Insane Minecraft Alchemy & Energy Collectors!

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In the last stream we were working on setting up this automation right here for unlimited nutrient paste via the digestor and in turn unlimited nutrient bars and as you can see between streams I have done a little bit of work on the base here and I have reconfigured this

Just a little bit to make it a little bit nicer before we had kind of digging into the floor it looked a little haphazard now it’s the the same setup we still have two hopping bony pots with melons feeding into the digestor which is filling up on melons producing

Nutrient paste feeding itself with that nutrient paste and then secondarily sending the nutrient paste down to these compacting drawers to be turned into nutrient bars and you’ll see that we now have over five staks of nutrient bars available to us which is going to make

It so much easier for us today to work with our blood alter before we do get started with that though as I mentioned I have kind of done a bit of Base work I don’t love it I’m probably going to tweak it quite a bit more going forward

But for now it does give us more space I’ve kind of pushed everything back it did take a little bit of time with the water wheel and create setup to kind of move it all back a few blocks but we do now have more space to work in today’s

Episode and you may be thinking Isaac why have you made these pens smaller these cows do not have enough space however I have developed a new space saving technique that’s going to allow us to fit a lot more of of these cows in a much smaller space and if we kind of

Finagle our way in here it turns out that we can really maximize the vertical space available to us with basically all of our animals here if we just stack them and currently if we’re not going to use them for anything I feel like oh it

Turns out I can’t stack more if I have the wolf on there I see that’s what’s uh stopping that one over there as well but you can stack these really as much as you like by the looks of it it doesn’t seem to have a limit look at that they

Now have so much space to run around you know what you can even do it with the pandas as well you can just pick them up shift right click with the carryon mod especially if you can get into the uh the pin excuse me my friend I would like

To there we go and uh and yeah you can just make them nice and Tall look at this and so now it’s essentially like we have one cow or two cows and one Panda and they have all of the space that they need perfect so now that that’s taken

Care of what I want to work on in today’s stream is I want to start on the pain section of the quest line specifically I like to work towards getting a simple storage Network up and running because it is going to make it so much easier for us to access and

Craft with all of the items inside of our colossal chest and also inside of our other storage drawers as well and so to get down here the first Quest is a simple Mob form this is not strictly necessary in order to pass through like we could just skip straight to the soul

Snap there but we wouldn’t then get credit for doing the quest and so real quick I will complete this Quest right here even though we’re not going to set up a mob farm today the uh three quests here are not too difficult for us to do

We need one mob fan which is just four stone slabs four iron and a block of redstone I think in terms of what we’re missing there it might just be the block of redstone and the stone and slab form it is indeed that gets us a mob fan you

Can use this to move mobs around easily we then need the mob Masher which requires a block of iron along with these two iron spikes the iron spikes require more blocks of iron so we’ll go ahead and take at least two more of those and then we need three six uh

Seven eight iron swords I believe to make this happen so 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 and eight perfect that should be enough for two of these iron spikes and then as long as we have our diamonds in the chest which I believe we do we should

Have basically everything we need for the mob Masher nice and then finally we need the absorption Hopper this requires yet another block of redstone with three Sear braks and then one Lightning Charge the Lightning Charge we do have I made another one between streams because I

Was using it to duplicate dirt for our new platforms over there however the seared brick I think is something that we probably don’t have much of if any left we got five sear bricks here and then we have a couple of sear components from the smeltery which currently isn’t

Up and running do we have any grout in here is my next question if not it’s not the end of the world because we do have sand gravel and clear and so should be able to make some grout fairly easily and as we’ve seen previously we can just

Run that grout over to our smoking setup over here and get ourselves a decent amount of sear brick which should then allow us to make the absorption Hopper and 22 seed brick later we can make ideally four of these fantastic and that should be everything for the absorption

Hopper nice so we’ll come back to all of this stuff I’ll put in my backpack for now we’ll come back to all of that when we look at setting up a mob farm for now though the next Quest wants us to make a soul snare it says throw it at any mob

And kill it to get demonic will so the soul snare is acquired with string in the blood alter requires 500 life points and string we can get by putting four sticks into the mechanical mixer again not a particularly difficult recipe for us let’s do one of these and one of

These and then let’s take our sticks and I’ll throw all of these into the mixer for now a little extra string is fine and again because we are now growing wood with our dark oak botne poot here we don’t really have to worry too much about running out of sticks in the near

Future back over here we’ve got at least 500 life points in our blood alter and so it shouldn’t take too too long for us to get that first Soul snare and then you can throw these at passive mobs which I think is going to be ideal for

Us let me try and deconstruct this Tower you do have to be careful if you try and pick up the bottom some cow all of the other cows will come crumbling down that does remind me though that at the very end of the last episode we did get our

Pig up and running and the plan was to right click that pig with a piece of iron to see if we do get a pig iron ingot from it so if I do this and I do this that doesn’t do anything like I can’t right click the iron onto the pig

Off seemingly I can’t let me try can I feed you the iron does that work that doesn’t work okay so I still don’t know how we get pig iron but we’ll figure that out later for now what we should be able to do is we should be

Able to throw the soul snare at the Cow I don’t think that worked because normally it has particle effects around it let me get one more Source now real quick thankfully now it is a lot easier for us to refill the blood alter because we have these nutrient bars again that

Allow us to refill our saturation and therefore our hearts very quickly the twitch CH is tell me I have to hit the pig with the iron so if I do oh okay yeah that totally works that’s some pig iron I still don’t necessarily know what it is we’re trying to do with

The pig iron but let me try again with the soul snare here maybe I missed my uh my first throw let me grab a little bit of wheat out of the chest here let’s see if we can’t lure the cow closer to the middle of the platform because right now

He is kind of dangerously close to the edge here all right let’s try that again if I take the soul snare and I throw it at the Cow there we go you’ll see it has the blood magic effect for another 13 seconds and so we want to kill the cow

Within those 13 seconds and it should drop for us the demon will nice that is the next Quest complete and now we can use that demon will to craft the alchemy table the alchemy table is going to be useful for us because it’s going to allow us to start crafting runes so

Alchemy table is this guy right here we have everything we need to make it including the demon will for now let’s go ahead and put this down right about here don’t know why goes down that way that’s fine let’s do it like this and in here we should now be able to craft

Things like the Arcane ashes so the Arcane ashes here are made with redstone gunpowder white dye coal and a weak blood OB the weak blood OB is not used up the blood OBS are basically never used up in basically any of the crafting recipes so it should just be a case of

Getting these other items none of this is too difficult apart from gunpowder because we don’t have access to gunpowder currently now the question is is there a way for us to make gunpowder we could look at making it with charcoal exotic dust and blaze powder blaze powder we

Also don’t have however there is a conversion recipe up on this side of the quest book which I guess we could start working towards because we are going to need to do this as we progress forward anyway over on this side we’re working towards the alchemy table for that we

Need high medium and low Cove Valance dust and I think that all of those should be pretty straightforward the low surveillance dust is super easy it just requires charcoal and Cobblestone unfortunately you can’t use regular coal there and so we are going to have to find our furnace which should be in here

Somewhere and get that thrown down for now let’s say right about here we’ll throw in the wood and we’ll throw in you know I was going to use planks there but I feel like we might as well use some coal oh the twitch chat is totally right

Here I completely forgot that you can wash zinc to get gunpowder which makes me think that we probably should have some Gunpowder there is one here I would have thought we would had a lot more of it although I guess to be fair we’ve not really been using that much zinc if I

Take a stack of it here and I move this smoking setup I put the water back down that should get us some some more gum powder to be fair though we only need the one and so with that in mind we also going to need to get the and St we’ll

Come back to that later on in the episode with that in mind though we should now be able to just grab our composter which I believe is hiding out over in the corner there along with a couple of samp let’s say to try and get another bone meal for the white dye and

At that point I think we should have basically everything that we need boom and boom so there’s the white dye and with that I think we’re just missing a single piece of coal and so back over here we can put the weak blood OB in the

Blood OB slot we can then put in Coal gunpowder white dye and I believe Redstone and you’ll see right now it says Soul network error insufficient LP in the soul Network so right now we’ve not bound our blood OB to our Network and you’ll see right here

That it requires 500 LP over 200 tick which is 10 seconds to complete this craft the way that we bind the blood OB to us is simply by right clicking with the blood OB which will basically do the same thing as the sacrificial dagger does but I believe that’s going to put

The life Essence into the blood Network so right now it’s kind of hard to see but I think there are 200 LP in here as we get for each tick that we do of damage you can also put the the orb into the blood alter you’ll see at the top we

Have 1.85 buckets if we put that in it’s going to start to drain the life Essence out of the Altar and transfer it into our soul Network which is kind of like the wireless life Essence that we can use via our blood OBS so if I put this

In here hopefully it’s going to work because we now have enough life Essence inside of our weak blood orb to complete the craft and once this is done the next Quest here is for The Apprentice blood or which is kind of fine we do need 10,000 LP to make that happen which I

Believe is the current capacity of our Altar and so really all we should have to do here is stock up on nutrient bars make sure we eat those regularly that does complete the 48 nutrient bar Quest from the last episode and we probably want to make sure the alter is full

Before we start trying the craft because if you run out of life Essence before the craft is finished then you end up wasting life Essence which is is not ideal that did get us gunpowder which is very nice indeed let me quickly craft all that zinc down and we’ll get rid of

It in into the chest for now but real quick I’m just going to go ahead and continue to eat these nutrient bars and deposit life Essence until we get to 10,000 Mill buckets worth of Life Essence in the altar which we’re already at 5,000 I really don’t think it’s going

To take too long and not too long later boom we’ve got 10 buckets in there and wow that is very fast indeed and we now have an apprentice blood op nice this opens up quite a bit of crafting tours but one thing I do want to do first here

Is I do want to look at getting another of the arcane ashes because we can use those Arcane Ashes to get runes and the Rune that I’m specifically after is this guy right here the Divination sigil sorry sigils not runes uh the Divination sigil here is going to tell us how many

Life points are alter can currently hold we know it’s 10,000 but it’s also going to allow us to see how many life points are in our blood Network because right now we’re kind of just guessing as to how many life points are in there and so

Once again we’ll throw in the white Dy we’ll throw in the Redstone we’ll grab one piece of coal and we’ll also grab some of the gunpowder that we just placed in here and I’ll also middle click here to organize that inventory back over here boom and boom that’s

Going to get us a second Arcane ashes and we need to combine that now with a redstone and a blank sled so Redstone we have I don’t believe that we have any blank sleds left in our system here never mind we totally do not that it

Would have been a problem if we didn’t we can make more of these very easily with Rocky dirt but now that we have this I believe believe what we want to do here in order to make the Divination sigil is we want to right click the Arcane ashes onto the ground that’s

Going to throw down this circle and then from there I believe that we want to right click with redstone and then with the blank slit so if I right click with redstone and then with the blank slit that is going to begin moving performing whatever ritual is necessary and once

This is done we should get ideally a divination sigil nice and we can see that if we right click on the alter it tells us how many life points are in here currently zero it also tells us our current tier and our current capacitate but if we right click in the air it

Tells us the current amount of LP inside of our blood Network and if I were to quickly do one of these and we right click again you’ll see it’s now gone up to 496 LP in the blood Network pretty nifty stuff the benefit of the higher

Tier blood up by the way is that it can just access more of the lp and the blood Network so I believe the blood network is shared between all the blood orbs but the weak blood orb can only access I think like 5,000 I could be wrong on

That but it can only access a few thousand LP versus The Apprentice blood do which can do higher tier crafts that require more LP it just allows you to store more and it’s also required for certain crafts going forward here we need to make ritual Stone which I don’t

Think is actually necessary again for the creation of the magician blood orb this again is been the tier3 Ulta which we do currently have however it requires 25,000 LP and as you have seen we do only currently have capacity for 10,000 and so ideally we’re going to want to

Make some Runes of capacity to upgrade our alter and allow us to store more life Essence so the Runes of capacity are actually fairly easy to make thankfully it’s three buckets one blank Rune which we’ve seen before is just Stern a blank slate and any blood OB

Which you do get big and uh back here we just need mstone and an imbued slate which is the upgraded version of the blank slate with an extra 2, LP in the alter which we can then upgrade to the U slay which is a tier three slay with an

Extra 5,000 so this is the expensive part for the Run of capacity but thankfully the Runes of capacity I believe are quite good if we check out the sanguine centium here and we go and type in capacity the Rune of capacity increases the capacity of the blood

Alter by an additive 20% per Rune and so our current capacity is 10,000 which means if we were to add one of these Runes of capacity that would take us up to 12,000 the one after that would take us up to 14,000 then 16,000 and so on

There is the Rune of augmented capacity which is even better here but it is a fair bit more expensive it requires a demonic slate which needs a tier four alter which we currently don’t have this is better in that it is multiplicative and not additive the idea there is that

The size of the alter gets bigger the more runes you have so instead of calculating the percentage based on the base capacity of the alter it calculates the percentage based on the last size when you added the last Rune if that makes sense so instead of going from

10,000 to 12,000 to 14,000 it would potentially go from 10,000 to 12,000 and then you’d calculate 20% of 12,000 and then go from there it doesn’t matter for us at the moment what matters currently is that we can make the Runes of capacity and if we want to get to a

Capacity of 25,000 we’re going to need quite a few of the Runes of capacity because we ideally are going to want to get to I guess 26,000 which would mean I think eight Runes of capacity in total which I think should be doable for us for that we’re going to need 24 buckets

That’s probably the easiest part of the Endeavor we do have I think enough iron to make 24 buckets here we do indeed and then after that the actual tricky part of the recipe is going to be getting eight imbu slates and potentially eight blank runes the eight blank runes should

Be fairly straightforward as we saw before we can take the rocky dirt here and we can just run that through the altar again now that we have the nutrient bars it should be fairly easy for us to get a large amount of LP here one thing that we could also look at

Doing whilst we’re already working towards getting the Runes of capacity is we could look at the other runes available that augment the alter in different ways one of the best ones for us using our self-sacrifice is the Runes of self-sacrifice here these increase the amount of LP that you get every time

You use the dagger so the default Rune of self-sacrifice Here If We Hold control it will open up the the page inside of the guide book uh it gives us a bonus 10% additively per Rune and so right now we get 200 life points per

Rune if we were to use one of these Runes of self-sacrifice that would take us up to 220 a second one 240 then 280 you get the idea that then snaks with the effect of the incense alter to get us even more as well these are also not

Too difficult to make again do require some reinforced slates which are cheaper than the imbued slates along with Glowstone glow Stone’s really the only tricky part to make there we have made glowstone in the past and we definitely can make more we uh use the lightning charges and water the lightning charges

Really not too difficult actually they’re made with the blank slates lapis nether quartz and water and so what I think we probably want to do here is maybe we’ll start by making quite a few of these Runes of self-sacrifice we’ll put those around the outside edge it

Doesn’t matter where you put the runes by the way but there just happens to be eight runes here and I think we’ll use these eight runes for our Runes of capacity to get us up over 25,000 worth of LPN capacity and then we’ll use these out here to throw down

Our Runes of self sacrifice we’ll make really as many of those I guess as we can and we’ll see about getting uh our numbers up in terms of how much we get per Life Point and given that the Runes of self-sacrifice are easier to make I think we’ll start with those so we’ll

Grab some lpis we’ll grab some nether quarts and we’ll just kind of throw all of that with water of course into our mixer let’s do we throw all of this in obviously we’re only going to need 10 of each there but that’s fine right now our

Unlimited water is over here I do want to move that at some point in the not to dist of future and unfortunately for now we are going to have to put each bucket of water in manually and kind of wait for it to finish but it shouldn’t take

Us too long to get a fairly decent amount of baze powder which should get us more than enough glow stone to make quite a few of these runes Stone we can make very easily of course using our cobblestone generator we just throw the stone down over here if we do again one

Of these I definitely should eat especially when working so close to the campfire because if I don’t there’s a nonzero chance that I do get uh burnt and then if I’m on one heart I might just die so let’s do of course one of these to get us a large amount of stone

Let’s continue to get our bliz powder over here and once we’ve got our 10 blaz powder we can of course K plunk those into lightning charges and then it’s just a case of loading this guy up over here with water and then moving those lightning charges over to get Glowstone

So that’s 10 glowstone dust for five Runes of sacrifice let’s see if we can’t make these happen so Rune of self-sacrifice I do need I need five more blank slates if that’s going to happen that’s actually fine because the blank slates are made just so quickly

Inside the alter here and so with five blank slates we should be able to make five blank runes we should have more enough Stone to make that happen now let’s make sure we do this and this fantastic and then with five blank runes we should be able to make five Runes of

Self-sacrifice as soon as we get five reinforced sleds so for that we’re going to need one more set of Rocky dirt that’s fine getting five more blank runes here is not going to be a problem we can go one two three four and five

I’ll do the six one just cuz I have it the slightly trickier part is going to be upgrading those from blank runes to reinforce slates because that requires 2,000 LP per and unfortunately unlike the recipe for the blank slate this one does take a little bit of time which is

Where there’s another Rune that could potentially help us as well and that’s the speed Rune the speed rune just increases the speed at which the alter Works allowing recipes like this to be done much faster and to make these These are even easier than the Rune of self-sacrifice these just need sugar and

Sugar we can of course make from nature Essence and then once we have our first banch of sugar cane we should then be able to grow it in much the same way wait do I not have enough LP in here I thought I did have oh no I do have 2,000

It’s trying to make see what it did there is it tried to make the imbu Slate so it went a bit too far and tried to upgrade from reinforced to imbu which is not what we want we do want the reinforc Slate but we do want to keep an eye on

It to make sure that we do get those reinforce slates but as I was saying once we get our first batch of sugar we could then utilize the shifting mechanics to grow a very tall amount of sugar very quickly and it should be very easy for us to get basically unlimited

Sugar after the fact and so it also might not be a terrible idea to look at getting some speed runes as well just to make things a little bit faster for that we would just want to get I think seven bamboo and also let me put some stuff

Back into our system here the ation s can go in my backpack for the time being we probably don’t need the pig iron at this very moment in time the alkan ases can also go in the backpack for now and then getting enough nature Essence here for the sugar cane should be very

Straightforward nice I’m pretty sure seven is right and then if memory serves me correctly I think it’s something like this for sugarcane it is indeed and then if we craft some sugar here let’s say eight we should then be able to use that to make some speed runs we totally can

Uh if we wanted to make more we’d need more blank slides which again is just more of the rocky dirt I’m going to make like as much Rocky dirt as we can we can always make more dirt and more gravel and then over here if we start putting

These whoops I should not have let that fall into the void if we start putting the speed runes in here it should start making the alter just that little bit faster what is the speed upgrade that we get for this I don’t think it’s massive unfortunately 20% per Rune increases the

Speed additively so it’s a little bit faster let’s give it a try over here we uh fill this up again with at least 2,000 and we throw in our other blank sled it’s definitely a little quicker it’s not super fast and we could definitely do with putting more of these

Speed runes in to make it even quicker than it currently is which I do think is worth doing and so yeah let me quickly go ahead and make some more speed runes and then we’ll also continue looking at getting the five reinforced slates to make the five Runes of self sacrifice

Okay so a little bit more reinforced slate crafting later we can now make two more speed runes and I believe we should have what it takes to make the five Runes of self sacrifice if I put these in here these in here for some reason it

Doesn’t like to put all of the required stuff in are we out of stone we’re not out of stone again it doesn’t like putting the right items in let me keep shift clicking this in this is a little awkward but it should hopefully get the job done and it’s also hopefully

Something that we won’t have to deal with once we get our simple storage Network up and running so what I’m going to do here I’m going to put down our speed runes in the four slots in the four cardinal directions of the altar here like this and then I’ve made an

Awkward number of Runes of self sacrifice here because we can’t really put five down and have it look even so I’ll kind of factor in that I’ll make more in the future we’ll start by putting two down on each side and then we’ll we’ll kind of finish it up

Hopefully at some point in the uh the not so distant future with a few more to take us up to two on each side and then potentially more in the future should we need them as well but hopefully this now should make it a lot easier for us to

Get the eight imbued slates that we want in order to make make eight Runes of capacity so for that we need eight blank slates which should be pretty straightforward again let me make sure we keep up on the sacrificial dagger and the nutrient bars here and then getting

Eight of these blank slats should be very easy for us and then it’s just a case of running all of those through the alter and imbuing them with 2,000 life points to take them from blank to reinforced and then another 5,000 to take them from reinforced to imbued and

We need to do that eight times but we should be getting a lot more life points now from each use of the dagger thanks to those Runes of self-sacrifice and you know what I might just go ahead and get the other three of those real quick

Before we focus too much on the ruins of capacity okay and a fair bit of knife usage later we now have eight imbued slids which should be everything that we need for eight Runes of capacity we’re missing by the looks of it one blank Rune and I was thinking maybe a bucket

As well but I think all we should have to do here is just steal one of our pre-existing blank Runes of course cuz we’re going to move these anywhere ideally we don’t want to lose them and so you know what I might even just it’s

Going to look bad but we’re not going to see it if we put some uh some Cobblestone kind of underneath like this and that way we can kind of just Tim mine the uh the runes fantastic we get all eight of those and then we can use one more of those to

Craft up our last Rune of capacity and then if we place those Runes of capacity around the center of the altar here that should take us back to a tier three alter but if we check again with our divination sigle now it tells us we have a capacity of

26,000 and so we should be able to craft up a block of gold like so and if we can get 25,000 LP into our alter we should be able to use all of that to convert this block of gold into the magician blood orb the quest book does want us to

Do this Quest here for the four ritual Stones first I’m not quite sure why it wants us to do that but this just requires four reinforced slates again not going to be a problem one two three and we’ll leave the fourth one in there I’ll get the four reinforced slates

First and then we can uh kind of kill two birds with one stone we can get the ritual Stone Quest complete and we can get The Magicians blood and a fair bit of dagger usage again later we now have the four reinforced slates and we have

26 buckets worth of Life Essence in our Altar and so this is going to take a bit time it’s a little bit faster with the speed runes but we just have to wait for that to suck up 25 buckets worth of Life Essence while we wa for that let’s go

Ahead and craft up these ritual Stones which we are going to need going forward just not at this very moment in time although actually to make the ritual Stones here we do need rose quartz tiles we need four of them uh these are made in the stone cutter which I believe we

Should be able to make are we really out of stone that does make sense we made a lot of runes today let me get another stack of stone cooking over here ideally not with Cobblestone next to it and once we have the stone cutter we then need to

Make the polished rose quartz which is not too bad actually it requires sand paper which you guessed it is sand and paper along with the rose quartz which is made with just nether quartz and Redstone both of which are fairly easy for us to get at this point in the pank

And so let’s go ahead and make I think just two of these and then I did plant down the sugar cane that is placed down over here it does grow with shifting but just nowhere near as fast as something like the bamboo uh it looks like it’s

Not working but there you go it does work just very very slowly and so we might have to put down like a few more sugar can to get a decently sized Farm going either way back over here we do have enough sugar can to get paper sand

Plus paper is sandpaper and then if you place the Sandpaper in your off hand and hold the rose quarts in your main hand you can then hold down the right Mouse button and that will send the rose quarts into polished Rose quarts and then as long as we have the stone

Required which we do we can take that and back over here we should be able to make the stone cutter like so throw that down down and then throw in our polished rose quartz to get the rose quartz tiles you do get two at a time which is very nice indeed

And so back over here we should now be able to get the ritual STS fantastic and ideally look at that we’re done on our magicians blood up nice so with the magician blood up we now have the ability to start looking at this simple storage Network for that we’re going to

Need a storage Network route I’m going to bookmark that like this you bookmark the whole recipe but I find it easier just to click on the recipe uh because you can you can bookmark multiple recipes as well if you want and then you can kind of like um slide between them

With the scroll wheel or you can kind of drag them but they’re a bit of a pain to to scroll between you got to really go for it with the scroll wheel if you don’t go too far it kind of only partly does it anyway I prefer to just bookmark

Them here and then check the recipe as and when I need it so let me unbookmark these throw them down into the abyss dispose here there we go get rid of come on let me get rid of both of those there we go anyway we need one storage Network

Route we don’t necessarily need a crafting remote although I do think it would be nice to have we then need a storage request table and some network cable so this guy right here the storage Network route is the heart of the system it requires four nether quarts one

Magicians blood or and four network cable the network cable is made with stone slabs iron and the magician split up so let’s get a bunch of stone slabs those are going to be needed let’s get a couple of banches of network cable we’ll go for two for now 16 might get us there

Then the storage Network route super easy the storage request table requires four regular crafting tables alongside the storage inventory which is more network cable some iron nuggets and a dropper The Dropper is easy enough let put that into the chest I don’t know if we have any iron nuggets we totally do

That gets us a storage inventory and from there we get the storage request table and so now all we need to actually get a basic simple storage Network up and running is is some Link cable I like to go for filtered Link cable because it’s not much more expensive than

Regular Link cable it just requires the Observer here which does make it slightly more expensive but I think it’s worth the extra cost all we are missing is Cobblestone I rotated the draw when I placed it back down so that we can access it without having to build a uh a

Cobblestone pillar every time and so back over here let’s do this let’s do this that gets us four filtered Link cable and the basic setup here is going to require that we move our crafting station place down a filtered Link cable onto the Colossal chest core and then

From there if we just place down our storage Network route and our storage request table we can now see all of the items inside of our colossal chest from in here and we can craft just like we could before with the crafting station but the benefit here and I like to sort

By items amount and I like to go descending so it shows the item we have the most over the top and I like to keep ji search disabled you can turn that on if you like it but the big benefit for us is we can now search

Through here so if I want grass I can search grass if I want gunpowder I can search gunpowder I don’t have to scroll through all of these lines to try and find the uh the few pieces of living flesh that we have we can just search

For them and it should be easier and also hopefully shift clicking things like this in if we had the required items would actually go in you’ll see it put the or in the right slot it put the stone in before it wasn’t putting the the orb in it was leaving in our

Inventory it was a whole thing but this should make our lives a fair easier and going forward if we want to connect more things to our Network all we have to do is throw down a filter Link cable and then connect that filter Link cable to

The network route and then in here you can see now we have access to all of the nutrient paste and all of the nutrient bars from that drawer from within here but of course we can take it yet further if we get the crafting remote the

Crafting remote here is what is going to allow us to access all of this wirelessly wherever we are in the base to make it we do need another one of these Network routes which means we are going to have to make some more network cable that’s completely fine let’s do

Something like this and get two more bches of it getting another Network grout super easy getting another storage request table should also be pretty straightforward I think we just need one more dropper to make that work along with some more crafting tables ideally

Four of them which we can do 1 two 3 4 boom and Boom 1 two 3 4 Fantastic there I think should be everything for the storage request table it is and then the tricky part here is the four sea lanterns so the sea lanterns are made up of prismarine

Shards and prismarine crystals and this is where I believe we need to Pivot back to The Cove Valance dust and see if we can’t get the alchemy table so the coill dust as we saw earlier the first one charcoal Cobblestone easy enough the second one here the medium Co valence

Dust is one iron and one Redstone easy enough and then the third one here is one coal and one Diamond also easy enough we have all of that stuff from there in order to get to the alchemy table we need a pink energy collector

Block so for that we have to go this way around the amethyst Essence is made by putting High calance dust into the blood alter so let’s take that how many LP are required here we need 500 that is actually completely fine we’ve got 1,000 boom done easy back over here let me

Bookmark the alchemy table we’re working towards this guy this looks a little tricky but I think might be okay so the reason we need this by the way the prismarine shards are easy enough to make we can bulk haunt some lapis and that’s not too bad bulk haunting does

Require Soul Sand however we should be able to get Soul Sand I think with the nether Essence that we can get elsewhere but then we need fire Essence as well which could be tricky actually although demon will does work in here we might have to pull some Demon will over some

Sand to get Soul Sand actually demon well of course we can get by pouring by putting the demon Wells that we got earlier into the alter that does give you one is it one milliet per will oh I think it’s one milliet per will quality which is not usually one by default so

Um we might need a few demon Wells to make the Soul Sand but Bank over here the tricky part is that we need prismarine crystals and I believe the only way for us to get these currently is via the alchemy table we can convert the prismarine shards into prismarine

Crystals and that’s where this alchemy table is required again to make it though we do need this uh energy collector for that we need some calite the calite is easy enough and in fact we can make that right now that’s completely fine and that’s one of the reasons we needed the amethyst Essence

Two blocks of Glowstone also completely fine four amethyst bronze ingots is going to require a t a smelter I believe because the amethyst bronze is an alloy between copper and Amethyst the amethyst I guess we can get by smelting amethyst shards which we can get from amethyst Essence that is completely fine that

Shouldn’t be a problem we would need some fuel but molten blazing copper should get us there on that front and then finally we need the lava Crystal the lava Crystal actually surprisingly not too difficult three more lightning charges we’ve made these before more glass more rose quartz tiles the

Magician blood and the diamond that’s all fine again you get the blood all back so this doesn’t look too difficult however there are a few things that we’re going to have to do to make it work the first thing that we’re going to have to do is get a decent amount more

Sand gravel and Clay to allow us to make a bunch more grout because right now I don’t think we have anywhere near enough grout to make the size of smel tre that we’re going to need to make this happen let’s do this let’s do this and then if

We want actually just do that again with the remaining gravel sand and clay there we go This is 40 That’s not too bad but but what we should probably do is go ahead and wash some more copper to get some more clear and then of course we

Can use our Cobble to get more gravel and then our gravel in the front set Wheels here because we do still have to to get more sand all right so two more stacks of gr smelted into sear brick later we should be able to look at making a fully fledged Tinker smeltery

So we are going to have to initially reset up the old smeltery that being the sead heater topped with the seared melter and then the casting Bas in with the faucet the reason for that is that we used our old smeltery controller to make our first furnace so we are going

To have to make this again thankfully copper is now the Ingot we have the most of and melting more of it down shouldn’t be too difficult let me put the fu Bank in here let’s put one sear brick in here and then we’ll probably put our fully

Fledged smeltery over here in just a second we do need I think one more copper Ingot smelted in there think thankfully this is pretty fast and once that’s done we can build a fully fledged smeltery which can burn uh liquid fuel like molten copper which is then going

To allow us to ideally make the alloy required here for this pink energy collector so there is our smel controller let’s put that smelter controller right about here we’ll probably end up pushing this back we’ll build maybe another platform but temporarily you know what I’m going to

Build this one Higher up just so I don’t end up losing things to the void what I’ll do is go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 that’s going to be our base and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to build the

Next level of it around like this normally I’d build this in the ground but I think what I’ll do between episodes is probably move this a bit further back for now though what we’ll do is we’ll do something like this we’re going to build a 3X3 smeltery you can

Build these smelteries in a bunch of different ways you can make a one by one that’s tiny in the middle and really tall you can make them I believe up to 9 by9 in internal size which is gigantic for us though we’re going to go with a somewhat classic 3×3 internal size here

For that we are going to need some more seared brick not a problem we have the ability to make more of it let’s do this and then let’s also go ahead and do this you can fill in the corners as well by the way if you want the same true with

The edges as well the cobstone is here you can fill that in as well but it’s not strictly necessary the only thing that is necessary for us now to convert this into an actual working smeltery is a drain this guy right here uh that just more seed brick and copper that’s easy enough

Assuming that we can shift click it in I’m not quite sure why that’s not shift clicking in but either way there’s the drain and then we also need a tank as well which is this guy right here and this is going to hold whatever fuel we

Decide to use for the smel tree again right now we don’t have access to Lava and so I do think we are going to have to use the molten copper which is also going to get as one step closer to fully completing I believe the uh the first

Tier of the quest book because if we head back through here up at the top there is a quest to get a molten blazing copper bucket we get this by filling a bucket with molten blaz and copper which we can get by mixing molten copper and

Coal in the Basin and the mixer and that’s just copper ingots that’s easy enough so Bank over here what we can do is grab some coal use that to heat up our Blaze burner down here of course make sure there’s at least one copper in there heat that up once that’s turned into

Molten copper we are going to need more molten copper by the looks of it cuz I think we need a full buckets Worth to make this happen and it looks like you only get 90 mli buckets per Ingo which is not ideal but if we can get a full

Ingots worth of molten copper we can then drop in the coal and that should convert the molten copper into molten blazing copper and we want to get a full bucket of molten blazing copper that we can then pull out using just a regular bucket to ideally allow us to fuel our

Furnace at least for a little bit here so that should be all the mol blazing copper that we need give it just a second here it’s working its way through fantastic we can take that molten blazing copper which completes the quest there and we can put it in over here

Unfortunately you can’t make alloys in this setup which is why this setup is required the bigger smell rate this bigger smell rate is now going to allow us to make the required amethyst bronze ingots so I think ideally here we might just make a block of amethyst bronze

That saves us having to make an Ingot cast we could just pull directly into a casting Basin if we wanted to make a block of amethyst bronze which we could that of course just craft down into the ingots we would need 810 millets of molten amethyst bronze for that we’re

Going to need about 10 copper ingots and by the looks of it about nine amethyst shards that should be actually completely fine let’s take some more High coill dust and I’ve got to get into the habit of using this now instead of using the chest it’s much

Easier we’ll take the high CO veillance dust we’ll take our sacrificial dagger we’ll do one of these we’ll quickly get at least eight of the amethyst Essence here we’ll then craft that eight amethyst Essence into amethyst crystals then we can go ahead and just put oops let’s make sure we eat our nutrient

Bricks here to keep ourselves fully saturated and allow us to deposit more into the blood alter but that should get us more than enough amethyst shards to uh to make this happen I’m just hopeful that our molten copper fuel goes far enough so we’ll craft this in like a standard

Furnace orientation perfect and then we’ve got a ton of copper as we mentioned previously and so in here we want to put uh 10 copper or thereabout into here that’s going to start smelting and it is going to start using the Mt blazing copper to do that and it should put that copper

Into the tank it does we’ll do one more and we’ll also smelt up 10 amethyst shards as well as those both combine in the smeltery it should form the amethyst bronze alloy that we’re after it does look at that and we’ve got 720 buckets

Of it we need 810 Mill buets of it to make this work there’s the 8810 fantastic and just like before all we need to do now is move the Basin over to here the drain we can put the faucet down now onto the drain like so we can get rid of these

Two these are not going to be required going forward and then it should just be a cave of right clicking onto the drain to pull out the 810 millets of molten amethyst bronze that’s going to go into the casting Bas in and should quickly cool into a block of molten amethyst bronze

And with that I believe that we are one step closer to getting this remote because that is everything for the amethyst so now we just need eight more glowstone and the lava Crystal and the lava Crystal again seems pretty straightforward we are going to need to

Get one more of the the rose quarts here again we can do this we can do this and we can do this to get us the tiled Rose quarts that’s fine and so that’s one step closer to this we then just need three more lightning charges on top of

The lightning charges required for the glow stone right so each glow stone is one Lightning Charge and so we need to make eight lightning charges for the glow stone plus an additional three taking us to 11 lightning charges which in our case is 11 nether quarts look at

That we have the perfect amount for it along with 11 lpis and 11 of the blank runes which we’re going to get of course from the rocky dirt all right so 11 lightning charges later we can put eight of those like this over on here that’s

Going to get us eight glowstone and I think that’s basically everything that we need in terms of the lava Crystal we should now have everything we do perfect that’s a quest complete over here I loaded all the water up ahead of time and so we should have everything for

Eight glowstone dust we do indeed that gets us two glowstone St the blocks and so now back over here we should have everything for the pink energy collector Mark 5 we do and back over here that in turn should be everything for the alchemy table we’re just missing two

Minecraft torches boom and so now the alchemy table is an interesting one I’m going to put that down in here we supposedly can convert our prismarine into prismarine Crystal now to do that we of course need prismarine if we’re going to get prismarine we need Soul

Sand and as we saw before it looks like Soul Sand is something we’re going to have to get via the smelter as well so to get the Soul Sand we want to pull out the demon wh over sand I 200 mck of demon well let me go ahead and grab the

String out of here if I put that in the blood alar that should get us a soul snare it did and then over here let’s do the same thing that we did earlier I’m going to pull you off ideally from the top there I

Guess I got to get rid of that there we go let’s do this and let’s do this again it didn’t work I wonder if I it stood too close I wonder if that’s the problem let me get just a staggering number of sticks we got 17 in there that’s not

Really what I would call a staggering number but if I do this that should get us a good number of sticks then we’ll throw these back in over here perfect that’s going to get us hopefully a decent amount of string fairly quickly can I take that out without taking the

Sticks out the answer is no but we can uh throw the rest of those back in and do this as well it’s it’s possible that there’s just not 100% chance but um I thought it was yeah I think I might just need to be um further aware when I

Attempt to make it happen we’ll then grab our burn Cleaver and ideally get ourselves a demon will so this is quality is 2.26 this is where I’m interested as to how much demon will we actually get here I don’t think the demon world is going to merge with a

Copper at least I hope it doesn’t that got us 135 mil buckets okay that is actually completely fine I was a little bit worried that that was going to get us two mil buckets because looking in uh in ji here at the just regular demon will this stuff right here it kind of

Looked like a demon will with a quality of one got you one mil bucket so I thought that a demon will with a quality of two might get us like two mil buckets but it didn’t it got us quite a bit which is good so once again let’s steal

Another kale let’s stand a bit further back throw it that worked perfectly and then let’s make sure this guy just uh drops his demon will perfect this one is Will quality 2.3 although again I don’t think that matters just yet that should get us over the 200 milet required and

So from there it’s hopefully just the case of grabbing a piece of sand we can always make more of course if we want to and then we’re going to put the sand into the Basin that’s 200 mil buckets fantastic pull the demon will over the sand 200 mil buckets should convert that

Into Soul Sand and once we have that Soul Sand we should be able to light it in front of our fan over here to make prismarine so what I’m going to do I think we need to put the sand down in the ground here and so

What I’ll do quickly is I’ll put down like a little bit of a floor underneath so we don’t lose the Soul Sand I don’t want to have to make this again really and so what I’m thinking here is that if I were to do something like this and

Like that we can then hopefully maybe open a trap door and then ideally pick up the water throw down our source end and then if we light that on fire with a flint steel which I think we made earlier in the series we totally did we

Should then be able to throw lapis onto here and quote unquote bulk haunt that lapis which is just the name of uh using the fan through this soulfire into prismarine chart and once we have those prismarine shards then we want to look at using the alchemy table again I’m not

Entirely certain on how we use it there appears to only be two slots but if we look at the recipe here it shows 234 EMC being required again not quite sure how that works but if we take the pris Marine from over here and I put that in

The twitch chat is saying we need a collector so it might be the case that we need to make another one of these to make this work if that’s the case it’s probably a good thing that we did get a full block of amethyst bronze apparently

We make that and we put it down and it looks like this collector is going to produce 6 40 EMC per second so I assume that’s going to kind of slowly add EMC to our EMC Network and then we can use that uh and kind of spend some of the

EMC to convert it okay that makes complete sense let me go and get in that case then some more of the lightning charges so that we can make another one of these collectors because everything else apart from the Lightning Charge we have thankfully the lava crystal is not used up so it

Is actually for us just eight more lightning charges for two more glowstone blocks and once we have eight more glowstone that finally should be everything that we need let me go ahead and make another one of these pink energy collectors this I don’t think has to go anywhere in particular like I

Think we could just put this down like here and uh it should start generating it although Maybe I’m Wrong on that maybe it does need to go down next to the alchemy table if I do this and then I do put the prismarine in is that going

To work for me it is it’s getting there usually it tells you like in the top left how many uh how much EMC you have in your network which I think is is how this works but this is getting there we just need to get five prismarine

Crystals we got one let’s put four more in here it is a little bit slow but it is getting there slowly but surely and other than that oh we need four of these jeez okay so we need 20 prismarine crystals that is fine it’s just going to

Take a little bit of time all right and a little bit more prismarine Crystal making later we should have everything we need to make four of these sea lanterns which is then everything I believe to make the crafting remote we do need two blocks of gold that’s fine

We’ve got loads of gold available to us and boom we have the crafting remote which we can then uh right click onto the storage Network route and now no matter where we are in the base we can right click and we can access the exact same interface again I’m going to S by

Amount uh descending like this and so now going forward we don’t have to run back over to this crafting interface here we can just open up the remote no matter where we are in the base and it’s possible there might be a remote for it

That is it said to I by default that is overl let me uh see if we can get rid of the conflict there and then if I put this into one of my Curious slots like this I should then be able to press I I can I’m going to change that actually

Because I am very much so used to uh pressing Zed so I’m going to sort that to zed which as always is going to have its own conflicts that’s fine let’s get rid of you you and you that should be fine though right it is cool so now no

Matter where we are in the base all I have to do is press the Zed key or the Z key and it’s going to open up our storage system and it basically gives us access to that entire colossal chest no matter where we are in the base and it

Essentially makes our inventory this big because I can just put whatever I want in here and whenever I want something I can just search for it pull it out and we’re good to go nice so chat next time we’ll come back and we’ll probably look at doing a couple of different things we

Do need to get this sentient sword uh we do also need to work towards getting a tier for blood alter which is going to require a bit of work down here we’re going to have to get to the edge of the Hidden realm this is a ritual that

Allows us to go to the hidden realm and then we need to uh get ourselves some saturated tail for the uh Bloodstone bricks which are required for that tier 4 alter we also I think sooner rather than later want to look at upgrading this incense alter you know setting up a

Big multiblock structure for that to allow us to even further increase the amount of LP that we get every time we use use the sacrificial dagger and then from there of course we can move on and hopefully get ourselves into some project e sooner rather than later that’s going to make it hopefully

Tremendously easier for us to get more things like glowstone we don’t have to keep going and making an endless number of lightning charges we can hopefully just EMC them at some point in the not so distant future but as always that is a problem for future Isaac for now I’m

Going to go ahead and wrap up this episode of project sacrifice there oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Project Sacrifice | ALCHEMY TABLE & ENERGY COLLECTORS! #5 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-20 23:00:45. It has garnered 11088 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:44 or 3224 seconds.

Minecraft Project Sacrifice | ALCHEMY TABLE & ENERGY COLLECTORS! #5 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1:

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅULTIMATE WHITE 999 CHALLENGE๐Ÿ”ฅ - CRAZIEST REACTIONS๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ”ฅ #nonstopgamingVideo Information [Music] it’s have it [Music] baby I swear you got [Music] the This video, titled ‘IMPOSSIBLE๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ—ฟ #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo’, was uploaded by โš”๏ธเผ’WHITE 999เผ’โš”๏ธ on 2024-04-06 15:40:11. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. IMPOSSIBLE๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ—ฟ #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo games minecraft gta 5 gta5 pokemon poki game online games car games pubg gta v gaming chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy ninja valorant rummy circle the last of us pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game ps5 sudoku clash of clans gta san… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ NETHER FIRST TIME! MINECRAFT RELAX: Part 5 ft. Kyo Nekogai #New Vtuber

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ NETHER FIRST TIME! MINECRAFT RELAX: Part 5 ft. Kyo Nekogai #New VtuberVideo Information ใฏใ„ใฉใ†ใ‚‚ใ“ใ‚“ใซใกใฏ็Œซใ‚„ใใงใ™ใ‚ˆใ—ไปŠๆ—ฅ ใ‚‚ใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉใ‚„ใฃใฆใ„ใ ใฐใ™ใ„ใ‚„ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใ  ใ‚ˆใพใ ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใญไปŠ้€ฑๅคšๅˆ†ๅฟ™ใ—ใ„ ใ‹ใ‚‰ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใซ ใฏใงใใŸใ‚‰ใ„ใ„ใชใงใใŸใ‚‰ใ„ใ„ใชใจใ„ใ† ๆ„Ÿใ˜ ใงใ—ใ‚‡ใใ‚Œใงใฏใ‚„ใฃใฆ ใ„ใ“ใ†ใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆใงไปŠๆ—ฅใฏใญใ‚ใฎๆ›ธใ„ใฆใŸ้€šใ‚Š ใˆใƒผใƒใ‚นใƒˆใ—ใŸ้€šใ‚Šใ‚„ใฃใจใญใƒใ‚ถใƒผใซ ๅ…ฅใ‚Œใ‚‹ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใงใ—ใ‹ๅ–ใ‚Œใชใ„็ด ๆใˆๆŽขใ—ใฆ ใ„ใใŸใ„ ใญใกใ‚ใ‘ใง้ธๆŠžใ—ใฆใƒฏใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ใง้Šใถใ‚‚ใ† ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๅคงใใใ—ใ‚ˆใ†ใ‹ใช ใ†ใ‚“ใจใซใ‚…ใซใ‚…ใซใซใ‚…ใฃใจ ใ‚ชใ‚ฑใƒผใ‚ˆใ— ใ†ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ใ‹ๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใฆใชใ„ใ‚ˆใญใ†ใ‚“ไฝ•ใ‚‚ๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใฆ ใชใ„ใ‚ชใ‚ช ใ‚ˆใฃใ—ใ‚ƒใˆใƒผใฃใจใชใ‚“ใ‹ๅค‰ใ‚ใฃใŸใ“ใจใ‚ใฃ ใŸใฃใ‘ใ‹ใ†ใ‚“ใจใญใ‚ใ‚่ฃใงใญใกใ‚‡ใ„ใจ้‰„ใ‚’ ๆŽ˜ใฃ ใŸใ‚Š็•‘ๆ‹กๅผตใ—ใŸใ‚Šใ‚“ๅƒใ‘ๆ‹กๅผตใ—ใŸใฃใ‘ใ„ใ‚„ ใ‚ใƒผใ‚ใ‚Œใ‹ ใ“ใฎ่พบใ‚ใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Šใ‚ใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Šใฉใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Š ใ†ใ‚“ใ‚ใ‚ใจใญ ใ‚ใฎใกใ‚‡ใฃใจ็”Ÿใ็‰ฉใŸใกใ‚’ๅข—ใ‚„ใ—ใพใ— ใŸ ใฒใ‚‡ใ™ใ”ใ„ใ†ใ‚ใ‚ใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญ ใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ”ใ‚ใ‚“ ใชใ•ใ„ใญใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณ ใŒ่€ณใŒ ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ ใปๆณขใ‹ใพใ‚ŒใŸๆฐ—ใŒ ใ™ใ‚‹ ใตใ†ใ†ใ‚ๆ—ฉ้€Ÿใ ใ‘ใฉๆš—ใใชใ‚‹ใงใพใ‚ใฎใ“ใฎ ่พบใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๆญฃ็ฝฎใ—ใŸใ‚Šใจ ใ‹ใ‚ใ‚Œใ‚‚ใ—ใพใ—ใŸ ใญใ‚ใ‚ใจใชใ‚“ใ‹้Ÿณใ‚ใฃใŸใฃใ‘ ใ‹ใพใชใ„ ใฏใšๅคงไฝ“ใญใชใ‚“ใ‹ไฝœๆฅญ้…ไฟกใจใ‹่จ€ใฃ ใฆๆœใฃใฑใ‚‰ๆœใฃใฑใ‚‰ใจใ‹ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚„ใฃใฆใ‚‹ใ‚“ ใงใŠใ„ใพๅคงไฝ“่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใ‚‹ใ‹ใช่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใชใ„ ใจใ“ใ‚ใฎๆ–นใŒๅฐ‘ใชใ„ๆฐ—ใŒใ—ใพใ™ใญใพใƒŸๅคšๅˆ† ใ“ใ‚Œใ‹ใช้‰„ใฎใ“ใฎๆ•ฐใฏ่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใชใ„ๆฐ—ใŒ ใ™ใ‚‹ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใญ่ฃใง้‰„ใ ใ‘ใ‚„ๅ–ใฃใฆใใพใ— ใŸใง้‰„ ่ฃ…ๅ‚™ใ‚้•ใ†ใˆใฃใจๅฑใชใ„ๅฑใชๅˆฅ ่ฃ…ๅ‚™ ใ‚ˆใ— ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใ‚ธใ‚ญใ‚ ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณ ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใˆ ใ‹้ก”ใŒ่ฆ‹ใˆ [็ฌ‘ใ„] ใชใ„ใชใ‚“ใฆใ“ใจใฃใŸ ใˆใฃใจ ใงใˆใฃใจใพใ‚ใพใ‚ใใ‚Œใฏใ„ใ„ใ‚“ใงใ™ ใ‚ˆใงใญใ‚‚ใกใ‚ใ‚“ใƒใƒใƒใƒใƒผใ‚นใƒ‡ใƒผ ใฎ ใ‚‚ใฎใƒœใƒผใƒˆใƒœใƒผใƒˆใ‚‚้˜ฒๅพกใจใ—ๆŒใฃ ใฆใ“ใ† ใƒ”ใ‚ฑใƒ”ใ‚ฑใƒ”ใ‚้•ใ†้•ใ†็›พใ ็›พ็›พ็›พ็›พใพใƒฏใƒณ ใƒใƒฃใƒณ็›พ ใจใงใˆใฃใจใฉใ“ใ ใฃใ‘ใ“ใฃใกใ ใฃใ‘ใฏใ„ ใ“ใกใ‚‰ใงใ™ใญใพใšใƒ€ใ‚คใƒค ใƒ„ใƒซใƒ ใงใˆๆ™ฎ้€šใฎใƒ„ๅฎˆใฃ ใจใ“ใ†ใ„ใฃใฑใ„ใญๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซๅฟ˜ใ‚Œๅฟ˜ใ‚Œ ใชใ„ใ‚ˆๅˆใ‚ใฆใฎ ๅคข่ฟฝใ„ใคใ‘ใฆ ใ‚ญใƒชใ‚ชไธธใ—ใŒ ใชใ„ ใˆใฃใจใญ้ถดๆฉ‹ใŒใ„ใฃใฑใ„ใ™ใ‚ˆใญๆŽ˜ใฃใŸใ‚Š ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ฏใฏใญใ‚‰ใ—ใชใ‚“ใง ใญใงใ‚ทใƒฃใƒ™ใƒซใ‚ใ‚‹ๆ–งใ‚‚ใ‚ใ‚‹ๆญฆๅ™จใฏ็Ÿณใฎๅ‰ฃใง ใ„ใ„ใ‚ˆ ใญใพ ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใใ“ใฎใƒฌใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฒใƒผใƒˆใฎๅ‰ใซใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ ใจใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ ใจใ‚ˆใ‚‚ใ‚ˆใ‚‚ใ‚ˆใ‚‚ ใชใ„ใใ†ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฒใƒผใƒˆใฎๅ‰ใซใญ ใˆใฃใจใ™ใใซใƒชใ‚ซใƒใƒชใƒผใงใใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ† ใซ1ใ‚ปใƒƒใƒˆใƒฏใƒณใ‚ปใƒƒใƒˆใšใค็ฝฎใ„ใจใใŸใ„ ใฃใจ ใ‚‚ใกใ‚ใ‚“ใญใใ‚“ใชใƒใ‚ถใฎไธญใงใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ไฝฟใ†ใจ ใ‹ใใ‚“ใชใ“ใจใฏใ—ใพใ›ใ‚“ใ‘ใฉ ใ‚‚ใฏใ„ใฏใ„ใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญ ใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฏใ‚ฉใ•ใˆๅ–ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใชใ‚Œ ใฐ่‰ฒใ€…ใญ ใˆใฃใจ ่‰ฒใ€…ๅ›ž่ทฏใซๅฟ…่ฆใช่‰ฒใ€…ใŒไฝœใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใชใ‚‹ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ“ใฎ่พบใ‚‚ใ‚‚ใ†ใกใ‚‡ใ„ใ™ใฃใใ‚Šใ•ใ›ใŸใ„ ใงใปใ„ ใจ ใƒ„ใ‚ชใงใˆใฃใจใƒใƒŸใฏๅฟ…่ฆ ใชใ„ใงใญใƒใ‚ฑใƒ„ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“ ใ‚‚ ใ‚ใ‚Œใƒใ‚ถใƒผใงใฏใญใ—ใฆใ—ใพใ†ใฎ… Read More

  • “Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!” #viral #clutchgod

    "Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!" #viral #clutchgodVideo Information [Applause] 2 one let go okay what the let [Music] go let’s go This video, titled ‘@YesSmartyPie OP Clutch #viral #shortvideo #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy’, was uploaded by MR Gamer Extreme on 2024-01-13 08:30:04. It has garnered 2502 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy #viral #shortvideo Read More


    BRO GAMERZ UNLEASH STEVE-The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft steve …๐Ÿ˜Ž #shorts’, was uploaded by IT’S BRO GAMERZ on 2024-02-20 09:34:10. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. minecraft steve …๐Ÿ˜Ž #shorts #animation #minecraftshorts #minecraft #viral #trending #explorepage #minecraftmemes #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts related topic minecraft animation dream minecraft animation minecraft animation anime best minecraft animation best of dream minecraft animation briannaplayz minecraft animation minecraft animation creator Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft ๐ŸŒŸ SMP PvE 1.20+ Pyro Mining & Fishing Dungeons Ranking & Prestiging Quest System Thriving Economy Land Claiming 200+ Enchantments

    Welcome to Bucketry Minecraft! ๐ŸŒŸ Server IP: Discord: Join our Discord Features: ๐Ÿฐ Progression System: Ascend ranks, conquer challenges, and become legendary. ๐Ÿ›’ Shops Galore: Build your empire with server and player shops. ๐Ÿ’ผ Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills. ๐ŸŒŸ Custom Spawners: Craft your own unique creature kingdom. ๐Ÿ”ฎ Enchantments Galore: Unlock over 170 advanced enchantments. ๐Ÿ“ฆ Envoy Crates & Voting Crates: Open crates filled with surprises. ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Custom Claiming: Protect your territory with our custom claiming system. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Banking: Manage your riches and become a true tycoon. Read More

  • โœจ LIEMVN COMMUNITY โœจ โ€ฃ ( 1.17 / 1.20.X ) Welcome to the era of Liem ยป ( NEWS )

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Platinum Legion Freelancers

    Platinum Legion FreelancersWelcome to our Java Minecraft server, where the only limit is your imagination! Dive into a world of endless possibilities, where you can build magnificent structures, explore vast landscapes, and forge alliances with fellow players. With no rules to restrict your creativity, embark on a journey filled with excitement and discovery. Join us today and unleash your inner builder in this thriving community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The last thing you wanna see at night ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    When you’re peacefully mining for diamonds and suddenly hear a creeper hiss behind you… *cue the panic* ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to Action

    Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to ActionVideo Information [รขm nhแบกc] he [รขm nhแบกc] This video, titled ‘”๋‚ด ์ธ๋ฒค์˜ ์ž‘์€ ๋Œ๊ฒ€์ด ์ฃฝ์ด๋ผ๊ณ  ์†์‚ญ์˜€๋‹ค.” #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #memes #๋งˆ์ธํฌ๋ž˜ํ”„ํŠธ #ํ•˜์ดํ”ฝ์…€ #๋ฐฐ๋“œ์›Œ์ฆˆ #๊ฒŒ์ž„’, was uploaded by ํด๋ผ๋ฅดํ…ŒClartte on 2024-05-16 10:08:38. It has garnered 424 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Even if the opponent looks strong, I just have to be stronger so don’t be scared. I’m not a Manchester United fan. I’m a Tottenham fan. Read More

  • Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of building a creeper farm, with blocks so bold. Exploring and crafting, with Dave by my side, In this duo SMP, where adventures abide. From Twitch to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With VODs and tweets, the story is told. In the land of blocks, where creativity thrives, We spin rhymes and jokes, in our gaming lives. From Burger King cravings to dark wood dreams, We banter and build, in the Minecraft streams. Finding treasure and floating sandstone, The quest for a swamp, where secrets are shown. A creeper farm… Read More

  • Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you’re so desperate for better Wi-Fi in Minecraft that you start blowing up your house with TNT just to see if it helps. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftproblems #techsavvyexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Are you a fan of Minecraft? Do you enjoy challenges and survival mode gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! With a rich and immersive world to explore, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Join us on Minewind server and embark on your own survival mode challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The possibilities are endless, and the adventures are waiting to be had. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and see what all… Read More

  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

    My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! - Minecraft Octopus Island The Exciting World of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ, where friends come together to explore, create, and conquer challenges. Dive into the realm of mystery, excitement, and danger as you navigate through this virtual landscape. Exploration and Creativity One of the key elements of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ is the freedom to explore and create. Players can build their own unique structures, mine resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Whether it’s constructing elaborate buildings or embarking on epic quests, the possibilities are endless. Collaboration and Competition… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op – Mind-Blowing Lyrics!

    Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op - Mind-Blowing Lyrics!Video Information yo I’m Steve just the do in a pixel scene punching wood planting seeds living out my poy dream got a diamond pickaxe Swinging with that bling creepers ising but I just do my thing Minecraft oh Minecraft it’s a builder’s Paradise crafting day and night keeping those mobs in my sight stacking rocks high in my world so Grand in this game of Cubes I’m the blocki in the land I’m the blocki in the land I ride my pig yeah I’m looking so fly jumping over Ravines under the square sky and the dragon’s roaring but… Read More

  • Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!

    Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft oh my God my screen just you see this I’m going to fix that right now there we go guys we’re ready and where are we now I don’t know we are under uh the dome in the sphere wherever guys but this map called Under the Dome and we’re going to be surving here today guys and I have some questions guys what do you like what do you prefer play with view bobin or without that maybe I’m going to turn off this guys and it feels… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36

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  • “DEADLY MOVE to End Portal – Minecraft SMP 45” ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftSMP #EndPortal

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    SHOCKING REVELATION: Jiri Mokaro's BRAIN INFECTED in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello con JY hello hello hello hello hello hello hello welcome hello oh my God it’s so late for you guys go to sleep good night hello welcome ony hello I wait for you guys oh my God OMG it’s the jry V it’s me it’s me cheer j i r i m o k a R oh y we’re playing Minecraft today y I’m so excited I did some playing off stream and I’ve got some stuff to show you guys my yeah… Read More

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    UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft's Ultimate Sleep Hack RevealedVideo Information [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] OG OG T OG ็š†ใ•ใ‚“ใŠๅพ…ใŸใ›ใ—ใพใ—ใŸใ‚ˆใ†ใ“ใใชใ—ใ‚ฏใ‚จ ๆนฏๅŽŸใ‚ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใŒ่กŒใ‹ใ‚ŒใŸๆณ‰ใงใ™ใ‚ˆใ‚ใ—ใใŠ ้ก˜ใ„ใ—ใพใ™ [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใฐใจใ„ใ†ใ“ใจใงๅง‹ใพใ‚Šใพใ—ใŸใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆๆทฑๅคœใฎ ็œ ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉใ‚นใƒชใƒผใƒ”ใƒณใ‚ฐใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆใง ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ ใ‚คใ‚จใƒผใ‚ค1ๅนด้ ‘ๅผตใฃใฆใใ‚ŒใŸใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นๅ› ใŒๅฃŠใ‚Œใกใฃ ใŸ่กŒใ‹ใ‚ŒใกใฃใŸ ใ†ใ‚“ๅŽปๅนดใƒใƒญใจใ‹ใ‚„ใฃใฆใŸใ‹ใ‚‰ใ•็ตๆง‹ ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใฎๆถˆ่ฒปใŒๆฟ€ใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‘ใฉใคใ„ใซ ใ„ใ‹ใ‚Šใกใพใ„ใพใ— ใŸใˆใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ•ใˆใ“ใ‚Œๆณ‰ใฎไฝฟใ„ๆ–นใŒๆ‚ชใ„ ใ‚“ใ‹ใชใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใฃใฆใ“ใ‚“ใชใซๅฃŠใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ ใ‹ใชใจๆ€ใฃใฆ780ๅ††ใฎใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใ‚’2ๅนด ใใ‚‰ใ„23ๅนดใใ‚‰ใ„ไฝฟใฃใฆใฆใงๅŽปๅนดๅˆใ‚ใฆ ใ‚ใกใ‚ƒใใกใ‚ƒใ„ใ„ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใซๅค‰ใˆใŸใ‚“ใ‚ˆ 1ไธ‡ๅ††ใใ‚‰ใ„ใฎใ‚ฒใƒผใƒŸใƒณใ‚ฐใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใซๅค‰ใˆใŸ ใ‚“ใ‚ˆใง1ๅนดใงใถใฃๅฃŠใ‚Œใฆๅ˜˜ใ‚„ใ‚ใจๆ€ใฃ ใฆใˆใใ‚“ใชใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฆๆ€ใฃใŸใ‘ใฉใชใ‚“็ตๆง‹ FPSใ‚„ใฃใฆใ‚‹ไบบใŸใกใ‚ใ‚‹ใ‚ใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ‚ˆใญ ใˆ ๅ˜˜ใˆใ‚„ใ  [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใ†ใ‚“ใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏ้ƒจๅˆ†ใฏใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏๅ›žๆ•ฐใงๆถˆ่€— ใ™ใ‚‹ใพใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‚ใญใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚ใฎใ‚ปใƒณใ‚ฟใƒผ ใฎใ‚ฐใƒชใ‚ฐใƒชใฆใ‚ใ‚‹ใจใ“ใ‚ ใ‚ใใ“ใŒๅฎŒๅ…จใซ่กŒใ‹ใ‚Œใกใพใฃใฆ ใ‚ˆใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏใฎๅœงใŒๅผทใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‚Œใ‚“ ใƒ”ใƒณใ•ใ—ใ™ใŽใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‚Œ ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ใใ†ๅ€คๆฎต้–ขไฟ‚ใชใ„ใ‚‰ใ—็ตๆง‹ใŠใŠๅ…จ็„ถ ใใ‚Œใใ‚‰ใ„ใฃใ™ใ‚ˆใฟใŸใ„ใชๆ„Ÿใ˜ใ‚„ใฃใŸใˆใˆ ๅ˜˜ใชใฎใงๆ€ฅ้ฝใ‚ใฎไบคๆ›ใ™ใ‚‹ๅ‰ใฎใญไปŠ 780ๅ††ใฎใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใ‚’ๆ€ฅ้ฝไฝฟใฃใฆใŠใ‚Š ใพใ™ใ†ใ‚“ไปŠๆ—ฅAPEXใฎใ‚จใƒš็ฅญใ‚Šใฎ ใ‚ซใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒ ็ทด็ฟ’ใซๆ€ฅ้ฝๅ‚ๅŠ ใ•ใ›ใฆใ„ใŸใ ใ„ใฆ ใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใญใƒฉใƒณใ‚ฏไฝ“ใŒใญ้ซ˜ใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใจใƒ€ใƒก ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ‚ˆใญใใ†ใƒใƒผใƒ ใƒใƒฉใƒณใ‚น็š„ใซใƒฉใƒณใ‚ฏ ใŒ้ซ˜ใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใจใ ใ‚ใ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‚ทใƒซใƒใƒผใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใใ‚‰ใ„ๆนฏๅŽŸๆณ‰ใฃใฆใชใฃใŸใ‚‰ใ—ใใฆ ใ‚ใ‚ŠใŒใŸใ„ใ“ใจใซใŠๅฃฐใŒใ‘ใ„ใŸใ ใๅ‚ๅŠ ใ— ใฆใใพใ—ใŸใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณใฏๅ–ใ‚Œ ใšใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณใฏๅ–ใ‚Œใšใงใ—ใŸใ‹ๆฅฝใ—ใ‹ใฃ ใŸใ‚ใกใ‚ƒๆฅฝใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใ‚†ใ•ใ‚“ใฏใญๅˆฅใฎ ใƒใƒผใƒ ใ‚„ใ‘ใฉๅ‚ๅŠ ใ•ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใฟใŸใ„ใชใฎใงใœใฒ ใœใฒใ‚จใƒžใ‚จใƒš็ฅญใ‚Šใชใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚’ใœใฒๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎ8 ๆ™‚ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใฎใงใœใฒใœใฒใ”่ฆงใใ ใ•ใ„ ใ†ใ‚“่€ณๅฏ„ใ‚Šใชๆƒ…ๅ ฑใ‚’่žใ„ใŸใ„ใ‚ˆใญใกใชใฟใซ ๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎๅคงไผšใ‚ใฎใ“ใ‚ใฎๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎๅคงไผš1 ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใ‚‹ใจ30ไธ‡ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใˆใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ™ 5ๅ›ž็ทšใ‚ใฃใฆ1ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใ‚‹ใจ30ไธ‡ ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใˆใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใฃใ™ใ‚†ใ’ใ•ใ‚“ใŒ1 ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใฃ ใŸใ‚‰ใ”้ฃฏใญใ ใ‚Šใซ่กŒใ“ใ†ใจ ๆ€ใ†ใฏใฏ้€้‡‘ๅฐ้กใชใ‚“ใจ500ไธ‡ ใ‚ชใƒผใƒใƒผ ่กŒใใ—ใ‹ใญใˆใชใ“ใ‚Œใ“ใ‚Œ่กŒใใ—ใ‹ใญใˆใช ใ‚ใ‚ๆ˜Žๆ—ฅไปŠๅ›žใŠไธ–่ฉฑใซใชใฃใŸใƒ‘ใ‚ฟใƒผ ใ‚ฏใƒƒใ‚ญใƒผใ•ใ‚“็น”็”ฐใฎใถใ•ใ‚“ใฎใƒใƒผใƒ ใ‹ใ‚† ใ•ใ‚“ใŒใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใฃ ใŸใ‚‰ใ™ใ‹ใ•ใšใˆใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ใฆ ใƒใƒฃใƒƒใƒˆ้€ใ‚ใ†ใจๆ€ใฃใฆใ‚‹ [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใ†ใ™ใ‹ใ•ใšใญ่กŒใ“ใ†ใจๆ€ใฃ ใฆใ‚‹ ใ„ใ‚„ใ™ใ”ใ„ใญ้ซ˜ใ„่‚‰้ฃŸใ„ใซ่กŒใ ใž้ซ˜ใ„้ญšใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„ใžๅ›ž็ทšใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„ ใžใ‚ˆใ—ใจใ„ใ†ใ“ใจใงไปŠๆ—ฅใฏไน…ใ€…ใฎใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉ ใ‚’ใ‚„ใฃใฆใ„ใใŸใ„ใจๆ€ใ„ใพใ™ ใ“ใกใ‚‰ ๅ‰ๅ›žใงใ‚‚่จ€ใ†ใฆ2้€ฑ้–“ใใ‚‰ใ„ๅ‰ใ‹ใ‚ใ‚Œ ใกใ‚ƒใ†ใ‚ใ‚‚ใ†ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใ‹ใชใ‚ใ‚Œ1ใƒถๆœˆ ใใ‚‰ใ„็ฉบใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‹ใ—ใฆใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉ1ใƒถๆœˆ ใฏ้–‹ใ„ใฆใชใ„ใฏใšใ‚้–‹ใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‹ใ‚‚ ใ†ใ‚“ๅฅขใ‚‰ใชใ„ใ‚ˆใฃใฆ่จ€ใ‚ใ‚ŒใŸใ‚‰ใฉใ†ใ™ใ‚‹ ใพใŸใพใŸใใ‚“ใชใˆใˆใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ ใ™ใฃใฆใ„ใ†่ณž้‡‘ใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ใฆ ใ„ใใ‚ใ‚„ใ ๆณ‰ใฟใฃใŸใ‚‰่ฒกๅธƒใฏใ‚ใฃใŸใฎใซ ่ฒกๅธƒใซใŠ้‡‘ๅ…ฅใ‚Œใฆใใ‚‹ใฎๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใกใ‚ƒใฃ ใŸ ใ‚ดใƒŸใใ†ๅ‰ๅ›žใญใญใ“ใฎๅ ดใ‚’ไฝœใฃใฆใŸใ‚“ใ‚„ ใ‘ใฉ็ด ๆใŒๅ…จ็„ถ่ถณใ‚Šใฒใ‚“ใฆใใ†็ด ๆใŒๅ…จ็„ถ ่ถณใ‚Šใฒใใฆ็ด ๆ้›†ใ‚ใ‚’ใ—ใ‚ˆใ†ใจๆ€ใฃใฆใ„ใŸ ใพใพใ‚ใฎใƒใƒใ‚‹็‰Œใ‚„ใฃใŸใ‚Šใจใ‹่‰ฒใ€… ใญ ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๅˆฅใฎใ“ใจใงใƒใ‚ฟใƒใ‚ฟใ—ใฆ ใŸใฎใง ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ใพใ ็ด ๆใ‚’้›†ใ‚ๅˆ‡ใ‚ŒใฆใŠใ‚Šใพใ›ใ‚“ ไปŠไปŠๆ—ฅใฏๅปบ็ฏ‰ใฃใฆใ„ใ†็ด ๆ้›†ใ‚ใ‹ใชๅคšๅˆ†ใ‚ 3ๆœˆ10ๆ—ฅใ‹ใ˜ใ‚ƒใใ‚Š1ใƒถๆœˆ็ฉบใ„ใฆใธใ‚“… Read More

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  • PPL Request: Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!

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  • Marthia Nations – Semi-Vanilla, Crossplay, Dynmap, Movecraft.

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  • oak town | survival

    oak town | survivalonly ruleNO CHEATINGwe have recently remade our server so we our welcoming new people to join! join our discord as we have a chat relay! note if the world looks off the server has terra on it ๐Ÿ™‚ also if you kill dotheboogey67 he will take the stuff you stole from him back lol Read More