Insane Minecraft Build: Enchanting Library in Mogswamp

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Villagers are overpowered I mean I can buy infinite diamond tools for like one Emerald each I’m rich but Mojang recently released an experimental snap shot that gives villagers a big nerve now you can only get certain enchanted books from villagers depending on what biome they’re from and my super flat

World has exactly one biome PL and let’s just say the enchantments it comes with are pretty plain so before the new update I’m going to build the greatest enchanting library that Minecraft has ever seen but first I have to check on my villager breeder hello are you two in

Love oh oh no so I actually already got my first villager here and I have this rail line already set up to transport them it’s a quick switcher no all right this should do I’ll even give him a little Skylight you’re coming with me get get in the oh switch that there we

Go welcome to your new home sir all right we need a lot more of these guys I’ve got a few more villagers around here with good trades just going to Crow these bad boys don’t don’t you dare place place the block place it no you know what luck of the sea looting you

Get death serves you right Bane of Arthropods more like bane of my existence come on let’s go I don’t have all day now we’re talking this is starting to be a party so now we’re just going to make a nice fancy floor design for this basement area then we just got

To make spots for all these unpaid interns to stand oh hey I knew I heard you all right so we’ve got five out of 40 villagers ready to go into their spots but moving these guys and getting the rest of the trades is going to be a huge

Pain so I think instead I should fill you guys in on the full plan for this Library I really want to lay out the basic shape of the building so we can just grab some concrete and start sketching this thing out my idea is basically a really big version of my

Town library growing up we have the main hall which will have a big dome roof and a spiral staircase and we’ll have some way to access the basement where we keep the villagers that was the scariest part of my town library growing up still remember the

Sounds then there are two Wings one for fiction and one for non-fiction and in the front we can have a big lower Courtyard area where you could eat lunch or find a shady place to read so that’s our plan I decided to put the library at

The top level of our city which is where I want all the government buildings to go you know city hall post office Courthouse that sort of thing the only thing in the way is this tree farm I built and used like one time I could

Work this into the build and try to hide it or I could do this yes yes die die all right I should go collect some resources the pallet on this build is going to use a ton of different types of wood and I’m also planning to make heavy

Use of mud and Sandstone the only thing I have already is sandstone cuz I collected a bunch ahead of time luckily I can get Oak jungle Birch and Spruce from my wood Farm which I fixed again if it breaks in this episode I will cry so I basically spent like 10 hours just

Running the farm while playing other games and I got a pretty good amount of each type I still need to get the dark oak but that can wait the next day was mud day so I killed two birds with one stone and got rid of a bunch of water

Around the base while collecting dirt I’m draining the water so I can lower the seafloor and give it a bit more dep but that’s a project for another day I hate doing mud cuz the converter is attached to my wood farm and it always seems to break but we’re doing it anyway

Baby it’s all about believing all right so it turns out my collection system had broken at some point and I just wasted like a solid two shulkers of dirt before I noticed but eventually after another full real life day of work I had tons of mud ready to go the only thing we’re

Missing at this point is dark oak wood so time to put on a movie and get to work while I’m watching movies in the day night spooky build a library for my grou but my singing kind of made this timey and we are done I got a bunch of

Shulkers of dark oak meaning we’ve officially got all our groceries so I think it’s time to get rid of this ugly magenta outline we’re using stripped Oak around the base of the main hall and then for the wings I’m doing this nice trim with these jungle slabs and stairs

All right yeah this is a good start for this second layer I feel like the Looms are perfect but they’re a bit much on their own so I’m alternating with the jungle planks and now we can start to transition to our Sandstone okay time out I keep falling into the basement so

We need to put a floor down before I lose my mind also I really don’t want my villagers to be struck by lightning so I placed in a quick floor leaving room around the edges for the walls and then I started getting all the windows into place I used Blackstone and black glass

To get a nice strong contrast going with the Sandstone hey this is starting to look like an actual building although the general layout of the build is based on my town library I definitely wanted to have a much more Monumental feel kind of like the Library of Congress in

Washington DC I went there with my eighth grade class and there was this insane main hall with a crazy tall Dome ceiling so to match that Vibe I started by making a grand entrance staircase with some terracotta trimming and tons of tiny little details then I designed an intricate circular pattern to make

The floor of the main hall feel really fancy and refined lastly I built a big window to fill in the remaining Gap in the back of the structure all right guys at this point this main hall just needs a roof so I began by creating a little

Ledge around the top of the windows so the Dome will be slightly recessed I went super crazy with the detailing using LEC turns and even candles okay now I’m starting the foundation of the Dome and I’m actually using these chiseled bookshelves just because they have such a cool texture okay I’m

Finally ready ready for the dome but I want to make sure it has that ripple effect I saw in the Dome of the capital building on my trip to DC I wasn’t really sure how to accomplish that look so I just started creating some lines out of sandstone to create a wire frame

For the Dome then I made some more lines in between those with mud bricks to get a nice contrast going dude this looks so weird from down here then it was just a matter of filling in all the missing blocks with oak wood which took a surprisingly long time but I think it

Was worth it man this looks so good so far I’m really happy with how this is coming out I’m so tempted to just keep building but at this point we’ve neglected the villagers for a minute and to make things even worse one of them seems to have died somehow I I swear I

Had five so I’m just going to keep resetting these guys and see how many trades I can knock off our [Applause] list Efficiency SM quick job all right we should probably name tag these guys before there’s way too many of them okay so the next thing I want to do is add a shulker box above each villager slot for Easy Storage so I’m heading over to the end Dimension I

Know I should just build a shulker farm but then I won’t be able to waste hours doing this all right I think I’ve had enough montaging I brought back more than enough shulker shells and I got tons of other good stuff too so I started decorating the trading Hall which I

Think I’m going to call the archives from now on just cuz it sounds a lot cooler than the Villager basement then I put a lecturn and a shulker box at each station and I put down a sign for each enchantment okay so this place has 40

Slots but my list has Swift sneak on it which is not obtainable on superf flat and I also have an empty slot as well so I’m going to go ahead and knock out two of these spots on this side and we can make a staircase here going up okay

Everything is just about set up down here so I think it’s time we start curing these guys and getting them into place we have 11 villagers so far so I’m going to bring 55 apples so I can make sure I cure them all five times ooh I

See a helmet boy please sir have a seat I insist and in you go what are you kidding me I just had to wait all day for you to spawn so you better not misbehave Mister okay this time I’m going to personally why okay third time’s a charm

Right I learned my lesson this time I’m going to actually split them up so maybe they won’t spawn a Golem no why did I just do that oh please stop please just okay I got most of them back in so I’m just going to go ahead and cure

These guys and I’ll cure the remaining ones after while I waited for the zombies to cure I got a bit of work done on the interior of the main hall I also started putting a book on each lecturn listing all the different trades that each villager offers took me about 40

Minutes to get all the villagers into their slots and then afterwards I decided to do some more reset I got channeling curse of binding lure and silk touch I learned my lesson from the iron golems and started curing them before getting any more once those four

Were in place I did one last round of resetting getting Unbreaking projectile protection curse of Vanishing Frost Walker and impaling and while curing those five guys I finished off the Dome with a cool stained glass Skylight I just wanted to see how this looks with this Shader called rethinking voxels yo

This is so cool look at the colors after that I got each villager into place bringing our enchantment count right to the halfway point and also this staircase knocked off another two slots so with the villager’s halfway there I’m finally allowing myself to build once

Again so excited to do the wings of the library so we can really see how big this thing is going to be all right let’s do this the style looks fancy but it’s actually easier than you think I basically just put windows with Sandstone pillars on each side

Everywhere I possibly could all right here it is oh all right here it is the finished wing it looks really good on the outside but uh yeah in here this gaping pit makes this kind of a nightmare limal face so rather than coming up with another floor pattern I’m

Just going to copy the one from the archives below it’s recycling it’s good for the planet you know doing the floor was honestly like the most Zen thing I’ve done in this video so far I was totally zoning out and just watching YouTube videos about Zelda lore and before I knew it the

Entire hole was sealed off this feels so much better already and there’s so much space to do such an awesome Library interior okay time to do everything I just did again on this side I’m starting with the floor this time just cuz that makes way more sense since I’d already

Done it once I was going way faster this time until I got distracted a a cat spawned wait come back come here kitty that’s right come here have some fish there you go I’m going to name you toome every good Library needs a cat wandering around so this is perfect

After that adorable encounter I wrapped up the rest of the wing pretty quickly the only real obstacles were some mobs in the roof and a few Phantom attacks but I persevered and I was able to completely finish off the exterior of the library as much as I’m in love with how

This looks one thing is really bugging me the smooth Stone path going around my castle is looking pretty outdated these days most of my city uses dirt paths or a mix of stone blocks to create a worn pavement kind of look so even though this is going to take forever I’m going

To completely rip all this out and redo it and while I’m at it we can get rid of this old half broken redstone lamp system that comes on at night so I got to work ripping up all the Old Paths and Redstone around the base and then I laid

Down a brand new road which I think looks so much better when I got to the quadrant containing our library I made sure to connect the new road to the main entrance and I even created small connections to the courtyards we’re going to be making I’m so much happier

With how this all looks now but we still have so much more to get done we’ve got the courtyards to build and tons more trades to lock in but worst of all we’ve got space a lot of space and all this space needs to be filled up with a

Beautiful interior starting with some staircases my childhood came full circle when I built this spiral staircase up to the balcony on the second level afterwards I created a staircase to access the archives which finally connected up the build for the first time then I used stairs walls and

Lanterns to give the Dome ceiling a more finished look I even made this intricate chandelier with candle crystals to reinforce the fanciness the end rods make it look super elegant so from down here it’s looking pretty good but we need some real Library Staples you know places to study a mean librarian we

Definitely need some useful stuff too like an enchantment table and of course lots of books right to isn’t that right I’m going to put the reception area here since we have the space right near the entrance and we’ll put down some little knickknacks to dress it up a little bit

Perfect now we’re just going to sprinkle some little study areas around and we’ll put a nice big study table in this spot here finally it was time to start adding bookshelves and it instantly felt a 100 times more like a library but I’m leaving the Chisel bookshelves empty for

Now you’ll see why soon I moved on to the second level of the main hall adding more bookshelves and study areas and I even added a bit of greenery on the shelves over the past few updates things like candles and decorated pots have made it so much easier to get that cozy

Feeling so it’s a bit dark up here at night but I did a quick lighting check and it looks like everything is fully mob prooof honestly I kind of like it it feels fitting I gave to a name tag real quick and began preparing for the next

Task capturing a librarian so I set up this little Railway here I’m going to grab some milk just in case things get spicy okay no Librarians over here oh I think I see one oh she’s mean all right ow this is way too far away anyhow

No no no no okay new plan mob sorder on yeah I’m not sure why I didn’t just do this in the first place okay here we go we got one and she’s down where’s the cart yes we got her you are just like the librarian at my middle school okay down you

Go you don’t go anywhere I’ve got the perfect name tag okay now this is the hard part time to do some very basic Redstone connect this up painting here okay get down there please ma’am oh my God she hit home heal come here kitty let’s get you

Someplace safe don’t scare me like that all right guys I think I got this working we come over here and hit this button and and Bam our mean librarian comes and yells at us then we can hit it again she goes back come on is that not

The coolest thing ever oh my God the bat but we’ve still got one empty spot in our main hall here and I think this is the perfect place for our enchanting setup I use this amazing design by Rex stone that has a really unique way of selecting your enchantment level I put

The tutorial in the description okay so check it out it looks pretty standard right but underneath here we have a lecturn and I hit a little book behind that you can pop in there and each page controls one bookshelf so you can go all

The way down or you can just take it out for the full 30 Lev enchant but I just had to put my own little spin on it so I installed these lapis launchers on each side and after you’re done you can just throw the extra in this little hidden

Hopper here and with that I think this main hall is finished which leaves the wings the courtyard and of course our villager basement and speaking of the villagers I took a break from building to do a little bit more resetting I got six more enchantments and while curing

The villagers I started one of the hardest tasks yet remember when I said we were leaving the chiseled bookshelves empty for a bit well this is why I want every single book in this library to have an actual name this might be the craziest part of the whole project so

Far so I got to work naming tons of books while my villagers cured and after another round of curing just eight enchantments were left so I’m trying to fill in these books but my anvils keep breaking so it’s a perfect time to build a little place for my anvils I think right here

In front of the mezzanine stairs is the perfect spot to put it I followed another amazing tutorial by Rex Stone to quickly get the Redstone for the contraption into place then I finally added some walls to the mezzanine including some entrances that we can somehow link up to the courtyards later

The anvils Stack Up perfectly to the back of the build so we can easily hide the refill spot okay so say our Anvil breaks we press this and that is so satisfying with the Anvil station done I spent a whole live stream taking suggestions from chat for books

And now I’m feeling so inspired to make this an actual functioning library with books that really teach you stuff like this book that teaches you how to make all the stews or even stuff like this book of haikus that we’re working on in the Poetry section imagine if instead of

Checking the Minecraft Wiki anytime I need to remember how to craft or Brew something I could just go to my library we can even have superf flat specific stuff like this book I wrote about the extinct mobs so if you want to help out I made a forum channel for the project

Just go to mogam I actually just picked out this billboard design by game door 64 for the harbor so I definitely want to do more Community stuff like this I’ve got so many books ready to go now but most of these sections aren’t even built yet so while

I build this up I’ll I’ll give you some of my favorite titles so far I began with a fiction wing on the right hand side of the building I knew I wanted to put a children’s section on this side kind of like my town library had my best

Advice to anyone struggling with large Interiors like this is to find ways to divide up the space I made sure to utilize all of the vertical space available so that we can actually grab all the books at the tippy topoo that’s high up to finish things off I came in

With some nice detail work I made a smaller chandelier in the same style as the grand one in the main hall and then I hung some paintings on the walls way up near the ceiling but somehow it’s still missing something this part of the library is just screaming for a super

Secret hidden entrance so I grabbed my Redstone and got to work it was really hard to fit everything in such a tight space but I think I just about pulled it off all right so the secret room is actually right above here you go up the

Stairs then up the ladder and if you put books in bam entrance revealed it’s pretty tight in here and I’m honestly not really sure what we can do with it yet I do have one idea but it’ll have to wait till the end of the video with the

Wing finished I could finally start sectioning off each genre and filling in books I filled in fiction novels on the back wall including such Classics as of caves and cliffs and the great flat spe 20,000 Leagues Under salacia went into the science fiction section in the back then I stashed romance mystery and

Horror novels upstairs including the steamy 50 Shades of dirt the puzzling case of the extra suspicious stew and the terrifying read the house of leads lastly I put fantasy novels at the very top including the best-selling hits a wrinkle in TPS in Wonderland and James and the Giant gapple with all the

Fiction books in place now the non-fiction books needed a home too I want the two Wings to be slightly different so I’m trying to mix up the furniture as much as I can while still following the same general layout I got most of the way through building the

Final Wing but while flying back and forth for materials I just couldn’t help but notice how boring the landscaping around the library looked so I took a break to start adding some natural beauty to the plot starting with the awkward space behind the main hall I added in some custom trees and rocks

Which was also a good opportunity to hide the Anvil refill station then I moved to the front of the building and put an actual railing along those gaping holes for the courtyard lastly I created a bunch of beacons with some nether Stars I had sitting around and use them

To create some beautiful sunken lights to moob prooof everything that was actually a good break I came up with some cool ideas for this wing while I was landscaping and so I began to implement all my new ideas starting with an area for astronomy I also added a

Catwalk to the top section and I really just tried to make the layout feel like this is where the research gets done okay I think this thing is ready to be split up into sections once I had everything sectioned out I finally sorted the last of my pre-made books

Into all the different sections it’s still pretty empty in here but I can’t wait to see these shelves come to life with the help of the community well I think other than the basement this Library interior is officially finished so it’s finally time to tackle the very

Last thing I need to build the cor yards I came up with this new palette using oxidized copper and endstone and I think it actually looks so cool with this build I figured out where the stairs would connect to the Villager basement and then copied that to the other side

I’m really trying to make make each side different just like I did for the interior of each Wing but I did decide to use the same fountain on each side to serve as a sort of focal point after a bit of work I was finished with the base

Layer of each side and it was time to go back in with some details I put some picnic tables on one side and a big Garden area on the other then I made one final sweep across the entire front of the building to add in a bunch of custom

Trees I also added this little birdhouse Tower thing to add one more little point of Interest man I wish I could get parrots for this yo this looks so amazing I want to cry right now the trees really did finish this off oh I’m so happy to be done building but before

I can end the video we have eight final trades that have been haunting my dreams in fact I’m adding a horror book to my library called Eight final trades so I set up a stopwatch just to see how bad the last date would end up being

All in all it honestly didn’t take as long as I thought power five was the last one and it took the longest by far at 16 minutes and 19 seconds I was super relieved to finally be done wait a minute that’s not 40 yeah so one of the

Slots is for soul speed which isn’t tradeable maybe I’ll make a portal and some storage and hook it up to my pigin bartering Farm cuz currently I just throw those books out or maybe another enchantment is going to be added I don’t know securing the villagers for the last

Time I decided to fix the hole behind the staircase and the exposed redstone on the ceiling both of which were really bothering me last one I quickly sorted the last of the villagers and got all of their books formatted I also went ahead and got a shulker box full of every

Enchantment since that was on the list too I mean I’m not going to show you each one but if you really don’t believe me the World download will be up on patreon soon I shoved the zombie under the stairs for safekeeping and then I cleaned up our villager pit that started

Everything man I think I’m tearing up a bit okay now we can drop right down in the Bas basement from the top oh that’s so nice the only other thing bothering me was this weirdly empty wall so I added one last touch that every Library

Needs a book return check it out now I can be super lazy and just throw my books in here I mean I still have to sort them later but I don’t know maybe I’ll add a book sorter someday or something man I think this is my favorite build I’ve ever made oh yeah

One more thing remember this secret space I’m going to turn it into the Restricted Section and fill it with baned books if you want to see me work on it I’m Live on YouTube every Wednesday all right see you

This video, titled ‘I Built a Library for Every Enchantment in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mogswamp on 2023-11-27 14:00:09. It has garnered 393393 views and 25218 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:31 or 1291 seconds.

Mogswamp – I Built a Library for Every Enchantment in Minecraft (Episode 117 of my Flatworld Series)

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Tutorials by @RexxStone Modular Enchantment Station: Anvil Replacer:

MODS: MiniHUD (for light level overlay) Explosive Enhancement (for the cool boomies) Wakes (for the cool water ripples) Continuity (for connected glass, sandstone)


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    EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱Video Information ओ हेलो हेलो या बल गया बल गया मार मार बटरी मार मार हेलो हेलो हेलो अरे आवा हा य आ म माइक सेटिंग कर सेटिंग करना सेटिंग कर [संगीत] डिकोड बोला सर [संगीत] बोला ममी ब कर मेरा तो मन भी नहीं कर रहा खेलने का क्या क्या खेलने [संगीत] का बोल बोल मु सेटिंग कर स्पिक माइक चज [संगीत] ली माइक माइक रो रो सिलेक्ट कर इनपुट आउटपुट स्पीकर माइक कर बो हेलो हेलो बोलत हेलो हेलो ठीक हां रु भाई रुक रुक रुक रुक देख रहा भाई कर र है हां कट कर कट कर… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft Telepathy Monsters! Part 4 In the latest installment of Minecraft Telepathy Monsters, 656 members are embarking on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests the bond between players as they try to synchronize their actions in the game. The challenge involves placing the same block at the exact same time, showcasing the players’ ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. Testing Telepathic Abilities The Telepathy challenge pushes players to rely on their intuition and understanding of their partner’s actions. By attempting to place the same block simultaneously, players demonstrate their telepathic connection within the game. This challenge not only… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: Discord: Twitch: Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More

  • INSANE! Building a Kitchen in My Modern Minecraft House

    INSANE! Building a Kitchen in My Modern Minecraft HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘i made kitchen in my supar modern house in Minecraft’, was uploaded by vishna game on 2024-05-13 14:45:28. It has garnered 133 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:12 or 72 seconds. minecraft house minecraft earth minecraft house ideas minecraft house designs minecraft song minecraft house survival minecraft survival house minecraft house tutorial minecraft music minecraft animation minecraft survival minecraft 100 days minecraft music disc minecraft house ideas survival minecraft survival base minecraft survival server minecraft animation mod minecraft manhunt minecraft house tutorial modern minecraft house underground minecraft survival guide minecraft… Read More