Insane Minecraft 100% Achievement Challenge – Day 1

Video Information

Hello hello hello everybody Welcome Back and happy 2024 at this point I think everyone around the world has made it to the new year I I think maybe possibly probably um and we are getting rocking and rolling with another stream but today is no normal stream it is a

Special one because today is day one of Nine Lives season two it is back after a six month or so um Hiatus and uh it’s got some good stuff it’s going to be a good time I think um so we better get started so that we don’t fall too too

Far behind although pretty sure it’s there’s I I could already tell this season’s going to be a little little on the sweaty side but you know what we’re here to have a good time so hopefully you guys are here to have a good time as well and I appreciate you all stopping

By to uh come hang out um so uh probably going to need to get some command set up for this which I would should have done earlier but oh well um but overall um explanation for those of you guys that don’t know what it is um it or I guess

Weren’t around before or both I don’t know um if is it is a monthlong event with 48 I think or something like that streamers um in teams of three that have nine lives to share amongst all of them um or no amongst the team I mean um and

The whole goal is to get as many advancements as possible at the end of the month um and that’s it it’s pretty simple um so we’ll we’ll go and jump on the server um I was on for the actual launch um of the server it happened at 1:00

Um but I didn’t stream it and I’m going to be honest I’m very glad I did not stream it it was extremely chaotic and um it was absolutely insane um which is to be expected when you have like 40 people all in voice call um at the same time so

Was kind of glad I didn’t didn’t stream it but we did find some good stuff um and um yeah man I actually now I think about I should have stayed at um at spawn so you guys could have seen that uh but oh well we we’ll go back there eventually

Um but we do have our team so let me go ahead and join in the server first and I might have to mute myself depending all this goes um I don’t think anyone on our team is online right now um oh no I lied cheetah is on um

But yes um so our team is myself um cheetah and aggro ninja I know aggro and cheetah were on earlier we already have 281 advancements so that’s pretty good um looks like first place is for uh who has the most I think 4:30 is the no

442 458 okay 458 is the most um so that’s how many the current first place team has however uh day one doesn’t really mean a whole lot um because really it’s just the ones that everyone gets but um there are eight kabillion advancements um that are around um a lot of them are

Very similar to season 1 um there are some new ones we are playing 120 instead of 118 um but yeah a lot of them are very similar I don’t know do we have all them unlocked doesn’t seem like that I think we’re missing a couple tabs um so today in really the first

Week or so is just about getting um as organized and as uh ready to go as you can um so that way you have all the farms and all the the stuffs needed um oh are we literally in someone’s house I think we are I logged out here and I

Logged back in and someone has claimed it I guess um hi Lauren how are you um so yes now the other thing is not only are we on a team um with our other two amazing orange teammates um but we also have an alliance that we have set um oh

I’m in slings house nice well unlucky sling um but we are also in an alliance with two other teams which we are going to um kind of work together and base around as well um so I need to remember what colors they are cuz I don’t not remember it is

With the white team which is with Great Lakes girl Dragon nebula and one other person I don’t remember um um and the San team which is sling shallow stack and another person I don’t remember either um Zelda I think Zelda’s on cyan is the third on cyan I don’t know who the Third

On white is um but yes so that is the plan that’ll uh kind of help us out when we’re making farms and all that kind of stuff as well is there a link for the server to see teams and potential progress there is a link uh let’s see if this command still

Exists it does not awesome well if you go to N9 lives um this amazing site you can check out the entire site you can check out the teams hit a load thinking you can check the teams and get all the socials see there’s a lot of them um you can check

The leaderboard which will eventually be updated I think it’s not going to work until day two or three um but this should live update or close live update um and you can also check out all the streamers here if you want so you want to have two tabs of Reese you can do

That augers um but yes um so that is that is what it is all about all about um so yeah um so we ended up coming all the way out over to this fancy location um there’s spawned you can see it looks freaking awesome um and we found this really cool

Teralith Village thingy thing um and I have been doing a lot of looting and O there already some building build going on here um so yeah so we’re going to continue doing some looting today um we’ll try to get some advancements and set up a base um

Now right now we are in kind of the shared Village I did get some coordinates from the team for where I think our specific is going to be hanging out hello hello what are you up to I’m trying to figure out where my team ended up basing okay yes let me

Share you share the the Waypoint for you um way points orang Trader Reese no you’re not going to become Trader Reese trust me we need all the help we can get in this event because there going to be people that are on 24/7 it’s a bit

Away gold perfect do you oh wow that is uh quite far away also I logged out in a nice house and then I logged back in and all of a sudden that house is your house oops that’s all right so yeah the this Village we claimed for um for cyan but

Obviously you’re welcome to to uh you know since we’re allies to if you need anything um and then let me also share so if you want to make a waypoint here for yourself and then the white team leg’s team is great way point here here you go for their

Races um so they are working on they got villagers going we got villagers started they’re going to be have more advanc Advan Villers than us cuz uh but um I don’t know where cheetah and um I don’t know what cheetah’s up to right now I haven’t talked to him in a

Bit um okay well I will go venture over there and I guess I have to take two trips because I have so much stuff so oh gosh tell me about it gosh my kingdom for a shulker yeah but um but actually if there’s anything you want to just

Dump here and then come back for later you’re welcome to well I already have a dump chest at the other Village okay so I guess I’ll just go dump this stuff off and then come back and get whatever I need although honestly most of it’s kind of trash anyways but whatever right um

Yeah well yeah feel free to dump wherever and then come back for it later so we don’t mind we’ll do bye-bye see you later bye uh all right we have oh boy we have 800 blocks to go oh boy um so couple changes from last season um

That I know of there’s a lot more that I don’t know as well um first one is teralith is in the pack which is awesome I’m actually a big fan of that that means we get some really cool nonv vanilla biomes um I’m a little bit interested to see how that works with

Some of the advancements I don’t think there are ter specific advancements but I wonder how that may impact our ability to do some of them or something I don’t know um and the bigger one is that the pack has um got the name of it pay for it I’ll remember it

Um it’s like the ability mod Origins um it has the origins mod in it which at some point I think not until the second or third day we’ll be selecting a class or or An Origin or something um I don’t know what they’re called um an ability

Or a type um that gives us a bunch of special abilities and stuff like that I’m going to be honest I don’t know if this is the best setting for that um I I mean I guess it’ll be fun I haven’t played with the mod I’ve been

Wanting to check it out um so that’ll be that’ll be cool I’m a little concerned that it’s going to really turn into like a meta game where like if you pick the right um the right Orin you win if you don’t GG better luck next time um cuz I

Don’t think you can change it once you select um but whatever I’m I’m just here to have a good time I’m not taking this event super seriously I know some people are um but it’ll be fine we’ll pick whatever thing looks the most fun and we’ll have a good time with

It so lowy blue is that what this is it definitely is that’s funny if you were a wild card you could do anything you wanted yes that is true I can do anything I put my mind to smile um the server is also struggling a

Little bit um I think a lot of people are generating new terrain it was struggling a lot more earlier today but I think now it’s gotten a little better um but with this many people online that would make sense um but yeah so um as for the streamers I obviously would

Recommend um going to the website and checking them all out but there are a lot of people that you’ll recognize from 2 there are some new people um included as well Great Lakes is one of them um who most of you guys should know from The Vault Hunters we also have sketch

Which is an awesome Edition I’m a little bit sad I I’m not on sketch’s team since I’ve known him for so long um but he is on a team with Lena rigged some might say um so hopefully we’ll be hanging out with him a little bit on the server here

Or there um and I think those are really the only two people that I no or that are new to the event this season that I knew beforehand um there’s a lot of new people that will get to meet as well which will be fun they should change host to insert current

Sponsor here true true we are getting close to inserting sponsor um so just know that that will be coming soon but sketch was in season one he was not no um but oh this is where orange team is huh huh maybe over here more that’s interesting um yeah no sketch is not in

Season one but I have known him for literally years like probably eight or nine of my 10 years streaming oh it’s probably over here um hey Ellen how you doing Happy New Year what’s going on hello hello hope you’re doing doing well hopefully everyone’s new year has been

Going well I don’t know if any of you guys set some resolutions I did not set any of this year I probably should have but I I did not oh cheetah’s here hello hello I don’t know if cheetah’s online maybe AFK um doggy Okay uh I like this biome this

Is sick got this Spruce with the red trees the pretty grass I’m happy and we got like this what is that biome I don’t know what that is so Yellowstone biome aha smarter than the average bear discover the Yellowstone biome there are teroth advancements oh that’s so interesting that is so interesting wait

Do we already have a villager breeder oh oh my goodness they’re going crazy sicko mode okay um so uh the two teammates um aggro and cheetah I think aggro was on the second place team last season um so he will be grinding a lot cheetah

I think was on the fifth place team also got a lot of advancement so I think we have a pretty solid team um um I do not think I’m going to be playing on this as much as I did season however um my plan is I going to try to

Be as efficient with my time on the server as possible um so whether that’s using a light mate to build farms for schematics or whatever um that has been my plan I think my teammates kind of um know that as well also there’s really not that is there only two houses in this

Village did they build these no the wait did they build these houses are these um did they find them surely they found them there’s no way they just built houses right how do I get in that yeah this is just like the saddest Village I’ve ever seen um okay well I

Guess let’s make base and we’ll make base inside of mountain to start because classic Reese what what else would we do with our life other than build underground base very sleepy two resolutions this year I’ve said how you doing on him so far I feel I feel the very

Sleepy um although I did uh I did take the um the good old nightquil last night and man every that’s like the one good thing about being sick is whenever I take that stuff it gives me the best sleep of my life so I’m feeling much more uh

Not relaxed uh rested than I did yesterday all right so let’s get all of this wait till the student finance drops a sword oh boy oh boy oh my goodness this lag is kill me a little bit okay um so and the other thing that we have is we do have

The um the looter mod in here which means that all chests could be looted by multiple people so that’s kind of we have a lot of loot because we need to go through and get a bunch of chests that I missed or didn’t get everything from um

We really just want as much stuff as we can get uh because some of the advancements especially the endgame advancements Get Ridiculous so the more resources we have the quicker we have resources the better it’s going to turn out for Us need some IR you haven’t streamed since last year SMH technically that’s not even true ravager because I streamed last night at midnight I think I guess I hav started a stream since last year that that’s valid ravager welcome back for the one year here 12 months let’s freaking

Go can we get some hearts in chat for the one year res subscription absolutely love to see it how are you ravager welcome back happy New Year midnight PST all right I guess that’s true I guess that’s fair um oh want to do that okay I

Also want to get gear going as quick as possible I’m always concerned about um um getting caught in a bad situation so we’ll kind of try to hold up on iron where did that come from um but yeah we we’ll do some Mining and stuff like that as we go um all right

Let’s go back uh oh where am I going though think we need to go back to can yeah so my chest of stuff is in that Village so way to go check that out um school starts tomorrow so AP stuff starts that’s so fun oof that’s uh that’s a little bit

Tough yeah I I took the day off tomorrow but I think I go back on Wednesday and I amum am honestly not prepared I was traveling or sick or busy for so much of the holiday that I didn’t even really get the amount of rest that I was hoping

For which is quite unfortunate um but oh well it is what it is it is what it is hey we’re just a couple months from summer I believe I believe and I don’t have a boat anymore Frick okay so we’ll cut down another tree and I’ll make my 18th crafting

Table cuz that’s apparently all we do just make crafting tables and vanilla okay there we go we do have fast Leaf Decay that’s nice and then we do that and we do that and we do that and we do that perfect Avo have a paid intership let’s go

Starting to make the big bucks heck yeah that was such a good feeling when I like started my interships in um high school and college and all that kind of stuff was like finally actually making consistent money it was like you don’t even know what to do with it until then

You start making paying bills you ugy bills ugy bills hey yo I just realized we have the fastest ping on the server let’s go like that’s got to account for 10 advancements oh did someone just die no Mankey hamster died to an iron golem o that’s tough that’s tough Mega feels

Badge I really want to stay away from doing anything um mob fighting or whatever today because the lag is so bad I feel like it’s just going to go poorly for us so we’re going to try to keep it really simple today um try to do maybe some

Easy mining or just some chest looting cuz I I don’t even want to risk it it’s been um lag and and mobs is not a good combination yeah we really need to be on the lookout for iron as well copper a lot of coal I don’t know if iron spawns this high

Oh what is that I think it’s just ter okay nice and I think base was yep right over here but our chest was up here more and there is still stuff in the um the ter Village that we need to loot as well so um and the other thing we

Want to hit today is probably some um sunken ships as well those are really good for getting early diamonds and stuff who trusted this guy to be on your team wow what’s up John how you doing dude look all I’m saying is I was top 10

In advancements last season so got a top 10 player right here ow woo it is laggy laggy all right where did I leave my chest of stuff I think this was it oh okay I guess that wasn’t it someone break my chest is it up here oh here it is the whis

Chest got our nautilus shell oh and my invent is already full again Frick okay what do we not need here don’t need signs definitely want see let’s do that no that didn’t really work okay I don’t think we want Birch we do want white wool um here let’s drop that

Out think that’s good enough eat our Apple okay that didn’t work um we’ll just do this so much for eating the Apple uh okay good stuff help a couple people start up heck yeah dude my goodness the render distance is struggling too oh no it’s just those chunks okay well let’s go

Drop all this stuff off again um and then we’ll keep looking around and seeing what’s going on um and I think what the other thing we’ll do is we’ll look around our advancements to see if there’s some easy ones we can knock off um and then after today we’ll probably

Try to be a little more targeted about what we’re trying to do um there’s a couple ones that I did not do last season because I didn’t plan well enough um oh wait I’m going the wrong way go this one um hello there I don’t have any fish heck

Um because I didn’t plan well enough to do the like super timec consuming ones um so we’ll need to try to do those early on as well um like I think we need to do the jumping ones and all that kind of stuff so even if we do like some

Afking um to get some of those like playtime AFK boat jump all those ones you do that did we get any iron no we did not need an iron farm that’s what we need we just go kill some Iron Golems surely that’ll work out for

Us I also want to try to keep an eye on what okay so pluck feathers from a chicken obtain cocoa beans I want to see what some of these are that way we can try to do them as well um what does pluck feathers from a chicken mean can you just kill

One is this wandering person welcomed um yes I’m confusion but yes how you doing um axium maybe did I say that right there any chickens around here there are some chickens let’s see if we can potentially pluck some feathers from the chicken shimkin oh hey there is some iron down there

Let’s go see if we can grab that ax or Axel whatever you want we can go with well what do you want I’ll go with axo I feel like I can that that is what I see when I read the name welcome in axo how are you doing

Hope all is well not going to lie I had a heart attack for half a second remembering if boats actually gave you fall damage or not oh heck okay that’s terrifying don’t like that don’t like that at all we are not even getting getting close to that

Monstrosity um does this have okay just efficiency on it know B minut so I just want to get a couple iron so we can get some early iron armor and then we’ll be good which I think means we need 24 pieces plus a couple for tools or up to 17

Is great by one interaction already oh heck yeah we have a pretty fun Community if I do say so myself maybe I might be a little biased though hey axo thanks for the follow appreciate it um okay is there any more iron no not chaotic at all yeah definitely

Not surely no one would describe this community as chaotic definitely not right guys oh snap got eight more torches for placing a torch um the other thing I want to do is oh I was going to add this but I think I forgot to um I want to make sure I get

Fbite added as well so we can you use our eyeballs okay that should be enough iron to make our would be nice if we had more but it’s all right chaotic us never no no this we’re not chaotic we are a perfectly normal and average Bunch how you doing

As nice to see you happy New Year oh my goodness that is absolutely terrifying I can’t even see the ground oh my gosh I can’t see the ground it’s all lava holy Frick what is that that is terrifying I hate it a Notch Apple the freak all right let’s get out of

Here let’s get out of here also sorry Chad I’m still going to be a little sniffly and coffee today so hopefully that doesn’t sound too gross try to remember to mute where I can supposed to be sleeping why would you be supposed to be sleeping why would you do that yeah

There is a m shaft I do not trust myself to uh to do that right now especially with the server lag so we’ll come back when we’re better geared up um and don’t have the chance to rip um especially if we can get it with

Elytra too be good that way if we fall into the pit of death we can catch ourself ding ding ding my goodness this Co vein’s freaking huge it keeps going hey I got coal miner there we go during 1: a.m. and you have work tomorrow you just just call off work

Work is overrated anyways who goes to work all right what do we not need here chat I want all of it guess we don’t need a piece of quartz dirt R course dirt uh first time hearing about n lives what’s about uh so basically it it is

Quite simple in fact um there are a bunch of teams of three people on each team and between that team during the monthlong event you have nine lives to share aha do you see where the the name comes from um so that is why we want to

Be very careful not to rip because our team only has nine lives and in fact our team actually only has eight lives cuz I think aggro had a little bit of an oopsy earlier today um so we’re done eight lives but yes so that is the that’s the

Whole thing and our entire point is getting as many advancements as possible um I’m working on getting a thing so you guys can see my advancement count on stream um so hopefully I’ll have that soon uh but for now you can see our team count right now we have 285 so I think

We’re in like sixth or seventh place um but oh my goodness I just had a heart attack holy frick um but expect that number to fluctuate a lot in the first couple of days um because everyone just gets all the easy ones so um we’ll uh we’ll get them

Eventually I don’t know what pluck feathers got to figure out what that means okay we are back home hello doggo and drop all of our stuff off yes all right is getting a rare advancements worth it because if it is I suggest getting the two effect um

Achievement um so we’re using not it’s not just normal Minecraft advancements we have a different um we have a mod pack that adds like literally a thousand more um so there’s this isn’t even all of them but you can see how many tabs we already have um

But all advancements are the same um so you aren’t necessarily there’s not necessarily you’re not inclined to do the harder advancements however that being said because it’s a monthong event everyone’s going to get mostly all of them anyways so we do have to get the diff ult ones

At some point but maybe aren’t the ones that we necess target right up front um cuz we have a lot of time so it’s really about getting a solid base of um stuff ready to go get all the Farms all the resources you need and then that

Way um when the time comes you can um do more difficult advancements all right so let’s get those going GE up in a second here let me do want to go get some more dondes um wait for that to do it thingy thing and I actually really like our area it’s

Very nice we got a cool little river at the Yellowstone we got villagers that’ll be good I think the one thing we didn’t do last season which I would like to do better this season is it took us a long time to get into villagers

Um so I think this time if we get into villagers earlier that would be better that way we can kind of be fully geared up um we still got everything we needed eventually but yeah um okay how I still freaking where was that chicken at I right click

You hydrate or diedrate that’s true chat everyone make sure you hydrate with your Mountain Dew hash sippin oh his legs hanging heading out F how do I hold on let’s look at it again I lost it is it animals catch a fish kill bunnies along of a friend of wol oh my

Goodness there’s so many of them even though we did this like eight freaking months ago I literally feel like we just did it yesterday oh my goodness who freaking had gave us a floating tree that’s it my team is banned how dare they how freaking dare they okay let’s set up our bed

Too had five 2 lers rookie number side 8 to nine my goodness I even drink that much that’s crazy okay um got some armor chest plate up and that gives us some iron ingots back love it let’s make a sword oh yeah and that gave us two more tabs pedal

Yep yep that’s a scary thing we haven’t even unlocked half the tabs yet um enter gravel okay that one we can do easy peasy man these advancements are easy make some leggings what else we got M 1,728 Cobblestone holy frick we’ll do that one later Stone ho Stone shovel can do that nice

Good stuff and we’ll make our booties and we will make open a chest in a dungeon mine deep slate okay we’ll do that one mining break our first tool okay we could do that with our axe cut down some trees drink a 2 L bottle of water in under an hour

I am not confident my ability to do that I I don’t know it’s so diff I’m so bad at drinking water like I don’t know how it’s possible but I just am if I’m like outside and hot and dying then maybe but other than that no shot no shot it’s a problem

Okay and wait for it tool is broken yay um okay now let me go make an iron axe and I keep trying to dash everywhere that’s a h hey oh we’re about to break 400 no sorry 300 let’s Go Place those bad boys down just need three more then we’ll haveit 400 um what else do we have need to make helmet that should be one it is Iron Man okay two more what do we got dig through rooted dirt so you can find a lush cave okay we do that one

Later we’re caving we need lapis Redstone those are all easy to do we just have to do or we have to find them those are all the objective ones need a full stack of logs there we go we need a bark block there we go and that oh nope sorry R away

Got ahead of myself collect all types of rocks smelt smooth Stone smell SM Stone that’s an easy enough one okay let’s make a bucket um the one thing we’re going to want to try to Target as quick as possible is starting to get um totems of undying but in in the meantime our

Offand item of choice will be a shield and that should put us to the big 300 oh I missed it now we’re at 301 Frick all right well we’ll take it we are over 300 what is that on the map huh why does he look so weird interesting is it because it’s an

Animation guy must be interesting um hey harry how you doing what pack is it um so it’s a custom pack uh for nine lives it’s more or less vanilla but with extra quality of life stuff but yeah it’s it’s just a it’s a private private build pretty much the main things are

It’s it has a mini map mod has blazing caves it has Terror lith and I guess those are the big ones um but it’s supposed to feel very vanilla um I guess with the exception of Origins so I don’t really know how that’s going to go but we’ll figure that

One out as it goes um okay let’s go back to cyan Village there a lot of chests there that I did not loot so let’s do that real fast we also grab some food and then we’ll uh we’ll be good um how you doing though Harry Happy

New Year to you hope you’re doing well nice to see you um also I do want to start planting some stuffs oh that didn’t give me an advancement I thought it would okay guess not um how does this villager breeder work by the way oh it’s

Just right there oh that’s sick dang I can’t believe they already have a villager up and villager breeder up and running oh ow I didn’t even mean to do that I mean yes I totally meant to do that cuz I knew that would be an advancement that was intentional

T um how are you I’m doing pretty good I am doing pretty good hanging out having a good one I am unfortunately of the sick variety which is a little bit sad but other than that I am doing just fine and dandy okay where’s cion team that way oh

Let me bring a boat with me too I have seeds I do not I get some seeds and bring some chickens too recommend hot soup I was actually going get some Ramen today but I ended up getting some Habachi instead it was worth it hey yo where are my freaking seeds

At there we go Hello friends come on over here another one come on Little Buddies the little waddle yay feeding the chickens look at all those chickens okay back to San base we go nine lies it is back it is back plyy how you doing dude welcome back oh yeah we

Do need a water bucket that should give us one as well oh it didn’t I think a lava bucket is though bees breed some Bees baby bees baby bees like jazz okay um and then we’re going way that way uh we also need to keep an eye out for the

Boats so let me know if you see any boats really don’t my shaders is not exactly helping that looks like a Bo at it is a Bo at nice very busy that went on vacation um and came back late Saturday still tired but good yeah that sounds about right oh Hoy

There another do shell swear you saw a face on the bee you may have seen a face allegedly oh my holy frick oh my goodness oh my goodness my freaking heart just skipped 18 beats oh wait oh hi you’re very quiet oh sorry let me turn myself or let

Me turn you up yeah everyone seems to have to turn me up might be because of my mic why turned everyone else down um at the launch because there were 800 voices so now now I think I can crank it a little bit but yeah well hi there you’re

Just coming to say hi yep checking in on people haven’t checked in yet I I I thought you were like a um a drowned zombie or something I was like oh my God no not like this yeah oh goodness I seem to catch people at the worst

Time it’s not even like I teleport directly to into you oh wait did you fly over here uh I teleported and spectator and then a little bit away from you okay got it got it got got it yeah okay Welly hacky you having fun watching everyone creeping yeah people are going crazy I

Yeah I freaking left so I was on for like an hour and then I left and I came back and now everyone has like 400 advancements which is a little bit ridiculous but whatever I mean this easy on the same thing happened last season where like a couple teams just went

Crazy try hard mode but then everyone catches up eventually anyways so yeah we’re just taking our time to the the wardens again oh yeah that is true well and I guess I didn’t realize there’s terth advancements this time too oh I didn’t even notice that or well I got a

Ter with advancement but maybe it didn’t actually count to the total because it’s not on the advancement tab yeah I don’t know I don’t know I when I first joined since I’m a mod they like did all the advancements for me at the same time and then delete me off the leaderboard you

Would know how long it took for all to go through wait it actually did the animation for all of them that’s so funny four at a time in my top right corner it was 10 minutes of just the the sound that’s so good yep well I’m going to keep looking at

People good luck all right thank thank you y um yeah so there are a couple mods on the um the server that is a good reminder that are going to be helping out um so Jesse is one of the mods he’s also I think the one doing the website

Um he also does some highlight videos so you’ll probably be seeing some of him around he’ll be getting some good Clips which also means chat if during the stream there are any good fun clip moment moments make sure you grab them that way Jesse can add them to the

Videos um and then nine is also a mods you’ll see nine chilling around um and then there’s some others as well with de devs and mods so yeah yes yes yes yes L with Lena until a minute ago a you came to the came to the dark side what

Version of MC yep we are now updated to 120 so last season was one um uh we um was 118 um and this season’s 120 so we are fully updated got all the good stuffs all the good Goods dude I freaking cannot kill a fish holy fck

All right we got to find this pad boy I think these buried treasures and chips are just so good early game getting diamonds and that kind of stuff especially when we’re trying to be safe and careful um also let me go ahead and make this announcement because I always do um

This isn’t like Vault hunters or whatever we are playing on a server so there are going to be times where we’re talking to teammates we’re talking to random people whatever um and during those moments I will not be as interactive with chat as I normally am

So if I miss any messages or whatever um feel free to repost them um it’s not that I’m ignoring you I am just um talking to people in game so yes yes um man this is farther away than I thought re will have to be social yeah e being social that’s so

Gross this feels more zoned out than it normally is it should be right here yep let’s see if I nailed it sand oh coming up with the seven and a half years let’s freaking go I forgot to make a shovel apparently something unfortunate oh I was one block

Off if we break this one it should Auto break yep okay what do we got Oo some goodies some goody goodies potion of water breathing I like that part of the sea some TNT some iron no diamonds but some more food all kinds of good stuff heck yeah okay well that was fun continue our mission un what un okay that’s that’s tough platty is a

Veteran yes we got some we got some hardcore vets in the community some olders some oldies so you can click on name to actually see your follow Daye yes there you go I just don’t know why twitch doesn’t have a follow AG command um embedded like already seems like a they

Store the data it’s publicly available I don’t know why they don’t just like have a a slash command or something it’s kind of crazy to me but oh well I don’t run the website I should should become twitch CEO I think I’d be a great twitch CEO I think I would be

Amazing um also before we go there do I have toggle full brightness it is not bound okay what key do we have H age for fbite oh that’s for toggling mini Hood rendering how do I turn that off H key H okay how to make a

J that work that did work nice go twitch CEO I will come work for you for double my current salary in um zero actually work zero actual work to do I’ll just play games with they I do not think that sounds like the most um most efficient use of twitch monetary

Resources as my first act as CEO oh my goodness I almost just walked freaking straight into that Holy freak we need they’re falling yay pumpkins it’s probably in the mini map settings does mini map have its own keybinds it’s kind of weird all right any irons or fun things around here

Nope oh my goodness this cave is massive too ban ET from giving any more bits or Subs to can save money no what I’ll do is I’ll just make bits and Subs cheaper and have a higher percentage go to the Creator that would be my first act to

Switch CEO I think it’d be a great act sure the company may make no money but you know what I don’t care probably not great thing for the twitch CEO to say um oh my goodness look how much stuff they already have set up this is crazy anything I can steal

Oops they have a stack of some diamonds I can hold hi AMU good afternoon nice to see you ninon good afternoon as well even though I totally haven’t seen you today allegedly my goodness look at all these guys trade make all possibly Global book makes all possibly look what I don’t not

Understand what that means at all oh as just started Frick sorry ad friends we’ll see you in a bit see you soon if I yink this does it break is not aha y that as well aha aha oh that didn’t give me anything but this should oh

Aha is there anything else I can get advancement wise while I’m over here um I think lanterns are one aha man this game is easy I think barrels are one I’m freaking insane let’s go all right uh where were some of the other well now my inventory is basically completely

Full my mission to get a bunch of stuff has failed because it’s already the heck do they do to this poor house about here there we go oh bucket of puffer fish oh heck okay well that was fun um don’t like that um okay anything we can ditch not

Really bucket of salmon we’re just going to have to come back again my freaking inventory fills up too quick yeah I do need to make Command actually uh nine or AMU can someone make a command for both nine lives and our team I thought we had one for nine lives

But I guess it got deleted or disabled or something but I I I guess it no longer exists but I don’t think either of my teammates are alive right now unfortunately they hate me feels bad man what do you wanted to say um that lives could just be like a very short

Explanation of the event and then link the website and then team one can just be like part of orange team teammates at um aggro and at uh Cheeto Cheeto cheetah Cheeto doing the xcc clip welcome back ad friends thank you for STI it around through the ads appreciate you nice to have you

Back yeah so our team wordss are Agro ninja and um n oh cheetah just left well never mind I have no teammates I have no friends thank have all left me feels bad man I’m all alone there’s no one here beside me I think um from what I heard earlier

I think agra’s on vacation for the next two days and then he’ll be grinding lot on the server so I think we’re going to have a really slow this is basically be the opposite of last season where last season we had a really quick start and

Then we kind of slowed down towards the end I think our team is going to have a very slow start but we’re going to ramp up pretty quickly going into the end so um we’ll see I know there again there are a lot of full-time content creators

On here they’re going to spend a lot more time on the server than I will be able to um but I am I feel pretty if we get in the top five I’ll be happy we get in the top three that’d be great but we will do our best and more

Importantly we will have fun right chat did you get the cords for a base I did I actually um I made a little um oh also let me do this before I forget um Nar cheetah what’s aggros is it 89 okay I’ll just have to add aggro when

He gets in the Stream next um but hi Cheetah yes I did get the cords to our base I uh I made myself a little hidey-hole to start dumping all my stuff my stuff where’s my sh my stuff I I saw you guys made a villager breeda already too man you’re moving

Quick extra speed mode all right so let’s drop this bad boy off there and all my chests are already full awesome all right we’ll hold on to that um keep that and then I’ll make another chest and then we’ll go pretty much straight back to the village and fill up another

Inventory is there any way that we can there’s no way for us to have like stacked inventory right shulkers are the only method early game instinctively remind yourself without me doing anything big of true they IR Farm together next time on going to drop the lur though all right

Sounds good dude sounds good I appreciate the lur does help and also cheetah if you guys have some Farms that you want to be built or whatever if you just send me a schematic of them or whatever um I can definitely do those whenever I’m on that way as long as I

Give myself um concrete t or tasks to do while I’m on that way I can be nice and efficient um so just let me know if you guys have have some Farms that you want to build um nice VIP cheat look I gota I got to

Drop the VIP on the on the teammates so that they they stand out you know it’s it’s the chat hack that way I don’t miss messages Mr big time uh okay back to C like my biggest problem last season is I would be on and I would just like run

Around and talk to chat for an hour which is fine because I enjoy streaming and talking to chat I’m very good about doing that but but with so much limited time on the stream I got to be as efficient as possible with my timel server so I need

To make sure I give myself concrete things to do Cobble always need Cobble cobblestone generator all right bet I can make at least one cobblestone generator and will only generate one piece of obsidian uh um nine can you shorten that a little bit so it’s one message instead of two maybe drop

Uh oh wait no it is one message wait what why did it oh never mind I see because it did the um it did the uh command thing as well never mind I take it back you’re good thanks n yeah there you go that’s all the

Stuffs I didn’t even know there was a link tree as well it’s probably a massive link tree honestly I haven’t even followed everyone in on the SMP which is sag there’s so many people I can’t even get to all of them your pter is going to die have you plugged in said

Pter saw you break coal and it dropped raw iron yeah unfortunately I think your eyes have deceived you now there was coal next to the iron I mean no yes you are schizophrenic I definitely dropped I definitely broke coal that’s what happened 100% no why would I do that all right sorry I

Forgot you’re turning into an AMU you’re like oh no my phone’s going to die what do I do what could I possibly do to save me from this terrible act how will I ever survive you’re stumped at the sub server we stumped like what do I do now what what

Do you mean what what do you mean what do you do now you run vaults I have zero mods unlocked oh boy what level are you I’ve been seeing you run some some vaulty vaults I didn’t even se you completes the vaulty vaults oh boy did not mean to come up this

Way do we have way stones in this no oh what is that though smithing wait what was that wait wait huh what is that okay might need to change some keybinds to that but that is intriguing intriguing get off it go into low power mode plug in or D complain about it

Until phone dies y make D every time look like an overlay yeah but I don’t know what it is just telling me what I don’t know what we have um also hi JT good afternoon all right here’s slings base that we were in earlier there’s some stuff that I left

Behind yeah an axel waddle oh my goodness it took us so long to get an axle aut of last season and we just got one from a m freaking chest dying um yep that is perfect nine thank you very much thank you thank you I appreciate appreciate

It the cutest Predator wow did you say ax lle you did need coughing medicine I really do yeah we are o RNG Crush also since nine is moderator that also means that nine can cheat for us and give us all the good stuff which is

Awesome very glad we have one of our own on the inside you watch Matrix for the first time oh nice how’ you enjoy it I um I think I watched them for the first time over Co does this work that does not work should probably disable those actually so people don’t do

That well rip minus 2500 points feels bad man also High Strife welcome back taking one for the team oh man all about the memes wait a minute am I being stalked I literally just opened the door oh you saw nothing chat you saw nothing it was all a figment of your

Imagination it was all a figment of your imagination nine was not there nothing happened there were no no peoples that was a perfectly normal normal thing then our team are just mod just mod oh this is someone’s base oh that’s a nice shovel all right we got to shovel the

Water buckets this is crazy um we take this just so I can place it break it if I leave something in a loter chest can people get it or it does it act as an Ender Chest I mean I guess it has to act as an Ender Chest

Right how many lives do we have left we have eight lives left so unfortunately Agro one of our teammates had a little oopsy earlier today um but yeah looks like most teams have eight lives uh two teams have seven it’s a little bit tough um oh my goodness I just had a freaking

Heart attack I just had a freaking heart attack I don’t know why it didn’t even sound like a real creeper sounded like a faker daker creeper okay and that is why we have to be very careful cuz literally we blink and we could be rip um I’ll take the app

Apples okay let’s go drop off another full inventory I wish there’s a way to teleport to spawn so I could show you guys spawn that should be a thing and then it like allows you to teleport straight back to where you teleport from I guess

I can see how that would kind of be cheaty like if you were used it to escape the location but I don’t know feels badge cuz there you can never really go to spawn to see it we’ll have to go there at some point to pick our origin okay owie owie

Know what origin Rees is going to pick how do you know what origin I’m going to pick before I know what origin I’m going to pick I don’t even know what the origins are although we actually we do have a book that I think tells us all

The different ones maybe we should look at that when we get back to our base I think there’s some custom ones but I’m not really sure I think from what I heard earlier there’s some custom I don’t know if they’re just like renamed or if they’re actually completely different what or do

Mod you guys have I I I don’t not know we have a origin mod I have never used Origins before so I I don’t know the difference between them so some want to figure out how to freaking pluck a feather from a chicken haven’t even run one Vault yet I

Know I’m just throwing not even running like it’s been an hour and a half and I haven’t run a single Vault what am I doing with my life basically throwing for real for real all right we’re back home uh excuse me I don’t think that’s where you’re supposed to

Be don’t think that is in fact where you were supposed to be but okay is this working by the way it is working nice wow our villager breeder worked on the first try that’s crazy couldn’t be me mix with Vault Huns if you die in a

Vault that lose one for nine lives I was thinking about that when this event originally got pitched to me that’s kind of what I was hoping it would be to be honest think that’d be really fun you do it like Vault Hunters levels instead of advancements we shall worship the tree

Villager oh no in the other pack it’s the uh it’s the grass block in this pack it’s the tree villager um okay what did I come back to do um I can go get a buried treasure Let’s See How Far That is um oh it’s a th000 blocks from us

Okay maybe not worth it there’s another one 2000 the tree villager first of its name down with Reese The Pretender oh my goodness there are okay there’s three berry Treasures that are all 3,000 blocks us little boy all right well we will in fact not be going to get

Those right now we will wait until we have a a light trip for that um but let’s look back at our advancement page un planes break some bamboo okay we can go try to find some bamboo and we just go look for some more ships we might be able to see some

Ships from um our map what is that the farm there’s a ship oo floating island pretty yeah we should have made the floating island our home would have better a little bit dangerous uh I don’t think I see any we should go to the berry treasures

And then that way we can explore anyways yeah let’s do it um all right where is the closest one to US 441 oh wait no the closest one is yeah that one all right or you can get diamonds in um Buri Treasures right trying to think if it’s easy or if

It’s better for us to go mining or look for sunken ships in Treasure I feel like treasure is better but I don’t know all hell green crafter spot hey crafter spot just got green yesterday thanks to as too went from Golden in 20123 to Green in

2024 out with the old in with the new e Patty that’s gross could find diamond nuggets in the vaults oh thank you JT appreciate it why don’t we just get what the freak all right well they have been to the end they they’re moving quite quickly I don’t know whose base that is

That bone meal raw salmon copper Ingot not seeing any oh here while some Salmon’s here let’s grab that one real fast easy one and we Chompy Chompy uh um where was that glow squid let’s go kill that guy too someone sleep hopefully someone slept hello there friend oh there’s a thing down

Here I should have brought my potion of water breathing that was a slight mistake oh there’s scary guys okay let’s not let’s not deal with the scary guys cuz if a Trent guy spawns we are basically dead and I do not want to deal with that

All right um where are we going we’re going to this way basically straight South door equals a potion of water breathing true but we have to place it oh nice um it’s unfortunate though because we had we got potions of um water breathing from the treasure we got

I just put them in the chest instead of taking them with me that all right we should be getting really close here yeah that island is way up there it’s very small too it’s a small island okay we should very treasure should be right around here and it

Is it’s almost like we knew where it was going to be oh no diamonds but we didn’t get some potions of water breathing that is a win beautiful we’ll take some stuff here if you like clicking can you even click fast enough for that to work yes my goodness

Okay oh my goodness someone’s been chilling on half a heart for a minute yikers don’t trust that one until I have totems [Applause] okay uh the next one is 19 is going to go 2,000 blocks this way hi there the freak is this okay that’s interesting it’s like an orb a death

Orb which team is worshiping a grass block I I I I don’t even know the answer I I don’t know all all the teams question mark all the teams none of the teams n of the teams oh hey we by spawn you guys want to check out spawn while we’re here

Screw it let’s go check out spawn might as well we’re we don’t don’t have many many times we’re going to fly by this area it is quite beautiful and also very large check out the beautiful spawn has all the different color trees it has elevator to the to the heavens and more importantly

If I can find it and it’s loading so slow over here yeah over it has all of the different um classes that we can select and again I don’t think we select for another couple days so we have more time to uh make our decision um when I

Was reading them earlier they all seem kind of bad IMO but this one’s the B have slow fall effect while en Forest biomes attackers take poison damage when attacking you you have jump boost for 30 seconds jump boost three the cool down have 1 minute but you have Bing fatigue

Too if you’re not holding a bottle of Honey off hand which means you basically can’t be holding a totem of undying so that seems pretty not good in my opinion so that’s one of the ones we could pick there is also dimensional is monest I don’t even know what that means

But sure um in the desert and end biomes you are immune to fall damage it’s kind of interesting you have Plus One reach distance for blocks and attacks also very interesting ability offers chorus fruit effect within 4 second cool down don’t really know what that means

But okay water and rain will damage you when not holding a grass block in off hand okay again seems pretty bad that one seems worse than the B1 in my opinion don’t really know why I would want to randomly teleport but okay if you say so game okay we have dolphin

Dolenc do dolphin AC I don’t know uh have haste 2 in all ocean River biomes swim 50% faster gives 30 seconds of water breathing on a 5minute cool down and then you breathe underwater you cannot breathe on land if you don’t have a bucket of cod in your off hand just keep getting

Worse they just keep getting worse hey what’s up Baker how’s the advancements coming along we’re getting there we’re at what are we at three 331 so we’re we’re starting a little bit slow but we’re we’re making progress how about you Baker how’s what te did you

Say you’re on online not online we have flower child bone meal growables in PLS biome with right click that’s kind of cool uh press a button and glow like a beautiful flower anything attacking in the rain will take one and a half damage from thorns in the sun you have speed One Max

Ma health is seven Hearts when not holding a corn flow in off hand also seems pretty terrible but okay you’re on pink team so you’re up to five so you guys are in first place heck yeah my gosh okay this one’s scary I don’t like this one the

Hot one oh this sounds like one for me piglins in Vex never get mad at you unless you provoke or hit them oh my gosh that sounds amazing um you’re able to see under lava 20 blocks that’s pretty good ability cures you of wither and poison res second cool down that

Sounds extremely good your hot body makes you use food faster hunger one when not holding a Blaze Rod in off hand I wonder if they’re all going to make you hold something in your off hand ice cold 85 have resistance three and ice in snow biomes 10% increased

Movement speed can summon a snow golem okay don’t understand that in the sun you burn when not holding a powder snow bucket in the off hand that also sounds terrible can I just pick none of them is that an option is that all of them wait that

Can’t be all of them there’s no way I was told there’s like one or two that are way better than the rest but so far none of them have seemed that good maybe it’s the last one just hunger seems fine hunger could be I could I

Agree that I think hunger is the best one I’ve seen so far is that when you could just eat more so I think that’s we could deal with not having that but I don’t know what is this one Iron Giant plus two increase for all attack damage in mountainous biomes knockback is your

Tool knock all enemies back and none can knock you that sounds pretty good ability grants you 30 seconds of Pace too that’s also really good you cannot float in water and are weakened when not holding a poppy in off hand minus four attack damage cannot float in water so that

Mean you can’t swim at all I don’t understand that does that mean you can’t float in water Iron Golem sink yeah but so it’s saying I I you literally can’t swim at all Reese is ignoring us because we are so normal I wouldn’t call it ignoring maybe just selective

Reading all right the ogre ooh speed one in swamp biomes basee plus four armor um active ability splashes Turtle Master potion effect for 15 seconds and then you have slowness two outside swamp biomes when not holding bucket of tadpole slus 2 is a little bit tough if I love that but interesting

Okay I watch now let’s go hi AMU welcome back hello hello I still think the hunger 2 one’s the best one I’ve seen or sorry the hunger one hunger one one okay and that’s for the team start trash panda in bad lands biomes you can climb up blocks like a spitter rotten

Flesh is fresh food you get night vision for 60 seconds too small to carry a shield or a totem become slower when doing so slowness forish that one sounds very bad um I’m going to be honest I don’t really like any of those am I crazy chat for not liking any of

Those like I would almost rather have none of them got your charger finally wow good job I’m so proud of you so proud of you where is Orange team oh there’s orange team to Yellow team s like they’re designed by someone who thinks they’re good at game design it isn’t o that’s

Tough that’s tough I feel like the the pros just aren’t good enough to outweigh the cons like I don’t I don’t know if the Pros were fully um happened everywhere that’s one thing but they only happen in certain biomes y I have the most advanced on my team let’s go first place I’m

Insane the Golem one sounds decent I the Golem one sounds good if you can still swim but I don’t really understand how that works like does that mean if we touch water we literally just drown but the Iron Golem one sounds interesting and the one that was Hunger

One sounds interesting I don’t remember which one that was it would be annoying to have to eat all the time but um yeah in first and second okay so they they tied for first and second I keep thinking blending is nine their Skins are so similar keeps

Debating me let’s see team leader board yeah hello hello oh I know way down origin I think I think we get demies take when it is please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die please don’t die that is terrifying I hate that the smart moderator commenting moderator what does

That mean oh commentating I can’t freaking read the mod Dev the website genius suspicious moderator origin manager Creator and boss wow what is that fiery wait how do I get all the way down oh do I go down again oh what when I went down before I went all the

Way okay well whatever weird um how do you get more claim blocks on the sub server um if possible um I don’t know if it’s possible um we’re using a different mod to do it this time so I don’t know how this mod works the old one we did you gained more

Um claim blocks as you spent more time on the server so I would say just spend more time on the server forehead but I’m not sure if this one works differently um I would ask John though uh okay so that was fun um we saw

All the all the things and we know that they exist so that’s cool uh now we go to our next place which is negative 2,000 negative 1,000 which is mostly this way yes happy New Year Double Down hope you’re having a good one man hope you’re enjoying the St tier

20124 all right we got to keep an eye out for sunken ships as well chat so let me know if you see any whoa there’s a thing right by spawn oh snap don’t want to do all those guys especially with server lag that’s a whole lot of

Nope that is a whole lot of nope bees in the middle of the ocean what how does that make sense villagers in the middle of the ocean what is going on there villagers in the middle of the ocean is there a village right here there’s a boat huh what okay well we’re back

Here we’re back here it’s like we never left Yay we discovered the uh the secret the secret boat of villager and that was too much for the server I don’t know if I broke the server or if someone else did I would assume someone else did but I don’t know it’s weird that right when it generated is when we

Crashed quite interesting okay which way were we going this way well let’s go again you borked it no I would never bork it I would never Bor it I have never Bor in anything yo axo have a good one thank you for hanging out I appreciate it nice to have

You here hope we’ll see you in the next stream also reminder chat even though tomorrow is a Tuesday and not a normal streaming day I will in fact be live so hopefully I will see you guys all again for that one as well since when was that a thing it’s always been a

Thing you always get purged whenever you hash blame Reese let’s see if I break the server again when I load this okay so the villagers are still in the water I’m guessing that they see some workstation everyone’s farming up their their timeout numbers okay looks like it loaded this time so that’s

Good I don’t know if you can see it too but there’s the reason too it’s amazing are these dangerous I hope not he hopes not hello there okay Apple that’s pretty good the emerald on the big sale means friendly does it actually un ironically can’t believe it my goodness there’s so many chests

Here and my inventory is full um okay well don’t need that actually here let me eat that real fast oh I can’t even can’t even eat it I am not hungy enough if it was hostile there’d be a Pillager head oh Acres all right so we want to watch out for that

Guess we’ll eat some suspicious stew too okay cool I just poisoned myself awesome see what this one does seven okay um I’m going to leave pumpkins behind leave the iron nuggets and the gold nuggets behind poppy um try to eat some of this raw stuff we did get a beetroot that’s really

Big and do we need Moss I think we have Moss that our base right let’s let’s take it just in case be really sad if we didn’t have it I’m 99% sure we did though friendly until you’re still their stuff we’re not it’s it’s lunter chest

That means that what the freak kind of chest is that means that everyone gets the same chest which means we’re not technically stealing someone’s been here bamboo yay Mission successful in a roundabout way but we’ll take it what did that give us okay more like band

Boo zero out of 10 holy freck that was a lot of advancements okay not going to have the inventory space to get all this stuff excuse me do we have carrots already okay let’s leave some of the raw fish behind what did that give

Us these are op in all the mods of the game this is crazy I mean I like it because it gives us early game stuff but someone die oh lost a horse F red horsey lived a good life Zombie Slayer all right well we’ll just take what we can

Get chat everyone has to put an F in chat for the horsey everyone is mandated there’s a chat wide mandate bookshelves my goodness it just keeps going we need Sher is so bad I hope they don’t mind me stealing their books I can’t even take their

Books can we talk if you’ve already said yes uh or already said f yes once you have said f then you have unlocked the ability to check again I want to eat this freaking raw potato but I or this poisonous potato so I get rid of it but all right whatever

We’ll get poison later there’s even more oh now we’re talking now we’re talking oh and now my again gosh hecking darn it dude this is ridiculous all I don’t even know what to do all right rotten flesh you can go byebye iron horse armor oh we finally got a diamond need lapis

Too I guess let’s go to our base and come back here later this is rid all right let me wait point this and put this in our chat because it’s insane okay um well that was fun uh it was successful but also not successful because we just have so much freaking

Ooh lightning rod um uh we didn’t even get half of the loot this is insane okay let’s leave and now we are 2,000 blocks base gosh I this why I hate early game Minecraft because you just don’t have storage and it’s so sad but what can you do what can you

Do okay hey loading I feel really sick rip man everyone is sick today feels bad man everyone got each other sicking but Happy New Year loading hope you feel better soon dude yeah soon I can’t say words excellent magnet to pass on to a new owner someone who wants it I want it

Is there mods for this for better storage I do not believe so I don’t think there were any new blocks or things added to this pack just vanilla with q hey what is that is that an actual desert or is it a beach it’s a beach ow heck what a

Beach try to get better yeah just try harder forehead just get better it is that easy oh my goodness the teren is so scary like two blocks on the edge of the entire Earth turtle turtle 2 what’s the highest level on the sub server I have no

Idea if I had a guess I’d guess someone’s probably like 40 but I’m not sure chat who’s the highest level on the sub or what’s the highest level on the sub server right now 50 there you go that answers that question at least zero that is true there

It there there is at least someone who is higher than zero think you’re 11 44 or 46 goddamn gosh darn try hards there we go home sweet home sort of once it loads might be generating new train right now which is not helping several in the 40s that sounds about right sounds about

Right hopefully this server’s still been running well and doing awesome things it’s been fun seeing so many people active on the sub server that always makes me happy makes me happy happy okay I guess we could have made a boat with a chest on it that would have given

Us another chest of storage space But we would have had to get that boat all the way to our base which I’m not sure we would have been able to do but probably would have been better than going back and forth all the way oh well we’re basically here now

Ow I join the sub Ser I can heck yeah you totally should oh did tadpole actually just die or was that a meme oh no it actually was a death f f Fs in chat another death server is just you at the moment oh man server’s hard throwing chat should we

Debate well we’ll wait like an hour and then we’ll debate with another death message what should it be though I think that’s Terell if that adds that platty bit I’m not sure I know it’s an ATM 9 that’s what JT said do barrels count as how they do died to a

Dolphin we can do die to a dolphin that’d be pretty funny don’t think anyone would believe it but I’m always here to try it out oh my goodness sion’s base portal puts you straight into a Nether Fortress holy heck died due to overloaded inventory no

But we want people to actually say F and like think that we actually died cuz we got so many people with it last season died to the Vault timer hey burn popcorn welcome back hello hello nice to see you hope you’re doing well all right let’s go let’s sleep and

Then I guess we’ll go back to the um we’ll go back to the the awesome ships of Awesomeness died to fall damage fleeing from a cow OHA exploded by a creeper we could do like fell out of the world I kind of like that died to a

Dolphin or wait what does it say when you’re it says slain by a zombie right so we say slain by a dolphin or like what’s the exact exact wording of it oh I’m going the wrong way aren’t I I’m going the wrong way we actually

Can get there entirely on on by boat so maybe we should do that get a a big boy boat hi tree villager okay how to make boat chest I would assume it is just boat with chest that is exactly what it is okay awesome so now we go to

Water six more days of Freedom before I go back to work rip only have one more day of freedom I borderline want to take another week off of work in like a week or two but I feel like that’s wrong after just taking having vacation but I

Don’t know I think I might do it anyways I didn’t really get as much of a rest in vacation as I was hoping I would over the holiday have worked to Mar you Aller slackers I might work tomorrow we’ll see I’ll probably answer a couple emails but I

Made the mistake of opening up my Outlook yesterday and I have like over a 100 unread emails and I was like oh my God I just closed it I like no not doing with that not dealing with that you’re going to cruise what the freck can I

Come no looking at outlook on vacation I just wanted to see what the damage was you know cuz you know I I work with a lot of people in in the ages and the eurs and they all weren’t on vacation over Christmas because that’s not on vacation

For them I was like oh maybe there’s just a couple from you know if anything important pops up and then I had 100 plus email and I was like heck takey your the sub server is going to be terrible on the cruise me and your wife family is paying for it

Oh my goodness Strife that is the freaking best cruise I’ve ever heard of overlapping with your birthday hey happy early birthday the birthday cruise that you don’t have to pay for beautiful o Sun a chip what the freak is that huh hold on what did we just pick up got to go up

Here smithing template is this vanilla what is this is this the trim stuff you make pretty armor that’s vanilla I had not seen that I didn’t know that’s what it looked like okay well that’s interesting isn’t it a 120 I guess I didn’t know that’s how it looked though I thought it was

Different um I guess let’s go do this one real quick South oh it’s kind of in the same direction we’re going trims are rare so keep up with them interesting drowned Wallace trying to escape dolphin okay perfect thanks JT we’re going to we’ll do that in a couple minutes

Here we’ll see if people have learned since last year had to look up the dream video wait did the dream actually die to a Dolvin or did he debate someone by doing that wait but Dolphins don’t even attack you how is that possible that’s got to be Faker Daker oh there another boat over there all right oh someone’s already been to this one okay oh someone has been to this one why does the map look so low res okay St the diamonds kind of getting wrecked by these diamonds but oh well all right what’s this guy you punch

It it calls reinforcements very interesting mending heck yeah okay so this suspicious to is boost heck can you get how many social or um rare hat grab bag huh oh my goodness I’m freaking Simon Lane from the Ys cast holy frick I look amazing the whole pod

Retaliates so hot but I didn’t realize that Dolphins could actually like do damage is this not a real piece of coal what’s going on here think the game’s broken know how that coal doesn’t exist it’s Faker daker coal okay let’s keep going the mission continues that

A a spooky what is that sail 10 km nice can’t believe you’re just leaving the coal there n I’m going to freaking punch you you freaking capital D colon okay where is how far to oh it’s right there nice hope we don’t crash the server again okay let’s see what we

Need what other things okay should we still have this entire boat now we can take pretty much everything since we have more storage space you don’t need to take more water buckets we got plenty of those yeah that’s true Nine’s a smart mod so nine should

Be able to tell us why the uh the coal we can’t pick it up okay let’s eat poisonous potato oh I still can’t eat poisonous potato heck oh how do I oh that was it oh dang it okay let’s go get this one and someone pillar with a barrel fair enough I

Guess yeah they have the uh they change colors makes it very easy for us to know what we’ve looted or not and again they’re all player side too so like for us that changes but now if someone else comes to loot this chest it still looks gold for them which is

Super cool this is such a good mod honestly this should be a vanilla so good oh someone broke some chests that’s illegal we’re not supposed to do that some more trim want this mod yeah it’s really good it’s called looter would highly recommend it’s in most packs at this

Point because it’s so good but look how cute this little boat is like a canoe all right did we get everything on on here yet nope don’t mind if I dock e okay we can take some this now do I still have the lowest ping on the server yep Yeah I was trying to keep all of our stuff in the um inventory as long as we can that way it Stacks but we to got all that I know that’s 16 MS P let see who’s closest nine is pretty close oh my gosh nine is in my closet too

POG and then after that the next person is what is that sharpers 2 pretty I think that’s the closest person I don’t see anyone else under 30 oh no sketch is pretty close my goodness look at all these freaking advancements they spamming my chat right we’ll take string two take our Diamond

Days should we take the block of block of raw gold look we probably Should break that should give me oh oh it’s a cobblestone block know that oh frick I forgot that gives you charcoal unless you break it okay um there more chest down here nope we got them all can make raw blocks of golden iron you can oh what the

Heck did someone put their stuff there I guess they must have or is that just a dump chest that’s a dump chest can you smelt it to get a block of gold you can in modded I don’t know if you can do that in vanilla yeah you can’t do that in

Vanilla but in Vault hunds we just learned that you can which is actually the most freaking op thing ever it’s so good can basically smell nine items at a time fantastic what the fre how how did you hear me he now we’re slowly getting all the

Chests there’s only a couple left or is that the last one oh we might have finally got them all okay I think looting has been completed nice nice Armada you got there it’s pretty cool freaking I really do wish Minecraft had more of this kind of stuff these like random structures and things

It just it just feels so good you know I don’t understand how they just haven’t added more like they don’t even have to do anything can literally just be like builds with chests in them or whatever maybe it doesn’t even need chest I don’t know feel like it’s better when it has

Chest but they’re just so much fun more exploration I guess we’re kind of getting some new stuff soon but all right um let’s I guess keep looking for this other one even know Reese was Spanish what what the Spanish Armada okay we are going Ne2000 I am going the wrong way this way we go wait where am I going yeah -2000 negative 1,000 my nose is all sniffly SMH you think Vault 4 iscout would auto lock the vanilla or would lock the vanilla autoc crafter behind research that’s an interesting question probably not but maybe

Is there even going to be a vault tunders 4 I know they were talking about it but I don’t know if that’s actually still going to happen seems like it’s not given that Vault hund 3 isn’t even done yet vanilla autoc crafter yeah have you not heard heard the amazing story that

Vanilla is getting its own autoc crafter soon TM it’s going to be great I am bar excited it’s about time it really is for real for real now I see better storage you see freaking drawers and vanilla we don’t need the drawer controller and the compact drawer and all that kind of

Stuff just the basic stuff that allows us to put 64 of one item or 64 Stacks in a single block and give you a visual for it would be perfect I don’t think we’ll be able to get to this I might have to just go drop stuff off off the base but your

Inventory is almost already full anyways so might as well inventory update win want a backpack that’d be nice I like a backpack is similar I mean a backpack is basically a Shuler box though I don’t know I feel like we have something similar enough at this point

I don’t know I don’t necessarily know if that’s like the new feature that we want cuz it’s not even really new feature it’s just the same thing but shulkers are such late game I guess would be nice if you get them earlier but I don’t know I feel like drawers draes seems

Like the most plausible thing for van for to be added to vanilla like it matches the vibe more than any of the other vanilla stuffs bundles yeah I guess bundles do that can we how do you craft bundles again is that rabbit hide oh it’s uncraftable oh well never mind

Then well never mind that you can still get in vanilla right you just can’t craft it to an AE system yeah I don’t see that happening I mean yeah I don’t know I feel like to do an a system then you have to have like some way to power it or whatever and

That just seems so far out of the scope of vanilla vanilla seems very set in the kind of like medieval whatever thing but I don’t know feel like an Emy system doesn’t really fit that Vibe whereas drawers do all right let’s see how far how close we can get to our base

Is anyone from White team online Dragon nebula is I do want to stop by their base at some point actually which way do I want to go oh yeah this is right next to our base oh perfect we gave ourselves perfect water access wait where is it oh it’s over

There yay oh that doesn’t give us an advancement I thought it did okay time to see how much of this actually goes in the chest by like none of it and we’ll Resort all this stuff at some point right guys we’ll sort it all right we’ll definitely sort it

100% going to move to this place with your team um well this is the area that orange team has picked out so yes CU our base is right around here and then science was the big Village oh but I’ll keep my little hidey hole well probably not we’ll probably

Make a nice actual big basee at some point but I just made by hidey hole temporarily so I could put all my chests and stuff there but we’ll merge all of our stuff eventually I just don’t think we have a setup yet don’t even know how we get oh

Yeah cuz sheah blocked him in yeah so we just don’t have stuff set up yet but once we get there we’ll we’ll figure it out um B mostly is a bad introduction to what the Minecraft Community didn’t want as portable storage shers although hard to get are better had backpacks that’d

Be better yeah I I don’t know I just don’t see much of a use of backpacks at this point since shers already exist I mean similar to bundles I don’t know why bundles exist when shers exist I get that you get them earlier in the game but I don’t

Know if I had to like give a list of things that I think we need in Minecraft backpack or portable stor is not one of those things now yeah sure it’d be awesome to get that earlier so we don’t have to um um we don’t have to wait till we get to

The end to get shulkers but you know having to wait a little bit versus it not existing like some of the other things that I feel like we need are very different um also hi shano okay um where do we want to go I feel like we should go mining to

Get get some diamonds but I don’t know what do we think chat if we want to pull some diamonds should we go mining or should we keep trying these Buri Treasures there’s two more that are about 2,000 blocks away that we haven’t gotten yet but we could try them see if we get

Them we haven’t pulled any diamonds yet from bar Treasures which is kind of sad can also just keep trying to find these put a craf table furnace Anvil chest like utility bag that uses one slot that is pretty cool I like that yeah we we have two um two Berry

Treasures that we have cordin for it’s just they’re far away just got to find them again okay let’s go again um we do have a boat this time with uh with chest so that should make it a little bit easier to get there wish we hadro all right so we need to

Go only Buri treasure oh does Buri treasure not have diamonds I thought it does can do mining they do usually but not many oh thought they did okay well mining we go Um and then we can also work on some enchants coming up here soon too we have torches right okay let’s bring some logs with us always good to have those we’ll leave our chest switch to pumpkin pies give us some food or some advancements we ever eat it oh it doesn’t give

Us okay um I don’t think we’ve started a mine yet so I will take it upon myself to start one just going to find a good spot right over here 1.25 ouch yeah that’s not exactly ideal however you also have to keep in um have to keep reuck in mind so the

Average amount of diamonds that we’ll find while caving is approximately 0.25 which could be worse um oh we do have a gigantic cave below us so we kind of need to watch that and we want to go basically down to 58 right just you get better Diamonds the farther you go

Cowside oh yeah should we die to a dolphin chat what did I have to type slash me I scroll up far enough to see it drowned whilst trying to escape dolphin perfect is this what we want chat it is SL me right then it shows my name and the

Drowned all right let’s see chat let’s see who’s going to fall for it let’s see who’s going to fall for it let’s see who learned from last season oh we got two we got three oh we didn’t get JY though they never learn they never learn this is Peak trees Behavior trees

Is troll Reese classic trees not to be uh confused with with MC trees really shouldn’t be mining copper but so advancements that’s literally what chat is just the entire time on the server it’s just all advancements Cosmic trees what what oh I forgot we have full bright too so we can can’t really

See I might have to watch that I’m sure it’ll be fine famous last wordss number five is palm trees and coconuts four is randomly generated jungle Villages using bamboo blocks that’s pretty cool backpacks Banner designed beds fruit trees and bushes I’m going to be honest those all seem pretty poopy

Those all seem pretty poopy to me I mean fruit trees would be pretty cool I guess I could get behind that yeah it it definitely does get pretty overwhelming just if you are looking at all the advancements really I think the best way to do it or at least kind of what I’ve

Seen so far is you just play the pack like you normally would um and you get a large chunk of the advancements and then once you start you know getting a little bit close to the end then you kind of hone in on like a

Tab at a time or something like that and try to Target the ones you missed but really if you just play the game you get most of them normally um and then mostly everything else is very pokemones like you have to get one of everything um

So usually if you just try to interact with everything you find then you get a good large amount of Them couple amethyst crystals around us yeah that’s fair shano I don’t know i’ I’ve never really been too concerned about what does or does not get put into um vanilla cuz I mean I know that I play modded most of the time so would it be

Great if some of those things were in vanilla so I’d be more inclined to play vanilla or I wouldn’t have to have mods that do that sure but it doesn’t really matter to me that much copper Miner let’s go now the real question chat is did I

Get any of the other streamers do we do we have any live reactions to me drowning to a dolphin juste if you’re still here you need to add that to your uh add that to your day one recap any reactions to me drowning to a dolphin just farming clips for you you’re

Welcome copper tools win be a good one I wish they added multiple or just like upgraded Tools in general you can do better than Diamond but I know Co I feel the same way about copper tools that I feel about backpacks like if we already have the endgame item

I don’t really understand they need to put something a medium tier in between nobody questioned the how part of it I just went straight for the oh my gosh he died Play-Doh dig up some clay oh we hadn’t gotten a clay [Applause] yet is there anything up here I really

Didn’t remember to light this up since we can’t actually see oh boy ow what did I just take damage from what was that d oh Michigan beat Al Alabama fantastic that’s what you get SEC for being stupid ow heck I already went through like my entire pickaxes what the heck how did that

Happen I literally just got to Y level zero oh my goodness I really only bring wow I did went through that so fast I kind of want this lapis oo amethyst Redstone hey now we’re getting all the fun stuff oh no we just unlocked the Redstone Tab S new tab

Um I guess I could make more while we’re down here yeah screw it let’s make some more you have no work for two weeks what how did you swing that freaking jealous is that mean you’re going to hang out with us a bunch yay gii go hey circuit how you doing hello hello

Welcome in because you worked all over Christmas and New Year’s oh snap that’s awesome sturen I am very jealous I also wish I was not working for two weeks so wait you don’t did you get paid more for working over Christmas in New years or you just get paid by not

Working for two weeks okay back to mine over the moon discover a Moonlight biome huh the freak is a Moonlight biome hey what’s up fire Ram hello hello afternoon Coming to America though oh that’s right you told us that you’re coming to America lands you’re not even coming to say hi

SMH what a faker daker oh man people already ficiency fiving I need I actually don’t know what um time zone cheetah and um aggro streaming most of the time should check on that like what their schedules are I know last season I was always the last one on the server seems like this

Season well it’s day one so it’s kind of hard to tell but I imagine this season will be a little very similar which is fine we’ll hold down late night crew zero sugar tax you got to get yourself an actual Mountain Dew while you’re here yes Happy New Year fiream hope

You’re having a great start to the year you don’t like our Mountain Dew you might like car is better that might be what you needed the entire time some proper Mountain Dew all right let’s look at the mining tab real quick every around me getting a

New year but my year is old and recycled but it’s still new to you Byron hi Byron welcome back hello hello happy New Year can borrow mine going to borrow his year I’m all sniffly it looks like radioactive waste the radioactive waste burn is what makes it

Great that’s that’s what gives it the kick the kick that keeps me going dealing with your guys’s oh it’s a bat okay we’re still too high to get diamonds so we’re going have to go lower to get all that stuff what American snack should I try I don’t know I don’t know

Chick-fil-A that’s a good one I don’t know if Chick-fil-A is American only combos I don’t even know what combos are papus why does my sound sound so weird don’t think it’s it’s very weird uh oh L’s getting bad again r r spaghetti definitely CH the light dude it’s so freaking

Good it’s bad how good it is also hi Warhead just got a first Chick-fil-A in your city lined up every day it’s crazy yeah literally every Chick-fil-A in our city from 11: to 2:00 p.m. p.m. and from 5 to 8:00 p.m. is a ridiculously long drivethru line

Now to be fair they get through it really quick they all have like two lanes and they’re they’ve got it down so they know what they’re doing but it is crazy how busy they are I mean they’re busy though cuz they’re good but that’s is saying that

You’re just getting your first one we have like I probably have three within 5 miles of me maybe more better chicken places I mean true but just because they’re better chicken places doesn’t mean that it’s not amazing like Chick-fil-A is the fast food place I

Think it’s like it is the best if you’re looking for fast food like that type then Chick-fil-A is it if you’re looking for chicken then you know that’s something different but I need to get um Walia so I can actually see these amethyst uh clusters to know which ones

To mine but I’ll grab that tomorrow White Castle I’ve actually never been to White Castle so I can’t confirm nor deny [Applause] off to work F all right channel we’ll catch you later hope we’ll see you tomorrow get the most sens in chat thanks for hanging my dude appreciate

The lurk does help out a bunch hope your day is very workful I’m doing pretty good Warhead doing pretty good I unfortunately of the sick variety so that’s not great but other than that I’m doing good hope you’re having a happy New Year um where was our and I keep hitting my heal

Button Doritos isn’t I think Doritos is in the UK too cereal do you guys not have cereal here I lost it oh there it is oh then they took out all the sugar oh F yeah eat some cereal while are you here C crunch slaps actually no I lied

Cinnamon Toast Crunch is where it’s at chat what’s your favorite cereal go and why is it not Simon Toast Crunch get it feel better thank you thank you I appreciate it I hope so as well it’s freaking annoying I was sick before the holidays and then I got

Better and then I went on a trip and I came back sick again so it’s just been one month of Sicky Sicky Sicky Frosted Flakes or Apple Jacks frosted flakes are okay but I don’t know the problem is frosted flakes are good for approximately 2 minutes and then they get soggy and

Gross Froot Loops are good I’ll accept that Apple Jacks are good too I don’t have them very frequently might have to buy myself some just so I can have them again but they’re pretty good Simon toast crun is amazing but I don’t like cere much it’s so good Corn Pops are Corn

Pops different than wait Corn Pops I’m thinking of a cereal but I don’t know if it’s Corn Pops it like yellow but corn pops yes set is what I’m thinking yes Corn Pops are really good too those are also really good every cereal brand just get soggy

And milk is gross well yeah except some cereals still taste good when they’re soggy or they take longer to get soggy so it depends my issue with frosted flakes is they get soggy very quickly whereas like Captain Crunch doesn’t it takes like like 20 minutes to

Get soggy and even when it’s soggy it still kind of slaps go to McDonald’s and get a bacon egg and cheese biscuit or McGriddle I mean I that’s fair I guess but nothing can beat the the um what’s it called the um convenience of a nice bowl of cereal at 2: a.m.

Look how freaking large this cave is yo I just realized what song this is oh it’s like one of my favorite songs and it’s a low five remix this is sick I wish they saw the piano part though though this is the one way I can listen

To my music without chat hating on it feels good manam feels good man I just have to that was the secret I have to listen to lowf fire remixes of it all and finally listen to my Kendrick Lamar and Ma Miller feels good man Kendrick elar just a hater just a hater

Not expect expect you to listen to KRA clamar thank thank you I be insulted I’m not sure not sure I should feel about that yay we finally made it all right um wait you don’t know the Frosted Flakes they’re great what what how do you not know they’re great

That’s literally the entire thing oh the server’s about to restart Frick diamonds oh you have frosties oh they’re actually called frosties I thought that was a meme we only get two we got more Four Diamonds wow four whole diamonds can you believe it that’s crazy now my inventory is full

All right let’s have the Ser restart I didn’t realize you guys literally don’t have Frosted Flakes I thought you just like called them frosties because like I don’t know you guys do that sometimes oh you do call them pris oh okay well I don’t know what to tell you I think you’re just

Scuffed hate to break it to you 182 mods hello I can’t be right there no way there’s 182 mods in this there’s 72 mods okay game I guess that counts libraries I don’t know where that that count comes from uh new MC does count libraries interesting I guess that makes sense maybe

Possibly the server’s dead everyone yell at nine for the server to come back up I’m just kidding don’t do that has it actually restarted yet Tim Hortons yeah they have Tim Hortons in the US I haven’t been to one but I know it exists okay now it’s die now is simply

Die speaking of Simply die has everyone here subscribed to the V channel one of our goals for 2024 is to get YouTube partnership and to do that we need 500 YouTube subscribers on this account so make sure to go subscribe wow today’s vide is already up to 20 views

HG everyone make sure to go subscribe we’re at 167 we can get to 170 today I believe I’m unsubbing wow we rude they great I’m pretty sure AMU is visiting wait am I think AMU told me but I don’t remember now I don’t remember this is New York right

Back it was one of the big poopy cities um I guess we can ditch some of the deep slate where was our oh there it is in Austin or one of the Texas but I’m going to New York with the mother okay well New York’s cool I guess maybe what

Are you going to do in New York personally I’m not that big of a fan of New York but I guess from a I don’t know do you like touristy things AMU if you like touristy things you’ll like New York but I don’t so that’s why I hate it what was that

Noise what the freck um also what y level are we going to chat 58 or 53 I don’t remember or is it 56 did enjoy the Central Park Central Park’s pretty cool this is just creep yep there’s some cool stuff in New York like Time Square is pretty mid

Um but like downtown like Grand Central and like um um the 911 memorial and like that kind of stuff that’s pretty cool um what else uh the Brooklyn Bridge is pretty cool parks around there seeing the Statue of Liberty not necessarily going to it’s kind of cool I

Don’t know I feel like it’s a fun city to just wander around in I don’t know no like I went the most recent time I was there I went with some friends and we just like wanded around for a couple hours and that was kind of the best way

To do it went to like one of the famous pizza places all that kind of stuff never been to America so you might as well go to a real tourist Place honestly I feel like New York well U no never mind I take it back

I say I don’t even think New York is like that I wouldn’t even say that New York is like staple America but maybe it is yeah I would really like to go to Tokyo Tokyo and South Korea are two countries on my list I really want to go to well

Tokyo is not a country but you know what I mean okay and I think we want to mine on chunk bers oh no chunk borders doesn’t matter for diamonds that’s just netherite Nashville Vegas Los Angeles are all bigger places than New York I feel like La

Is probably the most the city that I would say is like the quintessential American city now granted I’m from California so that’s slightly biased take but like when I think of like the US city I feel like that’s what I think of now that’s tough though because I I

Actually would probably say New York but I don’t know I mean La is definitely overhyped 100% I agree but in terms of like um like get going to a city that encompasses the United States I feel like La is that it’s probably my least favorite city in California but I think it is

Very like I don’t know I also Vegas just isn’t the us or like it it is a tourist location absolutely but like I don’t know it’s not I wouldn’t say that it is I’m talking about like a staple example example City and LA is like there’s no other city like La in

America but about Chicago I haven’t been to Chicago I I do really want to go Chicago might be the answer honestly I just haven’t been there so I can’t say from the north part of Cali um can I see where I’m from without wrecking

Myself guess I can say um I was born in Sacramento so I I grew up there for a couple years before moving to the east coast lots of tourist things to do yeah I just hate tourist locations in general honestly but you know is what it

Is America is too big I mean that’s the that’s the big difference between the US and Europe is how large the US is like every state is a different country that’s kind of what makes it fun though you go to a different state and it’s just completely different than

Anything you’ve ever been around before but it still has that same ult Chick-fil-A and that’s what makes it amazing you go experience a different culture and different scenery and still have all of the amazing Chick-fil-A from home if that ain’t America I don’t know what is no Chick-fil-A in California that’s

True and that’s a tragedy actually no that’s not true I think Chick-fil-A is in California now it wasn’t but I think it is now didn’t they just expand let me show you my corn fields and our Cow Horse Farms oh from Ohio isn’t Ohio a fake state it doesn’t

Actually exist I mean that’s liter Montana is literally just field there is nothing in Montana not a single thing nothing exists there it’s the potato land of the US anybody probably like it there oh true you’re yeah you’re right Idaho is potato land my bad Montana’s amazing I mean it’s pretty but there’s

Nothing there it’s pretty because there’s nothing there the whole island of Ireland is the size of one state it’s probably the size of multiple States definitely the size of Texas maybe California is he muted what what oh frick okay this mining trip is not going very well we start finding some diamonds

Please cave cave cave diamond oh I haven’t been leaving torches aren strip Ling properly what are you talking about I’m strip lining exactly correctly don’t say skip to that’s dumb cave cave wait did you just say three caves am I going crazy I swear I just said three

Caves plans of your PR trps I really want to go to the UK in 2024 I need an excuse to go also probably do I would I want to travel by myself I don’t know if I would maybe I would no I feel like I probably want to go with someone I don’t

Know I enjoy solar travel but I feel like guess it depends how long I was going other than mountains and pubs in Ireland or UK AO elepant AO elepant AO elant AO elepant aod elant AO elepant aoto elephant AO elephant aod why can it not pronounce avocado atico elephant atico elephant it

Actually pronounced elephant right this time though didn’t it say it wrong last time it’s like elant or something El elepant diamonds literally don’t exist I’m about to start freaking x-raying nine can you tell me where all the diamonds are please actually who am I kidding Nine’s probably cheating on us with Sketch and

Lena a v elepant aoto elepant aoto underground it’s not help can you tell me the exact coordinates of a 12 Bane a 22 vein diamonds just a little bit of X-ray for me diamonds thank you nine one two 3 four let’s go dub why do you skip three and not two

Rows what if there were diamonds in middle of the three uh that could happen however um I think the chance of that is low enough that I think I I’ve always found that covering more ground makes up for the very low chance that there’s a small

Band of diamonds just in the one block that I’m skipping this how I’ve always done it be need to go back through and look in like x-ray or something and see if we did miss any but I’ve always this has always seemed like the best way especially early game when we don’t

Have um good tools yet go to Cave cave cave cave cave um caves are okay but the issue is most caves aren’t low level so if we found a cave at the right y level that would be better but most of the time that just doesn’t happen so [Applause]

We might be able to get to 400 by the end of today maybe that’ll be my goal get to 400 advancements another 800 year old castle I hate it that is the last thing I’d do if I went to oh gosh um if I went to the UK go look at freaking

History yeah Singapore is amazing that that is definitely my favorite City I’ve been to that was crazy absolutely awesome riping pickaxes what oh rest in pickaxes break your first diamond pickaxe F the vaud channel wow that’s an awesome place to go I love the VOD Channel it is my favorite blowup channel

Of 2024 for real for real so go this way now little bit sad you’ve only found one vein so far grinding Nemo what the freak what does that mean skewer a tropical fish feels bad man bake a pumpkin pie oh yeah we did that one I think

Maybe doing this in a lush cave wasn’t a good idea there’s what iron this low what wait did we just find a mega ban no I think I got deaded dang I got so excited I thought we found the mega vean a man gosh hecking Dorn it gosh freak

Freck all right once this pickaxe breaks we’ll we’ll head back up we got enough diamonds we can make an enchant table and a diamond pickaxe so that’s really what we actually wanted but I mean it’d be nice to get more 21 hours yeah that’s that’s tough that’s

Tough like four to five hours is my like I don’t want to say Ideal Driving time but like that’s to me a 4 or 5 hour Drive is still easy then after that is when it starts to get a little bit miserable I don’t think I’ve ever driven more than eight

Hours or like driven myself I guess commute for most people is an hour I mean me it’s 5 minutes but you know be fair that’s why I freaking pay 8 billion dollar so that my is that that low this is the one thing I do not miss when I’m playing modded or vault

Hunters just strip mining for hours can’t really get around some place without a car yeah that’s definitely true I would most likely not be able to survive where I am an out without a carless I just got everything delivered which I could but I don’t know I don’t hate that

Though I know public transportation is a big thing but I don’t know I don’t mind it didn’t do things on my own schedule maybe going between cities would be nice but I don’t know car a chill more iron I did not realize that iron spawned this far down I I don’t

Know why I thought it didn’t bro what are these veins they’re so bad my ESPN tab just broke sagge okay that’s actually the one thing I’m most excited for about if I I do end up buying a house in a couple months is having a garage for my nice W car so

Great then when it rains I can just pull into my garage and go straight into my house or when it’s cold outside and there’s ice oh my gosh wait did sketch just die oh no never mind oh we did oh rip F F’s in chat for sketch wait what did

He die to a piglin knight or a piglin brute well hey at least he got the advancement for it what is a piglin knight yeah actually got deaded unlike your fake dolphin hey don’t you take that dolphin death away from me not vanilla so we got freaking

Riggity wrecked by a non vanilla mob that’s tough filled with tools and storage can’t fit a car well I definitely will not have that problem maybe I’ll just fill up with Legos dude if I freaking do end up getting a house I’m going to have so much freaking

Space that I going to have no idea what to do with Dolphin death is very traumatic let’s get Reese tools and storage okay great everyone’s going to donate to the get Reese tools fund hogers we can call it the get re hose fund it’s a joke chat because a hoe is a tool

Do you get it all right well I would say that was a successful mining Journey we only got eight diamonds but still pretty good five bed two and a half bath and it’s mostly full yeah but you’re not living in it by yourself right don’t fill it with crap I mean I’ll

Probably fill it with some crap medium crap medium amounts just you and your wife what are you doing with five freaking beds bedrooms you each have an office and then one of them is a freaking I don’t know big thing is multiple bathrooms yeah that’s what I

Have now I have two and two and it’s I can’t imagine having less um I think what I’m looking at obviously it’s going to depend on availability but I’m thinking it’ll probably be three and two and a half or three and two would be the minimum I

Would look at I mean two and two would be nice but I I don’t know to me I’d rather go bigger get like a nice home that I can grow into as opposed to have to move again in the future Game Room exercise room two guest rooms in a master holy

Frick yeah I mean I assumed Future Family Planning was part of that but I was going to say what are you doing with them now it’s a lot of space to not not have stuff to do with yeah I’d probably do game room is

Not a bad sh I was trying to think of what I’d do with my third room because I’d have bedroom I’d have office which is what I have now and I’d have at least one extra room that I don’t know what I’d do with creative Corner Room pog

Just giving money to reals and movers and lawyers yeah true but that would be an upgrade from what I’m doing now which is giving all my money to renters poers so that would be a win Lego room Lego room awesome that’ be amazing what if I just turn into a Lego

Streamer just only build Legos all the time honestly I would almost be down except for that everyone would bman um okay let’s try to get to 400 advancements should be pretty easy um oh I need to make need to make a couple things here okay first of

All build a house out of Lego genius I can just buy land and then build my house out of Lego they so freaking smart all right so first we need to make diamond pickaxe oh wow I got a free Diamond for that nice okay now we find lava

Pool and there’s probably not going to be a lava pool anywhere close to us because why would there be this freaking game man yeah that is what I am most concerned about platty cuz that is my favorite part about I am now CU I don’t have to deal with

Anything it’s great is that a lava pool you don’t like my low fire remixes AMU the only way I can listen to Ed Sheeran without wanting to jump off a bridge be fair this posty but still let’s go up here this looks like where lava would be

Yeah I wouldn’t have a landlord I’d be buying or leasing no not leasing um prick what’s the word I’m thinking of um are you good at fixing things or are you calling someone to fix it if you have your own house well that’s two questions it’s like

Party MO is like oh it’ be kind of fun to like you know have around the house to work on and do all that stuff but the issue is I really just don’t have time so I would probably end up getting people to do that but I don’t

Know I mean it depends what it is if it’s something easy then that’s one thing but like I already know if I got a house I would definitely get um cleaning service on it cuz I just I I really just don’t have time all the stuff I’m doing so which is fine

It’s an investment an investment learn a lot from YouTube yeah which again like that’d be fun right have all these like home projects but all that each time and that means it’s less time that is going to streaming or less time it’s going to other stuff or less time it’s going to

Work or whatever taking a couple months to do the maintenance fixing you want before moving in yeah that’s true well yeah and that depends on the um what kind of house I end up getting which it’s there’s a strong possibility it’ll be new is based on my area which

Is both good and bad um but it depends on the timing of that and then also when my lease runs up my apartment unless I just decide to renew which I could but um okay I still have not seen any larva which is kind of crazy there’s

Another Village up there let’s go check that one out and hope we’ll see lava on our way there did they just get rid of lava pools or something is this hotline Bling No this is Congratulations by post Malone what’s the low name a post Malone come up with a good pun for that

Oh my goodness why did I just do that that was so stupid what am I freaking thinking post melatonin nice Jamie oh my goodness I didn’t even say hi to you earlier hi Jamie also hi Roy said hi and I didn’t even see it say gosh darn mention highlights I just skip

Them after melons you have armor you probably wouldn’t have died yeah maybe it would have been close still too risky for what I should be doing almost did it again go test it all Malone what how is that alone five what all right lava doesn’t exist I’m convinced all alone that’s

Tough Sam Malone okay you guys are baned oh do I see some I see some lava nope it’s red sand heck I go bed why go bed when you don’t have work what is that is that lava that’s a fire campfire isn’t it gosh darn it I have

Plans likely story all right good night AMU have a good one we will hopefully see you tomorrow reminder chat should be live tomorrow uh might go try to go live at 5 we’ll see but it’ll be a nice stream probably more Nine Lives I’ll see you

Again for that one plans to watch Reese exactly that’s the right answer that is the right answer good night AMU good night AMU n are you are you feels all right um no Lava this is this is sagge this is big sagge go get lava in our freaking M

Shaft but hoping there’ be some easy lava around our the Earth but I guess not trying to work on the server all right we must not distract Pro moderator man n hello we’re modding every sh on Nine Lives yeah jeez freaking I make oh my goodness I

Almost died again I make n mod and then everyone else is like oh I think n is so awesome I’m going to mod n gosh taking all n SC far okay well well where the sub statu going to go I guess I’ll have to rerun it I

Didn’t even think about that or just no sub statues unlucky GG go next dark dropping a 20 bomb first gift Subs of the Year oh snap I didn’t even realize that it started over because last night didn’t count what the heck dark thank you so much dude I appreciate it that’s

Insane a 20 bomb guys can we get 20 hearts for 20 Subs I appreciate it how are you dark Happy New Year to you Misha Von buus Cosmic T roll Sunday random twostep cookie oh yeah Von Winkle Angel Minecrafting dad queso uh don’t know what that name is

Tenous Mech Dey Tom Luca and POF thank you very much man I appreciate it no Hearts too lazy wow hey what’s up MCD how you doing dude yeah actually to be fair I think n was mod in sketch’s stream before I modd at 9 but I don’t care I’m claiming first

Anyways I don’t care I I will take it ready to place some decked out nice yeah they did I I I think I might check that out at some point have to let me know how it goes but yeah I totally forgot they released that world have you already played it or is

This about to be your first time all right I think that’s everything yeah pretty small village added some custom things nice all right I guess we’ll just go back to our boring Village and our boring base and we’ll just go down and get some lava from the stupid

Cave 26 hours for New Year’s still not worth it wait what6 hours from I’m confused 26 hours from idea decked out but its own mod wait since each m C actually has two hearts does that mean I put 40 hearts and not 20 R SL technically the truth r/ techically true also ploty

Droping the first bits of the year I think I have to double check cuz I’m not sure yes good job plyy first bits of 2024 congratulations techically you a mod for sketch way back but you were unmodded when you were away first to mod me since

I’ve been back ha I’ll take it that counts that means I’m first I win not that it’s a competition but it’s a competition and I won looks like a ton of fun it is it’s definitely a different way to play Minecraft but it’s it’s it is a lot of

Fun I am very interested to see how the season turns out it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting having me as a mod makes you a winner or a loser no it’s a de it’s a dub uh wait wait which way am I going I’m

Going look nine you made two whole commands today two whole commands again asking support I’ve never had enough bits to do a pin hi chat happy New Year wait what what is that made on wait did you actually steal the team one from someone else or the nine lives one that’s

Funny wait you can pin bit messages now instead of doing hype chats holy freak that’s so cool that’s so cool did that just cost you 100 bits 100 bits equals 1 minute oh no oh that could be a problem amount of time goes up with bits

So you don’t you don’t even have to pay more for it that’s so cool I didn’t know they added that I knew they got rid of the hype chats but I didn’t I thought they just got rid of them I didn’t know they added it with bits instead that’s freaking

Awesome now people can set their amazing favorite messages at the top of chat wow all right dark no worries man thanks for hanging out thank you again for the 20 bomb that is crazy generous of you I do appreciate it hopefully we’ll see you again tomorrow Happy New Year to you

Why are you jumping over crevices I don’t know I’m just freaking insane blue ice good one and the tube Coral me see if I can get some uh actually wait do I get something for killing him I think I do right yeah whatever he’ll respawn there’s tons of those guys all around

I haven’t seen follow bots in a long time to Twitch finally cracked down maybe probably not I mean follow Bots are dumb anyways I of all the Bots that I don’t know hi to be fair I haven’t gotten to follow bot in a long time so I don’t know it it

It usually just depends on the people doing it they usually jump from like Community to community or like game to game so I don’t know but you can remove follow bots in literally two seconds so that’s probably why you don’t see follow Bots anymore because they just realize they don’t do

Anything I was his last bot beep boop no I’m the last bot dance game okay let’s go get some larva only crafter’s bot is bot hey don’t freaking call crafter SP a bot that’s toxic that’s rude where did I put the mine is it over here yeah crafter bot did end up getting

Gifted a sub good old cter bot do me and Nine’s still the best ping how are me and Nine’s ping so much better than everyone else on the server are we really that close nine gree bad stream never said congrats on second in ours wait did I you hit that yesterday

Didn’t I I thought I did well congratulations Aggie on second place I thought we literally talked about this yesterday am I just fgoring I feel like I remember a conversation I think I’m getting gas Litton a lot of other people in the server I guess there’s still a lot of us people

On here well maybe not actually maybe not probably said it in head I don’t think you ever said it to me is that true I don’t well congratulations aie I am very proud of you second place in all of mctc land chat can we get some GG’s in chat for

Aggie now Aggie’s coming for nine next Mona s coming from the number one spot hey what’s up oh yeah how you doing man welcome back nice to see you happy New Year to you hope you’re doing well what’s the deal with fruit Loops is

It fruit or is it Loops I want to know is it not Loops of fruit good night thanks for hanging out Johnny have a good one dude we’ll we’ll hope to catch you again tomorrow thanks for hanging zero chance I catch nine I believe although I’m pretty sure Nine’s a tab but

Still only 141 more hours let’s go that’s like one Sabbath on I believe little bit hung over after New Year just woke up ah everyone’s favorite way to start the new year hung over imagine tab shaming what was not tab shaming what are you talking about if anything I was tab

Promoting crimson and saer tabers yeah but they’re not 24/7 tabers I think nine is a 247 tabber it’s fruit not fruit so Loops of fruit all right yes that is correct not to be confused with loops of fruit what is breath then I mean you’re not a tabber right you’re a you’re a

Watcher I guess tabber is not a watcher through white for wity all right so we need uh we need 10 pieces for for a a portal and then we need four more or good old enchantment Table I don’t think we’re going to go to the nether if anything we’re probably going to use the nether portal from the Scion base since that kicks you straight into a fortress but we’re probably going to wait until we have diamond armor and enchanting to go to the nether maybe even

Elytra but we want to make the Nether Portal anyway so we get those advancements oh brick I forgot to light up so now we’re GNA have mobs everywhere I need you to hit yourself with your arrow please can I not hit a skeleton with its own Arrow

Thought you could a little bit weird but all right B he what are we up to 368 I’m dying again okay I was going to test for Co today and I forgot gosh iing darn it guess I’ll do that after the stream what do we think chat should I do a prediction on if I test positive or not it’s a pretty messed up prediction I

Think that’s a tough one I actually don’t know really I don’t feel that bad but I do feel like the coughing is pretty indicative stands for sick Reese oh right yes before I go oh that’s concerning I don’t know what that means that’s concerning look at my favorite emotes of

Last year oh boy better be what I think it is let’s go heart and smile good job only second most watched Channel wow wow feels bad man let’s go the or top three but most messages sent okay that’s you know what I’ll take that I’ll take most messages sent over most

Watched or does that just mean you spammed my chat oh we already had a bunch of obsidian where did we get that guess we got it in some chest or something okay where is book because you tend to lur there that’s fair that is fair oh I got added apparently what did I

Do oh okay never mind um my goodness I’m so sniffly uh we did get a bunch of books right cuz i y them yeah there they are one of those and two of those and then we’ll make some bookshelves how many bookshelves do we need again I literally always forget yay

Enchanter we already have bookshelves over here maybe 168 to 153 that’s a close one well in 2024 we aim for more holy freak Note Block daylight sensor Redstone comparator oh it’s cuz they have a chest of all the Redstone stuff all right I don’t see stuff in there

So oh my goodness my freaking knee don’t have turbo anymore so 20 24 will be watching sub streamers I’ve been thinking about getting turbo I don’t know Chad how many of you guys have turbo 07s in chat turbo check I guess we’ll just put this out here I don’t really like doing

Enchanting outside but what it is excuse me zero have turbo well I guess so oh it is 16 oh no it’s not efficiency 4 don’t love that efficiency 4 sharpness three I feel like it’s it’s not very common or Turbo isn’t very common anymore I feel

Like it was better when turbo used to give you a free sub and also um it what else did turbo used to give I had another perk that was really nice oh yeah I forgot they made it more expensive too they made it more expensive and they removed one of the

Features from it but I don’t remember what it was now that’s just going to try me insane what did I just get natural spinner let’s go all right no worries have a good night um double down thank you for the lurk always helps appreciate it we’ll we’ll see you

Tomorrow I really hope on the um the website update they do that it shows individual achievement count as well as team so we can know how we’re doing we probably have like 50% of our team’s advancements right now we’re carrying hard carrying see if there’s anything in um main house

That’s a lot of stuff tricorn demon horns can you react to my TTS again I wasn’t here what what what was your TTS oh I need to smell some copper I can do that that’s an easy one SP I don’t remember might be a little difficult to react to your TTS

Then it’s about Fruit Loops oh uh you we started talking about um if they were fruits of loop or Loops of fruit I think the answer is Loops of fruit but specifically fruit with two o’s because that is very different um okay let’s smel some coer that will give

Advent who’s that eyes of Bryce thanks for the follow appreciate it welcome in we have a raid Farm already what huh what no freaking shot hey happy New Year Isa Bryce how are you doing man like And subscribe that’s I think that’s my favorite advancement name so far

Oh working on it now okay that makes a little more sense about to say no freaking shot you finished it already that’s crazy epic speed mode my brother’s name is Bryce are you my brother must be must be it’s the only explanation I can think of

Salt doesn’t give you one okay what are we up to 376 we’re getting close oh Bryce is your middle name oh who’s Bryce wait there’s Bryce now there’s Bruce how you doing Bruce what’s going on man happy New Year to you oh my goodness what’s next brass Bross a stack of lapis blocks

Ouchies okay we can make a clock this should be easy uh do we have gold we have gold and redstone good good of Myra this is going to be like my Adra nuts or something right my right n well I think mine was better I think mine was better personally

Can you can eat Tri kelp again it gives you something okay it in fact did not give us something well that’s unfortunate um okay what’s next B of M shaft point of Dripstone bunch of cobblestone dirt eat glowberries I can do that oh I only have one blueberry okay maybe I should grow those then we shall grow them right here and then we’ll wait for it to grow and maybe B me it um let me check our armor I guess see even get any

Good enchants cuz I think actually enchanting we need to enchant one of every item eventually anyways one of these has a good about three okay did we roll anything good now we keep getting efficiency four knock back to okay how about either of these R three R three L how about leggings brought

Three why are we getting such poopy enchants I simply do not get it cuz you’re poopy you take that back right now you take that back back right meow Mister okay oh not that craft a half slab well that should see I can definitely that one

Okay I like how making a half slab is the same amount of points as killing a warden with a channeling Trident from 100 blocks away something doesn’t add up there place down a trapo all right we might be able to do like a trap door for that one hi doggo

Doggo is so cute I wonder what doggo’s name is it’s a trap with your eyes closed too oh yeah you have to spin around three times say the alphabet backwards and then how you doing Dr what’s going on man happy New Year build Cobblestone wall okay might have some of those

Already too 36 makes you no scope yoink oh gr just gave me eight cob that well thanks I guess craft every item made out of oak wood collect every type of Oak lock stripped wood okay don’t look chat got to STP it what oh does it have to be one of these

Okay need stairs hanging sign oh hanging sign is actually in the game now right that’s like an actual item he stripped on stream don’t tell anyone it’s a secret it’s secret hopefully I don’t get in trouble with Mr twitch man oh there’s a chest up here with a c well chest

Okay are there any W these houses suck there we go y ad just started again F rip ads how we ever tell ad friends that they’re about to get ads C pickle gave me a stone shovel for that really okay what are we up to now 384 let’s

Go Redstone okay those will all be easy plant a seed what have we not already done that should we’ve done that already I guess I planted potatoes Not seeds okay you say so game if you say so what is that kill a zombie villager boy shoot a crossbow plant I want to

Look through some of these and see which one of them they can we can do oh I don’t think we made a hoe yet let’s do that we should make an autosort this season and wait we don’t have any sticks no we don’t okay weird oh here they are

Hen wo Maddie happy New Year hello hello hope you’re doing well oh frick that didn’t even give us anything did I already do that one I guess I did what would it be under farming oh what’s the one that craft your stone pickaxe mining tab did already do that

One oh well that’s unfortunate and what was the other one use time to farm dang it I already did that one oh I have to break this eventually so might as well welcome back ad friends hello hello meant to come back at midnight but you drank too much and

Forgot starting your 2024 out on a strong note love to see it well you know what it sounds like you had fun and that is the most important thing that is the most important thing wasn’t fun going to work well maybe not what time did you have to go to

Work don’t really want to do any of these until oh for two minutes that’s pretty easy oh my goodness wait get murdered by Dolphins is actually an advancement I should send a picture of my um screenshot in chat and ask why I didn’t get my advancement you think they’ll fall for

It Chad don’t tell any of the the mods don’t tell any of the neline mods okay we’ll see if we can get plus one advancement I believe they won’t find out shipwreck I already did that one um oh we can do scaffolding that’s an easy one 10:00 a.m. oh it’s not that

Bad what are we not telling the mods um we’re not telling the mods that we’re going to try to get a free advancement um because I didn’t get an advancement for getting murdered by Dolphins but it’s a secret so we don’t want to tell any of them I’m a construction worker y

Okay um flower Forest God there’s so many freaking biomes you won’t tell fantastic we are saved chat we are saved shoot something with a bow and arrow did I not do that already all right someone’s getting mored it’s probably going to be a chicken a chimpin I still haven’t

Figured out how to get a freaking feather F what was that under breed two cows I can do that cook mutton yeah that’s an easy one love chimpin we all love chimpin chimpin is our favorite and chimpin actually sounds good right now I kind of want some

Chipkin should I order some chimpin chat should I order some Wing Stop no I need to stop ordering food I’ve ordered so much food the last couple days granted it’s because I’m I’m sick but it’s so freaking expensive feels so bad I should do it though I might do it

Chat what do we think should I order Wing Stop I haven’t had Wing Stop in a couple months cook and eat a fish I’m too hungry I’m too full I can’t even eat this I’ll just run around oh I can jump a little bit we need that one

Eventually just do a little bit of Jumpy jumpy Miss see how expensive Wing Stop is just call it a business expense because I’m getting food while I’m streaming that’s clearly how that works and I’m even making achievement progress while doing it wow this is so

Great wait is it not even open huh are they closed because it’s New Year’s oh my goodness they’re actually closed are you freaking kidding me are you kidding me I guess well that sucks you would order food if you were me wwnd D what would I do okay maybe I’ll get chimpin from

Another place feels bad man why are places freaking cloes for New Year’s that’s stupid me after I’ve been telling everyone in chat to not go to work on New Year’s because it’s a holiday and then complaining when places are closed okay uh we need a

Nemo we need a tropical fish we need a turle we need a leather jacket yeah we should have leather jacket over here awesome oh wasn’t me chat I didn’t do it I didn’t do it don’t tell cheetah or aggro was me okay do we have cows it was literally you prove

It I don’t think we have cows maybe that will be my first contribution to to base is I will get the cows where are the cows maybe the cows are up it’s on tape um actually it’s not you know where it will be on the VOD Channel everyone make sure to go

Subscribe to the VOD Channel and help us get to 500 YouTube subscribers so we can start making that sweet sweet AdSense money over there feels good man share it with a friend share it with your grandma share it with some Rando I don’t care freaking sheep everywhere but no there’s a donkey

Donkey oh yeah did I set mine I don’t remember if I did oh I did wow look at me that took me like three weeks last time I had of schedule cows let’s go hello donkey donkey I need to kill one of you unfortunately sorry I don’t want to but I have

To okay I see one cow I see two cow okay cows please please come forth oh there’s a village here oh snap hello cows come with me please where was the other cow cow still following me cow come on I love their little animation so good

Oh you’re not going to be able to get through that cuz you’re stupid I forgot hey the other cow went over here all right come on up here come on little buddy bottle did he just wander again oh my goodness all right hold up freaking stay there you go get your friend

Cows are the worst should have just made a Le okay yes you get over here stop moving around all right come on friend what is that wrecked some fencing hey yo okay yes come forth cow friends we only need to go 200 blocks it should be easy oh hey there’s another cow and

Sheep are going to follow us too oh boy okay well that’s fine take them all oh my gosh there’s so many sheep there’s so Many cow Reese but I’m not a cow I am attracting cows so shouldn’t it be cowes cow attracting Reese am I going the right way I didn’t think I ran this far guess I did oh am I going to have to cross a river no oh please not like this so all

Three cows is there any way for me to not cross the river nope we have to dang it okay my tummy is rumbling I’m going to order 46 minute delivery what the actual frick that is crazy oh one of the cows scapade get over here thank you

Jez one two three okay yes come on we have to get you through the water which is going to be absolutely terrible come on little friendos I keep seeing the blue team getting advancements and I’m like Oh yay The Blue Team got advancement oh wait I’m not on the blue team anymore it’s

Kind of sad oh my goodness yeah okay it’s going well so far they are very slow look at their little swimming animation okay please do not get stuck on the magma that would be very bad so don’t do that No chat do I get dry rub um lemon pepper or do I get garlic parmesan or do I get I don’t really like any of these flavors to be honest try a different place it’s kind of sound mid to be honest lemon pepper like lemon pepper would be good

But I want like six and six I don’t think they let me do that no it’s not be dubs that was an option though maybe I’ll try that instead where is the spice um I don’t really want to do spice right now because like that’s a bad

Time and I’m already not feeling the greatest unless is spice good for you I don’t know cow can you freaking get out of the water thank you all right um I don’t have fences for you so that’s not great so we might just have to drop you in a hole and call it

Good so I hope you guys are okay with That come on little buddies uhoh uhoh I still have the wheat please come back I still have the wheat thank you okay don’t fall in that hole so everyone all right down you go no this is temporary hole until we have fences it’s a temporary mob hole sorting Hole they going to get sun burn no they’re under a night little tree it’s fine hello there friend all right nowo yes and we get two more Wheats now we can do the same thing with the sheepo boom we do a little bit of sheery sheery and then we quickly drown them

And then we are good beautiful we only need eight more advancements to get 400 oh my goodness I’m pretty sure I have like 200 advancements wait nine are you you’re on the server n can you go to spawn and tell me how many advancements I have since you can

Teleport okay let me look at mebs real fast I got to order food do mebs is 24h hour time they close $111 oh my goodness so expensive okay I could get lemon pepper salt and vinegar get Thai Asian zinc sauce sauce what the heck is sauce sauce parmesan garlic

What is Asian Zing that sounds good but how bad is it 179 let’s freaking go I’m popping off chat thank you nine does that mean I literally have more than 50% on my team right now I have 45% dang it Chili Pepper soy Ginger ah frick that was good but let me

See how spicy is Asian Z 111 and aggro is 101 oh my goodness I’m so good I’m 100% going to log on next week and they’re going to be up to like 300 but whatever it’s fine we’ll take it while we can it’s medium one at two oh he just gained an

Advancement all right what do we think chat should I do I feel like I’m going to do lemon pepper I’m concerned if I do spicy I’m going to explode and that would be not good lemon pepper is good we all agree on lemon pepper lemon pepper is very good all

Right let’s do it I don’t think I’ve had lemon pepper before I can oh I get the sauce on the side oh shoot maybe do agent zing and then oh sauce on the side that that could be a Vibe should I do that instead maybe I’ll do that next time

Yeah yeah I’ll do that next time we’ll do LL pepper today and then next time we’ll do Asian sauce on the side that sense lit all right let’s see how expensive this is oh frick I have to add a dollar I can get free delivery Mountain Dew bottle for

$3.50 absolutely the freck not should I just get 10 I’ll get 10 six oh frick I just selected the wrong thing it’s like a Korean checken Place problem is Korean wings are so good so I always read them on door Dash and I’m like that sounds so good and

Then you’re right I get them and they’re terrible but I fall for it every time I read it I’m like that sounds amazing I haven’t had it at BDubs before though like does BDubs have good flavor or there is pretty bad too six $17 free tax feels bad man why is this

So expensive it’s just chicken nuggies not good either so sad all right well rip me $19 down the drain oh well surely it’ll taste good just make it I should We’ll order my own my own chickens and I will make it I’m stiffly okay um back to advancements we

Need eight more um what shall we do we need to eat a cooked chicken cooked chimpin we have a cooked chimpin I do not see a cooked chimpin we have chimpin I’m about to eat a cooked shimkin IRL but we don’t have one in game

Which is quite s um we do need a poisonous potato so let’s get some foodie food also how far are we away from the jumping one should getting pretty close on that gummy bears on frozen yogurt and it’s always terrible yeah that’s kind of an L man I haven’t gotten frozen yogurt

In a while um or like Skittles on frozen yogurt which just break your teeth um the sour gummy worms on frozen yogurt slaps though that’s a goated combo that goes hard every time I haven’t had fro fro yo in Forever should go get it sometime creamy desserts with candy that’s fair I

Can understand that see I like it cuz you like eat the froo and then you like eat a piece of candy like I I never really mix them I guess crease sounds for chicken wing Reese come over to the Bon and Wing side no I think Bon and wings are poopy

Poop Bon’s better always no ah almost is where it’s at you get like 2 ounces of chicken actually that’s that’s generous you get half an ounce of chicken on bone and wings and it’s usually low quality and not the vibe it’s okay to be wrong yeah that’s okay I’m glad I’m glad glad

You know you know how to feel okay 393 394 catch a fish we catch a fish look at this beautiful hold to fishing surely this will work this actually should work though right or did they remove this that’s hilarious why is that a thing fishy business okay um oh can I

Let’s see if we get a good enchant on this kinding to dash everywhere Unbreaking three that’s pretty good oh I don’t have levels for it sad I simply don’t have the levels okay Um bottle of Honey t a llama but friend of wolf we have decided you are now W Reese wrong Reese for obvious reasons m c chroma M Cly chrom mctc I mean Reese does take W’s that’s for sure okay we will make mine quart easy peasy uh do I have to place

Mine cart guess I do have to place mine cart okay next uh furnace mine cart chest mine cart okay redstone torch that’s an easy one should probably start organizing all this stuff in the right spot but oops easy have like a redstone chest stuff what are we up to 397 three

More Note Block in Bon both theart and then we have bhan organizing stores for boring people and you’re not boring that’s a great point that is a fantastic point I’m glad we agree oh played every note like Yet let’s go all right we we have to do that again with all the noises but it’s a good start is that 400 400 I did it chat aren’t you so proud of me I got to 400 all by myself on day one yay now we’re only in like sixth place

Actually wait no let’s look so blue has more than us purple has more than us pink has more than us us white has more than us so we’re in sixth place yay we’ll take it and that’s with me having like half of them so we should at least jump up to like

550 once aggro and um um cheah got on fig we’ll be behind while we get stuff set up and then Serge head yeah that’s kind of my thought as well which is fine I’m good with that I’m good with that get the easy ones out of the way

While we’re working on the hard stuff we have went we are PR chat is that like VR chat but PR chat all right let’s see where my chimp my chimpin is my gosh my chimpin is going to take 30 more minutes what the actual Frick how long does it take to make a

Chimpin surely not that long okay Um I kind want to go see what this raid Farm is all about let’s go check it out I don’t think it’s done yet but I am intrigued oh it is very far from us oh actually it’s not that far it’s only about a th000 blocks so let’s go on a quick Adventure

After getting to 400 advancements tree villager tree villager tree villager everyone say hello to tree villager crab crab look like crab walk like people okay we’re generating new terrain do raid Farms have to happen on Pillager Towers or how do raid Farms even work they could just happen anywhere I

Guess you want them to happen either in the air or in the ocean right best on water but there it doesn’t have to be in a structure right oh my gosh that would have been death i’ been taking some scary falls that’s why we need some

Uh that’s why we need some uh what’s it called why my eating sound so quiet like my sounds are really frecked up all looks fine though oh ambient environment oh really weird um that’s why we need our totems so I don’t do oopsies anymore or it saves me if I do an oopsie

Before we get our feather fall in our elytra elitra more like elitra hey found a lava pool it does in fact exist all right Zaki have a good one thanks for hanging man have a good night we’ll hope to catch you for the bonus stream tomorrow enjoy the Sleep ow

Cheetah there’s some Redstone chests or some Redstone stuff in some of my barrels too if you want some pre advancements probably just wait until we get all of our stuff set up though if you want what is that one oh oh mind I got the backwards wait is this that where

Was oh never mind just a little bit farther get the Advan Port yeah there’s uh there’s definitely some stuff there you’re not going to get mad at me right we’re chill yeah we chill there’s tons of ice here we need to come back that’s good that I forgot about SMH

SMH I don’t even have a crafting table which means I have to make another crafting table what yes agree coal charcoal pressure plate that seems like it could be a trap it’s a trap okay find an ocean that’s good close don’t see anything yet oh now I see something

We’re back to last season when I literally could not use a raid Farm what the lava casting elf hat some free stuff puer fish should we steal slings elf hat I mean she dropped it off the edge so must be just we’ll we’ll put it we’ll put it

In this boat for her all of her trash that she tried to get rid of actually I’m going to keep but Soul Sand want that actually we’re going to take the boat so I can go back okay well it’s not done yet it is in progress it is currently very fiery and that’s

Okay we go we’ll leave slings boat think she needs the Soul Sand we’ll leave the Soul Sand might need that think she need anything else maybe the composter there you go okay we go bye-bye it’s Billy eyh who else can we go bother could go check out white team

Haven’t been to their base yet I don’t think anyone’s online neul’s online ow it’s like the first step oh only see the half half the list you can see the important half that’s what matters I am starving I am no longer storing okay I think whites space is in cold biome

Right so we shall say hello or Le see what they got going on we definitely want to set up um oh what happened here is this a boat FF is familyfriendly there are a couple familyfriendly broadcasters on here that means you can’t say the naughty word around

Them how do I find the chest in this what’s what’s the secret there should be the rooms okay there’s one of them oh snap it was a good one too uncommon hat bag and a common hat bag big Crown summer hat okay so I think that should mean

There’s one more at the front of the ship mayhaps or was that the middle of ship one what aren’t there only two there’s only two chests in a boat right are you saving the sand for anything uh no I did not have anything in mind

What song is this the last one or this one you can always do exclamation mark song but the last one was Billy eyh I don’t remember what the name was I didn’t but it was definitely Billy eyh if that helps you in your journey lapis oh yeah go for it we need glass

Anyways so whoa wait how did you do that oh his team message just right I remember from season can’t you toggle too is that a thing I wish I was better at reading game chat feels bad man I’m on The Struggle Bus I’m actually impressed with myself that I caught

That I think orange stands out so much from normal chat messages so that helps I don’t know where this other chest is maybe it’s back oh hey that’s cool okay well maybe it’s farther back then maybe that was my mistake that’s number one I think it’s the I think we got

Baited and there’s only one only one chest s okay off we go let me out don’t know how to get out of here okay where was I going oh yeah white face dang what we should have done this season is not gotten any advancements until like the last day and just store I

Guess it wouldn’t be be possible I was going to say we like store or maybe only one person on our team gets all the advancements and we store all of the stuff in chests and then just like on the last day you just drop everything that’d be so

Funny oh this is a cool looking Village and our village is so boring compared to these terth ones are sick what the freak the doors is trap doors mending Pearson fortune 3 channeling holy frick wait these are Baller hey sorry hats you live a good life oh eye armor trim I don’t know if that’s Good here what did I just do find the eye of Smith Oh ender pearls that’s good I like ender pearls yeah this is someone’s base right what about over here okay there they have a villager breeder too oh wait no they don’t they do they they have a floating house morons in

Love oh they do okay that chest was not exactly as good as the other one ooh oh never mind what is that Pillager Outpost yeah I’m good don’t trust myself around that one not yet at least he that’s a lot of chests oh hello what’s up hello how you doing reys I’m

Exploring I’ve been doing that too and definitely not looting all of the looter chests in your guys’ base do it there’s one that’s actually like a blacksmith building so you might get some decent resources out of there is that the one that oh I got a trim out of

One of them that might have been it uh no the one that you got a trim out of especially if it’s the ey armor trim was a library one this one here is uh this one’s the good one the good good yeah that one will give you should should be

Two chests with some stuff in there well the first one was not very good that’s unfortunate this one also was not very good maybe it was good I don’t know um I’ll drop that uh we not need that maybe no we don’t that we just have too much

Stuff why do I have 36 slabs where did those come from both eating ourselves that sounds very different than you probably intended anything in here that’s not okay well white Bas white space is pretty cool um it’s a village which is what basically all the bases are but

Those good man um and we got a new trim so that’s good I think this is a good trim too oh frick okay I need to turn that off that’s very annoying a fox hi wait are there any sweet berries around here so we can tame them where the sweet berries

No the one time I don’t have sweet berries on me heck that’s very unfortunate oh gosh moving Parts okay back to base we go we didn’t do a very good job of keeping all of our bases together very large triangle but once we have uh elytra Andor nether portal fine okay back to

Base I guess we can be on the lookout for powdered snow while we’re here too doing some of that I don’t think powed snow shows have in tigas I think that has to be in um uh found stuff just go get an elytra easy you know what you’re right just get

An elytra forehead does anyone in the server have an elytra already I think I heard them kill the dragon earlier so people are in the end’ seen chorus fruit I would imagine people have shulkers do we have elyas yet last season I just bought my first elytra I might do that again

Honestly or hope that someone well that wasn’t very nice Mr Wolf you look so proud of yourself for that one how dare you pigu Gage killed the dragon and found an n city I didn’t notice if he got an elra though he probably did what te is Gage

On with Misty joy in multi Bob okay so Gage was like the MLG pro tryhard man last season on blue team with aggro to think who was who else was up there last season nightly was up there on red team again how did nightly get red team again that’s kind of

Crazy weasel did Weasel have a lot of trying to remember who the top three feel like Gage is like the main one so green team is probably going to win they only have 341 points right now but again it doesn’t really matter oh wait did you get orange team

You did get orange team again wait so how many people got the same color the cheetah nightly Siege maybe was siege black or was siege Siege might have been gray they’re the lime team not the Green Team okay sorry their team name is bust of limes bust of limes that’s pretty good it

Doesn’t look very lime guess it looks more light green than dark green though so that’s fair so why does nine and JY keep switching from the top left of the leaderboard to the to bottom right is that when they’re in spectator mode that must be what it is oh my goodness I’m so

Sniffly Vault Hunter is within 3 minutes of sery starting this will be a learning experience I think it’ll be fine I think it’ll just lose like 30 seconds of Vault time which is obviously not ideal but not the end of the world there cheetah you can have a super

Hard to get trim that I totally didn’t just get a ter Village it restarts quickly well it’s not even about that it’s about the time that takes for you to load in the chunks so like however long the server is down or restarting doesn’t even matter because it just pauses it pauses the

Time in spot oh my goodness my chimpin is still 10 minutes away why is my chimin taking so long they haven’t even started my order I no they have it’s not done yet what the freck I’m worried I’m not going to get my chimpin they’re like actually closed

Or something that would be quite sag that would be quite unfortunate all right um I saw some R and stuff I’m going to steal stuff up here no maybe should start making a bunch of chest where we can start put stuff although it is 11:00 looks like you didn’t lose much time it’s already back up dang these freaking new insert name here servers are actually insane I am actually so impressed not even hash spawn yet oh oh yeah now we’re talking oh that was a one SMH only 50 boo Boo all right what are we up to now 48 oh we need two more for the magical number nether quartz dropper and dispenser okay we do those that should be easy can you use um uh um damage bows for dispensers actually remember if you can or not dropper and there’s dispenser you

Can I did not know that for sure let’s go 420 we win we have the best number no one can beat our number right now we have an absolutely lit advancement count um and with that I think that’s a good spot for me to call for the

Night good uh Solid 5 Hour stream we got almost 200 advancements on our own in day one which is pretty good and um hopefully I have some shimin showing up at some point as well um yeah I’m going to call there for tonight thanks for hanging out friends um I really

Appreciate it hope you guys had a good time hope you’re enjoying some uh some Nine Lives um it will be a good time as we uh keep Rock and rolling so um yeah looking forward to it um again unfortunately I don’t think we’re going to have as much time for it this season

As we did last season but that just means when we’re online we’ll have to be productive so that is what we’ll work on um and do not worry the Vault tender series is not going anywhere we’ll still um be working that into the schedule um as we can as well I’m thinking it’ll

Probably be two and two each week um I know last season we ended up doing I think weekends was nine lives and weekdays was Vault hunters or maybe the opposite I don’t know so we might end up doing that um or something similar but um probably the first week we’ll just do

Nine lives and then we’ll do 5050 or some split um going on for the rest of the month but I don’t know we’ll see see how things go um yeah thanks again everybody for hanging out I I appreciate you I hope you enjoyed um tomorrow is a

Tuesday however I will still be live I’m you’re getting a little bit of a bonus stream so hopefully I’ll catch you guys again tomorrow um should be live at 600 p.m. might go live a little bit earlier depending how my schedule Works um but I would expect a 6:00 p.m p.m p.m. stream

With some more 9 live so it’ll be good time hopefully we’ll get to hang out with all of you tomorrow uh make sure you join the Discord if you haven’t already done so we have an awesome Discord Community that’s where we can hang out um with the squad when we’re

Not live and also uh join the Vault hund sub server um and uh figure out all the information on how to join that and also make sure to subscribe to the V channel the entire n live series we’ll be going up there as well as the Vault Hunter

Series and um all the other stuff that we’ve already done is up there as well so definitely make sure you subscribe over there so you catch up on any Nine Lives action that you miss um yeah thanks again for all the support guys I really appreciate it some

New followers today um a a nice little sub bomb from darks um and just all kinds of support always appreciate you um we’ll see who’s live um we could raid Sketcher Lena but I feel like I raid them all the time so I feel like we should raid someone new

Um no one from our team is online SMH bunch of slackers um we could go hit clutch clutch hit us a couple times I don’t think we’ve hit him back I have a suggestion all right what’s your suggestion I will consider said suggestion only if it’s a good suggestion

Though T poke man he that’s a great suggestion zie wait Z Z’s not live oh no ZB is live I’m just blind what team is Z on oh it’s on the same team with clutch interesting you know what just for nine we’ll raid zi the one time I’ll actually take a raid suggestion

Don’t say I never did anything with you or did anything for you hey thanks for hanging out Melly appreciate it hope you have a good night as well Happy New Year as well to everybody hope you guys have a um a great start to year bias SMH I know getting freaking

Jbit the the moderators are pulling their strings uh but we’ll go drop a raid over to Z another fellow MCT or mctc another fellow Nine Lives member um we’ll do some mctc La hug and MCC oh no not hug um MCC L snug and no no I lied MCC La

Yay and mcdc the wave there you go those are the two emotes we’re going to do for the raid everyone copy that and we’ll go post those zbs and we’ll say hello likely because nine mods zb2 I don’t actually but you will you will after you get a MCC ra not

Kidding this is the mod initiation I’m just kidding we’re just giving you a hard time we love you we just don’t like to share you okay thanks for hanging friends I’ll I’ll get this raid started I’ll see you guys tomorrow 6 PM EST um for some more

Nine Lives action appreciate it hope you have a great rest night and good news my chicken is on its way all right good night everybody see you next time oh freck it’s follower only f

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100% Achievment Challenge – 9LIVES – Day 1 Stream VOD’, was uploaded by MCTC VODs on 2024-01-02 17:00:30. It has garnered 201 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:21 or 18441 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at

9Lives is a month-long Minecraft event where 48 streamers attempt to complete as many Achievments as possible! Teams can score points by completing as many of the Blaze and Caves advancements as possible! Every advancement that each player completes counts towards the total score! Blaze and Cave’s Advancements Pack adds over 900 new advancements, which brings numerous new challenges to Minecraft! This event is semi-hardcore meaning that after the teams use up all 9 Lives and die on their 10th, 11th, and 12th life, per teammate respectively, its game over.

Full Achievment Hunters VOD Playlist:

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    New Shizo Texture 128x128 for MCPE! Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘texture 128×128 mcpe 1.20+ smooth dan ringan’, was uploaded by pandu dw on 2024-05-17 12:19:04. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. #minecraft #mcpe #texturepack Download Read More

  • Games Revealed: Never Get Lost Again!

    Games Revealed: Never Get Lost Again!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Games Stop You From Getting Lost’, was uploaded by removedm on 2024-05-13 06:02:11. It has garnered 448 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:12 or 2232 seconds. ʟᴇᴛ ɢᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴛ ɢᴏᴅ. From the streets of London to the immersive worlds of popular video games like Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto V—Join me as we explore the world of wayfinding design and discover how it’s used in the real world and our virtual ones. Like, Subscribe + Hit That Bell! 👍📬🔔 Watch More 👉 Support the Channel 🤍… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Quackity in Trouble, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP Drama

    SHOCKING: Quackity in Trouble, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP DramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘HUGE LEAK! Quackity is in Trouble | Rooster Teeth Dead, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP & More’, was uploaded by Omni on 2024-03-06 23:30:03. It has garnered 117052 views and 5828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:21 or 2481 seconds. Last Video ➧ SUMMARY Popular Minecraft YouTuber Quackity is in a pickle as statements surrounding the work environment with his QSMP grow leading to the interference of the French union. An alleged leaked Nijisanji contract from this vtuber agency shows the insane agreements that a member has to commit to. The legendary Rooster… Read More

  • Insane Trick for EPIC Minecraft Medieval House Build! #58

    Insane Trick for EPIC Minecraft Medieval House Build! #58Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval House| Minecraft Tutorial || Freezn Gamer || #ep58’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-03-27 10:27:32. It has garnered 226 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:00 or 480 seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval House| Minecraft Tutorial || Freezn Gamer || #ep58 Join this channel to get access to perks: Instagram- Discord- Facebook- Twitter – Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore the below… Read More

  • Dumdood’s Epic Adventure on Blade SMP!

    Dumdood's Epic Adventure on Blade SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘My journey on the Blade Smp Part one’, was uploaded by one dumdood on 2024-02-04 02:11:47. It has garnered 164 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:42 or 1302 seconds. Part one of onedumdood failing to play minecraft on a content creator smp. where if you kill someone you gain a level of sharpness on your sword, and if you die you loose a level. =============================================================================== CHAPTERS: 00:00-00:11 start of chapter 1 07:30-11:20 more interesting 09:20-11:10 goofing off 13:35-14:40 first fight 14:55-15:06 start of chapter 2 18:47-20:20 big fight =============================================================================== people… Read More

  • FroobWorld

    FroobWorldFroobWorld is a small survival server that’s been around since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of SMP, you will probably enjoy our server. Our rules are pretty standard. Essentially – no griefing; no stealing; and no cheating. We keep the chat at PG-13 levels. Some features of FroobWorld: – Land claiming, with no limit to the size (within reason) – Lockette-style chest locking – /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back – Long-term maps – 16 view distance – We don’t take donations or give prizes in exchange for votes Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    Hotdog Water Server Hotdog Water is hardcore vanilla Minecraft server. Rules: PVP, griefing, and fun are all allowed. No cheating/hacking and no being a wiener. Have fun! Server IP: Website: Discord: Video: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Redstone Community on fire:

    The Minecraft Redstone Community be like: “I didn’t just build a functioning redstone contraption, I also calculated its meme score!” Read More

  • Father Finder: Minecraft Mystery

    Father Finder: Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a player seeking truth, a mystery to behold. Two fathers, both claiming the title as their own, But which one is real, and which one has shown? With twists and turns, the story unravels, As our hero delves deep, through dungeons and travels. Each clue a rhyme, each step a beat, In this virtual world, where reality and fiction meet. So join us now, in this quest so grand, As we uncover the truth, in this blocky land. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a thing, In this Minecraft… Read More

  • When the server crashes but your friends are still vibing in Minecraft #serverdownstillfunny

    When the server crashes but your friends are still vibing in Minecraft #serverdownstillfunny When the server stops but your friends are still playing, it’s like being the only one who didn’t get the memo that the party got moved to a different house. Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Build Best House with Few Resources

    Sneaky Survival: Build Best House with Few Resources Exploring the Best Survival House in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as you learn how to build the best survival house without the need for many resources. Join Super Soul as they delve into the intricacies of creating a safe haven in the midst of the game’s challenges. Building Your Shelter Survival in Minecraft is all about finding the right balance between gathering resources and protecting yourself from the dangers that lurk in the world. Start by selecting a suitable location for your house, ensuring it is close to essential resources like wood,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft adventure video like “BORDO BERELİ ÇOCUKLAR, KEREM KOMİSER VE KEMAL’İ KURTARDI! 😱” and wished you could be a part of such epic moments? Well, now you can make your own unforgettable memories on the Minewind server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. From intense PvP… Read More

  • Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal – Minecraft

    Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal - Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Zoonomaly Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Zoonomaly Portal. Discover a world filled with unique creatures and exciting challenges waiting to be conquered. Join the quest to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic realm! Unleashing the Zoonomaly Portal Step into the Zoonomaly Portal and be transported to a realm unlike any other in Minecraft. Encounter a variety of friendly cows that roam the landscape, each with its own special abilities and characteristics. Explore the lush environment and interact with these fascinating creatures to uncover hidden treasures and surprises…. Read More

  • Friendly Frog Spawns in Minecraft?! 🐸🔥

    Friendly Frog Spawns in Minecraft?! 🐸🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘SPAWN FRIENDLY FROG (Zoonomaly) DI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by UzeMing on 2024-04-25 01:06:29. It has garnered 4759 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Help Donate All: JOIN DISCORD GRUB : Skin UzeMing: SUBSCRIBE IS FREE: Channel ke 2 Bang UzeX Channel ke 3 Si Paling Mage Tiktok: ~ follow my Instagram : @DaFuqBoom #skibiditoilet #freepalestine #palestine #poppyplaytimechapter1 #smillingcritters #bobbybearhuggy #poppyplaytimechapter3mobile #zoonomaly #zookeeper #trending Thank you, friends who have read and done so, I hope this channel can grow. Read More

  • Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft Challenge

    Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 15:53:21. It has garnered 26345 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo known for their entertaining and innovative content. From… Read More

  • Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategy

    Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategyVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО СНИМАТЬ? #shorts #shortsanity #shortsadoptme #minecraft #almaz #бедварс #fyp #op’, was uploaded by Alмaz on 2024-01-29 09:35:38. It has garnered 497 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shortsclip #shortscraft #youtube #youtuber#subscribe #shortsadoptme#shortsroblox #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsfunny #shortsasmr #shortsart #shortscooking #shortscrochet #shortsbyamritamam #shortschallenge #shortscomplitition #shortsblackpink #instagramyoutube #youtuberlikes #youtubevide #shortscomedy #shortstiktok#shortsfortnite#shortsbts #shortsbhaiveersinghji #shortsbgmi #shortsassa #shortsads #youtubegrowt #almaz #youtubeusers #instavideo #shorts #бедварс #fypシ #op #minecraft ►БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ПРЕВЬЮШКИ – ►My accounts: »VKontakte – » Discord server – Tags (do not read) bedwars, hypixel, fireball fight, bed wars, minecraft… Read More


    MIND-BLOWING DIAMOND HOUSE SECRET - MUST WATCH! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘JAMAS ENTRES A ESTA CASA DE DIAMANTE SI TE DICE QUE LO HAGAS 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY’, was uploaded by Bebe Milo YT on 2024-01-09 20:00:02. It has garnered 2796 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. NEVER ENTER THIS DIAMOND HOUSE IF I TELL YOU TO DO SO 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY 🟣 Milo’s social networks 🟣 💛 TikTok: ❤️ Instagram: 💙 Twitter: 🔔 Contact: [email protected] (Business) 💖 Fans Mail: [email protected] (Send me your drawings here) 🔻MUSIC: ● Music from Epidemic Sounds… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polar Bear IQ Test 😂 #minecraft #viral #gaming #fyp #famousshorts #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gleytz on 2024-04-23 02:25:39. It has garnered 11894 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. IP: / Subscribe! IGN: Gleytz Ayudame a traer mas videos al canal dandole like y suscribiendote! 😉 PC: – I5-3330 – 8gb 1333mhz ram – RTX 2060 – 550w (Ya la voy a mejorar) Perifericos: ⌨️ – Teclado: Redragon Kumara K552 🖱️ – Mouse: Redragon Griffin 🎧 – Auriculares: HyperX Cloud Stinger S #cr7… Read More

  • INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeed

    INSANE ending on KSRTC bus ride 😱 #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘KSRTC bus omg💀wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts#trend #shortindia #youtubeshorts#indianbikesdriving3d’, was uploaded by Ak star gaming on 2024-05-07 06:39:51. It has garnered 55 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. KSRTC bus omg💀 wait for end 😱#shortfeed #shorts #trending #shortindia #youtubeshorts@MrBeast games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5… Read More

  • SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #Clickbait

    SHOCKING: My Internet is Possessed While Playing Minecraft! #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Internet is Holding? | #minecraft #streamer’, was uploaded by OddManMC on 2024-03-18 12:00:12. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Join us Tuesday and Thursday for Minecraft Livestreams! Support the channel on Patreon: For Questions Business Inquiries: [email protected] Follow on Socials: Twitter: Insta: Twitch: Tiktok: The Odd One’s Discord: Interested in what I use for Gear?: Affiliate Links (Purchases Made from my Links provide a small Commission back to me): Amazon Storefront: Microphone: Headset: Mouse:… Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer Titanium

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Drawback Challenge with SonPlayer TitaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-03-31 06:27:25. It has garnered 362 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:21 or 5361 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness – Diamond Gamerz #shorts

    Insane Parrot Swing Cage Madness - Diamond Gamerz #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙋 Parrot 🐦 Swing Cage #shorts’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-01-09 13:00:49. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How to build a parrot swing in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More