INSANE! mattdoot DESTROYS Minecraft

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all right what’s going on guys so I want to make a video just just some survival Minecraft because you know what Minecraft you don’t need to play these mod packs you know scary Minecraft I got I got that you know I don’t want to I just want to play some more Minecraft so just create a survival world normal no cheats just going to keep it simple man just I’m just going to do this s of video cuz I’m like you know what I haven’t done this in a while where I actually just sit down and just play surv Minecraft so that’s what I’m going to do play some St Minecraft and I wait like 10 years for this to load okay we spawned in hey look at that spawn next some mining that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool in my opinion all right well we playing Minecraft today or tonight cuz it’s 700 p.m. when I’m recording this so why does does my car still do that all right whatever going to punch this wood or get whatever I’m like get wood and I’m going to play the game I’m going to do I’m going to do things crap oh yeah that’s right oh sh I forgot to install the mod oh well I’m too lazy to do that and it takes much effort not really actually not that much effort too lazy to install that so yeah we’re just going to I think I need I think I’m like three mods or three mods I want to installed I forgot about uh spawner next to Stone so that’s cool a village would yo how how the um I’m a little confused by that I forgot I had shoulder surfing yeah literally just basic it’s mod of Minecraft but it’s just like quality life type mods nothing to change how anything is it’s really just been on Minecraft but I I have some mods to help just make it make the experience so much better cuz it Minecraft could use some they really need to dedicate a performance or dedicate a performance type update to Minecraft Java they kind of did it for Bedrock but it didn’t even help it just made the game more buggy so you know that’s that’s always cool um so I would say they kind of did it for Bedrock but or bug Rock I mean because that is just full of bugs so yeah and just I don’t know what they’re thinking with that they didn’t mean to do that but yeah I don’t know what they’re thinking uh you know why I never liked Bedrock it’s just full of bugs I don’t have a vein Miner either so I no freak a vein Miner mod I’m going to do things this way M it individually it’s going kind of annoying cuz there’s mods to fix hey look there’s more there coal look at this kind of a decent spawn except that leads very below water that I don’t want to fall into so I’m going to give me this me some of this I’m going to oh wait let me oh let me turn that up not that five Jesus don’t want subtitles you m you know I fre the subtitles don’t need them um your mine oh give me that I just don’t want this to my there’s more over on whatever that is is that float that is floating I’m pretty sure give me that then I have to make it over there which shouldn’t be hard to do just give me some blocks that’s why I need any blocks so yeah um I don’t know it’s going to be a survival series I might make it a series I don’t know we’ll see cuz uh I just wanted to sit down and play some Minecraft just good old vanilla Minecraft mostly vanilla the game play is vanilla cuz I don’t have any mods that change that like I said so yeah it’s going to be vanala gameplay just your Good oldfashioned Minecraft you get wood by punching trees you get stone make stone tools go what was that okay I don’t know what that was it looked like something but I don’t know what that was was I thought I accidentally dropped did I accidentally drop oh man I didn’t mean to do that oh damn ex give me didn’t really sleep much so the yawning in this video may I there may be some yawning and this video was the point that don’t mind that actually see more iron right there I’ll take it iron off spawn do want some block so I’m going to need that I can’t reach give me that where is it okay I can just can’t got to push over to it I me I could jump in the water but just annoying I don’t want to I don’t want to do all that am I sprinting no T to be sure oh well don’t have enough blocks I need more okay as I just St to get blocks and I come across iron on the other side I am not complaining I will take that look at that there’s coal a lot of it big van big van of coal another pickaxe with this right this I would play okay no I don’t have OptiFine uh I get IR for shaders but shaders don’t really work well with this computer they don’t they don’t do good that that’s not good I would use shaders shaders are awesome but unfortunately this computer really isn’t compatible with shaders so we’re just going to we’re just going to you we’re just going to have the default look of Minecraft without shaders wait where am I iron below me oh I see it let’s see I’m going need new pickaxe oh it was only two all that for two any more there’s coal that I wanted down there there coal I want to get uh I can jump down yeah there’s coal right there there I could just stack up to that go up I can get this need enough to get okay it’s cold down there I’m making doors for this cuz ain’t no way am I doing all put that there put that there there we go what am I making oh yeah almost forgot okay doors so I can mine that underwater and then I’m going to make a furnace should I make a furnace and SM this I mean I guess not really trying to speedrun this y there we go oh no I do need another pick oh it’s fish um should I make another Stone one cuz I’m cooking up iron you know what no that wasn’t that much there iron or not Iron Coal ground or under water not ground oh damn this okay there’s more oh this did not go up I saw that yep more right there uh right there oh big vein big vein of coal this is why this is exactly why I want a vein Miner cuz I could just mine one of it and then all of the coal blocks in here would just get mined the same time I don’t know if I want to do that cuz I just want to play some good old Minecraft and I should really stop complaining it’s not that oh not that big of a deal but just like just a nitpick with me in Minecraft okay I’m going to go back up cuz I need pick now where is my oh there it is oh snap where’s my there it is PL place that there I don’t know why what was I standing on before then I was standing on before boom bam boom b boom check me out I got iron armor okay can I much sticks and wood any I need uh more of that oh it’s coal I missed give me that yeah I need to mine some trees I need more wood so I think I’m going to do is just sit here and let this oh it’s done that then I’m just going to leave that there cuz it doesn’t matter let me get some wood I have a tree decapitator mod I don’t think I do I thought I did have a the or vein Miner and tree decapitator mod in this but I do not it seems so we’re just going to roll without it I do want a mini map mod though cuz I want to be a way points keep track of where I build homes and stuff definitely one thing I want to do as an axe not I meant to use you have nope I figured I if I if I don’t have a or vein Miner then I don’t have a tree decapitator that’s fine we can we can roll without it don’t really need it I still might add it anyway after this episode just cuz I can and they’re listen why are available out there so you know what think I’m going to do it anyway but not right now I’ll do it after this episode I don’t actually I’m saying episode like I’m going to continue this is a series and it’s getting night time woohoo I should probably buil a home then uh where oh and there’s more iron wait am I on okay I’m a normal of course there’s more iron but it’s night time and the creepy crawlies come out and there’s only one okay I don’t see anymore I’m not going the right places to be fair oh great okay I’m not I’m no thank you nope y they’re going to kill me I need food yeah now I need food should thought about that I don’t see any iron anymore anyway o if there’s room to build my home on there I’m doing it we not insane look at all these mountains you know how insane this would this world generation I did not mean to do that this will look insane with distant Horizons and shaders but unfortunately I tried to do that and couldn’t really get it I couldn’t get to work anyway cuz this I why did I I didn’t mean to do I kind of just turned off my brain uh but luckily that wasn’t too far from here I think oh you know I jumped down that’s right well wait a minute this is not where I spawned I spawned above where yeah cuz I spawned there when I loaded the fall off that’s fine I don’t remember where I was I think I was Sprint yeah right there should be too find my I’m not been very good at that that’s kind of why the reason I want a waypoint mod not to keep track of like death and stuff but just like when I build that home and I’ll end up going exploring and then lose it and I don’t want that to happen I want to be to find my home oh wow look at that I died right here I don’t know why I didn’t run away from the creeper I don’t like I said I turned my brain off oh yeah I turned my brain off and just kind of give me that think I was able to get all this back shovel put all this up y there we go now I got my ship back back there some more wood though I need to build a home cuz I just don’t know where oh yeah that’s right I didn’t know where if I remember where that little island was then I bu it there I don’t know not really wasn’t it wasn’t an island was it that yeah was that I don’t know if there’s enough room on there I’ll have to mine those trees I need a shield I I forgot about that I should I don’t have enough okay I’m going to make a shield then cuz ain’t no way just made another crafting table oops I didn’t mean to do that let me make it like this I think and one right there yeah see I know my I know my recipes what are you talking about oh that’s hard it’s cuz I make it so often the sheepy right there I’m going to kill you I need food give need food I know I missed that yeah up there I want to get up there okay don’t know why I heard that twice this dirt it is co dirt okay up sleepy they kill it here you wait wait let me test something real quick okay whatever um if the frame rate seems low I don’t think it will cuz I my vide set to record in uh 30 FPS so I don’t even think it matters that uh it’s gets cut in half with game capture so we’re just going to use it I think I mentioned this issue uh on stream once I hear that yeah I think I mentioned this issue on stream once where it was like game capture cuts my game stream rate in half at least with Minecraft I don’t know if I’ve tested I don’t think I’ve tested with other games to be fair um I should do that definitely cuz I do have other games um hope use it with Roblox but apparently get an error every time saying it does really work or not really compatible with Roblox but I get why it’s not cuz normally it tells you to use a window capture instead and I need more food this is bad hey where am I going oh right there I don’t know it’s I think it’s just this PC cuz it’s bad because the GPU is integrated it’s not a dedicated GPU so I’m just running off of integrated which is not ideal for Minecraft but uh it’s somehow working that’s right got shield now what are you going to do about it can’t nothing besides break it but that’ll take a while at least from a skeleton the Dwellers on the other hand from my scary Minecraft series they uh they can get it pretty low I don’t know if uh the amount of damage they deal to a player would it’s like I don’t I don’t have advanced tool tips I forgot to turn that on oh look at this there’s so much Lane I could definitely build a home here I’m I’m going to do that is there enough room up here no not really I can make room I could find out some of this okay this is not cool can you okay thank you that worked out my favor yeah I definitely want to build a home on this but whatever you call it I got to patch this up though cuz no way is it happening this unpatch I don’t care about filling it in it don’t matter to me man I’m just going to patch it up so I can build on this land because it looks cool because I mean dude look at that that’s insane nice you see you can even get nice views that would probably look way better with shaders but like I said not compatible with my PC so yeah we’re just going to roll without him I you shers all the time if I could but you know life’s be like that sometimes you can’t have everything in the world like shaders on Minecraft okay maybe I should fill this in cuz uh it looks weird plus if I want to build on this I might have to dig all this cuz uh I definitely have to mine these trees cuz they’re in the way at least this the other one might not be too in the way so I may not have to mine that one but this one yeah this one’s got to go get rid of this one uh I can’t replant it either because it’s on the way like I said get all this um I’m not sure I want to build here you see look was going to M all this but then there’s this I’ll plant some trees off to like here I don’t know if they’ll grow but plant them here they do grow I might have to mine that tree it might be in the way this actually oh never mind I can build I can build a home right here I can bu them right here this good land right here I think that’s what I’m going to do uh get out of this tree though yeah I don’t really have anything in mind for a like design I’m not really good at that so I think we’re just going to Yellow it do I have enough I should have enough wood it’s not going to be too big so yeah I should have enough wood to build this let me get it yeah it’s all I got H what was that and I got look at that I got a little bridge over to there look at that I like axe Bridge the stone so if I ever need it it’s all just right there this should be a really good uh home but before I do any exploring I definitely want to get a waypoint mod and make a waypoint here I don’t know how big I want this um I can have that H I’m not sure I think this will do for now here let’s do that I don’t know I don’t want to be too big I don’t want to be too small oh crap we got to make it right here then cuz it that give me well if I don’t know what there’s trees over there so we’re good boom okay we’re definitely going to make stairs for that roof I’ve always been doing these roofs for oh should I make the front door I’m going to make the front door right here 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 two yeah if I want this to be even it’s going to be double doors you know make a double do sure yeah I like that that just need some light which we can easily fix did not mean to put that perfect actually give me that put it there perfect I like it give me need this put that down now this is one we call home boom uh I need a bed though I enough wool oh wait I need one more don’t I need one more string to make a wool kidding me I need one more one short that’s crazy I did not mean to do that give here it’s a little small than I wanted uh yeah I’m just going to make should I use this I use these planks doesn’t matter make a match the house sure oops wait a minute I have doors I just have doors well oh yeah the floor I don’t need I have enough Cobble I don’t know why my skin just did that but we’re going to ignore that I enough Cobble for this for start on it oops away okay yeah not near enough but it’s fine cuz I can just go over here I’ll leave some of these saplings sure I can just go over here and I boom look look at all the stone and look at that there’s iron right there oh I do not have a Bree I thought this was fully connected it’s not uh that is an issue might be able to fix that [Music] issue that was uh that looked very intentional that was not intentional well now I’m about to die I might kill my oh wait no that’s a terrible idea don’t do that I would do it cuz I just want to gain Hearts but my spawn is not set and I would like it to be set inside my home great now I got to be careful I want to connect this though so I’m going to do do that I may die in the process I have no idea yeah getting there Bam Bam good enough I want to make this a better bridge I I don’t want this to be like that forever but this have to do for now cuz I got I need to do I want to there’s a lot I want to do actually I need more wood I think not many more wood for stairs and then I think that’s oh yeah there where’s that iron I don’t remember where that iron is that’s probably that’s oh my God I almost where is it oh up there give me that iron oops okay I need food though so I’m definitely going to make a farm cuz I need the food is this this is this dirt I don’t want that dirt definitely going to that’s an Ender two Enderman yeah there’s two of them some more of this give me this there we go that’s better way more than that but this will do for now yeah I’ll finish up the floor real quick and then I’m going to see how many stairs I can make this boom okay I’m one sure no there we are I don’t know how many stairs I’ll need I am literally one short you got to be kidding me I got to go all the way oh no I don’t I’m dumb Stone right there bam okay now I can work on the Roof oh God I’m going to end up falling okay it was not enough I’m going to end up falling to my death trying to fix on this need way more than I thought I needed so yeah I definitely got to get more wood and I was only going to make eight it’s definitely not enough that’s how that grew in the grass cuz I didn’t even see and not enough I keep that there wa yeah I have to go get more wood right let me put some of this in here that I don’t need can eat that but that away that away oh yeah I for I had this me just eat this keep that that in there keep that on me yep there we go I for got i r first just eat that getting a little bit of Health back I just fall see it oh no it didn’t thought it fell man okay I’m going to finish up the roof I’m going to finish I’m going to even finish that up and I’m going end this video cuz it’s getting a little lengthy we’re going to do that I don’t know if I don’t think 12 is enough but we do 12 can always make more that finish this nope yeah look at that it’s enough to finish that not that though that is not how you do that freaking uh stuff again why to kill those end bad just the pearls oh okay tree I grew I believe or not uh Guru mind it’s the better turn I only need three so just need to make four why bro raft thank you do that oh I’m so dumb I missed this whole thing right here just [Music] Dingus all right turns off I’m going to need a lot more more wood and as only make eight okay that’s definitely not enough I hope that was enough was it did I miss anywhere I don’t think I did swag so roof is finished now like I’m going to do what I said I’m going to end the episode here or I’m going to end the I keep saying episode like I’m going make the series I don’t know if I’m going to continue this I might I might not we’ll see um you know what I’ll try to continue it uh I don’t know though I haven’t been really motivated recently so yeah but I’m G end this here I think yeah that’s what do I’m going to end this here if you enjoyed leave a like And subscribe the channel also let me know in the comments if you want to see this cuz if if people enough people want to see this then I’ll definitely do this again I’ll definely continue this and make a little series but yeah if you enjoyed then leave a like subscribe helps the channel and I’ll see you guys in the next video peace

This video, titled ‘playing casual minecraft’, was uploaded by mattdoot on 2024-03-25 19:00:02. It has garnered 251 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:24 or 1944 seconds.

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    Uncharted Territories Reveal in Minecraft 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic World Expansion: Uncovering New Lands | Minecraft [1.21] Singleplayer Survival Ep. 19’, was uploaded by Impala100 on 2024-07-25 11:00:27. It has garnered 1130 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:22 or 2542 seconds. In today’s episode we start off by finishing the retaining wall and dock areas. After this, we set out on an incredible journey where we encounter new friends, beautiful treasures, and something that we were in desperate need of… Thank you for checking out this video! Whether you’re a visitor or a returning viewer it’s much appreciated…. Read More

  • The Terrifying Monster in Minecraft

    The Terrifying Monster in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MONSTER IN MINECRAFT 😭 PAKAD LIYA 😨’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-02 14:30:18. It has garnered 506 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror… Read More

  • Dunners Duke Dominate Base Hunts! 😱

    Dunners Duke Dominate Base Hunts! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t Anarchy Server 1.21: Mastering Base Hunts with RusherHack & Meteor Client’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-09-25 15:34:45. It has garnered 83 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:19 or 5839 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. The world is 13 years old, with a size of ‭over 49700 GBs and over 929 013 players visiting. 2b2t has been… Read More


    CATNAP vs DOGDAY LABYRINTH 😱 MINECRAFT FUN!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP LABYRINTH vs. DOGDAY LABYRINTH 😱 (Poppy Playtime/Smiling Critters Edition) IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Pingi on 2024-04-17 13:00:20. It has garnered 4464 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:23 or 1283 seconds. in this video: CATNAP LABYRINTH vs. DOGDAY LABYRINTH😱 (Poppy Playtime/SmilingCrittersEdition) IN MINECRAFT Hey, I’m Pingi and I like making Minecraft videos🎮! with my friends. Feel free to subscribe and like! 🥰 Social Media 📷instagram: Information about the game: Minecraft is a game developed by Mojang, Other Ocean Interactive, 4J Studios and Xbox Game Studio. Minecraft is about… Read More

  • Insane World 5 Gameplay! Watch NOW!

    Insane World 5 Gameplay! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore 1.19.4 Longplay – World 5 (Part 17) [No Commentary]’, was uploaded by BlockKayde on 2024-03-18 14:00:42. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:28 or 3628 seconds. 1.19.4: Hardcore Longplay! World Info: Minecraft Java 1.19.4 Seed: 8143400960261936174 Datapacks: + Batty’s Coordinates – + Unlock All Recipes, Fast Leaf Decay – Vanilla Tweaks Resource Packs: All from Vanilla Tweaks: – Different Stems; Variated Bookshelves; Quieter Thunder, Explosions, Nether Portals, Consumables; Lower Shield; Rainbow Experience Bar; Colorful Slime #Hardcore #Longplay #MinecraftLongplay Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Transformation 10% – StormStriker Edit 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Transformation 10% - StormStriker Edit 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wellerman Edit: Steve transfomation 10%😱#shorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by StormStriker on 2024-09-04 12:01:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft wellerman Edit: youtubers#shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftonly … Read More

  • Shocking! Jessie Dominating in Breaking Bad Game

    Shocking! Jessie Dominating in Breaking Bad GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jessie is Winning’, was uploaded by Breaking Bad Gamers on 2024-08-16 22:00:28. It has garnered 132 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Breaking Bad’s Iconic Characters (Walter, Jessie, Saul, and Mike) Team Up in Minecraft! Step into the virtual world with the unforgettable cast of Breaking Bad as they embark on a thrilling gaming adventure! Experience the ultimate nostalgia and laughter as you witness Walter White, Jessie Pinkman, Saul Goodman, and Mike Ehrmantraut tackle the pixelated realm while their voices are brought to life using the incredible… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Challenge – Every Minecraft Version!

    Insane Bedwars Challenge - Every Minecraft Version!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Every Version of Minecraft Bedwars..?’, was uploaded by ItzPludous on 2024-08-19 07:01:40. It has garnered 514 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:22 or 442 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Discord: IGN: Pludous Discord ID: Pludous Subscribe!!! Computer: 2015 MacOS with Bootcamp Windows 8gb RAM i5 1tb Hard drive Keyboard: macos keyboard Mouse: Logitech lightsync G102 Editing software: Capcut pc Recorded FPS: 60 Song: Some prod uni #combo #Hypixel #pvp #crystalpvp #cpvp #dtap #minemen #hitsync #montage Looking to improve your Minecraft PvP skills?… Read More

  • Bluey’s Mind-Blowing Atlantean Singalong!

    Bluey's Mind-Blowing Atlantean Singalong!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey sings Atlanteans (AI cover)’, was uploaded by The PamTPG’s Family Gamers on 2024-08-14 16:41:57. It has garnered 387 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:52 or 232 seconds. This is another AI cover, but It’s bluey sings Atlanteans. It’s based on a Minecraft/parody song. Read More

  • WideEyed SMP Modded

    Join WideEyed SMP – Your Next Adventure Awaits! Looking for a Minecraft server where you can truly make your mark? Welcome to WideEyed SMP, where we’re building something special, and we want you to be a part of it! What We Offer: New ores, custom armors, weapons, and artifacts Unique ways of travel and creative building mechanics Proximity voice chat and hats to customize your character Whether you’re here for the community, the creativity, or just looking for a fresh start, WideEyed SMP has a place for you. We’re a tight-knit community, but we’re always ready to welcome more adventurers…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Lost Minecraft movie bingo, RIP original post”

    Minecraft Memes - "Lost Minecraft movie bingo, RIP original post"Looks like you hit the jackpot with that Minecraft movie bingo! Hopefully you win some virtual prizes, like a diamond sword or a stack of emeralds. Just make sure not to spend all your winnings at the virtual Enderman strip club. Read More

  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 - TLR's Minecraft Rhyme Time In the Nether, we ventured, flames all around, With potions in hand, we explored, spellbound. Blazes and ghasts, oh what a fright, But we pressed on, with all our might. Mining for quartz, and gathering glowstone, Our adventure in the Nether, not done alone. Dodging lava, and avoiding the heat, Our survival skills, truly elite. Back in the Overworld, we crafted and built, Our base taking shape, our creativity spilt. From mining to farming, our skills on display, In Minecraft Survival, we’ll always find a way. So join us next time, for more fun and delight, In the world… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft challenges and humorous gameplay? If so, you’ll love the content on the YouTube channel featuring solo Minecraft challenges like using only a shovel in difficult mode. The creativity and entertainment value of these videos are truly impressive. If you’re looking to take your own Minecraft experience to the next level, why not join the Minewind server? With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay options, Minewind offers a unique and engaging Minecraft experience for players of all skill levels. Ready to dive into the world of Minewind? Simply enter the server… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Gamer Girlfriend

    Jackbhaiya's Gamer Girlfriend Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Introduction to GamerFleet GamerFleet, a popular Minecraft gaming community, has been captivating audiences with its engaging content and entertaining gameplay. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, OcTogamerZz, and more, GamerFleet has become a household name in the gaming world. Jackbhaiya Ki GF One of the trending topics within the GamerFleet community is "Jackbhaiya Ki GF." This intriguing storyline has caught the attention of fans, leading to a surge in views and discussions across various platforms. The FleetSMP Experience The FleetSMP server offers a unique gaming experience, where players like Jackbhaiya and his… Read More

  • Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure Part 2!

    Insane Modded Minecraft Adventure Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Prominence II RPG Part 2’, was uploaded by BallentineLP on 2024-09-23 01:48:37. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:45 or 9765 seconds. Minecraft Prominence 3.0.0 Link: Twitch Link: Read More

  • Echoes of Innocence: Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta

    Echoes of Innocence: Midnight Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Echoes of Innocence #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-15 18:00:17. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s push this technology together!! Thanks Read More

  • Minecraft Server Betrayal: My Shizo Endspi Confession

    Minecraft Server Betrayal: My Shizo Endspi ConfessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Betrayed A Minecraft Server For A Title’, was uploaded by Endspi on 2024-08-24 10:45:07. It has garnered 1217 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:33 or 513 seconds. #minecraft #smp #server In this video the stakes are high so I decided to betray the server for one title and one title only “the deadliest player” mm:ss – timestamps 00:00 – intro 00:53 – intense thingy 03:15 – first fight 06:15 – Second fight TAGS: (ignore) I played in a Minecraft SMP, or survival multiplayer server similar to SMP Earth, Dream… Read More

  • World-Devouring Crab Rampage! Minecraft Chaos |!hug, !lurk, !slots, !discord|

    World-Devouring Crab Rampage! Minecraft Chaos |!hug, !lurk, !slots, !discord|Video Information This video, titled ‘I AM A CRAB THAT WILL DEVOUR WORLDS |!hug, !lurk, !slots, !discord| Minecraft’, was uploaded by HyperWave on 2024-09-07 03:26:19. It has garnered 241 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:14 or 13154 seconds. Hey guys hope your having a great day and get some laughs out of the video :). I appreciate you, Thanks for stopping by! ——————————————————————————— —————– SOCIALS TWITCH ► Instagram ► gabriellifts23 X/Twitter ► Hyper_Wave0 TikTok ► HyperWave0 ———————————————- SUPPORT PayPal ► ————————————————————————————— Read More

  • 🔧🎮Ultimate Lag Fixer for MCPE 1.20! Hindi 2024 #Minecraft

    🔧🎮Ultimate Lag Fixer for MCPE 1.20! Hindi 2024 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST Lag Fix Clients For Minecraft Pe 1.20 | in hindi 2024 | #minecraft #minecraftpe @TSG_Official07’, was uploaded by Technical Saumya Gaming 07 on 2024-04-24 05:42:28. It has garnered 370 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:20 or 200 seconds. BEST Lag Fix Clients For Minecraft Pe 1.20 | in hindi 2024 | #minecraft #minecraftpe @TSG_Official07 TOP 3 BEST Lag Fix Clients For Minecraft Pe 1.20+ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 🎗️All Bg Music Credits to Their Respective Owners. 🎗️All Video Clips Credits:- Minecraft ⚠️Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act… Read More

  • HELLHOUND PLUSH: Minecraft x Helluva Boss

    HELLHOUND PLUSH: Minecraft x Helluva BossVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft movie trailer, but its helluva boss’, was uploaded by hellhound plush productions on 2024-09-16 02:13:39. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. Read More