Insane Master Mode Party Finder Runs! 🔥

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All right there we go we’re live let’s get the music up okay all right there we go so we’re running master mode today uh unfortunately there’s no M6 parties I was in one but then uh someone died in Boss room and then everyone immediately left because that’s just That’s Just

Master mode party finder for you there’s a single mistake everyone just dips and abandons the wrong so we’re doing M3 because that’s the only other Master mode people are playing on right now and uh hopefully there’ll be some M6 parties that we can join or maybe we’ll have to start our

Own but we’re going to be chilling in this party for a bit until excuse me until then so hopefully okay that definitely should have gotten both CPS so hopefully we’ll be able to get to a better party but I don’t really mind because ultimately I’m probably going to have to

Do almost every um floor of Master okay why is this dude room stacking I’m probably gonna have to max out like almost every collection before I have like high enough cattle level for M7 cuz like most players only like accept cat a 50 and I’m pretty close to maxing out M6

Collection I think I’m like 850 or something I all I know is I’m fairly close to maxing that out and then um then we’ll move just keep going through the floors but so I don’t mind doing M3 I mean I wish the party was a little better but you know it’s like

Minor like time save you know it’s not not crazy so I don’t mind too much chilling with like a mediocre party so um yeah let’s see how well our runs can go today we just did one uh I don’t remember what it was 301 yeah I usually do s pluses

For what’s it called for floor three but I don’t know I mean I I think it was because they were just waiting on a puzzle and the dude was like he was just like not having it he was like bro this should be done and why okay someone was in this

One by two for for so long if they like just didn’t get all three out of six th this is party finder this this is party finder you you can tell all right now let’s switch to this one cuz last time I did this one and we

Killed it really quickly and just the other guy was struggling okay now that guy’s not dealing damage what you know whatever we’re chilling this is a no downtime party so I’m going to have to sneak in some down time to like look into abandoning these guys um

Okay let’s see this was this was a slightly slower run but still you know it’s good enough let’s see nope it really sucks that in the lower floors you don’t get a like Bedrock chest because it like doubles your chances of getting a master star even though like earlier I was

Running m4s because as you can see we’re do not have sufficient dungeon parties for me just run run whatever floor I want so we were doing M4 and in five runs I dropped two different Master Stars which you know it’s not crazy profit because it’s only M M4 so I only

Got second master stars like if that was M6 I would be living cuz that would have been like 50 mil approximately I think they’re a little higher now I think they’re close to like 60 M just cuz the price went up I forgot which way which orientation this room is so I’m just

Going to assume yes I was right I was not paying attention to where the chest was so I was like wait where do I go again uh let’s see Blaze puzzle oh boy uh a bit of a slow Blaze but that’s fine it’s better than a failed Blaze

Slow Blaze is better than failed Blaze any day of the week oh wait we got to go down uh let’s see no Crips geez this is interesting I’ll just get this just oh wait no this room I need both my super Booms for yikes okay we might

Be I don’t know if it’ll regen in time maybe I can like cuz this dude’s blood camping for some reason but okay we’re just going to Ether warp cuz I was struggling there maybe I should just always ether warp with that room I feel like it’d be more consistent

If I do did I actually not get that I was trying to look at something on my other monitor and then I just was not paying attention Okay not a great clear but decent you remember when Sky Block wasn’t wingcraft I mean I played wincraft a little bit and I feel like

There’s a like some stuff that’s very similar but I like windcraft is significantly different than like how Sky Block functions from from what I’ve seen and from what I’ve played it feels like a completely different game entirely you’re back I think you were in my other stream if I’m not mistaken or

I’m just remembering like a completely different person anyways welcome back hope you enjoyed and figured it’d be worth your time to come back and I realized I think my microphone is in a different position cuz I feel I feel like I’m looking way too much to the

Right to look look at chat so like I’m going to try and like adjust it a little bit yeah hopefully that’s better I me still feel like I’m turning my head a lot but at least it’s not as bad as it was yeah you were let’s go I’d never forget a

Viewer yeah we’re doing we’re doing M3s today because uh there’s no M6 parties and this is the only L at least in my queue that has people oh wait that’s the end of the room I didn’t realize thought there was another room after it but I was

Mistaken looking at the top right for some reason even though I’m not there so I mean this is a no downtime party so I don’t know how I’m going to like sneak away but you know I I’ll figure it out maybe I’ll be like guys I need arrows

And then I just like check party finder real real quick unless unless one of the people that’s in my party is watching stream right now that would be kind of embarrassing and they’re like just kick me cuz they they know I’m just going to abandon them the the first chance I get

To join a better party which if that’s the case I’m definitely going to stay for this party the entire stream mhm I would never leave okay that definitely should have G see I don’t know what is up with the tank seismic wave but I feel like it’s

Like the bug wait why why did they get did I miss I guess I just didn’t go to the other side that’s weird I saw two out of three and I figured I got both of the top ones but I just didn’t so what the heck am I

Doing I can’t look away from the screen while I’m like in the middle of doing stuff because I just like look it looks so weird on your end but on my end I’m not even like looking at the monitor like I’m just going off of like

Instinct of like what to do what’s the best set for F5 see I did it again I looked okay I’m going to answer your question but I looked away like as I’m in the middle of like the secret route so it just looks like I just walk into

Walls and stuff and it looks very embarrassing but the best set for F5 I mean when I did it I just did it in adaptive gear like I don’t know if it’s there’s like too much cata like dependency or like cata requirement on like different stuff but I feel like

Adaptive armor should be pretty good there’s definitely guide videos out there of like what gear you should have for each floor again this is back to like I should look at them to see if they’re like up to-date guide videos if they’re still like the ones that are

Like 2 years old but I think adaptive is probably what you want so the heck who’s taking damage oh the Rogue Guardians I was like who okay they didn’t stun but that’s fine see I didn’t know you you you had a stunner in M3 cuz I don’t do M3 like I have

What like no collection look at this don’t pre-fire what the heck what is pre-firing are we doing Arrow stacking for M3 that’d be crazy recom nice see M3 just doesn’t have the same profits as other floors got like what I think a master star is only like 8 mil profit right now

So like other floors it’s crazy okay that just leads immediately to a dead end oh boy this is a fun room oh no I thought this was like the the catwalk or whatever the heck it’s called the bridge I don’t know that one one by two that’s

Just like annoying to clear I forget how to do this one I think it’s like this okay I got it good thing the the solver is there what about weapon weapon I don’t know what I used I mean if you do have a JuJu bow you should definitely use a JuJu bow

But if you don’t I mean bonso staff I think is decent for Mages I don’t know about other classes though I mean I don’t think you need to do that much damage since F5 is just like mostly Archer I mean I don’t know if F5 is different from M5 I mean it

Probably is but yeah I think it’s just like ju guu and like maybe I mean oh wait no uh spirit scepter actually you can use a spirit scepter in F5 cuz Spirit scepter is a severely underrated weapon like even when I when I first ran F7 I cleared just fine with

The spirit scepter like I wasn’t Mage I was tank but Spirit scepter was like really good I know a lot of people don’t like people don’t like F7 players with Spirit scepter but I think Spirit scepter is perfectly okay for F7 you have glacial scythe and Max star

Is that good I think it’s good I don’t know if it’s necessarily the best or like viable if you’ve done F5 and like tried and it doesn’t work for clearing or doesn’t do that much damage then I suggest switching to something else cuz I don’t know if people use the

The sights in dungeons is the thing I know they’re good out of dungeons but not sure about inside dungeons also is the music like can you guys hear the music because I was testing before and in my testing you could like barely hear the music and

Based on like the audio thing it it looks like it’s a decent volume but I don’t know if it’s actually you guys can actually hear it can you guys hear the music fine or is it like too quiet let’s go another fast run adaptive chest plate I I check all the stuff afterwards

Oh someone left let’s go this is a perfect excuse for me to check party finder and see if there’s better party music’s good all right Music’s Got a Good volume oh no bro did he log on for the first time in like months to tell me the music looks

Good all right we we we’ll switch to M5 because it looks like looks like that party’s dying we’ll swap this in M5 bro literally hold on I’m going to go to My Island is the first time bro has logged on I’ve check I’ve checked in tab it’s

Been literally like over a year when you have not logged on to Sky Block okay there’s a decent M5 party oh God Mage oh mean no that’s not my party this is my party I was like there’s no way we’ve got a mage 50 that’d be

Ridiculous wait do we have a full party now oh no oh wait now we do all right we’re switching to M5 stuck at home for the next two weeks oh did you get Co or is there like some like other reason like do you have like a surgery

Or something like why are you at home for the next two weeks okay what is going on here is this the Archer this better not be the Archer because if this is the Archer okay no it’s not the Archer is just I don’t know if they’re camping at wither door

Or if they’re just being bald but um both wait no we got three birds I was like oh both the birds died I didn’t realize there were multiple yeah Co unfortunate I I would tell you to get out of my stream chat cuz I think it’d

Be funny but that also feels kind of mean and I also need that viewer retention rate so I’m going to I’m I’m going to tell you to stay but please wear a mask in your room because it would be beneficial to me cuz Co definitely spreads through

Live streams that’s that’s why so many so many people started streaming because they wanted to get two weeks off school from Co am I wearing the okay I’m wearing the right armor it’s just DPS is absurdly low of course yeah yeah that’s it’s it’s it’s just how it works you

Know build something don’t worry you’ll finish it this time I mean I don’t care if you build something as long as it’s like yikes puzzle fail that’s fun yeah if you want to build something on the island you can just do it either do it like somewhere

Random I mean if it’s going to complement this main build you can do it like near it or you could do it like above this like dirt platform it’s up to you what are you thinking of building forgot it was M5 oh yeah M5 Blaze is so

Much different than all the other floor blazes you know it’s just it’s just not the same also we are keeping the three burses this is this is party finder at its finest okay at least the Archer has a diamond head that’s good oh yeah yellow room you don’t know yet all

Right there’s the blaze failer see I really want to have a 300 score message and just have it be like the last thing that someone messed up like if they failed the puzzle or died on cuz I think could be kind of funny but at the same time like I can’t

Be bothered to get what like click a button on a mod to say that I want it no it’s too much work oh God where are the missing mobs where are they at thought that was like a thing in the wall but did they fall they didn’t fall down

Here what the heck where did they go is it like FS am I missing FS I swear it’s always the fs the heck am I missing is it you what the heck where are these missing mobs you’ve unenchanted hardened diamond armor yeah you can tell how long ago it

Was since you’ve last played this game what the heck they’re literally just gone non-existent okay now I found him jeez spent the entire run looking for that one guy it’s M5 so we’re not even doing uh normal s anymore going for the S pluses actually I’ll probably do these rooms

Because blood room is just so far away okay that room’s easy this room’s also easy okay looks like they’re struggling with trap room I can help them out here okay if I can actually get it that is okay come on bro this is actually sad I’m a professional trap Runner what is

This I’m fumbling okay there we go and I was one block off okay we don’t we don’t we don’t have to talk about it professional trap Runner here as I said yo Archer where you at are you the Archer bro is that dude wearing a mask where is

He could have sworn one of them was wearing a mask at least it looked like it this is a great party look at that DPS okay it actually decent DPS a Coliseum oh boy that’s an ambitious build yeah do that above the dirt please like like you can like

Create you can like d you if you want to even destroy that entire dirt platform you can um there’s actually hold on there’s actually a cool weapon or item called The Block zapper I can let you borrow mine actually I don’t know if you have a

If you have access to so if you go into the bank there’s a personal Vault actually it is called the personal Vault it probably won’t have my items in there just check if the personal vault in the bank has a block zapper for you cuz if it does then you can take

That if not you can just take a bit of money out of the bank and buy one off the ah cuz we can just sell it back later a block zapper I don’t know if you have it a block zapper a builder’s ruler and a builder wand those are three items

That might help you build a bit a little bit Yeah yours is empty okay just take a bit of money and buy the cheapest uh block zapper Builder wand and the other thing okay yeah I’m definitely leaving this party I don’t care if there’s no other parties this is just a trash

Party Lally tank blood rush moment this is how you know you’re scraping the bottom of the Barrel in master mode when the tank is blood rushing okay why did you go into he’s like oh we got the the fairy room open we can just stop blood rushing like no

No you still blood rush after fairy room is open even if the other guys are going to get resed and start blood rushing you can never be too sure still need to Workshop your idea all right cool and now they’re all blood rushing okay maybe that’s why he stopped blood

Rushing he knows that everyone else is just going to immediately go to it and Redemption for okay come on I’m better than this there we go second try see I’m not washed okay okay and looks like it’s a very scuffed clear by the way jeez what is going on down

Here you guys there’s a whole section oh wait no it’s not a whole section I forgot it’s only only M5 it’s just like one room bit of lag it would have been unfortunate if I died there we got him I want the wrong way

Do you need a mage um it depends I might be joining a different party what cattle level are you and what’s your IGN because I might be inviting you because I’m definitely leaving this party after this run so if you could just let me know I’d love to invite you because then

We could actually get some decent parties like look at this this is almost a 4 minute clear for freaking what is this M5 bro the Run should be over by now that’s how abysmal these parties are okay I do not have the right stuff out there we

Go you C of 49 all right just drop your IGN we’re probably going to be doing M6 after this but it depends on what parties there are how did I freeze the two behind him but not the one that we actually need that’s actually really funny

Do we have him bro like look look at this dude what is this Archer doing what the heck I don’t have knockback two on this thing do I have anything with knock back too no like bro get him where’s the arch at bro it’s been like 2 minutes in

Boss okay well minute and a half but okay they finally got him jeez yeah we’re definitely not staying oh my gosh I literally died they spent a minute and a half bro yeah PE Le like I can survive but I can’t survive for two whole minutes jeez all right let’s see what parties

We’ve got yeah looks like we’re starting an M6 so if you want to join either join through party finder or drop your IGN looks like there’s only M3s and m7s oh we’re getting some good players two bures actually never mind uh see if either of these bures want to

Switch or if I’m going to have to try and kick them because my uh my what’s it called Hypixel does not like me doing anything with party controls all right let’s see nope nope to either switch or leave okay they just left that’s that’s good because

Uh also whoever was whoever wanted to be Mage we do need a mage if you could just drop your IGN okay that that’s not a player I try I tried using okay we got a mage unless that is you in which case welcome hopefully this is a decent party and

We’ll oh wait no it’s not the right the latest version you can play Hypixel one I think you can play it on any version it’s just like it’ll like Hypixel does the thing where it like brings everything back to 1.7 combat so like it technically doesn’t matter

What version you’re on unless you want to do snps snps are like version specific like you like to the server that the host makes but you should be able to play any version I just play 1.8.9 because that’s what most Sky Block mods are made for

And it is also the simplest one to play on this is a fun blood rush not just the the blood rush itself but also the the dungeon layout is just very fun like one single path the entire dungeon is just it’s just great bro healthy zombie commanders at

Least at least it’s no longer Derpy cuz Derpy would make those like so many mobs just a pain to kill don’t want to die here it’s okay we’ve got a burs helping us do some DPS we’ll get this bat real quick just just so he doesn’t sneak

Away oh wait no I’m doing Secrets see I just have such such an instinct of doing Secrets before clear that it’s just like o fun fact why is the Archer blood camping oh I just realized I forgot that I have um I recently got to one bill bank so now

My G drag is doing maximum damage aside from the fact that it’s not level 200 and I only have like 50 mil Gold collection but aside from that it’s doing maximum damage I mean I’m I wish there were more coal events cuz I could probably get to 100

Mil if there was like another coal event or two unfortunately there’s only two per mayor and they’re at the first day like the first day and a half I think of the mayor cycle which is just unfortunate did they okay they did go from the back it just looks like we’re

Going to have to actually do super tall the way it was intended never mind the L’s already been used so they are going through the right way now another 50% Conjuring nice all right chat let’s are we are we willing to take the risk on the okay we’ll we’ll do a quick like

Flash nope not doing it not doing it uh still crazy to me that you have 1 billion coins in the bank would be a shame if someone to Y it yeah it really would be a shame if someone were to Y it and then i’ have to go over to the house

And beat them up even if they do have Co that that really would be a shame wouldn’t it wouldn’t it be such a shame you’re going to spend it all on Ember rods actually that’s a decent investment cuz I’m pretty sure you can no longer get ember rods so it’s technically an exotic

Item unless they added way to get ember rods again in which case uh please don’t see he does you can tell he doesn’t play Sky Block because he doesn’t know the best way to waste money and that would be Dragons It’s the single greatest way

To lose all your money is just to buy a thousand summoning eyes and go ham on dragons especially because he’s got like trash magic find and pet luck that it’s just going to be abysmal am I party leader yeah I am party leader you thought they’re the most

Valuable item see back when you used to play they might have been the most valuable item but uh since then things have changed in fact that billion coins can’t even buy you like a fraction of the most valuable item in the game anymore it’s actually kind of

Crazy that’s how much it’s changed since you last played because the most expensive items are in like the tens of billions I mean there’s not very many items like that but there’s like Clover helmet which I think is like 7 billion if I’m not mistaken there might be more expensive items

But not that I know of really there are quite a few items in like the hundreds of million though where the heck are these missing mobs oh he’s hiding in a corner Le at least we got him fairly fairly quickly see actually learned something crazy about Ace Phil cuz the thing was

Back in the day you couldn’t do this but now you can just Z and it is so much faster to do ice fill cuz it used to be very glitchy okay I just messed it up it used to be very glitchy when you went

Too fast so you had to have like a set speed where you wouldn’t go too fast cuz otherwise it would break but now you can just zoom although sometimes I I’m a little too over ambitious for myself and I mess it up anyway use clay see clay minions aren’t even the best

For money anymore that that just shows how out of dat you are the clay minions are actually not that great it’s actually slime minions with corrupt soil that are technically the best well actually no it depends on if you’re counting Inferno minions cuz Inferno minions probably

Make the most there’s also just that RNG aspect of like you might get a billion coins or you might lose hundreds of millions of coins a day so is this dude the arch oh no he’s the Healer I was like why are we not killing him but I I didn’t realize that we

Were both the two classes that deal the least Damage oh I didn’t get I always check check the messages just because I’m curious to see what they are but I have a feeling I should not be checking the messages on stream cuz we saw the last one I don’t think that was even a pretty tame one the one

That I accidentally showed on screen that was a tame one it didn’t even have anything bad in it there are some that are really bad okay okay those would get me banned but no this one I think was fine still still not worth the risk though I was foolish for thinking that I

Could look at It 47 seconds terra cotta that’s slow we just it’s nothing crazy but it’s still not great I mean I guess there was lag okay just we’ll just blame the lag yeah I’m actually kind of close to a thousand but we’re definitely not getting it this Stream

So a someone’s done who was he he was the Mage if the person in chat is still here as long as they weren’t that person and they want to be the Mage feel free to join is this party falling apart or did just two people leave okay I think just two people

Left looking for mage and I think Archer oh I forgot cannot look at that I was just scrolling up and I was like uh accidentally hovered over it for a second maybe I should just disable that while I’m streaming so I don’t accidentally you were that person all

Right I figured cuz you were the same catle level but wasn’t too sure cuz there are a lot of lot of dunge players not now though looks like there’s like this is the entirety of Master mode right now and there’s only four parties that is crazy looks like we’re just

Waiting what why did it accident click that we got a do we need healer okay yeah we need Mage now and we’re not getting great runs we’re getting pretty decent ones like 408 435 like they’re okay I guess was he Mage all right we’re going we’ve got another Mage full party hopefully we’ll

Get decent runs nothing too ambitious just honestly Sub sub four minute runs is all I care about with party finder like anything better than that I’m like wow this is a good party but I’m okay if it’s like a little over because it is just party finder at the end of the day

Trying not to die to FS is so annoying sometimes like it’s such a strange enemy like of all the things that to be strong fails it’s just so odd let’s see I don’t think we can get a duplicate but we can start working for purple okay we get orange too could probably

Get a sneaky Orange in there if we just get now just flick Diamond best water border back at it again expert waterboard skips can I not get that the heck it’s a little strange does he want me to do the yellow room I guess so cuz he he went in and

Went did I just get one shot I think I actually just got one shot by the Lost Adventure all right we’re going in for round two with our alt this time jeez did I can someone check if I actually just got one shot by the Lost Adventure because that is

Absurd or was I already like low from uh tank damage and we’ve already got someone that’s leaving cuz of lag that’s fun okay he’s leaving after this run that’s good that’s good looks like we might need to full clear trap oh God and the Mage doesn’t know the Gyros he is Mage right

Yeah yeah got to respond so he knows your heart and Diamond would have survived uh I don’t think so I’m I’m no expert but I do think that this this nekron armor with a diamond sedan head is slightly stronger than hard and Diamond I would lived if I was in this

Set this is my tank set look how much ehp I have okay 6.5 is actually pretty low but I’ve seen myself get up to 11 million with this armor set and unless you’re beating 11 million I don’t see you surviving what the heck is this is this

The burs that’s throwing I think the burs is supposed to kill the gold Me I forgot to I was not paying attention hi big fan thank you I am also a big fan of myself let’s see is anyone else leaving or is it just see what do we I think we just need burs wait no we need healer oh healer is

Easy if anyone in the chat is an M6 healer and wants to join either drop your IGN or just join my party and party finder no you mean you’re literally a big fan oh like what model are you uh hold on what fan do I

Have a bionaire fan or are you are you a different uh brand oh ceiling fan I I don’t think my ceiling fan has a brand hold on during the boss I’ll check if there’s a brand on my ceiling fan but there probably isn’t so so just give me a second give

Me like two and a half minutes cuz this clear is definitely going to be two and a half minutes cuz we’re that much of a cracked party right guys two and two and a half minute clear we can get it done yeah they they they definitely can

Get a 2 and a half minute clear look at this guy shooting arrows like Crazy and watch I’m a professional trap clearer so this is going to be an expert okay no but second try okay actually did get a second try let’s go okay please actually okay if I didn’t break through and I died there that would have been a little embarrassing

Looks like we’re going to need some more pearls bro okay there we go it take your time okay we’re just going to Pearl there I think I probably could have made it with the normal parkour but the just to be safe and save like the splits second I

Guess oh my gosh that works hold on oh you used to say ender pearl that’s actually crazy I did not know that you could do that works on any item I know they updated saxs a while ago I just never cared because I never really had

To get items from sacks like that that’s actually really useful cuz I can use that for um like Crystal nucleus like compasses like that’s also another use where I like need to get oh shoot I was see I can’t read chat and and be a professional dungeon gamer at

The same time I can’t be like oh lost Adventure I’ll be fine and then just like almost immediately die I got revved by The Watcher what the heck okay looks like the yellow room is just going to go uncleared because uh I am not near it oh

Fun am I just going to have to quiz Camp because there’s no like close rooms what emote is that I can’t actually see it doesn’t show me what emote this is It’s not like twitch you’re GNA have to tell me manually what emote you just use because that is a pretty funny emote

I don’t know what it is it just someone laughing bit of lag there uh one out of 10 I’m actually going to help this guy out real quick what the heck Hypixel how to even use points dude’s not speaking English yes okay both my things areen cool down but they should both end

Soon blue face smiling that’s an interesting emote name see did they get gold they did get gold what are they missing did they get Library no they didn’t get Library oh shoot I didn’t I wasted my how the heck did I glitch into the floor there okay whatever hold on I have to

Check my ceiling fan real quick okay so I did not see a brand wait hold on okay I didn’t see a brand on my ceiling fan I don’t know if they have Brands but it did say use 60 watt M 60 watt bulb Max and I’m fairly certain

That I have like a 200 watt bulb in there so um not sure what’s going to happen there maybe my ceiling fan will just explode or my lights will just explode but um hopefully that’s not a problem I’m curious anyone in chat do you know if your ceiling fan has a brand

Just clim climb to your ceiling real quick and check it it’s very important okay a five and a half minute run hopefully that was just a fluke and we’re actually going to get some decent runs now CU that would be very abysmal if we had to do five and a half minute

Runs all day okay I’m GNA die here now you’re about to blow up your house someday see that’s the thing it’s there’s well actually no here’s here’s here’s the Strat though since my so if I have my fan has like my ceiling fan my my lights I guess there’s three spots

For lights okay but I think it’s way too bright with three lights so I only have one in which means if there’s a 200 WT bulb in there and there’s three light spots it has a max of 180 wattage and there’s only 200 wattage in there so it’s fine we’re

Chilling mine says generation lighting well I don’t know is that like a brand or is Generation lighting I’ll I’ll check in this next boss just again to see if there’s anything but I don’t I don’t think so I think I think mine is just a brandless thing what secret am I missing

Oh did I get the lever but not actually okay there we go yeah this is a this is a rough party look at this clear there’s like the entire bottom half here oh shoot I don’t want to die to this lost shadow assassin almost called it a lost

Adventure come on healer please healer healer all healer all please okay not even close it’s a brand okay maybe maybe I have to look closer for my ceiling fan brand you this song is a banger for no reason oh my gosh what it’s a laser particle charge beam weapon the heck why did

I did I just use my Conjuring in the last room what the heck little strange also this dude got a secret the secret the other way I don’t know if that’s the way most people do it I just do it from the back because it works

With the rest of the secrets cuz they’re like all on this side so it’s much easier to just go along this entire side instead of going up and around to go in through like the other way you know what I mean okay looks like there’s uh it’s

Definitely that guy oh my gosh I called it I knew he was up here let’s see now the fun game of okay never mind all right hold on I got to check my ceiling fan again weapons activ yeah I don’t I don’t see anything I mean I know this isn’t what

You’re asking for but my light bulbs are branded Sunbeam yours is called mody ceiling fan see I don’t know because the thing is they I don’t know if it’s 200 Watts or 200 lumens no it’s 100 9.5 Watts 120 volts so this light bulb is 120

Volts so I’ve got Sunbeam light bulbs I know that’s not what you ask for but that’s the best I can give you cuz I do not see a brand on my ceiling fan what the heck why is it 297 did they say just go oh we have four deaths that’s why okay

Downtime someone get a star I didn’t see it not sure which model though I mean I have a personal fan next to me that has a brand but it doesn’t have a model I mean I know that’s cuz it’s like I something I bought separately like I don’t know maybe it’s

Just cuz it’s built into the house that it doesn’t have one I don’t know we’ll just quickly Salvage let’s just ask everybody ready and pretend that I’m not the reason we have downtime oh we wait we’ve got go okay we’re going to go in a second right

After we use the ceiling fans anyways I actually use my ceiling fan cuz it like I I have it on it’s actually on right now not that it really has to be because it’s like winter but I like having it on at night cuz it helps me sleep it’s like

You know that white noise this is the fun L room let’s just leave it there’s four people in it they’ve definitely got the the blood rush on for that room air conditioners for life I mean I do have an air conditioner but like it is also winter so it’s it’s probably not

Optimal to have the air conditioner on right now unless you’re in like Australia where it’s like technically summer but I I doubt I have any Australian viewers because it’s like 4 a.m. for them so white noise yeah that that that’s really the main reason and the summer in the summer

It is like a billion degrees I mean it’s nothing crazy like the the hottest it gets is probably like at night is probably like 70 80 but still that’s hot for nighttime especially oh my gosh and as someone who prefers the cold it’s nice you’re in the Middle East and it’s

The same thing what it’s hot or it’s 4 a.m. right Now Hot okay what the heck what oh this is the um I actually don’t have to kill him I’m just going to leave him alone oh sniper helmet nice 50% I went over the Gap jeez twice what the heck why are there so many mobs over

Here or you say it’s hot and cooler than usual but still hot I mean that’s fair it’s like dependent on like where you are for what you consider hot and cold because just different climates and stuff so it’s like all relative you know what I

Mean I live in a place where we get both hot and cold just because of how uh I mean I don’t want to go into like a science lesson on how like weather works but we’re in a fun place for half the year just just cuz we had different like

Different wind fronts depending on the time of year cuz we’re like on the border between like the like wind Mass like General flow pattern kind of thing if anyone knows what I’m talking about I’m not GNA bother going more in detail cuz I said I don’t want this to become a

Science lesson but I partially made it one Anyway also we are an hour into the stream which is my my hourly beg for subscription if you enjoying the stream and you want to catch some videos about epic Sky Block tips cont content and all sorts of stuff make sure to subscribe I don’t know how many of you saw the

Um the the YouTube shorts I posted today but it’s it’s a pretty good one I must say you should definitely watch it after the stream or honestly in the background if you feel like it I feel it’s a pretty good short about uh me playing M6

Yesterday because it was a it was a very funny circumstance I I’ll say the least cuz you know some people see I remember when I used to play F7 You’ get the funniest like cringe players that would just say like the the stupidest stuff like I actually really wanted to make an

Entire video about like like telling people to stop hating on tanks so much cuz I got so much hate like either any anytime I died as tank or like and they always blame me or like all the stuff that happened like I have a bunch of screenshots I was looking back I was

Trying to find screenshots for an upand cominging video about like from like a long time ago I found some of them I didn’t find all of them though but um what’s it called uh yeah I found some screenshots of people hating and I was like jeez people are

Rough he’s got a a new record of 305 like the highest score he’s gotten K while joining that Server yeah fall fall/autumn is definitely the best season you know it’s at least where we live cuz it’s nice cool weather it’s not unbearably cold like hold on what’s the temperature right now that doesn’t pull up temperature how do I how do I get temperature on this

Computer freaking Windows oh it’s on the other side of the computer right now yeah Windows 11 switched okay it is currently 42 degrees outside which is it’s actually fine the problem is the morning in the morning when I have to like go to work it’s usually like 30°

Um so yeah that’s not very fun or when I have to go to school or something I mean it’s all little warmer then but it’s still like in the mid-30s usually at least it usually gets warmer throughout the day like recently like it was it was very cold for a while and

Then for like the last week of school or so before winter break it was like the day was like 50s which was nice did we need need healer yeah we did need healer why does the Healer keep leaving I’m going to make sure I have

Arrows real quick yeah I was kind of low on arrows it also depends on where you live cuz I feel I mean I don’t know if the seasons are called the same thing because I’m pretty sure in Australia they call this time right now Summer from what I I think I think I

Know I’m pretty sure they call this time now summer it might not be though but it’s it’s like inverse because like the hemispheres are different but I don’t know if it’s like all flipped you know what I mean or if they still do call it this it’s just like

Considered a different temperatures and climate cuz different okay and someone disconnected fun and that was the Archer so now we’re going to have another tank blood rush moment everyone’s favorite and Mage the class classic tank Mage blood rush in M6 okay that he’s got the rest

Of it right he deals damage I don’t he he’s got this although it is an L room and he died looks like we’re going in very how’d you die on this room I say that and I immediately just get like nuked I thought he fell down here I think I killed him

Though okay I how did I not pick that up okay so is he blood camping I think he’s blood camping okay we’re going to actually do a like scuffed secret route just cuz I’m already here so we’re just going to start the route from here and pretend like it’s

Normal is he also doing secrets in this room or did I am I want two no I definitely should only have two Secrets right now oh wa technically three if I got the the drop okay okay may maybe it is supposed to be three but still SCU regardless is he back he’s not

Back ah fun I I I am delivering because I did title The Stream scuffed party finder M6 runs or Master mode scuffed party finder something like along those lines so so it is it is not clickbait this is this is what H happens oh shoot I’m low looking off looking away from the

Screen and almost dying how’s that dude not back yet what the heck did he actually just like crash and like his computer like blue screened or something like what is going on also who started this room and dipped was oh it was me I I forgot cuz I had to help

With the blood rush never mind I I take that back I meant to do that I I knew exactly I flawless memory got a lot of revive Stones Lu we’ve only got two deaths that do it back yet he’s still not here I don’t do I leave this party we

Are getting a bunch of garbage run garbage garbage runs and that dude’s literally just blood camping even though half the dungeon is not clear uh do I full clear trap I think I should probably go there’s like three rooms three one by ones up here okay I guess they got that secret

Specifically for some reason which obviously makes sense you know I’m not I’m not going to question it we’re going to get that we wait Archer um just go I’ll be fine without an Archer right who needs an Archer right guys no no need for an archer in M6 it’s a bit

Unnecessary also I hate that the premium flesh doesn’t work for what’s it called okay this is this is rougher than I thought I’m on to Al here just so I don’t die and I probably can’t no I don’t have time for gyro at least we’ve got some Gem and music there’s always an

Upside scof Rong but Jem and music that’s what the next stream title should be scal runs but Jam in music also we should I mean I I won’t switch to bonso mask yet but I should be ready okay I might have to go sooner than I thought uh

45 I’m kind of 45 right yeah I’m C of 45 like halfway to 46 Maan gyro bonso proc oh I didn’t get time for the was it was a trash run and an S bro did he die in blood room oh he died in Boss room that’s that’s

Rough also these these two guys I think are kind of kind of mid so we might just be abandoning yeah we’re gonna leave and find a different party I can join this party they need a tank I’ve played with this guy I think I think he’s pretty good if I’m not

Mistaken Mage disconnected that’s fun oh he was I me no he wasn’t the Mage who’s the Mage coin c March okay you just disconnected this is fun see this is what you love to see and party finder Dungeons let’s go he’s back oops that was loud just getting a drink of water which is a friendly reminder to everyone to hydrate because water is good that’s it water is good you should drink water should probably go down actually there’s a a lot of stuffed sorry internet cut out that’s that’s a

Good good sign definitely not foreshadowing with wait do you want this with a one or two block Center what were we building again a Coliseum yeah make it a one block Center cuz I think it’s important to have like that center point of the Coliseum you

Know you got right now is two blocks if you’ve already got something built and you want to keep it two blocks that’s fine I just prefer it if there’s a single block center for the colum cuz I think would just look nicer cuz it is

Rounded at the end of the day and also I want to have like a enter point for maybe like a stage or something I don’t know so if you can make it one block Center I’d prefer a one block Center but if it’s a two block Center that’s fine you

Know also let me know if you want that Builder’s ruler or Builder’s wand or block zapper the block zapper will destroy any of the same block if they’re touching for like 140 or something the Builder’s wand will extend a Surface by by one block and the Builder’s ruler

Will give you an entire row of blocks so let me know if you want that change it pretty early you’ll message me if you need them okay just leave it in chat because I’ll check live stream chat more and it’d be much easier than checking ingame chat

Because I think my ingame sounds are pretty low so I probably won’t hear the Ping notification if you know what I mean but I’ll be checking stream chat like a good streamer would I didn’t get that secret that’s unfortunate why did I Al there so so

Foolish it’s okay we’ve got a good Arch right this is is a good Arch yeah they’re a good Arch okay someone left the party that’s unfortunate heck is this F skull oh yeah that’s the thing for the the new um what’s it called oh wait I’m not party leader

Anymore you won’t be it for a little bit you won’t even start on the island today that’s fine whenever you’re ready for it what the heck is my okay my coning is not in there uh where’s okay it ends here one one rare item someone invited me to join their

Party if that’s one of you in stream chat let me know I’m currently shelling in the party that I’m in let’s see IBM okay they’re not in party finder they’re not on friends list I been no I don’t see him let see is he like one of the people in it no

Okay let’s see what are we looking for what class anyone in the stream Is A Healer for M6 or can be a Healer for M6 let me know we are looking for someone at least C 41 anything I have to salvage while we’ve got downtime if there’s anything I

Can do are you going to get going good luck for M mod thank you very much if you guys if you want to catch future streams don’t forget to subscribe and turn on the post notifications I usually stream around 2:00 p.m. to 400 p.m. on

Random days I typically try to do it on weekends cuz that’s when I’m most free and usually that gets the best views but I do stream as you can see from today some weekdays as well you got a mage okay he’s playing healer let’s go getting back into

It and I’m doing Secrets before clear Oh boy I don’t see this so many minis which I mean I I I do have my tank HT but I usually like saving it just in case I run up on a yellow room cuz yellow rooms are usually pretty tough especially not on like an angry archaeologist angry archaeologist is

Like the easiest of the minis to kill and the easiest to not die too just because it doesn’t have like all the crazy stuff okay looks like we didn’t get any yellows yellow’s definitely top right then yeah I’m going to pop my all here just cuz we’re not going to go to into

Any yellow rooms and this is the last room we need to clear so it’s just going to be a waste if I don’t use it I don’t know I don’t know if I should get bouncy arrows I feel like it def they’re definitely better but I don’t

Know if it’s worth my time getting it you know cuz I don’t think you can add slime B like slime blocks to your personal compactor and it takes a lot of effort you know I don’t know I don’t know if it’s necessary for the tank to have special tipped

Arrows but if anyone in the chat knows if it actually makes a huge difference and I’m throwing by not having them please let me know so apparently there’s actually quite a few people that do like genuinely play Master mode that are in my chat sometimes which shocks me so

Some something that L give me advice of things I didn’t really know or don’t do like the most common thing is like oh my gosh you need to look up the the the gamer secret roots that are the best and I’m just like okay but that’s like kind

Of cringe and would take effort for me to do something other than the secret roots that I made up myself so and I think some of them you might even need efficien 104 I don’t know Asone had to leave please don’t fall apart please don’t fall apart just hoping the party doesn’t fall apart oh no they disbanded the party yikes that’s fun that’s always fun all right well looks like we’re going to try and find a new party chill I got to play Mage though is that

Really am I Really Gonna okay we’re we’re switching to Mage I guess we’re fake Mage too so see I really feel like I should put Master stars on this armor but the problem is that first Master stars are really expensive I mean not crazy expensive they went up like 4 mil though

And I already have all the second Stars I mean two I got today but like those aren’t like part of it the four second Stars I need I don’t know if I going to put third stars on yet cuz third stars are also a little inflated they’re pretty high right now so we’ll

See I mean even I didn’t get the best deal on the the second master stars but I did get them for like decent like I think the lowest I’ve seen them go down to is like 18 mil and I got them for like 20 mil so it’s not not terrible but could be

Better see how’s how’s my how’s my LCM with a mediocre Hyperion it’s pretty good nothing crazy I also don’t have a Mana setup right now so what I thought that was supposed to get both of them kind of cringe but okay I could have sworn I’ve done that

Before and it’s gotten both of the the secrets or the super booms oh well all right let’s see can we get the first try trap skip okay good I didn’t have the right pickaxe out what the heck bro what is going on well why is this not there we

Go I swear if I’m not at the right spot I’m actually going to cry okay we’re good heck struggling to get the ghost pick I’m it’s it’s it’s a little rough okay A little little scuffed what took like five tries fumbled on the ghost pick

Now we’ve had and I get hit by the dart trap yeah hate to see it and I did not have the right thing out that’s fun this dude’s got this room let’s go check out what’s down here okay another 50% piece I’ll take it I

Show oh God I actually have to do stuff in where am I supposed to do I do I hear I think it’s here I don’t know oops my bad I had a bit of a Late I think I did a bit late there but that’s Fine or mean early I mean you hate when building Circle and then it doesn’t connect at the end that is very unfortunate did you not plan that beforehand so I did not go to the right did not go to the right thing kind of fumbling but it’s okay I don’t I

Don’t play Mage I’m not expected to be good at this at least I don’t expect to be good at this did I do an early gyro no I think it’s fine and someone immediately left they were Birs well I didn’t get kicked so that means I did a decent enough job to stay so at least there’s that oh I forgot I got the Helmet you do it but means you messed up one block somewhere oh like you accidentally like misclicked somewhere and it like threw the entire thing off unfortunate I should be I should be lming those because they have a lot of HP I think I’m supposed to do it like

That I think I do like half half Terminator and then when it gets low I switch to LCM I fairly certain that’s how I kill those but again I am not I am not a mage player I would not know Oh I did pickax up it was just a bit late oh boy fumbling a bit but right there you go circles slightly above a 100 blocks in diameter actually it’s not that actually is a pretty big build I was about to say it’s not that big of a build but I just

Realized how large that Coliseum is going to be nope get get me away get me away I died that’s unfortunate all right run it back run it back it’s that easy Now two of them see it’s easy and I wasted wasted guided sheep but that’s fine you know we’re going to get it back before I mean I would like to get a crypt as well but you know it’s all right we’ll get him here uh yeah then we’re done yo wither

Catalyst that’s a funny username what’s up do we full clear trap while we’re waiting I mean I guess we can you already did Welcome to to the stream wither Catalyst all right let’s see if we can get the gyro right this time I think you do it when it’s like

Three quarters of a head turn that was a good gyro I think feel like I did a decent job there why did Gyro on this side they were all on that side we’re not going to question it see I’m good at I don’t know if my LCM is actually

Good in I mean if I had a giant sword or something it probably would be but I don’t have a giant sword I just have a Hyperion oh well shoot I’m supposed to do that even when I do have a giant sword does anyone know if one for all is

Better on giant sword and like dark Claymore and stuff or if I’m supposed to have tier s enchants oh that’s fun see if if I was party leader we’d be playing they removed Santa says no okay we’d be playing regular Hypixel says then because bro solo M6 about to do a solo M6 On well while we’re waiting this is a great time for you to smash the Subscribe button if you want to see future live streams or other videos on Hypixel Sky Block tips and tricks I should have a video coming out this Saturday uh it’s going to be a bunch of money-making

Methods all combined the one video so you definitely do not want to miss it and one of them is Master mode if you can actually play that is cuz this is like half the time spent playing Master mode it’s just weird waiting the one minute downtime see I’m curious how much RNG

Meter am I to okay 76% to a giant sword one out of 179 that is crazy wait I’ve got to try should probably try that one like trick I keep pressing the wrong button okay I don’t remember that was it like uh something I forget the command but

There’s a command that I can use to just take uh pearls from straight from my sacks without having to open them I don’t remember what it was though but why is it on cool down we just started the dungeon that is cringe let’s see can I clear like

This I mean it works but I think for swarms of mobs it’s just less effective for the strong ones sure but for the the less see like that that right right there I probably should have used the Terminator kind of kind of don’t know though so

Oh I forgot the other secret dang this is the second time I messed up this room today such an easy room too I’m just bald oh shoot I don’t want to die again to a fell that would be embarrassing I have a mage so I’m very squishy especially since I see I just

Hope if M if first stars go down to like even 14 mil I’d buy it at I’m just not buying like 17 mil or I think they’re even down to 16 mil right now for first Master star that is absurd way out of the budget dang even implosion is

Strong I mean not not great but it’s definitely better than normally is are these guys going for the um God I’m struggling right now okay one of them went okay actually no they they are going let’s see is he okay he’s doing old trap let’s see if we can beat

Him let’s go clean I I think that was a first try Pearl see does oh he’s doing it too so he actually did know it he probably just went the other way cuz he thought that I would do the clear he was like okay I’m not going to do that cuz

The other guy is doing that and why would we both do that that is throwing getting out of there not dealing with that guy no sir I think that guy’s probably going to go to the thing so we’re just going to clear even though I think that I’d be

Better for clearing blood but okay than stylish I did a very early I think the gyro still worked though early but still successful gyro that was a way way too early gyro 42 seconds that’s still solid I don’t think I’m doing that much damage but we’re killing him pretty fast

So I don’t think it matters too much I’m going to try using Terminator the entire time next time to see if it’s better not a great run but have we been getting good runs with this party or is it just meh I just got to it and then they joined the dungeon that’s

Fun four minutes yeah just m runs I’m okay with that though it’s good enough let’s go down this way we’re just going to get this since we’re down here anyways and not die oh shoot bro why did I have to open up the freaking map I hit the wrong button and

Then I just die immediately unfortunate I was I saw the revive Stone I was like oh I’m not going to die this run it’s fine I don’t need to go pick it up actually going to kill a different one because Genevie and I actually I hate Genevie I should have killed them

I don’t hate them that’s not true I should I shouldn’t say say such mean things to something that’s done nothing wrong someone that just dies over and over again yeah rest in peace all the fairies or they’re fairies right the the the things that are in

The the fairy room it just called fairy room right I I don’t remember I’m blanking right now how many hours you got on H Sky Block then don’t report at the end of the year don’t they do a report at the end of the year oh yeah I should send you that hold

On chat let’s let’s look at my 2023 what the heck clearly it’s not that much but I can’t get freaking trap skip right bro this just like speedrunning you just throw yourself into a wall trying to do a trick over and over again and just failing

Miserably I mean it’s kind of like speed running but like yeah in no way dungeons is literally just speed running I never thought of it that way but it is totally true it’s probably thing people people care most about speed for like Dungeons and Slayers there’s no rooms nearby but

We’ll see if we can get a lucky Leap what the heck okay I thought he just went did he go up there wait hold on I have to see that’s a thing oh my gosh I never knew that that is crazy you can you can ether warp up there I got to start trying that out I

Mean it’s probably hard to get the right angle for that but and I can’t I can’t do my 2023 during boss because I actually have to do stuff now as Mage ridiculous help the burs out real quick okay this time we’re going to try only with Terminator and see how well we

Do I don’t know it felt about the same and we can go check see last run how do we do 13 seconds the exact same amount of time yeah I don’t think it matters too much oh recom nice profit I can do slpl time real quick so you just see total I have

7,16 hours let me pull up my 2020 three I have 81 days 10 hours on Hypixel SC Sky Block and in total for the year I have 2,000 hours played well technically 1,999 but like it’s basically 2,000 hours okay like like 5’11 is just 6 foot okay you know it’s just how it

Is let’s see how we’re doing catac be half half of the way to um 46 I’m not close to any class Milestones really so I know last stream we got tank 43 so that was pretty pretty cool that’s the wrong Crypt good thing we’re not actually doing that room

Bro I lagged that’s not fair you guys saw that the visual lag bro whatever we’re going to Al here just cuz we can I don’t think it really does that much damage but see do I deal that much 10K no I do not deal so for minis LCM is not the

Strat at least not for me because I don’t have an LCM set Up let’s see where oh we’re just missing FS aren’t we literally just the fs are not killed everything else is dead but the fs I keep going the wrong way I know you’re supposed to go up here for that cuz like I know you can technically like either

War through it but it’s easier to get it through just going above because it’ll just kill the bat anyway I just always mess up and go on the wrong side I go through the wrong way yay mythal Minds zero out of 10 and we’re almost at us oh I why is this

Block always missing from here what is wrong that that block is consistently just not there like what is up with that guided sheep’s actually super fast I could probably guided sheep that instead of cuz I’m Mage it actually refreshes the cool down faster so I could probably just use another guided sheep

There I hit the wrong button I really should change that off of AG because I keep accidentally hitting that and it is throwing me off a lot of times more times than it should see we just need the three in the bottom I don’t know what this other

Guy’s doing cuz if you’re in methro mins you always go to the bottom first if you’re the second person in there and you check to see if they got those and if they got those then you go to the top I feel like most times people do the top first and then the

Bottom cuz the bottom is a very easy three Secrets just to boom boom boom you know what I mean DK did they gyro that they were like man this Mage sucks at Gyros we’ll help them out for one of them which fair I do not I am not good at Gyros

Me mind sounds like a fortnite I can’t read it said fortnite po let’s go recom and someone else got a recom too that’s nice we’re gaming and getting profits at the same time it’s insane no boy wither mancers this will be a fun room to clear

But I’m Mage so this should be easy it’s actually not bad oh two healthies bruh I mean if I had a decent giant sword or like maybe even like a dark Claymore I should definitely be able to one shot those I wonder if I should go for like

Ask my guild members to get like One M7 clear and then just buy a dark Claymore feel like I should probably do that and I can start doing like ghosts or something and start leveling up my G drag a bit more let’s see how’s how’s my DPS looking okay okay nothing

Crazy I don’t know it’s tough to say feel they’re pretty similar comparably in DPS I don’t know it’s hard to say okay come on okay let’s test this time let’s test just LCM in it I that’s pretty fast but I feel like the D the Dual Terminator into LCM is probably the meta

I think that’s what I should really be doing it’s probably the fastest you bro this is the unluckiest teleport maze ever like I think there’s like only like two or three more pads that I hadn’t gone to yet all right he’s going it’s fine that’s the thing I think it was towards

The end of the run where there wasn’t really any rooms left like you can secret stack at or room stack at the end of The Run just not at the beginning are there a bunch of tires here okay they just were glitched oh lag this time we’re going to

LCM I think my DPS is better LCM for Giants I think that’s what I’m supposed to do how much is a dark Claymore 228 mil I should definitely try and get an M7 run in and then use a dark Claymore it’s not that expensive I think giant sword’s like 120 140 yo backto

Back Recs you love to see it profits let’s go yeah that is good yeah dark Claymore like 228 mil giant sword like 150 mil I mean it’s probably just a matter of having an F6 completion versus having an M7 completion cuz M7 parties are like super private like they they’re

Like oh you got to be cat of 50 to join it’s like like I could definitely run an M7 run do an M7 run right now the problem is that no one would let me in their party you know what I mean it just sucks but it is what it

Is yeah I think there’s oh no there’s only one person blood rushing I’ll go I was like oh there’s two people blood rushing there’s not that many rooms this way but then I saw I was like wait a second oh now there’s two people what the heck

Happened all right why is it only this Trapper jeez it’s okay we’re going to get we’re going to get really good at this one see first try that’s how good we are at this one how much practice we’ve had wait did I yeah I did mess it up I

Thought I didn’t get it so I went to go again okay and I messed up and okay this it’s it’s rough but you know we’re getting there see see we got there in the end it’s okay we made we we we got the first triy Pearl and we had to make

Up for it by fumbling a little bit okay you know we couldn’t have a good trap room that’s just just not us you know let’s see yeah we’ll clear this room I guess nope not dealing with that see I like checking the minis and rooms where they’re not required cuz

Sometimes you get like a frozen Blaze or something or like a superior one no not that it not that I need Beast Jerry it’s more so I just want like an ice spray you know just that slight slight extra profit be nice he already got that I wonder if he

I don’t think he get this then I feel like this is what he’s missing yeah okay he got what is what did he not get that did you not get the one Secret at the bottom I don’t don’t know if you guys know what I’m talking about actually I should get this

Crypt what the where is he going I don’t even think he knows what secret he missed I think it’s that one over there I don’t don’t know though okay that dude Dipped did the burst or the Archer not gyro I know whoever that was way too early I’m just going to blame the the Archer for missing their gyro that’s why I missed my gyro cuz I saw the timer on some of them but I didn’t See can’t I swear I can never get RNG drops on stream literally earlier today I got two Master Stars within five runs but the second I hit the go live button it’s just I cannot get a good drop you know what I mean it just sucks do we have five another one person

Left like two Auto recomed stuff they’re both garbage though think it is always the Healer that is leaving that is crazy we go blood rush because looks there’s a lot of rooms This Way quiz fun I almost called it trivia I mean it is trivia but like and Archer

Died that is more fun what they die to okay I see how they died yeah Shadow assassins are rough in master mode see this is the easy trap room I I I have freaking the Sheep I don’t even need to see this this is all

You do for this trap room did I actually not get that D I actually missed so much for an easy trap room trap room so hard you know that that one that that ghost pick into the single click you have to do it’s it’s it’s it’s not easy that is

Perhaps the hardest thing you could possibly do in this game interesting clear though if that guy goes to quiz and asks who skipped quiz chat we we deny all Association we were not there blame the Healer cuz that’s that’s that’s the easiest person to blame okay this person helps clear the room so

We’re going to go kill the mini unless it’s a shadow assassin we’re going to kill this Crypt cuz that’s that’s challenging and that’s helps us get score not the mini mini doesn’t give a score someone place oh they placed the SOS flare is that help an SOS flare

Say does that even work on Giants that was like I did not see it dealing damage or at least not waking the giant maybe you have to wake the giant with like a normal like arrow and then you LCM it the these are the strats I’m learning I think LCM is better for

Me it it feels arbitrarily that I deal more damage I don’t know if it actually does but three recom in a row that is absurd and good profit out of obsidian chest too that is absurd and we are at the two hour mark of the Stream So if you aren’t

Subscribed then make sure to subscribe for Sky Block content all sorts of great uh tutorial videos and stuff I’ve got a video coming out this Saturday hopefully you guys will enjoy that and yeah subscribe turn on post notifications you’ll I stream I try to stream two to 4 p.m. usually weekends

Sometimes not weekends as you can tell by the fact that it is a Thursday so Yeah I mean I don’t clear well with RCM I mean it kind of works I mean these are like I can kill those easily because they’ve got like three HP I don’t one shot Fells though which is kind of unfortunate CU that’s something that would make a huge

Difference if I could one shot it should I use oh it probably use guided she and LCM yeah uh let’s go down here there’s a puzzle over I should probably get Tic Tac Toe Alver I just I wish I try to use as few solvers as possible because I think that

They’re actually fun to do normally but a lot of people disagree just be like slightly faster I mean I feel like I’m pretty good at titico it’s not a hard game as ticko Grandmaster hakaru said as long as you don’t go in the sides at the beginning you’re like chilling

One out of six yikes I’ll do the bottom I feel like that’s a pretty good idea I do not have enough Mana for RCM at least I didn’t die I forgot he’s got SOS player the heck am I doing Place get overflux down i’ probably get more combat XP on

My G drag if I went like Archer or something but then I defin def need to put Master stars on my gear before I went Archer bit of a slow terorist but that’s fine only a couple seconds actually no I think bur does I don’t know if it’s better to do Terra

Cotas or Giants because I know bur does Giants I believe then couldn’t get the quad uh Recs but we we’ll take we’ll take it cuz we probably got profit in some chest right I mean free chest is always profit but are we going or are we missing a person we’re five out of

Five I don’t know what’s up what are Booster cookies at right now not great like I should just buy one anyway cuz I feel like I haven’t been getting bits at all this stream I mean it’s better to make some money than make no money you

Know I think the tank 3D TNT I don’t think they’ve got Auto ready on I feel like they every run they haven’t insta Reed up maybe they’re just laggy and it’s like not registering do you actually want to test I SAR okay actually it’s I can do this

From since I’ve got quiz I swear this used to work I don’t know why it’s not working anymore does it not show up in I I thought it show up in okay it does show up in chat I just missed it and Boomer dragon let’s see was he oh no healer died

Let’s see LCM that’s actually pretty fast I’m not going to lie that was that was zooming killing that mini I don’t even think I did I I think I I sprayed it I don’t remember exactly though wait is blood not open guys guys was that just the the the

Worst blood rush ever or did they get to blood and not open it was anyone in chat paying attention was that a slow blood rush or did they just not open blood yeah if anyone doesn’t know Sophia Chan they’re a very rich gamer that’s why I said I only accept uh birthday

Presents in in uh increments of billion what’s my cata level I am cata 45 halfway to 46 so pretty high but nothing crazy D who goes down to get this chest what’s what secret are they missing you’re not a FLOTUS what’s a FLOTUS I know you’re bottom but not a

FLOTUS what the heck is that why’ you want to M Hada do you want me to invite me to a party or you just asking just just to see how cracked of a gamer I am don’t let the game playay show for itself because I am not a

Mage process of making a puncture in a vein using the arm with purpose of drawing blood what is the purpose for that why did you say you’re not a flist did I ask a question or something because I do not understand G level 200 GG’s at least I think that’s what it

Means I think that’s what he’s talking about yeah I still don’t know what you mean by you’re not a FLOTUS guys if anyone knew if they opened blood or not oh yeah the joke did not land there’s like I think there’s like 10 seconds of stream delay plus the fact

That I didn’t read the chat message for a second so like I just missed it completely and the joke just didn’t land hope why did I pick up my bronze trophy sack so yeah I I think it would have been funny funnier in person I feel like

I would have actually process then but like I feel like it was too late from when I said that that was even later than 10 seconds like what that was in the boss room so it had to have been at least like 20 seconds later if not like

30 seconds later actually even longer it took that was like a minute later and I just didn’t process maybe refresh your your stream and see if you’re your it catches up better because that was a severely delayed joke there’s no way kimira 5 is 1.4 1.5

Bill yeah like 160 I actually might sell my kir book hold on where is it 160 mil is a solid price for Chimera actually wait no the next Mir is going to be atro so it’s only going to go up even more hypothetically of course we’re

Going to stick that in the profit The Profit backpack here do a test and say I’ll send a message okay so you send a new message and I’ll respond immediately once I see it or not if if you if if I was fast enough with that message I think I I was you

Refreshed okay let’s see I think I I think I actually missed that message I wasn’t looking but but I see that you refreshed so so let’s like stream delay test I wonder if there’s a setting hold is there a string for streading for setting for stream

Delay okay I actually don’t want to do that yeah I actually don’t on one second I’m gon to stop the music I I respond this I missed that message I was I was I was out okay say another message because like fifth tries the charm you know say say another

Message and I’ll actually respond to it on time wait I have a better idea why don’t you just send me a message in game I’ll definitely you’ll you’ll see exactly when I get that and you don’t even have to go through stream chat send me a message in game

And you’ll see it immediately and you’ll count the delay yourself and then I’m not even involved so I can’t mess up okay I’m turning the music back on oh shoot oh wait no okay we’re good all right respond to this one okay I saw that hopefully not while I was out okay

This one I got hopefully I wasn’t tabbed out and it just showed up for me and I missed it and I was slow but feel like it should still be pretty accurate let me see if there’s a setting for stream delay okay I got automatic 5-second stream delay built in test test test

Test bro this is so much effort to find the stream delay and you refreshed and you’ve definitely got gamer ethernet so there’s there’s no way that that it would be that slow I’ve got ethernet too you know we’re chilling can I LCM no I don’t think I can LCM I think you

Need to use a bow for blazes I could probably have risked it to go for the piercing I just don’t think it’s worth it you know what I mean let me know how much the stream delay is cuz if you have haven’t seen your test message then yet that’s I think

That’s on your end cuz there’s no way the stream is that delayed can someone else check if there’s anyone else in chat right now see if see if the stream delays as bad as it’s like 20 plus seconds on someone else send a message I

Actually want to see if it’s just just a him his computer being slow or if the stream delay is actually that bad cuz I could have swore that it actually it might be I don’t know I don’t really have a way of testing on my

End I mean I I just pull YouTube studio and see definitely didn’t almost die thing I do know is this song is an absolute Banger though we’re just going to get all these Crips just to ensure that we’ve got five Crips skeleton Master thought he could live what a fool those are

All glitched mobs I was like what the heck none of them are dying they’re all Immortal got to go now you can talk later no sorry you can talk alter which means higher in L so we’ll get get on some some some good stuff and then then we’ll talk if you

Know what I’m saying i% like what I just said wasn’t Cringe I keep forgetting that this dude’s got a freaking SOS flare and I do not need to be placing my overflux each time a bit slow on the um the old thing ofama jig but we chilling I love getting the Giants though did I gyro early think I did I think it worked

Though he’s good enough unless someone else gyro what is up that was a scuffed teras actually curious I mean I don’t think I’m getting that much XP on my G drag that felt like such a bad what the heck yeah I’m in I’m I’m agreeing with that guy what the heck killed

Us is this not a three oh no it’s still 300 we’re just so high above that the two deaths did not matter that is so Strange yeah this t definitely does not have Auto ready still solid party though not cracked but good enough you know what I mean oh my gosh how could he die to a frozen adventure kind of embarrassing not going to lie he’s got that I’m gonna leap to someone random like this

Guy yo what this is a I might have to help with blood rush this is honestly a yikes lag okay never mind I’m not helping with blood rush it’s too laggy I forgot I’ve got that not used to being a mage I think this fell is more deadly than the freaking lost

Adventurer okay never mind they’re both very deadly treasure tally you love to see hello I do not know what you just said hit bit of a keyboard spam for God I don’t have my thing out that’s a shadow assassin I’m not dying today okay we’re just gonna what the freck I definitely dying

Today I just leave him okay lag not even close I was molded by the lag and Boomer livid let me out that was a fun room kill the shadow assassin Boomer livid definitely didn’t die that that’s the best part as I just didn’t die unless you’re trying to say USB or something my

Least I hit the gyro bit early on the gyro but we’re still chilling 40c teror I think that’s good see we’re not getting great runs but I think as long as we’re sub 430 that’s like good enough you know you know what I mean o fun room I’m definitely not going to

Die not even worried no sweat no problem I’m chilling let’s see that’s kind of fast but is this faster I don’t know I feel like they’re very comparable I feel like it’s nicer to be from a distance so I think LCM is probably not meta but at least good disconnects are

Fun oh that is a lot of wither mancers it’s almost as bad as the freaking L room I should probably be doing clear but I feel like that one guy’s got it you know I think I’m going to just trust him which might be a mistake but we’ll get this no let’s

See oh that actually please guide the Sheep come back to me yes let’s go all all according to plan this is a room I know ve very intelligent this is a room I I know I know my IQ is too large for some of you guys to understand but you know

Know it’s just so hard being this smart why are there three people there oh shoot oops oh dang we’ve actually gone through the entire playlist cuz we’re back to the the song that we at the start did I two early Gyros okay no that gyro actually

Worked burs didn’t okay no they did I’m early they’re late it’s just it’s just it is what it is 46 seconds not the best not the worst see I’m G to get um uh Champion 10 on my aspect of the Void I just have to wait for taming 60 because I’m just waiting

For Spirit that’s the only thing I need I just need a spirit pet and that’s it or not Spirit pet um jellyfish pet I bought the rest of the pets but jellyfish was just so expensive I’m like I’m gonna wait for it to go down and then it goes up so

Yeah I was not expecting that one but like they were like they were like 90 maybe around 90 and now they are like 120 not 1004 but still that’s that’s more than they used to be they def they they’re the only one I think that went up not

Down that’s why I bought all of them in advance just in case some of them flu in price and go up once people finally see that it’s like one that you need so just to be safe I bought them in advance might be a bad play might be a genius play but you

Know I mean they’re not that expensive I think jellyfish is probably the most expensive one there even I expect Mythic e Mythic Enderman to go up but I think it’s cuz it’s the last one not a lot of people know about it so they don’t like know to

Get it if you know what I mean let’s see we’ll get emerald I could probably greed in fact I’m just going to go for blue normally because it’s probably faster to do this now anyway since I’ve already clicked it but I probably could have gotten all three pretty quickly if

I just had enough water actually I want to see do you just need to complete waterboard or do you have to get the CH yeah you have to get the chest for waterboard okay I was just making sure I couldn’t just be kind of annoying but it is what it is I

Mean I get it cuz like you could have it and then like mess it up after so like the abmin are like okay well if they’re right there waiting for the chest and they get it and then a water like messes up the rest of it you know we don’t want

To have that problem you know what I mean I feel it’s more beneficial for casual players all the normies it’s trap here let’s see three or four secret trap let’s go Redemption okay I definitely did not oh I did hit that am I always going the wrong spot cuz I feel like that

Definitely did not look like it should have hit but it just did a little strange but I’m not going to question it I’ll just jump down bro did I get near either of those secrets that is Cringe that was wrong spot and early jeez why are some of them on different cycles that is is strange going to go a little further up cuz I think quite a few of them are not in the right spot yeah that is so strange they’re all on different Cycles what happened

There a little peculiar oo Master star let’s go tons of profit you love to see it kind of flex to the guild real quick show them yeah I got got a master star let’s go we actually got one on stream I think this is my first Master star on stream that is pretty

Epic and I went the wrong way because I thought that there’d be something that way but there’s just nothing cuz this is a good dungeon setup really cool layout I’m just going to go to the other end completely and get these felt like it made more sense

But bit of lag I wonder if it’s lag on my end I think that is definitely like my computer glitching out a bit and we get to do this room again fine I think it is higher than I think it is cuz I went higher than I usually do

It and I got it first try so I think I just need to keep going higher on it oh no least the ghost block stay I think that’s good I’ll let that guy finish this room let’s go I guess we’ll go this way there all

Probably a 2 by two and maybe like boss room okay they already did the yellow room right there they just got it oh yay fun ice fill yo that’s a clean ice fill though clean first we are we are risky we are literally on thin ice I know thank you

Thank you it was it was really Funny uh this room the heck the bat is just out out and about minding own business like yeah what’s good we had no deaths how is this a 302 is there just was it just like a zero out of six on that room not a brag but I’m like 80% meter

Know it’s not a competition or anything just want to say I’m better than you okay what is going on here that was a scuffed ter probably not going to be that slow but it’s just mind there’s 39 seconds that’s probably like one of the fastest we’ve done it that is

Strange let’s see how close am I to my giant sword 78.7% D I hope I don’t get RNG metered for it that would be pretty Rough that’s why we didn’t have high score we had three only three Crips really wish I went Hub so I could have sold these uh reforge stones but it’s all right we got a decent amount of cata XP today though like what we have to we

We’ve got to been doing M6 for at least like probably two excuse me two and a half hours maybe see now that’s not bad and we got a master star you know we got making Mad Money I was yeah I might have to restart my computer after the stream it’s being a little Funky All get all these Crips actually I should probably leaving that way that’s probably more optimal to leave through like enter through the cryp but then leave through the backside or like the intended entrance I guess technically technically that is the correct way to go in okay at least he’s done with blood

Rush before he died so it’s not like huge downtime you know what I mean what the heck someone went halfway through and started getting Secrets it’s kind of cringe if you ask Me should probably leave but I have no clue who to tell which person wait no way to tell which person’s in the top left so I’m just going to go There three out of five what the freak okay I know which one they didn’t get okay please don’t die here please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die I’m just going to go up I’m not dying to stuff okay that lever’s already been used has this lever been

Used our fell back there they’ve all been used so what did they not get okay they did why did they get almost all the levers except one and then just not get the last lever what is this and we’ve got like a three and a half minute

Clear okay I’m I don’t have to full clear trap do I I might just go might as well just go and do it just in case just in case we need need it cuz I think we need one more Point what the heck I actually just got the right thing

Immediately I thought I misclicked I might have been a bit late on the um gyro but I think we’re fine D no giant kills though I wonder if I actually have any ancient roses in my sack I mean I really care about the combat XP more but let’s

Check dungeon sack no ancient r es so it’s in the sack I just don’t have any bit slow I mean it wasn’t a slow giant it’s the exact same time as a normal Giants but felt slow you know oh someone left what class were they I mean it’s not even worth selling

That but might as well or putting a sell offer for that Let’s see we are missing burs if anyone from the stream plays burs for M6 I would like to join let me know your Kata and IGN chill as you can see by the note some chill M6

See do I want to put yeah I’m G to put it up for sell offer cuz I mean the only thing I just wish see like first Master is like 16 mil if they drop to 14 mil I’ll buy for my armor set cuz the thing is I put them

On my tank armor my tank armor is Nine Star I mean the chest the only way you can see but they’re all nine starred I just didn’t put any any stars on this cuz back then I didn’t have the necron armor for the clear cuz I wasn’t like

High enough cattle level for like to survive so I had to clear here and my tank armor which was abysmal like no damage at all and just I mean I didn’t die at least so there’s that but I just could not kill anything I was just doing

Secrets I think I’m getting more cata XP since on my Mage though cuz I feel like I’m actually killing stuff in Boss room we go to my garden see if we’ve got any overgrown grass visitors oh I have not visited the garden at all this stream we have got no visitors

Let’s go with the vitamin death just waiting on this master start to cell dang toad start playing Master mode I know toar used to do F7 carries for free for like stream viewers and stuff oh hey look here’s the man himself okay come on I was literally just ready for the

Screeny there we go oh yeah me and Toad star just chilling oh he’s higher level than me and he’s on Iron Man bro I think no way going who’s that guy is he some crazy guy or is he just like no way we got a a fifth person to join the party

I was I was going to say that I think Zack playan is higher level than toad star I don’t know if they’ve got like competition or something but if so toad star star is losing and your boy Zach is winning okay I don’t think I think they’re both clearing so I think we’re

Going to or blood rushing so I think we’re going to just clear out runs keep uh let’s this is probably a puzzle room Blaze no bro I I thought I aimed high enough to where I wasn’t going to hit him but just barely I actually want to

See that in replay I I feel like I had that but I just barely didn’t unfortunate Thank that I accidentally use my guided sheep look chat I’m not the only person that’s throwing okay jeez I have not failed blaze in the longest time and of course like when I’m streaming I just mess it up CU I couldn’t fail off stream no I’d have to fail on stream for a

Whole a whopping two viewers that are going to it’s it’s just ruined my career I can’t I can’t escape it anymore it’s just a part of me now what the heck what is up with this why did why could I not go down I’m I’m I’m just know I’ve been streaming

For three hours my brain is just mush at this point I I I have no clue what’s going on going on I’m just just going through dang I like one shot it with LCM I should probably get my overflux out of my hot bar and replace it with

We’re going to try that we’re going to have our ston on the fifth hot bar slot instead of our overflux cuz I never use overflux in the clear so I feel like this is just going to be better I should not have wasted that actually okay actually I should

Have killed the the Crypt actually but we’ll just go along and pretend like we’re still chilling dang that Hopper was just blocking my click we might as well get this Crypt let’s see and of course I need my super boom now that I blew up the CP I just wait I forgot there’s there’s there’s the gig the Giga cool Strat that someone showed me let’s try it out after okay we’re actually going to do it I

Mean I should I should just do this just because I’m going to be waiting and now it’s up here yeah that is cool that is a sweet epic strategy forgot I’m not placing my overflux someone see almost every single time someone’s got an SOS FL plasma flux are just something better than an

Overflux so I feel like I should just not have it anymore to just resist the temptation I didn’t even get the kill on that giant see had a good gyro there yink all these orbs okay never mind someone else picked them up dang why is he going here this is not

You do not do that that is not something that exists the facing this way on the second giant bro that is absurd no one that’s not a thing H almost forgot to gyro I was too busy laughing at that guy you know it’s been three hours I

Think I’m G to call the stream here um I’m probably still do M6 runs but I just think I’m done streaming for today so if you made it to the end make sure to subscribe you’ll see future streams I’m considering maybe making this like a stream highlights but we’ll see all

Right uh thank you guys thank you guys so much for joining and uh I’ll see you guys next time uh make sure to subscribe post notifications I’ll be uploading Saturday uh maybe maybe streaming again sometime on Sunday 2: to 4m look out for that uh depends how I’m feeling so uh

Stay tuned video Saturday stream Sunday

This video, titled ‘Master Mode Scuffed Party Finder Runs – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-01-05 11:33:19. It has garnered 73 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:38 or 11018 seconds.

#minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #diana Music:

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    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition"That friend is basically running a petting zoo in their Minecraft world while the rest of us struggle to keep just one dog alive. Read More