INSANE Melonest BINGO Event! MAX Completion? Skyblock

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[Music] [Music] well hello everybody Welcome to the stream we are back on Hypixel Sky Block and as you can see the June 2024 Bingo event still has only four days left and I’ve actually like barely touched this Bingo event I did set up couple of minions like maybe two or three so like it’s really nothing that real help me that much so yeah we’re kind of in a trouble considering this Bingo event but I’ll still try to complete it maybe we will see we will be able to do it uh drawing bingo I do have like seven Bingo points ear but that’s mostly from the those stupid what are they called Community challenges yeah I said what these guys are full are they not they kind of I already collected them once today so I guess I have to collect them once again just put some mushrooms that I farmed in here empty my inventory up a little bit just oh this I need to get rid of that guy as soon as possible let’s collect the diamond minion for now I need a little bit more so that’s kind of annoying we’ll keep these in here uh yeah hold on okay these guys let’s collect them now this guys easy a tier four he is I ran out of medium stor so that’s kind of funny sure as well I need that more more of those I unlock them yet no I did not for one don’t know if I’ll have enough wood honestly to be able to keep making these but I can make small ones I think at at very least they will not help me pretty much at all but you know they will be there they will be there inde another here oh my God definitely going to have space for any of this Spruce Wood however I’d like another Spruce Wood minion before I start turning these into Enchanted ones and simply upgrading these ones so yeah I think that’s what we will do right now just make another one real quick and place it though we will not have storage as unfortunately can I place F please so I don’t know what to do about that the storage problem seems like the biggest issue if I’m being honest just for these minions but there we go we can get into tier four I believe or hope at least yeah here we go tier four there is no place to actually place this guys so let’s go buy some St in the hub or something so I can expand this and nonsense just a tiny bit green t but no that’s not it neither is that where’s the dart there we go guys back I put too much but whatever just so I can actually po these minions somewhere my will expand this just a little bit because even these that I have placed right now do not actually have enough space to work properly their locations are imperfect I cannot Place box apparently uh how big do this to be like this I think so no no hold on one more like this I can just place this guy here no minions okay I need to get rid of the Cobblestone minion because I have no minion space and he’s to to use to me so there we go now you spruce can go here wait enchant yeah I cannot do that yet I can make small storage for now I think how much is that going to help I really don’t think much but you know it will help so so there we go we’ll place that there and yeah I don’t know if I can spend too much can I stop falling down oh my God let’s just get rid of this so they can work properly there we go can’t spend too much wood because I don’t need that large storage thing otherwise it would be much easier if if it was just collection like with Spruce where can you pleas here having troubles with the vak one I see and one you are having troubles everywhere I see I think this should help you there we go there we go now he can he can also work in peace throw this away uh H I should that Cobblestone minion just for the just for the uh minion slots let’s see what do we have here so I need I need to get to that water M I think that’s my should be my biggest Focus right now like I don’t I don’t need an egg why why and another egg I really don’t need eggs on this profile that’s the wor thing I need but let’s just get to manyy Diamonds think the diamonds will be the one cotion we will get for anding that water since it’s the we needed for challenge as well so we might as well can I find out lot of diamonds like n of them at all we need okay he it seems like there’s quite a bit here so I think we get um something down like gold diamonds and the red stone maybe I think that’s what we can go fastest maybe emerals though emerals go pretty slowly I don’t think we want to do them how I get to the obsidian sanary where is that again I think that’s where we’ll find more diamonds than here I think just left from here no I don’t want to die I ose my God but if I die I really hope not yeah yeah this is where the diamonds are this is way they at just mine all of them my bingo pet following up that’s my main thing I want to like actually work on he like just following up my bingo pet because he’s going to help like so much with every single challenge that’s why I don’t want to do like mushroom spans or nothing I just want to get him up as much as possible before I get to do the we mining gate oh damn I mining F to water M I don’t think I really need to get to the water M except for that one Community challenge so it’s really mostly optional this time usually you have to go to the water mines even check maybe there is something uh I I guess for the diamonds one but yeah I think this is like the only Bingo challenge you ever get where you don’t have to go to the door I so that’s kind of a puse but I I will go there anyway because getting diamonds will be so much easier in there and I want the community challenge also you’ll be able to complete it how much is my I got still 45 minutes so it will be good we’ll be good in terms of of of our potions at [Music] least I don’t know if I L my portion if these things kill me I’d really rather not I I forgot fortune on my pickaxe ah this I have to go all the way back and okay fine forun oh my God it’s 45 levels game update what is this game update though this is like the second time I’ve just got kick kicked because of the game update oh my God s shutting down is that extra game up let me check I need to know if there’s an up uh this just the second all right let’s buy some XP BS getting to 45 watch this oh they just completed the Revenant one I know what’s that about I’ve never seen that say in like that before but okay for some reason it did just now damn Dam go so SW though it’s going to be a problem to get this whole thing done I always choose these like super hard bingo events to do like previous one was like one of the easiest Bingo challes I’ve ever seen and that’s the one I did not do okay here we go forun access to the Garden okay yeah Garden is something I will unfortunately need so like quing that those W is going to be super annoying but it is what it is it will have to be done fortunately I really like so much from the garden it’s actually kind of annoying in really CL no not of course there’s somebody here now but luckily I will not be needing mushrooms because I’ll just get mushrooms from the desert I don’t want to be bothered planting mushrooms there and whatever oh my God that why is this guy here bro is he also Bingo he is not even Bingo oh my God what is aello acoustic uh cat lover I’m just trying to get to the V mines on this Bingo profile and I’m doing it by collecting diamonds because there’s a Diamond collection in the Bingo challenge so just like progress there I be as well since I will need like a ton of BS and I’m now min9 there we go this place but diamonds go so slowly though I do kind of regret going for diamonds if I’m being honest I don’t need like 10 enchant at once oh my God I did oh can this stop happening this is the third time today you were in my stream on white Friday I’m also doing Bingo really was I I don’t remember I seen a lot of people streams so yes I forgot but yeah did you how how far did you get in in bingo I really do like just got started I have two challenges that I’ve completed and four days left which is really not that good since this Bingo is pretty hard previous one was like so so much easier and I didn’t didn’t do it uh can I not die here that would be very good I don’t want to lose my portions all my go somehow I don’t have most simplest Fire Res assistance potion and I have everything else I have 14 out of 20 then really oh D I guess I really started started this weight he almost completed the entire Bingo and I and I’m just getting started at least I’ve set up kind of my minions yesterday so how how much that did that even help no he did not not even three ,000 in spru Su collection oh my God I am screw with this Bingo there is so much that I’ll have to do I just make up for those like two days that I missed or how many I miss a day so hello de how are you doing welcome to the stream really I thought this one was easier than the Euro I didn’t see the previous one yeah the previous one was like ridiculously easy it it had like only one of these like hard challenges where you have to I get these huge collections usually every Bingo has like five of those that one only had one and of course this one also has aot one which I absolutely despise last time it took me like 3 hours or 4 hours of just grinding Enderman to craft that thing oh I didn’t even buy Bo RS yet oh I’m so dumb I’m so dumb there is still time to buy you know if I have to like buy four days in a row now I cannot miss a single day now your boy another thing I forgot I always make these bingos way harder for me than they have to be how many diamonds do I have I not many at all but I do have some in my chest not my mini and got that’s kind of nice how many is that five okay Ean Louis Rex is out here taking all my diamonds I forgot you can burn stuff oh my God are you Italian no I’m not for for some reason people really very often think that I’m Italian for some reason I I don’t know how that happened okay I have a question about the blaze RS like is it just blaze powder for from Alchemist or is there anything else uh no yeah it’s just uh you just buy a boys power oh my God fourth time really uh you just buy uh Blaze P from Alchemist like four days in a row you need exactly uh 32 no hold on 3 days or three days you will buy as as many as you can as the game will let you and then on fourth day you just buy two more stacks and that’s that’s how many you will need to make a to make a aspect to the end come on now I can smell pizza oh my God I do I do want me some good pizza you know but I’ve never even been to Italy I guess I am pretty close to ital even when I think about I’m like just a couple kilomet across the sea from ital but yeah know I’m not right so hopefully I get enough I have 32 Enchanted I offender and I need 34 more all damn almost almost half of the way done with that I can’t even enter the end yet I’m going to theise even though this is like the only Bingo event where I don’t have to do that we be blessed by like being able to skip theise and yet I’m still going there because that’s all I know from bingos is to just go to v as soon as possible cannot really help myself about that what happens when you mind these like mind that you don’t you don’t get anything where that you used to get like actually the Diamond BS but you don’t get anything now there you go you are Italian confirmed oh my God all right I guess I guess I’m Italian you need the war mines for the West Community go go if you care about those yeah that’s true that’s like the only the only reason to go to the V is because of that one Community challenge but actually I complete the Bingo you don’t have to do that but yes I would like actually to do kind of well in the community RS cuz I have like I have 32 Bingo points and if I complete everything maybe I’ll have enough to upgrade my bingo rank to Max that’s kind of my goal now but I don’t know if I’ll actually get enough if even I I get top 1% in everything I’d like my next Bingo event like to be much easier I guess I don’t feel comfortable with this guy next to me just waiting to get killed got so much Cobblestone let me let me upgrade this guy with some Minion SWS and one more one last one no I don’t have enough the good thing is that my smelting touch is making me stone oh my God I hate I hate I hate the smelting touch so much because of that I upgraded to purple rank meid Bingo I’m definitely not getting the rank but what happens when you do that do do like just get a personal compactor or do you have to like restart the Bingo to get to get that I’ve got myself the purple Bingo like two bingos [Music] ago had like perfect amount of bingo points almost for that and then Community challenges ended and I got some extra but yeah this is a huge thing in bingo events I’ve almost lost my my the last time because I had didn’t have one of these you’ve had to like Farm 200,000 and carrot collections in garden and you know how annoying that is without a personal compactor you have to stop like every one minute to like keep on Crafting them into Enchanted carrots it was the most annoy thing ever nope I did not get the compactor or the Epic P the only thing I got was the potion upgrade oh you’re playing this without uh compactor then yeah that’s a that’s a issue because you will have like is there anything you need compor for I guess aot but you’re almost half of the way done you have to like manually craft those ender pearls every every five minutes yeah need that compor yeah and then on the west you also get the weer which is also very good like I I once you get get offender Pro you just put them in the wheer and just work on your oh my God why did you bring him here now I want him to kill you and he disappeared I was actually going to push him into him so he kills him because he just brought him here but he got lucky yeah end are most annoying yeah you have to at least at least I have it now last one I did it without compact was extreme unbelievably [Music] annoying good thing is at least you like progress in community one while doing the Enderman The Annoying Thing is even if you get enough for the aspect of the end you still won’t reach top 1% in that Community chall so you will have to keep going I’ve only got like top 3% last time then I got like aspect of the end I have to craft every one minute at my inventory key keeps getting full of Ender Armor oh yeah Ender Armor and equip that oh my God I forgot about that that’s actually like so annoying that’s why I want the weer as well man crafting is good to this Bing Cas it gives you crafting XP which helps in kill oh does does carpentry help count as well towards kill average if that’s true then that’s yeah that’s a that’s a big then that will help a lot but I still don’t think I’m manually going to crab those under pears that going to be so annoying taming is also going to be a big help towards that um skill average Bingo pet is so good for this I want to level him up as as much as possible before I get to those like big challenges where you have to work towards collections like that’s why I’m keeping them for last so once my like Bingo pet is like very high level I can just like go do those last and then have like do them twice as fast I’m currently mining for water storages oh yeah I’ve just put a minion up for those and they actually did a pretty decent drob I think where’s Oak oh no they yeah I’m I’m screwed I’m just screwed there’s my potion when I expire 30 minutes I still good time but I have to worry about that yeah I really want to like craft medium storages for like my spruce wood minions but I can’t because I need to keep all my wood for that L Storage I guess in the end I’ll have to resort to man foraging they do get filled super fast so like that’s why you need stores so much unless you’re going to be like camping them multiple times a day which is even more annoying than actually just foring manually and I’m almost mining F and I still didn’t get enough diamond bro is this game serious okay one more enchanted diamond please I’m probably going to reach like mining 12 now and not even have enough resources to enter the mines uh about the big girl is here you can buy Griffin to oh extra magic find and damage oh that that is interesting might surpass my main account foring here yeah on my main I’ve like maxed out every single skill except for even fishing is like 50 but put it like 30 or something it’s very dumb it is I’m being a bit better for damage though because it gives you like only with 12 strength I guess not but magic what do you need magic find for it I guess Enderman maybe I should buy one just to be safe you can never be too too safe with these bingles let me just check this gu uh anything I need magic find for doesn’t look like it really except maybe like aot to get some mener processor oh oh my God you’re scared the crap out of me anyway and bingo pet level up again just max out Griffin pet and drop K imagine I think people some people should did like they got to handle on bingo I think there was like a small Trend in Hypixel Community where when Bingo started they would try to get like a handle one Bingo it was very stupid is that done please it’s I have so many of these rare diamonds and there we go carpentry going up I guess what you can do like once you get all of these diamonds you can like just use them to like craft enchanted diamond blocks and then like craft perfect armor for for carpentry XP so that you can complete the skill average Quest it is high level shrank and another potion effects yeah but like I can just get splashed with everything I when’s the next p I should probably check uh before this one expires I I don’t want to be playing this without especially the fing ones uh last one was let me see uh like 30 minutes ago which is kind of perfect which means in another 30 minutes there will be Splash and my Splash is like about to expire in 30 minutes well it’s kind of kind of perfect timing right there I’m being honest but they are the diamonds finally done they are thank you let me throw away these never collecting another one ever again stone stone stone stone there we go okay now what what do I collect for the other two to go to the water Min is oh yeah is probably I is redstone maybe or coal because I can buy coal oh no not the Redstone hold on webs I think is the safest option for now because you get like ton of it right yeah yeah yeah WBS you go with WBS and then like one more I’m I can go like call iron or gold because I can just buy buy those from NPC especially gold and IR because there are two NPCs that sell them but I’m not sure how much that will help I guess a lot because that’s like more than half I think that’s why K Enchanted ones I think we’ll just do iron maybe and Redstone yeah or Redstone then I guess guys you also get a lot of it uh I can’t see what what you’re looking at what do you mean like you can’t see the stream that what you mean yo hello sty I don’t not know if he’s in the Stream usually when people message me in the game it’s because they are in the Stream I didn’t think about buying from the NPC I don’t know yeah the mine Merchant from The Hub is selling it selling them and the like the one in the gold gold mines there’s two NPCs that’s so gold and iron I think there’s a update of like I can see belts how do I access it was there an update hold on let me see there was no update what you talking about update about belts I don’t see nothing then not yet unlock the Weis oh damn this is at 2,000 col oh D that’s pretty deep in collection there unlock the just go ended let me first we collect we then I’ll check but what for the third one we can just buy from the NPC I mean I did get kicked like five times for an game update but like nothing here says that there was an update it’s night I should sleep now all right good night there inventory full nice uh let’s puts in here until want walk I should get this I should get this guy then for my diamond minion H him yeah yeah yeah hold on how how do I do him again so I can actually give my medium storage to someone actually important why his pickax okay oh I have this pick just give me I just do him real quick because I really need that storage and if I do I still didn’t unlock this oh I need an iron pickaxe oh hold on I didn’t even unlock the collection yet let me first we do that there we go I need an item do I have iron I don’t let me do that first what gold might so confirm if this guy is selling iron or not I know there like should be two NPCs who sell iron but is he the one please yeah he’s s IR he’s sing I pick buy that for now and then make make our Happ his pickax there we go and now we give him the lapis pickaxe and we collect the super compactor so I don’t have to worry about this stupid Diamond minion anymore I don’t think one is going to be really enough but it he will help I guess yeah yeah give me compactor please there we go this used to be like much simpler uh Quest you just needed to give him like an any pickaxe and it enough okay Diamond minion just give me that oh he’s even high enough de what is I think he he should be able to keep making Diamond box it will give him small storage from this guy and give him the medium one W 14.3 skill average that’s not bad I haven’t even done alemy oh damn yeah you you you are good then just do alchemy and the that should reach it did you do enchanting still haven’t unlocked the experimentation table good thing I minded myself just now I mean I can’t some random things until I unlock the I unlock it uh really ench I can’t put experience on this thing there we go then is the experimentation table oh my God enchanting level 10 yeah I’m me trting 19 oh still haven’t even the table don’t have it unlocked and my game froze okay it’s back here I just yeah I will not worry about that one for now I’ll do that one like Quest and like all of my skills level up on their own then I like just see what my world skills are and just do those until I complete that one I don’t need to worry about that one for now at least same as the collection ones I’ll just do those when my bingo pet is at its highest so I can like skip half of the entire challenge by just having my bingo pet it’s possible can you not can you not I still don’t even have armor in this game I’m combat to and I’m about what am I doing what am I doing and my Min is about to reach level 12 as well and we can just go the task I have left the spruce Co Spruce collection large storage aot skill average Diamond collection and mushroom collection my mushroom collection is very easy yeah it’s actually extremely easy I was surprised at how easy it was I broke mushrooms for like 3 seconds and I’m already at 6,000 collections like I honestly think five minutes is all it takes to max out that collection especially if your bingo p is high high level diamonds on the other hand I want to be super annoying I just saw how SW that yeah get that only 2 and a half th000 and you need 52,000 if my minion doesn’t do it I’m pretty much screwed about the Diamond collection did I not yet unlock the enchanted La is oh my God why is it taking so long at how much lapis I have still didn’t collection yeah I didn’t know that silk touch buffed it so much yeah silk touch used to be like actually useless than farming mushrooms with it now it’s like super good I was so surprised when I when I saw how how much mushrooms I was getting I actually thought of like building a farm in the garden for mushrooms but I think that can I please but I think like now it might be worse than just farming mushrooms like this there we go final Enchanted is lazuli uh and I don’t have enough I have nine oh there’s no way oh there is no way hold on oh my God I need like a stack more game okay game I see I see how it is how M like 10 more we course there you go is that enough yes it is final we piece and what’s my man LEL almost 12 so the final or is either going to be gold red stone or iron but I think these ones will take forever to unlock the collection though yeah especially because mushroom reset needs G level n oh damn really I’ve had no idea I for completely forgot about that can the NPC spawn please yeah yeah gold iron and coal so it has to be one of these or Redstone don’t even have a redstone collection unlocked that’s that’s a issue let’s let’s see just how fast the collection keeps going if I have to actually mine a th000 then yeah I not be doing that just do redstone I can buy enough to enter that what reminds if I just have the collection there mining F now I F this collection going yeah pretty fast actually okay yeah yeah we do iron then Coal also works but you can only buy coal from one NPC and this thing you can buy from like every NPC in the game everybody sells iron and and gold there do iron I guess because it’s cheapest it’s like you save like 2,000 coins if you buy iron in St of the gold it it has like no effect in any way but I’ll still choose to save money oh my God 2,000 coins is 2,000 coins on a bingo proile we have 82,000 I need to figure out a way to be able to kill Ender again on this profile last time it was super hard to be able to one shot them istic we need to be able to like kill them until I get Ender Armor and then doesn’t really matter that much I have 2 million coins in my bank I have no idea what to spend it on well you can just like transfer to your main profile once you want to collect as many coins as possible killing I used to have use the void sword and full armor actually work somehow yeah I think that’s what I did the last time too but problem is how how you kill them before you have have Under Armor because you have to kill them to get the end armor which last time i’ if you’re not Iran like last time you can you can just buy bubble G I think for like 5 million coins and just sell it for 5 million coins from an NPC because and the pH is take like a one spot in your transferring files if you save somehow even more coins than that just go to dark o or something I don’t know there’s a lot of expensive items that NPC sell that you can just resell back on the ocean outs and keep your coins how far am I in the iron collection oh yeah almost done ion go super fast it doesn’t matter if I go a little bit above the mining Val since I need skill out reg but what does matter is my inventory getting filled so fast every single second oh my God I should have done this from the start I forgot I have the stupid personal compactor there we go put the cobblestone in there oh my God I’m so DB if I had a liter to I would put coal and gold in there though would save me so much troubles oh yeah P items thank you yeah you’re welcome no problem that’s but I both was time to I think if you have not as many coins you can buy Stone to that works you only have a quest in a m or you can buy multiple STS if you have extra swords you don’t have anything to transfer last time there was like a fishing uh Fishing Challenge I’ve transferred like half a stack of Enchanted insects on my my Iron Man so that I can get my squid to legary and there’s still fishing in this bingo I think I’ll get enough INX from in this Mingo event I actually get my squid on there to Legendary Bingo mix me do some things I would never get done usually like fishing for example I would probably never actually decide to sit down and fish 4 hours to get those INXS without Bingo my C is this enough game come on give me the recipe give me the collection probably don’t even have to buy iron anymore I’ve got enough from Just DE miny or collection how do I have almost 100K coins where do those coins come from I have no slider schol how that happened [Music] [Music] somehow it’s going so much so now uh same like once I tried starting an Iron Man uh and had no idea what to do but Bingo actually shows me how to progress kind of also might have to randomly leave soon but I’ll be back after yeah that’s fine yeah it’s actually shows you like how to how to progress in the game kind of oh my God oh my God good way for a new player to make coins immediately like just starting Bingo profile completing it and you can make like 100 million coins immediately to just start playing the game if you can somehow complete it which I don’t really think new players will be able to do but at least it you let them know how to play the game hello how are you hello graan Zak how are you doing welcome to the Stream well how are you doing uh just a [Music] second all right I’m back sorry about that uh all right I think we should finally have enough iron uh to go to the VM I any moment now still haven’t really touched this chocolate cake update that that got released recently I did kind of touch it on my Iron Man like how I did I keep on upgrading those rabbits I got some Prestige thing now now like all of my rabbits are gone so I don’t really understand the whole point of that IIT so so yeah just was like all of my chocolate I don’t know what I did there poish name oh it did sound did sound kind of we have SE more names here so it did kind of sound like one of our but there we go final Enchanted IR oh my God uh I guess like all of our Eastern European name sound very similar there we go five now just buy AR rest thankfully don’t have to spend another hour mining iron there we buy that is there a limit on this F on how many did I buy oh yeah there is a limit what a second I thought you can buy as many as you want go H and just buy the final iron from this guy there we go and that’s that we can now go to the water m what for I we don’t know but like that’s what you do on Bingo you go to the water ice let’s give this guy his or diamonds uh I wish was G diamonds how did I enter here yeah is from my chest I think he did quite level up o nine of them what St recipe you did that fast good job I’m still very far away from doing mine uh I just want to like get contribution for this one I’m being honest with me just do like One Singular commission so I don’t forget about this one and like miss out on so many Bingo points for no reason oh damn did I miss a splashh hold and I I think I did oh now I’m screwed oh when was the last one uh okay I still didn’t I still didn’t it’s in like 6 minutes or 5 minutes or something okay I was here for a second I thought I would have to wa this without a splash uh the only problem is I have I only have half of the materials to actually craft it oh there really so you have to like get do that all over again basically oh then that’s a didn’t think think you would get enough usually they make like collections like you would get exact amount to craft whatever is in the collection when you read it but I guess they did not do that this I need to buy myself a mro pickax I hope it’s not actually expensive uh Bobby Boo Bo I’m sorry boo uh K I guess you’ll buy this one for now and I need to enchant it which is perfect because I need to be in the hub when Splash happens actually I don’t need to enchant it I can because I’ll like replace it with that better one I’ll just get like a efficiency for now efficiency yeah because I only need like 200 met and then I’ll replace it with a far better one uh spare spare hold on I need to make sure can can I can I refo a pickaxe oh my God all right he wants C I was not looking in the chat oh my God this is so much faster now with this thing look at that so much more mining speed what the hell two stacks of Enchanted do and I need four Stacks oh my God that’s a far too much on yielding M I never knew we could actually refor a pickax what the hell said is he do good work but he gain Zero Subs uh do you mean me am I the one who does a good work but gain Zero Subs I mean I do gain Zero Subs but I don’t know if I do good work oh my God so this should be in 3 minutes if somebody else needs a splash as well I’ll try to let you know before it happens in which Hub it will be because this thing is expiring in one minute anyway so I don’t want to play it without it just need to make sure I don’t miss it last one happened almost an hour go so we should be fine it should happen now I hope sometimes they wait no I’m I’m doing it with haste splash I don’t need the others I mean get the speed I guess and oring Fortune which should help our like in getting more wood for your large storage but D I didn’t know you don’t actually get enough wood to craft that is so D that is so much more food P had to be I swear if if if they are wait again and this doesn’t actually happen I don’t know what I’m going to do canot actually play this Bingo without this I can’t even like break wood instantly oh my God I guess I can try by mining because you don’t even need Flash in there really but there’s just Hast in 23 I guess if I need a he on I can go there but I’d rather get everything if I’m being honest now I believe in you you will be the second Tech I wish that would be nice I have to make a melon War try to get the most melon collection have to go up against the melon King how can he be the one who gets both melon and the king in his name that’s that’s not you cannot allow that I’m the one only known guy on the server actually I not there’s like a lot of people named the melons or some reasons people are very obsessed with melons in this game come on why is it not happening it’s time it’s time to happen why is it not happening please have techos said first few the subs were the hardest I be I know that that that’s very true especially when I had like B 1,000 another going to be squid kid it’s going to be my fell oh my God and that’s sub counter to the streams I used to have those but like they did not work so I just remove them I guess I should try to bring them back I’ve had them like before I had 1,000 that was like the ultimate to just reach that so you got 10 times Subs oh my God this is not happening I real is this not going to happen now is there not going to be a splash they are one minute wait oh no wait think I’m dumb hold on hold hold on oh no no it’s happening it’s happening okay let’s see which one is it uh H six there we go I got 10 there we go guys to the hop six if you if you need a SP I guess oh my god did it’s already full I think oh my God they are lagging what the hell yeah it’s full already it’s full already yes I can give you some other ones there usually multiple after this one all right yeah I got to go for some time now see you all right see you acoustic cat lover oh my God the way the lag bro get me out of here just spash me and get me out of here oh we is that it I think it is there we go oh my God all right wi it just see if there’s another one for you guys you also need one you there should be I have the V dwars I should right oh yeah I do D that’s good don’t even have that on my main so that’s very good that I have it at least in here there we go now I can play the game yeah I should spend the r to the mountain tree Lo the mining speed and let’s just a mine couple of metals oh there this is W oh my mining speed is so so what the hell I guess I don’t even have the armor but I didn’t think it’d be this so when you will get YouTube rank it will be one 100 times better yeah yeah I hope so I hope so I’m still very uh f away from that one in terms of Subs at least most the time and I get the more subscribers is just when I [Music] stream so from videos you really don’t get many subscribers but you do get like watch time and everything so if you’re like trying to get monetized just like stream until you get to 1,000 and then just like start uploading videos to get much time and everything because I was like stuck at around 500 for like so long you just cannot get subscribers and then I started streaming and like I got another 500 in like two months or something it was extremely so much faster there we go oh no wait I didn’t actually complet I just followed up my mining I’m dumb and there we go now I did now I did The Miner completed Mission commission so I should at please put me with with the cool kids so in the community one I can now have the participation bonus there we go two titanium or I have 100 met not yet uh oh my God pop 95% how did people mine this much already what the hell what’s wrong with people people actually already did the V this much oh my dear okay just some titanium here and now after this the actually hard quests are going to start there we go titanium Min are done just a second techno got 5K Subs in a year I think uh I think I got onek in a year but yeah the big thing that I did was like I actually qu both YouTube and Hypixel for about a year so that kind of killed Channel and everything but the one good thing about that was like I had like a couple of like really important videos I guess for like whole Sky Block like I was the only one who had guides for like a couple of things so wow I was gone for two years I like kept getting for one year I kept getting subscribers and I got like another almost 1,000 subscribers in the time I was gone and I basically did nothing so that was at Le kind of cool what’s my next commission me m SC that how far am i 94% bro bro People Are People serious and if you have a lot of time stream on Twitch no YouTube uh yeah never really streamed on Twitch and I not that we have that much time the reason why I quit in the first place was because I don’t didn’t have any time at all I was like moving the countries and everything going across Europe but now that I finally come back to weing peace I actually finally have some time to actually come back now and then videos of streams but I am kind of doing that now with my Iron Man like with my God forbid this happened last Bing of and there was actually a golden goblin challenge God forbid that happened no instead I had to spend our killing goblins just to get enough Goblin EGS for that guy to summon God forbid that actually happened then but yeah as I was saying I do kind of do that now with my Iron Man I I stream and then whatever I stream I I’ll make a video of that making a progress on my Iron Man there’s only like three videos of that right now because Iron Man is stupidly hard and there’s not much content to be made out of that like to just grind this for five hours after you’ve grinded that and grind another thing for 6 hours so very hard to actually turn that into entertaining video I actually like do kind of well if I’m being honest so they do kind of get decent amount of use uh do I have enough Metro now I don’t I need another stack to get a better pickaxe should I put forun on this one I guess but oh well didn’t put it before not going to put it now is there a way like you can actually check how far did people come in the stupid commission like how much xp I actually need to enter top f% because I swear people are crazy enough they probably go like heart of the Mountain Seven on a bingo or something D like that people are just that crazy on Bingo profiles man Kook in general like what people will do the in in this game I’ve never seen in any other game uh let me spend this P like a thousand what a mining speed that I’m missing do I to 50 minute videos so you get so you get money let me check how long long got those videos uh where was the last one yeah the last one was 11 minutes long I don’t have any like around 18 minutes the most I’ll have is like 160 minutes and that’s from like Bingo guides guys are like actually that the saving for any small YouTuber that’s guaranteed to get views no matter how small of a YouTuber if you want to start on YouTube Just make Bingo guides I’ve saw like five new YouTubers pop up just from making Bingo guys in the last two bingos kind of sucks because that was my thing and I used to get like 6,000 views for Bingo guide but after other people started doing it I get like not even 2,000 anymore but you know I still do them because it’s kind of my thing now have to do it even if gets nothing and I guess like whenever a new thing comes up you you can make a guide about that like my two biggest videos where like when cudra came out I just made a video on how to be able to do kudra that’s like still up there that like 40,000 views and like rubies I made like got out of M rubies and that’s also still getting views and has about 40,000 like those like just do so well and it’s cannot really make them very often dir V just got subs from streams and Iran yeah streams are very like you will get probably the most subscribers okay I’ll do finish this commission now and I think that’s it from the oh the I think I can do buy this pickaxe now yeah let’s buy the better one and just I’m out of here after this I can’t oh my God I have to be hard on to are you kidding me I have to be out of the mountain tier to I should have F Enchanted this thing and makes it out and whatever else I feel so D now and taming allev up let’s go now the needed for the skill average one but I do think taming is something I don’t have to worry about that much because that should be like my highest Kill by the end of this end mining goes up to 15 I guess I’ll have to do mining anyway for the skill average event so that’s maybe how I’ll level up my heart of the mountain L for the community one we shall see there we go this is finally done kill 50 creatures and first event I just did that one too that’s probably the best one that could have I could have gotten and this one and I’m out of my daily so I’m definitely not going to do anymore now and I’m top 76% though yeah I don’t know about that so how’s my hot on the mountain looking like can have on this two more into speed and that’s all we care about speed yeah I’ll finally buy that pickaxe I use that I walk this SW but I don’t know how to unlock it there we go now it’s unlocked boo boo give me bandaged M pickaxe thank you uh you on the other hand you can die now there we go and H we are done with the Min for now I still need to go here to I do my Diamond collection and whatever but for now that is that uh let’s just if we keep that for now let’s sell this this this this this this this this ‘s see this this is this this this there we go now we will just upgrade Cobblestone minion once which I think I can there we go I can uh 14 more for another unique slot which I do need I need another unique slot small backpack I do this one now that’s like super easy G Titanic let’s do that one honestly let’s just apply Titanic to something stupid make I make golden bools and app on that just so we get it out of the way okay give me Titanic and immediately on the first try we get Titanic unbelievable there we go another has been completed is there any more easy ones guess magical mushroom so that’s that one is super easy 3C creatures 75 second that one is hard kind of hard find five p in experimentation table so I reach 250 Health uh yes we can do magical mushroom soup I think I already have the collection if I’m being honest let’s just see yeah I do magical mushroom soup just need bow Redstone and W Stone oh yeah Boston Boston is a little bit tricky but if you didn’t know you can just buy gone from here so uh there you go yeah just buy Goldstone p on your Island break it like that uh good thing is I’ve thr away my Redstone that I’ve had a couple of seconds ago so now I have to go back to the deep and get it back again Health with Mushroom Armor you can do H I think I can do Health with like any armor almost have it yeah that will happen on its own I don’t have to really worry about it but yeah I’ll just get mushroom if if I somehow cannot complete it uh this guy I’m not going to do his quest for obvious reasons uh Redstone I need Ball come on up here oh my God oh my God what is going on H pixel go give me R I just get this one out of the b as soon as possible uh now mushrooms can I just turn these into regular mushrooms is there a recipe for that or will I have to go to Desert for that oh my of course I have to go to Desert break two mushrooms okay fine fine I’ll do it if Hypixel will let me if it will let me please I guess it won’t me oh I want I want to work towards the aot one just so I have a something to teleport with that it y it is Mystical mushroom soup very at I missing something there I forget something have Redstone go forgot actually break the GL Stone there we go have you already bought the bo oh my God I did not I forgot about that thank you thank you r i completely forgotten to do that mystical mushroom I have to consume this right yep there we go another has been completed uh maybe this row will soon get completed once I deal with the diamonds but this gu is like super slow so don’t know how that is likely let’s buy the powder before I forget about it again because if you forget to buy this you are kind of screwed you will have to go to either nether which is like impossible to do in a bingo or you will have to go to the crystal holes and kill the blazes next to the ball which is yeah you also pretty screwed cuz there like no blazes there and they give like no boys Po and they are super annoying to kill and I still haven’t gotten my rock pet which is concerning because I want to put him in cat as soon as possible so yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do about that uh small backpack I guess we can do that one and the minion one honestly I really need minion slots for the Spruce Wood minion and for my Oak minion so I should probably get some Minion just a moment all right I’m back uh so the easiest minion swots I can get will probably be farming and foraging but for now let’s let’s do let just do the small backpack because that’s like super easy I’ll just kill 50 cows get a minion and let the minion kill the rest probably way to watch me not be able to one shot cows okay I can I can I get scared for a second oh now we’ll just kill the cows get 50 weather make a minion and just let minion get yeah the rest for us later probably like an hour minion can do it but I can do in five minutes but you and only only combat three oh my God I still haven’t touched combat well stor is like 42 collection for craft yeah so much fing it’s it’s so stupid I’ll probably have to for manually but I’m desperately trying to avoid that Spruce would I can at least maybe point on my Island and then footage like that but oh good I cannot even do that like I should probably prioritize my minions at least on hak so if it comes to manual foraging I’ll be much more likely to complete the spruce instead of Oak at least when it comes to Spruce I can use all of my wood would just like upgrade my minions meanwhile on the I have to keep some wood so I can actually craft the storage I’m just cool whatever I do in the terms of foraging Whenever there is a foraging in Bingo you know that Bingo cannot end well you will just have to suffer immensely throughout that Bingo challenge moment you see a BR so Birch or any type of food collection there oh my God what okay yeah I get maybe do iort jungle X or something I don’t know there we go I think I’m done with this let me make a un singular cow minion and let him do his thing beef there we go cow minion let’s Place him on my Island do I even have a minion slot probably not but please okay I do actually I had One Singular minion slot so that’s perfect I’m already running into issue without I cannot now give this guy a storage and he only has two swots which are not going to be enough just one small st is going to be enough I it yep give him that at least it should be enough now running into such a dumb problems Wherever I Go these guys are they full already they are not okay they are going much so than I thought okay that should be another challenge them basically that’s no longer need we’ll put leather in there too and let’s see what our next go Le is going to be Dragon Sword I really cannot do that one yet uni armor sets just a [Music] moment all right sorry about this I’ll have to take a very small break now I will go on to my main however while I while I while you wait because I don’t want my guard potion to expire so I’ll just I’ll be right back okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I’m back sorry for waiting uh for Dragon short B uh for Dragon should b u 200k and combat 12 uh 200k V sorry I need to go but to go back have a nice day and a lot of Subs all right thank you thank you thank you grak appreciate it but let’s now go back to our Bingo profile so very very oh my God I’m already skyb lev7 on this thing almost dat uh all right so I just want to like actually enter the end as soon as possible actually I can complete this one instantly what’s all that one just deposit coins think what I need is like a just the Raider EGS maybe I’ve never gotten Raider EG before but I think this might be the Bingo chall where I get one how much is that like 120k deposit of this now let’s look for the relics until I have 120k so that I can just buy that think and actually have somewhat decent weapon for this though I will need some good armor but I don’t want to be getting go again I’ve gotten go like 30 times in my wife I don’t want to get it 31 oh I’m sorry about that uh where’s The Relic again I think my mod can show me where they are but I know there should be one over here some where that it yes that that’s [Music] that there we go that’s oh my God are you kidding me speak to Archies before you quick this thing oh my God I know exactly what he will say because I spoke three billion times to him already but of course I have to speak third billion and first time to him but yeah there go yeah yeah yeah yeah no I’m not okay is there actually any armor I can get for this besides something d by Mushroom Armor that will work so I can kill end I really D there is anything there should be one right here yep thank [Music] and I need like three of them four of them something let’s go back to the first [Music] one personal bank okay I do that’s 98k so because I know about die i’ rather just not lose the coins there we go uh where are the rest of them wa two more I think what is up I’m back uh well I was kind of thinking I had to take a small po so I didn’t really do much but now I want to collect the Relic so I have enough coins to buy like a Raider a or something so I can actually get into combat and stuff since I have like no weapon or anything still don’t know what to do about armor because I actually don’t have I don’t want to get goite armor again it’s like so annoying to get that one so like I have no really idea what to get instead of the GL armor but I think R Rex will be a nice start for a weapon can I even get these without Ender peos I don’t think I can I don’t even have to I have enough uh I’m using void sword for oh yeah that’s true there’s a void sword uh how do you get vo SW again you just talk to that guy and he gives you gives it to you no he sells it to you right oh yeah and I shouldn’t waste my coins uh not about armor though went from under St yeah that’s probably what I will do then you need combat 12 then how they level up combat that’s the fastest way to do that I guess I kind of have to kill GL Dan to get GL armor by just killing them leveling up my combat he SS for 200k okay that’s that’s what getting then so how I up my combat GL mob probably right let’s see I have a commission for shot mes anyway so I might so complete that for tomorrow I’m not going to collect it I’ll collect tomorrow once I have the day commissions up but I might as well complete it now but you have the void sword you can like two or three shot Enderman I think and then once you have all the armor and enant S you start one shotting them soon is that like without an armor or what armor did you use yeah this is why I H hitting sh it’s impossible to actually get because of all these people it is so annoying even if I can get single what piece that would be good because I don’t even have this on my Iron Man it’s just that annoying to get I like to transfer some pieces I need like two more pieces I don’t know which ones so my AR to have a full set oh now there’s another person killing them and I’ll never get anything mine SL yeah that’s the one I complete yeah they give a ton of combat XP actually I think they are the best ones to level up my combat as right now the mobs oh at that’s you can now see the mice from there that’s cool nice I just died please I didn’t ose my is there v v was watch the war called to take me to Ice Ice I don’t know just a second oh my God all right I’m back I’m back very sorry about that uh can I get five experiments in 3 days uh just place it now yeah you definitely can um you can get like five five pairs I think in like two experimentation tables they go very fast like those first experimentation tables like you will always almost find every single one of at the possible Pati there yeah was using one of the Rosetta set which doesn’t give any damage stats that’s that’s pretty cool then uh but how did you all up your combat though to get there if you’re playing on mods with the latest version yes oh I’m Curr 1.24 version there’s like four mods for this version and three of them are like for boosting FPS so that’s like my main reason why I play on this mode because my FPS just dies when I’m streaming or recording and it’s like actually makes it able to play the game in like 60 FPS and I still get this cool mode that like actually does like but mods most mods do it has like most of the features yeah this five pairs in two days yeah it’s definitely definitely possible oh my God can I stop getting one shoted by these things I know there was a stupid bar scroll to teleport to the ice wall but I can’t I can’t remember what it’s called oh my God if I buy one more time I give up one more time I know that gives a lot of comat I could try SAR I guess because I there’s a community challenge or there’s a what the hell and it’s a legendary griefing one okay they never see this seen this before but just one going to give near those things these things things are very stupid because they can damage you but you cannot damage them without thing so if I actually even touch that thing it will one shot me but I cannot even hit it I don’t remember what I did for combat I think yeah that’s probably what I will do too but yeah just completed that commission one 100 K mining XP oh that that’s cool okay I need to collect that right now problem is I don’t have a weapon or anything to actually level up my combat so how do I even kill Revenant the weapon I guess and that sword and Mushroom Armor should be good enough but I right now I that 100K mining XP up my ping look at this I’m not going to col this now I’ll col it tomorrow but there we go oh my God look at this taming Bingo P level 64 that is that is good I have 100K coins oh my God hold on there we go 200k now now I can definitely aoid void sword and everything three out of four stacks of Enchanted you’re almost there youve almost got it meanwhile me I’m pretty screw basically completed this Bingo you we have to like grind for those couple of w things that are left and done with this scw these things I’m I’m getting one shoted cannot get a single piece of armor can I just buy this oh no Combat 9 I think this is the best I can just buy because it’s rare what combat am I again combat eight I should have just leveled up until n and then left uh let me try killing some revenants without armor can I can I even kill these zombies what my damage oh my oh it’s bad yeah I have to go back that’s like the only things I can one shot that actually give some combat XP that’s literally my only option just kill them until I get one more mining level uh combat level then I can go do whatever probably once I can buy that armor and that that AXS and I should still have coins I believe to be able to for vo sword as well all the foraging levels giving me coins do I have 2.4 million coins yeah the coins from skills is actually insane like for my it and I keep there we go CH PL at least I keep on finding new coins I don’t know how but then I figured out it was from the stupid uh skills leveling up this I’m definitely transferring on my IR mans are such a pain to get there we go on Combat 9 but I will keep going until I die if I can drop some more GL I stuff would be awesome man very remember those you need them for like everything related to mining or especially since I want to like a Dr soon about to hit another combat level and these things are so good for combat XP though now I don’t get one shoted because of this chest plate that I have pretty good I have to be very careful still I will get two shoted I don’t be careful see I want another combat level another piece of armor maybe or rather get go ju so I can transfer them rather than armors oh no I’m dead don’t hit me again please do not hit me again please there we go combat 10 I’m just going to level up from these guys it seems like which will avoid me trouble of buying that armor and mixing it out skip straight to the Ender Armor there oh my God the way what’s going on yes that I can’t even do anything to oh my god did you have to spawn him I cannot even kill him I do don’t do enough damage are you kidding me game not this is all your fault this is all your fault let’s com I think I’m 10 already where does it say My Level oh my God that was close that was very close uh with nowh in the tab does it say what combat level I actually am I believe I’m 10 but I guess I will not move until I actually level up the that’s killing me way helmet perfect I’m in the end I’m going to end up with a full set of oh my God this is close the these are getting closer and closer to killing me there we go combat 11 one more combat battle and skybook battles is going up perfect everything is going the way it should for once oh my high pixel don’t do this now don’t do this now I’m almost the level go to the end does Bingle pet give you increased skill XP boost I think he does right let me trck that real quickly uh gives you 10% more skill XP hard to the mountain XP and Slayer XP oh my God is this a good pet I need to level him up as soon as possible for that like with every single quest in this Bingo event he helps like I’m so Sky level 30 almost damn bro like this these like Bingo boosts are like so op like give me like a month playing on this profile with like this Bingo pet and everything and I I probably catch up to my main there used to be time when Bingo event was much more difficult we did not have any of these boosts no Bingo RS no Bingo pet nothing you don’t didn’t even start like storages grappling with nothing that was the true test of skyb knowledge was to complete that Bingo back then but now this is like so much easier now un popular opinion they should like give these boosts only to like Bingo ranks like higher the Bingo ranks like when you start just start Bingo event like you should not have like almost no boosts at all back in my day exactly exactly what challenges are you doing now I’m just trying to like level up to combat 12 so I can can go to the end and possibly get some GL pieces while so I can actually survive in the end but yeah did get like the very first Bingo event card when you complete it I did have that but I did unfortunately sell it because back then you were able to sell them and they were selling for like very expensive and like every Bingo after that I’ve completed until I’ve gotten like the best Talisman and then eventually like Bingo rank two because that was the highest Bingo rank back then and then I just stopped playing bingo minions the fastest way for skybook XP uh I’m not looking for skybook XP I’m looking for combat XP I say sky XP and boots I can I get boots as well I think I’m I might be missing boots on my IR I boots I need combat 12 to enter the end you don’t need any skyb levels I don’t think for the end and there we go combat 12 but I’m tempted to keep going to get W piece of armor because honestly I I’ll have much easier time getting this off on Bingo because of the Bingo pet and like all the extra magic find then I will have on my like actual Iran Pro because you don’t get any of these boots there but yeah I think I’ll just stop unless I get it now maybe immediately somehow I won’t try to ask with okay we we we good enough let just like for this to Fierce and let’s go to the andm we just like buy that SPO sword and we should be good nothing else can I buy immediately the whe I need to actually I complete couple of quests before I get that ability to buy there we go and W St we’ll be without boots for a while but it doesn’t matter maybe we get the Ender boots on our first try War pend no adventure oh my God the leg okay want Adventure give me the sword you just need to kill five Enderman to get a sword oh I don’t know how possible that is going to be with my 200 damage oh my God okay now this is fine this sword is not Enchanted and it has no reforge and I’m just waiting to some idiot with frozen side to just kill this thing oh my God I have to do that one more time four more times okay okay it’s fine if they kill me I’ll just respawn and the come again do you want me to get War for you maybe not the RO I don’t have anything else yeah sure C if you want if you don’t want right now just send me a part oh my God now I’m screwed doesn’t matter because I can just come back and finish them off not like that you oh my God how do I trigger the other one I’m hitting one of them why does the other one keep attacking me no nobody somebody’s going to steal them somebody’s going to steal them now no no don’t you dare okay okay thank you thank you uh we almost done okay that one is dead and two more okay one more now one more now buy a hand sword for 30 coins but why because I can like actually I’m I’m so good I can do it with Rog sword obviously so do I need an end sword probably but will I get it definitely not because I just did it there we go quy I kind of already did it but yeah okay all right not bad give me now the actual sword there we go war and okay there we go 200k I should I should you know what I should I should start a CH Factory on my bingo I don’t have enough chocat okay that sucks would be funny to see how much chocat I would have like at the end of my bingo okay how much damage one key okay I do need to Enchanted so right now this is not looking too great with onek damage but maybe once I put everything on it uh what costs 50 levels Dr killer yep and how the giant CER give me Health wait what how did I complete this one by enchanting this one with giant cure how did that give me health I don’t know got the enant and for focus on Enderman SW sharpness and giant I don’t think I even have Enderman Slayer unw walked yet uh can somebody Splash me with with the grand XP bottle so I can cre this thing what do I want this one spicy right I don’t even have coins to ref oh my God please tell me I have more in Bank okay I do I do just a couple of grand XP battles in I should be fine to everything I think uh spicy right there we go that’s spicy I can all right what’s your what’s your I have bun Bingo what what your acoustic But Me girl K or qu is he going to Splash me very at I’m at the enchanting table CL going to Splash me yeah yeah he is there there you don’t have to do uh do it uh cat lover F he’s got right M XP y there we go let’s start enchanting sharpness boom Another One have more I need I need Enderman SW do I have end SW unlock I don’t but critical I need critical I end s hold on Enderman SAR is okay I need first strike with tra Bel can I be your friend yeah sure what’s your I’ll send you a friend request got TOS XP bottles from and not I gave you all my money oh my God hold on qu not all at once not all at once cuz I have multiple got to go for like 30 minutes all right byy see uh what else do I need we need one TR something stupid just why and walk okay qu is gone I need more of us okay uh party uh what again cat [Music] Kane Kane there we go uh F alen Elon there you go Alon uh also remember to refood everything like sword armor and equipment I do not have any equipment yet but can I V you uh C did he accept did I miss did I misspell his name which is very likely that that it happened okay there go he accepted all right just like Splash me like two three bottles at a time like can I actually everything now entrance W thing because that you need say when you need now now I need yeah there we go not at once and he did all at once okay now I need a W for the first strike I think yeah yeah now I need a pawn 75 more more more more more more okay good good good good a first strike is very expensive and there we go the Enderman so that’s the final one I need I think this one is 40 LS okay let me actually get the walk too and that’s it so I can actually drop the armor faster and the ender pearls okay I think that’s it yeah that is it is there any other entrance party me one all right party Al there we go I know why but what and let’s let’s let’s try this now this is extra Enchanted oh and I can one shot them and I got the end the chest PL warp all right warp here is connected see K gr oh my God this what what go well we got the chest PL on our first try we can now one shot these things which is perfect but the ultimate goal is to actually oh he p with Tian right thank you thank you Alan have you needed to enchant my equipment maybe I think think I just got I can I them anymore I don’t have creep chance really oh then that’s stupid oh this is you now I don’t want don’t have 100% creance but yeah the goal is to actually be able to kill the 9,000 Health Endermans because these ones don’t actually give that much of anything so hopefully I can just kill these ones until I get the end armor and immediately oh my God immedi we switch to the good ones and the necklace okay there’s the necklace too which I have to defa but not now do I get the rest of the armor please my what even is my creance it’s so bad 77% it’s time to put ender pearls in here I haven’t unlocked the recipe yet oh then that’s dumb that is dumb indeed okay this oh my God how the hell can I increase my creance if I were to get ender boots or really any kind of boots I think that would be a big help oh my God okay this is actually slly helmet too we’ve already gotten most of the pieces and Boots there we go I’m going to V them now there’s no point really just extra Health until I reford everything and the leggings now as well and that’s it hopefully I get the leggings next oh I went in the wrong territory I went into 6,000 ones daming going up perfect and the boots again I would like leggings game please necklace again I get anything but the leggings it seems it just seems like that’s how this is going to go another boots oh my God what this gu is doing my4 throw away one of these one of these pleas what is this guy doing I do not know who who is that who’s doing this oh Enon oh Enon okay I see I see what you’re doing here I see what you’re doing here I just was 32k but I don’t care he’s getting them all W oh my God okay just put this now in here he’s like hitting all of them gaing them in one place and they’re now like a w I can just them now I want to put Queen on my sword too oh my God that’s so funny though I still cannot get leggings it seems another necklace game don’t need more necklaces who is that who’s doing this oh my god do you have to do me like that do do you have to do that D pinging everywhere that I saw desperately need oh that’s funny oh that is funny but okay okay sir just wait again everything but the leggings bro come on please I need the leggings and my combat went up oh there we go the leggings okay let me just finish all of the ones he got here oh my God hold on and anothers now and I still can one shot them I’m dead when I kill me still almost almost there we go okay full armor let’s go to the hub now uh refor the these armors get rid of my gight white me pick F I don’t think I’m going to have coins but pure be please I’m definitely not going to have enough coins if it continues doing this that’s one fears now enter helmet I also need fears there we go the leggings ear and I have for boots this has to be like the first try I don’t let so just like the excess equipment for the extra coins D they sell for the MPC Titanic Fierce please there we go and the necklace I do not know what I want on NE what’s a good refor for NE honor I think this think I remember it being honored or something now like that here here here yes yes and now put this on and let’s see the damage uh let me actually put the que on this thing now to Boom there we go did unlock experimentation table yet I did not where is that thing okay I did I did okay yeah let me make that thing how you made it okay it’s very cheap just need one of these rest beting Super Craft let’s go to the island and W this thing and we just do let just do this I need to find pairs for the treng anyway so there we go and I go texture clicks and there we go that’s three pairs right there okay okay that’s a very good start TR anything going up I don’t need and let’s see where is the challenge How many pairs was it five pairs there’s something else about enchanting no thought there might be a community about enchanting but there isn’t I do need enchanting for skill average though so coins AV and my damage now is going to be 8,000 oh my God what the hell I’m so close to be being able to kill n k on I need like so I need like a th000 extra damage how the hell can I get 1,000 extra damage my oh my God my Splash just expired and the last one happened oh my God it happened 10 minutes ago oh that’s an issue I forgot about Splash now I’m stuck being without a splash now that’s a big issue I for completely forgot about you kill six k at really SP no I can’t even kill them anymore are you kidding me now I screwed don’t know what the hell can I do in this game without a [Music] splash yeah yeah I’m definitely screwed how far am I in the cach I’m not even anywhere I’m nowhere okay okay this I definitely cannot do right now but can I do without oh D I didn’t think about this where 15 unique armor sets how is this not counting how is the armor not counting we’ll just have to wait for a while until the stupid SP happens [Music] again let me talk to this guy again eight pieces how do I get all eight of them oh my God I don’t know I don’t know what to do now could maybe do mushroom ones until we wait for the splash the diamond one maybe let’s go mine or do this St the easy ones like the armor ones I think that’s the best course of action right now just do all the easy ones until the SP happens get them out of the way is it time to collect these guys better safe sorry I’ll col them right now just to be safe get feel super quick so with diamond one oh no why the hell did I call the diamond one I forgot I gave him a compor no I should not have made Oak into Enchanted but too late now C how is he doing pretty bad okay I think we can begin with the armor ones like just start making out the three armors make 15 armor unique armor sets I’m sorry about that all right let’s buy the train meal from here P will be the first right yeah that’s a first gold should have gold armor that I can just buy don’t have to craft that is number two need it count it did can get rid of both of them now have the diamonds I can make the diamond one now that’s the fourth one I think no that’s thir advant just you’re also getting sold to the NPC now uh is there a Harden Diamond I can make Harden diamond is expensive I don’t think I can make that there’s iron armor I haven’t made yet just a moment and back uh what did I just do uh what did I just do oh my God I can’t see my stream anymore what the hell did I just oh my God everything everything died everything stopped okay everything is back okay aome I can also make a weather armor I think I’ll do that as well I have wers I think from C you the closest to the dragon short wolf yeah but I have to get like the equipment that I don’t know how I’m still missing like three pieces of Ender equipment let’s let’s just deal with this one for now I cannot forget the next splash otherwi I’m definitely screed okay that’s another one selling you how many we at we are at three that did not count how did IR just not count okay make it again then and I’ll wear it again does it count now game it’s [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys I can’t seem to actually figure out how to fix this so yeah I I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what to do the splash is about to happen as well uh what is this uh complete back cat L and you did that good job I I have like a small problem about my Bingle Quest like this one it like just keeps resetting all the armor pieces that I wear so like I don’t know what to do about that is like stream lagging or like what’s going on oh my God it is why is this happening now oh my God the Del house is so big now

This video, titled ‘BINGO Event! Can I complete everything? Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Melonest on 2024-06-03 19:14:08. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:18 or 10158 seconds.

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  • AvalocMC

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  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! ๐ŸŒŸ Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: Discord: About ๐ŸŒ  Harmony Falls ๐ŸŒ : ๐Ÿ˜„ Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! ๐Ÿฐ Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. ๐Ÿ‘ฅ PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. ๐Ÿ‘น Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! ๐Ÿ‰ Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. ๐ŸŒ„ RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. ๐ŸŒŸ Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! ๐ŸŒŸ… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | ๐Ÿ”ด LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* โœจ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe โžค @_thejuicebox โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Support Our Community* ๐Ÿ’• Discord โžค Patreon โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” *Check Out Our Channels* ๐ŸŽ‰ Let’s Plays โžค Game Guides โžค Retrospective Podcasts โžค โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft’s BEST Security Build!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ1K BLOOD SHOWDOWN: Aswan Manananggal VS Minecraft's BEST Security Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ–ค1000 BLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-05-01 09:45:00. It has garnered 461459 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜ŽIBLOOD Aswang Manananggal vs Most Security Best Build in Minecraft! | ENGLISH | OMOCRAFT ๐Ÿ–ค DO YOU WANT PURE JEYJEY? ๐Ÿ–คKIMMIE CHANNEL – ๐Ÿ–คFB PAGE : ๐Ÿ–คFB GROUP : WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129 @AstraeaaPH Aphmau, Maizen, Nico… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge with Rika Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘0009 Minecraft 1-Life Challenge! (Anne Cook Day 20+)’, was uploaded by Rika Roleplay on 2024-01-15 10:41:39. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:43 or 10783 seconds. Minecraft Character Spreadsheet: Join my Discord! (Small but ever present) Rika’s Videos Discord: Video Chapters: 0:00 Setting up Stream Read More

  • Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem Reveals

    Insane Wither Storm Size | EYstreem RevealsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Big Can the Wither Storm Get?’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-04-19 02:00:03. It has garnered 2479469 views and 32169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:12 or 1032 seconds. Surviving The Worlds BIGGEST WITHER STORM in Minecraft! The MOST POWERFUL BOSS Battle Explosion! Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! ๐Ÿ˜ Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here โ–ถ ๐Ÿ‘• Buy EYmerch: ๐ŸŽฎ My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) โค๏ธ Tik Tok:… Read More

  • Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute Madness

    Minecraft Insanity: 1000 Days of Absolute MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘1000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2024-05-12 05:00:25. It has garnered 233945 views and 3180 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:55 or 13195 seconds. I stream almost everyday on Twitch at ๐Ÿ˜€ come chill with us anytime! Let’s Play Hardcore Minecraft 1.20.4 1000 days of hardcore Minecraft! I used Complementary Reimagined Unbound Shaders when recording this episode. I also use the resource pack called Fancy 2.0 GUI Overhaul. I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and/or study. Thank you so much… Read More

  • “EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shorts

    "EPIC BATTLE: Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #jjk #jujutsukaisen#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts’, was uploaded by xhsty on 2024-05-08 04:37:00. It has garnered 9596 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft | #jjk #jujutsukaisen #shorts jjk,jjk edit,jjk season 2,jjks2,jjk 250,jjk 257,jjk Shibuya arc,jjk 257 leaks,jjk 257 spoilers,kyoto students jjk,exchange event jjk,kyoto vs kenjaku jjk,explained, jujutsu kaisen,manga,translation,translations,john,weary,werry,english,awful,official,viz,gege akutami,anime,manganimist,sukuna,examples,bad,part 2,mistranslation,mistranslations,fan,strongest characters in jujutsu kaisen ,jujutsu kaisen Manga Read More

  • Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses!

    Beware of the Boss Hunter! Minecraft Rexy's Expansion All Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rexy’s Expansion All Bosses ( Bedrock Addon )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-23 01:34:29. It has garnered 1681 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Link: Music: Makai Symphony Website: 1. Battle 2 2. Endless Storm 3. Duel 4. Battle 1 5. All Out Attack 00:00 illager Giant 02:31 Zombin 04:52 Wither Son 07:39 Snow Monster 09:56 Bob Witch 13:07 Skeleton King 15:06 Madllager 16:48 illager Mech Read More


    FREE MINECRAFT DOWNLOAD: 100% REAL! DISLIKE IF IT DOESN'T WORKVideo Information This video, titled ‘|HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT FREE FROM GOOGLE |100% REAL NAHI HUA TO VIDEO DISLIKE JAR DENA’, was uploaded by GC TECH on 2024-02-21 12:01:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending#howto#trendingnow#diy#viral#tutorial#popular#review#hot#unboxing#breakingnews#haul#buzz#funny#top10# … Read More