INSANE Minecraft 1,000 Days One Block CHALLENGE! [HUGE TWIST]

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this is Minecraft but it’s the hardest one block challenge in this movie I’ll be attempting to survive on the hardest one blocks everything from an XP block to a millionaire block to start I have to survive on a single block in Minecraft made of money I have to buy new expensive items from a money sword to even a Lamborghini and upgrade my block all the way up to $1 million however to beat the game I have to break into a bank and steal the money can I do it boys girls my world is a single blocker again this one has the number one on it because we are on the $1 block I need to get from this $1 block all the way over there to those chests there’s all that loot falling from the sky but I can’t get to it I’ve got absolutely nothing do I get blocks from breaking the dollar block no I get two coins from it okay what what about I’m only getting coins I can’t do anything with these all excuse me who are you who are you there’s a villager flying at me okay now we we’re friendly yeah I I think we’re we’re friendly hello you are poor okay my name is Billy Shadow apples to you but fine I am poor can help fix that though if you want me to if you look behind me you will see the Minecraft Dollar Store begin appearing soon I will let you buy some of my blocks to build over there so you can work on progressing to the millionaires block I do need to get the millionaires block today so oh I can buy blocks from him like this so we can buy Cobblestone beautiful oh oh my there’s a store right in front of me this must be the Minecraft dollar store so we got a build over here yeah I could build this way and get the free care packages instead no let’s go to the dollar store I’ll buy these oak logs because we get four blocks for one I’m a big brain gamer out of money now though I feel like this is going to take a while I I have five I have six coins it’s quite far away we’ll get there I’m building over to the dollar store but I have no money to use in the dollar store I might have to beg some people or I could steal from them I’ll see what we have to do once I get some more blocks this must be enough we must be golden wonderful we made it over to the dollar store open 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. that that’s good to know and we’re coming inside there’s no one working here oh I could steal I could steal Doritos no I can’t it’s asking me for 10 coins let’s go back I got my money Doritos time click on here with these I get a single Dorito waa come on oh there’s more all the way over here these are dirty shoes who wants to buy dirty shoes and there’s lemonade here too I can’t afford it I’ll eat my Dorito we’ll have to get some more coins a hairbrush I thought my hair looked quite nice and the $10 block is here too okay so obviously my goal is to get the $1 million block today so I have to upgrade my $1 block through all the other types of blocks and this is how we get the $10 block I have to buy it for only 10 coins we got to get these we got to have it I’m so tired of being poor I think the Sun is going down as well and the night time is beginning yeah I’ve got to speed up I got to get all the money we need to buy all the things that Dorito was a waste of money I’ve got 40 coins we can buy four things I’ll get some dirty flues I need armor these are only plus one and they’re horrible are these made of dirt uh lemonade I’ll drink it do we get abilities it filled my Hunger that was it we got packages of blocks here uh oh that’s probably something I will need and we have a final 10 coins I could get the $10 block with and I will I don’t need a hairbrush we got that $10 block though I can’t place it down here either I have to take it and upgrade our $1 block with it and that’s as simple as clicking on it there boom we got ourselves a $10 block oh the villager’s gone I have nobody to celebrate with the good part is I should be able to get some more money from here that isn’t money that was something that dropped out that is oh come back I’ve got quality steak we’re getting items now it’s not money I’ve got a golf cart I got a coin there but a golf cart can I can I I’m in the golf cart bro are you Ser N N I didn’t think you could for this for $10 oh we’re speeding up a bit now there’s zombies spawning over there no don’t go off the edge uh how do I get out of this safely that isn’t safe I got to build out yes yes yes yes let’s build I hear zombies they’re coming for me I’m still poor we got a wooden sword for now when I get richer I’ll hopefully move on to Diamond hopefully fingers crossed that I have to stay safe I have to protect all the items coming out of here too the next thing we’ll get from here we got a a $10 note come on we’re getting even more pieces of money we don’t have to stick with coins I’m getting more steak I’m getting a this is called a money tool n attack damage and it instantly breaks dirt it breaks the deep sleep fast as well and the wood as so we got a tool made of money we take it we take it I’ll use it as a weapon too wood sword you’re gone I’ll collect some people holy that was rapid and I have a ton of things I have a suit and tie this is more armor yeah it gave me the leggings as well expensive leggings I’m looking so slick I look like I run a business instead of making Minecraft videos I want to do this again I got tons of money this time got some packages are blocks yeah let’s go a little bit further I’ve still got a build over there wait I’ve got not one but five iPhones does anybody want one does is anybody looking for a phone bro what I’m in I feel like a hacker there’s Tik Tok I’ll go through my text messages mom’s saying I hate you I didn’t do anything to you screw you Mom let me put some music on do let’s see oh yeah all everybody come on let’s get sturdy to the to the epic c48 Minecraft music how do I turn this off please be is this one of the sorted is Amazon as well I can buy things in Amazon things as in a fidget spinner you’re selling me a fidget spinner for $50 this is $5 $10 notes okay I trust it I I’ll throw it oh it’s coming back I thought I lost it forever and scammed myself is this a weapon where’s the monsters they don’t want to fill the power of my fidget spinner let’s go I’m going to buy everything here there’s a pack of raisins that that sucks there’s an iPod I could buy there’s a helicopter right click to summon helicopter G to shoot lasers it says 50 for $1 $10 note that can’t be right and the $100 block is in here too let’s go down the list let’s get the raisins first I have to get a few more coins let’s spam it there oh that was easy this is probably food it will go of our quality steak we got the fidgets spinner can I afford the iPod not yet let’s get some more of these my inventory is full up I got 10 notes though we have $100 that’s a golf cart note I’m going to drive myself off the edge I’ll do it with music playing on my iPod though and can I buy the helicopter that is I bought 50 helicopters that is a bug 100% it’s playing m again no I don’t want the iPod then helicopter I’m flying it gave me 50 helicopters oh let me get back up I think I scammed Amazon Jeff Bezos is going to sue me so please leave a like on this video to support me I could drive over here let’s get the care packages they really are dropping let me empty out my inventory let’s get down I got to make a chest I have a $10 block but I feel like a billionaire maybe I should buy the other stuff there’s a big shield and a violin let’s get them both boom and the violin that is a uh well it’s an instrument I’m playing it oh yeah that that sounds beautiful this is also going in the void and that is massive I I’ll wear this it’s basically covering half of my screen but we’ll be secure I’m breaking up these packages of blocks to get some blocks here the Deep slap I want to make a massive platform here around our money block I’m going to fly to all the care packages I need room to land my helicopter though empty the inventory of my tuxedos grab one of my many helicopters there’s lasers in here oh that was a snipe I got a platform Builder and 16 totem blocks and $100 note these are mad I can fly right into it again let’s uh go like this I probably got some sort of item totem blocks what are they doing here I’ll keep sniping these oh I’m a god with this I got pumpkin pie golden nuggets yes sir yes sir yes sir I not this four sword with fire aspect this isn’t bad at all plus five platform Builders air packages wait I’ll be back oh that was far too close if this is like the other videos oo building up the world again slowly but surely and we have this sword 48 totem blocks you are insane what do these do I’ll break one of them never mind I can’t or I can it’s only it’s taking ages this has to give me totems to be worth it bro what do we do I build no I’ve got regeneration by standing on them this is a good one I’ll eat my raisins too oh that that was so worth the 30 coins I spent on that where’s my iPhone though we’ve got something else to buy the $100 block for $32 $10 notes that we have two of give me one moment please 32 was that the number it was we got the $100 block another little upgrade can I get rid of all this stuff I don’t know what to do with this I guess I have to put up with it let’s upgrade our block to the $100 block now I can’t even see it I won’t even be able to get the stuff we get from it is that a top hat do I have something to add to our tuxedo how fancy are we getting today it is a top hat and I look like the mayor of the city bow down to me what else did we get I see a gold block here 12 years later I got myself a rich man’s cane it helps with a fancy Style but it isn’t that powerful I don’t know what to do now though I I don’t see any other items spawning from here that I haven’t got yet there’s some iron I have a full set of armor I can make some more boots I’m farming money as well we have $60 here oh we have $1500 Notes too oh but this upgraded now we can get the $1,000 block ooh I need to get more money I need to make more of a mess in my place we have 33 I’m letting all this despawn I don’t need any of it the $1,000 block is looking lovely I’ll do another little upgrade o this number is getting very big I’m going to stop being able to read it soon because I’m not smart what do get from here I’m getting myself it’s it’s giv $1,000 notes wow we we take it yo the Villager back boit hi there again it’s me the traveling villager congratulations on getting the $1,000 block if you would like to upgrade it by 10 times then I could sell you the $10,000 block oo but it will cost you yeah obviously that’s how buying stuff works it says in my chat you cannot afford to buy anything from the flying villager but I’ve got $1,000 huh wow you’re too poor again seriously bro you’re going to do this to me the $10,000 block will cost you $10,000 in $1,000 notes I will buy some of your current items from you so that you can maybe afford the $10,000 block he wants to buy my items is this like eBay I see so we sell him these there’s a crown how do I get a crown I don’t have a crown I could sell him the iPhone for $11,000 my helicopter for $3,000 I I don’t need the helicopter anymore we do that I can transform my money as well I see so we got $8,000 notes now I can set all my canes and we could buy it right here the $10,000 block I have 101,000 notes we got a $10,000 block more importantly there’s mobs here I Haven tested any of my weapons I’m ready to take them on they’re coming at me maybe I’m not maybe I’m not ready and because I left there mobs spawning here fidget spinner time completely missed that was embarrassing don’t sign me to your esport team boom you’re gone and your friend it it doesn’t even kill him does the money to her as a weapon it said yes are the mobs dropping money did I just see that correctly they are lot mobs though I’ll eat my steak I need to heal up I do need to make those iron boots don’t stop it stop it stop it stop it let me try and survive this night time this is the first time mobs have been on the island we got to defend our block I haven’t even placed it down there oh and a creep is about to blow it up that it’s safe don’t you do it back off away no you aren’t allowed here you ain’t stealing the $10,000 from me that’s my 10K n i I’m going to go inside the store and wait out the night there we’re going to hide maybe buy some Doritos I see the sun coming up I’m here getting my Doritos uh 10 will be good all the mobs have burnt away I got some Doritos from there get rid of the creepers now oh the villagers bag what is up my man thank you for your items I didn’t have a lot of choice I needed the money I hope you enjoy the $110,000 block I will be there is another store that is opening very soon you should go there now that you’re not not poor anymore there is some pretty good stuff over there where is the store it’s right there I’ve got a decent bit of money and a fidget spinner don’t forget the fidget spinner kapow and again give me a string I’ll make a bow easy easy easy easy let’s go we got that I’ll have to get some arrows maybe we could buy some over here I’ve got a decent amount of blocks to build over now open Great Deals well that’s a relief I don’t want any bad deals do I that would be foolish and a waste of time and money oh I’m here the rich store great deals now open 24/7 but rich people don’t need deals okay we going in there’s a bunch of villagers there’s some other people walking about what’s up mate who are you wo wo wo there’s swords in here okay there’s another guy here on the sign it’s saying biomes everything cost $3,000 is this with this guy Savannah chunk Mesa chunk planes what I can buy biomes from the man with the Earth on his head the weapon Smith closed on Friday that must be where this guy came from he’s having a little chat with the village look here I can buy weapons do I have the money for this I don’t have any $100 on me oh I have to go farm some more oh yo there’s another one here hey what do you have I didn’t read the S money or blocks even I got money on the mine pretty decent diamond ore o I need to get some money boys I’ll be back please don’t close oh wait no it’s 24/7 we’re good I got to go farm let’s get it oh bam me with money yeah now we’re getting $1,000 notes and $100 notes as well as oh these are $10 notes Here the money cool I got stacks of money I’m like a bank I’m going back immediately yo yo yo I’m back is this where you’re hanging out now I want to buy a sword a flaming netherite sword a knockback diamond sword multi slop five Infinity bow looting 100 I’ll use that to get some arrows for this bow wait no it’s Infinity I wasted that why did I buy a stone sword and a money sword we have to take it but I mean these are also looking kind of nice like can you blame me i i s I want this and I S I want this too I cost a lot of money but I think we’ll be fine I got to use these the Flaming never i s yet it’s pretty small I don’t know why hey oh and it’s effective hey yo no no no don’t be scared where is he going let me buy some of these Savannah chunk I’ll take them all how many can I get a Mesa chunk and I’ve run out of money so we can buy some blocks do I have the uh the money for that we do it’s got to be the diamond or we have to buy diamond I’ll replace These Boots it will be great there’s another guy here hey what’s good man follow me to the basement I beg your pardon is is this where we’re going now dude why you why are we going down here I come down here I’ve got a flaming never right sword don’t try anything got a money sword too I have a little chat with you though yo does he love me is that what that means what’s up hey man you have to keep this a secret but I can get you a $100,000 block excuse me I’m interested now if you want it all you need to do is bring me a bottle of experience down here and I will give it to you be quick though because I’m not even meant to be in here who is this dude how do I get a bottle of experience maybe from the chunks they spawn in in Pillager outposts uh we we need to use these I assum my click with this and we spawn the Savannah chunk oh and it spawned all around it almost cut out my place well this is massive but there’s no Pillager Outpost here I’ll use the Mesa chunk but realistically there’s not going to be a Pillager Outpost here I don’t think they even spawn there oh it’s spawning ow I fell the keep is completely breaking up my place too can we not do this there’s nothing here I’m up in the clouds literally and no Pillager Outpost I have to get some more money and I have to buy some more biomes they spawn mostly in Plains and deserts well I’m making that up but it makes sense right that’s what I’m assuming that’s what I’ll buy next back to the block go give me money please sir and we go back to the store with the Great Deals the Pome guys is right here is he having a smoke break outside uh a mushroom chunk don’t need that let’s do the desert we’ll give this one a go first I’ll do it over in the Mesa keep everything away from my precious block here’s probably a good place got it floating over there How Majestic if there’s not I spawn right on top of a Pillager Outpost we got a hope there’s a bottle of experience in it I hear them I’ll use the money sword I got a knockback five sword as well hey I’m going to test that on you he’s in the void I’ll use a different sword for every single one the money sword is killing this Geer he’s gone that dropped me a bit of cash where’s his friends what have I used the bow take that take that take that fine I’m coming up PVP you’re done almost yep yep he’s done and in the chest up here B of experience o that is exactly what I needed do I need anything else though maybe not I’ll take the wood don’t need the carrots and potatoes a vegetables suck I have quality steak it’s wag can’t believe it boys we are about to get the $100,000 block from that old guy in the building he may have been kicked out for trespassing already let’s hope not we are one step closer to getting that $1 million block I guess he’s down here in the basement he’s coming back up hey take this oh he just gave it to me the $100,000 Block Round of Applause everybody clap thank you take this $100,000 block I also have another job for you if you will accept it it depends when the night time hits I need you to go and Rob the Minecraft Bank hey I’m not a criminal they have $1 million inside well now we’re and I will give you a $1 million block to complete your tasks if you get me the money come back when the sun sets and I will give you the directions if you are interested I’m about to rob a bank so we have until night time to prepare let’s get the $100,000 block down on the floor and farm it grab any items we can where’s the sun oh it’s already going down I’ve got to pick up the pce a little bit what we getting this time right there is a package of blocks boring rich man’s cane a goldplated diamond chest plate oh it’s the same as the suit and tire I’ll swap it out I keep the leggings I don’t look as fancy anymore we’re getting $1,000 notes these are Yeezys of course I got Yeezys I could get diamond boots for these uh I got to stick to the Yeezys monal I put that okay is this better than the top hat though plus one knockback resistance somehow I’ll keep the mono on me let’s keep farming oh I’m spamming it many an item here an oyster what I do with this I don’t know it’s a big clam in my hand the Mona Lisa this is worth quite a bit of money this looks like a painting oh it is a painting is that the M Alisa what else we get what else we getting Lamborghini I got three Lamborghinis this shouldn’t be a thing in Minecraft I’m so fast wo wo wo wo wo there’s zombies about I shouldn’t be doing this I know that was the side I can’t even hit I can hit him with this I don’t know how I feel about this do I have to rob a bank I’ve got Lambos it is night time though I should probably go back I’ll drive my Lambo over terrible idea terrible idea terrible idea I made it though that was a perfect idea great plan he’s coming back up thank you for coming back I’m glad that you will rob this bank for me okay don’t say it that loudly there’s other people in here you know when you get there you will need to fire the bank owner and grab the money if you succeed I will give you the $1 million block take the compass then thank you mate so I have to bring him back money and I’m following this to the bank this sounds like I’m about to get arrested we’ll get on our way though I could get some more Le oh it took the expensive leggings when I took the chest plate off did I leave any here I did leave it here let’s put this back on the suit is more important and I picked up a plane how many vehicles do we have I had a helicopter a Lambo a golf cart now a plane I I’ll do this now I’m off I’m going how big is this oh let’s follow the compass I’m on my way oh it’s right there okay I I wasn’t ready to see it yet I need to get off is is that oh I’m falling ow why did I get off on the roof I have to scale the side this is going to alert the security um um um I hate this so bad did I get more prepared I’ll have that on my help bar the fidget spinner um oysters I eat the oysters very cool this skeleton is now dead to me we go inside um it’s empty over here hello I I I’m here to make a deposit that is all I’m here for I don’t want to steal any money is this the money I don’t think this is no this isn’t the money there’s nothing inside over there oh no why is there all the mobs has this place been overrun I’ll Le some diamonds there to say sorry there stairs let’s go upstairs all the mobs are exploding completely destroying this place we don’t need to do this there’s a safe there I’ll kill all these mobs from a safe distance I can’t have them interfering right now I need to get that million doll block is this where we have to go there’s one more skeleton guarding it it says do not enter on the side I see a zombie arm inside of it so I’m not allowed to enter but I I think I will anyways I’ll just I’ll just break this all right is that fine hey mobs come out and play yes let’s do this come out of the safe so it’s a safe place you see what I did there so funny and quirky yeah die I could have used this to blow up the the safe door boom I didn’t even break the safe it only broke the floor let’s get inside we’re in we’re in get rid of these where’s the money where’s the money it’s got to be inside this gold no there’s a skeleton inside this gold stop scamming me I can’t find it bro where is the money I can’t spend all this time am I in the wrong there’s nowhere else to go in this Bank where do we go this is the safe this is where it should be Bank owner Bank owner what I have to fight the vanc coner oh he’s killing me he put me on fire how has he done that he’s so muscly you look poor here take this he’s throwing coins at me look how tank he is he’s taking so many hits I got to bring him out here we can’t stay in this safe holy yeah he’s coming at me strong delity is a virtue you say is you poison me how does that make sense my knock back doesn’t even work what is my best sword I have oh no I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low fidget spin to the face is he stuck he’s not stuck I don’t have a water bucket or anything he is taking so many hearts I have to get the old man the million dollars we have to succeed here oh these coins are so bad I can’t take him properly please sir I only want to take all of your money he’s close to death so am I a little bit well I’ve got a lot of now but it’s when he hits me with a poison and the fire just like that that’s when I get really low and it gets serious two and a half hearts versus whatever he’s on couple more arrows I can’t fail this now we’re too far in oh no oh no this could be it half a heart doesn’t feel good I missed it it went through his head he’s almost dead I’m about to get him with a fidget spinner we killed him oh that is a massive briefcase that’s right boys case of $1 million cash we did it barely a scratched on my suit okay I’m lying there is a ton of arrows in me I need to get to the hospital I feel amazing with this in my hand though I’ve never seen this amount of money before in my life this is crazy let’s take this back to the old man and let’s get our million dooll block we got a fly back don’t we this way home sweet home we are back we are smooth we are fine and very wealthy what’s good my man I got you the money take it ow thank you so much take this $1 million block we are rich I have beat the game let’s go place this down I survived I did it let’s get this down we officially have the $1 million block oh everything’s going crazy this is so loud thank you for watching everybody it’s Prim block out it it’s letting off fireworks we have the million dooll block I am very happy with this indeed if you want to see me get a billion dollar block let me know we might do it next time today I need to turn this $1 million block into A1 billion block this is the only Block in my world but I can still get cool items like my very own plane or even a Tesla I could get a laptop to play Minecraft on as well to beat the game and to become a billionaire though I will have to break into a mansion and steal the money from a very rich and dangerous man oh for what am I meant to do the whole world is gone again last time I was in one block I earned this $1 million block that we’re standing on here but everything else I had is gone what’s the point in having a $1 million block if I can’t do anything with it I mean look at this it’s us and the clouds let’s see what sort of items we’re going to get from this today I got Cobblestone okay at least we can build out the world a bit what else are we going to get from this though I got a parachute I hope I don’t have to use this because that means I’ll be falling off the side what else we getting I’ve got an expensive pickaxe sick we got some tools oh boy even more blocks I got a grappling hook oh I’ll be like Spider-Man oh I really will careful there and it’s saying must pay $1 million to update this block I’m going for the1 billion block today but how am I meant to I’ve got no money all we’ve got is well that was a sword that that fell I’ve got some some sushi is this really all we’re getting today I’ve got a bag of money oh I’ve got 32 gr coins I I I’m throwing them now I have less what am I doing after this I kept farming my $1 million block and building out the little island that we had it gave me some wagu beef and even a feather coat that said it was made from the most expensive feathers in the world nothing to get me closer to the1 billion block though until this villager flew in from nowhere and said this hello I’m sorry to interrupt you but we need help I work for a traveling store but we’ve been overrun by zombies can you help us kill them I will give you $1 million if you can they’re about to fly by now please help for a million dollars I will do that happily oh he he’s gone well what what a coincidence I need $1 million to upgrade our block um I don’t know what to do traveling story said I see no store okay I I’ll get back to farming oh we got an expensive hoe let’s go um unless they mean that plane that’s flying by what do I how do I get in am I do I just jump into the plane I’ve got my grappling hook um well here we go that is a ton of zombies attacking me I’m this is the biggest plane in the world let’s go we there zombies to fight I I guess here here we are um I’m fighting him ow all I have is my FEA coat this is not good armor they’re dropping money though o free money don’t mind if I do thanks very much so I kept fighting away at the zombies they were backing me into a corner and none of the villagers inside of the plane were doing anything to help I hate them but then I remembered I had my coins that I could throw bro this is ridiculous what am I meant to do here like I got more bags of money come on there’s so many zombies in here they’re dropping a lot of cash it’s not looking like a million dollars though these people better be happy I’m so weak is that all the zombies in here it looks like it’s night time back outside some more could be spawning no it it looks like we’re clear as zombies okay great here we are yo oh thank you so much oh thank you so much for getting rid of those zombies we can finally open our store again here as promised I will give you $1 million feel free to come back inside of our plane store and buy some items we’ll be here for a while all right well where is the million oh $1 million note is this even legal money well how do I spend it then yo do you want it I could buy a wedding cake for four credit cards seven credit cards for a golf club uh let’s go back outside this is the door let’s go then oh well that’s what the the parachute is for lucky I got five of them then uh well here take the million dollar and it’s now a $2 million block that is a round of applause moment crazy crafting time what am I saying let’s do this that’s how we get credit cards we have two we have four we we got five we even got seven oh this is crazy I got 10 credit cards and even some more wagu beef this is a wagu moment okay this is a wagu beef moment please leave a like on the video so this is how we get credit cards all we have to do is grapple hook go back into the plane which is a very weird sentence to say in a Minecraft video but here we are I suppose how many are we taking I’ve got half a stack of credit cards let’s go back right now oh and it works hello boys I’m back and I’ve got money you look snazzy with your purple o look at me golf club with 12 attack damage let’s do that brand new weapon here we are o don’t mess with me you better give me some good deals this man is selling a palm tree airpods and a cake seriously what are my videos I’ll take one of everything go on mate what do you have an iPhone again the $5 million block for 50 credit cards well I don’t have that so I’ll buy some caviar instead ooh expensive tasting I put my airpods in they’re over my ears I got some sick music playing oh yeah I’m bumping those Tunes oh yeah I’m getting sturdy oh yeah look at me go he has premium underwear I I don’t need that I need to get some more credit cards to get the $5 million block or a sick Supreme hoodie yes that’s better than underwear and a fever coat ooh I look so terrible I I love it a money Block Breaker this is a tool that I don’t have enough money for cold plated toilet paper I’ll spend the last of my money on that let’s go back and uh place it down or use it or do whatever we do with it and we’re back down here that’s a nice yield for our first uh for our first time in a store in a plane that’s a big old cake and this is toilet paper yeah I do place it down and it does nothing I have to buy a toilet to go with it palm tree I what do I what is the use of this we’re growing some cocoa I might be able to make some cookies and sell them for more money what a great idea that is but until then I get more credit cards at this point I was feeling good I had over a stack of credit cards so I yeated myself back up into the traveling plane store to buy more stuff and the $5 million block I’ve got myself the money Block Breaker so far this guy has a Rolex I’m not wasting money on that though we’re here for one reason and one reason only or a helicopter again no no I’m buying a helicopter I’m sorry I I need one of those it’s a very important item a helicopter I swear oh there it is the $5 million block yes I’ll take one of those that’s what we wanted it’s nice and green let’s go back oh it jumped right out of the plane into a helicopter you see that boys you see that style you see that swag this is why the helicopter is very important ow we’re good with flying for a bit let’s upgrade this let’s click on it immediately we have the $5 million block but it says must pay $500,000 in dollar notes to update this block I don’t want to do that it’s oh bag of money this is more thrown coins we we don’t need these another block more credit cards $11,000 note so I have to stand here and get how many 500 of these is that what you’re saying are Ed the money Block Breaker this is faster we’re still going to be here forever wait these are different these are $100 notes these are even worse we got $10 notes as well from the mobs oh I’m going to cry uh guys someone has appeared on my Island I didn’t invite you to come here what do you have to say for yourself he is saying hi there I see that you have an amazing $5 million block right there but the rest of this place looks terrible don’t be toxic don’t come to my place and insult it I’ve got this golf club I will smack you I own a building company and if you can pay me $100,000 I will get my guys to build you something nice how about it uh do I don’t have that it says it in the chat you do not have enough money you need a 100 times $1,000 note I have 35 of them looks like he won’t go away until I give him the money either so I I’ll Farm some more money then here we go this is going to be a long evening and it better be worth it I swear through the night I kept breaking the $5 million block it was the only thing I looked at and I think it’s making me a bit crazy the only thing I’ll see tonight when I go to sleep will be the number 5 million but finally I got enough though I hope I’ve got my maths right I’ve been here for hours right it took my money something is happening over here this man is stood inside my cake they’re building up a a building well that is what they’re doing I guess um I I don’t know what we’re looking at the these are lasers I feel like I should be scared to be honest I’ll build over it it looks like a house ooh there they they’ they’re gone hello he said I couldn’t even read it he he just disappeared right well that was mysterious and they’ve left this place I’ll take a little peek if there’s monsters inside of here I won’t hesitate to use this smack smack what’s here there’s a bed this is a house there’s furnaces there’s uh a nice room up here yeah okay I’ve just bought a sick house cool I I guess did we get any free stuff though there’s money in here a stack of $11,000 okay I can live with this and some more in here as well yeah you have to spend money to make money they say the truth boys there’s tons of chests up here these are only $100 we take those bro this is a lot of money it’s filling up my inventory it’s all in these did we already upgrade the block is this enough a lot of these are $100 but still it all adds up I hope this was my house and I didn’t misunderstand what was going on or I’ve robbed someone well blind they they’re poor now I’m not I’m definitely not can I already buy this $10 million block I’ve already done it did it take money from my inventory or did I just have so much that it looks like it didn’t Oh my days we are going ham and I’ve got a laptop right here oh we’re going to play a bit of the Minecraft are we let’s see what else we’re going to get that was diamonds there’s a suit and tie here oh I look a bit more clean than my Supreme hoodie this is a diamond Top Hat airpods are gone as well wa I like this I like this style I I’m feeling it also got a handbag and a Tesla did I read that correctly a Tesla I’ll do this oh it’s going about yeah this is what I thought why why do I always have vehicles that I can’t even drive properly there’s not enough blocks in the world for this I’m driving a Tesla there’s a creeper right there I’m going to block my house I’m not going to drive into the house let’s get out of that safely and put the Tesla aside for a moment finally I get to use the golf club though smack smack you’re dead give me that money I have a lot of odd items from this $10 million Block it’s getting very an expensive spoon what do I do with this is it to eat the cavar I got earlier maybe it was I can open the laptop I didn’t realize this earlier we got a recycle bin and Minecraft that is all you need well and YouTube as well right here to watch my videos obviously leave a like subscribe let’s click okay it it’s put us in a jungle I I think we’re inside of a Minecraft world in Minecraft there’s a timer at the top of the screen time left 2 minutes 15 seconds I mean what do we do so I I guess I get teleported back after that there’s a never portal over here let’s go see if there’s free stuff or let me drive over this is the perfect time to come on now the perfect time to use the Tesla come on SC oh stop getting stuck you’re embarrassing me in this video oh here we go okay let’s head on up here yo what do we have I don’t need this or any iron nuggets what else do I do grapple hook yeah yeah we’re in a trit in wagu there’s a first time for everything I must have broke a world record doing that right nobody has ever done that before tester as well we’re back again so uh is this it this is our life for the next 1 minute and 10 seconds I guess I carried on driving around to pass the time but then I realized that I could kill the animals in this world and they would also drop money unfortunately I noticed this a bit late and I got teleported back that was that then we played Minecraft very cool that that was amazing we love playing Minecraft we do I don’t know what we got from that apartment from a few flowers and a bit of money though there’s someone on my doorstep he doesn’t look too friendly either okay maybe I should hide some of my money back here yeah I’m poor I have nothing for you sir I I don’t see I don’t even have a door take some poppies what do you want I’m really sorry but I’m from the traveling store on the plane they left me here by accident please help me I I’m really cold here can you get me some diamond armor to wear while I wait for them to come back I don’t even have diamond armor I’ve got a diamond Top Hat don’t think that counts though I have an $100 million block with me right now that you can have if you get me some well mate I should have started with that yes please $100 million he wants diamond armor does he uh Hey so uh what’s over here the the uh $10 million block would you like to to give me some some items maybe some diamond armor maybe some diamond leggings I’ve got Golden Leaves whatever these are fely water bucket this stuff is the real deal yeah wao look at look at that I’m making my place wet why are we doing this I could go back to Minecraft inside of Minecraft and go find a cave do I do that for this guy don’t know how else we get the1 billion block no why did I do that I meant to throw away one because I had two right give me a moment hey laptop right there yeah we’re we’re good so right back to um to Minecraft I I suppose so the timer was about 3 minutes I think so we have to be quick going into here yeah we got 3 minutes I didn’t even bring a pickaxe please does this work no this isn’t working will this break stone if it doesn’t break stone yes it breaks Stone okay let’s move quick why am I going down here golden Cobblestone you’re going to have to do cave cave cave cave cave yes let’s go ow that hurt this better be worth it I’ve got 2 and 1/2 minutes to find enough diamonds to give this guy to make armor or at least we have to make armor I don’t know this doesn’t go anywhere this is only lava this will burn me oh go go this has to go somewhere please this is going load to be fair we might find something if we are lucky even further okay I’m I’m falling down I need to eat do I have I’ve got one wagu beef we’re whipping the Tesla through the caves look out for the diamonds diamonds there’s diamonds here for real I die to the skeleton but we have diamonds we need at least four this is lapis don’t be doing this to me this is a sick joke was there lapis behind the diamonds is that it there’s only two here guys we have to go we have to move we have 53 seconds to do this there’s more here there’s really more here I play Minecraft I mind these don’t just be one you can’t be doing that’s it we have four the chest plate would have been better but he can no way there’s more here the time is about to go off though we got out of there with nine diamonds but he’s getting his chest plate after all best part is though I realized I can eat these leaves wooo hey give me a sec fella okay where is my uh my crafting table right here let’s let’s go Diamond chest plate I’ve got it for you take it he just gave it to me you’re a lifesaver here take the block I think they’ll be back here soon thank you thank you he didn’t put the armor on but he gave us the block so I won’t complain he can hang out on my driveway for as long as he wants because we are getting very very wealthy let’s go what you giving me this is uh a lot of stuff it’s a lot of the same stuff though I think I mean it’s aund million block how could I be upset with this then the plane flew back so I thought I would pay them a visit seeing as they abandoned their friend and I helped him because well I could relate to the guy anyways here he is yo yo what’s good thanks so much for protecting this idiot over here we were worried sick luckily he’s safe to say thank you you can go ahead and take whatever you want from our store we’ve just released some new items so go ahead and take a look all right I I’ll go take a look yo flampe okay oh there’s other things here too in test what’s this stuff costing me one Throne coin for Bill Gates sweater did I bring this I’ve got a stack of the coins do I want to buy Bill Gates sweater though a secondhand sweater I’ve got a very expensive block outside okay we’ll buy it where’d it go oh it’s on the floor I’ll put it on instead of the suit and tie is this even better no this is probably worse fine we’ll wear it for now here there’s Gucci jeans for another this is I’m going to look like such an idiot okay I I’m just blue a big sniper now these are the kind of things that I want big sniper right click to zoom click R to Shute do we do this inside of the plane I could take this guy out right now do I do I do it no no I’ll wait I’ll wait the queen sword right and then a propeller plane let’s get our own plane everything is so cheep there I won’t use this inside of here either because obviously we were inside of a plane that’ll be terrible there is an invisibility field with one Throne coin again fine we’ll take all these items let’s go ahead it gives me invisibility oh I I I I’m a blue guy even more so I can pretend to be this villager here that oh wait no wait uh yeah there hello it is me okay he’s walked away never mind this won’t work never right Feld I’ve already got one of these an ostrich egg I can’t throw it right that is annoying Yeezy again these have been in way too many videos and the monacle as well I’ve got my diamond Top Hat this is probably a helmet item let’s buy one anyways yes it is of course no diamond top hat is the best today this all there is I mean that that’s pretty decent stuff we got a sniper the Egg of an ostrich and our own planeo we are back down below happy as you can be almost night time now okay let’s get back inside the house we didn’t upgrade the block we couldn’t buy it so I don’t think there is any other blocks we can get until the1 billion block we’re we’re basically on the final one here home sweet home I got to make some doors this is terrible there right there and on my bedroom as well the sleep is for the week we need to figure out how to upgrade our block let’s take our money back well what I can fit in my inventory we are loaded can we cook the beef no we cannot it is too expensive to cook Gordon Ramsey taught me that oh we could test our sniper how wait what was that noise it’s making a noise uh I don’t like the noise it’s making or is that the shooting noise oh hello let’s test this then how do we use the big sniper this is a scam I need to go on report this why can I not use my sniper hey where are they going come back yes or I’ll fly up myself this is a bit dodgy feeling this is barely even flying this is slow oh we have it here oo can we fly into the plane that sounds deadly never mind I won’t do that let’s land please safely where’s the parachute let me get that ready okay we’re getting off here oh we’re fine we’re safe we’re good and the good old grappling hook will get us up there oh here we are we’re back hey yo hey you sold me something bad what that that huh seeing is you’re so good at helping us maybe you could help us one fin time that isn’t what I came here to talk about right he’s saying our boss is really mean and steals all of our money from us do you think you could break into his mansion and steal his money back for us well relax Kate also look at me when you’re talking to me and asking me to do something like this if you can we will give you our prized possession the $1 billion block okay yeah yeah yeah we’re talking here we will fly you close to it do I not get to agree I left some of my stuff at home are we just going there now what happened there it’s also daytime now overnight the villagers blew their traveling store outside of their boss’s mansion and they wanted me to go and steal money from him this is the only way I’ll be able to get the $1 billion block so here we go we’re going in with our plane here is where we’re going they just dropped me off here and they’re expecting me to do this here’s the front door is this even safe for me we’re going right in we oh no okay almost I saw skeletons immediately and land safely we’re here oh this thing being thrown at me what are these people running around I’m on hop hop no no no no please these things what what are they are they his employees I I’ve angered the wrong person I think they are dropping tons of money maybe it’s a good thing I’ll take the money if there’s spare after I give it back to the travel and store people where are we going though is it there’s a staircase here no sir no sir they’re so powerful let’s keep going what’s over here this is a big room I see a hot bar is that the guy over there a billionaire bosses say panic in the chat he’s running right at me I can keep farming the throwing coins he keeps spawning more Butlers and like things these guys have golf clubs too all the creepers are gone I’m so weak I’m building up I’m doing it like a weak Ling oh they’re chasing me though I can’t is this how I play do do I do it like this ah he’s still hitting me I’m I’m smacking all these guys up not very good bodyguards if that’s what their job is slowly we use the coins we fight money with money it’s like we’re in LW sort of what are these terrible jokes I’m making I I need to kill this guy quick here do I do I go and finish it properly I I think we do wait no I should have healed first these Butlers are dead the take the money and leave okay they’re all dead I’m throwing this fight I’ll tell you oh I finished him with the golf club a couple Critical Hits he’s still panicking in the chat but we’re going to get him yeah he’s on so low oh I killed him and he dropped a big bag this has to be it this has to be what we’re looking for the stolen money that’s right that’s right who am I I am Shadow apples and a lot of blue clothes let’s put my suit back on I have to look a lot better now I’ve got the stolen money let’s take this back we are going to be billionaires let’s head back downstairs let’s hope nothing else spawns on the way out it’s pretty quiet right now okay goodbye where’s the plane they’re going to pick me back up right y like I don’t know where we are oh this is where all the mobs are no no no no no no oh they’re down there let’s go quickly away I won’t use the plane let’s grapple hook over oh let’s go back home please T me there well I’m stuck hello yes we’re good here for you sir I have this he gave me the block already you’re our hero we finally get all of the money we deserve here you go then the1 billion block oh you’re going to fly me home now please this is amazing let’s go back please please please let’s go I need to use this we have the $1 billion block I’ve said this word a billion times we have to go home and use it wait yep we’re all fine thanks to the plane and we are even better because we officially have the $1 billion Block it’s spamming your rich in the chat it’s spamming golden TNT everywhere I don’t know how I feel about this I feel very rich I feel very wealthy it’s not breaking anything okay we have succeeded 1 billion do block has been successfully got even though it’s blowing up okay goodbye what if your whole Minecraft world was deleted and you were left with only one block made entirely of XP well today we’re going to find out because I have to survive using my one experience Block in order to get to the end and fight the XP Dragon what custom items can I get along the way though and what’s inside of the floating enchantment table let’s go and see I’m back playing Minecraft except this time the world is a bit empty it’s only me and One Singular XP block right here unless we’re counting the two massive floating things there is a massive enchantment table over there and a big XP orb with a door on it that’s all that’s going on in this world that that’s all we have my inventory completely empty there’s no clouds the sky is empty my DM’s empty I’m so alone but there’s one thing we can do in this world and that is to click on this and get XP but not only get XP yeah levels yeah I’m already at two already at three but I’m already also getting some Enchanted blocks as well so my inventory is filling up it’s getting happy if my inventory could speak I bet it would be saying yeah this is good first thing we got was an enchanted Oak log the second thing we got was Some Enchanted Oak planks basically I stand here and I get blocked we have Enchanted Oak Cleaves as well we do need to build I want to get towards that orb oh this does seem Enchanted it’s placing multiple pieces of wood can I break this do we get more Enchanted wood I just dropped it in the void I’m a murderer I killed it rest in peace wood plank this is pretty cool though isn’t it we’re getting different Enchanted blocks from our XP block this is one XP block you can see this made of XP orbs the only goal I have right now is to go and see what is inside of that door because that is how I escape this Barren world of enchant and emptiness I need to find out the goal though and I’m already out of Oak planks what the leaves do they are just placing down his leaves do I break them saplings cool we’re going to get a tree this is going to uh it’s it built a tree that is what happens boys if you ever put an oak log inside of an enchantment table you can grow trees this is how we can stop global warming amazing wait I got grapes from the leaves I’m getting oranges from the leaves the trees are enchanted giving us bananas as well this is how we get food then well I’m guessing this is food not quite sure what else you do with grapes or oranges or bananas and how else would I get food really there’s no animals here there’s only XP what about Cobblestone do we get something good from Cobblestone oh this is a big platform we don’t have to worry about falling into the void or maybe we do I’m clumsy I can eat though I eat the grapes they they are just food we take it though 100% come on I’ll be able to get my five a day for days to the door though that’s the focus these are only regular so placing it down it’s only going to do that we need to go back to the XP block and do a little bit of farming this is like that cookie clicker website but like XP in Minecraft Enchanted glass wao will this help us get over there I don’t know what it did I broke it I keep murdering blocks and I don’t care this move and again build a tree I don’t care we’ll get there eventually I I promise oh I got another one well if I bring this over there if I place these down properly or regularly I mean like yeah we can do it right here sorted oh we have two oh it’s like I’m playing the drums there’s a few things that I know about this mod so if I get some more glass I’ll be able to show it off but it’s seeming quite difficult to get blocks in the first place if I get wait custom craft unlocked experience book uh pardon me and I oh I clicked that an experience blocking a string is going to make an experien book I I think this isn’t what I was talking about when I said I knew a few things I was talking about putting my exping glass bottles and like fighting the experience Ender Dragon and stuff but that’s something we can work towards the sun is barely going down yet we have to wait to get a spider unless I can get string this way maybe I’m keeping it moving we’re almost to the door will I have enough blocks well I I’ve already run out of those but I made some more from this the Sun is going down this could be really unfortunate timing if if a skeleton spawns down there that is when I go die time in other words I die oh I’m so close I can almost feel it but I have little arms like a T-Rex oh we have it the door is telling me you need 100 levels to unlock the door let me let you all in on a little secret I knew this door was how I would Escape get to the end and also to fight the experienced Dragon however I didn’t know how to use the door but well I seem to now we need 100 Levels that’s a skeleton and it’s green why did the skeleton do that skeleton please there’s green spiders there’s a green zombie oh this is what I said would happen into the tree parkour oh well this is how I get the string we got to fight some experienced mobs do we experience is meant to help players not do this to me I can’t tell if that creeper is different either or if it’s going to blow up and give me XP orbs or if it’s just regular they’re find your way up here I here creeper exploding no way are we doing this oh lots of fruits guys can’t you take the fruits happy I made the aack it was it was to get trees or to get wood even but but I have to use it this way I got coal and I’ve got string and that’s okay can I get in an XP bed I don’t want to do this man please guys I’m a good guy what is this experience meat cool something to go with the fruit fruit salad and there was a firework did I get levels from that I’m at 36 levels last I saw I was at like 32 and it gave me an XP block too that I have to use don’t know can’t remember the shape we have an experience book I did it I got the experience book that was was like a cool like little song I was doing right there it’s the experience Book song but is this how I craft items it seems to be so I knew there was custom items didn’t know how I’d also get them the game is telling me all I need though I love my developers I drop some experience meet down there creeper go away into the vog with you we can make an experien platform it seems or an experience bow or many other items there’s experience armor even swords guns this one says experience looting sword I got to get this I need 100 level somehow but the experience bow recipe is reminding me what I was going to do with the glass bottles not the glass bottles but I spoiled it I make glass bottles and do I sneak with them I do sneak with them oh I’m doing it constantly in that I okay do that bottle though this bottle now has one level of mine loaded into it this one has eight and that one’s got two that’s fine I get my levels back by doing this I got a drinker bottle there we have it back up to 34 and this one will take us back to 36 I’ll keep one sneak again to get one more level in there one more in here please down to 34 again don’t cry though it’s all right cuz what did the crafting rest we need more strength I need more weapons too to defend myself any m over it there’s only a creeper that doesn’t have anything I want oh it made a bow of XP blocks for me nice I’ll go over here for a bit and let things spawn oh they spawned as I said it I’m a wizard or maybe I’m from the future or maybe I place more of this down so more stuff spawns and I also stop almost falling off the side have more of a battle area these are exactly what I need these green things oh don’t get me too low I cannot handle it I need to make a shield I have no iron how am I supposed to get iron there’s iron right there I am a fortune teller and I’m only on two hearts but I got my bananas that was a lot that happened got one string not enough for a bow unless we get this guy over here hey buddy what’s good you hanging over the side that that’s real neat I’m so proud of you let me help you and kill you are you stuck in the wall I think yeah right that was a misery kill oh don’t ever I can’t get shot by one of them again no way it’s coming around the corner panic panic panic I don’t know if you saw that the skeleton shot me in the sky don’t do it again I’ll wait here in h is it home time I want to do this before the sun comes up and it already is so oh please give me strength please oh I hate you I hate you even more no did I not get a drink I’m going to die I I’m going to die we’re staying in here everything is burned except for the creepers and they’re just going to blow me up for some reason enchanting skeletons throw you up in the sky we need to be way more prepared for the next night time and I’m not even sure if I will be because I didn’t get enough to make the bow what can we make in the meantime whilst we wait for night time though we can make it another platform or the first platform what am I saying I haven’t got one yet but I think I know what it does if it’s like the one water block we did will this make us a big platform it will surprisingly not as big as the Cobblestone that I could do again but these give us levels and I’m at 59 of them that can’t be too bad can it oh there’s also the enchantment table all the way over here that we have to go to I have to focus on the basics though don’t I I have no pieces of armor there’s there’s armor right here this is Ultimate XP armor how do I get regular XP armor wait I know I forgot about this I can turn XP blocks into experiened nuggets I was meant to do that at the start but I forgot and my developer didn’t remind me before I started so it’s his fault we always blame the mod developers I could have died in that night time without my basic experience chest plate got basic stuff I got to combine it with an XP ball I could do that easy do I get effects from this not wearing the suit the full suit no and it’s giving me the same armor bars as iron yucky I’d way prefer to wear some Shadow apples merchandise found at the link below at Shadow apples. store with all the great designs am I right guys go on buy it right now the ad is over for my merchandise but go and buy it we even sell mugs I lied it’s still going on okay now it’s over I have my experience armor let’s already make it ultimate armor I can do it so I will Ultimate Experience chest plate please and this is plus eight armor let’s do the rest of the boots to go with I’m matching and I look cool and it’s just enchanted with curs of Vanishing 30 Thorns 30 curs of binding 30 Soul speed 30 there is no soul sound anywhere ever there’s bit there’s about three blocks in this world is there tools of course there is basic experience sword we do the same Maybe please I don’t know it probably says in the recipe book oh Ultimate Experience sword and it does say in the book for the record I I should have learned how to read there’s tools as well oh there’s a noise I won’t ever make again basic axe I guess Plus n attack damage that’s better than the sword this is the Ultimate Sword too it also just Enchanted itself with sweeping Edge 30 that’s terrible maybe this isn’t terrible it’s adding enchantments now the chest play has curs of B 30 but this also has Unbreaking I see where this is going I need to update all of this immediately give me the axe oh 11 attack damage I think I’m in love it’s even got a faster attack speed than the sword sorry sword you’re going over there this is our new main this will help us in the night time this will kill the spiders this will get us the string in no time I have complete faith along with the Armor’s help if it gets some better stuff there’s a lot of mobs that spawn I’ll give them more room to as well I like a challenge now these are the kind of items I want Oh I thought it was a gun it’s an experienced sucker the experienced looting sword how do we get this oh we’ve only got one iron in we also have to wait for the night time for that and the Sun is almost well we’re about 2/3 of the day 1/3 left to go this has been your weather forecast we could head over to the experience table it’s looking rather big I do have quite a few blocks well saying that I don’t really I don’t at all I got to grab some more put the experience act to use it even breaks stuff quickly best item in the game no doubt about it it even collects experience orbs for me doing a little circle collecting some XP and hopefully getting blocks in my inventory right I can make another three that will do it for me grow for me grow Stone ax bye let’s go 50 blocks that has to get us over this really maybe it won’t put your bits in the comments down below and if you’re wrong you have to subscribe to me afterwards that’s the rules I’ll also tell you what you win if you get it correctly if 50 wood blocks was enough to get to the enironment table on not we’ll find out in 4 3 2 1 it wasn’t if you was wrong and thought I could get over there like myself then you have to subscribe it was the rules I’ve told you and your prize if you knew I would fail is that you also get to subscribe to me and watch all of my videos there we go subscribe right now you just got scammed I probably will get killed here I didn’t get over to the table and there’s tons of mobs everywhere I got to use this yes take out the spider it gave me coal again but no string and the zombies are back who are you there an experienced Phantom as well I need to make a water bucket I say in a world with no water ignore me we have the armor this night time though we can be a bit more bit more certain I suppose I can’t get this close to the void give me what I need I should have looked in the recipe book again I have string there has to be enough for the bat I need a rod though don’t I for the sucker thing I’m getting thrown about in the air I’m being thrown around my I can’t speaking words what a great Minecraft video this armor is saving me it truly is coming in clutch it is doing this job and some got six I think that’s enough for all I need let me find a safe space please oh ah here will do this will do it me please I thought that was going to blow up we’re fine if I could get a crafting table here without a mob getting in ah Now the recipe book there’s a bucket I can make will this stop the things throwing me I got three item perfect and an experienc bucket yo Oh I thought that was going to burn me I I saw it it look like lava but it’s experience it’s giving me things it’s giving me Enchanted stuff why you saying Enchanted stuff creeper I’m not talking to you oh my oh all my stuff has been adding enchants how often does this do this not sure but we have protection 30 on the boots feather falling 30 on the boots never mind about whatever the liquid that is we have that will keep me safe from the skeletons last protection 30 byy creepers projectile protection 30 on these bye-bye to the skeletons again and even if that liquid was going to burn me I don’t have to worry because we got the fire prop 30 it’s a good day but I oh I’m above 100 Levels I could open the door right now but I unfortunately can’t because some of these crafts are going to start costing me a lot of money and by money I mean levels I’ll fill up three of these these crafts are very costly this didn’t make anything even though the recipe book is right there cuz my XP bottles are only loaded with one levels for the uh for the stuff inside of the book they take 25 levels of loaded XP bottles this will take all my levels prob but this is going to cost me 75 levels is this worth it for a bow I’ve got a lot of installments on this I I’ll be fine with that oh though I can’t use an axe against a dragon can I there’s 26 levels oh I wasted one that’s fine let’s get another 25 in here it’s painful to see the number go down but we have to do it back to the crafting table then I’ll take this this bow better be good that’s all all I’m saying and there is an experienced bow and we have nine levels it will test the here ow that isn’t useful that only hurt me and I’m down to 62 levels again I have an item to make though don’t I XP looting sword I’m out of iron the sun is coming up too how why who I have the feather falling we’re good I just need to get iron and it was the zombies giving me iron we grab them careful the creepers still can kill me that’s one iron inot can we get another one in time before the sun comes up the zombies will burn I guess and they drop him I could have stayed in the hot I’m already at it now there’s only one more zombie here did we get iron no we will have to wait what is with all these Phantoms here dude boys it’s now raining and there’s a ton of XP Phantoms spawning they seem to like the rain and they were also spawning at the end of last night time and since then I’ve noticed that they also take levels from me I’m now below 100 Levels again see they did it right there I’m at 84 every time they hit me I lose more than I think I got them all for now they’re going to keep spawning I I just had to fight like 50 of them right 50 was a bit of a lie I’ve got a ton of things though luckily cuz we can get over here now I took my time did t i but we are at the enchantment table I guess I have to dig inside of it I got to make a pickaxe for that XP I’ll use my one level right but this one doesn’t work was it two levels there was a pickaxe wasn’t there I see it right here okay some of these are just annoying cool Ultimate Experience pickaxe rip 16 levels I don’t know how many it took oh that was quick this has to be worth it I could have broke the wall I don’t need a pickaxe I’m going in carefully I jump right down got some new enchant tables though hang on Enchanted the bananas with lure 100 wait power 100 does that mean fire protection 100 respiration 100 give me something good level 100 Soul speed we’ve been over this multi flot does that work on these kind of bows I forgot it explodes last one on the bow we got was curse of Vanishing 100 this hasn’t been worth it I’ll head back to my platform or really I could stay here on the book oh and the rain’s clearing up it’s meant to be I’ll eat some Enchanted bananas what they have on lure 100 power 100 I feel powerful WEA in them let’s look at our experience of liquid too lovely that’s diamond boots it spawned do I want these 100% no does this give us levels I’d assume it does I go fast inside do I have dep Rider I do dep Rider 30 AKA mermaid powers yeah this isn’t giving me levels never I stuff is spawning crazy what was the experience sucker though where’s my book I have to make the sword I still don’t have the iron for it but this is what we need I need a rod do we have a rod in the audience comment down below if your name is Rod and I’m also very sorry to hear that if your name is Rod what a terrible name like that may be boom First Strike how do I suck experience then I am not sure you use it on mobs it’s a gun what else do I use on we’ll wait for another night time I’ve been stuck here for days this is becoming an 100 days video is that funny probably not what else is there for me to do except for get 100 levels that I probably wasted get in the bat I’ll keep the liquid because we’ll use this once we get to the dragon as like an alternative water bucket if it throws us around we do a feather falling 30 it’s always good to have a nice MLG by your side now I have a ton of blocks too this way we could get even more mobs to spawn to get the ironing good and to get levels to because it seems like whenever the night time is that’s when I get all the crazy levels not too small of a world after is we started from one tiny experience block made up of only a couple of orbs and here we are started from the bottom and here we are I’m like a Minecraft Jeff Bezos I started from nothing and here I am with my massive XP Cobblestone thing pretty good eh I’m instantly breaking wood now and the night time is coming the mobs are already spawning one iron inot and 100 Levels a weird shopping list but it is a shopping list you said bro I jumped up two levels from one zombie at level 73 this is where I have to be oh I have to use the sucker oh look at my levels it’s going crazy I’m farming levels from these I just have to F mobs like this I also need iron though so I got to kill more zombies and I’m one hitting them so this is simple this list of inants is mad so all these mobs for messing with me XP rain started tell you what it’s raining XP I’m can’t speak again already at 100 Levels I got the iron but I don’t need it for an XP looting sword if all it’s going to do is give me more XP well I’ve been there and I’ve done that I’ll check it here the mobs don’t hit me and even if they do I’ve got Thorns 30 for crying out loud all these levels they’re not stopping 50 XP blocks too this is a big sword it looks nice it’s only got six attack damage and it’s got no inance like my sword ah is the rain still coming down I don’t even think it is Ah Holy Smokes boys this has gone wild very quickly I can f more arrows before we go to that’s great for the Ender Dragon whoever he is the XP Dragon I’m at 20000 levels can we get to 300 before the night is up that’s the goal the night time is not even over I’m already at 324 levels how many arrows do I have 43 that is a nice amount everything gives me Levels by the way I’m noticing everything eatting this food I don’t need more arrows than this do I 46 I’m up to I I’ll grab a couple more just because the skeletons want to die and I’ll kill the ones in my way on the way to the big XP orb over there that we can now unlock about four times over almost yeah I’ve got to get to 400 levels don’t I 399 one more please there we have it there’s a one block layer wood plank we have to walk to get over here no we don’t that’s the complete opposite way wait the XP meat doesn’t give me hunger what awful stuff that’s why I didn’t notice that now I’m healing with my oranges they’re doing me right I don’t need this anymore some grapes as well the mobs do not I have a door to go through big XP block I hope you welcome me oh it takes us right there and I’m in the end and the end is inside the orb I hope you guys have been enjoying this video I’m here to see if I can win after living off of one experience block and getting here or if I’ll still fail miserably we have to get up to those I think I could just shoot them but I don’t want to waste all these arrows oh I got one of them though could we use the experience sucker to break the crystals it doesn’t seem like it unfortunately with feather falling 30 I think I can take some risks and go up here can’t jump in the void though that’s a very green dragon by the way he’s shooting fire I think that was the fire is coming from somewhere yo in crstal good night can’t hit it with grapes I can’t act there use a platform I’m lazy don’t break it Dragon this makes this 10 times easier I use glass too I could probably shoot all these now and I’m a God shot as well that’s one that’s two that is three can we get a four in a row oh I can and another one to be fair they explode wherever they land so this is actually very easy that is all of them gone now it’s myself and an experienced Dragon to see who will be the winner he’s definitely shooting lasers by the way way are you seeing these yeah he’s also shooting his normal balls thinking he’s cool but I’m doing massive damage what in chance do I have on this again nothing good punch 100 isn’t doing anything to the dragon really so we have to kill him like this I fell thing save me it did praise to the feather falling let me get this over with we all know I’m winning explosive experience arrows would be great if I could land him I oh jeez oh oh he’s coming down everybody I know you’ve enjoyed the video I know you’ve left the like and already subscribed but please double check if you haven’t already to celebrate this kill on the dragon the I got for my Thorns armor have you ever seen that before having experience stuff is pretty good you should get it yourself even more XP that that is gross to look at at this point okay let’s see what items we could get today from the void block I have a pair of pants the first item in the game I I’ll take pants we also have there the hack cool yeah we only get an item and a pumpkin this void block why pumpkins aoid sphere okay it is void themed and I can throw it we we lost it obviously it’s me this one void block and a pumpkin and this piece of broken dirt that I got new item everybody clap everybody round of applause woo either way it’s me and these three blocks and a nothing block but we’re here with this one V block I’m collecting items you know how it goes we got some more leather items we got the boots almost making up the whole fit and I also got another void sphere oh I placed it down too hey can I step on it what if I fell through this it’s a void sphere like the void is normally nothing in this game I need to be careful it’s given us stuff so it’s a bit more than nothing it’s giv us Bedrock too these blocks aren’t the best also this nothing blog I’ll place it down who who could have guessed it looks like that it’s making me float we don’t do that n n n n n n no I’ll stay away from that please thank you I I’ll play Bedrock and a void Berry a sapling of some sort it’s blue wow we we love the void I built out my platform some more and even found a new cobbled Bedrock block I am completely stuck here until I can go inside of the Void block later on that is but until then I wanted to build out something nice until it started raining oh yep yep so so of course something had to go wrong the what is void rain can I turn it off the tree grew oh standing under it saves me oh the tree this rain looks disgusting that’s so ugly even its mother couldn’t love it a lot like me let’s let’s keep going whilst it rains oh no I can’t what I’ll Farm some blocks then another block pouch I got a flames of below sword or flames of below blade sorry is the name we’ll have to test this out P attack damage I’m keeping this by my side this is our best friend in this world this rain definitely ain’t stop hurting me oh I got the full lever set now the rain can’t hurt me ever oh it still can so I can probably farm this eh oh no it’s it’s not dropping it I wasted our precious tree let’s do one of these that’s a lot better I can hear myself think now at least oh what that noise out of my mouth has never happened before I didn’t expect to see this big man when I turned around he doesn’t want to hurt me like the rain does he’s speaking to me let’s see what he has to say then welcome to the void world do you like it it is owned by my bosses who live inside the void Castle the void Kings they run the place they sent me over here because we noticed you started building a home we need to make sure you’re worthy of keeping around put this blindfold on I’m taking you somewhere it’s never simple with these people I have to put a blindfold on now okay you’re the boss oh then suddenly the void demon took me to an awfully dangerous looking parkour course and I did not know how to react here we are this is our training course you can get through the whole thing that you’re seen him strong enough to live in the void World also you’ll be chased by one of my friends you have 10 seconds from now before he I’ve got to do this this looks horrible I there’s his boy there’s his friend I really have to do this I suck at parkour I can barely see the blocks because of the lava stuff below us he’s coming like this is why is it getting smaller don’t get smaller on me oh no this is this is so bad he’s catching up he is so fast can I even make that oh no I wanted to survive one void block not do this he got way too close to me I’m hopping I’m bobbing I’m doing it I’m dodging I’m weaving I’m going all over the place is this the end please be the end oh that has to be the end please don’t come near me don’t come near me is he going to oh oh oh he died is that did I survive hey please sir please please wow you actually did it I am impressed well I guess I’ll take you home then and congratulate you on joining the void World take these new Bedrock RS that we have made and use them to create yourself the void uniform put this back on ooh items void recipe book 48 new bedrock and another blindfold he let me live I I I’ll listen to him this time oh I can’t see hello I was taken back home after being blindfolded again I activated the recipe book and after using some vacuum wood I put the new Bedrock into a crafting table and made myself some fancy gear it’s already night time over here with the void block got the new suit of armor looking snazzy as always but there’s a couple more things we can make that I know of with the new Bedrock I’m going to make myself a new pickaxe guess what boys I can make myself an axe too oh that looks crazy also never figured out what this sword does till then I make a new shovel and I’ll let you in on a little secret boys I know how to get inside of our void block behind me this little block right here this void block holds all of the Void inside of it that’s a little known fact and with a new tool that I can make with our new Bedrock I believe we have it here also looking absolutely mental a big big pickaxe called the new Bedrock void breakup will let us break open the void block and I think it lets us inside the void we are in the void block I’ve become tiny we are in it for another 81 seconds as you see at the top of the screen and there’s items flowing about it’s brilliant we love it I see a diamond block down here oh let let it in my inventory yes this is what I can do now for the next minute I can fly around here and collect as many items as I want out of the Void every single item that is ever lost in a Minecraft world is teleported here there’s a blaze rod we got a clock we got a slime no that’s not a slime this is the best place you could be an ender pearl that could be overpowered a bow I do like bows I particular like bows because I don’t know what kind of Boss we’re fighting today there’s always a boss I have to fight so I take all the weapons what else is there more oh luckily I could always use our void breaker to go back inside but we will keep that for another time we got a lot of things there and although I have diamond blocks I’ll place them there because I’ll use it to build out the Bedrock stuff has got to be better at this point I decided to continue building up our void Block Island that was until I got interrupted by something appearing close by though have you got any food I could have my home got destroyed by the void Kings and I’ve been flying around this empty place for days I’m so weak and I need help poor guys only got two hearts and he seems friendly enough here take a carrot o do we have we have below the world steak take some steak buddy I need to get more food for this guy feel bad for him does he like does he like eating ender pearls will you eat this no no he’s he’s being he’s being a bit picky now a bit selfish I ha that rabbit now more steak oh we need one more then we got it we have the steak to be a man oh it worked okay what what you got to say thanks for that I really needed their help some of the monsters in this place are deadly and dangerous I think I’ll stick with you for now okay mate feel free to stick about you you are welcome to join me on my one void block place we also have diamonds so be appreciative okay I have a sword these nothing blocks are the worst I will always place blocks over them wa what is that you got someone to say relax hey by the way I know you are new here so you might not know but the full moon is coming up tonight and when that happens the void Castle becomes visible and all hell breaks loose the void Kings send out their army to Rak havoc on the rest of us still here in the void world after they destroyed it all this used to be a great place but they ruined it the void block that you spawned on is one of the last blocks here it may get a bit hairy when the sun falls wait let me do something to your Void block quickly that may make things easier he’s off where you going the void blocks okay he’s going to the void block I see ooh that is loud and colorful and it’s saying in the chat the void rabbit has upgraded the void block thanks kid I’ll take it o looks a bit more blue now and we get more items demon juice oh it’s demon time let let me drink that Regen to and I keep it forever oh my hot bar is gone look at that is that part of the juice or or what we saying I’ll keep farming items a block chest hey ooh you’re going to you’re going to give me some things I don’t know if it did oh reinforced pickaxe look at all the Bedrock right I don’t need any more more of that thanks I’ll keep it what else was that a void Shard is an item that I don’t know what to do with I throw it oh I see well it’s gone now oh stop giving me these some sort of space pod what’s this it’s an alter void uniform layer combine it with your new Bedrock chest plate I have that conveniently right here I do what the items say hey hello oh I did it there new void Bedrock chest plate did that even I don’t know what that did I got resistance now though massive spear nice this is a trident don’t try and fool me with your Bedrock spear name there’s items below the rabbit a Darkness Cloud that sounds ominous no no put me down put me down put me now put me up how do I react in this scenario I I Let Go ah hey rabbit I almost died I have a flying cloud why did I do it again I’m in the we’re good the Sun is going down fellas it’s almost that time like the rabbit said I am not falling off the side of here not today if I can help it anyways whatever the void Kings have in store I will be prepared I hope hope I I really hope stop it you only have to speak to me use your words oh no here we go the full moon is here tonight that is not what you want to see in your Minecraft world is it that’s a massive skull at the front of that place what now though it’s over there looking a bit spooky we have nothing going on though um maybe I just build up some some void spheres please no it’s beginning demon from Bedrock below hey I got Spears don’t come at me like this what he he he is not looking like a friendly guy get out of here you don’t fit in you don’t fit in oh oh the rabbit’s attacking him no way he’s breaking my three get out of here oh no way the rabbit killed it my guy you saved my life there oo I might stop building over here you know oh no I won’t no I I no void monkeys hello ah what are the bosses in this ah this this guy he is tanky oh I just exploded him with a sword though the rabbit just fell down to they’re still being sent over here hey okay bye go into the void that’s where you belong good good good good good we was having a pretty peaceful time until all this started happening there’s not there’s not please where they going no no what they took the rabbit they’re literally taking the rabbit mate mate mate mate uh bro bro they stole the rabbit from me do I go save him we need more items and then I will go and save him or at least try the sun is coming up too I survived the full moon but our rabbit didn’t after farming blocks to build a pathway I remembered the darkness Cloud item so I hopped on top of it and flew straight towards the void King’s Castle all right well this is our life now we are going inside of here oh there’s mobs there’s arrows here too might need these might need these badly what are these things throwing St at me take that oh into the sky he goes he is more than dead back to the void where you came from oh here we go I’m poisoned he things are like witches here we are we have to find the rabbit we have to get him out of here I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be be oh I don’t like this poison demon juice is a demon Juice It Up I’m not poisoned if my hearts don’t exist take my void sh take them now I missed the last one this is awful I can’t see my health I’ll just keep drinking demon juices this ain’t looking like a place I want to be I’ll tell you that wa now there’s our sleep die my arrow what I did not bring enough food what are you ah he threw me in the sky did he drop food I got Gremlin me I might have actually got our food sorted where’s the rabbit man let’s leave stop throwing me oh there’s another wave of the soldiers some of these are blue ah they keep throwing me still ow I don’t want to have to do this Mac they’re all gone into the sky that takes tons of durability for my sword though so I have to be careful with that is there anything in these there’s nothing in these barrels is this worth it bro there’s nothing in here why am I over here then is this where we have to go more bad guys in here I see prisoners I don’t see our rabbit though he’s not our rabbit you boys okay in here what what is happening hey oh he’s speaking to me do you work for the void Kings or are you here to help us we saw them just bring in another rabbit please go and kill the void Kings and turn our world back to how it once was I haven’t seen the outside of these walls in months that’s a big ask my friend I have to kill the void Kings I was happy living on my block I I guess they did steal my rabbit and we have to free him and I suppose we can help the other people from the void world in the process I’ve got my resistance we have our Bedrock void armor we got our sword we got these arrows we have barrier blocks woo I have to find them Vikings It’s Time come on come on it doesn’t have to be this way boys we don’t have to fight not like this oh I’m taking a beating now no no no no no no no no no no no I’m using barriers they’re still getting through they’re still getting through no no no no I’m blocking myself in what a great time we’re having here this block takes forever to break there’s more stuff over here take that to the face and your friends over here don’t care about you at all now we go now we go I’m using my ender pearl we’re in the final room where are these things I don’t have the food for this or the strength or the anything get away from me and you over here oh that that blasted him away there’s still a oh no way we know we’re close now void king of fire void king of strength and void king of lasers pardon me hello why why does he throw there’s a laser we’re going in what’s the worst that can happen eh who’s this one oh I’m withered why do you wither me what am I saying ah one’s blowing me up this is hectic not what I had plann for my weekend today but here we go oh oh no I feel like I’m getting absolutely destroyed n n n n n n n n n n n n I’m in a hole with them they’re all coming at me at once oh we’re just getting crazy why what is the one with the lasers why is the one that’s wering me that is the most powerful one I have to keep doing stff they’re blowing themselves up that that is a positive here’s the lasers guy oh I see my health shaking though that can’t be good even with the demon jua know that’s bad holy yeah back off ah fire to the face yeah keep blowing up down there I I see you congrats keep doing that ah I’m out of arrows completely can we use the sword he went in the sky will that kill him is that enough he didn’t die he doesn’t take F down damage to any of them here’s this guy over here what one is this one the strength one right oh he also doesn’t take full damage oh he hit me for one heart that’s not too bad we could go in now I can take him out here I’m in a little bit of a One V one okay the void of strength no we have to run they’re all taking health and all healing at the same time if I kill one of them I kill them all I think is that how this will work that makes my life a lot easier that sword broke as well go into the sky with you it’s only me and the void king of lasers left the others must have died here we are have I got this kill have I got the kill have I saved the void world I think we have we grabbed a void World key when I killed the last vik king I took a beating but let’s get out of here once we find our rabbit what these things now bro they’re throw I was about to leave there’s more mobs spawning I thought it was over take that what is this your Dro in a scythe cool this would have been a lot easier to use against the void Kings but thanks for spawning now the rabbit is this him yo I cannot believe that you killed the void Kings all by yourself I was so scared that something terrible was going to happen to me thank you now please take that void World key and unlock our world he’s back low on health sadly I need the food here we’ll share it let’s head home and use our key as the rabbit followed yo my man so we put the void World key into the void block and something’s happening uh what’s happening what is happening here here we are the the void block is being expanded the prisoners are out here free I have freed the void world then and we have our rabbit and I didn’t die what a good day this has been a very well Minecraft time this whole Minecraft world has been put inside of one Minecraft block and I’m stuck on top of it my goals today are simple first of all I have to shoot down Rockets to get items to expand the Earth block secondly I have to mine and then spawn entire countries with loads of stuff to explore inside of them and thirdly I then have to spawn planets in the sky all in order to fight the almighty space Dragon at the end of the video Everybody quickly if you’re watching this video right now run outside of wherever you are and look upwards into the sky okay because you might see my face looking over you can see that I’m on top of the whole Earth today inside of Minecraft don’t ask how I did this but I called up some of my science friends and they was able to make the world tiny and put it into one Minecraft block here so this is all we’ve got today for a little while anyway breaking it is doing nothing right now because I need tools oh and the rockets are coming in from where did that come from that is what we need these Rockets are the only way we’re going to be able to get materials I don’t know if they’re from Aliens or what but I need to get a hold of them and I need to see where they’re coming from that one went above my head I’ll keep an eye out oh there it is and I’m a bit too short to get that uh it’s a very good thing that I brought my space sniper with me if you can’t read I’ll read it for you it is used to shoot down enemy Rockets oh so these are enemies we’re probably lucky to have this then it’s coming in okay let’s do this my sniping skills oh that is far too far away how am how am I meant to get that okay that’s loot that’s going to fall into space forever I can’t put it out of this misery it’s going to fall so long I hope you’re okay stay safe let’s move on here it is uh can I do this I was never good at I did it too far away it has to be this one I’ve been here too long I’ll stay calm when it’s right above me it has to be there oh easy I can get this so easy give me the chest I need to get the stuff oh I have a wooden hole a fortune 2 iron pickaxe a space helmet a stone pickaxe to get out and seven blue concrete we can start building out that means I can stop the Rockets oh I’m so happy this space helmet though oh there we are gives me little oxygen levels too oh wait oh I missed it wait okay I don’t have any blocks for that anyways but you can see how I get stuff I’ll take this off for now until the night time at least I guess I’m sure space monsters aren’t going to be the easiest to fight are they rocket is mine what is is that too far well if I grab blocks here if I’m quick I’m just losing all my blocks that is just a terrible move on all fronts I’ve ruined everything I’ve worked for no please yes thank you maybe oo I got more armor and I got a bucket and coal that I can’t use oh but I know what I can do because we have the Earth block I don’t need no stupid Rockets anymore I can use my tools and break away at the Earth and I’m collecting blocks this way got dirt with a shovel with the uh the pickaxe obviously get the Cobblestone what do I get with the hoe I get beetroot and wheat this is how we get food that is probably a good thing to know let’s build this out I use the pumpkins too every resources key maybe I’ll make a sword ooh good with the platform we have more stuff there’s one particular new to I’m looking for oh sorry I freaked out then I have space food let me breathe sorry I I un sneaked when I was on the side I thought I was going to fall off I wasn’t looking whilst I wait for some more Rockets I’ll get some more blocks here the goal for me today is to get to the end normally you would do that through a stronghold I obviously don’t have access to one of those unless I get very tiny and jump in here with some eyes ofender and look for them in the Earth but I’m not doing that we’ll figure it out though we’ll get there oh I missed a rocket again why did I do that I just made that fo now that’s depressing to look at everybody turn away oh no yeah this space food is awful if we see anyone from NASA up here I’ll give it to them n that is not for me boys there’s a rocket there oh that’s so far can I build there bro there is no way we’re getting over where is it please please please easy boys we have it I have in my hands you see here yo the country Harvester too this is what I was on about used to harvest countries from the earth oh I’m so excited what am I I mean really I was fine up here getting like oh I didn’t even get wood yet yes see we have so much more to explore I put my leather cap on I don’t need my space helmet on still I feel rather comfortable up here plus I could just make some torches oh easy I haven’t done this in ages but monsters be gone this is a little cheat code in Minecraft it’s very rare to know this but if you put torches on things monsters won’t spawn ooh I know learn something new every day I won’t put one on the earth I’ll probably burn everybody I’ll do it for a sec sorry if you got hurt there guys anyways we have a country Harvester to use oh this is going to take a while it looks like the Earth block has suddenly decided to be obsidian you know that special Earth block give me the what it give Brazil I have the country of Brazil in my inventory please come on leave a like for this subscribe even I’m almost at 1 and A2 million subscribers and I’ve got Brazil in my hands and a massive pickaxe but Brazil you’ve never seen this in a Minecraft video it’s probably never even been needed before to be in a Minecraft video why would it we have Brazil and I’ll just click with this oh it’s right there it’s raining now and now it’s not and now it is and now it’s not uh well the only thing that I’m thinking is that first of all I see nothing useful to me inside of here and it’s also g a place for mobs to spawn G given words please we’re going to hide inside of Brazil for the time being the mobs are coming please can I use my the space sniper doesn’t work there is the axe please I can’t die like this ah they keep coming for me and he’s blocked this off like a gamer oh Qui hit him back and and he’s dead let me heal up I’ll go back outside we’ll mine another country it really needs to be daytime is there any sheep there’s melons there’s also skeletons I’m not ready for this I think the sun is coming up the space sniper does work on mobs by the way I realized I don’t know why it didn’t work on that zombie earlier I can take out the creepers and I’m not feel Beau need a bit more food though please Earth block please this rain is terrible stop lord that is awful I have to stand all the way over here to stop the rain let’s get another country let’s see no that was almost the end of my life we’re back into the rain only to do one thing and that is to have a sniper war with this creature that is now gone and let’s get out before my clothes get too wet and I’m mine o oh we have is that Australia it is I know my Flags get upside down please oh we got it this is May May m may may there is kangaroos guys please don’t kick me like I’m being serious they’re not even looking at me one’s going to Brazil oh Rocket oh we have it I’ll be back Australia even though that looks nothing like Australia free stuff free stuff single bit of wood is it carries on down here is this upside down this pumpk this is upside down the description was very literal don’t fall off I think we’re cool right Lads like guys yeah let’s take a photo together he turned around he put his bum in my photo that’s really offensive now you get shot why can they do this to me I have I have I have yeah sorry bro you didn’t have to throw me in the sky like that I’ve probably upset so many viewers is this wise coming down here prob probably not yeah let’s go up I’m done with Australia the the kangaroos unique to look at and not nice to fight let’s go what’s it going to be what is he coming after me don’t do that ever again and you made me walk into the rain sorry I’m sober it was nice but I can’t go over there I have the Canadian flag that says home of maple syrup there we’re going to get something to eat I’m down for that we can share it with the kangaroo guys where can I spawn this I have to do it over here there well that was awkward I have to go all the way over here for Canada I’m seeing some new Mobs over here they ain’t kangaroos we’re going to kill them now kill this pig as well for call reasons and they are giving us maple syrup I didn’t expect to get it off the animals I can drink it it gives me regen ooh how do you like that cuz I do this whole place is one big Canadian flag too I don’t know how accurate this is to the actual country if it really is just all red white and red again all the buildings across the whole place I saw this creeper earlier I didn’t really want to get involved in it will it do something if it explodes like something other than just explode no I think we’re done it for now I could K more of the animals The Creeper also gives the maple syrup could stick to the pigs let’s be real 14 is enough too let’s get back over our friend is still here let’s call him what do we call him wait actually this is a fun idea everybody comment your name suggestions for this kangaroo in the comments and the best one with the most likes or whatever we will name him officially and he will join me in my next one block video okay with his brand new name as our teammate all right as long as he stays alive in that hole I don’t know why he walked over there and I don’t know why it’s raining still hurry up before the sun sets we don’t have UD day ooh this is the best one I think we have England in our hands the flag is wrong this is the United Kingdom flag nobody cares though literally nobody we’re here to play Minecraft says tea lovers of course it’s spawned next to me are you kidding me bro is this it it’s teacups over this place with with a flag the size of it is life size I suppose what are these going to oh they break instantly we get tea I drink the tea perfect it puts me on fire why do I want this then why have they made the best one the the worst maybe not the best one the one I was most excited for this is so dope I hate this place what to do it’s me my tea and my space sniper oh and my maple syrup get some of that down yeah now I can take out the zombies if I can find some spiders we can make a bed or I could firm the night time and get some more oh what was I say more countries is what I was trying to say let’s do it yo what is sorry I don’t know what this flag is it’s Marley is that how you say it uh Mary Marley okay okay what did that say the hottest country in the world we’re all learning a thing or two or maybe I’m just the only one that didn’t know that can we get this spawn in I have to go to Canada be careful down there unnamed kangaroo I don’t want you to get hurt by the mobs oh yeah give me your string to make a bed maybe eventually I have one piece there’s tons of kangaroos over it oh no way are we going there there we go looks Prett nice I’m on fire why have you done this what’s in here there’s nothing no what is this one it’s just putting me on fire another zombies cool it’s the hottest country in all nice this doesn’t help me in Minecraft though yeah we’re good we’re good with this please thank you yeah rocket again we have it they’re getting more and more rare oh I don’t fall talking to myself but I have to bro what it gave me diamond leggings and white wool I could almost make a bed if I get more spiders there’s no way we’ll get enough or I just keep shooting down Rockets wait I’m dumb how slow am I that that was a that was an embarrassing move we’ll sleep over over here at England that is where I sleep in real life it’s almost daytime now I mean what’s the point here we are then new day fresh as a daisy feeling nice after my night’s sleep I just saw a kangaroo spawn wow the beauty of life right guys let’s get back to harvesting countries because obviously that makes sense to doing a Minecraft video what is going on this one no I don’t know that flag as well I’m so sorry you I do that’s Egypt is it yeah sorry no I do know it yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yo what up I’m on fire in Marley oh I need a break then let me just drink some tea oh I’m on fire again the tea this mod is ridiculous well some of these are really basic is they Brazil is only a jungle this is a desert temple I’ll take the stuff sure but let’s not beat around the bush this is only a desert temple I need to get to the planets dude I know that’s a thing I don’t know how we get planets fire aspect one book will I ever be able to use that I’ve got three iron that’s the first pieces of iron we’ve seen golden Apper we take those and we go back up cuz this is awful all right yeah I know most of you viewers are familiar with this one we have America or the US all 50 states and one Minecraft item wo that is snazzy most of my viewers are from America so hello I have you all in my hand I can throw you into space I put myself on fire I deserve that I won’t harm you I swear I’ll simply spawn your country in my Minecraft world oh right there first go no way is that what I think it is have we really gone ahead and added McDonald’s to the USA all my days there’s zombies in it dude they’ve got stuff on they’re on fire what what’s good yo how you looking I I shot him are you joking me McDonald’s uniform McDonald’s uniform get away from me now how powerful are they oh not too bad how what is this I’ll put on the McDonald’s uniform I’ll fit in right here once we go inside I can pretend to be a worker they won’t expect anything else and a spatula too can I put the fire aspect on this that is hilarious if we find an anvil when I can we have to put that on the notebook to do bro they’re literally spawning in my face no way the spatula versus spatula this is my place now oh no it’s your place it’s definitely your place but I I’ll take it from you yeah that’s right here we go then let’s see what’s inside Burgers Big Mac specifically McDonald’s you want to sponsor me eat them yet there’s Big Macs in the furnaces only in a few of them I like that someone’s cooking their uniform they must have had a really bad day at work this is a gun America is a wild country there’s a gun in the McDonald’s it really is I I shot the oh my D we have to get out of here I broke the window I hope they don’t have cameras dude it’s I just oh I didn’t mean to do that I should have put this away but I yeah I’ll put this away for now just know that we’ve got it I’ll use it when the time comes when I need it I’m only getting repeat to the countries right now I don’t know if I’ve got them or what I’ve got to figure out how to get the planets I knew I had to get all the countries first but I’m not entirely sure where to go from here get away from me oh don’t hurt him I hope you’re okay bro I hope you’re okay right handshake no no no no no no no no no have a break wait the Moon is appeared shoot it to spawn it I see the moon right up there I probably have to use the space sniper right let me take this off accurate aim can I get this is so fast this is probably how we get to the planets though isn’t it makes most sense come on I need somewhere else to go get me off this planet I I keep beefing kangaroos we have to stop this I used to be so good at Minecraft where is it gone I spam ahead of it yeah head no kangaroo no I’m sorry please please please please please please please please please please please please please oh I got it right there I spawned the moon but I’m on 2 and a half hearts look away wait there’s a poison in me now now we going to sleep is it safe z z z my oh dear my gun is in my hand we’re all good no one got hurt in the night we have to build over there then I don’t have enough blocks for this do I better be worth it this is always terrifying to do I hate it absolutely and I got nowhere near we go back to the allmighty Earth block to steal more of its items let me do this let me do a bit of that I’ll get some dirt we’ll be back for the moon never done this before good thing I’m not afraid of hides we’re up here wait I got a moon info book by the space wizard the original copy too dig inside of the Moon to find free loot oh you don’t have to ask me twice what’s this is this the Moon Moon block of course let me put my space helmet on that’s fitting now I found a chest with a book space recipe book I knew it this is how we craft the planets there’s only three showing me right now Mars Uranus and Jupiter these crafting recipes are easy red concrete W the McDonald’s yes I can get Sandstone from Egypt that’s amazing let’s go we’re going to start making some planets fingers crossed they’re not the size of this one we go ahead and steal more stuff from McDonald’s I’m not advising you to do that by the way I’ll take my concrete we’ll be good let’s do it then let’s craft a Mars we’ll spawn Mars where thrown will it now we have to throw it where we going to ye Mars off to then over here oh that went miles away oh that was a terrible idea I’ll have to get more blocks won’t I oh fine well let’s go right over it nothing stopping me until my blocks run out then it will be stopping me till then we can go it’s already over I’m digging up England we have it we have it we’re good we are on top of Mars I’m assuming we dig into here as well the blocks are dropping Mars shards that’s hard to say Mars shards used to craft Mars armor ooh I don’t have W with me let’s go get wood what am I doing I’ve got a Mars helmet it’s better than the space helmet get off oh I’ll bring my crafting table with me I’ll be like a proper alien now we’ve graduated from the earth we’re now Mars man you have to call me that as well there’s a chest plate it’s not a shadow apples video andless I’m crafting custom armor is there items though said craft armor and I’ve crafted the armor no we have to take the McDonald’s uniform off how sad I want to see if tools are available our answer for that is no moving on we have to get Sandstone dirt and Cobblestone the hardest thing you could ever ask to get how could they be so cruel and ask me to get cob Stone and dirt and Sandstone that’s so awful how could they do that to me I’ll never be done I’ll be here for years right let’s go to EGP yo Canada Pig bye y Egypt I’m breaking you I Egypt oh wait sorry the next one is Uranus we got it we got it we got it we got it h over there I right high oh it went up there oh that looks fancy can I get through those rings of it though will it will they let me build there is one way to find out I could shoot them down pow PW pow wait now my gun has durability I’ll be careful I got slowness three just by touching guys I’m hearing a lot of silverfish I see a lot of silverfish why why who are you stop it now yeah that that’s what I want to see yeah who’s the man now that’s what I thought we have anything going on with Uranus it’s giving us the blocks Uranus blocks this is not a good place to be at is there loot inside like the moon maybe I’ll check it out I will oh I hit the void no we’re not looking any further I dug right through the middle I saw nothing we’re going back up to make uh Jupiter that’s the name of that that place o only this time I got get through the mobs or do I really I should save this for the end yeah we’re going we’re making a run for it that’s my crafting table I have to make a new one can I sleep with all those mobs there let me do it I can they’re coming for me I’m so dead this arm better be good they knock me out of bed I’ve never seen that happen before I’m cutting down the American Forest don’t be doing this let’s not be doing this look he’s the space sniper it’s com to this you’re all Gunners you’re all space Gunners to the space sniper I’ll grab wood it’s the best thing to get to go to the next place to build I mean cuz we get four pieces per log I’m a genius no a kangaroo is hurting me I can’t even stand here back to the forest I never thought I’d be fighting for my life in Minecraft with a spatula here we are though I now have no Cobblestone or dirt of course I don’t I hate my life they’re all coming for me man even the McDonald’s guys are back I thought I got rid of you it needs to be daytime fast I can’t be doing this once I can hide on Jupiter it’ll be fine maybe I I’m guessing there could be more silver fish again where did my Cobblestone go I’m a mess boys I really am Cobblestone bottom I didn’t why where is my Sandstone yes yes don’t blow up my crafting table after all these years you’re going to do that to me you sick o sun’s coming up it’s morning time let’s wake ourselves up with some how about it Stone bottom dirt and Sandstone to craft Jupiter this is where you find the space Dragon oh so there is only three planet is this it though am I good I suppose so got my gun got my space Sniper got my spatula got enough blocks got maple syrup that is a lot better than this Big M they are not good to eat at all and these give me regeneration two I think we’re ready to go find the space Dragon wherever he is by throwing Jupiter and spawning it right above us oh that’s easy I may need a few more blocks for all this or I could break these will they give us stuff or are they only blocks Jupiter block Al slowness free brilliant exactly what I want oh is it cuz I’m on the Uranus blocks that’s probably what it is you know oh no this also gives slowness well there goes that theory what’s this over here I see endstone and obsidian inside of Jupiter I think we can put two and two together figure out what that’s going to do uh I should probably get more blocks I’m being careful before we go to the dragon said it’s the space Dragon too guys remember I don’t know what a space dragon is what if it hurts me I suppose I just open the doors oh we’re here bed in a box like normal it lagged a little bit but the space Dragon seems to be alive and healthy doing well up here somewhere let’s fix we’re still inside of Jupiter I can see all around us have the astronauts in real life found this before can I shoot this it damages it a lot let’s get these crystals out then will the space sniper come in use for this and we hit end crystals will it work will it let us I can easy easy easy we are killing the space Dragon today so simple I have to get the ones inside the cages that’s it yo yo how you doing don’t blow me up yep that’s right one more to go I’m going to fall on him like that oh I’m a God I’ll use my this is a gun on you first it doesn’t affect Enderman does the space s no okay they’re going to be annoying there’s also kangaroos inside of Jupiter NASA is keeping that a secret his Enderman can chase me I’ll take out the dragon I know I can do it I’m spamming it I’m spamming it as much as I can I’m about to break this do we have enough ammo I do have enough to get that thing I’ll drink some a syrup and run away before these things kill me I am successful that has been mine cop by one Earth block and now I’m inside of another bigger block goodbye oh no no no no no what why are we starting like this please help me fireman shoes I’m not on fire anymore okay what a hectic start to the video hello everybody we’re here with one sunblock and I’m not talking about the kind that you wear when it’s hot outside we’re here the first item is a sundae I need to eat that I need to heal we’re out here we’re grabbing stuff out of the sun even got some wood that it’s putting me on fire again stop it I I’ll place it down I’ll build out a little platform this is our home for the day I’ve got myself a sunny slingshot so nobody wants to mess with me how because of the sun I can shoot fire wow wow it’s so crazy I love Minecraft wait what’s in this pile a sun cake I threw this out I would love a piece of sun cake I wasn’t expecting that he he seems friendly that’s a walking cake cool man well welcome to the to the team this is getting a bit weird now I’ll keep collecting my bright blocks I suppose we’ll keep building out the area oh what was don’t ever do that oh no the sun people are attacking you don’t have to tell me cake bro there’s aliens here these aren’t Sun people these are literal aliens okay I didn’t want I didn’t sign up for this I was being attacked by aliens sent by the Sun people I had to fight alongside the sun cake until they all went away or died I think the Invasion from those aliens is over it isn’t the first time they’ve done that around here well that sounds like we’ll be dealing with this for a while then I got 22 scrap UFO pieces from those aliens I I hated that I hated all of it but now it’s saying the sunor is loading Zer out of 50 on the boss bar at the top amazing okay well I have to Reco my losses from that breaking the sun block is adding to it oh that’s that’s a big place whatever that sun world is going to be I don’t like it already how come I started with one sun block when there’s all of these here fine let’s load up the rest of it let’s keep going let’s keep breaking the block and see what happens because what else do I have to do really this is the whole world I continued breaking the blocks to make the sun World appear but little did I know I was also creating the castle where the sun people live all right Sun cake we’ve got two more to go 49 and 50 the sun world has appeared yeah I see that are you joking it could not be more obvious I guess I have to build over there now I’ve definitely felt safer in Minecraft Than This Moment before oh we’ve at the top we’re we’re at the surface of the Sun world I hear a slime I see the Slime yo how’s it going he’s going to hurt me isn’t he ah oh there’s more of the the sun slimes I dropping the Sun balls oh these are good for the slingshot I kill you with your friend easy hello who are you oh he’s not friendly I thought he was coming to talk to me the sun cake got him oh I’ll take this armor please let’s go okay oh there’s one behind me hey hey stop it you go away and you here you need to leave what’s this very hot flesh they dropping their skin and I will eat it they’re ganging up on me now there’s a few too many here for me oh no I’m taking hits taking hits they’re gone these are the sun people that the guy was talking about they aren’t my friends and there’s a big castle here that I just haven’t even spoke about let’s go inside I suppose of course I’ve got closer and it’s said the sun Soldier a boss at the top of my hot bar there’s a boss somewhere in this Castle the soldiers are all out here keeping me away I have to get past these first let’s run inside and block myself off this place is empty no Soldier the boss to be seen hello this is like awfully quiet inside of here I feel uncomfortable n that that’s a bit IC see his head that that is the sun Soldier the boss hey hey man how how are you doing we going to fight are we going to PVP he’s throwing stuff at me I shot him he’s not very powerful I’ll tell you that for a fact ow he still does damage he’s throwing me across the room oo I have 12 Sun BS left I’ve got my Jal armor come on man I’ll use my sun items against the sun Soldier the sun cake finished him off and he killed him what’s this item we got from here then we have got oursel the reward of a sun expander I’ll take that home with me I will we’re getting out of here pretty well off I thought I was now safe that the sun Soldier boss had been defeated but some other Sun soldiers ran upstairs and found me you weren’t meant to be here get him take him to the cannon suddenly they both grabbed me and took me to a cannon outside bro bro bro bro bro bro bro what is happening here what was that I killed the boss and I got shot out of a cannon for it I don’t want to do that again what do we have here though the sun expand item we got this at least out of the sun area where I’m obviously not welcome which is pretty rude but I’ll use my sun expander item I did it oh the sun is literally expanded oh well that that is nice the thing is burning in my hand but what’s going to happen here oh it’s gone and our sun is Big okay cool let’s get some more items then and recoup I’m already getting more blocks we got an alien Rock so we’re getting new items from the bigger Sun o an astronaut laser gun oh yeah oh yeah I can go back there easy the sun soldiers will never put me in a cannon I can take on Aliens easy PE Pew PE pew pew pew what else we getting what else are we getting star salad a hot air balloon what has this got to do with the sun I’m I’m in the I’m flying what what is the use of this let me get down safely hey yeah yeah yeah no no no this isn’t for me ow see this is why we don’t do these things I can’t even pick it back up we have a hot air balloon on top of the sun that’s a sentence that has never been said before I see something else and it’s purple so that means it’s good this star traveler mask is probably better than Shan Ma I look like I could really be by the Sun the best part about this is I can throw fire too that’s the sun power for you and also lasers don’t forget lasers okay hello hello could you help us please the sun people have come to our spaces Shi and attacked all of us they’ve taken control and are flying us straight towards a black hole come with me please hey you can’t come here and expect me to do everything and solve your problems I’m here hanging out on my sunblock I’ve got enough problems of my own I’ve got a laser too you’re confident coming up to me fine then let’s go to the pig’s spaceship I’m I’m on him and we’re going where is he taking me he he we’re going so far from home I can’t see it anymore now I was flying on top of a pig inside of space the sun people are driving the pig’s rocket towards the black hole very quickly so we have to go and save it here we are all of us animals from the world hid inside of here when the sun people started taking over but here they are and the ship is now closer to the void than ever will you come inside and help I could pick yes or I could pick no but I’m about 20 blocks away from a black hole so I I think we have to go of yes you’ve accepted the space Pig Quest I hope I don’t regret this I clicked we’re inside oh here here they are the sun Soldiers the sun people they were talking about are hurting me too we have to put the laser into use we have to help the space pigs I don’t know why but we have to let’s use my mask on these guys too take the fire of the sun there’s so many coming down the stairs oh this might be difficult this might be difficult I’m going up the ladder okay there’s none up here where we seem oh there’s a few okay could I get them all from up here let me use the ladder oh right in the head let me stand here for cover okay this floor is clear I kept going up the floors fighting the sun people I have to get all the way to the top and access the control panel where I can turn the pig spaceship away from the black hole and back to safety I’m getting a lot of food this way that’s for Flor oh there’s Sun between these beds was that the final floor I see the sun slimes too and so many of the people good thing I brought my laser oh we’re we’re definitely on the top floor I see the control panel there the sun people have put these pigs in danger and it’s my responsibility to help them so we have to put an end to all of these Sun people they’re all gone even these slimes are gone everybody is gone yes this is exactly what we wanted well I would have wanted to stay on sun block but but this is the second best option right that’s everybody dead let’s access the control panel here we are let’s open it and I okay let’s go this way I suppose I’ll hold down the forward button and pray yep that’s how we do it I’m a licensed pilot I know what I’m doing and forward a bit more okay we’ve done it let’s speak to one of these you did it now I’ve got a couple of items for you the first is a very expensive and extremely powerful Sun robot suit you will need this because you are the chosen one you have to go and fight the sun boss you can do that easily now too because I will also also give you a sun expander item that will make your sun block even bigger good luck I’m glad that all went well I’m also glad that we got some prizes from that too we have the sun robot suit and if you know me I like robots seems like I’ll have to use it to fight some sort of sun boss but I take it another Sun expanded too but this one is okay what oh oh oh right wait no I’m safe I’m I wasn’t expecting that they they kick me out were they sick of me then oh what what happened they left me with a parachute that’s it right well they did give me this Advanced Sun expander like I was saying and the sun robot suit cool but do we have any more interruptions or am I good to keep playing the game let’s use the sun expander again and see oh how big this really becomes this is a big sun maybe even as big as the one in real life it’s even going further down and that’s that then it’s stopped we have a full sun built right here let’s get some new items then before we fight the sun boss uh my son is full of the Void oh wait no this is like a portal to the end when you fight the Ender Dragon in Minecraft you jump for hole like this so I’m starting to realize we don’t have a choice the sun boss is inside of our sun do I uh do I do I go yep let’s go boys I’m in the sun I thought that would happen it’s pretty empty in here it’s also not as hot as you would think but I’m still pretty sweaty in this mask there’s the sun robot oh he’s a tall boy let me jump inside oh he has 20 health and he has lasers of its own the sun Overlord is spawned what’s he saying over there you can’t take down me or the some people we are here to stay oh he’s a big slime I shot him what was that there was a wind he’s spawning soldiers slot him in the head he’s got a lot of Health he does but if I keep my distance I I use the robot’s lasers can I die if I do this he’s talking about the sun people they’re not that powerful they keep dying he’s coming at me fast he wants beef he wants the smoke I’ll use this laser too let’s use the gun let’s see if it does more damage because the Fire doesn’t do damage anyway oh this is he’s immune we have to use the robot I’m pretty low I didn’t realize I’s see the food a heal up heal up they keep hitting me I can’t hit him with my sword either he keeps sending out wind bro I’m I’m weak the spam of our robot strength I don’t deserve this kill but here we are doing it and I’ve got him there that was a fun fight I I won though I think that was good what’s next the sunboss dropped this item and it’s called this video is over leave a like And subscribe now everybody I found a desert temple in my Minecraft world today in fact the desert temple is my world today I’m playing Minecraft on top of only one desert temple I need to figure out how to get items and fight off any Desert monsters I find and I also need to find out where the portal to the end is is it inside of the mega desert temple boys we have to figure this out together I logged in today to play a bit of Minecraft and my world is it’s only me and one desert temple below my toes unless we’re counting the sun and the sky and the clouds then there’s more things in the world but either way there’s only five things still that’s a lot less than normal this is in fact a real desert temple if you look very closely if you go inside but I can’t go inside because I’m not an an I could maybe get one finger in the top there but I don’t think that’s going to help me get loot can’t reach the the bottom down there can I but I can break this block I got bones I got a diamond I got an iron I got emeralds I I get the loot this way then rotten me you’re tainting my inventory wait I probably shouldn’t have thrown that out how do I get food otherwise uh bamboo is that desert temple loot okay we take it looks like I got my drip sorted for the day I got two hats the desert Travelers hat specifically that’s on my head I look like I’m going to a safari I’m more pleased about the diamond I can’t use it though I guess I’ll take the hat I got a temple Explorer magnifying glass there it’s whenever I sneak I get custom items what’s this a sword please it’s giving me XP when I break this is like the Earth Block video to give me custom things wait what is this I can see the clouds very clearly with my magnifying glass this is also more of telescope isn’t it will I ever need these I I’ll keep one in my back pocket and the well there we go we’re getting a shovel is this going to give us blocks we get is this sand I can’t use sand to build I’m going to fall no we’re not doing that a cactus axe right click to become the Thor of the desert no wait we needed like a lightning effect there right click to become the Thor of the desert that’s what Thor doesn’t it I guess so um I’ll have to figure out a use for this we need to get blocks that is the main thing we need if it’s only going to give me sand I’ll have to make Sandstone let me get some more tools though or could I use the axe we get wood with the axe I’m happy with that occas the planks we can build out I feel like I can breathe I hate having only one block you can barely move on this and I’m a clumsy guy I’ll grab all the wood all the wood in the game all the wood you have Temple fill up my inventory give it to me I might have to eat it as well because I don’t want to eat this rotten fles that we have oh we’re going to have to sort that out what difficult life o wait I go back to regularly breaking this I can get more diamonds we can make armor and stuff already I’ve got wood I can make a crafting table let’s get crazy let’s make iron boots I’m a proper madad I am making iron boots in a Minecraft video Let’s Go gold fine it’s telling me something gold armor it is it’s Destiny we got the Sandy sword a pickaxe too but we Stone Sandstone oh and Cobblestone what an amazing day we have to build out though still already run out of blocks we’re here I feel like I’ll spend a lot of time getting to know this desert temple today because I need a lot of stuff to get going we still have to get to the end today fight the dragon like normal and I don’t think gold armor is going to cut that really go get some oh who what where who what let’s take a closer look look at his legs oh that’s sort of uncomfortable do you get what I mean that’s like that’s not meant to work that way he’s not hurting me be fine his face is creepy I don’t like it maybe we have a use for uh that is oh he’s immediately dead what have I done what have I done no that was a terrible terrible move we can’t use this we can’t use this oh right we only use that ability in very important situations how do I put this all out it’s on fire underneath it’s ruined I’m ruined are we okay there’s still smoke over here stop it I put it out right I we’re we’re fine oh with the sun going down though we’re going to see mobs not like I need them to hurt me I’ve already got myself now there’s another one yo I won’t hurt you like I hurt your friend here take the ax wait don’t I don’t know your powers let’s test the Sandy sword he gets angry that’s not what I killed him desert Burgers eat at least say please no I am hungry rotten fles bye we got eight desert Burgers off there and they are food we didn’t get scammed yes I need more of them as deadly as they are even though they hurt me we need to fight all of them and I need more armor saying that before I do what is that he threw sandstone in my face off you what my Island there’s other things flying around over here where are they going this Stu there’s diamonds on the floor we have two diamonds what are these man oh they sound like bats can I kill them like bats yeah do they give me I still let him live they were spawning iron in that okay we need to farm those as well but they’re flying away I must smell can’t blame them got this Sandstone off that witch what an odd encounter I might say glad I killed it when I did but we got the blocks dude dude dude dude dude there is a piece of TNT running at me what is this mod it blew up on what what is this effect oh speed what I’ll take speed no come back there’s not too many mobs spawning I say as this guy slows up why’ I hit it I was already for this dude bro they get me so low they’re tooo powerful these Ain Burgers friendly Temple legs I hate their legs though wear on your legs to celebrate the friendly Temple’s death I don’t say their name is the friendly Temple I feel awful for killing it look at my legs now that’s horrible armor is armor I suppose there’s his friend over there we leave it what do I do I can’t get a bed I might stand over it and let like a ton of mobs spawn right I suppose how else am I supposed to do things in this world I swear I just saw a green horse what what through that there’s a skeleton horse is being suffocated as we speak what is happening here boys I mean if they want to die like this there’s TNT right there is this a good thing to kill through it stop putting me in Sandstone this is getting very old very quickly buddy I’m too low to fight these there’s another one there he blew me up see I told you there’s a green horse another one I threw it off I need to get rid of this TNT I get too close this way a please don’t I need a bow I I need a bow for the next night time that’s what it’s coming down to really can you get stringing desert temples I’m praying oh powerful book really up I can now that Infinity 2 give me a bow anything more of these have spawned great cuz I’m out of food I need more Burgers I got their legs as well didn’t I I don’t necessarily want their legs again but I need to eat I’ll pick all the Sandstone up and make the area bigger we have to be safe when we’re doing this there’s a ton of them running about Lads you first how does he hit me like that how is his arm so big ow we can’t do this food the whole place is on fire we’ll work with it that can happen I need to heal all these burgers are probably a lot of calories I need everything let’s stop fixing this I I need to stick to Sandstone really ah this Cactus ax is saved me ruined my home completely but it did sort of save me if it wants to burn it can burn it’s what nature intended or what my cat Cactus ax intended Cactus axe needs more blocks right now no no no we’re not doing this you can burn otherwise not here though not here oh yes so we got these mini temples seems like we’re getting somewhere finally click it is something I I need to fix the platform or if I do there’s a lot of blocks here for it let’s take a look at this place then cobwebs we can make a bow yes what else is in it this is a mini Temple I don’t just yo we have new stuff finally we’re getting somewhere what are these tiny gold swords a stack of seven I have Seven Swords they didn’t even unstack in my inventory they really are a stack yeah I threw it into the wall I picked it up it’s one of these items oh maybe I won’t need a bow wait there’s another loot here another loot what am I saying I didn’t even look in the other one but mini golden apples little sand sounds like a wrapper Temple fossilized clothing that is more armor better than gold put that on golden horse armor already have that bamboo cobweb information book what was over here a mini enchanted book R of them actually with the enchant smaller fire we’ll take them they stack as well there’s more of these here a diamond please thank you gold swords again mini gold swords there’s more loot down here the Trap chest I need to be careful I have Trident where’ I get Trident from final chest inside of here I think anyways a mini Golden Apple again two tiny gold swords taken us to seven and a diamond as well have I got everything no I didn’t get stuff over here more little sand what what do I have to do with half this stuff seriously we can throw the swords this this is good wait come back please please no no no what’s happening ah Panic everybody Panic no stop stop stop stop come back get my inventory it’s gone forever Lil sand is Lil sand who would have saw that one coming this is doesn’t have a use can we walk on him I don’t trust this at all oh this is a horrible feeling no we’re not doing it we’re not building with the sand no I’m sorry that is too risky for me no no no I weat a mini Golden Apple I still can when I’m hungry I got a tiny heart a tiny absorption heart doesn’t say I’ve got absorption we take it it’s got 10 slots oh easy I got to figure out what these do I got this chest plate as well don’t I this hasn’t been bad for a mini Temple we could spawn another one as well these are spawning in here let’s test this it hurts him ow he hits me I’ve got another Trident where are they coming from is it these how do they have what I didn’t look for TNT did I no way my pig broke but we found this do I want to I don’t know about this do I want to touch it I did anyways yo I’ve got mini TNT in my hand that I’ll go in the back pocket over here I’ll grab the rest oh I hate this I don’t have the space to test this I I throw it that’s going to blow up my whole place oh oh it look pretty nice nice we have the information book two as well crafting recipe I get this now we have to make a desert Cannon it says it right there what is this item a TNT extract how on Earth what do I spawning another Temple no there’s nothing in it what are you TNT extract what are you I’ll take this time to get get some more blocks we have to fight some more mobs as the sun’s setting again right over there somewhere I don’t care I feel nothing right now I’m at a loss F between here let’s be safe let’s be safe like I always say that is our top priority we can’t have a Minecraft player AKA myself falling off the side can we that would be awful because it would mean I die and the video would end I don’t care about dying in Minecraft but think about the ad money I would lose we can’t let that happen it’s the TNT I know it now was there another one up here that is definitely how we get it the TNT extract we have the tiny swords now as well we hit it get out here there’s another Cactus horse in wait that’s dead this has to do it right what is so loud stop please ah somebody blew up I killed it that was a 200 IQ I knew it of course it’s a TNT mobs that gives it it’s right here get my inventory stop that TNT X jaor is all mine come on what was the crafting my game paused when I opened that I heard that though come on dude where’s the poison coming from I hear you stop it please don’t do more Sandstone don’t do it don’t do it off you go this look in the book Sandstone Cobblestone sticks TNT extract I can do all that I promise three Cobblestone two sandstone TT extract and the stick we have that desert Cannon where do I put it it’s not an item it’s a block right here okay I can change the way it’s facing this way H leave like that that’s a rocket where’s it gone that’s a I thought it was a weapon it spawned desert temples that is a normal desert temple yeah hey I found your parents I think you’re not an orphan anymore you’re not alone oh he doesn’t want to talk I’ll keep breaking him then cuz we definitely need more blocks to get over there seems like where I want to be let’s do more what if I do it again right over there will it spawn another one on top of it and again oh that way then uh and there’s a Temple and there’s a Temple again think of all the loot inside of there I’m ready this will take a while it’s fine we got the wood and the little sand no no no oh no way that makes me so uncomfortable no no we’re not doing this no you’re you’re getting blocked off you get I’m not in time not in time it blw up it will be difficult to get back things are spawning nah I only want the desert temples it’s a simple ask go away I’m seeing monsters start to spawn I’m going to use the magnifying glass the one time is useful that is a desert Golem part me feels like he won’t be nice to me we may have a battle on our hands we’re about to find out here spiders too hey are we like all right how’s it how are you he’s not looking at me happy oh he’s like what was that explosion oh half a heart half a heart can I get down here what’s walking down here somebody hit me over the wall where’d it go that’s a zombie hello who are you what is this I picked up a desert defender’s blow gun Cactus pellet what What’s Happening Here I want to kill one of these things I use the tiny sword throw at you throw at you don’t get too close ow we Cactus axe that works did it drop these almost killed me too I’m shooting out Cactus is this look like a bow I’ll save it it does use the pellets are pretty confusing for me uh do we have free stuff now wait I didn’t use these these mini enchanted books how do I I click that I eat it what wait what I eat it They Se it then I’ve got jump boost five speed free no I’m tiny what was the effect of the smallify yeah I have been smif fired how long is this is it as long as these I don’t want to be small forever I guess I’m fast it’ll be even worse if I have to fight these mobs though like this size come on now don’t do this to me I’ll go get my stuff no my stuff already exploded there’s a skeleton down here who are you oh away uh let’s go to another one then I have to fight more Golems though or desert Defenders if that’s their name don’t care really plus L plus ratio so that’s how that goes for me is there stuff over here or is this gone nope it’s gone I have to build to the other ones jump boost is helping me get over let’s get some more blocks and get over there then I’m not small again I was about to do this jump I’ll do it again and can’t we do it we can easy that was fine I’ve got to get blocked will you give me to him oh this Cactus hor help him there’s another TNT up here don’t you dare even think about blowing up my place I don’t condone this behavior of all these mobs that got TNT this isn’t even alive normally who gave it this power diamonds I need to make some armor that’s what I need to do some boots anyways everything else is fine give me these honestly I need a new sword this Sandy sword is only plus five this diamond sword plus s yeah byy Sandy sword you suck how powerful is this oh powerful enough it hurts him kill it quick oh please easy yes hang on a moment I’ve spent all this time getting all these blocks a second ago I could turn this back around like this shoot it that way get another one over there what have I done that was a big waste of time there’s going to be loot here now yeah okay wait I can’t figure this out we’re so close so I can taste my loot I deserve this I’ve worked so hard by spawning desert temples with a cannon oh hello good sir I’d like to PVP you please no you won’t fine I’ll come down to you I’ve got some good armor on Ah that’s what he does these things don’t scare me he’s fine we got more Cactus pellets I have a blow gun I want to go small again too let’s do it it’s growing on me I kind of like this now now my stuff please finally isn’t exploded we got a stack of cactus pellets and another one of these the cactus pellet is more on my alley even more here and a temple roof armor went on head will this make me a temple or I’ll become the mini Temple from earlier because do do you get it I’m I’m mini B look at that this is looking silly I’ve got the top of a desert temple on my head nice one even more here I have three stacks of cactus pets now and abandoned trousers even more armor friendly Temple legs can go yeah I’ll put on these trousers from probably a dead guy instead more Cactus pellets another book this one’s called secret information not so secret about it if I find it a mega Temple finder Cactus pellet mini TNT good thing we didn’t blow that up a stick and six sand this is easy to find a mega temp I like that is the mini TNT no regular TNT down here can we do this right now oh we need sand let’s let’s go oh sand is here we got it let’s do it make the stick put it there mini TNT you go Cactus pet you go as well it was the sand surrounding it Mega Temple finder take us somewhere but I want to see something crazy this time from this Temple it’s called a mega Temple that should means something cool yeah how’ this work anyway place that oh it’s like a totem and oh it’s it’s all the way over there that looks promising that is big that’s the word I’d use Oh my days that is big we 100% need more blocks go get that thing off the place don’t stand around doing nothing o he’s hitting you don’t take that he’s he’s nudging you out the way wao as long as you don’t bother me though we’re cool take a look around the place I made this believe it or not from one desert temple all of this yeah I know it’s crazy to believe he’ll walk around making his villager noises let’s get this wood and make our way over we’re almost in another night time I I think we’ll be all right oh no as I’m speaking I realized there’s probably more mobs up here inside of the mega Temple if there was Golems last time what’s going to be here wait I hear fire I hear zombies too there’s one out here and I hear slimes what is happening the what is happening what hello there’s green fire there there’s things on the floor what are you there’s a slime used to craft sword uh not right now please wait there’s drip wires in that I need to be careful where I’m walking what is this no no no no no no no no no no no get off the wall what’s with this fire man what’s happening there’s Cactus slime spawning and they make the fire happen there’s witches putting me in Sandstone again please I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running no I wanted loot I wanted answers ah not mob I didn’t expect this I I’ll give it that this was unexpected not wanted though this is what I’m saying it’s these things these Cactus slimes I don’t even want to they throw the fire out what is the what am I meant to do how do I survive in this scenario die and then it spawns the fire again we have the blow gun there any more mobs I’m in like the back alley no you don’t live anymore you don’t get to anymore my mega Temple now this looks like a portal is there any gravel we need Flint I click and it says must unlock to get to the desert Dragon’s land so this is a portal how do I get the key for the what I need a key that’s all I need to know and these slimes said used to craft a sword I may as well have got a stack of them will it be better than Diamond I that’s not what I meant to do salime balls salime sword Wicked what an amazing Discovery they better be looted underneath the Redstone that’s lava with end chests I hope these are full up with items there’s the key desert Dragon’s portal key used to unlock the desert Dragon’s portal yeah we can get to the dragon this right here hidden temple treasure totem rumored to be the main weakness of all dragons in the world this is catch in my eye the foursided golden sword I imagine we throw this like I have in the past with items like this Emerald boots classic and a mega Golden Apple this is quite Mega I heard another slime and this is empty I guess it’s an in L it’s probably the same hey do I yeah I throw it the fire return back to me as well does it we’ll see will it I I miss the zombie yo oh this is a good one this is good now my sword is making slime noises too gross I don’t want this four-sided sword all the way Emer boots instead of the diamond I want to eat the mega Golden Apple four bites left oh I get to reuse it and it gives me God Apple effects I’ll take the key for the portal it works we have a portal we have to fight a dragon now this is how these videos always get to am I prepared maybe not really I don’t need to waste time I’ll go small I suppose to get the speed and the jump boost through the portal we are going will we get to the end or is it going to be a new world oh the oh right looks like the desert and he has some friends to help him fight us the desert dragon is alive this is a one hit amazing brilliant I’m back here catch up send some blow dots out show him who boss there’s these skeleton things here as well these husk and the Strays take that out boom I shouldn’t do this I oh my poor health eat the mega Golden Apple how powerful are these they are way too low down for this oh I got him right there it barely does anything oh no do we use the totem right here while he’s down here I’ll go in I do the totem oh that was really it all I needed was the totem the desert dragon is dead I live another one block Minecraft day I am so small

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but it’s 1,000 Days One Block [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by ShadowApples on 2024-03-24 16:30:54. It has garnered 15571 views and 774 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:37 or 7177 seconds.

I’m surviving the HARDEST One Block challenges I have ever experienced in this movie…. From the Millionaire One Block, to the XP One Block, to the Void Block, and even the EARTH Block?!

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    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More

  • Saitani Gamer – GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥

    Saitani Gamer - GOOD VS EVIL in Roblox & Minecraft 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😇or😈 #roblox #minecraft #memes #robloxedit #minecraftbuilding #tutorial #bedwars #funny #gaming’, was uploaded by Saitani Gamer on 2024-05-07 15:39:04. It has garnered 420 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft gameplay Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft tutorial Minecraft mods Minecraft let’s play Minecraft adventures Minecraft crafting Minecraft Redstone Minecraft farm Minecraft house Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP Minecraft mobs Minecraft farm design Minecraft exploration Minecraft resource gathering Minecraft village Minecraft biomes Minecraft seeds Minecraft world generation Minecraft caves Minecraft enchanting Minecraft Nether Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Dragon Minecraft… Read More