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Wait wrong one gosh darn it all right there we go all right uh this is stream four back to uh the uh random mods oh wait Echo that’s where I’m hearing Echo from don’t know if you can hear that that was a echo from a whatever it’s called Uh stream I

Hearing any more Echo no I’m not all right good um let’s say at the end of last time I rolled some mods I rolled quk uh that thing right there uh I rolled like Mystic world or something mystical World it my first good roll in a bit

Um I did also roll sanity mod which I have tamped down just to make this game possible I have tamped down the um excuse me uh the um difficulty of the sanity because it was so hard um I also did some testing with it

Um and uh know what I’m doing I uh found out that it does spawn mobs but they don’t attack you until you’re really low sanity so you’re technically completely fine to play until like you get down really low sanity and uh yeah otherwise it doesn’t have any impacts other than the um

Random sounds and uh stuff um I tamped it in the way of some things don’t decrease sanity and then um I decrease the general like how much sanity decreases by because it is is very very difficult regularly and uh if I roll harder mods on here my sanity is just going to die

Um so yeah um there we go so I one of the things that decreases sanity a ton is these guys if they is there I can’t uh if they die I lose a ton of sanity and so they’re going to go inside the house now they’ve set out here long enough except

For one of them I’m leave one of them at the door to keep creepers away cuz uh I think it’s no not creepers skeletons skeletons are afraid of dogs teleport all right looks like I is the hard way all the way out here and then I just got to run inside the

House all right here we go sit sit sit oh sit all right so my house is now skeleton proof essentially um let’s see other than that I don’t think I configured anything other than that but uh yeah now these are Sav and so I’ll strle wased food uh I’m good to

Like explore a bit more um uh I’m not making just anyone moderator I rather not uh but hello Hickory oh no no no no no there’s more okay uh I guess I’m going to have a couple guards at the door hopefully there’s not there’s not something that kills dogs that would suck kill

Dogs so that would uh that would drop my sanity by uh 6 80% having all these dogs right here all right we’re do that we going to do this all right there we go dog defense I guess I’ll just leave two outside for whatever reason I’m may need um but yeah let’s

See I did Quark um which means I get some like General like stuff like just nice stuff um and then I also rolled a mod which kind of bugs generation if I go far enough away it’ll uh there’ll be a big old wall where like the old generation it’s meets the new generation Um so I need to be careful of that let’s see I think I’m going to finish building my house though um really should get around to doing that uh I was I was at one point going to make the sanity thing it was I was going to have a passive uh

Like plus one or plus z01 sanity every second um but I got rid of it um because it was annoying uh kind of having the arrow always there but if I’m at home the both the campfire and pets increase my sanity so um yeah that uh helps a

Lot um put you on top of the water can I click the water good all right um but I need wood so I’m going to go out and get more wood fish I heard the fish I heard it sounds like a drown noise oh there a dog over

There um so before a passive animal killing a passive animal would uh drop my sanity I got rid of that because that would just be such a big like issue that combined with uh like other things it would just make it really really hard I

Got rid of that and then I decrease the amount of Sanity you lose when a monster is just around you um because that was like if you’re near a monster it drops or I think I didn’t I think I just dropped it a ton so it’s

Not zero but if I’m like hiding in a box my sanity is going to drop um see what else did I add uh baby chickens and Juke boxes uh spawning a baby chicken will give me 100% sanity so just refill it all the way and then um let’s see what

Else uh what else is there I added some other stuff I don’t remember what else I put in there oh uh playing music was that or did I just say that I don’t know uh it’s going to be night time what thing is it okay I just

Added as a mod so it’s the next day after that right where’s the day it’s over at the end Day 26 so I just added mods I add next mod set at day 31 proba have an indoor or staircase uh this is just all planks I need to get uh campfires up

Here cuz uh campfires have confirmed they don’t go out so I’m perfectly good to use them all I want ow all right um sleep just clip into the wall casually all right um pop out no I leave it there um see go back in here uh I can’t use shovels yet I was

Going to get to Gathering five that was one of my goals cuz currently I can’t use even iron axes uh because uh what’s the button rotation it’s cheap I can’t use uh axes that are iron until this Gathering level is up to five um which really sucks because uh I’m stuck with using

Crappy wooden or um Stone ones until then um but yeah I’m going make a bunch of campfires cuz that’s how I’m going to light up everything thankfully I have a ton of coal to do with oh I crafted all those gosh darn it I crafted all of my wood into

Planks wait oh aess inster break leaves Ah that’s from qu I guess I would assume that seems like a quark thing to add let going go put this tree down somewhere put this put a tree here and I’ll put a tree over here all right kind of glad I didn’t do this in

Um I was going to do this I was considering doing it in 1.12.2 cuz there is a ton of mods for 1.12.2 like compared to 1.16 which which is what I’m running this in but there were enough in 1.16 and I get all like the 1.16

Features that I decided to do it in 1.16 but if I done it in 1.12 I would have had like esape and run parasites and um there other uh what’s another one stuff there it would have been escaping and parasit that one sucks um if you’ve ever watched like Po Lads or uh

Big Creator I guess um really Forge laps and like the people that are in his like kind of group that he plays with a bunch um they all have played skaper parasites together and uh it’s it’s a mess it is a mess of mod it is tough but um I I tried

Playing on my own I even tried playing it with a group of uh three people and we kept dying over and over again it’s partially because they were a bit uh rash and like would just keep dying to parasites and making them grow up but like even with using like we used a

Little bit of cheats to like make the game possible we would like get to points where the parasites would just be too like too many parasites to difficult parasites and we would just die over and over again making them stronger etc etc um yeah I need more sticks

First I really want to roll create I want to mess with creates I love it so much um campfires and I’ll keep some logs on hand just in case I need them um let’s see I put a staircase uh I guess no I can put a ladder cuz I

Do have the Quark mod ladders they’re like much nicer they are faster so I’ll just make some ladders it up for the first time I’m going to do ladders um generally I do stairs wait what how do I make a ladder um interesting interesting uh they’ve been

Changed oh and they’re diff oh there’s Spruce ladders I like the regular laders more but interesting um what’s that um I also checked something else uh the 1.17 mod I have like it adds a backports like tough and uh Moss blocks and deep slate and stuff it does add um

The lighting change where mobs cannot spawn in the dark and uh I love that I don’t have to light up every every little thing oh did I just use my how many logs two log somewhere um all right there want some logs build with yeah I really want create it uh because

It’s a it’s a good way to like Advance without having to go too far and get murdered by uh dragons um another good one actually a really good one would be ARS of view which is basically it looks like create like the blocks and everything but it’s

Um oh realistic torches the um It’s Magic basically it’s not like magic cre create there are it has some create elements to it where there’s like Um uh what’s an example it has like blocks powered by Magic but the main focus is you have a spell book and you use the spell book to do like everything and it’s a really it’s a multi-tool and um it’s kind of broken not really broken but it is kind of broken

In my opinion if not balanced correctly um but if I rolled that I could kind of sit and just level up and then I could go kill dragons and um yeah probably that’s the biggest gatekeep right now there’s so many dragons in the area around me I’m having a lot of

Trouble all right um see uh well second floor done I want to finish this floor while I I guess it’s not done um as for these I want to use glass I think or iron bar is probably better um I wanted to use more Stone in this for the issue of dragons burn

Down um like everything like if you find a dragon it’ll come over to your base uh cuz they wander and it will burn it down um yeah it’s not fun but uh I need to go mining I guess I do want to kill a dragon at one

Point uh and I’m actually wondering if I go for a sea serpent armor like uh what’s it called sea Guardian armor let me just have armor um wait what uh uh a ice and fire so basically the best armor or one of ooh this is promising one of the best armors that I

Can get in this pack like currently is uh not dragon armor but it’s seag Guardian armor which is used with um you kill the sea serpents which actually they’re kind of easy to cheese I actually have a short on my Channel about like how it they they’re deadly

But like you can cheese them there’s a short on my channel that when I was um I speedrun rlcraft and failed utterly um to the point where I just left um I didn’t even finish it and um yeah this is what I was hoping for okay there’s no

Restriction on levels like there is in the railcraft cuz there was nothing config for it previously so if I can kill if I can get dragon scales like if I find a dead Dragon somewhere um because the dragons will fight each other if like I don’t know if it’s the

If like two male dragons fight each other because they have genders if it’s either two male dragons or if it’s dragons of a different type I’m pretty sure it’s not different types but something or other um um they will Um kill each other and that would give me um dragon scales which I can then use to make dragon armor and I would probably take dragon armor before I make the sea Guardian just because I would have the scales on hand and I’m pretty sure it’s just scales isn’t

It uh yeah just scales and there’s different colors and stuff but I don’t care about the color I just want armor uh diamond armor is G keeped but I’m pretty sure the Dragon is better than diamonds almost certain of it so yeah got my uh cheese plants how to cheese the

Game whenever I open a chest or like I’m noing frame drops every once in a second drop this down cuz I’m not in an area frame drops from like I I have decent uh decent frames so it wouldn’t matter too much but uh oh I should also move to the

Second floor should move to the second floor that would be a better idea uh I’m going to sleep Uh sleep over here I don’t know I want to move this then can I move this with a piston I think it breaks it can move it with a piston uh I guess I’m going to need more campfires right put it I’ll put it uh here and then I’ll just uh do something

Um sorry get eggshells they’re basically just bone me silkor make what is this used for oh what do you do what is it I this is a silk worm you do anything you’re not attacking me so you’re peaceful all right I guess I’m fine with my bed being here for now

Um how’ you get a I guess I mind you sit down to the chest um I think enchantments are also an enchantment table do you have a cap on you Magic 10 so the only way I could use it if I find one in the wild um all

Right all right I want to go find some gravel finish this floor I use that yeah can good eggshells are just bone meal I go in here I going to kill this silk I don’t know what it does but I don’t want to find out that it’s like some monster growing thing or

Something I don’t know um I don’t even know I guess I probably got it from chopping a tree that makes sense cuz silkworms I know like uh I’m pretty sure it was yeah it was China that like had silk worms and then they like got soak from them and whatnot

Um All That Jazz of History I like history history is my favorite subject um in school I think I I hate math I suck at math that is a creepy sound any gravel down here no gravel unfortunate that and I also want some diorite um I probably um anti- diorite

People out there it has uses it has uses I also want this gravel so break up some of this all right a piece of flint um it’s it’s pretty common for mods to make flint um like a really useful item cuz I in Minecraft it’s kind of like underused in a way um

It’s just oh di right there we go this is that near Diamond level I got diamonds from just breaking some Redstone anyway uh yeah Flint is kind of underused uh in the in the way that um in in real life like Flint was used by it’s it’s used to like make basic

Tools or like supposedly and stuff in like for like earlier settlements and stuff like Flint was the way to go um cuz it was like around it’s like I’m I’m pretty sure it’s just Pebbles like that’s all Flint is it’s just Pebbles uh so I guess it makes sense but

Um in Minecraft it’s just used to make arrows and a flint steel which I mean useful but like I’m so lucky with diamonds uh anyway like just not after you get like villagers you just buy flint and steel if you ever need one um oh eight fan eight fan I like that

Um take that take that very kindly um but yeah it’s not used and then the arrows of course you just get from skeletons I don’t like that it’s dark down there set coal that’s spr actually I could use the levels all right now it’s blocking out time um finish breaking some of this

Styro least I don’t have to deal with the cave bler would have been it it would totally have been in here except for the issue of it’s 1 Point uh 19 mod this is 1.16 all right um let start to I like this first torch um if I go into Dark Places so

Technically I don’t have like lycanites to give me the gro which like hunts me in the dark but I do have um if the sanity mod and the sanity mod of course makes my san die go down in the dark um if I’m uh it’s Darkness um oh I

Can actually get G to five uh Darkness levels I set it to three if I’m a Darkness levels 3 or less uh I start dropping sanity every second and it’s not fun so basically I don’t want to go caving it’s such a bad combo with these torches like I’m making realistic

Minecraft with some extra stuff like I have realistic torches I have water I have temperature and I have sanity but like the sanity is absolute Madness um yeah oh uh training with villagers also increases my sanity I should mention that but I found at the end of

Last time I’m pretty sure they’re all dead due to the iller Fort over Over Yonder uh there that thing yeah wait yeah that those are fences um but yeah they’ve killed all of the villagers and I didn’t even notice um unless there might be a villager in

The very far back of the Town um that is living in a house and that is it um but uh yeah eight diamonds um I can make a full set of diamond armor almost if I had one more and I actually had the level to do it I hate

That I rolled this restricts so much uh I did get the gravel and I got the um I tested this I get a lot of people don’t like diorite but I tested this with um oh you’re up here uh another world where I have a that I just played

On with some friends and um I I liked the look of um diorite it was decent enough I like tough more but diorite actually did pretty well uh I might have used wool that’s a spotted cow or a I don’t know what kind of cow that is but

I would have used wool but dragons of course can burn down wool so that’s the only reason I am currently swapping it out for this I probably should get the if I get the vanilla tweaks like Um whatever the thing where it like makes these blocks connect the um polished blocks like Granite diorite and stuff break break break didn’t get enough I don’t think uh no not no but not by a long shot and I broke my axe oh I can use

This now I use this now and uh yeah great I don’t have to waste more Stone and wood see um I’m done generally getting okay let’s see I’m going to put a stone roof on this roof on it because that’s not burnable and the dragon would have to

Land on it to destroy it so uh I don’t think it has an explosion of any move goodness why are you standing right there please move please move I need to finish this oh the thank it just moved like one block for me oh got a block there okay

Um drop down okay I’ll finish the floor with the andesite which I guess I’ll grab a uh I think I can use the shovels now too cuz I got Gathering yeah Gathering as well um efficiency and efficiency I’ll use the efficiency one I need to eat all

Right it looks dark in here but it’s not really that dark because um lag [ __ ] uh it’s just the Shader effect which uh I guess that’s the most annoying part of shaders like you can’t tell what’s dark and what’s not cuz like it’s it’s nicer looking but like this

Doesn’t fill this whole room with light uh like it should uh and bit of that bit of that um all right nicely done nicely done um building blocks I guess that might be it or is it outside I’m pretty sure it’s outside isn’t it yeah all right

Um wait hold up Redstone is it’s an block I actually probably move all that in so the first floor is generally done I got some fenes to put in and I if I roll some nice modded blocks put some of those I’ll just put this here but I’m

Pretty sure if I spawn this guy he doesn’t um despawn I going to do I mean I have no use orange ball cactus flower a globe oh oh that’s actually crazy that’s crazy actually if I have emeralds I’m going to go buy one uh glowstone is a

Light source that doesn’t go out and so therefore it is very valuable to me all right where okay back over here uh glow stone thank you that is really good thank you I I I enjoy mods myself um that’s why so usually I’ll play like a mod pack with um stuff I

Like I’ll give it a theme this is literally every mod I could find that’s not too hard um so yeah I rolled but I I decided or the the roll RNG decided to give me temperature thirst uh sanity um pretty much like all the stuff and

Then it also gave me this levels mod and so I can’t use any items that are higher than the level I have so oh they’re scary the sanity mod is pretty scary it’s only if I’m really dumb though it’ll make my screen go darker and it’ll make some like it’ll

Make door creaking sounds and stuff um other than that though I don’t think I’ve what have I WR piglin mod bounce full bubbles is just nice peku is size changing it’s really just a library so that um other mods can work that’s Minecraft dungeons uh better nether performance mod uh oh world

Map wait I roll the controller mod H does it work right now hold on I want to I want to try this it’s not too bad um I tested it to make sure as well um ice and fire kind of sucks it just spawns dragons that are just really annoying

Um so that’s how that goes uh they kill they’re like two shot um and then there’s the sea serpents if you ever watched our lcraft um they suck oh realistic torches that’s the other bad one it basically if it’s not a campfire or like glowstone or something it’ll go

Out like uh these torches they’re not lit and then they um so I’ll light it but it’ll only stay lit for uh like I think it’s like an hour an actual hour and then it goes out into one of these um so any torches I made before I I got

The mod um because I add them every 5 days of course so like um since the these I rolled them before 5 days um I any torches I crafted before then would be fine but um any I make from now on are bad so I have to use campfires which are just

Expensive these are two empty chests I’m jump this in here um I guess I go outside and I can leave all this out here but I’ll bring like this I’ll bring this upstairs bring you upstairs I’ll bring you upstairs I’ll leave a crafting table outside cuz I really or actually I guess

I’ll need one upstairs yep uh I did roll Lucky Blocks day one which was um I rolled ice and fire lucky blocks and like cheese making or something um which wasn’t too bad except for ice and players sucks but I rolled lucky blocks and I got a diamond sword

But then I can’t use it now cuz of the uh level restriction uh let’s see work shop can be over here just put some like furnaces down and stuff um you that just put you in the corner um I should probably finish this roof so let me put a little bit of a

Staircase up top um so I guess I could do a different since this is a different building than I usually do I want to use Cobblestone for the roof but that may be unrealistic considering it’s kind of annoying to get um I have this much I guess I could alternate it and do

Like andesign stuff with it um oh vertical slabs exist because of a cork mod Cobblestone bricks interesting um get some of these I’ll make some andesite stairs doesn’t half at in there all right there we go um that and then that so I have a like a

Building thing I like doing and I’ve done it with uh every time I’ve made this kind of house that I’m building currently except for usually I’ll have like a little uh spot that like little part that sticks out like where the door is but I built this one a bit weirdly so

It didn’t have the spot um uh I’m just going to do like a regular roof but with Cobblestone okay and then it um I don’t want to drop cuz actually do I just lose one point of yeah I just lose a little bit of Sanity every time I

Take damage I lose a small amount of Sanity um it doesn’t matter how much damage it is it’s just a little bit um so that makes like fire and stuff really bad or any like mob that just like a bunch of little hits is worse cuz

I run my sanity a lot faster hello welcome to chat um all right let’s go upstairs okay that’s going to be a lot of cobblestone and a lot Of lot of um stuff I guess I should do a surface instead of going like down I won’t get diamonds but it’ll be a lot safer and there’s a chance I get some iron oh oh I can build from um there’s a little cave over there which actually looks pretty nice cuz I

See some di right I need some of that um I just make a bunch of stone picks with my remaining uh I don’t want to break that actually charcoal is really useful um cuz that’s how I purify water cantens um it basically eradicates the chance I

Have a chance to get dirty water from them um and then eradicates that chance if I clean it first um let see I came here to grab what I’m a smoke Creator I I mean I’m a smoke that’s that’s all I can say um they increase over time the last two

Streams I’ve done one of them has like uh two it’s 260 views and then the one before it is 100 something View views um they go up over time I wasn’t I don’t expect much I just enjoy streaming instead of like just playing it I guess it gives me

Um something to do while I’m playing it f to chitchat with people and stuff yeah ow um see I guess I’ll put like a small roof on for now because I really don’t want to deal with Mobs uh hopping in I can actually replace another one of these

Little spots I’ll replace this one it’s one bad is yeah it it is pretty good um I my um like generally I have I haven’t uploaded like an actual video in a very long time it was April of last year so it’s becoming no wait

Hold up was it a yeah it was April cuz I was working on a video for a very long time and I just got really sick of the video like making it and it was over Minecraft Legends and if you know anything about Minecraft Legends you’ll

Know it’s uh dead now um and it was okay thank you uh i’ I’ve tested some building like building ideas and stuff um hold up oh it’s one block wrong I’m to do the weird one uh let’s see how am I going to fix this I guess I’ll

Just do so that’s that would be a full block and I don’t want it to be a full block oh and this side is the same issue so that’s what I have to do I’ll just have to do like that um sorry I’m I like alternating the like

The the build design I’ve done so far um that I like the last time I built this kind of house was uh I used full blocks alternating with the smaller blocks or the stairs um I like the look at that more okay so let’s see it would be this here cuz then

Be full block and the stairs at the end okay that that’s what that is okay um this is a bit more precarious oh hey I didn’t drop give it to me okay nope um then we place this here but not like that it here take a little bit of Sanity drop uh where

Is gu I picked it up already I just dropped my sword wait I just bugged my sword out it disappeared out of my hand uh all right water what day is it uh okay so after tomorrow I add another round of mods um okay so this side needs to

Change this needs to be like this and then this down here needs to go down like this break these mhm like these I don’t know if I’m going to use the vertical slabs I have the option do to Quark but I may not use them because I don’t I’ve never tried

Building with vertical slabs before it’s unnatural like I know a lot of people want vertical slabs but um yeah ice block melting question mark uh let’s see if I I get to just build through the night cuz technically I need to like conserve what was that I heard a oh I think he

Walked over I think walking over that makes us makes the uh sound of a ladder right yeah does that’s I don’t like that I don’t like that they make the sound of walking over or going up a ladder cuz there are mobs in this that can climb

Ladders and I don’t like that sound being able to be played by others do and then regret that I could it’s dark really fast like it’s it’s like somewhat bright and then it just goes black I think I’m going to mess with the shaders a little bit change some uh settings with

Them all right and then H Cobblestone and oops oh my goodness there’s a bit of like stuff with uh Quark building Quark has some building features you know I don’t like it being nighttime I guess I can kill some mobs to get some XP I don’t know if that gives me decreased

Stuff yes it is sanity and it’s the worst thing in the world if uh if it drops like low from like if I’m close to a mob for too long like a monster mob not other ones um usually it would be um if if it was I config it to get rid

Of this because I I’m going to add probably more more harder mods later and I already have a bunch of them but um it does uh if you’re if you kill peaceful mobs it is it is actually don’t starve mechanics that’s what the mod is based

On it’s it’s a nightmare uh and I would totally show it to you but I absolutely hate it um but it’s called sanity dim um and basically your sanity drops low creepy things start spawning but they don’t attack you until it’s like all the way down and in addition to that

Um your screen goes dark and you start hearing creepy noises and you start questioning like chat will appear on your screen like um command text saying like who’s there and um did I do that oh [ __ ] TR door um it’s really creepy I had it happen if you watch the last

Stream um I leave all the streams on my channel um I’m going to edit this all into a video I do leave them up um and I spent like about 3 or 4 minutes just in the scared State um until I got close to this this keeps my sanity up as well as

Being near pets so um as long as I can keep eating and being near pets and stuff audios thanks for chatting but um uh yeah it’s pretty creepy pretty creepy uh I added it I wouldn’t have added it by choice but it was rolled by the wheel and I have to obey the

Wheel um oh I got thirsty thirst effect gosh darn it um and then the ball in the middle it’s a pretty cool mod uh and it’s Forge or fabric I believe and it’s for um you can this is 1.6.5 because uh it has a lot more mods that I wanted to

Play than um 1.20 but there is a 1.20 version of The Mod and it has more mechanics and stuff um so if you want to play it 1.20 it is there um along with the cave dweller and like all the other like dweller mods that have been recently popular and stuff um

I would have done a stream of one of those but since I’m doing this right now I didn’t um I am at some I will I will definitely some point I like doing horror mods I think they’re pretty fun um yeah I’ll play I’ll play it with a friend or

Something uh once I uh I can’t run servers currently but uh I’ve been using a mod called essential and stuff um to play uh multiplayer without mods usually when I play modded it’s 1.12 yeah it is um wait I’m pretty sure there’s a later version of tinkerers

Construct let me double check that but I’m pretty sure I have it in the mod list give me one second uh in the mod list that I haven’t added yet does it bug the stream out I do this I shouldn’t uh give me a second I’ll check

My mod list but I’m pretty sure I have that in the list of like potential mods um tinkerers construct tinkerers construct Hello oh so it’s add-ons add-ons is what you want okay yeah I almost did this in 1.12 but there was a couple m i i just just liked being in 1.16 more than 1.12 and then there were mods that were only 1.16 and later um so I did end up going

With this um but I almost did 1.12 like mostly because uh putting scape and run parasites on the list would have been funny um and uh yeah but I wanted to play with like uh creating stuff actually I’m pretty sure there’s a 1.2.2 create not not 100% about that but I’m pretty sure

There is MH uh um what was that oh oh we grew up grew up uh I guess I’m going to get glass for now because uh iron bars are a bit out of the question or wait what’s another uh bar is there any other uh window

Oh what what table is the glass blower okay I’m wait hold how do I how do I make a glass blower uh kind of expensive it’s not really that expensive but uh that’s uh block uh actually wait is it the day of the next mod no uh the next Minecraft

Day uh day 31 I added them um cuz you start in day Zero and so day 0 to four is the first uh five days technically and then day five is the new mod day um or wait up how does it work hold up have I gotten this all wrong trying to think

Um don’t remember yeah I I didn’t it’s not an original con concept but uh I thought it would be fun try a bunch of random mods and stuff um most of the mods on the list that I have aren’t even like mods that I played before um which is how I

Ended up with this sanity mod in the bottom left and stuff or um what’s another one uh mystical World which I have no clue what it does but it’s stuff uh it will have a roof it’s just I was building it I started a bit late or

I guess not really that late but um I started building it and I didn’t finish it because I had other pressing issues um because I wanted to get an early start because uh I I wanted to avoid getting stuck behind one of these like this skills mod locks lock locks

Locks me behind um tools so I can’t use uh diamond stuff and I have the diamonds I just can’t use diamond stuff um which sucks I’m on day 30 so I add mods tomorrow uh which it’s currently noon oh those are nice clouds I just I just noticed those that’s a really nice

Looking clouds um How do I I get up top here staircase um see let me add a gra that all right there you go um wait hold up let think I’ll take recommendations uh actually it’s in in the description of the um all the streams it says uh just send me your

Mods if you have one um but I do have a ton of mods in the list I didn’t pre-select them I added them if I if I find one if someone sends me one I’ll add it to the list um just because um having more mods is

Cool um stuff I like it I like having a l and since I don’t I don’t just add five um I had a ton oh darn there’s a heart icon which makes it hard for me to reat I do have a blood moon type mod um

So you said you make hard mod packs yeah I I do the same I like having a lot of challenge in my stuff um generally I like a railcraft a lot which I don’t get why people like it’s been called like the hardest Minecraft mod it’s it’s hard but it’s

Not like the hardest um which I guess like it’s just like a maybe it’s the hardest balanced mod pack or something cuz it is decently balanced um yeah I generally yes I don’t download from people they have to send me a link to curse Forge or modin whichever preferred um download

See put that cuz it’s too much Cobblestone um let me get that there and that there bubble actually wait this is site there um grab that um terracraft I have never heard of it more or types yes but I have a ton of there’s already a bunch of or types is

Like copper ore which uh oh wait hold up there’s two types of copper because there’s ‘s uh there’s this copper ore from mystical world there’s this one from Ice and Fire and there’s this one from the caves and cliffs backboard I just realized there’s three coppers um that’s crazy okay there’s three

Coppers um cble I hate that noise he makes the noise of Here I could try uh I don’t have the most time like I’ll take three years to edit like YouTube is is a hobby for me it’s not a job or anything uh like clearly by the fact that my channel is like I don’t know like three years old

My old videos and I’ve unlisted almost all of the like older older videos they a they suck um they suck a lot like I guess that’s like a common thing for YouTubers or like younger YouTubers like early videos kind of suck um but mine really suck but I have

One or like a couple I have a couple I have like one or two that don’t suck that bad but like I have one which I hate to like everything but it’s like the number one most viewed video on my channel every single month or week uh it

Gets like a thousand views uh per month-ish and it’s one of her Minecraft dungeons I made a while ago and it was before I had a decent computer I played on a laptop which currently is barely working um it it it sucked but it it has uh I

Think approaching 50,000 views and like my mic quality sucks and like everything about it sucks but it just blew up it was a glitch I discovered a glitch um for the tower if you played Minecraft dungeons it’s basically like a thing you can do it’s uh you go through a couple

Floors and you uh get Goods goodies for it like really nice items um and I discovered a glitch to skip the Tower with t stuff oh Herobine uh actually there’s a Herobrine mod in the list it’s called from the fog uh actually it is it’s time

For um adding new mods but uh I have a herob run mod in here called from the fog it’s been quite popular on YouTube uh as of like recent times it’s called Uh yeah or I said it’s called from the fog um quite quite the uh mod it’s it’s

All done with armor stands first of all which is crazy I was doing some testing with it um somewhat recently I have create um I have create on here uh give second let me uh pull up the uh random number generator I don’t have a stream for the random number

Generator but um I think you can probably tell I’m not like spoofing It Be by the fact that I’ve rolled like the worst mods on the list um hoping people can trust me on that let’s see uh pull the chat window all the way over here so I can re chat there are

Currently 65 mods I’m going to roll the first one number 27 um 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Easy villagers actually that’s a really

Broken mod and I just had it in here cuz I literally put every mod I know in here um that’s a really nice one though it basically just makes villagers you put them in little boxes and like you can put an iron farm in a box uh issue is

You need villagers um The Village next to my house got just destroyed recently so um yeah give give me one second where was easy villagers at easy villagers was here I roll number 30 was the next one uh easy villagers was here okay wait control

Y and then so the next one would be environmental epic fight evil craft not familiar with one that one that’s a that’s a new one on me um I I go to look in the like mod like description after that mod 27 again mod 27 Oh du lingo

Bird I love the Dual lingo bird mod oh that’s such a lovely mod okay I take it number five what is five one two three four five bed sprads uh I could put banners onto beds decent uh 61 mods left 34 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 two 3 4 guard villagers hold up I have two copies of in here uh this is the later version I have

An older versions of it in here for some reason uh they any mod I roll counts but I don’t have a number like that I specifically roll per Edition um because I can I like sometimes I’ll add like eight mods sometimes I’ll add five it depends uh

But I rolled number 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 the carrot mod okay um I’ll do two more uh 59 mods remain let me generate a number

29 one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh there is almost certainly a Mario Mod out there uh I would uh I would bet money on it I’m not going to

But I would um let me think uh I have a like a Zelda type mod in here it’s called paraglider but it basically just adds the Zelda paraglider to the game food expansion um that’s my second to last mod but yeah it adds Spirit orbs and a paraglider even though it’s just

Called a paraglider it also has a stamina wheel though which you can turn on to effect like swimming and running and stuff I didn’t because I didn’t want to like spend the rest of this time in pain but uh if you’ve heard of dawncraft it’s used in dawncraft really well all

Right last mod is mod 52 so there’s only 58 left so this is 58 uh 57 56 55 54 53 52 oh my goodness oh my Lu cannot get r I shouldn’t have gotten one more mod that sucks I got I got total darkness and if the name isn’t uh explain or um

Doesn’t explain itself it just makes the world dark all the time except for if you’re in light I apparently I can’t go a single roll without getting a nice nice mod I’m not dead and I’m thinking the shaders might break it but if I’m pretty sure they would and I’ll

See if I can like change that um I’m not going to stop playing with shaders for the total darkness because um they’re shaders they’re nice I’ll see if I can find a Shader pack that’ll like do total darkness for me um that’s unfortunate that is very unfortunate um all right uh what is

This cyclop core or cyclop score Cyclops core that’s what it’s called okay uh let me go fix that uh because I didn’t have any config mods that’ll take me about two seconds to do Cyclops core uh I thought I had this I thought I had a copy of this in the mod pack

Already uh [Applause] 16.5 on the Fly fixing oh yeah actually that would be a combo uh I there’s a mod on here that has the gro uh I have waist yeah pretty much any of the bigger mods you can think of I’ll have like the bigger mods like ARS of view

Create um what’s the big one I don’t know a lot of big mods I just have like a lot of mods like uh if it’s an rlcraft and I could find it it’s in here um if I can find it for 1.6 so like I have lean

Nightes mobs which is um it’s the one that adds like the high quality ones from ourl craft it’s not too bad um I think it would be bad but I have a start now and so it’s it wouldn’t be as bad as it usually is for me

Um but yeah all right I added the mod let me reload the game the uh another annoying thing about uh 1.16 the loading screen for Forge and 1.6 looks like it’s downloading viruses on your computer like it looks like horrible compared it’s this red screen

Here um compared to like a 1.12 it had like the nice um what’s it called it had like the nice Hammer loading screen where it was like showing you the mods like being oh uh it’s not likely what I’m doing to it I keep clicking on it um 1.12 had

Like a nice loading screen uh I’ll see I’ll see I’ll I’ll test it um it what is it is it like a whole like like basically a like a mini mod pack in a single mod is that like the kind of mod it is okay game

Loaded time to test the darkness it may bug out as soon as I go in the game and it probably do the shaders if it does cuz I’m open to adding any mod like any mod I added realistic torches like and that that ruins a world for a lot of

People um I don’t think realistic torches should be in the game I think that temperature and thirst could be interesting if like there was a game mode for it hello welcome to chat um but if there was a uh specific game mode for it in vanilla Minecraft

Because I think that sanity or not sanity um temperature mod combined especially with combined um Serene seasons can make for like a cozy vibe in a house um cuz you have to be like back at your house by the time it can make a Cool vibe oh oh my goodness I saw that

Chicken I thought it was a dragon I’m on edge okay this doesn’t look too bad let me look at downstairs what does downstairs look like looks fine of me we’re we’re just hanging out we’re talking about mods and stuff um adding mods and stuff the entirety of Minecraft focusing on

Survival they add Stone napping panning for gold gravity Seasons food durability uh oh so okay that would probably break it okay cuz that is a bigger mod than anything that sounds interesting though I think I think that would be something I would totally try out

Um yeah I I like the sound of that that um so is it like um does it add like things like no tree punching if you’ve heard of no tree punching it’s like the mod from arcraft that doesn’t let you um break trees is it kind of like that in a

Way um I’m going to go test the Darkness thing I’m going to go into a cave and see what it’s like or actually it’s probably I think it’s night time I think night time is the big oh what’s up on the toggle okay that’s the disable farting enabled what button is farting

Enabled I’m conf wait what uh fart bule farting oh okay that is hilarious yeah that makes sense that that sounds like a mod you would build other stuff off what is what does farting do I’m confused let me like bind it to like a key I’m never going to

Use what’s a key I’m not going to use uh that to what oh oh yeah I don’t know farting enabl okay that is interesting interesting okay yeah so it’s a not punching type box I got an A what what the heck is this do I have a oh okay uh

Achieve where or wait hold on I can like click it and Sh can’t I no wait hold what finally release all those nasty gases uh interesting does it do something I’m interested that is hilarious yeah it is it is uh very funny the mod with the farting or the mod or

Um uh what you call it uh Terra firac craft uh I want to find out uh what is the setting I was going to go to advancements where would this be Adventure it was a fireworks rocket as a uh see parer mystical ice and fire evil

Craft there’s two there is two and all it is is learn to fart and it just has the name that is that’s funny I guess um interesting oh what does it do does it like hurt mobs I’m interested in this um I’m very interested in

This is that okay okay I can’t okay chat is like I have a I have like a really bad computer to the right of me which I like view chat with and stuff and like have the rolling like the dice roll thing I’m going to turn off farting I

Think cuz I don’t know what it could do I don’t know it did give me XP though it gave me XP for leveling up um so I take that um someone put an emoji I’ve never seen this Emoji what is this is it a cat in a box

M Terra from a punk original they had okay um that cow has been there for so long okay I think it’s time I go gather some more resources um so I guess I don’t know if any anyone who’s currently in chat was here but I made a I decided to

Um I want to kill a dragon somehow because unlike diamond armor it’s not restricted uh to any level so I can use anything uh I have a seasonal mod I have Serene Seasons it’s my favorite one um currently it’s spring if you’re wondering but um it’s the one they use

In rlcraft and it uh it works with toughest Nails really well but I’m not I’m not using toughest Nails I’m using um survival overall because um uh toughest Nails didn’t do temperature for 1.16 for some reason they just put it on their mod page 1.16 does not support temperature oh that is

Okay that’s not dark that’s not that dark I’m going to get a torch and I’ll leave that off a torch and put that down all right uh break this hole what I turned off the F oh I just oh I just turn off the key for I to like actually

Uh all right there we go uh fart you know there’s no reason not to leave that there if I find out as a use I’ll turn it back on or something I don’t know maybe it’s like Wario uh if you played Smash Brothers uh where it’s like if

Wario goes a long time without farting yeah oh actually so I did find uh so if you look survival overhaul it’s literally just a temperature thing but it has some visual differences which I actually prefer um it was discontinued after 1.6 because like I guess whoever made it

Only made it to be a replacement for toughest Nails temperature um but yeah that’s what I’m using now it’s called survival overhaul um it adds the like temperature stuff but it also adds like the armor like cooling and heating armor is um it’s called like uh let’s see heat

Uh there it looks like the it’s the Villager clothes so there’s snow hat snow tunic and that and is it called sand uh wait hold up where is it um desert something okay yeah here uh it’s desert stuff so it’s the Villager stuff I really like the look of it but

Um after 1.16 this mod is um disabled or um discontinued because uh toughest Nails is back so yeah toughest Nails is the water mod I’m using though um so it it was unfortunate to roll both of them I’m breaking all this so it’s open to the sun don’t want any creepy crawlies

Hiding under the end of the day all right uh is there any iron in this oh there is that cave caves I’m going get this iron to get out of here gel armor okay uh I don’t I haven’t noticed any I don’t know if you can apply liners either which is annoying um

Ow uh from where am I as in IRL um I mean I don’t know if it’s I don’t know how obvious it is I don’t know how to gauge it but um you can see in the Stream description as well I’m from the US so um

Yeah I just heard a really creepy sound uh to be honest that’s the they only add thirst uh it’s difficulty and it was just another mod that’s all um I I like The Thirst in some cases I think it’s a fun challenge okay this Cave System might be useful

Later um I think if I did this again I might like have a thing where I can choose like one mod that I can remove every like I don’t know like 20 days I can choose one mod because that it’s only five total throughout the whole

Thing or maybe like only one I could choose one mod to remove if I could remove one right now I would remove uh probably realistic torches cuz they really suck hello welcome to the chat spice of Life be painful what is spice of life I have I I haven’t heard of spice of

Life actually let me make get onto this like uh villager stuff villagers uh I don’t know what the wait what’s the Villager stuff called Trader so there’s a Trader Auto Trader so how I make one of these glass panes one Redstone three iron I need to get one of

These um cuz that’s actually super important for um if I can find one more villager that’s all I need um drop this down here where’s like the junk chest is uh oh a seat pouch interesting player for eating the same food time oh I was actually looking for

That mod I was looking for that I couldn’t remember the name of it thank you for reminded me that cuz I was going to put that in here um cuz I well I mean before uh like messing up oh please don’t escape while I’m out or while I’m escaping out of here

Chicken uh yeah I thought I thought it was a really fun mod it also doesn’t it like reward the player if they eat reversely I don’t care that much if it does but like I think that it’s a cool mod m uh I’m G to cook this food oops all right uh it’s

Dirt I guess I’m going to turn this into building blocks um cuz I’m going to move the other stuff inside all right there um carrot Edition okay I hate this icon I wish there’s a way to turn off this thing uh since I’m using uh what is it uh like YouTube’s

Thing for um like the if you’ve ever streamed on YouTube before oh this broke uh put the chat back at the spot like a little heart icon and to me that blocks part of the chat for me wait can I zoom out does it fix it uh not

Really no it doesn’t okay cuz it increased the size of the heart icon okay I’m going to test this uh hardcore Darkness I want to see if it works I’m very interested to see got my food oh comments appear pretty quickly for me um my issue is there’s a heart

Icon that’s like on top of chat and it’s really annoying like it’s uh it’s like uh it’s the thing that does this I don’t know if you can see this but like there’s like a little emojis popping out that thing is blocking my view of chat

Like just the first chat like the uh top chat comment that’s the only one that’s there or that’s blocked by it and it blocks like the very end of the B bit so I can generally like make out but if there’s like a key word that’s in that I can’t see

It oh oh no did he fall outside no wait where is he okay it looks like hardcore Darkness doesn’t work oh no did he fall outside oh no this isn’t good hardcore Darkness doesn’t work let me toggle the Shader off wait hardcore does Darkness doesn’t work anyway

Hold up let me go read the description of Hardcore Darkness let me let me go read the description um uh where’s it uh mod options yeah it’s it it was added sometime AG like um cuz twitch was like might have like been dying or something another for a bit and they

Added it uh like a bunch of features like I can now create moderators and stuff uh where you actually I was surprised you couldn’t make moderator before um oh it’s a broken mod okay you know what it probably breaks uh in a with um rubidium or Oculus one of the

Two mods I’m using for performance and then shaders uh skeletons uh I’m going to kill a mob I haven’t killed a mob in a long time have I ever killed a mob actually zombie come inside come here zombie I’m going going and fight some mobs I haven’t fought mobs in ages come

Inside oh my goodness they’re so dumb okay so to mobs my door counts as closed or uh open cuz uh I placed it in a way if you look at the uh tags on the right side of the screen it says open true and so they

Try to walk through it and they can’t unless they’re like all bunched up and stuff it’s funny um it’s a way to keep mobs from getting into the house oh uh actually I can make that I think I can do that I think if I

Said I’d have to like wait for the next night but I’m pretty sure I can actually make night super dark I think that’s the thing I can do um let’s see how am I going to do this I guess it’s h you know what uh give me one second I

Will be right back I got to do one thing all right I’m back okay um yeah I could uh next like night time uh that it like that occurs in game I can try to set the shaders cuz I think there might be a dark mode

On there let me go like Shader options and stuff Shader packs settings also these uh these are my like top shaders these are the shaders I will use most often usually I’d use sers um cuz a it’s like nicer my my my computer’s good but like

If I play a bigger Shader pack then like the fan turns on it’s like annoying um like I play with these two usually not this one but I play with this one from my old computer these two uh or I guess these three I think these

Are all the same but this is an older version of the this is just complimentary shaders these three those are really nice ones um and they aren’t too bad in performance either uh I actually have my stuff turned down because I really don’t like the fan

Sound wait really oh it used to okay I was I going to say uh I could add a like a mod that does that um I personally wouldn’t like that because oh sorry wait I saw YouTube throwing an icon saying I wasn’t talking it it was uh delayed from my other

Computer uh I really like to have my full hearts and if there’s enough stuff in here already uh what what was I going to do uh other um selection is there like an other there’s like um extras something or other somewhere Force glowing particles makes all particles are techically colored turn a

Missive huh hand sway uh show light levels oh interesting um oh that’s an interesting setting I don’t know I don’t know there’s uh in some Shader packs there are like funny little extra things you can do uh what I was thinking of doing was if you uh like night time you can say

The nighttime light uh sun and moon not sun and moon but uh lighting uh block light no it’s like day night thing lighting color multipliers nighttime and you can set like nighttime I think if you multiply everything down it should like go completely dark I’m

Not sure how it works but I in in theory that’s how I think it works that is a creeper Seuss I know the name of that Shader yeah I use complimentary as well oh no he okay I need to get him back inside cuz he’s actually um he doesn’t despawn

I have uh rediscovered he does not despawn and so since he trades the glowy blocks I need get him back inside make a boat boat all right and let me just knock down the side of my house real quickly hopefully nothing comes to attack me in this time all

Right boats are so amazing I love boats boats in Minecraft just best thing in the game they’re good for everything um there we go safe and sound uh he can exit through that door so I’m just going to keep him maybe I should make an iron door

Actually probably wouldn’t be too bad if I made IR door um I think I’m going go finish the roof he can stay down here cuz he has uh he’s nothing’s going to happen down there um okay let’s see for this I’m R so I would

Put um I would put hay bales here but hay bales are kind of expensive for me I don’t want to to use those um creepers going to bug me forever uh I guess I’ll use logs or something no maybe I’ll use Oak planks go over there get some oak wood for

Once now there is a dragon in this area and I don’t want to bump into it so I’m going to stick farther from here try not to get in trouble with it all right one tree I’ll get some Birch actually cuz Birch might also work actually I think Birch would work pretty

Well uh if I do a certain design but it’s more cost effective or not cost effective but like resource effective to use the one strategy over the other two strategies being I could either use planks or I could use um what is it do you have to use shaders

As a thing for the five days or did you start with uh shaders I started with yes I started with some mods I started with uh Mouse tweaks that no no I rolled Mouse tweaks um I started with uh a performance mod which Is Rubidium um and then a shaders mod

Oculus and I think there’s like one or two others maybe I don’t remember what they were um I did also start um with the first five I randomly rolled which uh those random mods were ice and fire Lucky Blocks cheese making I think um don’t know exactly but

Um uh I started with a couple mods uh five total well five total that I added and then uh two I started with I think uh I guess you can see the total number of mods if you go back to the start of that video yeah lucky blocks is it’s it’s it’s been

There forever um and it’s still pretty fun um it’s also pretty pretty broken as an early game I only rolled like one or two bad ones uh and I would have opened more Lucky Blocks but uh I kept running into dragons and Dragons aren’t fun not fun at

All oh you know actually I kind of like that like that and then the wood uh though I think the roof is coming along decently I’m just going to need to go grab more resources for it which is the issue um all right yeah uh I only didn’t include I

Only included it on here because uh because I wasn’t discriminating between powerful mods unless it was like a completely broken mod but Lucky Blocks isn’t that broken actually how do you craft a look can you craft them oh do I have I think I have some gold

Maybe I’ll go open a Lucky Block I think that might be fun um let me get like a little bit of this roof done a little bit more of this roof then and then I’ll go do open a Lucky Block because that could be funny

Uh also as you can tell it is not in hardcore I can die and if I die uh nothing bad currently happens but I’m open to the um changing of the rules mid game so um as long as it’s not something too bad like maybe I’ll add like a

Really bad mod something um if I die something like that uh would be fine um basically I I didn’t have a uh I didn’t play this in hardcore because there are just so many really bad mods that I don’t want to dying to I’ve already died I think

Three times last stream to a dragon uh sea serpent twice and a dragon once no yeah it was a dragon once and then I R to reget my stuff from the dragon and I died again to a ghost um it was a hectic stream and I did not get my stuff

Back uh let me go make that uh the lucky block though how much gold I got I have eight exactly I and I have some raw gold too uh dropper is a piece of redstone piece of red stone and then eight Cobble dump some more stuff in here uh cook uh sapling egg

Dump this here so I don’t lose it if I die and then we make a lucky block um oh wait hold on I got to make the dropper first dropper and then Lucky Block allay Lucky Block um I’m going to go open it decently for actually I’m going to drop

My items in a chest dude is that empty now uh let back a new one cuz uh I know what you can roll with lucky blocks I played a decent amount I think I streamed my first stream and it may have been like I did one on Twitch and that

Is no longer oh there’s a birch chest now um it’s no longer available oh I got Quark that’s why it’s Birch um I think it’s private on Twitch or something I think that’s what it is uh or I have it downloaded somewhere basically uh and it’s I played a bunch

Of random so I played Terraria or I tried to play Terraria for like a second or something um it was kind of a mess but it was my first stream it was a couple years ago I didn’t know how like twitch or YouTube worked at the time uh at all

All right let me go open this oh lovely actually this is fine that is okay hey okay that’s why I dumped myself in a chest cuz of that stupid thing uh I there was no point in me breaking out of that actually I probably should have held a pickax okay

Okay all right that’s funny uh how much xp oh I should have spent this XP oh I only lost a bit now I do see this is two anals uh yeah the stamina mod or this it’s not a stamina mod I mentioned it earlier and it’s uh

All it is is it adds a parag glider but the person also developed a fully functioning um like stamina system with it so it happens to have a stamina system which is disabled by default cuz it’s hard like you lose stamina for like everything um and so I have it turned

Off because it’s turned off by default um I do have the parid turned on and that also has Spirit orbs um that’s the other part of it is Spirit orbs I do see this though and this is free anvils and iron bars oh I have to pay

For I would upgrade a building at all because I didn’t think I’d be using building very much how much do I have to can I break this I can’t even break that oh no it’s building for the anvils can I use it I can’t even use

It the level mod is uh it’s uh if you play rlcraft you there is reskillable in rlcraft which is a um remake of re or of the mod skillable which is um previous to that but basically I’m using a 1.16 Fort uh or Forge Port of reskillable called re reskillable there’s three uh

This is the the third version it um and an rlcraft I don’t have like I didn’t set up configs for it cuz I didn’t know I’d have it or not um so uh yeah that’s uh why I have that it’s I I really like the mod and uh if

You set up configs for it it’s really fun but it’s just kind of weird having it with um this cuz all it does is restrict vanilla stuff any like modded stuff is uh unrestricted so I could have like Guardian armor uh the sea Guardian armor from Ice and Fire and it would be

Perfectly fine with that but I can’t have a iron piece of armor at all but I can cuz I’ve leveled up uh dump that in There I guess I don’t need anvils right now so I won’t put them up but I will put these up because iron bars are actually pretty good cuz they won’t burn down so I’m free to use them I was going to make a pickaxe this was a good

Um that is a block of dirt uh that’s an empty block that one has a block under it what about I don’t want to break you okay so I forgot to put a block under that uh 1 2 3 four five one two dump that in there and then a pickaxe

Go finish gathering those iron bars uh there’s over There uh break that yeah I’m trying to think of any like um I I wish there was a uh later Port of uh escape and run parasites it’s the parasite mod which is like it was popular or I guess it still is decently popular I don’t know I haven’t heard much from

It about it but it’s still updated and it’s really cool but it’s also really creepy it’s uh like zombie apocalypse but it’s like creepy ones yeah it’s it’s it’s um our lcraft is amazing speaking of which it actually the parasites are in our lcraft now as

Of like the 2.9 version um generally on ourcraft hold up I saw a sheet moving I thought it was like something big in the distance um um rlcraft added the escape and run parasites um and but they’re limited to their own Dimension but they’re in the game

Now um yeah but uh they there there was like a big rlcraft update like a year ago maybe was two years ago it was a while ago I guess um and they got like a bunch of stuff changed um I still play in 2.8 but it’s on like it might be on

3.0 now um I know it’s on 2.9 at least um um but uh yeah had some big updates and stuff done noise grab these this honestly the sanity mod has not been that bad today not been that bad huh um ylow I got these bars uh I diorite somewhere I have a

Piece grab some more uh I need to make a clock actually or no I don’t I guess I don’t really I like having a clock because being out at night time isn’t fun um I stack chest like that also there’s a cutting work for fish fish is actually a pretty good pretty good

Source of food uh I can kill these ones uh down here here where are they kill you all right and I’m going to take it over here and I will take it to the cutting board and uh I have a knife somewhere uh knife

Uh wait do I need a knife hold up can I use a sword oh oh wait this is the farmer’s Del light cutting board I’m wrong I hear a music disc where’s that F where mhm I hear I don’t I don’t know if you can hear that cuz um pretty sure it’s

Like the game audio is turned down a bit what is that do tap mhm I hear it’s um it’s cat or is it blocks no no it’s cat yeah it’s cat cuz it sounds like dog um I thought I could use these make fish fet oh it’s a fillet knife okay

Uh let me get two pieces of stone I’ll make a f knife some fish cutting because there’s actually like decent source of food I’m just too late to get around to it sometimes oh I didn’t hit record I an idiot I haven’t been recording this whole time oh that

Sucks well I’m going to record the rest of it oh that really sucks I’m going to have to download the low quality version off YouTube now I don’t know what I just did I put to do fish and the sword or the knife I’m crafting the fish

Sword yeah but YouTube is like weird um basically if you’re if you’re like recording is above like 15 minutes you can only download a 360p version um which is better than nothing but it really sucks like really really sucks I’ve only done that once the first first stream I

Forgot to do it the middle two I I I remembered oh that really sucks um all right all right well that really sucks um I gu well I’m going to grab some more resources where’s I still hear that juke box I don’t know where that’s coming

From probably um I think mobs can spawn wearing backpacks I think that’s what that is I have a zombie village if I ever get a weakness potion the building blocks make another pickaxe ow there’s like little lag spikes every once in a bit it’s not like just visual though too which is

Annoying uh we go over here we’re just going to um just break up some of this or actually you know what I guess what I can do I can record the stream like open up a recording program and record the stream also technically works but then I have to spend the time to

Have my computer open and record an entire stream um which is okay I’ll do it I I will probably end up doing it because having 360p is not good 360p is not a good quality uh I would settle for 480 but it’s 360 so too bad for me um I will be

Taking my 1080 UH 60 frames a second thank you very much um all right got some coal and some levels uh I think I’m going to go ahead and break those anvils I want to try to level that up for Anvil breaking the anvils cuz

Um I do have a thing which makes it so anvils no longer have like the um XP cost increase and I think that might have been one of the mods I had in here from the start because that’s just a mod which I think should be vanilla it’s

That nice of a mod it’s the the the enchantment system with the anvils kind of really sucks um due to that increasing level cost or not increasing level cost but it’s the um where it’s a too expensive it gets rid of the to expensive saying uh or like words and it

Uh which keep you from enchanting more and since there are a lot of enchantments on here I just thought it’d be uh it makes sense some more Cobblestone some more andesite it’s coming night time I should go back to the house oh and I started with Echo I think for me at least anything below seven is too little for me uh seven what like light level or what are you talking about oh 720 sorry your the thing was

Covered up by um the heart I couldn’t read the whole message yeah yeah I I feel the same way pretty much I’ll settle for it to save like data hello that’s a funny name that is a very funny name you have there uh finish mining this all right so I’m going to do

Something before I end so I was planning to block off the Village from the um I guess I’ll go see it before it becomes nighttime uh there’s an outpost type thing it’s not just an outpost it’s like an ultra super bad Outpost it’s that and it spawns illers at like a stupid rate

Like stupid rate and uh they keep spawning if you know what the infernal mobs thing is or infernal mobs mod it’s basically it summons mobs occasionally oh fireflies that’s nice just noticed that I like that honestly I would have settle for that uh as the in game oh

I’m taking that out of my hot bar okay um yeah it spawns them at such a fast rate you can’t really do anything um egg yeah um I will settle like yeah yeah honestly I my phone only does 1080 cuz I can I can tell the difference a bit like

It’s a very slight difference but I can tell a little bit of the difference between uh 1080 and 720 but not much uh and 4K does not matter to me honestly bugs got to got to do what bugs got to do true there’s a there’s a um oh oh that’s

A rare chance I got the invisible spider if you didn’t know spiders on hard mode which is what I’m on now is uh they can um spawn invisible it’s a super rare chance but they can oh it’s a witch you suck oh can wites their weakness potions I’m

Just wondering cuz I I don’t know drop a potion nope um I I I never knew if they could um cuz if they can throw weakness potions then uh they’re actually uh a good way to get early game weakness potions for uh zombie villager stuff cuz

I can actually do that uh they haven’t patched like this is 1.17 they haven’t patched the Villager thing in uh this yet all right break this I feel fine working in the night time now that so before I wasn’t doing it to keep the villagers safe but since all

The villagers are dead I don’t care too much about it anymore all right and now that I got this I’m going to take uh I’m out of stairs out of stairs Dead all right this break up all of these mhm so I’m I’m in I’m actually in favor of

Uh the Villager changes well I mean I I get a lot of people aren’t but I or at least most most of the Villager changes for uh that they’re currently like testing right now um I think that they’re cool and villagers were kind of broken before so

I’m kind of in paper for them not not too much uh and actually like the most recent villager change like they’re even more broken than before cuz a single diamond block is a stack of emeralds um which that’s kind of more broken cuz uh diamonds are going to become an

Infinitely renewable source or substance uh after 1 Point uh 21 what is that iron armor what is that ew I guess it’s a zombie variant um after 1.21 uh you’ll be able to get them yeah that that’s not the Villager I’m talking about the like more recent ones they’ve been testing with uh

There’s like testing uh to like make the villagers balanced and they’re doing like biome spe specific trades which are really cool and stuff um oh I just saw that creeper straight I might kill it before it like sneaks up on me at this daytime um cool interesting more complex stuff

But I think it’s cool um they’re nerfing mending in the way that it can only be gotten from Swamp Villages um which I think is cool um but yeah village Village did really turn around the like what what oh my goodness oh oh oh this is

Crazy sorry uh off topic of the village thing um this if you don’t know what this rotten egg is that is good stuff um give me one second I got to go plant this egg somewhere I don’t know if it becomes automatically hostile basically this is Cocker Tre egg um ice and

Fire um they’re not well I okay they’re unobtainable in the way of they currently don’t spawn but if you breed a set of villagers uh in a swamp they will oh I don’t like that that’s Enchanted uh Weber um they will spawn as a swamp villager um and jungle villagers are the

Same way um and also in oh I don’t like that I didn’t like that thank goodness all what he drop me Cookie okay um okay uh yeah they’re they’re obtainable um it’s just it’s like currently it’s just a do you like having villagers that look a bit different um they would

Actually make it functional but I agree I think they should uh make it possible to find SP build because um they’re a they’re in the game they should have a thing and B swamp and jungle villagers could both have like really really cool um like housing like there it’s a swamp

And a jungle like cool jungle swamp Like Houses uh give me second I’m going to go into a creative world and double check something with this egg cuz if this egg does what I think it does then this is a really really good thing uh I’m trying

To real quick save and quit for one second go into a creative world and test it because if this egg is what I think it is then this is really good like really really good um hopefully this world doesn’t crash I know what I’m doing some water um the other thing

Is what is it um I think that biome specific trades are like a really cool thing and it makes total sense like you’re in a different biome you’ll have different stuff um yeah I’m not so sure about the armor thing the armor thing is a bit weirder to me

In the way of like you’re in a different biome you only get like a chest plate or the boots of a set of armor but in the other B you get like the like if it was if if Minecraft was more like an RPG make more s it would make more sense but

Like uh it only makes sense to do that with materials like iron armor I know chain mail armor is uh exclusive or not exclusive but it’s the only one that spawns and swamps that makes sense to me but um um diamond armor uh in the most recent

Version the the chest plate and helmet are sold in one place and the leggings and the boots are sold in another place uh which is a bit weird did the game just crash I’m might give it some time see if it’ll boot up uh are you okay 10 9 8 7 6 5

4 3 2 1 it’s broken I’m going to say 5 4 3 2 1 all right it’s it’s dead uh I got a reboot game okay so it looks like there’s some way for the game to crash in its current state uh that’s not good close

Window close window it won’t kill it I’m going have to open the task manager to kill it it is not dying uh game crashed end task Minecraft I have ended you with the task manager why aren’t you gone Minecraft launcher uh Minecraft yeah it really did refuse like

It’s not quitting the game alt f4 I don’t want to have to restart the computer that restarts the stream stuff and I’m not going to redo that what it is it just like a ghost thing if I open Minecraft launcher itself does it say there’s a game running close

Window or is it just taking so long because I’ve clicked on it so many times I’m opening the task manager back up okay the Minecraft launcher opens with Minecraft still open something is very very wrong um let me search up Java okay I’m going to end

That that might kill it that killed it okay good all right we’re free Minecraft is dead it has been killed all right I have been streaming for two hours I’m been streaming for uh uh how do I check YouTube um I don’t have a way actually no it was at 7:15 or 7

O’clockish okay so I I got out bed time I can well I mean 10 o’cl I stream all night if I wanted to but I’m not going to inconvenience the other people that live in my house uh not most of them will be up like actually like the one person that

It doesn’t matter is going to be awake for a long time anyway all right game fixed itself we’re free the Minecraft buggy loading screen is back I need to remake the thumbnail for this um currently the thumbnail is a reused or it’s partially yeah it’s it’s a reused thumbnail from another

Video um which I’ve been using for like it’s it’s stupid but like uh making a thumbnail is really annoying for this because um I guess I can make like a really sloppy thumbnail or not sloppy but like Fast thumbnail uh what am I’m going to call this

Tests uh yeah just make a default World create a mode test it all right let me go test this mod proceed I’m wondering so uh if you didn’t know early on the Minecraft like World Generation stuff like the 1.17 like all the new stuff it was a data

Pack uh before it became like a version like you would download it off of um wait hold up yeah you download it off of um the Minecraft website I’m wondering if that data pack works on like other versions of the game I don’t think it does but I think it’ll be interesting to

Test okay now the world Works should it work all right slow all right let me show you what the rotten egg is now rotten egg is this oh it’s only a chance has a chance to be this if I uh let me go got to creative mode does it automatically attack me I

Can’t remember okay no oh my goodness the pigeons oh my goodness uh I don’t know how it works oh my goodness these pigeons are so loud okay so yeah that this thing is a coat what is that This what K plume oh it’s like a explosive Berry um if I roll one of these I get a pet cockc and these things are crazy oh wait it’s my pet um but odds are I do not get it but if I do it is a really

Good really good creature uh I just had to check and make sure it wouldn’t attack me um cuz there is a chance uh I remember like playing I think it was rlcraft and um I got a an egg and I remember it attacking me create a backup just in case um but

Yeah just wanted to be safe I have noticed the game slowly like lagging and taking longer to load though every time the world size hasn’t changed though which kind of makes sense I haven’t done that much exploring good the world still loads okay egg please give me

Bird I’m going to throw you up in the air give me cockatrice no big sad very big sad I really wanted a [ __ ] they’re really good oh well uh I’ll I’ll have to settle for um no [ __ ] for now but let me get those iron bars finish uh this upstairs oh my

Goodness this buggy ladder actually um this let me go uh Stone Cutters upstairs finish this uh upstairs area and do there we go we got iron bars can I smell these down uh uses can I smell it does not look like it no I going to iron great

Interesting uh crates and stuff uh this though all right let me go finish that roof um make half of these into these stairs I actually kind of want to save in a way I kind of want to save some of this andesite cuz if I do roll create

Create uses a lot of andesite um another rotten egg nope I’m going to keep throwing these eggs cuz the more chickens I have the higher chance of a rotten egg um and the higher chance of a coess uh where are the slabs there and this one Cobblestone all right and then these are

Going to stay like this for now um see I’m going to go to this side I’m going do this all right this that side and down to the other side all right house house is coming along quite well I this on this side no fix that all right um sweet all

Right up and then up and then new block new block new block new block I’ll do one out four all right that’s where the log goes all right and then I’ll go it’s coming together okay and then place a block here here here here and then Here and then all right so this what the oak wood is for I’m going to put it uh first I’m actually going to need a little bit more Spruce put oak wood through uh after that and layer it drop down down this tree all right five logs I need a decent amount of

Logs did I get the one I didn’t all right let me pick this one up um I think I’m going to do I’m going to somewhat finish the house a bit what day is it until the next set of mods 34 I’ll play until next set of mods and then I’ll

Hop that’s is that 3 I think this is the longest stream I’ve done uh or in the way I think I’ve done I’ve done a like 4our stream before Oh wait what season is it hold up why are these in ice I don’t think it’s winter yet is

It it’s not even that late in the air in the way of uh ingame time let me got double check my calendar uh where’s the calendar I have it on a wall I thought or it just in a chest oh it’s winter time now oh that

Is crazy I did not think it would be already winter time uh that is going to mean I’m going to start freezing winter time is a lot more extreme than the summer um so I’m going to be I’m pretty careful though summertime isn’t that bad um I eat this cookie all

Right oh come on of course I I drink the refill one little thing of water um I grab the logs it’s not enough logs but it will do for now I’ll start a little bit of the house uh I’ll start on the other side the other side is coming along more

Quickly so we take this and then we go hold up yeah yeah like this and then I’ll have this to be like that and this hm what do I do guess that I guess that fits uh and then I do start doing I take blocks do I have any more andesite I do

Good um I guess I’ll start with the andesite then build a bit of this build it for this side okay so now I have to be a bit more careful because oh I need light at the top of it cuz mobs can spawn at the top I need to remember that

Because I don’t want to have mobs bombing me uh what is what kind of Lights can I get type in light oh I gu light blue stuff um candles hold up do I have candles oh wait how cheap are these oh and those don’t go out cuz they’re

Not technically part of the game yet uh let me buy beads then I guess bead be really helpful right now but I could either generate bees like with a beehive or I could do um find some I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some around somewhere um but now with these I was going

To over here um wait hold up um yeah that goes down the middle that side okay this is all like this and and then I let me see what it looks like without being stripped sleep oh wait hold up is this St 34 so I got all tomorrow to build

All right 15 days away from the halfway mark Oh wrong side I built on the other side um what does that look like um I think it would look better stripped I I’m going to strip it so many dogs around oh I see my temperature dropping so I guess uh I’m always around

These campfires which I keep my uh temperature upy nicely one of these into these so I can get up top more easily uh make our way up here all like this scaffolding uh I don’t know if this is going to be hold scaffolding exist in this version okay it was added with bamboo

Which was I don’t know how long that was that was a while ago um all right and then we’re just going to strip all this wood if I don’t like it I can turn it into planks all right there we Go All right all right let me go see what it looks like outside now okay so the sun comes up in that side okay it looks pretty good I’ll take it I’ll take it um just got to finish the roof thank you you too uh it’s good to have people to chat

With or have a have a good night or a day depending on where you’re at um I generally stream on the uh weekend specifically Saturday so uh I’ll probably I might stream on I might stream tomorrow actually uh or maybe Monday one of the two maybe um

Yeah this stream let’s see I cover about five 10 five maybe or 10 15 days every stream so I’m on day 35 now I got a decent bit of way to go um okay so I need to get more oak wood I need more Spruce and I need more

Oak and I need more everything pretty much much um plant oak tree here get already here encp this Wood all right there we go hold am I level five no l four I might make this more the the temperature mod more extreme because it doesn’t seem that it’s that hard right now and I know there’s a config for it I might make it a bit

Harder put the difficulty a bit cuz it’s not that bad right now I’m actually being productive and let me get that Central beam done like I’m not running into any like super difficult mobs or anything I’m just hoping that I don’t have to run into a dragon dragons

Suck all right so this I’m going to cover this sunshi Beam with uh slabs keep Ms from spawning uh and then I’m going to run a run essential beam up from here I need one piece of O that’s sad my Oak log um what can I do uh drop it Down m so I have like a log lying around one of these chests not the right kind uh spruce tree an oak tree I will take the oak tree I wish um what is it uh mining trees gave you uh XP cuz I’d have a lot more XP if so

Um I guess I can go first I’m going drop this calendar because I need the calendar I’m actually going to make an item actually leather is valuable can I make another kind of item frame glass item frame oh okay I’ll make one of those I’ll make a glass frame uh so it’s uh

What was it it oh wait hold up it’s item frame it’s like one piece of leather actually hold up I I’ll pay one piece of leather for a friend all right minnow I minnow are funny in real life funny creatures um andesite apples all right I’m going going to put this upstairs

Above my bed or I’ll put it this side of my bed no I’ll put it above my bed uh calendar all right there we go um so I need more oak wood finish that side wait let me grab the remainder of my oak wood can I reach down and grab it

I no I can’t fortunate I got eight blocks of it that’s somewhat some amount um I think I want to make this this can’t look under I’ll go down there in a second and fix it um that and then we’ll do this all right there we go um or

Actually I’m going to break this and swap it out for an andesite block yeah uh and now I can do or right I’ll do on the other side as well jump over here or let me just do this oh that’s what was taking all of the durability was stripping out the

Wood all right there we go um F this for a cobble all right it’s coming along quite nicely um just put some stuff up to here make a couple can I reach I guess I’ll turn this all into stairs and I’ll go finish a bit of this and then I’ll go

And make some Cobble stairs I think I’ll use Uh Wood on the top all right I’ll do the other side this side has it all right I’ll do it over here then um block and aite block and aite and then I’ll do oh wait no wrong area um a SW

Plake I’m pretty sure bed reduce fall damage oh I realized I’m hungry that’s really bad that I being hungry will reduce my sanity at time generally when I’m playing uh Minecraft I play or I’m never worrying about food um that and then uh we can have an all Cobblestone layer all right

Um I need to remember to roll mods at the start of the next here you know what I’m going to what I’m going to do is I’m going to I’m going to like end here when it’s night time and the next time when I log back

On I’ll check the day and it will be the next day all right um go sh go sh uh to those who are still on uh from the start which I guess everyone is gone um thank you for watching and uh I will see everyone in the next stream goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days ADDING RANDOM MODS Every 5 Days (VOD)’, was uploaded by ArcherKirby8 on 2024-01-14 02:46:54. It has garnered 89 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:23 or 8963 seconds.

100 Days in Minecraft, but I add random mods every 5 Days. You can suggest Mods in the Comments if you have an interesting one! It does need to be 1.16.5 FORGE and have either a Curseforge or Modrinth Download. This is Stream 4 of the 100 Days.

#minecraft #minecraft100days #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods

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    Sly Edit: Killer BeatVideo Information This video, titled ‘edit with hard beat i made’, was uploaded by Rare on 2024-03-15 05:13:13. It has garnered 71 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. the goal was sigilkore but it turned out better minecraft,minecrarft java,minecarft bedrock,hypixel,hive,combo,clutch,block clutch,duels,1.8 minecraft,1.16 minecraft,1.18 update,1.17 minecraft,spleef,minemen,ffa server,best minecraft server,minecraft gameplay,bedwars,skywars,bedwars tips,skywars tips,minecraft giveaway,hypixel rank giveaway,hypixel glitch,god bridge,breezly bridge,telly bridge,speed bridge,minecraft sweat,ricefarmer11,Dream,Technoblade,GeorgeNotFound,Sapnap,Twitch,Minecraft Meme,Grain,model o, lunar, badlion, keyboard, techware phantom 87, fantech, g102, minecraft bedwars, video, hypixel update, pro video, kurtclient, handcam, bedlessnoob, derpled, sammy green, purpled, walibear, free cape, minecraft cape, IntelEdits, MinuteTech, fruitberries,… Read More

  • 👻 HAUNTED HOUSE in Minecraft! Subscribe Now! ⚡

    👻 HAUNTED HOUSE in Minecraft! Subscribe Now! ⚡Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted House in Minecraft || Subscribe @MrPaw8 #minecraft #hauntedhouse #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by MrPaw on 2024-05-08 10:36:04. It has garnered 79 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. subscribe guys #minecraft #hauntedhouse #minecrafthindi #shorts #ytshorts #gaming @MrPaw8 minecraft minecraft survival everything you need to know about villagers in minecraft! minecraft shorts minecraft hardcore series minecraft challenge minecraft survival let’s play how to breed villagers in minecraft 1.19 minecraft hardcore minecraft villagers building the ultimate village in minecraft minecraft villager i transformed a village in minecraft hardcore minecraft survival… Read More

  • “Mystery world: Incredible miniature photography” #miniaturephotography

    "Mystery world: Incredible miniature photography" #miniaturephotographyVideo Information This video, titled ‘miniature photography #miniature #miniaturephotography #minecraft #minivlog’, was uploaded by P__K_Creation__ on 2024-04-30 09:21:17. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. miniature photography photography miniature miniature photography ideas miniature photography tutorial macro photography miniatures photography miniature painting photography toy photography miniatures creative photography photography ideas smartphone photography minature photography miniature photography at home photography tips and tricks miniature photography pictures miniature photography tutorials miniature photo iphone photography #miniature #miniaturephotography #minecraft #minivlog #minecraftshorts Read More

  • “Uncovering the Emerald Key | Live Minecraft Adventure!” #minecraftmania

    "Uncovering the Emerald Key | Live Minecraft Adventure!" #minecraftmaniaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mencari Kunci Emerald #minecraft #liveminecraftsekarang #minecraftindonesia’, was uploaded by VANEV on 2024-01-31 10:00:34. It has garnered 4710 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftsurvival #minecraftindonesia #minecraftpe #minecraftmod #minecraft100day #minecraftanimasi #minecraftgratis #minecraftserver #fyp Donut Traktir (Rp 1,000) (Donation notification) = Minecraft FB Grub IP Port 12345 if not Java & Bedrock Minecraft Server Hosting is cheap 🔗Grub DISCORD If there is a cool map = [email protected] IG minecraft live indonesia minecraft live minecraft live sekarang minecraft indonesia live minecraft indo… Read More

  • iKozmic – EMBRACING DARKNESS | Astra SMP Drama

    iKozmic - EMBRACING DARKNESS | Astra SMP DramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】A DEAL AND A DATE | Astra SMP LORE’, was uploaded by iKozmic on 2024-04-11 01:44:06. It has garnered 237 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:09 or 9189 seconds. 【Socials】 • Twitter: • TikTok: • Instagram: • Other Socials: 【Viewer Rules】 • Please be respectful to all • Don’t be racist, homophobic, or disrespectful (instant ban) • No venting or sharing sensitive topics in the chat (it could make others uncomfy) • Don’t sexualize me, that’s weird • No links in chat • Don’t advertise in… Read More

  • Insane gamer marries chicken in Minecraft?!

    Insane gamer marries chicken in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘MURGI SE SHADI KAR LI #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gaming Beast on 2024-01-10 16:16:13. It has garnered 82 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. MURGI SE SHADI KAR LI Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button, turn on notifications, and become a part of our growing gaming community. Get ready to level up your gaming experience with Gaming Beast. Let’s game on!” Like,Subscribe,Comment,Share 🤘🤘🤘 Thanks for watching👀👀👀 Read More

  • Lugad builds insane robot in mini Minecraft!

    Lugad builds insane robot in mini Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Build Minecraft – Robot’, was uploaded by Lugad on 2024-03-08 17:00:10. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Mini Build Minecraft – Robot Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔 to get a building tutorial every day ! My others Social Medias : Youtube : Lugad_mc Instagram : TikTok : Each building is added to the building world to create a village available to all in the future ! ⛏️ Don’t hesitate to suggest build ideas, tips, styles and more. 🤝 Proposals /… Read More

  • “Shocking News: Isimbi Model Dies in Tragic Life Twist!” #shocker #heartbreak #reality

    "Shocking News: Isimbi Model Dies in Tragic Life Twist!" #shocker #heartbreak #realityVideo Information This video, titled ‘ISIMBI MODEL YACIYE MUBUZIMA BUGOYE #due #love #kibera #official #comedy #isangetv #written #music’, was uploaded by Gali Media on 2024-03-22 19:43:17. It has garnered 430 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #music #memes #motivation #funny #funnymoments #isimbitv #memes #music #minecraft #youtubeshorts #youtubevideo #ytshorts #written #quotes #zayn #trending #trendingshorts #kidsvideo #comedy #xbox #pubgmobile #duet #family Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • ————-(UNTLD)————-Website

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Curve of death: no torches here!

    Minecraft Memes - Curve of death: no torches here!“Entering a curve without torches in Minecraft is like walking into a dark alleyway without a flashlight – you never know what’s lurking around the corner ready to creep up on you… like a sneaky creeper!” Read More

  • Minecraft Villager goes full KAREN

    Minecraft Villager goes full KAREN “Why did the Minecraft Villager join a fraternity? Because he wanted to experience that SIGMA moment!” Read More

  • Ultimate Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons

    Ultimate Farmer's Delight Mod Addons Welcome to a Culinary Adventure in Minecraft with Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons! Are you tired of the same old food options in Minecraft? Look no further! The Farmer’s Delight mod has got you covered with a plethora of new food items, cooking mechanics, and traders to spice up your gameplay. Let’s dive into the top 25 Farmer’s Delight mod addons that will revolutionize your culinary experience in Minecraft! 1. Farmer’s Delight Starting off with the core mod itself, Farmer’s Delight introduces a wide range of new food options and farming mechanics to enhance your gameplay. From hearty meals to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to Craftolution, where we stand together! A place where adventure and friendship intertwine. Here on Craftolution, where blocks shine bright: creativity awakens, an endless source since 2011, a place full of permanence, where friendships bloom hand in hand. Craftolution, where dreams live, striving for the stars together. Survival, Freebuild, just fun. On Craftolution, we are at home. Your creations, safe, protected, and fine. Here on Craftolution, they will never be alone. No PvP stress, just peace and time for adventure and creativity. Each world, a new adventure, so wonderful. On Craftolution, we are the pioneers, strong together in… Read More

  • Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour!

    Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour! Exploring the Ultimate Efficiency Tree Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, efficiency is key, and players are always on the lookout for the best ways to maximize their resources. One such method is the creation of a high-efficiency tree farm, capable of producing over 13,000 logs per hour. In a recent video by Yusuke M, a new tree farm design was showcased, specifically tailored to accommodate Acacia trees, offering a slightly lower efficiency compared to previous designs but still achieving impressive results. Efficiency Rankings The new tree farm design boasts impressive efficiency numbers for various tree… Read More

  • Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!

    Minecraft with Henya: God Gets in on the Action!Video Information This video, titled ‘HeavenlyFather Finally Gets to Play Minecraft with his Kami-Oshi..’, was uploaded by Daily Dose Of Henya The Genius on 2024-04-09 14:53:19. It has garnered 139937 views and 7678 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. Twitch : Twitter : YT: @henyathegenius @Zentreya HeavenlyFather @ArielleVTuber @IronMouseParty @obkatiekat #henyathegenius #vshojo #cutout Read More

  • URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown – DAY 3

    URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown - DAY 3Video Information This video, titled ‘【PHASE WARS II】URUKA POV! DAY 3 – Minecraft – Capture the Crown【Team Blaze】’, was uploaded by Uruka Ch. 藤倉ウルカ 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-04-28 22:13:32. It has garnered 2805 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:02 or 7502 seconds. Fall in line. Get Smoked~ GO TEAM BLAZE Get your Bear Birthday Merch here: 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Donation Page】 (Only if you want to and are financially stable enough please!!! No obligations!!) ʕ•͡ω•ʔ 【Phase Connect Website】 ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ【Socials】 YT: Twitch: Twitter: TikTok💀: Marshmallow: Discord:… Read More

  • Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert Madness

    Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-4) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Entrance to paradise’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 20:38:13. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:03 or 843 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales… Read More

  • BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!

    BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The fastest automatic TNT cannon.’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-26 13:33:31. It has garnered 56 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment #tnt #cannon Tags:minecraft, tnt cannon, tnt, redstone, tutorial, cannon, tnt cannon minecraft, how to make a tnt cannon in minecraft, minecraft cannon, minecraft tnt cannon, minecraft tnt, creative, how to, redstone builds, survival, build, easy, rapid fire, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft tnt cannon tutorial, how to make, how, minecraft (video game), map, funny,… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to create a Chest Shop in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sir BigHead on 2024-05-12 12:48:50. It has garnered 420 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a chest shop #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit II

    Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is The End City? ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-04-04 11:20:43. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: ◆ LinkTree: ◆ Patreon: ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: ◆ Instagram: ◆ Tik Tok: Read More

  • “DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!” #shorts #minecraft

    "DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – Pennywise face #shorts #minecraft #pennywise’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-01-05 06:45:01. It has garnered 5749 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts Read More


    MINECRAFT CHURCH BUILD TUTORIAL!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BUILD CHURCH IN MINECRAFT || #shorts #viral #minecraft #trending #youtubeshorts !’, was uploaded by Skypat_Gamerz on 2024-01-07 05:48:36. It has garnered 3981 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Hello’ I’m Akash Patel welcoming you to my youtube channel. Read More

  • Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shorts

    Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which will be Best …. #minecraft #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by Triggered Gamer on 2024-04-17 10:30:36. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Which Is Best . #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #indianfestival #festival #diwali #festivalseason #festivevibes #festivals #musicfestival #rave #festivalfashion #festivalvibes #tomorrowland #techno #edm #festivallife #housemusic #festivaloutfit #festivalofcolors #holi #trance #festivalsofindia #durgapuja #navratri #edmlifestyle #dj #electronicmusic #festivalofcolours #holifestivalofcolours #holifestival #holihai #technomusic #ytool #deckthehalls… Read More