Insane Minecraft Editing LIVE with Matt & Friends!!

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Oh yeah baby we’re working on the video again I’m back drinking coffee and you know what this time I just put regular milk in my coffee and it’s it’s actually way better than using cream I can’t believe I’ve been using cream my whole life cream is disgusting if you think

About it it’s just like rotten milk okay high school student named Claus Kellerman entered the competition CLA Kellerman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded Minecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until

You beat the game some say some of the computers still have Kellerman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded Minecraft on all of need a circle like a big red circle you know what that’s why I have this open out of my way check this out what I

Do is I go bang and I get a picture excuse me I gotta Clear My Throat um 24hour champagne diet spilling while I’m sipping I encourage you to try it I’m probably just saying that cuz I I don’t have to buy it the club only supp girl

I’m on fash I am listen what everybody in my past didn’t want me to be guess what I made it up command just want you to see come take a look get a load of this N word quit FR on me I know you can’t say no to this N word don’t come

Around try to gas me up I like running on I’m on my Disney [ __ ] goofy flow I’m captain hooking my new car is Ru and I’ve been living life I make mistakes that I don’t make excuses for like leaving girls that love me and constantly sing I’m losing my thoughts I said where my roof just go how do I give this circle thank you that’s that’s what I’m looking

For like leaving girls that love me and constantly and do something else I’m losing my thoughts I said where my roof just go where my roof just go where did it just go oh oh so you thought you came here to see me edit no that was just a trick to

Get you to listen to me sing mother mother all right let’s see 24 hour champagne diet why is the thing what why is the thing not giving me the ability to increase the stroke you think that’d be something that I’d obviously want to be able to change you think that’d be something

That would pop up right when I click on the oval but uh Adobe Photoshop I’ve only used it for less than a year maybe even only used it for like six months it’s not very intuitive it is really great and I love the software but it is not the kind of

Thing that designed were like hm where do people think they would be able to find the stroke for their oval you know an ex someone who’s smart with half of a brain would say hey maybe if they doubleclick the oval then they could change what the stroke size

Is but no no no that’s not how they they think they think oh no I don’t even know what they’re that’s the thing I don’t even know what they’re thinking when they come up with this stuff like what are they thinking are you kidding Me I don’t think they’re thinking and then for the next one I just want a line yo girl what’s up let me tell you I am so dumb that was supposed to go over there are you serious are you kidding me are you freaking kidding me I just

Copied and pasted it and you’re going to make me do that all over again you see what I’m saying when I say that this is not intuitive at all because intuitively speaking I would have thought I would have thought that if you copied and pasted in oval from one Photoshop thing to another

While they’re both still pulled up dude I am not enjoying this oval like this is not a good way like I shouldn’t have to okay first of all quit making ovals second of all it should be a lot easier for me to and and now I can’t even do the

Stroke anyway so you know what I’m just gonna have to do a double underline my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness try to stay calm try to stay calm I’m try my best to stay calm I’m trying my best to stay

Calm I want to stay calm oh my gosh I don’t know if I can stay calm oh my goodness I can’t stand calm oh my goodness or should I do a rectangle I guess you have to try both and if you don’t try both then you’re just not the kind of YouTuber that

Deserves a million views because you’re not willing to put the work in oh and now this pops up over here where was that a second ago you know what I mean oh you think when I’d click that it would move but no all right the rectangle is looking way

Better than the whatever I was just doing so now you You’ think that when you hit fent you’d be able to hit export but they want you to unclick out of the thing you’ve clicked on before you can do that I’ve learned my lesson watch this

Watch this this this is this is one of their biggest mistakes I hope this works actually this time I copy the rectangle I paste the re oh why did it work this time but it didn’t work when I just did this a second ago do you see what I’m

Saying do you see what I’m saying put something on all the Minecraft computers now look you can’t export it because they want you to click are you kidding me are you kidding why why would that stopped me from being able to freaking export this why do they why

Would that be an issue I mean I’m going to give them a benefit of doubt maybe there is an issue maybe that is like a thing I don’t know but in my opinion they are really stupid whoever programmed this I’m telling you because you can go into logic or iMovie or uh

Whatever it’s called and the way Apple thinks when they’re designing their products is they really try to put themselves in the mind of one of their customers so you can jump on imov it’s your first time to ever use it and you can figure it out in an

Hour I think I saved the other one in the wrong spot oh wait a minute whatever whatever whatever where did I save did I not save this one I might have not saved it okay I’ll give him the benefit of the that I’ll give him the benefit of that

This is going to look really good though so isn’t that really all that matters if you guys can’t tell my favorite color is red I very much so love it okay time to sip kman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded Minecraft

On all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete h H I don’t know if it should be a black background there like even though you can barely see whatever it would be and you can’t do something distracting I’m going to leave it black for

Now students named Claus Kellerman entered the competition Claus Kellerman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded inecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say some of the computers still have Minecraft on them

Even to this day it wasn’t until a year later that the principal act when a young high school students named Claus Kellerman entered the competition Claus Keller I want that to spin faster I’m hoping did it do what I wanted it to named Claus Kellerman enter the comp

Nope it did not do what I wanted wanted it to do that’s fine so I guess I just have to move these over shmear Claus Kellerman entered the competition Claus Kellerman [Applause] was why is that a black background and this is a whatever background I never specified what I wanted the background to

Be how far are we Okay Dragon without losing half of your Armor’s endurance that’s an awesome shot this is a really really cool shot and I love that background see I might have to use that background again I really like that is it used to be about inventing new ways to torture Minecraft experts that felt like they

Had already mastered everything survival mode had to offer oh so you learned how to kill the Ender Dragon with without losing half of your Armor’s endurance okay so how about fighting the Ender Dragon and the warden at the same time so fighting one wither is too easy for

You okay how about two Withers or three Withers so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win oh I know what I need to do there I know what I need to do there all right look at these people they’re taking magic so Seriously post Malone plays magic I mean don’t get me wrong dude Magic’s cool I ain’t trying to hate on no magic how long is the video 50 minutes seriously all right I’m going to have to steal someone’s content Co magic did he hello everyone and welcome

Back hope we having a great day and we’re all doing well in this video I will be teaching you 10 that’s not Kudos Kudos Magic tournament mini Kudos oh his name is mini Kudos guys I highly recommend checking out this channel highly recommend checking out the magic The Gatherings Min

Scandals 16 minutes over here 20 minutes over there coat opening the ones who are mistake chronic inability of course to qu Alex sther his back on the comp. antich his opponent showed up wearing a place Tom I know my exent makes pre-co for he wanted four when it came toly titled Van

Cleave actually I’m disappointed he’s he’s edited well that you can’t really use what he’s come up but so I’m going to have to come up with I really like it didn’t work out very much the newcomer in his breakout performance oh my goodness they look so weird I love it

Though I love it I love it I love it okay they are very photogenic in a nerdy way do you see what I’m saying it’s perfect they’re Perfect I’m gonna have to download an hour long video just so I can get two seconds of it okay maybe a little longer than two seconds I got to eat some bnes one second I made balones last night I used all the best ingredients it turned out

Like crap then I put it in the fridge decided to eat some this morning and it tastes totally different it tastes great but last night when I made it it tastes awful how does that how does that work oh my goodness what this here we go finally the big breakthrough in into

The top eight and wait why is it such low well he chose to do it at the world championship stage so we have very so the competition became I might just not fit in this shot at all so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all

You had to do so the competition do they have any other shots of competitor wait a minute wait a minute oh no okay we’re okay we’re okay I hope they have more shot is like this all just one match and it’s just them two

And it’s just them to see I need I need like a bunch of different nerdy looking guys this guy vers that guy that guy versus this guy really great card in this matchup uh neither decks really play Exile removal before I do that I am going to

Try just doing different cuts of them sitting there focusing and you’re not going to notice this that they’re not on a computer but see it kind of looks like he’s on a computer or at least it could you know what I mean it could look like he’s on a computer de really play

Ex so the competition became kind of obnoxious oh that’s almost cool having it just pop up and they stay in the background and now I need need a I need a shot of the Asian man focusing where it kind of looks like he’s on the computer and then also I

Think oh see that even looks like he’s typing that almost looks like he’s typing something that might be a better shot than what I just put there and I need it to l so the competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you so the competition became kind of

Obnoxious I hope people became kind of obnoxious and I got to cut it competition became wait what so the competition became kind of a that’s where it cuts again right there what is this oh wait oh it’s cutting it still looks good though I hope you guys know

Um I have an attraction towards nerds I’ve always identified myself as a nerd people look at me and they think they don’t think I’m a nerd I guess like this guy no offense he just looks pretty nerdy and for some reason in America we have a stereotype

That all Asians are nerds it’s not really a stereotype because in Asia they really put more emphasis on school than they do on Sports and in America it’s almost like half and half um comptition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more

Now the other thing is could I put a Minecraft logo right there you know what I mean you know what I’m saying you feeling me you with me we got William Oliver what’s up William Oliver how you Doing um Yo what’s your Twitter Again oh you know what instead of Minecraft it might actually just be better well first of all I think I already have that one so I don’t need it again clear now I have another idea this is going to take some effort this is going to take some proper planning some execution this

Is going to take some thought and some maybe even a little spice and I’m going to need a little luck to make this work but I’ve got an idea and It Go something like this I’m going to take that and I’m going to use this as a as a background oopsie for

No no it can’t be Steve oh that’s a sick skin are you kidding me it’s Ash Ketchum from Pokemon what oh dude oh dude they’re not letting me they I need another cool skin Minecraft yeah it can’t be Steve and what’s his face like actually something like that but what’s the background it’s

Black so that might be not work for for H I wish there was a way we could have these be a little bit bigger now check this out you wait a minute what we don’t want that backdrop that’s cuz I want it to be exactly like this for

Competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more in for you know once thing that might be cool is if we just loaded this place up with torches so then even if it’s night time whatever I’m building like a bunch

Of them right this is going to be a big War more ender dragons wardens and wither was sticking more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were whoa why is there a blank why is there a blank that makes me very uncomfortable this means I somewhere down the road I screwed something

Up see now I have to backtrack and ask myself what’s the missing link here why why is there a blank there before I totally freak out I’m going to I’m going to go to open recent copy we’re at 3 minutes 7 Seconds go to 3 minutes 7 Seconds and there’s no blank guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative and dare I say even je so why is there a blank like WT have happened oh jeez the Weise back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative and dare I say even genius intuitively already know

What happened I can sum it up in four letters I don’t like this I do not like this oh wait could it oh my goodness this is not good why would you deselect why the freaking heck would you deselect when I’m in the middle of this freaking I’m not talking

About me I didn’t do that these idiots did that whoever made this software did that all the time it’s like okay I need to select a lot of stuff okay but then I need to move the timeline a tiny bit but I want to deselect everything I just

Selected I’m trying to freaking move the timeline what are these blanks oh no no no no no what that no one else had tried it when I asked him what the idea was he replied what if we used the entire map as our cage so that’s exactly what we did since

Deadliest cage match ever made first two we came up With that’s okay that’s fine but now I’m just really suspicious of every little blank I see the only thing I can think of is like when you stick one of these in no no no you stick in something like this you can hold control you can make everything

Move back maybe I forgot that I did that somewhere which would mean that it’s not really a big deal that there’s a blank but a lot of times when you come across a random blank that you know you didn’t put there it means you accidentally deleted something which is just part of editing

That’s the same case in iMovie and whenever whatever you use you can it’s just too easy to accidentally delete stuff or accidentally cover it up but you know what sucks I have to watch the entire thing now two Withers because I cannot afford to go on and on and on and

Then find out way later that I screwed because then the mistakes just get worse and worse and worse and it never ends this is the deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft but don’t be fooled by his simplistic look because we made custom homemade mods to add insane

Challenges that’s not all we just built an OP kitchen that shattered the previous world record for Speed farming and cooking beef stay tuned because today we’re breaking multiple Minecraft world records and later we have a guest star making a surprise appearance friends friends friends watch until the

End because we’re going to give you a digital cookie that pops out of the screen uh so how does one make the world’s most deadly cage match in Minecraft like how do you even measure how dangerous a game even is is that even possible the short answer is yes

Hey the first thing we had to do was research the current world’s most deadly cage match in Minecraft and then we promised ourselves that no matter how awesome it was we were going to make something even better you’re about to experience what it’s like to be a Pro

Gamer put in situations that are literally designed to irritate you aggravate you and make you turn on your friends oh almost off the edge go go you’re going to go off the edge buddy let’s go oh and we might have added a Call of Duty mod and went hunting for bacon with

AK-47s take that pig shoot I smell bacon but that’s a story for another time after analyzing all the previous winners we came across a problem about 5 years ago people started confusing cages with Arenas and so the recent winner world record holder for deadliest cage match ever made in

Minecraft didn’t even build a cage instead he built This wait that’s not a cage that’s a castle therefore we were faced with a challenge should we just make a simple cage and try to compete with all the monolithic Arenas or should we get into the modern Trends and build a gladiator like Coliseum wait a minute we thought

What is elegant architecture and fancy seating arrangements have to do with measuring how deadly a cage match is it used to be about inventing new ways to torture Minecraft experts that felt like they had already mastered everything survival mode had to offer oh so you learned how to kill the Ender Dragon

Without losing half of your Armor’s endurance okay so how about fighting the Ender Dragon and the warden at the same time so fighting one wither is too easy for you okay how about two Withers or three Withers competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all

You had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative and dare I say even genius you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that the deadliest cage

Match in Minecraft became a glorified beauty pageant or you might intuitively already know what happened I can sum it up in four letters m o d s mods since mods became so popular and easily accessible now anybody can create a million boss fights in one tiny little

Cage so having five Withers and two Ender dragons and a warden come out all at once was just no longer impressive instead everything changed when a young high school student named Claus Kellerman entered the competition Claus Kellerman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he

Downloaded Minecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say some of the computers still have money Minecraft on him even to this day it wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to enjoy Minecraft on his

Computer and then invited Claus Kellerman to come back to the school when Claus Kellerman joined the race for deadliest cage match in Minecraft the games would never be the same he submitted a huge castle that was clearly not a cage match but to justify his submission he built a gigantic cage all

Around the entire Castle so technically it was in in a cage the other contestants were Furious that’s not a cage they declared however it was too late the judges were already impressed plus Kellerman came with a strategy to focus on Aesthetics rather than mob bits it was the most Innovative idea the

Judges had seen since the games even got started so after that year it became all about building the coolest biggest Arena and so it was beginning to feel like the deadliest cage match and Minecraft competition would never return to its former purpose right wrong that’s where gopex and I come

In and then gopex came up with an idea so simple I couldn’t believe that no one else had tried it when I asked him what the idea was he replied what if we used the entire map as our cage so that’s exactly what we did since deadliest cage

Match ever made in Minecraft became all about about who can build the biggest and best super structures well goex realized all we had to do was build a variety of super structures we’d have multiple castles and Arenas so we made a couple Arenas and here’s the first two we came up With one was an actual cage match with lava and multiple levels back in the day everybody submitted something like this next gopex built this huge castle and even included a picture of Claus Kellerman in it to show tribute to how the kid inspired us to win by simply

Being different it also included an ugly picture of me from my former days of YouTube where I was trying to be a spiritual Guru Lord look at that Picture stupid picture of me take it down now we had a new problem because building these Arenas was taking too long and the tournament for deadliest cage match ever made in Minecraft was less than a week away so we started copying and pasting other people’s Arenas into our world we even got the

The original design Claus Kellerman used to win back in 2016 it was hours before the tournament would start and goex and I had just finished perfecting the last few blocks in our world I mean cage uh the competition had incredible castles Arenas even cities and Starships but

None of them came up with the idea to use the entire map as their cage so we crushed the competition and won the award for 2020 4 the most deadly cage match ever made in Minecraft let’s go all right that wraps up that story now I’m going to set the new world

Record for Speed farming and cooking beef let’s go at some point in our creative process we also had a guest star who made a surprise appearance and when I say surprise I mean we were very surprised our server got hacked by a 9-year-old apparently he’s another upand cominging YouTuber just like us named

Melon King Jr and here’s what he had to say I had an old Channel fry YT right I quit that channel I I didn’t mean to well I didn’t even want to at the time the thing was I needed to confirm my ID but as my 9-year-old self I very much do

Not have an ID and I can not convince my parents to let me have their ID they would think YouTube I don’t blame them all right guys as promised you want that digital cookie to pop out of the screen well just look in the description of this

Video and you will find my Amazon affiliate links to all of the best cookies sold on Amazon baby let’s go by using my affiliate links it’s a win-win for both of us because you’ll be supporting this Channel and you’ll get to eat the same delicious cookies you

Probably already eat all the time so why not just get them delivered straight to your door and now you can eat cookies with a purpose my name is Matt from friend and if you enjoyed this video click on one of my other videos go on click one click it watch

One of my other videos they Minecraft videos click it so whatever the pause was it was not a big deal but that could have been a that could have been a really freaking annoying thing I would have had to fix we’re good we’re good all right I don’t know if I car so

Much for that shot just want to delete it see what happens three with competition became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered in innov

Ative even genius that’s cool became kind of obnoxious cuz if you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered all right back in my day I need like ancient

Times back in my day but also could I find a picture that’s back in my day and it’s referencing how referencing how even 2010 or 2008 is like ancient times quote unquote you know what I mean back in my day something to do with slavery I wonder if this will work ancient

20110 back in my day no maybe ancients the wrong Word 2 no maybe the 90s maybe the say to the 90s back in my day back in my day I think hent times would be funnier back in my day and it’s like just something like this it’s too distracting too many people something like this something I really like I really like this but I don’t like that I could zoom in all right that’s an option that’s an option Egyptian hieroglyphs are just so freaking cool like what I don’t know what it is about this style of art that’s so cool but look how perfectly

They filled in his shirt you see what I’m saying because whoever was making this piece of art if they went outside of the shirt and had a little rubbish they’ probably get killed so he’s like I better make this perfect now that would be interesting

Back in my day and it’s a black and white picture back in my day Back in oh yeah see that’s is that Hillary Clinton I think that’s Hillary Clinton like a younger Hillary Clinton that’s funny no I’m not a fan but it is it is interesting she looks very different um I like how this is the old computer I want to do computer

Lab computer lab from the early oh my gosh I completely forgot about these computers and I remember this was considered so cool that they had the blue on them because all the other computers so far looks more like this just like gray plain um good that’s definitely a back in my

Day kind of picture now that really sums it up I think this is the winner as much as I love the hieroglyphs it you know what I mean like it doesn’t um it’s not really on topic but to find like an old computer room yeah that that really takes me back for for

Let’s go back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative and dare I say even Genius I don’t know if that’s that funny because became kind of obnoxious CU if you want the sentence isn’t really focusing on the phase back in my day there is too easy for you okay how about two Withers or three Withers competition became kind of obnoxious cuz

If you wanted to win all you had to do was stick in more ender dragons wardens and Withers than the last guy who won back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative oh no for E I got something in my coffee that I need to take care of immediately you

E oh gross what the oh it’s like cuz I put regular milk in and then I microwaved my coffee cuz my milk was freezing CU it’s in the fridge and now there’s like skin on somehow form like skin on top of my coffee so I go to drink it and I get

This like literally imagine like a huge chunk of skin is just going into your mouth oh that’s better now it tastes good all right genius it was considered genius even Innovative one thing I really want to go get though where’s the what is this whoa

Okay I could see that I could see that because got but that just inspired me if Innovative even genius so like you know a whole bunch of calculations that is what I’m looking for technically but it’s not very good honestly well what is this oh I’ll stick me in this corner here while

All that’s going like that winner winner winner chicken dinner looking good good good good good what’s the next line you might already be asking yourself so how did we get I say even genius you might already be asking happen I can sum it up in four letters m o DS Mods Calulations that’s that’s a it’s a big clip oh I know let’s put in fast forward considered Innovative in one back in my day these ideas were considered Innovative and dare I say even genius you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off

Track that the deadliest cage match in my genius you might already be asking yourself a even genius you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that the deadliest cage match in Minecraft became a glorified beauty pageant or you might intuitively already

Know what happen I can sum it up in four letters m o what is this she’s sexy my goodness you might already be asking yourself the reason this like could be funny it’s probably not funny it’s just because it’s a good-looking girl so you know it’s Minecraft so

That’s the joke people who look like this don’t play Minecraft or maybe they do maybe I’m being judgmental but I highly doubt it so I’m going to use it let’s see what that looks like Pretty Woman you might already be asking yourself so so how so how did we get Huh uh oh that’s not going to work h for for for Cofe Innovative and dare I say even genius you might already be asking yourself so oh how did we get so far up you might already be asking what what is that she got a tear drop

Have two horizontal flips on there do I just one and now she’s got a new problem well that’s better might already be asking you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that the so far off track what that doesn’t make sense there good

You might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that for you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that the dead I don’t like that I don’t I don’t get how it’s still showing up over there is

There how where is that pink coming from if I’ve cropped it all out you see I cropped it all all out it shouldn’t be there bro that is strange how could it still be there if I cropped it out there’s nothing else down here that doesn’t make any sense I

Cropped it out it’s not supposed to be there unless it’s only there because I haven’t rendered yet that okay that might make sense that might make sense you might already be asking yourself so how did we get so far off track that however it kind of looks good like

A there like there’s a twinkle in her eye even though that’s not what it is but what so far off track that the deadliest cage match in Minecraft became a I want more backgrounds deadly ew snakes whoa what is this is that a virus oh I should probably use footage from

Minecraft Dead cage MCH from Minecraft dude way too much of this footage is worthless way too much of this footage just freaking worthless oops did you guys already uh kill all the SK you’re never going to live up to that just kidding oh oh no no I was

Joking dude you can totally do that you can be the president one day you just have to sell your soul track that the deadliest cage match in Minecraft for I could have sworn I chose large pictures whatever that was on my previous search my bad this could be the one I’m looking

For I just want all the bad guys for for how did we get so far off track that the deadliest cage match in Minecraft became a not cool for get eat me Alive oh no for for for cck that the deadliest cage match in Minecraft became a glorified beauty pageant or you might intuitively already know what happened I can for for for for for became a glorified beauty pageant or you might mcraft became a glorified in my Minecraft became a

Glorified beauty pageant or you might intuitively already know what happened I can Su it up in I should create a folder and just make a download all these backgrounds keep for for or you might intuitively already know what happened I can sum it up in four letters if m o d s

Mods m o d s you for for for for for for for four letters m o d s mods oh m for for for for for for for for excuse Me off track that the deadliest cage match in m craft became a glorified beauty pageant or you might intuitively already know what happened I can sum it up in four letters m o DS mods off track that the deadliest Cagan sum it up in four letters m o d s mods m o

For m o DS mods heck yes four letters m o DS since mods became so popular and easily accessible now anybody can create a million boss fights in one tiny little cage so having five Withers and two Ender dragons in a Ward and come out all at once was just no longer impressive

Instead everything changed when a young high school students named Claus Kellerman entered the competition Claus Kellerman was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded Minecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until

You beat the game some say some of the computers bro this needs some red oh my goodness the piano is so badass just listen to that piano I could just listen to it no I don’t want to save no I don’t want to save 24 hour champagne die all right all

Right all right all right all right focus focus focus Matthew Focus um I I just as sure as the stars in the sky I need you to shine in the light not just for the meanwhile for a long long time better it and whenever you’re not in my

Presence it feels like I’m missing my blessings so I stay awake through the daylight I stay awake on n until you’re back again you think I’m biased to my significant other you hit it right on the head I’ve only been missing my L got

A whole lot of text on my phone but I don’t reply and the next day mother to you’re all that matters to me yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re all that matters to me yeah yeah yeah and don’t oh take the gas out the car it won’t

Drive that’s how I feel when you’re not my side and I wake up in the morning and tell and oh whenever you’re not in my Presence it feels like I’m missing my stay awake through the daylight I stay awake all night until you’re back again you think I’m biased girl to my significant other you hit it right on the head I’ve only been missing my lover I got a whole L of

Text on my phone but I don’t reply and the nexts you all that matters to me yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re all that matters to me yeah yeah what’s a king baby without a queen it make me Complete matters to Me and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he downloaded Minecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say some of the

Computers still have Minecraft on them even to this day isn’t that interesting how um I’m invisible kind of but like I shouldn’t be I guess huh oh dude I just love the piano that I added here I killed it with that piano was already Infamous for being expelled from his school because he

Downloaded Minecraft on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say some of Thehm for for for for for for so for for for for for for for for for for for for for you beat the game some say some of the computers still have Minecraft on them even computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say

Some for year later that the principal actually started to enjoy my how did I find that one background that was like purplish for no for day it wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to enjoy Minecraft on his computer and then invited CL for for for

It wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to enjoy Minecraft on his computer and then invited Claus Keller men to come back to the school when Claus Keller his computer and then invited Claus Kellerman to come back to the school when Claus Kellerman joined the race for

When Claus Kellerman joined the race for dead when Claus Kellerman joined the race for dead cage match and Minecraft the games would never the games school when CLA crypto frogs and he’s already gone oh and we got Josh miy Mackie that’s probably goex Master D what’s up what’s up what’s

Up on all of the classroom computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say some of the computers still have Minecraft on them even to this day it wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to enjoy

Minecraft on his computer and then invited Claus Kellerman to come back to the school when Claus Kellerman joined the race for deadliest cage match in Minecraft the games would never be the same he submitted a huge castle that was clearly not it wasn’t until a year later that

The it wasn’t until a year later that the the principal actually started to enjoy Minecraft on his computer and then invited Claus Kellerman to come back to the school when Claus Kellerman joined the race for deadliest cage match in Minecraft the games would never be the same he submitted a huge castle that

Was computers and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the game some say uh what why is this get for for and made it so that you couldn’t delete the software until you beat the until you beat the game some say some of the computers still have

Minecraft on them even to this day it wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to that the for for hey it wasn’t until a year later that the principal actually started to enjoy Minecraft on his computer and then invited Claus Kellerman to come back to the school

When Claus Kellerman joined the race for deadliest cage match in Minecraft the games would never be when Claus joined the race for deadliest cage match in Minecraft the games would never be the same he submitted a huge castle that was clearly not a cage Match you in the inside d I’m coming in so I got to get this shot where I just walk straight in for he submitted a huge castle that was clearly not a cage match but to justify his submission he to justify his submission cage match but to justify his

Submission cage match but to justify I’m probably done for for not a cage match but to J cage match but to justify his submission he built a GI for yeah thanks for getting rid of it yeah thank you I have just go backwards a little bit now thanks for getting rid of it all right okay now we just going to go like this what yes like this

Shot well I also want to get like a shot from way off in the okay yes like this shot he built a gigantic Tage all around same he submitted a huge castle that was clearly not a cage match but to justify his submission he built a gigantic cage all around the entire Castle

Huge castle that was clearly not a cage match but to justify his submission he built a gigantic cage all around the entire Castle TI page all around gantic cage all around the entire Castle so technically it was in a cage the other Contestants for

This video, titled ‘Editing Minecraft LIVE with Friends’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-01-16 17:00:31. It has garnered 57 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:26 or 8546 seconds.

Minecraft but I’m live and replying to comments in the chat ๐Ÿ˜€

Feel like giving today? Please consider donating if you enjoy this channel… (( Paypal )) = mattbrodersen777 (( Venmo )) = FriendsWithMatt (( Cash App )) = FriendsWithMatt (( Zelle )) = [email protected]

WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game.

Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours. But if the thought of exploring a vast new world all on your own feels overwhelming, then fear not! Let’s explore what Minecraft is all about!

WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set goal and can be played however you’d like! This is why it’s sometimes called a “sandbox game” – there are lots of things for you to do, and lots of ways that you can play. If you like being creative, then you can use the blocks to build things from your imagination. If you’re feeling brave, you can explore the world and face daring challenges. Blocks can be broken, crafted, placed to reshape the landscape, or used to build fantastical creations. Creatures can be battled or befriended, depending on how you play. The world of Minecraft allows for epic adventures, quiet meditations, and everything in between. You can even share your creations with other players, or play in community worlds!

IS MINECRAFT VIOLENT? Because combat is part of the game, there are some elements of mild violence. Players can hit and defeat both passive and hostile mobs, as well as other players if playing in multiplayer mode. However, the graphical violence is limited by Minecraft’s visual style and there’s no blood.

WHAT GAME MODES ARE THERE? In Creative mode, you have unlimited resources, immortality, the ability to fly, as well as the ability to destroy any kind of block instantly. This mode is mostly used by players who want to focus on the sheer pleasure of creating things with blocks.

In Survival mode, you explore the world, collect resources, craft, fight monsters, and gain experience points. Breaking different blocks takes work and requires specific tools. You are also bound by gravity and must manage your own hunger and health. Survival mode in Minecraft: Java Edition also has a sub-category mode called “Hardcore” in which you only get one life.

Creative and Survival both have four difficulty settings: Peaceful, Easy, Normal, and Hard. In Creative mode these settings don’t matter very much, because mobs won’t attack you. In Survival mode however, these difficulty settings are very important! They affect a number of factors, such as how often hostile mobs will spawn, how much damage they do, how quickly the hunger bar is depleted, and how fast a player’s health replenishes over time.

Minecraft but I survive in PARKOUR CIVILIZATION the entire movie of my journey in parkour civilization where the only way to survive is to parkour Minecraft but it’s SUPER SLOW the story about Minecraft if it was super SLOW enjoy! Minecraft but I buy a DOORBELL CAMERA the hilarious story of what happens when I get a doorbell camera for my house. The Story of Minecraft Build Battle the story how how build battle was created Minecraft if players NEVER did ANYTHING RIGHT the story of a Minecraft world where players could never do anything right Minecraft if there were NO RULES the story about a Minecraft world where rules didn’t exist Minecraft but it’s SUPER FAST the story of a Minecraft world where everything is insanely fast Minecraft but players NEVER make MISTAKES the story about a Minecraft world where players have to never make mistakes Minecraft but you can ONLY GO UP Minecraft if buried treasure could ACTUALLY be found the story of a world where buried treasure could actually be found.. What happens INSIDE an enchanting table the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft enchanting table What happens INSIDE a furnace the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft furnace: In addition to these game modes, there’s also unique content created by the Minecraft community in the form of hand-crafted worlds, mini-games, mash-up packs, adventure maps, and much more. This content can be found in Bedrock Edition at Minecraft Marketplace or via the subscription service Realms Plus, as well as Java Realms (Java Edition).

Minecraft is a game for everyone, and we want to see you thrive in it. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of resources. These resources are divided into three categories: Before you begin, Getting started, and Level up. To learn more, head over to our resource hub How to play Minecraft. You can also find answers to many of your questions at our help site Happy Minecrafting, and here’s one final tip from us: don’t dig straight down! What happens INSIDE a crafting table the story of what actually goes on in a Minecraft crafting table.

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Cozy Builds! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a charming YouTube video titled “How to build a cute bakery โ€ข Cozy bakery โ€ข Minecraft.” The video showcases a cozy bakery with a nice counter and a secret cash register, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for players to explore and enjoy. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the creativity and imagination that players can bring to their Minecraft worlds. Just like the adorable bakery featured in the video,… Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With characters bold, their stories untold. From basketball games to shy confessions, Friendships and romances, in all directions. Paws, the handsome one, catches everyone’s eye, But his heart belongs to someone, oh my! With kisses and love, emotions run high, In this Minecraft tale, where feelings can’t lie. So join the adventure, in this animated show, Where love and friendship, in Minecraft, grow. With twists and turns, and surprises galore, This story of love, we can’t ignore. Read More

  • Europe or Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unearth

    Europe or Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unearth Are you from Europe, upside down you stand, In Minecraft world, exploring the land. Streaming on Twitch, with viewers in tow, Playing games together, putting on a show. Variety is key, Among Us and more, Keeping it fun, never a bore. Dead By Daylight, Marbles too, With chat by your side, always true. Dytolan is the name, search and find, Join in the fun, leave your worries behind. Like, dislike, comment away, In this gaming world, we all play. Read More

  • Block House Fly: Minecraft’s Sky High Pie

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  • World’s End Unveiled: Gamers Stunned by Sight!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite! Welcome to! Today we stumbled upon an exciting video titled “NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Spider Man in Minecraft๐Ÿ•ท#shorts”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to build your own Spider Man statue or even recreate epic battles like the ones shown in the video on a multiplayer server. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a noob, a… Read More

  • 7 Hilarious Pranks That Went Too Far

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Magic: Top Teacher Tips & Smiles!

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  • Chinese Hacker Targets Us in Minecraft SMP!

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  • INEVERMINE Update: BIG Minecraft Bedrock NEWS!

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  • Insane Halloween Minecraft Build Hack!

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  • Unbelievable Transformation in Minecraft by Rey980

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  • Surprising Mom with EPIC Minecraft Birthday Timelapse!

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅHUNT DRAGON NOW! ๐Ÿ‰[MINECRAFT ADD-ON] #ADSAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MARI KITA BERBURU NAGA – MINECRAFT ADD-ON’, was uploaded by ADSA on 2024-02-26 01:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Help continue to support this YouTube channel by subscribing, liking and sharing. Thank you for clicking on this video. Read More

  • Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride – Minecraft Animation

    Monster School: Sad Zombie Bride - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-03-15 09:32:09. It has garnered 102243 views and 860 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:51 or 1731 seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game SAD STORY OF POOR BRIDE – Minecraft Animation Hello! ๐Ÿ’š Thank you for coming to GA Animations Channel! ๐Ÿ’• Have a nice time watching video on our channel. Minecraft is my greatest passion of all. Give your feedbacks, comments and likes my videos! โ–บ Disclaimer: GA… Read More

  • 100% Real: FLATLEY SHOCKS Viewers on Turd Island

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art! (PPL Request)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Note Block Cover of Hikaru Nara by Mr Aldi

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  • Cosmic Unknown

    Cosmic UnknownWelcome to Cosmic Unknown ! We strive to have a friendly and creative community with fun events. Our server is a modded server with the main focus being on Dinosaurs and Magic. We also have tech mods, farming mods. We tried to make our modpack fun for everyone! Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 Tight Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis Community Hello there! Welcome to Ethis. A warm, welcoming and inclusive community awaits your arrival. Here are some highlights: Key Features: Thorough Applications: Ensuring a positive and inclusive environment. Voicechat: Connect with others in a stress-free way. Shopping District: Explore and contribute to the cyberpunk district. No TPA/Land Claiming: Simple and vanilla gameplay. Gamenights: Weekly events for fun and socializing. Additional Details: Regular Events: Keep the inspiration flowing with in-game activities. 5+ Years of History: A strong, long-lasting community. Diverse Player Base: From builders to casual players, all are welcome. DM for discord invite! Read More

  • Reichan

    ReichanReichan is a brand new Survival focused server currently running on version 1.20.4!โ€ข ESTABLISH YOUR LEGACY: Stake your claim to the world and protect your land as your own using GriefPrevention. Invite friends to your claim and create an own town together. (Soon.. Towny)โ€ข QUEST AFTER QUEST: New Quests every week, twice the amount for Champions. Well developed and thoughtout Quests give your Survival experience an extra touch of fun.โ€ข RENT, SELL, PROFIT: In the world of Reichan, everyone has the unique opportunity to rent exclusive Markets, providing you with the privilege of independently selling the resources you’ve gather.Collaborate, compete,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dinnerbone, the Upside-down Builder

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  • Chambers’ New Great Room: Minecraft 1.20.5 Progress!

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  • Zombie Apocalypse: Minecraft Edition

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  • Minecraft 1.20.4: 7 Wild Mods You Need!

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  • Level up your Minecraft skills on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft Hacking Shenanigans

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  • B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 – Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)

    B๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆM๐–†๐–“123 - Epic Roblox Vertical Stream! (7K?)Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox Vertical Stream! (Maybe 7K?)’, was uploaded by ๐•ญ๐–†๐–˜๐–Ž๐–ˆ๐•ธ๐–†๐–“123 on 2024-03-23 18:17:56. It has garnered 9733 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:45 or 10245 seconds. i just play gaem #lethalcompany #roblox #livestream #fyp #popular #minecraft #company #lethal #steam #live #mario #fun Read More

  • Digging My Grave: Vintage Story Madness

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  • Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway Adventure

    Dunners Duke Brave 2b2t Nether Highway AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘2b2t. Traveling The Nether Highway’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-05-15 07:03:34. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:54 or 6474 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other, where danger lurks around… Read More

  • “Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft” #pixelart

    "Insane Dragon Sand Art Build in Minecraft" #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snoopy and Woodstock Sand Falling Art Short #minecraft #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dragon on 2023-12-09 18:30:09. It has garnered 7670 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐Ÿšจ

    ๐ŸšจINTENSE gameplay on the trapped smp๐ŸšจVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the confined smp๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-16 23:14:04. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:56 or 10676 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ดplaying on the minecraft server๐Ÿ”ด JOIN THE DISCORD- tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • “EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)” – Cartseem

    "EPIC Navy Teaming Up with Viewers! (SSG, Hypixel, + More!)" - CartseemVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ! ๐“ฃ๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ ๐“•๐“ฒ๐“ฐ๐“ฑ๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€/ ๐“ฅ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ผ (๐“ข๐“ข๐“–, ๐“—๐”‚๐“น๐“ฒ๐”๐“ฎ๐“ต, + ๐“œ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฎ!) ๐Ÿ”ด /p join Cartseem’, was uploaded by iiNavy on 2024-02-17 14:33:08. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:50 or 4310 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #speedtelly #bedlessnoob #godbridge #hypixel #pvp #telly #viral #entertainment #moonwalk #breezlybridge #derp #bedlessnoob #minemenclub ๐ŸŒˆ2๐“š ๐“Ÿ๐“ช๐“ฌ๐“ด๐ŸŒˆ… Updated Link. If it didn’t work for you, it should now. I made it a zip instead of winrar ๐Ÿ’Ž Crystalland ๐““๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ญ ๐“ข๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป ๐Ÿ’Ž (An Upcoming Fastbuilder + Rankup Parkour Network!) ๐“ฅ๐“ธ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ ๐“’๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ผ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“น๐“น๐“ฎ๐“ท ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ถ๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ… Read More

  • AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AI

    AIGRID scandal! Sam Altman speaks out on Minecraft AIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sam Altman FINALLY Breaks His SILENCE! New Minecraft AI Agent, Text to Action, Programmers GONE!?’, was uploaded by TheAIGRID on 2024-02-26 05:54:05. It has garnered 37753 views and 1164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:57 or 1677 seconds. โœ‰๏ธ Join Our Weekly Newsletter – ๐Ÿค Follow us on Twitter ๐ŸŒ Checkout Our website – Links From Todays Video: Welcome to our channel where we bring you the latest breakthroughs in AI. From deep learning to robotics, we cover it all…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno’s 16 Craft Pack” ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ 

    "Ultimate Cat Croissant House Tutorial in Minecraft with Mizuno's 16 Craft Pack" ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] ๐Ÿ’™โœจ Cozy Cute House Tutorial / Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resource Pack’, was uploaded by Croissant Cat on 2024-05-03 15:00:30. It has garnered 11170 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:43 or 1483 seconds. I will give you a cute and beautiful build and time to relax. If you enjoyed, leave a like and subscribe to support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions. ๐ŸŽฎ Game Info Texture — Mizuno’s 16 Craft Bedrock Edition — MIZUNO CRAFT Shader — Complementary Shaders Mod — OptiFine ๐Ÿฑ… Read More

  • INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Dance Moves will BLOW your Mind in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by B2PLAY on 2024-05-13 16:22:43. It has garnered 433 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. funny dance in Minecraft #shorts#minecraftshorts #minecraft Read More

  • Windshear Network

    Windshear NetworkDo you love Minecraft? Come and play on the Windshear Network! There is so much to do! Economy, Lands Protection, McMMO, Slimefun and much more! We are looking for ways to make our network better. We are run by Player’s for Player’s. Play on Bedrock? Sure! You can join with the same IP but use port 9392 Not sure if it’s for you? Come give us a chance, get to know what we offer and have a little play. If you don’t like it, no hard feelings, although we would appreciate some feedback if it’s not for you. Read More