Insane Minecraft Hardcore Marathon! Don’t miss it

Video Information

Two trucks having sex two trucks having sex my muscles my muscles inol ter flex two trucks having sex two trucks having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily Flexing love amican Ang and C two trucks having sex yes two trucks having having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily flex two trucks having sex two trucks having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily Flex by anderia 2 and bring you your knees so is two Trucks two trucks holding hands two trucks holding hands the passion the passion is more than I can withstand two trucks holding hands two trucks holding hands the passion the passion my big fat heart expands two big trucks one cyinder block my beau in the fathers cry two Chucks having sex

Yes two Chucks having sex my muscles my muscles in volar Flex having sex oh yes sh trucks having sex yes my muscles my muscles Involuntarily having sex two trucks having sex my muscles my muscles involuntarily two trucks having sex CHS having sex my Muses my muses invar two CHS two TRS two trss Trss I don’t like this song chat hold on oh yeah that’s a great one hello Chad welcome to the stream how are we feeling today let me let me Minecraft Minecraft thank you thank you Minecraft all right Chad how are we feeling oh my God it is echoing in here

Jesus Christ anyway contain infinite genders oh damn look at you go Minecraft look at you being woke for sure Minecraft for sure how are you I’m doing great uh thing is though I was in fact drinking an energy drink during the starting soon screen and I don’t know why but it hurts my

Tooth I don’t know if that’s because of the loads of sugar or if it’s because it’s really cold and I have like sensitive teeth or something I don’t know but now my my tooth hurts and it’s only one it’s only like my front I don’t

Know maybe I have a cavity I wouldn’t be shocked if I’m being honest anyway I have an energy drink no it’s cuz it’s cold that hurt that hurt why what the hell anyway Chad welcome to the stream how are we feeling I was like so energetic and then

So tired today I don’t know what happened I was like whopping back and forth I went from like exhausted to Super Hyper to exhausted to Super Hyper I’m not really sure what was going on so that this is interesting um we’ll see you know if the hyper stays or whatnot

Um we’ll we’ll see we’ll see chat what do we want to do today okay cuz we have options do we have options we have options okay here hm do we have options no we have options I draw okay that’s I know I’m very happy for you did I

Ever hold on chat hold on I got to check something the [ __ ] are you looking at bran I’m wait pretty sure that says Bean oh wait no that says Bean whoops um I don’t know why I thought it said bran well Whoopsie Daisy no okay I did we’re good we’re good okay

Anyway I’m going to undeen in the VC and then I’m going to close Discord and if anyone joins it’s going to scare the [ __ ] out of me anyway got three out of three okay you know what that you did that you did there you go here’s a hydrate that’s

Going to hurt my [ __ ] teeth ow [ __ ] why why does it hurt my tooth I don’t understand maybe I shouldn’t be drinking it maybe I should get a straw I don’t have a straw hm okay um let’s see we have options what are these options I’m not really sure we could finish decorating

This cuz we have this like a little [ __ ] area right now we could like decorate the ceiling and whatnot we could decorate those walls figure out what the hell we’re doing with that get the glass in here you did not um we could yeah we could decorate this area [ __ ] [ __ ]

Indeed I love that word uh anyway we could finish decorating that or I don’t know figure out what the hell we’re doing with that downstairs area uh we could look chat I’m really hoping none of you say this option cuz I really don’t want to do it cuz I’m going to be really

Confused uh we could figure out the sorting system for this or like the the pickup system you know what else can we do we can go mining again how much um how many things do we have I don’t think we got a lot of things where do I

Keep my things things yeah we only have like 31 diamonds that’s not a lot I mean we could also H okay soic system isn’t hard I’m o and I know about redstone and you’re a [ __ ] idiot shut the [ __ ] up o okay I don’t want to [ __ ] hear it

Okay I don’t want to hear it all right I am not someone that decides to make [ __ ] what was it four in a row Connect Four in Minecraft all right so you can shut your [ __ ] ass up or was it Tic Tac D I think it was four in a row

Or like Connect Four whatever the [ __ ] it’s called shut the [ __ ] up o okay nobody [ __ ] asked you all right you can shut your [ __ ] ass up sit down and be quiet why is there cobblestone All right um let’s see we could also finish up rolling for these guys we have a few more we can finish rolling for these guys or if we want to do something over here that’s not rolling for those guys we can finish the decoration and then also add the second floor cuz there’s

Going to be a second floor down you know down there’s going to be a second one just like this except maybe a little bit taller so we can do that um what else can we do we could go netherite mining we could being forced to watch college football right now we’ll have you

Considered taking out your eyeballs I feel like that would fix your problem and then and then nobody would be like oh come watch college football with us cuz if if they did that you’d be like wow really I have no eyes and you decide to ask me if I want to watch

Something sir you don’t belong here so die how the [ __ ] did you you look like an ant can we talk about that smooth ass water bucket clutch can we talk about that build a bomb um I mean yeah how much what does it make what does it cost to make a TNT duper

TNT duper 1.20 Java let’s see this is only oh that doesn’t take a lot ah Jesus Christ the ad scared me uh oh I should stop tabbing out like that on Hardcore this is how we lost our last one all right let’s see that doesn’t take a lot I’m pretty

Sure we have most of that we need slime blocks observers detector rail we need the coral Coral is all I don’t have I mean yeah we could make a bomb Chad do you want to make a bomb it’s not going to take the the whole stream we’ll have to

Figure out you know we’ll decide what else we want to do later but I mean yeah we can build a bomb if you guys want we talk about nothing what water bucket clutch was swag thank you can you stab my brain I hate it um what

Huh okay all right chat all right chat hold on on hold on we’re giv options here okay we got one you guys just type the number in the chat we got sorting system or I guess like pickup system or whatever okay two is going to be basement that means

Figuring out what we’re doing with it decorating it whatever okay three is villager rolling AKA we’re going to roll for all the villagers and and get them the correct um trades or we have just the trading Hall where we finish up that and and decorate it and

All that or we have last option build a bomb what do we want to do chat the bomb won’t take the whole time so the second the second uh most voted wins for what we do after that oh maybe it is my teeth why

Does why is the air so cold and why does it hurt my teeth oh yeah I’m going to I’m going to I won’t pin that okay I don’t care two basement five five okay we’ve got two for bomb one for basement go check go check go go I don’t have poles otherwise uh

Lurkers you would be able to vote but right now you cannot I am sorry but you do not get to exist apologies but not apologies oh chat by the way you guys know that fun game uh that everybody’s been playing lately I think somebody is playing it like live right now should I

Be pointing it out no chat nobody exists except for me when I’m streaming um yeah somebody’s uh some somebody’s playing it right now no a few people are playing it right now uh anyway so the game lethal company I just told you guys in the Discord no I’m

Not going to buy that and I’m not going to play it because I don’t know anyone else that has it and I’m not doing that well the Del what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God hey great G oh my God is that a sound do you have a soundboard of you saying hey GRE gordius cuz that’s O J Simpson what what hey great gordus you’re pathetic oh my God yes you have it I need to I I kind of want to add that to

The crimecraft Discord I was thinking about that literally right before I went live I was like I should add that to the soundboard on crimecraft and then not say anything a good idea it’s a good idea should do it wait for Finn to click on

It and be like what the [ __ ] is this oh that’d be great uh yes chat this is Archie Archie joined hello it’s me Archie ogrady pathetic none of my chat gets understands this joke chat yeah chat me Archie and may were sitting in a VC right Finn joins cuz we were supposed

To record something Finn joins we don’t say anything and then Finn goes Archie did you just call me pathetic and we went what cuz nobody said anything and Finn proceeded to tell us that they heard Archie say in a very angry voice you’re pathetic and just screamed it at

Finn but nobody else heard this so Finn thinks that God was talking to them and called them pathetic which I agree honestly if I was God i’ I’d just appear in Finn’s mind going you’re pathetic you know just a freak out using my voice yeah yeah that would be

Just to really confuse them you know yeah yeah okay BL on someone else guys we’re building a bomb um that’s awesome what do we go the other one is tied we are tied for sorting in the basement chat you need to pick we can’t do both

Need if you’re going to build a bomb you need a Target what are you going to blow up I’m just gonna I’m just going to blow a hole in the ground that sounded weird that sounded strange you need a target find a village or something wreak some Havoc destroy an economy

Oh well isn’t that convenient well no I need I need this Village this is my home well you know you could you could just go into a little little corner over there and you know just just give them a little bit of a you know just blow them

Up just get rid of them I don’t like the blow horn for blowing it up that’s that’s not what I wanted my God my manager should I say this my manager today we were talking about alcohol don’t ask why my manager was like oh you don’t drink and I was

Like first of all I’m 17 if I did drink I was not I’m not going to tell you um but I was like no I don’t I don’t like alcohol he was like well have you had any alcohol and I was like yes I’ve had alcohol I’ve had just about every

Alcohol that I can think of when I was in Germany and it was legal nobody say [ __ ] okay anyway my manager just kept asking me if I’d had various like alcohol drinks and he was like at one point he like looked me in my eyes and

Was like have you had a [ __ ] and I was like what and he was like the drink the drink the shot and I was like manager you can’t ask me that I’m 17 you did not word that the best he how would you he knows he knows

What that means you got to think before you speak just Dro that bomb out of nowhere there was two other employees next to us though my co-workers didn’t have any idea of or one of them knew what we were talking about and was in on the conversation with us and the other

One did not he was not listening to the conversation so all he heard was my manager asking me if I’ve had a blow jum nice oh my God side is your eye bigger on okay the left side for the character your right side when you’re

Drawing the side that my hand is on on mine craft this side that the the the starboard side oh here actually I could have just took off my helmet and looked at them and that that would have also been fine I’ll break the tie also too okay

All right thank God cuz I really did not want to do that [ __ ] sorder system we need two observers two observers we need Coral I don’t think I have silk touch on anything is that how you get Coral with silk touch yes yes can I get like shears the shears work I

Don’t think so let me Google this how to Coral how to Coral it didn’t it didn’t give me what I wanted for some reason man I wonder why I I can’t imagine why yeah you need silk touch okay well that’s that’s obnoxious all right maybe this bomb will take the

Whole stream two hours of building a bomb uh how do you make an observer or was that Observer that’s an obs quartz and red stone regular Stone yeah it’s actually Cobblestone you dumb [ __ ] well well shut up I don’t care I’m off the rails I’m a trend Setter I make I make

Observers with regular Stone my swag is too different I’m too cool I’m so concern excited are you excited to play lethal company gordus are you gonna play it with us I am going to try my darnest I am I was telling Chad about that before you came in and

Scared the [ __ ] out of me yeah I know I honestly have not watched any videos about it that’s awesome yeah I’ve seen the I’ve seen Tik toks and it doesn’t look like you do anything I’ve seen and I I saw one video on it and they’re like

Oh you pick up uh materials and you you grab the scrap and then you you grab it for the company but then there’s also but but watch out there’s moners oh like the oh that must be why they named it that isn’t that clever tooth hurt God damn pull it

Out what pull it out I thought you said blow it out and I was like how am I supposed to breathe really hard now put your lips inside your mouth and blow put your teeth in front of your lips yeah like a deflating balloon you sound like an elephant I am an

Elephant I wish we could all be elephants that wouldn’t that be the life wouldn’t have to pay taxes don’t about taxes have to tell you I got to tell you my most recent uh worry my most recent trouble uhuh you see tell me uh I’ve I’ve started educating myself about the US political

Scene which is unfortunate because all of my jokes and a lot of what I say to be funny is inspired by the knowledge that I’m you know stuff I most recently learned so now just whenever I’m in a call and somebody says something I’ll be like oh yeah just like George Bush that

One time and it’s not good because I I most people have a policy of keeping politics out of things and for good reasons so I got to stop I got to stop but I want to be educated you know so maybe I’ll just say vote for me 2024

Archo Grady fill it in oh my God I’m locked in president my vice president who’s that you may ask uh uh you ever heard of Coco that one gorilla that knows sign language yes I don’t know why I thought you’re going to say like Coco melon like

A little baby that’s your vice president I have to Google what that is is that why you came in and you said OJ Simpson no I didn’t no I didn’t say that oh that must God I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to hit that one I I was on

Accident must have been God speaking to me about OJ Simpson my bad I wouldn’t know anything about OJ Simpson I wouldn’t know anything about Buffalo Bills number 32 can I be honest with you right now yes I’m going sound really stupid and it’s cuz I am mhm I don’t

Know who OJ Simpson is well basically he was this guy right and he played uh he played football he played for the Buffalo Bills he was Buffalo Bills 32 and then he started pursuing an acting career and everyone was like man OJ Simpson isn’t that awesome hey I hear

He’s going to be in The Terminator oh you know he couldn’t be the Terminator I can’t see him as a cold blooded killer that really happened and then uh he uh allegedly uh killed his he was he was acquitted which means he wasn’t uh he didn’t you know get the

Full brunt of things but uh everybody everybody knows he did everybody knows okay so my entire life when people said OJ Simpson I thought he was a political figure and mass murderer wow that’s a deadly combination I thought he was like a president that killed someone or something I had no

Idea that he was a what you say football player you are struggling over there buddy I am I’m trying to I’m trying to control what I say say I was going to say yeah most presidents have killed somebody uh I mean yeah that’s fair enough yeah it’s

True what could you imagine he could run he’s like he’s 76 he’s just right just the right age to run for office he is very much alive you what funny you know what’s funny he wrote a book that was called if I did it if I did it was the

Title L referring to his murder the murder trial but the estate of the woman allegedly un alive I got to say un alive a YouTube stream right they can’t they can’t detect that uh the estate of uh Nicole Brown Simpson said uh well we’re just going to take this book because we

Don’t want you making money from that so what they did was they published the book The estate of the victim published the book but they they kept the title as if I did it but they made the font of if really really really small so it just

Looked like it said I did it by OJ Simpson that’s [ __ ] amazing I mean it’s shitty but like that’s really funny the circumstance is shitty but the book that’s kind of hilarious it is it is it’s unfortunate that something so tragic had to happen for something so

Funny oh God there’s so many things going through my mind right now okay what the [ __ ] that’s that’s rare okay [ __ ] boy you didn’t have to go that far that was unacceptable um I don’t like this anymore mhm I need to find Coral I need a fan of coral

Coral what was that you trip and fall and break your nose and every other bone in your body oh you you went over a ravine I see I don’t think that block hole so dramatic yeah so such a drama queen you are oh yeah that’s that’s

Yeah I don’t know where to go with this bit I’m not going to lie to you I feel like I know where I’m going to go Gord you know what you want to know where I’m going to go where I’m going to go to witch what city is wit what city wit

Can’t I’m going to go to witch do Kansas I you right and I’m going to go eat some spaghetti and meat balls what do you think of that huh I don’t like spaghetti and meatballs what I don’t like tomatoes and it’s made with tomato sauce you have a taste that’s

Different from mine I can’t accept that somebody somebody likes something somebody doesn’t like something that I like unacceptable die you got to unfollow me at this point seriously I really do wait for the notification R unsubscribed gordus is over party on Twitter start it do it I’ll put it in my

My channel oh my god do longer right now forgot that I left my dog here I’m going to put it in my uh what is it I already forgot the name of my own channel what is it called my channel progress no no putting it in my channel progress thing on on

My yeah I’m a little Milestones I have my first hate comment in there nice very nice I remember mine yeah it was uh yeah it was uh I don’t know if it was my first it was just the the first one I can remember it was uh Swagger Souls

Wannabe if you don’t know Swagger Souls he’s a a YouTuber with a who just happens to have a deep voice he sound he sounds like this this is what Swagger sounds like that is way too accurate oh I don’t like that’s not what I sound like though I don’t sound like that you

Understand I was using my normal voice and I got that comment I’m like man why you talk like this you want me to just rage my raise the active of my voice I can I can do that raise the active of my voice just go up here start talking like

This hey guys it’s me Finn soy this doesn’t get old at all this hasn’t gotten old yet has it no no you don’t understand Finn did that for two straight streams I just got high pitched seen oh my God like some bits it was really funny they would say something but like all

The other times I was like oh my God Finn please cuz I’m going to get used to this as your voice and you’re going to go back to normal and I’m going be like you aren’t Finn solely and I’m going to have to get used to your normal voice

What are my other voice changer options for today they change every like 24 hours I think let’s see what’s this one let me turn down the background effects first uh jeez that’s a lot of Sliders Arie by the way sound like evil that sounds like what every like

Christian cartoon imagines Satan as it’s every time they portray him that’s what that sounds like mhm Archie when Finn found your channel mhm and sent it to me mhm uh I’m not going to lie to you I immediately told them that you sounded like Swagger Souls

God I got it I’m Finn was like who the [ __ ] is Swagger SS and I was like finnn you he’s racist don’t don’t he’s problematic man just don’t just don’t pay him I was talking about this with vin and I was like maybe just for one stream I turn on the high pitch

Filter but I do it like a just two degrees higher than my natural voice so wait what does it sound like so if I just do like this see if anybody wait no like down here see how long it would take somebody to recognize that that’s

Not my normal voice it just sounds like you’re like like your nose is stuffed or something yeah it also is so that adds to it thank you for sniffing me breathe better I appreciate that I just I just I was making sure my nose worked you know understand yeah uhhuh no

No what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that you’re looking for a coral wreath well yeah under the water I got distra I got distracted by a village over here go to the oh you’re Target huh okay good good oh hey no I don’t have my h on me

Draw a big red axe just in the middle of the village okay I don’t like the sound of this already are you listen oh wow it’s so different and r I is that Swagger Souls who crazy I cannot wait for somebody new to come into my chat and be like are you

Talking to swager souls actually you sound more like raccoon that guy was just like that’s a buddy of mine the first time I was in like a stream with beef man buddy of mine kept chatting this guy sounds like raccoon eggs I can’t I can’t shake it he just sounds exactly like

Raccoon eggs I’m like okay sure whatever you say buddy cuz it kind of does a little bit he’s got a deep voice beef yeah he does have a deep I swear to God I had to do like a double take whenever he first started speaking I was like

What the [ __ ] is that your real voice it was um can I Shear this I can’t I feel like you should be able to Shear Iron Golems yeah yeah circumcise them yeah no nuh-uh not that [ __ ] time it took you to realize oh my God you know what’s funny I think my

Voice since I first since it first got deeper I think it’s gotten higher I don’t think like some people when they age their voice goes even lower than it was the first time they got a de I think I’ve gone higher cuz I remember like

Being 14 or whatever and having a a much deeper voice like I’ll listen to recordings of myself and I’ll be like is that me is that and obviously another thing listening to old recordings of myself and I hate this it’s so clear I would barely open my mouth I’d have like

My teeth teeth like maybe maybe a millimeter apart I just wouldn’t I just wouldn’t open my mouth and it was really clear that I wouldn’t do that you it suck wow I don’t have any recordings of my anger self well I guess I do have recordings of when I was like 15

Mhm that but you can barely hear me on them so I don’t know if that accounts cuz you you were on the news being arrested for vehicular manslaughter yeah and then saying chair in a really really low voice if you look on my twitch that’s like my second most

Viewed clip is me saying the word chair but it is so hard to hear it I already gave you your [ __ ] [ __ ] just make an egg I’m getting distracted but I want an egg don’t we all you know what fair enough can’t even judge you on that one if I want an egg

Why why shouldn’t other people want eggs yes exactly so you get it you’re a Visionary like I am why does my tooth hurt I don’t like this have you tried putting it in rice that is a good point I should try that Mhm I don’t really like rice very much it’s all right you need I mean barely anyone eats like just rice they always have some food that they eat it with like some people do have like fullon bowls of rice I can’t get behind that but I I like rice with other stuff like

Curry I don’t think I’ve ever had Curry what’s a shebang I don’t [ __ ] know don’t ever ask me the definition of a word guys I’m [ __ ] stupid shebang is whatever you want it to be it’s like oh yeah shebang I I did that thing good for

Me or it could be like so it’s like anopia a little bit Yeah God can you guys make babies for [ __ ] sake why do you keep like you are going so far in and I don’t know Why okay those two sentences next to each other need to not be next to each oh whoops I don’t I’m GNA [ __ ] murder this Turtle I’m getting I’m getting pissed at this Turtle I’m going to [ __ ] murder it do it do it wait let me turn on my my evil evil voice turn

On the turtle kill the turtle it must kill that Turtle kill it like it owes you money what does this do what if I turn all the sliders down hey guys welcome to my podcast today we’re going to be discussing uh rye bread and only rye

Bread huh the [ __ ] is rye bread you don’t know what rye bread is I don’t know it’s bread what the [ __ ] is Ry what is this one oh it’s just same thing this is the same thing but worse I’m evil w w evil ghost that’s really bad at haunting people it’s me the

IRS give me your money what the [ __ ] hello it’s me the internal it just sounds like I’m speaking into a jar you are speaking into a jar did you make the eggs yet aren’t we all no I haven’t gotten around to it well God

Damn it do it m okay oh wait no I killed the wrong Turtle Fu turn the magic off what is this what the where the [ __ ] are you going you know what I can’t deal with this [ __ ] okay there are pillagers the water bucket use the water bucket put

The water next to the turtle so it goes towards the other Turtle that’s what they do in real life I don’t think I did it right No you did you did not no [ __ ] oh wait oh see it’s going the other way now that’s good that’s an improvement yeah ride the turtle what take a saddle put it on the turtle and ride it off into the sunset yeah yeah oh my God please a almost just

Choked on my own tongue there sorry what I almost just choked on my own tongue there sorry you didn’t say sorry the first time you [ __ ] liar I did no I did you just you need new ears get new ears please make egg please you’re spinning make egg make egg egg

Egfi stop waddling your little [ __ ] hands and make a goddamn egg eggot [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] okay [ __ ] you these are my eggs oh nice for it only took you five [ __ ] hours you dumb [ __ ] all right now we have turtle eggs um so we can do things ah I still need a coral I don’t sorry the the IRS is at my

Door I’ll be right back I got to go chew him off with a bat with nails in the end of it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yo goodbye Magpie I’m pretty sure you’re already gone but I’m not goodbye if you are then I don’t know go [ __ ] yourself or something who knows

Chat who knows I feel like every single time I’m in a VC with Archie it feels like a fever dream recording with him it like feels like I’m not actually existing and I’m not sure how to feel about it it’s like um it’s like in Pixar or like Disney

Movies whenever the little kid goes into the other world and it’s like well all magical and [ __ ] but then people are speaking in riddles and [ __ ] and then they wake up and their parents are like oh it it’s just a dream and then there’s that like one little item that they

Brought back they’re like [ __ ] you it’s not a dream mom you know I well I don’t think they say that but you know like stuff like that that’s what it feels like it feels like it shouldn’t be real but it is that’s sir what are you you are following

Me him wiggle oh God is this is this Coral the shit’s getting lighter does that mean it’s Coral I thought there was a coral place like right next to us is there not I thought there was and then I got further and oh [ __ ] do I know where my house is probably maybe

Not it’s fine if not we’ll we’ll find it eventually go this way oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh no oh I don’t want those is there Coral you’re just going to be lighter but not have Coral you ever curled your hair I have back when it was

Actually long enough to curl I curled it like once or twice I think my mom curled it for homecoming uh and then I shaved my head and now I have a mullet very pagers I there is no Coral why is there no Coral could you make Coral

Oh sir uncalled for guys I genuinely am sad because I can’t drink my energy drink because it hurts my teeth and I and not even teeth it’s just one it’s just the one [ __ ] tooth that I don’t know I don’t know what’s wrong with my tooth but I don’t appreciate it and it

Needs to stop existing I don’t want my tooth anymore honestly how cool would it be to have no teeth probably not that cool actually now that I now that I think about it having no teeth might not actually be that good for you oh [ __ ] chat my

[ __ ] techno merch came in well one of them I ordered techno merch in like [ __ ] August or something and they were like yep we received your order and then I was like cool it’s going to take forever to get here because then obviously it always does right and then

I got this like new release and it’s the hook hoodie the zipa hoodie that I’m wearing right now and that came like within a few weeks maybe and I was like oh okay well that’s my other stuff hasn’t come here but like you know maybe

It’s just could take a bit I ordered a third set of merch I ordered a flag and some cards that [ __ ] got here today do you know what my first order is still sitting at we have gotten your order that [ __ ] hasn’t even shipped out yet I

Don’t know what is up with that but I want my [ __ ] chat I want it and I want it now I don’t know where the [ __ ] it is but I do have a a deck of cards now so now I have quacky cards and I have technoblade cards very pogers um I need

Phils of Minecraft to make a deck of cards and uh Tommy in it to make a deck of cards because and erit I need erot to also make a deck of cards I need quacky to make a deck of cards but for the qmp I’m still chat

Look I’ve talked about this a lot but I’m still upset that I didn’t know that there was more than one deck of cards for quack I’m still very upset at that I still want them and I’m still sad my God CH speaking of a jungle I just we’re not

Speaking of it but this reminded me last time I was in a jungle in a hardcore World exploring I was talking about uh stranger things when the [ __ ] is that last season coming out my manager was playing the [ __ ] song the song the the song from

The last season that the girl listens to the one that Max listens to or she’s all you know Moody and like you know traumatized and all that and she’s like uh I’m going to listen to this sad song to explain my trauma and it’s you know a

Sad song that explains her trauma you know that song yeah he plays that song a lot and it got me thinking about the next season and then I was like hm when is that [ __ ] coming out because I remember talking about it on stream and having like an hourong conversation

About how much I [ __ ] hated the characters and who I think they should kill off in the next season versus who I think they’re going to kill off in the next season just saying they should totally kill off Steve they should totally kill him off I don’t remember if that was my last

Stance but that’s my stance right now they should kill him they should kill him it would break the fandom and I would find that hilarious it would break me he’s my favorite character but they should kill him just being completely honest here C wait what my teeth don’t got wait my

Dad oh [ __ ] I was about to say my teeth don’t got dads and I was like damn that is not not what I meant to say hold my dad don’t got teeth he says it sucks yeah I imagine it does I am actually quite fond of my teeth Chad

I what the [ __ ] is that oh it’s a cocoa bean I thought that was a weird mob and I was like the [ __ ] is that um I saw this post like [ __ ] forever ago on Twitter and it was like you got sharp canons like this and

It showed a picture of like the dullest most flat [ __ ] canine teeth I’ve ever seen on a human uh and I was like that’s [ __ ] weird and then I I looked in the comments seeing if anyone else was like that’s not sharp those those aren’t very pointed what are you talking about and

Everybody was like oh yeah mine are super sharp like that that’s crazy and I was like what the [ __ ] your canines aren’t that sharp then that wasn’t very sharp I don’t know what you guys are talking about but clearly it’s the wrong thing cuz mine are like really

[ __ ] pointy and I don’t know what people are thinking when they’re like just I don’t understand it mine are like really [ __ ] pointy I was a vampire kid when I was younger um and I’m pretty sure that’s the reason why is cuz I have oddly pointy Canin anyway chat

Anyway I want to watch the last season of stranger things when is that coming out I don’t even really like stranger things I won’t even lie to you chat I genuinely did not like it until the fourth season the fourth season was the last one right I think so I did not like

It up until the fourth season it was just very h boring it was boring chat I don’t I just didn’t like it I honestly still don’t I still don’t really like it but I liked Eddie so it’s I watched it and then he immediately died and I was

Really sad um but chat you don’t understand I I got that spoiled for me before I actually watched it and I was still heartbroken when he died I was still like what the [ __ ] was a weird way for him to die too I really hope they don’t bring him back though I

Know a lot of people are like oh my God yeah look Cass he’s going to come back as a vampire which U I think would be cheap chat bring him back as a vampire especially that’s so cheap well like bringing him back at all I feel would

Not be cool I know everybody wants him back but I think it would be cheap and stupid if they brought him back yeah I don’t I was just thinking about stranger things today chat and I was like you know what I should tell Chad about

This I don’t know what else I was think there was like five things chat when I’m at work basically all I’m doing is thinking about what I’m going to say on stream I [ __ ] you not my my Saturday shifts are seven hours of me going what am I going to say on

Stream every [ __ ] time also where the [ __ ] is coral God damn it no teeth is so George Washington core what the [ __ ] e what the [ __ ] why did you feel the need to say it first of all you thought it to yourself when oh yes this is a good

Thing to say typed it sent it without like questioning without going maybe this is weird H you just just full on went out and said George Washington core that’s pretty funny uh great gordius hypothetically how do you think you would uh handle how do you think you’d

Hold up in a hostage situation um am I the hostage just you are you are the hostage you are taker you are taker of hostages in this situation I’m well I’m the kidnapper I have the host the kidnapper you have the hostages let’s just say uh hypothetically the hostages

Are there’s there’s three of them right there there’s three of them the first hostage is spantaneeus Spen spontaneous that guy uh okay creator of Apocalypse the movie have you seen spontaneous’ appocalypse the movie I have not came out today pretty pretty cool you should see it second the second

Hostage is uh uh uh uh wait where is it no OJ Simpson yeah that’s the second hostage uh he is still alive by the way a current uh US president candidate OJ Simpson the third hostage is me Archie ogrady Arie the main man ogrady okay and then there’s a whole SWAT team

Surrounding your one-story house and the leader of that SWAT team is Finn Soley what would you do the leader of the SWAT team is fin soy fin Soley Minecraft yes fin Solly game or Minecraft okay what would you do wwgd what would gour do um I

Mean can I shoot OJ Simpson and then say I didn’t do it I mean you could but why would you do that then that’s going to make the the SWAT team a little antsy they’re going to get on edge they’re going to be like oh this guy this guy is

Killing hostages we should we should mess with him we should just shoot him in the head so your goal is to not get shot in the head you see my go that’s my goal okay I didn’t know that I thought this was to like take everyone down with

Me type scenario okay I mean like from your day-to-day life your main goal should be to not get shot in the head okay do I have other goals day today life uh in day-to-day life well you should get a job you should have a career start thinking about your future

Uh find it’s a house uh don’t take out a credit card no um okay life advice with Ario GR in yeah it’s pretty great yeah I’m educated I’m I’m a cool guy um in the hostage situation though your goal should be let’s say you know what you you think of

What the goal should be you know what let’s think about this why would you have taken Spence fanous OJ Simpson and myself Archie the main man ogrady hostage why would you have done that explain that I mean clearly they’re all competitors in the Minecraft YouTube scene that’s true that’s true OJ is an

Upand Comer he’s yeah he’s been making this these hardcore Let’s Plays that have been out of the out of this world um the first 50 episodes had his wife in them and then for some reason the next 50 Didn’t strange strange things really weird um f why would I have hostages I don’t even know well let’s just say you wanted money right okay you wanted money and you know how much people love OJ Simpson you know how much people love OJ Simpson yeah and so you know how much people

Love spontaneous and you know how much people love and would spend millions of trillions of dollars to get me home safely uh and you are relying on that you’re trying to get millions of dollars and a helicopter those are your goals and a helicop negotiations you want a

Helicopter so you can get the hell out of Dodge you’re in Dodge by the way and uh yeah that’s your goal how would you do it let’s say here I’m I’m finy I’m I’m SWAT Team master finy all right you going to do high pitch voice hey great gordus that’s the wrong one

Um how’s this no oh yeah there we go yeah a little bit higher there hey guys it’s meol uh great gordus we know you’re in there come out with your hands up and free OJ Simpson Spen spontaneous and Archie the main man o Grady now what the [ __ ] is this this fever

Dream what would you say what would you say in response what would you say oh the first thing I would say is [ __ ] you Fula you can’t tell me what to do second thing I’d say is you better give me a million dollars in cash and a helicopter

Or I’m throwing OJ Simpson out the window don’t do that don’t get rash don’t do this did you know on Tuesdays and Thursdays I watch One Piece in my Discord link is in the description oh God [ __ ] you fin I’m throwing one piece out the window too

You don’t have one piece hostage great gordus we know this we have cameras in every room of your house that’s [ __ ] if you have cameras in every room in my house how the [ __ ] is this scenario still going on you’re really bad at being an FBI agent let say let’s say

Hypothe it’s a SWAT team okay there’s different say hypothetically you’re in a safe house a former SWAT safe house where they put like witness protection agents right that’s where you are that’s why they have you on surveillance who was the witness protecting in this in this scenario was it me OJ

Simpson I feel like I’ve gotten my point across oh my God okay come out come out Bring send send the hostages out why the [ __ ] would I do that so that we don’t you know I don’t know like kill you or something I don’t know it’s a bad day

Today all right I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what you give me all all of the cash and all of the helicopters that you have give me a give me a number give me a number we can’t give you all the cash stupid what are you are you stupid give me a Number um 2 million $2.5 million $2.5 for3 million okay and how much for OJ Simpson 10 cents okay good uh and uh what type of helicopter would you like all of them I how are you going to drive every helicopter I want explain that and explain your thought process to me

Gregor I want one of every single variety of helicopter that you have and I’ll tie them all together like those little kindergarteners that have to hold on to the leashes and then I’ll like fly one somebody in your damn chat said Gord are you in VC with that one sagger Souls

Guy no I’m clearly in a VC with Finn Soul you [ __ ] idiot Jesus unbelievable get a grip learn to learn to listen in your life didn’t you hear them talk about put your listening ears on everybody it’s like we’re in elementary school again put your listening ears on that sounds like

Really like finoli and I don’t like that that’s right it’s me fi all right we we have your $2.4 million and10 and we also have an Apache helicopter that’s the only one we could get we wouldn’t we didn’t know how you fly every other helicopter so we just

Got you one don’t be greedy no got you one helicopter and you’re taking that all right no send out the hostages and we’ll give you the money in the helicopter hear that hear the going going off above you it’s going off over your head wait hang on I can do this

C that one [ __ ] JoJo clip send it out send him out send out uh spontaneous first I will send out OJ Simpson first you get me five more helicopters at the very least and I’ll send the rest out dang it all right let me let me call let me call Washington

Let me get my people on the hello hello Washington hello George Washington it’s fin soy yes from yes from Minecraft hello we need five more helicopters or this guy’s going to kill stantaneous and Archie the main man o Grady okay okay yes yes sir yes yes sir he says

Okay okay what can I have them give me the where’s the money I want the money the money’s here it’s in this it’s in this van it’s in this unmarked white van you should get in it my God fin is trying to kidnap me you’re the kidnapper here remember that oh my

God is that Finn Su It’s Finn Gamer Minecraft just trying to kidnap Finn no I’m the hostage negotiator yes clown yes clown Finn yes did you get the milk yet I did it’s been months Finn it’s it’s a little it’s a little expired now it’s got a little bit

Of a you know fin you had one job guys welcome in clown right word right clown is not joined in on the hostage situation is clown one of the hostages or is clown a kidnapper with me clown clown just kind of there choose your own Choose Your Own Adventure clown what do

You want to be in this situation I’m clown the the Christmas tree okay clowns the Christmas tree in the in the witness protection house yay okay that that you yeah that’s fair that’s fair all right all right so we’ve got $5 million here we’ve got oh look at

That would you would you listen up there just keeps going up I mean we have uh it went from 1.5 to 2.4 to five million $5 million and10 right here in unmarked bills and would you listen to that here come five helicopters here they come they’re here

All right send them out out send out the hostages I’m going to need nobody has to get hurt no no no I’m going to need you to send somebody in with the money first before I uh okay okay send out any hostages all right let me get all right

Let me call up let me call up uh Washington again hello hello Mr President yes current US President George Washington hello yes we need to send in another hostage negotiator well the kidnapper saying it sir yes I know no yes I know I know I’m sorry I couldn’t

Make it to golf on Tuesday I’m sorry I was the [ __ ] yes I know okay no yeah yeah Saturday is it is it noon noon does noon work for you oh you’re busy then um how about Sunday is that work yes Sunday okay great thank you Mr President all

Right we’re sending in our new guy we’re sending in our guy here comes agent evil hello it’s me Agent evil oh my God God yeah it’s me the devil from the Bible what we’ greatly I have a suitcase here which has $5 million inside of it and I also have a

Dime in my other hand this kind of feels like a DND session right now I’m not even going to lie to you I don’t even know what’s going on I’m confused everybody roll initiative what if only I have the [ __ ] D20 on me you don’t have a D20 you can take you

Want Christmas ornament trees three times Sure hold on let me a random random number generator God do you want my Christmas ornaments sure yes yes well too bad you’ve been naughty oh no Satan you’ve been naughty stop it no no I’ve been I’ve been on my best got 14 I promise

Okay shoot um can I please have the hostages please roll for Charisma roll for Charis on top okay okay hang on let me get my random number generator out here what are we playing D what is going I’m so confused generate no wait no Max

Max 20 guys what what are we doing I roll the natural 20 let’s go baby yes all right you got a disadvantage though because you’re Satan oh D brings you down to a two so it doesn’t work oh the devil why are we playing D I’m so

Confused I don’t know g g this up man I take Satan as a hostage oh gosh no this along with the money I take Satan as a hostage oh no this is terrible this is the opposite of wanted what I wanted to have happen hey hey are you done yet in there

Agent agent evil agent evil Mike his name is evil Mike by the way we know we all know he’s the devil but he he just calls himself Mike for some reason okay that’s what it said on his on his work for him when he when he signed up why sign up

Is everything going all right in there he just really he’s passionate about police work okay he’s really mic thing to do he didn’t get a lot of attention in high school and now he has to become a cop uh how’s it going in there evil Mike what’s that you say you’ve been

Taken hostage oh oh JBL oh drat that is the opposite of what we wanted to have happen oh JBL can we get Finn soy to start saying O jebl please o jebl yes yes quiet quiet anyways please please please please please send out the four hostages please

What Charisma oh God okay I can do this there’s also another what was the other one hold on D and D St I roll a six I roll a six what does that get me oh God okay six a piece of dirt Advantage um okay I send back out OJ

Simpson oh hello OJ Simpson what’s what’s how are how’s your day going today OJ Simpson that’s here I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad all right now get him out of here get them out all right we’ve got three left what do you want for the remaining three Arie Archie the main man

Ogrady Spen spontaneous and evil Mike who’s actually the devil hold on I’ve just my walking is really weird uh so we I know it takes it takes some practice but you’ll get used to it usually people around like age now two get it but maybe you’ll maybe you’re a slow learner it’s

Okay we all have our own Paces that we take things no I can oh now it’s you [ __ ] [ __ ] what I am anyway what was the question so what would we have to do to get the remaining three hostages from you great gordus the kidnapper clown what do we ask for

Yeah Christmas tree what what do you want clown still here oh clown is Ste all right clown couldn’t handle the RP you don’t have any you don’t have any backup God no my Christmas tree um what am I asking for for Satan back uh you

Got to put me got to put me on the nice list oh well I’m not fine let me let me call up Santa Claus real quick uh where is this one hang on I got to figure out which voice changer is supposed to be S what’s this oh no

That’s not it two people that have never played DN D try very hard to act out a hostage situation in a DND style that’s the title of the video hello it’s me Santa Claus from Plankton the Bible again for some reason he’s right yeah he is is okay the

Bible is that Santa Claus oh my God I thought that was fin Sol for a sec that scared me oh my God great bonus I I will your terms right Santa why Santa sound like lton yes yes the secret formula my life if you send out the hostages and the crabby

Patty secret formula you’ll be on the nice list for life that’s a good deal you should take it I would if I were you I mean clown what do you think about this Christmas Trio mine what did you say about Val Val’s day what I don’t think anyone mentioned

Valentine’s Day I don’t think that was brought up at all actually all right all right this is Merry Christmas to you too Christmas tree this is taking too long it’s been what 5 minutes too dang long I say we’re coming in there we’re coming in there I

About to send out the hostages no oh oh that’s good yeah just send them out yeah just just send them out well all will be forgiven you’ll be on the nice list I’ve talked with the big man you’re good you’re set come on out of here all right I’m going to I’m going

To send out the Christmas tree okay that wasn’t a hostage but okay that’s good can I oh I already sent out OJ Simpson didn’t I um you did you did he’s long gone he’s off he’s hey wait a minute where are my helicopters I got the money where’s the helicopters

They’re here there’s six of them just orbiting this house they’re just all around they’re here all right all right I don’t know how you couldn’t hear them land them land them on the roof and then you know surrounding the house and then tie a rope to all of them so that I can

Fly them together they okay uh I do that that happens great great fantastic all right I’m I’m Letting Go all of the hostages now all right come here come here Spen spontaneous come here Archie the main man o Grady come here Mike uh job done great job everybody all drinks all

Around uh drinks are on evil mik uh today CU he messed up and got caught screw you evil Mike D nobody likes you oh my gosh it’s a bird I just didn’t want to I don’t have any money oh my God what I gave all of my money to great gordius all $5

Million1 it’s gone yes what the [ __ ] is happening please please I want a grape yes this makes me want to do like a DND D stream except I just bring together people that have no [ __ ] idea what happens in DN D but have like a general

Idea I know what happens in DND D I have a general idea but I’m not quite sure how it works that’s what I’m going to do all of us are going to be like um I roll to punch someone in the dick and then I’m just going to be like all right anything

Above a five hits that that’s how it works that is actually how it works yeah good job that’s great have you ever seen have you ever seen Shrek uh great gordus what the [ __ ] what no Shrek shk the movie released in 2001 starring Mike

Myers have you ever seen it um I guess I don’t remember much of it basically there was this ogre and his name was Shrek and I think he picked his name at the beginning because donkey was voiced by Eddie Murphy goes what’s your name and then Shrek says uh Shrek and then

They go and they find this as Princess and she’s in a tower and they save the princess and the princess is like I hate you die and then they save the princess and they go and they stop lord farquad who’s a short guy and uh basically that’s the whole movie

They uh they kiss and the princess turns into an ogre and they all live happily ever after I do know Lord farquad because somebody in my history class or not my history class my uh my English class made a 10 Page Long fanfiction of

Him and Shrek oh my God and read it to the classad and Shrek yeah and read it to the class during my history period uh he he had us all sit in a circle around him and he read the Shrek X Lord farquad fanfiction that he made for our English

Class that’s that’s awesome which by I’m glad there’s so many brilliant Young Writers that was an assignment a homework assignment for our our lesson cuz we had a lesson on fanfiction where my teacher gave us the websites where fanfiction is made she gave us like a

Pad uh link she gave us a link and she gave us an A3 link and then told us to make a fanfiction for homework wow it was traumatizing I look over the person next to me and I see their phone and they were open on their like Google

Or Safari or whatever and they had like 10 tabs of fanfiction open and I opened mine and I turned my phone towards them and I had like 20 open and we just like nodded in solidarity of being [ __ ] weirdo that’s great incredible it was a great

Class if only I had my own fanfiction at that point I would have been like oh yeah look at this fanfiction somebody made of me I’m better than all of you yeah I didn’t have that at the time though no I’m sad I still don’t know

Where a coral is I’m still looking get get on the water use your boat use your buoyancy operatic transport to find it I am not in a drawer of mayonnaise what I don’t think I ever said you were hello you said the buoyant whatever vessel of travel or whatever operated

Aquatic transport yeah that’s a jar of mayonnaise Do You Want to Build a [Laughter] Snowman oh my God bye okay oh I got vbucks I’m great what nice oh God clown got v-bucks from clown are you going to buy are you going to GL are you going to buy Peter Peter Griffin

When he comes out who Spider-Man who no no that’s actually yeah kind of a little bit who huh are you gonna buy Solid Snake when he comes out on fortnite who are you talking about talking about the guy from fortnite fornite characters what’s your favorite fortnite skin clown

Banana peely yeah he’s great that’s pretty great that’s awesome I like peely too yeah I don’t know what you guys are talking about right now I’ve never played we’re talking about we’re talking about I don’t play fortnite either but I know enough to make conversation I know

Enough to make conversation I’m hip I’m I’m cool I’m with the times here this is banana guy from fortnite hold on don’t skin clown no this here this is nobody is skinning clown don’t worry what why did you think we were going to do that waa what no nothing was said there’s

Been full silence for like the past minute guys look it’s it’s the bana fortnite SK oh that’s yeah that’s my favorite fortnite skin I love that I know it’s great great I don’t I don’t see it where did you put it in bullshitters in bullshitters okay hold

On yeah where is bull bullshitters is not showing on my screen I have to scroll up give me a sec terrible oh wait I have to look at bullshitters clown your dog is awesome you’re an awesome dog thank you so much I know he’s great dogs are [ __ ] imagine you imagine if

That could you imagine if that dog had a Gatling gun mounted on his back what the [ __ ] Argie why how cool would that be is that be so cool he would have an accessory he could play with it Chasing Cars doesn’t have to be a dream anymore he can stop them what the

[ __ ] what is this just imagine the future is coming and it’s dog gun what the [ __ ] you know how people say like dog gone they’re actually mispronouncing it it’s dog gun who says dog gun dog G like like Mater Larry the Cable Guy say dog oh dog gone no don’t

Go the dog gone way outside that dog gone shed I tell you what what who’s buying the battle pass me great clown clown did you buy Eminem did you buy Eminem from um guy is he looks weird yeah he does he does yeah is boring are we still talking about

Fortnite right now we we are I’m so confused fortnite fortnite thought there was going to be more to that sentence no fortnite and immediately ended the sentence what did you know that fortnite I did not thank you for name well shut your [ __ ] ass up rgie I didn’t well you should know everything

Don’t shoot at me you’re not a dog you don’t have a gun woof what the [ __ ] clown do you have a gun is that what is that what you’re trying to tell us is that why you woed at us cuz you’re actually secretly a dog with a

Gun no what is that about a cliff spicy silver is going to throw fortnite off a cliff good luck there’s like a million zillion servers and you can’t throw them all off a cliff I don’t think they spell fortnite right desert no they used the original word they used

The wrong weeks yeah which is stupid why the [ __ ] does it fortnite it means two week that’s so [ __ ] stupid what there used to be different words for like regions of spaces of time what well that’s stupid you know what to score is oh yeah that shit’s a music when when Lincoln

Said four scoring seven years ago I don’t know what Abraham Lincoln was what link I don’t think LinkedIn has that on there Lin oh my God Abraham Lincoln had a LinkedIn account somebody find it I need to hire him what light skin what’ you say what

What does Abraham Lincoln have a skin on fortnite I feel like he should he should but he doesn’t he and he should just be like much taller than everyone even though he wasn’t actually that tall and that was a he should have a his hat added to his height they should change

His hit box so his hat is part of it if you shoot him in the Hat he dies just like in real life just like how he actually died people thought he got shot in the back of the head they actually just shot his hat he was actually so so

Intelligent that he was like mega mind his hat his head his brain was like a foot out from his head he was like key Addy Mundy from Star Wars yeah I think you need to go and tell fortnite about all this genius ideas that you have that’s a good point all right let

Me let me email fortnite real quick can we okay fortnite at gmail the the Abraham Lincoln skin but you have to shoot off the hat and it like goes flying off and then underneath the hat is Like A Parasite attached to his head control rolling his movements like

Ratatouille and then you have to kill the parasite and then that’s how you kill the player that’s a good idea yeah his assassination uh took a lot longer than people think yeah What uh anyway clown how was your day yeah that’s great clown did you meet a dog with a gun no see you hesitated there for a second to not believe you he’s said dog and I was like oh I have dogs yeah do they have guns

No dogs are guns clown please your dogs are dangerous no they’re cute you know how some people teach their dog like sit or like sick them I taught my chat that I need to retach it to them I imagine my chat as like a pack of dogs that I have

To sit there and sh you hated dogs I do hate dogs and I hate my chat that’s how this works bark no no no we’re not we’re not you’re not sick of right now stop stop that uh un sick onium unium yeah some people teach their dogs like sium

Or like sit or or play dead I teach my dogs gun and it’s like Pokemon you like go dog use gun and then like pull out a Glock and they shoot your enemy you teach your dog to open Fire clown is getting traumatized they there clown you don’t have to teach your dogs that what if we taught Dogs how to like cook food wouldn’t that be awesome could you imagine a dog taking a knife and cutting up some carrots putting it into a pot taking some water boiling the

Water putting that into a pot making a big old carrot stew and then serving it to a loving family would they do it with their like mouth yeah no they just grow they’d have very humanlike hands with fur all over them and they’d use that they would only

Appear when they were making food then when they were done their hands would morph back into normal like in that one book The more you describe it the like worse it gets in my mind the worse the picture is it’s very concerning I don’t understand what’s concerning about a dog cooking a

Meal for its loving family that seems very heartwarming to me my heart is warmed what the [ __ ] it’s a kind kind gesture and it means a lot it means I would you know I’d be heartwarming if someone if a dog made a meal for me oh

My God that that’s a lot what the [ __ ] sorry there was a lot of men that scared me that’s awesome it was until they all came racing towards me trying to murder me m that’s not awesome what did you just say I said that’s not awesome

Okay cuz they’re try to you and that’s not awesome what did you think was said hold on you’re going to drown SP I spilled my energy drink everywhere no let me just finish it off so I don’t do that again what’s your what’s your energy drink

Brand are you not going to say it cuz you’re not sponsored I thought you were going to say what’s your address yeah where do you live I have a a fun package to send to you don’t ignore the fact that ignore the fact that it’s in the shape of a

Pipe that mean that doesn’t mean anything oh wait my my bed yeah go get it my teeth hurt I don’t like this my teeth hurt you’re dodging the question you probably drank G fuel I bet you do oh right uh no I drink Alanis I’m very open about that I actually

Mention it all the time I really like Alanis they taste like pure [ __ ] sugar they taste like exactly what they’re advertised as they have a caramel apple one I will never shut up about this cuz the first time I had it I swear to God I thought I was going

Insane you drink it and it is like you are biting into a caramel apple you taste the caramel first and then you taste the Apple flavor and the Apple flavor like lingers longer like it is like taking a bite out of a oh damn caramel apple sounds really good right

Now what the [ __ ] I’ve never wanted a caramel apple before I just Googled Allan Allan yeah I drink up Allan all brought me to the official Allen Jackson website who the heck is Allen the [ __ ] look wow what a mustache this guy’s got I think I’m gonna I haven’t listened to

His music in years but I think I’m G to buy tickets to his tour now you give me all oh yeah don’t you have a a a fun tour that you’re taking part of gordius I’m going to a concert yeah which is part of a tour

Usually I’m not going to lie okay so plan a nay helped me get the tickets and I finally like it finally allowed him to transfer them over I am equal parts excited and really depressed because this whole interaction has made me realize that I have no

Friends we have we have an extra ticket because her ex-girlfriend isn’t going with us anymore cuz she’s an ex-girlfriend now and so I have an extra ticket and it’s too late to sell it and so I literally there’s only one person I talk to and he’s a cooworker but he has

Two jobs so he’s busy as [ __ ] so I was like hey what are you doing on like you know day of the concert and he was like oh I’m working at this time and I was like well [ __ ] and he was like why and I was like well I had an extra concert

Ticket and I was going to wonder I was I was going to ask if you wanted to go but you are working during that time he’s like oh yep sucks and I was like God damn it then I was like who else can I ask and I was like [ __ ] that’s the only

Person I talk to and I don’t even talk to him outside of work I have his phone number because he got it from our manager to send me a picture of a piece of cheese in the tortilla station and then proceeded to blame me for it that’s the only reason I have his

Number that’s very it’s a very sad realization but I’m excited for the concert great good for you I’m going with my mom which is an even more sad sentence she big she big fan no she doesn’t know who love joy is oh what’s your favorite song though she doesn’t

Have one I’ve played love jooy songs for her a lot but she never actually like listens to them M terrible yeah this is uh that’s great I’m tempted to ask a classmate cuz they said they liked love joy I bragged about getting concert tickets they’re like I’m jealous and I

Was like you should be I actually said that to their face and I was like [ __ ] maybe I shouldn’t have said it like that no it sounded like I was really serious and I wasn’t I’m lost I don’t know where my house is do you not have a compus or like you

Know what cords your house are at I so the coordinates to my house is actually the the background of my computer but I kind of refuse to look at them because I feel like I can find my way back well that sounds like a you problem then you

Can do it thank you clown this is why you’re my favorite I believe you can close Minecraft real quick and minimize it and just look at the wallpaper real quick I believe you can oh I don’t have to minimize it I can look at it why you’re not the Favorite you get him clown get [ __ ] on Argie I can’t I can’t say that no say anything why did clown just turn into a Coro she yah You Found Me wa can someone draw clown as a little Coto cuz I feel like that fits her very

Well I’m not artistic I could try I’m going to I’m going to draw clown as a little C and let me open up Ms paint real quick yeah I’m about to cook up a masterpiece yeah do it do it what’s your favorite shade of what’s your favorite shade of green

Clown none hey back shoot hi zo that makes this very difficult then oh shoot clown is a very like a brighter green not quite lime green but brighter like sugarcane what yeah that’s good enough soup coming into the chat made me realize that I have like four Tik toks that I just

Haven’t posted yet of my pumpkin Panic video and I just have them they’re almost fully edited I just need to get the subtitles on and I just like forgot about it cuz I got sick just completely forgot I was editing it sick yeah I got sick like two weeks

Ago like two weeks I’m not sick now oh I got sick like a week ago or something like that disappointed post them I’ll post them without the subtitles and then I’ll subtitle them and post them whenever I get subtitles on I was going to try to make longer a

Slight accent there whenever I get subtitles on did I actually you did I keep didn’t hear that okay no me and my coworker keep making like Republican jokes like acting like we’re hardcore Republicans and we get like the weirdest southern accent and and it keeps slipping out into actual conversations that happened

I slipped into like a full Republican southern accent today at work and my cooworker was like what the [ __ ] and I was like I I didn’t mean to do that that’s great gorus I do that I do that sometimes on my stream and I I had

Someone come into my chat and say I was the most patriotic streamer they had ever seen like they couldn’t tell that I was joking kind of concerned me a little bit that like oh gosh should I stop that are people going to think I I think this

Stuff cuz I kept saying like thank God USA greatest nation on Earth baby can you do that for like a full stream please I mean just have that Persona the entire stream I pretty much do oh [ __ ] oh God that’s just [ __ ] funny I don’t know why that’s just C it’s a very

Funny bit to do just pretending you’re like hardcore Republican I don’t know why it’s so funny so many people do that bit and it’s still really [ __ ] funny yeah what I thought you just said the [ __ ] n like the I said no ah damn I said yeah

I said yeah Ario great turned into a Catgirl for a second that was yeah no can we talk about the fact that we’re starting off 2024 with yet another like furry group hacking into the government really that happened earlier this year too in like the beginning of this year something like that happened

It was like a group of fues or like it was like a Minecraft Discord or something like that it was something stupid as [ __ ] and we are starting it off again with the with the furries asking for cat girls which I mean if if I’m allowed to

Say it’s a good idea I think I think that’s um pretty good reason to hack the government to get them to make catg girls I mean 11-year-old me would be so happy I mean I mean yes not not that what I said no yes yeahuh I didn’t I

Didn’t say anything else God I got to be I got to be conscious of that now you’ve brought that to my attention I didn’t realize I that something I do but I I say that a lot I just I only noticed it cuz may did like

The exact same thing the other day she said yeah and like a really I think it was during the recording where Finn thought they met God they she did like almost the exact same thing she said yeah in a way that made her sound like

She was saying yeah and I was like n what the [ __ ] and she was like oh yeah I do that and I was like why and she was like I I don’t know actually and I was like the [ __ ] May that’s great I’m excited for them to

Post that one that was a funny one yakan did you know we breathe air I thought you were going to say did you know on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I was about to feel so betrayed and we we the the grass is green clown sometimes you talk like you’re high and it

Concerns me clown always talks like they’re high I think clown is just like a stoner it wouldn’t surprise me honestly it wouldn’t Sur me either are you a fan of does that even mean s being a stoner did you did you just ask what being a stoner meant no I don’t

Know what that means it means you smoke a lot of weed it means you get high a lot they left the call oh no I mean they do kind of seem like they’d be a stoner you know if if it weren’t for the fact that they’re super

Young yeah I could see them cuz all the Stoners are like super super positive and like upbeat all the time right I could see clown being a stoner when she gets old enough yeah yeah with your when you put your mind to it you can do anything you want to yeah including

Smoking copious amounts of marijuana of marijuana yeah what do cororo look like Coro are you actually trying that I am I am I’m trying to that’s [ __ ] epic oh that is a massive Dongo hey clown how you feeling why is it lopsided you getting hungry getting the

Munchies clown that’s a high thing you get really hungry when you get high they’re called the munchies you’re going to make clown leave again I I got to inform her that I’m making a high joke so she doesn’t like say it later sometimes I think she’s joking

Whenever she does the whole like super innocent and then sometimes I’m like maybe she just has not been corrupted by the internet yet and I’m still back and forth on that one I don’t know if she’s joking or not how do I draw a clown’s face on a cororo

Leaf what I’m drawing you as a cororo as was requested I’m doing an MS paint so it looks really good I it’s going to be fantastic Ario Grady yeah thanks thanks I have this thing where I have to say people’s like full usernames and it started with just big YouTubers because

I it kind of gives me the ick if people when they’re talking about like Phils of Minecraft just say Phil it feels parasocial in my mind which is really weird cuz I’m fine with yeah it’s weird though cuz I’m fine with people calling me gourd that doesn’t feel parasocial at

All but as soon as somebody calls Phils of Minecraft Phil or just filza I’m like hey hey no his name is filza Minecraft you put some damn respect on that name and it like extended out to like Wilbur suot and like Tommy in it and tubo some

People call him [ __ ] his actual name some people on the internet that are just fans will call him Toby and I’m like that’s [ __ ] disgusting stop that that’s weird that is weird but it is now like spread to Finn solley I can’t say just Finn I have to say Finn soy I got

To say archo Grady I gotta say beef man I I don’t say chaotic clown because clown is like my God little sister that’d be weird you guys called me a what did you just Google what a stoner was I messed up did you I thought she meant she like

Googled what a COK was and I was like why are you freaking out it’s not that bad a St messed up did I messed up well what did Google tell you A Stoner meant yeah sounds about right clown it’s it’s okay we didn’t we didn’t mean it we mean you have Stoner potential

No not now you’re too young clown I wouldn’t do that no you want to do that clown no I said I wouldn’t do that I wouldn’t do that you can’t right now maybe when you’re older I’m not doing that I’m not we’ll meet up in real life and I’ll give you a joice

Clown turns 21 IRL [ __ ] smoking Stream great idea it’s like how in days of your people would do like oh I I ate Edibles and I built Legos live on stream that’s a great idea when I turn 21 I’m going to [ __ ] do that that that sounds amazing get high and then make Legos

What’s up speaking of Legos did you know there’s a fortnite and Lego collab going on did know that that I saw and I and it looks stupid wow you don’t like it dumb wow strong opinion exessive why do you not like it because I was waiting an hour to

Get fortnite and it doesn’t even look like s they’re there clown they’re there Chad this looks so cool look at that [ __ ] that looks epic I mean are you in fortnite now no but if I get in and it’s probably going to be another hour so it’s I’m

Just not no you could always play Apex Legends instead that’s true the better the better uh what is it called Battle Royale Battle Royale I have like on there I was playing Apex last night for the first time in a million years and Ur to me first time in

Forever exactly Arie do we need to do an apex stream together absolutely I’d be down [ __ ] love Apex it’s such a fun game I used to do a lot of Apex like alt streams like that one time we played mhm I kicked your ass you did not yeah we played it was

You me and and bean that was I was because I wasn’t on the Xbox okay I’m great on the Xbox uhhuh uh-huh I will say playing on the Xbox I played uh Apex on my mom’s box one day [ __ ] is so much easier I was [ __ ] destroying people

Cuz of the a assist aist maybe I’m actually not good and it’s just the Xbox maybe it’s just the a that’s okay that’s all right being good with a assist is better than being bad with a assist it’s true so that’ be probably a huger accomplishment than being good with it

That’ be impressive that would be really impressive to be [ __ ] with the aesis clown what the [ __ ] clown are you okay there buddy no and they muted what they’ve died I think so I think somebody knocked at their door and it scared them cuz I heard a knock we’re gathered here today

To mourn the loss of chaotic uncore clown will missed there is an underscore yeah oh I uh I apparently don’t know their name whoops you should feel ashamed I should you feel so much shame I should that’s maybe I am lost um H hello if only there were a quick and convenient

Way to get your it’s Christmas now let’s go yeah Reese’s hell yeah oh no I was going to get a blizzard tonight from like Dairy Queen cuz I want ice cream right now I’m in a [ __ ] terrible mood and I just want cold sweet [ __ ] right now

I so good they’re so good what blizzards are so good they are I agree I’m sad they don’t have the pumpkin pie one anymore cuz it’s Christmas which tastes delicious by the way I highly recommend it it’s fantastic not only for cannibalistic reasons but just the fact that it’s really tasty

All right tastes like pumpkin pie and it has really crunchy bits in it and it’s textured and I like it God damn it now I want a blizzard my [ __ ] tooth hurts though I don’t know why what’s that one game called again fortnite fortnite no DND D no

Minecraft no Terraria that’s good one no Apex is a good game no OverWatch give us a hint give us gate what’s the je yeah describe it to us in detail weird hi starting with the title started I don’t know what the title is battle block oh I got to play battle

Block theater I forgot about that I have that game still I need to find play Castle Crashers earlier today it was it was a throwback it’s that one game where um uhhuh Heyday is it a mobile game no I have to pay money pay money is it like a pay to

Win or you have to pay money to play it to buy it C clicker Cookie Clicker pay to play that’s a lot of games a lot of games you have to pay to play them yeah I think it’s how economy works is it though is it really a little bit

Or is that just what the government is tricking us to believe so that we have to pay our money oh my gosh you might be right maybe we got to go back to bartering I think we have to go back to the Dark Ages I don’t even know what it

Is I think we got to Nuke the world and the N dinosaurs what if Fallout were real make Fallout real you know what we should do I told my editor this um we should we should get dinosaurs bring the dinosaurs back and then like release all

Of them not not like jurasic Park style but like just fully release all of them okay and watch and see if humans live like you know with them peacefully like an ark or some [ __ ] or if the dinosaurs just [ __ ] take over and if the dinosaurs take over then humans just go

Extinct and the world is back to how it was with just dinosaurs everywhere I think that’s a great idea for what we should do with the world you know reverse it back in time it’s the scary game that we’re supposed to play the game today lethal company compy that you could have just

Said we were playing it tonight and both of us would have gotten it immediately oh yeah I have to buy it and download it still I haven’t what if I don’t have money then I’m just going to you don’t have money money to buy it

No I don’t work oh hold on I just beg from allowances it’s fine hold on mother oh I know how to do this I’ll add a party hat that’ll that’ll make it Clearer add to C yeah wait what is adding the cart does that mean it’s just cool and you can look at it hold on I got this yeah getting ready for you to buy it oh no I I oh what what I got to make sure this isn’t

Showing on my screen this is probably like not a good idea hold on I was SC steam earlier let’s go and I was appalled by how I was like man that is literally all of my personal information just there wild bro you know what happened uh am my Alexa never

Mind a one time leaked my address while I wow there was one time I also leaked my address I opened up Amazon to show chat this cool little like orange lamp that looked like a person and it just fully showed my address wow I’ve doxed myself a lot that’s

Awesome couldn’t be mistake oh my God are you okay clown how was that so loud what the heck was that no can I decline your gift you can but I wouldn’t recommend declining my gift I just want to give you a game wait what happens if I decline your

Gift do you get your money back uh I’m actually not sure I’ve never been declined oh my God penis very short small one I feel bad why because I don’t want you to buy me stuff but but then you wouldn’t have it you wouldn’t be able to play it it’s

Fine you already agreed to play with us tonight you locked into a contract I don’t even remember what the other one was that I bought you look up if you decline a gift do you get the money back you do yes you do wait really yes I wouldn’t recommend it though say

No no never mind no that it burns all their money it sends it directly going to be a stream on on you know personally Steve God damn it Steve [ __ ] hate that dude hate that guy why is he still alive why are we allowing that right these should be taken for

Hostage for six helicopters and $ 2.58 million and10 oh you you knocked the number down interesting yeah it’s back down it’s still higher than my original number but back down okay maybe I Do I don’t want to decline it I’m just going to look at it for 20 years okay well eventually it’s going to make you accept it or decline it really yeah when when is going to do that uh in a few days oh let’s go here that’s fine I’ll

Just I’ll just stare at it what if oh wow I am really far away um [ __ ] what if you just accept it that’s a thought I feel bad it’s a good idea why do you feel bad because I don’t money bad yes money is not bad no

No no no no no we need that me like I don’t money is good money is the root of all good okay what about this clown if I buy it for you that means that I get to play it with you tonight instead of you not playing with us which is bad that’s

Not not what we want we have been talking about hanging out recently and this is this is mutual benefits right here clown I’m I’m benefiting from you taking the game so if you think about it it’s not a gift I’m doing this for my own gain which means it’s really selfish of

You gourd it is it’s a Christmas gift that’s a good yeah it’s a good yeah sure it’s a Christmas gift that was I hate Christmas I’m declining noas no you’re a Christmas tree you can’t hate Christmas I celebrate Hanukkah [Laughter] die what the [ __ ] that must have been a good one I

Guess Ian you don’t have to stay up it might turn into a YouTube video I don’t know I’ve had a lot of good streams lately so I’m kind of like struggling to figure out which one I’m turning into a YouTube video you know so lethal company

Might be chatter uh oh you’re muted I was muted uh now I’m not awful what’s up oh you were you were talking to your chat unbelievable yeah I was I was directly talking about one comment that they made and I was answering it awful can somebody like get

A wheel on if I should accept this gift or not or something a wheel chat what do you think we’ll do pure pressure yes or no flip a coin sure what Alexa stop I’m Sor playing a song Alexa is just saying their full address right now Alexa goes in order to

Say yes or no I need to say your full address and make sure it’s correct clown chat says to accept it so peer pressure I officially getting rid of my Alexa did it yep no no no just it did it dox you no almost government spy government spy whoever sent food in

Media I [ __ ] hate you cuz that looks delicious and you have made me realize that I’m really [ __ ] hungry right now [ __ ] you who is it I think it’s Haley Haley if you’re still here go [ __ ] yourself I hate you right yeah it’s his number one favorite trial that means it’s Haley how

Do I send people messages on steam see you go to their profile and you boom Steam support your gift has been accepted POG now I have to buy it for myself cuz I actually still have not bought it okay let me just scream at you well

Don’t do that you just say what a hipster no I said what a hypocrite are you a hipster gourd you do you eat at burger restaurants where there’s like metal wall metal uh benches and really bad lighting and all the burgers are $20 each without toppings I just want to say

That I spell all those words right that’s good I’m trying To this is man I don’t even know what game it is lethal company yeah but I don’t know what it does um plays the game lethal company I don’t know I’ve seen Clips so I’ve seen like three Clips um there’s slimes which look adorable there’s exploding and then there’s these

Cockroaches that dance at you e or something like that oh I don’t we’ll figure it out we’ll it’s it’s we’ll figure it out is it a horror game yes oh fun it’s the corporate world that’s horror enough uh oh oh God it’s capitalism is it it’s in your library it’s lying to me

It’s gaslighting me it’s gas I don’t have it it should be in your library or look it uh look it up or something like search it if it’s not in your library what is this Among Us what do you mean vote okay Among Us and vented voting that’s so real it’s so

True I can’t say the words Among Us without thinking of I heard the word I know it’s poisoned me it’s awful it’s great Among Us please sponsor me no don’t sponsor me team up with me make me into a marketable plush Among Us please I want to be a marketable FL oh yeah

Tweeting at somebody oh my gosh asking to be marketable I’m going to hold on I’m going to Tweet at Among Us right now I’m going to go please make me into a marketable Among Us plushy Market me market me Among Us okay where is you’re not showing up I need to show

Chat this as I tweet this Out all right at Among Us uh please make me into a marketable Among Us plushy marketable please Market me I’m going to DM them DM them after after tweeting at them for the memes oh I can’t oh I can’t I want to message them probably shouldn’t be showing my

DMs message I can’t message them why can’t I message them Among Us let me message you why won’t you let Among Us please I want to be a marketable plush I’m going to like this this this is my my uh emote artist I found well my mom found

I had this binder in like Elementary School in like fifth grade of drawings that friends gave me and a lot of them were like almost slightly disturbing cat Comics that my best friend and her little sister made me that did involve eating people like a lot awesome it was awesome it’s like the

Weirdly the most wholesome and terrifying thing ever and I have like all 70 of them saved in a binder but I also have so my emote artist I found them because they’re actually a childhood friend of mine and I got back in touch with them through W

Pad sad I texted I had their brother like saved on my wad and I was like hey this is you know gordius from you know State we used to live in together uh can I get emote artists watpad page CU I need to text them uh

And I found their their watpad page and I was like hey it’s me and they’re like oh that’s cool what are you up to and I was like I’m a streamer and I’m like what are you up to they’re like I’m an artist and I was like oh epic and I

Asked for their Instagram and then I was not being slick at all I went on to my personal Instagram and I text them I was like Hey do you do like emotes and they were like yeah and I was like cool I have this friend that needs Emotes right and I went I was like I’m going to I’m going to send them your information and they were like yeah cool that’s awesome and then I went on my gordus account and I texted them and I was like hey um oo I just got really

Laded what the [ __ ] I was like hey yeah my my friend sent me your information for emotes I’m totally not the same person and they were like yeah okay cool I have no idea if they just went along with it or if they like I don’t know if

They saw through me or not but they haven’t mentioned anything about me being the same person but they have mentioned to me that they went onto my stream and they got a jump scare cuz I was talking about them that’s pretty funny so that me right now they probably

Know that I was just really really bad at pretending to be two different people but I found the binder and it has a couple drawings that they made me and I just sent them pictures on my personal account cuz I’m I’m not outing myself I

Don’t know if they know and if they do I’m just going to keep pretending I’m going keep pretending I’m not the same person I don’t know if I sound any different but maybe I sound different enough they’re like oh that’s totally not the person I spent like two years

With that’s I yeah crazy of course not I’m not very slick I don’t know what I was doing that wasn’t very slick at all okay I tried to do the peace sign for the cororo but cororo don’t have fingers I just realized that so I got to

Erase all my work they don’t have fingers pink sheep they’re just little stubby people they don’t have opposable thumbs they’re subhuman that’s [ __ ] up man he a little leaf man alone they’re I mean they’re not human oh my God neither is like most of the people in the Zelda franchise that’s

True that’s true you know what you’re right my God you’re right actually none of them are none of them are human true Link and Zelda are no they’re helan they’re different oh [ __ ] I guess you’re right yeah would the humans be the the I was going to say slaves that’s not

Oh my God the sub Helen I don’t know what I don’t even know what the phrases I don’t know what you’re trying to say I don’t know either oh those horses just went down and sank that was [ __ ] freaky yeah don’t mind me murdering you just keep timber you better move you better

Dance uh let’s make a night you won’t remember I almost went to a Pitbull concert once it’s my greatest regret that I didn’t I can’t believe you like had that opportunity and then just decided nah I know that is people the people I was going to go with are like

Oh actually we can’t cuz of like scheduling things you’re just gone by myself you shut up that’s such a I’m so disappointed in you as a human being yeah I know I my human card invoked country we didn’t we were singing We were singing Timber by kimra wa no it’s

Not kimra Kesha Pitbull and Kesha yes K dollar sign ha what that is like the Furthest Thing from Country that you can get that was very much like pop music your body round and around just sneeze do it don’t let your dreams be dreams why do you sound so aggressive I

Turned off my microphone because it’s necessary that’s good that’s good holy [ __ ] I don’t know why I just got so lightthe headed okay my Reeses are almost gone all right we’re staying lost chat we’re leaving this very anticlimactic end but I’ve just realized I’m really hungry and I’m apparently getting very lightheaded

Which is not positive my God speaking of lethal company people are playing lethal company famous people does that mean we’re famous finished yes it does yes my goodness yeah let me do the beef man thing where he puts a big old triangle in the background of

It wait you done with it I’m done I’m done with it hang on put the triangle on the background though I will I will hang on we’ll we’ll show it to stream before I end yes let chat have my my passion fros I just have to keep

In enforcing the point that I made this in Ms paint so it’s not to the best of its uh potential that’s why definitely not no other reasons no other reason I am an artist okay absolutely a good one we don’t know we don’t know but definitely an artist of

Sorts yes of sorts for sure okay crop this so this looks nice nice some nice there we go yeah that’s an image objective objectively an image it’s an image yes for sure okay save as um clown Rock oh yeah put that in in the folder labeled my stuff all right let’s put this

Here I’m scared there you go there it is there put my out art out into the world it’s beautiful oh my God okay that’s not what I was expecting it’s not or are you expecting there’s only so much you can get from clown as a cororo chat what are

We thinking about that isn’t it gorgeous I did I did my very best there’s the F there’s only so there’s only so many things you could do to turn a Koro into chaotic clown what is that am I a bug I’m taking it everybody everybody loves it this is great A

Chaotic clown that’s just concerning clown what the [ __ ] you think oh my God that’s why is it like the anime oh my godz it’s Clown’s profile picture Kirby enthusiasm just came on at the perfect time this song always comes out on the perfect time to mock people oh wait am I an

Apple you’re a cororo Google Google what a cororo is k r o k on I’m going to end the stream how I spell That chat chat thank you all so much for coming we are ending it after that um I will see you all later thank you so much for joining have a wonderful rest of your day chat goodbye goodbye Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Super Epic Hardcore Minecraft Epicness LIVE! So cool’, was uploaded by GreatGourdius on 2023-12-03 01:10:49. It has garnered 44 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:11 or 7331 seconds.



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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft, where we bring you the latest updates and highlights from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “😺 Первые шаги в MINECRAFT! Новичок в Майнкрафт день 2. Minecraft.Vegas. Первая База в Майнкрафте.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft adventures to the next level by joining a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast, player-driven world where every decision you make shapes the outcome. On Minewind, you’ll encounter a vibrant community of fellow players, each… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server

    Unleash Your Inner Adventurer on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we have a thrilling story to share with you that might just pique your interest in joining a new Minecraft server. In a recent YouTube video titled “Someone Cracked The Cipher | Monster Marauder Part 5,” adventurers on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a groundbreaking discovery. After deciphering a mysterious code found on a remote island, they uncovered the words “Crimson Keep.” This revelation has sparked a frenzy among players worldwide, as they flock to the town of Crimson… Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Unlock Endless Adventures: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How to Make a Nether Portal in Minecraft.” While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put your newfound portal-making skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of venturing into the Nether with your friends from all around the world, exploring new realms, battling dangerous mobs, and discovering hidden treasures. Minewind offers a unique and exciting multiplayer… Read More

  • Discover a New Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover a New Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible Minecraft build walkthrough on YouTube titled “Awen – Fantasy Minecraft Build Walkthrough.” The dedication and creativity showcased in this video are truly inspiring. Imagine being part of a community where players come together to create such awe-inspiring builds like Awen. Well, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind is a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world gather to unleash their creativity and build amazing structures. With a focus on survival gameplay, Minewind offers a unique and challenging experience that will keep you hooked… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes!

    FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes! Unlock the NEW Minecraft Tiktok Cape for FREE! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a stylish new cape to your collection? Look no further! The latest addition to the Minecraft cape lineup is the Tiktok Cape, and the best part is, you can get it for free in under 2 minutes. Follow the steps below to claim your very own Minecraft Tiktok Cape: Step 1: Download Bluestacks Before you can redeem your Minecraft Tiktok Cape, you’ll need to download Bluestacks, an Android emulator that allows you to run mobile apps on your computer. Head over to Bluestacks… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome gamers! Are you looking for a new Minecraft server to join and explore? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. The possibilities are endless on Minewind! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today and start your journey on the Minewind server! Server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET Read More

  • Building a Modded Minecraft Starter House on KRYPCRAFT

    Building a Modded Minecraft Starter House on KRYPCRAFTVideo Information all right y’ welcome back to the modded let’s play series this is episode two of the modded let’s play series um quick recap of yesterday we basically started the series and we found an area that we were going to set up to start building our house in our first base so we went to a couple little places like um these like jaanese Towers in a village and I think even like a villager or Pillager Outpost yeah that’s pretty much the general gist of what we did in the first episode um I’m thinking this… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival SMP Server With Lifesteal in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Survival SMP Server With Lifesteal in Minecraft!Video Information मैं तो आ ही गया हूं बस आ ही रहा हूं थंबनेल बना के आओ भाई सबको लाइव ससी अबे ऑन हो जा ये क्या बात हो भाई आ अबे चू तभी रुक जाओ भाई अरे तो मैं लाइव हूं साले तुम लाइव हो अच्छा अब अभी जस्ट किया आज जल्दी कर देगा ठीक है भाई जा जा ऑन हो जा क्या त हेलो गेमर अ वेलकम ट्रीम अलाम वालेक वालेक सलाम अभ अभन सिं वेलकम ू स्ट्रीम म गेम वेलकम ू स्ट्रीम क्या हैरर कन नॉट कनेक्ट ह लाइव हो रहा तुमको कि नहीं हो रहा येय… Read More

  • INSANE 1v1 PvP in Minemen Bedwars #Minecraft

    INSANE 1v1 PvP in Minemen Bedwars #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minemen clip #24 #minecraft #minemen #bedwars’, was uploaded by Alphacus on 2024-02-10 22:26:25. It has garnered 2524 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Read More

  • Master the Impossible Minecraft Golf Trickshot!

    Master the Impossible Minecraft Golf Trickshot!Video Information today my friends and I are going to be playing golf in Minecraft we have to hit the ball into the hole with as few Strokes as possible whoever comes in last place has to eat an entire cup of dog food no yo boys welcome back to golfing wow it’s Minecraft wa all the way into the hole boys it should be pretty easy you know okay as you can see on the top right there’s some sort of time limit I I guess we got to make the shot in within there no I just bounced… Read More

  • Darkness Consumes Me 💀 POV – wige #shorts

    Darkness Consumes Me 💀 POV - wige #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV It’s Getting Dark 💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 17:00:17. It has garnered 474 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and I would… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Decorating Hacks! #viralshorts

    Insane Minecraft Decorating Hacks! #viralshortsVideo Information [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Decorating thing in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Ehan0069 on 2024-02-19 11:44:46. It has garnered 387 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Decorating thing in Minecraft #minecraft #viral #shorts , #gaming , #gamer , #ps , #playstation , #videogames , #game , #xbox , #games , #twitch , #fortnite , #pc , #memes , #pcgaming , #gamers , #gamingcommunity , #youtube , #xboxone , #gamergirl , #nintendo , #gta , #callofduty , #streamer , #follow , #pubg , #videogame , #esports , #meme… Read More


    🔥 CRAZY! SIR HORSE DIES IN MINECRAFT WITH VIEWERS 🐎🔥Video Information all right there we go let me just make sure everything’s working my Minecraft skin is still broken but it is what it is still got to figure out why it’s doing thato hope you’re all having a good day so far I’m also testing out some new music today so hi Kurt hello uh Cooper bye Kurt hi am of you’re still here as well as a donor hi mkw [Music] waterer hi Rosie you hate uh pry math game not sure I’ve ever played that one by a mad cat he has everyone’s uh day so… Read More

  • INSANE! Lya’s EPIC fails in making friends on Minecraft

    INSANE! Lya's EPIC fails in making friends on MinecraftVideo Information pugno di d’amicizia Ah ok va bene No no no quel pugno di amicizia E vabbè era un pugno un po’ più forte Dai se volete salite di sopra perché sennò qua non vi sento Non ho una grande perdita dopo tutto tranquilla ci penso io no ho sbagliato un po’ conel ris con forn CR This video, titled ‘COME NON FARE AMICIZIA SU MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Lya on 2024-02-18 20:00:03. It has garnered 4240 views and 229 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. HOW NOT TO MAKE FRIENDS ON MINECRAFT. 😂… Read More

  • Brabantia factions roleplay bedrock economy sports league youtube lore gods

    Welcome to a New World of Factions and Kingdoms! Join us in a unique rp experience with over 60 players, featuring immersive lore and 8 distinct kingdoms. Each kingdom is tied to a special ring, shaping the story based on your ambitions and goals. Example Story and Lore: Discover a world where rings determine destinies: Three rings for the kings of man, legends of power. Two rings for the elves, balancing harmony and loyalty. One ring for the dwarfs, shining in moonlight. One ring for the half-elves, promising prosperity. And the last mortal ring, a half-orc torn between light and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Creepers when you forget torches: 🤨🤨”

    Wow, this meme scored higher than my last math test! Read More

  • Minecraft: Burning Up with Laughter! 🔥😂

    Minecraft: Burning Up with Laughter! 🔥😂 “When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re stuck outside like a noob.” #minecraftproblems #minecraftfail #nooblife 😂🏠🚪 Read More

  • Skyblock Shenanigans: Bridges & Deaths (Ep 2)

    Skyblock Shenanigans: Bridges & Deaths (Ep 2) Minecraft Skyblock Let’s Play – Bridges and Deaths Galore [Ep 2] Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft Skyblock in this action-packed episode filled with bridges, daring stunts, and unexpected twists. Join our fearless protagonist as they navigate the challenges of this unique gameplay mode with wit and determination. Building Bridges and Facing Challenges As the episode unfolds, our protagonist showcases their creative side by constructing a bridge that may not be straight but certainly adds character to the landscape. However, as is often the case in Minecraft, a misstep leads to a sudden fall and… Read More

  • 🍌Parotter’s Memorys🍌 – Epic Axolotl Minecraft ANIME😂

    🍌Parotter's Memorys🍌 - Epic Axolotl Minecraft ANIME😂Video Information he [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 it what it eat now eat now [Music] eat 10 – 3 equals huh 10 – 3 [Music] no p p o o k k e e m m o o n n Pokémon singana [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 3 + 7 equals yeah 3 + 7 oh my God [Music] No sal7 1 + 2 equals 1 + 2 [Music] ah [Music]… Read More

  • Revolutionary Minecraft Update?

    Revolutionary Minecraft Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘New structure in minecraft? 🗣️🛖🪄’, was uploaded by Nomis180 on 2024-03-14 16:00:26. It has garnered 12669 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. time travel glitch in minecraft (working) 🗿🪄💯 Subscribe and like for more high quality videos lol #minecraft #memes #shorts minecraft, minecraft meme, dog minecraft memes, memes, meme, cursed, cursed song, Where is my mind song meme, cursed minecraft, timelaps meme, hypixel meme, skibidi toilet meme, minecraft but, minecraft trolled, minecraft dog died, minecraft dog taming, minecraft funny, funny, minecraft tnt, minecraft explosion, minecraft megabuild hypixel,… Read More

  • 🔥 INTENSE Minecraft Hardcore Restart! #1

    🔥 INTENSE Minecraft Hardcore Restart! #1Video Information oh today we’re gonna be building okay jokes aside I have I kind of have to start a new uh world so basically I have a new phone so I’m going to show what I was doing before I’m I was going I’m I switched already I love so much how cap cut works I I missed it so much oh my [Music] goodness so down here I was making a tunnel just to like go to this dark oak forest that’s not too far I also got so many ores yeah you can see how much Cobblestone… Read More

  • Dadzilla’s EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Start! Easy Starter House Build Near Village! Ep 1

    Dadzilla's EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Start! Easy Starter House Build Near Village! Ep 1Video Information well hey there everybody it’s dadosaur here it has been a minute we’re going to go ahead and start off a new world we’re going to do a hardcore World here we’ll just give it the name um kind of a kind of an Acron an acronym for Dad zillur we change to hardcore uh we’re just going to do a random seed we’re not changing anything else so let’s go ahead and uh generate one and see what happens yeah now I’m not sure what the uh wisdom of starting a world right now is as we… Read More


    EPIC NARUTO GAMER DESTROYS MINECRAFT PVP 💥 #Gaming VidsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT POJAV LAUNCHER CRYSTAL PVP #gaming #gamingvideos #MANISH_969 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by NARUTO GAMER 😎 on 2024-01-26 06:51:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. please like and share also subscribe gyes happy republic day. Read More


    🔥 PAPU'S INSANE MINECRAFT MOB HUMOD MOD!!! 😳🚀Video Information वेलकम टू आवर न्यू वीडियो गाइस तो आज का हमारा मोड होने वाला है जानवरों को इंसानों में कन्वर्ट करने वाला यह देखिए स्पाइडर क्या ही मस्त लग रहा है बाकी के एनिमल्स भी देखते हैं आसपास देखलो कोई एनिमल तो नहीं है वो रहा बेबी काओ यह देख कितनी मस्त लग रही है गाइस बिल्कुल ह्यूमन के जैसे चल रही है दो पैरों पर क्या ही एनिमेशन बनाए हैं यह देखिए यहां पर और कोई मोब अरे गाइस वो रहा पिग और पिग भी क्या मस्त लग रहा है बिल्कुल ह्यूमन की तरह चल रहा है देखिए… Read More

  • LIVE: The Music Boy EXPLODES Minecraft World

    LIVE: The Music Boy EXPLODES Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream | The Music Boy’, was uploaded by The Music Boy on 2024-02-18 15:41:31. It has garnered 1210 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:24 or 9864 seconds. Minecraft Live Stream | The Music Boy Vishal Peripherals Discord Use Promocode “MUSICBOY” and Get Rs.500/- off on ur Purchase “Retail stores in Hyderabad (CTC, Parklane, Ameerpet), Vijayawada & Vishakhapatnam, and an Online Store.” Join To Become A Member Of The Music Boy Discord: Support And Make Our Channel To Reach 15000 Subscribers Leave A Like And Comment If… Read More

  • 🚨Rank Giveaway! Come Snipe with SoapMC LIVE

    🚨Rank Giveaway! Come Snipe with SoapMC LIVEVideo Information [Music] hello hello bro chat I literally cannot hear anything there we go that’s so weird um my like I can’t hear like the blocks being placed or whatever um how’s everybody doing man what’s up John we’re na3 bro my dog can you guys hear my dog why can’t I like hear myself like stepping like it feels so like am I wrong dude this is so like weird not being able to hear anything I can make the door stretch I can’t see finish um yeah I don’t know I do not know happy Easter Yol… Read More

  • SKGamer Discovers Mind-Blowing Minecraft World 😮

    SKGamer Discovers Mind-Blowing Minecraft World 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How about Minecraft: Infinite Horizons 😮’, was uploaded by SKGamer on 2024-05-12 06:19:33. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. How about Minecraft: Infinite Horizons 😮 “Minecraft: Infinite Horizons” is an expansive modpack that redefines the boundaries of creativity and exploration within the Minecraft universe. Featuring a vast array of new biomes, creatures, and challenges, players embark on an endless journey across diverse landscapes, from lush forests to barren deserts and beyond. With innovative gameplay mechanics and immersive storytelling, this modpack offers endless possibilities… Read More

  • XMC SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 WHITELIST 18+ Bedrock VR Experimental

    Welcome to XMC Community! XMC is a dedicated community of players who love the vanilla Minecraft experience. The server uses server-side mods to enhance gameplay without breaking vanilla compatibility. Opening Date: XMC will officially open on Friday, May 24. Join our testing server to try out some builds and apply here. Features: Proximity-based voice chat mod (optional) Webmap – Preview our world Various vanilla+ additions: Mob & Player Head Drops Renewable resources Quick crop replanting Quick leaf decay Bedrock client support Experimental Features Enabled – Early access to Crafter and Trial Chambers Server Specs and Performance: Processor: Ryzen 9 5950x… Read More

  • 🌌 Welcome to AstroRealms – Your Ultimate Space-Themed Minecraft Adventure! 🌌

    🌌 Welcome to AstroRealms - Your Ultimate Space-Themed Minecraft Adventure! 🌌Are you ready to embark on a galactic journey like no other? Join AstroRealms, a unique space-themed Minecraft server where each game mode is a different planet waiting to be explored! Our hub is a futuristic space station that connects you to various immersive worlds.🛡️ Middle School Lifesteal 🛡️Experience the thrill of Lifesteal SMP with our custom core plugin crafted in-house! Engage in intense PvP battles, eliminate players to steal their hearts, and rise to dominance. But beware – lose all your hearts and face a temporary ban. Fear not, as fellow players can revive you using a Revive Beacon,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Can’t Touch This Pig King 😎

    Minecraft Memes - Can't Touch This Pig King 😎Not even close! That pig has way more swag than you do with that crown. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Ultimate Super Smelter Guide – Endless Fuel Hack!

    Ultimate Super Smelter Guide - Endless Fuel Hack! The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter: A Game-Changer in Minecraft Introduction In the latest Minecraft update, a revolutionary super smelter has taken the gaming world by storm. The Light Speed V3 Super Smelter, part of the Light Speed series, is now faster and more efficient than ever before. Connected to a new duper for a fuel system, this smelter can fill up furnaces in just 10 seconds, making it 2x faster than its predecessors. Key Features Unique Design: Designed by Ender Cuber, the new duper connected to the super smelter offers a unique and innovative design. Enhanced Speed: Utilizing… Read More