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Hey everybody welcome back welcome back to some more ftb ocean block hello welcome back and uh you look great next to the uh rapido rapido spinning a blizzard yeah i mean speaking of blue fast creatures isaac i did a bit of upgrading just towards the end of last time so i’ve got this

Imperium furnace isaac which apparently according to the advertising is 690 faster and 345 percent more efficient than traditional furnace technology isaac well nick i’ve got a stack of pork chops right here with that furnace’s name on it i mean here it is man it’s on top of the

Stack over here here we go put it in raw pork chops in i mean it was pretty fast it’s pretty fast i i am working towards the supremium version which is so this is six ninety percent right that one is four thousand percent okay though like look if you look in here

Look how long that one piece of coal is going for like what 10 pork chops in and it’s not even close it’s like still at the tips of those flames yeah we’re gonna get so much it’s that’s that’s nice that’s nice nice yeah good stuff it did chew through

Pretty much all of our essence although actually that was to get the supremium as well with which we have six and i think to get the supremium furnace we need eight uh oh i think it’s a little bit more than that because you need the block which is nine

Um and then you need one essence so that’s ten and then two ingots which are two each so we need fourteen oh okay fourteen supreme masters and is there is acids just coming in uh essence is from the mob farm i thought so however you could make essence seeds wrong

So i mean nick in a bit of a side tension back over here the garden clush has been chugging away making his draconian essence oh yeah look at between streams it’s eight draconian essence per ingot so we’ve got almost 16 draconian manga nice oh well give it to that

So in terms of those power pots that we looked at before one power pot is made with two blocks of emerald four blocks of cast iron one regular botany pot and one basic energy cube all of those items super easy it then do it says it requires tear

Draconium i think that at that point in fact having crafting injector i think that means that we need the draconian fusion crafting injectors which is each injector right from the the from the base version yeah from the riverine one i think and from so there’s draconian then we’ve been dendrochronic

Oh wait in that case then oh power pot oh no okay so the point was the first tier right oh yeah it is riverine’s second the dragon but then okay but when we need we need seven draconian fusion crafting injectors which means we need seven draconian cores which is 28 draconian

Ingots on top of the four more so we need 32 draconings to make that happen i think okay which is like 240-ish essence which we do not yet have yeah we need this to be full right we need four stacks of of sixty-four recurring medicines to unlock the fusion crafting

Capabilities of being able to make this happen yeah yes exactly i mean we could time in the bottle this but then there might also perhaps be some other things that will need time in a bottle that is true yes so we’ll leave that choking i think for now sure sure

At the end of the last stream deck we came up with the horrific idea i should say you came up with the horrific idea it’s a time in a bottle the highest tier homogeneous to get so much cobblestone to allow us to fill in the ocean beneath us and hollow out our new

Cylinder [Laughter] french twinge on that [Laughter] um okay so so this is a tier three cobalt gen right yes what’s the highest tier uh the highest here is five uh oh yes i see that so you need some cobalt and well we gotta go through tier four first

That’s what i’m currently working on okay which is molten rose gold i’m gonna give tim cook a call oh the subzero temperature and some some of the garbage right yeah how’d you get rose gold i’ve gone in gold over there it’s done here we go piece of cake stickers take a

Snowy or icy block down there yeah there you are it’s done and then so now you can pick up this this initial block and i’m done man i’ve got the these i’ve got ready to go yeah excellent and then tier five is it’s just the cobalt i guess or in some hard glass

Uh which i assume is not too bad the hardened glass could be tricky it’s also the whole thing’s made in an induction smelter could you make me an induction smelter oh yeah i can you i can make you an induction sponsor actually i was looking

At this uh you can also make it if you make fire charges which actually has a glass or yeah like you can bypass these we need no we need the induction spell to for the last couple gen i like it has to be made in the

Induction smelter uh oh right oh i see how this is made in the jar yeah yeah yeah yeah we need it anyway yeah exactly all right yeah i’ll make that induction start i’m sure you assume it’s just like good old classic ta Flux coils and uh invol gears yeah this one produces four per second i think um off yeah four per second on the tier 4 couple gem but then it jumps to 20 per second on the tier 5 gen so the tier 5 gen is really oh it’s a really rare yeah

Yeah yeah i think we’d already have we’ve got the cobalt already yeah we’ve got 52 we’re getting that passively from our uh netherrank sluicing i believe sure sure uh i need some iron i need some nickel there we go you’re making me invite yeah yeah here we go let me how how how

Horrible is this right now oh i mean i can factory reset this man like can you yeah if you could factory yeah yeah it’s like you know the laptop’s got it’s going to get a bit slow needs uh he’s a good old ffr man yeah just a little factory factory reset lovely

Hurt anybody two iron to one nickel okay you were you factory reset your stuff often man no but i was on twitter recently man and uh uh and like there was like loads of people who do yeah and they were like oh i factor so one

Guy was like i factory reset my ipad and it was looking at ipad pro from like two years ago oh wow he was like oh i factory reset my ipad like every year and i was like bro that is just i don’t have time for that

That’s a long that’s a lot yeah it’s commitment i mean i thought you were gonna say like they had like an ipad like two in that case i was gonna be like that’s fair i’d be more lee i’d be more yeah i’d be more forgiving to that

Right but this guy was like he’s factory he’s just factory setting all his things man and i’m like whenever i get a new device or like something happens to the point where i would have to factory reset it which doesn’t happen often like it is just awful it’s a pain yeah

Yeah like when i i had to when i said convenience for sure terrible inconvenience when i even when i upgraded my phone last year like going from one phone to the other like it was relatively painless but also it was just long man also i don’t want to do this going from

There my my 12 mini to my 13 i was like god this is just i can’t be asked but i did it and then when i lost my old phone in the sea um going from that to just a fresh phone that was horrible man like the

Amount of stuff that i had to remember to download there’s all these little things that you you need in a clutch moment that you forget about you have that many apps you’re using in clutch moments over here man i’ve moved our stuff to the surface oh nice here we

Go right i’ll put this there there you go what what clutch apps do you have so one example is like i was just chilling i was just doing what i needed to do and then suddenly like i needed to log into something man i forget that i had

Authenticators oh oh oh yeah and i was like it’s one of those things you don’t immediately think about you’ve got to be careful with those as well because if you wipe your old phone before you’ve moved your authenticators to your new phone you’re done you are done it’s bad yes

The only reason i could get back into my discord at all was because i was logged in on my laptop that was the only reason i could get back in if it wasn’t for that i would be i’d be in an i’d have you need to have a new discord account

Man yeah it was uh it was something else but you are right okay yeah that could be tricky man pretty rough i was in the same boat i was just looking i didn’t like i’d not like you know traded i got rid of my old phone i

Just you know and not wiped it yet yeah i just had the authenticators yes things like that um that was the one that sprung to mind uh what else was there there was a couple of other examples when i was like oh god this is an app that i don’t have because

I forgot to download it but it wasn’t immediately obvious that i required it so yeah basically authenticators people sorry not authenticated factory resetting people sir oh god like it is a bit it’s a bit long and tedious man so no i don’t actually reset things often i used to there was

I’m trying to remember if there was anything i used to factory reset often no no would you i mean you factories at your brain most nights i think we when you sleep that sounds like i do need a bloody fact that sounds like an insult i promise it wasn’t every awakening

That’s what i’m saying looking at my hands i’ve respawned with no memory [Laughter] well i think some people would argue effectively on minecraft knowledge every series man yeah that is true i think that’s actually coming from you every every every recording session right not every series what did we do last time again

[Laughter] oh dude no i didn’t reset things often my dad used to have this this is like 2007 or six or something he used to have this pda right it was the tablet before the display of affection oh okay yeah oh no no he’s i mean oh god i mean i can’t

Imagine my dad doing that he’s not a very public uh publicly affectionate man no i don’t think so i’ll ask him though next time i see him thanks thomas wants to know i would last year i’d say it was from you yeah yeah yeah yeah um that bloody pda was such a

Piece of garbage man got it bro it just froze up every 10 seconds i think that was the thing that we had to factory reset the most in our time um here it is are you ready i am looking at the speed that that’s going already yeah well already it’s 20

Per second that’s so fast yeah let’s talk about this man all right here we go Here we go oh yeah oh four thousand it’s quite a thousand six thousand okay okay thousands right i think we’re gonna hit this in like two minutes man um so what’s what’s the theoretical speed it should be at like it should be at 20 multiplied by 64. it

Should be at like 1028 per second which i don’t think it’s quite amp i think it’s like half that yeah i think we might be hitting like some kind of limit yeah might even be server side you know yeah potentially yeah yeah but it’s still bloody good it’s going to brew your fast

It’s so it solves our issue pretty much very nice so next uh next order of business i guess we can like um we can hook this up and like set it to start start going yeah i mean i think we need the the thing is i think we need

The 64 5000 right i mean maybe not um it depends on how deep the water goes down here like how deep before we hit like the sand let’s have a look i’m on my way down right now it looks like it’s around 40 ish because we calculated 65 000 being what

We needed if we’re gonna go all the way to zero right all right okay but we don’t need to go all the way to zero no not not initially anyway well no not at all just because of the fact that there’s already stuff there like there’s

No water between 40 and zero is what i’m saying oh right well like if we’re gonna build the cylinder right now we only need to go down to y level 40. so we don’t quite need 65 000 but we do need a lot of what we have um let’s have a look time-wise

How much more can i do here can you give that a final bump no oh you can nice there we go beautiful that might take us with like 50 000 which is probably good okay and like the bill i mean how fast is the builder it’s not gonna chew through

Like how long would it take to chew through that the builder was using surprisingly little power in build mode i think it uses a lot more power in in quarry mode so i think it will chew through the 30 000 like very fast very quickly okay yeah i guess we’ll find out

To be fair though once this gets to 50k we might have enough time in a bottle to uh to just finish the job here let’s see what happens it takes a good number of minutes to get up to 64x i think and we we don’t have the minutes okay

You know it’s like yeah we’ve stopped we’re out yeah this is like early 2000’s mobile data man like yo you’re locked on minutes like there’s only so many you get yeah remember when that was the case so many minutes man i had this uh sony ericsson camera phone oh nice and it was

Advertising like i love i love the like specificity of camera phones yeah well if not all phones are camera phones it was wild right because it was one of the first phones ever with the front-facing camera i remember it like being it was like really thin and it was

Like advertised as being like either the first one of the first phones having a front-facing camera and it was like camera phone right it’s just wild that that was a thing back in the day and i remember trying to go on the internet with it and oh

I don’t think i could even get into google man i think it took me 10 minutes to get into google and then i gave up after that it was uh it was wild um how that used to how that used to be a thing

Oh you sped this up i see do you need extra speed here i don’t think so that’s the thing powers i mean yeah give it extra speed oh i can’t nice yeah that’s what i’m saying it runs through real fast uh this is going though like i said

The juice i think it’s because it’s got it’s starting like right right down there maybe oh yeah no it’s it’s it’s going is it doing it it’s going our our pillar is is under construction look down man oh look at that it’s coming in i see Yes that is that is large and in charge all right that’s good excellent god this is just all like we okay we’re kind of oh i’m i’m kind of concerned how much supreme do we have uh six essence isaac okay and that’s probably as high as

We’re gonna get right right now well i’m thinking nick cause i’m thinking armor right i’m thinking we abandoned the furnace for now i’m thinking about supreme armor and i think we should get some premium seeds cooking sure lots of cream seeds sorry um inferior seeds cooking

Yes so that we can firstly increase our inferium production rate okay right right right i mean are you saying we put this in the cloche do we oh no we can’t go draconian uh we can’t go super power park can we we’re waiting for that okay i see the

Power pots are currently uh tbd yeah yeah i mean could we go close we could go clutch it might want to be like multiple clients crochets yeah close shapes yeah yeah okay maybe we could always time in the bottle then as well yeah i don’t think the time the bottle’s

Gonna be that good with the cloches oh really i don’t envision it being particularly great let’s see again the time of the bottle we don’t have that much right like it’s not nice like we get you know we we we get what we hold on to right so it’s not it’s not that

It’s not that good um it’s not a one-size-fits-all uh solution unfortunately yeah yeah i wish we had those magic wands man what were they called time ones or whatever they were oh yeah those things were elite in fearium seed i’m thinking about maybe setting up a bigger farm though like how

Much ethereum do we have about a hundred but obviously you can deconstruct like the higher tier essences if we need more yeah i was thinking of a bigger farm and i was thinking about maybe going with um a plan together i really the closest level so like an actual

Piece of land yeah that we’re using to farm stuff with okay i see um yeah we can do that we can indeed do that um you are right we are going to need we are going to need more we only need a higher income rate of of

That stuff aren’t we because you know essentially the entire quantity of which we had previously made us like what like maybe 10 supremium total yeah we do have more now and we do get inferium as well from sifting gravel oh is that been coming in from that as

Well then yeah there’s a 30 chance of getting it with the diamond squeeze we could also nick we could upgrade the diamond stories here to turn into that netherlight’s louise yes we could the netherlight’s louise is i think that’s just been chilling in the system i’ve got it here yeah oh nice

Yeah just this entire time to like so does the percentage chance go up no so the chance of getting stuff is determined by the mesh the luis here just determines the time so like the oaks louise has got a processing time of one x then the dime the iron is not 0.8

The diamond is not 0.6 and the netherright is not 0.4 with the empowered being 0.2 so the nether white one uses less water and requires and has less time it says can be upgraded further to increase efficiency requires rf to function okay so let’s have a look then let’s let’s give this a

Try shall we yeah why not let’s put it down we might as well use it since we’ve got it and uh if you want easy power i’ve got a spare flux point we just attached to the size of this can’t we because this needs power doesn’t it

Uh so i don’t know if it oh yeah it does need power um okay so the increase is there’s a speed upgrade increases the speed of the slurries by five percent per upgrade each upgrade increases the power cost exponentially oh base cost plus 1.8 to the power of

The number of upgrades okay right i see in here it looks like the there are three upgrades you can put in oh okay so that’s actually i mean well no i mean like i think there are three different types of grid you can probably

Write and you can go up to 64 for each yeah i don’t actually see those upgrades so there’s there’s the fortune upgrade increases drop chance by three percent per upgrade each upgrade increases the power cost exponentially so the same again so there’s a fortune upgrade a speed upgrade and then a consumption upgrade

Reduces fluid costs so fluid costs we don’t really care about right now like so we could go with either speed or fortune upgrades i assume fortune would mean that we get i assume they kind of do the same thing right because yes speed just goes through the gravel faster whereas fortune brings

Gets you more stuff yeah yeah um okay and how hard are these upgrades to make i don’t think they’re that hard okay cool and i’m assuming it’s 60 you can go up to 64 per presumably yeah obviously yeah or 1.8 to the power of 64 is ridiculous yeah

Like right now it’s a zero fee do i put power like at the i’m just on the left side i’ll just stick the stick the plug on the side yeah you go yeah nice and then i’ll configure this to us okay there we go oh there it goes there

It goes so right now it’s using 90 feet okay it’s already a fairly high starting point yes so we get my let me get my trusty calculator aka phone out yeah oh you got a has got like a scientific mode though no i’m just going to do um

90 times 1.8 and then i can hit equals as many times as we want yeah so it’s base cost plus 1.28 to the power of the number of upgrades okay so 90 times 1.28 so one upgrade will take us to 115. so it’s basically each new upgrade multiplies the power

Usage by one point two over three yeah right yeah that’s how it works and so so you take take the first number so 19. the first one is going to take it up to 114 i think yeah about 117. i i yeah 19 times 1.28 is 115.2 oh yeah and then

That that’s 147.45 exactly yeah it’s 188 and then you know or 241 and then it starts to get high 309 395. six four eight six eight thirty ten 1062 yeah yeah god this is this is like i was trying to get do compounding in the stock market man every year

Except for it goes the other way around these days it’s like 3 48 and then next year it’s like 190 and then after there’s 147. um okay what’s uh i threw put with including this so there’s the blaze the blaze mobile which is we’re not hooked up but it’s making 600

And then there’s uh the magma tour which is making how much oh no wait someone is right here 1.28 no look yeah so it’s not quite like that because it’s it’s it’s base cost plus 1.28 to the power of the number right so oh yeah yeah yeah so like 1.28 to the power

Of 10. i don’t know what that number is plus the base 19. so the first one the first one’s actually not that bad because 1.28 to the power of one is just 1.28 right yeah yeah yeah so the first upgrade should only take it to 91.28 okay

This base cost plus not base cost multiplied i’m pretty sure so i think it’s a little different all of these need a ton of cast iron oh i see right okay but iron cast iron should be too bad for us actually uh i guess we can um

You can make cast iron in is the campfire in the jars right no no so you can make it over i mean you can but like the easier way is with the jars over here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh sorry yeah i thought you were like saying you

Had to use the campfire um if you use 16 iron and one charcoal you get 16 uh cast iron oh that’s good so you just set this to go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i’m getting the charcoal from this new fast inferior furnace as well yeah there we go nice and efficient as

Well and there’s already there’s only 48 in there by the way uh cast iron start let’s have a look someone said 1.28 to the power of 64 is 7.3 million nice plus 19. don’t forget that’s what will get us over the edge man that initial the initial 90. oh dear 1.28

Times 1.28 so that’s 1.2 so do we want to start with fortune or with speed um so i’m assuming the fortune has a power multiplier as well it’s all the same they’re all identical okay right uh so the fortune the the speed increases the series by five percent per

Upgrade okay fortune increases the drop chance by three percent per upgrade i don’t know what that like is that plus two percent to everything yeah because if it’s a 60 what did you say it was a what’s the chance of getting so 30 on the on the inferium right so like theoretically

Does that mean if we added 20 4400 it’s basically going to be maxed out yeah so it doesn’t go over a hundred right can you get like almost two sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good point actually like i have no idea i have got

No clue i feel like the the the speed upgrades are gonna be more visually identifiable yeah they’re gonna be more pleasing to us isaac’s yeah let’s just go with our little monkey brains oh faster okay so four has taken it up to 241 right i feel like that is uh

Like going off of here we go yeah that’s the calculation we did yeah yeah we were correct isaac yeah that feels like the number wait but is that right is that okay hold on i need to i need to know this one point one point two eight

So the power of windows calculator by the way does have a scientific mode to the power of four equals 2.6 plus 90. yeah no i think i think this is incorrect right no it seems like if you hover over the speed upgrade yeah nji i’m not i’m saying the way

They’ve worded it i think isn’t correct because it says yeah it needs to be base cost times 1.28 the power of upgrades i think this description is wrong yeah this has base cost plus 1.28 to power upgrades this is base cost times multiplied by 1.28 to power upgrades yeah yeah yeah yeah which

Is uh worse for us yes unfortunately this is the this is so the the initial trajectory that we outlined is not it’s correct feasible yeah yes yes it’s correct yes your number like 1024 um okay so this is this is going and i’m assuming this is producing essence then

Yeah 217 ethereum which is pretty good to be fair um it’s just not enough especially if we want armor right yeah to premium armor which is bloody brilliant yeah yeah i think you can get creative you can get creative fight with that as well um two more so 395 feet um okay okay

Okay okay okay okay okay right this is fine yeah we need oh gosh oh my goodness there we go just i did some timer bottling on the on the power gen and the the the guy is the biller is going is he going for it someone said that gravel product is too

Slow which i think is correct i think um i think the diamond hammer might be doing gravel fast enough uh oh right so that is a bottleneck i mean it’s four okay oh yeah it’s a little delayed i did put the new um cobble gen under here now so

Because obviously this is the one we stole but um yeah we might need to do like a revamp of a lot of this nick because i think we’re going to want to increase the cobble to gravel speed which i think we can do with like crushes from mechanism

Yeah there’s also the nether right auto hammer well i’m thinking long term the crusher all as we can make into a factory okay okay you know like an ultimate crushing factory with eight-speed agent energy upgrades that’s going like you know doing twelve gravel at a time

Yeah he’s going very fast i think that’s going to be the way we want to go for it potentially um so mechanism is our savior as per usual basically i think so yeah and also in terms of massive power like if we’re going to make you know tens of millions

Of redstone flux per tick i think mechanism is also our is that is our key okay it sounds good what is it what is the power jamming mechanism again like what’s uh what’s the route it ends up a big old reactor ah they’re are like yeah there are like

Fission reactors and big old turbines that we can make i see that yeah i’ll have to brush up on the on the uh the specifics yeah on your on your reading your mechanism reading yeah exactly yeah but i i think that if we’re going to go for insane power there is also the

Chronic evolution reaction i’ve actually never used that we’re doing the chaos chart for which i mean i’m looking at the uh i’m looking at the some of the like i’m just looking at jei yeah and they look like very cool blocks [Applause] that looks nice obviously that requires us getting the crafting tiers

Within draconic evolution to actually do that without without running out of our own tiers yeah exactly which we will type in the probable power cost that that’s going to require yeah exactly well christ um um however so i think in that case it might be well worth us

So i was kind of initially starting i was checking on the on the downstairs boys i we moved these machines up here i was gonna start working on some um speed and energy upgrades for these guys and i do think it might not be a terrible idea

For us to look at auto crafting with refined storage you know and maybe look at teaching our system you know how to make uh like some of the basic alloys for mechanism uh you know the uh infused alloys circuit circuit yeah yeah yeah garbage crafter on top of these machines yeah

Yeah how to make steel how to make basic you know casing like all that kind of stuff just so that we have that ready to go because i think mechanism is going to be our friend we’re going to want to set up i think a lot of high tier mechanism machines sure

Same is true i think with like a lot of the resource gen down here like right now we’ve got just like one pulverizer and one redstone furnace doing the processing for a lot of our uh ingots we can swap this out yes mechanism stuff just to massively increase throughput without having to change

The pipeage and the system and all that stuff yeah okay that makes sense that makes sense yeah but then again also like we got to think about where everything’s gonna be right because right now everything’s kind of just on the surface here which i don’t think is what we want right you

Want to put stuff on in the new underside under the carriage yeah could you time it a bottle of this uh yes i can go power can i go 64 no not quite almost not quite like 10 minutes plus it’s a lot better yeah i’m down i’m down um

Okay it’s working though it’s getting so that’s not why level 40 now 39 38 37 30 oh whoa six five four three it does it doesn’t let it in like yeah down there i see i see i see i see that makes sense okay uh it looks kind

Of cool actually it looks like we’re just holding up this island with like a giant pillow underneath yeah it’s like it’s like an iceberg but the iceberg goes all the way to the bottom of the sea rather than uh rather than like stopping it’s just oh island’s getting too heavy

Man we gotta hold it i’ll pop it up i know right it’s like that meme and it’s like uh it’s like it’s like someone’s hand like holding up like the land and everything’s just like normal society going on on top of the land but there’s just like hell

Underneath it and just this one warrior with his hand holding it all up that’s what’s going on here man we’re just here living our best life essentially on holiday and there’s just all hell down there it’s all being held up by this cobblestone pillar here it is

Oh yeah oh yeah this is that that is very swiftly run out of power yeah all time even that’s what it meant how do you feel about time man you’re a fan i love a bit time man although i do yeah there you go we like to kill time like

Do we actually like time i mean to be fair when you harvest it to put on your pasta you you kill it man that’s true that is true i like quite you know violently as well okay let’s uh let’s replenish this yeah i think we need to do a lot of i think

We should okay it i we need to autocraft the universe nick yeah yeah like i think we should teach our system how to like create crafters is like stage number one right sure okay right um and then there are further further bits from there as well yeah i’m assuming we

Don’t have those the the crafting block that we previously dabbled with no but we do have the mod that adds the height aircrafters so we can make like the gold gold diamond otherwise it’s never right yeah yeah i’m working on a tier 1 crafter

Okay and i feel like we can make a tl1 crafter and then teach the tier 1 crafter how to make crafters actually yeah i could upgrade the tier 1 crafter to an iron crafter yeah maybe to a gold very easily oh so the gold crafter requires noel it’s very um

It’s very apple asked of them it’s actually not too hard i feel like it’s more it’s more elon than you like that’s true actually it’s quite elon-esque isn’t it yeah the know-how stuff right yeah you are gonna get noah linkman you’re gonna you’re gonna i’m not gonna get a new

Link maybe to be fair yeah like i mean can you imagine if like instead of us having to tab out when we do these we can just you know just like quote things from the internet without having to tab out you’re like oh nick i wonder if daddy doesn’t done i’ll

Be like oh uh buffering buffering and then i’ll just like start reading out in like a theory voice the answer right right yeah that’s what we’re that’s what we’re talking about man our uh i’ve probably’s done man is it so it’s done the it’s done the the

Pillar so the idea here was that we’re then gonna reduce the radius by one and dig the pillar back out to leave a hollow pillow right correct yes now i don’t know if that’s gonna work in the way that we hope it does yeah like that like it will be

So maybe do we do we reduce the radius by two so that there’s no well i’ve got what we have done by two we went from 23 by 23 to 21 by 21. okay okay but that is also kind of what i showed you before but let’s give it a go uh so

I’ll take this so that we’re going to do 21 by 120 by 21 and negative 62 okay so take this out put this in so 21 by 128 by 21 negative 62 cylinder this time solid so in theory the preview like we shouldn’t see any of the preview

If that makes sense like on the outsides of the pillars which means that it will do what we want it to do so for the any of the like you know like the blue preview blocks if any of those were sticking out yeah then the radius would be too large

Well you do have to click the button to see the preview button the thing okay shall we do that you can do it’s on the yeah it’s the inside it’s the red on the left there’s like a red circle uh preview mode i’ve enabled it there we go

So in theory like we don’t want any of we don’t want to be able to see any of them i don’t see any we don’t this should work okay good stuff cool i did like someone’s idea of making it out of glass but like we don’t have

65 000 questions yeah that’s the only issue yeah seriously sandy up in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean in future we could always like oh no because you have to build you have to build a solid block in the inside so you can imagine about glass we’d be

Wasting oh no i was i mean like i guess that’s the fair point right like we can now use now once we’ve got the cobblestone like cylinder in we could use like an exchanging gadget to exchange just the cobblestone that needs to be done oh yeah it wouldn’t be anywhere near 65 000

Glass it would be of course a few thousand but not quite bingo yeah yeah yeah how much sand do we have 680 i’m assuming the sand drawer might also need to be uh it’s not going to do with the draw i guess right like let’s just just don’t

Have enough sand like he can hold 2048 we’ve just never got past six 600 680 yeah yeah okay oh well yeah it’s uh should we need that we can easily just you know do cobblegen into crusher into crusher just to make loads of sand for this oh

Yeah yeah purpose for sure yeah and then that’ll be that’ll be that yeah no i agree um okay i need quartz okay this melts i think we’ve got a nice amount of quartz are you trying to make those neural networks yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Soon this will all be automated yeah how far where do you think the the noah link is uh well according to well according to elon musk like yesterday i was gonna say according to any day now yeah like you probably see a quote of him in

Like 2014 or 2012 being like you know by 2020 we’ll all be walking around with brain implants we’ll have been on mars on foot for six years neurolink release date here we go how soon will neural link be available sometime in 2022 is the answer there you go accurate oh man nice

On it he’s on it man yeah he is hello people in the chat suggesting that we can make glass with materials stonework factories isaac which we have we can carry off we’ve got one i think oh really four of them man yeah oh wow got them as multiple quest rewards so

There’s always that avenue as well yeah i don’t know how fast they’ll be but we could know time in the bottle isaac time in the bottle when in doubt time in the bottle that’s true actually i mean get them out man get them out whack them down yeah

There we go let’s give chat what they want yeah why not here we go i’ll get what we do like we need like eight minecraft accounts each that we just have afk and with time in the bottles next like yeah yeah yeah just chill in

Right i’m gonna put them like up a level so let’s go like you think uh yeah i was suggesting yeah oh yeah you were you think hmrc would accept that as a business expense oh 100 yeah like the twitter is it still like 20 quid to buy

Minecraft i think so maybe oh there you go then yeah you need to get v80 off that man like 100 claim it back oh okay so do we how do these things work do we just say we want glass and it will make us class

You just yes physically say it to it i want glass i want glass i want glass i want glass i’d say four times four of them right yeah yeah oh there it goes it’s doing it it’s doing it and uh it is this should this shouldn’t work here it is sand and

Yeah and the last one the last action there is nothing so if you could repeat that action this action line on the bottom so pick x pick x furnace nothing on the other three i’ll just get the uh the water and lava that we need let’s do that pickaxe pickaxe first nothing

Pickaxe pickaxe furnace nothing pickaxe pickaxe furnace nothing and then i’m assuming like we can just like stick upgrades in these bad boys as well man and just like yester um so you need the upgrades you need the uh yeah the ones we’ve industrial for going course you’d need

The uh the add-ons for their speed tier one and tier two uh you know the ones that made in the dissolution chamber oh yeah oh god yeah he remembers i remember flashbacks well with liquid latex in the middle and like oh Time in the bottle so i’m in a bowl oh dude yeah look there they go and then i assume like if we hook this back up to the drawers i’m working on it man nice hopefully by the time we oh i like the physical connection as well

Uh and we like stick a big boy upgrade on there man um i can whip up an emerald upgrade for us uh then like hopefully like we’ll just be swimming in glass uh in glass on glass yeah we’ve got some glass coming in uh power seems to be bad ah

Which would not surprise me no yeah i mean well okay so we’re producing 400 and our netherlights louise uses 395. nice i mean tell you what let’s just shall i just make a flux plug and just whack it on the side of our new well it’s not automated it’s the thing

No it isn’t but it will alleviate uh temporarily our current issues right um is that is the thing right right right right right right right right right right right right um how old is this tour to make can we just pump blaze rods into the

I mean i think so yeah and then pump them out into the the generator i think we can just pump it loudly yeah louder louder louder we can’t say it yeah yeah yeah the blizz blaze okay um again it’s a question of it’s it’s a question of decency man it’s a

Question of where do we want to put this question in decorum isaac um what this this setup is the automation yeah it’s a bit weird because we’re kind of we’re not quite at the next stage of you know the underground area but we are relatively close but like we’re not there so like

I don’t know see the thing is we can massage it yeah we can actually yeah we can look at this this is brilliant thanks man and i’m assuming it’s just going to be self like self-sustaining isn’t it because the power that that produces will power the agitators and

Then you know as long as we’ve got our supply of blaze rods we kind of sort it um yeah maybe okay i’m thinking of i’m thinking of some horribleness nick is um is basically what i’m getting at hi okay um i hope you’re prepared for that here we go

I don’t know if this works like this has not been this is not fda approved it’s not been tried and tested yeah we’ve gone through controlled trials oh oh hello hello yeah no the clinical research on this is is is is out what are you better swordsman where are

Where are your premium songs oh i’ve got this bloody i’ve got quite a nice one oh yeah you don’t know there we go sort these out for you yeah get out of here okay so are you just going to like this into this into this is this going to stay

Where it is then this channel for now all right let me whack this on top there we go ready to transmit because again i don’t know I’ve put down three of these i’m hoping that’s enough that’s like you know good yeah like it was just it yeah now i know what you mean um you hope the generator won’t use blaze rods faster than the three of these will make them together yes

Okay these only power by the way so if you put a flux plug on top of like at least the middle one uh yes sure there you go that’s perfect yeah and then from there we can again continue with the the horrific horrific thing and it just goes like

Nice at least it’s symmetrical yeah it’s got that going forward if it’s symmetrical it’s it’s it’s legal fine yeah exactly exactly then you go here you set that you should start receiving juice if we had any juice which we of course don’t of course not isaac of course not

That’d be too easy and then you go and get some uh refined storage cable but i’ll tell you what actually if you um if you add the network to the generator we can kick-start it by putting some blaze rods in the generator if that makes sense like this one i

Don’t have a plug that’s your job man no it’s on there we go right okay here we go boom nice uh i’m assuming we just have some some rottage there you go nice yeah here we go right so they’re accelerating their power usage okay not enough room on no

Usable storage on top of below that’s actually uh there are more phantoms oh one of those looks quite the hot one he does there’s three of them so they they get exponentially like there’s more of them there we go let’s make life easier all right get out of here you stupid ass

There we go yeah there we go all right these are not receiving power though which is is unfortunate oh really now is it because you have to set i’m assuming you’ve set their power cables to extract or whatever that’s stupid yeah yeah yeah even though it’s like directly on the blazing agitator

Yeah it might be it might be a case that they like can only see power from the bottom i see all right that is done okay who’s online not receiving power even from the bottom even from the bottom even from the bottom it’s not receiving power i’ll come sleep with you though

Thanks man cheers yeah we’ll get oh lovely starry night as per usual server peeps you can please any help please please please sleep please we need the uh you gotta drop the uh here we go we need one more one more please sure you you can’t resist that emoji come on

Come on anyone [Laughter] all right we’re gonna have someone’s gonna join us soon here we go i believe i believe i believe i believe so these aren’t these are just being he’s just being just they’re not they’re not doing they’re not bidding they’re not playing nice

Nick oh no they’re playing naughty oh no yeah oh knife and i’m not having it no no not at all yeah see that’s not receiving power which is is odd uh there might be a is that why i don’t think that’s why if you if we put a test machine on top

Of this flux point will that receive power so like if you know if you look in the flux point it just says like it’s empty oh right i can’t i can’t right click it at the moment because you’re you’re using oh that’s weird using um using uh is this something something stealing everything

It could be this one over here these are slowly but surely going up on juice oh yeah which could be useful actually hold on let me let me try something here if i do this and we set this to like priority 10 there we go nice nice nice yeah the power was going

Elsewhere all right that’s fine yeah i think it’s these stonework factories over here all right nice okay um that’s fine here we go so this is correct yeah so now we usually do extract export blaze rods which i’m going to use exposure here blaze rods and then those

Blazers should make their way into the non-locked slots presumably if i set this to extract like that and then once they’re in the lock there we go look at that and then from i’m gonna like uh maybe just to save this time i’m gonna do something like that um okay cool and then

Yeah that should that should work so now once they are agitated enough they’ll move to the output slot and then from there they’ll automatically move over to the straight to the generator yeah which should hopefully sustain the base just about potentially um potentially i do think nick that the sensorbeal thing to do

Here would be to add like a oh no i was going to add like a buffer chest but i don’t think we need to no they’ll just make their way as they make their way right well the agitator has like a like an output buffer right yes

There are nine slots available on each one so yeah we should be fine okay cool yeah like this is horrible i hate where we put this um the cable as well just going straight to the head to the front of the uh the the controller there

Like we could have just got a better magnet to man or like three mega meters you know yeah but like we said that’s not fun isaac all right this is fun look at the spinny spinny all right that’s fun come on now uh also this um builder doesn’t like

The draw on top of it there’s not enough room or not able not no usable storage on top or below so it doesn’t like the the draw that we’ve put up top here which is weird because it was working before wasn’t it uh i don’t think so no like we didn’t um

Well we didn’t there we go um no we had a chest on top last time right oh right like it was fine pulling from it to build but it’s not happy putting the cobblestone in there is what i’m saying right i see what i mean no So we did the last time we did the clearing we did it into a chest and we made it moved i i i get that yeah right it was only when we did the building that we had the chest on the trail yeah yeah yeah

I i do i do see i do so if you just have like a chest in between then that should hopefully so yeah maybe maybe maybe this will work yeah that seems to be going nice and again chugging like all of the power that we have which is uh which is grand

Obviously useful for this purpose here we go nice though oh yes oh yeah gotta be careful on that it’s the issue with the uh yeah look at the j look at how the ticks go down i know they just that’s incredible on down minutes oh man something else but this is working

Though which is which is good yeah i like it this is good stuff yeah obviously the fact that we’re accelerating this they’re gonna run out of ticks a lot faster than me yeah after we leave yeah but that is quite yeah quite funny okay this is good though and the the

Quarry is working uh slowly but surely to so if you could just stay on nick uh yeah until tomorrow yeah yeah yeah you’ll have like 24 hours worth of time in the box oh yeah obviously yeah you’ll be able to 64x everything man people can point out we do have the

Acceleration one if you type wand in oh we do yeah oh there it is it’s uh it’s just too expensive man the advanced r we need nether stars and gas tears and also i imagine probably more power than we you know exactly exactly but i think now we need to set our sights

And spend our nights waiting and no trying to work towards uh getting further into the bowels of mechanism sure sure right uh we also need to do some more alternating we have so few diamonds that’s what’s really limiting us here i’ve got an iron crafter um i

Think i can make a gold crafter here real quick actually but um we need to do small crafting and i think again i think mechanism is our is our safety we can do with working towards like big mechanism power there’s our gold crafter nice on the jank line

There we go look at that there we go nice we can put patterns in here we’ve got pattern grid of course to make that work but but yeah next time we’ll come back hopefully we’ll have a bit of room down here to actually start building uh you

Know a second floor to the base we can look at getting a better source of sustainable power with mechanism that seems like it could be useful uh better machines that can process faster with mechanism uh we might need to do like a ground up because even if we do process

All of the stuff we have like 200 diamonds which is not that many um so we might even just need like a ground up accelerating or upgrading of our base resource production down here yeah i mean we’ve got the fastest now which is good but if we might need

To you know if we start looking at getting like crushes or crushing factories to turn cobble to gravel gravel to dirt dirt and sand to dust faster and then you know maybe upgrade all these to network series of great our power so we can make all of them faster

And then upgrade our processing on this end as well you know we can we can if we wanted to we could just use like a basic uh enrichment chamber smelting setup to double like we’re doing here sure the mechanism does also add you know triple and quadrupling

Yeah exactly so we can also really go as far as we want even with the current like setups yes we do block replacing which is nice i like that yeah bingo that’s uh i think that’s kind of the plan and we need to tidy up man because this is this

Is this is a bit small this is what you’re saying about this size the whole platform is is atrocious nick um i don’t know about it one of these uh one of these skyscraper drawers just over here come stands on the other one look at that look at the hovering

Capability of this netherright jetpack oh wow he’s got another right jack pack yeah sorry i started nice get get on here man it’s a bit it’s a little bit it’s so fast you see this thing like i can i can throttle down though here we go let’s throttle down and there he goes

Perch wonderful it’s cute beautiful there we go nick with that unfortunately we are out of time for this episode of ocean block You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft FTB OceanBlock | NETHERITE SLUICE & EXPONENTIAL POWER! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2022-05-15 00:17:19. It has garnered 21495 views and 617 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:04 or 3484 seconds.

Minecraft FTB OceanBlock | NETHERITE SLUICE & EXPONENTIAL POWER! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft Cuboid Outpost | A NEW QUEST MOD PACK! #1:

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Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

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    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More