Insane Minecraft FBI Base Showdown: Poor vs Rich!

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Mikey and JJ’s family are being attacked by crazy fan girls so we’re building FBI bases so we can stop them oh my goodness Lou those crazy fan girls are going to be here any minute now oh this is bad we need to build some extremely secure FBI bases and you know what I’m going to build mine now oh not if I build mine first oh just because you’re building your FBI base across the street does not mean it will be better PPP and wait are you using dirt of course I’m using dirt dirt is the best block in all of Minecraft that is going to be the poorest FBI base in history but you know what I’m going to make my FBI base super duper Rich I’m going to build it out of diamonds that sounds like it’s going to be trash no it’s not it’s going to be amazing and I’ll show you how all I have to do is get my w of symmetry and place it right here and then I have to build my FBI base or what I want it to look like so what I’m going to do is build it something like this I’m going to build a big box like this and I’m going to build up with a bunch of these Diamond bricks just like this then I’m going to build in the middle a doorway that we will be able to walk through and I will connect this all up to a big window on the front just like that then I need to go ahead and make this look even better so I’m going to add a second floor just like this one right here and this is where all of my FBI people will be in the top but then finally I’m going to add a very cool diamond block roof and it’s going to look super epic so I’ll just place these diamond blocks going up like this until they meet up at the roof so I’ll just build up a few more blocks and there we go now we have this awesome FBI base right here and we need to quickly fill in this area where the roof is so in the middle I’m going to fill it in with iron blocks because iron blocks are really secure and they will keep all of those crazy fan girls out no no matter how crazy they look even if they’re mutant zombies I don’t think they would be able to get in everyone will be able to get in Europe B so easily but they will never get into mine what are you sure pip I’m looking at your base and uh it looks kind of bad why did you make it out of wood dirt and cobblestone look at you questioning why I’m so good at the game I’m not questioning why you’re good at the game I’m questioning why you’re such a noob ah sounds like so something a noob would say no no no I’m a pro and everybody in the comments says so guys please please please to not embarrass me in front of pip please comment down below Lou is a pro blah blah blah Lou only people who are subscribed would write that they have to be subscribed to write that below are you kidding me well you know what guys if you can subscribe to my channel and then write that I’m a pro in the comments that is what I need right now I need pip to think I’m an Absol abolute Pro and I’m going to be honest guys I think I am looking like a bit of a pro right now my FBI base is coming along so well it’s made out of pure diamond block and it literally has blue stained glass all over it which means I can see out to the front and hopefully will be able to see out of the side but you’re probably wondering why it’s flat like this and that is because I’m going to use a pro strategy to build this house just watch this guys I’ll show you in just a moment let me just Place some more blocks like this and all right let me show you if I go right here and type this command and then go all the way up to the top of my base and type this command I can go ahead and stand on the floor type SL slash copy and then walk along the floor typing slash slash base and as you can see I’m building my FBI base to make it 3D so it’s going from being 2D and flat to being 3D and epic this is going to be the best FBI base ever and there is no way pip is going to break in L why are you trying to stop me from entering your base shouldn’t you be stopping the oh I don’t know the crazy fan girls you actually make a good point you know what pip I’m going to do that instead I need to stop those crazy fan girls from getting in so what I’m going to do is fly all the way up here and then I will run a really crazy command it’s called slash slash Hol and watch this now if I go to the inside of my FBI base it has a tunnel going through it like this and it’s Hollow on the inside so I am able to build whatever I want including a lot of traps to keep those fan girls out so all I have to do is remove this tunnel and bada bing bada boom we have a beautiful inside to my FBI base all I have to do right now is just add some security so things like lasers and also some iron blocks on the floor so no one can break in but guys what I said about the security is probably a good idea I think I’ll go ahead and build a cool balcony area coming out at the front and on it I’m going to put a bunch of traps that will keep all of the fan girls out of my base but before I do that let me go ahead and just add some lava I need to make sure those crazy fan girls do not even get close to my base so I’ll just put some lava here and then I’ll put some lava going around the outside here too as long as I have lava everywhere there’s no way those fan girls can get in and that is good because the more fan girls we can kill and keep out of my base the better because Mikey and JJ will not have to worry about them but there we go I have lava around my entire base now it’s time to go ahead and add another trap and I have an idea on what to do I’ll go ahead and add some spikes around my base just like this all I have to do is just put two of them on this side and as you can see it build it also on that side which means I can build these spikes really really quickly and I don’t even know what pip is up to right now guys he has not built any traps what do you mean Lou for your information I’ve actually put a ton of trap I’m putting cobwebs all around my face cobwebs let me see it wao this actually looks really cool and might I just steal a cobweb really quickly because I’m going to turn these spikes into Barbed wires which means if any fan girls go into them they will get trapped look at you Lou always stealing my ideas oh I’m not stealing your ideas I’m just taking inspiration oh yeah more like plagiarism plagiarism that’s a big word buddy yep it’s a fancy word for copying no it’s not I’ve never heard the word plagorism in my life uh well it’s probably because you don’t go to school oh I go to school that’s how I became a Minecraft pro well you are not a Minecraft pro maybe the P stands for poopy oh come on I am a pro I’m not a poopy Pro but whatever pip I cannot be getting distracted by you I need to make this base as crazy as possible and I have an idea I’m going to put some diamond blocks on the floor right here and what I’m going to do is make some spike pits or maybe even a lava pit that the crazy fan girls will fall into I’ll just put lava in this hole like this and this one too but wait a second uh the crazy fan girls will be able to see down there and they definitely won’t jump in you know what I have an idea I’ll put some ghost blocks over the top just like this and now it looks just like there’s nothing there but when you run in you’ll fall into lava I think this is a pretty good idea guys but next I need to keep those crazy fan girls out by using a little bit of force and by that I mean an electrified fence and I’m also going to put Carpets on top of them so I will be able to jump over them and into my base but guys there’s still more traps I could add on the outside I just don’t know what to do yet you know what I’ll go inside and see if I can get any inspiration what is we doing in his base he is such a loser he’s probably putting a hunk of junk in there while I am making a super good bases look at this guys I am starting on my second floor wall as we speak all I’m going to do is do the Comm SL Wall’s hand and boom we have our gravel second floor and all I’m going to do is at o CL for which I will make the outside of my second floor I really like to build up Corners with oak logs it just makes it look so fancy well Lou builds up his Corners with a fancy stone brick that is so ugly I actually thought Lou would build something good today but I am always wrong maybe one day he’ll build something good but me on the other hand I am going to make a beautiful FBI base day it’s going to be super secure and on the second floor I’m going to put a bunch of Prisons how about I start on one prison right now now I’m going to get a ton of iron bars and I’m just going to set them down like so this is where I’m going to store one of the baddest criminals in the world you know those criminals that try to kill Mikey and JJ or even the fan girls trying to kill Mikey and JJ they all belong in the same prison cell so let’s just go ahead and build up these iron bars I need to make sure that this prison cell is absolutely unescapable which means these prison girls cannot Escape no matter what let’s just go ahead and add a top up here so they cannot dig out around or under I think I’ll even add an iron door just so that the FBI based guard can get in here just by flicking a lever so we’ll go ahead and get a lever out of our inventory and plop it on this dirt block like so and boom we can get in and out of the cell and I think I’ll put a little hole right there which we can feed the prisoners and I think we’ll feed the prisoners a bunch of rotten flesh so here we go we’ll throw some rotten flesh in there for when our first prisoner arrives they will have a scrumptious delicious meal of rotten flesh but now that this prison cell is done and it is very secure how about we go ahead and keep securing my FBI base but oh no that rotten flesh is making me feel very nauseous come on but oh whatever how about I ignore that and I’m going to build a very secure water moat all I’m going to do is get my trusty world and an ax grab that corner and we’ll run over here onto this side and grab this corner and we’re going to do the command slash walls made out of fake water we’re just going to make it into air and we are going to get our water buckets and if you guys don’t know this is not your regular typical water this is bake water so if we go into survival mode and touch it uh we will not be swimming we will be swimming with the fishes because ow that sure does hurt a lot let’s just make sure to go back into creative mode so I cannot die right now and we will fill the rest of the moat up with this thake water this moat is already looking better than little Lou face over there he has a lava mode I don’t like to do lava modes because they’re super obvious to the B guys all the bad guys know of lava trap but not all of the bad mutant fan girls know that there is fake water in Minecraft so they will be super dumb and hopefully die in the water so we never have to see them again but now that my fake water MO is done how about I go ahead and grab Louis spikes and put them on my base he see went ahead and stole cobwebs from my base so I think I will go ahead and steal spikes from his base and put them all around around the interior of my M that way if these mutant Fang girls somehow swim across they will be swimming into a lot of spikes and that will not be very fun I might even throw some spikes on the outside as well or I’ll make a secondary Mo watch this guys if we go back to my trusty worlded ax and build another quick layer right next to the water mode we’ll just do this do SL walls air we are going to make a thing called a TNT moat and if you guys don’t know what that is let me go ahead and show you so what we’re going to do is do the command SL SL walls air once again and now we have this huge hole and we actually need to make it a little bit bigger because I want to make this filled with TNT but if I make it really short it might accidentally blow up my entire base and that would not be good so let’s go and do that command again and boom we have a huge hole and now at the top of my little bowl we are going to get some TNT and fill this up let’s just go ahead and put that TNT right there and we are going to go ahead and put another TNT right here in this corner and we shall do the command sl/ walls hand which and in my Minecraft hand is TNT so boom we have a complete wall of TNT for us to do the same exact thing but we stand on top of the TNT and if you guys don’t know what this is just yet when you put a pressure plate on top of sand like so this becomes a very dangerous trap let’s just go ahead and test it we shall step on the pressure plate and W that TNT is going to blow up the mutant Fang girls I cannot wait to blow all of them up let’s just make sure we replace this so that uh the mutant girls cannot tell that this is TNT and we are going to fly around all of our sand and we shall put pressure plates so that there is absolutely no side of our base that these mutant Fang girls have no chance of falling into the TNT usually the mutant Fang girls are like really big and really fat like Louis’s mom so I really hope that they can fall into the TNT otherwise this would be a waste of space and a hoisted trap I wonder what trap I should do next guys I just know what trap I want to do next I have an idea I’ll just get a wooden axe like this and I’ll go ahead and just add a fake water moat around my entire base all I have to do is use this mod right here with fake water blocks and they look real but if you step in them Watch What Happens you die so we definitely don’t want to die yet guys so what I’m going to do is just go ahead and put the water Motes around without going into survival mode because if I do I’m going to going to die so I’ll just go ahead and do this and then that means if the fan girls try to get in they will literally have to walk through here and die and it’s going to be very deadly but let’s make a way in so when I get into my base I’m going to make some traps that will stop these fan girls and I know exactly what to do I’ll just make a big room right as you walk in and this room is going to be a logic test to see whether the fan girls are smart but I don’t think they will be but let’s see so what I’m going to do is place a room right here made out of iron and when you get inside this is going to be a laser reflection room so you are going to have to reflect a laser to be able to get out of the room watch if you can see here I put a laser and I’m going to put a laser catcher and an iron door right here now if I get a mirror and I reflect the laser into the laser catcher it will open the door but I don’t want to make it that easy I’m going to put iron blocks everywhere all around this room and these will be able to stop the laser from going through them which means the fan girl will have to reflect the laser a bunch more times in order to get the laser into the device it’s going to be super annoying for this fan girl guys but that is exactly what we want let’s just do this and this and as you can see that is how many times she will have to reflect the laser to get it into that door but let’s just get rid of all of these mirrors we cannot be having the fan girl walk into an already solved puzzle so there we go this room should be perfect but let’s decorate it a little bit bit I’m going to put some glow stone going along the walls like this just to make it a little bit brighter in here I think that is going to look very nice so I’ll just put some here here here and here and there we go we now have glowstone around the top but in the next room we are going to make this way harder I’m going to go ahead and make another room and it’s going to be about the same size as that laser room but it won’t be as tall all right let’s make the room right now by using this command and boom we now have another room let’s just go inside of it and connect it up to the last one so just like this we have an entrance to the next room and this room is going to be a find the lever room which means the fan girls are going to have to find the right lever in this room to be able to escape so let’s just add a lever on every single wall guys I can just go ahead and use this command to place levers all over the wall I’ll just go ahead and do this and go crazy placing levers so I’ll put them on this wall I’ll put them on this wall I’ll even put them on the wall on the opposite side and guys if you get the gist of this I’m going to be placing about a million levers and guys if you think the crazy fan girls will not be able to get through this room then make sure to like the video but here we go I’m placing so many levers right now and there can only be one in this room that is correct I’m going to make it let’s say this single one on the roof and the way I’m going to connect it up is by using something called a redstone link this basically just looks like a little antenna like this and all I have to do is place a block inside and then activate it then I have to go down here and place another one right next to this iron door and now when I go in here and activate this top lever it will open the door so perfect guys I have built another trap and it’s time to build another one I’m going to make a little walkway that goes to the next room but I’m not going to make it that easy I’m going to make the crazy fan girl have to do some lava parkour to get out of this room so let’s go ahead and build up the walls nice and Tall so that the fan girls will get stuck in here then I’ll go ahead and get a lava bucket and I’ll place a bunch of them right here all down here so we have a ton of lava in this room just like this the next one we’re going to do is break a bunch of these iron blocks here so that it turns into a parkour room so the crazy Fang girl will have to jump here and then all the way over here and then I have an idea I’m going to make her jump out to the side of the base over here and climb up the side of the FBI base just like this and then she can crawl right back in through this side and this will be the next room which is going to be a really difficult one guys because I’m going to turn this into a question room so let’s do it I’ll go ahead and just add some walls to this room so that there’s no way the fan girl can just Escape by jumping over I’ll do it by doing this command and then I’ll do this command over here and now all we have to do is add the questions so I’ll put a few blocks like this and then I’ll put a few blocks like this and Guys these are going to be the doors that you have to walk through to answer the question and what I’m going to do is get some ghost blocks and some lava and then I’m also going to get some signs so I can put the questions up and the first question is going to be are you a fan girl and if they are then they will definitely go through the answer yes and if they do I’ll make them fall through go ghost block and into some lava down below it’s going to be deadly guys but if you go through the answer no just like I would you will be able to survive but now it’s time for the next question which is what is Mikey and JJ’s channel name and if you guys didn’t know their channel name is Mason I don’t know why but here we go let’s make the wrong answer Mikey and JJ plays but guys we can use reverse psychology here because the fan girl will know the answer all we have to do is make the right answer the wrong one so let’s make Mikey and JJ Blaze the right answer so that when the crazy fan girl goes through Mason she will die so I’ll just put some lava at the bottom over here and I’ll make the wrong answer the right answer if you get what I mean but now it’s time for one more question and this one’s going to be a very simple one are you a criminal because if they are we are going to lock them up in my FBI Base by dropping them down into into a prison cell let’s go ahead and just make one underneath I’ll do that by grabbing some iron bars and just placing them going down this wall so that when they go into the wrong answer they will fall into this cage and I will be able to trap them forever I think this is going to be a very good trap there’s no way that they can get out of this once they fall in but there we go let’s go ahead and cover this up now with ghost blocks so if they walk in here they’ll just get put in a prison cell but if they go through the right answer which will be no they’re not a criminal they will be fine but now guys I finished that room and I just realized something pip is building his FBI sign but I don’t have one so I’m going to add an FBI sign to my base right now first I’m just going to make the roof go up like this so it kind of has an overhang and it’s going to look a lot better when I add it like this and I’ll add a big yellow FBI sign let me just go ahead and build these up first and boom now I just need some yellow concrete and I’ll go ahead and make the FBI sign right now so let’s just build a big F on the front of my base like this then let’s build a B on the front which will be right here and then I’ll put an i and that will go right in the middle so there’s my FBI sign and it looks very good guys I’ll just make it one block wider and that looks cool now on the outside I’m going to put some red around it so it looks like a real police sign I’ll put a red on one side and then I’ll put Blue on the other because that is the color of the police so I’ll get some blue just like this and I’ll place the blue on this side of the FBI sign so now it looks like flashing police lights this is so good there we go this FBI base is beautiful but I think I’m going to go inside now and keep working on traps and done now my FBI base is officially completed and it’s looking so good but I can’t be worrying about FBI signs wait how did Lou make his FBI signs so quickly oh he definitely rushed it because it looks very trash and look at him making those traps over there wait squid game Parkour oh his traps are definitely trash not like mine look I’m going to go ahead and put distance upgrading all of these lasers and I’m going to show you what this trap is if we go ahead and flip this little ever just look at this epic laser it goes all the way around oh we need to make sure that this laser has a distance upgrader in it as well and boom let’s just go ahead and set up our lasers a laser wall is very simple to set up we just need to go ahead and put Redstone links on all of these poles right here and they will be connected to the following lasers and we’ll just go ahead and attach them to each and every single one of these yell yellow poles I’m kind of on Lou side right now but uh hopefully he doesn’t notice that my builds are kind of crossing the red line I don’t think Lou will care his FBI base sucks anyway so no need for him to worry we can even make these lasers look a little bit scarier if we use one of these upgrades oh which upgrade is it I’m pretty sure it’s the mode upgrade let’s just go ahead and punch it into the laser beam and let’s see what this does woohoo and boom this laser looks like something out of Star Wars look it makes me look like Darth Vader this is going to be epic let’s just go ahead and put this mode upgr in all of these lasers that way this will be the scariest laser upgrade known to man I can’t believe Lou doesn’t have any lasers over there these lasers are super old overpowered let’s just go ahead and turn on all of these lasers but first we need to connect all of these Redstone links to a lever in front of our base let’s go ahead and put this lever right here and next to this lever H I think we’ll put a redstone link so if we put the lever right here and then the Redstone link underneath it we can connect this Redstone link to every single one of those lasers we just attach a gravel to it and then turn this on it will do nothing because we haven’t connected these Redstone links up we need to put this gravel Block in the frequency one of each and every one of these red stone links these Redstone links are like wifi or Bluetooth in Minecraft they hear the other Redstone link signal and it powers on it’s way simpler than normal Redstone because this you could do anywhere in the world and not need to collect a billion Redstone if you want to build something huge so we just have this final pole we need to fill it up with gravel and we need to click on the right spot so gravel doesn’t fall off and it looks like we are done putting gravel in oh this does take a minute guys as we need to set each and every one of these Redstone links into receiving mode this does take a while but oh boy is it worth it to keep out all of those mutant fangles and make sure that Mikey and JJ are safe inside of my base they definitely won’t be safe inside of Lou I don’t even know why Lou tries he fails each and every single time or at least I think he fails and I do a way better job but now that we have each and every pole connected with the gravel and in set in receiving mode we need to go ahead and just put distance upgrades and power upgrades in every single one this might take a while guys so let’s just go ahead and speed this up let’s go into Super saiyyan mode woohoo all right guys Super Saiyan mode I just put each of these lasers and filled them let’s see if we flip this lever what happens and uh well all the lasers work except this side has a huge opening I guess I forgot to put the Mod upgrades in here let’s quickly put all of them in we need to make sure that each laser has a mode upgrade and a distance upgrade because without one or the other the lasers will completely fail since we have the lasers far away from each other they need to be combined like something out of Star Wars or even a sci-fi movie and boom look at this guys this is definitely the coolest trap I’ve ever made in Minecraft let’s just make sure it works so seeing as we are on the outside of the laser so we can flick this lever to jump on the in inside and if we turn it back on Boom we are completely secure and safe inside of our base from all of those mutant fan girls I would love to see these mutant fan girls try to get past these lasers because they’re going to get really low from the lasers maybe blow up the TNT fall in the water fall in the bikes get stuck in the cobwebs this is the most secure base ever all Lou has is a a fence what is going on here um pip I have that fence and that is an electric fence so do not step into it oh well I’m in creative mode so I can step on your little puny electric fence all I want wooo this is doing nothing well it doesn’t matter because all of the fan girls will be in survival mode so they are definitely going to die buddy but have you seen all of the traps on the inside of my base I don’t think any of those fan girls are getting ped what are these traps supposed to do you put a bunch of dog dogs in their dogs are useless oh pip they are not just dogs they are police dogs in training so they’re really deadly well my FBI base is way better just look I added lasers have you ever seen an FBI base with lasers pip I have never seen an FBI base with lasers but um if I did it wouldn’t be so easy to turn them off well well newon Fang girls don’t have long arms like you oh well I guess you’re right my arms are long and skinny and can fit tiny little gaps yeah Lou you’re annoying and skinny now get out of here go back to you’re making your little dumb Doggy Dog trap what oh fine I will and when those fan girls come you’re going to be crying to me because you’re going to be wondering how they got into your base so quickly and not mine no such thing as crying in the PIP FBI base oh whatever well guys I have a ton of traps in this base and I think what I’m going to work on now is just an FBI room to make sure that there’s no criminals left on planet Earth so what I’m going to do is use these really epic looking blocks that will go along the walls and these look really futuristic look at that guys I’m going to put them along this wall and I am going to just make a hallway that takes you into a futuristic FBI surveillance room this is where they check what you’re doing on your computer and what things you’re searching so what I will do is just set all of this area to red and we are now ready to build our really cool futuristic FBI room so right up here I’m going to add this beautiful Blue Block as the wall and it’s looking so epic and I’m just going to build it in a square like this just to make it very quick I think I’m going to make these walls a little bit taller though I don’t want them to be too short all right and here we go I think that should be pretty good but it’s time to build our FBI room and what I’m going to need is a table so let’s see what tables I can get there doesn’t seem to be any cool ones except for these Tech tables and I have to admit these ones are pretty cool and they also flash cool colors so you know what I’m putting these ones in I’m also going to get these really techy chairs and tables and I’ll place them right in the middle here with a screen on top let me just go ahead and put a table here with a chair on the back and now I could monitor someone from here I think also what I’m going to do is just put one of these panic buttons down so if someone does something really bad and the FBI agent needs to flag it they can press this panic button and the alarm system inside will set off but now guys let’s add a bunch of these tables in we need another one so we’re going to add another console table console table and then we can add Panic buttons on every single one right here and right here then we’ll put the screens in place and boom we just need some chairs now and now our FBI agents can take a look at what people are doing I’ll also give them a little bit of light with some glowstone so they can feel at home then I’ll Place some iron blocks here and as you can see that is the surveillance area and just to keep it top secret I’m going to put some banners over the back of it so that nobody can look inside but next guys in my FBI base I need somewhere for my FBI agents to take a poop so I’m going to make a very quick bathroom just so they have a toilet they could poop in so let’s make a roof here and then let’s make this into a bathroom so all I need is a toilet I need some toilet paper then I will need a sink in a mirror and also a shower just in case so let’s put all of these in the base first I will start off with the toilet the paper and the sink then I’ll put a mirror right here so I can see myself in the reflection then in this corner I’ll just put a big full-size shower I’ll just put it right over here and you know what maybe I need to move the toilet so I’ll put the toilet paper up here I’ll put the sink on the side and I’ll also put the mirror here that should be okay now this bathroom is looking very nice nice and we can also take a shower if we want to this is cool but that should be good now I just need a door for privacy so I’ll go ahead and put an iron door on the front and I’ll put a lever on the inside that you can open and close it from inside the bathroom so all I have to do is go inside lock the door and when I want to get back out I can open it again all right that is pretty cool but now we need just one more thing what else do FBI agents have inside of their base let me think here they have their surveillance room the bathroom and then wait they also need a kitchen so let’s give them a very small kitchen I’ll just put some slabs like this and right here I’ll add some furnaces so that they are able to cook a bunch of meals now I’ll just put the furnace right over here and then I’ll also add some item frames and place them on the side and even on the front of the table now all we need guys is a bunch of these chocolate donuts because police officers love donuts guys I’ll put a bunch of them just like this and boom that looks pretty good but now I think the main area in my FBI base is complete and I can definitely move JJ up here to be safe so let’s just go ahead and tell JJ he’s ready oh JJ it’s time buddy it’s time for you to go into my FBI base and be safe for the rest of your life and there we go guys I managed to get JJ inside of my base and now he is chilling we are now in inside of an FBI base that is so strong that no crazy mutant fan girls could ever get in here I think I’m going to be pretty safe but I don’t know about pip guys guys my inside of my FBI base is amazing but let me just go ahead and take off this Captain America hat I don’t really need that on so let me show you the inside of my base over here is where my FBI workers well work so we have this little PC and camera this camera is going to be pointed at any people’s butts who want to come on in this is an x-ray screen to scan them for any weapons they might be hiding in their pockets in their mouths or in their butt and we don’t want to check them because they might try to do something suspicious so that is a really good x-ray technology and wait I can even see myself in there that is pretty cool but now that I I have this x-ray Monitor and my superhero costume set up right here in the corner I need to have a sleeping pod in my FBI base since I plan on staying here for a very very long time so let’s just go ahead and get a yellow bed out of my inventory and we will poop that down right in this corner go ahead and close this off so we have more of a room we will sleep on the wall right over here out of the way of any people that way if any Mutant fan girls come into the building they will not see me sleeping and I don’t want them to try to kill me while I’m sleeping so that is a perfect idea and in the corner we are going to go ahead and add a desk with a chair in front of it this is where I will play my video games when I’m not working for the FBI of course we’re going to get a PC monitor and a PC Tower we need this PC Tower to play the really complicated games like Minecraft since Minecraft is a super big game and takes a long time to download this PC Tower will assist us in that and there’s only a couple more things I want to add to my bedroom let’s just extend this dirt wall right here and we shall add a TV a giant TV mad ad and we will put on not the scary Channel we’re going to put on the farming Channel woohoo I love the farming Channel but now we are going to also put some Nintendo switches in front of my TV that way if anybody wants to play video games at my FBI base they can do so while sitting on my yellow C because of course everything in my FBI base needs to be my favorite color yellow and now it’s just time to add some decorations I love to put carpet in my room it really looks way better as a floor than sand does because oh sand usually gets in my feathers and it’s hot kind of annoying that’s why I don’t really like the beach I prefer to go to the mountains mountains have a beautiful view guys comment Down Below have you ever been on top of a mountain and tell me what you thought about it because I believe mountains are beautiful but now let’s go ahead and get a flower pot and we’re going to pop this down in the corner next to my bed and also next to my bed I’m going to put a chest where I can store all of my loot such as my tablet my tablet is what I play video games on right before I head to bed my favorite video game on my tablet is Angry Birds oh I love shooting those little birds it is so awesome now let’s just plop a door down in front of my room this way I have a little bit of security inside of my room and people can just not wander in my bedroom my bedroom is not for work it is simply for me to sleep inside and we are officially done with my bedroom now let’s just go ahead and work in my bathroom I think we’ll add our bathroom in this little corner let’s just make sure we block this off we need our bathroom to be very very private since for some reason people like to be private when using the bathroom I don’t really do all that privacy stuff but I don’t want anyone to sue me in Minecraft so let’s just make sure we add a secure door with no windows on it like this modern white door and behind it we are going to put that down pool tiles on the floor these pool tiles will tell everyone that this is obviously the bathroom and something else that would tell people that it’s obviously the bathroom is probably the massive toilet that we are going to put down in the corner like so and next to it we are going to add a bathtub and shower and you might be like pip why are you adding a bath in an FBI base well the answer is simple for one I can also put a shower in the bath and two I’m going to live at the FBI base so of course I need everything you would normally have in your home including a bath so I can take a little bubble bath oh I love my bubble bath but I can’t be wasting any time those mutant monsters will be here any minute now so let’s go ahead and add some more things to the bathroom such as a flower pot flower pots smell really good in bathrooms oh I love the smell of flower pots and bathroom but we are missing one last last thing and let’s just close this off but the one last thing we’re missing is some paintings we need to add a couple more paintings since bathrooms are usually really dirty paintings make it look way cleaner and boom I believe we are done wait no we aren’t done I keep forgetting that humans like to wash their hands for some reason I don’t know why they do that I just lick my hand but humans don’t like to do that so let’s go ahead and add a sink as soon as you enter in the bathroom you can wash your hands or when you’re ding in the bathroom you can wash your hands while also looking at a mirror this mirror is in case you are really ugly and need to make yourself look better by maybe popping some acne or just cleaning yourself up in the mirror but now that the bathroom is done let’s add a little cherry on top oh and done look at what I left on my toilet I left a cherry on top I’ll leave that to the f workers to clean up let’s just go ahead and get out of the bathroom before that send K to the rest of the base and boom but one last thing guys I completely forgot that there is someone that needs to be uh very secured inside of my FBI base and his name is Michelangelo AKA Mikey come on Mikey I need to bring you inside of my base and I’ll even give you some cookies just so you can be distracted while mutant fan girls are invading come on Mikey let’s go all right guys Mikey is officially inside of my base now and I believe we are super secure but wait a second my laser system is turned off let’s go ahead and turn that back on don’t we hello leader fangle is that you yep where is M JJ I want to eat them oh that surely is disgusting but no I believe in Louis make sure to go check out his base his base well I think I’ll check it out after your base just let me in uh no I think I’m just going to keep this laser system on I can t JJ right now let me in [Music] no okay it looks like the leader Fang girl is dead woo wo no no no no I have three lives and I just lost one and I’m going to kill you hey you killed me that’s not fair now where is Mikey she is not inside of my base come on we need to give you an x-ray stand in front of the camera x-ray um I think I’m okay hi carry a lot of metal items in my purse uhhuh well it looks like you also carry a concealed weapon that you cannot bring into the space no weapons allowed um well it seems like you have a weapon so maybe you should get it out of your head well no I own this place so I can have whatever I want you know what I’m going to hold this place after I’m done with you here get of me oh yeah you better run away fan girl specifically out of my you know fan girl Mikey and JJ and Lou none of them are in my base right now so just go ahead and go to that little door over here and leave what uh no I don’t think you’d mind me checking around would you yeah yeah actually you can come up here and I I believe they’re in this room over here in this room and I’m not an idiot I’m not there uh they definitely are I’m pretty sure they’re just behind that gravel just dig behind that gravel get inside of this room are you sure all right I’ll take a look and wait what I just got you trapped oh I knew you were going to do that and that’s why I stole some pressure plates from the front of your base so I can open the door and get out hey you were not supposed to do that I did not expect you to do that one now don’t even try and stop me again I’m going to find Mikey and when I do I’m going to kill him and then find where he lives well Fang girl if you want to know where he is so badly I lied he is in my base oh really well where is he uh you don’t really sound like a girl anymore but anyways Mikey is in there all right fine I’ll take my Batman mask off now where is he oh no I’m a good woman I don’t want to be put in poop this is not what I needed this is not what I want oh well you’re trapped in there just uh don’t go up in the cobwebs you’re trapped in there I demand a refund I demand an apology I theand a manicure uh a a manager no we don’t have a manager here no I mean a manicure I got the poop in my nails oh well maybe you should get some more in there no oh you know what you’re not going to stop me I’ll just mine out of the wall here oh I thought dirt was the most secure block in Minecraft no it’s actually weak K that boy’s base over there is pretty good that’s why I haven’t broken in yet oh well uh seeing as you’ve uh tored all of my base let’s go ahead and break into Lou’s base woohoo break into Lou’s base I think I’m okay I think I’m going to go in here and Mikey oh my gosh I think you should stay out here I’m going to eat him no fan girl this is not Mikey this is uh Mikey Fanboy so you guys can talk about Mikey because this isn’t Mikey Mikey’s Fanboy what is his name uh it is Michael like Michael you know Michael well then I don’t like him anymore I’ll just go get JJ instead let me just call up my girlies you just stay here all right good luck all right guys my base is now complete and wait a second it’s night time and oh no there’s fat girls everywhere and wait who’s that in the middle right there who who is she hello there lby I’ve been expecting you oh what do you mean you’ve been expecting me what are you even here for I’m here for what is his name JJ wait JJ but JJ’s red and I’m red why don’t you just come here for me oh what can I come here for the both of you uh you know what you’re actually kind of creeping me out now well maybe that’s why you’re called crazy fand girl on boy let me in I want you know what no no you know what I’m okay I I think I’ll just wait here guys if you don’t remember I put the lava under there so hopefully she doesn’t see it and falls in L just let me go in for a little kiss and wait why can I move oh no please just fall in maybe I just need to do a little bit of a jump let’s just jump wait what oh well you’ll never get past the next jumping uh-oh uh guys I think I need to run I’m just going to fly up here oh where are you going man you’re not going to get me and you’re certainly not getting JJ oh well I smell JJ it smells like he’s right behind this door so let me pass well no I’m not letting you pass but I need to get to JJ so how do I get past this door well crazy fan girl you have to use this laser right here oh I almost forgot here you go here’s some mirrors but be careful oh miror mirror on the wall who is the cutest of them all in J why is it JJ not me that’s not fair you’re the ugliest of them all hey didn’t you say you were here for me as well wait were you here to like uh kiss me or kill me anyway oh no guys I think she’s here to kill me but I’ll just stay here nice and far away oh listen if you tell me where chj is I’ll kiss you no no I know what you just said I’m not letting you kill me oh well I never said that I just need to place a couple more money all right well go ahead but you’re not going to get through there’s no way I’m letting you get to JJ and JJ I smell you oh yeah but you’re not going to get JJ huh because you have to complete this find the leather room all right I just need to flick a you lovers I’ll do anything to get to my king JJ barthol the second JJ bolom the second is that his name I did not know that oh yeah only I know that because I went to the hospital where he was born and I asked the doctors for his all legal name wait what the why did they give it to you because I said I was his mom oh no wonder you look old enough to be my mom well stop looking at me and look at the right lever which leads me to JJ oh well I would but if I do you’ll get out of this room and I don’t want that well buddy pal I know that the right lover is right here what how oh because I sniffed it out and I’m going to find JJ barable a second you sniffed it out what are you a sniffer dog you know what don’t answer that question I’m smell JJ a lot and I’m going to smell him again e but wait look she fell in the lava oh come on Burn and oh no she stopped burning instantly yep I have anti fire dresses anti fire dresses oh that’s not fair you know what just just get out of here get out don’t worry I will get out once I marry JJ and we live happily ever after bro you are not marrying JJ I can punch you off this build right now and throw you in the lava oh do you want to marry JJ he’s mine uh n i i I would think I’m would do my own thing all right well uh what is this kind of hallway well this is a question room fan girl and you are going to have to answer these questions to get to JJ all right are you a fan girl are you a fan girl no you don’t look like one so the answer’s no what well how about this what is JJ and Mikey’s channel name uh this is easy let me see Mikey and JJ play oh this question room is wrong it is [Music] aming well I’m sorry crazy fan girl you have to go through the wrong door uh yeah well I got that question right you just put the wrong answer oh no I didn’t anyways come on answer the final question are you a criminal um yep you definitely look like a criminal and crazy Fang girl I trapped you in jail and now I can just stand out here and you’re not getting out sorry I don’t want to be in jail unless it’s with my future boyfriend JJ oh well uh do you want me to throw something red down there oh yeah if it’s JJ shirt all right well let me just throw something red down there all right no no no I’m out of here byebye oh you killed me I only have like one life left oh well don’t worry crazy fan girl you’ll be just fine once you get through my large army of police dogs that I’m just about to stand up really quickly no I don’t think I want to deal with the police dogs I think I’ll just proceed wait what do you mean proceed no no crazy fan girl get him dogs get him wait dogs what are you doing why are you not going for the crazy fan girl get her yeah I think I’m just going to ignore those dogs I love puppies oh my trap isn’t working the dogs aren’t attacking you sounds like a personal problem oh no no well whatever crazy fan girl you are not getting through this next room it’s too difficult are you sure about that this room is absolutely easy wait what what are you doing winning oh no she’s reflecting all of the lasers and jumping around oh my gosh how easy could you make this um I’m making it very hard but uh you’re just being a cheater and wait why are you not just jumping over the top of my base I mean you could just do that because that would be cheating well this is cheating uh no you gave me these monitors oh well whatever look you’re going to have to do some ice parkour now and if you get past I guess you can see JJ all right I’ll do your ice spice parkour wait did you just say ice spice parkour yeah because you have ice up here and then you have fire down there AKA spies oh my gosh well go just go crazy fan girl girl before I punch you and my dogs jump on your head oh no you cannot punch me but JJ can punch me wait what no that’s mean oh yeah but come on get out of here dogs I need to see my k no no no no no get away get away get away Oh you mean get away on a vacation with JJ yes please no I think I’m okay I think I’m okay no oh no they got in but where is JJ oh he’s got to be right out here somewhere and no no no no he is oh well oh fine I guess you can see JJ oh I love you JJ let’s go ahead and get married and have our honeymoon in greas what well that’s actually kind of wholesome or we can do it in the Swiss Alps or the downtown Chicago area oh well you know what I guess if JJ’s happy with this then it should be fine JJ are you happy with this fan girl taking you to the what downtown Chicago area and wait he’s nodding he’s happy with this yep and oh JJ can I have $1 million what he’s nodding as well oh my gosh guys I think JJ might have found love today and I am rich now okay bye JJ excuse me what what did you just want him for his money oh my gosh he was so happy too oh I’m sorry JJ oh all of these girls just love to break your heart um Lou what just happened what do you mean what just happened well for one I have cameras all around your base so I saw whatever that was but also there was this girl crying in my base that this boy didn’t love him so I think I have a girlfriend now are you kidding me pip you know what whatever anyways pip I guess our FBI bases worked we kept the fat girls out um most of the time but anyways guys if you enjoyed this video and want to see more just like this one then make sure to like subscribe and click the next video on your screen let’s go

This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ FBI Base Build Battle in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-06-15 11:00:48. It has garnered 53092 views and 769 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:13 or 3373 seconds.

Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ FBI Base Build Battle in Minecraft ! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft.

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  • Curse Core, JJK SERVER modded PvP

    Welcome to our PvP Jujutsu Kaisen modded server! We have made exciting changes to the mod to enhance gameplay experience: Each person can have one CT (with the ability to steal from others) 3 lives to make deaths meaningful (revival every week) LIMITED SUKUNA FINGERS with 20 per world obtained through events for balanced PvP Lore events including the ongoing exchange event New players starting as a curse user or spirit will receive a starter crate. Join us for an exciting and fresh gaming experience! Discord Invite: Join our Discord community Read More

  • EcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawners – BETA

    EcoCraft - 1.20.6 - Survival - Land Claiming - MCMMO -  Economy - SilkSpawners - BETAEcoCraft – 1.20.6 – Survival – Land Claiming – MCMMO – Economy – SilkSpawnersCurrently in more of a BETA stage of the server. Testing what’s been made so far whilst I work out some problems. Please bare with me :)We are a new server focusing on survival PVE gameplay. We have a variety of features to enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience. I’m a new server owner with little experience so bare with any bugs as I will fix them as fast as I can.What we offer:- MCMMO- Land Claiming- Silk Spawners- Server shop / economy- Free ranks with /rankup- Crates… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rate the pain level – Minecraft edition

    Minecraft Memes - Rate the pain level - Minecraft edition“Rate the pain level? Looks like someone’s taking their Minecraft injuries very seriously!” Read More

  • Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes

    Crafty Dock Directions: CasualCraft SMP Rhymes In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, CasualCraft SMP is the ultimate dream. With mods and data packs to enhance the play, Our adventures in survival will brighten your day. Dock & Directions, the theme of the day, Exploring new lands in a creative display. Jumbosale Gaming, the host with the most, Bringing you updates from coast to coast. Join us on Twitch, for a live stream delight, As we navigate challenges with all of our might. From CrimsonCrafterTTV to RokutaOfEn, The CasualCraft crew is a true gaming gem. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive right… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 3: Spicy Edition 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Minecraft Minecart Network

    Building the Ultimate Minecraft Minecart Network The World’s Longest and Largest Minecraft Minecart System Minecart Rapid Transit, established in 2012, stands as the oldest Minecraft transit server, boasting an expansive and intricate minecart system that has captured the attention of players worldwide. With a welcoming community and endless opportunities for exploration, this server offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Exploring the Minecart System Embark on a journey through the vast minecart system of Minecart Rapid Transit, where you can traverse through a myriad of landscapes, cities, and creations crafted by fellow players. The sheer scale of the system is awe-inspiring, with routes that… Read More

  • EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update!

    EPIC 1.21 Minecraft Update! Nouveauté de la 1.21 Minecraft: La Tricky Trials! La version 1.21 de Minecraft apporte une nouvelle aventure passionnante: les Tricky Trials! Plonge dans ce défi palpitant et découvre de nouveaux horizons dans l’univers de Minecraft. Les Tricky Trials: Un Défi Innovant Les Tricky Trials sont une série de défis complexes qui mettront tes compétences à l’épreuve. Affronte des énigmes stimulantes, des obstacles redoutables et des adversaires redoutables pour prouver ta valeur en tant que maître constructeur. Caractéristiques des Tricky Trials: Nouveaux Niveaux: Explore des environnements uniques et captivants à chaque niveau des Tricky Trials. Énigmes Stimulantes: Déchiffre des énigmes… Read More

  • Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob Fight

    Scandalous: Daxx Cheats in Skibidi Mob FightVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-07-12 14:00:40. It has garnered 13057 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:49 or 1609 seconds. Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE (Minecraft) Today Daxx, Xoe and Knox are Playing A LUCKY SKIBIDI MOB BATTLE in Minecraft!! Roblox Channel: @Daxx_Roblox Follow Me On Twitter: #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in Minecraft

    Unveiling a Terrifying Lunar Moon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i Found Scary Lunar Moon 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-03-22 08:38:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i Found Scary Lunar Moon in Minecraft | ( Part 2 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Join Kreford’s Free Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) – 1.21+

    Unbelievable! Join Kreford's Free Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) - 1.21+Video Information This video, titled ‘New Free to Join Minecraft Server (Filipino SMP) – 1.21+’, was uploaded by Kreford on 2024-07-14 22:27:35. It has garnered 388 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Created by Kreford. (Veqeiya SMP) Kreford Discord Tags: minecraft minecraft 100 minecraft smp minecraft lore minecraft trap minecraft 2bt2 minecraft scams minecraft story minecraft server minecraft curios minecraft illegal minecraft smp war minecraft smp live minecraft hardcore minecraft survival minecraft smp ep 1 minecraft smp public minecraft smp anarchy minecraft smp bedrock the minecraft smp war minecraft multiplayer minecraft smps to join a public minecraft smp minecraft corrupt serverminecraft server,survival minecraft server,server,minecraft server ip,minecraft smp servers,free smp,freshlol minecraft,minecraft survival server,freshmlol smp,minecraft survival… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego games

    Ultimate Minecraft sorter with Lego gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make a multi item sorter in minecraft bedrock edition’, was uploaded by Super games and lego on 2024-06-10 10:00:00. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. this multi item sorter works with any stackable item stacks of 64 & stacks of 16 like ender pearls this item sorter does not work with non-stackable items this item sorter works on all platforms of minecraft bedrock edition ( MCPE , mobile , tablet, pc windows 10 / 11 , xbox, playstation, nintendo switch this… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊

    ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁’, was uploaded by WAZINGO on 2024-06-20 14:44:49. It has garnered 417 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁 #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts Read More


    SHOCKING: MINE KRISH - SCARY MONSTER SPOTTED  🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MONSTER IN MINECRAFT WORLD 🤯’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-06-05 14:32:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔

    Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔Video Information This video, titled ‘sh #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #love #school #viralshorts #minecraft ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️’, was uploaded by @Monish105 on 2024-05-25 13:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?

    Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Minecraft Mob In 60 Seconds’, was uploaded by GMR PLAYS on 2024-04-06 03:30:04. It has garnered 1461 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello guy’s how are you all, I hope you all are doing well…… SHOW YOUR LOVE…….. 😊😊😊 JOIN ME ON 👇👇👇 INSTAGRAM ➪︎ DISCORD ➪︎ ROOTER ➪︎ FACEBOOK PAGE ➪︎ COMMING SOON DISCLAIMER ➪︎ THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR KHALI ENTERTAINMENT, I AM NOT MAKING KISAK KISAN HAI. SO ANYONE TAKES MAT ON THIS DILL. IF KUCH LENA HI… Read More


    EPIC LEGO MINECRAFT 2024 UPDATE - TOP 10 NEW FEATURES!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10*’, was uploaded by THE BRICK BROTHERS! on 2024-05-06 18:00:06. It has garnered 1245 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. *EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10** What do you think? Read More

  • OldCraft

    Minigame server about version 1.8.x (1.8 pvp and server core) Minigames: – skywars – bedwars – parkour – kitpvp – vampirez Coming soon: – hideandseek (blockhunt) – buildbattle Read More

  • EmperixMC SMP Discord New World No Resets 1.21 Optional PVP Community Crossplay Land Claim Custom Plugins

    🌟 EmperixSMP – Now Live and Open for Everyone! 🌟 Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community! Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we’re dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity of vanilla Minecraft or explore our customized features for a unique twist. Long-Term World Preservation: No more worries about server resets disrupting your progress. Build and achieve your goals without fear! Why Choose EmperixSMP? A welcoming community for both seasoned players and newcomers. Whether you’re into monumental builds or collaborative projects, our server supports all… Read More