INSANE Minecraft Hardcore Day 17 – Must Watch!!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay hello hello hello music’s probably a little too loud let me turn that down quite a bit let me listen okay hello all right can we hear everything good I think so I think we’re good all right let’s get started finally after all those issues we’re good insane turret hello let me see also I saw a comment earlier no I did not die I didn’t die I was super busy with everything else including editing and stuff like that uh also between last time and this time I got a bunch of materials for things let me I should probably get off my hardcore thing too here you go uh so I did a lot of stuff and we’re going to build some stuff today I believe uh I think I I think we have literally everything we need for this so let’s let’s let’s do that let me actually it’s probably a good idea to pop out this chat here have it shrink it my video up over here on this side there we go perfect all right so uh between between days between episodes or whatever you want to call it I got mending on everything pretty much so uh we don’t have to worry about my armor pieces breaking anymore um also I might need to get me water here in a minute I forgot I forgot to get me water um yeah also uh yeah we we have a special surprise for today so uh let’s see let turn my brainest down over there okay so I might want to take some building blocks with me which I mean Cobblestone is probably the only uh answer here I’m going to give me some water here in a second though because I forgot all right I’ll be right back all right I’m back I drink some water all right so what I want to do today is well you’re just going to have to see I’m going to go to the stronghold the stronghold is the place where I want to be right now this is going to be a super cool machine by the way I don’t think I’ve really successfully built one yet ever also um yeah remember that dream we had when Freddy died down here uh yeah Freddy Freddy he never died what do you mean look he’s he’s right there oh he almost died again okay never mind need to be more careful when on Freddy my day is going well in St tur how’s yours how is your day going uh oh yeah I have an elytra almost forgot legit almost forgot about that oh what a landing okay cool all right so now that we’re here now that we’re here actually I’m going to test my volume one more time and see how it sounds with the nether portal and all that cuz I want to hear the sounds the game sounds and stuff okay sounds good sounds good I’m just being a little paranoid over sound right now because this is the audio I’m going to be using for my videos from now on I think okay cool all right so uh first we start by mining everything down uh and also getting rid of all the lava and also this thing is loud and annoying so go away for a minute uh oh almost hopped into the end Co in the lava let’s place my two shers down as well probably over here and I have dirt in my inventory I didn’t know I could enter the end on on uh from the bottom like this it’s weird it’s weird it’s a really weird angle so now one block away so I think it’ll be here I’m going place my dirt and this is about to get really really weird uh so I’m going to take my red mushroom uh and just when I thought I had everything just when I thought I had everything I’m missing something of course cuz why not why why wouldn’t I why would I come with prepared why would I come prepared it would be unlike me luckily have this elytra so we’re okay all right I think that might be enough bone meal May if not we’ll come back but I think that should be enough hopefully I need to turn the vme down just to smidge oh another good Landing I’m getting really good at this all right so now I’m going to place the red mushroom like so and bone meal it I don’t know how long it’s going to take though let’s see oh this is so weird oh that’s so weird is this faster to break it oh it’s so much faster to break it with an axe okay cool and all of a sudden it just doesn’t have a frame anymore so I’m guessing I’m have to do it for the remaining three sides yeah Okay cool so do that oh that took a lot that took a lot more than the other one I hope I have enough bone meal I’m starting with a second guess though oh nice okay actually I actually had enough I’m very surprised it worked out also I’m also surprised that I didn’t run into any silverfish blocks yet maybe they’re all gone at this point I’m not sure let’s move this out of the way is this my silk touch yes and whoops there we go so I need to go one two three so it needs to be five so let’s use my building blocks it’s one two 3 four five this will be the cut off and then uh I need to make it two blocks wider on either side so all this has to go but yeah so what have I been doing uh lately I’ve been I’ve been oh my gosh I’ve been doing a lot no I’m not done with YouTube no I haven’t even been taking a break from YouTube I have been taking a small break from uploading as you can see I deleted a lot of my videos because uh I think YouTube was kind of getting confused as to what or as to who to send my videos to uh so in my itics for my YouTube channel a lot of people were coming in from stuff like my cursed images videos and my my PewDiePie Coco melon kind of kind of content from like years ago and people were still coming in and being recommended my channel through that and I don’t think a lot of those people are going to be like interested in my you know my current videos uh now uh so I kind of well I didn’t delete them I privated them or unlisted them cuz I don’t want to delete I’m not a big fan of deleting videos whatsoever uh I believe it’s like a museum almost uh so I just unlisted them and uh so now now there’s only two uploads and a handful of live streams and shorts uh on my channel so it’s very Bare Bones and uh it’s pretty dead right now but it’s at a place where I like it a lot better I’m liking my Channel right now um but no I’ve been spending so much time editing on my next video it’s insane how much time I’ve spent on it first off second off I completely like did a whole new series behind the scenes that no one knows about yet and uh that’ll be uploaded hopefully sometime some somewhat soon again editing takes forever I’ve been spending a little bit of every day or uh a little bit of every day and a lot a lot of time on my weekends uh you know editing for this uh future video I’m just trying to get caught up to where we are now which is another reason why I really didn’t want to live stream cuz every time I live streamed I would just push my push the boundaries you further uh to the point where like I would never catch up and I’m trying to catch up at this point because I’d like to live stream and then go edit and then live stream again uh another reason why is because my computer kind of ran out of uh space so yeah it wouldn’t allow me to like I it’s gotten to the point where I like couldn’t launch games cuz I ran out of space I really wish I had a 2 terab computer but it’s only one tab uh so I’m very limited on you know because I record at such a high quality and the series coming up will be way more high quality than what you’re seeing or what you saw uh up to uh in the hardcore series because because yeah my hardcore series uh I think all the footage on it in it or most of the footage uh was taken from live streams and you know the whole twitch thing twitch limits to like 6,000 bit rate or something like that and I am not used with the quality of that when translated into a video so that’s why I’m testing out uh streaming exclusively on YouTube uh so I can very easily convert these uh these streams into videos uh while maintaining the quality also accidentally found some diamonds that’s that’s pretty nice I guess uh not expected at all but I’ll take it feels great to be back playing this game though I mean well playing this game I’ve been playing in this game it feels great to be back in this world though I’ve missed it uh so uh since my last stream I went to the uh to the slime farm or not the slime farm but the uh the swamp lands and um I needed a bunch of slime balls and it took me like two or three nights to get the amount of slime balls I needed and it wasn’t even that much slime balls like so I’m definitely going to need a slime farm here soon if I want to continue doing what I’m doing but you know we we’ll live it’s okay we got what we need now and uh hopefully from here forth um we don’t really have to spend too much time grinding to get um anything to build like you know stuff so far we have an infinite amount of wood an infinite amount of cobblestone and I don’t really like our wood farm right now to be honest I think it’s a little too complicated I would rather just Place tree and then go but I really haven’t found a design yet to that satisfies me to the point where I want to build it and spend that much time you know getting the materials for it but the W you have now is good I guess it’s good enough it’s a good early game Tree Farm oh man my inventory is so full I might want to make a a small little chest but of course I’m not going to have room that’s fine actually I can use this Ender Chest for Junk right now just for right now so I’ll put all the junk stuff in here that we just collected stuff that I don’t really want or we put some down here too don’t really need any of this anymore see my tools and accessories on here pick up this last block all right now we should we have our area we should be able to build the farm now correct so it should be at 13x 12 by 8 so let’s measure we got one actually just um let me see I’m not going to wor about it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 so I actually built one one uh one too much in One Direction that’s fine how just replace it with deep slate or something and then this way should be 13 1 two or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 oh okay why actually uh built the dimensions all wrong which is good but it’s fine uh also yeah deep slate stop doing that please oh wow and without even trying I found more diamonds that’s crazy how many blocks saw is this supposed to be eight so we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I guess I need to get rid of the eight up there yeah that’s what it is I need to get rid of the the top layer up there as well uh hopefully I can not use that I want to use Cobblestone so we can mine faster yeah look like uh so all this needs to go as well did I bring scaffolding was scaffolding a part of the build kind of but I only have eight and I don’t want to have a risk of losing any of them somehow someway so I’m just going to I’ll do this I’ll be fine okay more diamonds what why level are we at 43 this is the this is the diamond mining level right here here if you guys were ever interested in where to find diamonds nowadays -43 and probably below I think the further down you go the better but still like this the diamond rates on here are insane right now I found like what was that like my third or fourth oh my gosh and it’s an eight vein beautiful not that I really have the point for diamonds right now but I always take some uh so how many diamonds does that leave me right now 14 without the fortune that’s actually hilarious uh so let’s mine up I don’t want to accidentally go to the end oh that’s trippy oh wow that is super trippy you can’t even see where the portal is from the side it is completely it’s just 2D that’s funny guess you couldn’t really like notice unless you like glitched your way to this point uh oh hello dener okay so we’re finally all mined out how are you doing today dener I think we’re all mined out now so we got uh let me count 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 wait why is it 12 still what did I do wrong oh I know what I did wrong uh I still haven’t minded out this area the previous stream name scared the crap out of me don’t do that anymore uh I didn’t do that it was uh I guess it was the default that YouTube still had and it just made it that so yeah I I don’t I don’t know I don’t want happen again though don’t worry uh this is just a new way of me streaming right now cuz I’m not streaming on both twitch and YouTube today it’s only on YouTube uh because I haven’t been happy with the the the bit rate limitations that twitch uh made me do cuz I want I I’ve been using all of my uh up to up until now on my hardcore series I’ve been using just pure live stream footage and I really can’t afford to record behind it due to uh space limitations at my computer has I just I just can’t do it so I think if if I’m willing to make the sacrifice to Twitch uh or from cutting twitch or something like that I I think we’re good I think we’re good I’ll be happy to do to do that all my world craft rep got corrupted so I’ve I’ve lost my world where I’ve beaten the game before you oh what that sucks what do you mean they got corrupted how does that even happen uh oh hello I don’t know where you came from where did you come from oh you came from up here okay uh oh no sir oh he came down anyway oh I thought I had you beaten baby zombie you suck I don’t know they just don’t seem to work anymore probably cuz I switched to 1. 20.4 what were they before what were their original versions all right let we go one more time One More Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cool all right finally we got our room well I guess technically technically not we’ll mind that later all right anyways we got our room finally uh hold on yeah wait wait a minute I’m seeing like I’m seeing I thought I was looking at something I’m I’m seeing those like aelia not aelia but like what are those flowers that like create those particles I’m seeing that in here are we going to L cave biomes I I didn’t even see anything out there now I’m super confused but I’m not going to question it while you read my the messages very fast is the stream delay gone oh that might be it then this might be this might be the move my little light cuz I do have it on low low latency mode on on YouTube I didn’t realize the stream delay was a problem uh oh yeah I forgot we’re building something all right let me see so uh let me I don’t have enough for any chests or anything right now I mean I guess I could technically use a double chest out of this uh for now uh super temporary oh yeah so there’s like a clay block up there so I guess that’s where uh the cave is with the the flower and stuff let’s do a test I’ll type something in chat and you tell me when it appears and then we’ll see what the delay is ready yeah I’m ready I am I’m focusing something all right I just saw it so I think it’s right under there I think that’s where it’s supposed to go I hope I don’t build this wrong that’d be sucks 5 seconds or so okay that’s not bad the tutorial just said a note block directly diagonally and to the left what does diagonally and to the left mean this is a symmetrical room where is the where’s the to the left okay we’re going to say you’re on the left so I’m going to face this way and then our notel will be diagonally and to the left there we go I’m still tired okay I have a story to tell afterwards uh oh I’m going to go make some tea I’ll be right back oh let’s go but all right have fun have fun uh making your tea hopefully it tastes good add a lever and a button when was I supposed to bring a button with me when when was that on the on the menu this is uh mildly frust frustrating isn’t there a room with like wood in here oh there’s a chest right here I could just use this I guess also is there like a zombie spawner over here oh or is it just oh my god oh wait is there oh there literally is what that is hilarious how close is this to my portal room no no no no no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait no I’m not joking where where is the where’s my portal room that is hilarious I was hearing a bunch of zombies but I thought it was just cuz I was standing in a dark place for so long there’s literally a spawner in here what is it with this world and spawning spawners in like stupid areas like this that is hilarious that is actually crazy um so where was it it was up there and then my portal room is literally right here that is insane that is actually crazy also I can use these doors to smell uh oh wait I have a button right here I could just use these buttons oh W let’s go all right I’ve had enough of the stronghold for now we can we can go ahead and uh do that all right place all the blocks in here all right and now we now we have our chests back pretty much if we run out then we can just get more all right button right there that is hilarious though that’s crazy I still hear a lot of zombies too there won’t be another one would there that’d be just dumb oh you made your house no this isn’t my house Maxi this is where the ortal is but I I never made a house yet that is something I should do though I should probably make a house yeah that’s yeah I’m so wow I can’t believe I still don’t have a house that’s kind of funny though uh let me see let me get my Pistons my everything that I need so I need to place a dropper face in this way two observers like this boom boom all right also hello Maxi how are you doing two observers like this following around and then now I need a boom boom like that all right place an observer in the middle make sure the orientation is correct so we got to do this and now add a sticky piston facing me there we go d like this iron trap door uh now I’m turned around oops iron trap door on this one okay I’m back with some tea big cup nice hopefully it tastes good we are we are wasting no time on this build right now by the way uh we’re kind of hauling it uh so I guess I can use cobblestone in appropriate building block down here also yeah uh when you were gone denser look what I found yeah look what I found yeah I found a zombie spawner I’m hearing another you guys are hearing that right I’m hearing So Many Zombies I’m setting my subtitles on do you hear that there’s no way there’s another one right nuts is it down here oh come on why is there so many don’t tell me don’t tell me oh my gosh there’s actually so much maybe it’s just dark down here yeah might might it’s just it’s probably dark down here still still a lot though it’s so crazy and we got this one right here oh there’s two okay that would have been that would have been crazy uh wait if I put the stream into two time speed will it remove the D even more is that even possible that put it in two time speed I’m just glad I’m glad the annoying sounds over that was getting a little overbearing let get all this random stuff out we got an armor trim which is cool and now that I know I can replace armor Trims on Armor I might want to add that just just because it’s funny also I’m surprised I haven’t accidentally like hopped in this portal yet and I’m glad I haven’t there a specific statistic that applies to zombies that can summon zomb oh yeah you’re right I completely forgot about that so maybe that’s what happened two observers like this another building block with a piston at one Observer facing this reinforcements is I think oh yeah cuz I think zombie pigmans do kind of the same thing your stream just froze um [Music] h that’s can you guys hear me still am I good you can hear but not see or can you still see oh it’s all good oh okay my cuz my stream previews like acting up that’s what I was asking okay uh Jed hello Jed D I was over here panicking for a second I thought my stream went down Okay cool so we we continue all right cuz when you said your the stream was frozen uh my stream preview was also Frozen which led me to believe that I was doomed game God hello I’ll find more evidence evidence for what what do you what’s going on dang My Stream preview what’s going on with my my stream preview this is hurting me right now come on that’s that’s so dumb all right come on now the murder of Freddy Freddy’s there what do you mean I don’t know what you’re talking about oh man so we got the Piston we got the Observer we got the block and we’re actually kind of almost done with this this is a pretty quick build but this is going to do so much for us you’ll see what this does in a minute and I’m sure if you are familiar with what we’re doing you’ll probably already figured it out so this to the side facing up cuz we we like doing those place two more observers it’s going to be kind of like a like a round around cluck type thing uh like this a piston here we’re looking up looking down and now we got we need our slime blocks we need so we have 36 slime blocks this is what I’ve collected uh for for today so if you guys weren’t here earlier I um spent a lot of time off camera on this world just collecting the materials for this Farm mostly getting the Slime because that’s what took me the longest uh cuz it took me like two or three nights to get slime blocks for this which definitely says that we need a slime farm place an observer facing down and build two blocks like this add a redstone torch to the side I don’t know how to that there we go okay wait it right I’m scared hold on so now okay I almost ped this block okay s piston add some Redstone Dust right here oh we need repeat for this build okay I completely forgot about that so uh is it a sand duper close kind of well I guess technically it is you could say it is I hate that I need to study Germans it’s not even useful like in the world I need to go to JY well just to have stream open let listen to you talking appreciate you uh appreciate you sticking around if I ever become a distraction though just uh just let me know and uh we’ll we’ll practice German together on stream we we’ll all practice German no but good luck setting though so we got a trapo here L up with this slime blocks oh yeah we’re going to not going to lie it feels like there’s no delay that’s awesome I’m glad I’m glad it’s like another I guess it’s another reason to stick to YouTube only right now we’ll see how like the stream looks at the end though cuz that’s what’s going to be most important to me but we’ll see we’ll see so we got an observer here Cobblestone here my words get cut sometimes okay that is an audio thing I got a new uh microphone type thing that is doing things so I might have to adjust some sliders to make sure that doesn’t happen but we’ll see so now I’m going to need some dirt blocks my dirt blocks are down here is it like really bad cutting off or is it just kind of like here and there like you can kind of tell but it’s like you can still tell what I’m saying if it’s something I need to fix now then like I’ll I’ll uh take take some time and fix it now because my microphone’s like right next to my mouth like it really shouldn’t really shouldn’t be uh struggling all right we’re already we’ve already done something wrong here Soh okay great so did we build this whole thing kind of oneof oh we did okay that’s fine I guess um H yay I love building things wrong uh so this this isn’t a very complicated build though I think we could just shift everything over so piston up slime block over building block two observers like this boom boom piston shift here I believe yeah no block is it a echine sorry if I said it wrong but hello how are you doing today oh I almost jumped in the end portal did you guys see that oh man okay uh so let’s see I shifted all that over so far right no I to this over yet oh man this is bad let me destroy all this though so I can just I can have clear my mind a little bit more so this is actually supposed to be here with a lever on top no block on the corner with a button on top then redstone torch and now we can continue okay so let’s see we hate a term called gdz in my country basically dhw done homework so what does gdz mean oh we have oh okay so we’re facing back so it’s block Observer Observer no block block boom so the Redstone bits were on here okay and then I had an observer with the arrow facing the Redstone with the trap door facing which way I might have to I might have to re not rebuild it but like kind of walk walk back through the beginning oh pre-made homework okay uh so Ian anybody need my dropper back like right here and then boom boom okay so now we should be kind of better lined up get all this down wa if I throw an item into the portal will it go through oh it will okay I didn’t know that I did not know that so we got OB over here and then OB over here so it’s going to snake around like like we seen earlier and oh yeah we we got to get this Observer down that’s right and whoops we need our sticky piston like this place one up oh and this is where the trap door was okay so it was right there wait no it wasn’t it was right here there we go boy four hello boy four how are you doing and now that was okay cool so we’re building in this direction so block block with two redstones on top you’ve already done that what’s over here it was a piston right so it was a piston on the side facing me Observer facing that way arrow pointing towards me with another block not block to by the way oh where am I from I’m from the United States block right here piston facing me this is like I like this set up better by the way cuz on R stream the chat was super bulky and weird so now I can just like see you guys like just in the corner of my screen right by the video I’m watching so I’m just look back and forth with my eyes inside of my head it’s so much more comfortable and apparently the the stream delay is like way better too so it’s like so far i’ haven’t seen that disadvantage except for my um actually my stream didn’t didn’t crash or anything so yeah we’re good I’m playing hoplight and watching nice I think uh I think what is hoplight I just want to make sure we’re all good now so we got one block we should have a one block spacing between these right here right yeah good okay so now we’ve done all the Slime box already so we need to come to this corner and forgot what we have to do but we have to do something with scaffolding I remember and it should we should be lined correctly now so that’s my bad for not paying attention earlier um so two more blocks right here with oh yeah we need that torch on the side that’s right so that’s up now we need to come down here place our sticky piston on the side there add two redstone dust up here or one oh yeah oh whoops make sure this repeater is set on the right tick I’ll start a new Ser world today with a tiny twist I would back it up though just in case it gets corrupted again have you tried going back to your 1.20.1 version and trying to load it there again it’s basically 1,900 uh plus advancements included a tiny twist dang what does that even mean how do you get that many all right this is the part I messed up on but we’re good now touches the corner so now we’ll need our sticky piston facing that that way remove these two blocks with a redstone repeater on two and supposed to was supposed to add four slime blocks one two three four Gamer’s house hello Gamer’s house how are you doing today we’re uh today we’re breaking minecraft that’s basically what we’re doing uh let me build up one more it is Battle Royale with game Custom weapons and structures you have on live and you’re against 100 people wow good luck in your 100 person game thing that’s that’s crazy 100 people man that sounds uh it sounds intense one two drop down right here place an observer where okay just place it like this found this Channel today and just subbed oh nice it’s good it’s good that YouTube hasn’t completely forgot about me but uh thank you for subscribing gamer house appreciate it I wish I had my sub notifications on but like I kind of forgot how to link it up and yeah that’s just my fault I’ll get on it I’ll get on it for sure I’m slowly starting to come back to streaming I’ve just been editing so much on my videos it’s getting a little nuts but it’s actually really cool if I go back to my like my hardcore number one video I think that video is not very good but my second video is better but my third video coming out is going to put those other two videos to sleep I think it’s going to be a lot better and hopefully my episode 4 will be will put my episode 3 to sleep it’s just me getting better and I really like that how long does the stream last I don’t really know maybe earlier when no one was here I was thinking maybe I just build this and go but now that there’s people here we’re actually having a pretty great time I don’t know how long the stream’s going to last I maybe a couple more hours at most because I do need to have time to edit I’m going to work on a game gy while watching this work on a game work on a game Jam what’s a game Jam also I turned around again because this is all like the same so I believe we just placed this torch I’m hoping I’m not lost yeah okay we’re good so now we place our sticky piston facing in and then okay so we’re kind of repeating the same thing now so it’s Redstone right here repeater on two ticks and then a block above with a trapo on the side oh we’re really repeating the same thing okay so scaffolding scaffolding Observer then block block block and then I have a set amount of time to uh there’s this little Emoji right here on my YouTube thing and I wish it wasn’t there have a set amount of time to code a video game that sounds crazy I wouldn’t even would know where to start coding a video game so you’re putting yourself on a time limit that’s just insane good for you man best of luck uh let me break this dirt so I have my sticky piston now facing this way as it should so red Redstone Dust repeater on Oh wrong way Redstone Dust repeater ground too and I think we just kind of rinse and repeat until we’re done right so we got one two 3 4 with three leaves on top then then drop down again so we’ll have to do this two more times so dirt I would dang okay dirt facing down break the dirt two building blocks boom boom boom redstone torch on the side cuz I can never have it what I want on my inventory sticky piston facing inwards I went on the wrong side and then Redstone Dust feeder on two block iron trap door like so believe what’s going to come next scaffolding and Scaffolding who would have thought Observer right here add three building blocks one two three two temporary blocks of course I’ve never done this before s Pon facing in that is not in that is not in at all uh good job good job I’m glad you did exactly what I asked come on now you are so much better than res at me oh don’t worry I’m following a tutorial I am following a tutorial on YouTube right now I’m just making it seem like I’m just walking through it myself but this is not me I’m building with it I’ve gathered the materials but this is I’ll customize it to my to my liking a little later but this is like the base Farm I’m I just I’m just getting this off YouTube right now but uh but yeah so we got redstone repeater I have a little bit of an idea of what’s going on though like your stream’s lagging uh my stream’s I think okay so I shouldn’t be I I hope it’s not my stream acting up but it looks like I’m still fine on my phone uh try try restarting if you can hear me yeah hope hopefully hopefully he can refresh anyone else having that issue are we good so actually we have a bigger space down here so yeah might be might be something quite different down here I’m not sure though over facing down I’m on my phone now okay um yeah try refreshing your tab though make sure it’s not my issue because I hope not stream is fine he said restarting if you can see the okay cool thank you denser stream is fine okay we got the block rewind a little bit so we got the dirt Observer block I remember a little while ago people were saying that I should just build on on stream and I’m wondering if I should just do that like I don’t know I don’t know if people like watching what I’m doing now because I’m just kind of here doing this but like I wonder if like I should just build like on stream like houses or stuff like that like actually like structurally building and not like Redstone building I’m not sure though facing down block to this side block right here we are finishing off very quickly by the way so uh two more temporary blocks I’m getting I’m getting anxious now I can’t wait for to finally finishes uh okay and that actually faing the right direction we got our Redstone here repeater on two here facing the Piston we got four more slime blocks to be placed right here so we got one two three four place our last three leaves rinse and repeat like that and it looks like we got a circuit going on so now I’m f facting here I’m going to drop into here oh now I need some glass interesting uh oh apparently I need a lot of glass and a lot of this stuff okay maybe we’re not almost done that’s a whole lot of crap that I need uh let me get rid of this stuff refreshing work good that’s so good so he drops down turns around right or did he not oh no no no no he didn’t okay so add three glass like this okay it’s on every side okay oh okay 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so I’m guessing as alternative so we got honey blocks slime blocks and then honey blocks again all right that that wasn’t terrible let’s get out of here just make sure I built this right so up and down is honey good now we’re adding I’m guessing the glass block is what’s going to keep everything like from falling out it’s my guess I don’t I really don’t want to go to the end right now so uh please don’t send be there flick the lever on to the phone see if everything is done correctly all right guess we’ll test it here so we need to flick the lever oh my gosh this is so chaotic um let me kind of corner into the room see if it works is working fine yeah okay cool um other than the noise other than the noise uh that seems fine so the mechanics are working good oh I could I could have just went through here okay cool what what in tarnation are we doing here light up the nether egg Okay add glass blocks and oh whoops that’s not what I meant to do I actually don’t know what’s going on here add glass blocks above both Flames uh okay well that didn’t work um we just do this cuz I have so touch the beauty the beauty of silk touch is amazing all right so we got that going on for some reason light up the portal okay I found the concept of YouTube called UHC Generations it’s like when people die on Hardcore rolls it passes on to the next person and it all goes infinitely on that is so cool that’s actually kind of cool look at at the obsidian frame press F3 and write down three things so we’re facing south let me get a notepad or something cuz I didn’t know I didn’t know I was going to have to write a whole freaking essay today all right so we’re facing south targeted block is one two 3 5 [Music] 972 okay go through the portal oh I wonder where this will take me take your coordinates you wrote down before and divide them by eight is is this is it just going to lead me like right here I don’t understand what this is you should do something like that when your community grows I think I know how to make it on a server oh that’d be cool that’d be sick actually that’s such a cool idea let me get my coordinates though yeah it’s literally right here yeah literally comes out right here so what does he want me to do here exactly whoops that is oh okay I accidentally just wasted my water so I think I need to change my orientation of the portal though so this block right here is very important this one right here cuz it’s the it’s everything it’s the what’s divided by by eight but I need to face it north south but in that case would you participate or would you pay spectator maybe both oh we’d probably twist it in our own way at that point uh if I put the stream on on my phone and computer will you get double Revenue I don’t get paid for these streams at all cuz I haven’t met the you know the requirements for monetization yet I’m hoping it someday I will but yeah also I think it has to be two different accounts but if it’s two different accounts watching then I believe so but yeah I mean just helping uh helping by watching the stream is enough for me right now I just appreciate you but this is quality stream thank you I do I have worked quite a bit to get the stream to where it was now uh I usually have music in the background but I want to take the audio and the video from my streams from now on and convert them right into my videos because I’ve been having to do like a lot of voiceovers for my videos and it takes so much time it’s so dumb I’m probably still going to have to do it but uh we’ll see we’ll see I’m just kind of testing around right now what timee of music do you like I like a lot of types of music it’s kind of ridiculous how much uh how many different types of music I I listen to at this point literally I’m at work and I just put on a playlist and just let it I just let it play Gamers house Studio how’s it going Gamers house Studio I’m guessing that’s Gamers House’s uh other account which I appreciate by the way that’s super help it is super helpful uh what if we combine three main things that are happening on YouTube 100 days on Hardcore civilization sounds epic how do we do 100 days on Hardcore civilization though I’m not in the loop of things that should probably be in the loop of things a little bit more than what I am cuz I know the 100 days Trend and I know the hardcore Trends wait what is civilization is that something is that something new is that something I need to write on my notepad noad so this should be a little a little bit more of a seamless transition yeah here we go hardcore lots of players 100 days ooh okay I kind of like what you’re I kind of like what you’re saying right now actually that’s also why do I need another dropper or is that a dispenser is that a h a dropper or a dispenser it’s a dispenser and I think I’m my dispenser in my my thing look up sword 4,000 no but back when I was actually oh I don’t have a dispenser do I where I made a dispenser for this didn’t I I’m heartbroken right now but okay I’m going look him up real quick a popular civilization experiment YouTuber and interesting okay okay I see what he’s doing 100 players Sate a zombie okay how I check it out let me place a chest here I don’t really know exactly what’s going on here by the way super weird what we’re building now all of a sudden um I do need a dispenser regardless so I’m going need to go get my elytra so I can fly back because who wants to take boats anymore I just want to I just want to fly I kind of realized why we why we uh Place those glass blocks there now if you need someone to code stuff or something like that you know who to call oh absolutely I just I need a well first off I’m going to take a look at it and then I need to develop an idea and I have plenty of time at work to come up with ideas for sure um so yeah I just needed I guess I have to just do my research and see see what’s up cuz uh maybe I could talk to a few friends about it and see what we can do because I love I love doing things with the community I actually used to give away like high pixel ranks and stuff uh way back uh we would do like parkour challenges and stuff just because I’d like I like uh setting up servers and and stuff like that for people to compete and it was always fun it was a fun time ah what the call what am I doing here I dispenser that’s right yeah you you talked to me about something else you were making denser and you couldn’t do the Ender Chest thing I remember seeing your DM about that um but I kind of forgot what else you said which sucks and I don’t have a bow which is fine I have enough Cobblestone I just need a piece of redstone that’s all I need and I’ll get a bow from downstairs I’m I’m now also watching this on my school account I just can’t chat oh you can’t chat on your school account that’s lame understandable though three stream views for free absolutely I appreciate your support so much Gamers house appreciate everyone here by the way it is always is my expectation but it’s not it’s not even demoralizing it’s just I’m just here that’s basically what it is I’m here and like when no one shows up I’m just like okay it happens but like when there’s actually people here watching me I don’t know it just it’s it’s just awesome I love I love sitting here talking to people and I was watching this YouTuber and he’s a hardcore YouTuber uh and he made a video and he was like like if you looked up like 100 days hardcore or like I had the perfect start to hardcore or whatever on Minecraft he was saying stuff like he was saying stuff like um if I remember he said this he said if I were to put up a put on a random YouTube video under the I I had a perfect start to hardcore I could go from channel to channel and it would be like the same YouTuber over and over again because I don’t know the editing style is the same the play style is the same stuff like that and I guess I guess what he was saying was like there really isn’t much Community involvement in Minecraft videos anymore and it’s just kind of like a pumping out content like kind of like a not like an AI Channel necessarily but it’s like it’s kind of like that I don’t know I didn’t watch I I watched most of this video I didn’t watch the entirety of it but that’s kind of what I got from it and I believe I I believe it’s it’s kind of true like people I feel like don’t spend a lot of time with the community as much as they should uh also I just went to the Nether and back for no reason maybe because I’m just like spewing right now but that’s why that’s why I so much it gives me a Time come on it gives me time to like actually like appreciate and and talk to people so I’m I’m looking back and forth I’m kind of all over the place but it’s one of my favorite one of my favorite things to do on YouTube for sure the whole thing is Fun by the way I wouldn’t be spending hours upon hours editing a video if I didn’t enjoy it cuz it’s uh it’s been like what two years since I’ve uploaded a video before the light the hardcore series and then it’s been like I think a year since my last live stream SL shorts um um upload before before the whole hardcore phase that my channel hit and I’ve been having a blast though and the comments I’ve been receiving uh have been overwhelm overwhelmingly overwhelming okay I can’t speak overwhelm unbelievable uh bumula hello bumula how are you they have been let me let me let me try it again overwhelmingly positive there we go and um this is uh this is coming from someone who or me coming from me who used to post quantity over quality content and so and I believe the the blocks on this side so yeah uh so posting that quality content and actually knowing what it means and what people are wanting to see uh and then having that positive feedback it means a lot and it’s super super cool to see and even as F if it’s not like to the scale that a lot of other people are going or are seeing uh it’s still makes it worth it to me at least because all that work I put into the video is you know it’s being seen in a positive light and that that makes me happy I’m literally trying to conversate while doing this and this takes some some skills right here break the normal rail got to get a mine cart so again I’m not entirely sure what I keep trying to I just sub to my second account thank you so much you are awesome believe I need my my cart Hopper here right there okay now I got to push it in more place the glass on top like this add a lever to the dispenser three mine carts okay now it’s starting to make a little bit more sense but at the same time it’s making no sense still this is oh shoot my bad so three mine carts in there add a building block and light up the portal so building block light portal who made the original design um I I’ll tell you in a minute and I took my pants off for some reason that was weird designed by Scorpio 03 I’ll put a Better Credit in the video when this rolls around in my series uh but it’s Scorpio 03 or 03 I should say it says place a bed till I respawn here but I’m not really I’m not really I’m too worried about that right now yo what is happening right now bro okay now I have to go to the end the popular Redstone tutorials are impossible to follow well it’s probably because I’m like talking as well so doesn’t that doesn’t help but yeah it’s it’s a little hard to follow right now just because it is we’ve been building this throughout three different dimensions oh um hello Mr Enderman sir uh how can I how can I help you I’m going to put this on so I don’t completely die what farm is this is it a sand Farm uh kind of bro what’s your version there’s a stupid Emoji thing in the way I can’t see the end of your sentence what’s your version I’m I’m assuming it’s what’s your version I’m on 1.2.4 should be the latest version so go to the end I’m in the end and then I have to build these L things on all sides yeah okay so it’s like this I really wish this Enderman wasn’t here but I mean he’s not really causing any issues right now hey yo yo no no no no no no no no no no no no no do you guys want to see what this guy wants me to do right now hold on let me I pause the game good you guys want to see what this guy wants me to do right now no way actually no I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’m not going to show you I’ll be fine you’ll see it you’ll see it in my point of view you’ll see it in my point of view we’ll be we’ll be good I think the stupidest thing I’ve I’ve guessed and I’ve done it as a tutorial was literally put my head next to a TNT and then blow it up and somehow rely on it to not damage me at all and I guess it was completely safe I did it it was to blow up a Bedrock piece in the nether but yeah that was by far the scariest moment uh this might be this might be number two though I’m actually going to take my Electra off for now cuz I don’t want to accidentally like clip into something you’ll see though so I’m going to place water in the middle what do you guys think he wants me to do H I don’t know uh maybe swim in the water yeah I’m not comfortable with the I’m so not comfortable with that you know what we’re going to do it anyway for science uh or Redstone or whatever this is first we got to do three blocks down I got to study this though three blocks with dirt okay so it should be pretty it should be pretty easy so I fall down and then it’s one two three block all right and then boom boom boom Oh I don’t have ender pearls on me you’re right now I’m stuck here forever I’m going pause this in case I don’t I don’t get hit off hit off though I I don’t even have enough building blocks this this is this is trash I got the trash ending here um but swimming up should be fine right how much Grace Grace how much of a grace period do we have okay we’re good um yeah okay this I’m okay this is okay that might have been the most nervous I’ve ever been in this hardcore world so far by the way that was a little ridiculous but we’re we’re we’re we’re alive that’s all that matters I just don’t like Ely because like because like every time I jump it like oh maybe because I’m double jumping I don’t know I don’t know how eles work taking quite a while while to load I like that um I’m going to relog or not hello orinada where am I from I’m from America and I’m also from uh I hope my world didn’t like die that is where I’m from right now found a YouTuber who’s making Minecraft with story it’s entertaining really also it isn’t a kid-friendly or only from money thing it’s made with soul you should uh DM me or you you could say it I don’t really care also what is going on I’m going to maybe maybe it be too late for this but um well it’s still finish saving what do I do here do I exit Minecraft or do I wait for it to finish saving CU I don’t want it to corrupt right don’t exit okay what happens if I load in like another world so let’s go to my see now I don’t now I don’t have a cancel button anymore I’m newb at Minecraft PVP me too to be honest I haven’t Minecraft pvpd in forever please play Roblox yeah we’re we’re going to launch Roblox cuz Minecraft isn’t working so that YouTuber made already made six seasons and they’re connected with the same lore that’s cool people get so creative it’s insane and it scares me uh let I’m going look this up real quick Minecraft world finish saving Stu or something like that yeah I’ve played bedwars I used to play I used to play bedwars a lot also this is um H okay let me put on some music so it’s not stupid all right I’m going to do something by chroma just better not strike my channel down I trust you is this is this wait this is like the song chroma uh let me mute that is it uh there’s so many chromos in here it’s crazy hold on is it yeah I can’t find him also can’t I can’t find my chat either okay I can’t find him on Spotify I’m on Spotify by the way uh I’m going to close my game I give up e I really hope my world isn’t dead like a person who can teleport through worlds is called a planes Walker he has a special thing in his body that allows him to do that but he constantly loses m in the start of each season bro people are making movies out of this game crazy ronal or Messi someone said Messi best song ever is that what the name is best song ever found I found the One Direction version uh I see I found chromatics but wait yeah I found chromatics but I don’t know that’s this chroma you were talking about all right Minecraft please don’t ruin my life please okay we’re we’re here we we’re still here uh oh this is this is so weird I placed these blocks and then so it kept the block data but it didn’t keep my anything else it didn’t keep my location what’s my real name uh I can’t give out my real name right now because uh I don’t want my I don’t want my my teacher coming after me and uh exposing me in front of my class yeah that that’s the reason oh it worked this time hi guys uh well everyone look at me you are not a Mindless NPC okay okay I thought I was lagging for a second his real name have obviously yeah see see you later Bea thank you for stopping by had a lot of new people to come through today which is pretty cool shout out to everyone who’s uh came through shout out to everyone who’s new shout out to everyone who that’s been here before shout out to everyone who’s here kind of vibing right now um also I I lost my tutorial video in the process uh so let me let me find it I think here it is um so I need what did I need I need I need more Cobblestone I know that the shun the S should show up let me see it oh okay here it is all right I swear if this is inappropriate I’m blowing up my hardcore world I’m going to fast forward okay we’re good all right I’m only going to play music for this I’m going to play the song because again I don’t want music in my background of my my video so we’ll see we’ll listen to this while we’re here getting our materials also how long is this we’ll see oh it’s pretty long but it’s fine also is the volume fine or do you need to turn it up or [Music] down uh dude Endermen are so crazy in this world it’s weird also oh I okay while this music is playing cuz this isn’t going to be in the video I built an iron farm I don’t know if I did this completely off camera or not I think I built this one side on camera but I built the this whole other side off camera I haven’t streamed in so long oh man I just realized I just realized that like oh man I built that iron farm so long ago I’m so sorry I just completely abandoned everyone what is Ms or BMW oh Mercedes or BMW uh I’ve never driven either of them I think I’ve been at a BMW before I need to go now thanks for the fun evening man thank you so much for stopping by dener glad you haven’t given up on my channel just yet uh and uh hopefully your German studying goes well have a great evening SL [Music] night so what was I missing I was missing blocks I know but what what else was I missing so three blocks below really enjoyed the stream glad you did glad you did despite my freaking speed tripping all over the place I won’t give up on your channel D this content is awesome thank you so much hopefully I’m always trying to make it better and uh that’s also another reason why I haven’t been on is because my goodness it’s it’s crazy amount of time the amount of time that went into my next video I can’t wait I’m hoping to get it up by either tomorrow or the next day I still got to do a bunch of subtitle stuff that takes forever but it’s it’s going to be by far the longest video uh that I have so those of you who like longer content that’s good and for those of you who like shorter content I will be uploading a shorts version as well how often do you stream I used to stream every day up to up till like recently when I started editing a lot more so I’d say maybe every other day or every two or 3 days it just kind of depends I don’t want to I work overnight so I don’t want to fall asleep on stream or anything so like if I have enough energy I’ll definitely stream but I I guess today I felt like I was going to fall asleep when I got in but I just had to motivate myself what time does it start that’s an issue because I kind of start whenever in the morning well in my time in the morning so that be like what 10:30 or 11:30 in the morning uh Eastern that’s kind of around when I start I usually have school do you usually have school around this time yeah so you’re Eastern too yeah but I’m debating on whether I should stream in the evenings and I just I I’ll come home sleep and then wake up and then stream 7 to3 yeah that sucks um I think honestly it might be more beneficial to stream in the evening it just would suck cuz I can’t just go to sleep on the spot but I’m going to have to learn how to if I want to stream late later in the evenings which I think would be a way better time to stream [Music] anyway maybe I’ll flip because I think people like denzer and stuff they probably won’t be able to make the evening streams like that so maybe I’ll do some evening streams some some morning streams we’ll see oh you’re right I could do a Friday evening cuz I’m off you’re right I’m off Friday’s uh in like the weekends and stuff so yeah that’s a good idea I don’t know if I have like any energy at that time but like you know sleepy stream so we’ll be good a sleepy Friday night stream uh uh water wait oh all my all my water’s gone I think no it’s not we’re good oh wait wait wait wait I didn’t mean to remove that I did not mean to remove that all right I don’t know what what I was thinking there wait no the water was supposed to be there right oh no it wasn’t wait I’m so confused um no no no no no no no no we’re good we’re good we’re good I placed the water in the wrong area that’s what I did no I don’t think I yeah I was in the center of the obsidian you’re right see I’m starting to get a little tired hopefully it doesn’t cost me I have my elytra in in fireworks just in case [Music] though wait for that lava or that water disappear so it’s not just going to stay there all right I’m already impatient for the water uh so we came down here [Music] I believe it’s on the left side I can’t I cannot tell so towards we’re going to go down towards the island so this is the island right here on the left side yeah okay we’re facing this way we’re going to go we going to go in the water here and then in the water here thanks for playing my song no problem so now this animal wants me to do what [Music] now it ended what ended oh it oh it ended the song ended you’re right you’re right uh uh cool it just looped oh it looped okay that’s what it was that’s funny that’s funny so we got a PEC dice here uh now this animal wants me to remove the water now I’m going to watch that zoral and see what he see what he does he wants me to do what I don’t like this build anymore no one no one told me that this is a part of the build you I I you know what I’m leaving the water because I think it’s safer or not I’m not sure okay we got this and we’ll place the dirt next to that and now we yeah and we might want to remove the water why is it pushing me all right oh weird I’m going to remove this and do that that’s better cool okay that’s way better so now he wants me to do something like this so one 2 3 4 5 boom okay one two three four five how am I supposed to place this dirt okay that was a lot easier than I thought it would be hey uh I’m I’m crazy one two three four five I am so crazy for doing this you want me to do what okay that was I overhyped that uh does it count as you watching the stream if I watch it myself I don’t know about that I don’t think it does I watch it myself so last piece of pack ice is here and then one two three four five like that oh it’s just you twice that’s funny no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dude I can’t what is this what is this dude on why is it why does he want me to do this I didn’t I I didn’t subscribe to an end build I’m sorry you know what suck it up we got to do it we are going we going to do it we’re good so he said boom boom and then we need a lot of building blocks in here so what was it it was two and two right want to make sure we’re good here so where do the water end okay the water ends all the way down there so we’ll be fine one o oops one two three then we go out one two and then give me my water B was what was that noise what there’s no caves here how does that even make any sense one I’m putting my elro on 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 pausing the game again so we got a 2×1 platform for whatever reason then we’ll do another row of chests but at least I have a platform to S on this time so I’m not crying right now what is this Farm even for uh you guys were close with the sand duper but uh I I’ll show you what it’s for hopefully by the end of the stream if I’m not dead while building this monstrosity a build okay all that’s done so I’m assuming we’re going to use the rest of my Hoppers for this oh wait what why is he why would you build a farm like this who built a farm like this now it is just you twice nice it is what it is okay let me Place some some dirt cuz uh we got to get around this to place my first chest get my dirt and now we got one two 3 four five someone someone came back left and then came back again no man this is stay at three oh wait I didn’t bring enough chest did I oh that’s disappointing you got flagged for spamming because it was only you chatting that’s brutal oh okay I kind of like the way he’s doing this a little bit maybe so he’s doing this which is a less less risky to me which is I like that now four dang we’re we’re popular was that five all right I like this a lot I could just place it from from down here I placed enough chests where I can just do the hopper thing and get that out of the way d The View counts just jumping all over the place all of a sudden that’s funny so I got all the hoppers down just break all the the temporary blocks so make a glass border around the building blocks and Hoppers okay that should be okay yeah I’m sorry about the nightbot thing I really need to get rid of it I think it’s dumb that it Flags people for that that’s another thing i’ need to iron out I’m still ironing out a bunch of stuff for for streaming oh I don’t like all this bump I don’t like all these bumps from the The Hoppers can I can I pick up the block before the hopper gets it oh absolutely not the Hopper’s undefeated there we go it went down there though I just want I’m going to place a cobblestone block so there’s like this is completely idiot proof up here I can fall any second I think I feel better with this glass here now I’m I’m getting over my fear of end build by the way which is could be a good or or what does that sound that is so weird I don’t like that at all so now I need to make an infinite water source and I can’t because I don’t have any water dog’s barking at you now rip you moved a tiny bit in you’re your chair and your dog’s barking at you rip and you’re upstairs dang you got dogs got some good ears to go my elytra elytra again I when I accidentally look at any Enderman so I need to go back and get me uh probably just one more bucket just hi just a random message of hi all right now I can just go back oh this Landing is going to be so good watch this okay I okay well I I blew it never mind okay we’ve been cross we’ve been cross Dimension traveling for ages now and nothing just crashed or anything so I think we’re good Alpha hello Alpha how are you doing so this does this obsidian plate like reinforce itself every time I go through it I don’t know if that’ll be a problem or not also can’t I can’t build yeah hello Alpha how are you doing let me get my dirt up up this will be my infinite water source right here welcome please don’t leave yeah I’m building I’m building in the end and I didn’t expect to build in the end today and I’m a little scared right now uh so I need to add water in these spots is what he said so one water two water and then three I almost got rid of my swords three water and then what what other water excuse me hold on wait wait wait 1 2 3 four and then okay that’s easy four and five so four and five so I guess this just this is just to push the the items I guess uh also I didn’t idiot proof this part I should probably idiot proof this part because you you know I’m GNA somehow land right there in this pocket and fall and honestly I might even want to do this part cool um yeah okay cool oh whoops what am I making I’m making a you’ll see you’ll see in just a second hold on oh dude the water pushed me up that was that wouldn’t have been fair so the signs that I don’t I don’t really know what I don’t know what I’m doing actually it is something related to a sand Farm but then it got me into this wild situation in the end and I don’t want to change the design until I know how to what what what what it’s doing so we’re now we’re building tube thingies okay one two three and then four like that oh hold on what’s the point in what I’m making oh there’s going to be a point to this Vex hello Vex how are you doing today Vex did I do this wrong uhoh oh no I didn’t I I didn’t we’re good I just got to place like wait did I bring like the perfect amount of glass that’d be kind of cool that’s your channel nice let me see so this is hop back up here had a up thank you so much Alpha we we yeah usually you have music in the background but you’re oh it’s ready I’m done I’m done Say It Ain’t So before turning on the farm always turn on the chunk loader oh it’s a chunk loader what that’s what that is this game has gotten way too advanced for me a chunk loader that’s crazy hold on let me get rid of all this this yeah thank you for the subs and all that today thank you for everyone who’s sticking around watching the stream I haven’t streamed in like 5 days so uh thank you for uh thank you for not giving up thank you for uh being here and I greatly greatly greatly appreciate it I’m going to make this my staircase and hopefully it doesn’t interfere with the farm because if it does oh well I need a way to get to my end right that worked out pretty well let me sty all this I want to replace this so apparently apparently everything is done so we we’ll see how that works I’m going to put my chest plate back on all right we’re back at our place hello villagers I really need to finish this build I really need to come on here and Finish the build there’s just been a whole lot of it’s not even a whole lot of Unfinished projects it’s just that one so apparently there’s a chunk loader which is weird to think about I’ve never even seen one before I had no idea what I was building so this will keep these chunks loaded in the Overworld I don’t even know how that works but I kind of like it so how do I how do I start it is this so do I just flick the lever and it it’s it’s on so I flick the lever it’s not hold on what do I do oh okay okay that looks like it’s working oh now it looks like it’s not working maybe I need to push this myart back a little bit and then flick it faster uh or not fortnite fortnite’s kind of fun I haven’t played fortnite forever though uh oh there are my mine carts um oh did I build it on the wrong axis I think I built it on the wrong axis I think I really built it on the wrong axis we do 1235 ID by 8 and it should be on the 154 did I build on the wrong access or am I just trash no I built it on the right one I believe facing south does it have to be facing north maybe has to be facing north so we got Spencer facing up lever redstone torch block rail up top oh all these blocks detector rail the hopper mine cart’s already in there so it’s kind of just there but it’s going to fall I need to replace the hopper so now I need to replace the mine cart Hopper boom and it went into the portal yikes okay that’s not what I meant to do let’s replace this please don’t go in the fire it’s going in the portal oh I think I need to light the portal first or I need to yeah unlike the portal and it went back through okay this is this is crazy okay oh come on let me go there we go all right so now I just probably need to break it oh and this glass block might help yeah oh not yet there we go the glass block in there then we’ll do that fill it with three mine carts push this back one get rid of this and then now I’ll light the portal then okay why is this chunk loader not working it’s making me a little upset let me put on my let me put on my struggling tutorial music AKA just music that I have on Spotify so in what direction were we facing south were we facing south or north facing south so we’re facing south he was facing north I need to p face South oh someone got their first sub nice oh man I so we’re going to face I need make sure I’m building this in the right direction so I need to face South oh oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] wait going to shift the portal a little bit this way okay sorry I was silent I had to focus there I think I flipped the portal in a way that the chunk loader is good I really oh I think the mine carts were kept going in the portal for some reason and were not coming back so yeah sorry Alpha about the nightbot thing by the way uh I’m going to I’m definitely going to remove him I’s being annoying and yeah sorry uh sorry about that so how does he do this I’m going to I’m going actually go to night poot right now and I’m going to I’m going to kick him out so part Channel there we go so now you can spam all you want but please don’t oh me I don’t know no no one’s really hear all right so we got a lever so again okay we’re good I wonder how that works oh look so it sends a mine cart through the portal when it’s keeping these chunks active interesting I actually didn’t know about that all right so let’s let’s go home so what if I turn this off will it be fine still cuz the fire is burning the things right so like let’s see let’s turn this off and are we good or oh I think so there’s going to be a mine cart at the other one oh okay it’s a little broken let me let me push this again s two here though interesting a little Annoying I might get a fourth mine cart maybe it’ll Loop it there I’m not sure but we’re going to make something real quick and I want you guys to see why I made this cuz this this Farm’s pretty powerful oh oh wow I went flying what was that that was little crazy so I’m going home this is my house by the way where where you’re about to see this is actually my house it’s in this cave super cool and I make a left and it’s here this is my this is my house uh and I okay I don’t know how to do that so I need some gravel I have some sand and I’d like some dye and I’m pretty sure you guys can probably see where I’m going with this TR to like a little bit in my world to me let see what’s the problem or is my stream doing well yep doing phenomenal phenomenally well all right oh cool yeah that saved a lot all right um I meant to grab another mine cart and I didn’t oh well yeah what gives why’s my game laging so much dude I guess the second Minecraft crash of the stream that’s annoying music time I reload the game because Minecraft doesn’t want to stay open for nothing the stream’s like yeah I had to close the game it’s loading back or or so I thought I guess it’s not because Minecraft just wants to be this wants to be bad right now there we go there we go welcome back Jed how old am I I’m in my uh 20s okay we’re here I’m not understanding where my mine cart went oh my Minecraft went in here uh okay and it’s not working again why is it not working again oh is it going in the mine cart Hopper I might have to come up with another chunk loader this is kind of trash this is Mak me upset so yeah it’s like going in here like what is this design this this Design’s trash dude it keeps going in here that’s all it’s doing how am I supposed to do anything with this I supposed to push it back like this how am I supposed to do anything with this this is so dumb dumb I’m done with this you can keep your mine carts I don’t care let’s do it from uh let’s do from in here I’m probably not going to run this while I’m AFK any or I’m probably not going to run this from home anyway so that that’s just a useless design let’s let’s get it in here so let’s place the blocks that I want so far we’ll do we’ll do sand gravel concrete and maybe just sand again I don’t care so yeah it’s a sand derer but I’m also going to use it for gravel for whatever reason I should probably set my music off yeah this is a sand duper uh and the sand is here obviously I’m going to use it for gravel for whatever reason but I’m also going to use it for all the colors of concrete powder so I want to I want to get all 16 although there’s yeah there’s plenty there’s 24 different like blocks I can put in here so I want to get a bunch of concrete blocks so I can build out of those and that’s like what 16 more blocks that I already have a infinite am out of on top of that I want a sheep farm which is going to open up another 16 more blocks I can build with on top of what we already have with all the wood and cobblestone and with a future smeltery um all the stone blocks as well that I can literally just go and find and get how did you break the End Portal frames uh I yeah I grew a red mushroom and I lined it and so with the red mushroom leaves things grew into the end portal frames and the INF Portal frames uh it uh it went away it just went away that’s what happened so how do I turn this thing on hopefully this thing doesn’t explode in my face because that’s about the luck I’ve been having with everything you can dup anvils you can dup anvils I even think about that oh I do need my [Music] duper not my duper but my whatever the heck this thing is called I do need my my this thing on because I need I need to go to the end so we’ll do all right and then you need to to get pushed then glass on top maybe maybe it’s inverted maybe I need to do this oh whoops that’s not what I meant to do I needed to light the portal first there’s a man in the head chat who’s spamming please ban him uh oh that’s not what I meant to do yeah this this little chunk loader thing is going to be so much better a headache it’s unreal so mine cart hopper in push the hopper as far as you can glass block on top three mine carts on the inside like the Portal 2 3 4 5 okay oh yeah Jed got banned at one time so what do I do here do I just flick the lever oh that’s it okay give oh get me out of here ah is that my cart still working yep my carts are still popping up oh yo what Incarnation is going on here oh no oh no I did build it wrong oh I built it wrong put the block put on the Block okay we’re good that is so cool why do I keep opening chat what do you mean like yeah what do you mean why do I keep opening chat like in the game how much am I how much of the stuff am I getting right now yeah this was worth it this was worth it this is so cool I didn’t expected to like come out like this so that’s why you needed the chunk loader it makes a whole bunch of sense now oh in the game I can’t I’m may maybe I’m clicking off on something oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry Alpha yeah I know exactly what you’re talking about I’m watching a I was watching a video tutorial I’m actually very I’m very happy that people aren’t noticing that I’m watching a video tutorial that just means I’m actually like keeping up on the commentary pretty well but yeah so uh whenever I’m pausing the video or something that’s that’s what I’m doing so now that I know how the farm works I can just kind of you know do this thing colar around our staircase around and uh let’s get back and forth probably should put my Electra on with fireworks I can’t wait to turn this into a build in here this is going to be so cool to to watch if I would have known I wish I would have watched the whole tutorial before actually building it might have been a little smart cuz I had no idea that the end was even involved in this but look at look at these blocks there is so much potential I could do with these blocks visually it’s this it’s so cool I wonder how far out they shoot actually the question was already answered when they started Landing in my water right there so that is super cool though so when I go back uh I’ll be on my village place but I can’t leave it running or it’ll well it’ll fill up all the chests which is fine but like I don’t want to like overfill and then it lag and stuff I probably need to build a trash can or something to prevent that cuz honestly I wouldn’t mind keeping that running all the time but I’m going to go turn the farm off now we’ve seen it we’ve seen the rates it’s beautiful I’m actually going to go back into the end and look at the chest one more time after I turn all this off just to make sure it is indeed actually oh I might want to go turn off now because it’s just piling up on the items right now so I’ll turn the thing off so this thing is kind of finicky but it’s there you guys both said Capital yes at the same time uh so let’s see can we turn the farm up now please my block still here perfect uh let me put my chest plate back on go to the end oh my goodness see there’s all the items right there what a cool build this might have been this might be one of my favorite Farms I think the Cobblestone Farm is still up there but visually no the cob Stone Farm is still up there visually but probably because we haven’t even like began to work on this yet uh visually but that’s great I’m glad it’s working um let me go up these stairs uh actually no I’m not going to go these stairs look at the sand we got let me put on my music so it’s not terrible look at the sand we got this was from 12 pieces of sand so keep that in mind oh my God there’s more wait what do these Hoppers look like oh my there’s more in The Hoppers there’s more in The Hoppers this is okay this is overpowered oh come on all right we’re going to have to wipe these chests out this this is cute and all it’s fine but we are going to have to do a sorting system of some sort this this was great I’m so glad I’m so glad we did this anyways guys uh I streamed for how long today 2 hours and 20 minutes good it’s a good amount of time uh man we’re making great progress in this world I can’t wait to actually start building stuff you know because I want to build stuff and I’m not there yet uh oh there’s a witch over there that’s nasty all right yeah my best build so far is the Cobblestone Farm which is sad but yeah it’s in here and this is what it looks like and it looks really nice so I’m going to turn it on once again and this is how how it works I’m really proud of it so the episode dropping by the way for this hardcore series is about this Farm it’s how it works and what it looked like before and stuff like that and uh oh sorry I forgot how my own Farm worked let me push the button so it’s basically a cobble duper and I have infinite Cobblestone and yeah I made it look visually cool with the blocks being too loud so in the original design the uh someone built the Cobblestone farm and the Cobble would fall into the water and the water would go into the chest but in my design I completely redesigned the bottom half and open it up so the Cobblestone Farms Farms excuse me falls down there and it’s gone until it comes up here and you can actually see the Cobblestone flowing in the pipes right here see so the Cobblestone flows in the pipes and it all flows into the Cobblestone we have six people oh have so many people I’m glad you guys are here but we I have to I have to go honestly if it wasn’t for my editing like we if it wasn’t for like me I have to edit today guys if you if you guys want to see this video this video is going to be amazing by the way I well I I hope so at least it’s my favorite video I’ve ever made by the way so I got to edit if it wasn’t for editing I I wouldn’t leave trust me I’ll be back tomorrow though with what’s tomorrow I hopefully I will be back tomorrow uh around the same time and uh oh hello and goodbye did she drop three Redstone two gunpowder and one spider eh play the dream music for the outro see if tomorrow if you don’t oh yeah you’re probably going have school rip it was nice it was nice see you though um hopefully I will shift some of my schedule to uh make evening streams but right now uh my priority right now is just editing it editing takes hours man and it’s just it’s killer but uh it’s it’s been worth it so far if you guys haven’t go check out my videos but I have two so far and they’re both on this world so you guys want to see what happened before it’s interesting um but we’re nowhere near caught up yet because again editing and uh oh something just got unplugged or something I don’t know but anyways that is wait what do you mean that’s another kill to the who cares about me killing a witch what J you can’t do that you can’t cure a witch or anything so it’s like you can’t even see Freddy’s here see hi Freddy you can’t can’t hit me from there by the way yeah so yeah Freddy Freddy never die what do you mean also yeah so we oh I know what we can do before we end if we’re if we’re just trying to stall uh although it is a little past my time where I want to go and edit I’m actually might go get food and then edit you take it off so who’s on your list right now denzer hello denzer oh everyone’s coming back when I’m leaving oh this sucks uh are you like stuck who what you killed Freddy I didn’t kill Freddy what do you mean I would never kill Freddy I don’t know where this where these rumors have come from but it needs to stop oh my gosh remember that time way back in the day when I like was scared to go mining in a cave and now I’m just taking on four Iron Golems because why not this game is crazy this game is crazy yeah I just want to I want you guys to look at the rate of this Farm by the way I want to have four sides going but maybe not I don’t know know maybe I won’t I’m not even sold on this design of the iron farm yet though like I might want to do a portal base Farm eventually but yeah I don’t know I senten you to two hours of streaming uh so now that I’m showing this oh great yeah so now that I’m showing this off to this stream the Iron Golems are just going to spawn down here because why not I have a plan to fix that but like right now I’m not going to I wish I had a smell I would just place a bunch of stone buttons One XP level stop making fun of my XP level I I I knew someone was going to say something about that I was like how do you have full diamond armor and diamond tools but one XP level and this this this iron farm is embarrassing me by the way like there’s like no rates right now but this is the iron I’ve gotten so far well iron that I haven’t used so far I’ve used like what three sets of iron and it’s ran not very much but yeah also elytras are great I really like elytras you know what makes elytras better fireworks but I only have three fireworks left I don’t know how to get fireworks except for the fact that I need paper and gunpowder we already have the paper that we need it’s not automated unfortunately which will take me like 30 seconds to automate we need a creeper Farm as well soon soon soon soon but I got to edit I got to edit I have to go I don’t want to go I would live stream this game all day if I wanted if I fre if I had the time I would Iron Golem fairness what the Barnacles is happening in my chat right now Iron Golem fairness what does that even mean I’ll have you know this Village was a fantastic home to like 10 Iron Golems at one point and then one night one night I didn’t sleep through the night and they like they all died they all literally all of them died those guys are trash Al how’s my farm looking I have three beetroot and one po I don’t understand why my farm keeps changing crops um but yeah I might if I ever get rich I might build like four like four like four quadrants like this of just carrots and then a level up of it would be wheat potato beetroot maybe maybe in the tower maybe across the field maybe maybe I won’t do this design either we have so much freedom and opportunity for this world it’s ridiculous fairness to Iron Golems what I’m maybe it’s time we all we all needed to take a rest and go to bed maybe that’s what’s going on I’m going to go away I’m going to go away in here but uh am I still am I still oh yeah anyways I’m going to watch back this VOD I’m going to see how the quality is and maybe we’ll stream just on YouTube from now on and I’ll ping my Discord and stuff like that like I should have today but I forgot um that I will no longer be streaming on Twitch but that’s if and only if it looks great and judging from my phone I’m watching at wow I’m watching it at 720p and it looks good let me watch at 1080p it’s 1: p.m. here so no sleep yeah guys this stream looks pretty good I’m going to go I’m going to go like to where the bit rate drops a lot so I’m going to go see some Minecraft le somewhere uh put this thing on maybe this is good bit rate bit rate scary booha and then that’ll really test it My Stream froze or Not My Stream but my stream preview froze right when I did the stupid thing test I’m doing my preview and my stream on the same Wi-Fi so it’s like dragging right now no that’s smooth I ain’t going back to Twitch I’m not going back to Twitch I don’t care that’s smooth as heck that looks so good that looks so much better go watch one of my previous streams and you guys will understand or one actually one one of my previous videos you will understand the difference in quality between this stream and like any other stream come on I Lov okay I love meeting the people from twitch I loved meeting the people from twitch but like come on now wait what happened how do I join the Discord uh what do you mean I should have uploaded I should have updated the link if it still sends you to my old server I’m blowing up my old server a fair fight what does a fair fight even mean take off my armor and punch him you in armor and sword versus you just seen me take like five Golems what do you mean it’s not my fault he’s huge you I’m not fighting him in iron armor I’ll go to like a survival world or something and do it I’m not risky my world for a iron golem fight I almost just punched him without my elytra I would have cried myself to sleep no pillars no roofs okay all right that was easy what’s next and in honor of this Golem I’m throwing in these cies and one iron I almost did all 23 there you go burn and lava for the Golem he’s hardcore King is that what you wanted oh say hi to this turtle by the way we might keep him as a pet his his neck’s a little weird though we might want to fix his neck his what’s wrong with his head all right there go I fixed your neck we’re good we might want to name this Turtle though we don’t have enough characters in this world we have Freddy we have we have my horse which I haven’t named but literally the only horse name suggestion I’ve seen was literally sir horse and that was that was his name well that was his name for the day so there he is he’s in the The Crib with the sheep in the Ender Dragon fairness I already fought the Ender Dragon what do you mean I didn’t I actually fought him I didn’t kill him with beds sir Horse no way I’m no way I’m calling him sir Horse no what is what’s the what’s the is the link the new server it better be the new server I’ve swear I’ve switched that over like five times so yeah my discord’s in the description if you want to join it what does villager freedom mean I mean that’s not what I meant what does Ender Dragon fairness mean I know what village of Freedom means and that’s a good joke maybe eventually actually I want I do actually want to plant a village that people can Roam and and walk around in but that’s not today no breaking in no breaking in crystals so you want no armor [Music] oh yeah I’ll show you Ender Dragon fairness I will show you Ender Dragon fairness see you later Jad you’re going to miss you’re going to miss your Ender Dragon fairness finale by the way all right where is it where is it where is it where is it I can’t spell I can’t spell I can’t I can’t spell I’m going down where is this thing oh there it is all we got to do is place our eyes one two 3 uh okay fight me like a man Ender Dragon it’s over it’s just me and you no end crystals no beds no no weapons yeah weapons that’s what it is no armor it’s just me and you fight me like the tough guy you really are stop being a ah ah ah no no no no we’re good okay come down here and fight me don’t throw stuff at me come on now that’s just mean Ender Dragon I I know you’re alive you’re you’re there you’re just circling in this Sky oh oh no no no no no no no no you’re not going to get me again that oh oh you made the enman mad I think I’m winning the fight what do you guys think I think we’re good no no we’re not we’re not getting in stealer copyrighted today unless we are I don’t know Spotify please please work with me Spotify no please I’m just trying to switch [Music] dogs that’s it no more Mr Nice Guy it’s over if you can’t win it the first time you go back and try [Music] again how do we get up there all right come on this is the last chance if I don’t do it this time I’m I’m I’m leaving and I’m coming back in like 2 years all right iner Dragon it’s now or never good by what that’s not cheating that is not cheating I killed him without breaking the crystal you’ve got to be kidding me no no no no I didn’t do that I didn’t break the crystal I didn’t break the crystal I no no no no no no no I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t break the crystal look look look look look look look I didn’t I didn’t break the crystal I didn’t break okay I’m [Music] my career is [Music] over I lost everything I’ve ever [Music] had new videoos canceled no more live streams as a matter of fact Channel deleting tomorrow thank you for guys also thank you guys for making me waste like 10 more minutes turn this music off actually I’ll keep it running I’m actually going to go though I have to go edit I have to go eat and I have to go edit no we we we’re live for fun times like this and this is probably one of the most fun live streams I’ve ever had uh in this hardcore series and ever this is a great this is a great stream uh one question what’s up dener see you tomorrow yeah well we’ll definitely be live tomorrow this this stream was this this stream had a lot of problems though I’m sorry about that but hopefully I can hope I can fix stuff in the future yes my MC account was named navcore before and I got hacked or something I got my password changed and everything I just got to wait like 30 days to change my pass or to change my username again my skin changed too but yeah uh so I don’t know if I lost my username or what but it’s it’s a thing now so it’s whatever if I lost my username it’s whatever I can just rename it to something super similar draw me a new one a new skin this Skin’s iconic but sh maybe yeah I got to wait like 20 days now to bring my username back yeah I’m going to go edit now if you guys have any questions just ask me in the Discord server I’ll be online I’m just editing hash we the best chat ever hash best chat ever yeah all right sweet anyways uh Minecraft music just popped up in the middle of this weird playlist I found out which was kind of weird but okay anyways I’m off now thank you for watching go watch my other content if you haven’t already that’ll really really that’ll really introduce you to what’s going on on the channel and how we got here and where we’re going also uh I forgot to tell you I spent like 10 plus hours on a new series just recording it that’s another big reason why I haven’t been live streaming and I’m tired I’m still exhausted from it oh man I’m putting I’m putting in the work to these next two videos it’s going to be well next two or three videos anyways I’m going to go now thank you guys for coming out you guys you guys each and every one of you are greatly appreciated and uh I can’t wait again in the next stream have a great day and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Day 17’, was uploaded by Knav on 2024-03-05 18:38:24. It has garnered 137 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:48 or 9828 seconds.

Welcome to the Stream! Today I will be playing Minecraft hardcore live! Enjoy!

My Discord! –

Donations are always appreciated!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ I normally play Minecraft Survival, but playing Minecraft Hardcore is a super cool challenge for me to do. This was inspired by the hermitcraft series, including people like MumboJumbo, and Grian. This series was also inspired by many different Minecraft Hardcore youtubers such as Wadzee, Luke TheNotable Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Carvs, sandiction, PyjamaPrince, ezY, AirKirby, Kolanii, Wunba, and Luke. But, instead of them it’s just Knav, POG big W. I want to see if I can survive minecraft 100 days challenge and maybe more. What other Minecraft challenges will I do? Is this the PERFECT start to my minecraft hardcore world?

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This is pretty similar to a minecraft lets play but I do it all on a live stream! Make sure to check it out either on this knav channel or over on my twitch.

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#minecraft #hardcore #but

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    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

    Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1 Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Journey Through Minecraft Welcome to a brand new Survival Let’s Play series in Minecraft with Solomon, also known as PCG on YouTube. This vanilla survival let’s play is a daily escape from reality where you can join Solomon in exploring, building, and collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. Get ready for a relaxed and engaging gameplay experience as you dive deep into the world of Minecraft. A Daily Journey Through Minecraft Solomon’s series is a daily upload, providing a consistent and comforting experience for viewers. Each episode is around… Read More

  • Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer

    Crafty Controller: Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup on Portainer Minecraft Bedrock Server Setup with Crafty Controller on Portainer Imagine being able to set up your own Minecraft server quickly, easily, and without extensive IT knowledge! In this video, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to set up your own Minecraft server using Docker, Docker Compose, and Portainer. Whether for Java or Bedrock, this guide covers everything you need to know! Key Steps: Opening Portainer and setting up Stacks Inserting Docker Compose code Creating directories on the server Starting and configuring the Crafty container Configuring and starting the Bedrock server Adjusting server settings and adding players Highlights: Easy… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above

    Ultimate Minecraft Update News & Film Making | Full Video Link Above The Latest Minecraft News: Updates and Film Production For all Minecraft enthusiasts out there, staying updated on the latest news, updates, and film production in the Minecraft universe is essential. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and explore the recent developments. Updates and Features One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the constant updates and new features that keep the game fresh and engaging. From new biomes and mobs to gameplay enhancements, Minecraft players always have something to look forward to. Recent Updates: The latest updates have introduced new blocks, items, and mechanics that add… Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More