Insane Minecraft Event with Top Players – Must Watch VOD

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Yeah move it move it move it yeah yeah yeah move it Grove it hit it hit it h it Oh move it move it move it hit it hit it chug it chug it chug it hit it hit it yeah yeah yeah it Gro it yeah okay okay okay H it h it Move it move it move it gr it dance it it It good morning every good morning hello hi hi hi hi hi Hi h move it move it I like that emote who added it it’s cute oh my voice is gone good morning I don’t see um underwater even if I re I I refresh like everything I still don’t see it even in my chat I don’t see it I don’t know why Oh good morning it only works in chatarina on the latest update oh what move it move it it Gro it hit it hit it E Yeah that was a perfect song for it I’m saving that [ __ ] I’m I’m let o let’s do it again one more one more one more one more spam it get ready with your feet o It I will allow spamming when we’re Gro y y y y y y Y it’s so cute hit H hit it CH 7 TV check I’m a Mush don’t you hit it D are hit it IA hit it Damn so cute yeah yeah yeah go tardy go APPA go bra go Dexter it’s so cute I love it so much isn’t it so cute yeah yeah yeah it’s so cute I have no idea what’s happening right now thanks to Starfield and sleep de priv I need help oh No all right all right good morning every how is everybody doing today today is a brand new day today is at the moment it is Saturday it is 5:50 p.m. at the evening good oh wait technically it’s still afternoon 9 minutes till night Evan hello Evan good morning it’s 500 a.m. On good morning hello okay give me a give me a hi give me a hi I’ll go say hello hello boso hello Dexter hello youo welcome hello y Lord hello APPA hello snake hello V hello tiny tardy hello lauran hello color Splat hello Saku hello this star hello Lucas hi hi hello

F hello falum hello hello skizo hello silu oh today’s a special day today is going to be a 12h hour stream big Big 12 hour stream FNAF it feels weird watching you after eight months uh I don’t know why would it be weird I do that all the time to

Other people 12 hours yeah y y y y 12 hours stream today and then oh this is the plans this is the plan this is the plan of the plan of the plan of the plan are you ready to hear the plan no the plan of the plan the plan of the

Plan today number one FNAF W finishing that that thingy and then maybe if we have time we’ll do VR yeah yeah yeah maybe the VR is because the game a while ago of the other FNAF was kind of [ __ ] I do agree with everyone about the FNAF thingy a while ago that we played I think it’s security breach I wasn’t feeling it it was a little bit weird you should

Try the VR monkey game where you chase other monkeys oh do people even here have like VR press one in chat if you have VR press Z press zero if you don’t actually technically it should be okay whatever press one if you have it press zero if you don’t have It only one only two only 3.5 yeah see VR is very like super like what do you call it skitso not skitso sorry but you know what I mean like it’s very not everybody has it it’s like Among Us I think it can it could scare a lot of children oh really

I’m going do a stream hi Morty hi Morty be makes my eyes hurt more than yeah no I don’t I don’t blame you you need a good VR headset for you to have like a good experience in VR IMO cuz when I have like not at least at least 100 FPS

I start getting a headache I don’t know why but the lag just makes it so hard to watch I can’t take it I can’t take it I can’t take it no no no no no no no no no I can’t do it more VR stream soon yeah with FNAF but other than that

No oh just wait for the Sao [ __ ] is that really going to be a thing no way or do you mean like the Sao VR headset in the game I mean in the show or the anime no space to use it oh so you sold it that makes Sense de in bbrr oh no but yeah today is going to be a long stream oh since today is a special stream I will do a limited edition Doodles for gifted yes very limited edition very limited edition of the of the gifted soes yes yes very limited edition only for special

Streams of the 10 gifted equals fortnite stream I don’t really play fortnite I’ve never really played fortnite at all oh wait I like that song have you guys played Jetpack Joy Ride do you guys do you guys know this like song God of Wars stream oh I already

Finished all God of Wars I think except for like the one of the old one hi Paulo hello this is how it looks by the way Dy really okay let’s see o ooh oh I don’t see that at all even like right now I don’t see it oh wait I I

Realized you guys can’t see cuz I don’t have OBS on on my computer oopsies hold on hold on hold on hold on wait wait there have fun lurking what a mess yeah I haven’t played that game for so long wait I want to hear that song again this one okay

Okay guys ready Up Hit It Up ready up okay okay okay Okay hit it hit it o h H it’s so cute I love that emote whoever added this emote is so cute hit it h it h it h it h it h it okay no more oh my God it’s one of these songs let’s see what’s in for’s playlist the [ __ ] oh my God his playlist is

Crazy okay I I’ll play Mine MZ are you ready for your shift tonight k 4 K4 K hi K thank you so much for the N9 months por thank you K4 I hope you’re well I hope you’re well are you well I’ve been I’ve been seeing you I’ve been seeing you do the um speed running of half

Lifee I feel like speed running half lifee is kind of hard I don’t want to like even try it looks complicated like it’s like so movement based I know like speedr running is all movement based but like the movement is like crazy crazy yeah I don’t see I’m underwater you’re making me go

Crazy half life is really hard we on half life right now no it’s hard looking like really hard looking I don’t even want to try it looks complicated as [ __ ] I saw K4 doing it you know what I would speedrun oh you know what I would speedrun and I hav’t SP run for

What yeah K4 move it move it I haven’t um I want to I want to actually get like a good speedrun number from the game um Super Mario 64 I really really really really really wish I continued my like speedr running there like cuz Jesse can teach me cuz he’s really good at

It what cat did you play like what I I played on the um I could play both the I could play wait what do you mean by cat what do you mean by that category ah I played um which how many stars was it it

Was it wasn’t like the 100% in Star One guys what do you call it it’s the one yeah 16 that’s the one I was really good at the jumping part of the stairs other than that I’m [ __ ] yeah to be honest get sub 20 yeah yeah maybe

Maybe honestly I think I think I’m too mentally ill to like speedrun actually I don’t think I’m mentally ill enough to speedrun that’s my problem under but I’m here to anounce I just got blocked by someone at Discord because I wouldn’t said a picture of my face it said I like saying anonymous

Online to be honest I don’t think anyone okay all right anyway ask HP hello hello hi uh ringfit speedrun [ __ ] no you want me to die you want me to die holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you dude ringfit [ __ ] me up that [ __ ] like genuinely kills me do you remember my like heart

Rate holy [ __ ] my heart rate one time went to 130 holy [ __ ] I for one think your face is cute oh thank you you know what I went to Camila’s stream a while ago like I was like chatting and then Camila said that I was pretty do you guys think that you meant

It oh my god oh yeah cam the Imp I don’t really want should we react today should we Rea Sean today guys do you guys want the Reactions it depends if there’s anything to react to no react react react let’s see let me look at my YouTube I do have 12 hours that’s true that’s very true oh daily dose of Internet new new upload big hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet so how is this even

Possible you want to click your Tong oh I already watched this one in your mouth oh man we already watched this yesterday why was it recommended to me then a ready watch this no Enjoy Scandinavia the icy region where they export more God Jesus than anywhere

Else in the world drink more milk than anywhere else where rotten ran fish is considered a delicacy we’re feeling cold isn’t a thing any any Scandinavians in chat guys what do you count as somebody who’s Scandinavian anyway from when it’s in the cold region is there a specific region oh hello

Tabia Finland isn’t scav uh scan its North part of Europe Nordic oh oh where 7 foot Vikings used to patrol the land today I’m going to be doing doing it wait a minute I won’t lie that’s pretty true today I’m going to be doing a tier list not only of the three Scandinavian

Countries Sweden Norway and Denmark I’m officially extending wait how come Finland is not part of it what wouldn’t Finland sending this video into a Nordic wouldn’t Finland be also Nordic cuz we aren’t oh see Nordic countries Finland realist that means we’re including Finland and Iceland in

The ranking as well but first off we got Sweden now I know I sound like your typical British guy but I promise I am like the most Swedish dude on this godforsaken island I religiously practice F I drink milk literally by the gallon I listen to Blade every day I

Will constantly be annoyed about the weather apart from that one day of the year when it’s uh L on my family celebrates Christmas on the 24th of December they also own a Dar the Hest small wooden horse so you can put in in your window and stuff like that my name

Is is that your decorations are you serious it’s a little horse I am genuinely so that’s like that’s like the Filipino version of the um the uh what what do you call that the big spoon in the [ __ ] wall or the Big Fork a big utensil in the wallish that I

Am a direct descendant of Alfred Nobel the dude who invented dynamite and invented the Nobel Prize so if it seems like I’m a bit biased with this first tier list ranking uh I am we got the highest population in Scandinavia we got the biggest isn’t um Jesus Sweden Sweden in Scandinavia we’ve

Got all the good Scandinavian music we got the best food in Scandinavia with a G really they have the best food I don’t know Really Swedish have Sweden has the best Nordic food no way no way no way geographical heart of Scandinavia we got the I feel like most islands in the world we literally invented Minecraft Ikea Bluetooth no Ikea has [ __ ] food I [ __ ] hate Ikea food but if I invol

And then uh you know politically look I know we might have not been able to form a functional government for IAL I mean it will definitely be interesting to see if a massive injection of money into the economy will sort out Sweden’s political train wreck or just compress that train wreck into a

Raging ball of Hellfire in the form of endless pointless debates coalitions and stupidly extremist brainwashing talking about stupid extremists next up we got Norway they’re like the scavia we all think they’re kind of annoying but they also have every natural resource you could ever need on loock and whilst they do keep this

Wealth to themselves Norway has that much oil a little bit this country is very very very important not just for Scandia for all of Europe I mean after brexit the UK would literally have collapsed if we didn’t leech off all of Norway’s natural resources come to Birmingham come to [ __ ] Birmingham

And regarding nature I can’t lie Norway is absolutely stunning plus they actually have this thing called warm air due to the Gulf Stream nor W you 15 months underwater wait wait wait wait wait wait Norway actually has like summer really I thought I thought the Nordic countries like are always like

Winter from really region have much less painful Winters than the rest of us Scandinavians must be nice bro you do get two other types of Norwegians though aside from the normal borders these people are usually driven a bit insane by the country’s desolate vastness and this Insanity can go one of two ways

Case study number one the glad that’s a Swedish term that essentially refers to someone that’s very happy carefree and jolly but also a bit uh simple in the head let’s just say they’re not thinking too deeply about anything perfect example Is AO just walking around half naked drinking vodka oh my [ __ ] god

How come how come like okay okay hear me out hear me out hear me out can I do the same will I die if I try to do this swimming around as a Filipino woman icy water driving [ __ ] boxes but how come he doesn’t die is it because of

A shock is it because of like how shocking it is like it’s like it’s like too much for like my body but you guys are so used to it having one capitalist motivation in his body and being completely content with a life defined by Scandinavian goofiness and then you

Have the second type of deranged Norwegian the evil Satanist these guys are absolutely the opposite of glad Wheats they’re actually driven to Insanity from thinking too deeply about and these guys turn [ __ ] ballistic okay I’m talking death metal I’m talking burning down multiple churches and talking convicted murderers the most

Radical beliefs you could ever imagine what is going on want to avoid this type of Norwegian and everyone from Norway knows of a okay I don’t know if it’s true but like is that Jake is that Logan is that Jake Paul is that actually Jake Paul I can’t

Tell if it’s like real or not is it actually no [ __ ] way is it no joke holy [ __ ] local dodgy guy lurking around their Town who’s a bit questionable in this way and you just got to stay clear do not interact with these guys they are almost definitely armed and dangerous

Talk about weird people next up we got Denmark the little splooge splatter of Scandinavia most mocked people in the nor really are they actually mocked what’s wrong with what’s wrong with Denmark now there are some main reasons why Denmark get so much by all of the other Nordic countries first off they

They sound kind of annoying okay Scandinavia is Norway Sweden and Denmark right we’re all meant to speak very similar languages and we would if Danes didn’t just choose to say words in the most stupid annoying way possible just to be like edgy and cool and different and you might be thinking well what

About fins why don’t you guys make fun of them for having a completely different language their language sounds cool as [ __ ] the term I love you in Scandinavian languages is was along the lines of ya in Finnish it’s that is scary bro Al they did walk

All the way from Siberia so it’s a lot more valid Danes like to think that they’re very clever and intellectual and therefore they think they speak English the best out of all of the nordics when in reality their accents sound like Germans with peanut butter stuck to the

Roof of their mouths dut team is surely favorite in in our group and they’re one of the best teams in the in the tournament get ready for my best Danish my name is Sammy I wrote Markiplier no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] unhinged to you a while

Ago I mean there’s a reason why there’s like a million English-speaking Swedish singers and there’s literally not one english- Speaking d singer I could name off the top of my oh my God he’s right one other factor that makes the rest of the nordics frown down upon Denmark a

Bit is that all these countries have a deep respect for nature 97% of Sweden is uninhabited even more with Norway and Fin and the sprawling endless Forest mountains land biodiversity animals is all very important to a lot of Nordic people however Denmark is a complete exception because it’s so small more

Densely populated these values kind of aren’t cherished in the same way and I know this obviously doesn’t represent all of Denmark’s citizens actions but it doesn’t stop that a lot of Scandinavians are a bit disgusted and offended when they see stuff like this on the news

Also Denmark Loki have a kind of weird Empire thing still going on but I’m not going to get too political with all that but all of that being said I’m not going to lie they did invent Lego so they made wait Denmark made Lego childhood pretty

Much I would not be the same same man I am today if I didn’t have Lego was you know I’ve noticed there’s a meme going on in Tik Tok where um people when they we were younger like the older generation when we were younger to make

Us like have something to think about in the car we think about this guy who’s like in the like parkouring around like the the buildings and [ __ ] or if it’s raining like you pick a raindrop and see which one is like falling the fastest like o I’m picking this one are you

Going to win the race nowadays [ __ ] kids are like in their iPads and they can’t [ __ ] live without their iPads isn’t that crazy like we were able to make scenarios up in their heads with like a [ __ ] parkour man was a kid right and also a lot of Danish cities do

Look pretty cool and their islands are cool and I really would love to go to Copenhagen and danish pastries are literally god tier level scr and a crispy ice called carlsburg might be one of the best things known to man you could be handed on a warm summer day

When the youngest You’ let a kid I don’t have any bias against Denmark dude were you guys like do are you guys like only Childs or do you have siblings because like for me I had the shittiest phone all the time because the way it works this is the

Hierarchy dad buys new phone old phone goes to Mom Mom old phone of mom goes to eldest brother next phone goes to younger brother then next one will go to older sister and then me cuz I’m the youngest me so in the span of two four 6 eight nine years

Nine [ __ ] years is when I’m going to get my next phone and it took so long that even when people had like iPhones and [ __ ] I still had those no noia [ __ ] Breakout ass [ __ ] phones [ __ ] dude I hated this I hated this [ __ ] chain reaction I had the [ __ ] okia

Brick phone and all I would be so proud of it even if everybody has a phone and [ __ ] and I’ll be like guys do you guys want to play um do you the bounce ball like you know what I mean the bouncy ball this one and then you try to like

You know what I mean and you have to or snake bounce yeah that game and I was so proud of my balance game and good God some friendly ban some funny jokes good thing Danish people don’t understand comedy in the slightest right those are all the Scandinavian

Countries no way I hope the people in the comments are like Danish people who like well you know what do you call it when you defend yourself oh defend ourselves done I’m going move on to the Nordic countries now with Iceland probably the most insan insane and unique looking

Nordic country is absolutely stunning that does come with some downsides though namely the entire country is like one big tourist trap their popul oh is only 372,000 but they get 1.7 million tourists every year meaning you can almost guarantee at all times there are more tourists than Icelandic and looking at these stats

Right now I do feel pretty bad for you guys Honestly though you can probably avoid the big crowds by just not going to the [ __ ] blue I heard that if you go to this [ __ ] Lake your hair will die if you go to this [ __ ] Lake

Your hair is dried as [ __ ] Lagoon I I don’t know if any of the tourists know this but it’s literally power plant waste water anyway what really no way the Milky blue water from the Lagoon is actually Wastewater from the Power Station oh my God I mean it’s a power station not a

[ __ ] nuclear power like you know Lally power water anyway the other things I know about Iceland is that the prices are absolutely fing ridiculous they casually eat the most abysmal color that’s like in the Philippines monstrosities up laid My Eyes Upon take into account I I live in everything smells like farts

Because of all the sulfur in the air from the volcanos which from my understanding like literally any day now are about to cataclysmically explode and instantly pulverize any existence of Icelandic people ever existing I mean I really genuinely hope that the one dude from Iceland watching this video is okay

And is going to live to see the year 2024 next up Finland Spanish people are hinged as Dr doing some weird with farming equipment they’re probably the most extroverted Nordic people commonly thought of as the redneck neighbors somehow though it’s still the most expensive country I’ve ever visited you

Know if you really want to get a grasp on Finnish culture I’d recommend the game My Summer car I think it perfectly summarizes the Finnish day-to-day routine wake up go fix your box car drive to the shop in this car buy lots of vodka drink been thinking about learning how to

Drive I’ve been thinking about it I’ve been thinking about it I’ve been thinking about getting a car like I’ll buy a secondhand car at oh no what what do you mean guys why are you moning I no no no dude I what do you mean please don’t the Filipino roads

Will not be safe I know it’s not safe but like isn’t it best to learn how to drive in the most horrible like [ __ ] um streets of the Philippines then learning and I could go away I could like and then like you know get away with it buying a wheel won’t be enough

By the way you’ll actually have to practice no it won’t be safe with you on them what do you mean by that what dude I guys I’m really I’m really good at [ __ ] driving I would be I I I’m really good I feel like I feel like I feel like I would be

Good and you know I’m I’m sick and tired of paying for grab or like uber you may say every weekend so I could visit my mom I’m done dude I would I going to get my own car can you reach the pedals I’m going to get your cousin to drive you back home

Sleep repeat alter if you want to see a documentary about me and my arch nemesis wowu going to Finland on holiday yeah we we went to I take it back I like napping in the car Finland on holiday you know what I have never not napped in an Uber

Drive I’m I’m so surprised that nothing has ever happened to me because like like it’s always always always always always always I always nap because I get headaches in a car that’s scary I know I wake up and I’m already in my destination this video made by the evil communist himself

That’s all the Nordic countries done and now we got some honorable mentions these are all of the Nordic territories they all have some level of autonomy but usually less than 50,000 that was when I was so young technically part of Finland but they’re self-governing demilitarized and they speak Swedish I know there’s a

Bunch of Swedish people that go on holiday there it’s me to have pretty stunning nature one important thing to mention is that these lucky [ __ ] pay like no tax next we got Norway’s territor for example Jan Mayan why the [ __ ] do they need this oh

I I see also spard home to 2,500 people that by law need to carry rifles with them when they go outside due to their being more polar bears than humans there what oh my [ __ ] god they do have a very awesome Soviet coine in ghost hand though which I would really love to

Visit and also apparently they have a completely open Visa policy literally anyone from anywhere could move to spard apparently oh my God what wait no I’ll die I will 100% die there’s no way I would die one polar bear attack and that’s it I’ll be in a [ __ ] local

Newspaper and you might think that attracts a lot of people with weak passports but if you check which countries have the weak ass passports I don’t think they’re exactly built for minus 20° C yeah I was about to say uh we also have a weak passport and I don’t

Know you know all right next up we got Denmark’s territories starting with the Pharaoh Islands which from my understanding is just based Iceland hardly any tourists in comparison but it has a equally if not more amazing natural landsape they actually have their own no dude in the Philippines

When you buy like fruits and [ __ ] they’re so cheap language and apart from having grass passport means that you need a Visa or you need to like go through so many processes just so you can go to another country so like example if you have an American passport

You could go to Japan without any Visa but if you’re a Filipino and you have a Filipino passport you need a visa see roofs the pharoes mainly seem to be very proud of their tunnel Network Raven lives here but hey whatever makes you guys happy man and then finally we got

Greenland the place that definitely isn’t green and was only named Greenland because some Vikings were lonely my boy I’m telling you this is the greenest place I ever been come join me we’re going to grow hella crops man it’s going to be F sagna realistically though Greenland is not Nordic they have a

Completely separate culture they’re in a completely different continent and maybe I’ll get some patriotic games I feel like Greenland would be their own thing right because I feel like they’re so secluded unsubscribing but hey that might actually be a good thing I mean it’s a joke guys I swear it’s a joke I

Know you can’t understand but it’s a joke I swear and I am just going to give a quick mention to Estonia cuz when I went to T it was like a million times more Nordic than Helsinki I can’t lie they speak a Nordic language they eat

Nordic food they look Nordic as hell it will hopefully soon share a metro area with Finland I think if you drop someone in Helsinki and talin and ask them to guess which one was under and which one was Nordic I think they get them I think

They have good graces with a lot of countries because of um oh dude do you know Singapore is [ __ ] Singapore is it prime minister or is it president do they have like what is it he’s okay Bas he’s [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] does anybody have their like speeches and [ __ ] that’s like kind of

Close he the the things that he says is the most like craziest [ __ ] ever look at this picture is it snow oh my God I thought it was something else I thought it was like some the images or something like that peee I’ve I’ve I’ve I’ve experienced snow once in my

Life which is good enough for me actually I actually like snow a lot I just cannot imagine having to like deal with snow every day you know what I mean you know what yeah I can’t see I’m underwater can you guys see I’m underwater it’s make me go [ __ ] crazy

I can’t [ __ ] see it yes no no lost power for five days on Halloween because of a huge snowstorm what the [ __ ] where do you live me neither see most people in the chat can’t [ __ ] see it dude what kind of chatterino do you have I ate nothing but the

Ouch best no the best emote in chatterino right now is It it the underwater emote is [ __ ] up why is it huge what the [ __ ] is it so big ain’t you nathal be Nathaniel be who’s that oh my God it’s Freddy Fazbear guys I’m going to be honest I don’t think I’m going to play the game I

Think I’m going to skip this game and go to the VR immediately after after joy of whatever hi Mooney long time no see I I genuinely think that it was really boring when I played it okay to be honest like the mechanics and [ __ ] when I was starting to like play it I

Was like hi Mooney I hope you’re well play in VR there’s a VR give it another try okay I will maybe it’s because of the thingy you know actually actually no I will finish it because I’m a [ __ ] gamer and I finished my games what the [ __ ] no way he’s finally gone Dan

Brazilian has officially failed no way the guy I remember back in 20 like 16 he’d be all of my [ __ ] Facebook [ __ ] oh VR get the quest three people who okay okay okay people who say to get the index are actually losing their mind they have no idea about the different

Like display screens and the way that it affects your eyesight or like how it looks like but in my opinion index is so out of date already when it comes to VR it’s annoying to set up and also it’s like kind of the display screen is like

Not as good I the tracking is good true face I hate Facebook so much me me too I made an I made a not an old account I would never make an old Facebook account but I made a second account for whatever index has a screen door effect y That’s

Why I I tried out the index in real life and it gave me a headache but I tried the um oh uh yeah index is good because of the mic but honestly no one gives a [ __ ] about scuff mic microphones anymore I feel like to be honest with you I

Never care about scuffy microphones anymore oh did you guys know I have the um uh Quest Pro and the microphone is actually pretty good so oh I could try it out right now do you guys want to hear it right now SCU MX our Personality yeah exactly

I was thinking about getting the big screen Beyond oh I heard good things about this big screen Beyond however I’m pretty uh yeah the quest Pro is very comfortable if you have the headset strap yeah I have the quest Pro do you want to hear the mic

Oh let me see if I can get it how do I I have a twpc setup how the [ __ ] am I going to do this um oh oh oh I know I know I know I know I know I know I know guys I know guys I know I know I

Know I know actually actually I bought it secondhand so it wasn’t 1K also they don’t sell it as 1K anymore I think they sell it in like a cheaper price a lot of people are selling their Quest Pro because they don’t need anymore in the

Quest three so you could buy it for like secondhand pretty easily turns on mic shut up John no it’s not going to be like that no wait let me let me try It I’m going to put this on repeat it’s been for companies more than normal people uh actually even if it’s on a quotequote gaming headset it’s a really good [ __ ] headset one the display is nice two it has face tracking which I really like because I’m

A vtuber okay that’s the only reason why I got the quest Pro instead of the quest three the the face tracking and it has mouth tracking and it has eye tracking it has so much tracking [ __ ] and I’m like wow that’s why it’s not a Cote unquote gaming thingy it’s more of like

For practical uses and [ __ ] like that that’s the reason why you get a Quest Pro instead of the quest 3 okay let’s see how the mic sounds I actually never tried it out so it might be really [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah also what’s really nice

About the the pro which in any line of the quest is that you can put it down and you can use your hands instead of like any controller and I’ve been using it a lot like and it’s pretty good but a lot of like if you use pcvr it doesn’t

Really like send the hand tracking thingy so I don’t know Quest Pro mic is ass okay let’s see if it’s ass people in VR said it was okay but I don’t trust them because we have different like opinions on microphone so oh it’s ready no way hold on I need to get my

Oculus o I’ve only tried it in uh VR but not really oh it’s not good oh yeah I unconnected it oopsie oopsie Oopsie also also also can I just say who can I just say [ __ ] [ __ ] why is there no good free face tracking like avatars and VR chat all the VR chat when it comes to VR chat all of the face tracking enabled like thingies are and it’s really good

The really good ones are all FES so I have to load out a [ __ ] furry Avatar to check out my face tracking and [ __ ] and it’s the most awkward thing ever cuz I’m like good God my friend joined my world and he was like why are you in a

Furry Avatar like wait wait I can explain I can [ __ ] explain because like dude I have to like test out the [ __ ] face tracking and [ __ ] and the only one that has a good one is the furry one and I’m like please let me explain and like I was so [ __ ]

[ __ ] I’m not coping that’s literally what happened that me you are a red pan just admit you’re F I’m going to punch you meet me at [ __ ] twitchcon [ __ ] sorry I was just joking I’m just joking just joking just joking I’m glad you have the confidence to be

Yourself what do you mean by that twitch reported just in case shut your ass up wait I need to set this up [ __ ] I can’t believe I’m doing this because like [ __ ] zoy just ass but whatever I’ll do it give me one Second oh my God oh my God oh my God guys I’m on VR how do I turn this on I am brave being a vber means you’re brave and mentally ill but you know what I think everybody knows I’m a little bit mentally ill anyway so it doesn’t

Matter well it broke it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s [ __ ] over why is there no microphone here Hello hello hello dcvr do not disturb West link Rift launch yes hello go to recording how how do I do that holy [ __ ] this is so complicated I forgot how complicated [ __ ] is guys what no microphone hello why not hello why is there no microphone let me restart

It okay it was restarted you bought the version without a microphone I will literally die on the spot I will die why is no microphone [ __ ] detected did I disable it maybe I disabled it oh I did oopsie oopsy oh oopsie I did an oopsy guys oopsie I disabled it that’s why

Oopsie that me why is he sitting like this oh he says cleaning himself leave him be oh you you have gifts under your Christmas tree what the hell v v Um why no mic why no mic tell meow saes Saes uh but yeah if you want a really good microphone I would say like just [ __ ] go for the index if you don’t mind the screen [ __ ] okay it’s launching 3 hours later stop [ __ ] complaining [ __ ] okay I’m just joking I’ll untime you out I’m literally streaming today for 12 hours

Maybe if I can get a second hand I’ll grab an index yeah true okay let’s see I’m just joking guys it was just jokes my headset just [ __ ] crashed what the hell oh there we go I think the microphone is working now okay let’s see okay guys ow oh [ __ ] I dropped

It I don’t know if it’s going to work though hello hello hello it’s not Working how do I do this oh God I have so [ __ ] much system system there hello it’s not Working why not why not why not donkey donkers leave me alone leave me alone why not I am actually not hungry I am looking at the recording tab this is the only one I have for this one but it’s not moving I don’t know what

Yay why is it so close to my face bro set the microphone audio input is Quest Pro microphone headset y y uh Graphics experiment yeah yeah it says it says Quest Pro Am I am I doing something stupid am I D what am I doing wrong Guys what am I doing wrong why don’t why does it not have the thingy I’m going to Google it who how could you do this on PC Muted the mic within the headset itself no it’s supposed to be on okay open the desktop app on the computer click device in the left side of the menu device yeah uh below audio VR what what hear audio and VR yeah yeah uh click on speaker icon on the top right click on

Arrow yeah dude what the [ __ ] muted the mic within the headset itself it’s on muted it’s not routed to my wavelength it doesn’t have to be maybe [ __ ] a dude oh hello hello oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] actually actually works sorry sorry hello wait how does it sound like

Wait does it sound good is it fine it sounds okay it sounds like you’re 12 but this is my voice sounds like a VR mic it’s better than your actual microphone shut the [ __ ] up no it’s not Zo left [ __ ] zo I just finish this you sound like our teacher kind of

Muddy oh I don’t have the headset completely okay wait let me put on it proper okay how does it sound like now it’s properly ooh I hit it sorry oopsie um is it clear I’m sorry so this is my actual Voice without any um what do you

Call it any settings or something like that ow is it bad wait do you guys not like my voice yeah this is no uh filter wait do you guys not like it V voice removed real voice no I don’t have EQ any ow you guys not like my

Voice it’s kind of cringe yeah I use a filter in my microphone so you can see my IQ I I have a lot of EQ so yeah yeah it’s pretty scuffed I would say if you’re a streamer index is a lot better because of how Um because of how better the microphone sounds like this one is very scuff it’s very scuffy it’s very obvious that I’m using like a VR headset thing anyway that’s it that’s it Goodbye hello okay now you can hear my normal voice and my microphone my better microphone hello how do you how do you guys like the difference of the microphone the SCU one versus the one right now with the th000 microphone ah finally peace not normal normal emerging over

Why do you like this microphone better vtuber voice shut up I don’t have a vtuber voice [ __ ] off man what does that even mean VR Demi voice is crazy I have a headache [ __ ] goodbye D GG’s well I’m not going to play VR anyway I only did that can

Somebody clip it so that Z can hear it it’s pretty scuff though I wouldn’t recommend the quest Pro when it comes to the micro or actually any quest line for the microphone born to stream forc to be a vtuber yep that’s me honestly I like

Being a v you I I like being able to express myself in a way that I can’t do it on thingy bro that hamster is feeling himself isn’t it so good it’s a hedgehog Yeah okay guys I have an event today oh by the way if you give 10 Subs I will doodle you on paint limited edition only feel like like is anyone else like this like the past like the two last two months man I don’t want to be on my

Computer ever like I’m so over the computer E I think Corona I can’t take me serious if you look at me like that I have not feel like being like is anyone else like this like the past like the two last two months man I don’t want

To be on my computer ever like I’m so over the computer I just realized I don’t think you guys could even see it cuz I [ __ ] [ __ ] up my thingy hold on oh my OBS crashed again hello hello my OBS crashed um guys I can’t hear anything again in my oh

No I can’t hear anything again I I have no volume again in my thing no Way no way hold on hello no I know you guys can hear but I can’t [ __ ] hear [ __ ] EOB I think it’s OBS that [ __ ] up my microphone and headset now I know put that in the notes so it’s not my it’s not my microphone or my headset that’s

Broken it’s my [ __ ] thingy smart streamer no I am pretty smart no yeah it’s correct Wednesday event at like 3: A.m. guys I’m sorry but I have to uh listen to this music while I restart everything I have to restart my computer I’ll be right back wasn’t your IQ like 70 no that’s zoy and uh zo and [ __ ] Empire okay BRB guys give me one second I have to restart my my PC Hello I could hear again guys I could hear again fix wow having a dual PC is so nice holy [ __ ] I could like completely just restart my PC no issue wow isn’t that nice is that so [ __ ] nice good God I don’t think I could like

Live without it anymore you I have not feel like being mic is it oh good God doing else like this like the past like the two past two months man I don’t want to be on my computer ever like I’m so over the computer I think

Dude Corona I can’t take me serious if you look at me like that I don’t I love how BR is like so confused too she was like why why not not feel like being like is anyone else like this like the past like the two

Past two months man I don’t want to be on my computer ever like I’m so over good god dude did easy forget his stream on and start jerking shut the [ __ ] up no he did not C he’s cleaning the [ __ ] camera he’s cleaning it ew he’s like cleaning he’s not [ __ ] jerking off

He’s cleaning y’all are ew what’s This oh yes so how was your day oh Yum God damn guys what’s going on on Twitch before I start FNAF is I’m going to start FNAF ttch before I start FNAF wait how is my microphone by the way how did it sound like did it sound bad it sound bad bad is it clear I’m sorry oh so this is

My actual Voice without any um what do you call it any settings it’s pretty okay I wouldn’t say great I would say okay it’s pretty okay something like that ow is it bad wait do you guys not like my voice yeah this is no uh filter it’s

Sounds a low I lowered the volume just in case like it’s like blaringly loud I was worried yeah I use a filter in my microph honestly I could add some EQ and probably fix how muddy it sounds yeah so when I do VR streams it sounds fine to you guys I could

Literally just fix it oh I can fix a EQ so like we could remove how muddy it sounds things to do in the future for VR things to do Dam that side eye is [ __ ] crazy y oh my gosh okay let’s see what’s going on in twitch World of

Warcraft uh just fly to Silver Pine and run pubg oh it’s a thingy oh what World of Warcraft Walking Dead in your live stream o air she’s streaming in an airport no [ __ ] way that’s so scary dude I remember when I streamed in air an airport a he’s not hissing he’s actually nice

Flopper this is me and zoy oh my [ __ ] god dude FES to B6 uh what’s this is so five head okay do you guys want to know why this is so five head to go and do rerunning YouTube videos and [ __ ] like that it’s because it’s December and in December you have

The best ad Revenue ever so a I think what tck is doing that he knows that he’ll get um viewership even if like it’s low viewership or compared to like his normal ones it doesn’t matter the amount of money you get from like whatever especially now especially at 2K Bank [ __ ] bank holy

[ __ ] pretty smart pretty smart Okay yeah it’s literal passive income how blind outside what CS infrastructure for Subways looks like they have o in your live I wish I could in your live stream at Japan you know honestly I feel like if I do a subathon like anytime soon I’m going to make a a

A goal of like going to Japan and in live streaming I will literally make a goal and I’ll just go solo so that I can actually inter live stream and don’t need to do like a vlog [ __ ] I I think it’s the coolest [ __ ] valerant yeah Phoenix I Dro you I you

Up dude look at this [ __ ] chat can you say can you this Filipino guy is asking can you say uh uh how much you weigh are you Ginger dude what the [ __ ] is going on dude this spot right here is also so [ __ ] Chad people don’t realize how hard the

Spot is cuz if we do it fast and like pretty much fast but you have to carefully put this in a specific spot that’s like if it’s it good god dude that’s some huge ass [ __ ] that’s a huge ass I always have to Google K4 twitch

Because I I can never spell his [ __ ] Twitch account K4 y4 K4 oh he put PSV in this thing that’s so Sweet uh I watched on pilia uh yesterday we playing valant mhm he was honestly really good at the game so many people are doing subathon what the hell it’s only two I pulled everything I’m actually dead no honestly Anie is one of those rare streamers who have like massive

Amount of like viewership but like his streams are so fun to watch cuz usually I cannot watch really big streamers that much like I I just can’t get into it but on is like really [ __ ] funny wait why are people doing subathon going on in December I don’t know I

Maybe it’s just like a maybe it’s just like a feeling I don’t know lethal company bro honestly I really want to play lethal company more but I feel like I’ve been spamming it so hard on stream play more oh [ __ ] god oh what do you guys think of

A a um it is fun to watch what do you guys think uh PSP PSP is busy right now I’m pretty sure let’s see he doesn’t do it zoy will be busy Onie just did a uh PSP just in a 24 hours what he was a [ __ ] he’s been streaming for 22 [ __ ]

Hours hello okay I’ll ask Jesse Jesse want to play lethal company with me lethal company Oh wrong chat lethal company sup baby girl Jesse M chat is this real hello are you real no okay let’s see Jesse’s I don’t want to go and stream right now oh okay that is hi hi

Booer hi okay I guess we’ll go continue for uh FNAF I meant FNAF enjoy the Stream enjoy those guys if we hit the sub goal in this stream I will do what do we do [ __ ] you know what I just realized I could do 12 hour streams again so if we hit like a 100 Subs every 100 Subs I’ll do a 12 hour stream

Actually I could do that nowadays and then we could just do a little movie night so or something like that what do you mean ain’t no way why would you want to do that because money I don’t know it’s like an incentive what other incentives can I do

Other than like the thingy what do you guys think what do you guys think what other incentives can it be then for like people who like subscribers I want to make that sound effect being able to like crunch in your mouth do in real life an in oh FaceCam

Stream you want me to do an FaceCam stream oh nah okay okay okay okay okay no like an actual in real life like me going outside dude the internet here in the Philippines sucks ass I don’t know if I could do it dude I would do it I’m

Down I could like I could like go somewhere and then like do an inner live stream but like this [ __ ] internet sucks ass Japan in your live stream please you can do a fentil fenile trying stream every 100 Subs content thoughts uh she tried but the Wi-Fi Lords outside

Can and live stream under the water grass do an incentive for tier one two three Subs no each one don’t inter real life stream it’s scary I could go outside you could do a cocaine try and stream everyone sub content thoughts true guys I’m not scared of the outside you guys think I’m

Scared oh new dancing bacon video okay what do we do if we hit 400 Subs like at least you know 400 thoughts reactions what do you guys think Art how a 10hour stream giveaway tros I don’t know where you guys live open cases no the money is gone cooking stream how do I [ __ ] set that up I need to ask PSP what his setup was to like do that hand cam stream half eating chair for each viewer oh good

God oh I’ll make tros on stream to end the end the meme I could try I could try to make churros okay I’ll add it to the thing stream elements I’m I haven’t ate a churo for like two days relax I’m not into churros no more it’s done it’s over

But if I make some really good churros then I don’t know maybe I will eat more withdrawal I’m not going to have [ __ ] withdrawal wait whoa why can I not say it withdrawal oh my god with draw withdrawal I’m not going to start having withdrawal there we go oh my God

I got actually like [ __ ] worried withdrawal withdrawal withdrawal withdrawal [ __ ] hell why is it so [ __ ] hard okay okay if we H 500 Subs I’ll do a true cooking stream I’ll do a hand cam stream like I’ll put in my chest and like Bom there you go wait I don’t like the spacing of that I really don’t like the spacing of that sorry hold on it’s annoying to [ __ ] workout stream hell [ __ ] no no amount of money can like actually make me do a workout stream whoa Lor oh my

God laoren thank you so much for the 10 gifted Subs okay no no workout stream why do you want a workout stream no no no workout streams ever ever ever No in VR okay maybe in VR I could do VR but that has to be in January when I

Have like a whole full wait I can do a cooking I can do a workout stream with the 3D model no yeah and you can see my whole body without having to like okay if I’m being honest the problem with workout streams when it comes with females weirdos come

In and I really don’t want to be looked at like that especially that I’m uncomfortable with that anyway so thoughts on a thoughts on a workout stream when I have my 3D model whoa I can oh dude no I passed out there was this one time there was this

One time I um this is going to be so hard to say but I took a nap in the gym back in the day when I was in uni I was like I I worked out so hard and I was like so and I took a [ __ ] nap it was so embarrassing

Dude yeah no I’m I don’t know man even in okay when I went through Physical Therapy fun fact I would take a nap I’ll be like okay when I’m waiting for my mom I would take a nap waiting for my mom to come after like the [ __ ] workout I don’t know

Dude I like I’m I’m epie I’m an epe person dude I sleep so much everywhere it’s bad oh my God I tried this in real life yeah I nap in her life in in real life I mean I I nap in in public all the time you nap in

Game oh I studied a comai computer science yep and I don’t remember anything I learned anymore you know it’ be very interesting um messaging my professors and asking how I was was as a student and then you guys hear how I was as a student in comai cuz like I have them in

Facebook I have my like professors on Facebook so I could like literally DM them I’m like hello um I’ll tell them the truth I’m like hey I’m a you know I think it’s a good idea can I have like a that sounds like a jubile video idea I don’t want to tell

Them I’m a vber though actually did you guys know of my professors follow me on Twitter like [ __ ] I wonder if he unfollowed already I don’t know I have no idea whether he unfollowed or or not they know no it was before cuz like I don’t know oh hell

No he was at cumer you didn’t unban yesterday oh [ __ ] off no he’s not he’s probably watching right now no he’s not no he’s not I don’t think he’s into that [ __ ] let me go for the 12 hour M long stream today why do you look like that what do

You mean by that how do I look it’s me no you know what I want I want a Ving lab where everybody’s playing CS in a 5v5 [ __ ] Lobby and actually try Harding for a tournament that would be so fun oh I wish there was more like competitions like that for V

Tuers that mean what language did you code in um a lot so much play CS in your life in your live stream of me playing um wait why doesn’t anybody do that paintball uh in your live stream Airsoft why does anybody do that I did code in

Java no airsoft guns do not look [ __ ] to is it to I don’t think it’s Doos it’s not self harm or it’s not harming others it’s like a little bruise a little like it’s a weapon hi dark gamer hello welcome hi do not buy a house guys do you think that you guys

Are going to actually be able to buy a house at this kind of economy anytime soon in your life or are you going to be a rentoid forever no so you think you’re just going to be renting forever hello Pumpkin no they do that [ __ ] in Poland

See an AP apartment maybe but not a house house is expensive but don’t you it’s not like you’re going to have to buy it like all in one go you just have to like pay it monthly no that’s how it works to buy a house you just have to pay monthly right

For 12 years I feel like buying a house is like pretty much renting for 12 years isn’t it isn’t isn’t it oh you have to have a certain amount of income [ __ ] how to buy a house in GTA 5 in real life whoa why does so many people want to buy a

House in Ireland what’s happening in Ireland why is it all [ __ ] oh IR L here how do you actually buy a house actually I’m kind of curious I never knew how whether you’re on the verge of buying your own home or one of the 91% of millennial renters who want to buy a

Home hello Internet hello hello own home or I think nobody has kicked on this video for like a really long time or one of the 91% of millennial renters who want to buy a home someday I guess nobody has like touched this video for such a long time

That it became like an archive a little bit and you have to like pull it out process can seem daunting it would be lovely to skip right to that stock photo moment where the realtor hands you a key next to a sold sign but unfortunately a

Lot of other stuff has to happen first and the more you know about it it the smoother it will go so here is an illustrated Guide to the path to home ownership from start to finish okay let’s see let’s see Guys many people jump right into finding a realtor or visiting open houses but the most practical first step is making sure you can get a loan unless you’re paying in cash in which case you get to skip ahead of you how do you get a loan

Few squares but for most of us the first order of business is choosing a Lo loan officer this is the person who will secure a mortgage loan on your behalf fun fact I used to be a loan officer myself and I highly recommend sourcing this person on personal referral the

Loan officer will have you fill out a pre-approval application that will include your in it’s over I have no credit I don’t have a credit I don’t even have a credit card I oh it’s over I don’t have any assets oh it’s so [ __ ] over it’s over credit history and and current assets

You’ll also have to provide documentation like pay stubs bank statements and tax returns do you have a valid ID I have a passport be prepared to share more financial information with this person than you do with practically anyone else in return he or she will help match you

To a loan guys did you know that I have to pay my mom to pay my rent and she has to pay it there because they were like no it’s required that you have to pay by check and I’m like so I can’t just send

You the money I could just send you the money deposit like you know straight through the bank to the bank and they were like no we need all the checks and I’m like I don’t have that so my mom had to [ __ ] put her name in the contract and everything as my

Like Guardian thing kind of thing as if I’m like [ __ ] 16 or some [ __ ] I’m 23 years old and I can’t apply for a credit card it’s because like I can’t prove my income or whatever the [ __ ] you’re try to I I tried to I tried to

Like do it and then they kept saying no uh do you have a job I I kept trying to like get a credit card and they were like do you have a job and I’m like technically yes and they were like okay um do you have any paperwork

No sorry you can’t get a credit card dude that’s right for you there are many different types of loans but generally speaking the better your credit history and the more money you can put towards the down payment the better your terms will be having a score of 740 and being

Able to put down 20% of the purchase price is the ideal but as long as you have a credit score of around 680 and a down payment of at least 3 and a half% your loan officer will be able to provide you with some decent options Jesus the loan officer will also help

You decide how expensive I tried I said like I have like the payouts and they were like no I meant with Filipino paperwork and I’m like what and give you an idea what kind of closing cost to expect closing costs are all the extra expenses that you’ll have

To pay to finalize the deal and you should he does have price remember your loan officer is not your financial planner it’s up to you to know how much you’re willing to Shell out in total and how large a monthly payment is comfortable for you

And keep in mind that you don’t have to have all your ducks in a row in order to reach out to a loone officer even if you’re not quite ready to buy they’ll be happy to talk with you and tell you what you need to prepare if everything checks

Out in a day or two you will be pre-approved for a home loan and now it’s time to add a new member to your team the realtor your realtor is your personal shopper and chief negotiator it’s their job to find you the home of your dreams and help you make a

Competitive offer Realtors are not hard to come by so it’s especially important that you pick one with good reviews or has been personally recommended like your loan officer your realtor typically works on commission which means they don’t get paid until the deal is done so

The they’ll be eager to get you into a home now comes the part most people look forward to finding a house after looking at countless pictures online and touring Interiors at some point hopefully you’ll zero in on the house that fits all the criteria you’re looking for so what

Comes next you and your realtor will submit a formal offer to the owner accompanied by a letter of pre-approval from the loan officer to prove you can afford it if they accept would it be cheaper to buy land and just build one from scratch clock starts ticking on the

Purchase process from here on out it’s important that you don’t change anything about your financial situation your loan approval just get a small house no until you like based on things St just build a house way they are because technically you just build it yourself credit cards

The first part of the purchase process is the option period you will typically give the owner a deposit of around 1% of the purchase price UPF front to show that you’re serious in exchange the owner gives you a window of around 5 to 10 days to inspect the house and decide

Whether you want to go through with it you’ll definitely want to hire a professional inspector to make sure the house is safe and up to code and there are no issues with big ticket items like roof or AC if you do find a major problem you and your realtor can ask the

Owner to fix them or adjust your offer accordingly after option is over you get to relax a little bit while the loan officer works on turning your file over to the underwriter they are the ones who hold the ultimate power to approve or deny your loan and it’s their job to

Make sure you check out as a super trustworthy squeaky clean potential borrower the loan officer will act as your goet and just like you will want to keep this train moving so be sure to promptly Supply them with any supplemental documentation they may need once the underwriter gives you the all

Clear you will be clear to close yeah dude I would rather just rent I can’t do it dude I can’t do it this is too complicated there’s too much like responsibility too much payment [ __ ] I’ll just Jesus that’s so much just get a house leave it to [Laughter] Jesse oh yeah you have to also the thing with houses I don’t like having to like maintain the [ __ ] house too like if there’s anything wrong in the backyard you have to do some [ __ ] like I don’t know man if you get an apartment boom no backyard

Just your room and everything you need simple as and then like you know what I mean Jesse’s going to have to fill out every r no I can cook I can cook you know what if we reach 500 [ __ ] Subs I’ll show you I’ll make my [ __ ] churo and I’ll

Follow recipe completely the oh pigeon Pon you’re too scared to buy a chicken no way you’re cooking okay even if I was scared to buy chicken I I did it didn’t I did I not do it I did it is that the H oh no it’s not e oh it’s coffee Oh I mean can’t be that bad why are you scared of chicken I’m scared of buying it cuz like it’s very intimidating okay it’s very intimidating having to talk and say like which which part you want I don’t know which part I want okay it’s

Hard so you know how in school you learn that the earth looks like this it doesn’t it looks like this see those two gigantic blobs they are sometimes called mantle blobs they are larger than continents and if they were on the surface of the planet they would be so

Tall the International Space Station would have to steer around them these blobs might be old piles of the Earth’s crust they might be something left over from the Earth’s for we know they’re there because seismic waves from earthquakes travel through them differently some researchers think the blobs might fuel Hotpot volcanoes

Like the ones in Hawaii others think they may have powered super volcanoes so no for sure oh my God I just remember that a volcano [ __ ] erupted in the Philippines just not long ago we need to know what the blobs are made of and we don’t we just know they’re there seismic

Wave studies haven’t been that conclusive so for now all we know is that they’re there just messing with our conceptions of what the planet is so you know how in school you learn learn that the earth looks like it was in the yep holy [ __ ] yep it it was holy

[ __ ] authorities in the Philippines are warning that a volcano near the capital could be on the verge of temporarily CL with static electricity holy it’s just the opening act of what could be one of Nature’s most dramatic shows the T volcano last erupted more than 40 years ago oh yeah yearses above and

Earthquakes Rumble below experts say another massive eruption could be just hours away been so long now yeah I remember because there was ashes like falling down like everywhere you want to if you went there holy [ __ ] it was insane how to talk to why is this recommended for

Me what the [ __ ] I don’t need this [ __ ] getting someone to open up can be a rewarding experience especially if that person is particularly shy one of my favorite techniques to teach is something I call the pingpong method oh the ping pong method I’m not actually talking about actually playing ping pong

With a person the ping pong method is a way to frame a conversation so that both parties feel comfortable and the discussion keeps flowing naturally so what is the ping pong method the ping pong method requires two people you are on one side and the person you want to

Get to know is on the other the conversation is Ping ponged back and forth like the game of pingpong here’s how it works you ask a question and the other person answers after they answer it is now your turn now rather than dive into another question you talk a little

Bit more about their answer and then ask another related question the ping pong ball continues to go back and forth with each person contributing to the conversation I did this already this is [ __ ] [ __ ] boring oh what the [ __ ] mask I almost forgot to see it’s almost like you’re the

Joker I mean I’m just going to Accent High Champion I got a seven octave range call Guinness Guinness Book of World Records Mariah I love FF what’s jablin’s jables who do we got here oh my God I have the same shirt I’m not kidding I have the literal same [ __ ]

Shirt oh my [ __ ] god Freddy Fazbear special delivery from FNAF headquarters they sent us um some goodies yeah oh to be wait I think I think that’s time I think that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s a thingy zoy leaked your DMs he’s not [ __ ] jerking it dude oh my ear oh oo

There’s a lot to love about a h Miyazaki film and we all have our handful of favorites since choosing just one is to ah such a good [ __ ] holy [ __ ] your nudes just popped up in the mirror Why on the monitor huh what are you talking about right there I have not [ __ ] off that took so [ __ ] long Whoa been observed of sea level on with the latest occurring in theber and the images are impressive showing the night sky illuminated By Flame lava flows can you be honest couldn’t you just run from a volcano eruption how do people die from this other than like it

Exploding and [ __ ] like that but when it’s like flooding can’t you out run it it’s not that fast right it’s not that fast right you are so [ __ ] dumb it’s fast huh let’s see what the [ __ ] dangerous moments in the volcano area a person standing on the lava

Disregarding his life stepped on the lava and recorded those moments that’s me cuz love I have I wouldn’t get it oh [ __ ] see it’s so slow it’s slow as [ __ ] bang is now producing a relatively small [ __ ] are chilling like near literally near compared to the last one in Iceland Hall

In 2014 2015 can you show your Tik Tok likes yeah sure I I’m sure there’s something weird uh outfit stuff I thought it was cute liked it snake bites Story Time on how I found out my nose stupid [ __ ] lactose intolerant [ __ ] cute stuff fun snake bites again snake

Bites hey I just stupid Reddit [ __ ] oh I wanted to do this with Jesse so I’m waiting for it like which one would we like you know Val sheets hi guys we’ve got quite yeah it’s super normal I don’t know no every single invitation to this event has been oh yeah unfortunately realizing

That a lot of like celebrities that I like are you know work got oh good God I used a sleepy tie for the first time that one movie stuff camera stuff is good again my hands are getting pretty cold out here look what

Is I don’t know it was funny to me and I forward okay folks making my wife a German Traitor Joe you tricked me welcome to to Chief the series I don’t know it’s been really normal recently cats cats being mad hey Opus what’s 2 plus two you know

How this happens when you try to makeup a lot I’ve been I’ve been getting really into like the makeup [ __ ] that people the boy sneaks a t yeah I’ve been like super [ __ ] normal recently my 18y yeah I’ve been so normal recently it’s [Laughter] insane no to what the [ __ ] listen to

This girl my booking number is V Victor G I don’t use IG um guys did anybody else get this on their Spotify i w um if you guys so this’s is a starter and the problem with this starter here is just go to the real page down in here these

These these gears here um they the thing the crazy thing about this is that this is a [ __ ] fresh dead [ __ ] deer you could tell cuz the joints are moving so and the problem with this starter here is dude holy [ __ ] yeah maybe so I’m $200,000 in debt from going to art school and I wanted see very normal [ __ ] dude I’ve never dude I think I’m sometimes a kleptomaniac not like actually actually but like sometimes I feel like if I had different parents I would be stealing

Just for the fun of it I don’t care and I was still in high school I was so desperate for male validation and attention I used to have a thing with this boy and he used to call me the nword and I just let him not only did he

Call me the nword but he wanted me to call him my master as a term of endearment and I did he’ll be like what’s up my little nword or my little slave baby and I’d be like hey Master i’ms Jesus Christ she he’s a [ __ ] victim what the

[ __ ] okay you know what maybe I will just die I take it back yeah but like what is this ever going to happen anyway oh dude this is like POV you went to the Nether and that’s how the lava flows now you’ve been a waitress in America oh you saw my [Laughter] tweet I tweeted recently that I really want to be when I mov to America I I’m I’m dead ass I’m GNA apply to be a waitress I’m [ __ ] dead ass I’ll do like streaming still like I’m still going to be a streamer I’m just going to

Like and when I wake up I’m gonna you know have a waitress job I’m not joking dude I’m really not joking this is oh my God GG’s seconds the they we go The Rock open our these scream [ __ ] yeah someone would call going to yell at you for

Forgetting fries once and you’re going to throw the apron away it doesn’t [ __ ] matter what happens I will [ __ ] be a waitress and I want to see honestly I think everybody should be a waitress once in their life I thought you are a software engineer graduate yeah so I don’t want

To okay here I want a job when I go to America where I’m going to be interacting with people okay the coding degree to a waitress pipe line is real dude yeah I could technically apply for a normal job but that’s stressful that’s like requ there needs to be

Requirements I want a job where I just need to show up and do good and that’s all I need to do I don’t want a coding job because like then I have to do stuff and I have to think and I don’t want to think I just want to I just want like

Things to be a like you Know I’m not saying that it’s not stressful I’m saying like I don’t want assignments to do I don’t want to think about like I don’t want to think about like how I’m going to be like think oh my God like okay okay okay coding waitress I’m really friendly I will I I I genuinely think that I Jesse said that I’m very Charming so Jesse said that I would get really good tips so um it’s like Hello you know what I mean like I’m going to be I’m a Charming person you know does it matter in America no no it matters everywhere um I can handle people being stupid because I’ve dealt with valorant uh YouTube chat you know I could deal with it every now and then it doesn’t

Have to be like it’s on 80% of the job but like you know it’s is what it is uh I could deal with it when it’s like 40% maybe not 80 if it becomes 80 I am literally throwing to apron I’m I’m leaving and never coming back I don’t

Give a [ __ ] okay have Ione coding sad in my chair slumped up code typing sag you know I mean sag just like coding thinking s coding coding computer I okay something something I still want to stream so I don’t want to be having a um a job where I’m still in my computer

Okay so I cannot do a coding thingy because I’ll be in my my computer and I don’t want to be in my computer more when I’m I’m ler going to go home and go back to my computer okay so I need a job where I’m not going to have any computer

Other than like the normal ones okay so I want a standing job where I get to interact with people that’s a number one cosmetic CS degree I’ll get a parttime waitress for parttime I’ll just be parttime part hard time but why I waitress because I think

It’s cute I I I I think I look I I miss I missed my uniform okay from like I I miss wearing a Uniform it’s a [ __ ] hell job I’m not doing it for [ __ ] Aesthetics I’m saying like would I rather be a cashier no I don’t want to [ __ ] deal with like I I don’t want to I don’t want to be a cashier I thought about it I

Thought about it can I just work in like [ __ ] Amazon and do the uh [ __ ] thingy and I’m like no I can’t do it uh Barista I will [ __ ] up with somebody’s order so bad I will 100% 100% [ __ ] up somebody’s order so I I I can’t so I’m thinking waitress no no

And then it has to be a waitress in a restaurant not a waitress in like not like a cashier in McDonald’s because then I will actually go mental with the people that I have to like deal with you won’t have your own schedule that’s fine a waitress in a m Cafe no

No a bartender I have to learn how to like make alcohol drinks I don’t drink yeah like a diner PV hi this is Britney 12 hours before my shift 12 hours after my shift hi this is Britney 12 hours before my Shi 12 hours after also if okay also I

Kind of thought about it for Content as well because okay I feel like if I work in like let’s say a fast food thingy right I work in McDonald’s then it’ll be too much and I won’t be able to stream it’ll be like too mentally draining in

My opinion but if I’m a waitress in a good restaurant thoughts on this I’ll have the craziest [ __ ] story to tell on stream afterwards after my my shift ends I’ll go and go stream whenever the [ __ ] that is and then boom content I could like tell you my

Day I I won’t have the same day as I do now I feel like I feel like because it’ll be me crying I’m going to have a mental breakdown on stream Guys holy [ __ ] yeah but they won’t give you a job in good restaurants without some experience yeah I know but I’ll get that experience watch me dude I I will this fat [ __ ] kept asking me for ketchup packets dude I’m fine I’m I’m really good in service I I’m actually

Genuinely sorry I’m actually genuinely serious I’m really good at service things turning your mental breakdowns into content is wild dude dumping on the stream guys you’re minding your business at a restaurant and the waitress gives you this there what are you doing Dude guys why is my internet’s so bad right now okay okay okay okay okay give me another job then that need that that has the same description as right now okay same what what the [ __ ] was that same same requirements as I do not now none customer service I’m not doing

Doing phone [ __ ] no no no no I’m not I’m not I’m not retail worker yeah but retail workers don’t get tips okay I’m I’m thinking I want a tip job so I could like see whether I’m a you know Coal Mine dude a farmer okay I want a job away from the

PC okay here’s my requirements here’s my requirements a away PC okay um active active job you know active um also I have to like interact with people interact with with people okay what is it what is it sales hell [ __ ] no I don’t want to be that annoying person a

Paramedic I’m not saving somebody’s life in real live streamer okay I want a boss you know something I’ve noticed in my life me genu meow something I’ve noticed genuinely in my life is that I’ve always had a boss and and and and I I’ve always had I I I’m

Really good at doing my requirements and stuff like that and as a streamer I don’t really have a boss and like it it’s it kind of sucks join an org oh [ __ ] I don’t think an org even wants me office assistant I don’t think any org wants me

And like anything you won’t get tip but you could work for a company that arranges events oh no I want a I want okay also also something also is that I just have to book in and that’s it I I don’t have to think about my job anymore so I can stream okay

Just go in go out go in go out so I think a waitress would be great or a reception thingy a fitness trainer oh I’m fat instructor physical therap I’m don’t have anything Chef hell [ __ ] no uh lifeguard yeah I’m letting that person die massage th I don’t want to touch

People flight attendant I think you have have to be a certain size and a certain look for that and you need to go to school for that bot Camp instructor hell [ __ ] no zookeeper physical dude I’m pretty sure you need to go to a [ __ ] school for that

Hello physical tra personal train you need to go to school for that oh my I’m not doing call center I wanted to be in real life EMT isn’t that for like the and then you have to go like thingy that mean what did you go to school for computer science

Sader cashier I could be a cashier but don’t they like not receive tips so I want I I want a job where like if there’s one rich [ __ ] right there he’ll give me a good [ __ ] tip okay cuz I I know my I know my Pros dude

One if I lose weight dude oh my God it’s [Laughter] over If baiting old Rich me into tipping is wild did even say when oh guys I feel like if I become a waitress I’m going to start smoking maybe I shouldn’t because I’ll be like I need my smoke break dude uh I need my five minute smoke break holy

[ __ ] don’t you already smoke weed when the [ __ ] did I ever [ __ ] say that I don’t smoke ever I’ve never ever ever ever smoked ever ever I don’t I don’t why you think I don’t know why you think you’d be getting many tips when you can’t even Farm

Subs yeah true actually I think maybe this is a way I think bro didn’t you do hero no you know what I’m going to say it I’m going to say it I want to be a waitress so that I can compensate for the lack of tips I get from

Streaming so I feel better about myself like like you know what like maybe maybe it’s not maybe it’s not me dude I maybe I could like I that’s why I want to do both I dude I want to do it both man can I not do both I feel like I just do

Both and I don’t have to beg on stream I could just work I could just like do my little okay if I’m being honest as much as like streaming is nice and lovely um it would be nice to like have you know another job as well I was thinking of

Doing a um my own shop I was thinking about doing that would you guys rather have that and I could make my own like merch and [ __ ] not merch for the demonish channel but my own like actual shop I was thinking about that I was thinking about making

My own like for my own designs my own like thingies my own cute stuff my own like you don’t need that much money when you’re starting that kind of job actually fun fact anybody can start doing that [ __ ] damn y’all it’s the fastest sandwich maker I know oh my [ __ ]

God Drop Shipping would be cool you guys don’t get it I thought about so much merch [ __ ] that’s not even Leu think it’s one in two months poggers poggers wow hey V sauce Michael here today I’m going to break the easiest world record so after scrolling you guys beg me to

Try tumbling these for let’s smell $300,000 of the scrap gold we start off by taking all the scrap and pouring onto the scale the total weight comes out to about 500 penny weight or about 8600 G this is whoa but you know what I think everybody knows I’m a little bit mentally ill

Anyway so it doesn’t matter no dude it like my [ __ ] headset fell that’s why I screamed oh my [ __ ] God you know what I think I’m going to say it all vtubers are mentally ill including me this is just all the gold that we picked up I have not once

Saw a vich that’s not a little bit mentally a few weeks all the magic happens in this right come on all the gold high five the wait for it to heat up to about 2,000 de you could see it starts to become more red hot and all the hollow

Gold starts to condense once the gold starts to get liquid we mix it in with Borax which is a chemical we use to clean the gold from all the dirt it is collected throughout the years once the gold has fully melted we pour it into this large cast we scrape out whatever

Was left that we couldn’t get out during the pour now we rinse the bar and break off all that borax to reveal the Gold’s true color holy sh all that’s left is to take the bar on the borax back to the office to go test its Purity when you

Reway the bar you can see that we lost about 5 Penny way or about 8 G but that’s the cost of doing business we drilled a few holes into the bar and used the shavings to test the Purity the gold purity comes out to about 55.8% let’s Mell $300,000 of the scrap gold

55% is that even okay that’s not good right now that’s very average half of it is it even gold so that’s so scam oh yeah true half of is not even gold [ __ ] I mean this crap also also isn’t the price of gold depending on where the gold comes from

Like if it’s like Chinese gold Japanese gold whatever whatever right so today we wanted to see what would happen if we keep trading this $10 five times will we earn more profit or will we lose all of it our first trade was charger a yeah I would

Never give away my [ __ ] charger even if like the $10 is worth more the [ __ ] am I going to do now let’s do it the charger is s crazy would you be down to what dude the moment the Tik Tock starts [ __ ] are okay with giving out anything

Something in your backpack for this iPhone charger be T more yeah let’s do it all right cool okay well would anyone here be down to trade something in your backpack for this Twix all right let’s do it a dollar oh my [ __ ] would you be down to trade anything

In your backpack for this $1 okay and then if you’re already following me I’ll also give you $ 10 extra dollars oh I following you you are can you show me oh here’s the 10 bucks for following me and then uh oh the plug cover thing the plug

Cover of the extension cord is insane okay all right well there you go would you guys be down to trade something for this plug cover Outlet thingy [ __ ] let me check what I got I got a pack of extra yeah I would only give like a mint I would not eat even

Give a whole [ __ ] is he giving a whole [ __ ] pack I got aack yeah let’s do it there you go and we ended up with this pack of gum pack you know what they want for this what do you want to give me five bucks four bucks 10 bucks yeah I’ll 10 that’s

A good deal here’s some stuff I bought at a garage sale a church sale I love garage sales before Co existed and [ __ ] like that there used to be so much garage sales in the Philippines nowadays I don’t really see it anymore and an estate sale and already flipped for

Profit at this first sale I got this Minecraft book set for a dollar this sold really quick on eBay for $20 recently at a church sale I got these Z coil boots for $20 keep an eye out for the shoes with a spring oh I thrifted a jacket that cost like

$300 and I bought it for like uh 50 in Japan in the back they sell for really good money I just sold these on eBay for 85 some of y’all remember last year I went to this estate sale and I got I I thrifted it yeah I’m pretty cool

Yeah and then um I couldn’t wear it cuz it was too hot all these Vintage Hotel keys for $10 there ended up being this Disneyland hotel Towers key in there that last sold for 200 and there were 200 two of those I was really hoping to

Get around $200 each for these but I think maybe some room numbers sell better than others so I’ve just been lowering the price $5 to $10 here and there and I finally just sold both of these on merari within one day apart I saw one of these yesterday for 155 And I just sold the second one for 145 you know what I went for this what the [ __ ] known as the most inconvenient convenience store hanging on the side of a cliff in Horan’s Shin GIC area is a small wood sh selling drinks and snacks to passing climbers the store is 120 M

Off the ground and only 2 square m wide with a single Yos don’t come back up anymore at least they don’t come back up with a simple tug do you want to hear something really eerie like scary kind of so you know how Saturday night that I

Don’t care Kennedy thank you so much have a good day if I saw the driver carrying the drink like this I’d be so [ __ ] scared but he’s probably doing for the views right supposed to be here for I can become an U oh but that requires

Like oh I could like uh in the in America I’ll just like bike oh that’s so much I have to be outside in the sun oh I don’t like the sun Uber Eats delivery at the White House but I obviously can’t get in wait what number is this this

Is Oh weird look at this the White House does that happen a lot no go ahead and cancel the order Sting the option that’s you’re not find customer you’re not going to be a for I’m going to reive that why can’t you just like exit out it’s not like it’s literally not letting

Me you yeah you want it screw it you know I just wasted like how long half an hour half an hour dude never mind I do not want to do this [ __ ] this this is an AI that tries to guess where you’re drunk one year after

A casket was found in a San Francisco backyard containing the perfectly preserved body of a little girl Hello from the 1800s researchers hello her true identity The Garden of Innocence an organization that buries abandoned and unidentified children says the child’s name is Edith Howard cook a graphic artist touched up this

Book photo of the child taken in the coffin records show she died in October 1876 from under why is this the most happiest [ __ ] music ever record shows that she died in October 1876 from undernourishment she didn’t eat for weeks anyway just a month and a half shy of her third birthday oh

My the organization says at the time why is itely thought I found this one when I yes no this family the scar guys let’s go we already got the gems what are you doing what you’re looking at is the most radioactive thing that I own it might

Not look like much but if you want to hear the sound that haunts my nightmares try putting a guer counter on it oh [ __ ] the worst part is this crazy thing was sold as a health product the company that made this is now a weird pyramid scheme but before that they were

Trying to make a buck by selling these weird conference pass looking things that are filled to the brim with r radioactive thorium dioxide but if you want to see how bad this really is let’s put it in my cloud chamber this machine I’ve shown before and it uses super

Cooled alcohol Vapor to visualize radiation each little white Trail is left by a particle of radiation not only is this thing radioactive itself but it’s putting out a large amount of radioactive gas called radon which is why you see trails coming from seemingly nowhere for comparison here’s the

Radioactive pendant I got on Amazon that I’ve shown before they both have Thorium in them but you can see how much more is in the card than the pendant just from the number of trails if you want to know more about both of these insane products there’s a video isn’t that crazy that

You could just like if you want to ruin somebody’s life slowly but surely just give them something that’s like really radioactive and they’ll never know did you hear about that story about McDonald’s and that their glass thingies has like a lot of [ __ ] toxics toxic [ __ ] and it

Oh what’s up man Greg once when I was a kid I was making cookies and I oh I haven’t finished my my [ __ ] salad WAP give me one second let’s let’s watch a little thingy and then we’ll go to I’m Ona and I’m a level one Chef hi I’m

Daniel I am eating a salad what the [ __ ] F okay dude what the [ __ ] and I’m a level two Chef hi I’m Lonnie holiday and I’ve been a professional Baker for about 20 years today I’m going to be making a milkshake with chocolate chip ice cream

With the vanilla base it’s going to the bottom left oh no what the [ __ ] that D and cream with a marshmallow twist my milkshake is going to be an Ode to the classic Banana Split bananas whipped cream made of coconut and some chocolate and of course a cherry on top I love

Milkshakes because they are the Ultimate Classic American decadent dessert this one is my take on a PB&J milkshake guys what is your favorite [ __ ] um milkshake I like cookies and cream so today I’m using a chocolate chip ice cream vanilla ice cream Oreo cookies and then this is my little secret ingredient

Which is marshmallow syrup vanilla to start milk make ice cream out of bananas the more ripe the better just cuz I think it’s sweeter and they’re softer I’m going to be making my strawberry ice cream from scratch because I really get control over what my final product if

I’m being honest the first thing we’re going to do is pulverize these free dried strawberries in this food process this is the best way to pack a strawberry punch into my ice cream base so now we’re going to start with our ice cream so I’m going to scoop about four

Scoops of ice cream I would use this whole thing actually literally just cutting them into slices to milkshake a lot of people use ice cream you got to get in there and get that ice cream it’s peanut sometimes you feel a little better eating fruit this is an easy way to sneak

Some it was a I lost a [ __ ] lovely and fine and is going to pack such a beautiful strawberry punch I’m actually going to use it twice I’m going to put it into the ice cream base into the Jammy swirl my bananas are cut and ready and now they are going into

The freezer you think this is enough let me see let’s start the ice cream base first things first I’m going to mix this cream and the sugar cornstarch and salt in a bowl and set it aside I want this mix go up to 800 calories I want things to be

Really well Incorporated before we get started with the heat now I’m going to add my whole milk whole milk has all the fat and all the flavor so I’m just being cautious here keeping it low while I get my vanilla bean going we’re just going to split this Bean right down the middle

And we want all those luscious teeny little baby beautiful vanilla beans inside I like using vanilla beans as opposed to vanilla extract just because it’s so decadent you really get that punch of vanilla flavor you get the beautiful here’s my bananas they are all nice and Frozen and ready to be Blended

And when I say Blended I mean put in a food processor which is actually a key component of this because it makes it lot I’ve never seen a food processor in life surface area that gets hit with a food processor a milkshake is like a hug

In a cup if someone makes you a milkshake chances are they love you so we’re just bringing this milk up to a little slight simmer the top of this is quite foamy I can see it sort of wobbling under this cap of foam so I

Think now is a good time to take it off the heat add the rest of our ingredients and then return everything to the pot and get it going basically this is going into the food processor for like 6 to 8 minutes until it gets nice and creamy look at

That there’s no movement on that I’m just adding my cream cor sugar mixture to the rest of the milk mixture adding it slowly whisking as I’m going just to sort of equalize the temperatures you’d think you’d need like some sort of liquid like a milk what’s a milkshake

Without milk but you can really get this like creamy kind a flashback to [ __ ] ninja ice cream with just bananas now that everything’s nice and mixed I’m just going to turn it on a low heat and it’s just going to thicken ever so slightly she’s about as high

Maintenance as they come but she’s definitely going to be worth it I’m going to pack it all my strawberry flavor we’re going to let it hydrate literally whisking the flavor into the base I think we’re ready to strain now the thing about this is that you want to

Keep it cold so after I scoop it in here as I work on getting the other ingredients and prepping up more things this is going back into the freezer to stay cold now that this bad girl is all strained and ready to go we’re going to

Cover her up put her in the fridge and let her chill overnight let’s say you’re not making a milkshake this will keep in your freezer for a long time this is something you can prep way in advance and then just eat it as you want this is

A self-care item one of the reasons I really love making my own ice cream is getting to play with the liquid nitrogen this stuff is dangerous and it is going to make the most beautiful strawberry ice cream you’ve ever had in about an instant I’m going to put our luscious

Strawberry base right into our mixing bowl we’re going to start on a really low speed there is no need to rush she so sexual with this I just want to stop and intermittently and see what’s going on with this ice cream it’s a real smoke show the liquid nitrogen

Doesn’t impact the flavor of this ice cream in any way this is a really fun activation to do at events people love the drama of the liquid nitrogen okay so we have the ice cream next is the milk get your milk in there Oreo cookies remember when you’re

A little kid you would just open up the Oreos and and then lick all the cream out the middle I never really enjoyed Oreos that much I just like it for shakes and then put it back together I will put them back in a pack cuz I was

Bad like that first things first the ice cream look at how great the Scoops in there look it’s so thick there we go bam you don’t want to use too many cookies because you want to have the cookie to milk ice cream ratio just right if I

Used about four scoops of ice cream so then I will use two cookies okay and a half a cup of milk milk in here now I’m I’m going to get to work onk salad and water I’m going to zest thison I’m just going to use this microplane and Eyeball about half and

It’s all about eyeballing all the Salted almond butter that I have I love almond butter and does it taste great yes but also contrast the sweetness of the bananas quite nicely so it’s not like too sweet so for anyone looking for a little bit more of a flavor profile this

Is the answer some people use ice in milkshake some people don’t I use ice because I feel like it makes it whole better long so put in nice next I’m going to add my pulverized freeze dry 16ths I’m going to add some water just to get this hydrated salt my sugar and

About a tablespoon of lemon juice now one last ingredient a little bit of this marshmallow syrup look at that that’s the extra love that’s the what else is in here and you just sit there and don’t say a word just add a little bit of vanilla extract and away we go

That is so thick we want it to be just so not too thick and not too thin you get your top make sure it’s tast want in your kitchen cuz we don’t want to clean up we just want to treat I’m start the blender for about one

Minute look at it whirling it’s like a whirl pool this is what I meant when I said she high maintenance this Jammy swirl is going to be luscious in the milkshake she is so sexual with her cooking difficult to get to this bottle now it’s time for our toppings I feel

Like the toppings play a huge part in the milkshake not only for how it looks you want to have like more stuff to pile on top and play around with or else what’s the point I love Oreos it just brings the kid out on you so we’re going

To use a lot of them we’re going to make them like if you were using sprinkles I’ve always like reacted to food videos I think it’s cool start with my powdered sugar which I’m going to sift into this mixing bowl pinch of salt a couple T watch this watch watch water corn syrup

Vanilla extract what we’re looking for is something that’s flowing but also thick now I about to start my chocolate drizzle now one of the things I like to do with the coconut milk is keep it in the refrigerator because if you keep it in the fridge you offer the opportunity

For this to happen so this sits on top and this is going to be basically the base of the chocolate drizzle so I’m going to put this off to the side for now no it’s the was talking chop my semi chocolate chips I want nice Chop on so that it increases

The surface area a little bit and they melt quicker I’m going to take a small little bit of this coconut fat I don’t remember anymore I don’t remember this video Oreos up nice now comes the fun part we just want to divide this sprinkle mixture into however many

Colors we want to end up with and get to dyeing it in my opinion the C is crazy I had to tell like I was getting my nails done and uh as somebody who commissions a lot of artist I have to like get used to

Color theory a little bit more so I had to tell like what to mix the colors in for the right color cuz they were like no we don’t have that color I’m like no you do have it you just have to mix in a little bit more green and yellow to the

Red mixture so it can neutralize like I sounded like such a [ __ ] dweeb coconut fat allows the chocolate not only to melt down and create like a rich drizzle but also create a shell as it cools down coconut fat is starting to melt so I’m going to add my chocolate

Chunks I want this to be able to be something that I can pour over the top of the milkshake this is looking good look at that so I’m going to prep all my garnishes and then bring it all together and assemble it at the same time so I

Have some almonds I’m going to chop up because who doesn’t like some nuts sprinkled on top of banana split my sprinkles are now ready to pipe and I’m actually just rocking from fo to to get nice steady line of this sprinkle mixture it’s like dancing now all I need

To do is set these sprinkles aside to dry overnight and I have a banana this is Sol isn’t she supposed to be making a this is going to look really nice sticking out of the top of the milkshake and really send it home that’s it that’s

It you don’t have to be precise here sort of this mixture wait she made her own [ __ ] sprinkles and intentional all right I think this is what I’m looking for you want it I think this is a first first time I’ve seen a video where the level one is so much

Better than every other [ __ ] levels fine perfect for sprinkling look at that yummy and there you have it she’s the most real sprinkles B who [ __ ] makes homemade sprinkles that’s insane I’m going to make a peanut butter creme Shante Tean Jesus Christ is she making a strawberry milkshake that’s sweetened with

Confectioner sugar so next I’m going to make my coconut whipped cream and it’s super easy coconut milk for the whipped cream that is the B I’m looking for that nice fatty top part and I’m just going to scoop that fat into a bowl heavy cream little confectioner sugar vanilla

Extract pinch of salt my peanut butter powder actually just going to give this a quick stir my God I’m going to use this machine to whip it into stiff peaks as you get going it actually whips together quite nicely and starts to resemble whipped cream I’m going to

Start on Lower speed and then slowly there’s no way this mother [ __ ] level two Mana actually does this [ __ ] just to make a milkshake I refuse to believe it working your way up and then move up the peanut butter powder is great for this because it packs a lot of

Peanut butter flavor into our whipped cream you know what try to keep the bowl that you’re whisking it in cold start to get more watery and you don’t [ __ ] up the bowl is still nice and cold pretty thick now I’m going to start adding powdered sugar as I go some vanilla

Extract perfect the whipped cream is done I think we’re there also okay I’m I’m going to say it milkshakes will never be healthy okay his like idea that he’s making this healthy alternative Milkshake by using bananas and [ __ ] dude once you [ __ ] do that [ __ ] to the

Banana that [ __ ] is just pure sugar anyway like you’re not doing anything quote unquote healthy it might be a little bit like maybe a 100 calories 200 calories like lesser Maybe like an 800 calorie like milkshake but it’s still going to be [ __ ] horrendously let this chill calorie fill just going to

Finish this by hand and see we’ve got nice firm Peaks there and with this peanut butter powder it’s going to be much more stable than say a coconut whipped cream it’s light yeah if I want a milkshake I’m going put [ __ ] Oreo ice cream and and milk and that’s it no

All right we’re ready to get this thing together well the time has come it’s finally here to assemble the the milkshake the way I’m going to do this is I’m going to give it extra love remember all the hard emojis so before I start anything I’m going to put a little

Treat right I’m going to take some of the chocolate drizzle that I made before and kind of just like Margarita style give the glass I hate that [ __ ] I hate that [ __ ] I hate that [ __ ] so much when I go to a restaurant and I I’m like

You know what it’s been two months I haven’t had a milkshake let me have a milkshake and then I had to deal with this [ __ ] decoration of [ __ ] chocolate [ __ ] especially [ __ ] who put like [ __ ] outside the glass how the [ __ ] am I going to hold the glass now they put it so

[ __ ] down it’s just a [ __ ] mess I hate that [ __ ] if you’re going to do that kind of [ __ ] do it inside the glass not outside the glass nice chocolate room I never understand that dude we’re starting off on the right on the right foot here I’m going to do the same with

The banana because you really can’t have also I’m not a big fan of chocolate anyway too much chocolate in a milkshake oh so that is going to sit right on the inside there talk about drama we’ve got the Cadillac of all blenders here I’ve got my liquid nitrogen ice cream she’s

Such a CS here straight into the blender little bit of milk and we blend oh that’s a nice color it’s been a lot leading up to this moment I’m just including some of that beautiful strawberry Jammy swirl just to get an extra kick of beautiful strawberry flavor I’m going to add it in

So I get a sip here and a sip there put a little bit of my marshmallow syrup just to like wet up the Oreo just a little bit look at the bottom of that yes and then I’m going to take my milkshake okay let’s see it whip to the oh my God

That look at the cookie that’s a milkshake yes yep yes I’m going take a little bit of that Crush right there now I’m putting a little bit of the marshmallow syrup the coconut whipped cream I don’t know what the [ __ ] is marshmallow syrup so you see it’s still it’s still maintaining its consistency

Now you got to shake this up shaky shaky shaky cuz you want it to show up big so we’re going to put our whipped cream and circle it Around okay sure ready whip is easy ready Whip’s convenient but this has got wow factor mess messy and if it starts to drip down the sides I’m okay with that I like that oh you thought I who [ __ ] says that they’re so weird keep on going now no

Wonder no wonder every time I get my [ __ ] milkshake or some [ __ ] sometimes before it would be sticking at the side [ __ ] I think that’s pretty right so I’m going to take my cookie I’m put it one in the front wow this looks like a diner like kind of like milkshake

Cuz I’m fancy like that chopped almonds are next on my list just a light [ __ ] ew dude what is a thing coming out of a [ __ ] milkshake dude dusting take a little bit of this look at that just a tiny bit of this sprinkle I wanted to match my

Lipstick and it’s a banana what complete you know what it’s crazy that she put this amount of effort into this milkshake she probably like it’s was a two-day milkshake it took two days to make this milkshake and that’s how it [ __ ] looks look at the mess without

Sprinkles what else does a banana split have that this milkshake does not yet marcino cherry and the only thing left and the straw is the straw look so good bam look at that and this is my milkshake level four is like the explanation she’s like milshake and this is my

Milkshake I like level ones better than everybody else’s I like their presentation of maybe the second one the best the third one is ass I don’t know what the [ __ ] she was thinking about her [ __ ] homemade sprinkles but that looks like [ __ ] like bro why is your what the [ __ ]

Is that look at that [ __ ] big ass [ __ ] sprinkle what the [ __ ] was that yeah clear Bo clear dude oh you know she the only thing I wouldn’t have done in her like thingy is like adding ice I don’t think milkshake needs ice they’re in the yard and now it is time

To enjoy the fruits of like maybe some but not that much as she like put in wh cream too girl girl the ice cream is nice and thick I have the chocolate trips they’re so mashed up that it’s not overpowering it’s a perfect milkshake nice and thick doesn’t feel like crazy heavy cuz

Sometimes you know if you have like a milkshake it’s like sits inside you it’s a little bit lighter and honestly it’s a great way to get your uh fruit servings in for the day don’t I hate that [ __ ] I hate when people do that [ __ ] there you

Literally if you get like a Juiced version of the fruit everything good of the fruit is gone the dreamy Creamy Strawberry base we’ve got that strawberry Jammy swirl giving me that extra punch of strawberry flavor and this I need to check the comments eight level one she’s a genius with a budget

Ingredients obsessed with Oreos obsessed with almonds obsessed with starting things from [Laughter] scratch my god dude yeah this is what the chef sounded like Demi cafeteria all right now for my big ziti we are going to start off by getting some extra virgin olive oil into the pan

Oh yeah get that all over there it’s all slick dude that’s how the [ __ ] other girl was talking you guys were thinking I’m like absolutely [ __ ] mental but the way that she was talking was literally like that shut the [ __ ] up adding it slowly whisking as I’m going

Just to sort of equalize the where is that part you’d think you and it’s just going to so the flavor of this ice cream in any way this is a really fun activation to do at events where is it she was like talking crazy a while ago the liquid

Nitrogen okay with the liquid nitrogen this night let’s in here as I work on I’m not tripping prepping up more things this is going back into the freezer to stay cold now that this bad girl is all strained and ready to go we’re going to cover her up put I’m not [ __ ]

Dripping overnight let’s say you’re not making a milkshake this will will keep in your free eat it as you want this is a self this stuff is dangerous and it is going to make the most beautiful strawberry ice cream am my tripping instant I’m going to put our luscious

Strawberry base right into our mixing bowl we’re going to start on a really low speed there is no need to rush I just want to stop intermittently and see what’s going on with this ice cream it’s a real smoke show the liquid nitrogen doesn’t impact the flavor it

Was before this I swear to God she was hold on I’m not [ __ ] crazy I’m not crazy the first thing we’re going to do is pulverize these freeze-dried strawberries in this food process this is the best way to pack a strawberry punch into my ice cream base so now

We’re going to start with that I I think it’s the way that she speaks that’s why I thought that she’s like she she has like this like raspy like thingy voice kind of stuff it’s all wet and Slick can we have some food please now

Olive oil does have a low smoke point so keep that heat low and keep it freezed oh oh that’s so [ __ ] hot look at that the crust is perfect [ __ ] yeah Dad you aren’t ever going to be a celebrity chef quiet on set please no dad that’s enough you need to be

Focusing on getting Mom back back from where dude I swear to go God all these [ __ ] in the videos always moan about their food can we have some food please now olive oil does have a low smoke point so keep that heat low and keep it freezed oh oh that’s

Jesus ecstasy makes his entire chat concerned after saying this what did he say Chad what happens tell if you have like a a um a store has a front door that closes like that like the jewelry stores right and somebody starts stealing you just go out the back door

You lock it and you click a button and it closes the front door right and then the heat rises slowly and you jack up the heating right with a bunch of heaters and the room gets really [ __ ] hot like real hot right and he called the police like yo

Guys come arrest these people that are stealing man and um if not well I mean it’s we’re kind of cooking up here bro and then it’s like I mean dude if the police doesn’t come cuz they like ah it’s just robbers not bothered I mean then then did they cook no they cook

What what if crazy idea let’s murder the [ __ ] robbers at Point Blank crazy idea guys yeah yeah yeah yeah like this a victim is with a rough grit sand without floor the floor is moving very slowly and never stops the victim would have to walk constantly to avoid being

Scraped the victim will pass out and the conveyor would pin him against the wall and start scraping his flesh this will wake the victim up and keep him in agony until he bleeds out days later I had a drink never mind oh God it’s so good so

Good so this is going to be meet in my churro cooking stream good and [Laughter] Tasty oh my God oh my [ __ ] God but these are great you know these are great the dashy of the Bas I will never get over that [ __ ] I will never [ __ ] get over that [ __ ] respectfully the line facial expression and all that is perfect it’s like she was doing a Wallace impression on purpose dude I think she literally was no right you know these are great the dasy

Of the Bas even the [ __ ] smile the Bas dude is that not I remember when this came out in [ __ ] Tik Tok that [ __ ] went like so much [ __ ] memes about this [ __ ] is crazy oh Man what is going On Tyler one has a hard condition what guys okay listen let’s talk about something real quick I swear to God like yeah my wasn’t the best but bro I’m not like I’m not cop like I’m not crazy I have this sharp pain in my heart from time to time like actual sharp like

Right when I like do a 30 second jog or whatever or when I sneeze or when I do bch I feel it a lot I’m not crazy like I’m not I swear to God actually guys I’m not again I’m not I’m not like one of those people I’m just saying this

Actually started after I got my booster shop to go to Korea because I I had to get rxed right oh no ever I had to get a booster shot together bro my armpits first of all swelled like crazy like first of all and then I have this sharp

Hand I mean it’s not a false thing that like um vaccinations can have side effects it just is what it is p my chest when I bch like I feel it I went to the doctor for it several times and they’re like well it’s not your heart because if

It was your heart you wouldn’t grab it like this you would go like this I’m like bro I like why you acting like that like I know I’m telling you what it is so that’s the time I went to the doctor and I was Jesus dude like um oh he told

Me I need to lose weight I’m too big so okay I was like nice I’ve lost 25 lbs actually and my heart my this thing right here still hurts like crazy uh so I don’t know bro anyway long so what I was saying was when I do a I hate when

Like Medicare or like anything medical issues or whatever the [ __ ] sometimes they gas at you they’re like oh no that’s not that it’s not that bad oh no dude I’m telling you like something is not normal with my body and I’m trying to explain to you that I’m [ __ ]

Worried I don’t want to be [ __ ] Gass that that’s there’s nothing wrong I would rather like 100% know that like hey we’ve done tests we’ve done everything and and we know right now that maybe you’re like um I [ __ ] hate when nothing is done and I just explain

To them what’s happening and they just go like oh she just probably in Period Oh no you’re uh it’s because you’re overweight dude like when I like for instance I ran on Saturday in that flag football bro did you know uh there’s a doctor that talked about this and he

Apologized and [ __ ] like that because he realized that in the medical school when you’re kind of overweight and you’re not as like a healthy like Peak [ __ ] being uh medical stuff like keeps on getting kind of like thrown out for you because you’re overweight and so a lot

Of issues that you may have and might be the the cause of you being overweight actually will be overlooked because you’re already overweight which is so sad I think that is so sad because a lot of people think that they’re doing everything that they can to lose weight

But I don’t know I ran the first play of the game I scored like a 65 yard touchdown I was done for the rest of the day I just had like a dagger right here in my heart dagger eventually I I could catch my breath eventually like that’s

Not me there’s cardio that’s like I don’t know bro I’m not like an anti whatever person I’m just saying this is 100% started after I got the the booster shot that’s it 100% never had never experienced this before never did anything else it was after I had the bo

Booster shot for sure I don’t know what the [ __ ] it is that was two years ago there’s been yeah I’ve had this for about a year and a half actually I don’t know it’s not a coincidence if it’s cotis try taking AB proen I stopped taking all that okay let me tell you

Another story this is a little bit after Korea I went to the emergency room because I had this vein right by my heart right that was like throbbing for like can you believe it that the comments are helping Tyler more than the doctors that he went to like somebody

Like actually wrote a whole [ __ ] paragraph of what could be the reason why and that he could get get checked on what the [ __ ] good but how do you know that the [ __ ] dog needs a chiropractor how how do you know how will you know it asked she don’t bite

Good I need to check the comments what a huge boy was this a failed attempt due to his resistance I don’t see any adjustment just him fighting back a horse good CHS good but how would you know that they needed it dude I feel like this is more like

E performing pseudo science on animals is wild isn’t it isn’t it dude even like the [ __ ] animals dude bro okay they’re scared dude they’re like literally just scared oh God all of FNAF explained no way Guys I’m here I’m heing this [ __ ] never mind I’m not there I always come back no this is literally we already finished all the I don’t know what happens in security bre I don’t care I’m not playing it [ __ ] off well I mean see I got exactly the I

I understood the I understood the references now that I played the ffers demit take what do you mean what did I do what the [ __ ] is this hello so dumb so [ __ ] dumb okay F half time do you want me to turn on the um heart rate what the [ __ ] is

That what is that do you want me to get the um heart rate monitor what the [ __ ] was that damage my guy oh just put the water down bro you don’t put your dick in the peanut butter you’re right I put my like you son of a [ __ ] Jesus okay so

The first night is never usually that bad in any games so I’ll play through [ __ ] what the [ __ ] there’s no way that’s real dude this game looks like ass I don’t know if I want to play it man this game looks like like straight ass sheets is it worth playing like

Genuinely like you guys actually want me to play that game skip it I like security breach really really live streaming incident Iceberg social media live streams are a prominent feature to the internet as they gain millions of viewers every day streams usually consist of gaming Vlogs or some other popular category of

Content okay as I said millions of people enjoy these live streams but every now and then an incident or something disturbing will occur on stream to thousands of people inside this video I’ll be you know honestly we don’t need to holy [ __ ] those are massive you guys are also

Worried about oh it’s a c oh my I can’t uninstall [ __ ] Valor and I don’t know Why the joy of the joy of creation yes found it you need to unell that I did I literally dude look at this look at this look at this uninstall I already removed Vanguard and [ __ ] like that bro it will not allow me to [ __ ] uninstall the game whatever

Then yeah like make me look like a [ __ ] liar make me look like a [ __ ] liar no dude I I’m actually genuinely serious by the way it was doing that it literally was doing dude why did it make me look like a [ __ ] liar man Demi making drama using Yahoo in 20

Oh that’s my [ __ ] old account dude listen I have like seven [ __ ] emails for different [ __ ] reasons You still use a Katie what the [ __ ] wait what was I supposed to do oh right heart rate monitor I forgot let me wear the heart rate Monitor your mic sounds kind of weird but shut the [ __ ] up No it’s not connecting anymore guys my [ __ ] heart rate monitor on what is happening what is happening what oh why is it so high what the [ __ ] what’s wrong with me um Yep this is good launch Game launch game the [ __ ] bear Tex think he at 35 months with Prime oh

Where all right I’m in the third [ __ ] hello everybody today we’re going to be playing the joy of creation in story Mode we are now in the third day hello everybody my name is work play oh wait H it up bring it up sorry play for years I’ve thought that what I saw was just a bad dream something that couldn’t possibly have been real why would it monstrous beings coming to get a

Helpless child from the Shadows Hing their heads out from under the bed peeking through all right I forar I have to [ __ ] I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game game game game game game game hunter thank you so much for one year oh r r

Dan okay I turned off the Wi-Fi do I have to turn off the ethernet let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see I have to turn off the ethernet oh my God in this lifetime yeah I don’t know why but this game if you have your Wi-Fi on it doesn’t work for years I’ve thought that what I saw was just a bad oh my God he kind of sounds like couldn’t possibly have been real if he had more emotions

To his voice monstrous beings coming to get a helpless child from the Shadows poking their heads out from under the bed peeking through the closet does he not just a usual nightmare for a kid right no matter how real it felt well most of what came after is

Foggy felt more like a dream than the actual nightmare itself Alan Wake um mom came to rescue me picked me up and carried me away I was scared for my life it was the scariest moment of my life for sure yep I have to disconnect the [ __ ] ethernet cable I I hate this

[ __ ] game in this Lifetime okay I turned off the internet how will you stream Bluetooth the do hello the door you don’t know that you could stream through Bluetooth theise for years I thought that what I saw was just a bad dream something that couldn’t possibly have been real why would

It monstrous beings coming to get a helpless child from the Shadows poking their heads out from under the bed peeking through the closet just a usual nightmare for a kid right no matter how real it felt well most of what came after is foggy felt more like a dream than the actual nightmare

Itself um mom came to rescue me picked me up and carried me away I was scared for my life it was the scariest moment of my life for sure I’ve never been a crybaby though even when I was a kid is this people told me they’ve never seen me cry is it

Like L of a na or no just like a so even if I was terrified during all of it no I would have been silent the entire time but that was the strangest thing about that night even though I never Happ as I was being taken outside by my mother away from The

Nightmare I still vividly remember hearing my own screams it’s real shut the [ __ ] up Nick Nick oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this POV hello [ __ ] what’s going on what is happening this isn’t real this isn’t real this it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real just dreaming none of this

Is real imagine that he opens the door oh my God it’s actually pretty fast There what are you doing what are you fre to now if I have to continue running I’m dead I’m dead as F oh God no no no no what is this help somebody help Anthony Sam where are you [ __ ] huge ass [ __ ] Mansion where the [ __ ] does he [ __ ] live what is going

On Leon Leon a flashlight for the monsters for the monster Slayer the monsters are around the house here’s your trusty flashlight to slay them oh my God his hand is nice monsters they were so we hi were you always tell us to hide much love what Sam and Anthony I

Can’t [ __ ] hear it help me Leon Leon oh my God German subscriber no [ __ ] way controls WD to move space to stand up or sit down left click to interact with objects within your office oh [ __ ] I need to hide the volume I can’t [ __ ] hear I like deaf at the moment I Hope tell him all right all right I wish there were subtitles I could [ __ ] understand hims days I I don’t think it matters here anymore all the clocks in the house have stopped I I I don’t even think the sun is ever coming up I’m not crazy whatever has

Brought them here must have done this too I I I I don’t know how much time has passed I just know that I can’t leave they’re waiting for me outside only here is safe I I I I’ve left these messages for myself to uh remember help me remember

What they do how they act I mean now they all want to get inside but uh inside inside where oh the house all right come on I can do this I can do it just what can I interact with okay U I’m using an old camera system I installed

Forun in the house long time ago I’ve only managed to recover three of the cameras so far but this is more than enough I can watch the animatronics coming near me with these three monitors three entrances [ __ ] they haven’t come in a while but I know they’ll be back

Soon they become impatient louder faster especially um especially foxy foxy yeah he’s uh he’s the one who’s been tormenting me the most I don’t get it I don’t know he comes from I I don’t know how but he just appears near an entrance I can hear him coming

He grows and scrapes how do I hide I just watch him through the cameras and he eventually goes away so I need to look at him in the monitors Okay I uh I guess he doesn’t like being watched huh Freddy he’s here I I can see him

He’s not like the others he just stands there he knows he can’t get to me he’s just waiting I don’t fully understand but but I know he isn’t giving up if I want to get out of here I need to find him I I

Just know it he’s the key to this God I just I just I can’t stay put here I need to fight for my family oh God they must be so SC he’s gone he’s gone okay I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do dude I have a flashlight ready with me this

Might be suicide but I need to try if I see Freddy again I’ll just open up the door and flash his eyes as soon as he’s there flash his eyes how do I flash my me down like this forever I just hope this works out if if

It doesn’t and I how do I flash my light honey kids if you are hearing this I love you I hope you’re safe it’s not working I’m dead as [ __ ] I don’t even know how to [ __ ] flash my light uhoh guys I’m getting um guys do I just stare

Or what do I do then what’s my what what do I do flashlight no [ __ ] way are you [ __ ] serious I have to walk around all right all right oh [ __ ] this I don’t know hours days I I don’t think it matters here anymore all the

Clock I I I don’t even think the sun is ever coming up I’m not crazy whatever has brought them here must have done this too I I don’t know how much time has passed I just know that I can’t leave they’re waiting for me outside

Only here is I need to hear good God I can’t [ __ ] hear I I I’ve left these messages for myself to uh remember help me remember what they do how they act I mean now they all want to get inside but uh I come on come on this is [ __ ] up I

Can do it just okay okay U I’m using an old camera system I installed for fun in the house a long time ago I’ve only managed to recover three of the cameras so far but this is more than enough I can watch the animatronics coming near me with these

Three monitors three I get it I get it the moment I see it in the monitor I have to flash them out right they’ll be back soon they become impatient louder faster especially um especially foxy foxy yeah he’s uh he’s the one who’s been tormenting me the most I don’t get

I don’t know where he comes from I don’t know how but he just appears near an entrance spooky thinks Andes at the door I just watch him through the cameras and he eventually goes away oh so if I open the door for Freddy Fazbear and [ __ ] and

I close the door for other and then I only can’t refer the foxies okay I get it start hello good God hello okay Fox is there I think I I I think I could do it in like one go away oh my why is it Freddy it was chica hello it’s still

Chica why is it Freddy why is it poor chica Stain On The Wall came back too God don’t know it’s just so horrifying she just rles and bries back and forth trying to get out of there I I know how to stop her though whenever she shows up her cupcake I I

Mean cupcakes just just appear or or next to my room I’ve seen them outside the entrances sometimes uh anyway then they just appear here and if I flash them with the light they go away there’s three of them I think and if they go away so does she she slow gives

Me enough time to find them but I don’t know how many places they can hide so I have to search the room I I can do this guys why is chica there guys I don’t know what to do I didn’t [ __ ] hear I didn’t [ __ ] hear

What is happening why the [ __ ] is she there hello why can’t I flash a light on this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this dude I I can’t take this [ __ ] chica stand still as long as you maintain eye contact this can hold her into place while you search for the cupcakes oh I get

It guys this is it I get it now guys I get it Now go [ __ ] away dude or go away yo I could feel my heartbeat like really [ __ ] fast is it going fast is it fast right now I don’t know I feel it four four what was that sound for hello go for this one is really easy this one is actually really easy

Comp chica appeared again Stain On The Wall came back God I I don’t know it’s just so here we go here we go we have to find the [ __ ] cupcakes dude dude dude where is it where’s the [ __ ] cupcake where is it where is it where is it where’s the cupcake where’s other

Cupcake Stop Moving where is it can it be inside where stop moving you [ __ ] I can’t dude so [ __ ] [ __ ] where was the other cupcake was it inside the room could it be inside the room yes that’s [ __ ] hello hello hello hello I got [ __ ] Jed so foxy and the bear and the [ __ ] guys can go at the same time in a thingy so I have to stay at Foxy first and then deal with Freddy so foxy likes to knock and I get

It I get it now guys watch this first time first try easy peasy 11 squeezy watch this now I understand everything about this game foxy is so nice he like Knocks take a back get out of my face loser this is hurting my [ __ ] wrist a little bit why is nobody

Here this is weird oh never mind I’m so glad foxy likes to be kind and likes to like chica appeared again stay Wall came back too God I don’t know it’s just so horrifying she just wrinkles and Fries back and forth trying to get out of

There I I know St though whenever she shows up her cupcake I mean cupcakes just appear in my room or or next to my room I’ve seen them outside the entrances sometimes anyway they just appear and if I flash them with the light they go away there’s three of them

I think and if they they go away so does she she’s slow gives me enough time to find them but I don’t know how many places they I have to search the room I um yo yo chill chill chill wait w hello uhoh oh no wait there’s only two I only saw

Two he broke it the bastard broke the camera damn it Bonnie just broke one of my cameras I I I I I don’t know what happened he just appeared and his he was there he just took it down in One S they don’t do that none of them have ever

I I I I still think I can do this I I think what I just need to not make eye contact do not at Bonnie he’s too smart all of them are getting smarter angrier they’re they’re helping each other Mak them Freddy appeared since last

Time I can hear his laugh tting in the distance that I I just need to react fast okay Bonnie just keeps moving around if I just ignore him now where in the world are you Freddy stop a well one camera just [ __ ] broke [ __ ] I’m dead from foxy aren’t I good

God I’m so dead H 400 p.m. oh that’s foxy oh no that was foxy I can’t do anything GG’s Fox is going to get me 4:00 man oh there’s Bonnie dude I can’t do anything the [ __ ] is it going to get me A so if I like it’s prettyy much GG’s if Bonnie gets me but that’s so [ __ ] [ __ ] hello hello at least this one is not as scary you know what I mean it’s pretty chill this is a pretty pretty pretty good like just Che cameras Open Door flashlight very fnafy very fnafy I’m

Having a very FNAF experience why is it so quiet hello hello hello hello chica appeared again the stain on the wall came back too God I I don’t know it’s just so just wrinkles and bries back and forth to get out of there I I know how to stop her though

Whenever she shows up her cupcake I mean cupcakes just just appear in my room or next to my room I’ve seen them outs wo everything’s going well 1:00 no chica anymore yep yep this is going pretty good checking Cams y checking foxy Everything is awesome everything is co yeah this is this is good I’m okay get the back get out nice very clean 2:00 Jess have to cook Jess yeah this is this is pretty good I haven’t seen Freddy in a while he broke it the B broke the camera

Damn it I Bonnie just broke one of my cameras I I I I I don’t know what happened he just appeared and as soon as I realized he was there he just took it down in one swing they don’t do that none of them have ever

I I I I still think I can do this I I think I just need to not make eye contact do nothing at bu he’s too smart all of them are getting smarter angrier they’re they’re helping each other all of them except Freddy hasn’t appeared

Since last time I need to find him I can hear his laugh tating me in the distance that d right right I I just need to react fast he Bonnie just keeps moving around if I just ignore him he’ll go away holy [ __ ] I shut the [ __ ] up because

Like I’m scared of [ __ ] sorry he Bonnie’s in the [ __ ] middle that’s not look there oh Bonnie’s there 4:00 4:00 stop oh well Bonnie’s there well what time is it already I’m getting too [ __ ] it’s 4:00 4:00 what’s with the music I did it I did it I finally got

Him I knew Freddy had something to do with this I just opened the door and aimed at his eyes with my flashlight he got staggered and left everything’s gone quiet again the cameras are back to normal the clocks have started to move as well and I 6:00 a.m. yes 6:00 a.m. I

Just need to wait for 6:00 a.m. just like it’s always been the only clock that’s still frozen is the one above the door first but now it stopped again maybe I should keep track of it just in case I guess this my final recording Bonnie what what

What dude are you [ __ ] kidding me I just got your ass no [ __ ] way bro how my heart rate [ __ ] that’s so [ __ ] good God this game is so [ __ ] up hello anyone there hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello where is everybody guys where’s where’s

I really thought I was going to do it in one [ __ ] go I was so excited too guys I’ve been thinking about buying a plushy of um Freddy Faz bear like the first four think like no is it cringe by the foxy I want all four I want foxy chica um Freddy and

Bonnie what if one comes to life no don’t say that they wouldn’t they wouldn’t that’s not cringe lie H why would it be cringe dude FNAF is so cute my heart rate’s going up I could literally feel it in my [ __ ] chest the the merch is cute

No I could feel my [ __ ] heart rate what the [ __ ] it’s so deep like it’s so strong like the beats yeah dude INF finf 4 with foxy is the cutest with a little plushy I want that plush of him so bad get the plushy and the music starts playing shut don’t say

That don’t [ __ ] say that I started hearing at night he broke it the bastard broke the camera damn it I haven’t seen Freddy in a while well never mind never mind Bonnie where’s Bonnie Bonnie of it’s getting too little this is getting a little too intense for Me yo why is Foxy going so [ __ ] fast dude 4 o00 4 o00 4 o00 four o00 Freddy I haven’t seen Freddy in a while 4 o00 ready Freddy stop moving hello What what what the [ __ ] how come foxy become so [ __ ] fast he just went in there dude what the [ __ ] he W he only went he he knocked once dude hello he was supposed to make the running sound and then like I don’t know what the [ __ ] I was so

Close this is so annoying I’m getting like carple tunnels the [ __ ] Mouse movement again again again again I think after 5:00 they start going so [ __ ] fast that like I need to worry about Foxy more than chica that’s for sure cuz chica doesn’t go that fast so after five when the moment

It reaches five I I need to like where’s foxy foxy where are you you know what I mean oh it’s middle or maybe I didn’t listen well maybe it was my fault maybe like I I really didn’t like listen properly chica appeared again staying on the

Wall or maybe it was Freddy Freddy Faz beard so foxy is my number one priority in this game chica is second and then Freddy is like Freddy kind of chills out if you think about it he really does chica is super fast super fast to like deal with he just [ __ ] DED the

Frame Freddy what are you saying I say but I think this is the last night hello ghostly where’s Bonnie at least the at least this game is like more try Harding than like being so [ __ ] terrified right I’m just terrified of [ __ ] losing I really don’t want to lose

Broke it the bastard broke the camera damn it Bonnie just broke one of my cameras I I I I I don’t know what happened he just appeared and as soon as I realized he was there he just took it down in one swing they don’t do that none of them have

Ever okay 2:00 Bonnie’s here think Bonnie’s not that bad think I just need to not make eye contact do not look at Bonnie smart all of them are getting smarter anger they’re they’re helping each other all of them except he hasn’t appeared since last time I need to find him I can hears

Laugh PL wait two foxies hello right right right I I just need to react fast okay Bonnie just keeps moving around if I just ignore him he’ll go away no way in the world are you Freddy what time is it 3:00 okay I could ch two foxies dude

I heard it I think there’s actually two foxies yeah there is is oh 4:00 everything’s fine woo [ __ ] I did it I did it I knew Freddy had something to do with this I just opened the door and aimed at his eyes with my flash got staggered and left everything’s gone

Quiet again the cameras are back to normal the clocks have started to move as well and I 6: a.m. yes 6: a.m. I just need to wait for 6: a.m. just like it’s always been CL that’s still frozen is the one above the door it didn’t move slightly at first but again

Maybe I should keep track of it just in case I guess it’s my final recording then bnny oh no hello yes yes oh my [ __ ] god cancelled new FNAF game stoping production scoff announces the cancellation of Fifth and three popular horror game series Five Nights at Freddy’s fans are torn of the sudden

News woo woo holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God my [ __ ] Heart damn oh right basement right it’s not over I thought it was over I thought it was over I thought [ __ ] do you believe in spirits many do many claim they’ve seen one or have heard stories of people being haunted by these white figures or oily

Shadows my dad made a game series about it a a horror franchise in in fact it was his shining achievement good God apparently there was a time when everybody knew about it all over the world clothing oh my God it’s to accessories board games you name it Five

Nights at Freddy’s was everywhere there were even rumors of it getting a movie well it didn’t last Longmore mobile user nobody remembers it anymore nor the characters the games or my father after that night it all went away nothing last forever and that’s why I don’t wa movie huh everyone has to die

Everything has an end at some point even if that point comes sooner than you’d wish Freddy Faz are you guys sick of me saying hello kids are any of you there I found your note Daddy’s here you must be really scared but but I’m here’s home oh there’s only one

Entrance why are you doing this to us why just leave us alone you monsters I created you why so loud Freddy Bonnie Chica foxy how how is this happening what are you but are you pointing finger you are not them you’re just using their faces what are you your creation

Oh oh [ __ ] I’m sorry he got [ __ ] smacked w a z to move left click with items F to turn on flashlight on and off Voice I don’t want to do this hello hello [ __ ] off you are awake you exist to let us out Bonnie Chica Fred foxy Freddy open the way or burn with the rest of them got this going on I hope the flashlight is like unlimited right I’ll just leave it on then hello it’s

Locked hello P thank you so much for the two months wh wh I didn’t see what the [ __ ] that was [ __ ] did it mean the room I hope I don’t [ __ ] up by accident cuz I just e we come from the Fire but our bodies need shape oh good God bring his Creations to us to ignite our Flame what I don’t understand why does it say five I don’t understand what is going on I did not know that that I did not know that I did not know that that’s what was

About to happen what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] so I don’t I still don’t get my objective if I’m being honest oh [ __ ] it’s still five I can’t open it don’t maybe I’m supposed to check the posters like a while ago okay let’s let’s not go near there okay 100%

Sure okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I I can’t do it I can’t do it dude I can’t do it I I I I I can’t do it I actually can’t do it I don’t know what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do I can’t I can’t giving up cringe okay

Whatever I still don’t understand what am I supposed to do [ __ ] y dude I I think I’m supposed to collect something while not getting jump scared maybe we come from the fire okay okay yeah yeah but our bodies need shape okay sure okay bring his Creations to us to ignite our flame

Okay what is that a bedroom oh I’m supposed to find these items these one two three four five I oh and I put it in the flip oh hello Sorry okay one where else do I find it here under M hello woo peace and quiet good God woo all right peace and quiet my little trusty toilet you know in my house I have a toilet like not not like this but like we have a toilet in the backyard because we used to have great danes and they used to [ __ ] like

Humongous [ __ ] so we had to like install another toilet in the backyard a singular toilet just to flush there yeah backyard toilet for the [ __ ] great things this was back before I was alive though wait why is it still five wait I thought I did one did I not do it

Right oh there’s nobody here anymore oh I think I got it Hello reset reset reset reset reset reset reset everybody shut the [ __ ] up I can’t do this this but like dude I I’m going give it a buck I didn’t [ __ ] realize rela you relax okay I my favorite FNAF is Foxy just because that plushy moment

That he had it was very cute I liked it okay one two there’s three more three more guys three more okay three More nothing here there’s nothing here anymore I don’t hear anything anymore what boo shut the [ __ ] up okay okay guys I I I really can’t do this I this is too much for me for my [ __ ] heart can we calm down can we just have a peace and quiet moment for

Real [ __ ] you are a [ __ ] zoor zoor I’m not taking anything from you I don’t give a [ __ ] you can even finish any horror game tell me one game a horror game that you actually genuinely finished oh right none forgot LOL shut the [ __ ] up children’s game children’s game says a

Person I can’t even finish one hello I don’t [ __ ] understand what the [ __ ] is it hello Resident Evil wow that’s barely a horror game you [ __ ] [ __ ] guys I can’t [ __ ] find it anymore I don’t understand what I’m doing [ __ ] wrong oh maybe I need to turn off the lights

No I don’t understand what the [ __ ] am I doing wrong is it on top maybe I haven’t been looking up I need to find a cupcake and a I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is if I’m being honest yeah maybe I need to look up for the cupcake no cupcake upake

My heart’s beating already I like how my person needs to calm down before continuing cuz I so realistic actually I am the same way I would need some little breakes cupcakes I need to find a cupcake so that’s with chica but chica is growling for whatever the [ __ ]

Reason maybe I do need to check out maybe I’m looking up I don’t see anything looking up nothing nothing am I stupid as [ __ ] or some [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is it is it me am I the [ __ ] Issue oh [ __ ] I need take a break [ __ ] maybe postes don’t auto trigger yeah maybe I need to turn off the light or something like that or so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong if I’m being honest okay let me check out the screen again I

Need something in that light corner of the room where is that I think it’s over here my nose is itchy I can’t go to chica even if I need her cupcakes cuz like somebody’s [ __ ] there to jump scare me yeah okay I can’t do that maybe I have to click it correctly

Maybe it’s a right cupcake n [ __ ] this I don’t want to get jump scared and try actually this one is not that bad I could just redo everything that I did if I died but I I’ve clicked everything practically and nothing’s happening [ __ ] then what is it what am I [ __ ] missing

I don’t understand I’ve turned on the lights turn off the lights I check the door I’ve oh my God I have to do everything again no [ __ ] way what am I missing what the [ __ ] am I [ __ ] missing bro let me think let me think let me think when I look at the

Screens it should tell me the cupcake a bedroom a I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is and a flashing [ __ ] throbbing thingy I don’t know what I can’t [ __ ] see man I really can’t see I really can’t see then the five the number five and I don’t know man I I can’t

Crouch I can turn off the light I don’t know what to do You got this true but I’m just quite confused am I supposed to like search thoroughly like [ __ ] crazily oh my heart’s throbbing uhoh where are you [ __ ] maybe I’ll let it like attack me this is not a good Idea I’m confused maybe it’s in the toilet maybe it’s in the poooo water check the Chica poster again I don’t [ __ ] trust you man I’ve checked upstairs a while ago and nothing happened I swear it’s a chica poster cuz there’s a hole there but I don’t know

Why that somebody would jump scare me during it I don’t get it too oh it’s up no [ __ ] way okay stop helping now please please I I was already like thinking about the cupcake thing there but I just didn’t know I had to like [ __ ] stay there

That’s insane oh plunger toilet and then something will come up no no oh okay sorry you’re so skid I’m missing foxy and Freddy oh wait no foxy is already done Bonnie I’m missing Bonnie and Freddy yeah Freddy oh [ __ ] me hello Emily anything here anything up anything in the ceiling anything anything

No Freddy Boom what uhoh my heart’s racing I to go back [ __ ] sorry I don’t [ __ ] get it man hello Leon hello ceper I can’t there something I can do here I go back so I’m missing I got Freddy Chica and Freddy no not Freddy sorry chica Bonnie and Foxy I need

Freddy I need Freddy where would Freddy be no wait wait wait Bonnie Chica Freddy foxy it’s four so why is there five oh it’s just a decoration yeah the last thing I need is Freddy’s so if I’m Freddy oh I got it it was literally right there it’s [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] but

Whatever oh [ __ ] are you [ __ ] serious are you [ __ ] serious dude that was so aggressive aggressive yeah I know where everything is but I don’t have to [ __ ] put Freddy in Freddy is like camping bro maybe if I do Freddy first oh [ __ ] uhoh I know I got a [ __ ] wh

What do I do dude my voice is gone once I do him it should be fine I know I know I know know I leave the door open already and it should be okay okay here we go here we go okay okay okay okay okay no this is not okay this is

Not fine this is not fine this is not fine this is not fine I I I can’t do it anymore I can’t I can’t if I get one I if I get one more time of getting jump scared like that I I’m going to [ __ ] die in real life I’m not

Joking that’s too much that is actually too much okay let’s see if I can just okay everything is in place all I need is Freddy’s oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this what do I do maybe it needs to be ah maybe it needs to be at sequence oh [ __ ] it looks like

I don’t know who is that what the [ __ ] maybe if I say SOS okay Jesus you’re [ __ ] right that some big ass [ __ ] feet wash my face take a poo break okay dude what am I supposed to [ __ ] do hello please leave maybe if I go behind him it’s so [ __ ] over

Dude put the party hat on him oh God I can’t I can’t do this I can’t I I can’t do this I guys I I can’t do it anymore reset reset reset reset reset reset maybe just turn off the light and put the Hat that’s what I tried already and then it [ __ ]

Jump scared the [ __ ] out of me I turned off the light tried to put out the Hat in maybe it was like light something wait in the previous game flashing the light on the am animatronics makes it go away [ __ ] I can’t I can’t do this I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m

Done okay hold on let me try to do it on like I’ll do it by like sequence cupcake first sh I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to [ __ ] lose it I’m actually I’m going to [ __ ] lose it I’m so confused it’s him the big ass feet guy wait this

Is it I can I can trade it for the Freddy oh [ __ ] well it is what it is H oh man I’m going to f kill myself oh in game maybe if I go really into the side oh my God I can’t do this anymore oh it’s quiet now oh [ __ ] wait

Okay safety bathroom safety bathroom everything’s okay everything’s okay everything’s okay you’re safe you’re safe here you’re safe here all right let’s go back in yippee last one is the guar Banone Bone thank God what it Glitched guys it literally glitched I’m going to I’m going to run run nice good Pace good Pace world record yeah this is very chill technically it’s just like Puzzles and [ __ ] okay last one I clicked it once and it bugged it literally bugs are you [ __ ] serious right now this is so [ __ ]

Annoying I’ll get that one first I think it bugs out from me going up and down the stairs and passing by it a lot right I think that’s why that’s my theoretically that’s Toews I feel like it’s so me passing by it so much and that the audio just keeps resetting I

Think it bugs it out watch this I think it’s going to now work I can’t believe it I’m [ __ ] insanely smart man okay guys what the Flip yeah yeah yeah Hub hubba hello sorry for the silence Sol [ __ ] oh four many shapes all similar but different all keeping us in here with you the one he calls Michael FNAF 4 Five Nights at ready in the stories he formed this what you want to be find the

Key to fit the lock avoid the ones lost to the fire oh [ __ ] give him to us and we promise his Kindred to F fill your desires oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what four okay um foxy Chica and Bonnie Nick I don’t I’m just 6923 6 9 2 3 19 87

[ __ ] oh I get it I get it I get it I get it the numbers correspond with how many people are in the drawing so 9 6 3 two what 9 6 32 oh I did It damn that’s so [ __ ] slow hello okay let’s restart quick okay um um okay here in my bathroom everything is fine here in my little bathroom everything’s fine a [ __ ] oh man I’m going to [ __ ] lose it Bonnie 4 Freddy 3 Bonnie 4 Freddy 3 Bonnie 4 Freddy 3 Bonnie 4 Freddy

3 oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh foxy too what is it again what did I say [ __ ] I don’t remember now Freddy oh mother of the [ __ ] it’s good enough this is good enough Bonnie 4 Freddy 3 chica one chica one chica one chica one okay one c c c see see see C

CF CF CF cff C FF b c ffb unless it’s numbers then I’m [ __ ] but I think it’s going to be I think think it’s going to be that c ffb cffb c FB cffb I have to press it so fast CFB CB CB CB [ __ ] chica is yellow CF foxy is

Red chica yellow yellow red brown blue [ __ ] dude I can’t I I can’t do this I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t okay see yellow yellow yellow yellow red Brown yellow red brown blue yellow red BL brown blue yellow yellow red brown blue red yellow

Red brown blue yellow red brown blue blue yellow red brown blue yellow red brown blue good God why are you going so Slow no hello no what I can go maybe I have to go back to my safety box now I shall go back to the bathroom to my safety restroom sorry oh man all right nothing going on here my safe haven is safe okay let’s go what what no no no no no [ __ ] okay I got the key hello hello hello I swear to God if you seen my [ __ ] safety [ __ ] bathroom I’m going to [ __ ] lose it sorry H go guys what’s going on hello should I turn around it’s going on forever well say no more I will not be turning around say no

More oh wait it’s actually there no way real nice woo all right we act we pose we play we we bring his Visions to life because that is how we live feeding from the joy of creation and burning what remains no okay it’s fine everything’s fine woo easy it’s over it’s so [ __ ]

Over why you [ __ ] moving bro stop [ __ ] moving oh it’s so over dude no okay learn my lesson yeah I cornered myself even more but like there was like literally no space to do anything it’s so [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I got this okay I’m going to look away and I’m

Going to make them go all here in this corner so that I have space yeah if I put them all in one hello okay somebody [ __ ] moved oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay okay okay new plan new plan I’ll just do it watch this Jesus Christ man that was [ __ ]

Up oh I see okay okay okay new plan I go in the middle I don’t walk in the sides I walk in the middle I stare at both of them when they’re so far ahead and then when he opens up I have enough time to look

Away I can’t I can’t do this anymore I can’t do it anymore I can’t I can’t do it anymore I I actually can’t I I’m done I’m done I’m done everybody relax everybody relax I’m I’m calm now I’m calm I’m calm now I’m calm now everything is fine every everybody

Sh is fine everything’s fine watch this all right I’m ready and ready I’m ready and ready ready and ready ready and ready woo What the [ __ ] I wasn’t even [ __ ] close [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] yo my heart I need to calm down hold on I need to calm down I need to calm down I actually really need to calm down dude I need calm down everything’s fine

It’s the game it’s just a game it’s just a game good God good God thank God I’m not that old or else I’m going to get a [ __ ] heart attack for sure okay at least they can’t go through here right yeah they can’t go through there so

Technically I could come back all the way back here so that I can like oh wait no I can’t and I put them all together Infinity more iron thank you so much for the tier one look look at this watch this is that all three wait a minute I

Thought I thought it was fine no I’m not [ __ ] dumb that was a good [ __ ] plan [ __ ] when did they can when can they [ __ ] go through the door also there’s one two three 4 but these two [ __ ] don’t move they only like serve a purpose of like going

Near them or something like that and then they jump you so they don’t like just run towards you unlike the people who are not in the red light I did group them Hello yeah there’s Only I have time to go back because the door closes really slow yeah I have time to go back because the the oh good God last s last s I’m try Harding now I’m try Harding now I’m try Harding now it’s all right now you are to go C SL suck at the

Best actually can they go inside maybe they’ll get stuck oh dude air Venoms you cannot group they’re red ones they’re already technically [ __ ] grouped what are you talking about the red ones are like around them okay have time of time hi sunon no I can’t run okay they should be

Group by now right one two where where whoa where did that come from what the [ __ ] I found the third oh my God maybe he went through the other entrance and then like I don’t understand I I don’t know what I did wrong I actually have no idea what I did

Wrong no you can’t moving I think I have a good plan right now guys I’m just not going to go back anymore I think I think I insta die if I go back or some [ __ ] like that it like bugs out or some [ __ ] I’m not joking I will

Like I will let them here I will leave them here and I will just only I think they walk pretty slow so I okay I have another plan guys I have another plan it’s not stupid this is a good plan this is a good plan hear me out [ __ ] big ass feet

For I’m my base hello I’m stuck oh my God there’s no way I glitched I hate this game I glitched no way also coded element thank you so much for the four months I’m actually glitched I can’t move no Way I’m glitch why does this happen every [ __ ] game if it doesn’t save I’m actually GNA [ __ ] never finish this game I’m serious I’m not going I’m not doing that again I’m not doing that again I’m not [ __ ] doing that again dude there’s no way [ __ ] off [ __ ]

Off do you believe in spirits no many do hello kids you need to win Demi you win it to kill Zeus for sparton mo mo mo battlecry no way No are you serious if I when I open this door it will be where I was At I’ll [ __ ] speedrun this [ __ ] watch me thank God it’s this night though at least at least it’s like this one this one is not that bad [ __ ] [ __ ] look at the place guys look at the place watch this [ __ ] I can’t believe that [ __ ] happened to

Me dude if that happens to me again I am not dealing with this [ __ ] there’s no [ __ ] way way oh uh-oh oh okay let’s continue on I think it happened cuz he tried to squeeze through the jail door that was opening slowly no I think it’s because I

Pressed myself against this wall and it just glitched out because it glitched out to it okay okay here the way that it works when it games is that there’s different Maps right and in this map I accidentally I I went like really against this when I I opened it and then

It switched to another location right in an XYZ coordinate I’m pretty sure it placed me in a location where I’m not foore run because the map is different with one pixel or some [ __ ] like that just one of those I’m not kidding that’s literally how it goes no I I’m pretty

Sure 96 3 2 9632 and then Oh wait [ __ ] I forgot to open the door and then it was Chica Chica Chica Chica red brown blue red yellow red brown blue yellow red G bro yellow red BL yellow oh [ __ ] noise holy [ __ ] I’m actually speed running though for real ready at the third holy somebody was watching this for the first time it’s like what the [ __ ] and then this one is super easy you just walk I wish you could run in this

Game for real for real no crap I have no internet in my gaming PC I can’t click a link at the moment because this game you have to turn off your [ __ ] internet for it to work can you [ __ ] believe that I don’t know how they [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] up that

Hard can you believe that for real for real not for real for real this is not for Real plan incoming I’m actually so good look behind I really want to look behind but I do not want to [ __ ] restart walking again I really I’m so curious what is behind me they need internet on for the Bitcoin mining no it’s opposite no oh [ __ ] it’s running toward towards

Me oh here we go again it has a key logger which skips the antivirus by being offline which is why you have to open the game without internet oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] ready back guys holy Ho and those who remain there we go [ __ ] you that was kind of fast H was pretty hello hello hello safe room oh safe room okay last night Imagine This last night and you have to play normal [ __ ] Freddy Fazbear oh my God it’s pretty fast B it’s over [Applause]

Yay civil tricks of the Mind are something more Sinister a of the strange operations presents the way back since ancient Egyptian mythology tell Chilling Tales of ghostly doubles whose sighting unusually preedee horrible trategies for the people whose face they’ve stolen have viw many in claim who have seen experienced counters of these evil

Twins okay last last night we’re at the attic whoa hello everybody today is going to be the last episode of joy of creation that adct did you know in yesterday’s [ __ ] collab with moon he was like oh can I do my intro I’m like yeah go for

It go for hello YouTube and he like just like went into it like in instantly like what how can you even do that I get so I get so I don’t know I get so shy okay let me try let me try hello everyone hello YouTube today we’re going

To be continuing the joy of creation story mode and we’re at the attic oh why am I stuttering so bad I can’t you’re cringe as [ __ ] Debbie dude let me do it again let me do it again let me do it again hello everyone today we’re playing

The joy of creation and we’re at the last oh [ __ ] hello everyone my name is Demi and today we’re going to be playing the joy of creation story mode and we are at the last episode in the last memory the attic Ooh was that good it needs to sound more fake hello everyone can’t I again I again E Minecraft Youtuber voice no I can’t you belong this for too long Scott they’re barely holding themselves together any why I have been a good good man we’ve been good people why have you demons come me and my family oh it’s numbers holy [ __ ] it was so blurry that

I thought it was [ __ ] Chinese saying uh that we’ve gone stop ignoring my questions if I’m going to die at least I want to know why can you at least give me that it didn’t it look like it’s in Chinese to go it’s just a part of life

Uh movie time bodies are hardly keeping themselves together so they’re gathered themselves in the basement they can’t just kill you directly you know I promise them I leave you to them so I brought you here to uh at least try to talk to you before they

Arrive so before they get here and guys how long have I’ve been live I’d like to thank you for giving us this opportunity to see the world through the eyes of your creation FR being Michael Schmidt has been an incredible 5 hours and minut I feel I I feel

Fantastic I want TOS feeling like this forever I always come back and to do that I need you to die huh leave us alone hello leave us alone leave him alone he’s acoustic oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] space to switch sides left click to interact with

Items [ __ ] off what do you mean by that what does he mean by that space to switch sides left click to interact with items I don’t get it oh what huh am I dead what I do huh is this the Dead ending no way there’s a dead ending if I don’t do

It right ring ring ring ring hello hello welcome to pretty Fri bear hello listen for footsteps close the door if you hear a danger oh you can close the door my bad I didn’t know you can close the door oh whoa holy [ __ ] what what oh maybe I’m not supposed to

Stare am I not supposed to am I supposed to look away immediately if I see the ah like the official games okay oh okay okay okay okay is this the attic this for oh you can only close it one at a time oh I get it now okay try hard time

Good God this kind of freaky it didn’t make a sound I closed the door what no there was nobody in the left door see right left I’m confused who are you Mr Freddy maybe I have to wait for them uh they’re not making any noise I’m confused

What I’m more confused and scared dude what the [ __ ] I don’t hear anything I don’t understand and I pre- closed it before and it still didn’t work but yeah maybe just like not that kind of game maybe snow think it’s over five mons I’m confused then wa now I heard the footsteps

What I don’t I don’t understand any back seaters I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong the enemies on the attic cameras will always wait for the running Fallen to attack before moving yeah I I’m reading those I still don’t really understand oh ready another Fred it spawned during the time that I

Was not even looking this is actually kind of more annoying than it is scary and I have to like watch this [ __ ] [ __ ] hi white people Wow skip wait what wait what I think I bugged it what de’s on the at C can only try to get inside your room when screen is black oh so I need to check whether the screen is black question I’m confused boys I’m I don’t need churos holy [ __ ] the whispering of the

Night and I know the screaming is from this guy oh good how long what’s it like is there like a sound Cube when they leave is it like is it like you have to feed them or some [ __ ] like that also what’s up with the Freddy Fazbear here am I supposed to

Flash him Too not black okay I need to flash them oh what what even if it’s a wrong door it still needs to run no I should be able to like hello okay I’m try Harding now also the jump scares are worse than the main [ __ ] the game is cool but the jump

Scares have like it’s just sudden and more frustrating than anything sure what am I doing wrong no no running audio no nothing this is a game of like pure audio and there’s no [ __ ] audio what am I doing wrong where is that animatronic coming from I don’t [ __ ] get it

Too I don’t hear footsteps I don’t hear any indication that they’re like attacking like is this game just buggy and I can’t even have I don’t have it I can’t even [ __ ] log in the internet so Noob you can’t even explain to me what I’m am I supposed to do

Because you don’t even know the only way to know when the exoskeleton is running to you is only watching the cam but like I just watched it a moment ago and it just jumped in what do you mean uh okay here in general the attic is possibly

The hardest level you need to you need to have the screen in front of you with five different locations and right shock switch while left the toggle switch cam switch this uh shock switch slow recharge so use the current situation in mind the toggle cam switch between the

Views of creation and golden Freddy to view the rooms that contain Endo C and Endo B if you press space you can look behind you there are two layers of two doors you can only have one door closed at the time and the direction in door is

Based on the one on the alt oh it’s based on the alt cameras okay sure you can only have one door closed at a time the direction so while looking behind you at the the doors the left door is on the right and the right door is on the left

What so while looking behind you at the door is a left door is on the right and the right door is on the left because of this you can only check one of the two alt cameras as the other one isn’t needed because the door is blocked oh

No a general tip is always listen to the running Fallen keep a system with the oh I get it so left is right sure let’s test that out so left is right so I’m going to check only this camera since the one there is already closed good God I think I get it

Now I think I kind of get it now I’m pretty five head if I do say so myself shut the [ __ ] up left is I check right right is closed that means left needs to be checked oh there it is I’m not doing it the sound cues are so weird

Everything is so weird like I get it that like it’s automatic in a way but it’s so inconsistent that it just annoys the [ __ ] out of me it annoys the [ __ ] out of me dude it annoys me more than it scares me what’s the point of FNAF does it even

Scare you it just annoying me am I wrong finish FNAF Sim I did I did finish FNAF Sim Fair yeah I’m not even I’m just mad more than I’m like enjoying the game yeah I’m I’m fine not finishing that [ __ ] [ __ ] that that was like so [ __ ] I’ll just watch the ending on

Stream can we just pretend I did it editors oh my God no way I think you can only hear them if we’re not looking at the cams I wasn’t even looking my god oh [ __ ] you was doing so good though was it actually I don’t know man it wasn’t that fun personally is it just me was I the only one feeling that way also my ethernet is gone now Ohi thank you so much for the three months okay CH we the gifted of three months Shua the game is for sure unique I oh I agree but like good God you know what I mean it was am I the only one that got suddenly frustrated about that Ending game holy [ __ ] my neck cracked but am I the only one am I an overreactor am I

Just a loser I got annoyed unique and confusing yes yes so it wasn’t me okay so I I don’t feel bad about like just quitting that Rumble think you’s about 17 months no I was I’m so confused too okay I’m going to keep it a buck games that are confusing to

Chat too are not fun to play for stream if nobody gets it and only I get it or like a few Chatters get it then it’s not that fun to play it seems like you have so little time they just keep going yeah dude like what the

[ __ ] what the hell you can play five night it’s Freddy candy if you don’t want a confusing fan game read the only two that agree with her okay dude no did you see Jesse in fortnite yes hello k k okay you know what fine let me see

Somebody actually do it let me see if like my am I stupid uh the joy of creation uh night wait what is it called attic guys where am I why am I [ __ ] wait give me a second you’ve prolonged this for too long Scot they’re barely holding themselves

Together any guys what’s [ __ ] been a good man what’s been good people police try to talk to you okay let’s see let’s see what he does okay gold is ready Freddy’s there what nothing was even like [ __ ] said see he can hear it he can hear it he can literally hear

It okay who’s [ __ ] notification was that look he can hear all the [ __ ] footsteps no matter what hello can you just let the guy just like absolutely [ __ ] up his thing honestly I don’t [ __ ] get it I’m a keep the buck I really don’t get it am I the only

One okay I get it I get okay so if you see the I I get it I get it now if you see the animatronic here you have to look and like until the thingy until they’re both gone and then when you go down to the thingy I think

You have to focus more on the um the golden or the Freddy’s instead of the endoskeleton I guess cuz like he wasn’t hitting the endoskeleton at all I see right so now he closed left and whatever and then he went back yeah he’s on hitting the Endo skeleton at [ __ ]

All he’s just letting him like [ __ ] attack I don’t get it oh there oh he’s waiting for the black screen to Happ happen so true D yeah I don’t care to do it it took him [ __ ] it took him 15 minutes bro I don’t want to do okay stop eating my ear

I get it now he pulls the lever when the Freddy is close to the camer [Laughter] Cammer I didn’t eat any [ __ ] churros it’s okay if you don’t finish it I thought you said I was looking a [ __ ] a while ago I checked the cams checking for Freddy checking for the endoskeleton

Endoskeleton no Freddy so I’m was going to attack the endoskeleton checking the attic checking the attic no left and right nothing in there checking the first C second cam third cam fourth cam nothing’s happening no Freddy’s inight nothing’s happening boom bam Bing check in the Attic nothing’s there boom bam go

Back bum bum bum bum bum comes checking golden Freddy’s there [ __ ] my [ __ ] doesn’t matter boom boom boom check this thing flash attic guy is both there so we’re going to check it from both sides coming from the left side a he comes from the left side hit it boom go

Back yeah I’m good yeah I’m good I’m good I’m not I’m not the only I’m not dealing with it I’m not [ __ ] dealing with it I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m not dealing with it I’m not doing it I’m not doing it I don’t care I don’t care I’m not I’m not I

Don’t [ __ ] care annoying ass [ __ ] [ __ ] bro what chasing thingy oh my god the guy did it oh wait guys I did it I did it w Mountain found dead in his own house body found by the landlord in recent repaired country wait what so all of that for nothing I died anyway I I die anyway all that for nothing that’s such a [ __ ] oh go man go guys if it was in the Philippines that [ __ ] was a cement house so it wouldn’t like just like P down you really love your family don’t you di here surv our [ __ ] is made from con and

It’ll all be over that’s how it worked there before right but these are not good things like a prison Sal yeah pretty much it’s it’s cold dude it’s hot as [ __ ] in the this night won’t go away until you’ve been consumed by fire what about

That if I had to go oh no and you please promise me they’ll be safe promise won’t har oh pleas what the [ __ ] was that um Demi every night dude mommy daddy’s coming out of the house honey get I’m here Daddy fake he wore his [ __ ] skin I’m so

Worried it’s okay V it’s okay we’re safe now have you called 911 the impostor yes they did as soon as we got out I called them like a few hours ago they said they’ll be here as soon as they come a few hours ago there were so long I

Thought you but I didn’t don’t worry everybody is fine Daddy what happened to home why is it burning is Michael still in there we are safe murders you’re safe Dad D why do you sound sus as [ __ ] you are safe it’s all no he’s supposed to sound sussy cuz that’s not really you’re

That’s Michael you are safe now that’s all that matters honey are you you are safe that’s all that matters no you safe oh my God oh my God it’s all that matters you safe it’s all that matters you are safe all that matters you are safe now that’s all that

Matters see they’re safe now just as you wanted thank you for your cooperation Scott cin I’ll take care of everything from here damn created by Nick Nixon with help of vnom advising Lucifer sam01 animation Nathan Hanover Mr bra everything animation based animation models wow that’s cool dude GG’s guys good

Game I have to take a pee I need pee hold on can you guys watch this while I go pee here goes nothing wow oh my gosh a French style omelette I’ve never made an omelette in general God I saw Ratatouille I should know how to do this okay let’s cut this

Butter I’m going to have to break up the eggs how many do you think we need you know what I’m just going to use all of them one little shell in there going on is not going well so far so now I’m going to beat the

Eggs I don’t think I’ve ever even used a whisk before just going to pour it right in whoa so now we have a herbal blend of um herbs got to sprinkle scatter this a little bit I don’t know what is I think it’s if that was an animal what animal I’m going to

Remove the heart serious answers only not The Omelette for you something’s happening French omelette is almost done you have to flip the eggs somehow a rat a rat 1 two three you’d be a rat You’re a Rat you’d be a rat it’s already looking unattractive I think I’d be a

Wolf I think so too wow what a f I think I’ll be a w to look like scramble legs mix okay fer J J but still social this is the Dr jaal and Mr Hyde of omelet e dude I honestly I think I make better wait what the [ __ ] how is

The heart rate monitor going when I’m not even using it how the [ __ ] is that happening that even [ __ ] happen What is it like connected to whoa 12 M I don’t even have it on me disable the app I I did that’s why I’m confused I already closed the

App why am I getting [ __ ] Discord notifications what’s going on Guys says this side looks okay but then we get uh this viscous blob that would scare uh most children I don’t know what a French style onet is I never been to France all right so no way he just said that no [ __ ] way so step one let’s beat the X Two X

You don’t need to put the butter in why not and then you whip in your omelette I’m just waiting for it to set a little bit I’m going to add this cheese we’re really going for cheese I like cheese a lot I’m going to scoop it on only half of it I

Mean what do you guys put in your omelette I put cheese and bacon and that’s it put on some little parsley inside of it tuna okay now comes the fun part in order to get the French style omelette you kind of roll the eggs honestly I never make omelette I just make

Scrambled eggs and that’s good for me I don’t really need like things inside the egg it like a crepe spam oh spam is [ __ ] nice now I’m flipping this side over so I’m going to just flip it not bad I mean not too bad perfect okay it’s

An omelette someone would be happy to eat this right maybe not everybody but somebody would okay let’s see let’s see the big guy let’s see the the chef om so what we’re looking for here is a few really distinct things that are different than say an American style omelette the first

We’re looking for is no color on the eggs as opposed to the Browning that you might see on a traditional sort of American style omelet the inside of the Omelette should be slightly custardy a little bit runny but not quite runny like an OV easy egg and then the last

Thing that we’re looking for is three folds so that we kind of roll the omelet over itself as opposed to just folding it in half like an American style now I’m using a fork here in order to get that creamy custardy texture in the inside we need to really make sure that

The eggs are completely even and smooth in terms of the mixture now we’re going to start with a pretty substantial amount of butter right so I’m going to add my butter in and I’m going to swirl it around the pan this is about a tablespoon of butter for

An omelette here the eggs are going to go in the pan as soon as the butter is melted and foaming okay and the first thing that we’re going to do is just gently scramble this egg a little bit yeah that’s what I did too I did that

The top of the egg to be a little bit cooked before we start to leave it alone okay and I’m going to let the egg start to form a sort of skin along the bottom side of the pan if you’ve got your French omelette just right it will

Release from the pan and move just like a pancake okay it’s not going to be stuck at all now you can see the egg in the center of the pan is still my stove here is electric a little bit liquidy so we just want to move it around to keep

It from burning until we see the egg that’s in the center of the omelet just start to gel a little bit and I’m going to add my stuffing right before I roll it and again I’m looking for it to be almost set but not quite so I’m going to

Add a little bit of goat cheese right down the middle of The Omelette I don’t remember how cheese tastes like oh I just cracked my back holy [ __ ] and we’re going to fold that in on it did you [ __ ] hear that the next thing you’re

Going to do here is hold the the other way and then roll towards the back side it was so loud for me oh my God my back just and to tilt the pan and Slide the Oh wait [ __ ] maybe I should practice for the tour uh not the tournament but the

Event later for the block bars or whatever the [ __ ] you guys think I should nah it’s fine nah not Val I never play bow dude yesterday was a what the [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] accurate this stopping of the three and the fourth [ __ ] frame is insane in

The sound like dude this is actually so [ __ ] accurate dude [ __ ] real that is why do I have so much notification what happened do you have the patience to deal with a lot of entitled people yeah yeah I can do it guys I don’t PE I don’t think people

Like oh as a person who has been in the industry for five plus years I do love it I would never work in America though England is wor I’m most comfortable working in that industry and I’m good at what I do and proud it’s very rewarding oh [ __ ] H [ __ ] I can’t move

To what I can’t just move to [ __ ] England just to be a waiter that’s insane let out on its own so the motion is sort of a rotating away from yourself I’m not yelling at anyone and there we have wow that looks like [ __ ] I mean it looks okay I

Guess but it’s still like extremely runny that’s pretty good so there it is really OC OC OC OC osie I love running eggs as well I’m just shocked because like I I didn’t expect it CU like there’s nothing there you’re just eating an egg alone if it’s

If you’re only eating the egg alone I want it not running but if you’re eating it with rice I want it running that’s that’s that’s the kicker e almost rice rice omelet have you ever seen an omelette rice made like this this is Chef I

Wanted to go here so bad from in he’s super famous for his vibrant energy while he’s putting on a show cooking his signature dish the OM and he has multiple unique ways to play his om the first one is his iconic cutting it open method the second one is his special flying method

Oh for his third method he does nothing except tap the omelet those were the three ways he plates thece the final product has a chicken rice base cooked egg on the outside and runny egg on the inside and it was super good to see me attempt to

Learn how to make this check out my full YouTube video oh yeah I’ve watched it tasty one already oh seven months ago I don’t think I’ve ever watched this how do you feel about my mustache I’ve been trying out the mustache look it reminds me of your eyebrows okay actually I’ve got a

Lot of compliments on my eyebrows I mean everybody’s opinion is different welcome to the button speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person get out of here did we watch I don’t remembered

On a date for 10 minutes I love your tattoos thank you so fun story I bought a tattoo gun um I have you ever watch SpongeBob as a kid yes yeah I freehanded a doodle bob show me I’m cool showing it but I’m going to

Have to drop my draws like my yeah I don’t remember watching this that’s pretty good hey yo do a bob I’m 18 you’re 18 yeah that’s okay is it y That’s I think the age might holy [ __ ] her lashes are so long whoa yeah so you’re a freshman yes oh it’s like

Beara a little fan why is that that every time no no no it’s it’s extensions but like that’s insane like all the out ofate kids are from it’s so long how important is sex in your relationship for real for real is here what do you mean it’s decently important yeah I have

Not had sex so yeah that’s we’ll see yeah okay yeah course I feel like the button trying to put you on the spot I don’t know I feel I don’t want you to be uncomfortable here okay oh this guy is nice no it’s it’s so over but um yeah it’s

Okay definitely a friendly buy but not a romantic chemistry personally is what I felt yeah it definitely wasn’t a sex thing that’s not why um nice to meet you nice to meet you oh my God it’s a wheelchair girl om okay can you say your name one more time Co

It’s a hard name don’t worry yeah so tell me about yourself I’m a senior at udub I study chemistry hopefully I want to go to med school one day how about you what are you up to uh I’m a mechanical and Industrial Engineer you like Hobbies fun oh my God the amount of

Piercing in her [ __ ] ear is insane okay I like to ski it’s one of my favorite things I like to go skiing I can travel a lot um you look very tall and if you were to push my wheelchair it would be very uncomfortable for you really okay how do you feel my

Mom what mustache I’ve been trying out the mustache look it’s probably that is such a weird reasoning no literally you could there’s extensions for wheelchairs for taller people no B but I’m kind of going for it it reminds me of your eyebrows okay actually I’ve got a lot of compliments

On my eyebrows I mean everybody’s opinion is different do you have any pets I do I have two golden retrievers and two cats so I’m Sor it was nice meeting you my cat has AIDS it has AIDS yeah I can’t I can’t see somebody who has cats because my cat has AIDS

Okay I Can’t Stand Up and Shake Your Hand ohay nice meet you I’m Andrew I like your uh nose pierce dude why the [ __ ] is in this is she in the show if she’s just like saying no to everything like I don’t really remember watching this but

I do remember a girl in the wheelchair I remember her look I don’t remember I can’t remember holy [ __ ] maybe I’m she’s so picky with her reasons her reasons are so [ __ ] though I would get it like oh you’re not my type okay okay that’s that’s fair but

Like dude her reasoning is so stupid my cat has AIDS okay then don’t [ __ ] bring the cat together d duh hello the duh like what the [ __ ] are you on about how the [ __ ] are you in uni like doing this whole like [ __ ] College [ __ ] and like being this [ __ ] an idiot appreciate

You I like your little outfit though than I love dressing like a little old lady I feel like it’s so powerful and nobody cackles me hey very good what do you like to do I paint I rehab animals I pop wheelies pop wheelies on the on the

On the chair yeah I can I can do a wheelie I’m impressed hey no way and that’s crazy how you can maneuver on that I mean if you’re going to be in a wheelchair might as well right anyway I thought you were just going to stay a

Place are you an active person very yeah very I go on a lot of hikes I run all the time oh yeah me too all all of the running and Hiking I do that too oh yeah yeah definitely yeah you got the special attachment is talking all right you

Deserve to have somebody that you can be active with oh now I remember this I remember that this is so stupid why are you deciding what other people feel I I get it’s probably insecurity on how she feels because of like her being disabled and all it’s it’s easier to reject

Somebody than allow somebody to like reject her for being like in a wheelchair but it’s so [ __ ] dumb why are you deciding what other people feel about what you like it’s so stupid you shouldn’t like settle for less than what you want or what you deserve but you’re

Super to yeah of course you’re a real nice girl nice to meet you nice to meet you do you believe in ghosts yeah she’s projecting well somebody was murdered at my house and the doors do open a lot so really that happens at my house too and there was someone also allegedly

Murdered at my house um tell me about yourself what do you do for fun it’s just normal it’s just like normal [ __ ] is she going to press the button on this guy what’s the reasoning now sorry I just wasn’t feeling it okay do you believe in

O holy [ __ ] finally found a guy that was not not too tall can does not look too active in her like thingy and then bang ghost yes me too okay cool God why did you reply like that girl holy [ __ ] yeah okay cool [ __ ] I wouldn’t press the but in two after that

Reaction sorry no you’re good I just wasn’t really feeling it I wasn’t feeling it either do you we ghost G do I believe in ghosts oh they look cute together no I would say no what’s your longest relationship been uh it’s not been long okay sorry I’m sorry no you

Can I’m sorry everyone you didn’t like dyl he apparently has been asking everyone about the ghosts and that kind of freaks me out that he’s just keeps bringing up the ghost three ghosts in a row three ghosts in a row I’m like he had to go what’s your name I’m Paige

Paige I’m Sage nice to meet you nice to Sage accent oh sound what type what type of accent I don’t know I was I know it just sound like you had [ __ ] hell this looks like this is how I imagine zoy to flirt earrings though thank you fun fact about Paige okay

She’s double jointed oh I am double jointed where oh sh um I’m kind of toxic sometimes but what’s your definition of like toxic like if you were to like describe a time you were toxic what did you do so what are your red flags no what like

What did you do when you were toxic um just like I don’t know play games a little bit like to like see if she would care yeah see if she like actually likes me why would she why would he admit that though why would he talk about that

About being toxic if you’re aware that you’re toxic that means you’ve change no like you just move on from it right like why damn I really don’t like the playing games thing hey guys listen I’m a little bit toxic how are you toxic uh I manipulate my partner into feeling a certain kind

Of way angry confused I leave him confused I leave him with no questions I just say I feel bad and it’s his fault I play I I try to make sure that he cares about me what the [ __ ] is he she what is he talking about how’s it going with you

Kyle what’s your name Paige just a little bit I like your smile by the way I really like your eyes what do you want to major in Psychology oh that’s super cool so I do a communication and then I did a log oh my God oh my God oh my

[ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] God [ __ ] Answer fine if you’re not going to answer I’ll call someone else [ __ ] Marco oh dude I’m on stream right now um hello stream hello dude is it just me or does this look like Oreo like his his Vibe is like Oreo no why are you laughing already dude but that look like Oreo no this better be the wa can you your volume I

Can’t [ __ ] hear you what happened my volume my microphone this just really bad right sorry oh [ __ ] PA nice to meet you thanks like D look at him I really like your eyes what do you want to major in Psychology the what did he like moves and

[ __ ] am I or or’s chess chess is the the same way moves the same way I contact the same way to law school but I love my mom was a hug psych danger I just love I just like love learning like what would you say is your favorite no yeah just

Seems so genuine yeah Back to the Future oh that’s a great a great [Laughter] real can I can you call Simon Simon is in the Discord right let me let me call for him okay thank you okay listen listen listen I dated some guy in in college uh in uni and he

Looks exactly and acts like exactly like this so Simon I think it was Simon who pushed for us to oh no no no no no no no no it was my friend a mutual friend of Simon and um my other friend literally just like mutuals and [ __ ]

Like that they wanted me to date this guy and we went on a date and this guy acted the same way we’re still friends now but like literally acts the same way as this dude it’s insane mannerism and everything we never went to the second date though she likes me

Damn I really don’t like the playing games thing how’s it going good how’s it good with you why your name yo Simon I’m on stream hello yeah are you on your [ __ ] phone yeah sorry what is it is this me is it just me or is this exact exactly like Oreo

Bro meet talk talking about the right no the guy in the left oh that’s super cool so I do no that’s Oreo for I did a law degre it’s exactly like him right the man the mannerisms and [ __ ] clothing his hair your favorite movie I

Like always love I have to ask even the way that he moves his mouth is the way that he looks it’s like an unbelievably good pick mine would be for comedies sh Shank Redemption for me this is weird is it weird yeah this is weird it’s exactly

Like oh my gosh okay it’s like it’s a great movie My favorite movie is IR dude it it gave me a flashback to like our date like back in the day like it give me like a that’s gross I was like oh oh [ __ ] me dude dude

No exactly like him no do you think he’ll get like mad if I said that to him no I don’t think he he’ll get offended cuz like I feel like well you know Oreo he has like principles and [ __ ] so he’s probably like the exact same person but I mean

I’m pretty sure he’s gonna laugh at the fact that you consider him that I guess what do you mean that’s exact yo Judah does that not look like [ __ ] Oreo I like always not like look but his manner exactly like oh that’s a a great pick actually that’s like an unbelievably

Good pick is that how he fed with you for yes literally yes no Joe do you like that though no that’s why I only had no be real no be honest no stream nothing I’m gonna be 100% honest about Oreo what okay I’ll be honest I yeah I I thought

It was I thought he was a very dorky and then I was just like you know what let’s not go for the second date that’s so cap no way dude I dude it’s not my time I don’t know why’ you give him why’ you give him a chance

Because like there was nobody else anyway yikes man you can’t no I’m kidding that was a joke guys that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke listen I no no no can’t

No like what would you say is your favorite movie I like always love to I have to ask Back to the Future oh that’s a great that’s a great pick actually that’s like an unbelievably good pick no I thought it was cute it was just cute I

Don’t know would be I didn’t really have an opinion on it rtion for me I’m not toxic oh my go we’re still friends now it’s a great movie My favorite movie is I Robot makes sense makes sense but I’m not good what are you looking for I don’t really want something super duper

Casual but I’m also like not having to be like oh I want to get she treats her dates as pets no I don’t no I [ __ ] do not Hello I respect everyone who I’ve dated very middle Zone where I’m figuring out she was bored and went on a

Date no I mean like Yeah from there figure it out no dude it wasn’t like that important are pets I’m not an [ __ ] question are you a pet person um yes okay are you yes what type of pet I have a cat cat who is my son like I got

Him when I was 15 and 22 now so I I’m also 22 so oh solid um my cat LCA love him I’m also gonna name my son I can’t watch this video I’m I can’t I can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t I can’t waffles there’s no way you can

Mess up waffles right and we’re back we’re making waffles no way the batter is practically made like themselves how does one open this waffles never used one of these feel like I should dude it’s already like all there you just put like something to

Make it not stick as much spray it so it doesn’t stick and then boom no I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to use an entire can of pan per waffle Jesus no it’s not so I’m going to pour my waffle in oh no I forgot to spray it I should

Have sprayed it first you should have the pan was right there I mean technically don’t you not have to spray it because once it Cooks it doesn’t adhes to the padn you more this is my son I claim total responsibility for this human being right here look at that

You can hear it starting to sizzle already only after the first I think in a lot oops okay a little bit more what the [ __ ] was that get everything in wait what the [ __ ] was that why was it only one ohar thank you so much tier one holy

[ __ ] I thought I got [ __ ] beat up for no reason the B okay now I to close the waffle maker see you and we wait watch me put too much oh I knew it oh man that’s fine it okay put too much in I did overfill

It a little bit it’s foaming out don’t do that don’t put too much holy [ __ ] I want waffles right now I don’t have a patience for a waffle yep a lot of raw footage going by spillage happening oh okay I just want to take a peek but I also don’t want to

Ruin it why it’s it’s it’s so clearly not [ __ ] done that’s the way it’s supposed to look this looks so gross oh maybe I should have put oil maybe I’ll put a little bit more with the oil try this again what we have here was uh an excess

Of waffle mix but this is great cuz you can just sco this up and then make another we don’t have a spoon so we’ll just use a melon bow and just we don’t waste here you can do do it when it’s done so it doesn’t three ready okay yeah there you go it’s

Done but how the hell do I get it out it’s literally still dripping I feel’s no Clippers oh this is not that bad Rabb it think just [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that one waffle piece WAFF there’s no way people eat waffles that [ __ ] soggy right shut the hell

Up there’s no way trying to scrape my Waffle lesson learned here like they don’t like at least like put it a little bit like brown butter ah waffles waffles are my favorite who doesn’t like like a good waffle you have to have your waffle iron hot has to be preheated you can

Usually drop water on a skillet to see if it’s hot it’s ready we’re going to use some of this spray to coat it so the waffle doesn’t stick in the Philippines do we even have that the spray on [ __ ] oil thingy or butter whatever the [ __ ] that

Is to make the perfect waffle we do you need where I’ve never seen that [ __ ] some already made ching ching when you pour your your waffle batter in go right down the center if you fill the entire thing it will spill out the sides and then to close it most people at this

Point why is he naked again want to look or they pull it out too fast you just want to WD40 it’s the easiest thing to make hopefully can we put like elevator music in is that like a thing we can Do this is going really well or really bad it’s kind of coming out out on the edges but that’s a good sign it’s smelling pretty good it’s usually like 2 minutes per side pretty much per side oh leave it back go back I don’t remember

It taking too long at the hotel I like my Waffle like how I look toasty it’s this one oh oh it turned green does that mean it’s good you know it’s done when you feel it in your heart which is now this is nice a little bit more would be

Nicer IO like this [ __ ] needs to be this one needs more for sure and boom there we have a perfect dude why is it all [ __ ] white still like cook it a little bit more Brown on the outside both sides oh that’s beautiful oh my God how can you give me

This not give syrup I don’t know guys I get my waffles delivered hello what delivered your Waffle’s calling it’s ready all right guys we’re going to make a waffle step one always preheat your waffle iron step two I’m going to go ahead and spray this waffle maker just

To ensure that the batter isn’t going to stick to it now the next thing is to start kind of in the center and I pour my batter in in a spiral fairly slowly until it’s spreads most of the way to the edge but not quite all the way there

And then I’m just going to close that guy down and wait don’t rush your waffle that’s the next key that’s really really important here okay let’s give that a check well we’re on the top here okay we’ll go a little bit longer it’s really close Okay so we have a waffle so you’re

Just going to gently lift that and you can SL see that one has like pretty good Brown I just use the seams that are right in there and just kind of separate it just like that w a waffle that was a raw piece okay e wait a minute that guy had really good

Browning see that’s perfect there is brownie dude look at how perfect that is she’s cooked through she is cooked through sorry sorry sorry waffles I’m hungry as [ __ ] oh my God I still have six hours to go into Stream True no Oh I still have six hours to go to the stream and it might be even longer because order a MCD happy meal and open the pack and get on stream I think in the Philippines you get to like choose what you get it’s not going to be RNG anymore that’s how it works

No oh my god dude what is this thanks and here we have the star of today’s show if you’ll notice but I’ll be performing for our event next week I’m going to dance smiley face Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck the Chuck R you see this cut is not very good for steaks

But it is perfect for burgers and the first thing to do is to slice it up I like to make nice small strips because this allows my grinder to work less the thicker it is the more work the grinder will have so I went ahead and went to

Town and sliced everything up I was aiming for 1in thick strips as you can see once I was done this is what I was left with and if you’ve never grinded your give you some advice yeah I’ll give you some music while I order some food where is it here it is song Song H it h it it Slide hit it hit it It h it h it okay let it firm up on your freezer a little bit that will give you a much better end product as that was happening this is the second star of today’s show we all know it’s all about we should make that the sub sound

Thoughts I’ve been looking for a new sub sound for so long for like to be able to like for chat to like dance Too thoughts the fat I’m using the good stuff a tip is to keep all of your equipment and extremely cold as you can see the whole

Thing was inserted overnight in my freezer that way it will keep everything nice and cold and to grind up today I’m going to be using this big D guys what should I order today bigger pieces now you can’t use a small D something F but

I really like the tou bigger D now it’s pretty straightforward all you got to do is go ahead and gr I kept everything separate I first did the then I moved on to the beef and take a look at the beef even though there’s a little bit of fat but there’s

Not that much nice and lean just the way we like is a fortnite event today I don’t know if it’s to stay on the Philippines going to play t i don’t play fortnite small pieces of meat because good stuff now here’s how this experiment went down remember I’m going

To be needing a good amount grind up the whole you know what is crazy during my churo like Fanatics I lost weight even if I ate like a burger with those churro s sometimes I was still losing weight and it like what my grinder even more I cut everything in

Very small pieces because I was about to put this thing to work and the very first one was the I’m joking I have a weigh skill I weigh myself every day % of meat follow 20% that is to make some nice 3 oz balls and that was ready second one we’re

Going to take it new level because I’ll be using 70% meat and 30% fat we all went to the same exact process made some balls and the 30% fat was ready now the next one we’re going to take it to a different level and instead of using

Regular fat I’ll be using some butter and the ratio is going to be 20% butter now here’s the tricky part you got to slice up this butter I didn’t want to pass it through the grinder if I did everything would just melt so I went ahead and sliced everything up in small

Cubes and combined everything together take a look I was left with some incredible balls and my hopes is that this is going to be the next best burger in the world because the next one is just crazy when they say a burger is going to give you a

Heart attack this is the one they’re talking about because I’m mixing 50% meat and 50% fat now that is something you don’t see every day as once I was done this is what I was left with all of my balls are ready to go [ __ ] butter remember I’ll be using wouldn’t the

Butter just melt and then like destroyed a burger two 3 oz balls for each burger and don’t forget we also got to add cheese many people say that this this is not real cheese but trust me it is the best for burgers now let’s talk about

The Buns I’ll be using goa’s buns I have the full recipe on a link in the description down below for you now there’s one thing we cannot forget and that is the sauce and to make it it’s super easy because I combine a good amount of mayo followed by ketchup a

Little bit of yellow mustard and finished it off with Worcester share sauce wer everything well and my sauce was ready and it’s the perfect sauce to go along with some burgers talking about that the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook up these balls and here’s

How it’s going to go the first thing to do is to smash them up and for that I have upgraded Smasher I always e to put a little parchment paper right why do the but one make nothing will get stuck then I’ll be seasoning them with

Only salt and nothing else once I got a nice crust on the bottom and I see a little bit of juices flowing on the top it’s time to flip once that’s done I immediately go in with the cheese I cover it up for 2 seconds then I stack

Both Burgers on top of each other and lay them down on the bun resulting in an amazing Burger because [ __ ] hell the oil is like literally like ding the [ __ ] bread underneath the only thing left to do is to cook about 20 of them and I cannot wait to find out which one

Is going to taste better because now I say it is enough talking and it is time to make some incredible Burgers so let’s do it I love clog Arteries I don’t like this it seems disgusting Like the the the bun is so [ __ ] yeah the bun is like sogging I mean don’t you like leave the I don’t know it to rest or something like that isn’t it supposed to rest for a little bit so that the oil can get out ew all right everybody it’s a beautiful

Rainy day but we got burgers this is better this is really what’s in charge of the setting today yeah he’s he’s doing it to service it’s it’s a dark and gloomy night in Miami but these Burgers they Captivate Us all they made the day better yeah we got an experiment going

On all right I just want your honest opinion you see the smile on my face I don’t think this is going to fade Burgers it’s crazy I I This Is My Jam enough talking let’s give this a try I don’t think I’ve ever had a burger

Without any like vegetables in it oh my God this looks incredible all right you know it’s getting cold come on Cheers everybody cheers woo doesn’t Burgers always come with like tomato and stuff every time I try it I know right me too yeah me too this is a lifechanging burger everybody

Just eat this I’m tell the Bal guy almost died from eating too much meat once what I don’t have to try the rest no this is the winner I know this is McDonald’s burger that’s not true that’s the Baseline that’s the control let’s see if improves or declines from

Here all right let’s go for the next one cuz I’m excited for this one let’s see tell me if there’s any difference pay attention to the texture all right let’s see cheers everybody cheers Che so good really really good juicier than the previous Burger it is

Immediately I just get just a water poot of juice juicer everybody what does that tell you this one is better yeah so this one has 30% fat and the other one has 20% fat more fat more flavor it’s true everybody if fat is Flavor damn I must be real delicious

Then let’s go to the next one the find out y you ready Leo I’m so ready all right enough talking cheers everybody cheers oh it tastes so different yes it tastes so different you like it oh I like it I like this one a lot I me and

You we like this one I like this one a lot no the last two were so much better hold on I got to go in for a check because it tastes different and I think I know exactly what happened everybody and I think tastes everybody this one is really good but it

Has its own unique flavor but it’s not better than the other two would you agree I agree I think that with this one it emphasizes the beef more whereas the previous one it’s more about a the burger as a whole no I think it ruins it

You think it ruined it I think it does ruin it a bit so here’s my theory all right this instead of using regular fat I use butter as you guys know under high temperature butter Burns so this is what I imagine every night in Florida is like

I feel like it has a little bit of the burn taste I like the first one more yeah but you can’t disrespect this butter one like that don’t but really good don’t disrespect the butter I’m a disrespectful man right now because I don’t think it it makes it any better

And I actually think it makes it a little worse and I think you think so if that’s the case I don’t think it’s worth the hassle of doing doing whatever the hell Google did here I agree with you 100% it does not make it any better but

It doesn’t make it bad but at the same time burning the butter because you’re cooking at an extremely high temperature gives a little bit of like a burn flavor Smoky flavor it’s not worth it it’s not better didn’t he just say like it’s so much better at the start and then

Suddenly he just switched up all right so far 30% fat is winning yeah 30% and control are the Kings today you ready for the last one I’m so ready all right let’s find out right now we going Let’s see we going going that one is stupid juicy everybody this crazy wow why did

They not cut that out he got gased by his friends I mean yeah dude I think there’s one guy that’s an absolute okay I not just because like he agreed with him but because like I think he tries to match his energy a lot this guy so when

He saw that he was like M he was like that’s so much better oh that’s so much better well this guy was like f is Win focusing more on the burger than he keeps stared at this guy okay uh this is like 30 stupid as [ __ ] but like I

Generally think that the only reason why he likes it is because he was like ask kissing going that one is stupid juicy everybody this crazy wow cheers everybody cheers guys oh my God holy this one is Rich Boy y yeah I’ll tell you guys immediately this one was

Done with 50% fat I know we’re trying to kill you guys over here a lot of fat this one is a step above in terms of like juiciness I don’t think that this is better than the 30% I think it’s because you worry about your health Leo

It might be that it might be that I think Leo is like oh my I’m about to die right here this I don’t like when things are too oily like I I um I really hate the feeling of oil in my tongue actually I don’t like it that

Much like uh I hate when fries aren’t left out to like dry out a little bit more and the thing you know how you have to rest or quotequote rest them I love it when it’s rested properly if it’s not rested and you can just when you eat the

Fry it just tastes like oil hi Toby hi I hate it I hate that feeling % fat burger right here that’s why he’s thinking his head I like it a lot but I just think like I get fat flavor m i get the richness from this burger and it’s not

Something I’m like accustomed to on burgers this is delicious it’s good but maybe not recommended now which one is the best the winner 30 I think it’s a 30 30 and control 30 and control control is great 20% fat on your burger is perfect if you want to I love airplane instead

Of flying with oil it’s just more lighter on my stomach what’s airplane what do you mean by that I love airplane instead of flying with oil what wait wait wait wait what I love airplane instead of flying with oil sorry sorry that was wrong I meant I

Love air frying instead of like frying with things oh oh okay now I understand oh yeah no I agree I agree I agree I love this kind of scrambled egg those scrambled eggs are perfect absolutely perfect all right just a hunch wants me to be mad

A d do deie H in real life you told her to do that all right just a hunch wants me to be mad she so cute it’s a point redeem a that is actually so cute I found an air fried chip bag and they’re so much better than the OA one I

I really want to try air frying but I’m so this is going to be me in the Future wait what McDonald’s is bacing in their [ __ ] since when got you this is forever breakfast yeah we don’t have that here we don’t have the bacon stuff here you want May on that sir order like this at me what the [ __ ] wait is this actually real oh no it’s not I’m so

Stupid I’m so dumb dude I’m actually so dumb here we are in Flushing at new Lake Pavilion and we’re going to oh my God you know one thing that I will forever if I go to I want to go to China for is only for their egg Tarts I

Want order one of everything off of the dim sub cards my friend Eric Z is going to be joining us today he’s the chef of winwin and 886 here in New York city so why are we here we’re here to eat the menu of Lake Pavilion they still

Have the push carts all the carts have different items and you’re going to have a little card with you that they’ll stamp and the stamp is the den notion of how expensive that dim suum plate is Chinese restaurants have hundreds of items on their menu so today we are only

Going to get one of everything from the dimsum carts cuz we don’t want to die the rule is we only take one bite of everything I’m quite hungry to be honest this is a bucket list item for me guys when do you get to go to a dim

Restaurant and Order every single thing on literally definitively tell people when we bring people here to this restaurant this is what’s best this is what you should come back for this is a hidden secret Stu for the sake of the this video we should go by the general

Shape of the food so dumpling first and then BS rice rolls I’m watching video now miscellaneous items oh but there’s also buns let’s do the buns before the miscellaneous okay the last round desserts this is The Dumpling round before we begin we have our tea and we have our condiments dimsum in Cantonese

Largely translates to what you like which means that customizing each bite is part of the experience my favorite uh dimsum is the soup one the one that has soup inside I love that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is good some people go chili oil some people go chili paste some people go

Spicy Chinese hot mustard some people go vinegar totally up to you the first is a suai offing with a piece of shrimp and a little bit of shrimp R Over the Top This is the most classic dim suum in all dim suum restaurants here we go dude I have

Not eaten yet today I think the only thing I ate was like a salad rrap tastes like Sunday morning pork is fatty pork is chewy bouncy yeah the wrapper is still tender it’s not too loose not over steamed the shrimp have has the give and it’s still fresh hag

Crystal shrimping because the skin as you can tell is a little bit I love hak translucent this isn’t flower it’s wheat starch which is why it’s so bouncy it echoes the boun of the shrimp inside very good thein is bouncy but very tender let’s do soup dumpling next

Handmade you see this little hole that’s where your thumb goes when you’re wrapping a dough your thumb is right in the center of the hole and pull your thumb out you don’t get that anymore if you go to a Dimson restaurant and you see that there’s soup dumping in the

Middle is just one tip like a nipple machine made because the dough is extruded and the Machine goes up like this good it’s so good Everybody Eats soup differently I have an iron of a mouth so I can take heat on my fingers and my mouth just pop it in do your own

Wrist this looks like shrimp beautiful braiding technique whole shrimps in here Lake Pavilion not screwing around this is chive no they’re close for like chive thing I want to be super chivy I feel like there’s a lot of shrimp in here I disagree with you cuz I

Think because shrimp is so much milder and it’s more delicate I want balance I think it’s a good amount of Tri I didn’t like this one growing up Chow Joo dumpling it’s huge it’s really heavy it’s probably going to have peanuts some pork maybe some glass

Noodles depends do you think you can eat this in one bite more like a challenge don’t tempt me I bet you couldn’t I’ll do it if you do it let’s do it okay dude I can’t believe I really wanted Gua now what you just got to chill

Eric now we know where his limits are seven rounds fifth bite we bit into it thinking that it was going to be filled with things like Vegetables twist I’m guys I don’t know what the [ __ ] buy what we’ve learned momentum I think we need to keep it up this is a leak dumpling mac and cheese no I’ll have a this sear dumpling because it breaks up the monity of the steam dumplings which

I think is the main anchor of dimsum excuse me that’s how really got to him this is a very fun happy glutenous rice likeing but it’s very crispy on the outside it’s basically deep friedi with a little bit of pork in the middle I love this one again it’s just

The the beauty and balance and the textures right so crispy on the outside so pillowy in the middle no no true Salas from The Filling this is the one I’ve been looking forward to the most look at this beautiful honeycomb shape this is taro paste oh I’ll buy beef

Bui yeah I think I’m going to buy beef Bui with oding bokeum which is stir fried fish cake and yeah I’m good Yippe yeah I can order churros but I don’t want churros right now I don’t want something fried right now I no I don’t want holy [ __ ] 50% 50% off in your order oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I need to screenshot this I need to

Show you guys holy [ __ ] that is insane of a [ __ ] whoa from from from $13 for my like uh my my my meal it became $6 whoa holy [ __ ] plus shipping I mean plus delivery whoa that’s insane whoa 20% off Max one whoa I bought oh let me show you what I

Bought beef boie this is what I bought um it’s not this big though it’s like this like that and then and then I bought Korean beef B goie and then I bought dang this one I bought this uh it’s more like this because there’s a lot of kimchi mixed with

It it’s nice right I think I ordered nice today nice there’s a good amount Demi thoughts I’m over here stroking my dick i e the B itself as it fries R the moisture start to push it outwards to create this honeycomb effect and it just locks perfectly in shape it’s one of

Those like miraculous things you can only do with a Tyro batter the reason why them some restaurant okay I’m never going to go to this [ __ ] restaurant why am I watching this I’m literally never ever sandwich 47 views what the [ __ ] what is happening what whoa holy [ __ ] W Sandwich W wow the Beast the beast wow Onion okay I don’t know if somebody will agree with me in this but I hate it when there’s three stacks of bread on the burger or on the S or on a burger I hate it when there’s too much bread like there’s no need for that middle [ __ ]

Bread just sack it in the same like thing you Know not toasted Weird yeah dude I don’t know I don’t want this bread in the middle it’s like for extra bre Brad hell [ __ ] yeah dude it’s annoying as [ __ ] the streamer who went from 165,000 to 50 viewers dude in 2018 at just 19 years old myth would become the second most followed

Streamer on Twitch oh this is so [ __ ] [ __ ] man damn did he actually fall off in 10 months he went from a small stream averaging 50 viewers to becoming one of the biggest creators in the world with a new average of 37,000 last myth was an early adopter of

Fortnite Battle Royale and had become regarded as the best player in the world alongside ninja do we have any myth fans in the house he would rapidly gain millions of followers across his various social media platforms and was averaging over 1 million views per video on his YouTube

Channel but 5 years later in 2023 things have changed a lot myth has been consistently losing subscribers for 2 years rapidly losing followers on Twitch Instagram and Twitter and can often be seen streaming to under 100 people a number perhaps hard to Fathom considering where he once

Was so what happened how did myth go from the second biggest streamer in the world to this that is insane I had no idea that his drop off was that huge dude that is insane I think it’s because H I don’t know actually I I I didn’t I

Never was a fan of myths so I never really watched well let me explain by taking you back to the STS where here’s the thing here’s the thing here’s the thing usually when you’re that big you farm the parasocial you know what I mean you farm you farm really hard you

Like I don’t know man began I think he has a good personality traced back to November 2013 when he would create his current YouTube channel at the age of 14 as with most gaming creators at the time he would begin by posting lowquality Minecraft and Call of Duty videos

However his content would see huge improvements over the next few years and by 2016 mord began streaming on Twitch in my opinion if you ever become big and you fall off you can always get back into it if you do the right steps or you bring the

Hearts back into your like thing if you just like make quotequote better content Again YouTube channel around this period streaming was and was a laughable career option there’s no worth being a fan of but despite this myff had set his sights on becoming a successful streamer and was

Putting in a serious amount of time and effort at an incredible consistency look almost every single day often for over 5 hours straight all while still attending high school and working at a coffee shop but miss hard work would pay off quickly and by November 2016 he was streaming to

An average audience of 50 live viewers during this period myth streams were focused almost entirely around one game Paragon despite there being a vast pleora of games with far higher I feel like it’s because he moved to YouTube he was before the move to YouTube I remember him just chilling out would

Essentially play nothing but this game on his streams however his loyalty to Paragon would prove to reap littleit rewards in terms of growth as by mid 2017 myth was still averaging around the same viewers as the year before things were starting to look less optimistic for the young streamer that was until

September 2017 when myth would make a decision that would change his life forever when he would finally take a chance on a game other than Paragon and turned his attention to a new release slowly gaining Traction in The Gaming Community he looks so dky fortnite Battle Royale fortnite was somewhat

Similar to that pubg and H1Z1 two Battle Royale games that were extremely popular and Topping the charts on Twitch at the time however fortnite gave a fresh take on the genre moving away from what could be considered a mature art style and gameplay to a more wholesome aesthetic with bright colors High

Saturation character models and um dancing initially after fortnite’s release many gamers and streamers were quick to write the game off seeing it as a goofy pubg knockoff made for kids and with the game being free to play it cast doubt on the quality of the product

After all in 2017 it was extremely rare for a free game to have any long-term substance or success but whilst the vast majority of streamers and players were sleeping on fortnite myth was there on day one of release and streaming the game to his audience and after his first

Fortnite stream on 12th of September 2017 he would continue to play and stream fortnite for many many hours every single day and let’s just say being an early adopter and believer in the game would prove to be a stroke of Genius myth was putting in wa why do

They just go back to go back to fortnite then I mean like fortnite is a forever game kind of hours and would quickly become one of the highest skilled players on fortnite whilst it would say was God banned if not Ms one single win on the game after only no he did not

Oh I exactly know what Happ five days of playing myth had won an absurd 22 games a feat so impressive that even the official fortnite Twitter page took notice and would sh stream for context getting a win on fortnite was no easy task with 100 players competing in each

Game to become the last man standing in a world where one single shotgun bullets or sniper shot can defeat you there was a lot of room you think that he’s just not ENT game was in fact so special at the time the players would post pictures to their social media accounts I think

He didn’t Farm enough where he actually had people who were genuine fans of him who wanted to know more about him and his viewership came from a standby of people who just wanted to see him play because he was good and not because he of his personality yet and

The now iconic Victory Royale screen getting just one win was an achievement but myth was making it look like a walk in the park and only one day after his shout out because if you be 165,000 is insane fornite myth had increased his win count by eight

Reaching 30 victory Royals the same day myth would begin uploading highlights of his gameplay to YouTube including a video of him dropping 20 kills in one single game this level of skill was incomprehensible most players would be lucky to get one kill yo react what shut the [ __ ] up think about

Your actions real quick meanwhile myth was taking out an entire fifth of the lobby himself it was beginning to look like myth could actually be the best fortnite player in the world however at this time fortnite was still yet to gain considerable traction and popularity which was reflected in MST streaming stats dude

Honestly I think myth on other people’s streams are so he’s so in it he’s so like interactive with everything and stuff like that I have I I’ve watched his stream and he’s more chillaxed in his own stream than he is on other people stream and I think not everybody

Wants to uh I don’t know I have no idea as despite his Elite level of gameplay his stream would see a fairly little amount of growth his transition away from parag I just wish he would stop during that ex impression and he was still averaging around 50 to 75

Concurrent viewers per stream that was until November when with a stroke of luck and random chance myth would end up in the same fortnite game as one of the biggest streamers on Twitch he does it so well he does do it so well we have no idea who’s coming here’s my opinion

Though my opinion is that if that’s the only clip that gets you like recognized though and it’s a an impression of somebody else that’s a bad sign like if that’s the only clip that gets you like popularity in their lsf or whatever the [ __ ] that’s

A really bad sign up against one of the biggest streamers in the world who was streaming live to over 15,000 people myth would aggressively approach out build and outplay Summit this was the craziest thing is and people notice I will never be as would upload a c of

Playing Summit to YouTube and it would quickly become his most viewed video yet viewers were or at myth’s ability especially that of his building skill and with him topping the leaderboards as the player with the most solo PC wins M was certainly making a name for himself okay then what happened what’s went

Wrong community and following the video where he would destroy Summit myth would upload a series of building tutorials which would perform far greater than the rest of his YouTube content there was no doubt in the community that myth was the best builder in the game and considering that fortnite’s unique selling point was

Build it was a huge title to hold all of this led to a considerable rise in viewership on myth’s Twitch Channel and for the month of November 2017 he would average 179 concurrent viewers double that of the last month the following month of December was when fortnite really

Started to pick up pace in terms of popularity and thanks to my the game his stream would begin to blow up December 1st 142 live average viewers December 2nd 3 132 viewers M had doubled his average viewers in just one day but things would get even better when once

Again my would find himself in a fortnite lobby with Summit and when of two players would eventually encounter one another they would have that would go down in fortnite history Summit will noce a base at the top of the hill little did he know myth was the one waiting inside suit then

Decides to aggressively build [ __ ] you don’t have to give out the exact [ __ ] details of this [ __ ] this is insane up towards the base ready to engage but instead of Miss sitting idy like the majority of [ __ ] is giving the most detailed [ __ ] thing what the he keeping higher stop gu stop

It is this guy up what’s happening what just happened holy [ __ ] myth is in it to [ __ ] win it he kept building up and building up and building up and I couldn’t catch him 14 he’s not listening what his breakfast was how did that man shotgun me down

Like that did you see that good I like that I’ve never seen that strategy used I’ve never seen that strategy you can tell he’s a good player I’ve never seen that strategy where someone trying get your B keeping up keep up keep buing up that was impressive not going lie for

The second time myth had complet are played one of the biggest streamers in the world this kind of building gameplay was not normal and of all the thousands of viewers in summ stream who witnessed the fight the same question was likely going through their minds who is this

Myth guy and how is he so good at the game and it was no coincidence that soon after this moment my stream would begin to grow even faster December 16th 57 viewers big 1,000 2,000 3,000 M multiplied his viewers over 20 x in the space of one month and whil many

Streamers would slow down on streaming over the holidays he was grinding an average of 10 hours every day and it was working as my twitch was skyting a huge when a random viewer post a clip from my stream that would take Internet by storm the video was titled insane build I’m

The myth and would quickly go viral gaining over 1 million views in a clip myth could be seen in an intense build battle against another player a fight that he would G to win and once in hindsight this gameplay may look underwhelming to the average fornite

Player in 2023 at the time this man building was exceptional and was incomprehensible to average player who starts playing the game this guy is the most yapping [ __ ] I’ve ever [ __ ] seen my life I’m days ending a month with 34,000 followers gained on Twitch and 21,000 more subscribers on YouTube Miss rise to

Fame was in fact only just getting started and on the 10th of January 2018 he would sign a professional contract with the Esports organization TSM bringing a new level of respect to his name and of course more eyes to his stream on January 15th he would post one

Of his most viral videos yet where he would get 27 kills in one game which would quickly amass over 2 VI there was no Co that in the week following this upload Miss average concurrent viewers on Twitch would rise from around 3,000 to 7,000 the grow was starting to get

Faster and by this point myth was gaining around 10,000 followers per day on Twitch in the space of a few months he’ gone from being completely unknown and making presumably very little money stream but did he pop off and the only thing that he did was do good and then

He didn’t show off his personality and how funny it was during it like did he not create fans that like die hard fans or something like that because like a lot of people pop off and they create a community within it did he not do that it’s like you inv Val

Maybe no way no way I feel like the reason of him quitting uh or like not playing this game is so much more different than mine right becoming one of the most viewed streamers on the site and undoubtedly making thousands of dollars per day from his stream YouTube channel and brand

Deals alongside this Smith would reach 1,000 wins on fortnite and every one of his YouTube videos were consistently getting hundreds of thousands of views but it got even better in February 2018 TSM would announce their official competitive fortnite team a squad consisting of myth and three other upcoming Pro players DeQuan camil and

Ham here’s the thing he started off streaming as like a player player just like gaming gaming gaming gaming fortnite every day fortnite every day I didn’t do that so I wouldn’t you know they quickly became the most lethal Squad in the game and would destroy every Lobby they played in and let’s

Just say the viewers loved it Forte was now beginning to transcend The Gaming Community and the rapid growth of the game was starting to gain considerable mainstream media attention at the Forefront of this hysteria was the streamer ninja who was also seeing an unprecedented level of growth alongside

The fornite boom where’s the mov on Twitch and the face of fortnite people would often debate who the best player in the world was and more often than not the debate was between two players myth or ninja with that being said the two of them s opportunity for more viral

Content and would collaborate at the end of February playing Duos together it was a magnificent spectacle for the community and following the stream myth would upload one of their games to his YouTube channel becoming his most vi video ever quickly reaching over 5 million views was getting outrageous at

This point and by the end of February he was the third most sub streamer on Twitch and doubled his average con current view accounts from the previous month to 11,000 average viewers all whil gaining 400,000 new followers but it didn’t stop there myth would take note of the success from his collaboration

With Ninja and a couple weeks later we begin flame Duos with one of the most popular streamers in the world poke this collab would prove to bring even more attention to my streams with multiple viral fan-made videos uploaded to YouTube 4.7 million 5.9 million 11 million views however myth didn’t solely

Rely on collaborations to continue his growth and was still focused on his gameplay proven by another viral video posted to his YouTube showcasing a 39 kill Solo versus Squad match for the month of March 2018 myth would once again double his twitch viewers consistently pulling over 25 23,000

Viewers whoa I had no idea he was this big average viewers per stream on top of this he would gain a jaw dropping 800,000 followers in the process of which he would break over 1 million overall followers on his twitch Channel yeah we had a million in twitch

Followers I told myself I wouldn’t cried D myth seemed Unstoppable at this point in the space of only four months he had gone from being relatively unknown on Twitch and YouTube to becoming one of the biggest and fastest growing creators of all time things just seem to get

Better and better for myth at this point but that was until April 2018 came around when myth was invited to a fortnite tournament hosted by Ninja at the Esports arena in Las Vegas and with huge amount of pressure and expectation on his shoulders to perform against other players this event would prove to

Be the first Pitfall in Miss career thus far oh no how do everyone know I while Smith had been growing at an unprecedented speed ninja was a different animal and having recently smashed a record for the most subscribed streamer of all time who better to host a first ever inperson

Fortnite tournament than him ninja and Miss were essentially the two biggest names on Twitch and in fortnite at this point and with them both seen as the two best players in the game wow what year was that where [ __ ] myth and ninja was the biggest platform people I was

Not there I was I was busy as [ __ ] you were dying for the opportunity to see the two officially face off against each other in a game of fortnite with for opportunity to finally settle the debate amongst Community as to which of the two players was the best in the world

Naturally this created a huge anticipation and viewers were edged on their seat expecting ninja and myth to partake in gun battles and build fights of magnitudes that had never been seen before the event came around and the stage was set and it wasn’t long before 6 80,000 live viewers came flooding over

To Ninja’s Liv stream of the event thus breaking a record for the most concurrent viewers of all time on Twitch all eyes were on myth and ninja myth a very very popular player crazy big on Twitch these two going against each other make this is this is the absolute

Bigg thing you guys besides I think tonight the one guy everybody’s been waiting to see play is TSM myth over here can I hear in the house how many of you guys are here waiting for myth to do some domination tonight how are you feeling coming into this final heat

Trying to destroy ninja I feel really really confident in my ability to do that task how about these next three games how many do you think you’re going to win minimum two I want to win minimum two games and go for super but uh I think I could definitely get one expect oh

No surely he did get one right of myth already extremely high and comments of confidence during his pregame interview everyone was expecting to see incredible gameplay from the star player but unfortunately the event would prove to be a complete disaster for myth and painfully anticlimactic for the audience

As myth would put on an extremely disappointing performance dying very early on in two games and awkwardly falling to his death during a build battle in another I don’t know you but No no fell off the side of M yeah he fell and died what do I do no because he’s young dude like you could see that he’s like you know it’s so different you’re in a [ __ ] Stadium you’re in like it’s SC it’s SC it’s scary as [ __ ] I let

Everyone know I didn’t get that K I fell off let’s talk about what happened in this game I was play The High Ground early and then yeah so then so we got into a little Skirmish and then off the side of the hill I like encoun one of

The rarest bus in also also did he bring his own keyboard Mouse and and trackpad because sometimes um I didn’t do that in the game that I played during like a thingy and holy [ __ ] that was hard you in the start of the game it was just me

Like figuring out how like how fast a mouse goes so I I had to like yeah yeah I had like a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Mouse of dude okay I’m not going to lie that event that we went to in conquest or whatever the [ __ ] that equipment was

[ __ ] listen dude holy mother of God it was so bad somebody’s headset wasn’t working somebody was not playing with audio for like 90% of the game by the way my computer crashed in one round like completely it wasn’t like even responding or anything um the mouse felt so bad it was

So bad keyboard was smushy and shitty I was like when you make like bu something it’ll just fling you off and so that happened and it was really unforunate despite the anti-climatic nature of the Las Vegas tournament one poor performance wasn’t going to be enough for myth to completely lose his status

In the community in fact he continued to grow at speed and in the month of April would average 35,000 viewers whil gaining topping it all off by averaging 1 million views per upload on his YouTube channel in May 2018 guys what do you call it I played against it was me

Razzy [ __ ] hell I can’t remember anymore it was a show match between me oh good God my memory uhoh Nish I’m pretty sure uh who was there sauno was there um Josh SEI Nei Nez Nez is it okay that’s not her it was a guy it was a Tik Tok

Guy it starts with an N Nets Nats NS [ __ ] I can’t remember Avocado oh my God is M this guy this week Ninja Kitchen he was a guy that didn’t even have any [ __ ] audio when he was playing this guy sent me a machine called the creamy which makes ice cream gelato good God I’m not very good with names guys I’m

Sorry it was oh my God I I completely forgot about this but like I went um and didn’t you wear a vest laser tag I played laser tag with offline TV with like Pokemon um joaki uh uh liy Pichu honestly if I’m being honest to God

I was so out of it that day I was in automatic mode and I had the biggest social anxiety [ __ ] ever and I just I don’t know man yeah I was Frank this is daily OTV your daily fix of offline TV and Friends wait what the [ __ ] there a whole video to another

YouTube Video yeah it was this IM well God guys takes out in the in this discussion huge flank there from tauno and the rest of the squad this is so dangerous stun up caught out and ab you’re also the third Caster you’re also the strip writer Maggie you you pretty much do it

All but let’s see now what rzy and the rest of this squad can do the there in the play Fel perhaps Angel even and the cross trying to be cut the fast lane it’s the defense now with the backage 43 after everything done he tried to get towards the spike but it’s spicy

With take down and hit the push comes to shop spicy looking for a Target but doesn’t notice that there is still Demi nearby Demi again now trying to play clutch earling on a one3 it spicy from deep into the CT and into the ground come on me let’s go here going to be

Quick and he’s going to be spting off with with [ __ ] dude you know what they had a okay I don’t want to I don’t want to say anything I’m just saying I’m just saying we had no Pro Player they had a literal Pro Player okay in their team

They had a literal Pro player in their team already there the Finish off again I think that was presence surpr into what is going on theer taking wait I [ __ ] off to get back out four kills out for the off and even more near position your hands

IED I Ed and they didn’t put the cam on me that is insane did you know that they didn’t even put the cam on me like even once like like what the [ __ ] ster taking out a comeback here and a good answer back then from the defense the lock

Downs there toad for the stall event perfect chance now also um there was drama with the thingy uh with uh Conquest apparently apparently they heard that I talk [ __ ] because there was this guy that was extremely extremely making women uncomfortable and stuff like that and invited himself over for a

Lot of [ __ ] and I’m going to [ __ ] say right now they didn’t want to invite me for the second conquest or whatever the [ __ ] even if I was the number one [ __ ] valerant content creator in the Philippines or whatever I think I think a lot of things happen of the reason why

I [ __ ] hated valerin and one of those things is that I even if I was like one of the literal biggest one in the Philippines for [ __ ] valerant nothing literally nothing happened with that other people just because they knew somebody or they knew like somebody

Would get invited more than I would or I had nothing like just like somebody with 10 viewers no Community yet or I like even like two viewers literally zero sometimes um um they would like invite them for conference [ __ ] whatever for valerant then somebody like like dude what the [ __ ] like

Hello I honestly didn’t really care too much until like later on later later later on did I realize holy [ __ ] I [ __ ] hated here one I got I he didn’t want me to like be there just because like um some [ __ ] like that because I talk [ __ ] because one of their co-owners or

Whatever the [ __ ] was weird as [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] they were weird as [ __ ] they invited themselves over and they were weird um they were texting back and forth with somebody saying [ __ ] like I want her so bad like one of my friends like [ __ ] like that [ __ ] [ __ ]

Off and then the apparently there’s this drama people told me to Tea and [ __ ] like that and in the Philippines there’s so much weird [ __ ] people I don’t want even I don’t even want to go to the next conquest or any event in the Philippines [ __ ] is weird here so much

[ __ ] Demi leaking I don’t care they treated me like [ __ ] in Conquest I’m not going to that [ __ ] again spicy actually plant that Spike going down contact found spicy caught out by eone and Chris instead with the tra a chance though to pick things up all the opposite and actually

Retriev the spike here sa also they told me to delete the Tweet when I said like I feel so sorry for the people who are like I was complaining about the lines being crazy for the people that they had to they you know how hot it is in the

Philippines they told me to like delete the Tweet because they were like there’s already so much bad things about like the lines and [ __ ] can you delete the tweet like excuse me hello you’re not paying me [ __ ] hello you’re paying every other content creator and then you

Didn’t pay me they by the way they didn’t even pay me I didn’t get paid because they didn’t even want me to be there anyway but I went there anyway because I knew that there were people that wanted to meet me and I wanted to meet some people there anyway I’m never

Going through that [ __ ] again bodyguard towards his own or mate and over on the speedway now it’s also there were so many people in the event that the second floor was shaking that people were got got so [ __ ] scared that they had to leave the second floor and also

If you leave the second floor you had to reine for the opportunity the of you can’t just leave the event then Rego in Chey will be the rise of savy it’s all left now to new in the 1 V2 but Chris Ray is there it was

Insane I don’t know man so much [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] happed this yeah I don’t know dude it was insane girl almost destroys the button what one of Adrian’s deal break oh [ __ ] my food’s almost omg omg anyway I learned an important thing there is that I’m never really going to

Go to an event unless you’re [ __ ] paying me now CU if I have to deal with their [ __ ] and I have to like literally like okay listen I wouldn’t mind if they told me to like cut out the Tweet like delete the Tweet if at least if I was

[ __ ] sponsored [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m there as a guest and you’re telling me to delete the Tweet who the [ __ ] do you think you are [ __ ] weirdos what happened to myth by the way oh [ __ ] right new TSM house he is now under the same roof as his spb night teammates

Hamlins andan I would SE the failures of Las Vegas had been quickly forgotten with myth ending the month of May with his new personal best of 37,000 a 37,000 concurrent viewers a Feats only ever achieved by an extremely small number of streamers but as is often the

Case of creators the bigger they are the harder they fall and this month would prove to be the peak of M streaming career in terms of viewership and in the months following cracks would slowly begin to show what following his lack the performance at Las Vegas and a

Continuing emergence of new star players people in the fortnite community were beginning to ask questions in regards to the skill of myth was he really as good as everyone thought fortnite was no longer an underground game and most players have spend at least a couple months playing at this point yeah but

Like even if you’re not as good anymore as a pro player you still like get fans right right like there’s still personality to show case that literally like who there’s so many streamers that came from Pros that became variety streamers and they were successful doing

That no no no no Daxter that is not the case you could look at um kaid you could look at [ __ ] tens you could look at so many people in val not even just Valor in every single game that somebody pops off in like what do you mean just I

Don’t know just tell me how many CSO Pro players you follow nowadays but he wasn’t just like a pro player he was like just a streamer who was really good at it the skill Gap was beginning to close fast whilst a few months prior the average player base had no comprehension

Of how to build and struggled to even get a single win players were now beginning to catch up to the skill and knowledge was never an actual Pro he was somebody that was really good at the game run into players who had considerably less knowledge of the game

Than himself did he not talk to chat or something did he not interact with that’s why nobody like was like a really big fan of him or something all the time when somebody pops off you’ll have forever like subs or something like that was the best builder in the game

For a while until everyone caught up people just remember when he used to be amazing but it wasn’t just this post just a week later another viewer of myths would writes is TSM myth really good enough for a pro team the 17% win percentage and a 4.72 KD this season is

Just not good enough for competitive play but he’s somehow the team leader one of the biggest teams within fortnites L’s 17% win rate and 4.72 KD was far greater than what the vast majority of players could hold it was nowhere near good enough for someone wait so why did he switch to like

Variety and show more the best world came with unfathomable riches thus the competition when competing at the highest level got more and more competitive and of course with an Ever growing player base it was only natural more competition was going to arise for the first time viewers eyes

Were strain from Ninja and myth and on to other emerging new players who was starting to show Talent arguably far greater than myth and ninja ever displayed was myth had the occasional comedic moments in his content and a likable personality there was no denying that the main reason people came to

Watch his stream was because of his gameplay people wanted to see the best for player in the world and whilst this demand was fruitful when myth was regarded as the best in the game there was always the risk that if he was to full down the ranks his viewership would

Be in huge trouble other players were playing better than him getting more kills building faster winning more games bi could no longer provide the best gamep playay available for viewers to consume so naturally his audience would slowly lose interest my build battles from just a few months prior that were

JW dropping were no longer even remotely impressive and with the addition of building to the game an update which gave controller players far greater capabilities when building more and more players were able to build at a level that previously Jesus [ __ ] Christ status amongst the fortnite competive

Community and for the first time since bursting onto the scene in late 2018 myth would see a decrease in his average viewers on Twitch averaging 29,000 concurrent viewers and gaining 518,000 the fact that these numbers could be considered a down month just goes to show how astronomic n success was but as

M viewers were slowly decreasing there was another oh wait yeah it is because I have this video in one75 while previously the debate was always whether myth or ninja was the best player in the world myth wasn’t performing at a high enough level anymore and was no longer

In the ation for the best player in the world thus tfue would replace him as the new rival to ninja seeing the shift in attention on July 3rd if would take advantage of what could be considered negative and collaborate with tfue a collaboration that would go on to be his

Biggest video of all time the video consisted of the two battling in a new game mode released on fortnite called playground mode a mode that would turn out to be one of the most impactful updates that would ever grace the game mode allow players to create their own

Private lobbies but they could play with unlimited building resources prid us updates a player practice their building they would have to spend huge amounts of time in actual public game farming materials and were always at the risk of being killed now all of a sudden players

Could spam builds for hours on end this feature would see a dramatic increase in the skill level of the most dedicated comp would get however myth was still for to be Reed with proven by video released to his YouTube channel on July 29th that amassed 7 million views along

With this my had managed to slow the decline of his twitch Channel with him averaging around the same concurrent viewers as the month prior I would actually, insane to his twitch follow account this large edition of new followers a week later my would become the second most followed streamer on

Twitch of all time and in this month of August for the first time in a while myth would begin to take interest in other games than fortnite and would stream and upload content of him playing Rainbow Six Siege to his YouTube and twitch this was definitely a gamble considering this audience had almost

Entirely come from his fortnite stream however the video perform well on his YouTube channel amassing over 1 million views perhaps Smith saw the writing on the wall in terms of the longevity of his fortnite career considering increase in competition maybe his new growth strategy would be to become a variety

Streamer but it’s hard to tell considering the video was in fact sponsored perhaps myth was just securing a bag for a couple of days before returning to fortnite but it didn’t seem like a one-off as once again myth would show is intend to play games other than fortnite and would stream and upload

Content on Battlefield 5 however this was also sponsored interestingly the Battlefield 5 content would not be as well received as his Rainbow Six gameplay with a video posted to his YouTube getting just 240,000 views which was a large degrease in viewership compared to his fortnite content and on

Twitch much worse as his Battlefield stream would only get a view account of 6,000 which was a huge drop compared to that’s normal if you have like a really big main game and you’re doing an you’re doing an ad that’s just normal itly a good sign if myth had long-term

Aspirations of playing other games on stream the fortnite with that said myth would end the month of August once again in Decline and on the month PRI he managed to maintain his 28,000 average viewers in August that number would fall to 19,000 If This Were a normal

Situation that would of course be a super impressive number however in the context of myth he’ managed to lose practically 50% of his twitch average audience in just 3 months and all of a sudden the graph of his growth was stooping down menacingly but it got worse as just one month later in

September 2018 my’s average viewers had been cut in half once again from 19,000 average viewers to 10,000 and people were taking notice and on the 20th of September a somewhat Infamous Creator known as ex would post a video to his channel titled the mistake that cost

Myth his career in a video he would discuss the sharp decline in my’s viewership and followers citing the failures of the Las Vegas event the emergence of new players such as tfue and myth playing games other than fortnite well as the reasons as why he thinks myth is on the decline you would

Have told me that myth would start streaming games other than fortnite anytime soon I probably never would have believed you but I think in the long run making sponsored videos and doing sponsored streams for games that AR fortnite could hurt him if you’re known for something whether it’s a game or

Style of video and then totally Chang it up not as many people are going to be drawn in so taking a social media presence down the path of variety gaming could be very dangerous for him all of a sudden Mis declining statistics were brought to the Forefront of people’s

Minds as this video would go on to gain an extreme amount of attention with over 8 million views and viewers began to leave their own opinions in the comments it’s simple his career was based on fortnite myth’s Career didn’t stick The Landing this time M decided to try a new

Style of content on his YouTube channel and would release his first Vlog and it was a hit been watching streams since 2008 you holy [ __ ] were you back in the um just in TV days million views vastly eclipsing his other gaming content at the time a trend that would continue for

His following vog releases that month oh can you give some insight huge win for myth it’s not uncommon for Content creators to be carried by the games that they play but myth was showing that his audience were actually more interested in him and his personality than that of

His fortnite gameplay which would have been a huge relief I’m sure considering his recent decline on Twitch however despite Miss YouTube channel picking up once again the same couldn’t be said for his stream perhaps taking notes of ex’s criticism M had gone back to streaming almost entirely fortnites and only

Occasionally would play other games on stream however it wasn’t exactly working out well as despite devoting himself to fortnite miss viewers yeah I know Eric 1993 had to deal with so much [ __ ] like crazy ass [ __ ] said on streams if you’ve been watching since 2008 holy

[ __ ] you must have watch the crazy as [ __ ] this would still myth one of the biggest streamers on the platform and most streamers would be ecstatic with this kind of audience I doubt myth was particularly happy with these numbers considering that it had been just one

Year since his PE 2018 and he managed to lose almost 90% of to be fair 4,000 views is extremely good still audience things were changing in all aspects of myth’s life around this time he would find himself moving into a brand new TSM fortnite house and whilst you would

Expect this to be a positive change allowing my to Fresh up his there was a big problem his iconic teammates and F favorites they in hamlins were nowhere to be seen it would seem the good old days were over and whil myth was still playing fortnite regularly on stream if

There was any doubt left he wasn’t an elite player anymore it was completely gone proven when myth would have a 1 V one battle of an emerging 14-year-old Pro Player clicks and let’s just say myth got absolutely destroyed but despite myth’s obvious decline of skill he managed to maintain his 5,000 average

Viewers on Twitch B 5,000 is huge people probably weren’t watching him anymore for his gameplay ability who was obvious he was no longer the best in the game so posting those kind of numbers from personality is massively impressive whil maintaining his audience was good news M hadn’t seen any considerable upwards

Growth to his twitch audience since bursting onto the scene in 2018 and with fortnite’s only getting less fresh and less popular maybe playing just that on stream wasn’t such a good idea anymore and with that said s was one of the biggest streamers back in the day for

Player podcast men versus game myth would start mixing in other games alongside fortnite on his streams and it was working as myth would finally see Positive Growth to his twitch ending the year with an average of 8,000 viewers that’s still huge it still seemed unlikely that myth could ever get back

To a level of viewership and status that he once held during his Peak but that was until April 2020 when myth would take a huge risk over the entire month would barely play fortnite forite streaming the game just five times for the entire month instead focusing himself on a new game valerant

And if pushing fortnite aside for valerant will prove the pay off nicely and his viewers would rapidly rise 5x from the previous month huge seeing him average 32,000 live concurrent viewers in April alongside in anyway hining popularity maybe valant was to new Gold Mine the following month would see myth’s average

Viewers fall back down to 9,000 similar to his previous from I mean 9,000 is still easy really good the of of Valance release was still you can’t compare the peak with the average okay he peaked because he was like really good but like it’s still like [ __ ] 9,000 is

Still that means like really big even back in the day or even today’s likeing the same he was getting a couple months when he was mainly streaming fornite around this time my would release a video titled the current state of fortnite hinting at how disappointed he

Had become with the game as of recent and for the next three months myth will continue predominantly playing valerant and rarely streaming fortnite maybe myth didn’t need fortnite anymore and his statistics were backing that statement on the 22nd of July he would stream fortnite 9,000 Max viewers the next day

He would stream valerant 23,000 Max viewers enjo the game and he didn’t need to force himself the player to maintain the success of his career over the next half a year his viewers were holding strong with it I remember this I was there he actually would start growing jumping on

The trend the four guys Among Us and eventually rust proved to be a great choice myth and he would consistently see upwards growth until January 2021 when he would average 21,000 live viewers for the month with a handful of particularly successful Russ streams okay so I don’t understand how in 2023

He can average 50 viewers and fall off to just like being an XC thingy because now I don’t know anything about that so all I know is that um YouTube before YouTube was he doing good on Twitch 8 for January 71,000 Max viewers 9 for January 74,000 if now

Reached absurdly high levels of viewership on three different games in fre [ __ ] hell average of 880,000 in valerant and 50 in holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] different years this is not normal myth was living a dream he can play seemingly whatever game he pleased while still being one of the biggest dreams in the

World and was now blowing up again maybe exility was wrong after all maybe myth did make the right choice to Super variety content in fact it seems myth’s choice to play other games on stream than fortnite was actually beneficial to him true very beneficial show industry and the following month we see mix

Average viewers rapidly fall from 21,000 to 6,000 and whil in the past myth would bounce back from moments like this unfortunately this time would prove to be the beginning of a consistent decline in viewership that would continue from here onwards around this time myth would start to see his subscribe count on

YouTube begin to rapidly fall losing over 10,000 subscribers in most months the same would happen with his Twitter also leading thousands of followers and on Instagram he had lost around 50,000 followers every single month of 20 what that’s a huge [ __ ] decline 50,000 a month loss has to be Bots

Right that is insane1 so far his YouTube content have become more and more varied and he was now struggling to reach 20,000 views on videos even the fan favorite Vlogs which used to frequently attract millions of viewers seem to have lost their audience but did myth actually care maybe not he clearly

Enjoyed being a variety Creator and of course with masses of wealth he didn’t need to be concerned by the numbers and timately was a twitch streamer that’s what really mattered and he was still gaining new followers in almost every stream true however a months later in October 2021 bi’s average viewers per

Stream had now fallen to 3,000 the lowest still good that’s still pretty good night almost four years ago he fell off but like he’s still like in his good thing one day he be streaming to 2600000 It’s s to say his viip was very sporadic at this time things weren’t

Exactly looking promising with myth having a wobbly inconsistent audience every varied content and a stream that would continue to stagnate for the following months it would seem that myth was slowly Falling Into Obscurity I wouldn’t be making any headlines anytime soon but that was until July 2022 when

Myth would make a decision that would drastically change the future of his career as a streamer signing a deal with YouTube that would see him streaming exclusively on sge a platform with YouTube gaming versus abandoning his twitch Channel if made arguably the most important decision a big streamer will

Ever make in regards to their career stay on Twitch or sign I really hope the bag was worth it though into a competitor on a lucrative exclusivity deal and myth had chosen YouTube gaming over twitch his announcement would generate a massive buzz on Twitter with over 120,000 likes on his announcement

Tweet news of the announcement would make its way to Reddit and viewers were quick to give their opinions good move for him chance fresh start as his viewership stagnated even if it doesn’t work out still gets a large amount of money bag secured I remember him saying in offline chats that streaming isn’t

For him anymore it’s interesting to see YouTube signing myth his stream is not what it used to be numbers oh he just wants oh honestly I respect that [ __ ] like if he’s not into streaming anymore and he just wants a normal job and to just put

His hours in and then leave [ __ ] it dude he’s good for life that kind of bag is like really crazy star Starcraft tournaments would make twitch turn back in 2011 should used to lag the side oh my God yeah you were oh damn he went from 7 to 8K aage the chat

Rooms I forgot that you guys play the chat rooms is a much bigger brand name than his actual views he AES around 3K the last three months on Twitch so twitch has no reason to pay him big for exclusivity when there are thousands of streamers who bring more people to the

Platform and for YouTube he’s a brand named people like/ know even if they don’t watch him win-win for everyone despite M consistent decline of viewership and followers on his various social medias he managed to secure the bag yet again whil I can’t find exactly how much this steal was worth honestly I

Think he did amazing instead of like just like streaming for the rest of his life he got the bag and now he can do whatever he wants knowledge in the industry how lucrative these exclusive streamer deals are it was very likely that M was walking away with his pockets

Multiple millions of dollars if not tens of millions of dollars heavier after signing with YouTube but whilst the money was going to be huge there’s always a catch and it was no secret that moving from twitch to YouTube gaming was a challenge despite as many flaws yeah

He pretty much he could just CL US retired honest 75.6% of live stream viewership online twitch’s live viewers North that of YouTube gamings so naturally when big twitch streamers would move from twitch to YouTube they would often see a considerable dip of viewers and well as You’ expect that

Happened after an initial spark of Interest myth would quickly fall from the spotlight and less than a month after signing to YouTube he would upload a video titled this is why I fell off detailing the downfall of his career from his own perspective and I want to

Talk about what happened to my career this is like a question that get a lot like yo what happened myth why do you have this many viewers at this point versus this point what is going on this is the fortnite ERA this is our Peak we come down genuinely I think the main

Contributors to this were me not being able to to keep up hold that position as being a fortnite guy and being like successful and competitive as you guys know like I got a pretty laughable competitive history in fortnite I didn’t do well and there are a lot of things

That have to do with that honestly I feel like his personality is so strong the fact that he was even able to like be that big he can always get it back like literally one of them being I was young man I was when all this was going

On I was super young 18 or 19 he’s just older now he doesn’t have that momentum anymore and I wasant I my food’s I’m going to give him a tip he was very nice he smelled like coffee cocky I had all this success I’m man you I’m I’m doing this my way when

That happens if you’re in a position where like you’re just an arrogant ass teenager and you’re getting all this success it’s going to be easy for that success to slip out of your hands I feel like if you’re not genuinely looking at yourself in the mirror and being like

Hey how could I improve who should I be listening to How Could I get helped to keep this going and that’s kind of who yeah I don’t know I honest to God I was that’s like a personality flaw on me though I never wanted help I never

Wanted to have to rely on somebody else for the answers I genuinely think if I was a little bit less arrogant was more accepting the help I probably would have not had this decline that we see here throughout you know August September into early 2019 but with that being the

Case we had declining viewership it happened I had a really a rough time dealing with um you know the Public Public words and public perspective and being someone in this industry you have a you you know at the caliber that I was there’s a lot of people that have their

Opinions and as much as you to you it got to me man there were a lot of moments where I was I would be sitting staring at the go live button and I would just cry I would really break down because I knew that right as soon as I

Go live I was going to get on I was going to be told myself I was going to be told that I’m worthless and that I should quit I’m still greatly greatly appreciative for the success that I had and the success that I still have without my past I wouldn’t be the person

That I am today and I genuinely think going through the highs and the lows genuinely made me a better person at the end of the day having everything and then getting it taken away from you or not taken away from it but like you losing it at your own hand is such a

Humbling experience and I am kind of happy that it happened that was our past but now we’re here and I’m done looking at the past moving over to YouTube is something that happened recently that entire transition for me honestly feels like I’m hitting a reset button I’ve had

All this success and everything but now I get to really work from the ground up and rebuild the community that I feel like I never got the opportunity to build a lot of the people that watch me for fortnite and maybe you’re someone that was there in the past watched me

Because I was the fortnite guy I was crazy I was cracked at the game or whatever but a lot of people then didn’t necessarily watch me for who I was or were there long enough to learn about who I was you was were quick to showare that’s a pool an appreciation for myth

In the comments of this video this is a really mature video I can’t imagine how painful it would be to do an introspective like this hope you have great success in the future maybe things W so bad after all and well my it achieved most creative dream I [ __ ] up

The sauce went everywhere in my keyboard [ __ ] this is bad this is so bad this is kind of disgusting oh she’s like stupid [ __ ] it’s like all [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] God I’m pissed I’m [ __ ] pissed this spell is one of the biggest streamers in the world

Think he 12 months one year thank you content yeah but I’m streaming right now I can’t just [ __ ] cleaning right now I have a taking part in’s highly anticipated mul chess boxing championship the event was held in front of a live audience of 10,000 fans with more than half a million people watching

At home the stakes were high and with past memories of Las Vegas 2018 with viewers claiming myth couldn’t take the pressure he had a lot to prove and well he was brilliant myth would defeat his opponent and viewers were heing praised towards him great fights myth was a

Beast myth was an absolute tank I was proud of my and I hope he continues his boxing career perhaps boxing was the new way forward for myth after all there’s huge money and viewership in the business and judging from his debut my looked like he could be one of the best

Influencer boxers around if he put the work in eventually he would return home and react to his boxing match in a video that would basty outperform his other content but then the dust would sett good God here’s a crazy build though was it you got a new tattoo damn where much

Different video than usual titled I figured it out where he would Express his desire to to take his content in a New Direction moving forward for a long time I didn’t know what type of content I wanted to make after fortnite and after valerant I want to move to do

Something that makes me a little bit more happy I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to help the future creators of the world have the knowledge that I have throughout the next few months or so you guys will start seeing some content upload to the channel that’s

Just me sitting down dissecting and going over certain topics that will help you in your journey as a Creator the video fing this lived up to M of intent for Change and instead of his usual gaming content it was much more serious and mature where myth would sit down and

Talk to the camera for 10 minutes giving tips on what he feels upcoming creators need to succeed this was such a why did he do that that is not a good idea you should have made an old account for this [ __ ] like a completely different account this is a complete

Different like not everybody gives a [ __ ] about um being big and streaming and [ __ ] like that here’s the thing here’s the thing my opinion my opinion my no no no no no Jen win J wait wait wait hear me out hear me out hear me

Out the reason why I have that take is because you have this boom where fortnite valerant [ __ ] um uh whatever his variety and you see this viewership right you can see his big ass [ __ ] actually this is humongous and you only get this one and you can play valerin

And there’s still fortnite viewers in the valerin but it’s still a huge new one variety of so you get this this is your current viewership right now from your Peak from your everything and your whatever now with that small thing how many do you think wants to be a content

Creator so boom cut that out as well hello he just like cut out his majority of his subscribers completely gone in the current landscape of content creation it would see myth was about to head down an entirely New Path of his content also most people who do this

Kind of content never even get that much back and continue to PO more gaming highlights and viewership remains sporadic one video would hit 100K views the next would barely break 10K but that wouldn’t stop myth and he would continue to upload and stream frequently however despite his consistency his views

Continue to fall further and further and his YouTube channel wouldn’t see a single month of growth since streaming fulltime on the platform for over a year in fact he was often losing tens of thousands of subscribers which brings us to October 2023 where Miss viewership would reach alltime low

By this point myth’s YouTube uploads were struggling to reach even 5,000 views numbers perhaps hard to Fathom considering myth had 4.4 million subscribers and used to average over 1 million views per video to be streams were doing better right well not exactly by this point myth could often be seen

Streaming to an audience of under 100 people with his chat essentially at a standstill and restricted to members only things had changed a lot sure YouTube had a smaller audience of live viewers than twitch so lower views would only was a far fall from the 3,000 viewers myth was averaging before

Leaving twitch this viewers of myth may had stumbled across his channel seeing him live to under 100 viewers and wondered what happened 5 years ago myth was the seconder in the world the leader of the TSM fortnite team gaining hundreds of thousands of followers per month on Twitch and at one point could

Be seen streaming 165,000 live viewers how could myth go from such Heights to streaming to such a small amount of people it seemed myth had checked out of the streaming game he was playing what he wanted and clearly wasn’t optimizing his stream for growth surely it was only

A matter of time before Miss viewership would fall to zero well that certainly wasn’t a case as on October 27th fortnite would make a huge announcement revealing that the game would be going back to its original Roots rolling back the clock to 2018 with the release of

Fortnite OG scheduled for the 3rd of November and myth was ready for the Nostalgia hit and on release day would stream the game to his audience and of course with myth being one of the most iconic players at the early days of fortnite myth viewers ship with

Skyrocket and and he could be seen streaming to at least 3,000 live viewers with his chat open back up to the general audience alongside this myth’s first upload on fortnite OG would quickly amass over 400,000 views and his channel would finally see Positive Growth with him gaining over subcrib in

Just myth didn’t indulge himself in the numbers and whilst he could have dedicated himself to fortnite OG and continued inflating his audience myth would quickly push the game aside and play the new Call of Duty release on stream and his viewership would quickly come falling down once again and it

Would seem M Grove would be shortlived and he was happy to go back to playing a variety of games that he enjoys even if it meant his viewership I think this guy’s click so in the coming months it’s important to remember this objectively myth is one

Of the greatest streamers of all time in all of streaming history there’s very few people who have ever streamed to the size of audiences that myth has or generated the amount of wealth that he has in this industry from riding the unprecedented hype train of fortnite

Myth was always going to be fighting an uphill battle maintaining his success after all where else is there to go when you’re this far at the top and while Smith could have played it safe and continued to play for holding more consistent audus and his aspirations of being a

Variety streamer despite the risks Al I’m sure there may be times when myth finds himself looking over to his second monitor looking at the number of VI watching wondering how things change I feel like they he went to his stream like probably in his intro like [ __ ] from those years ago at the

End of the day or he’s doing an ad sits back remembers just how much he’s achieved and then reminds himself that even if his viewers were to fall to zero he’d still be one of the highest paid streamers in the world thanks to his YouTube contract myth game he saw he

Conquered and he secured the bag I had a lot of great times with this game but man I had a lot of dark times when it came to being in this industry and playing this game bro that I just don’t even like thinking about really makes me

Sad bro and like the main thing is is like sometimes I get mad about it cuz I’m like damn bro what should have been the greatest time of my life is unfortunately clouded with these dark memories like this this real in depression that I had over this game and

The only reality of it is you know I just had to be stronger as a as a young dude you know cuz the world isn’t going to get softer for you but obviously that’s an unfair thing to ask an 18-year-old you know but there’s a lot

Of learning and I’ve learned a lot of great life lessons through this game and I’m grateful for every every trial and tribulation that I’ve gone through wouldn’t change anything if I had to go back just telling you guys that like me my in chest heavy it’s just memories

That’s all I’m in a great place right now I’m glad I got to express that to you guys right now cuz I don’t think I’ve ever had an opportunity to express that the way that I’ve wanted to before I don’t wish for anything to be different unless we get at hiding your

What did you learn from Val that um let me think let me clean while I say this that um hold on I need to turn off my keyboard and [ __ ] clean the [ __ ] this is disgusting I think that as much as just numbers and money is nice when it comes

To streaming and whatever um as long as I could afford to live in a place where I like and enjoy myself and I could buy like good food um I’m happy so like I okay I know a lot I a content creator actually told me that I [ __ ]

Suck because my concept or my dreams of what I want from streaming is so small and that I could have been like a really big streamer or whatever to [ __ ] and because I’m more like I don’t farm that many like things for like Community basis because

I I get it like I’m a very analytical person when it comes to like streaming and [ __ ] like I can understand why things happen to other people and I could understand why they’re not popping off or something like that uh no it wasn’t well um but my goals when it

Comes to streaming is to not be the biggest but I just want to be content with my chat with what I’m doing and whatever and I wasn’t content with chat joining valerant and it made me realize that even if I’m making bank and I’m making good money the amount of money I

Want to like make when it comes to streaming it literally for me made me so [ __ ] depressed that I just wanted to quit streaming altogether because I didn’t have the chat that I wanted and whatever so um care to spare any of those unused tips for grow

And so yeah I I in my opinion as much as like viewership and and subscriber counts or whatever like it it’s nice it’s a great motivator for sure but if I don’t press live and I’m not happy with the things that I see in chat then there’s no point in pressing

Live I wasn’t good at Val I was okay with Val but the content I made v b was like interacting with other people and slowly and slowly um I I honestly don’t think I had any issue with the game itself I think I was coping during the time that it was

Valerant itself rather than my own Community genuinely I think that it it got to me so hard that I was trying to cope where it was other it was other factors as well but I could not handle going live and having to ban like so many people like just daily the Discord

Was full of kids and [ __ ] like that and they were being weird and the sexual like the sexualization doing like what I do and then hearing the same thing over and over same joke over and over I feel like the bigger streamer you are the

More thicker skin you have to be and I didn’t have that kind of thick skin where I could like just pretend like yeah I am 45 years old again and again and again and again and again and again I couldn’t do it I couldn’t do

It also I think I left at the perfect time I wish the only thing I wish that I’ve done is that I wish I doubled down and um made videos when I popped off I wish I didn’t take those long breaks I I needed those long breaks for my mental

That’s for sure but I think I killed my own channel and my own stream because of how much breaks I I did but then again I wouldn’t even be here right now if it wasn’t for those breaks because I went through oh my God I had this whole like

Self rev I was like prior I was prioritizing myself like crazy I was like I was living I was actually living my life going outside cooking I was having such a great break I I put myself first and everything which I never did and honestly coming back with a fresh start especially that

I okay here’s also I took a long enough break where the people who followed me for valerant and only valerant is completely gone there’s some few people that still think that I play valerant which is unfortunate for them I feel bad I never blame people for that because

Like literally they’re just fans and I feel bad you know what I mean um however uh it is what it is I don’t know there’s no shot you’re 45 you look so young oh no that’s a joke I’m 23 24 but I I don’t regret I I don’t regret

Anything from the valerant experience um however it made me realize that people are so [ __ ] fake I hated streamers during that time I didn’t interact with anybody because of that [ __ ] but now I’ve opened up I’ve opened up again I’ve had fun again and etc etc I follow you because of K4

Y I follow because of P hi hi but yeah um I’m a lot happier now and I’m a lot more content with the things I do on stream um I just I just W I didn’t want to I didn’t like the I have a lot of respect for a lot of like

Uh people in the valerant community and how they did it and what they did with their Community thingy and whatever and some people F fell off and didn’t do anything with their growth or whatever I like to think that it was a starting stone for me to realize what I wanted

From stream because not everybody has an opportunity to just blow up like that you know what I mean like um like 250,000 like subscribers in YouTube is insane amount same with Tik Tok I had like 250,000 and like boom boom boom one mil one mil again and again and it was a

Good good experience I’m good now uh I I I like to chill out I’m okay with um yeah I’m good I don’t want to blow up like that ever again like that especially of a One Gamer kind of game cuz holy mother of God the amount of brainlets is

Insane the M the amount of like people who don’t use their brains when they come from YouTube or some [ __ ] like that is insane over 90% of streamers only have one viewer yeah I know I’m still proud I’m very like happy where where I’ve been I

Could have been like I know what I could have been but I wouldn’t have been happy in that ending you know what I mean I wouldn’t have that in that ending of me doing that and doing everything for the views and for the money I wouldn’t be proud of who I am

Streaming for and who is viewing my [ __ ] yeah okay yep that’s my that’s my that’s my thingy that’s what I’ve learned when it comes to like valerant and me popping off in this one game or something like that that’s the truth that’s what I told

Myself at the end of the day I was here this is where I was What mattered back then was winning how you me PSP uh zoy wanted me to play lethal company and he invited PSP that’s All and then it just turns out that we have the same and right as soon as I wasn’t the absolute best or arguably the best it switched up so then imagine if I would have came out and started fun fact I knew PSP before he started streaming

And I was actually a follower of him back in the day of Twitter I was a huge fan of his like little csgo videos cuz I’m I’m a huge CS fan talking about my emotions while people are already dogging me nah bro I unfollow you’re asking water down yeah I unfollowed when

He’s I I remember when he started streaming and Then followed because he like didn’t interact with chat back in the day he’s a complete different streamer from when he started from now I’m glad that he he uh you know I’m not a jackass I would be more of a jackass but

I like dude you don’t no he ignored all of Chad back in the day so like I said I wouldn’t change anything do you want to know what means a lot more to me you know it’s so full circle man I don’t even know how many people we got

Watching right now but I think it means a lot more telling it to you guys that are here right now whatever amount of people that is than it would have been to tell 30,000 people that cuz now I know you guys are really listening so God bless y’all man thank you for being

Here a I think tonight the one guy everybody’s been waiting to see play is TSM myth over here can I hear it in the house how many of you guys are here waiting for myth to do some domination tonight do we have any myth fans in the

House let’s go baby let’s go damn GG bro oh you had be there I choked my Shot he kept bu building up and building up and building up and I couldn’t catch him no a his kid laugh did you refollow him yeah after I met him again oh he’s in YouTube That’s why listen listen I dude okay back in the day two PSV streams were so [ __ ]

Dank that I I could I got a headache from it and that’s probably also why I [ __ ] holiday theme oh [ __ ] this one someone who doesn’t have a j yeah his old overlay was [ __ ] mental you prob you guys there you guys wouldn’t know welcome what the

[ __ ] button speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person get out of here if two two people can last on a date for 10 minutes they win an all expenses paid second

Date this is the button hi really hi nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you my name is Walken nice to meet you my name is Amy Amy yes he where you from Amy I am I was not expecting that kind of face under that mask I was

About to say oh he’s doing the mask k w like he can like 100% like get somebody from that from Queen an I don’t know what queen an is I’m sorry we are currently in Queen an okay cool cool cool Amy ask him why his outfit yes why

Why the space suit why the astronaut a lot of people are are interested in outer space and I’m interested in Inner Space okay tell me more people look they see space and the Stars they see all this stuff and they’re like really turned on by it and I’m kind of

Disgusted by the negligence of out the use of money she is staring that button down how’s your weekend been so far I’ve I’ve been pretty good I celebrated my friend best friend’s birthday yesterday oh Taurus okay I saw a murder last night attempted murder I was filming a video in

California and I saw a man get shot in the neck and now we’re trying to sell it to a news station it’s absolutely batshit crazy yeah I think she’s weirded out by me yeah obviously no so why did you press on please he’s not going to stay in the

Show right did he they let him like come on let her go please I immediately I knew you were not interested right off right off the bats just because you thought that I wasn’t interested that’s why you didn’t want to continue conversation yeah I mean I’m trying to

Get married and have like a 100 kids so like why waste each other’s time I respect that I hope you have fun on your next day thank you hello good afternoon oh good afternoon what your name Ida Ida walking nice to meet you nice to meet you are you each other’s

Typ you can say no it’s okay I know yeah you’re not dude he’s so creepy he’s so creep creepy man he’s one of those dudes that are creepy and no he doesn’t know it and he thinks that like God I’m such a nice guy I don’t [ __ ] get it what doesn’t women like

Me my type off of like first where’s myug I this type is someone funny confident and not afraid to show emotions does that describe you w so well into like the extreme aspects what do you mean extreme extr if like I’m heavily invested in someone like if I’m

Actually seeking to build a future with them like I I give them all of me how soon do you give all of you that’s what I’m struggling with I’m sure he’s like I think he’s just a troll there’s no way he’s actually like this right like very

Soon uh I’d yeah I’d say probably I’d say it’s yeah love bombing but not but not from a place of why did you I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up bad I bought a a whole serving for beef bulgogi and I didn’t I think I bought the only the beef and not the [ __ ]

Solo thingy [ __ ] well now I don’t have rice now I’m sad no R not want to go on a date with me like you said you love hard M I don’t want to break anyone’s heart cuz I’m not at that point right now okay thank you watching thank you thank God he’s

Gone what’s your name I’m Ida I’m Dominique nice to meet you how old are you I’m 26 how old are you I’m 32 what are you two looking for in a relationship both look so [ __ ] 32 wow he looks so young I’m a tender person man I need somebody to be tender

With me man I used to be out in the streets was you a hoe never been I never been I don’t got a large number what about you so I want someone same as you like kind of like like caring but also like grow together just don’t be on your

Suck [ __ ] like I really just don’t like that kind of stuff I met grown ass men that are children okay wait they’re hit it off okay I mean how do you how much do you understand what they going through if you’re in a predicament where you’re trying that’s not I will never

Jump that but if you’re a person who chooses to sit on your ass and be in home all [ __ ] day while someone’s working oh I can’t find out cuz you’re just looking on your phone who the [ __ ] are the people talking in the background shut the [ __ ]

Up upop they’re recording hello no get up off your ass do some [ __ ] you can find other job like you know like work through it go ahead that’s mine and that’s not that’s and I’ll tell you good God she kept on [ __ ] talking man why

Didn’t she learn when to stop why I did it I think that you have to come to a term of forgiving people for not being their best selves and that’sa was that surprising yeah I kind of like you a little bit anyways nice to meet you bye enjoy thank you how you doing

Hello Dominique nice to meet you yeah that’s it talk about what was your name again Yaya Yaya mm Yaya question for you is [ __ ] do you know that means like made or like something like that in Filipino [ __ ] that’s un unfortunate is what is like your ideal for State it’s not this

No M will be uh I like the water I like to look at the water wake for or wake surf or okay I just like would you try it I would yeah okay yeah I’m down to bust my ass I don’t know if the Box wants to say

It but I don’t really like city girls city girls okay I think like the stipulations that come along with that is is kind of dumb like a New York City girl like no no like what okay so what do you mean you so City girl City girl

Is kind of like uh fly me out do this do this do this this like wait I’m sorry why why is that a city girl like it’s not that not just that let me finish like the intentions is not to actually get to know you just have this standard that is not understanding

Okay oh [ __ ] me this is not nice meeting nice not to be weird or nothing just that was a little weird but okay [ __ ] H that was uh that was odd that was really weird I didn’t like that hello he was good at night he just [ __ ] up no what are

Those what the [ __ ] is he W what is that so Adrien says the only reason not to dat him is the size of his gross apartment apartment oh ew it looks so disgusting dude good god oh Lord my apartment is 270 sare e it looks like his teeth got

Rotten it’s a little small bed’s a twin but uh you know you have a bathroom yes and I have inunit washer dryer have a stove pairs of shoes you know it’s all fit do you um I guess like have you been dating like are you a cial dater

[ __ ] Jesus Christ like are you a Serial dater [ __ ] hell they broke the button you two went hard tell each other tell me why I don’t know I just wasn’t giv the vibe yeah I wasn’t giving you the vi I just I just wasn’t there it was

His grills yeah it was nice Mee nice hi hi what’s your name Adrian Adrian you what’s your name Jen it’s like alien with a J right yes probably the first time you heard it huh no because I tell everyone that oh really I like because they don’t know how to pronounce it

Because it’s either Jillian or something jayen probably a lot of Jalen guys don’t be mean don’t that you have the gr yeah no I work at Geico I’m like a clean trainer oh so you could teach me about insurance I could teach you about insurance know all about insurance I

Want you to teach her about insurance in a sexy oh my in a sexy voice man you know you got a scenario scenario someone get hit by a car now what someone call you hey someone hit my car what do I do what’s the next step dang okay I’d be like damn

Someone hate your car I really just don’t have a sexy one of Adrian she’s so nice though I feel like she’d be a great friend deal breakers someone who doesn’t have a j o yeah someone who doesn’t have a job honest to God true I would never date

Somebody without a job at 23 or like 24 I’m 24 now I wouldn’t want to date somebody who didn’t have a job have a job you don’t have a job I take it back whatever nice thing I said I take it back holy [ __ ] remember when I said she was cool

Yeah I take it back I wouldn’t be dating anybody who was in college anyway yeah but I would never scream like that in public in front of some guy that was a d really just don’t have a sexy one of Adrian’s deal breakers is someone

Who does would you take 1 million but no Photoshop for 3 days I don’t even use Photoshop so yeah sure you think I photosho my photos or some [ __ ] like oh no no always me I can’t use Photoshop no no what the [ __ ] do you think what what do you mean for funny

Images doesn’t have a j o b yeah someone doesn’t have a job is have job you don’t have a job [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah sorry button I’m Elizabeth Elizabeth I’m Adrian nice to [ __ ] up meet you you I always like to ask people this question I know it’s super random but would you choose

Waffles or pancakes oh waffles for sure waffles that’s like I love waffles pancakes I don’t know they’re not as fluffy they don’t have the nice fluff to them I feel like pancakes are fluffier than waffles what are you talking about Ellas could you be honest with the chat

Is 14 in your account username because you’re 14 waffles they have those little indents so when I’m spreading my Nutella on them like I get a big bite of just labor yeah you’re good I feel like the Romantic chemistry like just isn’t there for me I feel that for sure it we

Were what are you looking for right now Elizabeth lowkey a husband I’m at a point in life forever trying to find a husband in a video called the cut button for no way no oh way that’s some level of desperation I’ve never seen before really want to meet like someone special

To spend life with hi hi I’m Max I’m Elizabeth nice to meet you Elizabeth I love your hair thank you I feel like I feel like people who go into the show because are people who want to be clouded or like be Cloud they just have

Cloud you know what I mean like oh I’ve been in this video I I wanted to be in this video wanted to show like actually now that I think about it you know you’re being videoed why the [ __ ] would you make yourself a [ __ ] fool online for forever to like see for

People to see beautiful and youring are also really great thank you so much okay I got a question okay what kind of porn do you to watch buy needs to learn how to shut the [ __ ] up uh whatever’s on the front page honestly as long as it’s like that’s lazy I I

Know I’m just like get it done quick I’m sorry I don’t really watch porn I have like out of curiosity checked it out but I shut up it’s not really miss you’re trying to look for a [ __ ] husband you’re look like you look like you’re in your 28

Late 20s there’s no [ __ ] way for me I feel like my imagination is enough usually what are your biggest insecurities I think my biggest insecurity is probably like my hair actually I have yeah I have like four calic really it’s under your eyes Under nose under God why did you say it like

That [ __ ] so I have two back here that kind of alfalfa wait can you turn around yeah yeah I’ll show you I’ll show you oh I mean I don’t I feel like I wouldn’t have noticed that like otherwise my Barbers know what they’re doing I’ve had

The same hair for like a long time really I had this short in like fourth grade and then after that I was like know fun fact about Max he has sold video games to MTV and Nickelodeon like ones that you created yeah yeah in high school I made like the flash games that

You know you play in like the libraries and made like 10 to 14,000 junior year yeah do you play a lot of video games now I it comes in waves I think I tend to be like more active outside or like reading right now I’m working on a

Science fiction book so I want to eat this so bad What zo is do you like Star Wars then I’m not like super into Star Wars but I love to like sit down I like to sit down watch I’ve just seen like the OG Star Wars like movie I love that as a kid Elizabeth wants to get married she’s

Ready to settle down i’ expect zo to have a bigger ass than that if I’m being honest well I I don’t want kids like now now but like in four or five years fair fair so what when are you looking to get married though that’s my question is

There like a specific timeline or I don’t want to like rush anything there no Wedding Bells next year then unless it works probably not that would be a little insane I’ve lit up red a few times nobody’s me YouTu vibing yeah I’m having fun I like I hate that you can

Hear the YouTube vibing I think you’re pretty cool I’m going to light up red one more time if you don’t press me I’m going to consider it a match or think you’re to Prime for 26 months my hands are up here up your it’s love there’s going to be Wedding

Bells year I predict it I’m never wrong you get out of here you Jesus [ __ ] Christ I dare you to kiss me blind dates play fear P holy [ __ ] guys I need your honest opinion should I go with the [ __ ] okay I was thinking of getting one piercing now only one I actually

Think I would look really good with just the one a one p I think I’m going to do it I think I’m going to do it I’m going to do it guys I’m going to do it I think it would look good how many person do you have I have

In my ears just one do it see first message my friend dated a girl for a year and married her in the second year and they are happily married and together wow what the [ __ ] wow oh yeah Jesse said he’d like it that me what is his channel I’m scared

To click that link if I’m being not yeah what the [ __ ] that’s some fetish [ __ ] it’s some fetish content for one second I thought she was a 3D model like at know this realistic [ __ ] 3D models I didn’t know that she was actually real yeah this is fetish

Content no the reason why the reason why people are into latex is because some people like things constricting and [ __ ] guys I have a t i have a wait what time is it wait what time is Block Wars again oh [ __ ] I don’t even know I didn’t pay attention [ __ ] it is at

It’s in 1 hour from now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who’s living twitch valerant there were so many the greatest mob tagging ability in this game’s history World of Warcraft fortnite V hi Lily maula Ma you know so many people have like good God that’s been like three

Favorites already oh [ __ ] the next one is by is two oh my God her nails are so cool it’s so cool look at her look at her ring oh my that’s so cool it’s so cool she signed it want some figure I’m not I don’t have a churo [ __ ]

Fetish guys I was only addicted to churo for one weak and that was it I don’t even feel like eating it no more what game is this mini cross word I’m so good at cross word wait what is this side o let me try let me try the

Mini oh wait right my keyboard is disconnected I forgot I forgot the mini cross word New York Times uh play without an account [ __ ] off okay when repeated a sarcastic laugh a you scuff you across you Huff you you six across they’re listed on a dating

Profile I don’t I’ve never seen a dating profile Disney film with the hit we don’t talk about Bruno oh oh um don’t tell me I know it was um Tanto and Eno [ __ ] okay isn’t it Am I Wrong Am I Wrong I’m pretty sure it’s that I don’t

Know how this spell can I Google am I allowed to Google I’m Googling it Eno holy [ __ ] I was [ __ ] right jerk faces [ __ ] turns in Wheel of Fortune um lady lady oh a droop what the [ __ ] is a droop wheel covers I don’t know uh month uh neighbor to South oh

Sh i H bringing under control within what does that mean what the [ __ ] does that mean oh like you’re calm calm oh you what’s another way to be calm you have a oh wheel covers is like the tire covers I don’t know [ __ ] ships call for help not B is it

Low so do coo to yo ho oh my God I don’t remember Yeo is it Ho po yo to ro Co O So ho Jo Zo is it B yeeh ho you Yeo right oh [ __ ] is wrong jerk faces is not an [ __ ] how not okay ships call for help Oh technically SOS is not only for every like technically you know Taylor’s Edge how about how about uh jerk faces idiot jackass oh is it Jackass that works okay um Taylor’s Edge ped K C wedge is it wedge that doesn’t sound right this doesn’t sound right Dude b v g hedge s j ledge second most common last name in England oh [ __ ] me but not I don’t smoke Warwick um fifth in the the United States what are common last names sand I can’t do this Sanchez no it’s an e that’s also that’s like there’s no way

Ow there’s no way this is Santo Santo it has to be S no way no way jerk faces [ __ ] oh my God jerk faces [ __ ] they’re listed on a dating profile um preference [ __ ] no dude this is so hard um they’re listed in on a dating profile name age location loc G genders

H H hobes hen four down second most common name John Jo Jo Jones is it Jones It’s Not hen Warwick Jones Eric Jones there’s no way maybe it’s not [ __ ] hen is it not hen Taylor’s Edge you maybe it’s a h he Hep [Laughter] hepatitis yeah Indiana Jones is it a

Hex there’s no way because then nine would what the [ __ ] is nine no wait no way five down comedian homes and davidon I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is HEB h h h h h I think it’s Jones meet meet us that does sound right maybe it’s not Jones Bones Bones

Jones only makes sense in my brain Metal Head Metal no jerk faces they are good God why is it so hard jerk face you’re a jerk face that means you’re [ __ ] meat Head meat no meanies maybe it’s a meanies jerk face you meanies maybe meanies but then one down would not make it let’s see no way okay one down Gizzy think it’s 9 months nine months pagers you repeated C is left turns in Wheel of Fortune Sandy okay it’s Ser to

Pee pop can what they do in Wheel of Fortune you turn the wheel you guess you turn the wheel spin the wheel pob caps what what the [ __ ] is PB cap PB capap Pub caps no way she still thinks it’s her the pee hub caps what the [ __ ] is a hubc cap Oh no right right Am I Wrong H I think that’s right I think I’m going to guess the three down bringing under control within Santos why did I B e what what is that the NES the NES fin Finn oh um droop soup [ __ ] me Dro sus sex [ __ ] no s so s

Sag AB guys I think I’m mint betes mint Petes mint ketes jubilee it’s over for me it’s so over for me oh communed holes and Davidson okay Midas Midas petus Peter R this what the [ __ ] is that A oh no B yo oh my God oh my [ __ ] God Bia beside mon boss oh right guys heia I can’t do this guys I can’t I can’t do this I can do this I’ll do the number one first sarcastic laugh h right or maybe it’s a Ha Al Albania Oh my God okay Three Down Under Control Is guys I think I’m [ __ ] dyslexic what Hing heing wait but there’s an ey in the next what that doesn’t make sense hanging what does horses wear cloes a satchel who oh my God oh my God oh my God bringing under control within within medicine I don’t [ __ ] get it oh do

Four mint Jew I don’t drink guys um me Mentos what do you wear a climbing Gear what do you wear when a climbing wall climbing climbing gear harness a harness right what dude am I dumb am I dumb guys wait bringing under control Within meditation caling one AC maybe it’s not h beaning Bean bugging save me use the loading toggle please H begin you can do five betes bees petties peties pets Holmes and Davidson peets [Laughter] oh for mint julip mint julip minul Min julip julip julip Min julip no way meop J oh that makes sense I think guys what the [ __ ] R ring Oh I did it in the beginning guys I did it I did it we did it we did it we did it I did it oh hi kingle bb boops okay countries East um where uh I’m not good I’m not good at this [ __ ] oh guys I can’t do this anymore I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t this is too embarrassing this is like actually so [ __ ] embarrassing I can’t [ __ ] do this right now Georgia is in Asia oh good

God I can’t dude I can’t I I haven’t looked at the map for so long I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t do this guys I can’t do this guys I’m freaking the [ __ ] out dude Laos is small right oh my [ __ ] god

Oh my god dude can I do can I I think I’ll be better in Europe dude dude this is really [ __ ] bad oops Sry Lebanon Lebanon is that small I have no idea oh guys I’m part Pakistani oh good God for Yi I’m I’m dude dude I can explain I can explain dude please guys let’s try to us watch this Hello Panda New Jersey I was so close Indiana I don’t remember how when Clon Alabama Dr Panda think it’s going to tier one or DX Panda Alabama Florida Texas Alabama Oklahoma or oh

Oh dude guys give me a moment hi Nightmare Ohio oh I don’t know where this is South W West down Idaho sounds like it would be a cold State okay yeah I was right but Yeah South Dakota Kansas Utah Texas Missouri illino my [ __ ] god thank you so much for 10 gifted Subs what the hell thank you can I have a doodle now okay watch this watch the master in painting right now guys KS sent me a photo oh [Laughter] [ __ ]

Watch this you guys are not ready you guys are not ready for this doodle right now oh wait [ __ ] I owe other people too watch this watch this Boom the banks wait and then The wait no no guys I think I need to start with the eyes wait wait wait wait let me start with the eyes oh wait a minut O who wait a minute wait I’m actually kind of cooking hold on hold on wait I’m actually kind of [ __ ] cooking hold the [ __ ] on wait let me delete that let me erase eraser White Bam s sus she sus of somebody hold on I [ __ ] up the thingy wait guys I’m actually kind of cooking no draw her pregnant okay well what the why did you say that oh by the way guys rainow is going to be uh we’re going to be playing

Minecraft together in like a 30 minutes or so literally Laoren what do you want me to draw you as by the way dude wait my [ __ ] Mouse skills are [ __ ] insane wait I don’t know how to draw horns holy [ __ ] she has like fat ass horns hold on how do I draw that how do I draw

That yeah I could draw your profile picture how do I draw the hor I think I cooked I think I [ __ ] cooked dude I was not actually expecting me to be able to draw no way wait wait I actually popped off I actually [ __ ] popped off dude holy [ __ ]

Damn yeah I’m a connoisseur of the mouse expertise how do I sh that guys guys how do I do this guys don’t say anything about the horn dude listen it’s like a it’s like a shrim it looks like oh my [ __ ] God I do that so bad I don’t know how to

Explain it it’s like oh my God it’s those like the the the C cucumber thingy that looks like a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my the one remember the one oh [ __ ] know I [ __ ] up let me redo it yeah from the one from the short [ __ ] boom boom

Boom let me do that one again it’s because like it’s cuz like I don’t know man that’s how it looks like no am I wrong yeah it looks better H this is rainho rainho rain oh yeah guys I’m pretty good at join yeah I’m I’m pretty good at join holy

[ __ ] thank you so much 1 th000 bits I’m having too much fun with this I’m not going to lie I’m having way too much [ __ ] fun with this wait why is it not doing the why is it not going in why is it why is there oh whatever

We’ll keep that outlined we’ll make it like it’s artistically um on purpose no no who got shot what happened why did somebody get banned uhoh backer oh Oh guys I think I should be an artist genuinely what can I say got please look at this at me let me see if that’s normal I have not played anyone else like this whenever I type in twitch it defaults that EOB [Laughter] clip no way there’s no

Way there’s no [ __ ] way that is so [ __ ] up I’ll be pissed if that happened to me no guys I’m so sleepy I’m so ID she reacted to your drawing D I have not feel like being like is anyone else like this like the past like the two last two

Months man I don’t want to be on my computer ever like I’m so over the computer I think Corona I can’t take me serious if you look at me like that you’re so [ __ ] dud dude you’re actually so [ __ ] dumb wait isn’t it supposed to be a

Doodle my favorite Demi clip D I have not feel like being my is it stop you guys are also going to make me like [ __ ] have that as my default [ __ ] hello Bomom excuse me B excuse me okay well where’s the hole that me why does the D I hate y where’s the hole oh there honestly this is pretty good I’m pretty happy with it what do you guys think you guys like the drawing it’s not that bad it’s pretty

Okay where’s the hair clip oh the fact that you’re both drawing right Now wait Really she said booer is asking for a warmup [ __ ] that warm up I’m want to be so laggy dude it’s going to be so bad she’s smoking your ass watch this [ __ ] oh God Something’s wrong here something’s really wrong I don’t know what it is b b b B Bomom bom oh [ __ ] what it is a doodle this me doodling what is this this is so good what the [ __ ] rain is good at [Applause] something at least our chats are not too far apart no at least actually I kind of want her eyes to be over here Guys I think I popped off I don’t know about you guys but I think I think it looks Fine Blom what are your what is your model supposed to be I think it’s a think it’s a red pther why is it Oh how come the [ __ ] thingy doesn’t really like any more it’s junkrat from OverWatch shut the [ __ ] up no it’s Not oh the event is stared in 8 minutes 8 minutes guys I’m going to keep it a buck don’t be so mean to me okay I’m going to be a really bad anchor I’m going to be like a really [ __ ] bad anchor if I’m being honest

I’m going to lag I’m going to be so laggy as [ __ ] yeah I’m going to of course I’m going to draw what do you mean osie osie osie oie oie Whoa okay maybe I shouldn’t do that that [ __ ] is so hard to been Like this is so hard I I don’t what to do anymore I’m too lazy to draw anymore she jws you so well and you’re lazy I you really had to say it like that huh [ __ ] [ __ ] why would you say that man now I’m going to try hard nice horns [ __ ] off

You [ __ ] so annoying Maggie thank you so much for the for the 10 gifted Subs oh no the stream oh no it’s happening Maggie I hope you’re doing well we haven’t talked in such a long time I’m going to make the list you have to be this dle for everybody yeah I don’t

Mind I like dling like this look at that guys look at that look at that who n thank you thank you so much dude holy [ __ ] thank you you paid for my rent how do I do this how is her s Like You I what do you guys think what do you guys think dude one minute left watch Lauren thank you so much for the raid thank you so much oh I forgot the most important part is this on paint yes with my little mouse okay guys what do you guys

Think what do you guys think what do you guys think we have free form no way wait wait wait watch this oh it doesn’t work like that what why not why why not why does it work like that oh [ __ ] hello hello hello have you practiced uh what have you practiced no uh

No I play Minecraft but not not with the intention of getting better at the game yeah no no me me too me too me too mhm the only time I played practice with you guys remember yeah that would really we did great yeah that was so good it was

Fantastic I love the part where where I got uh you I think I’m done with your drawing I think I’m done with yours put it to the vot who won wait let me let me pull up yours can I see yours dude I had to like get rid of the

Clothing cuz it looked like it gave you scul oh no wait I’ll s it in the group I’ll just I’ll just name it to you yeah oh [ __ ] my gamer Subs hash guys who won what can I say I feel like I might be the goat of

Drawing of all time so don’t think it personally I gave you some extra assets yeah there’s so much personality in one drawing how you do it just it’s just it’s just Talent you know was born with it hello hi Boer are you guys ready to win yes why did you why did you

Hesitate I’m going to join mood now I don’t know you don’t know what did you like lose did you like lose lose uh losing Five Nights at Freddy’s or what’s happening here I’m just in a drawing mood dude in a what mood I’m just in a

Drawing mood dude dude I was like so focused on drawing for like 30 minutes I just didn’t speak what is happening guys lock in lock the [ __ ] in I know right nah the mouse paint Strat op no this is sorry you’re not a part of this ation what the

[ __ ] okay I’m just muting myself you’re just jealous jealous jealous somebody’s jealous jealous of what jealous of what I drawing skills and paint what do you mean you you guys are drawing instead of practicing for the event are you practicing right now we were late we joined

Late n where sleep by the way where’s you said he’s awake yeah he’s aw wait those drawings are lowy fire though wait wait we could po I mean giant knockers but like relax dude holy [ __ ] what happened dude we’re artists oh my god dude honestly make them bigger man that’s insane too

Small holy [ __ ] Bro guys we’re about to start an event and they’re drawing gigantic boobs on paint what is happening it’s the real content honest to God me you know you know what what’s even worse they subbed in the best player in the entire event so now we’re [ __ ] fineberg like he’s

Just the best Minecraft player ever and who are you going to say asked is that what you’re going to say no it’s going to be like kga all cuz we don’t care but if you want me to bully you instead can do he just lost like dude what h f talk

About the Jo real quick the Artistry yeah the line art it’s gorgeous I love your shading I like your my come tag yeah I couldn’t read what it said so I just woke come Wait oh man wait I don’t think I’m lock can you draw me though can you draw me real quick oh yeah sure oh thank you we can both we can both do it yeah let’s go okay I’m doing it guys I’m getting a new profile picture from my Twitch okay I’m done I did it hi guys I did it I did it guys oh my God what there it even has her signature green that looks that looks amazing guys I love that drawing of me it’s just straight straight up a pile of [ __ ] I love it guys what I love

Iter what happened why did you deserve this I oh yeah fair fair did youw what do you mean Fair that’s fair yeah I get that yeah it’s this going to be how the entire R’s going to go booster is going to do a call out we’re like nope and

We’re going to go the other way are you not there’s no way there’s no way like I’ll take it I’ll do it it’s funny oh good God okay let’s open up Minecraft good idea yeah we should probably get in there I think oh [ __ ] is it starting now you guys are 6 minutes

Late oh [ __ ] we making art okay art is important art is the number one thing dude we Team B where the [ __ ] is SL he’s on the server he’s just not joining the call where is he oh he’s not bro shy he doesn’t want to he doesn’t want to join

Trust me he’s in the background he’s just playing valer over time I can tell oh my God was looking at the emem fortnite event now the entire team just wishes he wasn’t here bro sleep’s like I want to watch Eminem fortnite I don’t want to play stupid

Block Wars I’m put it in the group wait Loki valid valid valid that’s what that’s what some of the other people are doing they’re Curr they’re currently watching Eminem fortnite wait Wolfie are you still using stream kit Discord thingy why don’t you use um little bit of a boomer he’s a

[ __ ] Boomer I’m not a boomer I bet that stream kit overlay thingy instead of the um what do you call that what the automatic one I forgot the name what’s the automatic one what’s the automatic one I only talk to micro we don’t know how to use OBS wait is the server IP

There uh yeah it’s in the announcements wow are you talking about the are you talking about don’t lick it just try to avoid licking it kind of like no don’t say anything don’t say where is it where is it it’s in the announcements Channel announcements oh I see

It wait about the the new overlay thing are you talking about the pgs that light up when we talk yes wait how do you use that wait why can’t I join what um version of Minecraft is on 1.1 1.20.1 .1 yeah I can’t figure out

Your accent you just said I told you I’m British you’re not though I am you’re like mix guys I don’t have Minecraft yet hold on oh my God it’s literally 700 p.m. right now I don’t know what else I could tell tell you or convince you you just you just

Sound so American but like you just say you say can’t so it’s like it’s cuz my mom is British and my dad’s American the so you’re mixed so you’re mixed yeah okay I’m currently studying criminology cond see I don’t trust you I don’t believe you about every single I

Just don’t believe you at all no not I just realized what who we’re talking to yeah I just don’t believe you yeah I just I just realized who I won’t believe you an anchor am I going to be an anchor no I’ll be the an I think we all know

Who the anchor is let’s let’s put it in chat yeah which okay booster the game chat the game chat the game chat the game the game chat booster oh the game chat oh sh going to be the anchor and sple we’re going to wait we’re spling each other say less

Say less you guys are getting [ __ ] n if we’re spling each other low key nah guys N I think booster is going to be the spli last and I’m spliffing you guys let’s go I think weos to be that wait was it 1.20.1 yes yes yes oh [ __ ] is there

Music in this game already yes yes [ __ ] [ __ ] dude there’s in your in your uh music and sounds there should be I see you I need tech support what do you mean e we have the same skin Bro e what’s the tech support this time right now what do you mean I

Look so what do you mean ew I didn’t even make this skin are you like judging that cute I look so cute look at my high look 1.20.1 click no no no no no okay so click edit edit Kawai oh did am I supposed to do like a let me check let

Me check if you’re using the right IP uh let’s see be I did uh try using the one below it if you didn’t if that okay guys this is who we’re playing with Oh wait [ __ ] this is not who you’re playing with I don’t know actually sleepy what you’re late oh it works

Thank you there you go I’m fashionably on time if you ask me how do I see like who’s in the game oh [ __ ] tab yo sleepy um please save me that’s me guys that’s me guys that’s me that’s me why does it have music for real I’m

Going to save you I’m making this [ __ ] worse oh jeez look great the music can you updated title Please hello no yeah I’m telling you this music Su turn it back on man let me listen to my silly cat music you’re going to listen to freaking like

Uh fun remix edit [ __ ] whatever cars all over the screen racing listen to that I’d listen to that I mean that would be quite epic when uh when you’re playing race whoa what’s this whoa full screen well we have a bit of an issue H uh-oh H wait what never mind

Never mind never mind never mind never mind wait what no uh I I thought lunch was going to show up the lunches here chilly chilly are you guys children child friendly no no oh thank God this is a plan delay for the m& for games uh in the hub there is an area called games there’s a big blue sign in the sky oh I where you at the gam it says games yeah uh it’s every game except the purple one no move why why

Not uh we couldn’t make it in time a okay that’s fair yeah yeah what color are we oh purple team we are purple yeah my we don’t look purple at all oh wait can we all like stand next to each other yeah look at the Skins well we’ll get a

We’ll get announced as we’ll get announced when the event starts like we’ll get teleported and stuff this little like colored little area so cute wait how come I have different plants than everyone cuz I think it might be based on your Minecraft skin I don’t know if

Your regular skin has like a oh I have a skirt yeah yo hello freak of a [ __ ] creature look at him holy [ __ ] Nasty please why are you guys so mean to me please why is my pants down uhoh oh [ __ ] ni relx like what you see yo do you like me better now yeah I like what I better now what what happened who oh my God how fast does

This [ __ ] click holy [ __ ] who the [ __ ] that guy is definitely not an octopus [ __ ] did you hear that what the [ __ ] was that they have a they have their right click bound to their keyboard which makes you click really fast off or you can just do this [ __ ] are you using Auto

Clicker no that’s illegal I would never use that okay I’m going to sub you it yeah I’m turning it off turning it off turning it off freaky looking man look at you man green ass green ass looking individual maybe he’s an auto clicker maybe he cheater who’s the cheater who

Was that who passed by us I’m throwing on x-ray I’m throwing on x-ray hold up I got it peep my Jitter click I’m try searching up that term she just search up wow did you sho yourself doing that one too or what yeah a little bit let go

Like a rabbit MP you’re just going to [ __ ] yourself guys pause pause it pause it pause it please all right so um I assume we’re just going to roll with whatever game order there is or do we just want to actually try to make some [ __ ] happen I I don’t know if

We just want to Wi such a [ __ ] oh sorry my bad what finish finish that [ __ ] with your chest come come tring toys your mom was a trendy toyn oh my God the music is so nice and immersive and nice probably yeah I hear it Florida yeah uhhuh you’re probably a freaking

Meow meowing fun in the background fun meow remix oh that actually sounds like a banger oh my God I’m putting my xcc playlist on though oh do we are we going to mute the hob Lobby I’m muting it xcc Minecraft speedrun oh I listened to the forcen one oh

Oh oh then I see this might be an issue I see that is unfortunate huh I’m not I’m not even nice type SL language meow no why not oh my God this [ __ ] is Easy Go I want V to like get deleted no it’s going to get muted if I play my own music right it would have been a lot more epic if I had the game music on huh yes it’s very nice very wholesome and there’s Jingle Bells wa started yeah I don’t hear [ __ ]

What you’re lying I don’t have any audio I don’t have any audio you [ __ ] you made me [ __ ] pause my music for yeah don’t out how do I get rid of it please uh Slash language language meow turns it off why is it so dead there is meow

Speaking you kind of hear it I think I I hear Jack nor didly you guys might have the wrong turned on we have to guys guys guys we going when we get announced thoughts about just logging off what say I won’t you’re such a [ __ ] loser no

We did it we did that last time it was funny you’re such’s let’s go you could also just break the plugin it will be funny fny but funny though but funny though no for team interruptions wow silly silly snowman what color are we uh purple I don’t

Know trendy toys ‘re the trendy toys we’re so trendy it honestly like that the the team name I I don’t know man if I hear you complaining one more time you’re getting it’s a bad team name but uh mind it’s going to be over for you soon nothing made made up

Anyway we don’t have to talk about that we don’t have to talk about that don’t worry about that goofy gifts Okay wait I’m flying holy holy [ __ ] where are the where are the like explosion sound effects where’s the [ __ ] sounds I [ __ ] paused my music for the [ __ ] dude the dude the text is just it’ll work I think right now it’s like one long track playing so if you

Had it muted it doesn’t unmute that’s how micro Sil oh I got news for you buddy I didn’t have it muted and I don’t hear anything either so you’re [ __ ] lying liar you suck man he I’m just going to be just blunt [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let’s go almost SP on my

Drink oh what do you guys want what do you guys want [ __ ] tetnus for me in my ear uh I don’t know man let’s go let’s go for order go to Blue go for orderup I think this is going to be a problem no no no I feel

We’re going to be so [ __ ] good at order this [ __ ] out first okay [ __ ] it we’re going to go SLE SLE sucks let go I hate SLE people the cats we got hell yeah okay I don’t think they understand that that we want the games that we’re good at last yeah yeah

Let’s go are you saying we’re bad at race but oh yes yes [ __ ] we’re garbage at race that’s a memor that’s it that’s it that’s it up this [ __ ] not you again guys I don’t think we got it are we trying to win or are we not trying to

Win what’s happening here we’re all at the same [ __ ] thing bro what are you complaining [ __ ] you dude hey settle this hostility before the game starts okay boxing match right now One V one come on holy [ __ ] I’m down for this my money’s on De transition beat that [ __ ] ass okay so who’s

Crafting not me I I’m getting the items I’m Farming Farming time I might have to wait Wolfie we might have to craft this yeah y can we pause the game for like I don’t know 3 hours I have a glare on my monitor that’s pissing me off I’m just

This right now set up your [ __ ] Curr I don’t have any Wolfie I’m just going to say this right now um Drive I can’t be the one who’s like communicating good idea to place your PC on the opposite side of your window I listen me did you not think this true do we

Just I don’t know Wolfie I feel like we won’t be able to communicate with this team okay guys listen up okay I’m a great listener thank you you guys the [ __ ] up please G [ __ ] G bro guys I this is why you play this game one just tell me

What to get and I’ll get it bro guys listen up you don’t even know how the game works shut the [ __ ] up I know how the game works I’m trying to H monologue and all I can hear is shut the [ __ ] up um guys so we get food

Right CR it we deliver it no I play this we got this all I’m done talking you guys can talk now good luck okay I am going on we just get food and then we bring it and then like the Crafters will just craft it no and then

They they have an order that’s it okay so let me let me quickly explain this cuz I played with fber and there’s like a good Strat here there’s I me you’re going to start off as Crafters you guys just go in and bring food that we tell

You to bring and then after a while the the chest kind of fills up and then we just only need one person Gathering material while the rest of us craft as many or as we can so we will let you know like one by one who needs to start

Crafting just keep bringing us material that we tell you to bring okayo right booster you yell the material in the meantime I’ll get coal and come back ASAP yeah so one of you go for crops one of you go for fish and one of you go for

Uh for Animals okay meat I’ll go good [ __ ] I’ll just start crafting this is going to be horrible oh right there’s custom recipes uh oh I hate this my hands are too cold for crafting yeah there’s there’s custom I mean I don’t know how much microlog you guys

Have but uh it’s just like there’s recipes that are oh all right we’re we’re going to be back don’t worry guys is chat censored is it I think so you can try oh y what wait wait what did you guys type there huh all right uh sleepy come with Farm

Squad sir yes sir all right I’m going to get Co you one of you guys get meat one fish one wait do we just have only for about that I’ll get i’ll get oh I’m going to grow mushrooms I’m getting cold okay yep I mean you can break some co

Wait we started can you get pumpkins too sleep pumpin pump pumpkins pumpin oh there’s also a boss we have to BOS all together and like help out and pum they right here you silly little you silly little guy uhhuh are we um I’ll get some coal while I’m at it

Okay we’re going to have a lot of coal don’t forg we’re going to go through it don’t forget sugar canes the person how do you break pumpkins don’t you need an axe you can to break a little bit I have full pumpkins where’s sugar that’s I’ll

Get sugar I I got coal and apples okay I got you the sugarcane my love it’s coming right up W all right what does everyone have do we ever need to get milk no that’s at the no we have milk we have milk the kitchen I have wheat om by the way just

Just eude I have I have legs bring the weeding the god of course the [ __ ] Dutch person goes for the weed and shrooms okay I I got a lot of bring back the [ __ ] guys it’s in the [ __ ] chest thank you pipe down the [ __ ] up hey guys where’s the

Chicken where’s the ters there’s the ters hello there you go goodbye okay I’m going to go [ __ ] up the boss oh is the BS up is the boss up God it says in chat right now 10 seconds 10 seconds Get Ready Get Ready oh my God oh my God oh my

God I’m sorry let’s do this bring back chicken there we let rain tank let rain tank argro good luck hello take Aro take Aro ow [ __ ] ow can somebody come deliver an order deliver an order why is it now it’s throwing it back how did he die there we

Go nice nice nice use the use the upgrades use the upgrades please I don’t know last time I played this we got like 10 upgrades and no one used them what you use up or what uh just upgrade the furnaces okay I don’t know how to use

Them now oh God faster faster faster are we miss deliver order should I deliver I’m I’m delivering one right now but you can take the Ria is there is there one up uh you got anything for me do we need yeah just keep keep getting [ __ ]

Keep getting [ __ ] speed it up booer come on what the [ __ ] is this sorry bro [ __ ] operations waiting on you man shut the [ __ ] up keep cook faster just craft whatever’s missing I guess I don’t know what the [ __ ] is missing boom boom this is done deliver

It deliver it deliver it deliver iter iter who’s it going to [ __ ] just to the F there’s a little thing above your hot bar that’s fire um I’ll make the wait what what’s need for this I’m getting that [ __ ] it’s like the chatter episode I’m getting that [ __ ] 30 minutes they

Ain’t getting I’m going back I’m going back with bro this guy is parked in a different continent holy [ __ ] you guys need help with like crafting did you get the cookies I got cookies yeah cookies cookies will be chill uh you got you got to speak louder

D any any we work on a yelling basis hereit okay I’ll take the right order I guess do we need anything I’ll go get it uh well there’s a thing right here I’ll just grab it Chef what do we need chef Beef Wellington Beef Wellington everything okay everything more meat

Keep keep getting more meat keep getting more meat I have a lot of meat coming in I’ll give you my meat on my way grabing Chef don’t don’t I’m making the be fton not too much meat guys I I can’t handle that much meat I we need mushrooms I

Think yeah we need mushrooms yep order mushro order up order up what do we need what the [ __ ] guys order up oh that’s the title of the game I already said I was going to make beef volton you [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s fine we can use it for for

For the future the boxing match after this is going to go crazy I’m so excited it is it is I’ll make I’ll make the eggnog so okay so Wolfie how about you focus on Crafting I’ll focus on smelting okay okay Bet how do I go back uh

Guys we’re not on the leader board [ __ ] dud we need a this why we’re getting this goofy gifts bro why why are we useless we’re doing slow boost you’re so [ __ ] slow need four rabbit for the left one give me some eggs never mind you we need

We need more we need more we need to communicate something bro we need we need to start commun I told you I need I need the left one is one off smelting bro why do we have the training Chef in the [ __ ] kitchen get someone who’s

Qualified in there okay I’m hey guys go I’m going to gather you guys go craft [ __ ] upull pull what is going you guys go craft I got I got one this John N Go in go in don’t be [ __ ] don’t be a [ __ ] yep yep tag the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh

Extract extract me in it yo upgrade upgrade upgrade I don’t know what’s up D you guys you guys choose yeah just buy that sh whatever keep I I did don’t wor uh this one on the left running so slow B okay I’ll do it wait we’ve only delivered two orders

No oh my go ignore that no we got five we got five yeah we’re good we’re good we’re good okay we’re fine it was the number order number two I was about to yell some explicit [ __ ] at boo where’s the porking relax I don’t play this game

Game wait this is your game yeah you this is your career man what happened I’m I’m I’m ordering up I don’t cook man I don’t clean okay good okay good good good I don’t cook I don’t clean you are you are not actually you would neveress Sor guys wait what do you mean

Useless boyfriend material uh yeah thank you thank you thank you you know we need salmon chicken and cod okay I just brought I brought I brought Cod and salmon it’s in the it’s in the it’s in the chest can I have an egg there we go thank you can get the [ __ ] egg

Yourself SM that [ __ ] damn thank you dude you’re so nice to me oh my God leaderboard oh let’s oh dude we need to focus on like the really golden thingies I’ll get a I’ll make a carrot thingy golden carrot I’ll make a sugar cookie okay golden carrot you know how to make

That okay here here are the carrots where the [ __ ] is the carrots the gold is here the whole gold is here gold is here bro I aming to be where’s the carrot good man hunting and Gathering okay no nobody hunts and gathers quite like me uh need okay salmon right order is

Done right order done F I’ll deliver it we get more wheat I already got wheat I’m getting more I already got it just kind of I just kind no [ __ ] you I already got it okay go back to the kitchen [ __ ] you let me do what I want to do bro just

Stick to doing dishes buddy stick to do dishes salmon salmon salmon salmon I got salmon please don’t please can we come time out time out please do not pronounce the L in Salmon salon please no l there’s no or do you literally pronounce yourself do not pronounce the L in

Salmon no no I I do not you do not hear me going salmon Sal dude I’m not from your [ __ ] country shut the [ __ ] up I don’t give a [ __ ] this is a universal problem the just B just drop it on the floor 64 mushrooms in theref out here [ __ ] and gathered

Enough I’m [ __ ] kitchen I’m coming coming coming b battle I you we together I’m in the kitchen we need mutton we need mutton St we need muton muton [ __ ] M what animal what creature okay what the [ __ ] um [ __ ] man I don’t like your negative attitude I’m going back

Boo that’s what I’m saying glad somebody said it mean ass [ __ ] can we just deliver an order up or do we still need more [ __ ] uh we should be fine we need more sheep Mees sheep me oh never mind I just put it in I just put in I need

Cod okay go I picked up don’t worry don’t wor I got I got it I got it I got it mushroom soup pumpkin pie what the [ __ ] I made the pumpkin pie I made the pumpkin pie okay I’ll get the mushroom soup going we need rabbit soup someone

Deliver I’ll I’ll make the rabbits do yeah trade trade for it trade for it what I said trade bro trade with villagers bro fucku speed running let’s go guys what the [ __ ] we’re not on the leaderboard guys y nice okay good I’ll take this one up the pace we’re trying not hard enough

I know upgrade by the way two upgrades ailable you loser damn I’m not in the [ __ ] Farm I’m just clicking I’m just clicking guys guys can we calm down guys can we why are you [ __ ] why you the [ __ ] have apples I put it I put it in

Okay I’m holding the app what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this what uh go okay um you just put a raw fish in there nuh okay I’ll make the roast dinner is thatone doing number two oh [ __ ] there’s raw fish in here can somebody make the be um

And I need uh oh it’s fine never mind okay order two is done I’m getting it there’s carrots and shton or do you want should I get it how do I make a jacked potato it oh [ __ ] I found it oh that’s Heat this one’s going to five up that’s my goat what

What okay wait do you still need tot you still need to be Fullington or let’s go let’s go we need oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] guys running low on number one we’re we need mut M relax buddy we’re not number one oh [ __ ] okay I’m going to go Gather By the way cuz nobody’s

Gathering I’m just going to go get this this order three needs one more cooked muton rain is gathering that we lost I’m going to [ __ ] go go go go shut the [ __ ] up focus on cooking let’s bring guys we’re all doing great literally you came here for no reason wait guys I came

Here for no reason shut up what the [ __ ] put it in the steak or whatever this who is this fat [ __ ] ordering the most Exquisite [ __ ] on the menu four eggnogs you’re going to solo that wait it’s four [ __ ] I’m making it I’m making it put some beef in the top

Right put beef in the top right 30 seconds beef beef we don’t have beef no we got it we got we can deliver some Ord I got one deliv that [ __ ] we need a m need beef M beef in the top left we have we don’t

Have yeah right idiot no is it over it’s not in there yeah yeah good it’s 10 seconds we did pretty decent not bad not bad can I give him a halfed order that’ll be that’ be good hey not bad hey for game one we we

Take that we take that four out of eight though honestly we we all know who’s to blame here for not getting first right luer you’re supposed to like be leading you didn’t lead us anything yeah are you are you the speedrunner what happened how am I supposed to lead when

You guys collectively decided to sabotage me in belief and every other game in this event I’m not bad your honor your honor this guy’s full of [ __ ] agreed I’m going to go pee and when I come back you guys better be locked in okay says him what the [ __ ] I got bad news

For you buddy all right anyways guys we bounc back in game two we did pretty good I mean yeah pretty pretty decent guys why that was a disgrace we got fifth that’s okay dud none of us went into the leader board what can I blame booer for with out getting like banned

For not being PG-13 oh in game a female dog a female dog that would also be just just say he’s evolutionary deficient that’s a b Oh no just say just say that his mom dropped or like a genetic dead end perhaps um I’m thinking we play parkk uh

PVP next okay I’m thinking you have never been more wrong in your life on that one hello what that’s one we win why is Joe [ __ ] balone always so good at Minecraft I don’t know man wa what did you say that man Joe Bone is crazy

Okay I could feel that you have a dent in your head booer so sleep what do you think what you mean what [ __ ] hear what where did that come from actually wait yeah let’s do race you know what [ __ ] it my head what I could tell I could I could sniff that out

How where’s the logic here guys okay let’s go let’s go all let’s go for race go for race r r r stand in pink wouldn’t we be [ __ ] at um no we’re pretty good never mind battle okay that’s what I thought too oh I have a magnet I thought NB guys oh my

God I died damn it you’re actually nice that did nothing no I think I think race might I think my cat died it might be this or constru sh somebody fber is just voting for this because he doesn’t want construction to get [Laughter] out such a gun okay we’re good this is

Close I think I don’t think it’s close I think we win easily by like five oh okay yeah we take those we’re we’re nasty at race though it’s a new map why we do this we’re not nasty at race though I don’t think we’re nasty at race we’re

Nasty at race though kind you haven’t seen this map before Oh [ __ ] we’re not very nasty at race guys it’s a new map guys oh what it’s a uh oh oh [ __ ] but you’ve seen it right so I can just follow you I have SE can I just follow

You what’s the fastest route left or no forward [ __ ] know man oh [ __ ] is it worth going to the hard hard like area flying swiming F that c wow WF stop acting like you don’t Wolfie can you just tell us which one is do we go for the easy

One if you feel as though you might be an anchor perhaps go easy it says easy I will not name anybody I will not name any names but if you feel as though you might be an anchor just go the easy route I’m going to go to easy bro I’m a

God at this there’s also media media I’ll say R go easy route yeah why do you why do you lowkey want to sabotage us by actually trying the hard route one we all know abely good at this is GG’s what’s to the right here oh I’m interested I think it’s a hard route

I’m pretty sure that you missed the first segment of parkour and practice like seven times I’m getting this right I’m going right all right guys we’re all cracked okay everybody go right dude can they like disappear it’s so hard to like play this when you can see every

Everybody just in you don’t wor the boots you’ll see they will disappear no the boots also will be gone okay nuh oh wait what nuh yeah nuh I’m going to shut the [ __ ] up I’m going on verbal should have put the ex oh [ __ ] that’s the happiest I’ve ever heard our

Team also don’t press the thing in your ninth inventory slot if you do not want to reset medum baby what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] did I just do yeah I don’t know either wait I’m crazy the [ __ ] I just did was not the fastest everybody is still here in my

Screen they’ll disappear when they’re close to you oh oh wait I don’t how the Boat Works oh [ __ ] oh this might be a bit of a rough uh part oh this is easy what do you mean oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are we playing man

[ __ ] how do you make how do you do the how do you do the [ __ ] Trident right click hold launch wait I’m kind of filthy for someone who has no [ __ ] brain okay crazy straight towards yourself what the [ __ ] is this the Trent is glitching I’m kind of ask for someone with no

Brain oh [ __ ] creepy say that again say that again I dare you what does red do oh [ __ ] red is Big launch hard pot let’s do this baby SK it’s GG that’s crazy guys I might have made a mistake classic uhoh typical oh I like this new water part it’s way

Better hey F get down ah go go go go go I don’t like the Trident something’s in my [ __ ] eye no way okay oh my God holy Movement oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay wait how oh like that I BR this is so weird like they’re in my face and I can still see them just chill there’s a reason we play this early it’s hard okay because we’re going to win first yeah uh-huh oh [ __ ] I missed the

Ladder [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just happened to me what am I doing how the [ __ ] did I do that oh not the boat again ladder we’re past ladders wait how far back are you bro uhoh don’t worry about it uh-oh dude where am I I like the

Trident man I told you parkour just ain’t good for me but you said you’re you’re good though what do you mean I have a dent in my forehead uhoh I said I’ll do hard oh I have a dent in my forehead it’s so [ __ ] Massive oh my God it’s spreading fast oh my God I love that uh-oh fall the century oh god oh [ __ ] up where am I going never mind wait is only one no it’s not one what the it’s a long course I’m not going to cap with you my friend that’s why it’s

Two laps instead of three sorry my my brain already hurts dude something’s in my [ __ ] eye what the [ __ ] oh no oh no I got a car [ __ ] I don’t have insurance [ __ ] I [ __ ] up up it’s GG East S I should have taken the medium path

Where am I you took the hard path no the medium I’m just going to swim I’ll just swim dude this is GG’s that’s crazy oh my God he just gave up I’m going to swim okay 39th not bad 39th dude it’s just um hug no no know

Huge better than I expect you can pretty much only go up from [Laughter] here you know it’s a good thing there’s only 40 people in this race yeah it’s okay if I just keep going the hard path I can catch Up yeah cuz like nobody else is attempting the hard path exactly I just [ __ ] bonked into a slime ball what the the [ __ ] is that no I hear the last person behind me they’re coming that is no guys embarrassing getting when did it stop I know way most supportive

Teammate oh my [ __ ] god dude if only an eyelash and go to my [ __ ] eye yeah I think we should the race honestly yeah I think I I have a medical issue an eyelash my [ __ ] eye a medical issue [Laughter] thought oh F oh [ __ ] oh oh my God oh my God you

Guys are all finishing already I’m not even halfway through there you go please oh [ __ ] I forgot to press the button let me see let me see what’s go what’s going on here you don’t want to know please bro you trust me you don’t want to

Know I’m it’s not looking good for me I’m just Curious [ __ ] a lantern parkour no way ghosty passed me no no it’s cuz she’s played the map that’s why that’s why she’s already the map wait what how what do you mean how you weren’t in the last event back for you I will not be last place oh my let’s go

Squadron I need to get I need to get a first person POV of this [ __ ] you are legit competing for 40th you guys are neck and neck wait actually wait this is the actual R everything else doesn’t matter this is the actual r I I will run no they’re ging your ass

Right now hurry up yo I want to let you making distance you’re losing against an Australian 500 ping player who who count placed 40th in the last event just letting you know bro you’re competing for last place right now this is wa wait you have you you have distance you have distance you’re

Good you you you got Gap you can hit the log button now you win holy [ __ ] wait Dem um keep it up come on Squadron leave me be H leave me if we secure 39th here that’s all that matters no we secured 38 and 39th you know wait 38 oh

My y bring in the Caboose bring in the Caboose holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] take the hard path [ __ ] it send it to the right me [ __ ] it yeah send it send it send it swim the 40th person in the race9 what wait why not okay this is just what

Are you There’s Hope Oh you you’ve got to hurry up man oh [ __ ] okay wait what are you guys saying she’s not even close she’s staying she’s going like all the way around guys we’re good we good just want I forgot G up the year let’s [ __ ]

Go that’s the game of the [ __ ] year right there this is why we wanted to get this out immediately no your nominee bringing in the Caboose that was like more Happ the entire race though right what do you mean why are we seven are you surprised guys come on guys to be fair

So where where do we Excel particularly extraction no way oh okay actually wait yeah extraction could be good extraction again uh yeah that’s what we’re going to excel in the game that no one even knows what it is don’t want don’t want to brag guys but I’m holding I hold a record in

Extraction so you know like you guys have the best extraction player in the EV okay this is all I hear whenever you speak why are you mimicking a [ __ ] hello CU you’re sucking yourself off dude what the [Laughter] [ __ ] it’s impressive I didn’t know you could do tricks on your own dick like

That yeah I’m kind kind of flexible what can I say dude what can I say man oh man I just don’t have limbs you know I just like flop around just reach it [ __ ] A malleable human being yeah I can reach my [ __ ] as well like all

The way through okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like over the top or like from under yeah so I know like exactly how hairy it is I’m saying like over the shoulder are you going under over the shoulder from under from oh okay um I don’t think you can check ping

He got two ribs remov no you can check ping just do ping two what two ribs removed I can suck himself guys I’m pretty much to Anchor but you got to step it up man you’re getting rolled by jobart right now what the [ __ ] wait it’s okay but you’re

Getting yelled at by Tik Tok guy he was carried by [ __ ] he was carried By loud and buzzer noise I did practice I practiced with them see I have it on my sound board but I don’t want to play that cuz it’s loud you know maybe if we if we practice before the game so join maybe we’ have put 36 wait real maybe booster wasn’t a

Fraud all right now what let’s do construction I think that one might be a little bit rough construction this one might be a little bit rough okay I’ll I’ll I’ll vouch this one’s probably rough for us guys who likes this I might be an anchor in this game mode screen

It’s so hard to see honestly the blocks oh I got a cat oh I got the boob stick I also have a cat uhoh TNT watch out AF nice you AFK and somehow there I was happily living my life about to implant my cat why am I getting targeted why am

I getting targeted no no no no please I got the concrete vote and it got last second my meow meow I’m knocking him over to Greed oh my God no never mind I’m scared wait don’t we want people to vote here why are you pushing everybody out

We’re good I think we got it right let yipp guys I need back right or middle please I practiced Jitter click I got this I need back rer middle guys please jck is that what it’s called guys I need back rer middle do you actually know how to Jitter click no oh no

I think I’m with no help I think wait what look to build it what’s a dick on the wall for a dick that’s a fat wiener on the wall look at that [ __ ] oh my God Among Us fire dude yeah this is fire ignore the tutorial look there’s P the wait

[ __ ] this a tutorial wait can you make the par the noise no oh wow that was talented oh wait real guys it’s not actually Sor I’ll stop it’s just a it’s just who wants to be in the middle that me S of fastest and something like that

Booster right or wolfy me and Wolfie are in the corners yeah will it be in the corners go M okay heck oh heck no I’m too slow for this you take that one yeah good yeah I can’t see I’m too short cuz should you guys the best wait

What this is practice by the practice build first oh practice that’s fine I’m taking my time I’m going to wait for the glare my monitor to go away okay get my bearings a little bit who’s Jitter what’s the last color I was like the slipping out AFK bro it’s

Just not okay sleepy this is a problem this is a problem it’s okay we can help we can help we can help it’s practice better not I’m warmed up now I’m warmed up let’s go sleepy what’s Up’s right he’s right he’s right sleepy I’m PR I

Want I don’t want to show my skill it’s a hustle you got you got to learn how to hustle but there’s no you just don’t get Target in this game why would you not want to show your skill you don’t what the [ __ ] is this oh what the [ __ ] uh

Santa Claus what do you mean okay not everyone can visualize things in their head okay please chill what’ I do I think I [ __ ] up oh Banger [ __ ] did do it no I did not there we go oh [ __ ] we’re continuing yes oh [ __ ] it just keeps going

Guys oh my God [ __ ] click yep thank you nice okay oh what the [ __ ] is this is that the corner do the red first don’t tell me what to do F oh wait [ __ ] it’s so hard to see it is hard to see I wish we could fly like before o That’s

Sound am I doing it we’re good no I [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] y yo yo yo yo it’s fine we fixed it here wait is this like that this guy is going to have a dent in his [ __ ] head when I’m done nice nice I Su oh nice y okay we got

This oh my God oh my God I’m about to have an issue nice I’m stupid I’m sorry anch anchor anchor anchor anchor hello oh oh my God I’m [ __ ] filthy nice huge oh where that iron block oh my God what the [ __ ] did I make okay wait I’m going to do red if

You can help me yep nice teamwork is crazy reindeer what is that I just said that I just said it’s a reindeer a [ __ ] up reindeer feel bad for his existence lucky okay this is um getting embarrassing oh dude this is too much wait what happened okay this is too much

Guys are they on different belts than us yeah everyone gets the same ones but they’re probably further yeah they’re further probably further huh wa what further that back oh take back they’re probably behind us we’re probably [ __ ] clearing them we did that first hold up wait we’re cooking

Yeah my God you’re you’re the book to my library thank you so much what the [ __ ] okay I don’t know what intarnation I’m cooking up right now what the [ __ ] am I building nice uhoh what happened bottom cor what’s wrong is this just one oh my God I love this build

Um thank you nice nice guys nice nice tell me that wasn’t Swift as [ __ ] okay we’re all actually goated guys let’s go oh my God all the [ __ ] pain practice paid off real what practice what [ __ ] pain practice what am I building okay nice nice huge I can’t do this what

The got that huge nice thank you [ __ ] Fu dude I can’t col into the lines dude you’re going crazy I’m a Problem Child I’m a [ __ ] problem child orange orange white this is like new from Sleepy it’s all in order oh I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up what color is next okay he’s not Alec

Nice you just scroll through the the wheel God damn right hello okay oh this is hard nuh-uh not for me he’s a cute little guy he’s got little little blush thank youit guys what noise need we need to figure out what what noise to make good [ __ ] wait a

Minute so we should have like not voted this first wasis I guess I hit my [ __ ] knee oh my God yeah we should have [ __ ] that’s true we actually are goated at this what the hell yeah we’re pretty good this was really Goode that was really good what was your guys’ average

Time it say on the right 6.99 9.4 5.45 no flex wait deal you got sub six 5.45 you know me believe I fell scre wait wait aren’t you streaming right now can I not I’ll screen I’ll screen share on disc no no no no you’re actually I’ll I’ll screen share on

Discord let me just let me just no I’m just going to screen share on Discord look at this let me let me quickly just actually what what did he get okay this [ __ ] I’m going to 8.64 what do you mean you [ __ ] what no I’m screening on you’re 8.64 you

Loser I’m literally screen sharing at Discord right now I think it’s bugged on stream no bro are you screen sharing feinberg’s uh uh stream or what happen let’s go let’s go oh hu oh hold up we did really good in like every individual we did really good in every

God just like okay okay at least I’m ahead of Joe now right surely probably guys we second that was just this game settle down settle down [ __ ] down let’s go [ __ ] fber dude he’s such a try hard yeah real oh I got fifth nice crazy let’s go guys we’re fourth God the curse

Wait one point one one one place away from let’s go squadron from third we can do it we can do [Laughter] it we’re on Pace guys oh dude can’t wait Boer you’re number five in the last who’s this handsome guy up here I know what the [ __ ] Wolfie you’re seven in

Individual leaderboard overall jeez okay y guys come by the leader board come by the team leader boards and see the handsome guy in 10th Jesus Christ oh my God this he’s standing so still how the [ __ ] is he doing that is that a statue holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Wait is this is this a fcking whack statue looks the same this guy’s kind of wicked no I mean that’s pretty impressive he’s standing so still and he’s 10th Place the details are insane I still can’t [ __ ] see that this person it’s not even our team is kind of [ __ ] with

It we’re over at the the team board I’m like there people that spray paint themselves like silver or gold and like stand there for money so guys let me check wait so what’s everybody’s individual uh rating right now guys 20 something oh 10 yeah I’m 10 10 you’re not we’re

Doing good 30 I’m lit 10th bro game yeah we have no bottom 10 we have no bottom 10 this is our anchor like not bottom Fring what is like last What’s Happening Here holy [ __ ] guys we’re not that bad no bottom 10 but we have bottom 11 and 12 I’m just

Letting you know Blitz Hunt is like super bad for me can we get that out now dude which one is that one oh the yellow yellow oh I got a Boop stick what does that mean I got another cat oh [ __ ] yum Yow watch out rain you shouldn’t K AFK every

Single time they’re going to murder you yeah I don’t what where were we oh [ __ ] I don’t remember where Cory is I’m pretty sure where Cory is think so I think we’re here here I stand alone in this earth I only need me and myself and this cat I

Lost my cat oh they’re on SP oh oh this is okay who are you no not it’s time guys you’re all [ __ ] I’m sleeping all of you I’m sleeping all of you you all you I’m sleeping all of you what did you say do we get kills foring

Our own gu no do we get kills foring our own someone said someone said go to Curry so I went to Curry I will [ __ ] clear you in this game mode you have no idea relax relx Rel down you the [ __ ] down I CLE you this

Game but air you going to be in that [ __ ] seconds right sorry I think P too far one you okay say less meet me North ooh I have beef North I’m more of a I’m more of a West West kind of guy can we go west okay yeah let’s go west let’s go

West uh-huh we sleepy imagine if we were like working together though we could get the entire Lobby yeah until you talk some [ __ ] now I got to [ __ ] you up oh by the way guys my B none of you played last time second round is TNT run type of

SLE the floor appear below your feet e that one sucks balls this one is the goated one this is awesome this one’s [ __ ] this one’s actually PID that’s why you’re that’s why your name starts with d and dumb also starts with d oh [ __ ] d

[ __ ] got your ass oh wait what my S are silly sleepy more like freaking awesome just C me last that’s all I got to do all right yeah what you do here right what you do here is I’m be honest R I think you could AFK and not get last in

This game honestly okay well you’re really just setting me up for we should probably do we want to meet up together or do we just want to [ __ ] go crazy I kind of want to get a restraining order on every single one of you so what the

[ __ ] bro’s muted he doesn’t care I’ll get him I’ll get don’t worry I’ll get his I’ll get him I’ll get him I’ll get him no no [ __ ] focusing on running [ __ ] rodent n you’re dying you’re [ __ ] dying bro you’re [ __ ] back the [ __ ] away from me right now F fck

Okay relax guys let’s let’s not let’s not troll each other all [ __ ] up don’t TR each other guys no more silly goofball business oh I’m going to greet the people above me cuz I’m a rat okay you know what I like this trp you like the Strat of being below dude can people

Oh stop mother [ __ ] Bo don’t mind me but I’m throw snowballs down at you trying to get you oh why bro who whoa who relax relax this guy I just kind of felt the power of being a layer above you guys the last y okay I’m going to

Actually lose it I’m going to [ __ ] lose it bro uhoh [ __ ] off take ster let’s go Teamwork Makes the DreamWork let’s go wa why are you here I helped you what do you mean why are you all the way to the bottom what do you mean dude it’s it’s

Not my faulted be good at this God you guys mind if I keep throwing [ __ ] at you guys from above or what uh I don’t think you can hit us with the snowball right yeah but I can break the floor below you what is brother I don’t actually don’t want to

Be near you cuz you’re going to kill me nuh-uh nuh-uh I’m a good guy nuh I’m a good fow oh that’s a movie isn’t that a holy [ __ ] what um H I seem to be in a predicament hey guys at least uh we didn’t die first we could have worked together here

Yeah yeah help me kill this guy okay okay I’m coming you want to kill PS bro oh [ __ ] oh got him yeah oh [ __ ] keep snowballing him don’t you dare don’t I sple him don’t worry get him did you sple me no I another guy sple you I

I SP the guy that sped you I don’t like what is happening in the middle here this is a [ __ ] are you guys at the bottom one frag two more I have UAV who cat is thater Boer yeah yeah this is not a very

I di just let you know no oh my god dude I just played [ __ ] dropper what is that I’m sorry I [ __ ] felling no no sleep sorry I’m sorry sry oh never mind we were doing so good this dude sh look at this guy more like fuing ass maybe booster if you weren’t

Trolling we could have R stop anchoring and lock in okay I have my hand raised I have my hand rais boost for why are you on the [ __ ] fourth floor 4 seconds in the game huh what’s up with that true true true what is going on there I we was

About being in the tallest being on top what is going on there oh guys the floor is going to [ __ ] melt below your feet by the way so be careful don’t is going on there careful the anchors you guys are kind of heavy so it might break

Faster God everybody yo yo y guys guys guys guys Target Target light blue team Target light blue team Target light blue team okay dude what in the [ __ ] I’m already one FL four down I don’t want to attack anyone I’m so sorry way two floor Downs two floor Downs already already

No that sound was [ __ ] how slow could you do it I’m too scared to test that was eat oh sorry was that you don’t run Sprint jump W what are you doing bro no I’m trying to get rid of the floor oh well I’m don’t mind me guys

I’m NPC walking real they’re eventually going to have to come down what you can break the block okay well I’m on the bottom layer now I think okay wait I’m going to make this one like a [ __ ] cinematic death cut why am I the Australians trying death bro walk in

Bro stop trolling no no this is a fullon e3 trailer at this point you’re getting cut off by the way just let get on hey get out of my face [ __ ] oh [ __ ] good I’m I’m in the last I’m in the last layer I beautiful no oh my [ __ ] make it I died

No I you [ __ ] damn this is so hard s you sleepy sleepy oh sleepy stop sleeping and wake the [ __ ] up okay okay oh yeah you’re just dead GG you [ __ ] hey we tried guys it was close GG’s guys gz no we have one more

Round this is our round to be fair got top 10 to so let’s let’s let’s rewind about 30 seconds booster when I said I’m doing a [ __ ] E3 cinematic and you said I’m trolling and why am I alive longer than you have been in your entire [ __ ] existence yeah that’s

What I thought what do you want me to say yeah no say it again louder you’re the best player in the world bro there you go a look at them try hards they know like the timing of that show hello what do you mean they know the timing

They just this one we we carry this is the one this is the one I carry in this is this is the one this is my one this is the one we got this guys stick together yeah please I’m scared okay let’s just go just don’t each

Other just uh I want to listen to that thing I listened to earlier oh my God I almost died no way I a little far back what the [ __ ] how am I in this Johnson tip down here what’s up what up g i k myself oh oh Banger been waiting

For that you can you can uh boost yourself up way you can boost yourself up using the second uh hot part slot right if you point it down and jump dude stop are you serious how yeah oh [ __ ] I killed myself further it’s okay it’s a St a strot it’s a

Mentality can I just kill people yeah you can you can shoot them I aim at their heads all the time [ __ ] there’s no head shot but you can try says you okay no this is bad oh no this is bad this is bad here together I died I’m I’m

Out how are you dead already there’s legit mechanics to go up like floors I killed myself going up no i i k myself I killed myself oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god hello anchors [ __ ] I tried going up and I [ __ ] my head I did

This too heavy dude there’s no way man why am I getting targeted oh my God my [ __ ] god there’s no way dude at least I wasn’t die I you know is a lot of people live still oh yes yeah we might have gotten like 39th for the9 reference chill though guys chill

Guys to be fair [ __ ] you w what my oh go oh my God oh my God oh my God godis what okay sleep is kind of crazy are you serious oh my goodness what the [ __ ] sleep what the [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ]

Oh that’s fck sorry my bad oh [ __ ] dude sleepy is like [ __ ] them up oh my God sleeping on your right there’s somebody AFK stop it stop stop stop we stop why [ __ ] oh my God somebody I got uh killed by Joe oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] oh

Why is fineberg cooking was getting first in Joe Bart Joe Bart Joe has been just dude he’s been just B people at the B what happened to my [ __ ] platform ref run that back ref ref I need an ESPN slowmo replay on that one oh my I

Watched it all you [ __ ] there was no platform it disappeared yeah CU it Wasing we sure played the game guys we were there we participated thank God a good game what’s the part where booster like comes online when is he going to plug us into come on dud Cally got targeted by the

Entire Lobby I got my monitor is off let me turn it on my bad ego in this guy is insane ego and my little brother could do better and he’s not even [ __ ] born wait what what does that even mean wa wild it means I don’t have a little

Brother and he would still be better than you in this game but like [ __ ] the fetus he is s minutes thank God time break time cuz you to draw more here what’s my individual sport 34 oh no we got some bottom we got some bottom 10 so bad last game I got 3

[ __ ] four oh rainho is at 20 I’m doing worse than come on come that’s not a title you want to have that’s not a title you want to have oh my God what’s going on oh my [ __ ] god oh my god 12th Place though he’s quite [ __ ] mad in

It dude oh my [ __ ] God I’m doing so [ __ ] wait hold up we’re still at fourth place though slippy you’re out fragging booser I you think my [ __ ] talk isn’t deserved when’s this [ __ ] going to come online huh he spends more time on Minecraft in one

Day than I do in a month I’m lagging okay I have ping okay guys that’s actually insane I have 205 P leave me alone D can you say b b okay Thanks I’m back what happened what did I miss you’re some [ __ ] ass that’s what you missed oh [ __ ] okay sorry okay on site buddy on site booster I on site better dude I there’s two anchors like you know we need to help all we can get nobody on this team is an

Anchor you guys just [ __ ] suck okay that’s all it is it’s fine okay it’s okay let me let me let me fact check statement we have a bottom 10 holy [ __ ] okay by the way after you drink coffee is it normal to shake a little bit like

To to like um like like to are you having spasms or something this guy’s no but like you know like are you like a little toddler who’s never had coffee before shaking I’ve had coffee before but I think I made this one a little bit too strong I’m not going to lie

13-year-olds first time having coffee start it’s getting the shakes [ __ ] it’s not my fault I’m not a [ __ ] caffeine addict okay I’m not like you bro I sleep right oh dude we’re only 40 points to third at the overall guys not to alarm you but I just

One shot the parkour I might be a goat holy [ __ ] let’s go I honestly don’t believe you though uh you don’t believe me what game do we think we’re going to be best at do we want to do extraction l i I can answer that question we’re going to be

That right right right bro muted okay yeah I get it yeah understood yeah so so he just doesn’t think we’re going to win I’m thinking we play extraction last right damn Wolfie 10 now booer you’re third fragging shut up wait what am iing yeah shut the [ __ ] up man what are

You talking about n n there’s no way you are you actually are I got Target in sple what can I say man like no that’s get targeted dude okay I’m I got to lock in I got to lock you better become a [ __ ] Roblox YouTuber now you’re funny that’s all they’re

Talking about funny bro uh so do we want to play extraction list yeah I think we get Battle out soon cuz I think we’re going to eat sh a battle yeah we should have gotten that out before construction honestly what were we thinking well we didn’t [ __ ]

Know that we were going to be good at construction I think we knew though yeah we know now no we knew we knew we just didn’t know right you know what I’m thinking so we need to get Battle and Blitz out cuz if you suck at Blitz hunt then we got to

Get that [ __ ] out MH I think you’re kind of like talking to a wall right now I don’t think anybody’s listening you’re literally talking to me you’re responding to me right the [ __ ] now what are you talking about like I just don’t care I I can I

Can do any game bro it doesn’t matter to me dude okay no me too no that’s fine exact it’s okay just talking to wall man okay no it’s fine yeah it’s okay oh everybody’s muted okay GG I’m back what’s happened oh everybody’s muted what the [ __ ] welcome back sweetheart oh how about

You I’m good I cannot [ __ ] believe I’m doing so [ __ ] my bad oops no you’re doing great don’t worry about it not everyone can be gamer of the year like me you know what the [ __ ] did I just hear yo so we so we’re lying now is that is that

What it is so we’re lying now is that what I wish guys I believe that you can be first place after you just dominate the next games oh [ __ ] I’m in the Arena stick excuse me my bad Is 7 TV like who is eating good me can you stop making [ __ ] enemies hello sorry I just de off somebody my bad what what were you saying making enemies dude the entire server is just look look look look square up like it’s not my fault everybody hates me bro it’s literally

Just lineu yeah lineu is easy game like it’s just free kills so it’s fine bro everybody’s wait L above you though wait everybody’s targeting me L shu’s above you in the leaderboard I don’t play Minecraft man damn it what is I’m sorry holy [ __ ] it’s okay guys it’s okay guys what

Happened can we stop being mean to her to who are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah you’re like bringing down the team morale and that’s why we’re losing true why so negative man whoer throwing he’s in third for the team only third e third frag that’s so

Funny after talking such a big game it it is actually incredible it’s so impressive how you manag to do that okay sorry guys I lock you better start [ __ ] swing in PvP games man I’ll do I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it okay

Dude I’m just trying to be bad at the game so I don’t get benched this this much you know you’re talking to the t-maker this is not going to work this is this not work dude don’t talk about the magma block okay can we not talk

About the magma block please uh also I mean to be fair [ __ ] for sleep by [ __ ] fullam and Boomer decided to take performance-enhancing drugs and they’re [ __ ] top 10 now so you know why are you [ __ ] serious I’m Tak what were you thinking what were you thinking

Uh just putting fineberg in that team by the way yeah dude what the [ __ ] that team is already good what are you talking about you put in the best player ever in a already good team are you it has two Australians are you mentally deranged can you guys shut the [ __ ] up

My cat’s trying to sleep I’ll sleeping as well days are numbered I I I already know I’m going to get benched for the next five events it’s fine your days are numbered man wait there was a I’d be I’d be a very nice little man right now if I were

You Wolfie I’m going to buy you three Christmas presents uh I’m going to visit you on your birthday I’m going to buy you a mansion is that what you want here wow he’s so nice finally if you visit me on my birthday and show up to my house

Without me telling you wait what the address shocked wait are we playing already the battle I thought we’re going to play um no the audience voted oh guys did you not tell the audience to vote on Twitter No Fu that I did and I said these guys

Probably have like a decent dude you guys have a decent that Twitter influence you’re not using it this is crazy I don’t have any followers in Twitter yeah actually don’t own Twitter um yeah it’s actually uh not called that anymore Bo fair you’re a little behind the times in your third frag position

Right now okay do better man come on wait what is this game I wasn’t paying attention battle PVP K PVP fck I’m so ly I can’t do this [ __ ] awkward you could like from eight tiits yes oh you can there’s like a little time before where you can preview

The kits and like uh look at what they have I am good at every single kit you sure okay DEA just don’t talk you’re literally bottom frag you know what okay guys so let’s use our time efficiently and look at the kits what does everyone want to play do you want

To play something with range I want to be the kitten I want to be an e kitten I’m going to be the BR okay you want to be you want to be the the put me on whatever you think put me on whatever you [ __ ] think I fit on

Man uh oh [ __ ] I equipped something uh okay wait what are you playing Boosty wait how do I unequip how do I unip you just click another one you just click something else it’s okay it doesn’t let me man someone go medic someone go medic

Someone go red can I go medic please uh okay yeah you go what do I play what do I play just pick whatever you want we I don’t know it’s good [ __ ] go skeleton go [ __ ] OverWatch on people okay man what skeleton do yellow shoot bow P yeah I mean I mean heck

Yeah um snowball I think slows people down what do meds do what is absorption that gives you extra Health resist how do I how do I swap between my like slow arrows or not uh hot bar time bark if you want to heal what the

[ __ ] only you luer we’re not go come on holy [ __ ] the music is absolutely pumping dude so wait do I need to bark for a heal oh we’re getting sandwiched we’re getting sandwiched we’re getting sandwiched yo pun is on your [ __ ] where’s the enemy oh [ __ ] do we

Need heals yeah get more arrows did I miss we should like yeah call for heals and we we can like play around it okay I’m low I need heal I need heal I need heal y I’m ding I’m D I’m ha Steve TOS too yeah just hit this

Tower how do I get more arrows hit the tower for what heal you get them automatically yeah this is for points this is for points what the [ __ ] is this are we it’s League of Legends yep we can go for more Towers in mid if we want we just go for

Towers there’s a I don’t think I’m getting more arrows that’s fine oh I am I am I am I lied get this Tower hit the [ __ ] need uh just crit just CR here Tower here yell SC away SC away let’s [ __ ] them up Let Go guys oh it’s weberg bom kill

J Jo slow Jo load did we kill a Tik Tok guy yeah yeah Tik Tok guy is dead let’s go oh my God freaking Ted my heels you [ __ ] I don’t have any I don’t have anymore y they’re in our ass go what is happening [ __ ] him up oh I’m so

Dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead too where am I I’m cheting I barked where are my heels oh my God I’m out you dodged them I I I live I live that you ran away from them um guys clear coms please uh clear coms we have [ __ ] 78

Points clear comms how theing oh my where you at run run run they’ll never get me I go this way slippy where are you oh you know I Fe medic was a little in right now yes medic is a little important you I fig you shouldn’t have SLI

SLI coming down s was up oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah if you die you’re a noob I got you dude where get away from him okay run we just got to got to survive just just go up go up go they’re falling they’re fallowing try they’re like wanting you run into another team run

Them into another team go here go here go here run them into another team don’t stay don’t stay I’m jumping good luck okay well I’m jumping I’m my own life [ __ ] I’m dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead I’ll live I’ll live I’ll live I’ll live watch this

Movement wait did he stay there stay there stay there oh no wait wait wait oh okay that was learning experience guys dude what is this point difference between first and last bro what is happening it’s so bad oh no the the a lot of the points apply afterwards oh

Okay gotta never mind guys we’re in last eighth are we actually not guys kid I wonder why guys where are the heals legit just dodged them but that’s okay you move too much also I got you moved too much stand still sorry I the low key can I we can Swit

Between what Guardian I guess a trident you can throw it is okay so for the guardian is M melee damage nerfed at all or is it just range damage that is nerfed uh it’s melee that’s nerfed but that’s your only weapon so you kind of

Have to use it dude yeah I know but how bad is it now like how much does it uh it’s still pretty good I think just pay pay attention to what’s left like clearly this snowman kit is the best I’m going snowman kit that’s the thing but I

Feel I feel like Arch we shut up to fifth we shut up to fifth let’s go wait wolf I think Archer sucks balls only has 20 arrows well you they regenerate over time yeah but it’s too slow for this [ __ ] what does witch do okay uh sppy you

Like speed I’ll get Molotov I has speed SC has won’t be able to utilize speed I’m not that good at this okay want Arrow you can do arrows yeah I’m I’m medic medic uh you can do we have a medic I I’m medic I’m medic you can go

Medic too if you want CP I’ll just go you’re just it’ll just make you a tank no no you you can we can swap if e why is that te take that [ __ ] out uh what do we not have e we have rain rip the skeleton

Some people will not get that sh it’s fre okay yeah I got you got try to your arrows your arrows will like re re um recharge yeah just just do like good poke damage is all you really need to do you’re going to get points for for

Damage as well does the bomb affect our team or no yes yes so kind you got to like place it inside them all right everyone stand on me uh stand on me right now I’m going to dotion before it starts stand here stand still and yeah

He’s going to throw a pot and then we’re going to have lost like eight gajillion year so yep there we go let’s go for the what’s left oh God my aim I fear I cannot aim I’m just going for Tower in the meantime yeah you’re good try not to

Attack them too much just try to like get them away wello this Tower is Beefy as [ __ ] back off back off back off back off we’re Shilling we’re Shilling do we do we regen passively oh we do okay yeah we do we do it’s just very slow how do I

Know when I hit someone ow ow owowowowowow I need heals I he you I he you okay we got one Tower we can try to to yeah yeah me me I’m standing still you really get puns get puns get puns wait pun punch just cut out get that

[ __ ] wait hold on oh god um [ __ ] we split we split we split we split help go help I need heal I need heal sppy sleppy how do i k my slown I don’t want to use too many heals anymore wait Clean This Clean This Clean this

Nice oh heck yeah keep going hey are we all healthy yeah yeah send that [ __ ] Bud you’ll heal up passively just don’t take too much damage right now I’m just going to chase for the next 18 years of my life nice nice let’s go for the next time iar my aim is

Bad I’m coming oh hell no oh hell no together grp together wol I’m I’m com I’m com out be out out yeah we we got we got we got we got to dip we got to dip this is we’re just getting [ __ ] like sandwich I’m getting BS no I

Died okay let’s go come up come up come come up yeah we’re still we’re still four I’m getting chased boo where you at okay try come come in come no no come in come in come in come in oh I’m dead I’m dead no not no any have heals or any heals or

No no heals no heals no heals just run they’re going to they’re going to commit to us I think no no we’re chill we’re chilling get Jojo I died I’m just chasing this kill for the rest of my [ __ ] life don’t get JoJo Just peace out peace out peace out yeah

Should should come back maybe I got dude I’m on this ass like white on rice hold on what s behind you by the way we can’t really run too much cuz we’re just going to find people that want to kill us okay is it here okay I I

Give up wait where the [ __ ] oh what’s up blue team how we doing H they just [ __ ] ignored you what what’s Su blue team okay never mind drop drop drop drop what’s a Str we going to survive we got we like like [ __ ] the teams that are

Chill let’s go left here there’s a guy below us there’s a guy below us it’s kind of a free kill no no no no no no no no no the green is dropping down wait Oran down or green is on you on you on you they’re all dropping down push them to the

Bear oh we’re stuck here by the way I in the [ __ ] mix right now just hit them just hit them just hit them oh hell I’m in you can survive I’m in nice nice just try to get hits inage I got holy [ __ ] that was that was

Better we’re in third right now but the tower R can you stop dropping please uh thank you what that’s crazy didn’t come on did I die first I don’t remember you’re good you’re good you’re good it just rain rain I are you mentally [ __ ] in the head w w that’s offensive okay relax

Relax oh this is so sad honestly I like battle now this is fun honest to God this orange team is so fuing crazy it it is doing very well we should have gotten this game out first honestly guys not going lie uh I think call we’re doing decent we’re

Doing I found my calling in life put me on a sword I like the sword as well we’re in third right now guys I don’t know the problem SL whoever is brute ah dude it’s so slow I can’t take it I know my calling what’s a sword class what does witch

Do it’s like a do not take my it’s like a hybrid support what’s snowman do where’s M what’s Scout do the wi uh I can go or you can goep oh wait can I go creeper just don’t do enough damage do we have a medic uh not yet I can go by

The way guys I do a lot of damage with my sword when I combo so it’s like it’s like like does does Tron do damage when I smack or I only have to do right click yeah both both it’s like almost an a try to get Chris you got to you got to

Attack slow is kind of crazy though what the [ __ ] does why do I have water bottles I get thirsty when we get on put on fire what by the way uh sleepy your kit you just go in crit once and then back out like you just poke them basically

You can throw this [ __ ] too no yeah but throwing is way less damage when they really far throw it but just try I’m the Healer now by the way so if you need heal shut up okay uh come me come come here sit on me hello yes we can we can do absorption

I’m here I’m here I’m here yeah yeah yeah just stand still until the potion is on the anybody thirsty need water I got you guys all right go let’s go for this Tower to the right I think I’m orange team that is orange team did we

Even get a tower last game oh watch out for the explosion oh [ __ ] oh God owie I’m getting [ __ ] from the side I got ganked oh [ __ ] I’m going to kill I’m going to kill I’m you didn’t call for heals heal heal heal you see my health

Though I died oh no my God what tnation happened I can’t see your health I’m not a [ __ ] E what do you mean what do you mean I couldn’t orange we should just ignore Orange let’s just go for survival um why did witch not just throw stuff at

Already died booster what a [ __ ] throw what the [ __ ] we don’t have a Healer classic [ __ ] throw wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute even know how to communicate that they like the best team why do we want here ass uh they’re coming from behind they coming from

Behind they’re coming they’re coming they coming oh what the [ __ ] it’s a it’s a they’re in a bush um um um they were in they were in the fog of War um guys out through [ __ ] [ __ ] movement went crazy there okay [ __ ] SC by the way go just go M just keep

Running and and try to lure them into a different team mid is honestly oh I’m [ __ ] dead oh no okay wait I can bait here I can bait here okay I got to get up here I’ll try to get to can you get out yeah this place there’s water there’s

Water [ __ ] I can’t even get dude oh man dude orange oh heck why the [ __ ] booer you know that orange is like the best team did we even fight them my bad guys my bad yeah was good I was unlucky yeah how we doing well you’re you need to get like

10 kills to yeah watch this first place for us you got to lure the teams into each other never mindly [ __ ] don’t worry guys we clutch up on extraction guys this is how this work clut on every other game watch us like bottom fragant extraction that would be F don’t [ __ ] don’t don’t

Speak it into existence man dude do not I’m sick of your [ __ ] negativity sorry guys sorry guys sorry guys my fault all my fault guys the ring is settled all right this is the perfect [ __ ] moment we’re out of this game mode anything you guys need to get out

Just let it out right now what do you guys let it all out you guys are a great team I hey guys been really fun teaming so far but uh we’re kind of [ __ ] bad at the game so let’s pick it up guys come on I think we’re doing great guys

I want to hear some more like slur Hest I said GG five [Laughter] times oh my God to be fair dude orange is [ __ ] nuts it it is very good I’m I’m convinced they are on they have they have like [ __ ] high ground and [ __ ] I mean they have four players that that

Just sweat Minecraft so I don’t know like what excuse me I don’t know if you looked at their [ __ ] stats but their averages are all below top [ __ ] 10 that stats lie your average is [ __ ] top 10 and you’re currently in [ __ ] like bottom half

Yeah I think I think you need to dial in N I have the I have the rain rain Nerf honestly let’s let’s the Rainer right let’s do some team bonding all right I want silence and I’m going to count down to three up to three when I hit three

Everyone just say the name of the person they think might be the problem here that’s not bonding on three silence no talk about it no premeditating one 2 three booer at least we’re all on the same page here hey you said your own name you agree like you’re you know I agree guys

I am the problem I will start behaving sorry guys I too might be too late buddy might be too [ __ ] late sorry sorry I to the event guys sorry I’ll I’ll pay you guys back I swear oh oh my God we didn’t do worse why oh guys we’re in seventh we dropped from

Third to seventh oh no oh that is Heat hey the points are not that it’s not that yeah they definitely they only have they only have 1500 more points than this guys it’s oh my God 13 [ __ ] kills hey I’m six place I think right holy shits h we can we can bounce back we can bounce back

Yeah um we’re literally one point away from fourth yeah I got you stolen a lot so yeah I should have gotten [ __ ] drunk for this event honestly great idea let me grab some I should have m yeah yo but those gummies were so good team drugs oh Nice yep I love my Minecraft familyfriendly event where we do heroin together it is quite funny how the event itself is familyfriendly like you’re not allowed to [ __ ] swear and then out here we’re just like just going crazy out there [ __ ] your team Coke w [ __ ] I’m going

To [ __ ] I’m G to [ __ ] you I’m going to [ __ ] you up guys you’re getting dangerously close to 40th Place you guys need to be careful here okay wait do we have do we have not one but two bottom five we have bottom five now it is getting a little bit in the

Danger zone guys pick up the Bas didn’t K me honestly guys let’s just agree to never give Wolfie healer he he kind of can we all agree that boo booer needs to shut the [ __ ] up real Boer you can’t really blame me right for for not healing you when the

First time you talk is by the way I’m dead and you [ __ ] die de it’s crazy like kind of true that’s kind of true what am I supposed to do am I supposed to [ __ ] have like you say Bolt speed [ __ ] ran over to you [ __ ] forgot to bark yeah we’ll go for

Blitz I forgot to bark my bad my bad oh [ __ ] am I okay can we go extraction guys I’m a go at that game I’m going to boot people you want to go extraction guys I’m a go at extraction why can’t we play that oh I died oh it’s golf rules wait

Go out of go out of Blitz go out of Blitz go in Orange go in Orange go in Orange right okay I killed myself oh boost rare go in Orange it’s it’s gol you doing I don’t I don’t want to do extraction I want to do party [ __ ] party

Dude Len it’s golf rules golf rules we want to do this guy’s not [ __ ] the least votes is getting played [ __ ] oh okay there we go let’s hunt right oh no booster lost today no dude if it’s extraction we’ve actually lost okay thank God I was going to say

If this was extraction it was over oh my God yes oh my L it’s a fitty fitty okay Zen right we uh got to get get get back to back on track I love you guys uh-huh thank you that made me want to Def in for this entire game but I’m

Not going to lie Okay so we’ve all played this one oh actually have we I don’t [ __ ] know but it’s like hideand-seek now it’s my first time here actually can you explain uh read the [ __ ] chat I can’t read can you explain okay well un you dud so you hide

Right and then one round we don’t hide the other the one round we don’t hide N the way this game works is when you see a glowing person run towards it and tag them okay if you want to play extremely sweaty you can turn on hit boxes if we

Really want to win we can try hard our [ __ ] balls off how do we how do we um how do we turn on headboxes again F3 and B F3 plus b turns on hitboxes it will say in chat hitboxes shown if that this is the ultimate [ __ ] tryhard mode

This is some [ __ ] glasses wearing activity let’s settle down yeah you’ll see a little white little box around people I don’t care I’m doing it bro sleepy don’t act like you don’t wear glasses bro shut up shut up and turn your i i unfor i fortunately and your fortunately

Brother guess what guys they patched itch nice [ __ ] okay well I guess we lose virginity virginity challenge failed good [ __ ] um try to split let’s try not let’s try to not all be together so if they find one of us they don’t you say what went to McDonald’s stay in spawn

You could try that I I wouldn’t do it when the Huns are there literally looking at you good point why am I so [ __ ] fast I feel like I need some different music for this holy [ __ ] I can’t [ __ ] hide oh my God it’s already no with you it’s so [ __ ] GG for

Me oh it’s so [ __ ] for me oh dude it’s over it’s so you’ll see the blue people how we first de huh dude they literally ran exactly where I went what the [ __ ] oh my dude my heart just beat out of my [ __ ] no way no even inside it’s like really

What did you die sleepy what the [ __ ] what’s good pimp what’s good this is [ __ ] [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] [ __ ] and he find me immediately Lucky guys I’m scared sucks to suck as guys there’s there’s seven rounds of this so don’t right you can you can bounce back I’m going to try to find like a really crazy don’t look up don’t look up I’m photos Sy now Ste my spot okay they a really good hiding

Spot oh I think that guy that guy’s eyes just [ __ ] popped out of his skull he saw me so fast parkour oh is everyone dead dude that guy eyes out of head jaw the floor he oh my God they suck can I make this jump what I just survived and the hunter

Stared me in the [ __ ] eyes they just like yeah never mind I don’t want this One H fing shut the [ __ ] up he saw you meing and edging dude shut the [ __ ] up so Hunter became the hunted for a sec yeah I don’t like this where’s the one that I used to always hide in this is this is dooky Central holy

[ __ ] GG again I’m G guys how’s it GG again we just started yet GG I a GG five times I got BN for 72 hours this is the spot isn’t it oh my God it’s here guys what the [ __ ] wait we can’t open the door no guys I’m just running

Around I’m clenching my cheeks dude I’m so [ __ ] I’m so worried it’s over it’s so over it’s so over it’s it’s so over it’s it’s so over it’s so over oh my god dude dude there was three you don’t see me you don’t see yo my ass is clenchy so hard okay

You got a good spot this guy who’s this okay Demi you’ve got a good spot too yeah okay wait I didn’t even see who the [ __ ] is this slippy sppy got a good spot too let’s go uh where’s booster this is a good sign I don’t know where the [ __ ] you

Are what the [ __ ] huh oh okay I got you guys clutch up let’s [ __ ] go oh no Boer are you still alive all right 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds the hunters have speed too you could give the hunters wall hacks and they wouldn’t get me I think I think you’re good wait

Hold up I think you’re good we’re good let’s go hug yeah we are we’re doing the best out of all the teams that have not hunted give me that give me that room every time this game’s settled [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well [ __ ] I’m going I’m going um here okay

Split this one uh rain and Dem you can go together maybe and then everyone SPL where we hi where do we go you go just go go away that so no one is going here we can we can communicate and cut people off yeah yeah you can you can do do com

Too also I have five helps by the way I have five helps looking through corners you here it goes here go guys come on oh my God the vision I’m so impaired yeah it’ll it’ll go hiding right now in the the spawn I’m going to vanish so many people

Damn it this is parkour I can’t [ __ ] do this man I’m stressed the [ __ ] I’m sorry it’s not personal I swear get the the [ __ ] over here yes [ __ ] there’s one running there’s two you too you’re mine oh my who the [ __ ] is next cleaning him up you your blood mine

I saw you where are you there are like 20 people here oh what the [ __ ] get to the fire area yeah thank you they’re all running no no problem I saw you no I can’t they’re out parkouring Me stop where you at here in the jungle nice nice nice nice huge hey I see anybody anymore [ __ ] [Laughter] sorry no we did pretty good I’m going to put my fist through the monitor out of that was really good how many you guys

Get uh I have like four people in my I got five I got six guys you’re welcome for let’s go let’s go okay remember split up uh don’t don’t try to try not to stick together too much Welcome to the Jungle W room oh this place sucks don’t

Like this maybe not room blow how do I can’t even get out of this room oh what the [ __ ] is this room this room is oh dude it’s over no this room is GG a it’s so GG’s for me right now oh this room is [ __ ] oh this is [ __ ]

I’m [ __ ] I’m I’m just inant de I’m sorry guys oh my God they come from who’s with me I think they saw me oh they [ __ ] hurt me I’m dead I can’t get up there right sorry I like your spot pimp that [ __ ] is he I’m getting chased like crazy no no

Sorry G that’s right okay I like your spot pimp who’s that over there is that you mind if we hold hands s is that you in the other side of the room no no no hey who’s that is it that me yeah is that you uh I’m alive right uhoh somebody’s

Near me is that the person is that person close to you uhoh good oh yeah oh [ __ ] okay thr that ass back okay [Applause] what I’m going to I’m having a torque off with one of the hiders oh oh that’s a crazy hiding spot the [ __ ] oh I didn’t see me what

The [ __ ] uh who was in the room with me then wait stank on them Hold Up Wait Boer still alive ass the ass let’s [ __ ] go holy [ __ ] those guys were really good at hunting by the way who is that better than us uh they did about the same

Yeah we’re still in Ferris we’re [ __ ] dominating and [ __ ] guys please don’t hide please we are so drunk unlucky please and try harder next time buddy wait I think five has a goat spot in here somewhere I’m just going to go to the same [ __ ] room yeah this is

The one I think no maybe not oh hello oh this is the spot can I join you me I don’t know I’m with someone I don’t know where I’m going just avoid P house this might be the goat spot pink pink is going to be maybe a little confusing cuz it’s kind of

Close to purple but just avoid pink they don’t see me they don’t I got I got I got I died I’m so confid this spot wait there’s a Hider [ __ ] camping when he has guys this whole room sucked ass wait who’s hiding next to me what the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah there

Was like nothing good here oh I could went here oh my God hello what why are you trolling me should I stand up and grabb something stop can you stop being fat thank you you you ruined everything for me Boer oh my God my coffee in the bathroom crazy at

Hiding I’m so good at hiding wait who’s who’s next to me then why were there three hunters in stupid literally everywhere what’s good oh watch out there what the [ __ ] that’s okay he can’t smell me I had my scent with [ __ ] wait guys guys guys it’s fine yellow team losing he yellow team

Is losing heav yellow hasn’t hunted yet though thing hey guys I was here the whole time wait hold up this pink them did pretty pretty solid with uh hunting holy moly how much oh we did better we did better we are better like bro why three hunters in the room I don’t get

It they have H these spots all suck all right guys don’t worry no I died one round one fluke in my life I also had one one silly Boo Boo and then it was over okay how about not doing that wait is coming back from the he what’s

Up what’s good pimp I’ll join you here same dude same John is it like a strat to like expose like people who are higher ranked than you um no guys I think I’m in a good ass hiding spot guys we might be dead bro you have the brightest pink [ __ ] Cape ever

Hide that [ __ ] bis Molin ass who has that blue [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I also this guy has the brightest pink [ __ ] ever please it sticks out like a sore thumb swear to God oh my God right now so loud other people are just giving me

Away that’s what he did last time to me man guy’s blaming his teammates once again people are giving me away what do you mean my teammates I said people not my teammates scw how can I win I have to carry my support every time oh wait oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I made a [ __ ] mistake I chok I choked I’m good I’m actually good I told you guys that this place is actually Good I slipped dude no uhoh uhoh my ass just sleepy sleepy why did you die bro what’s happening well you know even the great fall eventually ex that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m say but wait I don’t who who considers you the great I’m just better F this is insane

If I died there I would have lived I didn’t trip they just don’t see me what’s going on man the survived I might be cheating hold up I’m going to challenge myself I’m going side yeah you’re right right oh yeah never mind oh this is the jobart room hold up the jobart

Room yeah it’s the one where he yelled at me and was like you [ __ ] stupid dumb ass I was like what do you I’m just your teammate oh this is [ __ ] I might be cooked I might be cooked I might be cooked might Beed I might be cook

I’m I feel like no one’s going to this is so obvious they’re going to miss this I’m so I’m so cooked I this is so see me where so teammates stressing SP what the [ __ ] this might be so obvious we’ll miss it just just loop around loop

Around they won’t see you wa it worked this person is laggy St directly at it’s just a strat you just loop around that’s just it you you actually just all these rooms [ __ ] suck dud it does right it’s so [ __ ] obvious like I got a Godlike desert room I’m hearing

An un alarming amount of skillers guys they might have seen me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let’s go Lizzy I slipped I slipped oh my god get room this is insane holy [ __ ] it would have worked saw just first place now what’s happening here I’m so [ __ ]

Scared no [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I was so close I forgot they have speed that was so sad if I pull up to the club and the [ __ ] Blitz hunt music is on I’m just throwing ass I just real this team this team [ __ ] smoked everyone in hunting holy [ __ ] yeah they

H so many people that was insane because the rooms were ass this round room actually so no come on it actually was it actually was room are bad my [ __ ] God we just all going to stay ly um bro b i will is this the room mag is bad magic is bad kind

Of oh [ __ ] so over over it might be over from me too I don’t know where the hide is everybody following I’m take your spot is that cool yeah you can come Jo other way around yeah coming I’ve I might die first here we can hop around this and

Then if they look up we’re but [ __ ] Broski there’s a water elevator hold up you can’t just go up oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] how many dude this guy’s about to get an ultra kill a actual kill trity don’t look up just don’t look up [ __ ]

[ __ ] bro back to in a corner what will the prey do when he becomes the hunted no no no oh I got TR oh my God hey at least we Tred we’re going to get like guaranteed third at least that’s good what the [ __ ] oh my God I wait

Who’s chilling up here no I’m oh you got to run [ __ ] who’s this where the [ __ ] are you on your ass oh crusted crab how the [ __ ] in the Crusty Crab the [ __ ] CL wait you’re wait wait wait you’re sking toilet oh my God wait you guys are in a toilet bowl

Yeah what the [ __ ] that’s so try guys that’s so trendy I don’t see Dema Look At Dem she’s in skiy toilet Demi’s like hidden in this thing I yeah I can’t see her wait that spot’s op you can’t see that from below the how that is insane holy

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] holy sh oh we got four we take that we take that we take a silly forth we take that I might have I may have found we we calculated we we factored in that don’t worry it’s all been accounted for holy [ __ ] Joe Bart the

Goat Joe need to chill man Joe needs to chill man holy [ __ ] Jo’s try Harding too hard why is on the top five overall ever hey we’re in fourth again let’s go we’re great we’re on perfect Pace to get third it’s actually gonna happen it’s

Actually gonna happen no if we if we go if we go seven for seven in extraction we actually win the point point D in that game is insane wo oh let’s just go seven for seven nice yeah let’s just do that I mean surely Bank on us going

Seven for seven we can pull it off okay we can pull it off as long as we play together we’re going to be extraction we put together in extraction yeah yeah what you peek your Corners you get you hold your angles and you back you right

Click to shoot uh just a little just in case someone didn’t know that okay M you have to manually reload as well yeah oh my God okay wait SLE you we wait you improved man let’s go really comes down to extraction I can’t [ __ ] wait let’s look at the end board again what happened last time I played extraction I did 60 [ __ ] damage and we got like

Like last guys I’m so [ __ ] hey guess what guys Boer third fragant again oh my God holy [ __ ] unlucky oh [ __ ] yeah uh there’s also new games in party and one of them requires communication wait do we play every game mode party one we could to play party

And extraction right yeah we play both yeah yeah okay he we play hopefully party first there’s a game party that requires pretty much just entirely um the comms so we gotta keep that one on the gotta C down it’s like um uh [ __ ] it’s hard to explain like a

Block falls from the sky and there’s a hole in the floor and you have to line it up like the Block in the thing but four of us get one button that goes either north south west or east and one person drops it down wait what do we

Want party uh party party party party yeah yeah I think’ll be fine with that because like we we should be okay as long as we don’t scrap through each other the entire time that’s the the big problem so we need clear coms huh yeah clear coms what do I have oh cat my

Cat cat you can right click it to make it sit oh [ __ ] my where’s my cat where’s myat I just sted my cat unlucky where me we just chill in here and and pray my cat’s missing can you stop beating me I’m sad I just lost my cat

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop uh I was kidnapped I was kid stop Yes okay this is good stop there is a comeback potential stop yeah come back time we can do it the thing is I don’t know if we were to make it to finals oh God we

Had dude we have a ping we have a secret we have Dem for Ping diff in in in oh real could just run what is this tell me Splat got removed so it got changed it got changed there’s a different mode oh it’s this one oh it’s clickbait ph’s not actually in

This why we I love my eyes guys we’re good at part we have to do good in this game mode don’t we uh we can’t throw we can’t we can do it okay t comes first this is the new game Fu this is the new game the

One that I just just talking about the thing comes say w instead of like North West wda well there’s colors there’s colors so you can do like red yellow blue I’m green I’m green I’m green I’m On Top what does this mean you have to coms you have to do coms everybody has

Shut up and the person top up yes okay I don’t know what I’m doing just say the name of the of the person that that that you want to click the just say the color you don’t PR no just say her name say her name just say the name there’s going

To be a piece falling from the sky and you have to line it up with the floor it’s like Tetris Tetris look from above look from above you’ll see the piece don’t press the button tell us which way don’t press the button until it’s done

Uh it’s in it’s in the it’s in the southwest corner where do we go tell tell whoever he used to press it okay what I don’t [ __ ] know South go south South South South Blue BL blue South South South South South a bunch I’m pressing keep going south keep going south keep going

South keep going south more more more go west twoo or like three go south one more okay go west one more okay I’m press the button okay good yep nice okay uh go south South like like three or four and then go east like two yeah nice go east one more East one

More South I think South one more I’m going to to pray that that hits let’s see inah that’s nice okay um it needs to go south uh South one wait actually it’s perfect yeah there you go the press the button then press the button R nice oh

Waitd um it needs to go north a bunch uh and East much East uh East one uh North two more North or no uh I think it’s good send it I F okay uh go west west west west how much and then yeah go west keep going west keep going west also one

North one North keep going west keep going west more went to stop more this is some EU education one more there we go good good good good good nope go south and go west keep pressing South and West South and West South and West keep pressing South and West keep

Pressing South and West keep keep keep keep doing it keep doing it keep doing it keep doing it I’m getting team gapped right now yeah chill chill chill South chill South one more south one more south one more south keep going west west west west west more West more West more West three

More West two more West one more West no East one East one East one East one East one East good okay okay uh [ __ ] uh West West and one North more West more West more West one more there we go next okay uh North one okay yeah nice East uh two yep

Missed uh east east east east east east how many and then and then uh North like just keep going just keep going east and north uh maybe two more in yeah stop stop stop stop East one yeah nice nice South and then West South and the West South West South South oh

Sorry oh chill let chill so how many of us wear glasses in this call guys maybe we should start wearing some glasses honestly don’t worry don’t worry both of yours what’s happening there I think I’m playing on Quake Pro and I went two for two what happened that’s parkour that’s parkour

Time it’s beep test you know test it’s time based though you have to like be quick as well it’s fitness grander test in Minecraft I’m gonna fall I’m sweating you’re sweating as you’re sweating like uh in real life or sweating in game like I’m worried am I

The only one in here with depth perception one by one one wait I don’t get it you can take your time just parkour take your time you don’t have to like hurry too much you got to be first bro I did it you have to go back and oh

[ __ ] go back yeah go once and then it’ll disappear next one and then you go again oh okay and then we chill keep my legs stretched doing switch on the other side oh my God the risky maneuver pays off nice got my stretches

Iny C mon we just want to try to make it as far as possible speed does not matter speed matters slow I’m going to oh spe Among Us sus sus everyone Point laugh at the one guy that fell the two people that fell F Point laugh at our teammates who

Are going to fall on this one I did it woo go just chill and then we’ll we’ll make it we’ll make it this is stressful it is yeah I got some FPS lag there and I still clutched up I fell nice the ele good all good you have three lives you

Have three lives so you’re chilling so dude um what is this who the who fell at the last jump there that’s kind of sad wait are you going back oh [ __ ] go back you fell again I the last jump all right cool ah you guys got this though are you out

No not yet but I am about to be what am I looking at what is this how soon is about to be this is so scary pretty soon we got like one round left than us or what yeah no uhoh yeah I di you also went down lag lag lag

Lag me too me too me me to me too at least everyone died am I landing on little chicken wings the [ __ ] a [ __ ] that was glitch glitch glitch [ __ ] it like let me go like immediately it didn’t let me run oh my god oh dude this is he nice try Squad don’t

Worry no it double jum [Laughter] [ __ ] I got by three oh [ __ ] I’m Dead I’m going to eat my own [ __ ] in 3 seconds flat did you die I threw dude don’t B him a little like little spammy don’t worry guys I got this this might be a little bit bit of a rough wood wait Wolfie do you have how many

Hearts do you have left three bring us home wolf bring us home [ __ ] okay bring us the [ __ ] home all right got it oh my God a damn I should have like took my time I was freaking out honestly guys it’s just it’s just lag right decn I’m going to blame I’m

Going to blame my there don’t don’t that guy had been following since July last year glad you want to see Co no it’s more of like it’s just like a usually I used the glare earlier I used the fov there okay let’s Clear Com Focus I just threw back to back that’s

Just you know it is what it is it is what it is [ __ ] fineberg dude man he’s hacking he’s hacking he’s hacking I feel like I don’t know what the [ __ ] they did to the parkour this shit’s hard this is hard that’s what I’m saying we should we should entirely like

Avoid this game mode people alive hello and fine bers is there holy [ __ ] ho he just keep going there’s two people alive you thisy in not even you Su this guy in you subed this guy in yeah why did you Su like five of or something yeah Wolfie Wolfie what is

This sub where hello when you subbed him in you subbed fineberg in bro this is your fault did not I did not this is your fault I never Su this [ __ ] in he was just on the team please please Splat zones not Splat zones Crossfire please I don’t want to play I we’re

Going to play both we’re going to play both of them anyways no I don’t want to play Splatoon it’s ask should just be like timed out for like I don’t know two minutes or some [ __ ] like that yeah that was that parkour was that was hard

Is this ones this is just this is just solo yeah uh avoid Orange it’s like don’t touch the lava I’m color blend it’ll turn orange if they’re color blind but what do you mean one of them is s one of them is orange looks like said yeah stand on stand on

The sand okay it might be easier to F5 yeah and like look down it’ll it’ll give you more Vision you but then I’ll be bad at jumping if if if you don’t why do I see other people it’s just ignore that oh Among Us my got boost stand next to each other

Man oh my goodness let’s see who goes out first it’s going to be me doesn’t it go like really quick yeah yeah it speeds up pretty fast eventually you’re going to have to like Sprint jump a lot immediately but you can walk for now it’s

Chilling oh there go oh what the [ __ ] no they finally fixed it I don’t know what was wrong wait now I feel lonely Smiles I don’t I don’t know if I like f55 is hard for me commit commit to F5 choice you can try to swap real quick

When uh when you’re on the sand like waiting n if you swap mid it’s going to [ __ ] you up trust me fair enough I’m freaking oh my God whoever goes out first is a rotten egg damn why does it go fast go see one out first oh it’s I’m talking about our team

Damn it that’s chill did you die oh oh my god dude whoer I couldn’t see anything close to me I should have F five man thank you I’m actually pissed off I should have F5 it’s hard yo ref this is not fair R stop get

So far away from me dude I should have F5 I couldn’t see oh [ __ ] oh I died that sucks I would have been able to like see where to go oh [ __ ] I missed that literally couldn’t seey come on my butthole is so clenched please stop end the game

Uh does itend until everybody’s dead No it should be done why did I go for that you’re going for insane jumps here what the [ __ ] move when does it finish does it finish at 75 there we go there’s a lot of people that survived holy [ __ ] oh my God

There’s a hole in my in my in my pajamas where my [ __ ] should be it’s from punching all right guys spat ton you get a like a shotgun type of we we upgraded Splatoon now we have real guns ho [ __ ] Doom weapon we have to go for

The like the wo squares the white squares in the like let’s go to the right should like uh no not necessarily we can try to adapt if if separating is there any damage or just one shot a person if we all shoot him uh I thought we had to

Like any imunity no no you don’t have to shoot the wall this time oh we just walk into it oh oh this [ __ ] fires fast oh I’m merking them left and right in center holy [ __ ] wait what what color are we purple you have to spck or you just hold

It you can hold it go left go left but like should you hold it I know like the nerd Strat the other one was to like spam click oh no you can just hold it hold hold it good there’s a there’s a rate limit I think I don’t think there is I think

Spam is actually faster oh oh yeah it is oh I di uh blue team contesting Us by the way yeah I don’t think a good little janitor what is happening Blue’s here Blue’s here what about the big white areas those don’t matter oh they don’t you just want to go for

The the ones with like the the like yellow and black stri how much HP does he have yeah that’s what I mean what about the bigger ones than this yeah you also go for those yeah yeah sorry I was confused [ __ ] oh my God wait they can

Hit me in here this is not Splatoon accurate this is not low low accurate Splatoon I think what oh [ __ ] I have a bomb we for this pink area here dog [ __ ] or what rhetorical yeah you are ni see Ral this good for points got cleared just triple

Head shot him triple head shot him my God headed him D 140 ow ow someone’s killed me oh [ __ ] we need help with the Blue Team by the way yeah I got you I’m respawning reloading in I’m just being a [ __ ] problem to pink team right

Now oh what the [ __ ] behind you s took this entire thing three on me the lag not want to die all right this game probably sucks ass on PING oh my God this [ __ ] [ __ ] is so annoying hey we did pretty decent let’s go all right we s back extraction this

Is what it all [ __ ] relies on man this is the one game the next one yeah Laggy why does it always come down to extraction man I don’t know but this time we got to believe man we play a f game right should be easy we just got to get the morale [ __ ] is it instant like like where you aim or do you have great things it’s

It’s like a bow it’s like a bow you guys sweat FPS so I expect great things guys I got you got to get the positivity flowing man no it is it’s a crossbow oh so you can it shoots but it’s it’s not like it’s pretty [ __ ] quick don’t

Leave too much it is very quick okay but since I’m lagging try to like you know aim where they’re going or just aim at them uh how much ping are you on 200 10 yeah where are they going then just a aim for the after image we’ll find out from just shooting

You just aim with Vibes honestly honestly by the way everybody Dodges like to the side and comes back so just shoot straight at them cuz they’re they’ll Dodge to the side and then come back to where you shot and you’ll just shoot them e again true all right just shoot straight at them

Uh-huh no pressure in this game guys but if we lose I’m killing myself I’m just kid dude guys no pressure no pressure but no pressure but it’s on you guys for this one guys no reason nice you can’t say that I know great Push by the way I know a great

Spot this day could be my last day we God oh no we have to get I think I think even if we do good I think we’re destined a guys trust me we’re going to do really good we’re going to No we’re going to do really good we’re going to do really

Good they’re Minecraft players they’re not going to be good at this they’re not FPS players we’re literally going to get third if we do good I’d rather I just lose out right and not get third no we’re going to try hard we got this game it relies on me here don’t worry

Squad we’ve got this no no no I got this guys just don’t don’t laugh at me please what’s what’s the Cs rank what’s the valent rank what are we like iron iron iron n we lost we lost no I’m un ranked I’m unranked ranked we [ __ ] lost what the

No way no way well probably better than you booster oh oh so what does that say about one me in Apex right now Apex yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought [Laughter] no no way you’re all so bad at Apex sleepy that’s crazy I was [ __ ] Masters in Apex actually yeah g is easy as H press left shift but question is did you three stack for that Masters no I like I think I solo duoed okay

Duoed yeah cuz I only have one other friend um that’s uh that’s that’s boosting to me that sounds like boosting honestly that’s not not a deserves Masters honestly like crazy what was your uh and so you solo and what rank are you uh Diamond I got diamond for that doesn’t

Mean [ __ ] but you got boosted you [ __ ] I can do it I I need to calm down guys it’s okay it’s okay wait when when did you get when did you get your diamond like this season or what um I haven’t played in a while so like you

Know it’s like a couple Seasons maybe like a year I don’t know washed up this map is [ __ ] great I love this map guys we’re going to win we’re going to I don’t even understand where you can get to I need some wacky um I think the sides are pretty good

This is insane somebody just like whoa guys wall jump wall jump so much okay yeah there’s a lot of a lot of angles and [ __ ] yeah what the hell going one side or what by I don’t see a sign all going left or right or what what’s what’s the play

Here um let’s do left all right everyone go left left left get the most kills wait we have four Hearts now disgusting it’s been like that oh God I got him once got him twice dude I’m in the [ __ ] open I’m eating ass right now oh my God I took so

Much damage I’m one HP I hit a lot though one HP careful there’s a guy coming behind you guys make sure you kill the where is Blue I I’m going back to you guys I’m just running did you die all right go trck is that all of them yeah no one more to

Your side oh on me oh hit oh [ __ ] oh that’s not good uhoh nice or I hit him kill this guy what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude what hitting him my arrows keep going into you guys what dude my arrows kept going into my teammate dude dude what just happened what the

[ __ ] 11 prti practice round we win though it’s fine we win we win it’s okay we need extract more people but we still on it I my arrow are legit going to my teammates no I saw the arrow just go through them really dude yeah yikes they

They went through War up warm up now we all get we got thison we got to take down we went from oh [ __ ] yeah let’s go right let’s go right right okay so okay dude do you know your lesson Left Right Jesus I’m dead holy [ __ ] ow I’m I’m wait don’t don’t don’t

Like hard commit to that yeah I back don’t stack on top of each other there’s one H he got me twice behind behind I got an oh I’m dead me I’m dead too behind they’re coming behind we’re getting sandwich I hit him once I’m no I I died I died I

Died booster oh there’s two on you clutch up clutch up clutch a kick get out [ __ ] how was he full they were all guys so hard I I think we spre I think we spread out more I got my one one guys I don’t know what you’re doing what’s

Happening Here guys you got your One V one I hit that guy three times no I killed I killed shun what do you mean okay also I hit the guy that I was just shooting three times by the way the same guy he was full guys what are you

Doing someone’s lying here so what happened about the win all seven guys did we just lose the entire event is that what’s happening here no we can extract all of us here so win all and extract all so nobody dies a single round yeah yeah you guys are just so

We’re lying now yeah that’s how it works sure it’s okay all right I’m playing I’m playing flanking more this [ __ ] through truing no no no I’m flanking through middle you guys just make sure not I feel like two two flanking wouldn’t be okay two middle two middle middle where

Do you guys want to go right or left left uh okay go go left left left left the time um yahooo I’m going Bottom okay nobody here I’m going up left is clear we can try to go behind get high ground as well oh we see oh heck no oh

[ __ ] I fear it might be over for me a shot to be hit perhaps oh ow what the [ __ ] what’s hit me oh somebody’s still in the okay well he’s alone he’s alone and they’re all coming from our side there’s two in our spawn got it okay

Nice I’m one hit I’m one there why am I getting hit he on top on top he Dro down our spawn our spawn I hit him once I died he double shoted me holy [ __ ] I died too he’s insane no he’s one hit he’s one hit one hit one hit is one hit

One hit I can hit a single shot I hit oneg he’s one hit I hit him twice so it’s not just one hit holy we’re down huge nice nice [ __ ] that loock up [ __ ] okay that worked better I think just I staying in like small groups is way better you like you can

Combo one person out like really Qui also sleepy I think I’ll go up you go down in the flanking thing okay I’ll just take these stairs in the middle okay uh let’s go go right go right go right go right yeah go right right all right that guy shot like

One3 right right right right right right right they’re going right as well shoot their feet okay right hit him twice cutting off this uh one Health me too though Oh two people up yeah [ __ ] sorry I got a guy nice behind you behind you did three damage nice I think it’s the last guy yeah last guy last oh one guy one guy left everyone extract dude good [ __ ] I’m lost oh my God I’m actually lost why is there a [ __ ] wall

Like where’s the opening huh where’s the onramp okay I think we’re doing we are on Pace for third I’m excited [ __ ] go s again run it back again up and I’m still in third place I think next time you might have to get F if it’s actually like [Laughter]

That it’s actually insane what’s taking so long uh I think the red and blue team might be against each other stalling oh they made love they pulled a Hunger Games oh my God they decided to not not play into the system okay silly snowman I’ll show you

The do the uh what does the arrow do like the uh the one glowing spectral yeah yeah the opponent’s glow doesn’t do like any more damage or something like that you should make it like explode into a nuke so everybody takes one damage around them as well true

Insane oh no one okay wait oh they’re in Middle all of them are middle oh I’m getting ganked oh I’m getting ganked I can’t aim as well by the way I’m just one shot here I died I did like six damage there or something We Go Again behind you guys an FR

Behind I fear I can him damn okay ant hit to I died dude I got like four man to clutch gamer up the year come on no bring it home for the queen sh you 23 I kind of missed all my shots my bad true it’s true it’s true

Damn clean sweet that is I swear to God it just they just went all the drop off is just too crazy yeah I actually just got fourman mid yeah sleepy honestly you’re just like throwing a little bit there damn got my damage in it’s okay though

It’s okay though it’s okay we need hit that honestly I don’t think I hit a single one I’m not going to lie I’m I was just shooting into like me the thck me in the thick of it hitting six shot I was shooting the people that were

Chasing you and and all of the arrows just were going like perfectly in between them that was just so bad though oh good God I’m going to go like up ground up we should go wait are we fighting the are we fighting the red team for third or

Was happening here I don’t know no we’re fighting Aqua let’s just stick together and just try to play around that I’ll try to get the uh arrows on the left help help help help where in the right side Joe Bart is one on top on top on topart Cut nice

Crazy up top up top go go rain get the one more yeah he’s still there he’s still there he’s he’s still top oh I missed nice my C nice nice huge cleared in the neutral oh [ __ ] J ain’t [ __ ] for you man Jer ain’t [ __ ] he

Might be like probably like 6’3 in like I don’t know [ __ ] raw lean meat but like I could beat him down in game he doesn’t have the game sense man he pummels me online buddy talking to a 67 Titan you [ __ ] him up wait isn’t Joe

Like like like 5 five or something wait is he short yeah he’s super short bro wait how tall are you guys I’m 6′ 6 6′ 6 you’re trolling yeah I’m TCH it says he’s 510 online DCH yeah I’m Dutch that’s why wait you’re what you’re 66 me too change one of the

Digits probably like short going right going right going right somebody somebody flank with sleepy middle I’ll go middle uh bet all right oh there’s people middle I’m not going to push that hard there’s like a person right there’s a lot mid there’s a lot mid yeah okay oh oh

Nice oh God I got ganked oh [ __ ] I just don’t one one down two there two there how the fu one up dude the L is [ __ ] loading okay one down Bel you Bel you behind you B’s behind you under you oh wait that’s sorry both there nice oh it’s a 2v

One I’m on there two h no way no way no I was going to land down holy [ __ ] oh my God so guys we safe to say we’re we we didn’t get first yeah yeah we didn’t we did okay we did mid I think please fourth please fourth in Forth

Inth fourth imagine we don’t even get fourth this is so sad if we get third it’s actually over it’s actually over if get third it’s Fourth please fourth please fourth and I’m allowed to eat dinner tonight third I’m not eating for three weeks oh my God firsto fasting please please oh God

So oh God surely oh damn [ __ ] we have to run it back oh oh look in the chat uh this is going to reveal the ranking the indivs yeah if we’re fifth I’m off and just rage quitting fourth fourth Fourth or I’m despawning IRL please I think it actually only shows the top 10 no actually I don’t know it does it Reve it I don’t know it’s just the top 10 wait TOS i w this one uh oh uh oh never mind uh oh oh no guys oh no

Oh no I don’t think any of us are top 10 guys oh no oh No hold on wait it’s waiting for me I hold on I’m there yeah so over it’s watch here I come watch this they say the best for last we clocking a solid eighth place right oh my god well this is a good sign that means we’re not getting

Third probably how is that a good sign it’s a good sign not third is a dub in my book oh my I got 11 dude I got 12 the [ __ ] boost for third FR know way n honestly not bottom five not bottom five it’s it’s fine it’s fine

F oopsie wait so we just straight up had two come on let’s see a big four I’ll take five please please please please God we dodg third we dodg third sleep against food let’s go [ __ ] thank God I’m not third again I wonder who the

Top two is guys yeah I wonder I wonder to dude crazy here oh my God fber oh my God oh my god orange no oh this is thought who would have thought or wi oh my God is this yellow this going to be yellow no way streak breaks dude the

Streak breaks uh dude yellow winning here would be huge I don’t think how did we get cleared by the eighth place in extraction by the way guys explain that to me cuz they took out the carry yeah shot I know I know you took out the carry and you didn’t hit a shot

This video, titled ‘deme plays TJOC and BlockWars Minecraft event with @RainhoeVT @Boosfer @Wolfeei @sleepy – VOD’, was uploaded by demenishki vods on 2023-12-08 15:00:38. It has garnered 178 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 11:59:51 or 43191 seconds.

Streamed on November 28, 2023

VOD got splitted in 2 parts because of youtube limits erm Second part of VOD:

The Joy of Creation Minecraft

Timestamps: 0:00 Just Chatting 2:56:14 The Joy of Creation 5:38:25 Just Chatting after TJOC 8:19:28 The Mini Crossword 8:42:47 Geoguessr 8:51:34 Drawing @RainhoeVT in Paint 9:18:09 Call with team 9:26:50 BlockWars 11:57:24 BlockWars results 11:59:30 VOD Part 2 in the description

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    I broke my computer playing Minecraft at 165 fps!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I played 2k 165 fps in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #fireballfight #bedwars #hypixel #foryou’, was uploaded by ImLights on 2024-01-10 18:14:12. It has garnered 11471 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. I played 2k 165 fps in minecraft Read More

  • Shadow Despot’s Twisted Revenge! 😱 #glavstroy #sigma

    Shadow Despot's Twisted Revenge! 😱 #glavstroy #sigmaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop It… 😈 #glavstroy #sigma #minecraft #karma’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-04 16:30:09. It has garnered 15651 views and 400 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players have… Read More

  • Epic 30 Day Minecraft Mod Challenge! #shorts

    Epic 30 Day Minecraft Mod Challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Making A MINECRAFT Mod in 30 DAYS #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Eyuuan on 2024-01-14 10:20:00. It has garnered 3053 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Making A MINECRAFT Mod in 30 DAYS #shorts #minecraft I’m making a Minecraft mod in 30 days and I need your help on naming it and stuff I should add. Like and subscribe because I’m trying to get 1k subscribers Music Made By Laudividni Read More

  • Unbelievable Country Guessing Challenge! Subscribe Now!

    Unbelievable Country Guessing Challenge! Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘ЕСЛИ Я УГАДАЮ ТВОЮ СТРАНУ ПОДПИШИСЬ!!!’, was uploaded by henkall on 2024-03-22 09:36:57. It has garnered 8648 views and 1345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft movie, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft ambience, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau and aaron, minecraft armadillo, minecraft animation movie, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft horror story,… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Aphmau’s OLD vs NEW Minecraft Skin

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Aphmau's OLD vs NEW Minecraft SkinVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aphmau old vs new Minecraft skin’, was uploaded by ZZ WORLD on 2024-03-26 20:27:05. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • 💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!

    💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!Video Information This video, titled ‘@aTerroRR Texture Pack 😎’, was uploaded by MRYTwasTaken on 2024-04-22 11:36:42. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Main channel @MRYTxD tags credit rajeshwallahego- hypixel bedwars, bedwars, hypixel, minecraft bedwars, bedwars montage, bedwars hypixel, hypixel bedwars montage, bedwars asmr, bedwars minecraft, bedwars montage hypixel, minecraft hypixel bedwars, hypixel bedwars clutch, hypixel bedwars asmr, bedwars clutch, bedwars clutch montage, bedwars challenge, hypixel bedwars 100 stars, hypixel bedwars block clutch montage, 700 stars in hypixel bedwars, block clutch montage bedwars, hypixel bedwars gain stars fast tutorial,… Read More

  • Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCrafts

    Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCraftsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-10 13:46:37. It has garnered 18335 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Pov: you miss the bus in MINECRAFT😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Anarchy For Life

    Anarchy For LifeGo to and enter then join the server! IP: This is also lifesteal! You can join on any version! Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game-changing plugins or commands. We have a small community with players from all over the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience, we welcome you… Read More

  • Cobble Valley

    Cobble ValleyA community server where you can build anywhere you’d like, griefing is not allowed. This server is an attempt to have a world where everyone’s creativity can shine. While there is no world protection outside of spawn, your chests and furnaces will be locked protecting your loot and all griefing will be rolledback and result in a ban. Come leave your mark on Cobble Valley! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Modern art vs Minecraft graphics”

    “Why did the creeper become an artist? Because he had a blast creating his masterpieces!” Read More

  • I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue

    I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue When you’re more concerned about saving your virtual dog in Minecraft than your real-life responsibilities. Priorities, am I right? #MinecraftProblems #DogLover #GamerLife Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic LEGO Minecraft stop motion video titled “Foxes and Zombies” created by Bozbet Productions. The story follows a man building a house for himself and his foxes, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of zombies. It’s a thrilling tale brought to life through the magic of LEGO animation. While watching this captivating video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine building your own… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3

    EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Dramatic Showdown // Fairy Tail Rebirth Episode 3 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Secret Roleplays on 2024-04-19 19:00:08. It has garnered 495 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:29 or 3809 seconds. Hey! Thanks for checking out this video! If you enjoyed it, please leave a like and or subscribe to keep up to date with future uploads! ^^ ——————————————————————————————————— = THUMBNAIL ARTIST = Secret: = EDITOR = Secret: = SKIN ARTIST = Secret: = CAST = (Kiruh) Secret: (Kai-o) See: (?) Sander: (Amaris) Ace:… Read More

  • Jiri Mokaro’s Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!

    Jiri Mokaro's Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】adventure to find axolotl startoo !!!!’, was uploaded by Jiri Mokaro || ENVTUBER on 2024-03-25 03:48:33. It has garnered 278 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:26 or 9506 seconds. I can I can SOCIALS ✿ twt : fan discord : RULES be kind and respectful to everyone no harmful words to anyone if anyone says anything bad report them or ignore it do not talk about other vtubers or guests from past streams respect the mods no backseating!! only make decisions when I ask chat about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won’t Believe #shorts)

    Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won't Believe #shorts)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bases At Different Ages😱 Wait For It. (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-05-03 13:18:30. It has garnered 39757 views and 960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform and entertain views about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack – GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeed

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack - GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack pocket edition 🤩🤩 #minecraft #viral #shots #shortfeed’, was uploaded by Text Tile gaming #4786 on 2024-04-10 11:24:29. It has garnered 9637 views and 285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars” #minecraft #skywars

    "EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars" #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TENTEI MATAR 2 AO MESMO TEMPO, MAIS NÃO DEU CERTO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 23:00:30. It has garnered 469 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tik tok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 06:13:52. It has garnered 12731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trending minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft tik tok,minecraft tik tok hacks photo,minecraft tik tok hacks download,minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tik tok hacks,real minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition,minecraft tiktok hacks 2022,minecraft,minecraft viral hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.19,tik tok minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.18minecraft build hacks,minecraft hacks,minecraft,minecraft tik toks,build hacks minecraft,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok build hacks,minecraft… Read More

  • Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #roblox

    Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: Minecraft 👽 / #roblox’, was uploaded by ClaraPlays on 2024-02-09 15:33:17. It has garnered 2438 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge – I Cheat?!

    CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge - I Cheat?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheate mit //GRUSELIG in POPPY PLAYTIME Bau Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-03-24 18:00:30. It has garnered 6126 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:45 or 1305 seconds. I cheat with //CREEPY in POPPY PLAYTIME construction challenge in Minecraft! with: @Alphastein ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is… Read More


    PIGGY vs CREEPER EXPLOSION SHOWDOWN!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER PRO WAS EXPLOSIVE MY HOUSE!!! | CREEPER PRO VS PIGGY NOOB’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-23 17:58:59. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song,… Read More

  • Ultra Hard Anarchy

    Ultra Hard AnarchyThe goal of this server is to go back to the roots of anarchy. Admins don’t interfere unless it directly impacts the server’s performance. We wanted to keep the experience as clean as possible. We’re still a small server, just getting started. Don’t forget to join the discord to chat with other players as well! Read More