Insane Minecraft Adventure with Winnie Wriggle!

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[Music] this is Winnie waiting on the actual stream to start of Chan [Music] [Music] oops wrong button got pop out chat so I can see everybody somebody left a comment asking why I didn’t delete the um like 25 seconds of starting soon that’s because I’m trying to get my chat lined up so I can see everybody or y’all can stare at me not being in Minecraft your choice okay everything go y looks good greetings everyone good morning happy Monday or Tuesday wherever you are in the world of course it starts raining why does I start recording it’s perfect it’s perfect always that’s a thing it’s another glorious rainy midnight in Minecraft fantastic we have a couple of things to do we have a lot of showand tell today so I’m actually going to start off the day taking a nap hopefully no it’s not a thing okay lovely what time is it let’s find a clock do I have a clock how do I not have a clock I’m famous for loving my clocks CU I’m very interested in what time it is in Minecraft Let’s Take a look we get why why is none of that H oh I know um let’s see xnet is taking a nap right now I believe yeah I can’t access the the drawers because it’s off give me that so this happens if the power runs down we got to restart power there we go give a little jump start that back in there put that back in there now can I get everything oh yes look at that a clock okay it’s Dawn so we’re stuck with the rain let me turn down the weather is it it’s a little loud today really wanted to show things off in the daylight h let’s see what our leg doctor friend here has for sale oh man this is Bob’s cousin Gary Gary doesn’t have very nice things to sell diseased garbage purified garbage pied wool I mean the wool’s nice scary thanks filth I’m not paying you three emeralds for Filth buddy oh and this little swirly do confusing my drmies man let’s go take a look uh first thing on our list well let’s take the list first we have Source production updates so last time we were together we ran into a little issue where I couldn’t get the um modular routers to work with buckets of lava that we were trying to pick up and put down and there is a reason for that thank goodness for Reddit and deep um people talking to one another about the problems they’ve been having so if we go into our inventory and go up on the left and go to the teams page for FTB teams and we go over here and go to settings and if you see on this list is something called allow all fake players treat all fake players as allies of the team this was set to false and that activator is technically a fake player so all I did was set this to true and the whole system started working which I love so we’ll go up there and take a look at that just a second uh so we’re going to talk about the updates I made to the source production so now we have basically Infinite Source because we’ve got infinite lava using the create mod I have made upgrades to the mob farm uh I have added a couple of mobs I did a little puttering on the weekend went into the nether got some guys that were interested in getting the drops I have not looked in the mob farm chest and it has been chunkloaded all weekend so it might be an absolute disaster we’ll see um we also have a brand new be apiary it’s built but I haven’t put the bees in yet so I thought we could do that together and then I want to talk a little bit about the other tower that we have built I think that’s going to I I don’t know if we need another mob farm um I think what we might do is turn that Tower into a Wither Farm um so that we can get nether stars and I’m going to go the route that I typically go we’re going to use industrial for going to build our Withers um but use RF tools Shields to kill them I think I think we have enough power to do that I might also need to um oh the other thing I want to consider I going to put it on here so we can take a look at it is maybe after tower updates there is a way to take the stress units that you get from create and convert them to RF or Fe Forge energy and use it and if we make a big old steam engine using infinite lava and create that might be one of the best power sources we could have um but I need to take a look at uh what has been added there is something called the create editions I think create new age yeah like 10 RM headlight o all kinds of fun things but somewhere is a a converter that lets you let’s look at this who if we click it and then I hold W to ponder let’s see when provided with electricity and rotation and rotation the Energizer energizes items on the depot and belts under it okay that’s not what we need electrical components Motors Motors oh generator coil what do you you do oo oh that looks fancy when rotated generator coils will generate electricity as long as they’re surrounded by magnets electricity generated by the coils can be collected using the carbon brushes block okay ah so this is using RF to create rotation percentage of stress units being turn into electricity increases okay I want to do the reverse I want to take stress units and turn them [Music] into turn them into RF [Music] so if I go portable fluid interface portable energy interface maybe that’s what I’m looking for let’s take a look accumulators and moving Contraptions cannot connect to stationary connectors okay opponent can interact with them yes the P will engage a connection energy can down be [Music] exchanged okay interesting interesting good morning Dan happy Monday it’s good to see your face okay so that’s uh electric appliances Tesla [Music] coil alternator what do you do alternator requires at least 32 RPM to operate it generates electricity from rotational Force okay yeah we got that Tesla coil charges items accumulators oh so this is a giant battery I bet store large amounts of electric energy that’s cool affordable energy interfaces okay we’ll do a little more exploration later um the other thing that I write it down Source production mob farm bapary I got I got a lot of stuff to show and tell I did show and tell these stuff so let’s go take a look at that it dark yet can I sleep yes almost sip some tea while we sleep the night away oh the birds are singing so loud so loud I think our game sounds are a little a little high today in my ear there we go I mean I want to hear what’s going on but I don’t want to be overwhelmed okay what things have we done we haven’t done anything in here to speak of um this is all I moved our masonry tables and all the tables from chipped over here into kind of a you know an area where we could use them I have plans to put a wall here and make this like a room see I’ve already put a chandelier in it but then that chandelier was in the way and I’m reluctant to remove any of our light sources um but I kind of want to divide this space up down here so it’s more like a workshop with areas for things me technically we have enough room down here to put a Wither killer in but I would like to move it not near the base so you know we don’t accidentally blow our base up that would be bad okay let’s go up I did add um elevators over on this side of the building so we don’t have to run back and forth so now we can pop I mean it’s in the middle of the floor but you know whatever so here is our mob farm and the setup that we created created last time which is bucketing buckets of lava from the Nether and so this is our Ender tank which is connected to the one in the nether so it produces infinite lava this is our modular router that pulls an empty Bucket from the top uses the activator to fill it and if we take a look at that there’s our bucket to down and Whit listed we didn’t have to change any of the settings over here and then it sends the Full Bucket up above it see up and a Full Bucket Whit listed and the pedestal the Arcane platform that’s up here these volcanic Source links can access any one of them can access that bucket um right now they’re all full as are all of our source jars around it and all of these jars are within range [Music] of the relay splitter which doesn’t look like it’s it should be taking it’s sending to these two I think these jars are all close enough that they provide source to the splitter yeah see it just pushed source to the dmes so these little guys our trig me friends and we have added I’ve added gas and uh Magma Cube and you’ll notice that our slime looks a little different and this is the reason we were not getting slimes last time because the Slime that I put in the jar before was a medium slime and guess what they don’t actually drop slime balls the only slimes that drop slime balls are the babies so I used another one of our spawn eggs spawned a slime knocked it in the head until it turned into a baby and the baby is what we caught in the jar we also have of course skeletons zombies uh creeper who wearing a nice hat is it St Patty’s Day today I don’t even know but why does our creeper have a hat that’s cute uh our Enderman of course and then we also now have a wither skeleton and a blaze and so if we open up our box of goodies I’m scared to look in here okay I did put another stack upgrade just for this reason wow holy smokes they’ve been busy we have almost 3,00 gas deers that’s crazy and look at that look at all those slime balls so I think we’ve solved our slime ball production I think for Giggles I might go ahead and set one up with create just because it’s interesting but I may not do that on camera I may do it off camera and then uh do a little showand tell to talk our way through that but we have we’re also getting so you might be wondering why when are we getting leather um that’s because you saw the little swirlies around our um rat friend and these guys also will collect items from anything within a 30 Block radius so they’re collecting it from the Traders and the llamas that come in with the Traders and so the Leathers coming from the llamas I don’t know what the Traders are providing I I think XP look at all this glorious XP we’re going to be able to enchant for days oh I bet I could feed this into the disenchanter now too huh I’ll have to figure out how to do that like we have 166 Wither Skeleton skulls so we have the means for making a wither skeleton Farm which is fantastic uh see we’re getting contaminated food this is from the rat the plague do doctor for sure uh the bundle of herbs also from plague doctors we have plenty of gunpowder to fuel our rocket production I’m really excited about the gas tiers because these are an important ingredient in making um these Bob cap which I have put in storage for some reason wow also I just we also upgraded the pack so we’re in come up here there something nice to look at while I talk about this we’re in 0.8 Z of chosen modded Adventure Pack and uh it added a couple of fact let me take a look if we look at change log um they removed easy magic which we hadn’t even taken a look but it had an incompatibility with Cork and apotheosis uh added thermal extras thermal loot thermals Delight oceans Delight uh all the Delight those are food mods um we added some create mods create new age create Central Kitchen create bells and whistles create teleporters connected oxidized tool belts and then basically updated every mod in the pack essentially so I’m excited to take a look at some of the new create add-ons um I might do a little research off camera because I know it’s boring to watch me look through a technical manual in addition uh but updating the pack also meant I think all my Shader settings changed like I don’t know why there’s fog so let’s go into Shader packs oh that’s why okay so I use sers there we go Ah that’s better I can see now complimentary shaders is a fantastic pack and it actually plays better with create um so we might go back and forth depending on how much create stuff we have oh spoiler alert there’s the roof of our bapary down there so because our source production is fixed in here this source is only to provide source to the mob farm and so I disconnected the source production that’s over here now uh our little starbuckle buddies are producing Source but only for our enchanting and uh imbuement apparatuses and so this little jobber do the splitter is collecting from these 12 Source jars and sending it to this relay splitter and this guy is filling all these jars with source and because our enchanting apparatus is close enough it’ll just pull Source from any of these jars so we should have plenty of source to do like I want to automate some of the imbuement like I have a couple of each of the essences is but it’d be nice to set up just a really easy easy she says as if I haven’t had trouble some modular routers already but we’re going to try to use modular routers to automate some of that it should be much more straightforward than trying to handle buckets of lava for sure okay so that’s Source production the mob farm upgrades which is basically just adding mobs um yeah so this Tower I think will put a Wither Farm in it I don’t know that it needs to be as big as it is in terms of height um I made it that high because of scale for the base and I’m having second thoughts as to you know whether or not we need something that enormous cuz I don’t really want to get in the habit of of building a giant structure and then it just being empty it seems like a waste and right now I don’t have anything to put in there I hate to get up there and put oh excuse me buddy um and like hide our create stuff in there although we could I’d much rather scatter the create stuff out on the landscape where we can see it begin Landscaping I need to landscape the back of the base at some point like maybe put Gardens potentially you know cuz it’s kind of boring back here right we got to put some windows in the wall it’s be great space for like a little uh Rose Garden or something that will do something fun like this I left very naturalized right or I forgot we had glow flowers and Edwood growing nice nice this is our ritual berier it’s still got the tablet of containment running so I’ve just been capturing the mobs in the industrial forgoing mob capture thing throwing down a jar over there and letting that uh work so I’m going to put if we say mob uh what is it called mob imprisonment tool pardon me sorry so you just need plastic and gas tiers and gas tiers are the hard thing which is why I put a gas in our mob farm so now I can make bunch of imprisonment tools we can carry around with this and they stack as long as they stack to oh it’s because I have a stack upgrade maybe nope okay well they stack to two as long as they’re empty if they have something in them they don’t stack uh but we have plenty of goodies okay let me put these back I also need to integrate all of this into our storage and what I may do because we’re going to go to refined storage I might put a set of drawers in here that’s just to store these and do a little a little xut system um or maybe we could use modular routers possibly we’ll experiment so we just need a couple drawers for arrows and Blaze Rod look at all those blaze rods wow the ender pearls and all of these ender pearl fragments they they just make ender pearls okay I’m going to grab some slime balls because reasons and in fact I’m going to go put the these in our storage system so we can use them I realized that we’ll probably have them in more than one location we can always move them later so do I have slime balls in here yet no see and I already have some of maybe we’ll just hook up the mob farm to this set of drawers that’s probably the better idea okay slime I’m actually going to start a new drawer with our slimy friends that’s 1.3k slime which is fantastic and how we doing on string 380 let’s grab some more string I I’m sure that’ll be plenty but you know that’s why we need hook these up together pardon me because I want to start making um if this is all working correctly I put this in here I should go in our drawers yeah 1.7k nice I love it when something works and thank goodness I already have okay have we done have we done the Blazing update for the reactor I think we have that was the last thing we did aren’t these yeah it’s blazing it produces 10K um a tick which is a lot of power plenty of power we’ll never run out of power really okay so I don’t need the containment jar anymore more or the volcanic Source link the hose pulley how we got infinite lava so we’re just going to talk about uh refined storage today but first since I forgot to show you the AP I could get down there there we go our bees have a new home but first let me grab the bees that will be useful CU we’re going to hook them up there we go I don’t think I think everything else is set up I don’t think I need to add anything we have a collector have all the Redstone so here it is Tada very simple use the same blocks that we have going in our color palette um put down the glass because I wasn’t sure what kind of glass I ended up not using the blue and the pink is only used sparingly and since we’re done put those back in storage and um these to dusk traps are some of the flowers we found underground in caves it’s very [Music] cool field Sprouts came from the Aether very exciting so it’s mostly glass it’s a glass roof double doed because bees and I use some of the stuff from beautify I love the pots the hanging pots from beautify so it’s all the places we’ve been there’s some poppies from the poppy field um where the that rainbow Ravine is just cuz I love it some dayes from wgr and then this is our red stone I don’t think there’s anywhere for me to Lily you have to move for just a second so these are observers pointed down next to observers pointed into those so they’re facing them and then a little dot of redstone on the back with a note block and in front of that note block are dispensers and inside every dispenser are a bunch of shears so that’s all the Redstone we need and now we’re going to put our bees okay and it’s going to harvest them because we’re [Music] updating um The Observer is detecting that update cuz I’m setting a block down and here’s hoping we got okay yeah we did get enough nests with bees in them and that’s it so these guys will run around in fact let me get some poppies and we can get some baby bees happening here since I think we have plenty of room for more bees based on the number of bees that came out more bees more bees all the bees all the baby bees you guys are so cute and hopefully the collector is working in the back we’ll go around back and take a look at that I’m using the uh item collector from uh cylic I believe so these SC just buzz around here happily they won’t be in any danger of being drowned or running into fires or anything like that like having an apiary is really great and you can see like one’s already full of Honey four honey one honey that’s great when they fill up to five um that’s when an observer can detect so this Observer on top saying oh the state of the block changed and so that’ll trigger a redstone signal to Shear the honeycomb out of it and we’re mostly interested in the honeycomb for building purposes we could always change the shears to be bottles and we would collect actual honey so we can make honey blocks instead of Honey conb blocks so we’ll leave these guys in here to do their thing let me check on the collector and make sure it’s picking up the honeycomb it’s back here yes and my scaffolding and there’s where the Lilia Valley went ha so if we take a look turn the preview on uh if you can see it with all the glass not really okay well it’s oh yeah it’s the gray box here all those gray boxes you C if we get down here we can see it that’s the collection range for our item collector from cylic and it doesn’t need anything to run like it just collects things you don’t need to give it power or Redstone or anything like that you can set it to only run on Redstone if you want but it’s not necessary so that’s our exciting new B apiary that looking pretty good I know it was like two episodes before I actually got it built but yeah some things take time okay we’re going to take a little nap and I want to get started on making the stuff for refined storage wow another dream catcher [Music] woo oh it’s really pretty we might do some fishing today too I am very interested in the updates the additions to the creat mod trying to think if there’s anything else I added over here no we connected the lava production to the windmill so we’ve got 67 647 buckets of lava that is spectacular that should be more than enough to make a steam engine out of and it’s Tech technically infinite because we’re producing it with dripstone uh I do not have these chunks loaded so it’s only going to run when I’m online cuz I didn’t want to didn’t want to have too many chunks loaded right now I’ve got I think four chunks loaded and that’s more than sufficient I had it loaded for the mob farm if we take a look at our map you can see the the ones in the pink Stripes they’ve been loaded quite a while actually I have to have the chunk where the storage system is loaded all the time or we can’t access it um from everywhere else so it has to be loaded wow and of course it’s raining let’s put these back and the wood back and we ended up not using one of our be buddies goes in gear this is in storage oops I didn’t mean to keep the Lilia Valley it’s fine the other items we can add to our mob farm are things like cows and sheeps and pigs and chickens and we will get the drops from those animals as well I think I put a I want to look uh let’s see where how do I manage way points um that’s my backpack there it is I do have a waypoint for Mu blooms and I think we should get mu blooms and add them to our m Farm they’re not that far away um is it turned on yes can we see it let’s [Music] see only 1500 blocks away she says there’s old home they’re owls H the star buun [Music] statue probably turn some of these off are mine where are mu blooms are they south of us potentially I wish wish you could Target it on the map maybe four we don’t need that one okay let’s um why are y all visible you shouldn’t be visible let’s change the color to hot pink maybe we’ll be able to see that or maybe it should be yellow actually there here or orange and that’s Bob just busting in Uninvited I mean technically I do have the trader mat down so that’s fair do you have anything good Bob yeah flowering Oak oh you do have time worn Vis I wonder if that’s I’m pretty sure that’s the helmet we’re using yeah Unbreaking five protection five mending respiration five aqua affinity come here Bob but but you know it’s only 45 emeralds we basically have infinite emeralds with our little conversion mod and I have plenty of diamonds I’m compelled to get another one in case we want to make some kind of different armor set B I’m trying to shop friend time War Visage it’s expensive Bob thank you we’ll put that in our gear chest I’ve been anytime he shows up with the crazy insane gear I’ve been buying it not that I could tell where it is oh now we have two versions of time warn Visage that’s what’s happened see but I have the we have a lot of good stuff here’s another one from Bob thunderforge leg guards that’s good so we have a couple helmets and a pair of pants probably need to write this down and say okay you need the shirt and the boots but that’s it lot of good stuff in here okay thanks Bob pleasure doing business with you now refined storage I think isn’t that down the be we looked at Tower we’re going to figure out what we want to do that uh create power conversion I still need to look into that but refine storage is really where we’re going today so to do that you need a couple of key things essential items include a controller some kind of grid so you can see the things in your storage and a disc drive um and then in the disc drive you want to actually make discs it’s important and I believe I decided we’re going to make a 64k storage disc because we have plenty of iron and silicon and all the things and do we have silicon in our storage I don’t think we do so let [Music] me there’s silicon there did I put any over here I don’t think I have I think I had plans to hook that whole pillar up but for crafting purposes let me just fill my inventory and go stick it in the store system look we’ll put silicon near slime balls like can we possibly use more than a thousand maybe it’s fine storage you never know better safe and sorry oops too many there we go put few in [Music] here 2,000 can we use more than 2,000 possibly possibly hopefully not okay so uh one of the things that refin store two of the things refin storage needs in bulk quartz enriched iron like you’re going to need I I want to say hundreds of these so we’re going to make um a lot maybe a full inventory of it and then I’m going to come down here and put it in our storage [Music] drawers there we go quartz and riched iron the other thing you’re going to need in bulk is the processor binding because you need that to make every single kind of processor and so it’s just a slime ball and a couple of string makes eight so we’re going to make a lot another full inventory of that and stick it in here oops I didn’t mean to put it in two places let me have that please and let me use our oh what is it called configuration tool which should be on locking we’re going to unlock everything so I can remove that little booger and then we’re going to lock everything again okay and then we’ll stick this back in our storage system and we’re going to put our list away so I don’t lose it and we’re going to sleep this rain off because because good morning koala how are you this morning lady we have gotten everything we want from our friend here so we’re going to dispatch him also so that our little dmy budes don’t spend all their time getting leather and weird stuff from him so sometimes they’ll wander out here cuz they’re trying to follow him you all still in here good stay in here please K I figured out the activator thing why it wasn’t working with the modular routers like why we couldn’t pick up and put down buckets um it’s because there’s a setting in game if you go into your inventory go in the way upper left corner under my team and then go to settings there’s something called allow all fake players and that has to be set to true because apparently that little activator thing is a fake player and that’s why we couldn’t get Buckets to work earlier in like when we were trying to do it with the um reactor and why I couldn’t get lava buckets to work for this uh Source production thing but now it works great see it actually puts the bucket of lava up there waiting to be used very exciting okay we are making refined storage stuff today so we’ve made a bunch of processor binding the other thing we’re going to need are a ton of raw basic processors which is red stone and iron you know the thing we might be missing is red stone we’ll see let’s start with two stacks of [Music] those one stack of the ones that are based on gold and then maybe a half a stack of the ones that are based on diamonds and then the way you uh process these is you actually I want furnace only please there we go you just stick them in any furnace and they cook into the advanced processors and there they come wow I haven’t even put all this stuff away yeah whatever you know we’ll cook those up so the little the little raw ones turn into the advanced ones and then we’ll do the same thing with the improved take our glass out of there wow that’s old that’s definitely from before I had this setup going like what’s in this furnace you know I don’t I don’t know that we need that anymore so let’s um put that away we can access our barrels better what are you doing 3.74 2.43 that’s pretty good I still am tempted to say that the OCTA the upgrades that you make for Ender iio are faster than the ones you find okay then we’ll cook up the rest of these so now we have improved Pro improved processors Advanced processors and basic processors and we’re going to need a lot more basic processor so let’s do that I’m gonna make as many as we can make with redstone we have wow I may have just used all our Redstone that’s fine you know what we need is a witch we need a witch and I realize there’s already one here look at you Winnie but we need a witch in our mob farm that that should be part of our mission today is to run out to the swamp and try to grab a witch yeah that would be or maybe stay up at night real quick and run around and see if we can find one I know they’re kind of a rare um spawn that should still be doable cuz Redstone like running out of redstone is that’s not [Music] cool tell me that’s because I haven’t put it in there yet we still yeah we do okay we still have some blocks of redstone but woo that’s not very much oh it’s terrible we’re so low two stacks that’s [Music] sad okay got to think ahead ah mob farm witches okay uh but we’re going to make what we can right now with refined storage first CU I at least want to get it set up I may not get it populated because that’s boring I’ll do that off camera that’s just me moving everything in the current storage system into the refined storage but I do want to set it up as soon as this all Cooks up there we go okay so now we have a bunch of basic processors a bunch of advanced processors so let’s make the things that we need to make that are essential so first is a controller and that is an advanced processor some silicon and machine casing we’re going to need a couple of machine casings that’s just stone with quartz enriched iron so let’s make four of those at a minimum so One controller boom and you can dye those any color you want I want a crafting grid but that requires that I make a grid to begin with and that’s a machine casing um improve processors and then a construction core and a deconstruction core so we want the construction core is just a basic processor with Glowstone and let’s make uh let’s make a couple of those and then a destrction is just a basic processor with nether quarts let’s make eight of those as well go back to our grid and make one grid now we want to turn this into a crafting grid and we do that with a crafting table and an advanced processor boom and now it’s a crafting grid now we need a disc drive which is chests and quartz there’s our disc drive okay now the hard part hard part is the storage disc because a 64k storage part is made up of three 16k storage Parts each of those 16k storage Parts is made up of three 4ks and each of those 4ks is made up of three 1ks and a 1K is silicon quartz and Redstone so I think that is one two 3 one two 3 one two three I think we need 27 1ks and I’ve made 36 that’s fine uh okay so we it’s like this nested horribleness there we go so I need nine 4ks for each 16k no three 4ks for each 16 let’s start there so 16 K I have one two three and then a 64k I may have made too many oh look at that a 64k storage part nice okay so I think if I do that I’d get a 64k storage disc okay and I still have nine 1K storage parts so let’s make another 64k storage disc I know I’m saying number like they’re going out of style that’s three so I need 18 more wow math I need 18 more 1ks so 18 1ks gives me nine 4ks which gives me 3 16ks which gives me 164k which lets me make another 64k disc drive okay yay we had enough Redstone and materials and things but see we looked look how much we used a ton of basic processors for that um okay the other pieces that we need in order to make this actually work for us we need cable which takes up quartz and riched iron some glass and some red stone and we definitely want a couple stacks of that that that should be good and then we want to make a wireless transmitter so that we can access the storage from anywhere uh so that’s an ender pearl and an advanced processor yay so there’s our wireless transmitter in order for that to be good we want a range upgrade so that we can um access it from further away and so uh we need some blank upgrades and I think we need four of them there are four upgrades and we’re going to turn them into range upgrades by adding ender pearls so now we have four range upgrades a wireless transmitter and some cable and now I need a wireless crafting grid so as you can imagine you need a crafting grid and then we’re just going to turn it Wireless so we do the same thing where we make a grid oops so there’s a grid oh I’m out of machine casings let’s make a couple of those so we need a regular grid there it is and we turn it into a crafting grid there’s another one and then now we turn that into a a wireless crafting grid it also requires power oh look at our advancements connecting refined storage upgrading your grid drives and wireless W and I’m going to stick this in here to charge it uh I don’t know why my flux capter is not doing a thing you should be charging everything in my inventory buddy there we go hopefully okay all the things um made the wireless grid we’ll also need to connect this to our storage system and because we’re moving from an RF tool storage system to a refined storage system we’re going to need something called [Music] called a external storage connector and that is a piece of cable and all these things so we’ll hook that up to uh any of the drawer controllers that we have and then maybe the only other thing we want to make is a dis manipulator dis drive just want a plain disc manipulator there we go and the reason you want a dis manipulator is we’ll be down the roads I need two storage housings to do that let’s see one two so over time um you may have stuff in on the storage discs you know like say you put uh we look at our storage system if we look at Organics let’s say I put you know uh some brown mushrooms just on the disc in storage but then I decide that I’m going to come down here and add mushrooms to the drawers because we got a lot of mushrooms from somewhere so now I have mushrooms in the drawers and mushrooms like on the disc in storage think of that as giant bulk story it’s like a big chest well you don’t want the same item in two different places so if you put your disc in a disc manipulator it will go see if there are other places that those items need to be stored as a priority so it’ll take everything out of your bulk storage if there’s a place for it in the storage drawers and it’ll put it in there so it cleans up your discs by looking for other places to store stuff that’s really important okay we’re going to set this up like right here so that I can give it power using xnet and we will probably continue to use xnet to provide Power um so what we want to do is put down our controller how do you have energy I’m very confused huh okay I’m not going to complain but how do you have energy do I have wireless energy happening unintentionally I’m in shock right now there should be no energy associated with those blocks at all that I’m aware of um that’s mysterious and strange does our generator now produce Wireless it can’t be because our whole system wasn’t working because this thing didn’t have power why do you have power power what’s underneath this block hold on no there’s nothing under here it’s like decorative blocks why do you have power oh and it’s slowly going down okay that’s very strange oh okay okay okay okay here m mystery solved mystery solved so I had that in my inventory and remember how I turned on my flux capacitor so you can see the flux capacitor has4 million less RF than it did yeah I charged the controller in my inventory and now that it’s got a crafting grid hooked up to it it’s using power okay I thought I was I thought I was in the Minecraft twilight zone for a second it charged because it was in my inventory so it still is going to need power uh so let’s grab a connector from and a couple of cables probably and this is going to be terrible looking right now that’s okay I’m just going to hook it up to power via xnet um and so we’ll have to go into our xnet and if we look at here you can see now we have the block controller connected and I need to find this is the power channel so for that block controller I just need to give it power and now it should be full yeah okay and that’s also we should have to do from this end so we have the crafting grid the disc drive and the controller and as long as they’re all touching uh doesn’t matter I’m going to stick a piece of cable or two and plop our antenna down here on top so that we have wireless if you right click the antenna you open up the wireless transmitter you can see it says 16 blocks if we put our distance upgrades in here now we have 48 blocks I believe this is configurable in uh the not the inis um in the config files for the pack and I will probably raise this to be where it covers the whole base like maybe 120 blocks or something like I’ll just change what each of the range upgrades gives us because right now each of these only gives us an additional eight blocks which is silly that’s not enough sorry okay so now we have the controller the grid and the disc drive and you can imagine our diss go in the drive so we now have two 64k storage discs which means we have room for 128,000 items in our storage system that does not include the things that are already in storage drawers but anything that’s in these uh chests can we can just stick it on there so what I’m going to do is we’re going to use our handy dandy um what is the mod we use to move stuff pipes yes I think pipes and if we go we did this back when we were just using chests if I can find uh there we go a pipe the pipe wrench and then there was a speed upgrade we made that looks like a little chest with some arrows on it I might have [Music] to oh yeah here we go okay it’s just arrows nope there it is high extraction ction module we made one of those where are you I have inventory blindness there it is would help if you use the search function Winnie just saying okay so what I want to do is move everything that’s in our gear chest why is there or in the gear chest I don’t know cuz when he gets tired sometimes so all this stuff in the gear chest we want to put on our disc drives and in fact I would like it to we want to make this regular priority we want it it should use one before the other hopefully okay so if we take these and we’re going to hook it right up up to the dis Drive block and I’m going to use the pipe wrench to say nope give me give me that give me that back uh thank you pipe extract hello [Music] fer ah my extraction yes I want you to yeah from modular storage do you need to go into the grid maybe not the disc drive cuz that’s where we interact with it why you no go modular storage shouldn’t care what side oh you’re definitely not connected um oh maybe we need to actually have an extractor from refined storage so an importer let’s make an importer and put an Importer on that chest and then make that go to our dis drive now what oh look there it goes so it’s [Music] slowly removing all the items from here and putting it on the disc yay that’s what we want if we want to speed that process up we can make um speed upgrades there you are speed upgrade so we need couple of those and then hopefully there’s some sugar somewhere in our system yep and then if you right click on the Importer it’s got an interface so I’ve added two speed upgrades now how fast is it going oh look at that it’s flying through those arrows I bet if we put two more upgrade upgrade you can only use speed upgrades for everything was I out of sugar yes can I make some sugar can I make some sugar yes like a stack and put it in Organics W and then actually make that last speed upgrade so otherwise this will take forever and we’ll put these two in here and now are you going licky split wow there it goes Zoom I love it I love it tada now we have all these items in here woo and you can see that we have 437 out of 128,000 items and they’re all on the first disc which is great that’s exactly what we want so you can see where this is going we’ll be using oh it’s so sad that our little storages aren’t used anymore um I don’t want to do that for all of these yet because there are clearly items here that need to go in drawers uh maybe we could do it for this set of mob drops uh I want to put those slime balls in the drawers and let’s put all of our crafted stuff back in here in fact crafted is a great um candidate for let’s see let’s use our keep our importer and let’s put all of our crafted items in the new storage system I say that right I don’t think I’m going to need them so we’ll put our [Music] Importer on the front of the crafted drawer and then grab some [Music] cables we’re having we’re going to need we have to use oops refined storage cables beautiful and then let’s put our speed upgrades and watch it go Zoom through the stuff maybe yeah it’s going really fast that’s great so all the crafted items like very rare that any of these are going to go in a drawer it’s just all our miscellaneous stuff it’s interesting what it’s deciding to pull first like I’m like why is it getting leads before it’s getting paper that’s really interesting wow paper should probably go in a drawer that’s fine it’s working hard yay we have a working refined storage system look at it go yeah speed upgrades way to go ladders why ladders now is it alphabetical it’s mysterious as to why it’s picking different things like there went bottles now books now something don’t even know cogs oh we can put all the create stuff in here now it’s going to be very handy very very handy I know this is pulse pounding excitement I’m just so interested in how mods interact with the data in the game to do things like this and the fact that one mod can interact with another okay koal are you’re going night night we’ll catch you tomorrow night sweetheart have a good sleep okay that should be done any second which is fantastic plastic so the next thing what I’ll do off camera is move this over here where we have our main interface I’ll put all of this stuff either in drawers or on our dis drives and if we look at the status we only have 3,000 items so far um out of 128,000 so I think we’re going to have plenty of room oh look you can see how many items and what percentage full things are and so moving all this stuff over here is great but like if I decide I want to put these conduit binders in a drawer or paper in a drawer then I can use my dis manipulator which if I set it down right here it’ll just take an existing drive so I can pull a drive out put it in the disc manipulator and it’ll go oh is there a connected set of storage drawers that I can put items in instead of putting it back on the disc so it basically just searches for other places to store the items and I think it’s done moving everything yes that is one empty um crafted item bin yeah we definitely we need drawers for most of this I think except for like the random random items like we won’t need drawers for any of the gems but I can tell I’m going to need to make a whole bunch more um I put all my crafted items in there I can tell I’m going to need to make a whole bunch more um storage drawers to hold everything so we’ll probably hook up another wall of these like maybe you have a little alley we walk down and there’s another road drawers because they going to be so many items So Many Items why that’s down there interesting we’ll put you in there but yay uh you can change the display uh you can sort it based on ascending descending I like descending so I like to see what’s taken up the most space uh you can sort it based on quantity Name ID last modified uh you can change the size of the search I tend to like the the default some people like it more compact you can make it gigantic I like it kind of square that’s what I’m used to so that is refined storage well it took us like six episodes to get to because slime was a thing okay let’s sleep and then let’s go try to find a witch in the second half sir sir you’re preventing me from sleeping thank you look at all those advancements today all the refined storage goodies okay um I know I have a place for ender pearls those can sit in there thanks for the grass block buddy and let’s test our wireless crafting grid I think we have to yeah shift right click on the controller and there now our wireless crafting grid will let us connect to that and I will go into the enies and um change that range for us because I think that’s 48 blocks is kind of pitiful like that doesn’t even get us to the top of the other Tower and we really need to be able to access storage from anywhere that’s why I really liked the RF tools cuz it’s anywhere in the world okay let us um take a quick look at the map I know we have a swamp spawn that’s a mansion Woodland Mansion we might find a witch in there maybe let’s go look there first since it’s right it’s close to us hey Bob what’s up what do you have eternal vigilance sharpness 10 life mining looting Unbreaking scavenger what do we have the same thing um oh I do not have used all my membranes last time I think we’re out so we need a phantom I should stay up and get a phantom yeah I have 14 left sorry Bob okay let’s go to this Woodland Mansion place which is over [Music] here yeah yes remember we have uh slow falling so we can jump off anything now or pauldron I [Music] do oh do I have my elytra with me I do do I have a rocket I do zip over here Zippity Do dos I need elytra practice anyway and we’re going to go after the mansion from the top down CU I’m like that okay let’s get our mob imprisonment tools out because how fun is it going to be to grab some Johnnies and stuff and see what they give us hello sir can I oh I want oh I want you too but you make these terrible things can we get a Vex that where are they heer I want all the things okay I can I capture you I can suck it vex I don’t like y’all at all what I really want is this guy come here oh oh man with the next hi ouch he’s a bow that’s what I thought I don’t know if they drop anything useful now we have a Vindicator an evoker and a Vex I’m gonna have to go back and get more uh Mob imprisonment tools I can tell okay I think the only other one I want is a witch and hopefully we can find one in here this is interesting it’s kind of an altery thing now there shouldn’t be any um spawners in here that I’m aware of this a kitty I kiding but it is dark so we might get more [Music] things like you guys wow well maybe there is a spawner in here where the flippy flipp or flap are y’all coming [Music] from is there a spawner in here no it’s just dark and flippery flippy flap is the official way to say that by the way just just saying okay have a taco I’m Taco powered today um left first we’ll make some lights here L I’m home going to check out this whole level hello sir ouch nobody in here is that an invisible skeleton somewhere also is there anything up there nope it’s been so long since I’ve been in uh oh Not Invisible just annoying oh hi we don’t need any help Mr creeper big bed I mean it’s a mansion it’s not very excit oh my we don’t need any more of y’all thank you o maybe we’ll get emeralds from the Johnnies and totems of undying from the evokers kinds of crazy stuff in here uh hidden rooms I suspect right no that’s just the room I was in hi I hear another hi sir you oh you leave a mark Hello we have a very good bow clearly I think it’s just this is the kind of mob that spawns here making aoker Farm what that red dot these were hidden rooms there’s no outside access h interesting okay here we go carrying on carrying on couple of Lights in there there’s an Enderman just chilling with us like you do I see the Creeper down around the corner oh oh I see spaw from up top hello sir let me I’ll be right with you mrman yep come here thank you we definitely want to get out of here before dark chicken is there anything inside the chickens inquiry Minds need to know other than a creeper oh goody thanks thanks buddy more creepers uhhuh I don’t think there was anything in there we’ll check when we get back oh my hello it’s a whole bunch of buddies down there we’re coming down we’ll be there soon I hear the pitter patter of little feet there’s some skeletons ah I heard that that’s those Ledges on top of the rooms that are so dangerous okay no witch though so far this is a little disappointing what do I have strength two and speed why I mean I’m not complaining okay let’s go find the staircase which was around the other side pretty sure here we go downstair L I’m home okay all that running around has made me hungry oh it’s night time let’s find somewhere to take a nap that’s the zombies walking down the hole I’ll be right with you sir I just need to sleep off this hangover ow feel like I have some kind of teleportation on my armor cuz stuff keeps teleporting away from me wow there are a lot of y’all just want one Witch is that too much to ask for look you little booger blindness nothing this is an interesting room dark oak saplings thank you very much wow I found a spawner or yall just spawning in the dark like keep coming from maybe you were outside that’s fine I mean to be fair it is dark here very dark very dark we’ll put just a couple of torches Mansions aren’t nearly as bad with the new light level spawn rules which is [Music] cool anybody else in here I what are the odds that these are booby trapped also I’m very disappointed that they’re all empty not even going to try the top row sucker B pass okay I have a feeling there’s another hidden room wow bizarre looking Enderman type dude we’re just going to leave him him cuz strange a farm I’m out of torches Ah that’s a creeper oh goodness um let’s see if I can grab some coal and make some torches maybe two stacks also there’s some very loud [Music] zbl still looking [Music] for where are y all coming from oh right there oh hi sir Bob Jr okay hello how are you hitting me from there that’s rude that a PL zombie maybe also y armor is op feel like we should put light in here hidden rooms of okay uh no thank you hi I mean I guess this is a great source of wool if you don’t have a sheep farm poor mobs keep getting teleported away from me no wees no wiches ow lots of zombies lots of zombies no witches well we’ve got an evoker and hi hi hi there’s a chest goodness is up with my give me that okay all that for some gems a tablet of zapping a little bit of dark steel I mean it’s not terrible three Redstone very valuable right now okay and these guys are just going to keep spawning because I’ve left it dark there’s one more Dude down here oh there’s a whole pel of friends here it’s the uh the little dudes um alls okay well we definitely need some alls I got oh no you can’t have that can I not pick you up in there there we go no give me that yeah yeah why don’t y’all just stay in there I got one of you a little buddies oh not you sir okay we’ll just leave them to it shall we and where is this guy is he above us that’s outside okay so much for our Woodland mansion Woodland Mansion raid success backwards even from the top down woo okay uh inventory disaster want that we got uh the Vex and aay I have one imprisonment tool left extra torches let us find a swamp um didn’t we bookmark one there’s one over here there’s no witch hut in that one but I know we [Music] did set a home so if we go to our swamp yay is there a witch Hood in this one I okay that’s what I was looking at that’s good butterflies Ducks there’s a Wandering Trader right here Bob what is happening my friend mahogany sapling nice green dye I could have used that about seven episodes ago Bob thanks [Music] though okay which oops a wit what’s over there need a witch hut I wonder if that’s a structure we can use the Minecraft locate command for where else would I find witch where else have I seen witches this might be a um excuse you please oh there is a jellyfish my bad have I seen witches in some oh this is just a signpost thing and there’s some bats in a cave below us no witch hut so no guaranteed witch we’ll just have to stay up and um hunt mobs and see if we get a witch spawn I don’t think they are more or less likely to spawn in a swamp unless you have a witch hut so the good news is the Sun is going down let’s I think what what’s up there that’s cool looking I feel like those are some of the ather blocks and things okay let’s run back to base by run back I mean teleport home wo and make potentially make some containment [Music] jars for these [Music] guys I need archwood slabs okay really how do I not have any Arch web oh we have it but we don’t have any uh actual planks I get it I get it Bob has followed us [Music] home what was that that I just threw in here uh my Cobblestone I think yes okay wait man take some of those and put those back in there now I can make some contain jars how do I not have any glass there we go okay we containment jars I don’t think the LA drops anything we won’t put them in our um mob farm but I’m dying to know we I think the Vindicator will give us emeralds so if we go down here so this ritual is running so I put a containment Char down and I let the Vindicator go and make sure I’m at full health and stay close ah he should go in there yes yes nice pick him up beautiful beautiful okay we do the same thing with the evoker and hopefully not die hi sir got him nice and I guess we want to try the Vex just for Giggles because we can vex stay here did you go you did beautiful let’s put these in there and see what we get our um DM me friends will be very happy to have additions to the farm so Vindicator evoker oh that’s great and I guess we’ll put the Vex like up there I think they can reach like anything within eight blocks so that should be interesting we’ll see what kind of drops we get from adding those guys I may need to put another stack rate up stack upgrade in here oh my goodness in fact uh yeah let’s do that cuz I’m not going to get drawers built uh during this episode let me just I think I have I may already [Music] have some up I do look at that magical CU iron we we have so much iron I think I just made a half a stack a quarter stack of these so we put one of those in there oh I can only only use two a that’s rude okay fine so we’re getting a little get a little tight on uh space [Music] um what I can do is probably use an importer or use the pretty pipes on that chest and for anything we already have space for like the gunpowder and the zombie flesh and the bones and the leather that would all import no problem okay let’s you’re empty you’re empty you’re empty you’re empty let me grab the pipes and that upgrade no what’s it called I think we only have one of them for the pretty pipes because that’s what we’ll need to use they have arrows on them there it is extraction module there we want the fast one do we have enough bite on enough they’ll reach let’s [Music] um see if we can make some some more pipe from pretty pipes there we go that’s a few so if I [Music] go what do I want to do I want to take the stuff from this [Music] Barrel hold on I’m put those back just a second oh I definitely don’t want my little dreamy friends to fall through there’s the barrel if I say uh get up here and shift click there we go get some pipes and run them this way oh no we got to go all the way down to the drawers don’t we let’s see right all the way downstairs to the drawers just trying to save myself running back and forth a million times uh reach it now there we go mate oh my goodness sometimes the ax is too good and we want to I mean you’re just going to go right over to the drawer controller so watch just be like one oh no we’re going to make it we made it okay so theoretically because these drawers are locked just double checking before I do this because these drawers are locked only the things that there are room for should come through the pipe so let’s go test that theory if I put oops one down and we can make other dra for things what do we not have a drawer for we probably do not have a drawer [Music] for molten cores magma creams we should have it for most everything else do not have a drawer for gas tiers or maybe arrows but we can check um and then I want to put the [Music] extractor needs to [Music] go there okay hopefully it’s only going to pull the things that we have drawers for that’s the theory so if we add drawers for things that we didn’t have it should get those too don’t have gas here no I do have gas TI good so here they come walking down the street there’s the [Music] bones it’s kind of cool looking look at it go that’s that’s amazing actually Minecraft modded Minecraft is so cool look at that okay now based on the upgrades we can hold 32,000 blaze rods so we’re in good shape I will make uh void upgrades for these so that anything above the amount we hold gets deleted sir what are you doing in my house you shouldn’t be able to be in here I have the Torches that is a lot of [Music] Bones I’m just saying a lot of Bones we will never want for bone meal 3,000 and counting on Bones exciting what’s next what’s next it’s still pulling bones going to be a while I have a feeling this will not be done by the time the episode’s over oh now we’ve started on coal which we do have a drawer for so that’s perfect and it has skipped it looks like it’s skipped over things it doesn’t have a drawer for which is great so let’s give it uh those two a place there it goes with the ender pearls I think we need to make sure there’s a place for the ender pearl fragments so uh catalyzing creeper gland chilera they’re all from reliquary um the ender pearl fragment we’ll go ahead and put in there and it should go back and get [Music] those here come the ender pearls here they’re go go the Chila we just added it’s like oh yes and the creeper glands so it’s very smart and there come a couple stragglers things that are being collected there’s a like a blaze rod here come all the enderpearl fragments God 1,000 ender pearls will never lack what are you doing little buddy why why are we getting nether mobs in here I’m very curious also Bob’s upstairs walking around okay and we will um once we’ve hooked it we’ll hook this up as a an importer from refined storage and it’ll do the same thing it just won’t be visible like you won’t be able to see it it’ll be invisible in the cables so it’ll be instant my guess is that this visibility probably causes maybe a little bit of game lag sometimes although I don’t notice any drop in the frame rates at all like we’re still getting 60 60 frames a second which is great what is that more oh gunpowder [Music] fantastic is that what’s filling up or about to there go the gas tiers that’s a 100 at a time like that’s not too shabby they’re the last of the gas tiers and then we should start getting yep there’s the [Music] gunpowder nothing but a line of gunpowder it’s phenomenal we have so much stuff yeah we I don’t think we need a traditional mob farm I think we’re golden um in terms of resources so we’ll focus on setting up uh a Wither Farm in the next episode all of that should what is that an owl feather oops what are you doing collecting feathers from owls my friend I see six emeralds in here um I have a feeling we’ll be getting a lot of XP oh look there are two totems of undying so that’s what we’re getting from um probably the vindicators I’m very curious about the other kinds of things we get from [Music] them that’s fantastic okay now it’s started on the zombie flash good job buddies you guys are invaluable at collecting items and I think um we will say goodbye from in front of our insane item transport system we did lot today took a look at the bee farm we set up refined storage um or we finished setting up the bee farm uh went out hunting for a witch but ended up ering a woodland Mansion I will try to find a witch off camera uh oh I should check our spawn eggs and see if we have one we might have a witch spawn egg that would be useful and hopefully uh that’ll solve our Redstone lack of redstone production problem anyway thank you than you very much for watching everyone you are all the shiny stuff that awesome is made of have a wonderful day and we’ll see you later take care byebye

This video, titled ‘Chill Morning Minecraft – Chosens Modded Adventure EP25’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-03-19 02:24:34. It has garnered 76 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds.

Relaxing play in the 1.20 Minecraft modpack: Chosen’s Modded Adventure. Join me (@8:00 am Eastern on Mondays and Wednesdays) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft.

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    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “My Application For {CHORSMP} Lifesteal SMP.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out and attract players from all over the world? One server that has been making waves in the Minecraft community is Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP action, and thriving community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:****Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • Snitching on Chicken Madness

    Snitching on Chicken Madness i’m TELLING on you (Chicken Madness Episode #19) Exploring Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20 In the latest episode of Chicken Madness, the talented Minecraft player Dasanye takes on the challenge of beating the game using only chickens in her own mod. The video showcases her speedpainting skills while navigating the unique world of Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20. Speedpainting Amberlynn Dasanye’s artistic abilities shine as she speedpaints the character Amberlynn, all while strategically utilizing chickens to progress through the game. The combination of creativity and gameplay makes for an engaging viewing experience. Community Engagement Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and comment… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: Discord: #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More

  • Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrock

    Defeat the Granny Killer in El Khark v! 🔥💰 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mate al MataAbuelas 🤑🤙 #minecraftbedrock #bedwars #skywars #minecraftgameplay #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by El Khark v: on 2024-01-16 18:00:12. It has garnered 2432 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – BIG Move

    Insane MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 - BIG MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – MODDED Survival Multiplayer Day 5 – Moving :/’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-14 22:34:35. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:14 or 11054 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: Music: Inception by Karl Casey @… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOW

    EPIC Minecraft event June 1st at 7pm! 🎮 Join NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seid am 01.06 um 19:00 Uhr dabei!! 🎁 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #laintania’, was uploaded by Playzzn on 2024-05-26 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to – the place for unforgettable Minecraft adventures and impressive building projects! Join … Read More


    ULTIMATE CAR UPGRADE: RAINBOW LASER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mit REGENBOGEN-LASER AUTOS UPGRADEN in Minecraft RP!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-06-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 4626 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:18 or 1218 seconds. UPGRADE CARS with RAINBOW LASER in Minecraft RP! with: @Eiterblox ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Ente ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Page ► Minecraft prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft one block is funny / funny Minecraft challenge / Minecraft… Read More

  • 1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshorts

    1M EDITS! One Piece Surprise 😱#viral #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime’, was uploaded by @Gain Eᴅɪᴛᴢ 1M on 2024-01-26 14:42:10. It has garnered 7189 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. ONE PIECE #minecraft #viral #trendingshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #onepiece #ytshorts #youtubeshorts @Gaineditz1M #shorts #viral #amongus #anime #one piece ONE PIECE👿 #minecraft#viral#trendingshorts#shortsfeed#shorts #onepiece#ytshorts #youtubeshorts#anime Read More

  • Malenia Sky

    Malenia SkyEmbark on an epic journey through Malenia Sky, a dynamic Minecraft universe inspired by the legendary realms of Hypixel, Wynncraft, and other beloved games. Dive into a world brimming with boundless possibilities, where every corner is teeming with adventure and excitement. At Malenia Sky, your voice holds the key to shaping the destiny of our realm. Our voting platform empowers players like you to champion your favorite servers, each one a beacon of innovation and creativity. From captivating storylines to thrilling minigames and immersive RPG experiences, our servers draw inspiration from the best to offer an unparalleled gaming experience. Read More

  • Bonded Blocks Season 1 | Semi-vanilla Server For Content Creators | Applications Open! Whitelist 14+ 1.21

    Bonded Blocks – Calling all Content Creators! Hey there! I’m ServerNotGood, a 16 year old British Content Creator who loves playing Survival Minecraft with other inspiring Creators. Bonded Blocks is the server of my dreams, where 20 unique Content Creators come together to create, make memories, and enjoy playing survival minecraft. Mods Included: Simple Voice Chat Creator Status Mod AudioPlayer Mod We are looking for skilled and actively-playing Content Creators who can create videos in exciting ways, whether it’s storytelling, redstone, building, etc. We value personality and passion over subscriber count. Current members include It’s_Spyke, ServerNotGood, and more. Pranking is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc Debatable

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc DebatableLooks like this meme is powered by Energizer batteries, because it’s got a score of 4! Read More

  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

    OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I found a lucky block, a player’s dream. With a powerful sword, I struck with might, Defeating foes, in the day and the night. Join me on this journey, in the land of blocks, Where adventures await, in mines and docks. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and delight, As we explore together, in the Minecraft night. Follow me on socials, for updates and more, On Facebook, Discord, and Instagram galore. Like, share, and subscribe, to show your support, As we continue this journey, in the Minecraft fort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme Read More


    EPIC CROSSOVER: DARTH VADER'S SABER IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found DARTH VADERS LIGHT SABER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz Roblox on 2024-06-14 02:22:15. It has garnered 255798 views and 3537 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:10 or 11350 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are getting light sabers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366

    Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe’, was uploaded by Sticky – Minecraft memes on 2024-07-06 09:17:03. It has garnered 36857 views and 366 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:26 or 326 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe in minecraft 3d mod Minecraft diamond in real life. Realistic house and water physics in minecraft rtx on challenge (realistic sheep fur, realistic snow in minecraft, realistic water in minecraft, realistic lava in minecraft) Minecraft in Real Life – Secret Treasures Realistic Texture Pack The First Hacker’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!

    Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Du Obtenir la MEILLEUR Armure du jeu…’, was uploaded by Wizux on 2024-05-18 17:30:10. It has garnered 948 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:36 or 336 seconds. Hello today New video on the Skylodia server, which is for me one of the best minecraft servers of 2024 and or … I Got the BEST Armor … of the server on Minecraft! 👍and also think about the Baron Rank to win! My discord (very important) 😉: 🎬i made other videos in this style! like the video: I have 24H… Read More

  • GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥

    GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast #minecraft #shortsfeed #mrbeast #viral #trending #shorts #mobs’, was uploaded by GamexRudra on 2024-02-16 03:52:16. It has garnered 540 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast Don’t Forget To Subscribe Gamexrudra gamexrudra android gameplay android gameplay videos android games gaming channel simulator gameplays Android gameplays simulator gameplay @GamexRudra #gamexrudra new update android game mobile game mobile gameplay android gaming mobile gaming noob pro hacker Noob vs Pro vs Hacker noob vs pro vs pro vs… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosion

    Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrMeadow on 2024-06-02 03:21:14. It has garnered 29518 views and 621 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to MrMeadow In this channel, we dive deep into the immersive world of Minecraft exploring various gameplay modes uncovering hidden secrets mastering the art of survival tutorials redstone creations adventure maps multiplayer gameplay Minecraft tips and tricks and many more about Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey you’ll find something to enjoy here. Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!

    🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE] Playing Minecraft Bedrock With Viewers!’, was uploaded by 24kEl1te on 2024-03-25 07:42:11. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds. I hope you liked the stream! my dc server! : my twitter/x : #minecrtaft #minecraft Read More

  • WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft Legends

    WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft LegendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Youtubers Lost To Time’, was uploaded by WafflezMC on 2024-07-13 16:00:05. It has garnered 7950 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. Everybody has their favorite YouTubers, but what about the ones who are no longer on the platform? second channel: Insanely special thanks to Misdemeanors for helping me with the script and answering a few questions! also, three of the tracks in this video were made by Scott Buckley, one of my favorite stock music makers! will probably be using more of his… Read More

  • Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle – 50 Players!

    Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle - 50 Players!Video Information This video, titled ’50 Players fight in a WORLD WAR II CASTLE SIEGE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by History Recrafted on 2024-06-21 07:04:04. It has garnered 214 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:45 or 645 seconds. In the first episode of History Recrafted, we recreate the Battle of Castle Itter! In this attempt to simulate a war in Minecraft, players are only given one piece of guidance: defend the castle or take it over. Will history repeat itself in this Minecraft experiment? Or will something completely different happen that has some SERIOUSLY BAD… Read More

  • INSANE progress in 10 days – Minecraft Survival Indonesia

    INSANE progress in 10 days - Minecraft Survival IndonesiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ber-awal (Day 10) – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-11 22:09:56. It has garnered 233 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:12 or 11652 seconds. Support me, bro. donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : !commands nightbot !spek !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator = 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More