Insane! Mika Melatika invades NIJISANJI EN Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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Are you ready are you ready song’s almost done we’re almost ready to go i’m so excited good morning good afternoon good evening let me unmute let me see mika i’m me are you ready yeah okay they can hear you already oh mine too all right three two one

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don’t talk oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry oops sorry i just upped your voice by like 200 i’m sorry my bad okay all right oh are you live ready yeah oh hi okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s okay

Not scotland let’s try from the beginning one second one second let me mute and unmute and we’re just gonna pretend okay okay mika can you hear me yes mommy hi all right are you ready mika yes [Laughter] i am but we’re supposed to make them think we’re professional

Oh okay okay okay sorry okay you didn’t see [ __ ] no one saw anything it’s fine good morning everybody good evening everybody [Laughter] it’s so not scuffed it’s so not scuffed it’s funny because for you it’s already night and you’ve streamed today and for me it’s the complete opposite i’m just

Waking up i’m just getting started holy [ __ ] how are you feeling in the morning i’m kind of excited i heard celine made a house for us you know i’ll be honest with you i passed by that ugly thing a few times and i thought to myself what the hell is

That ugly ugly thing who built it ugly it’s it’s well you’ll see what i mean when you log in okay i’m okay okay i believe celene would never make such an ugly thing i don’t know baby all right before we start i want to talk to our streams a

Bit just in case anybody doesn’t know you would you introduce yourself please to the people hi okay hi everyone i’m mikko bianchika from ninja sanji today i’m going to be an explorer wow you’re a cartographer you are a tourist oh my god welcome hello everybody i am nina kosaka of niji

Sanji ian and today i will be the tour guide for mika’s time in the niji en server thank you so much for inviting me here it’s gonna be so much fun i will have to say this though even though i have been on the server from pretty much week one

Even i sometimes i’m surprised when i meet when i like see secret tunnels and when i discover how much people have been building it feels like the server just grows every time i look at it are we gonna visit disney by the way of course baby we’re gonna visit everything

Yeah baby listen we have about five hours today maybe four and a half i don’t know we can go wherever you want um what do you think is gonna be best do you think it’s best if i tie you up and like kind of guide you

Where i think is best or do you want to just like kind of run around and i follow you and i explain to you uh i am bad at direction so the first option i like getting tied okay perfect perfect can you tie a lead

To a person like you do with animals in this game by the way does anybody know animals yeah you can tie like a rope to animals and make them follow you i wonder if you can talk to somebody i feel like if you could we would have been tying each other up unfortunately

Nope ah sad thank you for joining by the way everybody everyone’s so cute we’ll we’ll figure it out you can fishing pole a player mika what’s that you’re about to get fished do you fish and chips and you want listen tramps fishing tips i’m fine with

Anything at this point i just want to not get lost and die i like my two goals are not to get lost and not to die i think the dying has to be taken off your goals list because you will die you will die a lot you will die no

I’m just saying baby it’s it’s no death no death i’m a minecraft pro no death i’m a minecraft girl what happens if you die if you die you give me 10 bucks if i die i ragequit from the stream no death just trust me trust me nina i’m not gonna die

So what if you die what if like celen’s house kills you are you just gonna end the stream what kind of no balls no i don’t please don’t end we i planned this this is please baby please okay i i guarantee no death if i die you give me 10 bucks yes

I like that mommy yeah i love you i’ll give you 10 bucks in a certain in a different currency in my currency i’ll give you 10 bucks oh yeah i feel like you’re mine in indonesia just started getting super chat so i’ve been seeing numbers that are like 500 000

Yeah that’s that’s how we that’s how we buy stuff the smallest is like a hundred here that’s like a coin love it i love it i love it i love it okay baby are you ready tonight can i yeah can i join now yeah wait hold on let me

Join too oh oh wrong scene okay can you hear by the way her volume loud enough she’s good you can hear sweet mika right so i actually have a little story about the spawning point um that you currently are about to spawn in okay first things first what the hell did

Celen build i know it’s gonna be a trap this is saucy what the hell is this mika i haven’t even joined oh you haven’t even joined no do i join now uh yes i’m just gonna connect okay hi look up baby wait i’m like literally loading train oh

What the [ __ ] i just see nothing look up baby gohan thank you for the super he’s covering your first death thank you thank you oh my god your skin is so cute i mean when you die he already covered it so you can die once thank you for covering my dad oh she

Gave you a pic all right you know what me pig where oh a pic a pic so what do i take it oh you have to hit the you have to hit the portrait no to get the pick you have to break it i don’t wanna i

Think you do yeah it’s not her things it’s your things now this is ocean law baby doesn’t she kind of look like petra from the side oh you can’t break it hold on hold on hold on i’ll cover her first poster hold on hold on remember i’m also kind

Of a minecraft noob so on craft mix media wow vlogs on crap hold on hold on hold on chest that i also can’t access okay wait oh okay there’s this thing when you first log into the game because we’re at the starter spawn there’s a possibility that we can’t

Break anything so let me tell you a very quick story about this place you’re in a while ago luca put a really elaborate prank on us and he made the walls where you spawn like obsidian we couldn’t get out because we had died and he like killed our beds okay take this

Look what i threw items on the ground nice good job wait can i all right try it now try it now baby oh yeah see okay look up here you’re basically trapped how did celine do this how did she build in the starting spot so because it’s in the

Starter spot you won’t be able to get out i think darn you selene darn you i think it’s like a spinning door no it’s not i thought it’s gonna be like a cool spinning door oh oh it’s the slime blocks it’s the slime block speaker [Laughter]

How did celen do this here’s an extra two lives thank you so so much for the extra lives for mikka montica oh my god this is so genius this is so devious welcome to ian’s server selenb door 2022 blocks on craft mixed media what the hell celentatsuki

She is deep oh i found a way okay um let’s try our door just to see if we can like actually wait are you did you use the door no how does there’s no way you can oh you just go through how did you do it oops okay wait wait let me actually

Replace celine’s home oh how do i i wonder if sani knows that you cannot access his welcome gift what do you mean i can’t access his welcome gift because um oh god oh my god this is so smart what the hell celine celine terrifies me you hope we have good daughter mother

Time me too are you having fun [Laughter] i oh yes maybe kind of how did you break these blocks i broke them from inside i broke them from inside wait let me look at your skin let me look at your skin oh my god you’re so cute yeah it’s like yeah

Right so this is uh this is celen’s masterpiece i guess let’s start from celen’s home shall we no you’ll see that next time hey hey hey come here baby come here baby okay okay okay the thing with celen’s home she is practical um so all she has is chests and then

Walk into her right thank you for all the hard work celen’s house that’s the best woohoo pumpkin pie for you a w what if i kill something here just don’t kill something baby a bed i’ll be sleeping sleep in her bed do it okay i couldn’t there’s like a

Have you noticed that she just traps her dragoons in here these are called dragoons yep go over them look at their name dragoon three dragons holy [ __ ] which one of you is dragoon three honey which one of you wait we don’t talk about dragoon for there’s fish

Fish is here we don’t talk about dragoon four at all or ever we don’t talk about dragoon four what happened to dragoon four don’t worry about it baby don’t worry about it do you want to look inside her chests i often routinely check her chest to see

If i can steal anything nice but usually it’s not your baby you can have a raw rabbit i love you let’s go do you have food on you by the way i have this raw rabbit yeah okay let me let me give you actual food baby let me give you actual food baby

Real food we don’t talk about dragoon Don’t worry about it as you can see here we have um celen’s home she has a polar bear she has a hoisie she has everybody is that a leopard i didn’t realize this girl had a leopard what this is like one of the oddest oh my god is that pickle

What the [ __ ] that is Imagine somebody else makes it not a lyra all right that is effort damn this will here make effort house right here i have no idea what it is i think this is pomus she’s building pomersol she’s trying to directly compete with luca um i think this is what this is gonna be right

Oh no this is neuters um neuters is a club baby this is neuters and uh elira and petra are building it it kind of looks like a face if you look from here i think it’s going to be a whole like penguin face someone just said this the flat ones yeah

It’s petras and elira’s neuters look at this [ __ ] wait the what it’s like the flat one oh you know somebody else added this sign too because it’s a different color yeah wait somebody just told me it’s not a face are you telling me these girls put bubba no it’s a face

No way they’re putting on the window yes stop stop stop there’s i don’t believe you that that that that that it’s a face look there’s the eye there’s the other eye and there’s the mouth they’re saying it was melee okay i believe that millie probably replaced

The eyes with the pink i believe that all right if you look over here to the to the up there in the sky that is the that is the laser light logo which i gotta be honest with you baby i think i this is my first time seeing it

I barely know what the etheria logo looks like that is cool isn’t it that’s really cool isn’t it isn’t it oh i’m reading upside down yeah yeah yeah take your time i know it’s please go at your own speed i sometimes you know i might be going

Fast i haven’t done a lot of tours so i really i don’t know i don’t know how they work this lighthouse looking thing has actually been here from the beginning i feel that this was like the second building that elira built um this is actually not our main base that

Where you just went is called silence town of technology and you’ll understand why it’s called that way but we are advancing into like our main base this big building right here i feel like elira built it right away and at the beginning before everything was built we just kind of used it as

To understand like how to get to the other space so can you even get up there still hold on there should be like a scaffolding or whatever oh my god wait how do you get back up now did alira take off her scaffolding gnar oh my god all right you know what we’re

Gonna do we’re gonna climb up baby we’re gonna we’re gonna get up there okay okay hold on let me let me get some dirt i have one mm-hmm jelly one jelly that’s nice enjoy what flavor is it i think i have no idea all right

Come on come on my block with i don’t know if you can ride a block with me can you let’s try it can you jump up with me yeah perfect oh i don’t think you can oh just don’t ask all right make your own we’re fine we’re fine i think i

Definitely need more though i think i’m done uh do you have your shovel here yeah you gave me this level yeah perfect why did she take off her uh oh maybe i shouldn’t have given you the elira why did you do this oh my god okay um can you please build

Up next to me because i’m stuck okay okay i’m coming i’m coming mommy let me just grab all the same baby come and save me oh [ __ ] ow actually i’m just gonna go get scaffolding hold on don’t go anywhere i did plan ahead i made sure to like get

Rid of all my items so that i wouldn’t um die and lose them okay baby don’t go anywhere i’m watching you don’t go off on the boat [Applause] my baby no i’m kidding i’m kidding you can just just don’t don’t go anywhere dangerous okay if you die i will feel very responsible

Don’t worry about it i’m super i’m an adventurer adventurer i love how the first thing she did was like i said don’t do anything and she just gets on the boat there’s a boat there’s like a house and and and stuff and look at that oh you’re right if she

Dies i get ten dollars though you know what baby go on the boat no um i am a mine the only reason i go on minecraft is to do the tacos tower i don’t usually play minecraft i haven’t done that yet i’ll have to i haven’t explored the other service except ours yet

Oh you need to oh my god an axolotl hold on hold on this server has so many built yeah they could be kind of like wowed at the id server too the id server has a lot of builds it’s kind of easy maybe you can show me sometime [ __ ] i didn’t bring string

Mika mika i’m coming i’m coming okay i’m coming baby i’m coming no stress don’t stress i’m coming don’t get lost i’m just looking at a chicken a massive massive chicken yep that is shu’s chicken mug actually um he you know there’s like minecraft mugs ooh oyasuminasai there is

There’s also an enderman mug too i kind of want to make the enderman one all right baby i’m coming back i’m prepared i totally prepared for this tour totally totally totally all right i’m coming where are you i’m coming don’t don’t worry baby where are you don’t worry baby mommy’s coming

Mommy’s coming baby don’t go anywhere don’t go anywhere somebody told me there’s a door in the lighthouse somewhere at the bottom so i should not even hello my darling from from behind you look like petra i can’t get over it all right baby let’s look for the door or maybe they mean

From here the door ah come here yes if you’re feeling low on food or health just eat your food okay is this where we can go in darn it y’all where how do we breach how do we penetrate elira’s walls yes i want to penetrate her walls how do

We do it babies oh it’s right here probably can you tell i never come here where do you usually go in minecraft um the nether i’m building uh i have a project called the ntr so the nether train road oh yeah yeah i love the nether train road too

Okay you know what baby come here come here um i’m just gonna build this and what you’re gonna do wait what you’re gonna do is you’re just gonna climb it okay okay everybody’s saying there’s a door we can go in oh is that it [Laughter] oh my god i’m glad i am so sorry my loot i did it my wonder rabbit made how could you mommy i am so sorry i did it and her last words were mommy i know now this tour isn’t fun anymore i’m sorry i’m just gonna take my [ __ ] you know the

The okay you know sorry between you and ten dollars you know what i’m picking no i’m teasing i’m so so i didn’t think that was gonna happen kathy thank you for the super all right baby you coming out where is she i’m right where i died oh you don’t respond

Back into the spawn point no because i slept on truth but i didn’t oh oh nobody tell him yeah she lost her life put him here to provide another sorry thank you for providing mika more lives is my obs lagging a little bit by the

Way i feel like it is every time i’m glancing at it has anybody noticed some lag ah yes okay i am getting lag ah i feel like it goes and leaves doesn’t it sometimes it lags more hello baby i am so sorry doesn’t she look like petra sometimes

Look from here wait don’t move don’t move don’t move she looks like petra sometimes from the back doesn’t she okay i’m sorry baby you can move i’m sorry i have some can i have some meat mother oh yeah yeah yeah um here’s your meat here’s your stuff here’s your stuff here’s your meat

Here’s your rabbit here’s an egg wait why are you giving it back to me baby take it keeps going to you anyways take it take a ticket all right let’s try this again this time i won’t kill you mommy you kind of took the meat again again yeah How’s been in my experience with final fantasy 14 good we’re gonna play some next week darling are you playing final fantasy 14 by the way yeah no but i heard like a lot of the ideas actually do yeah oh god i’m so gonna get i made my character

Last week and i’m gonna be playing this week so i’m excited all right did i build it high enough no clue but loki i think you’re gonna shove me off oh okay okay she is you know what the worst part is because i promise you that’s not on purpose

I that’s the worst part baby i promise you it’s not on purpose oh this keeps it happening i just keep dying and lyra your tower please i’m just keep dying i’m sorry your mommy’s the minecraft noob come back baby come back once you come back your items

I am so sorry i am so so sorry this is my villain arc chat this is legit my minecraft villain i know it looks like i’m doing it on purpose but i’m not i didn’t realize that if you get up on like this thing you push the other person off

Should i should have asked nina to do it first Mika i promise no no no no no a parent cannot take the death for their child you know you have to die for me because i could always make more children but children are just additional lives for the parent if you think about it it’s true i can always children are just

Additional lives i am isn’t this pretty death mother it must be done no baby i’m level 38 get up mommy get off mommy you gotta you gotta you have to actually if you wanna jump we’re gonna be jumping soon i promise there’s something there’s something that we can jump off

I’ll show you so take a look here you’re gonna die do you see that fox in the distance no no no i won’t kill you for real do you see that fox in the distance oh yeah that’s your brother’s house That’s a farm that we used at the beginning as you see sfv i love that’s that’s my favorite yes what is that actually it’s a i’m sorry you were just you were crouch this one i did on purpose Okay i’m sorry mika people are giving me ten dollars for an extra life for you so i have to you just saw a murderer and you no i i deserve that 10 bucks [ __ ] this tbh i do think she probably deserves that 10 bucks but in my defense they hashtag

It’s not my fault they tipped me for this to happen they tipped me for this to happen baby i’m so so i’m i’m gonna have to wait one of you which one of you yeah square up which one of you did it easy 30 bucks i’m so sorry darling i promise this one

Was on purpose more lives i think hi okay okay okay i’m done i’m done i’m done i’m coming here um if you come here look there’s there’s a there’s a window um so that over there was our initial town this is like our spawn area town that we settled

And um after that if you look over here this is the town of technology and you’ll see you’ll see i’ll bring you around okay baby you ready yes okay uh go down first and then i’ll go down so that it’s you don’t think no okay no no i’ll go down first okay okay I told you i’m going down first so you were supposed to wait you were supposed to wait magica has made advancement mika malatika fell fell fell fell i thought you said you were gonna wait yeah i was waiting i thought you just need to like push downwards

No this is that nika’s juicy penguin thank you so much for the pink super mika they’re giving me sleeping when you come back no you come back right now do it again mom [ __ ] you sunrise valley my juicy be fighting coming back here the [ __ ] okay damn it mika i will what

What mommy what nobody is ever gonna want a minecraft en tour with me really what but and the shovel is here by the way i lost all my meat did you oh i picked it up i picked it up meatless mika i’m meatless meatless mika oh wait here

You go baby meatless meatless makeup do you want to egg someone’s house do you want to egg mrs house by the way who’s that whose house would you like to egg i’ll show you i’ll teach you thank you everybody for this okay meek i have bad news for you they’re they’re all giving

Me money for your death don’t don’t let them don’t let them influence you nina but baby i like what you’re better than this let’s go let’s go to the back first because there’s a little bit less to see real life fun for mommy thank you for all the

Extra lives so near a high height this right here is pickle i have no idea how lira built this it’s incredible she’s so talented at minecraft also if you jump while you’re running you’re gonna run faster oh yeah i learned this in parkour yeah parkour look at this we have a little

Axolotl in the pool look at that we have to pick little axolotls swimming look at them look at them running in circles oh wow all right right here uh millie and pat milly joined a little bit later but she became a professional in like no time at all she became a professional

And she lives with petra actually they both have this house untamed cat please feed fish before release and it’s just a pig my children are idiots life insurance fund what the [ __ ] oh my god mika now people are paying money to protect you thank you chad thank you you got some life insurance

Look at this so that’s his motive just a reminder that both these girls were very new to minecraft look how freaking organized these girls are i need to come rob them actually this is incredible this is insane i need to come steal from them one of these

Days off stream so that nobody knows i did what the hell all this iron oh mommy’s taking a block of iron what the hell is all this my daughters are secretly rich do not steal please oh i’ll add her some cords when she least expects it i’m sorry i’m

Just shocked millie has money i thought millie was poor thank you everybody for the insurance money i promise it is not a scam mika will die i promise what nothing baby nothing don’t worry about it you’re you’re i have to show you a secret come here um okay so

Actually wait no it’s not here it’s in another place i’ll show you when we get there come here okay are you ready oh wait yeah wait is this wait is this how you go in there i forgot i forgot everybody’s house has these secret freaking entrances everybody oh i i

I’m underwater oh are you going through the base under the water yeah oh is this the secret tunnel um it’s probably the secret entrance from the water oh okay a little payment to protect the ghost look how cool their house looks from outside thank you for protecting mika

Can you believe they were minecraft noobs and now they have this like freaking underwater outside paradise i’m afraid of the ocean but this is not that scary um do you want me to make it scary let’s go up i’ll show you how to enter okay

I i had the same problem that i couldn’t find the door a while ago so this is millie and petra’s home they’re also building a home 2.0 if you look millie where are you baby uh not millie oh mikami right here this is their home 2.0 they’re like building another one

They’re building another one because ennis might play a little bit more all right can somebody do the count of what we’re at how many kill mikas and how many save me because oh my god this is going to be huge oh my goodness to protect the ghost no

Everyone’s paying to protect you baby oh my god this is gonna be such a big house what they better let me move in what the hell look at how big this is how do you get so many resources for this oh you beg for them usually oh you beg for them usually

That’s really cool actually whoa yikes All right let’s go over here on this little bridge and i’ll show you how to get into the house i killed mika four times but how many times do i have to save her and how many times you have to kill her uh you just have to save me that that’s it

Just save no kill yep yep yep oh no where’s the parrot there used to be a parrot here and then i would dance music with him oh there used to be a parrot i can’t we’re dancing in millie’s home it is isn’t it but i do worry

Uh yes i actually have one of the biggest houses because i spend my time building and not like doing stupid things add two to the kill mika fun mika i’m sorry baby no how about at the end of this year to everyone else it’s okay darlings i know how we’re

Gonna get some of the mika deaths trust me i know do you all do y’all think mika’s gonna like my house where is my baby where is my baby are you ready that is grounded i am grounded not at any form of heights whatsoever oh i see you

I see you perfect perfect um so this is this is kind of we’re about to head into the original town are you excited adding two to the same mika god damn it adding two to the same stop saving mika she needs to experience the pain of life

Don’t you mika thank you for the zoopas mika you must die i do not make the rules i’m not even experienced enough in minecraft to kill someone what is this come here baby yeah again please let me know if i’m going too fast i haven’t not at all

Just fast so this house right here that you’re about to see is hugh’s house i never see him play minecraft anymore but he played a lot at the beginning and the mug is very recent but you can see it from far away which i love shoe yummy dog

It’s pretty eh shu is building this let’s see what his house is like pumpkin pie for you saving private mika thank you so much for the zoo fuzz oh my god they love you so much they love you so much what is this oh i guess he has straps in his head betsy

Oh betsy can i add one to both baby oh this is big oh you can be inside the mug oh my god baby we’re inside the mug we’re inside we are why does you have like one wooden block on the ground i don’t know it’s i knew it i’m trying to survive here

Now i [ __ ] [Laughter] Don’t tell him don’t tell him she broke his house a bit [ __ ] oh i’m sorry for my like you know what i’m going to do you know i’m gonna don’t tell him don’t tell him don’t tell him i i put it i put it i put

It i replaced it you know what i’m yeah i replaced it i’m sorry baby can i deserve that one i’m sorry baby it’s okay i replaced it i replaced it don’t worry i replaced it what is this i replaced it don’t even worry he’s not gonna know

It’s the same color it’s everything it’s fine is it yeah i’m sorry this has turned into a hunting of mika oh this is nice where’s my baby mika i’m sorry come back no where’s your house bobby i’ll you want to see my house next yeah okay i’ll show you my house

All right come here does you have a chest inside his thing yeah you want to rob him oh no i’m just gonna put like four snow balls ah you’re so cute oh cause you broke the yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry i replaced it he’s never going to be able to know okay

My apologies i have no idea let me show you my house okay are you ready we’re going to have to pass by a few buildings so just um just just follow just follow me baby i will show you my there’s room for you if

You want to come live with me by the way in my house um i definitely want to live with the person that killed me five times yeah yeah yeah yeah this is my home it says uki and fufu but it it’s i live here um this is my home i built it

Yeah yeah aren’t i aren’t cool bacon down here baby it’s like these side rooms i i built a little side room for uki um just if ever he wants to visit you know it’s already dead oh wait how did you do that yeah from the side Oh yep wait what oh that’s cool i don’t know you can do that yep holy [ __ ] oh flying mika no no no look look look look this look at the view in my home isn’t this crazy yeah she’s lying mika don’t listen to her oh it’s okay we’ll let her copy him chat

She just she kind of killed me five times i’m kind of scared of telling her that i’m kind of scared chat no but come on this side it’s really really pretty the the everything um that i built by myself um to impress my daughter yeah it’s really good

It almost it almost give me okay so the thing with uki uki is i dare say one of like the craziest builders on the server i feel like uki has built celine builds the technology but uki has done some of the craziest builds this is not his house by the way

This is my house but there is one thing next to his house that is really really next to my house that is really annoying it’s there’s this hole on the ground that some dumbass lives in so you ring the bell ring the bell and then there’s just

This is someone’s hole that they live in um also let’s take the eggs from this person let’s just uh steal this person’s eggs so that we could um egg someone’s house yeah can you believe like how much of an eyesore this hole is give war a chance yeah pomo wrote that

She challenged this person to war this person that lives here mika come here come here all they ever do is mine all they ever do is freaking mine [ __ ] in a bunch of caves the amount of like cave shafts that this person has built is wild oh oh don’t read those don’t

Read those don’t read those don’t read those don’t don’t don’t worry about those yeah don’t worry don’t worry about those don’t worry about those uh this is this is the yeah i don’t know why it’s called the kosa puff legal mining cave because this is not my house by the way yeah

So mika this was actually like our first cave on the server this is like where we initially like were digging stuff out and exploring the tunnels and stuff this is like where my first diamond mining expedition was ah Okay you actually mine super neat though no no this is like the tunnels were already pre-made so you like just kind of settle them you know yeah i’ll show you the other stuff after i mean there’s no point in exploring a mine right come here baby i have a confession for you

Yes that hole on the floor is my home it’s okay mommy i kind of already I’m sorry baby i just i’m bad at building all i do is mine and give people materials i’m so sorry i can’t make you a pretty don’t worry i’m so sorry this is all i can do i can’t even say anything though i live

In a cave i didn’t i did not once even careful and even give me foxes look look look isn’t he the best boy oh that’s so cute or for nina bro funny when i told you that uki is a builder look at this Are you ready welcome to magic forest so uki is our resident witch and uh so there’s a secret war going on in ian and uki is supplying both sides so we give uki the materials and then we go to war and you know uki benefits the most

Uki is like the banks so this is how we are this is what we’re doing can you believe like look at this [ __ ] that ookie builds holy isn’t this wild look he’s crazy ookie is so good at the game it’s it’s it’s crazy so we have to

Be careful though because here i had previously died ookie’s amethyst tree how freaking nice is this huh damn now here is a secret passage please be careful there are death traps and i know this because i accidentally fell into a death trap and died deal thank you for the loop

Don’t want to go here um i don’t even need that no just be careful just be careful okay how freaking nice is this this is really nice and i’m just kind of scared okay okay elira home and vsf home so this is the thing uki has built secret tunnels to other people’s homes

Isn’t that crazy his tunnels are [ __ ] layered he built secret tunnels to people’s homes what the heck but this is really well done yeah it really is well done it’s it’s kind of wild to me because sometimes it’s in a way that like you don’t even know you’re in the whole

Person’s home you have to like remove a block okay like here for example i think it’s wait wait a second i forgot i forgot how this one works can somebody remind me hold on let me oh [ __ ] i hope i didn’t break it i forgot how this one works oh wait oh

I think i just found ookie secret stash or maybe that’s sony secret stash nether right scrap don’t mind if i do how i oops um what do we do what do we do what do we do i forgot how to get in into his house from here but i don’t want to keep

Digging because i feel like i’m just going to break stuff by accident if i keep digging i didn’t steal i’ve never been here i didn’t steal i didn’t you know what though we got we got to mark them that we have been here grab an egg and then right click it right click

Perfect we have to let them know yeah you have to you have to like put this on your toolbar and then you have to throw it i just kept opening doors perfect oh you started on like you could do cheeky perfect i gotta let him know i know his secrets oh darn it

Sorry for that i don’t remember how to actually get in i last explored this tunnel ages ago oh there’s coal but uki sometimes i wonder how much time he’s actually spent on this game because these secret tunnels are insane baby that’s so much effort oh wait what was it was vsf and pomu

Right no it’s annalira let’s go this way this is crazy and this tunnel isn’t even finished elira imagine you just open your door one day and somebody like gets into your house i mean yeah that that sounds like so c for lira come here this usually is closed

So you don’t know that there’s a door there like look look look let me actually close this try coming in like try uh just coming in walking in oh wait without opening if you don’t know the door is there like just try like running onto the wall right yeah that’s wild

He just has a secret secret door to her house underground for everyone yeah i know pullman is so cute so now if you look back we’re back in front like we’re right next to the chicken mug again damn right it’s kind of wild it’s kind of freaky deaky

Come up here let’s see the view from elira’s bed do you want to sleep in elira’s bed yes excuse me i’ll be sleeping on your never mind no no sleep i can’t because it’s a morning oh i’ll be right here earlier you could still like oh how does it smell really good

Very tempted i was gonna say you know i should have prepared a little better for the tour do you want to leave signs at everyone’s house to let them know some stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s let me go grab some signs hold on actually you can come with me to grab

The signs come come come look is people are saying whangy wangy you’re tempted by her spell yeah keep the eggs because you know anyone that you want to egg anyone that you want to hurt we’ll do it we’ll egg them and we’ll we’re going to hurt them i’m so excited ow ow ow

Are you tempted by it smells that are so cute like a cat is this alvin’s place yeah it’s the nikon beanie we can go in he hasn’t i haven’t seen him playing a little bit i’ll just uh yeah i’m gonna grab a sign you go explore baby i really

Don’t want this tour to feel too stuffy you know [ __ ] you alvin mika i threw one egg into alvin’s house and you can’t even see it throw more throw more make sure there’s chickens that’s what he deserves bro my [ __ ] gotcha rng is so garbage that i can’t even have chicken here i’ll

Give you another egg stack imagine literally having the worst gotcha oh my god i spawned my first egg was a chicken that was your chicken yeah we got two chickens i’m so done [ __ ] this [ __ ] never mind you know what listen you know i can i can show you i

Can show you something fun after to make up for it okay um if you come here and you uh right click just right click right here yeah i’m right-clicking oh sorry it’s what left click with the egg no no just like like with your hand it has a secret

I did not do that wait um you could leave him a sign i gave you signs if you want to leave him aside [Laughter] uh [Laughter] okay i should have put that on the bottom yeah you should have just put it i just one-tapped it though how did die so quickly that’s the secret what how did it die so quickly it’s because uh when the windows on the side they break easier i don’t know why

I literally won’t have to i know but that that’s how that’s how it works i don’t know that face mika actually didn’t know yeah it’s true if you sometimes in like a big window there’s one of them i’m sorry nina made me do it i didn’t know mika it’s okay let’s go

Let’s go baby i can break your the other right to make it balanced if you like so this right here if you just take a look around this is our initial like spawn town you see the two foxes in the distance that is a build that i have

Begun but not finished oh cute um let’s go back to elira’s and like go back to uki’s if you’re actually no we can just what the hell is this what is this oh my god check out the nikon beanie today albans conbini will sell 20 gravel

For one diamond one diamond equal 10 gr which one is right alvin’s conbini right behind you we will match all our competition surprised dirty gravel equal one diamond rosemary alvin’s convenient now selling gravel at 40 for one diamond oh my god you’re having a war i gave rosami some items and she just

Kept the sign and the thing here so here you have an extra sign here oh i i just wrote good luck oh oh you’re so cute good luck good luck they’re having a fight they are they are they’re always having a fight look at this pretty wait is this just say mista

This is not your brother’s house this is rosami’s love shaq look how pretty the floor is i gave it to her yeah love next sounds yes love shack baby there’s a panda there is there is i think luca gave it to her what has she got what has she got luca

Uki pomu you have to put a sign that says mika give me one of the signs back too i’m gonna put one that says or just put two okay how do i how do i just put it on the floor thanks cute cute everyone’s gonna have just 20 different

Names by the next time she logs in i gave her this armor and she just hasn’t worn it yet she just keeps it here but she’s taking the pants and the shoes so i’m confused baby what’s going on there yeah she uh she just needs some protection for her

It she does she just needs the pants yeah she just needs a painting no no shame in that mika i gotta just wear pants one of the best things that you can do when you’re running around is you you can jump if you run i know what happens i know what happens

If you run jump on the crop i’ve had a crop you can’t troll me again i have run jumped on crops accidentally before i know what that does miss thor bye we’re about to rate your house let’s go and egg his house real do you stop eggs left

Yeah i have okay oh my god let’s go egg really really quickly let’s go egg it before he like comes in where are you or come come come quickly quickly quickly run oh [ __ ] you are liberty am i running the right way okay yeah we’re running he’s such a good boy

That’s a really cute build everyone has built really cute [ __ ] including me right yeah no yours is definitely the cutest thing it kind of reminded me of like you know like like uh really um yeah yeah it’s really good yeah i i definitely am yeah oh look at this fox nina this looks

Really good oh it does i know it does it looks so pretty oh he’s at his house let’s egg him oh the door is this way sorry i made you walk all the way around is he at his new house oh does anybody know how to get to his new house

Gift from the witch hunt the witch it’s uki oh hut oh man i wanted to egg his house but he’s not here sad can i have a guest a chest yeah yeah uh yes you can have a chest hold on baby i love chest you love chests do you want

A big chest or a small chest a small one a small one okay uh give me a second let me get you a chest baby i love dress i love chests let mommy get you a chest perfect oh wait um don’t worry about it don’t look don’t worry about it don’t

Worry about it don’t worry about it there’s like a house over there there is a house everywhere where the hell are the trees oh there’s a tree there’s a tree okay mommy’s coming mommy’s coming baby don’t worry about it beautiful they’ll never know they will never know beautiful Don’t worry about it don’t worry about it all right mommy’s coming to make you a chest i got you baby thank you mommy i got you look away so thanks oh pigs listen is this a scuff tour yes does it matter stella tour a tour is still a tour and

It is coming from my heart all right um you said you wanted a small chest right yeah okay here you go thank you oh sorry sorry i picked it up here you go baby thank you one small chest for you we can uh oh this is fake i never said

He smelled i think this is al but alvin’s been like putting these like fake signs everywhere sometimes to try and get us crying More chests for the chess gods mysto has a raw chicken i’m worried about him are you guys at your fox house on them too and yes two what are you getting here i literally i just gave him the eggs because i i feel like i can’t spawn any chicken

So i’m just going to give him the egg so he has to do it himself do you want some more i have 16 more eggs you can have actually wait chat do you think do you think my iron key will get better i wasted 20 30 to 32 eggs to try and get

An egg okay maybe i don’t know baby i don’t know one two three i got on my third one nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice he’s hiding in the hole one of my favorite things from everyone’s houses is just to see like the view oh

Oh oh just the view like look up here I’m an idiot I gave him a chicken you gave him the [ __ ] baby yeah i gave him a whole you know what after seeing what he does with chicken i i’ll give him a chicken oh wait this is not a great view this is a little bit of a sad view what view is this

All he can see is gn all he could see is cheating i’ve used a view a view is a view of you i’m going to take my eggs back now that my rng is getting better yeah yeah take them all we’ll find more eggs i promise you gift from po

We don’t need this it’s my sign now cleaning all signs up cleaning old side why does he have a bunch of these like bad old boots i’m gonna have to clean his chest i think i’m gonna come and reorganize his [ __ ] one of these days when he least expects

It all right let’s see where he’s coming from no lie i can’t even read what he just said just now he said almost there i think i think that’s what he said almost jay almost died almost jared he’s doing his best you know what he’s trying there’s like a zombie somewhere

What’s that who’s house is that one you know the one in the distance the white one is boss’s new home it’s luca’s new home i’ll show you his old one and that little hut right there i think that’s uki secret hut isn’t it someone it’s someone’s secret house

That does not we can go visit it it actually it’s it’s hard to find because nobody comes here really oh yeah oh you know what this [ __ ] place is i’m sorry for my language it’s uki’s cafe this jerk made a cafe in front of my cafe

And he finished it and it’s so pretty now i understand there’s a lot of cafes that can exist there’s a lot of demands but this jerk stealing three pumpkin pies now we’re in competition can you believe this baby and the worst his cafe is so pretty

His cafe is so pretty that’s the worst no i’m sure your cafe underground that’s like completely mined up is really good too no no i actually have another cafe cafe is pretty overground all right let’s put your thing on top of oops let’s go um

Let’s go see if miss is at the house yet oogie yeah the competition is good it’s true where is it oh there he is there he is there he is there he is he was stalking us little baby i kind of want to see disney a little stalker baby yeah okay uh she

Wants to see disney dc is insane do you want to go see The house just right there while we’re here so we don’t have to run back lucas house and then we’ll see disney okay yay yay disney we’re going to disney i always want to come hey let’s go always wanna come yeah to disney disney disney

I just have to warn you i died a few times at disney so no death easy my god i am not dying holy [ __ ] this is modern i know i just don’t wanna run back here it’s far haha from mom to my shiny pretty boy moi

Why do they leave these signs up darn it property of lukaku he’s a mafia man stream mafia lucar From ninor nice house lucor wait can i do a thing where i just put like a chicken underground ah oh under his house so it keeps clucking no like right like right here try try i do not want to destroy anything in this house this house looks wow

As [ __ ] dude over there this house looks like a house missa what were you doing i saw you with that bow i saw you with the bow what he was trying to hurt you look look at what come here nina gave me trust issues i’m not he’s gonna knock her out isn’t he

Oh my god what the heck what look at okay look at this this is what happens to you mika if you disrespect niji sanji ian this is gonna be your fate if you disrespect me okay who the [ __ ] is grum grum why is he upside down

Just he like if you come from the side and you see what he’s doing he’s just like he is our victim this is your faith i’m just saying okay can he not be normally sighted what if what if i save grum then you will be good then you were the

One who was gonna be tied up and put there i’ll put it i’ll put a chicken no if you save him we will impale you luca is rich rich since when does boss have so much money oh my god i’m moving in he doesn’t know

This but i’m going to make a secret room in his house i’m moving in oh yeah oh wait there’s a basement in his house oh my god i fixed my mistakes and that’s all that mattered that’s going to grow over time it’s fine i’ll put it there you actually didn’t

Put the chick there’s no chicken here though yeah my orange is [ __ ] again oh i’m sorry chicken okay worked again again all right so boss is building a basement interesting interesting i fell into the hole all right i’m coming baby i’m coming yeah no you’re getting it get get down

There oh you’re trying to put the chicken back into the hole yeah uh what is chicken oh hold on we can push him we can push him with mika make a hole under the chicken there’s another chicken you’re dead it’s okay no one saw that no one saw

That no one saw that okay no it’s fine it’s my time it’s fine another chicken he’s right here he did it he lived it’s fine right there is oogie’s new castle it is big it is big it is big and then from mookie’s castle we’re going to go

Through my cafe and we’re going to go to disney disney look how freaking big it is uki is wild he’s always about this is some shulk i’m not exactly sure how this works but i saw him sacrificing chickens the other day to the shulk god thank you joshua for the love

Thank you everybody for sending tips in order to save us or kill mika as well i appreciate it please no most of them the majority did us uh save mika is your majority obs lagging or is it just mine is is mika’s stuff also lagging here and there because mine isn’t con constantly

Lagging but sometimes it lags a little tiny bit mine is fine i think yeah i’m not sure actually i did not uh paint oh wow isn’t he crazy there’s another scaffolding that you can get up to see the view and stuff oh yeah you’re already here

How crazy is this castle send some love to fox mom thank you joshua that is crazy i love how he build not far from um oh what the [ __ ] from luke oh it’s like a like like you can fall into the hole you missed the spawn reaction baby

You’re gonna have to go into the into the vod then you’re gonna have to wait for a clip i’ll write it here all right uh nice house okay this is it i don’t know why i’m being so nice to people today what the [ __ ] i mean you

Should you know i thought okay they’re my they’re my co-workers they’re your family extendedly oh yeah i’m in a nice mood i think the reason you have to be nice to them as well is because we are scary yeah He’s hiding i i never spot him and then at some points he’s just behind us your house is near missed this new home what’s that behind hmm there’s like some some field yes then disney thank you ash the reason uki needs such a big house mika is for his harem

Wait are you still up here wait wait can you look look you can see my cafe from the distance i actually did build the two foxes and then the little windows that is actually something i have built is it amazing no but i’m trying my best uh i just haven’t finished okay

No lie i can’t see anything what not i mean i can’t see like something i don’t know what it was I’m no furniture what the hell uki how many streams did it take him to make this it’s so well counted it’s kind of freaky yeah no lie it’s crazy all right where’s your brother let’s follow him he’s right there fine fine oh the spin oh let’s not jump here okay

The spin he’s doing a little do a flip flip oh oh oh this is all [Laughter] yeah the safest bet for me to do is like i’m gonna stay like far behind nina i’ll be fine smart i’ll be fine thank you gabriel very very smart baby

People are being so nice today it warms my heart i promise at the end of the stream i’ll be reading the supers we’ll be hanging out but today i am giving attention to sweet mika that being said yeah don’t kill me oh that’s like darn it you said you should definitely save you

Should no no they’ve been they’ve been tipping more for killing you than saving you darling no i’m sure i’m sure chad would never do that i’m sure chad is like so nice oh you’re like oh my god snow how far did mr go why does he not want to live with everybody

She’s not like other guys no she’s a little introvert why are you so far baby konnichiwa i’m dated good i saw you today and are you the new girl i thought so sorry for all those things oh my god this is vodkas they only want you for one thing not me though

Okay i’m gonna have to enter can i ntr this i love ntr i love ntr uh nether transport road nice yeah my whole job is pretty good when you ask me what i’ve been busy with is i always i’ve been building a road in the nether

And the thing is when we reset the server all my roads in the nether got reset so i have to rebuild them which is you know a little sad but it’s fine and sonia was said uh because the server updated oh oh my god this is such a cute fox what

The hell this one has like high definition oh it’s standing up this time it does i think it’s the same type of fox as my statues it’s so pretty it’s kind of what alvin and mrs why is are you so far it’s okay this is a job for the ntr

Mista is so freaking far away from everybody else why it’s next to silence and pomus oh that is so cute what the heck mister there’s one scaffolding what how do i return this to him i’ll just okay good enough do you want bar i have a ton of marble

Maybe i could give him marble to make like marble steps this is so cool yeah nina come here come here it is water thing but i don’t know how to get back down i can’t i’m not just floating where is she can can you that there’s like a

You know i’m coming i’m trying oh i see i see i see i see okay oh you have to go to the side whoa it’s like the pyramids Like hawaiian days more often than not hotter than hot what the hell it’s an egg this is so cool miss thor me store this is awesome oh amika this is where you go down oh wait what’s the difference one of them goes up one of them goes down oh oh what the heck It’s so well done it’s so well done it’s so nice man makes you feel like i should build a house but you know look at the tail i did it’s so fluffy okay go behind you’ll see there’s a big tail where the tail behind you you’ll see

Where is the tail of the fox usually minka that’s a tail it’s kind of hard to see from this close what do you mean what do you mean is this where he isn’t it isn’t it nice this is where he ah right there all right right there

I cannot i can put this [ __ ] right here oh here here have some brown blocks for the poop yay oh they don’t stand out as much maybe maybe try using this this also is going to look like poop but they’re going to stand out more it’s poo it’s poo it’s poo

It’s such a small solid poo you gotta make it a bit bigger i think like maybe four blocks yeah it’s fine they’re very modest you know hmm i did not walk into there what the [ __ ] are you talking about i don’t believe him i think he’s been

Shooting you i think i think your brother’s gonna kill you i think your brother’s picking on you and i can’t do anything i’m sorry you i shot the block and you walked off it why is he shooting blocks huh huh i was trying to be nice why is he shooting blocks this mister

I was just trying to be nice what the [ __ ] i’m gonna cook some pork chop cause i’m hungry sorry miss tom using your your ovens for some pork chop and then we can continue our adventure okay mika yes i’ll show you some of these disney i wonder what that big tower is over

There i haven’t seen it yet how much food do you have left baby uh mr just gave me like three chickens nice nice nice nice we’ll go grab food later i’ll show you we have like automatic food farms he just gave me this it’s a fox shovel

Oh cute is that a netherride shovel or iron i have no clue efficiency but it’s about to break so i was gonna say is he playing us some meditation oh i like this oh i think he’s trying to dance with you the dance like i don’t know i don’t know what he’s

Doing oh how does he have so much music what the heck pop off king oh yeah how the this one’s called maul how does he have so much songs i don’t know what i don’t know look at him dancing he’s so cute what do i have

I don’t know what to give people at concerts last one he said okay you can throw meat at him cute like throw this uh All i have that are precious to me are eggs oh yikes i uh thank you for the show this is like when your younger brother is in the living room like i don’t know dancing to a song and he’s like look look look look what i did We vibing Damn he’s really getting into it i think this i think this is his favorite song nick are you falling asleep she looks like she’s falling asleep i’m looking i’m looking she just looks like ready to sleep ready to sleep jump he he he is concerning dancing Oh hey thank you for the show oh oh uh mister tnt why what do you mean tnt why does look at look look inside the chest why does he have so much dynamite oh wait did you just take it no he did i didn’t i didn’t take it at the took it back

Okay are you sure yes i’m sure is she lying away from i’m not decent is she lying did she steal his tnt did she steal your tnt oh he just took it okay okay okay ah okay okay okay good mista do we need to have the talk what oh okay fair

Okay that’s fair let’s go disney honestly is it a diamond sword sword can you swim swing it yeah wicking wing oh i’m a sword what are these orange blocks leading to let’s i know i know but i know disney’s this way but i kind of want to see what

These orange blocks lead to i’ve never been here mika oh yeah hell yeah what have you been to salines and iranians there’s do you see what i mean like even when we were at uki’s we didn’t even finish exploring his house because oh so much there’s so so much there is so much

Where is this path leading and we should we should uh should build a place nina we should we should i don’t know if we’ll have time today i don’t think you’re gonna even see the whole minecraft today i’ll be honest with you place is massive you haven’t even gotten

So close i have a secret base like really far away on the nether no honeys we haven’t seen finance we haven’t been around the town of technology much after spawn we went to the main base tbh look nina i’m just swimming where is she where’s my baby i know you’re so cute

Little mika she seriously looks like a penguin These mountains are really really pretty i like how that one had a big hole in it what is this though i don’t know i haven’t been here yet i’ve never seen this before i think this could be either someone’s house or i don’t know it looks terrifying

But i’m gonna die here for some reason i have no idea what this is no this isn’t the frock church the frog church is really really really far oh it’s a mob spawner interesting how does that work so when you’re near here mobs spawn what happens if i destroy one block

They all fall down um do it try it that’s a thing i took some of them okay it’s okay it’s okay that is cool oh wait there’s there’s a water fountain here that we can i think we can climb it up hold on it’s built sideways i think so uh

We might run out of air but did i just make a big mistake oh okay hold on i think i made a mistake cute little [ __ ] bag yeah you’re gonna well well well i guess we’re gonna die in there nina man that’s very sad

I i can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t kill people in my craft chat i feel too guilty there’s no [ __ ] way no i feel bad i feel guilt i feel sad i actually thought you were gonna let me die for real for real for

Real all right i have no idea what this is i actually i’m actually a nice person nina you know i’m really not sure i would never kill someone ever where is your brother where is he go to disney yeah let’s go to disney let’s go to

Disney i just don’t know how to i think we go this way i’m not sure baby hell yeah i think we go the oh fudge i think we go this way for disney cause we gotta like i think mr where is he our darling let me play some music i

Just realized i like muted my song a while ago oh oopsies i get really distracted by background music sometimes i felt i feel so guilty killing people the first or second part the one we were just at oh um let’s stay over well we’re going to

Disney if you want to come wasn’t that celen’s tnt farm oh no she has another tnt farm like she has a place that is the tnt farm holy okay okay we’re going the right way because that’s lucas house i feel like id server is so passive and then there’s en server that’s like

Constantly at war for some reason yeah we really i mean first of all we have luca so i feel like luca has instigated a lot of this kind of stuff um secondly we have somebody who was like walking around breaking windows maybe it was you the whole time maybe you were

Walking around breaking windows uh i won’t i won’t um what else do we have i feel like oh pomu is also like pomu reciprocates war a lot like at some point pomu thought i killed something of hers and then she ended up egging my house even though she knew that i was

Innocent because like the real culprit sani had come out um so definitely i think that’s why we have so many wars is because we have a lot of people that continue the war even when you know and then there’s uki right who’s providing for everybody so look yeah

This right here is to get to uki’s cafe right oh he has a whole yeah yeah yeah and here don’t look to your right i want to show you what’s on your right from a higher perspective first don’t look don’t look okay i’m not look i’m not looking look

Straight ahead look straight ahead look straight ahead look straight ahead yep yep yep yep yep i am going to show you what’s in uki’s thing okay come here come here i’m coming coming boom [ __ ] oh sorry i’m i always go a little too fast for the this is so realistic when

Your mom walks so quickly and you’re trying to cap catch up with your little legs no no this is me this is me look look look look oh sheesh now do you see it from up top it’s a little actually that’s kind of cute isn’t it adorable no no okay so

Everything here is the bridge there is uki the house the amateur street everything that’s like bluish right there is uki’s other house and then the road leads to the cafe which is why i’m so jelly but this cafe that you’re looking at is my work in progress cafe it looks uh great

Baby why the hesitation i’ll put a flower i can’t even put it here why i think you need to put a flower in a pod why the hesitation huh oh darn you can put it right here darn you baby i think i need to replace some of my

Foxes because they are the black ones are hard to see the hard one the black ones are hard to see in the night where is she Oh she’s signing the axolotl is a love hotel oh this cafe exists you’re mikamika hell yeah okay i need to probably change the black box to the white one and then under them i want to create eyes that kind of look like elira’s pickle you know like my two red eyes

Just so i’m always watching the city big mama sees all but yeah [ __ ] okay what’s with the tail of the box oh they’re supposed to be like that i don’t know you want to go inside the axolotl while we’re here and then we’re going to go to disney because i think your brother’s

Getting impatient yeah what did you want what is he doing what is what is he doing what is he doing it literally sounds like it what do you mean jessa oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god uh wait missy you

Know the meme yeah yeah yeah i know i know to be honest i was thinking it but i didn’t want to i didn’t want to say it let’s go to the love hotel first and then we’re going to go to um disney she really went there can we can we

Start killing mika again please why wha wha what it was it was uh Mommy i love you so much i’m such an innocent sweet honey yeah how do you get in here no come here come here isn’t this nice i’m starting to think that uki’s cafe is a front for a love cafe oh my god are you looking at her

Through your telescope hello cutie oh my god he’s so cute with his new telescope what does a telescope do it zooms in it zooms in so he can see he can see your butt from up close it’s nice pinky is kind of correct uki is so cracked

So so freaking kind of correct i’m telling you he’s so lens built a lot of the technology on this server but uki has built like even here to the left we haven’t gone in but it’s another house that he built like he is just freaking crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy

You want a good all right let go mr mr being slow let’s go all right roy i won’t tell mika that you super chatted so i kill her this right here this tower oh my god i will explain to you the story of it later he’s going to race disney

Not if he dies i don’t think i can catch up to him why are you all so much faster than me when i’m spamming my i am spamming my button your speed just pure okay never mind violent speed momentum do you see the flag up top that’s deezy baby oh

Bye where is disney how is mister so cracked how is make it so bad i am the rut i am the jump king i am the jump king are you i haven’t played yet darn it slow mommy slow slow mommy oh yeah let’s go back to the beginning to the hold on

Uh let’s go back to the beginning Wait you know this you know this where is it from wait i need to play one more time because i had my music in the background all right i’ll be quiet right all right Oh i think he accidentally played it twice It was other side yeah that’s uh diamond city lights I could lit four Open my eyes i mean the only one that’s not keeping up what do you mean oh it’s because it’s a little confusing because at first he played the song twice so just don’t touch the lever for a second and we’re gonna do the among us one

Again now this sassy one so that you’re chatting among us who made that luca luca yeah you’ll never be alone again that’s the only problem is like when you press too many buttons all the songs play sort of at the same time diamond city lights i always wonder why he didn’t

Make all the colors the luxium colors like why doesn’t he replace green with orange since there’s only five colors wow i haven’t even looked at the flowers last time oh my goodness luca this is so pretty yeah there’s no more orange blocks on the whole server yeah oh my god what is

That these knee land it’s a little sussy holy [ __ ] the little sassy right here come here we’re gonna ride one of the attractions well the fog champs walla fog champs do you want to be a park jam baby yeah but i didn’t do anything i mean you’re here you’re a pog champ

It’s it’s like a participation trophy yeah like everyone’s a park champ Told me he left you a present but i don’t know where he did you’re a little pog chop mika come on yeah come on and mika i existed you did yeah i feel like everything here is so well thought of like you have the benches on the sides you have everything

It’s it’s just so well done disney it’s so freaking well done oh my god no oh my god no nina nina i need you to see that nominee i’m not i i uh you need to see what what what did this go just go to the wall frame real quick does it go

I don’t get it oh my god yeah yeah oh my god mr really is like a little brother it’s wild mrs little brother energy is off the charts today Mrs little brother energy without fall damage yup yup yup get it get it do it do it mr your little brother energy is divine today oh my goodness oh my god what the heck i’m just glitching through i don’t know what to tell you i’m literally just glitching through are you oh [ __ ]

I am getting uh ass foundation i got a little bit of damage me too but i think you’re supposed to change from ah i got a little bit of damage sad i think it just glitched me oh no that was supposed to be a thing remember not done yet but we’ll be

Pogged try it anyway oh is this the roller coaster yeah yeah yeah let’s go is there a boat no there’s no uh is there a mine cart here for the roller coaster luca where’s the mine cart luca oh wait this is the one that’s not finished so maybe we can’t really ride

It the same way let’s just climb it we will be riding a roller coaster later though yeah let’s go i love rollercoasters oh i have to show you something awful after something that has scar okay yeah see it’s not done But once it’s done we’ll write it i promise okay hold on me come here mika don’t look mika me mika do don’t look don’t look do look okay oh my god i got lost one second i got oh my god i’m lost oh my god i went the long detour way darn it

How do i like is it f5 like how do i zoom out and see myself uh i’m not sure is it f5 how do i like third party perspective does anybody know how to do a chat tell me h5 is it here you’re right i forgot how to like activate this

Hold on baby i gotta use the restroom you explore come come to the horses if if you want to explore hold on i will just hold on okay horses oh wait how do i oh the saddle right i need a saddle oh riding my pony be right back everybody give me a moment

Okay hi chat fish bakery under construction menu cookie bread milk i wanna look around i wanna look around sheesh look at the effort look i did an insane job the nut can act the ride what not not so lens land here lies bong killed by zelen he deserved it oh shoot

Oh shoot sounds kind of scary roller coaster i want to go to the roller coaster i want to see what that is oh my god chad i i love minecraft but i get distracted so easily hi nina’s chat by the way a grave yeah i’m looking at celen’s

Grave and um no death chat i’m not gonna die order here i don’t know how to do that i get distracted so easily this is making my brain single pick up here order here do i just get myself actually oh my bad i feel bad for i i feel like my respects

And minecraft like uh go upper like i don’t know why i treat minecraft like irl like i like to go in the house and be like excuse me and we’ll be entering oh what’s this enchanted forest in construction oh there’s so many things how did luka

Manage to do all that what is that what is that oh my god what is that my brain is getting triggered the last time i ever went to any like these kind of things rainbow road not yet finished i have too many ideas i don’t finish things up my balls

Dude i haven’t it’s been so long since i went into like a theme park or an amusement park or something it’s been so long wait what am i supposed to do here sorry for the delay baby i had to go and check something i’m back everybody hello hello hello

I’m looking at the whatever luca thing is i don’t even know which one back down which luca thing the uh one on the sky the one on the sky which roller coaster is she on oh god i’m not a roller coaster i have to like boats around boats

Honeys where is she honey bunnies where is mikko i’m on a boat and i can’t drive holy are you going fast on the boat i’m on a boat oh you’re on rainbow road okay okay okay where is rainbow road okay there is rainbow road i see it did

You see the hot air balloons in the sky you might die but that’s okay do it die oh i lived darn it they paid me for your deads baby die but i don’t know where the boat went oh it’s okay it’s just a boat baby sorry we’ll make you another one don’t

Be sorry it’s okay we’re we’re play testing disney don’t be i don’t want to get out of here without a death will respawn you at the at the entrance thank you for the money everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody who has provided income for all the debts mika has

Experienced it was in my inventory thank you thank you thank you oh is that a k oh that’s the carousel oh my god oh my god i remember seeing him about the maze on stream dude falling from a height scares the living [ __ ] out of me oh well here you

Go we’re going to be doing a lot of that can i pay you not to kill mika a lot of people have but i feel the the killing her is way no higher than the opposite definitely not are you sure definitely a lot of people are like oh no makeup please

I mean nobody nobody says that nobody says absolutely everybody said that nobody says definitely everyone said that everyone’s like please i know there’s an elevator but i already started walking up oh sorry mikko i think i interrupted you i’m so sorry bubba i’m also crying i don’t know

I’m just now looking for my items i have no idea where it went no items We should we should rainbow road together come back come back up here let’s rainbow road together okay okay let’s do it i am right here okay okay i wait i wait for you vote really oh you were right the boat was right here this whole time maybe the boat was the

Friends we made all along we considered that yeah maybe the boat was the friends we made all along oh i hear you i see you all right are you ready baby i’m glad you’re driving oh wait one second oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i wonder how he built this it looks

Amazing ah no baby i can’t drive can you drive same okay mystic and maybe drive i definitely did not oh i think i need momentum yeah violence speed momentum come on baby you got this let me get behind you okay cool okay okay you got this oh [ __ ]

I didn’t oh you didn’t eat it okay okay okay okay let let me go let me go let me go a little bit go nina go nina go nina go go go go go oh wait why is it lifted because you were on the platform oh my

God it needs to bounce you up oh could you lift the platform for me and we’re gonna try just slowly don’t fall down don’t fall in baby i think you needed the right speed from above thanks baby yeah all right all right all right okay okay kkk i’m just going straight do

I jump do i like no no just just go yeah yeah [ __ ] i made it i mean not the way i’m supposed to but i made it i’m sorry oh god oh [ __ ] i made it not the way i have to make it but i still made it if you think about it

Uh i still made it yes i fixed the jelly but i kind of yated the [ __ ] out of my boat oh go get another one from the entrance can you jump oh there’s another boat there’s a tunnel boats no oh my goodness now i have to do this parkour style

I’m sorry yeah sorry for you what i mean i i i can’t believe i made the jump but lost my boat in the process it’s in your inventory apparently so no it got burned it burned because i went by the by the fire no no it actually if it burns it’s not

Oh for real yeah for real for real baby all right this is just now a parkour okay i won’t be able to make this one because i don’t have a boat unfortunately i’m coming come baby we are gonna die because i don’t have a all right you can you can ride my boat

Right yep oh [ __ ] you could have definitely used my boats it’s okay oh it’s true i could have used your boat i could have jumped behind you on the boat oh ow i’m gonna use your bomb boat list i am now my boatless baby no you’ll be fine don’t i

I did taco sparkle tower is it harder than dc or no it’s a it’s it’s definitely super easy to try it out talk about parkour tower training you sacrifice your levels everything i have is high level and now that i understand how to get experience from the furnace i’m fine

Baby i have so many levels don’t even worry about it oh wait wait why am i going this way oh i made a mistake i should not have gone this way my inventory yeah there’s none no boat in my inventory chat you were wrong i should not have gone this way all

Right mika i’m coming i’m waiting i’m waiting right here all right all right waiting right let me let me get straight right here oh yikes oh my god oh it’s okay this time my boat survived okay okay come come come come right here you got this nina you got this just yeah

You can do it you got it this was so much easier when i was just jumping oh okay okay come on come on come on i think i needed the momentum though okay okay okay i trust this is in your head violence we’re heading the wrong way okay no no no no no

You are a driver you are a racer gas gas special delivery okay that was weird i don’t understand how that worked that way i don’t understand what happened we were too heavy someone said in chat oh you can be two people in the boat darn it do you want to try again

You wander nah it’s okay we can look at other stuff come here come here there’s a little i need to steal from the snack cart because i am hungry [Laughter] who’s skipping mika for mommy’s deaths huh darn it yeah chat the [ __ ] tables how the turntables i’m actually not putting anything back

I’m coming in and i’m eating the food oh is that a little horse cute wait a second where where did where where is where do i go okay i go over there yeah see chat sometimes you don’t even have to do anything nina just uh

Does it for you yeah nida just dies for you that’s our master plan dying yeah exactly you know you don’t need to do anything even nope all right i’m coming to steal some food delicious delicious food i oh okay i’m taking bread Mr left before we could even try the uh no i think he’s busy with some stuff today oh this is such a pretty pool design where’s mika where are you where are you i’m at the cafe place okay ride by roll up right by rainbow road buy a new mom fund noor

Her fox bomb isn’t broken she can fix her norm she’s not broken nor nina died for her sins and her own sins mostly nor i have never committed a sin or a crime baby i have not once even sinned this was where nina died from hunger apparently no i died because

Like i had very few hearts and then i jumped out and it killed hearts cause i’m not wearing armor it looks like like you know what to do oh this one yeah i saw this also grab grab some food make sure you grab the food although i think the food in the

Other stall is better baby you’re going to get hungry have some pork chop there you go thank you you’re welcome all right where else are we going there’s so much to see here it’s wilder how do we go back up we can go through here right

No i think we have to go through here baby okay you came it to be gaslighting because no no no no i have not yet gaslighted bika not even one full gas lighted um what are you doing about not even once oh wow sorry there’s some stuff that even i’m

Seeing for the first time it’s kind of an ian minecraft server tour for me the only thing mika when i took the roller coaster have you been on a roller coaster in your life yeah uh yeah once okay i could immediately tell luca’s not been on a roller coaster because it was so

How do i explain it his turns were so sharp that i could feel my neck breaking when i was riding it also wait there’s one i don’t know where the roller coaster is but come up here i’m sorry i can’t find the roller coaster does anybody remember next to

Where it is the one that goes underground oh someone just said uh my life insurance policy has been approved and deposited thank you oh wait we needed a member press w although let me grab a boat oh wait i i oh should i oh you have

A boat oh no wait i have two boats i have two bolts in my inventory i’ll give you guys okay wait can you pass it together uh i worry we might be too heavy again for the for the slime here but i passed it yes but where where did i

Pass it you need to you need to do it again when i say honeys when i say where is this and you say over there oh fudge mika come on i’m trying nice yeah oh wait i think you have to press a button yeah there’s no more boats in the funnel okay

All right how do i place this boat hello mr boat all right you know what i’m going to put this in the funnel and then i’m going to press the button okay why i did it oh my god oh wait i didn’t what the heck oh my god oh my god we’re

Gonna oh my god oh my god what what funnel chat oh my god i did us do not see a funnel what just happened i’m so so i need a minute mika what just i am so confusion okay so you see where the button is under the if you click

Below the button there’s going to be like a chest sort of looking thing put the boat in there and then press the button this was the wildest experience okay so just keep pressing double umika don’t stop pressing w don’t stop pressing w you’re not stopping oh god what the [ __ ] keep pressing w

I’m pressing w as much as i can good morning to other countries good morning to everybody and good night isn’t this wild what was that i’ve never experienced that before the boat is just floating chad yeah my boat broke and i was under it so i actually thought i was gonna die

And now we have a boat nina is flying oh no that was one of the craziest things i’ve experienced that is trippy chad luca is a genius is it he crazy okay uh where’s the other roller coaster hold on hold on mika i gotta i gotta focus because chad’s been saying

Over there which tells me nothing over there over there mom over there they’re there mom under huh where [Laughter] hi sugar foot daddy’s ran out of hot dog buns honestly though the ian minecraft service stuff uh do you want to look at the uh jp one eventually yeah we should please please

Yeah yeah yeah we definitely should oh yeah but first i need to fly this roller coaster for you near the pogue sorry what is up ah what where is the roller coaster oh i think it’s over there i think it’s this one is it in the back under no no y’all need to

Tell me next to what it is otherwise i won’t get it i think it’s here under hello stripper and hello to all the residents in the nursing home yeah here lies bong killed by selena oh oh can we get some f’s in the chat for bong We will pray to bond i hope you’re having a good day at work stripper cheers all right let’s go i’m just warning you this is gonna hurt your neck hello from the residents at the next thing you go first where do i okay you come here okay yeah yeah push go bye

Oh god Oh oh Oh that’s creepy it’s a little bit trippy creepy and nina’s just full-on going like oh it’s done it’s not done oh my god it’s almost done oh my god your neck has been broken oh oh oh oh i know he’s not been on a roller coaster the other way it doesn’t work no

It doesn’t work i’m trying to push nina back on that side thank you baby you got this nina yeah i’m going backwards oh my god oh my god oh my god this is even trippier backwards oh my god oh my god yeah this is this is vengeance chat see

It’s not death but it’s kind of close this is sheep oh oh oh oh oh i’ll be right here oh no i didn’t get far enough for the oh i think i’m longman adventure long long man oh no i think he’s stuck chad oh i’m coming out i’m coming out

Is there no water and really creative though oh there is one i know luca is so creative it’s wild think about it i’m so glad he’s not evil because imagine if he used his power for evil the big and evil mafia boss is actually just big

Yeah he really is just big that’s it the big and evil mafia is just big that’s all he is he’s a good big boy he’s a big good boy good big boy oh someone in chat said please go to the maze you know you want to go to the main

Street the maze too yeah yeah yeah yeah he just made it i mean one second i didn’t see that don’t worry about it i can put it back hey let’s go i haven’t seen them i’ve seen him build it but i haven’t actually seen the maze come on baby everyone said it’s beside

The enchanted forest i love i haven’t even seen the enchanted forest yet it’s like under construction oh spooky this is so pretty no no no the maze you’ll see it it’s actually going to be a maze-like thing um i love it i’m going into the amusement park with my baby mika

Yeah this is actually kind of fun i haven’t gone to an amusement park in so long really go to yeah we should go to amusement park we are at an amusement park hold on oh there it is we’re right by the maze i don’t think we’re supposed to see that

Oh the oh yeah i get it i get it we’re like sneaking from the top yeah yeah oh my god oh my god we’re actually okay kkk let’s go back here we come from here here here here oh okay oh this is the end oh let’s just go all right we made it

We’re so good at the game okay nina me you only big brain okay only the brain biggest brainest okay biggest brain do you believe in us how do we i don’t even know how to and i think let’s just keep crawling around the maze and then

We’ll find the entrance oh wait i think we have to go up here and then walk around sorry baby biggest brain okay easy this is the imagine we we’re not even lost in the maze we’re just lost we’re just lost are you lost baby trying to find the maze are you

Lost baby girl okay it’s here it’s here it’s here okay yo listen can you uh have the speedrun i goofy please take the stand you okay listen i’m pretty goofy okay baby oh what the hell is this 40 40 what 40 40s all right 50. 30. entrance all right baby

Okay ready hold on let me eat some food i am trusting your judgment you’re the ghost okay so we go here we go all the way over here and we go right here okay we go bang okay that’s that’s dead okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine let’s let’s backtrack

No reason it’s okay it’s then it’s this one definitely right bang bang bang if i was luca i would take oh i get what you’re doing you’re always going to the furthest that’s fine yeah now he’s going to the furthest so then that way we can see if oh okay okay

It seems that luca i will take the first one of everything is that even a thing okay yeah it’s empty right yeah yeah so we’re going back to here she is correct first one of everything i don’t think it’s gonna be the first one of everything baby like this oh but i’m

Making it i’m making it oh my god mika she knows inside this brain stop i am inside lucas look at that [ __ ] I don’t see a difference if it comes down to it nina you have to kill me okay first one of everything if i was lukaka we are we are doing anina we’re doing it first one of literally everything how is she so cracked i know the community that we first one Yeah no way we just walked into a circle no we didn’t no he didn’t trust me no we did not look at this oh look at this it looks like we looped back around no it looks like it but it’s an illusion nina it’s not we did not loop back around luka

Help me [ __ ] if okay do you want to go left or right for this one left and then you take the first one we’re going to be here taking the first we’re going to be stuck here forever we are going to be stuck here forever [ __ ]

You know okay you take the lead nina you take the lead we’re back at the start no yeah we are hmm all right all right we’re zooming we’re yeah it feels like we’re back at the front which is fine let’s go to the furthest

Usually what i do is i just go to the furnace and then i knock them out but the problem that he did is he made some stuff not a dead end so you’re just looping back around like here here it feels like we’re just looping back around is it are we

It feels luca doesn’t it not not coming back around wait wait wait wait um okay i’m so bad at directions i feel like he is all right wait we are not okay we are in a different space that we’ve been before i don’t remember seeing this

I’m sure he’s gonna like loop us back to the front i’m sure one of these entrances leads us back to the front right because he’s devious like that oh my god where’s my golden thread and needle when you need it i feel like we’re about to encounter a minotaur

We just went to these two and they’re closed right like we just okay so we have to go back to this path right this was the path where we chose to diverge um uh where did we come from no we came from here i think so we gotta go yeah this way maybe

My brain does not work like a map at all none of this looked familiar to me okay i think we’re circling back because i remember seeing the story okay yeah i remember seeing the storch on the ground so we’re circling back okay okay here is where we went this way and we got

Lost so circling back here did we take the first one yes it looped us back so let’s take this way [ __ ] okay nina’s correct i think he’s looping us back because look look wait oh fudge sorry you know i’m mad when i’m actually like swearing but you know nina’s correct uh

I’m not lost i’m not lost i know i’m getting here you got this nina you got this where the [ __ ] is luca when we need him chad okay so this is a dead end let’s go back let’s go back okay okay so this was a dead end

We were here together okay so this torch right here is a dead end if we see this torch with this view it’s a dead end okay let’s look up there we see rainbow road patterns if we come here that’s a fudge wait what huh okay up there a dinner fudge

We’ve got this okay we’re getting we’re getting we’re getting okay so we okay this is the tour i wonder why he put torches on the floor i wonder what or maybe somebody else put the torches on the floor to indicate that they cause that’s kind of cheating right like

Maybe it’s to scare off the zombies yeah yeah yeah but he could have put them up maybe he feel like we’re going back i feel like we’re going back yeah it seems like it’s a full dead end route okay we’re there’s the forest we gotta head towards

It because that’s where the exit is but we just gotta make sure we’re going the right way towards the forest hold on let’s see this one first um nina’s correct we might have to go back from this route i think no i think we looped back okay let’s go

Back here i preferred being at the forest okay we can always uh scaffolding up no no no that’s cheating [ __ ] where was it where we were seeing the forest where oh grass let’s rip it off just so nobody else can use this hint oh she is devious what if we needed that hint nah we’re gonna suffer okay this is the forest the forest is this way so let’s try to

Go towards it i guess ah mika i’m so lost bad girl i’m so lost girl oh we’re doing it we’re doing it nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nina that’s so petty i mean no for real though after i killed it i realized maybe he put it there on

Purpose but i for real killed it because i was like oh it’s probably grass that isn’t meant to be there so i’m sorry if i actually The maze a destroyer all right let’s do the old-fashioned way let’s stay towards the right side at all times okay okay all right so just stick to the right wall that’s it yep we’re doing it we’re doing it just just you know what i’m done trying to this is

A really really good maze you’re just sticking to the right wall constantly that’s it yeah yep i heard that luca can map out maps in his head he can i don’t it’s when we’re traveling it’s crazy sometimes i’d be like oh let’s go to this place he’s like

We have to go there there there i’m like wait a minute how do you know he’s like oh because like we would come out of a random subway station sometimes and he would know which way to go because we because he had like seen it in his head

I would like the spatial awareness he is correct it’s wild to me yeah just how lucas brain looks like yeah this is why like it’s it’s so hard sometimes yeah this is holy this is what the pog man’s brain looks like baby we are inside luca’s brain i think we’re

Looping in the same thing no no because we’re if we stick to the right wall we’re eventually going to come out and see the place with the grass right if you just stick to the right you’re eventually going to come out i hope i think because there has to be another way

Right that is literally one way to see it like that way we’re just gonna [ __ ] trace the map yeah i mean it’s gonna take us a long time we’re gonna go through every single block and oh wait mika you’re not sticking to the right hello i am

It’s a dead end oh sorry sorry i didn’t realize yes oh wait that’s fast wait why is this kind of working yeah well the reason it’s working is because you’re always going to like circle the dead ends you know so eventually it’ll take you a long time but it’ll work

I just didn’t want to use such a cheap trick at the beginning well it kind of kind of kind of well we’re gonna we’re gonna go to every dead end with this that’s the thing i hope you’re really excited this is why we have several hours for today’s stream

Aren’t you enjoying this stream just us being stuck in dead ends isn’t this yeah i i like how your voice cut off a little bit oh sorry isn’t this [ __ ] is it this spot is in the spot oh god that was a little that was kind of funny it’s in the spot bro

I am sticking to a wall i don’t even know if this is the right wall just stick to it but it is a wall it is a wall and you just stick to the right that’s it if ever you’re in a maze baby yeah it’s a little cheap but do it

If you if you touch all the walls eventually you’ll find a way out we were yeah staying right doesn’t work if there’s a loop in the maze well i hope to god there’s no loop in the maze we’ve been here we’re kind of just is this the loop thing again uh

Let’s find out uh okay not gonna lie chat everything looks the same to me it does it’s really well done he’d be even more evil if you like blocked out the windows in a way where you can’t see your environment oh my god i definitely i think i’m getting nauseous from going

We did it mika we did it mika we escaped we win we win we win we’re the best we did it high five yeah high five for real though i think i was getting cautious what the [ __ ] i think sticking to the wall gave me you know

Do you get nauseous sorry when you play games or no like when you play emotion i never do and this was like i actually felt motion sick are we gonna see it from are we gonna look above oh i don’t oh oops oh oh don’t worry about it we are cheating

I mean we’ve already beat the maze right so there is no way i’m going to stare at this [ __ ] again we’re streaming we always let people know when they log in have you tried the maze it’s cracked it is something else it’s it’s wild i never ever ever have oh oh no

Oh no it’s okay i got you don’t worry about it can you like break the scaffolding thingy hold on let me actually do it so that it yeah break it perfect perfect perfect because i don’t want to leave like the traces here i feel you know

Yeah we he can’t never know no it’s not that it’s just it’s gonna ruin it for the other person oh no i’m gonna have to oh no wait nina where are you i’m here baby i can pick you up nina come on no no it’s fine it’s fine i can break these

And then it’s fine fine okay i got it i remember one line you remember one line we is it jazz on the clock the line yes on the clock this maze is cracked i feel i i feel ways i feel all sorts of type of ways baby this is now the end yeah

This is our ending nina and mika made this the exit we did yes i bought you how phone was here we’re streaming so far so good we’re always having fun mika right tell tell everybody just tell them how much fun you’re having right now tell them how fun this is

How exciting this stream is tell them yes tell them how much fun you’re having it’s very fun tell them that i didn’t kill you not even once yep not even once tell them i’m the best mom you are the best mom good good girl the fear usually when uh we log into minecraft

It’s usually to just like do our own stuff so most of the time when we’re off stream we don’t really like do crazy stuff together i think this is something crazy though yeah i mean like usually if we’re if we’re like let’s say i log into minecraft after you know my

Stream i usually don’t want to do anything i usually just want to like focus on my own things that i have to do i’ll sleep one sec we have to find a bed because half of us have to be sleeping quickly mika oh quick let me get to the beds

I’m hurrying i’m quickly thinking run run run i’m running the bed running to the bed feeding to the bed oh god oh god no pressure no problem to the bed to the bed we must do it for a on are you gonna tell her that you smell your bed oh ee

Oh well that was easy have you seen the little balloons and floating in the sky by the way yeah isn’t that cool hot air balloons uh we can’t really go up there unless we build a scaffolding up i think unfortunately this is insane such an awesome job i know it’s crazy

All right i think we’re done with disney worst case you’ll just have to come back and we can re-explore it let’s go back into the town and see a few more houses hell yeah autobull farm but wait before we go i just want to hear the among us theme one more time

One more time hell yeah do you want to press the button do you want to do the honors you can do it you can do it i’m leaving him a note I honestly don’t understand how you can like be on minecraft for like the whole day oh [Laughter] yeah me neither ability thank you me neither oh my god yeah who plays minecraft actually like every day yeah every day for a month imagine that that that imagines

Is like a pro streamer oh my god imagine only iron red stone and diamond please wait is this somebody begging for items revive revive i’m like oh just the word revised holy revive oh actually uh do you have your mind card still no um take a minecart from morning long

Yeah are you ready for the long yes i’m ready for it along okay go nina i have to push you i’ll push you okay i don’t think yeah this is a way better roller coaster wait how do i do it then just put your cart like next to the thingy i think

Next to the wall next to the wall hold on i can’t really help you because i’m all the way back can chad help her oh i think i got it wait no i went the opposite oh i can just push w easy clap okay this is kind of cool isn’t this

Isn’t it exciting isn’t it fun whoa there’s a button we did manually chat we’re manual people do whoa sonny made this because um he found a lush cave so he made this what’s a lush cave you’ll see baby you’ll see it’s a cave that is lush it is lush lash lash

I don’t know why does me do i lag on mika stream as well or is it only on my oh darkness do i lag on mika stream as well or only on mine sometimes my minecraft would lag like a little bit yeah i feel like it’s definitely lagging a bit today i don’t

Know if it’s just like a youtube thing or if it’s a me thing today maybe it’s just youtube why does it sometimes go dark that is actually really spooky does it actually oh oh it’s loading the chunks that’s why it’s lagging oh yeah everyone is lagging that’s probably what it is it’s just

Minecraft like loading stuff for me i’m lagging a bit okay this is long sorry for the lag baby sorry for the lag i hope we have time to visit everything today because you vox has i think the biggest castle out of everybody i think he has one of the biggest

Buildings out of all of us it’s huge huge huge huge it adds to the comedy the lag i’m glad i’m happy that makes me happy you need more mommy for a second like no mommy i need to go in like 30 minutes because it’ll be 2 a.m perfect and

Listen you want to know something my wi-fi i forgot to pay for the wi-fi yesterday so i did but i think they’re going to cut off my wi-fi something no i’m like running if i crash speed resume it like tomorrow night i think so oh my god that’s fine that’s

Fine that’s fine come here whenever you’re coming in here we can just like chill in the lush cave for a bit this is actually perfect because i have some stuff to take care of i’m leaving tonight on a trip just for a day or two but i haven’t packed yet

I haven’t packed yet baby so oh oh oh and i have to like do some work but you will where your head is i’m going to a cottage with my friend and her parents because it’s canada day today and we just want to like watch some fireworks

And honestly i just need to disconnect i’ve been i’ve been i’ve been pretty tired with everything since i came back so he’s got some doggos here oh that is crazy so this is kind of like a saudi secret cave that he claimed wait this is like a naturally spawned

Cave yeah yeah yeah a lot of these that’s why remember when i brought you to the mine shaft i didn’t mind all that it’s already kind of mind like it’s already kind of pre-created that way by the world that is crazy i didn’t know minecraft

Did that are you ready to ride all the way back oh hell yeah whoa we can continue next time yeah this needs like at least a week of constantine yeah i’ll be honest like even for me i feel doing everything in the in the server you need hours

You need so much you want to build something we should we should make something yeah we should it’ll be fun a massive penis no not like that a nail through it not like that baby yes it’s gonna be like a shrine you build that with your with your brother

It’s gonna be like a penis with a nail right through it i i hate it i hate it we will call it the pipi place the pippy palace the peepee palace yeah why the nail because i need to add my signatures i hate it yeah i hate everything about this

That’s a great idea the pee pee palace nina you’re going to be like you’re gonna we’re gonna have a face on top of the peepee gonna be you right there with a crown i thought about everything chad The pierce the pp palace it’s going to be the four pierced or something palace yeah the pp stands for pierced palace peepee think about it think about it i hate it i will not allow you to do this no no no no no no no no no no

Nina’s no pee pee nope nope nope mika you know you said you had to leave can you can you go you know you have to leave in 30 minutes can you leave now chad that’s a great idea could you leave now please i’d i’d appreciate that nina’s pee pee could you please

Could your internet get cut off please massive pierce palace gonna be big this is my nightmare this is what i deal with nina’s massive pipi this is what i deal with really good will they allow it they’re not gonna know because it’s gonna be underground because nina’s a thing is always underground

We’re gonna build it underground they’re gonna be constantly they’re gonna be mining and they’re gonna mine into one of them that’s the thing actually we could hide it the pp palace in the mine shaft the one that you saw because nobody uses it anymore we’ve like mined out a lot of it

So yeah we actually like a little we can have like a little like thing peeking out on the top oh my god like a tree for real if if you did that i don’t think anybody would find it nobody goes that nobody goes there anymore yeah see it’ll be fine in nina’s house

Yeah like right under it yeah oh my god nobody no no no get out get out get out of the bike or get out of like that’s funny thank you for the gifted memberships i appreciate it i love the do you do you have gifting as well yeah just recently

I didn’t know it was a thing it just got added i thought i had to confirm it but it just got added thank you for the gifted birdie oh my goodness everyone’s so sweet here baby come up it’s an iron farm so it like automatically spawns iron for us

Because the way that it works is like the golems there they get so the zombie is at the villagers and then it creates golems and then because of that um you know what the [ __ ] you know what the [ __ ] and then because of that when they die it gives a

Siren thank you for listening i respond all the way on these nuts a disney yeah all right all right come to me i’ll come to you [Laughter] not true [Laughter] someone’s gonna listen to our story and they’ll be like holy [ __ ] we need to make a peepee tower

All right i’m coming to disney i’m coming to grab you just in case you don’t know where to go i’m coming to grab you what is oak okay warmonger because pomu is like one of the biggest instigators of war in this server yay here you are i need uh

Do you want to see you go nightclub yes oh where is it it’s right there it’s frankfurt i mean look you you tell me when you gotta go baby hell yeah yeah probably like uh yeah like 30 minutes cool ish cool about it i want to see you guys nightclubs yeah

It’s right here thank you again everybody for warmonger thank you everybody for the gifted i really appreciate it it’s under construction And yeah we’ll see what happens damn technically oh people are saying it was gravity that killed you not me it’s true baby it was gravity i didn’t do a thing i didn’t do a thing it was gravity i’m innocent i thought baby your internet cut out

Ooh ooh come see my road come see my road okay baby before you wear your ntr we are ntr’ing uh initially it was made out of stone but now it is made out of ice and we’re going to be boating on it oh other way other way other way

Just don’t if you don’t hit him he won’t attack you okay these guys won’t attack you so right here we have a little experience farm so look how quickly it is to come up here pomu has a brothel i will show you a brothel brothel she has been spawning trapping

And kidnapping men where is she she has been spawning trapping and kidnapping men come here yes queen look at these men to be honest celente started trapping and kidnapping the men first and spawning them but the thing is previously they were all together in a big living area and

Now pomo has separated them into their own little cages and prisons she has separated them can you believe this so oh yeah it’s like for when we when we enchant oh actually really helped out with this but don’t tell her i told you she’ll start thinking okay i’m nice

Welcome to the brothel we have many lovely slaves what the [ __ ] previously oh my goodness my everything is oh baby baby baby baby grab one of these goat horns who can have some meat yeah you can have some meat how do you do that grab one of the gold horns from the dot I am warning How cool is this you can grab different ones they do they do different sounds baby you’re hoarding horny baby oh yikes i forgot to maruki You’re horning and you’re blowing baby you’re doing it yeah try it around there’s a lot of different ones Music can they hear it wait where are they yeah i mean they’re probably listening in the stream so if you the reason that the ntr exists is for this reason come up here it is a very fast way to get from place a to place b If you notice now we are insulin’s town of technology oh [ __ ] and then over there where i’m staring is where you spawned but it’s just so much faster to go in the nether because eight blocks in another sorry one block overground is eight blocks in another

All right let me also actually get into a bed hold on hold on i’m getting into a bed no i just tried my best the hell let me say you’re not i mean it’s to reset the no you can’t you can’t sleep no oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m

Sorry i’m sorry mommy mommy we’re gonna die what are you starving you need food here you go actually wait come here come here come here come here food food food we have a completely humane chicken farm that pomu has built it is absolutely humid and no chickens are harmed in this farm

Just open the chest there open the chest here no chickens were harmed in the making of this farm baby none whatsoever i just saw them die no no no no no they’re it’s it’s it’s not real the chickens can’t hurt you the chickens can’t hurt you

No no no don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it let me show you one last final place before before i let you go but we haven’t like honestly we haven’t even covered a quarter of the tour yet it’s that’s the sad that’s the sad part baby

That is a big world this is a big world and we’re also big builders all right whatever you do just keep running okay just uh okay are you falling yeah just keep writing just keep writing just just don’t okay don’t attack anything don’t worry if anything happens

I’ll protect us i mean ish i don’t have armor but just keep running yeah okay that sounds horrifying just keep running don’t worry okay keep running i am going to show you my secret secret secret secret beachside property where i am going to build the ntr headquarters

Oh oh fudge okay be careful there’s like blocks in the ice no a terrible fortress did you fall i got shot by something oh you got shot by the fire guy this is why okay it’s under construction come back come back it’s under construction i am so sorry baby

I’m not coming back no way it’s fine okay do you think hillary’s gonna notice me oh try it tell her you sniffed her i’m just hi i’m hiding behind this grass tell her you were smelling her i want to come back but i have no idea it’s okay okay it’s okay

Honestly it’s it’s so large the en server it’s so hard to see everything i feel like we have we haven’t even seen akuma’s castle you haven’t seen pomus uh anything you haven’t seen ookie secret tunnels uki’s other house uh which other place have you not seen you’ve not seen

I feel like yeah it’s just we have a lot of stuff are you lost by a girl yeah i got you baby alvin’s new home everything it’s okay mika next time next time i will show you was there like an enderman on a boat oh pomo probably trapped him she likes

Doing that with the enderman’s oh i know where you are you’re by the pool or whatever nipple i don’t know why she’s saying that i don’t know anything because i’m staring right into one oh you’re at neuters wow i’m just i don’t even know how to react to this one

No no they’re not nipples baby they’re eyes yes their eyes very suckable eyes what you can’t suck an eye baby yeah you can no i’ve never eaten a fish eye before uh i was thinking human eye but um wait i thought you said you were at neuters

I’m just running at a lira for some reason i don’t know where lyra’s going oh you’re following her yeah i think she’s taking me to the ntr oh oh she knew did she bring you to the one in in the main base or ncr yeah the one with the bed

I love npr i love i love interior all right all right i’m coming i’m coming thank you what was your favorite part today even though you didn’t even get to see you didn’t even get to see when i lived you didn’t even get to live this is probably my favorite part no lie

Thank you lvb a wee-wee senpai a wee-wee senpai oh my signs are dead hello hello baby all right you want to try this one more time you want to try this one more time i will bring you to my beachside property where i am going to build a really nice house

If you run because you can’t really survive no no no no it’s fine it’s just the problem is like since we replace the roads with ice um i need to block them off so stuff doesn’t kill it but it takes a lot more time than it did with stone because the

Stone road you can just put a stone road and you can just run on it no problem so why do you have ice is like the road because that’s what sony wanted he wants to ride boats on it but again because it’s ice i’ll have to protect it from each side

Which is going to take just keep running he’s shooting just keep running yeah just keep running oh my god i responded did you not did you not stop at the bed Where the [ __ ] did i even respawn this time nor meekor What do you mean that was too far i don’t know chad said it was too far away too far away where oh my god too far away where am i i’m gonna know it’s okay i’m coming far away i’m coming there’s no such thing you always respond about nippy you’re back at nippy

Yep i see the nippy i’m walking okay wait wait stay stay stay stay stay stay stay i know the road is not child proof yet and it’s gonna take a really long time to child proof it i think i think next week i’m gonna do like gorilla minecraft streams to child proof it

Because otherwise we’re never gonna be done baby please baby please language this one oh eyeballs i mean what happened to this one which one convert it’s probably billy’s doing that’s like a sideway hello we go one last attempt one last attempt all right all right all right uh everyone’s

Saying you were too far from the bed to interact with it what we’re gonna go back to this teleporter because i want you to interact with the bed okay i hope your internet doesn’t get cut off for tomorrow darn it baby it should be usually it dies for like 12 hours and it

Gets back at like six or five do you think you’re gonna get it in time for your stream probably i mean if it doesn’t chat then yikes you know but i’m playing the aquarium so excited you’re welcome to play that the quarry oh the quarry yeah

Yeah yeah i’ve heard a lot of things about it but i’m worried it’s like a little too slow paced i don’t know i’ve been enjoying watching it but to stream it i worry that like okay you make sure to press it so that it says you can only sleep okay perfect yeah

I can probably kill him with my bow before we go fast yeah we’ll honestly just i think we need Maybe we need to stick a little closer together when we run okay i’m gonna run yeah honestly just keep following the ice road that’s that’s that’s why i do this so it’s easy to i think if we stick together when he shoots we won’t be apart because lately when he’s been shooting

We’ve been apart my love all right perfect perfect running running and running rolling perfect oh [ __ ] it’s running i’m just writing i don’t even care keep running keep writing you’re doing good there’s like this blob that just shot a baby yup don’t worry about him don’t worry about him

Oh my goodness i’m getting spoiled totally fine getting spoiled make sure you’re spoiling my mika too she unfortunately died very unfairly today you know see the thing is with the road you just need to make a road and it’s good enough but with the other thing you gotta do other things

All right baby you ready question mark this is my other secret base for now it’s not so secret but it’s not so secretively i’m glitching because it’s loading yes come here come here come here we i want to show you the really pretty fishes the really really pretty fishes

Oh my god did you make that no it’s it’s in the game holy it’s in the game all the tropical fishes i would want to make a house underwater here but i mean knowing how slowly i build it’ll take me forever it’s fine it’ll take me forever

But there’s like these little corals and stuff under water that are glowing ah it’s so pretty it looks good and then i’m gonna make it an aquarium and charge people money to come in amazing that is what why we love mommy capitalism mommy yeah all right let’s get to safety and uh

Maybe talk for like a few minutes before you go because i miss you i had a lot of fun me too uh i was just behind us he only like he’s so funny he like teased us and then he just logged out sorry please continue the fact

Honestly oh you know i have missed i think yeah i think myself like busy he’s a busy man everyone yeah of course of course i mean before before we streamed today i told mika i was like i have so much work to do and like

I was actually so i was supposed to go on the trip i’m gonna log out of minecraft and we can be in zatsu i was supposed to go on my trip and come back sunday morning before stream and i told my friend i’m like i’m sorry i have to

Come back saturday night i just i have so much stuff to do so i’m only really going for like a day and a half because i have i have too much work to do i just i’m so nervous about just the amount of things i have left to do

You got this don’t even worry about it i mean you know sometimes if you don’t look at the work it doesn’t exist true but it’s hard because i feel like i really like what i do and a lot of this work is stuff that would improve you know the

Stream or would improve like the quality of life of you viewership because like next week for example i want to play some games but if i don’t prepare the games then i’m just going to play minecraft all week you know true oh my god that is that is that’s me with [ __ ] yeah

Lately oh are you having fun no i hate it here i hate i hate games i i just want to be a non-gamer non-gamer that’s kind of how i feel that way to be honest i kind of feel that way now with i just really want azatsu done a lot and

I want to organize a lot of zotsudans I only want to play games where i build do you actually like minecraft are you enjoying monkey i hate it that’s why i played all the time oh no i have a lot of fun i really like that i mean we play minecraft off stream too

We will play minecraft all day on stream and then every night when you log into minecraft there’s like five people online and we’re just playing [Laughter] honestly it kind of reflects on how many things are built that that has a lot that pays us a lot yeah and we’ve only

Had the server what for like three months now two months i don’t know holy [ __ ] you should visit yeah you should come to the tacos tower i will one of these days i will i promise i promise i promise i promise if you go to the id server i will be

Your tour guide but i will do my best worst case we can get a better tour guide than you right i’m teasing no i’m like the best tour guide i’m kidding there’s like so many everyone id is like an insane correct builder and i yeah that’s how i felt

That’s that’s that’s exactly how i felt too i’m like i’m just i’m not building i’m just i’m just i’m just vibing i’m just vibrating i’m not even i’m just there to jump i’m just there to do jump okay mika give me your head i want to

Head pat i want to head pat your head wow wow wow cutie what else are you doing next tell my audience a little bit can you please help pat meeker right now next week yeah you said you’re playing the cory what else are you doing i’m doing the quarry that’s tomorrow oh

That’s amazing two days and next week i have no idea i might try one gameplay of genji on stream and then cry no don’t cry all you have to do in gench and it’s easy just don’t spend money just don’t spend money oh well well i

Kind of [ __ ] up step one is there step two just don’t spend money it’s that easy yeah just yeah that’s it just just just do that yeah i would never spend money on gen chen are you crazy i would never do such a thing how much do you think you spent on genji

How much do you think you spend on genjin man i had such a great time with you nina i missed it we should play more oh my god oh my god oh my god okay baby okay baby i love i love you nina man i Thank you for joining baby i get it i get it that’s fine i hope you have a great of your day yeah pp tower no no pp tower tower no pp tower i love you baby i’m gonna make you small and make you sleep in the stream just i’m gonna boom [Laughter]

Are you still gonna continue playing minecraft uh no i’m gonna i’m gonna read donations and then have a little bit of talking with everybody and then i am going to go and when are we going to do our spy party niner we haven’t forgotten no we haven’t we we were supposed to plan

Soon but you were busy or i was busy or we were busy oh i think we were we were both busy yeah we’ll plan it soon we’ll plan it soon baby i love you have a great night everybody say bye to mika bye everyone bye bye bye bye everybody in mikastri update you

Guys about that one next time chat door bye bye it’s just you and me darlings let’s talk let’s talk a little bit let’s read some donations thank you everybody for spoiling me today i really really appreciate it um again i have good news i will be back tomorrow late at night

And honestly i am just going to log into the internet and start doing work i’m not even kidding baby i’m just going to log into the internet and start doing work um i have so so much stuff to do but right now i want to spend time together

And i want to read some of the soupas from today thank you for spoiling me i hope you enjoyed mika’s stream if you want to check her out all the links are below for her um thank you so much ghost preservation fun thank you thank you thank you um let me open

The super chats let’s talk about it i was thinking of doing um a spicy noodle eating stream where i do it for such a punishment and i was thinking of having my hand cam set up so you can see me do it how do you feel about that

What’s everyone up to today let’s let’s have a little bit of talking before before i go just because when i do collabs i feel like i don’t get enough zatsudan time and i feel like i don’t get to talk to my honeys hello good morning i hope you’re all doing good

They’re writing japanese but in russian letters [Laughter] you’re speaking japanese but with an accent i love it i love it but i see what you want to do hi mom i will have a very busy july so i will not be able to see most of your streams i would like

Some kind words to get me through this hard month look at the best busy july first of all honey number 153 my this just means another month will be easier right i’ll be honest with you i feel i’ve had a pretty hard june as well

So i am hoping july is going to be easy you had a hard july maybe you’re going to have an easy august maybe you had an easy june it happens it’s okay it’s it’s you know these things happen and this is just kind of what what you do and

Again i hope you have a good time i hope everything’s happy i hope everything’s good and in the meantime you’re gonna have a lot of vods and you’re gonna have a good time right baby i’m sorry you’re having a rough time hi coleman how are you doing

I hope someone who speaks japanese is going to be nearby when you read the previous super i’m fine baby my japanese is okay to read the russian super thank you vadim for the aka super amolga thank you for the super can i please head pat mika right now i got you baby

Ryoka thank you for the super it was gravity that killed her not you thank you thank you royo red happy canada day happy canada day everybody actually i gotta tweet this if you are canadian happy canada day if you are not canadian ah no happy canada day for you

If you’re not canadian no happy canada day to you but for me i am gonna have some wine tonight i’m gonna watch some fireworks and i’m just gonna hopefully relax i’m bringing a bunch of books with me i’ll be honest even now just thinking about leaving i have so much work to do

But i think i’m just gonna try to tell myself look i’m just gonna disengage i will worry about my work tomorrow future me will worry about the work that she has to do current me will enjoy my time off because it’s been you know it’s i don’t know if anybody can relate

When you have a lot of projects and then you do a project and another project pops up and a lot of these projects that i’m trying to set up right they’re kind of long-term it’s a lot of going back and forth that’s a lot of setting up collabs oh i’m tired

Happy canada day to you to nina thank you energy nikki thank you thank you thank you i appreciate it i appreciate it a lot um and then i feel guilty because i i feel guilty that you know i’ve been streaming less i feel like i’ve been only

Streaming two or three hours the last few days but i have so much stuff i know mika so i’m actually another thing so one of the projects that is going to require a lot of work for me is i want to move everything that i have on my trello over to notion

Because i was using trello for management of tasks but i feel trello is really good when you’re working on maybe one or two small tasks but the problem is i have these like google docs and spreadsheets that go into other google docs and other spreadsheets and i just need i just need more

Um i just need a better kind of bird’s eye view of everything and i have some projects that you know i have to put on hold for six months but i don’t want to forget about the project just because it’s on hold for six months doesn’t mean the project is done

Energy nikki thank you again and friend b thank you so much for the super morning mama i missed the stream since you stayed up and slept in don’t even worry you can watch the vod and thank you for the daily super no daily soup is tomorrow because i am off tomorrow

Jane lay don’t ever be sorry for giving not a lot of supers i love you regardless thank you davren venus i actually bought two bottles of wine because i thought that i was staying two nights which means i have two whole bottles of wine for tonight will i drink them no

But i do plan on maybe drinking a whole bottle of wine i’m not gonna lie tonight um my plan is to be in bed by 10 pm because where we’re going it gets dark really early oh wait no because fireworks because fireworks hmm We’ll see i i just really hope i get to go far into my book just i bought a book called on earth were briefly gorgeous it’s a novel by austin ocean vuong is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read written when the speaker in his late 20s

The letters on earth’s a family history that began when he was born a history whose epicenter is rooted in vietnam i’m excited i heard that this author writes very very beautifully and i wanted to buy a novel just to kind of disconnect my brain because you know when you read kind of

Self-development books or anything like that you’re on the grind set you don’t really disconnect your brain but here i just want to fall into a story and completely completely disengage from everything else yep exactly yvonne exactly exactly that mhm exactly that i’m sorry lantern that really sucks

You like the book good i’m excited to read it i’m hoping i can finish the whole book maybe by some maybe by tomorrow or at least get really far in it it’s a very small book it only has what 242 pages after reading a little bit of the wheel

Of time this book is amazing i’m excited yeah i just wanna i just wanna kind of immerse myself in another world because i feel i don’t really realize how tired my brain gets you know because i’m always thinking i’m always moving i’m always doing stuff so i need to do

Something that will just fully fully disconnect my brain oh it’s called on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong and i’m sorry if i’m mispronouncing the last name v-u-o-n-g thank you clover i’m also reading wheel of time but a little bit slower just because the start of it is a little slow

And you know i i kind of want to disconnect my brain quickly eonized odds thank you so so much for the super staying bright doesn’t work if there’s a loop in the maze it didn’t work for us stripper slot thank you so much for the super whispers thank you so

Much for the super uh royal red thank you so much for another super you’ve all been spoiling me today uh ash kelly thank you for the super gabrielle thank you for the super hi mom this is my first super chat that i sent you i’m sorry gabrielle that i didn’t

Read it during the stream thank you for brightening my days and being such a caring mother i love you no tabitha i want i want none of that don’t look at me don’t don’t don’t pay attention to me don’t notice me don’t don’t look at me don’t give me your

Attention don’t say anything don’t just just just do your workout and don’t look at me it’s tough too because i feel i just have so many ideas but sometimes it’s hard to make them happen um and i’ve been i’ve been actually a little bit sad because it feels lately

Like a lot of the ideas that i’ve had after working on them for a long time i won’t be able to make them happen um and again i i can’t really get into details but for reasons you know outside of my control sometimes decisions have to be made by a whole

Group or you know if if i do something then maybe other people it might reflect on them badly or anything like that so unfortunately i’ve had a few projects that i was really excited to show and i was really excited to talk about but it’s probably best if i don’t so

It just feels like i have to kind of go back to square one and be like okay well what do i want to do now what what other project because i had these projects in mind that were going to be taking up a lot of

Time or a lot of space on my schedule or even that i was working on but it again it’s and absolutely this is not a criticism obviously there’s incredible benefits from being here in niji sanji with everybody but sometimes sometimes sometimes i can’t do the things i’ve been trying to do yeah

Sometimes it’s sad sometimes it’s sad i have to say this though it feels like i don’t know i maybe my problem too i have this thing that before i do any project i ask for permission and then sometimes i get a no but i don’t know when when i ask for advice

Sometimes other people are like why’d you ask for permission i’m like because i don’t want to get in trouble so i don’t know i feel i feel uh huh maybe maybe my mistake all along was getting pr you know it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission type of vibes

Villain villain vibes in 2022 villain vibes at 2022 that kind of thing it’s uh it’s sad but you know i’m excited i have a lot of stuff that was like on the back burner this is also why i want to kind of transfer my project from trello to notion so i can

Better see what projects i’ve kind of left on the back burner i’m sorry you’re feeling sad darling i’m sorry you’re feeling sad hi darlings we’re kind of at the end of the stream i’m just going to be reading some super chats and doing a little zatsudan for

Maybe 30 more minutes and then after that we’re gonna we’re gonna go raid raid a member of needy sanji how are you all doing today what’s everyone up to huh joshua thank you so much for the super just wanting to send some love to fox

Mom thank you thank you thank you dr s shenanigans thank you thank you thank you may i suggest giving mika a lava bucket just to see what happens that’s not a bad that’s not a a bad choice reza99 thank you for the super into it’s delicious dr sand thank you for the super

Tries to kill mika ends up almost killing yourself how do you even kill a ghost if it’s already dead i don’t know baby gamesmartz194 thank you for the super rioka thank you for the super roy oh red thank you for spoiling me today thank you for the super drake thank you so so

Much for the super okay there’s definitely a lot more people wanting to kill mika than save mika let’s count it let’s count it honeys you’re keeping count okay uh one to both oh wait that one doesn’t count okay sorry two to save mika two to kill mika okay so it’s even

Um one to save mika two to save mika thank you cheeto 93 thank you ferris fair tenshi 13 thank you so much for the super three to save mika life insurance fund jade the wise thank you for the super one life for me that doesn’t count but

Thank you roy or red thank you for the super one to kill mika so we have three to save one kill mika’s juicy penguin thank you for the big supply again truly maui thank you so truly maui thank you for the super one more to save mika

Four save one kill cappy the cat thank you for the super another oh my god there’s a lot of people saving got five save one kill benjamin sharon thank you for the super my experience with final fantasy 14 has been great uh i knew that i could not

Stream late yesterday so i only did character creation next time i stream i’m probably gonna try to stream it on thursday or maybe monday i will log in and we can actually play the game together i am not logging in until i can log in with you

She lost one live but i’m here to provide another there’s so many of you saving mika oh my goodness cappy the cat 3351 thank you for the support luna victory thank you for the super last lasagna thank you for the super i had fun with mika i really like spending time with her

I don’t know if i’m the best tour guide necessarily i feel like i just kind of go fast and i you know i could just let her explore but then she’ll get lost and we’re both you know we’re tired mika did a stream earlier today i just woke up

So i don’t know if i’m the best tour guide i definitely feel maybe if i had asked more people to join but i kind of didn’t want you know i don’t want people to come in on mine to me because alone time i love my mika she’s such a you’re right

She’s such a lost little bunny gohan bento thank you for the super i’ll cover her first death timothy tozer here’s an extra two lives thank you everybody thank you for paying for mika’s lives i’ll be honest it seems like there’s about 12 people paying for mika’s lives

And i was the only one trying to kill her it seems like i was the only one trying to kill mika and everybody else was trying to protect mika i was the only kill mika and everybody else was protect mika everybody else thank you thank you for today

What is going to be our question of the day tonight what is going to be our question of the day because i am going to head out i gotta prepare some stuff and do some work before i leave i will probably make a tweet that you

Know i won’t be very active in the next few days we are gonna raid anna she is making cookies from aloo peeps so please make sure you check out anna she does really really long stream so she’ll probably be here for a while until like the 3 p.m the 5 p.m

The 10 pm streamers are logging in anna always does really really really long streams i feel that way no especially when she’s talking i feel like anna has a lot to say and i love that about her she’s just started making cookies so she’s still just decorating them

She’s still just decorating them perfect what is her question of the day huh our question of the day do we save what would you choose save mika or kill mika is that a cute question of the day or should we have another one i know bloodlust but that’s just anna

She just does curse stream like that you gotta love her you gotta love her baby all right do we say yeah i kinda don’t wanna have everybody write the word kill i think that’s a little bit hmm i think that’s like maybe that could maybe s or k nah

Ooh favorite landmark in the en server i like that that’s a very cute question sanguinius all right the way that this works baby as soon as the stream is done i will put a question of the day please answer it unfortunately i do not have time to answer the questions today or

Yesterday’s but tomorrow when i’m back from home i will be answering the comments if you look back at the other videos i’ve been answering the comments so if you want to get an answer from fox mommy and maybe share your ideas with everybody else please consider writing uh the comment i’m

Gonna post it on this video as soon as it’s done and uh yeah please go over to anna’s and have a good good time in her stream thank you thank you for watching out baby go go go go go go have a great night bye

This video, titled ‘Mika Melatika Visits NIJISANJI EN Minecraft server [Nina Kosaka | NIJISANJI EN]’, was uploaded by Nina Kosaka【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-07-01 19:38:30. It has garnered 46882 views and 4315 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:41 or 11501 seconds.

TODAY Honeybunnies, I get to show my cute daughter @MikaMelatika Make sure you check out her channel too~

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Her Youtube ✰



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  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

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  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “๐ŸŽจ Hot Minecraft Artwork! ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅEPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅEPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More