INSANE Minecraft Gameplay with Discord Server

Video Information

Hello oh my God hello I over SLP oh oh my mic was also open oh hold on right it’s crazy this is crazy this is insane I hope I straight up over slep um hold on uh YouTube we go to my we can hear you but you s me

How are you doing I’m doing well I just fell asleep I it was like I’m pretty sure it was like three to four hours ago then like oh oh no oh no on H wait hello oh my God I’m a dumbass um yeah Minecraft right [ __ ] hold on let me switch to my

Account so we can open it dude I had an alarm went out the alarm did not went on uh I’ll ping I’ll ping so I can like start now hold on uh I’ll turn on the server then open Minecraft so how are you you guys doing um uh add here

Fine Ah that’s good to hear it’s good to hear servers opening wait what the hell oh man [ __ ] I am like I don’t my element right now I just I just feel have you eaten yet if not please do so if you have minutes I have not eaten yet hold

On I will eat later don’t worry about it I’m opening Minecraft as well so how are you guys did anything happen oh man actually Factory reseted my um my laptop or my device so it’s a bit it’s a bit likeit [ __ ] up Minecraft yeah we’re playing Minecraft I just fell asleep oh

Man forgive me chat forgive me me uh the server is open by the way you guys you guys can join in now there you go some be some some happened something happened but I’m good oh that’s nice all version the latest one 1.2.4 oh man I forgot what I was

Doing oh this is really loud I should do it’s a uh we’re playing Las very hello hello tro bro I fell asleep tro I fell asleep oh my God my beatrooper Mall isn’t working my hair is like getting in the way H let me

See h i remember I can like I was trying to build the base and getting some resources oh right I was like um trying to find uh a base bu or something hello oh bb10 what’s up we’re out here playing Minecraft well BR I’m such a I’m such a dumb ass all

Right I wonder if I there you go this is actually much better now hello hello Kiana oh man oops my pickaxe broke um all right I was doing something I forgot uh right no um oh my God nice catboy outfit oh yeah I didn’t do I

Didn’t use the cat booy outfit I feel like I feel like the catboy outfit is a bit like um I feel like it’s a bit how do I say this um I because I don’t have any stone and I can’t make like a a pickaxe or a axe

Um the cowboy outfit seems a bit like um not cooked enough you know it’s it looks kind of weird so I didn’t use it I’ll probably update it so it would look better bra zombie exactly um oh boy there’s a lot of trash here oh if you’re talking about like the um

The Minecraft skin I just stole that oh man uh let me if you need stuff tell me no I’m fine what am I lagging hello hello welcome to the stream um I’m sorry if we’re a bit late I literally just fell asleep earlier what the hell hold on I don’t know

Why all right there we go the TPS died for some reason yeah I don’t know why the TPS died it’s fine though I think it’s fine though dude I was not expecting to like fall asleep so long because like I’m pretty sure I was like um it was like 4

Hours ago or three hours ago right and I thought like oh maybe I should take a nap because like I’m kind of epe and I don’t want to be tired when I stream then suddenly I I wake up and it’s like [ __ ] 10:30 for me and I’m like

Panicking because I was supposed to stream like 30 minutes ago um what are you doing by the way looking for good terrain um I guess we’re just mining we’re just mining f F indeed def indeed um again that’s so sad there there so many enemies here what the okay

Huh DPS is kind of weird is it my I don’t think it’s my pain I mean I am literally streaming right now I don’t think there’s like not much let me hurt yeah um let’s find like a iron so we can like set up our base it’s not your fault it’s just turn

This yeah I know it’s just F it’s just like um what the excuse me sir you [ __ ] creepy Bastard Jesus Christ that’s like the second time this like the second time this [ __ ] creep around me bloody hell hold on the servers server DVS and like doing really well right

Now H weird it’s just like eating bread it’s like kind of weird you forgot the nuke rule forgot the the rule never mind at night oh that song true but I’m kind of desperate right now I need some material so we can probably survive I swear to God if there’s like a

Creeper behind me I’m going to dead I do hear a slime I think wait should I play a background music can I live with someone try finding MAFO so we can blow blow her up oh man I God it oh there you go Tick Tock heavy like a r

Yeah there’s a lot of like coal but no iron what the hell it’s kind of weird oopsy oopsy bruh I mean the server’s kind of running F fine I think it’s just a bit like slow for some reason um other than that it should be should be

Fine oh my [ __ ] god a creeper again no uh there isn’t any [ __ ] iron here what the hell oh wait is this iron um that’s copper not iron weird see now um white wool Arrow C Stone doesn’t iron spawn lower than that um I think I’m pretty sure they spawn like

Everywhere let me just make more these uh Lumi at 20 you’re at 200 right uh some somewhere someone near that yeah I should I should like install like a fabric next time because I really hate like bling down bling the um torches oh yeah aside from that I’m

Working on a new like stream overlay that’s going to be like really cool um I guess I can show it later probably yeah it’s actually it’s on my um it’s on my Discord it’s uh opty Forge um nope uh playing vanilla straight up straight up no no

Um straight straight up raw dogging this [ __ ] like no mods no no anything you know going in raw uh now it spawns so much like then height of the mountains what there’s no iron what the [ __ ] I have to go deeper listen you should never go this deep in this kind of

Hole oh what the [ __ ] what oh please please [ __ ] ah my God you know what at least I where am I why am I such a [ __ ] clumsy loser I’m pretty sure it was here somewhere chat on screen after of AFK oh that was yes that was last time

Like last week right like I went AFK then um oh my God I went AFK and like got killed by a drown or something it was [ __ ] up it was [ __ ] up where did I die I first literally forgot I feel like I don’t know I don’t want to do this [ __ ]

Again oh my God please where is it where are all the other games what do you mean by that check the console can we skip night you guys can just sleep you know there’s like um pretty sure like only 30% of like the the one who need to sleep

Anyway there’s speed running no speed running uh you can see the coordinates or the dead screen really really check the Press F3 before yeah I already died though that’s a problem come on sleep guys okay you need one more like person to sleep so uh need one more person to sleep no bed

Okay that’s not going to work okay okay here we go um all right oh there we go I’m pretty sure that’s the cave I’m pretty sure that’s the a cave I’m pretty sure that’s a cave I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure you don’t have to like okay okay okay

Okay we’re good chat we’re good we’re Gucci creepy villagers just staring I did not see that creepy villager that’s that’s a bit creepy yeah bro was whisper if you no it’s fine what the [ __ ] how do you get that how do you have much that bro how do you have so much

Okay caving is all fair op where’s the um bro is straight up caving too much why are you going to like holes so much Kiana why do you like going to holes how are you even going to get down I am literally down is this room delayed by the way I

Have it in Ultra latency so I don’t think it is oh there is a lot of like um aren’t you in h uh why hole you know like Minecraft fall what are you guys thinking about I’m talking about like caves in Minecraft why you like hole I don’t like

Holes I hate going to holes that’s why I said like I hate caving oh oh my God we found like our our lucky Emerald oh my God that’s weird um where you mind it uh really let me check let me go back let me go back

Track I might be blind I might be blind I went here so oh there he is what the hell pretty sure the Ender Dragon is dead I am are you sure Ender Dragon’s Dead come on like there’s no point of me like streaming if the Ender Dragon is

Dead wait why is my avatar like or my V troper Mall not working hold on uh wait wa wait wait wait wait all right it’s working now uh Edge Edge Edge what the hell that is true I don’t think anyone killed it yet so we’re good there is no sakuro biome

I haven’t seen Any okay now there’s a lot of iron now we just need to find diamonds um I’m singing Because I I found B next to each other um probably swamp swamp I mean swamp is a pretty interesting place like I don’t see many people building on Swamp you

Know like it’d be unique if you have like a swamp base you know kind of like Shrek oh no Lum is in danger no I’m not in danger mafu I am literally okay here unless you are saying I am foreshadowing hell no I am I am not in danger Skyler I am the

Danger I lost my what this is so dark this is literally so dark okay you should get you should get whacked by skeleton uh no nuh oh yeah slime Farms swamp really is underrated not going to lie true I wish there’s more like more like um swamp bases everyone’s complaining like oh

Minecraft is so blind now and they always like build their bases and like they always build their base in like a [ __ ] terrain and it’s just like a house like a PLS Biome Minecraft is Dead Minecraft is so um this why is Minecraft dying then proceeds to like literally play it like

You’re speed running it the point of Minecraft is like just having fun with it like it’s literally like a Lego piece my God there’s a lot of mobs in this [ __ ] there’s a there is a dying community that game that it’s not about Minecraft I always look at a place

For in the River Mountain that’s yeah it’s Unique I don’t think there’s a lot of bases in the mountain considering how hard they how hard it is to build there oh it’s fine don’t worry about it you can just you can just chill next time oh I’m still debating if I should

Play Persona tomorrow no bases in the mountain no not many people base at the mountain some people do if you’re like um I mean by base I mean like building something not like uh not like a dirt Hut or something yeah ah I always bullet the hardest places and makes

Me oh build not bully what the [ __ ] yeah do you like building and you know I never really made like a is that I heard the what am I hearing um I want to try like building a sky base this time I’m pretty sure like Sky bases were really common

Then my vtuber Mall isn’t working okay ah why are you not working why are you not working ah I think I like yeah never mind it’s because of my posture I have to like keep in mind I don’t need I don’t want to like slouch around since I’m using like a shitty

Webcam to capture my face I always um oh boy Minecraft sound 42 um oh my God the amount of like torches I’m using I’m burning up it’s quite insane uh back to what I was saying I’m thinking of building like um a really big sky basic time because I always avoided like

Sky Y no not copper I don’t like copper Copper’s disgusting um I always avoided like making Sky bases so I think I’m going to do it I’m going to build one right in this game because um I back as back as I remember when I was like still

A noob in Minecraft why is there fishes here um back when I was like still new in Minecraft I always like see like people like bullying people who make Sky bases since like it’s like one of the how do I say this one of like the nbish thing apparently to do

So like people don’t really like Sky bases and they think they’re um like a noob would do it so so I didn’t like make any sky base so here we are going to try and attempt building a sky base now but I am kind of thinking on what I

Should build it on I’m thinking quartz I’m thinking either quartz or something but I need to go to the nether first I have so many which meat what kind of meat are we speaking Tiana are we talking about beef meat are we talking about chicken meat are we are we talking

About any other class of meat I’m talking about steak are you really talking about steak though is that really sure are you really sure about that I was I thought you would be thinking about like pork chop I’m literally cooking steak right now fair fair fair hold on just close my

Browser uh I’ll also put on like a music maybe because I think I think my voice is so boring uh let me put on like a jazz music so you guys don’t get too too bored with the little old me just speaking incoherent nonsense I show meat Jesus Christ yeah

It’s kind of sad you show these me on stream once that’s [ __ ] up let me close myself up real quick got pull up I’m GNA pull up like the the Jazz the Jazz music no copyright Jazz copyright Jazz I’ve been playing for like okay this is

Better see sing me a l so I can eat peacefully no [ __ ] that no why would I sing you a ly that’s like for babies are you a baby oh wait you are a baby oh my God okay you’re like the Jazz wait is the audio Fine By the way

Hopefully it’s fine since I don’t want the music to be overpowering too much oh my God what is this there’s nothing there actually maybe we should build like a castle below the sky base so it like connects up as well might be an interesting idea so much iron I don’t think I’ll

Need that much iron anymore more we need to go deeper I need to go deeper inside the hole bro pew pew is literally crying like a baby in chat right now what the hell uh is there any like I don’t think there’s any holes I can fit myself in

Anymore there is here that’s lava never mind I was about to jump in too nothing here no nothing here we might need the coal oh yeah you know what let’s find some coil you know what’s funny like end game stuff like I remember playing Minecraft end game and I always like struggle

Finding coal for some reason like it seems weird because I have like auding was it eluding like that let like doubles your um no your um uh what’s it called like the drop and yet I’m still struggling with [ __ ] coal in end game you can build farms of

Resources uh I tried that but it got too boring so I don’t usually like build uh Farms actually I like I really like playing in like um faction server there’s something here anymore let’s go up coal iron do you fit um no I don’t fit um

Anyways was it was it what was I saying like I I’ll probably build an iron farm because of the inconvenience it has you know Everyone likes iron farm honestly so many M shafts of the mine so many shafts why did I do that why did I do that why did I do that

Why did I do that chat why did I do that chat what the [ __ ] is wrong with me what the [ __ ] is wrong with Lum me I I just replaced my base wood planks with glass is that good I mean you’re underwater you know what if you’re like

Sleeping and like there’s a head Headless Monster like just like stares at you and you can’t like hide away because like your base is glass uh where the [ __ ] did I die why did I jump what was I thinking what the [ __ ] I have like I had like am I stupid you’re melting

Today what does that mean what do you mean I’m melting quote unquote I am not melting I am um I am the Beast weird the TPS dropped yeah I am the Beast DP oh are you e iron the most luri Farm to have yeah Mr Beast listen uh chat should I build a

House first or should I build like um either a house or a a castle if it’s a castle is going to take time oh man what should I build I’m thinking of like a a Stairway to like up up the clouds you know house for now okay I’m really good at building like

Houses and stuff or at least I like to think I do I’ll show you the power of a house guys oh you it would be funny if I build like a house shaped like a dick and I can actually live inside would that be funny I feel like YouTube might do might

Not like that though okay so so I could either like go for like the [ __ ] most um the like the stupidest building ever or I I could just like build a regular house which one should I do like a regular house or like a [ __ ] dick shaped house with

Like with like wool at the top of like the tip oh go Lumi are you in the Detroit sewer system no I what the H uh a dick shaped house for real for real is the main Minecraft content kids ah all right you’re right you’re right

You’re right we we might find like a bunch of kids here or like a bunch of kids might be watching and they don’t they see like a dick shaped house oh man I wish there’s like a way to like filter that you know so probably like the underage

Like like uh around like 16 minus can like watch this stream because uh last time I stream Minecraft there was a bunch of kids like watching the live stream and commenting on how they’re kind of obnoxious like they’re saying like oh do this you know if you guys

Remember like there’s this one person keeps saying like backseat game what the hell backseat gaming Hello Bastard I feel like everyone hates kids nowadays anyway like you would go to chat or like go to like any other oh what the [ __ ] that’s a lot of skeletons what the did that just donkey

Just spawn in oh boy no no no no no no n no no NOP NOP no NOP nope no NOP no goofy ass spider [ __ ] off um when I stream on YouTube I never said category to Minecraft was mostly to friends until we started this started using server this Discord

Server h i put like the Minecraft the Minecraft category because I thought it’d be interesting but yeah I guess uh listen my content is some I’m pretty sure my content is not that [ __ ] 16 plus because my content are usually just like yeah they’re they’re they’re kind of offensive sometimes well not really

That offensive but like [ __ ] what am I saying they’re not that mature you know you you don’t have to be like 16 plus or 18 plus to be to be to understand what the [ __ ] I’m trying to say or like you know I’m not like making like [ __ ] jokes and stuff like

That in fact I do find it cringy to for if I started like making like sexual any window kind of jokes I mean don’t get me wrong I do it I just did a couple couple minutes earlier but it’s not that severe as in like on the face if I would

Say or I’m probably like delusional I don’t know this place looks cool um huh I love the switch and bait ah yeah yeah like my content like for example my YouTube videos they’re usually like if you if you like just look at them at like the thumbnails and

Stuff you would see like they’re usually just like sexual but then you click on it it’s like uh it’s like a switch to it you know like instead of like oh the regular like regular [ __ ] where like the girl is like oh oh wow the girl is

Helpless you know like she she fell over she fell over like she dropped all the documents and she can’t like get up and she wants to like she wants to get punished but she actually gets fired you feel me uh maybe I’m yapping too much uh we got a lot nfw

Thumbnails I had actually had like um I had like a moment when I when I was like uploading where I didn’t like uploading NSFW thumbnails you know yeah that’s kind it’s kind of ironic coming from me because there’s this one time like I was kind of disgusted that like there are

Some kids watching my content and I was like and I was like very on the know on uploading like sexual thumbnails so I stopped so if you saw like a period of me like I just stopped like uploading like NSFW thumbnails but then I realized hey this is YouTube it’s not my

Fault so I kind of dialed so I kind of like you know dialed it up again a bit not like full on like okay you know what it’s a bit hypocritical of me because I literally like made the thumbnail of cop porn never mind but

Yeah I just come to a realize like no matter what I do anyways there just still kids gonna watch just not going to make it way too [ __ ] up oh yeah yeah of course um usually if they’re um yeah you can do like 18 plus things but like age restriction in your

YouTube but the thing is it won’t get recommended at all so so I think it’s fine I think it is fine so few minut This Server age when what do you mean by that what do you mean by that huh uh it seems like YouTube only has a

Problem has a problem if it’s gay uh are you sure because like every time I upload a fanboy video it kind of blows up I’m it I literally encourage people to content without restriction to kids yeah that’s a problem that’s like the problem I have with it I want to upload

Like sussy stuff like things I find funny but at the same time there’s also like this back of my head thing where like I know there might be kids watching it which is you know kind of [ __ ] up so I’m not really like I don’t know what to do

Like I could just stop uploading content but it’s kind of like my my livelihood here kids should stay on YouTube kids yeah true I don’t think kids should have like unrestricted internet access to yep yeah but but my videos are just usually not like porn haa look it’s porn no it’s uh it

Has a Twist on it it’s uh haha look it’s it’s porn but like it’s actually not porn I don’t know if this is making my case like good or Worse isn’t YouTube kids for like toddler no 14 I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure YouTube kidses were like 13 and Below I’m pretty sure

Um to be honest 14year olds have a thing on the intern already yeah yeah I would say 14 year olds are kind of kind of kind of um or have access to interesting stuff at the internet oh man this is a heavy topic actually like should you start should

You should you still make content knowing like kids might watch it even though it’s sexual because like yeah I’m in a if you look look at me like this way like yeah I’m a bit I’m a bit in a bad spot since like some of my videos are really

Lud but at the same time there are like loot channels like are we also going to ignore those channels because like I don’t feel I don’t feel like it should be our responsibility for if if a kid watches our content but at the same time it also like has

That um it also has that like problem like yeah kids might see it and it’s a oh man it’s a really really interesting topic I feel like YouTube should probably fix that because I I really don’t want to be like always safe for safe for

Work you know there’s a fine line I want to cross I want to be I want to be I want to be lwd but not too lwd it’s the parents fault for not supervising can you stream on Twitch nope I cannot stream on Twitch I tried I literally get nothing from

Twitch I I was Affiliated right in twitch I don’t know what happened exactly on Twitch so you have be play cyber Punk yet I I already finished cyber Punk but since you gifted me the game I might stream it and play it again because I remember playing it in like a really low

Settings like uh like the lowest possible one like 720p low settings oh yeah like yeah I’m pretty sure like bathroom’s bathroom bathtub like bath bat bat streams on Twitch are really popular and it’s like on the main page I remember like first first time going to Twitch and like trying to stream

There and I looked at like the um the recommended and there was literally like a half naked woman like [ __ ] I wonder how cyber Punk would on the new rig yeah there’s a problem as well like maybe I will lag if I play cyber Punk

Because my my rig is not not really that good like I should really use my phone instead of like my webcam wh why what that one me H in the game yeah I should use like my webcam or my phone’s camera for like my 3D model since like I’m using my webcam right

Now um mafu if youve seen like other 3D um if you seen like other 3D um models the I could they could they’re usually really good at tracking faces mine is just like almost bare minimum it’s it’s not even like bare minimum I’m pretty sure it’s like so restrictive as well because you

Can you see like my my eyebrow it’s not moving my eyebrow is not moving for some reason it’s not capturing it the the reason why I’m using this like um this program because like I can do like arm way like it looks like 2D twitch meta must have been wild yeah it

Is split iron into two first no it’s fine we’re good I don’t need to like smelt all of them sorry I got too distracted in just chatting okay so what’s our your goal here build a house don’t need that can I still have Village no don’t don’t Village a village

Always twitch is known for having double standards I’m pretty sure all website at this point is has like double standards should we okay I think I have like a base idea now I just need wood and Cobble Stone and we should be good um hold on let’s make

Some what the hell is wrong with me I miss lethal company we can play lethal company I might even stream it um the problem with playing lethal company I might look like a sizzy that’s why I am not a I am not uh I’m not a coward YouTube is nowhere near bad as

Twitch how so I’m not really familiar with twitch anyway I’ve only been streaming there for like a couple well I’m not invested in the Twitch streaming lore anyway you guys mind telling what’s up with twitch because I feel like twitch is inherently a good platform form like h i mean like the

Discoverability of twitch might be good I think I’m not sure ever since Amazon brought twitch it was it was trash o Jeff Bezos yeah wait isn’t twitch like not available for South Korea anymore I’m pretty sure like because twitch has like a lot of like restrictive areas on on

Korea they banned it they ban it there or like they are not allowed to host like re streamers anymore so if you’re like a Korean streamer basically they basically said [ __ ] you I although I I really wish like uh I don’t really like twitch before and like buy out huh

Understandable you guys think I made a good decision like just streaming on YouTube instead because like honestly I the plan was always to stream on YouTube the thing is when I when I stream back then it’s like I can’t I just apparently had to like verify my

Number and I couldn’t do it right away since I’m using like a second Channel let me I got full how are you guys getting full diamonds so fast yeah yeah true my my audience is like on YouTube but the twitch is like the reason why I stream on Twitch is

Because of I guess the culture you know like streaming into different platform is a lot better just streaming on one so if you’re there’s like a twitch viewer they might like recog they might like well not recognize but like they might uh okay let’s look for terrain now uh they

Might you know become a new fan or like a new viewer or something yeah like like it it would I would get exposed to like newer people than just like people in YouTube but it the benefit also streaming on YouTube is like if someone like founds me in this in this channel

They might also check out my main channel two platform for small streamers divided chat ah yep it’s quite fun though I feel like streaming on Twitch in terms of like features is a lot better because there’s literally a way to like make yourself like get knocked or bonked

Over uh by the way if anyone else want to join the the game again um the IP the IP is in like the description if you want to join it’s in the latest version because some one two three four five it’ll be wor if you once you get let me

Check once you get the following um um yeah true if I stream on YouTube right now I might get like like 50 viewers 50 plus or like on like on my main account but there’s also a reason why I’m not doing that is because

Like I don’t want um how do I say this I don’t want it to be messy I do plan on streaming on my main Channel more iup iup cop cop like streaming on my main Channel might be a bit disastrous considering that people see me or people might see

Me as like a woman there because I literally don’t do like I I literally do like convincing voices to begin with so people might really be confused and like saying like oh wow oh my God are you even this person oh you’re using a voice changer

You don’t you sound like a guy you know like it will just create confusing confusions so if I ever stream again on like my main Channel I might just like use my f voice which is uh honestly last time I did my f voice like last stream it

Wasn’t that bad the thing is I have the the problem is is endurance like I could I could do like a f voice really convincing but the problem is I can’t do it convincing ly enough for a long period of time so it starts to like deteriorate bro what the

Hell uh if stream if I stream on two platform I refer everybody to one of the platform I like if you want me me to see you chat on platform people with their own websites to do it like a website verification huh interesting there’s another there’s oh there’s another there another Emerald

Here I also might need to like also Branch out a bit into like just regular content you guys you guys know impal by AAL what the [ __ ] is that what what the [ __ ] is this stalagmite dude that’s like the first time i’ ever heard of that what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is a sty what is a stalite car sharp K Brock Oh no yeah the [ __ ] okay bro how do you die from that did you like fell that kind of embarrassing my dude that’s kind of embarrassing oh my God here we got our house how do you die from that holy [ __ ] it’s like something crazy all right we’ll build our house

Now it would be a nice house full of decorations oh wait is a Sakura biome it looks trash as [ __ ] though there’s like only a couple trees Dumb Ways to Die exactly it literally is a dumb way to die oh man I want to build in like some kind of meet

Up yeah MTH you should definitely show me your base mafu show me your base show me your base mafu come on come on mafu show me your base mafu never mind I cannot do a fe I cannot do a a female voice after I just

Woke up I have a small base o never say ooo again I’ll will literally snap you I’m joking I will kill you if we find my base yeah but would you even see me this is a flame SL so I could build here but the problem is it’s kind of

Mid oh man you know what I’ll guess I’ll just build here I don’t want to like oh okay goodbye I don’t want to like build uh if I see you next I will kill you on site why are you guys so hostile I’m just trying to be like friendly

Here okay we should build our house here let me just SC the area for a bit more so I can see like a good spot drip Stone oh my God Lumi listen I am not a very well vered person in Minecraft I played the game back then but I don’t like have a

Interesting actually do you want to maybe I should build a Riverside base our River Side base is interesting don’t you agree chat um yeah I’ll build like a Riverside base I guess it’s much more interesting than like a regular base anyway this is this an ocean wait this is perfect

Actually yeah this might be perfect okay yeah let’s build our base here perfect chat perfect we have perfect we have the perfect building spot we just need to like not [ __ ] up our base or our building Style um Bing wait really oh that’s super rare right wait hold on let me grab

You Bing sheeps are really rare right if I remember like they barely barely spawn no no get over over here stop moving nope there you go not like Ultra ra you met a lot of sheep fair but pink sheep do you guys know that that YouTuber called pink

Sheep with like what’s it called The Diamond no not Diamond Minecraft but like uh TNT something there’s like a TNT Minecraft Youtuber like the one that do skits like the one that does like skits exploding TNT yeah do you guys remember exploding TNT oh my god

Dude dude exploding TNT yeah do you guys remember exploding TNT like holy [ __ ] I remember like watching him as a kid a lot yeah they were oh oh it was purple sheep not like pink sheep okay oh man that’s like oh this childhood right there damn oh man I wonder what ever

Happened to him I I remember like him stop I remember him making like one last video then he just stopped uploading I wonder what he’s up to now yeah he did quit I’m just like wondering what he’s like doing at the moment like did he find peace or

Something because I remember like his video started dropping so much that he stopped like making content alog together which was kind of can you can you not um yeah but yeah three four one two three four five let’s make a small docking area oh yeah a blast from Nostalgia probably just adult thing

Fair you ever wonder how much money he made from that era that’s a lot of money I think wait should we you should I mean he was really popular back then like really really really popular probably like earned a lot of money and then dipped there’s a there’s also like a

Bunch of other YouTubers like let me let me remember H was it something something about like golden buckets or something children’s content makes a lot of money but but after his job I’m not sure that is true I feel like kids content in general is just like really really uh

Moneymaking that’s why there’s a lot of like there a just there’s there’s a reason why like Elsa gate are a thing like if kids content doesn’t make so much money I’m pretty sure Elsa gate wouldn’t exist yeah why is my voice dying oh my god dude I feel like my vtuber mall is

So like is my vtuber mall so fast or like I feel like I should mass emasculate it a bit considering I am a guy and this is supposed to male be a male be tuber oh man your voice is dying because you overslept silly how is that possible how is that

Like even what do you mean by that I what do you mean by that mafu there’s something wrong with it it’s just fine just it is true I guess but maybe I don’t know maybe I’m just overthinking I like to overthink stuff so I can like improve on

It uh [ __ ] what do I need again or wood I’m going to get some wood you sound EP and tired I’m pretty sure I’m not EP I’m just like a bit tired gu I literally just woke up um do L and still trade books I think

So um what was I going to say again something something like um something something something something oh yeah I like 2D models I really want to get like a 2d V trer model instead is inherently like having like a 3D model harder or better because like a do you guys know

Shy ly shy ly has like Godly tracking or like model that is really good but at the same time there’s also like it’s really expensive like if I want to like also improve like my tracking for my v m I probably need like a iPhone which is kind of kind of like a

Roadblock since iPhones are very expensive and I have my Android phone basically doing the same [ __ ] anyway um other things I could probably do is condensing my content into like a 10-minute video oh yeah chat I am trying to make like a 10 minute video right now with

Like the the Valentine stream like I’m trying to condense that as well with with like a friend of mine a friend of mine offered to like help edit it so or Mumu Mumu is editing my video overworked uh what else oops oh yeah shaders I should install that next time what the hell

What does that mean what does that mean protect yourself with a piece of armor okay iron oh we need some we need some we need a lot of um Cobblestone we need a cobblestone for our for our um for our our our our floor the Ice

Uh okay oh man I need more I need more cobblestone la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la bruh

Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Miss input there um hold on how long have I been streaming live for 18 an hour and 18 minutes let’s go for another hour I can stream for another hour more so we don’t like uh wait what this small ass house small ass house goofy

House oh yeah should I stream Roblox by the way I feel like there’s a lot of like things you can probably I could probably do in Roblox considering like I’ve seen some [ __ ] over there I I remember downloading Roblox and seeing like like finding like a lot

Of content saying like vtuber feet which is like which is kind of funny in my opinion why is this uh guys can sleep most of us could join considering it’s free oh yeah definitely definitely um although like I’m kind of wondering what Roblox game we should

Play also like I’m also really afraid in streaming Roblox considering a bunch of kids play it and like you know you don’t want to you don’t want to like um on to over like play too much children’s game unless your content is for children uh yeah but I’ll maybe I’ll stream Roblox next

Time [ __ ] probably if I were to guess I’ll probably stream Roblox in a couple days like maybe maybe next Saturday because uh um next week like next next week like next next week’s chat like I will be streaming more I’ll bump it up for like four times a four times a week

I I’ll be streaming like four times a week four times a week this is yeah I’ll be streaming like four times a week next week yan yan y y y y you are bean oh man oh jeez oh Rick uh okay this should do oh yeah should I do react

Content so just like react to memes like that that’s what most like YouTuber do anyway oh man I am really dying I am yapping too much incoherent nonsense uh let’s see need a fence awful house I could be better just buy Minecraft for me no fug that’s bad bad fug I’m GNA

Slap your I’m gonna slap your ass so it can be punished for what you just said um let’s see I’m pretty sure no one does this but I always use like fence as like sometimes like a a window oh my God this sheep won’t shut the [ __ ] up how are you guys finding

Diamonds so fast I’m jealous I guess like my house you guys like my house oh man cave fair I am jealous you guys are finding diamonds so fast like I went to Cave earlier I found no diamonds this is preposterous this is this is um conspiracy against

Me freut house would be F would be the end of Minecraft pre house what do you mean by that why would someone make like a pre-cut house wait maybe I’m understanding this wrong what do you mean by pre-cut like already built like you could just like build like a Minecraft

House and like crafting table or something yeah pre-built H okay understandable uh why is my vber model not working ah uh I thought pre was the fair that also is that is not a PR actually what the [ __ ] I don’t know why but when someone

When um when Louis said like pre I imag think of like a for skin for some reason am I am I wrong for this like imagin someone said like pre-cut and just say like for skin what come on man track my model I mean I don’t know you know pre cut for

Skin preut preut is for skin right come on I’m I’m not like the only one right am I am I the only one I’m I’m not the only one right come on come on chat come on May the only one who T like when when Lou said like when Lou said like preut

Like preut us in for skin no I should really stop like mentioning forkin I don’t want to get killed by like I will not continue that sentence H you mean circumcised yeah hey do you have a do you have a preut pre-cut Force skin do you have a preut for skin chat

They got they guys have pre-cut forkin guess ever wonder where your Force skin goes like once they’re like once they cut it do they just like throw it or something there’s also like I’m pretty sure there’s also like um other other um other ways of using forkins you remember that like Steve

Harvey Show was it like where Steve Harvey got like for skin on this like medical wayte yeah no no no no people make like um skincare product with like four skin do you guys know not know this like some people like someone out there like made like a skin skin skin

Product that is made out of for skin I don’t know why we’re talking about forkin too much but it’s the only topic I have in my head so yeah forkin um forkin forkin for skin for skin for skin for skin for skin sounds like a Eastern medicine a for skin for Eastern medicine

What the hell dud imagine like drinking your own for skin like they boiled it up and made it like a medicine I would literally cry you H hey man I I don’t know I mean you know for skin I guess pretty sure fug likes force skin okay let’s let’s not talk about for

Skin anymore before we get like um certainly not killed by a certain group of people um this house is trash I’ll be honest it’s just like a fishing house I’m trying to make uh yeah fug likes um you like um ice cream don’t you don’t you like ice cream food we’re in soup

House what the hell is a soup house is it just like a house but souit like a house that you can like just drink over time what what no I’m not I’m not talking about for skins oh it’s training now oh my God mhm wa what what the

[ __ ] oh yeah what do you guys think of the thumbnail the holy rain clears other SC true I feel like rain is really really nice in my opinion I really like listening to rain like I guess it just like brings out like a primal thing well not a primal thing but

Like a childhood thing because I would like like whenever it rains like sometimes my parents would argue right and I’m just like sitting in the room I’ll be playing with like I don’t know stuff and the rain always just like drowns out the the loud arguments so I don’t have to hear that

[ __ ] it’s one of the thumbnails of all time yeah that’s that’s the reason why I like um rains they’re really nice truly a thumbnail of all time truly truly Steve is Steve is just experimenting no shame yeah oh man I can’t stop thinking of forkin what the [ __ ] is wrong with

Me there you go wow this [ __ ] place is trash no [ __ ] you um this house is just trash like straight up like look at this [ __ ] I got mending villager okay kanana stop flexing we get it um no I will not [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Kiana stop I will I’ll make my villagers

Breed for that that’s [ __ ] up imagine getting captured in like Minecraft and just being forced as like a slave blor and you can’t eat just well like imagine being Immortal right like imagine being Immortal and you can’t [ __ ] die and you’re just going to be forever like uh stuck in like one place

Forced to like trade stuff with someone like just because you’re so good you’re not allowed to die and and you want to you want to create like the sweet release of like that but you can’t you’re just stuck in like eternity like for how God how much long like

Thousands of years stuck in one place like your mind suddenly gets corrupted over time like you don’t even you don’t even like function as a regular human being anymore you exist just to like just to just to please a single person what a trashy ass

House I mean we can either build like a underground house or yes what’s up what is up big UTA or MAF what is up ma a f just dm’ me asking me for me to buy Minecraft for him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa fug you’re getting exposed fug fug

You’re getting exposed if you’re still in chat is that sheep going to remain the thumbnail yep that is going to be the thumbnail fug is literally getting exposed right now oh no Fug a poor fol listen I wish I could buy you I buy you Minecraft if I can if I had the money you you guys know right like battle pass exist right like Game Pass battle pass oh my God you guys know like battle pass exists and you can buy battle pass for

Like um you can buy a battle pass for like 51 like $10 I’m pretty sure you can yeah you can you can buy like battle Xbox battle pass that has my m Minecraft in it for $10 so you don’t have to like stress over it so I don’t get why people

Are struggling with like Minecraft Too Much obviously I bought Minecraft a while then back in like 2020 because someone like uh gave me money to buy it so I had like extra money anyway so I just like hey why not buy Minecraft um let’s see here well Game Pass is sub is a

Subscription too so over buying a game is cheaper that is true but again if if you live in like Southeast Asian countries like Game Pass just cost like $2 for me I’m actually subscribed to Xbox game pass I know I’m dick sucking them right

Now but like is a is a really good deal if you’re like dirt poor like me I don’t mean to dick suck by the way it’s just here it is how it is let’s check Minecraft cost infinity in Russia I’m pretty sure everything costs Infinity in Russia considering the inflation there

Uh okay let me just Place everything here okay there we go what a nice lovely house oh man it’s so ugly but the thing is it’s it’s a it’s a house that only its mothers can love wait am I a mother no I’m not uh let’s see now let’s make some bridges

So we can make like stuff uh I need coal Cola it’s not that bad it is pretty bad no fol you don’t understand it is really bad mommies are based yep wait hold on let me charge my phone bro it’s not that bad what are you

Talking about it is bad what the [ __ ] are you talking about like look at this would a fisherman live here I don’t think so only a goblin lives in this place um what I was I going to what what was I going to make again um uh

Campfire I need sticks for that goblins are cool goblins okay that was cringe I’m sorry sorry I was trying to do a goblin laugh but it didn’t work out it didn’t work out chat I literally built my base out of abandoned buildings that’s understandable abandoned buildings are like houses but

Pre-cut but Filipino would rather have kayak instead but Minecraft houses used to be upscale wooden planks it’s a solid Goblin home it’s great okay yeah sure you’re just saying that because you’re saying that wait why am I why am I missing coal oh I need a regular

One Lumi how about trade 64 coal for Four Diamonds um sure sure go ahead I’ll give you 64 coals yeah sure come come right ahead uh I’ll show you wait where am I in uh here uh if you if you quickly look at the screen um I’m pulling up

The I’m pulling up my um coordinates over here this is my coordinates if you want to like go go to my place and burn out burn my house wait can I can’t buy Minecraft Java Edition on only subscription you can buy Minecraft you you can buy Minecraft okay yeah just come to

Me I I’ll I’ll give you your um call fool they kind of come and burn everything to the ground not unless I stop them nuh it’s not like I’m setting up a trap or anything don’t get bedrock Jaa is the king Bedrock I’m pretty sure Bedrock is free if you buy

Java so just like I’m pretty sure like for $20 you get both Java in Bedrock Bedrock is garbage um I wouldn’t say like it’s pure garbage technically Bedrock optimization is a bit better than Java but the thing is about Java is like full of microtransaction and you can’t even mod the

Game I don’t see I don’t see Minecraft bedrock with Jenny mod therefore it’s inferior I played more Bedrock only because my other friends on Console well that’s a good thing like spamming like I’m pretty sure like Jitter clicking is still fun I prefer like the old combat anyway um in my

Opinion wait what do I need wait what do I what do I need coal campfire what we need to mine Some Coal um what am I doing why did my brain suddenly stop working also cat stream when you guys want to see my cat like IRL stream

Actually no I can’t do IRL stream my [ __ ] house looks like a mess I’m not even kidding like when I said a mess it looks it literally looks like a um how do I say this my house looks like an average Filipino house Java insanly cool community no one

Knows s just by drop years of experience need sticks oh sticks yeah don’t worry about it um ice are you going to come come get like your coal are you GNA come play this PO I don’t need coal Coal is a [ __ ] I don’t know what you’re yapping about you whipper

Snapper it’s like gu was I’m going to come no no bro you ever just get like bottlenecked by like your brain because your brain is thinking way too much but your mou is like but your mou is like not moving or anything so I feel like my brain is

Overly thinking too much but I could never really like say what I what I want to say because like it gets deleted so fast you ever had you ever had those things chat o coal lots of coal MH coaly coaly coal coaly coaly Coal journaling made me thinking way more and clear

Understandable how does how this journaling help you in like making your words clear or think more clear anyway highly recommend it to everyone uh journaling us and like do or like writing things you do right oh we’re just writing your thoughts Fair here I am walking towards a cave

For I am a bit enthusiastic about entering the cave due to the fact that there are coal in this cave I have been I have proceeded to mine a coal for for h oh man I’m a dumbass I am indeed mining a hole right now and make the internet discussion but

Because you can go back to your ideas and see what they weren’t good oh I wasn’t you’re right like if you have like negative thoughts you can just like write them down and see like oh maybe I shouldn’t like do that or think about that maybe I should not think about

Forkin like kind of like that right forkin are bad never trust forkin they’re evil they’re crazy they’re um they’re [ __ ] up true feel like journaling is inherently a good thing or diary actually diary and journ journal are really good I tried making a journal once when I was a good what the [ __ ]

Bro oh my God my [ __ ] my heart skipped a beat oh my God oh my heart literally skipped a beat what the [ __ ] is that why is there like a random ass creeper spawning in that wasn’t very nice War Thunder stream when I’m never going to touch the game oh they’re

Fighting who will win who’s going to win I feel like the guy might lose over there but we’ll see oh wait did I say when I was creep what the [ __ ] Floridian slip I am a creep I’m a creeper I’m a creeper oh R and Reaper building like like like um alaa or

Something I don’t remember play some Cat theme games like what are there any cat team games I’m pretty sure there’s the the one game but it’s in VR chat or VR oh yeah I’m pretty sure they still exist they’re just like I don’t know I feel

Like the old Minecraft pop songs are bad bad but they were iconic on how bad they were do you you guys know that one um Omega video about like a girl asking hey do you want to get married and the guy just starts singing like I’m a creeper I really love that

Clip it’s so funny it’s like it’s so unprompted it’s a old clip too oh all right wait where are where are we all right I was like getting some trees until I saw some like coal you were talking you tried to do journaling when you were cut off oh yeah

I I tried journaling when I was like when I was like a kid but like my mom found out and they really killed me on how cringy it was so I never try I never touched it again you know you no not really ridicule but like you know like that you

Know like for me journaling was kind of cringe when I was like seven and like my mom seeing my journal or something and them laughing at it kind of made me like Damn maybe I shouldn’t have Journal oh I’m a creeper or Reaper L I don’t know I don’t know if it’s my

Mom or someone else I think it might have been my grandma oh yeah yeah journaling is fun until someone reads it that’s the problem that’s the main problem I think it’s all fun in games and though is that Kiana hold on oh here do you still want the coal I have the coal

Here okay I I’ll I’ll just place the coal here you can have it you can have it it’s in the chest it’s in the chest all right there you go transaction complete thank you for your transaction uh did you put my dear diary when rating no I don’t think

So I don’t think I ever put like dear dire I just like started putting stuff like what I did it was like a long ass time ago oh what the [ __ ] my feet hurts search up cat on Steam half of them are anti- games what oh yeah Neco Neco and stuff like

That uh where did my campfire go what this what was that iron nugget what’ you give me was it this one you don’t need to dget okay I got five ending and not a single Book trade like journal in obsidian it’s cool program and mark down editing I can place any emblem video

Pictures you know what would be funny if you like find a book or like a diary book and has like a YouTube like like you’re you’re just like reading like a someone’s diary and it just like has like a random ass YouTube link and you and you like type it down

You type out like the link right on YouTube and you just get a rick R it’s actually kind of funny okay that’s actually kind of that’s a cool idea like if you ever want to like troll someone just make like a diary right and you put like a bit of like embarrassing

Stories out there there and they’re going to read it and they once they’re like Midway just randomly put like a YouTube link of like um uh of like uh a Troll Music it would be funny as [ __ ] it be oh my God that would be Godly honestly why did I think of

That oh yeah I need need stinks sticks and stones may break my bones but everything you say will only fuel my heart I actually had that happened to me in middle school but it was QR code damn imagine getting like Rec by AA I’m am sorry um um okay if I remember correctly

Something like this um I’m not I’m not sure I remember too well but we’ll see something like this right um okay [ __ ] all right I remember now I enjoy writing everything in a way that doesn’t show everything but guess some content which makes them interesting for the reader

Later yeah it’s actually really kind of kind of cool if you like make your D diary like or when making your diary you like specifically make it as if like people are going to read it you should never know like maybe once you’re like you know in a couple years

Someone might read it like your mom or dad well not your mom or or like your your future like Offspring or like a close family member in the future you know it’s really fun like just thinking about this kind of stuff like what will happen in 20 years or 10 years you never

Know okay was it like this oh yeah it was like this okay mostly it’s for me to read later Fair actually yeah just like PR just like um randomly just stumbling across your old stuff is fun like I remember I I I remember like watching like my old YouTube videos like

When I was 12 like a couple days ago and I had like a blast just watching them can we guys sleep by the way like just one person need to sleep please no what do you mean no what do you mean no we can’t be can’t do

That can’t do that you can’t you can’t disobey orders from from the Phoenix I don’t know why I called what is a phoenix anyway a Firebird well the thing is I don’t want that as well I want like maybe like if we if we all like collectively want like

Wants to sleep it has to come to an agreement because if if someone is just allowed to like sleep you know it might like what if someone wants it to be nighttime it would like [ __ ] up every time thing oh [ __ ] looks like we have oh boy here the Russian sleep

Experiment I’m pretty sure you just die if you if you do the Russian sleep experiment like straight up just die like No Cap like for real for real for real mangr swamp but cool uh what was I going to make again all right pickaxe oh none of no pickaxe just an

Ax chat would you would you like would you want to be like an a Russian sleep experiment anyway like would you want to be like a part of it like you were offered like uh let’s say you were offered like $20,000 actually more than 20,000 let’s

Say let’s say $1 million you are offered $1 million to be part of the Sleep Experiment when where basically like they would inject you with like chemicals every like every week to to like make you wake up right and basically the goal is you’re not allowed to sleep for 30 days or more

Like the more you are awake the more money you get so like no sleeping for like a month I remember watching sure doing the nonstop stream he ended up sleeping for almost two days that’s kind of week two days h i could do I could not do never mind I’m talking up my

Ass dude I love sleep I love sleep I don’t think I could ever like not sleep of course it’s 1 million I can go to university and still be bro is it that bad holy [ __ ] it’s like American University and school that bad that you

Would say that like 1 million for me is like a lifetime or even like like money for my kids if I ever had kids there is a video of a single guy in the Russian sleep experiment bruh what is bro thinking he’s just like wait what the [ __ ] okay

Oh we can make eight okay that’s good it’s not bad almost an ex exaggeration I’ll be heavy sleep okay good night sleep well sleep well don’t let the don’t let them catch you when you sleep my them I mean me good night sleep well Sonia sleep well son on yeah

Temp why am I spending my time like making a bridge that is so expensive the bridge looks good in design but like it’s really expensive to make so I should probably stop building Bridges I mean it looks good right the bridge looks good or dock I think it’s a

Dock don’t let the F bite um fug bugs bite you okay the fuger uh we should probably mine when where is the bridge going um nowhere it’s going nowhere this a dock it’s not a bridge just like you know for like um fishing I guess oh yeah speaking of fishing we

Should make a fishing rod we have no rings this is so sad chat I’m pretty sure I killed the spider but I think I threw the thing away maybe next stream maybe next like Minecraft stream I would just like fish and re chat uh what else can we like probably do probably terrain

Then start ter rain make it more livable make it look better all right sleep well damn everyone’s sleeping it’s like 12 it’s all like 1:00 a.m. for me as well I might end the stream too in like uh 20 minutes or 30 minutes from now damn there’s a cave

Here City Construction is great and job reallying self go instead of fixing what is needed I feel like building basis in general is really really nice she almost with me for the states chat I don’t know chat chat can I ask a question is it like am I streaming in the perfect

Time like hopefully like tell me where you are I’m inside your walls I am inside your walls uh chat by the way um am I streaming in the optimal time by the way because hopefully I’m not like streaming way too like oh yo like am I streaming in a

Perfect time that is like not too bad for everyone because it is midnight for like people who are in Asia and probably like afternoon hello welcome to the welcome to the stream Kiki kisiki welcome to the stream Kiki we’re just playing Minecraft here for me yes and for the am where am

I at okay understandable because I feel like um some people can’t really join my stream since it’s uh you know time zones which is unfortunate um I don’t know why at least about 7 a.m. 8 a.m. I love when people try to pronounce my name it’s so

Adorable I mean how do you pronounce your name anyway Kiki kisiki right base CST user my time zone is like GMT GMT 8 so it’s a bit hard to like stream the the thing also like streaming in at night for me is when like American watch it it’s like morning for them

Because some of them like don’t like watching streams in the morning since I think like that’s really inconvenient because they might have a job or something so Kiki how are you today what are you up to are you new oh let see so solidarity oh yeah I should probably fix

My stream schedule as well since it’s a bit updated dude I plan on like streaming back then it’s like 3:00 a.m. like I was committed to the bit to stream at like 3:00 a.m. just to get like people to watch me which is really funny or close K KS like KS

KS k k KS like the word measure Ki k k Ki um k I’m sorry if I’m butchering your name right now we should rename Central Standard Time to Central advancy the SE is and death Kiki K KS K KS KS CZ key KS K Kiki is it is it Kaki Kaki Kaki

Kaki wait you’re polish oh my God you got polish oh man okay that’s Polish okay I could not like pronounce any like Slavic Slavic words like polish Baltic Balkans I just k PL it into Google translate um Sure hold on let me let me let me go to a safe place

First let me see K control C want check what this means quis Chrisi dude it’s hard to like pronounce um Google translate DET Tech language ciki kitki kitki oh kitki is it kitki kitki kitki I can’t pronounce that what the hki kitki kitki kitki oh my God kitki

Kitki how do you how do you do that noise how do you how do you how do you pronounce that kitki kitki kitki shitsky shitsky kitki kitki bro no I cannot pronounce that I har guski gki oh man okay that is horrible sorry for butchering your name um let’s see

Now what else are we missing it’s okay A thank you oh my God I am I am a I am really EP right now uh let’s see now okay chat chat are you guys there I might end the stream soon I won’t I won’t um should I should I close

The um should they close the server as well hello hello chat so uh by the way CH welcome to like the stream uh unfortunately like you kind of came came in a bit late I usually do like three hour stream I would usually do like three hour stream

Right but considering like I’m kind of EP um I I’ll I’ll I’ll only deal like two hours um if you want to like if you want to watch more I have a Discord that I usually ping if I’m streaming so if you want you can just check the

Description all right thank you uh you for thank you guys for joining the stream or like watching the stream it’s it’s been fun it’s been fun yeah I need sleep I can’t believe I fell asleep earlier and I was like late for 30 minutes oh man that’s kind of kind of sad

Honestly I’m already there just under other names oh okay okay if you are EP go EP go sleepy yeah I will wait let me just fill this hold then like I want to play Minecraft it’s just like I’m tired for some reason probably like um probably a bad idea to

Like uh probably a bad idea to like Streep before sleam stream oh yeah should I wait before I go should I guys should I should I show you guys um the thing I’m working on um I’ll show you guys what I’m working on um hold on I’ve been working on this for like

Couple couple hours like been six hours since I started made this let me just let me just find it okay you can see this right you guys see this like I made this for like the start soon stream um still work on progress there’s still stuff I want to like add to it

Kind of like fix stuff here this looks looks a bit natural also the fumo people keep like joking like the fumo is like on M um people people keep like joking like oh that fumo is Oly suspicious where is that fumo placement there is it sucking your car no

Yeah um yeah I’m still working on like um other V tubing stuff actually took me like oh my God like so many hours in the morning earlier to just make that [ __ ] you should try other soundbox game like Simple Plan sometime Lumi I will try that don’t

Worry commit to the algorithm and get power I’m pretty sure power world already like kind of fell off a bit but that’s fine it’s because like everyone you know was because they’ve been updating the game for like fixing bug Changers anyway um I might play cyberp Punk stuff like that or

Yeah well h i really have nothing else to say thank you guys for watching I really appreciate it goodbye

This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft with my discord server is wild!’, was uploaded by UmiAce on 2024-03-02 17:03:55. It has garnered 142 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:44 or 8144 seconds.

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  • God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi

    God of War Mod Review: Minecraft Hindi Minecraft God Of War Mod Review In Hindi Introduction In the world of Minecraft, a new and exciting mod has emerged – the God of War mod. This mod brings a whole new level of danger and adventure to the game, with powerful monsters and epic battles awaiting players. Exploring the Mod As players delve into the God of War mod, they encounter terrifying creatures and challenging scenarios. From massive monsters to powerful bosses, the mod offers a thrilling experience for those brave enough to face its dangers. Monsters and Bosses One of the highlights of the God of… Read More

  • Ultimate Super Smelter Guide – Endless Fuel Hack!

    Ultimate Super Smelter Guide - Endless Fuel Hack! The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter: A Game-Changer in Minecraft Introduction In the latest Minecraft update, a revolutionary super smelter has taken the gaming world by storm. The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter, part of the Light Speed series, is now faster and more efficient than ever before. Connected to a new duper for a fuel system, this smelter can fill up furnaces in just 10 seconds, making it 2x faster than its predecessors. Key Features Unique Design: Designed by Ender Cuber, the new duper connected to the super smelter offers a unique and innovative design. Enhanced Speed: Utilizing… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Wool Farming Experience! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your gameplay to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who are passionate about exploring, building, and surviving in the world of Minecraft. Experience the thrill of PvP combat, the satisfaction of creating intricate structures, and the camaraderie of collaborating with other players. With a dedicated server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily connect and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back… Read More

  • Vanishing $1M Minecraft Server

    Vanishing $1M Minecraft Server The Mysterious Disappearance of a $1,000,000 Minecraft Server Recently, the Minecraft community was shocked by the sudden shutdown of a $1,000,000 Minecraft Server that was once thought to surpass the popularity of Hypixel. The server, known as Tubnet, had a promising start but ultimately met an inevitable downfall. The Rise and Fall of Tubnet Tubnet, a project spearheaded by popular Minecraft content creator Tubbo, gained significant attention upon its launch. With unique features and gameplay elements, Tubnet quickly amassed a dedicated player base. However, despite its initial success, the server faced numerous challenges that ultimately led to its demise…. Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How to Make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.” While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put your newfound portal-making skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of venturing into the Nether with your friends from all around the world, exploring new realms, battling dangerous mobs, and discovering hidden treasures. Minewind offers a unique and exciting multiplayer… Read More

  • Unlimited Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Join Now!

    Unlimited Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Join Now! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the incredible Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of parkour, funny gameplay, and unlimited fun, then Minewind is the place for you. While watching a hilarious Malayalam parkour video on YouTube, you might have realized that the real fun lies in joining a vibrant and active Minecraft community like Minewind. With a focus on creativity, exploration, and building, Minewind offers a unique and engaging experience for players of all ages. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Creeper Race in Minecraft

    Creeper Race in Minecraft Minecraft Race: Me vs Creeper Welcome to Minecraft Race: Me vs Creeper! In this thrilling video, witness an epic showdown between a brave adventurer and the infamous creeper. Will our hero outwit this explosive foe, or will disaster strike? The Challenge Our protagonist embarks on a heart-pounding race against time as they navigate dangerous landscapes, gather resources, and fortify their defenses. With the creeper lurking around every corner, every decision is crucial in determining the outcome of this high-stakes battle. The Showdown Watch as our hero faces off against one of Minecraft’s most iconic adversaries. Will they emerge victorious,… Read More

  • Dragon Battle Showdown!

    Dragon Battle Showdown! Minecraft: Battling the Ender Dragon! Embark on an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft as Bahayo and LoSerhat face off against the formidable Ender Dragon in their Just Survival series. The duo encounters strange events and challenges, making for an exciting gameplay experience. Tackling the Ender Dragon The Ender Dragon is a powerful boss mob found in the End dimension of Minecraft. Players must strategize and work together to defeat this formidable foe, utilizing their skills and resources to emerge victorious. Survival at its Best Surviving in Minecraft requires resourcefulness and creativity. From building shelters to mining for… Read More

  • Minecraft Wish Parkour: INSANE Difficulty Level!

    Minecraft Wish Parkour: INSANE Difficulty Level!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Auf Wish Parkour Unmöglich!’, was uploaded by Decekay on 2024-01-15 13:00:12. It has garnered 21237 views and 1309 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Come join us on the stream on Twitch: When a stream takes place I will announce it in advance on Youtube and Discord, so feel free to check it out there too: #minecraft #minecraftshorts #challenge Read More

  • JJ & Mikey: Diamond Sword Armor Set – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    JJ & Mikey: Diamond Sword Armor Set - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Become DIAMOND SWORDS SET ? NEW ARMOR SET SWORDS ! – in Minecraft (Maizen Mizen Mazien)’, was uploaded by JJ and Mikey on 2024-03-21 21:00:38. It has garnered 9056 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:04 or 724 seconds. JJ And Mikey Become DIAMOND SWORDS SET ? NEW ARMOR SET SWORDS ! – in Minecraft (Maizen Mizen Mazien) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: Read More

  • EPIC HK416 Reload in Prisma3D | MUST WATCH!

    EPIC HK416 Reload in Prisma3D | MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘HK416 reload | Prisma3D’, was uploaded by Colanimations on 2024-05-05 13:27:39. It has garnered 56 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. 😉 credits: View Model Hands: @ayyubid #minecraft #prisma3d #viewmodel #modernwarfare #warzone #games ✅tags✅ prisma 3d prisma 3d skibidi toilet download prisma 3d tutorial prisma 3d fnaf prisma 3d skibidi toilet prisma 3d animation prisma 3d roblox prisma 3d fnaf download prisma 3d minecraft prisma 3d ios prisma 3d animation tutorial prisma 3d animation video kaise banaye prisma 3d animation video prisma 3d animation minecraft prisma 3d… Read More

  • LemLand

    LemLandCome hang out and chill in our fun little community. We’re wanting to build a friendly and open environment to relax, have fun, and mine together. We hope you enjoy your stay! Read More

  • Robo’s World Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.4 Java Bedrock

    Welcome to Robo’s World! Hey! I’m Robo, and I invite you to join me in my world. I have been playing Minecraft for 12 years now, and I have finally made the decision to settle into a world. Let’s have some great adventures together! This server is in the same spirit as the iconic hermitcraft smp, which means that there is no stealing or griefing of any kind. Everything that happens in the server is done 100% in survival mode. Let’s have some fun together! <3 Apply on discord! The server launches at 4pm CST on 5/15/2024! (Today) Read More

  • Green Gem 1.21 Survival

    Green Gem is a Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot Survival server. Play with your friends on this USEast 24/7 hosted server. Currently there are no plugins as this server is in its 1.21 Snapshot testing phase. When PaperSpigot is updated to 1.21Green Gem will start adding plugins. Check us out! We are a small community that is growing more and more every day. All are welcome. We want to meet YOU! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – All memes are legendary ’cause all are Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - All memes are legendary 'cause all are MinecraftWhy did the Enderman bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house! Read More

  • Enderman stalks me, even the Pope! #minecraft

    Enderman stalks me, even the Pope! #minecraft “When you’re trying to play Minecraft peacefully but the Enderman keeps following you around like a clingy ex.” #minecraftproblems #papieżpapieżowi #endermancreeper #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Sand Farming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Sand Farming Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Imagine being part of a server where you can explore different versions like 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, and 1.20.6. Whether you play on MCPE, Xbox, PS, Switch, or PC, Minewind has something for everyone. Joining Minewind means joining a world of endless possibilities. From fully automatic farms to high-performance gameplay, the opportunities are endless. And… Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese-style Minecraft Home

    Crafting a Japanese-style Minecraft Home Exploring Japanese Style Architecture in Minecraft When it comes to creating unique and beautiful structures in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. One particular style that has captured the imagination of many players is the Japanese traditional architecture. From serene gardens to elegant interiors, building a Japanese-style house in Minecraft can be a rewarding experience. Building a Japanese Style House Building a Japanese-style house in Minecraft involves paying attention to detail and incorporating elements that are characteristic of traditional Japanese architecture. From the use of wooden beams to sliding doors, there are several key features that can help bring your… Read More


    EPIC RELIC RUNNER CREATIVE STREAM | Live from IgnitorSMP | 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘RELIC RUNNER CREATIVE STREAM | Live from IgnitorSMP Season 3 | Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-05-11 20:11:09. It has garnered 85 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:48 or 8748 seconds. My name is Vid and in this series, I play Minecraft 1.20 on a server with a few other players! Join me for shops, farms, automation, building, redstone, villager trading, and more! Click the Like button if you like this video! Subscribe now! Leave a comment and tell me what you think! Here are some more commands… Read More

  • Herobrine Nearly Gives Me a Heart Attack

    Herobrine Nearly Gives Me a Heart AttackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Almost Gives Me A Heartattack #minecraft #herobrine #scary #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Seimon on 2024-01-18 11:30:21. It has garnered 201 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Herobrine Almost Gives Me A Heartattack #minecraft #herobrine #scary #shorts #minecraftshorts You can find the whole Video on the Channel. This is a short created from my Minecraft Herobrine From the Fog Survival Let’s Play Series. #minecraft #herobrine #scary Read More

  • Unbelievable! ManTreKs – Guardian Tales (4-3) Full 3-star Desert Madness Oasis

    Unbelievable! ManTreKs - Guardian Tales (4-3) Full 3-star Desert Madness OasisVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-3) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Oasis’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 12:09:53. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales Lynn,Guardian Tales,Guardian… Read More

  • UNREAL! Building Village in Minecraft Creative – Day 3141 #shorts

    UNREAL! Building Village in Minecraft Creative - Day 3141 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3141 #shorts’, was uploaded by HU Smart Gamer on 2024-01-05 01:30:07. It has garnered 2501 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. I build Small Village in Minecraft Creative mode 2024 Day 3141 #shorts Read More

  • Unlock OP Items in Minecraft Fast!

    Unlock OP Items in Minecraft Fast!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Download & Install Just Enough Items In Minecraft – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 16:00:03. It has garnered 779 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Learn how to download and install just enough items in minecraft in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate links): Tubebuddy (YouTube tools): Microphone: Laptop: PC: Some of the links in this… Read More

  • INSANE TNT Speed Run in Minecraft! 😱#Gamer

    INSANE TNT Speed Run in Minecraft! 😱#GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Runing #minecraft’, was uploaded by FAHD GAMING on 2024-02-24 11:55:40. It has garnered 5620 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Runing #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock – Day 2

    Insane Progress in One Block Skyblock - Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Progress? Minecraft Skyblock One Block Day 2 With @cryovision_yt & @pandagirlgamingcorner’, was uploaded by Anna Sweets on 2024-03-27 05:51:18. It has garnered 223 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:44 or 12764 seconds. Join my Discord for chats etc.! Support me: Textures by Mizuno: Skyblock Reborn by: Read More

  • Unbelievable: JahirVar’s Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: JahirVar's Zombie Wears Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombie with Diamond Armor vs All Mods in Minecraft: Mods Battles’, was uploaded by JahirVar on 2024-04-05 08:00:14. It has garnered 77 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:04 or 244 seconds. Mobs used in this video: 📌 Mob battle Mod Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! – Hero29

    Unleash Your Inner Monster to Save Zombie Girl! - Hero29Video Information This video, titled ‘How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by hero29 on 2024-02-22 13:32:30. It has garnered 54 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. How to BECOME STRONG HELP Poor Zombie Girl Revenge – Monster School Minecraft Animation #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #monsterschool #skibiditoiletminecraftanimation Read More

  • Magic Tavern

    Magic TavernThe Magic Tavern       by: Gaming Under the Influence   If you’re a fan of Minecraft but want to try something a little different, this might just be what you have been looking for! With premium plugins and multiple worlds, we try to accommodate for everyone. Our survival world has lots of features that we really hope you enjoy. Players can craft magical items and level them up with the Magic plugin. You can create your own shops through Chest Shop. We offer land claim so members can claim their land to protect it. You can even make your own alcohol!… Read More

  • The Crew Minecraft: smp, semi-vanilla, modded, pve, roleplay, whitelisted, 1.20.1

    Join our discord channel to apply! Welcome to our Minecraft Server, where creativity knows no bounds and community thrives! Throughout our 2 year history, we boast an active player base that is always eager to embark on our next adventure. At the heart of our world lies the Create mod, along with several other hand picked mods, to enhance the basic survival experience. Dive into a realm where imagination meets innovation, where every block laid is a step towards crafting your masterpiece. But it’s not just about building; it’s about building together. The Officials of our Homeowners Association (HOA) meticulously… Read More

  • Origin SMP: Season V

    Origin SMP: Season VWelcome to Origin SMP!A friendly minecraft smp where everyone is welcome! However, there are a few requirements:account_boxDiscordmicMicsecurityages 13-16headsetHeadphoneskeyboardKeyboarddesktop_windowsA minimum of 15-40 possible frames (higher is allowed)space_barJava minecraft (cracked accounts or hacked clients will be banned from ip)gavelExperience with playing minecraft  Rules, mods, and how to apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speed run strats!

    Minecraft Memes - Speed run strats!Why did the Creeper cross the road? To get to the other slide of the meme with a score of 9! Read More

  • Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust!

    Minecraft Mortality: 50 Ways to Bite the Dust! In Minecraft, dangers lurk at every turn, Fifty ways to die, you must discern. From falling off cliffs to drowning in lakes, Each demise a lesson, each mistake. Creepers explode, zombies attack, Skeletons shoot, spiders crawl back. Lava burns hot, suffocation in sand, Each death a challenge, part of the grand plan. So watch your step, be cautious and wise, In Minecraft world, where danger lies. But don’t fear the end, for respawns await, In this blocky realm, where adventures create. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme madness! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” 😂 #minecraftlove #creeperproblems Read More

  • Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic

    Zero Teamwork: Machines & Magic Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring New Mods and Adventures Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with the latest 1.20.1 modded version. Dive into a world filled with exciting mods that promise new adventures and challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, there’s something for everyone in this modded Minecraft experience. Discovering New Mods Join the excitement as our intrepid gamer explores a curated selection of mods in Minecraft 1.20.1. From familiar favorites to brand-new additions, there’s a diverse range of mods to enhance your gameplay. Uncover hidden treasures, unlock powerful abilities, and test your skills in this modded… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?とてもかんたん115” which showcases a fun spot-the-difference quiz in the world of Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the creativity and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re someone who enjoys exploring new challenges, interacting with a vibrant community, and unleashing your imagination, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With its unique gameplay features, thrilling adventures, and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod

    Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack | Minecraft Mod Minecraft Create Mod: Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to optimize their gameplay and make resource gathering more efficient. One popular method is creating automated farms, and with the Minecraft Create Mod, the possibilities are endless. One such creation that has caught the attention of players is the Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm. How It Works The Stress-Free Cobblestone Farm utilizes the Create Mod’s advanced mechanics to automate the process of generating cobblestone. By cleverly utilizing various components such as belts, encased fans, and mechanical arms, players can set up a system… Read More

  • Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab – Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1

    Minecraft HalloweenMoonCrab - Catch Rare Cobblemon! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:54:25. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:54:26 or 21266 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – 🎮 Modpack - 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: Peep the… Read More