INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

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e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think I’m going to be able to buy it is the problem if I only know a way of fixing that oh well I mean I can’t fix it right now I have my own Debs to clear up the mhm also I got to hear that a word ohoo I can’t see redeems because I don’t have actual twitch chat up you want to be the very best that no one ever was and training them is my cause [Music] yes pretty much I mean I know thisav me hi get over here I’ll finish it quick if you ask that could only be one person it’s Jo Hey Jo how’s it going said all the money you got going to let you p hey Abby there is no Lugia here you’re hearing things did you really fall for it you’re acting is if I can think at the moment how could you fall for that even high well I guess forgot to introduce you to some mind goblins Z and no you sure you mind Goblin these nuts refrigerator running no but yours is so you better go catch it [ __ ] actually I Abby you mean putting these nuts in your mouth [Music] stupid Soldier I was killing the uh criminal ow why is the joke ruined cuz that’s obviously the joke she says gosh dang it our joke is ruined but why do you like jo jo mama no Jo from family guyon that character isn’t interesting character you you you you weren’t expecting J Swanson coo or should should I actually say the Joker from [Music] [Applause] Batman wait gay Jo just put a FP somewhere bad J that wasn’t a bad J it was a good should I go hydrate yes someone use hydrate on AR’s stream so I have to go do that yeah SOA is awesome dbd added a dra a Dungeons and Dragons villain curs gay go you made me Strat huh oh no k I’ll use the for on you get do you need me in chat ey on chat while um I do need someone to keep to tell me when redeems happen oh give it my best guy also hey gayi if you got a spare 20 do you mind kidding I’m sure you see my Twitter by now actually haven’t ah well then don’t look maybe it’s better if you don’t look I want you buring out so that means I can’t ask for someone to buy me something off of streight streams yes Abby I don’t know if you can join me on a multi on a uh yeah I know yeah that’s what I thought is it possible to swap to how do I swap to how do I yeah I realized lled what and high nothing I fell onto my ass you said you’re confuzzled yes bit of a creeper well then where did it ah never mind [Music] thought you didn’t want to play all when are you playing DVD all thought Abby doesn’t like DVD what’s the cover I have to kill him from what that’s a lot of cells up dead cells oh yeah dead cell’s got the crossover H interesting yes dead cells I don’t know what cover I’m supposed to K this one from um everywhere and anywhere and everywhere by the way do you think my Discord activity thing is a accurate at the moment cuz for you and Abby it’s playing or streaming the the thing the Assassin’s Creed game yeah just just just got to make sure it’s accurate at the moment nice status than when are you coming back toide I can’t myself someone else would have to yeah I know before I come see you eventually Lord Gom D rousel has generously agreed to our price of 40% an act of desperation what about the priest you’ll come around your confidence is infectious s my boys would have the wagon ready here are the details make sure it goes smoothly of course make sure that it goes smoothly kettin whenever I I wish I had the power to Tel bodys well you know how bright that would be next time do that before he starts screaming why do we hang about here when C still lives he killed M de patience not Target not today Cil is waiting for our report smoke you’re you won’t lose me you f Boop should I got some s what game should we swap would you swap to minecra I’m trying to work on making a uh special um Minecraft pack where you can turn into a uh Pokemon yes in this one we would be I would do a l I would have lore written about it where um it’s inspired by Mystery Dungeon slightly but the lore would be that we got kidnapped by aliens and turned into Pokemon yeah the lore would be that we got kidnapped by aliens and turned into Pokemon inspired by the Mystery Dungeons games the Pokemon Mystery Dungeons specifically on Mystery Dungeon explorers of that would be a good title actually have dark rry be one of the villains po Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sleep would be a good title it’s a lot like explorers of Sky explorers of Time explorers of darkness or the Pokemon fan ROM explorers of spirit which takes place after explorers of Sky but with a different with the same hero but they don’t remember being the hero the last time there’s a mysterious cute clip update dck bad are a bad joke okay so Mystery Dungeons are these mystical areas in the in that world in the world of the game series where every time you visit them the layout changes the whole reason I want to try to play Toro’s Mystery Dungeon is is is because it’s established as essentially um the birthplace of the Mystery Dungeon concept the problem sits that Toro’s Mystery Dungeons series never aired in the US and Abby the uh one you linked me the links don’t work the translation but explorers of sleep would be a good title basically in basically you go and explore a dungeon and then you get um you get rewards you come out at the end with the rewards you can sell them you can store them you can keep them you can use them the next adventure if this pack launches this time around I might send it to you I’m worried I’m missing something though unit and haunted Hot Spring is it an anime or is it the anime or is it a game um that might be the dungeon part might be even looking at it yeah the maze might the Maze part of it probably is a mystery dungeon I think I must be missing a requirement for one of my mods but I don’t know which one cuz I had it working and then suddenly I added a bunch of things and it stopped working I removed most of them and now it’s not launching properly it just it’s frozen what I’ll do is later on I’ll have you watch me play a uh Mystery Dungeon game a little bit you and me without the Stream yeah the lore but yeah the lore would be I would make a uh we would make a little spaceship that we would start on off stream and or we would record the game play of the mod pack for the actual role play I’m GNA have to remake P Pokey Cube um aren’t I yeah I think I am I’m going to have to remake the pack because I don’t know what’s causing the problem the downside is poke player’s newest version was 1181 okay poke okay poke pokey Cube Mystery Dungeons explorers of sleep he 181 is a rather weird one one to make this on all right so we want gii I’m remaking my pack um Journey map Pokey mobs poke player poke addon St M shafts strongholds Bridges and Extras okay it was at this moment she knew she have what was that for where how did I mess up I’m confusion explain thyself hi Alex [Music] h it’s been quite a while Alex for do interesting sorry chatty MC Chatters I am currently rebuilding my uh I am building a replacement pack um you don’t I don’t need to show I’m not going to show you it my last pack broke somehow something I did to it broke it I’m just not going to come on Cyro get off the go hm let’s see so now we go into Tech Nature’s Compass immersive security craft and [Music] yes that’s interesting um it’s hard to be able to get that to work on that kind that way of playing it to work for servers for I’m liter actively making it yeah Baka let’s see how many mods is this um 38 let’s see is it good oh yeah no I need literal oh I see what I did wrong one of my mods calls for that and it was broken okay I removed the one of the things my mod one of my mods required but which mod requires it is the only question because it’s there now it was there before I added panels okay so let’s go here um like bomb needed to be downgraded yeah 2011 um framework is fine um let’s get rid of suit item collectors and super mar stuff cuz they’re not necessary let’s see if it functions if it functions I’ll send it on over oh titanium needs to downg grow grade panels is being weird so I can get rid I’ll just get rid of panels and titanium needs to downgrade a version okay where is it or did it not grab titanium even though it needs it it didn’t grab titanium what the hell last time I made the packet grabbed it on its own all right let’s see so if I’m this will launch I did this right it was a launch Abby how do you chat how do you feel about the fact that they changed where the uh play button is for the for the launcher of Minecraft doesn’t orang did it launch please launch wait a second did I miss something might have missed secret rooms mod uh oh I did okay one more mod Abby there is no magic in this pack outside of being a man okay it launches I can send it over um export the profile resarch yeah export someone changed the game and I’ll work on changing the title here in a couple [Music] [Music] yep update [Music] titles we got a new uh we got a new bed last night so the cat is so the cats are so confused [Music] I told you what I was making Abby canel I literally said what I was [Music] making did I not say what I was making gay [Music] did I not say I was remaking the Pokey Cube pack where you could turn into the Poke into the M oh I forgot to grab the multiplayer I forgot to grab the multiplayer mod Abby give me a second you’ll have to if if it works you’ll have to add it if your pack launcher is transferred properly what uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh [Applause] uhoh okay okay good I got panicked for a second E4 MC I panicked for a second cuz um essential mod wasn’t there then I remembered e4mc oh also creates not there but there are the tech mod there are other Tech mods here in the pack no you don’t it spawns us at a uh well you do I want you to be a I want you to be a Pokemon so you would have to pick to become the Pokemon did it really pull that be on me what pokemon would you become is the question and we don’t even have to do starter Pokemon I can give you a master ball to capture what and summon whatever poke Cube you want to poke Cube Pokemon you poke Cube you ever want to be it better not it better not pull that on me you better work don’t make me have to downgrade the version of e4mc come on work please what the flippers we may have a problem oh oh we’re going into the oldest version of e4mc just to be safe there is no outright 1181 version of e4mc so we’re going to go to the oldest version just to be safe please work no oh cotlin for Forge it grabbed the wrong version of it didn’t grab cotlin you’ll have to grab two things then Abby versions you’ll have to grab two things because we need cotlin for Forge as well C Len k t l i n and you need to turn set it to the uh 1181 version yes you’ll need to set it to the 11 181 version of it providing that launch it launches for me because if we want to use E4 MC we need the 11 181 version of cotlin I we need a version of we need a cotlin so hopefully 11 181 will work I grabbed the oldest version of both okay it worked all right gck thanks for joining us stay up Golden single player B sheet bonus chest we’ll start in Crea I’ll start in Creative so that I can grab actually no we’ll both start in yeah no this is the pack I literally said I was building it was and I said it was going to be a yes I literally that’s literally the whole reason we were talking about Mystery Dungeons in the first place of course you are sure you are I totally believe you toy bird smug you used doy bird smug that’s the pack icon yes chat I know you can’t see but that’s partially intentional the cats are so confused about the new bed and the new stuff all right open the land on W start land mode okay waiting for it to pop up the link come on where’s the link come on you’re suppos to send me a linky for MC [Music] uhoh well I mean I guess we could update the cotlin the e forc in cotland for Forge um it didn’t send me a [Music] link give me a few seconds let me test upgrading the version of both versions let’s go to the newest version of both of um that and the what last 1182 version of cotland for Forge that CLA that with it claiming that it works for so all the mods worked for you is what you’re telling me like um I mean it installed the pack properly like it was supposed to instead of me having to send you a copy of the mod folder yeah the cats are so confused about the new match the new bed all together they were so scared yesterday CU we had to tear down our old bed yes Abby sus oh I guess that makes sense I had to update my version of e4mc and cotl by the way so the latest 1182 version cuz it wouldn’t s s it didn’t send but when you get back on and that is it let’s go into OBS and set that to that it didn’t spawn us in a village oh it did it just put us up on a tree what is with this what is with this world chin it spawned us in a rocket control Team Rocket [Music] controlled version your copy of the pack crashed did you remember to grab cotlin [Music] [Music] what about a what now um did you grab the latest 1182 version of cotlet you swapped the versions right made sure it’s a 182 version not 1191 um I don’t know what you’re huh it doesn’t do that every huh it pulled that BS on you I don’t know how to fix that um cuz it didn’t do that to me and it’s not you definitely grabbed 1182 not 1192 oh what huh that’s cool so you would get three from a craft actually we’ll give we’ll use an aqua a uh yeah Aqua Cube slash summon cooky Cube V T alola there no we go over here we’ll just get get a random one and just kind of get rid of it CU I want the stuff then I need I don’t know what you’re dealing with Abby what oh oh I’ll take that egg you got in this time nice did it crash as soon as you know it didn’t you’re still in sus G it says you’re in why is this still show you in so you’re saying it so it crashed you to the launcher but left your character in game uhhuh I didn’t I didn’t believe you I was trying to trap you by the way gosh darn it you moved I was going to surround You by glass I knew you didn’t crash because you were still sitting there hi frog puff thank you for follow following welcome welcome was I was trying to surround You by edeline glass look at this stuff look at this yeah um think I need Okay so we need a uh poke plate also you should be able to Game Mode a it’s either a poke plate or a player plate tada it’s a poke plate poke player transform so now you’ll go down here find Professor Pine back there get your uh pick your starter mod that you think you want to become uh is any of my moderators currently in my chat you may want to look at twitch chat for thank you taada I’m here so come back to your player plate out here your poke player Transformer place the Pokeball right click it like right click it right click it put um hit r or uh we’ll need to do keybinds keybinds um cuz R is currently R is bound to something else so it won’t work I’m swapping mine to Y so you right click the plate put the Pokemon in there the Pokeball in there after swapping your uh keybind for the return button which is all the way down um if you scroll down to the PO Pok mob section you’ll find a keybind called recall pokemob rebind it and then recall your ret all right now right click the plate put the ret in and then step on the plate stand on it there you go no back on it again now you’re ret gallet you remind me of M you have become M Mo do you not want to be a rally I could sumon something else and catch it for we can catch it for you what is inde oh that’s what it is okay a wild Pokemon um yeah you can um do you want me to summon an Al creamy and have you catch it meet me in the professor’s area do you want gigantic Max mode or normal that’s neat okay well that was interesting too all right land on this plate the empty one below you when you’re back one I wish there was no Lan Growlithe with the same concept as Vulpix being an ice type no is there not that’s not what I want I want that what was temporal bookshelf I should have tried I should check to see if capsule exists for future reference cuz we could add capsule if it does no dir no requires five Cosmic dust we’ll grab a few sack of a couple sacks of it now I’m going to go up here we need to go up into the sky for all right so the plate under you is empty land on it to become human again and then walk over onto the other plate get off that plate and walk on the other one there you go now oh you may want to return your rallet we can delete ret too if you want also come with me up into the air where is it okay over here this is a literal block of Sky unfortunately it seems the oneway Glass isn’t doing its job properly I was hoping I could make the oneway glass Sky Block because I wanted to have them have an observation deck but apparently if I want them to have an observation deck basically what I want to do is I want to make the uh spaceship on top of this and then surround it with the with either with the Sky Block uh now you’ve crashed oh the game booted you okay it looks like the oneway glass is work in fact working if I put this piece of dirt up there can I see it oh oh fudge yeah give me a few I’m I may have to do something to make it so you can nice okay it does work all right save and quit chat I have to temporarily hide the window capture single player play I apparently bruised my knuckle during the process of prepping everything for moving in the new bed yeah New Link no I don’t even it doesn’t hurt I just I just noticed discoloration I don’t know how it when it happened yeah I I saw that that was interesting you know what I almost did is I I should have yed the ret ball out of the thing and it would have temporarily become mine and then we could have swapped you into all right y all right I forgot I broke the stuff where are you all right you’re in creative mode is your Al creamy in your inventory again or did you become human so do you have your Al creamy or do I need to spawn it back in I need do I need we need to catch a new one all right um come here oh oh my here no let me play It’s My Al creamy I forgot where’s um I CAU the AL creamy come here down here into the lab um chest take the AL creamy now see if it becomes your if it’s yours now nope it’s mine still okay um give me a second trade here I’ll trade you though creamy for your ret hit trade so it becomes green there you go so here’s how the sky blocks work I can place the Sky Block down and now it shows us that it’s nighttime now if I stand on one of the sky blocks and place a oneway glass if you stand underneath the one-way glass you’ll note but the dirt disappears now this will work outside only because apparently the oneway glass doesn’t work the same way as the sky blocks when it’s active so what I was thinking is we build them a little platform while we’re doing this we’ll do I might even just surround it temporarily with dirt so that we know what we’re working with and basically we build a spaceship out of the sky blocks and one way glass so I guess we can surround we can build it out of both dirt and the Sky Block just so that we so that we can like we’ll have a shell of dirt for the ship for I messed some of it up I shouldn’t be able to see you through it stand over here and tell me if I stand over here I need to see if how much of it I actually messed up all of it I messed it all up goer all right so what I’m going to do yeah I unfortunately I tried using piki for this but um it doesn’t modify the shape the scale of the uh mon while you are the mon and you can’t modify it and it won’t change your scale all right so this will be the observation deck now check no it didn’t work I can still see you it was supposed to work wait no I can’t huh only in certain spots can I see you oh I I was placing it wrong I need a layer of Sky Blocks on top of the center off um even the layer of Sky Blocks needs to be even with the uh this the dirt with that second dirt that extra dirt yeah thank you so what we’ll do what I’ll do is from the bottom I’ll use the layer of sky blocks to determine the oneway glass the downside of being of the all right get ready to delete okay delete the layer the extra layer of Sky Blocks if I did everything right when I play When you stand on top of the Sky Block on top of the oneway glass I will not be able to see you ah I have a problem hi there where does it where okay why does that not work why did that not work okay I need to confirm how this works it’s supposed to work that way so why isn’t it working okay so if I do okay I’m going to the options and turning down everything hold off I’m placing anymore I need to make sure it actually functions all right so right here if I place dirt it should have disappeared but it didn’t Why didn’t it disappear yeah give me a second meowy chatty MC Chatters how y’all doing I should in theory end up disappearing turning invisible cuz if you look at this stand on top of that glass now come underneath you see what’s supposed to happen is it supposed to technically become the Sky Block on the bottom right now it looks like dirt on purpose because that’s what I clicked does it work am I Abby did it work am I standing am I invisible for you and you look under go underneath now so much for that plan one glass does not fully work properly what about over here what about here hi bear King wait Abby it worked or no what right now well so much for the hidden air the hidden spaceship with an observation deck at least that form of observation deck why am I doing that why did I start breaking it it’s still works the plan still the plan still stays the same make the spaceship out of Sky Blocks what am I thinking but the observation deck is going to be interesting because instead of being seethrough we’re going to use instead of being glass can will this work will this oh that’ll be a that’s that’s a problem unless on the inside we make it of different materials huh why are they being weird oh did you use one way Glass by accident here um we’re making an a spaceship out of what is called Sky Blocks why is it being weird it’s doing weirdness for me the ones you place aren’t always working Abby it’s weird I don’t know what the problem is there you’re uh I can just do this I guess make it work yeah the mod that provides these is called literal Sky Block the only downside to a literal Sky Block is we can’t see in here we can’t see the shape I might add what I was going to do and say we should make the interior something a different material like add a layer of another material on the inside that way we can see it have the shell have the shell be Sky Block and the inside be a different material what do you think Abby yeah that works why isn’t it shaped okay this corner needs to come up then just that corner into that corner and then we do for yeah if we build the shell around the uh other struct the the uh thing we could always have we could always make the structure and then build the shell around it so you can so yeah right here we can always build the spaceship up that so yeah if you start making the spaceship out of the Birch planks first um we can then surround the Birch planks with the uh sky blocks I’ll leave it up to you how deep we how tall we make the spaceship Abby and where to start the top of this spaceship and I’ll just mimic what you’re doing on the opposite side so we get this done faster the so how many blocks up are we going to do it before we do the Dome the top Dome and then we’re going to do the inverse and start going inward I now wish I had included was down CU at least then we could get into the Airship without having to use and the spaceship not airship don’t worry valkyrian Skies doesn’t even exist for this version so we wouldn’t even we wouldn’t make this flyable we wouldn’t be able to make this actually movable unfortunately I mean what I would have loved to have a flat this thing be flat actually movable in fact I tried to find vyan skies for this version when I was making the original pack and couldn’t find it I think this is the point where it goes flat Now isn’t it yeah this part is flat yeah what I was wanting to do is make it flyable so that we could um make it so that in lore we could have it them following us with the spaceship I have an idea no why yeah my dumb butt forgot that I can’t I can’t connect to the cameras in poke player mode I crashed us um yeah I was trying to see what it showed me and then I crashed this hopefully I can rejoin and hopefully not crash just in case I’m going to hit I’m going to repeatedly hit shift all right good to know basically if you’re going to use the cameras don’t be in um poke player mode open land allow cre um creative start land go over here contrl V now we do need to include a place for them to get in so I think I’m going to do this purpose one two oh um let’s shift it over two three one two three one two three four one two three four there we go so now we need in here I want to give them I want their floor what do I want this floor to be still no we’re be we’re learning to be them I mean what so I want to do this what should the interior floor be made of what material should the flooring be problems where are you I don’t see you they laid an egg on It come on I got rid of it but they laid an egg on it there you are all right so I’ve left a hole in the top as their way of getting in and out on purpose basically what this means is that the only that there’s only one spot one way to find out that the that we’re that they’re there and that’s to be on top in the uh concept I had the idea was they were going to throw us from their Airship after turning us into mons and we were going to wake up on the ground and be and looking around like huh where are we what are what happened happened and then like in the Mystery Dungeon games we were going to see our reflection and find out that we were returned into a mod in the uh mystery dungeon Universe variant of the Pokemon Universe trainers don’t exist so this is yeah so the only thing we would remember is our names and that we’re mons or mobs or poke Cube poke mobs and as always chatty mcch batters this is a fan um series All rights for Pokemon belong to Nintendo and The Game Freak the only thing that belongs to me in this universe is the original character ARA the fox AKA ARA the alolan Vulpix in this case they’re about to lay another egg on our ship Abby also the aliens that turned us into Mon they laid another egg on the ship also now um scatter bugs are showing up on it and cfish yeah I figure we can have like two floors and we need to figure out something to do with these um in the design of the uh ship well not the trading machine for what does it not properly reflect clouds or does it just look kind of weird I guess it looks kind of weird when it cuz the cloud gets discolored or something but I want a spot for the player transform plates in there what do you mean no it’s intentionally spasming out the names the idea is you don’t know them yet you’ve never caught that M okay the existence of you is a pro in your M form is a problem as well apparently Dad D it we can’t use the security cameras at least not as us we can use them for decoration but we can’t actually configure them no we just don’t configure them if I want to see what it sees well just I’ll just not configure the cameras is what will happen [Music] give me a few seconds chatty MC chatters yeah okay can it see okay so yeah I’ll just not use a monitor for them basically you can kind of tell that the uh spaceship exists from the existence of the hidden camera as well I guess but yeah I’ll get give me a few seconds to uh open back to land apparently now we have a brother in a town of some sort look at the uh did you see it I sent you the uh new uh the new link yeah so we’ll just uh what just happened I’m not using I wasn’t using the camera so what just happened because my world crashed I’m going to have to delete the cameras I think before I let you in but they can’t chat couldn’t see a thing on purpose I hadn’t fixed it yet I hadn’t swapped it over yet on purpose on the off chance something bad happened like the crash I just realized a mod I did forget to try to grab not just way stones um well yes way stones um but there was something else I was going to try to grab um a mod that would allow us to mess with the configs in game but so I guess what I’m doing is getting rid of the cameras oh oh I’ll deal with that in a second let me get rid of the cameras real quick and then I’ll go ahead and add way stones no I’m okay Cairo thanks for checking on me though I was just stretching Cairo came was like and came over to came closer to me because of the noise because of the that I was making a noise while stretching oh oh we’ll need to downgrade our version of uh way stones to the 1181 version a sh come here did you know boop boop is the word boop boop boop is the word boop boop boop is the word I like how you guys tried to get me with um jokes and I’m just like the and I just replied to to you with them I count I countered them just casually hi Fox nightnight just to be safe I’m going to wait for you to join poke players acting up okay well that world’s a scratch let’s just not bother making the airship the spaceship until we’re ready until the until we decide to do the role play the camera is permanently broke to that broken into into that world anytime you go to join yeah I know I know Fox Knight it’s on purpose yeah that world’s gone that world’s scratch oh well I didn’t really like that spawn point anyways but now right now the white screen’s on purpose Fox Knight because uh the W because I don’t want people figuring out what mods I have in the pack making a copy of the mod pack and then joining randomly but at least Abby we have a general idea of what we of what we’re going to make when we uh do start the role play you know I think this goes up to gen8 what you think about being something other than Al creamy yby here there be dragons that would be interesting where did it put us this time okay so what I’ll do SL game mode creative whoopsy all right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to figure out this one has tra machine already in case something happens yeah let’s see I’m going to grab just a random one just to figure out what it gives us okay it gives us a poke watch 10 poke cubes and a bag yeah there’s also score bunny and a couple of other um rabbits like lony or ban bu bun ban B bu Bun [Laughter] B problems no Baner why not brush as okay okay open the land creative allow sheets so what we’ll do is I’ll give you a starter kit um and it’ll include a master ball for you to catch um oh no I’ll just in creative mode it doesn’t matter you’ll still you can still use your 10 pokeballs so I’ll give you a starter kit of exactly the same things I’ve been given and then I’ll give you um okay where’ it put you ah it put you in a tree come on down all right there’s wait there’s your starter kit all right so now so they can’t get away SL spawn no SL summon Pokey Cube which one do you want just Spam it until it gets caught rals you stupid roals uhoh they’re running away you’re going to catch a rals by accident there he just keep throwing it at the adom arrow until it gets caught all right SL Spa summon Pokey Cube Vulpix alola all right now let’s go ahead and go to OBS and allow the game to be seen yep those two RS are gone forever and the RS were never never to be seen from again that not just buried alive G play all right so I tried to find various methods of having a portable base like you’re like the Y mod or capsule mod neither work neither exist in 1181 I tried finding vyan skies and Eureka it doesn’t exist in 11 181 so we are going to have to set a base actually I’m amazed at how many do exist it’s just the very the most important ones don’t seem to exist there you go also they have sophisticated backpacks for 11 181 but not sophisticated storage yeah so I figure what we’ll do I don’t think he was trying to catch you I think they’re trying to fight you but because you’re in mon form they’re confused anyways Fox Knight this pack is Loosely inspired by the concept of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Abby they have beds down here do I want to use this as like our home base or do we want to build one okay shall we all right where are we going to set up we could build our base into the cliff side over here go past the Poke Center or rather meet back in front of the Pok Center real quick over here also when you’re far away from me your ears disappear yeah we could turn this Cliff face into our um base have an entrance from the top or something on one side and then a bridge across and just have our house inside inside the cliff face and we can have it as from we can have it go all the way down to the bottom if need be I was thinking the bridge would be more like up here and go over to here you seem to always choose Birch planks by the way is there an a specific reasoning behind that do you like Birch there are people who don’t like Birch and would be really weirded out by that by that statement I am not one of them however I just know they exist um did I do tomor um wait actually makes this look good for I don’t know if I like that um so’s see cuz it would technically the pattern would have it continue to here like so and then we could do okay this the stairs would have to go I keep trying to vein mine which means we forgot something else and then that will also be a staircase back up there will be two staircases here Tada there’s your staircase that meets with it with the original thing do we even can we even use okay we can there’s the one that follows the regular pattern what do you think does this look good cool yeah so I figure then we have an entrance down into the Cliff face we have as many floors as we want the uh you’re going away from the cliff yeah I guess you’re right I was thinking about having several rooms be visible have like glass walls that are visible from The Cliff face no also how tall are our rooms going to be do you think normal size or hi canned beans welcome welcome for that oh there’s another mod I definitely forgot framed um there’s a mod called framed construction like player framed something not framed blocks but no construction blocks I think it was no it was framed blocks in this case they’re basically just able to be make they’re the same thing they’re similar to copy cat blocks but not with create but not from create not create so they won’t act up quite the same way although we have it fixed now they probably wouldn’t backed up now anyways we’re not using that multiplayer mod but I don’t I didn’t add create to this pack anyways oh that won’t work either we’ll just put a trim so it doesn’t have to be as tall as the uh glass unless you think it would look it makes more sense to do it as tall as the glass but I originally placed all right well it needs one layer then one more layer um this could be like the uh this big room can be like the uh Square the Town Square style room cuz um so here’s the thing in Mystery Dungeon Pokemon version specifically they have a explorers Guild an adventurers Guild basically uhoh and the Explorer Guild is a group of Pokemon that explore the Dungeon the Mystery Dungeons and help people out as well they make money by exploring the dungeon Etc for that the other thing we could do this place is a small building on the on the top as well like a very small building on top there’s the entrance way Entry Way for if you do it right Abby you can actually swap the block out without it ever looking like the block is gone it’s all about left and right clicks like rapid fire left and right clicks they’re just fast enough that the block breaks and then it’s semi difficult to do for nice for CU some ah I can make it look I can make various filled shelves so if I right click this with an empty hand ah I get a copy of the enchanted book well then I don’t want these to all be Fe falling let’s just put make some books colen is playing muck apparently okay put a think book in here yes I can then we can make various degrees of we have these shelves be various degrees of empty including out rght empty and then what I’ll do is to be able to access the top bookshelf the top shelves have a little Walk Way up make it look like huh what yeah you didn’t know that huh well you learn things every day I guess did you intend for the staircase to change lengths for let’s see yeah we can always put like a building up by the where the bridge crosses a micro a small building like a gate house style building with the entry being within it for ret treat our structure the same way as the bridge it would go here and then I would have it spread out a bit the exit would have to be parallel to the original design though like so what we can do is this only blocks is between the one two three three so right here yeah and then we would have do that with a little doorway here and we’ll have a sign that says Explorer skild or something here um something’s wrong there um so if we do that’s not far enough out that has to be where there we go no it looks like it looks exactly like this just contined on and then there was a little stairc a little hallway yeah so then it does that I’ll grab I’ll go down and grab the quartz again I think the floor should be quartz the regular floor should be quartz just up down here how is my wonderful chat doing hey game all right so there’ll be a little Gate House structure with the uh Guild entrance off to the side if I be I’ll have Abby look at this and tell me if she wants to add anything to it or change its appearance or something like the color scheme or something when she’s done with what she’s doing up there no that has to go like that means yeah okay that’s right so is this technically right no it’s not right here would make it technically right okay cuz now it does this wait why can’t I get it to why can’t I get it to uh meet up oh okay so no it has to go like that oh no cuz that still doesn’t do same thing I’ll just have it do that then like so that’ll work there we go all right so now the bridge just does that okay so then we can do that yeah come tell me if what you think of this area if you want to um change any of the color scheme of this area of the upstairs basically figure we can do it’s Gate House that meets in with our it’s a little gate house that’s the idea it’s a gate house that our little Guild has an entrance off of it follows the shape of the bridge mainly with a small little bump out with two small little bump outs to accommodate for like the entrance to our Guild I’m just wondering if you think we should change the color scheme or something or if there’s anything you’d change anything else you’d change about it like the idea is they walk that there will be a sign that says Explorer Guild up here and then there will be a little um and then there a sign that says leave the city for the direction that leaves the city the Pokemon Explorer Guild the Poke Explorer Guild and then one for leaving the city [Music] exit for for so if you’re leaving town you’ll see actually no let’s move that down here um so let lower down there we go poke Explorer Guild it’s a little gate house with a pocket but I’m just curious if the materials should change or something h okay Lor build let’s actually change the name of that so it’s better what El’s do you that let’s see I’m going to do a thing this looks good um let’s see so I need a colossal chest interface colossal chest core and a bunch of colossal chest walls then I need to go back here that needs to be Hollow taada Abby you like our giant um it’s a giant chest don’t we have Tom so where’s the oh it’s a terminal not a it’s a giant chest I could even make it bigger if I wanted in fact I just might we actually do think if I recall yeah and I’m making it even bigger so if we treat one two three four five okay so one two three the Hall of space has to be three tall and then it needs to be a [Music] 3X3 in the center and this needs to be enclosed then I need to do that taada we now have a huge chest in our in the room that we can store stuff in it’s a giant obsidian chest and I’m going to add a what do you mean we can’t use it yeah we can we can interact with everything I’m confusion why do you think we can’t use it I wonder what happens if I go in I’m inside the chest help Abby I can’t believe this actually worked Abby come open the chest real quick I want to see if I can fly out because in theory if she opens the chest I’ll be able to go forward right here CU it no longer be blocked in open the actual chest not like hold it open nope I can’t fly out if I’m in here never mind it doesn’t work that way God D it oh my gosh I actually managed to center it [ __ ] without even trying I centered it Fox night look at this one two three one two three I didn’t even know didn’t even think I was doing so let’s see oh you swapping the downstairs material yeah yeah foxite what do you think about the gate house do you think I should have we should have made it a different material Fox Knight the gate house I can’t get down while you’re in here apparently what changes would you do to the bridge and the gate house box night for tada now it actually looks like it’s a gate house I wonder so this way we have the uh little mini Library slash bedroom area I guess or something where are you putting the beds in the uh storage area or in the library or did I miss something for um oh go away Creeper away from our gay house well Fox night now I’m not just small but right now I’m a Vulpix ah she made a little M little bedroom metal sliding door huh like our little bookshelf access now you can it allows you to reach all the shelves also you can remove books from that Shel those shelves by the way if you right click with an empty hand and Place Books they’re semi modular so I made them look like they’re in various states of missing book so what I was thinking in here is not only is the storage but we could do a kitchen SL dining hall in here somewhere what do you think Abby for I’m under the table I got stuck I guess this is us sitting yeah that’s because it’s literally for making giant chests Fox Knight and I’ve also intentionally added a little thing I’ve intentionally added the ability to use pipes on the Colossal chest so could have this be an input and this be an output for example if I wanted and it’ll actually interact however the pipe will not interact with the chest anywhere else except for those two ports get out from under the table Jigglypuff I’m actually tempted to put up in the ceiling like this no if I’m going to do it that way I would have to put it there so it’s hit it would have to actually be hidden like so now you can barely tell but then I need to trace this out to see I’ll be putting that all back later but I want to put this so that the pipe feeds out like this and I can make it look like some of the food comes the some of the food can come from a pipe like so is Happy making a giant creeper face out of carpet Abby’s making a creeper face out of carpet this is my spot this is mine this chair is mine which chair is yours Abby no no which one do you sit that when you eat when we eat meals [Music] in game as your azuero which chair would you would your azuero use for meals nope nope not how it works this is a Guild Hall at least one of these chairs has to be yours only one has to be yours you can’t have them all I’m just thinking in the game which chair would is your as you all gonna sit at I’ve claimed this one so this chair is exclusively my chair uh do we not have any the Lor is that the Guild Master assigned me this chair so which chair did the Master sign you that’s not just lore that’s obvious but we have a creeper carpet here I wonder how small I could make this make a if I can make a tiny creeper carpet okay so let’s see get out of my way you stinking Jigglypuff okay can I make a tiny one and make it still obvious that it’s creeper let’s do that looks like a slime almost [Music] um I guess I can’t make a tiny one you can’t make a tiny creeper sadly tiny creeper not POS possible I wonder what the smallest you could do to make a creeper would be could I make let’s see there’s the eye there’s the mouth can I make it still obviously be a creeper I don’t know I don’t think that’s obviously a creeper that looks like it’s a zombie almost carpet art is hard I go and try to make a tiny creeper um tiny creeper and I get a slime I mean with poui we could have made a j a tiny a teeny tiny creeper I think you can also set the scale of the explosions too so yes I probably could in a the COI mod pack make a creeper the size of an ant that explodes essentially as if it were a nuke Abby can you help me figure out a way to make it look like this is this has like a sprayer on it or something like a nozzle of some sort I want it to look like the pipe has a nozzle of some sort the only nozzle in the pack doesn’t is a crafting ingredient not a placeable one time for me to go grab my leftover Whopper for all right anyway where were we ah yes trying to figure out a way to make it look like the pipes the pipe can spray let’s actually put that up higher what’s funny about that is if I go in and take a wrench and then go to the source I can actually make it so that it’ll have items in it that we can look up to grab yep and it’s a functional nozzle not literally functional but like s simulated Le functional items can come out from can come into the hopper from the chest for [Applause] yeah for this go for goober hey Abby like my little chest the table cut your ears when you go under the table you’re missing the tips of your ear of your ears do me a favor walk under the table again your your ears go through the table okay um here give me a second stand on the plate you want to go back to being a ret huh I have taken There Is No Escape for you Relic behind you here I’ll do you a favor punch punch I’ll act as your Pokemon punch Punch Yeah I use the plate again you want me to go ahead and get rid of the azum marrow um I have it any anyhow [Applause] how long have I been live 4 hours okay I think that’s long enough because I’m tired now chat welcome to the explo Explorers Guild we’re GNA save and quit here I’m going to take a nap all right thank you for joining me Abby bye-bye all right chatty MC Chatters stay looky golden love y’all bye

This video, titled ‘Todays Chaos is Minecraft with Abby? !socials !throne’, was uploaded by Vtuberarrathefox on 2024-05-21 17:41:27. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:17 or 14717 seconds.

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    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: Port: 57892 Discord :- Youtube :- Instagram… Read More

  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

    Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Cài Addon From The Fog V5 Mới Nhất Có Rừng Slenderman, Herobrine Giống Pc Cho Minecraft Pe 1.20’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-03-02 11:30:08. It has garnered 66129 views and 1212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. Addon Slenderman by SlothBuddy206 How to Install the Latest Addon From The Fog V5 With Slenderman Forest, And Herobirne Like PC For Minecraft Pe 1.20 🔭 I am a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like… Read More

  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

    Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tập 3 | KHÁM PHÁ MỎ HOANG BÍ ẨN TRONG FROM THE FOG VIETUBER SERVER ! ! ! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Dino Sakura on 2024-09-05 08:19:55. It has garnered 12668 views and 478 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds. ►Subscribe to the channel to receive the latest livestream: ►Join Channel Membership: ►Donate to Dino Sakura: – Wescan: – Playerduo: ►Other social networks: – Fanpage: – Group Fans: – Tik Tok: – Youtube: – Discord Sever: ►BUY DINO SAKURA CORNER… Read More

  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► MAIN CHANNEL: 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – Music: SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: Web site: Discord: Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More