INSANE Minecraft Bedwars & Skyblock Gameplay!

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it says files Windows app Microsoft for9 whatever whatever no app no appliable apps no appliable apps license found [Music] dud turn back to the lobby let me restart my computer wait did it work it worked okay let’s go how do you join me wait a minute let me see my profile hey man come on man really man add friend what’s your username oh yeah is it all is does it have caps yeah I think it’s capital B second K is capital and then the S is capital I think I’m just playing ladies you know I love you all right uh tell me when you’re in okay do you want to do um bedw Wars or or build battle all right I was playing bedwars I see all right I kind of got good at it a little bit think you got it maybe wait wait hold I’m now friends with the gamer first YT wait wait wait let me see let me see I think this is bedwar right here uh go through the you see a portal Port I’m already in build battle oh you are yeah let me see right let me see [Music] try doing like slash join Lobby I can invite you to me to my player to my thing I mean I joined it all right no all you gotta do is put like a team one and then I’ll be able to join you let’s see teams mode right yeah teams all right I did it yep I’m joining oh I see you what’s up hold on what’s that skin called I forgot I forgot what it’s called now I can’t model your character with the I could change it back if I wanted to I probably will whenever I play Minecraft uh Minecraft the uh the world oh people need to join this is this is another thing about bedwars it doesn’t take long for it to join for for people to join cuz only eight people can join it’s just us C five only five people are in here somebody join wait what what it made me leave return to Lobby i s it says banking so just quit here do it again Jo teams hopefully we get into a field server this time uh can you invite me actually how do I do that uh go into your profile thing what’s Prof here my profile and just go to friends do invite I don’t know back send dual request you’re going to want to uh what’s it called what’s it where is it oh I think you’re in my party yeah I’m already in it all right uh let me start teams mode teams teams only 134 players oh but we’re in a big okay we’re in a filed one now we have to get like what 30 and then I’ll start loading I think [Music] 30 heck no somebody quit right now I want to another but another person left two people just joined who made bro mad shut the flip up man you’re a you’re cutie [Music] P I’m recruiting I promise but there right out of high school for a young my Z upset you can’t even pull online you try to cover up your sad pathetic life with three you can hear both of us like is crazy it’s stting finally finally finally 32 people okay that’s kind a bit what why is this okay please watch Ione just leave bro what theme Throne okay we can do this we can do this we can do this okay all right was gold block right gold yeah yeah yeah gold gold let’s go let’s go red wool you know for like the little cushioning yeah block of gold I’m going to set out the structure right now the layout so we’re going to have it like boom I got it I got it I got it I’ll have like a netherite is it a line yeah we can’t make it too big you think that’s too big we do have six minutes let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go how the heck are we going to do this though let me add the uh other thing too I have something else I have something else uh and I was thinking we could get Brown bro why is brown conrete not allow the server but everything else that’s racist what um Brown terra cotta oh Brown terracotta WR Brown Terra all right yes I’ll finish building like this part do we even need this no I don’t need this I don’t know what I’m doing but I kind of like it okay let me see Peach no white Throne why is white terra cotta Peach uh blood is literally acoustic blood keep on doing this we’re not going to do this in time we’re not going to do this in time we have 4 minutes you better start placing that I got to get that I got to get some that too yeah you’re going to want to make the ones in the back like bigger like this and I’m yeah this is a big build it might just look like a big old piece of scaffolding it might you keep on raising that I’m going just try to bridge a bit more a heck no 4 minutes we still have some time we still have some time put some carpet on that too like put put blocks of carpet on there no I’m going to put wool I’m going to put red wool oh yeah yeah what what if I had the bag like wood yeah scrape your bag I’ll give you some splinters some splinters I love me some splinters um golden chair last one which one is we have 3 minutes pretty much okay what else do I want what else do I want what am I going to have the back like shoot I got an idea for the black for the back the the black oh I I can’t get that seriously feel like there something we did wrong this needs to go byebye all right we got to go that looks kind of gay not going to liey yeah I think if we actually like no I think that looks good good I just got to bring this up somewhere no no a little bit of Z Mark light and we’ll be good what’s another block that’ll work I can’t make that seriously another block that will twerk a lot of these blocks won’t work for some reason I know black wool will terra cotta will terra cotta okay you know what this ain’t looking half bad this is not looking half bad just get that thing filled in in the next minute and we’ll be good we’ll be good we’ll be good wait that’s a wrong [Music] thing okay this is one block I mean this guy go okay I got to fill this in I must lock in bro why did they pick Throne out of all things no a vote it just like went to throne I know I didn’t get any time to vote like I saw some other better I saw some better stuff wait what did you see I forgot what it was but I saw some better 1 minute 1 minute oh we got a minute luckily this thing right here is pretty much filled keep on filling it keep on filling it I got I got it done okay this ain’t half bad this a not half bad I say we add like a little Arch to this yeah yeah yeah I want to keep it from looking zesty though okay okay okay never mind never mind watch it leave like the ziest thing ever okay okay okay it’s not bad it’s not bad at all why is this here though yeah get rid of that get rid of that okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good I could uh if there was more time I could have probably added like a handle this looks good this is good yeah yeah yeah yeah watch the other look so weird oh oh my that actually pretty good yeah I mean it does have a little bit of kaka right here but [Laughter] still okay what is this I mean you know did why what bro come on we have to go through like oh oh yeah yeah we bu a bit one big one so give us some love it’s a big one it was a big one give us some red okay I see a couple greens okay what is this they put a man on here and why is his eyes like bulging out of his head what the heck oh they copied us they copied we it better I’m giving a super poop and I’m reporting it just kidding I’m not going report it but I forgot we can vote you uh okay okay why is there a creeper on the why is there manners banners on it why is this a toil I love it legendary a little flushing thing too who is that Zeus the giver Santa The Giver epic okay Legend I want to see this one win I want to see this one win legendary I put poop I put poop dang what is this a stronghold why is it like a why is it like a ground of D okay it’s good I like the effort uh a Legendary Legendary what is that red stuff you said on I’m not a recruit what does red stone blocks feel like oh oh they’re winning they’re winning how the heck we we could just look at the back the back what is that she po this what is that uh I don’t know poop oh my God bro is he why is his arm skin and bone like that it’s good it’s good I like it it’s good oh this one how oh 12 Ser that’s crazy bro what look did you ever look in this dude’s head there was like a hole in his head there’s like a hole in his crown oh my 15 out of 32 we got to wait again oh never mind they all that’s cool the back of that one chair though like nothing was there Sushi Mar beach beach beach beach beach why was one of them toothpaste okay okay come on come on come on come on come on I’m about to make a I’mma make a ocean all right boom boom boom boom I’m make it you can just do that oh wow and get can floor CH get sand okay sand sand actually no no no no I’ll sh I’ll shape the like the grassy part of it then you get like the sand area all right okay I’ll shap the sand why is the grass this color I’d like it to be some sort of like jungle color like a vibrant green okay let me fill this all in POV K how about you watch your waight uh how about you watch I don’t know if anybody’s watching this I don’t know this that be weird just stream yeah stream the last stream was fire though no next stream we should do bedw Wars my I suck at Bed Wars my game froze okay okay let good my game froze for a second but we’re I sucked at bedw Wars 2 but then I actually started getting the hang of it Sally sold sea Sally sold sea shells by the seashore let me rephrase this who is Sally me this take a shower that just got on too dang this is a big old um thing huh speed running I’m filling it all in how much time do we have what I’m walking in we got 4 minutes left look at my little Hill dang I need to start spamming box like that okay never mind that looks terrible hold on lock David says I can never lock him Z I hate this B I don’t watch between of the stream I don’t care this B you’re terrible you’re a terrible teacher I don’t get why they couldn’t save her but till sixth grade she’s a terrible teacher let’s be honest this Miss Bosley watching this stream what she just stalking us you the oh did you she’s actually listening to the stream oh like I get like ALC tomorrow that’d be crazy we got 2 minutes left this is we could finish the the land I we can do like a whole Beach part I mean this is technically a beach ooh okay I like it so far I’m actually pretty much almost done with the Land part oh heck no okay once you’re done with that you got to help me fill this in how much time we got oh we got 2 minutes yeah thought I was close to being done why am I filling it from here I got to fill it in from the top this is literally how I just filled it up I’m doing it that’s one way to do it you’re like actually oh we can see from the side and get disgusted God it looks so weird got to get out of here got to hurry up got to hurry up you’re starting to look really Face Place something oh we got a minute oh my lock El lock in lock in lock in 51 seconds left 5100 357 I don’t know why it’s like the most random number 53 30 seconds remaining hi I’m missley I’m Miss Bley I need to finish this right now come on just in time just in time O A so close I missed the spot oh that’s cool why is lar why is lar Junior I don’t know who lar Juni see him down there and there’s a child too uh what what the pink stuff on his face did they actually fill this up with water is just the same exact thing they filled this up with water dang um oh I like it I like it legendary there’s a pig right in the wave legendary uh I mean how do you feel all this oh no cuz they feel the the water in that water looks kind of weird wait how come look at this good they literally spend no time on this they must have AFK the entire time uh why is this dude’s nose so long uh Builders the wave I want to ride the wave actually no I like that a lot I like [Music] CBS is good why they got like three different flags right I think our is next I’m G get in the corner oh never mind come on uh it’s all right why is that Island built like that I think it’s epic uh interesting what okay okay I’ll take [Laughter] it it’s epic why you saying they video oh oh okay I’m seeing some Reds okay I see a lot of Reds okay everyone’s holding up a red God oh God come on is good I guess I guess how did this win how did this why is there a hole in the middle of I’m falling down it oh wait can I see everybody’s up down there a wait a little tree in the middle one somehow yeah it did how do they win there is so much way better than how about we try doing that yeah birthday party how are we supposed to do that should we just like make it in the ocean with a cake um oh my how do I do that how do I do that okay birthday cake hold on hold on I have no clue what you’re doing I wish I do I wish I knew all’re I wish I why does he look like that why is this dude have two spots on the back of his head with hair in between the middle and top to build a cake I think we did it I I think this is good yeah oh oops nice pristine it’s his birthday you know he built a cake for himself as a rash in the is he in the chat I don’t know he built a cake for himself you know what I’m saying he’s alone he has nobody I wish can’t relate oh he he texted me too Arash yeah he did say that type something in chat Arash say the part’s lit the part’s lit guys the part’s lit I’m about to check the chat right now yo let me see this Baldhead dude the part’s lit yo party lit there’s 13 teams this has got to win okay there’s no way it doesn’t do you agree I agree you know what let’s put us let’s put this thing on a wood floor uh what floor yeah I wasn’t talking about that typ of wood you know what actually I got an idea let’s put this thing on a little table what if like the most ugliest block under this what if we just built the most random thing like a witch pointing a a bow at him well how is half the stuff like wait I love it oops I can’t spawn what type of block is this no uh uh just in the middle of sand uh um yo I’m about to Spa [Music] in I’m going to spawn something in but I don’t know what to spawn in what I could do here going I’m always watching M yeah yeah just put him like in the middle of there oh right there that’s a good spot yeah why did you sound like Michael big Michael why did you sound like him hello good sir why is he falling what if I spawn the warden I [Music] can’t that’d be Co though I spond the warden yo folks we’re doing good how many views three concurrent views viewers two one of them mean one of them’s rash I’m not I’m not viewing it right now rash is one this must be so boring for harash type yes in chat if you think it’s boring why did I break that get another BL exit experienced apparently you’re experienced oh I wonder what other people are doing remember the one on the beach with the uh with the girl in the last round that was so funny oh my God don’t try to leave the plot you know what going what to do game what if I put TNT all around him like I’m sounding a Henry like put TNT what if I put him coming out of the ashes that’s so sad this is his birthday I think I’m about to get rid of all this good oh should I actually have it what are you doing uh oh my God what is that Shri okay around I did yep I think won Everybody Must Be Like rushing right now bro what else is very explosive boom trip wire hook I can’t place that please let me pleasing happy birthday to Mr Chef this his birthday oh we should have put a sign saying Jeff or do you think we would have been able to put a name tag watch our our VI what is this oh basic why is there so much particles I know uh oh good what is this what is this oh Chad oh I like this this is cool uh epic no who is going to eat all what how do you build all this I know it’s pretty good though I like the effort epic were those were those Wither Skeleton H skulls legendary I like it except why does she have devilish eyes why are you H here obrian and they by oh my why it on why that legendary uh no epic C good it’s good this is our W put him my TNT what is this what is this all these spider webs uh I’ll put it epic what is oh they copied us they copied us super ah we good wow epic those are Burgers why the burgers so small H Burgers bro I wonder what kud would say about all this what is that what what is this ah what this one we got last place we did oh we did I thought we were at least going to get somewhere further up and what’s up with these dude’s eyes all righty man I gotta take a sh all right all right why some man calling me CH probably also watching the stream I know I gotta go all right see did he leave no I see you all right y’all for the remainder of this stream I’m just going to play some good old B okay I don’t get off of me please Pixel Art okay screw you okay okay buddy okay let me leave let me leave may I please leave buddy uh uh is anybody like trying to text me or something oh Sam is Sam oh he sent something yo he sent something dang dang I love the love CH I love to love Cham I love it let me myself oh I can’t leave uh I’mma leave this my go on build battle yay huh what the heck is still [Music] on I’m going to need to take a shower so I’mma play a few matches of bedw Wars then what’s it called what the heck I’m play a few matches of bedwars and I’ll end the stream so yeah I can’t do this what I can’t leave how come create a custom man how can I leave I cannot leave somebody help me somebody help me I can’t leave I can’t leave I can’t [Music] leave maybe here no uh oh what the freak I can’t leave I can’t leave can I come up here I can’t leave the plot don’t try to leave the plot okay I just want to see somebody’s real quick let me see that Sun’s always stuck in the time I saw a little bit dang I can’t

TheGamer1st on 2024-03-08 17:28:55. It has garnered 19 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:30 or 2370 seconds.

#minecraft #skyblock #bedwars #foryou #trending

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    Skeleton vs Pillagers: Ultimate Showdown! #minecraftmadness Why did the skeleton go to the pillage in Minecraft? Because he heard they had a bone to pick with him! #punintended #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Logan W’s Epic Minecraft Debut

    Logan W's Epic Minecraft Debut Welcome to StoneWolf’s Minecraft Adventure! StoneWolf has finally made his first Minecraft upload, marking the beginning of an exciting journey filled with adventures in the virtual world. While the channel may have been lacking in content previously, the promise of more thrilling videos in the future is sure to keep viewers engaged. Exploring Villager Breeding and Iron Golem Farms In the first upload, StoneWolf delves into the intricate world of Minecraft by showcasing the construction of a Villager Breeder and an Iron Golem Farm. These structures are essential for creating a sustainable ecosystem within the game, allowing for the… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean!

    Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean! Surviving 100 Days in an Infinite Ocean in Minecraft Welcome to an epic adventure of surviving 100 days in an Infinite Ocean in Minecraft! 🌊 In this thrilling video, the player faces incredible challenges, builds underwater bases, and battles against marine mobs in a completely aquatic world. From fishing and exploring shipwrecks to creating underwater farms and searching for hidden treasures, this Minecraft Survival experience will leave you breathless. Don’t miss out on this action-packed series filled with strategy, excitement, and loads of fun in the infinite ocean of Minecraft! Make sure to subscribe for more epic Minecraft content… Read More

  • Insane FreeFire Gameplay by BDF90GAMER

    Insane FreeFire Gameplay by BDF90GAMERVideo Information This video, titled ‘FreeFire Gameplay’, was uploaded by BDF90GAMER on 2024-07-08 19:32:10. It has garnered 13 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:55 or 6715 seconds. “I play games related to other popular YouTube gaming videos. Whether it’s the latest FREE FIRE campaign playthrough, Minecraft tutorials, or online and offline games – if you’re looking for gaming-related content, you’ve come to the right place!” Certainly! Here’s an extensive YouTube description for your video, packed with vivid details and captivating language: — **Title: “Journey Through the Enchanted Forest: A Nature Lover’s Dream”** 🌿 **Description:** Welcome… Read More

  • Beware: Minecraft Nightfall Terror

    Beware: Minecraft Nightfall TerrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fear the dark | Minecraft Fear Nightfall’, was uploaded by GlichBearplays on 2024-01-25 20:58:36. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:40 or 11320 seconds. Hope you all have a good day! Be sure to like and subscribe for more of this content. Support the stream at Read More

  • ULTIMATE Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos! #viral

    ULTIMATE Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Reagindo ao Comentário Dos Inscritos. #minecraft #reaction #viral #naoflopa #shorts’, was uploaded by EXTREME on 2024-05-09 21:51:38. It has garnered 2392 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Christmas Doors in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Christmas Doors in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘DOORS IN MINECRAFT CHRISTMAS UPDATE | No Mods Or Addons | Command Block Creation’, was uploaded by SeaOpossum on 2023-12-25 18:27:24. It has garnered 753 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. In This Video I Recreated Roblox Doors Into Minecraft! Thanks For Watching! Any Questions? Follow My Discord! Join My Discord – Download Map – What I Use For Making Videos: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro 2023 Preview: PhotoShop Read More

  • “Minecraft PVP Champion DOMINATES in Bedwars!” #clickbait

    "Minecraft PVP Champion DOMINATES in Bedwars!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEAUTIFUL WIN IN THE BEDFIGHT #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #bild’, was uploaded by meepero on 2024-03-25 19:08:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixel, #minecraft, #minemenclub, #hypixelbedwars, #bedwars, #minecraftpvp, #hypixelbridge, #minecraftbedwars, #cubecraft, … Read More

  • neak – 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!

    neak - 🔥MINECRAFT Live Battles + Events! 👿 Unbelievable FREE Boss Fight now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴Giga bitki + eventy!🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 20:46:48. It has garnered 94 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:03 or 7803 seconds. 🔔Subscribe🔔 ► My minecraft server! 👾 IP: 👾 version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 📞here I talk: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Equipment Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Skiller Mech SGKS3 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔔Dej suba🔔 tags: #NneakK #lajnie #minecraft #gry #farcry #roblox #brawlstars #polska #live #csgo #cs2 #counterstrike2 #cs2 #gtasa #gta #projectrpg #project #4life #samp #mta #funny #rage #ez #gtasanandreas #irl #gtav #prrpg#anarchia #dranhis #smp- txt – tabmc -… Read More

  • Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!

    Unbelievable Fight Night in Minecraft Wrestling!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wrestling Alliance: RISE Episode #30 [Jun. 12, 2024]’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wrestling Network on 2024-06-21 10:24:07. It has garnered 136 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:21 or 3561 seconds. Join Us! Server IP: Discord: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: ———————————— Timestamps: Nuck Visits a Friend (0:00) Opening Segment (2:25) Milky Promo (3:43) Kholoki’s Open Challenge (8:29) Post-Match Segment (19:35) Jasper Promo (26:53) DDD Party Segment (35:53) Milky vs Equinox (39:08) ———————————— Recorded By – Steve/Kholoki Read More

  • 1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!

    1000 Stories: My Insane Minecraft Museum!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built A MUSEUM For Every STRUCTURE In Minecraft PART 2/2’, was uploaded by Beppo on 2024-03-23 15:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Built Minecraft’s Greatest Museum In Hardcore PART 2/2 Part 1: The goal of this series is to … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘old killer noob vs pro vs hacker #minecraft #ytshorts #shortsfeed #trandingshorts’, was uploaded by AWEJ GAMING’S on 2024-03-23 06:18:27. It has garnered 3996 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #minecraftpe1 #minecraft100days #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever… Read More

  • SkyVN Survival

    SkyVN SurvivalBest survival experiences you will ever see on this server. What to except on the server? – An all-new, datapack driven worlds to explore – Over 20+ items to grind Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 DiscordSRV Bluemap Coreprotect Voice Plugin Age 16+ Crossplay

    Join Our Minecraft Community! Our community is built around a shared interest in Minecraft, and we also enjoy playing a variety of games together on our Discord server. Minecraft is at the heart of what we do, so come check out our Discord and Minecraft SMP! We welcome new members who are dedicated players with similar interests. We always have major build projects in progress, and our community is friendly and mature. While we don’t have many rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed, just be respectful to others! All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌

    ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌MINEWIND▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ Read More

  • Breadcraft – 1.20.6 Survival Server

    Breadcraft - 1.20.6 Survival ServerWelcome to Breadcraft! You’re home to classic, vanilla Minecraft survival without Pay-2-Win bloat.On our 1 world survival server, experience the thrill of simple survival with very few- yet helpful plugins to fulfill your experience.Other servers are focused on making money and manipulating their players into purchasing items and ranks to make progress. Breadcraft is the polar opposite. We focus on providing a classic, vanilla experience to our players, WITHOUT the P2W!On Breadcraft, you will encounter a lively, helpful, and friendly group of people who are online to have fun and relax. Our active and helpful staff is willing to provide… Read More