Insane Minecraft Effects & Makeup Hacks in TikTok House

Video Information

For for for hello everyone how are you guys doing so excited to have you back for another awesome week of office hours hello and this is August August can you give us intro yeah hey I’m August uh I’m an interactive engineer here at Team uh and I work with templates a lot

Um and I also make micro jams what’s the latest template youve working um worked on well the latest template I’ve worked on is this peekaboo uh yes maybe we can go to the screen yeah so we’ve got a few different Halloween templates I highly encourage you to look through all of them to

Inspire your Halloween creativity this is the latest uh it’s just a little ghost that appears on your shoulders and it kind of shows you how you could use the neck tracker the neck tracker is similar to the Head tracker but it has some various joints along the neck uh down to like the

Collar bone and they won like rotate with your head so if you need something that’s not going flying when you offset it from your head this this kind of might be the option um I personally really love the preview screen on this template if you see um uh August is

Getting his Oscar pulling out his amazing performance he just looks so frightened in the preview window that I think it is [Laughter] amazing so funny yeah I even chose the the most cement looking wall in the whole office to make it look like I was in a basement

Nice um yeah there’s there’s only a few options you can really change here are you sharing your screen I think you might be sharing the wrong window because I only see your oh perfect sorry the ghost moved my screen um yeah it’s it’s pretty simple in the um in the subgraph uh visual

Scripting window there’s just some options you can change and it’s kind of just uh it’ll kind of change the feel of the ghost like the circular hover if we change this 10 you can see what that does it makes it kind of Circ Circle a lot more or like uh the shoulder

Switching this is based on when I look towards the ghost it’ll switch which shoulder it’s on and then you can uh you could reuse this for a different object if you don’t just want a 3D image of a ghost uh and then the attachment point you could attach this to anything a head

Tracker a hand tracker uh you could make something follow basically anything you want and then this offset is basically the offset so this is like from my head to my shoulder offset uh or my neck to my shoulder I guess um so yeah it’s not too complex

This is pretty beginner friendly if you want to make something that appears behind you uh and scares you a little bit like this little guy the small ghost is so adorable but you can totally exchange it for like a vampire to create a creepy mood with

Like its fangs out about to dip into your neck um and maybe after a couple seconds if you aren’t able to look around you should totally apply like a vampire makeup so your eyes turn red you have blood running down you have a little Mark on your neck I think that

Would be absolutely amazing so thank you for this amazing template and sharing it with us yeah of course A lot of people are in the chat the chat is buzzing I’m loving this energy guys thank you for coming and commenting if you’re here and I haven’t said hi to you already please

Write something in the comments I want to say hi and see who’s here um for cow I see that he’s reading from Asia at 1:30 a.m. making Minecraft and Halloween effects I love that but also make sure to get sleep um I see ma 3D designer I see Adriana Adriana is

Saying hi from Los Angeles hi guys Adriana were you just able to see the partial eclipse I went outside and saw it and it was so surreal because usually you have voluminous light from the sun that’s coming from everywhere but because of the eclipse completely covering it felt like the world had a

Directional light I mean if you guys are using atiles you guys know World light and directional light and it really felt like the real world out of a 3D was straight out of like a 3D rendering the lighting was so weird it was nothing like I’ve experienced so it

Was so crazy to me um but I now that I know that you are in Los Angeles I’m wondering if you also saw the clip Sasha says hello Damon says hello as well hi Damon Cho the far out mind welcome back okay cow has two two questions question one imagine two

Fighting objects how to make one always facing the opponent real time when the opponent constantly is moving or rotating is the look at node the right way and can you demonstrate um yeah I would say the look at notice sounds exactly like what you need uh why don’t we create a fresh project

And uh set that up with a couple cubes uh so here’s our first fighter and then if we duplicate we get our second fighter and we’ll just put them right here so you want them to be in some sort of scene where they’re fighting each other and they’re basically always

Looking at each other uh it could be tons of different scenarios but what you basically want to remember is if if you’re using the look at node then you no longer can control the rotation of that object the look at node will be in control of it so that means that all you

Have to do is control the position and the look at node will handle the other parts so just so that we can differentiate I’ll just scale one of these down and then uh well here’s here’s one thing I’ll also just try this and see how you how

You like this the look at component um so this is Cube one and so now it’s always going to be looking at this point uh the other Cube and so if we move the other Cube um you’ll well the other one’s not on screen it’s a little too far

Away okay so if we move this one now you’ll see it’s always looking at that that one and then if we match it and we do the same thing add component look at um Cube one now they’ll always look at each other and they’re always in a fight and

Uh just to illustrate this programmatically um let’s do a trans by time we’ll do a VC three and uh let’s just say they start at uh oops 10 and maybe they go to -10 Z so they’re just going forward and backward kind of what I was doing on screen right

There we’ll just say two seconds and we’ll just say 10 loops and then we’ll also just say stay and then lastly we’ll just say current vectory into there so we’re just controlling the position fully with this Transit by time and we’re just going to

Loop it a bunch of times so we can watch this little animation and then on start it goes pretty far away pretty fast almost uh like I’m thinking that the cube is much smaller but it’s huge so the perspective kind of makes it look little weird maybe we can do smaller

Values like two is probably good enough to see this effect without without it looking crazy or maybe I had it set to 100 I think I think I did accidentally but yeah so you get the point uh I would I would do that because as you can see you can still set the

Position um and it’ll just control the rotation for you if you need anything different you can always hit us back I think that was an amazing answer because C says yes this is exactly what I wanted so thank you August um he also has a second question Q2 can you explain

How and when to use the render texture and render pass how to make color glow and how to isolate the glow to certain object only is it expensive to pair Bloom segmentation and filter um pairing Bloom segmentation and filter will definitely be a little expensive I know segmentation has been improved uh

More recently so I would experiment with that a little bit uh I wouldn’t worry too much about the uh the lookup table the Lut filter that’s I don’t think that’s too bad um but yeah Bloom definitely let’s take a look at Bloom real quick Um so a lot of these can be kind of expensive just because they’re full screen effects uh if you think about 3D models those are like partial screen effects because wherever this cube is it’s kind of gated off by the vertices and then it’s only rendering to that

Area so you can see like right off the bat rendering a cube no matter what you’re doing on that Cube what kind of Shader it has it’s only taking up like a very small portion of the screen like maybe one 12th of the screen whereas the

Bloom no matter what is always going to be full screen uh so if you’re thinking about how the computer is rendering it it’s going to be you have to really think about these full screen effects the other thing is there’s this fast mode checkbox I recommend to always have

This checked unless you have a very simple effect um because it looks almost the same in my opinion I think you could tweak the bloom like settings to make it look how you want without checking this without unchecking the fast mode uh so that is that

Part what was was there another part of the question that was a long question yeah I guess uh the difference between render texture and render pass okay render texture and render pass um are you drinking tea or coffee I just see this coming off of your screen like

This uh it’s it’s a particles what it’s not real is that a new VFX we’re adding I wouldn’t I have no idea uh let’s see so we so I’m not sure um where render pass comes into affect house uh but a render texture I can I can define a render a

Render texture and then a render pass and we could poke a little deeper so render textures are um that’s going to define the actual texture and if you want to get super technical it defines like some part of memory in your computer or your phone that’s like set

Aside the this is just for drawing pixels uh so it’s like your render texture is just you’re just saying Hey I want somewhere to render what would ultimately go to the screen or to something uh it’s just a texture you’re just saving space for a texture and then

You can write to it and read from it um so there’s nothing too crazy about that the way you use it you might have multiple cameras and if you have multiple cameras uh writing to that render texture sometimes you have different layers like you’ll have for instance you’ll have this Cube written

To it and it’ll be just that Cube and then another camera will write the bloom uh as you can see we have this camera in our scene at the top left writing or drawing just the cubes and then we have this Bloom there’s actually a camera

Here if you unfold this and this is a second camera and it’s doing a second render pass um to write the post-processing so this is kind of uh what you would call the render pass is like each camera doing another render sometimes um you can set up like

A material or a Shader or something to within the same camera it will render multiple times and that would be like something with multiple render passes and that um a lot of times would be oh I forgot it’s in the asset library that would be kind of what aian blur a

Lot of times is doing because what you want is you want to average it with some nearby pixel pixels and that’s how you get that blur you’re saying this pixel and it’s neighbor pixels I want to average them and average the color and then um because that you don’t want to

Just create a loop where you’re then averaging more neighbors uh you you don’t really have information about the other pixels next to you their average so you have to finish rendering so that all of the pixels get their individual average and then you come back over and

Do a second pass where you average again that’s very common with the gossan blur uh so yeah those are some I guess intro details about render passes and render textures it’s just ways through extra Computing sorry no no I personally think um they’re really interesting um

It can be complicated at times to learn but that’s why you guys have us so um yeah come ask questions and we’ll love to talk more about render pass okay um this is a very important question I think this might be the most important question that we get today

Projo AR filters is asking hello Selen and August may I say your hair looks Exquisite today you guys any tutorials for your rest uh respective styles tutorials for our respective Styles yeah I know you’ve been growing out your hair and I saw your photo that

You posted and his hair goes all the way down to here like a curtain yeah lately I’ve been going for baby whose parents are afraid to shave the hair since it Toler who’s just never had a haircut thinking of that you know who you remind me of um like boss baby

Somehow boss baby upgraded to grung Star for me um I have naturally very straight hair so I’m I’m going to teach you let you guys know on a little Quirk of mine my hair is actually so strong and straight to the point that if I cut my

Hair like really short it will stand up like antennas like here so if you see all my baby photos all of it is my hair just standing completely up and out and I look like I’ve been hit by lightning but um some of my parents used to

Actually call me um motor gang or racer because I had that crazy hairstyle okay this stays in this chat nobody’s going to spread this information oh my gosh I don’t know why I told the world my biggest secret but um projo you made me spill my beans now

The entire world knows about my my baby nickname but thank you for that amazing question um and he made me Brew my beans Bruno is in the chat as well hi Bruno um Graham Ford FR um Adriana and Damon Cho is in the chat hi guys Damon Cho asked a

Question question I always get import fail for 3D binding mesh even though I got the assets from the official website the face morph works with normal import but it doesn’t match the actual face like the face binding import H well there could be okay so the first

Thing is if you edit the vertices at all and that’s including editing the UV map um which will actually change the number of vertices uh in like blender or Maya or anything um you you essentially can’t change the number of vertices the UV uh you can’t like delete or add vertices or

Anything like that or it’ll be kind of like a different mesh and so the algorithm that’s fitting it to your face won’t work the same so uh if that’s the case and you did something other than just um a blend why am I blanking on the word a

Blend shape um or like a key shape then yeah then it might not work it might not import like that um the other thing is I think we recently updated our 3D face mesh so I’m wondering if there’s a new one on the website as of this month or last month

And uh yeah if you’re still having troubles let us know and we can look into that uh because it’s possible that soon there will need to be a or or recently there was a new 3D face uploaded okay sounds good um if you’re still having the problems let us know in

Discord and we might be able to help that okay a question from Graham Graham is saying hey I’m having issues with set velocity um they are trying to yeah I think we are getting a lot of physics question why can’t we move rigid body except with external Force is there

A way to move object without that and without enabling is static um I don’t think so I think that’s the only way I think you have to do it P programmatically or turn off the physics yeah okay um the second question is about art maker um this person wants to use our

Art maker template but put it as a face mask so is it uh Oscar edit is asking would it be possible to use the output image of an art maker as an input image for the face ma mask effect essentially making an AI face filter maker effect um maybe using our renders um

Rendering it to a certain layer and putting it on the face yeah the I’m trying to think about what you could yeah I don’t so you can’t use the face mask uh is it called face mask studio uh yeah you can’t use that outside of

The the tool right you can’t use it at runtime um so I mean that your other option since you can’t use that maskmaker studio at runtime would be to try to generate something that resembles a mask over the face and then reuse it I have

An idea we can try that okay so this is my favorite thing to show off because people are like what is that uh every time and and people sometimes have seen it before but let’s see so you want this is a weird workaround right so you go to 3D

Face you add the 3D face and when you get the 3D face in your assets you can click on 3D face binding mesh and Cate create create face texture and this will create uh an asset um okay you can’t see it until you

Put it in the scene I guess um if you go to 2D screen image we can add an image and we can set it there so we can view it this face texture it’s going to be um what the tool uses in the background right to uh this is basically what it’s

Projecting on your 3D face at all times so it looks weird um so what you could do I think is let’s just add another image and we can just make it all black oh it’s transparent I guess too um so we’ll just change it back to like a default texture a simpler

Texture and then now we have this simplified version right um and then I would well I guess we should open the AI template since you can only do AI in that template and then I would make it so that basically we use a render texture all right I’ll just redo this in the

Other uh let’s see See Art maker maybe we can do mask maker since it already has a spooky prompt um so yeah we start out with a add 2D screen image add 3D face back in um get that face texture um and then for this one we’ll make it the black background

Oh and then this one will make the face texture we can stretch this one and uh so here’s the art maker right uh this is the one that will create the mask uh so if for some reason you actually don’t want to render this and

You don’t want the people to see the the mask on the face you can set this final render output to a render texture like Selene mentioned um so create a render texture set this there and then hm and then do you need this to be I guess

You don’t need it to be there but imagine you also want to hide the other stuff well maybe you want to show this to let them paint on the face I don’t know so then what we could do is um after too bad there’s no output on this

Subgraph to let you know when that thing is done um okay well timer length 8 seconds I guess we could just go with that then um we’ll create our own timer that’s 8 seconds and then uh ah we can hide these I think just for this example at least

And it’s we’ll just use start instead of video record start too um and then start here and then we would do the other steps like hiding this face um and then our 3D face here if you notice it’s using this face paint material by default and the texture that

We have is this default texture so we can change this to our render texture and our render texture should be some kind of spooky face and we’ll see how it turns out um so speaking of this might be beneficial information to you August I voted for best Halloween costume vampire zombie

Cat and clown I need to know what your choice is vampire zombie cat and clown uh probably cat cat personally um I’m team clown I think clown maker is very very fun um so if you need a prompt for your spooky face AI rendering um you

Can try all these but vampire is winning with 46% and the next up is cat with 21% then zombie with 18% and clown my favorite is losing with 14% so if you haven’t voted already guys go to the top link and vote on clown because we need to go team clown

Oh my gosh look at August’s face okay so this is what happens if you’re debugging you just do the tick first uh so since we need it to be rendering for the AI uh drawing to work we’ll have to uh switch it to completed and then turn off this

Tap and I think less than eight seconds should work but and we’ll we’ll just leave it at six I don’t I’m not sure why we allow to change the timer length because I’m pretty sure that it’s hardcoded to at least five seconds uh just so that’s one

Tip um okay and then I guess restart okay so it should be going already Okay so this face paint is using that render texture from this so then that makes me think that the that makes me think that the mask was not rendered to the right render texture or

Maybe well well August is um thinking very hard I want to read some funny comments that I saw Bruno is saying hey Seline I’m working in the working in my new effect and watching the office hours in a second screen this is such an amazing Role Model

Behavior I love how we’ve turned into like a quiet chilling working podcast honestly if you only work on effect house uh regularly uh while we’re hosting office hours you know put us at as like a background white noise and work on a house that that guarantees

That you’ll be working every week at the same time so that’s amazing consistency and you’ll be able to boost your skills in no time but speaking of I need to know what everyone um’s teams are we have four teams vampire zombie cat clown but if you want to start your own team

Or if you have a new preference um you can put it in in the comments as well but I want to know what your favorite is um I see just like the total amount of votes but I don’t see exactly who voted in which category so I need to know who

Is Team vampire and why did clown go down guys it was at 14% And now it’s at 12% it went down after I said that oh I’m sad it seems like there’s also a conversation about baking multiple animation and blender and importing it to effect house I know that fbx is like

A very popular format but in the last office hours um August talked about how um we have a great compatibility with the G GL GTB format so try that and if it still doesn’t work we can also help you troubleshoot Haley catpaw is saying

Hello I know she’s a cat fan so I can already sense that Clown’s going to go down again hi Haley welcome nice to see you again I also see fam saying hash teamat for the win um relax no name is Dracula Lord is also Dracula okay okay

Um goofy the Simba is asking please teach me simple tap to remove eyelashes this is a perfect um simple question if you go to to your project file and go to the click on the eyelash button number one to the left from the hierarchy panel

Then if you go to the right down you’ll see add interaction I actually love interactions because there’s so many little things that you can do um so if you click on ADD interaction there should be a button under touch it says um touch to remove or toggle on and off visibility so if

You put that on you don’t need to do any scripting you just need to go click that button every time you touch the screen the eyelashes will turn on and off so I hope that was helpful um I let me know if you need any more questions um okay so a couple things

Here I think the AI will try to create an image out of the face no matter what you can kind of see how this doesn’t align to AUST slay okay this is this is basically it thinks that I’m beautiful but uh but yeah I think it’s going to generate something that

Looks like more like a human face and not like a flattened out mask and so that might make it a little harder to create it into a mask you could definitely use this on the face and it’ll not it will not look great but the other part of it seems to be that

The camera render texture output here um I don’t think this there there’s something different about how this camera is rendering this AI because it’s a special feature this art maker um and so when I just try to get this render texture um it doesn’t seem like it’s actually drawing anything to that render

Texture so there might be something happening in the background I’m not sure where uh the art maker itself is drawing something without using the camera um um so I am cure oh yeah it probably wouldn’t work if you turn this camera off but yeah there’s it’s these AI art maker

Templates are a little non-standard just because we don’t have this feature built into a normal component it’s kind of like a little more hardcoded into this template uh so I’ll I’ll see if I can find a different way but I think this might be a very tricky issue or tricky problem to

Solve okay um we’ll investigate and get back to you um in the chat Haley Capa is saying I listened to the old live streams in the background daily like their regular TV shows it reinforces my skill oh Haley that’s so sweet and amazing thank you for coming back to the

Old live streams um we’ve actually been seeing a quite some people come back to the live stream so maybe this is the reason you guys like hearing us in the background while you type away and work on your new projects that’s fantastic um it’s actually so funny

Though because in the live stream you know you I am speaking so to me and my friends um they can’t distinguish if it’s coming from the live stream video or if I’m actually talking so sometimes I’ll be in one room and um the video of me talking or the live stream will play

And they would like jump in the room and say like did you say something did you call me and I think that is so funny okay I gave Damon the new link um including the new type of face mash and Damon says try the new link and it works

Great um so I think we solved that problem nice perfect uh okay let’s try to help filter dank let’s work on the assumption that he was successfully able to export the animations from blender and then we have multiple animations in effect house he wants to

Be able to um play them with a little time difference in between um make them play after a certain amount of time or trigger how would someone go about that um I mean I would probably use the waight for time um or just a timer uh so

At the time where you would normally trigger it one after another I would put uh a timer in between and use the completed execution to get a new signal when that time is up um so probably six seconds is a really long time to wait in between animations but if you just want

To wait like one second or you know less then you’ll just uh have this completed signal ready to go to some other event and so now this will wait one second after the effect starts and then it will turn off the visibility of these objects uh I hope that’s

Helpful um is this with animations playing 3D animations on an fbx character yes so the 3D animation controller is going going to be the same as most uh nodes where there’s a kind of a start and a stop that you can do for the animation so you would just have it

Set up for which clip you want to play your animation your Loop time all of these things you want to pre-configure or you can do some sort of variable configuration plugged into them but essentially it’s the same you just want to uh you know start that play and have

Your timer in between your your trigger and the start and then if you have another one then you can do another one of these uh so say that you have another animation that you want to play afterwards then on stop or UNF finish play with this you

Can try them out um you’ll you’ll start another timer with another different time or same time or whatever and then when the timer completes You’ll Play Another animation so this is kind of the pattern for if you want to create like a gap of time in between some different

Functionality and it pretty much works with any kind of logic that you need to like wait in between yeah okay um I think we answered your question filtered in but if we are mised understanding or if you have any more questions let us know and we’ll be happy to work on this

With you um okay we also have some wonderful people joining in from Tik Tock live I see Lord Scamp Sint Circle anime Senpai so welcome thank you for attending live we’re so excited that you’re here uh question from the YouTube chat side uh Sasha is asking oh no re is

Asking how to fix an object on an AR plane in a certain place even if I move the camera away from the plane also is there a way to make the objects appear on the ground and not other surfaces um so the C the AR camera um should if

You place an object anywhere in the scene that’s not under the camera it should always stay there if it’s not staying there there are two possible things that are happening so let’s just create um I wonder um re said uh appear on the ground and not other surface so maybe

It’s like detecting the um let’s say a desk or any flat surface yeah yeah so that’s that’s uh I guess the hard part with ar is that you can uh you can place anything in the real world and the real world basically just means where you can where your

Camera can recognize the world right and since it’s a mobile device and it only has so much processing power uh some some devices are a lot better than others based on like the hardware that they’re made with like uh more more recent devices over like the last three

To five years are so so much better at AR than older ones because they have chips in them that are designed to work with like AR or more powerful things um so if we just change preview here so you can maybe see the an environment um if you look at this scene

There is a couch uh it has like edges where there’s a front obvious front of the couch and obvious top of the couch cushion and you can see the ceiling in the background that’s uh also pretty easy to recognize uh that’s facing down some walls in the

Background the floor these are all very like flat surfaces and they’re they’re recognizable to AR because AR is heavily trained on recognizing what a wall looks like or a ceiling or a floor uh I don’t know how much it’s trained to recognize a couch cushion but it can see like a uh angular

Surface like that um if you’re looking up at the sky or you’re looking upward to where the ground isn’t visible then it’s going to have a really hard time recognizing uh 3D space it it’s not sure like if you’re moving forward if you’re turning very much it’s uh because a lot

Of ar ar algorithms aren’t trained for that and the hardware necessary to be able to do that would be uh probably much harder much much more powerful than a mobile device um so yeah that’s that’s what I would keep in mind if you can think about how

How AR Works how it’s just recognizing surface flat surfaces a lot of the time or recognizing you know very standard objects then it becomes a lot easier to figure out like okay what can I make with this and and figure out like the limitations and then you can

Make much cooler stuff without having to worry as much about where or when it’ll work yeah okay I think that’s good advice um I just wanted to let you guys know that tomorrow same time as right now we will be teaching a tutorial Melody will actually be teaching a

Tutorial on how you can use the sidescroller game it was originally a micro Jam project and then it got turned into a template how do you feel August do you feel proud that so many people loved your uh micro Jam project that it got turned into an official template I

Feel famous because I didn’t even have to work on it uh know it was it’s uh yeah it’s I think a lot of people have made really cool stuff with it and then even now now that it’s in the templates and that uh you know we’ve had our template team

Break it up into a million subgraphs um yeah it’s it’s really awesome to see like it’s so accessible to so many people uh I highly encourage whenever you see a project like that and it looks like uh too big to pick apart I would say just go in and find like pick

Aart anyway and just look for some useful subgraph that you want to take out of it just try to learn one thing about how it’s made and and if you do a little bit of that each week you’ll learn so many different things you’ll like even if you’re an expert seeing how

Other people do things is still super valuable um so yeah definitely check it out or you could just replace all the assets and make another side scroller game that’s awesome too I just wanted to let all of you guys know that Tik Tok live chat donated 5050 roses to this

Live thank you so much I’m GNA see if this works I needed 50 roses I was gonna go get 50 roses later nice thank you this is my 50 Ros reaction do you guys see those bubbles coming up if you donate roses I will send you in Hearts kidding don’t tell me

Roses re has a follow-up question re is sending is there a way to make the object scale seem fitting in the real world in size also sometimes when I move closer to the object the object sometimes starts moving away from the camera yeah a lot of times a lot of that

Sounds like just uh it’s h it’s having a hard time time tracking the real world for one reason or another uh I would say find some some area where you have like like that’s another thing if you’re in a tight area if you’re in like a small studio apartment to where the

Camera can barely see more than one wall that makes it hard too so maybe going outside to test sometimes helps a lot um I would I would just find a scale that is correct uh so like make sure that it looks good in one scenario and it will basically always be

The right size because it’s not going to change scale if it looks like it’s changing scale and it’s probably moving away or closer uh yeah so you might notice here we have the camera and you might notice nothing is attached under the camera so you don’t want that um the AR plane

Tracker uh it’s not so much a plane tracker actually it’s more of a uh it’s more of it has this Matte Shadow material it’s kind of just an occlusion plane um so you actually don’t need it at all as far as the last time I’ve checked um and so everything is put on

Here and if we were to you were if we were to move this down well it’s not going through the Matt Shadow maybe we removed that I don’t know um but interesting yeah I would just play with it just test a lot until find the right

Scale o c has an amazing fun question C’s asking what slash when is the new micro project coming up well all I’m am allowed to say is soon October 26 can you drop a date like that well that’s uh not yeah it’s it’s it’s again again this

Is a secret it it’s only going to stay this live guys do not go share other it’s our little own secret and your perk to coming on live it’s uh so right now we’re we’re working on uh wrapping it up and doing some I always love writing

Guides uh so we’re we’re making sure all the details are there so that you can learn along with it with the project but it’s exciting I almost want to show it off today but I think it’ll be better to show off next week um just in case any of the assets change or

Anything like that I want to make sure it’s you know the final version uh but yeah it’s exciting it it’s going to be a really nice one um if you liked slash match this one will be uh really awesome and it’ll help make some 2D games you’ll

It solves all the problems uh you might see with dragon drop features in um in the past uh yeah I’ll go over more of that next week it’s I I would love to talk about it here but I’ll probably talk about it for way too long if I get into

It um can you can you give people who come to the office hours live next week a little sneak peek of your micro Jam project because we’re best your best fans and we come to the live every week yeah we we’ll walk through a bit of the project next week and and there’s

Actually yeah that’s all I’ll say I’ll at one of the parts I had um two propositions one to YouTube chat and the second one to um Tik Tock chat I said um if we get 10 emojis we are I’m going to show my baby cat and we met the goal so

I will share my little baby cat who is just hello hello what’s his name his name is he a Ginger like orange color cat so I named him pumpkin spice latte so he sometimes goes by pumpkin and sometimes goes by latte but he’s so small look at him he’s like six weeks

Old he’s so cute I am fostering him so not my cat I can’t be a four cat lady unfortunately but look at the Hello sorry my cat was walking across the stream and then I was like oh my gosh that is so adorable I want to be able to show it on the stream but going back to our regular question oh my gosh the chat is booming everybody’s saying ah oh my gosh

Adorable sweetie so cute my gosh she’s so adorable so thank you for the love guys um final question of today uh by Haley catpaw is there a simple way to scale an object object attached to the hand tracker properly um she’s saying I noticed that after the hand moves very F

Far away the objects stay the same scale and she came up with a code that goes based off of the 2D distance between each other but it’s not as accurate as I want obviously I remember you created a similar thing with your snow um snowing template yeah I released that out in the

Discord a while ago um that does that so there’s not really a way if our hand tracker is 2D hand tracker um so I the first thing that I would say it’s just it’s pretty much only going to be 2D uh let’s see but that distance to

Screen is a little bit of a shortcut for people um so if we go to hand tracker you can see what we’re talking about uh we have to to change the thing here so the hand tracker by default doesn’t have anything on it let’s add a 3D

Image and uh and so you can see it’s going to be pretty huge and if she moves her hand closer or further away it’s not going to change too much uh if you take a look at the hand tracker the the main things you can change are what part of

The hand it’s on um and the distance to the screen so distance to the screen is essentially essentially just changing the Z zdepth value of this transforms position um so that’s kind of all you really have to work with uh like you like Haley mentioned there was a trick that we both

Have come up with where you can track the thumb on one hand tracker and with a second hand tracker you can track the pinky and when the user is holding their hand like this uh it’s very accurate and it actually can you can calculate you know

Uh the size the scale multiply it by this distance difference um you can find that in the Discord if anybody’s interested I can share it as well the project that I released previously um but it’s it’s really only useful for that one use case when the user is doing

This all the time uh so not very useful for most effects because you don’t want to have you you don’t want the user to have to have their hand out like this to know where the hand is uh so yeah that’s it there’s not really I I think maybe Haley might find

Something more creative than any of us have ever dreamed we’ll see yeah H’s been coming up with some awesome project she’s been cranking out effects I’ve seen um I tried on this morning actually her effect um that uses like a spider web kind of makeup it is really cool um

Go check out her Channel if you guys haven’t already but I’ll show you um how I looked with it it looked fantastic here isn’t this so cool nice go try it out guys okay we are going to end this office hours with a little segment I’m I

Want to show off uh the amazing effects that you guys have been working on so um Carol let’s go to our screen share page I see in the chat like I’ve been showing off so many of the cats while August is talking Natalie’s like Seline

Stop I can’t focus and I told her that if you come back to the live you can see the cats in costume so there’s so many reasons why you guys have to come come back you guys have to come back for August’s micro Jam project sneak peek um

We might drop on some episodes um cats are gonna be in Co costumes so come back guys also I’ve never shown my cats on stream also guys do you guys notice that August has a that so cute have you guys seen the um August’s new lights in the corner I I absolutely

Love it because it looks like he has a little Rainbow Tik Tock shop got me that’s fantastic okay um let’s see August um do you mind going to our Discord forum and going on to our effect showcase channel uh in the on the stream here yes

Thank you so much much um and going to which channel um effect showcase it should be under Community okay guys this is why you should put your effects in effect showcase because we’re going to be showing it in the live um there was one effect uh we can

Go through them and see which one we like but so funny Biz actually posted a new Effect called creepy clown that was just using um the effect with that August showed off in the beginning the spooky what was the name Bo spooky oh peekaboo peekaboo that’s such a smart name but

Um artist Julia came up with that name shout out to her because I try I I tried so many things and I and then she said that and I was like oh my God that is such an amazing idea but if you click into it um she’s using a creepy clown

Inste said but the clown looks really creepy guys I might have to take back my vote on what my favorite team are I’m I’m not team hashtag cat Okay um in front of it we have yeah this is what the effect looks like I think it’s using neck tracking and you

Can’t run away from the clown oh I guess I can’t watch the video on the browser I think it’s because they share the effect link and not the video link it’s okay though we know what it is we’ll go check it out the next one is by SSS Studio Sam

They’re creating uh they made a new Effect called high five and I really like how they spelled it high with the letter five uh uh that link is broken is it broken both blinks the second link works oh okay the second link is actually the video so we can see check it out

I absolutely love this effect oh it even changes um you can get a a catpaw and a dog paw and a whale paw squid paaw this is absolutely great um go try this out this is so wellb built though it’s a simple idea but I feel like it’s executed so perfectly

Great job Studio sand if you’re watching above that we have an effect by chrisa and they’re sharing their spooky haunting effect oh my gosh wow I wonder if this was generated using our AI face uh AI um Studio this is really cool I I’m looking forward to seeing all your creative

Ideas and prompts and uh for how Halloween guys okay we see Felipe I also see Felipe was in the chat today so Felipe if you’re still here um Hala leave us a little comment to show that you’re here and Felipe says hey I made another AR Minecraft effect I

Actually tried this effect I’m waiting until I go to like a nice area so I can post my video but it is so cool it is literally Minecraft in AR and there’s so many different kind of blocks that you can choose from and um can remove blocks

With um your pickaxe so this is amazing okay I think that was the effects for today um August do you have any particular shout out for effects that you’ve been looking out for or effects that are super awesome um of my own or random anything think that comes

To mind um for example I know that cie cie who is one of our ambassadors has also published a 20 a 2048 how do you say that 2048 but that effect where you know you you swipe down and up until you get to 20 48 that game

Is so amazing and I I have no idea how he was able to bring it to effect house that is so much work um and Engineering but as always he creates bomb fire effects so go try it out if you guys haven’t already nice cool cool

Okay sorry no no no go oh uh one thing I wanted to share was notice notice how we went through some of these effect showcase videos and notice how one of them just uploaded a video straight to the thing notice how much easier it was for me to view their effect like you

Might get if you uh I don’t know how many views you get from the effect showcase I think it’s a great way to share with other creators and yeah if you make it as easy as possible for them to see it way more people will watch it

One but but on the negative part I was unable to find out where they posted their effect so maybe include both video and a link I don’t know what what I do is I include the link and then I delete the automatic video that pops up and

Then I add a GI so it’s always playing so you can’t Mastermind Mastermind F that’s so nice Okay um final votes are rolling in after an hour of competitive voting we are at 44 votes vampire 45% zombie 23% cat 20% and clown 11% team vampire takes the win um maybe next week

I’ll have to come dress as vampire maybe I’ll come dressed as a vampire cat clown that’s such a funny ideaa okay tomorrow Melody is doing a live attend Melody’s amazing she’s so smart and a wizard with material editor so if you guys have any questions about material graph material

Editor tomorrow’s your time because she is amazing um and this Friday no this Thursday at 10:30 we are doing a Halloween effect Tryon where we’ll be S uh trying on all your spooky Halloween effects so make sure to put them in the effect showcase so we can review your

Effect on stream and I might might or might not reveal give you guys a sneak peek that you guys might see some new faces so come to the live meet the new folks I’ll be there it’ll be fun so yeah have a nice day guys bye

This video, titled ‘TikTok Office House – Make Minecraft Effects, Makeup Questions and more’, was uploaded by TikTok Effect House on 2023-10-18 06:46:13. It has garnered 377 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:15 or 3855 seconds.

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  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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    Insane Minecraft Mods with Weeping Angels in the Mix ft. Kal!Video Information to feel that this is real world find my it out my and [Music] night my C is to good night world [Music] I [Music] PR to speak and to that this is [Music] real [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] to [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow okay I don’t know if my voice can be heard because of the [ __ ] fan is so stupid any okay this people are not in VC yet I will oh okay my Discord is not okay yay okay can be heard someone say hi Oh… Read More

  • Sister vs Brother Bedwars Showdown

    Sister vs Brother Bedwars ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘bedwar funny moment { me vs my sister }’, was uploaded by AgnivXD on 2024-04-18 11:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftmemes #skywars #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilds #gaming #minecraftpc #gamer #pvp … Read More

  • Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information all what all right H here we go and we’re live which the time been extended only twice only twice only twice um and to be fair I accidentally did one of them I always meant to set it the 750 I just forgot the set it to 750 so yeah we every time I was like okay like make I changed it and then I didn’t change it to the white one oopsies my bad why does the hoodie actually look good on you it really does really everyone’s told me that a lot of people is… Read More

  • Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!

    Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House Tutorial: Quick and Easy Building !’, was uploaded by Cubic Bard on 2024-01-16 16:58:14. It has garnered 3115 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft Modern House Tutorial Shorts! In this concise yet informative video, we bring you a step-by-step guide on how to build a stunning modern house in Minecraft. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, our quick and easy building tips will help you create an impressive abode in no time! Get ready to delve into the… Read More

  • EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #Minecraft

    EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #MinecraftVideo Information hello welcome to my first episode on the Odyssey Rising now this is a modded SMP and I already had a couple days on here to get situated and meet everybody so this is my Island I’ll give you a tour this is the front of my Island red panda Island and Cove we have a little wheat farm and potato farm here little cactus farm cocoa bean Farm a little sugar cane farm and bamboo farm so I got a little bit of a head start that you guys didn’t see but I wanted to meet everybody… Read More

  • INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shorts

    INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Dragon Armour in Minecraft Ice & Fire 🥶🔥 #shorts #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-27 09:00:11. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback &… Read More