This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore | Tecipry’, was uploaded by Tecipry on 2023-12-11 01:45:04. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds.
This is a silent stream with just gameplay and maybe some music. I am not reading chat. Have a look at my clips playlist:
***about this stream*** flooding the nether with water (or at least preapring for it)
***Mods that I use*** for game optimization: -fast-chest -fps Reducer (often disabled during streams) -lithium -sodium -starlight -FerriteCore -LazyDFU
for convinience: -carpet -iris -itemscroller -litematica -miniHud -tweakeroo -AutoHUD -Dynamic Crosshair -Borderless Mining
just in my mod folder: -fabric api -cloth config -malilib -modmenu -replaymod -worldedit -noChatReports
My Hardcore world technically isn’t completely legit anymore, due to a couple different things:
– I downgraded my world to the 1.17 snapshot 21w03a, in order to exploit a bug which allowed me to get water in the nether. Downgrading usually destroys the spawnchunks, due to differences in terrain generation. Because of this, I copied the world-files of my spawn chunks beforehand and pasted them back in, after performing the bug. This copy/paste manuever saved a basic shulker farm and a iron farm from being overwritten with the snapshot terrain and is therefore definetly the most invasive thing I did in this world.
– I opened the world to LAN once, in order to perform the following carpet command: /carpet setDefault commandPlayer true This grants me access to the /player commands of the carpet mod. I use this command to spawn bots, which can load redstone machines.
– I use tweakeroo in order to stack empty shulker boxes to a stack size of 64.
– I switched my main Account for playing minecraft some time ago. Even in singleplayer, the game stores player related Information in files, which are named after the uuid of the account. In order to transfer advancements, statistics, my inventory and other player related things to the new account, I manually renamed those corresponding files
If you consider my Hardcore world cheated due to this, than that’s fair. I consider it fine. It’s just the way I like to play the game.