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All right here we go I’m going to turn off these things we’re about to check out I’m a little bit late obviously because I was away for the holidays they released the download on the 25th but we’re going to check out hermitcraft 9 so yeah we’re going to just be looking

At some some of the ridiculous there we go there’s the music I’ve been waiting for the music to appear because I did turn it off we’re just going to check out some of the cool builds we’re going to definitely play some decked out obviously uh let me know if I need to

Turn the music down but let’s see what is this Cub fans Ender Chest oh heyo look at that we got stuff use Cubs things Cubs guide Season what we got anything anything necessary fireworks Yes all right guide to Cubs coordinates and builds okay so this is like Cub stuff okay uh well let’s put this on and let’s see do I have yes I do have a map does it fill in it fills In God this world is amazing uh I don’t even know what what should we look at first got look at scarland over there okay well let’s just uh let’s just see what we got fly up this is spawn Village it looks like and we got pies is this beef this is beefs isn’t

It beef’s tiny little house beef’s house Yep very impressive build actually for a small scale interior I like this armor stand pillows very good if there’s lag uh there’s not really much I can do about about that because this map is insane and you know obviously was being uh run by a very powerful server not by one computer

So oh we got beef wool stuff what is this if K not allowed but cake is you made any profits hey there are some Profits and this was where he like literally started the little a hole in the cave let actually we got some stuff still here Easter eggs very good uh let’s see want head over towards scars scars is here oh my Goodness just look at this the mattr the mattress Store oh my God the panda heads I forgot about the panda Heads you looking for a custom bed and mattress nice did he ever actually use this did he do did he like did anyone actually order this service I can’t even remember I love these these flowers that that do the particle effect stuff very good the cherry blossom doing making

Cherry blossom trees before it was cool this is the uh yeah like the cookie factory or whatever mineart going along this guy supposed to be here empty barrels of course and you walk right out into Zuma’s like Wasteland look at this tree love how he has these hanging lamps I need to do stuff like that and I think it goes without saying that uh scars trees are Next Level where’s the entrance to this is there an entrance yes here we go got the whole interior as well oh

God these are going to be everywhere aren’t they didn’t have a hoe no thank you to that well maybe I’ll collect them did this ever have a bell in it this is like a clock right pter nice bed of course secret chest monster attic God what how does he have so much

Like this is this is like the scar way like he just I’m pretty sure this is all from like his end raing right he just end raids to no to to no end ha um in order to get his Shuler boxes and he just ends up with so much like extra gear C

Nice enchanting area I don’t think it works though does it surely not the bookcases aren’t like in the right place I don’t even know where I am now how do you get out of here I’m lost there’s more shers I don’t even know where that one was Green’s weird weird starter

Base a vain attempt to be organized take a fly up here look at this craziness like the alien abducting this whatever it is this is part of the April fools wasn’t it what does this say or Joel clue too you found it well done it’s time to

Go far hide behind a hidden door in the land of ckar look for the red and don’t be a a boore uh your next clue lies there behind the big that must be from the Empire’s crossover don’t know what it means oh my God BDubs we we got to go towards

BBS yeah Cleo’s little base here this looks like it was never actually finished looks pretty cool though I like the uh statues all the Hermits is like they’ve been turned into stone but look at this dude like come on this is uh King Ren’s original original turn room we’ve got the Vinyl Countdown

Trophy what’s this drops you on the bridge look at this just this s little area where it’s like crumbled off and there’s like moss gr everywhere and you get in here and it’s just like dude the like pipes and stuff here not all finished of course got the

Uh whatever this is the main hall giant stacks of stuff these weird machines I love when beat ups does these weird machines they’re really good the bed of course licking just you know some some of the like rarest blocks in the game stone diamond just sitting there like it’s

Nothing isn’t there some kind of like water dripping thing here or am I going crazy thought sure that he had some water that was supposed to be dripping down maybe not a lot of these areas look kind of dark seem a little dangerous oh my goodness iby looming in the distance a good

Screenshot scarland over there ah the horses of course a horse of course oh yeah and this where he made like the fake like it’s a waterfall with but not actual water I mean this is like the kind of stuff that’s like just Next Level Ridiculousness I don’t have a bed

Did Cub have a bed that I should have grabbed or no uh hologram is gone random paintings world does look pretty cool at night as well I bet there’s a bed in here actually store stuff in here this is nuts like the the I don’t know

How bebs could live this way where like where everything’s like vertical and like storage is all in different rooms but it’s pretty neat let me sleep here spare beds music discs it’s got like multiple sets of all the music discs oh my God I mean I guess there is a farm for that

He’s got the Vinyl Countdown as well think I’ll be taking this bed with me I want to be able to sleep in other places let’s head over towards scars shall we look at that hot guy hot guy headquarters yeah I’ll head towards iby and we’ll go over this scar

Is there anything left over here or is it still the the empty there is some stock no one’s been buying though there’s some profit oh lot of profit actually there dude dude this this is an impressive shop all right the funny thing about these shops whenever whenever anyone tries to do like massive

Mega shops it’s that the builds are really impressive and really cool but then there’s like nobody ever gets around to like finishing the actual like making it a shop part there’s a few there’s a few fits and pieces cly making some profit on terracotta shulkers but I mean there’s

Just so much empty space space here ah and exposed Redstone of course very good yeah I guess there could be another shop here but there isn’t we got this elevator which is pretty neat what happens if we yeah you can like select Which floor you want let’s go to four

Dude that is actually cool hey and this is X’s place he sells like all the things and it takes the water away and you just drop to the bottom how awesome is that that is very cool let’s head over here look at that horse let’s head over here to scarland

We got to come at it from the right perspective though let’s go this way maybe we can take the uh does this work do I have I I for sure do have soul speed I need to get to a dolphin launchport though here we go and ready here we

Go seeing mumbo’s facade coming into view wait I’m supposed I’m supposed to get boosted here right hey I hear a dolphin sure enough there’s a dolphin there why am I not getting boosted whatever anyway let’s actually check out ZF I’m I’m getting very distracted I’m distracted by

Everything look at this though look at all the dangly boys this one’s getting hit by the Snowman he’s got all the beacons copper beacons real quick goes from green to Orange is this is a honey farm yeah where are all the trophies here we go stuck it with a

Bucket boom that’s nice Final Countdown mineral beacons best worst gear M bail I try ice SP he never finished that one did he inductive conversion injur diamond I’m determinated porcupine very cool let’s see oh this is the Hall of all isn’t it yep every attainable item in the survival game exists in this

Hall in one of these chests got all the colored blocks this is nuts dude like how do you even keep track of this this is crazy and he’s got like extra stuff here other side I’m going to take that that must be jein over there what the heck you have a glass

Ceiling there’s a flying sheep let’s head over towards Mumbo and we can go across to Gan and Scar uh this is the uh what was it dangling pigs or whatever dangling people on pigs dangling other pigs at the like obstacle course where they were going through oh Mumbo this would have been

A really cool thing if you’d finish the backside it is really it’s cool anyway but yeah it’s only cool from this side see here it looks awesome another bed what is this proud of what you’ve done nice was that was that grian at himself I knew he was putting those signs around

This is the pot that was like reassembled inaccurately cuz the order was important but then it got broken res sample courtesy of iby bamboo want some deons where are they God you freaking Frick dude give me this oh my God there’s dragon eggs in here there’s did nobody even know about

These I thought Pearl got all of them there are still dragon eggs in places around the server now how do you I don’t know exactly the block you meant to stand on for this it was that one ow you got to walk pretty fast we got the hot

Guy all his F and pieces is there anything actually stored in here or are these chests just I think this entire storage room is for show wait no there is some stuff on over on this side there’s some stuff oh I’ve done it don’t hold Max when you’re around Copper there’s

There’s there’s like four and a half stocks of eggs just in here it’s it’s out of control of the eggs on this server on this world not on the server anymore GRE space does grean bace does look pretty cool from this angle at least when you go around the side of it

It’s like kind of like what like it gets a little weird it’s like what am I looking at but when you go over here oh yeah that looks nice even did all the Landscaping down here the chest monster is has expanded again though out outside chests in here are actually

Organized well maybe not that one yeah the chest inside are actually organized but then yep you can’t contain the monster this where grumbot is hey there we go grumbot what happens if I do this hold on hold on what am I going to ask grumbot when does season 10

Start oh I need a level God dang it that’s a good question I want to ask him that but I need a level it is night time so it should be able to murder something maybe we’ll just murder some animals oh of course it’s going to go

Into healing my sword though if I’m doing That I don’t know if you get experience for killing a snipper but I don’t really want to kill it here we go there we go God dang it the elytra take the elytra off now nothing should be having to be repaired constantly there we go we got the level we

Needed we’re going to ask grum but I don’t I’m not expecting an answer here it’s just funny let’s try this again when does season 10 start put right in Here did anything even come out is it oh is it empty I bet you I’ve been bamboozled I bet you this has to be like stocked with things before you do that I bet you yeah there’s no other inventory here you you literally have to stock that

With things and then that’s the only way that it’ll actually give anwers all right I thought it would I thought we’d get a funny funny answer there are eggs down here where does this portal Go uh what where am I feel like I’ve stumbled on something I shouldn’t be seeing this feels like a top secret uh dock mechanism of some kind gonna just uh quickly head back out of there but we definitely need to sleep don’t we I thought that portal would lead to

The hub somewhere but apparently it just leads to like portal room of Doom ma Adams has a question what is your question we’re going to head over towards scarland there’s a bunch of skeletons over there let’s hope scarland doesn’t just completely destroy my computer look at

This D they taking a picture with the oh my God that’s just amazing I need a picture of this that’s very good we got not a functional trash can oh my God the eggs the egg Dragon there’s a crazy tree welcome to scarland hey we got tickets I’m going to

Take the VIP one obviously obviously why not grab some of these oh God I don’t have the resource pack but it looks cool dude this build is something else work oh God the music I don’t have the reason resource back no wait wait wait wait wait wait is There surely they have oh no is there a resource pack for this we we entered scarland in here like terrifying spooky Music this is not what I was Expecting it’s very Weird Uh I don’t know how you get the resource pack on this maybe it’s no surely it’s not here no uh hold on this feels this feels inappropriate to having this this music playing uh hold on is it audio player data hold on very weird because the resource pack for the actual

Like visual stuff is working uh hello Sharon Delaney I don’t know how to make the resource pack for this work so unfortunately I think we’re going to be dealing with weird weird music in scarland we got the good version of jelly there’s the evil version somewhere

I don’t even know why or how that happened but I’m pretty sure there’s an evil version I say thank you the dragon is so distracting dude look at this though what is that oh that’s to distract Allan isn’t it alen the warden do I dare go over

Here do I dare risk my eard drums the cont so they got to go maybe okay that’s that’s all right glad you enjoy um y oh yeah it’s there oh it is there uh Garland giy shop JY hatsy plushy oh look at this look at these guys with the Star Wars Star Wars

Stuff that seems pretty dangerous dude how do you know that’s not real jelly plushy killed by good times with scar nothing sus going on there definitely not just can I can’t grab these that not block is kind of driving me insane we go say see where where

Allen is up here oh yeah oh he’s up Here he’s very Distracted oh gosh I can’t see anything ow hello darkness go away guys’s got obsidian I don’t know why ah the storage system that totally works and isn’t broken at all got popcorn this is just this is awesome like you is this bebs driving yeah it’s bebs but I mean seriously you guys like

This this series is like my favorite thing that is ever happened to Minecraft it’s ridiculous they just keep doing the most awesome stuff you could imagine and it’s it’s just so cool to see it in person I mean look at this what is this it’s like a music shop they’re screaming goats

Somewhere that’s about to make them scream isn’t it yep storage stuff ah’s whiskering whimsies the toy shop guy grabbing a ton of things he’s got more storage it’s like the cinema or something it’s the storage room and there’s an egg got Doc’s flag does kind of lose

Over this whole area though doesn’t it and the dragon that’s terrifying Castle is loading into view though oh God not 13 again this is supposed to be like the the announcement where he’s like welcome to SC but it’s not it’s not that unfortunately oh my God the shadow shadow of the volcano eruption

Look at this look at Adventure Land it’s really too bad that you didn’t get to finish this hopefully he will didn’t he say something like he was going to finish it on his Own dude look at that it’s burn for is really awesome and he’s got the old lava flow here using the dead coral as like a lava like dried hardened lava that’s really awesome yeah this is amazing and there there’s the perimeter in case you were wondering it might be somewhere over

There dragonfly is cool what is this is this more balloons it is Diamond for a stack o churros I will actually take those because um I will probably run out of carrots at some point let’s switch over to them dude look at this these trees are so funny the like cartoon block

Trees dude this design also I I might be stealing that at some point this is really good there’s a skull something down there but there’s no screaming maybe it that one point was hooked up to a scream jelly this is like a dining room jelly dining

Room and uh a wall of mud not allowed back here cuz it’s empty now surely there’s a way to get up to the top how do you get up there I want to go see like his office and stuff there’s iby again ah here we

Go here we go we got the scarland merch offices there isn’t anything back here is there it’s literally just the wall even the like the behind the scenes of the theme par Park is still a theme park it’s just doors with nothing behind them scarland theater or like scarland there is no

Theater there is actually room here you could build one ow I almost died doing that want to get back in here not much dirt in here maybe I can use some of these to uh get this block back the way it’s supposed to be nope all right fine I’ll go back in this

Way I’m like I’m look literally in the back rooms right now what am I doing here how do you even how do you get out of here oh this is the wall that we were behind before all right all right all right I’ve learned my lesson I’m not I got to stop

I got to stop like looking behind the doors that are shut there’s nothing behind the doors here we go put that there put that there that there that’s how it was we got the office cafeteria the park Ops star’s apartment Tower let’s check out this first food department creative

Offices oh dude The View let’s sleep see that view from the morning perspective Ive oh yeah oh that’s a good view oh my god dude yeah this is the kind of thing that I really want to be able to achieve in my builds is do this

Um like kind of far away viewpoints and sight lines thing remember me yes I do remember you uh W leopard uh this is the office we got a creeper we got the Decked Out third place yep best improved Compass skills and referer juking uhhuh that sounds about right cheed out

Stuff Shield of the king got the hot guy stuff we got another egg hot guy bow we need to get one of these actually maybe they’re in the shopping district you can see the volcano death Loop take it what is up here anything does this just go forever there’s nothing up

Here just a balcony okay well let’s check out where was that I think it’s over here the scarland or the scar apartment Library pretty cool oh yeah look at this place got all the things he’s got his Pirates SMP hat okay head shots you going to play another modded survival world I am

Currently playing a modded survival world which is Minecraft dinosaurs and I’m going to start another another attempt at the when to go survival this the next one will not be hardcore though because every time I try to do it in hardcore I die and it’s it’s dumb I’m getting sick of it it’s

Bad content when I have to keep restarting so it’s not going to be hardcore but yes we will be uh yes we will be doing doing another wendigo Series in addition to the dinosaurs and the pirate World actually I did forgot to mention another good

View pretty I like I love how he’s used the ores on the floor as like paint spills or whatever Prett cool the torch that wait what is this the torch that blew up mumbo’s base that’s a good artifact you never gave that one to the museum we need to check out the museum

Actually that’s that’s something we should do uh but first I think we we we should really it’s been 46 minutes we should really get to decked out first and foremost here which is directly this way maybe the Speedy Highway will work this time and oh hey

Dolphin aren’t you going to give me a thingy no what if you make a server modded server and add a mod where you can claim land so people don’t grief your stuff uh I mean that sounds like something that would be a good idea to

Do if I were doing a a server but I’m not so I don’t know this isn’t working I don’t know why dolphins are supposed to boost you work nope got no dolphin power just have to fly soup group base is also this direction so we’ll check that out

You can see where this highway was planned to continue it’s going to go all the way to deck out to this side I’m at it the right way yeah dude look at that use create mod in your worlds not in any of ones that I have series on

Right now it’s I would add it to Minecraft dinosaurs but it doesn’t exist for 1.12 uh when when Minecraft Dinosaurs updates when the mods update and I get it on 1.18 I will definitely add create uh but until that time I have and the pirate pirate World create do should add create interactive

Okay I will keep that in mind I know there’s a lot of create add-ons look at this though I mean can we just appreciate this build for a second before we even go to the actual game I mean this this project here between the build and the game inside hands

Down the BET why is the cat playing is this going to be a problem am I not going to be able to hear the deck out noises th but this build is like the best thing that’s ever happened in Minecraft and create Deco yes create

Deco is a good one if you like to build then that’s a good mod yes I do I’ll definitely be adding create Deco um I’m a little worried about this we might not be able to Hear in fact I think we’re definitely going to have an issue here let me just check let me check the back back door stuff I know the route back here like the back of my hand just from watching Tango’s uh streams and Stuff yeah this is definitely like I’m hearing various music discs getting played something’s up with the resource pack I don’t have like the audio resources that I’m supposed to have so we we may not be able to play Deck out unfortunately we may just do another

Stream of deck out because I’ll have to fix the music and Stuff I don’t even how do I get out of here yeah unfortunately I don’t think deck out is going to be playable for us right now cuz I you need to be able to hear the noises so Yeah can check out the standings here of course Etho destroying everyone ji Mind Tricks and dungeon knowledge HD and dungeonology and Superior parkour skills of course Joe Hill is actually up there as well Gem Gem a close fourth place pretty much what you’d expect yeah well if I can get it if I

Can get the sound sorted out we’ll do a a a stream of playing decked out but unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to work not going to work right now let’s check out soup group I don’t want to play it you know when when we don’t have the complete

Complete stuff let’s walk on the pathway right here this is cool pearls terraforming is next level little skull cart there pretty funny when you make a mod pack with 100 mods and one mod messes up and then you have to find out which mod it is have

You ever had that happen to you I’ve had that happen with every mod pack I’ve ever made so yes I definitely uh can uh understand where you’re coming from look at this my elytra is still still okay I might have to repair it at some point Cubs lra

Rather Cubs Top Hat I didn’t even look at what his stuff is called Cubs Top Hat wings of Cub fireproof trousers kicks slic and dice silk of silk shovel Swift punch to the face there like you was shot by Cub using a swift punch to the face that’s good extreme

Shearers pretty funny all let’s sleep real quick this made in survival mode yes but not by me this is the hermitcraft season 9 World download I’m exploring let’s fly up again here look at Pearl’s face okay look at this are you are you seeing this what what

What it’s got the whole tunnel in here with all the stuff going on this is craziness look at this like door made with like bamboo yellow concrete people have the time to do this stuff well you know be when it’s your literally your job to play Minecraft like it is for most of

These guys it’s uh it gets easier that’s it’s pretty neat how the water like falls into this pit you never really finish the bottom of the pit though it looks like river is also pretty shallow but look at this look at impulse impulse uh Dwarven cave boom look at that sword in the

Middle this massive pit I think it actually looks better without shaders CU it fades into the darkness but either way portal being the sword stuck through the middle the forge over here dude this floor pattern ridiculous he’s got like multiple sets of netherite armor my goodness that was the first

Time I held the entire set of netherite armor I guess he has just full sets of netherite like just chilling just hanging around in the base here look at look at this like just sitting here this is all like freaking well yeah well it’s not really Enchanted veryy well but it is Enchanted

So got an enchanting table I mean this is just crazy it the the for the forge does have a face though if we’re honest it does have a face very hard not to see the face like crying with the eyes here crying in the big mouth it even has like

Teeth what shaders do you use I use complimentary it is these ones complimentary shaders version four uh this is normally what I used in the W too series I used Insanity shaders because they’re a little bit darker and spookier but complimentary is easily my favorite Shader

Overall I’ve used scus in the past and I do like that for the water textures uh water like light effects on stuff but the rest of the Shader I’m not really a big fan of so check out this side this is the mine right yeah look at

This I know I know this entire stream is me going around being like look at this look at this but I mean have you looked at this like look at this that’s so many diamonds these just like giant Stacks shelves of stuff here and he’s got it like this like

Minecart rail like the andesite stairs as the rails this cart going along it goes up here you’ve got like the giant elevator it connects up to the surface I like rethinking voxal and complimentary shaders reimagined yeah they’re good yeah hey and this connects keep in the Deep this connects straight to Gem’s

Village does the does the PVP area still exist spot where she like murdered everybody or has that been think I think it was up here so yeah it’s been covered up with this build oh but there is still there’s still some references do the uh what was going on

Here dude there’s actually stuff in these CH I thought these were decoration w let’s check out the castle this thing looks amazing also oh this is like the sniffer Sanctuary how do you get into the actual main Castle this way go through the tower as part of the pathway Wait sure enough this leads inside yeah there we go you can still see pearls like insane ridiculous tentacles over there this isn’t actual stairs that’s a little bit of an oversight what amazes me about this base is that all the Interiors are done and it’s like 360 the base is 360 completed on

The outside and Interiors are finished like what behind you gem oh this is all gem stuff oh look at that armor as well get a nice way okay not the best leggings actually but some good boots Elven cookie but it’s pancakes it’s called an Elven cookie that’s pretty pretty funny mixup what is

This there are hermit heads hidden everywhere find them all oh well there’s gem right there we got a cple of impulses I don’t know if these count though these were like from the these are like leftovers from one of the pranks aren’t they there’s another gem what is

This oh is this the balloons yeah you want some to balloons okay you know crypto crypto scams like you do oh my God it’s the Etho room happy birthday Je and one skiz I wonder how many Etho heads are in circulation on the server just from from gems killings

Alone it must be a lot like the kitchen like look at this like everything is finished everywhere it’s ridiculous this conference room you look outside Pearl stuff is over there looking insane that like a map how how are we in two places at once I don’t know Ocean Explorer Maps a lot of

Them bigger map of the whole area oh this is a little bit outdated though isn’t it this this whole area got terraformed dude look at this all the library stuff there’s even a functional enchanter here A bunch of diamonds there’s more heads I don’t think those count were there any heads in this

Room I don’t think there are any heads in here no heads around here hello hermit heads like a cool little outside section creeper pot don’t think there are any heads in this room somehow like a little seeding area out on the balcony oh my God look at that

Look at pearls over there I know every time we come to the edge I’m like look look at Pearl but I mean craziness got the statue down there this is craziness the tree is right outside oh and this is like the roots of the tree isn’t it like coming into the the conference

Room oh and we’re back at wow that’s pretty awesome look at that look at the like crazy light light show there the tree lights up at night also look at the map where where are we here that’s Coralis up there I think yeah xB Maybe we’ve got oh we’ve got the crazy

Villager storm we should check that out scab land perimeter we didn’t really check out the perimeter look at how the dragon shows up on the map it’s all pink Joe’s pinball thingy Cleo’s base total chaos oh my God false we need to check out FSE gaming District okay let’s let’s see

If we can head into into impulses portal and head to the nether it’ll get us over to those places faster all right here we go super group tunnel ow uh let’s head this way this is the Hub astral Library which looks insane what the heck this is completely ridiculous like dude

What um well let’s see we should definitely check out what do we have here uh Joe’s pinball base Cleo’s base CS total chaos okay we’ll go this way where is’s base is seven we’ll just go to seven and that’ll get us close enough that we can check out Joe’s as well seven

Cleo Atlantis here we go there’s a head definitely not part of Gem’s hunt though this is a cool tunnel that’s a cool poal room also the way it’s like hidden inside here dude she terraformed like the inside of the river here I didn’t even realize that look at this though

Sleep check out this base in the daylight cuz this is insane look at that oh my God fact that this is all floating like look at this they had to build the entire platform underneath as well I think the inside of this is finished too right you got King

Banners oh it’s like a mini Museum a dragon egg it’s funny mythical sausages Diamond we’ve got a bunch of decked out stuff artif FES TCG trophy this guy’s taking a bubble bath oh my God it’s like a meat meat coverboard with using campfires that’s amazing this is even full of stuff like

Accurately like as though it was the kitchen what the heck they’re cooking like some sort of turkey or something something these guys are like drying the clothes oh my God the inside of this has stuff in it as well she vegetated the entire inside of all the water

Here I don’t think vegetated is a word but it is now what we have here they’re like it’s like like what is this a receptions desk they’re bringing in boxes dress looks pretty neat these actual these are just regular books this guy’s doing something I don’t even know what’s going on here I’m

Hearing sniffers though I think sure enough it’s the sniffer sniffer Den let’s go I want to go up there’s got to be so many rooms upstairs bannner used to show the reign of bad King Ren wait bad as opposed to there are multiple King Rens oh well this looks pretty neat what

Is oh look at that it’s impulse drumming that’s good that’s a good uh good reference there you got what is this is like a a cello or a stand up base or something dancing drinking another Library like a fancy fancy Diner area they’ve got scar pancakes cookies and stuff playing the

Piano that’s that’s actually cool using the loom as like strings inside the piano that is good oh and I come back out this side what’s in here we got beef beef and Joe playing TCG this actually this is actually like laid out yeah this is like legit laid out like it’s a real

Game wow oh my God she’s got all her cards here is this her actual deck that she played with got a bunch of the alter you go renbob hot guy yeah this must be her actual deck cuz she’s got all these Explorer cards and then all of these are explorers two Diamond

Armors Vanishing two Vanishing books also really good that’s a third Vanishing book oh oh and we’re in the throne room OE playing some sort of instrument got a hot guy scar with a hot guy bow BDubs is short that’s the best thing I’ve ever seen look how short he is beautiful

We got Mumbo playing with redstone Tango doc Mumbo playing with redstone they’re going to blow something up Brian absolutely not suspicious G and false having a fight Jeff is juggling stuff these guys are looking out over the balcony me going on here ooh Some illicit exchanges yep I’ve decked out

Stuff what apps do you use for mods like CH stuff um well I I use um my launcher is multi MC so if that’s what you’re asking about that would be it this base is pretty awesome let’s go check out where is Joe’s is right over

Here okay and the museums as well we’ll check out Joe’s very briefly and then head to the museum look at this look at his like mural of space on the side of here I mean this is insane because this is like not very high res right these blocks are

Like there’s not very many blocks but somehow when you look at it from here it actually looks like a picture of space when you get close you get close it’s like what what the heck what the heck is this what’s going on here whether you go away and dude that’s

Amazing there’s the pinball Arena was he going to make this into an electric horse or something that would be awesome imagine going through here like yeah have like a proper display he does imagine that was Redstone powered and it actually worked that’d be craziness have like

A it does it has a little warning on the back and everything Wow Let’s head back up toward the museum here I think the last thing I want to do on this stream is look at the Museum and then we’ll be done if I can get things working then we

Might play decked out on a another stream see well Cleo Cleo’s got this this is like King stuff rise of Good King Ren was crowned by his right hand man B she’s like written proper like every everything’s like actually written down like the events of the history this is crazy you

Like Adventure mods a space mod is a good mod for that theme maybe I will do that maybe I’ll try to combine a space mod with the uh what is it Giger esque alien mod that’d be fun just some random stuff place your donations and collect your balloons

Oh so you just exchange stuff for crypto of course this is the gift shop genuine bows found during an expedition into the king’s games genuine first edition hot guy bows 10 de Bloons so you you just donate stuff you get deons that then you just use to buy things again seems legit

Quest oh this is the host of Royal event we got no no no no no this is probably not going to work every yep everything’s 13 see I don’t know why it doesn’t the resource pack for the music doesn’t want to work genuine costume horn at the party Proclamation era Emerald

Blocks do this have a name no party y like she’s written down everything this is nuts what is this this is like the actual armor gen the genuine armor of King Ren at his dethroning and this is like a replica P used to conf find King Ren replica the music disc gives me

Nightmares yeah yeah it’s not supposed to it’s the wrong one Cris P I don’t even know was this guy part of the PED pork I guess best worst equipment exploded not stirred are these genuine feel like these are fake they don’t have names on them fake games Hall total

Chaos winers kit from the fourth total chaos the fourth wrong force armor were eras during the charity stream iron bars used to decide forfeits there’s this the rift oh this is like Empire stuff now begin begin button the rift All That Remains holiday hats these are cool Empire’s helped with his

Advancement lady MC Beth was found in the Empire Village after they left chromian Banner that was Scott thingy secret santa draws Scar and BDubs we got the Star Wars helmets mythical sausage gifted scar with the razor Crest and heads yep we yeah the baby Yoda ears Christmas Kaleidoscope got some heads Tim and

Olly oh and then you go back into the king area here this is actually like really well is this a gen I’ve only just realized is this a genuine fossil was this actually one that that she found that’s awesome if that is head over to Cub side I know Cubs got

Just a crazy amount of stuff in here Cubs climb to the conduit challenge huh God the frames are dropping here and I think I know why there’s a lot of entities this he’s got press ones to start wither P what I don’t even know what that does we got

All the different Easter eggs he did find all of them I think Easter egg results craft Easter egg hunt turtle egg from z0 which L zombies every storm oh that was like a crazy dock thing wasn’t it which GPU What GPU do you have I don’t know that off the top of my

Head royalty Wings this is another More Kings stuff what does he have he’s got stream torch stream day this is all like stream Day stuff scarland stuff first dragon dragon egg is this is this the genuine one I feel like this is not I don’t know if

The genuine dragon egg still exists even there’s so many legendary Dwarven beard God that’s actually humongous wait am I going crazy impulse his face isn’t that big arrowed oh from Joe’s Giant pinball explosion hot more hot guy stuff hot guy stuff hot guy challenge sir hot guy’s hat from his

Time as a knight of the square table Hot Potato parkour Crown voice of the Museum oh this is another ah we need to come back here when I have this fixed because you’re supposed to like get a really cool experience of you know how much you know how much RAM do you

Have I have um um can’t I can’t remember if it’s 32 or 64 100 hot guy bow Replica guppy geyser tropical fish fountain that was a Joe thing key to the castle oh this goes into the ren stuff sir calot’s armor as a knight at the square table gifted to Ren after mythical took the took over yeah emerald block nice and square table Banner

Prototype bow used by Joe Hills this Banner is like Hawkeye colors friend’s correspondence with sir Etho sir Etha welcome to the King’s Tower please accept this Humble House forming gift from your king in hot Quest awaits you below the statue of his Royal Highness PS the hot water

Is dodgy at the best of times kind just dog got so much like genuine books and stuff this is really crazy King’s messages to party goers King’s private areas are off limit King will be Avenged your head Will Be Mine by order of the king orer treasonous party Goer Royal Banner from Cleo’s red light oh red light red light GRE and light I get it red light GRE and Light original Royal tributes book pants of the Undead Undead Army armor an audition tape for the king’s court Cleo’s boots this is all Cleo’s gear another voice of the Museum H potato again Rift wi featuring TCG music bdub simulator bdub simulator what giant iscal man head goat horns you’ll speak when spoken to does this work no now these are these are all bust that one does like a vanilla One I need to fix the audio this a real problem PCG song goat Anem he’s got his own no no no disc we play other side why not good music Rift load Stone and Compass follow me 8m BST pigs Rifts Pig oh he’s up there oh this is like a

Recreation of the whole thing where they were yeah only get 128 gigs forcraft mods that is that that would be ideal all minerals world record 1205 that’s not even that wasn’t even on harcraft was it all minerals oh and this is actually all the minerals heat up Stimulator oh God we don’t want two other sides playing first bed original clock and many faces of Moss Man bebs bebs head graciously provided by be head shop that’s right he got them like for free or whatever to for sponsorship this is TCG stuff this is I really like how how he’s

Designed all the areas where it’s like you’ve got these different sections like the rift you go inside the rift and it’s Empires skul fan r mly heads Scott sausage we got shovels solidarity pixel Rifts Cleo’s escape room played by hermit and Empires sausage rare hermitcraft facts he’s also got his own wait but this one this is a different Banner than the one Cleo has which one’s the authentic one the other one doesn’t have the white in the Middle piece grumbot CPU which opened the Empire’s Rift that’s a good Banner actually it’s pretty funny Well all right what is this night diamonds for a firework show wait if only i’ had taken more of Cub’s stuff I don’t have any diamonds on me hold on I was about to say we’re going to end the stream but not until I check this out any profits I can steal from

Anyone what even is this is this like colored stuff yeah here we go grab some diamonds I need to see the Fireworks hey that’s pretty neat look at that that’s awesome high five someone in the crowd cut the ribbon but this is like a script for the Opening all right well I think with that that’s going to be the end of the stream guys hope you enjoyed our little tour around the hermitcraft world you guys can download this yourself on the it’s on the hermitcraft website they’ve officially released it and I certainly recommend that you do

Check it out cu this is just ridiculously awesome and this was my first time checking it out so yeah I thought I’d bring you guys with me hopefully you enjoyed it before you go yes what one more Thing will you start your new modded World soon maybe tomorrow I don’t know we’ll see but that’s coming very soon uh I I I mean I have the mod pack all set up already so I I might as well just start at any time I’m just going to do

It regular survival rather than hardcore and on top of that uh keep in mind that there are other series uh continuing as well like Minecraft dinosaurs and Pirates so yeah subscribe if you haven’t already and don’t forget to like the stream to uh make sure that

You can see more of this in the future I got that backwards you subscribe to see more in the future and you like the stream as as well uh so yeah until next time thank you for watching goodbye

This video, titled ‘Exploring HERMITCRAFT 9 world in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Ghrrk64 on 2024-01-05 13:40:29. It has garnered 299 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:35 or 5555 seconds.

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  • SpiralGN

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  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

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  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

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    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More