in the final game

Um we’re doing a little doing a little Switcheroo you need depth in your walls if you don’t have depth in your walls it’s not going to look okey doie um let’s do a little let’s use Spruce here instead and then the floor or you know what actually the the walls

Will not be wood they will be a color I’m going to choose a color for this probably red terracotta or uh no red concrete is too saturated it’s got to be red terracotta that just it looks more natural more more natural I don’t know what’s going on I’m

Building I’m building a fictional place from one of my games called Massac cards that’s what the channel uh started as the the Massac cards Channel basically and it has grown a lot since then yo let me cook all play test U I am so sorry for those of you that really

Want to get your hands on masassa cards right now but there really isn’t a way for me to get it to you without either you paying over $200 or me paying over $200 that like that’s how much it costs for me to order one copy of the grandest

Party edition like for myself that was how much it cost me to make my personal copy and have it shipped to me oh my gosh thank you chazer man thank you so much for the 269 nice place down a honey block for about 30 minutes why do you want me to do

That why do you why do you want me to do [Laughter] that Massacre Mansion will you make an unnecessary FNAF reference just cuz um Gregory Gregory we need to get out of Massacre Mansion Gregory we’re trapped in here I have schematics for the entirety of Massacre Mansion Gregory and there’s no way

Out there’s no way out Gregory we’re going to die in [Laughter] here no what am I doing oh my God that impression is good thank you okay I’ll place a honey block I’ll place a honey block just for you there there you go it’s in the center of the

Room I’ll leave it there I can’t guarantee it’ll be there for 30 minutes unreasonably good impression thank you what is one of your least favorite fanmade roles oh come on I don’t I don’t have like a least favorite fan-made role um I I think that there are just

Roles that don’t quite fit in the game or they’re broken like not broken in like a oh it’s overpowered or it’s underpowered way like I mean like it just doesn’t work it just doesn’t work in the game and part of the reason that is is just because uh some people don’t

Know all of the rules of the game which is totally fine it’s a huge game um and I don’t blame them for not knowing but um oh you know what I’m going to do this I’m going to be real crazy um but yeah like I don’t have a least

Favorite fan-made role um and I I kid you not like a lot of the roles that I see and read I do like I do really like them a lot um like it and you know only a few of them are like oh perfect really good you know like I I like

This um but yeah like I don’t think I have a least favorite that that that’s that’s the answer to your question what program do I use to make my art um depends on the type of art actually um I use um I I usually only use free

Programs um because I don’t have a lot of money at my disposal uh but uh for like pixel art and things like that I use piscal which is a a free browser tool that uh you may or may not be familiar with um yeah it’s it’s pretty simple to use

It’s not that complex but uh for what I need it for it does just fine like it’s it’s totally it it totally works um uh but for things like my music which you may or may not have heard Um uh I use beatbox which is another online browser tool um and it’s really fun I’ve been using beatbox and pisol for about I don’t know uh probably approaching a decade at this point I’ve been using them for a very long time but they’re they’re really fun love the amalgam oh thank

You sorry I meant to type most not least oh whoops oh sorry what’s my my most favorite um my most favorite you know that I might actually be able to answer uh if I look at my document hold on we’re take hold on one second guys

One second I’m just looking at my list so I haven’t reviewed all of them yet obviously there’s like 800 of them I’m pretty sure um I do think that my um yeah I’m on my phone right now I do think that my favorite fan-made role that I’ve talked

About in the last stream so far is the dead by no dig 101 uh if I recall correctly that is a role that starts dead like they start the game Dead and then um uh like when either the killer or private eye dies they take their place

Place that’s such a cool idea and it’s a really cool way to implement like the idea of a character that starts dead because I had never thought of a way to do that really um in fact uh Bailey who you guys uh may remember from the

Jackbox stream she was uh with us there uh she came up with an idea for a character that starts the game dead but that was like all she had like she didn’t have any um like any extra thing about it which is not a bad thing it was just like it

Felt like it needed more and I think we both sort of agreed that like yeah it’s it seems like it’s missing something so that idea that was presented by no dig um it was really good uh it was a really a good way to implement that um that

Idea so I think that one is my current favorite but that is subject to change at literally any point because it’s been so long since I’ve read those early ones that it really just I don’t know it’s been so long pretty cool rooll idea does Massacre has a cactus in this Mansion

Um I think so he does have a conservatory he does have a lot of plant life in general um I would like to think that he does I don’t know when I’ll be adding it but it it’ll happen it’ll happen um so yeah I’m just building the uh the

Great Hall that that’s what it’s called it’s like the the first room I ever made um like ever I think I think it is actually the first the first uh one that I ever made and I I don’t okay so you guys literally don’t know anything about my like

Minecraft building experience and maybe at the end of this I’ll have to go uh well actually I don’t know if I’ll be able to never mind I have a lot of experience um building uh Mansions specifically um in Minecraft I have actually built uh body Manor which is

The mansion from the movie clue which is based off of the board game Clue and I built it pretty onetoone scale I think I did a really good job oh hello hello um yeah so I’ve built that and I also built a mansion uh called Glen Sheen

Mansion which is actually a real place um it’s in duth Minnesota soda and I actually uh had a really cool uh experience where I got to tour it I actually got to go through it and um like look at all of the cool stuff and apparently someone was actually murdered

There like it was actually like a mansion that someone got murdered in which you know is sad and not cool but it was really interesting to go through a mansion that was a real place that like someone actually got murdered in I don’t know it made the whole thing feel really

Creepy uh the Clue movie actually has three different endings depending on the theater you went to you’re absolutely right and then in the home release of it they had all three in a row um yeah I I I’m well aware of the various endings of clue it’s actually so

Cool I wish more movies did stuff like that it’d be a really fun thing like a fun way to trip up audiences and like people that like would be you know trying to spoil the movie or whatever would have a much harder time they would be like well

Actually it was Mr body the whole time and then people would be like no it was Scarlet someone gets murdered in a mansion is that a massacre mansion reference I like I said it’s it’s not cool that someone actually died in the Mansion however um I found the entire experience

Very cool and I’m very happy oh wait I need that oh whoops I need that back can you give us more details on Massacre as a person yes sure uh I’ll give you a couple details about Massacre as a person um Massacre is a very wealthy individual obviously um they were able

To afford this mansion and all of the like Relic type things that are in it um I will say all so check this out guys see look at that that’s how you build dark exterior when you’re building an indoor environment and then the outdoor exter the

Exterior will uh not link to the windows at all but it’ll look pretty on the inside and on the outside still that’s what’s important I I’m like I’m going big whoops um so yeah Massacre very wealthy individual very controlling individual I will say um as far as known people in Massacre’s

Family like Massacre’s parents or anything like that um that information is classified um there there isn’t uh much I can tell you there just because that information doesn’t even exist so don’t go looking um but I’m not saying that Massacre has no family I’m just saying that like it

Wasn’t because of their parents that uh they got this Mansion full of stuff you know like they did all of thiss they are um they’re all about the business they they they’re an entrepreneur and uh they were able to they were able to get this Mansion

Themselves and they were able to do all this stuff I’m thinking brown brown curtains oh wait wait wait wait hold on yeah there we go just like that brown curtains and you’ll be able to peek through the window like that that looks pretty good I mean it’s it it looks all [Laughter]

Right um Massacre enjoys hats I will say that um why did the parents name them massacre massacre is their last name uh we don’t know their first name and by we I mean you guys you guys don’t know their first name because I haven’t revealed it yet um

Yeah Massacre is their surname or their last name yeah um yeah Massacre likes hats Massacre likes money Massacre likes uh like fancy things Massacre likes keeping their place clean Massacre likes um a lot of a lot of things but um one thing uh that I have a hard time

Deciding is like what they sound like like uh you know like all of the characters in Massac cards can be any gender right like it doesn’t matter like and like that’s that’s part of the game you know like any any character can be any gender when I created Massacre they were sir

Massacre um and it worked out that also Madam Massacre is uh an option like it it it follows the same naming scheme like of of Sir Massacre sir Massacre like it has the rhyme in there and then Madam Massacre it has that same rhyme which is nice and then the gender neutral version

Is m master master Massacre um but when I created Massacre I did create them as male like biological male um and I I don’t know there was I I had a really hard time like trying to think like what do they sound like uh like like what what’s

What’s their voice like and I it still bothers me sometimes because I still don’t really know what they sound like in my own head I I flip back and forth between a few voices so many times um I need my oh wait I have the pick block

Thing right I I totally have that right no I do not oh my gosh get out of here oh no oh look it’s my skin what it’s not even a good skin it’s just like one of the default ones see because I’m playing on switch right now

Man I don’t even have pick a block assigned to anything how silly of me um but yeah like I I had a really hard time I I still have a really hard time deciding what I would want them to sound like um like sometimes I think I don’t know

If you guys are familiar with the Spanish uh cartoon called villainous but there’s a guy in there his name is black hat and he has a really rasy voice he has a really raspy voice like this and it’s like Massacre could sound like [Laughter]

That but I don’t know if I want him to sound like that uh but then there’s the other option of like oh yes he has a really like Posh voice a posh voice that sounds like this or maybe he has a really low voice you know there’s a lot of

Things why not go with the voice and mannerisms of Garfield uh because I care about my characters the door looks like a mouth and the windows look like eyes yo you’re so right about that that’s so true actually yeah yo that’s that’s huge I I didn’t

Try to do that well I’m I’m not going to I’m still not going to try to do that but I am going to uh no that needs the different that needs a different type of block but yeah I I really struggle with what Massacre would sound like but not

That it matters it doesn’t it doesn’t really matter because like um what am I looking for what what am I what am I looking for right now oh yeah right no this is fine this is fine it doesn’t really matter because Massacre can be anyone you know like and that’s the

Point um oh my gosh I feel like I’ve barely made any progress this honey block is incredible though I’m glad I placed it there thanks for that [Laughter] suggestion so a lot of great Halls have like this really long thing and then it like branches off to the sides and I

Like that I like that idea a lot so I think what I’ll do is I’ll uh start building the wall that goes vertically right here and then I’ll cut a hole out of it um for where the entranceways to the various rooms will go and at the end there will be a staircase

Um what mustache it’s it’s not a mustache uh now I can’t unsee it what have you guys done to me man I I think this is the biggest stream I’ve ever had actually I think I’m glad you guys are all here this is really cool I appreciate

It um and I hope you’re enjoying me just talking about things and doing silly voices because apparently that’s what I’m doing this stream Gregory you’re going to need to sneak into Massacre’s room inside Massacre’s room there is a key to the door oh no that really is what security

Breaches like though isn’t it is there a Discord server uh yeah there is uh check out the uh link it’s in the uh YouTube channel description uh yeah there’s a Discord server it’s full of cool people I uh recommend you go there okay this ceiling is going to have to be really

High and I know this now it was canonically up in the air 150 [Laughter] MERS sounds kind of like jigsaw from Saw do you want to play a game that’s the only line I know that he says I haven’t watched the Saw movies forgive me okay I’m thinking I’m thinking maybe the entryway

Should be like this like this big and then like the actual Archway itself can maybe be like that yeah yeah that seems seems solid and I can use the dark oak as like a border a border for like um where the new room starts I guess I I

Don’t know it it’s it’ll it’ll be nice I just need to make this part look pretty because this part looks awful right here um dud let’s do this let’s do a little a little bit of this um maybe do a little um I don’t know if I like this triangle

Very much this triangle bothers me or you know what actually if I do uh if I do a little bit of this if I do this and then this and then I put a trapo here flip it down like that and then I put two trap doors here better much better

Yeah do the voice from FNAF 6 are you referring to Henry are you referring to Henry Emily or at least what we can only assume is Henry Emily oh shoot uh I I don’t have the whole speech memorized uh connection terminated I’m sorry to disappoint you Elizabeth I’m sorry to disappoint you

Elizabeth I sound like Nick Cage I’m sorry I’m sorry to disappoint you Elizabeth if you still even remember that name I can’t do that one will you say the line of William Aton say the line Bart say the line I always come back I always come back he

Always comes back did you know [Laughter] that please end [Laughter] communication this really did turn into the silly voice the silly voice silly FNAF voice Time starring me uh okay something needs to to be done with this angle here this angle is not the best I need to figure something out

Maybe if I have a uh trap door here and then I can have lanterns hanging from them and then it’ll make the square part look a bit more intentional maybe um where’s the lanterns there’s the lanterns give me the lanterns uh I’ll replace the windows for now boop boop like that

Oh you know what I’m Miss I missing a key component here I’m missing a key component of this entire operation and that key component uh if I can if I could find it uh ah wait it’s in here logs I need logs that’s what I need I need logs uh stripped Spruce log

Maybe I think that or U or maybe regular Spruce log that might be too dark actually uh I think stripped Spruce log probably the way to go yeah log log is [Laughter] important he comes back and always says see you in the sequel oh and I always said see you you

Said see you in the sequel oh that’s so funny I I really liked the FNAF movie I really enjoyed it it was really good and Matthew Lillard absolutely killed it as William Apton like he slayed it was like he was the best actor in that movie for sure I

Mean h i don’t know it it it was really really good Gregory we are trapped in Massacre’s Mansion we can’t escape we are 1,000 ft in the air Gregory cut to that uh clip Gregory what are you doing how did you get up [Laughter] there how did you get up

There oh security breach is such a meme isn’t it we love security breach here right I I like I like security breach I think it’s really good this is what’s up this log is exactly what I was missing look at that oh it’s perfect and then we

Do this oh now it looks like this is like super intentional and I like that a lot that’s really good yes okay it’s it’s all coming together it’s happening maybe I could put these all the way across Actually yeah no no not all the way across I do kind of want to put something in the middle here something has to happen in the middle maybe like this how about that what about this what about uh this that’s okay that’s all right I like it it’s

Happening it looks like an entrance to a Japanese building yeah you Know yeah it does kind of have that vibe to it in the end I think like the way I plan on like having these logs like sort of go across I’m trying to go for more of like a like a log cabin not like log cabin but like fancy fancy Log Cabin place

Like have you guys ever played until dawn kind of like that where it’s like exposed logs are all over the place um but like that’s part of it you know like that’s part of it the door looks Angy they’re okay they’re both fine these doors are fine but yeah so this

Will be like an entrance to like a different room a different part of the place with the stuff in it oh now the real question is where do I want the staircase to start so I do want a big staircase like right here and I want it to like go

Around I should probably just fill in this back wall first I’ll fill in the back wall and then what I’ll do is I will um build a fireplace cuz like everything is happening in this one room basically fireplace on the back wall there will be a big open space in the

Center for standing around then there will be two staircases that wrap around the center of the room to go up to the second floor and then uh there’ll be bookshelves that’s the basic plan that’s the basic plan are you streaming this off of Xbox uh no I’m actually streaming this off of

Switch uh because it’s the most convenient thing for me to do currently how ornate does Massacre like things very ornate is he building Massacre’s Mansion yes yes I am campfires weren’t won’t burn down the house uh yeah you’re right I I plan on using them for the fireplace and they

Also just make the most sense as like a decorative block like that okay so how big how big is this fireplace going to be and I need to decide on the Block pallet for the fireplace as well so let’s get that out of here um block pallet for the

Fireplace do I want it to be like a gray block pette or a black block pallette probably black probably black yeah maybe black stone actually would be the way to go or deep slate Black Stone might be too black actually so deep slate deep slate might be the way I’ll do deep

Slate I’ll I’ll get a good little outline of what I want to do so it does need to be two two blocks wide because I have a two block door so I will be putting it right here yep that’s the right place can you say that was The Bite of

87 well I just did was that The Bite of 87 was that the bite of 8 oh my God Markiplier probably had no idea he had no at when he was recording that line I don’t think he had any idea that uh that particular thing that particular clip would just go

Crazy I might use the tiles as like the floor here so like I’ll have it reach out and then sort of like circle around to make it look like this perhaps yep yep that’s good that’s the shape I want that’s the shape carving I’m carving the floor

Massacre would hate it he would hate this he would hate me carving his floor so like this and then this and then uh this and then this like that and that should be symmetrical indeed that does look very symmetrical and now I uh actually maybe this is a good spot for the Blackstone

To go if I put Blackstone uh heck where is it if I put black stone on the floor it’ll be like darker like people have walked on it you know and I will be putting carpet over some of it but it’s whatever yeah yeah this this is the way

This is the way we put it like this we put it like this massacre still has to remember without you they wouldn’t even exist oh boy without me without me uh none of them would exist yeah that that that’s a real fact right there man Blackstone kind of has like a

Bluey purpley tint going on which is fine that’s fine but now we do this oh I I’ll put some I’ll put some carpet I want to bridge this gap between the stone in the wood so I’m thinking carpet might be the way to do that uh if I have carpet that is I

Think it is bright but it does make the most sense to have a red a red carpet sort of around here and then I’ll I’ll have this sort of like dip in and out I I don’t want too many colors in this room I guess is what I’m saying I

Don’t want to like have the rug be a different color even though this is like a very bright red in in comparison to the uh the walls but it’s fine and then this carpet will extend out here eventually and then it’ll go around the door it’ll wrap right around the

Door is the fact that the Mansion is floating have anything to do with the lore absolutely not this is just for the sake of building because um oh you know what I should probably put like different colors in there um no it’s just for the sake of building

Because like uh I don’t want to have to like build an entire structure like build an entire thing and then like not have enough space for the basement because the basement exists um and I want to have enough room for it that’s all uh let’s do this let’s build this Row in

Here and then maybe brown carpet in the middle or maybe an orange carpet I don’t know orange might be too bright actually or gray ah the yeah the gray carpet gray carpet’s the way yeah that that looks that look looks good sorry honey block was that 30

Minutes I don’t know if that was 30 minutes or not Let’s do let’s do a little bit of this let’s uh swap out the inner layer for the for the gray carpet and it’ll look like it was you know a custom custom rug a custom carpet that was meant to wrap around this

Portion this portion of the place yo we have 69 viewers nice holy crap that’s crazy um yeah all right so the fireplace uh I actually kind of want it to be this entire thing this entire four block Gap let’s build it around like this it can come out of the wall a

Little bit like that and then I can build the rest into the wall um these these will be part of the chimney structure type deal now oh my gosh am I going to have to bind the stupid um pick block controller uh yeah okay wait where is it I need to

Bind pick block to what I want it to um where the heck is it there it is there we go so now can I do this what can I not oh it does but it also triggers the other thing whoops let me just just uh what what the

Heck is that that’s the uh whatever else is bound to that button let’s get rid of that I don’t need it what where is it huh it just doesn’t exist what the heck is it like emote what’s what’s it called sneak fly oh emote it’s here okay

So I need to get rid of this oh no I don’t want it to be B I do not want it to be B uh how do I just completely get rid of it because I don’t want it I just don’t even want it

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t want it I don’t want it there okay it’s happening it’s happening this is how you play games in case anyone was wondering if you click this it does that if you get rid of that now I can’t move

Until I select a button uh what is there a way to select no button I don’t know let’s see if this does oh no matter what I do oh oh wait we might be fine oh we’re fine we’re fine okay it’s fine I am a professional I I do all of

The things correctly in case anyone hasn’t noticed I do everything right oh man oh it looks like our uh a bit the bit rate has gone down a little bit I wonder what that’s about well it’s not telling me now it just says good connection okay

Weird I don’t know what the deal is with that right we’re continuing we’re continuing with uh whatever the heck whatever the heck we were doing um so yeah yes the fireplace will have this and it’ll be a really big fireplace I’m thinking and maybe even like maybe the back wall will actually

Be Black Stone as well just to like have it be darker background and then have this be like yeah yeah that that that’s fine that’s fine like this oh it needs to be one block further back doesn’t [Laughter] it oh shoot uh this this wall needs to

Be one block further back that’s okay my goal today is to get one room completely done and if that takes the entire stream then so be it I I may not be the fastest Builder but I sure am a builder you can’t deny that you actually cannot deny it uh okay

We do this now that works now that works just fine okay d d d like that okay we’re getting somewhere how many layers of sheets would you put around your Castle what are you talking about what sheets like like sheets of sheets of what oh little put is here hey little

Put I didn’t even notice that you joined glad you could be here let’s see where the heck is the uh I need slab do I need slabs yeah I need slabs oh polished black stone no I need the Deep slate slabs that’s what I need they said streets not sheets well

Maybe I’m just trying to read things fast I’m just trying to read things quickly you have one block that is the wrong type of deep slate on the right side of the fireplace oh my [Laughter] god oh yeah you’re so right about that H I would have noticed I feel like I feel

Like I would have noticed eventually but good [Laughter] catch good catch I am a professional Builder Q Lego movie clip of EMT saying I am a master builder oh I love The Lego Movie it’s one of my favorite movies one of my favorite movies ever I’ve been here for a bit you’ve

Even read the stuff I sent oh my gosh I’m sorry I I didn’t even know I was I wasn’t reading the name I was just like reading because I wanted to read fast so I could like talk to people I didn’t even realize I’m sorry I meant nothing by it okay

So fire is big big fire yeah yeah it’s a that’s a big fire that right there that’s a big fire then we do a little a little bit of that a little bit of this that’s a big fire right there Lego movie was Peak I’m glad you guys all

Agree no I Lego Batman movie made you cry oh my gosh I didn’t think it was that emotional I mean it’s a great movie I love the Lego Batman movie too I mean I like the Lego Batman movie as well there is no Lego Batman movie too even though I wish there

Was oh yeah the only one the only Lego Movie that like I didn’t particularly enjoy was uh the Lego Ninjago movie and that’s because like I’m a huge fan of the Ninjago lore and they kind of just threw that entire thing away they kind of just threw that whole thing away

I don’t know they didn’t they didn’t give a lot of focus to the other ninja either that was another thing I didn’t like it was really all about Lloyd and I like Lloyd but he’s not my favorite character I like Kai and Jay and Zayn Zayn is probably my favorite character

And he got like three lines in the movie Lego Movie 2 video game was short I didn’t huh I I didn’t play that one um oh oh man now I’m getting YouTube notifications on my phone uh that’s one of the one of the Lego games that I’ve never played

Actually oh what am I doing I need like I need like chairs I need like some some really like dramatic chairs they could probably be made out of this stuff even though you know it’s brick or whatever I don’t care because like brick and slabs are like one of the few things

I can work with when it comes to making chairs the Lego Ninjago movie game was free on Steam at one point oh wow really that’s super cool too bad my computer is Garbo and like doesn’t run anything all right so long chair it’s a long chair like this it’s a really long

Chair you see actually you know what let’s do this um no not over there long [Laughter] chair oh wait no wait it can get better it can get better um oh shoot uh if I do this and uh this long chair [Laughter] POG brick chair listen it’s the most

That looks like red leather cushions you know like you can’t make a thing like this out of wool you just can’t it doesn’t work it doesn’t it just doesn’t work can I do this no that looks bad no no no back to the slab long chair

And then we can have um similarly we can have uh oh no that’s I guess that’s not work we can have this chair right next to it right and if I get uh well actually I need a specific type of trapo or something which trapo would look best on the side of

This oh yeah probably mango mango trapo like this that um and then I can do a little bit of uh oh you know what that looks pretty cool I like that let’s do that let’s put that all the way around on the corners you could totally you could totally rest on

That I think Massacre would thank you if you found a community if you found a community pack with Furniture if you guys make a roll that involves Furniture I’m contractually obligated to write it down oh like that yeah it’s it’s intricate it’s it’s wonderful okay I need to mirror that

Design on the other side just so I um just so I know where my everything is right here it’s this block and right here like that nice someone should really combine every version of Uno into one game some sort of amalgamation of games well you know I I think I know a guy

Actually um I think I heard of a guy there’s someone that I know that does that he’s pretty cool the long chair turned into a car oh no you’re right it does look like a car oh no how about okay now it’s not a car now it’s a wheelbarrow there we

Go okay so this fireplace is a fireplace we do enjoy a good a good fireplace in the evening um I’m going to wrap this log all the way around so it goes across like that and these two corners of the room are going to be square so I’ll actually put

The logs in the corners here as well so it’ll look like they’re actually supporting something maybe like I care about structural stability in a game like Minecraft I hit 20K Subs between the start of the stream and now really holy crap oh my gosh that’s awesome that that’s actually so huge

That’s such a amazing Milestone I’m definitely going to have to make a a post about that like I’m I’m definitely going to have to post something that’s so cool oh my gosh I I don’t even know how to react to that that wow what do what do I do now I guess I

Have to go to 40 Subs do the post now all right just because you said so I’m doing the post now everyone has to like watch a blank screen in the meantime or just watch the Minecraft rain the Minecraft rain is currently falling allow me to make a post uh

I’m making a post right now and the YouTube tab is covering chat so I can’t even see it how many subscribers oh it just says 20K I can’t see exactly how many I have I need to look at my YouTube Studio to even know how many subscribers I have wow

Yeah we must have just crossed it 20,7 subscribers all right Community post time oh my gosh Discord calm down okay um hey Everyone hey everyone that’s That’s a classic Luke line um I don’t know if you guys are familiar with that one that That’s a classic Luke saying hey everyone we just reached 20,000 subscribers and I could not be happier this is huge I am beyond oh no spelled that right I am beyond

Appreciative of each and every one of you I am excited for the future of this channel I hope you are to um what what else what else do I say I’ve been typing in all caps uh because I really want to emphasize uh just how uh huge this

Is oh my gosh uh wait omic chromium thanks for the $10 I appreciate it real risky donating like as I’m typing out the message when I said I couldn’t see chat but I went back and looked at chat I appreciate the $10 thank you I hope you are too uh here here’s it

Here’s to 20 thousand more subscribers in the future thank you all so so much I’m just making sure I spelled everything right I probably haven’t now that’s that’s that’s huge that’s that’s honestly a pretty a pretty special event honestly and I might actually have to make an entire video I

Might have to make a video about that like a thank you for 20,000 Subs video because like I don’t know it like it took so long to get to 20,000 subs and it just feels like a big deal like it feels like I mean it is I I

I’m basically like an entire small town has subscribed to me which is just so crazy to think about like I don’t know it’s it’s it’s so fun a thank you thank you guys watch the stream drop 50 views when you publish it I already did publish it did it did it

Not a small town where many people yearn for Uno so true so true so true all right I think we need to start building the staircase and this is probably going to be the most complex part in fact I’m going to have to uh I’m going to have to build the room

Longer and by longer I mean taller just because uh this staircase goes to the second floor which means that this room is two stories tall two stories tall in the Mansion so I’m going to build up these walls real quick actually how tall are these walls

These are uh I’m just winging it by the way if you couldn’t tell one two three four five six blocks tall so this is the second layer and I need four more after that a probably a seventh one as well just for the block that goes uh for the floor in between

Um but yeah like I’m I’m just I’m winging it and this is like how I imagine it looking in my head there’s there’s no official anything but this is just like my my vision my vision of what the Mansion would look like if it were real and once I actually get like the

Roof on and like the the rain will stop I don’t know why it’s been raining for so long does Massacre happen to have a statue room I don’t think he does I don’t think he has a statue room but he does have a trophy room and a trophy room does have statues in

It um so kind of like you could call it the statue room I guess but uh Massacre would call it the trophy room yeah Massacre has a lot of rooms in this place uh there is actually for sure over a 100 so yeah there’s for sure over a 100 rooms it’s a big

Place one two three four five six I’ll do one more do one more are you going to add uh Redstone lights or redstone contraptions uh if I am going to add anything redst it’ll probably just be the lights like uh have a switch that turns them on and

Off um but that would probably be it or maybe like uh maybe one room has like a secret passage where uh type door in it uh or a couple rooms do but a lot of uh my building methods do not incorporate red stone and I do

Not know a lot about Redstone like I know how like the different things work but I just I don’t know how to build the super complex like piston doors and all that and I just think if there is going to be any secret passageways they’ll be really basic for Minecraft standards but

For like if this were a real house it’d be really it’d be really complex it’d be really extravagant but yeah okay so this is how tall the room is going to be so when I actually I’m down here okay yeah that seems about right that seems about right

Too every Mansion should have a hidden door absolutely you are 100% correct about that if a mansion doesn’t have a door is it a hidden door is it really a mansion no the answer is no uh let’s punch out this hole in the wall here did you guys ever watch that

Show hole in the wall that was like such a long time ago now holy crap oh omic chromium omic chromium I hope that’s how you pronounce your name thank you for the $20 for the 20K I appreciate that so much I’m that’s so that’s so generous of you

You don’t have to do that people do not have to donate they don’t have to donate and I encourage you to save it for when you like want to like buy one of my games but like wow it’s really cool that’s really cool thank you very much I will I will take

It it’s going straight towards straight towards the channel straight towards things that’ll benefit like uh the video quality oh what is going on chat is popping off we have we have like yeah we still have we still have tons of people tons of people in here like I said I

Think this is the biggest stream that I’ve ever had and that’s awesome next time I’ll uh I’ll play jackbox with yall because I know that jackbox got a lot of votes for today’s stream in the Discord server so next time next time I will play jackbox because I know people want to play

Jackbox and I want to play jackbox too I love jackbox um I need my slabs give me my slabs yeah yeah jackbox was jackbox was really fun when we played it that one time and I do want to play more of it I want to play games that we didn’t play

And I also want to play games that we did play I want to play all the games can’t wait for when chamic cards gets added to jackbox imagine imagine if that happened it would be the most insane thing ever okay that looks really good the two doors I

Like the two doors they the two doors turned out really good now it’s about this staircase and in order to make the staircase work I think I will need to start with the floor and I think the floor of the next floor will be dark oak so that the

Ceiling of this floor will be dark oak so I’m going to build just a layer of this right here uh like I just had a I had an idea I like the idea oh my gosh it’s the donation guy hello the donation guy can you place some lightly weathered cut copper stairs please

For [Laughter] $20 you didn’t need you didn’t need to pay me $20 for me to place some uh some uh wait where the heck is it oh it’s exposed they’re they’re not lightly weathered anymore they changed that it’s exposed copper cut copper stairs what a shame but I can I can

Place the waxed exposed cut copper stairs I can do that for you check it out boom I still wish that they were lightly weathered that was really fun when they were called lightly weathered cut copper stairs wax lightly leathered light waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs

You’re welcome I placed it there it is he’s doing a good thing he’s sitting right there okay so the floor the next floor is going to be like this it’s going to be right here and then it’s going to start arching outwards like the same it’s going to

Have like the the Dome shape one two I’ll do the I’ll do big dome I’ll do one two three one two three and then one two one and then one two and then one two three and I’ll do that on the other side this is how you build

Circles this is how you build circles in Minecraft that’s right I’m building circles one two three and now that’s symmetrical and now I can do this connect it in the center boom it’s a bit of an oval just because of how wide the room is but that is in

Fact how you build circles in Minecraft now we fill this in and now the stairs are going to connect to this platform in two different places that’s the plan that’s the plan anyway now it would be really cool if someone like you know with actual like 3D modeling

Skill uh were able to make a real 3D environment that looks like this that’d be super cool does the entrance room have paintings yes it will that’s like going to be one of the last things I add to this room wait a minute okay we’re fine um yeah that

That’s like a decoration thing that’ll probably be one of the last things I add I think um please make a waxed exposed cut copper stairs chair it’s right there look there he [Laughter] is okay so the stairs are going to be tough I’m I’m not going to sugar coat it

The stairs are going to be they’re going to be tough to get probably going to be dark oak still or maybe will there be no slabs will go out too far oh shoot slabs will make the staircase too long so I’m probably going to have to use actual stair blocks which is

Fine but the curviness the curviness is what’s going to be hard um if I do this this this and then this maybe maybe I want it to be that wide uh oh man this this is going to be really challenging uh let us let us do this let’s let’s see what

Happens here we do this because now I sort of want it to like mhm yeah um like I I want it to bend down towards the carpet now and that’s that’s the hard part oh man man man man man man okay where do I want it to end I guess that’s a question

That I could ask myself right now I want it to end like like here is maybe and I’m that might mean that like it might be too many blocks like oh and then I’m going to have to mirror this too would slabs and stairs work h a healthy combination of the two

Perhaps I’m just afraid that if I use slabs like it will take too many blocks horizontally to get to the floor you know like like the staircase will be so long that it extends all the way out here which is why I’m using the stair blocks but perhaps a

Combination of the two might be the way to go okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to build like yeah I’m going to do this I’m going to build like where I kind of like just a vague idea like a vague idea of where

I want oh you know what it needs a railing [Laughter] I need to figure this out oh okay I got it I got it everyone everyone calm down I know what I’m gonna do I know how I’m going to make this work or at least I know how I’m going to

Be able to get an idea so firstly uh I need a bookshelf preferably a chiseled bookshelf I think yeah because I kind of want the bookshelves to be built in to the staircase a little bit this block is so bright but there’s no way around it is

There you can’t uh what what what block is darker it’s definitely the normal one the normal bookcase [Laughter] sorry uh chiseled bookshelves not today I’m using the these so maybe I can use the chiseled bookshelves on the end we’ll see um so I’m going to start right

Here and what I’m going to do is I’m going to just build a wall all the way down and like that is where I want it to start and then I want it to curve down to here here so now I make a circle like I just taught you how to

Make we make a circle so that’s three and three and then two oh okay no it’s fine actually it might be better if it’s not an even Circle if I do um like this oops it might be better if we we use asymmetry asymmetry is a really cool

Trick in building where you uh you build asymmetrically and I think this might be the way to go do I want I want that curve to be more gradual actually let’s do this like that uh not no even more gradual like this yeah like that that’s kind of what I want

Okay that’s kind of what I’m looking for so how many blocks of space does that even leave me it leaves me with three blocks here yeah that’s three blocks and then three blocks or two blocks across like this maybe I could break that have it like this and then have it there

Is there is not a lot of space Oh no there’s not a lot of space Here huh there’s not a lot of space at all really how am I going to make this work this is H all right now I’m now I’m looking at chat uh what you making um well um I’m building Massacre mansion in Minecraft or at least I’m trying to spiral

Staircase oh yeah it’s uh it’s possible let me see let me see if I can just like I need to know you know I need I need to know if I can actually physically do this so if I do this boom and then I do this boom and then I do uh

Oh wait okay and then I do this and then wait and then I do uh a little a little uh a little a little bit of this this whole staircase may or may not be destroyed we’ll see we’ll see if it gets destroyed it might get destroyed we’ll find out so this I

Don’t know I’m just I’m just placing blocks to see if this is even feasible which I it’s not looking like it honestly yeah because if I go too many blocks down it intersects it intersects far too early it’s not it’s not ideal maybe like they need

To have like a platform sort of like halfway down if I have like a platform halfway down what would happen then oh you know what this is [Laughter] hard it’s it’s fine uh here’s what I’m going to do oh sorry waxed uh copper stairs I think the curvature is

Just not quite going to work the way I want it to work so I’m thinking if I do a three block thing like this maybe how many blocks high as this now one two three four okay so if I have the platform be right here I could have a

Platform uh like this I could actually place it um do I have any extra blocks under here no not yet so I could place these like this uh and if I go three blocks out maybe that still doesn’t intersect with this I don’t want it to go past that so

That’s pretty cool cool now I can do this right and this will end up where will this end up it’ll be it’ll be right there which might be okay it might be okay I’m sorry okay I’m sorry I killed the stairs I guarantee that like all of

Those waxed C waxed copper blocks will be in the build eventually they’ll they’ll be there because copper is a really nice block I do like copper they’ll they’ll find their way back they’ll be reborn like the reborn from masac cards haha get it get it it’s

A Massac cards reference guys I made a Massac cards [Laughter] reference okay this is the this is the plan now this is the new plan so we’re instead of having the uh curve I’m going to have the the angle I don’t I don’t know what to call it so we’re GNA do

This and now this lines up right here like that and then if I do that on the other side right it’ll look good if I do that on the other side then I can make it look good after the fact ah I’m getting notifications are you guys

Like are are you guys like sending donations or something in YouTube because like I don’t get a lot of notifications oh gosh what the heck is going on here we’re getting one room done we’re getting one room done today we’ve only been building for an hour and a half and we’ve

Made uh We’ve made enough progress we’ve made a valid amount of progress It’s all fine okay boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom like that make a ladder to the basement hey that’s a good [Laughter] idea oh you know what but okay

So uh here’s here’s a fun story so there was one time where I built the entirety of the house from betrayal uh at the house on the hill in Minecraft and um like you know in betrayal I don’t know how many of you guys have played betrayal at house on the hill

Specifically the second edition um there’s just like there there’s like a a room like that from the basement Landing you teleport to and I think it’s called the foyer it’s part of the main like entrance area and you just like teleport in there and it makes no sense and so

When I built it I had to connect it with a ladder because there was no other way to connect it there was no staircase in the room so I actually just had to connect connect it like that it was really strange but I did it okay now we make the staircase look

Pretty this this is the real the real building going to have a log that goes all the way up to the ceiling uh huh is this so your name is huh uh you’ve been asking me to add a chess board for like the last hour or so

Um a chess board to what like the amalgam or to this build or like where do you want where do you want the chess board tell me where you want it yes chess board I I understand where where do you want the chess board though I’m curious where do you want it

On the stairs okay so it’s a part of the build a chest board on the stairs I don’t think that’ll work there’s not enough blocks for that there will be a tile pattern in a lot of rooms that could resemble a chest board or checker board but it will not be in this

Specific room unfortunately Ely um okay now I need to make this staircas yeah I need to make this staircase look pretty that’s what I’m doing currently uh and the way I plan on doing that is bookshelves because Massacre likes reading in the main entrance hall on Long chair he likes doing

That so I’m going to be doing this uh do a little bit of little bit of little bit of this yeah yeah yeah we’re building we’re building right now we’re building currently so that’s going to be so he’s a nerd uh I wouldn’t call Massacre a nerd

I would just call Massacre someone who craves knowledge um what is it uh make the stairs thicker uh yeah they will be by the end that’s just uh that’s just all part of the plan it’s all part of the plan I think the gap between the staircases should be a bit

Wider it looks kind of cramped yeah it does look a bit cramped here but is there a better way to do it let me think if I like H I’m doing a think this might be more accurate to what I’m imagining actually it might be

Okay there I think this is a fine enough space I think this is fine what floor is the library on well this isn’t the library but um um I think that the actual Library like the the library that is a completely separate room which does exist Massacre has a dedicated Library I

Believe that would be on the second floor um so here’s what I’m thinking like these bookshelves are like inlaid into the wall like this okay right and then um then at the end there will be another uh pillar or something along those lines uh to support this balcony

As well as the bookshelves but that goes like that then this does the funny upside Down thing like that like that looks pretty that looks pretty nice and and it makes the stairs thicker which is what you guys which is what you guys were asking for that looks like a much better line you know what I’m saying add [Laughter] cat add Cat Massacre uh doesn’t have a cat

Canonically in fact um I think if I’m remembering this correctly I have this written down somewhere there’s a lot of stuff that I have written down because um I need to have it written down otherwise I’ll forget I think the only canonical pet that Massac has is a bird he has a

Raven make it a full block to hide the fact that the carpet ends there oh yeah well I did this I suppose if it was a full block it would have another angle there though here let I’ll see how it’ll look let’s see how it looks if I do

Uh yeah that looks pretty good actually yeah yeah that looks pretty nice good idea uh sorry I I lost who said that good idea you’ve got two bookshelf blocks that are only one4 accessible it’s it’s for the book pattern mostly it’s for the book pattern not like um like to actually realistically access

The books I’m building this as if it’s a real place I’m building this like Massacre actually lives here um not that like this is like a Minecraft house it’s because it’s it it’s not the way that I’m imagining it it’s not a Minecraft house I’m designing this like a real a real

Thing parrots are kind of like a raven oh yeah I suppose you know I don’t think I’ve ever actually caught a parrot in like survival ever what I thought I turned off my notifications jeez that was Discord um okay let’s add railings because uh this place is super

Safe there will be railings on this part at least I don’t know about the main part of the stair maybe not the main part of the stair it might not look right but the um maybe it does need it maybe it could be full block on one

Side and then they would be like one block staircases up like um like if I did this and then I could just do uh like like that or have a full block here too let me see I mean like uh I don’t know if these stairs really

Need these these fences on the side I I I just don’t think it looks right I don’t know there’s something about it like I prefer the uh the smoothness I guess wait can I oh you know what I should do though I should do this I should do

Uh like a little wrap around right here and then have a block like this oh you know what this is good this is good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude doing this on either side and then having a staircas whoops and then having the staircase like this oh yeah and then lanterns lanterns

At the base of the stairs it just makes sense it just makes sense leave railing off for now yeah good idea I’m gonna I’m gonna do that okay so this is uh okay I need to fill in this part so Boop doop doop and and over on the other side I’m guessing too

Yep and now let’s put another supporting structure structure over here I’m thinking maybe two logs one that goes up like this and then one that goes up like this and then I kind of want my trap door back to fill in this Gap I don’t

Want the books to be right here I kind of want them to just be a nice dark oak wall right there that covers that I can maybe do something a little bit different with that later please just put a single bookcase in the basement I’ll donate if I have

To I’ll put a bookcase in the basement probably I need to remind myself of every room that’s in the basement but I’m sure one of them has a bookcase in it is that like a reference to something that I don’t know add a ravager they’re close to Ravens I don’t know about

That I mean they do both start with r you do have that uh uh okay uh let’s this looks pretty cozy now it looks it’s it has the vibe that I was going for where it’s like yes slightly enclosed room here by the place let’s put a roof on let’s put

A roof on so I can actually start doing stuff with lighting and stuff with that um stuff with the lighting let’s see what do I want the ceiling to be probably Spruce again like alternate every other so it goes Spruce dark oak and then Spruce

Dark oak so I’m going to put this roof on right now this will be a little bit of a process but it’ll be definitely worth it to see the the lighting and like how spooky it looks I might turn this world onto peaceful so that I can have dark

Environments without things spawning in it you know I should probably do that right now [Laughter] actually uh yeah yeah I just don’t want things spawning where I don’t want them spawning because I want this place to be dark but I also don’t want things to just be in

It if you ask me to add a parrot that many times when there’s no reason to add a parrot I will not add a parrot it’s as simple as that add a Wither they’re similar to [Laughter] Ravens yo you’re so right I forgot about Withers they’re like the perfect Raven substitute whoa that’s

Crazy they’re just as creepy as Ravens they like they’re dark they scream at you it’s perfect it’s the perfect thing they fly let’s not forget that they fly they they do everything that a raven does and more they’re just better Ravens really improved Ravens but yep diff difficulty is on

Peaceful so no hostile mobs are happening now I feel like this roof is actually going to change everything like it’s actually going to change everything once we actually go back inside because already I can see the Shadows working over there the way I want which is good

Yeah no commands I’m not doing I’m not using any commands to fill in blocks because I am on console and typing in commands sucks okay let’s take a look inside now oh yeah that’s much more the vibe that I’m going for that is that is it yeah much spookier

Much more fitting in general I think that looks good and this too oh this big Shadow here I kind of like that actually the second floor that is probably too dark well I don’t have to worry about uh mobs spawning and things like that uh let’s put a railing on the top

Here just because it has to be done just because this place needs to be uh safe-ish uh like like that like this I’m not spawning a Wither you can’t convince me to spawn the wither I don’t want to undo any work that I’ve done here even if there’s a chance it just

Won’t do anything lanterns hanging from the ceiling using a chain I hear you I hear you there’s going to be a big chandelier in the middle here like a a massive chandelier that’s like the centerpiece um so there’s a railing congratulations on the railing I might actually have

Some of these beams extend all the way to the top and I might have more I might have more beams going across like have a beam that goes across like horizontally like this so it looks like it’s supporting the ceiling like that and then I connect these to

That and that looks that that’ll probably look good is my guess it’ll probably look all right yeah so if I do that a couple more times I got do that right here oh building with fences building with fences is something else ding ding ding and then maybe one of

These to ding ding ding ding ding and like that one doesn’t connect to the beam oh oops Yeah these ones don’t really connect to the beam but they do connect to the ceiling unless I no yeah I don’t want to put another beam right there that’d be too many beams

It’d be too full of beams have it like that okay add an Elder Guardian they aren’t similar to Ravens but it would be funny you’re so right you’re so right about that oh whoops I forgot to put this right there I do like the look of this I do

Like how it’s uh sort of taking shape here it it it’s it’s it’s happening I’m building it um so let’s add let’s add more beams where I think beams should go oh well maybe not maybe not quite yet what needs to happen down here there still needs to be some things

That happen down here we need more chairs we need a couple more chairs uh let’s have some nether brick chair nether brick with uh the nether brick slab as well where’s the slab tell me where the slab is there’s a slab we could have those on either side

Of like in these little like reading Nooks here we could do that so we uh do a little like that that’s like a little like U like a therapist chair or like a um like a love seat I don’t know what to call it it’s it’s definitely something

Like have it like this maybe I could put a little table in there too a nice little nice nice little yeah a nice little table oh and you know what I think it’d actually be it’ make a lot of sense to put ladders up the

Side of one of these like that so it looks like um one of those sliding ladders like like it’s a sliding ladder that like goes back and forth maybe I could do a little uh a little one of these uh no maybe not it’s like a it’s

Like a sliding ladder it goes from side to side um so that you can climb up and reach the higher shelves so I I’ll put a I’ll put those around and that’s also just an extra layer of detail uh put signs on the edges of the

Chairs to add armrests oh you know what you’re so right actually yeah I did that with I did something similar anyway with oh oh you know what oh oh oh wait wait what what are the where are the the signs okay we do have red Mangrove signs

Yeah I’ll also try the Crimson sign see what happens um like if I do this I don’t want to type anything in either that or the oh no that’s the wrong place uh right here H I think the Crimson sign is probably better for this chair specifically killer idea yeah that looks

Awesome in fact actually I kind of only want it on one side so it’s like a like a therapist chair or a love seat like that kind of thing but this can be on both sides I could have this one be on both sides for sure like

That and I can do this one too this is a awesome idea I forgot about I just I didn’t even think of it oh shoot this ladder is annoy whoops I’ll move it I’ll move it to somewhere else I’ll move I’ll move right here yeah I I just completely forgot about

This technique and I wasn’t thinking about it because I thought like oh there’s no red sign there’s no like pinkish sign this just doesn’t exist but there it is I feel like Nether Bricks will clash with the red Nether Bricks uh well yeah but they’re in like two separate areas

Like these are like the fireplace chairs and these are like the reading Nook chairs and I think having a variety of furniture is something that I kind of want anyway I I like I like the idea of having a variety of furniture just around because there will be a lot of

Furniture in this house um next do the mansion in Terraria oh well that’s random generated I don’t know what that would look like I don’t know what it would look like but maybe I would consider it okay so now I think these walls like the edges of the walls specifically need some

Detail and the way that I want to add detail is display cases because Massacre has a lot of display cases will there be a World download when this is done uh probably eventually once I figure it out like it’s definitely um not out of the

Question I I just need to figure out how to do all of that but once I do and once this is like in a presentable State then yeah probably I I’d probably release this what do I kind of want as the base for these to playay cases maybe Stone oh smooth stone slab

Maybe or I’m just making noises now because I don’t know now I’m just looking at the entire Block C category because I need to figure this out I think smooth stone slabs might be the way to go I’m thinking so just because like it’s a clean Stone I guess if that makes sense

Uh this is an important decision so let’s see let’s see here if I make one full display case I’ll I’ll know for sure this is bedrock yeah for those of you wondering this this this is uh this is bedrock Edition um what are the trap doors

Saying oh maybe maybe now would be a good time to break out these because what if I did this like that that looks pretty good I kind of like the look of that and then we get the gray uh Gray stained glass pane and right there and then we can put

These on top like that and it kind of looks like you know like a like a fish tank with no fish but like then then I can just put some uh some item frames on there and display the stuff uh display some things that that Massacre would display

Oh wait these are glow item frames actually yeah Massacre would have glow item frames okay so what would yeah so in the library he would definitely want to display some books for sure so if I find uh where the heck are the books at there’s the books um I’ll have uh books

Yeah like [Laughter] that yeah yeah yeah I think that looks all right for like a display case like it’s meant to display you know I think that’s fine what I don’t want is I don’t want to put the item frames a block behind the display case every time because

There’s going to be a lot of display cases and I don’t want the walls to be super thick so I think this is a good alternative I feel like if Massacre is displaying books they should be enchanted I mean in lore a lot of his books are not

Enchanted uh I I say a lot of his books that doesn’t mean all of his books uh so let’s let’s let’s add a few of these around let’s do this that’s pretty easy build I mean look at that boom done glow item frame book book I’ll do one more on this side

And then I think I want to do something a little bit different but still uh kind of the same block block block block block block block block block block block block block block do these glow item frames even glow I don’t even know if these item frames even glow uh

Yeah well you know what it looks fine I think that I think that looks I think that looks pretty good actually so that’s that’s like the kind of display cases that’ll be around like all over the place um on the other side I want to do something a little different I’m thinking maybe

Lecturn yeah lecturn lecturn with book in it oh that’s well if it’s if it’s a display type thing what what block does this start on one so it would need to start here I guess um so yeah elect turn and then H you need to put a

Book and quill in it don’t you to have it be a book stand thing which is okay like why can’t I put regular books in it whatever there’s the booking quilt maybe some warm lights on the other side of the bookcase yeah maybe like over here yeah well I kind of

Like this like darkish corner of the the room cuz it’s like the fire is what’s providing a lot of the light in this area and that’s what leaves this dark part I kind of like the darkness here I kind of like this Darkness I think it fits I think the

Darkness of that area fits I don’t know if it needs any more lights maybe though I I’ll think about it um now yeah so I have a lectern here and I might do more lecterns maybe three in a row like three in a row here and then like this is one

Big display uh actually I should put like ah I have I have realized I have realized I should put signs but not actually write stuff just like uh signs that are like describe that are meant to describe what is happening like what this display is all about like right above

It above these ones specifically and maybe I can put signs I can put a sign I can put a sign on the right side of these ones like this and that’ll be even more wall detail which I like like that so these three lecterns are here um

I think I’ll put like a lantern or something by these but how to incorporate it maybe that’s what it we need more hanging stuff we need more things hanging from things maybe not oh yeah well a chain could work in this one I I think I know someone brought up chains

Earlier chains might be the way to make this area light up a little bit like if I put one here for example like if I put a lantern at the top of that uh give me give me a lantern ah give me a lantern ah yeah yeah that’s pretty good

You should make a magenta room what what the heck is all this talk of magenta did you guys know magenta isn’t a real color did you guys know that we just think it’s real I’m sure you guys have never heard that before I could give myself light blocks but that’s a

Command I kind of want to do this just like like this I don’t know I I do like light blocks I just don’t use them very frequently okay now uh so this wall is basically done I’m going to leave this wall as is but I might add some

Paintings to it now that’s some paintings uh let’s put some paintings in yeah yeah yeah um I want a painting no I want a one block painting yeah that’s fine maybe I could have a bunch of one block paintings across like this cuz this Mansion is filled with art also oops oops

Jeez it’s filled with art there is lots of art but I don’t know if Massacre really appreciates the art I think he just has it because you should build an entire magenta room out of spite is red magenta top hats is perfection a room just to display magenta top

Hats I don’t know if that’s Canon um yeah uh listen magenta is a real color but it’s just it’s just a little bit fake is all just a little bit fake oh my gosh look at that six different paintings that line up oh wa no seven different paintings that line up

Perfectly like that that’s huge all right I’m going to do that again on the other side I mean that works out so well like I don’t know that work that works out really well I’m going to do that again Uh and I got all different paintings too which I don’t know the odds of that occurring or if that if they’re in a set order or whatever they don’t seem to be in a set order they are not uh spoiler alert they are not there

We go there’s uh one if I could get the six different paintings here again that would be ideal oh no there we go oh yep we’re still good we’re still good one more one more all different paintings no no no uh yes okay yeah that works really

Well what I came oh you left and you came what you came back to is is awesome oh thanks I appreciate it my nightmares are being stuck in the magenta room the magenta room is not real it’s not a real room in Massac cards and it’s also not a real

Color I’m sorry you have to play console Minecraft I don’t mind console Minecraft at all um I think I probably have the most hours in console Minecraft but like uh yeah the reason I’m playing console Minecraft right now is because my new computer has not arrived I think I’m going to use

Chiseled bookshelves now and this is how I’m going to do it um yeah my new computer has not arrived yet I have placed the order and it is on the way um and I’ll probably make a post about that when I do end up uh uh receiving it to let you guys know

That I have it but um um yeah right now I just don’t have the means to even play Minecraft on uh a computer because my computer is so garbage like it’s so bad it’s so bad that like it it just uh it it can’t run Minecraft it can’t run anything I mean

Like Minecraft is a pretty taxing game on computers in general but my computer cannot run anything it’s it’s bad it it can barely run inscription which is a pretty basic game as far as like what’s actually in it and it has a hard time running inscription so I’m really glad that I’m

Getting a new computer and that it’s already on the way and stuff what oh you guys are obsessed with magenta magenta game mode the magenta room is real uh if you guys have ever played um betrayal at house on the hill I know this is the second time I’ve talked

About it now if if you guys have ever played betrayal at house on the hill there’s a room called the bloody room and it’s just a room and it’s just covered in blood right like that’s what I imagine the magenta room is like except you know instead of blood it’s just like

Magenta like splatters of magenta all over the place like someone took a magenta ink cartridge and slammed it against the wall That’s what I’m imagining when you guys are talking about a magenta room so yeah okay so how do these things work oh oh it’s always green okay

All right this is the first time I’ve ever interacted with these I kind of want them to just be full with like a few gaps a few artistic gaps like like like books are being read I don’t know I I I just I I want it to be mostly

Full and I’ll do the same thing on the other side too is there any masassa cards branding on your new pc um [Laughter] no I I don’t I don’t I don’t know how I would do that I guess I could just like 3D print like a little logo or something

And then like stick it to my PC I don’t know I there’s no like custom branding on it or anything like that but I do need to name the computer that is one thing that I need to do I need to name it I give all of my uh big machines

Names um uh what do you guys think I should name the computer I’ve named I have two 3D printers and I’ve named both of my 3D printers after dragons um like traditional like dragon names uh from different cultures like I named one um uh I named one uh what’s

What I I kaida kaida is its name um I I named it kaida because it’s it’s small and apparently that means small dragon in some culture or language or mythology or something along those lines so I named it kaida um and I have I have a 2d printer uh

That I named aalala which means water dragon or something in in some culture like I said I don’t I haven’t fact checked any of this but I I like to think that I’ve named my big machines after uh dragons so what do you guys think I should name my computer when it shows

Up name it Ma please name it magenta what what why magenta why would I name it magenta the be in Massac card stands for bads name it peanut butter I mean these are great names I don’t know if they’re great names for a computer Mushu Mushu that’s a good one I like Mushu

Wyvern oh wyvern is good I like wyvern because it reminds me of Terraria I do like wyvern name it Massacre might be a little on the nose wyvern is good why wyvern seems like the play Oh smog yeah I do like smog as well that might be a little bit

Too um like on the nose though you know like when you think Dragon what do you think you think smog probably if you if you were born in the last three decades Aragon oh that’s another one I never read those books so I don’t have a connection to that

One did someone spawn the Ender Dragon in your world uh no I have been laughing my rear off this stream being in chat with maest magenta boy I I’m the magenta boy now name it [Laughter] Mage I could name it Ender yeah Ender would be actually pretty good and that’s

Actually the reason why I named my 3D printers after dragons because they’re both Ender brand 3D printers um yeah that’s why I decided to name them after dragons in the first place so like Ender might actually be a good addition to the to the troop I’m going to try this see if this

Looks any good at all that’s okay yeah magenta man magenta’s Mansion what color is the top to right book in the chiseled bookshelf it’s oral it’s orle guy cue the FNAF music cue the opening to the FNAF [Laughter] Movie that that theme is slapped though once again we’re going back to the FNAF movie FNAF movie is incredible can’t wait for the sequel I love when Bonnie fell over that was really funny why it oral though why why is it oral it’s like the only book it’s the

Only book without a ribbon you see that like every other book has like a gold band around it the oral book is oral like why is that that’s so bizarre okay I’m putting this display case right here and then um putting these here uh can I grab the book from here I

Can oh cool uh I put more books in here and then I kind of want there to be like a little statue thing right here like a statuette so I’m going to put that down and it’ll be made using this and another block of some variety maybe this load Stone yeah that

Looks pretty cool five night magenta five nights at magenta oh that just reminds me like okay so I don’t man this is this is coming along pretty nicely actually this is looking pretty good I I’m liking where this is going I kind of want more support beam

Nonsense going on because it looks a little bit too impossible right now so I’m going to do this um what was I going to say oh yeah so like my friends right my friends are not like the biggest fans of Friday night funkin okay but I am right and I love

All of the fan mods that like people make and stuff and like there are so many awesome mods but like when I try to explain one of them to my friends it just there’s so many layers that I need to explain where it’s like do I even bother explaining it you know

Like like think about like um uh versus uh Vue guy the versus Vue guy mod like there’s so many layers of nonsense to explain what the versus blue guy mod is that it’s like do I even bother trying to explain this check that out so it’s like braces

Against the wall there it’s pretty cool like versus Vue guy is like it’s a Friday night funkin mod so you need to know about Friday night funkin first of all that’s the first step and then you need to know about the oral guy meme so they made him it’s not versus

William Aton it’s versus oral guy who is different right he’s a completely different character and then you need to like that mod is already incredible the version three of the versus oral guy mod came out recently and it is Godlike seriously um but then you need to know

About Friday night funkin D sides which is a whole concept where you just take an existing mod and You Know Remix it a little bit the character designs change a little bit whatever it is you know um and then you need to combine those things you need to put the D sides in

The you need to put the D sides in the versus oral guy and then you get versus Vue guy it’s ridiculous put the largest painting above the front door that’s a good idea that’s a good idea I like that idea a lot but I might do something custom

For right here actually I might actually do like a pixel art thing and oh yeah and D sides is a derivative of B sides you’re so right there’s another layer there so imagine trying to explain all of that to a friend right like someone who has no idea what the heck you’re talking

Talking about or has no idea like it it just it’s so much to explain alternatively you can just play the song for them and then they hate it cuz like it’s an acquired taste not a not a lot of my friends like that kind of music uh Friday five nights at

Massacres have you seen the new Mario’s Madness oh I have we are Nintendo you cannot beat us oh I love that that’s such a good song I’ve heard good things about Mario’s Madness yeah it’s good it’s very good but like unbeatable is the best song in the entire mod and it’s not even

A contest we are Nintendo you you cannot beat us I think I want one more painting in the corner here not like that I want one more painting that’s one block like that and then one more painting here yeah that’s good just to have something on that wall

Hey I I’ve said it before I think I said it in a previous stream and I’ll say it again but like if someone were to make a mod of like a Friday night funkin mod of like versus masassa cards or versus chemic cards Not only would I play it probably on

Stream uh but I would also support it assuming it didn’t do anything weird like I I would give my full support to that because I want to see that that’s something that I would really enjoy that’s something I would really like I think this area might be pretty

Much done or at least close to it relatively close to it I might add more to it later but I am going to add a giant chandelier in the middle now but what to make it out of I think is the real question out of the Walls the walls aren’t very good are they I’m kind of thinking iron bars because they’re thin and nice and I can use uh glass panes as well oops if I use that and glass panes then it might look a little better like have a little bit

Of variety in there and then I can connect it with the fence post so I want it to dangle right here so I will go up here um yeah so like this so that’s like the base of it right there that’s the base of the chandelier on the chandelier

I remember seeing a versus spam mod oh that sounds awesome actually you know uh seeks cool Delta Rune mod is also incredible if you haven’t heard of that one or heard the music from that one it goes hard it it it slaps do you remember when I said what’s

Your favorite sauce to dip Pizza in oh I didn’t see that sorry um yeah I’m assuming you asked that earlier what’s my favorite sauce to dip Pizza in uh I don’t I don’t know I’m a pretty picky eater and I I don’t think I’ve ever dipped sauce I don’t think I’ve

Ever dipped Pizza in sauce before like literally ever I I I don’t think I’ve ever done that I think that’s something that I’ve just never done in my entire life so I’m sorry but I don’t have a valid opinion on what the best uh sauce to dip Pizza is because I’ve never done

That uh is there a specific reason you’re playing on Bedrock uh because my uh crappy computer cannot run Minecraft and uh uh my new computer has not arrived yet so I am playing on Bedrock for now I might switch to Java when my new computer arrives we’ll see uh but right

Now I mean I I don’t have any problems with bedrock I know some people do but like I don’t have problems with bedrock I kind of like it actually um what I don’t like about Bedrock is the uh skin system the way that the skin system works I do not like

That at all uh just because I highly prefer being able to make your own skin over like all of this garbage oh you left a comment on one of my on one of my videos um well I don’t remember a comment like that so maybe your uh comment got Shadow deleted by YouTube

Which is a thing that happens unfortunately I’ve seen it happen or at least no I can’t like I haven’t seen it happen because it just happens with without me knowing and then like people are like have you seen my comment on this and I’ll be like no and they’ll be like

Huh and it’ll show up on their screen but it won’t show up on uh my screen and it I YouTube just does that I don’t know why it does that but that’s just a little Quirk of YouTube you can make your own skin in the PC version of Bedrock yeah that’s

True but I’ve never done that that’s just something I’ve never uh oh this is a problem yeah because that’s going to L up I could have it be asymmetrical um yeah that’s just something I’ve never done because I’ve never downloaded the Bedrock version on PC I’ve just always had Bedrock version

On Console so like if I wanted to uh if I wanted to do that I would need to actually get bedrock on Console which you know I can do what you can do that oh I suppose that makes sense dang I kind of wanted to have it be separated like that

But what what does it work with clear glass does it work with clear glass it does wow I’m I’m learning I’m learning things about Minecraft so what are your favorite and least favorite types of pizza okay I am a meat lover I I do like the meats I don’t like vegetables very much

On pizza I like pepperoni I like sausage I like bacon I like ham uh I like you I like all the meats basically uh even like chicken I had chicken once and it was all right um but uh uh like as far as like you know other

Toppings I don’t there aren’t many other toppings that I like honestly um just because I don’t know I’m a picky eater and I like my pizza a certain way oh would torches be better for this chandelier I don’t know let’s find out I’m going to put these lanterns on it right

Now just to see how it looks but yeah uh I I’m pretty basic and I am a picky eater so like I don’t know I I I I just I like I like the meats the meats are good I’ll eat those and that that’s what’s up I think I kind of want

One can I do this yeah like that h what other light sources do we got light sources that are like I don’t want a full block on top but I also a torch a torch a torch could oh end rods end rods end rods I’m

So silly I can be placing end rods right here because oh you know what this will actually be great okay hold on end rods it’s the way to go because now I can do this I can do uh yeah so now every other one or like every other one of these

Will have an End Rod on it like this and then uh the end rods can dangle down too and they won’t connect because they’re they’re like this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the end rods the end rods this is huge like this oh yeah that looks way better that looks way better

That looks so much better and I kind of like I still like the asymmetry I like that it’s not symmetrical because like you know those big fancy chandeliers like they’ll just have dangly things everywhere you know like it it won’t matter I think that’s that’s pretty good

Or is good good as it’s going to look in Minecraft [Laughter] anyway I kind of want to put a beam here now or two beams even yeah two beams have one beam going across like this oh wait no no no I don’t want it to connect

To the beam I want it to be in between two beams like this like that and then have it do that again right here like that and if I just fetch this block here I need to do this actually got to do that over here I

Gotta do that over here I gotta do this gotta do this like little braces to hold up the logs that’s good that’s good yeah oh it’s coming along it’s coming along we’re doing it guys oh who’s a goober who got called a goober I missed it say magenta if you like magenta

Because I don’t like magenta I love magenta magenta’s a great color I don’t think any color is bad actually like there are colors that I like less than other colors but like I don’t think any color is bad because every color has a use you know what I mean like you

Might not use magenta for everything everyone is saying Goober if you like magenta well too bad I like magenta magenta’s a good [Laughter] color magenta is a good color and uh you cannot change my mind I I am an artist I went to school for art at least until Co hit and then

Uh yeah like magenta is a good color I’m going to extend that and I think oh yeah that totally adds to it having that go all the way up helps it I think that helps a lot I can add um I can add this going across to like this

So it looks like there’s like the corners of the house are supported by something I’ll put that there for now I’m going to have to address this top balcony goober means you like it oh yeah well good I’m glad people like magenta because magenta’s a good color

I Won’t Back Down magenta that’s a good color right there that’s a really good color I’ll put these at the joints to make it look like there’s a little bit of a crisscross going on I use this technique a lot I use the log crisscross technique a lot when I’m building stuff

In Minecraft and it just coincidentally fits into this uh design that I’m going for currently so that’s pretty nice and convenient do you know how to use command blocks um I don’t really I know a few commands but that’s not saying very much I don’t know a lot when it comes to command

Blocks uh I do also watch cat.exe though and uh his videos are super cool I mean like you know with him building all of the FNAF locations and doing command block stuff for those that’s the main thing I watched from him super cool like I’m just G to I’m just

Going to block this off so this light isn’t coming in I’ll now I’m just like blocking it off so I know what my light is and later I’ll open these back up when I’m building these rooms but yeah cup of tea. exe is really talented with command blocks and stuff

And it’s really cool to see his work but I am a pretty unn knowledgeable when it comes to M uh command blocks all right so I think I need to do something with this wall now this wall is the next uh big priority here oh it didn’t get deleted from the video uh

For oh you can still see it oh what happened to it then or or maybe I just don’t remember it that video was a long time ago I mean it feels like a long time ago for me your front door looks really small now yeah I mean it’s a

Door it’s it’s going to be a door for normal people to go through so yeah it’s more like this room is really big if this was a real place can you add a bit of lighting to the second floor yeah I’m going to have to address the second floor but first

I’m going to do something with this wall and I’m thinking the best way to address this wall is to have a giant uh crest of Massacre’s Mansion so you know what I’m going to pull up my my own Sprite on my phone let’s see

Here just so I can look at it a little bit like that I can see my own stream okay so I need some gray blocks for sure I’m thinking yeah stone brick deep slate brick and that might be it that might be all I need actually yeah yeah I think this is

How this is how it’s going to go so I’m going to make a circle that’ll be the tough part making the circle one two actually I’ll make a I need to know how much space I have so let’s do this okay so this is one two three four five six seven

Blocks okay one one two three four five six seven I need to make this eight block so I’ll connect it to the base here so now it’s eight now I can do that it’s eight blocks by eight blocks so it’s going to fill this space and I’ll just carve the shape out of

This at least that’s the plan so I’ll fill this in this is a good way to get a good shape if you just like carve it out of a square then you’ll uh you’ll have maybe an easier time with it can you please add a bit of lighting

To the second floor yeah I will eventually I’m just uh I’m just getting this I’m just getting this don’t I’m I’m building the crest the massacre Mansion Crest right now yeah I’ll get there I’ll get to that point don’t worry uh is that it is that as circular

As I’m going to get I think so so now I can carve out oh I might actually just carve out this entire thing so that’s like the border right that’s the border and now I can fill this in with this it’s happening like this making an m is going to be really

Hard it’s going to be really difficult but we’re gonna we’re going to try it I’m G to give it a good oldfashioned try or at least get like an approximation of it you know know have this like this you know what like that and then like this H yeah yeah like this like

This like this like this like this like this it looks like a [Laughter] skull it looks like a skull and yet it still [Laughter] fits and yet it still fits oh no oh yeah I mean I think that might be as close to an M as I’m going to get like

Uh otherwise it’s like yeah all right the skull is staying the skull is happening is that Papyrus is that Papyrus undertale human I have made my way into Massacre’s Mansion oh oh no the doors have locked oh no it’s as good as we’re going to get it’s

It really is as good as we’re going to get Papyrus is not canon and Massa cards and undertale is not canon in the Massac cards Universe I feel like I shouldn’t have to say that your Papyrus voice is golden too oh thank you I appreciate

It no the going back back to like the whole like doing voices thing like the whole reason I was struggling with like massacr voice and like I wanted to like you know make Massacre’s voice happen or whatever like and this was a long time ago now but like the reason I

Want the reason I wanted that to work so much is because like um I wanted to record some like voice lines for massacre at one point like I wanted to record some voice lines either for like the website or like a video or like a like a game trailer or something along those

Lines um and like yeah that’s why I was struggling so much with that because I couldn’t decide on his voice like how I wanted to do it I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do it like this or or if I wanted to do it like this I couldn’t decide it was too

Hard so I never ended up doing uh that voice or any of the voices lanterns hanging from the ceiling using chains okay okay you I I understand I understand there’s a need for some lighting up here and I’m working on it cuz I’m working on the ceiling right now

I’m just trying to figure out how I want this to work so there’s going to be like an exit here that goes to another room right like straight on from the uh from here straight on from here there’s going to be an exit to another place and that that’ll be

Another four block wide door thing like that I might actually use the same exact design that I use down there because it’s good um the smoke will just uh get yet blocked actually wait yo we’re going for like the the non ukian massacr mansion that this chimney wouldn’t really work right here

Then would it well I no wait no no no no no wait no no no no no the answer is simple the answer is simple what am I thinking first seal this back up again like this um oh this floor needs a trim this floor needs a trim like this floor has uh

Maybe Spruce for the trim then yeah Spruce for the trim Spruce blocks like for these blocks that go around you know um like like here Like That download immersive portals easy fix oh yeah if there’s one thing that I know that my computer would not be able to handle it’s immersive

Portals oh jeez can’t believe Master Massacre can afford a non- ukian mansion but not afford proper lighting um should I drop some lore maybe I should drop some lore I’m going to drop some lore right now some actual Massac cards lore um the lighting in Massacre Mansion is not faulty it’s

Not like the game description says that it’s faulty but uh it’s not actually faulty there’s actually a reason there’s actually a reason why the the lights uh turn turn out when they do I’ll leave you with that there you go there’s your there’s your lore so uh

Here’s the solution that I’ve come up with uh two doors Matt pack GNA be making a wild Theory from this somehow I don’t okay I would literally collapse and die if uh Matt Pat even so much as mentioned me in any sort of way but

I don’t know how he would talk about the stuff that I make like I would have to like either make a video game for a Game Theory episode or I’d have to uh make like a YouTube like series like a like a movie or short Series so that he could

Talk about it in that respect on film Theory or something like that like yeah otherwise wise I don’t know how he would talk about me which is a shame because like oh my gosh it would be so cool if he talked about the stuff that I

Do it would be like seriously a dream come true I mean like Matt Pat is just so cool we all know it we all know Matt Pat is just the coolest person known to man what did I do something weird here no I didn’t it’s fine um I need these trap doors

Yeah unfortunately I don’t know how to code I don’t know how to make a video game make a Massac C themed food food with [Laughter] lore oh no I don’t know how that would go food with lore we do a little bit of this uh we do a littleit this oops no it it would be super cool yeah I I don’t know how to code or do things like that how would you react if your

Game was played by smos man smos is a name I haven’t heard in a while well actually that’s not true I did hear that they got back together uh Ian and uh Josh I can’t remember their names it’s been so long I I watched smos way back

When they were like at their Peak popularity like uh like food battle like remember food battle that’s when I was watching Anthony that’s his name Anthony I’m sorry I don’t know it’s it’s been like years forgive me no but I I watched um yeah I watched their stuff back when

They were like at their Peak popularity and like I haven’t seen much of them since if anything actually I can’t remember the last time I watched a smos video and I know they’re cool they’re they’re pretty cool right like they’re pretty cool I just I don’t know what

Kind of stuff they even do anymore I mean if they’re still into that like if they’re playing games are are they playing games because if they are playing games then like that would be pretty cool but I also Imagine it’d be pretty difficult to uh get them to do anything

Like I I I I I don’t know I just think they have a lot on their plate they’re a pretty big Channel you know like they’re they’re I don’t know if they have time for like a smaller Creator like me it’d be cool if they did obviously um

But yeah I don’t I don’t even know do they like play like hidden roll games like do do they play games like that cuz if they did then they would probably like my game they would probably like mastera cards and if they like Uno then they would like chemic cards as

Well oh so they have a separate channel for playing games okay yeah well yeah I mean like I would be happy I would be happy if like any larger Creator took the time to notice me and like just I don’t know just to give me a chance and play my stuff I think

That’d be really cool so I I’d be happy I would I would say that I’d be happy about it I’m going to try this have these two beams go across like this do I think it’s likely that smos would play any of my games no but it

Would be it’ be cool if they did and I think that would be uh I think the same could be said for most board game like YouTubers what is your honest opinion on Peanut Butter okay uh uh I love it it’s like so good now I I don’t know if this is a

Relatable experience but um peanut butter is like a like a sickness food for me like I eat it when I’m sick right uh and it makes me feel better I don’t know like like like peanut butter uh and like or like peanut butter toast or peanut butter uh ban an

Toast those are like some of the best sickness foods and like they make me feel better when I’m sick and that’s like that’s like uh my experience with peanut butter I guess I don’t know like it’s it’s good and I like peanut butter in general I do like peanut butter uh

Flavored things like uh uh Reese’s [Laughter] Puffs I like I like Reese’s Puffs that’s like my favorite breakfast cereal so I like peanut butter flavored things uh yeah I’ve been meaning to give voice work a shot uh for some time now and working with smaller projects even

Yours just for fun would be a good start yeah I like I app I appreciate that I do appreciate that but I I just mentioned it in the um the most recent Uno amalgam video that I uploaded today like I mentioned like collaborating with people is really difficult like collaborating

With people that I don’t know is really difficult for legal reasons because like I don’t know how old you are and I don’t want to have to like force you to sign a contract and like do all that Biz like it’s it’s such a it’s there’s so many Hoops to go through

Through and I don’t want to get in any legal trouble so like collaborating with people is really hard and it sucks because I want to collaborate with you guys like um I I put a post a while back about like uh art collaborations with the Uno amalgam and stuff but like after I

Posted that like I got like a multiple comments bringing up the really good point that like if I do do this and I don’t compensate you in any way um like it’s not cool at all um and and it’s that’s true it’s not cool to not compensate artists for their

Work but I don’t know what I have to offer because I don’t have really much money and I don’t have like things to give away for free I guess you know and and still that’s not even including like if you were underage it would just be

Really there’s a lot a lot it’s a lot it’s just a lot of it’s a lot of things it’s a lot of things happening um yeah and and and I’m sure you know I I’m sure I could trust most of you honestly like I I’m sure I could trust like

Pretty much all of you to be who you say you are but like even just the act of like asking for your personal information like uh yeah so how old are you like what’s your name like where are you from you know like just even those three basic

Questions it’s that’s a lot that’s a lot to ask of a person and it’s a lot uh of legal junk to deal with unfortunately I hope that makes sense um sorry um yeah it it’s it it’s just a lot it’s just a lot there we go flower bear you’re a trustworthy

Person two people let uh let me turn them into AI voices that I have control over holy crap that’s awesome that’s cool did didn’t smos get their Channel back yeah they did they got their Channel back I’m pretty sure unless like there’s more news that changes that information in which case I don’t

Know uh let’s see if I can get a big painting here that is that is not a painting oh oh oh hold on good that’s good let’s do that again uh are there oh yeah right there’s this one perfect bureaucracy sucks and you wouldn’t want to do something without

Knowing you could you could to be fair about it yeah yeah there’s there’s a lot of there’s a lot of jargon a lot of things a lot of Hoops to jump through if I were to collaborate but hopefully in the future I’ll be able to do that uh in the future you mentioned

Expansion packs for chemic cards assuming that gets to the point where you actually have money then you would be able to offer something up to us yeah that’s true but like those those expansion packs wouldn’t be free for me you know like I have to pay for those

Still and I would have to get those manufactured so like it’s it’s something that I could offer you that would be cheaper than a full game but it would be uh it it would still be money for me it’d be money coming out of my bank account which I don’t

Have um there’s a hole close to the other painting where or or is it this painting I don’t see a hole am I am I dumb where’s where’s the hole is it behind the painting wait is uh no there’s no hole there’s no hole [Laughter] there there’s no hole what the heck

Guys do you plan on releasing print and play of chemic cards uh I talked about about that in a previous amalgam video uh no the answer is no I’ll I’ll leave it at that I swapped from your normal videos and this is really quiet well yeah I I

Have like a a streaming setup here and I’m playing a really quiet game also I don’t have any background music besides Minecraft I do have a question though how many hats does Massacre own quite a few um he like okay so massacre doesn’t have the same hat twice like the same

Style of hat um what am I doing right now I need to I need to do something maybe more painting on this wall um basically Massacre doesn’t have the same style of hat twice so if he has uh or if they I should say they Massacre is a they there every character

Is a they um basically if Massacre has one top hat he only has that they they only have that one top hat you know they don’t they don’t have any other uh top hats they if they have a bowler hat they only have one bowler hat oh man there’s no 3×3 painting is

There like oops there isn’t a 3X3 painting is there I’m pretty sure there isn’t oh no yeah shoot and there’s no 2×3 painting either dang son okay I might need to rethink this area of the wall you forgot to patch up the bookshelves blocking the doorway when you checked for the

Painting hole no I didn’t it’s closed we’re fine we’re fine massacred currency is hats I don’t know if that’s necessarily true Massacre is just very wealthy in general I’m thinking something needs to happen on this wall maybe well I could put another log in this corner like right here just to connect

It up with the everything else have everything be like uh seamless so to speak like this that looks better already maybe this oh no no not that one that one shouldn’t go across maybe that wall is good blank actually may maybe that’s fine I think so now it’s just about this

Area this this big area up here and I’m thinking a table is going to be the way to make this area look a lot nicer so let’s get some Spruce fences and some dark oak trap doors which I already have and build a big table how does Massacre get their money

I would tell you but that would be a huge spoiler and that itself might be a spoiler too just me saying that that might be a spoiler might be a spoiler for like the lore the lore of Massac cards I don’t think it is the spoiler I

Don’t think you guys can actually figure out uh how Massacre gets their money with the information I’ve given you so far there will be more information uh on how things happen um so that’s a long table but I kind of want to give it some shape give it some

Shape like this ding ding ding ding and then I’ll do the same on the other side so it’s like a big oval table it’s a big oval that’s right I kind of want it to be one more on just a more gradual more gradual curve not that

Sharp of a curve like this that’ll that’s better yeah that’s better I’ll throw some chairs around this too if you want to attempt it you could use banners to make Banner art oh you’re so right oh you’re so right about that oh [Laughter] no oh

No that’s going to be such a process but I could do it I could do that that is something I could do oh my gosh man okay we’re going to use the nether brick stairs or the red nether brick stairs again and let’s get some signs where the signs at

Uh mmy me me me where are the signs at you know that’s what I’m asking I need to learn Banner art I need to like actually get good at Banner art because like you can do some crazy stuff with Banner art it’s not even funny the stuff that you can do it’s

Crazy and like I people are so talented with Banner art it’s ridiculous oh you know what it’s going to have to be like these chairs I want to put I want to put signs on both sides so get out of here menu so there’s going to have to be two

Blocks of space in between chairs which is fine I guess it’s just going to mean that the table is asymmetrical which is okay oh yeah maybe the chairs can be like scattered around too oh no no no no no wrong bad are you sure there shouldn’t be a way to

Differentiate the flipped and unflipped sides of the cards if you ever lose track of which side the cards are on then it might get confusing uh yeah that’s the point uh it’s meant to be like random you know like it like it doesn’t matter if you lose

Track like that’s that’s part of the fun of it and it prevents you from like having to organize like the cards that’s like a huge thing like you don’t want to have to have all the cards be on the right side all the time and like I’m going to

Ship chemic cards with the cards like randomized in their position and their orientation so like you’ll get a completely random game right out of the box and uh that’ll be really good it it’ll it’ll be good it’s it’ll be better that way like there there’s no reason like like the cards don’t behave

Differently based on what side they’re on anyway so like there’s no reason to keep track of it it it’s just an unnecessary complication I’ve I’ve put a lot of thought into that and I’ve done some play testing as well and I can I can guarantee you that it’s not as big of a

Deal as it seems a lot of people have asked about that though Massacre Mansion doesn’t have a PC I just ordered one it’s it’s on the way I have the shipping notification it’s happening I’m getting a PC what’s such a horrible idea I don’t have a PlayStation I have a

Switch and an Xbox the only thing I don’t have is a Playstation I’m playing on switch right now I’m just reading chat for a second the only reason I’m concerned is it might be easy to forget which side of the card was what that you weren’t

Using uh that’s never been an issue I mean like in play testing it’s never been an issue anyway like sure there are like a couple of uh mechanics like Kevin’s famous chili rule or whatever where you drop all of your cards randomly or whatever and then you might

Lose track of what cards like were what but I think that that’s just part of Kevin’s famous chili rule I think that’s part of the point is like you’re supposed to drop your cards and get disorganized what are you guys talking about with these trap doors what trap

Doors wait what what what trap doors are like is there something wrong with these oh I see the trap doors oh my gosh I didn’t even know that was a thing that could happen oh no I need to have them all oriented the right way oh crap I didn’t even realize that

That was a thing I thought that like trap doors had a fixed orientation there we go all right everyone calm down we’re fine uh massacr Manion does Massacre know how to use an oven uh yes he does uh why are you making it in Minecraft

Because I want to uh do I need any other reason but also I mean I guess the other reason would be just to show people what I think it looks like you know now is the time for chain lanterns it’s time for lanterns on chains baby cuz that’s

What’s going to hang over this table it all works out where the heck are the chains that there they are now is the time for them so this lines up with this so I’m thinking on each of these joints here where the logs join into one log we

Put the chains and then they dangle the lanterns down Rejoice Rejoice lanterns on chains oh crap l lanterns lanterns on Chaine random cart sets just sound like hell to produce um yeah the like they’ll be randomized like but it’ll be the same randomization in every box not every like box is going to have a random orientation of the cards that would be yeah that would actually be terrible to produce

Uh is this going to be released to the public for us to play also uh I’m amazing at command blocks so if you did I could Cod it um I’ll remember that maybe monkey man oh my gosh monkey man your name is incredible have you guys seen acceleracers have you guys seen Hot

Wheels acceleracers Circa 2005 and six what’s it look like I’m doing monkey man I’m giving it some character yo we love acceleracers here if you haven’t seen acceleracers you’re not a real fan what’s your favorite place to eat uh somewhere you would eat inside oh

No I have a really sad story to tell you this is a this is a sad story so uh uh tldr here’s the tldr of the story um the place that I liked to eat the most does not exist anymore okay it doesn’t exist and that’s already like

Devastating that’s already a sad story right there um but here’s what’s up so uh there was a place um it was called uh oh shoot it it had like an Italian name name I I actually can’t remember the name of it but basically when I went to back in high school when

I went to uh snowball it was called it was like the winter version of prom basically I know a lot of schools do have like a winter prom type thing like a formal dance you dress up you invite uh someone that you really like and then

You go dance or whatever and like it was during the winter though and like people would uh you know go out to eat before the dance so that they could dance all night because the dance usually went pretty late um and the dance was always at like some

Big event center or whatever where like they had a lot of space for a dance floor and a DJ and things like that um but so like there was a couple years in a row where we went to this Italian place and it was like in the middle of town and it was

Was like it was such an experience because like I was going I was in high school I was like going through such an emotional like time in my life and like it was like uh like I actually had a date to the snowball which I didn’t

Think I would because like I cannot uh get a girl to save my life but like I actually had a date to snowball and like we we went to this Italian place and this was like the second year in a row that we did it I remember it being

Good from last year but like this year like the year before that was the first time I had ever went and I remember it being good so now this is the second time I’m going to this place right and I remember how good it was they had like

Some of the best spaghetti I’ve ever eaten and I was so hungry I was so hungry for that spaghetti I had that like we we got our food and I just seriously destroyed the entire plate and I couldn’t believe it cuz they have such huge portion sizes the spaghetti was incredible

Atalian place but a few years back I think it’s been about four years now which is just so sad to even think about um it closed down the place closed down because the person who ran it was an awful person for reasons that I will not

Say on YouTube um they were a very bad person and we do not like them and like all I’m saying is right we don’t know if the chef who made the spaghetti was a bad person and that Chef if I could just contact that chef and make have this

Chef make me that spaghetti one more time that would be a dream come true because I miss that spaghetti I think about this place so frequently I think about this Italian place so frequently and how and they haven’t even put anything in the building yet like I can drive by it I

Can drive by it and it still says like it’s an Italian place but there’s just nothing there it’s just an empty building and I hate it it I hate looking at it because it reminds me of how good the food was [Laughter] there uh what was the name I can’t

Remember the name right now I I could look it up later show up to his house and ask for spaghetti I would I would if I could I don’t support the owner of the restaurant it was the owner owner of the restaurant that did a really bad thing

But like that that was the only reason why the place shut down is because like the owner was bad and they got like they lost ownership of the property and the restaurant and everything and no one else wanted to take it like no one else

Wanted to step in and be the owner of that restaurant and have all of the responsibilities of that which is a real shame because that food was really good you know I’ve been flying around here for a bit and I need to do something with this wall like with with both of these

Walls but other than that I think that this uh the Great Hall is done basically like this is kind of what I’ve imagined this is pretty close you can still see the corpse of an amazing place that sucks so much yeah yeah it was really bad

Uh it it sucks it sucks to know that like somewhere out there there is someone who knows how to make that spaghetti they like handmade all of that meat too like all of the like meatball meat like they handmade all of that they handmade all of the noodles and the

Sauce and everything like everything was from scratch and that made it so much better I’ll never forget it I will never forget it and I I think about it too frequently what does the Great Hall do in masac cards uh it’s just uh a plus one room that’s all it

Is candles candles oh my gosh you’re so right about that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the candles the candles would make so much sense in this place uh lagging uh where are the candles here are the candles um we like normal candles they they look normal these look like candles if that makes

Sense uh let’s let’s do a little bit of fun with candles uh let us do H if I just do like a like a table like a like a little like a block table I could do this right so if I take an oak block place it here uh then uh

Like maybe um actually no not an oak block something else something different uh maybe like I’m struggling with this this is this is an important choice cuz candles are huge I forgot about candles completely like I keep forgetting that they’re in the game and there’s such a good decorative

Block oh there’s there’s decorative pots too forgot about that I kind of want to put this pot somewhere in here oh you know what right here perfect there we go and I’ll put a sign above it perfect how about putting some armor stands with candles in between them uh I

Don’t know if armor stands are going to be the thing that goes in this room there definitely will be armor stands but just not in this room can you add a magenta Block in one of the displays for lore purposes definitely not don’t foret oh I can’t forget I can’t forget

The the stair the lightly weathered copper cut copper stairs forgot about that that’ll have to go in a different room too it won’t fit in this one it’ll have to go in one of the outdoor rooms I say outdoor rooms I mean outdoor spaces Okay candles candles candles candles I can’t get distracted

Um yeah but that’s my sad story that’s that’s my really uh my really sad story about how I I like an Italian place and then it closed down forever that’s my it’s my sad story can I can I uh I Oh I’m just making noises uh can I do this o yes oh yeah this is it this is it oh candles I’m not adding a magenta block I’m not doing it uh how long are you planning to stream for as long as I want I don’t

Know I like I said I I said I would for sure go to 10 I might go longer though I don’t know um uh maybe maybe like having it like wrap around like this that’s pretty cool have a couple candles there like that can I

Put an item frame there can I put an item frame there this isn’t oh no uh boom uh can I put an item frame right here oh that’s huge oh that’s huge put that right here Bonk yeah woo you can appease chat by making the candles magenta it uh Massacre probably

Wouldn’t have magenta candles at least not in this room the stairs and the magenta will inevitably make its way into the build but just probably not in this room and therefore probably not tonight unfortunately sorry about that but that’s just the way the news goes put some more candles here like that you

Need a flint and steel to light them don’t you um this yeah oh that’s awesome okay that’s really good click click um can I put more candles in more places probably up here somewhere uh I’m assuming yeah okay I need to do something different with this wall I

Will have these trap doors not be trap doors and there’ll be something else instead so that I can put candles here like like just scattered around like like this yeah and then click click click click click like this um and now I I’ll just I’ll just take some dark oak

Uh and have that be the frame of this picture instead ding ding ding ding ding d d ding Massacre gives off red candle Vibes he does have red candles in his office which I will have to build eventually what is massacr net worth um I could tell you but it wouldn’t make

Sense because it’s in a currency that doesn’t exist really type this in chat it makes the item frame invisible oh I yeah well I don’t want to type that do you know how long that would take I’m not going for like you know a super duper R like it’s it doesn’t need that

It doesn’t need to be invisible it’s fine it looks fine just like that it’s fine it’s fine okay so now that candles are like in the reading area which is kind of where I want them I want to do something with these two walls these two walls are

Just a little bit too blank for my tastes uh silly question if Massacre played Uno what would they think about it um they would think it is a silly game a silly game that is a waste of time energy and brain power and is not worth anything that’s what Massacre

Would think about uh Uno oh contrl c control V monkey man I am playing on switch I can’t control C control V I’m sorry monkey man I can’t do that for you uh yeah I I don’t have a PC yet give me a moment window window window window

Window that might be a good idea yeah what are Massacre’s thoughts on chess uh they love chess they think chess is good what would it a game of Uno between all of the deities look like it’ probably just end in a fist fight honestly you should add Italian restaurant owner as a

Role hey the chef is already a rooll if you do a window you have to do outside or at least a facade you know what I think I know what I want to do now I think I know exactly what I want to do okay so this line do you hear that oh

It’s oh my gosh I I am hallucinating I am having FNAF 3 hallucinations I heard something and I just didn’t even know what it was and it like triggered my fight ORF flight response so this line is where that happens right and then I’m going to have two uh symmetrical Courtyards on the

Outside of here so there will be a window it will go out here and it will look into a courtyard that is outdoors I think that’s a pretty cool idea does Massacre like Persona or does he prefer Shin Mami tensei uh probably Persona I’m going to go to bed good

Night have a good night I’m not going to bed yet yeah Massacre would like chest it’s an intellectual game so it’s a good way for them to prove themselves would uh would there be any unique rooms of the Mansion where a Clue board um there is a game room there

Actually is a game room in uh Massacre Mansion uh how do I want to frame this window probably dark oak oh oh wait I could okay here’s the plan I have a plan I’m going To I’m going to take the mud bricks out because I want to look at them I just want to look just let me look at the mud bricks oh that’s perfect oh it’s perfect I love mud bricks oh my gosh uh when he said FNAF is actually

Pretty when he said FNAF is actually pretty coincidental that I actually got two FNAF posters today uh wow that’s cool I don’t have any oh wait not that’s not true until I on New Year’s Eve I got a gift from uh Bailey who you guys uh

Met on stream um I got a gift from Bailey uh it’s fizzy Faz I got a I got a bottle of fizzy Faz a bottle of ice cold fizzy Faz and it’s like it’s incredible I I love the bottle so much does Massacre like watching your video

No he doesn’t uh like they don’t watch the video they don’t know about it in fact uh videos just don’t exist in general um in in Universe they just don’t exist cuz uh videos have not been invented yet it’s a simple as that really does Massacre like go uh maybe

I don’t I don’t know enough about go to say would Massacre like betrayal at house on the hill probably I think that might be one that Massacre would enjoy I mean like there is a game room for like tabletop games in Massacre Mansion but I think the real thing is just

If any of these games even exist you know in the in Universe I don’t know if any of them really exist just because like uh you know it it’s not it’s Earth but it’s not the same Earth as our earth like things have changed things have been different in this

One so that’s a big window right there and now I can put some curtains on the side Ambiguously early 20th Century I guess uh maybe a little bit earlier than that but yeah oh it’s it’s definitely pre- 2000s don’t even yeah definitely pre 2000s betrayal is a wonderful game one

Of my favorite games does Massacre like FNAF uh I don’t think Massacre knows that FNAF [Laughter] exists oh no please don’t do that why does it keep doing that my my d-pad must just be bad or something oh I need to like Crouch place these dink dink doop like

That these are going to be some really hard to- reach curtains if I do say so myself I say so that’s what I’m talking about uh like that and then we uh place the other curtains like this like that that’s a pretty cool window huh what is Massacre’s opinion on Shakespeare’s

Works I don’t know if he cares about Shakespeare I don’t know if he cares about like that type of literature I don’t know he cares more about like historical documents and things like that why is there so much light what about the vampires what vampires there’s no vampires in Massacre mansion and that’s

Deliberate too there’s no vampires because One Night Ultimate vampire exists and I did not want to step on their toes at all so basically I’m going to make this window again right I’m going to make it again but this time in a different place and I’ll build the courtyard too if uh

If I’m feeling up to it will the World download eventually be released if Massa cards gets enough traction this world download might be released even if Massac cards doesn’t get enough traction honestly I I don’t really I wouldn’t mind just releasing this it’s not like this is like a big

Release you know I mean it I don’t know how long I’ll be working on this though so maybe it will be a big release but this is just something that you know is for fun for me and for fun for you guys um and I I’ll release the World

Download eventually I think or at least try to figure that out did I do something wrong this is this is five blocks this is six blocks whoops like that yeah World download will probably happen at some point I just don’t know when CU I don’t know anything about that

Because I don’t have my computer I still don’t have it it’s been like half an hour and I still don’t have my computer sorry Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonk 17th or 18th century I’m pretty sure I gave an answer to this uh in the Discord server or something and I can’t

Remember the exact thing that I gave um I can’t remember the exact answer I gave but I did give a a concrete answer I just can’t remember remember it right now I’m having a brain fart I I did have like an estimated time but like you shouldn’t think about

Massac cards as having like a specific time period you know like I mean like you should think of it as like not as modern as modern day on our Earth but the fact that Massac cards takes place on a different Earth where like things like inventions and advancement in

Technology or whatever have uh like like evolved differently they’ve evolved differently than um on our Earth so like I don’t know I I don’t tend to think about Massac cards as having a year I think about Massac cards as having an aesthetic and just like a certain set of

Technology that’s how I think of it fix the trap doors on the Windows no they’re fine they’re fine guys you’re not even going to see them they’re behind the curtains it’s fine just fine does Massacre like potato yes probably I think most people like potato

I think I think that’s a normal thing to like all right I’m going to do the same thing on the other side so I need to do this and then there’s a three block Gap okay like this yeah and then it did go all the way up

Yeah it went all the way up to the ceiling so that’s how big the window is oops I am just I can’t even uh have a block place to save my life jeez this is coming along really well I I didn’t know how far I was going to get I thought

This was going to take I mean this is still just one room in the Mansion but like it’s it looks good it looks complete basically and like I don’t know I’m I’m happy with it I’m happy with the build so far I’m happy with it do a little bit of

This okay looking at chat uh what is your favorite food to get at a stores hot food bar I live in America and I don’t know if that’s a if that’s a foreign thing or if that is a like a southern USA thing but I don’t know if I mean

Like I suppose there is like I I wouldn’t call it a hot food bar I guess I I guess that’s just not what it’s called like I know what you’re talking about that’s not just not what I would call it but I don’t know what I would

Would call it like you can’t call it a deli cuz that’s like cold food you know but like I think there’s a word for it that I’m just missing right now I I just I I don’t know if I would call it a hot food

Bar uh but mac and cheese mac and cheese is my favorite thing to get from a hot food bar that’s my favorite thing to get from a hot would Massacre like Massac cards and chemic cards uh Massacre would like Massac cards but Massacre would not like C

Cards that’s the qu that that’s the answer that’s the answer to the question and uh I will not elaborate further on that one I will not be taking further questions about that topic at this time Massac favorite food is spaghetti from that one place I mean I don’t think that’s even my

Favorite food but it’s just such a memorable food oops this isn’t it’s such a memorable memorable food for me that I that is one of my favorite foods is spaghetti from that one place that doesn’t exist anymore I like spaghetti in general I like Italian food in general Pizza spaghetti

Lasagna like I I don’t it’s all good it’s all good cuz it’s all Italian food it has like the same three ingredients and I like all of those ingredients you know what is Massac card’s credit card information uh I don’t think credit cards have been invented yet in the

Massac cards universe and I’m not just saying that because I’m trying to dodge your question I think that’s actually true that’s actual lore that’s lore write that down someone write that down credit cards haven’t been invented yet in the Massac cards Universe if I got a command for a custom

Modeled Alexa would you summon it when you get the PC maybe I don’t know that is such a strange request I mean possibly I’ll give it a maybe I I just that’s such a out there question it’s a maybe it’s a maybe from me it’s a

Maybe oh please let me place okay thank you uh due to computers not being a thing digital bank accounts and credit cards wouldn’t be a thing either so true so true if Massacre is a vampire or would he drink Italian blood and be immune to garlic uh

Well um I don’t know I I don’t think Massacre would really want to be a vampire I think that would only hinder them in what they want to do I mean like uh I’m assuming we’re talking about like classic vampires not like Twilight vampires that just Sparkle

In the day or whatever the heck like um like Massacre wouldn’t want to oh oh that’s funny whatever I’ll leave that door open for me um let’s build a little Courtyard let’s build a Courtyard at Massacre’s Mansion can you dance oh my gosh what a [Laughter] question um [Laughter] no

Uh monkey man if you want to do all of that work go for it I I support you um but no guarantees on if any of it actually ends up being in here but if you want to just have some fun make some custom models go for it I won’t stop you

I appreciate it but yeah as far as like me being able to dance goes um I cannot dance like I can dance like I can move my body to like the beat or whatever um but I can’t dance very well I can’t dance um I don’t know I haven’t danced in a

Very long time that’s another thing in fact I’m pretty sure the last time that I did dance was in high school probably at snowballer or prom that was probably the last time I danced and I wasn’t any good back then either um like uh I don’t know I just I’m not a good

Dancer and like any formal dance like any dance that you actually need to learn the steps to I have no idea completely lost completely confused and I am just I can’t do any of that I just can’t do it yeah I’m pretty sure the last time I danced was at like a

Prom I can’t remember any other times I’m I’m like scanning my brain right now and I’m trying to think like did I did I dance at any other point like did I do that but I don’t think so I think it actually has been that long it’s been a

Very long time since I’ve danced uh how good is the massart’s Chef at cooking specifically Italian food uh the chef is very good at what they do I mean the chef is so good that it’s able to cure hungry ISM or whatever you want to call it depending on the

Person um so yeah very skilled probably one of the best in the world definitely the best cook out of the entire cast of Massac cards like no question um how many languages can Massacre speak just the one unfortunately um he can read other languages uh particularly like a couple

Of older languages like not ones that are like spoken um today just because of how old they are it’s like if you tried to speak like um I don’t know Aztec or something like Massacre can read things like similar to Aztec or ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and stuff like that but he

Can only uh speak English or like it’s it’s not English the Great Britain doesn’t like it Great Britain didn’t conquer the world in this uh universe but like um I’m calling it English because you guys know what English is is the cook better than the one from

The place I don’t know hard to say uh can you or Massacre ride a bike Massac can ride a bike I can also ride a bike um I actually really enjoy biking I I like biking a lot biking is really fun uh biking used to be my uh primary form of transportation actually

Um there was like a time in my life like back in high school I feel like we’re going back to high school a lot uh but there was a time when um I was really scared of driving I was really scared of getting a license and getting in a

Vehicle that was like you know a couple tons and like driving it just like the thought of that really scared me so like I made it my mission to just like not drive even though like I really needed a car to like get around and do stuff but

Like at any opportunity I would take my bike instead like I was still like taking the driving classes and getting my license and all of that but I would just take my bike whenever possible and I would go on like 10 Mile bikes across town because like I would rather do that

I would rather like take an exponentially longer amount of time to bike across town than drive a car but that was a long time ago since then I have become a lot more comfortable with driving um but yeah that that’s a that’s an old that’s an old fear of mine

Driving would Massacre like Mario Kart uh Massacre probably would not like Mario Kart no any game that’s like meant to like waste your time uh not like waste your time I guess like any time any game that’s like a game that’s just meant to be fun Massacre probably wouldn’t like it

Like it’s meant to be a game that’s enjoyed I don’t know like Massacre probably wouldn’t like it like the game needs to have something more to it it needs to be like uh it needs to be like chess where it’s like ah yes I can prove that I’m smarter than someone by playing

This game or something along those lines like it it just needs to be like that um does Massacre have parental issues and act in a in a in the way they do to cope no no they do not dude I feel the same I’m 25 and have

Severe driving an anxiety I don’t blame you driving can be really scary and like what I did like when I you know when I was scared of driving like is I just forced myself to drive like I know I know that sounds dumb right I know that sounds really dumb but

Like if you force yourself to do something enough it gets easier and that goes with anything so uh that’s my uh really not good advice uh would Massacre like strategy based RPGs I don’t know uh Massacre might get frustrated with a computer just in general I don’t know if Massacre would

Like a computer at all okay so this this is like the Courtyard area right now I want to like H would Massacre enjoy clue uh well maybe I think it depends would Massacre like Poyo Poyo Tetris uh no would Massacre like undertale well I think there would be

Something for Massacre to like about the genocide route of undertale specifically or the No Mercy route I should say I kind of want to build a tree kind of want to put a big tree here and I don’t know if I want it to be a dead tree or an alive

Tree maybe dead tree uh what what like uh what wood type looks dead oh the outside oh wait I can use the uh the closed yeah yeah this gray acacia wood with no orange inside is like perfect for dead trees uh I encourage yeah that that’s really good that’s really good that

You’re getting practice driving that that’s good honestly that’s the best thing you can do uh would Massacre make a good DND dungeon master no definitely not um I want this to be like a big Rudy tree like just full of roots and stuff uh like having it like curve around like

This what’s Massacre’s ad addess um I actually do have an answer for that but I’m not going to tell you because um that is something that uh will probably get revealed eventually naturally anyway so yeah I’m just not going to tell you I’ll tell you later I’ll tell I’ll tell everyone at some

Point we do a little bit of roots in the ground type beat look at this oh yeah like spreads across the ground like this I kind of want it to like droop all the way but will that look dumb maybe that that one branch can droop it needs more branches though it needs

More um actually let’s keep that there do this this this this this uh this this this droop like that dead tree um how large is Massacre’s vocabulary very large so what is Luke Massacre working on now I’m working on a courtyard that is connected to the main Great Hall through a couple

Of Windows actually you know what hold on I’m stepping away from the mic for a second just stepping away for a second I need to grab something okay okay so I have right next to me I have uh I have my my personal copy of um Massac card’s grandest party

Edition and what I’m going to do is I’m going to find the room cards where are the room cards at there’s a lot of cards in the grandest party edition I don’t know if you guys knew that but there’s like 402 cards so quite a few is what I’m

Saying I’m just fetching all of the cards out of it currently okay I think I almost have all of them here I’m I am a professional streamer just kidding I’m not a professional streamer um so what I’m going to do is I’m just just basically going to look

Through all of the room cards and I’m going to uh like look for outdoor rooms specifically because maybe this um this Courtyard might be able to double up as one of the outdoor rooms uh we’ll see uh yeah official uh room card name reveal uh just give

Me give me a moment I’m looking through all of them there is a hundred of them h oh oh that’s perfect actually so there actually is a courtyard I I actually do have a courtyard room in here so one of them can be Courtyard and then on the other side I think I’ll

Have uh the flower garden it’s just called the garden G it’s just called The Garden in actual Massac cards but the icon for it is a flower so it’s it’s like I would put flowers in there I’m going to take a swig of my Gatorade I’ve been talking for so long I love

Gatorade uh are you talented in non-pixel art kind of um there’s a lot of uh things that I don’t know I I think of myself as like a jack of all trades because like I’m like kind of good at everything but I excel at nothing you know like I’m not

Like the best at anything except I like to think that I’m really good at uh making games I want that to be the thing that I’m really good at really good at um um but uh as far as like other artistic mediums that I have experience

In um I have experience in drawing but I haven’t drawn anything in a very long time um like actual pencil and Pen drawing like that kind of drawing um and uh like as far as like painting or things like that go like I I have some experience in that but not really

Enough um one thing that I do have a lot of experience in um so much so that I was actually doing it semi-professionally for a while is uh 3D printing 3D printing and like sculpture work like that um like uh I have like on my wall I have

A bunch of 3D printed we weapons and like from various games like I have uh uh I have the subnotica thermal knife on my wall I’m just looking at it right now because it’s right here I have uh the master sword from Legend of Zelda

And I 3D printed them and I painted them and they look really nice um and that’s that’s something that I can do that’s something that I’m really good at and I know that I’m good at it like I can do it and I can make stable props you know

I’ve made props for uh local the electrical Productions before um and I’ve made other various things from it and I think in the first Uno amalgam video I need uh I need some more foliage uh in the first Uno amalgam video I talked about I I had like a list at the

Beginning uh of the video that was like um like big projects that I’m trying to do you know and like um one of them was like make springtrap cosplay for a FNAF movie premiere uh that’s one thing that I’m actually like uh doing currently with my 3D

Printers um I am 3D printing a springtrap cosplay it it’s happening very slowly because like YouTube is my priority but it’s looking pretty good I have a lot of pieces printed and a few of them fully painted and finished and stuff I yeah like I said I wanted to make that

Costume for the FNAF movie premiere and like wear it to the theater like an absolute crazy person but it was just too gargant in a task but not only that like my YouTube channel like exploded at that time so like I really just did not have enough

Time to finish it before the FNAF movie premiered which is unfortunate but I I am going to hopefully finish it um for next year’s Halloween so I’m able to wear it for uh Halloween at least that would be pretty fun huh 3D printed knife from masac cards oh

Yeah you know I actually have designs for um I have 3D models that I made and 3D modeling a prop and 3D modeling like a character are two completely different things but um I can 3D model props that’s one thing that I can do and I have modeled

Um the knife for the killer like I’ve I know what the Killer’s knife would look like I also modeled a deity of deaths sword I’ve modeled what I what I think they would look like so they do have Canon designs I just need to make them

Real um and I don’t know when I’ll do that but I’ll do that at some point uh maybe that that could be like a post or a video or something along those lines I don’t know I I I want to have like a default or not a default a a Canon design for

The for the various weapons in mards because uh yeah I I like making weapon designs they’re super fun to make when you were talking about you trying to dance for some reason I thought that I thought of that one song that goes Hub Hub what I don’t even know what that

Is 3D prin the spaghetti from the Italian place it wouldn’t taste very good it would not taste very good at all which is something oops foliage is fun another random question that someone in chat asked would Massacre like the board game campaign for North Africa no probably not um I

Think Massacre would kind of view that as like a Time waster like like what’s getting done here like so we could be doing something more productive than this some type of gibberish meme song Oh there’s tons of those I I mean if if you can find it send a link in the

Discord and I’ll listen to it in off topic music oh yeah there we go I kind of want this Courtyard to be overgrown at least from the ground and I don’t know if this Courtyard will have it’ll it’ll have to have an entrance from a different place because

This it can’t have an entrance here it’ll have to have an entrance from a different place does Massacre have a good taste in music uh yeah I think so I think Massacre does have a very particular taste in music but a good taste in music um I mean for the universe that they’re

In I don’t know I I think Massacre has a valid taste in music uh okay so that is actually two rooms I think that are completely done and I can’t do much with these walls until I know what’s on the other side of them so that’s two rooms we got two rooms

Done so we have a courtyard and I’m actually I’m going to go back in to the uh oh wait where did I I broke a hole did I break it right here yeah I did um if I go back in here and I just look outside like yeah it’s it’s like you see

The tree and like I’m going to leave the ceiling part of it for now as well just because like I don’t know what’s going to go on top of it yet I don’t know which room specifically Ally is going to go on top or if

Anything is going to go on top of it maybe nothing goes on top of it yeah actually nothing is going to go on top of it but still I want to know what rooms are like on top of on the second floor like or third floor I guess it

Would be third floor now uh surrounding that so I’ll wait on that one um does Massacre like bacon yeah probably um what are you making just arrived um I’m building Massacre mansion in Minecraft I have two rooms done so far we have the Great Hall which is this big

Chungus of a room here and uh a courtyard which is not finished but it will be finished once the adjacent rooms are finished just a little Courtyard a little decorative whatever it doesn’t matter too much I don’t think you got a command for the Alexa that’s crazy save it somewhere and I

Will um I I’ll I’ll do it like if if you give it to me when I get my new computer I’ll put it somewhere I I don’t know if it’ll actually end up in the final version of this map but it’ll be there it’ll it’ll it’ll it’ll I’ll at

Least show it off I’ll at least show it off would Massacre like the Massac cart soundtrack yes um Massacre Likes music with those instruments in it for sure we are actually at 10:00 I said that this is how long I would go at least I said I would at least go to 10

We have two rooms done uh if I were to do one more thing what would I do how about 3D printing the chef who will cook you the spaghetti from the Italian place if 3D printing becomes that advanced that’d be great make the tree like the one Quarry tree from the game

The witness where if you look at it from a certain angle it oh yeah that’s actually a cool idea I’d consider that I I’ll have to like have the other rooms adjacent to it done first though before I know exactly how I’m going to manipulate that shape

The skeleton painting is fitting oh yeah definitely okay so I’m going to break I’m going to break these open cuz these will lead to more rooms um and just yeah I’m just going to break all of the holes open that I’ve sealed cuz I just want I closed them off so I

Could know how the lighting was looking um and the ligh looks good in the dark uh like like when you close it off like this but now I don’t need these anymore so they can leave they’re gone um are you considering building the chemic card’s location yeah I would it wouldn’t be

Nearly as thought out just because I actually have like a set of 100 rooms here but yeah uh let’s see I’m just going to browse my rooms for a second here Great Hall is done very good oh also uh yeah so okay this is actually three rooms um because the third room

That got covered by this is grand staircase so this this this is actually two rooms here this represents two rooms grand staircase and the Great Hall so we technically have three rooms here that’s pretty cool I think one of the rooms that’s going to have to be off to the side is

Like a more casual room like either like a living room or a or maybe Library well no not Library it’s too close to the bookshelves here in the Great Hall Um yeah I’m thinking like oh Lounge oh the lounge it it’s probably going to have to be Lounge yeah you guys are just getting room reveals but like they were going to get revealed anyway because I’m building them and stuff so there are going to be

A couple of hallways that go around this Courtyard and maybe one of them will Connect into the courtyard um and then uh living room living room will go here probably yeah I think living room or lounge probably Lounge actually yeah Lounge will go here and I’ll break a hole here just to like

Show that’s where it’ll go right there yeah I I’ll I’ll make it a uh oh my God there’s pigs here do you have a physical copy that you are looking at or is it digital still I’ve had a physical copy like that’s how I’ve play tested the game

With my friends yeah I have a physical copy of both versions I have a physical copy of uh the standard edition and the grandest party edition I have I have I have a copy of both in front of me I mean not in front of me but I have

Grandest party edition right next to me and I own a copy of both physically where should I put the Alexa command uh in the Discord off topic somewhere that’s where I would uh see it or where other people would be able to remind me that it exists there the pigs

Materialized they can stay for now it’s not a huge deal are the pigs Cannon no why do I keep seeing people say 3D printing because I I know how to 3D print stuff um that’s one of my skills that I have I know how to 3D print

Thing and 3D printing is really fun and it’s something that like I still do like I said like I’m I’m 3D printing an entire springtrap costume it’s going to be crazy oh hello What’s going on man what’s going on uh how do I join the Discord uh join the Discord by uh clicking the link in the YouTube channel description right now that’s the only way to join it pigs canonically do not exist in massacr mansion Universe what a shame

That’s not true they just don’t exist in the in the Mansion they exist in Universe they just don’t exist in the Mansion uh the way you built the windows with a little extra space out of the window it kind of feels empty for some reason do you mean like uh like this

Like this outside part here because like yeah it’s it’s lacking detail but like that detail will be added once I know what I’m doing with the rest of the rooms around it and like this here like it’s like a window sill like interior window sill you know like

Um I said before like I built glennen I built a a glennen mansion which is a real place and that place has um a lot of big window sills like that so like I’m kind of taking some inspiration uh from there but uh yeah that that’s that’s

That’s like that’s my line of thinking there so this is a hallway do I actually I’m I’m looking through my rooms again do I actually have any like hallway type rooms I don’t think I do but like I there are a couple that like I do have a couple rooms that like

Could be considered hallways but not very many so I’m not going to include this hallway as a room but it will be just a nice hallway and a nice extension of this name pigs uh no I don’t care about about the pigs very much it’s not a priority right now I’m

Also going to change the color of this actually uh where’s the where it oh yeah right it’s in here uh no I need terracotta I want I want to change the color so now it is a darker Green in the hallway new room new color I think that’s the whoops starts placing the

Same color uh yeah I think this this will be good will the hallways all look the same so it’s easy for the lost to get lost I think this Mansion will be so big and twisting that it will be easy to get lost uh regardless of who you are

Um do a do a little bit of this so yeah this is going to be a green hallway the green hallway it’s the hallway that’s green the green hallway I’ll just put in basic green Walls for now until I decide how I want to decorate them but I think basically

This is just going to be a nice decorative hallway with its only purpose being to connect to other rooms um um and then this needs to be yeah the floor of the second floor is dark oak so that means the ceiling of this needs to be dark oak I’m just

Following a pattern I’m just following a pattern whoa that looks so cool oh thanks I’m trying to build it good because I don’t know I think it’s it’s fun to have something materialized in a 3D space that you’ve had in your head for so long Okay so this

Is like this now this is a different thing I’m thinking maybe well okay let’s put some doors in first uh what what door Pro I think all of the doors might end up being these dark oak doors just because dark oak doors are like the fanciest door that has ever been like this

Yeah crazy how chat right now is an amalgam of previous chat messages in Minecraft you can actually build different types of elevators the one I built is invisible water elevator from a video I found oh yeah yeah I’ve I’ve experimented with water elevators before they’re pretty cool like in survival

I usually don’t I usually don’t bother with elevators I don’t know I’m no I want it to like slope in like this but it’s that’s cool that’s cool that you’re able to do that stuff because some of that some of the more advanced elevators are Beyond me

Like I don’t know they’re really they’re really something could I just have like a random shelf up here random Shelf and then put some stuff on it maybe some more uh of those pots like this this thing no oh why does it do that sometimes I’m

Hitting the up on my dpad but then it just oh huh I mean it’s a little weird isn’t it does Massacre have any Allergies uh none that I know of I don’t think let us do something other than the pots maybe just some regular pots actually like some uh some regular clay pots flower pots that’s what they are and they’ll just be the empty I think this just empty you put the

Command block in or the command in the Discord that’s awesome thank you I’ll definitely have a look at that when I get my new computer does Massacre have any friends no Massacre does not have any friends that’s real Massac cards lore yeah this is better this is better much better can

I that looks a little weird like I like the slope but that that one just looks a little bit strange does Massacre canonically have a pig named mesore no if you were stuck in the Mansion what role would you want to be that’s a really good question so like

I’m stuck in Massacre mansion and I have to be one role but I get to choose oh that’s really hard that’s a hard question especially since like I know like the lore stuff that goes on I don’t know I don’t know Ah that’s that’s so tough I’m gonna

I’m like leaning back I’m thinking about it I take a swig of my Gatorade ah if I was any rooll I would probably want to be um Massacre and there are many reasons why that I will not elaborate [Laughter] on you can actually use campfires as

Outdoors roof type oh yeah yeah yeah I know about that that’s a cool design technique oh my gosh a mopia playthrough with Massac cards roles as Miis oh that sounds incredible I have mopia I can do that right now if I wanted to that’s another stream that has to be another

Stream if you’re going to make a treasure room uh you could use commands for piles of coins oh yeah true wow self-insert what do you mean self insert okay wait so yeah on the topic of self-inserts in Massac card s uh there are three there are three characters that I would deem

Um like self-inserts of myself in a sense um the killer uh resembles me physically um the deity of death is as close as you get to me cuz I created the game and stuff like I like oversee the game you know like like from a lore perspective or whatever because like the

Deity of death like watches over the game and like you know except in like the game mode or whatever and like like you know like that’s kind of what I do I don’t know it’s it’s a loose connection but also like I’m wearing a beanie right

Now like I wear beanies that’s my thing I wear beanies and like on the beanie it’s a custom beanie of and it has like the the DED of death’s uh role art on it that that’s it’s my favorite beanie I love this beanie and then like the third one would probably be

Massacre uh just because like Massacre is like uh I don’t know like one of my favorite characters to like write and design and like craft a story around because Massacre is a really huge part of the Massac cards story obviously so I don’t know there’s there’s a lot to it

But yeah those three roles they’re all murderous roles they’re all pretty powerful and I’m not trying to call myself powerful but I’m not but like the I don’t know in a general sense that’s what’s up uh let’s let’s decorate this hallway and then I think I will call it a

Day um or call it a night I should say it’s a night for me um I think maybe more display case type things would be good to have along this wall here but maybe like a different uh block for or no maybe a different trapo actually if I use um like this this

Oops oh wait this is a oh this won’t line up with the thing ah two block like that that’s better okay let’s use a different trapo because uh different trap doors is interesting and fun maybe Spruce trapo either Spruce or dark oak it’s going to be one of the two but more display

Cases have you written anything outside of the lore for masac cards and chamic cards yeah I have um like you know the character of Dr D zaster and Rose zaster like they both predate chemic cards and I’ve written a lot for them like their characters um and like the Multiverse

That they’re a part of in general I’ve played multiple characters in that Multiverse and like I’ve written a lot for that I’ve also written a story I mean I’ve WR I’ve had a lot of writing experience like I I’ve written a story about myself

Um and like I don’t know like a like a I don’t know how to describe it like like a different Universe of myself and then me as me viewing this alternate universe version of myself like that’s the story it’s a really weird story and I never finished

It but I wrote like 30 pages of it which is quite a lot um yeah I’ve I’ve definitely written a lot I’ve definitely written a lot I’ve written short horror sto stories before I’ve written um oh that kind of gets rid of this shelf oh but you know what I kind of

Like that because it like yeah that’s fine um yeah I’ve written a little bit of short horror stories I’ve written I’ve written stuff for school but I don’t think that’s not very fun you know writing stuff for school is [Laughter] whatever uh what is your opinion of Walmart I like

Walmart um basically because it’s the only thing to do around where I live I don’t know I I like Walmart it’s pretty all right uh I need I need my chains back I need chains because uh we’re going to put some lanterns around and give me the lanterns too

Dwin I can 3D print the model spaghetti for lore purposes all right I support it go for it yeah be creative how do I want to do this a little bit of like that that’s not bad yeah at the end of the hallway here and then maybe

Uh maybe have a couple right here here too like that um and then I don’t know about I don’t know what’s going to go at the end of this hallway uh who is Max I don’t know who Max is can you add a reference to chemic cards in this build uh probably not

They’re not really the uh it it’s complicated there’s there’s a lot of junk there what advice would you suggest for uh to Another World Builder I’ve got decade old Legacy project that was Goda to me I don’t know where to start for notes wow um that sounds like a a big

Responsibility I would say my advice is to start with one character like one character who has like a big impact on the world that you’re building or that you’re trying to expand upon like um focus on one character like what do they do like what do they contribute um to the

World and then from there like eventually you’ll either run into other characters or you’ll run into other like events just to make things make sense and uh that’s uh that’s how I build my worlds for the most part honestly whoops need to do that this

Um yeah because like the the way I like I mean I I’m a D and D player I’ve played d and d and I’ve DMD games and stuff oh I don’t I actually don’t want to put books in these item frames I want to put other things

Um and like starting with one character is a really good way to like uh or just choosing an existing character and being like okay so what would this character do and then how would that affect the world and then move on from there like just just keep going don’t stop you know

Um that the oops that that’s what I that’s kind of how I would approach like if I had to do an entirely new like if I was godfathered an entire new thing an entire new world that’s that’s kind of how I would approach it I think do you like reading

Books or any type of them and if so what’s the reason um I’ll be honest I have not read books uh very frequently in like a very long time and I think college is probably the time that I most recently read books and none of those books were fun

To read CU they’re all like informational whatever you know but like um um I like I like reading books if it’s a topic that I enjoy or if it is a um uh like if it’s a good story like I like fiction I I should say that I I really like fiction

Stories um what do you guys think of that Massacre has a couple of rocks he’s got rocks and cases um but yeah I I don’t really like non-fiction books as much unless it’s a topic that I’m just really fascinated with otherwise it’s just really hard for

Me to read it’s really hard for me to get through it but fiction books on the other hand I do like those a lot and um I think yeah I I think to this day probably one of my favorite series is uh Percy Jackson Percy Jackson and the olymp

And all of the other like uh spin-offs of that basically like all the other like there is the Norse the Norse gods series and the Egyptian gods series I think the Red Sun series it was called um and like uh uh everything that comes after Percy Jackson like I like that

Universe I like that series and I’m really into mythology as well I do like mythology a lot so that’s just a wind win for me really um but yeah but like recently I haven’t read many books I just I haven’t read many books I’ve been I’ve been writing instead um and I enjoy

Writing a good question good question do you know meow wolf uh no I do not uh Massacre owns a dead tree yeah uh they just don’t take care of it is the deity of death based on Hades um I like I will say that like it’s um pretty hard to avoid inspiration from

Other um like uh mythologies and deities uh that like have like a deathly sort of figure in them I don’t think the deity of death really resembles or like physically resembles or mentally emotionally resembles Hades very much at all at least not like the the mythological version of him

But I I I don’t know deity of death is a very different type of deity than like the actual gods of Olympus are like the universe is so different that it’s hard to even compare them but they do both both perform uh similar tasks I guess so

That is the thing that links them but personality wise design wise everything they’re very different um have you played stray Gods no are you thinking about using a mob head around the build as a yeah yeah I I would definitely use a skull somewhere somewhere in here I think that might be

The end of this hallway here though I think it might be done because this is just going to go straight into the uh Lounge that’s a notification on my phone but yeah I think I’m I think I’m going to call it I mean I we got further than

I thought we would honestly like this Great Hall looks great we have the courtyard and then technically this is also the grand staircase so that’s two rooms plus the courtyard that’s three rooms and we have this hallway ready for us next time I loaded this up to build the living room and

Stuff oh man okay it’s it’s been so good it’s been so good talking to y’all honestly like this is this is really fun for me like when I was playing The Binding of Isaac like I feel like I had to pause the game to talk to you guys taking a SG of

Gatorade and it just like it just wasn’t as fun because like I felt like I couldn’t talk to you guys as much um because like uh that game takes a lot of your attention from you you know but this one it was more relaxing I got to

Answer some questions more in depth I got to tell stories got to you know do funny voices no this this has been like this has been really fun you guys and I I’ll definitely be doing this again because I do want to build the entire Mansion uh oh that’s the bamboo I

Thought it was a creeper I’ll have to put string on top of the bamboo um how do you feel about 2024 I’m hopeful I’m hopeful for 2024 2024 is already uh better than 2023 was I think just saw your new Uno video not sure about one thing where can I leave a

Question for clarification uh put it in the YouTube comments I’ll definitely read it uh as long as it’s not a reply to someone else’s comment I’ll definitely see it and uh respond to it um pigs are still here yeah you made my day really great a thank you and

You’re welcome I appreciate I appreciate that like I’m able to make your day great you got to tell us about Massacre yeah I told you a lot about uh Massacre and the lore and stuff we’re getting into the lore someone right there that down it’s 4:30 a.m. for you chazer man

You need to go to sleep oh I don’t drink energy drinks I’m just I’m just answering questions now I’m just reading chat uh I don’t drink energy drinks I’ve I don’t drink caffeinated beverages at all actually I’ve never had coffee I’ve never had an energy drink like monster

Or Red Bull or anything like that mopia stream when I should do that shouldn’t I I really like mopia as well we should do that uh that’ll be that’ll be in the options for the next stream definitely um yeah I’ll definitely be doing that do you like Pokemon cards I

Actually don’t own any Pokemon cards that’s one type of card game that I just I don’t have any cards from I do like the art that I’ve seen on them though favorite Gatorade flavor uh Rip Tide Rush it’s a purpley color that’s my favorite flavor and it’s also like just

Seriously one of the best flavors like across the uh have you ever played Delta Rune and if so uh what do you think of it also mopia stream would be a watch yeah I’ll do mopia that’ll be something I have to do in the future I have played Delta

Um and I think it’s wonderful um I think it is a very beautiful game very well made Toby Fox is incredible I think I’ve said this before but undertale is my favorite video game of all time and undertale is the only piece of media that has ever made me cry

Um like uh like I’ve never cried in a movie a book has never made me cry but undertale made me cry no other video game has ever made me cry but undertale made me cry undertale is my favorite game of all time and Delta run is like just as good if not

Better I think by like chapter 3 it’s going to surpass undertale not only in quality but like in storytelling and everything I’m really hyped for what Toby fox has to offer the man can do no wrong he he only like like releases bangers what’s your favorite multiplayer game uh either

Minecraft uh or uh Plants Vs zombies Garden Warfare 2 is probably my most played multiplayer game I love that game so much I’m Max rank in it lightning means fire fire means bad I turned fire spread off we’re good under tail is in the top three for me oh yeah that makes

Sense yeah this is bedrock this is bedrock yeah no don’t worry guys I turned fire spread off so the lightning is fine also it really did rain the entire time we were building didn’t it wow that’s weird that’s such a bizarre thing I didn’t realize it for that one uh do you

Tend to like tap water purified or swamp water what a question um I actually hate swamp water I’ll tell you a story I’m telling you guys a story screw it the stream is not ending I’m telling you a story so uh a long time ago my family took a trip to Puerto

Rico and Puerto Rico has these mangrove swamps and they’re pretty awesome like mangrove swamps are pretty cool um and they’re supposed they were supposed to have these like bioluminescent uh microorganisms in the water where if you got in the water and like moved around the water would glow blue around you

Um we went there and we like had to kayak we had to like follow this line of kayaks out into this like swamp this Mangrove swamp at night with a tour guide like barely guiding us we could barely see anything because it was night it had to be dark otherwise you wouldn’t

See the bioluminescent creatures it took us like an hour we got out there and uh there were no bioluminescent creatures like we just got like scammed and I’m I know that they are real um I know that the bioluminescent creatures are real they just weren’t wherever they took us it was a scam

And on the way back another tour group was coming the direction that we came from and one of them hit me in the head with a kayak paddle and it was like it was an awful experience all around so I hate swamp water that’s that’s the answer to my

Question um I like tap water more okay wow at least it’s not 4:30 for Luke just 10:30 yeah it’s it’s only 10:30 for me the custom models don’t work on Bedrock Oh shoot that’s a shame maybe there’s a workaround I don’t know anything about that kind of thing can Massacre eat wood

No uh yeah all right I’m I’m going to do the responsible thing and I’m going to send y’all to sleep because it seems like a lot of you are uh in a later time zone than I am I’m going to end the stream this was super fun I am so happy

That you guys are all here I appreciate y’all thanks thanks for being here I I’ll I’ll talk to you guys later I’ll talk to you guys later bye

This video, titled ‘Building Massacre Mansion In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Massacre’s Mansion on 2024-01-07 04:43:59. It has garnered 2327 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:59 or 17039 seconds.

I’m building a fictional place in creative mode for the channel fans!

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    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT TREND NO MUSIC!! 😂 #martes #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘I JUST DO A NEW MINECRAFT TREND WITHOUT MUSIC! #funny #martes #shorts #youtube #memes #good #sub’, was uploaded by MartesShorts on 2024-01-09 15:04:29. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #martes #soutěž #shorts #youtube #funny #1k #subscribe #happy #sub #qplay #noobvspro #farmingsimulator22 #agriculture #viral #explorepage #explore #music #love #trending #hiphop #instagood #worldstar #rap #follow #instagram #like #dance #fashion #photography #funny #atlanta #youtube #repost #newyork #artist #likeforlikes #model #viralvideos #wshh #art #california #rapper #photooftheday #shorts #fashion #usa #miami #summer #gym #sportswear #workout #leggings #moda #venezuela… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft debut by Pooja Jain! Must watch LIVE!

    INSANE Minecraft debut by Pooja Jain! Must watch LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Pooja Jain’s Debut Minecraft Adventure: Live Stream #1’, was uploaded by Pooja Jain on 2024-03-05 07:47:55. It has garnered 44 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:28 or 5848 seconds. Pooja Jain’s Debut Minecraft Adventure: Live Stream #1 Welcome to PoojaJainYT’s Minecraft livestream, where we explore the game with a focus on positivity and fun. If you enjoy a relaxed and friendly gaming environment, you’re in the right place to join our Minecraft journey. In this livestream, I’ll show you how we can build amazing things together in Minecraft. Join me… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft Dog House Build by Gamer Abhist🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft Dog House Build by Gamer Abhist🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – House for My Dog❤️’, was uploaded by Gamer Abhist on 2024-05-02 14:27:28. It has garnered 8614 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Welcome to our latest Minecraft build video! In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a stunning structure in Minecraft. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this easy-to-follow tutorial will help you enhance your building skills. Don’t forget to subscribe for more Minecraft tutorials and start creating amazing structures today! Tags: #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer… Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    Hotdog Water Server Features: Hardcore: Vote for world reset on the discord and see it happen within five minutes. Vanilla: No random teleport, TP to bed, or land claim. Rules: PVP, griefing, and fun allowed. No cheating/hacking. No being a wiener. Join the Fun! Server IP: Website: Discord: Video: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave Craze: The New Cliffless Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Cave Craze: The New Cliffless MinecraftLooks like Minecraft players are really digging deep for laughs with this one! Read More

  • Octo-Island Showdown: Minecraft’s Finale Frenzy!

    Octo-Island Showdown: Minecraft's Finale Frenzy! In the land of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Octopus Island, a tale to be told. With Ademin and Ahmet, a duo so bold, Facing challenges, mysteries untold. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft fun, horror, and defeat. Join EmirhanCTN, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in every line. Escape, revenge, and legends to explore, In Minecraft, there’s always more. Join the journey, don’t be late, Octopus Island, the final fate. Read More

  • Zoglin Prank Gone Wild #hotmeme

    Zoglin Prank Gone Wild #hotmeme When you prank a Zoglin in Minecraft, just make sure you don’t end up getting pranked back by a creeper! #watchout #minecraftpranks #boom Read More

  • Surviving with 1 Block in Minecraft! (Part 1)

    Surviving with 1 Block in Minecraft! (Part 1) Minecraft Survival Challenge: One Block Survival Embark on an epic journey of survival in the world of Minecraft with the One Block Survival challenge. In this unique gameplay mode, players must navigate the treacherous terrain and limited resources of a single block to thrive and conquer the game. Surviving Against All Odds Imagine the thrill of starting your Minecraft adventure with just one block at your disposal. Every move counts as you strategically mine, craft, and build your way to survival. With limited space and resources, every decision becomes crucial in your quest for success. Key Features: Resource Management:… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and vibrant community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching ArcherDeeDee’s Twitch VOD of BunSMP Modded Minecraft on May 22, 2024, we couldn’t help but be reminded of the endless possibilities and adventures that await players on Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and thrilling PvP action, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. If you’re looking for a server that offers a fresh and dynamic experience, look… Read More

  • Farland Uncovered

    Farland Uncovered The Mystery of the Farland in Minecraft Within the vast world of Minecraft lies a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue – the Farland. This enigmatic location has captured the imagination of players for years, sparking curiosity and speculation about what lies beyond its borders. The Farland: A Mysterious Realm The Farland is a region in Minecraft that is known for its unique terrain and strange occurrences. Players who venture into this area often report encountering unusual phenomena, such as distorted landscapes and bizarre creatures. Some even claim to have seen glimpses of other dimensions while exploring the Farland…. Read More