Insane Minecraft Chat: The Ultimate Chill!

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I hate you chrisan I mention that stole $73 from it the hell hold on $73 why why why why I love when [ __ ] pops up right when I’m about to stream oh hey we took your money go [ __ ] yourself is my mic working now good well [ __ ] yourself Sam’s

Club where this money from you pricks I swear to God I better I bought something or you’re in trouble I love nobody I love nobody don’t you forget oh W finally it logged in that’s nice let’s see if this is where okay all right suppose that makes sense then bank real

Quick I forgot what I was going to do tonight or rather what I was doing oh why why where did all that money go God damn okay well [ __ ] it that’s who needs money money is overrated any who back oh hold on C I need to get a lot of subs and

Followers this month like a lot cuz oh well that’s really loud that doesn’t need to be that loud because uh oh I’m not oh look at that my the one thing I was supposed to do today was go find that wire and I didn’t do it because I

Woke up really late today because I hate being Alive and Alive means being awake at least when you’re sleeping you’re almost dead that’s what I need to do I need to go get the bees tried to get the bees to spawn here but doesn’t seem to be working why is this game so loud is it is the game loud

Chrisan yeah that’s the other reason I slept late because we were up playing [ __ ] late but when sevie asked me I told her it’s cuz I I’m I hate being alive se’s like why’ you wake up so late I was like I hate being alive

Seie oh I know why it’s loud give me a second [ __ ] [ __ ] like why is it so goddamn loud it’s not coming out of the right hole there we go there we go all right I need food food oh [ __ ] we’re running out of food oh never mind do I have food

First off I need to put this [ __ ] away now it’s loud seriously what about now what the [ __ ] I can barely hear [ __ ] I can barely hear that that can’t be now you [ __ ] with that’s loud real I’m low what the [ __ ] something is hold up something’s not right

Here I got to [ __ ] with some things cuz that can’t be right that cannot be [ __ ] right something is not going on here am I better now that should fix it technically I I agree well hopefully I’ll get a new soundboard soon hopefully according to Dave I might be getting a

New soundboard soon but we’ll see now I’m very Lu loud oh well that’s good though that’s good that I’m very loud I’ll turn it down am I better now let me know if it’s better let me know when we’re good okay that’s what we wanted all

Right okay so the reason why I guess you guys couldn’t hear me last night is because my mic was not turned up enough on the computer in a separate place than where I normally do it because [ __ ] I no reasons I figured out where that was now that

I’ve had a minute to look at it instead of trying to do it in the middle of a stream where I’m fighting people all [ __ ] night I’m going to put that away oh I was going to do several things here trying hard not to throw up throw up from

What throw up from what chran what the [ __ ] is that oh uh wow you got nobody to blame it yourself for that young lady nobody told you to eat like a gavon Canta gavon it’s a me gavon all right we need to make something by we I mean me

Obviously I need to make something and I am doing a piss poor job at setting it up so let’s get rid of all the [ __ ] we don’t need so we can do the [ __ ] we need I should be careful what I say to seie she might take me serious yeah if

You ate so much that you were going to throw up you’re a [ __ ] gavone goddamn it get mad at me look I didn’t mean in comparison to me I’m just saying in general okay don’t give me [ __ ] I have nowhere to put these flowers God damn it I’m going

To well yeah that’ll that’ll make it worse for sure I’ve done that recently myself it’s not fun it’s not [ __ ] fun you know the storage house should have more storage I’m just saying let me work on that real quick I would have thought Michaela would have taken care of this but

You all right we’re going to put flowers in here and green [ __ ] in the other one put these here too just for the funk of it put you where you belong I really need to go get on get some wheat soon you sure this mic is okay cuz I I

Don’t hear me I barely hear me which normally I hear myself it’s weird how you’re saying I’m loud or whatever and I can barely hear me meanwhile when I’m really loud you guys can barely [ __ ] hear me what’s up little kitty cat what’s up baby boy you crying don’t

Cry oh I wish you could hear what a little cry this dude has come here Bobby why you crying you never cry is everything okay poor little guy I don’t know why he’s crying it’s not cuz he misses me that’s for goddamn sure all right let’s grab all the

Mushrooms and the fluers put them in a different books so this way all the green [ __ ] will be with all the green [ __ ] and all the fluers will be with all the fluers sh put the mushrooms down her I really just wanted to go run in

Here and do [ __ ] but apparently I can’t just do [ __ ] I got to take care of other [ __ ] God forbid God forbid I could just do some [ __ ] this needs to go somewhere else entirely uh where’s [ __ ] ah [ __ ] bones bone saw all right where can I fit more

[ __ ] oh I don’t know about that there’s not two other people in chat I got news for you what’s weird is that I got four likes in on YouTube and nobody’s watching that’s phenomenal I don’t know how that works all right that’s taken care of that’s taken care of you can go in

Here I’ll put you in here right now cuz I don’t need need you oh look more bookses they’re not floating per se they’re kind of stuck to the wall wait is there more people in here or am I getting the wrong numbers no no there’s barely you and me in here

According actually you’re not even in here considering how this thing works which is weird it’s funny how I’m loud now and my mic is barely turned up actually I’m going to put it louder cuz I don’t trust you let me check myself I don’t trust you let me check myself that’s not loud

Let me check myself that’s loud probably loud check myself that’s loud that’s where I should be okay that’s what me with the music turned up see James knows James knows hey James you know you and uh Dave usually really take care of me and it’s the beginning of the Month and I hope you guys take care of me this month that’s all I’m going to say because you guys are the best and and [ __ ] is [ __ ] up shit’s [ __ ] up over here besides I’m tired of you kicking my ass James you’re a

Prick I used to be good at that game why do I suck at it now it’s pissing me off I don’t even want to play that game no more you guys beat me up it’s not nice I’mma bring this armor to the armor house what do I Chris what am I trying

To do again oh yeah all right I need to make some some uh awesome that’s awesome that’s that’s perfect that’s all I care about honestly I care about that stream I hope that stream goes well ah do I do have it okay good I don’t have to make [ __ ] that’s perfect

James thank you that’s that’s that’s what I was hoping for honestly I want that stream to go well cuz that’s basically going to be the launch of my new stream I mean my new channel basic not new channel but the actual launching of the channel um where I do more [ __ ] like

That and other [ __ ] and I needed to do well cuz I got got to pay for it somehow I got to pay for the time that I’m investing into all this [ __ ] and all the [ __ ] money I’m going to spend on it which the birthday stream paid for a lot of it absolutely

You guys really helped me out and took care of a lot of it with that but going forward I got to keep it going you know what I mean it’s [ __ ] it’s not easy cuz my job is being a real [ __ ] [ __ ] excuse my French um what was I going to say

Ah [ __ ] all right oh right got to go to the other house got to put up the wall then we’ll go for the be a God damn it this little Forest I made is a little too thick that’s what she said oh perfect I don’t have to do [ __ ]

Apparently it’s already made I love it when I think ahead oh oh it’s so nice to think Ahead friendly death counters huh what did I miss C talking crazy again you know that’s what she does right talking crazy you know why people talk crazy James it’s generally because they’re crazy I’m just saying croan might be crazy James am I loud am I loud or am I

Like at a good a Level I’m a bit loud wow okay all right I guess chrysanth is Right loud is good though what’s up K all right it’s not that I don’t trust you Chan it’s just that it might have just been you you know what I mean and I need to make sure when I do this They are very evil Oh you’ll see soon enough Chan you will see soon enough you will be Afraid you will be very Afraid oh [ __ ] I didn’t make enough books well that’s not Good oh I know that’s the point I know scared know Scared do I have enough sources say No I’ll fix it later ah [ __ ] oh I’m totally going to blame you and C son of a [ __ ] does uh does the Sun destroy gas by any chance I forgot to grab food I thought I grabbed the food but I did not why did I not grab the food why did I not make the BL you stupid Bastard I can blame anything on anyone I want well how the [ __ ] do you knock back a fireball I don’t know how to do that it sounds like magic I don’t have magic James I’m not magical I don’t have it I don’t how oh you can do it with your sword

Okay I’ll take your word for it did I not put blocks in the blocky thing wait a minute oh I wasn’t trying to make God damn it God damn it I wasn’t trying to make deep Sate I was trying to make cobl Stones [ __ ] you deep Sate [ __ ] you where

You sit and breathe you prick Arrows yeah I could have made a bigger portal I had a lot of rocks a lot of Rocks all right we’ll come back in a few minutes I need to get food anyway you in your bed TNT because croan where’s the fun in making something safe you know what I mean sometimes you just want to watch the world burn by sometimes I mean all the Time nothing will be decimated nothing Yeah you would think she would be happy that I was making something to provide more death but no she complains isn’t that just like a woman I think they would be happy that they get what they finally wanted all she does is give me lip JT why would you want to provide me

With more deaths why would you want to give me what I want it doesn’t even make sense JT you’re a dick I’m like just can’t win can’t win why do we even try guys we can’t win they’re all [ __ ] all of Them Trust me chiss I know I know how you all work believe me dealing with one of you earlier here today I know all about it all right folks here we go here we go wow James wow wow wow wow wow my buddy James abuse I get it’s only marginally risky I’m not

Worried about oh [ __ ] so chanth this is all that Michaela had to do when she set my house on fire yet somehow she set the house on wait why is this right by the other portal why why is this right near the other portal God damn it why ain’t I going through the

Portal all right somebody needs to explain to me how these [ __ ] portals work how did I end up over here at this other portal instead of my portal this many it’s like uh I don’t know it’s under that house there and it’s way over there the whole reason I built that was

To get away from the other one ow ow why am I on fire oh I used the thing that the oh God I did a Michaela I actually did a Michaela oh her rabbits are going to die die oh no I have to get over there quick or everything’s going to

Die yeah her rabbits are going to die Revenge [ __ ] I mean it could have been worse they could have all died no that’s next on the list come on Black Bunny you need to come with me oh God damn it I put all that [ __ ]

Away and I’m not done with it yet come on rabbits come on Hoppity hips oh some of them did die yeah a couple of them died now one of them died come on black rabbit why are you always stuck under there you [ __ ] come on come on hippies let’s

Go there’s the other black one come on buddy I need at least one black one to [ __ ] get back in the hole all right all right I’ll let you out for [ __ ] sake you’re so dumb rabbits come on rabbits oh you [ __ ] jerk come on dumb

Dums I thought they eat rabbits I mean I thought they eat [ __ ] carrots come on let’s go let’s [ __ ] go boys if I kill all the black ones Mel is going to murder me now come on get in there [ __ ] I think he’s in there whatever guess I could always kill him

Or drowned him where’s where’s the wood why don’t I have wood I should have another wood gun oh there it is all right did he go back in is there two blacks in there how’s there no blacks in there there’s one black in there ah come on bunny you’re a dick come on

Pal get in the house [ __ ] how come the other one had no problem jumping in the goddamn hole good boy [ __ ] off all right crisis averted right boys yeah whatever fast thinking will get your dumb rabbit saved every Time where did I put that [ __ ] all right I need someone to explain to me please why the goddamn portal brings me to the other portal cuz I feel like I just wasted time making that big ass portal for nothing and where did I put that gate I just had a

Gate where the [ __ ] did I put the gate all right we’re going to go on a b Quest soon the new B Quest I’ll [ __ ] off how’d you get in there little r God damn it come on you little [ __ ] A I don’t have C I hate everything

Okay thank you Jame uh yeah thank you James I got you well that’s annoying where’ that baby rabbit go where’ the baby go God damn it come on dummy damn you move fast bro come on come on snow Brown let’s get you to your new home shouldn’t you be more like this one

Little baby rabbit didn’t I make you with a black guy and a white guy ah oh that’s cool maybe I’ll try that next time the next one I build will be bigger elsewhere all right folks what oh wait let me get that out of my hand before I kill somebody

Else all right I like that big scare oh my God why is that open I do like the big for boating portal Chris anth you like my new uh my new Farm my new Greenhouse Farm all right let’s go put some [ __ ] away go get us some [ __ ] bees

That’s where you’re supposed to put it chanth got to mix the evil with the good I have a balance got to have a balance oh speaking of balance how the [ __ ] did I balance that one out I really want to fix Michaela’s stupid form but I’m not going

To I’m not going to I’m going to refrain refrain from doing the things that I should do nobody cares Sean nobody cares you’re a loser a loser forgot to put that wood back there didn’t I oh and I forgot to put this okay let’s go do

That come on Bee spawn a [ __ ] spawn a bee there come on don’t [ __ ] me it’s not nice I got enough problems uh oh God sorry sebie just hit me up with something some good news well you all are in for a treat at some point this

Month that’s all I’m going to say about that uh me not so much you guys good times me not sweet okay a [ __ ] hold on I got to fix this thing now there we go I gota make this smaller talk to you guys and still monitor

Discord all right what do I need for the bees guys I forget I forget shears leads I got to get the leads and flowers flowers okay I remembered something look at that it’s like a miracle it’s like a Merkle is it dark yet can’t tell with that Sky it’s kind of shitty out

Now I’m going to wait for it to turn Nighttime here Michaela just in case just in chiss just in in case somebody wants to wants to kill me to make you happy no one wants to make you happy have you noticed that like nobody has any interest in giving you what you want which I find to be

Funny so that’ll set fire to basically anything Uh yeah that’s true but if you actually kill me with stuff I need like all this stuff I would figure you would get more joy from it what do I know apparently I am mistaken I thought you people live to make me angry that would make me angry

If I lost my my silk touch oh my God you say that now but I’ve seen you wish for my death at the worst of times many times chren many times ah [ __ ] speaking of death speaking of death should I put this cow out of its misery I probably

Should cuz he’s never getting out of There sorry Cal you’re never leaving there so I figured I would spare You the pain of your trapped existence do you want there to be a kill JT for the demonology stream I can add one what’s that worth to you James how much is it worth to see me die I would figured you want to see seren die cuz that’s going to have to scare

The [ __ ] out of her to well I mean it’ll probably scare me too but not like it it’s going to scare her I don’t scare that easy but I’ll do it if you want tell me what it’s worth to you buddy I’ll put myself In Harm’s

Way I forgot to put the [ __ ] carrots back speaking of Harm’s Way o what what is this a [ __ ] you almost got one of those natural ones C you see that the [ __ ] Boomie almost got me it’s a nice little [ __ ] uh place did you not see the the ones that

I set up James I could I could find them and post them I’ve been asking you guys for uh ideas hold up what’s this well I mean you come up with a thing for me and uh I’ll check it out I’ll try it oh hey Oh guys uh I don’t know when she posted this she might have just posted this now but you guys might want to look uh at sevy posted the celebration stream uh thing that’s what I was just talking about might want to check that out guys speaking of uh terrible things

That’s going to be a terrible thing I mean I guess in some ways it’ll be a good thing it’s going to be good for all of you people obviously but I’m not looking forward to it but I did agree to it because I’m a [ __ ]

[ __ ] I have the thing here give me a second uh nope that’s the wrong one [ __ ] uh ah no that is also the wrong thing where the [ __ ] I made a whole folder for this thing and now I can’t find it the whole point of making a folder

For [ __ ] is to be able to find [ __ ] isn’t it and that is not it either I really got to stop opening [ __ ] with the stream window open Don’t IAM uh that is not there either [ __ ] maybe it’s that one nope well now I’m pissed nope H what the [ __ ] does anybody have it yeah you should feel bad for us that and our toilets that day yeah I am not looking forward to that I’ve been afraid of that [ __ ] for a couple years now you know what you got to face your

Fears you think so I don’t know I mean I’ll I’ll add it if you want but I mean it couldn’t hurt just to add yeah yeah okay I’ll do that that’s fine I can do that where do you go sir where do you go I like finding new tunnels of

Death especially when you got riches for me oh [ __ ] yeah I agree I agree would be much funnier because she’s going to be scared I mean me dying is not that big a deal I die in that game well not that game but I die in you know the other game all the

Time fast I don’t like it but I mean you know I’m not scared of it where’ that iron go [ __ ] I had iron and then I skipped it to go there it is always use more iron never have enough [ __ ] Matt never told me how to

Make a that’s what I’m saying I don’t I don’t think people would do it it’s not that it’s not a good idea I just don’t think people care to kill me I mean in other game sure I’ll add it anyway I mean you know people don’t have to use

It but I mean it won’t hurt to be there somebody might want to see me dead and scared I’m not saying I won’t be scared but I’m not going to be Serenity scared but that game is scary as [ __ ] like I get I get uh I get jump scares from that

[ __ ] game all the time which is what made me think to do it in the first place cuz it’s so [ __ ] up I’m like if it scares me it’s going to scare the [ __ ] out of her cuz she gets get scared leaving a [ __ ] van in

Fast oh look at that look at that look what greets me in this world I’m get to use my bow and get some XP at the very least yeah chran it’s going to be pretty hard for me to die now cuz I have an unlimited bow of

Death the only way I’m dying is by surprise or falling off something or stepping in fire speaking of fire burn [ __ ] I’ll burn your whole goddamn Forest down [ __ ] burn the whole world ah [ __ ] it’s a great [ __ ] weapon look at it I’m burning the whole Ples made to go boom well I guess I can get some black sheep from here if I really want want some Black Sheep don’t really care oh nice one spider I’m going to need a new spot for bees cuz this bee spot I can’t find that other bee and there’s no [ __ ] bees

Nest there’s just bees it’s kind of [ __ ] I should probably set up the leash I got room for anything no no I do not Mr B where are you that’s true maybe I’ll find some of the [ __ ] I’ve been looking for it’s a good point I will try that at some

Point well the the other nether portal we have is really far away but it’s in a really bad spot it’s like on a Giant Mountain under a bunch of [ __ ] so there’s really nowhere to go cuz you’re [ __ ] trapped I love that portal but what the [ __ ] good is it

I could make another one I guess it’s not like I don’t have enough uh blocks I could always get more right over here now that I’m here damn it I’m out of blue flowers I could always get more blocks from here gotta wait till morning anyway did she post that thing in Gil

Or am I reading that from somewhere else cuz she just sent me a screenshot looks like gilded but I might have missed it she did okay uh how did I get a cook steak that was weird oh maybe CU I burnt it I burnt the cow no that doesn’t make

Sense I don’t maybe but would that cook a steak I don’t think so be funny if it did but just set all the cows on fire now when I save me a [ __ ] step although I might burn everything down if I do that at home I might Michaela to join

Up I assume Michaela is working today which is good for her I wish I had the extra money maker I don’t want to drive though be weird to drive in a jeep I don’t like people in my car either ah yeah destroys like the leather and all that [ __ ] I’m

Sure yeah I don’t I don’t especially I mean nowadays yeah I I mean even before I I did it for a little while very little while and I didn’t do it with my nice jeep I did it with a shitty Honda but uh one I don’t want nobody

Throwing up in my Jeep or [ __ ] with it I’m doing anything to it pay too much money for that [ __ ] thing and two I don’t trust people people are scum I don’t want [ __ ] strangers in my car ever if I can avoid it you know I’m sure that would make

Some people happy but I don’t think most people would get be with that I’m sure a lot would yeah see if I was going to do driving it would be the food delivery route yeah that’s what I would do I thought about that for like Publix and uh

Instacart instacart’s a good deal I think cuz I get that all the time and I never have problems and everybody’s cool it seems easy you go to the store buy food you go [ __ ] deliver it use their [ __ ] money I mean it’s almost no risk you know I mean that one

Dude I think I think that one dude some dude near near me this happened I don’t know if you guys heard about this but one guy near me brought food to somebody’s [ __ ] house and the guy [ __ ] chopped him up with a axe and [ __ ] hit him in the house and then

They caught him on like doorbell cam or something like that yeah some [ __ ] nut near me did that to a to a poor [ __ ] food delivery guy rubhub guy I think he was I think that was like real near like very close to me yep exactly that’s why I stay

Home I don’t want to have to end up shooting nobody I mean at least in Florida it’s more understanding but if you live somewhere like New York and you have to shoot some crazy person more than likely you’re going to jail for it which [ __ ]

That that ain’t for me my oh is that a bees [ __ ] it’s just underside of a tree come on how’s there no [ __ ] bees man look at all the flowers and trees and [ __ ] flowery tree shits there should be bees especially since there was a [ __ ] especially since there was a

[ __ ] bee over here the other day I didn’t kill the second one I killed the first one by accident exactly yeah I mean it’s pretty much the same in Florida dude I mean there’re still crazy people but everybody’s got a [ __ ] gun if you do something stupid

Here you you’re just asking to get [ __ ] uh arated get aired out as Eric July would say And if you don’t have a gun in Florida you a fool I mean I get it some people aren’t mentally capable of having a gun but if you are and you don’t have one you’re a Fool yeah I would ah man let me tell you something I I got a story for y’all you guys want to hear a story it’s like a [ __ ] up sevy story I have I believe me I have plenty of [ __ ] up sey stories I’ve been kind of saving them from my

[ __ ] uh for my channel when I actually do talk [ __ ] but I do have a Philly story this is why I will never go to Philly again ever under any circumstances I got a Philly ghost story at least it felt like a ghost story come on man there’s not a beat and sight

In this [ __ ] I need more people to get in on this or I’m going to save it man seie makes a fortun off of her stories if you all want to hear it I I’ll [ __ ] do it but if not I’ll save it for like a paage stream

But it’s it’s a good story at least I think it’s a good story I could be wrong I’m waiting for croan and uh and circus to to chime in we get a consensus I will tell it [ __ ] bees there’s no Bees it’s Chris an’s fault you know that right

All right Kyle wants to hear it we’re getting there we’re getting there oh that’s that’s not encouraging all right all right so back when I used to be a photographer there used to be a website called Model Mayhem and I used to get a lot of my

Uh yeah I could do that or or I could just wind up somewhere where there’s no beehive so there’s no sure way to do that shadow Warden yeah where the bees at exactly Shadow Warden shut the hell up cat so anyhow uh Model Mayhem was the

Place where I used to go and get people to uh you know before I got banned on that for no other reason than my politics outside of Model Mayhem which is a whole another story but anyway I used to have a pretty good following on

There and uh people used to uh write me all the time that wanted to shoot with me and this one chick wanted to pay me I don’t know if it’s still a thing cuz I haven’t been there in Forever dude like I don’t even know if people go there

Anymore I’m totally out of that whole scene I have no [ __ ] idea I literally deleted thousands upon thousands of people I used to be friends would and followed when I left that [ __ ] line of business so I have no idea what the [ __ ] is going on there but

Anyway so this one girl contacted me and she lived in Philly and she wanted me to go to Philly to shoot her and I’m like I’m not going to [ __ ] Philly why would I go to Philly and this is before Philly was like terrible it was still bad but it wasn’t like

Terrible maybe it was but you didn’t hear about it let’s put it that way so anyway I’m like the only way I’m going there is if you pay for me to go there I’m not [ __ ] going um so she agreed and uh she’s like a French girl right and her pictures

Were very pretty she was very pretty in her pictures so I’m like okay well I’m going to go stay with her for a day or two and uh I’ll check out Philly how bad could it be oh if I only knew oh [ __ ] a horse I never seen horses over

Here well if there’s horses there better be bees God damn it actually they’re nice horses here [ __ ] too bad I didn’t bring a saddle so anyway um she meets me no no she get she makes me take a Uber or something to her house and uh she lived in an apartment in a

Building and it was it wasn’t bad so here’s where it gets weird so she smoked a lot right a lot like a lot I hate smoking more than anything in the world the last thing I wanted to do is be in a house with somebody who smoked all the time

But I didn’t know any of this beforehand so I noticed she has like a cat dish and like cat food out and I’m like do you have a cat and she’s like no and I’m like well why do you have a cat dish out with cat food she’s like a

I just put it out there cuz my cat’s dead blah blah blah blah blah and I want to say I didn’t think too much of it but oh I thought about it and I’m like that’s a little crazy yeah she want oh I left some [ __ ] out

I’m sorry it’s it’s been a long time she also kept trying to get me to bring my cats there and I’m like why would I bring my cats to Philly like I’m bringing my cats to Philly they they’ll be okay for a day or two I got people

That take care of them I’m not bringing my cats she she like asked me a lot to do that like an uncomfortable amount which made me worry about in the first place so um I go to go to the bathroom and all the towels look kind of like

Orangey and I’m like what the [ __ ] is this so I don’t know if you people know anybody that smokes but when you smoke a lot if you don’t like clean the stuff the tar gets all over your house right so there’s like tar on everything

And if you don’t clean it it’ll build up okay so I moved the I didn’t use the towel cuz the [ __ ] was nasty but I moved the towel right like away from the wall and the walls were like perfectly white behind it and everywhere else they were like [ __ ] Brown bro

You know what I’m saying like the whole like she hadn’t moved these towels in years is what I’m trying to say and that they like what like hasn’t used them haven’t moved them nothing cuz you know like like say you go to a haunted house

Or some [ __ ] right and you you take a picture off the wall and you know that picture hasn’t been moved in like 20 years and it’s like clean behind the picture she never not not only did she not watch them CHR she never used them they were like like she was [ __ ] dead

Bro like what the [ __ ] is this like she was a ghost what the [ __ ] is this where the [ __ ] am I holy [ __ ] how did I get here what what is this how have I not seen this so anyway did not know this was here um so I’m starting to think that this

[ __ ] ain’t real cuz she got a dead cat that gets fed every day and she doesn’t use any of the towels and [ __ ] in her house okay she also ooh huh she also yeah like the yeah the [ __ ] a’t here like that [ __ ] oh I guess I’ve

Been here before cuz they got nothing in the box I don’t remember ever coming here um I forgot what I was going to say now [ __ ] so she had nowhere to sit okay she had one chair in the living room with like a little tiny ass old TV like like like

Somebody who hasn’t had a TV this might be it James I don’t know like I’ve been to so many places all the doors are open which is weird yeah all the sh I must have been here wherever the [ __ ] here is cuz all this [ __ ] is [ __ ] up look at that dude’s head

Bro so yeah I’ve definitely been here okay cuz I remember that guy um [ __ ] where I was I so there was no chairs all right and my back was real bad at this point so I had to sit I had to sit against like a wall cuz

She wouldn’t let me sit on her bed with her which was also on the floor which was fine I didn’t want to sit oh I forgot to mention in person she was not pretty she looked like a hag like a old hag so the pictures were either

Photoshopped to [ __ ] or old or she I don’t know bro but she was [ __ ] hideously ugly like monstrous like a hag I’m I’m not even like trying to be mean or or [ __ ] weird you know just trying to Hype she looked like a hag like like she said she was 30 she

Looks 60 bro like wrinkles and just just not pretty thin she’s very thin but just look like a hag okay so there’s no food there’s no food in this house I don’t trust anything she bought me this weird food bro yeah like balers Gate 3 ha exactly but but skinny like think of

That thing but skinny I wish I still had had the pictures I’m sure I have them somewhere maybe one day I’ll dig one up I I I told her I threw them out because I didn’t want to deal with her uh cuz I G I’ll explain that when I get to it anyway

So I got to find a way home first off um so what Happ we actually did go out for a while into Philly and she was just very weird cuz I just needed to get out of the house cuz it smelt like smoke and whatever and oh yeah so

I forgot about this too so to shoo her she went out out of her window onto like a roof she had like a roof of a of a store that was connected to her window like her balcony I guess oh [ __ ] have I not slept that long

So to to to shoot her she wanted me to shoot out of the W by the way the windows and and the window sills also like an inch thick of the brown [ __ ] tar smoke [ __ ] true yeah smoke 7 97 right and you will become a hag yeah I guess that’s

Why she looked like a hag anyway you’re right I didn’t think of that but uh so she didn’t want me to go on the roof so I had to shoot her from a window oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ankle biter so now I’m shooting crappy pictures of

This scary Old Hag from a window s cuz she doesn’t want me to go on the roof I mean I get it maybe she didn’t want me to fall through the roof I I don’t [ __ ] know bro and at this point I’m just regretting every decision I

Made right like I’m like oh my God this woman’s not even real she’s a [ __ ] ghost I’m going to [ __ ] pig get the [ __ ] out of here I’m like I’m I’m going to die here like this woman’s going to kill me or some [ __ ] I’m not eating her food or whatever I’ll just

Starve so oh yeah here’s another thing it was a summertime and it was like 90 something degrees and she had no air condition so not only am I sweating to death in her [ __ ] house with nowhere to sit except on the floor with my back against the wall and my back is killing

Me by the way um but is hot as [ __ ] I’m sweating she’s got nothing to drink and I’m just [ __ ] [ __ ] dying bro like I felt like I was dying it was like the most uncomfortable experience in my life and there was no escape cuz I had no car I had nowhere to

Go there’s nothing I could do I was trapped I was literally trapped in this place at least until the next day so uh next day comes around and you know I I still had a whole day before I had to go take the [ __ ] train home but

I’m like I need to go I was like I I was like I I didn’t sleep the whole night night I was scared to death oh yeah yeah during the night check this out this girl I was seeing at the time who was who uh has narcissistic personality

Disorder which that’s a whole another story but uh all she gave [ __ ] about was I know a lot of girls like that actually but this one was a very rare unique case like like clinical anyway so I called her on on uh yeah but worse worse just think of a

Like a like a clinical case of that [ __ ] but yes like women in general but far worse trust me far far worse um anyhow so I call her on my iPad because I’m like I was like I got to talk to I was like I I’m like literally

Scared like I’m never scared of [ __ ] I I was miserable and scared in this place oh look at that cat oh that’s a cool cat I wish I could bring him home anyway um I probably could but we’re not going to anyhow H I don’t even know how to get

Home now cuz I wasn’t paying attention so I’m trying to tell her what the [ __ ] is going on here and explain it to her and she literally couldn’t be bothered and wasn’t paying attention to what I was saying talking about her own [ __ ] and I’m like I’m like trying to

Give her signals but I can’t get away to like be more direct about what’s going on so I’m dropping hints cuz the [ __ ] is in the room with me because it wasn’t a big place and the only place to sit was in the same room as

Her so I’m like I I’m basically making a plea for help to get me the [ __ ] out of there and this [ __ ] was not even paying attention she would not help she wouldn’t even acknowledge what I was trying to say to her on the [ __ ] you know on the on

The sly so now and and and on top of that it’s not like she wanted to talk for long she was like I got to go you know something going going on blah blah I’m like you [ __ ] [ __ ] you really going to leave me hang in here

Basically she was going to let me be eaten by ghost right exactly exactly and a dead ghost cat yeah couldn’t give a [ __ ] couldn’t be bothered to give a [ __ ] so if only she wasn’t so hot I probably would have never put up with any of that

But anywh who um I’ll show you who she is when she’s one of the redheads in the photos in my in my thing the one in the in the uh Star Wars outfit that I just posted recently if you’re in my [ __ ] uh guilded anyhow um so morning comes around I didn’t

Sleep all night I was sweating like I was I was awake the whole night like I might have slept a few minutes but I was scared to death bro and I was I was stuck I it was just it was just hell bro I was literally in

Hell that’s what it felt like it felt like I was in hell and there was no Escape so morning comes around I’m like look I got to go and she’s like well why don’t you stay for more and I’m like I was like I know I got to go my back

Hurts I don’t feel good blah blah blah she’s like but but I’m so I’m like I like no no it’s you I just got to go like I I got stuff to do I got to go and I took all her pictures already like I guess she wanted more I she didn’t pay

For more she didn’t pay for any she just paid for me to go there really so I’m like uh I got to go so I go to the train station cuz it’s like super early right and I don’t know if any of you have ever been to the [ __ ] Philly train station

But all they got there are these really uncomfortable wooden benches and they’re uncomfortable on purpose because they don’t want [ __ ] bums sleeping there cuz Philly’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole so I didn’t sleep all night and I had like 4 hours before my [ __ ] uh train and I

Had literally like no money on me like I had enough just to get like some food and I’m trying to sleep on these benches and I can’t sleep and right when I get like a like close to sleep this [ __ ] calls me crying and she’s like I’m I’m sorry was it my

Amenities why did you I don’t understand why why did you leave I’m like I just had to go I’m like it’s not you who I had to I’m trying to be nice like not yell at this woman and call her a [ __ ] ghost call

Her a ha ghost cuz I us to be a lot nicer and I just she just was crying at me for like an hour I’m I’m sorry my amenities were not good I’m like I I’m like just [ __ ] let me go man I was like I got to go like I got to

Go and it was I I swear to God when I got home when I finally got home from that my back like I said man like I can’t even explain to you how bad my back hurt after that [ __ ] but um basically [ __ ] uh dehydrated my

Back hurt no sleep I got home I literally felt scarred for life bro I would never go back to Philly again Philly is the biggest no no on my list I spent time with a [ __ ] ghost lady and ghost cat in Philly I will never go back there it’s [ __ ] hell to me

I’ll show you a picture of this chick if I ever find it yeah so apparently ghost live in Philly because how did this women live in this house and never use any of the like how did she use any of the [ __ ] towels like how did she ever wash was

She dead like you can tell that those towels weren’t moved in years like in years they weren’t moved so how do you drop like and on top of that I’m supposed to feel bad no man like I was just like [ __ ] this I don’t know where to go guys I got

Lost I was telling a story and I got lost no yeah but that’s not [ __ ] normal bro oh [ __ ] I’m headed right back where I was that’s not [ __ ] normal do you guys know how I got here I don’t remember how I got here guys it wasn’t

From this direction now that I think about it it’s from that direction yeah when I show you pictures of what she looked like oh and then okay and then I edited a bunch of pictures for her and they they were Terrible by the way they were terrible cuz how am I

Going to get good pictures one from a hag and two shooting from a [ __ ] window sill from somebody who was just terrible like she was is terrible in every sense of the word terrible I hate to be that mean and that blunt but it is what it

Is and there was nothing I could do to make so anyway I retouched a bunch of photos for her even though they were terrible I made them as best as I humanly could best I could but again they were terrible but she complained to me about the photos

And she’s like I paid you to come and and like started crying to me again and I’m like bro I was like I I I was like you didn’t even let me on the window sill how am I supposed to give you better photos when

I can’t oh look at that horse that is a nice horse I want that horse I’m like how am I supposed to do that when you didn’t even meet me halfway bro like how you going to blame that on me again I’m trying not to be too mean

Huh and I’m like here I was like I’ll tell you what I’ll just send you all the pictures and you can do whatever you want with them like I’m going to send them all to you and then delete them because I want no part of this I’m

Scar I’m like I’m scarred for [ __ ] life now from this experience I was like I was like I will never go to Philly again I was like I’m sorry you think that I’m a bad person or whatever for leaving early and whatever but I’m like I’m I can’t do this

Bro not only did she not have the looks necessary bro but she didn’t even have the the place for me to shoot NE she’s like oh we can shoot my house my house is great I’m like no your house isn’t great your house is like a [ __ ] old

Smok hags [ __ ] shop that hasn’t been lived in for 20 years if we were shooting a [ __ ] ghost stories photos they would have been [ __ ] dope bro if I was shooting ghost [ __ ] it you would have been great you would have had the best photos ever cuz I’d have made you

Scary as hell in your ghost house you know what I mean but that’s not what she wanted she wanted me to do the impossible which was to make her look like how she looked in them other pictures and I’m good but I’m not that [ __ ] good ain’t nobody that

Good and there is no way that that [ __ ] was 36 no [ __ ] way maybe it was 26 whatever it was yeah I made like you made me shoot on a [ __ ] balcony bro it was [ __ ] it was awful dude I don’t wish that upon [Applause] anybody she was just weird too she

Talked weird she acted weird she acted like a old ghost from like the 50s bro that’s how she talk like a French ghost from the 50s I think she was disappointed that I didn’t hit on her too which that wasn’t going to happen first of I don’t hit on

Models if I ever going to hook up with a model they have to hit on me hook up with me which that’s the only ones I’ve ever hooked up with and they hit on me which still surprises me to this day but whatever it is what it is where the [ __ ] am

I this place is awesome why don’t I know this place right how’s you right how you going Meet Me Halfway if you make me shoot on the exactly man [ __ ] fed I sent you a [ __ ] private message and I told sebie to tell you I sent you a private message cuz I

Need to talk to you and you’re sitting there posting [ __ ] and [ __ ] gilded instead of answer me you prick yeah I did not bring a map because I I explained the map thing last night I’m not going to explain it again I always find my way home eventually I’m sure home is this

Way actually I’m not sure but whatever pretty sure fairly confident almost certain I might really be going the wrong way honestly I don’t care this the price you pay looking for bees I guess I mean this looks familiar oh look another town yeah I might I don’t remember this one no this

Is a new one [ __ ] this is definitely a new town [ __ ] a man I have to say there definitely has to be bees here though I mean look at all these PLS and [ __ ] flowers And well I tried to do that at home James I built a whole bunch of [ __ ] trees next to all them flowers and it didn’t work dude oh God yeah see you understand Shadow Warden you understand that woman must have been a hag you know how hags can hide the way

They look the age definitely was a hag hell for all I know that crazy lady could have been serenity maybe she chose a new form to haunt me now who knows look at all these [ __ ] flowers and no Bees Chris can you tell your bee friends to come out

Please I’m never going to find a way home by the way what’s up kiwi kiwi did I ever tell you about the story from the [ __ ] ghost lady from Philadelphia I think I did I think I told you that story before no I could have swar I told you that story before

Yeah that’s true she could have done that but apparently her hag skills were not that strong yeah I told you I’d never been here it’s a cool [ __ ] town actually where damn we got all these people over in Xbox today I mean um XBox YouTube y’all know you can come into the

Kick where everybody else is right yeah she used all her ghost things to bring her cat they don’t have anything chran they got nothing a bunch of broke ass [ __ ] oh wait do I have oh hold up wow I think I just hit the mother load wait why AR I getting the

Things how does this work oh I got to give him 32 never mind I see that’s a lot of [ __ ] Meats wait I went in this house I don’t remember going in this house this cool [ __ ] little Tower see this is what Michaela should have done but no Michaela’s

Stubborn got to make a [ __ ] death Tower stubborn ass Michaela I need to enslave this town oh that’s true I can do that thank you James I can steal their cool doors too oh sorry about that buds oh are they okay fall in the hole [ __ ] Give Me Your XP

God damn y’all got nothing broke ass Town town of broke asses got nice horses though i’ been here already I have no idea how to get home guys this is not going to be fun oo what is this what the hell is this is this a little

Labrary oh look at the Little forgy House wait have I been here before no no I don’t know oh no I’ve definitely not been here before hold up we’re going back in style [ __ ] we are going home in style where the head at a [ __ ] mother the [ __ ] hitting the grass get him

Clyde shisa Beware of the ghost ladies they’re real ghost hags they exist they do exist all right we need a pretty horse where that black horse go yes it would unfortunately I do not have one stole all our Windows oh No I need to find the best horse I do like the spotted horse with that black one was super cool why don’t these people build fences to keep the [ __ ] monsters out no self-preservation what the [ __ ] is this a even know he is in there they need a cemetery I want a

Cemetery for the ghosts yeah their iron golems don’t do enough as you can see oh we’ll be level 30 in no Time yeah that’s what I’m thinking too that’s what they did in my town that’s why there’s none left they all [ __ ] committed suicide well horse I guess you’re going to have to do oh wait I didn’t find any Wheat did I [ __ ] you mean to tell me these people got all

These horses and no wheat [ __ ] look at you hiding in the grass blew up that horse you prick does anybody see any Wheat up in this jint that’s what I mean hay bells anybody see any hay bals up in this [ __ ] oh there we go there we go what’s up Aiden Uh what don’t I need I don’t need that don’t need your bones [ __ ] your bones all right I want that horse I want the good horse where the good horse where spot at come here spot we got to get you home buddy Where spot go I lost him what are you selling there scholar ooh hello I don’t have any got no rocks bro got no rocks is that another hay Bell yes it is give me your o a whole bunch of hay oh there go spot too [ __ ] all right so empty hand come here Horse H had a boy had a boy spot come here spot anybody remember which way I came here I don’t Hello pity t I tell you this is making life a lot easier neither do I neither do I Turtles well I haven’t been here before so needless to say I’m going the wrong way

For [ __ ] do I not have a I don’t think I’m going to be able to get home where the [ __ ] do that that’s not the right way where where the [ __ ] did I come from for H I don’t know what I’m doing I feel like riding a horse is dangerous

Because you can’t see the holes that for well we’re heading in the right direction that’s for certain I just don’t know the right way if I had to guess it’s this way yeah yeah yeah yeah I know where we are horses can swim right oh God no for

Well a simple bee Excursion turned into a horse Gathering experiment I guess what time does Pokemon start [ __ ] Forest is still on fire nine okay look everything’s still on fire come on Jo you got to get home yep definitely you have to make a bigger stable folks

They need to make bigger Gates God damn it well they need to make a bigger [ __ ] gate yeah I forgot who came up with the name it might have been Big Rob where’s the gate [ __ ] I guess I didn’t pick it up how long you think it’ll take a bee to

Spawn here if ever how do I get him to spawn James James James bter oh that’s annoying oh look escaped rabbit yay Escape rabbit what’s up Dave got a lot of [ __ ] Infinity Stones from what what she exhausted by oh yeah work will do that oh this frosted glass oo

Nice I hear you buddy I hear you well you can rest now weapons oh Dave you missed my ghost story thank you Dave appreciate that man appreciate that especially since all the subs reset on the first so every sub counts that is December 9th my friend

And that is going to be a good time so Dave uh James came up with an idea where I should put me being killed on the challenges menu is that something you’d be interested in me dying or watching Serenity die that’s what I’m trying to find out I think more people

Would want her to be scared to death and die than me but you know people like chanth might want me to die so I don’t know I figure I ask everybody see yeah Serenity die I agree I too would want to watch Serenity die D in hor but I’m just

Mean I know some people here like to torture me so I figured that James had a pretty good idea hell I’m probably going to yeah sure James I’m probably going to die on mummy’s mask coming next Friday anyway well you may be surprised cuz I’m

Half dead as it is and I got one Benny left and I’m about to fight a giant snake by myself with two wounds so that probably means I’m going to die cuz ain’t none of them coming to my rescue yeah giant snake I don’t think I’m ever going to

Find bees again I think those were the only be no you know what all right we’re going somewhere else for the bees really no Pokemon seriously I thought she was getting better oh that’s [ __ ] weird really oh last I checked she was doing better I must have missed something well

Maybe that’s why she didn’t stream today she didn’t mention it to me when I asked her if she was going to stream today like regular stream oh I believe you I believe you I’m just saying I didn’t know she was not feeling um what should I stream should I continue streaming

Uh should I continue streaming Minecraft or should I switch over to uh Modern War Warfare 3 after a while hell if we had enough people if you guys if you guys can convince Serenity I’d be up to play uh I’d be up to play some more uh party

Animals tonight since there’s no Pokemon stream yeah fed definitely was not sounding good but I thought seie was doing better but I guess not one of the benefits of staying home is you don’t get sick as much yeah you guys see if you can get I’m tired of bothering her she’s barely

Responded me thank you Dave she’s barely responded to me today uh so I’m not going to bother her but you guys can bother her see if she wants to play don’t tell her it was my idea say say I’m not going to play uh Whatchamacallit unless she plays and

Then we can all play how about that yeah I need to have dinner and I be I still need to eat so we got a little time she’s probably going to tell you she got to wake up early tomorrow which she does but it’s [ __ ] early Now might be bees on this side I was going to order dinner tonight but then after I then after I saw that the they took $80 out of my bank account no I don’t think that’s going to happen I’m going to have to make something thought they took that money already [ __ ]

Bastards yeah I’m thinking there might be bees over here like I think I’ve seen bees over here once when I was visiting this area which is a lot closer than the other [ __ ] places were e that would be horrific indeed that would be horrific indeed it’s like three different biomes

In one over here what the [ __ ] is this all about Aidan you should see if your buddy wants to play ow getting cracklings what is that crackling sound yeah she’s uh she’s a certain way today might be sleeping too I think she was up all night probably gaming and

Then had to do [ __ ] other game oh that’s the chicken feet making that noise no Bees I thought there’d be bees here but I guess not could be because it’s night time but we did see that other bee out at night that time I don’t know

Man these bees are Hit or Miss what the [ __ ] oh what’s up buddy 6:00 a.m. your time she went to yeah yeah but then didn’t she have to be up again for the other show it’s not a whole lot of sleep it’s like no hives man it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] oh

Okay yeah that’s not a whole lot of sleep though I mean especially for someone who sleeps like she does you need like flowers and trees which I have but they’re not spawning there so I got to go find some yeah definitely a short sleep what help help if it was daytime

But it’s what it is gives me some more XP it’s fine yeah I definitely remember some bees over here but I don’t know if there was hives where I don’t see a boomer damn it out of food again always out of food well there’s a boomer Dave seeing Boomers in his dreams

[ __ ] you sper my XP bch why you don’t have bees boom boom Dave you missed my ghost story oh you guys didn’t tell me was that worthy of a [ __ ] sevy story or what guys I think it was but I mean what do I know

Yeah and sadly it was all true sadly all true son of a [ __ ] jumped off the Step at oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is he mad you mad bro [ __ ] he is mad I might die better run [ __ ] that’s right I got Firepower you [ __ ] nothing impresses [ __ ] James

Oh no that wasn’t James that was Kyle nothing impresses Kyle why you keep dipping bro what you scared of you’re so angry [ __ ] angry oh [ __ ] you got a brother [ __ ] you is that a cactus NOP stay away from the turtles [ __ ] ooh look more obsidian Fields nice you guys

Going to make the beis what do these guys eat again fish right no they eat seagrass I have no seagrass there will be no sear grass that’s right understands phobia of water will be his downfall it certainly was his brother’s yes they do they’re [ __ ] oh meeting with some people what the

Hell do that mean you mean like leaving her house I got that [ __ ] yeah they’re a bunch of Pricks look there’s got to be bees in this field right I mean there H look at this [ __ ] trees and flues and all the good [ __ ] should have brought the

Horse oh I never been over there why are they making it so difficult [ __ ] bees used to be [ __ ] everywhere man so goddamn annoying eat a dick Monster eat a dick eat a dick to you fire boy you’re Chet boy oh hey I want to try something hold up hold up y’all oh

[ __ ] let’s see if I can get this to work does this uh emotional damage did you guys hear that really okay hold up hold up so [ __ ] hold up now if I do this and go here and do That but you hear it though I don’t care if it’s loud I’m just glad you can hear it sh sh Sh oh [ __ ] all right so is the game loud too hold up let’s try this Now still Loud tell me if it gets lower that make it lower okay all right so that’s directly tied to my volume even oh so if I put hold up all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one more Time is it still louder or is it lower is that Better h lower better better okay good perfect thank you all right so as long as it’s low on the thing and I turn it up loud for me that works okay oh God I have so many sounds on here I don’t even know if these are the good

Ones because I don’t use this one I hate that you can’t stop a sound though you have have to play the whole [ __ ] thing that’s why I hate this soundboard cuz on mine you can stop it I made it lower Cent I will look for you I will find

You and I will kill you okay chren I like turtles this is my other one that I don’t use unacceptable come on bees [ __ ] I got to head back soon what the wait what the [ __ ] is that up there o what is that did I find what I’ve been looking

For hold up wait a minute I think we I think we just found something amazing guys I’ve been looking for this since day one maybe it is a princess it might be a princess I’ll tell you one thing if it’s not a princess it might be the way to make a princess

Palace which maybe Michaela will start being nice to me or at least croissan maybe croissan will be nice that’s that sound yeah I doubt it too that does sound a little crazy I know ah should a hole look what I found guys I’ve been looking for these since [ __ ] day [ __ ]

One see she’ll never be nice looking for these since day one my friends these are one of the things I could not find I can’t hear [ __ ] though I made it so low I can’t hear the game now now does it not oh there they go I was

Going to say I hope they drop some [ __ ] saps some saies why would I do that chrisan you said it’s not going to make you nice why would I do something that would make you happy if it’s not going to make you nice there’s no point in making you

Happy if it’s not going to make you nice see that’s how that works you don’t act nice you don’t get nice things true Dave but you don’t want a bunch of gay trees do you I mean I was going to make a gay house but do you want gay trees too yeah

See you want that I’ll make Michaela a she shed going to need a lot of wood for that though cat you need to be quiet I hear something UNS safery nearby like a blob a be I heard a b oh fck [ __ ] right there oh I [ __ ] up I used the wrong

Thing guys right did I [ __ ] it up oh [ __ ] I [ __ ] it all up don’t you run from me baby come here baby b why can’t I grab him can I only grab no I can grab more than one [ __ ] flowers I got something better than flowers I got the leads

Baby let’s find another one oh hold on let me get another lead I get all the [ __ ] bees he died they all why did they die why did they die I did not kill the bees Chand they killed them [ __ ] selves C killed him she killed him with

Her evil she ordered them to die I did not I did not murder the [ __ ] bees Jame [ __ ] you eat a dick it’s all right Dave I found a new camel am I full up with trees how did I kill the [ __ ] bees you did not see me kill a bee they just

[ __ ] died there’s another one now I got a hive [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at this oh a silk touch one oh [ __ ] don’t need you suck a dick [ __ ] you don’t need you oh that should keep you where’d you go [ __ ] oh look another Hive a [ __ ] h

Let me ask you a question do I do it automatically come with the be a [ __ ] aim’s too low I didn’t hear it coming I didn’t hear him coming either that matter or him ooh pinky flowers I hear the bees in there I get more sticks what the [ __ ] I need more of those pink flowers where the hell are they I can die sper all right I wish I had a map to mark this cuz I need to be able to come back Here oh hell [ __ ] you Mini Me My XP [ __ ] which way did I come from you guys this way working on it no boat would be nice I agree I should have brought a boat especially coming this way yeah that might have [ __ ] up I might be going the wrong way too I don’t see

Any I don’t see any torches on the shore wow I almost fell in a hole I’m pretty sure I came from this way does any of this look familiar oh there’s the town okay I really should leave a boat in this [ __ ] town it’s all right once we’re here it’s easy

Nah not protected enough I’m almost home it’s no big deal if I die between here and home I deserve to die getting good at this bow and arrow thing should see the house any second oh actually no I have to go this way never mind I made the mistake it’s this way I

Think yeah there goes the island that little island I need to build at some point make a lighthouse I’m going to have to make Michaela make another tower on that Little Island right there ow how do I put up the beesness James sorry croan no death for you

Again on a wood block or a tree you can’t put it on a tree on a tree I hear bees in there man how do you get the honey out last time I used this shears on it it blew up didn’t it I’m going to try shears on one of them see what

Happens oh I’m going to go get glass bottles cuz I had on have any honey ah [ __ ] well it’s definitely be I got honey look on the bar buddy honey right there baby bees [ __ ] me up though a [ __ ] a [ __ ] oh now you’re happy okay now that

You bit me we can be cool now Bros you sure this is not going to break it my dude it’s not doing anything what you talking about Willis but I didn’t get any boax with it I think our B rescue was very successful took long enough but very

Successful I’m going go plant some pink ass trees you know what I know where to put the paint trees I don’t know if there’s enough room to grow a pink tree here but we will try it for S should we surprise Michaela with a Sheed where is the oh bones is this the only thing bones are good for should be able to make bone Furniture thank you Dave you guys forget I’m [ __ ] sometimes what the [ __ ] okay what’s the difference here between these how do you get a honey level

Five oh maybe that’s why I see what you’re saying okay why did this grow and this won’t grow Somebody explain that to me please I’m going to try and experiment I didn’t even know you could do this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this I’ve never did this before that’s kind of Cool grow Time for what I don’t care if they attack me oh it shouldn’t matter I’m [ __ ] hitting it with the thing here that other one grew immediately why is he special maybe cuz they’re closer to water don’t thing I think of Let’s test that theory nope that’s some [ __ ] 5×5 area of unobstructed space eight blocks above it sapling to grow nine blocks including a sapling itself 5 by five wow that’s not 5×5 it’s the same amount of [ __ ] space as that wait one yeah that should be good I don’t know about these the other one should have been good

Oh I have more never mind oh that’s right that’s what the bone is for the dogs yeah I got to save some bones then got that one I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t get it I leave it maybe it’ll grow maybe it’ll help

Yeah I guess that doesn’t help I don’t know why I mean seem like the same conditions oh look it’s like a big heart I need to to [ __ ] man I need to grow more of these trees not going to be able to build a she shed without some [ __ ] trees

I don’t want to cut these just in case they don’t grow back [ __ ] you tree you know what I will grow you where I know you will grow got good I don’t need that one [ __ ] you over grow do I have to cut it down just to get more saps

Oh is that what it is [ __ ] well that’s a pain in a dick well I might as well cut this one down anyway h h I need dirt what can you make with honey by the way I went through the process of getting all that honey and I don’t even

Know what I can do with it oh look the bees came out uh what can you do with the honey is what I’m saying I got freed a whole lot of bees certainly don’t need you I do need chick nice candles oh it removes poison oh that’s good that’s useful let’s start with

That I forgot the dirt forgot the dirt and I forgot the Shoels do I got sticks I threw the sticks out didn’t I son of a stick [ __ ] all right time to make Sticks no no what why isn’t using the proper wood all right second shovel just in case what else did I need dirt did I miss a [ __ ] tree shut up cat son of a bitching tree there we go all right oh my god oh there we go

One one baby tree H uh uh uh uh [ __ ] shut up cat why are you being in trouble is oh it’s time to feed you that’s why you’re being a dick I’m sorry buddy you’re right it is time time to feed you shut up feed you in a

Minute whiny like you don’t have food you just want your special food cuz you think you’re special you’re not special you’re just a cat yeah well I got one I can make one I mean all right guys I gotta go feed this cat I’ll be right

Back all right give me a minute buddy I gotta go feed you give me a second stop crying Oh Sorry about that I had to get some food and feed the cats and check the the ly and all that fun [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s going to be one of those nights so ciss wasn’t the deal if we got the bees you were going to free the bees

I could have swore that’s the deal that’s circus and then made with you I could be wrong I don’t think so uh yes Dave she does she’s enslaved bees for a very long time he holds them captive it’s very rude poor bees never had a chance are there any other reddish type things

I can use can you make anything cool with redstone oh no buddy what happened to you why you down there are all your friends okay uhoh oh there he is cuz it’s a United States of whatever yeah I know you can make great stuff but I’m talking about I need to make something

Red so I can use some Red Blocks something like that maybe I don’t know that might be too too dark too dark red wool I know I can do do that I actually have red dye somewhere hold on actually let me grab these two oh wait a minute shut up Kat for

I don’t know the significance of that but I’m sure it’s something disturbing to her therefore it is amazing yep yep got to figure that one out now she’s going to free the bees going to free them bees all right guys how do I make pink [ __ ] glass oh

Man if I use all these flowers then I’m not going to have pink well I got to go back there anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter I’ll get more not a big deal shisa for still haven’t found a dogos no because dirt is useful obviously obviously back it’s good

Question guess we’re going to find out I don’t know what to do for the roof what kind of roof should we make is there bees in here cuz I’m not seeing any honey where’d you go bird that looks very Michaela is right sh it for oh I just realized my food was

Done my stupid uh air fryer doesn’t make the sound anymore when it’s done fun what did I come here to make guys I don’t remember [ __ ] what did I come here to make I don’t need any more doors what don’t I need I don’t need you probably need

You certainly don’t need might need you don’t need you you dangerous [ __ ] I need you need you do need you well yeah I’m going to need a roof but I don’t know what I want to do for a roof see that almost like I knew I was

Going to do this ahead of time look at that look at that ladies and gentlemen it was like he planned this all out from the very beginning free easy Talk I’m going to go grab my food I’ll be right back hold down to Fort where We Where Hello I have returned turned what was I making rocks I was making rocks well I’ll come back and get more if we need them no don’t let the be free out [ __ ] [ __ ] m our little town is looking nice huh I wish Noel would come visit once in a while I what I’m

Saying for maybe that’s too much I don’t know me I don’t like it either oh [ __ ] I lost my shoes I have an idea for the roof oh that might not work where sorry folks I need to hear back from Caleb real quick about something so good

News I’m still looking for somebody do my overlays I’m waiting for the FED to get get back to me about his person but he’s being a real dick you guys should go pest to the FED to [ __ ] read his DMS and get back to me right I would love

That cuz he’s being a jerk secondly sorry oh buffalo chicken wings [ __ ] up my throat uh Caleb has just given me permission to use his Kaiju song for the outro on my channel when I do videos how cool is that so go thank uh Caleb as

Well for me please he’s in gilded right now if you think that’s cool tell him we say thank you oh he’s here well even better tell him tell him here Caleb I was just telling them uh you were gracious enough to let me use your awesome song for my outro for my

Channel if you guys haven’t heard it yet you should go listen to it if I had a link handy I would send it uh chanth can you grab a link to Caleb’s song would that be possible is Cen still here oh [ __ ] did I scares her away yeah the Kaiju one yeah yeah

Chanth I still haven’t watched that freak now I’m afraid to watch it I’m afraid to watch that [ __ ] now bro Caleb what are you doing tonight you busy oh what’s this one do well they wanted to play uh they wanted to play party animals but I told

Them I would only play party animals if Serenity played but she said no however if you want to play I’ll set up party animals and I’m sure all these fools will join us and by fools I mean our wonderful chat who also happen to be fools damn man that [ __ ] uh

Caleb I got a question for you as well other than that are you going to man up with us with me sevy fed and I forget who else and no yeah me sebie fed oh yeah and Moss and uh take a take a drop or

Two take a drop or two of the old uh old D bomb with us come to 30th for the celebration stream if that’s going to focus in I’m trying to get everybody to do it bro you want to do it I wish I thought to monetize this

Thing because I don’t want to do it I don’t know why I agreed to do this [ __ ] bet all right tell sevy tell sevy you’re down she’ll be happy to hear that hi cats all my dudes what am I doing guys I was doing something and now I’m Distracted oh I was going to make a roof that’s right I have ideas for the roof let’s see uh no where’s the wood wood yeah I’m make a special ed roof oh looks like the witch is free again she’s over there posting you guys should have should have bothered her

More where’s the wood guys where’s the wood slabs it’s not coming up it’s being ghee being an ultra ghee there it is shut up Dave I know I don’t know if this is going to work I don’t know if this is going going to work no that’s not what I wanted to do

Godd damn it I [ __ ] up already I [ __ ] this up already do I have enough wood maybe [ __ ] I made way too many of these holy [ __ ] I didn’t realize I made so many why you guys let me do that all right I’m going to plant the

Rest of these [ __ ] trees while we’re at it actually I don’t know where to [ __ ] these maybe one here yeah all those times I’m going to need pink slabs could have swar there was something has supposed to go there already oh I any more bone meal no we’ll just see if it

Works if it no work we fix I see now I’m definitely not going to watch that [ __ ] how come the bees never come out and how okay wait how come these two are getting honey and I’m thinking some of those bees died guys do you think the Torches kill the bees that’s not cool where the [ __ ] are all these bees like there’s no more bees in these two in Minecraft I need shears well yeah in real life what this Minecraft dude all these [ __ ] beehives were all

By each other Before while we’re here I hear the bees and other hives man why can’t I build hold up what happened to the wood stairs why can’t we make wood stairs oh duh [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] idiot I’m a [ __ ] idiot why can’t I make more they can get killed by campfires maybe I

Don’t oh no cuz campfires are on the whole other side of the building dude I doubt all the bees from those two hives jumped out of that damn thing oh I need my soft touch that’s what I need well I guess we’ll find out if they’re in there yeah see there’s nobody in

There that was Dum by the way uh okay you can put them together that’s good [ __ ] I’ll have to get more that’s just what it’s going to have to be I guess be maybe I don’t know we’ll see I can always go get more I guess

It’s not like we don’t know where they are now oh can you breed them okay I’ll do that when they come out then son of a [ __ ] uhoh I don’t like the sound of this no sir I think I’m doing something wrong yes yes I am what I don’t have oh son of a [ __ ] look like I’m going to have to cut down some trees boys You know what side duck son a a [ __ ] having problems oh my God I don’t think my roof idea is going to work unfortunately you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] H it’s working but it’s not it’s what I wanted to do is not going to work but this will

Do this will do pig this will do unfor I don’t have any more woods so I’m going to have to go cut the tree down first I’m going to get some food so Michaela doesn’t get her wish how do I get the bees out for [ __ ] sake like that we

See a bee just died from the [ __ ] torch the [ __ ] torches kill the bees son of a [ __ ] that’s going to make life difficult yeah I got to get lanterns [ __ ] that’s going to be expensive where did they go did they all die [ __ ] did all the [ __ ] bees die oh [ __ ] me

Wait there’s a bee hi be where’s your mom and dad be I’m sorry be I didn’t mean to kill your parents son of a [ __ ] where my be go tell me he died I hear a be there’s still one bee left I think there’s a bee left oh no I heard a

Buzz yeah he’s here he’s in the trees or something better go make lanterns might be dead [ __ ] oh there he is all right B you stay here I’m going go get some more things oh no stay here be try not to get yourself merked [ __ ] you you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ]

Man they died so quick all right basement emergency Meeting uh what do I need I didn’t even realize I was getting yelled at by you guys in [ __ ] Discord a [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up God damn it [ __ ] you [ __ ] there we go it go God Dam it all right hold up I got to fix this now

Everything’s all [ __ ] up God damn it all right uh what do I need I need uh well yeah I definitely need glasses why didn’t that work oh [ __ ] You [ __ ] JJ giving me a hard time this is what I need all right now we need to make a million [ __ ] lamp do I need to make the to no yes a [ __ ] I need nuggies all right hold on certainly don’t need all this sh don’t I have nuggies

[ __ ] I do have nuggies all right if I don’t make this quick it’s going to get ugly outside sounds like it’s already ugly outside 12 that’s it come on Uh what was I making guys I got distracted by [ __ ] JJ right hopefully that’s enough right thank you thank you [ __ ] can we not put lanterns can’t just stick them to walls for [ __ ] sake you Sons at what about on top of fences you know what I don’t care good enough

[ __ ] you got to use chains to put them on walls it’s a pain in a dick oh yeah there’s definitely a be in there okay that’s good do that look lit Enough what the [ __ ] you can’t put him up there either come on Man well that should be okay for now one little bee left I don’t know it looks like they do looks like they do ah [ __ ] that’s right the whole reason to do this is because I needed to chop down a [ __ ] tree and I have no food C I almost

Died you would let me die croan you’re an evil evil person so if we get a bunch of bees and we breed a [ __ ] ton of bees they’ll go into the older hives right I’m assuming let’s spring STS not cutting down that tree that tree is perfect this tree however I don’t really

Need you I’ll just regrow a [ __ ] oh that’ll work of course there had to be more wood up there in the air I don’t have any more bone meal man I put some goddamn bone meal up the [ __ ] gr God damn tree know I’m apparently this [ __ ] ain’t going to

Grow put you elsewhere [ __ ] put you elsewhere [ __ ] how about that’s f worry about you later trees I got other [ __ ] fish to fry up in this [ __ ] oh I just thought something spectacular to do with this ha roof that I didn’t think of before but I’m going

To do it now cuz I done thoughted some [ __ ] to do with yeah yeah yeah I tell you what tell you what folks table don’t need them [ __ ] [ __ ] you zombie the biggest what the [ __ ] was that that was a waste of glus that’s what that there was they call me Mr

GL I hate everybody why did I do that go away zombie I’ll kill you whole goddamn race and keep [ __ ] with me Uh all them extra chromosomes for real oh it does work I did not think that would work I totally did not think that would work I did not think that would work ladies and gentlemen [ __ ] you f it’s not perfect but it is something For Godd damn shearers why did I do that do interesting what oh I see what the [ __ ] problem is it’s fine I don’t mind so what do you guys think is Michaela Sheed okay I got to get more of those pink [ __ ] flowers oh no you know

What if I get pink flowers on my trip I’ll put them up but if not [ __ ] it red will do ah [ __ ] I’m out of bues I’m one Bo shy so we’ll get more bues all right I need to go make a sign what did I come here for

Sign think signs are in the house I mean it might be a little too pink for her but who the [ __ ] knows if she doesn’t like it I’ll give it to Serenity she likes pink right yeah I doubt it like I could ever get sery to play [ __ ]

Minecraft all the time dude all the time I think the signs are in the other house now that I think about it let’s go oh I just thoughted something yeah doesn’t she like pink I could have swore she liked pink but Miga Miga wow [ __ ] starting to sound like sevy now but m

Isn’t very girly is that her new name Miga let me see what these fool sent me I didn’t even realize they sent me all this [ __ ] [ __ ] lons [ __ ] Caleb I’m using that one Caleb you jerk hi Kitty what you want buddy oh look he’s all big now what’s up big

Boy give you some food I’ll go get you some buddies soon pal I’m sorry I killed your family I didn’t mean to ah [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up again God damn it no dumbass you know what maybe I should stop [ __ ] it up and use the shears there we go [ __ ] you

There we go ah you know what God damn it I don’t like where that is [ __ ] me for wish that was pink wish I made a chimney but I don’t have enough [ __ ] Stone I don’t have enough uh bricks because [ __ ] bricks are hard to come by bro

Well I am going to have to put some lights in here actually I can just do that nope all right now I need to get food and go on a trip after I take a nap got to get the B brother some [ __ ] actually I guess I’m going to have to make some

Lanterns you know well yeah it’s supposed to be girly godamn it Michaela that’s the [ __ ] cant that’s the Goddamn point [ __ ] fed I’m going to beat the crap out of the FED I really am one of these days he got to coming I don’t know Michaela

Cand yeah it’s supposed to be girly it’s a [ __ ] Sheed what do you want from me because I I need info from him today like now and I’ve hit him up a thousand times in private message I just hit told him now to go read his private message

And he’s [ __ ] what do you what do you think he’s doing in in [ __ ] uh in Discord right now what do what if you had to guess what the FED is doing right now what do you think he’s doing I mean just take a guess no no no guess

Again I mean close enough he’s he’s bitching about sevy let’s put it that way [ __ ] [ __ ] b I needed that iron why did I put that iron away [ __ ] I need him to do one even if he says no at least I know then and I can [ __ ] go do what I got to do but no he can’t be [ __ ] bothered it’s just not enough [ __ ] not enough nuggies where did I rip down all the all the lights over here

Old torches must go we oops I didn’t mean to do that clearly I think the lanterns do give off more light way more light [ __ ] it should have switched through Lantern power a long time ago in galaxy far far away have been safer for all invol what did I just pick

There goes all my iron why won’t he answer me god damn it could have swore I had more iron well that ought to take care of it did he answer me Old big brain camp multitask I mean that’s most of the Torches right hello Buzzy be damn bro you getting fat there goes Caleb again with the chromosomes fed just told me to sue him so I said hey sey you want to uh represent me and suing the

Fed see what he says to that God damn you tree why won’t you grow you [ __ ] prick he made me waste a whole day of waiting for him to get back to me you know that a whole [ __ ] day I could have taken care of my problem if he had just read

My [ __ ] message do you folks understand my frustration all right I think we are B proofed I will go on another adventure should I take the horse with me it would be faster and safer actually I don’t know if it would be safer I did name him spot didn’t

I I don’t have a tag for oh wait did I just saw something I need there we go all right where can I put that you can be the metal box speak which Stone box wood box he still hasn’t answered me I hate him so much all right I need to keep these

Lights safe sa see that goes the tree box oh no it’s color so here oh shanka how’d you get a message for me oh sweet Jesus what a [ __ ] [ __ ] I hate him how the hell did you get a message you know just trying to [ __ ] save some money I hate a

Rudy hate him [ __ ] sake do anybody remember how I got there to the bee land land of the oh [ __ ] I should probably use my so touch I should have brought a saddle to grab a [ __ ] horse and some hay actually did I even see horses I don’t remember too angry right

Now all he had to do was answer a goddamn question is a this person or no I would have settled for either or I’mma play this in honor of Audi maybe that’ll maybe that’ll bring him here o XP uh [ __ ] 90 yeah I think he’s already been a [ __ ] I don’t think you need to start that can’t start something you already are [ __ ] [ __ ] Caleb rat God damn it why is it got to be night

Time lines if you’re going to rrap me out at least tell him I’m playing his [ __ ] simple arm from him to come over here I know scared oh now she shows up yeah I just need a rud out to answer a question for me he would save me a

Whole day of [ __ ] [ __ ] if he [ __ ] just answered a question but he’s got to be a jerk hey I got something for you uh Michaela I’m not going to tell you what it is but you’ll see actually you should probably log in see for yourself I’d rather you do it that

Way [ __ ] ass [ __ ] assle rud he’s such a [ __ ] he’s such a s hey was what is this do you guys remember this on the way to there I don’t remember this one house what the [ __ ] is this oh it’s a whole village do you remember this Village guys which way do I

Go I did miss this right so I’m going the wrong [ __ ] way I guess [ __ ] off sper I’m busy I mean I’m sure I’ve been here before I think this is a cat Village yeah it’s the one with the weird water yeah I’ve definitely been here before but I didn’t come here last

Time no I’ve definitely been here cuz that [ __ ] is empty Michael you should oh what’s up big boy I thought I freed you last time I was here I guess you’re [ __ ] huh not my problem this ain’t my Village baby however this is a good

Village question is is it this way or is it that way folks you know what would have helped a [ __ ] map or a trail of torches yeah that’s that probably would have worked too yeah yeah didn’t think of that yeah to be fair I didn’t expect to go as

Far as I went last time I know what the problem is I went the wrong [ __ ] way from the gecko it’s probably [ __ ] could have took a boat too that probably would have been smart I have no idea where the [ __ ] I’m going now now I’m just lost

What village is that for [ __ ] sake guess we’re about to find the [ __ ] out did I cross a river last time okay this is the other Village yeah I know where I [ __ ] up however I got Phantoms chasing me now not that I’m worried about [ __ ] gay ass Phantoms

Yeah I said that I did say that right map would have been good map arudi answer your [ __ ] PM please you may me waste a whole day a whole day either you could have told me or just said no and I could have moved on and got some [ __ ] done no

No for that you get this S sh [ __ ] it’s either that way over there or this way I think it’s this way we did go through that Village right I remember the mountain you shut up croan I did a nice thing tonight and that’s the way you repay me I mean I didn’t do a nice thing

For you but I did a nice thing that Michaela will see if she ever logs in oh I think it’s this way fine Michaela go eat sometimes you get stung 36 times and it’s still too little there we go there’s our mountain of Glory our glorious bees Mountain the mountain that was supposed

To have croan free them but she did not she freed Nothing I’ve played valheim never died in valheim I was the master who is the master CH enough look at all the horses up here oh look at the bees there is the bees soft touch [ __ ] silk touch whatever the [ __ ] it’s called Ruda are you ever going to read my PM you

[ __ ] why you got to [ __ ] why you being a jerk to me I’ve been actually nice to you lately you know for the most part private message you [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] gilded oh my God yes a DM private met it’s the same [ __ ] difference that tree almost looks like a swat

Sticker sweet Jesus a rude ey I don’t know if he’s playing stupid or if he is stupid he’s sick in the head oh is that a is that a yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come here baby wow those things are hard to oh no they’re all over the place over here oh

These are all [ __ ] I thought these were just leaves falling from the goddamn trees [ __ ] I could have had a million ping [ __ ] plants at the house for what’s her tits you know hey everyone in chat do you know what a PM is does every

Everyone in chat know what a PM is is arudi the only one who doesn’t know what a [ __ ] PM is shut up shut up Caleb you know Caleb I thought you were on my side see Caleb knows you know you know chran shut up I think that was the last bees nest guys

[ __ ] hey James do they grow on regular trees oh well there goes that [ __ ] Jesus Christ the rude eye really is this payback dude I like this little land bridge here oh look at that special tree down there he’s got to give me a hard time

You know it’s one thing to give me a hard time Rudi when we’re [ __ ] [ __ ] around but when you need something do I ever give you a hard time no no I don’t I just give you what you need you give me a hard time when I actually need things that’s not fair

When I when I said pm he probably thought I meant PMs and he didn’t want to admit that he had it that’s probably what the problem was he’s like damn it I’m always got PMS why are you bringing that up I’m like oh sorry he probably didn’t even hear all of that

Cuz he can’t be in two places at once apparently pretty sure he has multiple screens hey James I don’t see any beesness on any of these other buildings wow really wow you know chrisan Wow now we know who the true fite is oh my God I give up I’m just gonna burn my channel to the ground get no respect [ __ ] M uh [ __ ] chran is simping for the fed I’m going to remember that forever that she’s a simp fed now a Fed

Simp yeah that’s you C s the FED simp see at least Michaela got my back especially when she sees what I made for her well look at this nice thing of horses in the [ __ ] bee lands yeah I guess really all I need is one bee thing if there’s bees in

It no she didn’t see it yet I don’t think I would feel better about this whole situation here if I found another one cuz one I don’t feel like is enough I don’t know why they’re only in those [ __ ] pink [ __ ] things yeah especially the way I I

Didn’t kill the [ __ ] bees they killed themselves God damn it I hate you all the day God damn it I hate when I sound like him I did not kill the bees the bees killed themselves James killed the bees and in fact if we’re going to blame somebody we’re

Going to blame James for killing the bees cuz James told me torches don’t kill the bees and the Torches killed the [ __ ] bees I didn’t kill the [ __ ] bees the Torches did at the word of James therefore James killed the [ __ ] bees that’s my story and I’m [ __ ] sticking to it you chat

Bastards Aruda will you answer my damn question please before it gets too late for me to contact H it’s probably already too late for me to contact one of these people I much just stick your hand in a jar of black widows I’m not putting any more torches under

Their hives I’m not listening to James ever again the Torches kill the bees chanthy said they wouldn’t kill the bees and they killed the [ __ ] bees I didn’t kill the [ __ ] bees yeah I know Vex that’s the [ __ ] point what the f Chris christh oh chran you know used to like

You used to like you granth and you you took your man hands and you strangled me with them you strangled all my good willll for you with those manly hands of yours strangled it right out of me anything you say there man which for [ __ ] I don’t hear any bees in this

One son of a [ __ ] oh wait maybe there is bees in this one there is I’m going go to sleep flowers those are flowers right cuz it’s making Honey camel’s always [ __ ] sleeping where’s your friend where’s your other be friend there he is oh [ __ ] sake why you like this why you like this rud guys you know you can probably buy uh you can Pro oh wait they went to the other hive look at

That you can probably buy spiders online like black widows and send them to people yeah I think you can I think that’s a thing for I need the rest of the bees to come out come on boys how is there too many flowers Dave what’s up baby

Be why can’t I feed you you Prick this one won’t [ __ ] eat eat you bastard that one will eat for [ __ ] 12 years but this one doesn’t want to eat and make me a damn baby let’s go Buzzy boy what’s up B thank you Rudi he’s like pulling teeth is rudai still here thank you Queen shirts apparently

You got him to [ __ ] talk by threatening him so I guess I even have to well I don’t think croan helped actually there we go let’s get another bee [ __ ] there we go baby bees yo all right now we got some bees oh [ __ ] where’ that one come

From yo that one just popped out of [ __ ] out of the nest bro that one didn’t exist before I didn’t know they made a noise when they go into the thing all right I’m probably going to have to get rid of all the Torches if I had Haven

Already they all did die these are newbies James there was two in that Hive I thought there was only one Dam you James you guys don’t realize this but he always gives me info that gets me killed or guess something I love killed he’s evil it’s always the things that get my

[ __ ] killed that you’re wrong about though that’s the problem Yeah the 30 other 30% that gets everybody killed get out of [ __ ] way sheep did he really leave where’s Michaela I need Michaela here I don’t know maybe oh I should probably jump into Discord huh wait what’s all this is Caleb Still Here There we go we’re going to have all the [ __ ] bees we went from no Bees to all the bees it was the jar of spiders when I don’t want to kill him me is funny it’s right I’m reading you I’m reading your dmss like sebie does [ __ ]

You all right bees go back to work I’ll make more of you tomorrow TR to make sure your species survives the waste apocalypse oh I’m not going over there Caleb you should be chilling playing party animals with us so we could all play party Animals but no you’re whipped maybe I should move one of oh look these trees grew I didn’t even notice that these [ __ ] trees grew guys [ __ ] there’s trees everywhere now don’t those two look like hearts they look like big gay pink hearts [ __ ] you James is something wrong with my Camel you know what this is the next thing I need to expand need to expand upon the uh Stables I know it is sad he doesn’t have a friend what a [ __ ] shame that is how did I reward that a gift yeah these cats aren’t annoying at all not at all

Make you cat sanctuary you guys said do it for a Rudi you guys said oh look who’s herea I don’t hear her though um oh now I hear sort of you’re very Low am I yep I don’t know why I don’t know why either but you are where am I going to the houses in the houses where are you um by the cat house okay go to the other side of the cat house through the front actually not the cat house the uh

The house next to the cat house go around to that house pink house yes The Pink House go to The Pink House how’d you know there’s a pink house why do we have a pink house why don’t you read the [ __ ] sign Michaela Micha Sheed

Yes okay I don’t know what I’m going to do in this pink house but it’s your pink house Michaela do whatever you want to I mean to Michaela you know chren hi Micha a nice house and she’s like what am I going to do with this pink house and I’m the mean

One hey I didn’t say it in a mean way I said I don’t know what I’m going to do with it you said it in a I don’t give a [ __ ] which is worse than a mean way cuz a mean way I respect and I don’t give a

[ __ ] way just like you don’t care then you sound like Serenity and that makes me angry well I also see this greenhouse back here you have the what house the greenhous what green house oh yeah there’s a greenh house too right yeah that’s what I thought you were talking

About and then I saw the pink I was like what there’s a f there yeah you are in a mood tonight chrisan I hate your mood how about that you ain’t threatening me with spiders so I ain’t worried about you damn fed I swear to

God well you got it to work you got him to [ __ ] do what I asked it only took all [ __ ] day now that it’s [ __ ] too late to do anything with the information [ __ ] freck B is uh trying to convince me to not suggest spers to what can’t barely hear

You’s trying to convince me to not suggest spiders oh you should totally suggest spiders you being such a whiny [ __ ] that’s the point there are so many goddamn cats [ __ ] chests in this Farmhouse I know there’s a oh I know that’s why I’m going to make a bigger one that’s why

I’m cutting the [ __ ] trees down got to expand on the house oh [ __ ] my eyes Broke Is there a way to get pink pressure plates yes yeah yeah I need to make that I I didn’t finish okay there there’s wood in a box I want to

Say in The Farmhouse I mean in the in the Whatchamacallit house whatever that house is over there The Hobbit hole no no no no well it might be in the hobbit hole but I’ll go check the other house Storehouse it might be in the storehouse by the way we’re not using

Uh torches anymore in the in the it might be in here somewhere I don’t know I F looking but it’s probably in the farmouse then I mean in the in The Hobbit house rather yeah it’s in The Hobbit house sapling all the woods in The Hobbit house downstairs behind the the the counter

Down there you’re leaving my gilded oh no you have to leave or you had to Leave okay I just saw the window that you added Dave still didn’t join my gilded which is where I keep all my important stuff he don’t care Dave hates me what Michaela oh never mind I was my brain stopped functioning for a second it’s over here Michaela where

Where are you in the barrel room no no it’s not there it’s it’s here it’s in the bottom right one you can use that wood to make whatever save me on Friday oh save me what do you mean Save Me Oh you mean help me save me it’s all the same I

Guess think about it yeah you can make whatever you need from that stuff there we go oh oh that oh I’d rather save me in real life than than in a game need real life saves brother your gilded is being weird weird how dude believe in Jesus

This you know what uh wasn’t uh Hey guys wasn’t uh Gino having that [ __ ] problem too um I think so I bet you guys need to [ __ ] clear your cashes or some [ __ ] for that to happen cuz I’ve never had that happen yeah Gino had that problem too

Dude I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is I’m assuming it’s a cat problem but I don’t know because I don’t know why gilded would [ __ ] up for some people not others no what happened I don’t know you change it however you want Michaela but it’s your own house I built

It for you well thank you mhm it has a special Roof can’t [ __ ] run anymore I went and found those pink trees just to make you a house well and to get some bees but I mean I have no use for the pink trees other than for you I mean it’s a little gay it might be a little too girly

But but that’s okay I like the um the cherry blossom trees anyways so yeah no the cherry blossom trees are awesome Kitty why are you beating up my foots um I was going to do something something and I can’t remember well you made the pressure plates you didn’t tell

Me anything else so I don’t know what you were going to do I don’t know this is my issue I think of things and then I promptly forget them if I don’t do that believe me I’m the same damn way if you hadn’t noticed um oh yeah I don’t know I should

Probably do the crappy things so I’ll do that while I’m I need more pink trees there’s a sapling in this area where that’s what I was looking for saplings in the the there’s only one but it’s in The Farmhouse it’s in The Farmhouse yeah I could have swar I just

Chopped one down for some saplings and was waiting for the saplings it never came I could be wrong was there saplings in your pink thing I didn’t see any but where are you at right now in the farmhous you [ __ ] what it said it was in The Farmhouse I went to The Farmhouse

Yeah I was going to bring it to you I was I came to The Farmhouse like he said thank you uh let’s see where can we find by the way we had a little bunny accident today that’s okay I kind of set your rabbit farm on fire by

Accident Jesus Christ I mean only a couple of them died but I mean I saved the bulk of them and then I had to go save the black ones because uh they got out but there’s a couple bunnies running around in the in the you know it’s running around in in the in

The yard being bunnies oh right I was doing something too I was working on this thing oh right I was waiting for these trees to drop s they didn’t drop no saplings bricks all right why are you not [ __ ] dying bro ah you son of oh and I don’t have an axe

That’s what I went to go do Bill kill the [ __ ] axe you shut the hell up James you shut your filthy mouth it’s the dementia oh God don’t encourage him Michaela keep it up James you’re fine what what the I build you a house and this is how you treat me oh my

God hey you take the piss out of me all the time so I don’t want to hear it shut the hell up too circus chat bastards are the worst [ __ ] you Mel the mosis that’s spread bed junior is the beginning phases we have a problem Michaela yeah there’s no more

Iron I thought there was a whole thing of stuff in here with iron yeah I used or are you saying that’s the only there’s still some in the storehouse is there iron or is there [ __ ] nuggets uh there’s a bar and Nuggets a bar yeah one

Bar I I mean I don’t know if it’s just one or many but there’s a bar there’s 10 that chest right there above you that works um how are we doing on potatoes do we still have a [ __ ] ton I have a million potatoes yeah I’m not making more

Potatoes but we do need to get some iron cuz I was a little overzealous with the uh lanterns yeah what am I going to do with I don’t know what this the beeswax do I don’t know what the [ __ ] it does James I grabbed it like you said I Should seems [ __ ] camel sounds evil have you fed the animals recently no what the [ __ ] is a b box and how do you make it B boxes are where you can put hives we got hives it’s like a it’s it’s different it’s not a an actual Hive it’s like a an artificial

Hive um but it the honeycomb and stuff it collects the honeycomb and stuff for you I’ll look into it not like at least that’s what they do in real life and they’re really good for like who cares about copper blocks nobody even uses copper in this game any cows that I didn’t

Feed y’all are [ __ ] dumb and just I didn’t even know we had chiseled bookshelves yo somebody send me some Taco Bell too [ __ ] I want some Taco Bell I had Taco Bell the other night it was fantastic you know why don’t you just rub it in to much just rub it in

Heyy man you do it all the time I don’t want to hear it I don’t do nothing I’m super nice I built you a house man you always get Taco Bell yeah I built you a house I know you did and I appreciate it

I don’t feel like you do I feel like you just want to be mean to me you know I already have somebody mean to me fulltime two people actually between fed and serenity I more Fe your baby sheep what you [ __ ] try to feed all of these baby

Animals is this what I’m making the Beehive box a bunch of wood where’s the little babies stupid cows how does the Beehive box work James come your Piggies so what yeah but I’m saying where do you put it why did I put all the flowers away oh okay o what what hey bunny rabbit come here what we’ve got a gray bunny that’s [ __ ] awesome yeah I bred some bunnies and made you a gray bunny see how nice I

Am look at the baby bunnies I’m the nicest feed you bunnies take the food okay go to sleep I guess why cuz it’s night time and I got to get the bees out again feeding the goddamn bunnies feed them in the morning I already hello 66 records 666

Records oh I read that wrong [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there we go stay in there bunnies well I guess I’ll go up here cuz I’m oh there’s a bunny in the house there’s bunnies everywhere Michaela I was more worried about saving the black ones than worrying about the ones we got a million

Of did she love her new shed not really Vex not really hey I appreciate it come come on bunny you’re going to get trapped in the house come here I mean I guess appreciate is a word you could use I like it when I get it all furnished and stuff

Cuz that’s fun we’re about to have a a colony of bees by the way come here no stop it God damn it Bunny come Here why do you have a light on come here come here buppy give me your face there we go okay come on bunny we have a whole Bumble Community buunny come with me thank you come on oh get stuck on the steps again bunny okay I’m out of flowers guys leave me alone go buzz go back to work Bunny I swear to God come here go make the Honeys bunnies I mean bees you dumb cabbit cat what do you

Want fed you why you bothering me come here come here bud come in oh [ __ ] they’re going into this Hive now too free the bees cand oops I didn’t mean to do That no bunnies all right I need bottles and I need shears I’m out of shears God damn it bunny okay you’re going to die bunny why are you killing the bunnies just let them run around I’m not trying to kill the bunny trying to get it contained yeah and you’re going to kill

It if you can’t contain it cuz you’re mean I know you come here bunny get in here kale have you fed the the cats lately no because they’re your cats they’re not my cats they’re your cats no they’re your cats you’re the one that went and got

That maybe you should go on a journey to get some cats no I don’t want the cats michaa hates cats folks you heard it here first I don’t hate cats I just don’t want to go get them I just don’t want cats because I hate them by Michaela I don’t hate

Cats feel like she hates them no what do you think folks does she hate the cats all an is pointy yes carrots as you take Dave you don’t like cats what is wrong with people have you been infected by the Michaela fine you totally ha dogs more

There’s a flying Michaela in the [ __ ] house a flying Michaela thought she was going to [ __ ] Drop Kick Me In this game too no didn’t I just grab the where the [ __ ] are the shears I just grab this [ __ ] this game are they in your inventory

No oh yeah they’re in here you know what James I’m allergic to cats too and I have four of them here you know what I found out damn it JT here why do you keep running around with stuff you’re going to cut yourself if you fall down with those shears take the [ __ ]

Shears jerk um come here beus clus y’all should be eating you don’t want to eat H [ __ ] y’all come in here [ __ ] there’s torches you’ll die Michaela whatever you do never have flowers in your hand when you go into the house okay because the bees will follow you and they will die

Gotcha why doesn’t that work maybe this will work how do you fix shears you can’t fix shears that’s gay Maybe there’s another set in here if you need them I thought we only had one well there’s another one no it’s I think it’s in the wrong box it is in the wrong

Box I’ll put it in the right box there can I make with this just planks that really you guys make a baby a [ __ ] don’t kill me be do oh they’re so angry they’re so angry I’m Sorry I Stole Your honeycombes don’t kill me you bastards

Should be new baby bees every oh my Lord Be Heaven are you doing anything with this warped stem stemwood uh not at the moment why cuz I kind of want to mess with it and see what it does I see okay otherwise I will leave alone oh they’re going into the B boxes Now nothing well I don’t know where to get more if you know where to get more or if you want to go into the thing so we can get more don’t use it all you save one is that all in the nether yeah you get it in the nether I don’t know where

Though all right well I’m going to put it back cuz you can use it just save me once so I know what the [ __ ] it is well no cuz what I want to do with it is going to take all of it really you know you need all of it even the last

One well you could go to the nether Michaela and and and die and get some more oh [ __ ] speak of die my phone died just put some just put some gold on and you’ll be fine phone death counter one wait did you die ohone my phone died that’s what happens when you don’t

Charge your phone you probably should charge your phone well that’s what happens when your [ __ ] Char charger starts going to [ __ ] then you get a new charger I am they have to arrive I see too lazy to go to the store hey I’m getting the fancy ones

That do the magnet snap thing it break the easiest the magnet ones yeah I don’t use them did you get your bunnies all back or did you kill them I got oh you made a baby black two baby black ones look at you yeah little baby gray ones they’re so cute wait I

Didn’t see a baby gray one a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how did I do that why did I do that dark oak I think oh yeah I see the gray ones now look at that you got baby Grays okay this tree does not want to grow here why this is all the area in

The world grow [ __ ] tree you want to twist my wood in your nose what that’s what circus freak said I don’t know he’s got a mind he’s got a mind that one freak has a [ __ ] gutter for a brain yes he does does that’s what happens when you’re a

Circus freak you got gutter brain the crazy parrot is just flying around now he he doesn’t like his perch oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the evil bees are back the half grown bees are back too where’s the big I need a big bee I need to make baby bees Away Big B what was the next thing wolves I have to get wolves next yes wolves Bo okay I an idea huh there’s red carpet yeah I was going to give you put red carpet on your floor you can make pink carpet too if you want but red you could

Use I’m dumb I wanted to get something else too oh that’s right I need to finish building this house what I was doing no I’m done uh Spruce log does that make dark wood makes Spruce Wood so damn nope not what I want um are you working on your

House yeah look at you maybe you don’t hate it after that’s what I’ve been telling you just got to make it mine first well that’s why I didn’t do too much to it so you can make it yours I even thought of that see look at you back up

Here oh it’s night time do you want us to go to bed or not no only did it before cuz I need to make more bees that’s fair really need to make more bees at the moment oh [ __ ] I didn’t know there was stuff in there God damn it Micha you have a

Second you needed me to come pick stuff up actually hold on uh yes and no yes but no but yes yes all right let me put my pressure plates back where are you at by The Stables I need you to pick up the bar come to

The back I need you to pick up the barrels they’re right there place them over here over here and then put all that [ __ ] that fell out of them in them you want them in the bush you can just stack the other one on top that’s fine just temporary what the hell just

Happened just stacking on top it’s not stack on top how put it every time I try I’ll put it next to it then whatever okay say every time I I try to do it it’s not where you going where you come back come back come back Jesus

Christ what I said I need you to put all that [ __ ] in it too all this in here all that [ __ ] yeah there’s more [ __ ] but if you ain’t got room here there’s carpets over there more carpet on the bed jeez yeah I don’t have any room

Anything else no Michaela that’s it is that it okay I wasn’t expecting [ __ ] to come flying out of there I don’t remember how to build this house [ __ ] shut up James eat a bag of dicks I need a shovel this is [ __ ] I don’t even think I have any more

Shovels how do I run out of iron for [ __ ] sake more pink wood God damn it now I got to make a Shovel how do you make a bed you make a bed with uh you want a pink bed no damn with uh iron and uh oh not iron with wood and uh well sticks probably wood Oh look The Honey thing’s done and uh what is that [ __ ] called cotton or

Whatever that [ __ ] is a wool there do we have any wool in the hoppit house or is it all in The Farmhouse it’s all in the farmhous [ __ ] No why did oh it’s fine Oh I’m going to need more Stone oh always with the more [ __ ] Stone God dang it I jumped in block of water that was kind of funny I will have to make a monreal system at some point James but I want to make it to go back to the

Castle which is going to be real [ __ ] hard to do so I’m kind of saving up all that I can what’ you say Michaela oh I I fell in a puddle of water it was kind of funny it damn it how do you [ __ ] yeah a lot of go gold wait it

Takes gold to make that [ __ ] it’s going to take a lot of red stone a lot of [ __ ] yeah it’s not going to be fun I don’t want to do it that’s something I wish we could cheat CU I don’t want to do that oh [ __ ] does it really

Godam should be it should be enough racks hopefully enough Racks enough rocks and CS Oo we a new follower tonight who was it who was it let’s see who it was let’s see who it was Nick Nick nickam that almost sounds uh bad that does almost sound Bad they followed me and didn’t even say hi I’ll take it how do I get new re what what is this oh smooth Stone oh that is not the stone we were looking for I don’t think he’s going to play tonight to be honest with

You but you can ask him if he’s still here Maybe yeah but how would it go to where I wanted to go James plus I’m sure if I did that it would blow up sure you just trying to get me to blow [ __ ] up cuz that’s the type of [ __ ] type of [ __ ] you

Do I could have swar I put all this [ __ ] away somewhere and now it’s back here again I want to blame can what I do been on here for a long time so shush how did I make that smooth Stone more of that [ __ ] this [ __ ] is

Nice I don’t trust you James you’re trying to blow me up oh I didn’t realize you could do that okay that makes Sense Why did my dogs always rip ass the second I’m on my computer I would answer that for you but you would not he’s just laying under my desk CR dusting me oh I haven’t oh I used the wrong thing the chickens yet you know chickens need love too I know how dare

I I forgot they were out here it’s all the other animals are in the back hi chickies here have some have some seeds make some babies little all right have you all been fed no okay anybody else no okay I got two Eggs Jesus Christ we need to figure out what to do with these eggs make cakes what you got against cakes cakes take a lot of [ __ ] we got a lot of [ __ ] got a lot cows you got a lot of a lot of it only takes one egg yeah per

Cake yeah make a lot of cakes keep waiting James keep waiting I get milk do I just beat the cows with a bucket you have to take a bucket under into their uh booha and uh you know milk it oh yeah or you can make pumpkin pies with the eggs too that’s

Easier we don’t have a lot of pumpkin whose fault is it not mine have you picked the pumpkins lately no cuz usually you do that I can’t do It [ __ ] that up this is going to be a different kind of stable uh even with picking the pumpkins I’m only getting six of them there we have six pumpkin pies how many pumpkin pies there is chrisan still here who knows she hasn’t yielded at me in a

While did you just call chantha he no I did not I heard he hasn’t yelled at me in a while that be funny if I did though oh jeez that’s exactly what you did he’s just waiting for me to die Lord have mercy all right

S wait what are you going to kill me what do you want Oh no dang it I’m at level 23 why oh you going to kill yourself yeah don’t do it don’t waste your life not for her it’s not worth it you better come watch this so she can

See I don’t want you to kill you so you wasting your levels yeah it’s fine well hold on I’ll try and get over there without dying oh God chran I died you did not of course I didn’t I don’t die been waiting days for me to

Die okay you where you’re at no I I need to be there I want a closeup view C oh proba thought were saw your hands Michaela Nether Adventures all right yeah why don’t you go to the Nether and get yourself killed I can do that after

This what the [ __ ] how did that not kill me okay take two oh I should have cut the thing out from under her to kill her that would have been funny how the [ __ ] did that not kill me oh there we go died that time y

Thanks for the XP you gave me a level yep it was high enough when I did it James yeah it looks like your Tower needs to be higher Michaela you know maybe I mean if it’s not going to kill people what the hell good is it actually let’s go to sleep

First usually it is fine but for some reason I was falling slower than normal oh you went already hold on yeah I don’t know what you did I was going to the storehouse cuz there’s a bed in there the closest one um do you want me to like take a an

Axe or something to see if I can find that wood what wood the the weird wood oh yeah yeah yeah just don’t take a magic axe or something useful take an old battle axe take uh take CH swi thr an axes only damn it that’s what I usually use

Anyways can’t just let me have my joke H you did your joke it’s quite work out kind of [ __ ] all over it um let’s see I’ll take I’ll take some [ __ ] potatoes with me just in case Hello Kitty Cat you come to hang out with me little baby Kat oh you’re so

Sweet but I won’t take enough to make it awful little got a sword that’s not fully okay some some stuff where the [ __ ] godamn where’s the portal oh it’s over here come get to this big portal that I just made try that one out for size yeah

I I was going to do that one um the M failure oh now you don’t want to leave you trying to get away and I let you go and now you don’t want to leave all right you can hang out I don’t have to do anything kid I’ll just stay right here doing

Nothing no don’t tell her that CU if she dies she’s going to lose my [ __ ] last Tinder and whatever flint and steel all right Kitt it get your butt out my face K go away [ __ ] cuz I just used all the iron James nope no thank you

Adios adios what oh oh are you leaving already nope not doing that do I have Any can I make a fence without a box no I guess not huh you’re making life very difficult right now buddy come here bees we need to make make be babies I have death wish but not uh not quite that big of a Death Wish we got Pirates out side whatever they’re

Called huh yeah oh you’re not even here never mind yes I am oh well we got the gay boys downstairs who you don’t hear him your weird salesman dude or no that those don’t sound like salesmen don’t sound like Murderers um where are said murderers well if I had to guess they’re probably drowning Kitty you making life real difficult I don’t see them but I hear them down there Kitty what are you doing you rubbing your head on the on the table weirdo [ __ ] you Ducks I hate your [ __ ] duck pit

We should move this duck pit somewhere or we can move the door to where of the gate door is in a good spot bits that are in a bad spot oh what’s up dude you look stuck there let me kill you we’re having a war the waterfall fight just the one no

No there’s more than one oh hi getting jacked up actually where’s where’s my bow I need my bow get get off me you’re going to get me mered well I’m going to die why cuz I oh that’s why I have heart you should get like a shield or something you got

Arrow sticking out of your face and a couple other places too while you’re at it there that’s exactly what they are angry Squidwards KY what do you want from me you’re so mean are they still down here are they dead now no I killed them okay I had my magical bow kills everything

Dead I was doing something when they Disturbed me what was I doing Michaela do you remember oh I know I was making fences no because you said you’re not here and I was like what yes I am and then you were like oh why were you there I thought you went

To the nether to die uh yeah I’m no no what that I don’t have that big of a death sentence Did you [ __ ] out from the nether [ __ ] that I can’t believe that did you hear that guys she got scared of the nether she she who jumps off

Buildings I would rather jump off the [ __ ] tower 20 times than go back to the nether alone I’m made stuff to make fences and now I can’t make fences oh where’s my fence did I not make fence there’s why must all this stuff bother me I

Need cat what do you want from my life why won’t you leave me alone go away you know there’s there was fence in the storehouse right I need special are you trying to get specific gotcha all right B I’ll do with you later stay out of here you’ll

Die Kitty why are you being so needy there we go God damn it C when I go to the nether I get shot by things and there’s nothing good there for me to go adventuring to a [ __ ] if there was something there worth adventuring to I would go

Into The Nether [ __ ] no why you did you burn the house down what are you doing no I broke the wrong piece of fence well why is it godamn chickens because the chickens are getting out are you moving the chicken thing yes well if you have seed they

Can’t get by you they’ll follow you that’s why you don’t break the chicken fence unless you have seed [ __ ] off here well I figured if you were going to move it you would have you know used your cabesa that’s your head in case you were wondering chicken come

Here kitty what do you want for me buddy I know you don’t think you have enough time with Daddy but you spend all night bothering me you did let me see okay you did let me see today so I’ll be okay you see this needy cat good

Lord if if you chickens will move come here Fred the camel come on pickles get in the [ __ ] hole oh you’re tied up I didn’t see you TI that is [ __ ] [ __ ] you camel [ __ ] you and the horse you rode in on even if it’s this horse where the [ __ ] is my

Lead it’s not like you can get the [ __ ] out horse so follow me and you [ __ ] chickens move God damn horse get over there all right fredward maybe chicks on the other side of the fence you know what they can stay there you know what James I don’t trust

You the whole point you want me to go into the goddamn nether is to Die James come on whes all right cat all right goodbye cat where’ the horse go horse come on come on horse horse you made me drop oh you going make me drop another lead you

Little [ __ ] horse come on come on [ __ ] face good horse now you’re going to get stuck on that side huh on horse oh could ride you over there I suppose come on horse why are you why you fighting me horse go hang out with chy come on

Horse oh you’ll find your way in there [ __ ] how many [ __ ] hores do we have come on Iron Horse come here I forgot about you [ __ ] prick you [ __ ] stupid chickens come here chickens come on dumb Dum you get over Here you come over here all right actually you know what I’ll be nice come here come here dum dum come on come on dum dum no dum dum there you go get your ass the chickens are one block over but you’ll need more more what you know you guys are getting on my

Nerves about these Stones you sure got a lot of stones with my Stones let’s go to sleep Michaela I got to feed the bees tomorrow we need to make BB’s good night freak good night freak I’m going to be sleeping soon too bunch of [ __ ] asses [ __ ] I have work in the

Morning who doesn’t weird people that don’t have work in the morning be where you going be don’t run awayy I need you need all the bees why is there no honey in the Beehive anymore oh baby where’s your mama’s James is going to sleep too God damn good night James

We’ll make a bee with the other bee [ __ ] bee go make some more be boxes [ __ ] soon we’re going to have all the bees not the bees yes the bees all the [ __ ] bees and it’s all going to be cryan in the’s fault all her fa trying to kill me

Again Vex is going to sleep too what the [ __ ] is this tonight Sunday most people have DED to five Monday jobs what is that oh Vex is not about all you ask okay well I’m oh no hold on look at the baby be I to all right bees I’m going to make you

A whole bunch of Bookies the unused BBU beave man I really wish uh Noel and uh Matt saw what we’ve built here somebody should uh shout them out they should come check it out one of these days oh look Michaela has a nice little house with a red bed what else are you going to make in

Here Michaela gu some bookshelves and a table you make a fireplace sure I don’t know how to make a fireplace but sure you got to make a a fire thing and then you got to build stone around it and make sure it goes out the roof got a fireplace all right bees

I didn’t mean to like jam you up just trying to breath you some more look I have a b army they obey me obey your master why don’t you want to why didn’t these bees hungry I need to make more bees uhuh make a baby damn you all right no more

Food oh be fruitful and multiply away from my S you demons you flying sting demons why don’t you have a pressure plate on the cat door cuz I don’t want one on that door why no all right this stable is good for now but if we make more oh I just realized

Something H oh I don’t have any more golden apples never mind I wish the camels you can make them have babies on their own that’d be nice I tell you what boys I’m going to make you a bigger space cuz I’m nice I’m very nice no no no BR your ass over

Here come on Johnny no Johnny come here Johnny Johnny Johnny llama come here you dick Johnny why are you so stubs you piss me off Johnny you know I got no problems killing you you don’t really do anything around here you kind of just take up space not like you make milk or

Something Johnny you’re kind of like the croissan of mamas you know don’t do a whole lot you Complain how does one make a golden apple folks I don’t know oh got another baby bee all the babies wonder how many bees we actually have now oh I’m sorry I didn’t make you oh [ __ ] don’t follow me bees you will die [ __ ] I need to add more more lamps

You know what I can do all right what was I doing let’s see make a golden apple let’s go find Maybe no you know what I need to do I need to go fix my [ __ ] hes my Huckleberry houndes uh what was I looking for apples applesauce there we go bunch of

Bars and that’s easy all right let’s go make some horses [ __ ] we got all the gold in the world don’t forget Michaela at some point you were going to make your Tower higher that was 100% your suggestion yes but it was a good suggestion it was logical

It kills people normally it just didn’t kill me once it almost killed me yes it wasn’t quite strong enough it needs more discipline more height more murder ability it needs more let’s go make hor okay there we go with a dude and a dude all right Mr

Hores that’s not how that’s supposed to be um hold on I’ll make another pressure plate I just need to there we go need to make another pressure plate now we have baby [ __ ] you have baby [ __ ] yes jeez in this table there will be baby [ __ ] um do you happen to

Remember how make ug door off the top of your head do I know how to make what a pressure plate yes with wood sticks I need two wood that I don’t have fight I think I’m out of leads this my last lead I got to put that away for safe

Keeping till I find some more slime I may have to go into one of the caves and actually do work don’t want any of that now do we work is for the week I forgot Something W there I need to learn to stop doing that stop doing what I keep uh jumping down the stairs and I keep injuring myself just a little bit but you like being yes sort of your calling card it’s part of your charm um where were of those

There we’re going to need a new wood thing a new wood thing wood box we definitely need new stone box oh look at all this stone that I had all this time interesting carpet trees sha grass dangerous knowledge I need to go get my red carpet if I’m going to go into The

Nether I’m going have fun need to be more prepared since Michaela is a coward I don’t care you can call me a coward all you want actually hold on you’re like the serenity of the nether [ __ ] off there was weird [ __ ] noises that I don’t know where the [ __ ]

They were coming from so yes it’s in there is nothing but the nether stes the first time well the last time I went into the nether there weren’t those noises so yeah I kind of just said nope there’s nothing to fear but fear itself I was GNA go you seen the Tinder and

Flint probably going to die cuz the another is scary who’s going to die you you know I’d probably survive if I had help but my help is a coward that’s not what I hey I said I wasn’t going ever alone so there’s that but also you’re not going alone going with

Me I get that but I need to go to bed oh where’s our Tinder and Flint we had one did you it’s in a barrel somewhere not probably there should have been in a barrel oh there it is that’s the last I knew about trying to blame

Me yes it’s your fault clearly I need to eat something oh thank thanks Vex you’re the best my buddy my buddy my buddy go to Hell Fire Protection my buddy my buddy eats a bag of dicks all day all my diamond [ __ ] going man need to repair it soon anyway

All right Michaela since you’re afraid I guess I have to go into the nether with wait I need to fix this this bowl must be replenished oh it’s goodness white carpet on top of the bookshelves or red I don’t know why don’t you make pink no no I like the

Red a I’m sure you’re going to help me like James helps me sir help me die help me to die see I do it oh bastard people you left the cat door open Michaela [ __ ] sake well that’s why you need a pressure plate I’m going to leave the nether door

Open so things can come eat your face nope I already did it already done yeah well I closed it so [ __ ] off oh [ __ ] I killed that little [ __ ] one shotted him a so [ __ ] scary bro drop Anything where is he shooting it a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I’m going to [ __ ] smoke you when I see you you little [ __ ] why is it invisible a [ __ ] come out coward did I kill it again must have right those the rocks that I want I know you want me to make Netherrack I’m saying is this the glow stone you [ __ ] why I came here besides what good is Netherrack I have a bunch at the

House you oh you can make bricks with oh really I did not know that how by heating it up like a regular like you do with the clay all right I need to uh oh that’s dope yeah I do need to [ __ ] [ __ ] with that then especially since this [ __ ] can’t

Really kill me anymore oh [ __ ] I don’t have the right tool for it I left the good tool at home I just rub the soft touch with me see Michaela if you would have just put on some uh some gold armor and came with me you would have been

Fine no one thing that attacked me I murdered and it was gigantic big as a house I’m also real bad with uh falling in armor and uh yeah so what does quartz give me I’m going this way I can that’s [ __ ] this is bricks too [ __ ] oh wait

Wait there goes another Bridge or a castle or some [ __ ] I haven’t been to this one yet oh it makes These Bricks I assume oh I like these bricks these mushrooms good for anything I couldn’t plant them oh what is this scary what the [ __ ] how’s that staying there that’s not useful what’s

That what is that it’s too hard to get over there God damn it that’s another building son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn’t bring any torches sh oh [ __ ] can they fly wait wait oh [ __ ] was that wow those things are one shot do those leave slimes

Hi Pig I ain’t got no beef with you pig how I got up here I like the way you were looking at me pig oh mean oh you why because because what you just shot the that dude in the face he’s a monster Pig I’m lost nothing to

You I don’t remember how to go home now oh no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they’re all attacking me now not good look like you shouldn’t Just sh one I didn’t know they knew I didn’t know they could [ __ ] read mine Ohan might get another death death counter then yeah maybe you

He I just lost all my good [ __ ] yeah why I don’t go to the nether because I would lose all of the good [ __ ] all of the time you can’t prove it C you saw nothing oh [ __ ] I’m on fire s does it count if I die without you seeing

It are the pigs still mad at me they killed me for [ __ ] sake why you still mad pigs can’t we talk this out Bros guess not son of a [ __ ] okay well add another one to me God damn it yeah I need to make that taller what you died too it didn’t

Actually kill me jumping off again it didn’t kill me yeah damn it I lost my good bow this is not cool oh I wasn’t wearing the AR God damn it dang it now I know why I died nobody told me I didn’t put my [ __ ] On all right take Two yep all right um why you not count Michael’s death Michael I didn’t put my wait are they chasing me oh sweet counter too because why not how am I going to get my [ __ ] back if I got to fight the Pigman all the time well I will just tell you and you

Can take my word for it that I jumped off the [ __ ] Tower again yeah I don’t believe her whatever believe me don’t believe me do what you want I wouldn’t believe her she’s full of crap well you can also see the log look nobody needs to know what you do in the

Bathroom no here I’ll just I’ll screenshot it didn’t I put my good [ __ ] somewhere so I wouldn’t lose it some of my good [ __ ] I’ll even be nice and only DM it to chrisan whatever there you’ve got receipts CHR I lost my silk touch I’m never listen to you Pricks

Again how much taller should I go need arrows oh my shit’s going to all this I need fix God damn it it’s midnight I need to stop doing this but you like jumping on building oh I can’t even fix the [ __ ] bow cuz I’m going to die cuz I have no

XP cuz Michaela killed me I kill you you killed yourself let me die okay okay we’re going to have to kill all the [ __ ] Pigmen just to [ __ ] yep cuz you started a war I did start a war but I’m G to finish it godamn it because that’s what I do finish

No I don’t have a Tinder oh my God if the [ __ ] thing goes out I’m going to get trapped here forever again a [ __ ] is it coming it came through with you Jesus Christ oh God you are racking up those deaths you know you’re not helpful

I’m glad James is not here to witness this because he would have got his Joys from seeing his fruits of his labor come to fruition that piece of [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you Piggies went back home I see eat a dick zombie boy maybe they were satisfied with killing you maybe you are

No just kidding I hate you oh my God how did I get his armor and weapons from where he dies I’m never going to get back my good [ __ ] my silk touch is Gone my silk touch is gone maybe I don’t know after you get your [ __ ] back if the piggins aren’t there you might want to see about uh maybe going to sleep first and see if that helps will be G if I do that I know well the [ __ ] in the nether yep oh

Damn your bow is looking bad yeah I know [ __ ] oh my God the other one’s out don’t thr you [ __ ] oh my God where’s all my [ __ ] no I’ve lost everything you need to go to the other portal and see if it somehow made it to the other side I highly doubt it yeah you don’t think I did try and Sprint I Sprint the first time there was 500 Pigmen there there was no sprinting

To be had there was just death never never oh my [ __ ] came through all right I’m going to have to try and make a run for my [ __ ] but then I’m just going to lose everything can we be friends Pig boys [ __ ] where did I die no idea was it on this

Bridge I thought so you were on this bridge when you killed the go oh God they’re immune to fire I Forgot I think you went further down this bridge when you die what the [ __ ] did I die down there there’s XP down there maybe never going to get my [ __ ] Back I could have swear I was like over here somewhere I think my [ __ ] might be going or did I fall down there I don’t remember I think you were going down was but I don’t know exactly where is it where that XP bubble is might

Be I don’t see any [ __ ] down there but the XP can I evil I have no more [ __ ] arrows you have a sword you got a gold sword too was I down here I think so did I run this way damn it I don’t remember where the hell I was I was not

Here you know I think I was on this side I think it might have despawned already yeah thanks my fire is not helping [ __ ] you Pigman don’t eat me [ __ ] silk touch G [ __ ] you pig boy oh [ __ ] pleas [ __ ] why thought you [ __ ] by itself I didn’t realize they all know

It holy [ __ ] what I’m surprised you made it back yeah I’m surprised too proba die you real [ __ ] close yeah I did cut it a little close didn’t I I guess all that [ __ ] despawned or I didn’t find it one or the other damn it man I needed that [ __ ]

Pickaxe that pickaxe was the best thing ever and my diamond oh [ __ ] I had that diamond sword on me too the good diamond diamond sword that never breaks that [ __ ] shoots fire and kills everything on command a [ __ ] me this is also why I don’t go to the

Nether because if I had armor on me all of the armor would be gone if I was smart I would have brought this thing into the [ __ ] nether with me so if I died I would have came back with my [ __ ] no oh I didn’t think of that that would have been smart

All righty well I’m going to go to bed goodbye evil Michaela I how am I evil you let me die I told you not to go should have came with me that wouldn’t have saved you might have no it could used your body to distract them you had nothing to lose but your

Life I had everything to lose I don’t to lose my life your life was worthless you throw away your life what are you talking about jump off of towers you don’t care about living let me rephrase phrase that then I don’t want to die while wearing armor

That will be lost to to the nether I don’t care about gold armor [ __ ] make a ton of that [ __ ] gold in this game is like paper hello Buzzy you some flowers make some more bees I’ll join you guys in chat but I’ll probably be passing out in like the next

Half hour goodbye Michaela goodbye enjoy your house well my house is donish kind of you can go look at it if you want to I’ll check it out after I feed the bees all right going to disconnect now that is be they H more bees good night good

Night where do all the bees go come out bees all the bees boxes with honey bees so we can make more be boxes and more bees so we can be in the honey business don’t sting my boy don’t sting my boy looks like it’s just you and me Vex

Even though it says there’s nine people seems like that’s a lie seems like it’s alive X it’s just you and me buddy in beand oh and Michaela I guess Michaela did you kill all the bees while I was going I don’t see any bees but this one oh [ __ ] there’s the

Bees he jumped me look at all these [ __ ] bees make some babies y’all all right enough enough with You all right baby be I got to feed you though where did you all right go about your Business no what no what oh not sure how I feel about the white rug W mixed with the red rug you should at least tiled it I do like your little table and chair though I do like the table and chair oh tile would be better than just you know plain half and

Half I like the uh the problem with the rug on the on the bookshelves is you can’t put anything on the bookshelves now because like you can’t put a lamp you can’t put a you know whatever oh [ __ ] I’m about to die C would have had another death can’t give her

That oh [ __ ] I’m going to have to go put torches out cause be death I’m still at a half a life for [ __ ] sake yeah all right James junr you’re not getting me James junr nice try nice try buddy michaa you fed all the cows and [ __ ] uh did you

Uh did you kill any for foods I was at half a heart sir I don’t trust you I don’t trust any of you anymore it’s not a bad house it’s a nice little pink house you should make me a table and chair in here Michaela like a nice one a big one

I don’t know how to make those I’m stupid then I need to make something in here but I don’t know what oh like a work area oh yeah I never finished this house this house was supposed to be the work area God damn we got three of the boxes filled with

Honey that’s filled with honey and that’s filled with don’t hear any bees though I like the be boxes oh they’re in this one they’re filling it they in this One and maybe this one I guess they like the B boxes better than the hives you going make the Tower bigger I think it should be bigger no that’s what I mean next time all right that’s what I wanted to do I wanted to find the other lanterns

And take down the rest of the churches I guess I’m going to have to go exploring again to get more silk touch because all out of Sil touch what am I looking for again fished that’s right that’s how I got it last time I fished I think good

Point man I got to fish yeah yeah yeah I got to do a lot of fishing that is a very good point where is my good fishing rod ain’t those [ __ ] where did I put the good fishing rod [ __ ] my life that’s why you should totally suggest spiders wait a

Minute did I just see what I think I just saw Sher I guess I put it hopefully in the other house pleas maybe no oh I forgot about all that stone the bones there she is there’s my girl let’s go get some magic baby girl we can do it what’s

That [ __ ] FISH [ __ ] you fish the [ __ ] why I’m getting this fish what the did you see that dolphin yeah it is [ __ ] bone come on man this rod used to get me all the good [ __ ] now you get me Bones the hell man this [ __ ] is Jank

[ __ ] I’ll be right back guys I got to get a drink and stuff if this [ __ ] fish ever catches there we go I’ll be right back of course it is what was that h an empty bowl how nice I Dam it 11 people here and nobody got anything to say to me

I feel un loveed ah the [ __ ] Atkins bar I’m kissing his fish man come on nice look at that all fish look at this [ __ ] thing CH full of [ __ ] enchantments I better get silk touch since it’s screwing me well at least the cats are going to eat well this

[ __ ] I need a Minecraft Auto Fisher what was that a regular fish come on man actually I do want that there we go what we got what we got luck of the C3 I’ll tell you baby hey what does this one have luck of the C2 oo wait a minute

Now I can combine them right would it get the better enchantment I think I’m going to try it see if that works no oh it does ooh it does work no it doesn’t work because I don’t have enough XP okay so when we hit 15 we can upgrade that works that’s

Doable I can live with that cyberpunk bot of water yeah just what we always wanted baby bottle of water so when we upgrade this fishing rod we should get better magic [ __ ] right look at the C3 I mean I believe that’s how it works what’s that one what is that

One Unbreaking three what’s on this one Unbreaking three okay that hell maybe I’ll just make a whole new fishing rod what’s this one got lck of the sea lure oh it’s got lore too [ __ ] I need to stop going into dangerous lands without better equipment and a better plan

And I need another flint and Tinder before I go back in there or I’m liable to get trapped again and have Michaela burn down the [ __ ] house trying to get me out four more levels oh okay yeah I’ll do that next time if they’re not attacking me right

Away I didn’t think to build a house but that’s a pretty good idea I’ll go in there with a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone and some doors and the gas can suck a dick and then it’ll be safe oh I hear it helps if you throw the lure in the

Water I don’t know who told me about that oh somebody sub to my YouTube channel I’ve been getting a lot of YouTube Subs lately which is weird cu the chat is usually dead actually there was some chatter in the chat today in YouTube wow what you know I been talking up to

Y’all Shadow War always goes to my YouTube instead of my kick I don’t know why I always tell him to go to the kick come on fish you’re taking too long you’re boring me fish you’re boring me I’m going to when I when I connect my hard drive

Up I’m going to show you guys a picture of the hag yeah I guess you weren’t here for that story what Michaela you weren’t here for that story Michaela what did I do now I get a chicken oh a saddle kale is always mad at me about

Something God damn I didn’t even do anything this time oh you’re like [ __ ] 20 minutes late with that Michaela what the [ __ ] Delayed Reaction Christ we’re over that by now that was so long ago that was like another lifetime ago bringing up [ __ ] for I barely did anything another bottle come on with

This [ __ ] I need silk touch oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ass fish I’ll tell you one thing when we get level 15 I’m a badass fishing rod don’t make up for my amazing sword that is gone and my amazing pickaxe that was better than anything ever the best oh what’s this what’s

This Unbreaking three luck of the se3 oh that’s a good one I mean pretty good rod right there how about a bow or a sword [ __ ] prick or some Enchantment books with you know soft touch yeah [ __ ] fishing Gods help me out here Michaela you see that Island over

There I want you to build a giant lighthouse on that island like me make it a little bigger you see the island right there giant Lighthouse would be awesome you’re good at making Towers but can you make it kind of roundish that would be awesome like a lighthouse much taller than the tower

Though like a tower 2.0 but a lighthouse I’ll get you a bunch of glow stone so you can from the nether well when I get another soft touch I’ll I’ll get you some glow stones from the nether you can make a big Lighthouse it’ll be dope it will be

Dope this way you’ll be busy with a cool task and you won’t kill pickles is he like texting you now that’s weird I I don’t know I would just say I would say you’re going to do the spider thing and tell him to shut up about it that’s what I would

Do but that’s just me is that like pming yeah send them spider gifts or like one of those eggs opening up with all the spiders come out oh send them that I’m sure he’ll love that he be like this is great I love it like yeah you should love it love

It love it some more fed what sort of payment oh man I should have made you play demonologist today Michaela oh wait you don’t have demon [ __ ] never mind oh [ __ ] there’s a dude let’s go see what the dude got where you at invis dude oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] is just like

Yeah I’m going down here o look at that that’s nice what’s that that’s crap crap crap CRA crap crap oh I think I caught him with the fishing line nah dude that’s next Saturday next Saturday what is this I think he’s dying I didn’t tell him to go over there that’s on him

Right we haven’t had one of of those guys in a while I’m sorry you fell off a ledge dip [ __ ] nobody told you to do that if you die I’ll get the leaves can’t you swim bro stop catching me fat fish I don’t want them are those llamas spitting at them killing

Them that’s spit at yeah look up how to make circles with blocks it’ll be great what you oops in I don’t understand come on now I’m not catching [ __ ] again this is [ __ ] oh wait I’m 15 why didn’t anybody tell me I was 15 God damn it

Bro uh you going to be okay down there oh now we have the toughest fishing rod of oh there goes the lead oh does that mean he died you still got the lead for the other guy huh nice First cast pretty good I need to find frogs on this biome

I need to find wolves wolves and frogs I don’t know how the hell I’m going get a frog home let alone two frogs but if we do we’ll make them a pond need the ax of Waddles too but there’s none around here they just look cool man they’re

Frogs name one Kermit name one fed per it to Fed come on luck of the C3 let’s see what you got so far you got nothing but a lily pad oh I mean maybe it purpose for the frogs I have no idea I just haven’t found any uh swamp biomes

On here what we got what we got what we got what we got what did we get Unbreaking Unbreaking oh same thing come on bro come on bro mix it up give me some Enchantment books not a puffer fish an enchantment book [ __ ] freck I got to learn how to mix

Make enchantments and all that [ __ ] I don’t know how to do all that [ __ ] I’m sure there’s a way to do it but if there is I don’t know I don’t know why he’s stuck there what is with the fat fish I don’t want lizo fish I want some enchantments [ __ ] everything

[ __ ] here we go what we got what we got [ __ ] it’s pretty good but it’s not what we want it’s not a box of chocolates what the [ __ ] was that did I just get that gold sword no what did I get another fatfish couldn’t I got to fix that bow [ __ ] I

Just realized that ah must be fed fish oh man I need take my medicine yo why why oh you want to judge me I’ll tell you what follow my channel I’ll go show you my base I’ll stop what I’m doing I think that’s fair what we get what we mending and

Unbreaking we’re almost back to almost have a double of what we have now for God’s sake give me my [ __ ] silk touch man I don’t need a damn saddle I need a silk touch cuz if you follow me I’ll be at 140 and then I wouldn’t mind leaving my

Little fishing spot to show you little bit of give and take did he die that little [ __ ] why you turning invisible bro ain’t nobody after you I guess he didn’t want me to really show him after all we got what we got lure oh yeah basically we’re about to have two of the

Same well I need more levels but two of the same fishing rod that’ll be nice way Michaela can fish with me and we can do this twice as fast what we get what we get curse of the vanishing good Lord I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that

Does wait lore what oh lore three [ __ ] Vex what does curse of the vanishing do need to find more books more books is Mo Better kind of like mo better butter ain’t no butter better come on man just give me the one thing yeah but it’s more like a curse

Enchantment not than a regular enchantment I think it’s a negative thing but I don’t know what it does I could be wrong though it might be something good I I don’t know I don’t know how the curses well the other curses aren’t good I know that

Cuz those fish shoot you with a curse where it makes your pickaxe not [ __ ] or your weapon not [ __ ] hit anything really so I assume that one is not much better back up to 10 already that’s not bad come on man I just need one thing and I’ll [ __ ] stop fishing for God’s

Sake I need my damn silk touch back it’s imperative whatever it’s equipped to will disapp oh God I assume it’s the death when you’re holding it yeah I don’t like that thanks Michaela in Vex yeah that’s not pleasant I guess you got to get good and not die never Tak it into the

Nether never attack the Pigman I didn’t know you can see your Tower from here oh that’s not your Tower that’s the Town Tower here we go what we got what we got [ __ ] you piercing silk touch damn it Silk Touch look at those school of fish over there what up

Bros I just saw the basic [ __ ] I mean I found a I did find one color like purple [ __ ] that’s at the that’s at the other house that’s at the castle that’s where that portal goes to like purple cool [ __ ] except that one’s really dangerous what did kick do now eat your

Chat or did it kick you k kick you [ __ ] you see that that was like a double like what you want cat leave me alone leave me alone cat don’t be don’t be mean I’m about to kill this dude cuz he won’t shut the [ __ ]

Up I agree what cat what do you want from me yeah yeah it is closer to the harder pigment think I died much quicker over there but at least it’s hidden so it can’t get blown up which is nice at least I don’t think I can get blown up not where it is

Come on man give me my [ __ ] sorry we’re Unbreaking getting a million one fishing rods no weapons and hardly any books starting to think that this uh luck of the C3 is not so great I wonder if there’s Auto fishing program sit here and just fish all Night uh come on I wonder if there’s a trick to getting better [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] drowny is that a baby drowny [ __ ] die already or we die said drny would go kill him k kill him drony kill him mince him into meat just save me his

Lead running out of leads buddy running out of leads need some new leads Jesus Christ man this is worse than the [ __ ] second level one why why isn’t it better h mm so I get that one a lot oh look drowny is coming back wait is he killing him now I hope

Don’t think that’s in the water where are you dead boy leave me be cat nobody wants to hear your cries what the [ __ ] was that oh new book knockback come here you cat bastard where are you where you scratching [ __ ] up oh you’re up there you’re evil cat very evil

Hi come here buddy what you scratching up my wall for Michaela we ever going to get a good [ __ ] book or what jerk us around all night you mean what no want to listen to what I say damn it why you like this still all right I got to go put some of

This [ __ ] away I got too much loots well don’t stand for it yeah of course it does dude it’s got all it’s got everything it’s got all the good [ __ ] bro I need more storage I definitely need more storage you should uh any any error he makes in his typing or anything like

That you should give him [ __ ] for cuz that’s what he was doing to me before dude look it’s got lore three bro it’s got everything it’s got all the goods I know it makes it real fast but still it’s [ __ ] it’s being [ __ ] I’ll save that for the cats

Leave me alone cat I told you to stop bothering me have you noticed I haven’t had to eat in like 12 days at all like my food hasn’t gone down at all in 4 days it’s been stuck there I know so check him and see if

He’s typo free and then [ __ ] him if he messes it up bro look I got everything that’s what I’m saying I got luck of the C3 on this thing I just upgraded it that’s why I upgraded it I got lore and I I got all the [ __ ] on here it fixes itself it

[ __ ] does everything it’s like the best Rod ever but it’s [ __ ] stiffened me I’m getting when I had lore two on it I was getting better drops than I’m getting with lore three or luck of the C3 rather and and and luck that’s what I meant luck of the

C2 and now I upgraded to luck of the C three and two I got better [ __ ] I mean it’s not terrible I’m just not getting as good as [ __ ] that I used to oh wait what we got what we got Lord two oh and curse of the [ __ ] you curse of the vanishing all I’m getting is fishing rods instead of books I got like three books that’s

It and a lot of fat fish look at all these fat [ __ ] all those [ __ ] uh drunk 3PO fish hi J oh I did get a second bow oh look at the bow I got I didn’t see that that’s pretty good I don’t remember Michaela

I was probably telling you to say do bad stuff to Fed like he did to me but I don’t remember I think I say anything that he gets wrong or or any any uh terminology he uses that’s wrong you should you should use it against him like he did on

Me when I was asking him to help me ear I have no idea oh when are we going to get better [ __ ] books from this damn fishing is what I said and you yelled at me that’s when you yelled at me cuz you weren’t paying attention kind of yelled making you seasick

We got what we got what we got Lord two we got enough fishing rods to make a decent fishing rod if it wasn’t for all those curs of The Vanishing bullshits on it I tell you one thing when we going to have a lot of cats when this is done a

Lot of cats Michaela going to have cats in every house need to have a Minecraft raave while I fish why you hate cats so much Michaela have a cat rave I would love to have a nice cat Rave with that cool song that I had that my

Favorite song you know the one you threw out what the hell sound was that cat it’s a new one dude you think that that fishing rod is good Vex my sword was good like that too and my [ __ ] pickaxe ones that I just lost they had like three really high

Powerered really good enchantments on each one of them yep someday not with the luck of this fishing I’m having I won’t uhuh D’s like bro let me see your your your base so I can judge you look at these Bows Oh that one’s nice I don’t know what the punching is for oh

[ __ ] what going on over here what that drowning go you down here bro [ __ ] off did it die can he drowned where’d he go cat Rave another saddle I haven’t got any armor I haven’t got any good books I haven’t got [ __ ] luck of the C3 is [ __ ] m

Come on Mr Fish give me good [ __ ] I grow bored with you fish give me good stuff I cut you where you live don’t need your stinky shells I still don’t know what these dumb shells do maybe you can grind them up and make potions with what else would they be good

For [ __ ] mcboy fish you [ __ ] prick what am I jealous of you little [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at that book that is a nice book right there I don’t know what that loyalty is for but sounds nice what am I jealous of you you silly

[ __ ] we got what we got rip what does Rip Tide do what the [ __ ] two books in a row almost oh that’s cool that’s cool oh I got a cat tag nice I can name somebody boots there we go I’m still waiting for you to tell me

What I’m jealous of [ __ ] missed the volume off somebody somebody ask what I’m jealous of please in the chat since he’s not listening oh that’s cool that’s like a [ __ ] uh Ender ball or Ender whatever Ender Stone ender egg whatever the [ __ ] the Ender thing is what I just get oh more fish

No Michaela ask him what I’m jealous of damn it Michaela showing them bees it’s not helpful I forgot about the tags that’s the other reason why I like the fish thank you Michaela [ __ ] Tired all that time for one [ __ ] cat tag son of a [ __ ] I should put a uh one of the pigs on a leash and put it in the barn and name it uh Audi rud the pig if I get a bunch of tags I’ll do that

But I don’t want to waste my like only tag [ __ ] this is stupid yeah I’ll get right on that a damn it I [ __ ] that it’s nice that I got 13 people on here watching me [ __ ] fish that’s [ __ ] awesome that’s [ __ ] great tell Jesse I said he’s

Gay he’s tell him I said he’s as gay as Doctor Who tell him I said that please Michaela oh that’d be great what did I get raided and not see it I did CU now we’re up to 18 people did I just get raided with no sound what the [ __ ] is that all

About michaa did you hear me oh Michaela can you check can you check the uh the main page I might have got uh I might have got featured again thank you Michaela can you check the front page for me please that’s going to hurt him that one will hurt him

No I wonder why everybody jumped in here all of a sudden oh it’s like only for like a few seconds too I don’t know it must be hold on I’m going to check it myself not that I don’t trust you it’s just I don’t trust you no I guess you’re

Right guess I just suck I just suck like Psyduck weird I wonder who brought people here what’s in Dallas ask him what’s in Dallas is there a meet up thank you Michaela just fishing willly stream stop fishing I don’t even know what quilly means bro I like fishing what is he talking

About oh yeah oh I see he was oh to get you to Dallas is that what he’s trying to say he doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense cuz he can’t [ __ ] spell or write or think do anything it’s kind of dumb and since he has the volume turned

Off he can’t hear me so that’s perfect everybody smile and laugh at common nerd hi coming nerd you’re [ __ ] tell them you could camp under a sewer lid like a ninja turtle by Ninja Turtle I mean a rat like splinter bro the man M you get at me for fishing

The more people are coming in here for some reason I don’t know fishing I guess what’s up [ __ ] stupid mic wire think I would have fixed that by now no where be fun being that going do a rave come on fish give me one more tag or my

[ __ ] soft touch so I or whatever the [ __ ] silk touch so I can [ __ ] stop fishing sake for [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] did he die hold up did you die [ __ ] did he just despawn or did he die where’d he go ah there we go got what I wanted all

Right actually hold up now I’m going to get greedy cuz that’s a good spot got what I want on the first yes oh [ __ ] I got three of them I did not why is that moving why you moving bro bro why you mov there you go you [ __ ]

[ __ ] Mel did you hear me that whole time cuz I didn’t hear me but my mic cord is fu [ __ ] up I didn’t realized I had a third [ __ ] cat thing or second cat thing rather all right you did hear me what the [ __ ] did that fish just jump

Over there what the [ __ ] was that oh that looks creepy all the fish well the cats are going to be well fed you know what I’m saying what’s that another fish come on man move that fish you [ __ ] I don’t know why but the numbers keep Rising Michaela the more we fish

Dance the more people com to the stream something about fishing people like fishing man oh what we get here oh that there is a nice bow man I like that bow very much that’s good bow all right not get nothing else let’s go put the old fishing rod away

Oh the fish going to get fed Two bows of [ __ ] to the he not the the Bees God damn it Michaela stop leaving the [ __ ] door Open oh bees hold up bees up bees what up bees make all the babies Bees what up bro go make a be here you go make a bee [ __ ] here you go not the Beast Cent well that’s a lot of bees I’m going come piss in your house H I think it’s time for more cats Oh now all of a sudden I’m hungry right fo all right kids who wants fish C Oh sweegi Jesus Look at the little gray one Michaela W Where Come on buddies come over here Michaela oh Michaela Come on baby cat follow me buddy I would never do something like that Michaela apparently they don’t like your house they think it’s Evil I see oh what’s that what’s that look at that sweet thing it’s so loving trusting come here little friend oh you don’t like this house this is a scary house I know it’s full of pink evilness don’t you want to come in little friend yes you do come

On come on oh that’s a good baby Kitt what you doing in there Fred anybody else walking Around what you got a baby cat now what are you crying about why don’t you want a cat see you say you don’t hate cats but I give you a cat and all you do is cry about it look he matches he’s the little gray cat hey buddy come on

Don’t worry the meano lady won’t throw you out would you like a fish well I figure you’re going to kill at least one Michaela let’s f face it I’m not saying you’re going to do it on purpose I’m just saying it’s it’s you you you kill everything apparently they don’t want to

Go to your house you want to stay here buddy come on I got fish don’t you want fish you guys always want fish why don’t you want fish come on bub come on Fool wonder what happens if you take a cat into The Nether NE I think it explodes come on bubba you know Michaela you could add another floor up here sort of you have to fix that window first but you could add another floor p a little ladder over here in the

Corner keep all your private stuff up there all right little buddy I guess you your Daddy doesn’t want to come hang out with you I tried to get him to come but he’s being a real dick Oh now you want to follow me you little [ __ ] come on Jonesy Jonesy cat why you so stubborn buddy come on stubborn cat see that I play with with the cats and less people watch I fish we get 18 people go figure come on little dude come on I got fish you’re supposed to follow me when I got fish come on

Fish fish come on you little bum you little ankle biter we got that whole Beach we could do something with Michaela make that beach into a nice little Beach uh Resort for the Monsters come on baby cat why you being a [ __ ] come on bro there you go

Teleport now teleport your ass over here there you go teleport your ass in here got boy come on there you go get on the bed with your buddy there you go good boy now Michaela has two Friends Caml what the hell are you doing bro why you trying to [ __ ] yourself up oh this bee [ __ ] is full too now all the bees n full Michaela [ __ ] [ __ ] B apocalypse not the Beast oh you’re a newbie wait come here oh you faked it make some [ __ ] bees You guys need to come back inside come on Bubs where’s simple jail go [ __ ] did you go Cat come on Man bird why do you keep falling down pissing me off bird that’s the wrong [ __ ] bird again stupid bird bird buddy oh cuz I told your [ __ ] ass to stay there all right Bird hold up get you a leash for now anyway what the hell God damn cat That’s a lot of judgment right there oh Any minute now don’t come in here bee you’ll die you will die be you will die how did you get up There it’s not Safe is that the dude all right old cat you’re going to stay there why you guys don’t like this one M Why won’t you follow me into the House making my life miserable Cat is that you [ __ ] [ __ ] he yeah for uh I’m just looking for a quick way back to that mountain and maybe to find some doggos okay so apparently I’ve been here before I built this bridge I’m sure question is where does the bridge go okay that’s that

Town I thought I went farther than this but I guess I did not now I don’t remember if the thing we’re looking for well no it’s this way yeah you should yeah you should Michaela yes you should see I’ve been on this way on the ocean but not upon the

Land the ocean’s not going to take me where I need to go no no no I need to go on land to get there on land young man that is the way to go yes yes pinky by land or by sea we shall get there you and

Me so is there no water way to get to that nice Mountain I just realized I don’t really have a weapon or armor or anything however shall I survive oh my God I lost my bow of pure death [ __ ] oh my God I lost my death bow yeah Kayla’s probably asleep she couldn’t

Hang she passed out o what is this into the abyss my friend I will come back for you you are easy way into the [ __ ] his feere oh yeah she might be dealing with the FED good night [ __ ] boy oh look at the boom boom Oh I Wonder since there is no torches here that means there was no way to get here by water this may take me to new lands new lands indeed yes might as well risk your life something new adventure they’re all about the adventure here boys it’s not all about fishing

You are you a dead end sir fluers I don’t have anything to cut you with so oh I do have my armor on though some armor on not the armor why can’t H yeah by the way that steak was just laying there in the middle of the road

Cooked how it got there nobody knows what is this look how look how Lush this Forest is Lush oh that’s that the those are those flowers I just passed okay wish I had a way to chop you boys but I do not maybe that’s true that’s a good

Point yeah but wouldn’t it have despawned a long time ago oh lava flow I’m never find a way back home that’s for goddamn sure oh giant mushrooms look at that I remember those from the olden days probably should have brought some torches just saying just saying if I wanted to get

Back wait what wait who wait where I’ve been here before how so how is that possible this seems a bit outlandish to me I don’t ever remember coming here before wait a minute wait a minute what is this place when was I here I don’t remember any of this ever clearly I was

Here my tracking M how far does this go d goes that far oh [ __ ] sheep or chicken interesting oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] spear chucker chucking them Spears at me you bastard Trident or whatever the [ __ ] they are oh do they get set on Paws in the

Distance wait does that mean my [ __ ] in the nether is still there bro I don’t remember this this is [ __ ] up when did I ever go this far for [ __ ] sake this look like the end of the road though or not or does it what the [ __ ] when did I do

This this is madness how how far did I go for [ __ ] sake and how did I miss that big pink mountain before if I’ve been here wait a minute what the [ __ ] is that wait a minute why would I put this doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense wait a minute I know where I

Am wait a minute you want to see something [ __ ] up vex let show you something [ __ ] up give me about oh I don’t know a couple minutes two minutes two minutes I’ll show you something [ __ ] up now if you remember I went to the north

Right I went way to the north of the house but when you see me next I’ll be coming from the south guaranteed Southern Retreat actually maybe I’m wrong it’s taking long longer than I thought H and I did not pass what I thought I would

Pass am I totally wrong if I’m wrong I can’t be wrong no I’m totally wrong no I’m not wrong I’m never wrong should be wood yeah yep yep yep yep yep M of a ship right there yeah okay just a little farther than I thought oh I came from a different way

That’s why still the same thing though I was still right that’s all that matters just a different angle than I thought I’d be approaching from but it makes no difference so like I said I went to the north when I left the house you saw me I was on the other

Side of the bridge right remember I went on the other side of the the bridge okay look where I am now just so you know I’m just going to explain this to you real quick I started off this journey started on the other side of this [ __ ] bridge going that

Way I started from that way God damn it from in front of me and somehow I ended up over here that’s some [ __ ] up [ __ ] right there I think on that note I’m going to go to see still need to do something with this room I am on Java Thea Java hello death

Portal goodbye death portal all right I’m going to sleep sleep it’s late you guys have a good night than for hanging out and all that good stuff and all the fun and all the screaming and all the cats and all the bees Chan wherever you

Are free the bees damn it free the bees chran free the bees stop being so damn B phobic be uh be prudish and be hiding don’t be be hiding chran free the bees

This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Chill!’, was uploaded by Savage Talk on 2023-12-04 09:52:05. It has garnered 36 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 09:03:53 or 32633 seconds.

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  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: IGN: RyPnt Reddit: Music Channel:… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers Silly Strider HoloLive Gen II Totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: Website: Discord: Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 # # # 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More