Insane Minecraft City Reveal – hanaxbanana Twitch VODs

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Tonight Thank you Let’s go Laughs Tonight Thank you credits for the visa for a loss and thanks super villain for gifting Subs to credits thank you Let’s go Foreign Laughs Soon Yeah Into life Thank you Let’s go Down down Come on tonight Thank you My glasses Yeah Into life Song let’s go Try Me Foreign Thank you Let’s go Coming in Tonight Foreign Looking like this let’s go hi hi everybody um I think it jumping Jacob jelly beans for the follow-up appreciate it Hearts thank you uh just a couple of things hi everybody hello hello um dang it’s been seven months already mon cast up afraid seven months seven months thank

You so much for seven months thank you great I appreciate you thanks for being my mod as always thank you hi everybody is music too loud let me know if it is how are you how is everybody doing moving around yes I can move around Um good guy good good okay music is good perfect ah good morning um power oh my arm’s falling apron proteus NAFTA Memphis though Texas dancing when we’re doing a pull and scream bottles credits I Nate equilibrium three mil smoke Andrew salad Critters vocapa lokipo Pizza the boopy Niche Mr Dick CMD

Llama super villain dark itch bio Jabo Misfit narcoots Waddles lead free robelli shoes that was good that was good I think I got everybody’s name right my arms buff it’s always been buff have you you’ve never seen these you’ve never seen these guns you’ve never you’ve never seen these guns yeah yeah um

Duh um lethal weapons there they are they are lethal um put those away cons uh why am I keep sliding over um I was remember I was talking about how there was like a hair issue in this level and I fixed this so I was excited

Which is why I decided to start in this level but and I don’t have the phone only mode here so I ended up just putting the entire entire trackers on because why not I feel like I haven’t done it in a while so I just did it anyways um

What will the squats do after to um don’t don’t worry about the the squat stuff over here just just ignore it ignore it don’t worry about it um your guns are out of M you’re you’re pee pee is out of ammo um everyone else said hi to me what hi Koji puppy

Chad did you notice that we have some new stuff in chat today did you notice did you notice that we have some new stuff and chat today yeah yeah um I don’t have enough spot to add all of the new ones so I picked out what I figured would be the best ones

Because you were having a great day Hannah oh thank you so much crowded hope you’re having a great day too thank you um so what was I talking about oh uh um yeah so if you got a new banana emotes yay exciting um and we all can thank spy

For for uh catching catching is so fast when I when I posted it on Throne um for some of the new banana emotes and um I I think they’re really cute I really like the page banana page one the lick one is fun um and then the new new POG one my my

Legs so Scott uh the new POG is cute um oh yeah there’s a boobao one the new new one and then um what is that oh the punch I debated I debated whether or not to add that on the punch one like I it’s really it’s it’s pretty funny but

I wasn’t sure like when when would you use that you know what I mean like it’s funny but when would you I really like the salute salute one is my favorite I think so that you guys can salute to me the benevolent leader uh but like Ben I’m so lovable and adorable

I don’t know when chat would even ever think to use the freaking punch at me so I don’t that’s when the boxing goes cause it oh my God uh now shut up that’s not nice if it gets used Too Much I might get rid of it um

And then there are a couple other ones and then some of them because I didn’t have enough slot to give you guys everything um I ended up adding them into like bits and then like tier two and tier three so um let me know if you think you’ll like

Some of these if you want some of these to be in um in a Uh tier one instead but if if you do you have to tell me what you rather trade or trade it with okay um so like I think the one with no sign is pretty funny like I can see chat kind of using that a lot that one right there I

Can kind of see chat using that one a lot but I was also like why give them power to say no to me uh so I think I I think I put that into like a tier two or tier three and then there’s a sign there are a couple other funny ones um

Oh the beer one’s cute too the cheers no it’s 200 000 bits I mean like it’s like empty slots so I just like added whatever I had um because I got I gotta put something in there but uh I think only 150k bits away

Um by the way Grant did you notice a new new badge next to your name you gotta you got a new badge um for um my boom it’s a little weird maybe this is better this is a little better yay um thank you for religiously torturing me everywhere I go

Um and that’s how that’s how you earned that badge uh I do not wanna I do not want to reword this particular Behavior this tort this abuse abusive behavior um but there it is so uh I I appreciate your abuse I appreciate your torture literally even when I’m not on my even

When I’m on somebody else’s stream just chilling still somehow finding a way to freak me out and scream and um [ __ ] I can’t flip you off but a few uh there you go Um oh that’s how you earn it no there are there are different ways there are different ways to earn um I know I can’t I can’t this is me flipping you guys off unfortunately uh yeah because these three fingers are connected with each other [ __ ] chat it’s like it’s like some gang sign

Oh uh anyways and we I also got a new new sub badges for you guys and um it’s actually a really cute when I just saw it in as an image but it has this like glow effects around it which I think makes them look a little like small and blurry do you

Guys notice that um like if you if you hover Mouse over and just look at the image it’s really cute but because of the glow effect I feel like feel like I don’t know if it’s I don’t know if it’s a little bit harder to see for you

Guys too is it is it harder to see it looks blurry hmm I can’t see it but they’re really cute though it’s a little small I don’t know how I’ll fix the blurry effects maybe I’ll reach out to the artist I don’t The different colors were nice to tell them apart yeah but like so this one what is supposed to be is like one month is like a one ripe banana and then two months is like two banana punch three months is three banana punch and then and then and so on and then eventually

The banana peel comes off and then when you’re here for long enough you become a naked banana uh uh and then after that you become like a peel so like it’s pretty cute I like it a lot as just like a normal images and it makes it makes it easier for me to

Tell like a woman two months three months you you know um slow striptease uh but because of the glow effect it’s a little bit hard to see right now hmm I’ll figure something out I’ll figure something out um they’re impossible for you to see open your eyes

It’s not impossible to see it’s not exaggerating it’s not that bad it’s just a little bit blurry and um small that’s all that is such drama queens [ __ ] okay um how’s everybody doing it’s Friday Do you get excited about Friday I feel like it’s a lot of people’s favorite day of the week because then you’re like excited about the weekend coming and you have two days of I mean most people uh you have two days of uh rest weekend coming

Um not great what is that smile most of the time it’s [ __ ] it’s already Friday really how come Isn’t it nice that it’s already Friday you used to hate Fridays why why why tell me um I mean like when I used to have like the typical five to eight five five to eight

Jobs um no eight to eight to nine wait what wait what’s the phrase What’s the phrase the typical office job nine to five it’s been so long since since then um I’ve been I’ve been uh I’ve been uh in the dreamers were for for such a long time laughs

Well I used to be in like nine to five jobs um hi superno hello hi um I feel like rather used to be the best day like yes it’s already Friday Graham that wasn’t to encourage you to do more uh more abuse that was to uh show you

The appreciation and then and and for us to get past it and maybe stop stop doing it a little um 300 years apart I wish I had a co-worker like Hannah oh I don’t why why I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if you want that why

Um I’m getting so sick of this tracker I’m I’m so getting sick of this record um foreign I love the abuse Saturday is best day in my opinion Friday is traffic um but like I mean like for Friday you get that you get that excitement and like anticipation that the um the new

Week is coming well the weekend is coming obviously Saturday is the best but then when the Saturday is here it’s already like oh it’s already it’s gonna be Sunday and then on the Sunday here Sunday is here it’s like ah it’s gonna be Monday I have to go back to work you know

Um but now it’s like like I mean people say oh like it must be nice not having to go to work you know every Monday through Friday or like all these days I’m like what now it’s like I’m working 24 7. I think some people might be able to like enjoy what

I’ve just never been the type of so like one of my friends told me that they have this Theory they have this theory that everyone can be defined into two two different categories people are either chill or no chill chill or no chill and um I was like

Am I chill or no most of the times I’m pretty I feel like I’m pretty chill most of the times and like I’m pretty easy going I am I’m pretty like positive I I like to see the positives and most of the most of the things

Uh like I’m on the more chill energy but when it comes to like my headspace like there’s something something about the way I’m built that I just feel guilty not doing anything or relaxing friends are no friends Andrew stop you got all the nanners in here um and like so like I don’t know I don’t know if I don’t know if you guys are like that and like I love healthy helping other people relax and I love just like being in that chill like relaxing environment but like my head space is never chill like I’m always like

Um well it’s different if I’m having a good time with like friends and family then it’s like I don’t feel guilty I’m like yes I’m this is this is a quality friends time or quality of family time and like um you know this this is something

Productive whereas like if I if I’m just like sitting on my couch thinking or like not actively doing something or getting something done there is that weird like constant guilt in my head I don’t know do you guys have that does anyone have and like I also recently learned that like

Some like so for me I’m constantly constantly thinking like there’s not a single moment where I’m not thinking like I’m not there’s not a single moment where I’m just like not aware of my self-thinking if that makes sense does that make sense but I recently learned that it’s not and

I just assume that’s how everybody was I used to then I started Zoloft so Loft what is that but apparently not everyone’s like that I thought all humans were like this but apparently some people were having a hard time understanding me like what do you mean you’re constantly always

Thinking and I was like you don’t how does that work and they’re like yeah like there are times it’s just quiet and like I’m not thinking about anything I’m just chilling I’m like what like let’s say I’m meditating right like even when I’m meditating like I thought the point of meditation was to

Streamline your thoughts but like not to like stop thinking but uh where’s my oh did I break my mouth I dropped it oh here um how is that possible I don’t know but like I realized that not everyone’s the same I for the longest time I just assumed that like everyone’s always

You know busy in their head uh but apparently it’s apparently it’s not um meditating is freeing mind from thoughts Uh but meditation isn’t active thing right for me anyhow that’s what I thought it’s like it’s like active thinking except I’m like I’m streamlining my thoughts instead of like freeing my mind I have a hard time meditating every car is sitting still I’m trying to stop thinking now but your

Intro song keeps playing in the caps if you don’t focus on your breathing you have straight thoughts right well let’s see if I if I focus on my breathing but then I start thinking about okay Hannah breathe in breathe out focus on your breathing um oh I feel the air going through my

Nostrils how do nostrils how do ears work and then I started thinking about all the all the little cells that are carrying H2O into my body that’s dropping these h2os into my lungs and then also like the going through the blood you don’t think about stuff like that

You don’t what do you mean oh my God shut up you’re drunk no this is just normal on me like like I I just start visualizing um and then there’s always something going yeah exactly and then and then I start wondering I wonder what some of my cells are doing like how like

You don’t do that oh did I say no no no bringing water is just trash I was walking cocaine no no it’s normal for some of us um I guess I guess but so like it’s always fun to learn about how different people are and it just kind of like it broadens

My perspective you know and um I just feel like that’s the and that’s why I like I like learning about you guys and like hearing your perspectives on certain things not everything uh I don’t need to know everything about you or like every single perspectives from

Chat but uh um and I like to silence you guys when that happens but uh it is still interesting to learn like these little little like little differences and perspectives and like the way you live what you think your values and your priorities it’s always very interesting for me to learn um

Just like just like to silence Us in general you mean yeah yeah exactly um we learned that Hana is the weird one no no I’m I’m not weird at all uh because it’s like it’s like this okay think about it um it was it was like one of those like

Random shower thoughts okay but like social network platforms or even ads You know how do you guys do this where like just because for the sake of like resisting corporates um you don’t you don’t want them to know so much about yourself that you try to like mess up their algorithm by like liking some random stuff that you don’t

Actually like or like you don’t like stuff that you like so that they won’t know and try to show you like shove down content and ads that they think you’ll like you know do you do that people don’t do that You don’t you don’t do that but yes but they’ll still find the way right but basically um the way these content and like ads become more accurate like uh wait let me wait this was a shower though so let me organize it in my head for a second shut up you’re drunk

Okay so here where my conscious my my stream of thought was going like the way these the way these algorithms work um to know more about you to get to get like accurate algorithm about people they get more accurate the more data they have been exposed right

So let’s say you know like you you signed up for a platform and and um you like randomly liked one thing uh for whatever reason for whatever reason let’s say let’s say it was a um image of a banana and and you clicked on like because I reminded you of your favorite

Banana streamer Panax banana but then from this platforms perspective they’re like oh this person likes banana but they don’t know exactly why right so they might start showing you all of these like random other banana related things until they’ve learned oh this person was liking it because they

Watched someone named Hannah it’s banana that might be eventually they’ll get more accurate and start serving you the right kind of content that you were looking for right so basically the way for it to get smarter smarter is for it is for it to get more data about these

People like the people on their platform that the specific person Etc right right um I feel like we look the same way where um whether with like you know like the more the more you become you expose yourself to different kind of people and different perspectives and different

Uh different I don’t know races different genders different ethnicities different cultures the more you expose yourself to it the more accurate you get in your head about like each of those categories um because let’s say like you you have like a one like Asian friend right so now everything that person does

Are gonna represent to you oh is that what Asian people do which probably is not I mean some might be some might be just shut up some of my people like but like um the more you expose yourself to like more Asian people then you realize oh

Like uh some of these you’re gonna start finding certain patterns maybe like the little little stereotypes all like they’re oh these stair stars are there for a reason like there there are these cultural things that I see like a con like more common in this particular culture but then you realize but this

Particular other things it wasn’t it wasn’t because they’re Asian but or it wasn’t because they were Korean it was just this person straight right like the more you expose the more accurate your data is going to get you know you don’t want to talk about

Okay this is this was just like a random shower thought okay um what I’m what I’m what I mean to tell you is that you know sometimes like beef burner not not expose yourself and like as in like you know like show show yourself but like you know uh meet a lot

Of different people you know be open-minded about um listening to everybody listening to people’s perspectives to to learn about them so that so that you can become uh smarter and more uh more knowledgeable and more accurate about how how you um Define because human mind can’t help but

To like like you why does it keep one second this is taking a while turn from Internet ads to being more open-minded I I mean like so this is what I exactly what I meant by like my my mind just my head just never never stopped knowledge shower

Um anyway that was that was just a little random random uh stream of thoughts um by other users statistic data don’t buy them I’m just saying that you gotta educate yourself I think I’ll just keep using the shower to fap and not think ew you fat and shower

I guess it’s actually I guess it’s kind of hygiene way to fab right but not think about it but this is also what I meant by like I just feel like it’s so easy for a easy for guys to fit Like it’s so it’s so the user interface is so easy like you can do it you can do it anywhere anytime shower you don’t not really the dude is stuck in my hole don’t tell me that’s another short it kind of was but like I’ll just just

Saying like it’s like the user interface is so much easier for men’s physical bot the biological body both the fapping and urinating and we have a cooldown it needs to be hard and we have a cool down yeah but like It’s very straightforward she’s gonna ask me a weird question what Miko huh don’t answer why um um yes Hannah I have something dire to ask you my chat told me not to answer this call they warned me that I’m gonna get asked a weird question all your chat is

[ __ ] stupid because it’s not weird at all okay okay so um okay so my mom right okay is getting married go on okay and uh so I stepped I’m gonna have a stepfather what I’m going to have a stepfather okay but she’s my and my stepfather has a son

Okay oh is this a hypothetical situation no it’s real okay so um so and the stepson mhm is really hot okay can I bang I mean what yes can I bang the step brother physically if you set your mind so you can bang anything but um ethically

Not even ethically I feel like I feel like yeah he’s really hot I feel like I’ll hate this dude no no no no no no no no no he he is really hot we’re not blood related I don’t know it’s not illegal for my but like see

Here’s the thing like the first thing that came to my mind was that like who is a stepfather and um where is my dad what happened to my dad and like because that that’s like the first thing that comes to my mind that I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on the

Fact that this this new stepdad son because I’m Petty um like well maybe out of Revenge I’ll try to bang him I don’t know like I don’t rage I’ll be like Hannah this is not a Korean soap opera okay okay this is my ovaries and the need to [ __ ] so

Can I bang my stepbrother I need your blessing because you’re my one of my best friends I need I need your blessing when I when he when I put down my trousers and he puts down my trousers I’m gonna tell them I’m allowed to procreate with you because Hannah

Don’t create you’re you’re not even just banging you’re trying to make a baby anyway so please tell me okay is it okay to bang my stepbrother yes you need Jesus oh my how did you get here my my PA is concerned I should get here today what do you mean

You know what I mean I am it’s a sincere question okay that’s that’s what concerns me that it’s a sincere question [Laughter] Hannah you don’t understand he’s like I will let him step on my face and I don’t even like feet hot but is there a law that you can’t bang steps

Family member we’re not we’re not related can a step siblings get married I’m sure they can like by law though I’m sure it’s not illegal oh but then what’s stopping people from banging it’s like you like you are so [ __ ] I need your blessings when we’re about

To bang I need to tell them listen I can do this because Hannah is allowing me to bang okay I need it I need you I don’t know sorry I can’t give you my blessing I can’t give you my blessing right now I will have to bet this dude uh I would

Have to have like a proper hours of stockish to make sure what kind of dude this is and where his stepfather came from and how what the relationship with my dad is all of that until I have all of that information about you and and

Where your mom is at and like if she’s like what is going on with your family you’re not supposed to leave that information it’s a private investigation you’re you’re leaking very important [Applause] ly investigate if they just let the world know hey all right you’re right binocular you’re right you’re right you’re right

You’re right but she does so she she literally finds out everything about them and then she tells me all so I this is why I need her blessing this is why I need her knowledge and blessing so how about this how about this call you right before we Bang

That way you know you can really sense the situation okay you’ve had you know you’ve had time to process and um right before the beginning you can either choose to [ __ ] block this or to let us consummate enduring as well if you want if you wanna no no I

You know if you want if you want a video chat during that time I could also do that too anything to make you feel comfortable I can do that would you like to join oh no no no no all right all right I mean listen I I

Have to offer it’s the only polite for me to offer okay I don’t want to be rude [Applause] super hot so hot and this man’s been vetted by me already listen listen listen listen listen the stepdad is hot too but that’s disrespectful you know what I mean I can’t bang both all right

I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding Nico what Buddha what we got Miko niece no I don’t need anyone but my blessings if your blessing yes but your blessings I feel so honored um I know exactly I mean like if this dude has been vetted by me already let me

Show you this photo okay let me show you this photo let me show you him okay okay um I’m gonna show you his photo okay [Applause] Alex Alex I have a question to ask you it’s really important it’s really really important okay Donna Hannah he’s so hot he’s he is bangable

Hot even if he’s my stepbrother okay he is come on and like and this is like you’re you’re your age like you’re both adults so he he’s a bit younger okay but but you’re both like adult and like mature and yeah yeah come on Hannah my stepbrother is pretty hot you gotta

Admit my stepbrother’s pretty hot and you approve [ __ ] you [Applause] I’m pretty proud okay um what’d you say I said I’m proud I’m proud bum a bit under the condition that this dude has been vetted and you called me before the ACT happens to just make sure if

Everything’s okay and for me to you know ask proper question at the moment um hold on okay okay oh maybe it’s just on your end is fine okay now that’s good now it’s good that’s good yeah so Alex yes I have a really okay I have a question to ask you

Okay okay is this person actually your stepbrother that’s all I’ve heard so far okay okay so my mother is getting married okay and I’m gonna have a stepfather okay okay and his okay okay and and so he’s gonna be my stepbrother uh-huh really hot okay sick sick okay yeah right right

Can I bang yeah exactly if y’all are able to have babies and they don’t come out [ __ ] then y’all yeah yeah yeah like like tell my mom uh no okay okay don’t tell mother no you gotta you gotta heal it out first you got it right

Out first feel it out first feel him out first and then um so you don’t think it’s unethical um but then why don’t you take your mom like okay listen all I know is if I get a PornHub hyphen step bro yeah that [ __ ] got views therefore listen it’s popular

It’s true it’s very true so I think it’s popular because it’s unethical nature allows it therefore I will allow it said bye Alex she’s one of the classiest women I know she approves [ __ ] you do not know a lot of classy lady yeah I am Jesus Christ you are and I I

Can’t wait okay I’m gonna call you right before I bang him okay okay yeah all I have to say is you’re telling me I’m the classiest lady you know you asked me if you just if you should bang your stepbrother I immediately said yes I think you need to reevaluate your friendships [Applause]

Well like okay wait okay so yeah jumping right into banging this person is even like have you spoken to him that’s the bar have you spoken to this man before the thing okay that I can’t get on board with you gotta tell him he’s got to be prepared for it okay hold on

Get consent hold on I have talked to this person okay I’ve just never met this person in person oh my God my cat just ripped over my PS5 box oh whatever I’m sorry say that again I don’t know this is hilarious I’m so curious how this goes do you have

Like a date set to meet this person in person they made up your mind unless it’s okay and you just wanted like confirmation you wanted somebody to say it publicly you’re like I was told okay hundred percent okay it’s not related to me all right I’ve gotten on a call with a different

Person every hour until somebody agreed Alex can I show you a photo of my stepbrother yeah show me okay okay okay okay okay okay wait I’m gonna be mad no he’s he’s a he’s uh he’s very hot well I have a lot of loose you know never mind

It’s really in there hold on hold on wait so has your mom already married this guy or they’re like planning to be married um they’re planning to get married okay okay wait you got to do it soon though okay okay okay okay okay that’s right that’s right that’s right

That’s right okay so tomorrow oh okay wait before before the marriage tomorrow yeah what why because then they’re not they’re not they’re not step brother oh oh That’s me as should I [ __ ] this man and I would say yeah isn’t he hot there’s no way for him he’s he’s he’s not my type what yes yeah yeah you’re alive yeah yeah yeah I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive yeah how long do you have until the marriage

Like when are they getting married you know is there a date set like in a couple months okay you got so much time wait no wait I have such a good idea you get to know him real quick you get married first so now they are the ones that are the

In-laws and not you guys you’re [ __ ] welcome oh my God to contemplate [Applause] But Uno reverse card you’re welcome I’m just gonna postpone everybody [Laughter] oh no no let’s not look you go enough time you’ve got enough time said Alex is so classy and smart two months to me telling you to [ __ ] this man first so then you can make your

Mother an in-law with her new spouse well you said I needed to marry him first yes you also have to marry him oh God what happens if they get pregnant yeah yeah oh is that even better I don’t know better is that better I don’t know either of

Them are better okay but okay wait hear me out if you get if you marry him yeah right before they get married yeah even if you annul it immediately technically you still did it first so they can’t be a stepbrother Tech like Um it’s getting technical now what do you think I love I love your scheming it’s so great so I should marry her first annul him and then my mom has to deal with uh yeah you toss the baggage over to the parents I see what if the guy saw single oh you don’t

What What oh my God I’m kidding I don’t get it I’m kidding you kidding I’m kidding he is single yes he is single yes my heart can’t take this I can’t take this I’ve never [ __ ] someone who is so closely related to me they’re not okay they’re not even

Closely related yet that’s true that’s true think about that you’re right we’ve got two months before you even have it but how did you get to meet this man like was it introduced by The Stepfather and the mother had I haven’t seen them yet but like how did you get in contact

Or like did you get to know that this man exists I I I you see and also if she’s not directly introduced in person that’s what I’m saying yeah own date with him on the outside yeah exactly that’s what he’s getting at that’s what I was getting it

Like was was he introduced by other mother or did you find out some like shady way that your mom doesn’t know about because then like because then like the only thing is guys girls there’s a chance that he’s gay oh what are all these oh oh look at that

There’s a small chance that he might be gay um you say you talk wait so will there ever consent involved in this entire premises in this photo the only thing I’m gonna reference is the water bottle in this photo there’s a water bottle it’s a large water bottle he clearly buys

Plastic bottles when he goes to work out right therefore he’s straight because gay men care about the environment that’s fair he was gay he’d have a water bottle um [Applause] that’s very observant I’m also seeing a lot of huh but listen if you’re uh I’m just saying I’m just saying

You gotta go awful with what you have so yeah that’s all I got that’s all we got that’s all we got I’m drooling okay I gotta go okay pleasure been a pleasure let me know what happened you guys I love you Well that was a ride that was a roller coaster ride um I I I feel like I just went through a uh a very rough roller coaster ride uh quite the tangent yes uh let me bring the music back see um K drama foreign ERS I survived uh All I’m gonna say is that um I’m not really just myself in particular but sometimes I’m just like where did she get here where where did she get here um and uh oh uh um I think I think um Alex was right uh she

She was look she was looking for someone to give her the approval it’s just gonna do it until she gets to approve I’m proud of you thank you thank you I mean first thing that came to my mind was like who is this men what happened to my mom and dad

Who’s the stepdad and and when I heard that he’s a good looking that made me even more mad that was upsetting um you kept my guns I did uh but I mean like physically speaking if you put your if you set your mind to it you can’t uh you can bang anything uh

But then but then like who is this who is this person and um um I mean like if if my mom is going through a divorce and she sure she went through a divorce and she’s getting married with this on other men and if like and like

If she is like and I banged the sun like what what’s gonna happen to my mom this is too much it’s not because I’m prude okay maybe a little maybe a little but whatever I’m pretty proud um um you know uh um if the nature allows it what’s the worst

Argument I mean I mean and like I feel like the reason why the step Pro steps this stuff is is popular and important Hub is because because it’s not there’s there’s something something Shady there that makes people feel like it this this is this is not right but uh

I can’t help it type thing a taboo yeah yeah the taboo that’s what makes it popular and like and then and then um if you can’t tell your mom about it like if you can tell your mom about it why why can’t you tell it what is going on why why not

Uh but technically technically speaking yes you can you can bang anything you set your mind to and uh nature does allow it nature does allow it um you’re technically not blood related you’re not yet and if your parents haven’t gone if they haven’t gotten married yet you you’re technically not even you know

In a even like relate it is there’s no relation there so it’s still Perfectly Natural yeah exactly exactly exactly um it’s because they want to make instant stuff but blood relatives too far for them I don’t get the I don’t heal of the incest stuff though I don’t I don’t get why

But it it also might be because I have a lot of like male siblings I just have gender I generally have a lot of like a lot of cousins nephews that are all younger than me that I sort of like took care of as a parent almost um

So maybe that’s why like I it that does that’s just that it just doesn’t cross my mind um but I know I know some people it’s a tablet aspect oh I can see that it’s like someone who’s like really close and intimate with you but then there’s like a taboo that you

Can’t you can’t have this person that makes me want to want them more I can see that I can see that I don’t have a lot of a lot of the songs no I do not um but anyways that was a roller coaster um um wait

Chad is delayed 30 seconds wait can can someone do a delay test it doesn’t is there a delay oh okay must be just you must be just you but anyways well um so now that’s that’s out of the way I’m so curious how did she get here she’s streaming right yeah

Step brother or stepsister if he’s still talking about he was hot enough oh my God that’s so that is funny you guys are all so immoral so [ __ ] immoral the girl who’s asking the question you guys are so immoral well Um hi groden what is this it’s me Hannah uh I think she just started exploring the stuff family category on points um I’m here because because Miko to pervert um anyways chat today by the way do you guys like this level do you guys like the lighting and like

Like I mean it’s really simple it’s really simple but do you guys like the lighting and like I feel like I look a little different here it looks good yeah do you prefer it over my normal spaceship setup like this besides like the all the interactivity stuff pretty pale I look pale

Can’t see I’m well forget about the interactivity stuff but just like just like overall look and the lighting um it’s pretty bright here you don’t like what’s wrong with the lights Chad um time to time it’s nice it’s nice to switch it up yeah for sure for sure

Um you prefer the spaceship but the variety is cool I see so it’s more it’s more of like a side candy kind of thing not but like not doesn’t deserve to be the main course is that what I’m hearing this level also has a couple interactivities

Um I’m just too lazy to put up the menu up right now let’s Not a good streamer not a good streamer put all the effort to make interactivities but then don’t show it to chat so that they can’t do any of those um it’s a super shiny background but it’s isn’t it cool though isn’t it cool how shiny it is

What do you guys think about my hair color I’m back to the blonde I’m back to the blonde look here what do you guys think did you miss my did you miss my blonde look nice hair you like me with green really like I was trying to decide

Like my what’s like my main colors like my main colors because like it changes all the time like what are my main colors and I and I I landed on them I landed on him rage hair Redeemer yeah hair color reading is not gonna work um

You like me with black hair no no more Punk haircut you like the punk hair color wait I can’t bring my punk carry here let me see um that sticks like it’s it literally on you guys change my hair color to blonde and spaceship all the time

What the heck chat make up your mind like I could oh that’s what happens I don’t know why but when I bring when I bring hair color down to dark this this happens foreign that doesn’t let me do it if anybody knows how to fix it let me know

Black matches the punk outfit but my my yellow matches my yellow no um delete the air thanks Helen thanks for that little wisdom I appreciate it yellow bananas match the yellow exactly they matchy matchy um color is clipping I don’t we prefer bald Hana well I don’t I don’t like balls

Head on me no hair no proof um that’s not the yellow part I’m looking at these um old antenna these are not shurik antenna these are my bananas banana Tana they must stop perverting um you don’t have to worry about hair color if you got no hair well I want to worry

About hair color don’t get me I like being able to worry about hair color and what color I like to choose so um just just to have you know uh bald with the pinwheel you guys are into some weird stuff I’ll I’ll get I’ll I’ll get you guys are into

Some weird no I guess no King Shame but like a little bit of King Shame like you guys are into some weirdest [ __ ] sometimes pervert chat’s perverts you guys are perverts um we’re still kids you anyway so today oh my gosh it’s already almost 12 30. uh we

Have a big day today chat what does the title say what does the stream title say today what does the stream Title Say Big day why is it a big day do you know the city revealed that’s right um you can’t read lose it’s Friday I’m not reading today oh okay um so today is the last day of the Minecraft dream vs city project everyone’s been working really really hard to make this project come all

Together and um the deadline yes today is a lot because if we don’t if you don’t give a deadline it’s just gonna keep on expending and expending and um we we don’t want that we rather oh I got a package one second promise what will become of me from now on

After some time I stopped thinking about that when I discovered the existence of this world everything behind two my my Forgotten Dreams two finally meet you foreign Can never find the right way to tell you have you noticed Everything Beside you I know words won’t be enough I wanted to know the names they will carry on for us Until you’re gone Good morning Friends all you want to know for us I’ll be waiting oh I’m back you have a nice package thank you um I I got back way earlier but I don’t I don’t want to cut the song off uh so I’ll just hear listening to it with you guys I was just standing here waiting

Waiting waiting for you guys you guys to finish watching um I was waiting see I told you I’ll be waiting but anyway so back to Minecraft um so for those of you who might not know we’ve been working on a big big big big big big project our first collaborated creative project together

Well not first so we’ve had a couple of other others before but like um in Minecraft for the first time and um everyone’s been working really hard on it and we created this dream verse Village uh that was that was like a Future theme and today we got to reveal

We’re gonna look at everything that you guys created um and we’re gonna look at them all together and and celebrate the end um together so I like the new be right back screen felt like I watched the movie trailer oh thanks Loomis I have a

Bunch of those I have a bunch of those um you could you you can also you can also check those videos out uh if you subscribe to my YouTube channel um so we had our Architects we had our slaves I mean the labors skill levels and laborers and uh my my awesome police

Mods and everybody we worked very hard so I’m really excited to share all of that today and you guys seen like some parts of it some nuts but um they’ve also finished building their own homes and decorating their apartment Lots I believe they added a couple things which

I personally haven’t seen either I was purposely even when I was working on my house I was purposely like not looking at what they’re building because I didn’t want to spoil it um so everybody ready everybody ready to go see it um all right so I’m gonna I’m gonna set something

Oh God that sure feels nice the chair feels nice okay all right so I’m gonna pull up makeovers now it’s about a full body bye-bye Foreign The latest version oh poncana is back yes it’s there I should remove the not talking stream thing foreign if you set your mind to it you can’t uh Yeah that was literally opposite of what I was preaching dude dude that was literally up listen to what I was preaching that and you’re gonna take that part out it’s a completely to completely remove context of what was going on nice one stop encouraging him chat God

The grin he must have had on his face the grin that he must have had pisses me off okay um and then I’m gonna pull up yes you smiled job it does his job is to make me smile and not you care if he made you smile why would I care about that

Um [ __ ] that [ __ ] you foreign but what did I say ah look at that oh by the way before before we get there before before we do this um chat so much hostility be nice Hannah k-e-k-w so much hostile to be nice enough so thank you so much for me so for six

Months appreciated what do you mean Hospitality no way uh but I wanted to show you guys something uh let me pull this up Chat have you seen this have you seen that for those of you who don’t know we have a tree these nuts oh it’s the name of the tree I’m not trying to got him it’s the name of the tree um if we come to our Discord there is a channel called grower

Which is true this tree started out as a tiny tiny little seed and now look at it go it’s currently 8 535 feet tall holy moly and we are that makes us to be at globally 69th tallest tree of all the other trees are these nuts in the 69th tree and

Guess what the day we achieved this Milestone was April 20th 4 20. all the all the things that chat are Chad is obsessed with the numbers the dates the name all of it uh so the way this works is that you have to go here and water it

Every couple of minutes is and and then the taller it gets uh the Gap the term that you need to water them becomes further and further apart uh and then you can pick up some apples they they drop some apples I feel like it kind of it’s supposed to change the background

As a as the tree gets taller but I feel like it kind of stopped here it reached the moon and then maybe the developers just they haven’t I thought it was going to go into like a space or something but it’s been kind of like stuck here uh but

I am so proud of it however however if you look at when I first planted this grower in our Channel it says don’t water it or else most helpful contributors number one electron three Mephisto don’t ruin the moment the most naughty the naughtiest napopian pawns the naughtiest of all Menards

You’re gonna get something end of the stream today because you didn’t listen um that’s a that’s a naughty banana behavior and you you got something coming for you anyways back to the Minecraft but hey we reached a cool Milestone thanks everybody oh there’s a tree oh someone someone picked all the all

The apples are meth how the [ __ ] how did you do that so fast someone watered it and then the tree dropped the apples I was trying to show you guys and then literally immediately they got all picked up and it’s it’s Mephisto but you’re literally in chat

Are you not paying attention to my chat and busy picking up apples over here just don’t over water it not not that we lose six I mean it would also be cool to get to like number one but I don’t know how far how far do we what’s like the tallest tree

The ultimate SoDo voodoo 17 000. a lot of these trees have like a cool name spaghetti this this community’s tree’s name is spaghetti okay um Bob does Bob uh I don’t know maybe maybe we just keep this spot somehow but that’s up to you guys I mean I

Didn’t tell you to do any of these things really um Bob the tree uh tree sauce is cool where’s buba Express I didn’t see that one does buba Express uh what I don’t tell you guys to do any of these things you just you just do and I don’t know

I don’t know what to say um all right well Good job I’m proud of you I’m proud of your strangest Teamworks can the tree die why are you asking that here are you trying to kill the tree what why are you asking that question sudge uh and then let me remove the menu foreign maybe we could infiltrate and kill the

Oh you’re trying to kill other trees other trees maybe that that’s a that’s a fair question all right chat this is my hot tub oh hello hello Wenzel uh this is my hot top welcome to my hot tub we are now in the dream verse universe in Minecraft

Pock and you have been invited to my cozy little house um there’s a little we got a little bubble thingy it’s a little a little too strong the bubble is a little too strong ah so I have to I’m gonna sit over here um yeah the the bubble thing is a little a

Little too strong but it’s fun it’s fun um these these are my Architects so let me just before I start looking things around is everybody are we good architects are we good to go look at everything Bo no is that a no um both of these looks like Watership in prison waddles

Where where is your architect armor waddles do you want to be do you want to get in the prison again he’s mother um okay got demoted all right well so this is welcome to my hot tub I’m gonna I’m gonna start off with showing giving you guys a little

Tour of my house uh this is current we’re currently chilling in my hot tub area as you can see uh it’s no don’t hit my wolf this is nice and cozy and then um and then you guys the the people who are in Minecraft server try to stay behind

Me uh so that when I’m showing showing uh off the structures that you’ve built I want to make sure that it’s nice and clear of you for everybody and it also makes the post edit easier okay um so this is my this is my nice little

Hot tub as some of you guys see me working on it uh on on the off schedule random stream and then there’s like nice little um fireplace area and we can make we can cook some stuff over here and then you know warm warm our feet and hands maybe

Make some s’mores look out the window um and then uh you can kind of go around and then go wow and then go enjoy the hot tub again so very cozy very cozy um all right and then there’s a little Stone path over here where it can go out and whoa

Look at that I see some changes that’s been made to the dream verse so we’ll go check on that soon enough and then this little place gets connected to my house so we’re gonna actually go through let’s go through the front door so I made my front door so here’s the

Exterior of my house um it’s nothing crazy but you know spacious enough for me and for me to invite my nana friends over uh and um this is the entrance over here and we got a fancy door and look this is this is a little entertainment room that

I created the other day with the no talking um building stream and um did they just disappear into my TV uh I’m very proud of it it’s cute and nice oh it’s very cozy uh we’re watching some uh Tech let’s just see another person disappear into my TV um that’s a little strange

You shouldn’t I don’t recall making anything like that but you know here here is the exterior look and then you know we get a window over here which is very nice um and then I can go over here and this is my cozy little bedroom bedroom you want

A TV like that me too uh this is my little bedroom uh and with a little um uh shelves on the left and and some some storage area over here uh and then um nice little bed will the carpet and then my my um it’s it’s pretty big it’s a it’s a giant

Bed uh because I like to have a big space I don’t know why that dog is leashed over there uh I didn’t does this say it’s coaching I do not recall adopting a dog named Koji nor um leashing them tying them up in my bedroom so I do not

Recall I don’t know who’s doing this is uh I’m gonna keep it there for now only because I don’t want to murder a go-go uh even if it’s in like Minecraft you told me to I didn’t tell you to do it I don’t tell anyone to do this what

Um and then if you go upstairs Tada you guys have seen this this is my living room and you get to see the full dream verse view in a big giant window and this is my desk where I Monitor and stock everybody and I can also watch the

Arena games from here oh look at look at this path thing that’s very cool I’m so excited to check everything out um and then here is a kitchen where we can have some steak and whatnot and as I’m cooking I can look out the window for some sunsets

Beautiful and then I can also see um the nice hot tub area and then you can also keep people who are using the picnic table upstairs uh using this window and you can see what kind of undies they’re wearing uh so let’s go up yay so this is my rooftop

Um again I I made the rest of this spot during my last off schedule stream the no talking no no talking building stream uh so I got a little cozy little you know fireplace area where people can sit sit and hang together and then um if you follow the stone path there’s the

There’s a little picnic area nice shaded picnic area and then you go over here we got a we got a little another hot tub where you can look out and enjoy the view of dream verse um while you’re baiting and a nice little bubble and then you can also kind of come out

To this like tiny little balcony area to like to look at everything and watch the watch the arena and see the laborers fight to death with each other um so there I’m very I’m proud of it this is my first Minecraft house I’ve ever built besides that one I

Built in the survival mode which was more of a box than a house so I’m I’m very happy with how it turned out I’m proud of it um I did notice when I was doing uh the no talking stream the other day I was um I was working on the stairs and then

I noticed a sign I forget where exactly it was but then there was a sign that says six down two to the right or something like I don’t know it was some kind of weird weird puzzle [ __ ] and I was like I’m not I’m not gonna deal with this

Right now I just want to finish my house so I just kind of moved on I just I just covered it up and moved on but uh it I have a feeling there’s something going on here uh I have a feeling there’s something going on here um

Also just checking uh what category am I am I Minecraft category all right so do I just why are people someone’s secret room who’s this these nuts the amount of the effort that people put in to get me with these nuts uh who wait can’t can’t braids see who put these items here

Right isn’t there a log to see who put this item here what did I just teleport over here what are you doing why is there a button some kind of switch over I’ve never put any switch inside of my bedroom what is that I can’t even it’s too far what ah

What do I do what does that do oh there’s a you guys are you guys are covering it up I can’t see it why are they all going in there what is that just gonna close it does that um I do not recall putting any sort of switch over there

What are they doing in there okay Kitty don’t go in there the [ __ ] Hannah’s dungeon what oh how far this go how far does this go grab a drink okay potion of luck potion of strength this is just all okay okay I grabbed a drink um please undress before entering

How long has this been going on under my house why do I need to undress what please don’t undress keep your clothes on everybody please keep your clothes on ah whoa whoa is this a nature retreat look at this pond is this a little nature retreat what is this area for foreign

How deep does this hole go that looks pretty deep but it’s also saw a toggle here the switch here huh oh this oh that opens it okay I think that means to go in Oh god what the [ __ ] oh now here again no no to the end no oh to the void again oh where am I is this the way out a little fireplace area that’s nice I’m back in the dungeon thank you what is this dungeon for and how long

Has this been here under my house oh what’s why come here where here behind me there’s more don’t stop is this Alice in Wonderland what the hell mods solve some viewers Hana only what was that what did I just get carrot on a stick at least there’s no sign that asks me to

Undress this time foreign what is this place and why am I holding a carrot in a stick why is vansel inside of a are you trapped in there I why is everybody trapped inside of a cage I do not recall ordering any of this this is not oh what

What are you sitting there waiting it looks like they’re waiting for me to do something but I have no clue what’s going on right now everybody sit down we are going to begin our weekly ceremony of sacrifice today we have vansol and her coaching serves some serious serious thinking and whipping

I was just kidding no what what um why are you just sitting there waiting for the why are you just sitting there letting me just waiting for this to happen no who did this this is a Ben’s doing Ben foreign Little fish Ben must be imprisoned we’re working on this what the I’ve been I’m impressed but why is this under my house I never ordered to make such a thing targets did anyone know this was happening who who was part of this no I didn’t build it

Um I mean this is incredible great job Ben I wish I can cage everybody everybody get in Bosa get in a braids already in good Bosa get in here can you close it how do I close the door maybe I can’t well maybe you can’t wait but how is braid in there then oh he just built it

Okay this must be the basement no there’s no basement I keep telling you guys everybody get in get into cell power get into cell every all of you in one cell all of you in one cell braid get in get in get in Waddles get in yes yes get in parade get in

Go in go in raid who’s over there Koji get in also get in wait can you close the door please no no that’s your [ __ ] what are they what the [ __ ] is wattles doing no I don’t want to be in here with them get me out get me out yeah this this beach

No stop playing Portal I’m getting out of here this creepy little dungeon I’m getting out of getting out wait what do you get as a mod here what do you get oh maybe they get the door someone says don’t forget about me but holy crap this is like this is massive

When did Ben have time to do any of this I’m all the bunnies are escaping um I’m impressed but also when did you have time to do all this what is this room just a little entry oh did that just make me sleep how many days have passed physically speaking if

You put your if you set your mind to it you can’t uh you you can bang anything the sound alert that that was literally the opposite of what I was preaching just saying um what is this little room but this is awesome good job Ben um

Holy crap is there anything I missed in here right click the book I did and it made me fall asleep I did huh oh I’m right clicking the bed oh here entry the garden was unlike anything I’ve seen before wait a second why isn’t it working Oh weird

The garden was unlike anything I’ve seen before with glowing mushrooms and their flowers it was beautiful sights but I couldn’t stay forever perhaps I’ll come back someday and explore that mysterious hole I found mysterious hole this is this is crazy um mysterious hole gave you a rash one time

Ew what I I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing how do I get out of here I forget how I entered and um how I how how did I get here oh this way oh that makes sense why every time I broke the walls of my house I kept

Saying Red Blocks uh how do I get out was there a button oh that explains why I kept seeing red blocks why doesn’t it going cover this place up so no one can see no one must see get out of my way oh it doesn’t work I don’t know there’s

Some some witchcraft Happening Here well I did not build this I never ordered anyone ready to build a dungeon inside of my house that was insane um good job fan good job fan but I’m gonna have to prison you for us for a quiet time for for uh building a unapproved

An approved structure inside under my house for some weird naked sacrifice and ceremonial dungeon why would there be a dungeon if you didn’t order it to be built I don’t know I don’t know far it will I I don’t know what that was all about

Why the how are you getting in and out of my what the how why are there these many rooms inside of my house Koji study the [ __ ] what the pool Koji raid get out of the cage right can we imprison Koji for the next 10 minutes don’t compliments nice room cozy River

This is my house not me and here can you imprisoned coach no not here though inside of the prison braid rate can we put Koji in one of the prison cells for 10 minutes Ew All right well I this you know what I’m gonna take this room it’s nice and cozy I’m gonna use this room as a little um little nuke inside of the house for me to chill because you do not this is not a I’m getting rid of this sign

A [ __ ] why can’t I get rid of these things oh he made it so that I can’t break blocks in here oh I’m taking that room over it’s mine now it’s mine now oh that was my house everybody that I mean there was there was some stuff that I

Did not expect to see um ah good you you think long and hard about what you’ve done in there that’s right oh yes you can throw a little fuss but you’re not gonna be able to get out of it you’re thinking hard about what you did and and touching my property when

You had when you had no permission okay who’s this is the dead body of Ben for building a dungeon inside of my house without me telling him all right well that was my house Chad everybody um I’m proud of it besides the weird stuff that was happening inside of there but yay

Improvements are how are those improvements all right so I think next thing we’re gonna go look at um not the prison what is this thing this is what is going on did I just see what I did I just see what I saw um well let’s go I was gonna

Oh it’s a little road uh transportation system look at him go get them go go go everybody go go wait should I should I go I was gonna look at I guess it’s a long way I guess I guess I’m going um let’s go chat everybody move move faster

I’m gonna wait till people go a little bit what is this tunnel yeah yeah oh it’s a little difficult to control um yeah let’s go oh Chad don’t puke we’ll get there whoa look at it I was gonna say wow look at this cool lava fall

Because I just saw I I passed past the lava fall like this and I was like whoa they they put some Landscaping stuff that’s cool did the eyes just turn on what even is where is it oh did you add my balls it’s just bananas chat these this is just a banana um

We worked over time on this project this is just uh banana and grapes uh I don’t know why they chose this particular material for this area but they’re grapes um and uh it’s the banana is a little ripe which is why it’s it’s kind it’s a little bit green what what lies below

Below here why is there a stairways where am I going this time if this is if this is another some weird BDSM dungeon whoa whoa holy ah oops whoa whoa look at this place whoa what ah I can’t barely see what is this place what are these noises is this Avatar

Koji explain what’s going on this is all naturally under Hana City this is mostly natural what Jordan made it wait what the city was here we found this while making the banana someone lived on the server before us whoa look at this place this is crazy

I could barely oh do I have a torch oh I can’t do anything I think braid lock this so that people can change but this is a this is under the shalom these are probably the warden’s home cool this is really cool stuff wait how did you find this while making sure long

Wow this is so pretty wow what the [ __ ] okay further the song come from oh you’re trying to make the Geelong drip and the drip led to pressure led to Treasure enchanted book doesn’t do anything oh whoa what is that creature oh God is it just hitting yourself to the against the wall

This is crazy this is this is huge this is all below us huge it’s the most dangerous mob in the game really a lost city like Atlantis what the that’s crazy well good find Chad I guess I guess trying to make the shillong somehow paid off

Oh it was added in Minecraft and a pretty recent version Oh interesting super cool okay where was the shalong entry this is still the leak from my salon let’s follow the [ __ ] not cool the lava where there’s there’s [ __ ] everywhere you got lost in there and you have to be teleported out too

I have to take my I’m gonna take my trackers off so tight foreign that was a little little side um trip to to the below shillong what lies below um great find uh I’m guess guessing you built the pathway to there look good work everybody let’s I guess

I’ll keep going oh there are two ways which one do I go which way do I go I’m gonna go to the path that no one’s going uh this way wow this takes you out to the dwelling area it seems nice oh that we can see everybody’s plots oh this is nice

This is nice we’ll go look at we’ll go look at what everybody builds um let’s go yay Oh look at this one I can’t wait to see what you guys built guys try to stay behind please if you can thank you very much oh this area you guys remember looks like summer built a water fountain and a little stairway area we’ll go visit that later as well this

Gives you like a full tour I’m gonna also have to go up and see how this road has been built wow so cool so cool oh look at this little Tower you have to go through what happens here oh is it is this uh what what oh holy holy wow

Damn this must have been a lot of work to build together lots of blocks wow look at this view this is uh this is the um the Park View so we’re passing the park right now um the dreamers Park and then now we’re gonna be back at the arena and my house wee

Passing my house noise that was a that was a full that was a full Road I like how you guys built this like uh water slide I like that a lot that’s really cool um back to the salon what is what is the other path take you to the other this one yeah

Where is this oh where does this go well whoa where is this what where is where am I whoa whoa what is this where am is this like a top of the mountain holy crap you guys it’s a temple on the top of the mountain whoa whoa look at this chat wow

What does this say welcome to the Temple of our goddess guys this is too simpy don’t call me goddess that’s too much that’s too much I can’t handle it I can’t well damn look at this it’s like a full Church what is that whoa this is incredible oh my God

What about this side only on out loud back well let’s let’s go through the front foreign if you want to punish someone order them on the black Square beneath the balcony then push the button to close to close push the button again if you want to punish someone order them

Order them on the Block Square black Square the lever opens these stairs to the basement you can punish them further Who said anything about me wanting to first of all why are there so many freaking Dungeons and temples here that I didn’t order anybody to build that was not part of the public buildings that I’m that I told people to build in the dreamers and second of all who who gave

This idea that I just want to punish my I don’t want to punish my chat what I what what is this place oh so Koji is in there foreign everybody stand there Waddles Waddles stand there and then um Can someone stay here and press the button for me

Both like press the button when I tell you to stand here and press the button when I tell you to okay um okay there are three of them standing all right oh no it’s so lava though they’re burning oh my God what the heck is happening

That was very satisfying Double B get in there stand double b stand on the Block Please no no no stop shaking your head come on I promise it’ll be safe it’s gonna be safe I promise yeah yeah good good just just stay there for a second okay Bosa execute See they’re live down there they’re safe it’s safe in there they’re alive holy crap this is amazing how did you guys wow look at the Statue it looks like an angel this is crazy when did you guys have time to do any of this I thought I thought you guys were like

Deadlines we’re finishing on Friday I thought you I thought you were like wrapping up what is this one room light room oh here it turns the light on and off like that nice big light maybe it’d be more obvious if it was nighttime um but everyone was like deadlined and I

Thought they were like and they’re all like melts down and I was like oh they don’t make hopefully they have enough time to like finish up the of the stuff that we’re building but then look at this thing oh my God is this the basement this why is everybody keep getting in a

Cage that I did not ask to create why does everyone keep let us out what the heck is this how does personal labor what the no advantage why does everyone have it are these my mod cells no I don’t have a dedicated cells for each of the mods in my basement

See they’re not even in there it’s it’s this what are these cages and why are they all being cooked under construction why are they all been cooked I don’t want to cook my Nana’s I don’t eat bananas okay number two upgrade Workshop I like the link his name is spelled wrong it’s fitting

Uh the model can’t spell number two what number two I I mean I guess that’s kind of accurate representation but um no that’s not what happens in my there’s no cage in my basement it’s just studying all the jokes in there right now it’s bum bum is just studying all the jokes um

The crazy book and uh I don’t know why I don’t need personal labor so I don’t know what any of this is about but um look at this cage free then why would I uh they they’re probably in there for a reason uh I I heard that dream verse has a benevolent leader

And if they deserve to be caged and punished somewhere they probably deserved it because I heard that the leader is very understanding and empathetic and like one of the nicest leaders that people have ever seen in the period of time time existed so this I think brings you oh this is a gate

So that I think stairways I see I see wow wow look at this place that’s crazy great job you guys Hi Tamil I forgot the other buttons in the basement there are other buttons in the basement What are these paths oh is is this also oh this is to the basement what buttons of these I’ll burn them oh my God drown them are they being burnt right now that’s dropping the lava oh no Koji because she’s just burning in there

I mean I see a button I’m gonna press it what happens when I drown them oh God what’s over here oh it’s on the feed your pets oh that’s what gives them food oh it throws up some food in there Koji he was a good mod

Well not really he was a naughty naughty mod and this is a price that he’s paying um you will be you’ll be kinda missed bye Koji anything else I missed in here this is crazy you guys are you guys are mental I’ll just say that uh in a in the most

In the most um endearing way possible I’m saying it uh look at this Temple it looks amazing it looks really cool at night oh that that must be the big light thing oh look at the light whoa It’s like that’s awesome good job you guys amazing Temple so much this is amazing

Maybe maybe don’t call maybe don’t call me a goddess just call me uh call me a leader you’re you’re a mayor worship No don’t watch me get up inside um but this is really cool I feel like we could even use this place for content um sometime but this is incredible thank

You so much amazing job I I was I was like I thought it was gonna take me to the tower because I just kept the road kept going up and up and up but I was like oh it’s going off high it must be taking me to like the

Tower but then I was like nope where am I oh ah back to the bottom let’s go I love these underground roads as well great job we’re back at the dwelling area so since we’re here shall we look at some of the apartments that you guys have been uh working on for yourselves

Um let’s go let’s go let’s go oh and then and then chat um I believe in braid you can braid can uh confirm double confirm but I believe this can be supported in VR as well so one of these days I can come in here and and look at

Everything in VR it’s probably gonna be really dizzy but I think it could be really cool um not yet yeah not yet but like once it becomes available I think that could be yeah we’ll do it later all right so anyone any of the any of the laborers who would like to um

I built a banana hotel instead of working on my apartment what banana Hotel um Mega says she can’t be here but you can look okay so these are vacant ones oh sketch was here okay let’s check out scooch’s room he cleaned the room oh you can’t decorate feel free to crash

Here if needed all that’s sweet just inviting strangers into crash on his bed um he claimed this this first floor is spot this is this is a pretty nice spot and you get to see people like you get to see the highway I like I like being able to see the highway

Um what is that and a little plant uh and some jizz coming out from the next door uh well you know that that’s what happens when you when you get to claim your room too late um but good job scooch uh I was actually gonna come in and

Decorate rooms for people who got to work but didn’t have time for decorating their own rooms but uh looks like people people got some time around I’m glad they were able to come in and like claim their spot uh dorms don’t we we saw dorm storm I don’t this one was funny

All right the Land of Oz did we see this one all right so people who haven’t who either made updates on their apartment that you want me to go look or people who I haven’t checked their apartment can you guys let me know so I know which one to go in

You added more music nice we’ll go look at it what is this one oh who’s house is this oh this is like a fancy block I like the design you get to see the little well Felix shaped Tower nice view um and then a bigger phallic shape the fall like phallic shaped Tower

Who gets the apartments here people who worked on public buildings uh as part of the benefits uh for the laborers and Architects uh well this apartment specifically the the laborers get them lanzores we saw this one nice nice Jenners nice little table TV the painting this is a nice view of the mountain

Vacant I think we saw pins yeah you saw this one amazing I love the hot tub I love the cute little banana towels hang in I like this one a lot what is a scream like you’re hearing the more you said you added music the Narnia foreign

Why are they all underground is is my question all right there’s a music start the party start the music Party Time Dark Age and Waddles doing something sus Oh this is so cool Isn’t making music really complicated how do I isn’t there like music blocks somewhere hidden that’s making this happen somewhere right now Only a jukebox icic ah the disc you put in a jukebox I see The rain cave look at them look at them going crazy Da Foreign [Applause] In the upper right corner you can see a mirror oh that means they’re invisible oh why am I invisible I didn’t drink milk That was amazing zombie Mori I love this place I like it a lot good job someone splashed me with invisible juice so that so does that mean like every time we want to have a party we we have to go through the Morris House good job have you seen hentai Lords yeah we’ve

Seen this one nice nice houses I’ve seen this one why am I keep hearing like crazy Whispers hottie oh patio this is a public patio area You can see stuff and you can see the new new road work now amazing amazeballs the dark Edge do we see we saw this one too and Mega’s room please don’t let Gerald out oh someone already left the door open that wasn’t me mega oh is that Gerald

Well I gotta gotta close the door to make sure Gerald can’t get in here um it was a special ask special ask by Mega Gerald’s hat seem seems like um Gerald is someone very special to Mega um hi Gerald nice nice to meet you uh there’s a kitty

Kitty’s name is Ricky hi Ricky oh she gave her she gave him a little cat tower very cute oopsie oh what the Daryl’s baby oh Gerald’s baby games I see excuse me can you be a little quiet over there please thank you um oh it’s a little bit pollen to keep me

Awake no sleep what why I never told anyone to just labor without no sleep so I don’t this is all personal you know mottos that I didn’t that I have nothing to do with um everybody got plenty of sleep and rest I gave everybody uh time what what is this halfway interesting painting

Um Wow wait what is this plant glowberries what I was like I keep looking for like nice hanging plant I couldn’t find anything whoa this is this is way better than Vines oh you use strings oh this is so pretty yeah it’s like a nice little like nice little

Balkan area and you get to see wow very nice is that a banana on the roof of that house oh um very nice love it great job Mega oh don’t let the cat out Great job Mega And thank you so much for participating Um and I want I won’t question whatever was going on between you and Waddles and that basement and lava that one time [Applause] the puppies oh oh sorry whatever you’re up to physically speaking if you put your if you set your mind to it you can’t can’t

Wait can we calm down on the fireworks for a bit it’s it’s a little too loud and distracting this thing braid great can we cool can it come down on the fireworks please thank you oh we’ve seen this live love lever oh nice little balcony coming coming oh oh this is a nice

Little Grill oh so creative using the plates oh I like this a lot good job good job Double B and then you got a little Brewery stuff on the table yeah nice and like a little bar area and then your friends can sit over here are you serving me drinks here or

I mean I’m a guest where’s my steak and um oh thank you that’s not that’s milk serves milk to to friend who’s visiting when you have when you clearly have some alcohol here there’s there’s a bucket of milk oh thank you well now I can’t pick it up because you gave me milk

Mundane potion and steak thank you thank you thank you there’s there’s [ __ ] everywhere this is bucket of milk not coom and second of all when the [ __ ] did I say that what the context context shut there’s cool everywhere those are fireworks these are fireworks not not what do you guys think it is

Um this is really nice cozy barbecue area I I like I like the way you built the grill how did you Loom oh interesting it’s a box oh so clever clever clever and then how did you do this door what oh iron trapdoor what how some some crazy witchcraft going on here

But very cool nice and cozy I like what you’ve done good job double oops good job good job [Applause] clap clap well in the hot tub area outside put a little bench nice nice good job good job good job good job Matt P still work in progress oh Matt

It’s it’s a nice simple room nice simple room um oh he put Plants up so cute it’s simple but has everything you need a bed and plants statue of a precious no no he’s it’s just he’s still working on it that’s all that’s all right anyone’s house that I haven’t seen

Waddles well no not the house the apartment in here a roof What’s going on here um contains 99 more Amazon boxes breakups realistic this is pretty realistic representation of braids room what braids room look like uh this is boxes and crafts just boxes and crap um and uh and um monster cans not crabs crap uh what pee and um monster cans and

More boxes and then those like anime girl cups uh and what was that like KFC boxes fast food bags all that stuff um so pretty realistic representation what is this oh the chair is nice the chairs to look at the city look at the night view very pretty very nice good job

All right now we go down what job and this is the exterior of the building it’s now nice and colorful with everybody’s Decor in it very pretty clap clap good job everybody I hope you guys had fun decorating your little space um and then over here let’s check out this view over here

I hate that I hate how nice this is now like as I’m walking down here I’m like oh this is like this is such a cool little spot without even like what if you lie like so nice and cozy I don’t know what’s going on here um

And you got a little water fountain in the middle and then the roads surrounding it makes it look cooler for sure um yeah it’s a nice little nice little you know Park area now where does this go oh hello hello skeleton let’s just where does this go how far huh what is

What is that how long has it been there what is that the statue of no Liberty aka the Stitch of Lavery foreign what do I get in this way oh hello are you a tourist s what the heck is this oh my God it’s Giant everybody salute salute

Gotcha don’t say hail I said salute um that is a Statue of Liberty apparently again I did not order anyone to build this I did not um this is this is very nice actually oh it has like water and everything this is a very nice statue

It’s the scale of it is so it’s so huge Minecraft shut the [ __ ] up wow amazing very impressive great job chat I have to say it’s not Fourth of July yet I have to say I’m impressed what are these holes it’s just a that’s just a clocked hole all right well

That was a nice hail Statue of Liberty organ no it’s both you hail as you get whipped duh otherwise it wouldn’t be Statue of Liberty but great job you guys so funny okay I was just like what is this little path I don’t think I saw this before It’s so far out too but look how cool the top like cool the town looks it’s amazing nice little Fountain oh look at the blocks it was too dark earlier but look at the blocks it’s very cool very cool it’s over here gift shop another hole Underground this is a gift shop right

The dude is stuck in my hole why is there a Hentai Manga collection at a gift shop for a nice little Park what what figures what is everybody doing what is go this is a gift shop a public I oh God I’m getting out of here it feels sticky in here

Sticky and musty in here I’m gonna get out that was that was there’s comb everywhere Koji there’s there’s cool everywhere this is a weird this is a weird park I gotta get out of here I’m gonna get out of here um this I like the way you guys did the

Stairway here it’s really nice oh look at that view all right let’s go let’s go look at the rest of the town now let’s go look at the houses from for The Architects um I think if I follow this I should see waddles’s house The end is near It is near Waddles is your house ready he he went a little nuts it’ll be okay I’m just gonna go into his house he’s he went a little crazy from all the labor um what is this plot let’s go may I go in why is it so dark in here okay

Oh there’s a there’s a glass okay is this a maze am I did they just put me in a maze well as I said to build your house not to put this is too dark I can’t see anything okay all right I’ll subject is at the start

I can’t see anything my monitor is too dark blocked blocked I can’t even put torches I’m gonna try wait I can’t see any Ken Chad can you see anything because I can’t ah I’m just following the light another hole going into the ah I can kind of see now I my eyes adjusted

A little bit okay no that’s locked ah no stop throwing fireworks because that that makes that throws off foreign [Applause] this is not a house who lives in a place like this this is blocked do I go up can I go up ah so hard to see can chat see the wall

I see a little bit ah logged God damn it this bubble is really annoying oh another blocked why are you why are you like this ah wait how do I get rid of this bubble coming out of me play my monitors wait let me let me see if I can change my

So I’ve been wanting to uh RGB mode user mode foreign I can see way better now all right get out get out of me how do I get rid of this green bubble all right get out of my way what else the rage inside of me I told you to build a house not another freaking game inside of a game

What does it say There Is No Escape yes there is there has to be there has to be God I didn’t take a few break up here [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] it literally it feels like I’m getting slapped on my face yo you you [Applause]

I’m just gonna follow oh [Applause] ‘s here [Applause] I was here too because I was eating food I had to take a bite and I lost them foreign [Applause] these little freaking items pisses me off like it’s leaving like a little little tiny little treats for me

I see everyone’s over there though so I feel like I need a head that way [Applause] I ah I see all the names over there how [Applause] what the huh how am I stuck [Applause] how am I strong right now plans are explained explain what’s happening the dude is stuck in my hole

I think Lancer is just as confused what the heck I hear doors I don’t see any buttons they’re all right there on the other side he saluted and left who lanzor Lazar did you I see you I see you over there get me out of here [Applause] I see you oh foreign [Applause]

See that creepy eye I see you with that creepy eyes get me out of here yeah [Applause] do you even know it’s easy I walked pasta like three times Don’t you dare take me to these nuts again what what [Applause] thank you bottles put yourself in prison for 10 minutes while I Snoop around your house was that necessary why why whoa look at this holy moly whoa look at this fancy kitchen well you made drinks all right I’ll

Think about it maybe maybe after the drinks I’ll think about it is it wrong to have some drinks right now it’s Friday right yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna have some drinks water’s made me some drinks so I’m it’s it will Waddles this special juice I special juice I didn’t ask for juice Homebrew

All right I’m gonna I’m gonna go get drink real quick we can do cheers now I gave you guys cheers emote [Applause] cheers no but I gave you an actual cheers emo wait can’t do you guys not have it this one what’s the share one um one second [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign

All right guys I really need you to chill on fireworks otherwise I’m gonna kick everybody out thank you just no no fireworks unless it’s absolutely like needed where but chill chill down a little bit I know I can turn the volume down for them but just don’t do it

Just don’t do it there’s no need for it right now um it’s really distracting that’s why even if the volume is low okay appreciate appreciate your cooperations um all right so let’s look at the kitchen shall we what do these what do these do they’ll say oh oh interesting oh my goodness

Look at these cabinets this is so fancy Waddles holy crap I can’t even be mad at him look at this I can’t even be mad at him for putting me through all that craziness I this place is insane um I like the lighting oh you can do

This with the banners too nice I like that that’s an interesting Decor is that a are you collecting egg from the Duck is this a little duck egg cage you know not even gonna so this is a lot this is how we got in the lobby area and let’s look at the

Oh look at this living room how do you have all this space am I actually in the lot that we is this the plot that you were assigned didn’t work are we somewhere else right now um the whoa look at the TV nice and then little desk and the sofa area I

Like how you use the carpet for like a little rug on top effect I like I like um oh the speakers fancy fancy oh so my neat little tricks and you have a little aquarium nice and there’s a little door here what where am I right now because this is

Definitely way way way bigger than the plot that little plot he was working on like where are we right now um wow it’s a little sink is this a trap why a true wire hook little um like hot hot top area with with your buddies

What is on the other side wait this is not a reflection what is that wait is that a roof wait what is this supposed to be a reflection I holy that’s so much effort wow he literally like mirrored it unless what are you what are you doing there hey hey that’s not

Let’s let’s walk away um is this a toilet use toilet wait what use toilet to exit Okay you get if you get out using the toilets oh God foreign Donkey Kong on TV giant TV a little closet and a giant bed with who the heck is Can Candace huh Candace can

Candace what what’s who is it why is it funny can these can this stick fit in your mouth shut what it feels like I’m getting slapped on my face why are you like this oh put it Waddles who hurt you huh who hurt you why are you using your talents like this

Wait how does the TV change get a Donkey Kong before ah which way did I come in from was I was that this way oh back to the living room nice oh that’s how it connects I like how he did the ceiling work as well with the stairs I like I like

Great job this is the way we came in from the crazy maze um I didn’t see what happens we need to get out What the ew look at the way they’re coming down Hannah’s dookie what the [ __ ] what ah what do you guys think about this hmm how do you feel about being stuck in a toilet with Hannah’s dookie I don’t know what that means I this what is that hot whoa what the

Elevator back up foreign [Applause] well can I I have to I have to I have to give it to him that was pretty that was pretty impressive [Applause] I feel so enraged inside but that’s besides the point that was so regardless a troll on so many levels that was a master trollism

I have to give it to him good good job I applaud I applaud good job I must say that was pretty impressive I didn’t even notice how his outside apartment was basically a hint for the maze foreign thousand years I would come up with that stuff it’s only people with special hearts and

Minds will be able to come up with something like this in such a short notice but good job good job Waddles I am I call me call me impressed we looked at bosas awesome house and then let’s go to the other people’s a nice little public pool looks like

Skeleton is beating over there three Mills home let’s go see oh I like the little look outside with the glass on the in the pool over here or hot tub over here very nice and then like little path around the house super cool let’s go in steak just

Just right at the gates steak you guys are you guys are always making me want to eat some steak and a little cake this is for desserts some storage space and oh nice little bed and the painting up here I like the uh and Road lights like this by the bed

I like the design uh pretending like he reads books Shar p but nice is it auto door yeah nice I really like the skate design I don’t know what it is but it reminds me of like homes from mangas do you guys know what I’m talking about

It reminds me of Like Houses you see on like mangas like a Japanese homes I don’t know why maybe it’s the brick and like the little something about it feels really cozy no yes no maybe not but good job I like I like super modern and simple design

And use of the space and then you have little like a balcony area up here oh you could you did it like this I like that idea nice fancy fancy it does look yeah yeah um good job angel cloud clap okay don’t mind the Sheep another hole everybody foreign

There might be someone invisible there or something I can’t get that there you go well um you got some explaining to do no don’t don’t sh don’t shy away you got some explain excuse oh don’t just look look away you got some explicit is foreign Jesus all of you all of you guys

What I’m getting out of here next house moving on um Rivers let’s go look at River’s house wow look at this nice and wholesome and oh very healthy activity like Ping Pong um nice nice um uh lots of green I feel so refreshed uh looking at this I feel I feel very

Refreshed looking at it a nice pool area and with all Grill on the side I love that I love that um foreign there’s any structure on the ground scares me a little oh thank God like wait what are these plants what are you growing down here the good stuff damn it 420 baby

The river you river is on plot 420. it was just like a nice little garden so I was like thank [ __ ] god it’s not another weird BDSM dungeon and then little did I know I mean it’s a garden it’s a personal side Hustle I mean it’s a it’s a personal Garden

Um what is that what are you throwing at me hello may I help you are you lost he gave me the good stuff and rolling paper my last Faith last drop of faith I had the last little drop of faith I had him what is this oh look at the bike nice

That’s fun I like that I like that all right let’s see let’s well at least we got that out of the way in the beginning so let’s look at his inside of the house oh what is is this a bed is it a oh it’s it’s a it’s a pool table nice

Oh that’s clever way to make it nice he didn’t just he didn’t just build a table he tried to make it actually like accurate as possible nice very fancy what does that do does actually do anything maybe not and a little balcony oh no this is a gate

That we came in from are you coming up that way oh look at this View nice very pretty and his little bed and a little couch area to look outside very pretty I want to move into all of these apartments oh and then he kept the windows on the

Top open so you can see the skylight and the double piece creeping at him Um nice great job good job River oh and he got a little arcade a lot of entertainment activities here relatively healthier activities here I’m still a little scarred from the ship I saw um but I’m gonna try to erase that from my memory uh as much as possible

But very nice I love it good job River oh and Little Pond area so pretty is this a mailbox oh no it’s not like a little ride a bird is supposed to be a bird or is it a ride I don’t both Flamingo oh that’s really cute I like it good job

And then I like stair is also really nice foreign look at that fancy modern house I’m so I’m still still a little scarred so a little let’s go to koji’s plot there we go it’s kojis why isn’t koji’s apartment sign like not shiny when everybody else’s is oh it’s very open

This place is very open I guess he likes to be he likes to be observed um a little fireplace area this is nice um spacious how do I get up from here I have nothing to hide unlike you I have nothing to hide either making sure all the holes are clear

Wait how do I get up though Koji is there a Stairway or lead there’s a back door another back door hole who’s pushing me in right now I’m not who’s pushing me hey I don’t want to go in I don’t want to go in hotspring very nice

I like how people still like found ways to make more space for them um um this is nice this reminds me of like Korean public Hot Springs have you guys ever been to those um it’s over here what the Koji what is this do you just mine as a hobby laughs

The little basement area well um just ah foreign this is your room it’s a bat cave you’re a Batman that’s cute this is a nice little cave he’s a he’s a superhero everybody it’s clearly Batman’s room no one cared who he was until he put on the mask Cody sleeping

Well good job hero now I’m gonna I’m gonna go back go back how do I get to the upstairs or is this just like um the core or was there a Stairway somehow to get up here did he not make any stairs he didn’t um he has a little like Garden area

Another indoor garden area but this was all just a mask to hide his real identity under the ground in the back door hole to hide his true self who he is when you go down into that when you go down into his back door hole the back door cave told you the Batman

Alright that’s all of the Architects houses good job you guys that was a that was a journey and um I still a little scarred from everything that I just went through I don’t know why I feel like I just been through a traumatic events a couple of times um but

Good job everybody I I guess oh this is not not a little nice little Lookout area um has there been any changes to let’s see it has there been any changes to the arena if not I think we can go look at the um the prison

And then we can look at the park and then the tower and then the the tower and then and then the park it was definitely an experience it definitely was an experienced chat I’m glad you’re here with me to witness all of this abuse that I just received um did I answer

Just a little more light okay then um oh is this the resting area that you guys you guys turn into something just a little Midway ads uh mouth spot store hello um how can I how can I get mob spots on my Discord server um okay thank you very much for that

Information that was very helpful what is all this oh it’s the server room oh this is cute [Laughter] oh that’s this is cute mouth spots are the best Discord Bots credited bot uh take my words for it if anyone runs anyone runs a discourse server I highly highly recommend it um

All right and then here I think is where is this where it used to be the resting area the water cooler area oh This does not this does not make all the other traumatic [ __ ] I saw today but that’s very sweet don’t read chat oh there’s an upstairs okay oh Dark Age thank you so much for me solving for seven months appreciate you oh how’d I get up foreign is this the meeting room

A little meeting room [Laughter] more up this is like a little office space that people can rent Gray’s little side hustle to make the means oh oh this is how I could have come up I guess ah nice nice a lot of mops little mobs gift shops slash server

Rooms operating operating spot office moth spot office nice I I am I keep walking into doors I don’t know why I don’t know I keep getting stuck nice little Fountain area Moss HQ I see I see HQ um and I think this is where the watercolor area used to be they just

Turned it into like this cool little resting spot that’s really nice um everywhere salted all right let’s go look at the prison so um I think we’ve seen most of it coach is there any updates that you wanted to share oh the door let’s show them the door so the prison

Now has this cool giant door do I woke up to it or does someone have to activate it open the door whoa fancy look at that and I like that they surrounded the area with lava so that people can’t escape no swimming oh and then are these supposed to be the

Guarding dogs that’s funny um what’s over there it’s just a pond okay let’s go let’s go wow it looks so futuristic um wow this building is I think the biggest structure at least on the outside in the dream verse I won’t have imprisoned there you built the jarp you can’t you

Can’t toot your own hole like horn like that pretending like you’ve never seen this before I want to be in prison there you’ve built half of it [Laughter] um well let’s take a look wow it’s so futuristic I like it a lot it is amazing um wow how is there actually like

Come here where where is where is braid oh here ah Hannah is holding mods captive please help clearly not who’s on that’s my mod outside of this door right now clearly not who’s the one that’s being held hostage right now who’s the one no stop nodding no no no no no no

Now who’s the one that’s trapped inside right now me and like if why would I be hanging up my own heads please help Hannah’s holding mods I poor Moss Jenner don’t don’t excuse me can I get out of can I get out of here sir I ca thank you

Clearly I was the one in the house I was one that was being kept capped captured captive whoa whoa look at this prison very I’m very happy satisfied with this prison um and this okay if someone pull me down this building is gigantic we can hold many many many many many prisoners here

Yeah Koji no prisoners allowed foreign ER ah oh nice so this is how like this is like a little Alleyway for the guards could you do you know how many people we can imprison in here probably a lot oh look at this little hallway to monitor everybody’s on their best behavior

Wow why are there chickens on the roof why do you ask just curious oh there’s someone in there oh it’s that it’s the skeletons of Ben um well this is very nice I like the hallway and then the whatever this purp whatever purpose this is serving over here and they can

They can stand guards rotate their turns making sure no one can escape no one can escape this world oh nice good job you guys this is incredible I like how massive and Majestic it is if it feels Majestic I’ll get it it’s intimidating you know look how intimidating that looks [Applause]

Great job great job I’m not talking about my chat not everything is about penis and shalom it’s not everything has to be about penises oh many things are but not everything that um it literally it feels like I’m getting slept on my face oh I didn’t ask to be teleported here okay I

We’ve seen this already yes that’s impressive um who who teleported I didn’t ask to be teleported here it was this is No access drainage life wait is this the behind behind ah what is this watch your step great shalong observation platform number one who said we need Observatory for the shillong I thought it was just an intimidation tactic for the prisoners that’s not a tourist spot where you need like an observatory deck

Where is him what the heck is this binocular a lot of people are rolling I’m dead um uh it’s in the chest stop looking at it God push them bye drop bye oh God man I don’t how do you even get here how does one even get here foreign

It could be like um you know like a photo photo spot where we make people pay and then they can take a photo right up here you know and then every photo this is like a photo Zone you can make it a photo Zone Zone and then they have to pay like

10 bucks per photo and it could be one of those things where like we let them take the picture for free and like we we get it all like nice and everything printed out but then for them to actually take that photo with them away they have to pay like 25 bucks

Yeah I’ve always wanted to pay for a salon photo I know you’re welcome um don’t you hate when when they do that like they um they like take photos of you at like amusement park without your consent and then shows you like make it all nice and beautiful even print it out sometimes

Show it to you and then they’re like oh to take this you can take this home with like 25 and I’m like I know you’re just gonna like destroy it if I don’t buy it but like why did you even bother to like print it out so that I will want it

And then go take a close look at the balls um there’s there you go see it’s a good photo spot look Bosa pose nice see it’s a good photo Zone why are you showing me your butt what great job you guys I like how big massive and intimidating our prison is

It represents the spirits of uh the dream verse and the strong leadership of the mayor it it um so I like it there are some levers that were sacrificed in the Midway that will be forever remembered and um I like how it’s connected right next to

The arena as well so it’s very it’s very fitting I like how it all came together great work great work everybody good job salute salutes good job all right and let’s go check out the tower shall we um I don’t oh they put the names uh nice contributors AKA slaves Believers language

Everybody leavers the poppy nimori dark itch and mega thank you so much you guys and we’ve seen this last time but I’m just gonna go look at it one more time because why not let’s go up Yay this is a top or the tower I don’t think I saw the garden at night time so this is nice um and then from the top view this is a nice in and young Zan Garden very nice super cool um and you can see the view of the um

The prison and the arena even my house from you can basically see everything from here because it’s right in the middle of the dreamers Village uh at your own risk though and you can how big is that freaking sign that’s so big um and you can see the little dwelling area nice nice

Um and then the park that we’re gonna go see in a very second what is this why is waddles weapon Everywhere I Go I’m just gonna stay away but look at this Tower this is amazing I love the design um it’s not a space dick uh let’s um

Wow I know it’s wow right you some um it’s incredible I love I look I love how you guys did this like a spiral work here I don’t and you guys did it so fast too so I’m super impressed oh you you decorated like oh you added a lot of restaurants in here

Oh that’s so nice wow look at the kitchen holy when did you do all this I don’t how that I’m speechless how do I get down again here oh I need to get out here oh yeah this time this time oh it’s short out wow look at this it’s it’s so nice and

Romantic look at this little restaurant um nice kitchen and look at all the meat cooking uh interior designer double P oh great job The Buffy this is amazing it’s so nice I like how like bright it is but like also because of like the spiral light from the outside it looks super romantic

Um and there’s there’s like a little bar area and um I like the plants that you put up amazing and I like the big kitchen look this feels very realistic love it good job you guys incredible um braid I think someone needs to be imprisoned for fapping in public

Um for for acting in in this in this decent in this sense why can’t I say this word in in in this sense in this sense here what the [ __ ] you know what I mean um in the innocent in this sentence Behavior you know what I mean although

Why do I struggle so much to use the elevator is it just me or everybody but that’s the tower that’s the Dream First Tower you guys amazing why is a spell everywhere the end is near all right let’s walk to the tower well let’s walk to the park area Rings bring some picnic

Oh you can look out look down at people racing ta-da let’s let’s look it down here and then we can go we look look at most of the stuff I think here last time there’s the ice cream shop with the suspicious yellow flavor um I don’t know why anyone anyone want that

Or get that but um nice Park area to relax and that’s the race area for people to go and race and look at this oh you decorated the top of the mushroom thingies too wait did wait how do I get up there is there something that gets me up there

Oh maybe I do it from the top oh okay I see I see I do it from the top so we’ll get there we’ll look at that and then the ponds area this is amazing I wanna I I really feel like I’m here I don’t know about you guys but it feels so

Immersive to me um I feel like this exists IRL this is how you get to the top oh wow this could be so fun to come with your friends and family take photos every island is a different design wow this is a little Pond area nice and a little bench with um nice

Emerald color rocks oh I like the swing chair the swing bench um nice little Mushroom Island that’s cute like every island is a photo photo Zone nice nice little shaded area oh this is like a little it could be like a flower shop or a little Garden area very cool binocular um

So cool oh and now we’re at at this this big Museum oh look at all the Arts nice very nice contributor first excuse me you’re covering the names yeah contributors um good job everybody what an incredible incredible project so much creativity so much pervertedness so much trollism so much flavor

So much laugh laughter everybody this was amazing I had so much fun doing this project and I hope you guys that too what do you mean pervert wear everywhere so much fapping so much BDSM that I never asked for so much too long um but it was so incredible to see all of

Your creativity kind of come together and it was amazing to see you guys like work together collaborate and behave so well most of the time like 99 of the times and um everybody cooperated so well so I I appreciate it so so so so so much and um

Thank you so much for letting me do this and um this was something that I’ve always really really really really really really wanted to do only except that I didn’t have I didn’t have enough number of friends or the right right cut right type of people or Community to do so and

I’ve um so this was really special project for me no no don’t be such it’s a happy moment uh so it’s it was crazy to kind of see everything come into reality and like everything been put together so um thanks everybody and damn like look at this creation that we

Did together just with this many people that’s crazy so this is so fresh it feels like oh charms this is what a community is is can this is what communities can do when they when they um work together great work everyone it was so much fun

To watch and I’m glad and everybody who watched as well I hope you guys enjoyed it just as much as us that were building things here um and then thank you all the labors for it for landing host their muscles I hope you guys had fun removing and placing

Blocks and also decorating your your little house and everything uh that was really fun for me to see this um and then thanks to all the architects um who have designed all the public buildings and also helped laborers like basically LED them to create these amazing structures together so thank you

So much uh all the Architects and then also I cannot forget my Moss parade and power but especially parade um for hosting the server and you know just monitoring everything and making everything happen so thank you so so much and this won’t be this definitely won’t be the first time this will definitely

Be this is just the I mean I mean this this won’t be the last time I mean sorry I won’t do any shelter at this point but there’s definitely won’t be the last time uh and um well we’ll definitely keep doing uh something like this together so

Uh it was it was just like I thought it was this was gonna be like a small little project that we do we do together to kind of like test out you know how you guys do when I try to do a creative project like this uh Community projects

Like this and man like I was blown away you have exceeded my expectation every day like every hour um bottles bottles bottles um you can’t save the world and dispute to who you want I think I’m gonna leave that to braid and we’ll uh and then I’ll share more details because I believe

Brit has his own plan I don’t know much about how any of this works so he had more plans um so I’m gonna I’m gonna chat with him afterwards and then and then update you guys in case you guys want to come visit and then potentially later

Um another time maybe we can visit again in VR to see how everything is I thank you so much for a hundred dollar donations thank you appreciated oh and that reminds me I almost forgot um to thank all of the all of the contributors we are gonna be giving away

Free games to everyone who participated and all those games were sponsored by uh scooch met p and salted battery so thanks to them I am able to give away many more free games to people who participate in events like this all the contributors um open a ticket and we’ll be giving you

Giving you away a free game for you guys so thank you so much and thanks uh thanks Matt scooch and salted for sponsoring those games uh for our events thank you very very very very very very very very very much um free stuff for slaves I know I it’s

Not they’re not slaves they’re leavers first of all and um like I said they got freaking Free Housing they’re getting free games this was this was that’s no sleep maybe they they had they did have to fight to death um in order to earn the spot but hey but hey

It’s they still got a nice apartment um I’ll get in there and take a picture with them okay uh like this all right everybody don’t you guys are covering each other though someone someone go next to River river someone’s gotta go next to the river S I can’t see you or Koji somebody

You guys are covering each other waddles yeah yeah yeah okay all right everybody ready Koji you gotta go a little bit to the other side yeah yeah tours towards Bauer there you go one oh power coach who who’s who’s behind Bauer can’t see okay there we go there we go all right everybody

One two three [Applause] and then I’m gonna do a different angle one two three [Applause] yay That was so much fun um What’s on the other side oh there’s the map You know what let’s look at over here Look at this this is a town and a little dreamers village in Minecraft That was so much fun good I know like I know Minecraft is not for everybody and like even myself like until I played it very recently you know I I didn’t really get it but I feel like creativity is something that everyone can still appreciate and enjoy so um

That was so much fun that was so much fun I don’t know how I’m gonna I do want to edit these videos to make sure you know we we leave this memory in in a content form and I sent to my editor like like 10 hours worth of bots

We’ll see what he says but um this has been incredible it’s very it is very addictive um you can do your fireworks now you can do your fireworks now um but this was amazing and like in such short time too because like technically we spent about like a week I would say

Hannah left sleeps for 10 minutes stream Mega excuse me Helen I like like I I never do that they’re usually the one laughing at me I’m the one getting trolled this is all fake Authority I have here do you not see do you not realize the the people who have

The real power here is the nanners and not me um they all say oh our goddess our our dictator our word and with the the biggest long and then and then they trapped me in a maze and um they build these crazy dungeons underground of my house without

Me even knowing like do you not see who who the real dictator is here definitely not me I don’t have I don’t have real power um I’m just here enjoying my bubbles but I love my cozy little house and my little hot tub let’s go yep what hotel there’s a hotel

Where’s the hotel Mega you Mega showed up in the beginning of this project and made me Play that video where he talks about how everything you build in Minecraft ends up becoming a Felix shaped structure whoa where is this where am I oh this is like

Oh oh yeah I saw this and I was like I thought it was one of the architect’s house all right oh wait calm down on the fireworks for a second everybody calm down the fireworks for a second let’s go see this pools and saunas this way okay let’s

Check in first though banana Hotel welcome okay um it’s a little memory thank you ah oh wait was I supposed to stay in there what’s going on ah I [ __ ] it off I escaped um all right I was supposed to stay in here okay I’ll read the redo redo okay

Let me okay here oh even when you don’t use the water I somehow find a way to [ __ ] it up let’s go upstairs wow look at the rooftop area a banana hotel and of course nice hot tub nice nice I love the colors the purple and yellow that’s my color

Those are my colors a nice little movie night area let’s go downstairs The Kong floor okay oh a nice little balcony is there ranked five stars I mean let’s see let’s see what I ranked this at the end of the tour um why is River burning in fire well the stairway the water floor oh it’s blue and water these drums are so nice they’re so

Spacious this is for the Travelers visiting dreamverse you can stay at the banana Hotel wow is this a check-in desk what are these rooms oh nice little Reading area this place is so big this is a Kong floor let’s go down the banana floor oh let’s go yellow and purple

We don’t have time to drink only work any any of these things the dark Edge is resting already with some milk in his hand for some reason each floor has its own themes yeah it has its own like color themes very nice um three players are sleeping who said you can sleep um

Back to this what do these do I don’t know foreign back to the stairway the gray floor wow oh my god when did you guys have time to make these Koji and bread are not been in the Great lanzore also um I will be just teabagging everybody

Who’s sleeping okay well all right you guys do your thing um oh look at the Trees of the balcony area yeah very nice How do I get out This way wow wow it looks so pretty from the outside too look at all these colors don’t forget the sauna there’s this oh yeah oh yeah that’s right that’s right let’s go to the sauna pools and sound on this way wow oh it’s a public Hot Spring very nice

Now I want to go to one I want to go to sauna and hot like hot spring now let’s just see if like they have any near because I feel like it’s not really a thing in the US fight like the Public Public Asana thing Hot Spring Hana Hana Riot Hotel

The showers oh wow this is so detailed when did you I uh Lanzar I think I think you need to get some stuff to make sure um you may you’re you’re gonna get a star reduce from your hotel rating for a public indecency there you go finally I said it hmm

Uh the Sharon Sana oh it’s oh this is a sauna and that’s I think back up oh this is so nice why is everybody yeah Korean saunas are like this um a lot of like Korean public saunas are basically like this and um I mean it’s not like uh uh

Mixed gender it would be like you know girls like girls only and like men’s only but uh inside of there it’s basically all open so um but it’s really nice and uh and there are like something called Jim jibong in Korea and it’s basically like sauna public

Sauna but they have like different rooms so like each of the each of the Sana rooms would have like a different theme so they have they would have like different temperatures and different type of herbs or different type of stones that they’re using to heat up the

Heat up the room and usually those sauna areas are um uh open for everybody like all all genders and everybody can go and then like once you’re done with the sauna and like you sweated everything out um then you can go to like the hot spring air which will be just for ladies

And like um which would have like the ladies side and the men’s side and then they can go shower and like do some little bit of enjoy a little bit of hot spring and then and then you can come back up and like chill with um we’re friends or your your partners

Um and they you also usually have like a restaurant where they’ll be serving different kind of foods or like smoothies and stuff like that um and sometimes they would have like little arcades on the side for like kids to play as well so it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun

But unfortunately I I think if you go to like a Korean town in the US they might have something similar but um it’s not easy to find here for sure here as in in the US do you go in naked though yes so well not not the sauna area in the

Sauna area they give you like uniforms that you can wear so uh it’s just like a like a shorts and t-shirts and then after the sauna area is done then when you go to the hot spring area then yes you can make it uh what do you call that do you it’s

Called something nude nude Hot Spring isn’t it cold something here I forget all all nude I can’t remember but good job lanzor this is amazing I don’t when did you even and I love the color theme Here yep though I mean they’ll be naked people but it’s just all like people in

The same um same sex as you are so it’s not a it’s not a biggie no one really cares no one goes there to peep at other people but there are a lot of funny stories where people sometimes like run into like their their like teachers or

People run into like their mom’s friends and things get a little awkward but that’s like that happens very rarely um yeah like imagine like running into your school teacher at a public bath awkward awkward what great job everybody this was incredible oh a little banana oh that’s

What this was I saw it at the apartment lot and I was like what is that building with the banana on top amazing thank you wow great job everybody clap clap and the temple you guys made up there what is that little Dome space is it just like a little side Observatory thing

There’s a castle Yeah I I think we saw it a while back when parade made it um well in case you guys didn’t see it somewhere in the back right foreign Mountain it was all empty and only only the grass and grass and snow here before there it is

I like this perfect Island Karma this is a little floating castle that prayed quote unquote made um beautiful mm-hmm pretty right foreign looks like the monsters claimed it but again great job everybody thank you so much again for participating and I can’t wait to do another projects like this but for now

Get some rests get some rest and celebrate all the cool creations that you guys all have made together ah this freaking thing um I need a flight this is so big oh I can’t change the fly speed right now foreign I how do you guys even have this photo

Because I remember I posted this and deleted deleted it literally the next day because I didn’t want to spoil because this was like right before I did um 1.5 photo reveal or 1.5 model reveal and then I posted this for a for brief moments and then deleted it manners never forget

If it’s all for more than one hour it will be saved I need to stop underestimating my nanards is what I’m learning um but all right everybody I’m gonna sign off I might come back later to look at more details that I might have missed

But thank you so much again and all the contributors great job one more one more big Applause for everybody [Applause] so fun all right so um tomorrow we have a collab I’ll be doing a Korean class stream oh I’m using a Korean class stream that’s right

If you come over you might learn a thing or two um and uh of course of course Mega and um I will be inviting Darlene who is another YouTuber friend of mine who has an incredible voice and um I will also be inviting a friend named Val I’ve actually never spoke to Val

In voice chat so that’ll be fun they’ll be interesting to see how things go but I’m prepping a little class material for them um so I think it’ll be super fun and you guys if come over and and hang out with us you might learn a thing or two about

Korean you might take away a few words that you might be able to use so that should be fun so I’m looking forward to that um and then if all goes well maybe I’ll do more classes maybe I’ll do more classes um so that will be at tomorrow 11 A.M PST

We might start the actual content a little bit later than 11 because I usually like to catch up in my chat beforehand uh but you know as always come to my stream at 11 um I always give extra pets and loves to my early gang bananas

Uh what’s the next Community game I have to figure it out we’ll see I haven’t decided yet I haven’t decided yet um But there’s been a couple of things I’ve been wanting to do as well but that that’s been delayed or like pushed up because I’ve been doing I’ve been playing Minecraft non-stop so we’ll see we’ll see but I always keep you guys um keep you guys up to date so

Join my Discord if you want to stay up to date and thank you again and I see that a lot of people are posting screenshots and photos in the Discord uh Minecraft forum so if you guys want to go check that out I’ll definitely go visit uh our Discord Minecraft forum uh

To to see all the photos and the behind the scenes stuff all right chat I love you everybody thank you so much for joining my stream and hanging out with me today again thanks again everybody who participated in the project love you all Hannah out

Bye bye have a good rest of the Friday bye bye spy bye Texas by conquer double peachen CMD Walking Dead Man um memory Mr Wick uh octet It’s also battery I Nuvi three mil Nate bile Pond storm lanzor Waddles darkish River Moray nervous more super villain Hammond bar Mephisto oh Koji Karma Overkill Helen Corey narku Jenner Mr Rick foreign bye love you see you tomorrow foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Project – Dreamverse City REVEAL (final)’, was uploaded by hanaxbanana Twitch VODs on 2024-01-09 19:00:00. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:12:33 or 18753 seconds.

Broadcasted on Apr 21, 2023 live at

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#hanaxbanana #vtuber

🍌 Timestamps 🍌 0:00 – Intro 16:46 – Just Chatting 1:44:10 – Minecraft Dreamverse City

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    Wudo: EPIC Minecraft MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-04-07 18:00:18. It has garnered 73910 views and 1087 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:19 or 1999 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: MILITARY VEHICLE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft We’re in big trouble! We need to build MILITARY VEHICLES in Minecraft to save my family from NUCLEAR MUTANT ZOMBIES! We need a TANK, FIGHTER JET, and WARSHIP! Will we be able to survive? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Machine Gun Golem DESTROYS ALL Mobs!!

    INSANE Minecraft Machine Gun Golem DESTROYS ALL Mobs!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft machine gun golem vs all mob fight||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-25 12:00:12. It has garnered 342 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. minecraft machine gun golem vs all mob fight||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • INSANE Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore Minecraft

    INSANE Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating a NEW massive Custom Terraforming Project in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-05-01 20:24:53. It has garnered 20061 views and 1566 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:43 or 8623 seconds. fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks! ⭐Become a Member (Your name will show on screen!): 💙If you enjoy the stream, consider leaving a tip, thanks so much💙 💻fWhip has partnered with Seattle Built PCs to build his latest Gaming PC! Enter code ‘fWhip’ at… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing! EP 8 Kambing Golek on ONE LIFE Minecraft S3 🤯🔥

    Mind-Blowing! EP 8 Kambing Golek on ONE LIFE Minecraft S3 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[7] | [EP 8] 🔴 ✨ Jom Support ✨ | 🎮 SATU NYAWA Minecraft S3’, was uploaded by Kambing Golek on 2024-01-06 16:44:50. It has garnered 19301 views and 1313 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. ▶ Latest videos! ▶ Join Wakambing Forever Membership: ▶ The sound effect itself comes out on the screen: FOLLOW ME AMABING ▼ 📸 Instagram ➔ 💙 Facebook ➔ 🎵 Tik Tok ➔ 📞 Discord ➔ Join Wakambing HQ Roblox group:… HOW TO EARN MOD: Be active… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Mashup: 4 Killerpeak Levels!

    Insane Gaming Mashup: 4 Killerpeak Levels!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VİDEODA 4 OYUN (ÇOK GARİP BİR VİDEO HEMEN KAÇIR MA)’, was uploaded by Killerpeak on 2024-04-23 16:05:57. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:54 or 834 seconds. this video was a lot of fun #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr, mouse and keyboard, keyboard… Read More

  • Insane! Presidents Play Minecraft Live (Funny Facecam)

    Insane! Presidents Play Minecraft Live (Funny Facecam)Video Information This video, titled ‘Presidents Play Minecraft (facecam) *parody*’, was uploaded by Presidents Play Parody on 2024-03-04 00:18:16. It has garnered 7131 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:15 or 135 seconds. Obama buys a minecraft server… THIS VIDEO IS A PARODY AND IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THE VOICE AI SOFTWARE ELEVENLABS WAS USED TO CREATE THE VOICES. THIS VIDEO DOES NOT INTEND TO IMPERSONATE, OR OFFEND ANYONE Discord: Modpack: Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like 1.20.5, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Season 3 Reset coming May 3! Join the Discord for more Information! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created in December 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and vanilla gameplay. Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server where major decisions are made by the members. We enjoy hanging out with movie nights, game nights, and more! Our Server: Our JAVA Survival… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Explosive Creeper air raid 💥

    I guess Rl craft really brought out the creeper in you! Read More

  • Unveiling the Hidden Power of Wind Burst in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Hidden Power of Wind Burst in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What does Wind Burst do? #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Ben on 2024-05-14 15:49:50. It has garnered 126 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Wind Burst explained in 30 seconds! If you want to support content like this, join my discord server where you can suggest video ideas, talk to others and more! Read More

  • Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore

    Jungle Temple Build: Minecraft Hardcore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I build a massive temple, reaching for the skies. In a jungle-only world, I face the hardcore test, Surviving 100 days, giving my very best. With an AMD Ryzen 7, my processor is strong, MSI B550-A motherboard, where I belong. Inno3D RTX2060 Super, for graphics that shine, Gigabyte SSD and Seagate HDD, all mine. Corsair RAM for smooth gameplay flow, Gigabyte power supply, keeping me in the know. Redgear keyboard and Logitech mouse in hand, Ready to conquer, in this blocky land. So join me on this journey, filled with delight,… Read More

  • Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥

    Minecraft: Explosive Wi-Fi Connections! 🔥 “When your Wi-Fi is as unstable as a creeper in Minecraft, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet provider!” #minecraftproblems #firstworldgamerissues 😂🎮🔥 Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Doggone Good Time! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new and exciting server to join, Minewind is the place to be. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on epic adventures with other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what Minewind offers – a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts coming together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans

    Ultimate Minecraft Skywars Shenanigans Minecraft Skywars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft Skywars, where the thrill of competition meets the creativity of building. The server IP awaits players ready to test their skills in this dynamic game mode. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the world of Minecraft, Skywars offers a unique and challenging experience for all. Breaking Down the Action In Skywars, players are placed on floating islands and must gather resources to survive while battling opponents. The goal is to be the last player standing, making strategic decisions and using quick reflexes to outwit… Read More

  • EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!

    EPIC Superhero Race: Noob vs Pro in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-11 13:00:28. It has garnered 211078 views and 6763 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:05 or 3545 seconds. NOOB vs PRO SUPERHERO Lucky Block Race in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a lucky block race in Minecraft as SUPERHEROS! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEX

    Sneaky Minecraft Creepypasta: HALF ALEXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta | HALF ALEX’, was uploaded by RayGloom Creepypasta on 2024-05-14 08:00:23. It has garnered 55491 views and 1956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:12 or 912 seconds. This Minecraft creepypasta is about Half Alex! ———————————————————————————————————– WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned! ► I’m an author! Check out my books!: ► Give a big like and subscribe if you want Minecraft Creepypasta books! Ask in the comments what books you want! Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be… Read More

  • 🔥OPROBOY – CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraft

    🔥OPROBOY - CREATING RARE BEACON 😱 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft |’, was uploaded by OPROBOY on 2024-04-20 04:30:16. It has garnered 406 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. MAKING BEACON IN SURVIVAL WORLD 😱 | #viralvideo #minecraft | shorts bushcraft camping minecraft survival shelter camping in heavy rain cold weather camping bushcraft wilderness camping alaska girl camping wilderness survival tips minecraft mod go to the forest minecraft tiktok bushcraft alone camping in arctic primitive technology camping in the rain tik tok minecraft bear grylls minecraft but challenge 7 days… Read More

  • EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle – CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!

    EPIC NOOB vs PRO Build Battle - CHOO CHOO CHARLES in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOO CHOO CHARLES BUILD BATTLE In Minecraft – NOOB S PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-04-20 09:41:32. It has garnered 63219 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as they team up to construct the iconic Choo Choo Charles! Watch as they carefully plan and build this impressive and elaborate train in the virtual world. From laying down the tracks to adding intricate details like smokestacks and train cars, witness their… Read More

  • Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!

    Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-18 12:00:17. It has garnered 351 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Fauzex-aid Minicraft – Epic Eid 2024 update!

    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

  • Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔

    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! server ip is (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. Map: Discord: Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More