Insane Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.0 Update Revealed

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the biggest update of the year is finally here welcome to the Minecraft Bedrock Edition version 1.2.0 we are going to go through every single change but this is your final reminder make sure you back up your favorite worlds sit tight cuz this is going to be a long one on a more serious note though guys I spent over 2 and 1 half hours preparing today’s video we are going to go through every single new feature every single change tweak bug fix and so much more in this video can we get 3,000 likes I really appreciate it starting with the new features that have been introduced in Minecraft 1.21 we have a new structure that is the trial Chambers trial Chambers are a new structure in the Overworld where players can explore and take on combat challenges a relatively common find throughout the Deep slate layer of the underground natural mob spawning does not occur inside it is similar to ancient cities never starts inside a deep dark biome but sometimes it can overlap it the layouts of each trial chamber is procedurally generated and can include traps rewards and a variety of combat areas on this occasion we manage to find ourselves an ancient city but relatively close is the brand new trial Chambers now remember these generate differently every single time so if you go and find one somewhere else it won’t look the exact same as this now this one has generated around about -20 they are common as I mentioned in the Deep slate layers they are typically made up of the brand new tough blocks these have been expanded did in this update but also copper as well if you enjoy SMP Realms or servers this is a great experience together it can be conquered as a solo player but as multiplayer it is going to be a lot more challenging in fact a brand new exclusive mob can spawn in the trial Chambers it is called the breeze here is its spawn egg it drops one to two Breeze rods when killed by a player the number of Breeze rods dropped is affected by the Looting enchantment so let me show you what this looks like let’s spawn this they do look relatively cool one of my favorite mobs in Minecraft so far they’re incredibly fast if we kill this just with sharpness here you’ll notice that we manag to get just one on this occasion if we spawn another one and kill this one with looting on this occasion we got five now again this can be increased I think it’s up to eight if you kill this if you’re lucky you can get a lot more on this occasion we got seven it is highly recommended if you’re killing a breeze to make sure you have looting because not only is this going to be useful later on but it also produces something called a wind charge which we’ll talk about a little bit later on today the breeze mob can deflect almost all projectiles making it immune to ranged combats with one notable exception it cannot deflect wind charges so if we was to grab the breeze here and we go ahead and start throwing Trident at it it can actually deflect it now this will bounce back to you and this will do damage to you it’s the same for snowballs it’s the same for regular arrows they will bounce back and if you’ve got a pretty powerful bow this will do a lot of damage to you and obviously it’s going to be the same for this as well one thing I will say is just like a lot of mobs in Minecraft you can actually disable the breeze using a boat but if we got a for/ game mode s they can still attack you here and you’ll most likely die more so from Fall damage rather than the Breeze’s impact as demonstrated it has a wind charge attack which deals a small amount of damage when colliding directly with an entity wind charges break decorated pots and chus flower blocks upon Collision wind bursts have the effect of activating certain blocks and that being non iron doors and trap doors are flipped fence gates are flipped buttons are pressed levers are flipped Bells are rung and swung liit candles are extinguished wind bursts do not have any effect on iron doors iron trap doors or any block being held in its position by a redstone signal so if we bring our windy friend over to here by the way he jumps incredibly high and we hide behind these things he will actually break them doors are activated you name it things will break candles are extinguished I need it there we go that’s perfect there we go so everything gets activated here this is a perfect example although he has not destroyed any of my decorated pots just yet let’s see if we can get them to do that come on come on there we go so yeah another mob was also introduced this is called the bogged a new variation of skeleton that shoots poisonous arrows and here is everything you need to know about this they are easier to take down with 16 Health instead of 20 Health which is what a normal skeleton has they attack at a slower interval of 3.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds has a chance to drop arrows of poison when killed by players these Mossy and mushroom covered skeletons spawn naturally in swamps and mangrove swamps can also be found spawning from trial spawners in some trial Chambers they drop two mushrooms when sheared and I absolutely love these I think their design is incredible I definitely want to see more variations of skeletons anyway this is what it looks like yes it does burn in natural daylight if you kill it you will have a chance to get regular arrows to get bones but all Al poison arrows now ignore everything that this book says right it’s not weaker it sounds it but trust me those poison tipped arrows when they hit you are incredibly deadly especially if there’s like three or four of these now one thing you are able to do if we put this inside of here is actually Shear it it has mushrooms on top so you can see here it’s got a couple of different mushrooms if you shear this you’ll see that they will drop on the floor on this OCC oion I got one brown and I got a red one in Minecraft 1.21 we have a brand new weapon it is called the mace and this is what it looks like it practically looks like a hammer and this is very heavy and hard-hitting it has a default attack damage of five but ignore that because this thing can be the strongest weapon in Minecraft now as it does mention can be crafted with a breeze rod and a heavy core remember you get your Breeze rods by killing the breeze but there’s also another item you want to obtain it’s this it’s called the heavy core but it is a rare item this is not something you’re going to get early on in your Minecraft worlds in order to craft this you go ahead and place down a breeze rod and a heavy core it is not a shapeless recipe so it has to be done like this you’ll end up with this it can only be obtained from ominous vaults which we will go through a little bit later on by jumping from a high place with this weapon as long as you hit your target you do not take any fall damage at all doesn’t matter if you jumped from 200 blocks in the sky if you hit your intended target no damage is given to you it is negated but you can use this like a regular weapon it doesn’t do like the crazy Smash If you do this you need to go at least 1.5 blocks up the higher you climb the more damage you will do also these really cool particles will appear it does say using it will decrease its durability like any other weapon but it can be repaired with a breeze Rod at an anvil so you are going to need these if it has taken damage this goes in here and this is how you repair it back to full durability as we demonstrated it has a smash attack when the player Falls 1.5 blocks or higher a smash attack is triggered which has multiple effects I wrote it all down in this book we have the Safe Fall basically this resets all vertical momentum and negates any fall damage accumulated from the fall we have extra damage does more damage the further the player fell before hitting the top Target with it for the first three blocks Fallen added four damage per block for the next five blocks Fallen adds two damage per block for any blocks Fallen after add one damage per block it also says it has greater knock back or that entities nearby will also be knocked back can be used in combination with wind charges to launch a player and deliver devastating smash attacks to enemy now this can also be combined with the following enchantments mending Unbreaking Smite bane of off approps fire aspect and weirdly enough curse of Vanishing but don’t panic because new enchantments did get introduced three new enchantments have been added which are exclusive to the mace starting with density this comes in versions 1 to 5 as explained in here it is a common enchantments can be obtained via the enchantment table and on books in random chests Ma’s enchanted with density do more damage per Fallen block per density level and how this works is damage dealt per Fallen block is increased by 0.5 per level of density and mutually exclusive with breach Smite and Bane of Arro poops so as I explained before if you go up each block regularly it does obviously more damage this is going to increase it so let’s do for/ game mode creative here let’s go ahead and summon some cows we’ll do a couple of them the higher you jump with this the more damage you are going to do this thing is a monster and this is what people have been using to kill the warden now it did get nerfed so you are going to have to go a lot higher but yeah if you are willing to jump really high and attack a warden you can onot it the next enchantment is breach it comes in versions 1 to 4 as explained in the book it is a rarer enchantment but can still be accessed via the enchantment table also found on random books inside of chests macus enchanted with breach reduce the effectiveness of armor on the target the effectiveness of the armor is reduced by 15% per breach level mutually exclusive with density smites and Bane of arra poops so basically if your friend has full netherite armor and you hit this it’s going to do a lot of damage as if your friend didn’t necessarily have netherite armor on this one is scary for a lot of players and the last one is going to be wind burst comes in versions one that’s literally it you can get it at three but listen to how you obtain it unique enchantments which can only be found in ominous vaults we’ll explain them in a minute only wind burst wand can be found higher levels must be obtained by combining them in an anvil very similar to Thorns if you want to get Thorns 3 you have to combine it via books maces enchanted with wind burst will emit wind burst upon hitting an enemy launching the attacker upwards and enabling the linking of Smash attacks one after another so if I use the wind charge and then hit him and then lands on another one you can keep going up now very recently this was buffed so like you go in incredibly high now you can see it’s like a pogo stick so yes this one is everyone’s favorite but very hard to obtain moving on to new blocks if you’re a redstoner you will enjoy this we have the introdu ction of a crafter and this is automatic crafting in Minecraft now it does not work the same as a crafting table the UI somewhat look the same right however this one you can block out a specific parts so if you wanted to make sticks you could just have this if you just wanted to make iron nuggies for example you can just have this if you wanted to make yourself some armor a chest plate for example you can just do this now you cannot craft anything regular inside of there in order to make this here is your recipe two pieces of redstone crafting table in the middle dropper and then you’re going to need some iron and this is going to be the outcome so if I was to go ahead and put this here it does we need to change the direction here it will make a noise you can hear the noise that means it’s active if I go ahead and grab myself some iron but also so let’s grabb ourselves some of these and you can see here it is trying to be active right so what I’m going to do here is I’m going to put these inside of here now this will automatically spit them out it will automatically spit out your item this is going to be a game changer for Bedrock Edition and Java players to be honest if we put these in there it’s going to spit out sticks automatic crafting is finally here I imagine most of you know what a crafter is and how it works but if you do want to learn a little bit more about this the official change log down below does explain everything you need to know or I recommend following some of the best Redstone creators in the Minecraft Community a brand new spawner was introduced it’s called the trial spawner works very different compared to your regular spawner has a really crispy sound as well it says a new variant of monster spawner that ejects rewards upon defeat cannot be crafted nor obtained by players in survival instead they can be found naturally throughout the trial Chambers now we have a little bit more information regarding this unlike normal spawners a trial spawner will spawn a limited number of mobs proportion to its current challenge level the more players the more mobs that spawn and the harder it is to defeat but the rewards will be so much better this is what I’m talking about why this update is really good for S smps and playing multiplayer with your friends it can spawn a mob regardless of any light level requirement the mob has spawned mobs are persistent once all mobs are defeated the trial spawner will eject a number of rewards this is proportional to the current challenge level and after the rewards have been ejected the trial spawner goes into cooldown mode the thir 30 minutes during which it will not spawn any mobs at that point you can then go back and fight it again it’s constant rewards it’s a really cool feature if I go to survival you can see it’s now become active I now need to defeat this whether you’re doing this in survival or creative or Adventure whether you’re doing this in a chamber Etc so this is now been defeated and the items will pop out one of these being a key let’s talk about it so different mobs can spawn down here and each spawner will be covered in different blocks so for example this one here is going to be spiders I can’t remember them all but you can get baby zombies and things like that now when we defeat this this will in fact eject some rewards this will open up so we’ve got one more to kill here so as you’ll see here this pops open then we are given the key which we will talk about so each level has different spawners different things that can spawn you just got to go ahead and find them so we should have oh this is a spawn position all right let’s see what else we can find around here dude this looks so cool because of there’s there’s another spider one this one looks so cool because of the deep dark stuff so the further you go in this the different spawners you are going to find so inside of here this one is going to be a breeze because of the blocks around it so we need to kill I think it’s two of these when you’re on your own this also activates a whole bunch of traps which we were talking about at the start of today’s video so there’s another key there we have skeleton ones get rid of them let’s see if they’re going to give us anything as well here we go come on a lot of mobs at once can be so deadly so the bones obviously being skeletons there’s slime ones there’s cave spiders on this occasion we managed to get ourselves a regeneration potion a great way to know if this is active or not is of course the smoke particles once they go away it will then be active again obviously we got a trial key rewards can be determined depending on how many of you are doing it but this is a new introduction it is called a vault and this key is used for this Vault there are two types of keys and two types of volts if you’re away from this it’ll have like particles basically going towards it to say hey this key can be used here to know if this can be used it will open its mouth when you tap on this again this is an RNG Factor here you can get items from this you can get emeralds arrows wind charges golden apples and so much more so remember the trial key is going to be for the regular Vault this key which is an ominous trial key you need to be in the ominous states which we will go ahead and talk about a little bit later on moving on to the Copper family the copper family of blocks has been expanded to add chisel copper copper great copper bulb Copper Door copper trapo oxidized and waxed variants of all of them so there is so many of these by the way so many of them have been introduced to the game I’m not going to go ahead and place them all but I’ll show you guys a couple of different ones obviously we’ve got the stairs we have the slabs you already know about the full blocks the great blocks which I believe these can be water logged correct me if I’m wrong yes yes so you can use these I believe for Farms if you wanted to trap doors of all kind and doors of all kind here are the Chisel versions We do have a bunch of the copper bulbs and obviously we have the weathered variations of these so the Chisel can be obtained via this these are a light source in Minecraft if we grab ourselves a button here and we place these on top of here and we flick these and turn them on you’ll notice here that it stays on unlike a redstone lamp but you’ll also notice they have different levels of light that is because the more it’s waxed the less it actually produces in light so if we go ahead and just grab or get rid of all of these and grab this you’ll see here what you’re able to make you can make the chisels you can make the grates they’re all available inside of here obviously you can still craft these regularly as well you can use an axe in order to deoxidize these so if you do this the light level obviously gets brighter so if we start changing this you’ll see here that the light level gets a little bit brighter that one obviously made a very very big difference the tough family tough blocks have also been expanded introducing even more they all start with the regular tough and all of these can be obtained via here the chiseled version chiseled tough bricks the polished version the slabs the stairs the walls the bricks again these are typically what the tri Chambers are made up of they look so good and I know Builders are really really going to love all of these blocks I love this the Polish tough is so clean so a lot of people are happy about this let me know in the comments section which one is your favorite moving on to items are you still struggling to find yourself a trial chamber no problem there is a trial Explorer map used to locates a nearby trial chamber level up a cartographer villager to journeyman for the opportunity to trade for this map so you need one of these you need to get it to this level here which is level three you’re then going to have to trade with them in order to get yourself this map and as you guys can see here it’s showing us that we actually do have one relatively close one thing I would like to say though is I don’t believe there’s a right or wrong way to enter the trial chamber so I’m going to actually see where this is going to take me to let’s just keep going down here real quick cuz I don’t know if it puts you in a specific room or anything like that so this is taking us all the way down should put us into the trial chamber um this where is it see what I’m saying forward SL game mode spectator it can’t be any lower there we actually went past it that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t always put you in like a specific room right it just takes you relatively close to it sometimes you m into it sometimes you might not I kind of missed this just ominous bottle an item which can be consumed by the player to receive the bad Omen effect for 1 hour and 40 minutes now it comes in versions 1 2 3 4 and five now from my understanding it makes no difference which one you have I do think the developers will change this later on I don’t think they had enough time in order to obtain this when you kill a Pillager Captain which is the one that has the banet on its head it will now drop this you will not be given the bad Omen instantly anymore it is now down to player choice so if I go ahead and consume this a new effect will pop up the bad Omen V now obviously we have the allotted time if I go anywhere near a village now it will change its effect to a raid Omen new effects will pop up and as you can see I now have 30 seconds to either go and do a raid and prepare Alo you have these cool effects or drink a milk bucket to cancel this out players now have control over the omen and this can also be consumed inside of the trial Chambers if you enter a trial Chambers with an ominous bottle and consume it it will transform into a trial Omen now a trial Omen is a lot more challenging to complete but the rewards are going to be a lot higher now obviously if you manage to defeat this you will be given rewards which is a new type of key which can be used for an ominous Vault now this is chaos it’s chaos there’s more mobs it’s a lot more challenging and trust me the more people that do this the harder it becomes now one thing I will say about this is the particles will look a little bit different you’ll see here that they will have better uh weapons and stuff like that so at this point we are trying to grab ourselves some better stuff here you’ll also notice though that special events happen you’ll have these special events popping out they can be arrows they can be poison they can be weakness you name it all kinds of things will actually happen here so we need to just keep killing these cuz we need to defeat this we managed to get the key from this one as you can see here the trial Omen is active you can only get this when it is active and you can see the random events are happening right now now this is used for a different kind of Vault and that’s is going to be not that one the Vault will look slightly different than this it won’t fit in inside of there this is the one you are looking for the pattern on top is slightly different now even if we change our game mode here to creative this still just gives you a regular Vault but it’s not the same you cannot get these volts in Creative which kind of sucks but if we tap on this the loot inside of here is going to be better you can get only the I mean that was terrible let’s be real you can get the mac’s uh heavy core only from this not from this a few more details on the Wind charge as I mentioned earlier on in order to obtain this you kill a breeze it will drop a breeze Rod one of these will produce four of these now as it does say grants 10% more knockback than the breezes but has a much smaller area of impact can be used inside of this but you can kind of essentially Rocket Jump with this and by doing this you will not take any form of fall damage so we got a game mode s if I was to go from here all the way to here I won’t take any damage but if I go from here all the way down here you can take damage so please bear that in mind you can also kind of clutch save yourself with this but it is a lot harder to do on Bedrock compared to Java we have new Pottery shirts these can be found in the trial Chambers we have gusta we have Flo and have scrape you’ll see these dotted around the trial Chambers new Banner patterns were introduced and these are going to be the designs available these are found only inside of the trial Chambers this one here is going to be the I think this is flow and this can be found in regular volts meanwhile this one is a lot rarer this is Gusta and found in the ominous vaults this is also going to be the same for two brand new armor trims this one can be found in a regular Vault and this one can be found in the ominous ones and this one right here is going to be the flow upgrade and this one right here is going to be your bolt version let me know in the comments section which one you prefer new music discs did get added just like the previous features they are obtained via the tri chamber vaults so this one right here which is precipice can only be found in a regular Vault the next one we have here is going to be the lenina rain Creator this one is found in the ominous ones as for the last one which is a different version of Creator by Lena rain it says can be found rarely in decorated pots in the trial Chambers so a lot of RNG uh features introduced but if you would like to get this you have to go ahead and break these 20 brand new paintings were introduced now obviously it’s RNG chance to get this but there’s so many so so many incredible new designs that have been introduced again you’re just going to have to do a lot of placing and breaking in order to obtain these so I’ll just start placing down a couple of them so you can see some of the designs but yeah go and mess around with these that was a new one in your spare time and just go and collect them all I I really hate that it’s RNG because it makes it a little bit harder now to find them all that’s a cowboy one we have I’m not sure if there’s another one of these but you guys get the idea there’s so many new paintings in this update in this update we have new status effects and new potions I showed you one or two of them when we were inside of the trial Chambers with the ominous effect we have this which is wind charging you have to put a breeze Rod inside of a brewing stand in order to obtain this to obtain weaving you need to put a cobweb inside of there to obtain oozing it’s a slime block to obtain infested it needs to be Stone now I’m going to go ahead and drink each one of these and show you guys all of the effects so when we drink this and this you’ll see we have different symbols on the side of our screen here they’re pretty cool to be honest with you as you can see here we now have these now the best way to see these is for example let’s grab ourselves some lingering potions here and I’ll I’ll show you what they look like if I summon a whole bunch of husks I’m going to go ahead and hit them with all of these effects here so these are also going to be included as well you’ll end up with a bunch of really cool particles but I’m going to go ahead and just give myself some additional things here when it comes to infested whenever mobs attack you there’s a chance to summon uh silverfish which is what is happening there but when we kill these they can summon well one summoned cobwebs one can summon the likes of let’s try oozing because this can summon slimes when you kill them there’s some slimes uh let’s try what else do we got here wind charge you kill these you get like a knock back there and these can be brewed by players but also randomly happen as well they class as negative effects but I kind of really like the cobweb one you can move through cobwebs a little bit quicker with this effect they also added four new achievements we have revolting unlock a vault using an ominous trial key who needs Rockets use a wind charge to launch yourself upwards at least eight blocks Crafters crafting Crafters be near a crafter when it’s crafting a crafter over Overkill deal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the mace they also updated the player profile let’s the change log for those of you that don’t have access to this don’t worry they said that they’re slowly rolling this out over the next couple of weeks but they’ve changed like achievements on view you can compare with friends you can also see time played blocks mind mobs defeated and distance traveled when this does officially get introduced I’ll probably make a separate video No One issues in this version Now using Trident with RI tide enchantment during wind charge jump does not negate wind charge fall damage protection moving on to fixes and changes performance and stability fixed a crash that could occur when teleporting to a region where a piston was pushing a chest we have a bug report basically this could cause crashes been reported for quite some time should finally be fixed in this version fixed a crash that could occur when the player began losing air containers being cloned over no longer keep their container screens open and cause crashes fixed an issue that could cause the loading screen to get stuck for some time around 41% we have a bug report a very longtime reoccurring issue if you’ve ever seen this screen before it should be fixed as of today fixed not being able to load into Worlds with some texture packs we have a bug report there was a problem loading one of your packs if you’ve ever had this issue with a specific texture pack that should no longer occur fixed crashes that could occur when creating worlds on new Realms and backing out at the Online safety dialogue box supports prevention of app slf flow restart when dark mode toggled on or off on across Android devices General fixed an issue where the Let It Go trophy did not unlock on PlayStation 4 the cway achievement can now be reliably unlocked the game now ensures the proper controller gets assigned to player one when playing on Xbox we have a bug report Xbox no response when pressing some or all buttons on controller a longtime reported issue they are saying that it’s finally fixed in this version so if you had this issue go and test it and see if it’s fixed fixed a bug causing character creator skins with removed eyes to break skin texture loading we have a bug report I’ve had this issue before and I think all players have experienced this as well where nothing loads again it’s due to the character’s eyes apparently but it should be fixed now moving on to game play added four new ambient cave sounds they also added nine new music tracks I did make separate videos on them I’m not going to go through them all in today’s video players can now stand on boats that float on water we have a bug report this was a parity issue where Bedrock Edition players could not stand on boats it’s now fixed so now if you get in a boat and get out you can stand on it safely you can Crouch you can jump so so finally it’s now possible sprinting speed is no longer activated with a delay flower forests now generate all expected flower types mobs armadillos no longer repeatedly roll and unroll when receiving damage from blocks such as Cactus magma blocks Etc naturally spawning mobs now spawn at the center of a block this fixes many issues where Mobs Can not spawn on slopes in narrow passageways and in other situations where they were expected to this one change is going to break a lot of FS but it is a good change listen carefully for technical players this BG fix will mean that some player made mob Farms no longer fully work we appreciate the time the community puts into building clever farms and we Tred to avoid breaking Farms when we can in this case we felt that this change was necessary because it improves the way spawning Works in many biomes now you know it’s a good change when silent whisper said it’s a good change obviously it sucks that you have to edit your forms but going forward this is good news I believe he released a new video for raid Farms anyway the types of damage that can cause a mob to panic have been restricted so now it says only the following damage causes now indued Panic so campfire entity attack all of these will now obviously cause the Panic moving on to blocks fixed a recipe bug where any type of stone slab could be used to craft a grindstone with Crimson Mangrove or warped planks it can now only accept the actual normal stone slab no other types of stone so a slight Nerf there who be reporting that kind of issue cauldrons filled with potions now keep the color of the potion when they’re push pushed by a piston so you can see here it’s not changing they added Unique Sounds for breaking and placing cobwebs items dropped from blocks destroyed in an explosion now get merged into bigger item Stacks before spawning in the world all blocks now drop items by default when exploded with TNT added a new game rule to control decay of drops from TNT explosions named TNT explosion drops Decay the rule can be set to true to reenable the previous Behavior where not all blocks would drop when TNT was exploited so we got a game mode s here if we light this up whatever blocks it destroys it will in fact drop every single one so you can replace it this is again another parity issue they’ll also drop I believe as bigger quantities so if we now go ahead and fill all of this in we should now have enough blocks to fill it in again I didn’t even know this was a thing on Java but yeah it is so this should well be it doesn’t look like 64 blocks but this should be enough for us to fill this in as of today but if you don’t like this like I mentioned they do have a game rule where you can turn this off and it is absolutely perfect my OCD appreciated that air bubbles the oxygen bar now disappears immediately when switching to creative mode underwater added an empty state for air bubbles on the oxygen bar along with a wobble when the player is drowning added a popping sound when bubbles pop on the oxygen bar so look and listen to this look at the bub bar we have a new one introduced so a slight wobble when you start taking damage but I like the new air bubbles so we do have some graphical changes they changed anti-aliasing from default at four it’s now two for better performance fixed character creator hair and headwear which was is clipping through pumpkins and mob heads status effect particles are no longer blended into one now what this means is you’re now able to have up to eight uh particle effects going on so it kind of looks like a rainbow I’ll be honest you’ve probably seen it throughout today’s video so the more you drink the more particles you’re going to have and it’s going to display a whole range of these rather than just displaying one type so you’ll see here we kind of look like a rainbow rather than it just showing one type of particle multiple will be available Realms accessibility touch controls let’s read the change log if you’re still watching in today’s video let me know in the comments section I just didn’t feel like I needed to place all of these on signs a lot of these are just general fixes but if you are interested please revert to the change log I’ll leave it down below user interface added a new hood overlay that displays the number of days play played in a world the overlay is enabled with the show days played World setting let me show you this so if you want to access this head into your settings go ahead and scroll down and turn this on it will actually show you the pre-existing times you’ve survived so if I do for/ time set and we do sunrise for/ time set and we do noon and we run this back a couple of times you’ll see here that day play is now three if you’ve had a longtime world turn this on it’ll probably say you’ve survived hundreds if not thousands of days it was also a bunch more user interface changes again I’m just not going to place all of these on signs because today’s video is a really really long one last but certainly not least technical updates let’s read the change log this update is also incredibly important for technical players remember the add-on templates have now been up dated to 1. 121.0 we have a ton of API changes and going forward a lot of these are going to be important for not only Marketplace add-ons but also Community created like I said if you’re interested please read the change log there’s a lot of changes and just like that another update is now complete for Minecraft I don’t know if anyone’s watching right now but if you are just leave a comment and say hey Echo those cows look pretty good besides that if you do have any questions or problems leave some comments down below I hope you back up your worlds I hope you enjoy this update and I hope you have a wonderful day

This video, titled ‘EVERYTHING NEW in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21.0 Tricky Trials Update’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-06-14 00:53:15. It has garnered 52267 views and 2548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:06 or 2586 seconds.

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Minecraft’s BIGGEST update of the year has finally released, this is the Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update. Today we will review every change and featured added to the game! Down to the HUGE new Trial Chambers Structure all the way to the small bug fixes. Here is everything you need to know about the 2024 update.

00:00 intro 0:38 Trial Chambers 2:18 New Mobs 7:33 Mace melee weapon 10:41 New enchantments 13:53 Crafter (redstone) 15:42 Trial spawner & Trial key 19:59 Copper blocks expanded 21:54 Tuff blocks expanded 22:35 Trial explorer map 23:55 Ominous Bottles & events 27:00 Wind charges 27:50 New Pottery sherds 28:02 New banner patterns 28:25 New armor trims 28:49 New Music discs 29:27 20 New paintings 30:10 New potions 31:56 4 New Achievements 32:24 Player profile updates 32:51 Known issues 33:03 Fixes & changes 34:27 General fixes 35:24 Gameplay fixes 36:08 Mob fixes 37:33 Block fixes 39:32 Air bubbles 40:15 Graphical changes 41:20 Days counter added

  • Modding RubyDung: Minecraft Veteran Servers

    Modding RubyDung: Minecraft Veteran Servers Modding RubyDung: A Journey Through Minecraft’s Past Embark on a wild adventure through the world of Minecraft modding with RubyDung, a project that takes the beloved game to new heights. From its humble beginnings to its multiplayer-ready features, RubyDung is a must-experience for any Minecraft enthusiast. The Birth of RubyDung Back in 2009, a group of dedicated developers set out to push the boundaries of Minecraft by creating RubyDung. This ambitious project aimed to modify the game in ways never seen before, opening up a world of possibilities for players. RDModded: The Modded Game At the heart of the… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 77

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 77 The Frozen Biome Adventure in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to unexpected and fascinating biomes. In a recent gameplay video, the player embarked on a journey through a frozen biome that resembled the chilly weather in Argentina. Let’s dive into this icy adventure! Discovering the Frozen Biome As the player ventured through the Minecraft world, they stumbled upon a biome covered in ice and snow. The frozen landscape was a stark contrast to the usual greenery and warmth of other biomes. The icy terrain presented new challenges and opportunities for exploration. Chilling Encounters Within… Read More

  • Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft Desert World!

    Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft Desert World! Minecraft Hardcore’da ÇÖL DÜNYASINDA 1000 Gün Hayatta Kalmak… Eren Bilgin, Minecraft Hardcore’da çöl dünyasında 1000 gün hayatta kalmak konseptini ele alan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, hayatta kalma mücadelesi ve zorluklarla dolu bir macera sunuluyor. Oyunun bu özel versiyonunda, oyuncuların dayanıklılıklarını test etmeleri ve sınırlarını zorlamaları gerekiyor. Hayatta Kalma Mücadelesi 1000 gün boyunca çöl dünyasında hayatta kalmak hiç de kolay değil. Oyuncular, açlık, susuzluk, canavarlar ve diğer tehlikelerle başa çıkmak zorundalar. Kaynakları yönetmek, barınak inşa etmek ve stratejik hamleler yapmak hayatta kalma şanslarını artırabilir. Oyunun Zorlukları Minecraft Hardcore modunda ölüm kalıcıdır, yani bir oyuncu öldüğünde oyun sona erer. Bu nedenle,… Read More

  • Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16)

    Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: A Terrifying Adventure with Dwellers and Horror Mods! Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with a twist! Dive into a world filled with terror as you encounter the infamous Dwellers and other horrifying mods. This unique series features a modpack for Minecraft that includes a plethora of terrifying mods such as The One Who Watches, The Man from the Fog, Cave Dweller, Nightmare.jar, and many more! Map Availability and Mod Versions Explore the eerie world of One Block across various Minecraft versions, including 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.4, and soon,… Read More

  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

    Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft 1.21+: Adding Music Packs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft gaming experience with some exciting music packs? Look no further! With the latest Minecraft 1.21+ update, players can now easily add custom music packs to their gameplay. Let’s dive into how you can enhance your Minecraft world with the Vanilla Music Pack and more! Adding the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21 One of the most popular music packs for Minecraft is the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21. To install this pack, simply download the zip or mcpack file from the provided link. Once downloaded,… Read More

  • Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm

    Ngáo & Kemy: Capcut Crew Takes TikTok by Storm Welcome to the world of Minecraft news, Where updates and features are never old news. From new mobs to blocks, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed with a rhyming scene. So grab your pickaxe and join the fun, As we explore the world under the sun. With each new update, we’ll dig and we’ll mine, Uncovering secrets that are truly divine. From caves to mountains, and oceans so deep, There’s always a new adventure to keep. So stay tuned for more, as we journey through, The world of Minecraft, with rhymes that are true. Read More

  • Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2!

    Choo Choo! MK8D Tourney & More Trains in Ep. 2! Welcome back to Build With Me, episode two, Where we craft and create, with a special clue. More trains and a MK8D tournament in sight, For my subscribers, a gaming delight. Leave a comment, suggest what to build, I’ll pick the best, with skills fulfilled. Subscribe for more GO Transit and Minecraft fun, And Shell Shockers battles, when the day is done. In this episode, we dive into the game, Minecraft adventures, never the same. Trains chugging along, tracks laid with care, A world of creativity, beyond compare. And at the end, a surprise in store, A Mario Kart… Read More


    100 DNI W STRASZNIEJ MODZIE MINECRAFTA The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Modpack Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Horror Modpack challenge. Our brave protagonist faces terrifying monsters, stalkers, and even the infamous Herobrine in this hair-raising journey. Join us as we delve into the depths of fear and survival in this intense Minecraft experience. A Terrifying Challenge Awaits Our fearless explorer takes on the Horror Modpack challenge, braving the horrors that lurk within. From eerie creatures to sinister foes, every corner of this modpack is filled with dread and danger. Will our hero emerge victorious, or succumb to… Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Getting Villainous: Our Wicked Arc Begins! 🔥

    “Watch out, we’re about to go full-blown evil in Minecraft! Time to unleash our inner villain and start griefing those villagers like never before. Plus, we’ve got a meme score of 9 so you know we mean business. Bow down to the pixelated bad guys!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • “Caught red-handed on my friend’s server 😂🔥” #minecraft #meme #vtuber

    "Caught red-handed on my friend's server 😂🔥" #minecraft #meme #vtuber When you stumble upon a secret stash of diamonds in your friend’s Minecraft server and suddenly become the most popular player in the group #winning #minecraftsecrets #sneakysneaky Read More

  • ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most!

    ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most! Exploring the Scary Side of Minecraft Introduction Gather around, gamers! Shayan from ShayanGG is here to take you on a thrilling journey through the eerie realms of Minecraft. While some may argue that Minecraft is just pixelated Legos, did you know that over 60% of people find it scary? Join Shayan as he embarks on a daring challenge to survive the scariest horror map filled with jumpscares, monsters, all without any mods. Are you ready to face your fears? Minecraft Version Shayan delves into the spine-chilling adventure using various Minecraft versions including 1.8.9, 1.16.5, 1.19.4, and 1.20.1. Each version… Read More

  • Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong

    Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong Minecraft Theme Park Adventure Gone Wrong Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Daosao Gamers as they delve into the world of theme parks in this exciting short movie. Join them as they navigate through the ups and downs of creating their very own theme park in the virtual realm. Building a Dream Theme Park The Daosao Gamers set out to create the ultimate theme park in Minecraft, filled with thrilling rides, attractions, and surprises at every turn. With creativity and determination, they bring their vision to life block by block, crafting a world that promises endless fun for… Read More

  • Billie Goose’s INSANE Minecraft transformation!

    Billie Goose's INSANE Minecraft transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be better in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Billie Goose on 2024-07-09 21:58:36. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:54 or 9954 seconds. Hi I’m Billie, and I’m addicted to minecraft now. Also the screen shot in the thumbnail is from my personal save because I’m on a different computer rn. I might remember to change it later idk. You can also find me here: Dennis made my awesome skin!! follow him here: (and/or here:) MODS LIST (v1.20) amendments carry on chef’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft Mods

    Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods Survival!’, was uploaded by Plaguemeister on 2024-07-18 23:35:46. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds. Feeling spoopy Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t – Pokemon Shield Stream #11

    UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t - Pokemon Shield Stream #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #11’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-03-20 16:06:33. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:06 or 10986 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #Minecraft

    Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Gaming monster on 2024-01-04 16:15:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!

    British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Freeing slaves in minecraft-dungeons like a British gangster’, was uploaded by Toaster on 2024-01-16 06:35:51. It has garnered 85 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. We do not talk about my lives left! Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!

    Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Scary NEXTBOT MONSTERS vs JJ and Mikey Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft Maizen Window Man’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-02-28 01:56:50. It has garnered 6466 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Read More

  • Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!

    Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘I spend 24 hour in Minecraft sky block No tree No Mobs’, was uploaded by 4×4 gaming on 2024-05-26 12:50:16. It has garnered 207718 views and 9649 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:44 or 3464 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love gaming, you won’t want to miss a single episode. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive into the world of Minecraft together. Watch now and join the fun! I spend 24 HOUR in Minecraft sky block revolution MAP MOD- » Discord » Instagram My Pc Specs:-… Read More

  • EnderGaming LIVE on HIVE! Join now for Minecraft fun!

    EnderGaming LIVE on HIVE! Join now for Minecraft fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE on the HIVE! Minecraft with viewers! When 2K????’, was uploaded by EnderGaming on 2024-07-14 14:03:58. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:05 or 5345 seconds. MINECRAFT! With all of YOU! Sub so I can get YT rank please! Zeqa or HIVE tags: #minecraft #hive #SkyWars #EnderGaming #live #server #streaming #gaming #hivelive #zeqa Read More

  • “NOOB vs Scary Cave Mob in Minecraft! 😱” #minecraftshorts #ytshorts

    "NOOB vs Scary Cave Mob in Minecraft! 😱" #minecraftshorts #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB meets Scary Cave Mob #minecraftshorts #minecraftnoob #ytshorts #funny #memes #scary’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-02-16 15:28:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitideas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven … Read More

  • Suzaku Network

    Suzaku NetworkCALIDAD ASEGURADA SuzakuStudios es un estudio de videojuegos con más de 1 año en la creación, desarrollo, diseño e implementación de servidores en minecraft, este estudio se encarga de el desarrollo y el Quality Assurance del servidor. MAIL DE CONTACTO: [email protected] Read More

  • EdenCraft SMP 1.21 Semi-Vanilla Simple Community Claiming Trading

    EdenCraft: A New Java Survival Multiplayer Server Experience a unique blend of vanilla aspects and custom plugins on our newly released server. Explore custom items, commands, chat bubbles, and more for a rich player experience. Join our welcoming and mature community today! Join us on Discord for more information: Discord: IP: Read More

  • Legit Vanilla

    Legit VanillaLegitimaVanilla teaLiterally Vanilla.Legitimate Vanilla is a (practically) entirely vanilla server, made to give minecraft players a feeling of how a truly vanilla minecraft server would look & feel like.This means there are:1. NO Rules2. NO StaffWhat happens to this server is entirely up to the people who play it. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Plant has too much power

    Looks like this plant is branching out into a whole new level of power! Watch out, we might have a new ruler of the Minecraft world on our hands. #PlantPowerMinecraftKing Read More

  • Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2

    Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2 Welcome to Minecraft Speed Builders, where creativity shines, Players racing against time, building structures in lines. Join us for some epic fun, in this fast-paced game, Watch as we compete, it’s never the same. With server ip:, we’re ready to go, Building skills put to the test, with a fast flow. Don’t miss out on the action, join us in the race, Minecraft Speed Builders, a thrilling embrace. So grab your blocks and tools, let’s get started, In this world of creativity, where we’re all lighthearted. Join us for some laughs, in this funny game, Minecraft Speed Builders,… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Pro: Automatic Door Tutorial

    Minecraft Pro: Automatic Door Tutorial Welcome to the World of Minecraft Automation! Are you ready to take your Minecraft creations to the next level? In this ultimate guide, we will explore the fascinating world of automatic doors in Minecraft. 🚪🔧 Materials Needed for Your Automatic Door Before diving into the construction process, make sure you have gathered all the necessary materials. From redstone to building blocks, each item plays a crucial role in bringing your automatic door to life. 🛠️ Building Your Automatic Door Now, let’s get down to business! Follow the step-by-step instructions to build your automatic door from scratch. Learn how to… Read More

  • Heartbreaking goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis!

    Heartbreaking goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis!Video Information This video, titled ‘Saying Goodbye to my DAUGHTER in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.34’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-14 15:45:01. It has garnered 390 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:26 or 1766 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. Saying a final goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis. – NEW Merch in my shop! ► Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • Terrifying Minekrish Horror Map Encounter

    Terrifying Minekrish Horror Map EncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MAP ME SCARY MONSTER 🤕’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-28 14:32:16. It has garnered 5211 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More

  • Llama Goes Crazy in Secret Minecraft Server!

    Llama Goes Crazy in Secret Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server’, was uploaded by Karl das Lama Gaming on 2024-07-15 18:39:20. It has garnered 126 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:45:15 or 17115 seconds. Powered by Restream Hope the coop STREAMING WORKS #minecraft #gaming #german # lamagang Read More

  • Major Minecraft Update – Players are FURIOUS! #minecraftshorts

    Major Minecraft Update - Players are FURIOUS! #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mojang just changed Pistons forever. And people hate it. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #mojang’, was uploaded by Phoenix SC Shorts (Not Official) on 2024-05-19 16:16:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Original video by @PhoenixSC : Read More

  • AnimalMace Joins OXY’S WORLD – Minecraft Madness!

    AnimalMace Joins OXY'S WORLD - Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining OXY’S WORLD in Minecraft! ( BEDROCK + JAVA )’, was uploaded by AnimalMace on 2024-04-21 00:47:56. It has garnered 8747 views and 738 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:44 or 7304 seconds. Join DISCORD so you wont miss next time! NEXT STREAM: SOCIALS YT: TikTok: Discord: Twitter: This post is powered by ! Berry Byte offers premium hardware for affordable prices For a few dollars, you can get yourself an insane server. Thank you Berry Byte for sponsoring todays post! I’m going off script here… Read More

  • Insane twists in Minecraft Dungeons! 😱

    Insane twists in Minecraft Dungeons! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons | Nostalgic, Yet Painful! [pt1]’, was uploaded by AshyBoio on 2024-04-24 06:47:25. It has garnered 74 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:28 or 16948 seconds. sub DISCORD SERVER!!! —————————– second channel: @AshyBoi02 Friends Who Joined! @Xman7234 @ConnerTheFozhead Read More

  • 🔥 RAJ SUPER GAMERZ – Valorant Rank Push to 2500 Subs 😍

    🔥 RAJ SUPER GAMERZ - Valorant Rank Push to 2500 Subs 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘Valorant rank push😍🔥 Stream [ValorantLive] way to 2500 subs #valorantlive #valorantstreamer #like’, was uploaded by RAJ SUPER GAMERZ on 2024-02-27 05:31:59. It has garnered 829 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Live stream acha laga to subscribe share and like My tags minecraft live stream public smp hindi minecraft public smp live minecraft smp java + pe 24/7 day 9 public smp live 1.19 my new public smp server | public smp server free for all join now public smp minecraft new public minecraft smp (free to… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Manhunt with INSANE Mods!

    Surviving Minecraft Manhunt with INSANE Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-06-10 19:00:25. It has garnered 9504 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:09 or 12609 seconds. I Survived Minecraft Manhunt With The Most OVERPOWERED Mods! Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Minecraft – Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my Snapchat:… Read More