Insane Minecraft Build: Demonic Temple! 👹

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What is up the world that is your friendly neighborhood slip Gator here hanging out today doing stuff in things on the bill PAC server and I found a hole we’re gonna talk about that in a little bit there’s a sign over here it says future site of something-something

So just hanging out doing the build PAC stuff and things don’t wanna spoil anything it looks like Zildjian and that dude chaos are building spawn houses we got the cathedral over here and a couple additional things have been added in if you take a look over in this area yeah I

Think yeah Joe tato has built this and it is the roar to go axe for roar go axe forthe Memorial Park so pretty cool little memorial thing that he’s done I really like it it’s very very cool little design little uh statue knight statue from deco craft in the center

Little stubborn things a little sword going on and I know he spent a lot of time on the backyard here he said he was really trying to get something cool going on and get it right it looks really great so yeah so definitely some cool stuff and things going on like I

Said I don’t want to spoil chaos or Lujan’s builds but what I was thinking about doing oh there’s another thing we added a new member somebody that Joe tato had no Joe tato knows uh Cameron Bure exactly room he’s building something out there will show it off

Here in a little bit once it’s done but um yeah so what I thought we were we have this cathedral we have this memorial this place looks really kind of like happy and nice and that’s now cool man we need to get something to get something it’s not nice isn’t good so

What I thought we would do is build like a little demonic temple down inside of this whatever this is it’s just kind of a naturally occurring key but I like the shape of it I thought it was neat so um and I’ve been playing around with some different blocks and the ostrich obelisk

Placer or the eldritch obelisk is a really cool block from thaumcraft and there’s a lot of great aesthetic blocks from vom craft here we have some night–or which I think actually is what we’re gonna use to kind of light up the area here a little bit just give it like

A spooky kind of glowy kind of feel and so we’re just gonna start placing some of these around in all these little dark but we do want it to be dark but we do also kind of want it to be lit up at least we’re especially for a building

Once we’re done building maybe we can darken it but all right so all right so we got this this is kind of one of the scale not a scale yeah kind of a scale model it’s almost let’s go hello hello thermomix amo meter kind of the scale

Model what we’re doing and the elves are obelisks are super fun because I make huge explosions and if you put them next to each other than they explode in a humongous chain that was really loud so all right so down here let’s place one of these guys just like right there just

Kind of look at it so Daniel what I thought we would do is kind of take a look for maybe in the middle of the room here so if that and then like that that’s kind of yeah yeah maybe just trying to take a look here at how this

Is gonna work out oh we have another little cave down here I didn’t even notice that go ahead and squirt in the night tour in there so we might have to do some some landscaping here all right so we got the middle of our room I think what do you guys think

Oh you think diagonal no I think we’re not gonna go diagonal all right so I’m thinking that’s kind of pretty close to the middle of the room if we have to do a little bit of landscaping that’s cool so we’re gonna go ahead and stick this

Down here like that and then what I want to take a look for is kind of some maybe obsidian that’s gonna look really good so let’s go ahead and take a look at all the of city and we’ve got we don’t want to go the obsidian totem blocks might

Work the tube it’s really too bad the chiseled obsidian takes on this this purple tone and we kind of want to match this which is like a dark purple in a blue so the truck the um obsidian tiles of city and totems these will probably work better let’s just take a look at

What this looks like there’s the obsidian totem and then will give me the obsidian tile so that’s pretty cool now if we go ahead and we apply that to our carpenters stuff and things right here we’ll pop this block out go like that and then we’ll just

Place an obelisk right over here yeah that definitely matches it’s not bad it’s not bad that’s what we’re looking for for kind of like that that matching color so I think what we’re gonna do now is that from here we’re just gonna go up two blocks and then we’re gonna go like that

Well actually we’ll just do this right here so and then we’re gonna place some carpenters which slopes upside down and we’re gonna start to kind of build a larger version of the ostrich totem so let let us let us do this oh it’s coming out amazing all right that’s not bad

We’ll knock these guys out take some of that tile oh there we go like so I like it that’s cool all right so now for the center part here this is a really amazing texture if you come inside and take a look at it so cool right it’s just like this really

Cool and strange kind of I don’t know it’s like you can see the future inside of there and I’m not sure how we’re gonna go ahead and mimic that here let’s take a look and see what kind of tanks we’ve got going on in this pack we could

Try to use a tank full of liquid so we have the open blocks tank let’s take a look again at the thaumcraft liquids that we have let’s fill thaumcraft correctly maybe the liquid death so let’s go ahead and liquid death let’s grab liquid death blocks like so and then let’s just go

Ahead and start placing these down kind of get an idea if this looks good so it’s not bad it’s a little bit light let’s take a look again at the liquids that we have it that we have here to offer for open blocks so I think that

That’s all and I think so so I guess that’s probably going to have to be the one that we use the colorings gonna be a little bit a little bit wacky but it’s still gonna be cool so the other thing that we’re gonna do is in the center

Here we’re gonna leave an open spot I’ll show you why here in a second so how high are we gonna want to go with this probably kind of high wanna start to get that same shape that we have going on with the with the obelisks so we want

This to be kind of big like so yeah maybe one more like that then we’ll take our slopes again and just kind of start to go around like this and then what we’re gonna do come down in the center we’re gonna punch a hole straight through the top like that and

Then I think what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place a beacon down inside of here so let’s grab a beacon block so we needed a little bit of a redesign so what I did in order to get this beaconing to work so what I did is went

Ahead and dug all the way down down underneath the support and made a little 3×3 room down here and I’m gonna take a purple unstable beacon from Betania and throw it in here now what that’s gonna do is make this crazy particle effect that kind of shoots off into the sky and

This actually doesn’t cause a whole heck of a lot of lag like it’s pretty pretty pretty lag free so then the next thing we’re doing is we’re just gonna take our block of iron over make a 3×3 down underneath like so come up one of these

Scored of beacon in there then we should get a beacon effect at the same time so we’re gonna like a beacon effect and that particle effect I think it looks pretty cool not bad so then we come down inside of here now unfortunately we’re in a 1.7

Pax we don’t have any colored beacon beams because I would make it like black or purple or something like that see you can see I’ll just go ahead and we’ll squirt some of this science stained glass in there and it’s not gonna do anything for us but the interesting

Thing about this is that I found I accidentally stuck a piece of obsidian tile in here oh it was working a little bit longer let’s see if we can get it to go longer but it turns to beacon being black for a second isn’t that weird so

Even back here in 1.7 there was definitely some sort of something-something happening so now we can go to scrap some black stained glass I think black stained glass will work let’s go ahead and take a look we have black stained glass or the purple stained glass well let’s just go ahead

And take a look at both of these and see what we think so here’s our black stained glass purple stained glass yeah I think the purple stained-glass maybe works a little bit better just because with the black you kind of almost can’t even tell that it’s there I

Don’t know let’s take the black up there let’s take a look under here that’s kind of more black so maybe we’ll stay with the black stained glass all right so then up and yeah we’re gonna go ahead and cover all these guys with obsidian tile like so and then we’re gonna go

Ahead and stick that black stained glass in like like so so now we’ve got it kind of like a thing like it’s definitely a thing all right so now if we take some of our eldritch obelisks go ahead and pop that off and let’s just go out two

Blocks from each corner here like this like so so now I’ve kind of got like a little area you know what I mean it’s like a little altar I mean it’s taking shape but what we do you have to do we got kind of take this this giant

Eldridge Albert obelisk and we’ve got to kind of outline it we’ve got to add some stuff on things to it so let’s take a look for obsidian cover strips or obsidian strips let’s take a look and see what we got here call it obsidian purple oh let’s check out this

Guy out right here so let’s go ahead and squirt this guy down let’s take a look what do you look like I think that’s pretty good I think that’s kind of what the obelisk kind of looks like over here too it’s like this really dark dark you

Know corner pattern so on now I’m gonna do I’m gonna go ahead and just start outlining all this get a little bit more of a done and I’ll be our base peeps and we’re back and I found some really cool blocks to play around with so check this

Out I went ahead and out lighted this this bad boy so it’s it’s good we got this thing done it’s pretty cool we got all the things squirting out of it but now it’s gonna add a little more detail to the bottom here and I found these energized void stone blocks out of

Chisel so there’s a bunch of cool ones let’s go ahead and what we’re doing is we’re kind of gonna replace some of the stuff that I did down here like so like this and what we’re kind of doing is making see what is happening is that the

Altar is powering up man it’s there’s power coming out of this thing and it’s squirting into the universe is the universe stuff Oh totally and these universe stuff that’s a technical term and it’s squirting into the universe here so what we’re gonna do is kind of go like this and then what

We’re gonna do is we’re gonna add a couple of different blocks so we’re gonna add some of this energize Boyd’s own skull voice tone and the tainted soil so and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna kind of do like this where it is kind of growing into the world so and

We’re probably be best to take our energetic or wait what does this thing call again the creative exchanger and then we’re gonna go ahead and just go like this then we’ll take and go down a radius of two and we’ll do like this like this and then like so we’ll go down

A radius of one and we’ll just start exchanging some of these blocks out and what it’s gonna do is kind of be like a tendril see how it’s kind of growing out so we’ll kind of have it coming coming out and growing out into the world so to

Speak like so so you might do another like two here two there and two there something like that now every once in a while what we can do is go ahead and replace some of these with this void stone and I think that it’ll look really

Great because what it’s kind of kind of do is make it look like I don’t know there’s like growth you know what I mean it’s like a disgustingness that is happening so squirt some of these all around everywhere like so and then we’ll just take a step back and take a look at

It we might need to add in another block probably also multiple tendrils would be good so if we were to take this thing again and then go ahead and grab the tainted soil and then take it up to maybe a two radius and then yeah like

Here here here and then go down to a one radius and then kind of come up like so like that and then it’s like growing out again you see you see what we’re doing man it’s becoming like a paint it’s like dainty thing it’s gross so all

Right so if we’re gonna go ahead and add some more of these all around of the different areas and I think it almost feels like there needs to be a third block in here too so I might take a look around for a third block to add in but

Yeah I could do some more that’s in all beer B’s and we’re back I think this came out really cool guys so what I did is added some of these order crystal clusters and entropy click crystal clusters from Tom craft and in amongst the energized void stone and then also

Added some liquid death so I mean who doesn’t want look with death so we added some liquid death into the mix here and it’s really an interesting block like if we take a look at it let me see here liquid death bucket so when you place it

It places quite odd it just kind of like fizzles out almost a little bit let me show you let me come up here and show you just somewhere where you can drop it and then we’ll just destroy it but when you place it it doesn’t really flow like

A liquid does normally it kind of flows a little bit and then it just kind of goes away so we’ll just use this enchanter right here just to clean that up really quickly so added a bunch of that stuff around got all of our tendrils got all of our crystals and it

Looks like definitely like stuff and things are growing out of here like it’s it’s really cool it’s come along really cool all right so here’s what we want to do down inside of here I think we’re gonna take these enchanters we’re gonna take four of these guys and put them all

Around here just kind of like the people are reading stuff in things then we’re to take some armorstands place them like here here here and here and then there’s a bunch of really cool armor from thaumcraft so let’s go ahead and take a look at what we got here you know what

Will load that out and then head back over here so let’s grab the Crimson pareto helm chest plate and Greaves the Crimson cult helm chest plate and Greaves the Crimson cult hood suit and then we’ll also add the void thermit edge hood thing and do and then we’re

Gonna need boots for all these guys Kristin yeah but those cult boots will work for a bunch of guys two three and then one of them probably used the Boyd boots so let’s go ahead and set these armorstands up and if we go like so like that then we got our little guy

So he’s just kind of like a little guy hanging out there pretty cool all right so let’s go ahead and grab on the other side we’ll do the other guy because this guy kind of has one the dark purple color then we’ll do this guy like so

He’s kind of the red color then we’ll grab these other guys cult cult there we go like this and then we’ll put this guy over comp like so Oh like so and then we got like four little guys hanging out here like we’re spring to the altar of

Destruction that’s growing out of that’s becoming an amazing thing the only thing I do want to check really quickly is to make sure that there isn’t a better pedestal and thaumcraft which I don’t off the top of my head no if there is I don’t think there is just take a look

Here really quickly I’m trying to think the enchanter of being and that gray color it’s not ideal for what I’d like to do but it’s not bad and it matches you know the build it’s good it’s cool all right what are you essence crystallizer does it look amazing let’s

Just go ahead and check it out real quick man No so one of the things that you can do that’s kind of interesting is that on these obelisks the other two obelisks if you right-click on the base and then right-click on the middle part right if

You were to come let’s move away so we don’t blow up our seven things but you can actually place just the base or just that piece and it’s kind of really interesting a little bit now if we break this Oh weird there we go and now we can

Break it so um and I’m thinking what we’re gonna do is actually add a couple of these bases in and around here like just a couple extra bases right here here here here here and there oh and over here to you to kind of give that

The altar a little bit more of a neato look so it’s definitely coming along it looks really cool I don’t know like I think that maybe we have a couple more things to add but that is pretty BA let’s break our scale model oh whoops we go cover your ears let’s break our

Scale model but this is looking really great I think we can add a little bit more detail I’m gonna play around that and I’ll be RVs and we’re back and it’s actually just one more thing that I want to do I had this idea that I thought

It’d be really cool if there was like a glowing sound here all the time so what I think we’re gonna do we’re gonna pop this beacon out and we’re actually gonna I’m gonna pull this unstable beacon it’s kind of a neat thing but I feel like

Maybe it’s given us a framerate issue I don’t know it’s a little bit overkill I guess so what we’re gonna do in here is we’re gonna move this down one block like so let’s just grab that real quick like this all right now we’re gonna place our beacon now we’re gonna place a

Solar generator and that’s gonna give us a humming noise so now when you come down here it’s pretty faint but if you come up to the altar there’s like a little humming noise and I wonder actually if we could you know what might be a neato idea is if we also added

Another one let’s see if we can add a second one let’s go ahead and grab this block again pop that out grab that block again let’s put another one like down inside of here so maybe closer I wonder hold on let’s take a look here and see if two will

Work if we stack them that’s silly okay so they do work they considered basically like a clear block so we can stack them let’s head down inside of here and then ray here will place another one why don’t we just place a bunch oh you can see I’m not all fail alright

So let’s thinks its head downside here we won’t be able to do it everywhere but still it’s still cool there we go so at least down inside of here you’ll hear that noise a little bit of a humming noise whenever you come in and it’s kind

Of like these guys are all like pained spread and they’re just spreading their taint vibes everywhere and I did add some night or just along the edges here and I added some on the top of of the obelisks as well but I think that we’re gonna call that one complete guys I mean

It’s really kind of a neat project I just wanted to do something a little bit different you know we’ve been doing like treehouse starter house modern house let’s build we did a cottage thing well I mean you can do anything with Minecraft and especially in Bill pack

You can do it hello we’re quite close right now you can do anything that you want and so a demonic temple why wouldn’t you so yeah if you guys liked the video please don’t forget to the like button feel free to share and favorite it as you see fit if it’s your

First time watching don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and made the stuffin things be with you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft : How To Build : DEMONIC TEMPLE!!!’, was uploaded by Sl1pg8r – Daily Stuff and Things! on 2015-02-26 20:00:00. It has garnered 23451 views and 1044 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:42 or 1242 seconds.

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Check out these other great vids! Starter House – Modern Industrial House 1 ► Modern Industrial House 2 ► Modded Cottage Tutorial ► Simple Modern House ► Modern Treehouse 1 ► Modern Treehouse 2 ►

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    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

  • NormalSMP – smp

    IP = Dive into a true survival experience with a twist! NormalSMP is a community-focused Minecraft server where players of all skill levels can enjoy a balanced, engaging survival world. Why Choose NormalSMP? Community-Driven: Join a friendly, active community that values teamwork, creativity, and fair play. Land Claims: Protect your creations with our land claim system to keep them safe. Balanced Economy: Earn, trade, and spend in our player-driven economy. Donator Ranks: Support the server and unlock exclusive perks with four unique ranks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve, the Minecraft ChadLooks like Steve is really owning his identity crisis in Minecraft! Read More

  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

    Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra's Muscular Universe! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan and Esra, their story unfolds. A twist of fate, everything reversed, Mucular they became, their adventure dispersed. With a laugh and a grin, they faced the unknown, In this pixelated world, their skills were shown. Building and crafting, their talents on display, In this virtual realm, they found their own way. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For more Minecraft adventures, under the moon. Kare Kafa’s channel, a place to be, For gaming and laughter, for all to see. Read More

  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!" #shorts #minecraft #memes “Who knew that falling into a pit of lava was actually a surprise party in disguise? Thanks, Minecraft!” Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Twitch: 2nd Channel: Shorts Channel: Discord: Cashapp:$JzayIsLost Paypal: Streamlabs: Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More